Character is related to Professor.
Tape is a type of Strip. Tape is related to Medium. Medium is related to Large. Large is related to Dog.
Character <--RelatedTo--> Professor
Strip <--IsA-- Tape <--RelatedTo--> Medium <--RelatedTo--> Large <--RelatedTo--> Dog
Mask is related to Hide. Hide is a different concept from Find. Find is a synonym of Determine. Determine is related to Check.
Input is a type of Component.
Mask <--RelatedTo--> Hide <--DistinctFrom--> Find <--Synonym--> Determine <--RelatedTo--> Check
Input --IsA--> Component
Political is related to Time. Time is related to Number. you are likely to find Number in/at/on Office. you are likely to find Lamp in/at/on Office.
Fine is related to Response. Response is related to Question. Question is a synonym of Wonder.
Political <--RelatedTo--> Time <--RelatedTo--> Number --AtLocation--> Office <--AtLocation-- Lamp
Fine <--RelatedTo--> Response <--RelatedTo--> Question <--Synonym--> Wonder
Police can Arrest. Police is related to Case. Case is related to Session.
Jacket is a type of Film.
Arrest <--CapableOf-- Police <--RelatedTo--> Case <--RelatedTo--> Session
Film <--IsA-- Jacket
Sign is related to Wall. you are likely to find Shelf in/at/on Wall. Shelf is related to Rack. Carrier is a type of Rack.
Yard can be used for Storage. Yard is related to Measurement.
Sign <--RelatedTo--> Wall <--AtLocation-- Shelf <--RelatedTo--> Rack <--IsA-- Carrier
Storage <--UsedFor-- Yard <--RelatedTo--> Measurement
Catch entails/necessarily involves Listen. Listen is related to Please.
Smile is related to Mouth. Mouth is related to Hole. Hole is a synonym of Fix. Fix is related to Ok.
Catch --Entails--> Listen <--RelatedTo--> Please
Smile <--RelatedTo--> Mouth <--RelatedTo--> Hole <--Synonym--> Fix <--RelatedTo--> Ok
Subject is a type of Submit. Subject is a synonym of Capable. Capable is a synonym of Open.
Useful is related to Bolt. Bolt is related to Lighting.
Submit <--IsA-- Subject <--Synonym--> Capable <--Synonym--> Open
Useful <--RelatedTo--> Bolt <--RelatedTo--> Lighting
Injure is a type of Hurt. Injure is a synonym of Abuse.
Marriage is related to Contract. Contract is a synonym of Shrink. Shrink is related to Psychologist. Psychologist is derived from Psychology.
Hurt <--IsA-- Injure <--Synonym--> Abuse
Marriage <--RelatedTo--> Contract <--Synonym--> Shrink <--RelatedTo--> Psychologist --DerivedFrom--> Psychology
you are likely to find Whale in/at/on Water. Water is related to Tide. Tide is a type of Float.
Bare is a form of Bear.
Whale --AtLocation--> Water <--RelatedTo--> Tide --IsA--> Float
Bear <--FormOf-- Bare
you are likely to find Scale in/at/on Cabinet. Balance is a type of Scale. Balance is related to Beam.
Immune is the opposite of Vulnerable. Vulnerable is the opposite of Strong. Strong is related to Iron. Iron is a type of Element.
Cabinet <--AtLocation-- Scale <--IsA-- Balance <--RelatedTo--> Beam
Immune <--Antonym--> Vulnerable <--Antonym--> Strong <--RelatedTo--> Iron --IsA--> Element
Remind can cause/lead to Remember. Remember requires Concentrate. Study requires Concentrate.
Answer is related to Time. Time is related to General. General is related to Public. Public is related to Audience.
Remind --Causes--> Remember --HasPrerequisite--> Concentrate <--HasPrerequisite-- Study
Answer <--RelatedTo--> Time <--RelatedTo--> General <--RelatedTo--> Public <--RelatedTo--> Audience
Intensity is a synonym of Volume. Volume is related to Sound. Sound is related to Guitar. Guitar is related to String.
Sword is a synonym of Blade.
Intensity <--Synonym--> Volume <--RelatedTo--> Sound <--RelatedTo--> Guitar <--RelatedTo--> String
Sword <--Synonym--> Blade
Introduce is a type of Initiate. Initiate is a type of People. People can be Chinese.
Delivery is related to Mail. Mail is related to Envelope. Envelope is related to Paper. Paper is related to Object.
Introduce --IsA--> Initiate --IsA--> People --HasProperty--> Chinese
Delivery <--RelatedTo--> Mail <--RelatedTo--> Envelope <--RelatedTo--> Paper <--RelatedTo--> Object
you are likely to find Kitchen in/at/on Home. Home is related to Net. Net is related to World.
Infant is related to Born. People can be Born.
Kitchen --AtLocation--> Home <--RelatedTo--> Net <--RelatedTo--> World
Infant <--RelatedTo--> Born <--ReceivesAction-- People
Buck is a synonym of Bill. Bill is related to Due.
Minimum is a synonym of Minimal.
Buck <--Synonym--> Bill <--RelatedTo--> Due
Minimum <--Synonym--> Minimal
Appeal is a type of Challenge. Challenge is related to Problem. Problem is related to Difficult. Difficult is related to Very.
Dance is related to Form.
Appeal --IsA--> Challenge <--RelatedTo--> Problem <--RelatedTo--> Difficult <--RelatedTo--> Very
Dance <--RelatedTo--> Form
Basic is a type of Software. Gift is a type of Software.
Pork is related to Chop. Chop is a type of Strike.
Basic --IsA--> Software <--IsA-- Gift
Pork <--RelatedTo--> Chop --IsA--> Strike
Mutual is related to Exchange. Exchange is related to Store. you are likely to find Carpet in/at/on Store.
Kill is a type of Hurt. Kill is related to Purpose. Purpose is a synonym of Intent.
Mutual <--RelatedTo--> Exchange <--RelatedTo--> Store <--AtLocation-- Carpet
Hurt <--IsA-- Kill <--RelatedTo--> Purpose <--Synonym--> Intent
Woman is related to Wife.
Story is related to Description. Description is related to Company. Company is related to Employment. Employment is related to Personnel.
Woman <--RelatedTo--> Wife
Story <--RelatedTo--> Description <--RelatedTo--> Company <--RelatedTo--> Employment <--RelatedTo--> Personnel
Invisible is related to Wind. Clue is a type of Wind. Clue is related to Rope.
Christmas is related to Present.
Invisible <--RelatedTo--> Wind <--IsA-- Clue <--RelatedTo--> Rope
Christmas <--RelatedTo--> Present
Mud is related to Ground. Ground is a synonym of Field. Field is a synonym of Respond.
Propose is a synonym of Mean. Mean is similar to Mode. Accommodate is etymologically related to Mode.
Mud <--RelatedTo--> Ground <--Synonym--> Field <--Synonym--> Respond
Propose <--Synonym--> Mean <--SimilarTo--> Mode <--EtymologicallyRelatedTo-- Accommodate
Toss entails/necessarily involves Mix. Mix is related to Combine. Combine is a synonym of Compound.
Night is a synonym of Dark. Street can be Dark. Street is related to Look. Look is related to Point.
Toss --Entails--> Mix <--RelatedTo--> Combine <--Synonym--> Compound
Night <--Synonym--> Dark <--HasProperty-- Street <--RelatedTo--> Look <--RelatedTo--> Point
Meaningful is related to Significant. Significant is a synonym of Crucial. Crucial is the opposite of Light. Light is a type of Condition.
Courage is related to Brave. Brave is a type of Film. Classic is a type of Film.
Meaningful <--RelatedTo--> Significant <--Synonym--> Crucial <--Antonym--> Light --IsA--> Condition
Courage <--RelatedTo--> Brave --IsA--> Film <--IsA-- Classic
Carrier is a type of Rack. Carrier is derived from Carry.
Lean is related to Slope. Slope is related to Place.
Rack <--IsA-- Carrier --DerivedFrom--> Carry
Lean <--RelatedTo--> Slope <--RelatedTo--> Place
Strong is related to Bear. Bear is related to Honey.
Basic is related to Regular. Regular is related to Coffee. Coffee can be Bitter.
Strong <--RelatedTo--> Bear <--RelatedTo--> Honey
Basic <--RelatedTo--> Regular <--RelatedTo--> Coffee --HasProperty--> Bitter
Organ is related to Nose.
Target is related to Gun. Gun is related to Loud.
Organ <--RelatedTo--> Nose
Target <--RelatedTo--> Gun <--RelatedTo--> Loud
Oral is related to Talk. Talk is the opposite of Being.
Morning is related to Noon.
Oral <--RelatedTo--> Talk <--Antonym--> Being
Morning <--RelatedTo--> Noon
Rope can Tie. you are likely to find Silk in/at/on Tie. Silk is related to Cloth.
Endless is the opposite of Limited. Limited is a synonym of Relative. Relative is related to Family. Family is related to Queen.
Rope --CapableOf--> Tie <--AtLocation-- Silk <--RelatedTo--> Cloth
Endless <--Antonym--> Limited <--Synonym--> Relative <--RelatedTo--> Family <--RelatedTo--> Queen
Notice is related to Sheet. Sheet is related to Card. Card is related to Celebration.
Legislature is related to Capital. Capital is related to Beginning. Beginning is a synonym of Source.
Notice <--RelatedTo--> Sheet <--RelatedTo--> Card <--RelatedTo--> Celebration
Legislature <--RelatedTo--> Capital <--RelatedTo--> Beginning <--Synonym--> Source
Work is related to Literature.
Apple have Core. Apple is related to Fist.
Work <--RelatedTo--> Literature
Core <--HasA-- Apple <--RelatedTo--> Fist
Desire is related to Sexual.
Committee can be used for Plan. Plan is related to Thought. Mainstream is a type of Thought.
Desire <--RelatedTo--> Sexual
Committee --UsedFor--> Plan <--RelatedTo--> Thought <--IsA-- Mainstream
Landmark can be used for Learn. Landmark is a synonym of Historic.
Course is a synonym of Aim.
Learn <--UsedFor-- Landmark <--Synonym--> Historic
Course <--Synonym--> Aim
Bible is related to Holy. Holy is related to Wedding. Wedding is related to Celebration. Celebration is a type of Ritual.
Processor is a type of Worker. Slave is a type of Worker. Slave is a different concept from Free.
Bible <--RelatedTo--> Holy <--RelatedTo--> Wedding <--RelatedTo--> Celebration --IsA--> Ritual
Processor --IsA--> Worker <--IsA-- Slave <--DistinctFrom--> Free
you are likely to find Column in/at/on Magazine. Column is related to Measure. Measure is a type of Be.
Sand can Flow.
Magazine <--AtLocation-- Column <--RelatedTo--> Measure --IsA--> Be
Flow <--CapableOf-- Sand
Style is related to Manner.
Disorder is related to Disease. Aids is a type of Disease. Aids can be Fatal.
Style <--RelatedTo--> Manner
Disorder <--RelatedTo--> Disease <--IsA-- Aids --HasProperty--> Fatal
Heat is related to Warmth.
Related is related to Onion. you are likely to find Onion in/at/on Market. Market is related to Park.
Heat <--RelatedTo--> Warmth
Related <--RelatedTo--> Onion --AtLocation--> Market <--RelatedTo--> Park
Soft is the opposite of Hard.
Aisle is related to Store. you are likely to find Manager in/at/on Store. Manager is related to Boss. Boss is related to Officer.
Soft <--Antonym--> Hard
Aisle <--RelatedTo--> Store <--AtLocation-- Manager <--RelatedTo--> Boss <--RelatedTo--> Officer
Consequence is a type of Phenomenon. Phenomenon is a synonym of Miracle. Miracle is related to Magic. Magic is related to Bless.
Set is a synonym of Plant.
Consequence --IsA--> Phenomenon <--Synonym--> Miracle <--RelatedTo--> Magic <--RelatedTo--> Bless
Set <--Synonym--> Plant
Sauce is related to Pasta. Pasta is related to Egg. Cake is made of Egg. Cake is related to Essential.
Police is a synonym of Pig. Pig is a synonym of Policeman. you are likely to find Policeman in/at/on Street. Street is related to Black.
Sauce <--RelatedTo--> Pasta <--RelatedTo--> Egg <--MadeOf-- Cake <--RelatedTo--> Essential
Police <--Synonym--> Pig <--Synonym--> Policeman --AtLocation--> Street <--RelatedTo--> Black
Slope is a synonym of Decline.
Pain can cause/lead to Change. Change is the opposite of Payment. Payment is related to Satisfy.
Slope <--Synonym--> Decline
Pain --Causes--> Change <--Antonym--> Payment <--RelatedTo--> Satisfy
Charity is related to Example. Example is related to Number. Number is related to Temperature.
you are likely to find Cat in/at/on Dark. Persian is a type of Cat.
Charity <--RelatedTo--> Example <--RelatedTo--> Number <--RelatedTo--> Temperature
Dark <--AtLocation-- Cat <--IsA-- Persian
Burning is related to Exercise. Exercise is a type of Ceremony.
Time is the opposite of Long.
Burning <--RelatedTo--> Exercise --IsA--> Ceremony
Time <--Antonym--> Long
Career is a type of Progress.
Fever is related to Disease.
Progress <--IsA-- Career
Fever <--RelatedTo--> Disease
Mystery is related to Novel. Novel is related to Writing. Writing is related to Movement. Movement is related to Increase.
Energy is a different concept from Tire. Retire is a type of Tire.
Mystery <--RelatedTo--> Novel <--RelatedTo--> Writing <--RelatedTo--> Movement <--RelatedTo--> Increase
Energy <--DistinctFrom--> Tire <--IsA-- Retire
Bell is related to Implement. Iron is a type of Implement. Iron is related to Eye.
Marriage is a type of Ritual. Marriage is related to Holy. Holy is related to Union. Union is a type of Set.
Bell <--RelatedTo--> Implement <--IsA-- Iron <--RelatedTo--> Eye
Ritual <--IsA-- Marriage <--RelatedTo--> Holy <--RelatedTo--> Union --IsA--> Set
Appreciate is a type of Acknowledge. Acknowledge is similar to Recognize. Recognize is a synonym of Greet. Wish is a type of Greet.
Wish is related to Star. Star is related to Outer. Outer is related to Galaxy.
Appreciate --IsA--> Acknowledge <--SimilarTo--> Recognize <--Synonym--> Greet <--IsA-- Wish
Wish <--RelatedTo--> Star <--RelatedTo--> Outer <--RelatedTo--> Galaxy
Listen is a synonym of Expect.
Steam is related to Matter.
Listen <--Synonym--> Expect
Steam <--RelatedTo--> Matter
Finger is a synonym of Handle. Handle is related to Stick. Stick cannot be Alive. Butter cannot be Alive.
Captain is etymologically related to Cap. Captain is related to Authority.
Finger <--Synonym--> Handle <--RelatedTo--> Stick --NotHasProperty--> Alive <--NotHasProperty-- Butter
Cap <--EtymologicallyRelatedTo-- Captain <--RelatedTo--> Authority
Ankle is related to Part. Fragment is a type of Part.
System is a synonym of Arrangement. Arrangement is derived from Arrange.
Ankle <--RelatedTo--> Part <--IsA-- Fragment
System <--Synonym--> Arrangement --DerivedFrom--> Arrange
Break is the opposite of Heal. Heal is the opposite of Harm. Harm is related to Farmer. Farmer is related to Guy.
Catholic is related to Religion. Religion is related to Bless. Bless is related to Luck. Person wants (to) Luck.
Break <--Antonym--> Heal <--Antonym--> Harm <--RelatedTo--> Farmer <--RelatedTo--> Guy
Catholic <--RelatedTo--> Religion <--RelatedTo--> Bless <--RelatedTo--> Luck <--Desires-- Person
Actual is similar to Real. Real is related to Genuine.
Syndrome is a type of Symptom. Symptom is a synonym of Sign. Sign is related to Road.
Actual <--SimilarTo--> Real <--RelatedTo--> Genuine
Syndrome --IsA--> Symptom <--Synonym--> Sign <--RelatedTo--> Road
Legislature is related to Law. Law is related to Doctrine. Doctrine is a synonym of Philosophy.
Silent is the opposite of Say.
Legislature <--RelatedTo--> Law <--RelatedTo--> Doctrine <--Synonym--> Philosophy
Silent <--Antonym--> Say
Penalty is a synonym of Sentence. Sentence is a synonym of Convict. Dna can be used for Convict.
Musical is related to Beat. Beat is a synonym of Punch. Punch is a type of Magazine. Discover is a type of Magazine.
Penalty <--Synonym--> Sentence <--Synonym--> Convict <--UsedFor-- Dna
Musical <--RelatedTo--> Beat <--Synonym--> Punch --IsA--> Magazine <--IsA-- Discover
Care is a type of Word.
Measure is a synonym of Step.
Word <--IsA-- Care
Measure <--Synonym--> Step
Recipient is related to Plate. Plate is related to Paper. Paper is related to Sheet. Sheet is related to Music.
Drive is related to Person.
Recipient <--RelatedTo--> Plate <--RelatedTo--> Paper <--RelatedTo--> Sheet <--RelatedTo--> Music
Drive <--RelatedTo--> Person
Wall is a type of Album. Wall is related to Sign. Sign is related to Short. Short is a synonym of Shallow.
Sexual is related to Affair.
Album <--IsA-- Wall <--RelatedTo--> Sign <--RelatedTo--> Short <--Synonym--> Shallow
Sexual <--RelatedTo--> Affair
Front is related to Leader.
Diet is a type of Fare.
Front <--RelatedTo--> Leader
Diet --IsA--> Fare
Egg is related to Child.
Accept is related to Admit. Admission is derived from Admit.
Egg <--RelatedTo--> Child
Accept <--RelatedTo--> Admit <--DerivedFrom-- Admission
Waste is related to Nuclear. Nuclear is related to Power. Power is related to King. King is related to Dream.
Advantage is related to Import.
Waste <--RelatedTo--> Nuclear <--RelatedTo--> Power <--RelatedTo--> King <--RelatedTo--> Dream
Advantage <--RelatedTo--> Import
Garden is related to Green. Green is related to Go. Go is related to Race. Race is related to Athletic.
Radiation can be Toxic. Toxic is related to Smoke. Smoke is related to Coal. Coal is related to Burning.
Garden <--RelatedTo--> Green <--RelatedTo--> Go <--RelatedTo--> Race <--RelatedTo--> Athletic
Radiation --HasProperty--> Toxic <--RelatedTo--> Smoke <--RelatedTo--> Coal <--RelatedTo--> Burning
Travel is related to Go. Go is related to Leave. Leave is a different concept from Coming. Coming is related to Rise.
Workout is related to Gym. you are likely to find Beam in/at/on Gym. Beam is a type of Piece.
Travel <--RelatedTo--> Go <--RelatedTo--> Leave <--DistinctFrom--> Coming <--RelatedTo--> Rise
Workout <--RelatedTo--> Gym <--AtLocation-- Beam --IsA--> Piece
Square is the opposite of Ball. Ball is a synonym of Screw. you are likely to find Screw in/at/on Wood.
Thin is related to Tower. you are likely to find Tower in/at/on Airport.
Square <--Antonym--> Ball <--Synonym--> Screw --AtLocation--> Wood
Thin <--RelatedTo--> Tower --AtLocation--> Airport
Push is related to Funny. you are likely to find Funny in/at/on Television. you are likely to find Dust in/at/on Television. Dust is related to Clean.
Photography is related to Still. Still is related to Rest.
Push <--RelatedTo--> Funny --AtLocation--> Television <--AtLocation-- Dust <--RelatedTo--> Clean
Photography <--RelatedTo--> Still <--RelatedTo--> Rest
Roll is related to Hot.
Waste is related to Garbage. Garbage is the opposite of Artifact. Artifact is related to Ancient. Ancient is related to Myth.
Roll <--RelatedTo--> Hot
Waste <--RelatedTo--> Garbage <--Antonym--> Artifact <--RelatedTo--> Ancient <--RelatedTo--> Myth
Feedback is a type of Back.
Letter is part of Word. Word is related to Secret. Secret is related to Club. Club is related to Membership.
Feedback --IsA--> Back
Letter --PartOf--> Word <--RelatedTo--> Secret <--RelatedTo--> Club <--RelatedTo--> Membership
Remember requires Picture. Remember is related to Thinking. Thinking is part of Reading.
Custom is a type of Trade. Custom is related to Specialty. Specialty is a synonym of Department. Department is a type of State.
Picture <--HasPrerequisite-- Remember <--RelatedTo--> Thinking --PartOf--> Reading
Trade <--IsA-- Custom <--RelatedTo--> Specialty <--Synonym--> Department --IsA--> State
Blink is a synonym of Flash. Flash is a type of Experience. Know is a type of Experience. Know is the opposite of Shrug.
Chart is related to Top. Top is related to Title. Title is related to Sir. Sir is a different concept from Lady.
Blink <--Synonym--> Flash --IsA--> Experience <--IsA-- Know <--Antonym--> Shrug
Chart <--RelatedTo--> Top <--RelatedTo--> Title <--RelatedTo--> Sir <--DistinctFrom--> Lady
Affair is related to Spouse.
Earth have Surface. Surface is related to Metal. Metal is related to Bronze.
Affair <--RelatedTo--> Spouse
Earth --HasA--> Surface <--RelatedTo--> Metal <--RelatedTo--> Bronze
Heel is a type of End. End is a synonym of Purpose. Purpose is a synonym of Determination. Determination is related to Focus.
Shop is related to Establishment. Establishment is a synonym of Foundation. Foundation is a synonym of Basis. Basis is a type of Explanation.
Heel --IsA--> End <--Synonym--> Purpose <--Synonym--> Determination <--RelatedTo--> Focus
Shop <--RelatedTo--> Establishment <--Synonym--> Foundation <--Synonym--> Basis --IsA--> Explanation
Servant is related to Domestic.
Job is related to Fraud. Fraud is the opposite of Truth. Truth is a synonym of Judge.
Servant <--RelatedTo--> Domestic
Job <--RelatedTo--> Fraud <--Antonym--> Truth <--Synonym--> Judge
Objective is a type of Lens. Objective is similar to Clinical. Clinical is derived from Clinic.
Runner is a type of Person. Person is related to Master. Master is related to Rank. Rank is related to Title.
Lens <--IsA-- Objective <--SimilarTo--> Clinical --DerivedFrom--> Clinic
Runner --IsA--> Person <--RelatedTo--> Master <--RelatedTo--> Rank <--RelatedTo--> Title
Strange is the opposite of Standard. Standard is the opposite of Informal.
Individual is related to Person. Person does not want (to) Prompt.
Strange <--Antonym--> Standard <--Antonym--> Informal
Individual <--RelatedTo--> Person --NotDesires--> Prompt
Steak is related to Beef.
Excellent is a synonym of Beautiful.
Steak <--RelatedTo--> Beef
Excellent <--Synonym--> Beautiful
Purple is related to Blue.
Italian is a type of Person. Person does not want (to) Disappointment. Frustration is a type of Disappointment.
Purple <--RelatedTo--> Blue
Italian --IsA--> Person --NotDesires--> Disappointment <--IsA-- Frustration
you are likely to find Dirt in/at/on Forest.
Pressure is related to Sound. Sound is a type of Wave. Wave is related to Crowd. Crowd is the opposite of Empty.
Forest <--AtLocation-- Dirt
Pressure <--RelatedTo--> Sound --IsA--> Wave <--RelatedTo--> Crowd <--Antonym--> Empty
Home is related to Place. Place is a synonym of Locate. Locate is related to Find. Find is related to Treasure.
Tip is a type of Mark. Stroke is a type of Mark. Stroke is a type of Score.
Home <--RelatedTo--> Place <--Synonym--> Locate <--RelatedTo--> Find <--RelatedTo--> Treasure
Tip --IsA--> Mark <--IsA-- Stroke --IsA--> Score
Portrait is related to Personal. Personal is related to Ad. Ad is related to Uncertainty.
Person wants (to) Perform. you would Perform because Recognition.
Portrait <--RelatedTo--> Personal <--RelatedTo--> Ad <--RelatedTo--> Uncertainty
Person --Desires--> Perform --MotivatedByGoal--> Recognition
Latin is similar to Greek. Greek is related to Statue. Statue is related to Standing. Standing is related to Toe.
Allegation is a type of Claim. Claim is related to Assert. Assert is a type of Behave. Pose is a type of Behave.
Latin <--SimilarTo--> Greek <--RelatedTo--> Statue <--RelatedTo--> Standing <--RelatedTo--> Toe
Allegation --IsA--> Claim <--RelatedTo--> Assert --IsA--> Behave <--IsA-- Pose
Charm is a type of Persuade. Persuade is a synonym of Convince.
one thing you do when you Surprising is Smile.
Charm --IsA--> Persuade <--Synonym--> Convince
Surprising --HasSubevent--> Smile
Recover is a synonym of Rescue. Rescue is related to Adopt. Adopt is related to New. New is the opposite of Experienced.
Fish is a type of Search. Exploration is a type of Search. Exploration is related to Space. Space is a synonym of Blank.
Recover <--Synonym--> Rescue <--RelatedTo--> Adopt <--RelatedTo--> New <--Antonym--> Experienced
Fish --IsA--> Search <--IsA-- Exploration <--RelatedTo--> Space <--Synonym--> Blank
Impact is related to Effect. Effect is related to Implement. Implement is related to Bell.
Contribution is a synonym of Tax. Taxpayer is derived from Tax.
Impact <--RelatedTo--> Effect <--RelatedTo--> Implement <--RelatedTo--> Bell
Contribution <--Synonym--> Tax <--DerivedFrom-- Taxpayer
Charge is related to Cover. Cover is the opposite of Reveal. Reveal is a different concept from Hide. Hide is related to Prevent.
New is related to Status. Retirement is a type of Status. Retirement is a synonym of Departure.
Charge <--RelatedTo--> Cover <--Antonym--> Reveal <--DistinctFrom--> Hide <--RelatedTo--> Prevent
New <--RelatedTo--> Status <--IsA-- Retirement <--Synonym--> Departure
Committee is a synonym of Commission. Commissioner is derived from Commission.
Secret is related to Affair.
Committee <--Synonym--> Commission <--DerivedFrom-- Commissioner
Secret <--RelatedTo--> Affair
White is related to Cell. Cell is related to Bedroom. Bedroom have Floor. Floor is related to Crawl.
Yell is related to Very. Very is related to Blade. Blade is a synonym of Bucket.
White <--RelatedTo--> Cell <--RelatedTo--> Bedroom --HasA--> Floor <--RelatedTo--> Crawl
Yell <--RelatedTo--> Very <--RelatedTo--> Blade <--Synonym--> Bucket
Giant is a synonym of Huge. Huge is related to Fortune.
Thick is a synonym of Great. Great is related to Deal.
Giant <--Synonym--> Huge <--RelatedTo--> Fortune
Thick <--Synonym--> Great <--RelatedTo--> Deal
Twin is a type of Sibling. Sibling is related to Daughter. Daughter is related to Gender. Gender is related to Man.
Offense is a synonym of Offensive. Offensive is related to Hostile.
Twin --IsA--> Sibling <--RelatedTo--> Daughter <--RelatedTo--> Gender <--RelatedTo--> Man
Offense <--Synonym--> Offensive <--RelatedTo--> Hostile
Ball is related to Egg. Egg is related to Production. Production is related to Metal.
Expansion is a type of Increase. Increase is a synonym of Extend. Extension is derived from Extend.
Ball <--RelatedTo--> Egg <--RelatedTo--> Production <--RelatedTo--> Metal
Expansion --IsA--> Increase <--Synonym--> Extend <--DerivedFrom-- Extension
Benefit is related to Tip.
Boot is related to Tall.
Benefit <--RelatedTo--> Tip
Boot <--RelatedTo--> Tall
Fog is related to Head. Head is related to Minister. Minister is related to Man.
Educator is derived from Educate. Educate is a type of Better. Better is related to Mood.
Fog <--RelatedTo--> Head <--RelatedTo--> Minister <--RelatedTo--> Man
Educator --DerivedFrom--> Educate --IsA--> Better <--RelatedTo--> Mood
Improved is related to Better. Better is related to Fix. Fix is related to Shot. Shot is related to Glass.
Writing is related to News. News is related to Hot. Hot is the opposite of Dead.
Improved <--RelatedTo--> Better <--RelatedTo--> Fix <--RelatedTo--> Shot <--RelatedTo--> Glass
Writing <--RelatedTo--> News <--RelatedTo--> Hot <--Antonym--> Dead
Bottom is related to Butt. Butt is a synonym of Target.
Letter is related to Hand. Hand is related to Clock. Clock is related to Machine.
Bottom <--RelatedTo--> Butt <--Synonym--> Target
Letter <--RelatedTo--> Hand <--RelatedTo--> Clock <--RelatedTo--> Machine
Denial is related to River. Plane is a type of River. Wing can be used for Plane. Rib is part of Wing.
Like is related to Contain. Contain is related to Stomach.
Denial <--RelatedTo--> River <--IsA-- Plane <--UsedFor-- Wing <--PartOf-- Rib
Like <--RelatedTo--> Contain <--RelatedTo--> Stomach
Explain is related to Describe. Describe is a synonym of Trace. Trace is a synonym of Trail. Slot is a type of Trail.
Success would make you want to Celebrate. Success is related to Triumph.
Explain <--RelatedTo--> Describe <--Synonym--> Trace <--Synonym--> Trail <--IsA-- Slot
Celebrate <--CausesDesire-- Success <--RelatedTo--> Triumph
Ghost is related to Lost. Lost is related to Series.
Person wants (to) Laugh.
Ghost <--RelatedTo--> Lost <--RelatedTo--> Series
Laugh <--Desires-- Person
Concern is related to Deep.
Thinking can be used for Understanding. Thinking can be used for Creativity.
Concern <--RelatedTo--> Deep
Understanding <--UsedFor-- Thinking --UsedFor--> Creativity
Ceiling is related to Ground.
Rhetoric is a type of Worker. Slave is a type of Worker. Slave is related to Labor.
Ceiling <--RelatedTo--> Ground
Rhetoric --IsA--> Worker <--IsA-- Slave <--RelatedTo--> Labor
Club is made of People. People is related to Gather.
Basket is a type of Container.
Club --MadeOf--> People <--RelatedTo--> Gather
Basket --IsA--> Container
Sin is related to Punishment. Punishment is related to Crime. Crime is a type of Film.
Chew is related to Jaw. Jaw is related to Part. Party is etymologically related to Part. Party is related to Leg.
Sin <--RelatedTo--> Punishment <--RelatedTo--> Crime --IsA--> Film
Chew <--RelatedTo--> Jaw <--RelatedTo--> Part <--EtymologicallyRelatedTo-- Party <--RelatedTo--> Leg
Different is a synonym of Diverse. Fish can be Diverse. Fish is related to Life. Life is related to Essential.
Cord is a type of Line. Guideline is a type of Line. Guideline is derived from Guide.
Different <--Synonym--> Diverse <--HasProperty-- Fish <--RelatedTo--> Life <--RelatedTo--> Essential
Cord --IsA--> Line <--IsA-- Guideline --DerivedFrom--> Guide
you are likely to find Lemon in/at/on Refrigerator. you are likely to find Turkey in/at/on Refrigerator. Turkey is a type of Food. you are likely to find Food in/at/on Supermarket.
Rear is a synonym of Rise. Rise is a synonym of Arise.
Lemon --AtLocation--> Refrigerator <--AtLocation-- Turkey --IsA--> Food --AtLocation--> Supermarket
Rear <--Synonym--> Rise <--Synonym--> Arise