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How did the hipster burn his tongue?
He drank coffee before it was cool.
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What is a pirate’s favorite movie?
Starrrrrgh Wars
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What do you call a superhero who gets dumped
The X-man
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They say 97% of people are bad at math.
Thankfully I’m in the other 5%.
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I don't often tell dad jokes
But when I do he laughs
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Did you hear about the magic tractor?
It went down the road and turned into a field
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I pooped in an elevator yesterday
Took that shit to another level
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With the New Year, I been meaning to get back into shape by doing lunges
That’s a small step forward
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what did the cow said to the other cow on new year eve
happy moo year!
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Poop jokes aren't my favourite
But they are a solid number 2
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I’ve been cleaning robes for the church singing group
...but that’s just bleaching for the choir
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If the people using computers play Minecraft…
Then the people making computers (AI) are playing Mind Craft
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What do you call a broken can opener
A can't opener.
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Where did Russian royalty get their coffee from?
TsarBucks of course!
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What is Cristiano Ronaldos favourite food?
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What do you call a lonely bull
Beef strokin' off
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I got arrested for an illegal firearm in my vehicle the other day
I thought having a car Berretta was a requirement in a vehicle.
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I hate archaeologists
They act like they always have a bone to pick
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A construction workers wife comes to pick him up He’s finishing up a project on the roof while she pulls into the work place to pick him up.
Realizing he needs a hammer, he motions down at her *points to eye, points to knee, makes hammer gesture* to communicate that she should pick up the hammer lying on his knee.
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Yesterday was
my best day of the year, so far.
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What do you say to a French parrot?
Parlez wanna cracker?
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I told my doctor I keep hearing a buzzing in my ears
He said, yeah there’s a bug going around.
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What do you call advice from a cow?
Beef tips.
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What is a pirate’s favorite letter?
While many believe that a pirate’s favorite letter is ”R”, His first love be the “C”
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My son said his life is a joke
I told him no it's not, jokes have a meaning
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What will Impractical Jokers be called now that Joe left
Impractical kers
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Why don't melons get married?
They cantaloupe
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I'm thinking of crossing a cocker spaniel with a poodle
I'll call it a cockerdoodle and pick up its cockerdoodle poo poo
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Anytime I have a microwave meal, I always turn on “The Golden Eye.”
Pierce Film before cooking.
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My windshield was covered in ice this morning and I didn't have a proper scraper to remove it so I used my store discount card.
But I only got 20% off.
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While living abroad I decided to write a book
It’s called *Great Expat-ations*
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Yesterday, my friend came home and asked if there is something to eat
There is some pizza left, but it is from last year
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What do they call it when you take someone else’s iron without permission?
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Paninis are sad.
They're depressed sandwiches.
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My wife is getting fed up with my jokes
Wife "can we get a scrubber thing on a stick for the shower?" Me "they are quite hard to find, you could say they are a loofah"
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What do you call it when a police officer pulls over a U-Haul?
Busting a move
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What’s the best username for an engineer on a dating app?
Single Point of Failure
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I calmly slid my hand down and I could already feel her getting moist.
I was nervous, but of course it wasn't my first time. I found the hole and slowly inserted my finger. That's when it hit me. I'm gonna need a new boat.
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What is a dentist's favourite time?
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What's the only breakfast a trial witness can eat when on the stand?
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Did you hear about the guy whose nose was upside down on his forehead
He smelled funny.
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Why did the trail mix give up on life
Because it lost its raisins de etcetera.
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Fun fact - cavemen didn't live in caves
They actually lived in Unga bungalows
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In Egypt, they have discovered a mummy covered in chocolate and nuts.
They think it may be Pharaoh Rocher.
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I got a joke from the future.
But you don't have one.
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What do you call it when pirates practice ventriloquism with water birds?
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Went out to dinner yesterday and I said to the waiter, "Budapest is going to love this"
I named my stomach Budapest 'cause it's the capital of Hungary.
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Is there a Valhalla for muslim
Must be Valhallah
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What is it like to get called into work?
You know, same shift different day.
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I haven't had COVID-19 yet.
I'm avoiding it like the plague.
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What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!
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Just paid $200 for a belt that doesn’t fit!
What a huge waist!
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Why do mechanics like one night stands?
They like to nut and bolt
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What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No eyedea!
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They ask Jesus how old are you?
He replies I am almost 20 22
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There is a fine line
Between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.
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Why do I go through all this trouble?
A teenager had a crush on a girl all throughout highschool, and he finally decides to ask her to the prom, to which she agreed. Two weeks before the prom, he went to rent a tuxedo. When he got to the tuxedo store, the
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What language do postmen speak?
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With great power
Comes a great electricity bill
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Whenever I meet someone new I always think they really like me
Because I was taught to always assume the best in people.
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What's a pickle's favorite game show
Dill or No Dill.
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What did the French-Canadian butler say upon introducing himself?
I am at your Quebec and call.
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(I was told to post this here!)
What do you call a missing lycanthrope? A where-wolf.
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What's was everybody's New Years resolution?
Mine was 2560 x 1440
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How many sons do my siblings have?
a ne-few
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Did you hear about the jury in the microwave oven serial killer trial
They voted to convect.
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What do you call a policeman in his bed?
A undercover cop… 😎
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My daughter's skin is all red and bumpy, but I'm not sure how to treat it.
I don't want to make a rash decision.
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What do a priest and a sailor have in common?
They both use bouys to get their vessel in.
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What did the blind guy say after his friend bought him an everything bagel
Who doesn't know it's sesame seeds?
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What kind of clothes do lawyers wear?
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Dad: "lol, there's something between your teeth."
"More teeth."
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Why do the cows clump together in groups on the field
Tis beef huddling.
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I must be built upside down
My nose runs and my feet smell.
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Why do they call it Cesar Salad
Because it's got Cesar-ning.
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I once knew a powerlifter who could bench press 2000 lbs
His name was Preston
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I walked too close to a balloon today
it was a hair-raising experience
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How do you get to the Grand Ole Opry?
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My wife’s sister brought her new boyfriend over to meet the family at my house. He’s telling us about his family and that his dad is essentially dying of kidney failure.
I was taking the trash out and looked him in the face, summoned my best deadpan expression, and said, "Well, that's a crappy situation."
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Why do blind people hate sky diving?
It scares the hell out of their dogs.
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I was just watching football with my wife and daughter, turned to them and said, “Did you hear what’s going to be the biggest trend in fashion this year?”
They both gave me confused looks and I screamed, “The 20 Tutu!!!”
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My dad passed this one on to me 😁 The friars were behind on their belfry payments, so they opened up a small florist shop to raise funds.
Since everyone liked to buy flowers from the men of God, a rival florist across town thought this was unfair. He asked the court to intervene, but the judge said, "Let them sell flowers. The only thing they're guilty of is taking themselves too seriously."
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We all know what to call a cow that doesn't give milk.
But what do you call a second cow that has also stopped giving milk? Anudder failure.
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Why is dating at Arby‘s easy?
Because they have the meet
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What type of dog goes to a mall but doesn’t buy anything
A mall-tease
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What do you call father times traumatic childhood?
Time sensitive
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How to catch night robbers
By checking the houses of people who sleep in day time
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My school friend who I’ve known for 30 years
was so happy last night because he was able to achieve his goal of only eating almonds during 2021 I think that’s just nuts
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I only smoke French Marijuana
Or rather Oui'd
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How to find a blind man on a nudist beach
It’s not hard
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Do you know what turtles do on New Years Eve?
They shellabrate!
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I love how my head easily supported
It's the neck's best thing.
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Boy: “Dad, are these big hairy cows gay?”
No, they’re bison.
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I had the opportunity to play the oboe with the London Philharmonica Orchestra.
I blew it.
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Where do Ghosts go on vacation
The Boo-hamas.
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Well, I want going to watch weird porn
but I guess I will, if you incest.
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Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field!
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What do you call White Claw sodas
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What is brown and sticky?
A stick
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Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes! Do your worst!
I'm not laughing, I'm just smiling because I think I'm missing out on something.
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