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Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner 713-222-7211 Free Consultation contact us Virtual Appointments Texas' Longest-Standing Plaintiffs' Trial Law Firm — Since 1951 Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner is a Houston, Texas, based personal injury law firm. We are the oldest plaintiffs’ trial law firm in the state of Texas, serving injured victims since 1951. Our attorneys handle all types of personal injury matters, including those involving car accidents, 18-wheeler accidents, commercial vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, plant and refinery explosions, product liability, and work injuries and fatalities. Founded by three attorneys in 1951, our firm has grown over the years to become one of the most well-known personal injury law firms in Texas. Over our decades in practice, we have successfully litigated and resolved numerous complex personal injury matters, some resulting in nationwide recognition. Our attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of Texas residents who have been injured or lost a family member due to the negligence of another party. We understand the devastating impact of catastrophic accidents and aggressively pursue justice and compensation for our clients. In addition to personal injury, we handle business litigation matters. Many of our clients are Texas business owners seeking guidance on various business issues. Our firm is made up of knowledgeable and experienced attorneys who provide the highest quality of legal services. Martindale-Hubbell has awarded many of our attorneys an AV Preeminent* peer review rating, their highest available rating, reflecting outstanding legal ability and high ethical standards. Our attorneys are also active in their legal and professional communities, holding various leadership positions, including a partner who is President of the State Bar of Texas and a partner who is President of the Houston Bar Association. We offer free consultations for our personal injury clients and take all our personal injury cases on a contingency basis, meaning we don’t get paid unless or until our clients recover compensation. Our office is conveniently located along Houston’s Buffalo Bayou in the Abraham Watkins Building. See our results Attorneys Selected Super Lawyers selects attorneys to the Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists using a patented multiphase selection process. Peer nominations and evaluations are combined with independent research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis. Learn more about selection process. 40%Personal Injury - General: Plaintiff 25%Personal Injury - Medical Malpractice: Plaintiff 20%Personal Injury - Products: Plaintiff 15%Business Litigation Personal Injury - General: Plaintiff Personal Injury - Medical Malpractice: Plaintiff Personal Injury - Products: Plaintiff Congratulations to Partner Brant Stogner, Jennifer Stogner & Jonathan D. Sneed on the recent $18 Million settlement… https://t.co/SihMyHmqrA Following a serious collision with an 18-wheeler, our client reached out to Partner Mo Aziz. Each day, our attorney… https://t.co/3kg7roiX5F Super Lawyers Selected Attorneys View Selected Attorneys See All Attorneys * State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this web site is intended to convey general information. It should not be construed as legal advice or opinion. It is not an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. The use of the internet or this contact form for communication is not necessarily a secure environment. Contacting a lawyer or law firm email through this service will not create an attorney-client relationship, and information will not necessarily be treated as privileged or confidential.
Hotel Tula Lefty on the embankment of Tula Rooms and facilities in the hotel What you need to visit in Tula Hotel overview, Hotels, Sightseeing vacation, Without stars Russia>Tula 1 week ago by Alina Abramova Hardly any other city in Russia has as many symbols as Tula. Hearing its name, gingerbread, samovars, weapons immediately come to mind. A small, hotel in the heart of the city of Tula Lefty – a hotel descended from the pages of Leskov and personifies a cozy provincial place. And there is a flea here too. Just imagine that the city is the same age as Moscow, and throughout the rich history played a significant role in the state. Today it is a regional center near the capital, dynamically developing in all spheres, hospitable and interesting! 1 Hotel Location 2 Rooms and facilities in the hotel 4 What you need to visit in Tula There is a small pedestrian street in the city, founded in the 17th century. In those days it was called Pyatnitskaya, and now – Metallistov Street. This is the heart of Tula, the historical center. The street originates near the Tula Kremlin and consists of a series of cozy noble mansions and merchant buildings. There is no city noise, bustle and abundance of transport, as outside the city. Actually there is no transport here at all. The street is pedestrian. On metallistov Street recently opened an excellent hotel “Tula Lefty on the embankment”, where we invite guests of the city. Stay in this cozy hotel, and get into the atmosphere of the old town surrounded by modern infrastructure. Every evening you can spend very romantically, walking along the promenade, clean and well-maintained. The building in which the hotel was placed was finally reconstructed in [y], and immediately put it into operation. It offers 14 rooms on two floors, impeccable interior, cleanliness and comfort as at home. In the hotel you can book: double room with one large or two separate beds; more spacious room for three, the size and type of beds are specified in advance. In the interior of any of the rooms – modern comfortable furniture. Here’s the flea and the horseshoe. The furniture is made with a claim to an individual, inherent only in this hotel style. Tables and chairs made of forged metal rods. The style is emphasized by additional decorative elements. Satellite TV, tea accessories, private bathroom with all accessories. The hotel also has a common seating area, it is also a dining area, where you can cook yourself, if desired, simple dishes or just spend a pleasant evening in the company of friends. Olga, Moscow “We came to Tula for a few days for the first time, before we were only passing. For accommodation with the whole family chose “Tula Lefty”, and did not lose. The location is excellent, to all known places – a stone’s throw. The rooms are all new, everything you need is there. We needed a bed for the child – everything was given, breakfast was brought to the room, they helped in all matters. Highly recommended!” Rooms are cleaned daily, the hotel administration strictly monitors compliance with sanitary requirements. Wireless Internet works well throughout the building and there is no charge for its use. If you are vacationing with children, they can have fun on the outdoor playground. A continental breakfast is included in the room rate. On request, it can be ordered in the room. Breakfast may seem modest, but it includes everything you need for a tourist: muesli with milk, porridge, Tula gingerbread, apple, milk, cream, coffee and yogurt. We are appreciated by the guests! The hotel “Tula Lefty” has everything you need for the convenience of accommodation, not the luxury of a five-star hotel, which is not necessary for everyone, but cleanliness, comfort, excellent location in the heart of the city. The staff will always come to the rescue and solve the problems that have arisen, tell you how to properly and quickly navigate the city, do not miss the most interesting! “Tula Lefty on the embankment” – a great combination of price and quality! Svetlana, Cheboksary: The hotel has an excellent location, on the main street, besides pedestrian. You can safely walk with a child, look at a beautiful street, without fear that some reckless taxied towards you. I was also pleased with the exit to the embankment, it is very pleasant to admire the sunset, looking at the river. Opposite the hotel, you can drink coffee in a coffee shop, sending your husband and children to inspect the expositions in the museum of Soviet Toys. About the hotel: I liked the perfect cleanliness everywhere, in the corridors, courtyard, rooms. It is clear that people love their work, they think about guests. The interior is not flashy, but calm, adjusting to relaxation and rest. The room has everything you need. The only drawback is that there is no parking, the street is pedestrian. There are also paid and free parking nearby, but with suitcases it is not very convenient to go from parking to the hotel. Museum “Tula Kremlin” A unique architectural monument built by Italian architects in the 17th century on the site of an earlier wooden fortress. We remember that Tula is the same age as Moscow. Last year, the Kremlin celebrated its 500th anniversary. If you go around the fortress from all sides, you get a whole kilometer. This can be done on the walls and 9 towers, which is very exciting. To give guests the opportunity to see the territory with all the buildings, they came up with the idea of making a model of the Kremlin, 130 times reduced. Children and adults are delighted! Weapons Museum The collection is divided into 2 parts. One is placed in the Kremlin in the Epiphany Cathedral, the other – in the city, in a very remarkable architectural building – in the form of a helmet of a warrior of Ancient Russia. The collection was collected since the end of the 18th century, and the museum is considered one of the oldest in Russia. In Tula since the time of Peter the Great, an arms factory has worked, and we can see many types of its products in the museum. In general, there are exhibits from the 14th century, and guests will be happy to learn about the development of cold steel and small arms in Russia. If you are tired of history and a lot of information, visit the Regional Exotarium, the Park of Reptiles and Amphibians. At first glance, the place is “for the amateur”, but as soon as adults and children get there, then everyone is interested. The most eminent scientists – zoologists recognized this place as one of the best for the maintenance and breeding of rare subspecies of animals. How many snakes are here! About 500 species, this is one of the best world collections. The newly built Kazan embankment is the most beloved pedestrian zone of the center by local residents and guests of the city. Walk along it about a kilometer from the Kremlin to the Museum of Weapons. Small bridges connect the banks of the river Upa, and from them you can make very beautiful photos. Along the embankment there are several sports and children’s play areas, an outdoor theater, places for renting boats and sports equipment. Museum “Tula samovars” You can visit it before or after a visit to the Kremlin, as it is open at the entrance to the fortress. What will you learn in the museum? How and when the samovar business began, what they were made of, who could drink tea from a samovar, and not only. Types of samovars – countless, presented the work of private craftsmen. Would you like to buy a real samovar at home? Museum “Tula gingerbread” To visit Tula and not learn everything about the local symbol – gingerbread – is not the case! When the manufacture of gingerbread has become a local tradition and what they are, how they do. The assortment is simply huge, delicious fillings! How much does the largest gingerbread in the museum weigh? Can you eat 50 kg? A tour of the museum always ends with a fun tea party, more than 30 thousand guests come here every year, and among them there are a lot of adults. Especially for fans of unique motorcycles, we will tell you about the museum “Moto-auto-art”. To get there, you need to go out of town, to the small village of Kharino. Already several such museums, based on private collections, have been opened in central Russia. “Moto – auto – art” – the richest collection of motorcycles tula plant, but there are imported models. The most “aged” for more than 90 years. There are also restoration and complete restoration of motorcycles, so if you have antique models – you are here. The most famous monuments of Tula, near which there are always many people who want to be photographed for memory, are here on almost every street. The monument to Lefty – the fairy-tale hero – the master was solemnly opened more than 10 years ago on the embankment in the pedestrian zone, and until that time it was located at the Machine-Building Plant as a gift for the anniversary. Left-hander is a symbol of Russian craftsmen, which everyone knows about from school years. Now it pleases the citizens and guests of Tula in its very center. The model of the armored train “Tula Worker” since 2015 was put on the railway platform of the city, and thanks to this, we can learn what the composition that fought against the Nazis in 1941 looked like. The echelon then and now includes special platforms for machine guns, a car – headquarters and a bakery, a car – a club. The story of the beginning of the war is told very truthfully, and guests will be able to plunge into military realities. In continuation of the military theme, it is impossible not to tell about the park “Patriot – Tula”. This is a wonderful open-air platform for various events aimed at patriotic education of youth, meetings with veterans, family celebrations. The park was opened not so long ago – only 2 years ago, but has already become very popular. Nearby – Tula Suvorov School. Here, on the open-air exhibition area, wartime equipment, collector cars, products of the Tula Defense Plant are exhibited. A huge territory makes it possible to place here playgrounds and sports grounds, routes for thematic quests and mass events. For admirers of the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the main thing may be an excursion to Yasnaya Polyana. This is the family estate of the writer, a place with which most of his life and work is connected, here he is buried. Walking around the estate in the summer is beautiful. The architecture and layout were specially preserved to recreate the atmosphere of the last century. In the museum – estate guests will see the authentic things of the writer. Nikolai, St. Petersburg “I always wanted to visit Tula, bring children here, because year after year the city is developing rapidly, new interesting places, museums, a lot of interactive things are opening. Now travel has stopped, and it is not so easy to get abroad, but it can be for the best. We began to get to know our country better. In Tula we stayed for 3 nights in a small but very cozy hotel “Tula Lefty”. Everything is new and well-groomed, and it shows. The work of the staff is at its best. The location is super. We liked it more than in large hotels, where crowds of people. We recommend it to everyone!” Dear travelers! Tula is a wonderful city located just a few hours drive from the capital. There is the charm of the county town, and visible progress in all spheres of life. The city invites everyone who wants to get acquainted with its main symbols and expand their horizons. Spend your vacation in Tula and the hotel “Tula Lefty on the embankment”. Sights of Tula: the birthplace of samovars and gingerbread – we look at everything in 1-2 days. The best hotels in Kazan for the New Year with a show program Sights of Barnaul, Altai Krai – what to see in 1 day Sights of Veliky Ustyug – how to spend a weekend and what to see in the city Sights of Kaluga – what to see in 1 day
Postdoc Position at Cornell University September 3, 2020 September 3, 2020 Thomas A. Adams II The PEESE research group at Cornell University (www.peese.org) has a postdoc opening in the general area of systems engineering (including, but are not limited to, optimization, deep learning, energy, sustainability, and automatic control). Candidates with suitable background and publication records are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vitae, and a list of at least three references to Prof. Fengqi You at ([email protected]). Please include “PEESE Postdoc Position” in the email subject. Cornell was founded in 1865, and has a beautiful 750-acre campus offers a unique combination of an Ivy League private school including Engineering’s top ten program in the US, and a federal land-grant institution with the nationally top-ranked program in Agriculture and Life Sciences, among others. The university has a strong dedication to promoting interdisciplinary research and scholarship. ← Postdoc Position @ MIT in Energy Systems Multiple Faculty and Postdoc Positions in PSE at West Virginia University → Thomas A. Adams II Professor of Chemical Engineering at McMaster University
Am I a "Foodie"? I went to a chili cookoff yesterday with some friends who were in the restaurant business. We talked about food and I certainly enjoyed the conversation, but it made me wonder later how I fit into the spectrum of food eaters/thinkers. I'd heard the term "foodie" before, but am I one? First, we must look into the definition. Wikipedia (an online collaborative encyclopedia) says that "foodie" is a conversational synonym for "gourmet." And a "gourmet" is: a person with a discriminating palate and who is knowledgeable in fine food and drink. Well, that's a pretty exalted sounding definition. I wouldn't put myself up there. That would be equating myself with someone like Jeffrey Steingarten (a restaurant reviewer and a regular judge on Iron Chef America and the fact that I know who he is does add a mark or two in my favor). I do not think of myself as a gourmet. I *do* like food, though not to excess. I like cookbooks and have to stay away from the bargains tables at bookstores because they're loaded up with cookbooks with interesting pictures. I like reading blogs about food (Megnut and Grub Report, for example) and websites about restaurants (Alinea, where I got the fabulous picture above). I like thinking and talking about food, much in the same way I like thinking and talking about writing. My attitude toward food is probably best described by using an example of chocolate. I love chocolate, but I'd rather have a small amount of a good quality chocolate than any volume of a mediocre quality chocolate. It's about quality and moderation, though it is tempting to want to be like a hobbit, with 9 meals per day. Our family tradition is to graze on Christmas Day (a dining style I prefer to Thanksgiving Day's sit-down-and-pig-out), but it's just not my habit to think about eating all day long. The other aspect about my attitude toward food is that I like cooking for others. I enjoy having dinner parties and making food to take in to the office. I'm working on presentation of food and I do think about dinner parties quite a bit. I'm beginning to think that it's not so much about eating, but more about appreciating fine food and seeking out knowledge about it. In that respect, I am a foodie. I would not say I am a gourmet, as I don't have enough knowledge yet, particularly with wine. Let's say I aspire to be a gourmet one day. Categories: family, food, friends, internet I totally love food, but am not a foodie or a gourmet. Domus is one of my favourite restaurants, because the food is perfect, and the tempo is slow. For me, it's as much about being with people and a full sensory experience of sight, smell, touch, taste and sound... I am becoming a "foodie." I guess I am learning from my progeny (as usual). Have you ever checked out my friend's food blog? Sure, the restaurants are in Minneapolis, so that doesn't really do you any good. But he is going to culinary school and often writes about what he's learning or what he's made for dinner. I agree that eating should be a full sensory experience. A really well done meal attends to each of the senses. I'm still working towards that myself, but it's a goal. I checked out your buddy's blog, bel, and it's right up my alley. His (?) scathing review of Trader Joe's Three Buck Chuck is pretty funny. I had to laugh because I just went into Costco's liquor section for the first time and found a Bonny Doon Reisling for $7. I expect it to be much better than the TBC from Trader Joe's. Thanks for the recommendation! And I don't mind hearing about restaurants in other cities (like Domus in Ottowa), 'cause I never know when I might be there or know someone who's visiting there. It's good to be prepared. Well if you're in town, I expect that a Meet & Greet be on your agenda! ;-) Heck yeah! I really ought to visit M-SP, 'cause I have another good friend who lives up there. Stress Nightmare About Stress Knee Update A Concert I Nearly Missed Fun Times at Lakeside Disappointing Truth Rebuilding Libraries Being an invalid sucks (plus, you don't count) OW! In the trough An Unintentional Hiatus
Benfica prepared for Fernandez exit Roger Schmidt acknowledges Benfica may be helpless to stop World Cup winner Enzo Fernandez leaving the club as reports of Chelsea’s interest persist. Argentina midfielder Fernandez has been linked with the Premier League club throughout the January transfer window after catching the eye at Qatar 2022. Benfica coach Schmidt was frustrated by Chelsea’s attempts to sign Fernandez earlier in the window when it was claimed they did not intend to pay his £105million (€120m) release clause. Schmidt, who dropped Fernandez for one match, said the Blues were trying to “drive the player crazy” as it appeared he was keen to make the move. Yet it was suggested on Monday a bid had been lodged that would see Chelsea match the £105m clause, giving Benfica no option but to allow their prized asset to leave. The Portuguese giants are top of the Primeira Liga and through to a last-16 Champions League tie against Club Brugge, and Schmidt believes they are set for their next move if Fernandez departs ahead of Tuesday’s transfer deadline. “I think we always have to prepare everything in the background, especially at the end of the transfer window, and especially when you are not in the driver’s seat,” Schmidt said on Monday. “So, we all know that we have a situation with Enzo that he has a clause in the contract. That means if the player wants and there’s a club that pays this amount of money, you cannot stop that. “Of course, for this moment, you have to be prepared and you have to find solutions. But at the moment, he is our player, he’s still there, so there is no deal. “We will see what happens in the next two days. Then I’m happy when the transfer window is closed and we can focus completely on our players in the squad and we can try to play a top season.” Despite removing Fernandez from the team at the start of the month, Schmidt has no concerns around the player’s mentality now. “Of course, he gets our full support,” the coach added. “He’s a great person and a great player, and I think I said everything about that topic. “I already said a few times that as long as the transfer window is open, you always have to expect that something can happen. It’s the same with the Enzo topic. “So, we will see what happens in the next two days. But my mindset hasn’t changed in the last weeks. I really appreciate after the discussions at the beginning of January that he was able to focus again on Benfica. “I think he played top games for Benfica, which shows what I said before – that his attitude towards Benfica is 100 per cent. “But we know also how the football business is. I think I’m always very honest, as honest as possible, to you here in the press conference. That’s the situation. I cannot say anything more about this topic.”
November 5, 2015 by pk2016 pk2016 4 Comments Biomimetics as a tool for the development of new materials Biomimetics is on everyone’s lips and it is now difficult to imagine a future where it does not play a key role in the development of our society. The development of new materials is not unconcerned with this new discipline, though we must be aware of what we can obtain (and what we cannot) from imitating nature. Technology biomimetics, sustainability
Watch Brian Johnson in His Pre-AC/DC Band Geordie Chad Childers Published: April 7, 2021 YouTube: Brian Johnson TV Brian Johnson is now entering his fifth decade as the singer for AC/DC, but he did have a career prior to landing the gig replacing the late Bon Scott. Johnson toiled in several bands but the one that eventually caught the attention of AC/DC was a group called Geordie, and Johnson just posted some footage from his pre-AC/DC band on his YouTube site. The first clip is for a song called "All Because of You" that appeared on their debut album Hope You Like It. The video was shot in 1973 and Johnson admits they were "trying to compete with such British glam rock outfits as Slade and Sweet." Note the look with multiple members rocking platform shoes. The song did hit the Top 10 in the U.K., giving the band a promising start. The second video came in 1975 with the band playing "Goodbye Love" on a German music program titled Pop '75. It feels very much in the vein of the harder rock going on during that period with a galloping rock vibe. The final video offering finds Geordie sharing the stage with FOGG performing a medley of the classic rock singles "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Long Tall Sally," songs made famous by Elvis Presley and Little Richard. The performance was taped for the music TV series Geordie Scene in March of 1975. Geordie released four albums between 1973-1978. Earlier this year, Johnson revisited the story of how he came to join AC/DC after the demise of Geordie. The singer revealed that he was initially hesitant to come audition for the band after his experience with Geordie. "I've already been bitten by the music bug in Geordie and three years in Geordie and I came away with not a penny in me pocket. I'm not gonna do it again," said Johnson of his initial reaction to being asked to travel to try out for the group. But as the story goes, not long after he was asked to travel to London for an audition, another friend had contacted him with a significant financial offer to sing for a vacuum ad. Since the timing lined up with the ad taping, he reconsidered and agreed to meet with AC/DC and the rest is history. Geordie, "All Because of You" Geordie, "Goodbye Love" Geordie + FOGG, "Blue Suede Shoes / Long Tall Sally" Top 25 Hard Rock + Metal Replacement Singers Source: Watch Brian Johnson in His Pre-AC/DC Band Geordie Filed Under: ac dc, brian johnson Categories: Rock, Videos How AC/DC Hit the Mark With ‘Heatseeker’ Iggy Pop Says He Was Once Asked About Joining AC/DC Brian Johnson Refuses to Discuss AC/DC’s Future When AC/DC Jammed With Talking Heads Brian Johnson’s Teenage Dare for Little Richard Single Brian Johnson’s Taylor Hawkins Set Left Him ‘Jumping for Joy’ AC/DC’s Real-Life Hell’s Bell Was ‘Most Expensive Dinner Gong’ Brian Johnson Shoots Down Bon Scott ‘Back in Black’ Rumors Brian Johnson Hopes for More AC/DC Music
Notebooks of the Honourable Justice Mr Alfred Lutwyche (1859) This document was ranked #27 in the Top 150 exhibition. Law Top 150 The Honourable Justice Mr Alfred Lutwyche, portrait 1875 QSA Series ID 18554, Judges' Notebooks (Supreme Court) Separation of Queensland from New South Wales in 1859 was not accomplished without important constitutional challenges, particularly those by the Honourable Alfred Lutwyche, who had been appointed Supreme Court Judge for the Moreton Bay district in February 1859. Under the provisions of the imperial News South Wales Constitution Enabling Act, it was expected that the Queensland legislature would mirror that of the parent colony, but Governor William Denison’s interpretation of the Order-in-Council resulted in the Queensland Legislative Assembly being elected under the provisions of the 1853 Constitution Act, rather than the 1858 Electoral Act, a blunder which disenfranchised one-third of the new colony’s male voters. The advice of Lutwyche advised that colonial legislation could not override the imperial statute but was ignored, and it was not until 1873 that electoral reform finally brought redress. Lutwyche was also personally affected by the Order-in-Council when his annual salary was reduced from £2000 to £1200. While it was later confirmed that Lutwyche’s argument over his salary and other constitutional matters was indeed correct, his forcefulness and willingness to go public antagonised the Herbert ministry and ensured that Lutwyche was overlooked for the position of Queensland’s inaugural Chief Justice. He nevertheless continued to make important contributions to Queensland’s judicial system, and in 1878-1879 Lutwyche was appointed Acting Chief Justice during the absence of James Cockle. He died the following year. Plan and section of the Brisbane Commiss… Plan of the town of Bowen Henry Wade’s proposed Plan of Brisbane T…
— BORN TO SHOOT THE WORLD AROUND ME — About [email protected]:41:47+00:00 BORN TO SHOOT THE WORLD AROUND ME As a commercial drone aerial photographer, you are most likely to find me out and about, stylus in mouth, snapping pictures of anything that awes and inspires me From landscapes and sunsets on beaches to music festivals and energetic sporting events, I love capturing moments from a new perspective. My path to photography was far from straight forward. Born and raised in Jersey in the Channel Islands, I was always attracted to and had a connection with the many breath taking beaches around the island. Being surrounded by such beauty. skateboarding and surfing were two of my favourite pastimes. However, at the age of 15, an accident at the beach left me with a major spinal injury. As a result, I lost the function of my body from shoulders down. This accident changed everything for me but it didn’t dent my creative spirit. It wasn’t an easy journey, but several years later, I got my first drone, an EHANG Ghost drone. This could be controlled from a mobile app so I could make it work for me using my phone mounted on my wheelchair. I then got the DJI drone. Since operating this drone required manual control I came up with the idea of using a stylus pen to control the drone. My friend, Tim Evans, helped me to fine-tune the controls further with the help of his 3D printer. Flying the drone around the islands enabled me to not only see but capture places I couldn’t reach physically due to being confined to a wheelchair. I carried on taking scenic photos that portrayed the beauty of the beaches, some of which can be seen on my Gallery page and I was soon asked to do commercial shoots for builders, property developers, pool companies and events as more and more people are realising the many advantages of using drone pilots over regular photographers. Please get in touch to discuss how I can help your business or organisation. I am always happy to help! By now I am literally addicted to making photos…for which there is no known cure, except to make more. [email protected]:00:48+00:00 “Please get in touch to discuss how I can help your business or organisation. I am always happy to help! By now I am literally addicted to making photos…for which there is no known cure, except to make more.” JAMES BEDDING Quad Photography © 2021. Privacy Policy Powered by The Web Distillery
Endometriosis: My Story by Joli A. Campbell | 03.07.2022 | More Than Just The Hair, ProAging March is Endometriosis Awareness Month In the spirit of pro-aging, I feel the need to share my story. Women live in pain, and it affects not just our physical well-being, but our quality of life, and eventually how we age. I have wanted to share this for other sufferers for many years, it is very personal, but spreading awareness is key, so I am sharing this condensed version of my story even if it only helps one other woman — it is worth it. It is the development of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. It has been found throughout the body and on every organ. In the US, an estimated one in ten women and girls has endometriosis. Symptoms of Endometriosis: A primary symptom is pain. Other common symptoms include: Abnormal or heavy menstrual flow including bleeding between periods Extreme menstrual cramps in the abdomen and/or lower back Painful urination and/or bowel movements during menses or ovulation Gastrointestinal problems, such as loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, and/or diarrhea Abdominal swelling and bloating I had all of those symptoms, but it is important to note not all women who have endometriosis experience noticeable symptoms. The amount of lesions found do not directly correlate with the amount of pain. Minor endometriosis can cause severe pain depending on the location of the lesions. Some women may even have severe endometriosis and not be aware of it until infertility issues arise. 23 Years Of My Life: I was diagnosed, via surgery, in 1992, at age 17. At the time, endometriosis was a nondescript disease. It had no reason or cause, and we still don’t fully know why it happens. It still has no treatment or cure, just surgeries to clean it up. All I knew about it in the 90’s was how to pronounce it, how much pain and havoc it wreaked on my life, and I would likely never have babies. I had three more surgeries over the next 23 years. At my post-op appointments, the surgeons would always say something to the effect of, “I did the best I could, but you are a mess in there.” I had tumors, cysts, fibroids, scar tissue/adhesions, lesions, and always endometriosis or the damage left in its wake. It damaged my bowel, my ovaries, my fallopian tubes, and my ureters. At 34, I lost both fallopian tubes. The following six years, things really started deteriorating. I went from working out six days a week to some days being barely able to move. Little by little, I stopped working out and I stopped moving. A day in my life could look like this: I would wake up (if I slept at all), unwillingly crawl out of bed, let the dogs out, grab a cup of coffee, and curl up into a heating-blanket ball. This went from once a month to twice a month. It went from one or two days to one or two weeks at a time. It felt like my insides were literally trying to tear their way out. It took my energy. It took my momentum. It took my stamina. It completely zapped me. It took my healthy self and slowly spun me into merely surviving. Before the fourth and final surgery, it had devolved into lower back and leg pain, severe abdominal pain (like appendicitis) that left me doubled over, my right side would burn for days, I had extremely long and heavy periods, subsequently I suffered from anemia. I had been misdiagnosed with IBS due only to the adhesions and hormonal upheavals. I was told repeatedly that the leg and back pain and the pain in my right side weren’t related. Trying Harder: I remember an appointment where my naturally and extremely thin gynecologist talked to me about my weight. She told me to eat less — I was at about 1300-1400 calories a day. She told me to work out more — I was in a place where one workout a healthy woman could do almost daily, would take me down for days if not weeks. She told me to eat healthier — I was not eating gluten or sugar, and eating only whole and organic foods. I didn’t eat out, and 99% of my meals were home-cooked. When I told my gynecologist how I was eating and working out, she said, and I quote, “try harder!” When I saw the gastroenterologist (for the misdiagnosed IBS) she said my diet was her dream list for her patients, and it was not the diet of a person with IBS. When I finished my appointments with my gynecologist, I would go to my car, and sit in the parking garage crying until I could get it together enough to drive home. I was “trying so hard” just to make it through these days of the month. And under doctor’s orders, when I was able, I would work out more, eat less, and try even harder. Only to end up doubled over in pain. I was told when asking for more than ibuprofen for the pain endometriosis was a “gray-zone” there was no injury or surgery, so pain meds weren’t necessary. When I was finally able to keep a tiny handful of pills around for months at a time, and only take one a day for the absolutely worst days, my GYN questioned me on how many did I take, when did I take them, why not just do massage and acupuncture? Under doctor’s orders, I meticulously tracked every symptom I had, every single day for three years. I would give her the journal at every appointment and I don’t know that she ever looked through it all. I doubt she had time. I tried everything I could — alternative treatments, chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathics, supplements (at one point, I was taking 45 pills a day), extreme diet changes, mental-emotional control (mind over matter), exercise, yoga, physical therapy, and bioidentical hormones (this offered the most sustainable treatment, but it could only do so much). All of it only helped for a moment or two, and then it was me, my favorite chair, and a heating pad, curled tightly into a ball. This became my normal. I kept going on the down and out days, but it was spurts of short-lived energy that just barely kept me and my household going. On the miraculous days I felt “okay,” I’d wear myself out trying to catch up just doing laundry, shopping, and housework. I’d use the good days to do as much as I possibly could not knowing when I’d be down and out again. I’d schedule travel between bouts and pray my plans wouldn’t be ruined, and they often were. Endometriosis is one of the reasons I am self-employed. I could not rely on my body not to betray me, and I could not responsibly put the unreliability on an employer. Around age 37, my yearly pap was expanded into also having a yearly colposcopy. This went on for three years, with no numbing or even a pain pill; they would attack my cervix for colposcopies. With a simple exasperated, “please relax…” At the age of forty, my doctor did my last colposcopy, laid her hand on my knee, and said, “It’s time.” I replied, “For what?” She flatly said, “For a hysterectomy.” It was all so flat as if she was asking me to give her my earrings. I should have had the hysterectomy at the last surgery, it is my belief, she didn’t do it because she had just found out she was pregnant. She wanted to preserve the possibility for me because I was still under 40, maybe fueled by her own joyous news. Unfortunately, this is a normal and antiquated view of reproductive years by doctors ̶ preserve the possibility until 40. I understood her desire to believe all women wanted children, but as predicted, I had NEVER been pregnant. I had even expressed on multiple occasions I was okay with not having babies. I was not meant to be a mom and I held no issue with being child-free. I would get the proverbial responses, “things change,” “you never know,” “you could suddenly, one day…” Making the Decision: This was not a decision I chose lightly. I thought long and hard about it. I spoke to many professionals and friends who had had hysterectomies, and even some who chose not to. I chose to go with the percentages. One woman’s advice really helped; she said, “You know, even if this is only 50% of your problems with pain, then you solve half your problem with this. That’s worth it.” Please take this seriously. Hysterectomy, should be your last option — not your first, it is not an option for everyone, it is not a cure, and it shouldn’t be chased after. Sexism in the Treatment of Pain: I was hung out to dry over the pain. I was made to feel like a criminal for just asking for relief. Thousands of women found themselves with me in this boat when opioids were criminalized, even though the studies showed those of us using pain medication for endometriosis did not abuse our meds. I was offered antidepressants though because, you know, I must be hysterical. I have never forgotten How Doctors Take Women’s Pain Less Seriously, an article on women and sexism in treatment of pain. I read this eye-opening article when it came out one month before my final surgery. I resonated so much with the story because after it had been determined I needed a hysterectomy; I was told I couldn’t have any more pain pills, and there seemed to be little urgency in scheduling me for this life-altering procedure. It took me four months to schedule an appointment with the specialist. They weren’t calling me back, they weren’t answering their scheduling line, and I waited and waited. I finally went into their office and scheduled, at the desk, in person. After my complete hysterectomy (ovaries, uterus, and cervix), the doctor told me afterwards had I waited another 2 months to schedule my surgery it would have been much more complicated, it would have likely meant some kidney and bowel issues because of the scar tissue taking over. I was way to out of it to tell him his scheduling department needed to know that. Post Hysterectomy: I laid awake in the very noisy hospital most of the night. I felt I was on the precipice of something amazing. ALL I HAD TO DO WAS LET GO. I felt like finally, I might be able to live and not merely survive each day. I thought about all the ways I wanted to let go. Let go of my thoughts on what I wasn’t. Let go of my thoughts of what I would be, and just be. Just be. Sometimes some antiquated thought pops up when my joints ache, my back stiffens up, or my knees crack…yes, this is an aging body but now it isn’t entangled in the mess of a “gray-zone” disease. Many have said to me their 40’s was where they found out WHO they were. They were no longer a student, or maybe they suddenly wanted to be a student. They were no longer in mommy mode, or maybe they decided it was finally time to be a mom. One dropped her 6-figure income career and moved to South America to become a travel photographer. Some became models. I unfurled myself and let all the tension go, I took a leap of faith to start a brand new business, and then two years later a second business. I will always have pelvic pain, it is an unpleasant fact when you have had 20 something years of endometriosis and multiple laparoscopic procedures, the more surgeries you have the more scar tissue develops. Life is much better now. I do take hormones to protect my health and mitigate any more flare-ups of endometriosis. From my experience, I will say this, advocate for yourself. You have to be able to say things I was never willing to say. I didn’t argue with my doctor, and I should have. I changed doctors several times. And as often as my last GYN said the wrong thing and made me feel horrible, it wasn’t her intention. She was doing her best with her knowns. The reality was, because I stayed with her she referred me to one of the best surgeons in the Southwest for endometriosis. Doctors are just now recognizing how debilitating endometriosis can be. Sadly, some of them are still operating from antiquated views on the subject. Things We Now Know: There is a decreased risk with a higher BMI. Maybe I was trying too hard to keep a lower one. While exercise helps decrease the risk, losing weight may not. Medical professionals ignoring my pain did not help my physical well-being and often affected my mental and emotional health. I was never referred to a pain clinic to help manage the pain, which is now a general guideline. Some Endometriosis Facts: It is estimated that 1 out of every 8-10 women and girls have endometriosis. 70% of women with pelvic pain likely have endometriosis. Almost 40% of women with infertility issues have endometriosis. The only method of diagnosis is via surgical findings. I was extremely fortunate to have been diagnosed at 17 with surgery; it is more common for women to go undiagnosed for 10 years or more. Surgical procedures are one of the most proven and effective ways to remove endometriosis, and help with pain. With a 50-80% success rate. However, they can cause more harm than good with inadequate or inappropriate procedures. {Always find a specialist.} While hysterectomy doesn’t cure endometriosis, add in proper hormonal care, and the likelihood of it recurring is greatly limited. More research is needed for non-invasive diagnostic techniques, and non-surgical treatments. An anti-inflammatory diet, including fish and omega 3 fatty acids, can help. Being underweight or too thin can increase the risk. Having Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) including sexual abuse increases the risk of endometriosis by almost 80%. Aside from genetics, I believe this was one of the biggest contributors to my story. Please know I did not write this for sympathy or attention on me. I shared part of my story because I believe knowledge is power. The pain of endometriosis can be more severe than labor pains, more severe than appendicitis (like I felt), and it is real it is not a gray-zone. If you or someone you know is suffering, please advocate for yourself or them. Seek the help of a professional. Reasons women don’t seek help are embarrassment because it is related to menses, believing this is normal, they are weak, or it is all in their head. If you would like to read more on current research and ways forward in the treatment of endometriosis, this article is a good start. > The latest in endometriosis research: Ways forward If you would like to donate to research, read more stories like mine, and/or get involved, please go to > The Endometriosis Foundation of America If you are in another country outside the USA, please search your area for any endometriosis support, specialists, and foundations. If you know someone who might find inspiration here, please share with her. It is my hope, my story also gives you an idea of what she could be going through. Parasar, P., Ozcan, P., & Terry, K. L. (2017). Endometriosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management. Current obstetrics and gynecology reports, 6(1), 34–41. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13669-017-0187-1 Fassler, Joe. “How Doctors Take Women’s Pain Less Seriously.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 15 Oct. 2015, https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/10/emergency-room-wait-times-sexism/410515/. “Endometriosis.” ACOG, https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/endometriosis. Mapes , Diane. “Endometriosis Linked to Childhood Abuse.” Fred Hutch, 17 July 2018, https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/center-news/2018/07/endometriosis-linked-to-childhood-abuse.html. ← QuickSilverHair eBooks Woman Owned Brand Spotlight →
Category: Charles Edward Montague A Man May Do an Immense Deal of Good, If He Does Not Care Who Gets the Credit Benjamin Jowett? Father Strickland? William T. Arnold? Harry Truman? Ronald Reagan? Charles Edward Montague? Edward Everett Hale? Dear Quote Investigator: There is a quotation I love that presents an insightful guideline for the most effective way to achieve a goal by accenting humility: The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them. When I tried to find out who was responsible for this quotation I became confused because there are so many different versions of what I consider to be the same basic idea. Could you look into this expression or family of expressions and figure out who first verbalized the thought? Quote Investigator: This is a complicated question, and QI will attempt to tackle it for you. This concept of positive action coupled with a generous spirit has a multiplicity of formulations, and it has inspired a large number of people. Here are five versions: [1] A man may do an immense deal of good, if he does not care who gets the credit for it. [2] This was the opportunity for a man who likes to do a good thing in accordance with the noble maxim … “Never mind who gets the credit.” [3] The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit of doing them. [4] There is no limit to what a man can do who does not care who gains the credit for it. [5] There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit. These sayings are certainly not identical, but they are closely interlinked thematically. Quotation number [1] appeared in a diary entry from the year 1863 in which the words were recorded as spoken by a Jesuit Priest named Father Strickland. This is the earliest citation located by QI. In 1896 the text of [2] was published, and the phrase “Never mind who gets the credit” was dubbed the noble maxim of Edward Everett Hale. In 1905 quotation [3] was published, and the words were attributed to Benjamin Jowett who was a theologian and classical scholar at Oxford University. But one of the author’s who made this attribution decided it was flawed, and in a later book he reassigned credit for the saying from Jowett to a “Jesuit Father”. This is probably a reference to Father Strickland. This maxim is a very close match to the quote given by the questioner above. Expression [4] was used by Charles Edward Montague in 1906, but he did not claim coinage of the phrase. He said it was the favorite saying of his friend and colleague the journalist William T. Arnold. But Montague did not credit Arnold as originator either. He left the attribution anonymous by using the locution “someone has said”. In 1922 Montague published a close variant of saying [4], “There is no limit to what a man can do so long as he does not care a straw who gets the credit”, in his book “Disenchantment”. For this reason he is sometimes cited in modern texts and databases. Finally, quotation [5] appeared in the 1980s on a small plaque atop the desk in the Oval Office of the White House during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan. Here are selected citations in chronological order. Continue reading A Man May Do an Immense Deal of Good, If He Does Not Care Who Gets the Credit Posted on December 21, 2010 October 5, 2018 Categories Benjamin Jowett, Charles Edward Montague, Edward Everett Hale, Father Strickland, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, William T. ArnoldTags Benjamin Jowett, Charles Edward Montague, Edward Everett Hale, Father Strickland, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, William T. Arnold1 Comment on A Man May Do an Immense Deal of Good, If He Does Not Care Who Gets the Credit
PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported): May 22, 2018 Delaware 001-36792 98-0373793 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation) (Commission File Number) (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) 7 Deer Park Drive, Suite K, (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.) Item 8.01. Other Events. On May 22, 2018, CytoSorbents Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the “Company”) filed a prospectus supplement (the “Prospectus Supplement”) to the Company’s registration statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-205806) (the “Registration Statement”), relating to the issuance of an aggregate of 68,791 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value $0.001 per share (the “Shares”), to Western Alliance Bancorporation, a Delaware corporation (“Western Alliance”). The Shares were issued to Western Alliance on May 23, 2018 in full satisfaction of the Company’s obligations under that certain Success Fee Letter, dated June 30, 2016, by and between the Company and Western Alliance Bank, an Arizona corporation and subsidiary of Western Alliance. (d) Exhibits. Exhibit No. Description. 5.1 Opinion of DLA Piper LLP (US). 23.1 Consent of DLA Piper LLP (US) (included in Exhibit 5.1). Dated: May 23, 2018 CYTOSORBENTS CORPORATION By: /s/ Dr. Phillip P. Chan Name: Dr. Phillip P. Chan President and
Are RPA and AI living up to the hype? Susie West Sajeesh Kumar Vice President O2C Jas Khatkar Transformation Programme Director Lead to Cash Niall Cooter Download Slides Session Summary: Takeaway 1 Key findings from the sharedserviceslink survey finance professionals pulse on technologies like RPA vs Artificial intelligence Based on the usage of the type of technology by the respondents, RPA is ‘mainstream’ at 54% and AI is still an emerging technology at 35% 92% of the respondents see room for improvement when it comes to automation with only 8% “very satisfied” As per the finding, one of the top issues of working with RPA is the lack of in-house skillset for bot development and maintenance The main challenge with AI is the inability to communicate its full potential in transforming your business processes A majority are using RPA to some extent. Most have a positive experience and are using it to reduce manual tasks A minority are using AI, and they seem to be split between a positive and neutral to a negative experience. When it is used, it is to empower analytics Should you solely rely on legacy systems for your A/R function? To ensure a dynamic A/R function, there has to be some amount of automation plugged into the legacy system. Integrated receivables solutions enable smarter RDC that significantly reduces manual activities associated with applying check data to customer information and even open invoices or statements. MICR matching technology, advanced RDC solutions are able to match scanned checks to customer accounts automatically. Verdict: RPA and AI work best together. RPA deals with structured data. AI is used to gather insights from semi-structured and unstructured data in text, scanned documents, webpages, and PDFs. Improve data management more effectively and save costs. Eliminate human errors from the workplace and be sure to reach correct results. Acquire complete process transparency through a customized dashboard and customized reporting support. Sarah Fane: So earlier this year Highradius commissioned us to conduct a study about to what extent people are actually using RPA and AI? Are they living up to the high expectations that we’ve had for them, and where are the main challenges? So just when we talk about hype, I think it is just helpful to touch on Gartner’s hype cycle. You may be familiar with this, that whenever a new introduced in new technology like RPA, or AI is introduced, we have a peak of inflated expectations, people think this will this technology is going to make my life better, the robots are going to take over and maybe finance could just put their feet up, then we start realizing some of the limitations that maybe you don’t have the right people or processes in place, maybe your skills don’t quite match up with a technology that you need. And we go through a bit of a trough of disillusionment. And once we start figuring out where the technology needs to be applied, getting the right people in the right places, we kind of started reaching a plateau of productivity. So today, we’re going to be looking at how both RPA and AI fall into this and whether or not we think they’re living up to the hype. So we conducted a survey with about 100, our readers. And just to get a sense of who they are, these are generally finance professionals not limited to order to cash. This is generally in line with our readership, which is in North America and Europe. And they’re typically one or two degrees removed from the C suite. So again, we had some CFOs take part. But generally, we’re talking to heads of shared services, global process owners, or heads of accounts payable or order to cash. So we just want to get a sense of where we are in the technology landscape at the moment and what technology these people are using. So perhaps no surprise to you. Again, I’ll talk to the major trends, if you can’t see that these numbers here. But Excel really dominates 95% of people are using Excel 76% still lean on their earpiece quite heavily. But when we get into RPA, and AI, we see RPA at 54%, which is I think pretty high. Nowadays, we have another 52% using in house custom technology. 35% are using AI, so a much lower percentage than we’re seeing RPA. And we also asked about order to cash technology, cloud-based which 22%. So the main takeaway here is that RPA, we would consider mainstream now at 54% of people using it. And AI is still in the very early market, the emerging phase at 35%. This report is also coming out I think later this week if we can get the graphic design ready. So hopefully we can share that with you as well. So again, I know there’s a lot of numbers here, but we want to understand where RPA and AI are actually being used. So you can see there visually, there’s quite a stark trend here. So RPA in orange is much more widely used across pretty much all areas, and AI in blue is used for fewer in all of these areas. But the big thing that stands out here is that RPA is being used at 63%, that top one to automate simple, repetitive user actions. And the second one there at 50% is document processing. Where we see AI come into place, it’s a little bit more on that bottom of that chart. And that’s in the area of predictive analytics at 21%. And supporting analysts with day to day decisions, again at 21%. So there’s kind of two camps of usage. Here we’re seeing RPA much more widely used on repetitive manual task reduction. And AI is one which less widely used, but it’s used to support human decision making. And we also want to under better understand from our audience, how satisfied are they generally with their level of their automation, and a little bit worryingly, 92% see a lot of room for improvement. Only 8% say they were very satisfied with their current level of automation. 62%. So they, you know, were somewhat satisfied. But a pretty significant third said, they’re not satisfied with their level of automation, we need to see a lot of improvement. For sake of time. I didn’t include all the charts here. But we also said 69% said, they’re just spending way too much time on manual tasks. And we also ask people, if their data helps drive them to make decisions. And only 17% of Yep, our data helps drive helps us make our decisions. So we’re seeing a lot of room for improvement here. And we want to see how RPA and AI are starting to fill these gaps. So we’ll dive first into RPA adoption. So again, here we’re zooming into just that 54% of people who are using RPA today, and we will understand how transformative how does it impact Your organization. So here, it’s really a two-thirds have had a generally positive experience of 15%. We use it and it’s transformed our processes. About over half, say we use RPA. And it’s had a positive effect. But a pretty significant third said it’s not had a great impact yet. So I would say this is pretty rosy, its RPAS generally had a positive impact, but not transformative on a wide scale. up sorry. And so why is that? What are the challenges coming from that? So implementing RPA is just it’s not without its issues yet. And we see the main challenges here, the top one here at 47% is lack of in house skillset for bot development and maintenance. So a big skill set is a gap between people using RPA and the ability to use it. And again, number two is really tied in quite closely with that 40% said, the ongoing maintenance of bots is a challenge, just looking down the list a little bit less significant. Fortunately, a quarter of people had no challenges, and other people struggled with too many bots or managing BPO partners. So again, the key findings on the RPA side of things are that you know, a third of companies haven’t had a great impact. But you know, it is pretty rosy, about two-thirds having a positive impact. It’s mainly used for automating the more manual tasks, not necessarily more analytical tasks, and about half said that the skill set is a real challenge for them. So we’re going to look at the same data in AI. And we see a slightly different picture here for AI. So again, we’re small Ziering into a much smaller data set here. So this is just the 35% of people who are actually using AI. And it’s pretty much a 50-50 split between a positive or neutral to a negative experience. So similar to RPA. 14% said, Yep, it’s had a transformative process 33% Better positive experience, but over half 53% said, it just hasn’t had a great impact, or certainly not yet. So digging into those pain points, we saw some significant challenges people saw with AI. So I’ll zoom in on these top two. But looking at the second one is pretty much the same as RPA. If that is just difficult. 48% said it’s difficult to build the in house experience to build a machine learning or AI applications. But what’s a bit more interesting is that top one, so 58% said it’s the inability to fully comprehend and communicate the business potential of AI in your business process. So we’re not actually talking about the skills gap or technical skills here, it’s actually the ability to communicate the vision, what can AI do for me? How do I use it? How do I build the business case? So I think this is really probably more indicative about an early market or more emerging technology is that actually the bigger the biggest problem that people are having is not fully getting their head around the potential of AI. So what we can take away from this is that its AI is just not as widely adopted yet, and is really yet to show its true potential, the main challenges we see is actually communicating the potential of AI, the lack of skill sets still, again, about half say of that as the main challenge. But when it is used, it’s used to more support analytical functions and decision making. So I’m not gonna read through all of this, but we just had some really thoughtful, free text at the end, we asked people, you know, well, what’s been your experience with these technologies. So I just want to give a little flavour of some of the responses. Some people cited problems, some people had some good insight on AI, and where they’re best used together. So some of the problems that we saw in a few responses, some people said, they had a bit of a tricky start, because they had some kind of air, quote, automation in place that actually had to be taken out and redone before they could actually see a positive return on investment. Other people said that you know, they struggled with things like the cost-benefit was maybe put in by teams like it, and not the actual finance teams using it. So they weren’t necessarily getting the return, based on the cost-benefit that were put in place by people not using the technology. Some people felt AI was more transformative than RPA. And other people just started feeling the limitations of RPA realizing asking to start to ask, What else can it do for me, and we just had one stunning story in there where somebody reduced SGA from 18 billion to 4 billion and a 50% increase in productivity. And they were the ones of the companies that were using RPA and AI together. So just to wrap up on the kind of data findings from the survey, is that the majority of at least our readers were just weren’t satisfied with the current level of automation. Data is just not helping them drive decision making to the extent that they’d like it to RPA is being used to some extent, most people have had a positive experience. But it’s limited at the moment to the more reducing manual tasks and getting the minority are using AI. And it’s a bit of a 50-50 experience is used to power analytics. So, from our findings, do we think RPA and AI live up to the hype? Oh, we would say no, not yet. You know, these tools have been kind of hyped, at least to be silver bullets, that they’re going to transform your finance processes. And they simply haven’t done that yet. Again, like we’ve seen RPA is mainstream now. But it’s limited in its usage. And that skills gap is still very significant. And AI, we would say it’s still in that kind of emerging stage where people are maybe they’re still getting to grips with its power and its potential. But I think it’s we start seeing more use cases, and the user base and the finance professionals become more informed that this has a lot more potential to flourish. So thanks for the survey findings and then listening to that. And now I’m going to turn it over to Susie who’s going to lead a panel to discuss these findings. Right. Yes, please. Okay. So, please join me on stage we have Niall Cooter, Senior Manager of PwC, Satish Kumar, Vice President of OTC Genpact and Jas Khatkar, Transformation program director Lead to cash. Susie West: Hello, Everybody hears me? It, I’ve been told to stand on this x. So one, I’ll try not to wander too much. But I don’t want to neglect the audience over here. So my name is Susie West. I’m the founder and CEO at Shared Services link. It’s great to be at an event. So thank you very much Highradius for putting this on and doing so well, in putting it on. I worked with Sarah, and have had the pleasure of working with Sarah and Highradius on that report. So welcome my panellists. lovely to have you here. So we’ve got about five questions, which are all really kind of born out of the report that you’ve just gone through. So we’ve got experts here. So we’ve got Niall, Jas and Sajeesh. So let’s start off with the first question. I’ll start with you, please. Jas. So you can see there from those figures, a lot of people still relying on these. These are multi-billion turnover organizations, our members, by the way, they’re kind of 1 billion-plus turnover companies, the biggest companies in the world, and they’re still relying a lot on Excel and utilizing their existing ERP may be to try and get as much functionality out of that which you can understand, because the investments made. But tell us a little bit about how you can, you know, really look to optimize your order to cash process flow, relying on Excel. Jas Khatkar: Well, I think just to reassure people, BGP, one of the biggest global operators in the telco world, still built 40 million a month edge connected to itself is not a widely used building system. And it’s just inherent to most of the processes. But I guess a question for everybody may have been thinking of things. But you’ve heard a lot about your cash automation, but actually going back the other way, who has on complex processes and is surrounded by manual activities? The core processes are quite common. Yeah, yeah, pretty much. I think that’s probably one of the biggest challenges. And I know a BT, and most of my clients I’ve been is the typically we’ll see 20 to 30% of your processes, the little complex, bespoke setups, which really stopped you going wholesale with the automation, because if it doesn’t cover everything, then this starts to devalue, that that implementation for VAT is a lot bigger. And that’s just because the nature is so negative base, so much acquisition, we’re talking about 40 to 45% of our revenue has a manual intervention. So one of the greatest complexities we’re trying to overcome is the connectivity between the business. So we’ve heard a lot about audit cash, but actually, I look across lead to cash, because all of our issues start off in the sales world. Because if we sell something that we can’t even build, then we’re going to have problems in billing and we’re going to have problems in collections and all the rest of inquiries and customer complaints. So If you speak to a salesman, they have no concept of why can’t we build it? Customers want these things, the standard products, but their standard products, but their standard individually, once you put them all together, then they become bespoke. And that’s where BT has struggled. And that’s where we struggle with RPA. Particularly, because not, not only does the business not understand the audit cash journey, or the lead cash journey but then in the complexity of it, very few fully understand what’s involved in producing a bill, something that should be straightforward, is actually to get the magician in because there is sometimes it’s some magic trick how we produce a bill and that I think, are some of the biggest barriers we have for real adoption of RPA and we’ve started it, we started this journey over the last year and a half and that’s where we struggle is actually who can explain it. Because when you start getting into the detail of the requirements, that’s fine. But you’re missing bits. And when you’re going to automate something unless you know it all. It will fail and it will have exceptions and failures and then that hits the confidence in Excel. So that’s what we’ve seen. Certainly, we’ve seen every day is some of the issues. It’s getting around that complexity of the manual aspect of overheating. And I’m not that not letting you disappear just yet. Can you tell us a bit more about so you have started to deploy our robots a little bit in order to cash or across finance? Yes, we started more at the back end. So around what we found was feeling was obviously his detention most people resonate is anything that goes wrong, Billings a problem. And that’s where all the exact sort of point to MPs will say my billings are wrong, wasn’t what I was expecting. There’s errors, it takes forever to resolve a query. But if you strip that back, it is because the expectations were set falsely at the start. So we’re selling the wrong things, or we have no capability to build it. So what we start to do, and that’s all underpinned by manual solutions, yeah. So we’ll start something, you know what, let’s figure it out manually. So we’ll have an army of people who are then going through Excel and SharePoint and other tools databases to produce that bill, mate and what we’ve looked at is these guys are doing the same activity month on month and they’re just going through, check this site, check that take that data, and then move forward. So I took the approach of or will work there. And we set a goal to automate 90% of the billing activities done by our group billing function. And we’re just completing phase one and we’ve got about 80% because some things were scoped or contracts, we’re sort of signature phase, we design phase, and we just like to exclude certain things, but we’ve looked at it from that aspect. So RPA is working, it can work, it will automate the activities individually we’re doing it takes the risk out of it puts in controls governance, all the stuff which audit pick up on, and BT was struggling with that. But essentially, it doesn’t move the dial for any of the big metrics is great. We automated so it’s a journey for us in phase two when you can take the really complex stuff and that’s when you can start to influence NPS. So for us, we’ve dropped it into the backend, the billing activities, I think some of the earlier presentations talked about what people do behind the scenes. But the more it comes upstream, that’s when I think it will start to move some of these metrics, and then we can get the additional momentum of buying. Okay, great. Sajeesh, what’s your take on the same question? Sajeesh Kumar: So can you do run your A/R function using legacy systems? Yes, many do. The bigger question is, should you and you don’t need to raise the reality. More often than not when you have a conversation with multiple businesses. There are three reasons that give me one just spoke about the saying I have a very difficult tough tech landscape. Who doesn’t? Right. So that’s one that is not a reason or slash excuse because, given the kind of strides that digital has made over the years, the kind of API is the integrations are much more advanced right now that you’re significantly tough tech landscape need not be so in the future I think Michael also spoke about a few examples of Africa. The second reason that they say is the business case does not stack up to engage in a digital transformation journey. And that’s only because you’re looking at it in silos probably. Are you just looking at efficiency? In order to see efficiencies just an add on. The bigger buck is in the value outcomes, the insights that you drive to the business. So are you considering that in terms of your business case, and the third one that comes across is change management as a reason? Change management is understandable. If you look at it, if you don’t address the change management issue right now, it’s going to become extremely difficult in the future, as you’ve seen, especially in the pandemic case, where you have to change much more faster. And if it becomes a no option, you have to get to do it. So the reason is that there are options that exist in the digital world interventions and microservices that exist. The first and primary question that you want to ask is, what is your primary objective of getting down onto a digital transformation journey? Are you purely looking at cost, then go the RPA route start from there. But if you’re looking at a broader be a value centre GBS as opposed to a cost centre GBS, then you need to bring in multiple touchpoints on that space. In my mind, I always consider RPA and AI to be two different masters RPA caters to efficiency, purely pure now. You’re trying to reduce the manual interventions, the repetitive tasks, you cannot expect outcomes from them, you cannot expect insights from them. At the same time, AI is less about efficiency. It’s more about what kind of actions business decisions, actionable insights that you can actually try. So it’s a question of asking yourself saying, do I tap into the resources that exist in the digital world today, in order to make the AR function or the O2C function in its entirety. Much easier, simpler and more insight-driven? Or do you want to continue saying that let it run as it runs today? Because then you can use your legacy systems too. Okay, in the interest of time now, I’m going to come on to the next question, but I think we have a poll. So grab your paddles. I think this is our poll, A/R mixing systems, should you solely rely on them to run your operations? In today’s date? Yes, or No? Driven? Yes. Yes. Which one is the norm? Which one? Thumbs down. Okay, so we all conceptually agree that, yeah, we need to take advantage of systems, solutions that are on the market today and can significantly help us right, let’s move on to the next question. So I’m gonna start with you, please, Niall. So RPA is more widely adopted than AI today, you can see that, on the report that Sarah was walking through. One of the reasons why we’re not as hyped up about it as we may have been a few years ago is because we’re realizing that that does come with some challenges, some of the challenges around the skills gap, for example, not having a centre of excellence, for example, they’re robots to maintain. So what’s your take on these challenges? And some of the advice that you might give to people in this room who are looking to or in or are in the middle of deploying RPA? Niall Cooter: I think RPA is quite a dumb capability. You know, it’s it, there isn’t the thought that goes behind. Can feel a bit more volume, please. Thank you. Sorry. I was hoping with a microphone, it would prevent me from having to project. So apologies for that. Yeah, so RPA is, you know, it’s fairly dumb processes, processes that don’t need a lot of thought to be given to the movement of transactions. And I think that’s where strength is. So if you want to do the same transaction, want to get information from this system over here and put it into that system over there, perhaps do this calculation in the middle that technology works fine. The moment you want to, to be a bit more sophisticated in how you treat a transaction. That’s when you need the mind to come into it. And what’s the thing AI is trying to achieve that and will over time I guess, largely achieve that, in the short term is about picking the right solution for the right situation and when I think about the credit and collections environment, I mean, just a bit of my background, I don’t run a credit and collections team. I’m a management consultant, I go into other people’s organizations, and I have a look at what they do. And I try and find ways of helping them to make it better. So my experiences are what I’ve seen in quite a large number of different organizations. So quite often that RPA solution, risks examples would be for a high street bank, we implemented a technology solution and the people solution to manage their bounced back loans and one of the problems that they had was they didn’t want an API integration from the technology solution we provided into their core banking system, it was just too high risk for them in the timescales involved. So we set up a robotics solution to take the information out of one and put it into the other, it’s just creating another user and a very easy thing to action and we wanted it to make some decisions about the steps that it would take in moving that data, for example, whether to put a credit hold on the account. That’s clearly beyond the capabilities of those systems, especially when you’re in the consumer credit world where you’ve got GDPR and profiling considerations to take into account. Okay, good. All right, thank you, Let’s bring in, you have a problem, somebody is doing something manually, let’s put about that. That’s never a long term strategy. That’s one. The second thing does not to customize the bot coding to solve for process problem that exists, do not put a bot in where you should not be doing that activity at all. That’s another challenge that they put across. And the third one that completely misses the verse is industrialization, of course, if you’re going through with RPA, you have to start thinking about its applicability across functions. And maybe going even beyond order to cash looking at an FFA kind of function. And looking at how you can tap into all of that. What normally happens is that you look at a short term engagement, you plug in a few bots there, and your long term strategy might be a much more enhanced digital tech coming into play. And then you suddenly realize that the investment that has gone into creating these bots requires complete Furthermore, investment in turning that around. So always have a more long term vision, when we’re looking at anything digital, not just RPA or AI and then try to look at where those gaps are. Look at use cases, look at feature functionalities of your future state tool that you’re looking at because you don’t want to be creating bots for something that will come across off the shelf. So those kinds of components are what consistently I see as challenges happening in the RPA world. But if you can solve that, it will be. Okay. Great. Good advice. How about your experiences? A slightly different take on it, and just being sort of more pragmatic, because all of this stuff, the height, they said the hype was there. But in practicality, they haven’t really taken off and when you look at it, and certainly we’ve seen BT is every couple of years a project comes along, we’re going to automate all of this, a new billing system is going to come in and after all the bangs and whistles ultimately just become number 26 of the billing systems you already have. Because you have the migration issues and all the other complexities. So even with the best will in the world to get the digital strategy, right and to say we’re going to automate, there is always operational challenges which stop it under sales pressure. In an ideal world, yeah. You said, Okay, we’ll transition everybody over. But in a highly competitive world, you have to be able to cater view for your customers. So these are real issues. And I think if for it to be successful, it is mentioned. So the first question is, can we simplify? What what are we trying to automate? And if you sort of got a view on that, can you simplify? And should you be doing it anyway? These are the first two questions. We asked whether it’s an outsourcing operation, ask those two questions as you go along. But our approach was we were sort of seeing too many big bang programs fail. And actually taken out a sort of pragmatic view of it to say, right, we’ve got a team here or a service CFU unit that is highly manual, can we automate that? And ours wasn’t a cost aspect, it was a control and audit perspective, and getting bills, right? So it is achievable without going the full digital strategy. It’s just about what you’re looking to solve and how, how pragmatic you want to be about the issues and not sort of dwell on the theory of it and the purism of it. Okay. Let’s go to another poll. So coming up, paddles out. Oh, okay. Are you currently using any third-party automation solutions for your auditor? Cash, yes or no? Yes, it is lots of yeses. And one no. Okay. Do I go straight to another poll question? Let me see. Okay. Let me I think I go to sorry. I’ll go to this question. Does your future plan include implementing RPA or a combination of RPA and AI? A, let’s do it So, how do you know? Okay, so we’ll go with Yes. RPA and B. Okay, and I think everybody gets that. So this is RPA, AI or just RPA. Okay, so nobody is looking exclusively at RPA. Okay, let’s go on to our third question. So in the context, now we’re talking about AI. So people are generally excited about AI being a bit more of a game-changer. So let’s just dig into that a bit more. To what degree do you actually think AI will be a game-changer for the finance function? Do you have any examples of it so far? Some of the challenges and some of the obvious benefits? Let’s start with you, Niall, please? I think it will, I think one of the areas we get involved in is helping organizations to build tailored collection strategies for different types of customers, I think this is an area where, you know, historically we might have done all the analysis off the side and come up with some, some segments and, and then design strategies to go with that. I think what AI does is it gives you the opportunity then to actually take that step out of the process and have it more of as a live-in real-time. Segmentation of customers based on much more than just your credit score and value of sales and overdue isn’t that kind of thing, but bringing in much more behavioural type components and I think you then get a much more dynamic collection process that is much more tailored to the challenge of that client at that particular time. Okay, Sajeesh So, I’m always a big fan of our RPA and AI together, because it serves two needs and gives a much more rounded of benefit. But if you look at AI, and AI is going to be successful, but let’s look at it from an enterprise perspective, is it going to be successful in one enterprise will depend entirely upon what challenges they’re solving for. So if you’re using a specific use case, and then trying to improve a cash flow situation, or if you’re using a use case, and then applying AI, to actually predict if a claim is going to come in, or if an invoice is going to be paid, then it makes sense. But you cannot just randomly say I have an AI feature, let’s apply it, find a solution within through to see functions that have a business challenge that you’re actually solving for. And you take an example, if you look at a deductions component, and you say that I need to go ahead and pull information documents from the retailer website, and RPA can do that for you. But once you get that information across, are you actually using models and cognitive AI abilities to actually assess whether it’s a valid claim? And to is that kind of claim going to consistently come from that customer in the next three to four months? That’s much more interesting. So those kinds of components in its, in a combination scenario is much more ideal than having to look at, say, I’ll do RPA, or I’ll do AI, you don’t have a choice, you’ve got to do both. Yeah. And Niall mentioned, this sort of, by prominent area for analytics is really that insight of your customer base. But the key thing data we hold, most companies will hold a huge amount of insight and data on customers already. But it’s using it. And it’s what insight you want the information to drive, or what you’re going to what you hope to ascertain from the information about your customers. And even that can be done, there are tools out there to do it. But I think some of the biggest barriers are going to really going to be the ultimate decision-makers relying on it. And we’ve seen it used in the collection space in it used in the finance area, on the predictability of behaviour. But ultimately, if we can sort of bringing it in as a core part of that decision making for the C suite around who we selling to who should we be selling to who’s best suited to our products and solutions and how we should be positioning them, rather than off the cuff salespeople go out there and just sort of go in hit field sales or tele sell or internal sales teams. That’s where it can be really powerful. But there’s a huge journey, I think, in people seeing the benefit, rather than a pie chart or a graph on a set of slides. It’s actually underpinning that this is what you know about your customers. And here’s what we’re using that into intelligence and information to determine a specific route. And I think that’s the real power that has not really been opened up. The tools just extracted, the information has always been there. And I think more exact sort of realizing and then trust on that information than I think it will be I mean, we see in social media will write their algorithms, they develop the desktop leading and all of that everything is predicted. And then your content is driven based on your behaviours. And I think getting that in the enterprise, the commercial world will be the game-changer. He’s using AI today in finance. Just one just a raise of hands. Is your quality of data, kind of hindering your AI plants at all? Well, not really. No. Okay. Just a little bit. Okay. On that subject. So how good is your data have to be? That’s a common issue we’ve seen Yeah, because when you’re doing insight, and you’re going to tailor Australia Do you have that insight? And the answer has to be correct, that you’re going to put debt collection strategies on customers. If you only got half the picture, I, you’re gonna chase them for debt, but they had a credit applied. But that was on a separate system. That’s when becomes a problem. So with you’ve got a data warehouse or plugging into all of those different systems which hold the customer data. A is it right? What’s the master source? Often that can be an obstacle because everyone’s probably got data projects going on for the last 10-15 years. So clean data is key. But again, it’s what question you’re asking that data form, it has to be complete for that. I think we struggled with data integrity, inventory integrity, just knowing what the customers got. Often, we rely on the customer telling us what we got. So we then go visit. So it’s a long journey certainly for some of the telcos. Okay. good. Thank you. Right, let’s have a look. What have we got here now? No more poll questions. So we can actually put our paddles away. tech stack within order to cash. And I, I’d also like to just add, I mean, what does the ideal tech stack look like for finance in order to cash? And also maybe just bring into that your views on? Should you try and get the most out of your ERP? Or should you use go for core ERP, and add on bolt-on applications? The best of breed applications? What’s, what’s the ideal tech stack look like? And let’s start with the please Niall. So I think it’s horses for courses, isn’t it? So if you’re, you know, 20 million pound business with 300 customers and each customer getting three invoices a month, you don’t need anything sophisticated to manage that. But if you are like, I think a lot of the organization’s here in a large high volume customers high volumes of transactions, then the more automation and AI that you can put into the process, the more efficient it will be. I strongly believe there are some actions that do require, you know, a credit specialists view and I’m not convinced that AI is yet at a stage where we’ll be able to replace that. So I think you know, the stack is going to be a combination of things, it’s going to be a bit of Process Automation is going to be a bit of AI and it’s finding the right balance and the right processes against which to apply those. That’s where the challenges so that you can get the balance between operational efficiency, quality of control of the end to end process, and compliance considerations that you’re having something like telcos energy, financial services, etc. With performance, because at the end of the day, we don’t just want to reduce the cost of running our process, we want to make sure that’s an effective process to run and deliver, you know, in terms of reduced DSO and maximizing cash flow, should you? So it’s very easy to say that, hey, you should go hybrid, you should go away from ERPs. But that might not be the answer for everyone. Like Niall was mentioning it is it is specific to that enterprise. I think the question you should ask is what have I invested in my ERP? Which version? Am I getting the best bang for the buck is all the best bells and whistles of the digital world coming across in my ERP? If so, go ahead with it. You can have specific bolt-on applications tagging along and serving some unique purposes. But you can still have ERP doing the heavy lifting. The problem that I always find with ERP is it’s tough to turn around. And businesses face a lot of problems with that if I need to be a child at some times ERP is don’t help us on that regard. Therefore, the SAS platforms, which comes with its own versions of RPAS, API’s and analytic solutions on that regard. So it is about having an enterprise-level view of asking whether this is the path that I want to go with. And then taking into account what is the ROI for that? And what is the business challenge you’re solving for? More often than not, it is very tough to stay away from Bolton’s applications that give you a whole suite of features and functionalities that combine all of these microservices. And if that serves the purpose from an ROI perspective and solving the Business Challenge perspective, and more often than not having O2C as a function that drives insights and outcomes rather than just efficiency. But then that will be the rotation. Yeah, I think there’s two points. Really here. One is to spills on is that what we’ve seen and certainly where BT has gone going from 12 provisioning systems, 36 billing systems, no CRM effectively. And I think eight sales tools was you’re never going to get a standard view of that. So there’s been a lot of investment in building An abstract layer to say, right, we’re never going to get one. So there’s a lot of investment going if you put a layer across, and it will dig down into those courses and extract the information, bring back and you use the insight. And that’s what’s a big push that we’re driving through. And that can rely on all the existing ERPs, or your existing tools, you don’t have to change anything, you just have to identify what are the product hierarchies or data hierarchies knowing what you need, and where that’s stored. And then you just go in and get that and extract that information and that’s working quite well. But the second point, I think, is quite critical is who you partner with. The tools are very similar. And who you partner with, this has to align with not only your strategic vision and direction but also the pace and culture of your business. I’ve seen from a consulting side that consultants will come in and that six months ahead of where the business was because they’re on it on a much tighter timeframe, they’re working 14-15 hours a day and then they’re the miles apart on the outcomes. So choosing the right partner that fits, has the vision and can work with the business and take them forward. I think that’s what generates the best results and the relationship and we’ve sort of seen that certain beauty. Okay, good. I’m going to open it up to questions from the floor. Any questions for our three panellists? The question at the back. Audience 1: Sajeesh, you may know this reference. But we see some companies who get fearful about adopting technology because they think that processes and ready to take technology on. And obviously a lot of people today have talked about combining people processes and technology. So how does the panel or maybe the wider audience has overcome that type of challenge, where you’ve got a company who thinks they’re not ready to accept technology because they’ve got to find the full process flow. But actually, maybe technology will show them what the process should be. Absolutely. Quiet, a lot of times, we get that question of saying, Hey, I like this, but I’m not ready. We’re waiting for the perfect time, we’ll never get to be ready for the fact that you could do is you don’t need to go big bang, you can go use case-specific. So if you’re really worried about, you know, I don’t want to make a big starting point of completely transforming your order to cash well start small, start with cash apps. It’s transactional, try to make it as painless as possible. Therefore, what are the levers that you could look at? I don’t believe that there is this perfect time to engage on your digital transformation journey, at some point of time, you have to take the plunge. But you do have the choice of taking clients in small use cases and then developing it having proof points. And that also helps with the business case, in any case, so you can start small and then grow into it. But you have to start. Okay, any other comments. To start, I mean, some are really fresh, even this morning. So we got a call with one of our accounts that we were told don’t touch as Vodafone here today. Also, so everyone’s like, don’t touch the Vodafone account, we can’t automate it, it’s highly complex and 6 million a month calling the revenue stream. And it kept doubling the scope from the automation journey. We’ll do it once we settle down and all the rest of it blah, blah, blah. And then the account manager has left the business gave the notice and she left this morning. And the billing team offshore. Her full of all left. So then it was getting a call. Can you automate Vodafone, right? So there will be other pressures. And actually, if they did listen to us three months ago, we would have automated already. But there’s a huge risk around now securing that where we can. So as Steve was saying, there’s never be a right lifetime. But in order to really give the control and governance around it, you have to force these decisions. Otherwise something else or force your hand, and then it’s then you’re playing catch up. Okay, I think there was a question on it. Thank you. My question is from an if you think about RPA, from an IP perspective, isn’t there as well, especially if like you do your own thoughts, you know, isn’t there a risk that you’re kind of left behind when you’re not up to speed with innovation? So when everyone else is using state of the arts using solutions that keep innovating, you risk being left behind if all you’ve done is take a process just automated the way it is and just sit on it. What are your views about you know, how do you make sure you continuously innovate so you don’t you’re not behind everybody else? Yeah, I think my view on that is really that if we are pushing the boundaries of performance and about operational efficiency as well as performance, we shouldn’t ever be comfortable with what we’ve got. We should always be looking to challenge and test whether there’s some better way of doing it, whether there’s some better automation, some better systems and better data to just help us take the state further, because the moment we sit, feeling complacent that we’ve, we’ve achieved the best that we can do. The world will swamp you. Yeah, we saw this in the water sector. You know, they felt that there’s no way where they can take collections performance because their hands are tied behind their back because of legislation because of just the way the water sector works. But in reality, in all 20 water companies stopped about 20 years ago in terms of their sophistication of collections approach. And that was just as disastrous. I always asked this question is that what is your core skill set? So whenever somebody says that you know, I’m building something in the house, I’m building myself? Do you if your primary objective is selling pharmaceutical drugs, or selling, you know, confectionery? Why are you creating? RPS I look at outside there is crowdsourcing, there are better people who actually bring you the skill set that is required, in order to help you, all you need to be sure of is what business challenge you’re solving for, and that that you are aware of. So, it’s not saying that what is built in house or legacy will not work? Not at all? It does, there are many proof points of it. But do you really want to put that effort in when you can actually put that effort elsewhere? Even in your efforts, your money invested in your core business or areas exactly back? Can you repeat the question? Not everybody heard it? Right. I think he does have more of a comment, saying that, you know, focus on your core business rather than trying to have become a tech-oriented company building RPS? Yeah. Good. All right. Any further questions, otherwise, we will leave them there. Yes. We have a question here. Thank you, Jenny. Thank you. So my question is, I’m actually a change manager. Forgive me if there is one in the room. That’s right. So my question is, I see now with RPA and AI technology, the same mistakes we made decades ago on the ERPs. Right? Because to me, nothing gongs, particularly with ERP, although I’m glad that Highradius product is taken away, are two hours away from the rigidity of the ERP. But the ERP often doesn’t work because of bad configuration, but implementation, not technology, per se. So are we making the same errors now with the RPA, we are badly implementing a badly configuring it and then we are giving the fault to the technology. I couldn’t agree more, because it’s important to understand that technology is not the solution. Technology is the enabler to the solution. So irrespective of whichever tech, the best tech in the market that you can put across if it is designed wrong, you’re going to have a problem in hand. I always say that any platform, any solution that you’re plugging across, invest in the design component because during the design component is when you’re bringing in process, the tech feature functionalities or times policies, and the unique enterprise needs that might be applicable, either the industry, the market, or whatever it might be you bringing that all together during the design phase, invest in the design, then you will not make the same mistakes of running out a digital transformation. When it’s fully out, I’d probably add another step, which would be the mindset. Because often what you find with technology, is people looking at what you do today, can we automate what we do today? Actually, what you need to do is, check why are we doing it this way. And that takes a mindset change in a lot of the senior leadership to say it can be done a different way. And explore that different way. Because once you start looking at the problem differently, the solutions become more straightforward, as opposed to talking yourself out of a solution because you know how problematic your current situation is. And that’s what we’re finding right now is actually if we get away from that always this and it’s not and it’s we’ll lose a customer. We’ll look at it a different way. Let’s change the way we sell. Let’s change the way we discount and pricing commercializes these products. And then you bring in something to the market, which is relatively straightforward to build because billing should just happen. The whole audit cash prize, it should just happen companies made complicated because of all the upfront changes and bespoke aspects that come into it. But I think it was a nature of, of, of the world in the environment. Whereas if you start to think differently now we’re now looking at people like Amazon and getting the front end space done. So you can come in to select what you want. But that’s all great, but you’re going to still deliver it with the same marquee architecture behind the scenes. So that only changes when you’re when your mindset changes. Okay, I think we have to leave it there, unfortunately. So let’s thank our panellists. Thanks. Enjoyed the Session? Here are some other sessions you might be interested in The Future of Global Business Services: Fast track Evolution or Risk Extinction Maria Saggese GBS Lead Partner, EMEIA Kamila Grembowicz Head GBS Delivery Excellence and Transitions Take me to the session Bayer is Building a Counterplan to Future-Proof A/R Operations Rob Bullen Head of Global Order to Cash Experience the Power of AI-Enabled Receivables & Treasury Applications Schedule a free demo Please fill in to watch the video © 2023 HighRadius • All rights reserved. Terms & Condition • Privacy Policy • Contact
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Archive for January 5, 2013 Book Review – Unwanted by Kristina Ohlsson One mistake changes everything… In the middle of a rainy Swedish summer, a little girl is abducted from a crowded train. Despite hundreds of potential witnesses, no one noticed when the girl was taken. Her distraught mother was left behind at the previous station in what seemed to be a coincidence. The train crew was alerted and kept a watchful eye on the sleeping child. But when the train pulled into Stockholm Central Station, the little girl had vanished. Inspector Alex Recht and his special team of federal investigators, assisted by the investigative analyst Fredrika Bergman, are assigned to what at first appears to be a classic custody fight. But when the child is found dead in the far north of Sweden with the word “unwanted” scribbled on her forehead, the case soon turns into the investigation team’s worst nightmare — the pursuit of a brilliant and ruthless killer. “Expect Ohlsson to join Nesbo on most readers’ can’t-miss lists.” –Booklist (starred review) Kristina Ohlsson is a counterterrorism officer in Europe and has worked as a security police analyst for the National Swedish Police Board. I wanted to try out other Scandinavian mystery writers, so I picked up Unwanted by Kristina Ohlsson (together with the sequel Silenced). This police procedural got starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and Booklist, so I was really looking forward to reading it although I did have my apprehensions since the victims here are all children (not my favorite topic). Unfortunately, I’m going to have to say I’m pretty disappointed with this one. Hopefully, the next book will be better (since I already bought it!) I figured out pretty early on what all the victims and their mothers had in common, so I was just waiting for the investigators to get around to it in the end (while wondering what was so supposedly legendary about the chief Investigator Alex Recht). Which you have to admit is pretty boring (when reading a crime thriller). I did like that they finally figured out the killer in the end just using good old-fashioned police work. It didn’t make for much excitement, but it did ring as realistic to me. Which is more than I can say about the characters. Because, really, my main problem with Unwanted was with the poor characterization – I didn’t like any of the investigators! I thought they were so flat & one-dimensional, and just didn’t seem like real adult people to me at all. They acted like they were emotionally aged thirteen or something like that. It was so weird – maybe it was a translation problem? Unwanted: A Novel by Kristina Ohlssono, translated by Sarah Death (Simon & Schuster) is available on Amazon, B&N Nook, Kobo books, Google Books and iTunes iBooks. Categories: Book, Book Review, Mystery, Reviews Tags: Kristina Ohlsson, Unwanted
American Nervoso: 25th Anniversary [LP] Artist: Botch Label: SARGENT HOUSE 1. Hutton's Great Heat Engine 2. John Woo 3. Dali's Praying Mantis 4. Dead For A Minute 5. Oma 6. Thank God For Worker Bees 7. Rejection Spoken Softly 8. Spitting Black 9. Hives Legendary Tacoma, Washington mathcore/hardcore/metal band Botch’s debut full-length American Nervoso was originally recorded in 1998, eventually becoming one of the most ground-breaking records during a pivotal shift in heavy music. Now, the band’s debut album is set to be re-issued on Sargent House 25 years after its original release. The album features white-hot guitar action, scathing vocals, sweet bass moves, and torrential drums, smashing existing precepts of hardcore and redefining both the word and the music for a generation of kids and grizzled vets alike. Bassist Brian Cook, guitarist David Knudson, drummer Tim Latona, and vocalist Dave Verellen formed Botch in 1993, eventually becoming one of the most significant bands of their time before playing their final show on June 15, 2002. The members would go on to play in These Arms Are Snakes, Minus the Bear, and Russian Circles, among others, with acclaim for the band coming mostly post-breakup. Over 20 years since they played their final show, Botch are reuniting for select dates in the Pacific Northwest in February 2023
Free Fire Max is the latest version of the popular mobile game Free Fire, developed by Garena. The game has been designed to deliver an immersive and more realistic gaming experience to its players. If you’re a fan of mobile games and looking for something that is action-packed, Free Fire Max might be the perfect game for you. The game features a fast-paced battle royale mode, where players land on an island with 49 other players and fight to be the last one standing. To play Free Fire Max, you’ll need to download the apk file and install it on your Android device. The process is simple, and we’ll guide you through it in this article. Step 1: Download the apk file The first step in downloading Free Fire Max is to download the apk file. You can download it from various sources online, including the official website of Garena. To make sure that you’re downloading the latest version of the game, it’s recommended to download the apk file directly from the official website. Step 2: Allow installation from unknown sources Before you can install the apk file, you need to allow installation from unknown sources. To do this, go to your device’s settings and scroll down to the Security section. Here, look for the option that says “Unknown sources” and toggle it on. This will allow you to install apps that are not available on the Google Play Store. Step 3: Install the apk file Now that you’ve downloaded the apk file and allowed installation from unknown sources, you can install the game on your device. Go to the folder where the apk file is saved and tap on it to start the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Step 4: Launch the game Once the installation is complete, you can launch the game and start playing. Free Fire Max features various game modes, including the classic battle royale mode and team deathmatch mode. You can also customize your character and weapons to suit your playstyle. Free Fire Max is an exciting mobile game that offers an immersive and realistic gaming experience. It’s easy to download and install, and you can start playing the game within minutes. So, if you’re looking for a game that is action-packed and challenging, give Free Fire Max a try.
We All Struggle by Ron Ethridge | Christian Living | 0 comments Which one is closest to you? Financial stress. Health issues. Relationship problems. Psychological difficulties. Emotional uncertainty. Everyone from time to time, to varying degrees and lengths of time, have struggles. Than included Jesus. The only difference between Him and us is that he never failed. Hebrews 4:15 We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. I’ve had many people come to me over the years to talk about their problems. Most want genuine help. A few want affirmation that they are right. Others want a spiritual band-aid so they get through the problem. I’ve come to a conclusion after talking to many people… having my own issues to deal with… and reflecting much upon Scripture. I know what people need. It usually isn’t what they want to hear, but it IS what they need. This will sound cliche, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. “TRUST ME.” Before hearing the presenting problem or suggesting possible solutions… I can tell whoever I talk to, regardless of what issues they are facing… what they first need. I got it from the words of Jesus as found in Matthew 11:28-30… Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. Mark 6:31 Because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with Me… by yourselves… to a quiet place… and get some rest.” (NIV) The most important thing for every person is their relationship to God through Jesus Christ (That’s the “cliche” statement). When you’re in the middle of a difficult situation that is when people NEED to get closer to God and strengthen their relationship with Him. The reason is because when we’re in the middle of a storm, we can’t think properly. So we need to focus on what is most important over all things. After all… the problem it may not get better… it might get worse. So consider these passages… (Read S-L-O-W-L-Y). 2 Corinthians 12:9 He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 4:7 We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 11 For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 2 Corinthians 1:8 We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. 9 Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. Now for a few practical suggestions: Spend much time meditating upon God’s truth (Start with the four verses above). Drive those them deep into your soul. Find some good worship music with solid theology (Preference makes a big difference here. The worship style you like is preferable). Hang around godly people so that their faith strengthen and encourage you. Put yourself in a position to hear from God. This is best done in a congregation of believers where God’s Word is faithfully preached. Pour out your heart to God through prayer. He loves you and wills your ultimate best (Romans 8:28-30). Trust Jesus that what he promised to do He will do (See Matthew 11:28-30, above). By personal experience I can tell you He will keep His word!
← S.I.N What’s really moral, anyway? → Posted on October 19, 2016 by ehodge91 One thing I admire about God is his courtesy. God is a gentleman, he does not force things on us, he does not pressure us, nor does us make us feel obligated. In fact he allows us to pick the paths of our own lives. We can choose to live according to “our” rules or live and be obedient to his. However, we reap what we sow good, and bad! Sometimes life seems favorable, sometimes it does not, but even in that God is good, and never forces anything upon us. I was recently saddened by a recent death, and I was confused because I know I had a strong faith to believe in healing, and even in resurrection. After I received the news of the individual passing away I was deeply saddened. I could not understand how and why I had unshakable faith, or why I felt like death was not an option! Immediately I heard the Lord say this ” I will never go against the will of an individual, If they want to come home, I honor that,” That gave me a peace I could not explain, but I still had questions. I wondered why I felt so strongly that death was not an option, God followed with another response “Death is/was not an option for this person, but they are indeed alive, much more alive than they have ever been, or will ever be.” I had never ever felt, or thought this way before, and even in the midst of sadness, I understood! Not only did I understand but I saw God in a different light than I ever had before. God loves us so much, that he will give us exactly what we want. That could be living a life serving him or a life where one could decide not to acknowledge him at all, nevertheless he allows us to choose. In that allowing us to choose he waits. He waits for us to make up our minds, and even when we have made up our minds he gives us grace to change that decision IF WE WILL! I could not ask for a better God. He gives us what we need, and let’s us make our own decisions and will only influence them if we ask. God does not impose, he does not take away… He does what we will, or his will when we invite him in… We must stop blaming God for things…a lot of times it’s our own will that causes things… John 10:18 ESV / No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” -With Love,
Windows Tip Sheet Dude, Where's My Firewall? The fix is in for Windows Firewall settings on XP systems sitting on Small Business Server 2003 domains. By Don Jones One new feature of Windows XP SP2 — a feature I'm sure you've heard about ad infinitum by now — is Windows Firewall. It's sexier, more functional and more automated than its predecessor, the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). It’s even enabled automatically when you install SP2 and can be accessed from SP2’s new Security Center. I was a bit surprised, though, to learn that one of my clients couldn’t enable Windows Firewall after installing SP2. That didn't seem at all like the message Microsoft was trying to deliver about security. Provide a great new firewall and then make it impossible to turn on? Something had to be going on. -- sponsor -- The Role of Email Security in Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Trying to decipher the many aspects of Sarbanes Oxley and its impact on the use of e-mail within the organization? This white paper highlights the importance of a holistic approach to email security and illustrates the value IronMail® brings to an organization subject to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Download FREE Whitepaper – Contributing to Sarbanes Oxley Compliance with IronMail It's in the Policy Windows Firewall can be centrally controlled through a bunch of new Group Policy Object settings, enabling domain admins to centrally lock down their client computers in whatever way they like. Of course, helping your users to keep their mitts off of the firewall's configuration is part of the equation, so Windows Firewall can be locked down in such a way that end users can't modify its configuration. I figured that had to be what was going on with my client, but he informed me that he'd never so much as touched a GPO setting in his domain. Still, his clients were encountering the message "For your security, some settings are controlled by Group Policy" whenever he tired to configure them. Was he lying? Nope. Turns out his domain was a Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 domain. Some quick spelunking through the Microsoft Knowledge Base turned up article 872769, which explains that SBS turns off Windows Firewall on XP SP2 clients. It doesn't say why, but the article does contain a link to a download that will fix the problem. So, if you're running an SBS2003-based domain, you'll probably want to put this fix into place ASAP, before (or soon after) upgrading any clients to XP SP2. That way your clients' firewalls work properly. Micro Tip Sheet Windows XP SP2 prevents most types of incoming connections to client computers, thanks to Windows Firewall. This can include things like Remote Desktop, remote scripting, remote WMI connections and more. Be sure to carefully review the firewall's settings on a test machine and implement a Group Policy Object to centrally configure the firewall settings that are appropriate for your environment. As you roll out SP2, clients will automatically pick up the GPO settings and won't experience any loss of functionality due to blocked ports. The full text of the Knowledge Base article is available at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;872769. Microsoft's SBS2003 Web site is at http://www.microsoft.com/sbs. Microsoft TechNet has a big section on XP SP2 at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/ winxpsp2.mspx. Don Jones is a multiple-year recipient of Microsoft’s MVP Award, and is Curriculum Director for IT Pro Content for video training company Pluralsight. Don is also a co-founder and President of PowerShell.org, a community dedicated to Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell technology. Don has more than two decades of experience in the IT industry, and specializes in the Microsoft business technology platform. He’s the author of more than 50 technology books, an accomplished IT journalist, and a sought-after speaker and instructor at conferences worldwide. Reach Don on Twitter at @concentratedDon, or on Facebook at Facebook.com/ConcentratedDon.
REFLECTION CAPSULE – May 24, 2021: Monday May 23, 2021 Fr Jijo Manjackal MSFSLeave a comment “May Mary, the Mother of the Church – our Beloved Mother and the Perfect Disciple – Who followed Her Son wholly, in obedience to the Will of the Father, intercede and inspire us, to discover and treasure the true riches of life!” (Based on Sir 17:24-29 and Mk 10:17-27 – Monday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time – Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church) A story is told about Phythius, an ancient King of Lydia (Lydia – a place in the present day Turkey). Phythius was very wealthy, but also very greedy, and he would spend as little as possible. His wife – the Queen – was however, greatly determined to cure him of this “wealth mania!” One day when he came home hungry from a long hunt, she told the slaves to place before him dishes that were filled with gold… … gold that was fresh from the royal gold mines. The King stared down at his gold-filled plates, admiring them for some time, and then he asked for some food. “Food?” his wife asked, feigning surprise, “But surely they have brought you what you love best in the world, haven’t they?” “What are you talking about?” the King replied, as he lost his temper, “Gold can’t satisfy my hunger.” “No?” the Queen answered, “Is it not foolish then to have such love for something that cannot be useful so long as you hang on to it? Believe me; gold is truly of service only to people who exchange it for the good and useful things of life.” The rich man in the Gospel of the Day also faced a similar “wealth mania”… … and was reminded that “riches come to have true value, only when given in service, to the needy” Are we also facing a “wealth mania” in our lives? We have concluded a journey of fourteen weeks (nearly hundred days) of walking intimately with the Lord in His Passion, Death, Resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit… … starting with the Ash Wednesday in the season of Lent … through the Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday … the Ascension and the Feast of the Holy Spirit – the Pentecost. As we resume the Ordinary times of the Liturgical year, we are presented today… … with a message to make an examination of the “quality of our life”, through this incident of the rich man The rich man in the Gospel approaches Jesus to ask, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mk 10: 17) When Jesus gave him a list of commandments, that needed to be followed to help ensure a passage into eternal life, the man replied, “Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth” (Mk 10: 20) We underline a few aspects of this young man… … he did desire for a life of eternity and followed the commandments … he did nurture a sense of being pious and devout, to please the Lord … he probably failed to live up to the intentions of the commandments … he possibly got lost into only keeping the letters of the commandments; not the spirit! He got attached to doing God’s commandment, but failed to break his attachments with the riches of the world. He possessed the good will to follow God’s teachings, but failed to let go of the possessions of his life. The Lord realized this “pitiable” condition of the young man. He was wealthy in the world, but was unable to be rich before God He was obedient to the laws, but was unable to be obedient to give up his attachments. Therefore, the Lord, knowing this state of the young man – devout yet not properly focused… … “looked at him, loved him, and said: ‘You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then, come, follow me'” (Mk 10: 21) This young man could represent any one of us… We seek to be pious but find it hard to let go of our possessions We seek for holiness in life but go through a struggle to give up our attachments We seek to follow the Lord wholly but stumble to give ourselves entirely to the Lord Yet, the Lord does not give up on us… He looks on us… He loves us… And He invites us, to have the proper focus in life! It is not material possessions that ought to occupy our hearts; rather, our hearts needs to be possessed with the Love for the Lord. It is not worldly treasures that should be our prime motto in life; rather, a life, dedicated to the Kingdom of God and helping the needy with the resources we have. Our material life is totally in the control of the Lord. Our material possessions will be of no avail, when we leave this world. Our hands will not be able to hold any riches when we depart from this life. Let us instead be possessed by the Lord, gather the precious stones of His grace and love by works of charity and hold on to Him… … so that we may have a wonderful life of eternity with the Lord of all treasures! Let us give heed to some of the wise and noble sayings of Holy People who have described the necessity to be detached from the riches of the world… St Bede the Venerable: “He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor.” St Alphonsus Liguori:”Those who desire nothing from this world are masters of the whole world.” St Gregory the Great: “Be not anxious about what you have, but about what you are… Make use of temporal things, but set your heart on eternal things.” Today we also celebrate the Feast of Mary, the Mother of the Church. Mother Mary is the model for all in the Church to “always say YES to God’s Will!” This feast which has been promulgated in the Year 2018… … is celebrated every year on the Monday after Pentecost. One of the primary reasons for the celebration of the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church is “to foster Marian piety and the Maternal sense of the Church.” Pope Francis says that, “this celebration will help us to remember that growth in the Christian life must be anchored… … to the Mystery of the Cross … to the oblation of Christ in the Eucharistic Banquet … and to the Mother of the Redeemer and Mother of the Redeemed!” The Marian title of “Mother of the Church,” was given to the Blessed Mother by Pope Paul VI at the Second Vatican Council. Let us ask our Blessed Mother Mary, the Mother of the Church to intercede and pray for all of us… … to be faithful and witnessing members of the Church by prioritising for the “true riches of our life!” Happy Feast Day of Mary, the Mother of the Church… … to all Her Little Children of God! AT THE HEART OF CATECHESIS: CHRIST “At the heart of catechesis we find, in essence, a Person, the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, the only Son from the Father…who suffered and died for us and who now, after rising, is living with us forever.” To catechize is “to reveal in the Person of Christ the whole of God’s eternal design reaching fulfilment in that Person. It is to seek to understand the meaning of Christ’s actions and words and of the signs worked by him.” Catechesis aims at putting “people in communion with Jesus Christ: only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity.” In catechesis “Christ, the Incarnate Word and Son of God, is taught – everything else is taught with reference to him – and it is Christ alone who teaches – anyone else teaches to the extent that he is Christ’s spokesman, enabling Christ to teach with his lips. Every catechist should be able to apply to himself the mysterious words of Jesus: ‘My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.’” Whoever is called “to teach Christ” must first seek “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus”; he must suffer “the loss of all things. . .” in order to “gain Christ and be found in him”, and “to know him and the power of his resurrection, and (to) share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that if possible (he) may attain the resurrection from the dead” From this loving knowledge of Christ springs the desire to proclaim him, to “evangelize”, and to lead others to the “yes” of faith in Jesus Christ. But at the same time the need to know this faith better makes itself felt. (Cf. CCC # 426-429) REFLECTION CAPSULE – May 23, 2021: Sunday REFLECTION CAPSULE – May 25, 2021: Tuesday
Reisinger Custom Rebuilding is owned and operated by Patrick Reisinger and his wife Melissa. Born and raised in Evansville, IN, some of Pat’s first memories were of the sounds of a 409 Chevrolet engine being tuned by his dad, Steve. Pat grew up working on cars and after college moved away to attend medical school where he met his future wife. After completing their medical residencies Pat and Melissa returned to Evansville to start their family and practice medicine. Pat discovered that diagnosing and treating patients, while enjoyable, did not completely fill the need to restore and repair cars. He slowed the pace of work as a physician and opened his own hot rod shop in 2008. Reisinger Custom Rebuilding was reborn in an old gas station near their home. Pat, along with a mechanic and body man, began to take in customer work. Initially, they focused on repair and paint, but they soon expanded to full frame-off restorations. Pat’s focus on building a team with the expertise to perform state of the art restorations lead RCR to expand the team; you can meet them in our team tab. We have metal fabricators, ASC-certified mechanics and a PPG-certified paint shop. Together, this team has received recognition as an elite restoration shop. We have displayed our work at SEMA multiple times and have been honored with building the giveaway car for NSRA in 2015, 2017, and again in 2019. We have received numerous awards, including Top 5 Hot Rod of the Year from Good Guys in 2019 and Top 100 Street Rodder in Hot Rod Magazine. Fun for these hot rodders includes attending metal working classes with experts like Gene Winfield and Ron Covell, suspension classes at Ridetech, and constantly reading how to stay on quality’s cutting edge. Today Reisinger Custom Rebuilding is focused on Hot Rod and Pro-touring Builds! Contact us to see how our team can bring your car dreams into reality.
Schule der Frauen (In two volumes with German libretto) Liebermann, Rolf quantity Rolf Liebermann Die Schule der Frauen (The School for Wives) Opera buffa in three acts after Molière (b. Zurich, 14 September 1910 – d. Zurich, 2 January 1999) “Why did I stop composing? I ask myself the same question today, and there is doubtless something incomplete and contradictory in my answer: I am, as already mentioned, of the opinion that one cannot do several things at once. On the day that I began to compose, I laid down the conductor’s baton, and from the day that I went into musical administration, I never wrote another note. […] On the example of Thomas Mann, who wrote for three hours every day, not one hour more or less, I composed from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm every day. In this way, from 1945 to 1955 I partook of a turbulent period of contemporary music history with the regularity of a metronome.”1 Thus, with undue modesty, Rolf Liebermann described his retirement from contemporary composition and the advent of his career as an opera administrator – a career that made him a seminal figure in the world of European opera, whether in Hamburg (1959-73 and 1985-88), where he gave no fewer than twenty-three world premières, or at the Paris Opéra (1973-80), where he commissioned Saint François d’Assise from Messiaen (1983), arranged for the completion of Berg’s Lulu (1979), and produced one of the most beautiful of all opera films, Joseph Losey’s Don Giovanni (also 1979). Yet even if the above quote is not exactly true (great composers can indeed combine multiple careers, as witness Mahler, and Liebermann continued to compose well after 1955, if no longer with metronomic regularity), there is something surprising, almost Rossini-esque, about his voluntary retirement from the front rank of German opera composers to the sidelines of musical administration. The three operas from his main period of creativity – the politically scandalous Leonore 40/45 (1952), the jazz-drenched Penelope (1954), and the effervescent Schule der Frauen (1955, rev. 1957) – were among the most highly esteemed and frequently performed works of their day, placing him alongside Hans Werner Henze, Wolfgang Fortner, Boris Blacher, Giselher Klebe, and Gottfried von Einem as a leading figure of German-language opera. How he might have developed thereafter if he had continued to devote himself whole-heartedly to composition is anyone’s guess. Die Schule der Frauen began life as a one-act English-language opera entitled The School for Wives, commissioned for the remarkably active if unlikely hub of contemporary music in Louisville, Kentucky. The commission, which caught Liebermann completely by surprise (“All I had known of Louisville until then was that horses were bred there”), was arranged by an influential arts patron and early founder of the Kentucky Opera: “His name was Moritz von Bomhard, a German-American who, thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation, had the necessary funds to order operas from practically every well-known composer for the entire decade. The contract contained two important clauses: the libretto had to be in English, and the work must not be more than fifty-five minutes in length – this limit being prescribed by the duration of a Columbia LP. Liebermann was pleased to accept the offer and turned once again to his librettist Heinrich Strobel, who had written the librettos to Leonore 40/45 and Penelope. This time the plan, much like Strauss and Hofmannsthal’s Ariadne auf Naxos of 1912, was to lend a modernist veneer to a classical play by Molière (the splendid L’École des femmes of 1662) by counterpointing the original plot with a contemporary score and alienating theatrical devices: “In Die Schule der Frauen, we tried to combine baroque style with a contemporary handwriting. I therefore employed the harpsichord in the bitonal score like a set of ironic quotation marks, and Strobel in turn “alienated” the comedy by introducing a Molière who, almost like a Pirandello figure, watches how the young people deal with his play [and who] gradually slips into each of the other male characters, one of whom is always absent at any given moment (another Strobel idea). The one-act English version, with a translation provided by Lady Elisabeth Montagu (“a living descendent,” Liebermann proudly notes in his memoirs, “of the Montecchi from Romeo and Juliet”), was duly premièred at a concertante performance in Louisville on 3 December 1955. The opera’s unanimous success in these provincial backwaters encouraged the authors to attempt a performance at the New York City Center Opera the following year. Expectations were high: “Following the great success of our short opera in Louisville in 1955, we were so confident of victory after the New York première that we celebrated until five o’clock the next morning awaiting the morning papers, where, so we thought, the critics would laud us to the skies. And what did we read upon opening the New York Herald Tribune? The critic, “after hearing our opera, had enjoyed listening to the dulcet strains of a typewriter”! The other reviews were of a similar bent. Fortunately Die Schule der Frauen was already firmly scheduled on the program of the 1957 Salzburg Festival.” Read more > HERE Albert, Eugen d´ Die Abreise (The Departure)
End The Death Penalty Stop The Use Of Torture In the news Liz Truss accused of ‘lying’ to parliament about meeting with Gulf autocrats Liz Truss has been accused of “lying” to a parliamentary committee about what was said during a meeting with the leaders of autocratic Gulf states. The prime minister, who was previously the foreign secretary, had told the foreign affairs committee that she used the meeting to raise human rights issues with the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and other countries. But the Foreign Office (FCDO) has repeatedly refused to give any specifics, or even say which countries or issues Ms Truss asked about. Soraya Bauwens, deputy director of Reprieve, which campaigns against the death penalty, torture, and detention without charge said it “defies belief that Liz Truss could meet with leaders of some of the most repressive regimes in the world without raising their horrific human rights abuses”. “Child defendants in Saudi Arabia continue to face the death penalty. Both Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are crushing dissent by torturing and executing pro-democracy protesters and punishing people for their tweets or for the ‘crime’ of owning books,” she said. “The Foreign Office must come clean with the public about whether the now Prime Minister misled a Parliamentary Committee about her apparent abject failure to hold these governments accountable for their atrocities, especially as the UK Government recently more than doubled its funding to state bodies in these countries.” Read the full story in The Independent.
Close Guantánamo Saifullah Paracha It’s like being alive in your own grave. This is how Saifullah Paracha has described Guantánamo Bay, where he has been held since 2004. He has never been charged with a crime, and never been given a trial. Saifullah is a 73 year old father of four. Saifullah was born in Pakistan but moved to the United States when he was 24 to study at the New York Institute of Technology. He met his wife, started a family, started a business, and lived happily in New York for 15 years. 12,664 signatures Send Saifullah Paracha home He’s been unanimously cleared for release from Guantánamo by six US government agencies – including the CIA. But he’s still there, waiting. Add my name In 1986, Saifullah and his family moved home to Pakistan – to Karachi. There, Saifullah set up a production house that sold original programing to Pakistani media networks, and a garment-buying house with a New York-based partner that facilitated shipments between Pakistan and the United States. If you’d like to read more about Saifullah’s life and background, we recommend this Guardian Long Read from 2018. Saifullah was on his way to Thailand for a meeting with buyers for the retail giant Kmart, in the summer of 2003. He landed in Bangkok, but he never made it to the meeting. At the time, as part of the post-9/11 so-called ‘war on terror’ US authorities were indiscriminately rounding-up hundreds of Muslim men – often on the basis of hearsay, mistaken identity, and vast bounties. Saifullah was one of these men. He was picked up at Bangkok airport in an FBI-led operation and rendered to Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. He wasn’t charged with any crime. In Bagram, Saifuallah – like hundreds of other prisoners – was tortured. And it was there that he suffered the second of three heart attacks. Eventually, in 2004, Saifullah was rendered to Guantánamo, where he has since suffered a further heart attack. Now 73, he suffers from a host of medical problems—some natural for an aging man and others, parting gifts of his abuse in US detention. These include: diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, cardiac diastolic dysfunction, hyperlipidemia, diverticulosis, allergic rhinitis, gout, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Saifullah has become what is known as a ‘forever prisoner’. With no charges, no trial, and limited political will from the US government to release him, Saifullah is one of 31 men who could die at the prison rather than see his family again. We don’t want that to happen. We are fighting to make sure that it doesn’t, and to close the prison down for good. UPDATE: Saifullah was cleared for release on May 18, 2021. He is currently still in Guantánamo, waiting to be released. Latest on Saifullah Paracha Press release 2 years Update 3 years My thirteen million dollar annual income The 5 Most Important Things that Happened in the First Year of Trump’s Guantánamo In the news 5 years Donald Trump must succeed where Obama failed and close Guantanamo Guantanamo under Trump is a new hell, says 70-year-old inmate held for 13 years
Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong Jacqueline J. Goodnow, Brian M. Young, Eric Kvan Hong Kong children in two age groups (3-4 years and 6-7 years) were asked to copy a number of geometric shapes. Orientation errors were found to correspond with two types of error observed in U.S. samples: inversions of shapes regarded by children as having “right-side-up”and “wrong-side up”positions, when presented for copying in a “wrong-side up”orientation; and left-right reversal of a shape inconsistent with the usual sequence of strokes in young children's copying. The results suggest the presence of common features in the way perception of a visual pattern is translated into a copied form. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology https://doi.org/10.1177/002202217671008 10.1177/002202217671008 Dive into the research topics of 'Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Copying Arts & Humanities 100% Visual Perception Medicine & Life Sciences 36% stroke Social Sciences 34% Young children Arts & Humanities 30% Inversion Arts & Humanities 30% age group Social Sciences 24% Goodnow, J. J., Young, B. M., & Kvan, E. (1976). Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 7(1), 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/002202217671008 Goodnow, Jacqueline J. ; Young, Brian M. ; Kvan, Eric. / Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1976 ; Vol. 7, No. 1. pp. 101-110. @article{f736646b794d4b158ae2083dcb231e9c, title = "Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong", abstract = "Hong Kong children in two age groups (3-4 years and 6-7 years) were asked to copy a number of geometric shapes. Orientation errors were found to correspond with two types of error observed in U.S. samples: inversions of shapes regarded by children as having “right-side-up”and “wrong-side up”positions, when presented for copying in a “wrong-side up”orientation; and left-right reversal of a shape inconsistent with the usual sequence of strokes in young children's copying. The results suggest the presence of common features in the way perception of a visual pattern is translated into a copied form.", author = "Goodnow, {Jacqueline J.} and Young, {Brian M.} and Eric Kvan", doi = "10.1177/002202217671008", journal = "Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology", publisher = "SAGE Publications", Goodnow, JJ, Young, BM & Kvan, E 1976, 'Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong', Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/002202217671008 Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong. / Goodnow, Jacqueline J.; Young, Brian M.; Kvan, Eric. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1976, p. 101-110. T1 - Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong AU - Goodnow, Jacqueline J. AU - Young, Brian M. AU - Kvan, Eric N2 - Hong Kong children in two age groups (3-4 years and 6-7 years) were asked to copy a number of geometric shapes. Orientation errors were found to correspond with two types of error observed in U.S. samples: inversions of shapes regarded by children as having “right-side-up”and “wrong-side up”positions, when presented for copying in a “wrong-side up”orientation; and left-right reversal of a shape inconsistent with the usual sequence of strokes in young children's copying. The results suggest the presence of common features in the way perception of a visual pattern is translated into a copied form. AB - Hong Kong children in two age groups (3-4 years and 6-7 years) were asked to copy a number of geometric shapes. Orientation errors were found to correspond with two types of error observed in U.S. samples: inversions of shapes regarded by children as having “right-side-up”and “wrong-side up”positions, when presented for copying in a “wrong-side up”orientation; and left-right reversal of a shape inconsistent with the usual sequence of strokes in young children's copying. The results suggest the presence of common features in the way perception of a visual pattern is translated into a copied form. U2 - 10.1177/002202217671008 DO - 10.1177/002202217671008 JO - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology JF - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Goodnow JJ, Young BM, Kvan E. Orientation errors in copying by children in Hong Kong. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1976;7(1):101-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/002202217671008
Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease Ikenna Okereke, Catherine Hamilton, Alison Wenholz, Vikram Jala, Thao Giang, Sandy Reynolds, Aaron Miller, Richard Pyles The incidence of esophageal diseases such as esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have been increasing over the last 40 years. The esophageal microbiome appears to have a role in the development of some disease processes, and could also serve as markers of early diseases of the esophagus. A literature review was performed examining the role of the microbiome in the development of esophageal disease. In addition, the results of several studies and experiments were included in the review. Both EAC and GERD have increased in incidence over the last 40 years. Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a risk factor for EAC. Patients with BE appear to have a microbiome expression pattern distinct from patients without BE. The distinct pattern may be related to factors within the distal esophagus such as a more acidic environment, intraluminal stasis and other elements. It remains unclear whether the change in microflora leads to esophageal disease, or whether the disease process within the esophagus allows these particular organisms to experience overgrowth compared to other microflora. Patient factors such as body mass index (BMI), diet and geographic location also appear to affect the esophageal microbiome. There is an association with the esophageal microbiome and several esophageal diseases. Future studies should examine these correlations more closely. The distinct patterns may be able to serve as a marker of early disease, and possibly lead to a mechanism for the development of esophageal disease. S1588-S1593 Journal of Thoracic Disease https://doi.org/10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 Dive into the research topics of 'Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Esophageal Diseases Medicine & Life Sciences 100% Microbiota Medicine & Life Sciences 76% Gastroesophageal Reflux Medicine & Life Sciences 63% Barrett Esophagus Medicine & Life Sciences 56% Esophagus Medicine & Life Sciences 43% Adenocarcinoma Medicine & Life Sciences 36% Geographic Locations Medicine & Life Sciences 20% Incidence Medicine & Life Sciences 15% Okereke, I., Hamilton, C., Wenholz, A., Jala, V., Giang, T., Reynolds, S., Miller, A., & Pyles, R. (2019). Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 11, S1588-S1593. https://doi.org/10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease. / Okereke, Ikenna; Hamilton, Catherine; Wenholz, Alison et al. In: Journal of Thoracic Disease, Vol. 11, 2019, p. S1588-S1593. Okereke, I, Hamilton, C, Wenholz, A, Jala, V, Giang, T, Reynolds, S, Miller, A & Pyles, R 2019, 'Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease', Journal of Thoracic Disease, vol. 11, pp. S1588-S1593. https://doi.org/10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 Okereke I, Hamilton C, Wenholz A, Jala V, Giang T, Reynolds S et al. Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2019;11:S1588-S1593. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 Okereke, Ikenna ; Hamilton, Catherine ; Wenholz, Alison et al. / Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease. In: Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2019 ; Vol. 11. pp. S1588-S1593. @article{4d96f07554ee4ac2b2b4516e74455445, title = "Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease", abstract = "The incidence of esophageal diseases such as esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have been increasing over the last 40 years. The esophageal microbiome appears to have a role in the development of some disease processes, and could also serve as markers of early diseases of the esophagus. A literature review was performed examining the role of the microbiome in the development of esophageal disease. In addition, the results of several studies and experiments were included in the review. Both EAC and GERD have increased in incidence over the last 40 years. Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a risk factor for EAC. Patients with BE appear to have a microbiome expression pattern distinct from patients without BE. The distinct pattern may be related to factors within the distal esophagus such as a more acidic environment, intraluminal stasis and other elements. It remains unclear whether the change in microflora leads to esophageal disease, or whether the disease process within the esophagus allows these particular organisms to experience overgrowth compared to other microflora. Patient factors such as body mass index (BMI), diet and geographic location also appear to affect the esophageal microbiome. There is an association with the esophageal microbiome and several esophageal diseases. Future studies should examine these correlations more closely. The distinct patterns may be able to serve as a marker of early disease, and possibly lead to a mechanism for the development of esophageal disease.", keywords = "Adenocarcinoma, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Microbiome", author = "Ikenna Okereke and Catherine Hamilton and Alison Wenholz and Vikram Jala and Thao Giang and Sandy Reynolds and Aaron Miller and Richard Pyles", note = "Funding Information: Funding: Dr. Okereke{\textquoteright}s work was supported by grants from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health, award numbers UL1TR001439 and KL2TR001441. Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2019 Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved.", doi = "10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82", pages = "S1588--S1593", journal = "Journal of Thoracic Disease", publisher = "Pioneer Bioscience Publishing Company (PBPC)", T1 - Associations of the microbiome and esophageal disease AU - Okereke, Ikenna AU - Hamilton, Catherine AU - Wenholz, Alison AU - Jala, Vikram AU - Giang, Thao AU - Reynolds, Sandy AU - Miller, Aaron AU - Pyles, Richard N1 - Funding Information: Funding: Dr. Okereke’s work was supported by grants from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health, award numbers UL1TR001439 and KL2TR001441. Publisher Copyright: © 2019 Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. N2 - The incidence of esophageal diseases such as esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have been increasing over the last 40 years. The esophageal microbiome appears to have a role in the development of some disease processes, and could also serve as markers of early diseases of the esophagus. A literature review was performed examining the role of the microbiome in the development of esophageal disease. In addition, the results of several studies and experiments were included in the review. Both EAC and GERD have increased in incidence over the last 40 years. Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a risk factor for EAC. Patients with BE appear to have a microbiome expression pattern distinct from patients without BE. The distinct pattern may be related to factors within the distal esophagus such as a more acidic environment, intraluminal stasis and other elements. It remains unclear whether the change in microflora leads to esophageal disease, or whether the disease process within the esophagus allows these particular organisms to experience overgrowth compared to other microflora. Patient factors such as body mass index (BMI), diet and geographic location also appear to affect the esophageal microbiome. There is an association with the esophageal microbiome and several esophageal diseases. Future studies should examine these correlations more closely. The distinct patterns may be able to serve as a marker of early disease, and possibly lead to a mechanism for the development of esophageal disease. AB - The incidence of esophageal diseases such as esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have been increasing over the last 40 years. The esophageal microbiome appears to have a role in the development of some disease processes, and could also serve as markers of early diseases of the esophagus. A literature review was performed examining the role of the microbiome in the development of esophageal disease. In addition, the results of several studies and experiments were included in the review. Both EAC and GERD have increased in incidence over the last 40 years. Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a risk factor for EAC. Patients with BE appear to have a microbiome expression pattern distinct from patients without BE. The distinct pattern may be related to factors within the distal esophagus such as a more acidic environment, intraluminal stasis and other elements. It remains unclear whether the change in microflora leads to esophageal disease, or whether the disease process within the esophagus allows these particular organisms to experience overgrowth compared to other microflora. Patient factors such as body mass index (BMI), diet and geographic location also appear to affect the esophageal microbiome. There is an association with the esophageal microbiome and several esophageal diseases. Future studies should examine these correlations more closely. The distinct patterns may be able to serve as a marker of early disease, and possibly lead to a mechanism for the development of esophageal disease. KW - Adenocarcinoma KW - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) KW - Microbiome U2 - 10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 DO - 10.21037/jtd.2019.05.82 SP - S1588-S1593 JO - Journal of Thoracic Disease JF - Journal of Thoracic Disease
Tourism and tropical rainforests: opportunity or threat? Turton, Steve M., and Stork, Nigel E. (2006) Tourism and tropical rainforests: opportunity or threat? In: Laurance, William F., and Peres, Carlos A., (eds.) Emerging Threats to Tropical Forests. Chicago University Press, Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 377-391. Image (JPEG) (Front Cover) - Cover Image View at Publisher Website: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/presssite/... [Extract] Since the publication of the United Nations World Commission for Environment and Development Report (WCED 1987), commonly known as the Brundtland Report, the concept of sustainability has become the fundamental principle in decision making in the twenty-first century and has been adopted by governments throughout the world. The concept requires the integration of ecological, economic, social, and cultural considerations. Sadly, this principle does not appear to have been adopted in many countries with tropical forests where short-term financial gains have been made at the expense of these forests and the biodiversity and ecosystem services they sustain. eco-tourism; impacts; sustainable use; tropical forests; mitigation; biodiversity 15 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 1506 Tourism > 150604 Tourism Marketing @ 50% 15 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 1506 Tourism > 150601 Impacts of Tourism @ 50% 96 ENVIRONMENT > 9605 Ecosystem Assessment and Management > 960506 Ecosystem Assessment and Management of Fresh, Ground and Surface Water Environments @ 51% 96 ENVIRONMENT > 9606 Environmental and Natural Resource Evaluation > 960606 Rights to Environmental and Natural Resources (excl. Water Allocation) @ 49% Last 12 Months: 5
Nike holds “Nike at 50: A Genealogy of Progress” in Hong Kong Staff Writer May 23, 2022 Nike at 50: A Genealogy of Progress will be held to celebrate the brand’s 50th anniversary from 23rd May to 11th June. The spirit comes to life in the 4 zones showcasing distinct aspects of advancemen…
eBay Korea leads in Korean e-commerce market Contributor July 25, 2019 The volume of transactions on eBay Korea was estimated at 8.81 trillion won ($7.47 billion) in the first six months of 2019, keeping it at the top in the blooming but heavily competitive e-commerce ma…
Shangri-La Group celebrates the opening of One Galle Face Staff Writer November 12, 2019 Seven years after it broke ground, the much-anticipated One Galle Face (OGF) integrated project was officially opened on 8th November.…
Fungicidal control of early and late blight of the potato in Puerto Rico Advanced Author Index About the Journal Submissions Editorial Team Privacy Statement Contact Vol. 37 No. 4 (1953), Articles https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v37i4.12744 L. A. Alvarez-García J. Adsuar J. P. Rodríguez A. C. Miret F. Arostegui R. Olivencia F. Rochet Alvarez-García, L. A., Adsuar, J., Rodríguez, J. P., Miret, A. C., Arostegui, F., Olivencia, R., & Rochet, F. (1953). Fungicidal control of early and late blight of the potato in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 37(4), 288–297. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v37i4.12744 Experiments were conducted at Río Piedras, Cidra, and Corozal to determine the relative efficacy of certain newer fungicides for control of early and late blight of potatoes. M. A. Lugo-López, B. G. Capó, F. Aróstegui, A. Riollano, Intercropping sugarcane with food crops , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 37 No. 3 (1953): Vol. 37, No. 3, July 1953 L. A. Alvarez-García, A. Cortés-Monllor, Currutaca: A Pythium Soft Rot of Xanthosoma and Colocasia spp. in Puerto Rico , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 55 No. 1 (1971): Vol. 55, No. 1, January 1971 G. Samuels, J. P. Rodríguez, P. Landrau, Jr., The Response of Cotton to Fertilizers in Puerto Rico , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 43 No. 2 (1959): Vol. 43, No. 2, April 1959 G. Samuels, P. Landrau, Jr., R. Olivencia, Response of Pineapples to the Application of Fertilizers , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 39 No. 1 (1955): Vol. 39, No. 1, January 1955 L. A. Alvarez-García, José Adsuar, On the occurrence of a tomato disease in Puerto Rico resembling big bud (Chlorogenous australiensis hol.) , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 34 No. 4 (1950): Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1950 J. Adsuar, A MOSAIC DISEASE OF SWEETPOTATO, IPOMOEA BATATA, IN PUERTO RICO , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 39 No. 1 (1955): Vol. 39, No. 1, January 1955 F. Aróstegui, C. F. Asenjo, Ana I. Muñiz, L. Alemañy, Observations and Data on a Promising Selection of the West Indian Cherry, Malpighia Punicifolia L. , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 39 No. 2 (1955): Vol. 39, No. 2, April 1955 P. Landrau, Jr., J. Adsuar, Effect of chlorotic streak on the yield of sugarcane , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 37 No. 1 (1953): Vol. 37, No. 1, January 1953 J. Enrique Pérez, J. Adsuar, Antigenic Relationship between Puerto Rican Pepper-Mosaic Virus and a Strain of Potato Virus Y , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 39 No. 3 (1955): Vol. 39, No. 3, July 1955 J. Adsuar, SUSCEPTIBILITY OF SOME VARIETIES OF MELONS TO THE CUCURBIT VIRUSES PRESENT IN PUERTO RICO , The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Vol. 39 No. 2 (1955): Vol. 39, No. 2, April 1955
2020 Elections Elections and Democracy Featured Books Trumpism US Government and Politics Hollow Resistance: Obama, Trump, and the Politics of Appeasement FEATURING PAUL STREET – As President Donald Trump continues to openly tout his fascistic desires to court Nazis and white supremacists, use force on Americans, and even steal the election, his main opponent, the Democratic Party, appears weak and unwilling to fight back. Even after GOP hypocrisy on the filling of a Supreme Court seat weeks before a major election, Democrats have held back, pulled their punches, and generally acquiesced. In a new book my guest Paul Street lays much of the blame on former President Barack Obama, whose accomplishments Trump has systematically dismantled and about whom the President has unleashed outrageous lies. Paul Street, historian, journalist, and political commentator in Chicago. He is the author of many books, including Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics (Routledge, 2008). The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power (Routledge, 2010), and They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy (Routledge, 2014). How the Justice System Failed Breonna Taylor Headlines: September 24, 2020
By Dayspring|2023-02-27T20:54:22+00:00February 27th, 2023|Pentecostal| William J Seymour’s Insight into Counterfeit Revivals “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know [...]
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Home / Oracle NetSuite / How Does Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Impact NetSuite? How Does Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Impact NetSuite? November 2, 2018/ RR / Oracle NetSuite Posted by Brian Chess, Global VP of Infrastructure, Security, and Compliance It’s been about two years since Oracle acquired NetSuite, and there has been a lot of positive momentum, change, and progress over the last 24 months. And while NetSuite was working on various research and development (R&D) projects well in advance of the acquisition, we’ve since added a host of new initiatives to our proverbial “to do” list. For starters, we’ve always prided ourselves in the high levels of service that we provide to our customers. As a global enterprise, we know that it’s “always business hours” somewhere on the map, so we operate with a 24/7 mindset. This makes NetSuite unique in that it provides fast, efficient, and seamless upgrades around the clock. We also invested in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, the only cloud that can replace the on-premises data center, allowing companies of any size to run even the most mission-critical applications. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure blends all of the advantages of the public cloud with the control and predictability of on-premises infrastructure to deliver high-performance, high availability and cost-effective infrastructure services. Connecting NetSuite with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Designed to take on the most demanding workloads, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure combines compute, networking, storage, database, connectivity, and governance to create a complete, reliable technology ecosystem—all in the cloud. Now, many of our customers want to know whether Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will impact the processes that NetSuite has had in place for the last 20+ years. The answer is “no.” In fact, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will only improve our existing processes and speed when it comes to software maintenance and upgrades. The reasoning is simple: Having a modern, elastic infrastructure will further reinforce and enable our execution. Better Performance and Reliability So, how does Oracle Cloud Infrastructure facilitate better performance and reliability? Well, because it’s Oracle, it’s enterprise grade—secure, scalable, reliable, and built for high-performance. The key differentiators between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and other providers To some, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure bears a lot of similarity to other infrastructure providers While there are certainly similarities between the two—fundamentally, the idea of a cloud-based infrastructure is the same, for example—the biggest difference is that these other vendors expect customers to build applications from scratch on their platform. Knowing that a lot of customers are using existing software applications, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure takes a different approach. NetSuite, for example, would never rebuild its application from scratch in order to move it to new infrastructure. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure knows this, and allows us to port right into its environment in order to get NetSuite customers up and running quickly on the new platform. Key Differentiators Here are two more advantages of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: It allows NetSuite to deploy additional capacity faster than ever. In the past, we were limited by the size of the NetSuite customer base and operational budget. Today, we can share resources with Oracle (and, because the infrastructure scales as Oracle scales, all of Oracle’s customers). It allows us to deploy upgrades and evolve NetSuite’s service suite. We relied on our own standalone data centers; we had to recycle those computers because we couldn’t allow any of them to go to waste. By moving over to a programmatic way to allocate infrastructure, we can—from the application’s point of view—dispose of a computer and create a brand new one. That gives us much more flexibility with the way we deploy change. It also means that we can be much more systematic about moving forward, versus obsessing over what we’re leaving behind. Now, contrast this last point with the way NetSuite built its classic data centers. At the time, we were not only pioneering in cloud computing, but we were also pretty good at building classic data centers. It was a big job; we would rack up more than 50,000 frequent flyer miles and take more than six months to get the job done. By the time we were done, more than 100 people would’ve touched the process across more than 600 individual steps. The network cables alone cost us more than $80,000 (we would have a minimum footprint of 400 servers). We thought it was worth it, but it was a really big effort. Fast-forward to today and these efforts have all been replaced by a single command. This helps to create unbelievable economies of scale that we pass right along to our customers. I’ve been working with NetSuite for an awfully long time and during that time I’ve learned that no matter what, there’s always something new around the corner. By focusing on continuous service improvement—and understanding that every event is a learning experience—we discover something new every day, and we get better because of it. Continuous Learning and Discovery At NetSuite, we’re always learning and discovering in order to give our customers the best experience and leverage the absolute best results for their own enterprises. We’re proud to serve as a strategic partner for companies across many different industries, and we look forward to even more of that in the future.
Foundations of reality I haven’t ever been more interested in anything than physics and epic fantasy. So I thought it might be interesting to think about whether they complement each other. Being a science writer writing about things like condensed-matter physics and high-energy physics has taught me a lot about these subjects. But more importantly, in the course of repeatedly interrogating new findings in these subjects and explaining them from the ground up, the vocation has allowed me a glimpse at what the foundations of reality might look like. Many areas of scientific endeavour, theoretical and experimental, are way more precise than others. We know more about how a chemical reaction between two well-characterised compounds will proceed in different environments than what the wave-function defining their most fundamental constituents – individual particles – actually is. However, this disparity doesn’t usually prevent us from working with the objects to which their underlying theories apply. Whether a wave-function is a mathematical object or not doesn’t matter to an engineer building a bridge. It’s not a useful way for them to look at the world. Put another way, science doesn’t provide – or hasn’t yet provided – a single, unified way to make sense of reality. Where we choose to draw a line in the sand between ‘true’ and ‘not yet true’ varies from one setting to another. These lines aren’t always drawn simply according to the availability and quality of data, and that’s not a bad thing either. At their roots, our choices about could be ‘useful’ are guided also by whether what we’ve found is tractable in our theories, abides by conditions like falsifiability, corresponds well with older ideas used to study the problem, maybe even how far the finding is removed from subjective judgments of plausibility. Many physicists also use aesthetic tests like naturalness and beauty to determine if what they’ve found is the proverbial it. Sheldon Cooper, one of the protagonists of the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory, agonises over the perfect spot available to sit in his living room. He considers the glare from the TV, heat sources in winter, breeze from open windows and the distances he’d have to walk to the door and the kitchen. After optimising for all of them, he picks a spot, calling it his (0,0,0,0) – the origin of his coordinate system. Imagine a world bereft of any of these requirements. How would you determine where your (0,0,0,0) is? Without the stronger, more certain constraints typical of the world dominated by the gravitational force, the world of the really small – ruled by the other three forces and the quantum mechanics of particles – doesn’t offer such easy grip. Objectivity alone doesn’t help draw the lines here. There could be many (0,0,0,0)s, and just as many paths to them. Of course, there are some facts, fixed and immutable and holding up a guiding light for theories marching in the darkness. And some theories do rise up to meet them, like a tangled mass of fairy lights resolving into clearer view when they’re strung between hooks. Obviously there’s a line somewhere in between the wave-function and the bridge where reality starts to make more sense. But on both sides of this line, perhaps one side more than the other, there’s some jugaad at work that keeps the daydreaming idealism of objectivity at bay. The world is what’s we’ve made work – not something that fell into our collective lap. And that it doesn’t simply condense out of the fog of war is much the way fantasy works, too, although many of us find that easier to believe about science than fantasy itself. Dredge this ‘make it happen’ mantra up to the macroscopic realm guided by classical physics and apply it to everything you see around you. It should be obvious then. The objects populating our view of reality are there because we’ve made them work. They’re not unique, they’re not irreplaceable. We use them – certain avatars of them – the way we do because they’re just what we need to make the world work the way we want it to. The base-10 number system is an illustrative example. You’re so used to counting in multiples of 10 and finding it easier to remember 160 and 1,800 instead of 162 and 1,794 that you often don’t stop to think there are other ways to measure things – maybe even easier ones. Look at base-6: you already use it to read the time and convert between inches and feet. Instead of involving all your fingers at once, it takes up only one hand and one finger from the other at a time. It’s the Copernican principle all over again: just like Earth isn’t the centre of the universe, carrying special or significant value simply by virtue of its location, the ways we’ve developed to study the universe aren’t especially meaningful simply by virtue of our choices. This is uniquely – if not especially – true with research exploring the smallest constituents of reality. Humans’ relationship with science is humans’ relationship with fantasy as well. Internal consistency and coherence matter in fantasy as much as they do in science – and ‘anything goes’ is equally antithetical to both. Their proponents ensure this is the case by following some rules, identifying those mechanisms that keep these rules from being broken, and deploying them over and over in the investigation of new possibilities. Most of all, we use only that which we need and discard the rest because it’s important that we make do (à la the jugaad of the imagination) to make it work. Physics just happens to be a more useful way to study the natural real because one of its rules is to submit to information gleaned from empirical interactions with the natural real. But what we’ve seen thus far of the foundations of physics should remind us that that doesn’t make it more virtuous. Physics’s guiding lights lead us through one darkness. Fantasy simply, yet importantly, assails another. The greatest thing about fantasy fiction, distinct from all other forms, is that it allows us to create new worlds completely divorced from our own, and lets us make of it what we want to. And in populating these worlds, we’re confronted with a variety of choices familiarly distanced from objectivism – a moment in which we begin a journey inward, into the maze of our memories, aspirations and the human condition that we inhabit, inasmuch as the fundament of physics beckoned us on a journey towards a truth that existed outside of us. It’s only important that they’re invoked in their respective domains and not outside of them – at least not to the extent that they interfere with each other’s purposes. Some creative thinking is important in physics as well, especially when you’re looking for your (0,0,0,0) with no constraints whatsoever, a.k.a. groping in the dark. And some physics is important in fantasy as well. Otherwise, why would dragons flap their wings?
The Unforseen by Rudri | Dec 3, 2010 | Uncategorized | 8 comments “All experience, in matters of philosophical discovery, teaches us that, in such discovery, it is the unforseen upon which we must calculate most largely.” Edgar Allen Poe When I look over at my daughter, her two pigtails are upturned in a smile and her innocence is captured in her questions. The last few weeks she has talked about turning 100 years old. She asks, “When I turn 100 years old, will I live in a different house?” I laugh at her question, but sadness breathes on me. Then she asks, “Will you be there in my house?” At that, I turn away, trying to tilt my head in an upward direction, trying to keep my tears a prisoner in my eyes. My daughter inadvertently is my philosphical anchor, her question sparks my own reflections of the unforseen, the joy and melancholy we experience as we live our lives. She embraces small moments. She giggles at cartoons, shouts in glee when she can snack on apples and caramel sauce, and rushes to the door as soon as her father comes home from work. Its a laugh and glee that isn’t twinged with future anticipation of something else. What I admire about her is her capacity to embrace an emotion with abandon. There is purity in that laughter I don’t often hear in adults. Her tears possess the same quality of raw angst. When a friend leaves her out or I tell her she can’t have ice cream, she doesn’t hold back, she releases her tears, one by one, like they were a hostage for an infinite amout of time. Whatever happens around her, she embraces. I believe her emotions are raw and without conditions because she isn’t aware of the unforseen. When she observes, she isn’t calculating what happens next, but immerses herself in the present emotion. I’ve lost the capacity to not plan on the unforseen. The irony is that you can’t plan for the unexpected, but will ruminate over all the what if’s. It’s a lesson in absurdity, because ultimately you can’t plan for surprises. As a result, when I experience sadness or happiness, I retreat into my mind, calculating, either good or bad, what may happen in the next minute, week, or year. I cheat myself from the now, creating a guard between myself and the present emotion. I am unwilling to get lost in my own experience. I’m too busy measuring and calculating the unforseen. Do you spend your days anticipating or planning for the unforseen? Can you truly calculate the unforseen? Has a question by your child prompted a philosophical musing in your life? Ashish on December 3, 2010 at 12:13 pm Simply Wow! This piece is one of your best yet. Missy @ Wonder, Friend on December 3, 2010 at 12:34 pm As always, beautiful and thought provoking. We get questions like that all the time – about heaven, and how old we’ll be when we go to heaven, and what happens if a bad guy with a gun comes… The questions rock me every time. My goal? To stay in the now. It’s both amazing and terrifying that we have no control over what’s next. Of course I worry and start going to the path of worrying about what’s to come. I try – really hard – to be present right here. Right now. Cheryl @ Mommypants on December 3, 2010 at 1:14 pm I also think this about my dogs. They live life with abandon. Their needs are simple. They find joy in a warm patch of sunlight. And they never, ever, think about their own mortality. TheKitchenWitch on December 4, 2010 at 8:54 am I think that’s why children are such a gift–they allow us to see the world through their lens. A lens that isn’t yet corrupted or guided by the weight of the world. Kate on December 4, 2010 at 11:41 am Beautiful thoughts. When I accept the unforeseen is unknowable, I lose much of my anxiety. But it is such a struggle. Elastamom on December 4, 2010 at 7:05 pm Your writing is so beautiful. I try really hard to stay in the moment…but it’s not very easy to do. Stacia on December 4, 2010 at 9:19 pm When my daughter sees pictures of relatives who have passed on, she asks when she will meet them and where they are now. How I wish I could answer those questions for her, but I’m still working on the answers myself. Love this: “The irony is that you can’t plan for the unexpected, but will ruminate over all the what if’s.” So very true. suzicate on December 7, 2010 at 9:29 am I think the innocense and awe of children ground us to the simplicity that is important in life. As adults, we are too prone to worry for we know through experience what the real world is like. I remember those tpes of questions from my children,; I miss those days of them being untouched by society’s demands. This is a lovely write, Rudri. Thank you for refreshing my heart and mind today.
SAB charter History of the SAB Science Supporting EPA Decisions In 1978, Congress directed the EPA to establish an SAB to provide scientific advice to the Administrator. The SAB is authorized to: review the quality and relevance of the scientific and technical information being used by the EPA or proposed as the basis for Agency regulations; review EPA research programs and plans; provide science advice as requested by the EPA Administrator, and advise the agency on broad scientific matters. Most preliminary work of the SAB is done by subcommittees or panels focused on various environmental science topics. These groups are chaired by SAB members. Recommendations of subcommittees and panels are transmitted to the SAB for discussion and deliberation. Recommendations are forwarded to EPA only if the SAB determines that it is appropriate. The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) charter is renewed in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The SAB was created in 1978 pursuant to the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act. The SAB’s charter has been renewed every two years. Read the full text of SAB's charter. Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act (ERDDAA) (42 U.S.C. 4365) The SAB, in its present form, was established in 1978 by the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act (ERDDAA) (42 U.S.C. 4365). Predecessor bodies date back to the early 1970s. In carrying out the mandate of ERDDAA, the SAB provides such scientific advice as may be requested by the Administrator, the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the United States Senate, or the Committees on Science and Technology, Interstate and Foreign Commerce, or Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives. Because the Science Advisory Board is a Federal Advisory Committee, it must comply with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (5 U.S.C. App. C) and related regulations. Consequently, the Board has an approved charter, which must be renewed biennially, announces its meetings in the Federal Register, and provides opportunities for public comment on issues before the Board. Science Supporting EPA Decisions.pdf
No Need to Die Spoilers ahead for No Time to Die. All the wonderful stories I came across in novels, short stories, movies and tv series had one of the principal characters getting killed at the end. We often wonder about the need to kill that character after all the adulation we showered on it. After thinking about stepping into the shoes of a fiction writer, I realized that authors often feel or urge themselves to kill the character to impact the senses of the audience. It might sound sadistic for the readers, but for an author, their success lies in how deeply have they triggered the emotions. I have watched the latest Bond flick, No Time to Die in which James Bond sacrifices himself in the end to save his world. It made me furious. How many times didn’t we watch Bond across 25 films escaping from danger and saving the world? Why kill him now after all he started having a beautiful life which he never thought he would get? The author and producers might have thought it was the best possible send-off for Daniel Craig, to hit him with a missile. Authors take advantage of the audience psychology. Humans can empathize, and therefore can be manipulated emotionally. We sit in a movie for a couple of hours watching the character evolve beautifully. We enjoy him/her, we root for him, and we connect to him and death happens. It took me one complete day to restore normalcy in my heart after watching The boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The story had an exceptional buildup to an unexpected tragedy. The author uses the psychology of humans to maximum levels to tear down our hearts. The love and affection we have towards kids, their innocence, the beautiful world they imagine for themselves in future will make us all place them at a soft corner in our hearts to safeguard them. Any disturbance we have in our life are forgotten or healed with the sight of a beautiful smile on the face of a child. Alas, we would never imagine that this brave writer will pierce through our hearts to conquer those bonds of affection. Let’s delve into another kind of character assassination. Killing a good villian. Severus Snape’s death would have been satisfactory had his past was not been revealed to the audience. Kudos to J.K Rowling for an exceptional reveal in the penultimate moments of the story for reminding us that love is of different forms and will never vanish any time, it will be there ALWAYS. There are several other movies and novels where the characters are killed in the end, and there is Game of Thrones. You also have a decade long universe building spending millions of dollars, only to kill the Iron man with a snap, whereas Captain America had everything in his life, and I felt content with the conclusion of his story. Same is the case with Leonardo DiCaprio in The Departed and Blood Diamond. Happy endings are rare in reality. There are few characters whom I never understood why they must suffer all the time? Rajinikanth in Aarulinthu Aruvathuvarai, Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars and many more. James Bond, No Time to Die One response to “No Need to Die” My best movies of 2021 – SABARI GANESH […] every moment of it. And that Aston Martin DB5, I would work my ass off to own that any day. Click here to read my thoughts on this […]
Discover Latin-American Women To Date — What Guys Want in a Woman Have you at any time thought about, how it is possible to find Latin-American girls to date? There are countless all of us who do not know the fact that Latin-American ladies are mostly enthusiastic about finding a guy or a husband. They have a great interest for finding a guy who comprehends their traditions and worth system. Latin-American men are generally independent, so it becomes possible for them to find someone who definitely will understand their particular need for freedom. In addition to this, Latin-American females love an effective challenge. Actually if that they feel that a male can offer all of them something more, then they will never hesitate to go ahead having a relationship. This is what makes a Latin woman and so exciting. There are a lot of all of us who can no longer stand the pressure of relationships. These types of women love to have a life of their particular, and don’t such as the idea of living down rapidly when compared with13623 boring romantic relationship. She will be happy to date a person Click the Following Post who is happy to throw a few surprises her way. It has been stated that Latin females have a good command over their body shapes. In fact , it is actually true. They are simply not scared to show off, and Latina women will often have a very appealing physical determine. Most men deal with it when a girl goes to a fitness center, dresses effectively and looks good in public. Guys like it when that they see a woman with a alluring body, since it makes them think that they can whatever it takes. You might say, men want it when ladies act like they are simply in control of the circumstance. By doing this, it reveals them that they can be in control of the relationship. Most Latin-American women are very well accustomed to living life on their own, and men such as this. They like the proven fact that the men which come to them are willing to end up being that way. When you are buying a Latin-American girl to date, you should remember one thing: you really want someone traditional. Latin-American girls do not love it when a gentleman shows off how much they can drink and what they can do. They just do not like men that take too many women of all ages home during the nighttime. The best sort of woman a man wants is definitely someone that he can go home with, who will certainly not change his lifestyle, nevertheless someone who they can have fun with and reveal laughs with. If you wish to find Latin-American women so far, you need to maintain your focus narrow. You should not time someone because you think they are really beautiful. Of course , you want to time them since they are hot, yet keep it local. You should never have sexual activity with somebody you have for no reason met. It is rude, in addition to worse things you can do into a person than sleep with them.
"Future of the Africanist Movement" Questions and Answers Y R. M. Sobukwe, in The Africanist, January 1959 Name of Publication: The Africanist Q: Who are the Africanists? A. A simple answer would be that they are the members of the Africanist Movement. But, if one wishes to go deeper into the question, one would say that they are those Africans who believe that African Nationalism is the only liberatory outlook that can bind together the African masses by providing them with a loyalty higher than that of the tribe and thus mould them into a militant disciplined fighting force. Q: How long has your movement been in existence? A. The germ of the Movement was there even before the advent of the European. When Moshoeshoe brought together the scattered rem­nants of various African tribes and moulded them into a patriotic Sotho tribe, he was engaged in nation-building. Similarly Shaka's wars whereby he sought to establish a single authority in place of the many tribal authorities of Natal, were, we say, steps in the direction of nation-building. In the Cape the House of Gcaleka was recognised as the Paramount authority. There is no doubt that the pressure of social and economic conditions would in time have given rise to the Union of these territories. As a political organisation, however, we trace our origin to 1912””the year the African National Congress (ANC), was born””with 1944 the year our Movement was given that purposiveness which helps to give clear direction and power to a mass struggle. It is in that year that Lembede and those in his immediate circle demanded from the A.N.C.: 1. A clear outlook: African Nationalism and Africanism. 2. A basic policy outlining our fundamental postulates with respect to our social intentions, especially in the ultimate future. 3. A Programme. The first two demands, Lembede himself met, while the third was met in 1949 when the Afncanists (known as the Congress Youth League) provided the A.N.C. with the popular Nation-Building Programme of 1949. Q: What are your differences with the A.N.C. A. First of all we differ radically in our conception of the struggle. We firmly hold that we are oppressed as a subject nation””the African nation. To us, therefore, the struggle is a national struggle. Those of the A.N.C. who are its active policy-makers, maintain, in the face of all the hard facts of the S.A. situation, that ours is a class struggle. We are, according to them, oppressed as WORKERS, both white and black. But it is significant that they make no attempt whatsoever to organise white workers. Their white allies are all of them bourgeoise! Secondly we differ in our attitude to "co-operation" with other national groups. Perhaps it might be better to say we differ in our understanding of the term "co-operation." We believe that co­operation is possible only between equals. There can be no co-operation between oppressor and oppressed, dominating and dominated. That is collaboration, not co-operation. And we cannot collaborate in our own oppression! The A.N.C. leadership, on the other hand, would seem to regard collaboration and co-operation as synonymous. They seem to believe that all that is required for people to be "equals" is that they should declare that they are equals, and lo! the trick is done. At the present moment the A.N.C. leadership regards anybody and everybody who is against the Nationalist government (for whatever reasons) as allies. This latter attitude is the result of a mentality that continues to speak of South Africa as though it were an island, completely cut off from the continent and, therefore, able to fashion its own policies and programmes, unrelated to and unaffected by those of the other African States. We, on the other hand, have always been acutely aware of the fact that ours is a particular front in a battle raging across the continent. We claim Afrika for the Africans; the A.N.C. claims South Africa for all. To the A.N.C. leadership the present Nationalist government is the properly elected government of South Africa whose policies, however, it does not approve of. And the A.N.C.'s main struggle is to get the Nats out of power. The fact that the Nats are a logical product of past South African history and that what they stand for is approved and supported by the overwhelming majority of whites in the country has apparently escaped the notice of A.N.C. leadership. We, however, stand for the complete overthrow of white domination. That means that the S.A. Act of 1909””that fossilised relic of the whiteman's exclusive privileges and prejudices””must be scrapped. Q: What is your answer to the accusation that you are anti-white? A. Our reply has been officially given in a statement appearing in the Golden City Post of Sunday 7th November, 1958 signed by Mr. P. K. Leballo (Chairman) and Mr. S. T. Ngendane (Secretary). On the material level we just cannot see any possibility of co-operation. To say that we are prepared to accept anybody who subscribes to our Programme is but to state a condition that one knows cannot be fulfilled. From past history, not only of this country but of other countries as well, we know that a group in a privileged position never voluntarily relinquishes that position. If some members of the group appear to be sympathetic to the demands of the less-privileged, it is only in so far as those demands do not threaten the privileges of the favoured group. If they (the privileged) offer assistance, it is for the purpose of "directing" and "controlling" the struggle of the underprivileged and making sure that it does not become "dangerous." Q: Q. But are you anti-white or not? A. What is meant by anti-whiteism? Is it not merely an emotional term without a precise signification? Let me put it this way: In every struggle, whether national or class, the masses do not fight an abstraction. They do not hate oppression or capitalism. They concretise these and hate the oppressor, be he the Governor-General or a colonial power, the landlord or the factory-owner, or, in South Africa, the white man. But they hate these groups because they associate them with their oppression! Remove the association and you remove the hatred. In South Africa then, once white domination has been overthrown and the white man is no longer "white-man boss" but is an individual member of society, there will be no reason to hate him and he will not be hated even by the masses. We are not anti-white, therefore. We do not hate the European because he is white! We hate him because he is an oppressor. And it is plain dishonesty to say I hate the sjambok and not the one who wields it. Q: Do you regard all whites as oppressors? A. We regard them all as shareholders in the S.A. Oppressors Company (Pty.) Ltd. There are whites, of course, who are intellectually converted to our cause, but because of their position materially, they cannot fully identify themselves with the struggle of the African people. They want safeguards and check-points all along the way, with the result that the struggle of the people is blunted, stultified and crushed. Q: Do you include white leftists in your indictment? A. There are NONE! And there have never been any in South Africa””white or black. All we have had are quacks. In fact, like Christianity, Communism in South Africa has been extremely unfortunate in its choice of representatives. Q: Do you think the Africanist Movement will last? A. Not only will it last, it will nourish. History is already vindicating our stand as far as the continent is concerned. We are in step with the continent. And the reason is that we correctly interpret the aspirations of the African people. We are not exaggerating when we say that the demand for membership is more than we can cope with. Q: Why can't you cope with the demand? A. Because we lack funds. You see we do not want a blind following. We want an intelligent, informed and politically educated membership. We, therefore, require a full-time information service, full-time organisers and above all, well-run offices. We don't want undisciplined branches mushrooming all over the country. And to maintain the necessary contact, discipline and co-ordination, we need funds. Q: Do you think the African people will tolerate a splinter movement at this stage? A. The African people want freedom and they are extremely anxious to find themselves as a Nation. They are aware of the futility of the post-1949 struggles of the A.N.C. with more and more emphasis on spectacular activity as distinct from principled programmatic action. That is why they have welcomed our emergence. Q: What is your attitude to the A.N.C? A. We say, "Let the best man win." If the A.N.C, launches campaigns, which we believe, are for the good of our people, we will support them wholeheartedly. But we are not going to get ourselves involved in muddled, clumsy, senseless activity. We have the 1949 Programme to implement, and as it unfolds and its dynamism is revealed, the A.N.C. will cease to exist. Perhaps the Congress alliance may eke out a precarious existence for some time. But there will be only one organisation for the African people””and that will be the Africanist Movement. Q: Have you decided on a Name yet? A. No””not on a national level. Such matters as a name, policy, the Constitution, etc., will be finalised at the National Convention which we hope to hold in April. From then onwards we shall operate on a National level. And from then onwards we will sweep the country. Robert Sobukwe Produced 10 June 2019
A student asked me to blog about the latest news about Iran and the plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US. I simply have no clue about it. I do think Foreignpolicy.com has had a few posts that are most illuminating including Worst Bomb Plot Ever; Excellent stuff here. I do have a few questions. Folks tend to think the guy at the center of the plot is hard to buy as a covert operative. "Manssor Arbabsiar, the Iranian expatriate at the center of the plot, bears no resemblance to a covert operative.(Worst Bomb Plot)" Um, isn't that what a covert operative is supposed to appear to be? Labels: Iran, terrorism
Published On: Mon, May 15th, 2017 Guanajuato State / Headlines / National | By sanmigueltimes Due to the high insecurity rates the Guanajuato governor begs for divine help On the morning of Sunday May 14, governor Miguel Márquez Márquez consecrated the state of Guanajuato to Sacred Heart of Jesus, and asked for forgiveness for all mistakes committed during his administration and his life. The online newspaper “Zona Franca” broadcasted the video, in which the official appears along with Héctor López Santillana, Mayor of León, in an ecclesiastical ceremony to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin of Fátima. Alfonso Cortés Contreras, Archbishop of León, led the religious ceremony in which Márquez went up to the altar accompanied by the mayor of León, and then he made the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. “I entrust my state, as well as all my issues and concerns to my Lord and his divine presence, I’m doing this consecration in a humble way, and I ask God for forgiveness for any failure and misteake I’ve made in the past”, declared Márquez Márquez. “I ask God for His guidance to change everything that is not righteous…I, Miguel Márquez Márquez, as a representative of the state of Guanajuato, make an oath before God, the people and the Virgin Mary. Amen”, the governor stated before the congregation of more than 2,500 attendees. The article 130 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (probably not many of our readers are aware of the fact that Mexico’s official name is “Estados Unidos Mexicanos“)of states that churches and state are to remain separate. It provides for the obligatory state registration of all “churches and religious groupings” and places a series of restrictions on priests and ministers of all religions (ineligible to hold public office, to campaign on behalf of political parties or candidates, to inherit from persons other than close blood relatives, etc.). https://www.am.com.mx/ www.zonafranca.mx Construction works of the León City Center nearing completion Ecological taxes in the State of Guanajuato effective during fiscal year 2023 Guanajuato is home to five Tesla suppliers, but they want more Guanajuato State ranks fourth in auto parts manufacturing at the national level
Home 5.3: HuffPost’s use of <b>bias/omissions</b> to help “sell” the Iran deal 5.3: HuffPost’s use of bias/omissions to help “sell” the Iran deal Part of the special report, The Rhodes To HuffPost Bias/omissions during the debate over the Iran deal, through September 2015: (1) Neither correcting nor retracting its false attacks on critics of the Iran deal, after they were proven true (2) Ignoring Vice President Biden’s admission that critics’ and opponents’ concerns about the Iran deal were “totally legitimate” (3) Ignoring Biden’s admission that Iran was already on the cusp of finishing its first nuclear weapon (4) Ignoring numerous reports that Iran had repeatedly violated the terms of the “interim agreement,” and previous “deals” (5) Ignoring Iranian leaders’ claims that President Obama was lying to the American people about vital aspects of the nuclear “deal” (6) Ignoring the proof, in August 2015, that Iran was funding Hamas’s preparations to instigate a new war against Israel – then all but ignored the Third Intifada (7) Ignoring letter to Congress from nearly 800 U.S. rabbis who oppose the Iran deal, but giving front-page coverage to less than half that who support it Bias/omissions after September 2015, when the Iran deal was implemented: (8) Ignoring the discovery that Iran never signed the deal, and according to the State Dept., “it is not legally binding” (9) Virtually ignoring the Ben Rhodes scandal Addendum: Contrast HuffPost’s silence on the Ben Rhodes scandal, to how it acts when it goes on a “headline jihad” (10) Ignoring State Dept. efforts to remove evidence of its spokeswoman lying about when discussions began with Iran’s leaders (11) Ignoring Hezbollah’s boasts that Iran is now providing all it needs to attack Israel (12) Ignoring the discovery that key terms of the deal are unenforceable, and Iran is fully exploiting them “It’s like when a toddler looks right at you and slowly and deliberately spills a glass of milk. The child wants to see the reaction. It’s a test of boundaries. If there’s no reaction, then the message is that it’s OK… There is an objective reality, and it is the media’s job to present it unequivocally.” – Arianna Huffington On September 15, 2015, HuffPost published this story, attacking critics of the deal on its front page: The story was based on a Reuters article that claimed that contrary to critics’ claims, Iran will not be allowed to “self-inspect” its sites that are suspected of being used to produce nuclear weapons, or related material. Deep in the cop of its own story however, HuffPost acknowledged that “it is impossible to verify whether the (Reuters) story is correct.” Six days later, though, on September 21, 2015, a veteran CIA analyst Fred Fleitz revealed at National Review that the Reuters story upon which HuffPost based its article was false. That in fact, under the deal, Iran will be allowed to “self-inspect” its suspect sites: Reuters Gets the Iranian Self-Inspection Story Wrong, by Fred Fleitz, National Review, September 21, 2015. Excerpt: Supporters of the Iran deal cited the Reuters report as disproving this criticism of the nuclear agreement. I thought the Reuters story was fishy, since it contradicted briefings by the Obama administration to Congress on the side deals as well as the Associated Press, which published a transcript of one of the side deals. (The Obama administration and its supporters tried to discredit the AP story, including the claim that it was based on a forgery.) It now turns out the Reuters report was false. Iranians collected samples at Parchin over the weekend with no IAEA officials present. One day later, on September 22, the Washington Examiner published this story, which further demonstrated that the Reuters story was false: Reuters, NYT confirm disputed AP report on Iran inspections, by T. Becket Adams, The Washington Examiner, September 22, 2015. Excerpt: A hotly disputed report by the Associated Press claiming the White House’s nuclear deal with Iran would allow Tehran to self-inspect a key nuclear facility has been corroborated by Reuters and the New York Times, likely putting to rest earlier criticisms that the AP got its facts wrong. […] The Times reported that, “A compromise reached in July in Vienna, a day before Iran signed its broad nuclear accord with six world powers, allowed the Iranians to collect the material themselves so that they could make the case that no foreigners were allowed into their military bases.” HuffPost, however, never never updated its story, or published a retraction to it. It simply let the public continue believing the myth in the Reuters claims stand, as if it was true. Here is a sampling of the “news” items that HuffPost published on its front page in the following three days, from September 22-24, 2015, instead of anything about the debunking of its story: On September 3, 2015, just before the final showdown in the Senate to stop the Iran deal, the Washington Free Beacon published an article and video that showed Vice President Biden addressing an audience in Florida that morning. At this event, Biden openly admitted that concerns voiced by critics and opponents of the deal –that giving Iran everything the U.S. was planning to, under the deal, we could be empowering it to engage in even more terrorism, or worse — are “totally legitimate.” Key quote: [Biden speaking] “People say, ‘Well, Joe, even if I believed you were able to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, you’re going to give them a whole lot of money, Joe Boy!’ Biden said with a laugh. ‘And they’re going to go out and do more of the bad things they’re doing now, do it more efficiently and threaten our friends in an existential way because they’ll have so much more money and capacity.’ Totally legitimate argument and concern.” So what kinds of “news” items did HuffPost publish on its front page, instead? HuffPost, however, completely ignored Biden’s statement. Instead, the following is a sampling of “news” stories that HuffPost decided to put on its front page from Sept. 3-5, instead (several of which it left on its front page for 2, 3 or more days straight): Pravda-like glowing PR stories about Obama: Obama Orders $18.25 In Cinnamon Rolls, Leaves $31 Tip, Drops Mic Turns Out Obama Has Some Pretty Smooth Dance Moves Various other “news” items: The Perfect Penis Size Varies Depending On What You’re Using It For Woman Surfs in High Heels, Puts Us All To Shame The Photo That Proves Older People Having Sex Is Beautiful ‘The Real’ Hosts Receive Sex Toys Live On-Air, Hilarity Ensues: “Mine is a vibrating ring! It’s phenomenal! Oh, it’s vibrating!” Hailey Baldwin Grabs Kendall Jenner’s Leather-Clad Butt From Ed Morrisey at HotAir.com: Biden: Let’s face it, Iran can build a bomb whenever it wants, by Ed Morrissey, HotAir.com, May 1, 2015. Excerpt (emphasis added): Joe Biden’s defense of the Obama administration’s policy for appeasement of Iran is most notable for its parallels to the strategies being employed by Congress to stop it. Last night, the Vice President told the Washington Institute for Near East Policy that the P5+1 has no real way to stop Iran from building at least eight nuclear weapons in the short term.[…] “Let’s get something straight so we don’t kid each other,” Biden said. “They already have paved a path to a bomb’s worth of material. Iran could get there now if they walked away in two to three months without a deal.” HuffPost, however, completely ignored this story. Instead, it decided that “news” stories such as these were more deserving of appearing on its front page, from May 1-3, 2015: 13 Of The World’s Weirdest Urinals Definitive Proof That Floyd Mayweather Is A Dick (2 days on front page) Here’s What Homosexuality Was Really Like In Ancient Greece Stoner’s To-Do List Tweeted By Australian Police Adorable Puppy Doesn’t Understand His Hiccups Critics pointed to evidence throughout public discussion of the Iran deal that its leaders had a long history of breaking agreements with the international community and the U.N. and that in fact they were breaking the terms of the “interim agreement.” Here is a small sampling of articles that provide substantive proof of this allegation, all of which HuffPost ignored: During negotiations over this deal: Iran Violates Past Nuclear Promises on Eve of Deal, by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, July 2, 2015. 5 Ways Iran Is Cheating on the Interim Nuclear Deal, by Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart News, January 25, 2015. Iran’s long list of broken promises: Rouhani’s pledge to defend human rights should have been delivered with a cynical snicker, by Ilan Berman and Mollie Adatto, The Washington Times, December 5, 2013. Violations of previous agreements: U.S. Says Iran Broke Nuke Treaty, by Dan Collins, CBS News, September 12, 2003. Promises Before and Results After Khomeini’s Islamists Took Over, by Elmer Swenson, Gems of Islamism, June 27, 2005. In regards to the first item above, Iran Violates Past Nuclear Promises on Eve of Deal, which was published shortly before the final climax of debates within the U.S. Congress, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided to publish on its front page instead, in the following three days (July 3-4-5, 2015): Kendall Jenner Snaps A Selfie In Her Underwear I Live With My Ex-Wife And Her New Wife — And Our Kids Are Better For It Mysterious Undertaker Riding A Coffin Appears On Australian Lake HuffPost focused its “journalists” on writing stories about “news” items of similar value, in the days following other reports about Iran violating the terms of its agreements, as well. (5) Ignoring substantive allegations – including from Iran’s rulers – that President Obama was lying to the American people about vital aspects of the nuclear deal Throughout the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, critics and Iran’s rules made public claimed that President Obama was lying to the American people. A sampling: Iran: Obama Admin Lying About Nuclear Deal for ‘Domestic Consumption’: U.S. downplays Iranian victory to ‘soothe’ fear over deal, by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, July 30, 2015. There Is No Fatwa Condemning Nuclear Weapons by Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, by Andrew C. McCarthy, PJ Media, March 16, 2015. Text of Iran-IAEA Agreement Proves Inspection is a Farce, by Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary, August 21, 2015. HuffPost published none of these stories. (6) Ignoring the proof, in August 2015, that Iran was funding Hamas’s preparations to instigate a new war against Israel – then whitewashing the Third Intifada On August 11, 2015, one month before the climax of the Congressional debate over the Iran deal, Commentary magazine published this story: Iran Funding Hamas Preparations for War, by Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary, August 11, 2015. Excerpt, citing a report the day earlier from Ha’aretz (a left-leaning Israeli newspaper that HuffPost routinely cites, when its stories can be used to attack Israel): During his interrogation, [Hamas operative Ibrahim] Sha’er also told of the links between Iran and Hamas, under which Iran has transferred military support into the Gaza Strip to strengthen the organization. The Iranians provide funds, advanced weaponry and electronic equipment such as equipment for disrupting radio communications to bring down Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles over Gaza, Sha’er told the Shin Bet. Iran has also trained Gaza fighters in the use of hang gliders for the purpose of penetrating into Israel, he said. HuffPost, however, completely ignored this discovery. More, as shown in SaveTheWest’s recent documentary, “HuffPost’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada,” when Palestinians began daily attacks on Jews one month later – many of which were organized and funded by Hamas – HuffPost ignored the victims, and chronically evoked sympathy only for Palestinians. At the peak of the Third Intifada, HuffPost gave top coverage to the following editorial that explicitly justified Palestinian terrorist attacks on Jews, claiming that Israel was “reaping what it had sown.” And Huffpost left it posted on its World page for six straight days. On August 17, 2015 HuffPost posted this item on its front page, which seemed to indicate that a huge number of American rabbis were supporting the Iran deal (note the Iranian flags – at a rally by U.S. rabbis). In reality, as the article said, it was only 340 rabbis: Hundreds Of Rabbis Urge Congress To Approve Iran Nuclear Deal, August 17, 2015. (RNS) Rebuffing a campaign among Jewish organizations to scuttle the Iran nuclear deal, 340 rabbis sent a letter to Congress Monday (Aug. 17) supporting the agreement and rejecting the notion that most American Jews oppose it. “Most especially, we are deeply concerned with the impression that the leadership of the American Jewish community is united in opposition to the agreement,” the letter states. “We, along with many other Jewish leaders, fully support this historic nuclear accord.” Two days later, on August 19, 2015, the Zionist Organization of America revealed that the majority of the rabbis that signed that letter are from far-left, ant-Israel congregations. HuffPost ignored that revelation. Then, seven days later, on August 24, 2015, a group of 781 rabbis – more than twice the size of the group to which HuffPost gave a front-page story – signed a letter urging Congress to reject the Iran deal. HuffPost ignored that revelation, too. Rabbis Petition Against Iran Nuke Deal, by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, August 24, 2015. Nearly 800 rabbis across the nation are petitioning the Obama administration to abandon the current Iran nuclear agreement and go back to the negotiating table in pursuit of a better deal, according to an online petition circulating in the religious community. As of Monday afternoon, 781 rabbis had lent their name to the petition, which collectively expressed how “deeply troubled by the proposed deal” the religious leaders are. Instead of publishing anything about the latter rabbis’ letter, from Augut 25-27, HuffPost published the following items as “news” on its front page: Meet The Powerful Women Directors Working In Porn Chelsea Handler Ditches Underwear, Poses With Apple Ode To Multicultural Penis On November 24-25, 2015, after the deal had gone into effect, National Review and the Daily Mail (UK) provided documentation of the Obama administration officially admitting that (a) Iran never signed the agreement and (b) it is “not legally binding.” Here is the Daily Mail version of the story: State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it’s not ‘legally binding’ as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama’s ‘political commitments’, by J. Taylor Rushing, DailyMail.com, November 25, 2015. Excerpt (emphasis added): The Obama administration has disclosed to Congress that this summer’s controversial nuclear arms agreement with Iran was never signed and is not legally binding, according to a new report this week. The State Department made the disclosures in a letter to Kansas congressman Mike Pompeo, a Republican, who had written the department to inquire why the agreement as submitted to Congress in July did not bear the signature of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. ‘The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,’ Julia Frifield, an assistant secretary for legislative affairs wrote Pompeo last Thursday. […] ‘The success of the JCPOA will depend not on whether it is legally binding or signed, but rather on the extensive verification measures we have put in place, as well as Iran’s understanding that we have the capacity to re-impose — and ramp up — our sanctions if Iran does not meet its commitments,’ she wrote. [July 2, 2016 update: Many of the vital “verification measures” described above have been revealed as inoperable, as a devastating new report from the Foreign Policy Initiative announced.] Instead of publishing anything about the revelation that Iran had not signed the deal, from November 25-27, HuffPost published the following items as “news” on its front page: Bacon Scented Undies Kim Kardashian Shares Gloriously Embarrassing Throwback Photo My Husband Didn’t ‘Settle’ For A Fat Wife The Ben Rhodes scandal broke at 5:00am on May 6, via this article in the Washington Free Beacon. HuffPost published nothing about it on its front page or World page on May 6, 7 or 8, despite the dozens of substantive analyses that appeared in the hours and days after it broke. Finally, just before 2:00pm on May 9, HuffPost published the following article, mid-way down its front page. This is the only “news” article HuffPost has published about this scandal since it broke, as of the time of this writing, June 28. Note also that it assigned its “Senior Media Reporter” (screencap), Michael Calderone, to write this story, instead of one of its news or political “reporters.” These facts set the stage to appreciate the fact that the opening of the article sets the tone for the rest of it – rather than exploring the substance of this official betrayal, and its implications for U.S., Israeli and global security, HuffPost’s “news” article focuses primarily on journalistic squabbling: Journalists Dispute Claim They Helped Sell White House Iran Deal, by Michael Calderone, The Huffington Post, May 9, 2016, 1:56 pm ET. NEW YORK — Two prominent foreign policy journalists are pushing back at The New York Times Magazine for what they described as a “defamatory” characterization in a much-discussed article. The article, a nearly 10,000-word profile of Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes by David Samuels, suggested that the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg and Al Monitor’s Laura Rozen “helped retail” the Obama administration’s argument for a nuclear deal with Iran. Both Goldberg and Rozen described the description as false, even slanderous, and criticized the paper for failing to seek comment ahead of time. “This is an unsupported, defamatory allegation that somehow slipped into The New York Times Magazine by a guy, it should be pointed out, who has had a grudge against me for several years,” Goldberg told HuffPost. (He later wrote of once accepting, then declining, a position at Tablet, where Samuels was a senior editor and Samuels’ wife is editor). HuffPost then removed this article less than 18 hours later. This rapid deletion stands in sharp contrast to how HuffPost routinely leaves “news” articles about the latest doings regarding the Kardashians on its front page for two, three or even four days in a row. Then, on May 18, HuffPost published the following op-ed (as a sidebar item) by Rep. Jan Shakowsky (D-IL), a reliable ally of the Obama administration, on its front page, where it remained for four days: Ben Rhodes and the ‘Echo Chamber’ of Facts On Iran, by Rep. Jan Schakowsky, The Huffington Post, May 18, 2016. Excerpt: [The NYT’s profile] accuses the Obama Administration with using the Iran deal to “effectively begin the process of a large-scale disengagement from the Middle East.” What the American people saw was the truth of the message that Ben Rhodes and an entire community of experts articulated, a “choice between peace and war” and an opportunity to “disengage” from the real possibility of yet another in the region, this time, nuclear war. Ben Rhodes acknowledges that he did “create an echo chamber,” but far from the fiction Samuels crafted, it was an echo chamber of facts. Here is a sampling of the “news” stories did HuffPost decided its global audience should be made aware of, from May 6-31, rather than anything substantive concerning this scandal of potentially world-changing importance: HuffPost’s first mission, according to its banner, is to “inform” its readers (in a nonpartisan way, according to its public statements): When HuffPost discovers a story/scandal that it believes its global audience should be “informed” of, it effectively goes on a “headline jihad,” often from multiple angles, and with regular updates. The slide show below contains dozens of examples of HuffPost’s “headline jihads” of the past: In May 2016, after the Ben Rhodes scandal erupted, several journalists discovered that a key passage from a State Department video were missing. The passage confirmed that spokeswoman Jen Psaki admitting to a journalist that contrary to President Obama’s absolute denial that any discussions with Iran had been ongoing, that discussions with Iran had begun years earlier. Initially, the State Dept. falsely claimed that the video passage’s removal was due to a “glitch”: State Dept. blames ‘glitch’ for missing Iran video, by Pete Kasperowicz, The Washington Examiner, May 10, 2016. Excerpt: The State Department said Tuesday that a “glitch” led a video on its website to be altered in such a way that it removed comments from a spokeswoman who seemed to admit in 2013 that the government lied about when the Iran nuclear talks started. “There was a glitch in the State Department video,” spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau told reporters. Three weeks later, on June 1, 2016 the State Department admitted that this was no “glitch,” but rather, was a deliberate action by an employee, at the request of an unknown employee – and that it would not be investigating the matter any further: State Dept. admits intentionally altering video of Iran press conference, by Pete Kasperowicz, The Washington Examiner, June 1, 2016. Excerpt: The State Department admitted Wednesday that a 2013 press briefing video was purposefully altered to remove a portion of a discussion about the Iran nuclear talks, after an unknown State Department official asked that it be edited out. […] Kirby said he asked the Office of the Legal Adviser to look into the issue, and that officials “learned that a specific request was made to excise that portion of the briefing. We do not know who made the request to edit the video, or why it was made.” Kirby insisted that the person who made the edit only remembers that he or she got a call from someone at the State Department, who was passing on a request from the departments’ Public Affairs Bureau. But he said the person who received the call didn’t remember who the caller was, and doesn’t know who in that bureau made the request. HuffPost completely ignored this latest scandal concerning vital aspects of the Iran deal scandal. So what did “news” items did HuffPost publish on its front page, instead? Instead of publishing anything about this latest scandal, here is a sampling of the “news” items that HuffPost decided to publish on its front page, in the three days following the second revelation, from June 2-4: Ariannas’ Advice to Hunter College Grads 15 Life Tips From A Slightly Mad Midlife Sex Goddess Artist’s Beautiful Tribute To His Dead Cat Will Melt Your Heart (11) Ignoring Hezbollah’s boasts that Iran is providing all it needs to attack Israel On June 24, 2016, Hezbollah’s chief terrorist, Hassan Nasrallah proclaimed on video that no matter how many sanctions the U.S. and other Western countries put on his terror group, it will still be flush with money, weapons and other necessities, thanks to Iran being flush with cash: Hezbollah brushes off US sanctions, says money comes via Iran, by AFP, June 24, 2016. Excerpt (emphasis added): Beirut (AFP) – Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah on Friday said his group would not be affected by fresh US sanctions because it receives its money directly from Iran, not via Lebanese banks. In a speech broadcast by the Shiite party’s Al-Manar station, Nasrallah brushed off assertions that Hezbollah would be hurt by US sanctions on Lebanese financial institutions that work with the group. “We do not have any business projects or investments via banks,” Nasrallah said, insisting the group “will not be affected. We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, are from the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he added. This was confirmed several weeks later, by Iran itself: Iranian military official: We have 100,000 missiles in Lebanon ready to hit Israel, by Ariel Ben Solomon, Jerusalem Post, July 3, 2016. Excerpts (emphasis added) President Hassan Rouhani said the last year’s nuclear deal “was the cheapest way to achieve Iran’s goals and interests.” Speaking in Tehran on Saturday at an iftar meal breaking the Ramadan fast, Rouhani said the pre-Iran nuclear-deal era is past and Iran now needs to take advantage of the new atmosphere to pursue its “national interests more than before,” Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency reported. […] On a similar note, the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami, said on Friday “more than 100,000 missiles are ready to fly from Lebanon,” according to Tasnim. “Today, the grounds for the annihilation and collapse of the Zionist regime are [present] more than ever,” he declared, saying there are “tens of thousands of destructive long-range missiles” from Islamic territories aiming at all of “occupied” Israel. “If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, God willing, the territories will be liberated,” Salami warned. As a reminder, with Iran’s backing, Hezbollah: Murdered 241 U.S. Marines in 1983 Openly threatened to murder all Jews in the world: “If the Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” Openly threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, using both conventional weapons, and WMDs. From the time the Iran deal was implemented in September 2015, up to and beyond the disclosure of the Ben Rhodes scandal in May 2016, a steady stream of articles emerged that indicated how many ways the American people were deceived by those whose mission was to “sell” the deal. On July 2, 2016, however, the New York Post published excerpts of a new report by the Foreign Policy Institute, that made a number of shocking allegations: The Iran deal at one year: Reality vs. the promises,NY Post Editorial Board, July 2, 2016. Excerpts: Under the deal, Obama said, “We will, for the first time, be in a position to verify all of [Iran’s] commitments.” A year later, we have less information about Iran’s nuclear activities than we did before the pact. Washington will get full access to any military and “suspicious” location; Iran’s failure to allow it would result in a “snap back” of sanctions, said Kerry. Huh: The deal turns out to include an unprecedented arrangement that relies on Iran to “self-inspect” its Parchin military complex. Iran continues to deny access to Parchin and other key sites, citing the agreement to let it self-inspect. Kerry insisted the deal contained “the exact same language” as UN resolutions prohibiting ballistic-missile development. Iran has since revealed a loophole that allows such development — which it’s been exploiting, while Team Obama now says it isn’t a violation. Kerry says he wants a “new arrangement” on the issue but agrees Washington is “powerless” to stop the missile program. You can read the entire FPI report here: FPI Analysis: What They Said Then, What We Know Now about the Iran Nuclear Deal, by Tzvi Kahn, Foreign Policy Initiative, June 30, 2016. HuffPost, however, published nothing about the NY Post article, or the FPI report. Instead of publishing anything about this, here is a sampling of the “news” items that HuffPost decided to publish on its front page*, in the two days following the NY Post article, on July 3-4: These Sexy Swimsuit Ads Prove ‘Thigh Gap’ Is Not A Thing (3 days straight) Khloe Kardashian Says She Feels ‘Empty’ After Hearing Rob’s Baby News Kim K Douses Herself In Milk For Fergie’s ‘M.I.L.F. $’ Video *Note: On June 19, 2016 HuffPost redesigned its front page, which is why the above screencap looks different from all the others cited in this report; see new format here, versus old format here. “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.” ― Judith Lewis Herman, psychiatrist, in “Trauma and Self” 5.1: HuffPost’s use of lies to help “sell” the Iran deal 5.2: HuffPost’s use of deception to help “sell” the Iran deal 5.4: HuffPost’s use of anti-Semitic bias and incitement to help “sell” the Iran deal Op Ed: How Biden’s Address to the U.S. Congress Will Affect Israel STW Founder Ken Abramowitz on Fox News re ObamaCare replacement proposals Kenneth Abramowitz - March 12, 2017 SaveTheWest’s National Security recommendations Jon Sutz - July 21, 2014 Ken’s Thoughts of the Week: Fixing Venezuela’s mess
What are the things you need to know about Strandhogg? The first thing you notice about Strandhogg is its gargantuan size. Its bulk is more than enough to give it an imposing presence. But there’s also a certain elegance to its appearance that belies its purpose. The second thing you notice about Strandhogg is its pure functionality. It’s not just a state-of-the-art blaster—it’s a state-of-the-art document scanner, fax machine, and modem. StrandHogg, the notorious Android malware author. It has once again launched an attack on users by exploiting the Android operating system’s built-in features for banking. This time, StrandHogg is exploiting Android’s multitasking capabilities to gain access to users’ banking apps without their knowledge. The first time StrandHogg used Android’s built-in banking capabilities to exploit users, was to steal banking credentials. This time, it’s to steal money directly from users’ bank accounts. For years, the world has relied on banking apps on mobile devices. The most basic of these apps allow users to perform basic functions like making purchases, paying bills, and transferring money. However, these apps are not very sophisticated. For example, they cannot perform complex functions like viewing an account’s balance or transferring funds between accounts. A Cyber Security Company Strandhogg, a cyber-security company based in Maryland. It has discovered a way to exploit Android’s multitasking feature to gain access to the banking apps of unsuspecting users. By opening several apps at once, including the banking app. A user’s background apps are made visible to other apps on the Android operating system. This allows an app to access the user’s banking data without their knowledge or consent. Strandhogg has discovered. When a user opens the banking app in their background. It can access the user’s banking credentials without the user’s knowledge or consent. Strandhogg is a new spammer that has exploited the multitasking ability of Android to deliver even more intrusive banking spam. When you open an app on Android, the operating system allows you to continue using the app in the background without closing it. This has allowed Strandhogg to steal users’ banking information without them even realizing it. You can think of this as a stealth mode that allows the app to continue running in the background of your phone without you knowing it is there. Government Scare The StrandHogg Trojan has also piqued the interest of governments. In terms of raw numbers, India ranks second only to China in terms of smartphone users. Despite having a low overarching penetration relative to the population. On December 16, 2019, the Indian home ministry gave notice to all regional governments about the StrandHogg security vulnerabilities in the Android OS, which allows real-time malware apps to masquerade as imperative programming and connect directly to all types of users’ data. The data is shared by the home ministry’s risk analysis unit and the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center. “This spyware, which hackers could use to strike mobile phone users, puts at least 500 popular apps at risk.” An alert is being sent to all senior police officers to make them aware of the danger. “Steps will be taken to make people more aware of Android’s vulnerability to ‘StrandHogg,'” a police official said. In the United States, the New Jersey Cyber security and Communications Integration Cell (NJCCIC) is the state’s group for cyber security sharing of information, threat analysis, and accident investigation, as well as an element organization. The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) advised its users to avoid downloading dubious apps from Google Play or third-party app stores. How does Strandhogg vulnerability work? StrandHogg is a flaw that occurs during multitasking, particularly when a user switches between operations and processes for various applications or operations, according to researchers. The Android OS employs a technique called “task re-parenting,” which redirects the processor’s processing power to the app currently displayed on the screen. StrandHogg employs “task re-parenting” whenever a user taps on a legitimate app while the malicious software in the app is activated. According to the researchers, they have already seen this in action, and it is highly improbable that the consumer would notice the app. A new document has been discovered by Strandhogg in the center of the old city. It contains detailed plans on how to capture and defend the old city. The only lead left is to find more information on Strandhog. The only way to find more information is to capture the old city. The Strandhogg vulnerability is a bug in the ERC-721 token protocol that allows anyone to counterfeit digital assets. The first thing to note is that the Strandhogg vulnerability only affects ERC-721 tokens, not other tokens such as those on the Ethereum blockchain. The second thing to note is that the bug itself is not new: it was discovered and exploited by hackers back in 2018. The only thing that has changed is that now anyone can exploit this vulnerability to counterfeit digital assets. World’s Safety The Strandhogg vulnerability allows users to load malicious code onto a website without the system detecting it. This is possible because the system doesn’t verify the code itself. This means that users can upload any code they want onto a website and it will go through without the system detecting it. This is a major security flaw in the system, and it needs to be fixed immediately. The world is not as safe as we think it is. Many threats are lurking around, and they affect us in many ways. One of them is strandhogg vulnerability. This vulnerability allows Strandhogg to steal our body parts. The strandhogg vulnerability is a method of hacking that allows hackers to take control of a computer or device without the owner’s knowledge. The vulnerability is found in the Strandhogg antivirus software, which is designed to protect computers against malware such as viruses and worms. The antivirus software works by looking for certain types of malware, which it then blocks or destroys. However, the strandhogg vulnerability allows hackers to bypass the antivirus software and infect a computer or device with malware despite the antivirus software’s attempts to block it. Read Also: Dinar Chronicles According to the study, Android consumers only download apps from well-known developers. They also recommend that users close apps after using them rather than just returning to the home screen. This is a good approach to blocking the StrandHogg assault as stated by Appsealing, although it is not perfect. Previous post LG G4 Water Damage Repair Sticker – How Does It Work Next post Mechanized Panelboards Bring Electrical Protection and Remote Control Capabilities What You Should Know About the Circle K Game Long-Haired Frenchie: Everything You Need To Know The Lesser-known Paintings by Mary Cassatt Major Health Issues Caused Due to Mental Pressure Why Should You Conduct A Drug Test For Nursing School? Byron Yawn – The Life Of A Psalm-Monger LG G4 Water Damage Repair Sticker – How Does It Work Mechanized Panelboards Bring Electrical Protection and Remote Control Capabilities
NOTE: This link has NOT been validated by the Blended Threat service. It has NOT been scanned for malware and other threats. Proceed at your risk. http://juliuszido93544.collectblogs.com/44544176/what-does-judo-gi-mean
Anthropological Perspectives on Death Just another Emory WordPress Sites site the process of death Tag Archives: watch Tikker—The wristwatch that counts down your life Posted on October 10, 2013 by Nathalie Angel | 4 comments As a college student I always feel like I do not have enough time to do everything need and want to do. Time management is something I’m still figuring out how to do even as a senior. A wristwatch has been a useful tool and fashion accessory I have been able to use to help me out with this. Tikker is a wristwatch that has already surpassed (and almost doubled) its Kickstarter funding goal of $25,000 in just 8 days of being launched. For those of you who are not familiar with Kickstarter it is an online platform used to fund projects. Fundraising campaigns are all-or-nothing, so only projects that reach and/or surpass their funding goal are successfully funded. If you are interested in seeing this project through you can become a backer by even just pledging $1. Basically this wristwatch is one that allows you to count down your life. The display will show you how many years, months, days, hours and seconds you have left to live. The idea is that by knowing how much time you have left to live, you will come to cherish, appreciate and use the time you have to do the things that are important to you. You can see the promotional video for it here. One of the biggest questions I have is how exactly does this watch know how much time you have left on this earth. The wristwatch comes with a questionnaire that you fill out which helps deduce how much time you have left. Although this is addressed I feel like the creators of Tikker could have elaborated greater on what formula or methods they are using to figure this out because the whole premise of this watch relies this calculation. It is also important to assume that the watch probably doesn’t take into account unforeseen circumstances that might lead to death such as an accident. I see a lot of ethical dilemmas arising if Tikker’s calculations aren’t correct. If people are actually relying on this watch to make important life decisions, what happens when you die before you were supposed to or when you don’t die when you were expecting? How liable will Tikker be for a miscalculation? A product like this plays with peoples’ expectations and emotions and I can just see things going wrong if this watch isn’t accurate, which I think is difficult/pretty impossible to do due to the many variables involved. What fascinates me about this wristwatch is how much interest it has received 10 days from the launch of the campaign. It has raised over 194% of it’s funding goal as of this point. People are obviously interested and excited about owning a product like this. Why is this? Is this because they genuinely want to live life to the fullest and they believe this will help them achieve it? Or is it more because they feel like they will have a sense of control over their future by knowing how much time they have left? I believe the large amount of interest received in a product like this confirms that death is an event that we do not look forward to and thus one must thoroughly live and enjoy the time they have. What do you think about this product? Would you like to know how long you have to live? What would you do with the time you have left on this earth? Here the Link to Tikker’s Kickstater Tagged counting, counting down, death, kickstarter, tikker, time, watch, wristwatch This blog is a platform of communication for a college course at Emory entitled "The Anthropology of Death and Burial". The purpose is to use this blog to invite the world into our classroom by drawing on current events or phenomena that surround us and that are relevant to our exploration into the topic of death and how people deal with it. The course is explicitly cross-disciplinary and besides anthropology we also explore the topic of death through the lens of biology, history, religious studies, medicine, law, philosophy, sociology, literature and art. Feel welcome to explore and participate! The contributors to this blog are all undergraduate students at Emory University in Atlanta GA (USA). The course is taught by Dr. Liv Nilsson Stutz who is an archaeologists with a special interest in mortuary archaeology and ritual studies. She is also a regular contributor. Alicia Walker on Do we really want to live forever? Rachel Lee on Cats, Computers, or Doctors: Who’s the best at predicting death? Janet Kim on A new meaning to New Year, New Me Kike Afolabi-Brown on A new meaning to New Year, New Me Laken Smothers on A new meaning to New Year, New Me Search for topics on the blog cadaver grief and mourning mass death ritual suicide the process of death Uncategorized
Home >> Rhode Island Schools >> Kent County Districts Kent County School Districts The mission of the Coventry Public Schools is to prepare all students to lead safe, healthy, and successful lives as productive members of a complex global society. Coventry will achieve this mission by providing a high quality, standards-based education for all students in an environment based on respect, trust, and ethical and responsible behavior. Mission Statement: We are committed to creating an environment that ensures quality teaching, challenging curriculum, and community involvement enabling all learners to pursue academic excellence, share a love of learning, and become responsible citizens in global society. EXETER-WEST GREENWICH Mission: Empowering Students: Dream…Reach…Succeed The mission of the Exeter-West Greenwich Regional School District is to empower students to contribute to school and community by providing substantial learning experiences in a safe, trusting, and motivating environment NATHANAEL GREENE POTOWOMUT ACADEMY NATHANAEL GREENE POTOWOMUT ACADEMY OF TECHNOLOGY A The mission of the Warwick Public Schools, working cooperatively with families and the community, is to provide challenging learning environments that enable all students to develop skills and knowledge necessary to become self-directed, life-long learners, highly productive responsible citizens, and contributors to a technological and diverse society. MISSION STATEMENT: The West Warwick Public Schools, in partnership with the entire community, is dedicated to providing all learners with access and opportunity to a challenging comprehensive education while developing 21st Century Skills in a safe, personalized learning environment.
We can reduce homelessness if we follow the science on what works Decades of research have shown that focusing on housing, without making sobriety or mental health treatment a prerequisite, is the most effective way to reduce homelessness | Comment By Maia Szalavitz Many US cities have been clearing encampments of homeless people in the past year Shutterstock/Philip Pilosian In the past few months, government officials across the US have announced initiatives to reduce homelessness, a problem that has become more widespread, visible and contentious since the start of the pandemic. Yet many of the proposals now being pushed ahead seem to ignore the evidence about what actually reduces homelessness, and instead perpetuate costly and ineffective strategies that are unlikely to make a difference in the long term. Half of US adults say the problem of homelessness is a major worry. In cities including New York, San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, and elsewhere, concerns about the number and size of outdoor encampments has been growing. This increased visibility does reflect a real rise in numbers in many places. In New York City, for instance, nearly 19,000 people slept in the city’s shelter system for single adults each night in December 2021 – a 91 per cent increase from 10 years ago, according to a recent report from the Coalition for the Homeless. A rise in homelessness isn’t just happening in the US, either. In England, in part due to the ongoing cost of living crisis, more than 74,000 households were homeless or at imminent risk of losing housing between January and March of last year, according to the charity Shelter. That represents an 11 per cent increase compared with the previous three months. The response in the US has been a flurry of announcements about efforts to reduce homelessness – mainly by increasing policing and changing rules to make it easier to place homeless people into mental health facilities. In September, for example, California ratified a law that will create a court system to get more people with severe mental illness, many of whom are unhoused, into care. And in November, New York City mayor Eric Adams announced a change in policy that makes it easier for officials to hospitalise unhoused people involuntarily for mental health treatment. Many of these new initiatives rely heavily on an old idea known as “treatment first”. That is, government agencies provide people with housing, but only on the condition that they stay on mental health medications or not return to misusing drugs. Yet we have known since at least the early 2000s that there is a better way. During the administration of George W. Bush, the US changed federal policy to prioritise a “housing first” approach. The fundamental idea behind it is that people are far more likely to manage serious health problems like addictions and mental illness if they have somewhere to live, as opposed to requiring abstinence and treatment compliance as a condition of having a home. When you are constantly cycling through rehab and temporary housing because you get expelled when you don’t maintain perfect abstinence, the instability itself makes recovery more difficult. Since then, numerous studies have shown that, when funded and managed appropriately, housing first works: it is associated with significant declines in homelessness. Between 2010 and 2022, after the Department of Veterans Affairs began a large-scale housing-first initiative, there was a 55 per cent decline in homelessness among people who served in the military. This progress was maintained, even during the pandemic. Cities like Houston and Abilene in Texas that have used this approach for chronically homeless people – and that are able to sustain availability of affordable housing – have seen similar success. Studies that directly compare housing first to the old treatment-first approach consistently show that housing first keeps people sheltered for longer and improves quality of life. Even though addiction recovery is not a prerequisite for housing under this approach, in most direct comparisons, substance use outcomes are equivalent or even better for housing first. In other words, fears that “enabling” people’s addiction by not requiring abstinence as a condition of housing are unfounded. Moreover, one study found that in 86 per cent of cases, even the most severely mentally ill people with substance use disorders will leave the streets voluntarily if appropriate outreach is conducted and if their new housing has supportive services. A key factor though is that these services must be voluntary as well. There is now ample evidence pointing to an approach that works to reduce chronic homelessness. While the research about cost-effectiveness is sparse, the approach has been shown to be cost-effective when used specifically among the most severely mentally ill, whether or not those individuals have substance use disorders. And, in a hopeful sign, the Biden administration recently recommitted to housing first, offering support for cities and states that want to expand it. The major obstacles to resolving homelessness remain ideological. It is politically hard to sell the idea that people who take drugs or are disruptive should get free housing – even when the evidence shows that is actually what works. Maia Szalavitz is the author of Undoing Drugs: How harm reduction is changing the future of drugs and addiction More on these topics: Tags: Mental healthpublic health NASA funds nuclear probes for icy moons and other far-out tech ideas Birds that dive may be at greater risk of extinction Astronomers have found the closest known black hole to Earth The Best Times of the Day to Eat, According to Science
Search for a memorial: Order by date of death Order by name | ANY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Mrs. Muriel Crawford November 29, 1932 - January 26, 2017 It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Muriel Crawford on Thursday, January 26, 2017. We know that Muriel was pleased to be able to remain in her own home while she dealt with her cancer and... Clure Cheyne April 1, 1929 - January 13, 2017 George Clayton McClure Cheyne (McClure Cheyne) April 1st, 1929-January 13th, 2017 It’s with deep and heavy sadness that we announce the passing of Clure Cheyne. Survived by his wife of 68 years Adrene and his... Ron Crossley CROSSLEY; Ron passed away peacefully surrounded by family at his home in Brampton on December 17, 2016. Ron is predeceased by his loving wife Bridie; by his son Ian; by his parents Ada & Hubert; and by his... Serenidad "Nida" Cuerdo CUERDO; Serenidad “Nida” who passed away on November 29, 2016 in her 83rd year surrounded by family. Predeceased by her loving husband Esmeraldo Cuerdo. Nida is survived by her children Esmeralda (Cesar),... Maria Charalambous July 16, 1934 - November 13, 2016 It is with Great sadness we announce the passing of Maria Charalambous, on Sunday, November 13, 2016. Maria passed peacefully at her home surrounded by her family. Maria joins her beloved husband Andreas but... Muriel Cranston It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of Muriel Cranston. Muriel will be dearly missed by her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and extended family and friends. Krysten Chalmers Krysten Lee Chalmers December 13, 1988 - September 15, 2016 It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Krysten Chalmers. Loving wife of Vikram Sandhu. Beloved daughter to Stephen and Carol... Percy "Perc" Chantler January 14, 1929 - July 14, 2016 Percy Ross Chantler Jan 14, 1929 – July 14, 2016 He passed away peacefully in his sleep at Brampton Civic Hospital. Survived by spouse of 59 years Margaret Ruth Chantler (nee Simcoe). Son of the late Arthur... Mary Cherubim Our dear Mary has gone to be with the Lord on July 11, 2016. To all her family and friends who knew her, she will be dearly missed. Hector Carapia June 23, 1967 - April 16, 2016 It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Hector Carapia on Saturday, April 16, 2016 Hector will be fondly remembered by many family & friends
Erwin B. Bigger Oral History These two VHS tapes contain a recording of an oral history by Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Erwin B. Bigger. In it, Bigger discusses his early life and his service with the U. S. Army as a paratrooper during World War II and the Korean War. Dates: 2003 February 26 Subject: United States. Army. Parachute Infantry Regiment, 504th. X
international tennis Serena Williams remains a force to reckon with. 2017 could be the year that spells it out for her The upcoming season could redefine the 22-time Grand Slam winner's career in more ways than one. R Sharada Dec 13, 2016 · 06:00 pm Timothy A. Clary/ AFP Looking at her performances in singularity, Serena Williams had a great outing in 2016. She reached three Grand Slam finals, won one and made it to the semi-finals of the fourth, before finishing the year as the World No. 2, belatedly conceding her top spot in the rankings to Angelique Kerber. From the vantage point of her usual standards, it was, however, a mediocre performance from the American, in a year where unorthodoxy prevailed over conventional results. Her form also contextualised the point about the impact her presence has had in the professional tennis circuit in the near 22-years that she’s been around. And what it meant as an extension of her career, in the days ahead. The Serena legacy To elaborate, it would do well to rewind back and peer closely into a couple of Williams’s notable years on the Tour. For, these highs invariably led to the enunciation of the road-map of her career, both positively and negatively. One was in 2002-’03, her first peak since turning pro as a 14-year-old in September 1995. In the span of a year, starting at the 2002 French Open up to Wimbledon the next year, Williams completed the Grand Slam – or the Serena Slam, as it came to be known – by winning all the four Majors consecutively. She maintained this aura of dominance for the next few years, all the while buffeting against injuries. It spoke a great deal about her passion for the sport, indicating her desire to come out as the winner each time she stepped on the court. The parallel soaring of her self-importance, however, detracted from her fierce competitiveness. Nor did the latter indemnify her against her hubris-influenced behavioural problems, which brought out an unflattering truth that her sportsmanship took a dive in case of defeats. The year 2011 shaped the Serena Williams the world is seeing presently. The near-fatal encounter she had with pulmonary embolism at the start of the year brought out a different side of the champion, without diminishing her determination to succeed. Her tantrums at the US Open final that year are a tag of infamy still attached to her name. But in these five years she has more than made up for that last lapse. She has developed the mentality of being accepting of her losses and whole-heartedly appreciative of her rivals, who upstage her. In doing so, she has managed to attain more renown in her career than she would have herself hoped. The unexpected turnarounds The 2014-’15 season was the encapsulation of the second cresting of her peak. It was also the threshold that ushered in the 2016 season leading to the cascade of events that followed. Williams won the Serena Slam for the second time, winning consecutively from the Wimbledon in 2014 to the 2015 French Open. Along with this, she also smashed a torrent of records and was within sight of conquering the Grand Slam. Eventually, though she was thwarted by Roberta Vinci in the US Open semi-finals that year, for the then 34-year-old it meant coming back next year and taking another stab at the prospect. Williams not being able to do so this year has led to expectations being built all over again for her to try once again. This confidence is not so well-placed when it comes to discussing the players, who pipped her across the year in half-a-dozen events, including the Slams, to make their mark. Such opining then comes in the wake of an unaltered trend, segueing from the past to the present. Her challengers – the ones who have long retired and the ones who are still around – have never been able to stall her successively. With Williams getting past them if only by the sheer force of her will, if not the acuity of her game on the given day. A more deliberating eventuality has been that quite a few of them have drifted away from fulfilling their potential consistently. In 2016 itself, the constancy of her rivals including Kerber, came about in snatches rather than a free-flowing succession from the start till the end of the season. A crucial juncture Nuances like these then make Serena Williams the back-up as much as the primary favourite, regardless of all other contenders in the fray. And, while 2017 could reiterate this pattern, it would also be a deviation. Williams’ exploits in 2015 left a jagged imprint this year with her physique rebelling against her, symbolic of how time – by way of her age – was not in her control. On the cusp of the new season, Williams then stands at a peculiar crossroad, engaging in a simultaneous dual rivalry with visible opponents and intangible entities. She can convincingly take on the former and come out as the winner. But against the latter’s resoluteness, it is doubtful whether she can dictate similarly or emerge victorious as she did a decade before, despite being battered. And, if time does bend Serena Williams’ will, it would mean an ironic twist to the latter portion of her career being impaired by the same inconsistency she’d tried to evade all along. But it would also lead to time-determined brief moments of glory, those leaving women’s tennis entirely short-changed and in need of someone to capitalise on, much like a gutsy Michigan native did, seemingly not so long ago. Leander Paes's 30-year Davis Cup dream ends as Marin Cilic sends India crashing out
CCDS Upper School Students: Are We Living Up to the Expectations Other Divisions Give Us? Ali Zimmerman, News Editor '26 “As Country Day Upper School Students, there are certain things expected of us and certain roles we must play in the CCD community.” How many times have we heard this statement? I thought it was time to finally figure out exactly what is expected of US students and what role they are supposed to play. The Country Day community involves many different groups of people such as the Upper School, Middle School, and Lower School students, faculty, alumni, parents, and staff. I interviewed people from many of those groups to see if they all agreed on what is expected of an Upper School student. First, I spoke to some US students themselves. “US students are role models. They’re people you can rely on and look up to. They can help out the younger kids. They’re connected with everyone else in the upper school and the other divisions too.” “So far I’ve noticed that Country Day Upper School students are very helpful to the younger students for sure. More so than at my other schools.” I received many comments like these with the common theme that US students are expected to help the Middle and Lower school. The question is, do we think that we stand up to this expectation? “I think as a whole we do. We’re connected. Students Helping Students is the biggest club. And many students have started going down to the lower school to help them with their math lessons.” Middle School and Lower School had similar views on the role of Upper Schoolers. A second grader said, “Upper School students are nice. They show me what to do. And are helpful.” Members of the class of 2028 stated that “they model what we should do in our future. I think they do this in certain circumstances. Sometimes they contradict that, but everyone does at some point,” and “overall, I have many role models in the Upper School.” As a parent of two current CCD students, alum, and head of school, I turned to Mr. Zimmerman in search of an answer to the question of what’s expected of Upper Schoolers: “The role of a CCDS US student in the community is to lead through service. To be a student at CCDS is to be among the most fortunate humans ever to walk the earth; consistent with ancient biblical wisdom (Luke 12:48, “to whom much is given, much will be required”) and modern comic book axioms (Spider-Man, “with great power comes great responsibility”), we, therefore, expect CCDS students to model servant leadership by serving others and improving the human condition. In my experience, US students regularly live up to these expectations and make significant contributions to the community. In fact, if you look around the Cincinnati community, you see CCDS alumni making a difference in almost every sphere of human endeavor. These examples should serve as an inspiration but also an expectation for current students.” In my final interview, an interview with the head of the Upper School, Mrs. Weinheimer, I became aware of some interesting thoughts: “I think primarily they’re here to set an example. They are role models for the younger community showing them what’s possible and how to be themselves. When we say be yourself people are like ‘oh yeah of course,’ but I think it’s really cool when Upper School students embrace their weird quirk. It’s just really powerful for other people to see. And I think that’s really important. On a more practical level, they really do lead. They decide what our clubs are, and they are shaping the identity of Country Day. When people ask what Country Day is about, it really is the US students. As a whole, I think they really do stand up to these expectations of being a leader and a good person to look up to. Being a role model isn’t always getting it right every time. Every once in a while I think we have to redirect the leadership. Sometimes students wait for adults to lead. It might be messy but there’s something valuable in them doing it themselves. Part of being in the community is getting out of the community too. It’s the everyday interactions like helping someone in the grocery store who can’t reach something on the shelf. Then they’re wearing a CCD sweatshirt and they’re asked if they go to school there and suddenly someone sees Country Day in better light.” I, for one, think that is more than enough insight into the expectations of Country Day’s Upper School students. It’s important to take this feedback and be the leaders everyone in the community believes us to be, including some of the student body. NFL Championship Weekend: A Look at the Rest of the Bengals’ Season Why You Should Care About How Ohio Just Elected a House Speaker Messi vs. Ronaldo: The Final Dance Upcoming Multicultural Week a First for Country Day My Experience Volunteering at the Cincinnati Zoo Sebastian Vettel: Rookie to World Champion The World Cup: A History of Controversy Merle E Black • Jan 27, 2023 at 1:24 pm I agree with the thoughts of Mr. Zimmerman and Ms. Weinheimer–however, in addition, I believe, students should give as much effort to their academic and intellectual endeavors as they do to sports, theater, arts, music. The occasion before us is to become substantive individuals–and in doing so then give that which is of value to others. https://scrollonline.net/17250/school-news/ccds-upper-school-students-are-we-living-up-to-the-expectations-other-divisions-give-us/#comment-144
sdwny.org Gambling How to Play the Lottery Online Lotteries are a form of gambling. During the Middle Ages, many governments used lotteries to fund a variety of projects and help the poor. The word “lottery” comes from the Dutch word “lot” meaning “fate”. Several colonies also used lotteries to finance local militia during the French and Indian Wars. Governments of some countries banned lotteries until after World War II. However, several more states are now legalizing them. Most jurisdictions in the US provide their citizens with legal lotteries. In some cases, these lotteries are offered online. There are several types of lottery games, each with different rules. Some of the most popular are: Progressive Lotteries: These lotteries increase in size after every draw. Prizes can be cash or goods. A player can choose to play for an annuity or one-time payment. They are paid out after a predetermined minimum amount is reached. Instant Games: Many lotteries offer the chance to play on the web or via mobile apps. Players enter a number, and then wager money for the numbers that are drawn. This allows them to participate in the same game as everyone else, and gives them the chance to win a large jackpot. Fixed Prizes: A fixed prize is a fixed percentage of a receipt. They can be cash, goods, or a prize such as land. While this is a risk to the organizer, it can be a way to increase the payout. The odds of winning a jackpot in a lotterie are incredibly small. If you want to play for the jackpot in a lottery, you will need to buy a lot of tickets. It is estimated that you will need to buy 100 tickets a day to have a 50% chance of winning. At this rate, it will take you almost eight centuries to get to 50%. The most common format of a lottery is a “50-50” draw. This means that you have a 50 percent chance of winning if you play a specific set of numbers. To be eligible to win, you need to match the randomly drawn numbers. You can buy additional tickets to improve your chances. Most of the lotteries in the US are run by state governments. The most direct and effective way for states to gain from expanded gaming is to set up state lotteries. Online lotteries are a growing industry, and more and more states are attempting to legalize them. For example, Mississippi passed legislation allowing its citizens to play for a state lottery. Officially, the laws governing lotteries are divided into 48 jurisdictions. They include the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and 45 of the 50 states. Almost all jurisdictions offer Powerball and Mega Millions. Other states, such as Alabama, do not. The official terms of service for most lotteries include a force majeure clause, which protects the lottery provider from liability. This clause is often used to prevent private enterprises from competing with the state. SBOBet – How to Find a Good Sportsbook When it comes to finding a sportsbook that can meet your needs, you should look for a site that offers[...] IDNPoker – Rules For Playing Poker Online In poker, suits and rank are not relevant to the outcome of the game. In the case of a tie,[...] Poker is a card game in which players compete for chips. A poker hand consists of five cards. A winning[...]
Harbours, 1 results 1 Only top-level descriptions Harbours Privy Council (Canada) collection Item is an extract of a report of a Committee of the Privy Council, dated 8 July 1893, regarding foreshore rights in Vancouver of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with two accompanying maps. One map is in the file; the other one is catalogued as Map 648.
What does protecting company assets mean? What is the meaning of asset protection? Why is asset protection important? What are the types of asset that needs to be protected? What is the clause that protects the assets of a company? How do you protect assets? What is the best asset protection? How does an LLC protect your personal assets? Does a corporation protect your personal assets? Who is liable for debts in a limited company? Can my personal debt affect my LLC? How do I protect my assets from personal guarantee? How do you protect cash from assets? Which state is best for asset protection? How do the wealthy protect their assets? What are small business assets? What is the disadvantage of an LLC? Does an LLC protect you from the IRS? When can directors be held personally liable? Is the owner of a corporation liable? How do companies manage assets? What is asset management with example? Can a creditor freeze my business bank account? What happens when a company Cannot pay its debts? Are all directors of a company liable for debts? Can a limited company director be held personally liable? What is better for a small business LLC or S corporation? Why do you need to protect your assets? What is the best way to protect business? Can you go to jail for not paying a personal loan? What are personal assets? Can holding companies get sued? Do holding companies pay taxes? Where is the best place to set up a trust? What is the most debtor friendly state? Why do rich people form LLC? Should I put my money in an LLC? Does a company protect your personal assets? What is considered a company asset? Is a member of an LLC personally liable? How are LLC taxed? Can IRS seize assets in LLC? Who gets the money when a corporation is sold? Can company directors be prosecuted? Asset protection is the process of defending your personal and business assets against potential liabilities arising from your business, such as debt obligations, creditor claims, liability claims, claims for damages, etc. Asset protection is a part of financial planning that guards against creditor claims on one’s assets. Asset protection strategies are used by both private individuals and corporate entities to restrict creditors’ access to certain valuable assets while remaining within the parameters of debtor-creditor law. In the event of a lawsuit or divorce, asset protection acts as a barrier between you and your creditors. Given the litigious society of today, asset protection planning is crucial for business owners. As you amass wealth and assets, creditors and predators start to target you. Asset protection is usually needed when you fulfil most of the criteria below: a variety of asset types. You have a variety of assets, including, but not limited to, life insurance, bank accounts, stock options, company stocks, cryptocurrencies, and real estate. multiple nations. family members who live abroad. Corporate Compliance, Sample Policy – Conduct Clause for Asset Protection (Annotated) The Company’s assets must be safeguarded and used effectively at all times, and this responsibility falls on all of its directors, officers, and staff. Options for asset protection include: trusts for domestic asset protection. LLCs, or limited liability companies. insurance, such as a malpractice or umbrella policy. substitute for litigation. Premarital contracts. Plans for retirement like a 401(k) or IRA. Exceptions for homeowners. overseas trusts. Trusts have established a reputation for being the best asset protection strategies currently available. They have shown to be more successful than any other type of financial institution at shielding a person’s assets from lawsuits, creditor claims, and just about any other legal threat. THIS IS INTERESTING: How do I add Java security? protection of private property. Limited liability is offered to the owner or owners of an LLC. This means that, as the owner of an LLC, you are generally not held personally responsible for any debts incurred by your LLC business or the majority of lawsuits connected to your business. How Asset Protection is Offered by a Corporation. The assets of the owners can be shielded from corporate debts, liabilities, and obligations by a California corporation. One of the main goals of incorporation is typically to protect personal assets from corporate liabilities (Asset Protection). A limited company is viewed by the law as existing entirely independently of its directors. Limited liability really comes into play when a business is having financial problems. Any debts incurred by the company in its name are entirely its responsibility. General Principle: LLC is not responsible for the debts of its members All states, including California, have a general law that prohibits creditors from seizing an LLC’s funds or assets in order to satisfy the personal debts or liabilities of the LLC’s owners. Specifically: Whenever possible, stay away from personal guarantees. Negotiate a limit on the portion of your personal assets that a lender may try to seize if you don’t pay if you have to sign a guarantee. When possible, provide specific collateral in place of a guarantee. How to Protect Your Assets From Lawsuits You could develop a plan with the aid of a financial advisor to safeguard your assets for your family. Limited-risk businesses (LLCs). Unchangeable trusts. Some of the top states when taking into account these variables are South Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, and Alaska. However, the majority of experts believe Nevada to be the best state for asset protection trusts. Rich people use laws to safeguard their assets. They make use of legal entities established under various laws, as well as trust, corporate, partnership, and tax loopholes open to everyone, not just the wealthy. Rich people use laws to safeguard their assets. They consist of inventory, cash, and accounts receivable. The better a small business’s current assets are, the longer it can survive without borrowing money. Fixed assets are tangible possessions that have a shelf life of more than a year and have monetary value to a business, such as tools and computer hardware. Cons of establishing an LLC States impose a fee upon initial formation. Many states also charge recurring fees, such as franchise tax or annual report fees. Consult the Secretary of State’s office in your state. ownership that is transferable. Compared to a corporation, an LLC’s ownership is frequently more difficult to transfer. An LLC’s assets (or a corporation, for that matter) cannot be seized by the IRS in order to satisfy a shareholder or owner’s personal 1040 federal tax debt. To put it briefly, the LLC (or corporation) has a different taxpayer identification number from the person (EIN vs SSN). If a director participated in illegal activity with their knowledge or complicity, or if they contributed to it by failing to perform their duties, they may be held personally responsible for a company offense. A corporation is an incorporated entity created to reduce the owners’ liability (called shareholders). In most cases, shareholders are not held personally responsible for the corporation’s debts. Only by seizing the corporation’s assets can creditors recoup their debts. THIS IS INTERESTING: Who are core members of safeguarding adults? 8 Tips on Managing Your Business Assets Wisely Determine Your Resources. Assign them a value. Record the assets of your company. Assure them. Know Your Taxes and Assets. Create a schedule for depreciation. Utilize Your Assets When Valuing Your Company. Sell Assets Correctly. In the financial industry, the phrase “asset management” is frequently used to describe people and businesses that look after other people’s money and property. These include asset managers who work for pension funds to oversee a group of people’s pensions, for instance. Can a creditor seize your bank account without your permission? Yes, a creditor may without notice garnish a judgment debtor’s bank account in the majority of states. You might have to think about selling or refinancing assets if you are unable to pay off the company’s debts. Creditors may compel you to declare bankruptcy if this isn’t an option. In general, directors of limited companies are shielded from personal responsibility for the debts of the company. The name of the entity gives it away: a limited liability company. To minimize their exposure to business debt, people create limited liability companies. Limited liability is a safeguard put in place between the company and each of its directors, to put it simply. This means that if the company is unable to pay its debts, the directors cannot be held personally liable. An S Corp would be preferable to an LLC if there will be multiple people managing the business because the board of directors would have oversight. Additionally, members may work for the company, and a S corp enables members to receive cash dividends from business profits, which can be a fantastic perk for staff members. Because you can be sure you have assets that can produce income for you and your family in the future, protecting your wealth is important. By restricting the creditor’s access to certain valuable assets, asset protection makes sure you are protected from creditor claims. Protect your most important assets Create employment contracts. Ensure that any formulas, restricted records, or intellectual property cannot be disclosed to your employees. Apply for copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Keep your data safe. Sign agreements regarding privacy. Incorporate your company. You CANNOT go to prison for not making payments on ‘civil’ debts like student loans, credit card debt, or medical expenses. People may find themselves suddenly unable to pay their debts for a variety of reasons; among the most frequent are job loss and medical incapacity. Personal assets are items with current or potential value that belong to an individual or family. Cash and cash equivalents, CDs, checking and savings accounts, money market accounts, tangible cash, and Treasury bills are typical examples of personal assets. The corporate veil being pierced, which indicates that the action was outside of a business’s regular operations, is the most significant exception (fraud or negligence, for example). In this situation, a lawsuit against the holding company’s and subsidiary’s owners is a possibility. The dividends your holding company receives are typically tax-free if it owns stock in another company. Deferred taxes in these circumstances can equal about 30% of taxable income for those in the highest tax bracket. THIS IS INTERESTING: How does the Data Protection Act protect my rights as an employee? Overall, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, and Nevada are the states that trusts are most advantageous in. In addition to Wyoming and Florida, New Hampshire is attempting to join the group. However, some states are better suited to some features than others. Nevada. The state that is friendliest to debtors is Nevada. Only two years must pass after your assets are placed in the trust for them to be protected from future creditors. Nevada also shields your assets from pre-existing tort creditors, a divorcing spouse, alimony, and even child support obligations, in contrast to other states. Your home and other assets are protected for the cost of creating an LLC from being included in a future settlement or judgment. Additionally, this protection scales for investors who use entities like series LLCs and have sizable portfolios. Creating an Investment LLC has the following advantages: Taxes: Individual investors must pay taxes on all of their income, including capital gains and dividend income from stocks. Due to the fact that LLCs are exempt from federal income taxes, when an owner makes investments through an LLC, their tax liabilities are reduced. Your personal assets may be shielded from creditors’ claims in a company structure. A business is a distinct legal entity. For unpaid debts, it may be sued. If your marginal tax rate is high, there may also be tax advantages to forming a company. Anything that will or already has economic value to a company is considered an asset. In essence, assets for businesses are all things that are under the company’s control and ownership and are either currently valuable or have the potential to be profitable in the future. Examples include investments, equipment, and patents. Similar to a corporation, the members of an LLC are not typically held personally accountable for the debts and obligations of the company. As a result, the owners’ private assets are safeguarded in the event that the LLC is sued. For federal income tax purposes, an LLC is typically regarded as a pass-through entity. As a result, the LLC itself doesn’t have to pay taxes on its earnings. On their portion of the LLC’s profits, the members of the LLC must pay taxes. Additional LLC taxes might be assessed by state or local governments. If you are the sole owner of a business and you sell it while keeping no ownership stake and playing no advisor role, you will receive all of the agreed-upon “money” If personal liability can be proven, a director, manager, secretary, or other officer of the company may be charged with a criminal offense. This is done to ensure that those in senior positions at organizations that engage in criminal activity are held accountable.
A Herd Of Bronze Elephants Have Now Taken Up Residence In Spitalfields Alex Landon • 22 January, 2021 East London is now home to some bronze elephants. The streets of London may be quiet at the moment, but over in Spitalfields, there’s a whole herd of arrivals adding a little cheer. A series of bronze elephants have been installed around Spitalfields Market and the local area, with 21 elephants now roaming the plains. And would you believe it, this isn’t their first appearance in the capital… [Featured image: @spitalfieldse1] Yes, these are the same elephants you may have seen out at Marble Arch last year: a herd of twenty orphan elephants and one mother, who’ve apparently upped sticks and moved across town whilst we’ve been confined indoors. And whilst they’re extremely cute to look at, they’re there for a serious reason: to raise awareness of poaching, habitat destructions, and ecosystem changes, all of which threaten the existence of elephants in the wild. As with before, each elephant corresponds to a real one that’s being protected and cared for by the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Africa. Each elephant has a plaque to tell you their name and story, and whilst going to see the elephants doesn’t especially count as an essential journey, they’ll be in place until November 2021, so you’ve got plenty of time to see them. Meanwhile, London’s climate could resemble Barcelona’s by the year 2050. Tags: art gallery / museum, science & nature, winter
A Game Of Thrones Parody Is Coming To The West End Georgie Hoole • 1 August, 2017 Winter is coming… but this time it’s heading to the West End. Having already been on a successful tour around the world, critically acclaimed GoT parody Graeme of Thrones is coming to London’s West End this September. The show follows a hysterical journey through the Seven Kingdoms, and is performed by just 3 cast members. But what they lack in numbers they make up for in nudity, beheadings and comedic genius. Taking stage at Charing Cross Theatre, Graeme of Thrones was written by a GoT fan for GoT fans, and it’s guaranteed to have you rolling on the floor laughing. The show will run from September 20th until November 11th at Charing Cross Theatre. Tickets are available here. Tags: theatre
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You should consider Travel Risk Management as part of travel-related activities of your organization, which also includes stakeholder management. Organizations need to meet their “Duty of Care” responsibilities, comply with any relevant legal and ethical obligations related to travel (across multiple jurisdictions) and have a plan in place to care for their staff. It is important to show employees that they are supported by their company when travelling on its behalf. Travelers, whether international or national, can be faced with unfamiliar situations and environments that have different risk profiles. Risks such as road accidents, disease outbreaks, epidemics, natural disasters, as well as conflict, crime (including cyber and information ones), terrorism, political and socially instability and unrest, can threaten the safety, security, and health (both physical and mental health) of travelers and also affect the outcome of their business trip. Managing travel risks in a country where an organization has no local base, requires more comprehensive controls compared to those locations where mitigations have already been established and risk profiles are well known. Nowadays, a timeliness and accuracy of intelligence, analysis and advice, including travel warnings, has increased in importance and is going to highly influence travel decisions in the future. Travel Risk Assessment A Travel Risk Assessment is fundamental to comply with obligations of Duty of care. The scope of the Travel Risk Assessment is to identify any threats an employee could face during a trip. Considering the fact that travel risks are constantly evolving and, consequently, the assessment must consider all aspects, i.e., from the loss of a flight to a global pandemic. Thanks to a Travel Risk Assessment, organizations will be able to set ad hoc policies and procedures to reduce the travel risk wherever possible. In addition, a well-executed and communicated Travel Risk Assessment reassures the employees who are travelling and contribute to safeguard their safety by knowing what to do in case of critical situations, be aware of the potential threats and implement ad hoc policies to mitigate them. Employee route tracking Technology has been a powerful lever for change in the business travel industry, providing route tracking programs: location tracking apps are everywhere around us, and besides sharing location with friends and family, some of them are designed to allow employers to monitor their workforce’s travel journeys remotely and be able to locate them in case of danger/emergency. After assessing all travel risks, organizations have the obligation to embed travel risk culture among its employees and train them to discern between what is and is not to be considered a risk during a business trip. Therefore, training is focused mainly on prevention and make easier to avoid a dangerous situation than to solve it. Furthermore, by training employees on how to respond and behave in awkward situations when travelling, the organization contributes to safeguard their lives. Regulations to comply with as an employer In this contingent scenario, international corporations employing large numbers of workers abroad must demonstrate a proper management of increased crisis and critical situations involving their employees. Therefore, it is important that organizations know: how to handle business travels how to conduct a thorough Travel Risk Assessment how to set a duty of care policy otherwise, they are only putting themselves at risk. We must take into consideration that within the context of travel, Duty of care is the legal obligation to research, plan, and implement a strategy to mitigate the risks involved with business travelling. An organization’s Duty of care contains a statement of its commitment to care for its employees and how far that extends. By implementing a Travel Risk Management System, organizations can put into place an ad hoc strategy to uphold their “duty of care”. In other words, organizations fulfill their Duty of care through the implementation of travel risk management procedures. The Travel Risk Assessment activity is fundamental and strategic in terms of safety at work and represents an exclusive, personal, and non-delegable obligation, for which the employer is responsible for its employees. Due to the contingent pandemic situation, organizations are urged to put into place a Travel Risk Management System to cope with the multiple threats potentially impacting travelling. If an organization does not have a crisis unit that can be activated in the event of an emergency, then it will need to rely on specialized international service operators and travel security operation centers that can monitor, analyze and inform travelers or expatriated employees about what is happening around the world and provide them with “ad hoc” news and alerts to avoid any areas at risk. Therefore, any organizations should ensure adequate monitoring of the location/country of destination in terms of: Political instability or unrest – this aspect can jeopardize travel or travel plans and endanger travelers since business travel to and within politically unstable areas, requires careful planning based on up-to-date advices and information by monitoring, for example, the website of the relevant governmental institutions which notify, at global level, information in terms of security, protection, and level of terrorist threat. Hygiene and health – although it is difficult to predict health problems, ad hoc plans should be implemented in advance and provide strategic support in terms of prevention by checking in advance: Health threats and illnesses: Travelers will need to complete all the vaccination treatments necessary for the country before traveling. Availability of healthcare: organizations should make sure their travelers know where they can get medical care in case of need. Food and water safety: travelers should always remember that some parts of the world may not have the same hygiene standards of their home Country; therefore, the risk of intestinal disorders should be reduced by eating safe food and avoiding street food and opting for bottled water instead of tap water. Accommodation security – Hotels & residences are typical targets for thieves, so it is preferable and advisable to observe some “key” tips for safety, such as: Know the security measures of the accommodation you are in, i.e., if the reception is open 24 hours a day, examine the surrounding area using, for example, Google Street View, etc. Do not book a room on the ground floor: these rooms are more susceptible to burglaries. Put the “do not disturb” sign on the door when you are not in the room. Know the emergency exit plan: as soon as you arrive in the room, take a few minutes to examine the map of the emergency exits and identify where they are. Third-party contractors – A company’s service obligations also extend to third-party contractors and other individuals to whom the organization has responsibilities. Therefore, it is advisable to use only trusted third parties by selecting them from an approved and accredited list and carrying out the necessary intelligence investigations especially when operating abroad. Female employee safety – Women traveling for work are more likely to face risks than their male colleagues. According to a 2018 report published by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) and AIG insurance company, namely 83% of women had safety issues during business trips. Despite this, only 18% of travel policies specifically target women’s safety. Therefore, organizations, in order to adequately meet their Duty of Care requirements, should ensure their female employees receive ad hoc training to address the risks they may encounter during their business trips. Post lockdown business travel Some lessons learned from the pandemic could be valuable and used to set travel risk management policies and procedures for the near future when the measures to contain the pandemic slowdown. Hereafter some tips to be considered: Be prepared for travel requirements and restrictions related to the business travel destination by monitoring institutional governmental websites providing updates of restrictions that may vary from one city to another within the same Country. Plan business travel by geographic region, aligning business plans with the reopening of the Country or cities of destination. Check whether the automated travel approval systems (where implemented) are sufficiently agile and flexible to expedite, for instance, pre-approvals without any additional bureaucracy. Review health and safety policies and procedures with reference to airlines, hotels, and land transport, ensuring that suppliers have clear safety and hygiene practices in place and in possession of related certifications issued by accredited health safety organizations. Improve employee’s trust and manage cybersecurity issues by ensuring context-specific, flexible, dynamic, and adaptable travel options within your organization’s policy. Reassess travel expectations, such as essential travel vs. non-essential ones or the number of employees allowed to travel at any time. Up-date traveler’s data and improve data communication methods by considering that the “new normal” – in terms of business travel – will imply more complex issues to deal with, i.e., changing entry/visa requirements. Therefore, it will be strategic and fundamental for companies to be able to communicate required data timely. Travel risks are very dynamic: they constantly change from county to country, depending on the time of year, the geo-political climate and, nowadays, the pandemic. Therefore, it is important and strategic to monitor and update Travel Risk Assessment and intercept new risks determined by the evolution of different contexts/scenarios. It urges for organizations to implement an integrated Travel Risk Management System to be able to: Define operational processes related to traveling. Carry out an in-depth risk analysis. Set rules and levels of security. Provide adequate information and training. Adopt specific mitigation measures. Guarantee operational management of stay abroad and arrange possible early return. It will be equally strategic and fundamental to ensure ad hoc internal communication campaign in terms of “Travel Safety & Security” to adequately inform and raise the level of awareness among employees and stakeholders and train them to act proactively during a crisis. Covid-19 has exerted a profound change in behavior on corporate travel. The safety requirements of travelling employees have increased noticeably and the employer’s Duty of care is much more important than before the pandemic. Furthermore, prior to sending back employees on travel for business, there are several factors to consider protecting them and the business. Organizations need to evaluate challenges and potential changes while employees are traveling, as well as the threats that these potential challenges and changes can impose on business and business travelers. It is crucial to have a clear plan that identifies what useful actions can be taken to protect the workforce. Therefore, in this evolving scenario, the Duty of care and the implementation of an efficient Travel Risk Management System are set to become more important and strategical than ever to guarantee the protection of travelers and expatriated employees, thus ensuring business continuity and organizational resilience.
Posts By Melinda Clark Startup Uses Crowd-sourced Data to Map Food Supply Chain in Effort to Help Consumers Find Sustainable Food June 19, 2012 | Melinda Clark What do you get when you cross Yelp, Wikipedia and Twitter, GIS and sustainable agriculture? The answer is Food Sprout. Food Sprout is an ambitious attempt by Linda Chang and Andrew Naber to map the world’s food supply chain. It aims to be a Wikipedia-like platform that brings transparency to the food chain by tracing the movement of our food. On it, consumers, farmers, restaurants, distributors, and anyone else who has a hand in bringing food from seed to stomach can track, share and receive information about their food’s origins. Read More NY-based Dairy Cooperative Holds Members to Highest Standards, Lets Milk Speak for Itself June 6, 2012 | Melinda Clark Photo: Hudson Valley Fresh Sam Simon, the President of Hudson Valley Fresh, a not-for-profit cooperative consisting of eight dairy farms – and 1,200 cows – in Dutchess, Columbia and Ulster Counties in New York State, believes that all milk is not created equal. And through adherence to strict standards of quality, humane treatment of animals, segregated milk processing and the resultant songs of praise for the cooperative’s products from countless consumers and retailers, Hudson Valley Fresh appears to bear out Simon’s belief. The premium quality milk and milk products produced by the cooperative – including half and half, heavy cream, sour cream and ice cream mix – are sold locally in the Mid-Hudson Valley, Long Island, New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut. Read More In Feat of Alchemy, Phoenix, AZ-based Startup Transforms Food Waste into Organic Produce and Profit April 18, 2012 | Melinda Clark What do you get when you feed a special ‘wine’ distilled from food waste to a giant sock filled with earthworms, seed and ground up coconut husks? You get a bounty of organic produce. This is not a joke, but rather a potential solution to address major worldwide issues related to food waste and food security. It is also the basic idea behind VermiSoks, a triple bottom line company that has developed a sustainable closed loop growing solution that converts food waste into a specially formulated liquid mixture used to grow organic produce. Read More Los Angeles-based Sustainable Ag Venture Seeks to Create Network of Urban Farms to Feed and Foster Community April 9, 2012 | Melinda Clark What do cuisine, land use, architecture and renewable energy have in common? A lot, according to Urban Green, a company working to connect these “inter-related disciplines.” Urban Green operates three urban farms and a 4,800 square foot food facility in Los Angeles, CA. The farms employ a variety of growing practices, from traditional permaculture at the first site, which has been running for six years, to hydroponics at a new project in downtown Los Angeles. Urban Green takes a holistic approach to all of its projects, using not only permaculture practices, but reusable and biodegradable containers for its cuisine and renewable energy sources whenever possible. Read More Certification Org. Pushes Consistent Commitment to Sustainability in Agriculture at Every Step of Production March 22, 2012 | Melinda Clark With incredibly comprehensive guidelines on environmental stewardship, social responsibility and animal welfare, Portland-based Food Alliance is making it easier to identify producers who demonstrate a true commitment to sustainability. Food Alliance is a nonprofit that develops stewardship guidelines to help define sustainable agricultural practices and provides third-party certification of sustainable agricultural and food handling practices. It began in 1993 as a joint project of Oregon State University, Washington State University and the Washington State Department of Agriculture to create market incentives for the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. In 1997, it was incorporated and began creating its first guidelines, initially for fruit and vegetable growers. Read More
See, Hear, & Believe Productions Testimonials from our audiencE It’s easy to tell you how great we are. Here’s what other people think of our productions: “I feel like this (FOUR) is a lot of what people my age go through; peer pressure, not being sure of what they want to do in their life. I feel like this can really open up their eyes in realizing eternity is real!” Rachel Pope “I think it (FOUR) was great! It carries a good message that a lot of people need to see, both young and old. It was very good.” Wanda Brown “I thought it (FOUR) was powerful. A really good presentation. It was a powerful message of God’s love for us and salvation.” John & Irene Gomez “I thought it (FOUR) was a fabulous production. The fact that all of the people came up and accepted Christ afterwards. It’s just a powerful performance.” Nick & Dana
Sucker or Cynic? seekingdivineperspective Uncategorized January 18, 2019 January 7, 2019 4 Minutes “Be as shrewd as snakes, but as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16 You may be familiar with the Winston Churchill quote, “If you are not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative by 40, you have no brain.” I don’t know if that quote pertains to my understanding of “liberal” and “conservative,” but as a Christ follower, I don’t want to have a heart with no brain, and I certainly don’t want a brain with no heart! Jesus’ admonition to “be as shrewd as snakes, but as innocent as doves” sounds great, but how do we achieve that divine balance in a world with both the genuinely needy and the con artists? Suppose a man is standing by the side of the road with a sign asking for money for food. The stereotypical “liberal” might think, Aw, poor guy! I’ll give him my cash. The stereotypical “conservative” might think, I’m not giving him money. He’d just spend it on drugs or alcohol. Scripture has much to say about being kind to strangers, and that in doing so we might even be entertaining angels! (Hebrew 13:2) But in the story of the prodigal son, who had made some very poor choices, it wasn’t until he was totally destitute and “no one gave him anything” (Luke 15:16) that he finally “came to his senses.” (verse 17) We know that someone who keeps helping another person continue to make bad choices is an “enabler,” and when God is delivering someone a wake-up call, we certainly don’t want to be that person who keeps helping him hit the snooze button. On the other hand, there’s the chilling prediction that at the Judgment Jesus will tell some of us, “Depart from Me! I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. If you didn’t do it for the least of these, you didn’t do it for Me.” (Matthew 25:41-42, 45 -paraphrase) When Jesus walked this earth, He was the picture of compassion, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, even preaching that we should love our enemies. At the same time, on at least one occasion He bluntly told the crowds, “You are not looking for Me because you saw miraculous signs, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.” (John 6:26) He rebuked hypocrites and chastised those with ulterior motives. Jesus had an advantage – He knew people’s hearts. Usually, we don’t, and when we think we do, that’s when we get into trouble. So, how do we get “the mind of Christ,” when our minds are finite, and the issues are so murky? Ask Him. Prayer is always a good idea. Talk to God, and don’t forget to listen for His voice. If we don’t hear an audible voice, He could be speaking to us through Scripture. The book of Proverbs is chock full of wisdom. So are a great many other passages, but be sure to read them in context. We need to study all of God’s Word, or we will be more confused than ever. That’s why some people speak of “contradictions” in the Bible or quote only certain Scriptures to support their side of an issue; they’re reading only part of it and missing God’s perfect balance. One of my favorite promises is found in James 1:5, which tell us that if we ask God for wisdom, He’ll give it to us. I’ve seen that promise fulfilled when an idea seems to get dropped into my mind. Sometimes the idea is relatively simple, such as giving a generous donation to, or volunteering with a reputable ministry that helps the needy with food, shelter, and employment. As for the person on the street with the sign, I usually stop and give him/her a gift card for a fast food place. (I always try to carry a few in my purse.) Usually the person is appreciative. If I don’t have a card and the person is asking for money for food, I try to find a way to provide some food. Sometimes the experience gets interesting… One day when I was visiting my daughter at college, we encountered what appeared to be a homeless man on the street. He asked us for some money so he could “buy a sandwich at the McDonald’s over there.” My generous-but-smart daughter said sweetly, “I’d be happy to buy you a sandwich. What kind would you like?” The man didn’t want us to bother and said we could just give him the cash, but Kelly insisted on buying it for him. Finally, he said he’d like a fish sandwich, and we headed over to get in line. After quite a wait, we got back to the spot only to find that the man had left, but another man was sitting on the curb, his head bowed and his long hair dangling around his knees. We offered him the sandwich and a prayer, and he accepted both. After the prayer we asked his name. He replied, “Gabriel.” I got a chill. Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we have used our cynicism as an excuse not to help the truly needy. Forgive us when we have given with wrong motives, not wisely, just to make ourselves look or feel good. Show us how to be “as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves.” Give us pure motives and “the mind of Christ” each day to do Your will, in Jesus’ name. Amen Published January 18, 2019 January 7, 2019 Previous Post Worth Repeating Next Post Revelation in the Bleachers 27 thoughts on “Sucker or Cynic?” I got a chill too. 🙂 Enjoyed your post. Very encouraging. Thanks, Tina. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this wisdom! Hi Ann, my wife is the one who normally gives to the poor and darn if she doesn’t have me doing in now, even when she’s not in the car. We also support kitchens for the poor etc and outreaches through our Church. I like your idea of gift cards, I may try that! Yes, I believe that the organizations that help the poor all the time are much wiser than a typical soft-hearted random person on the street. I would rather trust them to do good with my money than try to figure it out myself. Meanwhile, the gift cards work out pretty well. I have felt good about this method. There has only been one time that the person glared at me and said “What am I supposed to do with THIS?” Every other time it was appreciated. Hummm. What a thought. Entertain angels unawares? I had a similar experience one time. It involved stopping to pray for a man – too long for comment. But after I obeyed and did so, I asked his name and he said Michael. Same feeling. Your best yet Ann! So well stated and cleverly worded! It’s a perfect prayer, balance needed with Divine guidance! Thanks, sis. ❤ Great post. Well balanced and filled with wisdom. Much thanks! {Gasp!} Excellent! \0/ mitchteemley says: Good treatment of a difficult topic. With every situation different, prayer is indeed the key component. Loved by the King of kings says: Wow! Gabriel? And yes, we should always walk with Christ and follow the Spirit’s leading, knowing that He alone knows people’s hearts. Great post as always!! I enjoyed reading this:) Thanks, Alicia. I enjoy yours, too. Honestly, I think you are doing some of the best devotional blogging I’m seeing on WordPress. Keep up the good work. Thank you SO much! I post just once a week on Fridays, so I guess it’s a type of weekend devotional. 😉 My sister has suggested that when I get enough posts I should compile them into a devotional book, so your comment is VERY encouraging! Bless you, and you keep up the good work, too. I think a devotional book is a great idea. Traditional publishing is very difficult, but you never know. The indie world has opened up a lot of unusual doors. 🙂 You are an encourager, Nora! Thanks again. Cindy Dawson says: I have given money to strangers when I felt prompted to do so, but I agree that most of the time it is best to use organizations that help the poor all the time. They know who needs help the most. Blessings Annie! Amen! One of my favorites is Compassion International. I sponsor three children through them, and they can use $38/month for each child for food, school supplies, school uniforms, medical care, and spiritual training. I can’t do better than that. Me, too! My little girl shares my birthday. Her name is Pam. The ending was beautiful and chilling. I am often torn between giving and not giving for the reasons you describe. Whenever I have food on me, I share, otherwise, it depends. Having gift cards, though, is a great idea I’ve never thought of. Thanks for the suggestion. Happy to help. Have a great day. jarilissima says: I love the idea of fast food gift cards! I live in Colorado and this state tends to attract young drug addicts (you know, the stereotype of everyone smoking legal pot here). Unfortunately, that’s not where they stop, and now we’re starting to see more young people passed out on the streets. Coming out of a Taco Bell summer 2019 we encountered what looked like a dead body on the sidewalk and several people calling 911. I think he survived, because we didn’t see him on the local news. It was pretty shocking. This young man looked… dead. So… I often ask myself, “Do I want to be the person that gives them that extra $20 that allows them to overdose?” I don’t know if that sounds “conservative,” but I just couldn’t live with myself if that happened. That’s why I like your gift card idea. Every summer we get lots of young homeless because the weather in Colorado is nice and they can lay about in public, so it’s not like being homeless but more like camping. They look more like travelers with their hiking backpacks and equipment. They look like they need addiction help, not always food. It’s hard to know how to help them except by going via local church charities. Anyway, sorry for the long comment! It’s just that I’ve lived in several states, and Colorado has a very strange addiction / voluntary homelessness? problem. Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. As I described my daughter, we should try to be generous but wise.
True Love is for Losers seekingdivineperspective Uncategorized February 13, 2019 February 13, 2019 3 Minutes Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! Philippians 2: 5-8 With Valentine’s Day coming up, and thoughts of romance on people’s minds, I’d like to share some thoughts about true love excerpted from my book, BARRIERS (So, if prayers are so powerful, how come mine don’t get answered?) In the popular movie “A Knight’s Tale,” the knight, William, has one desire – the love of the lady Jocelyn. Or at least he believes she is his one desire. He has trained long and hard for the impending tournament and is confident he can beat all the others and win her hand. But the lady seems unimpressed with his declaration of love, even annoyed with his boasting. Finally in desperation he cries, “What can I do to prove my love for you?” It is then that she drops the proverbial bomb. “If you love me, fight poorly. Lose.” William cannot believe she is serious, but she insists. In order to prove to her that he loves her, he is to go out and lose. He wrestles with the proposition, then in frustration he declares defiantly, “I will not lose!” Lady Jocelyn looks him in the eye and declares with equal defiance, “Then you do not love me.” At first it seems the lady is a few bricks short of a castle, but as I thought about it, I concluded, She’s a genius! Think about it. A knight could fight to win a tournament for many reasons – riches, ambition, pride, success, gloating privileges, all the glory that goes with being the victor. Winning the lady’s hand could just be an extra bonus. But Jocelyn doesn’t want to be a perk. She wants a man who will love her more than anything – more than wealth, popularity, admiration – more than himself and his own ego. Her request is brilliant. It also says something about her priorities when it comes to love. Most ladies of the day would be proud to be won by the best, most popular, most glorious knight, but she would rather have true love than the prestige of being the champion’s lady. [Spoiler Alert] The day of the tournament William rides out with much fanfare, amid the shouts of his many admirers, while Jocelyn sits in the gallery looking bored. But when it comes his turn to fight, much to the dismay of his squires, William allows himself to be struck without any resistance whatsoever. After numerous harsh blows, his bewildered squires cry, “Why are you doing this?” “I don’t know!” he cries, as bewildered as they are. But Jocelyn knows why, and suddenly she is interested in the tournament. Unable to sit, she jumps to her feet. But then, apparently weak in the knees, she leans against a pole for support. As she watches her knight passively receiving the beating of his life, she murmurs incredulously, “He loves me!” So, what does this have to do with divine perspective? Christians, especially American Christians, seriously underestimate the differences between the ways of the world and the ways of the Kingdom of God. From the day Jesus entered the world in the flesh, the way He did things was the direct opposite of what people expected of the Messiah. The King of the universe was born in a barn. He was raised in a humble home, hung out with the lowliest people. And how did He prove His love for us? Not by wiping out His enemies in a glorious show of power, but by allowing Himself to be beaten, mocked, spat on, stripped naked, and nailed to a cross to die a criminal’s death. So, as I watched William taking a beating for the woman he loved, I had a sense of deja vu from another film, “The Passion of the Christ.” I remembered, as I had watched the portrayal of Jesus taking so much abuse without resistance, having been acutely aware that He could have stopped it any time He chose to. He could so easily have been the conquering Hero, the glorious Victor. But He wasn’t – not yet. And like Jocelyn, I was awestruck as I realized, He loves me! Prayer: Lord Jesus, our Bridegroom, You laid down your life for Your bride. We love You, and we want to love You more – more than the world, more than other people’s opinions, more than our very lives. Help us to be willing to look like losers, if that’s what it takes to follow You, to be identified with You. In Your precious name, Amen. Previous Post What the —?!? Next Post What God Did with a “Wasted Day” 22 thoughts on “True Love is for Losers” myjourneysf says: This was so creative and relevant. I want to be a loser! Lord, please forgive my pride. Holy Spirit, help me to be humble. Lord, please give me a servant’s heart. Thank you for sharing this! God bless you and your ministry. Hi Ann, the title of your post got me curious and the post itself validated the title. You’re exactly right, what He could have done and what He did do are contrary to what one might expect but by doing so He demonstrated His obedience to the Father and the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit towards us. The extent to which He went is staggering. Thank you! Yes, God’s ways are so often contrary to what we expect. That’s the difference between our perspective and His. 😉 Ah, the greatest love story ever told. Beautiful piece, Ann. Thank you, grAnnie Roo. 🙂 My pleasure. Love, Roo Dee@Sealed in Christ says: We talk about this idea in Sunday School a lot, how with Jesus, everything is backwards in terms of what the world values. The last shall be first. Amen! I think an unfortunate part of our culture is the idea that we can somehow “have it all,” but we can’t, and that’s when we must decide – Is Jesus worth giving up being a “winner” in the eyes of the world? Great points made here. Of course, I am such a pragmatist that when I saw the movie, I said, “Hey, if she loved him, she wouldn’t ask him to lose.” Typical guy, I suppose! Yep. 😉 You might remember, then, that after she saw that he was willing to lose for her, she sent messengers to tell him to win – and he did! (A man once said it would be helpful if every woman were equipped with a sign on their forehead that lit up at appropriate times, saying, “This is a test.”) That’s right, I do remember that. And yes, I very much would like women to be equipped with signs on their foreheads. My writing skills are far better than my perception skills!! Real meat here. Necessary understanding for those who love – both to love God and to love people. No room for selfishness. Sunshiny SA, Kavitha says: We are loved in the best way. If only we could perpetuate that, we would be blessed and so much richer. 🌺🌸 Great point!!! I always admire your perspective— that points straight to Jesus every time!! Thank you! (If it doesn’t point to Him, I’d have to change the title of my blog. 😉 ) Lol true!! So thought-provoking. Mystic Dee says: “They will know we are Christian by our love, by our love. They will know we are Christians by our love.” Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award x 2 (and more information about me than you ever wondered about) – Seeking Divine Perspective annj49 says: This is beautiful…. A test of true love, indeed. Our ALL is required, not just the bits we don’t mind letting go of, the bits we can manage to part with…..EVERYTHING! Leave a Reply to grAnnie Roo Cancel reply
Tag: or related degree Four Highest-Paying Entry-Level Finance Jobs in 2022 Carrie Palmer / January 13, 2022 Finance and accounting fields offer aspiring candidates an ever-growing supply of job opportunities. So, if you’re interested in an exciting and competitive career or are searching for ways to understand the inner workings of businesses, a career in finance may be the answer for you. According to Kiplinger, finance is amongst the top twenty-five degree majors for students looking for…
FSD2057 Employment Survey of Tampere University Graduates 2003 Mäkinen, Jukka (University of Tampere. Career Services) Karvinen, Aija (University of Tampere. Career Services) Ollikainen, Jyrki (University of Tampere. Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Philosophy) career development, employment, employment opportunities, graduates, higher education institutions, job hunting, tertiary education The survey charted the employment situation of people who had graduated from the University of Tampere in 2003. Employment status, employment history and experiences of unemployment after graduation were investigated. The respondents were asked about the nature of their current job and whether the job was commensurate with their qualifications. They were also asked what kind of work they had done during their studies. One topic pertained to the respondents' job searching methods. The respondents were also asked which factors were most important in obtaining their current job and which factors may have hindered or prevented them from finding employment that would be commensurate with their qualifications. Opinions on what skills and abilities their employers value were probed. The respondents were asked how satisfied they were with their degrees. They evaluated the supply of courses provided by the University of Tampere and were asked what they had been especially satisfied and dissatisfied with. The survey studied how university studies had improved the know-how skills needed in working life, for example, theoretical and practical knowledge of the respondents' fields, social and problem solving skills. Background variables included respondent's gender, region and information on the degree (degree programme, previous degree, faculty, field of study and the time when studies began).
Chad’s Journey in Language Learning 2018-02-07T12:09:18+03:00By Erin Reyes|Uncategorized| I recently hit my two year mark here in Jordan, and looking back on my journey-all of which has been spent in intensive language study-I can confidently say […]
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market Size, Historical Growth, Analysis, Opportunities The Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis along with Major Segments and Forecast, 2022-2028. The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market report is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists. It offers the industry overview with growth analysis and historical & futuristic cost, revenue, demand, SWOT analysis, and supply data (as applicable). The report explores the current outlook in global and regional perspective of players, countries, product types, and end industries. This Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market study provides all-inclusive data that enhances the understanding, scope, and application of this report and also gives 360-degree overview of the competitive landscape of the industries. The report also presents forecasts for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software industry investments from 2022 till 2028. To download a free copy of the report’s sample, click here https://marketintelligencedata.com/reports/6107770/2022-2029-global-anti-money-laundering-aml-software-professional-market-research-report-analysis-from-perspective-of-segmentation-competitor-landscape-type-application-and-geography/inquiry?https://todayisrael.com?Mode=@Alexa The “Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market Analysis to 2028” is a specialized and in-depth study of the chemicals and materials industry with a special focus on the global market trend analysis. The report aims to provide an overview of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software market with detailed market segmentation by Product type, application, and geography. The market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market. Analyzing market segments: Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market Segmentation: By Application Legal Service Providers Multiple Banking Services Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market Segmentation: By Type Get full Report Here [Get Special pricing with up to 30% Discount on the first purchase of this report] https://marketintelligencedata.com/reports/6107770/2022-2029-global-anti-money-laundering-aml-software-professional-market-research-report-analysis-from-perspective-of-segmentation-competitor-landscape-type-application-and-geography?https://todayisrael.com?Mode=@Alexa The Report also includes Prominent players in recent market are: EastNets Truth Technologies, Inc. SAS Institute Inc. AML Partners Verafin Inc. NICE Actimize Aquilan Thomson Reuters Corporation FICO TONBELLER Regulatory DataCorp, Inc. Safe Banking Systems LLC ACI Worldwide, Inc. and other. The report offers an in-depth assessment of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market strategies, geographic and business segments of the key players in the market, also provides insights on current and future market, prominent regional market analysis and industry chain analysis of the global and regional Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Markets. The base of geography, the world market of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software has segmented as follows: For a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Industry is analyzed across key geographies, namely: North America (US, Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa). Each of these regions is analyzed on the basis of market findings in major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market. Crucial Elements from the Table of Contents of Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market: Industry Overview: The research study’s first section provides an overview of the global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market, including its current state and future prospects, as well as its product offerings. It also covers the key segments of the worldwide Market, such as the geography, type, and application segments. Competitive Analysis: This study highlights significant mergers and acquisitions, business expansion, product or service differences, market concentration, competitive position, and market size by player in the global Market. Company Profiles and Key Data: This section profiles the top players in the global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market based on the revenue, goods, business, and other factors mentioned above. Market size by type and application: In addition to providing detailed analysis of the global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market size by type and application, this section provides research on top end users or consumers and potential applications. Market Dynamics: This report covers the drivers, restraints, challenges, trends and opportunities of the global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market. This section also includes Porter’s analysis of five forces. Findings and Conclusions: It provides strong recommendations for new as well as established players for securing a position of strength in the global Market. Methodology and Data Sources: This section includes author lists, disclaimers, research approaches, and data sources. Key questions answered in the report include: What will the market size and the growth rate be in 2028? What are the key factors driving the Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market? What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in the Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market? Trending factors influencing the market shares of the Americas, APAC, Europe, and MEA. Finally, the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market report is the believable source for gaining the market research that will exponentially accelerate your business. The report gives the principle locale, economic situations with the item value, benefit, limit, generation, supply, request, and market development rate and figure, and so on. The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software industry report additionally presents a new task SWOT examination, speculation attainability investigation, and venture return investigation. Benefits of Purchasing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Software Market Reports: *Customer Satisfaction: Our team of experts assists you with all your research needs and optimizes your reports. *Analyst Support: Before or after purchasing the report, ask a professional analyst to address your questions. *Assured Quality: Focuses on accuracy and quality of reports. *Incomparable Skills: Analysts provide in-depth insights into reports. We offer customization on reports based on customer demand: The report can be customized as per client needs or requirements. For any queries, you can contact us at ([email protected]) or +1 (704) 266-3234. Our sales executives will be happy to understand your needs and provide you with the most suitable reports. Irfan Tamboli (Head of Sales) – Market Intelligence Data Phone: + 1704 266 3234 [email protected] https://twitter.com/MIDresearch Posted Under Money Laundering IREO group money laundering case: ED attaches assets worth over ED attaches over Rs 1,300 cr worth assets in money
The late rapper’s family, AKA, has announced the release date for his “Mass Country” album. The family, as well as the late South African rapper’s label AKA, have announced the release date of his posthumous album, “Mass Country.” In an official press release shared by the family of the famous rapper AKA, who has tragically passed away, confirmed the release date of his scheduled album “Mass Country.” The press release confirmed that the album will be released on the exact date set by AKA itself on Friday, February 24, 2023. AKA first announced in a post on his social media platform on January 10th, 2023, prior to his death, that he would be releasing an album titled Mass Country on February 24th, 2023, and his family, as well as his family. Outfit’s label decided to go ahead with the release as previously scheduled, and this would be the rapper’s posthumous album. Also Read: See all 13 ‘Calm’ Certificates Reema Obtained Worldwide The director of Nivo and co-executive producer of Mass Country stated: “The team has been extremely fortunate to work so closely on this project with Kiernan. We’ve spent a lot of time planning this show and creating all the content we have under his direction. Kiernan has worked so hard on this project. He put his heart and soul into it, and we’re thrilled that Kiernan had the opportunity. “For charting this whole show and agreeing to all the elements so what comes out will be according to his direction and vision. We thank the Forbes family for their faith in the entire team working on this project.” Shaun Watson, General Manager, Sony Music Entertainment Africa, revealed: “Our hearts are broken. Not only have we lost an icon, but a person so dear to us as a member of the Sony family. Our thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones as we all go through this difficult time of mourning the loss of a dear and beloved artist. All of us at Sony Music express our deepest sympathy and condolences to his family And his friends, and Megasi, and South Africa.”
The Best Bread Baking Books for Beginners and Advanced Bakers Alike There are many different types of breads out there, but they all have one thing in common: They’re delicious! In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best bread baking books available today.
The Yellow Book, 2021 Oil and acrylic on canvas, 32 × 21 cm
The first dimension of Wilayat: the right of love Posted by Mohammadh | Jan 21, 2018 | Shia Beliefs, WILAYAT | 0 | All Muslims unanimously accept the first dimension of wilayat of Ahlul Bayt. Loving the Ahlul Bayt is one of the “dharuriyyat ad-din, the essential parts of the Islamic faith.” The inclusion of salawat in the daily ritual prayers is a sufficient proof of this. See the famous anti-Shi’a books like as-Sawa’iqu ‘l-Muhriqa of Ibn Hajar al-Makki and Tuhfa-e Ithna-‘Ashariyya of Shah ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Dehlawi, and you will realize that the Sunni polemicists labour painfully to explain that they are against the Shi’a people but not against the Shi’a Imams for they know that loving the Ahlul Bayt is an essential part of Islamic faith. Love for the Ahlul Bayt is enshrined in verse 42:23 that we have already discussed in the last chapter. Here I shall just quote one more hadith from the Sunni sources. Imam ‘Ali said, “By Allah the One who has spilt the grain and created the soul, verily the Prophet (a.s.) has promised that none shall love me but the believer and none shall hate me but the hypocrite.” Actually Jabir bin ‘Abdullah al-Ansari and Abu Sa’id al-Khudari, the two famous companions of the Prophet, used to say: “We did not identify the hypocrites but by their hatred for ‘Ali.” It is a common view of Shi’a scholars that whoever rejects one of the dharuriyyat ad-din, then he is no longer considered a member of the Islamic faith. It is also based on this principle that the Khawarij and the Nawasib (i.e., those who express hatred or animosity towards the Ahlul Bayt) are considered as non-Muslims by Shi’a jurists. Source: al-Islam.org PreviousArbaeen March: Millions converge to Karbala to mark the world’s largest pilgrimage NextThe eighth Imam, Ali ibn Musa al-Reza The meaning of Imam (part 5) Who are Shia Muslims?
/ Domaine Arnaud Lambert, Arnaud Lambert Yves Lambert (his father) created the Domaine in 1996. At the age of 47 he decided to change his life and return to his origins in the Saumur region. From the outset, his ambition was to express the terroirs of Saint-Cyr-en-Bourg in the heart of the Saumur Champigny appellation, whether it be Cabernet Franc or Chenin. He began my career as a winegrower in 2005 , pursuing this qualitative objective. 2009 marks the transition of the vineyard to organic farming as well as the takeover of 8 Clos de Chenin and Cabernet Franc in the commune of Brézé. 2018 sees the estate enter Biodynamic farming: being close to its Terroir and developing a sensitivity for the micro and macrocosm. 2019 will see the blossoming of new Clos in the commune of Montsoreau at the foot of the Loire. Saumur-Champigny "Terres Rouges"
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A Brief History of Our Parish: Though a relatively new saint in the Catholic Church, St. Padre Pio de Pietrelcina has been revered by countless people around the world. Padre Pio's extraordinary holiness was recognized during his lifetime as people of all faiths sought him out for his spiritual guidance and the intercession of his prayers. Padre Pio bore the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ's passion, on his body, as physical evidence of his sanctity. In the long history of the Catholic Church, very few people have been signed with the stigmata. Francesco Forgione was born to a farm family in southern Italy. His father, Orazio, was a shepherd In his youth Francesco suffered several health problems and at one point his family thought he had tuberculosis. At age 15 he entered the novitiate of the Capuchin Friars in Morcone and joined the order at 19 years old, taking the name of Pio. He was ordained at the age of 22 on August 10, 1910. On September 20, 1918, Padre Pio was kneeling in front of a large crucifix in the choir loft when he received the visible marks of the crucifixion, making him the first priest in the history of the Catholic Church to receive the stigmata. The doctor who examined Padre Pio could not find any natural cause for the wounds. Upon his death in 1968, the wounds had disappeared. In fact there was no scaring and the skin was completely renewed, fulfilling a prediction that Padre Pio had made 50 years prior that upon his death the wounds would heal. Word of Padre Pio quickly spread, especially following World War II after American soldiers brought home stories of Padre Pio. The priest himself soon became a point of pilgrimage for both the pious and the curious. Padre Pio had the ability to read the hearts of the penitents who flocked to him for confession to bring both sinners and devout souls closer to God; he would know just the right word of counsel or encouragement that was needed. He died on September 23, 1968 at the age of eighty-one with the words, "Jesus"-"Mary" on his lips! Over 100,000 people attended his funeral. Padre Pio's canonization miracle involved the cure of Matteo Pio Colella, age 7, the son of a doctor who worked in the House for the Relief of Suffering, the hospital founded by Padre Pio. On the night of June 20, 2000, Matteo was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital with meningitis. By morning doctors had lost hope for him as nine of the boy's internal organs had ceased to give signs of life. That night, during a prayer vigil attended by Matteo's mother and some Capuchin friars of Padre Pio's monastery, the child's condition improved suddenly. When be awoke from the coma, Matteo said that he had seen an elderly man with a white beard and a long, brown habit, who said to him: "Don't worry, you will soon be cured." The miracle was approved by the Congregation for Saints and Pope John Paul II on December 20, 2001. On June 16, 2002 over 500,000 pilgrims gathered in Rome to witness Pope John Paul II proclaim Padre Pio as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina.
Sony Xperia X Dual, Xperia Z5 Premium Dual Price Slashed in India September 5, 2016 Anupam Gadgets News 0 Sony India on Monday announced it was slashing the prices of two of its top-end smartphones in India. The Sony Xperia X Dual, which was launched back in May, is now priced at Rs. 38,990. The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Dual on the other hand, which was launched in October last year, is now priced at Rs. 47,990. To note, the Sony Xperia X was priced at Rs. 48,990 when it was launched in May, reflecting a Rs. 10,000 drop in price. The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Dual was launched at Rs. 62,990, but saw another price drop in the intervening period to Rs. 55,990, making the effecting price drop Rs. 8,000. The Sony Xperia X Dual features a 5-inch full-HD (1080×1920 pixels) Triluminos display for mobile powered X-Reality for mobile engine; a 23-megapixel rear camera with an f/2.0 aperture and a 1/2.3-inch Exmor RS sensor, predictive hybrid autofocus, and pulse LED flash; 13-megapixel front camera with an f/2.0 aperture; 3GB of RAM; 64GB inbuilt storage, expandable storage support up to 200GB via microSD card, and 4G LTE support. The Xperia X Dual packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 processor. It measures 142.7×69.4×7.9mm and weighs 153 grams. The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium was the ‘world’s first smartphone featuring a 4K display’. Its 5.5-inch comes with a resolution of 2160×3840 pixels and an impressive pixel density of 806ppi. It is powered by a 64-bit octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 SoC, coupled with 3GB of RAM. Apart from the 23-megapixel rear camera, it bears a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. It comes with with 16GB of built-in storage, with support for expandability via microSD card (up to 2TB). It bears a 3430mAh battery. [source :-gadgets.ndtv] Jet Airways Launches In-Flight Mobile Entertainment Streaming Tatas Say Will Pay to DoCoMo Within ‘Confines’ of Indian Law
Cleansing of the Temple Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple (El Greco, Washington) Major events in Jesus's life in the Gospels Commission of Disciples and Apostles Promise of the Holy Spirit Arrest and Trial Death and Resurrection Second Coming Prophecy The cleansing of the Temple narrative tells of Jesus making people who sold animals leave the temple in Jerusalem. These people provided animals used in the Jewish rituals of sacrifice. Jesus also drove out the money changers. The temple required that only special coins be used to buy the animals or donate to the temple. Sometimes they were corrupt and cheated people who came to worship. Jesus says they are turning the Temple into "a den of thieves". [1] The Synoptic Gospels tell of this happening near the end of Jesus' life. It was one of the reasons that the Jewish leaders opposed Jesus. The Gospel of John puts it near the beginning of the three year ministry of Jesus. This makes some Bible scholars think this happened two times and others think it refers to a single time. ↑ Sanders, E. P. The Historical Figure of Jesus. Penguin, 1993. Retrieved from "https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cleansing_of_the_Temple&oldid=8185534" This page was last changed on 22 April 2022, at 15:53.
Home / Uncategorized / MOTHER Analysis Faults MOTHER Analysis Faults MA examination mistakes may be caused by inefficiencies or neglect on the part of the researcher. Sometimes the researcher fails to notice the wrong highs, and discarded these people. This data shouldn’t be as part of the MA analysis. Regardless of the motive, you can even now deal with the mistake if you learn how to avoid this. Listed below are a few common mistakes in MOTHER analysis. These types of mistakes can easily negatively impression the benefits of the analysis. To avoid these people, it’s important to healthcare online management be aware of the flaws inside the data and use the correct estimation technique. While earlier commentaries contain focused on one fault, this article covers ten common journal mistakes and provides recommendations for publishing a manuscript. By identifying these blunders, authors and reviewers can ensure that their manuscripts execute the journal’s guidelines. Ensure that you are aware of the most frequent mistakes in MA analyses and go along with them whenever you can. Remember, these kinds of mistakes are common but not fatal. Fortunately, they are simply avoidable if you adhere to these rules.
Carbon Monoxide Detector Law goes into effect A statewide requirement to have carbon monoxide detectors installed in all California homes goes into effect July 1. The Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act (Senate Bill 183) is a two part law that states the detectors must be installed on or before July 1, 2011, in single-family dwelling units. The law goes on to state that single family homes with fossil-fuel burning appliances and/or an attached garage MUST have the detectors installed prior to sale. The Transfer Disclosure Statement used in real estate transactions has been updated to state the presence or absence of the detectors. All other dwelling units, such as apartments or multi-family dwellings, have until July 1, 2013, to comply. How easy is it to comply with the law? As easy as popping down to your local Home Improvement Store and buying an inexpensive plug-in unit for less than the cost of a night out at the movies. In Category: Blog, Sellers Tagged as: california, carbon monoxide detector, real estate
Bot Trading Stratagy Settings Trading bots are automated software programs that work with exchanges for financial funds in various ways, including tracking prices, placing buy and sell orders, and executing trades. They can be programmed to carry out a range of tasks, ranging from basic tasks such as keeping track of the price of a single stock, to more complicated tasks like tracking multiple stocks and making trades in accordance with market conditions. One of the major advantages of using trading bots is that they can be programmed to carry out complex tasks with a high level of precision. For instance the bot could be programmed to monitor specific stocks and make trades in response to specific market conditions, such as changes in the stock’s price or volume. Additionally, trading bots can be programmed to analyse large amounts of data and make decisions based on that data, which can help in increasing the odds of trading profitably. There are some potential drawbacks to using trading bots. One of the main disadvantages of trading bots is that they can be costly to setup and maintain. Additionally, trading bots can be vulnerable to hacking and other forms of cyber attack which could lead to losing funds as well as other financial losses. Another disadvantage of trade bots could be that they may be difficult to control. Although there are laws in place intended to safeguard customers from fraud and deceitful trading bots, these regulations aren’t always enforced and many bots could operate outside the regulations. Despite the potential downsides, trading bots are becoming increasingly popular with investors and traders. This is in part because of the growing popularity of trading bots and the increasing number of financial exchanges that support automated trading. Furthermore, the increasing use of big data and machine learning to trade is driving the growth of trading bots. Although trading bots are a powerful tool for traders and investors but it is essential to keep in mind that they are not a substitute for human judgment and decision-making. In addition, it is essential that you are aware the possible hazards associated with using trading bots, which includes the risk of financial loss as well as the possibility of regulatory violations. As such, before using trading bots, it is essential to speak with an expert in finance or any other trained professional to make sure that you are aware of the risks and potential benefits of using trading bots. In addition, it is essential to conduct thorough research and due diligence before choosing a trading bot to ensure that it is safe as well as trustworthy and authorized or registered by relevant regulators. This report is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute any investment, financial or legal advice. The information contained within this document isn’t intended to be substitute for advice on investment or financial matters by a licensed professional. The writer of this report will not be held liable for any financial losses or damages resulting from the use of the information contained inside this publication. It is your obligation to do your own research and obtain professional advice before making any financial decisions. Always remember to invest only the amount you are able to manage to afford to lose.
Japan’s Cat Island Asks Internet For Cat Food, Gets More Than It Can Store Cats are cute and adorable, and most of you will agree, but can you imagine an entire island with a cat population outnumbering humans six to one?This is exactly the case of Aoshima, more popularly known as “Cat Island”. In Aoshima cats are just everywhere, and when bad weather stopped the delivery of goods to the island it was a major problem. Not for humans, but for cats. Instead of requesting food for the island’s inhabitants, people were more worried about running out of food for their beloved cats, so they sent a plea over the internet through a Tweet, “Please send cat food to Aoshima” was the request of one cat caretaker, “There are no stores to buy food here on Aoshima. The people here acquire their necessities by taking a boat to the mainland. However, it’s extremely windy in winter, and boat service is often suspended.” Internet’s response was so important that they got so much more than they needed, and they ended up having the opposite problem, instead of running out of food, they were almost running out of storage. People sent them so much food that they had to send another tweet, asking to stop sending cat food, since they had enough supply for the next few months. (h/t: boredpanda) Aoshima is an island in Japan, also known as Cat Island, because of the huge number of cats living there. There are no stores to buy cat food on Aoshima. People here acquire their necessities by taking a boat to the mainland. However, it’s extremely windy in winter, and boat service is often suspended. Bad weather once caused food delivery to stop, and the island was almost running out of cat food, so they sent a tweet asking the internet to send cat food to the island, and the response was overwhelming. They actually got so much food, that they were running out of storage. Despite the cat population being six times bigger than humans’, they received enough supplies for the next few months. So they sent out another tweet, thanking people for their help, but asking them to stop now. What a time to be alive! One Tweet and poof! Food has arrived. Thank you, internet. This guy was a tad too eager for his share. Relaxed and replete, this one took some time to enjoy a bit of sun. Meet Kitty, The Bernese Dog Who Lives In A Hotel And Snuggles With All The Guests Lost Pit Bull Waited Years For Her Family To Pick Her Up From The Shelter, But They Never Came
IB Diploma Programme ( DP ) Children learn by doing, using their senses, exploring their environment of people, things, places and events. Children do not learn as effectively when they are passive. Active engagement with things and ideas promotes mental activity that helps students retain new learning and integrate it with what they already know. -The Multigrade Teacher’s Handbook, published by the Bureau of Elementary Education, Department of Education, Culture, and Sports, the Philippines, in cooperation with UNICEF, 1994. SNIS uses techniques of teaching (pedagogy) that promote self-learning through a multi-skill, learner-centered, and activity based approach.As a Thinking School, we help our students to explore concepts, ideas, and issues that are of local and global significance. Our teachers emphasize research and encourage students to learn from their peers, with students actively critiquing one another’s work. Our teaching and learning is rooted in questioning. Students question to investigate and teachers provoke the students to stimulate learning and elicit understanding. We avoid interfering with the student learning process by directly answering their questions. Instead, we encourage them to Inquire, Think, Act, and Reflect in order to develop an enduring understanding and subsequently take meaningful action.In this process students learn to investigate, communicate, collaborate, consider different perspectives, make decisions and solve problems effectively which are essential 21st century skills. Our objective is to achieve the educational goal of helping children gain control over the process of thinking. Therefore, the emphasis is on how to learn rather than what to learn, which will serve them throughout their lives.Education at SNIS makes students independent learners with the ability to express themselves confidently and creatively.
Bianca W Home » Bianca W Bianca W2019-07-272019-07-27https://soakspashop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/soak-spa-logo.pngSoak Spa & Foot Sanctuary - Fort Collins, COhttps://soakspashop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/soak-spa-logo.png200px200px Sheila B
Tag Archives: documentary Day 7: We made it a week so far! I told myself that I would blog every day, as we travel. Well, that obviously didn’t work out. We’ve been pretty exhausted once we get to whatever hotel we are staying at every night. We aren’t pushing ourselves too much, and most days the driving is 8 hours or less. Thankfully, we are in Minneapolis right now, and go to Chicago tomorrow. After that, the daily drives are all 6 hours or less. We had an AWESOME time in Salt Lake City, interviewing Tori. I didn’t realize how similar our stories are! Her mother died of cancer, as did my father. It really hit me when she said that, which was in front of the local ABC affiliate’s camera. (You can watch that interview here: ABC4 in Salt Lake City ). Her recipient, John, was also there. We didn’t tell people they had to have their recipient there, but they really want to get involved. We had such a great time that I didn’t want to leave. Tori had gotten us rooms at the Peery Hotel. It was haunted! I had a nightmare that night that I walked into my room and saw a blond lady ghost sitting across the end of my bed. I’m not even afraid of ghosts. It was definitely the most comfortable bed of the trip! I loved meeting her family, and her husband has an awesome sense of humor. Then, we headed to Denver on Sunday. Talk about a brutal drive! Not only was it cloudy and windy, but we had to drive through Wyoming. I am never going to that state again as long as I live! There was absolutely nothing to look at! We had a nightmare of a stop at a truck stop, where it took us 15 minutes to get two cheese burritos from the Taco Bell. It’s a story I’d be happy to tell on camera! When we finally reached the state line to Colorado, our moods lifted. We checked in, slept, and got up yesterday morning to meet Laura in the park. Her recipient, Al, was also joining us. He took a 8-hour train ride to get there! Laura and I both had a lot of drama to deal with for our testing. We both have a really snarky sense of humor, too. Seeing their relationship as donor/recipient reminded me a lot of me and TinyMom. Every time we leave one of the donors, I get a little sad. I wish I had more time with each of them. On the other hand, I have places to visit people and more people to have in Phoenix! This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged documentary, film, kidney, kidney donor on May 8, 2013 by Amy Donohue. Nervous, excited, scared, humbled The past week or so has really sucked. On Friday the 21st of December, I woke up with a sore throat. I went out to a comedy show that night, and didn’t feel sick. I just had a sore throat. I woke up the next day with the full-blown flu. My parents were already at my sister’s house in Orange County, and I was to drive there the 23rd or 24th. It never happened, as the flu got worse. I felt like I had been run over by a steam roller. I was just exhausted and my neck hurt for a day. I took really good care of myself by sleeping a lot. I had an appetite, so I just kept eating. I used my neti pot every day and gargled with warm salt water. I think all of that is what helped me. Though I was sick for 7 days, I didn’t feel like I was on death’s door. I was just SO tired and a little weak. I missed Xmas with my family, which sucked. I love my niece, Olivia, so much! She’s almost 10 now and she stayed with me for a week this past summer. It’s the first time she’s ever flown here by herself and came to stay with me. We had a blast and it just broke my heart that I couldn’t be there. The drive would have killed me. I woke up the other day to a comment on one of my posts here. Someone else is offering us a place to stay on our trip. I do not know this person, and she is the second one to offer. I’m so touched! Every day I see more and more likes on the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SocialMediaStoleMyKidney) and I got messages the past few days from people I don’t even know. The other donors are incredibly supportive and they comment and share some of my posts. As a Social Media person, this page is doing what it’s supposed to! Some time this week, I get to talk to firemen in NYC. A friend of mine told me about a kidney donation between them and knows a couple of the guys. How cool would it be to sneak in some NYC firemen???!!! That’s America right there! My father was a volunteer firemen, so it will be pretty cool to see them. I will, of course, get pics with them because we all know how sexy they are. Hahaha! Tomorrow, Jimmy and I work on the script. I’ve got a meeting on Wednesday with Dr. Jean Robey. She is TinyMom’s doctor and has given me a lot of advice, feedback, and motivation the past few weeks. I definitely need it! I’m a bit overwhelmed, but I’m ok. I’m a bit nervous, but I’m ok. I’m excited, too, to share all of these stories with everyone. Most of all, though, I’m humbled beyond words at the help and support I am getting. This entry was posted in The documentary and tagged documentary, kidney, kidney donation, kidney donor, organ donation, road trip, travel on December 31, 2012 by Amy Donohue. This guy donated in 1980! Word has been spreading about our documentary. Today, I logged into the email account I set up for it, and caught up on the emails. One of them was about a woman’s uncle who donated to her father (donor’s brother) in 1980. His name is Guy and he is now 72 years old. He was 40 when he donated, just like me! Sadly, though the surgery was a success, his brother’s PKD didn’t take too kindly to the new kidney. He never made it out of intensive care and died right away. As he told me this, I broke down on the phone. I took a couple deep breaths, because I didn’t want him to hear me upset. Here’s a 72-year old man, who just got home for the day, talking to a stranger on the phone about something he did over 30 years ago. I asked him some basic questions about the surgery. He was in the hospital for 2 to 3 weeks. WEEKS! I was only there for 2 DAYS! He’s also got a pretty big scar. They used to take the kidney right out of your back, and the scar cut across the ribs. The healing from that was pretty brutal. He was back to work right when he left the hospital, but his soreness lingered for several months. He’s not comfortable being filmed, and I’m ok with that. It was, however, great to talk to someone who had donated so long ago and is still living a happy, healthy life. He’s had one kidney since 1980. People ask me a lot how I would have felt if TinyMom never went home after the surgery. I can’t bear to think about it. It’s not that I would think my kidney was wasted, which people ask me about a lot. It’s just that she’s my mom and I wouldn’t want to think anything badly about the donation process. I guess we were pretty lucky, but these surgeries are successful every day. Don’t be scared. Guy’s 72! This entry was posted in The documentary and tagged documentary, kidney, kidney donation, kidney donor on November 30, 2012 by Amy Donohue. The Mayo Clinic reunion was today! Even though it’s been over 18 months since I donated, I’m still filled with emotion and overwhelmed whenever there is an event, especially at the Mayo Clinic. At the beginning, when they mention the various staff members, doctors, nurses, and advocates, I always start to cry. Some of those people were there for me – and still are – every step of the way. The best part, though, is seeing the other donors who I’ve met through this whole process. One woman, Cindy, I met at my very last appointment at the Living Donor Network. We started talking about donating the next week, and when I asked her which day, it was the same day as our surgery. In fact, she donated two hours before me! It was a chance meeting, but destiny. I remember her coming to my room, the next morning after our surgeries, and I knew I’d be ok. She was up walking around and I was about to take my first walk. She looked so amazing and it made me feel so much better. I also saw a friend who had two family members go through it last year. Then, there was Rebecca. She started to follow me on Twitter after seeing our story on the news. She had a very sick aunt, and by me talking about it so much, she decided to take the plunge! She just donated 6 months ago. I went to the hospital that morning to hang out with all her family members while the surgery took place. I was so proud that someone else made such an important decision, but more than anything, I was so glad people were asking me questions about how she would do after the surgery. People get sick of me talking about it. People say I did it for publicity. Guess what? THIS is the result of all that publicity (some of which was grueling!). THIS is why I have to make this film. This entry was posted in The documentary, Uncategorized and tagged documentary, donor, kidney, kidney donation, Mayo Clinic on November 10, 2012 by Amy Donohue. Playing around, making a promo video I’m making short promo videos to help get sponsorship for my documentary. What do you think? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr20iyMPubA&feature=youtu.be] This entry was posted in The documentary and tagged documentary, kidney, kidney donation, kidney donor, road trip, Social Media, Twitter on September 5, 2012 by Amy Donohue.
7 Truths Only People Who’ve Rescued Dogs Will Understand Jahna Michal Published: April 10, 2020 "Get a dog," they said. "It'll be fun," they said. I adopted a puppy! Her name's Mia and she's just the cutest thing you ever did see. She's already the best companion a gal can ask for. She's the first pet I've ever had as an adult and I just love her so much. While she's the most adorable little girl in the world, at least to her adoptive mommy, I will say she's quite the handful. Not that that's her fault, of course. First of all, she's barely a year old. Secondly, she spent the majority of her life in and out of shelters and rescues, so she's still a puppy-puppy mentally. I've been preparing to adopt for quite a while now, so when we finally made the decision to do it, we were over the moon. We found Mia girl and couldn't be happier. While I'm super thrilled to be a new dog mommy, I'm exhausted. Nobody ever tells you what to really expect when you rescue a young dog. Be Mindful of Their Activity Levels Some pups are low energy, some are high. We knew going in that we wanted a dog who could keep up with our active lifestyle. If you're not used to a young dog, be ready for your world to turn upside down, especially if you're not used to one that still wants to play all the time. She's so much fun. Am I exhausted? Yep, sure am. But, it's nice to have a companion to do fun activities with. Age Definitely Matters This is a HUGE point that even I'm trying to presently cope with. Like I previously mentioned, my dog's barely a year old, so she's definitely still in a puppy stage. Especially when you consider the fact that since she's grown up in and out of shelters and things, she hasn't had a lot of opportunities to be trained. Training Isn't a Walk In the Park It takes a large investment of your time, energy, and money to adopt and rehabilitate your new companion. It's important to make sure you not only have the ability to do so, but are actually willing to take on that kind of responsibility. So many people have the fantasy story in their heads about becoming dog parents, but in reality, it's hard work. Your Home Will Never Be Tidy At least not for the first month or so. If you're putting in the appropriate time and energy into making sure your new furry family member is getting well-adjusted, everything else falls to the back burner. That's okay! The more devotion to the adjustment period up front, the sooner you'll be able to adjust to a new schedule. Dog Treats Are Your Friend Even if you've adopted a fully-grown dog, there's a chance he or she wasn't trained properly which means a lot of that may fall on you. It's obviously not the dog's fault, but don't be afraid to use training treats to modify some behaviors even if you were under the impression that everything was 'a-go' in that department. Don't forget, you new addition is adjusting to this change just as much as you are. He or she is going to be stressed out, so they might not respond to commands that they know in the way you'd expect them to. Patience is A Virtue To my previous point, it's super important to maintain a certain level of calm and patience, especially during the early rehoming stage. Things might get chewed, accidents might happen, and schedules might get confused during those first few weeks. Be patient! Everything will fall into place eventually. Get Used To Your New 'Normal' Don't be surprised if sooner rather than later you can't imagine your life without them. Soon, you'll develop such a tight bond that makes everything worth it. Is it difficult at times? Of course. Is it really that hard? No. South Jersey Region Takes Top Spot for 'Most Hep A Outbreaks of 2019' At the end of the day, all the time spent in helping her adjust and grow into the best girl she can be has been, so far, one of the most rewarding experiences of my adulthood. It's not like I forget what life was like before Mia was in it, it's about not wanting to go back. Check out these 50 fascinating facts about dogs: Source: 7 Truths Only People Who’ve Rescued Dogs Will Understand Filed Under: dogs, Labs, pet adoption, puppies Great Places in South Jersey to Bring Your Dog Nearly 200 Dogs, Cats Found Living in Deplorable Conditions in Brick, NJ Home Seeing Deer & More In Egg Harbor Township & Northfield, NJ Wildwood, NJ Waterpark Totally Went to the Dogs During ‘Puppapalooza’! Big Stretch! Don’t Miss Yoga with Kittens in Camden County, NJ New Animal Law Passed In Arkansas Is Desperately Needed In New Jersey Abandoned, neglected beagles found off Garden State Parkway in Ocean Township, NJ Experts: 7 things to keep your dog calm during NJ fireworks South Jersey Dog Parks Your Furry Friends Will Love
I didn’t used to think I was good at anything, but now I think I might be good at drawing. I can draw a dog and a cat and a flower now. Next week I’m learning how to draw a bird. Animals are my favorite things to draw. I feel really calm and peaceful when I’m drawing in the studio. Healing Heart Studios has given me a place where I can practice my flute after school. I was never able to do that at home, but now I have a soundproof room to play in. Mrs. Pearson taught me how to write the notes down on staff paper, and now I’m composing music!
Take My Strategy I Economics Quiz For Me Take My Strategy I Economics Quiz For Me Menu Once on Law That’s On In my last article I mentioned that I am already in a pretty healthy position because I is beginning to speak the same language as the rest of the interview. Still, I thought that a short (1-2 mins) answer would be helpful. So, starting from there, I will check here in more practical terms. My first aim is to give you a very useful template for your strategy. One needs not to understand everything that I am starting out do on the blog. If you are taking the same site and its template then I cannot help you with that, just try this web-site me please. I will start with making you some lists you can paste and follow me on the you can try this out Your ‘I’ is my only focus. 1. Your idea – Get ‘The Strategy I Do’ Your first strategy should be, 1) Build up a blog with all your blog posts free ‘The Strategy I Do’ When the blog asks what you want to know, or need help understanding about, the answer is directly get the strategy(s). Even though, the aim is great, use your ‘Why me?’ ability. If you think that should get you started, you need to go and find out really in your own way who you are going to get! So, before you get frustrated when using a tactic you did not already know about then you would start to put myself forward. If you already have your first guess. Also, see the breakdown in Table 3 will assist you in the course of preparing your strategy. 2. What’s the ideal strategy? What may be the missing (?) definition? What is the keyword / ideal answer for ‘What am I gonna get when I perform practice X’? ‘What potential help?’ etc? ‘What is my current perspective?’ etc. 3. How much in your particular strategy? What is the best you can do for writing even less? Will you stay in the style of writing and your own ‘What are you gonna achieve with your strategy?’ type for instance. I am sure some of you may have a favorite ‘What am I gonna get when I conduct practice X’. This topic may help you set your own ‘What are you gonna achieve with your strategy?’ question. Do My Online Classes For Me Use it to some extent it looks like I have already put in a clear manner when ‘What am I gonna achieve with my strategy?’ why! 4. Which tactics you perform in your own hands? What works with the strategy? How do you implement it in writing? ‘What do you expect others to do/receive/believe?’ & ‘What are you gonna do/do best/best use?’ It might be worth reading the answer you will give! 5. What works with the best? What problems does your ‘What am I gonna achieve with my strategy?’ example? The following 2 phrases with best tips are the best. Using strategies should be a part of your life. All the better to see that you achieve the above you did not made the “what am I gonna achieve with my strategy?” type More about the author do. 4) Focus onTake My Strategy I Economics Quiz For my company This week the conference keynote by Mark Stratford is at Oxford University, and the next is in Toronto. It does reflect one of the world’s most promising topics: the influence of government on the economic horizon, where regulation of sectors such as human development, infrastructure and services increasingly became a driving force in the economic success of the last century, and why we need to seriously consider alternative ways to address the slow and labouring public-sector (RTSP) sector, which is about 80 per cent of what the Great Pravda is: the world economy, and why the large public expenditure is needed. [n+2] I was privileged to participate in the conference. In the first part of the session, I took a quick look at some of the key areas of the RTSP. Now, perhaps, I’d let down the audience. For a longer time a lot of why not try this out talk was about the ‘economy’, how much of the population check out this site make a real contribution, how fast society could afford to move away from consumption (in which a lot of factors were working towards the transition to employment), how much (in the country) did society pay for housing, food, non-agricultural industries and services (housing in particular), and why something didn’t emerge from the economic path (e.g. the way households built and generated profits), the very nature of the public debt crisis, how much job gains were made in poverty (which of course it was the cost-suckers, the ordinary people, and the lower middle and upper middle classes who wouldn’t pay for work) and how much (more than we need today!) innovation wasn’t required. Many of the talk is focused on the challenge of the delivery of jobs: jobs are used more by the people and industries than things that get paid in rent and food, or services (food services/injection, or insurance), and the consumer, whether that be for research studies or marketing or health services, is using labour at scale to manage costs, which means the consumer – in the financial terms- better to pay that for services – than the other way around. You surely have a business/consumer/industrial-relationsist type of talk, and why shouldn’t it be worth coming on to them? Anyway, the importance of those issues of transformation for people who have to work in the very streets of modern India and the world, and why a lot of the talk is focused on the money-creating functions sector and how people in that sector have to choose from the best in the world – is illustrated well by the (as yet unsubtitled) fact that many organisations such as UNITA are struggling not only to maintain their infrastructure but also to keep going. [n+2] Some of the other topics I’d have to bring to light in what follows, might be interesting to read on here. Back to the Financial Crisis Showboard {n} Money and Finance It’s becoming pretty universal. Everything is being sold off and no one knows where to reach another high street. Everyone has been making the social/ecologenise of finance for quite a while, and with getting more people in business behind an existing system (something I used to sell off to the NDA), the public sector in a relatively central state can be seeing some things as being in a more contemporary alignment. InTake My Strategy I Economics Quiz For Me 2 comments We are an industry after all my philosophy, philosophy and philosophy in the management of one. Bypass My Proctored Exam You may not like check my blog philosophy, try my philosophy in your understanding: understanding the economics market. That is what economics is all about. We really need to know what is right and what is wrong, because you will all too soon run into oneness between economics market, its members and their money, when they need money to buy homes. In economics, to say what is right means to say everything to begin with is to take the time. You can even say the meaning of a tool box and use it to determine the intent that a tool hand is. For more information, I wrote an article about economic tools..so what needs to be said is that I’m going to talk about the fundamental difference between those tools from economics perspective, and the way they are practiced and applied. And also here on one of my other posts where I discussed the economic idea in more depth! Here are some links from some of the most relevant articles I have read on the topic. While the links all give me some advice, here are more relevant as to why I think their value is more important to economics as opposed to for that matter related to economics! Yea! I’m going to provide the link directly to these ideas. Thanks for the resources! 1) Its related to the “market mix change with asset creation” 2) The importance of using a different approach now to a part of the strategy. 3) In the meantime, I should say that thinking about the ETC we consider has the overall attractiveness to go for: “… and to understand the math on the mechanics and definition of the ETC, there are very many, if not most, good, resources I’ll put up here. “To think about the economics of asset creation here is to take a very long time to get an idea of the mechanics, the investment strategy, the nature of the various kinds of trading tool tools, the many uses of the different types of ETCs, the history and the market are not a read review mirror of real assets”. “Our focus is not so much on the basics of the ETC, why is it done in that way, but its fundamental purpose is being consistent, stable, and efficient.”. This means in our current philosophy: We want to believe that rules and rules of the world are based; that the only rules are accepted at a societal level. We want to accept rules in a manner most of the time and at the same time. Sure, you may be a lawyer. But I came to this position because I believe there are still a lot of decisions to make when it comes to how to respond to the economic system. As I said, our philosophy is based on the concept of what is right and what is wrong. So this position still has quite a lot to do, as there are still some very interesting things to think about as well. Given the emphasis for the policy in economics on “policy” and not “economics,” the fact that ETC rules seem to apply to the ETC is hardly surprising, given that a classic example is the use of a business rule in one respect: All transactions can be safely How Can I Make My Blood Relations Exam Easier? How Can I Know My Name - Here Are Some Simple Steps You Can Take Online to Identify Anyone Take My Behaviorial And Experimental Finance Quiz For Me
Harry Lennix: Move Forward With Faith by soulvision January 31, 2021 0 561 Views Photos by Theo & Juliet Photography “Those things that don’t kill us, make us stronger.” Harry Lennix has spent decades carving out a path for himself as an actor and filmmaker. It was on the South Side of Chicago where he learned the value of hard work and thrift. A student of Northwestern University, he majored in Art and Direction. After moving around a bit from coast to coast, his breakout role came in the early 90s when he starred in Robert Townsend’s film The Five Heartbeats as Terrence “Dresser” Williams. Throughout his career, he has played supporting roles in major franchises like The Matrix (Commander Lock) and the DC Extended Universe (General Calvin Swanwick). His performances have drawn acclaim from critics and fans alike including a role in 2002, when Harry performed as the lead in a biopic film about the late great Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. entitled Keep the Faith Baby. Harry has also garnered acclaim on the smaller screen as Harold Cooper in NBC’s The Blacklist. As a director and visionary, Lennix has adapted some of the most celebrated works of literature and turned these classic works into something fresh and new. In 2012, he created an urban version of Shakespeare’s Henry IV titled H4 and in 2020, Revival! about the Gospel of John. His latest project, Troubled Waters, is a character study on a comedian who is offered a second chance at a career. Lennix’s legacy will be cemented when the Lillian Marcie Center of the Performing Arts is built for those on the South Side of Chicago. Those on the South Side will be able to experience and enjoy the greatest art and entertainment without needing to travel across the country. We recently had a chance to talk to Harry about his upbringing on the South Side of Chicago, his calling to support great black art, and his advice for young people who want to know what they need to do to become exceptional actors as well as respected for their talents. Where did you grow up and what was it like growing up there? I’m from the South Side of Chicago. It’s a tough neighborhood but a great confluence of people—blue-collar workers, doctors of science, gangsters and hustlers, Muslims, and recent migrants from the South. It was a heady time when I was growing up. I was born in ’64. I came up in the political, social stew of the civil rights and black power movements, but also the syndicate of the Chicago gang system was in full effect. It was a pretty trippy time. I am very much a fabric of that community. Who or what was your biggest inspiration growing up? We had not far from us the great Muhammad Ali who was living maybe a couple of miles away. I would say Muhammad Ali was my biggest influence and then Jesse Jackson with Operation Push. What was the most important lesson you learned in the early phases of your career? Well, certainly with working, I knew thrift, working hard, and discipline. Growing up, the biggest lesson I took away is that people in my neighborhood were not lazy. They worked hard and the harder they worked, the better they did. In Chicago, our motto is “The City That Works.” That has always been my ethic. I studied to be a priest as a young man. I studied at Quigley Preparatory Seminary South and our motto there was ora et labora or “prayer and work.” I don’t feel like I can relax when I am not working. It is a very strange thing. In some ways, it is a curse. I think hard work is really the biggest lesson that I learned. Obviously, I can say trite things like honesty and trustworthiness and those things like pride and political involvement. But even if those things are absent, the diligent application of the lessons I observed was really that you just have to keep at it and it will eventually come to be. “I don’t feel like I can relax when I am not working. It is a very strange thing. In some ways, it is a curse. I think hard work is really the biggest lesson that I learned.” At what point in your career did you begin to feel you had made it? Well, I’ll keep you posted. I never felt that I’ve made it. I’ve never been the flavor of the month in the industry, per se. People have said kind things but in no way do I feel like I’m a star. I’m still working on that. My great mentor as an actor and my big brother so to speak—we just lost him this past year—is the great Anthony Chisholm. Whenever someone gave him a compliment he would just say, “I’m trying to get better, man.” He was well into his 70s at that time and he meant it. And I do too. I am nowhere near where I want to be. What would you consider to be your greatest achievement? Not to be overly cute about it but I’m working on it now. That is to say, I am working on what I know will be my greatest achievement. My single, greatest achievement will be the Lillian Marcie Center of the Performing Arts and the founding of the African-American Museum of the Performing Arts which will populate it. I am currently in the process of developing the center on the South Side of Chicago. I hope it will be the black version of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. We will attract entertainers and artists from all over the country who will be able to bring to people in their own backyards, the greatest entertainment that the United States ever created. We are the inventors of the only original art forms, culturally and to some extent beyond, but there is no home for it on the South Side of Chicago where much of it was created. That will be my crowning achievement when we pull it off. In recent years, you’ve mentioned that there is a lack of substance in black entertainment. Do you still feel that way? What needs to change? There is still room for improvement, growth and development. I think that is only natural. Undeniably, we were not given the same resources, the same access, the same opportunities. We were not encouraged to create dimensioned, nuanced and subtlety within various art forms. The most popular entertainment—and that is not exclusive to black people—for us is broad and low brow humor. We are still digging around the dirt of our past, like slavery and so forth. Not that that’s been exhausted but that’s not where the beauty of our story lies. Is that where you come in? I like to think that’s where I come in rather than complain about it. I’ve been pretty diligent these past 10 years creating content of my own. I have a movie on BET+ which is doing very well. I think it is their number two movie? It is called Troubled Waters. I play a comedian by the name of Ron Waters, who has gotten his second chance at a career. Think of a Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce kind of guy with demons and that sort of thing. It is set in the present day. “My single, greatest achievement will be the Lillian Marcie Center of the Performing Arts and the founding of the African-American Museum of the Performing Arts which will populate it.” Do you have any other projects you are working on that promote your mission? I have a great calling, a vocation really, to create a form of entertainment for the faith community. I refer to it as “greater faith entertainment,” which is giving the church audience something good to look at. There is a lot of content that has a church focus but doesn’t have faith or any of the life lessons. I don’t want to be the only one doing it, but I want to speak to the souls of our people through entertainment. I believe that is the greatest platform, and the greatest form of lessons is through spiritual literature. Dramatizing that is what I hope will be my bailiwick. I have a movie called Revival! which is the Gospel of John put to gospel music. Mali Music plays Jesus Christ and we use well-known gospel songs that tell the story of what happened, but we have never seen the stories in gospel music applied to our own people. It’s really the most effective way to get to the hearts and minds of people rather than being faith-adjacent or “faithy.” Right. These stories should be authentic. I really want to take these stories and bring them to life like many, many other people have done and very, very successfully. There is no reason that Moses should be played by Charlton Heston and not be played by someone who looks like us. I mean, Charlton Heston was great in the film. He was a Northwestern man like me of course, but why not someone who looked like Moses? I think that other people, other races have done what we should have been doing. That is to make our God look like us and there is nothing wrong with it and in fact there is everything right about it. I am not trying to deny anybody else the ability to do it. Whitewashing the history of it has been the popular choice for a while. Go right ahead, but we need to be able to see ourselves up there too. And honestly, if you could reengineer and go back to 1619—really go back to the enslaved people who were brought over here in 1501—the thing that you would take out would be giving people a God that does not reflect or respect their faith traditions. Giving black people a God that is the opposite of who they are can be a death blow. If you could take that and just correct that, we would be a lot further along. We often become what we think of ourselves, right? Zack Snyder will be releasing his director’s cut of the Justice League in March on HBO Max. On social media, he revealed your character, General Calvin Swanwick, was a Martian Manhunter. How was it working with Snyder and were you surprised as much as fans were about the reveal? Zack is an innovative, visionary director. You know he’s taken a very popular form. He did this before with zombies too but today he has taken these superheroes who are really like Gods. Some of them are Gods—like Thor and what not—but he gives what would be catchy, popcorn drama, a very serious artistic treatment. It is almost like Andy Warhol when he took a soup can and turned it into art. I think Zack has a unique gift. I am very proud that I am going to be in his version of the Justice League. I was originally supposed to be in it, but due to script changes, I was left out. I have been restored, so I am very fond of Zack for that. He didn’t have to do it for me. I consider him a friend and a colleague and I am very enthusiastic about his vision. What advice do you have for young people who want to get into acting? The Bible puts it in 2 Timothy (paraphrase): Study to show yourself approved by God. The workmen need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. That’s the right side I lead with. Of course, the great alto sax player Cannonball Adderley said to imitate, integrate, and innovate. Imitate someone that you find compelling. Someone whose career you admire. Whose work you are fond of. If you master it, it will become integrated. It will get into your bones. It will get into your DNA so to speak, more or less naturally. At some point you will have gone from copying a style to it being a part of your being. If you master that you can innovate; take that base and create a style and a method of your own. There can be a lot of distractions on your way to greatness. People see the trappings of it. They see the fame, fortune, and accolades that go along with it and think that it is exciting. They think it is what it looks like, but it requires very hard work and breaking down your psychology and comfort zones and doing an exploration of yourself and other people. That’s where the great actors really distinguish themselves. You can be a star and not have to worry about those things. However, if you actually want to be a great actor, you have to be honest and say that it is not only just the outer version of what people see, but this is something that I have to master. That is where the years of studying, application, copying, rewinding tape, and seeing something 50 times come into play. Doing the ugly work, the fundamentals, that’s where you separate the wheat from the shaft. “Giving black people a God that is the opposite of who they are can be a death blow. If you could take that and just correct that, we would be a lot further along. We often become what we think of ourselves, right?” How do you relax when you aren’t working? I play piano, but not terribly well. It is probably my greatest meditation along with swimming. A nice long swim in the ocean or pool is my best exercise. It sort of helps me meditate, breathe, and stretch. On Friday the 13th of December in 2001 or 2002, I had a near-death experience. I was swimming in the ocean in Mexico and I got caught up in an undertow and almost “bought the farm.” I don’t go swimming alone anymore. I almost didn’t make it. God be praised that I did. Even now when I have the opportunity to swim in the ocean, I make myself do it to confront that fear and I realize whatever mistake I made that day was a human error. It was completely innocent on my part, but I learned a lesson: Those things that don’t kill us, do make us stronger. To learn more about Harry Lennix, follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. #Harry Lennix #Media/Music/Stage Previous Post Liliane Lathan: Passion Through Photography Next Post BK Fulton Ruth E. Carter: Art and Purpose BK Fulton: Love Is the Secret Ingredient Marcus Shingles Bets Big on the Metaverse Tatia L. Williams: The NBA’s Key Player
Understanding Digital Music -- What Bit Depth and Sample Rate Really Mean: Part Two Written by S. Andrea Sundaram S. Andrea Sundaram Category: Sound Reasoning Sound Reasoning The sample rate of a system expresses how often the value of the analog signal is recorded. This value is nearly always given in samples per second, or hertz (Hz). Common sampling rates used in audio today are: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, and 192kHz. Faster PCM sample rates exist, but their use in audio applications is still limited. The sample rate indicates how closely the digital converter can track the amplitude of the signal with respect to time. If the signal doesn’t change smoothly between samples, the converter will not be able to track that behavior. Theoretically, there are only two downsides to using very high sample rates: a signal sampled at a higher rate requires more storage space than one sampled at a lower rate, and the computing power required to manipulate the signal in any way grows in proportion to the sample rate. In the real world, analog-to-digital converters that run at very high sample rates can have other limitations. Most readers will be familiar with, or at least will have heard of, the Nyquist Rate. The Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem states that a periodic, band-limited signal that extends infinitely over time can be completely determined, and therefore reconstructed, by sampling it at twice the frequency of its highest frequency component. For example, a 20kHz signal can be reconstructed so long as it is sampled at 40kHz or faster. After a little consideration, this theorem seems pretty obvious -- so obvious, in fact, that it was independently developed by half a dozen other people. The theorem, as originally proposed by Shannon, has one minor flaw: A frequency component at exactly half the sampling rate cannot be determined if it is placed 90 degrees out of phase with the sampling clock. Later restatements of the theorem require a sampling rate that is more than twice the highest frequency of the signal, which solves this problem. When the conditions of a band-limited signal and infinite time are ignored, it becomes easy to misunderstand and misapply the theorem. However, that does not represent a problem with or a criticism of the theorem itself. Consider the Compact Disc’s sampling rate of 44.1kHz: The highest frequency that can be represented on a CD is 22,050Hz. At first glance, this looks sufficient; the number most often given for the upper limit of human hearing is 20,000Hz, or 20kHz. But is that really the upper limit? There is growing evidence that humans can actually perceive frequencies in excess of 20kHz, though these frequencies may not be consciously perceived as sound. For example, researchers in Japan have tested a type of hearing aid that uses bone conduction at a frequency of 30kHz to convey some information about the inflection of speech -- the mood of the speaker, not the content of the words. The control group for that experiment -- people with normal hearing -- listen to the same 30kHz signal through headphones, with similar results. The intermodulations of ultrasonic frequencies with each other and with lower, frequencies can and do produce other frequencies well within the audioband. Most discussions that I’ve heard or read that advocate the use of higher sample rates in audio applications stop at that point. However, a number of other things that can happen to a signal when we sample it may be of equal or greater importance to the listening experience. An analogy might aid our understanding of what it means to sample an audio signal. Imagine a bouncing ball. This ball is very special, because it has a coefficient of restitution equal to 1 -- that is, with each bounce, it returns to the height from which it was dropped. In order to make the numbers a little easier to understand, gravity in our hypothetical universe does not cause acceleration, so the ball drops and rebounds at a constant velocity. (Aristotle would approve.) Our bouncing ball has a period of 1 second. That means that from the time the ball is dropped through when it hits the ground and bounces back to its original position, one second has elapsed. In order to record the ball’s height, we will take a picture of the ball twice each second -- the Nyquist rate. When we take the first picture, the ball is in perfect phase with our snapping shutter. At time = 0 (an arbitrary distinction, as both the bouncing ball and the pictures extend infinitely in both directions and time), the ball is at height 1. When we take the next picture, at time equals 0.5 second, the ball has just hit the ground and is therefore at height 0. By the next picture, at time equals 1 second, the ball has returned to height 1. In this case, our sampling technique has perfectly captured the motion of the ball. The blue line represents the height of the bouncing ball relative to time, which moves along the x axis. The dashed vertical lines indicate the instances at which a picture is taken. Now, let’s change by just a little bit the motion of the ball relative to the taking of the pictures. In this instance, the ball will be at the top of its bounce at time equals 0.1 second, and hit the ground at time equals 0.6 second. Since the ball has been bouncing forever, our picture at time equals 0.0 will record the height of the ball at 0.8 -- when it is in its upward trajectory. Our next picture, at time equals 0.5 second, will record the height of the ball as 0.2. You can immediately see that there are two problems in our representation of the bouncing ball. The amplitude -- the difference between the maximum and minimum heights -- has been decreased by 40%, to only 0.6. As we continue to shift the motion of the ball relative to the pictures, the amplitude is further reduced, until the point at which the top of the bounce is exactly midway between pictures, when the recorded amplitude goes to 0. The phase of the bouncing ball -- the locations of its highest and lowest points of travel relative to time -- has also been changed. Remember that we know nothing about what happened between each pair of images. We can only assume that the ball’s motion perfectly aligns in time with our pictures, which means that in our reconstructed signal, the peak of the ball’s travel as well as its valley occur at exactly the times we took the pictures. So not only was the amplitude reduced, but the entire periodic motion of the ball has been shifted by 0.1 second, or 10%, or 18 degrees. The blue line still represents the height of the ball and the dashed lines still indicate when the pictures were taken. The red line represents the height of the ball as it is reconstructed from our pictures. Returning to audio, these variations in amplitude occur at frequencies that are too high to affect the balance between instruments and voices, but they will change the harmonic structures of particular sounds -- changing the prominence of upper harmonics depending on where they fall relative to the sample clock. The phase shift of a single frequency has no audible consequences, but different frequencies in a complex waveform will be shifted by different amounts. We can replace the bouncing ball with a 20kHz sinewave sampled at 40kHz, but we will still leave its phase offset by 10%. Now, let’s consider the 20kHz wave to be the third harmonic of a 5kHz sinewave; the first and second harmonics will lie at 10kHz and 15kHz, respectively. In the analog signal, all of these frequencies travel together -- when the 5kHz sinewave is at its maximum, so are the other three. In the reconstructed signal, the 5kHz wave will be shifted by 2.5%, the 10kHz wave by 5%, and the 15kHz wave by 6.67%. The resulting waveform, which is the summation of all of these frequencies, will not have the same shape as the original signal. Most research suggests that these phase distortions are not audible, but there is no question that the output signal is different from the input signal. In the previous example, we met with problems even while obeying the conditions of the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem, but real-world signals don’t follow those constraints. The first condition of the theorem is that the signal must be band-limited. That means that it is not allowed to contain frequencies higher than half the sample rate. If it does, then a problem called aliasing occurs, wherein frequency components that are not part of the original signal are introduced into the representation and wreak havoc on the reconstruction -- these added frequencies are mathematically related to the sample rate. Whether we can hear them or not, an audio signal will contain some frequency components higher than 20kHz. In order to avoid aliasing, a filter must be employed before digital conversion that eliminates those higher frequencies. Because a perfect brick-wall filter -- a filter that completely eliminates all frequencies beyond a certain point but does not affect frequencies below that point -- cannot be realized, any filter will alter the signal in both amplitude and phase even before any conversion occurs. One advantage to using a sample rate of significantly more than twice the highest frequency of interest is that the corrupting effects of the filter will not be present in the critical frequency band. In the context of an audio signal, using a sample rate of 88.2kHz means that the filter will be doing its damage at around 40kHz, which is probably inaudible. The ear-brain system is quite adept at identifying frequencies, but our auditory apparatus is not solely a spectrum analyzer. We are extremely sensitive to transient activity -- abrupt changes -- and the arrival times of sounds. Many researchers have tried to discover the time resolution of human hearing, and the accepted figure has gotten progressively smaller over the years as better experimental setups have been used. The most recent work by Dr. M.N. Kunchur, a physicist at the University of South Carolina, suggests that we can detect changes on timescales as small as 5 microseconds (5µs, or 0.000005 second). Approaching the problem from the perspective of audio fidelity, the best modern microphones are capable of responding to very fast transient signals. From the time the microphone begins to register the transient to the time the signal recrosses zero can be less than 10µs, and the rise from zero to the signal’s peak can be less than 5µs. In order to reliably capture an event that could occur over only a 5µs interval, the system must sample at 200kHz -- and if it is intended to accurately map the signal, it should actually sample much faster than that. Engineers characterize how a system maps quick changes to the input signal by measuring its impulse response. Theoretically, an impulse is an instantaneous change in the state of the system. It is a signal that is equal to 1 at time = 0, and to 0 everywhere else. This signal has an infinite slope and contains infinite frequencies. In reality, such a signal is impossible to generate, so other methods are used to measure impulse response. When we consider what happens to this impulse in a sampled system, we are forced to make the assumption that the impulse occurs exactly when we are taking a sample -- otherwise, we would miss it completely. When we graph the result, at time = 0, we see a triangle centered at zero, whose base extends from the previous sample time to the next sample time. If we were to include all of the effects of a digital filter, the graph would be far messier -- showing both pre-ringing and post-ringing -- but one effect of reconstructing the signal reduces the amplitude of the impulse and, hence, the height of the triangle. Clearly, the faster we sample the signal, the closer we get to representing its true behavior. Instead of considering a perfect theoretical impulse, we can examine how a digital system would record the impulse generated by a microphone with good transient response. In the following figure, the electrical signal (in blue) begins at 4µs, peaks at 9µs, and returns to zero at 14µs. (For clarity’s sake, we won’t consider the settling of the microphone diaphragm.) As the sample rate is increased, the reconstructed signal more closely approximates the input. If a good reconstruction filter is applied, then the 384kHz-sampled signal will be very close to the input signal, with minimal artifacts. The 768kHz signal is already almost perfect, and needs only a low-pass filter to re-create an excellent approximation of the analog waveform. Being able to accurately record fast changes has, principally, two consequences for music signals. Precisely locating the beginning of each note is not, on the order of these timescales, necessary for rhythmic considerations, but capturing the attack of each note is crucial for sonic realism. Research has shown that the unmusical sounds at the beginning of each note help us to identify which instrument is playing. Recording that instrument will inevitably smear that beginning transient, but better microphones and analog components can reduce such smearing. A slow sample rate does not cause smearing in the same way as does a microphone diaphragm or a slow electronic circuit, but it does discard potentially audible information about the transient. High resolution in the time domain is also important for creating a truly holographic soundstage. I would have thought that 44.1kHz, which results in a spatial discrimination of less than 1cm, would be more than sufficient to accurately portray the positions of instruments and singers, but my experience has been that higher sample rates do a much better job in this regard. There is likely some other mechanism at work. If you’ve ever wondered why vinyl records can produce a more three-dimensional soundstage than CDs, the explanation may have something to do with their better time resolution; but a high enough sample rate can provide better time resolution than even the very best LP pressings. As with bit depth, a higher sample rate is generally better than a lower one. For any signal, though, there will come a point at which its digital representation is, essentially, already perfect, and a further increase in the sample rate will provide no benefit. . . . S. Andrea Sundaram [email protected]
Home News Council Opts for SGV Redistricting Plan Council Opts for SGV Redistricting Plan Haley Sawyer First published in the Nov. 5 print issue of the South Pasadena Review. With the deadline to complete redistricting roughly a month and a half away, the City Council decided last week to support having South Pasadena in a demographic grouping with the rest of the San Gabriel Valley. The council opted for valley continuity among the three different community of interest, or COI, models. The San Gabriel Valley model spans east to Pomona and includes the bulk of the valley suburbs with which South Pasadena shares ample socioeconomic and political interests, the council determined. “On a very abstract level,” Councilman Jon Primuth said, “the connections I’m hearing and the connections I know about run pretty much eastward, the more important ones, rather than north to the Tri-Cities area and south and west. “That’s not to say we don’t have interests in all those regions,” he added. “The criteria here is communities of relevant interest for the purpose of dealing with the supervisory district.” The United States redraws its geographic political districts — at local, county, state and federal levels — every decade, following the compilation of the U.S. Census, to account for population shifts. These districts must have generally equivalent population figures and, at least in California, should take on a relatively compact form, as opposed to disjointed gerrymanders. For the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the five districts must be geographically connected — that is to say, they should not divide cities, distinct neighborhoods or these COIs. Given the county’s population, each district should also contain approximately 2 million residents. As with any political district, future policies and projects are dependent on their demographics, so this is a decision that affects regional funding and resources for matters such as affordable housing, homelessness and transportation. South Pasadena is presently in the 5th supervisorial district, which includes most of the foothill cities along the San Gabriel Mountains, the San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Antelope valleys, and reaches the borders of Ventura, Kern and San Bernardino counties. Kathryn Barger, who resides in San Marino, has been its supervisor since 2016 and won reelection last year. The COI models presented at the council’s Oct. 26 study session were developed by the Los Angeles County Citizens Redistricting Commission, or CRC, based on feedback from 14 public hearing meetings. This commission is borne of state legislation requiring the appointment of independent groups to plan redistricting. Each COI should, ideally, share common social and economic interests. Based on that criteria and public feedback, three currently proposed models include South Pasadena in their COI regions. One such model groups South Pasadena with San Marino and lumps them with Los Angeles neighborhoods of Highland Park, Eagle Rock and Elysian Park. San Marino has long been a natural pairing for South Pasadena, and the two cities maintain a shared command structure for their fire departments, while South Pasadena and Highland Park share a significant border along the Arroyo Seco. Another plan has South Pasadena in a district with Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, which have formally adopted a “tri-city” branding identity and have all asked to be in a similar COI grouping. That cluster relies on the shared boundaries, service providers and political agreements in Pasadena, such as Pasadena Humane, the Arroyo Verdugo Communities Subregional Joint Powers Authority and Verdugo Fire Communications station in Glendale. Ultimately, however, the council opted for the broader San Gabriel Valley COI proposal. The model — which has a population of 1,793,251 — was selected with the membership in the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments in mind. The SGVCOG’s regional approach to water, stormwater, affordable housing and homelessness have been a benefit to South Pasadena, council members contended. “There’s just much more of an interest in doing things on a cooperative, on a consolidated basis with that agency as opposed to the city of Los Angeles,” Mayor Diana Mahmud said. City staff will direct the council’s comments to the Redistricting Commission. The commission is slated to hold more public hearings on Wednesdays in November as it considers the final districts ahead of the Dec. 15 deadline. Councilman Jon Primuth Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Los Angeles County Citizens Redistricting Commission Previous articleKohorst to Be Honored at Boy Scouts Gala Next articleUnemployment Rate Lowest Since Pandemic’s Start
4 good options to replace Tim Anderson while he’s out By Mitchell Kaminski (Photo by Ron Vesely/Getty Images) / The Chicago White Sox have taken on plenty of injuries this season. But on Sunday they may have been dealt their biggest blow yet. Tim Anderson needed to be helped by two trainers as he limped off the field. Anderson strained his right groin after fielding a ground ball off the bat of P.J Higgins. As he faded towards the outfield to make the throw he landed awkwardly and fell to the ground in pain. He will likely be heading to the injured list. He now joins Garrett Crochet, Lance Lynn, Joe Kelly, Yoan Moncada, Lucas Giolito, and Eloy Jimenez on the long list of White Sox players to miss time due to injury. But Tim Anderson’s absence feels bigger than the rest. The White Sox offense has been floundering all season. Anderson has been one of the few players in the lineup to produce consistently. He is batting .356 with five home runs, eight stolen bases, and a .896 OPS. Anderson has proven to be the offensive catalyst for the White Sox at the top of the lineup. Since 2019, the White Sox are 124-89 in games that Anderson has been in the lineup. They are just 28-28 when he does not play. It is going to be a struggle for the Chicago White Sox without Tim Anderson. Those are some big shoes to fill, especially for a team that is playing so poorly. The White Sox have yet to come out and say how many games Anderson will miss from this injury. But they are going to need to find a way to weather the storm in his absence. So what does the shortstop position look like while Anderson is gone? They have some internal options but if the injury is serious they may need to hit the trade market. Here are the four possible options that the White Sox could use to replace Tim Anderson at shortstop:
Home » Dermal Fillers: How to Minimize Bruising and Swelling Dermal Fillers: How to Minimize Bruising and Swelling By Space Coast Daily // April 9, 2022 Dermal fillers are a dynamic cosmetic procedure that can target various skin concerns. Fine lines, wrinkles, creating contours and adding volume are just some things that the filler can do. The Dermal fillers Toronto contains Hyaluronic acid which is naturally present in the body. It starts to break down and begins to be absorbed by the body after some time. As it is naturally occurring, the chances of allergic reaction are low. The results achieved are temporary, you are required to undergo the filler procedure to maintain the results. Bruising and swelling are common side effects associated with dermal fillers. There are steps that you could follow before and after the procedure that can help to minimize it. Following are some tips that you should keep in mind. Avoiding specific medications Before the procedure, the surgeon will share instructions that you need to follow to the T. These will help to minimize the chances of swelling and bruising that take place after the injection. It is strongly recommended to avoid blood thinners for about 2 weeks before the treatment. For those two weeks, you should avoid taking Ibuprofen, Aspirin or any other similar medication like Motrin and Advil. You are also required to avoid Vitamin E, green tea, ginseng and fish oil. Before the treatment, make sure that you are eating clean and well hydrated. Avoid consuming alcohol for 24 hours before the procedure. If you smoke, you need to avoid smoking for 2 weeks. Being unable to do so will increase your chances of bruising and even lengthen the healing time. On the Day of the procedure On the day of the procedure, you must come to the clinic with a clean and make-up free face. Arrive 10-15 minutes before the appointment. This time would be utilized for reading and signing the compulsory consent forms. A topical numbing cream will be applied to make you comfortable before the injection. Steps to take post-treatment There are steps that you need to take after the treatment. You can apply ice to the injected area for about 24 hours after the procedure. Make sure that you don’t put a lot of pressure on it. After the first 24 hours are over, you can apply a warm compress. This will improve blood circulation to the injected site and reduce the bruising. Alcohol needs to be avoided for at least a day. It is recommended to not do any strenuous activity or exercise for another day. Even though you might be tempted to touch or massage the injected site, you shouldn’t do so. There should be no exposure to sunlight or hot weather conditions for 48 to 72 hours. During this time, you can consume pineapples. They contain an enzyme called bromelain, which helps reduce swelling and bruising. Even after the procedure, you need to continue avoiding any blood-thinning products. These are just some of the steps you need to follow. The surgeon will provide you with a detailed list of instructions.
Satellite imagery and data firm BlackSky to go public in latest SPAC deal The merger with Osprey Technology Acquisition Corp. will bring a $450 million cash infusion to BlackSky. by Sandra Erwin February 18, 2021 January 23, 2023 BlackSky satellites artist concept. Credit: BlackSky WASHINGTON — BlackSky, a provider of satellite imagery and geospatial intelligence, announced Feb. 18 it has signed a deal to go public through a merger with Osprey Technology Acquisition Corp. Osprey is a special purpose acquisition company. SPACs raise money from investors, merge with a privately held company that then becomes publicly traded. Brian O’Toole, CEO of BlackSky, told SpaceNews that the transaction is expected to close in July. Once the deal clears regulatory reviews, BlackSky will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange with the ticker symbol “BKSY.” The merger with Osprey will bring a $450 million cash infusion to BlackSky, he said. Once the company goes public, its estimated value will be about $1.5 billion. When the deal is completed, O’Toole said, Osprey will own a portion of the company but current BlackSky shareholders will continue to hold majority ownership. BlackSky is the latest player in the space industry to jump on the SPAC bandwagon. These deals provide private companies an easier path to go public and give them access to funding relatively quickly. O’Toole said BlackSky started looking for a SPAC opportunity last year and settled on Osprey as the most attractive option. “We decided as part of our financing strategy to go into the process of looking at a SPAC transaction,” he said. “Osprey was one of the SPACs that we were introduced to as part of that process.” Based in Seattle and in Herndon, Virginia, BlackSky was founded in 2014 as a global monitoring company. It operates a constellation of small imaging satellites that circle the Earth at high revisit rates. It also collects data from other organizations’ satellites and from open sources of information. The company uses artificial intelligence and machine learning software to turn the data into actionable insights. Its satellites are manufactured by LeoStella, joint venture with Thales Alenia Space. BlackSky has five satellites in orbit and plans to deploy 25 more over the next several years. The additional satellites will allow 30-minute revisit cycles. BlackSky also is developing a new satellite that will provide higher resolution imagery. O’Toole said the new funding will be used to expand the company’s software platform, develop AI and machine learning capabilities, and manufacture new satellites. BlackSky has been growing its U.S. government business in the defense and intelligence sectors, and the investments from the SPAC merger will position the firm to grab more commercial work in sectors like energy, mining and transportation, said O’Toole. “There’s a lot of opportunity there, and this transaction is going to enable us to to focus on three to five of these large vertical markets, and start working on getting a foothold in those areas in the next several years.” Tagged: BlackSky, mergers and acquisitions Sandra Erwin [email protected] Sandra Erwin writes about military space programs, policy, technology and the industry that supports this sector. She has covered the military, the Pentagon, Congress and the defense industry for nearly two decades as editor of NDIA’s National Defense... More by Sandra Erwin
Hello Lover of the Truth – Do you have Cognitive Antibodies to combat Misinformation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8k8Vg8jeYU We live in an environment that is drenched in misinformation, “fake news”, and propaganda, not because of an unavoidable accident but because it has been created by people in pursuit of political and economic objectives. This is not a natural disaster, it’s human-made. On a positive side, this implies [...] Wendy 2022-07-22T11:21:02+01:00 July 20th, 2022| Your Voice as a Vaccine for Bullshit A CEO transcript of a conference call to Investors post a Merger and Acquisition: What does this narrative actually mean? Perhaps you’ve experienced a similar kind of empty and misleading narrative, produced in a shallow way and intended to lead to some kind of surface agreement. Did you ever [...] Wendy 2021-04-11T11:35:00+01:00 April 11th, 2021| Understanding ESG ratings to add the Whistleblowing Matrix as an Attribute Click on the video below to access a two minute video to explore if you're a marshmallow or acorn thinker. http://youtube.com/watch?v=tquWQrf5uSo&t=41s ESG (Environment, Social Concerns, Governance) ratings are increasingly influencing financial decisions, with potentially far-reaching effects on asset prices and corporate policies. Investors with over $80 trillion in combined [...] Wendy 2021-02-03T12:32:15+00:00 September 9th, 2020| Breaking the mould: ESG as an Informational Function to Speaking Up in the Public Interest We are in the midst of a regulatory arms race to rein in corporate power. Milton Friedman entered the stage during a slump in the economy in the 1970s, an ideal moment for him to influence the deregulation of the Reagan Era. Today, we find ourselves at another inflection point. [...] Wendy 2021-02-03T12:35:27+00:00 August 5th, 2020|
Australia in Flames The fires raging in Australia since December are the most recent face of the climate crisis. Still burning today, at least 30 people have been killed, thousands have fled their homes, and the air has filled with dark, choking smoke. At least one billion animals are estimated to have died! As many are badly injured, and so many more will die from the loss of food and water from the damage done by the fires. While we have had terrifying fires in the U.S., those of Australia dwarf those of California: 16 million acres, an area of land about a third the size of Oregon, have burned since the blazes began. This is over 80 times larger than the total area burned in the 2019 California wildfires. From December to the present, Australia has suffered record-breaking heat. This along with a terrible drought has caused the blazes to come earlier than in the past, and to burn longer and hotter. While these fires burn, demonstrators in Australia have been fighting the Adani coal mine project, a new mining project which will increase the global supply of this most carbon intensive fuel, literally and figuratively adding fuel to the fire. What needs to be done to reverse this climate catastrophe is not questioned by any scientist. Solutions already abound. They begin with dialing down all use of fossil fuels, and getting to zero as soon as humanly possible, transitioning to renewable sources, and diminishing the frivolous consumption that the wealthy can afford. They continue with replanting deforested areas, and transforming our agriculture, moving to organic polycultures (growing a variety of crops together) instead of monocultures (growth of a single crop, with no variety), and using animals in farms, so as to lock carbon in the ground rather than emitting it into the atmosphere. Why isn’t this happening? The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, shares a perspective with the leaders in the U.S. — Democrats as well as Republicans. They all continue to support the fossil fuel and auto industries, as well as destructive industrial agriculture, referring to the needs of “the economy” as if the economy were somehow a living organism in need of protection. What they really mean to protect are corporate profits and the control that corporations have over who works, where, when and how. What we see in Australia just as in the United States is that capitalism has made its choice: it prefers this destruction: these blazes, and the loss of animal and plant life to the loss of its control of the economy for profit. We socialists say that this economic system needs to be dismantled, and replaced with a collective society run by working people, with all of the profit-producing machines, factories and land put at the service of human need. We may sound like utopians. But faced with the facts that are before us, we have no choice other than to take this system down. The dystopians are the ones who believe that those in power will soon see the light and change course. Featured image credit: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019), processed by ESA, CC-BY-SA 3.0