Tile can be used for Kitchen. Kitchen is related to Bacteria.
Move is a synonym of Determine. Value is a type of Determine. Value is related to Good. Good is the opposite of Service.
Tile --UsedFor--> Kitchen <--RelatedTo--> Bacteria
Move <--Synonym--> Determine <--IsA-- Value <--RelatedTo--> Good <--Antonym--> Service
Hostage is related to Person. Person wants (to) Added. Added is related to Tax. Tax is related to Government.
Do is related to Cast.
Hostage <--RelatedTo--> Person --Desires--> Added <--RelatedTo--> Tax <--RelatedTo--> Government
Do <--RelatedTo--> Cast
Pepper entails/necessarily involves Throw. Flip is a type of Throw.
Arab is a type of Human. Human is related to Bone. Rib is a type of Bone.
Pepper --Entails--> Throw <--IsA-- Flip
Arab --IsA--> Human <--RelatedTo--> Bone <--IsA-- Rib
Burning is a different concept from Shade. Shade is related to Heat. Heat is related to Wave. Wave is the opposite of Flat.
Architecture is related to Modern. Modern is related to Description. Description is related to Old. Old is related to Grow.
Burning <--DistinctFrom--> Shade <--RelatedTo--> Heat <--RelatedTo--> Wave <--Antonym--> Flat
Architecture <--RelatedTo--> Modern <--RelatedTo--> Description <--RelatedTo--> Old <--RelatedTo--> Grow
Play is a type of Hit.
Shoe is related to Blue. Blue is related to Feeling. Feeling is the opposite of Pain. Dying can cause/lead to Pain.
Play --IsA--> Hit
Shoe <--RelatedTo--> Blue <--RelatedTo--> Feeling <--Antonym--> Pain <--Causes-- Dying
Short is related to Joy. Joy is related to Peace.
Complicated is a different concept from Simple. Single is derived from Simple. Kill is a type of Single. Kill is the opposite of Give.
Short <--RelatedTo--> Joy <--RelatedTo--> Peace
Complicated <--DistinctFrom--> Simple <--DerivedFrom-- Single <--IsA-- Kill <--Antonym--> Give
Method is related to Wash. Wash is related to Shower.
Please is related to Word. Word is part of Language. German is a type of Language.
Method <--RelatedTo--> Wash <--RelatedTo--> Shower
Please <--RelatedTo--> Word --PartOf--> Language <--IsA-- German
Camp is a different concept from Home. Home is related to People.
you are likely to find Potato in/at/on Dirt.
Camp <--DistinctFrom--> Home <--RelatedTo--> People
Potato --AtLocation--> Dirt
you are likely to find Laser in/at/on Bomb. Bomb is related to Enemy.
Wash is a type of Separate. Separate is a type of Change. Settle is a type of Change. Settle is a synonym of Install.
Laser --AtLocation--> Bomb <--RelatedTo--> Enemy
Wash --IsA--> Separate --IsA--> Change <--IsA-- Settle <--Synonym--> Install
Mean is related to Mention. Remember is a type of Mention. one thing you do when you Remember is Revelation.
Cream is related to Cool. Cool is the opposite of Fashion.
Mean <--RelatedTo--> Mention <--IsA-- Remember --HasSubevent--> Revelation
Cream <--RelatedTo--> Cool <--Antonym--> Fashion
Big is related to Long.
Working is related to Smell.
Big <--RelatedTo--> Long
Working <--RelatedTo--> Smell
Size can be Important. Important is related to Value.
Challenge is a type of Objection. Challenge is a synonym of Claim. Claim is related to Own.
Size --HasProperty--> Important <--RelatedTo--> Value
Objection <--IsA-- Challenge <--Synonym--> Claim <--RelatedTo--> Own
Highway can be used for Transportation. Carry is a type of Transportation. Carry is a synonym of Persuade. Persuade is a synonym of Move.
Structural is related to Support.
Highway --UsedFor--> Transportation <--IsA-- Carry <--Synonym--> Persuade <--Synonym--> Move
Structural <--RelatedTo--> Support
Rush is related to Action. Action is related to Pause.
Wife is a synonym of Partner. Partner is related to Silver. Silver is related to Fill.
Rush <--RelatedTo--> Action <--RelatedTo--> Pause
Wife <--Synonym--> Partner <--RelatedTo--> Silver <--RelatedTo--> Fill
Attention is a synonym of Study. you are likely to find Study in/at/on Journal. Journal is related to Writing. Writing is related to Poem.
Diversity is a type of Band. Band is related to Roll. Roll is related to Paper. Paper is related to Sorry.
Attention <--Synonym--> Study --AtLocation--> Journal <--RelatedTo--> Writing <--RelatedTo--> Poem
Diversity --IsA--> Band <--RelatedTo--> Roll <--RelatedTo--> Paper <--RelatedTo--> Sorry
Instruction is a synonym of Direction. Direction is a synonym of Focus. Focus is a type of Point. Point is related to Elbow.
Fun is related to Surprise. Surprise is related to Shout. one thing you do when you Surprising is Shout. one thing you do when you Surprising is Knock.
Instruction <--Synonym--> Direction <--Synonym--> Focus --IsA--> Point <--RelatedTo--> Elbow
Fun <--RelatedTo--> Surprise <--RelatedTo--> Shout <--HasSubevent-- Surprising --HasSubevent--> Knock
Lip is related to Tissue. Tissue is a type of Paper. Paper is the opposite of Coin.
Enter is related to Arrive. Arrive is related to Travel. Vehicle can be used for Travel.
Lip <--RelatedTo--> Tissue --IsA--> Paper <--Antonym--> Coin
Enter <--RelatedTo--> Arrive <--RelatedTo--> Travel <--UsedFor-- Vehicle
you are likely to find Cup in/at/on Restaurant. Cup is a type of Insert. Glass is a type of Insert. Glass is related to Implement.
Tip is a synonym of Clue.
Restaurant <--AtLocation-- Cup --IsA--> Insert <--IsA-- Glass <--RelatedTo--> Implement
Tip <--Synonym--> Clue
Campaign is related to Attack. Attack is related to War. War is derived from Rider. Rider is a type of Traveler.
Informal is a different concept from Dress. Dress is related to Cotton.
Campaign <--RelatedTo--> Attack <--RelatedTo--> War --DerivedFrom--> Rider --IsA--> Traveler
Informal <--DistinctFrom--> Dress <--RelatedTo--> Cotton
Balance is a synonym of Square. Person does not want (to) Square. Person wants (to) Right.
Accomplishment is related to Reward. Reward is the opposite of Penalty. Penalty is related to Fee.
Balance <--Synonym--> Square <--NotDesires-- Person --Desires--> Right
Accomplishment <--RelatedTo--> Reward <--Antonym--> Penalty <--RelatedTo--> Fee
Starting is a synonym of Beginning.
Nasty is similar to Difficult.
Starting <--Synonym--> Beginning
Nasty <--SimilarTo--> Difficult
Truth is the opposite of Story. Story is related to Song. Song is related to Hit. Cut is a type of Hit.
Prayer is related to Bless.
Truth <--Antonym--> Story <--RelatedTo--> Song <--RelatedTo--> Hit <--IsA-- Cut
Prayer <--RelatedTo--> Bless
Cash is related to Carry. Carry is related to Haul.
Rule is related to Break.
Cash <--RelatedTo--> Carry <--RelatedTo--> Haul
Rule <--RelatedTo--> Break
Render is a type of Communicate. Render is a synonym of Depict. Depict is a synonym of Yield.
Man is related to Sex.
Communicate <--IsA-- Render <--Synonym--> Depict <--Synonym--> Yield
Man <--RelatedTo--> Sex
Transport is related to Movement. Running requires Movement.
Change is related to Store. you are likely to find Candy in/at/on Store.
Transport <--RelatedTo--> Movement <--HasPrerequisite-- Running
Change <--RelatedTo--> Store <--AtLocation-- Candy
Term is related to Conflict. Conflict is related to Protest. Protest is related to Peace.
Fire is related to Food.
Term <--RelatedTo--> Conflict <--RelatedTo--> Protest <--RelatedTo--> Peace
Fire <--RelatedTo--> Food
you are likely to find Leader in/at/on Company. Company is related to Profit.
Cigarette is a different concept from Pipe. Pipe is a type of Transport.
Leader --AtLocation--> Company <--RelatedTo--> Profit
Cigarette <--DistinctFrom--> Pipe --IsA--> Transport
Issue is related to Number. Number is related to Aid. Aid is related to Servant. Servant is related to Personality.
Source is related to Chicken. Chicken is related to Finger.
Issue <--RelatedTo--> Number <--RelatedTo--> Aid <--RelatedTo--> Servant <--RelatedTo--> Personality
Source <--RelatedTo--> Chicken <--RelatedTo--> Finger
Flying is related to Flag.
you are likely to find Medication in/at/on Doctor. Doctor is related to Man. Man is related to Artificial.
Flying <--RelatedTo--> Flag
Medication --AtLocation--> Doctor <--RelatedTo--> Man <--RelatedTo--> Artificial
Routine is a synonym of Practice. Practice is related to Make. Make is a synonym of Manufacturing.
Role is a synonym of Character. Character is related to Literary.
Routine <--Synonym--> Practice <--RelatedTo--> Make <--Synonym--> Manufacturing
Role <--Synonym--> Character <--RelatedTo--> Literary
Drag is a type of Travel.
Hostile is a synonym of Sharp.
Drag --IsA--> Travel
Hostile <--Synonym--> Sharp
Provide is related to Shade. Shade is related to Sheet.
Bottle is related to Beer.
Provide <--RelatedTo--> Shade <--RelatedTo--> Sheet
Bottle <--RelatedTo--> Beer
Invention is a synonym of Design. Design is related to Clothes. Clothes is related to Sleeve. Sleeve is related to Cover.
Answer is related to Remark. Remark is related to Note.
Invention <--Synonym--> Design <--RelatedTo--> Clothes <--RelatedTo--> Sleeve <--RelatedTo--> Cover
Answer <--RelatedTo--> Remark <--RelatedTo--> Note
Islam is related to Devil. Devil is a type of Cook. Cooking is a form of Cook.
Soap is related to Block. Block is related to Brick. Brick is related to Material. Material is related to Paint.
Islam <--RelatedTo--> Devil --IsA--> Cook <--FormOf-- Cooking
Soap <--RelatedTo--> Block <--RelatedTo--> Brick <--RelatedTo--> Material <--RelatedTo--> Paint
Grandfather is related to Person. Person wants (to) Diversity. Diversity is a synonym of Difference.
Live is related to Instant.
Grandfather <--RelatedTo--> Person --Desires--> Diversity <--Synonym--> Difference
Live <--RelatedTo--> Instant
Can is related to Shape. Shape is a synonym of Determine.
Compound is a synonym of Agree. Agree is related to Share. Share is a synonym of Portion.
Can <--RelatedTo--> Shape <--Synonym--> Determine
Compound <--Synonym--> Agree <--RelatedTo--> Share <--Synonym--> Portion
Produce is related to Make. Make is related to Milk. Milk is related to Cold. Cold is related to Could.
Extension is related to Stretch. Stretch is related to Force.
Produce <--RelatedTo--> Make <--RelatedTo--> Milk <--RelatedTo--> Cold <--RelatedTo--> Could
Extension <--RelatedTo--> Stretch <--RelatedTo--> Force
you are likely to find Tree in/at/on Town. you are likely to find Tree in/at/on University. you are likely to find Bicycle in/at/on University.
Bad is similar to Severe. Severe is a synonym of Intense. Intense is similar to Terrible.
Town <--AtLocation-- Tree --AtLocation--> University <--AtLocation-- Bicycle
Bad <--SimilarTo--> Severe <--Synonym--> Intense <--SimilarTo--> Terrible
Awful is a synonym of Tremendous. Tremendous is related to Grief. Killing can cause/lead to Grief. Pistol can be used for Killing.
Production is related to Pro.
Awful <--Synonym--> Tremendous <--RelatedTo--> Grief <--Causes-- Killing <--UsedFor-- Pistol
Production <--RelatedTo--> Pro
you are likely to find Debate in/at/on University. Debate is a synonym of Discourse. Discourse is a synonym of Discuss. Discussion is derived from Discuss.
Constitution is a type of Beginning. Constitution is related to Nation. Nation is related to Entire. Entire is a synonym of Total.
University <--AtLocation-- Debate <--Synonym--> Discourse <--Synonym--> Discuss <--DerivedFrom-- Discussion
Beginning <--IsA-- Constitution <--RelatedTo--> Nation <--RelatedTo--> Entire <--Synonym--> Total
Contrast is a synonym of Line.
Racism is a type of Bias. Racism can be Bad. Bad is similar to Intense.
Contrast <--Synonym--> Line
Bias <--IsA-- Racism --HasProperty--> Bad <--SimilarTo--> Intense
Surprise is related to Amazing.
Vision is a type of Experience. Experience is a type of Name.
Surprise <--RelatedTo--> Amazing
Vision --IsA--> Experience --IsA--> Name
Positive is related to Profit.
Citizen is the opposite of Alien. Alien is a different concept from Human.
Positive <--RelatedTo--> Profit
Citizen <--Antonym--> Alien <--DistinctFrom--> Human
Reputation is a synonym of Name. Name is related to May.
Pork is a different concept from Beef. Cow does not want (to) Beef. Cow is related to Mother.
Reputation <--Synonym--> Name <--RelatedTo--> May
Pork <--DistinctFrom--> Beef <--NotDesires-- Cow <--RelatedTo--> Mother
Dock is a type of Landing.
you are likely to find Finger in/at/on Hand.
Landing <--IsA-- Dock
Finger --AtLocation--> Hand
Spoon is related to Silver. Silver is a type of Plate. Plate is related to Shallow. Shallow is a synonym of Short.
Compensation is related to Salary. Salary is related to Tax. Tax is related to Given.
Spoon <--RelatedTo--> Silver --IsA--> Plate <--RelatedTo--> Shallow <--Synonym--> Short
Compensation <--RelatedTo--> Salary <--RelatedTo--> Tax <--RelatedTo--> Given
Leather is a type of Material. Material is related to Rock. Rock is related to Large.
Paint is related to Mud.
Leather --IsA--> Material <--RelatedTo--> Rock <--RelatedTo--> Large
Paint <--RelatedTo--> Mud
Mention is related to Talk. Talk is related to Repeat. Translate is a type of Repeat. Translate is a synonym of Depict.
Remind is a synonym of Prompt. Prompt is related to Time. Time is related to Meal.
Mention <--RelatedTo--> Talk <--RelatedTo--> Repeat <--IsA-- Translate <--Synonym--> Depict
Remind <--Synonym--> Prompt <--RelatedTo--> Time <--RelatedTo--> Meal
Jurisdiction is a synonym of Power.
Stair is related to Step. Step is related to Movement. Movement is related to Animal. Animal does not want (to) Drown.
Jurisdiction <--Synonym--> Power
Stair <--RelatedTo--> Step <--RelatedTo--> Movement <--RelatedTo--> Animal --NotDesires--> Drown
Price is related to Evaluation. Evaluation is related to Health. Health can be Good. Good is related to Crop.
Style is related to Grace.
Price <--RelatedTo--> Evaluation <--RelatedTo--> Health --HasProperty--> Good <--RelatedTo--> Crop
Style <--RelatedTo--> Grace
Infant is related to Child. Child is related to Name. Signature is a type of Name.
Sharp is related to Arrow. Arrow is related to Tip. Tip is related to Bullet. Bullet is related to Bite.
Infant <--RelatedTo--> Child <--RelatedTo--> Name <--IsA-- Signature
Sharp <--RelatedTo--> Arrow <--RelatedTo--> Tip <--RelatedTo--> Bullet <--RelatedTo--> Bite
Field is related to Degree. Degree is related to Rich. Rich is related to Fortune. Fortune is the opposite of Poverty.
Shock is etymologically related to Shake. Shock is related to Therapy. Therapy is related to Psychologist. Psychologist is a type of Scientist.
Field <--RelatedTo--> Degree <--RelatedTo--> Rich <--RelatedTo--> Fortune <--Antonym--> Poverty
Shake <--EtymologicallyRelatedTo-- Shock <--RelatedTo--> Therapy <--RelatedTo--> Psychologist --IsA--> Scientist
Present is a different concept from Past. Past is related to Double. Double is related to Starting. Starting is related to Intelligence.
Recommend is a synonym of Urge. Urge is a different concept from Discourage. Discourage is a synonym of Cow.
Present <--DistinctFrom--> Past <--RelatedTo--> Double <--RelatedTo--> Starting <--RelatedTo--> Intelligence
Recommend <--Synonym--> Urge <--DistinctFrom--> Discourage <--Synonym--> Cow
Interval is related to Minute. Minute is a synonym of Moment.
Air is related to Atmosphere.
Interval <--RelatedTo--> Minute <--Synonym--> Moment
Air <--RelatedTo--> Atmosphere
Sweep is a type of Software.
Achieve is a synonym of Effect.
Software <--IsA-- Sweep
Achieve <--Synonym--> Effect
Personality is a type of Celebrity. Personality is related to Mean. Mean is the opposite of Friendly. Friendly is derived from Friend.
Lake can be used for Fun.
Celebrity <--IsA-- Personality <--RelatedTo--> Mean <--Antonym--> Friendly --DerivedFrom--> Friend
Lake --UsedFor--> Fun
Candidate is related to Human. Emotion is part of Human. Emotion is related to Smile.
Uncover is derived from Cover.
Candidate <--RelatedTo--> Human <--PartOf-- Emotion <--RelatedTo--> Smile
Uncover --DerivedFrom--> Cover
Aluminum is a type of Metal. Metal is related to Building. Building is related to Ruin.
Opposition is the opposite of Ally. Ally is related to Street. Street is related to Cross.
Aluminum --IsA--> Metal <--RelatedTo--> Building <--RelatedTo--> Ruin
Opposition <--Antonym--> Ally <--RelatedTo--> Street <--RelatedTo--> Cross
Irish is related to Edge. Edge is related to Cliff.
Propose is related to Question. Question would make you want to Think. one thing you do when you Alive is Think. Blanket cannot be Alive.
Irish <--RelatedTo--> Edge <--RelatedTo--> Cliff
Propose <--RelatedTo--> Question --CausesDesire--> Think <--HasSubevent-- Alive <--NotHasProperty-- Blanket
Density is related to Mass. Mass is related to Size. Size is related to Medium. Medium is a type of Substance.
Describe is related to Broad. Broad is a different concept from Narrow.
Density <--RelatedTo--> Mass <--RelatedTo--> Size <--RelatedTo--> Medium --IsA--> Substance
Describe <--RelatedTo--> Broad <--DistinctFrom--> Narrow
Female is related to Boy. Boyfriend is derived from Boy.
Article is related to News.
Female <--RelatedTo--> Boy <--DerivedFrom-- Boyfriend
Article <--RelatedTo--> News
Butt is related to Seat.
Behavior is related to Cruel. Cruel is related to Rule.
Butt <--RelatedTo--> Seat
Behavior <--RelatedTo--> Cruel <--RelatedTo--> Rule
Medical is related to Fix. Fix is related to Needle. Point is part of Needle.
Spread is a type of Move. Spread is a synonym of Scatter.
Medical <--RelatedTo--> Fix <--RelatedTo--> Needle <--PartOf-- Point
Move <--IsA-- Spread <--Synonym--> Scatter
Meat can be used for Protein.
Note is related to Ball.
Meat --UsedFor--> Protein
Note <--RelatedTo--> Ball
Bone is related to System. System can be used for Store. you are likely to find Media in/at/on Store.
Provision is a type of Condition. Participation is a type of Condition.
Bone <--RelatedTo--> System --UsedFor--> Store <--AtLocation-- Media
Provision --IsA--> Condition <--IsA-- Participation
Room is the opposite of Outside. Outside is related to Space. Angle is a type of Space. Angle is a synonym of Lean.
Commissioner is a type of Worker. Coach is a type of Worker. Coach is related to Economy.
Room <--Antonym--> Outside <--RelatedTo--> Space <--IsA-- Angle <--Synonym--> Lean
Commissioner --IsA--> Worker <--IsA-- Coach <--RelatedTo--> Economy
Stage is related to Object. Object is related to Bolt.
Come is related to Arrival.
Stage <--RelatedTo--> Object <--RelatedTo--> Bolt
Come <--RelatedTo--> Arrival
you are likely to find Mess in/at/on Table. you are likely to find Table in/at/on Doctor. Doctor is related to Lab. you are likely to find Disease in/at/on Lab.
Texture is related to Bread.
Mess --AtLocation--> Table --AtLocation--> Doctor <--RelatedTo--> Lab <--AtLocation-- Disease
Texture <--RelatedTo--> Bread
Shot is a type of Opportunity. Opportunity is related to Tune. Tune is a type of Adjust. Adjust is a synonym of Change.
Mind is a type of Remember. Mind is related to Consciousness.
Shot --IsA--> Opportunity <--RelatedTo--> Tune --IsA--> Adjust <--Synonym--> Change
Remember <--IsA-- Mind <--RelatedTo--> Consciousness
Element is related to Gas.
Symbolic is related to Cross. Cross is related to Shape. Shape is a synonym of Pattern.
Element <--RelatedTo--> Gas
Symbolic <--RelatedTo--> Cross <--RelatedTo--> Shape <--Synonym--> Pattern
Prospect is a synonym of Survey. Surveillance is derived from Survey.
Spending is related to Buy. Buy requires Order. Order is related to Turn. Turn is related to Body.
Prospect <--Synonym--> Survey <--DerivedFrom-- Surveillance
Spending <--RelatedTo--> Buy --HasPrerequisite--> Order <--RelatedTo--> Turn <--RelatedTo--> Body
Style is a type of Name. Name is related to Rod.
Bar is a type of Counter. Bar is related to Stick.
Style --IsA--> Name <--RelatedTo--> Rod
Counter <--IsA-- Bar <--RelatedTo--> Stick
Reading is related to Visual. Visual is related to Mark. Dot is a type of Mark.
Cast is a type of Shape.
Reading <--RelatedTo--> Visual <--RelatedTo--> Mark <--IsA-- Dot
Cast --IsA--> Shape
Distant is related to Sun.
Minimum is a synonym of Minimal. Minimal is a synonym of Bare. Bare is a synonym of Naked. Naked is the opposite of Cover.
Distant <--RelatedTo--> Sun
Minimum <--Synonym--> Minimal <--Synonym--> Bare <--Synonym--> Naked <--Antonym--> Cover
Get is a synonym of Confuse. Confuse is a synonym of Disturb. Disturb is a synonym of Disorder.
you are likely to find Monkey in/at/on Mirror. Mirror is a synonym of Pattern.
Get <--Synonym--> Confuse <--Synonym--> Disturb <--Synonym--> Disorder
Monkey --AtLocation--> Mirror <--Synonym--> Pattern
Running can cause/lead to Pain. Pain is related to Hunger. Hungry is derived from Hunger.
Opposition is related to Question. Question is related to May. May is related to Right. Right is related to Board.
Running --Causes--> Pain <--RelatedTo--> Hunger <--DerivedFrom-- Hungry
Opposition <--RelatedTo--> Question <--RelatedTo--> May <--RelatedTo--> Right <--RelatedTo--> Board
Housing is a type of Structure. Fold is a type of Structure. Fold is a synonym of Yield. Yield is a synonym of Concede.
Stage is related to Production. Production is related to Function. Function is related to Breath.
Housing --IsA--> Structure <--IsA-- Fold <--Synonym--> Yield <--Synonym--> Concede
Stage <--RelatedTo--> Production <--RelatedTo--> Function <--RelatedTo--> Breath
Lion is a type of Predator. Predator is related to Bear. Bear is related to North.
Spill is related to Drop. Drop is related to Component.
Lion --IsA--> Predator <--RelatedTo--> Bear <--RelatedTo--> North
Spill <--RelatedTo--> Drop <--RelatedTo--> Component
Youth is related to Girl.
Darkness is related to Space.
Youth <--RelatedTo--> Girl
Darkness <--RelatedTo--> Space
Index is related to Point. Point is a type of Repair.
you are likely to find Floor in/at/on Table.
Index <--RelatedTo--> Point --IsA--> Repair
Floor --AtLocation--> Table
Wooden is related to Pencil. Pencil is a type of Figure. Figure is related to Nice. Nice is related to Good.
Large is related to Lot.
Wooden <--RelatedTo--> Pencil --IsA--> Figure <--RelatedTo--> Nice <--RelatedTo--> Good
Large <--RelatedTo--> Lot
Limited is the opposite of Endless. Endless is derived from End. Weekend is derived from End.
Thinking can cause/lead to Progress.
Limited <--Antonym--> Endless --DerivedFrom--> End <--DerivedFrom-- Weekend
Progress <--Causes-- Thinking
Snow is a different concept from Sand. Sand is the opposite of Water. you are likely to find Water in/at/on Street.
Role is related to Responsibility.
Snow <--DistinctFrom--> Sand <--Antonym--> Water --AtLocation--> Street
Role <--RelatedTo--> Responsibility
Jet is related to Fast.
Anxiety is a type of Emotion. Anxiety would make you want to Perform. one thing you do when you Perform is Accomplish.
Jet <--RelatedTo--> Fast
Emotion <--IsA-- Anxiety --CausesDesire--> Perform --HasSubevent--> Accomplish
Chief is related to Big. Big is related to Warehouse.
Deadline is related to Tax. Tax is related to Property. Property is related to Investment.
Chief <--RelatedTo--> Big <--RelatedTo--> Warehouse
Deadline <--RelatedTo--> Tax <--RelatedTo--> Property <--RelatedTo--> Investment
Christmas is an instance of Christianity. Christmas is related to Special. Special is the opposite of General. General is related to Cover.
Flag is part of Dog.
Christianity <--InstanceOf-- Christmas <--RelatedTo--> Special <--Antonym--> General <--RelatedTo--> Cover
Flag --PartOf--> Dog
Box is a synonym of Field. Field is a synonym of Respond. the last thing you do when you Communicate is Respond. Inform is a type of Communicate.
Racial is derived from Racism. you are likely to find Racism in/at/on South. you are likely to find Fan in/at/on South. Fan is related to Game.
Box <--Synonym--> Field <--Synonym--> Respond <--HasLastSubevent-- Communicate <--IsA-- Inform
Racial --DerivedFrom--> Racism --AtLocation--> South <--AtLocation-- Fan <--RelatedTo--> Game
Sensitivity is a type of Feeling. Feeling is related to Rub.
Visitor is a type of Person. Person is part of Humanity. Humanity wants (to) Live. Liver is a form of Live.
Sensitivity --IsA--> Feeling <--RelatedTo--> Rub
Visitor --IsA--> Person --PartOf--> Humanity --Desires--> Live <--FormOf-- Liver
Limb is the opposite of Body. Body is related to Man. Black is a type of Man. Black is related to Tire.
Saving is related to Account. Account is a synonym of Score. Convert is a type of Score. Convert is a synonym of Transform.
Limb <--Antonym--> Body <--RelatedTo--> Man <--IsA-- Black <--RelatedTo--> Tire
Saving <--RelatedTo--> Account <--Synonym--> Score <--IsA-- Convert <--Synonym--> Transform
Patrol is a type of Force. Force is related to Press. Press is related to Publicity.
Competition is related to Fight.
Patrol --IsA--> Force <--RelatedTo--> Press <--RelatedTo--> Publicity
Competition <--RelatedTo--> Fight
Bad is related to Corner. Corner is related to Side. Side is related to Bank. Banker is etymologically related to Bank.
Electrical is related to Charge. Charge is a synonym of Accuse. Accuse is a synonym of Blame.
Bad <--RelatedTo--> Corner <--RelatedTo--> Side <--RelatedTo--> Bank <--EtymologicallyRelatedTo-- Banker
Electrical <--RelatedTo--> Charge <--Synonym--> Accuse <--Synonym--> Blame
Land is related to Range. Range is a synonym of Image. Image is related to Copy. Copy is related to Photo.
Attack is related to Chop. Chop is related to Bone. Bone is related to Deposit.
Land <--RelatedTo--> Range <--Synonym--> Image <--RelatedTo--> Copy <--RelatedTo--> Photo
Attack <--RelatedTo--> Chop <--RelatedTo--> Bone <--RelatedTo--> Deposit
Hockey is a type of Game. Tennis is a type of Game. Tennis is related to Table.
Standard is similar to Classical. Classical is derived from Classic. Classic is similar to Superior. Superior is similar to Outstanding.
Hockey --IsA--> Game <--IsA-- Tennis <--RelatedTo--> Table
Standard <--SimilarTo--> Classical --DerivedFrom--> Classic <--SimilarTo--> Superior <--SimilarTo--> Outstanding
one thing you do when you Cooking is Spill. Cooking requires Patience.
Absolute is related to Chaos. Chaos is the opposite of Control. Floor is a type of Control. Floor is a synonym of Story.
Spill <--HasSubevent-- Cooking --HasPrerequisite--> Patience
Absolute <--RelatedTo--> Chaos <--Antonym--> Control <--IsA-- Floor <--Synonym--> Story
Teenager is a synonym of Teen.
Dip is a type of Swimming. Dip is a synonym of Drop. Drop is related to Egg.
Teenager <--Synonym--> Teen
Swimming <--IsA-- Dip <--Synonym--> Drop <--RelatedTo--> Egg
General is related to Alcohol. Person does not want (to) Alcohol. Person does not want (to) Fine.
Argument is a synonym of Fight. Fight is related to Behavior. Behavior is related to Exercise.
General <--RelatedTo--> Alcohol <--NotDesires-- Person --NotDesires--> Fine
Argument <--Synonym--> Fight <--RelatedTo--> Behavior <--RelatedTo--> Exercise
Organize is related to Activity. Activity is related to Hear. Hear is a different concept from Taste.
you are likely to find Garage in/at/on Town. Town is related to Statue. Statue is related to Still. Still is the opposite of Landscape.
Organize <--RelatedTo--> Activity <--RelatedTo--> Hear <--DistinctFrom--> Taste
Garage --AtLocation--> Town <--RelatedTo--> Statue <--RelatedTo--> Still <--Antonym--> Landscape
Dip is related to Sheep. Sheep is related to Cotton. Cotton is related to Rabbit. Rabbit is related to Old.
Volume is related to Box. you are likely to find Ring in/at/on Box.
Dip <--RelatedTo--> Sheep <--RelatedTo--> Cotton <--RelatedTo--> Rabbit <--RelatedTo--> Old
Volume <--RelatedTo--> Box <--AtLocation-- Ring
Business is a type of Institution. Institution is related to College. College is related to Campus.
Shape is related to Shade. Shade is related to Avoid.
Business --IsA--> Institution <--RelatedTo--> College <--RelatedTo--> Campus
Shape <--RelatedTo--> Shade <--RelatedTo--> Avoid
Connection is related to Hand. Hand is related to Turkey.
Shoot is a type of Weave.
Connection <--RelatedTo--> Hand <--RelatedTo--> Turkey
Weave <--IsA-- Shoot