"Yeah! Applejack says ah am a big filly now!" Apple Bloom protested as well, her yellow hooves trying to find traction on the carpeted floor of the hallway.
"Yes, yes girls you're all big fillies." The Unicorn mare said chuckling as she pushed the fillies to Sweetie Belle's room. "Up into bed you three!" Rarity said adjusting her sister's pink sheets and collection of plushies so there were room for three foals.
"But Rarity ahm not even tired! And neither is Scootaloo or Sweetie! Right girls?"
Scootaloo yawned in response to Apple Bloom's question, her violet eyes slowly closing before snapping open again. "H-Huh? What about the Wonderbolts Apple Bloom?" She asked rubbing her eyes with a hoof before climbing into her friend's bed.
The yellow coated filly facehoofed. "Ah didn't say anything about the Wonderbolts, Scoot. So much for us not being tired." Apple Bloom said smartly climbing into bed behind Scootaloo.
"Rarityyyyy~ We aren't tired! Maybe we could sing something…" Sweetie said taking in a deep breath. "HUSH NO-" she started to sing being stopped by her sister's hoof in her mouth.
Rarity's muzzle flushed pink. "N-No Sweetie that's quite alright. Up into bed with your friends now."
"Uhm… R-rarity…?" Sweetie asked now blushing, realizing she didn't want to go to bed already wet.
"Something the matter Sweetie?" Rarity asked checking the nightlight on the far side of the room.
Sweetie blushed even more, "U-uh y-yeah.. c-can we go to your room for a moment…?" She asked with a look of distress on her face.
The older unicorn smiled gently and nodded. "Of course you can. Come on lets go have our little girl talk." Rarity said picking up Sweetie in an aura of light blue magic, she deposited the filly onto her back and trotted out of view into her own bedroom.
* = *
Apple Bloom laid in bed silent for a few minutes, the only noise that could be heard was the occasional rustle of Scootaloo's diaper or of her own pair of hooved pyjamas. "Hey Scootaloo?" She asked climbing down and out of the bed.
Scootaloo also laid in bed silently, easily ignoring her diaper making noise as she moved. "Yeah Apple Bloom?" she asked as she rolled over in the bed trying to get more comfortable.
"Ah wanna know what Sweetie keeps doing with Rarity. Wanna try and get our cutie marks in detective work?"
"Okay! Sounds fun let me jus-*snore*"
Apple Bloom threw a bat plushie at her pegasus friend. "Scootaloo! Wake up!"
"Huh!? What!? I didn't wet my diaper while I was sleeping Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo said, instantly blushing red as she realized it was Apple Bloom who woke her up. "Th-thanks! N-now I did!" she said her face red as it could possibly be as she felt her diaper grow warmer and wetter below her from the shock.
"Aw shucks ahm sorry Scootaloo! Ah said wanna try tah get our Cutie Marks in detective work?"
"Sure…" The orange filly said, now wide awake. "I need to ask Rarity to uh… h-h-h-help me ch-change anyway…" Scootaloo said as she stood up from the bed and jumped down onto the floor.
"Ah really am sorry for what I said earlier Scootaloo. Ahm sure I could try tah help if you wanted?" Apple Bloom said giggling as she and Scootaloo crept out of their friends bedroom. "Ah think ah hear them talking about something." She said cocking her head to one side, trying to understand the muffled conversation taking place a few doors down.
"Shhh! I hear them talking! And it's okay… R-rarity c-can h-h-help m-me… r-remember what happened when we tried to get our diaper changing cutie marks? No thank you." Scootaloo said as she creeped up to the door and peeked in.
"I uh… I n-need a change R-rarity…" Sweetie Belle said blushing as she sat on the edge of the bed.
"I thought that might have been the case when you were so keen on going right to bed." Rarity said retrieving a fresh cloth diaper from the place they were kept in her old bedroom. "Lay down please Sweetie, the quicker we get you cleaned up, the quicker you can go back to bed." She said levitating a changing mat from the same area of the closet the diapers were kept. Rarity spread it out on the bed placing foal wipes and foal powder beside the diaper.
"O-ok-kay." Sweetie said as she laid down on the changing mat patiently waiting for her sister to change her. "I uh… R-really w-wanted t-to th-thank you… f-f-for th-this… I w-wanted t-to a-ask if we can d-do this again s-sometime?" She asked.
"I'm sure Mother and Father would let you have another sleep over with your friends Sweetie." Rarity said removing the soaked garment from Sweetie's bottom, she began wiping the foals nether regions with a cold wipe.
"N-no I m-mean… M-me a-and y-you… a-and… m-m-maybe…" Sweetie clapped her forehooves together nervously and avoided eye contact. "M-maybe w-with th-the diapers a-and o-other f-foal stuff…l-like when Mommy and D-daddy used t-to go on trips a-and l-let you foalsit m-me when i was little… I m-miss that…" She said with another blush.
Rarity smiled warmly down at Sweetie Belle, she really was flattered that her sister would ask for something like that. "Why would you want that Sweetie? Don't you like being a big filly?"
Sweetie continued to blush. "I-it's n-not th-that! I j-just… W-well… n-no… I d-don't… a-actually…"
The older unicorn chuckled. "But you and your friends are always in such a rush to get your cutie marks! I thought you wanted to grow up really fast? You are only eight years old after all. That's pretty young for a little pony to be worried so much about growing up."
"W-well… I w-want my cutie mark but… I d-don't w-want t-to b-be a big f-filly y-yet… I l-like having f-fun a-and n-not having t-to worry… a-about all that extra s-stuff…" Sweetie said with a small frown. "It's no fun being a big filly… I wanna be a little filly s-still… e-even a f-foal again…"
"Aww, Sweetie Belle, to me you'll always be a little foal. You are my little sister after all. It's only natural for you to not want to grow up so fast. How about you spend a week with me at the boutique? Mother and Father wouldn't mind I'm sure, they do love their trips after all. We can do this all again if you'd like." Rarity said smiling nervously, she hoped desperately she hadn't hurt Sweetie Belle's feelings. That's odd I could have sworn I just saw a tuft of red mane poke through the door...
Sweetie Belle smiled. "Y-yes… I think I'd l-like that."
"Move Apple Bloom! Let me See!" Scootaloo whispered rather loudly.
"Ah can't move! They'll see me if ah move!" Apple Bloom 'whispered' back in her normal speaking voice. The filly shifted to the side to let Scootaloo see.
Sweetie Belle's face lost what little colour it had and the blush started to encompass her entire face. "R-r-r-r-rarity…I… I'm h-hearing th-things… r-right!?"
"Ah no dear I don't think you are." Rarity said slowly. "Girls if you're out there, come in here now please."
The two foals walked into the room holding their heads low, Scootaloo was the first to speak. "I-I'm sorry Sweetie… W-We were just wondering why you kept leaving so suddenly, and then Apple Bloom said we could get our cutie marks in detective work. So we used our detective skills to uhm eavesdrop on your conversation…" She said sniffling. "A-And R-Rarity I need your help, A-Apple Bloom scared me and I had an accident."
Sweetie Belle continued to blush as she felt her entire face burn. "H-how m-much d-d-d-did y-you h-hear!?" She asked in a very embarrassed voice.
"That you needed R-Rarity to change you." Apple Bloom said pointing at the wet cloth diaper sitting beside Sweetie's small form. "A-And that you don't like being a big filly."
Rarity let out a sigh, she wasn't sure how to go about punishing the two's curiosity. "Girls that was a very mean thing to do! Scootaloo you of all ponies should know better. I thought you were very sensitive about your night time accidents." She sighed again then continued. "But I'm not going to leave you sitting a wet diaper all night. So up on the bed. And Apple Bloom?"
"Ahm S-sorry… S-Sweetie…" Apple Bloom said thinking Rarity wanted her to appologize to Sweetie Belle.
"That's a good first step but up onto the bed with you too dear." The unicorn mare said patting the large changing mat spread out on the bed.
"Wh-what? Ah… uh… Ah'd r-rather n-not…" The yellow earthpony filly said before receiving a glare from Rarity, quickly she hopped up onto the bed next to Scootaloo who had already laid down on the changing mat.
Scootaloo giggled as Rarity finished changing Sweetie Belle, her expression changed immediately when she moved onto her. "R-Rarity I don't want S-Sweetie and Apple Bloom to see me get changed!"
"Sorry Scootaloo but this is punishment for eavesdropping." Rarity said humming to herself as she cleaned Scootaloo's nether regions with a foal wipe. After a few more wipes she left the room returning a moment later with Scootaloo's saddle bag.
"Ah told you we shouldn't eavesdrop!" Apple Bloom said, instantly regretting her decision to say a small white lie like that.
"W-What!? This wasn't my idea Apple Bloom, you're the one who said we should listen to them!" Scootaloo said cringing as she felt the cold wipe between her thighs.
"Ah-ha! I knew it was both of your ideas!" Sweetie said giggling as Scootaloo was diapered before her, not even bothering to put her pajamas back on because her friends now knew.
"Wh-what!? N-no… Ah… f-fine it was my idea! But S-scootaloo didn't try to stop me!" Apple Bloom tried to protest.
"Why would I try to stop you Apple Bloom?! You sounded so sure we were going to-"
"Girls! You're all friends here right?" Rarity interrupted, she pulled one of the silly filly diapers from Scootaloo's bag and slid it underneath Apple Bloom's bottom. After powdering the small yellow coated filly she taped the diaper on snugly. "So stop fighting, and apologize. All three of you are wearing diapers now."
"S-sorry Sweetie.. S-sorry S-scootaloo…" Apple Bloom said as she felt the diaper taped up onto her.
"I'm sorry Sweetie, we shouldn't have eavesdropped on you and your sister. But you could have just told me you wore diapers too!" Scootaloo said smiling at her friend.
"Thank you… S-sorry for… getting you two both in this mess…" Sweetie Belle said, trying to ignore the diaper comment. "Wh-why don't we all go back to bed so we can do some crusading tomorrow!"
"Y-Yeah! That's a great idea Sweetie!" Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said in unison. The fillies blushed at the crinkling of their diapered behinds as they walked out of Rarity's room.
"Go on Sweetie, and my offer still stands dear. This week at my boutique." Rarity said in a whisper only Sweetie could hear.
Sweetie Belle smiled nodded at her sister. "I'd like that." She said returning the whisper before chasing off after her friends to her bedroom.
* = *
After the three had been diapered by Rarity they crawled back into bed. Apple Bloom however kept tossing and turning preventing the other two foals from sleeping. "Apple Bloom what's the matter? You keep moving!" Sweetie said giggling
"Ah don't know how I'd get this thing back on… a-and Ah have to go to the fillies room…" Apple Bloom replied.
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at each other and blinked a few times. They bursted into a fit of giggles. "Just use the diaper Apple Bloom! Rainbow Dash says the same thing to me if I have to use the fillies room in the night. Or to wake her up and she'll help me, but Rainbow is a really deep sleeper."
"Ah can hold it thank ya…" Apple Bloom said as she slowly let her bladder release, not wanting the other two to know, unaware that both fillies were used to hearing the sound of a diaper being wet and could easily tell she was going, instigating more giggles from the other two, Apple Bloom instantly lost control and soaked her diaper when the giggling startled her. "Ah guess we're all even now then…Goodnight girls…"
"Hehe Goodnight Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo chimed hugging her spitfire plush tight. Soon all that could be heard was the soft breathing of her and the other two foals.
"Night Apple Bloom! Night Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle chirped happily as she rolled over and started to fall asleep.
The End
[tags: author: psp7master, genre: Romance ]
CHAPTER: It Takes Four to Tango
It Takes Four to Tango
"Come on, Tavi, it's a good film!" Vinyl whined, putting on her best puppy-eyes expression as she waved a rectangular box before her wife's eyes, looking into those beautiful pools of lavender pleadingly.
Octavia sighed and shook her head in a show of utter disapproval. "Vinyl, I really don't think a film titled Daring Do and the Carnivourous Dildo can ever be a good one." She frowned, eyeing the box. "Besides, they spelt 'carnivorous' wrong."
"Tavi, it's not about the spelling, it's about the plot!" the white mare protested, levitating a remote control as she placed herself on the comfortable couch in her 'den' in the basement - the only room in her and Octavia's house that she could use as a free-from-snooty-ponies abode. Sure, Vinyl loved her mare, but sometimes she just wanted to have some private time. Besides, the 'den' was a perfect place for making music - both making music, as in, creating new dubtrot compositions, and making music, as in, having some sexy time with Octavia.
And, indeed, she was looking forward to some sexy time in the near future; to be exact, the next few hours. After a week of abstaining (Hooves don't count! Vinyl thought off-handedly), tonight was the perfect night to pounce her wife. In the good way, though; not the bad way.
"Vinyl, you do realise it's porn, right?" the cellist wondered, lowering her head onto her wife's shoulder. It felt warm and soft, and Octavia simply adored the way her mare's pristine coat brushed against her cheek.
"Well duh!" Vinyl shrugged, placing the disk into the player, making Octavia envious of her wife's unicorn magic. "Why would I buy it if it were otherwise?"
The grey mare groaned at Vinyl's logic, but prepared to enjoy the upcoming show... in more than one way. The TV screen flashed a mild blue and depicted the usual not-for-foals warning. As if foals would ever buy a film with such a stupid title, Octavia thought. Still, given all the crap the book industry was producing, like Daring Do and the Estate Agent and Daring Do and the Modern Tax Law... Well, it was no surprise that the general intelligence level had significantly dropped recently.
Finally, the title appeared on the screen as the film started. A golden-coated pegasus mare trotted into a badly-decorated office, taking a glance at the desk, behind which a grey unicorn mare wearing a red tie was sitting, tapping her hooves against each other impatiently.
"Wow, Tavi, she looks just like you!" Vinyl exclaimed, pointing at the screen. "Only her mane is brown, and short, and she's a unicorn."
"The similarity is astonishing," Octavia replied sarcastically, but the sarcasm fell flat on the white mare, who just nodded eagerly.
"I know right?!"
The cellist sighed and kissed her wife on the tip of her horn. As foalish as Vinyl was, she still loved her dearly, and moments like this only showed how cute the DJ was when she was failing to grasp at simple concepts.
Meanwhile, on the screen, the business-like mare stood up and approached, presumably, Daring Do, if the golden-coloured pegasus with grey-spectre mane and a rather bizarre hat was meant to depict the hero of the popular novels.
"Daring Do! I'm so glad you came!" the unicorn exclaimed, throwing her hooves around the adventurous mare's neck.
Vinyl snorted, suppressing laughter. "She hasn't... yet."
Octavia groaned but couldn't help but chuckle at the white mare's remark. Oh, Vinyl... She sighed, rubbing her nose against the unicorn's cheek.
"What's the matter, Skilful Tongue?" The golden pegasus wondered in concern as the film rolled on.
"Really? 'Skilful Tongue'?" Octavia mused aloud, casting a glance at her wife, who seemed to be rather mesmerised by the show.
"Oh Daring, I have this new type of vibrator that needs testing and I just can't find a volunteer!" the grey unicorn wailed, covering her eyes with a hoof dramatically.
Oh Celestia, could they have possibly come up with a worse script? the cellist wondered mentally as she lowered her head onto her mare's lap, making Vinyl feel warm inside; and not only inside, to tell the truth.
"Wow, the script writers are geniuses!" the white mare exclaimed in a genuine tone, taking in the information from the screen wide-eyed.
"Genii," the cellist corrected her wife with a slight frown.
"Yeah, those too," Vinyl agreed, piercing the screen with her gaze.