[Support] Community Articles

by victor HF staff - opened
Blog-explorers org

Share you feedback and questions about the community Articles feature.

victor pinned discussion
Blog-explorers org

Is this the same as community blog posts?

Blog-explorers org

Yes with some nice updates coming!

Blog-explorers org
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Blog-explorers org

I just finished my first blog on blog-explores: https://huggingface.co/blog/xingxm/svgdreamer
I'm enjoying it. Thank you for everything! ❤️

Blog-explorers org

Great @xingxm I 💜 SVGs!

Blog-explorers org

wow, much nicer New Article page 🔥:


Kudos to @enzostvs for shipping this

Blog-explorers org

@xingxm small typo in your Article title: guied => guided

Blog-explorers org

One potential improvement to the editor is having the "Edit" and "Preview" tabs locked on top and always visible. When editing long articles, I have to scroll back and forth every time I want to see how the new section looks.

Blog-explorers org

In the preview, the video looks broken. But I don't know what it will look like after publishing. I'm not there yet =)



Blog-explorers org

One potential improvement to the editor is having the "Edit" and "Preview" tabs locked on top and always visible. When editing long articles, I have to scroll back and forth every time I want to see how the new section looks.


Blog-explorers org

@julien-c Thank you very much for your careful inspection~

Blog-explorers org

Thank you very much for your careful inspection~

That's what i do 🧐 haha 😁

Blog-explorers org

Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask this.
How do I add multiple authors in my blog?
Also, is there a way to share an editable link with co-authors?

Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 23

I just published my first blog :tada: https://huggingface.co/blog/cognitivetech/samantha-mistral-instruct-7b-bulleted-notes

It was an enjoyable experience. a few minor issues noted above, by others. I look forward to seeing the evolution of this feature

one thing would be great if I can add posts to collections, and \or pin posts to a collection.. would be a good way to keep logically related content accessible


Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 31

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 8.57.58 PM.png
Hey guys, I am unable to author any new blogs anymore.
Also, unable to edit my old blogs.
It says I don't have permissions.
Can someone help here?
In the blog explorers org, it shows me that join request is sent (see below screenshot). Am I even a part of this org? If not, then how am I able to write any blogs?
cc: @julien-c @victor

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 9.02.33 PM.png

Blog-explorers org

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 8.57.58 PM.png
Hey guys, I am unable to author any new blogs anymore.
Also, unable to edit my old blogs.
It says I don't have permissions.
Can someone help here?

Not from HF, but looks like you’ve been removed from the org

Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 31

I don't think so @mrfakename it always showed me that my join request was sent, never showed me that I am part of the org.
@julien-c , @victor seeking some help here :)

also looking at my previous post from a few days back here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/blog-explorers/README/discussions/5#65fcdd68a0305298121e43d6 (the blog explorers org title is missing next to my name)
Have I ever been part of the org?
How do I fix this?
There are some updates we want to make to our blog and I am unable to do that

Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 31

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 9.33.44 PM.png
I think I might be the only one not a part of blog explorers org but who has still authored 2 blogs :D
whats the fix for this?

Blog-explorers org

Similar thing happened to me once, tried logging out and signing in again?

Blog-explorers org

Tried @mrfakename , didnt fix it for me

I thought this was just me. This happened to me as well. I honestly thought that perhaps it was because some of my blog articles were not academic or pure research oriented enough. I promise to only post research related articles if allowed to again. I have a lot of research.

Blog-explorers org

@victor light ping again. seeking a fix for this.
Apparantly @TuringsSolutions is also facing same issue.

Blog-explorers org
edited Apr 1

We'll look into this, sorry for the issue!

Blog-explorers org

Thanks @osanseviero :)

Blog-explorers org

forgot to post here, but this was fixed!

report here if that's not the case <3

Blog-explorers org

yes, its fixed. thanks Julien :)

Blog-explorers org
edited Jul 18

not an issue but here is some feedback:

  • can we add a button somewhere to save blog posts in collections (I love rereading some blog posts since they have some interesting info)
  • we should move the content table to the far left to stop it from shadowing the writing?
  • also why do we have a button for this, can we make it open 24/7?
  • I think the content table was scrolling down with me before, not sure why this feature was disabled


Blog-explorers org

I can't embed Gradio apps in my blog.

Blog-explorers org

do you have an example @not-lain ? (cc @abidlabs )

Blog-explorers org

this is the code I am using


blog : https://huggingface.co/blog/not-lain/rag-chatbot-using-llama3#demo

@not-lain iframes aren't supported in discussions and community articles, for security reasons, to prevent XSS & co

Blog-explorers org

Makes sense, thanks for the follow-up @kramp 🙌

Blog-explorers org
edited Jul 25

How do I add multiple authors in my blog?

Is it possible to do this currently ? I think it'd be a cool feature.

How do I add multiple authors in my blog?

@1aurent it's not possible yet for community articles.

Blog-explorers org
No description provided.

How I can publish a community blog?

Blog-explorers org

How I can publish a community blog?

@kamalraja1 go to https://huggingface.co/new-blog

Blog-explorers org
edited Aug 15

How I can publish a community blog?

@kamalraja1 go to https://huggingface.co/new-blog

Whilst Blog is in beta, you'll need to be a member of the Blog Explorers organisation as well: https://huggingface.co/blog-explorers (request access from this page).

Blog-explorers org

@kamalraja1 Answer is in the comment before yours

Blog-explorers org
edited Aug 18

@mrfakename @ZennyKenny @christopher @mayank-mishra @sepilqi , I need to urgently publish a blog post about new model release and realized that I need to be part of https://huggingface.co/blog-explorers

I have my draft ready and I plan to publish it tomorrow. I have raised request but it has already been 12+ hours. Could you please approve my request? It is really time sensitive..

Blog-explorers org

Unfortunately only Org admins can add a member

Blog-explorers org

@mrfakename whom should I reach out to? It is time-sensitive for our tomorrow model release. cc: @julien-c could you please help here? :)

@akjindal53244 Your Llama Storm model? Interesting that we are able to move the benchmarks so much with simple fine tuning. I mean, they're simple prediction models, afterall. It does not really compute with that narrative that you could get such gains simply from fine tuning on more 'educational' data.

Blog-explorers org

@mrfakename @ZennyKenny @christopher @mayank-mishra @sepilqi , following up again – could you pls help to get me added to https://huggingface.co/blog-explorers. My request is currently pending.

Blog-explorers org

@akjindal53244 done ✅

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Blog-explorers org

@Niansuh Not sure this is the right forum for this

Sorry Brother :(

Hello ! I think that there is a formatting issue for recent articles (no formatting on the published article even if the formatting is correct in the preview), e.g. https://huggingface.co/blog/PHBJT/french-parler-tts or https://huggingface.co/blog/OzzyGT/diffusers-image-fill . You might wanna check if something is wrong on your side.
(The formatting of articles was working fine this morning)

Blog-explorers org

hi @PHBJT a fix has been deployed, let us know if not the case

Blog-explorers org

@kamalraja1 None of the people you tagged work at HF, so none of us can accept your request. Also, you'll find that adding "please" before an imperative verb might make it more conducive for people to help you.

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