[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:没有一句语重心长的问候,她已迅速煮好了满满诚意的面条。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Without an emphatic greeting, she had quickly cooked noodles full of sincerity. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:霍氏会议室前,一片低沉气压,主位上的霍司一言不发,可是那森冷的气场,可谓是方圆百里都鸟兽绝寂。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the meeting room of Hortons Group, Samson was in the seat of the honor solemnly. He spoke nothing, but the cold and low vibe caused by him made everyone silent.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:真是色迷心窍,难道不知道我九品玄气修为远远的高于你么?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "What an obsessive person, do you not understand that my Ninth level Xuan Qi is far higher than yours?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:苏笛的疏懒不是因为写作仅仅是生活的点缀,恰恰相反,在苏笛心目中,写作其实就是生活本身。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "For her, writing was more than an ornament of life; it was a kind of life in itself.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:岳重没有犹豫,斩钉截铁道:“池阳!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Yue did not hesitate and bluntly said: “Chi Yang!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:那人想不到君邪如此年轻,不由一怔,笑道:“如此,恭敬不如从命。”令小二再上了几个菜,两坛酒;然后端着酒杯走了过来,在君邪对面坐下。笑问道:“京城之中,如此风华的年轻人倒还真是少见,但不知小兄弟是哪位名家之后?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The other party did not expect Jun Xie to be so young and was momentarily startled before laughing. “Indeed, observing fate is better than offering respects.” He then ordered a few more dishes and two jugs of wine. Holding the wine cup, he came over and sat before Jun Xie. He smiled and asked. “A magnificent youngster such as you is truly a rarity in this city. I wonder which great family does this younger generation hail from?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:还没解气,林琼儿叉起腰,指着陶薇薇怒骂。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Haven't vented her temper, Pansy stood with her hands akimbo, pointing at Vivian and scolding angrily.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:陈暮的腰和背脊就像充满了弹力的弹簧,柔软得不可思议,他的双脚依然稳稳扎进沙中,双腿前屈,腰背向后仰,无比地怪异。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Chen Mu’s waist and backbone were like a fully sprung spring, incredibly pliable, while his two feet were still firmly in the sand, with his two legs bent forward and his back leaning back, incomparably weird.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君邪随意要了两个小菜,一坛酒,便也默不作声的坐在角落里,独据一桌,旁若无人的自斟自饮。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie randomly ordered two side dishes and a jug of wine. He then sat silently in a corner, helping himself to it as well.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:陶一北写过的那些故事,说过的那些话,就那么像涓涓溪流走进了苏笛的心,陶一北在阳光下的微笑,命定地照亮了温暖了苏笛生命中旷古的黑暗和冰冷。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The stories he wrote and the words he said flowed deep into Su Di’s soul like a pure stream. His smile in the sunshine was doomed to warm and illuminate her cold, dark heart.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:萧瑾容挣扎不开男人的桎梏,反而自己累的香汗淋漓,绝美的小脸上隐隐有了红晕,衬得白嫩的脖颈更加勾人,林易博只瞧了一眼,便醉了,趴在女人的肩膀上,呼吸着女人娇躯上的独有的香气,忍不住轻轻咬了一口女人洁白的天鹅颈。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jennifer Shaw couldn't get rid of him but was sweating from exhaustion. Her flushed face made her tender neck more attractive, so Eddie Lam was obsessed and put his head on her shoulder. Smelling her unique fragrance, he couldn't help but lightly bite her white neck.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:上次就是被这家伙坏了好事,事后更被家里狠狠地“家法”了一顿,不仅偷鸡不成蚀把米被唐源敲诈了两百万两银子,而且到现在伤还没好利索,此刻一见又是这两人在一起,真是气不打一处来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The last time he had seen him, it was when he was out to teach this debauchee a lesson and swindle him. But, the whole plan blew up in his face, with him losing all of his money. Because of this, he had to face a ‘family discipline’ action by the elders at his family. But, this did not end there as, Tang Yuan had come back later and then blackmailed him for additional 2 million taels of silver! The injuries he had faced after the beating had not healed yet and seeing these two together now, it did not really bring pleasant feelings to his mind!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:没想到,柳暗花明,学习近战卡修技能,却一下子给他带来了灵感。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He had never though that a new vista would open from him learning the skills of a close-combat card artisan, where he had been given that fresh insight.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:果然,坦白从宽是对的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Indeed, telling the truth will get you a lighter sentence.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:就是这样,挥手作别了诗情洋溢的残酷的八十年代,1990年,李清步入了她的而立之年。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In this way, Li Qing waved goodbye to the 1980s permeated with poetry and cruelty. In 1990, she turned 30.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她握着皮包带的手紧了又松,见顾倾城如此,更是义愤填膺道:“霍司根本是个混蛋,你当初爱他那么深,可是……”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Seeing Queenie's reaction, she grasped the purse strap for several times and said angrily, \"Samson is just a bastard. You loved him so much, but…\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:甚至时常幻想,自己在父亲和老爷子面前邀功,让他们夸赞自己的成就,不用依靠他们也能出人头地。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He even fantasized from time to time that he would take credit for his achievements from his father and grandfather, and he could get ahead without their help.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她家妞要和萧逸琛求婚,这可是平地一声雷!多少年都难遇的!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Her Gal was going to propose to Ethan Shaw, which was extremely unusual!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:然后,苏笛说:你给我听着,看在你七十高龄的份上,这个大嘴巴我先不抽过去我给你留着,你要是不信你再试试看,你要是一点都不想有自知之明,你试试看!她停下来,目光平平地扫视了一圈周围的人,又说:还有什么人不信,也可以试试看!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“In consideration of your septuagenarian status, I will spare you a well-deserved slap today. But if you continue to misbehave, you will find out what happens!” She walked along the crowd asking, “Anyone else? Who wants to try?\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:没有野兽身中数枪还能够生龙活虎。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Their bodies could also take several shots and still be lively.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:难道刚才那个其貌不扬的家伙,其实是个深藏不露的卡修?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Could that unremarkable guy she’d just seen be a hidden card artisan?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:自己怎么样才能让他家小狐狸心甘情愿的回别墅呢?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "How could he get her to return to the villa willingly?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:虽然不是一奶同胞,但始终是同一个父亲,同样的血浓于水!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "We may not share the same mother, but we have the same father, the same flesh and blood! ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:只穿着一身睡衣,岳重立即冲到了阳台之上,只看见那校车绝尘而去,他的脸一下阴沉了起来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Dressed in pajamas, Yue immediately rushed to the balcony, only to see the school bus speeding away, and a somber look on his face.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:苏笛,你不知道这是个多么可怕的环境啊,那些漂亮的伴舞有些除了跳舞还干着难以启齿的活儿,有些是白粉妹,有些不明不白就被人杀掉了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Su Di, you have no idea how terrible it is here. Those pretty backing dancers are doing unspeakable things besides dancing. Some of them use drugs and a few even died for no good reason.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:可他不好好学功课,他喜欢打游戏,喜欢玩滑板车。苏笛经常训他,训到最后母子都泣涕涟涟。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As he was addicted to playing games and riding his scooter instead of studying, Su Di often scolded him. These encounters always ended with both of them weeping.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:出院回家,儿子说妈妈你昨天发烧说胡话,一直臧桃……桃……,爸爸说这几天桃子刚上市,正是新鲜的时候,你可能是想吃桃子了,他就出去到超市买去了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Some time later, Su Di's son said, “Mom, you were delirious with a high fever yesterday and you kept saying ‘Tao' (also 'peach' in Chinese pronunciation). Dad thought you wanted fresh peaches as they're coming into season these days, so he went to get you some from the supermarket.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:而霍司面无表情,靠在椅子上,单手撑着下颌,低头漫不经心的把玩着手里的打火机,眸光如泽,深不见底。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "While Samson was expressionless. He leaned back in his chair with his jaw propped up by one hand, and carelessly played with the lighter in another hand. His eyes were like abyss, never showing his emotions.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:旁边角落里那名唯一的酒客,在君邪进来的时候只是斜眼看了他一眼而已,此刻却是目不转睛的看着他,见他旁若无人,举杯痛饮,潇洒落寞,气度超尘,大非寻常人物,不由得大为好奇。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the corner of the shop, the only customer who had only given Jun Xie a glance when he came in was now staring intently at Jun Xie. He watched as Jun Xie sat alone, drinking away his sorrows, exuding an elegant form of loneliness; his tolerance deep and far beyond the average person, causing him to become curious.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:我们就那样从车水马龙的闹市走到她的住所。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "We walked to her house through the busy streets.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:看来沈梦琪已经搞定宋梓航,让他亲自出马洗白了……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It seemed like Shen Meng Qi had already sorted things out with Song Zi Hang and got him to prove her innocence personally…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她永远那么前赴后继的样子,好像生怕落了一步,就欠下了还不清的情。好像她是一个负债累累的人,一丝一毫,再不敢有新的亏欠。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She was afraid to fall behind and come to owe Shi Jizong as though she had once owed someone and never dared to owe anyone again.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她的目光继续向下,上面一连串的数字看得她心惊肉跳。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Her gaze continued downward, where the line of data caused her to tremble.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:就这样,两年里,马岩海无数次地打退堂鼓,劝说自己算了,算了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "During those two years, he had doubts many times and tried to dissuade himself. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:周冲盯着林铭:“茅台上涨,的确出人意料,不过我就是做这个的,事后想来,从各方面去分析,其实这事也是有迹可循的。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Danis stared at Mark, \"The rising price of Flying Fairy was indeed unexpected. I'm in this line of work. I looked at it from all sides and found it predictable.\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“是你?君莫邪?”独孤小艺一转头,妙目流盼,挺起了胸膛:“君莫邪,你也太邪了吧?怎么在都能碰上你这纨绔败家子,就跟个吊靴鬼似的,真是奇了怪了!?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“It is you? Jun Moxie?” Dugu Xiaoyi turned around, her eyes sparkled as she straightened her chest. “Jun Moxie, you are too abnormal. Why is it that I would end up bumping into you all the time, just like a clingy ghost! How peculiar!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:\"阳子,时光不能倒流。这些都不必再想了。\"剑宁打断了阳子喃喃的低语。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": " “We can’t go back, Yangzi. Just forget it,” he interrupted her. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:照片里的顾唯一笑颜如花,一双眼睛就这么直勾勾的盯着她,仿佛在说:“还我命来!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the portrait, Nessie was smiling happily, and her eyes were staring at Queenie, as if to say, \"Give me back my life!\" ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:见到其他女孩沉默,赵丽的眼中写满了惶恐,她确实已经和孩子饿了整整两天,要不是到了弹尽粮绝的地步,她也不敢带着孩子走出那安全的房间。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Seeing the other girls were quiet, Zhao Li’s eyes filled with fear. Her son and she have been hungry for two days to the point of exhaustion. Otherwise, she did not dare to take the child out of the safety of the room.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:后来,他说,我无缘出现在你的花季,但我白发残年的风景愿意无条件地供你浏览。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It’s a pity I couldn't have met you at my best age,' he wrote, 'but still I’m willing to embrace you for the rest of my life.'", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她还怕我不明白,直勾勾地盯着我,说你懂我的意思吗?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She was afraid that I hadn't understood her meaning and she bent her eyes on me, saying, ‘Do you understand what I mean?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君邪死死的控制着自己想要去挠一挠的欲望,竭尽全力控制自己的心神进入修炼状态,慢慢地……进入了物我两忘之中……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie exerted strict control over the desire to scratch the itchy areas, directing the full concentration of his mind to enter a state of meditation. Slowly… he entered a state of disconnection from self and others…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:我经常对着镜子悚然心惊。多皱的脸,臃肿的身体,疲累的心灵,这些可怕的事物在昨天还只是一种抽象的概念,今天却似乎要真实地侵占我的年华,兵临城下,四面楚歌,让我无处藏匿。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the mirror, I saw a fat body, a wrinkled face and a weary heart, which had just been abstract concepts for me before. These unwelcome things that I thought were so much further away in youth were happening to me now, leaving me besieged with no escape.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:而这位独孤小艺小姐正是独孤世家唯一的掌上明珠,独孤世家男丁颇旺,共得七个男丁,另只有这一个女娃娃,物以稀为贵,自然宝贝得不得了,自幼便骄纵惯了,不过这位小艺非姑娘但天赋极高,小小年纪,玄气修为就颇有造诣,更兼极赋正义感,在天香城里可以说是名声远扬,被誉为“纨绔克星”,今日在这里包括君邪在内八个大少,个个都吃过她的苦头。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This little Miss Dugu Xiao Yi was the only daughter of the Dugu Family. The Dugu Family was quite prosperous with a total of seven sons and one daughter. As the only daughter, she became a precious existence and was pampered greatly, being spoiled to the point of conceit. However, this little girl was highly talented. Even at her young age, her level of cultivation in Xuan Qi has already reached a superior level. She was also endowed with a strong sense of justice. Her name resounded far and wide in Tianxiang City, and was known as the ‘Nemesis of Debauchees’. All the young masters present here today have all had the honour of suffering under her.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她后来听到他们背后说她的那些话,一些人因为被撕破了面子而极尽恶毒地咒骂她,说要封杀她,还有些人说她不会做人,明明一个玩笑就可以皆大欢喜的事,她偏偏兵刃相见,搞得大家下不来台,这么不通世事的女人,还想在文坛混,笑话!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She later heard some rumors that they were spreading behind her back. Some cursed her on account of losing face and wanted to force her out. Others said she should have joked about it instead of embarrassing them and offending everyone openly. “So unsophisticated a woman wants to be a part of the literati circle? You have to be joking!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:霍司充耳不闻,大步上前,屈膝坐在了床边,面无表情的看着顾倾城,舀了一勺,“张嘴。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Samson ignored what he had heard and stepped forward to her. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Queenie expressionlessly with a spoon of tonic, \"Open your mouth.\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一干纨绔摇摇欲坠,屁滚尿流。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The entire group of debauchees faltered, almost crapping in their pants.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:防止自己臆想过度,做出什么有悖人伦,事后会抹颈自刎的事情,陶薇薇赶紧问一些比较安全的问题,以转移自己的注意力。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "To prevent over-imagining and doing things that violate morality and will make her regret, Vivian Tonn quickly asked some safer questions to divert her attention.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:现在听到叶绾绾的话,顿时觉得沈梦琪确实有点嫌贫爱富的嫌疑,叶绾绾的哥哥叶慕凡当初也是清禾的风云人物,无人不知,沈梦琪近水楼台倒追叶慕凡的事情不少人知道。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hearing what Ye Wan Wan said now, they suddenly felt that Shen Meng Qi was indeed guilty of despising the poor and seeking favour with the rich. Ye Wan Wan’s elder brother, Ye Mu Fan, was also a popular figure in Qing He previously and many people knew about Shen Meng Qi chasing after him.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这女子满脸清冷,眉目如画,风姿绰约,但身上却自然带着一股清冷寂静的高华气质,正是君莫邪的大嫂,也就是君莫忧的妻子,管清寒,乃是赫赫有名的管氏世家之女,也是天香国有名的才女。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The woman’s looks were as a painting, her bearing graceful, but her face was filled with coldness. This woman whose body exuded an aura of coldness was Jun Moxie’s sister-in-law and Jun Moyou’s wife, Guan Qinghan. She was the only daughter of the famed Guan Family, a well-known family in the Tianxiang Kingdom.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:霍司言简意赅的三个字,势在必得。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Samson showed his determination with the concise words.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:高级制卡师在整个东商卫城屈指可数,而俱乐部里,也只有会长一人有着这样的职称。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The high-grade card masters in Eastern Shang-Wei City could be counted on one’s fingers. And what’s more, in the whole club, only the president had that designation.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭,我的心对我说。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "My heart told me my situation: all the birds had flown away from the mountains and no trace of human presence was found on the paths.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君邪静静的站在亭外雨中,微微闭上眼睛,倾听着这犹如天籁之音的悠扬箫声,心思恍恍惚惚,如同自己又听到了前世最喜欢的红楼梦的曲子,一曲《枉凝眉》,一样的哀婉,一样的如泣如诉……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie stood quietly in the rain, he closed his eyes slightly, listening to the sorrowful tune of the flute. His mind was in a trance, as though he was listening to his favourite song from his past life, the song “Vain Eyebrows” from Red Dream Mansion, that same graceful sorrow, that same tearful resentment…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:就是这种感觉。不知身处何夕何地、痛失现在的感觉。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "I lay like this, full of regret and unsure of where or when I was.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:李宏远更是不用多说,今天之前,他完全不敢高攀周冲这种人物,可林铭为周家化解了这场灾祸之后,周冲对李宏远的态度也一百八十度大转变。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "For Harold, before today, he did not dare to make friends with a big shot like Danis. But after Mark resolved the crisis for the Chows, Danis' attitude towards Harold completely changed.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君无意自问自己的家族对天香国可说是劳苦功高,但两位哥哥两个侄儿先后战死沙场,自己更是被毁掉一生,若是这些乃是在战场上堂堂正正的败给敌人,那么君无意无话可说;但这几件事情,分明其中疑窦重重,王国却始终不闻不问……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He could see that the Jun Family had rendered a great number of meritorious services to the country after suffering through innumerable hardships. However, both his brothers and nephews were killed in battle. As for himself, he was paralyzed for life. If these had happened on the battlefield and their enemies openly defeated them, then Jun Wuyi would have no complaints. But, everything that had happened to them occurred under suspicious circumstances, and yet the kingdom remained indifferent…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:裴行神色一正:“放心吧,左家的确是强,不过我们裴家,也不是什么软柿子。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Looking certain, Pei Hang said, “Don’t worry, while the Zuo household is surely powerful, our Pei household is no pushover.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:能拥有A级贡献度的人物,在基地里屈指可数,对于他这样的菜鸟新人来说,这是一个高高在上,遥不可及的目标。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were only a handful of people who could get “A” level points on the base, and for someone newly arrived like him, it would be a lofty and unreachable goal.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:顾越泽的目光中带着怜悯,“绾绾,司夜寒这种身份的人,只是跟你玩玩而已,你何必为了报复我,就这样作践你自己!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Gu Yue Ze gave her a pitiful gaze, “Wan Wan, Si Ye Han is toying with you. Why must you humiliate yourself just to get back at me?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:马志华一提到他家堂哥就伤心,他堂哥纵横商场的时候,自己跟在堂哥后面要风得风要雨得雨,现在堂哥进了监狱,所有的关系网全都飞了,自己又没有商业才能,几家公司都被自己经营的快倒闭了,看着面前的罪魁祸首,马志华恨不能撕了这个女人。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Emile Manor was sad at the mention of his cousin. When his cousin was in business with great ease, he lived freely and affluently. But now his cousin was in prison and all turned to dust and ashes. He didn't have business talent and several companies were at the verge of bankruptcy. Seeing the culprit, Emile Manor wanted to tear her!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:坐在教室里闹哄哄的教室里,一身不伦不类装扮,而又沉默寡言的陈暮,看上去就像一个另类,与周围的环境格格不入。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He sat in the noisy classroom, putting on a nondescript look. Given his reticence, Chen Mu looked like he didn’t belong there, out of tune with his surroundings.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她有时奋笔疾书,几乎把他的讲课一字不漏地记到笔记本上,有时却神思恍惚,根本听不清他在讲什么。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": " Sometimes, she wrote swiftly and almost took down what he said in class word for word. At other times, she was in a trance and couldn’t hear what he said. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:夜孤寒可是了解个中轻重的,自然要为灵梦补救!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Ye Guhan who understood the severity of the situation had naturally come forth to remedy the situation for Princess Ling Meng’s sake!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“过来。”霍司居高临下的命令道。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "\"Come here.\" Samson ordered in a condescending manner.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:只有高昂下巴看着自己的时候,眼里盛满了熟悉的恨意,还能依稀看出来是过去那个目中无人,嚣张跋扈林琼儿!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Only when she raised chin to look at Vivian Tonn with familiar hatred, Vivian Tonn could tell she was arrogant in the past! ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:听着两人温情蜜语,顾倾城的心宛如刀割,连带着小腹都隐隐作痛。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Queenie's heart ached as she listened to their sweet words, and even her belly was vaguely painful.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:杰森看着面前的女人,心里有些不是滋味,自己不得不承认,这女人确实有一副好的容颜,再加上自己的金手指,今天一定会艳压群芳了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jason felt upset seeing the woman in front of him. But he had to admit that the woman was a really beautiful woman. With his skillful technique, she must be the most outstanding person today.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君邪有些不好意思,毕竟人家独孤小艺先看上的,自己借着替人家付账的理由耍无赖却私吞了,用这等不入流的下作手段占一个小女孩的便宜,实在是有些过意不去,皱着眉头安慰道:“哭啥?最多等我打造物件的时候,特别为你打造一柄宝刀,再专程送到府上,这样总行了吧?……”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie felt rather awkward. After all, the iron was one that Dugu Xiaoyi had wanted first. But he had used the excuse of paying it for her to pocket it instead. Using such an underhanded means to trick a little girl simply felt wrong. He tried to comfort her. “What are you crying for? How about this? When I am forging weapons from the iron, I will make a precious blade for you as well. After that, I will send it straight to your residence. So, let us just call it even, all right?” …", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:苏西看着陶薇薇眼里的坚定,知道自己再劝也是没用的,她家妞看起来随和,可是熟悉她的人都知道这傻姑娘一根筋,单纯固执,想做的事情一定要去做,几头牛都拉不回来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Noticing the firmness in Vivian Tonn's eyes, Susie Soy knew that it was useless to persuade her. Vivian was seemingly easy-going, but everyone who was familiar with her knew that this silly girl was extremely stubborn.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:若是自己在这一世依然当一个独往独来的杀手,当然无所谓,但若是想要在这大家族之中立足,并且保护自己所在乎的人不受伤害,维持住这个大局势的平稳,没有非常敏锐的政治敏感性根本就是在痴人说梦!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If he were still a solitary assassin in this new world, then this matter would be of no importance. However, in order to create a foothold within this great family, he will need to protect those he cared for from harm. Trying to maintain the stability of this great family without a keen sense of political awareness was a nonsensical pipedream!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:金街高楼林立,人流如梭,店面遍地,几乎所有最顶级的商家在这里都有他们的店铺。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Among the forest of buildings along Golden Street, people flowed like the shuttles of looms, and practically all of the top business establishments had one of their stores there.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:唐源安慰道:“是呀,就像我们现在当朝的李太师,不外就是一个文弱书生嘛?还不照样是纵横朝堂,一人之下万人之上?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Tang Yuan tried to comfort him. “That is true. Just look at our Imperial Court’s Grand Preceptor, is he not merely a frail scholar? However, he could still dominate the Imperial Court, standing below one and above millions.”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:他总有着无比充满智慧的创意,把那些不起眼的一星二星卡片发挥巨大的价值,人们的生活也因此发生了翻天覆地的变化。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He was always brimming with matchless wisdom and creativity. He brought about great value from unremarkable one-star and two-star cards. As a result, peoples’ lives underwent earth-shattering changes.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:苏笛想着这样的话,再去看那些花儿时,就常常看得痴了过去。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hearing these words while gazing at flowers, Su Di always became lost in her thoughts.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“青狼那白眼狼,居然已经到了斗战境!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "\"That ungrateful Green Wolf has already reached Battle Realm!\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:到时候是不是秦虎做的,就也不重要了,而且你唐家还能落个为民除害的名声,何乐而不为?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "When that happens, it no longer mattered if Qin Hu is involved or not. At the same time, you would have helped the common people by exterminating a source of calamity. Think about it, why should you not do it?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:独孤几兄弟眼神压根就没离开君莫邪的手,应该是手里处于摇晃状态的酒杯,心那叫一个忽上忽下,惟恐那极品美酒再洒出来一星半点,那得多暴殄天物啊!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The Dugu brothers’ line of sight never left Jun Mo Xie’s hands. Every time the latter swirled his cup, their hearts cried out for fear that even more of this priceless wine would spill out. This is recklessly wasting a gift from the Gods!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:而夏初雪却被江嬛嬛这个鬼样子吓懵了,一时间竟忘了台词!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But Phyllis was scared by the appearance of Hulda, and forgot the lines!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:嫂子你知不知道你现在是我们学校的红人儿了\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Do you know that you are the celebrity of our school now?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:夜孤寒神色不动,依然冷酷如冰,目光森然如箭,身躯亦挺拔若松,心狠、剑光更寒,突然闪动,淡蓝色的剑光如同烟花爆炸,笼罩四野,发散而出,以实际行动答应了杀手首领用剑杀人的要求。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Ye Guhan remained motionless, his appearance as cold as ice, his gaze as intimidating as an incoming arrow. His straight body loosened, the light on the sword grew colder and he suddenly made his move with ruthlessness. The pale blue light exploded like fireworks and enveloped the area, signifying Ye Guhan’s agreement with the assassin leader’s words to use sword to kill them.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:他们可以轻轻松松,肆无忌惮的享受人间最漂亮的女人、最好的美酒、最酷的车辆。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "They can relax, wantonly enjoying the world’s most beautiful woman, the best wines, and the greatest vehicles.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:数次想要干脆跳出来,拎着这小子的衣襟问问他:你他妈天天东门不对西户,驴唇不对马嘴的乱逛些什么!?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were several occasions where he simply felt the desire to jump out, grab the brat’s collar area and ask: You son of a bitch! Why are you going through the east gate and exiting through the west gate of this establishment and that? Wandering around here and there, just what were you thinking?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:但胡春桂的声音更高更充满力度:我奉劝那些以耻为荣,从卑劣庸俗中寻找乐趣的同学,那些……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But Hu Chungui’s voice grew louder and stronger, “I want to advise those who are proud of disgrace, those who seek pleasure from meanness and vulgarity, and…”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一楼大厅黑漆漆的,伸手不见五指。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The hall on the first floor was pitch-dark without lights.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一瞬间,顾倾城心如死灰。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In an instant, Queenie was hopeless.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:而今天,林铭短短的几句话,便化解了他周家一场惊天灾祸。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Today, with just a few words, Mark saved the Chows from the undeserved disaster. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:此人生性耿直,脾气倔强,甚至有些暴躁,可谓一点都不知道变通。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This man was straightforward, stubborn, even a little irritable, and not flexible at all.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:刚才还义愤填膺,现在竟然哭的梨花带雨,陶薇薇对这一变化感到震惊。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She was furious and accusing Vivian Tonn just now, but then she even cried sadly. Vivian Tonn was stunned by such a change.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:孟芸感觉的到了一股无形的压抑,随便聊了几,就以有事为由,带着黎漾离开。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Winnie felt an invisible depression, and after casual conversation, she left with Yanna on the pretext of business.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:沈梦琪以为她是因为跟顾越泽吵架而心情不好,柔声劝道,“顾少估计是误会了你跟司夜寒之间的关系,但他也是爱之深责之切,他心里还是有你的,不然这次也不可能会去帮你!只要你去找他,跟他把误会解释清楚就好了!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Shen Meng Qi assumed she had fought with Gu Yue Ze and was in a bad mood and cooed, “I think Mr Gu misunderstood your relationship with Si Ye Han but he loves you deeply and has a strong sense of responsibility. You’re still in his heart–otherwise, he wouldn’t have helped you! As long as you go and explain the misunderstanding to him, everything will be fine!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:此刻,顾越泽看着眼前面容可憎、言语更是不堪的女孩,终于最后一丝耐性也告罄,“好……好!既然你执迷不悟,以后后悔了别怪我今天没提醒你!叶绾绾,我对你已经仁至义尽!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "At this moment, Gu Yue Ze looked at the girl who stood in front of him. A girl who was filled with hatred and spoke so viciously. He warned her with the last bit of his patience, “Fine… fine! Since you won’t come to your senses, next time you have regrets, don’t blame me for not coming to you today! Ye Wan Wan, I’ve done my best to help you!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一人骂骂咧咧地走了过来,然后一屁股在她斜后方的椅子上坐了下来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "A person walked over grumbling and swearing then sat down on the bench diagonally behind her.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她看上去越来越容光焕发了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It kept her glowing as time passed by.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:操场的另一边,暗影处,君老爷子满脸涨的通红,即便以老爷子的沉稳也倍觉热血沸腾,眼看着场中的君邪,眼睛瞪得大大的,胡须抖颤,手指都有些微微颤抖,可见心情之激动。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "At another side of the training grounds, Grandpa Jun was standing within the shadows. His face turned red as his calm demeanour lost its ground against his boiling blood. His eyes stared widely at Jun Xie, both his hands and beard trembled, showing just how excited his heart was.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“我跟你说,曾经你以为你非他不可,以为他就是你的全世界,事实会证明,你不过是坐井观天!世界那么大,为啥不去浪一浪,非得在宋梓航这一棵树上吊死?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“Let me tell you. You thought you couldn’t live without him, thought he was your entire world when in fact, you were just sitting in a silo, limiting yourself! It’s such a big world, why don’t you broaden your horizons instead of clinging onto Song Zi Hang?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:萧逸琛没说完,便睁大了眼睛,一脸不可置信。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Ethan opened his eyes incredulously before finishing his words.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君邪死死的控制着自己想要去挠一挠的欲望,竭尽全力控制自己的心神进入修炼状态,慢慢地……进入了物我两忘之中……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie exerted strict control over the desire to scratch the itchy areas, directing the full concentration of his mind to enter a state of meditation. Slowly… he entered a state of disconnection from self and others…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:对于这种两袖清风,一心为民的人民公仆,林铭也不希望他们倒在这种无妄之灾下,那对蓝岛市接近两千万百姓来说不是好事。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Mark didn't want this uncorrupted, dedicated public servant to fall victim to this unexpected disaster, which would not be good for Blue Island City with a population of nearly 20 million.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这张卡的卡面已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The face of the card had already undergone a complete transformation.", "role": "agent" } ]