Quick is the opposite of Dense. Dense is related to Crowd. Crowd is related to Mall. you are likely to find Restaurant in/at/on Mall.
Name is related to Enterprise. Enterprise is related to Fiction.
Quick <--Antonym--> Dense <--RelatedTo--> Crowd <--RelatedTo--> Mall <--AtLocation-- Restaurant
Name <--RelatedTo--> Enterprise <--RelatedTo--> Fiction
Hispanic is a type of Human. Human is related to Race. Race is related to Car. Car is a synonym of Basket.
Town can be used for Convenience. you are likely to find Town in/at/on State.
Hispanic --IsA--> Human <--RelatedTo--> Race <--RelatedTo--> Car <--Synonym--> Basket
Convenience <--UsedFor-- Town --AtLocation--> State
Continent is related to North.
Decrease is a synonym of Fade. Fade is a type of Weaken. Slow is a type of Weaken. Slow is related to Movement.
Continent <--RelatedTo--> North
Decrease <--Synonym--> Fade --IsA--> Weaken <--IsA-- Slow <--RelatedTo--> Movement
List is related to Order. Order is related to Control. Control is related to Remote. Remote is the opposite of Reasonable.
Commission is a synonym of Assign. Assign is related to Appoint. Appoint is related to Office. you are likely to find Phone in/at/on Office.
List <--RelatedTo--> Order <--RelatedTo--> Control <--RelatedTo--> Remote <--Antonym--> Reasonable
Commission <--Synonym--> Assign <--RelatedTo--> Appoint <--RelatedTo--> Office <--AtLocation-- Phone
Pause is a type of Device. Device is related to Cross.
Distance is related to Deep. Deep is a synonym of Rich. Rich is related to People.
Pause --IsA--> Device <--RelatedTo--> Cross
Distance <--RelatedTo--> Deep <--Synonym--> Rich <--RelatedTo--> People
Accounting is related to Profit. Profit is the opposite of Expense.
Suburban is the opposite of Rural. Rural is related to Environment. Environment is a type of Region.
Accounting <--RelatedTo--> Profit <--Antonym--> Expense
Suburban <--Antonym--> Rural <--RelatedTo--> Environment --IsA--> Region
Action is related to Continue. Continue is related to Pc.
Opinion is related to Point. Point is related to North. Northeast is derived from North. Northeast is similar to Northwest.
Action <--RelatedTo--> Continue <--RelatedTo--> Pc
Opinion <--RelatedTo--> Point <--RelatedTo--> North <--DerivedFrom-- Northeast <--SimilarTo--> Northwest
Portray is related to Picture. Picture is related to General.
Glad is related to Garbage.
Portray <--RelatedTo--> Picture <--RelatedTo--> General
Glad <--RelatedTo--> Garbage
Safe is related to Put.
Unit is related to Base. Base is related to Foundation.
Safe <--RelatedTo--> Put
Unit <--RelatedTo--> Base <--RelatedTo--> Foundation
Limb is related to Bone. Bone is related to Flesh.
Make is a type of Estimate. Give is a type of Estimate. Give is related to Donation. Donation is related to Donor.
Limb <--RelatedTo--> Bone <--RelatedTo--> Flesh
Make --IsA--> Estimate <--IsA-- Give <--RelatedTo--> Donation <--RelatedTo--> Donor
Member is related to Person. Person is related to Hostage.
you are likely to find Wildlife in/at/on Forest. Forest can Place. Place is related to Table.
Member <--RelatedTo--> Person <--RelatedTo--> Hostage
Wildlife --AtLocation--> Forest --CapableOf--> Place <--RelatedTo--> Table
Feel is related to Drink. Drink is related to Satisfy.
Essential is related to Necessary. Necessary is a synonym of Natural. Natural is the opposite of Unexpected.
Feel <--RelatedTo--> Drink <--RelatedTo--> Satisfy
Essential <--RelatedTo--> Necessary <--Synonym--> Natural <--Antonym--> Unexpected
Pilot is related to Drive. Drive is the opposite of Passenger.
Observer is a type of Person. Writer is a type of Person. Reporter is a type of Writer.
Pilot <--RelatedTo--> Drive <--Antonym--> Passenger
Observer --IsA--> Person <--IsA-- Writer <--IsA-- Reporter
Letter is related to Member. Member is related to Participant.
Plate is a synonym of Rubber. Rubber is related to Shoe.
Letter <--RelatedTo--> Member <--RelatedTo--> Participant
Plate <--Synonym--> Rubber <--RelatedTo--> Shoe
Sympathy is related to Sin. Sin is the opposite of Grace. Grace is related to Dance. Dance is related to Jazz.
Yard is related to Carpet.
Sympathy <--RelatedTo--> Sin <--Antonym--> Grace <--RelatedTo--> Dance <--RelatedTo--> Jazz
Yard <--RelatedTo--> Carpet
Judicial is related to Law. Law is related to Right. Right is related to Fix. Fix is related to Shot.
Symptom is the opposite of Cause. Cause is a synonym of Reason. Reason is related to Slip. Fall requires Slip.
Judicial <--RelatedTo--> Law <--RelatedTo--> Right <--RelatedTo--> Fix <--RelatedTo--> Shot
Symptom <--Antonym--> Cause <--Synonym--> Reason <--RelatedTo--> Slip <--HasPrerequisite-- Fall
Pass is related to Turn. Turn is related to Angle.
Sure is a different concept from Uncertainty. Uncertain is derived from Uncertainty. Uncertain is the opposite of Certain.
Pass <--RelatedTo--> Turn <--RelatedTo--> Angle
Sure <--DistinctFrom--> Uncertainty <--DerivedFrom-- Uncertain <--Antonym--> Certain
Drawer is part of Desk. Desk is related to Object. Object is related to Statue. Statue is related to Bronze.
Mass is etymologically related to Mission. Permission is derived from Mission. Permission is related to Let.
Drawer --PartOf--> Desk <--RelatedTo--> Object <--RelatedTo--> Statue <--RelatedTo--> Bronze
Mass --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Mission <--DerivedFrom-- Permission <--RelatedTo--> Let
Retain is a synonym of Keep. Keep is related to Gate. Gate can be used for Opening. Throat is a type of Opening.
Pass is a synonym of Permission.
Retain <--Synonym--> Keep <--RelatedTo--> Gate --UsedFor--> Opening <--IsA-- Throat
Pass <--Synonym--> Permission
Taste is related to Sensation. Sensation is created by Brain.
Enemy is related to Defeat. Defeat is a synonym of Fall.
Taste <--RelatedTo--> Sensation --CreatedBy--> Brain
Enemy <--RelatedTo--> Defeat <--Synonym--> Fall
Scared is a synonym of Afraid. Afraid is related to Fear. Fear is related to Human. Clerk is a type of Human.
Railroad is related to Track.
Scared <--Synonym--> Afraid <--RelatedTo--> Fear <--RelatedTo--> Human <--IsA-- Clerk
Railroad <--RelatedTo--> Track
Impress is a type of Affect. Affect is a synonym of Effect. Effect is related to Movie. Movie is related to Lot.
Deputy is a synonym of Representative. Representative is a different concept from Senate.
Impress --IsA--> Affect <--Synonym--> Effect <--RelatedTo--> Movie <--RelatedTo--> Lot
Deputy <--Synonym--> Representative <--DistinctFrom--> Senate
Thread is related to Silk.
Rise is related to Morning. Morning is related to Hour. Dawn is a type of Hour. Dawn is a synonym of Start.
Thread <--RelatedTo--> Silk
Rise <--RelatedTo--> Morning <--RelatedTo--> Hour <--IsA-- Dawn <--Synonym--> Start
Conflict is a synonym of Disagree.
you are likely to find War in/at/on Town. you are likely to find Square in/at/on Town. Square is a type of Match. Resemble is a type of Match.
Conflict <--Synonym--> Disagree
War --AtLocation--> Town <--AtLocation-- Square --IsA--> Match <--IsA-- Resemble
Present is the opposite of Historical. Historical is a synonym of Ancient. Ancient is related to Long. Long is the opposite of Shallow.
Representative is related to Ambassador.
Present <--Antonym--> Historical <--Synonym--> Ancient <--RelatedTo--> Long <--Antonym--> Shallow
Representative <--RelatedTo--> Ambassador
Comfortable is related to Home. Home is related to Plate. Plate is a type of Sheet.
Plan is related to Building. you are likely to find Garage in/at/on Building. you are likely to find Rope in/at/on Garage.
Comfortable <--RelatedTo--> Home <--RelatedTo--> Plate --IsA--> Sheet
Plan <--RelatedTo--> Building <--AtLocation-- Garage <--AtLocation-- Rope
Rice is related to Basic.
Screen is a type of Analyze. Screening is a form of Screen. Screening is related to Interview. Interview is related to Introduction.
Rice <--RelatedTo--> Basic
Analyze <--IsA-- Screen <--FormOf-- Screening <--RelatedTo--> Interview <--RelatedTo--> Introduction
Function is a synonym of Map. Map is related to Nation. Nation is related to Widespread.
Legislature is related to Law. Law is related to Influence. Influence is a synonym of Charm. Charm is related to Personality.
Function <--Synonym--> Map <--RelatedTo--> Nation <--RelatedTo--> Widespread
Legislature <--RelatedTo--> Law <--RelatedTo--> Influence <--Synonym--> Charm <--RelatedTo--> Personality
Crop is related to Picture.
Eye is related to Throat. Throat is a type of Passage. you are likely to find Passage in/at/on City.
Crop <--RelatedTo--> Picture
Eye <--RelatedTo--> Throat --IsA--> Passage --AtLocation--> City
Joy is related to Peace. Peace is the opposite of Battle. Battle is related to Incident. Infection is a type of Incident.
Survey is a type of Examination.
Joy <--RelatedTo--> Peace <--Antonym--> Battle <--RelatedTo--> Incident <--IsA-- Infection
Examination <--IsA-- Survey
Assessment is related to Measure.
Farmer is related to Growing. Learning can be used for Growing. Learning is related to Information. Rumor is a type of Information.
Assessment <--RelatedTo--> Measure
Farmer <--RelatedTo--> Growing <--UsedFor-- Learning <--RelatedTo--> Information <--IsA-- Rumor
Permanent is related to Will. Will is related to Future. Future is related to Year.
Angle is a type of Travel. Travel is a synonym of Fare. Fare is a synonym of Go. Go is a synonym of Crack.
Permanent <--RelatedTo--> Will <--RelatedTo--> Future <--RelatedTo--> Year
Angle --IsA--> Travel <--Synonym--> Fare <--Synonym--> Go <--Synonym--> Crack
Rice is related to Wedding. Wedding is related to Dress. Dress is related to Bottom. Bottom is related to Jaw.
Early is the opposite of Evening.
Rice <--RelatedTo--> Wedding <--RelatedTo--> Dress <--RelatedTo--> Bottom <--RelatedTo--> Jaw
Early <--Antonym--> Evening
Do is related to Listen. Listen is a type of Perceive. Sight is a type of Perceive. Sight is related to Dream.
Outcome is related to Fate. Fate is related to Twist. Twist is related to Attitude. Attitude is a synonym of Stance.
Do <--RelatedTo--> Listen --IsA--> Perceive <--IsA-- Sight <--RelatedTo--> Dream
Outcome <--RelatedTo--> Fate <--RelatedTo--> Twist <--RelatedTo--> Attitude <--Synonym--> Stance
Canvas is a type of Setting. Setting is related to Plate. Plate is related to Flavor.
Rocket is a type of Artifact. Rocket is related to Missile. Missile is related to Flying.
Canvas --IsA--> Setting <--RelatedTo--> Plate <--RelatedTo--> Flavor
Artifact <--IsA-- Rocket <--RelatedTo--> Missile <--RelatedTo--> Flying
Feature is related to Land. Land is related to Water. Water is related to Level. Level is a synonym of Stage.
Structure is related to Monument.
Feature <--RelatedTo--> Land <--RelatedTo--> Water <--RelatedTo--> Level <--Synonym--> Stage
Structure <--RelatedTo--> Monument
High is a different concept from Blow. Blow is a synonym of Suck.
English is related to Let. Let is related to Like. Like is related to Doll. Doll is related to Elephant.
High <--DistinctFrom--> Blow <--Synonym--> Suck
English <--RelatedTo--> Let <--RelatedTo--> Like <--RelatedTo--> Doll <--RelatedTo--> Elephant
Instrument is related to Clock. Clock is related to Bedroom.
Affair can cause/lead to Scandal. Politician does not want (to) Scandal. Legislator is a type of Politician. Legislator is a synonym of Lawmaker.
Instrument <--RelatedTo--> Clock <--RelatedTo--> Bedroom
Affair --Causes--> Scandal <--NotDesires-- Politician <--IsA-- Legislator <--Synonym--> Lawmaker
Banking is a type of Profession. Profession is related to Painter. Painter is related to Job. Job is related to Hear.
Adapt is a synonym of Adjust. Trim is a type of Adjust. Trim is a synonym of Reduce.
Banking --IsA--> Profession <--RelatedTo--> Painter <--RelatedTo--> Job <--RelatedTo--> Hear
Adapt <--Synonym--> Adjust <--IsA-- Trim <--Synonym--> Reduce
Walk is a different concept from Standing. Standing is related to Statue. Statue is related to Landmark. Landmark is a type of Structure.
Nomination is a type of Recommendation. Nomination is a type of Condition. Comfort is a type of Condition. Comfort is a synonym of Strengthen.
Walk <--DistinctFrom--> Standing <--RelatedTo--> Statue <--RelatedTo--> Landmark --IsA--> Structure
Recommendation <--IsA-- Nomination --IsA--> Condition <--IsA-- Comfort <--Synonym--> Strengthen
Path is a type of Route. Route is a synonym of Road. Road is related to Rural. Rural is related to Farm.
Trial is related to Battle.
Path --IsA--> Route <--Synonym--> Road <--RelatedTo--> Rural <--RelatedTo--> Farm
Trial <--RelatedTo--> Battle
Give is a type of Make. Give is related to Passing. Passing is a synonym of Departure.
you are likely to find Tree in/at/on Jungle. Tree is the opposite of Seed. Seed is a type of Bear. Bear is related to Creature.
Make <--IsA-- Give <--RelatedTo--> Passing <--Synonym--> Departure
Jungle <--AtLocation-- Tree <--Antonym--> Seed --IsA--> Bear <--RelatedTo--> Creature
Adult is related to Sheep. Sheep is related to Pig.
Bucket is related to Fill.
Adult <--RelatedTo--> Sheep <--RelatedTo--> Pig
Bucket <--RelatedTo--> Fill
Dictate is a type of Principle.
Course is related to Section.
Dictate --IsA--> Principle
Course <--RelatedTo--> Section
Oil is related to Export. Export is a type of Film. Film is created by Director.
Approve is a synonym of Ok.
Oil <--RelatedTo--> Export --IsA--> Film --CreatedBy--> Director
Approve <--Synonym--> Ok
Brown is related to Stick. Stick is related to Nature.
Plastic is made of Carbon. Plastic can Melt. Melt is a synonym of Dissolve.
Brown <--RelatedTo--> Stick <--RelatedTo--> Nature
Carbon <--MadeOf-- Plastic --CapableOf--> Melt <--Synonym--> Dissolve
Chairman is related to Committee. Committee is related to Room. Gallery is a type of Room.
Dream is related to State.
Chairman <--RelatedTo--> Committee <--RelatedTo--> Room <--IsA-- Gallery
Dream <--RelatedTo--> State
Bless is related to Grace.
you are likely to find Towel in/at/on Gym.
Bless <--RelatedTo--> Grace
Towel --AtLocation--> Gym
Indicate is related to Point. Point is related to Issue.
Evolve is related to Change. Change is a synonym of Accident. Driving can cause/lead to Accident. one thing you do when you Driving is Study.
Indicate <--RelatedTo--> Point <--RelatedTo--> Issue
Evolve <--RelatedTo--> Change <--Synonym--> Accident <--Causes-- Driving --HasSubevent--> Study
Seek is related to Search. Cruise is a type of Search. Cruise is related to Missile.
Triumph is a synonym of Victory. Victory is a synonym of Success. Hit is a type of Success. Get is a type of Hit.
Seek <--RelatedTo--> Search <--IsA-- Cruise <--RelatedTo--> Missile
Triumph <--Synonym--> Victory <--Synonym--> Success <--IsA-- Hit <--IsA-- Get
Learning can be used for Preparation. Learning is related to Know.
Brown is related to Cake. Cake is related to Ice. Ice is a type of Solid. Solid is related to Waste.
Preparation <--UsedFor-- Learning <--RelatedTo--> Know
Brown <--RelatedTo--> Cake <--RelatedTo--> Ice --IsA--> Solid <--RelatedTo--> Waste
Earth can be used for Living.
Column is a synonym of Tower.
Living <--UsedFor-- Earth
Column <--Synonym--> Tower
Full is related to Entire.
Concept is related to Design. Design is a type of Arrangement. Arrangement is a synonym of Placement.
Full <--RelatedTo--> Entire
Concept <--RelatedTo--> Design --IsA--> Arrangement <--Synonym--> Placement
Scream is related to Terror. Terrorist is derived from Terror.
Prosecution is related to Prove. Prove is a type of Print. Print is related to Edition. Extra is a type of Edition.
Scream <--RelatedTo--> Terror <--DerivedFrom-- Terrorist
Prosecution <--RelatedTo--> Prove --IsA--> Print <--RelatedTo--> Edition <--IsA-- Extra
Union is a synonym of Federal. Federal is related to Agent.
Isolation is the opposite of Context. Context is a type of Environment. Environment is related to Country. you are likely to find Town in/at/on Country.
Union <--Synonym--> Federal <--RelatedTo--> Agent
Isolation <--Antonym--> Context --IsA--> Environment <--RelatedTo--> Country <--AtLocation-- Town
Love is a type of Bond. Love is related to Day. Day is related to Period. Period is related to Evening.
Time is related to Date. Date is related to Name. Name is related to Street.
Bond <--IsA-- Love <--RelatedTo--> Day <--RelatedTo--> Period <--RelatedTo--> Evening
Time <--RelatedTo--> Date <--RelatedTo--> Name <--RelatedTo--> Street
Tv can be used for Advertising.
Reply is a different concept from Ask. Ask is related to Pose.
Tv --UsedFor--> Advertising
Reply <--DistinctFrom--> Ask <--RelatedTo--> Pose
Setting is related to Stone. Stone is related to Seed.
Suffer is a type of Tend. Suffer is a synonym of Get.
Setting <--RelatedTo--> Stone <--RelatedTo--> Seed
Tend <--IsA-- Suffer <--Synonym--> Get
Tradition is a synonym of Doctrine. Doctrine is related to Religion. Religion is related to Flag.
Marry requires Adult. Married is a form of Marry.
Tradition <--Synonym--> Doctrine <--RelatedTo--> Religion <--RelatedTo--> Flag
Adult <--HasPrerequisite-- Marry <--FormOf-- Married
Given is related to Deliver. Deliver is related to Time. Time is related to Dance. Dance is related to Action.
Ride can be Smooth. Smooth is related to Slip. Slip is related to Waist.
Given <--RelatedTo--> Deliver <--RelatedTo--> Time <--RelatedTo--> Dance <--RelatedTo--> Action
Ride --HasProperty--> Smooth <--RelatedTo--> Slip <--RelatedTo--> Waist
you are likely to find Stone in/at/on River. Stone is related to High. High is related to Design.
Speaker is related to Electronics. Electronics is related to Charge. Charge is related to Negative. Negative is related to Debt.
River <--AtLocation-- Stone <--RelatedTo--> High <--RelatedTo--> Design
Speaker <--RelatedTo--> Electronics <--RelatedTo--> Charge <--RelatedTo--> Negative <--RelatedTo--> Debt
Stock is part of Pistol. Stock is related to Depression.
Stove can be used for Cooking.
Pistol <--PartOf-- Stock <--RelatedTo--> Depression
Cooking <--UsedFor-- Stove
Painting is related to Draw. Draw is related to Illustrate.
Decide is related to Consider.
Painting <--RelatedTo--> Draw <--RelatedTo--> Illustrate
Decide <--RelatedTo--> Consider
Crop is related to Rice. Rice is related to Popular. Popular is related to Mainstream.
Pc is related to Apple. Apple is related to Seed. Seed is related to Dirt. Hole can be used for Dirt.
Crop <--RelatedTo--> Rice <--RelatedTo--> Popular <--RelatedTo--> Mainstream
Pc <--RelatedTo--> Apple <--RelatedTo--> Seed <--RelatedTo--> Dirt <--UsedFor-- Hole
Activity is related to Fight. Fight is related to Competition. Competition is related to Opponent.
Fill is related to Put. Put is the opposite of Carry. Carry is related to Cash.
Activity <--RelatedTo--> Fight <--RelatedTo--> Competition <--RelatedTo--> Opponent
Fill <--RelatedTo--> Put <--Antonym--> Carry <--RelatedTo--> Cash
you are likely to find Gasoline in/at/on Boat. Boat is related to Motor. Motor is related to Work. Work is related to Fashion.
Sister is a type of Sibling. Sister is related to Long. Long is related to Leap.
Gasoline --AtLocation--> Boat <--RelatedTo--> Motor <--RelatedTo--> Work <--RelatedTo--> Fashion
Sibling <--IsA-- Sister <--RelatedTo--> Long <--RelatedTo--> Leap
Christian can Pray. Pray requires Kneel. Kneel is a type of Rest.
Action is related to Push. Push is a synonym of Near.
Christian --CapableOf--> Pray --HasPrerequisite--> Kneel --IsA--> Rest
Action <--RelatedTo--> Push <--Synonym--> Near
Specific is related to Tablespoon. Tablespoon is a type of Spoon. Spoon is a type of Wood.
Powerful is the opposite of Weak. Weak is the opposite of Strong. Strong is related to Demand. Demand is a synonym of Insist.
Specific <--RelatedTo--> Tablespoon --IsA--> Spoon --IsA--> Wood
Powerful <--Antonym--> Weak <--Antonym--> Strong <--RelatedTo--> Demand <--Synonym--> Insist
Sophisticated is related to Fine. Fine is a synonym of Beautiful. Beautiful is related to Butterfly. Butterfly is related to Beauty.
Lamp is related to Sheep. Sheep is related to White. White is related to Rice. Rice is the opposite of Wheat.
Sophisticated <--RelatedTo--> Fine <--Synonym--> Beautiful <--RelatedTo--> Butterfly <--RelatedTo--> Beauty
Lamp <--RelatedTo--> Sheep <--RelatedTo--> White <--RelatedTo--> Rice <--Antonym--> Wheat
Excellent is related to Condition. Condition is related to Wet.
Debt is related to Bill. Bill is related to Telephone.
Excellent <--RelatedTo--> Condition <--RelatedTo--> Wet
Debt <--RelatedTo--> Bill <--RelatedTo--> Telephone
Wine is the opposite of Bread. Bread is related to Bee. you are likely to find Bee in/at/on Hat.
you are likely to find Hallway in/at/on House. House have Furniture. Furniture is related to Door.
Wine <--Antonym--> Bread <--RelatedTo--> Bee --AtLocation--> Hat
Hallway --AtLocation--> House --HasA--> Furniture <--RelatedTo--> Door
Deadline is a type of Point. Point is related to Part. Part is related to Drop.
Car is related to Motor. Motor is related to Inside. Inside is related to Hand. Hand is related to Other.
Deadline --IsA--> Point <--RelatedTo--> Part <--RelatedTo--> Drop
Car <--RelatedTo--> Motor <--RelatedTo--> Inside <--RelatedTo--> Hand <--RelatedTo--> Other
Sleep can be Useful. Sleep requires Calm. Calm is related to Emotion.
Assembly is related to Factory. Factory is related to Smoke. Smoke is related to Gray. Gray is related to Shade.
Useful <--HasProperty-- Sleep --HasPrerequisite--> Calm <--RelatedTo--> Emotion
Assembly <--RelatedTo--> Factory <--RelatedTo--> Smoke <--RelatedTo--> Gray <--RelatedTo--> Shade
Saving is related to Help. Help is related to Rescue. Rescue is a synonym of Recover.
Food is related to Grain. Grain is related to Fiber. Boat is made of Fiber. Boat is a type of Ride.
Saving <--RelatedTo--> Help <--RelatedTo--> Rescue <--Synonym--> Recover
Food <--RelatedTo--> Grain <--RelatedTo--> Fiber <--MadeOf-- Boat --IsA--> Ride
Run is the opposite of Crawl. Crawl is related to Do. Do is related to Action.
People is related to Resort. Resort is related to Travel. Travel requires Careful.
Run <--Antonym--> Crawl <--RelatedTo--> Do <--RelatedTo--> Action
People <--RelatedTo--> Resort <--RelatedTo--> Travel --HasPrerequisite--> Careful
Odd is the opposite of Common. Common is the opposite of Personal.
Justice is related to Balance. Balance is a type of Be.
Odd <--Antonym--> Common <--Antonym--> Personal
Justice <--RelatedTo--> Balance --IsA--> Be
Could is a form of Can.
you are likely to find List in/at/on Table. Calendar is a type of List. Calendar is related to Decade.
Can <--FormOf-- Could
Table <--AtLocation-- List <--IsA-- Calendar <--RelatedTo--> Decade
Science is related to Logical. Logical is a synonym of Reasonable. Reasonable is etymologically related to Reason.
Weed is a synonym of Herb. Herb is related to Garlic. Garlic is the opposite of Onion.
Science <--RelatedTo--> Logical <--Synonym--> Reasonable --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Reason
Weed <--Synonym--> Herb <--RelatedTo--> Garlic <--Antonym--> Onion
Gap is a type of Open. Open is related to Window.
Grip is related to Hold. Hold is etymologically related to Hole. Hole is a type of Space.
Gap --IsA--> Open <--RelatedTo--> Window
Grip <--RelatedTo--> Hold --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Hole --IsA--> Space
Emotion is a type of Thought. Satisfaction is a type of Emotion.
you are likely to find Flour in/at/on Kitchen. you are likely to find Chef in/at/on Kitchen.
Thought <--IsA-- Emotion <--IsA-- Satisfaction
Flour --AtLocation--> Kitchen <--AtLocation-- Chef
Throw is a synonym of Cast.
Decide is a synonym of Resolve. Resolve is a synonym of Answer. Answer is related to Explain.
Throw <--Synonym--> Cast
Decide <--Synonym--> Resolve <--Synonym--> Answer <--RelatedTo--> Explain
Electrical is related to Ground. Ground is related to Ceiling. Ceiling can Metaphor. Metaphor is related to Live.
Town can be used for Convenience. Town is related to Street.
Electrical <--RelatedTo--> Ground <--RelatedTo--> Ceiling --CapableOf--> Metaphor <--RelatedTo--> Live
Convenience <--UsedFor-- Town <--RelatedTo--> Street
Reporter is related to Press. Press is a synonym of Pressure. Pressure is related to Rub.
you are likely to find Horse in/at/on Cartoon. Horse is related to Transport. Transport is related to Movement.
Reporter <--RelatedTo--> Press <--Synonym--> Pressure <--RelatedTo--> Rub
Cartoon <--AtLocation-- Horse <--RelatedTo--> Transport <--RelatedTo--> Movement
Doll is a different concept from Living.
Stack is a type of Load. Load is related to Fill.
Doll <--DistinctFrom--> Living
Stack --IsA--> Load <--RelatedTo--> Fill
Court is related to Law. Law is the opposite of Disorder. Scramble is a type of Disorder. Scramble is a type of Cook.
Design is related to Apple.
Court <--RelatedTo--> Law <--Antonym--> Disorder <--IsA-- Scramble --IsA--> Cook
Design <--RelatedTo--> Apple
Cell is related to White. White is related to Card. Card is related to Instrument.
you are likely to find Art in/at/on Museum.
Cell <--RelatedTo--> White <--RelatedTo--> Card <--RelatedTo--> Instrument
Museum <--AtLocation-- Art
Screening is a form of Screen. Screen is a synonym of Sort. Sort is a type of Operation.
Room is related to View.
Screening --FormOf--> Screen <--Synonym--> Sort --IsA--> Operation
Room <--RelatedTo--> View
Cake is the opposite of Ice.
Mean is etymologically related to Mind.
Cake <--Antonym--> Ice
Mind <--EtymologicallyRelatedTo-- Mean
Big is a synonym of Adult. Elder is a type of Adult.
Sit is related to Motion. Motion is related to Slow. Slow is a type of Weaken.
Big <--Synonym--> Adult <--IsA-- Elder
Sit <--RelatedTo--> Motion <--RelatedTo--> Slow --IsA--> Weaken
Tax is related to Rape. Rape is a synonym of Violate.
Management is related to Job. Job is related to Banker. you are likely to find Banker in/at/on City. City is related to Country.
Tax <--RelatedTo--> Rape <--Synonym--> Violate
Management <--RelatedTo--> Job <--RelatedTo--> Banker --AtLocation--> City <--RelatedTo--> Country
Vehicle is related to Driving. Driving can be Fun. Performance can be used for Fun. Program is a type of Performance.
Processing is a form of Process. Phenomenon is a type of Process.
Vehicle <--RelatedTo--> Driving --HasProperty--> Fun <--UsedFor-- Performance <--IsA-- Program
Processing --FormOf--> Process <--IsA-- Phenomenon
Loop is etymologically related to Leap. Leap is a synonym of Spring. Spring is related to Bed.
King is related to Chief.
Loop --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Leap <--Synonym--> Spring <--RelatedTo--> Bed
King <--RelatedTo--> Chief
Grant is a synonym of Gift. Music is a type of Gift.
Kit is a type of Case. Case is related to Brief. Brief is related to Flash.
Grant <--Synonym--> Gift <--IsA-- Music
Kit --IsA--> Case <--RelatedTo--> Brief <--RelatedTo--> Flash
Black is related to Slave.
Neck is related to Tie.
Black <--RelatedTo--> Slave
Neck <--RelatedTo--> Tie
Reserve is related to Indian.
Science is related to Hypothesis.
Reserve <--RelatedTo--> Indian
Science <--RelatedTo--> Hypothesis
Rubber is related to Tube. Tube is a type of Supply. Coal is a type of Supply.
Shell is related to Beach. you are likely to find Ball in/at/on Beach. Ball is related to Golf.
Rubber <--RelatedTo--> Tube --IsA--> Supply <--IsA-- Coal
Shell <--RelatedTo--> Beach <--AtLocation-- Ball <--RelatedTo--> Golf
Move is related to Pour.
Must is related to Like. Like is related to Give.
Move <--RelatedTo--> Pour
Must <--RelatedTo--> Like <--RelatedTo--> Give
Serving is related to Tablespoon. Tablespoon is related to Specific. Specific is similar to Limited. Limited is a synonym of Special.
Position is a type of Assumption.
Serving <--RelatedTo--> Tablespoon <--RelatedTo--> Specific <--SimilarTo--> Limited <--Synonym--> Special
Position --IsA--> Assumption
Ground is related to Fog. Fog is a type of Film. Sacrifice is a type of Film.
Physical is related to Statue. Statue is related to Island. Island is related to Tropical.
Ground <--RelatedTo--> Fog --IsA--> Film <--IsA-- Sacrifice
Physical <--RelatedTo--> Statue <--RelatedTo--> Island <--RelatedTo--> Tropical
Sole is etymologically related to Save.
Signal is related to Cry. the first thing you do when you Born is Cry.
Sole --EtymologicallyRelatedTo--> Save
Signal <--RelatedTo--> Cry <--HasFirstSubevent-- Born