How to setup the parameters with chat-UI of Hugging Face to this model?

by kevin-kung - opened

Hi @yentinglin ,
Thanks for your reading.
I'm new one for AI and I tried the model via your code from github that awesome.
I want to build this model with chat-UI of Hugging Face, but always don't respond when ask questions.
I can't understand this parameters of this model and how can I find the parameters for this model as below.
These parameters that the file name is .env from chat-UI. as below

MODELS=[ { "name": "yentinglin/Taiwan-LLM-7B-v2.0.1-chat", "datasetName": "From MiuLab", "description": "A good alternative to ChatGPT", "websiteUrl": "", "userMessageToken": "", "assistantMessageToken": "", "messageEndToken": "</s>", "preprompt": "你是人工智慧助理,以下是用戶和人工智能助理之間的對話。你要對用戶的問題提供有用、安全、詳細和禮貌的回答。USER: {user} ASSISTANT:", "parameters": { "temperature": 0.9, "top_p": 0.95, "repetition_penalty": 1.2, "top_k": 50, "truncate": 1000, "max_new_tokens": 1024 }, "endpoints": [{"url": ""}] } ]

This is chat-ui url

Hi @yentinglin ,
Thanks for your reply.

yentinglin changed discussion status to closed

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