It's that time of year again. The election of the president of the United States! But does our vote really matter? I mean the Electoral College does all the voting anyway. So should we change the Electoral College to popular vote for the president or, keeping it the way it should be senator? To commence, the Electoral College is pretty much the way the president is elected. There are currently 538 electors in the Electoral College (Source 1). And in order to win the presidency you need to have at least 270 electoral votes. But why is it like that? In the 2000 U.S. election Al Gore had more popular votes than George W. Bush did nationwide. But he lost the election because Bush had 271 electoral votes compared to Gore's 266 (Source 2). The Electoral College is widely known for being unfair but, there is a reason for that. Number 1 is the Certainty of Outcome. It's less likely to dispute over the popular vote than it is than the electoral vote. The reason is because of the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. (Source 3). On the other hand, some Americans have five reasons to keep our horrendous way to elect our president. A Certainty of outcome. It is stated in Source 3 that it is less likely to have a dispute of electoral votes than popular votes. And it's because of the winning candidate's share of popular votes. Everyone's President. It's stated that the Electoral College requires to a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. The South and Northeast region don't have enough electoral votes to elect a president. So Romney had no incentive of campaining in the South. Swing states. The winner-take-all method is popular in each state in the U.S. Giving the winning candidate to win the presidency. The "toss-up" states are more likely to pay more attention to the campaign. 4 Big states. Larger states are more likey to have more electoral votes than smaller states. In contrast, Florida and Wyoming. Florida has 29 and Wyoming with only a mere 3 electoral votes. Avoid run-off elections. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. Hence, senator there is no need to change the Electoral College to popular votes. Although, many Americans despise the way it works. It still manages to elect a president in an unfair way.  
School is a stressful place for teens nowadays. Having to look good, having the best hair, keeping up with friends, or just trying not to start trouble. With these things always plaguing the back of their minds students can hardly stay on task or get to work. But with modern technology there are now more options; using the internet online learning is possible just from staying at your own home. Doing this will reduce students being stressed out from being at school and help keep them focused. Having the option to take classes from home using online or video conferencing will be beneficial for students. Teens always stress over the littlest of things, so if they were at a place where they are most comfortable it would help them stay calm. Most distractions in the classrooms come from students worrying about themselves wondering what the other students think about them. This takes away from their focus and keeps them occupied in their mind about something completely irrelevant and not about the class. Allowing them to stay at home and take classes from there, they don't need to worry about that since their is nobody to judge them. Online classes have more usage than just getting rid of classroom distractions. It also provides a way for students to still be learning with issues in getting to school. Missing class is damaging to students learning and because unforeseen events can happen at random times, these problems are unavoidable. It could be weather, sickness, a problem within the school, or there being traffic delaying school buses and parents dropping off kids. With the usage of online classes however, it would help keep students learning even if their is a problem outside of their control. Now, some people may say that because students are at home they can still get distracted from other things around them. This is a good point however, the benefits still out weigh the negatives. Students will always be distracted by something but being at home all they need to focus on is their work and not their peers around them. Mainly phones are a huge problem but with the help of parents or guardians they can keep their child away from distractions when it's time to work. Now that they are away from all of those problems they can completely stay on task with their work and complete it proficiently Regular school should still be an option but allowing students to have the choice to choose online classes will help those who believe it would help them more. Even students who believed that simply going to school would help them more could still find benefits from using online classes. With the use of modern technology and the help of schools, online classes could just be the future of learning.
Am I against or for the driverless cars? I in my opinion am against having driverless cars. I have decided this because I love to drive, I injoy driving and going in and out of plces. The reason why I have chosen this is because havind driverless cars could be a big terrible deal. For example , the car has a mind of its own but what if some day it has a glich and you are inside the car, the glich will seel the doors and windows. When you know the whay to go, turning right at a stop but the glich or mistake it makes the auto go to the left. I injoy driving, I would not like to be lazy and not learn the street names or where my destination. The driverless cars learn everything for you, how are you going to invite a friend from outside who does not have a drierless car. You cannot help your friend get to the destination if you do not know the streets or dirrection to go to. I for sure am against the driverless cars. Are you against having the drverless cars or do you agree for them?
Dear principal Have you ever had a goal that was bigger than life well me and my friends have some to we want to play sports but these demands on B or better in all subjects is making that hard .we think that you shouldn't change the policy on B or better to B ,that would really make the players work over time and most would not have the time to play and to turn in B plus work. by doing so the players would have a bad time and they wouldn't have the fun that these sports bring them. With this new policy comes a lot of problems like some of the star players are C students and i don't think that they could Get a B in every class. most of the students not playing sports are below the C average and they have extra time to do it in twenty thirty maybe even hours more than most sports players in the school .Also the people who do have all B' s aren't playing sports because to caught up in work to get those b' s. Most students will have to leave sports all together because they cant make the grades ,Maybe making the teams lose the best players in the school. Most of these kids are natural players taking this away will make them turn to other alternatives such as playin
Dear Principal, I believe that community service is extremely important and that all students should be required to perform some community service. Community service helps out the community a lot, so the students will be making their homes a better place to live and learn. Another thing that community service does is that it helps build character in a child, because they are constantly helping people out and doing the right thing. Next, community service will help with your education, because kids who do community service are more likely to get into a good college. Community service is a key element in our growth and development. First of all, community service makes the place you live a better place, by creating a better environment to work, learn and live, as well as make everyone happier. The community benefits a lot from kids or adults actively participating in community service. Research shows, that the cleaner and more beautiful the town or city is, the happier the people are. Who is happy when they are living in a trash can? Community service helps clean up the town, by simple things like picking up trash, or larger projects like planting trees. Education also benefits from community service, because we can teach the younger generation skills they need to grow up. Also, a better looking school, would be a better place to learn, because the students will be happier and more motivated. Secondly, students and adults who perform community service build a lot of character. This is because they are constantly helping people out, and doing the right thing. This way they will feel good about themselves, and will be a better person overall. I am a boy scout, and i always participate in activities such as, help cleaning up a state park, and help cleaning up the Connecticut River. After i do these things, i feel ready good about myself because i did the right thing, and helped out our community a lot. Furthermore, scientist have shown that students who do community service have a better chance of having a happy life than people who don't, because you will always feel good about yourself and how you have helped your community. Another reason that community service is very important, is because many ivy league colleges, and other colleges in general, are always looking for people who regularly participate in community service and also volunteer. I personally knew a person, who didn't have all A's in school, and didn't get a great score on the SAT's, but she was an volunteer at a hospital and part of a organization that helps homeless people. She got accepted into Harvard University because she did all that community service. Community service helps out a lot in our lives, by both building character and also it helps tremendously in applying for college. In addition, it also helps a lot with our education, because last year we won our regional science bowl, because some high school students decided to help out our them and come to our practices to teach us. This was very helpful for us and we benefited a lot because of that. They probably also felt better about themselves that they were teaching the younger generation and helping us out. People don't know how much you can learn from kids older than you. you can probably learn more from them than teachers, because you look up to them and respect them the same or maybe more than your teachers. So community service is extremely in education. In conclusion, I believe that community service helps out a lot with our growth and development, either by education, or building character. Both of those are super important in our life. Studies show that people who do community service are 3 times more likely to succeed than people who don't. And the community benefits from these acts too, because you are making your town a happier and better place to live. So please take my opinion into account, and make all the students do some community service.
INTRODUCTION: venus is a big planet, sometimes is called "evening star", is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. In our solar system, venus is the second planet from our sun. BODY: Venus is a secons planet with more similarity in our solar system, in terms of density an size and occasionally in distance. venus is a big planet for to go investigate. The atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets venus. on the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather than waht we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus, for example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surfaces and have lasted for three weeks i such conditions. Another project is use old technology called mechanical computers. Just imagine exposing a cellphone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. ESSAY: If you think is good if the NASA want search information about Venus, and end venus is a planet with more silmilarity to the Earth, i think is good but with the genocide atmosphere is so hard if we try live on Venus. maybe just how are the atmosphere or search life in other planets but for live on venus is a big problem. just live one day or less, or the human body change or some people born different the others. these conditions are not for a human, the human be killed in seconds. is a big challenge live is this planet, the temperatures are not for humans the clouds are acid and we don't know if this planet has other lifes.
Despite the dangers of exploring Venus , there are many valid reasons to enocourage us to continue to investigate our sister planet. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author explains why the pursuit to learn more about Venus is worth it. In the article the author explains the conditions that make Venus so dangerous to us, and the motive for NASA to continute exploration. Venus is the sister planet to Earth. This is becuase Venus is the closest planet to Earths density, size, and ocassionally the closest in distance depending on the orbit. Since the planets are so similar you'd think the conditions would be as well. In the article the author describes the conditions as, " far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth." The other then goes on to explain that the thick atmosphere of Venus is almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide. To make things more understandable he also adds the challenge of the highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the planets atmosphere. Not only this, but the temperatures average is over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than on Earth. As you can see the conditions of Venus are very extreme based off of the information in the text. These conditions make it very hard to study Venus due to the fact that it's conditions are too extreme for us to get close enough too. Now that the readers have been given a description of the conditions on Venus, and faced with the challenge of it's exploration it is time to ask why try to explore Earth's "twin" planet. According to the author, " Astronomers are facinated by Venus becuase it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet inn our solar system." After the author says this he then explains that a long time ago Venus was most likely covered largely with oceans, and could have supported various forms of life. Although today the planet still has some physical features similar to Earth such as valleys, mountains, rocks, and craters. Thus making Venus NASA's nearest option for a planetary visit. Although the conditions are to harsh for us to travel too. The motive for exploring Venus is very encouraging. The only thing holdong astronomers is the condition, and complications with the deails of proximity. On the up side the author talks about how NASA has a idea for sending humans to study the planet. The author says, " NASA's possiblesolution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." Basically the author is saying that NASA plans to send a blimp-like vechicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusian landscape. The author further explains this by comparing this solution to what jet airplanes do to avoid storms,which is travel at a higher altitude. By doing this we can have a clear understanding to what astronomers are doing to solve the issue of proximity , and accesibility. With this solution the exploration of Venus, and it's many rewards can hopefully be reached. In the article,"The challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author did a very good job at explaining the situation, and presenting the readers with facts, and evidence. The author supported his claims with knolege about the planet, and motives of NASA. Not only this, but gave a solution to the issue. The author did a good job of supporting the idea that the pursuit to explore Venus is worth the risks.
Attention fellow citizens! Like most things, cars have it's advantages and disadvanteges. Cars have developed more problems from the usage on a regular basis. Limiting car use in cities can reduce the issues related to vehice usage to a minimum. To begin, many cities have already set limitations on automobile usage such as Vauban, Germany and the outskirts of Freiburg near the Swiss and French boarders. Freiburg has actually banned cars except for the main thouroughfare and a few streets on the edge of the community. 70 percent of people in Vauban do not have a vehicle and 57 percent sold their car to move to Vauban. As we all know cars take a toll an the atmosphere itself by adding greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. 50 percent of greenhouse gasses in the United states are emited through cars, but on the other hand cars are responsible for only 12 percent. It seems to be that the car-less cities tend to be declining the negative effects in the atmosphere. Next, Paris took the no-car rule to another level by banning all cars, depending on the day, to reduce conditions in the air quality because of the emitiones from the vehicles. A thick smof loomed over the city because of the gases produced form the automobiles. Drivers with licence plates with even numbers would not use their cars for the day and odd cars would be off the next in an attempt to redice the smog. After numerous days of reduced cars the smog began clear from it's usual state. Also, another city that's cutting down car usage is Bogota Colombia. Bogota has created a "car-free" day to reduce the harmful gases created by cars and to encourage alternative forms of transportation. Anyone driving a vehicle would be fined $25. The turnout was big with many people participating showing reat results on the atmospheric conditions above the city. Another great thing that came out of this is the enthusiasm it brought to other countries who wanted some thing like this to encourage other formes of transportation and reduce pollution. As seen in the article, limiting the time we use cars has a great impact on the environment and people around you. So what do you say? Put down the keys and ride a bike today!
Car usage to some people doesnt matter. Some people say that they would rather walk than drive a car. Heidrun Walter said ''when i had a car i was always tense. Im much happier this way". Most normal people would rather ride in a vehicle but these people have a good point. Not only does it make them happier to walk but it also is better for the enviornment. There is less air polution. The biggest thing is smog. Smog is a very big consern in todays socity. After days of near record pollution, paris enforced a partial ban to clear the air of the global city. With no vehicles on the road, that means no smog. Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after 5 days of intensifying smog. Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Diesel fuel was blamed, since france has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in france, compared to a 53.3 percent average of deiselengines in the rest of western Europe, according to reuters. Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while exceptions were made for plug in cars, hybrids, and cars carring three or more passengers. Public transit was free of charge from friday to monday, according to the bbc. Vauban, completed in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in europe, the united states and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called smart planning."All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change," said David Goldberg, and official of transportation America. Most people would freak out if they had to loose there vehicles. But if you look at it the way these people do then it wouldnt be that bad. Smog is hurting the world all over. There would be less car accidents. And there would be less gas and oil sources being used. It helps the world and some people said that it makes them happeir and they arent usually as sterssed or mad ever sence the got rid of there cars.  
There has been a major awareness of the effects that cars have on us as a means of transportation. People question whether or not abandoning cars as our primary use of transportation is worth the health of the environment. The simple answer to that is obvious, there would be no awareness, no statistics, no movements to prevent the use of cars, if there weren't any issue with them. Eliminating cars as our primary source of transportation is almost impossible, meaning that the solution to this fossil fuel emission problem must be an alternative source of energy. As technology has advanced, so has the mindset the majority of the modern society's population towards the issues of cars. Has the mindset of the population surpassed the advancement of technology, or have we been ignoring the fact that these fossil fuels emissions have been detrimental to our environment. The one major thing that has caught everyone's attention is that the health of our environment being negatively impacted by the use of cars everyday. This is because this is the problem that should catch everyone's attention. People have this false notion that we wont see any environmental changes in our lifetime, so this means we dont have to worry  about this now. The problems that we predicted would occur have been occuring over the past few years. A prime example of this would be in Paris. Paris had been experiencing some weather problems. There was an abundance of smog that was filling the air, and diesel fuel was blamed. Paris enforced a partial driving ban as a solution to the smog problem. By eliminating cars as a use of tranpotation, some questions may occur. How will external delivery companies be able to deliver. By not being able to deliver, these companies will lose revenue, due to the fact that Paris has a partial ban on driving. Since this is most likely temporary, and a "partial" ban, this problem may be eliminated from the cons list of implementing this regulation. But a correlation occured. After the partial ban of driving, the smog dissapeared. This shows that by eliminating cars as a use of transportation this would have a significant effect on our harmed environment. Another falacy that the majority of the population has is that the only problem facing the use of cars as the modern society's primary source of transportation is that cars harm the environment. Even though this is the problem that we all need to face now, there are other tedious things that come with the adoption of cars. Bogota, Columbia, has had extreme congestion, has created a movement that has been so successful it has spread to other countries. This movement involves the population abandoning their cars for one day and using any other possible means of transportation. This movement encourages the elimination of cars, physical fitness, and the elimination of traffic jams. The population of Bogota is so dedicated to this movement, that they have participated n this movement through bad weather conditions. This movement treats itself like a fundamental holiday to have every year. "It' s a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."- Carlos Arturo Plaza (participant of the movement). As you can see the process of eliminating cars as our primary source of transportation is a very difficult thing to accomplish. Bogota, Columbia's movement to abandon cars for one day is the closest the modern society has gotten to this. For this reason, there should be an alternate source of energy cars should run off of. By the environmental issues facing the use of cars, there have been many other problems that have sprouted because of the awareness that the modern society's citizen has now. Through the support of cars as the primary source of the modern population's transportation, there has been an abundance of users of cars. Since there was an overproductions of cars, seeing how this is the primary source of transpotation, statistics have occured showing the true dangers of the effects that the overuse of cars has on our environment. By implemeting an alternate source of energy that is not harmful to the environment, this would fix the majority of the problems. Instead we have been focusing on self-driving cars instead of cars that will be able to sustsain our environment before it's too late. A potential solution is energy efficiency, but the number one solution is awareness. Encouraging awareness is the one thing that can produce more potential solutions.
Dear Mr Principal, I am writing you this letter regarding your decision on making it mandatory for students to perform community service. I myself think that it is sort of a waste of time, depends on what you are going to be doing. If it is something fun then I'll agree on making it mandatory if i have the time, if not then it is a waste of time. Maybe other students don't think it is but i do because i have many things to do when I get home from school or when i am on break. If u were to make it mandatory then maybe students might agree if you were too make then do a couple of hours. I don't think that would really bother then that much, but lets say you were to over exaggerate and make then do tons of community service than i would know there reason to be furious. Well bottom of the line is that students should be required to do community service, but to cut them some slack u should mandate them to a whole lot of community service so they wont end up furious. Anyways i hope this letter will aid you with the decision on what you should do. Farwell! Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
The Facial Action Coding System can be helpful in many situations. However, a classroom setting would not be improved with this system. This system is an advanced technology that should be used in a more serious setting such as court trials and government activities. In a classroom setting, many children will not become interested in learning by changing the version of an online acitvity. This software has many qualities that should be used in more complex situations. According to the article, this software can tell if someone is being honest and truthful. The software could be used to solve crimes between suspect instead of being persued in school work. This software will not change a child's opinion on a lesson because the software does not know the child's personal likings. Changing a virtual lesson does not change the fact that the student views it as work. If the software detects the student is becoming bored, changing the lesson may confuse the student. Overall this software is extremely useful for certain situations, but a classroom setting is not in need of this software. Many students are tired throughout the school day and are attempting to finish a lesson. Changing the online lesson may become aggravating to an older student especially. The Facial Action Coding System may not be as accurate for a classroom setting. Many people show no emotion when attending class, which may allow the software to read the emotion as bored. Everyone has different facial expressions for each emotion. An intrigued student's lesson could be changed to a new version because the software found their facial expression to be bored. Every student has a different outlook on school. Some come in ready to learn and others are trying to complete the day. If a student knew about this software and thought it could help them stay interested in their lesson, a teacher should allow them to experiment. Otherwise, if the student did not know about the software, this is an invasion of privacy. The Facial Action Coding System should be optional in a classroom setting, because many students would not be interested. A software can read the expression of a student, but can not change their perception of lessons or schooling.
With the years, we have changing many things in our society. Since technology, by making new electronic devices, to things in our government, by making new laws and new things to help people in all the country. But, does that mean that we have to change the Electoral College to election by popular vote for the presindet of the United States? In my point of view, the Electoral College is a traditional way to vote the President by the Congress and by qualified citizens that our founding fathers established in our Constitution. And there are many evidence to support that keeping the Electoral College is beneficial to our country. According to the text "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner, A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College is possible, and it happened in 2000, but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. For example, in 2012, Obama received 61.7% of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3% of Romney. Almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landsalide electoral vote vistory in that satate. This demostrates, how people accept the fact that they are voting the electors and then for the President and Vice president. This help people by making easily the hour of vote for a candidate. However, as we can se in the texts above, not everybody things like this. For example, in the text "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, the author says that according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. But, each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee, it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely. (Posner, paragraph #16). Another evidence from the text "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised mothod of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner,  is when he says "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal" (Posner, paragraph #19). That means that No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite has no incentive to campaign heavely in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing huis plurality in states that he knows he will win. "The residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised..." That highlights how the Electoral College is trying to helping people vote their candidates and feel safe and comfortables with them. To conclude, despite the fact many people say that the Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism and a non-democratic method of selecting  a president, the Electoral College is a traditional way to vote the President by the Congress and by qualified citizens that our founding fathers established in our Constitution that helps our community to help people with thir desicions and make our life more comfortable and easy.
Dear principle: I personally think that students are to be required to do community service. It helps the community and everyone in it. It helps them care for others and their feelings. They should also do community service to let them know that helping others is better than helping themselves. Also, one last fact is that colleges look for children that have done a lot of community service. They will help the community and the people in it by them giving food or shelter to the hungry or the homeless. They learn also that they are not the only ones and be nice and generous to others. They will learn that the needy really need help, especially during winter and tough times like now. This is one reason they need to do community service. Another reason to require community service is that they will learn to care for others and their feelings. When they know that they are not the only ones and that they are more fortunate than a lot of others than they will learn this. The children usually get selfish if they don't know how many people are less fortunate than they are. This the second reason for them to do community service. Another reason for doing community service is that they will learn to help others more than helping themselves. They get selfish if they think that nobody needs that thing they want, so they will take more and if there is someone needy, they lost that thing they wanted. In addition to becoming selfish, they will lose the ability to respect people that went through things that the children probably couldn't like the concentration camps, and live to tell what happened. This was yet another reason for children to do community service. My last reason to do community service is that colleges look for the children that have completed a lot of community service hours. A lot more colleges are giving scholarships and even just recognizing people that have done community service, voluntarily. That is my last reason for children to do community service. Children will regret it when they grow up if they did not partake in community service. They will lose the ability to respect others as much, they will not care for others and they will not help the community. I want to make one last plead to make the children do community service as a requirement of the school. sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
I think the Facial Coding System is valuable in a classroom. I think this because It can help out a lot. When a student doesn't want to explain thier emotions or don't know how to share emotions this system can be helpful and valuable. And I mean it is pretty cool that a facial system can calculate anyones emotions. And this FACS sounds totally unharmless. In the article it explains how this system works. I will be wrtiting about how it works and get examples from the article. In the article it says that an action unit can calculate movement of one or more msucles and can detect the emotion. Dr. Paul, the creater of FACS states that he has calssified 6 different emotions which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness all with the FACS. Examples of how the FACS can detect your emotion is in your face movements for example, as said in the story when your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrow when you are surprised; your orbicularis oris tightens your lips when you are angry. It is fantastic how this can know the emotion you are feeling. I think FACS can actually be valuable in classrooms. A teacher can detect weither a student is happy,sad,angry, or surprised. It can be very useful for students that when they want to talk to thier teachers but don't know how to explain themelves this can help. FACS can help out in many more ways, useful ways. So my statement is this technology to read the emotion expressions of students in a classroom is valuable and I also think students would enjoy trying it out.
The author of this story does not support his claim that Venus is worth exploring in a good way. By using a problem- solution method he clearly and completely decribes an issues with exploring and studying Venus then expalins a possible solution for said issues. But the author does not actually support his idea describing how the knowledge of Venus would be worth the risk. In " The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author gives good substantial reasons to support studying Venus by presenting a risk then simply giving an innovation that would atleast reduce the risk. As shown in the text the author states an issue such as " ...the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." The author continues going on by saying the conditions are far more extreme than anything humans would encounter and how conditions are extremely inhospitable. So he clearly states one problem with studying Venus and all the risks that come along with that problem but then he explains an innovation to reduce the risks. After describing all the risks and dangers in the paragraphs before hand the author then says " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would all scientists to float above the fray." Then he goes into descriptive detail about how this innovation would work. The author continues using the problem-solution through several of his paragraphs to answer many questions one could have about studying Venus. Throughout the story he continously talk about innovation and imagination and how with these things we could find a safer way to study Venus but he never actually says how the information will be beneficial or used. In most of the praagraphs the author states the extremely harsh and uninhabitable conditions of Venus. Then he explains how to get around those dangers but does not explain what we gain from knowing and learning about these exact conditions. As the reader it would be more compelling if he added more detail about how this would be useful and worth it depsite the dangers Venus presents,but insatead he only talks about how to get there. Althought the author did a good job with presenting the risk and fixing those risk but he did not quite express how it would all be worth it in the end. But in the end the prompt was about how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit and there was not a lot of content on that in this piece of writing. So the author did not support this idea very well.
The studying of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The studys of Venus has almost the same features of Earth, using old technology that could help, and might danger humans. One of the reason studying of Venus is a worthy prusuit despite the danger it presents because it might almost- like features of Earth, but its hard to get close to Venus to see if its true. For example," On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrennheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than whatwe experience on our own planet"(3). This explain that its too dangers to see if Venus has almost the same the features of planet Earth. Another reason worthy prusuit depite the danger is using old technology fromt he pass. From the article," the thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and lever and do not require electronies at all" (7). This quite says that even tho NASA might use old technology from the past that technology don't require electronies from today. It's hard to use old technologly from the past with new things. The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" that studying Venus is worthy pursuit depite the dangers it presents. Useing old technology and seeing if Venus has almost the same featuresas Earth.
May 19,1950 9:30 A.M. "Wow, I Just had a dreamed about when I started to become a seagoing cowboy, man those were the doy days." "Well time for breakfast" I said. Then Like went downstairs and ate some bread. Then I went outside and went to the store and buy some food. Then he went to his family's house to talk to some of the visitors. May 20, 1950 11:00 A.M. the next day I got up and did the some the same thing as yesterday but today was a bit different because today My friend Don was trying to find me. Don was able to find me at the ice shop and said that we need to go the Seagoing cowboys program today to teach any of the people who has signed up. 1:34 P.M. When got there, the place when they held the program was different becaue no one was there. Then we was a sign that said" ANY EXPERIENCED SEAGOING BOYBOYS COME IN." "Ok then" said Don. Then we When inside there were some old Seagoing Cowboy I remenber. 1:40 P.M. 1950 Then an old man got up and said, " Thank you you all for coming, I am her to tell you than we need your help." "What kind of help?" asked some Seagoing Cowboy. Well we need you all to go on a little trip back to Europe to help some People out over there becuase some the Students over there needs some adive about some of the jobs you did back in 1945. "Ok, sure thing" said most of the Seagoing cowboys. but some of the rest asked 'what, why??" Well the ship leaves the next day so pack some of your things you well need. May 21, 1950 Noon Don and I got on the Ship and into a bunk room. "Well just like old times" said Don "yup" I said back. "Well I am going to explore the ship do you come?" I asked. "How about we unpack out things." Don said "Ok" I said. June 2, 1950 9:00 "there is a thunder storm out side I wonder if lighing is going to hit the ship?" I asked. The odds of that .. BOOOM!!! Then the alarm came one and said everyone to get to the life boats. Don and I tried to pack our thing but we only pack hlaf of our things and that fell over board while we got in to the life boats. June ? 1950 ?:?? Don and I woke up one the beach of a nearby city with a few Seagoing Cowboys. "Where are we??" asked Don "I don't know" I said.
Dear Senator, The reason for writing this letter is because in a recent topic brought up to the nation the Electoral College was being revised to see new changes in the way we choose our president. The Electoral college is a fundamental way on how we control the voting process for our president. In an article "What is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register it had an interesting statement that stood out. In the text it said " The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election by a vote in Congress and election of the President by popular vote...". This is telling us that the Electoral College that was established many years ago is the same thing that people are voting for now, because people today are fighting for voting by popular vote but the current Electoral College is the same thing. The current Electoral College is working fine, this is one of the reasons it shouldn't change but there are more reasons as to why it shouldn't change. The current Electoral College has worked greatly to our nation even though people don't see it that way but it has. Another reason that the Electoral College should stay the same is because many people want to abolish the Electoral College even though its helped them choose a president that is either fighting for the nation itself or fighting for the people. The reason that people want o abolish the Electoral college is in an article "The Indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer. In the article it states " It's official: The electoral college is unfair... Abolsih the electoral college!". This is telling us that some of the people in the nation want to abolish the Electoral College because they want their own system of electing a president. The Electoral College has been named man things and has been tried to change but it can't because that is the only way people as a nation know how to choose a president. In the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer it says " ...The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. and the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best..". This shows us that even the people that are fighting agaist the Electoral College are making random statements that either go for it or against it because they don't know what they are fighting to achieve. The Electoral College is the same thing people are trying to change because in the article "What is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register it states " The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect a president...". This textual evidence shows that the Constitution was actually compromising what the people are fighting for and what is already used. This also tells us that the current Electoral College is what is needed and shouldn't be changed. In Conclusion, the Electoral College shouldn't be abolished or changed to popular vote elects the president because the current system is working fine and the reason people are fighting agaisnt it is because they might not know what they are fighting to change or maybe they think that the Electoral College is changing the vote so that they government has their chosen president rather than the peoples president. All those ideas are things that people think when their favored senator, mayor, or President loses their chance. The people just need to realize that the current Electoral college was made by the fathers of this country in order to compromise what they are fighting for and what is already used. These are the reason why the Electoral College should not be changed.  
Summer projects are seen as a way to make sure that students are learning. These summer projects are usually teacher-designed. It is a valid opinion to believe that the projects should be teacher-designed. There are many reasons for the projects to be designed by teachers. The students could easily pick simplistic projects that do not give them any type of learning experience. Teachers know more about the topic and could give them different ways of learning. Lastly, students can easily forget to do something when they are responsible for the outline or design for an assignment that is usually given and made by a teacher. Students over the summer usually want to save time for leisure activities. When the idea of school comes into the minds of these students, it can be seen as agitating. When you add the freedom to make your own project the way you want, there can be downsides for the student and the teacher. Since many students want to minimize stress during their break, they could easily make a project that makes the work appear as effortless. This effortless mindset usually produces work that is mediocre and possibly doesn't go into detail about what the project is about. This could anger teacher and make their assigned project appear to be pointless. The student's work would have no benefit to their grade or their opportunity to learn. As a teacher, it should be necessary to keep your students focused on the topic that is at hand. Some teachers will even go out of their way to do this by giving a project over the summer. Many teachers give these projects to students with additional options designed by them. This is logical, due to the fact that a teacher knows a lot more about the topic of the project than the student. The job of the teacher is to find a way to make the information adhere to the student's mind. The teacher's perspective will give the student different ways to learn the material while keeping them interested and busy over the summer. In my experience, I found that I was more motivated to do a summer project and learn more about the material when I had different ways of learning it through the teacher's direction. When doing a summer reading project, I had read the book but found little interest in finding a way to incorporate my own creativity into the project. It was much easier to just read the directions given from the teacher and it also made me learn the theme and main topic of the book more adequately. Responsibility is a necessary thing for students to have. But it is very common to find students overwhelmed with this new found freedom. Many people forget to do things when it is necessary for them to do it without guidelines or specific criteria they have to meet. Sometimes it's not that they forget, but that they are totally frustrated with the idea that they have no assistance on the project. This could be especially troubling over the summer as students are more focused on enjoying their break. The idea that they have to do something on their own without any prior information can be overlooked. When doing a project for a pre-IB class I found that it was easier to do when I had guild lines to measure up to and it wasn't just a time for me to implore on my creative talents in order to get something done. Summer projects are something to make sure students keep learning over their break. It's clear to see that teacher-designed projects are much more efficient. Without the guidance of teachers, students could make simplistic projects that offer no benefit for the teacher or student. The teacher's knowledge about the project could make it helpful for their students to keep learning different ways about the material. It is also common for students to forget or lose interest when they are given too much responsibility for an assignment. Student-designed projects can leave room for a large quantity of errors and mistakes that could ultimately defeat the purpose of a project. Therefore, teacher- designed projects are better in the sense that they can keep the student learning as if they are still in school but give them time to enjoy the benefits that come with summer break.      
Dear Principal, I think that Policy 1 is the best for teachers because if students are using there phones during school hours that's just a distraction. Its the best policy for students too because they don't need to use cell phones during school hours or in classes. It is also a very good policy so teachers wont have to worry about the students not paying attention in class or like texting or taking pictures or something else. Its also a good thing for teachers so the phones don't ring in class and its also a good thing for students so students don't get their cell phones taken away. Teachers wont have to worry about students talking in the restroom with cell phones or just having the phones. Teachers wont worry anymore because students wont have to hide to use their phones during the school hours just because they feel like using their cell phones. The math teachers wont have to worry because they will know that the students are using their brains and not technology for their answers. Students would also be less supervised by using technology during school hours. Being able to use your phone in the free periods is a right thing for students but during classes its just not a right thing to do, because cell phones could ring at anytime if you don't turn of the volume down.
to begin with people say that cars are the number one things that can help them get around to where they need to be, but to others they say walking or bikes are much more safer or helpful, people have the most advantages when it comes to cars, cars are way faster and easier to drive. i think people should limit thier car usage because passangers cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and up to 50 percent in some cars-intensive areas in the united states. people should limit thier car usage because after days of near-record pollution paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. many people usally hicked,biked,skated or took buses to work during a car-free day and thats great exercise the number one thing to keep yu healty and strong its also a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. president obamas ambitious goals to curb the united states greenhouse gas emissions unveiled,that has left researchers pondering a fundamental question like has america passed peak driving but americas love for vehicles seems to be cooling. a study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. doug short of advisor perspectives research company says the miles driven in the united states pealed in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter according to an analysis. part of th explanitory certainly lies in the recession because cash strapped americans could not afford new cas and the  unemployed werent going to work anyways.
In the Declaration of Independance, it is written that all men have certain rights, including the rights to "life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness." If students were forced to participate in an extracurricular activity, two of those three rights would be taken away, at least for an afternoon or so. Over the next three paragraphs, I will list the negatives of forcing students to do extracurricular activities, including that it takes away students freedom, they might not want to do it, and it could take away valuable time. My first point is that it takes away freedom of the students. People should be able to choose whether they want to do something. If someone wanted to play soccer, but then the school was like "NO! You have to be on the student council instead!", then the school would be taking away their freedom to choose. They also might not have enough time to do it. If they already have a full schedule, then what? Does the school force them to take something out? And how do they enforce it? If someone doesn't want to do an extracurricular activity, and realizes that forcing kids to do it is stupid, then how will the school make them? They can't punish them. It doesn't add up. Students should be able to decide whether they do something like this or not, because America is built on freedom, and schools can't take that away. Furthermore, the students might not want to do it. If they wanted to play a sport, there is only limited slots on a team. If they fail to make the team, then what? Are they just told to pick another activity? And also, the school might not offer what a student wants. If a student loved anime and wanted a club, but there wasn't one, then don't force them to do something they don't want to do. If they do force kids to do it, they should at least ask them what they would like to do, and if they don't have that, then create it. And if they do force them to do something they don't like, someone could add a bad review on google. Then, parents might decide they don't want their kids going to school there. And if enough kids transfer, then the school might get shut down because they have no purpose to keep running. Finally, it takes away valuable time. Like I said in the first body paragraph, if they don't have enough time to do it, then what will the school do? They can't force them to free up time, so the system is quite flawed. Also, if a student has a pretty full schedule, and only has 1 free day, the school might take that away. A couple of days in the week is fine to have things to do, but if you have something every single day, and only one day in a week that you are free, that is a valuable day. Students need some days to unwind. Plus, what if you had a lot of homework? A conversation might go down like this: The teacher said "Hey Richard, did you do your essay? I didn't ever get it from you." And then Richard said "No, I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to finish it. Since the principal is making us do these extracurricular activities, I had to do a club, and I wasn't able to study for my massive quarter test in algebra and do my essay last night. I will try to get it to you today." That would be horrible for students, and could result in lower grades. Students should not be forced to do extracurricular activities. It takes away freedom from them, they may not want to do it, and it could take away valuable time, too. I think that every person should be given a choice in what they do, and school or parents or whomever should not be allowed to choose for them.
In my opinion I think it's best to have multiple people give you opinions if you're having a difficult time finding a way to make a better choice. Seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice because they have better, more, and smarter options to chose. Having better options to chose is easier to make a good choice because it's from other peoples' perspective. When people ask me for advice I give them many options so they can think about it. It's also better to have multiple options so you can think what would happen before actually making a choice. If you don't like any options you thought about and don't know what's the best options, that's when its best to ask other people. I also think it's best to ask someone you are close with and that you trust. Multiple opinions can be very helpful for some people. Maybe they have to make a choice that is really tough for them so they don't know what to do. If it's a choice that is really tough and important it's better to have a couple of people to help you but people you are comfortable with. Opinions they might give you are probably smarter then what you had thought about. It's never wrong to ask for help. Although many people might disagree with my opinion, I think multiple opinions is very useful. In my perspective I would rather have many opinions from different people then having my own opinions because I would like to see what others think is best and this is why I think multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice.          
Dear State Senator People should make a better choice on who they pick as president. Some people choose wrong, and the electoral collage needs to vote for us so that they make the right choice. The only reason I think this is because the electoral collage has never let us down. I like that we have some one to vote for us. Senator take this to heart we need this process for the people and the government. The only reason I like the process is because I would choose somebody over what they say not over what they do. I belive that some one should be picked as of their history and manners and honesty not over popular vote. This process is the only process that they need to help us make the right choice. The right choice would be Obama or Kinnedy or some one like that. The wrong choice is that charlie chris who wants to be a governor, well for now he wants to be a governor next he will want to be a president. The process of electoral collage needs to be here. The only reason we need not to vote on the popular voting thing is because people vote wrong vote right for once huh. Come on the voting thing where we vote and the popular vote wins isn't right out of however many presidents we've had we've only got under a half of them right. We need this process for the same reason we need new presidents lately. Do you see why we need not to vote by popular vote now? We need to stick to the electoral collage process or we won't be in good hands with presidents that is. Don't make us go back to popular vote thing please. We don't need popular voting at all so thats all i have to say.                                                                                        
Driveless cars are the next step in the future, but are they the safest step? Google has been working on these cars for a long time and have had cars that work properly since 2009. With all the technology in the world today it is possible to make these cars, but like cellphones and other devices cars can make mistakes or malfunctions causing the car and person inside to be in danger. If the car were to go wrong, the makers of that car could get in a lot of trouble. Instead of driverless cars to save fuel, there should just be regular cars that are more fuel efficiant. This will keep car companies in buisness, people safer, and driverless car companies out of trouble. If driverless cars were made, not every company could keep up with these cars. Everyone would want the newest thing and it would cause the smaller car companies to go out of buisness. Making cars that save more fuel would be easier for the smaller comanies to supply than making driverless cars. Driverless cars could also go wrong and put people in danger. If the person was seriously injured, people would see that and not want to buy the cars. This makes all the money the companies spent on cars go to waste because the driverless cars went out of style. Lets say a person was to get injured off a driverless car. That person could then sue the company because they were not the ones driving, the car was. Driverless cars are a bad idea. Driverless cars should not be made but instead cars saving more fuel should. Cars like a Prius are getting around 50-55 miles every gallon which is amazing. If car manufactions made other models of cars getting the same or close to the mileage that a Prius gets, traveling would be a lot easier. Even though google has been working on these cars for so long, nothing is perfect. There will always be some glitch in a system that could cause the car to go wrong. Driverless cars should not be used and people should stick to regular cars that we use today.
Now days all students have phones but some students take advantage of having a phone in school. As a principal you think phones in school are bad but what if we need to call our parents to tell them we are staying after school. As a student i know we cant have phones out in the classrooms but what about in free times. If you let us have them out during free time its a possibility we wont have them during our learning. Maybe we will start doing better in our classes because you will let us have our phones out instead of having them out in the class rooms We don't agree when teachers have there phones out and students cant have them out in free time. If you as principal let us have our phones out in free time we wont have all this phones taken up in the middle of the class rooms. Instead of hiding the phones from all the adults in the school we don't have to be scared of having our phones out in free time. In this times bad people get inside schools and do crazy thing just because, but if you let us have our phones out or with us we can call the police or someone else to come and help us. As principal you may think its not the best idea but maybe it is when it comes to security.
Having more options to choose from is better than having one option. One reason that multiple options are better than one is because you could get advice from people that have done something similar to what you are doing. This way, you could do something more easier or better because you got advice from them. Also, if they did something similar to you, you could learn from what they did to accomplish their task and take some steps they took to finish their objective and do something similar. Lastly, you would learn from the people that gave you advice since they have been through something the same or something similar. Another reason that having more options are better is because you would have more options to choose from. This way, you would test the advice the people gave you and see what results you got. Also, having more options to choose from than only having one would be better because you would have more information with the wide variety of options than only one option which probably won't give you a lot of information. Lastly, having more options to choose from is better than just having only one option. One last reason why having more options are better is because you could narrow down options that you don't like until you come across one you like. This way, you won't have to do something you don't like in fear of messing up, or failing your task. Also, you could take the options you have, and you test them to see if they come up with the results that you like instead of getting results that you hate. Lastly, you could root out options that people gave you that you think won't work, or don't like. 
The article of "Driverless Cars Are Coming" gives some positive and negative situations on the driverless cars. In my opionion I would be most certainly against the driverless car. The driverless cars maybe a new cool car but there's just a lot of bad things that can come out wrong with these new kind of cars. The driverless cars are not the most important car to invent in my opinion. A lot of safety is at risks with thesekind of cars. The sensors with these cars are very imporatnt and what if they all broke? The cars would be useless. If a car isn't safe by law it can not be used and the driverless cars have no safety concepts about them at all. For instant saftey. The sensors , are the most important object in the car especially the roof sensor. What if the roof top sensor completly just stop working, there would be nothing anyone could do. If any of the senors went out on iany driverless cars the owner couldn't even use his/her car. The driverless cars could also shout down at anytime out of nowhere and there would be nothing to do for it. These driveless cars can also take off on there own when the driver isn't even ready to start to take off and go. Companies are just making these cars becuase they think that they are cool and that some peolpe out in the world are thinking that there cool too. They also know that they can get lot's of big money of these driverless cars. Driverless cars should not go pass the law where it says that "traffic laws are written with assumption that only safe cars has a human driver in control at all times." Driverless cars are not safe at all and a human diver isn't in control of the car, the car is doing it all on its on. "If the technology fails and someone is uinjuried, who is at fault ... the driver or the manufacturer?" Automakers swear that they are "continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved." But when really will all of these problems with the driverless cars will be all the way solved? The driverless cars are at risk. Even the own automarkers do not know what all the driverless cars are capble of. Manufactors just want too bring "entertainment" to the people. When all fails with the driverless cars states and compines are going to start to get sued from these cars. Then these manufactors and automakers want think that the driverless cars are all that cool anymore. Driverless cars are very expenice. Are these companies going to keep the driverless cars coming if there wasn't any money made of them? Know one is even for sure that anyone evens wants a driverless car. Most people that are drivers say that they like the control of driving that there the power of the car. To have a car doing just about everything in the car wouldn't that kind of be a little scary don't you think? Dangerous situations can happen from the driverless cars. They may think they have gotten everything figured but no one truly will. I'm really against the driverless cars because I just believe that something is just going to go wrong with the car. With all the sensors having to be used. "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel?" What's it's purpose? Humans have the reason to drive and learn on how to drive so, what's the point to take it away? Driverless cars are just something else in this world people are trying to make up for the "furture" and to get BIG money off of people. Against driverless cars is the smarter way to go these cars have the control and with all the control of a car you'll never know what's it about to do. Car accindentscould possible go up from the driverless cars. Theirs already to many people dying in this world there doesn't need to be anymore from the driverless cars.
The world of driveless cars will come in the near future says Sergey Brin. Since the 1950s, the car companies have been thinking of self-driving cars. Some people may agree to these smarter cars but others may stick to just driving themselves everywhere. If I had to choose I would much rather be driven by the diverless cars, but I don't think I'd trust them to not get in any accidents. I have mixed feeling about these cars because I'd prefer one but have to choose the other choice. So my final choice would be that I'd drive myself. I would drive myself because I would feel safe knowing I had the wheel and not some AI that could malufunction or make a wrong choice. In other words I would know what's going on and know what to do in bad situtations, such as the article said in other car accidents, difficult traffic situtation, and bad divers. Also, the GPS that the car has could be out dated and not go the right way, so you would probably be late to where ever you are going. Which brins me to my next point, my mom always makes me late so if I leave a little late then I need to drive a little faster than the speed limit (but not enough to be pulled over) to make it on time. Another thing I wanted to bring up is if the car is diverless and all you need to do is tell the car where to go, then is would be easy for little kids to get in the car and make the car drive not knowing what they are doing and get in accidents easier. I could agree with some things on the driveless cars. The first thing I can agree on is that it has sensors so that it can sense other cars coming towards it. I also like how they might be different versions to the self-driving cars, like som might be sensored or some might beamagnetized. Finally, I like how if you were to get in a tight spot, then the car will force you to do all the heavy lifting so you don't get hurt. The driverless cars have their ups and downs but they will probably end up in our laps sooner than we know it. The driverless cars are in our future and that future is not far away. But I, like some people, will stick to the old way of drive a car.
In "The challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author gives alot of examples and support on why venus should be explored. Although the dangers might be to dangerous for anyone to physically be on it, the author shows how we can avoid making contact on the planet and how we could gather information of the planet. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives us many examples on how NASA can study Venus without being harmed. The author mentions all of the dangers Venus comes with. For example, the author mentions the atmosphere being 97 percent carbon dioxide. (paragragh 3 line 1). In this case the crew on the ship will have to be very careful because if they are exposed to the carbon dioxide in the atomosphere, they will suffocate to death. Another danger the author mentions is the planets surface tempeture and the atmospheric pressure. The surface is 800 degree's Fahrenheit and the stmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. These dangers are very serious and will be very harmful if any human comes in contact with it. After naming all of the dangers Venus presents, the author gives many examples on how to solve the issues. In the story, the author supports his idea of studying venus by listing examples on how to avoid the dangers. For example, he mentions how NASA is compelling an idea for humans to study Venus. NASA's compromise is to allow scientists to float above the planet. The author gives us readers a mental picture by having us imagine the scientists floating about the surface of Venus studying the atmosphere and the surface itself. The author lists how the scientists would feel in the blimp like vehicle icluding the tempeture and pressure level but states they would be able to survive the climate. NASA is also working on some electronics to withstand the pressure and heat of Venus. For example, NASA has made elctronics out of silicon carbide, which has been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface, that can withstand the climate for three weeks. That would be enough time to gather the information the scientists need and return the gadgets home safely. Another project is looking back at old technology called mechanical computers. These computers were used in the 1940's during World War II. These computors are ran by gears and levers and does not require any other electronics. This importanat computer can be very helpful because it can withstand the heat and pressure in the atmospher of Venus. These examples can help persude other scientists to want to do research on Venus and not be effected by the other dangers. In conclusion, the author showed me that studying Venus is worthy enough to study. The author lists many percautions on how to prepare for the rough climate the scientists will face. The examples the author gives on how NASA is working on getting scientists on venus with new technology is phenaminal. The author gives us a life lesson by stating that dangers in the world should not hold anyone back and that people need to get out and explore. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives the readers many examples on how NASA can study Venus without being harmed.
Have you ever seen something unusual in the ground? If so do you think it was created by humans or just a natural landform of some sort. Many people believe that most landforms on earth are made by humans, The face on mars is a natural landform. If the "face' on mars was created by alliens it would look a lot different. Many people think alliens look weird, Well the "face" on mars wastn't so weird looking. It looked almost like a human face. You would think that alliens would make something radical and not just a face in their planet. Many people seem to believe that they would make something simple. Eventhough many people were not satisfied with the theory that NASA gave them, NASA went on to search for more clues as to which "alliens made the landform." From the pictures that they took you would think that they would be able to detect whether alliens even walked/ touched the surface of the landform. If you think that alliens made the landform, I would suggest you look at the picture more closely. Just because its on a planet like mars doesnt mean it was made by an allien. I mean how many people actually believe in alliens anyway? If you've never seen them how do you know if they even exist? Take another quick look at the picture tell what you think. Is it even possible for alliens to be alive even if it is on another planet? The "face" on mars is a natural landform. What leads me to beieve that, is that i dont think alliens are real. Maybe they are real, but why would they make something so simple as a face. Dont you think they wouldve went a little overboard with their creations?
People should try to be Seagoing Cowboys because you get to save the lives of animals that have been injured during the World War II. I was in it and it was just great to be able to help all of those horses. It can get hard somwtimes but it is still great. You also have a bettere communication with the animals and get to meet new people. Sometimes when you have free time you can go visit the beautiful sites! It is a very busy job and you get tired a loy. Sometimes you have to watch the animals every hour to make sure they're safe. You wouldn't want them to escape and get hurt! Helping all of those animals can really open up your mind and see how much some animals are suffering. It is great that there are programs like this that can help so many animals. It is a great adventure to go on and it is very fun! If you get bored on the boat you can go play some games like we did like volleyball or table tennis or anything you can think of! It is a very wonderful experience. Something wonderful as that could only come once in a life time. So i encourage you to become a Seagoing Cowboy and save the lives of many animals like me!
All over the world, major cities are trying to reduce their use of cars. From Germany, to France, to Columbia, and coming back to the US, people are limiting car use to reduce pollution, or live better, or even to save money. In some places, there is one day every year that doesn't allow cars. In other places, there are whole communities that dont allow cars year round. In Germany, there is a community in named Vauban that doesnt allow cars unless you have the money to pay for a parking spot that is on the outskirts of town. The revolutionizing community makes peopl epay $40, 000 dollars just for one parking spot. This wonderful new place has reduced the amount of greenhouse gas produced in the last few years drastically, with 70% of the population not owning a car. This has encouraged many other countries to start somehting just like it. The city of love may not be so lovely if it's so smoggy you can barely see. Paris was gaining so much air pollution from the amount of gas that was released from driving hta tthey put a ban on driving. This ban consisted of a few new rules to help prevent the smog from overpowering the beauty of the city. On Mondays, even numbered license plates were not allowed to use theie car for anything. This same rule applied to the odd numbered license plates on Tuesdays. This helped limit the amount of driving, in return limiting the amount of smog. Smog is created when the area has cold night weather and warm day weather, causing the air to trap car emission. Diesel can be a big contributer to this and is the main gas type in France. France favors diesel because of their taxing system, but it seems they don't care too much about their environment. What would happen if every country had a day with no cars? The city of Bogota, Columbia has had a Day without cars once a year for quite a few years. Just recently, other Colubian cities have joined in and even Paraguay's captial has participated. What this day is supposed to do is promote the use of other types of transportation, for example; walking or biking. It also reduces smog and the amount of air pollution, in retalliation, improving the city. In Bogota, there is a $25 fine for those who do not participate in thsi environtmentally helpful day. Although the amount of driving in the US has decreased since 2005, there is more we can do to help the situation. The average number of miles driven did peak in 2005 and drop from there, in return, dropping other statistics as well. As of April of 2013, the number of driven miles has dropped 9% below the peak, being the same as in January of 1995, says  Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives. The roads have even become safer  due to the amount of young drivers dropping 23% between the years of 2001-2009. Even if the number of miles hadn't peaked, there still wouldn't be as many drivers on the road because of the recession. Americans couldn't afford to but cars due to the amount of money lost during that horrible time. All through the world, people are trying to slowly save their environment by reducung car use. From one day to a whole year, everything helps to save our world. The German community of Vauban has made it nearly impossible to own a car. Paris, at one point, had to put restrictions on their driving. Columbia has an annual day of no cars. The US is working on lowering thier use of cars and dropping their average miles to help clear the air surrounding them. Even if it is walking from point A to point B, it helps the community and lowers air pollution.
Dear principal, I do not think it would be a good idea for students to need a B average for sports. If most students have a C average, then only A and B be students can play. It is reasonable to take away sports from students who have bad grades, but C students disserve to play too. I think it would be idea to lower the restrictions to a D grade average or lower. And that if a student makes up his or her F or D to a C average, then they should get to play. You may not agree but i assure students will work just as hard to get a C as they would for a B. Also students that want to go in activities will be restricted. I would be better for a lot of people if you had C students in activities too. So, please consider, I think it would be a good idea to take the sport and activities restriction down to only D and F averages. STUDENT_NAME 8th grade. February 1, 2011
i think you shouldn't let students that only have a B as an average just incase you haven't notice 78% of the students who play sports have a C average those are the people who are really good at sports for example all the boys in the volleyball team have a C average and they have never lost a game. know i am not saying the C has to be a lowC going to a D because that is not acceptable they should have a C going to a B that is if you want to keep SCHOOL_NAME sports reputation or another idea is to make the 78% that have C go to tutoring so they can improve there school average the students may also have a better positive attitude in school because if understand what the teacher is teaching they will be focus on the teacher paying much attention to their teacher instead of talking to there friends and what does that mean that they can improve there average and if they don't go up to a high C or a B that means its time to take them of the team until there grades go up
Dear, TEACHER_NAME I think that student have a b average. I believe that they should have a C or B average to play sports. I say so because if the student goes out for a team with one point off from a B average and the have a C average then they might be hurt. With a B average they are doing good but no disrespect a C average isn't failing so why not make it that as well. Now if the kid had a D average they should be taken off the team they are on so they can pull it up and not get low grades again. Most kid think that if they had again in the middle of school the have an excuse to not do their home work but that their fault. With a C average kids can work hard so they don't drop down to a D. Another reason that you should make it a C average is so the team at the school wont get dropped from any events. With most of the kid with C' s the school may not have any events for kids to try out for. With that the coach might not have time to try out the kids for the team. some coaches might not even let the kid try out. So i ask you in the nicest way i can please let the kids play sports and get involved in other actives with a C average. sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Do you think all students should at least participate in one extracurrcalum? Well in my op ion I say they should not because it's not for everybody. My first reason I have for saying no is it's not for everybody. What I mean by that is not everyone can talk with other people that well. For example a introvert is a person who doesn't really talk or handout with other people. Another example is that if they were bullied and are scared to talk to people who have a bulky built. My second reason I have is there isn't always a club out there for you. What I'm trying to say by that is there are people out there who just don't like none of the activities. For example one of the activities is sports and most of the boys want to play football or basketball, but I really don't like neither. I also don't like The other sports they have to offer. Anyways out of all of the clubs they have to offer I don't really like any of them. My last reason I have is why can't we make our own clubs? I know there are some schools out there who won't let their students make their own club. For example say if I wanted to make a video game club, but they won't allow me to make one. Because I said I wanted to play fighting games. So basically What I'm saying is I find it unfair that us students can't make a club. Now to conclude my paper that had my three reasons which are: Clubs are not for everyone, There is not always a club for the students, and Not being able to make their own clubs.   
Have you ever needed to make a tough decision? We all have; so what did you do about it? There are many ways to get through a tough choice such as considering the consequences, which decision will be the most fun, and trying to make a compromise. The best way however is to ask others for their opinions. Asking for opinions allows you to get other views, learn from their past experience, and make the most educated choice. First, by getting other opinions you get different views. Science shows that by getting new ideas from someone you're entitled to a 53% harder working brain. Also when you get new thoughts from someone it makes it feel like as if you don't have to make decisions all by yourself. Jackie Robinson, who was a highly influential baseball player, wanted to give up, but didn't because his family encouraged him through his ups and downs. Second, by asking for other thoughts you will learn from their past experience. Many people go through the same things in life so why should they all suffer? Asking for advice on something allows you to prevent what's happened to people in the past. When I asked my mom if it was a good idea to have a girlfriend at my age she said, " it's best to wait because your future wife will want to know that she's the only one you loved." So by asking for advice I got her opinion and may have dodged future problems. lastly, you will be able to make a spectacular choice because you will be educated. When someone tells you something you may learn something completely new that will change your mind. Germany was a prosperous country until Hitler convinced the Germans that everything wrong was the Jews fault, the people were told something and it completely changed their stance on Jews. Another instance of this is when Jesus walked the earth and preformed many miracles to show he was the son of god and becuase of this he changed many peoples belief. In conclusion, seeking many opinions will help you find other perspectives, learn from people's mistakes, and know more information about your choices. With these you will be able to successfully pick the best choices. Now that you know these tips how will you use them in your life? 
Dear Principal, I believe you should consider policy 2 more than policy 1. One of the reasons why you should is because, most students are not going to turn off there cell phones during class time if they know that during lunch and other free times it can be on, and if they know that their phone is on they are going to feel the urge to use it. But with policy 2 the students wouldn't have their phones at all so there wouldn't be a distraction, and if there are no distractions the students would be able to learn more. Another reason why you should pick policy 2 is, because in policy 1 students might want to ditch class in order to get more free time to use their phones, but in policy 2 you don't have your phone so you would have to go to class! I know most students won't be happy about not being able to bring their phones to school but, I think if you do go with policy 1 you would get a lot more trouble then just going with policy 2. This is what I believe is best for the school, hopefully this helps you make the decision about choosing policy 1 or policy 2. Sincerely, Concerned Student
Having a driverless car can have positives and negatives about it. It could help people. It could detect accidents even when the driver isn't paying attention. Some positives are that there are some drunk drivers out there,but if there was a driverless car they dont have to drive the accident rate would be way down. Another positive is that the disable are able to depend on themselves more. Some negitvies are that the sensors could fail and cause an accident. Some people drive drunk causing accidents but if there was a driverless car then they dont have to drive. Another negitative is that when there is road work and the driver has to take over and he is too drunk to drive. The negitave outlook on the disable driving is that they are not able to drive and then there is and the sensors turn on then the can have an accident and it would be there fault not the manufactors. then there would be a courtcase. There are also cars that can do arrands for disabled Therefore the driverless cars can be a bad thing and a good thing. There are some cars that can drive them selves but not completely. there are many things these cars can do.
Dear Principal, I do not think it is okay to have to average either an A or B average to to be in athletics and other activities. Lots of people need to show their passion for sports. If it isn't soccer season in the community, where can they play soccer and participate in after school activities. Especially outdoor sports and activities in the community (soccer, lacrosse, tennis) only play in the spring, summer, or fall. And what about winter? Do you believe in teenagers staying happy and healthy during the winter. So, if , for example, there is a girl in basketball who is getting a C in math but is not failing, don't you believe that she should be allowed to participate in basketball? Even from a 70 average, it could take weeks to bring it up! And just imagine if someone was failing! And what if there was an after school club. Maybe a Social Studies group? Yes, there would be exceptions because of that certain club being a study club. But what about, for example, a Drama Club. What if certain boys and girls really liked to act or sing. Should they be allowed to show their passion for it. But, they would not be able to because they are averaging a C instead of an A or a B! And if a student was/is playing the flute in band (the only flute player in that band) would not be allowed to go to a contest because she is averaging a C in science. I strongly believe that you should keep it where it is. Students should be able to express themselves in what they like to do! There can still be exceptions it there completely failing, though! Middle School Student!
Dear, Florida State Sentor I'm writing you this note to express my opinian wether or not to keep the Electoral College or to get rid of the Electoral College. My opinian has to go with no i'm not in favor of keeping the Electoral College due to the fact that it's unfair to a candidate that wins the popular vote but loss the election because the other candidate gained control of a state like texas with 34 electoral votes. Most people clear want this candidate better than the other but the candidate with the popular vote wouldn't win because the other candidnate would get states with more electoral votes. Another problem i want to adress is that sometimes the electors get confused on who to vote for i know if i had all that pressure on my i think i would get confused also from the pressure. The Electoral College can also turn off potential voters due to the fact that they hvae no hope of carrying their state. In other words people think they don't have a voice in the election because their vote really doesn't matter the vote that really matters is the Eletroral vote. Due to this reason less and less people vote these days. About i half of eligible voters voted in 2012's election as you can see there is a drop in voters. Most voters these days are people who want to expreess a political preference instead of people who think a single vote may decide who will win the election. Also Sentor im not the only one that wanted to gte rid of the Electoral College. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all wanted to get rid of the Electoral College. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME P.S. Sentor i hope you make the right choice.   
Have you ever made a decision that you later regretted because you did not seek alternate opinions? Often times decision making can be a difficult task, particularly when you have little knowledge on the topic. Whenever I wish to make an informed and well-made decision I will usually ask my friends and others that I respect for their opinions on the matter. By having several different views on the subject, it assists me in making the best choice that I can. Sometimes I will go with my original idea, but on several occasions I have been heavily influenced after hearing other stances on the topic, and changed my own opinion. Seeking multiple opinions when making a decision can be very beneficial because it helps you in being more informed on the topic, it helps different views to be brought to light that can sometimes come from past experiences, and who knows, you may even be able to receive assistance in executing your final decision. When you listen to other peoples' opinions on a specific matter a lot of times you will learn more about that topic. By hearing what other people have to say, you will often times learn a reasoning behind the way that they feel. This reasoning can sometimes come from something you did not know about the subject at hand, and therefore helps you in making a more informed decision. Some choices are based off of what will benefit the most people, in which you will want to hear everyone's opinion and know what will help them the most. Other decisions are made solely based on facts. Research can be helpful on a fact-based decision, but sometimes first-hand knowledge is the best. Many people can have different views on one topic depending on their past experiences with that subject. When you hear all of these different views, you will not only learn more about the possible outcomes of your decision, but you will also learn about what has influenced other people who may have made the same decision. Even those that have not experienced making that decision first-hand will often times have helpful advice on how to make your decision, possible outcomes of what you decide, and they may even help you by showing what they think of the matter and how they would react to the given situation. Multiple views on one topic can help bring even more ideas to light, as well as even more possible solutions. By having more opinions, you also develop more choices that can be discussed and evaluated. Whenever you are making an important decision you will usually have to execute that final choice. This can be hard to do alone sometimes, but when you listen to other people and show them that their views and opinions matter they will often times wish to help you in return. Not only will you be able to make an informed decision with reasoning to back it up, but you will have people behind you to support your decision and help to make it a reality. Some choices require careful evaluation in order to truly decide whether or not the efforts put in will be worth the final product. When you have assistance in achieving that final goal, it becomes much easier to not become caught up in the challenges and obstacles along the path to success. In addition to this, you will also have someone to refer to for a new view anytime that a problem arises while executing your final decision. In conclusion, seeking several different opinions and views can be very beneficial when making a decision. By seeing new views and reasoning, you are able to make a much more informed choice. When you are able to hear first-hand stories about past experiences on the same situation, it can positively influence your decision. Finally, by showing others that their voice can be heard and that it will matter, they will often times want to assist you in achieving your final goal and executing your end decision. Anytime that I wish to make a choice that will benefit everyone I will make sure that I seek multiple opinions so that I can make the best possible decision.
As time progresses and technology advances, ideas that we see as futuristic are becoming our reality. The world around us is changing, and technology has a huge impact on it. Our everyday lives have been simplified from machines that have been designed to do our work for us. Something people use everyday are cars. So, is advancing cars the next step for improvement or will it be best kept as an idea? Driverless cars has both pros and cons, but overall will do more harm than good. Car wrecks are very common and can happen to anyone. If we drive our cars by ourselves we feel as if we have more power or control over the car and its actions. A car designed to do the driving for you could be helpful in some ways, but would you want to put your all of your trust into a machine that has the power to take your life? Just like our cellphones and other everyday devices, they mess up. Failure in technology will always occur no matter how nice the product or idea might be. Although driverless cars will not fully be completly driverless. You still can have the ability to take over the driving, but then what is the point? People have been driving cars for years and years. It is better to not fix what is broken, than to adapt to a different lifesyle. In conclusion, the future may be rising, but sometimes it is better to leave things the way they are. As time goes on, more advances will be added to cars to enchance the way we drive. Until then, a car needs its driver.
Dear, Principal I think requiring students to do some community services is a great idea. I think that community services is a great way that we can help are community and a great way to help the environment. Community services can be quick and easy. I know that when I help another person out how happy that makes me. My family and I have been helping out at toy rescue mission for a couple of years around the holiday time. I also help out by help coach my little sisters volleyball team a couple times a week. I know a lot of people would say there way to busy to do community services. But I would tell them if I can find time so can you. I'm just as busy as anyone else. There a lot of fun and easy way to help out such as volunteering at your local soup kitchen, picking up trash, helping an old neighbor out, or helping coach a team. These may not sound like all that much fun but if do it with a friend and have a good attitude it could be a blast! whatever the case may be comminute services is a great way to help others, and can be a lot of fun if you have a positive attitude.
Dear principal, I think that policy one is the best policy to choose. I think its the best because kids these days enjoy to be on their phone whether its talking or texting or maybe even playing some games. I also think that it is best to use them during free time or during lunch periods because if we use them in class we will become unfocused and get bad grades and not do the work that was assigned to us because we were to busy on our phones talking to other people. Kids entertain themselves with their phones. I think that policy one is best for the kids. So they shouldn't be able to complain about this policy because they have enough time in lunch periods to talk or text. Plus they get more than enough free time in our classes. I also think that policy one is the best because what if one the kids have to use their phone because they are hurt or have something private like if they got dirty or that they got sick, they have to tell their parents while they are in school. But if policy two that's not going to be able to happen and the kids will be mad. Sincerely, from one of your students
My views on technology being used to read students emotional expressions is, that I am against this idea in certain cases. I feel like this could go agaisnt someones privacy and the way others can view them in certain different ways they did before. I don't believe that people should use technology to figure out if someone is feeling sad, happy, angry, confused etc.. because it is there privacy and not for anyone else to know unless you tell them so. Another reason I can give is that the technology is almsot pointless when we can do this ourselves, they say it themselves "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the simple look on their face" The technology isnt needed when we can do this with our very own two eyes, The point of the techhnology is to give an accurate hypothosis of how we are feeling when we can give that just by talking to someone. There has been times where I've been texting people and know what there emotions is like just by texting them, when we get to know someone well enough we can sense if something is bothering them. This technology on the other hand takes that part of building a relationship with someone to a lower level, you would already know their emotions even in the classroom. The last example I have is the fact that people can fake there emotons and people do it all the time. It is a tendency and human nature to put on a mask to hide if we are sad or hurt by something because at times we dont wanna hurt people. We could hide the way we feel all we want, because the computer doesnt know whats on the inside, it knows whats on the outside, which in another example in the first sentence saying "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry" That is an example of the Leonardo Da Vinvi's "Mona lise" the question I have is how do we know thats how she actually feels? He doing a portait not telling her to show how she really feels while he paints. What I am getting at is, it is easy to put on a mask when everything does feel okay. In conclusion, I don't think this technology is a bad idea, but I feel like it is not needed when we can figure it out just as much the computer can, just maybe not as on point so to speak, but it is someones privacy and not anyones elses unless the person chooses to say.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because "our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." scientists want to further understand Venus so they're trying to make technolgy that can with stand the 800 degrees Fahrenheit, atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than earths, an "atmosphere of 97% carbon dioxide," "and clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid." So scientists and the author think this is a worthy pursit because trying to further understand Venus (Earth's twin) is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size." Venus also has simular weather patterens and ground structures to Earth it has volcanoes that erupt, earthquakes, lightning, a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountians, and craters. It is believed that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." In conclusion "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers" because Venus is alot like Earth and scientist want to learn more about it but "not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because of human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endevaors."
If you can't decide between two or more things, you can always get other peoples opinions. But why? Why as humans do we care about other peoples opinions? How can that help us? Well, I got some answers for you! There are a couple of different reasons why you might ask for someones opinion. These reasons might be to see their point of view or to get more opinions. Every person has an unique personality. With an unique personality comes a new perspective. A different perspective can be good because they could have ideas that you never even thought of. You can even work together with the other person, so that you both have new and original ideas. Another reason why someone might want to ask people for advice is to get more opinions. Lets say that your having a birthday party. You love chocolate cake, so you bought one. No one invited to the party likes chocolate cake, so they don't come. Now you have a party that no one came to and a lot of chocolate cake. I think in a situation like this, you should let the majority pick the cake. If the majority picks vanilla, but you still want chocolate, you can get both. In conclusion, ask for other peoples opinions. It will help you in the long run. Who knows? You may even discover your love for vanilla cake! You don't have to listen to this, but it will help to see that the reason why people ask for advice is to see other peoples point of view and to get more opinions. The next time you do anything try to see if anyones opinion would matter.
Dear Principal, I would like to thank u for reading this letter. I would personally prefer Policy 1, because if the students are responsible then they should be able to use there phones in free time such as lunch hour. Students should turn cell phones off in any hour of the day in which the are learning. If caught with phone on or still having the same texting conversations as lunch or previous periods then a proper form of punishment should be given. The reasons young adults should be given the choice to bring or not to bring their phones is because they need to know if you make a choice and get in trouble that they need to take the punishment. Policy 2 is an unfair unlike Policy 1 which give us a choice. Policy 2 is like taking an agenda from a hard working lawyer or doctor. It is something they need to make through the day just as young adults need their phones. Us using our phones help us keep in touch with our parents like on game days and you are supposed to ride the bus and your parents need to find you. Now the phone usage on the bus is the same policy as the school. They always have those "NO CELL PHONE USAGE" signs up. I am coming to you with this letter because i believe students should be allowed to bring their phones to school if they are smart with it. I would most certainly choice Policy 1 but this is just a letter to persuade you. Again thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering Policy 1 in your school. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Remember in elementary school you used to get summer reading logs and checks on books you were 'required' to read during your break? Some students never had a problem with these types of assignments because they loved to read any chance they could get. Unfortunately, there were also the kids who would dread reading and give up after ten minutes or pretend they did the entire assignment. Though at this age, it really didn't matter whether or not you did the reading logs, it was just a little nudge your school would give you to do summer learning. However, when students reach higher levels of school, especially around high school, the requirement of summer projects is actually a requirement. Lots of students complain that it is unfair to do assignments over the one, long break they receive, but depending on the class subject it is for, sometimes these projects are essential. Schools must be aware that if summer projects are always going to be required, the assignments should be student-designed rather than teacher-designed because students will have more urge to do them and sometimes the projects can interfere with summer plans, making it troublesome to get work done. Summer is the only substantially long break that students receive off of homework, assignments and tests. Through the months of August until June, school does not cease. Almost every week, robotic-like students must wake up early Monday morning, suffer through eight hours of sitting and listen to a teacher go on about something like, why did the War of 1812 happen, how to dissect a frog, or solve for x. Five days are filled with this repeating schedule with two days to spare, and in my experience one of those days is set aside for weekend homework. No matter how much someone loves school and learning, eventually they need a break. Summer is the time to cut loose, hang out with friends, travel somewhere you've never been before and relax. Almost everyone has seen in a movie how students throw their books and papers up in the air as soon as that last day bell rings. Imagine receiving a final project the last day of school, requiring students to turn in on the first day of their next year of school. Now if that project was teacher-designed it might require a student to: 'write an eight page essay on the effects of propaganda use in your society' or 'create a tri-fold and 3-D display of a past, indigenous, tribe's village'. Just picturing these assignments make some people cringe. However, if summer projects were student-designed, people could create a piece of work that interests them and hopefully enables them to put in more effort on the assignment because it wouldn't feel as much like a school task. Student-designed projects could focus on what students question or wonder about in their day to day lives, peaking their interests and making the task feel more fun and creative. Students could receive a broad outline like 'write an essay' or 'create a display', and turn it into a unique piece that expresses themselves; something like a paper on endangered animals. During summer a lot of trips and vacations are taken whether with family or friends, near or far. Nevertheless, each one requires people to leave their homes and travel with the minimal amount necessary to save space. In my experience, I once was gone for almost the entire summer. One week I was in Pennsylvania with my relatives and the next I was swimming in the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas. Now imagine if these vacations, no matter how long the duration, were to be taken away from students because of a teacher-designed, summer project. If one was to receive a project of this type, there is no way of telling how much time or the location required to get it done. For example, if teachers were to design a summer research paper on the history of where you live, it might be necessary to go to the public library to view history records. No one can do that or go there if they're skiing all the way in Colorado. Student-designed projects allow students to create a work period and timing schedule for when doing the assignment works best for them. This way they can coordinate when their prior to summer planned vacations are being taken and when they will be home or around an area that will allow them to get work done. Students planning their projects and work time around summer could mean multiple things. For example, when they will be home to create a display, whether the hotel they stay at will have wifi to get on the internet, or even who they will be with to conduct an interview if the project requires that. A lot of the projects teachers design don't put into aspect all these factors. Some, especially teachers, might argue that having students design their own summer projects will lead to the minimal work necessary and a poorly done assignment. Teachers might say that students are primarily focused on their summers and just having fun, rather than getting something done that could benefit them in their next school year. However, if the project is required for school, that typically means it is graded. Students won't try to do the least amount work possible just to save them time, if that means they will earn a D on the project. They will start the year off poorly. The overall effect of the project will outweigh how much time and effort is put into it. Overall, student-designed projects would be more beneficial for both teachers and students because these types of assignments create a unique idea of who you are as a person because it shows individual interests. If a project was deemed boring and just based on facts, teachers would be more likely to receive non creative and possibly plagiarized work. Students wouldn't care to try their best because this one task is taking time out of their long awaited break from school. In addition, student-designed projects also allow teachers assigning them, to have a sense of who their incoming students are, based on their projects.
Phones and Driving Phones and driving is a really big problem in today's society. There are many arguments' related to this topic. One of the major arguments is if drivers should or should not be able to use their cell phones while operating a vehicle. We all have our different thoughts and opinions related to this topic. I personally think people shouldn't be able to use their cell phones while operating a vehicle. There are many reasons why I say this It is very dangerous to use a cell phone while operating a vehicle. There have been many cases where people get in accidents or die or even kill someone else because of cell phone distraction. Day by day there are accidents, majority of the time is because drivers are distracted and not focused in driving safely and checking their surroundings. Cell phones are now a part of our everyday life and as well as our vehicles. We can't get distracted so easily with our cell phones when we are trying to get from one place to another using a vehicle. People should always be cautious when operating a vehicle regardless if using a phone or not. In addition to this, drivers should really only use their phones for navigation only if they are heading to a place they don't know of. Our phones have a GPS and it helps us get from one place to another and I feel like that should only be the reason why we use our phones while operating a vehicle. This will help drivers stay focused and away from any other distractions. I believe that drivers should be aware that a call or a text can wait, and if it's a serious emergency they should pull over before risking a chance to have an accident or possibly kill themselves or someone else. Being safe is the first thing drivers should have in mind before and while operating a vehicle. Furthermore, there are drivers with a lot of experience in driving. Many people think they are good drivers but accidents can happen to anyone. Many teens start driving at an early age. According to the AAA the percentage of teens that acknowledge the risk of cell phone, use while driving is 94%. Although this is the case 35% of those teens admitted of doing it anyway. In addition, teen drivers are four times more likely to get into car crashes than adults because of cell phone use. They both have a risk and an accident can happen to anyone. Finally, I believe that every driver should always be cautious and have in mind the risk there is when it comes to driving. In general, driving can be very dangerous and especially if you are distracted with your phone. Distractions can easily cause an accident at any time and moment. There is always going to be danger on the road regardless how good of a driver you are. I think drivers can wait a few minutes to reply to a text instead of causing a tragedy and never ever be able to reply to another text message. Cell phones are in our everyday use as well as our vehicles, it is better to see an everyday rather than to distract yourself today and not see tomorrow. This is why I believe drivers should not be able to use their phone while operating a vehicle.
Do you want to stay at home? There's a lot of countries around the world where schools offer distance learning. Distance learning is where students can stay at home and be home schooled. It can either be online courses or video conferencing. Some people may say that students won't benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they won't be able to meet new people and experience the real world. However, they are incorrect because some students get frustrated around others or even gets bullied which can cause them to not focus and do well. Clearly, students will benefit from being able to attend classes from home because some of them prefer working independently, some of them live far away and some of them doesn't want to have problems. It will be very beneficial for some students to attend classes from home because some of them prefer working independently. There's a lot of students that like working together and being in groups and discussing things, but some of them are very shy. They're scared to talk around others, so they prefer working by themselves. In school, sometimes you're forced to work in groups or participate in a discussion which will frustrate that student and they won't be able to do it. Consequently, it will effect their grade. This proves my claim by saying that students will benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they won't have to worry about working with others or talk except for the teacher if it's online conferencing. It's also very beneficial for some students to attend classes from home because some of them have problems at school or gets bullied. Millions of students get bullied in and outside of schools. A lot of the time the problem never gets solved because students are scared to tell someone. If they don't tell anyone about because they're scared from that other person, they're going to continue to get bullied. They won't be able to focus anymore, so their grades will drop. The only thing that will be in their mind is the fear from that other person bothering them again and bullying them which includes; abusing them, insulting them or taking something from them like their food. This proves my claim by saying students will benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they won't have to worry about being bullied or having any problems and they will be able to focus very well. Lastly, it can be very beneficial for some students to attend classes from home because some of them live far away. There's a lot of students that want to take a certain course like a language or anything but they can't because they live far away. So, by online classes they will be able to take that class without having to go all the way to that certain school. They can either learn it by a website or by a video conference where they will still be taught by a teacher and won't have to go all the away to school. This proves my claim by saying that students will benefit from being able to attend class from home because they won't have to worry about going all the way to that school for those specific classes. Some people may say that students won't benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they won't get to meet new people and make friends and they won't really experience the real world. However, they are incorrect because some students live far away and some of them don't want to feel frustrated or have problems at schools with others. In conclusion, it's very beneficial to be home schooled or take classes online because it solves a lot of problems and the student will be able to focus and do well. However, students will benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they will be able to take a certain course if they live far away, they will be able to work independently if that's what they prefer and they won't have to worry about having problems at school with others like bullying. Being homeshooled and taking online classes is very beneficial and a good idea for others. They won't have to worry about living far away, they won't have to worry about working in groups and being forced to talk and they won't have to worry about having any problems with others. They'll work indecently and will be able to focus and do well. 
Why is it more beneficial to seek multiple opinions when making a decision? When people ask for advice, they are usually conflicted about something, or don't know what to do. The reason that one person asks for advice could be because they don't know what shoes to wear, or it could be because they need advice about something bigger, like what house to buy. Either way, they are still seeking other people's opinions. When you are asking a person for advice, you want a definite answer. You could ask one person for advice about what shoes to wear, and they could say black, and then you could ask someone else for advice about the same thing, and they could say a different answer. The reason You shouldn't base your decision off of just one person's opinion, is because their opinion is very different than someone else's opinion. For example, if you were debating between which outfit you should wear, you would most likely ask for other people's opinions. Seeking multiple people's opinion would be much more accurate and beneficial to you, because then you would have more than just one person's thoughts and opinions to base your decision off of. You could ask one person for their advice on which outfit you should wear, and they would say one answer, and then you could ask for someone else's opinion on what outfit you should wear, and they could say a completely different answer. However, when you ask multiple people for their opinions, you are getting a much more accurate response. If you were to ask ten people for their advice on which outfit you should wear, and eight people said one outfit and two people said a different outfit, chances are you would wear the outfit that eight people chose. Another example of how seeking multiple people's advice can help you make a better decision is If you were debating whether or not to end a friendship. You would most likely want your other friends advice on what to do. Chances are you would go to multiple different friends and ask them for advice on what to do. If you were to just ask for one of your friends opinions, it would be less accurate than asking for five of your friends opinions. Your one friend that you asked could be prejudice against your other friend, and give you a false, or bias, opinion. However, when you ask multiple friends for their opinion, you get to hear all their opinions, and have a reliable source to base your decision off of. In conclusion, when you are seeking advice, it is much more beneficial for you to seek multiple people's opinions instead of just one person's opinion. It is more accurate, beneficial, reliable, and shows you what the majority of people think. It also gives you a definite answer, instead of just one person's thoughts. It also stops you from making a bias, or prejudice, decision. It shows you what the majority of people think, and lets you hear from everyone. From seeking advice on something as small as what shoes to wear, or as big as what house to buy, you should always seek multiple people's opinion instead of just one person's. 
You should not require all students to do community service. You should make it extra credit if they do though. If you made it mandatory then the students would not be doing it out of their own will. They would just be doing it because of the fact that it is mandatory. If you made it extra credit or if they got a casual day or something for motivation then students would do it for that purpose and might actually enjoy it. You should not require them to do it for a grade so that they don't just do it for a grade. They have to do it for a purpose. Such as helping them but even doing it for extra credit is bad too. It is bad because then the students would just be doing the community service for extra credit not for the actual purpose of helping the community. There could be some other ways that they would do it for the purpose. A way that they could do it for a reason would be if you emailed the students parents and told them that you would like it if the students would take part in some community service once in a while that would be better. If you did that then the parents would just say no our schedule does not have room for it. Another thing that the parents could say is that they just don't want to. They could also say that we will try to get in some community service when ever our schedule has an opening for it. But i think that if you sent an email to the parents than you would get more students doing community service than you would if you made it mandatory. If the principal made it mandatory at my school I wouldn't do it any way. I would not do it anyway because I do not have that much time in my schedule between sports and homework and school. I think if I cut out all of the time that I had free than it would be about an hour right after dinner where I usually am getting ready to go to sleep. I would agree with my friends that say that community service takes up to much time from what I need and want to do. Even though it isn't a waist of time i think that it is important and stuff but i just do not have very much time to do it.
Why Summer Projects Should be Designed by Teachers Summer projects are given out to students for the purpose of learning and devolping over their break. Teachers take the responsibily of making sure their students are well informed and understand the concept of their project before they go. That being said, teacher-designed projects are more likey to have a better affect on students becasue of their expirience on the project in the past and supirior knowledge. Not only would this help students achieve more succesful results when they return, but also give them better knowledge about their project. One example would be that if teachers have delt with the project before, they must already have a better understanding on what's expected from the students if he/she wants them to continue with their learning. Teachers with experience can also help students by providing them with different examples about past projects, so they can see for themselves on how to perform and accomplish it. This can as well benefit the students on having positive results and feedback when they return. Furthermore, teachers know that nothing new is being shown since they've designed and handled with the project before. Meaning, this will make their job eaier to expalin and assist those who need it. Another example would be the amount of knowledge the teacher has and provies to their students which can be put for good use when designing the project. They know what their students have learned and the things they've haven't. Gathering all of that information from what they've taught and shown throughtout the school year into one summer project, would make an excellent assignment for thier students to get the best high-learning quality. Teachers designing projects could also mean expecting higher outcomes on their learning skills and standards. As as well as, better opportunities for thier students to learn something they can hold onto for the rest of their lives that could perhaps be very valuable. With all this being said, student-designed summer projects simply wont give the most learning performance out of a student then to a project designed by a teacher. While they might sound easier for the student to do, they don't know as much as a teacher would. Teacher-designed projects get in depth about the purpose of the lesson and what the student should get out of if it. Meant to give the student the most reliable information and tasks he/she won't forgot during the summer. Specifically designed by his/her own teacher who knows what their strengths and weeknesses have been during the school year. In hopes to create something that'll continue on with their learning.
The option to take online school has become increasingly popular for the benefits it brings to students. Students like online school better because they can manage their time wisely, avoid unnecessary high school drama, and not be as anxious and stressed as they would be in the traditional classroom. Each student has different needs, but the students who have been taking online school have expressed that they prefer it over the alternative. Online school is a great option for students and has been proven to be beneficial because of the student's ability to be in control of their own schedule and grow into being a well-rounded individual. One reason students who are in online school are successful is because they can manage their own schedule. Because the student won't be sitting in a class for seven hours, this gives them time to do more things throughout the day. Students can break up their workload or get it all done in one sitting, the choice is up to them. If they do their work in chunks, they can do other things throughout the day such as chores or extracurriculars in the meantime. Breaking up the amount of work that needs to get done can help certain students do even better in school because they can rest or focus their attention on something else for a period of time. Some students like doing all their work in one sitting because they have more time to do things they enjoy. Although strenuous at first, some students like to get all the hard work out the way so they can spend time doing other activities such as sports or work. Being able to manage their own time helps students succeed. Online school also helps students become well-rounded individuals who are ready to enter into society. Students who have experienced the discipline of managing their classes along with their personal lives and have succeeded, prove that they will be prepared to handle what life has to offer. The high school experience is hard enough, not including the curveballs that life likes to throw, which shows the resilience of these students. Online school requires a level of responsibility because each student has to take control of managing their classes without a teacher constantly watching over them. This builds different life skills for students that isn't taught in the classroom. Online school benefits students by preparing them for the real world. Some argue that online school isn't as good as going to regular school because students can miss out on unique opportunities and experiences found only in a traditional classroom. Understanding that online school isn't for everyone, there are some students who prefer going to a school building because they believe it is best suited for their specific needs. However, not all students do well in a traditional classroom and prefer to learn at home. Distractions, drama, poor time management, and and mental health issues that can be found or developed in the classroom can prevent certain students from having a successful high school experience. Many students who have switched from regular high school to online school for these reasons have expressed how helpful it was for them and are successful in their current lives. For students who don't thrive in the physical classroom, they have benefitted from taking online school. Online school has proven to be a better option to students who don't do well in the classroom and allows them to use their time wisely and to become better people. There are many good outcomes for those who take online school as opposed to regular school, and have greatly benefitted many different students. School is meant to teach students and prepare them to be successful in life, but not all students learn the same way. Those who do better learning from home should be given that opportunity so they aren't at a disadvantage compared to their classmates. In conclusion, many good things have come out of students given the choice to take online school.
Fellow Citizens, there are many reasons why limiting car usgage has outstanding oppritunities and advantages. For an example, If there aren't people out there spending their hard earned money that they worked for, for an expensive car that they are just going to use to get to someplace faster when they could just stop being lazy for once and walk or run, ride bikes, hike, or take a bus, instead of spending money after money to fill a car up to just waste gas, and to fill it up again. Running, riding bikes, hiking, etc. gives you a chance to experience reality. Being outside gives people a chance to see the earths real beauty, and to smell the fresh air. Limiting car usage helps people stay in shape and keeps them healthy if their not just sitting in a car for half a hour when they could be running or walking. Residents in Vauban, Germany are permitted car ownership, but there are only two places to park : large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home. About 70 percent of Vauban's families do not iwn cars, an about 57 percent sold a car to move there. Having a car makes peoples tense, and being in a place where there isnt alot of car usgae makes people much happier. People who live in places where cars arent used as oftn as other states, those towns place stores in walking distance, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. An amazing advantage that people can can from limiting the usage of cars is less drunk drivers, or even none. If there's less drunk drivers, there's less car crashes and less deaths. Everyone understands that you have to be 21 or older in most states to drink alcoholic beverages. The big adavntage out of this is, if older people were to get drunk, they would be forced to call a cab, or even walk home. Their not putting noone else's life in danger, and this would lower the crashes and death fatalities per year. As as many cars that there is in the world, all the use of them would probably pollute the world. Paris enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city after days of the near-record pollution. Limiting car usage gives you the oppritunity to be with your family and friends and spend more time with them then you normally would having a car. You can walk and talk with them on the way to work, you can stop by the park and have some fun on your way to the grocery store. The best part about this is, you dont have to worry about the roads being busy. You ca walk, run, hike, and bike without having to hear the noisy streets, the honking, the screeching, etc. What's the point in having a car that your just going to be wasting money on, when running, walking or riding a bike is free and even cheaper and safer than driving a car. What are you gonna do when your car breaks down? Are you gonna keep spending your money on when it keeps breaking? Why do that when you have two perfectly good and healthy legs and you can run or walk somewhere? Just take a moment to think about the fines every single person breathing in the world has received? Alot of money wasted on something idiotic huh? just imagine if every state, continents, islands, and places we dont know about all stopped using cars, or even just limited the car usage. We'd be saving a whole ton of money, we'd basically all be middle classes. This whole situation is a win-win, You get to be with your family 24/7, Running, walking, biking, hiking etc. is all an amazing way to keep people healthy. People dont have to worry about drunk drivers, or car crashes, or car fatalities. People can finally stop spending their hard earned money that they're just going keep spending and wasting on gasoline or to fix your car when its having problems and it breaks. Families can save the money that they would normally be spending on gasoline and start saving for a trip to take their family on to spend more time with them, or to take a trip for yourself. There are plently more reasons and outstanding advantages that limiting car usage gives you, but these are some of the very best! Just remember, The only good advantages a car can give you is getting you somewhere faster, and keeping you comfortable and safe. But they are also the most danagerous, and expensive things out there. They can take your life or someone elses in an instant, and they can put you in debt quicker than you know! Limitng car usage is for you!
The electrol college system is an unfair system, people don't have the right to select their own president, they dont have the right to select a president. Because, when people vote they are technically voting for the electors for a candited. That candidate can be a democratic or a republican. In source two it states that electors can choose there opposing candidate. Which declines the the whole voting process. Why do we vote? we vote to select a leader who will defend this coutry and make america a place of oppurtunity. The most important reason why the electrol cllege is unfair because of the " winners it take all" rule. We as american people cannot choose their own goverment, as it says in source two, that when voters vote they are voting for the canditates electors. Each state gets one vote and then the electors can choose who they want for president. In source two it states that the electoral college consists of 538 electors and the most amont of elecrtoral votes is 270, in order to pick an president. Also in source two it states that the number of electors we have equals to the amount of members of congress we have. I propose a new system by only letting the American people select our president by votes counted all up by each state, for example if we didn't have have electoral college,  then it would be a fair vote because people votes would count the number that adds up with all votes for one candidates that will oppose another candidates and there would be technically no tie it would either ,more or less, but if we still had the electoral college then the vote would not be equally fair becuse if the majority of a state for examlpe  chose republican candidate, then that would be vague becuse some people choose democratic and there vote did not really count. but without the electoral collge, than everyones vote counts and each candidates gets vote from every one, not only electoral. In source two it says that electorals who have been select by the state can choose their opposing candidtade, which is more disatvantgeing to the american people and america's future.  for example if one state candidate was choosen for republican and they were "faithless" as it says in source two, and chose the democratic party it would be very unfortunate for the republicans because than there would be no point of the votes the republican supporters have voted for. It only comes once every four years, this is very important to the american people, on choosing who they want for the future of america. In source two and three it states the rule " winner take it all" . The votes the other lose the,  winning can take it all, that vote that they take from the losing does not count Because the people really didnt mean to vote for the candidate they don't want or the candidate they dont support, its like your money fell on the floor and someone just took it knowing its yours. In conclusion,  the state senators should eliminate the electoral collge because they count the majorty votes, and don't count other votes that is not popular as the other candidates vote. also because they can decide vote on an canditate they want based on their opinions and beliefs. and lastly because of the winner takes it all system which is bascially taking the losing candidates electoral votes.
Do you believe in being active or socializing. Many people dont like to do extracurricular activities. I agree that all students have to participate in at least one extracurricular activity because the students can make new friends or have the opportunity to get in shape. One of the reasons you have to do an extracurricular activity is you can make friends. For example, you can talk to other students while you help make the yearbook or play in teams in a sport. My Cousin used to be super shy, but when he played in extracurricular activities he made plenty of friends. Another reason to do an extracurricular activity is that you can get in shape. For example, if your extracurricular activity is sports you can work out your muscles. My sister used to hate her body, until she chose track as an extracurricular activity and started to losing weight. Many people love to play sports or help make yearbooks. Extracurricular activities are very helpful. I agree that students should do at least one extracurricular activity because the students can get in shape or can make friends.
Dear Principal, There is not really even a choice because no matter what you choose kids are still going to bring there cell phones to school, but if i had the choice i would allow cell phones at school, one because no matter what kids are still going to bring there cell phones to school and two to connect with friends or family. One reason you should allow cell phones at school is because no matter what kids are still going to bring them and use them during school. You should allow them because it will help you and the office out by patrolling the school for cell phone users, if you just allow them it will create a lot less stress on the teachers and the students. Then if you allow them in free times everybody is going to use them so you might as well allow them at school. Another reason you should allow cell phones at school is because if you need to contact one of your friends or family. Say its a Friday afternoon and you want to ask your parents if you can go over to a friends house after school and you need to call your mom, perfect example why phones should be allowed in school because if you cant contact anyone then you cant go over to your friends house. All in all, cell phones should be allowed in school because no matter what people will use them, and because if you need to contact your family or friends at school.
The development of driverless cars will not be easy and it will probably take a long period of time to complete. In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming", it is explained to us how the development of driverless cars is going and to point out to us all the pros and cons of these driverless cars. Should these cars be invented? I believe these cars should not be invented due to the fact that there would have to be many upgrades to roads which are expensive, safety concerns for passengers and pedestrians, and new laws that will need to be created to protect either the rights of passengers inside the driverless car or the rights of the manufacturers who built these driverless cars. Driverless cars are a good idea to a certain point. These cars would not be a good idea because many things would have to be adjusted to existing roads, which would be very costy . In paragraph 3 the author says," These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." This proves that cars like this would require many adjustments, that are not cheap, to existing roads and that the cars. Our country is always looking for whats best for everyone, and having driverless cars may put people in danger. Manufaturers are planning to put some kind of form of entertainment in these driverless cars. Distracted drivers are very dangerous for pedestrians and the passengers in the car. The author states," Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and informatin systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over -- something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually safety feature, and safety is a big concern." This section of paragraph 8 can help prove my point because if manufacturers put entertainment in cars that would be distracting the driver which is not safe for the passengers and the pedestrians. Many new laws would have to be created by the government to either protect the passengers in the cars or the manufacturer. Who would be responsible for an accident if the person in the driverless car got in a automobile accident. The author proves my point when he or she says, " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault -- the driver or manufacturer?" This quote helps prove my point because in this quote the author brings up the fact that there many be many problems when deciding who is at fault if an accident occurs in a driverless automobile. In life there are many up and downs and pros and cons to everything. In this article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author points out many pros and con to driverless cars. I find that there are many reasonable pros and things that manufacturers should be proud of, but i also believe there are some things that the manufacturers need to think about. I believe that these cars should not be develop due to the things in explaikn in paragraphs before such as: expensive new upgrades to roads, safety concerns for passengers and pedestrians, and laws that would need to be created.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is a challenging planet to study. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venus is a challening planet to study because of the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The temperature's average is over 800 degree fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then Earth. In the article it says, "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." This means that no human can survive the landing for more than a few hours because Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. The weather on Venus can cause for volcanoes to erupt and powerful earthquakes to occur. This shows how Venus is a dangerous planet to visit. Venus is a worthy planet to visit because Venus still has some features that are analogus to those on earth. It has a surface of rocky sediment and includes features like valleys, mountains, and craters. In the article it says, "Venus has been the most earth-like planet in our solar system." Venus was covered with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. This is why Venus is like Earth's twin. NASA has an idea for humans to study and visit Venus in a safe way by going in jet airplanes. The jet airplanes would travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms. A vehicle would avoid the ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. The temperature would still be high about 170 degrees fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on earth. This can help humans survive. This would be a safe way for humans to visit Venus. In conclusion, the author suggets that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because it explains how Venus is a dangerous planet to visit but humans still continue to study it.
Technology is expanding at an alarming rate. One year the car is just becoming an idea and decades later they already have plans on making that same idea better. When the car was first made people were skeptic about how it would work and how people could afford them, now many people own cars and people are proffessionals on how they work. Over the course of the cars history many things have been added and many things have been changed, Adding new and additional features such as a driverless feature seems like a great idea once it is perfected. Tests need to be made so that the car can perform every task over and over again without a mistake. Basically I'm saying the driverless car feature has to be perfect in every way before these cars are put out on the market. Completely driverless cars would revolutionize the world in a great way due to the facts that someone could get a ride if they are in an emergency situation, unable to drive, or just need to multitask on the way to work! Being in a completely driverless car would make life easier for people to get from point a to point b or anywhere else. Before driverless cars should become legal many different safety tests should be made. Making sure that the car is one hundred percent safe is the number one priority and should be taken seriously. If all future requirements for this car are made then these cars could be a start to something phenominal.
Summer break has always been the best time of the year for students. They don't have to go to school, they get to do outdoor activities, and they get to see their friends. Recently, schools have introduced summer assignments to help students maintain their learning abilities over the break. The biggest debate on this issue is whether or not the projects should be teacher-designed or student-designed. If the students are able to design these projects, they will still be able to have a great, fun-filled break. Students should design their own summer projects because summer vacation should be enjoyable, it will teach them organizational skills, and it will help them become more independent. Summer break should be enjoyable for students. Giving them the opportunity to design their own summer projects allows them to do accomplish goals for academics and knowledge while doing something they enjoy. They can use their creative freedom to make their project about a topic or activity that they are interested in. When I was eleven, we had to come up with our own projects for the fifth grade science fair. They gave us the choice to make our project about whatever we wanted. I designed my science project about bacon, because I loved to eat bacon. It made the assignment more fun and easier to complete. Allowing other students to create this sort of project centered around something they love will give them a more enjoyable process and satisfaction upon completion. Letting students design and form their own summer projects will give them a fun, entertaining break while giving them the purpose of learning and getting better. These student designed projects will give students the opportunity to practice their organizational skills. Many students struggle with the ability to organize themselves and accomplish goals efficiently. My brother doesn't know where his assignments are half the time. It is hard for him to organize himself and get things done. The student-designed summer assignments give a perfect opportunity for students to learn and teach themselves how to make sure they do everything in a timely matter. The summer break gives them enough time to come up with a schedule and get things done without worrying too much about close deadlines and other impeding assignments. Letting students create the goals and structure for they're summer projects will help teach them to be more organized. Student-designed projects will teach them to become more independent. Many students struggle with thinking and acting independently. The memorize information for class and regurgitate it back up on a testing sheet. They blindly follow what their teachers say and don't know how to function without close help. If the students make their own projects, they will need to figure out how to complete the work themselves, without help from their teachers. They will likely need to come up with a detailed schedule to plan out when the will do every part of the task assigned. If they don't stick to the plan they've drawn out themselves, they will fail the assignment. In addition, it teaches students valuable skills for their post-graduation life. In the real world, there is no teacher or instructor to help you accomplish the tasks needed to have a successful life. When students become adults they will need to know how to make decisions for themselves. They will need to be able to act responsibly without somebody telling them when or how to do it. If students are able to design their own summer assignments, they will become more responsible and independent. Student-designed projects will make students more independent, give them a chance to become more organized, and help them to enjoy their summer. It is good for students to learn how to operate without a helping hand over their shoulder. Working own their own projects will teach them to become better at time management. Also, students should not dread doing their work over the summer. Summer assignments designed by students help them to become better learners and better people. 
Some students have a hard time getting to school. Whether it be sickness, not having a ride to school, or even a family emergency, getting to school can be difficult sometimes and often students will suffer consequences if they arent able to show up to school, especially since only a certain number of those absences can be marked as excused. Teachers may also have difficulty getting to school, or its simpy better for them to work from home and aviod the irritation of some students,Something that would be able to solve this issue is if classes were able to be online. Even though most of the class work is already online, some students grades are going down even if they do the work from home, and most of the time its because attendance is a portion of the grade. I strongly agree that online classes would be beneficial to students, and education in general because it makes it easier to participate in classes, students are able to still attend class if they are missing school, and finally if the school has to cancel due to weather or illness related issues, students are still able to meet with the teacher and get their work done, and get help if needed. One of the many reasons online school would be beneficial is because it makes it easier for students who might have social issues and have a hard time participating in class activities. I have a friend named Generic_Name who has really bad anxiety and often misses a lot of school because shes afraid of having to present in class, or deal with other students face to face. Specifically in her history class, where her teacher assigns lots of group projects, or work that needs to be presented, its really challenging for her to focus, If her class were to be an online course, it would eliminate the fear of presenting in front of her class, because she could have a private session with the teacher, and possibly present it that way, or with a smaller group of students that shes comfortable with. Now some people could disagree, and say Generic_Name needs to get over her fear,and education is more important, but having the option for an online class would help her relax, and focus more on her school work rather than her personal fears. Another reason it would be beneficial is if a student misses a class. My friend Generic_Name was sick not that long ago with the flu, and missed all of her classes for a week straight. Even though she did her work, her grade and attendance suffered because she wasnt able to show up to class, and most of the absences were unexcused. If classes were online, she would be able to log on, and get her attendance points, and her points from the curriculum. People could disagree and say that students would get lazy, and not long onto the program to do their work, however those students would still have to face the consequences of a lower grade and possible detention,or a mark off for not signing into the programs. Its really the same as a regular class, it just offers the comfort of home, and personal resources and still gives students the opportunity to get the help they need. The last example is if schools had to shut down due to weather or other issues. School districts only have a certain amount of school days they can miss before they have to start cutting into summer vacation, which is unfair for both students and teachers. Due to current events, the Corona Virus is making lots of parents and students paranoid, and while my school personally has around 15 days of off time since we didnt get any snow this year, that would either be 15 days of missed schooling entirely, or if we end up surpassing those days, the school year extends to meet the days required to be in school. If most classes were able to be taken online, teachers would still be able to teach the required lessons and students would be able to learn, and still have time to ask the teacher for help or advice. An issue that rises up with that is some classes or lessons wouldnt be able to be taught online like experiments in a science class or a class like Physical education, but those can easily be made up, and if need be, those classes can remain physical if thats what the school board needs, or what the students need to meet the graduation requirements. Again, its not that much different than regular schooling. In Conclusion, The idea of having online or at home schooling would be very beneficial to students and teachers as well. It offers the security that the student will still be able to do what they need to get done and gives the student a sense of responsibility by taking charge of their own education. While it may be challenging to turn some classes into an online course, it ultimately helps the school and even the students in times of need by being a security blanket in case something happens.
Driverless cars. A helpful thing for our future, or the destruction of it? Google, the BMW, and more have been trying to create affective driverless cars for everyone to help shape our future for the better. It's been debated for a while, especially with accidents and saftey but in the end it's really just about what's best for us all. Though not all of the fifty states in America agree with it, Google and other companies have been trying to create and improve our future with something useful; Driverless cars. They've created a car that can steer, break and accelerate on it's own therfore, virtually calling it driverless but, the assistance of a human is still very much needed. In order to make the idea more fun and appealing they've placed entertainment technologies into the cars, which can be very useful at times, but the most important and useful thing about these new cars is their saftey. Thousands of people all around the world get into automobile accidents everyday. But what if over half, if not more, of all those accidents could be avoided? When it comes to driving, safety is the most important thing there is. With the new driverless cars, that's no longer a big problem. With it's abbility to sense and see everything arround you, it's able to break or accelerate if needed and they have warnings that they give you to help keep you from hurting yourself or inncocent pedestrians and when it's your turn at the wheel it signals you to do so with a special feature, some cars' different than others. Although it's not completely driverless yet, they're slowly progressing towards that bright future. Just imagine a day where you can wake up and almost never have to worry about anyone getting in a crash again. This eveloution is bringing forth a saffer and more prosperous future for all of us and not all states agree with these terms but i'm sure they will. We all have the same goal, wanting a safer enviornment for us to live in. Their evolving creation of driverless cars is slowly, but surely, helping us get there.
Would you be able to give your car up? Having to ride with strangers on the bus to reduce pollution. Would you be able to pay the fines after driving your car? Most people nowadays wouldn't give up their car to save their life. We've been so used to having cars since they came out we've just forgotten what It's like using our bikes, or walking from point A to point B. "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold their cars to move here" Says passage number 1 paragraph 3. Imagine selling your car just to live somewhere else. Not having a car would for one, reduce the amount of pollution in the area, but two, also reduce the amount of stress. Come to think of it, it would also lessen the number of deaths. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Said Heidrun Walter. She uses her bike to get from place to place. Which could e a lot more healthy. We most likely wouldn't have so many obese people. A lot of people have bad health just because of where they live. All these cars polluting the area does not help the fact that most people with asthma, It's just slowly killing them because their lungs can't get enough air as it is. " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog... the smog rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world." The gas that makes these cars zoom around the world is hurting the enviroment. Polluting our streets, making it so foggy out that drivers can hardly see. Not only does diesel fuel hurt our ecosystem, it hurts our wallets too. How much does the average person spend on gas in their lifetime? A lot, don't you think? You probably have to fill up your tank every week or so, depending how far you drive. Just think of all the other items you could buy instead of having to pay for gas. Shoot, we'd probably all be millionares if we set aside our gas money. Death. Death is a major problem. Due to alcohol and stupidity plus cars equal not very good outcome. Most people aren't even safe when the drive so it's not like cars can drive themselves and not get in an accident. Police were starting to fine people if their license plate was even or odd, depending on the day. Would you really want to be fined for driving a car? Save the time and effort on your precious little car and ride your bike to the grocery store. Or instead of driving your dog to the dog park, walk him or her there. Maybe instead of running an aron in the car why don't you actually RUN the aron. Cars cause a lot of problems in most of our cities, countries, states, islands, whever. It would be ten times easier just to tone it down a notch.
We should keep the Electoral College instead of changing it. One reason for keeping it is because the method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. Electoral College avoids problems for example Nixon in 1968 and clinton in 1992 both had only 43 percent of popular votes,while winning a majority in the electoral college 301 and 3 70 electoral votes. Another reason would be because some states are bigger then other and get more popular votes then others like Obama, who won the same amrgin in wymoing would net the winner only 3 electoral votes. reasons to leave it like it is are Certainty of outcome, Swing States,Big States,and to avoid Run-Off Elections. Whats wrong with the electoral vote some people seem to think its fair and more efficent. Some people might not like the Electoral College just becaues they might think that its not fair. Some States have more electoral votes given to them then other states. Such as California t has 55 and some other states only have like 3-8 electoral votes. Some people might argue about this. It should be the more thoughtful voters that are able to vote. Certainty of outcome can help. In the election between Obama and Romney Obama received 61.7 percent of the election while Romney had 51.3 percent of the popular votes because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner takes all basis, evem a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state.  
Students Expressions Everyday people are coming up with new technology to help the students learn in class. They give them computers and let them use phones and calculators. But the new software that can identify students emtions is going to help in so many diffent ways. The Facial Action Coding System will not only help the student but also help the teacher. If a student is feeling a certain emotion and doesn't want to participate in class that day then the teacher can help them due to their emotion. One other reason FACS could help, is with all the school shootings that are happening you could detect that a student was mad or sad because of a bully and help them before they do something disasterous. Another reason FACS could help is to stop a bully. If the software can dectect happiness it can detect hatred and it would be helpful in many schools if they could stop a bully before the bully found a victim. These are the some of the many reasons why the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in school. In many classrooms students hardly ever show up to school ready to work and learn. With the FACS teachers could use it to help those students and make sure they do their work so they student can suceed. Then on the other hand if a student is ready to work and very energetic the teacher can help them learn at their pace. Most students would agree and say that learning is hard if its not at your own pace. With FACS the teachers can learn what the students pace is and teach them accordingly. School shootings are becoming a regular thing in America and most of America feels the way I do; they need to stop. Students have emotions that lead them to committing acts of terror like this and the FACS would be able to detect if a student was sad or mad because of a bully. All the teacher or adult would have to do is talk to them and it could be avoided. The most effective way to stop a disaster of that magnitude is stop it before it happens. With the Facial Action Coding System it could easily be stopped. Bullies are everywhere in schools: classroom, hallways, cafeteria, bathrooms, etc. The Facial Action Coding System is able to dectect emtions of a bully, such as hatred for another student then the teachers can talk to the potential bully and make sure they don't become a bully. If the bully is mad from something at home then the FACS would detected that emotion and an adult would be able to help in anyway they seem fit. The FACS can help stop any potential bully or even stop a current bully. The Facial Action Coding System could be such a valuable tool to use in schools and these reason prove why. There are tons more reasons why the FACS would be a valuable tool in schools but these, in my opinion, are the best reasons. Helping a student learn and paticipate in the classroom easier, helping teachers stop a disaster from happening, and stopping a bully from ruining a students life are some of the many things that make the FACS the next big thing to help students in school.
What is the Electoral College? Well the Electoral College is a founding fathers established by the Constition as a compromise between election of the President by the vote of Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College was created for Big States, Avoid Run Of Elections and Centainy Of Outcome. The Electoral College will restore some of the weight in a political balabce that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution. For example a large state get more attention from presidential candidates in a champaign then a small state would. The reason big states well get more attiontion than small states is because the biger the state is the more pepole there well be and thats like hitting a glod mine for the presidentil candidates. The dispute over the outcome is possible. As it happened in 2000, But it's less likly then a dispute over the popular vote. For example in the 2012's election with Obama and Romney' Obama received a 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. Even A very slight plurality in the state creates a landslide electoral vote victory in that sate. Even a tie in a nationwide electral vote can happen because the total number of votes is 538 and 538 is an even number, but it is very unlikely. To Avoid Run-Off Elections The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in witch no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. There is pressure for the run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the elections of the cast and that pressure, witch would greatly complicate the presidentail election proess and is reduced by the Electoral College witch invariably produces a clen winner.
Dear Principal, I don't think it is right for you to change our school policy. Because students you are really good at playing sports should be allowed to play no matter what. Because they really work hard at doing their best to impress the coach and work hard at the sports they love. I think you should consider the student that have at least one A, B, or C in class to play in school activities and to play school sports. Half the school students get at least a grade average of a "C" so why change if half the school is doing better. the other half is trying to their grades up gut some things get hard for some people. You should let the students play the sports because not all students are going to get a "B" average in school. Every student should be given a chance in sports. To see what they can do and if there are behaving badly just pull them out of the sport they are playing. and tell them they cant play until next try-outs. And hopefully they will make the team those try-outs. To be honest I don't like playing sports because I am really bad at sports well some of them i am good but most bad. so you wont be seeing me playing any sports, only the sports i like to play . but you really should let the students who have at least a "c" average to in the sports you say that's aloud to play at the right tome of the year. But i think you should like get the kids who are foot-ball players and form a foot-ball team at our school. For at least two months or one month that would like be so much fun and get cheerleaders to represent our team and school. iam just putting ideas out there for you
Dear TEACHER_NAME, What are you thinking? Why are you considering making it a B grade average to play sports? I love playing sports but i have a C grade average. It's not fair when all of a sudden you think about make this rule change. Some people might have very good grades, good for them, but most likely they are not playing sports all year long. The rule should be if you have a passing grade, not a B grade average. If you noticed, everyone heard about this new rule, or policy you are thinking about and they are trying to keep their grades up all the time, it's just really hard. I know you are just thinking about this new policy, but you are going to have a lot of complaints if you actually make this a new rule. Have you ever loved something so much, and then someone just takes it away? Well that's what you are doing to us. If you were in this position you would do whatever it takes to make sure you can still play in your school sports and activities. Am I right? I know your just doing it for us; to make sure we all have good grades, and eventually do something we want to do in the future, but we are in the present right now, and what we want to do now is play sports. If you make it a B grade average, we are probably going to have no sports teams anymore, because we will be studying our butts off, and will have no time to practice our favorite sports or get to hang out with our friends. We will also not have the grades to stay on the team. It may sound like I'm being pushy, but I'm not, I'm standing up for what my classmates and I love, and that's sports. It's just that it seems like you're asking a lot from middle school kids. I hope you will take this letter into consideration, and keep the rule how it is, and not make it a B grade average. Thank you, STUDENT_NAME
This article tells us the challenges that venus has to lay for us but this auther has found the was we try to beat tose challenges like in section 7 last sentenes he say that if we can just fine the resouses to build somthing to hold that force that venus has we could fined a lot that we dont even know. Auther did a very great job finding his resouces and fact about his story he told. He's a hard worker because of this topic this isnt a everyday topic people talk about I love how he talks about the trips at the end of the passages that we might be able to go the venus and look at what its like on that planet. To support what ive been talking about in section 8 line 1 he says Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value I beleave that if we challenge are selfs hard and hard that we could be about to make it there and by him saying venus has values i bleave that if we got there we could possible be about to see if they ever had ocean or animals or plants just like us we all know that the plantes are almost the same but just have some slite differenes. This article is good for people how like space and sciences to learn about venus and what we want to do as later missions it is possible that somthing once lived on venus thats probablly why we call it the twin to earth because it just like earth but just the first stages of earth.
Summer break is something both teachers and students look forward to. They both get a break from the responsibilities they would normally have if school was in session. However, many schools require students to complete some kind of summer project before they return back to school. Most of which are designed by teachers. Many students feel pressured by the need to complete this task and often put little to no effort into completing it. I believe that these project should be students-designed because they give students a break, allows students to learn for themselves and allows them to work at their own pace. Summer break is a time that gives students a break from all the hard work they put in during school. It gives them time to spend with family or to simply relax at home by themselves. By allowing summer projects to be student-designed, it will give them time to relax during their break rather than constantly worrying about how and when they're going to complete their project. The summer project that is assigned, should be something that can be completed easily without much effort. That way summer break won't been viewed as just another way teacher can assign work. Also, students will look forward to completing the project because it involves something that that students might want to do. Keeping the summer projects student-designed allows students the opportunity to want to learn for themselves. Students should be given assignments on where they traveled or what they did over the summer, rather then assigning a reading or math assignment. Many students already dread the idea of having to do school work over the summer and assign them something that they don't want to do will only further increase their chances of not doing it. Instead assignments should be revolved around summer itself. Having a student write a paper about a country they visited will give them a chance to learn about the countries culture and will give them an opportunity to share about the adventures they had. If a student, didn't travel over the summer than they can just write about something interesting about their summer. Teachers should want students to learn on their own and not have to force them. This will also give students the opportunity to be responsible. With all summer project being designed around the student rather than teachers, it will give students the chance to allow them to work at their own paces. Many students, such as myself, will want to wait until the very last second to complete a summer project. When the project is completed, it ends up with a poor grade because it was rushed. If summer assignments were revolved around the student, there wouldn't be a need to rush or procrastinate. Students will be giving plenty of time to complete their projects so they can be turned in with a grade they will desire. They will also give teachers an opportunity to learn more about their students and their lives. In conclusion, having summer projects be student-designed is the best way to ensure that a student is learning over the break. It helps by giving students a break, allowing students to work for themselves and allows students to work at their own pace. If all schools did this from now own, it will surely give students a more optimistic view about learning.
So alot of people think that "The Face on Mars" is an alien type of structure. People say this kind of things becuase they have no proof that it's a formation just like earth have formations. Im here to tell you people that thats a type of formation that happens. Like Garvin said its a type of landform that happens in the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Im gonna tell you why i agree. Us as a NASA team we work hard to solve what it was such as reasearch, scientists working, and our team that snapped the picture. All of us tried to figure out what it was yes we might of thought that it was some type of alien structure but like i said working hard got us where we needed to be. After what we needed to figure out we realized that it wasn't some alien structure using the "Rule of Thumb" we saw the picture 3 times bigger. After we saw that image we atoumatically realized that it was a simple formation same as what happens to earth. Example like what happen to Colorado. It use to have a river but after years the water started to evaperate and it started forming big giant rocks. Thats why i don't thing that its some kind of alien structure.
Summer is a time for students to relax and unwind from the hectic school year. For some students, schoolwork continues to follow them while on vacation. The projects assigned over the summer for students are meant to keep students stimulated with learning while on a break. Some designs of these assignments are less effective in fulfilling this purpose. There is a split between whether teacher designed or student designed projects are more effective in the long run for students' education, but the outcomes of one style positively outweighs the other. Student designed summer projects can result in a positive entrance to a class, a better grasp of educational topics, and the opportunity to work around a student's summer schedule. One summer, I had to complete a large packet, read a book, and examine several sections of a textbook. I felt so overwhelmed by the tasks at hand I found myself emotionally drained. The project took me the entire summer to complete and by the time I turned in my work I had an immense amount of hatred for the class and decided to drop the course. Teacher designed projects are made without the student in mind, resulting in negative tension between pupil and course. With the implementation of student designed projects, students can create a format of learning that they find most suitable for their learning styles. Students would be able to decide what is and is not favorable in order to create a positive connection for the content at hand. Using such design, students will more more willing to learn and comply with the course and less likely to pull away from the material. After returning to school from my vacation, I realized I did not learn anything from my summer project. My purpose of doing the summer assignment was to just get it done, rather than to learn and prepare for the class. Without grasping any information, I found that my participation the a summer long project was pointless. In my Spanish class, the projects are formulated where the students have to teach the class, which requires me to create a presentation that will be found intriguing by my class. When I create projects that allow me to be creative and enjoy myself and others, I am able to learn properly and perform well in my classes, which is the case for most student. If students were able to design their summer projects, they would be able to excel in the given courses. Some may say teacher designed projects will introduce the exact information needed for the upcoming course, but teachers should be able to teach what is needed in school. It is understood that summer projects are assigned to keep students learning, but any information teachers feel students should know should be taught in the classroom by the teacher rather than by the students on their own. Most students will comply when given a summer assignment, but many students may not have the ability to complete a summer assignment with the time given. This past summer I was working and attending two classes at the nearby community college. I would expect to be able to partake in these activities as I was no longer in school, but with the addition of two summer projects, it felt as if my summer had never begun. One summer assignment was long and had due dates all throughout my summer, but the other was a self paced note assignment that allowed me to learn the way I wanted and had interactive activities which many of my fellow classmates enjoyed. I completed the project that I found more interesting before the one I found dreadful as I had no motivation for it. When a project is designed to accommodate the needs and lifestyles of the students, the work can still be done efficiently while allowing students to enjoy their summers and learning. Learning is a vital element for the academic success of students. The implementation of the learning assigned over the summer should be designed to lure students into engaging into the content rather than forcing them into large amounts of information without applying attention to possible activities in which students may partake during their time off. Summer assignments that provide a welcoming and fun introduction are more likely to keep a student interested in a course, proving more effective for their futures. Keeping the students' interests in mind while using a student designed summer project will lead to positive results on both the students' and teachers' ends, ensuring satisfaction from both parties.
The challenge of Venus. Venus is sometimes called the evening star why because it's one of the brightest points of light in the night time. The nickname evening star is misleading because Venus is planet its the secound planet of the sun. Venus is a worthy pursuit. Venus is planet not a star it the secound planet of the sun. Venus is a planet. Venus is often referred as Earth's twin Venus is the closest planet to Earth terms of density and size. Venus is occasionally the closest in distance to Earth. The diffrences of Venus is the speed sometimes we are closer to Mars then Venus because Venus is right around the coner and they have sent many spacecraft to land but not many have lasted a few hours. Venus is referred as Earth's twin planet and closest to Earth. A thick atmosphere of 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On planet's surface the average temperatures is 800 degress Fahrenheit and the pressure of the atmospheric is 90 times greater what we experience on our planent. Venus has the hottest temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venus is blanket by a 97 percent of carbon dioxide and has the hottest temperature of any planet in solar system. Scientists are discussing further visits to its surface. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because its was once most like planet in our sytem. Venus can probably could been covered by a ocean and could supported various forms of life. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been sending people to study Venus. Scientists still discuses about futher visits and NASA has send people to study venus. The author suggests that studying Venus is dangers yes he's right because Venus is one of the hottest planet even though Mercury is closer to our sun beyond the high pressure and heat Veusian weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes. So yes its dangers studying Venus many space craft haven't lasted hours in venus.
Dear State Senator, I send you this letter to bring up an issue that is often debated amongst us Americans. Should we kee the Electoral College? No! The electoral college just doesn't work anymore and we have seen that in the past. You probably ask yourself what is wrong with the Electoral College? The problem with the Electoral College is that it is unfair, it doesn't rely on what the people say and it can sometimes really make the public mad. The Electoral College is really unfair, especially for voters. We vote for who WE want, not for some other guy to say what we want. Voters want THEIR voice to be heard when they vote not someone else's. When we vote for a presidential candidate we want to vote directly for who we are voting, we want to pick who we want directly. In source 2 the article explains how the Electoral College works. The author says "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president." What this means is that when you voted for Obama you didn't vote for Obama , you voted for a group of people to vote for who they wanted. So your voice was not heard. Don't you find that unfair to the voters and to the candidates? Everytime one person votes for a certain presidential candidate, they are basically ignored. The President should be chosen by the people! And at the moment the President is being chosen by politicians who will "represent" us and repeat what we say although that has been proven to not always be true. Passage 2 reminds us of the incidence in the 2000 election in which Al Gore lost the presidency to George W. Bush by electoral votes, even though he had more inividual votes. This proves that our state representatives will not always represent us how we want them to, but how they want to represent us. This is the reason why voters need a direct voice from them to picking their leaders. We should pick what we want not what some politicians want. You are probably saying that these incedents do not happen very often, as said in source 3. The article says "...it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely. It happened in 2000...but that was the first time since 1888" This says that situations like this are very rare, yet it is still possible. Even so, wouldn't you rather the people be heard rather than a politician that claims to represent his state? So many people got mad in 2000 when they just chose the president most people didn't want. There's many ways to make us Americans mad and this is just another one of those ways. In the United States you are supposed to be able to choose what you believe to be right. If you want to choose what you think should be the future's right president then you should be able to pick him and not have to expect anyone's approval or opinion on your vote. You should be able to walk out from the voting center and say I voted for this guy. Eventually keeping the Electoral College will only cause more problems, because as time goes on the human develops its opinion futher and creates and spreads new ideas meaning that there will be more people picking different things. If you think that what you are picking should be picked you should be able to say "I want that" and not have to through the bother knowing that a politician may have chosen what you DON'T want. If you want to make Americans mad, then keep the Electoral College. In conclusion I think that the Electoral College be removed and the use of popular vote be put into effect because the Electoral College is unfair, it does not reply on what the public says and it makes the Americans mad. Please take this letter into consideration.
The electoral college  has been used for many years. Most people think that it is a place and not a process , well it is a process. the electoral college is the selection of electors. for the process they need 538 electors, for 270 electoral votes. Each canidate has their own group. The presidential election is held every  four years to elect or keep the same president for 4 years. I think that its the way to vote ,and its worked for so many years why fix it if its hasnt had a problem yet. The electoral college is well known and has always been the way to pick our president. its a non-democratic method of selectiing the president. the other side who are for popular vote think that the electoral college is unfair and that there is not a certainty of a fair outcome. i say that if the outcome isnt fair then how are u supposse to win as a president. Having more votes as a canidate is not fair but thats how you win by having more votes. My opinion on that is why would losing be fair thats the point one canidate wins and one loses. of couse the other person who lost would have anger and therefore be upset and say that the electoral is an unfair jugdement. The candiate wins because of the majority vote in their designated states. if the other canidate dosent have as many states he could only win by the collected vote within the states that he/she has. popular vote would be awful and much harder to do as a process. that would mean that every one in the United States would vote who they want and it be sent to the capital to see whos victorious. Popular vote has no process or stragey or base plan to vote , and what if states dont like this idea so they revolt against the goverment. states might get together with there senate and riot in order to stop this. In my opinion popular vote is messy, controversial and just down right uncalled for there is a plan within the electoral college and i think that they should keep was has been working. yes we are evolving as a whole but somethings are left to be the same and not tamperd with.        
Summer break is a time for students to relax, but students should continue to learn. In addition, summer is also a good time to start preparing for the future. Summer projects should be student-designed because students will have more freedom, be better prepared for the real-world, and it would be more enjoyable. Summer projects should be student-designed because it gives students more freedom. The projects are the student's, not the teacher's, so they should have the freedom to design their own project. Since it is a summer project, schools should not have many restrictions and give students independence. I attend Generic_School where everyone has a year-long research project that is entirely student-designed. Everyone can do their project on pretty much anything they want; for example, I am creating a water filtration system for a school in Kenya. Being able to design our own projects has allowed us to enhance our creativity, problem-solving skills, etc. We are given much freedom, which has been so beneficial to my classmates and me. Students should at least be able to design their own projects when some of their break time is going to be taken away. Student-design projects would be much more enjoyable for students. Teacher-designed projects resemble classwork and thinking about school and homework is the last thing a student wants to do during their break. If projects are student-designed, students would be able to incorporate something they are interested in into their projects. Since the project would take away time from their summer break, schools need to try to make the them at least a little bit enjoyable. If students like their projects, then they will be more motivated to work on it. If they are teacher-designed, most students will be unmotivated and probably wait till the end of summer to start it. Personally, if I do not enjoy a task or activity, I will procrastinate and dread doing it. In addition, the quality of my work is much better if I like the task I am given. Schools should make project student-designed because it will prepare students for the real-world. Student-designed projects would prepare students for the future. They are much more realistic when compared to teacher-designed ones because in the real world, bosses do not guide or assist their employees. Us students are going to be doing the designing, not our future employers. The number one goal of schools is to prepare students for the future, therefore summer projects should be student-designed. Summer projects are importanat because they can shape students and help them grow. They need to be student-designed because this gives students more freedom, better prepares them for their futures, and makes the project more enjoyable. Schools need to take into consideration the feelings of students' and their futures. 
Dear Principal, I think it is unfair to the students who make a C average not to be able to participate in sports. If they don't do any work at all and you say they can't try out for a team then I understand, but some people do try hard on their school work but don't always make high grades. If they have a C average they should still be able to try out for the team. If they are not doing any work while on the team then they should be removed but if they are trying but can't get high grades they should still be allowed. To make a B average is kind of hard for some students because they may need extra help that they cannot get but a C average would be good because that is where most people have their averages at. If during their sport the students grade drops then you should warn them once and if their grades are still dropping after the warning then they should be removed off the team. I think when looking at students grades you shouldn't just look at their average. Look and see if they do their work. Then see if they pay attention in class then check to see if they get in trouble a lot. I think that is a good way to see if a student should be allowed to try out for a team instead of just looking at their average. So in some cases I agree that students with a C average or lower shouldn't be allowed to try out for a team but that is only if they goof off, get in trouble, and don't do their work. For students with a grade C average or maybe lower that try hard, pay attention in class, and do all their work they should be allowed to try out for the team. Like I said earlier if they make the team but begin to slack off in class then they should be warned once, but if it keeps happening then they should be removed from the sport. That is all I have to say about this topic. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
My mother always said "Generic_Name, life is much simpler when you trust and take advice from others." Seeking multiple opinions can help someone make better choices, for they can use those opinions to make an objective one, they can learn lessons from others, and it can cause someone to become a better person. First an objective opinion can help by, being unbiased therefor one can make harder decisions that can effect their life in serious ways. it can also keep one from siding with a bad influence or group out of bias or personal opinion, therefor keeping out of trouble or harmful situations. Next using these opinions can teach someone useful lessons in life, like who to hang out with, and how much trouble one can avoid, or even if they should buy that new phone without looking at the reviews. Those reviews are very important for someone if they are going to buy something. If they pay attention to them, they can find out if the purchase is worth it or not. That is why its beneficial to take lessons from others' opinions. Then there is the fact that listening to other peoples' opinions can create a better person, it can give them something to fall back on when they cannot use their own wits to escape a situation. Because of this people will want to trust them, and want to help them when in need. These in turn will raise their sense of self tremendously, and create an all around better citizen. Finally using these opinions someone can, create an objective opinion, they can learn valuable lessons from others, and become the best person they possibly can be. When my mother told me that i should listen and take advice from others', think this is what she wanted for me.
The Electoral College is a easy, yet hard way of a candidate becoming the President of the United States. The Electoral college was created by how ever many majority of the electoral votes will become the new president. This brings many issues within the U.S. . The popularity vote does not matter in a situation like this and is not likely relied on to decide who the president will be. The Electoral College is not right, it's unfair, and is very controversial. The argument though is that with the Electoral College the votes which are dominant have a better chance of the two nominees not having the same amount of votes rather than if it was relied on by the popularity votes. This still though does not resolve nor question that the Electoral College needs to be replaced. Initially, the Electoral College is not right at all. The electoral votes in the U.S. combined throughout all the states equals 538 votes. Popularity votes which are votes that have an advantage of the election are more than tens of thousands if not more. This is an example on how the Electoral College works. An example of this is in the source by "Reasons to keep our despised method of chooosing the President" it states, " Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only 42 percent of the popularity vote but won through the electoral votes because they had bigger states voting for them making them win that election". This shows how the Electoral College is not right and should reverse the value of electoral and popularity voting(Poshner, 22). Additionally, the Electoral College voting is very unfair because many sources giving have shown to people that many candidates have had less popularity vote but have won through the majority of the electoral votes. This is unfair because popularity votes mean popularity votes which are votes that are of the majority of all votes. Unfortunately, the popularity votes do not count. As said in the source "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" it states, " if you wanted to vote for John Kerry and you lived in Texas the vote would go to 34 Democratic electors that pledged to Kerry". This is why popularity vote should be the deciding factor of who becomes the next President. If every election would be based on popularity vote the candidate won each of those elections would probably all change due to the fact that so many elections have won based on electoral vote(Plumer,10). To end with, the Electoral College is so controversial. Out of more than two hundred years of elections many have been close and many have been a mile away from each other. The electoral vote decides it all though. The main problem with this process is how it is set-up. The electoral vote is dominent over the popular vote, but it shouldnt be. The electoral vote has made bad decisions yet good decisions throughout the hundreds of years its been around and the main reasin for electoral votes are to keep the candidates running not have the same number of votes so that they won't have to have another election and voting cast. "It is also really controversial since the voting also might rely on the political party that the candidate is running for", as  stated by "What is the Electoral College". This Electoral College seems to go by how big the state is, the bigger the state the more electoral votes that state has; the smaller the state the less electoral votes that that state has(Federal Register, 5). In conclusion, the Electoral College is unaccurate, lazy, unreasonable, yet successful. This process by many sources of evidence have concluded that there are in fact many holes in this system. Yet some sources have proved how the Electoral College has helped decide the outcomes and have stopped run-off elections. The Electoral College is unfair, not right and controversial and has also proved that it has pros to all these cons as well. 
Many students love sports, but getting good grades is essential to be successful in life. There are many reasons why the choice to switch the requirement to a B is necessary because kids will have to focus in school and not on sports to be able to play. The reason that so many kids have C averages is because they do not care about their school work and grades, as long as they get to play video games or sports. The sports kids are the ones who do not realize how important jobs are to families and survival. If a kid keeps on getting C averages, they may get D averages which will most likely decrease to F averages. In order to go to college, one must have 23 high school credits, 12 in which are from math, language arts, and science. School is one of the most important aspects of life, and in order to succeed and do sports, these kids will have to put on their thinking caps and mature up, and they will end up thanking us later in life for ensuring they had good grades. Good grades can almost ensure people a meritorious career, and they will have good lives for their families and have good shelter. The kids with C averages don't strive very hard because their lives revolve around sports. The kids all have lives outside of school, and think that school is a waste of time in the way of their video games and sports. They will end up failing in life if they do not succeed in their education, and that means they will most likely have health problems and an premature death. So, you are making an excellent decision by switching the requirement from C average to B average because it will help students have better futures. They also will feel proud of themselves for using the time wisely, since there is no second chance.
In the world, there are people who believe in aliens or supernatural beings, while some do not. The face on Mars is an example of an occurance that causes people to believe in aliens or supernatural beings. Even though this is true, there are still many people who think the landform is a natural occurance. There are ways to prove that this theory for the landform is true. Reasons such as the landform being compared to natural, earth landforms and it has similar characteristics as earth lanforms help prove this is true. The landform was compared to a butte or a messa. This means it is quite similar to earthly landforms and may have occured due to something that happened on Mars. The face on Mars is comapared one main earth landform that was mentioned. The landform is Middle Butte, which is located in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It was a lava dome that took the form of an isolated mesa. The face on Mars had the same look and height as a Earth landform, a mesa. It is true that there is an unusual shape to the face on Mars, there are similar occurances that happen on Earth. Though this happens on Earth, people don't say that these Earth landforms were made by aliens. This landform is just like other occurances on seperate planets that resemble Earth landforms. Even though the landform resembles a human face, it doesn't mean the landform is an alien's doing. Just like landforms on Earth, there are more ways than one to prove the reason or the starting place of a landform.
If my principal was reconsidering the cell phone policy, my answer would be to not allow them. What would you do if you were in this situation? Hopefully, you would say "NO cell phones allowed in school." In result of cell phones allowed, would be kids not learning anything because they were on their cell phone. The principal should not let students use they cell phones because they would get out of hand with it and start using them everywhere, even in the classroom. Another reason is students would be talking on the phone and texting which will be disturbing to the other classes that are present when their in the library or lunch. If the principal lets the students bring cell phones with them to school and let them use it, it's like the principal does not like his/her job or is just lazy. Another thing that would happen if cell phones were allowed would be teachers seeing students grades falling from A' s to B' s or C' s to D' s. If that started happening the parents would start getting interested with what's happening with their grades. The parent would probably go to the school and complain about their son/daughters grades falling. The principals response would not be anything, the real answer is that he/she allowed cell phones in school. That is what i would think would happen if cell phones were allowed. The principals choice should be "NO, cell phones allowed at all on school property unless after school hours." If this wasn't the choice, like i said before it would be like fun time all the time for the students. It wouldn't even be like school. That is why no cell phones should be allowed on school property.
Students should be able to choose if they want to participate in extracurricular activities or not for many reasons. Most students are busy and don't want added pressure on top of school work. While kids may want to do extraculliculars they may do out of school activities that can take up their time, or they might have a family to take care of. Many students also a lot of time for homework, which they won't get the time for in an extracurricular. A reason students student's may not want to do an extracurricular is because they might have out of school obligations. If a student was babysitting or tutoring someone, they wouldn't have time to do extraculliculars because they'd be busy doing another job. It would be unfair to force someone who has another job to do more work, which is why they should have the choice to do an extracurricular activity. Furthermore, some students could have a family to take care of when they get home. For example, if a student has a younger sibling that needs to be picked up from the bus stop, the student would have to help with that. If they were forced to do an extracurricular, they wouldn't have time to take care of their sibling. In addition, quite a few students would need more time to do homework, which an extracurricular would prevent them from doing. While some students can finish their homework quickly and have enough time for another activity, a student who takes a long time shouldn't be rushed into doing something else. If they need more time to do their homework, they shouldn't be dragged into doing an activity. In conclusion, students have out of school activities, family to take care of, and a lot of homework which can make it hard for them to focus on extracurricular activities on top of it. All in all, there are many reasons a student might not want to do an extracurricular. Because of this, a student should be able to have a choice to do another activity or not.
Do you want to hear a story? so i was at work cause im a scientist an me in my friend had an agrument about what happen to mars about the facemark. The agrument started because we were talking talking about it an he said that a alien put it there i said impossible. So he got mad at me i said state your reason why you think a alien put it there. He responed that he dont know i said you have to know something but then he saw an picture and he said the picture look like alien heads. Then i gave him my response he said why you don't think it's aliens i told him i don't belive and aliens. He said thats not a good enough reason because i did not state facts so i told him the reason why i dont belive aliens are real beacuse i never heard one i never saw one with my own eyes and i also said the face dont look nothing like a alien. The argument kept going on because he said i dont know what a alien look like so you dont. Last, we came together an said we dont know cause we kept arguing about how was a alien and how it was not a alien. He did not like my response when i said i dont know how they look how they sound thats why i said it was not a alien. It also kept going cause i did not like his response he did give me details or nothing. He just told me he look up a picture that look like alien thats why we came together and said we don't know.
I'm against this technology that reads your emotions because I mean who really cares what other people are feeling, unless you're close to them. Some people might not want there feelings to be read because its a matter or privacy. It's also just plain dumb like instead of focusing on this technology, that reads peoples emotions work on something more important like finding a better source of fuel, for the world thats good for us but also for nature or how to stop deforestation stuff like that. But I slighlty do think this is somewhat a good idea like its says in paragraph 6 "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad". For example if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow. But if you frown the next ad will be different "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored "Most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication" noted Dr. Huang "So computers need to understand that too. The only part I agree with is that it would be good for school computers to see if you had gotten confused with a certain problem that has happened and it could offer help or request help for you. There for I support and don't support this technology because we could use this technology for good things or just use them for dumb things like recognizing The Mona Lisas emotions like who really cares.
TEACHER_NAME, Today I have been informed of the new policy change on the subject of the sports and other activity changes that are being made at our school. It has been brought to my attention that this new policy is that the students have to have at least a B average to participate in the sports we have to offer our students. Our concern is that while many of our students have a B average, many more have a C average. So in changing to this policy, there will be many of our athletes who will no longer be able to participate in the sports or other activities conducted at our school. I believe that some students may only come to school for that bit of time they have to get away from school work and home life. I believe that our school sports act as a guideline but not a restriction for what our school can achieve. We should have a goal for them and if they can not meet this goal, they can go to extra tutoring sessions to bring their scores back up. We do rely on our athletes to show others that we can have students with not only talent on a field or court but talent in the classroom. We need to have a goal for our athletes but not let it serve as a block for achieving greatness through sports. Our sports builds our student's character, personable skills and sportsmen ship so taking this away would not benefit us but would make our scores and averages decrease. I understand your concern but I think we need to give our students a chance to raise their score before we proceed with further disciplinary action. In using this as a learning experience, we can learn to help our students in every way possible. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. I look forward to seeing how our students progress!
The 'Face' on Mars is just a hoax. It seems as though the mound on this planet is just a mesa. If you don't believe me, then listen to me very closely. The very similar face on the side of Mars can be very defining but not a single astronout have researched at the Mesa up close and personal. But even if it was made by aliens, it still wouldn't tally up right? The 'Face' was first noticed in 1976 by Viking 1 spacecraft, circling around Mars, after trying to find its sistership, Viking 2. As Viking 1 was circling around, it spotted a likeness to the human face. And the mound was found in Cydonia, a very well-know area on the Red Planet to house mesas. As the years went by, they looked more into the mound and Scientists concluded that it was just another mesa, but this moutain-like hill had shadows that resemble the human face. As you review this very peculiar picture, you can see that it just resembles Earth, mostly in Western America. That certain part of America are very popular for its mesas and buttles (which are the same as mesas). There may be more out in the solar system, mnaybe even more in the whole universe itself, but in the end of all the discoveries, they all end up being coincidences. Maybe one day, we'll find extre terrestrial life, but for now, we will just make more and more discoveries until we don't have anything else to find.
Dear principal, I am writing to argue against requiring at least a B average. I believe changing the requirements to play sports or any other extra curricular activities is outrageous. If students have a C average, which is a passing grade, they should be able to participate. Many students at our school have a grade C average, if you take away sports it could possibly drive them away from even coming to school. Now what good would that do? Raise and teach the world's children to throw away our education's and start working dead end jobs. Well I know I don't want to, so this is me arguing for us, the children's sake. I know how tough this decision must be, but that is because you're making it challenging. Sports and other activities is what our country run's on. That is what gives us fuel, makes us want to learn more and better ourselves. The purpose in life is to make the best of it, to do what we love. That is what us children are trying to do. Make a better world for the children to come. So consider thinking about what your decision can do to us and all of the people to come. If your decision has the power to do all of that, then imagine the power you'll be putting into us by allowing us to do what we love even if we have a grade C average(it is a passing grade). At least we're trying and that let's you know we all care. sincerily your student, STUDENT_NAME
After reading this controversial essay on Electoral College and how it affects other and our "American People" I feel personally a bit ashamed at our own country that we allow all this nonsense to have happened. In my opinion I would want too ban the choice of Electoral College, because first off we're looking way too deep into our system of voting, is it really necessary too compare our states number of votes with another's just to possibly get noticed? Why dont we take things into our own hands and not count on voting for some stranger to do the work for us. In one of they many paragraphs I had read, it simply stated "The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that out to be (overruled)" that doesnt sound like everyone here in America is fully williing too agree to all of this, and I wouldn't blame them.  I don't understand why we cant just vote directly for the president ourselves! I mean after all, he is going too be our leader. I just would never put that type of a big decision in somebody else's hands who I don't even know at all, and especially if I know its not completely certain that whomever I had put my vote in for is at a 50/50 chance of winnning as it is. If there is already an apparent list of five reasons all about retaining the Electoral College because of its democratic pedigree, just is another reason as too why I'm against this kind of voting system. With having the first reason listed as being "Certainty of Outcome" should really make the person reading that question themselves on if they're making a right decision or not. You would have too go through a lot of trouble and paperwork as it is whenever voting for someone, At least I would like too know that I'm not basically giving my one vote away for technically someone else to do it for me.
Dear Principal, I think people should have a choice of doing community service or not doing community service. I think they should have a choice because no one knows how busy there life is after school. Some people are very busy after school and don't have time to do other work. Some people have a lot of time after school and should do work to help the community. If they do have time to do community work I think they should also be recognized with a certificate or something in that general area. If they don't have time then they should work on freeing up there schedule for relaxing. That is because no one likes an angry stressed out person. If people want to do community work instead of serving detention I think they should be allowed to because after all they are helping the community, and it might be a punishment for them if they don't like to help out at all. If people volunteer to help out the school as community work I believe that you should let them it will help make the outside of the school look better. If someone wants you to help out i think you should get recognized for that to because adults don't get recognized for as much as kids do. I also believe that if the school should allow a club or something to do community work if we have enough people that think it is that important. I would also like to bring to your attention that some people are trying they're hardest to get out there and work but don't have the time I wish we had a class for that to so you can help them relax and not always be stressed out about it. I hope you take my suggestions into consideration. Sincerely, Student
Can you imagine a time in the future when no one will have any money because of "Driverless Cars". Yes, you may think driverless cars is a good idea but its not. We already have "Driverless Cars", they are taxis and buses. They say it would use half the fuel of today's taxis and are more flexible than a bus. But how much would they cost? Are they going to be cheaper than a taxi? Are they going to be bigger than a bus? Buses and taxis are probaly the cheapest forms of transport, and don't get me started on Ubers. They say that Google has already made some "Driverless Cars", but they are not really driverless. Driverless means no one behind the wheel. "They alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." If it can't drive through traffic or back out of driveways then what's the point. What's the point of having a "Driverless Car" if it's not really driverless. Isn't the whole point of having a driverless car to relax and let it drive on it's own, not to be alerted when it can't even pull up into your driveway. "Originally, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads." So what you're telling me is that you want to make the roads smarter too? No, you need to make humans smarter not cars or roads. If we weren't so lazy we wouldn't need "Driverless Cars". "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." Want if the "human at the wheel" sucks at driving? Then we are going to have some issues. The sensors are what the should be adding to cars. The sensors "Can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better respone and control than a human driver could manage alone." See that is what we need in cars, they are so many car accidents because of speeding and drunk driving. Ok back to why "Driverless Cars" souldn"t be made. Driverless cabs? They already driverless cabs, you, yourself are not driving the cab. Unless you are a cab driver you are not driving the cab, and it's going to take so many jobs away from cab drivers. "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to driver?" Their turn to drive? So you take turns driving your brand new driverless car? But don't worry they have a in-car-entertaimnet and information system to make sure you don't fall asleep at the wheel. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer?" I thought it was a driverless car why would the driver be at fault? I can talk about this "Driverless Cars" idea for hours but I only have fifty-five minutes to talk about this. So i'm just going to wrap this up with my last thought. Driverless cars sould not be made. LIL BOAT
Advice is something that everyone has asked for or given at some point. Advice is what helps fuel the decisions that people make. When asking for advice, someone often asks a variety of different people. Parents, friends, teachers, coaches and whatnot. Asking multiple people can provide personal insight and reasoning about the question, can help assure someone of their decision, and help find a person who has been through a similar situation. Every single person, living or dead, has experienced different things. Experiences change and mold personality. When asking somebody who has a negative outlook on what is being asked may give a different answer than somebody who thinks positively about the question. Asking different people can provide an assortment of different answers, which can then be used to form a final decision. A person who has made good decisions throughout their life, with a steady career and family, will likely give better advice than a person who has made negative decisions. Sometimes, people may be asking lots of people the same question for the sole purpose of being assured. If three people all agree about how to solve the same problem, then it is most likely best to do this, instead of doing something that only one person agrees with. Being assured by friends and family can help prevent people from making stupid decisions, that they would have made without advice. When asking for advice, it is best to find somebody who has been in a similar situation. Everyone goes through different things, and some people may have no experience in the subject matter. This often results in poor advice that is based off of a guess than an actual opinion. For example, when asking somebody for advice regarding a certain job, it is best to ask somebody who has experience with said job. Asking a pizza delivery guy on advice if someone should go to police academy, is not smart because the pizza delivery guy has no knowledge of what is being asked. Decisions are what change people's lives, for the better or for the worse. Advice tends to back up these decisions. Being careful about asking certain people for advice is important because their personal insight with a problem, their knowledge of a problem, or just to reassure you of your decision. However, everyone has control of their own life, so they have the right to make whatever decisions they want to.
Dear Governor, I believe we need to keep the Electoral College. It seems to provide a more efficient way of deciding who will be the president. There may seem to be many problems with the electoral college, but there are just as many things that are good about it. In the passage In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President, it lists several good points of how the electoral college helps us choose our president. The first point is Certainty of Outcome. In the passage, it states that the Electoral College usually exceeds the amount of popular votes they have because most states use a winner-take-all basis if they so much as have a one percent higher difference than their opponent. The next point is: with the Electoral College, you can't win by just winning over one region (South, Northeast, etc.). In order to have enough Electoral College votes to win, you have to be accepted nation wide. You can't win by just being supported by the South or only the Midwest, you have to be supported by several regions. In the 2012 election, Mitt Romney was a solid regional favorite in the South. He has no chance of winning extra Electoral College votes if he only campaigns in states he knows he's going to win. This is a perk of the Electoral College because if the candidate has only regional appeal, he's less likely to be a good President. The third point is the swing states. These are states that are not set on one certain party, such as Demorats in Texas or Republicans in California. The voters in toss-up states are the most studious of the campaign because they know they are the ones who will ultimately decide who will win the election. The voters in these states will pay closer attention to the debates, do further research into the claims the candidates place against each other, and they also recieve the most information and attention from the campaign. These voters are thought to be the most thoughtful and often decide the election. The fourth point is about the big states. In the passage it states: "The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution..." The larger states usually end up getting more attention from the candidates than the smaller states because the larger states have more electoral votes than the smaller states. For example, in 2012, the popular vote in Florida was very close, and yet Obama still got the 29 electoral votes. A victory the same way in Wyoming would only give the winner 3 electoral votes. The fifth, and final, point is that the Electoral College can help avoid run-off elections. It can help avoid the problem of elections in which neither of the candidates has the majority vote. For example, Richard Nixon in 1968 and Bill Clinton both had only 43% of the popular vote, while they both had a lead in the Electoral College. There would be no pressure for a tied election if none of the candidates wins a majority of the votes. That pressure, which usually complicates the election process, is cut back by the Electoral College, which will give a clear answer. Yes, it can be said that the Electoral College method of choosing the president can turn potential voters away from a candidate that has no hope of carrying their state. Voters knowing their vote will have no effect are more likely to pay less attention to the campaign than they would be if the popular vote decided the President. Either way, no voter's vote is going to swing a national election and, with that information in mind, about half of the eligable voters in America voted in 2012's election. It seems to me that the Electoral College helps more than it harms the election. I believe the Electoral College should remain intact as it provides a more efficient way of deciding who will become President. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
Dear Principal, I think that it would be a good idea for some students to bring their phone but only at lunch break and free periods. Then when the time is over you should tell them to put their phones or electronic devices away or you will take them. If they start to bring their phone to class and it goes off then you should take it and let their parents come to get it. Some students may take it to far, but you should tell them to put their phones away to their free period or lunch break. People can have their phone in school but only on free periods and certain people try to take advantage of that, but if they get out of control with having their cell phone you should tell them to put it away. You should give them at least 2 warnings and if they mess it up they don't get the phone privileges like the other kids do. So its okay to have your phones every once in a while. If you hear someone's phone ring you should take it and give it back at the end of the day. Some people may try to take advantage and make their cell phone ring on purpose just to make everyone laugh at them. If they refuse to give you their electronic device you should call the guardian and let them punish the child. Sometimes its not good for them to have a phone because it could get people in trouble sometimes, because somebody may be silly and text the other person. Trying to get them to get in trouble, but if it was them they would be hurt. If you think we should have our phones at free time that would be a very good idea. Certain people know what they word free time means but some don't . You suppose to follow the rules the give you and put your phone away. So I'm asking you can we have our phone advantages for certain times.