Helpful is related to Encouraging. Encouraging is a synonym of Favorable. Favorable is the opposite of Bad. Bad is related to Danger.
Register is a synonym of Style. Style is related to Print. Print is a synonym of Publish.
Helpful <--RelatedTo--> Encouraging <--Synonym--> Favorable <--Antonym--> Bad <--RelatedTo--> Danger
Register <--Synonym--> Style <--RelatedTo--> Print <--Synonym--> Publish
Scan is a type of Search.
Number is a type of Company.
Search <--IsA-- Scan
Number --IsA--> Company
Journalist is related to Report. Report is related to Assignment. Assignment is related to Test.
Bottom is the opposite of Active. Active is related to Adventure. Adventure is related to Fun.
Journalist <--RelatedTo--> Report <--RelatedTo--> Assignment <--RelatedTo--> Test
Bottom <--Antonym--> Active <--RelatedTo--> Adventure <--RelatedTo--> Fun
Fine is a synonym of Beautiful.
Hockey is related to Canadian.
Fine <--Synonym--> Beautiful
Hockey <--RelatedTo--> Canadian
Parent is a type of Organism.
Wrist is related to Hand. Hand is the opposite of Captain.
Parent --IsA--> Organism
Wrist <--RelatedTo--> Hand <--Antonym--> Captain
Private is a different concept from Known. Known is related to Idea.
Voice is related to Mechanism. Control is a type of Mechanism. Control is related to Tower. Tower is related to Height.
Private <--DistinctFrom--> Known <--RelatedTo--> Idea
Voice <--RelatedTo--> Mechanism <--IsA-- Control <--RelatedTo--> Tower <--RelatedTo--> Height
Check is a type of Stop.
Rod is a type of Pole.
Check --IsA--> Stop
Rod --IsA--> Pole
Phase is part of Cycle. Phase is a type of Stage. Stage is related to Work. Mission is a type of Work.
Community can Broken. Killer is part of Community. Killer is a type of Person. Person wants (to) Light.
Cycle <--PartOf-- Phase --IsA--> Stage <--RelatedTo--> Work <--IsA-- Mission
Broken <--CapableOf-- Community <--PartOf-- Killer --IsA--> Person --Desires--> Light
Let is related to Admit. Admit is related to Ticket. Ticket is related to Pass. Pass is a synonym of Enact.
Stroke is related to Swimming. Swimming is related to Move. Move is related to Punch.
Let <--RelatedTo--> Admit <--RelatedTo--> Ticket <--RelatedTo--> Pass <--Synonym--> Enact
Stroke <--RelatedTo--> Swimming <--RelatedTo--> Move <--RelatedTo--> Punch
Make is related to Design. Design is related to Web.
Diabetes is a type of Disease. Disease is related to Transmission. Channel is a type of Transmission. Channel is related to Programming.
Make <--RelatedTo--> Design <--RelatedTo--> Web
Diabetes --IsA--> Disease <--RelatedTo--> Transmission <--IsA-- Channel <--RelatedTo--> Programming
Corner is a type of Steer. you are likely to find Shelf in/at/on Corner. you are likely to find Literature in/at/on Shelf. Literature is related to Era.
Head have Brain. Head is related to Count. Count is related to Total.
Steer <--IsA-- Corner <--AtLocation-- Shelf <--AtLocation-- Literature <--RelatedTo--> Era
Brain <--HasA-- Head <--RelatedTo--> Count <--RelatedTo--> Total
Play is related to Presentation.
Song is related to Music. Music can be used for Pleasure. Pleasure is related to Comfort. Comfort is related to Southern.
Play <--RelatedTo--> Presentation
Song <--RelatedTo--> Music --UsedFor--> Pleasure <--RelatedTo--> Comfort <--RelatedTo--> Southern
Upset is related to Feeling. Feeling is related to Stick. Stick is related to Long. Long is a synonym of High.
Chin is part of Head.
Upset <--RelatedTo--> Feeling <--RelatedTo--> Stick <--RelatedTo--> Long <--Synonym--> High
Head <--PartOf-- Chin
Control is related to Device. Device is related to Gun. Gun is related to Trigger.
Adult is related to Alcohol. Sake is a type of Alcohol.
Control <--RelatedTo--> Device <--RelatedTo--> Gun <--RelatedTo--> Trigger
Adult <--RelatedTo--> Alcohol <--IsA-- Sake
Tongue is related to Muscle. Muscle is etymologically related to Mouse.
Rate is related to Number. Number is a type of Limit. Limit is related to Threshold.
Tongue <--RelatedTo--> Muscle --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Mouse
Rate <--RelatedTo--> Number --IsA--> Limit <--RelatedTo--> Threshold
Cart is a type of Wagon. Cart is similar to Automobile. Engine is part of Automobile.
One is related to Regret. Regret is related to Unhappy. Unhappy is a synonym of Depressed. Depressed is the opposite of Glad.
Wagon <--IsA-- Cart <--SimilarTo--> Automobile <--PartOf-- Engine
One <--RelatedTo--> Regret <--RelatedTo--> Unhappy <--Synonym--> Depressed <--Antonym--> Glad
Agent is related to Guard. Guard is related to Soldier. Soldier is related to Captain. Captain is related to Uniform.
Human is related to Life. Life is related to Death. Death can be Tragic.
Agent <--RelatedTo--> Guard <--RelatedTo--> Soldier <--RelatedTo--> Captain <--RelatedTo--> Uniform
Human <--RelatedTo--> Life <--RelatedTo--> Death --HasProperty--> Tragic
Remarkable is similar to Extraordinary. Extraordinary is similar to Tremendous.
Buy is the opposite of Sell. Sell is related to Purchase.
Remarkable <--SimilarTo--> Extraordinary <--SimilarTo--> Tremendous
Buy <--Antonym--> Sell <--RelatedTo--> Purchase
Man is a type of Work.
Contract is a synonym of Agreement. Agreement is related to Peace.
Work <--IsA-- Man
Contract <--Synonym--> Agreement <--RelatedTo--> Peace
Highway is related to Express.
Feather can be Light. you are likely to find Feather in/at/on Hat.
Highway <--RelatedTo--> Express
Light <--HasProperty-- Feather --AtLocation--> Hat
Massive is the opposite of Little. Little is related to Cut. Cut is a type of Absence. Absence is the opposite of Presence.
Beginning is a type of Part.
Massive <--Antonym--> Little <--RelatedTo--> Cut --IsA--> Absence <--Antonym--> Presence
Beginning --IsA--> Part
Fit is a synonym of Moment. Moment is related to Occasion.
Survey is etymologically related to Vision.
Fit <--Synonym--> Moment <--RelatedTo--> Occasion
Survey --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Vision
Do is related to General. General is related to Pet. Pet is related to Domestic.
Park is related to Space. Space is related to Alien. Alien is related to Planet. Planet is related to Satellite.
Do <--RelatedTo--> General <--RelatedTo--> Pet <--RelatedTo--> Domestic
Park <--RelatedTo--> Space <--RelatedTo--> Alien <--RelatedTo--> Planet <--RelatedTo--> Satellite
Stroke is related to Illness. Stable is a type of Illness.
Tender is a type of Change. Conversion is a type of Change. Conversion is related to Call. Call is a synonym of Visit.
Stroke <--RelatedTo--> Illness <--IsA-- Stable
Tender --IsA--> Change <--IsA-- Conversion <--RelatedTo--> Call <--Synonym--> Visit
Fortune is related to Asian. Iraqi is a type of Asian. Iraqi is related to Oil. Oil is related to Material.
Divide is related to Separate. Separation is derived from Separate. Separation is a synonym of Interval. Interval is a synonym of Season.
Fortune <--RelatedTo--> Asian <--IsA-- Iraqi <--RelatedTo--> Oil <--RelatedTo--> Material
Divide <--RelatedTo--> Separate <--DerivedFrom-- Separation <--Synonym--> Interval <--Synonym--> Season
Exercise is related to Walk. Walk is the opposite of Standing. Importance is a type of Standing.
Match is a synonym of Pit.
Exercise <--RelatedTo--> Walk <--Antonym--> Standing <--IsA-- Importance
Match <--Synonym--> Pit
Answer is related to Sir. Sir is a synonym of Mate. Lion wants (to) Mate. Lion is a type of Predator.
Cash is a type of Exchange. Exchange is related to Gift. Gift is related to Package.
Answer <--RelatedTo--> Sir <--Synonym--> Mate <--Desires-- Lion --IsA--> Predator
Cash --IsA--> Exchange <--RelatedTo--> Gift <--RelatedTo--> Package
Neat is related to Cool. Cool is a different concept from Warm.
Charge is related to Cry. Cry is related to Shy.
Neat <--RelatedTo--> Cool <--DistinctFrom--> Warm
Charge <--RelatedTo--> Cry <--RelatedTo--> Shy
Game is related to Child. Child can be used for Comfort. Comfort is related to Abstract. Abstract is a synonym of Separate.
Awake requires Asleep.
Game <--RelatedTo--> Child --UsedFor--> Comfort <--RelatedTo--> Abstract <--Synonym--> Separate
Asleep <--HasPrerequisite-- Awake
String is a type of Remove. String is a synonym of Draw. Rule is a type of Draw. Rule is a synonym of Convention.
Pistol can be Dangerous. Dangerous is a synonym of Risky. Surgery can be Risky. Surgeon is derived from Surgery.
Remove <--IsA-- String <--Synonym--> Draw <--IsA-- Rule <--Synonym--> Convention
Pistol --HasProperty--> Dangerous <--Synonym--> Risky <--HasProperty-- Surgery <--DerivedFrom-- Surgeon
Feeling is a synonym of Atmosphere. Atmosphere is related to Surround. Surround is a synonym of Skirt.
Youth is a synonym of Kid. Kid is related to Sugar. Sugar is related to Flour. Wheat can be used for Flour.
Feeling <--Synonym--> Atmosphere <--RelatedTo--> Surround <--Synonym--> Skirt
Youth <--Synonym--> Kid <--RelatedTo--> Sugar <--RelatedTo--> Flour <--UsedFor-- Wheat
Random is the opposite of Design. Design is related to Pattern. Pattern is a synonym of Shape.
Heaven is related to Place. Place is related to Stove.
Random <--Antonym--> Design <--RelatedTo--> Pattern <--Synonym--> Shape
Heaven <--RelatedTo--> Place <--RelatedTo--> Stove
you are likely to find Country in/at/on World.
Interest is a synonym of Part. Part is related to Scene. Scene is a synonym of Shot. Shot is related to Drive.
Country --AtLocation--> World
Interest <--Synonym--> Part <--RelatedTo--> Scene <--Synonym--> Shot <--RelatedTo--> Drive
Effect is related to Phenomenon. Phenomenon is related to Appear.
Pump is related to Gasoline. Gasoline is related to Lead. Lead is a synonym of Conduct. Conduct is a synonym of Accompany.
Effect <--RelatedTo--> Phenomenon <--RelatedTo--> Appear
Pump <--RelatedTo--> Gasoline <--RelatedTo--> Lead <--Synonym--> Conduct <--Synonym--> Accompany
Opponent is a synonym of Competitor. Competitor is derived from Compete. Fight entails/necessarily involves Compete. Fight is related to Aggression.
Heal is related to Part.
Opponent <--Synonym--> Competitor --DerivedFrom--> Compete <--Entails-- Fight <--RelatedTo--> Aggression
Heal <--RelatedTo--> Part
Row is a type of Strip. Strip is a type of Remove. Remove is the opposite of Settle. Settle is related to Pay.
Wander is a type of Proceed. Proceed is the opposite of Wait.
Row --IsA--> Strip --IsA--> Remove <--Antonym--> Settle <--RelatedTo--> Pay
Wander --IsA--> Proceed <--Antonym--> Wait
Expand is a type of Grow. Grow is related to Cotton. Cotton is related to Dress. Dress can be Dark.
Sum is related to Product. Product is related to Outcome.
Expand --IsA--> Grow <--RelatedTo--> Cotton <--RelatedTo--> Dress --HasProperty--> Dark
Sum <--RelatedTo--> Product <--RelatedTo--> Outcome
Valuable is related to Coin. Coin is related to Leaf. you are likely to find Leaf in/at/on Ground.
Lake is related to Big. Big is related to Name. Name is related to Van.
Valuable <--RelatedTo--> Coin <--RelatedTo--> Leaf --AtLocation--> Ground
Lake <--RelatedTo--> Big <--RelatedTo--> Name <--RelatedTo--> Van
Date is related to Diary. Diary is similar to Calendar. Calendar is related to Year. Year is related to Future.
Lift is a type of Call.
Date <--RelatedTo--> Diary <--SimilarTo--> Calendar <--RelatedTo--> Year <--RelatedTo--> Future
Lift --IsA--> Call
Lot is related to Dirt. Dirt is related to Mountain. Mountain is related to Pick. Pick is a type of Provoke.
Real is related to Street.
Lot <--RelatedTo--> Dirt <--RelatedTo--> Mountain <--RelatedTo--> Pick --IsA--> Provoke
Real <--RelatedTo--> Street
Count is related to Population. you are likely to find Society in/at/on Population. Society is related to Bank. Chase is a type of Bank.
Type is related to Slip.
Count <--RelatedTo--> Population <--AtLocation-- Society <--RelatedTo--> Bank <--IsA-- Chase
Type <--RelatedTo--> Slip
Neck is related to Bite. Bite is related to Action. Action is related to Beg.
Contrast is a type of Differ. Conflict is a type of Contrast. Conflict is related to Protest. Protest is related to Parade.
Neck <--RelatedTo--> Bite <--RelatedTo--> Action <--RelatedTo--> Beg
Differ <--IsA-- Contrast <--IsA-- Conflict <--RelatedTo--> Protest <--RelatedTo--> Parade
Bless is the opposite of Hell.
Butt is a type of Part. Butt is a synonym of Cigarette.
Bless <--Antonym--> Hell
Part <--IsA-- Butt <--Synonym--> Cigarette
Indian is a type of Airline. Indian is related to Corn.
Progress is a type of Motion. Motion is related to Shrug. Shrug is the opposite of Know.
Airline <--IsA-- Indian <--RelatedTo--> Corn
Progress --IsA--> Motion <--RelatedTo--> Shrug <--Antonym--> Know
Metropolitan is a type of Resident. Metropolitan is related to City. you are likely to find Church in/at/on City. Church is related to Sacred.
Composition is related to Bone. Bone is related to Tissue. Tissue cannot be Alive.
Resident <--IsA-- Metropolitan <--RelatedTo--> City <--AtLocation-- Church <--RelatedTo--> Sacred
Composition <--RelatedTo--> Bone <--RelatedTo--> Tissue --NotHasProperty--> Alive
Tendency is derived from Tend. Tendency is a synonym of Current. Current is related to Relevant. Relevant is a synonym of Significant.
Frame is a type of Framework. Framework is a synonym of Fabric. Fabric is related to Used.
Tend <--DerivedFrom-- Tendency <--Synonym--> Current <--RelatedTo--> Relevant <--Synonym--> Significant
Frame --IsA--> Framework <--Synonym--> Fabric <--RelatedTo--> Used
Legal is related to Trial. Testimony is part of Trial.
Previous is the opposite of New. New is the opposite of Experienced. Experienced is the opposite of Green.
Legal <--RelatedTo--> Trial <--PartOf-- Testimony
Previous <--Antonym--> New <--Antonym--> Experienced <--Antonym--> Green
Pole is related to Rail. Rail is a type of Complain. Complain is a type of Charge.
Person can be Brave. Conservative is a type of Person.
Pole <--RelatedTo--> Rail --IsA--> Complain --IsA--> Charge
Brave <--HasProperty-- Person <--IsA-- Conservative
Crack is a type of Drug. Crack is a synonym of Go. Go is a type of Airline. Indian is a type of Airline.
Reward is related to Competition. Tournament is a type of Competition. Tournament is a type of Contest.
Drug <--IsA-- Crack <--Synonym--> Go --IsA--> Airline <--IsA-- Indian
Reward <--RelatedTo--> Competition <--IsA-- Tournament --IsA--> Contest
Control is related to Used.
Regular is related to Common. Common is related to Sense.
Control <--RelatedTo--> Used
Regular <--RelatedTo--> Common <--RelatedTo--> Sense
Invisible is related to Clear.
Go is a type of Be.
Invisible <--RelatedTo--> Clear
Be <--IsA-- Go
Soar is related to Climb. one thing you do when you Climb is Grab.
Match is a type of Supply. Supply is related to Storage. Storage is related to Trunk.
Soar <--RelatedTo--> Climb --HasSubevent--> Grab
Match --IsA--> Supply <--RelatedTo--> Storage <--RelatedTo--> Trunk
Desire is a synonym of Vision. Vision is related to See. See is a type of Bet.
Height is related to Tower. Tower is related to Column.
Desire <--Synonym--> Vision <--RelatedTo--> See --IsA--> Bet
Height <--RelatedTo--> Tower <--RelatedTo--> Column
Mind is related to State. State is related to Beauty. Beauty is a different concept from Full. Full is related to Glass.
Measurement is related to Degree. Degree is related to Prosecutor. Prosecutor is related to Legal. Legal is a synonym of Constitutional.
Mind <--RelatedTo--> State <--RelatedTo--> Beauty <--DistinctFrom--> Full <--RelatedTo--> Glass
Measurement <--RelatedTo--> Degree <--RelatedTo--> Prosecutor <--RelatedTo--> Legal <--Synonym--> Constitutional
Stance is a synonym of Position. Position is related to Mayor. you are likely to find Mayor in/at/on Town.
Fraud is related to Like. Like is related to Start.
Stance <--Synonym--> Position <--RelatedTo--> Mayor --AtLocation--> Town
Fraud <--RelatedTo--> Like <--RelatedTo--> Start
Basketball is related to Rim. Rim is a type of Boundary.
Win is related to Success.
Basketball <--RelatedTo--> Rim --IsA--> Boundary
Win <--RelatedTo--> Success
Surprising can cause/lead to Humor. Surprising is similar to Amazing.
Month is a type of Date. Month is related to Division. Smart is an instance of Division.
Humor <--Causes-- Surprising <--SimilarTo--> Amazing
Date <--IsA-- Month <--RelatedTo--> Division <--InstanceOf-- Smart
Interesting is similar to Fascinating.
you are likely to find Food in/at/on Jail.
Interesting <--SimilarTo--> Fascinating
Food --AtLocation--> Jail
Type is related to Hour.
Little is related to Pale.
Type <--RelatedTo--> Hour
Little <--RelatedTo--> Pale
Surrounding is related to Nature. Nature is related to Concept.
you are likely to find Food in/at/on Refrigerator. you are likely to find Food in/at/on Truck. Truck is related to Bed. you are likely to find Bible in/at/on Bed.
Surrounding <--RelatedTo--> Nature <--RelatedTo--> Concept
Refrigerator <--AtLocation-- Food --AtLocation--> Truck <--RelatedTo--> Bed <--AtLocation-- Bible
Plastic is a type of Invention. Plastic can be Clear. Clear is the opposite of Invisible.
Chill is a type of Symptom. Symptom is the opposite of Cause. Cause is related to Motive. Motive is a synonym of Motivation.
Invention <--IsA-- Plastic --HasProperty--> Clear <--Antonym--> Invisible
Chill --IsA--> Symptom <--Antonym--> Cause <--RelatedTo--> Motive <--Synonym--> Motivation
Shopping can be used for Economics. Economics is etymologically related to Economy.
Aid is a synonym of Assistance.
Shopping --UsedFor--> Economics --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Economy
Aid <--Synonym--> Assistance
Reality is a synonym of Act. Joke is a type of Act. you are likely to find Monkey in/at/on Joke. you are likely to find Monkey in/at/on Nature.
Work is the opposite of Being. Being is the opposite of Patience. Patience is related to Tolerance. Tolerance is a type of Attitude.
Reality <--Synonym--> Act <--IsA-- Joke <--AtLocation-- Monkey --AtLocation--> Nature
Work <--Antonym--> Being <--Antonym--> Patience <--RelatedTo--> Tolerance --IsA--> Attitude
Cook is related to Job. Job is related to Learning. Learning can cause/lead to Effectiveness.
you are likely to find Human in/at/on Stadium. Stadium is related to Park. Park is related to Car. Car is related to Fleet.
Cook <--RelatedTo--> Job <--RelatedTo--> Learning --Causes--> Effectiveness
Human --AtLocation--> Stadium <--RelatedTo--> Park <--RelatedTo--> Car <--RelatedTo--> Fleet
Agency is a type of Business.
you are likely to find Literature in/at/on Conference. Literature is related to Academic.
Business <--IsA-- Agency
Conference <--AtLocation-- Literature <--RelatedTo--> Academic
Peace is related to Kind. Like is a type of Kind. Like is related to Cell. Cell is related to Basis.
Naked is related to Club. Club is related to Team.
Peace <--RelatedTo--> Kind <--IsA-- Like <--RelatedTo--> Cell <--RelatedTo--> Basis
Naked <--RelatedTo--> Club <--RelatedTo--> Team
Twin is part of Snake. you are likely to find Snake in/at/on Dessert. Dessert is related to Pie.
People can be Bold. People is related to Beg. Beg is related to Plea. Plea is related to Free.
Twin --PartOf--> Snake --AtLocation--> Dessert <--RelatedTo--> Pie
Bold <--HasProperty-- People <--RelatedTo--> Beg <--RelatedTo--> Plea <--RelatedTo--> Free
Sun is related to Local. Local is related to Rule. Queen can be used for Rule. Queen is a type of Insect.
Journalism is derived from Journal. Journal is related to News. News is related to Print. Print is related to Copy.
Sun <--RelatedTo--> Local <--RelatedTo--> Rule <--UsedFor-- Queen --IsA--> Insect
Journalism --DerivedFrom--> Journal <--RelatedTo--> News <--RelatedTo--> Print <--RelatedTo--> Copy
Ride is related to Shock. Shock is a type of Gather. Gather is the opposite of Scatter. Spray is a type of Scatter.
Story can be used for Teach. Teach is related to Explain. Explain is related to Elaborate. Elaborate is the opposite of Plain.
Ride <--RelatedTo--> Shock --IsA--> Gather <--Antonym--> Scatter <--IsA-- Spray
Story --UsedFor--> Teach <--RelatedTo--> Explain <--RelatedTo--> Elaborate <--Antonym--> Plain
you are likely to find Military in/at/on Country.
Bench is a type of Remove. Bench is related to Sit.
Military --AtLocation--> Country
Remove <--IsA-- Bench <--RelatedTo--> Sit
Planning is related to Prepare.
Office can be used for Working.
Planning <--RelatedTo--> Prepare
Office --UsedFor--> Working
Realize is related to Discover. Discover is related to Seek. Seek is a type of Desire. Desire is a synonym of Want.
Feel is related to Impression.
Realize <--RelatedTo--> Discover <--RelatedTo--> Seek --IsA--> Desire <--Synonym--> Want
Feel <--RelatedTo--> Impression
Depression is related to Economic. Economic is related to Market. you are likely to find Product in/at/on Market.
Excessive is related to Crowd. Crowd is related to Outside.
Depression <--RelatedTo--> Economic <--RelatedTo--> Market <--AtLocation-- Product
Excessive <--RelatedTo--> Crowd <--RelatedTo--> Outside
Economy is a type of System. System is related to Republic.
Small is related to Rule. Rule is related to Technical. Technical is a synonym of Expert.
Economy --IsA--> System <--RelatedTo--> Republic
Small <--RelatedTo--> Rule <--RelatedTo--> Technical <--Synonym--> Expert
Person wants (to) Accomplish. Person wants (to) Justice. Justice is related to Truth.
Barn is related to House. House is related to Type. Type is related to Athlete.
Accomplish <--Desires-- Person --Desires--> Justice <--RelatedTo--> Truth
Barn <--RelatedTo--> House <--RelatedTo--> Type <--RelatedTo--> Athlete
Good is related to Cost. Charge is a type of Cost. Charge is a synonym of File. File is a synonym of Document.
Area is related to State.
Good <--RelatedTo--> Cost <--IsA-- Charge <--Synonym--> File <--Synonym--> Document
Area <--RelatedTo--> State
Soar is related to Sky.
Literature is related to Sure. Sure is the opposite of Certain. Certain is related to Opinion. Opinion is the opposite of Partial.
Soar <--RelatedTo--> Sky
Literature <--RelatedTo--> Sure <--Antonym--> Certain <--RelatedTo--> Opinion <--Antonym--> Partial
Receive is the opposite of Call. Call is a synonym of Visit. Visit is related to Pain. you are likely to find Pain in/at/on Muscle.
Carry is a synonym of Supply. Bottom is a type of Supply.
Receive <--Antonym--> Call <--Synonym--> Visit <--RelatedTo--> Pain --AtLocation--> Muscle
Carry <--Synonym--> Supply <--IsA-- Bottom
Manufacturer is a synonym of Make. Make is related to Profit. Profit is related to Successful.
Genre is a type of Kind. Kind is related to Very. Very is related to Cry.
Manufacturer <--Synonym--> Make <--RelatedTo--> Profit <--RelatedTo--> Successful
Genre --IsA--> Kind <--RelatedTo--> Very <--RelatedTo--> Cry
Pleasure is related to Play. Play requires Planning.
Dark is related to Space. Space is related to Bottom.
Pleasure <--RelatedTo--> Play --HasPrerequisite--> Planning
Dark <--RelatedTo--> Space <--RelatedTo--> Bottom
Olympics is related to Swim. Swim is related to Action.
Material is a type of Equipment.
Olympics <--RelatedTo--> Swim <--RelatedTo--> Action
Equipment <--IsA-- Material
Water can be used for Drinking. Drinking can cause/lead to Swallow. Swallow is related to Body. Body is related to Being.
Search is a type of Examination. Examination is related to Observation. Observation is related to Tower.
Water --UsedFor--> Drinking --Causes--> Swallow <--RelatedTo--> Body <--RelatedTo--> Being
Search --IsA--> Examination <--RelatedTo--> Observation <--RelatedTo--> Tower
Presence is a type of Impression.
Humor is a type of Quality. Worth is a type of Quality.
Impression <--IsA-- Presence
Humor --IsA--> Quality <--IsA-- Worth
Poster is related to Move. Duck is a type of Move. Duck is related to Pond.
Cause is related to Reason.
Poster <--RelatedTo--> Move <--IsA-- Duck <--RelatedTo--> Pond
Cause <--RelatedTo--> Reason
Needle is a synonym of Spine. Spine is a type of Process. Process is related to Divide. Divide is related to Tactic.
Ball is related to Bubble. Bubble is related to Full. Full is related to Body.
Needle <--Synonym--> Spine --IsA--> Process <--RelatedTo--> Divide <--RelatedTo--> Tactic
Ball <--RelatedTo--> Bubble <--RelatedTo--> Full <--RelatedTo--> Body
Rat is a type of Pad. Pad is a type of Leaf. Leaf is related to Tree.
Useful is related to Note. Note is related to Bill. Bill is related to Must.
Rat --IsA--> Pad --IsA--> Leaf <--RelatedTo--> Tree
Useful <--RelatedTo--> Note <--RelatedTo--> Bill <--RelatedTo--> Must
Egg is related to Blue. Blue is a different concept from Happy. you would Skip because Happy.
Appoint is related to Action. Action is related to Figure.
Egg <--RelatedTo--> Blue <--DistinctFrom--> Happy <--MotivatedByGoal-- Skip
Appoint <--RelatedTo--> Action <--RelatedTo--> Figure
Stick is related to Bat. Bat is related to Rat. Rat is related to Fur.
Edge is a synonym of Advantage. Advantage is related to Others. Others is related to Middle. Middle is related to Exact.
Stick <--RelatedTo--> Bat <--RelatedTo--> Rat <--RelatedTo--> Fur
Edge <--Synonym--> Advantage <--RelatedTo--> Others <--RelatedTo--> Middle <--RelatedTo--> Exact
Rental is related to Budget. Budget is a type of Norm. Curriculum is a type of Norm. Curriculum is related to Course.
Monitor is part of Television.
Rental <--RelatedTo--> Budget --IsA--> Norm <--IsA-- Curriculum <--RelatedTo--> Course
Television <--PartOf-- Monitor
Date is related to Tax. Tax is related to Sales. Sales is related to Merchant.
Construct is the opposite of Destroy. Destroy is the opposite of Repair.
Date <--RelatedTo--> Tax <--RelatedTo--> Sales <--RelatedTo--> Merchant
Construct <--Antonym--> Destroy <--Antonym--> Repair
you are likely to find Guitar in/at/on Store. you are likely to find Notebook in/at/on Store. you are likely to find Notebook in/at/on Desk. you are likely to find Assignment in/at/on Desk.
Report is related to Business. Franchise is a type of Business.
Guitar --AtLocation--> Store <--AtLocation-- Notebook --AtLocation--> Desk <--AtLocation-- Assignment
Report <--RelatedTo--> Business <--IsA-- Franchise
Dramatic is derived from Drama. Drama is related to Trial. Prosecution is part of Trial.
Liberty is related to Symbol.
Dramatic --DerivedFrom--> Drama <--RelatedTo--> Trial <--PartOf-- Prosecution
Liberty <--RelatedTo--> Symbol
you are likely to find Scale in/at/on Bathroom. you are likely to find Bathroom in/at/on School.
Sunny is related to Summer. Summer is related to Vacation.
Scale --AtLocation--> Bathroom --AtLocation--> School
Sunny <--RelatedTo--> Summer <--RelatedTo--> Vacation
Sole is part of Shoe. Shoe can be used for Walking. Walking is related to Knee. Knee is related to Bone.
Mine is a type of Weapon. you are likely to find Mineral in/at/on Mine. Mineral is related to Material. Plastic is a type of Material.
Sole --PartOf--> Shoe --UsedFor--> Walking <--RelatedTo--> Knee <--RelatedTo--> Bone
Weapon <--IsA-- Mine <--AtLocation-- Mineral <--RelatedTo--> Material <--IsA-- Plastic
Black is a type of Man. Man is related to Gentle. Gentle is related to Very. Very is related to Beauty.
Observation is related to Notice.
Black --IsA--> Man <--RelatedTo--> Gentle <--RelatedTo--> Very <--RelatedTo--> Beauty
Observation <--RelatedTo--> Notice
Progress is related to Movement.
Affair is a synonym of Action. Hug is a type of Action.
Progress <--RelatedTo--> Movement
Affair <--Synonym--> Action <--IsA-- Hug
one thing you do when you Type is Click. Click is related to Idea. Idea is related to Consider.
Action is a synonym of Brush. Brush is a synonym of Encounter. Encounter is related to Call.
Type --HasSubevent--> Click <--RelatedTo--> Idea <--RelatedTo--> Consider
Action <--Synonym--> Brush <--Synonym--> Encounter <--RelatedTo--> Call
Risky is the opposite of Safe. Safe is a type of Box.
Plastic is the opposite of Genuine. Genuine is the opposite of Fraud.
Risky <--Antonym--> Safe --IsA--> Box
Plastic <--Antonym--> Genuine <--Antonym--> Fraud
Division is related to Business. Business is related to Economic.
Donate is a synonym of Gift.
Division <--RelatedTo--> Business <--RelatedTo--> Economic
Donate <--Synonym--> Gift
Chew is related to Action. Action is a synonym of Energy. Energy is related to Nuclear.
Local is related to Buy. Buy is related to Afford.
Chew <--RelatedTo--> Action <--Synonym--> Energy <--RelatedTo--> Nuclear
Local <--RelatedTo--> Buy <--RelatedTo--> Afford