Hand is related to Thumb.
you are likely to find Bee in/at/on House.
Hand <--RelatedTo--> Thumb
Bee --AtLocation--> House
Mention is related to Talk. Talk is the opposite of Shut.
Draw is a synonym of Pull. Pull is related to Current.
Mention <--RelatedTo--> Talk <--Antonym--> Shut
Draw <--Synonym--> Pull <--RelatedTo--> Current
Lid is a type of Top. Top is related to Position. Position is related to Missionary.
Pale is the opposite of Dark. Paint can be Dark.
Lid --IsA--> Top <--RelatedTo--> Position <--RelatedTo--> Missionary
Pale <--Antonym--> Dark <--HasProperty-- Paint
Equation is related to Division. Division is related to Piece.
President is related to Executive. Executive is related to Chief. Chief is related to Officer. Mate is a type of Officer.
Equation <--RelatedTo--> Division <--RelatedTo--> Piece
President <--RelatedTo--> Executive <--RelatedTo--> Chief <--RelatedTo--> Officer <--IsA-- Mate
Nice is related to Allow. Allow is a type of Assign. Dedicate is a type of Assign.
Send is related to Communication. Advertising is a type of Communication. Sign can be used for Advertising. Sign is related to Indication.
Nice <--RelatedTo--> Allow --IsA--> Assign <--IsA-- Dedicate
Send <--RelatedTo--> Communication <--IsA-- Advertising <--UsedFor-- Sign <--RelatedTo--> Indication
Loose is a synonym of Release. Release is the opposite of Catch. Catch is related to Sail. Sail is related to Pretty.
Trouble is related to Punishment. Punishment is related to Consequence. Consequence is related to Burn.
Loose <--Synonym--> Release <--Antonym--> Catch <--RelatedTo--> Sail <--RelatedTo--> Pretty
Trouble <--RelatedTo--> Punishment <--RelatedTo--> Consequence <--RelatedTo--> Burn
Become is related to Stretch.
Ground is related to Running. Running is related to Charge. Charge is related to Military.
Become <--RelatedTo--> Stretch
Ground <--RelatedTo--> Running <--RelatedTo--> Charge <--RelatedTo--> Military
Tv is related to Couch.
Shell is related to Ocean. Ocean is a type of Liquid.
Tv <--RelatedTo--> Couch
Shell <--RelatedTo--> Ocean --IsA--> Liquid
Achievement is derived from Achieve. Achievement is related to Great. Great is related to Like. Like is related to Mild.
Flash is related to Sudden. Sudden is related to Realize. Realize is related to Think. Think is related to Idea.
Achieve <--DerivedFrom-- Achievement <--RelatedTo--> Great <--RelatedTo--> Like <--RelatedTo--> Mild
Flash <--RelatedTo--> Sudden <--RelatedTo--> Realize <--RelatedTo--> Think <--RelatedTo--> Idea
Produce is related to Smoke. Smoke is related to Ash.
Club is related to Hang. Hang is related to Placement.
Produce <--RelatedTo--> Smoke <--RelatedTo--> Ash
Club <--RelatedTo--> Hang <--RelatedTo--> Placement
you are likely to find Potato in/at/on Bag. you are likely to find Body in/at/on Bag. Body is related to Mind. Mind is related to Thought.
Gaze is a type of Look. Observation is a type of Look. Observation is a type of Remark.
Potato --AtLocation--> Bag <--AtLocation-- Body <--RelatedTo--> Mind <--RelatedTo--> Thought
Gaze --IsA--> Look <--IsA-- Observation --IsA--> Remark
Beauty is related to Bee.
Embrace is a synonym of Accept. Accept is the opposite of Deny. Deny is a different concept from Allow.
Beauty <--RelatedTo--> Bee
Embrace <--Synonym--> Accept <--Antonym--> Deny <--DistinctFrom--> Allow
General is related to Main. Main is related to Road. Road is related to Trip.
Switch is a synonym of Shift.
General <--RelatedTo--> Main <--RelatedTo--> Road <--RelatedTo--> Trip
Switch <--Synonym--> Shift
Issue is a synonym of Publish. Publish is etymologically related to Public. Public is similar to National.
Conduct is a type of Perform.
Issue <--Synonym--> Publish --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Public <--SimilarTo--> National
Perform <--IsA-- Conduct
Can is related to Lid. Lid is related to Cover. Cover is related to Magazine. you are likely to find Magazine in/at/on Rack.
Game is related to Hockey. Hockey is related to Team. Team is related to Chief. Chief is related to Brief.
Can <--RelatedTo--> Lid <--RelatedTo--> Cover <--RelatedTo--> Magazine --AtLocation--> Rack
Game <--RelatedTo--> Hockey <--RelatedTo--> Team <--RelatedTo--> Chief <--RelatedTo--> Brief
Loop is related to Pool.
Credibility is a type of Quality.
Loop <--RelatedTo--> Pool
Credibility --IsA--> Quality
Maximum is related to Range. Range is related to Field. Field is a type of Choose.
Bow is a type of Stroke. Stroke is a synonym of Travel. Travel is related to Resort.
Maximum <--RelatedTo--> Range <--RelatedTo--> Field --IsA--> Choose
Bow --IsA--> Stroke <--Synonym--> Travel <--RelatedTo--> Resort
Smell is related to Type.
Hat is a type of Function. Hat is related to Gear. Gear is related to Coat. Coat is related to Second.
Smell <--RelatedTo--> Type
Function <--IsA-- Hat <--RelatedTo--> Gear <--RelatedTo--> Coat <--RelatedTo--> Second
Skilled is similar to Mean. Mean is related to Bear. Bear is a synonym of Pass. Passing is a form of Pass.
Want is a different concept from Presence. Presence is a type of Spirit. Spirit is etymologically related to Fist. Fist is made of Hand.
Skilled <--SimilarTo--> Mean <--RelatedTo--> Bear <--Synonym--> Pass <--FormOf-- Passing
Want <--DistinctFrom--> Presence --IsA--> Spirit --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Fist --MadeOf--> Hand
Chicken is a different concept from Pork.
President can be used for Leadership.
Chicken <--DistinctFrom--> Pork
President --UsedFor--> Leadership
Presence is a type of Being. Being is related to Famous. Famous is related to Spirit. Spirit is etymologically related to Fist.
Lock is related to Bolt.
Presence --IsA--> Being <--RelatedTo--> Famous <--RelatedTo--> Spirit --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Fist
Lock <--RelatedTo--> Bolt
one thing you do when you Comfort is Hug. you would Hug because Sad. Sad is related to Depression. Depression is a type of Mood.
Council can be used for Decide. Decide entails/necessarily involves Debate. one thing you do when you Disagree is Debate.
Comfort --HasSubevent--> Hug --MotivatedByGoal--> Sad <--RelatedTo--> Depression --IsA--> Mood
Council --UsedFor--> Decide --Entails--> Debate <--HasSubevent-- Disagree
Event is related to Happen. Happen is related to Future. Future is the opposite of Actual.
Hard is related to Stone.
Event <--RelatedTo--> Happen <--RelatedTo--> Future <--Antonym--> Actual
Hard <--RelatedTo--> Stone
you are likely to find Window in/at/on Room. Window can be Closed. Closed is a form of Close. Close is related to Far.
Blank is similar to Empty. Empty is a synonym of Clean. Mud cannot be Clean.
Room <--AtLocation-- Window --ReceivesAction--> Closed --FormOf--> Close <--RelatedTo--> Far
Blank <--SimilarTo--> Empty <--Synonym--> Clean <--NotHasProperty-- Mud
Encounter is related to Fight.
Occupation is related to Farm.
Encounter <--RelatedTo--> Fight
Occupation <--RelatedTo--> Farm
American is related to Bar. Bar is related to Big. Big is related to Room.
Lonely is related to Alone. Alone is the opposite of Company. Company is related to Nice.
American <--RelatedTo--> Bar <--RelatedTo--> Big <--RelatedTo--> Room
Lonely <--RelatedTo--> Alone <--Antonym--> Company <--RelatedTo--> Nice
Thanks is related to Welcome. Welcome is related to Door. Door is related to Closer.
Thrive is a synonym of Boom. Boom is a type of Pole. Pole is related to Telescope. Telescope is related to Camera.
Thanks <--RelatedTo--> Welcome <--RelatedTo--> Door <--RelatedTo--> Closer
Thrive <--Synonym--> Boom --IsA--> Pole <--RelatedTo--> Telescope <--RelatedTo--> Camera
Minute is related to Sand. Sand is related to Ingredient. Ingredient is related to Oil. Oil is related to Yellow.
Expedition is a type of Campaign.
Minute <--RelatedTo--> Sand <--RelatedTo--> Ingredient <--RelatedTo--> Oil <--RelatedTo--> Yellow
Campaign <--IsA-- Expedition
Complete is the opposite of Piece. Piece is related to Chunk. Chunk is a synonym of Ball. Ball is related to Beach.
Give is the opposite of Pick. Pick is related to Pepper.
Complete <--Antonym--> Piece <--RelatedTo--> Chunk <--Synonym--> Ball <--RelatedTo--> Beach
Give <--Antonym--> Pick <--RelatedTo--> Pepper
Person wants (to) Hold. Hold is related to Limit. Number is a type of Limit.
Swim is related to Lesson. Lesson is related to Learn. University can be used for Learn. you are likely to find Writer in/at/on University.
Person --Desires--> Hold <--RelatedTo--> Limit <--IsA-- Number
Swim <--RelatedTo--> Lesson <--RelatedTo--> Learn <--UsedFor-- University <--AtLocation-- Writer
Cell is related to Area. Pit is a type of Area.
Selected is a form of Select. Select is a synonym of Elect. Elect is related to Win. Win is related to Goal.
Cell <--RelatedTo--> Area <--IsA-- Pit
Selected --FormOf--> Select <--Synonym--> Elect <--RelatedTo--> Win <--RelatedTo--> Goal
Compete requires Improve. Compete is a synonym of Contend. Contend is a synonym of Cope.
Other is related to Partner.
Improve <--HasPrerequisite-- Compete <--Synonym--> Contend <--Synonym--> Cope
Other <--RelatedTo--> Partner
Body can be used for Assist. Body is related to Lip. Lip is related to Stick. Stick is related to Weapon.
Eye is a different concept from Ear.
Assist <--UsedFor-- Body <--RelatedTo--> Lip <--RelatedTo--> Stick <--RelatedTo--> Weapon
Eye <--DistinctFrom--> Ear
Jacket can be Dark.
one thing you do when you Killing is Scream. Killing can be Bad. Bad is related to Coal.
Dark <--HasProperty-- Jacket
Scream <--HasSubevent-- Killing --HasProperty--> Bad <--RelatedTo--> Coal
Great is related to Shark.
Contract is a type of Shrink. Shrink is a synonym of Diminish.
Great <--RelatedTo--> Shark
Contract --IsA--> Shrink <--Synonym--> Diminish
Education is related to Class. Class is related to Style. Style is related to Dress.
Lay is a type of River. River is related to Bear. Bear is related to Cute. Cute is a synonym of Sweet.
Education <--RelatedTo--> Class <--RelatedTo--> Style <--RelatedTo--> Dress
Lay --IsA--> River <--RelatedTo--> Bear <--RelatedTo--> Cute <--Synonym--> Sweet
Ease is a type of Quality. Quality is related to Factor.
Wish is related to Star. Star is related to Outer. Outer is related to Galaxy.
Ease --IsA--> Quality <--RelatedTo--> Factor
Wish <--RelatedTo--> Star <--RelatedTo--> Outer <--RelatedTo--> Galaxy
Hint is a type of Clue. Hint is a synonym of Suggest. Suggest is a synonym of Move. Move is related to Leave.
Action is related to Shot. Shot is related to Vaccine.
Clue <--IsA-- Hint <--Synonym--> Suggest <--Synonym--> Move <--RelatedTo--> Leave
Action <--RelatedTo--> Shot <--RelatedTo--> Vaccine
Strength is related to Rest. Rest is related to Coffee.
Drop is related to Like.
Strength <--RelatedTo--> Rest <--RelatedTo--> Coffee
Drop <--RelatedTo--> Like
Bless is related to Spiritual. Spiritual is related to Angel. Angel is related to Bell. Bell is related to Noise.
Thread is a type of Guide. Guide is related to Leading. Leading is the opposite of Following. Following is similar to Favorable.
Bless <--RelatedTo--> Spiritual <--RelatedTo--> Angel <--RelatedTo--> Bell <--RelatedTo--> Noise
Thread --IsA--> Guide <--RelatedTo--> Leading <--Antonym--> Following <--SimilarTo--> Favorable
Chance is related to Bet. Bet is related to Wage.
Spend is a type of Pay. Pay is related to Afford. Afford is related to Budget. Budget is related to Spending.
Chance <--RelatedTo--> Bet <--RelatedTo--> Wage
Spend --IsA--> Pay <--RelatedTo--> Afford <--RelatedTo--> Budget <--RelatedTo--> Spending
Guy is a synonym of Dog. Dog is a synonym of Fool. Fool is related to President. President is related to Ceo.
Good is related to Clear. Clear is similar to Net. Net is related to Home.
Guy <--Synonym--> Dog <--Synonym--> Fool <--RelatedTo--> President <--RelatedTo--> Ceo
Good <--RelatedTo--> Clear <--SimilarTo--> Net <--RelatedTo--> Home
Pipe is a different concept from Cigarette. Cigarette is related to Small. Small is related to Figure.
Normal is similar to Natural. Natural is related to Hay.
Pipe <--DistinctFrom--> Cigarette <--RelatedTo--> Small <--RelatedTo--> Figure
Normal <--SimilarTo--> Natural <--RelatedTo--> Hay
Equity is related to Money.
Sake is a type of Alcohol.
Equity <--RelatedTo--> Money
Alcohol <--IsA-- Sake
one thing you do when you Killing is Dying. Killing can be used for Fun.
Observation is derived from Observer. Observation is related to Scientific. Scientific is related to Physics. Physics is related to Slope.
Dying <--HasSubevent-- Killing --UsedFor--> Fun
Observer <--DerivedFrom-- Observation <--RelatedTo--> Scientific <--RelatedTo--> Physics <--RelatedTo--> Slope
Glass is related to Half. Half is related to One. One is similar to Combined. Combination is derived from Combined.
Cab is related to Passenger. Passenger is related to Aircraft. Airplane is a type of Aircraft.
Glass <--RelatedTo--> Half <--RelatedTo--> One <--SimilarTo--> Combined <--DerivedFrom-- Combination
Cab <--RelatedTo--> Passenger <--RelatedTo--> Aircraft <--IsA-- Airplane
Share is a type of Distribute.
Epidemic is related to Disease. Disease is a synonym of Illness. Death is a type of Illness. Death is related to Loss.
Share --IsA--> Distribute
Epidemic <--RelatedTo--> Disease <--Synonym--> Illness <--IsA-- Death <--RelatedTo--> Loss
you are likely to find Pump in/at/on Boat. Pump is related to Water.
Rest is related to Highway. you are likely to find Highway in/at/on City. you are likely to find Passage in/at/on City. Passage is related to Street.
Boat <--AtLocation-- Pump <--RelatedTo--> Water
Rest <--RelatedTo--> Highway --AtLocation--> City <--AtLocation-- Passage <--RelatedTo--> Street
Level is related to Field. Field is related to Patch. Patch is related to Fix.
Surprise is related to Sudden.
Level <--RelatedTo--> Field <--RelatedTo--> Patch <--RelatedTo--> Fix
Surprise <--RelatedTo--> Sudden
Sight is a synonym of Spot. Spot is related to Nest. Nest is related to Sleep.
Productive is a synonym of Fat. Fat is related to Thick. Thick is related to Cream.
Sight <--Synonym--> Spot <--RelatedTo--> Nest <--RelatedTo--> Sleep
Productive <--Synonym--> Fat <--RelatedTo--> Thick <--RelatedTo--> Cream
Work is related to Experiment. Experiment is related to Outcome. Outcome is related to Lose. Lose is related to Decision.
Way is related to Space.
Work <--RelatedTo--> Experiment <--RelatedTo--> Outcome <--RelatedTo--> Lose <--RelatedTo--> Decision
Way <--RelatedTo--> Space
Prove is a synonym of Demonstrate. Demonstrate is a type of Protest. Protest is related to Make. Make is a type of Act.
Wilderness is related to Ruin. Ruin is related to Dust.
Prove <--Synonym--> Demonstrate --IsA--> Protest <--RelatedTo--> Make --IsA--> Act
Wilderness <--RelatedTo--> Ruin <--RelatedTo--> Dust
Council is related to Leadership.
Move is the opposite of Easy. Easy is related to Walk. Walk is related to Job. Job is related to Salary.
Council <--RelatedTo--> Leadership
Move <--Antonym--> Easy <--RelatedTo--> Walk <--RelatedTo--> Job <--RelatedTo--> Salary
Genuine is related to Real.
Settle is the opposite of Disturb. Disturb is a synonym of Eat.
Genuine <--RelatedTo--> Real
Settle <--Antonym--> Disturb <--Synonym--> Eat
Basket is related to Food. Food is related to Bone. Bone is related to Strong. Strong is related to Garlic.
Say is related to Tell. Tell is a synonym of Relation. Association is a type of Relation.
Basket <--RelatedTo--> Food <--RelatedTo--> Bone <--RelatedTo--> Strong <--RelatedTo--> Garlic
Say <--RelatedTo--> Tell <--Synonym--> Relation <--IsA-- Association
Harvest is a synonym of Yield. Yield is a synonym of Soften.
Tall is a type of Size. Size is related to Extra. Extra is a synonym of Additional.
Harvest <--Synonym--> Yield <--Synonym--> Soften
Tall --IsA--> Size <--RelatedTo--> Extra <--Synonym--> Additional
Request is related to Offer. Offer is related to Acceptance. Acceptance is a synonym of Adoption.
Travel requires Map. Circle is a type of Travel. Circle is the opposite of Square. Square is a synonym of Feather.
Request <--RelatedTo--> Offer <--RelatedTo--> Acceptance <--Synonym--> Adoption
Map <--HasPrerequisite-- Travel <--IsA-- Circle <--Antonym--> Square <--Synonym--> Feather
Defender is a different concept from Prosecutor. Prosecutor is the opposite of Defense.
Idea is related to Have.
Defender <--DistinctFrom--> Prosecutor <--Antonym--> Defense
Idea <--RelatedTo--> Have
Worry is related to Anxiety. Anxiety is related to Suffer.
Sword is related to Fish. Fish is related to Creature. Creature is related to Giant. Giant is related to Monster.
Worry <--RelatedTo--> Anxiety <--RelatedTo--> Suffer
Sword <--RelatedTo--> Fish <--RelatedTo--> Creature <--RelatedTo--> Giant <--RelatedTo--> Monster
President is related to Boss. you are likely to find Boss in/at/on Business. Business is a type of Enterprise.
Historical is the opposite of Contemporary. Contemporary is a type of Peer. Peer is related to Person. Bay is a type of Person.
President <--RelatedTo--> Boss --AtLocation--> Business --IsA--> Enterprise
Historical <--Antonym--> Contemporary --IsA--> Peer <--RelatedTo--> Person <--IsA-- Bay