"Sh-she c-c-c-called m-m-me a f-f-foal a-a-a-and a-asked m-me i-if I n-needed ch-changed a-and i-it h-h-hurt…" Scootaloo said with another sniffle, she slowly nodded at Rarity. "Y-yes p-please…" she said shamefully, holding her head down low and not making eye contact.
"Well that's not very nice at all! Did you bring your saddlebags?"
"N-no… I f-forgot it… a-and the d-d-d-diaper i-is s-s-s-still o-on th-the f-floor i-in th-there…" Scootaloo replied, again sniffling.
"You just wait right here while I go get your things okay? I'll make you a cup of hot chocolate, that always calms Sweetie Belle right down." Rarity said smiling at the distraught pegasus filly.
"O-ok-k-kay th-th-thank y-y-you." Scootaloo said curling up into a small orange ball of fluff laying on the bed as she quietly sobbed to herself.
* = *
"Well what am ah supposed to do Sweetie?! Ah hurt her feelings real bad!" Apple Bloom yelled throwing her hooves in the air. "Ah can't just walk in and say sorry."
"Well you can't just not say sorry either!" Sweetie said. "You have to apologize to her! You really hurt her feelings." She said.
Rarity appeared in the doorway a few moments later wearing a look of disappointment on her muzzle. "Sweetie Belle could you please pass me Scootaloo's saddle bags?"
Sweetie Belle nodded and picked up the saddlebag and slowly walked it over to Rarity. "See! Look what you did now she's going home Apple Bloom!"
"W-What?! But ah can't say sorry if she goes home!" Apple Bloom cried.
"Well maybe that's what you get for making our friend feel bad!" Sweetie said in defense of Scootaloo.
"Apple Bloom I would like you to come with me, you too Sweetie Belle." Rarity said picking up Scootaloo's saddlebags in her blue aura of magic. She looked at the ground where Scootaloo's diaper lay open, with a sigh she rolled it up and threw it into a trash bin in the corner of Sweetie's room.
"B-But ah can't face Scoots now! She'll be so upset with me." Apple Bloom said following Rarity out of the room.
"You should have thought about that before you hurt her feelings Apple Bloom. I thought you were a very nice filly until you made fun of your friend." Rarity chastised the earth pony filly as she lead her and Sweetie to the bedroom down the hallway. "Now go in there and say you're sorry!"
"No buts! You go in there and apologize to Scootaloo, tell her you're very sorry for hurting her feelings." Rarity said opening the door and pushing Apple Bloom inside. "Maybe you should supervise Sweetie."
"O-okay…" Sweetie said as she followed Apple Bloom into the room. "Scootaloo?"
Scootaloo sniffled once but didn't move from her spot on the bed. "W-What Sweetie? Did you come to l-laugh at me too?" She said getting up to face her friends, her expression changed when she saw how upset Sweetie Belle looked. "I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean that Sweetie…"
"N-no… I…" Sweetie closed her mouth and looked over to Apple Bloom giving her a glare.
"Ah came to sorry Scoots, ahm really sorry I said those awful things to you!" Apple Bloom said kicking at the floor with a hoof. "It was really mean fer me to call you a foal and ask if you needed a diaper change. Ah didn't know you had night time problems and ahm real sorry ah said those things to you! Honest!" The earth pony filly said looking up at her pegasus friend, her eyes watering slightly. "Ah am so so sorry!" Apple Bloom said apologizing over and over again, hoping her friend would forgive her for the mean things she said.
"I really think she's sorry Scootaloo… And I'm sorry too… cause… cause I can be!" Sweetie said trying to cheer her friends both up.
Scootaloo managed a small giggle. "You're silly Sweetie! A-And I f-forgive you Apple Bloom, I should have told you girls I wore diapers to bed… You two are my bestest friends after all!" She said hopping down from the bed and trotting to where her friends sat. "G-Group hug? B-But don't tell anypony about this! Especially not Rainbow Dash, she'll tease me for weeks." The orange pegasus filly said her tears drying up as she held her hooves out in a hugging gesture.
"Rainbow dash doesn't know?" Sweetie asked as she hugged Scootaloo.
"No she knows about my problem, I was talking about the hug Sweetie." Scootaloo said hugging Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.
"Why does Rainbow tease you about hugs Scoots? Her and mah sister hug all the time!" Apple Bloom said giggling as she joined in the group hug.
"N-No she doesn't!" Scootaloo said knowing that Apple Bloom was right. "W-Well okay she does but she doesn't like to show affection in public. U-Unless it's with me." The pegasus filly said breaking from the group hug.
Rarity knocked on the door then poked her head inside. "Is everything okay now girls?" She asked looking at the three happy faces.
"I think everything is just fine!" Sweetie chirped happily.
"Good! Now if you girls wouldn't mind leaving the room for a few minutes so I can help Scootaloo with her nightwear." Rarity said not wanting to embarrass Scootaloo any further.
"Oh okay!" Sweetie said taking Apple Bloom's hoof. "C'mon! Let's go play with my dollies some more!" She said dragging Apple Bloom out of the room.
"I'll be out shortly girls don't have too much fun without me!" Scootaloo called after her friends as she layed down on the bed. "T-The p-pink diapers please Rarity." She said gesturing to the package of silly filly diapers in her bag.
"Of course Scootaloo." Rarity replied happily bringing one of the pink filly sized diapers to her and Scootaloo. She laid the filly down on her bed and quickly slid the diaper under her bottom, with a little bit of effort she tugged Scootaloo's tail through the diaper's hole and asked her a question. "I have some Foal Powder and other things if you'd like me to put that on you?"
Scootaloo let the question absorb into her mind for a moment before she responded. "Yeah okay that sounds- wait, why do you have foal powder and 'other things' here?" She asked as she felt Rarity pull her tail through the diaper.
"W-Well you see…" Rarity said rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof as she applied foal powder to Scootaloo. "Bedwetting runs in the family, M-Mom and Dad never stopped buying powder and all those kinds of things in case Sweetie had the same problem I did when I was her age." She said thinking on her hooves.
"Well I guess it's a good thing she doesn't, it's horrible to cloud wet… I don't like it at all!" Scootaloo said as she felt the powder being applied.
"Y-Yes dear it is a horrible thing for a filly to go through." Rarity said absently applying some rash cream to Scootaloo. "Can you get the tapes on yourself dear or would you like me too help you some more?"
The small orange filly cringed as she felt the cream being applied. "Ewwww! That feels gross!" Scootaloo said, she slowly nodded. "I w-would l-like h-help…p-please."
Rarity smiled and pulled the diaper tight around Scootaloo's waist, the tapes fastened themselves to the front of her diaper with ease. "Too tight? And I know Scootaloo it does feel gross but it will keep your skin protected." The unicorn mare questioned the small orange pegasus filly.
"It feels a little loose actually." Scootaloo replied moving around slightly. "A-and… doesn't my fur do that though?" She asked.
"It protects your fur too dear. You don't want your coat to smell like pee do you? Only kidding Scootaloo." Rarity replied to Scootaloo's question smiling as she readjusted the diapers fit. "How about now?"
Scootaloo smiled as she moved around feeling the comfy soft padding stuck tightly around her rear. "Th-that's g-good th-thanks." She said smiling weakly.
"Good now go on and play for a while longer. Lights out at eleven thirty!" Rarity said helping Scootaloo down from the bed. "I'll bring you each a cup of hot chocolate just like I said I would." She smiled at pegasus filly as they trotted down the hall back to Sweetie's room. "Sweetie dear could I talk to you out here for a moment?"
Scootaloo smiled and galloped back to her friends as Sweetie came out of the room. "Yeah? What's up?" She asked her older sister.
"I was wondering if you were still… You know Sweetie." Rarity asked her younger sister with a small laugh. "If you were still dry."
Sweetie instantly blushed. "I a-am! I told you I won't h-have an accident!"
"Well we'll see." Rarity said checking the outer layers of Sweetie's cloth diaper. "Good all dry."
"Rarity! What are you doing!?" Sweetie asked as she felt Rarity's hoof on her diaper.
"I was checking to see if you were telling your big sister the truth. The last time I let you go to sleep wet, Mother was not very happy with me." The white unicorn mare said chuckling at the memory. "Maybe you should tell Scootaloo about your own issue dear? It might make her feel more comf-"
"N-no!" Sweetie cut her sister off "I… I d-d-d-don't w-w-w-want th-them t-to l-laugh a-at me!" She said, not realizing how silly what she said sounded, starting to become very aware of the fact that she indeed did have to use the filly's room.
"Sweetie you're being silly." Rarity said laughing as she turned around. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." She said trotting away from her little sister. "If you do happen to need a change please let me know Sweetie." Rarity called from the kitchen, the sound of water filling a kettle drifting down the hall.
Sweetie blushed slightly. "O-ok-kay." She said as she walked back into her own room. "S-so what now girls?" She asked, her back legs instinctively crossing as she felt the need to go increasing.
"Are you okay Sweetie? You look like you need to use the fillies room really bad!" Scootaloo said smiling at her unicorn friend. "We should play truth or dare!" She announced looking at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "What? Doesn't anypony want to play anymore?"
"N-no! I'm good! Really I am!" Sweetie protested as she continued to stand there awkwardly.
"Are ya sure Sweetie? Ya look a little nervous." Apple Bloom said playing with a set of blocks she had found in Sweetie's toybox.
The filly nodded her head. "Yeah! I'm fine! Honest!" Sweetie said.
"Well if you say so. But I'm just saying if you have to go then go, Dash told me it's not good to hold it for a really long time." The pegasus filly stated joining Apple Bloom in playing with the set of blocks, together they began building a small castle. "Come on Sweetie! You're really good at blocks. And we need your expertise!"
For a moment Sweetie's concentration broke as her friends spoke to her causing her bladder to release into her diaper, she blushed slightly as she felt the diaper grow heavier and wetter, slowly she stepped closer to the blocks and stood there motionless for a moment seemingly examining the castle before she finished peeing and sat down, cringing slightly as she did. "Y-yeah okay! Uh… well you need an archway entrance thingy!" She said picking up a small arched block and placing it over the entrance acting as if nothing had happened trying to ignore the new weight around her plot.
"Girls! Your hot chocolate is ready." Rarity called to the trio of fillies from her parents kitchen. "You'd best drink it while it's hot." She added thinking that might help them wind down for the evening.
"Ah love hot chocolate!" Apple Bloom cheered loudly as she galloped out of Sweetie's bedroom, heading toward the kitchen.
Sweetie Belle sighed slightly as she stood up feeling her diaper sag beneath her. She walked over to the door. "Mommy said not to gallop inside! So you shouldn't Apple Bloom!" She said as she gingerly trotted after Apple Bloom trying to ignore her diaper.
Scootaloo followed behind Sweetie. Making sure to not walk too fast so they could chat during the short trot to the kitchen. "I know you said you were fine Sweetie but I can't help thinking that you aren't. You're absolutely sure you're okay? Rainbow Dash said best friends shouldn't keep secrets and should always look out for eachother." She said shooting Sweetie Belle a warm smile.
"Uh… I'm…" Sweetie Belle paused to think for a moment. 'What if I tell her and she laughs at me… or what if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore, on the other hoof she could be totally cool about it but...' "I'm fine really I just had a belly ache for a few minutes is all! I'm good now though!" She smiled at Scootaloo hoping she'd believe her.
"Well okay but just remember you can tell me anything! We're the cutie mark crusaders after all." The pegasus filly replied believing Sweetie's story. "Let's hurry up and get our hot chocolate before Apple Bloom drinks it all!" Scootaloo announced urging her friend to pick up her pace.
"Okay, Lets go!" Sweetie said happily picking up her pace, still uncomfortable from the wet cloth on her rear. Now galloping she raced Scootaloo until they were all the way to the kitchen where Apple Bloom had already started to drink her hot chocolate.
"Thank ya Miss Rarity! This is really good!" Apple Bloom said
"You're welcome. Sweetie could I talk to you in another room for a moment? I forgot to tell you something that Mother wanted you to know."
"Uh… s-sure." Sweetie said as she started to follow Rarity, starting to forget about her wet diaper.
Rarity led her younger sister out of the kitchen and into the living room of the house. She sat down on the sofa and gestured for Sweetie to sit. "Is everything okay Sweetie?" The unicorn mare asked the small white filly. "It looked like you were having some troubles keeping up with little Scootaloo and Apple Bloom."
Sweetie nodded, now having forgotten about her diaper just wanting to drink her hot chocolate. "Yeah! Everything is fine! I just want my hot chocolate!"
"Are you sure everything is okay? You're still dry and don't need my help?" Rarity asked, genuine concern showing on her muzzle. She lifted the small white filly onto her lap and looked down at her smiling. "I know, I know you're not 'little' anymore, but I do worry about you often Sweetie Belle."
The small white filly blushed instantly as she felt the wet garment press into her plot as Rarity sat her on her lap. "U-uh y-yeah of course I'm still dry! I'm a big filly Rarity!"
"Yes I know you are. But even big fillies need help sometimes." Rarity said hugging her little sister tightly before letting her romp off to the kitchen.
"Where is my hot chocolate girls!?" Sweetie chirped as she jumped up onto one of the kitchen chairs looking at the table.
"It's right there Sweetie, you're the only pony I know who loves pink more than your sister." Scootaloo said sipping on her own mug of hot chocolate eagerly.
"Do you need some help getting your cup Sweetie?" Rarity asked lifting the filly onto a booster seat meant for a pony her size.
"Rarity~ I was fine~!" Sweetie moaned, blushing red as she was lifted onto a booster seat in front of her friends, she slowly lifted up her cup of hot chocolate with her magic letting out a tiny grunt as she exerted her new magic skills. "See!" She said as she tilted the cup to take a drink, some... most of the hot chocolate falling onto her, used to be clean pristine coat.
"Ah think your magic could use some work, Sweetie." Apple Bloom said giggling at her friends mess. "Ya always make such a big deal if we get dirty, and you're all dirty now!"
"Nu-uh! my magic is just fine! My mommy says I am doing really good with it! I'm just fine and clean!" The pink and purple maned, chocolate covered filly protested.
"Really dear you should let Twilight tutor you, she's a very good teacher. Well if you can get past the…" Rarity trailed off cringing. "Ahem, 'lecture mode'.
"But Twilight gets upset if I don't do it right and panics that I blew up a house somewhere and turned mommy and daddy into plants!" Sweetie said with a slight giggle at how silly it sounded.
The expression on the older mare's muzzle went from humour to mortification in seconds. "You haven't turned Mother or Daddy into plants have you?!"
"No! I don't know where she get's the idea from that I'd do that! Transformation spells aren't till chapter six!"
"But when Babs came tah town you said you had already studied transformation spells!" Apple Bloom shouted unaware she wasn't supposed to mention the mishap with the pumpkin patch.
"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie squeaked.
"Well at least we didn't blow up anymore pumpkins…" The pegasus filly said grinning at her two best friends. She sipped on her hot chocolate greedily enjoying the chocolatey taste. Scootaloo yawned softly as she finished her cup and set it down on the table.
"What was that about a pumpkin patch Scootaloo?" Rarity asked eyeing the foals suspiciously. "You three didn't have anything to do with the pumpkins that chased the mail mare did you?" The unicorn asked looking at each filly in turn.
"Uhhhhhhhhh, I think it's bed time, don't you girls?" Sweetie said blushing.
"Yeah! But ah haven't even finished mah hot chocolate yet…" Apple Bloom said sipping on her mug again.
"Sweetie you haven't even taken a sip from your hot chocolate yet. I think you need a bib or something if you're going to spill dear." Rarity teased as she turned from the trio of foals. She rummaged around in a drawer before producing a bib that read 'Momma's Filly'. With the finesse of someone who had taken care of others their whole life Rarity snapped the bib around Sweetie's neck and grinned. "There! All done."
"R-Rarity!" Sweetie cried out. "I d-don't need a bib!" she protested as she lifted her hot chocolate to her mouth and started to drink it, blushing the entire time.
"Well sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry Sweetie." Rarity said levitating the other two foals cups to the sink. She deposited them in the soapy water that filled the sink and turned waiting for her sister to finish her own drink. "Is there anything you girls want to tell each other before you go to bed?"
Sweetie blushed and quickly finished her hot chocolate, not answering the question.
"What's the matter Sweetie? You look like ah do when I say something really silly." The little red maned earth pony filly asked cocking an eyebrow at her unicorn friend.
"I'm fine!" Sweetie Belle quickly said as she started to drink her cup of hot chocolate again, not noticing that it was empty.
"Uh, Sweetie I think your cup is empty. You've been sipping on it for at least five minutes now!" Scootaloo said rolling her eyes. She tapped a hoof on the counter impatiently as she waited for Sweetie to finish.
Sweetie continued to blush. Shaking her head she replied. "I just finished it just now!" She said with a nervous giggle. "Hay I have an idea! Let's all go back to my room and play some more!"
Rarity smiled warmly at the trio of best friends. "Sorry girls but it's bed time for little fillies." She said picking up her sisters cup and placing it in the sink before ushering the foals out of the kitchen.
"H-Hay! We're not little!" Scootaloo huffed in protest as they were pushed from the kitchen by Sweetie's sister.
"Y-Yeah! W-we a-aren't l-little!" Sweetie protested as she tried to walk backwards, her hooves scraping along the floor as she was pushed.