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Title: Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models. Abstract: We introduce $k$NN-LMs, which extend a pre-trained neural language model (LM) by linearly interpolating it with a $k$-nearest neighbors ($k$NN) model. The nearest neighbors are computed according to distance in the pre-trained LM embedding space, and can be drawn from any text collection, including the original LM training data. Applying this transformation to a strong Wikitext-103 LM, with neighbors drawn from the original training set, our $k$NN-LM achieves a new state-of-the-art perplexity of 15.79 -- a 2.9 point improvement with no additional training. We also show that this approach has implications for efficiently scaling up to larger training sets and allows for effective domain adaptation, by simply varying the nearest neighbor datastore, again without further training. Qualitatively, the model is particularly helpful in predicting rare patterns, such as factual knowledge. Together, these results strongly suggest that learning similarity between sequences of text is easier than predicting the next word, and that nearest neighbor search is an effective approach for language modeling in the long tail.
Title: On the role of planning in model-based deep reinforcement learning. Abstract: Model-based planning is often thought to be necessary for deep, careful reasoning and generalization in artificial agents. While recent successes of model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) with deep function approximation have strengthened this hypothesis, the resulting diversity of model-based methods has also made it difficult to track which components drive success and why. In this paper, we seek to disentangle the contributions of recent methods by focusing on three questions: (1) How does planning benefit MBRL agents? (2) Within planning, what choices drive performance? (3) To what extent does planning improve generalization? To answer these questions, we study the performance of MuZero (Schrittwieser et al., 2019), a state-of-the-art MBRL algorithm with strong connections and overlapping components with many other MBRL algorithms. We perform a number of interventions and ablations of MuZero across a wide range of environments, including control tasks, Atari, and 9x9 Go. Our results suggest the following: (1) Planning is most useful in the learning process, both for policy updates and for providing a more useful data distribution. (2) Using shallow trees with simple Monte-Carlo rollouts is as performant as more complex methods, except in the most difficult reasoning tasks. (3) Planning alone is insufficient to drive strong generalization. These results indicate where and how to utilize planning in reinforcement learning settings, and highlight a number of open questions for future MBRL research.
Title: Reinforcement Learning under a Multi-agent Predictive State Representation Model: Method and Theory. Abstract: We study reinforcement learning for partially observable multi-agent systems where each agent only has access to its own observation and reward and aims to maximize its cumulative rewards. To handle partial observations, we propose graph-assisted predictive state representations (GAPSR), a scalable multi-agent representation learning framework that leverages the agent connectivity graphs to aggregate local representations computed by each agent. In addition, our representations are readily able to incorporate dynamic interaction graphs and kernel space embeddings of the predictive states, and thus have strong flexibility and representation power. Based on GAPSR, we propose an end-to-end MARL algorithm that simultaneously infers the predictive representations and uses the representations as the input of a policy optimization algorithm. Empirically, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm provided on both a MAMuJoCo robotic learning experiment and a multi-agent particle learning environment.
Title: Rethinking Generalized Matrix Factorization for Recommendation: The Importance of Multi-hot Encoding. Abstract: Learning good representations of users and items is crucially important to recommendation with implicit feedback. Matrix factorization is the basic idea to derive the representations of users and items by decomposing the given interaction matrix. However, existing matrix factorization based approaches share the limitation in that the interaction between user embedding and item embedding is only weakly enforced by fitting the given individual rating value, which may lose potentially useful information. In this paper, we propose a novel Augmented Generalized Matrix Factorization (AGMF) approach that is able to incorporate the historical interaction information of users and items for learning effective representations of users and items. Despite the simplicity of our proposed approach, extensive experiments on four public implicit feedback datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art counterparts. Furthermore, the ablation study demonstrates that by using multi-hot encoding to enrich user embedding and item embedding for Generalized Matrix Factorization, better performance, faster convergence, and lower training loss can be achieved.
Title: Semi-supervised regression with skewed data via adversarially forcing the distribution of predicted values. Abstract: Advances in scientific fields including drug discovery or material design are accompanied by numerous trials and errors. However, generally only representative experimental results are reported. Because of this reporting bias, the distribution of labeled result data can deviate from their true distribution. A regression model can be erroneous if it is built on these skewed data. In this work, we propose a new approach to improve the accuracy of regression models that are trained using a skewed dataset. The method forces the regression outputs to follow the true distribution; the forcing algorithm regularizes the regression results while keeping the information of the training data. We assume the existence of enough unlabeled data that follow the true distribution, and that the true distribution can be roughly estimated from domain knowledge or a few samples. During training neural networks to generate a regression model, an adversarial network is used to force the distribution of predicted values to follow the estimated ‘true’ distribution. We evaluated the proposed approach on four real-world datasets (pLogP, Diamond, House, Elevators). In all four datasets, the proposed approach reduced the root mean squared error of the regression by around 55 percent to 75 percent compared to regression models without adjustment of the distribution.
Title: Efficient Long-Range Convolutions for Point Clouds. Abstract: The efficient treatment of long-range interactions for point clouds is a challenging problem in many scientific machine learning applications. To extract global information, one usually needs a large window size, a large number of layers, and/or a large number of channels. This can often significantly increase the computational cost. In this work, we present a novel neural network layer that directly incorporates long-range information for a point cloud. This layer, dubbed the long-range convolutional (LRC)-layer, leverages the convolutional theorem coupled with the non-uniform Fourier transform. In a nutshell, the LRC-layer mollifies the point cloud to an adequately sized regular grid, computes its Fourier transform, multiplies the result by a set of trainable Fourier multipliers, computes the inverse Fourier transform, and finally interpolates the result back to the point cloud. The resulting global all-to-all convolution operation can be performed in nearly-linear time asymptotically with respect to the number of input points. The LRC-layer is a particularly powerful tool when combined with local convolution as together they offer efficient and seamless treatment of both short and long range interactions. We showcase this framework by introducing a neural network architecture that combines LRC-layers with short-range convolutional layers to accurately learn the energy and force associated with a $N$-body potential. We also exploit the induced two-level decomposition and propose an efficient strategy to train the combined architecture with a reduced number of samples.
Title: One-Shot Pruning of Recurrent Neural Networks by Jacobian Spectrum Evaluation. Abstract: Recent advances in the sparse neural network literature have made it possible to prune many large feed forward and convolutional networks with only a small quantity of data. Yet, these same techniques often falter when applied to the problem of recovering sparse recurrent networks. These failures are quantitative: when pruned with recent techniques, RNNs typically obtain worse performance than they do under a simple random pruning scheme. The failures are also qualitative: the distribution of active weights in a pruned LSTM or GRU network tend to be concentrated in specific neurons and gates, and not well dispersed across the entire architecture. We seek to rectify both the quantitative and qualitative issues with recurrent network pruning by introducing a new recurrent pruning objective derived from the spectrum of the recurrent Jacobian. Our objective is data efficient (requiring only 64 data points to prune the network), easy to implement, and produces 95 % sparse GRUs that significantly improve on existing baselines. We evaluate on sequential MNIST, Billion Words, and Wikitext.
Title: How to compare adversarial robustness of classifiers from a global perspective. Abstract: Adversarial robustness of machine learning models has attracted considerable attention over recent years. Adversarial attacks undermine the reliability of and trust in machine learning models, but the construction of more robust models hinges on a rigorous understanding of adversarial robustness as a property of a given model. Point-wise measures for specific threat models are currently the most popular tool for comparing the robustness of classifiers and are used in most recent publications on adversarial robustness. In this work, we use robustness curves to show that point-wise measures fail to capture important global properties that are essential to reliably compare the robustness of different classifiers. We introduce new ways in which robustness curves can be used to systematically uncover these properties and provide concrete recommendations for researchers and practitioners when assessing and comparing the robustness of trained models. Furthermore, we characterize scale as a way to distinguish small and large perturbations, and relate it to inherent properties of data sets, demonstrating that robustness thresholds must be chosen accordingly. We hope that our work contributes to a shift of focus away from point-wise measures of robustness and towards a discussion of the question what kind of robustness could and should reasonably be expected. We release code to reproduce all experiments presented in this paper, which includes a Python module to calculate robustness curves for arbitrary data sets and classifiers, supporting a number of frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch and JAX.
Title: Towards Federated Learning on Time-Evolving Heterogeneous Data. Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging learning paradigm that preserves privacy by ensuring client data locality on edge devices. The optimization of FL is challenging in practice due to the diversity and heterogeneity of the learning system. Despite recent research efforts on improving the optimization of heterogeneous data, the impact of time-evolving heterogeneous data in real-world scenarios, such as changing client data or intermittent clients joining or leaving during training, has not been well studied. In this work, we propose Continual Federated Learning (CFL), a flexible framework, to capture the time-evolving heterogeneity of FL. CFL covers complex and realistic scenarios---which are challenging to evaluate in previous FL formulations---by extracting the information of past local datasets and approximating the local objective functions. Theoretically, we demonstrate that CFL methods achieve a faster convergence rate than FedAvg in time-evolving scenarios, with the benefit being dependent on approximation quality. In a series of experiments, we show that the numerical findings match the convergence analysis, and CFL methods significantly outperform the other SOTA FL baselines.
Title: Reasoning-Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Visual Question Answering. Abstract: Relational reasoning methods based on graph networks are currently state-of-the-art models for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks involving real images. Although graph networks are used in these models to enrich visual representations by encoding question-adaptive inter-object relations, these simple graph networks is arguably insufficient to perform visual reasoning for VQA tasks. In this paper, we propose a Reasoning-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks (RA-GCN) that goes one step further towards visual reasoning for GCNs. Our first contribution is the introduction of visual reasoning ability into conventional GCNs. Secondly, we strengthen the expressive power of GCNs via introducing node-sensitive kernel parameters based on edge features to address the limitation of shared transformation matrix for each node in GCNs. Finally, we provide a novel iterative reasoning network architecture for solving VQA task via embedding the RA-GCN module into an iterative process. We evaluate our model on the VQA-CP v2, GQA and Clevr dataset. Our final RA-GCN network successfully achieves state-of-the-art accuracy which is 42.3% on the VQA-CP v2, and highly competitive 62.4% accuracy on the GQA, as well as 90.0% on val split of Clevr dataset.
Title: Neural Architecture Search by Learning Action Space for Monte Carlo Tree Search. Abstract: Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has emerged as a promising technique for automatic neural network design. However, existing NAS approaches often utilize manually designed action space, which is not directly related to the performance metric to be optimized (e.g., accuracy). As a result, using manually designed action space to perform NAS often leads to sample-inefficient explorations of architectures and thus can be sub-optimal. In order to improve sample efficiency, this paper proposes Latent Action Neural Architecture Search (LaNAS) that learns actions to recursively partition the search space into good or bad regions that contain networks with concentrated performance metrics, i.e., low variance. During the search phase, as different architecture search action sequences lead to regions of different performance, the search efficiency can be significantly improved by biasing towards the good regions. On the largest NAS dataset NASBench-101, our experimental results demonstrated that LaNAS is 22x, 14.6x, 12.4x, 6.8x, 16.5x more sample-efficient than Random Search, Regularized Evolution, Monte Carlo Tree Search, Neural Architecture Optimization, and Bayesian Optimization, respectively. When applied to the open domain, LaNAS achieves 98.0% accuracy on CIFAR-10 and 75.0% top1 accuracy on ImageNet in only 803 samples, outperforming SOTA AmoebaNet with 33x fewer samples.
Title: Variational Autoencoders for Text Modeling without Weakening the Decoder. Abstract: Previous work (Bowman et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2017) has found difficulty developing generative models based on variational autoencoders (VAEs) for text. To address the problem of the decoder ignoring information from the encoder (posterior collapse), these previous models weaken the capacity of the decoder to force the model to use information from latent variables. However, this strategy is not ideal as it degrades the quality of generated text and increases hyper-parameters. In this paper, we propose a new VAE for text utilizing a multimodal prior distribution, a modified encoder, and multi-task learning. We show our model can generate well-conditioned sentences without weakening the capacity of the decoder. Also, the multimodal prior distribution improves the interpretability of acquired representations.
Title: Towards Model Agnostic Federated Learning Using Knowledge Distillation. Abstract: Is it possible to design an universal API for federated learning using which an ad-hoc group of data-holders (agents) collaborate with each other and perform federated learning? Such an API would necessarily need to be model-agnostic i.e. make no assumption about the model architecture being used by the agents, and also cannot rely on having representative public data at hand. Knowledge distillation (KD) is the obvious tool of choice to design such protocols. However, surprisingly, we show that most natural KD-based federated learning protocols have poor performance. To investigate this, we propose a new theoretical framework, Federated Kernel ridge regression, which can capture both model heterogeneity as well as data heterogeneity. Our analysis shows that the degradation is largely due to a fundamental limitation of knowledge distillation under data heterogeneity. We further validate our framework by analyzing and designing new protocols based on KD. Their performance on real world experiments using neural networks, though still unsatisfactory, closely matches our theoretical predictions.
Title: Closed-Loop Control of Additive Manufacturing via Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Additive manufacturing suffers from imperfections in hardware control and material consistency. As a result, the deposition of a large range of materials requires on-the-fly adjustment of process parameters. Unfortunately, learning the in-process control is challenging. The deposition parameters are complex and highly coupled, artifacts occur after long time horizons, available simulators lack predictive power, and learning on hardware is intractable. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of learning a closed-loop control policy for additive manufacturing. To achieve this goal, we assume that the perception of a deposition device is limited and can capture the process only qualitatively. We leverage this assumption to formulate an efficient numerical model that explicitly includes printing imperfections. We further show that in combination with reinforcement learning, our model can be used to discover control policies that outperform state-of-the-art controllers. Furthermore, the recovered policies have a minimal sim-to-real gap. We showcase this by implementing a first-of-its-kind self-correcting printer.
Title: A Deeper Look at Discounting Mismatch in Actor-Critic Algorithms. Abstract: We investigate the discounting mismatch in actor-critic algorithm implementations from a representation learning perspective. Theoretically, actor-critic algorithms usually have discounting for both actor and critic, i.e., there is a $\gamma^t$ term in the actor update for the transition observed at time $t$ in a trajectory and the critic is a discounted value function. Practitioners, however, usually ignore the discounting ($\gamma^t$) for the actor while using a discounted critic. We investigate this mismatch in two scenarios. In the first scenario, we consider optimizing an undiscounted objective $(\gamma = 1)$ where $\gamma^t$ disappears naturally $(1^t = 1)$. We then propose to interpret the discounting in critic in terms of a bias-variance-representation trade-off and provide supporting empirical results. In the second scenario, we consider optimizing a discounted objective ($\gamma < 1$) and propose to interpret the omission of the discounting in the actor update from an auxiliary task perspective and provide supporting empirical results.
Title: State-Action Joint Regularized Implicit Policy for Offline Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning enables learning from a fixed dataset, without further interactions with the environment. The lack of environmental interactions makes the policy training vulnerable to state-action pairs far from the training dataset and prone to missing rewarding actions. For training more effective agents, we propose a framework that supports learning a flexible and well-regularized policy, which consists of a fully implicit policy and a regularization through the state-action visitation frequency induced by the current policy and that induced by the data-collecting behavior policy. We theoretically show the equivalence between policy-matching and state-action-visitation matching, and thus the compatibility of many prior work with our framework. An effective instantiation of our framework through the GAN structure is provided, together with some techniques to explicitly smooth the state-action mapping for robust generalization beyond the static dataset. Extensive experiments and ablation study on the D4RL dataset validate our framework and the effectiveness of our algorithmic designs.
Title: Safe Neurosymbolic Learning with Differentiable Symbolic Execution. Abstract: We study the problem of learning verifiably safe parameters for programs that use neural networks as well as symbolic, human-written code. Such neurosymbolic programs arise in many safety-critical domains. However, because they need not be differentiable, it is hard to learn their parameters using existing gradient-based approaches to safe learning. Our method, Differentiable Symbolic Execution (DSE), samples control flow paths in a program, symbolically constructs worst-case "safety loss" along these paths, and backpropagates the gradients of these losses through program operations using a generalization of the REINFORCE estimator. We evaluate the method on a mix of synthetic tasks and real-world benchmarks. Our experiments show that DSE significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art DiffAI method on these tasks.
Title: GAN "Steerability" without optimization . Abstract: Recent research has shown remarkable success in revealing "steering" directions in the latent spaces of pre-trained GANs. These directions correspond to semantically meaningful image transformations (e.g., shift, zoom, color manipulations), and have the same interpretable effect across all categories that the GAN can generate. Some methods focus on user-specified transformations, while others discover transformations in an unsupervised manner. However, all existing techniques rely on an optimization procedure to expose those directions, and offer no control over the degree of allowed interaction between different transformations. In this paper, we show that "steering" trajectories can be computed in closed form directly from the generator's weights without any form of training or optimization. This applies to user-prescribed geometric transformations, as well as to unsupervised discovery of more complex effects. Our approach allows determining both linear and nonlinear trajectories, and has many advantages over previous methods. In particular, we can control whether one transformation is allowed to come on the expense of another (e.g., zoom-in with or without allowing translation to keep the object centered). Moreover, we can determine the natural end-point of the trajectory, which corresponds to the largest extent to which a transformation can be applied without incurring degradation. Finally, we show how transferring attributes between images can be achieved without optimization, even across different categories.
Title: Progressive Compressed Records: Taking a Byte Out of Deep Learning Data. Abstract: Deep learning training accesses vast amounts of data at high velocity, posing challenges for datasets retrieved over commodity networks and storage devices. We introduce a way to dynamically reduce the overhead of fetching and transporting training data with a method we term Progressive Compressed Records (PCRs). PCRs deviate from previous formats by leveraging progressive compression to split each training example into multiple examples of increasingly higher fidelity, without adding to the total data size. Training examples of similar fidelity are grouped together, which reduces both the system overhead and data bandwidth needed to train a model. We show that models can be trained on aggressively compressed representations of the training data and still retain high accuracy, and that PCRs can enable a 2x speedup on average over baseline formats using JPEG compression. Our results hold across deep learning architectures for a wide range of datasets: ImageNet, HAM10000, Stanford Cars, and CelebA-HQ.
Title: Pairwise Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation. Abstract: Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has become an appealing approach for knowledge transfer from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. However, when the classes in source and target domains are imbalanced, most existing UDA methods experience significant performance drop, as the decision boundary usually favors the majority classes. Some recent class-imbalanced domain adaptation (CDA) methods aim to tackle the challenge of biased label distribution by exploiting pseudo-labeled target data during training process. However, these methods may be challenged with the problem of unreliable pseudo labels and error accumulation during training. In this paper, we propose a pairwise adversarial training approach to augment training data for unsupervised class-imbalanced domain adaptation. Unlike conventional adversarial training in which the adversarial samples are obtained from the $\ell_p$ ball of the original data, we obtain the semantic adversarial samples from the interpolated line of the aligned pair-wise samples from source domain and target domain. Experimental results and ablation study show that our method can achieve considerable improvements on the CDA benchmarks compared with the state-of-art methods focusing on the same problem.
Title: Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: In reinforcement learning, it is common to let an agent interact with its environment for a fixed amount of time before resetting the environment and repeating the process in a series of episodes. The task that the agent has to learn can either be to maximize its performance over (i) that fixed amount of time, or (ii) an indefinite period where the time limit is only used during training. In this paper, we investigate theoretically how time limits could effectively be handled in each of the two cases. In the first one, we argue that the terminations due to time limits are in fact part of the environment, and propose to include a notion of the remaining time as part of the agent's input. In the second case, the time limits are not part of the environment and are only used to facilitate learning. We argue that such terminations should not be treated as environmental ones and propose a method, specific to value-based algorithms, that incorporates this insight by continuing to bootstrap at the end of each partial episode. To illustrate the significance of our proposals, we perform several experiments on a range of environments from simple few-state transition graphs to complex control tasks, including novel and standard benchmark domains. Our results show that the proposed methods improve the performance and stability of existing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Title: Back to Basics: Efficient Network Compression via IMP. Abstract: Network pruning is a widely used technique for effectively compressing Deep Neural Networks with little to no degradation in performance during inference. Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP) (Han et al., 2015) is one of the most established approaches for network pruning, consisting of several iterative training and pruning steps, where a significant amount of the network’s performance is lost after pruning and then recovered in the subsequent retraining phase. While commonly used as a benchmark reference, it is often argued that a) it reaches suboptimal states by not incorporating sparsification into the training phase, b) its global selection criterion fails to properly determine optimal layer-wise pruning rates and c) its iterative nature makes it slow and non-competitive. In light of recently proposed retraining techniques, we investigate these claims through rigorous and consistent experiments where we compare IMP to pruning-during-training algorithms, evaluate proposed modifications of its selection criterion and study the number of iterations and total training time actually required. We find that IMP with SLR (Le & Hua, 2021) for retraining can outperform state-of-the-art pruning-during-training approaches without or with only little computational overhead, that the global magnitude selection criterion is largely competitive with more complex approaches and that only few retraining epochs are needed in practice to achieve most of the sparsity-vs.-performance trade-off of IMP. Our goals are both to demonstrate that basic IMP can already provide state-of-the-art pruning results on par or outperforming more complex or heavily parameterized approaches and also to establish a more realistic yet easily realisable baseline for future research.
Title: On Optimal Early Stopping: Overparametrization versus Underparametrization. Abstract: Early stopping is a simple and widely used method to prevent over-training neural networks. We develop theoretical results to reveal the relationship between optimal early stopping time and model dimension as well as sample size of the dataset for certain linear regression models. Our results demonstrate two very different behaviors when the model dimension exceeds the number of features versus the opposite scenario. While most previous works on linear models focus on the latter setting, we observe that in common deep learning tasks, the dimension of the model often exceeds the number of features arising from data. We demonstrate experimentally that our theoretical results on optimal early stopping time corresponds to the training process of deep neural network. Moreover, we study the effect of early stopping on generalization and demonstrate that optimal early stopping can help mitigate ''descent'' in various settings.
Title: Watch the Unobserved: A Simple Approach to Parallelizing Monte Carlo Tree Search. Abstract: Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithms have achieved great success on many challenging benchmarks (e.g., Computer Go). However, they generally require a large number of rollouts, making their applications costly. Furthermore, it is also extremely challenging to parallelize MCTS due to its inherent sequential nature: each rollout heavily relies on the statistics (e.g., node visitation counts) estimated from previous simulations to achieve an effective exploration-exploitation tradeoff. In spite of these difficulties, we develop an algorithm, WU-UCT, to effectively parallelize MCTS, which achieves linear speedup and exhibits only limited performance loss with an increasing number of workers. The key idea in WU-UCT is a set of statistics that we introduce to track the number of on-going yet incomplete simulation queries (named as unobserved samples). These statistics are used to modify the UCT tree policy in the selection steps in a principled manner to retain effective exploration-exploitation tradeoff when we parallelize the most time-consuming expansion and simulation steps. Experiments on a proprietary benchmark and the Atari Game benchmark demonstrate the linear speedup and the superior performance of WU-UCT comparing to existing techniques.
Title: Spectral Inference Networks: Unifying Deep and Spectral Learning. Abstract: We present Spectral Inference Networks, a framework for learning eigenfunctions of linear operators by stochastic optimization. Spectral Inference Networks generalize Slow Feature Analysis to generic symmetric operators, and are closely related to Variational Monte Carlo methods from computational physics. As such, they can be a powerful tool for unsupervised representation learning from video or graph-structured data. We cast training Spectral Inference Networks as a bilevel optimization problem, which allows for online learning of multiple eigenfunctions. We show results of training Spectral Inference Networks on problems in quantum mechanics and feature learning for videos on synthetic datasets. Our results demonstrate that Spectral Inference Networks accurately recover eigenfunctions of linear operators and can discover interpretable representations from video in a fully unsupervised manner.
Title: Online Hyperparameter Meta-Learning with Hypergradient Distillation. Abstract: Many gradient-based meta-learning methods assume a set of parameters that do not participate in inner-optimization, which can be considered as hyperparameters. Although such hyperparameters can be optimized using the existing gradient-based hyperparameter optimization (HO) methods, they suffer from the following issues. Unrolled differentiation methods do not scale well to high-dimensional hyperparameters or horizon length, Implicit Function Theorem (IFT) based methods are restrictive for online optimization, and short horizon approximations suffer from short horizon bias. In this work, we propose a novel HO method that can overcome these limitations, by approximating the second-order term with knowledge distillation. Specifically, we parameterize a single Jacobian-vector product (JVP) for each HO step and minimize the distance from the true second-order term. Our method allows online optimization and also is scalable to the hyperparameter dimension and the horizon length. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three different meta-learning methods and two benchmark datasets.
Title: Generalized Bayesian Posterior Expectation Distillation for Deep Neural Networks. Abstract: In this paper, we present a general framework for distilling expectations with respect to the Bayesian posterior distribution of a deep neural network, significantly extending prior work on a method known as ``Bayesian Dark Knowledge." Our generalized framework applies to the case of classification models and takes as input the architecture of a ``teacher" network, a general posterior expectation of interest, and the architecture of a ``student" network. The distillation method performs an online compression of the selected posterior expectation using iteratively generated Monte Carlo samples from the parameter posterior of the teacher model. We further consider the problem of optimizing the student model architecture with respect to an accuracy-speed-storage trade-off. We present experimental results investigating multiple data sets, distillation targets, teacher model architectures, and approaches to searching for student model architectures. We establish the key result that distilling into a student model with an architecture that matches the teacher, as is done in Bayesian Dark Knowledge, can lead to sub-optimal performance. Lastly, we show that student architecture search methods can identify student models with significantly improved performance.
Title: Evaluating Robustness of Predictive Uncertainty Estimation: Are Dirichlet-based Models Reliable?. Abstract: Robustness to adversarial perturbations and accurate uncertainty estimation are crucial for reliable application of deep learning in real world settings. Dirichlet-based uncertainty (DBU) models are a family of models that predict the parameters of a Dirichlet distribution (instead of a categorical one) and promise to signal when not to trust their predictions. Untrustworthy predictions are obtained on unknown or ambiguous samples and marked with a high uncertainty by the models. In this work, we show that DBU models with standard training are not robust w.r.t. three important tasks in the field of uncertainty estimation. First, we evaluate how useful the uncertainty estimates are to (1) indicate correctly classified samples. Our results show that while they are a good indicator on unperturbed data, performance on perturbed data decreases dramatically. (2) We evaluate if uncertainty estimates are able to detect adversarial examples that try to fool classification. It turns out that uncertainty estimates are able to detect FGSM attacks but not able to detect PGD attacks. We further evaluate the reliability of DBU models on the task of (3) distinguishing between in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data. To this end, we present the first study of certifiable robustness for DBU models. Furthermore, we propose novel uncertainty attacks that fool models into assigning high confidence to OOD data and low confidence to ID data, respectively. Both approaches show that detecting OOD samples and distinguishing between ID-data and OOD-data is not robust. Based on our results, we explore the first approaches to make DBU models more robust. We use adversarial training procedures based on label attacks, uncertainty attacks, or random noise and demonstrate how they affect robustness of DBU models on ID data and OOD data.
Title: Graph Generation via Scattering. Abstract: Generative networks have made it possible to generate meaningful signals such as images and texts from simple noise. Recently, generative methods based on GAN and VAE were developed for graphs and graph signals. However, the mathematical properties of these methods are unclear, and training good generative models is difficult. This work proposes a graph generation model that uses a recent adaptation of Mallat's scattering transform to graphs. The proposed model is naturally composed of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder is a Gaussianized graph scattering transform, which is robust to signal and graph manipulation. The decoder is a simple fully connected network that is adapted to specific tasks, such as link prediction, signal generation on graphs and full graph and signal generation. The training of our proposed system is efficient since it is only applied to the decoder and the hardware requirement is moderate. Numerical results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of the proposed system for both link prediction and graph and signal generation. These results are in contrast to experience with Euclidean data, where it is difficult to form a generative scattering network that performs as well as state-of-the-art methods. We believe that this is because of the discrete and simpler nature of graph applications, unlike the more complex and high-frequency nature of Euclidean data, in particular, of some natural images.
Title: Variational Diffusion Autoencoders with Random Walk Sampling. Abstract: Variational inference (VI) methods and especially variational autoencoders (VAEs) specify scalable generative models that enjoy an intuitive connection to manifold learning --- with many default priors the posterior/likelihood pair $q(z|x)$/$p(x|z)$ can be viewed as an approximate homeomorphism (and its inverse) between the data manifold and a latent Euclidean space. However, these approximations are well-documented to become degenerate in training. Unless the subjective prior is carefully chosen, the topologies of the prior and data distributions often will not match. Conversely, diffusion maps (DM) automatically \textit{infer} the data topology and enjoy a rigorous connection to manifold learning, but do not scale easily or provide the inverse homeomorphism. In this paper, we propose \textbf{a)} a principled measure for recognizing the mismatch between data and latent distributions and \textbf{b)} a method that combines the advantages of variational inference and diffusion maps to learn a homeomorphic generative model. The measure, the \textit{locally bi-Lipschitz property}, is a sufficient condition for a homeomorphism and easy to compute and interpret. The method, the \textit{variational diffusion autoencoder} (VDAE), is a novel generative algorithm that first infers the topology of the data distribution, then models a diffusion random walk over the data. To achieve efficient computation in VDAEs, we use stochastic versions of both variational inference and manifold learning optimization. We prove approximation theoretic results for the dimension dependence of VDAEs, and that locally isotropic sampling in the latent space results in a random walk over the reconstructed manifold. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our method on various real and synthetic datasets, and show that it exhibits performance superior to other generative models.
Title: Generalized Convolutional Forest Networks for Domain Generalization and Visual Recognition. Abstract: When constructing random forests, it is of prime importance to ensure high accuracy and low correlation of individual tree classifiers for good performance. Nevertheless, it is typically difficult for existing random forest methods to strike a good balance between these conflicting factors. In this work, we propose a generalized convolutional forest networks to learn a feature space to maximize the strength of individual tree classifiers while minimizing the respective correlation. The feature space is iteratively constructed by a probabilistic triplet sampling method based on the distribution obtained from the splits of the random forest. The sampling process is designed to pull the data of the same label together for higher strength and push away the data frequently falling to the same leaf nodes. We perform extensive experiments on five image classification and two domain generalization datasets with ResNet-50 and DenseNet-161 backbone networks. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods.
Title: AR-ELBO: Preventing Posterior Collapse Induced by Oversmoothing in Gaussian VAE. Abstract: Variational autoencoders (VAEs) often suffer from posterior collapse, which is a phenomenon that the learned latent space becomes uninformative. This is related to local optima introduced by a fixed hyperparameter resembling the data variance in the objective function. We suggest that this variance parameter regularizes the VAE and affects its smoothness, which is the magnitude of its gradient. An inappropriate choice of this parameter causes oversmoothness and leads to posterior collapse. This is shown theoretically by analysis on the linear approximated objective function and empirically in general cases. We propose AR-ELBO, which stands for adaptively regularized ELBO~(Evidence Lower BOund). It controls the strength of regularization by adapting the variance parameter, and thus avoids oversmoothing the model. Generation models trained by proposed objectives show improved Fréchet inception distance~(FID) of images generated from the MNIST and CelebA datasets.
Title: Differentiable Weighted Finite-State Transducers. Abstract: We introduce a framework for automatic differentiation with weighted finite-state transducers (WFSTs) allowing them to be used dynamically at training time. Through the separation of graphs from operations on graphs, this framework enables the exploration of new structured loss functions which in turn eases the encoding of prior knowledge into learning algorithms. We show how the framework can combine pruning and back-off in transition models with various sequence-level loss functions. We also show how to learn over the latent decomposition of phrases into word pieces. Finally, to demonstrate that WFSTs can be used in the interior of a deep neural network, we propose a convolutional WFST layer which maps lower-level representations to higher-level representations and can be used as a drop-in replacement for a traditional convolution. We validate these algorithms with experiments in handwriting recognition and speech recognition.
Title: A Simple Recurrent Unit with Reduced Tensor Product Representations. Abstract: Widely used recurrent units, including Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), perform well on natural language tasks, but their ability to learn structured representations is still questionable. Exploiting reduced Tensor Product Representations (TPRs) --- distributed representations of symbolic structure in which vector-embedded symbols are bound to vector-embedded structural positions --- we propose the TPRU, a simple recurrent unit that, at each time step, explicitly executes structural-role binding and unbinding operations to incorporate structural information into learning. The gradient analysis of our proposed TPRU is conducted to support our model design, and its performance on multiple datasets shows the effectiveness of it. Furthermore, observations on linguistically grounded study demonstrate the interpretability of our TPRU.
Title: Finding an Unsupervised Image Segmenter in each of your Deep Generative Models. Abstract: Recent research has shown that numerous human-interpretable directions exist in the latent space of GANs. In this paper, we develop an automatic procedure for finding directions that lead to foreground-background image separation, and we use these directions to train an image segmentation model without human supervision. Our method is generator-agnostic, producing strong segmentation results with a wide range of different GAN architectures. Furthermore, by leveraging GANs pretrained on large datasets such as ImageNet, we are able to segment images from a range of domains without further training or finetuning. Evaluating our method on image segmentation benchmarks, we compare favorably to prior work while using neither human supervision nor access to the training data. Broadly, our results demonstrate that automatically extracting foreground-background structure from pretrained deep generative models can serve as a remarkably effective substitute for human supervision.
Title: Adversarial Spheres. Abstract: State of the art computer vision models have been shown to be vulnerable to small adversarial perturbations of the input. In other words, most images in the data distribution are both correctly classified by the model and are very close to a visually similar misclassified image. Despite substantial research interest, the cause of the phenomenon is still poorly understood and remains unsolved. We hypothesize that this counter intuitive behavior is a naturally occurring result of the high dimensional geometry of the data manifold. As a first step towards exploring this hypothesis, we study a simple synthetic dataset of classifying between two concentric high dimensional spheres. For this dataset we show a fundamental tradeoff between the amount of test error and the average distance to nearest error. In particular, we prove that any model which misclassifies a small constant fraction of a sphere will be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations of size $O(1/\sqrt{d})$. Surprisingly, when we train several different architectures on this dataset, all of their error sets naturally approach this theoretical bound. As a result of the theory, the vulnerability of neural networks to small adversarial perturbations is a logical consequence of the amount of test error observed. We hope that our theoretical analysis of this very simple case will point the way forward to explore how the geometry of complex real-world data sets leads to adversarial examples.
Title: On the Convergence of mSGD and AdaGrad for Stochastic Optimization. Abstract: As one of the most fundamental stochastic optimization algorithms, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has been intensively developed and extensively applied in machine learning in the past decade. There have been some modified SGD-type algorithms, which outperform the SGD in many competitions and applications in terms of convergence rate and accuracy, such as momentum-based SGD (mSGD) and adaptive gradient algorithm (AdaGrad). Despite these empirical successes, the theoretical properties of these algorithms have not been well established due to technical difficulties. With this motivation, we focus on convergence analysis of mSGD and AdaGrad for any smooth (possibly non-convex) loss functions in stochastic optimization. First, we prove that the iterates of mSGD are asymptotically convergent to a connected set of stationary points with probability one, which is more general than existing works on subsequence convergence or convergence of time averages. Moreover, we prove that the loss function of mSGD decays at a certain rate faster than that of SGD. In addition, we prove the iterates of AdaGrad are asymptotically convergent to a connected set of stationary points with probability one. Also, this result extends the results from the literature on subsequence convergence and the convergence of time averages. Despite the generality of the above convergence results, we have relaxed some assumptions of gradient noises, convexity of loss functions, as well as boundedness of iterates.
Title: GraphSAINT: Graph Sampling Based Inductive Learning Method. Abstract: Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are powerful models for learning representations of attributed graphs. To scale GCNs to large graphs, state-of-the-art methods use various layer sampling techniques to alleviate the "neighbor explosion" problem during minibatch training. We propose GraphSAINT, a graph sampling based inductive learning method that improves training efficiency and accuracy in a fundamentally different way. By changing perspective, GraphSAINT constructs minibatches by sampling the training graph, rather than the nodes or edges across GCN layers. Each iteration, a complete GCN is built from the properly sampled subgraph. Thus, we ensure fixed number of well-connected nodes in all layers. We further propose normalization technique to eliminate bias, and sampling algorithms for variance reduction. Importantly, we can decouple the sampling from the forward and backward propagation, and extend GraphSAINT with many architecture variants (e.g., graph attention, jumping connection). GraphSAINT demonstrates superior performance in both accuracy and training time on five large graphs, and achieves new state-of-the-art F1 scores for PPI (0.995) and Reddit (0.970).
Title: (Unconstrained) Beam Search is Sensitive to Large Search Discrepancies. Abstract: Beam search is the most popular inference algorithm for decoding neural sequence models. Unlike greedy search, beam search allows for a non-greedy local decisions that can potentially lead to a sequence with a higher overall probability. However, previous work found that the performance of beam search tends to degrade with large beam widths. In this work, we perform an empirical study of the behavior of the beam search algorithm across three sequence synthesis tasks. We find that increasing the beam width leads to sequences that are disproportionately based on early and highly non-greedy decisions. These sequences typically include a very low probability token that is followed by a sequence of tokens with higher (conditional) probability leading to an overall higher probability sequence. However, as beam width increases, such sequences are more likely to have a lower evaluation score. Based on our empirical analysis we propose to constrain the beam search from taking highly non-greedy decisions early in the search. We evaluate two methods to constrain the search and show that constrained beam search effectively eliminates the problem of beam search degradation and in some cases even leads to higher evaluation scores. Our results generalize and improve upon previous observations on copies and training set predictions.
Title: Dropout: Explicit Forms and Capacity Control. Abstract: We investigate the capacity control provided by dropout in various machine learning problems. First, we study dropout for matrix sensing, where it induces a data-dependent regularizer that, in expectation, equals the weighted trace-norm of the product of the factors. In deep learning, we show that the data-dependent regularizer due to dropout directly controls the Rademacher complexity of the underlying class of deep neural networks. These developments enable us to give concrete generalization error bounds for the dropout algorithm in both matrix completion as well as training deep neural networks. We evaluate our theoretical findings on real-world datasets, including MovieLens, Fashion MNIST, and CIFAR-10.
Title: Learning from One and Only One Shot. Abstract: Humans can generalize from one or a few examples, and even from very little pre-training on similar tasks. Machine learning (ML) algorithms, however, typically require large data to either learn or pre-learn to transfer. Inspired by nativism, we directly model very basic human innate priors in abstract visual tasks like character or doodle recognition. The result is a white-box model that learns transformation-based topological similarity akin to how a human would naturally and unconsciously ``distort'' an object when first seeing it. Using the simple Nearest-Neighbor classifier in this similarity space, our model approaches human-level character recognition using only one to ten examples per class and nothing else (no pre-training). This is in contrast to one-shot and few-shot settings that require significant pre-training. On standard benchmarks including MNIST, EMNIST-letters, and the harder Omniglot challenge, our model outperforms both neural-network-based and classical ML methods in the ``tiny-data'' regime, including few-shot learning models that use an extra background set to perform transfer learning. Moreover, mimicking simple clustering methods like $k$-means but in a non-Euclidean space, our model can adapt to an unsupervised setting and generate human-interpretable archetypes of a class.
Title: Self-Educated Language Agent with Hindsight Experience Replay for Instruction Following. Abstract: Language creates a compact representation of the world and allows the description of unlimited situations and objectives through compositionality. These properties make it a natural fit to guide the training of interactive agents as it could ease recurrent challenges in Reinforcement Learning such as sample complexity, generalization, or multi-tasking. Yet, it remains an open-problem to relate language and RL in even simple instruction following scenarios. Current methods rely on expert demonstrations, auxiliary losses, or inductive biases in neural architectures. In this paper, we propose an orthogonal approach called Textual Hindsight Experience Replay (THER) that extends the Hindsight Experience Replay approach to the language setting. Whenever the agent does not fulfill its instruction, THER learn to output a new directive that matches the agent trajectory, and it relabels the episode with a positive reward. To do so, THER learns to map a state into an instruction by using past successful trajectories, which removes the need to have external expert interventions to relabel episodes as in vanilla HER. We observe that this simple idea also initiates a learning synergy between language acquisition and policy learning on instruction following tasks in the BabyAI environment.
Title: DOUBLY STOCHASTIC ADVERSARIAL AUTOENCODER. Abstract: Any autoencoder network can be turned into a generative model by imposing an arbitrary prior distribution on its hidden code vector. Variational Autoencoder uses a KL divergence penalty to impose the prior, whereas Adversarial Autoencoder uses generative adversarial networks. A straightforward modification of Adversarial Autoencoder can be achieved by replacing the adversarial network with maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) network. This replacement leads to a new set of probabilistic autoencoder which is also discussed in our paper. However, an essential challenge remains in both of these probabilistic autoencoders, namely that the only source of randomness at the output of encoder, is the training data itself. Lack of enough stochasticity can make the optimization problem non-trivial. As a result, they can lead to degenerate solutions where the generator collapses into sampling only a few modes. Our proposal is to replace the adversary of the adversarial autoencoder by a space of {\it stochastic} functions. This replacement introduces a a new source of randomness which can be considered as a continuous control for encouraging {\it explorations}. This prevents the adversary from fitting too closely to the generator and therefore leads to more diverse set of generated samples. Consequently, the decoder serves as a better generative network which unlike MMD nets scales linearly with the amount of data. We provide mathematical and empirical evidence on how this replacement outperforms the pre-existing architectures.
Title: Understanding the (Un)interpretability of Natural Image Distributions Using Generative Models. Abstract: Probability density estimation is a classical and well studied problem, but standard density estimation methods have historically lacked the power to model complex and high-dimensional image distributions. More recent generative models leverage the power of neural networks to implicitly learn and represent probability models over complex images. We describe methods to extract explicit probability density estimates from GANs, and explore the properties of these image density functions. We perform sanity check experiments to provide evidence that these probabilities are reasonable. However, we also show that density functions of natural images are difficult to interpret and thus limited in use. We study reasons for this lack of interpretability, and suggest that we can get better interpretability by doing density estimation on latent representations of images.
Title: Learning Time-Aware Assistance Functions for Numerical Fluid Solvers. Abstract: Improving the accuracy of numerical methods remains a central challenge in many disciplines and is especially important for nonlinear simulation problems. A representative example of such problems is fluid flow, which has been thoroughly studied to arrive at efficient simulations of complex flow phenomena. This paper presents a data-driven approach that learns to improve the accuracy of numerical solvers. The proposed method utilizes an advanced numerical scheme with a fine simulation resolution to acquire reference data. We, then, employ a neural network that infers a correction to move a coarse thus quickly obtainable result closer to the reference data. We provide insights into the targeted learning problem with different learning approaches: fully supervised learning methods with a naive and an optimized data acquisition as well as an unsupervised learning method with a differentiable Navier-Stokes solver. While our approach is very general and applicable to arbitrary partial differential equation models, we specifically highlight gains in accuracy for fluid flow simulations.
Title: Learning Generalizable Representations for Reinforcement Learning via Adaptive Meta-learner of Behavioral Similarities. Abstract: How to learn an effective reinforcement learning-based model for control tasks from high-level visual observations is a practical and challenging problem. A key to solving this problem is to learn low-dimensional state representations from observations, from which an effective policy can be learned. In order to boost the learning of state encoding, recent works are focused on capturing behavioral similarities between state representations or applying data augmentation on visual observations. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-learner-based framework for representation learning regarding behavioral similarities for reinforcement learning. Specifically, our framework encodes the high-dimensional observations into two decomposed embeddings regarding reward and dynamics in a Markov Decision Process (MDP). A pair of meta-learners are developed, one of which quantifies the reward similarity and the other quantifies dynamics similarity over the correspondingly decomposed embeddings. The meta-learners are self-learned to update the state embeddings by approximating two disjoint terms in on-policy bisimulation metric. To incorporate the reward and dynamics terms, we further develop a strategy to adaptively balance their impacts based on different tasks or environments. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on several benchmarks, including conventional DM Control Suite, Distracting DM Control Suite and a self-driving task CARLA.
Title: Latent Space Smoothing for Individually Fair Representations. Abstract: Fair representation learning encodes user data to ensure fairness and utility, regardless of the downstream application. However, learning individually fair representations, i.e., guaranteeing that similar individuals are treated similarly, remains challenging in high-dimensional settings such as computer vision. In this work, we introduce LASSI, the first representation learning method for certifying individual fairness of high-dimensional data. Our key insight is to leverage recent advances in generative modeling to capture the set of similar individuals in the generative latent space. This allows learning an individually fair representation where similar individuals are mapped close together, by using adversarial training to minimize the distance between the representations of similar individuals. Finally, we employ randomized smoothing to provably map similar individuals close together, in turn ensuring that local robustness verification of the downstream application results in end-to-end fairness certification. Our experimental evaluation on challenging real-world image data demonstrates that our method increases certified individual fairness by more than 60%, without significantly affecting task utility.
Title: Efficient Conformal Prediction via Cascaded Inference with Expanded Admission. Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel approach for conformal prediction (CP), in which we aim to identify a set of promising prediction candidates---in place of a single prediction. This set is guaranteed to contain a correct answer with high probability, and is well-suited for many open-ended classification tasks. In the standard CP paradigm, the predicted set can often be unusably large and also costly to obtain. This is particularly pervasive in settings where the correct answer is not unique, and the number of total possible answers is high. We first expand the CP correctness criterion to allow for additional, inferred "admissible" answers, which can substantially reduce the size of the predicted set while still providing valid performance guarantees. Second, we amortize costs by conformalizing prediction cascades, in which we aggressively prune implausible labels early on by using progressively stronger classifiers---again, while still providing valid performance guarantees. We demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of our approach for multiple applications in natural language processing and computational chemistry for drug discovery.
Title: REFINING MONTE CARLO TREE SEARCH AGENTS BY MONTE CARLO TREE SEARCH. Abstract: Reinforcement learning methods that continuously learn neural networks by episode generation with game tree search have been successful in two-person complete information deterministic games such as chess, shogi, and Go. However, there are only reports of practical cases and there are little evidence to guarantee the stability and the final performance of learning process. In this research, the coordination of episode generation was focused on. By means of regarding the entire system as game tree search, the new method can handle the trade-off between exploitation and exploration during episode generation. The experiments with a small problem showed that it had robust performance compared to the existing method, Alpha Zero.
Title: Excessive Invariance Causes Adversarial Vulnerability. Abstract: Despite their impressive performance, deep neural networks exhibit striking failures on out-of-distribution inputs. One core idea of adversarial example research is to reveal neural network errors under such distribution shifts. We decompose these errors into two complementary sources: sensitivity and invariance. We show deep networks are not only too sensitive to task-irrelevant changes of their input, as is well-known from epsilon-adversarial examples, but are also too invariant to a wide range of task-relevant changes, thus making vast regions in input space vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We show such excessive invariance occurs across various tasks and architecture types. On MNIST and ImageNet one can manipulate the class-specific content of almost any image without changing the hidden activations. We identify an insufficiency of the standard cross-entropy loss as a reason for these failures. Further, we extend this objective based on an information-theoretic analysis so it encourages the model to consider all task-dependent features in its decision. This provides the first approach tailored explicitly to overcome excessive invariance and resulting vulnerabilities.
Title: On the Uncomputability of Partition Functions in Energy-Based Sequence Models. Abstract: In this paper, we argue that energy-based sequence models backed by expressive parametric families can result in uncomputable and inapproximable partition functions. Among other things, this makes model selection--and therefore learning model parameters--not only difficult, but generally _undecidable_. The reason is that there are no good deterministic or randomized estimates of partition functions. Specifically, we exhibit a pathological example where under common assumptions, _no_ useful importance sampling estimates of the partition function can guarantee to have variance bounded below a rational number. As alternatives, we consider sequence model families whose partition functions are computable (if they exist), but at the cost of reduced expressiveness. Our theoretical results suggest that statistical procedures with asymptotic guarantees and sheer (but finite) amounts of compute are not the only things that make sequence modeling work; computability concerns must not be neglected as we consider more expressive model parametrizations.
Title: Gaussian Process Meta-Representations Of Neural Networks. Abstract: Bayesian inference offers a theoretically grounded and general way to train neural networks and can potentially give calibrated uncertainty. It is, however, challenging to specify a meaningful and tractable prior over the network parameters. More crucially, many existing inference methods assume mean-field approximate posteriors, ignoring interactions between parameters in high-dimensional weight space. To this end, this paper introduces two innovations: (i) a Gaussian process-based hierarchical model for the network parameters based on recently introduced unit embeddings that can flexibly encode weight structures, and (ii) input-dependent contextual variables for the weight prior that can provide convenient ways to regularize the function space being modeled by the NN through the use of kernels. Furthermore, we develop an efficient structured variational inference scheme that alleviates the need to perform inference in the weight space whilst retaining and learning non-trivial correlations between network parameters. We show these models provide desirable test-time uncertainty estimates, demonstrate cases of modeling inductive biases for neural networks with kernels and demonstrate competitive predictive performance of the proposed model and algorithm over alternative approaches on a range of classification and active learning tasks.
Title: Exploration in Policy Mirror Descent. Abstract: Policy optimization is a core problem in reinforcement learning. In this paper, we investigate Reversed Entropy Policy Mirror Descent (REPMD), an on-line policy optimization strategy that improves exploration behavior while assuring monotonic progress in a principled objective. REPMD conducts a form of maximum entropy exploration within a mirror descent framework, but uses an alternative policy update with a reversed KL projection. This modified formulation bypasses undesirable mode seeking behavior and avoids premature convergence to sub-optimal policies, while still supporting strong theoretical properties such as guaranteed policy improvement. An experimental evaluation demonstrates that this approach significantly improves practical exploration and surpasses the empirical performance of state-of-the art policy optimization methods in a set of benchmark tasks.
Title: On the approximation properties of recurrent encoder-decoder architectures. Abstract: Encoder-decoder architectures have recently gained popularity in sequence to sequence modelling, featuring in state-of-the-art models such as transformers. However, a mathematical understanding of their working principles still remains limited. In this paper, we study the approximation properties of recurrent encoder-decoder architectures. Prior work established theoretical results for RNNs in the linear setting, where approximation capabilities can be related to smoothness and memory of target temporal relationships. Here, we uncover that the encoder and decoder together form a particular “temporal product structure” which determines the approximation efficiency. Moreover, the encoder-decoder architecture generalises RNNs with the capability to learn time-inhomogeneous relationships. Our results provide the theoretical understanding of approximation properties of the recurrent encoder-decoder architecture, which precisely characterises, in the considered setting, the types of temporal relationships that can be efficiently learned.
Title: Automated Concatenation of Embeddings for Structured Prediction. Abstract: Pretrained contextualized embeddings are powerful word representations for structured prediction tasks. Recent work found that better word representations can be obtained by concatenating different types of embeddings. However, the selection of embeddings to form the best concatenated representation usually varies depending on the task and the collection of candidate embeddings, and the ever-increasing number of embedding types makes it a more difficult problem. In this paper, we propose Automated Concatenation of Embeddings (ACE) to automate the process of finding better concatenations of embeddings for structured prediction tasks, based on a formulation inspired by recent progress on neural architecture search. Specifically, a controller alternately samples a concatenation of embeddings, according to its current belief of the effectiveness of individual embedding types in consideration for a task, and updates the belief based on a reward. We follow strategies in reinforcement learning to optimize the parameters of the controller and compute the reward based on the accuracy of a task model, which is fed with the sampled concatenation as input and trained on a task dataset. Empirical results on 6 tasks and 21 datasets show that our approach outperforms strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance with fine-tuned embeddings in the vast majority of evaluations.
Title: Autonomous Vehicle Fleet Coordination With Deep Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Autonomous vehicles are becoming more common in city transportation. Companies will begin to find a need to teach these vehicles smart city fleet coordination. Currently, simulation based modeling along with hand coded rules dictate the decision making of these autonomous vehicles. We believe that complex intelligent behavior can be learned by these agents through Reinforcement Learning.In this paper, we discuss our work for solving this system by adapting the Deep Q-Learning (DQN) model to the multi-agent setting. Our approach applies deep reinforcement learning by combining convolutional neural networks with DQN to teach agents to fulfill customer demand in an environment that is partially observ-able to them. We also demonstrate how to utilize transfer learning to teach agents to balance multiple objectives such as navigating to a charging station when its en-ergy level is low. The two evaluations presented show that our solution has shown hat we are successfully able to teach agents cooperation policies while balancing multiple objectives.
Title: Probing Emergent Semantics in Predictive Agents via Question Answering. Abstract: Recent work has demonstrated how predictive modeling can endow agents with rich knowledge of their surroundings, improving their ability to act in complex environments. We propose question-answering as a general paradigm to decode and understand the representations that such agents develop, applying our method to two recent approaches to predictive modeling – action-conditional CPC (Guo et al., 2018) and SimCore (Gregor et al., 2019). After training agents with these predictive objectives in a visually-rich, 3D environment with an assortment of objects, colors, shapes, and spatial configurations, we probe their internal state representations with a host of synthetic (English) questions, without backpropagating gradients from the question-answering decoder into the agent. The performance of different agents when probed in this way reveals that they learn to encode detailed, and seemingly compositional, information about objects, properties and spatial relations from their physical environment. Our approach is intuitive, i.e. humans can easily interpret the responses of the model as opposed to inspecting continuous vectors, and model-agnostic, i.e. applicable to any modeling approach. By revealing the implicit knowledge of objects, quantities, properties and relations acquired by agents as they learn, question-conditional agent probing can stimulate the design and development of stronger predictive learning objectives.
Title: ProxNet: End-to-End Learning of Structured Representation by Proximal Mapping. Abstract: Underpinning the success of deep learning is the effective regularization that allows a broad range of structures in data to be compactly modeled in a deep architecture. Examples include transformation invariances, robustness to adversarial/random perturbations, and correlations between multiple modalities. However, most existing methods incorporate such priors either by auto-encoders, whose result is used to initialize supervised learning, or by augmenting the data with exemplifications of the transformations which, despite the improved performance of supervised learning, leaves it unclear whether the learned latent representation does encode the desired regularities. To address these issues, this work proposes an \emph{end-to-end} representation learning framework that allows prior structures to be encoded \emph{explicitly} in the hidden layers, and to be trained efficiently in conjunction with the supervised target. Our approach is based on proximal mapping in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, and leverages differentiable optimization. The resulting technique is applied to generalize dropout and invariant kernel warping, and to develop novel algorithms for multiview modeling and robust temporal learning.
Title: Anchor & Transform: Learning Sparse Representations of Discrete Objects. Abstract: Learning continuous representations of discrete objects such as text, users, and items lies at the heart of many applications including text and user modeling. Unfortunately, traditional methods that embed all objects do not scale to large vocabulary sizes and embedding dimensions. In this paper, we propose a general method, Anchor & Transform (ANT) that learns sparse representations of discrete objects by jointly learning a small set of anchor embeddings and a sparse transformation from anchor objects to all objects. ANT is scalable, flexible, end-to-end trainable, and allows the user to easily incorporate domain knowledge about object relationships (e.g. WordNet, co-occurrence, item clusters). ANT also recovers several task-specific baselines under certain structural assumptions on the anchors and transformation matrices. On text classification and language modeling benchmarks, ANT demonstrates stronger performance with fewer parameters as compared to existing vocabulary selection and embedding compression baselines.
Title: Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation. Abstract: Existing approaches to neural machine translation condition each output word on previously generated outputs. We introduce a model that avoids this autoregressive property and produces its outputs in parallel, allowing an order of magnitude lower latency during inference. Through knowledge distillation, the use of input token fertilities as a latent variable, and policy gradient fine-tuning, we achieve this at a cost of as little as 2.0 BLEU points relative to the autoregressive Transformer network used as a teacher. We demonstrate substantial cumulative improvements associated with each of the three aspects of our training strategy, and validate our approach on IWSLT 2016 English–German and two WMT language pairs. By sampling fertilities in parallel at inference time, our non-autoregressive model achieves near-state-of-the-art performance of 29.8 BLEU on WMT 2016 English–Romanian.
Title: Stochastic Mirror Descent on Overparameterized Nonlinear Models. Abstract: Most modern learning problems are highly overparameterized, meaning that the model has many more parameters than the number of training data points, and as a result, the training loss may have infinitely many global minima (in fact, a manifold of parameter vectors that perfectly interpolates the training data). Therefore, it is important to understand which interpolating solutions we converge to, how they depend on the initialization point and the learning algorithm, and whether they lead to different generalization performances. In this paper, we study these questions for the family of stochastic mirror descent (SMD) algorithms, of which the popular stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a special case. Recently it has been shown that, for overparameterized linear models, SMD converges to the global minimum that is closest (in terms of the Bregman divergence of the mirror used) to the initialization point, a phenomenon referred to as implicit regularization. Our contributions in this paper are both theoretical and experimental. On the theory side, we show that in the overparameterized nonlinear setting, if the initialization is close enough to the manifold of global optima, SMD with sufficiently small step size converges to a global minimum that is approximately the closest global minimum in Bregman divergence, thus attaining approximate implicit regularization. For highly overparametrized models, this closeness comes for free: the manifold of global optima is so high dimensional that with high probability an arbitrarily chosen initialization will be close to the manifold. On the experimental side, our extensive experiments on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets, using various initializations, various mirror descents, and various Bregman divergences, consistently confirms that this phenomenon indeed happens in deep learning: SMD converges to the closest global optimum to the initialization point in the Bregman divergence of the mirror used. Our experiments further indicate that there is a clear difference in the generalization performance of the solutions obtained from different SMD algorithms. Experimenting on the CIFAR-10 dataset with different regularizers, l1 to encourage sparsity, l2 (yielding SGD) to encourage small Euclidean norm, and l10 to discourage large components in the parameter vector, consistently and definitively shows that, for small initialization vectors, l10-SMD has better generalization performance than SGD, which in turn has better generalization performance than l1-SMD. This surprising, and perhaps counter-intuitive, result strongly suggests the importance of a comprehensive study of the role of regularization, and the choice of the best regularizer, to improve the generalization performance of deep networks.
Title: Adaptive Gradient Methods Can Be Provably Faster than SGD with Random Shuffling. Abstract: Adaptive gradient methods have been shown to outperform SGD in many tasks of training neural networks. However, the acceleration effect is yet to be explained in the non-convex setting since the best convergence rate of adaptive gradient methods is worse than that of SGD in literature. In this paper, we prove that adaptive gradient methods exhibit an $\small\tilde{O}(T^{-1/2})$-convergence rate for finding first-order stationary points under the strong growth condition, which improves previous best convergence results of adaptive gradient methods and random shuffling SGD by factors of $\small O(T^{-1/4})$ and $\small O(T^{-1/6})$, respectively. In particular, we study two variants of AdaGrad with random shuffling for finite sum minimization. Our analysis suggests that the combination of random shuffling and adaptive learning rates gives rise to better convergence.
Title: Selective Cross-Domain Consistency Regularization for Time Series Domain Generalization. Abstract: Domain generalization aims to learn models robust to domain shift, with limited source domains at training and without any access to target domain samples except at test time. Current domain alignment methods seek to extract features invariant across all domains, but do not consider inter-domain relationships. In this paper, we propose a novel representation learning methodology for time series classification that selectively enforces prediction consistency between source domains estimated to be closely-related. Specifically, we view a domain shift as a form of data transformation that preserves labels but not necessarily class relationships, and we regularize the predicted class relationships to be shared only by closely-related domains instead of all domains to prevent negative transfer. We conduct comprehensive experiments on two public real-world datasets. The proposed method significantly improves over the baseline and achieves better or competitive performance in comparison with state-of-the-art methods.
Title: Learning to Contextually Aggregate Multi-Source Supervision for Sequence Labeling. Abstract: Sequence labeling is a fundamental framework for various natural language processing problems including part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition. Its performance is largely influenced by the annotation quality and quantity in supervised learning scenarios. In many cases, ground truth labels are costly and time-consuming to collect or even non-existent, while imperfect ones could be easily accessed or transferred from different domains. A typical example is crowd-sourced datasets which have multiple annotations for each sentence which may be noisy or incomplete. Additionally, predictions from multiple source models in transfer learning can be seen as a case of multi-source supervision. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named Consensus Network (CONNET) to conduct training with imperfect annotations from multiple sources. It learns the representation for every weak supervision source and dynamically aggregates them by a context-aware attention mechanism. Finally, it leads to a model reflecting the consensus among multiple sources. We evaluate the proposed framework in two practical settings of multi-source learning: learning with crowd annotations and unsupervised cross-domain model adaptation. Extensive experimental results show that our model achieves significant improvements over existing methods in both settings.
Title: Learning Latent Representations in Neural Networks for Clustering through Pseudo Supervision and Graph-based Activity Regularization. Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised clustering approach exploiting the hidden information that is indirectly introduced through a pseudo classification objective. Specifically, we randomly assign a pseudo parent-class label to each observation which is then modified by applying the domain specific transformation associated with the assigned label. Generated pseudo observation-label pairs are subsequently used to train a neural network with Auto-clustering Output Layer (ACOL) that introduces multiple softmax nodes for each pseudo parent-class. Due to the unsupervised objective based on Graph-based Activity Regularization (GAR) terms, softmax duplicates of each parent-class are specialized as the hidden information captured through the help of domain specific transformations is propagated during training. Ultimately we obtain a k-means friendly latent representation. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the chosen transformation type impacts performance and helps propagate the latent information that is useful in revealing unknown clusters. Our results show state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised clustering tasks on MNIST, SVHN and USPS datasets, with the highest accuracies reported to date in the literature.
Title: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation By Optimal Transportation Of Clusters Between Domains. Abstract: Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to transfer the knowledge from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. Typically, to guarantee desirable knowledge transfer, aligning the distribution between source and target domain from a global perspective is widely adopted in UDA. Recent researchers further point out the importance of local-level alignment and borrow the experience from Optimal Transport (OT) theory to construct instance-pair alignment. However, existing OT-based algorithms are limited to resolve class imbalance challenge and require a huge computation cost when considering a large-scale training situation. In this paper, we address these two issues by proposing a Clustering-based Optimal Transport (COT) algorithm, which formulates the alignment procedure as an Optimal Transport problem by capturing the fine-grained attribute alignment. Concretely, COT innovatively designs the loss derived from discrete Kantorovich dual form to construct a mapping between clustering centers in source and target domain, which simultaneously eliminates the negative effect brought by class imbalance and reduces the computation cost on the basis of theoretical analysis. Finally, our COT together with some previous UDA methods achieve superior performance on several benchmarks.
Title: Efficient Augmentation via Data Subsampling. Abstract: Data augmentation is commonly used to encode invariances in learning methods. However, this process is often performed in an inefficient manner, as artificial examples are created by applying a number of transformations to all points in the training set. The resulting explosion of the dataset size can be an issue in terms of storage and training costs, as well as in selecting and tuning the optimal set of transformations to apply. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to significantly reduce the number of data points included in data augmentation while realizing the same accuracy and invariance benefits of augmenting the entire dataset. We propose a novel set of subsampling policies, based on model influence and loss, that can achieve a 90% reduction in augmentation set size while maintaining the accuracy gains of standard data augmentation.
Title: PODS: Policy Optimization via Differentiable Simulation. Abstract: Current reinforcement learning (RL) methods use simulation models as simple black-box oracles. In this paper, with the goal of improving the performance exhibited by RL algorithms, we explore a systematic way of leveraging the additional information provided by an emerging class of differentiable simulators. Building on concepts established by Deterministic Policy Gradients (DPG) methods, the neural network policies learned with our approach represent deterministic actions. In a departure from standard methodologies, however, learning these policy does not hinge on approximations of the value function that must be learned concurrently in an actor-critic fashion. Instead, we exploit differentiable simulators to directly compute the analytic gradient of a policy's value function with respect to the actions it outputs. This, in turn, allows us to efficiently perform locally optimal policy improvement iterations. Compared against other state-of-the-art RL methods, we show that with minimal hyper-parameter tuning our approach consistently leads to better asymptotic behavior across a set of payload manipulation tasks that demand high precision.
Title: Topology of deep neural networks. Abstract: We study how the topology of a data set comprising two components representing two classes of objects in a binary classification problem changes as it passes through the layers of a well-trained neural network, i.e., one with perfect accuracy on training set and a generalization error of less than 1%. The goal is to shed light on two well-known mysteries in deep neural networks: (i) a nonsmooth activation function like ReLU outperforms a smooth one like hyperbolic tangent; (ii) successful neural network architectures rely on having many layers, despite the fact that a shallow network is able to approximate any function arbitrary well. We performed extensive experiments on persistent homology of a range of point cloud data sets. The results consistently demonstrate the following: (1) Neural networks operate by changing topology, transforming a topologically complicated data set into a topologically simple one as it passes through the layers. No matter how complicated the topology of the data set we begin with, when passed through a well-trained neural network, the Betti numbers of both components invariably reduce to their lowest possible values: zeroth Betti number is one and all higher Betti numbers are zero. Furthermore, (2) the reduction in Betti numbers is significantly faster for ReLU activation compared to hyperbolic tangent activation --- consistent with the fact that the former define nonhomeomorphic maps (that change topology) whereas the latter define homeomorphic maps (that preserve topology). Lastly, (3) shallow and deep networks process the same data set differently --- a shallow network operates mainly through changing geometry and changes topology only in its final layers, a deep network spreads topological changes more evenly across all its layers.
Title: Online and stochastic optimization beyond Lipschitz continuity: A Riemannian approach. Abstract: Motivated by applications to machine learning and imaging science, we study a class of online and stochastic optimization problems with loss functions that are not Lipschitz continuous; in particular, the loss functions encountered by the optimizer could exhibit gradient singularities or be singular themselves. Drawing on tools and techniques from Riemannian geometry, we examine a Riemann–Lipschitz (RL) continuity condition which is tailored to the singularity landscape of the problem’s loss functions. In this way, we are able to tackle cases beyond the Lipschitz framework provided by a global norm, and we derive optimal regret bounds and last iterate convergence results through the use of regularized learning methods (such as online mirror descent). These results are subsequently validated in a class of stochastic Poisson inverse problems that arise in imaging science.
Title: Automatic Integration for Neural Temporal Point Process. Abstract: Integration lies at the heart of the temporal point process. Due to the intrinsic mathematical difficulty of symbolic integration, neural temporal point process models either constrain the intensity function to an integrable functional form or apply certain numerical methods. However, the former type of model has limited expressive power, and the latter type of model suffers additional numerical errors and high computational costs. In this paper, we introduce automatic integration with neural point process models, a new paradigm for efficient, closed-form nonparametric inference of temporal point process characterized by any intensity function. We test the model against a variety of synthetic temporal point process datasets and show that the model can better capture inter-event intensity changes than state-of-the-art methods. We also identify certain model settings that would lead the MLE estimator for the temporal point process to be inconsistent.
Title: Learning Parametrised Graph Shift Operators. Abstract: In many domains data is currently represented as graphs and therefore, the graph representation of this data becomes increasingly important in machine learning. Network data is, implicitly or explicitly, always represented using a graph shift operator (GSO) with the most common choices being the adjacency, Laplacian matrices and their normalisations. In this paper, a novel parametrised GSO (PGSO) is proposed, where specific parameter values result in the most commonly used GSOs and message-passing operators in graph neural network (GNN) frameworks. The PGSO is suggested as a replacement of the standard GSOs that are used in state-of-the-art GNN architectures and the optimisation of the PGSO parameters is seamlessly included in the model training. It is proved that the PGSO has real eigenvalues and a set of real eigenvectors independent of the parameter values and spectral bounds on the PGSO are derived. PGSO parameters are shown to adapt to the sparsity of the graph structure in a study on stochastic blockmodel networks, where they are found to automatically replicate the GSO regularisation found in the literature. On several real-world datasets the accuracy of state-of-the-art GNN architectures is improved by the inclusion of the PGSO in both node- and graph-classification tasks.
Title: Selecting Treatment Effects Models for Domain Adaptation Using Causal Knowledge. Abstract: Selecting causal inference models for estimating individualized treatment effects (ITE) from observational data presents a unique challenge since the counterfactual outcomes are never observed. The problem is challenged further in the unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) setting where we only have access to labeled samples in the source domain, but desire selecting a model that achieves good performance on a target domain for which only unlabeled samples are available. Existing techniques for UDA model selection are designed for the predictive setting. These methods examine discriminative density ratios between the input covariates in the source and target domain and do not factor in the model's predictions in the target domain. Because of this, two models with identical performance on the source domain would receive the same risk score by existing methods, but in reality, have significantly different performance in the test domain. We leverage the invariance of causal structures across domains to propose a novel model selection metric specifically designed for ITE methods under the UDA setting. In particular, we propose selecting models whose predictions of interventions' effects satisfy known causal structures in the target domain. Experimentally, our method selects ITE models that are more robust to covariate shifts on several healthcare datasets, including estimating the effect of ventilation in COVID-19 patients from different geographic locations.
Title: Minimax Curriculum Learning: Machine Teaching with Desirable Difficulties and Scheduled Diversity. Abstract: We introduce and study minimax curriculum learning (MCL), a new method for adaptively selecting a sequence of training subsets for a succession of stages in machine learning. The subsets are encouraged to be small and diverse early on, and then larger, harder, and allowably more homogeneous in later stages. At each stage, model weights and training sets are chosen by solving a joint continuous-discrete minimax optimization, whose objective is composed of a continuous loss (reflecting training set hardness) and a discrete submodular promoter of diversity for the chosen subset. MCL repeatedly solves a sequence of such optimizations with a schedule of increasing training set size and decreasing pressure on diversity encouragement. We reduce MCL to the minimization of a surrogate function handled by submodular maximization and continuous gradient methods. We show that MCL achieves better performance and, with a clustering trick, uses fewer labeled samples for both shallow and deep models while achieving the same performance. Our method involves repeatedly solving constrained submodular maximization of an only slowly varying function on the same ground set. Therefore, we develop a heuristic method that utilizes the previous submodular maximization solution as a warm start for the current submodular maximization process to reduce computation while still yielding a guarantee.
Title: Hierarchical interpretations for neural network predictions. Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved impressive predictive performance due to their ability to learn complex, non-linear relationships between variables. However, the inability to effectively visualize these relationships has led to DNNs being characterized as black boxes and consequently limited their applications. To ameliorate this problem, we introduce the use of hierarchical interpretations to explain DNN predictions through our proposed method: agglomerative contextual decomposition (ACD). Given a prediction from a trained DNN, ACD produces a hierarchical clustering of the input features, along with the contribution of each cluster to the final prediction. This hierarchy is optimized to identify clusters of features that the DNN learned are predictive. We introduce ACD using examples from Stanford Sentiment Treebank and ImageNet, in order to diagnose incorrect predictions, identify dataset bias, and extract polarizing phrases of varying lengths. Through human experiments, we demonstrate that ACD enables users both to identify the more accurate of two DNNs and to better trust a DNN's outputs. We also find that ACD's hierarchy is largely robust to adversarial perturbations, implying that it captures fundamental aspects of the input and ignores spurious noise.
Title: Long-term Forecasting using Tensor-Train RNNs. Abstract: We present Tensor-Train RNN (TT-RNN), a novel family of neural sequence architectures for multivariate forecasting in environments with nonlinear dynamics. Long-term forecasting in such systems is highly challenging, since there exist long-term temporal dependencies, higher-order correlations and sensitivity to error propagation. Our proposed tensor recurrent architecture addresses these issues by learning the nonlinear dynamics directly using higher order moments and high-order state transition functions. Furthermore, we decompose the higher-order structure using the tensor-train (TT) decomposition to reduce the number of parameters while preserving the model performance. We theoretically establish the approximation properties of Tensor-Train RNNs for general sequence inputs, and such guarantees are not available for usual RNNs. We also demonstrate significant long-term prediction improvements over general RNN and LSTM architectures on a range of simulated environments with nonlinear dynamics, as well on real-world climate and traffic data.
Title: Improving the Generalization of Visual Navigation Policies using Invariance Regularization. Abstract: Training agents to operate in one environment often yields overfitted models that are unable to generalize to the changes in that environment. However, due to the numerous variations that can occur in the real-world, the agent is often required to be robust in order to be useful. This has not been the case for agents trained with reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. In this paper, we investigate the overfitting of RL agents to the training environments in visual navigation tasks. Our experiments show that deep RL agents can overfit even when trained on multiple environments simultaneously. We propose a regularization method which combines RL with supervised learning methods by adding a term to the RL objective that would encourage the invariance of a policy to variations in the observations that ought not to affect the action taken. The results of this method, called invariance regularization, show an improvement in the generalization of policies to environments not seen during training.
Title: Towards More Realistic Neural Network Uncertainties. Abstract: Statistical models are inherently uncertain. Quantifying or at least upper-bounding their uncertainties is vital for safety-critical systems. While standard neural networks do not report this information, several approaches exist to integrate uncertainty estimates into them. Assessing the quality of these uncertainty estimates is not straightforward, as no direct ground truth labels are available. Instead, implicit statistical assessments are required. For regression, we propose to evaluate uncertainty realism---a strict quality criterion---with a Mahalanobis distance-based statistical test. An empirical evaluation reveals the need for uncertainty measures that are appropriate to upper-bound heavy-tailed empirical errors. Alongside, we transfer the variational U-Net classification architecture to standard supervised image-to-image tasks. It provides two uncertainty mechanisms and significantly improves uncertainty realism compared to a plain encoder-decoder model.
Title: Chameleon: Adaptive Code Optimization for Expedited Deep Neural Network Compilation. Abstract: Achieving faster execution with shorter compilation time can foster further diversity and innovation in neural networks. However, the current paradigm of executing neural networks either relies on hand-optimized libraries, traditional compilation heuristics, or very recently genetic algorithms and other stochastic methods. These methods suffer from frequent costly hardware measurements rendering them not only too time consuming but also suboptimal. As such, we devise a solution that can learn to quickly adapt to a previously unseen design space for code optimization, both accelerating the search and improving the output performance. This solution dubbed Chameleon leverages reinforcement learning whose solution takes fewer steps to converge, and develops an adaptive sampling algorithm that not only focuses on the costly samples (real hardware measurements) on representative points but also uses a domain-knowledge inspired logic to improve the samples itself. Experimentation with real hardware shows that Chameleon provides 4.45x speed up in optimization time over AutoTVM, while also improving inference time of the modern deep networks by 5.6%.
Title: Lipschitz regularized Deep Neural Networks generalize. Abstract: We show that if the usual training loss is augmented by a Lipschitz regularization term, then the networks generalize. We prove generalization by first establishing a stronger convergence result, along with a rate of convergence. A second result resolves a question posed in Zhang et al. (2016): how can a model distinguish between the case of clean labels, and randomized labels? Our answer is that Lipschitz regularization using the Lipschitz constant of the clean data makes this distinction. In this case, the model learns a different function which we hypothesize correctly fails to learn the dirty labels.
Title: Unsupervised Meta-Learning for Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Meta-learning algorithms learn to acquire new tasks more quickly from past experience. In the context of reinforcement learning, meta-learning algorithms can acquire reinforcement learning procedures to solve new problems more efficiently by utilizing experience from prior tasks. The performance of meta-learning algorithms depends on the tasks available for meta-training: in the same way that supervised learning generalizes best to test points drawn from the same distribution as the training points, meta-learning methods generalize best to tasks from the same distribution as the meta-training tasks. In effect, meta-reinforcement learning offloads the design burden from algorithm design to task design. If we can automate the process of task design as well, we can devise a meta-learning algorithm that is truly automated. In this work, we take a step in this direction, proposing a family of unsupervised meta-learning algorithms for reinforcement learning. We motivate and describe a general recipe for unsupervised meta-reinforcement learning, and present an instantiation of this approach. Our conceptual and theoretical contributions consist of formulating the unsupervised meta-reinforcement learning problem and describing how task proposals based on mutual information can in principle be used to train optimal meta-learners. Our experimental results indicate that unsupervised meta-reinforcement learning effectively acquires accelerated reinforcement learning procedures without the need for manual task design and significantly exceeds the performance of learning from scratch.
Title: Neural Contextual Bandits with Deep Representation and Shallow Exploration. Abstract: We study neural contextual bandits, a general class of contextual bandits, where each context-action pair is associated with a raw feature vector, but the specific reward generating function is unknown. We propose a novel learning algorithm that transforms the raw feature vector using the last hidden layer of a deep ReLU neural network (deep representation learning), and uses an upper confidence bound (UCB) approach to explore in the last linear layer (shallow exploration). We prove that under standard assumptions, our proposed algorithm achieves $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ finite-time regret, where $T$ is the learning time horizon. Compared with existing neural contextual bandit algorithms, our approach is computationally much more efficient since it only needs to explore in the last layer of the deep neural network.
Title: Sparse MoEs meet Efficient Ensembles. Abstract: Machine learning models based on the aggregated outputs of submodels, either at the activation or prediction levels, lead to strong performance. We study the interplay of two popular classes of such models: ensembles of neural networks and sparse mixture of experts (sparse MoEs). First, we show that these two approaches have complementary features whose combination is beneficial. Then, we present partitioned batch ensembles, an efficient ensemble of sparse MoEs that takes the best of both classes of models. Extensive experiments on fine-tuned vision transformers demonstrate the accuracy, log-likelihood, few-shot learning, robustness, and uncertainty calibration improvements of our approach over several challenging baselines. Partitioned batch ensembles not only scale to models with up to 2.7B parameters, but also provide larger performance gains for larger models.
Title: Building Generalizable Agents with a Realistic and Rich 3D Environment. Abstract: Teaching an agent to navigate in an unseen 3D environment is a challenging task, even in the event of simulated environments. To generalize to unseen environments, an agent needs to be robust to low-level variations (e.g. color, texture, object changes), and also high-level variations (e.g. layout changes of the environment). To improve overall generalization, all types of variations in the environment have to be taken under consideration via different level of data augmentation steps. To this end, we propose House3D, a rich, extensible and efficient environment that contains 45,622 human-designed 3D scenes of visually realistic houses, ranging from single-room studios to multi-storied houses, equipped with a diverse set of fully labeled 3D objects, textures and scene layouts, based on the SUNCG dataset (Song et al., 2017). The diversity in House3D opens the door towards scene-level augmentation, while the label-rich nature of House3D enables us to inject pixel- & task-level augmentations such as domain randomization (Tobin et al., 2017) and multi-task training. Using a subset of houses in House3D, we show that reinforcement learning agents trained with an enhancement of different levels of augmentations perform much better in unseen environments than our baselines with raw RGB input by over 8% in terms of navigation success rate. House3D is publicly available at http://github.com/facebookresearch/House3D.
Title: On Distributed Adaptive Optimization with Gradient Compression. Abstract: We study COMP-AMS, a distributed optimization framework based on gradient averaging and adaptive AMSGrad algorithm. Gradient compression with error feedback is applied to reduce the communication cost in the gradient transmission process. Our convergence analysis of COMP-AMS shows that such compressed gradient averaging strategy yields same convergence rate as standard AMSGrad, and also exhibits the linear speedup effect w.r.t. the number of local workers. Compared with recently proposed protocols on distributed adaptive methods, COMP-AMS is simple and convenient. Numerical experiments are conducted to justify the theoretical findings, and demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve same test accuracy as the full-gradient AMSGrad with substantial communication savings. With its simplicity and efficiency, COMP-AMS can serve as a useful distributed training framework for adaptive methods.
Title: Transformers are Meta-Reinforcement Learners. Abstract: The transformer architecture and variants presented a remarkable success across many machine learning tasks in recent years. This success is intrinsically related to the capability of handling long sequences and the presence of context-dependent weights from the attention mechanism. We argue that these capabilities suit the central role of a Meta-Reinforcement Learning algorithm. Indeed, a meta-RL agent needs to infer the task from a sequence of trajectories. Furthermore, it requires a fast adaptation strategy to adapt its policy for a new task - which can be achieved using the self-attention mechanism. In this work, we present TrMRL (Transformers for Meta-Reinforcement Learning), a meta-RL agent that mimics the memory reinstatement mechanism using the transformer architecture. It associates the recent past of working memories to build an episodic memory recursively through the transformer layers. This memory works as a proxy to the current task, and we condition a policy head on it. We conducted experiments in high-dimensional continuous control environments for locomotion and dexterous manipulation. Results show that TrMRL achieves or surpasses state-of-the-art performance, sample efficiency, and out-of-distribution generalization in these environments.
Title: Heterologous Normalization. Abstract: Batch Normalization has become a standard technique for training modern deep networks. However, its effectiveness diminishes when the batch size becomes smaller since the batch statistics estimation becomes inaccurate. This paper proposes Heterologous Normalization, which computes normalization's mean and standard deviation from different pixel sets to take advantage of different normalization methods. Specifically, it calculates the mean like Batch Normalization to maintain the advantage of Batch Normalization. Meanwhile, it enlarges the number of pixels from which the standard deviation is calculated, thus alleviating the problem caused by the small batch size. Experiments show that Heterologous Normalization surpasses or achieves comparable performance to existing homologous methods, with large or small batch sizes on various datasets.
Title: Distributional Generalization: A New Kind of Generalization. Abstract: We introduce a new notion of generalization--- Distributional Generalization--- which roughly states that outputs of a classifier at train and test time are close as distributions, as opposed to close in just their average error. For example, if we mislabel 30% of dogs as cats in the train set of CIFAR-10, then a ResNet trained to interpolation will in fact mislabel roughly 30% of dogs as cats on the test set as well, while leaving other classes unaffected. This behavior is not captured by classical generalization, which would only consider the average error and not the distribution of errors over the input domain. Our formal conjectures, which are much more general than this example, characterize the form of distributional generalization that can be expected in terms of problem parameters: model architecture, training procedure, number of samples, and data distribution. We give empirical evidence for these conjectures across a variety of domains in machine learning, including neural networks, kernel machines, and decision trees. Our results thus advance our understanding of interpolating classifiers.
Title: Unsupervised Emergence of Spatial Structure from Sensorimotor Prediction. Abstract: Despite its omnipresence in robotics application, the nature of spatial knowledge and the mechanisms that underlie its emergence in autonomous agents are still poorly understood. Recent theoretical work suggests that the concept of space can be grounded by capturing invariants induced by the structure of space in an agent's raw sensorimotor experience. Moreover, it is hypothesized that capturing these invariants is beneficial for a naive agent trying to predict its sensorimotor experience. Under certain exploratory conditions, spatial representations should thus emerge as a byproduct of learning to predict. We propose a simple sensorimotor predictive scheme, apply it to different agents and types of exploration, and evaluate the pertinence of this hypothesis. We show that a naive agent can capture the topology and metric regularity of its spatial configuration without any a priori knowledge, nor extraneous supervision.
Title: Can Label-Noise Transition Matrix Help to Improve Sample Selection and Label Correction?. Abstract: Existing methods for learning with noisy labels can be generally divided into two categories: (1) sample selection and label correction based on the memorization effect of neural networks; (2) loss correction with the transition matrix. So far, the two categories of methods have been studied independently because they are designed according to different philosophies, i.e., the memorization effect is a property of the neural networks independent of label noise while the transition matrix is exploited to model the distribution of label noise. In this paper, we take a first step in unifying these two paradigms by showing that modelling the distribution of label noise with the transition matrix can also help sample selection and label correction, which leads to better robustness against different types of noise. More specifically, we first train a network with the loss corrected by the transition matrix and then use the confidence of the estimated clean class posterior from the network to select and re-label instances. Our proposed method demonstrates strong robustness on multiple benchmark datasets under various types of noise.
Title: Optimal Completion Distillation for Sequence Learning. Abstract: We present Optimal Completion Distillation (OCD), a training procedure for optimizing sequence to sequence models based on edit distance. OCD is efficient, has no hyper-parameters of its own, and does not require pre-training or joint optimization with conditional log-likelihood. Given a partial sequence generated by the model, we first identify the set of optimal suffixes that minimize the total edit distance, using an efficient dynamic programming algorithm. Then, for each position of the generated sequence, we use a target distribution which puts equal probability on the first token of all the optimal suffixes. OCD achieves the state-of-the-art performance on end-to-end speech recognition, on both Wall Street Journal and Librispeech datasets, achieving $9.3\%$ WER and $4.5\%$ WER, respectively.
Title: Effective Use of Variational Embedding Capacity in Expressive End-to-End Speech Synthesis. Abstract: Recent work has explored sequence-to-sequence latent variable models for expressive speech synthesis (supporting control and transfer of prosody and style), but has not presented a coherent framework for understanding the trade-offs between the competing methods. In this paper, we propose embedding capacity (the amount of information the embedding contains about the data) as a unified method of analyzing the behavior of latent variable models of speech, comparing existing heuristic (non-variational) methods to variational methods that are able to explicitly constrain capacity using an upper bound on representational mutual information. In our proposed model (Capacitron), we show that by adding conditional dependencies to the variational posterior such that it matches the form of the true posterior, the same model can be used for high-precision prosody transfer, text-agnostic style transfer, and generation of natural-sounding prior samples. For multi-speaker models, Capacitron is able to preserve target speaker identity during inter-speaker prosody transfer and when drawing samples from the latent prior. Lastly, we introduce a method for decomposing embedding capacity hierarchically across two sets of latents, allowing a portion of the latent variability to be specified and the remaining variability sampled from a learned prior. Audio examples are available on the web.
Title: KNIFE: Kernelized-Neural Differential Entropy Estimation. Abstract: Estimation of (differential) entropy and the related mutual information has been pursued with significant efforts by the machine learning community. To address shortcomings in previously proposed estimators for differential entropy, here we introduce KNIFE, a fully parameterized, differentiable kernel-based estimator of differential entropy. The flexibility of our approach also allows us to construct KNIFE-based estimators for conditional (on either discrete or continuous variables) differential entropy, as well as mutual information. We empirically validate our method on high-dimensional synthetic data and further apply it to guide the training of neural networks for real-world tasks. Our experiments on a large variety of tasks, including visual domain adaptation, textual fair classification, and textual fine-tuning demonstrate the effectiveness of KNIFE-based estimation.
Title: A Unified Wasserstein Distributional Robustness Framework for Adversarial Training. Abstract: It is well-known that deep neural networks (DNNs) are susceptible to adversarial attacks, exposing a severe fragility of deep learning systems. As the result, adversarial training (AT) method, by incorporating adversarial examples during training, represents a natural and effective approach to strengthen the robustness of a DNN-based classifier. However, most AT-based methods, notably PGD-AT and TRADES, typically seek a pointwise adversary that generates the worst-case adversarial example by independently perturbing each data sample, as a way to ``probe'' the vulnerability of the classifier. Arguably, there are unexplored benefits in considering such adversarial effects from an entire distribution. To this end, this paper presents a unified framework that connects Wasserstein distributional robustness with current state-of-the-art AT methods. We introduce a new Wasserstein cost function and a new series of risk functions, with which we show that standard AT methods are special cases of their counterparts in our framework. This connection leads to an intuitive relaxation and generalization of existing AT methods and facilitates the development of a new family of distributional robustness AT-based algorithms. Extensive experiments show that our distributional robustness AT algorithms robustify further their standard AT counterparts in various settings.
Title: Towards Robust Point Cloud Models with Context-Consistency Network and Adaptive Augmentation. Abstract: 3D point cloud models based on deep neural networks were proven to be vulnerable to adversarial examples, with a quantity of novel attack techniques proposed by researchers recently. It is of paramount importance to preserve the robustness of 3D models under adversarial environments, considering their broad application in safety- and security-critical tasks. Unfortunately, defenses for 3D models are much less studied compared to 2D image models. In this paper, we reason about the vulnerability of 3D models based on the mutual information theory. Furthermore, we design an effective defense methodology, consisting of two innovations. (1) We introduce CCDGN, a novel 3D DNN architecture which includes robust and light-weight modules to alleviate adversarial examples. (2) We propose AA-AMS a novel data augmentation strategy to adaptively balance the model usability and robustness. Extensive evaluations indicate the integration of the two techniques provides much more robustness than existing defense solutions for 3D models.
Title: Dynamic Integration of Background Knowledge in Neural NLU Systems. Abstract: Common-sense or background knowledge is required to understand natural language, but in most neural natural language understanding (NLU) systems, the requisite background knowledge is indirectly acquired from static corpora. We develop a new reading architecture for the dynamic integration of explicit background knowledge in NLU models. A new task-agnostic reading module provides refined word representations to a task-specific NLU architecture by processing background knowledge in the form of free-text statements, together with the task-specific inputs. Strong performance on the tasks of document question answering (DQA) and recognizing textual entailment (RTE) demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of our approach. Analysis shows that our models learn to exploit knowledge selectively and in a semantically appropriate way.
Title: A General Unified Graph Neural Network Framework Against Adversarial Attacks. Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are powerful tools in representation learning for graphs. However, they are reported to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, raising numerous concerns for applying it in some risk-sensitive domains. Therefore, it is essential to develop a robust GNN model to defend against adversarial attacks. Existing studies address this issue only considering cleaning perturbed graph structure, and almost none of them simultaneously consider denoising features. As the graph and features are interrelated and influence each other, we propose a General Unified Graph Neural Network (GUGNN) framework to jointly clean the graph and denoise features of data. On this basis, we further extend it by introducing two operations and develop a robust GNN model(R-GUGNN) to defend against adversarial attacks. One operation is reconstructing the graph with its intrinsic properties, including similarity of two adjacent nodes’ features, sparsity of real-world graphs and many slight noises having small eigenvalues in perturbed graphs. The other is the convolution operation for features to find the optimal solution adopting the Laplacian smoothness and the prior knowledge that nodes with many neighbors are difficult to attack. Experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate that R-GUGNN has greatly improved the overall robustness over the state-of-the-art baselines.
Title: Learning meta-features for AutoML. Abstract: This paper tackles the AutoML problem, aimed to automatically select an ML algorithm and its hyper-parameter configuration most appropriate to the dataset at hand. The proposed approach, MetaBu, learns new meta-features via an Optimal Transport procedure, aligning the manually designed \mf s with the space of distributions on the hyper-parameter configurations. MetaBu meta-features, learned once and for all, induce a topology on the set of datasets that is exploited to define a distribution of promising hyper-parameter configurations amenable to AutoML. Experiments on the OpenML CC-18 benchmark demonstrate that using MetaBu meta-features boosts the performance of state of the art AutoML systems, AutoSklearn (Feurer et al. 2015) and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (Fusi et al. 2018). Furthermore, the inspection of MetaBu meta-features gives some hints into when an ML algorithm does well. Finally, the topology based on MetaBu meta-features enables to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality of the OpenML benchmark w.r.t. a given ML algorithm or pipeline. The source code is available at https://github.com/luxusg1/metabu.
Title: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Minimized Joint Error. Abstract: Unsupervised domain adaptation transfers knowledge from learned source domain to a different (but related) target distribution, for which only few or no labeled data is available. Some researchers proposed upper bounds for the target error when transferring the knowledge, i.e.,Ben-David et al. (2010) established a theory based on minimizing the source error and distance between marginal distributions simultaneously. However, in most works the joint error is usually ignored. In this paper, we argue that the joint error is essential for the domain adaptation problem, in particular if the samples from different classes in source/target are closely aligned when matching the marginal distributions. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel upper bound that includes the joint error. Moreover, we utilize a constrained hypothesis space to further tighten up this bound. Furthermore, we propose a novel cross margin discrepancy to measure the dissimilarity between hypotheses. We show in this paper that the new cross margin discrepancy is able to alleviate instability during adversarial learning. In addition, we present extensive empirical evidence that shows that our proposal outperforms related approaches in image classification error rates on standard domain adaptation benchmarks.
Title: A Biology-Informed Similarity Metric for Simulated Patches of Human Cell Membrane. Abstract: Complex scientific inquiries rely increasingly upon large and autonomous multiscale simulation campaigns, which fundamentally require similarity metrics to quantify "sufficient'' changes among data and/or configurations. However, subject matter experts are often unable to articulate similarity precisely or in terms of well-formulated definitions, especially when new hypotheses are to be explored, making it challenging to design a meaningful metric. Furthermore, the key to practical usefulness of such metrics to enable autonomous simulations lies in in situ inference, which requires generalization to possibly substantial distributional shifts in unseen, future data. Here, we address these challenges in a cancer biology application and develop a meaningful similarity metric for "patches" --- regions of simulated human cell membrane that express interactions between certain proteins of interest and relevant lipids. In the absence of well-defined conditions for similarity, we leverage several biology-informed notions about data and the underlying simulations to impose inductive biases on our metric learning framework, resulting in a suitable similarity metric that also generalizes well to significant distributional shifts encountered during the deployment. We combine these intuitions to organize the learned metric space in a multiscale manner, which makes the metric robust to incomplete and even contradictory intuitions. Our approach delivers a metric that not only performs well on the conditions used for its development and other relevant criteria, but also learns key temporal relationships from statistical mechanics without ever being exposed to any such information during training.