Dear Principal, Good morning! It has come to my attention that you are considering to change our school policy. If you haven't noticed, most of the students have a C average. Many students may be arguing that changing our policy is wrong; my argument is just the opposite. By the end of this letter, I'm sure that you'll be convinced that we should definitely change our policy. Which is more important, grades or after school activities? Yes, students do like to play sports and do other activities, but does this mean they should let their grades go? I believe this is very wrong. But, this doesn't mean we should let the students stop what they love to do. Getting good grades is very important, and I believe parents would agree with me as well. I myself, am one of these people that like to get good grades. This is what being in school is about. First of all, grades on a report card reflect what the student knows, and what they need more help on. I think that it's fair that students should at least get a B in school. If students want to play sports or do other activities, then they should learn to be good physically, as well as mentally. In America, it's all about equality and fairness. Your idea of changing the policy seems fair enough. I'm sure that when you change your policy, you'll see a great change on your students report cards. When I was in Kindergarten, my parents would tell me school is fun. Now that I'm in 8th grade, you see that it gets a little more hard and boring. But, students can be more enthusiastic about school, when they feel how getting good grades feels great. I assure you, once students realize that they have to get their grades higher, to play sports or do other activities, they will learn that they can be both smart, and active. Lastly, I hope that you'll consider the change in policy, because it will be a great help for students. Fair is fair, and getting at least a B to play sports, or do other activities will make their parents happy, and maybe they will be too. I want to thank you for taking your time to read my letter, and I hope you'll go along with changing our school policy. This will help our school achieve more, and make it a better learning experience for everybody. Sincerely, A stud
If school can offer options to students to finish school at home is great because they want students can learn and give them more opportunities. Students can be more benefit if they attend to school and they can learn more than to did at home. Also there are many students can't come to school because they have a job and they have to did school at home. Students are not that much of prepare if they did school at home. If students could attend to school it can be great for them to be more able to did more prepared them for the future. Also that can get opportunities if they attend to school and good reviews from teachers. If students attend to school there are more ways to learn. Also students can be more able to ask more question to teachers. If they did classes from home that are not able to ask a lot of question and they can't met friend who can be a big help for them. If you attend to school also teachers can prepared you more and they talk to you if you did wrong in classes. All teachers in school i believe that they can see your capacity or level that you are and at home they just give you work and they didn't know anything about the student. The teacher at school can see the way that you better learn and they can work with the student to don't fell classes because the know you better if you go to school. Home school is a great idea for people that can't come to school. In the world are students that can't attend to a school because they have a job or others problems to go to school. In the world is not only one single reason to don't attend to school. Many of the students that can't attend to school in the United States of America is because they work and this work can't give opportunity to attend to school. Sometimes they don't attend to school because is hard to work and wake up in the mornings to go to school. They also many times prefer to do school at home because they maybe have physical problems and they feel better if they did at home. Many students can't come to school but if they did at home this shows that they are planing to graduate even if they don't receive a good chance to learn more. Students at home are not learning what they can learn in school. They are not very prepared if they did school at home because sometimes teachers give activities with friends and students can learn from that activities or presentations of projects that the whole class did it. School also you can practice more if you are learning and at home you can't practice what you learn. If you are learning English and you did school at home if they speak other language that is not English you can't practice it. If you did school at home there are also many distractions that you can't concentrate and if you are not concentrated in what your working on you are not going to understand what you are doing. If you are in a classroom teachers make sure that you are concentrated in your own work and they also make sure that you are doing right that why students who attend to schools can be more prepared than students who did school at home. In conclusion if you have time and the opportunity to attend to school you should do it because you will learn and get more opportunities. If you can't attend to a school and you are doing school at home you must concentrated in your work and don't get distracted. Also if you are receiving school at home you must find some one who you can work with to practice. The opportunity that many school offer is a great idea. School wants to students can complete their dreams even if they can't assist to a school. But the schools are giving opportunities to finish at home and must students should appreciate that because school is thinking about the future of the society. In fact school programs are working for people who really want to have opportunities and make their dreams true.
These summer projects should be designed by students. Now, you're probably thinking to yourself "Why? Why should summer projects be designed by students instead of teachers? What reason makes a students choice and direction for the assignment more important than the teachers?" and that's a very important question to ask. The answer to this question (that you asked yourself) is a student-designed project can leave an impact. Yes, I'm going to type it two more times. A student-designed project can leave an impact. The main goal is for what you teach to stick, that's how I learn. That's how everyone learns. If the student won't think back to the project and remember what they spent a month learning, what's the point? (Imagine this process is laid out like a flower. So far we have the idea of impact being represented by the center and top of the flower. While the petals that sprout out and around the center are the students.) Each student learns differently. I myself like to be hands-on with things, I have a easier time comparing what we're learning to something mundane I did during the morning. I see the teacher designed-assignment as a hallway with a door at each end. While the student-designed assignment is a room with doors all over the place. This next word represents the seed in the previously mentioned flower simile. Choices, something we are all given everyday at every second in life. They matter a lot because I'm 99.9% sure that not every student in each class is the same. Each one is different. They all have different interests, hobbies, views and memories. So to give these students all the same type of assignment is unfair. One student might be exceptional and ace the project, knowing every in and out of the topic presented to them. While the one next to him won't be interested in the assignment at all. They'll lack the motivation to work. A few might not understand the project completely. They might have a hard time putting together what they know into these assignments. When they turn in the work, it won't show that they're learning even if they are. To many people these might seem like extremes or specific examples but, they're not. Plenty of students are like this. I'm one of them. Not always but, I can only put up with so much creative restriction. Now compare this to a student-designed assignment. I'm assuming we will all use the same rubric used for teacher-designed assignments. Changing the standards is a bit unfair but the materials to reach them, That's fine. Now let's imagine we're taking a student-designed assignment. * WHOOOSH* Woah! DID YOU SEE THAT!? Those are all the choices that flew by. Here let's grab one. how about this? I have the choice of making my project about my vacation. Maybe I'll use my vacation stories to explain something in oceanography. I'll make a poster presentation and draw the visuals or use pictures I took on the trip. Let's say I hate the arts and crafts style. No poster! That's fine, I could choose to write an essay on the vacation. While reading, on the surface level it has nothing to do with the topic but by the end of the assignment It's the most perfect comparison ever made. Maybe I can turn that essay into a cardboard model with even more info and visuals to convey my message. So many possibilities for each and every student. These are the choices students can make if they are given them and these choices can be very creative and personal. Those two attributes make everything understandable and meaningful. (Think of them as water going up a two way stem leading the benefits of choice up towards the petals.) Especially something like a assignment in the summer. It's one thing to do work during the school year. Sure we have to do things we don't want to but, during the summer?! I mean, you're already pushing your luck when you ask me to do chores. All personal and silly comments aside, when something I dislike becomes easy to digest, simple to convey, extremely fun and meaningful. It's obvious we made the right choice altogether. Something was done correct. That "something" was giving the student the responsibility of choice. Now this is all great. No really, it is. I love the idea of everyone being able to have fun while working. Learning something new while also remembering it. Those are wonderful upsides. "well, what about downsides!?" you say. Oh my word! You're absolutely right! These types of decisions have some responsibility behind them, right!? What happens if the student doesn't know what to choose, what will he do? Maybe the student doesnt want to be creative or make the work they present personal. I mean just look at all these horrible issues. This student doesn't want to make it "easy to understand" cause they already understand it. It's very terrifying. I'll be honest with you, If that isn't a tragedy I dont know what is! Well worry no more! If your concerns are mentioned above I have some wonderful news. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. You must not have been reading the hundreds of words I've been typing. The student has a choice. They can choose not to get personal with the writing they do. They don't have to be creative, although it doesnt hurt to be that way. If students are overwhelmed they can ask a classmate for help. They have the choice of not having to make a choice. (That's a bit meta.) So It's time we finished growing are flower. We'll give it some sunlight to take a better look. A student-designed assignment can be helpful to all students even when they dont need it. By giving the students many choices to make the work they put out personal,reative,straightforward,simple and etc. . These choices and options given to them make the information they learned and the work they did more impactful. Which means a student-designed project can leave an impact. So for that reason these projects should be student-designed.
As stated in the article, the Electoral College process consists of the selction of the electors, the meeting of the electors, where they vote for PPresident and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The Electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. A state's entitled number of electors is equal to the number of members in its Congressional Delegation. There is one for each member in the House of Representatives, and two for every Senator. There are many reasons why the voting process should be changed to popular vote instead of the Electoral College. The two biggest reasons are as follows: Unfair elections and the freedom of the people. As stated in the third source, the Electoral College is often considered an anachonism and is unliked across the nation. The reasons for which vary greatly from certainty of outcome to big states to swing states. Certainty of outcome means that one of the Presidential Candidates has to be cosen to become President. There are no recounts in Electoral College, whoever they like the most becomes President, and that ins't fair to the people. Bigger states tend to have more members in the electoral college. This can greatly influence an election if a big state like Texas favors one candidate over the other. Swing states are the states that recieve more atention than other states due to bias, greatly influencing votes. In my opinion, this is something that needs to be changed. Citizens of the United States of America are the ones who are supposed to decide who should be the President of the United States of America. It isn't right to select a few people from each state to decide who the President will be. That power lies with the people, and nobody should be able to take that away. The votes of millions and millions of people are out-weighed by the votes of a few hundred men and women. This is unjust and unfair in every way. If all the people in the United States wanted somebody as President, but the Electoral College disagreed, the Electoral College would win. Why should the Electoral College have more power than all of the people of the United States; they shouldn't. The power to decide who is President of the United States of America should always lie with the good citizens that live here. I hope that the voting process will change. I hope that it will finally become fair. That it will become what the people want it to be. It should be what the people want it to be. We the people of the United States have the power to change this, and we should work to change it. The voting process should no longer be the Electoral College but should be dicided by the people and only the people. The voting process needs to be fair and needs to be what the people want it to be.
Dear state senator. I think that the electoral collage should be changed because it makes voting unfair, more people would vote,and it would be more effective. The electoral voting system is unfair because your vote dosnt really count if the majority of the votes goes to the opposing party. It would be more even if your vote counted directly towards the party rather than voting for your states electors. I also feel that more people would vote because with the state electors your vote wont matter if the majority of is oppiste of who you voted for. Also, other people would vote for other parties more rather than just the democratic or republican parties because the majority of the people are just gonna vote for those parties. If the votes were not for the state electors and for the president than George W. Bush would not have been elected and the majority of the votes went towards John kerry so that wasnt fair for him. Also every states number of electors is different, if they are going to have electors per state I think it should be the same amount for every state because if more of the states voted for the republicans but the democrats could have had the states with the larger amount of electors and won the election. The tinier states wouldnt do much for the election if they only have three electors. Also without electors voting, there would be a less chance of there being a tie in the election. It might make counting the votes easier but voting would be more effective if it was without state electors. Those are the reasons why I think that the way voting is should be changed and hopfully someday it will be.
I beam, flashing a smile towards the camera of my mom's iPhone. In my hand, I grip a four-by-three inch square of plastic that, in my perspective, is synonymous with freedom. It's the moment every kid dreams about, lying belly-down on the kitchen floor and pushing a Barbie jeep around their mother's feet as she labors away at the stove, the stark scent of garlic filling their little noses. Finally, I got my driver's license! While definitely a defining moment of adolescence, most teenagers refuse to acknowledge the degrading qualities of driving. Limiting car usage has a multitude of benefits, such as decreasing air pollution and improving the health and quality of life of the world's people. As a new driver, there is nothing I despise more than waking up to servere smog, squinting as I corral my vehicle down blurred roadways en route to school. By utilizing my own vehicle, however, I am adding to the problem. Smog and other forms of un-aestetic air pollution are caused in part by the greenhouse gas emissions from cars' tailpipes. In the United States, passenger cars are responsible for up to 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. (Source 1) Another large percentage of these emissions comes from the unefficient, energy-wasting, carbon-spewing processes required to create gasoline and diesel fuel. Essentially, we emit large amounts of greehouse gases to produce fuel for our vehicles which, in turn, release more greenhouse gases. As an AP Environmental Science student, I know better than anyone the degrading results of excessive greenhouse gases. As these particles accumulate in the atmosphere, light from the sun, including harmful ultraviolet rays, stays trapped in our planet, causing a gradual rise in average temperature. This process is known as global warming. Besides being dangerous to our planet, air pollution is unappealing visualy to all inhabitants of Earth. Smog once reached such high levels in Paris, the capital of France, that a partial driving ban was placed on the city to purify the air. After one day of diminishing the number of cars on the roads by 50%, the smog had cleared enough for civilians to continue their daily activities. (Source 2) The grotesque images associated with smog can harm Paris' economy; tourists want to view the Palace of Versailles with a tear in their eye from its beauty, not from the sting of air pollutants. Limiting car usage also has a variety of physical and psycological benefits that improve the health of earth's people. For example, a suburban community in Germany, known as Vauban, has gone completely car-free. 57% of Vauban's residents sold a car to move in and, so far, the majority of them seem to be enjoying the benefits. Heidrun Walker, a media trainer and mother of two, is one of them. "When I had a car, I was always tense," she said, "I'm much happier this way." (Source 1) Walker's statement shows the improved psychological well-being of those who do not rely on cars for the majority of their transportation. Decreased reliance on motor vehicles can also improve the physical health of humanity. Without personalized vehicles for transportation, many people will walk, jog, bike, or skate to their various destinations. Such a phenomenon occurs annually in Bogota, the capital of Columbia. Every year, they host a "Day Without Cars", during which Columbians rely on their own two feet to move about their sprawling city. (Source 3) Physical activities such as walking have a variety of benefits, including increased cardiovascular health. If more countries hosted events similar to Bogota's "Day Without Cars", emergency rooms may find they have less clogged arteries to deal with. Limiting car usage has many pros, including decreased air pollution and increased mental and physical well-being of the world's people. The next time you unlock your car to drive two minutes to your friend's house, stop and consider the consequences of your actions. Consider the health of yourself and your planet, and try walking instead.
There's a lot of beneficial and non beneficial things about going to school we as humans think that school is a place to get a great eduacation there are others who believe that school is just unecesary or it's not a great place to be in general. We as a society have changed the perspective of things we do in our daily lives, a big example can be technology, how it shaped our generation forever the good and bad way and technology takes a big role in our education. Technology has evolved over the years we drive solar cars, send robots outer space, and we communicate diffrently. I myself take an online english school program, coming from a person who is currently taking the program people might think that i'm doing just fine, but in reality looking at things clearly it's just not the same why you might ask?. well there are many reasons i can go on and on why online school isn't that great as people think it is My answer to you is that online school isn't that beneficial as peculiar as it might sound. I began taking an online school program five weeks from now, we started off on a slow pace but we increased our working pace rapidly one benefit that helped me a lot was not having to wake up early for my program i started my program wherever and finished the program whenever. This was really beneficial because i'm usually very busy with my spring sports and my other daily activities. There's also other beneficial things for the kids who might have behavior problems with school, they don't have to be worrying about the teachers they get or the students they sit next to i found that to be really helpful part of the program for the kids who can't relate to the whole school behavior conduct. Something that all kids can agree on is how they get to eat, well there's no other way to put it in simple terms but you get to eat whatever you wish for there are no greasy burgers or stale nuggets, you eat what you desire. However online programs aren't what they seem to be sometimes you might see the positive in things but with the positive comes the negative. We are officially in week five of the program i can tell you all the negatives i see in my program i will start off by explaining how we get our help well we don't get as much in depth help as we do in a regular daily school basis the only thing we get is a due date and sources where we can find our answers not really helpful for a person who doesn't stay on task. There is no make up work so if i where to give you an assignment to work on the whole day and let's say you fail the assignment well your grade is marked as college proffesors where to look at someones work, for a person who just rushes through their work to get it done i recommend you go back and reread what i said. I love to peer review i take pride on what i did wrong and someone who can explain to me where my mistakes are it's just not only me that gets the help but the other person receives the help as well .The worst part of online school is your social life withought being social with other people how are you going to find a job being social is really crucial for finding a workplace. The online school program is a really stressfull program although you get to wake up later and finish and end class whenever you want it's not worth it. Online school programs start off slow in the beginning but you have to pace yourself to finish all your work done in a certain timeframe. we've seen all the positive and negatives in the program but benefits in the program don't help that much. My beliefs might be diffrent than other people's but i do know that any kid can accomplish whatever he wants. It doesn't matter where you are or what classes your taking anybody can be succesfull if they just put their minds to work,or maybe online classes aren't as beneficial to me,I would recommend online programs to someone who is well centered and focused on what he or she is doing. People will ask me how online school is going i reply ''it's going alright'' but not as great as i would like it to go. If you are able to challenge yourself in diffrent ways in life and you are willing to become your own teacher go for it. Finally going back to the main idea of the prompt i don't think that there aren't enough benefits from being able to attend classes from home. Therfore we should be able to work in an enviroment where we can meet new people not just sit at home and sit and stare at a laptop when we know life won't be that easy.
When people ask for advice, they sometimes talk to more than one person. I think they ask more than one person for advice because other people can speak there opinion and give the person who wants advice some ideas. For example, Generic_Name wanted to plan a birthday party but she needs help on what theme she wants for her party. Generic_Name asks her mom, dad and her friends. They all said golden and blue would be a good theme for her party. Generic_Name takes there ideas. Generic_Name is now having her party golden and blue! I also think people ask more than one other person because sometimes people don't have ideas of something they need help with. Some people need a better choice, so its better to ask other people then just think of your own ideas because hearing other people's thoughts can make your ideas better. I think people should always give at least another person's thoughts on what they need help with. It is always best to get another persons idea. It can make the person who needs the advice to gain some confidence on what they need advice on. Overall, I think everyone should get another idea from someone else because it gives people more ideas. 
Relaxing and warm, the summer approaches after a year of trecherous hard work and learning. But that needed break is interupted by a project that is due at the end of the summer. Over the summer projects should be student designed to allow creativity, inclusivity and give students opportunity to learn about a topic they are passionate about. During the school year all projects have rubrics, exact instructions and little time to add personal creative touches, but with elongated time and less strict boundries students will be able to tap into their inner creativity and manifest a project that is new and interesting for anyone that views it. Students will be more proud of their project if they have extra time and freedom to make it personal by adding creativity. Often the classroom limits creatvity, so when they are outside of the classroom students should have the room to be as creative as possible. Esspecially because when students are out of school and in the real world creativity is going to be encouraged, so why not start allowing students to utilize their creative mind in a safe environment. Over the summer students are at home and do not have the resources avaliable that are typically exposed to in a school. Without these resources students might not be able to create a project that is teacher designed. A student designed project, however, would allow students to use their surronding to create a project unique to them. This will allow them feel more connected to the project and encourage them to create somthing excellent. Everyone has a range of strengths and weaknesses and by allowing students to design their own project they will feel more included and are then able to tailor the project to their strengths. If the project is somthing that the student is good at then they will be able to create a better finishing product. In my AP Biology class we do lots of projects, but I'm always less passionate and frusterated by the projects that envolve drawing because it is one of my weaknesses. If the projects were student designed I would be able to create a project that I was really interested in making. It may seem like a student designed project could be less neat and careless but if the student is passionate about their topic then they will be interested in designing. It will also be important to them, so they will work hard to make it the best they can. My favorite class is psychology and whenever I have a project in that class I want to spend extra time on it and make sure it is good because the topic is important to me. A student designed project is also benefical because students are only outside of school for the summer and on short breaks, so why not utlize this new freedom of being out of school to allow students to design their own project they are passionate about. A student designed project that allows them to explore passions could inspire a students future career and allow them to learn about something that could further their education in a useful way. If they are passionate about the topic the project will seem less like a burden and more like an opportuntity to make learning fun. If the project is student designed and they are really passionate about it they may decide to continue the project even after it is done. This could end up benefitting the community by supplying a learning tool or by helping a group of people in need. Allowing over the summer projects to be student designed will allow students to be creative, inclusive to all student environments and strengths and provide an opportuity for students to explore on of their passions in depth. All of these things are benefical to the student and should be encouraged, so that students can grow and learn outside of school as well as during the school year.   
Students should not have to participate in activities because some students might not have any interests in the activities the school provides them with. Teachers, and parents always tell me "school comes first", but the principal is more worried if a student makes practice on time. Now cm not saying activities are bad for students, but why does every student have to participate when they should be more worried about their future. Kids are more worried about missing their clubs than missing the notes that the teacher is providing before the test. Students should not participate in activities because some kids might not have any interests, kids should be more worried about their education than their clubs, and last but not least, kids are missing missing the notes that the teachers provide for the kids so they can pass their test. Not only does this situation affects students, but it also affects teachers and parents. Most teacher are anxious for kids because they have doubt that the students will not pass their assignments or even their class. Parents are terrified of the school calling them because their kid is not passing. Getting an education should be a kid's top priority because not one dream will be possible without an education. This situation can affect teachers and parents because they both get anxious when their kids are not passing a class, A kid's top priority should be getting an education. School activities are good when students are still doing good in school. activities should not be in front of education but kids will put it there when teachers are forcing students to take an extracurricular course. Most students only want to learn when they walk into school. But they are being forced to join an activity that has no relevancy. School activities are good when kids are passing, a kids education should always be first, being forced to join an activity is not right. When I was 13 years old in seventh grade, I was on a basketball team. When I walked into practice my coach called me in to talk about my grades and why I was failing, he didn't care about what I had to say so he cut me from the team. When I walked home my anxiety level went through the roof because I was trying to find a way to bring up my grades before the school year ends. When I told my parents what happened they started panicking and hitting and told me it was way too late to bring my grades up and I might fail. My body felt cold and I was depressed, I begged my teachers for help everyday but they told me that it still would not bring all of my grades up. Because I didn't care about my school work I had bad grades, I had anxiety, and last knowing I couldn't do nothing to bring my grades up gave me depression. Students should not have to participate in school activities because most kids might not have interests in them. activities can affect a kids grades which can have teachers and parents worried. Kids will put their activity as their top priority when getting their education should be. Students, and the school staff should be more productive with students education. Activities are not a bad idea but forcing kids to join a extracurricular course is not right because that is not what school is about.
Hi, my name is Luke Bomberger and I'm a Seagoing Cowboy. My experiences have been great. I've visited many places, met new people, and got to see and learn about new things. It's great and I really recomend it to you. You should give it a shot and see how things go. I got to see the Acropolis in Greece! They were made to honor the Greek gods and are on a big hill, above the whole city. It was wonderful. Although, the gongola ride in Venice, Italy was probably my favorite. It was like a mini cruise in the city streets! I loved helping out with the animals on the ship. The slippery ladder scared me, but it was totally worth it. Don't break your ribs on the way down like I did. Ouch. We got to play sports on our free time, which made it even better. There were many things to choose from, such as: baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. We also read, which helped us pass time. Again, I recomend this job for you. I am greatful for this opportunity. You will enjoy it if you like adventures. Oh, the places you'll see. The things you will do. They're great. So give it a try and tell me how it works out. Thanks!
"It is definitely an alien-made structure!" And with that, I must disagree. My coworker at NASA believes deeply that the face on mars, a formation on the Red Planet in an area named Cydonia, is made by aliens. I, on the other hand, do not agree. of course they asked me for my argument, and I will give one as requested. The Viking 1 spacecraft caught a very blury image of the formation. It did resemble a human face, and with a second picture taken in 1998, it still represented just that. The 1998 picture was clearer, but was still missing the detail needed to point out anything proving the alien relations. Not everyone was satisfied with that image either, so there was another search, and an image taken at very high quality in 2001 shows absolutely not relation of alien creation having to do with the formation. It is shown just to be another mesa, simply like the coincidental structures we have here on earth. My argument is simply that with what material we have, all things point to another mesa, not an alien creation. The final photo in '01 has high quality, and without showing evidence of alien relations, there is no way that I am to believe it was formed by aliens.
Your principal has decided that all students must participate in at least one extracurricular activity. Some people agree, while others don't. Personally, I disagree with this statement. Maybe some students don't want to, they could have jobs after school, or are always busy. Some students don't want to do extra curricular activities just because they don't want to do it. Maybe they have friends that have home-school and need someone to hang out with. Some students don't want to do extra curricular activities because they just want to go home. Those students do not want to do these activities and just go home. That is my personal reason why I disagree with the principal. People can get stressed out from things like school and just want to go home. Few, but some students have after school jobs they do to earn money. Some students could be working so they could get a paycheck to maybe pay someone back, or to use it as their lunch money. I work with my Dad sometimes after school, and when I do, I get paid very well. Now if you earned money by, say playing Football, thats a completely different story. Not a lot, but some people are always busy, and don't have time in their life to devote to an extra curricular activity or two. Things like chores are a problem when it comes down to this. Some people have 5 - 10 chores to do every day! Well, some people live on like a farm and have to do them every day with no excuses. Personally, this isn't a problem towards me, because I haven't gotten any chores for over a YEAR now! Those were just a few things I could think of when t came down to the thought of this new rule. I bet people not wanting to, people having jobs, and people that are busy, are the top 3 reasons people couldn't do these extra curricular activities. The principal shouldn't force anyone to do something. In conclusion, students should NOT have to do any extra curricular activities.
Phones & Driving Should you be using your phone while driving a vehicle? I'll tell you reasons why you shouldn't use your phone while driving. Then, I'll explain to you what can happen to you if you use your phone while driving a vehicle. Afterward, I'll tell you the kinds of consequence you can receive from the situation. Finally, I'll give you examples of why it's a bad idea of using your phone while driving. Should you be using your cellular device while driving a vehicle? In my opinion you shouldn't use your phone while driving. You shouldn't use it because you can get distracted easily. Never know what can happen you might pass a red light and cause an accident. Phones shouldn't be use for texting nor calling but you can use it to get somewhere. In case you don't know where it is you can use your gps but that's it. Reasons why you shouldn't use your cellphone. To begin with it's against the law to text and drive. Secondly, you can cause an accident you never know what can happen when you don't pay attention. You might pass a light or someone might be crossing the street and you won't be able to see that person. You're putting others people life in danger. In this paragraph I'll tell you about the type of consequence you can get. It is illegal to use your phone while driving. You can receive a monetary fine which can range from $20 up to $500 depending on the state. Also can be charge as a criminal charge. In some states using your phone or texting while driving can be a result in criminal misdemeanor charges. Lastly, you can be in jail or prison time if your injury another driver or another human. Example why you shouldn't use your phone. First thing first you can cause an accident. You put your life in danger and other people's life in danger. You assume that you will have it under control but you never know what can happen any second. Also you might hit another car or pass a red light. These are reasons why not to use your phone. You can take an innocent person life and if you survive you will have pain inside you. Finally, I believe you shouldn't use your phone is for the best. If you don't you don't have any risk on putting people life in danger. Everyone would be safe and no accidents would occur. Phones shouldn't even belong on your hand while driving. Unless you need it to get somewhere.
The expressions would be a good tool to use in classrooms. There are a lot of things that can back this up. In the text is say " that you can tell how other people are feeling when they are trying to hide their emotions. The software can recognize, it was created by Dr. Huang. The software can tel when people are having different emotions. A good thing about the tool is that a, teacher would be able to tell when a student is having a bad day or when you are having mixed emotions. An nother good thing about the software is that teachers would be a ble to tell when students are getting bored in class or are lost in class. The software gives off a prectage of your body by telling if you are happy, nice, mean, fearful, and being disgusted with people. If I was a teacher in high school i would use this tool. There are so many ways that I would be able to help students in calss. If a student was having a bad day I would be able to know becasue of the software tool. I would be able to know if a student was struggling in class or that if a student was becoming bored in class.
dear principal i think you should allow us to have our cell phones during our free time at school. if you have an emergency. you need to call your parents and you can't get to the office u can just use your cell phone. if you have them off in class then you can't cheat but you need to call someone you need help. it boring without cell phones. you should be allowed to have electronics on campus. what a life if you can't have fun. cell phones should be allowed on but off when in class. if your cell is on in class then you are in big trouble. the policy that we have right now is stupid but it the schools policy so we have to follow it. we should have what is best for the students that is to have cell phones in school. My cell phone is my life. i keep all my important stuff on it. sincerely STUDENT_NAME
Educating students and giving equal opportunities to everyone are the top responsibilities for the U.S. government. From first grade to twelfth grade, every student in United States is eligible to get free education in public schools. Growing healthy minded generations is very important for the U.S, because everyone knows that today's kids will become future's heroes, unless they get the right education. Since Declaration of Independence, United States government is trying to perfect its education system. In today's system, students have to go to school five days of the week and nine months. Most of the schools starts on August or September and ends on June. After June, students have three months of break. Through three month break, some schools require students to complete summer projects to ensure they continue learning during their break. At that time, students think those projects are just wasting their time through the summer break but what they don't realize is those projects are helping them to become goal-directed and resilient individuals. In some schools teachers select the project topic for their students but some teachers prefer to give options to their students, because they believe by doing that students' creativity can improve over the summer break. Although some teachers believe giving the same option for the summer project is saving their students from being sucked at two undecided topics, teachers also believe students should be free to choose their topic so they can be creative to do their projects. During the summer break, every student wants to be way from any kind of school work and have fun. Most of the students doesn't like the concept of summer project because they think it is going to waste their time. For now, it might seem like that but when they grow they realize that all of these summer projects helped them to become a better citizen. According to an university research, 65% of the students, who don't have summer projects to do, forget what they learned from previous year. Summer projects don't just help students to go forward on their education journey but they also help to improve students' creativity and critical thinking skills. All of these can be possible, if students are able to choose their project topic. Students, especially kids who go to elementary school, gets very excited if they can choose their topic. They actually use their brains and make researches to come out with an idea. They ask to their parents, friends, even neighbors to get some help (by doing that they also use their communication skills). They make plans, drawings, and more to build their projects. They have fun by learning new things. However, if the teachers forces their student to work on the exactly the same topic, students will just jump from all of these important steps to building their projects. If they do the exact same thing, there won't be any creativity, excitement and critical thinking. Students will get bored and be discussed from school. The only way to show kids school is exciting place to learn new things is letting them to do what ever they want and to come out with new and unique project ideas. Teachers put their students in the box that they won't be able to come out. This box will limit every students potential to become a star. Kids are like trees. When they are young, you can give the pathway that they can go. However, as they get older, it gets more hard to shape their pathway. It on teacher's hand to choose that pathway. They can be the creator of future leaders or simple unethical people. The person who can only open that box is teachers. Teachers should led their kids to do whatever they want so they can use and improve their skills to be successful. Teachers can't do everything for their students, sometimes they need to push their students' potentials to raise a better generation of U.S. citizens. 
Dear Mr. Senator, We, the people of Florida are concerned about the Electoral College system. I am writing to you to explain our opinions on this way to elect our president. I believe that the Electoral College should not be used to choose the president of the United States because it lacks reasoning, it is unfair to voters, and misloyalty and mistakes can easily occur. The Electoral College should be abolished due to the simple fact that many voters do not feel that is fair or have equality during the elections. In the article, The Indefensible Electoral College: Why Even the Best-laid Defenses of the System Are Wrong, it states, "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't see a single campaign." Various people do not have any connection with the candidates that have a chance to be in control of the country they live in. The candidates only worry about the toss-up states, because they know in the other states they have no chance of winning, which is not fair for some areas and should be changed. States are forgotten and not considered, which is unacceptable when they live in a place of equality. The abolishment of the Electoral College should occur, because it is irrational and lacks correct organization. When a tie occurs in the electoral vote, the election is dependent on the House of Representatives, therefore the state delegations vote on the candidates. With this said, representatives of small populated areas would have the equality of representatives in over populated states that include thirty-five million voters. In addition there has been accidents where a candidate has more popular votes than his opponent but fewer electoral votes, therefore he does not win. The numbers are not put into thought. Unlike the popular votes, misloyalty is a large problem and a possibility of the Electoral College system. The people are not voting for the president, instead they are voting for a slate of electors, who supposedly elect the president. The process is very disorganized, because all the states choose the electors differently and have no control of whom they are voting for. In the article, In Defense of the Electoral College, it states, "But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)." Its advocates realize the misloyality yet they ignore it. With the Electoral College there are many possibilities that the president elected did not win fairly or without contributing to their success. The Electoral College has been used for several years, but there is a need for change. Its advocates claim that mistakes rarely occur and should not be abolished for those reason, but I belive they should still be put in consideration and not be ignored. Sincerely, Elizabeth Campos      
Distance learining is an option students have now that allows them to attend class from home by way of online or video confrencing. Distance learning has been getting more popular as the years go by for high school students. There has been controversy though, on whether or not students will benefit through attending class via online at home. Reasons such as not being able to be one on one with the teacher, cheating, and not staying on task are why students will not benefit from being able to take classes at home. The first reason why students will not benefit from being able to take classes at home is not having the opportunity to be one on one with your teacher. In a normal classroom teachers are there to help and support the students. Students are able to get their specific questions answered by teachers and are also able to stay after school to get more help or study with teachers. By attending class at home students are not able to ask teacher specific questions that they would be able to if they went to a normal school. Students also loose the opportunity of staying after school for any help from teachers or any extra curricular activities. By attending class online students loose so many opportunities that they would have had with teachers if they went to school. The next reason on why students will not benefit from being able to take classes at home is the amount of cheating that will happen if they did. Cheating is already a major problem most schools face and distance learning won't help stop cheating at all. Distance learning gives studnets the chance to cheat by using any other resources they have while, for example taking a test. The disadvantage to this is that teachers or administrators would not be able to do anything about it becausse they won't be there to see it or stop it. There would be no way of stoping students from cheating while taking a test or a quiz because no one will be able to supervise them. Also distance learning will increase the amount of school work shared online. Students may think that by getting a good grade by cheating will benefit them but in the long run it will not. When cheating students will tend to rely on it and will not be able to learn the material. The final reason on why students will not benefit from being able to attend class from home is the distractions. At school there are almost zero distractions other than other students. But in distance learning it's almost the complete opposite. In a classroom students are not able to use their phones and talk to other students when they are learing which tends to make the student focus more on the curriculam. At home studnets are not be watched over which tends to make the student get off task. When students or not on task they eventually start falling behind which is likely to occur when being able to class online. Distance learning is not beneficial to student compared to learning at school because it ussually associates to the student not on task. Some people may say that distance learing is beneficial to the student becuase it allows them to learn on their on pace at home, but there are many cons then pros with distance learning. Reasons such as not being able to see the teacher one on one, higher amount of cheating, and not being able to stay on task prove that there are more negatives that comes with distance learning than positives. Overall as more and more high school students choose to take distance learining the better and more beneficial option is to learn at school.
Now you can actually know how thye feel by an app. This is now something that is being used to recognise the emotions of old paintings and it might actually be good for people. it will be able to tell how you really feel, it can hlp kids in school. and it also helps produce emotions. We all know someone that says they are fine but they think something else, but we cant fingure out how they also feel. But with this new program it will be way easier and that is a good thing. "the software can even identifiy mixed emotions.... each expression is compared against a neutral face(showing no emotion)." Since this software can tell peoples emotions it could help in therapy with things, like if a person comes in for therapy but says they feel good about it but they dont act like it the therapist could do this test and see what they are having trouble with or how they really feel about the subject at hand. Some kids can get bored in school and just zone out because the material they are being taught does not click with them but that can be changed with this new program. " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Dr. huang predicts." Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." this could benifit both the school system and the child. the child will be more attentive with the lesson if he or she understands it or they think it is interesting and then they might even score higher in school, and have a better futre. Some people might just look mean when you walk by them, or it may even be you that always gets asked "You always look mad so i dont talk to you." nut now since this program came out, the theory that comes with it is that it can help you produce new emotions. " According to the Facial feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even produce them." this can benifit poeple in many ways. They might become happier and more out going. They could have better oppertunities when it comes to work because they have a good attutide. This new facial feedback could be really good for us as people. it could halp many peoplr in thier lifes.
Some schools require student to complete summer projects to assure the student is learning during their break. Summer projects should be student designed because the student can write about something they acutely care about then the can chose if they want to make it a group or solo project. Some people may say if the student pick they arent really going to learn any thing. How ever that can be proved false. Summer projects should be student designed because the student can choose something they actually care about. If the student can choose something they care about it would help their grade a lot. They will spend more time on the project which means it wouldnt be last second and rushed. also the student will acutely do the work. students dont even want to do work while in school just imagine if they didnt have any one telling them to do the work they wouldnt probably do it. Then they can choose if the want to make a group or solo project. Most student spend the summer time with their friends anyway .Maybe the student can choose to make it a group project so they can spend time with friends and get the work done. Then if a student work better alone they can make a project they can do by themselves. This would give the option for the social people to be social and the people who stay to themselves to stay to them self. Some may argue that the students wont learn anything if they chose what they are doing. But if they can chose something they was always interested in and just never to the time to do research on it. Also if they do chose something they already know about but if they chose to work as a group they can learn something new from their peer. Even if it is something they already know about you can always learn something new. The teacher can also give certain guide lines on what they choose or they can give them options. Student projects should be student designed. The schools should make it so the studnt can choose it would help the studnets a lot. It would make the intrested and spend more time on the project. It would also help them get a better grade. Could also help the student improve in a area they care about and learn more. Make it so student can design their own projects.
Driverless cars are a new thing in the world. Some people think that the cars are the best thing in the world because you don't have to actually drive, but some other people think that they are a bad idea because they don't trust them. Being in the driver seat of a driverless car can be stressful. If the driver didn't trust the car to drive itself then the driver would be freaking out everytime the car applied the gas, breaks or even just turned the wheel. This invention is very high tech but there are many things that are needed before they are out on the roads. Driverless cars can be dangerous in many ways. Since they are new, there may be some flaws. The car could accidently apply the gas instead of the breaks and then there would be a crash, or the wheel could turn right instead of left and you would be going the wrong way. That would make the driver frustrated and then they would end up taking over the car and driving themselves anyway. Or what if there is a crash, then who would be responsible for it. Would it be the driver of the driverless car or would it be the manufacturer who designed the car in the first place. The car could have a malfunction and the driver of the car would be blamed even though they were not even driving the car. Right now the driverless cars are illegal in most states to even test them. So if they are not tested properly, why would a driver want to risk his/her life when they could just drive themselves and they can guarentee that they know they are going the right way and they would know that the car would stop at a stop sign instead of speeding up. These cars need to be worked on a few more years before they get released to the public to where they can buy them off a lot. On the other hand, if the cars are developed properly, it should notify the driver when he/she needs to take over the car. There are some situations where the driver may need to take over such as in construction or heavy traffic. You may need to take over when driving through construction to ensure safety. The car will let you know when you need to take over by vibrating the seat or flashing lights on the windshield. There is also a safety feature that manufacturers are considering that uses cameras to watch that drivers are always focused on the road even if they are not driving. While the driver watches the road, the car will watch the driver to make sure they are still paying attention and that can help improve safety with these cars. In conclusion, I think that driverless cars are dangerous right now, but with more years of development, they may be the new thing of the future. Once every state in the country allows the cars to be tested, then that will be the next step towards having the cars on the roads and available to the public. But that may take a few years. The manufacturers have to make sure the cars have no flaws that could cause an accident and be their fault. By 2020, some car companies such as Nissan and Audi plan to have cars that can drive themselves. Everyday car manufacturers are getting one day closer to creating driverless cars to the public. But I think that the cars need to be tested properly before they even think about putting them on the roads.
Everyone nowadays is so used to driving a car here and there even if it would just be five minutes on foot, but what if you started limiting your car usuage? Making your feet be your gas instead of a pump when the distance is close enough, and even biking occasionally. Limiting car usuage may sound like a bad thing, but it has many advangtages such as reducing pollutin, increasing saftety for human beings, and even opeing options for alternative transportion. Cars release a great amount of polluants into the air increasing smog in some areas worse than others, like in Paris, China, and other places. Providing or opening your mind to other ways to get from one destination to the next, would reduce the smog thats in the air. This simple action as close to 70% of the population pitching in can result in a healthier environment, and some people may agree with Heidurn Walter. She says "When I had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way." Not only that, people who do not agree or get rid of their transportion vechicles will be fined. For example, in Germany you have to pay $40,000 if you want to get a car owner space and this does not include the money you have to spend on your house. Than, in Paris 4,000 drivers were fined $31 dollars after not leaving their cars home after a public annocement was made to do so. This shows that opening this can increase health, or make an environment cleanier. Plus, you actually inforcing something that is good for the environment will get people to participate, such as a fine. Hearing engines roar and cars zoom pace is a sound all too familar with citizens who walk or ride constantly. It can be quite on the thrilling side crossing the streets or even walking down a busy rode when you know being hit is a possibly. Limiting car usage can decrease the risks or heavy weighted vechicles hitting biking, or walking citizens that dont have a chance against the weight. This increases saftety, bumping into another human or being nugded by a bike wont affect your body as much as a 500 pound or even heavier car crashing into a 100 pound person. Like, Carlos Arturo said "It's a good opportuinity to take away stress..." meaning the stess that comes with a car. The money for gas and the risk or hitting someone or being hit is taken away when on foot or on bike. This shows limting car usage isnt only increasing the safety or people walking or biking, it also takes away stess factors like money, fixing a car if it needs repair, and other factors. Finally, having alternate forms of transportion can open your eyes to a whole need world. Instead of constanly beiong locked in your 4 door honda prison or your house you're outside seeing new people and increasing social interaction. Not only this, but you're getting excerise and maintaining your health or builing it. Which is another reason to limit the amount we use our cars. This shows that doing so can not only increase saftery, and money, but health and social oppurtunitys. In conclusion, limiting car usage has many advangtages even if you dont realize it and our soiciety could benefit a lot from it. Like, when it comes to the safety of the next generation, the present, or the previous. Than, it can even take away stress that come with a vechicle and even increase health and social gathering.
Should summer projects be teacher designed or student designed? Student's should be able to design their own summer projects. Why? because it's their summer and if it's a boring project that a teacher assigned it's most likely not going to get done , because it don't catch the student interest if the student design their own project they created it's most likely to get done because it's something that he/she likes. Teacher design might not be what the students are interested in , and they might not understand it. If the student creates their design it could be fun and easy for them, and they will be learning from it as well, and they will understand it more because they are make whatever out of it. They could do it in their own way which will also make them determine to complete their own design they created. Students design could also help the teachers too , they wouldn't have to do much planning cause the students have to come up with their own designs so the students have to come out with ideas on their own. The students will be engaged because they have to focus on what they will come up with for their design for this summer project also the enjoyment they would get out for creating their own design project. The students will be learning it in their own way that's not boring to them. That way it will keep them motivated and interested while they are working on their project. Student's should have a right to do something that would be entertaining to them since it's the summer and they have to work on it so they can continue to learn. If teachers design it , it might not engaged the student's as if they could design it their self. If students design their own project it will be easier for them to complete it while having fun creating it. The students will be determine to actually do their project during the summer because they designed it and liked it. Most people would agree that students should be able to design their own project because its something that they would be interested in and it's a summer project, while they design the project they could be exploring the world, and they would come up with a lot of good designs for the project because they are learning a lot of new things each and everyday and that's why i think this statement is true that students should design their own summer project rather than a teacher design the student's project.      
Dear Principal, I do believe that community service is good, especially for young people. It gives them a sense of responsibility, helps them feel better about themselves, and serves the community at the same time. However, I do not believe that it should be required. Some kids already have too much on their plates, with things such as violin, dance, taking care of younger siblings, chores, and more. Besides, once you start forcing kids to do community service, it loses some of its meaning. If people are doing it for selfish reasons, then it's just not as sincere. Senior citizens would much rather be helped by nice kids than reluctant teenagers. Of course, kids who do community service often have better chances of getting into better schools. So I believe that community service should stay an optional activity, because if a kid wants to look good on their resume, then they'll have to work extra hard for it. If every teen has community service on their record, then it's just not the same. People who work harder than others deserve to get rewarded. Let's be honest, community service isn't every kids' thing. Sometimes, teenagers are really bad at community service. It's better to let them do their own thing than force them to terrorize elementary school kids. Some teens are better at participating at other things, such as drama club, science fairs, or more. We shouldn't force kids at this age to be more helpful, or charitable, because let me tell you, it most likely won't work. So while I'm in the opinion that community service is a great thing, it should not be abused. Some kids have many reasons not to be able to do community service. It doesn't mean they're heartless monsters, it just means they're busy. Trust me, the kids who actually want to do community service will find a way to do it. My friends are a shining example of that. You don't need to force us to do it, a lot of us will do it on our own. Please have more faith in us. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Need advice? People ask multiple people for their opinions because they may need more help, looking for a more mature idea or comparing the advice for a better idea of what they need. People may ask for more advice because they need more help on decisions they are making or can't decide of what to do or say in the situation they are in. It all really depends on the situation and what they are going through to make the mature decision. Asking immature people isn't really a good idea in my opinion because they could get you in trouble or ending up not making the best decision. I think to make the best decisions is to ask advice from someone you trust and are really close to and they are mature enough to give you the best advice. They may want to be the better person in the situation and be more mature and ask for more mature advice or thinking to seek a better decision, and a better choice depending on the situation they are going through or what they are deciding. I think that being the mature one and the better person is the best decision to make or do. If some people think that asking for multiple peoples advice is making them seem desperate or needy that is wrong because you need and should make the right choice for you.. People may compare advice given to them because they may like some of the advice they have been given so then they will combine some of it so they can make a good choice. Which I think is a good idea for people to use as long as they make a smart and good decision best for them. So, asking for multiple ideas and advice is a good thing to do because it gives you more help, you make a mature decision and you can compare and combine the advice and ideas you are given to make the better decision and it can make your life better in the end if you make a good and smart decision for you and your peers and you wont have any regrets... 
Dear Principal, I think it's wrong to take away the advantage of students to participate in any kind of school sports/ activities. Why cant you change the school policy so that kids can participate with at least a C average? Some students can have all A' s in their classes and not be athletic. They can be "obese " but with good grades. Other kids might have a grade C average and be really athletic and if u take away their privilege they will not have time to take away the "stress" from school, to just forget about school and have fun. Of course if you put up the standard they have to have in order to participate maybe they will try harder than what they usually try and get a B or even an A. But that will just stress them even more. With a grade of B average only a certain amount of students will be eligible to participate. But with a grade C average more kids will be able to go to different activities that the school does. If the school has activities or sports shouldn't all kids be able to enjoy them?
"Ugh, I wish that I could just stay home and attend my classes online without having to leave home," I say to myself at least eight million times during the school day; taking a moment to think about it, I thought maybe this would be beneficial. Today we live in a society in which students attend classes on a daily basis, some who walk across the street to attend class, some who have at least an hour commute to attend class everyday, and some who take online courses, which is very beneficial. Although some may believe otherwise, students benefit substantially when they attend classes from their homes because it is an easier and more convenient option and some students may be unable to attend class due to an illness or disability. First and foremost, students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because this option is easier and much more convenient for students. For instance, my mom was very busy at home caring for my sisters and at the time, there was no way she would have been able to attend any sort of class, therefore, she found an online option for the University of Phoenix where she could earn a degree by completing an online course. Due to the fact that this option was an availability for her, she was able to earn her degree with the slightest of ease. Additionally, this convenience allowed her to still be able to care for my sisters and complete her online courses without the stress of attending the class in person. Undoubtedly, had she not had this easy and convenient option open to her, she would have never had the time to earn her degree. Another example of why attending online classes is easy and more convenient is when I was already late for class and then I got stuck in traffic on the way to my Spanish 3 class, resulting in me missing the entirety of the class. Had I been registered for the same class but online, I would have never missed the Spanish 3 final exam. For these reasons, online classes can be much easier, convenient, and beneficial when dealing with life's daily obstacles. In most cases, online and video conferencing classes from home are beneficial to students because it enables a student who may be ill or disabled a chance to attend a class from their home, which may be a challenge for them if they were to attend it in person. For example, I have Lyme disease, which makes it difficult sometimes to attend class because I am always fatigue. With this in mind, I plan on taking a few online classes myself, and I am so glad that this option is offered for the school I want to attend, which is Virginia Tech. I will no longer have to worry about if I will have enough energy to get out of bed and make it to class or if my joint pain is just too much to bare because I have the benefit of being able to be within the comfort of my home and still attend class online. Certainly, had I not had this amazing, beneficial opportunity to attend class online, I would have not been able to attend class regularly, without it being somewhat challenging. Another example of why online and video conferencing classes are beneficial to a student with an illness or disability is illustrated the time my Generic_Name was in college and got an bad spinal and neck injury, allowing her to not be able to walk for months and having to be in a wheel chair. It was very difficult for her to attend her English, Psychology, and AB Calculus classes due to this disability. Her counselor recommended that she stayed home for a few months to recover and continue attending her very important classes via video conference while her professor was teaching. Ultimately, had she not reaped the benefits from attending her classes through video at home, it would have been an enormous task to make it to her classes on a daily basis. In conclusion, online and video conference classes are a huge advantage for students who have trouble attending their classes in person. Some may disagree and say that online or video conferencing classes are not beneficial to students because they are not reliable enough to capture the actual environment of how a class my be like if a student were to attend it in person, resulting in an online student attendee not learning as much as a student who attends the same class in person. This reasoning is understandable, however, it is also flawed due to the fact that online courses teach the same exact curricula that is taught in an actual class. For instance, my friend Generic_Name took the same class that I did during the school year, however, she took the course online over the summer; the class was Economics and Personal Finance. When we both were tested on the material that we learned during the course, she scored higher than I did which shocked me. In conclusion, online classes have the same material and benefits just as much as an actual classroom has and does not hinder the knowledge gained for taking the class in either way. Conclusively, it is important to understand that attending online or video conference classes from home are very beneficial to students because it is an extremely useful alternative to students. In the past, students never had the chance to benefit from this new, sophisticated way of learning through online or video conferencing and had to attend class in person because technology was not as advanced as it is today. In the future, technology will advance even more than it already has, making online courses even more beneficial, possibly resorting to only online teaching. Ultimately, students benefit substancially from attending classes via online or video conferencing and this option should always continue to remain an option for students that need the benefits that it has to offer.
WouIdn't you want to work on a project you got to design vs working on a teacher mandated one? I know that the projects should be student designed and not designed or controlled by teachers. Most teachers don't understand what we enjoy nowadays as teenagers and thats very clear in the way that they design and assign projects currently during the school year. There can be some parameters put onto the project by teachers and the contents of the project but for the most part it should not be controlled by teachers. If a student designs the project they could actually enjoy working on it and brainstorming it. Most projects students are given by teachers feel like a hassle and its just not something they want to spend there free time doing. It should be something they enjoy doing rather then dread working on it. I know for a fact I would rather brainstorm and come up with an idea that I like rather then be given a strict set prompt and rubric I have to follow. If the students can enjoy the project then there are more likely to put more effort, time in to it and be more passionate about the topic they are assigned. Some teachers make projects that not all students are able to complete within the allotted time they give them. A lot of students go on trips over the summer with there families and if they arent going on a trip then they probably have a summer job to attend to. Most students don't have hours to kill working on some project during there summer vacation. If the student was able to design a project that would be able to fit into there schedule rather then have to stress and worry about when they are going able to get it done. The summer is a time where students get to relax and not have to stress or worry about getting that pesky project a teacher designed done. If a student gets to design the project they will feel more in control of the task at hand. Most students don't really get to control what they learn or how they learn and thats just not how it should be. There whole day and schedule is already controlled and you want the teachers to be able to control something else in there education? It gives students the confidence to know they are able to control one part of there education. Everything else in there life is already controlled parents and teachers so why not let them be able to control there summer projects. I know that the projects should be student designed and not designed or controlled by teachers. The students are going to enjoy the project so much better if they get to design it. For once lets give the students some freedom to make there own choices with there education. In conclusion I think that the summer projects assigned to students should be designed and controlled by the people doing the projects- students. 
Dear Principal, I think the you should let us use our cell phones during lunch or other free times. The reason I think this is because we might or not be able to hang out with your friends, but with our phones we could text them or call them to keep in touch with them. Another reason why we should have cell phones is so we can call or text our parents just in case you forgot something and to remind them to pick us up. The last reason why we should be allowed to bring our cell phones is to teach us responsibility. The first reason why we should be allowed to bring our phones is to stay in touch with our friends when we can't hang out with them. For example you have no classes with your friend. If you have our cell phones we could stay in touch and not lose our friendship with our friend. Another example is just in case we left something at your friend's house and we want it back. We would text or call our friend to meet them in a certain location in order to get our stuff back. The second reason why we should be allowed to use our phones is so could can tell our parent(s) if they can pick us up or bring us something. For example I forgot my homework for one of my classes. I would text or call my mom or dad during lunch to tell them to get me my requested item. Another reason is that we could remind them to pick us up. We might have forgotten to tell our mom or dad to pick us after practice or something. Then we would call them to tell them if they could pick us up after school. The final reason is to teach us responsibility. We will be more responsible by turning our phone during classes and to use them only during lunch or other free times. Then we could become more responsible with our phone and maybe with our schoolwork. See having our cell phone could actually teach us something about responsibility. Having our phone could actually teach us something or two about responsibility. We would also be more prepared for class. Another thing is to keep in touch with our loved ones. This is why I strongly agree to be allowed to use our phones.
Driverless cars, once a distant, far-fetched dream, are now close to becoming reality. In 2016, Tesla is planning to release a car that can drive itself 90 percent of the time. The kind of high-tech equipment it takes to manufacture a car like this hasn't been around for long. Google has had a type of driverless car since 2009, but before 2000, none of this was possible. With this rapid advance in technology comes reasonable concern, but the long list of benefits clearly outweighs the costs. Because of the added safety features and convenience, driverless cars should be developed for all to use. Driverless cars may seem like a safety risk to some, but in reality, these cars have been enhanced with top-of-the-line technology and have been tested thoroughly. Google's driverless car uses many different sensors and cameras located all over the vehicle to replicate the ability of a human driver. One sensor even allows for the creation of a 3-D model of the car's environment. Sensors similar to these have been used in cars since the 1980s in antilock brakes. Tried and tested, all the sensors on driverless cars serve only to protect the driver. Driverless cars can also prevent distracted driving. Some companies hope to create entertainment systems for drivers not currently controlling the car. These systems and displays could be turned off right away when the driver has to take the wheel. Right now, drivers often use cellphones and other distracting devices without the help of this technology. As Google's cars have driven over half a million miles without a single crash, the combination of all these features has been proven to enhance car safety. Driverless cars would also be cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and convenient. Google cofounder Sergey Brin predicts that these cars could form an entire public transportation system, using only half the fuel of today's taxis. This would save gas money and reduce greenhouse gases at the same time. It would also allow for more flexibility than a bus or subway system because each driver would be able to personalize their destination. The economic and environmental benefits, along with the convenience, show why these cars could serve to enhance society. Convenience and safety are the two most important aspects of transportation. Driverless cars have both, along with environmental and economic benefits. These cars are a part of the future, enhancing the driving experience for all. Driverless cars will only help the population, not hurt it.
Dear state senator, i write you a letter to argue for you as the state senator to keep the election just as it is;as '' Electoral College ''. To begin, you as the state senator have to keep the " Electoral College" ("The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.")in paragraph tree from the article " Does the Electoral College Work? "by the Office of the Federal Register it says "the Electoral college consists of five hundred thirty eight electors. A majority of two hundred seventy electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your senators. . . ." it is easier for us to select the electors and the electors pick the President. in paragraph five from the article " Does the Electoral College Work? "it clearly explains that they all have their own group so therefore they know whats going on and what they all offer."Each candidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected on what their responsabilities are . . .". In addition,i am not saying that the Electoral College is right in everything because Electoral College has its difficulties too,just like choosing the popular vote for the President. for example Electoral College . . . their difficulties are that "Under the Electoral college system,voters vote not for the President,but for a slate of electors,who in turn elect the president. If you lived in texas,for instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of thirty four Democratic electors pledge to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to congress and Kerry would get thirty four electoral votes. Who are the Electors? They can be anyone not holding public ofice." so that is pretty bad but yet choosing you own President would'nt be okey neither because it would be harder and no one can give Presidents the ideas and the presidents would have to come up with the ideas alone. in conclusion, you as the State Senator have to leave the "Electoral College" and not change it to "selection  by popular vote for the president of the united states".
The position I have on driveless cars is that I am not sure if we can truly rely on these cars. If you are going to invent a type of car that is really driveless then invent it. I think if it is going to be a driveless car then it should stick to its true meaning "DriveLess". In the future I think we will have the technology to create these kind of cars where they are sold worldwide but I think the government wont change or make new laws for these cars. Which I dont see why they would because these cars do seem safe with all the systems they have for safety of the driver. Technology plays a key part for the invention of these cars. Big Companies such as Google,BMW,GM,Mercedes-Benz,Audi, and Nissan all have driveless car projects they are working on. As the technology gets better over the years so will sensoring, the gps signals, antilock brakes, and driver assistance. Even Sebastian Thrun the Google Car Project founder thinks that the technology is catching up to the dream. BMW has announceed that they had developed the "Traffic Jam Assistant" that lets the car steer, accelerate , and brakes its self. Although there are very few examples, just think about the technology will have in the future if we already have this kind of technology as of today. Safety of the driver and the passengers also plays an important key role in driveless cars. When the technology increases I think the safety of the driveless cars will increase to because Google said they had a project car that went over five hundred thousand miles without a crash. In a driveless car today though the driver must stay alert at all times, because any kind of a situation can come upon such as navigating through work zones or around accidents. Google and GM have developed warning signs to tell the driver when the driver should be ready to take over. All these reasons are why I think these big companies should have laws to where they can work on the development of these cars anywhere. It is something that can be created today instead of in the future only if we let it happen.
In the passage the author tells about the temputures there and how hot it gets. Despite it not being safe to be on he tells they have a blimp-like vehicle to hover over it he also that even on the vehicle the temputures can still reach up 170 degrees fahrenheit. And they would travel 30 miles hovering above its has alot of storms lighting often his the surface and the air is completely filled with carbon dixode . He infers they collect samples of rock ,gas and anything else in the distance. He tells how NASA made eletronics made from silicon carbide and tested them in a chamber to simulate the chaos if you were to touch venus's surface by foot. These inventions only lasted 3 weeks in these harsh conditions. Also they made another project using old mechanical computers they were first envisoned in the 1800s and they had a big role in the 1940s during world war II . Sciencetist thought the computers would act up but they made caluclations by using gears and levers In this conclusion its still not a safe travel but it would be a good experince to go on. And discover more about venus exploration . To see if it would be safe to leave there one day . That might one day be the second earth
In Science Fiction movies you may have heard or seen driverless cars. Have you ever thought what it would be like to own a driverless car? Well in a few years that may be possible. Many companies like Google, General Motors, and BMW have tried to make driverless cars. While many cars have been successful, none have been completely driverless. In some cases like work zones and where accidents are, a human driver must take control of the car in order to bypass the scene. I think that driverless cars would be cool, but there is some danger to yourself and others without a person being in control. First, if the car were to switch to where a human takes control and the person was not paying attention then there would most likely be an accident. Second, if you were to learn how to use a driverless car you would have to learn how to drive first without a driverless car in case you have to take control of the car. Third, technology isn't perfect, there might be some isues with the first models of driverless cars and overtime the driverless cars will be fixed so that there will not be as many accidents because of a malfunction. Lastly, if you wanted to go somewhere you would have to program the car or use a GPS. If there were driverless cars there would most likely be less car accidents in the future. Many accidents are caused by people driving faster or slower than the posted speed, drunk drivers, and having no experience by driving a car. If you were to elminate driving then there would be less car crashes. In conclusion I believe that driverless cars would be a benfit to society by preventing most car crashes. However even if there are driverless cars the person controlling the driverless car needs to pay attention just like if they were driving the car. In the future, are you going to drive or let the car drive for you?
When the word summer comes into people's mind, they think of going to the beach, amusement park, hang out with friends and visit another country. Even though summer is designed to be a break for people after working for a long time, schools may have an alternative motive. Schools would assign summer projects to either students or teachers but the ones who need the most would be the students. I know students themselves don't like to do anything in the summer, but it's necessary to maintain what they have learned and to prepare for the coming year that may or may not be a challenge. I've seen such students in my grade who have completed their projects and are ready to journey through the storm. During a break, whether it be a summer, spring, or winter break we don't just take a physical break but a mental break as well. With this mental break, our minds are drifted into our own fantasy away from education. This can be good for students to have a break from school that takes up most of our train of thought and not to have enough time to enjoy themselves. However, when the break is over, most students return to school being lazy and tired to learn. In addition to being lazy and tired, students as well may have forgotten most of what they have learned during the year. Now imagine that for a summer break that is two months long with no assignments or projects to complete; this would have students to be mindless zombies who aren't ready to return to school and may have difficulty readjusting to the system. Summer projects designed for students would keep their thinking cap on for a while to maintain what they have learned throughout the year and return to implement their own knowledge into the new material they learn. As we all know each year of school, work, or life brings their own challenges for each of us. In students case it would be school mainly that they would have to deal challenges such as new learning materials, longer assignments and short projects. With no student-designed projects for the summer, students may have more of a challenge to be prepared for the coming year since they have their brain laying in bed. Usually student-designed projects are assigned for upcoming 1st graders, 2nd graders, 3rd graders, etc. With these projects students will have an idea what to expect a bit for the next coming year but to be ready for whatever come to them and complete it easily. Overall, students would be the ones who need this assigned project to maintain what they have learned and to prepare for next year. Even though there may be others who argue that summer is meant to be a break for students and that teachers are the ones who should be assigned to the project since it's their job and they must know what they should do for the next coming year. I can understand those counter claims but teachers could be able to plan out during a school year instead during summer because teachers also need a break. Even though summer is meant to be a break for students, it would drain their brain from what they have spent months learning and not be ready for the coming year. I know that students want to have a break with no assignments or projects, but with them they could be successful in the long run.
I think it a good thing if technology could read students emotional becuesa if you were haveing a Bad day then it could hlep you have a lot more of a good day then what you haedded like let say you were geting pick on at school. Then it would show u how to take care of someone how been picking on or let say that you just did not have a good day. Then it put on viens or thing that make u laught into u cry or it put on some cat that are funny. I think it is a good thing then all you will have to do is say to your computers how do i feel today it will say to you like It say in fact, we humans perform this same impressive calculation every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial is feeling simply by the look on her face.
TEACHER_NAME: When you were a child did you ever have classmates who got away with lower than average grades and still did activities? This is how us B or higher grade average students feel. Student should have good grades to participate in anything. C average students are already on the verge of failing and do not have limitations to what they can do. This is like an example of letting a little boy hit his sister and get away with it because he "didn't mean to". Children who don't succeed should have a punishment, without a punishment they won't learn and will keep behaving the wrong way, and therefore, still get away with it. People have to learn, and if they don't learn right the first time it will become a bad habit of failing. Parents should have to sign a paper, as well as teachers with the grade on it. Thus, if the grade is lower than an average B they shall not be able to participate. And there must be a parent/ teacher conference regarding the grade, how it got there, and how it can be fixed to let them do activities. If the requirements aren't met then the parent, and student should have a conference with the teacher and talk about what is wrong. Children who work hard deserve to have a break and do something they want. But with C grade average people participating in those activities, C average students should have some limitations for what they are not doing right. When children do something wrong they must go in time out. So when a student fails, they must pay for what they did by not being able to participate in activities that are fun and interesting like sports and dances. When children fail they must pay the consequences, and in this case, not be able to participate in school activities. It is not fair to the children at the school who do get good grades and participate to have to know they spend much more time working to perfect a grade just to participate with classmates who don't work half as hard and still participate. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Driverless Cars Are Coming is a short article that depicts the use of computerized cars that are being made. The cars are supposed to be safe and trustworthy. One part of the article describes a public-transport taxi system that would take people from place to place, navigating through other driverless cars. The idea of this self controlling, moving car can be very advantageous to people, using less fuel, prevent or stop car accident, and take people to their destination at ease. However, there are issues with the automated automobile. How will driverless cars adapt with cars with actual drivers? How will everyone acquire the self-driving car when they could cost fortunes? Also who is blamed if and when prevented accidents aren't prevented? Lastly what about car computer hacking? The idea of the self driving car is courageous, but it will not work for our society. First, driverless cars can drive at ease when other driverless cars are in uniform with the other cars, but when one car has someone drivng the car then the driverless cars aren't able to predict the outcome the real driver will make. Assuming the driverless cars would communicate with one another, they could all drive together in uniform, predicting eachother's movements thorugh the streets. Then one car, in a situation in which is being driven by someone, cannot be in communication with the driverless cars and the driverless car tries to predict one's movement. The driver actually goes the opposite way predicted, crashing into the other car. This is not something that can easily be avoided without other people owning the driverless car. This leads to the next point. Driverless cars are very mechanical, probably costing much more than one's average car price. Then everyone is told to adapt to the change and buy this self-propelling car, but they are much too costly. Without the car, people could get into accidents with the driverless car. No complete safety would be acquired until every single car within the set area is a driverless car. If an area with all driverless cars is made, what happens when the self driving cars do finally mess up and crash into another driverless car? Who should be blamed? The creators of the car? The person inside the vehicle that should have taken over and tried to drive for themselves, assuming they even know how to drive with little to no practice? One could also easily hack into the cars computer also. Computer hacking is already a very regular thing in the United States, so what stops people from hacking into cars and purposefully causing accidents? These types of issues that are very hard to deal with could not be easily dealt with. Blame for driverless cars could be impossible in some cases. In conclusion, the idea of driverless cars cannot be comepletely viable for safety of passengers and safety of citizens on the side of the street. There is no way driverless cars could be able to completely predict a real drivers movements. The cars could be hard for everyone to buy and adapt to. Last, you cannot find true blame for a driverless cars action when there is not anyone to blame. The driverless cars will not work in a society that is not ready for it.
Studying venus is a amazing purduit because no human could not live in venus or go up to venus because its far away from earth and we haven't made a spaceship that could reach all the way up in venus because it could never make it. Another stuff you can be finding for venus is the clouds that are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus. And on the planet;s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure in 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These facts that you can research are very true because you could go up there and find out all theses stuff and these facts support my claim because you can research cool stuff about Venus and that other people didn't know about and thats how it supports my claim. And thisw concludes all the stuff in my essay if Venus is a worthy pursuit to study about Yes i think it is because you could be learning more than others about Venus.
Options and choices are one of the most important parts of school. Whether it be what classes to take or what school to attend, it is up to the student to decide what is best for them. Some schools offer distance learning as an option for students to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing. Being able to attend classes from home would be very beneficial to students in many ways, like allowing them to relax in the comfort of their homes or worry less about issues that may arise in a school setting. This could help students stay focused and invested in what is important to them and their future. Schools start early in the morning. This requires students to wake up early in order to make it to school on time. This could end up being problematic for the students. Many students may have to stay up late the night before to finish homework. Others may not have enough time in the morning to eat breakfast. These issues can affect the student's performance at school. However, attending classes from home could resolve issues like these. By taking classes online, students would not have to worry about leaving the house. This would allow them time to get any food they might need before class or complete tasks ahead of time. This kind of time management is important for the health of the students. Being around other students plays a big role in the everyday life of a public school student. Students see other students similar to them and different than them each day they are at school. There are nice students, however there are also students who discriminate towards others. There can be students who bully or make fun of others. This can be overwhelming for people, as they may struggle to fit in. For students like these, taking classes from home would be a perfect option. This would allow them to be safe at home without having to stress about what others may think about them or what they are wearing. With that being said, there are some people who would disagree. Some may say this option can restrict interactions with other students, which could negatively impact a student's social life. While this statement does have some truth, it is not the whole story. Going to school online does mean that students will not be physically interacting with each other. However, the at home classes are supposed to give students the school experience, just from the comfort and safety of their home. Other students will have multiple ways of interacting with each other, like through online assignments. School is not the only place for students of the same age to get together and socialize. There are many opportunities just outside someone's door. To close, the option to attend classes from home could be something great for students. It can provide a safe environment, as well as give them the time and space they may need to get things done. In a time where many things are done on the internet or online, there would be no better time to get invested in this new way of learning. The choice to take online classes could be a very beneficial experience for students that could change their future for the better.
Ever since cell phones became popular in the late 1990's, in America, they have evolved from being simple mobile dialing and answering machines to basically mini computers that allow humans to now do a multitude of things like surf the internet and bank online to name a few. Unfortunately, in rent years humans have used cell phones to answer and receive calls, text and surf the Internet. As a result, cell phones have caused automobile accidents which have unfortunately led to deaths. In my opinion, drives should not be able to use cell phones if they are held in ones hand, however, they should be allowed to use cell phones in "hands free" mode as follows while operating a vehicle: 1. to talk and/or talk text via Bluetooth, 2. to use maps and/or a navigation system and 3. for entertainment purposes such as listening to music and the ability to watch movies, especially during cross county travel. Talking and texting while driving has become a "hot topic" in recent years mainly because of more and more humans using cell phones on a daily basis and the rise in traffic accidents due to talking and/or texting. I will agree that drivers can get distracted while talking on the cell phone while using their hands. I will also agree that drivers can get distracted by using their hands to text because the driver is constantly looking up and down which results in loss of concentration and attention to other drivers and to the road. However, a solution to the problem would be to mandate that all drives must use "hands free" mode via Bluetooth or you will be in violation of the law and can get a traffic ticket if seen using your hands. Before the cell phone, humans used actual paper maps to navigate the world. Until the early 2000's when cell phones came with satellite navigation via Goggle maps, software and apps such as MapQuest and Waze which allow the driver to get directions to their destinations via the cell phone. Navigation systems usually speak to the driver via the sound system in the vehicle which allow the driver to not use their hands. However, there are times that drivers use their hands to see the maps, therefore resulting in a traffic accidents. A solution to this issue would be to require all drivers to use the "hands free" mode while using navigation systems. The Internet has allowed for cell phones to have the ability to play radio stations from all over the country and not just local radio stations. The Internet has also allowed for humans to download their favorite music to their cell phones which they can then listen to the music via the phone. The Internet has also given humans the ability to watch television and movies via the cell phone by using apps such as YouTube and Netflix. Music has probably least likely to cause drivers to get distracted. However, movies have most likely caused traffic accidents because the driver looks up and down at the screen losing concentration while driving. A solution to this problem would be that the driver can only listen to music while driving and only the passengers can watch movies while the driver is driving, which are all "hands free" solutions. In conclusion, it is my opinion that drivers should be able to use cell phones in the capacity of "hands free" mode while operation a vehicle. The actual cell phone device is really not the issue that causes traffic accidents, it is basically the user lacking concentration, not paying attention and not using hands free mode that causes traffic accidents. Although humans will still get into traffic accidents while using "hands free" mode while operation a vehicle, it will most certainly cut down the number of accidents in the United States and around the world.
There has been a point in everyone's life where you've been stuck on a decision no matter how big or small it was. Everyone tries to solve and make decisions on their own, but what no one realizes is that by getting other peoples opinions, it can help you make better choices. You understand how others feel about the situation, you figure out different ways to approach new situations,and it opens up your mind to think about all the other choices that you have. When you talk to others and understand how they feel about the situation, it can put your choice in a really good or bad position. You may not be thinking what others are thinking or have information that other people have. That information can help you make your decision better. For example, theres always that one kid that asks you if you have food and you get annoyed because you want to eat your own food, so you go and talk to about her to your friend. Your friend tells you that she lives with 4 siblings and one mom. Her mom works 3 jobs to keep her family healthy and safe. You start to feel bad and start offering her food from then. You didn't know that about her and now you feel terrible for talking about her. You could've prevented the situation by telling her how you felt and she maybe would've opened up to you. Its good to take advantage of the fact that humans are so well at communicating, we should use it more. Talking to others helps you approach situations differently. This can even help you throughout your entire life. By experiencing these points in your life, it gives you the chance to learn off of the situation and make your decision making easier. It gives you something else to look back at so that one day you can feel confident enough to make all these decisions on your own. You also learn how to approach the person if the problem is involving a person. This will help with your communication skills as well. When you get others opinions it opens up your mind to all the possible options you have. Their opinions help you get your mind thinking and as people, we are built to solve the problems that life gives us. Other people may have more experience than you in some places and some may have even experienced this themselves. When I first started middle school I had no idea what I wanted to do or where to go, so I went to my brother for help. He went to GEneric_School all 6 years and experienced middle school. He gave me comfort while I made my decision about my electives. He told me what he did when he first got to middle school and which teachers helped him the most. This helped me a lot knowing as much as I could going into 7th grade. If I didnt talk to him I wouldn't have been so easy to adapt into the new school. By getting other peoples opinions in can help you make better choices because you understand what others feel, you learn how to approach new situations ,and it opens up your mind to all the possible options. So next time you hit a rock in the road, get others opinions to help you out. 
Every Summer, as school is nearing an end, the other students and I are ecstatic to have some of our future teachers come into our classes and tell us about what we have to look forward too after the break ends, as well as finding out what lesson we will cover, fun projects, and the supplies we should for the class. What does not please any student however, is when they find out that they have to finish a lengthy assignment before their summer "break" is over. Created by teachers who have no idea of your level of learning, nor who you are, students will inevitably feel overwhelmed. The students taking the classes themselves should created the assignment,as even though the teachers may make the plans for the class, these students understand where the new students are coming from as well as the challenges faced inside the class. Although teachers try to fill their summer assignments with care, they fail to understand what the students they are getting actually know. Just because the students should have learned everything from the previous year, most of the time other factors would come into play. Some material was overlooked due to time constraints, while some material was discarded in the depths of the students mind as they felt like they would need it. Nothing felt worse than having a lecture by a ne teacher a material we should have learned the year before, but no one at all could remember it. Having the upperclassmen, who were inside similar shoes to the newer students, make the assignment, they would reinforce what the students will have to know walking into the class day one. Upperclassmen would also be able to address through the assignment what material they never learned that the students would need for the beginning of the school year. Even though the teacher should plan for the students to not have learned all the information from previous years, the upperclassmen, through experiencing the class would be better able to give specifics on what future students need to know before school Even though the teacher makes the lesson plans for the year, the previous students remember what is actually important for the class. Many times before, upperclassmen have been able to help me through classes by giving me advice on what material was important for the final tests of the year, ranging from simply names of people we have studied about, to entire units that made up big portions of the test. Some times the teacher might skip entire portions of the class, causing the students to miss out on very critical information. Having students create summer assignments allows them to fill students on what they have to know for the year. Instead of being surprised by content they would have never known about, the summer assignment would serve as a guide for the year, preparing new students for what to come. Some may argue that it is the teacher job to prepare the students, and create summer assignments to reflect the year, but the students who took the class ultimately know what the students will need to pass the final tests. By understanding and experiencing the challenges the class faced before and during the school year, The upperclassmen would be able to create a better summer assignment for the new students. throughout school, not only have i sought out upperclassmen, but underclassmen have came to me asking for advice on classes or help studying. Students for a bond with one another, despite the grade level, in order to survive in the educational ecosystem. Unlike teachers, students know what they need in order to succeed as well as regrets and mistakes they will urge the underclassmen not to do. What else would be better in helping new students for the year than a guided assinment created one of their own?
Dear School Administration: Teenagers can not resist the "forbidden fruit". Teenagers want whatever they can't have. By allowing them to bring phones during lunch periods and free times, they are less likely to use their phones during class. If a student is caught using a cell phone in class, the school could ban all phones for one week. This is a privilege everyone wants, and no one would bring phones in class in order to keep that privilege. I think you should allow students to bring phones to school. This privilege could also be used as a punishment. If a student does not do there homework they can't use there phones, or if the student is failing a class they can't use there phones. This method would encourage students to try in school and work harder. Phones could also be used as a reward. If a student finishes homework or class work early, they can use there phones for the last few minutes of class. There are many ways to ensure students do not bring phones to class as well. everyday teachers could have pocket checks in the beginning of class. Any student who had there phone with them can't use it during lunch and free times. This method would diminish the amount of phones during class. There could also be long term punishments. If a student has failed to complete a project, they can't use there phone until that project is turned in. By admitting this policy, the school would have a friendlier environment. students would be looking forward to going to school. it would higher standard grades for the school, this could indirectly increase the schools annual fund. this policy would be greatly beneficial to the school. it would help not only students, but it would help teachers as well. That's why i think they should allow phones during lunch and free times. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Do you like waking up early everyday to go to school? Do you like the school environment? Do you sometimes wish that you could learn at home instead of at school? Some schools offer distance learning as an option for students to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing. Students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they would have less distractions and less stress on them. To begin with, students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they would have less distractions. The environment of school is usually distracting because the students usually distract each other. They start drama with each other. If students come to school to give their attention to drama instead of actively learning in a classroom, there is no point in going to school. Also, all the rules and limitations that schools have tend to be a distraction as well. Students are focused on things like what they should wear that won't get them dress coded or how they aren't allowed to use the restroom at certain times. If students are focused on things like this, they won't focus on learning. Secondly, students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because it could minimize stress. One stress that students have is waking up early everyday. Most students don't get enough sleep and it isn't even their fault. Some have extracurricular activities and get home late. Then, they have homework to do so they end up going to sleep late. To add on, home is a more comfortable environment. There is always so much going on in school that stresses students. When you are at home, most of the stresses go away. Also, it is a safe place. For example, most bullying happens in school. Bullying is one of the worst stress causes and people are always trying to find a solution for it or to minimize it. If we can attend classes at home, many students wouldn't have to suffer from it and that would be one less stress. People with the opposite opinion may say that at home students will be easily distracted and will have so much more freedom that they won't get any learning or work done. Although that could be a possibility, studies show that when you give someone many limitations and rules, they tend to break the rules more than the usual. On the other hand, people with more freedom tend to break the rules less. They also might say that at home classes could affect their social skills, but school isn't the only place or way to develop social skills. Students could go out into the real world and talk to older people with different mentalities or get a job and start getting experience with finances. In conclusion, students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because it would be less distracting and less stressful. Education in school today is not taken as seriously as back then. Students don't come to learn anymore and end up distracting others who do. Students taking classes from home could benefit them in so many ways. Do you believe that students could benefit from this? If so, in what other ways could it benefit them?
I had no idea that my life would soon chsnge after high school graduation. I was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank. Until one day, my friend, Don Reist, told me to come with him to Europe. When we were in Europe I found my dream job. Here's what I did. If you love adventure and fun, than you would love to be a Seagoing Cowboy. A Seagoing Cowboy is a person who helps and takes care of animals on ships that are being transported. As a Seagoing Cowboy, you see stuff that byou will never forget. If you are thinking "What if we have no fun.", you are totally wrong. You play sports, you read and your crew mates will become best friends with you. If you also like animals, as a Seagog Cowboy, you really spend most of your time with the animals on the ship. I, Luke Bomberger, has been a Seagoing Coboy for the longest time. I have enjoed every second of it. Eveyone is super nice to me. This job changed my entire life. As a Seagoing Cowboy, was much more than an adventure for me. It opened up another world for me. I have been more aware of my surrondings. And that awareness has stayed with me, leading my family to host a number of international students and exchange vistors for many many years. I hope that one day, you will follow our dreams like I did.
Have you ever heard the phase "If it ain't broke don't fix it?", well as Americans we shoud stick by that when it comes to the Electoral College. Politics aren't a popularity contest, they are an important asset of this great nation and should not be taken lightly.  The Electoral College is one of the many compromises established by The Founding Fathers of these United States and if they believed in the compromise why go and change it? With this method citizens can be certain that there will be a new president next term without fault. To ferther elaberate, people might argue that this "winner takes all method" is outdate and irrational, but do people really know what this method is? The Electoral College is a process that consist of a body of electors, 538 to be exact, the majority of the votes is required to elect the President. Your state also has a say in this , it has an allotment of electors that equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation. In lamens terms theres a vote for each member of the House of Representives and two for your Senators. This process is simple. There is always the chance of a dispute- it happened in 2000- but with this method its less likely. As stated in sourse 3 by Richard A. Posner he sets the 2012 election as an example by saying "Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes."  That's 10.4 percent more than popular voting methods. Posner also adds " A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes--538-- is an even number, but it is highly unlikely..." With the Electoral College there is certainty of outcome. The evidense is there, certainty of outcoome gives the public a sigh of relief and with such a simple process of election there will be no confusion. So like mentioned before if it ain't broke don't fix it this process has been around for more than a century and it hasn't failed yet.                 
Advice. Advice is something you seek, and search you can ask advice on anything it can be advice for you hair, advice for you dog, doctor advice you can partially ask advice on anything. When people are searching for advice they usually ask more than one person, I think thats best, because you can see from different points of views. I think only taking one persons advice may not help you find a solution or a make a good a choice, another positive thing about asking advice is you can also learn something new or meet someone new. Asking multiple people is better than asking one person for advice, because only asking one person may not get you the advice that is best needed. Asking multiple people for advice is something that can help you find a quicker solution. There are many positive sides when asking people for advice, like having different points of views that can give you tons of ideas and information for the advice that you are looking for. When you are gathering all these opinions you can discover new information and the advice you are looking for. There are many positive sides when asking multiple for people advice. When you ask people for advice it could be a stranger, a family member, a friend. Entire way you are communicating with others and you can make friends while asking the for the advice you are looking for. You can learn new things about you friends, and family members, when you ask them for advice . You can also meet someone new and develop communicating skills. When you ask for advice its best to ask more than one person. I think that it a good idea to see from different points of views and asking multiple people because, you discover different opinions and ideas. Only taking one persons advice may not help you find a solution or a make a good a choice. you can also learn something new or meet someone new when asking someone for advice. 
Generic_Name 18/Oct/2018 Schools offering online or video conferencing distancing learning for students is a great idea. Its a great asset for students because they can learn and work their assignments on home or cross the country. Help students with high anxiety that they can finish their assignment on safe working place for them. Many students surfer from anxiety or other social disability this program can help them get their work done with out any problem. This program can help students to learn in a comfortable place for them and learn cross the country. A person around the world can use theses online classes to get their education from the schools far away to them. A students that lives in India can take classes from a school in America that can help young adults to go to schools without traveling or leaving their love ones. This program can help students not paying high trips or travels for going to their schools. That can help students save money and a safe and comfortable learning place. Students that live in cross the world can try benefit from this program. If students are sick and the schools have this benefit, they can learn at home and their grades wont fall down. Students can do their work online and watch the conferencing videos to catch up in their home. A student name Generic_Name was sick for 3 days and couldnt go to school; He watch the videos on home and did all of his work online. Generic_Name said that this program help him to not fail those 3 days and to not fall apart. The teacher and the schools were happy with the program did to the students. Students with high anxiety and social disability could benefits with this program by staying in comfortable learning place. Student name Generic_Name, she have couple social disability and extremely high anxiety and couldn't go to school because of this. This program help her pass all her class with no worry of anxiety attacks or other social disability. She finished her work online, and she ask for help during videos conferencing if she didn't understood the topic. Generic_Name could have fail her school year without this program, this program benefit her to succeed school year. This program can really benefit students and change the ways of we learn. Students living cross the world could learn to their schools that are in different countries that they wont need to spend high money to travel cross the world. Students that were sick couldn't go to schools they could do it in their home. Students with high anxiety and social disability could work in their comfortable work place and pass their class. The program can benefit students for helpig them learn.
There has always been a debate on how we should electe our president. There always will be. Someone always has a new idea or plan for the future. After giving it quite some thought I have come to the conclution that changing to eletion by popular vote is the best way to elect our predent. Not only if it the most effcient way but its also the most fair way. I belive this for many reasons and I hope you can see that this is the path to sucess. One out of the vasriety of resons why we should not keep the electoral college and change it to election by popular vote is that electoral college is unfair. Its unfair because of the winner take all system in each state canidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chnce of winning. A perfect example of the flaw is during the 2000 campain, seventeen staes didnt see canates at all. Its unfair outdated and irrational and we need to do something about it now. Also the electoral college can cause the disater factor. The american people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisist. The system is going to cause problems and it needs to be removed as soon as posiable. If we keep going at this rate we will end up with a disater so big that wont be fixable. The election by popular vote can fix this. Its a fair and equal system that peope will agree with. It allows them to have a say in the election. They feel herd, dont you want to make the people happy. As you can see clearly the option of election of popular vote is the only way to fix this madness. These are just a few of the thousands of reasons why we need the change. the system we have now is going to crash and burn and there will be no recover. i know you know what is right so make the change that will put us on top. Not only do we want this we need this. i hope you can see that senator. I cant articulate how drasticly is will improve the election process. thankyou for your time and have a nice day.      
Knowledge is power. This phrase holds true even till today, and will most likely hold true for all of eternity. The more knowledgeable a particular person is, the more power they posses. Now it is no mystery that the public school education system has and is failing many of this country's youth, but what is a mystery is how to solve this conundrum and fix America's public education system. One of society's most powerful tools is the internet, so why not use it to help educate our youth? Some teachers have seen this resource and decided to take advantage of it and help educate their class with various online videos and websites. But why not take it one step further, and use this marvelous resource to our advantage and help teach students online? Some schools have taken the initiative to do precisely that, and now offer classes online for students to take, also known as distance learning. Distance learning benefits students by allowing them more flexibility and versatility to learn, adds more positive options for learning, and removes certain restrictions and concerns that come from having to attend a physical location for an education. Life is extremely unpredictable. Anything can happen that might withhold a student from being able to attend school, ranging from a fatal car crash or something as simple as pressing the snooze button a few too many times. Sometimes life dictates that going to school isn't going to happen. By allowing students to move the classroom from their classroom to their house, they are able to have more flexibility and versatility in their lives and receive the proper education they require. Online classes makes getting an education easier for students. Why wouldn't that be a positive? If classes start at 7:30, students may have to wake up as early as 5:00 in order to get themselves prepared for the day. If a student doesn't take the bus, online classes free up the students parents, and allows them to have one less responsibility in their, possibly, extremely busy day. It also saves them money, whether it be for gas or for a taxi. It frees up the student, by giving them the opportunity to not have to get dressed. It may take 30 minutes or even an hour for a student to shower and get dressed, but by removing this routine, that is an extra hour that the student is able to sleep. Many argue that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but by requiring students to attend a class somewhere else, many students sacrifice eating, in order to arrive to class on time, yet online classes can help students enjoy the benefits of breakfast. Online classes make students lives more flexible and versatile by allowing them to decide when to take the class. One could argue, that the internet is the greatest resource available. Unlike a book, information on the internet can be updated and corrected, without having to print and buy an entirely new book. The internet is also free, and provides various explanations that can cater to various different people and their learning styles. But many teachers restrict their class, by not taking advantage of this marvelous resource. While in class students must learn by any means the teacher uses, and if the teacher fails to explain a certain topic, the student suffers. In class, students can not search up a subject on the internet, it would most likely be a disaster if they could. Many students don't even ask questions, because they are afraid of humiliation, and if they do, they do not continue to inquire if they are still confused because they don't want to frustrate their teacher or look unintelligent. With the internet, this doesn't occur. Users are able to ask the "dumbest" questions imaginable, free of judgment. It also allows them to be more thorough, thus allowing them to better understand the subject and content better. All of this is possible with online classes, because students can rely on the internet to get accurate information, explained to them in a multitude of ways. If they don't like one websites explanation, they can look at another. The internet provides a variety of different websites to learn from, thus, allowing more options for students. Some could argue that a person could teach better than a book or website, and while this is true to an extent, online school doesn't remove the teacher, it only allows for another option, which is always a positive. If students still want to go to class, they still can. Having brick and mortar institutions comes with its restrictions. Whether it be a bank or a school, having institutions online makes life easier. Classes are held at a certain time period, and while this may be a plus for some, this definitely comes with restrictions. If a student doesn't arrive on time or misses the day, there is nothing more that they can do. With online classes, students are able to still learn and possibly learn even better than in class. Another issue many schools face is harassment, and online classes can help with this as well. Even though it is important for students to learn how to act and react in social settings, if a student is being harassed by a group of students, they now have the option to be able to avoid them altogether. A classroom is restricted by the teaching style of a teacher. If students aren't compatible with a teachers teaching style, they have to figure out a way to solve their problem on their own. Online classes remove the middle man, and allow students to learn on their own. Education is vital and key to the success of any nation. If humanity hopes to survive, it must be able to adapt and learn to evolve the systems already in place to try and improve society, such as the education system. By using one of humanities greatest accomplishments, the internet, schools can vastly improve, in turn, improving society as a whole. Distance learning is beneficial because of the flexibility it allows, the opportunities it offers, and the restrictions it disables.
Presidential elections have always been decided by electoral votes. The elections today should be voted on using popular votes. All though electoral votes keeps the amount of work tallying up votes down; popular votes will give you a more accurate percentage of votes each candidate recieves. Initially, when you use popular votes to decide a victor, there will be a more accurate percentage or number of votes per candidate. Popular votes are counted by each individual voter. This allows a more accurate voting scale to be used, since there is an exact number of voters. Electoral votes are based on a state's population and each region in the state is assigned a democratic elector. This only accounts for the majority of the population's votes, which means some voters' votes are irrevelant if the majority voted for an opposing candidate. Additionally, counting popular votes, while time consuming, is worth the effort. Popular votes, when used, are to make sure that everybody is accounted for in the poll. More people would probably vote if they knew that their vote actually matters. When popular votes are used it may take a longer time to tally all of those up than it would for electoral votes, it shows exactly how many people are actually voting. This will let the government know how many votes they should expect to see on each poll. In summation, popular votes, though time consuming, are a better way of electing a new president; instead of electoral votes. Electoral votes are an easier and faster means of counting votes but, popular votes show and acount for everybody that contributes to the poll and/or election. Using popular votes will most likely make more people want to vote, since they can see the amount of voters instead of the number of regions through out the country.
"SLAM!" Generic_Name throws the door back behind her. Generic_Name's mother flies down the stairs so fast, she nearly face plants into the wall ahead. "What's the matter honey?" "Ughh! My new principal just announced that all students are now required to participate in an extracurricular activity everyday after school, and i don't have any interest in that!" Generic_Name shrieks."Well why is that such a bad thing?" her mom says calmly."That's the point! i don't want to waste my time after school on something stupid like that. I would rather be relaxing by myself after all of my homework," Generic_Name answers irritably. "Come on, you could make new friends, and might surprise yourself with new interests."I think it would be really good for you," her mom explains. "Well I disagree," Generic_Name responds. "Please would you give it a try? I see opportunity for you here. I really do," Her mom pushes. "I don't need more people or friends in my life. Besides, none of the activities offered sound appealing to me at all," Generic_Name says. " How about cross country? You know your dad and i used to do it when we were younger, and when you were little you always talked about how you wanted to be a runner like me when you got older. Just try it, and if you really don't like it, i'll go talk to your principal about the requirement," her mom offers. "I don't know," Generic_Name contemplates. "Think about all of the great opportunities and things that could come out of this!" Generic_Name's mom says positively. "Please?" her mom tries one last time. Generic_Name sighs. "I guess," she finally agrees. Forced extracurricular activities will benefit students in many ways, especially by motivating ones that do not typically do activities. Our school should continue to require students to participate in extracurricular activities because it provides balance in their schedules, helps them to build new friendships, and gives them the opportunity to try new things. The first reason our school should continue to require extracurricular activities is because it provides balance in students' schedules. Balance is one thing that is very important, especially when it comes to middle and high school; colleges look at whether a student can manage an activity with all of the school work as a big factor in the admissions process. For example, My older sister applied to UVA last year; She had straight A's, a great GPA and SAT score, but got denied because she wasn't a balanced student. She claims that if she would have had a required extracurricular activity, she would have had a better high school experience because it would force her to have a little more fun, which she needed at the time. Another example of the lack of balance is that my older brother comes home stressed and angry everyday because he's so determined about keeping his grades up in high school. His favorite sport used to be football, until his classes started getting harder and he stopped playing. However, next year he is going to step down from one of his hard classes, so he can play football again and still keep his grades up; therefore, he will regain his much needed balance again. If our school continues to require these extracurricular activities, it will prepare students for high school by showing them that they need to have a balanced school-work life to both mentally and physically succeed. The next reason our school should continue to require extracurricular activities is because it helps students build new friendships. It is very important to have good friends throughout middle school and high school because you will need people to talk to about things, support you in situations. and even just to share laughter and spend time with that aren't your family. For example, when i started middle school my parents made me try out for track, which i really didn't want to do. After a few days, i had made so many great friends that i could not only hang out with at practice, but i also then knew them at school. To this day, i am even better friends with those people, therefore, i can't imagine what my life would be like if i hadn't tried out for track. Another example is my older brother made his closest friends, Generic_Name and Generic_Name, in football when he first started high school. Before that, he didn't have many good friends; football really changed his life in that way, for i never see him happier than when he is with them. The final reason our school should continue to require extracurricular activities is because it gives students the opportunity to try new things. If you aren't required to do something, most of the time you probably won't do it unless it interests you; however if you are required to do something, you will be forced to do it no matter what, but you might surprise yourself, and find interest in that thing after all. Like mentioned previously, my parents made me try out for track when i first started middle school. At first, i wasn't the biggest fan of the idea, but i decided to give it a try; i ended up surprising myself, and Absolutely loved it. I was one of the best sprinters on my team, and found running to be a great way to release my negative energy from the day. Another example of this is my friend Generic_Name; she had no interest in sewing at all, but her mom forced her to try the sewing club at her school. Vivian ended up really enjoying it, and found it very therapeutic, as it was a great way to let out her stresses from the school day. Squeak! Generic_Name's front door's hinges make a sound as she opens it. The stench of sweat fills the kitchen as Generic_Name and her friends topple in, one after another."Oh my goodness you girls stink!" Generic_Name's mom laughs and plugs her nose. "Did you have a good run?" She asks. "Yes we're loving it!" Generic_Name exclaims with a huge grin. "I knew you would," her mom winks at her. By continuing to extracurricular activities, schools will positively benefit students by providing balance in their schedules, building new friendships, and giving them the opportunity to try new things.
people should not waste there oney on something like that because by would peole need to know the emotions of students students are either happy neutral or sad at least thtats my opinion but really something like that just seems like a huge waste of money we dont come to school to talk about our emotionsn we come to school because we need to learn and make new friendsand thats why i think a device that can read emotions is a huge wasste of money. plus it sounds pretty worthless if you ask me if you wanna know if someone is sad or not just ask us and we should answer its that simple theres no need to build something that complicated when you can just ask them youself theres really no need for something thats that complicated also what about mona lesa smileing thay said they needed that to discover if were smiling good to i think we can tell if someone is smiling and if someones isnt so yeah
People sometimes talk to multiple people when seeking for an advice. If we only ask one person, then that person might not be correct. People tend to trust the most when they ask for more than one person's advice. And also, if we ask multiple people for an advice, we can see what their viewpoints are and what they would do in different situations. When asking for an advice, it is more efficient to ask multiple people to ensure if what one person said was accurate, it gives us a variety options to choose from, and we can combine some advises to form a better one. The first reason in which asking more than one person for an advice is better is to ensure that if what one person said is accurate or not. If you are not sure of what one person said as an advice, you can ask other people to check if what they said was true. For example, if you ask a friend on how to handle a problem and you think that what they said wasn't accurate or good enough, then you can ask someone else for more credibility. If you do not ask more people, then you might get the wrong advice. The solution you think is correct will actually be inaccurate and instead of making things better, you can make them much worse. You can ask different kinds of people of different ages to see what most people think. You can't do that if you only ask one person or just ask the same type of people. Another reason that it is better to ask more than one person for an opinion or advice is that it gives us a variety of options to choose from. If we only stick to an advice that one person gave us, then we will only have to take that advice, not knowing if it was accurate or not. Having only one option to choose from can sometimes be better for indecisive people, but it is better to have more options to choose from most of the time. Having more than one option is better because you have the control over the situation. If you ask one person you will have to take that advice without knowing what other great options are out there. Finally, if you have more options to choose from, you can imagine the outcome of each of those options and see which one is the best one. Plus, it is sometimes fun to try new things that have a different outcome. The last reason in which multiple opinions are better is because you can combine some advises to form a better one. If two people say different things and both of them make sense, then maybe you can combine them to make the better choice. This also helps you with your creativity of combining things to get a better outcome. Combining advises is the best option for indecisive people. Instead of choosing between two options, they can just do both but combined. If someone gives you an advice that you would never take, but it looks like a good advice, then you should combine both. It is never bad to take positive risks, you should try something new everyday. In conclusion, it is more efficient to ask multiple people for an advice to make sure if what one person said was true or not, you can have a variety options to choose from, and you can combine some advises to form a better one. If you ask multiple people for an advice, then they can encourage you take an action that you never took before. You should also combine advises because two brains are better than one. Different kinds of people's viewpoints can be better to try something new or just to have different perspectives with different options. When asking for an advice, you should always ask multiple people for their opinion.
dear who ever this may concern, i foundly belive that we should be able to keep the Electoral Collage because it has haelped this far with fairness and making sure that all the votes have been counted at least twice. But i also see that from where you stand the Electral Collage may be just a waste of money and in some peoples eyes it is. but that doesnt mean that in alls it is. from where is see it if it helps us why  not keep it even if it doesnt always pan out as planed we all have our problems but that doesnt mean that the government shuts us down it just means that the only reason we have those isssues are because not everything will go according to plan. it also doesnt mean let it get outta hand then try to real it in as soon as possible the only way this would work is if we had some one who didnt care who won eaither way so long as eveything is fair and not messed with. so what im trying to get at is that we dont always get our way but that doesnt mean we need to shut down the Electoral Collage. According to the 23 amendment the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for puposes of Electoral Collage. also Richard nixion and Jimmy Carter Bob Dole have agreed on the electoral collage and there not alone. thank you for your time, PROPER_NAME
Dear Principal, I think that you should allow cell phones in school because they can be very useful. During free time cell phones can be used to communicate with friends from other schools. This makes it easier for teenagers to communicate with friends and not lose friendships. They can be used to talk to other students and keep up with their homework. They can be used in emergency situations. An example could be if a student forgot his or her lunch they could call their guardian and tell them to bring lunch to school. Or if a student is seriously hurt they could call an ambulance to help them. Cell phones can help students stay out of trouble and become a better students. Students could help each other by texting notes during lunch or in the morning if a notebook is forgotten. Cell phone can cut down on weight students have to carry because of books by texting assignments. Cell phones can also help students remember things like tests or homework. Teens could also call a friends parents for a ride home or to stay at their friends home to study. Cell phone can be a very useful tool if used properly. Your's Truly, STUDENT_NAME
Phones & Driving Waking up from a wonderful dream, you look around to what you can describe as your dull or gloomy-like room. Without even realizing, you've already picked up your phone and start to browse your social media. You check the time and go look outside your window and it looks like a wonderful day. You quickly decide to blast your music and dress up fashionably before you go out to your friend's place. Alast you finish by taking many, many selfies and videos and then share them all to your friends and a few social media platforms while getting in the car. Now you've started the car and are now on the way to your friend's house as planned before. On your drive, text messages start to ring your phone a lot and people try calling you. Meanwhile you are on the highway. Mind you, you just started driving two weeks before, so you're practically new to this. At this point you only have two options, are you willing to get on this phone while driving? Or should you wait until your vehicle is at rest? You want to convince yourself that it may be an emergency but is it really a smart decision to fiddle with that device while driving? Let alone on a highway at about 75 mph? Which leads to the topic of this essay, whether or not a driver should use their cell phone in any capacity while operating a vehicle. In general, cell phones are a huge distraction to society itself. Some in a good way, such as passing by time. But some in a dangerous way, such as operating a vehicle. Let's talk about how dangerous this is. According to research, reasons you shouldn't use your phone while operating a vehicle is pretty obvious. It's dangerous in numerous ways, as little as two second distraction is just enough to see who's calling and texting your cell phone but it's also just enough time to get you into a crash and cause chaos. Those few moments of looking at your phone rather than the road you're moving far and even enough to where you wouldn't see any pedestrians, motorcycles/bikes, or another person unexpectedly braking in front of you. Apparently stats show that cell phone use while operating a vehicle has increased with an added fact that 18 to 29 years olds are more than likely to be the people trying to access phones while driving. While that age group tends to have the high frequency of doing so, research supports that the age group over 65 have the lowest frequency. It wouldn't even be smart to use a phone at traffic lights. You may fail to go at the green light and that's when the illegal part comes in. There are tremendous amounts of consequences that can happen from driving all being, punishable or harmful. In comparison, many other people may disagree and say that using a phone could be helpful. Based upon research, people claim there are great benefits to using your cell phone while driving. People feel they can use cell phones while driving safely with the help of hands-free technology. With laws banning hands-on behind the wheel impacting regions, drivers are saying that it's the typing of letters which takes too long that makes it dangerous. Even though people using hands-free devices and hands-on devices are equally bound to end up in a car accident, hands-free drivers tend to get fewer speeding tickets and general traffic citations than drivers using hands-on cell phones. More research states that pros of using a cellphone are for lifeline, navigation, cameras, traffic reports, and crime reporting. Drivers may need lifeline for road-side assistance for problems like car accidents where time is tight or paramedics and other emergency contacts that may be needed. Navigation assists drivers in locationing and maps providing real-time traffic reports, this supports the hands-free benefit of cell phones by a lot because it is very much needed. Cameras are important for quick situations such as car crashes. The person may need to hurry and catch a picture of the licence plate of whom might be performing a hit and run. Traffic reports provide drivers with up-to-date traffic updates on traffic jams, highway closings, and accidents. And lastly crime reporting for suspicious and illegal actions a driver may have spotted. With research it's clear many drivers can support that there are ways to operate vehicles while driving safely. In my opinion, there shouldn't necessarily be any use of a cell phone while operating a vehicle. It's very dangerous and can cause people to be harmed badly and even bring death upon people. I feel that bluetooth music, texting, and calls, are not an excuse to grab the phone while driving. All texts and calls can wait because little do you know your life's on the line especially when your vehicle is moving at any type of speed. And music can be changed within good time management. I understand that people may have jobs that may require them to use their phones while driving and that's where advanced technology takes place. Advanced technology is allowing vehicles to assist drivers for safety or the vehicle may even drive itself. Hands-free cell phone usage has been promoted but now more safely than ever in this generation but I still feel that even all of the hands-free technology can even be quite an amount of distractions. Mind you one of the biggest and important rules of driving is to focus on the road. It may be hard sometimes considering that at young ages cell phones are practically habitual and it's almost like we need them for everything. Notice how in the introduction I brought how a cell phone is being used. That was to show how big of a role a cell phone plays in our lives, and me mentioning being a new driver was to have a bigger as to why the phone shouldn't be used. Using a cell phone while driving is very, very dangerous to you, and even others in some cases. In conclusion, if causing harm and chaos is the last thing you want, the suggestion should be to not use a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Hands-free may sound great and all but it can be just as risky as hands-on cell phones. Surely the messages and calls being received can wait until after your drive. There is no need to add on top of stats like accidents because of cell phones. As the saying goes "safety first!" And that safety plays a big role in everything, in this case driving. Now back to the questions. Are you willing to get on this phone while driving? Or should you wait until your vehicle is at rest? What's your decision? Work Cited Ellis, Baldwin. "Pros of Driving & Cell Phone Use." It Still Works, 10 Jan. 2019, itstillworks. com/pros-driving-cell-phone-use-5499629. html. Work Cited Hilliard, Justin, et al. "Why You Really Shouldn't Use Your Mobile Phone While Driving." CarsGuide, www. carsguide. com. au/car-advice/why-you-really-shouldnt-use-your-mobile-phone-while-driving-33062. Work Cited "Pros And Cons Of Using A Hands Free Mobile Phone While Driving." Elite Driving School, 3 Nov. 2014, drivingschool. net/pros-and-cons-of-using-a-hands-free-mobile-phone-while-driving/.
Driverless cars may be very safe and seem really cool becuase it is new technology. I believe having driverless cars would be a waste of money and may even be more dangerous than we believe. Driverless cars cars would exhibit safety problems and economical problems . The making of these driverless cars would cost a fortune. The final product would not be worth the time or money put into the invention itself. Millions of dollars would be spent in order to make this dream a reality. All so that the people on this Earth can become more lazy and more distracted. No one really needs self driving cars. They would be nice to have because we are a lazy species. It would not be prudent to put the time or the money into building a driverless car. Safety wouldn also be a big reason I would not want a driverless car. All of these cars would revolve around robets and technology. The human would have no control over their safety. If I had to make the decision, I would want to be in control of my safety as much as possible. Sometimes you can stop the crash, but I would rather be in control then have a robot be the driver. Driverless cars are a good dream, but are not logical. The money and time put into these cars would not be worth the final product that is produced. Also, a robot would be in control of the humans safety. I think more problems could go wrong if a robot was in control rather than a human. A Human should control their own safety. The Driverless cars are not an invention that we should invest our time, money, or lives in.
Driverless cars are an astounding idea that can be modified and fit to meet the needs of any individual. These cars in the future could help transport people, they solve more problems than they cause. These futuristic automobiles coule help transport people. Say when you become old, too old to drive yourself safely, if you want to go out somewhere you just call up one of these driverless cars and they take you where ever you want to go. This also could help to prevent accidents like with long drives, if you fall asleep, no problem the car drives on its own and can prevent a terrible crash from occuring. If you choose to go out drinking and then try to drive the car brings you back home safely. So in conclusion driverless cars are an intellegent idea. They can prevent drunk driving accidents and transport people who can otherwise not transport themselves,as well as stoping accidents from happening. There should be no question in if we should or should not have these advanced contrebutions in our society.
The author tellus about the two planet that are right ext to each other. The author tells us how there one in specfic that a lot like earth. He tells us that for decades we have been wanting to find out more about Venus but its just complicated the temperature and eveyrhting about it. he thinks that it is important to learn more about the planet so that later in life we could send people and build things there for example the hovering vechiles he talked about. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers it present because out of all the other planet in the solar sydtem Venus is the that is more like earth. It talks about how dangerous it is how the machines that they send to Venus dont last long because of things are in Venus. Obvisouly he or she thinks that its worth it because the author tells us how "researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." He says that "our travels on earth and beyond shouldnt be limited by dangers and doubts but should expand to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author had said that most likely probably at one point Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various of life, just like Earth. I mean in my opinion that would be smart to learn more about the planet because we never know the world might come to its end and we need to be prepared to move in somewhere new. It has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as velleys, mountains and craters that furthermore Venus might be our nearest option for planetary visits. The autor want or tells us that NASA has one particulary idea for sending humans to study venus. Nasa's possible solution to hostlie conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float abovethe fray. Like a blimp lke vechile hovering 30 or miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. it tells us that " solar power would be plentiful, and radiations would not exceed Earth levels , not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. If at one point there was living life in Venus i feel like that would be important what if there s living life there but we just havent found it there might others things in venus that could help earth in some type of way.
Say you have a altercation with someone and you need advise, wouldnt you want to go to multiple people? I feel like most people go to many different people for advise because you may ask one person for advise but dont feel like what they said is true so you ask other people. Many people in this world have different opinions on everything. But thats okay because its good to hear opinions from other people because there opinion matters just like yours. I personally go to many people for advise because I like to hear more than just one persons point of view. If I only was to get advise from one person and I do it and then something goes wrong ima feel hurt because I didnt ask many people. Make sure when you ask people for advise that its someone you can trust and not just someone you know is gonna give you bad advise because you had the audacity to come to them and ask them for there prospective just because you trusted them. I would prefer going to a close family member, close friend , teacher, etc. that you know would give there best advise possible. So for example one day I was in New Jersey and my cousin before he passed away he wanted to see me before I had left to go home back to Virginia but then I also found out that my best friend who I went to school with wanted to meet up with me that exact same day and I didnt know what to do. I really wanted to see my cousin but I wanted to see my best friend too. So I had talked to my dad, Grandma and grandpa three people I really trust and they gave me good advise on what to do. They told me that I should go with my cousin because he hasnt seen me in years ever since I was a baby. So I got in contact with my best friend and asked if we could do it another day and he agreed. So then I ended up going with my cousin and it was amazing spending quality time with him. Asking for advise from variety of people really goes a long way and it could possibly have an outcome with you choosing the best decision for yourself. Its a 50% change of you choosing the right decision you wont always choose the best choice but at least you know for next time. I remember what my cousin always told me that you should always ask for advise even if you think you dont need it because you might regret it if you dont. Even if you dont like to hear others people opinions, which some people dont at least give it a try you might just change your mind. It also helps you have less stress because your getting help from multiple people. Many people get stressed out or angry when they dont know what to do. Which is a bad thing because you shouldnt stress out so much over it when you have people out there that you could talk to. There are many other ways that getting advise from other people can be helpful but these are just a few. Always make sure that you take someones advise if you trust them because it could possibly lead to a positive outcome. 
Driverless cars are becoming less of a fantasy and are quite possible to create in the near future. I personally feel that the production driverless cars would not benefit our society because of the dangers of an electronically controlled car and the legal issues the can arise from them. There are already many dangers that come with cars that have drivers, but so many more come along with a driverless one. If the cars stops responding to instrictions, it can become a servere hazard and start skipping stop signs, red lights, or even begin driving on the sidewalk. Another issue that comes with that is who to blame for the accidents. As the article said, we can blame the manufacturer or the people in the car. However, how can we determine who is to blame? The court process would be far too much effort for the case. This incident will also likely occur more than once, causing even more drama. The idea of a driverless car sounds like a good innovation and could be very useful. But when looking at the danger and legal issues that come with the cars, the production of them just doesn't seem worth it to me.
Summer projects are required in some schools so that students can keep learning over their break. I believe these said projects should be designed by the students and not by their teachers. One reason is students should be able to learn what they want. Another reason is the students will most-likely make their project shorter to complete which means more time to enjoy summer break. Whenever you have a project it's always more exhaustive to complete when you are not passionate about the subject. When you are able to pick and choose the topic of what you learn though, you get inspired and are excited to do the project. I think that it is pertinent for students to have a strong passion for their work, it makes it far more enjoyable to do. For example, in my middle school, I was able to design my own project over the summer, and for the first time I actually had fun working, unlike my teacher made projects. It is highly necessary for the youth to learn attributes and skills they are personally interested in so when they get a job they know what their doing and are not filled with useless knowledge they don't need. I also think that having a break is warranted if you are working hard, it helps rejuvenate and recollect yourself. Students need breaks and giving them an unnecessarily long project to do over their vacation takes that away from them. Families are also busy over break with traveling and seeing family members. Most of the time students lack the time to really put their best effort into their work. If you let students decide their workload and limit they will have a favorably less stressful summer vacation, giving them the rightful break they deserve. I strongly believe that all schools that require a summer project should let their students decide what they want to accommodate their knowledge with not the teachers. Still, on the other hand, people might want teachers to create the projects, but students don't usually learn anything valuable to their selves if they aren't interested in the subject. So in conclusion, students should be permitted to mold their own summer break projects. Then at the end of the day, everyone is satisfied and able to learn what they want, letting students enjoy the vacation they are given.
Firstly, I disagree because some kids around here may not have the money to do a sport, when you do a sport you have to buy the pants,shoes,the shirt everything that goes with that sport you'll need to buy for the activity or sport. But I do recommend trying to find something to do out of school so your not In your house all day long,but do something that you don't have to pay for, for example help out with a church group or ask people to walk there dogs stuff like that. Anyways i disagree most families out here in the real world don't have much money to spend money on everything your going to need for that activity that your going to do,now if you talk to the school or a teacher an tell them that you really would like to try this sport or this activity maybe they'll help you out with paying for the things but most of the time schools aren't very good with helping you with things like that. Secondly, some kids may have to watch there brother or sister because there parents have to work or just maybe they only have one mom or just one dad. We never know what might happen if we leave them at their house by themselves. For example one time when I use to live In this big white house when I was younger my mom left to go work so I decide to go to a friends place that wasn't very far from my house so I left them there by themselves,my friend decide to pull up a stop sign but I wasn't involved someone saw her do it an called the cops on us,next thing you know the cops was there then I got in trouble because I've left my brother and sister at home with no one there to watch them. So thats why students should have a choice to not do a sport or a activity, so they don't have to leave their siblings at there house by themselves. finally, most kids like sports and doing fun activities but I've known some kids and people that don't like to do sports or fun activities. The reason Is I've seen kids get Into big fights over who's going to go first an this an that,thats part of the reason some kids don't get out much to do things but the other reason Is maybe they feel like they'll get judge by what they look like or how they dress trust me i understand that problem. The other thing is sometimes kids have to get a job to help pay bills and get food on the table because there mother Isn't making much money so they have to go get a job and help there mother with stuff they need. People all around the world have to do these things It's sad that they have to but they got to do what they have to do. So that Is why i disagree students should have a say In this to not just the principal.
Dear state senator, I think we should'nt have the Electoral College because the system will go all wrong because who were actually voting for, unfair to voters, and its outdated and irrational. These are the reasons why i think that we shouldnt have Electoral College. We shouldnt have it because voters dont actually vote for the president they want, but for a slate of eletors who is turn to elect the president which is unfair. If you wanted to vote for a president but you arent in that area you wouldnt be voting for that peron you'll be voting for a slate of 34 electors who pledge to that person. That will make the person get 34 electoral votes. This will be unfair to the voters and who they want to vote for. The Electoral College is unfair to voters because whoever wins takes all the systems in each state, candidates dont spend any time in the states they have no chace of winning, and only focusing on the "swing states". In 2000 campaign the state didnt see the candidates at all. Why would you put your fate in the hands of people you never see or in a few swing voters? The most worries people have is if there is a tie in the electoral vote. If that happen the election wouldnt be up to us at all and we dont want that. You would have to choce the vice president because we only got one vote. Even the house's can hardly even be expected to reflect the will of the people. These are the reasons why i think that we should'nt have the Electoral College because who we actually vote for, unfair, an its outdated and irrational. Please take a momment and read about this and think about what the people want and how it will be fair and eaier for us and you. From, Melissa
Students would benefit, from being able to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing. There are a lot of kids with disabilities who wants to go to school but they are afraid of being bullied by other students in school. There are some parents who are in college, and have many responsibilities and still needs education. There are some other kids that needs to go to school but can't get out of their houses because of their sickness or health conditions. The first reason why students would benefit from attending classes from home by way of online or video conferencing, is because of those kids with disabilities who wants to go to school ,but are afraid of being bullied because of their physical appearance. I remember when i was young , i used to get bullied in school because of my bow legs. Kids could laugh at me , and that used to hurt my feelings at the point of not willing to go to school. This same thing is still happening today to a lot of kids in different schools , that they don't want to go to school because of being bullied and judge for their physical appearance yet they can't do nothing about it . That's why classes from home by way of online would be so important to kids who are going through this kind of situations. The second reason is because of the parents who are in college and have many responsibilities, as taking care of their families and work, but still needs education. Last year my sister had a baby, yet she was getting ready to graduate in college. She couldn't stop studying just because she got a baby. The online classes from home helped her a lot , because she was able to nurse her baby and take her classes at the same time. The third reason is because of those kids that needs to go to school, but can't even dare get out of their houses because of their sickness. I had a friend who had a very bad disease that could't allow her go outside where there is sunlight because it could burn her skin. She wanted to go to school but she couldn't because of her health condition. The classes from home by way of online helped her finished her high school studies and graduated. Some people may disagree by saying that students wouldn't benefit from being able to attend classes from home by way of online, because they won't have fun, make friends and other things, however i believe that they would benefit because a lot of those students who take classes from home by the way of online, ends up finishing their studies, and their wouldn't be any difference from the one who made it in school. Having friends and fun is good but ain't the priority , the priority is to get what's important and what will help in the future. Yes, students have a huge benefit ,from being able to attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing.                                               
Venus is a dangerous planet with 800 degrees fahrenheit, a thick atmosphere made up 97% of carbon dioxide, and highly corrsive clouds of sulfuric acid. You may think thats pretty dangerous. It is, but with the authors insights well find out why scienctist want to go there so badly. The enviroment is so deadly that it can crush a submarine, that was made for going to the deepest parts of the ocean, and liquefy many metals. So you may be thinking, well writer its too dangerous for us so just forget about it and stop rambling, well thats were youre wrong. The Author claims we could fly 30 miles up in the air and hover around on the blimp. The tempature would only be 170 degrees fahrenheit but thats also survivable for humans, maybe not easy but still survivable. So that seems safe enough for my beliefs, so maybe it should be safe enough for your beliefs, but hey thats just a theory, an Essay theory.
To the principal of SCHOOL_NAME, My name is STUDENT_NAME and I would like to tell you some reasons not to change the grade requirements for after school sports and activities. The students want to be able to participate in sports and activities because it lets them be free and cope with problems they might have at the time. They might have problems running or jumping so they join the soccer team to help with running. The students could also be trying very hard to get a C but barely make it. If you change the requirements for after school activities then they wont be able to participate because they can barely make a C. Many students would not be able to participate with the activities because of their grades so the people directing the activities might loose their job because of the lack of participating students. If you change the requirements for participating in after school activities then you wont only be hurting the students but the people that run the activities too. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME 8th grade
Dear senator please keep the electoral college. There a few reasons why we should keep it heres a few. The electoral college is a easy way of picking the president the most popular canidate with most votes is the winner. Also each party picks a nominee and trust is very rarely betrayed. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast. The electoral college system is a fairly simple way of voting that most people understand replacing it with something else would just instill alot of mis understanding in people ,wich could possibly result in a huge decrease in the amount of people that vote. Also the negatives of the electoral college are not really a big deal that coud cause a fixing or a inbalenced vote towards one side over another. In conclusion I think sticking with the electoral college is a wise decison because there isnt anything wrong with it ,why fix something that isnt broken?
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author informs us about the many difficulties we would face trying to get a closer look at Venus. Although it is the hottest plant in our solar system with air pressure unlike anywhere on Earth, I believe the auther does a great job explaining how we could overcome the challenges and maybe even send humans to Venus. The author suggests that the humans stay above Venus' atmosphere and lists what technology should be used to send down to the surface of Venus and retreive information about the planet. The author's first idea to support the claim that we could do more to explore Venus in the near future is keeping the people sent there in a spacecraft, kind of like a blimp, about 30 miles above the surface. The author compares this to how planes fly above storms, which we already know is a good way to complete the task and stay safe. Although the pressure and temperature would still be intense, the astronauts could still do their job under these conditions. Another suggestion the author does a good job of explaining is thinking about what technology should be sent to the surface to collect samples. In paragraph 7, the author uses examples of what could do the job, such as lab tested tech that could withstand the conditions for weeks and older computers which are stronger than today's. The use of these factually supported examples helps the reader get an idea of what we could send down to Venus and how it could be possible. The facts the author uses to support their ideas of how we can better explore Venus, along with the descriptive details used to explain these ideas give anyone reading this a better understanding of how we could make this a reality. The ideas that astronauts could stay in safer conditions and send down strong technology to collect the data they need sounds like it could one day be a reality. Until then, we just have to keep exploring ideas to make it one.
There are positive consequences as well as negative consequences for the development of these Driveless Cars. It's good that thechnology is advancing and the world is in a better place because of these things. It's not bad that things are starting to change including our daily use cars. It's good to be able to create new things that are interesting and enjoy the things that are being produced. I oppose to this new invension of cars however. People might be excited hearing these advance technology such as the Driveless Cars that are being introduced. However, I'm against these Driveless Cars that are about to be sold. You might think that cars being controled by itself without the drivers would be facinating and cool for you, but there is also danger ahead of us. Of course, it's the job for the companies to sell out to you and try to earn whatever amount of money they could, it's not their responsibility of driving for us after buying it. The cars are not even fully recommanded by the producers yet; they are finding ways to improve it. However, it's not fully guarantee that we will be safe as long as we are in the car. It's our choice whether we want to get this new car or not, but know that in your mind there will at least a consequences. These cars are cool and looks awesome in our eyes, nor is a bless to own one. Even so, we should know that these cars are not a hundred percent safe. The text state, " This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. " This shows that we also have to ready to take over when something doesn't seem right. It's not like the Driverless Cars will take care of us. Imagine you are texting while in these Driverless Cars going to your work. You just let the car control when suddenly a road ahead of you is being constrcted, at that moment, you probably might not be alert or anything. The car then had an accident and the one to blame is you, the driver. What I meant to say is that these cars aren't that safe as we think it is. We also have to take the responsible of beingon alert or else something might happen. The text said that if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer? This tells us that it's not guarantee that the manufacturer will take full responsibility of us when somehting bad happens. We have to take care of ourselves. These Driveless Cars might be convenient in some ways, but always know that it's not always safe. What's the use of always staying on alert when you bought the car thinking it can drive itself without the need of the driver. Even thought it's a fancy thing that the car could drive by itself, it still needs the help of the driver. If something is about to happen in the middle of the highway, what are you going to do? It's really dangerous just thinking about it. Our life really determine on our own actions when driving this Drivelss Cars. Some people might find the cars a good thing, but for me, I really am against it.
It would be awsome to identify human emotions,and knowing what students feel in class can be really useful. I think the new technology that reads emotional expressions of people can be useful in schools. The teachers will be able to know when the students are bored, in the article it said "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." it let's the teacher know by the students emotions that the lesson is boring or the lesson is not understandable for them. The new technology can help teachers make their plan lessons more fun and understandable and if the schools of all around the world uses the new technology it would be lot easier for the teachers to make the students be more focus on school and the lesson, but not only the technology can help schools it can also help people with their business, but that's not the point the point is that school's should start using the new the technology to help students stay in school and helped them to stay focus. But not only it helps during class time it can also help outside of school like if the student's play sports the coches can know when the student is sad, tired, happy,or angry. So I think having the new technology in school can be really helpful and useful for everyone but most likely the teacher's.
Do you want to have extra activities in school to make you more tired and grumpy? NO! You shouldn't have a extra activity if you're not willing to do it. I have 3 reasons why you shouldn't take a extra activity. Doing an extracurricular activity is horrible because, you may have family to go home and take care of, you might have a after school job to attend and; finally, you may have to babysit your siblings. Your whole family is depending on you to come home everyday and care for them, you cannot be wasting your time on what the principle says. Your mother may be sick or your father could be dyeing from a illness that no one knows about. Your time can't be wasted by an activity you're not wanting to do. If they try and try to make you do something you are not wanting to do then say, " No, I have my family that I love and care about passionately, I have no time to do an activity I'm not wiling to do." Extra activities take up way to much time; although, it may be helpful you still have to think to yourself and say, " I have more important tasks to do." Would you rather work a job and get paid or, do a sport and waste precious time taking all your energy? You can work at Subway, Chick-Fil-A, and at a Burger King. Do you really want to participate in a sport or an activity? A job lets you meet new incredible people, help take care of responsibilities, and get more cash. You can't get that from doing a extra activity all you're doing is what your school or principle wants. Working at a job can also, provide you a lot of currency from doing what they need, you also have to think to yourself, " Can I really live in this world without money." You're the oldest in your family and; although, you hate watching your siblings, mom still wants you to do it. You can't say no to your mother, you have to say no to your principle, he or she is incorrect. You shouldn't be made to do a extracurricular activity ever, especially if you're made to participate in it. Your teachers, principles, nor peers know what is going on at home so, they cannot make you do anything you are not willing to do. Your siblings may be in elementary school, middle school, or even high school but you still have to give them care and protect them when your parents aren't around. In conclusion, you now know why you have the right to say, no. You should use your time wisely by, taking care of your families, having a after school job, or babysitting your siblings. There are more tasks to do in this world then to do everything that the schools want you to accomplish so you have to stand up for yourself. When you head back to school on Monday go to your principle and say, " I have better and more caring things to deal about." You may get into trouble, but you fought your will and you made the right and important decisions. 
When people ask for advice to multiply people can they make better choices? Personally, i think it is important because you would see different perspectives. Also, they would see different decisions people would make. Third, they would figure out to handle problems on there own. in conclusion, this is what you get for asking people for there opinions. One way is you get different perspective. First, you can get how some people would deal with the problem. Second,you will get different ways to solve the problem. Third,you would meet with different people. Fourth, you would see how they would solve it . Finally, these are reasons to get different perspective. Another way is you would get different decisions. First, you would get different solutions. Also, you can try the solutions if they work. Another,you would learn how to solve the problem. finally these are ways to use different decisions. finally you would learn how to figure problem on your own. First. you won't have to ask people for there perspective. Second, you would have experience to the problem. Third, you would be able to give people advice. finally you w ould be able to give advice to other people. in conclusion, these are the steps if you know the solutions of the problem. In conclusion, these are the steps to for you can ask for advice .            
Well when we 1st hear about the Electoral College we think it's some college where students go who drive BMW's, Audi's, Nissian GTR's, Nissan Skylines,Honda Civic SI's,Toyota Supras,Chevy HHR SS,Ford Focus RS,Subaru STI's,etc. But is it really a college like that? No unfortunately not as a matter a fact it's not even a college to physical go to if you thought it was a college you can physical go to then you are the biggest chunk that ever stepped foot on this earth. According to paragraph 1 it says " The Electoral College is a Process not a place the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens." So when you hear that it's not a place and its a process yay! we're learning. But let me stop you right there happy readers who are learning, that's not the question so wait heres the part when you feel like the biggest chunk again... the question is Does The Electoral College Work? Aha see you thought you won the 4v4 but really it's just getting started. Like how can you win if you don't know anything about the process college well thank godness im here because im gonna educate you goats. According to paragraph 2 "The Electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president,and the counting of the electoral votes by congress". So what i think it's saying is that this is how like our wonderful presidents get elected. this is the voting system that elects vice pres,pres,meeting the to runners and electors thats the electoral college in a nut shell. But you guys are still scrubs you need to know a little more before we can answer this question. Actually no we don't need to learn a little bit more you guys aren't chunks you are Pros at this we all are you know why? So let me tell you why our founding fathers started this in 1769's or something like that but ever since they made this system it's been going on until 2015! so the answer to that question would be yes it does work because it gives the people a right to choose who they want and the president doesn't get to much power and without this system we wouldn't have any presidents you know what i mean. -  Clown  
Dear Principal, After reviewing the possible cell phone policies I have come to a conclusion that I support Policy 1. This policy allows students to use their cell phones for important or recreational uses that do not distract them during class time. Also with this policy they will be able to set up transportation and be able to feel secure in case of an emergency. Policy 2 however, I feel will be ineffective and will not aide students in any way. If this policy is chosen students will most likely still bring their cell phones to school and because of the fact that they are not allowed to use them in free time they will most likely have to use them secretly during class. This will distract not only themselves but students around them. Also they may feel almost "dared" to bring their cell phones and try not to get caught. The reason I feel that Policy 1 would be helpful is because if they are given certain periods of time when they can use them without having to face getting into trouble, the students will feel their is no need to use them during class. This will help them keep focussed during class along with others around them. Also they will be able to keep in touch and check in with their parents or guardians in case of an emergency or and important occurrence. One of the main reasons students bring or even have cell phones today is for transportation purposes. If students are given a time during lunch or free time to use their cell phones and do this it will cut out the need to bring cell phones into the classroom or anywhere else in the school. I believe that students will support this policy and respect the rules of it. If Policy 2 is put into play I believe students will take it lightly and not follow the rules. Also they may not feel as safe or secure in their school environment. In all, I believe that Policy 1 will help benefit not only the students but teachers as well and help the school environment become a more safe, secure, and focussed environment. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Technology and human emotion From now, human can say we are have most feeling in the world, We can be sad we can be happy, we can be angry about something we can also say'' what's a pity'' but how to show us emotion? Use our face! someone said, how to know somebody emotion? Use our eyes! Somebody day again, but do you know that now we have now the number of you emotion. What's will like? For example one of most famouse art Mona Lisa, one lady always have a secret smille, she is 83 happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. So amazing right? When I saw the result maybe because of that Mona lisa have beautiful of time. Complate emotion very easy to touch people's heart. this software is form University of lllinois , they hope developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. How it work? The process begins with 3-D computer model easy to say just build a modle of the face and cumputer will calute the way muscles move and he can know the percent of your emotions, depend on each musclesthe cpmputer will know how ''happy'' you was. So this prosses sound like cool but it just show how much computer can do it not meaing it 100 right.
Cell Phones haven't been around a long time, so people think they are the best thing yet. People use phones for everything. Surprisingly people are using them at the wrong times, causing car accidents and other accidents. Driving while texting or even talking sometimes on the phone is not safe at all. All of this makes it extremely hard to focus on the road and your surroundings. Therefore, since driving and texting is illegal, and people still do it, there are now fines and tickets people have to pay if they are caught or even suspected to be on their phone while driving. Most drivers cannot maintain the same speed when they aren't focused on the road so the other drivers will either be so close to them or get mad and speed around them. There have been reports of 36% of drivers who admit to being on their phones while driving. 14% of that 36% ended up in a deadly wreck. In conclusion, I think it is best to stay off your phone while driving. This could save so many lives of innocent people. This would also save so much time and money that cops and ambulances have to put into coming to help someone who should've just followed the laws to begin with.
Do you ask more than one person for advice. I think that asking more than one person for advice can help you figure out what you really want. If you just ask one person about your problem, he or she can tell you a bad way to handle it, and you'll listen to he or she cause thats the only person you have asked. If you ask more than one person you have all these different suggestions you can choose from, and you can pick the one that sounds the best. You should ask more than one person for advice because you have lots of choices to choose from after seeking advice from others, you are not worried that much anymore, and if you ask one person the outcome won't be good. You should always ask more than one person. If you ask lots of people for advice about your problem you will have more choices to choose from. By having more choices to choose from you can look at all the advice people told you and see which one is the best or stood out he most to you. Some of the advice you get may be good or bad thats why you ask lots of people. By not asking lots of people you have less choices to choose from. When you have lots of different choices to choose from you arent that worried anymore. When having lots of different choices to your problem it relives stress. You can get all the thinking of your head, the headaches can all be gone thanks to having a lot of ideas of advice to choose from. Say one of the advises you choose to use to solve your problem dosen't work, you have a lot more so you don't get stressed over it. Getting stressed over something can lead you to not do it anymore and quitting is not the right way to end something. If you only ask one person for advice on something that will not be good at all. Asking one person for advice is not good because what if there advice is horrible but thats the only person you asked and you go with there idea anyway. If you dont ask other people for advice and just have only option of advice it might not go so well to solving your problem. If the problem your having is a really big problem you probally need to ask lots of people not just one person . You should ask more than one person cause it will help you with your problem big time. If you ask just one person for advice won't do anything for you. You're less stressed out if you ask more people for advice cause if you ask one person for advice and that advice fails you will get super stressed out. You need to ask at leat like seven people for advice in my opion cause thats enough to see which one rally stands out the most. You should ask more than one person beacuse you have lots of choices to choose from after seeking advice from others, you are not worried that much anymore, and if you ask one person the outcome won't be good.            
The Seagoing Cowboys Many people know, and many people don't know about the Seagoing Cowboys. In the ecxerpt, Luke was one of these. Seagoing Cowboys are for anybody and everybody. In this paper, there will be many details describing why Seagoing Cowboys are for everybody. There are many details to describe the greatness of being a Seagoing Cowboy. One detail is because if you are one of these people, than you get to take care of a bunch of poor animals. A few of these animals are horses, young cows, and mules that are being shipped overseas. You would also take care of people. Some things that they would do are help their food suppliy animals and more. Not just for the people, but for the countries that were left in the ruins. Another detail is that you get to have a great time while you do it. Luke for enstince, got to hang out with his other cowboys and have fun. They would play base ball, vollyball games, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games. They did these things to help pass some time. The would also sometimes be able to go sight seeing. Some people think that being a Seagoing Cowboy is dangerous. Well, there not completly wrong. Although being a Seagoing Cowboy can be fun and adventurious, it can also be dangerous. In the ecxerpt, on Luke's second trip he had to be a watchman. On one rainy night, he slid down the wet slippery ladder onto his back. He shot feet first toward an opening on the ship. Luckly, there was a small strip of metal on the edge which stopped him from ragging vigourusly into the wet and dark Atlantic Ocean! After that he couldn't work for a couple of days because he had a few broken ribs. Yes. Everything in the paragrapg above is true, although, this only happens every once in a blue moon. In the excerpt this didn't happen to any other of Luke's cowboy buddies. So yeah it can get a little rough out there, but it only happens very rarely. People have alot of fun joining this program and they always have a good time while they are here. As one can see joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is for anybody and everybody. It Is an amazing and exiting feeling once you know that your helping animals and helping people affected by World War ll.
Is asking multiple people a better choice than asking one person How can asking multiple people about advice better? Sometimes the persons advice can be bad. People think differently, so it can lead to different outcomes. Not many people can understand the advice they ask for. All in all, asking multiple people for advice is better than asking one person. First, you could be asking someone for some advice, but it's not good advice, so you ask someone else. You can ask a random person for advice, and the give you some advice you would never do, then you ask someone else. People can ask other people for advice, because the person they ask before gave them some advice that they know they would get you in trouble. In summary, asking one person for advice and that persons advice is bad, you can always ask someone else. Secondly, you can ask as much people as needed for advice, but they can all lead to different outcomes. You can ask your friend for advice, and they give some good advice, but your scared of the outcome, so you ask someone else. Sometimes you could be scared or nervous about the outcome of the advice someone gave you, that you ask another person. Many people think differently, and have different outcomes that you don't like, you can keep on asking other people. In total, people minds think differently, and they think about different outcomes that you are terrified or nervous about, so you ask someone else. Third, you might not understand the advice people give you, so you ask someone else to see what they say. People can give some good advice, but at the same time say it in a way not many people can understand. Some people can think of great advice, but they don't know how to put it in words. Many kids and adults get nervous sometimes when their friend ask for advice, and they mumble or stutter what they are trying to say, and their friend can't understand what they are saying. In conclusion, not many people can understand advice other people give them. Finally, asking multiple people what they think you should do, is better than asking one person. You can never know if the person you ask for advice, is going to give you good or bad advice. Some people give different advice, which can lead to different choices. Not many people can give advice clearly. To conclude, asking more than one person for advice is a better choice than asking one person instead.     
Don't you like to some times drive and have somewhat freedom? You won't have no fun sitting in car and not driving. If we have self driving cars we still need to pay attention to the rode so we don't get in a crash and when the car want humans to take over. If the car requires human skills for navagating through a work zone wont it be a lot of problems. If we have self driving cars we wont have to work to get I.D. No more and teens wont be happy that they don't have their name on a plastic card that says you can go almost where ever you want. We will lose some things like multitasking because are brian is used a lot when we drive and if we listen to the radio. We will just be listening to music or on are phones just rotting brain cells. Thats why i think we should not have self driving cars, because we will lose some freedom and skip some parts of growing up
" the Electoral college have been discovred by our founding fathers in the constitution" why distroy something that was given to us? over time we have been voting for the Electoral College not the president. I personally think we should be able to vote based on popular vote, Over years, we voted for the Electoral College it consits of voting for President and Vice President and the counting of the electoral votes by congress, sounds diffict right? well this is how they run things, personally I think we should vote based on popular votes because according to source 2 under " what's wrong with the electoral college" many people get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate, yikes! not always do we get control whom we vote for , it all depends on the state. We should be equal, Electoral college is unfair to voters. in the same source they state that the electoral college is unfair, outdated and irrational harsh words? but its true. Lets take a look at the present. President Obama who won the vote, got 29 electoral votes since were a large state we get more votes. take a look at map where its shows the breakdown of the number of electoral votes, it shows each state. many small state have less than 5 electoral votes simply because its not huge, but yet again you're voting for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. Popular votes have many benfits such as equallty and justice's. In source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral College:Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president" paragraph 21 popular vote was very close in Florida (2012) . It have been said that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off a potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their states. popular votes have a chance and will be picked based on popular vote. In source 3: states that they is no pressure for run-off elections ,It's provided a clear winner , sounds good doesn't it? One single vote can decide an election sounds stressful. Popular votes are bascially stress free and in the Democrats in Texas ,Republicans in california  their vote have no effect they leave it to the popular vote. In conclusion, popular votes have such great benfits and had more justice and give better oppourity to those who bascially are in a sticky sitution. Electoral College have so much to do with the voce president and is indirect.  
To the Principle, The policy I think you should put in affect is the first policy that allows students to have their cell phones in school but it cannot be present or used during class times. I choose this policy because it seemed reasonable. From pass experiences I found myself in situations where I needed to use my cell phone and I wasn't able to. One reason why she shouldn't pick the second policy the one that says no phones at all is because of safety. What if one doesn't take the school bus and left their t-bus money home how are they going to reach their parents and tell them they have no money? Little situations like this can happen everyday and this may cause frustration among parents and guardians. The second reason is because the second policy is just unfair. From the pictures I've seen in the video not all the students were on their phones. Some were actually doing their work so putting policy number two would just make innocent people suffer. School is a place of learning new things and experiencing things you wouldn't at home so if students want to text and talk on their phones I say, let them because their futures are in their hands and if they want to talk to their friends and text about what boys they are going out with or what they are doing after school I think that's their problem. Take it from a student, most rules are broken so I really doubt students aren't going to stop bringing their phones to school for example in our school gum isn't allowed but students continue to bring gum and chew it in school the rules and the detention doesn't stop them. But if you make something reasonable and fair maybe the usage of phone doing school hours will stop. It's 2011 thing are changing many teens and now kids have phones. I'm pretty sure the reason their parents bought it for them is for communication, with them I may add. So if you take that away who will they be able to communicate during a emergency. Yes some students misuse their ability to use phones but you shouldn't everyone. STUDENT_NAME
When you are faced with a decision, how do you go about making that decision? Many people ask others for their opinion and what they would do. This is a great strategy because, if you only ask one person they'll probably give you their opinion based only on their life experience, you can make the decision that the majority of people would have suggested, and some of the people will help you see from a different perspective what the decision actually is and how it will effect the rest of your life. These people can be very helpful in decision making. The first reason that seeking multiple opinions can help you make the right choice is that, if you just base your decision off of one person, that person will probably be advising you in making that decision based on a life situation that they have been in that either effected how they made that decision or would effect the outcome of what they eventually decided to do. This can be bad because you might not be in the same situation as that person was in when they made the choice that they did. Also, that person doesn't know what you are going through and what this decision has in store for you. When you act off one persons opinion, the choice that they made might have led them down a good path, but, even if you make that same choice, there might be something different that's waiting at the end of that same path for you. So, when you take their advice and make the same choice that they did, keep in mind that it can negatively effect you afterwards or during the decision-making process, or it can leave you in a different situation than it did them. Next, if you get multiple opinions you have the opportunity to do what the majority of people have chosen or would chose to do. Many people do this, and it can be quite helpful. People will often do this because they assume that most people will make the right choice when faced with a decision. There is also the fact that, if the people that made a certain choice seem as though they are in a good place in life and that their life isn't terrible because they made that choice, that is the choice that most people will make and the path that most people will take. In addition to this, most people feel that if they make the choice that other people did and those people got a good result out of it, that is the decision that should be made because people want to get what they think is the best possible outcome for them in general, and when faced with a decision. Finally, when you get multiple opinions the people that give those opinions will sometimes also give you advice and help you find a new perspective on what the decision and the choices actually are and what they really mean. This can be very helpful because if you don't look into your future at what each of the possible paths can lead you to, you could make the decision and realize that the situation you would end up in is a terrible place to be in life, or you could look into your future with the help of the people around you, and make the choice that would put you in a good place afterwards. Also, if you aren't paying much attention to what you are actually about to do, you might not realize that the situation at hand is going to effect you way more than you let on. This can be very bad because, like what was previously stated, this can put you in a very bad place in life. Additionally, if you find multiple opinions on the situation those people can help you depict the question that is being asked of you and the possible choices that could be made and where they would put or leave you, so that you know what is really being asked of you and don't make the decision blindly. In conclusion, there are many reasons that people would look for multiple opinions while making a decision. Namely, if you base your decision off of one person you might make a choice based off the situation that person was in when or if they were faced with that choice, you can take the most abundant response because the people that responded with that might be in a better place in life than the people who made different choices, and lastly, the people you ask can help you find another point of view on the situation to help you better understand the decision that is being or need to be made.
Almost everyone 16 years old and older has a cell phone. It is often hard to find a teenager without one attached to them. This has created some problems for those operating a vehicle. Cell phones have caused many issues for people on the highway and should not be allowed by those operating a vehicle. Most of everybody have a cell phone most people life go around a cell phone. Cell phone causes many problems while driving, you can look away for one minute and end up having an accident. The National Safety Council report 1.6 million crashes every year. Almost 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents while texting and driving. Texting while driving has become a very big problem in today worlds. People check they phones every 5 minutes and faster than that when they are driving. Texting and driving don't just affect you when you driving it effect the other people in the car and the person you had the accident with. The average amount of time a driver takes to type out a text message is 5 seconds. If you're driving 55 mph and look down to text for five seconds, you've already driven the length of a football field. 11 teenagers die every day due to texting and driving. Teenagers are 400% more likely to get into an accident from texting and driving. AT&T's Teen Driver Survey found that 97% of teenagers think it's dangerous, while 43% of them engage in the activity anyway While driving you shouldn't do anything but drive, let the person on the passenger side handle the music and send texts out. 520 pedestrians have been killed by distracted drivers. Mostly teens who text and drive, It's not that important they can wait living life better than sending a text and a risking your life.
I agree because everyone should at least participate in a extracurricular activity alot of people like doing afterschool activitys and if everyone tries to participate maybe they will find an activity they like. Some people like sports some people like to draw if you participate you will be able to have fun and enjoy what sport you play like basketball its fun and your able to use team work to win or drawing it takes time but at the end you drawed a pretty picture or helping around the school help with the family market or or clean up a classroom with a teacther its so much things you can do you just have to particicpate or if you like to cook theres clubs and programs for u to cook of is you like to graden there a club for that or even if you just want to play games or video games with your friends theres clubs theres alot to do. You can can ask the people who run or is the boss of the afterschool programs you can ask to makes a club or something you like to do like hair and nails that will we a program i will join because thats what i want to do when I get older or some people will join to see if thats what they want to do when they get older some people might like fasion or some might like music its whatever you like to do you should do it just start to do more extracurricular activity. There can be more than one activity you will like to participate in so for each day you can sigh up for the activity u want to do for that day or even if your not into sports or drawing or gardening try if you try you might like it always take try something before you say I don't like it.
electrol college is not just a college it is a process,  The electoral college is a process that consist of the selection of the electors,  it started in the founding fathers established in the constitution as a comprise between election of the president . this means that the electorol college should stay this college is more than just any old college its history ,its in the constitution this college should not be gone this college should be honored. these electorals mainly select the votes for the people in the white house like the president and vice predident. our state is entitled allotment of electors equals the nuimber of memebers in the congressional delegation  . i want electoral college to stay because they are good at things for the state . and they also have a big role in alot of things. the electors college plays a big role in our state . under the 23 amendment of the constitution , the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors and a treated like a state for purpose of the electoral college . this means that because of the electoral college the district of columbia is treated like a state . so electoral college  is the reason why some districts are called a state why take this type of college away if this has such a big role in alot of things to do with the congress . with out the electoral college they wouldnt have presidents or any thing . in every election the electors are always there in every president election every president have their own group of electors behind them . they are joined by a canidates political party . u may wonder how the electors work because all u do is see them behind the prsident well the process is hard and they want students who wants to be an elector to get ready on what they are about to get in to . it first start off by the u choosing the president when u choose the president u choose the group of electors this means when you choose the president the electors goes with him or her , most states have winner takes all system that awards all electors to the winng pesidental canidate's electors . after the election the govoner pepares a 'certificae of ascertainment'. this means that that it is listing all of the canidates who ran for president in your state along with names of their respective electors . the electors go through a long process . and the college wants the studentsa to know all the things they need to before they become electors. the electors deserve to have a college someone might want to be an elector and they might think its hard for them it wouldnt be anything with out electors they do more than just stand behind the president they do more they help the president the president we have today wouldnt be able to run for president without a group of electors . and they need a college for someone who wants to be an elector. this college should be honored to be in a program like that these electors are needed in our country with out electors we would have nothing if we didnt have electors the electoral college is widely know as an non democratic method of selecting a president that outa be by declaring the canidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner . these are all the reasons why we need the electors program . because they play in a big role of our country and dthey also good for our state and .l so we need these progems to show young student that being an elector is not easy itbis very hard and a long process and we need to show students how the experience is and they also need to be knowleged trained to do stuff that will make our country better . because if they mess up  on one little thing its an automatic fire for them . we need these colleges because it plays a big role and it reuires the votes. of the president meaining it helps the president win .                 
Car accidents are increasing due to the use of cell phones. People often stare at their cell phones while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. Hundreds-of-thousands of lives were lost because of car accidents. Although the death rates are increasing, drivers today are still texting while driving. The use of cell phones while driving should not be allowed, or death rates will keep rising. Cell phones were created to stay in contact from far away people, but only to be used as a distraction from reality. People often use their cell phones while doing important activities, driving is one of them. Using cell phones while on the road causes the drivers attention all on the phone, rather than in front of them. Plenty of lives were taken non-stop due to these incidents. Whether the driver flipped in their cars, crashed, or hitting somebody taking their lives instead. Vehicles was supposed to make lives easier with transportation, and create a better society. Instead vehicles were used to kill others, or make people suffer. Vehicles increased the use of cell phones at an alarming rate. Soon after that, getting in car accidents were a common thing. Lives were fragile in the hands of drivers, and they shattered it. Within the state of Georgia on 2018, a law has been passed to no longer drive with phone in hand or get a ticket. The risk of accidents is to high to have drivers behind the wheel with a phone in their hands. Both eyes should be on the road if they are behind the wheels, or receive a ticket or lose a life. Accidents has been occurring less due to the new law in Georgia. Phone holders or headphones/bluetooths are the only way to interact with cell phones while driving. It takes time to show drivers cell phones are only going to cause pain and suffering behind the wheels. People should not have to walk on the side of the road worrying about cars harming them. Too many lives were taken by cars due to cell phones. We must ban together to stop driving with cell phones in their hands. All drivers must realize it's time to stop, and stay off their cell phones.
There are pros and cons for both whywe should keep and get rid of the Electoral college. You are voting for the electors, not the president. Voters don't get to choose the electors. Some electors might even defy the wishes of the people who voted for them. There are 538 electoral votes, which is an even number so their could be a tie. It is rare that eletors will defy the wishes of the voters, but it has happened. In 2000 Gore had a high percentage of the popular vote than electoral votes. This is so rare that the only other time that it happened was in 1888. Most states give electoral votes on a winner-takes-all basis, some split the votes a little bit, because of this there is a clear winner. In the case of electoral votes, no one region of the United States can win alone, so the votes are spread out. If presidential elections were decided directly by the popular vote than region favorites would be elected abd the rest of the voters would feel that they did'nt vote for the president that was elected. Presidential candidates are most likely to campaign in "swing states" that they know they cn win the electoral votes from. Voters in these states are most likely to pay close attention to both candidates, so the most thoughtful voters will get the most representation. The most populated states or the "big states" get the most electoral votes, meaning the states with the most people the the most representation. With the Electoral College you increase your chances of having a majority (fifty percent or more). While there can be a tie, this is rare. Since there are good arguements on both sides, a decision has to be made after careful thought.
When people ask others for advice, they tend to talk to more than one person. To get more guidance from others that could possible lead them the right way. Seeking advice from other people can help because their advice can lead you in the right direction and there are challenges that we all go through in life. Their advice can lead you in the right direction. Seeking God for help. Yes, I know most people don't believe in god and it is okay, but for those who do God makes things happen for a reason. He takes people out of your life and gives you advice even when you don't ask. You may not know when he does, but he does. Also, family knows best. Other than yourself, family should be the closest people to you and they know more about you then others. Their guidance can rub off on you. Lastly, friends. Lots of people go to friends about things that worry them or things they want to talk about. Friends can help you with experience that they or someone they know has went through. Even if you don't think so, all these people in your life always know what's best for you and are good people to go to when you need them. There are challenges that we all go through in life. People with the same experience. You may not know or haven't asked, but some people that you are close with have probably gone through the same experience you have and can help you through whatever you are going through. Being comfortable with others. I feel as if that is a big key in seeking advice from others, you should be comfortable with them. Be able to trust them and tell them things without the fear of them telling someone else. Lastly obstacles. There isn't a day in life where we haven't all had an obstacle we had to face. No, I'm not talking about like playground obstacles I mean real life ones. Like challenges, bad experiences we've had to face. I would never want to got through a bad experience alone and would want to seek someone else for help. You may not think anyone can help you, but it's more than just a 3 step process. However, I understand how others may not care, or don't give the right advice at times and make every experience you have about to them. That has happened to me many times. Yet, no one knows you better than you know yourself. It is scientifically proven that no one knows you better then you know yourself. About 65% of people go to others about their problems. Getting advice from others is better though because their advice can lead you in the right direction and there are challenges we all go through in life. At the end of the day try to always get advice from someone other than yourself, you never know what will happen.
Many people live in the USA voting for the next president, but there are people who think that the election system need to change to become better. I personally think that the election system should stay. First off, the founding fathers created the Electoral process. The Electoral process is a simple but complex system that holds up are government. The system protects us from people accidentaly picking a leader that may end up being a tyrent or worse. Many people may say "What about Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, or bob Dole." Well it's vary likely that there will be more people like that if we change the system and start a new. Even though, citizens of the USA think that the Electoral Collage is Anachronism. That statement is not true. If the Electoral collage was outdated the U.S. would the government system would have fallen awhile ago. even if there may be ties between the Electoral collage the system will have a plan B. While I'm Electoral collages the representives of the state are chosen by the people if the wrong disison was made people should balm the people who chose that person. In the end, the people are the one to blame not the system. The system may have a few flaws but the flaws are only made by the people vote. Some one may say "If the system was perfect there whould be no need for blame." but nothing can be purfect." I think that we shouldn't change the election system  
Dear Principle of The School, I think you could go with policy number two because no teenager has a use for it when you go to school. For example, a teenager doesn't need a phone during school hours, if a teenager needs to use a phone he/she could ask the teacher if he/she could use it for emergency reasons. Another example is that, if a teenager wants to text a friend he/she could do it when they arrive at their house to text them all about their day at school or something. Texting or calling in school is a big distraction for their education in school. A person can live if they don't text or call for at least eight or ten hours can't they? If they could then why bring a phone to school if you know the teacher is going to take it from you. I mean I don't want to lose my one hundred twenty dollar phone to the school or drop it and not even know i did these are some two reasons why i wouldn't want to bring my phone to the school. Education always comes first is what my parents say about school, so if i need to text someone, i can hang on to it for a while and get my education first, so i can achieve in life and get a job so I can pay for the bills myself and not waste my mom and dad's money on my own phone bills. So if you have to pick from one policy from another, i hope you vote for policy number two because it is better for the student to not be distracted from their learning curricular/education.
When you ask the public for advice they will always talk to a random person if there for advice on what to do or something important. An good start is always there parents because there are your mother and father legally and you will always trust your parents. I believe strongly that asking more than one person for advice could help you in your lifetime eventually. A more of an approve in advice in life is always asking for small advice. The advice can take you somewhere when you ask for advice you either ask for small or an agreement into when looking into advice. Advice can lead to disagreements or agreements. Most advice comes from a decision in the head due to if they wanted to do something an example rob a store. Most people will talk to people if thats a right choice or a bad choice. Or a agreement to break up with there girlfriend or not. Those people can help you make those decisions in life because your getting a better understatement to think about it and make your decision. Advice can lead into a do or die situation. Not saying that a bad thing but advice can lead you to do or die. But those situation can cause you to go to more trusted people and asking them for advice. But some people say that asking strangers for advice is not a good idea because they will either give them bad advice or your talking to someone that is clueless on advice and you should trust only your self. But there are right but in a wrong way. Trusting yourself can lead into a worse situation to get your self out or a good way and if you cant make a decision you will have depression for the rest of your life. But asking people for advice make having a decision so much better in anyway for example you have three choices to make and you can´t decide so let the public decide for you. In conclusion asking people for advice can lead to good things depends on who your talking to. Asking your siblings for advice or you´r friends or advice is a good way to leave a good mark in you´r soul. In conclusion ask the people that you can trust and good stuff will come out of it evenly. 
Limiting car usage could have many advantages on our planet. Many cities, such as Vauban in Germany, have given up on using cars to help the world around them. "Vauban's streets are completely car-free, except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community." There is a movement going on called, "smart planning" and Vauban is just one example of a growing trend in Europe of limiting auto use. The article says that passenger cars are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. It seems that the people in Europe are realzing that so much car usage is harming their environment, and they are trying to set a trend for other countries like the United States to follow to limit using cars. How much people use their cars is very important. Polluted air is a very widespread problem in many regions of the world. Paris had days of near-record pollution, and decided to enfore a partial driving ban to try to help clear the air of the city. The article says that almost 4,000 drivers were fined, and twenty-seven had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intensifying smog." The driving ban helped clear the smog, because it reduced car emissions. Paris has more smog than many other European capitals, which is why reducing how much citizens drive their cars is a good idea. Some cities have days that are completely car free. Bogota, Colombia is one of them. They have been having a Day Without Cars for three straight years. Cars are banned for the day and buses and taxis are the only exception. The city holds about 7 milion people, and had a large turnout. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. The mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay even said that, "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders." The Day Without Cars has even helped stores and sports center come up throughout the city. Instead of shopping centers along a highway, those stores are now in the city and easy to get to without having to use a car. Researchers have been studying America's ways of car usage and driving. America is home to the first cars like the Model T, or "Mustang Sally." Vehichles have always been a huge part of culture, but it seems now that that might not be the case anymore. "As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995." Researchers are actually hoping that the pattern continues because it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions on the environment. Transportation is the second largest source, behind power plants, of emissions. Many changes have now happened in America, which are making using cars not as important. "With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit.." The article says. If we could slow down the usage of cars and emission, maybe we could help the planet become a better place. Since the percentage of car usage has gone down in America, so has the percentage of getting a license. There has been a large drop in 16-39 year olds getting a license, Mr. Sivak's research has found. Older people are also likely to retain their licenses as they age. Mr. Sivak and another man both have children of about the same age, 19 and 21, and live in busy cities where a car could be useful. Neither one of them has their licenses, even though they are interested, but they don't really see the need for one when they can use public transportation or car-pool with their friends. The article says that a study last year has also found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Whether or not this changes as these young people grow older, these decreases in driving are proving that cars might just not be as important as they used to be. Our planet is just continuing to get worse from emissions from cars. Some countries are starting to realize this and are working hard to limit car usage and have citizens rely just on public transportation, walking, or riding a bike. Bill Ford proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which, "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial, and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions, and improve safety." Citizens all over the world can work together to reduce car usage and better improve our planet.  
Using the facial action coding system is useful for students and is valuable in the classroom. It is better for humans and for computers to communicate. The author uses technology, facial expressions and students. To prove why students need facial action coding systems in classrooms. First the begin with talking about the technological side of it .In paragraph 1 they being to to talk about what the mona lisa was actually expressing through her facial expression by using FACS ( faical action coding system). The mona lisa is one of the most famous and staple pieces of art. Their have been many debates on if the mona lisa was happy and using this technology proved she was 83% happy. They used FACS to figure out her emotions from that exact moment. in paragraph 2 they begin to talk about the use of the FACS computer. How they use it to figure emotions for intance the mona lisa's emotion. The process isnt that hard use stand in front the computer and make facial expressions and the computer can figure it out for you. Secondly they being to talk about facial expression. In paragraph 4 Dr. Huang talks about how facial expressions are universal. facial expressions are truly universal it is key on figuring out how others around you could be feeling. In paragraph 5 they talk about how humans come with an impressive calculation to what people may be feeling such as friend and how we can tell the difference between each emotion. Humans come with bein able to understand human emotions through expressions but not always seeing as people can mask true emotions for instance at one point he beings to talk about different smile and which is real and which is fake. Lastly he beings to talk about how it would be useful in a classroom enviroment. In paragraph 6 they talk about how if a student is using a computer and the computer has FACS ( facial action coding systems) that it will being to recognize if a student is confused and bored and will able to modify the lesson for the student to regain interest in the lesson. The student will be A able to pass his or hers class and B have fun and be interested while doing it. In paragraph 9 they talk about how it help a theater teacher and his actor ( his students) to be able to udnderstand the theory of emotions. Emotions are always around and may work in your favor from you getting a good grade to putting on a great performance FACS will be able to help to do that. In conclusion FACS seems to be very useful from the class room to the stage FACS can be used for being able to fully understand somebody's emotions all by looking at their face .The author used technology , facial expressions , and students to do that .
Dear Senator, I believe that we should keep Electoral Colleges but massive changes to the system.  These changes would help prevent ties, avoid a large number of "swing" state, and also make elections easier.  For one to prevent ties, that is a hard thing to prevent cosidering we have no control over who someone votes for but it can be solved. If, in case of a tie, we due a tie braker as you will.  There will be a revotation process with 499 voters, these voters are picked at random in the city data base.  "...for example, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him." Number 2 is to solve swing states, again this is something it is hard to prevent but can be solved.  There needs to be an equal number over information distributed among the states and so forth.  For the conclusion of making elections easier, we need to make the more convenient. It takes a long time to vote for you and could be faster.  Although the electoral system is slightly flawed we still need to keep the "peoples" president, and there are not manyn other ways to do this than to due the system we have now.  The only major problem is the the system is out of date.
Dear State Senator, I think we should get rid of the Electorial college because they are unfair. There are only a few reasons to why we need the Electorial college. I think we should get rid the college because it is a non- democratic method of selecting our president. It shoule be overruled by declaring the candidate who got the most popular votes. Its the electors who select the president not the people. When you vote, you are actually voting for a slate of electors. Another reason why would get rid of the Electorial college is because of the winner takes all system. Canadiates dont spend time in the states they know have no chance of winning. They only focused on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 capaign, seveteen states did not see the the candidates at all including Rhode Island and South carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets did not see a single campaign. It can be argued that the Electorial College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state, demo crates in texas, or reblicans in California for example. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incntive to pay attention to the campign thean they would have if the president were picked by popular vote... The voters in presidential elections are people who to want to express a political preferance rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. Whats wrong the Electorial College? When we are under the Electorial College system , voters vot not for the president, but they vote for slate of electors. For example if you lived in texas and wanted to vote for [John] kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off chance  that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to congress and Kerry would get 34 electorial votes. These electors could be anyone not holding public office. Plus voters can not control who the electors vote for. Voters end up getting confused because of the candidates the electors vote for.