[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:缠人的是她。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She was the clingy one.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:难以言喻的情绪涌上心头,有愤怒,有厌恶,却有一丝复杂……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Inexpressible emotions rushed to his heart, in which there were anger, disgust, and a hint of complexity...", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:前世司夜寒禁足她,她自然也反抗了,以死相逼才顺利回到了学校,不过因为沈梦琪三天两头的暗中挑拨,她在学校没能待多久不说,名声也被彻底败坏了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In her previous life, Si Ye Han grounded her and she naturally resisted. Only when she threatened to kill herself did she manage to successfully go back to school. Since Shen Meng Qi kept making trouble, she was unable to attend school for long and her reputation was destroyed.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第三步,述说自己暗恋的故事,要深沉虐恋!百转柔肠!痛彻心扉!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Step three, tell the story of unrequited love, which should be profound and miserable!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:出门便是东风大街,在天香城可算是最为奢华的街道,人来人往,川流不息;唐源那里还顾得上马儿受得了受不了,一马当先冲了出去,遥遥领先,不住的回头望,一脸着急,显然是嫌君邪走得太慢。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "They went out to the Great Dongfeng Street, which was regarded as the most extravagant street in Tianxiang City. The street was bustling with activities and was filled with a steady stream of people; Tang Yuan did not spare any thoughts for the horse and rushed out, taking the lead. He rushed far ahead while constantly looking back, his face filled with worry, apparently fearing that Jun Xie was moving at too slow of a pace.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一名将领就曾经回忆过,他的军队在军阀混战被打散之后,那些溃兵们肆无忌惮的烧杀抢掠、奸淫妇女,他这个高级将领去制止一起奸淫事件,都被人用枪逼得无奈离开。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "A high ranking officer recollected, after his troops were scattered by incessant fighting between warlords, those soldiers murdered, pillaged, and raped without any qualms. In order to stop them the high ranking officer was forced to put them all to the gun.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一路上,男孩儿像宣传喇叭似的喋喋不休,夏欣怡心事重重,大致明白男孩儿名叫陆小三,按照陆小三的话说,他是楚衍的“左膀右臂”,“楚爷没有他就像天使没有翅膀,什么也做不成”......\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The boy was chattering without stopping like a trumpet. Elaine Shire was in a state of preoccupation. She roughly knew that the boy's name was Larry Louis. According to Larry Louis' words, he was Joseph Chum's \"capable assistant\" and \"Mr. Chum is like an angel without wings and can't do anything without him\"…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:眼见纪清舞就要香消玉殒之际,她陡然之间,脚下一点,速度暴增两倍疯狂的向着后方一跃,避过了L1那必杀的一击。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Seeing Chi Qing Wu certain death, when she suddenly between the short distance, explode twice as fast and leapt backward, evading the zombie killing blow.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:虽然还未曾恢复巅峰,甚至都没有恢复多少,但灵微境二重这种修为实力在陈狂面前无疑是蝼蚁一般,有着无数手段足以轻而易举杀了这自不量力之徒。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Although his strength was not recovered much and far away from his peak, people in the second level of Spirit Realm were undoubtedly ants for him, and there were countless means for him to kill this over-confident man easily.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一行人小心翼翼的干掉了数十头零散丧尸之后终于来到了江南区绿荫大道。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "They cautiously killed dozens of zombies while heading to Green Shade Street.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一字一句,字字铿锵有力。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Word by word, every word is sonorous and forceful.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:折腾了一天,她早就没力气了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After a long day with innumerable things, she had no energy left.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:在所有的训练室之中,飞行训练室租用的比率都不是很高。对于很多卡修们来说,飞行只不过是他们赶路的一种方式,战斗时,他们更习惯脚踏实地。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Usage wasn’t very high for any of the flight training spaces, since for a lot of card artisans, flight was just a mode of travel. They were used to having their feet on the ground when they fought.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:林琼儿看到陶薇薇这副见神杀神见鬼杀鬼的气势,吓得赶紧向众人请求支援。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Seeing Vivian's severe manner of killing everyone, Pansy was scared and asked for help.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“简直是自如其辱!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“What a disgrace!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:岳重瞧了张祥一眼,淡淡道:“池阳,手下留情,别伤了他的性命。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Yue looked at Zhang Xiang, and lightly said: “Chi Yang, show some mercies, don’t kill him.”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:晏寒笙一脸冷色,老爷子故意这时候来明摆着是来给他敲警钟的,到底谁是珠江名府的卧底,千雪就早上来过一次,老爷子就来了,还抓了先行!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Saul was indifferent. Coming here at this time, Garfield was to warn him deliberately. Then who was the inside man in the Pearl River? Xenia just came here once in the morning, but Garfield just encountered it on the spot!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:言语铿锵,人早成了泪人。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Although my tone was strong, I would already be immersed in tears.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:她读书,唱歌,都不随大流。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Both her reading and singing were interesting and different.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:一听到要调坐位了,教室里顿时一阵哀嚎,有人欢喜有人愁。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hearing that they would have to change their seats, the students started wailing, some happy and others worried.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“是……是呀,这个手办被别人买走了,我一看,很是着急啊,就跟着那个人,跑到他们家,那是舌战群儒,大开杀戒,吵了整整三天,才靠着我这三寸不烂之舌把那些人吓得是一愣一愣的……”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "\"Yes... Yes, I heard that this figure was bought by someone else, and I was very anxious, so I followed that person to their house and fought with them. After arguing for three whole days, I got the figure...”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:听到陶薇薇这番话,林琼儿唯恐齐老大被陶薇薇说服,赶紧死死抱住齐老大,又嚎啕大哭起来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hearing Vivian Tonn, Pansy Lam, fearing that Mr. Zill would be persuaded by Vivian Tonn, quickly hugged Mr. Zill and burst into tears again.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:黄老自认为自己也算是有着一些眼力了,还从未曾见到过有同辈能够与之相提并论的,更加别提看透这青年了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Mr. Hwang believed that he was kind of insightful, but he had never met someone of Jayden's generation who could compare to Jayden, let alone to see through this young man. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:相比霍氏那边愁云惨雾,而顾倾城今夜的心情却是大好,和GE的人签署完相关合同,她的心也终于落在了原地,回到酒店,她将资料电邮给助理,起身便看到洛洛已经躺在床上睡着了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In contrast to the terrible atmosphere in Hortons Group, Queenie was delighted tonight. After signing the relevant contract with GE, she finally felt relieved. Back to the hotel, she emailed the information to her assistant and then saw Louis already lying asleep on the bed.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:陶建国这个人一生为名为利,若是知道了兮兮不能生育,没了利用价值,自己和兮兮在陶家,恐怕就不好过了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Gordon Tonn was a person who lived for fame and fortune all his life. If he know Cissie could not get pregnant, she would have no value, and it would be difficult for her and Cissie to be in the Tonns in the future.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:叶绾绾深深觉得,这人的心情真是跟三月的天一样,阴晴不定……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Ye Wanwan felt that his mood was really like the weather in March–overcast and unpredictable.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:霍司踱步上前,冷若冰霜的语气,彰显着高高在上的傲然,垂眸,漫不经心道:“不过,你就该这样。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Samson paced forward arrogantly, and said in a frosty, insouciant tone, \"But, you deserve this.\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“是哪位前辈在这里?不知有何指示,尚请现身一见。”为首的那位黑衣蒙面人挺直身子,对着天空拱拱手,语声恭谨,这实际却是在打了马虎眼,装作不清楚暗中那人此举的意思,进行试探。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“Which senior has arrived? Do you have any instructions? Please show yourself,” The leader of the masked men in black stood straight, his hands cupped respectfully towards the sky as he said in a courteous voice. Trying to pull wool over the tiger’s eyes, this man pretended to not understand the expert’s intention and tried to feel him out.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这件事也就这样不了了之。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He would have to leave the matter unsettled.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:听到这话,苏西喘了口气,歇了一下,怒气冲冲的看向唐辰。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hearing this, Susie Soy took a breath and looked at Gilbert Don angrily.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:梁丽华深吸一口气,强压着怒火,把手里一叠分数统计册拍得哗啦啦响,找了半天,终于找到叶绾绾的名字,然后把叶绾绾的成绩单给抽了出来,“好!看你的成绩是吧!我看你是不见棺材不掉泪!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Liang Li Hua took a deep breath, trying to contain her anger. She slammed the stack of exam booklets in her hands. After searching for a long time, she finally managed to find Ye Wan Wan’s name and took her result slip out of the pile, “Good! Look at your grades! I see that you’re the type of person who will not weep until you see the coffin!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:后来老板来了,老板说你以为你是谁,你想耍大牌到CCTV耍去!像你这样会哼几句调调就来讨生活的人,我一抬脚就踩死一大片。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Then the boss came over and shouted ‘Who do you think you are? Go and give yourself airs on CCTV! There are plenty other singers waiting for a job here.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“你还是这么狂傲自大!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“You are still so arrogant!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:岳重定睛看去,只见在那枪支保管室之中,一名身穿警服,胸前波涛汹涌,容颜极美,年约二十五六岁的女警手持54式手枪直指着他。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Yue looked straight ahead, seeing in the storage room, was a woman in police uniform. Her chest rising, looks very beautiful, is about 25 years old. The police officer was armed with the Type 54 pistol, aiming at him.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:霍言川含怒而发的一声低喝,吓了所有人一跳!!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Castro let out a low growl of anger that scared everyone!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君无意自问自己的家族对天香国可说是劳苦功高,但两位哥哥两个侄儿先后战死沙场,自己更是被毁掉一生,若是这些乃是在战场上堂堂正正的败给敌人,那么君无意无话可说;但这几件事情,分明其中疑窦重重,王国却始终不闻不问……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He could see that the Jun Family had rendered a great number of meritorious services to the country after suffering through innumerable hardships. However, both his brothers and nephews were killed in battle. As for himself, he was paralyzed for life. If these had happened on the battlefield and their enemies openly defeated them, then Jun Wuyi would have no complaints. But, everything that had happened to them occurred under suspicious circumstances, and yet the kingdom remained indifferent…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这位名唤凤姐的女人气喘吁吁地追了上来,嘴里嚷嚷:“小样,看你往哪里跑!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The girl called Sister Phoenix caught up huffing and puffing, yelling, “Where do you think you’re going, little fellow?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:通过与司夜寒的这层关系,沈梦琪可是没少捞好处,在娱乐圈混得风生水起,甚至后来整个沈家都沾了光,从一个末流小公司混到上市集团,一跃成为帝都名门。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Due to her relationship with Si Ye Han, Shen Meng Qi had benefited quite a bit. She was very popular in entertainment circles and later, the whole Shen family shared the spotlight as well. Moving from being a small company to becoming part of the A-lister crowd meant a leap into the royal family.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这俩人真是……太般配了!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "They were…really well-matched!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:而现在,就应该是对方图穷匕见的时候!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As of now, they would likely begin to go all out!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:陶薇薇也是个神经大条的人,根本没发现自家儿子早已换了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Vivian Tonn was also careless, so she didn't find her son had been swapped.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:此刻唐源问起来,瞧他激动的浑身肥肉乱颤的样子,显然是势在必行,当然了,是否能志在必得就不好说了,反正是很不乐观就是了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "At the current, Tang Yuan asked with a look of excitement on his whole fat body, he obviously felt that this was an important matter. But, whether they would be able to win was not something they dared to declare. The only thing that could be said was that it does not look optimistic.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:琢磨了两个星期,所有的内容他都已经烂熟于心,陈暮才决定开始动手。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After two weeks of refinement, and having committed everything he’d learned to memory, Chen Mu finally decided to begin.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:最近还真是倒霉事接连发生,事业搞成那样,感情问题吧,也是一团迷雾,搞得乱七八糟,人家不是常说,事业和感情是风水轮流转。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Bad things had happened one after another recently. Not only was the career not going well, but also the relationship was not going well. It was often said that career and relationship would always go well. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:目中满是不可置信的神色,紧紧用手捂住喉咙上的刀柄,直挺挺的扑倒在雨水里。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Their faces expressed a look of disbelief as they tightly pressed onto the hilt of the dagger on their throats; their bodies remained upright as they fell face first onto the rainwater on the ground.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:回想起那天宁冬对自己说起两百张卡片时,嘴角的那一抹意味深长,他就明白,这两百张卡片一定不是那么容易。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He thought back on that time when Ning Dong had brought up the two hundred cards – with some kind of hidden implication to what he was saying – and he immediately understood that those two hundred cards weren’t going to be a simple matter.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“真是的,千雪姐本来就不舒服,这不是拖累她么?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Seriously, Xenia was already not feeling well, isn’t she interfering with her?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:那S1人在半空中,避无可避,被岳重一刀斩掉了头颅,污血四溅。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The zombie was in mid-air, unable to dodge, Yue’s sword cut off the zombie’s head, foul blood splattering everywhere.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:不过裴行到底老辣,片刻之后便有了计较:“既然您推荐了这位先生,那想必这位先生有过人之处。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Shrewd as he’d always been, Pei Hang quickly devised a bargain, “If you recommend this gentleman, then he presumably has superior qualities.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这两个字,撞入顾倾城的耳膜,让她不禁蹙眉,下意识看向那两个渐行渐远的小护士,心“咯噔”了一下。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Queenie frowned at these two names, subconsciously looked at the two nurses as they drifted away. Her heart dropped for a moment.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这一连串动作兔起鹘落,令人目不暇接,几乎是黄色金钱镖一出手,君邪飘忽的身影便跟了上来,四声惨叫响起的同时,君邪已经拔出了其中一人头上的飞刀,四具尸体跌落地面发出的声音还未传出,那柄飞刀已经插入了幸存者的心脏,而另一只手掌也已经劈上了另外也是最后一个幸存者的咽喉!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This series of actions was performed in quick succession, enough to cause the average person to miss out on it. The very moment that the yellow coin shaped darts flew out, Jun Xie’s fleeting figure had already moved outwards. When the four men cried out miserably, Jun Xie was already pulling out one of the flying daggers sticking out from their heads. Even before their four dead bodies fell flat onto the ground, the flying dagger had already found its way into the heart of the first survivor. At the same moment, his other hand had also cleaved the throat of the second and last survivor!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:凡是想要伤害灵梦公主的人,无论是谁,在夜孤寒的眼中,都是杀、无、赦!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In Ye Guhan’s eyes, anyone who wished to bring harm upon Princess Ling Meng must be killed! No amnesty would be given!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:浆声灯影,渔歌唱晚的绍兴。三秋桂子,十里荷花的绍兴。咸亨酒店的酒旗在杏花春雨中招展。阿Q的乌篷船蜻蜓点水般撑过祥林嫂淘米的水边。风情摇曳的绍兴,才子辈出的绍兴。还有秋瑾。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The sound of oars, the reflections of lanterns on the water, the lingering songs of fishermen, the long-lasting fragrance of sweat-scented osmanthus in autumn and the boundless lotus in summer, the flying banner of Xianheng Restaurant in Lu Xun’s novel Kong Yiji, Ah Q's Wupeng rowing boat in The True Story of Ah Q, Sister Xianglin in Blessing. Shaoxing is not only special for its stunning scenery, it is also known for such talented people as Qiu Jin, one of the Chinese democratic revolutionaries.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:郑洁三十岁那年,厂子里已开始了各种变动,今天分流啊,明天改制啊,搞得人心惶惶,山雨欲来风满楼的架势。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "When Zheng Jie turned thirty, the factory underwent a drastic restructuring including disconcerting changes in personnel. A storm seemed to be approaching.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:毕竟,做图书管理员很轻松!图书馆本是一个清闲工作,再加上这多年来学校发展的不景气,馆里就越发地找不着多少活干了,但几个同事忙得不行,过去是忙着说家常织毛衣斗地主,现在是忙着在开心网上种地养猪偷菜。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After all, it was cushy to be a librarian! The school was in slow development and the librarians spent most of their time idle. Several of Su's colleagues were busy gossiping, knitting and playing cards in one period, and farming, raising pigs and stealing vegetables on the Kaixin website the next.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“跟我来!”陈瑶向着岳重盈盈一笑,领着岳重走进了这个家中的主卧。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“Follow me.” Chen Yao looked at Yue and smiled sweetly, took him into the master bedroom.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:霍言川又舀一勺,准备往自己嘴里放,想要故技重施。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Castro scooped up the congee again and prepared to ate, trying to repeat the same tactic.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:既象是在自得其乐,却又更象是孤独寂寞。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He seemed to be entertaining himself, but it seemed more as though he was feeling solitary and lonely.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“慕家,我是真没有放在心上。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "\"I really don't care about the Holland family.\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:司夜寒的怒气几乎是一瞬间就熄得干干净净,不过,面上却依旧是万里冰封的表情。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Si Ye Han’s anger seemed to be put out in an instant, however, his expression was still frozen.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“萧斐然,你想把你的艺人硬塞到这个剧组参加面试,无非是觉得这部电影是裴导的出山之作,而且剧本也是裴导的团队改编的,到时候只要提到裴导,这部影片未上映必先火,你的演员自然也可以趁机火一把,可是你有没有想过,有多少人都想买裴导的那部《我的那段时光》小说的版权,甚至喊出了天价,裴导都没有卖,最后却卖给了我这个名不见经传的小人物?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "\"Freda Shaw, you want your artists to audition, just because you think it's Mr. Paxon's debut film after a long retirement. What's more, the screenplay is also adapted by Mr. Paxon's team, so if we advertise it, the movie will be famous before it comes out, and your actors will be renowned, too. However, did it ever occur to you that why a lot of people wanted to buy the copyright of his novel \"The Times of My Life\", but Mr. Paxon sold it to me, a nobody?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:陈狂也不在意,这老家伙比起青狼来还要机灵几分,人老成精,也见怪不怪了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jayden didn't care either. This man was even more cunning than Green Wolf. Since he was senior, his wisdom was reasonable.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:越说越激动,说到伤心事,唐源激动的站了起来,一只大腿带着汹涌的肉浪狠狠的踩在了自己坐的椅子上,浑身肥肉波澜壮阔的一抖,神色狰狞的向天大吼!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The more he said, the more agitated he became. Tang Yuan stood up in agitation, slamming his leg down, bringing a raging wave of fat down upon the chair he was seated upon. The slabs of fat on his body surged magnificently as he roared fiercely towards the skies! ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“君家树大招风,风雨飘摇,王国更是暗流汹涌,君家随时都会万劫不复!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“Our Jun Family is a great pillar which many had set their sights on, and is currently standing upon a precarious position. The Kingdom on the other hand is filled with tumultuous undercurrents. Under these circumstances, our Jun Family could face an insoluble calamity at any moment!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:可天香国历代以来位高权重的人物从文星书院里出来的有几个?呸!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the long history of Tianxiang Kingdom, how many famed individuals hailed from the Wenxing Institute of Knowledge? Pooh!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这孩子,问的如此莫名其妙。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The child asked in such a puzzled way.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:他就说嘛,这种女人怎么有资格做他晏寒笙的妻子。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Just as he said, such a woman was not qualified to be his wife.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:那头S1大手一抓,旋即将一名身材矮小的女生抓住,张开了血盆大口一口咬在了那名女生的脖子之上。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The S1 zombie opened it’s hand and caught a petite girl, then opened it’s mouth and bit the girl in the neck.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“莫邪,你看我们的护卫训练的怎样?”听着远处传来的生生吼叫,看着一个个健壮的身体在挥汗如雨,君无意有种久违了的躁动。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“Moxie, what do you think of our house guards’ training?” As he listened to the distant roars or vigour and observing the robust bodies drenched in sweat from training, Jun Wuyi felt a sense of restlessness which he had not felt for a long time.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:皇国也分三六九等。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Meanwhile, the imperial power also had various grades and ranks.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:唐辰看到苏西转头,心里一喜,赶紧一瘸一拐的走到苏西面前。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Gilbert Don was overjoyed when he saw Susie Soy turn her head, and hurriedly limped towards Susie Soy.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:无怪乎听在君邪耳朵里,却是禁不住要捧腹大笑,唐胖子居然自称弱小良民,还真敢说!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie who was listening by the side, felt tempted to burst out in laughter. Fatty Tang sure had guts, to call himself a weak, common people!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:简夏鼻子一酸,想到自己如今的处境,“有缘无份”四个字刺入她的心脏。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She felt sorry at the thought of her present situation. The word \"star-crossed\" pierced her heart.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:半晌后,许易挂了电话,心神不定地朝着司夜寒看去,满脸的欲言又止。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After a long while, Xu Yi hung up and looked at Si Ye Han in a state of distress, and he seemed to be hesitant about what he wanted to say.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:唯一的希望,就是鹬蚌相争渔人得利。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The only hope was to benefit from the tussle among other forces.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:所以他们明白“泥鳅”的价值,但是在整个校园里,陈暮还依然是声名不显。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "So, they understood the value of the “mud fish.” Chen Mu was still unknown to the overall campus.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:接下来的一个月,君府发生了一件让所有人都觉得不可思议的事情:本朝有数的纨绔子君莫邪大少爷居然一个多月没有出门去胡作非为,没有去眠花宿柳,也没有去斗鸡跑狗,更没有去杀人放火;就算是呆在家里,也是规规矩矩,不是呆在自己小院里,就是去藏书阁,居然没有见他调戏哪个侍女!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "During the following month, something unthinkable occurred within the Jun Residence: The number one debauchee in the kingdom, Young Master Jun Moxie actually stayed at home for well over one month. He did not go out to play the gangster, he did not go visit the Flowery Night Lodge, he did not go for cockfighting and hound racing, and he did not even commit arson or murder. At home, he was either always staying in his own residence or in the library building; he did not even take liberties with the maids!!!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:仔细地观察陈暮的表情,觉得不像作伪,丫丫才半信半疑道:“昨天对抗赛扳手赢了!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Looking carefully at Chen Mu’s expression, and feeling that he wasn’t faking, Ya Ya finally said half believing and half doubting, “Spanner won the defensive competition yesterday!”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:君莫邪,现年一十六岁,天香帝国君氏家族小字辈的唯一嫡系子孙,一位游手好闲、好逸恶劳、混吃等死祸害人的超级纨绔!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Moxie, currently sixteen years old, he is the only descendant of the younger generation of the Jun Clan of Tianxiang Kingdom; an idle, indolent, useless freeloader, scum of society and super level debauchee.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:围观的众人只见男生高大俊朗,穿着一身篮球服,亦步亦趋地跟在女生旁边,一副护花使者的模样,直让人少女心泛滥。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Onlookers could only see a tall and handsome boy in a basketball outfit, following in the footsteps of a girl next to him like a guardian angel, completely winning over any teenage girl’s heart.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:李清暗暗感谢桑平在她骑虎难下时帮了她。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Li Qing felt grateful to Sang Ping who helped her when she was in such a dilemma.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:同时,君邪右手贴在桌案上,一缕细如尖针一般的气流,神不知鬼不觉的从指间发出,绵延到了骰盅之中……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "At the same time, Jun Xie’s right hand that was on the table issued out a thin strand of qi, as thin as a needle. The thin strand of qi stretched mysteriously without anyone noticing towards the dice cup…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:果然是高人啊!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He was really capable!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:“我现在怎么样了?”昨天晚上的疯狂和混乱不堪,她还是隐隐地记得的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "\"How am I now?\" She still vaguely remembered the craziness and mess last night.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这也愈发让伯汶欣赏这位面色腊黄,其貌不扬的少年。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "That then made Bo Wen admire that sallow-faced nondescript youth even more.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:岳重眉头一皱,便想说不需要,只是他瞧了郭雨一眼之后,鬼使神差之间,那句不需要便没有说出口。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Yue frowned, and wanted to say no. But after glancing at Guo Yue, somehow he could not say those words.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:顾铭洛迅速低下头,摸着鼻子,掩去的眼底的精光,俨然一副不知所措的样子。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Louis looked down quickly and touched his nose. He pretended to be confused.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:而霍司,在沈默离开后,兀自起身,站定在落地窗边,居高临下睨着。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "While Samson, after Alymer left, rose abruptly and stood fixedly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the scene from above.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:至于另一个,他则是无能为力!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As for the other one, not even he could do anything about it!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:他从来都是独断独行,从不与任何人联手。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He would always act alone, unwilling to work together with anyone. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:可是后来发生的一系列的事情,让陶薇薇有些措手不及。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But a series of events later took Vivian Tonn by surprise.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:就在那名刀疤脸男子掉转枪口之时,岳重身体一晃,以迅雷不及掩耳之势转到了那名刀疤脸男子身后,一刀向着那名刀疤脸男子头颅斩去。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The moment that the scar-faced man pointed his gun at Yue, Yue’s body flickered, suddenly appeared behind the scar-faced man. Yue, with his sword in hand, slashing towards the scar-faced man’s head.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:还是借尸还魂?!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Or did I actually end up in someone else’s body?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:灵梦公主回来听到自己最好的姐妹居然是哭着来的,又是哭着走的,顿时心中紧张之际,以为发生了什么大事,这才急忙安排动身,要去独孤世家看看,究竟是怎么回事,能让这位刁蛮可爱又聪慧的妹妹如此的伤心;却无巧不巧的在这里遇见了罪魁祸首:君莫邪。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "When Princess Ling Meng returned, she found out that her dear sister came over and left while crying, she became worried. Fearful that something big had happened, she quickly arranged to leave for the Dugu Residence and find out what happened. What exactly could cause this unruly, yet cute and intelligent little sister of hers to become so sad? Who could have guessed that she would end up meeting the culprit right here: Jun Moxie.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:叶家的大仇未报,爸爸妈妈还在等着她回家,她还要把哥哥从歧途上拉回来,她要做的事情太多太多。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The Ye family hadn’t exacted their revenge yet. Her parents were still waiting for her at home and she still had to guide her older brother onto the right path. She had so much to do.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:岳重轻描淡写地说道:“只要你敢猎杀丧尸,获得相应的技能书学习之后,就能够获得相应的技能。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Yue casually says: “If you dare to kill zombies, after obtaining the corresponding skill book, you can obtain this skill.”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:那个微雨的黄昏,苏笛被几个人死活叫去一起吃饭。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "One drizzling evening, she was invited to dinner.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:叶绾绾自然是要拒绝的,她不可以留下任何把柄,但她不可能当众说出自己有男朋友的事情,不然被学校发现早恋那是违纪,又要被记一笔,她可不像凌东有个校董老爸可以无所顾忌。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Ye Wan Wan naturally wanted to reject; she couldn’t let anybody get a hold over her. But she couldn’t possibly talk about her boyfriend in front of everyone. If the school found out about her puppy love, that would be a violation of school rules and she’d be penalized again. She didn’t have a school director as her father like Ling Dong so she couldn’t act impulsively.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:这小子,貌似有点改邪归正的迹象呢?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It seemed as though this kid is finally showing signs of turning over a new leaf!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,其中包含一些蕴含中国文化的词汇(例如,成语,习语,土话,网络梗等).你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保这些蕴含中国文化的词汇得到准确翻译,并且正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:你本来应该得二等奖,他们没眼力。他朝评委们啜啜嘴。他们一起笑了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "“You should have won the second prize,” he said, looking at the judges in mock anger. “They have no sense of appreciation,” Su Di laughed with him.", "role": "agent" } ]