Bloodstained Duel: Shadows of Justice

by ZaqeeMe - opened


Panel 1: [Image: An ominous, dimly lit alleyway with rain pouring down. Two figures stand facing each other, their faces partially obscured by shadows.] Narration (Top Left): "In the heart of the city's darkness..." Panel 2: [Image: Close-up of the two combatants as they clash violently. The first fighter, a ninja, swings a katana, while the second, a cyborg, blocks with a metallic arm. Sparks fly as the blades meet, and blood splatters from a cut on the ninja's cheek.] Sound Effect (Top Right): Clang! Panel 3: [Image: The ninja, wounded but determined, lands a powerful kick to the cyborg's chest, sending him crashing into a pile of crates. Blood drips from the ninja's cut.] Sound Effect (Top Right): Thud! Panel 4: [Image: The cyborg rises, his red cyber-eye glowing menacingly. He lunges at the ninja, claws extended, while the ninja prepares for a final stand, bloodied but unyielding.] Narration (Top Left): "In the darkest battles..." Caption (Bottom Center): "...heroes are born."


American (modern)


Panel 1: [Image: An ominous, dimly lit alleyway with rain pouring down. Two figures stand facing each other, their faces partially obscured by shadows.]  Narration (Top Left): "In the heart of the city's darkness..."  Panel 2: [Image: Close-up of the two combatants as they clash violently. The first fighter, a ninja, swings a katana, while the second, a cyborg, blocks with a metallic arm. Sparks fly as the blades meet, and blood splatters from a cut on the ninja's cheek.]  Sound Effect (Top Right): Clang!  Panel 3: [Image: The ninja, wounded but determined, lands a powerful kick to the cyborg's chest, sending him crashing into a pile of crates. Blood drips from the ninja's cut.]  Sound Effect (Top Right): Thud!  Panel 4: [Image: The cyborg rises, his red cyber-eye glowing menacingly. He lunges at the ninja, claws extended, while the ninja prepares for a final stand, bloodied but unyielding.]  Narration (Top Left): "In the darkest battles..."  Caption (Bottom Center): "...heroes are born."

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