Community service is helpful to the community and is good for people and should be required for students. It is a great way for students to become a better person by helping the community. Community service allows the community to become cleaner and better by students helping. It allows unfortunate people to get help from people and allows neglected areas to be cleaned. Community service is a great way of helping the community become better in a whole. Community service makes students become a kinder type of person. It drives students away from negative influences like drugs and gives them more positive influences by helping others. Community service teaches students to help others and not push others away and to treat the community that they live in with more respect. Community service also allows a better community for people to live in. It allows for students to make a cleaner community and not litter it and make it dirty. It stops violence and drugs by teaching students to become better people. Community service also makes more development in parks and other places. Community Service also allows a chance for those that are unfortunate or places that are unfortunate to get help. An example is giving out food to the homeless. By doing this, people who do not get food regularly have the chance to get some for sure.
The conditions on venus aren't pretty. The tempertures get up to 800 degress fahrenheit. Humans can barely deal when it's a 100 degrees in Arizona. The carobon dioxide is so strong that we could survive it more than 10 minutes. Venus's surface tempertures are too hot to even walk on. Venus even has very dangerous weather like erruptng volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to proes seekng to land on it's surface. Where could we go if earth was to blow up? Mars. Venus or Mercury, We don't have a for sure answer to that. Exploring Venus isn't a bad idea but very risky. We could see what Venus has that could benefit ot affect Earth. Considering Earth is the closet planet to Earth. NASA could potentially send robots in the spacecraft to see what information they can give. No ones life should have to be put on the line to explore a diffrent planet. I personally think its a great idea. As said in the passage "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
Most citizens do not realize that even though it may be easier and does not require a large amount of energy to operate, cars pollute the air that we breathe and it becomes tainted. Citizens may have their own personal reasons why they ride bicycles, walk or take the bus. If everyone takes part in not driving a car, the society would dramatically improve. For one the amount of tracffic would decrease. The text states "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five days of intensifying smog...". In other words this is saying that the fog was so intense that people driving were not able to operate their vehicles. Since no one was driving or on the road, traffic went down 60 percent due to the amount of smog. In addition to the amount of traffic being lowered, certain car lots would have an significant increase in business. Article two states "exceptions were made for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers". In other words car dealer ships their profits and their makings would sky rocket due to the increase of people purchasing this particular type of vehicles in an attempt to make the Earth greener. Adding on to the fact that not only will car dealer ships that sell these types and models of cars profit increase drastically, the citizens will either have electric vehicles or they will have the type of vehicles that can occupy more than three passengers per trip or outing. So then the amount of exhaust coming from cars and going into the air will be reduced. Electric cars do not produce exhaust and if more people drove cars that can seat more than three people, then exhaust will still be going into the air but the amount would be less than it usually is. Not only will reducing car usuage prevent air pollution, it brings people together and helps them relax. Article three states "it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." In other words this is saying that banning cars allowed the citizens to just relieve stress.                    
So why do ask other people for their own opinion to help us make the better choice, well by improving your people/talking skills, That most people are usually nervous to talk infrount of others, and how we organize what got from the opinions. Let's to learning these reasons and hopeful teaching you some life skills! What do to improved our talking/people skills, it's important to get feedback from others and you don't even know when you need it of not. Like here's an example, Generic_Name problem weather she should join the lacrosse team or not and does'nt know what to do. But she gets nervous, so she gets scared asking anyone to help her. So she goes to ask her friends and family weather or not to join. Questions like that are used in everyday life and it's always good to have a second pair of eyes to help you along the way, But it's hard when you are nervous. How to not be nervous is hard thing to do, Because thing has the mindset were people are judging them every second. When you talk to people about something like Generic_Name she ask different friends and family on problem and still gets nervous around them. When those moments happened you take a deep breathe. Because this what want to say. The people arent going to bite you, they will answer you just like everyone else. Focus what you want to say, no one wants to be stuck in a cage of guilt, because of one questions they never asked. Now I hear that a lot and why I'm telling you this it's because I don't want to see the coward out of anything you are going to strong to go through the future, jobs, relationships, and more. Now you to ask your friends about your question you need help decided on. When you go the ask something they feel like their opinion valves you a lot to help you with that decision, and might give you more information form other person also could build a stronger relationship. With a lot opinions weather you should join that team, it does give you different perspectives on how different people react to that problem. Others will say yes or no, and might give into details. Now that Generic_Name understands to strong and not scared, she gets her opinions and now ready to sort them out. She uses the simple pros and cons list, and able to find her answers easier then before. Now she checks the list and more votes for her to join the team, and she happy to use her life skill in the future. Now what did we learn while reading this well, we understood what type of problem Generic_Name had and probloby relate to your problem. we learned that some are scared and nervous to talk to others and that it's important to get over with it, to not cause even more problems in the future. Lastly how can we organize the opinions and how simple it is to do. That why I think it's better to talk to other to more then one person for their opinion. So I hope next time you can remember to use those skills in the real world.
The author does a good job on suppoting why we shold visit Venus. but at the same time he gives some information that makes you think "why should we do this again." In some parts of this article, for example paragraph 7, he gives really good reason and explanations to why we should investigate Venus. But in other parts like paragraph 3 it makes you think and wonder why they are reconsidering going to Venus. Yes going to Venus will give us a lot of information but at what cost. We would waste million, maybe even billion, of dollars trying to get to Venus and even if we did get to it what would happen to the first human to step out. What are the chances of that human making it back on the spaceship alive let alone trying to stay on the planet long enough to get some samples. As much as scientist would study that planet and as sure as they could or could not be its all a theory. There is no sure way to nsure 100% that humans to go there will get back safely. In conclusion to the question asked, I don't think the author supported the idea well. He did do a good job of giving us information but just from what he told us thats another reason why we shouldn't go to Venus.
The Facial Action Coding System is should not be use in classroom, or in anywhere. It's not good to know how everyone feels about each others, because if we do know how we feel about each other we will all hate each other. Even for a computer it's not good to know how humans feels about the other human, only polices should have this device because if the polices cought bad guys they will use it to them. According to Prof. Thomas Huang this device can recognize the subtle facial movements humans use to express how humans feel. However, this device is still not trust worthty because if this device did not tell the truth every would hate each other. A computer that knows when you're happy or sad is not good for humans. For example, if this Facial Action Coding System could be use in humans kids will not have go to school anymore because they will start doing something else. The Facial Action Coding System should not be use in anywhere.
The author supports this idea fairly well, giving an extreme amount of interest into the topic. He too is like any other human, curiosity driving him. Paragraph 8 states, "Striving to meet the chcallenege presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.", this being explained that human curiosity does drive people to do things. The mind is a very confusing thing for humans, that we still to this day doesn't understand. They have thought of many solutions for getting on the surface to mars, whether it being vehicles flying 30+ miles above the surface to have a glance of what they're dealing with, or using certain materials to make a machine last longer on the surface to get the data they need. We can't stay there permenently to obtain data, but we can stay there for a slight bit, as Paragraph 5 says, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape", and as Paragraph 7 states, "For example. some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions...". Though our human race hasn't even dented the knowledge of the world, our technology is advancing whether it's taking 20 years or 20 days. Soon enough, we could support civilization on Venus.
Studying Venus could lead us to a lot of stuff. There are many details we could get out of studying Venus. Even though visiting Venus could be dangerous to visit, but it would also be very interesting. Venus has a lot going on. Venus is planet in our solar system. At one point in time, Venus could have been like Earth. There are features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus is our nearest option of planetery visit. Vistiting Venus could and would be very dangerous to visit. Venus has high pressure and lots of heat. There are erupoting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes. Studying why Venus does this could to lead to a lot. It could tell us about how Venus works and how it was created. Venus is a very hot planet. If a blimp was 30 miles above Venus, the temperture could still reach the blimp. That is not survivable for humans Studying Venus on how it is so hot could solve a lot and tell us more about the planet. To study Venus, scientists would need samples of rock, gas, or anthing else from Venus. On the other hand, there has been spacecrafts to land on Venus, but they only would survive for a couple of hours. In conclusion of visiting Venus, it would be dangerous. It would also be very interesting. Knowing there could have been life on Venus is pretty cool. We need to find out a way to get close to Venus. We need samples of Venus on Earth.
Some schools offer students to be home schooled and learn by video conferencing or online. Students would not benefit from being home schooled because some students have a hard time comprehending what's being taught and some students aren't responsible enough to study the material or get up and actually do it. Also, some students may show a lack of effort. If you were offered the opportunity of being home schooled, would you take it? Lots of students struggle at comprehending the material taught in one way and might need it to be taught in a different view. I, myself, am a different learner. If learning how they give it to you is the way you learn then nothing will be learned. In fourth grade, I was getting home schooled. For the first week of home school, the lessons were a little confusing. I told my mom and she got me a tutor. The tutor did help, but all a tutor is, is a regular teacher but away from normal school hours. Up to now, my teachers in school teach in multiple ways to help the students understand. I feel more reassured learning the way i do now than not being face to face understand the one way learning habit assumed. Some students aren't responsible enough to be home schooled. Maybe, the parents have a part that's not being fulfilled to help the student do the work. Being home schooled doesn't just consist of doing the work then that's it. It also consists of studying what's being taught and making sure that you fully understand what's being taught. At an age where you're being home schooled, it's normal to lack maturity and/or responsibility. A friend I have named Generic_Name gets home schooled. He payed no attention to school anyways but was forced to go and learn. Now that he's home schooled, he does everything except that. He is very irresponsible and he is aware of it. Think first and ask yourself if you would be responsible enough to do your work if you were getting home schooled. Students home schooled might show a lack of effort. Not being in school takes away the public kid childhood. Not being in school also makes it hard to find motivation. Even if that motivation is for a friend or to succeed for a teacher, it's still motivation. While I was home schooled, I never showed effort because i never had a reason to. I never saw why i should try towards anything. Then when i got put in school, I understood. Not just for myself, but for my future. Also for everyone to be proud of me and to see my progress. A lot prefer students going to school and not be home schooled. What would you do in this matter? Would you allow them to be home schooled? Would you rather them go to school?      
The United States has been known for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but that's not all. It's also known for the different freedoms made available and its fair government. The electoral college is a system in which states choose representatives to vote on the president. In the past, there was a big debate on whether or not this process was fair. The electoral college is not fair or trustworthy for many reasons. Imagine that you picked a representative who said they were going to vote for the person you wanted for president. Sadly, they ended up changing their mind. You could end up with a president you don't like or believe in. Voters don't have total control over who their electors vote for. To me, that doesn't sound very fair. If everyone were allowed to vote, the people would be able to ensure that there vote counted towards the person they wanted, and not towards the candidate they were against. Based on multiple polls, a few presidents have won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote. That means that the candidate which was chosen by the people did not become president. Our founding fathers fought hard for our rights, and it's our right to a fair vote. There are more problems than just an unfair vote. It almost sounds impossible that there could be a tie in a presidential election, but it has almost happened before. In the past, votes have been so close that only a couple thousand have seperated the victor from the loser. What would happen if the votes came out to be tied in an election? Who would become president? I'm sure some people could argue that the electoral college could fix this problem, but I don't believe it could. Since there are less people making the descision during the electoral college process, it is even more likely that there could be a tie. If one person were to vote another way, it could be the equivalent of 1,000 people voting the other way. Also, during the electoral college the electors recieve rewards if their candidate wins. The people in that state, or even the whole country supported the electors and helped them make their descision, so they deserve recognition too. The electoral college is not a fair or trustworthy process. Americans have no control over which candidate their electors choose to vote for. Also, there is a better chance for a catastrophic tie. America is all about being fair and giving people the opportunities they deserve. So, let's give Americans the chance for a fair vote. z  
Dear Editor: I heard that you are deciding on whether or not you want to make every student do community service. Some students do community service because they have to in some form of punishment. I believe that if a student has done something wrong, for a punishment you should then make them do community service. For example if a student breaks one of the rules and gets in a fight with someone at the school on school property, the punishment you could give them instead of suspension is community service. Some students volunteer in community service because they like to help out the community if they have spare time. Usually when students volunteer in community service, it's because they want to. Other students don't volunteer in community service because they feel like its a waste of their time and they won't be able to do what they want. I don't think it's a good idea that you want to make sure every student performs some kind of community service because some students might be busy and not have time to perform any community service and if they don't, they will probably get punished even if it's not their fault. So in conclusion of this statement, I personally don't think making every student perform community service is a good idea. Of course they can do it if they are being punished but it shouldn't be required. Your Student, STUDENT_NAME
School offer a lot when it comes to learning and now they are offering more than ever with distance learning. Distance learning is a good thing for students because they can finish a class without ever leaving their home. Yes some people make the argument that its a bad thing because the student isnt with the teacher and can't ask questions. Well students and teachers both have emails that they can ask question and answer the questions the student has. With online classes and virtual school students wont have to wake up at the crack of dawn anymore to get to school. With students being able to sleep the amount their bodies need they will learn better and not falling asleep in the middle of a lesson. Kid's sleeping has always been a thorn in the side of schools backs due to the fact that the student will miss whats being taught to them. Now that online classes are coming more popular kids will be able to stay awake throughout the entire lesson. Kid's get taken out of the school day all the time for no reason and miss whats going on for the rest of that day. When a student gets sick they miss a couple of days and have no idea whats going on when they get back. Student's don't have to miss a single day of class with virtual school. They are already home and can just log onto their computer and see what they have to do for the class today. Distance learning is a great thing it's going to help many student's graduate high school and accomplish their dreams in life. Online classes and virtual school are great thing and more schools need to be implementing them into their system. So student's can accomplish what they want to in life.               
Auto mobiles have become a major aspect of the everyday life of citezens all around the world. because of this growing use there are many disadvantages that come along with this over use. Many have come to the conclusion to limit automotive uses. Limiting car use has many advantages, it lowers air pollution,takes away stress and saves money. Many places all over the world have begun this change. Places such as Vauban, Germany have given up the use of cars. Seventy percent of residents do not own a car, and fifty seven percent sold their car to move in to this community. They use a system call "smart planning" which seperates suburban life from automotive. Now instead of cars they walk, and bike to get to their destination. Here they made homes and the city as a whole, much closer together.  Vauban residents the whole 5,500 of them are all in a rectangular square mile, making it easier to get from place to place with out a car. Also Paris has limited car ussage. after days of near-record pollution Paris decided to enforce A ban on driving. One day all even numbered lincense plates were told to leave cars at home to lower car pollution, if not they were to pay a fine. It was said in a five day period that traffic was down sixty percent. In Bogota, Colombia they have a day in the year that is car-free, millions are included in this day. This has gone oon for three years and is growing in size, many other cities have joined in on this car-free day. In the United States the president has tried to curb the greenhouse gas emission. Many citizens in the U.S. have grown with cars and have a growing admiaration for motive vehicles. Giving up cars or lowering car ussage helps decrease our recent rise in air pollution since the out break in the early twentith century. In France there was a sixty percent drop of congestion in just a span of five car limiting days. Also it is a stress reliver! many say that when you give up a car you are less stressed about the traffic and it is nice to just walk to your destination. Giving up are cars is a money saver! cars are a black hole that you just feed money into. we have to pay for gasoline every week or so and then we have fines and tickets. In Vauban, Germany residents have to pay for a parking spot to leave their car at and that parking spot does not come cheap. One parking spot costs 40,000 dollars on top of a payment for a house and other nessesities. Although a car may get to from place to place very quickly, it is very harmful to the enviornment. With cars you bring stress, air pollution and debt. but all of that could go away if you follow those who are taking a step to reduce car use or even cut use of it completly.   
When we ask for advice, why do we ask multiple people if we like/don't like the first answer we got? Some people seek multiple opinions because they didn't get the answer they wanted first, but sometimes, getting an answer we don't want can help make a better choice. It's possible that what we originally thought was a good idea is actually a problem in progress. Other points of view can help avoid problems and see where our thoughts and theirs were flawed. So what are some reasons that we should continue asking about our ideas? When coming up with any idea, no matter what it is, it's always good to get the right answer in the end, it helps us stay out of trouble. When we think about something for a while, we end up not seeing the problem or forgetting that it's actually there in the first place, sure it all depends on the situation, but it's always possible that we're wrong. Some people keep asking others about an idea because they didn't get the answer they wanted in the first place, but is it really a good idea to put your sibling on a peanut-butter covered skateboard so he doesn't fall off? Second guessing yourself can be a good idea when it comes to putting any idea into action, what could go wrong? What are the consequences? Then, after getting several people's opinion, what answer will you go with? Another form of problem solving is making a pros and cons list, it's possible that there are more cons rather than pros or maybe we didn't even see the cons in the first place. If there's one thing I know when it comes to solving problems, it's that it's always good to see the bad. A lot of the time, we spend so much time on one thing, that we forget what the problem is that we're trying to solve, so it's always a good idea to get a pair of fresh eyes to look over it. People that we ask can point out the problems or flaws that we never thought of or that we never saw, I know some people don't take criticism very well, but sometimes, it's essential. Getting a second, third, or fourth opinion can keep us out of trouble even when we don't think that there's an actual problem in the first place. Maybe make a list of pros and cons and question yourself before you question others. When it comes to creating a plan, I think that it's never a bad time to ask for different points of view. Asking other people about what we thought of can actually help the creative process more than we thought it would, they find things that we didn't even think of that can influence our decision. The human brain can only focus for 15 minutes at a time, so after spending an hour on one thing, it's good to get an opinion, they can protect us from doing something that could possibly hurt us. The thing that everyone tends to do when they get an answer they don't like is to tune them out . It's called "selective hearing loss," where we completely ignore what someone told us. If we don't like an answer, we typically ignore it, that's just what we do, so the most important thing in getting feedback is to listen and consider if what they're saying is true and helpful. Mostly everything (feedback wise) is helpful unless it comes from a sibling. A lot of the things that we get back from other people's perspectives are helpful information that can influence decision-making. Sometimes, seeing the pros and cons and just dropping your idea is better than doing it and getting the right answer after the consequences have ensued. Keeping ourselves out of trouble and not getting hurt are important factors when it comes to advice, so the next time you get an answer you don't like, consider it before you brush it off and leave it in your dust. It turns out, a lot of the time, what they're saying is actually helpful information that can keep you safe and out of trouble, and not only you, sometimes the safety of others is at stake as well. Just make sure that you listen throughout the process. Thank you. -Generic_Name
In this article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" i feel like the author has more negative than positive impact. The driveless car concept is good but the world is not ready for it. You will still have to have your hands on the wheel at all times, you will have to take control of the carwhen near a construction area or around an accident, and if the car fails then there is a chance that the blame could be on you. First of all, these new "smart" driveless cars will only give you the ability to not have to think about when to stop and go. You will still have to have your hands on the wheel the whole time and also be alert. Wouldn't you rather just drive? Maybe these cars should actually be driveless but only used by people without the ability to drive with their hands. My second reason on why this should not be an actual product in the future is because the passage even says that the car is "Designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." That just proves that the car is not ready to be put on the road. If the driver has to take over when the road has changed or a deer crosses the road ,How long will it take to switch this control over? It only takes a second for a child to dash into the street and not pay attention to oncoming traffic. My third and final reason being that "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" We always hear court cases about drunk drivers and it it always their fault because they choose to get in the vehichle and do what they did, but what if we dont have control? How will a police officer know that we did not have the wheel at the time of the accident? Anyone could lie and say that their car was in complete control when the accident occured and could sue the car company. In conclusion, the car is not ready to take on the road. You will have to keep your hand on the wheel at all times and stay alert, you will have to take the wheel anytime you are near a change in the road due to construction or an accident, and if the car fails then you will not be able to prove if it was you or this new "smart" car.
Principals make a lot of decisions on how to make sure their students give or get a good impression in life, so they could further their career in what they want to study or major in. Therefore, it was a decision made by our principal that all the of students should participate in at least one extracurricular activity. For example, a cooking club or a athletic sport or anything that your interested in that you do on the daily. Finding a after school activity isnt hard as you think it could be when you think about it. After school activities are just clubs or sports that are things you in enjoy doing in your free time. Students involving them self in a after school activity could be great a decision because it gives a good look on your college application, help students find out what their interested in, and challenge's students to learn how to manage grades and an extracurricular activity. When your applying for college applications, you want to have at least one or two extracurricular activities. Especially, if your applying to a very high standard school, like Harvard or Yale. However, if you put those academic activities on your application you could most likely get in to the school that your applying for. Most of the colleges now a days look for people who have good grades and a great minimum of extracurricular activities because they want to see if the person isnt all about grades and can do other activities at the same time. Also, they look to see if you have anything that relates to their major or study. As a result, if you do those after school activities it can be helpful in your college application part. Having to pick out a after school activity can be stressful when dont have a any hobbies or even know what your interested in. However, picking out a activity can exactly be easy because its something that you enjoy doing on a daily bases. When you pick out a academic club or sport and enjoy that activity it helps whether or not thats what you could be or major in life. For example, you take a cooking class and you enjoy everything about the club, so you might feel like you want to have career in cooking and be a chief. Lastly, taking an after school activity can help you find out what you might want to be in the future. Being organize in school can be a challenge when your trying to balance grades and after school activities. Likewise, its an advantage because it shows you how to practice your organization skills. Also, keeps up the pressure of balancing both at the same time. Especially, when you have to keep up your grades to participate in the club or sport your in for school. However, it can help you because it makes sure that you can pass all your classes and go on to the next grade or even graduate. This is what colleges like to see because they see that you can take on anything that they throw at you and that your a multitask er. Students involving themselves in a extracurricular activity is a great decisions because it gives a good look on a college application, helps students find out what their interest are, and challenges students with its grades and after school activity. Helps students get into their dream college for their future life to become successful. When students can find out what their interest is, so they can turn the into a hobbies and have a career off of it. Shows students on how to manage grades and after school activities, keep up the organization skills. Those advantages can be why you should agree the principal on that every students need to participate in one extracurricular activity.
Uh, no. If this is true, then our principal is a moron. This is such a dumb idea! Sure most students have a C average grade. But that's still a passing grade! Some kids aren't as smart as others, but are better at sports than them by a mile! Sometimes, when someone is feeling stressed out, they'll go shoot hoops or kick a soccer ball around. Sometimes it's the only thing they can do to relieve stress! and if they can't do right after school with their friends, just because of one bad grade, that's lame. Maybe they have a C average because they got one bad grade on a test because they spaced out on it. Big deal! They can make it up in the next week or so. And besides, more scholarships are handed out for sports than for academics. If they're in the chess club, same thing. Let's say a team goes to nationals one year because of one kid. And the next year, that kid gets a bad grade. There can be no exceptions to the rule so if you want him back on the team, you're screwed. Because of one stupid little rule, you lose all chances of getting a nice trophy in your trophy case and your four year in a row winning streak. If you ask me, anyone with a passing grade should be allowed to do any school activity they want to.
The "Face on Mars" is a natural landform because of three things, one, the picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Two, shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Three, scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows. The picture actually shows is the martian epuivalent of a butte or mesa. Landforms common around the Armerican West. Which shows that landforms on mars are just the same as on Earth. That means that there aren't aliens formations on cause there is no alien formations on Earth. The rock formation's shadows gave an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. The formation resembles a human head. The shadows made it look like a face. Scientists said that is was a mesa, with unusaual shadows. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows. The rock formation gave off shadows form its incaved areas. The shadows made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. The "Face on Mars" is a natural landform because of one, the Martian is equivalent of a butte or mesa. Two, the shadows gave the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Three, scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows.
Is the Electoral College fair and right? This system is composed of the selection of the electors, the meeting of electors, and the counting of congress. This systen includes various methods like the "winner take all" system that gives the presidency to the winning candinate of the eletors votes. One very important thing in this system is trust, you have to trust the electors that you voted for to make the right choice. This system of eletor votes is very useful for picking the country's leaders. The winner take all method is very intresting indeed. The electoral votes decide who wil get what, who will win. Popular vote in no longer in "session" or popular, the electoral votes decide it now. For example, in the 2000 election, when Gore had a lot more popular votes than Bush, but Gore had less electoral votes, it was a shocking suprise for the nation, it seemed to be like more people liked Gore than Bush. One very important thing to consider is ... the reason why Bush won, there is a huge diffrence between making a good choice, aka Gore, and and making the right choice, aka Bush! Trust, its possibliy one of the most hard things to do in life, but in this system its necessary. Its very significant that you put your trust in the slate of people's hands that you and a whole variety of woried people selected. Trust should not just be handed oveer like anything, its should be earned just like respect, vote in the candinate that you trust. Popular vote is kind of fair in a way because we can all vote like independent citizens. Sometimes the electoral candinates vote against the people that elected for them and go for what they think is right which in no case is incorrect but a hudreds of citizens were counting on them to make their choice. We all have a voice, we have to use it in the fair way, and the righthous way is mostly a popular vote, but popular vote is not as efficent as eletoral votes. The Electoral College is right but not fair, althought it has its benifets, its has its defaults as well. In the end we all decide our own fate, but together we must work together to rebuild what has been broken. We must decide on the correct, on the right leader, the leader that will make great choices for us, the leader that will lead this unique, beautiful, and magnificent country to greatness like never befroe seen, and we must be there with that leader every step of the way. Not everyone will expericence greatness but we sure will be part of it!!
The New Policy Change That Can Benefit All. I think that the policy change is a great idea. The students need to have something to motivate them to do their school work and get good grades. Sports are the perfect motivation. Students are very serious about their athletic ability. Some students only think about the special sport they play, and live only to play it. They need the motivation to do their school work and study for assessments, and the way to do that is to tell them if they get anything lower than a B average, then they wont be able to play on their sports team(s). Discipline is the way to go when it comes to schoolwork. The students need to be told what to do, otherwise, they think they do whatever they want, be lazy, and not care about their schoolwork. Yes, it is great to do sports and to be active, but school always comes first. At least, that's what my dad always said. Some students just don't understand the point in school, and why it's so important in your life. They don't know that your grades now effect your chances to get into the college you want, or the high school you want. School is to get you ready for your life career of your choice. Your career effects your life; your pay, the things you want to buy, the things you need to buy, activities, and more. I think students just need to understand that school now effects everything in your life, and you always have to try your best. Even if you have a bad teacher, or a good teacher, you need to make it work for yourself, and study hard every night, the way that's best for you. I'm not saying you have to do school work 24/7. You need to have fun too, you have to have some kind of balance. But always, school work is first. Sports aren't as important as school, so I think if the students aren't up to working hard in order to play the sport they love, then that's alright. They don't need sports. They can for sure live without sports. What you can't live without, is a good education. Over all, I think the policy change will benefit many students here in SCHOOL_NAME.
I ,Luke Bomberger, believe that more young men should join the Seagoing Cowboys program beause it is a life changing experiance and because you get to help other nations in need and it also teaches you the true meaning of hardwork. It gives you an amazing oppurtunity to help the world and the people in it. My first reason hat you should join this program is because it is a true life changing experiance. I got to tour grand castles and see enourmous canals but the most special thing of it all was seeing the Acropolis in Greece. I also got to help a lot of people in need all over Europe and China. Helping these people in need made me more grateful for what I have and it also taught me how to be a better person. My next reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys progam is because it helps you be more aware of people in other countries and their needs. Im very grateul that I had the opportunity to participate in this program. It relly opened up the world to me. I learned that people in other countries need help during times of war. My final reason that you should join this program is because you will learn the true meaning of hard work. I had to clean animal stalls and feed and water all the animals two or three time a day. I also had to pull up bales of hay and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship. It may sound miserable bit it kept me very busy during those long days at sea. I believe more young men this program because it will help you with an amazing oppurtunity.
Have you ever been forced to do an extra curricular activity? Many students participate in extra curricular activities because they enjoy it or they want to spend time with their friends. Others want to spend time doing homework or just have a free schedule and relax. Some schools think that students should have the choice if they want to do an extra curricular activity while other schools think that there should be a requirement for the amount of extra curricular activities a student does. Students should not be forced to do extra curricular activities because they would not be able to have full control of their before and after school schedules, they would become more stressed out from having to do things they don't like, and they would get better at the things they already enjoy. Students should be able to have full control of their before and after school schedule because doing well in school is the main thing expected from them. They should be able to have fun and be able to enjoy the things that they like and while they still can. Besides, schools should just be a place to learn and make friends, not a place that controls your entire life. Many schools are trying to control their students too much and not give them any freedom even though most students are responsible enough to do things on their own. Students would become more stressed out from having extra curricular activities that they might not want to do. If a student genuinely wanted to do an extra curricular activity, then you wouldn't have to force them to do it. But if a student did not want to do an extra curricular activity, forcing them to do so would stress them out a lot. Maybe a student is struggling with homework, making them do an extra curricular activity would give them less time to do homework and would also make them do something that they don't like. If a student really enjoys what they already do, they would get better at it if they did not have extra curricular activities conflicting with it. Many students do things that most people would not consider as an extra curricular activity, things like skateboarding, making videos or songs, and playing video games. Some people have natural talent or just really like these kinds of activities and should not have to do other things just because schools don't understand them and do not consider them as extra curricular activities. With students not being able to control their schedules, becoming more stressed, and not getting better at the things they enjoy, it is clear that not forcing students to do extra curricular activities is more beneficial than trying to control their lives outside of school. My school does not force me to extra curricular activities and I am thankful for that, even though I still do a lot of activities such as hockey, lacrosse, French horn, and swimming. Without having to do extra curricular activities I feel like a have more freedom and if I really wanted to, I could quit everything to focus on skateboarding, which I really enjoy.
Various schools agree that summer is the optimal period for learning; however, they are indecisive over the issue of designating teacher-designed or student-designed projects as the prominent method for students to prepare for the next school year. Many teachers spend time creating projects for students to ensure students have an adequate grasp for their oncoming course. Additionally, schools mirror the success of other schools by attributing the idea of summer projects into their own curriculum. Students often procrastinate on summer projects because the summer projects do not captivate their attention, and they view the assignment only as a complementary task. While some schools may argue that teacher-designed projects align with the concepts addressed in class, student-designed projects enable students to discover ideas individually and increase retention time for them. Student-designed projects provoke a stronger understanding of a topic because students spend time garnering information and relating it with current events. For example, incoming A.P. Spanish students need to familiarize themselves with content which relates to the themes covered in the class. They may design a poster for each theme by organizing current events under an example column and summarizing the most pertinent details found from their research. Student-designed projects benefit students because students are inspired to conduct research on the topic, and students are not limited to guidelines. They promote a higher capacity for creativity because students expand beyond the parameters of the subject and force students to actively engage with the project. The flexibility of student-designed projects can cover a topic more comprehensive than teacher-designed projects because they stretch beyond just the bare bones of a topic. Semantic encoding, the act of obtaining memories by relating information directly to the source, increases retention time because the students grapple with the topic, and they encode the information to long-term memory. By storing the information in long-term memory, students can prolong the retention curve, a graph that depicts an increase in memory loss as time increases. Teacher-designed projects provide a snapshot of the course because they contain significant elements that are modeled after the course's itinerary. At the end of the school year, tenth grade English teachers dish out a list of recommended books to give students a head start on the book review project due shortly after the break. The book review project requires identifying the author's argument and tone which helps students develop the skills required for the analytic essay component of the A.P. Language and Composition exam. Teacher-designed projects expose students to a strict interpretation which allow students to extrapolate the necessary ideas and disregard the trivial details. They are not intensive to complete because their primary function is to spark interest with students and are merely a precursor to the course. Although they may abide by the topics of a course, they fail to prepare students for the challenges of the course. On the contrary, student-designed projects require huge amounts of effort and incorporate additional information that can allow students to gain a deeper understanding than teacher-designed projects. Teacher-designed projects can limit the perspective of students because they follow the same perspective of the teacher who designed it; meanwhile, student-designed projects can allow students to gain a global perspective of the topic and de-emphasize the focus of students on themselves but on other issues occurring throughout the world. Although schools utilize teacher-designed projects for summer learning because they stay within the confines of the teacher's syllabus, student-designed projects are ideal in fostering intellectual growth for students because students are permitted to seek a plethora of sources which enhances their learning and they strengthen their retention of the subject due to constant exposure with the material. In a foreign language class, students are given the opportunity to design their own projects. As such, they expand on their Spanish comprehension because they rely on their own research to provide prototypes that can be incorporated into the course, and their homework is easier because they can cite current events as examples in their essays. In an English class, students are given a teacher-designed project to experience the superficial concepts of the course. The lack of challenge offered by teacher-designed projects is devastating to a student's mastery of a course and impacts the view that students have on a topic because they may be biased at a certain topic. One effective way to implement student-designed projects is to provide a list of the topics covered in a course and allow students to approach the project by choosing the format that suits them rather than a rigid structure that may put off students from completing the task.             
Driverless cars are the future for the world. There is a need for driverless cars that is slowly being filled by prominent car manufacturers. Although the government makes assumptions that there is no safe car without a human driver, the steps being taken towards a future with driverless cars are showing a different alternative to human drivers. Many of these driverless cars still require a form of human drivers to guide vehicles through special situations such as road blocks or work zones however, there are now many driverless vehicles that can transport a passenger without any problems. As these vehicles become more popular, affordable, and practical in everyday life it will cause a change in the driver laws for human controlled and driverless cars. With projected release dates for these modern vehicles approaching so fast it is now time for us to begin thinking about the future. Driverless cars are the future. There is a future for driverless cars and that future is now. Driverless cars have the ability to change lives positively and remove many of the dangerous actions we face now in driving. There will be no more fear of texting and driving or an adult not being able to focus on the road while checking their child. No more fear of drunk drivers or operators under the influence. Driverless cars are more important to the safety of our country than many realize. So let's begin to take the initiative to bring driverless cars to the forefront of technology and make these technologies accessible to the public. There is a great need for these products that must be filled as soon as possible. Driverless cars are the future and that future is now the present.
The Presidental Elections . The elections are a brutal time canididates compete for the favor of the citizens they campain, give great speaches about why they would be best for the position of leading the nation, often state why their adversary would be the worst person for the job. This causes oposition in the nation tearing it apart, however now not only are the people emotional about the election but also about the process, their are aguments about whether or not that the orginal process sould remain. The system that the  elections have been held sence the Constitution has been written was that each citizen in a state would vote for one canadidate or the other by voting for the electors of that specific person then  the electors in turn would vote for the cannidate and their votes would decide the presidency as stated in paragraph six and seven of the first source" What Is the Electoral College?"  by the Office of the Federal Register . This system althoug it has worked so far it is not the best way of conducting the elections in this time and age citizens should modify and conform the process to fit the need we have now. The problems claimed by the ones opoised to the electoral college, as told in the second source " The Idefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, are that the process cause individuals to have little to no say in the person that will be their leader for years, they do not have control over who their canadidates elect and must simply hope that they do indead vote for who they promised to, also the election is decieded by the few states that do not have a predetermined majority of voters in each state leaving the rest of the country feeling left out of the feasco of the election and as if their perfered canidate dose not care of them or their support and opinions. This persents the system to be truly flawed in the way that it is curantly operateing. Individuals,as source three "In Defense of the Electorial College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner, wish to claim that the system is not flawed in great lenghts because it has worked for such a time that it is seen by them sufficant in its orcastration. It is said that the electors often do vote for who they pleaged they would and that decite is uncomon: however why should America risk the posibility of decite it has happened befor and if not prevented it will happen again. Do we not owe it to ourselves, posterity, and country to fix all potental harms to our nation the presidency should not be taken lightly it is a grand position that gives power and fame to all who hold those who have it could maintain the country, grace the nation with new prosperity, or condem Americans to years of suffering, toil, and misery. As citizens we should not alow anyone but the most valid character obtain this place. Mistakes are not alowed! we should take it upon ourselves now to modify this method be for it is to late and avertid. There is no mitake America must act fast and modify this method for the nation, for their children, and for themselves.
School is something that everyone has to go through. Whether you go to public school or private school I am sure that everyone has wondered what it would be like to be homeschooled. Recently, schools have started offering distance learning as an option for students from home by way of online or video conferencing. Distance learning gives students a way out of having to sit in classroooms all day, and gives teachers a bit of leway with the methods in which they teach. I believe that students would benefit from attending classes from home, because students could work at their own pace, students could learn in their own way, and students could attain more information through distance learning. Firstly, students could work at their own pace through online learning. In normal classrooms if one person does not understand the material, then the entire class has to go back to the beginning and learn it all over again. This constant backtracking makes it hard for students to retain the information, and makes it difficult for the teachers to teach the material effectively. If students were to work from home, then they could work as fast or slow as they wanted to. This would also teach them to learn information faster, because of the deadlines. The same group of students in a classroom would do better on exams though distance learning, because they could learn at their speed without worry of having to go back. Second, students could learn in their own ways through online learning. Different people have different ways of learning a topic. One could need a visual aid while another needs to hear it repeated multiple times. The teachers have no way to cater to the learning styles of the students, becuase of the short class periods and the short semesters. If Students were to have the ability to do their work online, then it would take the stress off of both the students and teachers. All the teachers would have to do is give the stidents the information and it would be the students responsibility to retain the information in their own way. Finally, students could attain more information through online learning. I have been taking online classes for 4 years, and I can truthfully say that i have learned more in the online classes than I do in regular classes. In online classes students can spend all the time they need retaining that the information the teacher provided. They can also relax a bit, and that definitly helps open their mind. When exam time comes, the students can spend their class period reviewing notes for that class, which not only helps them pass their exams, but also gives them an inportant life skill, time management. In conclusion, schools should offer more online classes and distnace learning to their students. Online learning gives students many life skills needed, such as responsibility and time management. Some may say that online learning hurts students, because of the amount of screen time necessary. However, students spend the same amount of screen time at school that they would with online learning. I think that students would benefit greatly from attending classes from home, because students could work at their own pace, students could learn in their own way, and students could attain more information through distance learning. Online learning is the future. Please give our students a chance at an education tailored to them.
Well i would choose , allow students to bring phones to school and use them during lunch periods and other free times , as long as the phones are turned off during class time . '' A reason why is because for just in case of an emergency , you just call your parents and ask them to help you with the situation your in . A second reason is because you might feel sick and would want to call your parents to go home . Then my third reason would be , for when your in lunch and you just want to chat with your friend and tell them how was school and what their going to do after school . Also , you might want to turn off your phone cause might not want to be in class and your friend or parents call you and interrupts your teacher or learning . So this is why i pick Policy 1 .
The author doesn't support his own idea. He lists the good of what would happen with some facts. The dangers are stacked high with exlporing Venus. With the temperture on Venus at the surface being over 800*F which in a spacesuit can still fry a person alive, and the litteral aicd rain, could malt the suit and well there goes a dead man. Even if we somehow manage to make a spacesuit that isn't going to melt or fry a person on Venus, then we can explore it. Tech these days is our down fall, we create tech thatwe use everyday, but with all the space exploration that is our go to, because we don't have the tech now to send a person from one side of the galaxy to the other. Once we do that then we can explore. Venus maybe closer to us, but there is no water present on the surface therefor no life could be living on that planet. To study Venus we would have to send someone there to collect samples, at which they have about 80% chance of death right at the moment, and a 20% chance of living. Do we want to risk someone just to explore a plant, when we haven't fully explored ours? What sence does that make? I rest my case there.
The challenge to explor Venus is becuse Venus is the second planet from the sun so it is to hot to go to do to how close the sun is to the planet. If you go on the planet you will git to hot to fast and the space sute will malte off of you and if the space sut melt off you will die becuse thare is no oxigen in space the space sute is the onley thing that is keeping you alive. And so that is way we can. Got to Venus quiet yet it will haping in the fucher. In the fucher we mite find some stroger miterole to build better sute and bettre space ships becuse the space shipe we have now cant withsand the heat of Venus the ship wuid melt do to the heat of being so cloes to the sun. The plant venus is not sutibole to land on do to how hot it is the planit venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide covering Venus. Carbon dioxide is not good to brething in it will kill you if you breat to much in. Do to how deadley it is scpaeman have the space sute to keep the alive if thay did not have it thay wood die do to lacke of oxigun but the spacesut has oxigun in it to keep the ware alive. After the spaeman are dont in space thay go back to the spaestasin ware that have oxugine to brethin and that do what they need to do.
Hello my name is Generic_Name. I am here because I am giving my opinion on whether students should have to participate in an extracurricular activity. I think that it would be good for students in many ways, so keep reading if you want to find out why. Forcing students to join extracurricular activities is a good idea, one reason is that they might make new friends. This could happen because they would find other kids in they're group who enjoy the same things. Having friends makes school a lot easier and more fun. An extra bonus to having friends is that it is less likely for you to get bullied because you will have people to back you up. Even outside of school having friends is good. Like if you want to play basketball but you arent on a team, well boom! you could go to a court with your friends to run some games. In many ways having friends around will impact your life in good ways. Another good reason for having to do activities is you could find out that your really good at something. Like, what if you could play a mean harmonica without even knowing it? You wouldn't have a clue unless you signed up for an extra activity. You might even be a good chess player. Im pretty good at chess and I wouldnt have known that unless I played a quick game with a friend. You could even make new friends with your newly discovered skills. Some activities can help you later in life, like if you need to knit a rope because you got lost in a forest, or you need to know how to jump start a car because it broke down on the side of the road, well no problem you already know how to do it because of the activity. You could have a lot of fun doing some activities. Having fun is important because you dont want to have suicidal thoughts or depression. Being depressed could easily lead to bad grades and poor choices. Having fun is good because your life will just be better. You can do tons of things to have fun or be happy. Maybe your fun is reading, well then you could sign up for a book club. I have fun playing sports like basketball, or baseball. I like getting fresh air, so I play outside a lot. Again, having fun is so important it makes you want to try more things. Having fun can make people like you more so it could lead to you getting more friends, and having friends is also very important. OK! I have given my opinion on why every student should be forced to do extracurricular activities. I definitely think it would help out tons of kids to do it. So we should start as soon as possible. well its time to wrap things up. It was nice writing to you. this was more fun than I thought. See you later, bye!
Imagine this you're in a very populated city. Lets say New York, New York, U.S.A, London, England or any densily populated  city for that matter. Now aside from the sounds of car horns blairing and the sounds of the thousands of people around you there is one thing that would most likely stand out the most to people; the smell of car emissions mixed with the food street venders sell. Now they may not be a huge surprise but think about this, a city or suburb without cars. Now some may say that limiting the use of cars is a terrible idea and would hurt the working call citizens, but it may be better then you think. The reasons why these "car-free" places might not be so bad is it helps reduse the growing percent of greenhouse gas emissions that cars give off. You wouldn't have to deal with smog, and there wouldn't be as much noise pollution as there is with cars. Yeah these points may not seem like they are worth not having a car but there are comminties that actully don't allow cars because of those reasons. So maybe after this you may think a little differently about your car and may think about moving to one of these places that have alread choosen to go "car-free". First off, probably like most people around the world you love your car, bt do you ever think about the car emission you admit into the air just driving to worl and back home. Now that does seem bad but, as shown in paragraph 5 of, "In German Suburb, Life Goeson Without Cars", an essay by Elisabeth Rosenthal, she writes that experts say the passsenger cars alone are reponsible for about 12 percent in Europe, and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the U.S for greenhouse gas emissions. Now 12 percent doesnt seem like a lot compared to the 50 percent but that is still a lot of greehouse gases getting put in our atmosphere year after year. Now think about this idea of a "car-free" suburb or city again. An example of this kin of place would be the city of Vauban, Germany. Now in Vauban drive ways and home garages are forbidden; now car ownership is allowed but there are about two places to park. Now that place to park is a large garagw at the edge of the developement where as well as buying your house you have to buy a parking space for $40,000. Now because of this 70 percent of the families don't have cars and 57 percent of them sold their car to move there. Since there aren't car used here the air is much cleaner and because of not having little to no cars there they don't pollute the air. Secondly, another reason to think about moving to one of the places is that there isn't any noise pollution from cars. Beause of the lack of car noiseses these suburbs and cites let you hear nature a little better and also allow a kind of peaceful feeling making these p;aces probably a lot more chill and "sleepy" in a since. making them good for people who don't want to live in a noisy city but don't want to live in the middle of no where. Lastly, another good reason to move to these little areas would be that there is no smog there to make it harder to breath. A real world example of this would be from the informative essay, " Paris bans driving due to smog" , by Robert Duffer. Which basically states that due to near-record pollution Paris put a ban on driving to try and clear the air in the city. Now to help inforce the ban the put a 22-euro fine($31) if you where driving on a day your licsens plate was not allowed to drive. Now because some people did follow the ban nearly 4,000 people were fined and 27 people had cars impounded because of the reaction to the fine. Now because of this some companies complained about lost renvenue and the transit of free of charge according to the BBC. And because of these efforts the smog cleared enought that the ban was lifted. Now that probably isn't very convinet but in car-free areas they don't have to deal with making it eariser to get to work on more accessible public transportation options like a bus or a bicycle. Now think about this idea about car-free places one more time knowing what the benifits are compared to the risks you get. Maybe noe you just might look at these places a little more carefully and acually think about making a switch to live there in this greenhouse gas free, noise free, and smog free zone.                  
Focus On The Road Do you think you should be on your device while driving a vehicle? It's very dangerous and most people don't even think about it. Most people get distracted because of social media or to even text a friend. Electronic devices today are a big distraction in today's world causing lack of communication, lack of exercising and a lot of problems. Teenagers have the most accidents while driving because they're either on the phone or talking to someone. You should use the phone when you arrive at your destination. Until then focus on the road. While being on the road you should be able to focus on your location and other cars around you. You shouldn't let anything distract you from taking your eyes off the road. Traffic goes on a lot and you shouldn't worry about picking up a phone. Texting on the phone while driving can cause you to react more slowly than you expect. Some people may think there are professionals at multitasking but it's wrong. Try to avoid distractions so you can be safe. It is bad to use your phone while driving because it is dangerous. In addition to voice calling, activities such as texting while driving, web browsing, playing videos, or phone use in general can also increase the risk of a crash. Crashes are increasing every year because of distracted driving. Distracted driving is one of the biggest and most common reasons. It's caused by any activity that takes your attention off the road. The only time you should use your phone is when you need help going somewhere. If you need help getting around you can use your GPS on your phone. Before you get in the car you should set up your GPS and put it in a spot you can keep glazing at. You should also use a bluetooth device to help you communicate. Also if something happens to you pull over and call Someone. Drivers should not be able to use cell phones in any capacity while operating a vehicle. It's best to stay safe at all times while driving. Focus on the road until you reach your destination and always avoid distractions. Without cell phone distractions the rate of car crashes will decrease. So do you think you should be on your device while driving?
The Seagoing Cowboys program was I great, and I suggest that everyone try it. If you like animals this would be a good job for you, if you like sailing it would be a good job for you, and most of all is you need something to do and would enjoy sailing with animals this is the perfect thing for you. To join the Seagoing cowboys you don't even have to be qualified, infact I didn't even know about it until my friend asked me if I wanted to come. My friend Don Reist invited my to travel to Europe on a cattle boat. So, really you don't need a big flashy degree or really anything at all to become a Seagoing Cowboy. If you love animals you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. As a Seagoing Cowboy you get to spend a lot of time with a lot of animals. The day the Pacific war ended I set out on my first trip, which was to Greece with 335 horses, and if you like spending a lot of time with animals, it takes two weeks to cross the pacific, and to go to China it'll take a month. So, if you enjoy to spend time with animals you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. Being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to have a lot of fun and do a lot of site-seeing. As a Seagoing Cowboy I always found a way to have fun. We would have baseball and volleyball games, we would have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, we would even enjoy boxing, reading, and even whittling. And to top it all off we saw a lot of amazing sites. We would go all over Europe and China. I have personally visited Greece, China, seen the Panama Canal, and have even toured an excavated castle in Crete. Even though there might be long excruciating trips, we still find ways to have fun. There are many upsides of being a Seagoing Cowboy. I have only told you a few of the many, many advantages of being a Seagoing Cowboy. So, after all of this I hope you consider joining me on the high seas.
Wouldn't it be cool if everyone participated in an extra curricular activity? I feel that everyone should be involved in an after school event, it can be beneficial in so many ways. Kids would make new friends, wouldnt be bored all the time and it would be healthier for them. Having an extracurricular activity would be healthier for students. Sitting at home all the time is not healthy for anybody, many people can become depressed, lonely or just really bored. Getting out of the house more, you can get more exercise. Its healthier to be around people then to be alone all the time at home. This is also a really good way to make new friends. Alot of people have friends that they hang out with all the time, this would be a good way to have more friends. Meeting someone at an after school event can mean that you share similar interests. That being said you would get along more because you can tak about you similar hobby. Alot of kids go home and become bored because tey have nothing to do. Finding something to do can also be difficult. Having an extracurricular activity would give you something to do after school. Some kids get into trouble when they have nothing else to do, but if they had something to do after school hey should be fine. Although some people would not agree with me, if you can be healthier, make new friends, and avoid being bored, having an extracurricular activity wouldnt be such a bad idea. All in all, having an after school activity can be benficial in so many ways.
Phones and Driving Cell phone have become very popular over the past few years. According to the iPhone the world is going crazy over them. There are about 7.53 billion people in this world and 3.3 billion people have phone. Some people use their phones for good reasons, for example, they may need to use their GPS but 50 percent of the time this is bad because the people would be more force on the directions then the road and 9 times out of 10 this will cause a car wreck! This is not safe at all. People should not use a cell phone while operating a vehicle because it's a distraction. When using a cell phone in the car you must look down and not up, when operating a car, you must be looking straight ahead and watching for red lights and stop sign. Also, must be watching for other cars when those cars are not paying attention. Another reason you shouldn't use you phone and drive because you're more likely to found at fault for the accident that you may cause. Insurance rate hike, consider your passengers, consider other motorists, protect the pedestrians. It only takes a few seconds to park your car and use the phone. Its better if people should just use hand-free mode to regrade the racks and insurance. [Last Name] 4
I think that they should not change the Electoral College because it tells us what kind of president we will have in the future and what kind of changes he will make. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. You see this is something that happened a long time ago the founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. This is a system that makes sure that we know what kind of president we are putting in the white house and what are things to make this state a better state to live in and to have a good job. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the district of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the Electoral College. The electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The president only haves four years, it is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. When you vote for your state they have a thing called winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation. When the election is done they have a thing they do called Certificated of Ascertainment it lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Ascertainments are then sent to the Congress and then to the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. In the article of The Indefensible Electoral College its trying to ask you why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong and it tells you why. What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? They were trying to abolishing the electoral college and they were not alone, according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore thanks to the quirks of the electoral college won thwe popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This is the thing that can not be changed because this is a system that we can pull up see what they were elected for and why they were voted president and how many times. It helps us how we can choose the right president or the right vice president. In 1960 in Hawaii, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was president over the senate, validated only his opponents electors, but he made sure to do so without establishing a precedent. This happened a long time before i was born. You see only one state can casts only one vote in Wyoming,representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California,who represent 35 million voters. In 1968,a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election;in 1976, a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 voters on Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. In a article i read it says that there are five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president. There are called Certainty of Outcome,Everyones President,Swing States,Big States, and the final one is Avoid Run-Off Elections. Each one tells us how choosing the president and shows us a map how it works and we can see which state shows a breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state. This is something that can help us understand how to vote and how long they will be the president or the vice president i think that we should not change the Electoral College because how would it work without it and how would we pick the next president. This is a hard thing because it would take time to discusses it with the senators and it would take a lot of votes to agree or disagree to the idea. This is why i think that they should not change this because its been around longer before i was born.
My name is Luke I had joined the UNRRA program in 1945. In article " A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves " talks about the participation in the Seagoing Cowboys program . In the passage they talk about me and my adventures although breaking my ribs wasn't so plesant . In this passage I will tell you what I think IF more people would have joined the UNRRA program. I think that joining the UNRRA( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) would be fun and exciting because you would be able to vist many countries , and you would be able to learn and see many new things every trip you made . That is one of the many reasons Don and I joined the program . UNRRA about hiring "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of young horses , young cows , and mules that were shipped overseas. UNRRA was formed to help Eroupe and many countries that were left in ruins by World War ll,to help these countries recover their food supplies , animals, and more . In August 1945, I had recived orders to report to New Orleans. The day I arived was the day the Pacific war had ended. I got seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooster, heading to Greece with cargo of 335 horses im addition enough hay and oats to feed them . My birthday had passed before arriving to Greece I had turned 18 which meant I could be drafted to military service . By the time I it was 1947 I had made nine trips the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. I got to see many new and cool things on my trips . In the passage it tells what I got to see on my trips in the passage it tells " Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and china . but seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special, he says . So was taking the a gondola ride in Venice, Italy , a streets of water." I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. I had so much fun and it was an exsperience of a lifetime besides the picking after the animals and breaking a few bones ,but it was all worth it, and I bet so many people would enjoy it as well as I did . That is why I think that morepeople should join th UNRRA .
Online classes or video conferencing it is one of the many opportunities that some school offer, for those who have a full time job and they really have the volunteer to graduate but they doesn't have the time to attend to school,they still can graduate, taking online classes and complete the credits that they need... for example: my bother is taking online classes because he works full time, and wants to support the family at the same time. Students are going to be more than benefit because they will have the opportunity to finish their classes. The program distance learning has many advantage: the students will have more space and time to review the same, if they did not understood it. they will have more privacy they will have a flexible schedule, and they can take the class when they want. they will not miss any class for any weather changes, etc. Personally I think that is a great opportunity for us, because if we are not able to attend at school, the school gave us the opportunity to take online classes that way we can finish our classes and to graduate, also it is not like that you have to be there an specific time.
You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to travel to many places. The Seagoing Cowboys are gonna be hired because we would be in charge of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. They're are 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. The cattle-boat trips are unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy. It takes about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Caring for the animals during the crossings keeps us busy. They have to be fed and watered two or three times a day. The bales of hay and bags of oats have to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. And the stalls are to be cleaned. The second trip you will be served as a night watchman. You have to check on all the animals every hour. You can find some time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys payed baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals have been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also help pass time. Finally, being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than an a adventure, it can open up the world and you will be grateful for this opportunity. You will be more aware of people from other countries and their needs. The awareness will stay with you, leading your family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
In the article it talks about a facon mars that has appeared on Viking 1 while looking for a place to land. The face is a natral land form because thats like saying our land forms were made by aliens and thats why we have mountains, valleys, and plains. In the article it says "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appered on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural land form. There was no alien monument after all.". The article also states about the face on mars"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West."Another quote that proves this is a land form is "Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same hieght as the Face on mars."The photo of mars is a land form because it says right there in the passage it is a lava dome and it is about the same hieght as the face on mars. In paragraph 6 it says "although few scientists belived the face was an alien artifact photographing Cydonia bacame a priority fo NASA whe Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in Sept1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended.".
I think that the face is just a natural landform. Sure, it was insane to discover a face on Mars, but couldn't it be some work that God had Created? The face is quite the story teller, and it will absolutely bring the attention to conspiracy theorists. But God is the creator of the universe, this could very well be some random thing that's just on Mars. There are a lot of random items just like this all over Earth, things that make scientist believe that there is life on other planets-which could possibly be true-but these questions are unexplainable to science. God is the answer to all the questions we need to know. So this face on Mars, could simply be something very random. The article expresses that the face is indeed false, and just an ordinary natural landform. Sometimes there are people who try to figure out how and why these kind of things happen, such as this face on Mars. but sometimes science can't answer these questions.
Dear TEACHER_NAME, I think Policy 1 as in allow students to bring phones to school and use them during lunch periods and other free time ,as long the phones are turned off during class time . It would add more success to the board of education rate in learning wise because it would show itselfs to students that it's a time and place for everything .Also it would settle less problems during lunch periods such as bad behavior. I think that it would add more success to board of education rate in learning wise because students in the new learning envoroment think we only have to do school more and we never have no free time because the hours of periods take up our free time at home to have fun because we have to homework and study to do for 10 months staraight everyday, except the weekend so if you let us as in students have some free time periods and school work periods seperated and even , it will be a better understanding to students that it a time and place for everything. Also it would settle bad behavior tone down because when students have free time all they can do is talk and talking gets boring after a while. So the students will try to make that free time fun and throw pencils or food all over the classroom or lunchroom. So I hope this piece of writing help change your decision. Love, STUDENT_NAME
Dear senator i think that we should cape the electoral college process because, if it is not broken don't fix it. Also this process is a part of our founding fathers history it was established to compromise between election of the president. Thats way we should cape the electoral college process. The electoral college has 538 electors but the president needs to have 270 electoral votes to become the president. The 23 amendment of the contitution allows columbia 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the electoral college. When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates electors. Every candidate running for president in your state has his or her own goup of electors. Some states have a winner take all system, which gives all the electors a award to the winning presidential candidate. After the presidential election the governor prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" listing the candidates who ran for president. The certificate of ascertainment declares the winning presidential candidate in my state will represent your state at the meeting of electors. Abolishing the electoral college no said Bob Dole and Jimmy Carter they agreed. They are not alone according to a Gallup poll in 2000 taken after Al Gore thanks to the quirks of the electoral college won the popular vote but lost the presidency over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. There is pressure for running off election when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast that pressure which would complicate the presidential election process is reduced by the electoral college which produces a clear winner.  
In my opinion i think that having driverless cars is a good idea. Many people are very distracted during car rides and do not know how to pay attention to the road. Having drivereless cars will be a good thing for the community becuase it can help nervous drivers get through traffic safetly, help stop texting and driving, and it notifies people of their surrounding so that they will not run into things while driving. Driveless cars allow people to be notified of their surrounding so that they will not run into things. For example, " GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." This feauture allows the driver to know when it should stop reversing by adding vibrations to your seat so that they will not hit anything. When the driver feels the vibration it will know that there is an object neerby and it is necessary for them to stop. This will cause less accidents and make it safer for people to drive. The " blind spot" while driving will not longer be a problem while driving because you will now have a sensor that tells you when you are to close to an object making it safer to drive. A lot of people text and drive or talk on the phone while driving even if they know it is not the safe thing to do. The driveless car has a feature called" In-car entertainment and information system" that allows people to do this while not putting there life in danger. The text states, " Some manufaturers hope to bring in car intertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over- something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone" People will have the opportunity to text while the car is driving but as soon as the car is in need of the driver it will take away the feauture so that the driver will not be texting while driving so that will not be putting their life or other peoples life in danger. The driveless car has a "Trafic Jam Assistant". Some people get really nervous while driving in traffic causing them to get overwhemled and maybe even cause an accident. The " Traffic Jam Assistant" can help stop that by helping get through traffic safely. For example, " Traffic Jam Assistance .. The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure that the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This feauture will allow drivers some assistance getting through traffic jams. Going at 25 mhp, and sensors that allow it to detect objects near by traffic jams will no longer be a scary experience for drivers. I think that driveless cars are good for the future. It will help nervous drivers get through traffic jams easily, notify people of their surroundings to make sure they do not crash into things, and help stop texting and driving accidents. People live busy and hectic lives and sometimes driving under stress is not safe. The driveless car will help make less accidents for people and a safer driving experience for everyone.
Every year from 6th grade to 12th grade year students have to do a summer project and turn it in to their teachers in their next upcoming school year. Due to al the mixed feelings about the project there's been a debate about whether it should be student-designed or teacher-designed. Summer projects should be designed by teachers because the teachers will ensure the student will learn and grow and they'll set the proper criterias for it. Teachers know what students need to learn and usually what they will be learning in their next school year. With this knowledge teachers can determine how the projects should be structured to help benifit the students and make them grow. For example a summer reading project, a project made by a teacher where the students have to choose a book that's on the reading level that they should be at and do a report on it. The way this project is structured helps students learn and grow by keeping them reading making them grow stronger in it which can help them in the future with work,writing,etc. If somebody wants to learn something they need certain criterias to help them actually learn. A person can't learn something from something they already learned and know. The same thing can be applied to summer projects a student can't learn something new from something easy and that they already know. They need certain criterias, restrictions, rules on stuff to ensure they will learn. Teachers can ensure that the students will grow and continue on learning by putting the correct criterias. For example the summer reading project again where students have to choose a book in their reading level and do a report. If the teacher didn't put the rule of choosing a book in their reading level a student could have chose a very easy book and not really learn anything from it because it's not challenging for the student and something too easy to learn from. Therefor having teachers designing the projects ensures they will put the right rules down to make sure the students is learning. Not all students will do something like that but having a teacher makes it easier and more trusting to know they will keep learning over the summer. Some people think students should design it because it would be a lot more funner for them, get them more engaged, and make them a lot more enthusiastic about it when given the chance to design it. It's good to have the students enthusiastic and engaged but it's not ensured whether they will learn something or not. The chance of a student designing a project that won't help them learn much is not beneficial and defeats the purpose of the summer projects. It's a teachers's job to make sure that students are learning so they will do their job and make sure they are. It's better to know for sure the students will learn with the teachers designing it rather than to not be sure with the students designing it. Teachers are way more educated that students are. So they can make the best projects that can benefit the students the most compared to the students designing it. They know what to do, what to look for, and what's best for school. They are more trained,equiped, and have more knowledge to do it. So teachers should be designing summer projects not students.
I think I am against the Facial Action Coding System. I do not think it is a good idea to use this on humans without their consent. Technology is important but I still do not think this is a good idea. Using this on humans isn't a good thing. If they want to keep an emotion hidden then I don't think it is a good idea to uncover it. How can the world be a positive place if the happy people who made you happy weren't actually happy. What if that person had a death of a family member and wanted to keep it a secret but some random person starts snooping around and tells everyone that that person isn't actually happy. Since the article can tell a fake smile from a real smile it could possibly happen. Now if the person gives you consent then it is fine but nobody should be able to read someones emotion. Now the thing about the facial recognition being in a classroom might make it more interesting. It there was a way to make school more interesting than that would be great. I'm not sure how far it would go to make the students happy. It says that it could modify the lesson like an efective human instructor but how far would it modify it. Also if this became a thing would it take the place of teachers. If so than that would be a bad thing. So many people would lose their jobs. It says that it would be able to tell if I am confused which is a good thing. That way I wouldn't have to ask the teacher to come help me. They would just know and come help me, but I still think it is a bad idea. I'm just not sure that it is a good idea to have something that reads emotion. I feel like some things that are better off covered up will be uncovered. Technology will consume our world if we are not careful.
Raise your lips at the corner of your mouth Then squint yopur eyes slightly,to produce wrinkling at the corners of your eyes Holding that,rasie the outer parts of your cheeks up, toward your eyes You are no smileing if your did each step that smile eman your are going tom like my awso,e essay and are so exited to red it so let me start. I think that the facs(Facial Action Coding Systen) is really a good project to be in our schools when kid like us every day use the computer and do test or even other thing like programs that help us get our learning we get very frutrated and no one really undertsand how we really feel but now with a facs we will not be alot the tecaher will know. For example im opened a program that will help me with math and they put this hard equation on the the screen i need to answer it but if i don't know it will really change my mood but the computer after looking at me have trouble for a while and my mood they can switch the question to one a little more do able or give the teacher a hint that a student need help. That will really help school all over the nation also the author also had a same thought like mines. On paragraght 6 he said that it could tell when a student is confused and it could modefy that lesson it could be like a effectave huamn instructor'. that why I think that we should have the facs in our computer at schools they will change the whole learning program. To do what we can do that will really help us cause that way it will cha ge the whole learnig priogram and help us kid ni get a stressed at such a young age makes us not want to come to school like that there wil also be morwe kid at schol and less dropouts. facs lets us work harder and what we can really do till we work hard enought to get to the level we need to be to succefull in life. Faces techlongly will also be usefull now that our genration in schools is advancing we now have alot of computers and each and every day the schools all around the world get more and more advance tech the schools is going to be vertauily a computer in a couple generation. this is my points why i want facs in our schools computers .
Imagine having to do a project or school assignment where you have full control over it with no teacher instruction and having no idea where to start. Some schools think that they should let students have full control over their summer project. But actually, teachers should be the ones to managed the students projects. Because students could end up not doing it or some students just dont know where to start. People think students should have control over their projects because students can express themselves better and get all their thinking down on paper when its not controlled by a teacher. Since its summer students would have better topics to talk about in their projects. Or simply some students might not like the chosen topic for the project and refuse to even start it. Projects would be better in quality if teacher set a couple of standards for students to follow. Therefore a student can get a better idea of where to start. Some students arent as creative as other and they need some guidance to get them going. if there is something specific a teacher wants students to do its easier to research or study that topic rather than having to come up with your own. During summer students have a lot going on whether its vacations or other things. if projects are left for them to design some students might not even do it because of how busy they are. But if teacher takes charge over the project it will stay in the back of students minds an remind them to make time for them to complete it.
Dear, Florida Senator Hello! My name is PROPER_NAME and i am 14 years old. I am from LOCATION_NAME. I go to SCHOOL_NAME. This letter is being written to you beacuse i think we should NOT keep the Electoral College, this is because 1. we the people may vote, but it doesnt mean the person that is most voted for is chosen. 2. we dont get to vote for our candidate's electors. Lastly when we vote by Electoral college the citizens dont get to have the full call on who is elected. Now let me tell you more about why popular vote is way more qualified. We the people may vote with Electoral College, but the vote that is chosen is not only made up by the citizens, but the vote may be changed by the Congress. Now thats not right! The Citizens should have all the vote like popular vote. The Citizens should choose who is voted for because they are the ones who are going to help us. Not be better for them. We dont get to vote for our candidate's electors. The citizens of the United States sould be able to vote for who we want our candidate's electors to be. This is because if something goes wrong we will have the right to change the electors and be happy about who they are going to be. We cant do that with Electoral Voting. Lastly when we vote by Electoral college the citizens dont get to have the full call on who is elected. If we dont get the full call on who is elected then why even vote. "We the people " means the citizens not over ride the citizens votes and just do what they want. Now this is my statement on the Electoral College. I disagree with most of everything the Electoral College has to offer not just me but everyone in the United States. Now lets make the election of our president by popular vote of qualified citizens. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
Autonomous cares have been dreamt of for several generations now. Theyve gone through multiple changes and theories but we've just now found one solution that may be the key to the next generations of cars. In 2009 tech company Google revealed that it was working on a self driven car. However, despite this being in the works for over 9 years it still has its faults so some are sceptical about its rise to being the new standard. I however see differently. Many people believe that these autonomous cars are highly dangerous to the public. This is not true, The self riven car from Google has only witnessed one crash in its lifespan. That crash was caused by another driver. Given this information it is true that car should have been able to have a counter menouver to this. So if everyone were to be using a car like this on the otherhand there would be no need for these types of menouvers to take place. Now, others will think the cars to be completely impractical in todays society, but this is in fact false. The autonomous vehichles will only consume roughly half the fuel we do today, meaning we will cut back on our dependence for fossil fules such as gasoline. Since they dont require a driver in most situatiuons it will allow the driver to multitask while in the car which will be a great benefit given todays busy world. Better still is that they come equiped with high grade sensors to sense oncoming dangers and can move or speed up if it needs to without having the attention of the person inside it. So am i for the autonomous cars? i absolutely am. With the cut of fossil fuels and the safety thats provided when in one who would want them to stop? They will make everyday life more simplistic and much more safe.
Limiting car usage could greatly benefit the lifestyle of yourself and of those around you. Did you know that motor vehicles are one of the biggest causes of pollution and greenhouse emissions? According to a source by Elisabeth Rosenthal, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." If cars were completely eliminated for a week in an area like New York City, then pollution would be greatly lessened. It would be a good idea to try to take public transportation as often as possible, as opposed to driving to work every day. Another good reason to limit car usage is to bring together community. There is a city in Germany by the name of Vauban (according to a source by Elisabeth Rosenthal,) which completely bans driving cars. Inhabitants of this community walk or bike everywhere, which is also a good form of exercise that one could do in order to stay fit. The city was designed with walking in mind, and everything is close by as a result. If we were to have more of these communities, then green house emissions could be greatly lowered. One major reason not to drive a car is that cars are often very expensive. If you live in an area where public transportation is an option, it may be worth it to not buy a car. You'd both help the environment and save a lot of money at the same time! If you're in a city or an area where many things are within walking distance, then you may also notice that there is a lot that you can do, such as walk to a mall or walk to a park, and you would not be harming the environment in any way. Pollution is one major factor that should be touched upon more than once. According to a source named Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer, "after days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." Because of the large amount of people constantly driving, it caused the city to become so polluted that they had to ban people's ability to drive. If people carpooled more, or took more public transportation, then this wouldn't have happened. Some delivery companies even complained of "lost revenue." Lastly, it is a good idea not to drive because of the quickly repleting fuel supply remaining on our planet. Sooner or later, we will run out of gasses to fuel our vehicles with, and we won't have a backup plan. Some areas won't even be remotely affected by this, and people have already created hybrid and electrically powered vehicles. Perhaps if you were to bike more and get used to the idea of not driving, then you will be ready for the inevitable to occur. Although you don't have to cut cars out of your life completely, it's a good idea to start relying more on things that won't run out. Overall, driving is fun and gets you to far places in much shorter times than it would take you if you walked there. However, there are many dangers and negative effects that come from driving. To recap, the green house gasses that come from cars are dangerous and harmful to our planet, and there should be efforts to lessen these gasses, even it is simply by car pooling or by taking public transportation. Also, people's excessive driving caused an entire city to have to ban driving vehicles. This should probably be a lessen to those that drive a good deal; it's killing the environment!
When it comes to the technology that reads students emotions I think its a great idea of having it in classrooms. Although some may ask, why dont you just ask us how we feel in this class? Others might just nit want to answer the question. So it would be easier to just get your answer from a mechine that gives you the answer you want. There are many advantages to this technology when it come to reading other emotions. When using this device you could find out if many students are interested in the activity the teacher is talking about. You could also find out if the are just bored to death that they just want to get up and leave. This technololgy could help with many things in the future by getting rid of all the non-fun things that happen in classroom. If this technology was in high schools I think the way teachers teach thing now days would be way better. For example, when the author put the mini lesson about moving you face in different emothions that was a good lesson. Just from that I learn that just moving your face around in different emotion could make you feel like the face you just made. When it come to technology about your emotions in the classroom i think it would be very useful. Not only will the teachers know if students are interested, they will know if they need to change the way they teach things in class.
Do you think its time to get rid of Electoral College? Or change to election by popular vote for the presdient of the United States? An Electoral College constist of 538 electors but a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. To win so easily by just getting Electoral votes just seems really unfair. We should change to election by popular vote for the president of United States because it seems like a more fair challenge to earn the title of President of the United States. Each candidate running for presdient in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generaly chosen by the candidates poltical party, but state laws vary on how the electors are slected and what their responsibillites are. What the electoral college system does is you dont vote for the president, you vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. As an example of Electoral college system , Stated in paragraph 10 "If you lived in Texas, for instance, And wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, You'd vote for slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to kerry. On the off-change that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to cocngress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes". The electors can be anyone not holding a public office. That just doesnt sound fair to win an election just by having more electoral votes, when you have less popular votes. Basically the Electoral College is unfair to voters, because of the winnter-take-all ssytem in each state. Candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. 25 if the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the prsidency in the hands of a few swing voters Ohio, They have yet to make it. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. It doesnt make sense to have such a thing for out presidents. They should win by popular votes because it will be fair to let out people choose who should win not only 270 electoral votes, out of thousands of people that want to vote normally.
Dear Principal, I am an A/B honor roll student and I do play sports but I do happen to agree with this decision. Some people work really hard to try and stay in these sports they play. If your making a C average then that just shows that you aren't working hard to play the sports you have been working hard for. I see some people might get upset because sometimes it might be the "Star Player" making that C average. My friend made a failing grade and she didn't get to play and some of our teammates were upset including me because she was one of our best players but I do see that it was a fair decision, because other students push their limits to try and a make a passing grade. If you really want to play your sports then you should be able to try to work hard and try to make at least a B average. Making a C average shows your coach and your teacher that you are not trying. So I do happen to agree with you about not letting the student play if they have a C average. Parents are upset sometimes because they push their children to work hard in that sport event, and to not see their star player out there, it's kind of devastating. You know you are making a good choice because sometimes when your really into the sport you're playing, you're not as fascinated as you are with your school work and other stuff that makes have a passing grade. You can't forget that school work is going to make you the "big star" you are going to become from playing those sports in high school and junior high. People do have their own opinions so I might be one of a few people that actually agree with you. I am not just saying that I agree with you because I have an A/B average in all my classes, but if it were to happen to me, not playing sports would help me catch up with my work that hasn't been finished. Many students would go against this policy change because they know that they make C averages in some of their classes. Other students go against this because they know that their "star player" is one of those students that don't care about their grades and only care about their future with sports. If they want a future with sports then they are going to want to put education before sports. I know a lot of students would agree with my reasons for agreeing with this policy change but they would not like it to happen. Our teachers tell them that having a C average is passing, but unfortunately that's not going to help them with the sports they play. The "star players" will now if they are passing or failing because they know if they try with their school work. Many teachers offer help if you are having trouble with your work. So my Dear Principal I do agree that the student must have a B average to play the sports they want to be in. With all Respect, Your Student, STUDENT_NAME
I think in my opinion we shouldnt have driverless cars. It makes it seem like we're lazy. We dont need driverless cars because we all know how to drive. So does taking your permit does not matter? Since we have someone else to drive with us? So does that mean we dont have to learn about the saftey and the law of driving? So will everyone in the future not learn how to drive but will have driverless cars? In this article is it says it can be dangerous. As it states on paragragph 9. " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault? The driver or the manufacture. Guys, You guys cant always depend on things being done by its self. we already have alot of advantages in this world adn u guys wanna make a driverless car? It's smart but we need to learn how to do stuff on our own and not depend on other things or someone else. So yes, This is my opinion. This is how i fell about this. I certainly dont agree on this. Once again this is just my opinion. If you dont agree then i wont be mad. Everyone has their own opinions.
The use of technology is getting advanced more and more as each day goes on. So by now we should be able to know is Mona Lisa was smiling or not. Now these days technology is informational and often true so why shouldnt we belive the results. In the first paragraph its states she is 83 percent happy,9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angery. By looking at the painting you would probaly belive that because she is smiling, she couldve been fearful because she didnt know Leonardo da Vinci, and she couldve been angery because at the time she wouldve had to be sitting there for hours until he finished or he would have to start all over. In the passage tehy dop have good evidence if you studied anatomy you would be able to understand how all the facial expressions work. They even claim that da Vinci studieed anatomy which helped him paint her facial muscle precisely. They even teach you how to make the same face she made in the painting. Based of the information they staed in the passage i do believe that the teachnology called Facial Action Coding System can identify human emotion.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" some people say it's worth to study Venus is a worthy to pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Exploring Venus would be a great and exciting adventure, to find new things and learn more on what's beyond the Earth. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our system. Venus might be just some other Earth like planet, but we do not know what the danger could do to us, is it worth it? Yes, because we humans were born to explore and find out new ways to live a good and entertained life. We keep our blogs updated everyday, is a new day. Humans, cannot obtain life on Venus because of the conditions are far more extreme than on Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, this planet has a rokcy surface and includes some familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. NASA are trying to approache Venus, without any warm if tha's possible then we could have another planet to explore. Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us in the many equally intimidating endeavors. Though we travels far and explored far, we still need to continue on to our very edges of our imagination and innovation. Nature will let us determind if we can continue our journey, the universe will let us if we can or not. Continueing on studying Venus would be the greatest project that has ever been created on history.
Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students is very valuable! You can tell if they are interested in the current topic that is being teached, Next you can see if they are having a overall good day or bad day at school & finally you can tell if they could be stressed out about something in particular. I think that it would be a good idea to use this in certain classes that are being teached with like new teachers, or with a new math subject that is currently really hard or easy to see how their overall current mood is at the time being when their face would be getting scanned into a 3-D model and constructs all the 44 facial muscles to see them clearly Next, in my own personal thinking it would be a good idea to tell how a student is feeling and I think this could save lives, if the student is feeling anger,disgust,fear & sadness and maybe distruction I feel as this could help set up counciling and help the student in need and get him back to a good and happy state to be in and nothing bad might happen in the future. Thirdly, having the technology to tell if the student is stressed out at home or in the school work place is mostly the best idea to ever have and to see if their are issues at home that is making him/her do bad on their school work. Next it would be good to have seeing a day before a test and seeing if students are worried about a test coming up the day before. Finally, I believe that having this technology in school could possibly improve grades and overall morale of the school and make it a better and happy & fun place to be at, instead of being the area where we childern frown on and dislike going. Next, I think that having this technology in the classroom seeing if the students are enjoying the subject is a good idea & you could see if their having a good or bad day at school which could save lives in the very long run finally, you could tell if the student is being stressed out or just worried before the day of the test. Overall I think that this would be a great idea to have in classrooms all over the United States and the Nation.
The way the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite is by , giving facts about the good and bad thingds venus has . The author talks about NASA'S possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus . He also gives examples like , Imagining a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape . just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms . The author support's the idea by saying ," Each previous mission was unmanned , and for good reason , since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours . Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades . Numerous factors contribute to venus"s reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study , despite its proximity to us ". Also the author talk's about venius having no value . The author say's that Venus has no value because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors . The author talks about the NASA working on other approaches to studyng venus. Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weels in such conditions . Another thing that the author is also talking about is another project , looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers . These devicers were fisrt envisioned in the 1800s and plaed an important role in the 1940s during world war II . I Venus at thirty - plus miles above the surface , tempetures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit , but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on the earth . solar power would be plentiful , and radiation would not exeed Earth levels . Not easy conditions , but survivable for humans .
Distance learning gives children the opportunity to learn from home through online work and video conferencing to learn about the things their peers will be learning at school, from home. Distance learning can be good for children with medical issues or if sudents just have hard time leasrning with a group of people and need things to be done at a pace good for them. Benefits of home schooling can vary due to distractions we may face. Students tend to give up on school and class work after getting frustrated and being behind. Most causes of being behind in classes are the lack of sleep students get throughout the night, before entering school the next day. Having lots of chores and responsibilities one has to tend to once they're home, leaves one little to no time to sleep. Lack of sleep causes you to choose between sleep and school work laving majority of students to pick their sleep over work giving them the option of being behind, whereas others would choose to do work leaving little time to sleep which will then transfer to school. Because one has lack of sleep they're probably dosing off in class or is working on the old assignments while new ones are in use which then causes them to remain behind. Doing work from home can allow students to get the extra amount of sleep they need before tackling the work at hand. Ones amount of sleep can have a positive domino affect on children, teens, and young adults and can determine the energy put into their work; the more sleep, the more energy, the more work done, the better the comprehension, the better the grades. When a teacher has 20 other kids to teach, it is hard for them to accommodate to one particular student's needs. At home, you can work alone and at the pace that is best for you. You are able to choose whether you want to work fast or slow. Attending a class through online videos can benefit students by allowing them the option to pause and replay if needed. The lessons that are assigned, come in video form, giving students the option to--unlike in school--pause and replay things that they didn't hear, understand, or see. Overall, working at home allows students to be able to control what type of learning environment they'd like to be around and when they'd like to be around it. But less consequences/ limitations can be a negative thing. Students are held making responsible for the actions they choose and how much you work they get done based off those actions. Being held accountable and having to keep onesself motivated and on top can be very difficult. Students won't have a teacher yelling down their backs to study and prepare for the test they may or may not have next class, instead they have to do it on they're own. Most teenagers don't gain enough will power and motivation to do school work outside of school. The traditional education system allows to have an automatic support system. Your teachers, admin, and peers are there to help motivate and guide you through the ends and outs of school. In school, rules are set in place to minimize the distractions around children such as: cell phones and other children. Schooling from home allows you to have access to anything you may want which may affect students in a negative way. Not only does sleeping give you the energy to learn, not applying yourself and laying around around all day can cause one to over sleep. Over sleeping can cause you to miss assignments due at set times or drain you leaving you with no energy to do anything at all because you can get away with it due to the facts that you may not have the one buddy to support you and tell you to wake up and keep d[going and doing that alone can be very difficult for upcoming young adults. In conclusion, based of the benefits and non benefits of being able to attend school classes from home, it is in ones interest to attend school. The lack of motivation and resources at home can cause students to do the wrong things at home. Students at home arent given the opportunity to have someone remind them of the things they need to keep succeeding at home. They are held accountable for all actions and are offered little to no help. That much responsibility could cause students to spiral down a negative hole causing them, to fall behind in school.
Summer is a time where students finally leave their schools and are set free for a few months. Unfortunately, however, that doesn't mean they lose all responsibilities of schoolwork; summer assignments being the main reason for this. Knowing these assignments are crucial for keeping students engaged in learning all year, I believe they should be created in a way so that students have the ability to choose and create the projects for themselves. One of the main reasons why student-designed projects would be a more successful learning experience is that they allow students to express more creativity. Many times, students are given strict guidelines and requirements for their assignments. This discourages them and puts them off from giving in their best effort, resulting in an non-creative and bland project. When the students are in charge of the ideas, they can incorporate ideas and topics they enjoy and allow for a more detailed and creative turnout. Another reason as to why schools should allow students to develop their own projects is that they can learn to think independently. Nowadays, students are being handed projects that tell them exactly what should be in it and exact things necessary for achieving a good grade. This stops them from thinking for themselves and brainstorming what things they should incorporate and what things they should leave out. Some claim that allowing students to work independently and from their own ideas would cause them to slack off and not include sufficient materials, but this is not the case. Students are known to achieve more when they are allowed to work off of their own thoughts and ideas. The important content within the project will also come on its own when students are working from favored, self-chosen topics. Lastly, student-designed summer projects should be incorporated within schools because summer is the slim part of the year where students are set free and where they should learn the skill of creating work by themselves and with no assistance. Throughout the entire school year, teachers are giving students specific instructions to work off of. While this has its purpose and usefulness in its own way, it is rather silly to continue this trend during the short part of the year where teachers are not present. This is also advantageous to the future of the students because as they progress in life, this helpful environment of the classroom will start to diminish and the ambition to work independently will be lost when they are set loose to the real world to work uninstructed. In conclusion, schools should allow for the creation of summer assignments by the students themselves. This is beneficial and important for several reasons. Student-designed projects allow for more creativity to be expressed, let students think independently, and allow students to incorporate their own ideas in the short part of the year where they are separated from their teachers.        
By limiting car usage, car emisisons  that go into our air, will be reduced and controlled. Car emisisons are a type of air polllution,that cause problems to people breathing the air. According to Source 2,when Paris enforced a ban on driving, Congestion went down 60 percent. When Paris limited car usage,it allowed for the air pollution caused smog to clear up,making the air for the better. k k By controlling car usuage,the amount of traffic in cities,states,and countries can be controlled. Lessing car usage,makes traffic less ,espically in big cities. According to source 3 , rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. Acccording to source 4,pedestrian,bicycleand public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time,conserve resources,lower emisisons,and improve safety. With a controlled  quantity of traffic,less accidents and traffic jams will occur. By limiting car usage, people will use more green like alturnatives to transportation. People ride their bicyles,car pool to work and/or school,and use public transportation ,which makes less air pollution go into the air. By using other forms of trnasportation other than cars,people will become more independent from using cars as much and make our world less polluted and more green.
Advice is something we ask for fairly often and receive it from many different people. When seeking advice we ask multiple people usually, whether we ask family, friends, or even co-workers. We make better decisions based on how many people that we ask for advice. Reasons we make better decisions when asking more people are you can find a common response from our sources, you can acknowledge if they have had the same problem or question as you do, and you can weigh your options not just having one opinion. When asking for advice you want to find a common response from everyone we ask. This way you know that this advice is not just made up and people have actually learned this. It also helps you feel more trust in the advice because it is the same thing from multiple sources. A perfect example of this would be a time in my life when I was struggling so I went to both of my parents at separate times, I went to my teachers as well. I received the same advice from all of them and it was the right thing to do at that time. This is why it is important to find common responses to your questions. Next when asking for advice you should listen from others if they have shared the same question or learned from a similar experience. If someone has had an experience where they have been facing the same problems as you the probably know what to do in that situation. Listening to these experiences makes you wiser and more understanding of the challenge that you are seeking advice for. This could also lead to you giving advice that has been passed down to you by former experiences of others and helping out. If they have had a similar experience and it wasn't good that would help you make a better decision than they did and learn from their mistakes. Finally when asking multiple people, you can weigh your options to see which one seems more reasonable and has the best use for your situation. Also by doing this you make better decisions by taking down a couple of opinions that you don't see best fitting for the situation. This option is best for when you ask five or more people for the simplicity of making your decision the best you can. This option also helps when it is between people that you trust and that you don't trust. If you trust someone more than another you are more likely to have more Faith in their opinion rather than someone you don't trust as much. A quote from Don Corleone from the Godfather "The opinion of many is stronger than the opinion of one." In conclusion asking multiple people for their opinions helps us more than just asking one person. Reasons we make better decisions when asking more people are you can find a common response from our sources, you can acknowledge if they have had the same problem or question as you do, and you can weigh your options not just having one opinion. These reasons are always helpful in ways to make the best decisions when asking more than one person. This is why seeking multiple opinions is always the best option. 
Dear State Senator, I'm NOT in favor of keeping the Electoral College. I wouldn't like to keep the Electoral Collage because under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.We are used to voting for the president and along with that president we would also have the counting of electoral votes, it's wrong. For example, If you lived in Texas, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry. Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who pick the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes state coventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidential candidates themeselves. All i know that it isnt fair. All of are hard work voting shouldn't go towards them. It should go towards the person we are voting for. Isn't thats why we voted for them? So we can see them suceed. Making us feel like we suceeded because we made them feel welcome and worthy. Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always, and that's the problem. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes. And that's why THIS needs to stop. At them most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend thime in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio, they have yet to make it. In conclusion, It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best argument in faor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. Bob Dole is right: Abolish the electoral college! I hope you take sometime to think this over. - PROPER_NAME.
Have you ever wanted to take care of animals? Well, I did. Hi, my name is Luke Bomberger. One day my friend Don Reist invited me to go to Europe with him and of course I didn't say no because I knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So I went with him and that same year 1944 I decided along with my friend to sign up to be a Seagoing Cowboy. Being a Seagoing Cowboy consists of going overseas while taking care of horses, young cows, and mules. This job may not sound very fun but let me tell you it is. For example, when I turned 18 we were sent to aboard the SS Charles W.Wooster with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. This might seem like a lot but trust me seeing the Acropolis in Greece was something special. I also had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. These were some of the most fun and extroardinary part of our trips. There were some fun parts but also dangerous parts. One time while it was raining it was my turn to check on the animals and make sure they were safe but I slipped and almost flew off board. The good thing was that a strip of metal caught me. I was relieved to still be alive but I couldn't work for a couple of days because I had some cracked ribs. Even though I had to work hard and do some risking stuff. I had a great time. It was quite an adventure that I wouldn't change for anything. Just think you could have an amazing experience like me or maybe even better, but what is certain is that you will have quite an extroadinary adventure.
I would be against the self driving cars. There are plenty of reasons. They could always breakdown and instead of being able to fix a flat or something, it could be worse like the circut blew on the GPS or something. The cars could get into more accidents than actual people could cause. The cars could misslead you to your destination. Those are just a few things that could go wrong. The reason I am against this is because, it would cost so much to get the parts fixed. The parts that you need the; GPS, Sensors, Radar, ect. "Radar was a device ona hilltop that cost 200 million dollars (paragraph 6, line 7-8)". So no mater what the cars are not worth that much. It simply is going to cost more to fix one of these cars than it is to a regular car. Another reason is that, what if we do get the cars. If we get the cars whole bunch of laws will be changed. If they change the laws on cars what would happen to the people who still drive themselves without anyone else driving them. "...if traffic laws change, then laws will be needed in order to cover liabillty in the case of an acciedent (paragraph 9, lines 9-11). So if they change laws then people would have to learn a whole bunch of different laws. Another reason is, what if technology fails on the car. What would happen if you got into a wreck? What if it wasnt your fault, it was the car? " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at falt--- the driver or the manufacturer? (paragraph 9, lines 11-12)". If the car breaks down and causes an accident it could hurt someone really bad if not kill them. There are plenty of reasons why driverless cars shouldn't be permited on the streets. It could cost alot, hurt alot of people, and or cause people to have to learn alot more than what they need. So intend I am against having driverless cars.
Driverless cars have positives which they hold but in total perspective driverless cars are a negative. Driverless cars are exciting cars that show progress in technology. As the years go by technology continues to advance, one advance being the driverless cars. As experiements and trails of these driverless cars have been held, I believe they are an awesome new technology advance but would be to advance for our day and age. Driverless cars come with cool new gadgets and upgrades but they are not neccessarily safe. The cars which have been recently tested by Google are not fully driveless as the driver has to stay alert so they know when they need to step in. "Google cars aren’t truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." In my opinion, the cars are not needed because if we are still needed to always be full attention on the road why wouldn't we just drive. Also in with coming the driverless cars it states we need smarter roads. So the cars would only be able to drive on certain roads or every road in America would have to redone. Every road being redone is unrealstic as it was way to costly and time consuming. " These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." Another reason being the safety and changing of the laws. The safety of one car not catching a sensor of another car and getting into a crash. Another safety problem if they driver is driving a driverless car and is to preoccupied with his phone or another task in the car and the car needs the persons assistance and her is to preoccupied then the car with crash. With the law, many new laws would be needed to be created with the development of driverless cars. Only four states have released permission of testing driverless cars as other states are not on board. "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe". Also issues like in a crash who takes the blame if no one is driving? " Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault—the driver or the manufacturer?" As the development of the driverless cars continue I hope manfucaturers see even how neat and technological advanced these cars are they are simply unsafe and unrealstic to the world around us. Many people will argue they do not want a driverless car. We will then have normal cars and driverless cars driving on our roads which will cause more collision. In an overall view driverless cars are a step in awesome technology and development for Google, car companies, and our country but in perspective of safety and realicy driverless cars are just not an option.
Do I think kids should attend class from home? It should be their for every schools mostly middle schools and high schools instead of just some schools, you don't know the situation that these kids go through now a days. In Generic_City we do offer students that want to take online classes if they they truly want too. We don't recommend it because the staff thinks it would be difficult for the students to handle instead of being in a classroom with live teachers. For being online you don't have a teacher nor any help, it's just you and the computer. At Generic_School we do have the option to take online classes I can't fend for the other schools in Generic_City all I know we do take that option. Me personally I haven't took any online classes I kind of been wanting to just so it could free up a period. We also have a program where you can take a class over the summer, although you do have to pay for any of those classes. Some students do refer to the online summer classes then when they come to school they can take more electives/the classes that are more interesting to them. This year my parents are very strict about my classes I should've listen to them I could've had 2 classes already finished with. I wasn't thinking at the time because it's summer time, I mean who wants to take classes that are online during the summer? Although we have the option for students to take classes that are online during the summer. we do have students are challenging to work with, not meaning that the teacher don't like them or that they don't want to teach them. The students just have a struggle wanting to go to school, I don't want to say that they skip school it's more as if school isn't their thing or, that they don't want to get up as early as the rest of the students. That's when online classes would benefit them that way they can still graduate and still get their high school credits. That way everyone walks away happy. There are some high school students and middle school students that have issues with their health like sickness/illnesses or they might have a disability. Those type of situations we can't stop but we would overcome that challenge and find a solution. Your schools can find a way to help you get through that situation for you to graduate etc. Like I said many of times the online classes would suit you perfectly. My teachers always told me that their is always a way to find success and get you through your classes. In my opinion I would most definitely take a online class/classes. It would only be during the summer time that way I can take more electives or come into school later in the day. Even though it would be challenging I always overcome that if I just put my mind to it, nothing come easy in this world. I even heard that AP classes you learn on your own so it's probably the same thing for online classes. Schools that go up to 7th-12th grade should be able to have the option to take a online class/classes. It could benefit you and whatever situation you are in. Some school counties don't have that option and they should really change that because like I said you don't know what type of situation they are in. We want our students to be successful and graduate.!   
Dear Principal, I am one of the athlete's of SCHOOL_NAME and I make wonderful grades. I understand that you would like for me and the rest of your future scholar to succeed. But, not every child in our school can succeed in that way. I have seen some of my fellow students report cards and C' s are very likely to see. But, there are also some students who could receive A' s and B' s in all of there classes. I think that you should only except A' s, B' s, and C' s. Many students like myself, makes at least one C one their report card. The reason some of the scholars here at SCHOOL_NAME strive to make C' s on their report cards is so that they can participate in sports. Or maybe it's their way to escape from a broken home. ports could even help a child who always felt as if they couldn't do anything, actually come and at least try to do their work and try to learn. So as you see raising your standards could also affect others outside of school. In today's society with all the gangs and violence we need to have more sports and active thing for us youth. I believe strongly that if are at least trying and staying out of trouble you should give us a lead way. The reason I feel so strongly about this is because, I used to be one of these student's who got in trouble. Until I put my "bad habits" into sports now I'm making better grades and I'm setting higher standards. So please just give us a chance to soar to excellence. I understand that you expect your students to show good character and progress. I totally agree but on the same terms you want us scholars to have marvelous academic rates. But it's unremarkable, how well this school has changed we have all tried to succeed and put our greatest foot in front of us. So can you see how we have change our annotating skills and reading levels have sky rocketed and behavior has been better. I have learned so much my eighth grade year I'm almost to prepared for high school. So give us a chance. Before I close out I would like to say again sports and school can save someone's life. But, taking them away could hurt someone. I can state as a fact that with the power of trusting and giving your students with a chance we can make SCHOOL_NAME a even better place to be at. I am not asking for student who as D' s and F' s on their report cards for a chance but student who try's. With this I say thank you for your time. We can make this a even better place if we try. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME February 1, 2011 SCHOOL_NAME, ADDRESS_NAME
Students shouldn't need to participate in extracurricular. Students may need to take care of family members right after they leave school. Most students get loads of homework or assignments to finish between the week. Students may not like the after school activities, or they would rather go home. With the students responsibilities and feelings they don't need to participate in extracurricular. Students needed at home would never be able to participate in the activities after school. Students sometimes at home need to become the parent for their younger siblings. This carries on the responsibility to feed and watch the child. The student may also need to pick up their younger siblings at the bus stop or daycare, being late to either of those would lead to a bigger problem. Having a parent come home late would push the responsibility to make sure the students sibling is put to bed at the right time. It might take hours for smaller children to sleep, this can badly effect the students sleep. The students responsibilities lead them to have no time for after school activities. With the students work load teachers give them, they wouldn't be able to have time for extracurricular. Teachers like to assign lots of homework and assignments to students. This leads to the student spending their time doing work. Students also take the responsibility to make sure its all due before or the day of. This happens to force the student to keep their minds on school work instead of activities. After school activities would just be a handful between homework and assignments. Having a large handful can lead to stress. With the student having no time left extra curriculum would be out of the question. Most students end up having a long day at school. This can effect on how the student feels by the end of the day. Students would rather go home and relax then to do an activity right after a long day. After school activities would ruin the students motivation to do anything. Students need a break from school. The perfect time for that would be after school hours. Allowing the student to have a time for themselves would let their brain relax and letting their body refresh. Students should allow themselves to have breaks after school, this wouldn't happen if students had to do a extracurricular. In conclusion students don't have to do a extracurricular. With the work load and responsibilities students carry, extra curriculum would become a burden to the students. Students are more worried about the responsibilities they have and their feelings. Therefore, letting students choose what they want to do after school would be a better outcome for the students and school. 
Have you ever been in a situation and thought to yourself, "aw man, I wish I could get another persons advice on this right now." Most people think that they know what is best for them. But what they don't realize, is that most of the time they are wrong. Studies show that having multiple peoples advice is far more helpful and effective than getting your own or only one persons advice. Seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a wiser choice by learning from other peoples experiences, having a slimmer chance of making a mistake, and learning how to ask for help and advice for the future. There are countless advantages from receiving other peoples advice. One advantage is that you will learn from other peoples experiences and have a better understanding of what you should do. For example, if you were thinking about taking all honors classes in high school, and you thought it was the right decision for you, you should still consider getting more than one opinion about your decision. Multiple viewpoints you could consider could be your parents, counselors at your school, an older sibling, or a trusted adult. These other viewpoints could say that all honors is too hard, or that you would be too stressed. But by having multiple opinions, you will be able to make the right decision for you. In addition, by seeking multiple opinions you will have a slimmer chance of making a mistake. If you seek more than one person for advice, then you will learn what to do, and what to avoid. For example, if you asked your parents to buy you a vape pen because everyone at school was doing it, your parents and anyone else you asked would most likely respond by saying no. They would inform you on how risky and bad vape pens are, and advise you to never participate in that behavior. By them advising you how bad vaping is, then you would take into account their advice and not vape, thus dodging a bullet of cancer and an abundant amount of other health issues. When having advice on why vaping is bad, it will cause you to make a better choice, limiting chances of making a mistake that can hinder your future. Lastly, when getting multiple viewpoints on a decision or issue, it will allow you to be more comfortable with asking for help and advice, which can lead to a successful future. Asking questions and talking to people is always a good thing, especially when it comes to advice and opinions. If you don't feel comfortable with asking for advice or opinions, then you may not be able to make good choices, which could result in bad decision making later in life. For example, if your friend asked you to smuggle some drugs into school with him and you didn't get any advice or talk to anyone, then you wouldn't hesitate to help him. This could result in a lifetime of drug problems, which could resolve in going to jail. In conclusion, asking for more than one persons opinion is successful for making better decisions by allowing you to get other peoples advice and point of views on your decision, having less of a chance to make mistakes, and making you more comfortable with asking questions. Getting other peoples advice and opinions is far more effective than relying on one persons, because you can see multiple point of views, which will allow you to make the best decision for you. When receiving multiple opinions, it results in a smaller chance of making mistakes, which can prevent future problems and issues in life. And lastly, by learning to ask for advice and help, it allows you to be more comfortable with other peoples views and opinions, which can help you be successful later in life. So next time you are ever in a situation that requires advice, you may want to consider having more than one persons opinion. 
In this writing prompt I will be supporting the authors argument. The author belives that Venus should be explored and belives exploring Venus would bring plentiful information that could help the world learn more about other plantes and ours. But for this to be an arguemnt there must be a danger or bad factor, the bad harmful factor is the dangers on Venus. Venus has many dangers that has harmed unmanned spacecrafts. More dangers will be explained further in the prompt. Venus is often called Earths twin, Venus is the planet that is most related to earth in terms of density and size. But Venus has many more dangers than Earth. Venus has an atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide wich means humans will not be able to breath the air. Venus's surface is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than earths pressure. Because of the extremely high amount of pressure that would crush a submarine and melt any metal humans would nto be caple of landing on the surface of Venus without being crushed. And not only does Venus have very high tempertures, pressure and a deadly atmosphere, it also has erupting volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes. So why would we want to explore Venus if it is so inhospitable? Venus may have once had been like earth, with oceans and lifeforms. Venus does have a rocky surface with valleys, moutains and craters. Venus could be the human races next planet to inhabit if an incident would occur to Earth. Venus is the planet that is most like earth with its terrain and possible past life and water. Although Venus has its deadly dangers to humans, scientists are creating ways for humans to explore Venus and learn about this twin planet. " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." (The Challenge of Exploring Venus,5) that statement from the excerpt states that scientists have come up with their theorys to explore Venus. They have an idea to send Humans above Venus's atmosphere to explore Venus so they do not melt by the extremely high tempertures or get crushed by the high pressure. With these ideas humans could explore Venus without being harmed and could gather needed information about the twin planet. Scientists are also working on other approaches to studying Venus with possible electronic devices that could last possibly up to three weeks on Venus's surface. With more time scientists could create more ideas and plans to explore Venus's surface. In this prompt I have explained the twin planet, Venus, and the dangers it holds. The author of the excerpt, " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. I have also explained the dangers Venus posses such as the high tempertures and the extremely high pressure. Scientists are creating more and more theorys of ways to explore Venus everyday. Therefore in the future I do belive we will explore Venus and that exploring Venus would be very plentiful to the humans race.
The Face on Mars is a very mysterious thing, but it's only been caught on camera, clearly, once, but that was in the 1970s. The cameras in 1976 were not very clear, as you see they have a 43 meter span per pixel, which makes the picture a whole lot more blurry. Even though it's been seen all over the world as an unknown landform or an alien artifact, the evidence has been seen through, and the face, is, well, not really a face at all. The Face on Mars was a very popular symbol for the alien conspirators, because they thought that the picture gave solid proof of aliens clearly doing work on the planet Mars. Yet there's a problem, that picture was taken in the 1970s, and if you remember, the cameras weren't all that great. And there have been multiple other pictures taken of the same landformation, like in 1998, and 2001. Yet the picture doesn't depict an Egyption face staring back at you, but a standard, normal, everyday, Mars mesa. The pictures of the face in 1998 showed clearly that the face wasn't quite a face, with a camera 10 times sharper than the original Viking camera, yet the public wasn't satisfied saying how the camera couldn't spot the face out because it was a cloudy time of the year for Mars. Furthermore 3 years later they took more pictures of the exact place of the original siting of the mysterious and erriy face, but once again the cameras do not lie as it unvieled the same blan rock formation, but the press couldn't argue this time. The cameras' span was 1.56 meters per pixel compared to the Viking's 46 meters per pixel, and the planet of Mars was as clear as the eye could see at that time, but there was no unnatural objects to be seen. Yes, it is hard to prove that the famous mesa isn't man-made, you would have to be on the planet to do that, yet the facts and research is all here and it's time to let go. In conclusion, the Face on Mars has been very iconic on what it has done to the people, and the world as a whole. It's been analyzed and researched over, over, and over again. And it all comes down to the cold hard facts, which all points to the intriging rock of 1976 of being just a rock formation that was, well, lets just say, for now... misunderstood.
There are many schools who assign projects over the summer. Assignments can range from a large packet of math to an even larger packet on earth science. These packets are generally designed by teachers, but what if students designed them instead? If students designed these projects, then they would be more interesting than a packet with a hundred problems to be answered. If students design assignments for their peers then they'll be far less boring and more likely to get done. In the classroom, students will listen to their teachers ramble on, and not truly hear a word they say. What these instructors are saying isn't really catching the student's attention, it's boring them. But if their interests were taken into consideration when making projects then they would become more involved. The same goes for summer projects. If the teenager's assignments are based on things they don't care about, they won't do them, but someone of the same age comes in, then they can pinpoint the teenager's interests easier. Now that the assignment has caught the attention of the student, the student is far more likely to get it done. The urge to procrastinate will not be there as much because it is an interesting way to learn more. They don't feel pressured into doing the assignment and are not as stressed by the idea of having to tackle another assignment. Some would say that it is not a good idea to allow students to create these assignments because they'll make them to easy or won't really try when they make it. But students are just as capable as the teachers when it comes to helping out their peers and getting these summer projects done. In short, if the students design the summer projects it would turn out better. So, if students do end up designing these projects, then they will take into consideration the students interests and make the projects better for the student then they'll get done much easier.      
Dear Senator, The electoral college is a process that the founding fathers extablished as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and popular vote of the people. This process involves selecting the electors, meeting with the electors, and counting the votes by congress. There are 538 electors total in the Electoral College. The presidential election happens every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. After the election the governor makes a "Certificate of Ascertainment" which has all the names of the candidates who ran for President. I believe we should keep the Electoral College because there is a certainty of outcome, it helps avoid run-off elections, and the electoral college helps balance out the smaller and bigger states with more people that vote. The outcome of an Electoral College has a possibility of creating a dispute like in 2000, but this dispute is less likely to happen over a dispute over the popoular vote. This is because the winning candidates share of the Electoral College is greater than his share of the popular vote. Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote in comparison to the 51.3 percent of popular votes for him and Mitt Romney. Trans-regional appeal is required in the Electoral College. If we got rid of the Electoral College then there would be a greater possibility of dispute. Furthermore, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes while winning a majority in the Electoral College. This proves that the Electoral college avoids the problems of elections in which neither candidate receives a majority of the votes. When no candidate wins a majority the pressure complicates the presidential election process. The Electoral College minimized this pressure be invariably producing a clear winner every time. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. In addition, a large state gets more attention from candidates than a small sate in a campaign. As an example in 2012 Obama, got 29 electoral votes. In Wyoming the winner only had 2 electoral votes in the same marin as Obama. The Electoral College provides some kind of restoration for the weight in the political balance that large states lose by mal-apportionment of the Senate. Voters in toss-up states are more likely to read into and pay more attention to a campaign because they know they are going to decide the election. It is most likely that these people are going to the the most thoughtful voters. To conclude, there are many reasons to keep the Electoral College. This process has made the winner of the election much clearer to decide. There are a lot of pros and cons to the Electoral College but the list of cons is way shorter than the list of all the pros to the Electoral College. We should keep the Electoral College because it creates a certainty of outcome, diminishes run-off elections, and creates a balance for the bigger states. The Electoral College has created a positive impact for our presidential election. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME          
Politicians and the public have argued for years over one burning question: Should the Electoral College be discontinued? I believe the Electoral College should not be used in the United States anymore. To understand the faults within this system, one must understand the system at its basic level. The Electoral College is a system that consists of 538 electors. Each state has a different amount of electors, granted on the size of that state's population. When the election is held, the voter votes for the electors, not the candidate directly. The first fault one can find while examining this system is the "winner takes all" policy that most states have. In paragraph seven of the first souce, the article states, "Most states have a "winner-takes-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidental candidate." This system seems unfair, especially in states where the vote for electors is won by a small margin. The votes cast for the candidate who lot the electoral votes in their state are not counted in choosing the president, which hinders the ideals of democracy in this country. In paragraph nine of the second source, the article reads," according to a Gallup poll in 200, taken shortly after Al Gore, thanks to the quirks of the Electoral College, won the popular vote but lost the presidency." This crisis in 2000, when George W. Bush won the electoral college, but Al Gore won the popular vote, displays the lack of clarity with this system. This election was a prime example that the president is not chosen by the popular voice, but rather by the Electoral College, which does not accurately represent everyone. The second fault with Electoral College stems from the first issue: people are not voting beacuse they feel as if their voice is not being heard. Stated as a counterargument in paragraph 23 of source three, the article states, "It can be argued that the Electoral College method...may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope for carrying their state - Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California." People are choosing not to vote because they feel as if their voice is being shadowed by the major polictical thinking in their state, and this mindset corrupts the institution of democracy in the United States. An argument made by those in favor of the Electoral College can found in paragraph 20 of source three, "Voters in toss up states are more likely to pay attention to the campaign...They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average and the most thoughtful voters shoule be the ones to decide the election." This argument is opinionated and has no substantial evidence behind it. According to source 2 in paragraph 13, "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all." This was due to the candidates spending their time, money, and efforts to win over "swing states", the states that could go either Republican or Democrat depending on the candidates that year. The Electoral College is a system that should not be used anymore because it does not properly consider the opinions of all voters, turns away voters who believe they will not have their voices heard, and leave states without seeing ads or candidates during the election because these candidates are trying to win over other states.  
You should Participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to see and experience sites that not everyone gets to see, like Acropiles in Greece, tour a castle in Crete, and be marvled at the Panama Canal as you head to China, and you get to see even more there! The Segoing Cowboys program is a program that takes food and animals to China and Eroupe after World War Two. After you take the food and animals to China and Eroupe, you get to have fun on your way back to America. You could play baceball and volleyball in the empty holds were they kept the animals, or you have Table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and that passes the time on that long time back home. Just be Carefull you do not wan't to go over board into the merky depths of the cold Antlantic Ocean. Also, you don't want tho slide down the ladder of the ship, you won't go over, you would just break a few ribs and not be able to care for the animals. That is why I think you should join the seagoing cowboys program, and all in all, it is a good time!
It's a high risk for teenager's texting and driving they have become a part of our lives. People use their phone for just about anything such as: texting, talking, schedule planning, and internet sulfuring and etc. Sometimes we can do two of these things at the same time unfortunately, people are choosing the wrong times using their cell phones while they are driving. As a society we have to become more focused on how much we can do at one time that we are willing to risk our personal safety as well as safety of others because we can't put down our cell phones. Every day in the United States one out of ten people are killed by distracted drivers and a lot are injured in some way in crashed, by these irresponsible, distracted drivers. Most of the dangerous distracting activities that many people do is texting while driving. It's extremely dangerous because people who are doing this is putting more attention in texting, she/he is thinking about other things besides concentrating on driving. Driving requires a lot of focus and full attention. Distracted driving affects all drivers from time to time but can come with stiff consequences. Unfocused or distracted driving does not affect all drivers the same. Any task that takes your attention away from the road is a distraction. These include crying or fighting kids in the back seat, talking on the phone, eating lunch, and much more. Unfortunately, it is common for people to multitask while driving. However, any distraction (eating with one hand and driving with another, looking away to grab a fallen object, spilling a beverage, etc.) which causes you to not devote full attention to driving can cause accidents. Banning cellphone usage is a law that has come about because of the high level of distraction from the devices and the number of people using them. Some states ban all usage while others ban only texting. Most people think that nothing will ever happen to them until, one day, it does. It only takes a split second of distraction to create a lifetime of pain and suffering. Remember, driving is a privilege and your decisions do not only affect you but other people on the road too. Last year a mother of 4 lost all her kids in a car crash 3 died at the scene of the wreck and the other one died at the hospital the mother wasn't paying attention because she tried to answer a call from her friend and her phone felled out here hand and she was searching for it while her eye was off the road and when she finally found she couldn't stop in time and she crash into another car it's very important to keep your eyes on the road because it can cause a lot of damage or even worse.
Should schools be allowed to give students a choice on what type of summer homework they want? I think that us students should have some say in what we should get and on how we get to do it. Im a student in a small town and our summer is the time to have fun or to work your job that you have. Im going to tell you why we should be able to pick our summer projects. It depends on what type of project it is, I think the teachers should give out a rubrics and kids should get to make what ever project that they want based on the rubrics given out by the teacher. Our summer is the time for us to go have fun and enjoy our last years of school together with our friends and not working on a project. I think that if we can choose what we want to do we want to do we can find it more enjoyable to do and not hate it as much. I have been given a huge project over the summer one time and the teacher picked what we had to do on it. It took me weeks out of my summer days I could have went to the pool or done something more fun. If I would have pick what I got to do I probably would have had more motivation to work on it longer and find something interesting to learn about during my summer. If we get to pick the project we want to do I think that we will have more motive to learn about that topic and we can self teach ourselves. When i'm assigned a project I hate it because I know that its something the teacher has given us and the whole class does the same exact project. It gets boring in class too sitting there watching the same criteria be presented over and over again, sometimes for a couple days. If we get to pick our own projects there will be more different types of projects being presented. Also i know the teacher has to get board reading all those projects one after another being the same material over and over. So in conclusion we should be able to have fun and do a project at the same time ad not have to worry about doing it the night before its due and losing a bunch of sleep. Where I live in a small town there isnt much to do but when we do get to do something I dont want a horrible project that I dread. I want to be able to work on a topic i love with my friends and be able to get it done and love doing it. So if we get to pick out projects we can be happier and grades might even go up. 
Dear Principle, I understand that some people in this world do not care about our community at all, but it is very important to at least try to change it. Requiring students to do community service will make keep our community a clean and safe environment. Therefore, I believe that community service should be required for students at school not everyday, but at least maybe twice a week. By doing this, you and everyone else who participates in this should be rewarded, but at the same time take responsibility to keep on making this place better for everybody. Some students may help with tutoring other students who needs help with schoolwork or something along the lines of that. Other people go around picking trash up of the ground and putting it where it belongs and trying their best to keep our environment clean. Today, we still have people going around throwing trash on the grounds. I myself, have experienced people putting trash on the grounds and leaving it there. It hurts me because everyday I look at how much work people put into making schools, office buildings, restaurants, and etc. I hope that you have learned a lot from this and go along with requiring students to do community service no matter what it is they are doing. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
The face on mars is a natural occuring phenomon that occurs over time. It may look that it is created by some kind of super natural being. Jim Gavins cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program said " It remindes me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as teh face on Mars,". That means that the " Face on mars" is a natural occuring phenomon caused by lava. Althought not everybody beleives that the face is a natural occuring phenomon they believe that is evidence of a ancient Martian civilization. This therory is highly impossible that it is evidence of a ancient Martian civilization. But there are still people that believe it is a ancient Matian civilization, but most of the people on Eart believe and know that is a natural occuring phonomon that is caused by something natural to that planet possbly lava or maybe pressure.
Summer projects have been around for decades and have the stigma of being boring or just too much work for one student to handle due to not understanding the information because the project is about a class they have yet to take as schools require students to learn over break. These thoughts provoke the idea of student designed projects instead of teacher-designed projects due to the student knowing what they are capable of and are well equipped for. Schools should allow students to be able to design their own projects in the thought of students knowing what they are capable of, what intrigues the student about the class they are taking, and is equal for all learners and with these points, it allows the student to feel more confident in their required summer projects. Required. It's the word that comes to mind as students try to complete their summer projects with the idea of only striving to get an A+ on it. There are no other thoughts as students scramble to get it done, but with the idea of students being able to design it, it changes the way that the students look at it. With the ability to design, the students are able to choose what intrigues them about the class they are doing the project for and with that in mind, it gives them more of a push to try and complete the summer project. The idea of choosing what you want to focus on gives nostalgia to the idea of Science Fairs when they were children. The Science Fair was a science project that was required as a grade and students had to complete it, but they allowed for students to design the idea of the project and to learn and explore about what intrigues them and it gave them this look at what science with the mix of combining what you love. The teachers would allow kids to design and create what they wanted while following a prompt and an agenda of what they needed to complete. This ties into doing student-designed projects with the example of doing what you love, but with the agenda and being able to cover certain points that the teachers wanted them to learn in their summer projects. What about the teachers? That's a question that you would ask. The pros of teachers creating the summer projects is for the unity that it gives the projects making it easier for the teachers to grade, but turning back onto the point of the Science Fair if they created an agenda for the students to follow, then they would be able to grade it efficently. The major issue that could come up is the fact that most teachers use the summer projects as a way to teach the first lesson of year by the ability of already having background information on it and being able to give quizzes on it to test the students knowledge. This is a great point that would come up in these debates, but a simple way of solving this issue is to make the project based on the information of the class by allowing the students to choose something that would be taught in the class either later or in the beginning of the year and to solve the issue with taking a quiz based on the assignments, the student could describe the topic they did their project about and allow it so that it was vague allowing for students to write about whatever their topic was which makes it so that everyone could do the quiz and it wouldn't have to be based on a teacher-designed project. This allows for teachers to be able to test on this knowledge and still allows the student to learn whatever they want to learn with their project. Teachers don't create projects that are equal to all learners. When students are able to design their own work, it allows for them to create it in a way that they learn best. Everyone learns differently and teachers don't create projects that effectively help everyone learn and instead it's based of one sole learner or based on how they learn as a person. The way you learn impacts everything you do in a school because projects are based off of the idea that you learn a certain way and with that in mind, if students design their own project they are able to create it in the best way, so that they can retain the information. This allows them to continue learning and to be able to do it in the way that suits them the best and by doing so, it causes them to be more intrigued in doing their work if they are able to understand it more. We have put in place test that allow for audio to be played, so that people who don't speak fluent English can listen to how it would be in Spanish which allows them to more fully understand. Teachers create slides with pictures and text in the hopes that visual and regular learners can both equally understand. Teachers create YouTube videos in hopes that by saying it out people who learn better in listening can listen to the lectures repeatedly instead of having to flip through slides. We have put these conditions in, so that others can learn to the best of their ability with the tools that have been provided. It provokes the idea that projects should be equal in this way, so that when a student does a project they can learn in the best way they can which assures that they are learning during their break. Student-designed project would all for the playing field to be level, so that all learners are able to do their projects more efficently and to be able to be confident in what they have completed. Finally, student-designed projects allow for students to feel confident in what they are putting out into the world and with the idea that they will be intrigued and given an agenda that the teachers can have faith in. Throughout this essay, we have learned that with these projects, it allows for the projects to be more intriguing for students, it allows teachers to be more flexible and still have the ability to test on this knowledge, it creates the projects to be equal for all learners and lastly, it allows students to be confident in what they have achieved while inspiring others to do the same. 
Dear, state senetor I think that we should change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America because it makes more sence to change to the election of most popular votes because lets say people vote for one president more than the other president but the president that got less votes gets picked because he/she has more electoral votes than the other.it says on paragraph three in source one that"The electoral college process consists of 538 electors.A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president". This states that the president can get more electoral votes than the other and still get to be the president. i disagree with that i think it is not fare for the president who gets more qualified citizen votes. The citizens are the ones who need/want the presidnt why not give the citizens what they want and what they all vote for? You should give what the citizens want because hey are the ones who are voting for the new president or the same president one more time.it says in paragraph 10 source 2 "under the electoral college system,voters vote not for the president,but for a state electors.who in turn elect the president". sinceraly, PROPER_NAME
Wow, being a seagoing cowboy is amazing. Why hasn't every guy become one? Doesn't every guy want to help others in need, to have fun, and to see the world and all of its amazing places. Obviously, if the people reading this are like most guys and want to do those amazing things, sign up to be a seagoing cowboy. It's the oppurtunity of a lifetime! The first reason all guys should become a seagoing cowboy, it involves getting to help others in need. After a long, devasting war, many countries have just been left in ruins to rot. The people there need hope. A seagoing cowboy can get these countries on their feet again and help the countries recover by giving the people that live in them food, animals, and more. Lets face it, we are those people's only hope, They are dieing out there. The only solution is to become a seagoing cowboy and save them. The second reason all guys should become a seagoing cowboy, it involves getting to have fun while hanging out with other guys. On the ship while the cowboys are going to other countries to help other people, they get to have boatloads of fun. The cowboys often play baseball and volleyball games when they hang out with eachother. Not to mention the table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, and reading. The cowboys are never bored and are always finding something fun to do. Clearly, being a seagoing cowboy is a very fun and relaxing job. The final reason all guys should become a seagoing cowboy, they get to explore the world and see amazing places. The cowboys get to see Europe and China daily. They also get to explore all of the amazing place there like the Acropolis in Greece, Venice, Italy, castles in Crete, and the Panama Canal. Anyone who wants to see the the amazing world should definitley sign up to be a seagoing cowboy. This really is the oppurtunity of a lifetime for everyone who is dieing to get out of the house. Some people may love home but really want to go on this trip. They also may not want to leave their beautiful family behind all by themselves. It might be possible that they are just scared to travel to an unknown place, but, being a seagoing cowboy allows the cowboys to only take one trip to help others, have fun, and see the world. It won't take very long at all! Being a seagoing cowboy is an amazing job to take. The cowboys get to help other countries, have fun, and see the world and all of its beauties. Everyone who has ever become a cowboy has had the time of there life. Wait, have all the people who were reading this story stop to sign up?
Think about the activities you participated in as a grade school student. This could have been sports, writing for the schools paper, or simply participating in the PTA meetings the county set up. Now some students choose not to participate in these activities, and it can set them up for failure farther into the future. All students should participate in at least one extracurricular activity because it encourages them to be more socially and physically active, and may help the students uncover new hobbies. Participating in activities outside of school would help students build relationships and bond socially. Studies have shown that being more socially active is good for your body and mind; however some students aren't given the opportunity to become a social butterfly, and this can take a big toll on their life. When a student is anti-social they have an increased risk of sinking into depression, but participating in social activities from a young age outside of school can make it easier for students to make friends in the future. It is important for students to get outside and exercise often, and playing sports outside of school is a great way to do so. Sports are examples of complex social activities, and they encourage students to be both physically and social active. Students can find a joy and passion for the sport they play, and when they do they begin to feel better about themselves. Many students choose to enter journalism or creative writing, and some might discover that this is what they enjoy. Other students could enjoy rocketry or chemistry, and find that they enjoy that more than writing. This can all be accomplished by engaging in after school activities, that way the students could discover new hobbies that they might carry on through high school and college. In conclusion, students who participate in extracurricular activities can find themselves entranced by new hobbies, learn to love a sport, and make friends easier. Students should always be encouraged to participate in after school activities to increase their emotional and social health. Given the chance, they could become the next big rocket scientist.
The principal should allow students to bring cell phones to school. He should let them use it during lunch periods and other free time. As long as they turn them of during class time or any other learning time. I think the students are old and responsible. To let them use there phones during lunch or any other free time. They should know when to use the phones. Students should be able to use there phones during there free time. It is there free time and they should know what there going to do with it. Either walk around talk or what ever they like to do or use there phones. They are old already and they what there doing. That's why the principal should let the students. Use there phones during there free time. The principal should also let the students use there phones during there lunch periods. There the ones that are having there lunch. There not learning there just having fun with there friends and eating. So there is no reason to not let students use there phones. During there lunch time they should know if there going to eat or not. So there is the other reason why you should let the students. Use there phones during there lunch period. So why not let the students use there phones. During there free time or lunch time. If there not learning there just having fun. They just will have to turn them of when they have to learn. They are old and responsible to let them use there phones. So that's why you should let students use there phones when there not learning. You should really let them use there phones during there time. The End
Many people believe in conspiracy theories,that may sometimes not be backed by evidence. Some examples of this are Bigfoot or aliens. Another conspiracy theory is of the face on Mars. In 1976 NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was orbiting the planet, when it came a across something that appered to look a lot like a human face. Many conspiracy theorists believe that this landform on Mars has to do with aliens. There is evidence that shows that the face on Mars has nothing to do with aliens. Modern technolgy has allowed us to further investigate on theories like this. "Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL website, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." (paragraph 7). In 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor was able to take a closer look. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixal size." With the last visit of the Face on Mars in 2001, scientists were able to get a closer look at the landform. They were able to compare the landform on Mars to the landforms here on Earth. " What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa-landforms common around the American West. It reminds me most of the MIddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". (paragraph 12). With this evidence we can tell that the landforms on Mars are simliar to the ones on Earth. Making it more likely to be caused by natural events in Mars's atmosphere. Scientists at NASA, have enough knowledge and have done enough reshearch to differniate if events or landforms, like the Face, happen natrually or unaturally. For example," Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusal shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." (paragraph 2). Another insistance was when NASA shared the image of the Face and the author who wrote the caption clearly explained how the landform looked like a face. "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth."(paragraph 3). As you can see people who belive in conspiracy theories, often do not have the evidence to back up that theory. The reason for these theories often come from movies and tv shows. "The "Face of Mars" has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magizines, radio talk show- even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists." (paragraph 5). Many theories erupt from things like movies and books, but if we have the right evidence, than soon we will be able to know the real facts and really understand what is going on around us.
I prefer policy 1 because i think we should be able to use are cell phones at lunch and other free times and because sometimes it gets boring at lunch and i just feel like texting as long as its turned off in class i think we should have them and i think that its crazy because were almost grown and we still have to put phones in the lockers and another reason why i think we should have phones is because what if the school or something happen to the school i wont be able to keep in touch with her and i think some boys try to get a girl number at lunch time so we should have are phones instead of waiting until the afternoon so i can write it down on a slip of paper and i think we should because and because what if we are sick or don't feel good and the teacher wont let us go to the nurse then i should be able to text my mother and tell her that im sick can you come pick me up or bring me some medicine and having a phone in the lunch is phone because when you just feel like you don't wont to be bothered then you can plug in some earphones to your phone listen to music and eat so yes TEACHER_NAME i think we should be able to have phones during lunch and any free time we get.
Today, many humans own and operate cell phones on a daily basis. The introduction of the modern-day cell phone has made life easier. The cell phone has improved communication between individuals despite the distance. Cell phones have also made receiving information easier for the user when lacking understanding on a certain subject. In other words, the invention has made life more convenient, which resulted in dependence on the object. However, there must be a limitation to the usage of the object, especially when using the cell phone at that time can be life threatening. One of the many times that a cell phone should not be operated is while driving. Drivers should not be allowed to use cell phones in any capacity while operating a vehicle because the action is extremely dangerous for every person on the road. According to the studies conducted by the National Safety Council, it was shown that using a cell phone while driving has led to 1.6 million crashes each year with 390,000 of them resulting in injuries. The reasoning behind this is when the driver takes their attention away from the road, the dangerousness of the situation increases by 400%. During the time the driver looks down at their phone to check a message, read the GPS, or receive a phone call, an accident can occur. Therefore, to prevent any accidents, all distractions must be eliminated, such as cellular devices. Moreover, by eliminating all distractions, the safety of everyone on the road is increased After the realization of how dangerous the operation of a cellular device is while driving, more states started to amend laws against the action. As stated by the Governors Highway Safety Association, 47 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia have outlawed texting and driving. As a consequence, violating the law can result in a large fine and even facing prison time depending on the state. The laws showed some form of effectiveness as the rate of traffic deaths among adults decreased. Some may argue that using a cellular device should be allowed on the pretense that the driver is using the device as a GPS. This, however, is not true. Even though the driver is using the device for navigation, the probability of an accident occurring when distracted is still 400%. The GPS defense will also be used as a justification for operating a phone while operating a vehicle. Through the form of loopholes, drivers will use the GPS excuse against police officers to avoid the ticket. The different sides of texting and driving, whether to allow it or not, is an irrational debate. The debate between the sides is a debate between what is right and safe versus what is fun yet dangerous. Many laws and economic consequences have been set into place to avoid the death and destruction of using a cell phone while operating a vehicle that can take place. In addition, cell phone providers have also run campaigns against the lethal act. One example of a campaign from a cell phone provider is the It Can Wait campaign by AT&T where surveys were conducted among teenage users. During the AT&T It Can Wait campaign, a survey about the teenager's views on texting and driving was conducted. Even though 97% of the teens that took the survey were aware that the usage of the device while driving was dangerous, 43% of them admitted to texting and driving despite that. While ignorance is bliss and most drivers highly doubt the possibility of an accident because of using a phone while driving, there is still a 400% chance of crashes occurring due to being distracted. Laws being passed to establish security among citizens are in vain due to the ignorance of people that do not care about the risks. They do not only put themselves in danger, but the driver is also responsible for the passengers, pedestrians, and the other people on the road. Works Cited "Do Texting Bans Work?: Malcolm P. McConnell III: Allen & Allen." Allen and Allen. N.p., 24 Sept. 2019. Web. 7 May 2020. "GHSA." Home. N.p., n. d. Web. 7 May 2020. "Texting and Driving Accident Statistics - Distracted Driving." edgarsnyder. com. N.p., n. d. Web. 7 May 2020. "Texting and Driving Laws and Fines by State." Auto-Related News, Trends, & Tips - I Drive Safely. N.p., n. d. Web. 7 May 2020. "Texting While Driving Facts & Statistics: Texting and Driving - It Can Wait." Texting While Driving Facts & Statistics | Texting and Driving - It Can Wait. N.p., n. d. Web. 7 May 2020.
The topic of driverless cars is something that has been talked about and thought of since the 1950's, but the pieces have never been fully put together. Driverless cars are not a good idea because of the ability for faulty accuse in an accident, vehicles are not truly driverless, and the privacy of the driver. Accidents happen all the time and it is usually fairly easy to see who is at fault in the situation. That completely changes with Driverless cars. If they were to be manufactured and put on the road so many new laws would have to be made and old laws would have to be changed in order to cover liability in an accident. Technology does not always work out how its supposed to, no matter how hard the manufacturers want it to, so if something were to happen to the cars technology and an accident occured who would be at fault - the driver or it's manufacturer? Driverless cars are not real. In order for a car to be completely driverless there should not be a driver in the front seat. With "Driverless" cars an alert driver has to take over when pulling in or pulling out of driveways or dealing with traffic issues. That is the complete opposite of what drivers want. Drivers do not want to deal with the traffic issues or the navigation through accidents, that is what most people hate about driving. So why would they want those to be their only priorities when driving? They don't. So much of everyones lives today are always being watched ; most people want to get as much privacy as they can in their day-to-day lives. By using cameras in order to watch if the driver is paying attention or not is safe, but also an invasion of privacy. It is understandable why manufactuers would want to have the cameras, safety reasons, but really in all actuality the cameras and sensors would become something drivers become accustomed to and they will completely ignore it all together. Driverless cars may be a thing of the future but it all comes down to the buyers. If drivers don't want to worry about whether or not their gonna be at fault in a accident, if they actually have to drive, or if they want their personal lives invaded ; they most likely won't buy the car.
Advanatges of Limited Car Use Many people do not rely on their cars to take them places anymore in Vauban, Germany. Vauban's streets are completely "car-free" (Source 1 Paragraph 2). 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. They are allowed to own cars, but they have to park it at a car garage that they also have to pay for.  Heidrun Walter, a mother of two says, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." These are only a few examples of the advantages of not owning a car or limited car use. Because of this new trend, there are stores, malls, and building closer to people's homes instead of on highways and an hour away. This way, people don't have to walk twenty miles to get to the nearest store. Another issue that will encourage people to stop driving is smog. In Paris, they enforced a partial driving ban to the clear the air from all the auto-mobiles' gases and pollutic toxins. On Monday, car owners with even-numbered license plates were forced not to drive or they'd suffer a 31 dollar fine.  They same would happen to the odd-numbered licenese plate drivers on Tuesday and so on. People rebelled and reulted in 4,000 driver fines. On the bright side, traffic or congestion was down 60 percent. People can get to their destinations a lot faster without all the traffic and congestion. People can save the planet and their jobs. Not only can people save the planet and traffic jam, but now they have a reason to exercise and get to their destination in time. They can even plan special family activities on a boring Monday. The residents of Bogota, Columbia have taken this into consideration by avoiding traffic by hiking, biking, skating, or even taking the local bus. There is so many advantages to not using a car as transportation. Everyone can ride their bike to school or work or the mall knowing that there is no added pollution, exercise is done for the day, save money, no traffic. What could be better? Not even rain stopped the residents of Bogota. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza said,  "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," as he rode a two-seat bike with his wife. People saw and took advantage of this opportunity as well and joined the event. People are crossing borders to see this revolutionary change that these people are making. Reconstruction has taken place too on the uneven sidewalks for bikers, and upscale restaurants and stores have moved up. People also don't have the choice of getting a car, due to unemployment and their balance. Which supports an advantage of saving money. Americans spend for 50 dollars for gas for their cars to last them for just two weeks, or less. Not to mention the car payment each month. What about the people who can't afford car insurance? No one would need to worry about these things if they just forgot about cars and moved everything closer to their homes. There are many advantages in not owning or using a car. It can save the planet, energize people, people can exercise everyday without coming up with an excuse why they didn't go to the gym or go for a jog. The best advantag is saving money. Another people quite love is the traffic, because there is none! See whats no cars does for you.
The author who is talking all about the planet Venus in this story, is explaining its history and some interesting facts also. Venus is usually called the "Evening Star" in paragraph one. Venus is often reffered to as Earth's "twin" on paragraph two. It is also the closest planet to the Earth where 7.6 billion people are today. Each planet orbits the sun in different speeds and when the Earth fully orbits the sun, it is a brand new year! Every time NASA tries to explore Venus with a space prob or something familiar, it would never end up touching the ground of the planet due to a mailfunction with the gravity most of the time. The author explains that Venus is a popular plant and should be mostly known for being so close to the Earth. Even though NASA has accomplished moon landings, might mean we could accomplish landings on Venus or another planet.
I think we should change the elction to popular vote. we should get what the people want not what the government or the system want. under the electoral college system, voters vote not for president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. a dispute over the outcome of an elecoral college vote is possible, it happend in 200 but, its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the electoral college invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. The electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal. No region has electoral cotes to elect president. So a solid regional favorite, such as romney was in the south has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his plurality in states that he knows he will win. This is a desirable result because a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful presidat. the residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfrabchished that the new president will have no regard for their intrests, that he really isn't their president. The winner take all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates as we saw in 2012's election. voters in toss-up states are most likely to pay close attention to the campaign. they are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, average and the most thoughtful voters hsould be the ones to dcide the election.
The author of this work is in favor of taking on the great challenge of landing a "rover" on Venus for research and exploration. Venus has many extreme conditions that the earth does not have to endure. The author presented many "solutions" to these problems. Although plausible, the creations would be impractical and would not produce ensured results. The author's support for the idea of exploring Venus is mediocre at best. Being the second-closest planet to the sun provides for some nearly impossible conditions for human exploration. With Sulfuric Acid in Venus' atmosphere, and surface temperatures being over 425 degrees Celcius (about 700 K or 800 F) , the likelyhood of humans on Venus is nearly nonexistent to begin with. To combat the hot temperatures and the acidic atmosphere, NASA proposed the idea of a "blimp" that floats above the planet's shell. Although the blimp could survive high in the air, the practicality of if is not present. Having a blimp that cannot touch the planet is not going to help scientific research at all. While being above the clouds of Venus, it is impossible to see the surface with human eyes. Seeing the surface would require technology that uses light from the electromagnetic spectrum with a high frequency and short wavelength. It is also impossible to collect rock samples from the planet for soil examination. This idea would not be beneficial enough for the risk of investing a lot of time and money. An additional idea that was brought up by the author was "Silicon electronics." Siliscon electronics would be resistent to the harsh conditions on the planet-- for a while. The systems would run for about a month before total failure. these silicon systems are very expensive to bein with and are still in the development phase here on earth. Creating enough silicon circuits to power a rover or vehicle would take years to manufacture. And by the point of satisfactory innovation for silicon electronics, a new product may have been presented. Lastly, a "cave-man" idea of mechanical computers came into play. These basic forms of work require no fragile electronics at all. Using gears, levers, pulleys, and ramrods, corporations have been able to create many devices. When made out of an acid-resistent substance that can withstand high pressure, a mechanical machine may work. The only problem with a mechanical machine is that once on the planet, sure it can do work, but it would be unable to transmit and data findings back to a receiver on a ship or earth. There would be a point where some sort of electronics would be needed. And as of right now, there is not an effective enough invention that could put humans on Venus to live and research. The author of this article is trying to push a principle that is not fully developed yet. The reasons that were provided may work after many years of design and development, but right now, none are practical. A combination of the three presented ideas may actually work the best. Use a blimp to float above the planet, tie a cable to the blimp that connects is with machanical machinery, and use silicon electronics to transmit the findings. Damage could be repaired by raising the equipment back up to the blimp. Innovation does not come easy for those who are in charge of it, but ideas like this are needed in providing an answer for a difficult question. Overall, the author's arguments do not satisfy the overall risk and reward stakes. After more time passes, maybe he will write another article depicting what will work for sure. The support was not presented in a way that was convincing enough to dive right in to this new frontier of space.
No matter what, everyone will have differnet opinions and views on certain situations. Whether it's about what color a dress is, or who should be president, all views are different. When getting advice it is important to see things from all point of views. Listening to multiple peoples advice is very benificial when it comes to desicion making. Because of every varied opinion there is never just one option. Having more than one choice can help deduce, and choose an opinion that will benifit you the most. An example would be a friend giving you advice to take a shortcut that they discovered to get to school quicker. Another friend tells you that the shortcut is dangerous and that it's not worth it. Two opposing opinions gives you different chances. Say you don't take the shortcut and it takes you longer to get to school. The next day you can try the shortcut to see if its worth it. If it is then you can take the shortcut from then on, if not you take the normal way to school. If one goes wrong you can always try the other. No one's perfect and sometimes people give bad advice. Having anothers opinion to compare to the someone else's questionable advice to helps you make a better choice. Maybe you break your relatives special vase so you go to a friend for advice. Your friend might tell you to lie about the vase. Another friend tells you to tell the truth. Having those two contrasting opinions helps you to realize that one might be better than the other. There is no rule that tells you that you only have to follow a singular person's advice. Only yourself knows you the best, but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with seeking guidance from others. Someone might tell you to add more vegtables into your diet. Someone else might say to add more fruits to your diet. You don't have to do one or the other, creating a compromise between the two opinions can help you create something that will help you, indvidualy, the most. In conclusion there is many benefits to getting multiple people's opinions. Every point of view is different. Every person you ask advice from are most likely basing their advice on their own past expiernces. Every expierience differs from one person to another. Making every opinion and view completly unique. Seeing all those diffferent opinions helps you make a choice most beneficial to yourself.
After a long day at school, many students come home to what others would classify as a long and boring afternoon filled with absolutely nothing. What if the students could go out and enjoy themselves by heading to an extracurricular activity of their choice? At Generic_School, all students will have this chance! All students should be required to participate in at least one extracurricular activity. Obviously, students would develop and strengthen their skills/knowledge of their chosen activity. The Generic_School board proves that students are much more likely to succeed when they have a strong understanding of a subject they enjoy. By engaging in at least one extracurricular activity, students would be able to improve the knowledge they have of that particular activity. This idea not only brings education outside the classroom, but engages students in something they are truly passionate about. Extracirricular activities offer education without the hassle and means of being at school, which can be very draining for many students. In addition, there is a perfect extracurricular activity for everyone. The principal of Generic_School (Generic_School) has promised 15 new extracurricular activities that will include transportation from the school. There is no need to be concerned about finding the perfect activity, the school has go you covered. The possibilities of activities are endless. They include anything from athletics to academics, or just plain fun! Even more so, students will have the chance to improve their bonds and friendships through the time dedicated to these activities. Harvard University conducted a study stating, "students become more social when in an environment that requires it". With these activities, the isolation many students feel could disappear as students would have the chance to meet people who share common interests. This opportunity is unavailable at school since students are grouped together based on classes not their personal interests. Unfortunately, many people still believe extracurricular activities are expensive and a waste of time. According to Instagram. com, user @TimmyTurner claimed he had a terrible experience with his extracurricular activity. He claimed it was extremely expensive and hard to keep up with due to unreasonable "issues". This however is not true for Generic_School students. They will have the opportunity to change their activity once if they dislike it. In addition, the school worked with each actiivity specialist and tried to keep the prices very low. Generic_School understands that not everyone will be able to afford their activities. For this reason, the school will sponsor 100 children from families in need of financial help. By participating in at least one extracurricular activity, student will develop and strengthen skills towards that activity, have the chance to find the perfect activity, build bonds with others, and get financial help. All students should be required to participate in at least one extracurricular activity. Believe me, it is much easier to sit at home and watch Netflix all afternoon. However, nothing can compare to doing something you love with the people you care about. Every child should have the opportunity to have that much fun... right? 
I do feel that this would be helpfull in a lot of classes. Not all the students understand the lesson all the time so they just dont do the work, but with this tool in the class room the computer would see that the student is not understanding and will change the lesson so thst eveyone gets it and is on task doing there work. I dont feel that this should be used for anything else but to read students emotional expressions in class. This is helpful to the teacher aswell because not all the time do they see the ones that are not understanding what is going on because as long as most of the students are getting the esson they don't see the one's who are not. Most students who dont understand the work will not say anything and just sit there and look like they know what is going on but don't. So this will be good for picking them out so that they can get all the help they need. This is also good for when a teacher might feel like noone gets the work because of how the class looks even though they all understand it they just dont look like it the computer would let the teacher know that everyone is fine with the work and understands it. In conclusion i do feel that this new technology would be good for all schools and that it would be a big help.
School is stressful. Not only during the school year but now during the summer. From extracurricular activities to preparing for the upcoming year, the summer can also be a time of stress. Students from all over America are forced to participate in summer projects designed to reinforce the information they learned during the school year. While this idea makes perfect sense, one must evaluate how these projects are designed. Summer projects should be student designed because this can improve creativity and eliminate stress; although one could argue that eliminating structure would result in a poor learning opportunity, teachers must think positively about every student's potential. In school, almost every project is teacher-designed. This occurs so that teachers can assess a set of skills a student can perform. However, implementing a student-designed project would help students find their true passion in a field and help them become more creative individuals. For instance, when a student is forced to create a science experiment on a specific wild plant, there is no creativity involved in selecting what to study. However, if a student could choose which plant to study and what experiment to do, it could improve a student's creative thinking skills. This student-designed project would also help students find their passion for science by having them discover a plant that truly interests them. Summer projects should be student-designed because of the increased creativity and innovation when students can choose what to study. Nowadays, stress is apparent with almost every student. The stress of pleasing teachers is often what forces students into a hatred towards school. When a teacher designs a project for a student to complete, it can turn a potentially fun learning opportunity into a dreadful and stressful assignment. For instance, if a student is forced to complete a history project on Abraham Lincoln, a student may see this as just another thing to be completed. However, if a student is given the opportunity to complete a history project on any president, he/she may find it entertaining to research one of their favorite people in history. This can greatly benefit the student because many students learn best when they are not stressed out about a specific goal. The lack of stress causes them to have a relaxed time while still obtaining valuable knowledge. While summer projects are valuable to ensure that students have retained information, they should not be teacher-designed. The summer should be a time where students can choose what to work on in order for them to truly find their passion. This can help to improve a student's creativity by allowing them to participate in an activity they are truly interested in. Similarly, this can help a student to eliminate stress by finding enjoyment in their project. 
TEACHER_NAME I think you should let the grade average for sports to be at least a c. the reasons are people that play sports have a lot of work to do they have to do school work practice for sports and they mite have to do chores at their house. They have lots of fun in sport a lot of people mite get kicked out of sports and not have fun at school as much. Kids will have time more after school to hangout with friends. My last reason is if less people play sports less people representing the school. If kids at the school already have a lot of work to do then when you add on the higher grade's its just making them struggle even more. who knows they mite have problems at home. play sports to get away from them. they already have school grades to keep up to a c even when they don't worry about that they have to worry a lot on sports if they want to make the cut. I think if people get kicked out of sports they will probably be sad and wont care about there grades anyways. i know i probably would be. If they are already depressed about something else you should add gas to the fire. so if you would just leave it a c it would help them a lot. If we have less people in our sports then we have less people representing our school and making us know. i hope this helped you change your mind. I really like hearing and watching all the sports so please reconsider your decision. If we have less kids in sport cause of grades less happy kids and more depressed kids. so hope this essay helped you change your mind. sincerely, STUDENT_NAME.
The use of techonology to read the expressios of students in classroom is valuable because it is very helpful for all students when they need to look up something. They can find everything very quickly, and more easy with using the techonoly. As the article said "Imagine being able to detact exactly how other people are felling, even when they are trying to hide their emitions." We can look up at the techlongy to tell how many percent happy, disgusted, fearful, and angry on the imagine. From the text state, "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearfulnpm and 2 percent angry." Techonoly today becomes very important, and useful for all of the peoples in the world. They have everything, they have all information for us to look up if we need which very helpfuf our works, and it makes our work become easier. From he text states, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts." It can also help people relax after a long working, and stressful, or school. We can use it to play a game, watch a movie, or listen to music to help us relax. From the text states, "the same technology cab make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery."