Ice Skating
[ "Ken placed his skating shoes on his foot.", "He approached the skating arena for the first time.", "After a few seconds, he immediately fell.", "Other skaters fell because he was in their way.", "Eventually, someone helped him up." ]
[ "Eventually, someone helped him up.", "Other skaters fell because he was in their way.", "After a few seconds, he immediately fell.", "Ken placed his skating shoes on his foot.", "He approached the skating arena for the first time." ]
[ 3, 4, 2, 1, 0 ]
Lake Fun
[ "John was at summer camp.", "It was at a lake.", "John loved spending most of his time swimming and playing there.", "He especially loved the slide.", "He went on it more than anybody else." ]
[ "He went on it more than anybody else.", "John was at summer camp.", "He especially loved the slide.", "John loved spending most of his time swimming and playing there.", "It was at a lake." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
[ "Nell was on a hiking trip with her friends.", "Then she somehow became separated from them.", "She was lost on another trail, and scared!", "She kept her calm and stayed in place, yelling loudly.", "Luckily, her friends weren't far and found her very soon." ]
[ "Luckily, her friends weren't far and found her very soon.", "Then she somehow became separated from them.", "Nell was on a hiking trip with her friends.", "She kept her calm and stayed in place, yelling loudly.", "She was lost on another trail, and scared!" ]
[ 2, 1, 4, 3, 0 ]
Making Ends Meet
[ "Tom wasn't getting many hours at work.", "He had extra bills due to an accident.", "He was afraid he wouldn't be able to pay rent.", "Tom had to get a loan to pay it.", "Now he's afraid of not being able to pay that back." ]
[ "He was afraid he wouldn't be able to pay rent.", "He had extra bills due to an accident.", "Tom had to get a loan to pay it.", "Now he's afraid of not being able to pay that back.", "Tom wasn't getting many hours at work." ]
[ 4, 1, 0, 2, 3 ]
Getting a Raise
[ "Charlie had worked hard for his boss for months.", "He felt he deserved a raise.", "He brought it up one day after lunch.", "His boss disagreed.", "Charlie was disappointed." ]
[ "His boss disagreed.", "He brought it up one day after lunch.", "Charlie had worked hard for his boss for months.", "Charlie was disappointed.", "He felt he deserved a raise." ]
[ 2, 4, 1, 0, 3 ]
Dance Party
[ "Jane loved dancing with friends.", "She didn't like paying club prices.", "Jane decided to invite people over to her house.", "Everyone got to pick the music.", "Everyone danced and had fun." ]
[ "Jane decided to invite people over to her house.", "Jane loved dancing with friends.", "She didn't like paying club prices.", "Everyone got to pick the music.", "Everyone danced and had fun." ]
[ 1, 2, 0, 3, 4 ]
Ben's secret
[ "Ben has been holding back a secret his whole life.", "He decides it time to let everyone know his secret.", "He gathers everyone around to tell tem.", "Ben tells everyone his secret.", "Ben announces that he is gay and proud!" ]
[ "Ben tells everyone his secret.", "He decides it time to let everyone know his secret.", "Ben announces that he is gay and proud!", "He gathers everyone around to tell tem.", "Ben has been holding back a secret his whole life." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 0, 2 ]
Moldy Cheese
[ "Jane was trying to make a sandwich.", "Unfortunately she realized the cheese was expired.", "It had gotten mold on it.", "Jane was forced to throw it out.", "She made her sandwich without it." ]
[ "It had gotten mold on it.", "Jane was trying to make a sandwich.", "She made her sandwich without it.", "Unfortunately she realized the cheese was expired.", "Jane was forced to throw it out." ]
[ 1, 3, 0, 4, 2 ]
No Luck
[ "Charlie feels like he's down on his luck.", "Nothing has been going his way lately.", "He decided to try his luck on a lotto ticket.", "With large anticipation, he scratched the numbers.", "He didn't win anything." ]
[ "Charlie feels like he's down on his luck.", "With large anticipation, he scratched the numbers.", "He didn't win anything.", "Nothing has been going his way lately.", "He decided to try his luck on a lotto ticket." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 1, 2 ]
Cat Hair
[ "Jane had two cats.", "Their hair got everywhere.", "She would always have cat hair on her clothes.", "She tried getting a lint brush.", "Unfortunately it wasn't good enough." ]
[ "She tried getting a lint brush.", "She would always have cat hair on her clothes.", "Unfortunately it wasn't good enough.", "Their hair got everywhere.", "Jane had two cats." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 0, 2 ]
Singing Out Loud
[ "Jane loved singing.", "She would only do it in the shower.", "She was too shy to sing anywhere else.", "One day a friend caught her singing in the shower and made fun.", "Jane stopped singing altogether after that." ]
[ "Jane loved singing.", "She was too shy to sing anywhere else.", "One day a friend caught her singing in the shower and made fun.", "She would only do it in the shower.", "Jane stopped singing altogether after that." ]
[ 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ "After the watermelon floated for a while, It was cold.", "My cousin went to check on it.", "He came back saying there was a snake on it.", "We walked to the river bank to see.", "There was a black snake curled up on the watermelon." ]
[ "My cousin went to check on it.", "He came back saying there was a snake on it.", "There was a black snake curled up on the watermelon.", "After the watermelon floated for a while, It was cold.", "We walked to the river bank to see." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 4, 2 ]
Pick Me Up
[ "Taj has never drank an espresso drink.", "He ordered one while out with his friends.", "The shot of espresso tasted terrible to him.", "Taj found that he couldn't stop talking or moving.", "Despite the taste, Taj love espresso now." ]
[ "He ordered one while out with his friends.", "Despite the taste, Taj love espresso now.", "Taj has never drank an espresso drink.", "The shot of espresso tasted terrible to him.", "Taj found that he couldn't stop talking or moving." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 4, 1 ]
[ "Kate and her friends were in line at a Vegas nightclub.", "They arrived at the club expecting to walk right in.", "But there was a line at the door.", "They stood outside freezing in their little dresses.", "She was surprised it could be this cold in the desert." ]
[ "They stood outside freezing in their little dresses.", "But there was a line at the door.", "She was surprised it could be this cold in the desert.", "They arrived at the club expecting to walk right in.", "Kate and her friends were in line at a Vegas nightclub." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 0, 2 ]
[ "I couldn't control my anger very well.", "My parents would yell at me, and I ran to my room.", "I buried my head in a pillow and screamed.", "I threw my pillow and hit it hard.", "I tried to express my anger without them knowing." ]
[ "I couldn't control my anger very well.", "My parents would yell at me, and I ran to my room.", "I tried to express my anger without them knowing.", "I buried my head in a pillow and screamed.", "I threw my pillow and hit it hard." ]
[ 0, 1, 3, 4, 2 ]
[ "I had a dream that there was a monster under my bed.", "The dream was so scary it woke me up.", "I was too scared to go back to bed.", "So I checked under my bed to make sure there were no monsters.", "There were no monsters under my bed." ]
[ "There were no monsters under my bed.", "So I checked under my bed to make sure there were no monsters.", "I was too scared to go back to bed.", "The dream was so scary it woke me up.", "I had a dream that there was a monster under my bed." ]
[ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ]
Bad Grade
[ "The man gave the boy a grade.", "The boy didn't like it.", "The boy complained to the man.", "The man agreed to change it.", "The boy still was not happy." ]
[ "The boy complained to the man.", "The boy still was not happy.", "The man gave the boy a grade.", "The boy didn't like it.", "The man agreed to change it." ]
[ 2, 3, 0, 4, 1 ]
Mistaken Identity
[ "I went to a Boston Symphony Orchestra concert in 2005.", "I went from work, and had a tie and white shirt on.", "I also had a lanyard with an id tag.", "Several people asked me for directions to their seats.", "I was pleased to help them." ]
[ "I also had a lanyard with an id tag.", "I went to a Boston Symphony Orchestra concert in 2005.", "I was pleased to help them.", "Several people asked me for directions to their seats.", "I went from work, and had a tie and white shirt on." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 3, 2 ]
AP Classes
[ "Diane always dreamed of going to the best ivy league school.", "She worked hard in school and got the best grades.", "The counselor enrolled her in AP classes.", "They were harder than she expected, but she worked through them.", "Diane got accepted into Harvard." ]
[ "Diane always dreamed of going to the best ivy league school.", "They were harder than she expected, but she worked through them.", "She worked hard in school and got the best grades.", "The counselor enrolled her in AP classes.", "Diane got accepted into Harvard." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 ]
New Pipes
[ "Kate bought an old house to fix up.", "But thieves had stolen the copper pipes.", "She had new pipes installed.", "She was happy to have the pipes.", "But she still had an inspection to have the water turned on." ]
[ "But thieves had stolen the copper pipes.", "But she still had an inspection to have the water turned on.", "Kate bought an old house to fix up.", "She was happy to have the pipes.", "She had new pipes installed." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 3, 1 ]
Broken Heart
[ "Tim had a crush on Sally.", "They went to school together for several years.", "He finally got the courage to ask her out.", "She turned him down because she already had a boyfriend.", "Sally lived a wonderful life that Tim always envied." ]
[ "Sally lived a wonderful life that Tim always envied.", "Tim had a crush on Sally.", "He finally got the courage to ask her out.", "She turned him down because she already had a boyfriend.", "They went to school together for several years." ]
[ 1, 4, 2, 3, 0 ]
Trick Candy
[ "John wanted to play a prank on his friend.", "He bought fake candy from the gag store.", "It was actually really spicy.", "He offered it to his friend but it didn't work.", "The friend knew what it was and turned it down." ]
[ "He bought fake candy from the gag store.", "The friend knew what it was and turned it down.", "He offered it to his friend but it didn't work.", "John wanted to play a prank on his friend.", "It was actually really spicy." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 ]
The test
[ "I have been studying for this test for weeks.", "I am so scared I will not pass.", "I have studied everything over and over.", "I know the material well.", "I really hope I pass." ]
[ "I am so scared I will not pass.", "I really hope I pass.", "I have been studying for this test for weeks.", "I have studied everything over and over.", "I know the material well." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 4, 1 ]
most likely to succeed
[ "Dina always raised her hand whenever her teacher asked a question.", "Most of the time, her answer was right.", "Many people saw her as a smart person and asked for her help.", "Dina helped many of her peers.", "At graduation, she won the award of being most likely to succeed." ]
[ "Dina helped many of her peers.", "Most of the time, her answer was right.", "Many people saw her as a smart person and asked for her help.", "At graduation, she won the award of being most likely to succeed.", "Dina always raised her hand whenever her teacher asked a question." ]
[ 4, 1, 2, 0, 3 ]
Cat Toy
[ "Our cat likes to play with twist ties.", "Yesterday my wife found a pipe cleaner.", "She attached it to a twist tie.", "Our cat played with it for ten minutes.", "We were amused." ]
[ "Our cat likes to play with twist ties.", "We were amused.", "Yesterday my wife found a pipe cleaner.", "Our cat played with it for ten minutes.", "She attached it to a twist tie." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 3, 1 ]
St. Patrick's Day
[ "When I was a kid, St Patrick's Day was my favorite holiday.", "In the morning, we dyed pancakes green for breakfast.", "We dressed in as much green as possible.", "We spent the day together and were happy.", "It's no wonder it was my favorite." ]
[ "In the morning, we dyed pancakes green for breakfast.", "We spent the day together and were happy.", "When I was a kid, St Patrick's Day was my favorite holiday.", "We dressed in as much green as possible.", "It's no wonder it was my favorite." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 1, 4 ]
Trip to the Zoo
[ "Billy went to the zoo.", "He got to see lots of animals.", "He really liked the bears.", "The tigers scared him.", "Billy looks forward to going again." ]
[ "Billy went to the zoo.", "He got to see lots of animals.", "He really liked the bears.", "Billy looks forward to going again.", "The tigers scared him." ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 4, 3 ]
Router for Sister-in-Law
[ "My sister-in-law lives alone.", "She used to plug her internet cable into her laptop.", "Last month she bought a router.", "I had trouble installing my router, but installed hers easily.", "Now she brings her laptop into her bedroom." ]
[ "Now she brings her laptop into her bedroom.", "My sister-in-law lives alone.", "She used to plug her internet cable into her laptop.", "Last month she bought a router.", "I had trouble installing my router, but installed hers easily." ]
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 ]
False Money
[ "Jane worked as a teller at a grocery store.", "Every now and then she would get weird money.", "Money she thought might be fake.", "One time a customer paid with fresh new twenties.", "They all wound up being fake." ]
[ "Jane worked as a teller at a grocery store.", "They all wound up being fake.", "One time a customer paid with fresh new twenties.", "Every now and then she would get weird money.", "Money she thought might be fake." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 2, 1 ]
Bill quits his job
[ "Bill was on thin ice with his job.", "He was like a volcano ready to explode.", "His boss was always giving him too much work and not enough pay.", "One Friday afternoon bill's boss gave him a stack of overtime work.", "Bill got up off his desk and told his boss that he quits." ]
[ "He was like a volcano ready to explode.", "Bill got up off his desk and told his boss that he quits.", "Bill was on thin ice with his job.", "One Friday afternoon bill's boss gave him a stack of overtime work.", "His boss was always giving him too much work and not enough pay." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 3, 1 ]
The Library
[ "Jake loved going to the library.", "This weekend he was particularly excited.", "They got a new selection of science fiction books.", "Those are Jake's favorite.", "He took several home." ]
[ "Jake loved going to the library.", "Those are Jake's favorite.", "This weekend he was particularly excited.", "They got a new selection of science fiction books.", "He took several home." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 ]
Ben loses his phone
[ "Ben is shopping at the mall.", "He starts to look through clothes at his favorite store.", "He spends at least 30 mins in his favorite store looking at clothes.", "After those 30 mins he reaches into his pocket to call his mom.", "When Ben reaches into his pocket his phone is missing!" ]
[ "He starts to look through clothes at his favorite store.", "He spends at least 30 mins in his favorite store looking at clothes.", "When Ben reaches into his pocket his phone is missing!", "Ben is shopping at the mall.", "After those 30 mins he reaches into his pocket to call his mom." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 4, 2 ]
Billy goes fishing
[ "Billy is bored.", "Billy sits with his friends thinking of something to do.", "Billy suggest they all head to the lake to go fishing.", "His friends agree that's a great idea.", "Billy takes his friends to go fishing and has great time." ]
[ "Billy takes his friends to go fishing and has great time.", "Billy sits with his friends thinking of something to do.", "Billy is bored.", "His friends agree that's a great idea.", "Billy suggest they all head to the lake to go fishing." ]
[ 2, 1, 4, 3, 0 ]
Over-Confident gone Wrong
[ "Ted traveled to Korea.", "He was highly confident that he can speak their language.", "However, many Korean native speakers couldn't understand him.", "They also made negative comments about him.", "Ted faced a lot of pressure and returned home immediately." ]
[ "However, many Korean native speakers couldn't understand him.", "Ted traveled to Korea.", "He was highly confident that he can speak their language.", "Ted faced a lot of pressure and returned home immediately.", "They also made negative comments about him." ]
[ 1, 2, 0, 4, 3 ]
[ "Gary loved cutting coupons.", "He collected them over time.", "When he finally went shopping he used them all.", "Gary would get a lot of things for a very low price.", "It motivated him to keep using coupons." ]
[ "When he finally went shopping he used them all.", "Gary would get a lot of things for a very low price.", "He collected them over time.", "Gary loved cutting coupons.", "It motivated him to keep using coupons." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
Late Night Munchies
[ "George was really hungry late one night.", "He decided to get fast food.", "At the drive through he couldn't decide what to get.", "He asked the workers for suggestions.", "They hooked him up with good options." ]
[ "He asked the workers for suggestions.", "At the drive through he couldn't decide what to get.", "They hooked him up with good options.", "He decided to get fast food.", "George was really hungry late one night." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 0, 2 ]
Jervis Votes For Mayor
[ "Jervis decides he wants to vote in the upcoming election.", "He votes for the Mayor.", "Unfortunately his candidate does not win.", "Even though his candidate didn't win, Jervis is happy he voted.", "He decides he will vote in the next election too." ]
[ "Jervis decides he wants to vote in the upcoming election.", "He decides he will vote in the next election too.", "He votes for the Mayor.", "Even though his candidate didn't win, Jervis is happy he voted.", "Unfortunately his candidate does not win." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 3, 1 ]
Winning an Award
[ "Sam always wanted to win.", "He never got the chance until he was in his twenties.", "Sam decided to enter a taco eating competition.", "Surprisingly enough he actually won.", "Sam was excited for weeks after." ]
[ "He never got the chance until he was in his twenties.", "Sam always wanted to win.", "Surprisingly enough he actually won.", "Sam decided to enter a taco eating competition.", "Sam was excited for weeks after." ]
[ 1, 0, 3, 2, 4 ]
Run To The House
[ "Kate was at her garbage can on a dark night.", "And a raccoon was standing near the can.", "It started to come towards her.", "Kate turned and ran to the house hoping it wasn't behind her.", "Once inside was relieved to see it hadn't followed her." ]
[ "Kate turned and ran to the house hoping it wasn't behind her.", "It started to come towards her.", "And a raccoon was standing near the can.", "Once inside was relieved to see it hadn't followed her.", "Kate was at her garbage can on a dark night." ]
[ 4, 2, 1, 0, 3 ]
Horror Movie Night
[ "Jake's local movie theater had a horror movie night.", "He loved horror movies.", "Unfortunately his girlfriend did not.", "He finally convinced her to go see one.", "She was scared and had nightmares." ]
[ "Unfortunately his girlfriend did not.", "He finally convinced her to go see one.", "Jake's local movie theater had a horror movie night.", "She was scared and had nightmares.", "He loved horror movies." ]
[ 2, 4, 0, 1, 3 ]
[ "The man swept the room.", "The woman dropped some food.", "The man got mad.", "The woman swept the room the next time.", "The man didn't care when she dropped food then." ]
[ "The woman swept the room the next time.", "The man didn't care when she dropped food then.", "The man got mad.", "The woman dropped some food.", "The man swept the room." ]
[ 4, 3, 2, 0, 1 ]
Too Hot
[ "I was at an outdoor mall.", "But it was really hot.", "I was getting very sweaty.", "So I decided to wash my armpits at an empty public bathroom.", "I was glad nobody walked in." ]
[ "So I decided to wash my armpits at an empty public bathroom.", "I was glad nobody walked in.", "I was at an outdoor mall.", "But it was really hot.", "I was getting very sweaty." ]
[ 2, 3, 4, 0, 1 ]
David's heart attack
[ "David is a large man.", "David does not eat healthy things.", "One evening while eating his steak David starts feeling a pain.", "He feels a pain in his chest and falls to his knees.", "David is having a heart attack his wife calls for help." ]
[ "David is a large man.", "David does not eat healthy things.", "David is having a heart attack his wife calls for help.", "One evening while eating his steak David starts feeling a pain.", "He feels a pain in his chest and falls to his knees." ]
[ 0, 1, 3, 4, 2 ]
Rich passes away too soon
[ "Rich was a musician.", "He made a few hit songs.", "Rich had a lot of fans who cared about him.", "He developed cancer.", "Eventually the cancer took his life and rich was gone." ]
[ "Rich was a musician.", "He made a few hit songs.", "Rich had a lot of fans who cared about him.", "Eventually the cancer took his life and rich was gone.", "He developed cancer." ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 4, 3 ]
Going the Distance
[ "Sam was a star athlete.", "He ran track at college.", "There was a big race coming up.", "Everyone was sure he would win.", "Sam got first place." ]
[ "Sam got first place.", "Everyone was sure he would win.", "Sam was a star athlete.", "He ran track at college.", "There was a big race coming up." ]
[ 2, 3, 4, 1, 0 ]
Stale Chips
[ "Carl wanted a snack to watch television.", "He got an opened bag of chips.", "He sat to watch.", "When he bit a chip it was squishy.", "Carl spat it out and threw the chips away." ]
[ "He sat to watch.", "When he bit a chip it was squishy.", "He got an opened bag of chips.", "Carl spat it out and threw the chips away.", "Carl wanted a snack to watch television." ]
[ 4, 2, 0, 1, 3 ]
I didn't know I could
[ "I am a member of a clan in an online game.", "I was asked to help train a new clan.", "I had never tried to train anyone before.", "After a few months the new clan was competitive.", "I didn't realize I knew that much about the game." ]
[ "I am a member of a clan in an online game.", "I didn't realize I knew that much about the game.", "I was asked to help train a new clan.", "After a few months the new clan was competitive.", "I had never tried to train anyone before." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 3, 1 ]
Shops and Rugs
[ "I went to the mall today.", "I had no plans, I just wanted to shop.", "I visited a new store and found a rug on sale.", "The rug was weird but it fit my tastes perfectly.", "Despite the cost, I bought the rug and I am glad." ]
[ "I visited a new store and found a rug on sale.", "The rug was weird but it fit my tastes perfectly.", "I had no plans, I just wanted to shop.", "Despite the cost, I bought the rug and I am glad.", "I went to the mall today." ]
[ 4, 2, 0, 1, 3 ]
Lost Sale
[ "Sam was a car dealer.", "He tried to sell a car to a customer.", "Sam tried to sell it at too high a price.", "The customer said they would think about it and go back.", "They never returned." ]
[ "The customer said they would think about it and go back.", "Sam was a car dealer.", "They never returned.", "He tried to sell a car to a customer.", "Sam tried to sell it at too high a price." ]
[ 1, 3, 4, 0, 2 ]
Stabbing on the highway
[ "Earlier today I was stuck on the highway due to heavy traffic.", "There was a road rage fight and men were fighting on the highway.", "There were 3 men and it was 2 against 1.", "The guy that was alone had a knife.", "He then stabbed the other 2 men and everyone ended up at the hospital." ]
[ "The guy that was alone had a knife.", "He then stabbed the other 2 men and everyone ended up at the hospital.", "Earlier today I was stuck on the highway due to heavy traffic.", "There were 3 men and it was 2 against 1.", "There was a road rage fight and men were fighting on the highway." ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 0, 1 ]
Beating Cancer
[ "Craig was diagnosed with cancer.", "He decided to fight it.", "He tried several different approaches and medications.", "Eventually it went into remission.", "Craig and his loved ones were thrilled." ]
[ "He decided to fight it.", "Craig and his loved ones were thrilled.", "He tried several different approaches and medications.", "Craig was diagnosed with cancer.", "Eventually it went into remission." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 4, 1 ]
[ "I decided to clean out all the closets.", "I got a rag and a trash bag.", "I went into the closets and picked through the old clothing.", "After throwing out the old stuff, I started cleaning.", "I wiped down all the shelves and doors." ]
[ "I got a rag and a trash bag.", "After throwing out the old stuff, I started cleaning.", "I decided to clean out all the closets.", "I went into the closets and picked through the old clothing.", "I wiped down all the shelves and doors." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 1, 4 ]
[ "Kate and her friends were in line outside a club in Las Vegas.", "They waited close to an hour.", "They were finally able to go inside.", "And Kate stepped on a step and broke her heel.", "Her night was already ruined." ]
[ "And Kate stepped on a step and broke her heel.", "Kate and her friends were in line outside a club in Las Vegas.", "Her night was already ruined.", "They waited close to an hour.", "They were finally able to go inside." ]
[ 1, 3, 4, 0, 2 ]
Mexican Food
[ "I was trying to watch my diet.", "But my family brought home lots of Mexican food.", "I couldn't resist and dug right in.", "I ate tons of steak and rice.", "But I was glad that I didn't feel bad afterwards." ]
[ "I was trying to watch my diet.", "I ate tons of steak and rice.", "I couldn't resist and dug right in.", "But I was glad that I didn't feel bad afterwards.", "But my family brought home lots of Mexican food." ]
[ 0, 4, 2, 1, 3 ]
New Girl in School
[ "Maia is an Army brat, so she moves around a lot.", "Today, she is starting a new school for the second time this year.", "She got her schedule and then went to her first class.", "As she headed to an empty seat, other students watched her.", "Maia hated being the new girl at school." ]
[ "As she headed to an empty seat, other students watched her.", "Maia hated being the new girl at school.", "Today, she is starting a new school for the second time this year.", "She got her schedule and then went to her first class.", "Maia is an Army brat, so she moves around a lot." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 ]
The Laughter
[ "Jane only had one pair of glasses.", "And she had broken them.", "Her mother taped them up and sent her to school.", "When she entered the classroom everyone stared at her.", "They all pointed and laughed as she stood wishing she could disappear." ]
[ "And she had broken them.", "When she entered the classroom everyone stared at her.", "Jane only had one pair of glasses.", "They all pointed and laughed as she stood wishing she could disappear.", "Her mother taped them up and sent her to school." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 1, 3 ]
[ "The man liked the flavor.", "He tried to recreate it at home.", "He could not get the flavor right.", "He asked the owner of the recipe for help.", "The owner of the flavor sold him the recipe." ]
[ "He asked the owner of the recipe for help.", "He tried to recreate it at home.", "He could not get the flavor right.", "The owner of the flavor sold him the recipe.", "The man liked the flavor." ]
[ 4, 1, 2, 0, 3 ]
After Death
[ "After my friend's dad's funeral, I got in trouble.", "The principal said I wasn't allowed to leave school that day.", "He found out I had my friend sign me out.", "He told me I was getting detention.", "I skipped detention all week." ]
[ "The principal said I wasn't allowed to leave school that day.", "He found out I had my friend sign me out.", "He told me I was getting detention.", "After my friend's dad's funeral, I got in trouble.", "I skipped detention all week." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 2, 4 ]
Janice breaks her wrist
[ "Janice was out exercising for her big soccer game.", "She was doing some drills with her legs.", "While working out and exercising she slips on the grass.", "She falls down and uses her wrist to break her fall.", "She breaks her wrist in the process and goes to the hospital." ]
[ "While working out and exercising she slips on the grass.", "She breaks her wrist in the process and goes to the hospital.", "She falls down and uses her wrist to break her fall.", "She was doing some drills with her legs.", "Janice was out exercising for her big soccer game." ]
[ 4, 3, 0, 2, 1 ]
Jamie marries for love
[ "Jamie is an american girl.", "Jamie wants to get married to a mexican man.", "Her family assumes it's because the man wants a green card.", "Jamie insist that she is marrying him out of love.", "Jamie gets married and they spent the rest of their lives together." ]
[ "Her family assumes it's because the man wants a green card.", "Jamie is an american girl.", "Jamie insist that she is marrying him out of love.", "Jamie gets married and they spent the rest of their lives together.", "Jamie wants to get married to a mexican man." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 2, 3 ]
[ "The orange fell from the tree.", "It hit a girl on the head.", "The girl looked up at the tree.", "Another orange fell from the tree.", "That orange broke her nose." ]
[ "The orange fell from the tree.", "That orange broke her nose.", "The girl looked up at the tree.", "It hit a girl on the head.", "Another orange fell from the tree." ]
[ 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]