ZeroGPU max duration

by kimou605 - opened

I'm working on a project that requires inference for more than 30mnt and i found that using ZeroGPU had a limit duration of 450sec, is there a solution to increase it?

ZeroGPU Explorers org

Hi Karim,
ZeroGPU has a limitation in terms of maximum task duration in order to make the service work smoothly for everyone.
The maximum duration isn't officially documented and is subject to change but will always be around a few couple minutes.
Running 30m jobs on ZeroGPU will unfortunately never be possible

Is It possible to extend the maximum duration to 5-10 mins? I want to create a space for video generation, but the current duration limits don't allow the completion of the generation.

I am interested too. It would be useful for quantizing and converting files if that is possible. The power should be modest though. Probably difficult because it's physically shared.

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