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The Bobbsey Twins at Home/Chapter 10 < The Bobbsey Twins at Home ←Chapter IX: Nan Bakes a Cake The Bobbsey Twins at Home by Laura Lee Hope Chapter X: In the Lumbar Yard Chapter XI: A Queer Play-House→ 812753The Bobbsey Twins at Home — Chapter X: In the Lumbar YardLaura Lee Hope IN THE LUMBER YARD From all sorts of hiding places came running the boys and girls who had been playing hide-and-seek. Freddie's voice told every one that he was in trouble. "Oh, Freddie!" cried Flossie, who had hidden under the couch in the dining room. "What's the matter? Where's your head?" For she saw only her brother's little fat legs and plump body near the piano. "Where's your head, Freddie?" she cried. "It's in behind here!" the chubby little fellow replied. "I can't get it out from behind the piano! My ears stick out so far they catch on the edge of the piano." By this time Nan had come from her hiding place, and she made her way through the crowd of children who were looking in wonder at the sight of Freddie so caught. ​"Oh, Freddie, how did it happen?" asked Nan. "Don't ask him how it happened," said Bert. "Let's get him out, and he'll tell us afterward." "Yes, do get me out!" begged Freddie. Bert and Nan took hold of their little brother and tried to pull him out backward. But he seemed stuck quite fast. "Can't you push yourself out?" asked Bert. "I'll try," said Freddie bravely. So he pushed backward as hard as he could, while Bert and Nan pulled. "Let me help, too!" begged Flossie. "I want to get Freddie out!" But there was no room for Flossie to get hold of her brother. Nan and Bert pulled once more, while Freddie himself pushed, but his head was still held fast between the back of the piano and the wall of the room. "Oh! Oh! Can't you get me loose?" wailed the little "fireman." "We'd better call mother!" cried Nan. But there was no need of this for Mrs. Bobbsey came hurrying into the room just then. ​She had heard Freddie's cries while she was upstairs, and, guessing that something was wrong, she had come to see what it was. "Oh Freddie!" she exclaimed as soon as she saw what had happened. "You poor little boy!" "Oh, please get me out, Mamma!" he begged. "I will, in just a minute. Now stand still, and don't push or squirm any more, or you'll hurt yourself." Then Mrs. Bobbsey, instead of trying to pull or push Freddie out, just shoved on the piano, moving it a little way out from the wall, for it had little wheels under it, and, as the floor was smooth, it rolled easily. "There, now you can pull your head out," said Mrs. Bobbsey, and, surely enough, Freddie could. The trouble had been, just as he had said, his ears. His head went in between the piano and wall all right, but when he went to pull himself loose, after seeing that no one was hiding there, his ears sort of bent forward and caught him. "I—I'll never do that again!" Freddie said, his face very red, as he straightened up. ​"No, I wouldn't if I were you," returned his mother with a smile. "Never put your head or your arm in any place unless you are sure you can get it out again. Sometimes a cat will put her head in a tin can to get whatever there may be in it to eat. And the edges of the tin catch on her ears just as yours were caught, Freddie. So be careful after this." Freddie promised that he would, and then the hiding game went on. Only Freddie, you may be sure, did not look behind the piano again, and no one hid there. "Oh, your party was perfectly lovely, Nan!" said the girls and boys when they had finished their games, and had eaten the good things Mrs. Bobbsey set on the table. "Wasn't the cake good?" asked Freddie, looking as though he wanted a second piece. "Indeed it was, dear," said Ellen Moore. "We helped Nan make it," declared Flossie. "Didn't we, Nan?" "Oh, yes, you helped some—by cleaning out the dishes." "And Snap nearly made Nan spill the cake when she was putting it in the oven," went on ​Freddie. "Only we helped hold him; didn't we, Nan?" "Yes, you certainly helped there." At last the party was over, and Nan's cake, as well as the other good things, was all eaten up. Then the children went home. About a week after this the postman left some letters at the home of the Bobbsey twins. Mrs. Bobbsey smiled when she read one, and when Bert and Nan, Flossie and Freddie came home from school their mother said to them: "I have a surprise for you. See if you can guess what it is." "Freddie and I are going to have a party!" guessed Flossie. "No, dear. No more parties right away." "We're going on a visit!" guessed Nan. "No indeed. We just came back from one." "Then some one is coming here," guessed Bert. "That's it," his mother answered. "Uncle William Minturn and Aunt Emily, from Ocean Cliff, are coming to pay us a little visit." "And is Cousin Dorothy coming, too?" Nan asked. ​"Yes, they will all be here in a few days now." "Oh, I'm so glad!" cried Nan, clapping her hands. "We shall have such fun!" "And can I have fun with you, too?" asked Flossie. "Yes, dear," Nan promised. "I wish Dorothy were a boy," put in Bert. "Of course I like her, but I can't have any fun with her. I wish Cousin Harry would come on from Meadow Brook. Then we could have a good time." "You had a good time with Harry this Summer," suggested Mrs. Bobbsey. "I like Dorothy," said Freddie, "and I'm glad she's coming 'cause I want to ask her something very much." "What is it?" inquired Bert "It's a secret," and Freddie looked very wise and important. A few days later Mr. and Mrs. Minturn and their daughter Dorothy came from the seashore to pay a visit to the Bobbsey family. Of course Bert was glad to see Dorothy, and was very nice to her, taking his cousin and Nan ​down to the store to buy some ice cream. But as Bert was a boy, and liked to play boys' games, Dorothy was better suited to Nan and Flossie than she was to Bert. Freddie, however, seemed to be especially pleased that his cousin from the seashore had come on a visit. He watched his chance to have a talk with her alone, and the first thing he asked was: "Dorothy, do you know where I can get a ship to go sailing on the ocean?" "Go sailing on the ocean!" cried Dorothy. "What for, Freddie?" "To find Tommy Todd's shipwrecked father. He wants to find him awful bad, and I promised to help. I was going to save up to buy a ship, but Daddy says it takes a long time. And I thought maybe as you lived near the ocean you could get a ship for us. "It needn't be very large, 'cause only Tommy and Flossie and Dinah, our cook, and I will go in it. But we'd like to go soon, for Tommy's grandmother is poor, and if we could find his father he might bring her some money." "Oh, you funny little boy!" cried Dorothy. ​"To think of going off in a ship! I never heard of such a thing!" "Well, we're going!" said Freddie. "So if you hear of a ship we can get you tell me; will you, Dorothy?" "Yes, my dear, I will. Is that what you've been trying to ask me ever since we got here?" "Yes. I didn't want Nan and Bert to hear. You won't tell them; will you?" "No, Freddie. I'll keep your secret." But of course Dorothy knew there was no ship which so little a boy as Freddie could get in order to go sailing across the sea. But she did not want him to feel disappointed, and she knew better than to laugh at him. Freddie was very much in earnest. Dorothy Minturn spent two happy weeks with the Bobbsey twins. She and they had many good times, and more than once Freddie asked the seashore cousin if she had yet found a ship for him and Tommy. At last Dorothy thought it best to tell Freddie that there were no ships which she could get for him. "Well, that's too bad," said Freddie, after ​thinking about it for several seconds. "If I can't buy a ship, and if you can't get one for me, Dorothy, I know what I can do." "What?" she asked. "I can make one. My papa has lots of boards in his lumber yard. I'll go down there and make a ship for Tommy and me." The next day Freddie asked his mother if he might not go down to his father's yard. As the way was safe, and as he had often gone before, Mrs. Bobbsey said he might go this time. Off trudged Freddie, with some nails in one pocket and pieces of string in another. "I can use a stone for a hammer," he said, "and nail some boards together to make a ship. That's what I'll do." Freddie first went to his father's office, which he always did, so Mr. Bobbsey would know his son was at the yard. This time it happened that Mr. Bobbsey was very busy. He looked at Freddie for a moment, and then said: "Now Freddie, do you see where James is sitting by that pile of shingles?" and he pointed across the yard. "Yes, I see," Freddie answered. He knew ​James very well. He was the day watchman in the lumber yard, and he walked around here and there, seeing that everything was all right. "Well, you go over to James and tell him I said he was to look after you," went on Mr. Bobbsey. "You may play about, but keep near James, and you'll be all right. When you get tired come back here." "All right," said Freddie. He and the other Bobbsey children often came to their father's yard to have good times, and James, or some of the men, was always told to look after the twins, if Mr. Bobbsey happened to be busy. "Hello, James," called Freddie, as he walked over to the watchman. "Hello!" answered the man cheerfully. "What are you doing here?" "I've come to have some fun and play with you." "All right," answered James. "What shall we play first?" Retrieved from "https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=The_Bobbsey_Twins_at_Home/Chapter_10&oldid=4269456"
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Résultats par narrateur "Steve Blane" Judaïsme (3) 6 à 10 heures (2) The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last Auteur(s): Rabbi Israel Meir Lau Narrateur(s): Steve Blane Israel Meir Lau, one of the youngest survivors of Buchenwald, was just eight years old when the camp was liberated in 1945. Descended from a 1,000-year unbroken chain of rabbis, he grew up to become Chief Rabbi of Israel--and like many of the great rabbis, Lau is a master storyteller. Out of the Depths is his harrowing, miraculous, and inspiring account of life in one of the Nazis' deadliest concentration camps, and how he managed to survive against all possible odds. 5 out of 5 stars 1 évaluation Am I A Jew? Lost Tribes, Lapsed Jews, and One Man's Search for Himself Auteur(s): Theodore Ross Narrateur(s): Theodore Ross, Steve Blane Durée: 8 h et 11 min What makes someone Jewish? Theodore Ross was nine years old when he moved with his mother from New York City to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Once there, his mother decided, for both personal and spiritual reasons, to have her family pretend not to be Jewish. He went to an Episcopal school, where he studied the New Testament, sang in the choir, and even took Communion. Later, as an adult, he wondered: Am I still Jewish? Pas de évaluations Pebbles of Wisdom from Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Collected and with Notes by Arthur Kurzweil Auteur(s): Adin Steinsaltz, Arthur Kurzwell Durée: 6 h et 5 min Internationally acclaimed Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz is considered to be one of the most brilliant and influential rabbis of our time. He has been lauded by Time magazine as a "once-in-a-millennium scholar" and by Ted Koppel of Nightline as "one of the very few wise men that I've ever met." Arthur Kurzweil—himself a Jewish scholar, author, teacher, publisher, and a longtime disciple of Rabbi Steinsaltz—has gathered in one place a collection of "pebbles" of wisdom from Rabbi Steinsaltz.
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Q: How to make ngMessage for required fields only show when dirty or submitting a form? I'm using AngularJS 1.3.0 RC0 and angular-messages. ng-messages dutifully shows error messages for those "required" fields when a form is initially loaded and pristine. So the newly loaded form page is filled up with error messages. This is not what I want. How to make ngMessage for required fields only show when those fields are dirty or submitting a form? I have read the official doc, no clue. And tried to put "ng-show = "fieldName.$dirty"" in the ng-messages div, did not work. Any help would be highly appreciated! A: Use the ng-if attribute to check for $dirty on the tag that has ng-messages. Example : <div ng-messages='myForm.myControl.$error' ng-if='myForm.myControl.$dirty'> <div ng-message='required'>Required field</div> </div> A: I did not want to show my message until there is any error or user tried to submit the page, and none of the above solution worked. Finally I ended up successfully with this: <form name='frmUser'> .......... .......... <div ng-messages="frmUser.firstName.$error" ng-show='frmUser.$submitted || frmUser.firstName.$dirty' role="alert"> <div ng-message="required" class="err">Required</div> <div ng-message="maxlength" class="err">Maximum 50 characters.</div> </div> <input ng-model="model.first" name="firstName" type="text" ng-required="true" ng-maxlength="50" placeholder="Enter your first name" /> </form> If you type anything which is not valid, then show the error If you try to submit the page and you have not provided the required field it will show error. A: Do the error messages still appear after you have satisfied their conditions? In that case, have you remembered to take a dependency on ngMessages in your angular module? E.g.: angular.module("exampleModule", ["ngMessages"]); A: The best way to do this is with $touched: <div class="help-block" ng-messages="userForm.name.$error" ng-show="userForm.name.$touched"> ... </div> A: I found this answer helpful, but it didn't solve the problem of the error message hanging around forever. I came up with a slightly more complex use of show and hide as follows: <div class="help-block" ng-messages="addPlanForm.planName.$error" ng-show="addPlanForm.$submitted || addPlanForm.planName.$dirty || (addPlanForm.planName.$invalid && addPlanForm.planName.$touched)"> <p ng-message="required" ng-hide="addPlanForm.planName.$valid">Your name is required.</p> </div> By adding ng-hide on the message generated when an error occurs, the message disappears when the user corrects the error. Way cool. I LOVE angular. A: Just Try this <div ng-messages='myForm.fieldName.$error && (myForm.fieldName.$dirty || myForm.$submitted)' > <div ng-message='required'>Required field</div> </div> A: Only if dirty: <div ng-messages="myForm.myField.$dirty && myForm.myField.$error"> <div ng-message='required'>Required field</div> </div> Only if form is submitted: <div ng-messages="myForm.$submitted && myForm.myField.$error"> <div ng-message='required'>Required field</div> </div> A: Instead of using the ng-if suggested you could do something like... <div ng-messages='myForm.myControl.$error' ng-if='submitted'> <div ng-message='required'>Required field</div> </div> And on your submit button add: ng-click="submitted=true" You'd probably want to change '$scope.submitted' back to false when you type again, so you could add this to your text/email input: ng-keyup="submitted=false" That way only the submit button will change '$scope.submitted' to true and everything else you do will set it to false, therefore hiding your error message until you click the submit button. A: I was struggling with this and what was happening was my ng-messages were not appearing because the default browser behavior was not allowing invalid form submission with ng-required="true". To solve this you can decorate the form with novalidate. Here is the full working example for me: <form name="myForm" novalidate ng-submit="myForm.$valid && controllSideSubmitHandle()"> <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="myScope.name" ng-required="true"> <div ng-messages="myForm.$error || myForm.$submitted" style="color:maroon" role="alert" ng-if="myForm.name.$dirty || myForm.$submitted"> <div ng-message="required">Name is required.</div> </div> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> </form> A: I solved this problem with a css rule [ng-messages] { display: none; color:red; } .ng-dirty [ng-messages] { display:block } That's it.. Works like a charm for me. Here is a plunker Angular's use of classes is amazing, you can do so many things with it! A: <input required type="text" ng-model="model" name="field" ng-maxlength="13" ng-minlength="10"> <div ng-messages="form.field.$error" ng-if='form.$submitted'> <p ng-message="required">Required</p> <p ng-message="maxlength">not a valid field. Length exceeds.</p> <p ng-message="minlength">not a valid field. Length is shorter.</p> </div> button type should be submit and this will work. A: If you're using AngularJS Material, a lot of this functionality comes out of the box! Just remember to put everything inside an <md-input-container>. Here's a codepen example so you can see how it looks. This not only hides the error before the input has been clicked, it'll add some nice red styling and an animation for when it does show up! Here's the actual code: <form name="books" novalidate> <md-input-container> <input ng-model="title" name="title" required/> <div ng-messages="books.title.$error"> <div ng-message="required">Title is required</div> </div> </md-input-container> </form>
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Includes all known state champions, E-Nationals qualifiers, and any other reported team scores above 30,000. Not all teams qualifying for E-Nationals may choose to compete. Some states do not send teams to all of the E-Nationals competitions or do not participate in E-Nationals at all. Only E-Nationals qualifiers and state champions are listed below here. Scores for the below teams remain unknown. ? Mandarin Christian School Florida ??? ? Southbank International School United Kingdom ??? ? Myers Park High School North Carolina ??? While the main list above includes all qualifying teams, the lists below only include teams that USAD has confirmed as participating teams. To view the highest scores for each event, click here. 1. The Kansas state competition used Round 2 (regional), not Round 3 (state) tests. University Academy High School from Missouri participated in the Kansas state competition. This page was last edited on 15 November 2017, at 20:23.
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Readers for December 2nd Syllable Sunday, December 2nd Little River Restoratives Olusanya Bey does not call himself a writer or poet instead he describes himself as a 'heartist', "someone who uses his gift with words to remind us of what it means to be human, what it means to be a living breathing work of art". He Is first and foremost a Mindfulness Practitioner/Coach, trained in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Olusanya serves as a Teaching Artist, teaches Poetry as an introduction to 'mindful writing', which he describes as… a means to reconnect with the essence of the writing process, through which you can describe how the world touches you and how you touch the world). He also facilitates workshops in Engaged Mindfulness and the art of BEing HUman. Olusanya has performed poetry and conducted workshops in both mindfulness and poetry across the East Coast, including The University of Connecticut, Watkinson School, Kingswood Oxford, Goodwin College, and Trinity College. He was a member of the first team from Hartford, CT to participate in the National Poetry Slams competition in Seattle, WA, in 2001 (along with Iyaba Ibo Mandingo and our new Poet Laureate Frederick Douglass Knowles). He is also the founder and Yin President of Hartford's Iron Poet. alexandria hicks, more commonly known as allie, is a 21 year old poet. she is from east hartford, living in east hartford. allie joined uconn's poetic release in 2014, and was a member of their performance crew in spring 2015. since leaving uconn, allie has been an active member of the hartford community. she mostly posts her poetry online via instagram, but is working on creating a facebook page. Iyaba Ibo Mandingo – Painter Poet Actor Performer presents his first collection of poetry celebrating 27 years of writing and resistance. Readers for October 7 Syllable Series Sunday, August 5th Benjamin S. Grossberg works as Director of Creative Writing at the University of Hartford. His most recent collections are *Space Traveler* (University of Tampa, 2014) and *Sweet Core Orchard* (University of Tampa, 2009), winner of the Tampa Review Prize and a Lambda Literary Award. A chapbook, *An Elegy,* was published by Jacar Press (2016). His poems have appeared widely, including in the *Pushcart Prize* and *Best American Poetry* anthologies and recently in *Boulevard,* *Ploughshares,* *Southern Review,* and *New England Review.* A new full-length collection, *My Husband Would,* is forthcoming next year Frederick-Douglass Knowles II is a poet, educator and activist involved in community education and the performing arts. His works have been featured in Poems on the Road to Peace: A Collective Tribute to Dr. King Volume 2. Peabody Museum of Natural History by Yale University Press, The East Haddam Stage Company of Connecticut, The 13th Annual Acacia Group Conference at California State University, Folio –a Southern Connecticut State University literary magazine, Lefoko –a Botswana, Southern Africa Hip-Hop magazine, Connecticut River Review and Fingernails Across the Chalkboard: Poetry and Prose on HIV/AIDS from the Black Diasporaby Third World Press. Frederick-Douglass is currently an Associate Professor of English at Three Rivers Community College. His collection of poetry, BlackRoseCity was featured at the 2018 Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) is available on BarnesandNoble.com. Masquerading as a functional human being Ony. should not be considered a writer. He is a reluctant creator, deploying his limited vocabulary to give voice to the last, the lost, the least, the left out, and looked over. He hopes to one day play the lead role in the Broadway production of Waterworld alongside Angela Basset. Readers for August 5 Syllable Series Tess Scriptunas is a writer and teacher. She has taught English at the primary level in Figeac, France and English and French at the secondary level in Hartford, Connecticut. Her work has appeared in Volume 1 Brooklyn and The Madison Journal of Literary Criticism. Donna Fleischer writes in both free verse and Asian-derived forms. Her poems appear in worldwide journals and anthologies, including aglimpseof, Kō, Marsh Hawk Press Review, Modern Haiku, #Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology, On Barcelona, Otata, Otoliths,, Peace Is a Haiku Song, Solitary Plover, Spiral Orb, and TRUCK. "< Periodic Earth >" from Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press is her fourth chapbook. Donna posts on poetry, anti-poetry, permaculture, Feminism, and activist environmentalism at her blog, word pond. Danielle Bonanno is a Brooklyn based screenwriter & poet, who originally hails from the Hartford region. She's a Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts alum who loves her home city and its arts community! Danielle was part of the Emmy-Award winning writing and producing team behind The Cobblestone Corridor, which originally appeared on CPTV, but is now being shown nationally on PBS/PBS.com. Her writing has also been produced by The Shrill Collective (NYC) and published by Milk magazine. She's currently working in collaboration with New York based dancer, Mackian Bauman, on a poetry and movement production entitled "10 Seconds." Danielle holds an art history degree from Loyola University Maryland. Along with her writing, Danielle is an actor, disco witch, lover of cheap beer, Baltimore aficionado, and mother of Bruce the cat. Andrew Altamirano is a freelance writer from Connecticut. He specializes in all types of writing such as: poetry, screen writing, and short stories. His writing style is most notably known for being dark, satirical, and quirky. You can find a collection of his most up to date poems in his first chapbook entitled 'The Little Beautiful Dark Book'. Music this month provided by "Lake Geneva"! Readers for June 3 Syllable Series Emily Santarsiero was born & raised in Glastonbury, CT. She grew up on Shel Silverstein & playing dress-up. So naturally, she studied acting & creative writing at Marymount Manhattan College in NYC. Her poems are featured in CT Poetry Society's, Cardinal House Poetry. Recent performances include The Nasty Women Exhibition in New Haven, and CT's Speak Up. When she's not acting or writing, she's sharing her love for theater with the amazing students of Hartford Performs, & Playhouse on Park in West Hartford. Follow her on "The Gram" for more updates! @emsiero214 Nbs Malay considers herself to be more than just a naturally beautiful and sophisticated woman from Springfield, MA. She believes the many talents she has, including: singing, song-writing, spoken word etc., should be used to provide a message to her listeners, her readers and her supporters. Her long term goal is to open the minds of the unknowing and help people to understand that everyone is not the same person. Through her skills, she hopes to help others gain the ability to accept a person for who they choose to be in society. Nbs Malay is the second oldest out of her mother's eight children. She noticed her gift in writing when her third grade teacher introduced her to different forms of poetry. The art she created started with just her emotions. When she realized how many people could relate to her, she began to write about any topic that came to her mind. She hopes this new journey on becoming an author will get her voice heard and possibly help to make a difference. Alissa doesn't have a writing degree, she doesn't call herself a poet, and doesn't necessarily call her writings poems. She hates labels but will call herself a human being. So with that being said, she's just trying to understand the world she was placed in and the emotions that come along with that. Jose B. Gonzalez is the author of the International Latino Book Award Finalist, Toys Made of Rock and When Love Was Reels. His poetry has been anthologized in the Norton Introduction to Literature, Theatre Under My Skin: Contemporary Salvadoran Poetry and Wandering Song: Central American Writing in the United States. He is the co-editor (with John S. Christie) of Latino Boom: An Anthology of U.S. Latino Literature. He has been a contributor to National Public Radio, and has been a featured presenter at colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and at the Smithsonian Museum of African Art and the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. He has been featured on the syndicated show, American Latino TV, is a Fulbright Scholar, and is the editor of LatinoStories.Com. Lindsey Frances Pellino is a poet, animal rescue manager, and hospice worker living in Manchester. Her first collection of poetry HYSTERICAL SISTERS, published by Vegetarian Alcoholic Press on Valentine's Day of this year, is about fictional and real life women and sisters – including Britney Spears, the twins from the Shining, an Apollo astronaut's wife, and JonBonet Ramsey. A selection of her Laura Palmer inspired poetry was published by ANON Magazine in their She's Full of Secrets Twin Peaks zine. She's also the newly minted host of a poetry open mic series at the speakeasy in Middletown. Readers for May 6th Syllable Series at Little River Restoratives Sasha Debevec-McKenney was born in Hartford and attended the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts. She is a graduate of Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin, and will be the Rona Jaffe Graduate Fellow in Creative Writing at NYU this fall. A Chicago native who was raised in Hartford, CT., Zulynette is an alchemist. As a full-time artist, she does it all – performances, workshop facilitation, mentoring, commissioned work, and producing and directing one-of-a-kind storytelling shows. As a creative change agent, she uses art, poetry, a research background and her MSW as social work tools to inspire others to heal and empower themselves. Catherine Blinder has written for the Minneapolis Star Tribune (where in addition to the stuff that no one read, she judged children's crossword puzzles), The Aspen Times, the Greenfield Recorder, the Northampton Gazette, OpEds for the Hartford Courant, and what used to be called the Hog River Journal and is now called something boring, and lots of defunct political magazines. In addition, she was a regular contributor to Northeast Magazine, where among other things, she wrote about commune kids, shooting off fireworks with George Plimpton at Susanna Styron's wedding, working on Hunter S. Thompson's first political campaign, running into Julia Child while promoting tofu in Cambridge, young feminists, the sad decline of customer service and anything else they would pay her for. Geeno Maurice Gordon is a product of Hartford Connecticut, born and raised in Westbrook Village in Hartford's Northend. He has worked and lived in Hartford for over 30 years. He currently resides in West Hartford. He is the proud father of two children daughter EmmiSoleil Niah Gordon who is 8 and son Yannick Noah Gordon who just turned 14. He considers himself a closeted poet who only recently began sharing his work. Among his family he'd always been asked to write inspirational poems for family members who have passed away. It was from their encouragement he was inspired to share his work with a broader audience. Readers for April 8th Syllable Series at Little River Restoratives Sunday, April 8th Julie Sarkissian is the author of a novel, Dear Lucy, published by Simon & Schuster and nominated for the Dylan Thomas Prize. Other writing has appeared in the New York Times, Tin House, and Flavorwire, among other publications. She graduated from Princeton and received an MFA from The New School. Originally from Southern California, she now lives in Westport, Connecticut, with her husband and two young children, and teaches at the Westport Writers Workshop. Leah Juliett (they/them) is an outspoken nonbinary and queer writer, speaker, and civil rights activist. Leah is the Founder and Executive Director of The March Against Revenge Porn, an internationally-recognized cyber civil rights campaign fighting against nonconsensual image abuse through media advocacy, federal lobbying, and grassroots organizing. In April 2017, Leah led the first March Against Revenge Porn across the Brooklyn Bridge. Named one of the Top 5 Digital Activists by MTV, Leah has spoken against discrimination and human rights infringements on CNN, BBC, Sky News, Teen Vogue, The Daily Mail, Women's Health Magazine, Refinery 29 and The Huffington Post. Leah is a member of the National Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists and has been published by MTV News, Seventeen Magazine, Happiful Magazine, GLAAD, Palm Springs Pride Magazine, The Manifest-Station and the Body Back Project. Leah's ultimate joys are politics, protest & their partner, Owen. For more, please visit: www.leahjuliett.com or www.marchagainstrevengeporn.org. Madi B is from Southern CT, and has been reading poetry on and off since childhood. She believes in justice, nature, and poetry as a means of liberation and mutual understanding. Shannon Hearn is a recent graduate of the University of Connecticut where she studied Journalism and English with a concentration in creative writing. Through her work with the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival, she finds herself employed as a Speakers Representative & Office Manager at the literary agency Blue Flower Arts. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming with 3:AM Magazine, Big Lucks, cream city review, Juked, Heavy Feather Review, and others. Benjamin Selesnick is a student Northeastern University and a reader at Memoir Mixtapes, an online literary magazine that promotes poetry and creative nonfiction about music. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Bitter Oleander, Literary Orphans, Ofi Press Mexico, Fearsome Critters, The Cantabrigian, The Remembered Arts, and others. In 2017, he was the runner-up for the Stony Brook Short Fiction Prize. Readers for March 4th Syllable Series at Little River Restoratives Melissa Wyse is a fiction writer and essayist. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including The Rumpus,Shenandoah, and Urbanite. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from American University and has been awarded Fellowships and residencies at the McDowell Colony, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Ragdale Foundation. She is the recipient of an Individual Artist Ruby Grant, and she serves as the Writer in Residence at the Pomfret School. Melissa is the founder and director of the Idlewild Writers Retreat, which holds its annual writers retreat here in Connecticut each autumn. She is currently completing a collection of linked short fiction set in World War II Hawaii titled Moon Over Sand Island. Kate Monica is a technical writer living in Boston. Her poems have been featured in Potluck Mag, Hobart, The Quietus, Hart House Review, Souvenir Lit, Alien Mouth, and others. Her first collection of poems, Nervous Universe, was released by Electric Cereal in 2015. She drinks 30 cans of La Croix a day. She does not know how to pronounce La Croix. Michael Augustine Jefferson is a Pushcart nominated poet that has watched the movie, "Blackfish" at least 8 times. Readers for Feb 11th Syllable Series at Little River Restoratives Sunday, Feb 11th Erin Fitzgerald is Online Editor at Barrelhouse. Her work has appeared in Okey-Panky, The Rumpus, Atticus Review, Salt Hill, Hobart, and other fine literary publications. Her novella about an Internet catfish, Valletta78, is available from Outpost19 Books. She lives in New Milford, where she's seen Rob Zombie buy Halloween decorations at Walmart. Born in New Britain Connecticut and raised by a machinist and a waitress, Jason Labbe received his MFA from the University of Virginia as a Henry Hoyns Fellow. He is the author of a full length collection of poems, Spleen Elegy (BlazeVOX, 2017), and a handful of chapbooks, including Blackwash Canal (2011) and Dear Photographer (Phylum Press, 2009). His poems and prose appear widely in such publications as Poetry, Boston Review, A Public Space, Conjunctions, Colorado Review, and DIAGRAM. Jason Labbe has taught writing at the University of Virginia, the University of Connecticut, and Southern Connecticut State University. Also a drummer and recording engineer, he has worked with many artists in New England and New York City. He splits his time between Bethany, Connecticut and Brooklyn, New York. jasonlabbe.info Thomasina Levy, was Connecticut State Troubadour for 2005 and 2006. She is a poet and award winning musician whose performances weave together the best of traditional and contemporary folk music. Her studies as a Facilitator of Music Improvisation reaffirm her belief that music is in each one of us and just waiting for the right time to emerge. She uses music, poetry and art to help students of all ages discover their own creative spirits. Thomasina is a Teaching Artist Mentor who helps fellow artists, educators, schools and museums incorporate the arts into their programs. Her music has been aired in over twenty countries across the globe. Described as a charismatic performer, she touches audiences with a simplicity, humanity, and strength drawn from the deep roots of the folk tradition. Her poem, "Evensong" was published with Connecticut Poet Society. Her found word poem, "Gasconading Bluster", will be included in "Unlocking the Word," a 2018 anthology edited by Dr. Jonas Zdanys. Readers for January 7th Syllable Series at Little River Restoratives Sunday, January 7th Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet, essayist, and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio. His first collection of poems, The Crown Ain't Worth Much was released in 2016 and was nominated for the Hurston-Wright Legacy Award. His first collection of essays, They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, was released in fall 2017 by Two Dollar Radio. Benjamin Woodard is a writer and English professor living in Connecticut. He is also Editor-in-Chief at Atlas and Alice. His recent fiction has been featured in New South, WhiskeyPaper, a nd Hobart. Find him at www.benjaminjwoodard.com. Abi Rodriguez: A Capital student, and veteran; so far have three books of poetry (and prose) published. As a writer I've amassed an extensive portfolio of writing; from books to stage and screen plays, a musical, songs of different genres, and other work. I've lived in and around Hartford for 18 years now and call it home. In past events I've spoken about my life and the 20 years of writing which is now culminating into the realization of many youthful dreams I once had. I enjoy interacting with and taking questions from audience members, and having them choose excerpts from my books. The events have been fun and inspiring for myself and the readers. Chad Browne-Springer: When I was younger I played Elton John's "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" music video next to a live performance of the tune and I was taken back by have close in proximity he sounded live to his recordings. I thought that I could do what he did/does. My little homie Beck (the pedal) and I have been at it for a over a year, a bit longer than the band I'm in ​- ​Phat A$tronaut. Really I've just gotten better with understanding the relationship between Beck and I, pure transparent communication. In my head what I do is very simple, just notational stacking in accordance to the energy of the moment being made/obtained/sustained. B​ecoming more comfortable with self and the tools I have in my tool shed as an extension of the self. Readers for December 3 Syllable Series at Little River Restoratives Sunday, December 3rd Poet, songwriter, and Emmy Award nominee, Susanna Rich performs her one-woman musical Shakespeare's *itches: The Women Talk Back and is the author of three poetry collections:Surfing for Jesus; Television Daddy; and The Drive Home. Visit at www.wildnightsproductions.com. Rand Richards Cooper is the author of The Last to Go and Big As Life.His fiction has appeared in Harper's, GQ, Esquire, The Altantic, and many other magazines, and in Best American Short Stories. He has been Writer-in-Residence at Amherst and Emerson colleges. A longtime writer for Bon Appétit and the New York Times, and a former blogger for DisneyFamily.com, Rand lives in Hartford with his wife and daughter. He is a Contributing Editor at Commonweal Magazine and writes a monthly column, "In Our Midst," for Hartford Magazine. Yelizaveta P. Renfro is the author of a collection of essays,Xylotheque, winner of the 2014 Sarton Memoir Award and a finalist for the 2015 WILLA Women Writing the West Award, as well as a collection of short stories, A Catalogue of Everything in the World, winner of the St. Lawrence Book Award. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Glimmer Train Stories, North American Review, Creative Nonfiction, Orion, Colorado Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, South Dakota Review, Witness, Reader's Digest, Blue Mesa Review, Parcel, Adanna, Fourth River, Bayou Magazine, Untamed Ink, So to Speak, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from George Mason University and a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska. Currently a resident of Connecticut, she's also lived in California, Virginia, and Nebraska. She has taught writing at UCLA Extension Writers' Program, Westfield State University, George Mason University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the Mark Twain House. Danusha Goska is a recipient of a New Jersey State Council on the Arts Grant, and a Stephen King Haven Grant. Her book, "Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype" won the Polish American Historical Association Halecki Award. Her book "Save Send Delete" was inspired by her relationship with prominent atheist Michael Shermer. Her new book "God through Binoculars: A Hitchhiker at a Monastery" will appear in 2018. Christine Kalafus is a writer, storyteller, editor and teacher. Her recently completed memoirBlueprint for Daylight, a funny and heartbreaking story of infidelity, cancer, colicky twins, and the flood in her basement, won the Sarah Patton Stipend Award for non-fiction this June in NYC. Her essays have been published in PAGE, The Writer in the World, and Woven Tale Press. "Horses," Christine's experimental poem of loss, is presently a finalist for the Knightville Poetry Award and will be published in the 2018 issue of The New Guard. For fun, she performs stories to live audiences. "I Hear You Make Cakes," performed at Laugh Boston, was selected by The Moth for its national podcast. Christine lives in the Quiet Corner of Connecticut in an old farmhouse that needs her. …. Check back for more readers! Many of our December readers will be reading works from a new collection– information below! Two-Countries: U.S. Daughters and Sons of Immigrant Parents. An anthology of Flash Memoir, Personal Essays and Poetry from over sixty-five contributors. Published by Red Hen Press. Available now for pre-order at a reduced price on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel. Read more about Two-Countries on the Red Hen Press site at redhen.org Read more about the editor at www.tinaschumann.com
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#ifndef __CGFXPHONG_H__ #define __CGFXPHONG_H__ #include "../BlammoEngine/CgFxEffect.h" class Camera; /** * Represents CgFx CelShader material. */ class CgFxPhong : public CgFxMaterialEffect { private: // Constants used for loading the CelShading effect static const char* BASIC_FG_TECHNIQUE_NAME; static const char* BASIC_FG_NO_OUTLINE_TECHNIQUE_NAME; static const char* TEXTURED_FG_TECHNIQUE_NAME; static const char* TEXTURED_FG_NO_OUTLINE_TECHNIQUE_NAME; static const char* BASIC_BG_TECHNIQUE_NAME; static const char* TEXTURED_BG_TECHNIQUE_NAME; public: CgFxPhong(MaterialProperties* properties); ~CgFxPhong(); }; #endif
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The red and near infrared light (600nm-1000nm) can be produced by laser or high intensity LED. The intensity of LLLT lasers is not high like a surgical laser*. There is no heating effect. The effect is photochemical (like photosynthesis in plants). Red light aids the production of ATP thereby providing the cell with more energy which in turn means the cell is in optimum condition to play its part in a natural healing process. Red light and near infrared light acts on the mitochondria and at the cell membrane. In in-vitro and animal LLLT wound healing studies comparing wavelengths, red consistently is more effective. Shorter wavelengths are not as good and are more expensive to produce and have poor penetration; overall, they are a poor choice. Near infrared light, while not quite as good, do penetrate better than the red wavelengths and are available in higher powers and at low prices. According to live in-vivo experiments at Uniformed Services University Bethesda Maryland (a US military research centre) 810nm is the best penetrating wavelength. It also happens to work well in LLLT nerve regeneration studies they are doing. An appropriate dose of light can improve speed and quality of acute and chronic wound healing, soft tissue healing, pain relief improve the immune system and nerve regeneration. Applications with good RCT evidence include Venous Ulcers, Diabetic Ulcers, Osteoarthritis, tendonitis, Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN, shingles) & postoperative pain.
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Now, many public schools are asking whether kids need to learn cursive. It's a good question, and one that homeschool parents can enjoy deciding on their own! But it leads to another important question. Should children be taught to read cursive in school–since most of us old folks still write occasionally–and we write cursive. To avoid the widening gulf of the generation gap that's sure to form, we'll have to learn to speak the new language, and that means learning to text, communicating in memes, figuring out hashtags–and going back to printing. For, writing in cursive may be to this generation what polyester pants were in ours–a sure sign of being unhip! Or, perhaps having an attractive penmanship will be the mark of well-educated persons in the next few decades. . . If you have selected a curriculum that focuses on printing, and choose to eliminate cursive handwriting in the elementary grades, you might consider adding it back in to your school schedule in the middle school grades–as an art elective. As homeschoolers, we enjoyed the freedom to choose our own handwriting method, but the program we selected for our children, although efficient and easy, really wasn't that attractive! As the girls got older, they admired the Spencerian script in the old family Bible, and so we found this little gem, Spencerian Penmanship, which is so old it's new again!. In addition to providing an art credit, it has given them a lifelong attractive penmanship style, that is constantly admired and complimented. Click here to read the review of Spencerian Penmanship, and check out what Denise Eide, author of The Logic of English, says about teaching cursive writing before printing! You can read a review of that cursive handwriting manual here. As homeschool parents, it's wonderful to have so many educational choices for our children–and handwriting is a skill that can be taught in fifteen minutes per day as long as you're consistent, so don't stress. Scope and Sequence are suggestions, and you can decide to teach cursive in sixth grade if you change your mind! This has become a Christmas tradition in our home! I think Saxon Math is one of the best math programs available -- so why did I write a negative review?
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Hi to al Z7 / 270 users! I am wondering if there is a way to see the Kelvin Number AFTER doing a manual WB. The number is shown for a moment after WB, but replaced by "<A>" (or B) and doesnt show up when checking Status. Is there a way to check the stored value later too? Didnt find a way yet except switching between A/B/P, what I need is a quick check of the actual setting/Kelvin value while or before shooting. Wich model are you using? Can't you check this with the MENU/STATUS switch on the HVR-S270? How this is done on the HVR-Z7 I don't know. Status Checks shows everything from audio metering/settings up to recording formats or button assignments. There is a WB value showing up, but this is only the dialed in preset value - not memory A or B.
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TV ShowsCSI Follow/Fav By: Michmak Greg learns some valuable lessons about friendship and family, as his fellow CSI's rally around him to support him through a difficult time. CONTINUATION of Broken Boy and Video Killed the Radio Star - FINISHED Rated: Fiction T - English - Greg S. - Chapters: 32 - Words: 78,076 - Reviews: 232 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 11/13/2002 - Published: 8/16/2002 - Status: Complete - id: 916785 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten 1. TOGETHER ALONE2. HEART ATTACK3. TIN MAN4. HATE CRIME5. PIG BLOOD6. STRAYS7. EPITHELIALS AND FOOTPRINTS8. DOCTOR ROBBINS9. COINCIDENCE?10. PAINT CAN11. MARK OF CAIN12. WARRICK13. FLOATING THEORIES14. HANDS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS15. ENOCH16. SCOTTY17. AMAZING GRACE18. GOODBYE TO DREAMS19. CONVERSATIONS20. DINNER WITH GRAMS21. GRISSOM AND GREG22. CONFRONTATIONS23. SEEING STARS24. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS25. CLOSING IN26. BEDTIME STORIES27. TANNING28. TURNCOAT29. WAFFLES30. SLEEPOVER31. SHIMMER32. THE HAPPY PRINCE II - TOGETHER ALONE Greg awoke in stages. First, he was aware of the hissing. Next, the steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor. Lastly, the pain. Although he could feel the IV needle poking into the top of his hand, he was getting no relief from the pain killers and medication it was feeding him. His chest felt like it had been crushed inward, and the resulting throbbing and burning made him want to cry out. Slowly opening his eyes, he became aware that he was not alone. In the chair, immediately to his right, Grissom was sleeping. Greg felt the weight of Grissom's arm on the edge of his hospital bed, and he tilted his head slightly to get a better view of the older man. In his sleep, Grissom's face looked remarkably child-like. The tenseness that Grissom always carried there during his waking moments was gone, smudged and softened, released by sleep. He was surprisingly happy that Grissom was still there. "Gris?" Greg's voice was hoarse. He experimentally tried to clear it, hissing in pain as the indrawn breath stretched the muscles of his chest. He felt like he was being ripped open. Grissom opened his eyes groggily, sitting up, concern immediately replacing sleep in his eyes. The tension in his face was back. "Greg? Are you alright?" "As good as can be expected, I suppose." Greg tried for a light tone, but his voice was bitter. "Listen, I'm thirsty and I need to pee. Can you get a nurse for me? I don't know where the call button is." Grissom quickly paged the nurse. "They brought you some food earlier, but you were sleeping. I let them take everything away except the green jello - just in case you wanted to eat something." Greg winced. "That's supposed to make me want to eat?" The nurse bustled into the room. "Well, it's good to see you're awake, Mr. Sanders. I assume you have to attend some personal needs, and I need to check a couple of things." She looked pointedly at Grissom as she began drawing the curtains. "I'm sure your friend here will be more than happy to wait outside. We'll only be a minute." Grissom looked at the nurse, backing slowly out of the room. "Is he allowed to eat anything? Can I get him something at the cafeteria?" The nurse looked at the chart. "He's only allowed soft foods and drinks right now. I see he has some jello here - he can eat that." "If I brought him up a milkshake, could he have that?" The nurse nodded. "Yes. A milkshake would be fine." Greg interrupted. "Chocolate." He smiled at Grissom weakly as the nurse finished drawing the curtain. "Thanks Grissom." The lounge room was silent. Nick and Sara were side by side, sleeping on the small two-seater, Warrick was reading and Catherine was playing solitaire. It was a slow Thursday night, and everyone was grateful for it. Warrick sighed, dropping his magazine and stretching his arms over his lanky frame. "I wonder how Greg is doing?" Standing he walked over to Catherine, pointing out a move she had missed, before passing by to pour himself a coffee. Catherine bit her lip as she studied the cards. "Gil said he was still sleeping the last time he called. Hasn't woken up since we left." Sighing in frustration, she dropped her cards and pulled them all together, straightening them out as she began shuffling again. "Can you pour me one of those?" Warrick complied, sliding into the seat opposite Catherine. Catherine silently handed him the cards when he reached for them, and he quickly dealt a hand for each of them, plus a dummy. "Twenty-one okay for you?" Catherine nodded. "Fine." She watched as Warrick deftly worked the cards. "This is going to be so hard on Greg." She bit her lip as she tossed three cards. "Hit me." Warrick quirked an eyebrow at her. "I can't imagine it myself. If it was me, I mean." He replaced two cards in his hand with new ones. "And Grissom is really taking it hard. I've never seen him break down like that before. To be quite honest, I didn't think he could be emotional like that." Catherine smiled, softly. "Gil's a very emotional man. He just likes to pretend he's not, and he's gotten too good at hiding it. I was glad to see him - react - like that to Greg's situation." Nick had woken up and was listening to the tail-end of the conversation. His hand was lazily rubbing Sara's shoulder. "It was good. Greg needed to know that we're all there for him. Especially Grissom." Catherine looked at him curiously. "Why 'especially Grissom', Nick." "Because Greg really admires him. And for the longest time, he didn't think Grissom liked him all that much. It's just important he knows." He grinned suddenly. "Aren't you two supposed to be playing cards?" Warrick looked at Catherine and shrugged. "So much for that." Looking at his watch, he sighed. "4:30 am - another 3 ½ hours before shift ends, and another hour after that before we can visit Greg. This is the slowest night in the world." Greg was almost asleep again by the time Grissom returned with the promised milkshake. "Sorry I was gone so long. Should have realized the cafeteria isn't open this late - or early - depending on your perspective. I went to Dairy Queen for you. And I even talked the nurse into giving me a bendy straw so you can drink easier. How are you feeling?" "Sore." Greg sighed. Grissom positioned himself gingerly on the edge of the bed, holding the milkshake for Greg. "That's to be expected. While the procedure you had wasn't major surgery, it's still pretty serious." Grissom paused as Greg sipped on the straw, noticing the brief stab of pain that crossed the young man's face as he tried to drink. "Maybe we should let this melt a little more." Greg sighed in frustration. "I can't even sip a fucking straw. This really sucks, Grissom!" "No pun intended. Ba-da-bump!" Grissom's tone was grimly ironic, earning a small smile from Greg. "You don't have to stay with me, you know." "I know. But I want to." "It's not your fault I screwed up." Greg's tone was resigned. "I should have just refused to get drawn into that little competition." "You didn't screw up, Greg. You made what you thought was the right choice in that situation. That Edd guy was working the crowd - there was no way they were going to let you off the stage. I wasn't lying when I said you broke the case for us." Greg's smile was wobbly. "You're just saying that because I'm in the hospital." "No. I'm saying that because it's the truth. And when you get on your feet again and back to work, you'll have the opportunity keep solving cases." "If I ever get better." Greg's voice was so soft, Grissom barely heard it. "Maybe, they won't let me come back. Physically, I might not be up to it." Grissom's tone was firm as he responded. "They can't keep you from returning. You've just had a set-back here, that's all. You heard what Dr. Mellows told you earlier - there's no reason why you can't return to work eventually. With therapy and regular check-ups, you'll be back to normal in no time." "How can you say that? I'll never be normal again." Grissom was surprised at the sudden tears that flooded the young mans' eyes. "What's so normal about having a battery in your chest when you're my age?" Greg glared at Grissom bitterly. "Why me? Haven't I had enough to deal with?" Grissom slid from the side of the bed into his chair, pulling it closer to Greg. "We all have our demons, Greg. We all have our own crosses to bear. But you don't have to do this by yourself - you're not a martyr." Greg looked at Grissom, his face impossibly young. "I'm scared, Grissom." Grissom took Greg's hand in his own. "Of course you're scared. Who wouldn't be? But you have to be angry, too, Greg. Angry enough to not give up. I know you've been on your own for a long time now - I. I have too. But you know what I've learned? It's not good being by yourself. And I wasted a lot of years trying to convince myself I didn't need anyone. But I was wrong. I need Catherine, and I need Sara - Nick - Warrick. And I need you Greg. I meant what I said earlier. You're my family." He gripped Greg's hand tighter in his own. "And if you're my family, that means I'm yours." Greg didn't respond, and Grissom felt no need for further words. He simply sat there, watching over Greg as he drifted back into healing slumber, a small smile playing about his face. Author's Note: I promise we'll get into an interesting case soon enough, but the first few chapters of this story will focus mainly on Greg and the team's reaction to his near miss. So expect a lot of angst and personal revelation. And let me know if you like what I'm doing. If the character growth isn't believable, I want to know. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Your review has been posted. 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Impotence rates DOUBLE as half of men under 50 suffer from erectile dysfunction It is estimated 322 million men worldwide will be affected by 2025 - up from 152 million in 1995 Mark Waghorn (Image: Getty) Up to half of men under the age of 50 are suffering erectile dysfunction, according to new research. Scientists say that impotence rates have more than doubled in the last 25 years as guys struggle to perform between the sheets. The embarrassing problem is becoming alarmingly common among the under 50s, warn scientists. But it could save lives - by identifying those most at risk of a heart attack, stroke or premature death. Being a flop in bed can be an early warning sign of high blood pressure or cholesterol - and even diabetes. The worldwide study of impotence was linked with increased risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD), dementia and early death. It can also be a sign of an enlarged prostate gland, which can trigger urinary problems. Vaping may damage your BRAIN by destroying neural stem cells, scientists warn Erections depend on a healthy blood flow to the penis. When this is reduced it can damage other organs, including the heart and brain. Detecting problems when they first develop may help improve quality of life - and also prevent serious illnesses with lifestyle changes or medications such as statins. First author Anna Kessler, a urologist at King's College London, said: "Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, physicians should consider screening for erectile dysfunction in at-risk patients, as information may not be volunteered." Her team pooled data from dozens of studies involving tens of thousands of participants in their teens to their 80s from across the world, including the UK. Ms Kessler said: "Young men aged under 40 years had an exceptionally high prevalence of erectile dysfunction." Weird ways men try to enlarge their PENISES - and which techniques actually work Up to 50 per cent of under 50s were affected. One study of under 40s in Brazil found it was more common in 18 to 25 year olds (35.6%) than those aged 26 to 40 (30.7%). Global prevalence was up to three in four - with older individuals most vulnerable, reports BJU International. Rates for North America, South America, Europe, Oceania, Asia and Africa were up to 46.3%, 14%, 76.5%, 49.4%, 65% and 53.6%, respectively. The risk of death from CVD or any cause rose 43 and 26 percent, respectively, among men with erectile dysfunction. They were also 68 percent more likely to develop dementia. Ms Kessler, a student in the School of Medicine, said: "Erectile dysfunction constitutes a large burden on society given its high prevalence and impact on quality of life, and is also a risk factor for CVD, dementia, and all-cause mortality." (Image: iStockphoto) Mayor hands out free VIAGRA to encourage local residents to have more babies It is estimated 322 million men worldwide will be affected by 2025, an increase from 152 million men in 1995. It also significantly affects the quality of life of men's partners. Ms Kessler said: "Partners of men with erectile dysfunction experience lower sexual satisfaction, correlated to the degree of erectile dysfunction in their partner." She added: "The global prevalence of erectile dysfunction is high and represents a significant burden on the quality of life of men and their partners. "It is not simply a consequence of physiological ageing, but also a symptom of pathology, such as CVD, prostate gland enlargement and dementia. "It has been identified as a risk marker for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as well as all-cause mortality. "Early detection may, therefore, improve primary prevention of CVD and mortality, as well as improving quality of life by treating erectile dysfunction itself. Young men are also affected." Prescriptions of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs have tripled in a decade (Image: Getty) Men who do pelvic floor exercises last longer in bed - here's how to do them The landmark study backs a survey of young British earlier this year that found six in ten avoid sex because of 'performance anxiety'. Around 11.7 million fellas in the UK struggle to rise to the occasion, with one in eight experiencing problems every time. This has led one in five of those affected, some 2.5 million, to give up romping altogether. Two million victims say erectile dysfunction has damaged their relationships and it has contributed to one million breakups. One in three impotent blokes have not confided in their partner, preferring instead to make up excuses for avoiding sex. The most common include being tired from work or the gym, feeling unwell or being too drunk. These men struggle to get erections Never put foods in your vagina Third of men would take male pill Sex addiction is an epidemic The findings were based on a poll of 2,000 participants, with the results extrapolated to the general population. Lifestyle changes including losing weight, stopping smoking, eating a healthy diet and exercising daily are all known ways to improve a man's erection. Viagra and other similar drugs can also be used to treat impotence. Prescriptions of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs containing the active ingredient sildenafil have tripled in Britain in a decade. Easy internet access to pornography has been linked to the growing crisis, with the theory it creates unrealistic expectations. MirrorSciTech SpaceMars could be made habitable by creating ISLANDS from lightest material on EarthThe first humans on Mars could live on small 'islands' paved with tiles made out of silica aerogel - the lightest material on Earth Mental healthTeens who spend hours in front of TV are more likely to be DEPRESSED, study warnsResearchers found that increases in time spent on social media and watching television are linked to increases in symptoms of depression among teenagers Hay feverHuge cloud of POLLEN erupts from tree - and the footage will make your nose itchThe video, filmed in Issaquah, Washington, shows an enormous cloud of pollen erupting from a fallen pine tree NasaInternational Space Station passes across spotless sun in stunning NASA imageThe incredible image was snapped by photographer Rainee Colacurcio, and is featured as NASA's astronomy photo of the day The MoonChandrayaan-2: India's moon mission DELAYED due to 'technical snag'ISRO's mission was scheduled to launch at 09:21 pm GMT, or 02:51 am local time on the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mark III rocket
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A former sheriff's deputy wants to put an end to police chase deaths with his new app. The free app is called "PursuitAlert" and law enforcement officers would be able to alert the public of a nearby chase. Pending federal approval, Tim Morgan said, you should be able to start using his app in about four months. Jackie and Stacey Whitney flew up from Texas for the unveiling of his app in Pickens on Monday. They lost their son Garrett less than two months ago to a deadly police pursuit outside Dallas, Texas. "Right now, we are just still numb by it. We are just doing anything and everything we can to help make sure this doesn't happen to another family," Stacey Whitney said. Whitney told News 13 she made a promise to her son at this funeral to help prevent another police chase tragedy. "I made him a promise that momma would do something to make changes," Stacey said. So, her and Jackie got to work and came up with an idea. "I was thinking, if there were some way he knew, beforehand, if it was coming it would be something that was useful," Jackie said. But, then Jackie found "PursuitAlert" and Morgan online. "I was in law enforcement for 37 years and one of the most difficult incidents I had to deal with was the death of an innocent victim in a high-speed police pursuit," Morgan said. After retiring from the Pickens County Sheriff's Office, Morgan started designing pursuit alert. According to Morgan, at the flip of a switch, officers could send out a push alert to smartphones within a set radius around a chase. The app would then alert users to "proceed with caution," Morgan said, if there's no longer a threat from a chase.
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Editorial Note: In my original questions, I conflated the terms "restorative justice" and "restorative practices," which Sarah clarified for me in her responses. Many thanks to Sarah for educating me on these distinctions. Where did you first hear of Restorative Justice? I first found out about RJ when doing research for a seminar paper a few years ago. I happened to stumble upon the website for the International Institute for Restorative Practices, a local organization that trains facilitators in RP. What exactly is Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices? Restorative justice is a more holistic alternative to punitive justice within the criminal justice system. Restorative practices, which I use in my work, are an offshoot of restorative justice. In other words, restorative justice is a guiding theory and restorative practices are strategies that we can use to bring about a more just environment. Restorative practices are used to create more open dialogue, build empathy, and encourage accountability. In what contexts are these frameworks and strategies most helpful for use? When a harm occurs, we typically think of justice as punishing the offender, but restorative justice asks us to think more holistically about what happened, who was impacted in the community, what they are thinking and feeling, and what needs to be done to make the situation better. When used in criminal cases, it is a way to create a dialogue between the offender and the victim, so the victim has a space to give voice to their experiences and the offender must listen to the impact of his or her actions, and hopefully build empathy with the victim and take responsibility for his or her actions. It can still be paired with punitive measures (fines, jail time, etc.), but it offers a model that allows the community to respond to a trauma and heal together. Are there any limitations or problems within these models? Yes, as with all models, RP have their limitations. Firstly, to have a restorative practices-informed conversation, all parties need to consent/ want to be involved. This can be hard for both victims and offenders, because victims might not be at the point in their healing process where they are ready to discuss their experiences, and offenders can often find it difficult to listen to the impact of their actions and take responsibility for the harm they caused. Moreover, with RP, the victim's and offender's communities are also involved, so they must also consent to participating in the agreed-upon structure. How do RJ/RP play into your dissertation and body of research? My dissertation research focuses on intersectional feminism and restorative practices in key feminist texts from the Women's Movement. I'm specifically exploring Alice Walker's The Color Purple and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time as two aesthetic models for reimagining justice in communities. Whereas feminist literary critics inspire us to think about how texts impact our social and political relationships on a global level, restorative practices compel us to think about how our interactions can create more equitable relationships on a more localized level. Restorative practices further encourage us to think about how our choices have affected others, so that we take greater accountability for our actions and learn how to respond more thoughtfully in the future. Therefore, my dissertation project offers readings of key literary texts to show how educators can use restorative practices, informed by intersectional feminist literary theory, to create an intentional, dialogical space that brings a group of people together to discuss the harm caused by an injustice, determine how they might repair the injury, heal the community, and proactively create a more productive future together. How does literature encourage RJ/RP? Literature provides a model for us to read and respond to when imagining what justice could look like and how we might build a more equitable community. In other words, literature provides creative fodder for thinking through the implications of transformative justice. How do you see these approaches fitting into the department's focus on Literature and Social Justice? I think restorative practices dovetails perfectly with our focus on LSJ, because it provides a tool kit for thinking through and enacting justice. How did it feel to lead a workshop on these ideas at the Literature and Social Justice conference? It was great! I was so pleased and honored that people trusted me and were interested enough in the work that I am doing to attend a workshop at the LSJ conference. I think it was a great learning opportunity, and it inspired me to want to go back to the IIRP to receive further training so I can continue to share this work with others. What has surprised you about the these models? Really, what surprised me the most was how simple, yet powerful, restorative practices are. Basically, they teach us how to listen and respond to others (lessons that we hope we all learn in childhood, I guess). I think it's about reminding us how to be better people, and especially how to be better community members. What's a valuable takeaway you've received from your work with these practices? To me, restorative practices are the perfect complement to intersectional feminist theory, as it gives us a way to turn theory into praxis. Both models emphasize the need for dialogue, active listening, empathy, and imagining a better future, while valuing our differences. It's also just a great model for thinking through how we communicate with others, especially when a conflict arises.
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Home › News › Design Lotta Volkova: "Vetements is a desirable and well made product" The hand of Lotte Volkova is behind some of the coolest brands right now, from Vetements to Balenciaga, where she works as a fashion stylist and consultant and in direct collaboration with artistic director, Demna Gvasalia. Not forgetting the Russian label by Gosha Rubchinskiy or the recently dropped New York brand, Sies Marjan, launched by Sander Lak last winter. Backstage at all the 'it' runway shows, (and sometimes even on the podiums themselves), the thirtysomething all-rounder, Volkova -- originally from Vladivostok and raised in post-Soviet Russia -- has become a true icon in the fashion world. More recently, she featured as one of the jury members on the panel of emerging designer competition, ITS in Trieste, Italy, alongside Demna Gvasalia. It's here, Lotta Volkova spoke to FashionMag. Lotta Volkova - ITS 2016 GK FashionMag: How did you end up in the world of fashion? Lotta Volkova: I've always liked clothes. At 17, I left Russia to study art, photography and fashion in London at Central Saint Martins school. At 19, I started a clothing and accessories brand for men, Lotta Skeletrix, which had a certain success. I was working from my kitchen with friends. It was fun and easy. Then, I decided to move myself to Paris in 2007, and here, it became more complicated. So, I stopped and I began to focus on styling. FM: Where are you now in your career? LV: I've been a fashion stylist for eight years and a consultant for different brands. I cast for runway shows, and collections. I also work as a fashion editor for several magazines. FM: Most notable is your work with Vetements. How did you meet Demna Gvasalia, the founder and designer of the brand? LV: We were introduced by friends. One day, he showed me photos of his collection. I found the clothing to be great, but not the styling. So, he asked me to do it. We've worked together since 2015. Now, I am a consultant for the brand, and take care of collections and runway shows, from the casting to the styling. FM : How would you explain the success of Vetements? LV: We truly love what we do! We were frustrated working to and following the codes imposed by the fashion system. We decided to primarily make clothes for ourselves and our friends, simply enjoying ourselves. Vetements, from the beginning, is a point of view, an attitude, and also more importantly, a well made and desirable product. It speaks of the different musical subcultures, which we reinterpret in our own way. FM: You also work on Balenciaga with Demna Gvasalia, for which he is the new artistic director. How is that? LV: For me, it's the coolest cause we have access resources and a budget that we've never had before! We also have the chance to work with people who knew Cristobal Balenciaga. It's very interesting. FM: The new Balenciaga seems a lot like Vetements... LV: That's normal, considering it's the same people who designing the two collections! But, looking at it more closely, it's very different. Vetements is more streetwear, while Balenciaga is a couture house. It's more chic and sophisticated. There's a more elegant side to it. The two labels speak to different worlds, different types of women, but the approach is the same in the technique and manner of working. The values are the same. Lotta Volkova and Demna Gvasalia at the ITS fashion competition on July - ITS 2016 FM: How has the first Balenciaga collection been received? LV: The first collection has had great success with an increase in sales of 25% compared to the preceding season. The reaction has also been good for the cruise collection. These are clothes that are easy to wear. They are cool and different, and at the same time, practical. They are real clothes for the everyday, which are reworked and reinterpreted. The first look from the menswear show, for example, was a jacket that Cristobal Balenciaga had designed for himself, but hadn't finished. Demna proposed a contemporary reinterpretation of it. The idea is to reinterpret to the spirit of Cristobel rather than copy what's in the archives. Nike partners with FaZe Clan on new shoe design Adaptista announces scholarship with British Academy of Fashion Design Gaurav Gupta creates sculpture-like garments inspired by infinity for his Paris Haute Couture debut Alexandre Vauthier, Julie de Libran and Zuhair Murad's empowered women Couture final day: Fendi, Robert Wun and Mugler Shein calls on young designers The 38th Hyères Festival will be chaired by Charles de Vilmorin and Alan Crocetti Valentino's 'Impossible Rendez Vous' between couture and clubbing
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In_pictures Duchess of Cambridge's 'personal' portraits of Holocaust survivors Steven Frank is seen alongside his granddaughters Maggie and Trixie The Duchess of Cambridge has taken photographs of Holocaust survivors in a contribution to an exhibition marking 75 years since the end of the genocide. The duchess said her subjects were "two of the most life-affirming people that I have had the privilege to meet". It comes as the world marks International Holocaust Memorial Day, 75 years after Auschwitz was liberated. Later, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will attend the UK commemorations in Westminster. In the images taken by Catherine for the exhibition, which opens later this year, two survivors are pictured with their grandchildren. One of her portraits was of 84-year-old Steven Frank, originally from Amsterdam, who survived multiple concentration camps as a child. He is pictured alongside his granddaughters Maggie and Trixie Fleet, aged 15 and 13. Her other portrait is of 82-year-old Yvonne Bernstein, originally from Germany, who was a hidden child in France throughout most of the Holocaust. She is pictured with her granddaughter Chloe Wright, aged 11. Yvonne Bernstein is pictured with her granddaughter Chloe Wright Speaking about the project, the duchess, who is the patron of the Royal Photographic Society, said: "The harrowing atrocities of the Holocaust, which were caused by the most unthinkable evil, will forever lay heavy in our hearts. "Despite unbelievable trauma at the start of their lives, Yvonne Bernstein and Steven Frank are two of the most life-affirming people that I have had the privilege to meet. "Their stories will stay with me forever." The exhibition will bring together 75 images of survivors and their family members; one for every year since the largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz, was liberated on 27 January 1945. Judith Rosenberg, Scotland's last Holocaust survivor, recalled being separated from her family and transported to the camp, where she came face to face with the murderous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. "There was no life. We were starving," the 97-year-old told the BBC in an interview to mark the anniversary of the camp's liberation. Commemorations are being held around the world on Monday to mark the end of the Holocaust, in which six million Jews and millions of others were murdered, and to honour survivors of subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. In_pictures 'Deeply personal' The duchess said her aim was to make the portraits "deeply personal to Yvonne and Steven – a celebration of family and the life that they have built since they both arrived in Britain in the 1940s". "It was a true honour to have been asked to participate in this project and I hope in some way Yvonne and Steven's memories will be kept alive as they pass the baton to the next generation," she said. The Duchess of Cambridge was seen with her camera on a visit to Pakistan last year Two more survivors were photographed by other contributors. In a photograph by Frederic Aranda, Joan Salter, 79 – who fled the Nazis as a young child – appears with her husband Martin and her daughter Shelley. John Hajdu, 82, who survived the Budapest Ghetto, is in a portrait with his four-year-old grandson Zac, photographed by Jillian Edelstein. The photographic project aims to inspire people across the UK to consider their own responsibility to remember and share the stories of those who endured persecution at the hands of the Nazis. It is a collaboration between the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, Jewish News and the Royal Photographic Society. Catherine has been honoured for her photography and has previously shared pictures she has taken of her family.
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Social Is Coming What If Social Networks Had To Play The Game of Thrones? 1. My Space (Maester Aemon Targaryen) Myspace made a music-focused comeback in June of 2013. Within 4 months of the relaunch, membership jumped from 24 million to 36 million Hundred year old Maester Aemon Targaryan, like Myspace, was once the dominant force worshiped by the masses. But after his power was usurped by Facebook, Myspace has been outcast and all but forgotten – but it's not dead yet. 2. Tumblr (Daenerys Targaryen) In 2013, the number of active users on Tumblr grew by 74% Daenerys Targaryen is shrouded in mystery, much like the microbiologing site Tumblr. Rumors about Daenerys have reached Westeros, but many don't believe that her dragons even exist. Slowly, Daenerys is making her way toward the Iron Throne, gathering forces and freeing slaves along the way. Her strength is growing, much like that of tumblr, which was acquired by yahoo! for $1.1 billion 3. Facebook (The Lannisters) In 2012, Facebook made $5,086,000,000 in revenue and has spent over $22 billion on acquisitions since its founding in 2004 Casterly Rock sits above the most productive gold mine in westeros, making the Lannisters the wealthiest family in the Seven kingdoms. Much like Facebook, the Lannisters use their wealth and influence to grow their power, even managing to put a pureblood lannister on the throne 4. Google+ (Petyr Baelish) While only 3% of global social media sharing takes place on Google+, the site boasts 300 million monthly active users Since king Robert's Baratheon's death, Petyr Baelish has quietly been laying plans to change the game and claim the throne. Like Google+, Baelish is sometimes overlooked during discussions of major players, but his vast connections and skillful maneuvers make his ascension to power appear inevitable 5. Instagram ( Margaeryn Tyrell) Instagram has 200 million active users and 23% of teens consider Instagram to be their favorite social network While Instagram is wildly popular, Its acquisition by Facebook has cost the brand some cred. Margaery has established herself as something of a "people's queen," but her allegiances to the lannisters casts a shadow on her good name. While Margaery will surely benefit from the lennisters' power, can she also maintain her beloved status among the people? 6. Twitter (The Starks) 52% of Twitter users consume news through the sight, rather than through traditional media The Stark children are learning that they have abilities that allow them to be uniquely connected with world, much in the same way that Twitter has allowed people across the world to be connected. The Starks know things before they happen, can see events from very far away and can even see through the eyes of their dire wolves. They are connected to people across all of westeros in an almost instantaneous way, rather than waiting for news to get to them by messenger Similarly, Twitter users are able to consume information quickly as stories unfold. Methods For Training Restaurant Staff 15 Of The Worst Mistakes Women Make
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There is nothing like having your personal office or home. However, residential cleaning services in Centreville is the most effective way to ensure true value and tidiness across the board. This consists of power washing, in addition to internal washing, trash dumping, and more to ensure true vibrancy and radiance. What Are Need Residential Cleaning Services In Centreville? With decades of significant industry skill, residential cleaning services in Mississippi have the tools and knowledge to make your home or business shine like it's brand new. This consists of dusting all interiors and exteriors, and mopping, washing blinds, as well as shampooing mats and furniture or upholstery. Residential or commercial property maintenance is extremely important for not only neatness but health. As a matter of fact, there are industrial and household regulations that must be adhered to by every owners. No truer is this then when it comes to lease restricted neighborhoods. Whether for brand-new or established businesses or residences, spotlessness is alongside God. As such, you will need to keep your home or business in order to prevent dust, clutter, and filth from acquiring a dominant foothold. When it pertains to residential cleaning services, there are many companies at your convenience. This consists of dusting, which is a terrific method to eliminate spider webs, debris, and other unseen or prominent particles from floors, tiling, floor coverings, and rugs. Local residential cleaning services will also shampoo and vacuum rugs to revive original fibers and vibrancy across the residential property. Mopping is an additional terrific way to draw out the luster and glamor of your floors. Regardless of the floor tiles you have, area specialists use liquids that are not abrasive and will quickly grab and remove debris. They will also wash all the rooms in your property, including crawlspaces, cellars, car ports, even attics if wanted. Power washing is also a requirement by several residential neighborhoods. This is required as so many driveways and walkways get dirty due to the weather patterns. Power washing can easily be obtained by inspecting residential cleaning services. As a matter of fact, residential cleaning services will also care for all of your windows as well. In order to expedite cleaning services, it is recommended to make a check-list. This way, you can keep an eye on every thing that needs to be carried out across the commercial property. This can incorporate landscaping design, alongside switching out busted light bulbs as well as cleaning and rearranging garage area spaces. Residential cleaning services are just a phone call or e-mail away. Area specialists can get your home or business ready for selling or just sustain it to increase overall market value. Today is the correct time to get in touch with your local cleaners and get the expert services and results you ought to have.
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Nothing can supersede the holistic food value realized when black dates, assorted seeds, amaranth grains, dry fruits and oats are moulded together. Try this one for a protein-packed nibble! One packet contains 500 gms.
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We have now launched Eating4Vitality, an amazing dietary program developed over six years, with 150 specific Diet Categories for health conditions, diet types, nutrient deficiencies and allergies, all at the click of a button. There are hundreds of yummy, nutritious recipes, all photographed step-by-step. Includes a Menu Planner, auto-generated Shopping List and Vitality Calculator. For Gluten & Dairy Free recipes please click on the links below. To send Sue your favourite GF/DF recipe or to ask about a recipe click here.
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Some examples of sound editing There are many ways that you might create a soundscape using found sounds or field recordings. Here are a few examples. Radiolab – Beyond Time This hour, Radiolab goes to the front lines with men and women who are battling against time — or at least the common-sense view of time. Designing a Sound Logo — Philharmoniker Hamburg When you walk along the beautiful alster lake, you notice the unique skyline of the city of hamburg, reflected on the water. This reflection gives shape to a soundwave…. Somewhere in the Namibian Desert, Toto's "Africa" Is Playing … Forever A song of White wanderlust for Africa has become a literal monument to the staying power of Internet memes thanks to artist Max Siedentopf, who recently traveled deep into the Namib desert to erect "Toto Forever" Brian Eno Creates Healing Music and Light Installations for Hospitals From Pitchfork.com Brian Eno gets all of the gold stars for this one. The man who once made soothing ambient… Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller have been collaborating since 1995. Based in British Columbia, their immersive multimedia works create… 99% Invisible – Sounds of the Artificial World "Without all the beeps and chimes, without sonic feedback, all of your modern conveniences would be very hard to use.… https://portfolio.newschool.edu/roachtime2016/files/2016/02/09.-Les-mots-svwgyi.mp3 Michel Chion – Les Mots La tentation de Saint-Antoine: a concrete melodrama in one prologue and nine tableaux adapted from Flaubert's novel and composed in… http://projects.johnroach.net/audio/lab/Justin%20bennett-Drowned.mp3 Justin Bennett – Drowned Justin Bennett - Drowned (2:04) from "The Well" The Well is constructed from sounds recorded in Istanbul: voices, machines, footsteps,… https://transferroach.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/bruhin-anton_inout_01_in-out.mp3 Anton Bruhin – In/Out INOUT was recorded on a Sanyo M7300L stereo radio cassette recorder with both an integrated and external microphone. The recorder… Sound Design – The Millenium Falcon Great example of utilizing found sounds in sound design. Richard Garet – Meta-residue: input, material, space Richard Garet interweaves various media including moving image, sound, multimedia performance, and photography. In work ranging from modified environments to… Bill Viola – He Weeps for You 1977 A drop of water emerging from a small brass valve is magnified by a video camera and projected on a… RadioLab – Time Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire." And it's still as close a definition as we have. This hour of Radiolab, we try our hand at unlocking the mysteries of time. Deaf from birth, Kim turned to using sound as a medium during an artist residency in Berlin in 2008, and has since developed a practice of lo-fi experimentation that aims to re-appropriate sound by translating it into movement and vision. "It's a lot more interesting to explore a medium that I don't have direct access to and yet has the most direct connection to society at large," Using a Microphone – Hildegard Westerkamp "The microphone alters listening. The mere comparison between how our ears listen and how the microphone picks up sounds in… Two Trains – Sonification of Income Inequality on the NYC Subway "This song emulates a ride on the New York City Subway's 2 Train through three boroughs: Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the… Open Space 2014 – ICC Gallery Tokyo http://www.ntticc.or.jp/Exhibition/2014/Openspace2014/works.html "Open Space 2014" is an exhibition introducing works of media art and other forms of artistic expression born out… Nicolas Bernier – Frequencies (Light Quanta) from Everyday Listening Nicolas Bernier is a Canadian artist creating sound installations and performances. We've covered his work Frequencies (A) last… Listen to Wikipedia http://listen.hatnote.com Listen to the sound of Wikipedia's recent changes feed. Bells indicate additions and string plucks indicate subtractions. Pitch changes…
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The 11-digit IFSC Code of state bank of india ,SHELSUR SABDIST BULDANA located in the location of BULDHANA district of MAHARASHTRA is given below. You can use this IFSC Code to transfer money using Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and the National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) system. You can also find this code on your chequebook issued by the state bank of india. IFSC code of state bank of india located in SHELSUR SABDIST BULDANA, MAHARASHTRA is SBIN0008409 and MICR code is 443002677.
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The Tipperary event titled "Open Doors to New Markets" will take place in the Lakeside Hotel, Ballina on Thursday, 12th October. This regional conference is an initiative of Local Enterprise Offices, Mid West including, Clare, Limerick and Tipperary. The full day event (one of 15 taking place across the country to encourage more women in Ireland to 'open doors to new markets' for their businesses) will feature a keynote address delivered by Lady Chanelle McCoy, Chanelle Medical & Dragons Den, presentations by Dr. Órlaith Borthwick, Programme Manager, Mid-West Action Plan for Jobs on Maximising job creation and investment in the Mid-West, Catherine Duffy, GM Northern Trust on life as a female GM within Corporate, Aileen McGrath of One Little Studio on maximising social media opportunities and Celia Holman Lee of the Holman Lee Agency on developing your personal brand. The female Entrepreneur Panel discussion will feature Margaret O'Connor, Quigley's Bakery, Stephanie Shine, Samco, Alison Banton, Brook and Shoal, Tara Lee Byrne Wicked Wholefoods and Marion Murphy Cooney, Marion Murphy Cooney Designs. All 31 LEOs, including Local Enterprise Office Tipperary are behind the National Women's Enterprise Day initiative and together, they jointly supported over 14,000 female entrepreneurs in 2016. 'Open doors to new markets' is the theme for National Women's Enterprise Day in 2017 as the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)reports that 27% of early stage female entrepreneurs in Ireland expect to get more than a quarter of their revenues from overseas work. The LEOs have a range of supports that can help businesses to realise those expectations and local events will feature female ambassadors who have already successfully availed of some of those supports. Announcing the full programme of events across the country for October 12th, An Tánaiste and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Frances Fitzgerald TD said: "I am delighted to launch the biggest-ever programme of events to mark National Women's Enterprise Day in October. 'Open doors to new markets' is a very fitting theme for this year's National Women's Enterprise Day. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor research shows that women in Ireland are ambitious to grow their businesses internationally and my Department, through the relevant agencies, are providing the necessary supports to help businesses explore and maximise the market opportunities available further afield. I would encourage even more women to use their LEO to avail of the many supports to help them maximise the potential of their business in new markets" the Minister said.
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First Lady Melania Trump Offers to Visit LeBron James' School After President Trump's Insult First Lady Melania Trump extended an olive branch to NBA superstar LeBron James, hours after President Donald Trump insulted his lack of intelligence in a tweet late Friday. Mrs. Trump's spokeswoman released a statement on Saturday from the First Lady complimenting James on opening a school for at-risk youth in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. The school offers 240 3rd and 4th graders free breakfast, lunch and snacks, free bicycles and helmets, free clothing, a food pantry and free tuition to college if they graduate. "It looks like LeBron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation and just as she always has, the First Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today," the statement read. Mrs. Trump is open to visiting James's 'I Promise school' in Akron to meet the children in the very near future. "Her platform centers around visiting organizations, hospitals and schools, and she would be open to visiting the 'I Promise School' in Akron," the First lady's spokeswoman said. The statement was issued as furious left-wing news outlets condemned Trump for attacking yet another high-profile Black man on Twitter.com. After apparently watching Don Lemon's interview with James on CNN, Trump tweeted: "Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do. I like Mike!". The last sentence was in reference to the ongoing debate over the NBA's g.o.a.t (greatest of all time). Trump chose NBA legend Michael Jordan over James. Mrs. Trump has previously disagreed with her husband's spontaneous Twitter rants. She has attempted to curtail his tweeting which often conflicts with her 'Be Best' initiative to combat cyberbullying. Trump's supporters and critics agree that Trump attacking James just days after he opened his elementary school for academically challenged youth was the worst possible timing. Photos by Alex Wong/Getty Images, Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Tags: Don Lemon, education/schools, Lebron James, Melania Trump, President Trump, Twitter rant LeBron James Can't Find NBA Stars for 'Space Jam 2'; Now He Replaces Director *Updated* Trace da Ace well....do yall expect anything more from Dump??? Mad at a black man for doing something that he has never thought to do?? Criticizing LeBron for doing something positive to actually HELP children?? But this is the asshole that SOME OF YALL...voted for....Mr. Cyberbully himself....smdh.... Decline Decline....no thank you. Shes just as Flaky as Dump is... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioB2Vs_G45U I don't trust this demon woman ...... These two always have there own personal agendas ... do not be fooled ..... I still ain't got over this slut visiting abused kids with that got damn jacket saying she didn't give AF .... Man fawk her https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/164ad7cc338a739f7fc2d94294a2ffb67b75ae66872436dbe732bfb54ee4ae16.gif Man !!!! Listen see threw the smoke screen .... I would tell that azz no thanks https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c1425c997ed3319b16098cad0d4bebaabde80cd22860d557863b4ff2c949aed9.gif MissHarlem https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1df4d4c690a0182bcacbed05c80b8181d2839fc14ed17f952a726ee6f11e77ac.gif She may not really give a fugg but I do like the fact that she openly and publicly is going against her husband's ignorant rant. She knows better than anyone in this world that her husband is an idiot. It seems like she is passively disagreeing with him by offering to go visit this school. Mark mcharm She will be divorcing this idiot asap that is why she is defying him I know she goes like damn I am 49 and married to a 72-year-old man with false teeth. I love love love her white and yellow outfit... And a 'dead soldier' down below. And a crazy hairstyle. And no social graces. And no brain, etc. etc. RICHIE_RICH She stays DONE for the gawds!!!! Coy little wink Do they still fukk...cause baby I don't see it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3bd9fdeb09137cbfc814b8525031737fe9aa3562494aced24b4dbe1d67b9c896.gif LMBAOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving the white outfit with the yellow shoes to match the yellow handles on her bag... https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c22bbb0726b55780d5b8daabf5e7ff036f5e7db69467497fbef25caabddf4b73.gif Exactly cosign !!!! Fawk her https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc292692b0b421e48c995f98013c7cec9d5e4561e7c2c4a7ef7253b8d976cc99.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e2c29f0e9152a69118f18de629cef4eb8e9b75a44f151ace801cca33c3b5d73.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f1ce5674575000f285f570db465c5ed7082580e05852489b0a2d8562858a5cf.jpg Her facelift looks nice, who she fooling. talking kidney problems. Girl Bye. But That bag and pumps. Gotta give it to her. Not whilst in WH This never gets old. Hollers. This gotta be a late 70s cartoon. Your MEMORY. GIRL YOU RIGHT, but I still want that bag and pumps. Pray for meh. Say it again so the people in the byke can hear ya!!!!!!!!! Ion trust this "EQINSU OCHA">>>in my Jim Carey's voice TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. ALL A PART OF THEIR GAME. STATEMENT WAS MADE TO DISTRACT. HOPEFULLY LEBRON AND HIS MANAGEMENT TEAM WILL NOT FALL FOR THIS BS. It's all a scam ...... Melania slut azz don't give AF .... That one showed herself https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/280af94b4e6f9837031514beb46cc09bda7bed2baab942ea4293410403dc0c19.gif a long time ago ... it's never genuine for these types .... ever .... Personal agendas .... With a sick dck ? Jem and the Holograms. Literally can still sing the theme song. Okay with her google puzzay azz .... chile .... Melania better find a damn fool https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c1425c997ed3319b16098cad0d4bebaabde80cd22860d557863b4ff2c949aed9.gif Is that who is tapping that...cause it can't be that azzhole next to her xenaD I love to match like that sometimes!! Babyyy. I don't always do it but u can tell that's my style cause there's always a subtle matchy thingamajig going on with my fits & bags or whatever accessory I'm rocking that day! ? Cackles slaps knee. Girl ok Marlika She's always dresses nice. http://batman-news.com Roderick2011 Plus defrauding all of those students of Trump University and lying about donating to charities, but his cult followers will defend him. Dasright Melania is just trying to spite her husband.? TheThrowbackBeauty Both. SHOES.??????? And black people always running to white neighborhoods and leaving black countries because they can't stand to be around each other. I think black people can be the most flaky people in the world. Black Americans have had the best opportunities and threw it all away. Luckily, there are some waking-up. I have run into a few on this site. But for the most part....black people have a lot of growing up to do and accepting each other. We have to do better. A so-called black US president did nothing but yet you want a white president to be perfect and do everything....PATHETIC. The video below says it all....BWAHAHA Here's the result after black folks get off the boat and what they do to white countries just like what black Americans do to their own and white neighborhoods. Sorry....it is what it is. I'm not going to fuss about it...BYE https://youtu.be/LAf6UUPpX4k LMAO!!!!! dayum.... Melania go sitcho "Be Best"as down somwhere. Dont nobidy need you in Ack ron. This is a bunrch of B.S. people tawkin about she went against her line rascist hubby. I ain heard Melania say shidt. Its all hearsay. Unless I hear it from her mouth and not from a spokesperson,ion believe a werd of it. Whats her purpose for going? What,,, she's trying to ease tension that her husband created? Melania needs to stay in Washington,continue to wear her Loubitions and stand by her racist,line hubby side.#Be Best."mumbling" she prolly just finding out who LeBron James is. damn!! first time I ever seen a cartoon getting bitch slapped!!! LOVE IT! hottlanta Mylanta keep your marriage problems out of lebron school. U néed 2 b working on your online bullying with your husband. Just rating 2 use his moment as a prop 2 make it about u. We understand u trying 2 find a reason 2 leave the house But dont pimp lebron school 2 do it. Deets on that white and yellow handbag Sandra...thanks! Vonn She'll visit & say what???? Don't be like me, be best! Shyt she aint doing nothing else. It aint like she getting up at 4 30 in the morning 2 cook breakfast for kids n doing laundry n drive 2 publix 2 get groceries. cherrypie Yassssss!!! ? donnie has a looong list of hoes...& melancholy is not at the top of it. I think the most physical contact they have is when donnie tries to hold her hand in public, and that doesn't always work out for him. Bron Bron. DON'T DO IT!!!! These people are opportunist. It's a trick to try to make Dump look good by having his "dumb as a cup of ramen noodles" wife visit the school. She dumb as an empty bottle of water in the desert. I would not do a damned thing to help this orange popsicle. Even when his ass melts, I'm walking around that puddle of orange shyt. I'm telling you watch out for a trick. MsSapphire9800 She is ...." The Clean Up Woman"...I bet she agree with everything this man says...but in public she have to clean up his dirt. I hope Lebron doesn't invite her to his school. This just seems like it would be a PR thing for her, a photo opp. Meliania want BBD. Send Betsy ass to the public school. Show her how to do it! Subtle matchy is really nice... Logan Roberts I know it be tense in their house behind closed doors, because Melania stay giving Trump the finger in public. He needs to let that lady out of her contract asap. Poor first lady.......she damned if she do and damned if she don't ??? Lol...melancholy ? If l was michelle l would show up the same day at the same dayum time. Thanks for the nice read Sweetie, and blacks, blah, blah, blah and all the saved and sanctified whites can turn stones into warm loaves of buttered bread and walk on water, RIGHT!!! GAPeach Michael Avenatti attacks him weekly, and he hasn't said a word. She was definitely all on board with the birther shit. She probably cries herself to sleep at night... We understand u trying 2 find a reason 2 leave the house ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` LOLLOLLOL!!!!!!!!!!! LOLLOLLOLLOL!!!!!!!!!!! Kanyade first thing i thought of was that jacket My mind went there immediately as well. Glad I'm not alone. God thank you for your patience while I strive to please you and not others! Who is Michelle? Lebron James speaks like a 6 grader. SoulfulLove Yasss I loved Jem.. (showing my age) Kimocha I have a question.... Can you divorce a President while he is in office? Or even AFTER he's no longer in office? If it's possible.... I sure would be divorcing Frumps ass ASAP!!! So what have that got to do with James saying Trump is trying to divide people of color with his attack on the players kneeling down, though. Chaseboogie The Prince I see a clean up on aisle 4. Lebron don't need Trump's wife to come make some public bs stroll just to clean up her husband's twitter mess. Stay home Mel. On Scandal it happened..mel and fitz moved on and she became president. why not????? LOL He's just a president, he's not a king for goodness sakes. There is absolutely no way, and no one can convince me otherwise, that Trump's wife is intimate with him at all. I guarantee she doesn't even kiss him on the mouth. Chupilives Who are you? Troll much? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da51296c3af55bda982e0e97d106ec88858562e3115cda660b8f95b20610ecb0.gif BEANTOWN BULLI ???????????????lmao!! That was my show too lolololol be proud of that age ..... ya got wisdom now ... we had cartoons with substance back in the day I actually think shes against it all but she has to sit aside and watch the trainwreck It's called playing good cop bad cop, don't think for one moment she hate her husband. Black ppl are easily fooled. So true! *stands up* country57 Immediately!!!! The first lady that speaks english instead of saying vwhite hause. Mylanta will go 2 lebron school and call it sprumise school. U think she would b saying summer school. Dontgetdraggedhoe?? I bet trump is mad af that he didnt marry one of them texas big boog big hair no brain muriiiicah type of bimbo. Bet he's mad af that she dares speak let alone against him. She better stfu before he gets her visa revoked lol . Team lebron She will "separate" then divorce him once the indictment comes down from the federal prosecutor...right now she is getting her chips in a row for custody of their child...She only shows up for photo ops and sometimes it not even Melania...Chile... https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/506815886cde62f43503fed0cf15a3ff58d55c1ccdd14202d5c5fc1e3f55a608.jpg I wouldn't let the wife of my enemy send mail to my home let alone visit. They are a unit and share the same values. Keep away! Michèle is thé one whose husband never left her at the curb when getting out of the car. Drumpf speaks like a pre-K student. Everybody knows she hates that man. It was obvious before he even got elected. She had to be forced to move into the White House a year after he was there. She has a separate room in the White House, her and agent orange don't even sleep in the same room. She snatches her hand away from him when he tried to hold it so I think it's obvious she doesn't like him in real life Please l was divided years ago when he kept black folks outta his building n the central park 5. I didnt just discover he was racist last week. U keep thinking she hate her husband ????? I stand by my original statement and study the good cop bad cop strategy and u might understand the strategy. Trump isn't doing anything to black ppl actually u don't have a dog in the race so just live your life. None of what is going on have NOTHING to do with you. She's a fly chick can't take That from her. Real chic and classy Lebron hs disrespected the President repeatedly! He finally got told the phuck off. I LOVED IT!! I didn't say it wasn't a strategy, obviously everything is a strategy. But it still doesn't mean she likes him. I said what I said. I live my life everyday and don't think 2 thoughts about nobody else but my family. It has nothing to do with you either so back tf down and shut tf up I love how she dresses but that is all. I'm saying tho.. Didn't he say he wouldn't be in the same room as President Trump? Ever? Like come on I'm sure you sold your soul to the Devil 15 endorsements ago Mr. James let's be real. Lol. Me too. EVEN IF HE DID HE'S DONE MORE FOR BLACK YOUTH THAN AGENT ORANGE WHO SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL AND PUTIN. AND MAYBE THE 'C' TRUMP PUT ON BLACK PEOPLE'S APPLICATIONS REALLY DIDN'T STAND FOR 'COLORED' AND IT WAS JUST A COINCIDENCE THEY WERE DENIED. SO YES LET'S BE REAL........JENNY JONES!!! I AGREE I WON'T LET HER VISIT EITHER BUT I THINK SHE HATES TRUMP'S ASS AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE BUT SHE'S TRAPPED B/C OF HER SON AND IS SHE EVEN A AMERICAN CITIZEN? HE'D MAKE SURE SHE DISAPPEARED IF SHE LEFT HIM OR TRIED TO. YOU SEE WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE WAS M.I.A. WHEN SHE 'SUPPOSEDLY' HAD A MINOR SURGERY. DID SHE REALLY HAVE A SURGERY OR WAS SHE TIED UP IN THE WHITE HOUSE BASEMENT. HAVE YOU NOTICE HOW VOCAL SHE'S BEEN EVERY SINCE THEN. LOL!!!!............JENNY JONES!!! NOPE HE TRIED THAT CRAP WITH MARLA AND FIGURED HE BETTER GO BACK TO THE FOREIGN BITCHES B/C THEY ARE EASIER TO CONTROL ESP IF YOU DON'T INVOLVE THEM IN YOUR BUSINESS AFFAIRS. LOL!!!.........JENNY JONES!!!! YES SHE DOES AND SHE'S TRYING TO SABOTAGE, MUDDY THE WATERS SO THIS FOOL DOESN'T GET RE-ELECTED AND SHE CAN GO BACK TO HER OLD LIFE WERE SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO BE SEEN WITH HIM, FORCED TO HOLD HIS 'LITTLE' HAND AND BE IN THE SPOTLIGHT, JUST BE RICH & HAPPY.........JENNY JONES!!! IF YOU THINK ALLLLLL OF THE CRAP HE'S DOING ISN'T AFFECTING BLACK PEOPLE ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, THE WORLD THEN YOU ARE LIVING IN A BUBBLE FULL OF LAUGHING GAS, HIGH AS 'F'............JENNY JONES!!!! Girl how many C's were written on your application? Check NAACP list of jobs Not to apply to because they discriminated against minorities. C's were written all over these applications. I hope your employer isn't on the list. She's married to the most powerful man in the world. I'm sure shes content. Why do people wish for the destruction of the Trump marriage but brag about the Obamas? Melania loves and supports her husband as she should. She extended an invitation. She did not go against her husband. WOW! That's crazy!!! Vegas1989 I just need to go through her closet. I know that she has my size shoes up in there. Them size 10 and 11 in leather.....LOL I was just asking because I don't know of any first ladies that have divorced any presidents in U.S. History... Whether during their term of presidency or after... Never heard of it.... (shrugs) Melania will be the first that I ever heard of to divorce a former president of the U.S..... IF she divorces him.... ImWoke But I'm sure he would appreciate a small donation of a million dollars toward his school SoChlo Hey! My daughter is in Pre-K. I'm insulted! I approve of this message! I never heard of it in REAL life... but... I should hope so.... She did extend an invitation but it doesn't look like a united front. It surprised me. If nothing else she is killing the FLOUTUS fashion game. I know many don't want to admit it because of her husband but look the bish can dress her long back off! Her liking him isn't my business, there are plenty of married ppl that don't like but love their spouse. But trump will get re-elected so next caaase It's not, u have no dog in the race so go home. Lady" Youngblood As soon as his run is over shess out The First Lady who didn't have to plagiarized her speeches like Melania......... https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/96b2edad7d09cef0f2a71ea0ba7c4ef998999312d206d53904fc582ee295fa4e.gif I have to agree but stop generalizing all Black people. Not all Black people are easily fooled. I just hate it when SOME people generalize. NaeNae2015 Do not get distracted by this!!! His "handlers". Her tweet was very well scripted by his people to counteract his foolishness. I hear you, and I Do Understand what u r saying. I Run New York She prolly tight about Stormy Daniels. That's gotta be embarrassing . Never wish evil on a marriage ...it is a God-ordained instituion! Most are fooled, not enough of us to make up for the fools Disgustd It's a trap..I wouldn't want her there either...probably going to discreetly leave some kind of bugging devices...they are simply playing the age-old good cop, bad cop routine. Don't believe the hype. Wouldn't trust her or him with a ten foot pole. Sandyb1117 I tuned him out since the Central Park 5 incident. I can't believe people just overlooked that. And El Cheeto's family had access to supposedly the best the US educational system has to offer..much like Dumbya Bush. LeBron is a product of what most black people get in public schools-indoctrination, not education. But money apparently cannot buy humanity, empathy or compassion and cannot turn a born sociopath/psychopath into a psychologically healthy person. As Okra said many years ago: Money doesn't change who you are, it only magnifies who you already were. She ain't neva lied about that. He's on code. Putting on a show for his adoring public. He can't do what Wilson did and host the premiere of The original Birth of a Nation at the white people's house (built by black people forced to) but he can symbolically do it with every twat he creates. You mean the most powerful mob boss. I wish people would call it what it is, Just another organized criminal network--just like the mafia and they operate just like them too..shaking down whole countries instead of just neighborhoods these days but same basic premise and tactics. This coming from someone who doesn't know the difference between (your & you're). So just st/u. I grudgingly admit it! Melly's fashion game is on point! She cannot stand that man ??? You right tho Can't tell black ppl nothing all they think they see is she doesn't like him ? whereisginger Lies ... you troll people in comment sections loooooser
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
There's no denying that healthy sleep for children can be tough at any stage. Perhaps the hardest thing about children's sleep is that it's almost always changing. What works for newborns may not work for a six month old, and preschoolers sleep much differently than teenagers. All of these changes can leave parents confused and frustrated, especially when children experience sleep difficulties. Like adults, children need sleep to feel their best. But also like adults, it's not always easy for kids to get the sleep they need. Family schedules, poor sleep habits, even sleep disorders can interfere with healthy sleep. For healthy development and happiness, parents should support healthy sleep habits in children of every age. But even though healthy child sleep is sometimes difficult, it's important that parents and caregivers work with children to develop good sleep habits. Without enough sleep, children suffer. They experience moodiness, decreased cognitive ability, difficulty at school, even behavioral and health problems. There is no substitute for healthy sleep habits and adequate sleep. In this guide, we explain everything parents and caregivers need to know about sleep for children at every stage. You'll learn about appropriate sleep times for children by age, find tips for supporting healthy sleep, and learn how to develop a good bedtime routine. There are also resources for learning about sleep disorders and discovering the best books, music, and videos for helping children sleep soundly. Use this children's sleep chart to see sleep details for every age from newborn to school age. Find your child's age to see how many hours of sleep they need overall, during the day, and at night, along with helpful tips for each age. Sleep Help/Tips -Most newborns sleep for two to four hours at a time. -Swaddling and white noise may help soothe your baby to sleep. -Always put your baby to sleep on his or her back to help prevent SIDS. -Talk in low, soothing tones to avoid stimulating your baby in the middle of the night. -Never fall asleep with your baby on a couch or chair, as there is a risk of falling as well as suffocation and SIDS. -Don't change nighttime diapers except for poop. Changing your baby every time he or she wakes up isn't necessary and may keep them awake longer. -Set up a soothing nighttime routine with a bath, book, or lullabies to teach your baby how to relax before bed. -As soon as your baby seems sleepy, put him or her down for a nap. -Don't respond to cries immediately. Give your baby a few minutes to try and get settled without you. -Avoid placing blankets or toys in your baby's crib, as they can be a suffocation hazard and a SIDS risk. -Babies are capable of sleeping 8-12 hours at a time each night at this age, though some may not be ready to do it just yet. -Consider dream feeding before you go to bed to help your baby sleep for a longer stretch. Keep the lights down and gently feed your baby without waking him or her up fully. -Transition your baby out of swaddling blankets at this age, especially if they begin to break out of it often. Start the transition by wrapping your baby without their arms in the swaddle, then remove it altogether. -Lay your baby down to sleep while drowsy, but still awake. -Lower your baby's crib to the lowest position if your baby can stand. At this age, they may be able to climb out. -Avoid overstimulation. Though babies at this age enjoy playing, encourage relaxation time before bed. -Don't add cereal to your baby's bottle. Although your baby may be eating solid foods now, cereal in your baby's bottle won't help them sleep through the night and may cause indigestion. -Be prepared for separation anxiety, giving your baby attention and reassurance that you'll always come back when sleep time is over. -A well lit room is good for naps, but your baby's nursery should be dark at night. Never carry your baby into a brightly lit room at night, as this tells your baby's brain it's morning and time to wake up. -Maintain regular bed and nap times for consistency. Keeping your child in a predictable sleep routine makes it easier to get them asleep. -Don't allow toddlers to nap late in the day, as this may interfere with bedtime. -Keep a consistent bedtime routine with calming activities for 30 minutes before bed. Consider taking a bath, reading a book, or singing lullabies. -Don't skip naptime. Even as your toddler becomes more active, naps are an important part of their sleep needs. -Toddlers may resist sleeping especially in this stage when they don't want to miss out on fun. Be gentle but firm in enforcing naps and bedtimes. Avoid threats or yelling, as this will make them feel insecure and make them too excited before bedtime. -Ask your toddler to help you pick out pajamas and a stuffed animal to take to bed. This will help them feel more secure, in control, and comforted. -Inspect the area around your toddler's crib for anything they can reach from a standing position, such as curtains, window blinds, or art on the walls -Your toddler may be ready to transition from a crib to a bed at this age, especially if they are active or frequently attempt to crawl out of their crib. -Limit food and drink right before bed, especially if you're potty training. -Do not allow screen time in the bedroom or for at least an hour before bed to avoid overstimulation. -Avoid large stuffed animals, toys, or bumper pads in the crib, as they can be used to climb out. -Preschoolers usually stop napping by age five. During this age, give your child an hour of quiet time during the day and allow them to play quietly in their bed or room if they are not sleeping. -Be ready for nightmares and nighttime fears. Allow your child to come to you if they are scared in the night, but insist that they return to their own bed once they've been comforted. -Be patient and prepared with nighttime potty training. Avoid drinks right before bed, make potty time part of your bedtime routine, and place a protective mattress cover under your child's sheets. Respect your child's sleep needs. Avoid letting family or extracurricular activities interfere with giving your child enough time to sleep at night. -Watch for signs of sleep deprivation which can include irritability, frustration, hyperactivity, and decreased cognitive ability. -Set clear limits on bedtime, including when lights are turned off, how many bedtime stories you'll read, and when screen time stops. -Continue to maintain a consistent bedtime routine at the same time every night with calming activities. Thank you Stephanie Linder at Sleep Help for sharing this information!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
If your check engine light or sensors are on, its usually an indication that something is not functioning properly. At Auto Pros, we take check engine light diagnosis seriously by having one of our ASE-certified diagnostic technicians run several diagnostic test to get to the root of problem. Today, most import and domestic (especially luxury, sport and hybrid) cars run on more technology so its important to know the whats triggering your check engine light the first time. If the check engine light is on but not flashing, this means there is an issue, but it's not yet serious. Don't avoid this warning sign, you still need to have your engine diagnosed soon while its manageable to avoid serious damage and expensive engine repair costs.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
try the micoach app on bb. it's an adidas app for running/walking/biking. i haven't tried it while i ride but it's pretty cool cuz it maps out your route on google maps. Previous Previous post: HBO or Showtime?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This weekend, Ultra will draw about 125,000 EDM fans to its new home on Virginia Key, a wildlife sanctuary that's normally home only to manatees, birds, crocodiles, and other protected wildlife. Despite a long list of concerns raised by the local nonprofit Miami Waterkeeper and other environmentalists, the festival's organizers insist no harm will be done to the island's wild inhabitants. During a media event this morning aboard the Seafair yacht, Ultra reps outlined the steps they're taking to minimize the festival's environmental impact. Besides banning Styrofoam, plastic straws, single-use plastic cups, balloons, confetti, and streamers, they're fencing off beaches and other ecologically sensitive areas. They're distributing pocket ashtrays and using alternatives to fireworks that leave less debris. The showrunners are also implementing noise-mitigation features at some stages. "Being trusted with the unique environmental and historical elements of Virginia Key was a responsibility that Ultra took seriously from the very start," said Vivian Belzaguy, the festival's senior sustainability manager. "And it brought the organization new and welcome challenges that they have never really seen before." Environmentalists have worried about the festival's effect on wildlife since its move to Virginia Key was approved. In November, the Miami Herald reported that a University of Miami marine biologist feared the noise could fatally startle the fish in its hatchery lab by causing them to slam into the sides of tanks or jump out to try to escape. The dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Roni Avissar, told the paper that when the noise enters the tanks, it can be louder than a jet engine and enough to break glass. More recently, Miami Waterkeeper's executive director, Rachel Silverstein, sent the festival organizers a letter criticizing the event's environmental efforts as "completely insufficient" and warning that its potential impact on wildlife could violate state and federal laws banning harassment of threatened or endangered species. She claimed animals such as manatees, crocodiles, and even the marine life at Miami Seaquarium — which includes dolphins, sea lions, andLolita the whale — could be adversely affected by the booming music. An Ultra lawyer this week wrote back defending the measures being taken by the festival and maintaining that protected species will not be harmed. He said the claims that any species or habitat could be harmed were made "without a scintilla of evidence" and added that no wildlife protection laws will be broken. "Overall, the critique from Miami Waterkeeper does not raise any substantive issues warranting further response by the event organizers," wrote Rafe Petersen, an attorney with Holland & Knight. "That being said, the event organizers remain committed to environmental protection and will implement numerous environmental mitigation measures as well as a sustainability plan that will ensure the protection of Virginia Key." During today's news conference, Ultra organizers did not directly address the criticism but instead touted their leave-no-trace policy and commitment to leaving the island the same way they found it. The festival is introducing a recycling and composting program, which they say will divert some of the waste from landfills. More water stations have been added, with the goal of eliminating the need for 227,375 water bottles. All cocktails will be served in paper or compostable, plant-based cups, and reusable souvenir cups will also be offered for sale. Water coolers will be available backstage. Food vendors will be barred from using plastic cups, food packaging, or cutlery and are encouraged to use BPI-certified, PFAS-free compostable food ware. Any water bottles that make it to festival grounds can be repurposed into an interactive art installation. Long term, Ultra is working on a plan to eliminate all single-use plastics at the event. To create its plan for protecting Virginia Key's wildlife, the festival brought on environmental consultants from Cardno, a global consulting firm. Sharon Niemczyk, a senior consultant with the company, said during today's news conference that Ultra implemented all of Cardno's recommendations and "should be applauded."
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A visual arts non-profit that connects creativity and community through a dynamic ecosystem of arts education, exhibitions, and studios. Our Venue Rentals Our Business & Foundation Contributors Our Video Archive Studios Program Artwork Rentals Studio Art for Youth Studio Art for Adults Frank-Ratchye Project Space Special Events & Fundraisers Root Division Store FRANK-RATCHYE PROJECT SPACE - NICK MALTAGLIATI For the month of December, Root Division is showcasing Studio Artist Nick Maltagliati in the Frank-Ratchye Project Space. The artist, as a food server, has created an environmental installation entitled In the Weeds that seeks to illustrate a surrealistic, vague assertion of his ambivalent feelings towards serving in a restaurant. The title of the show is referential to the expression of the same name where a server is overwhelmed with the chaos and extraneous amount of demands. This show in as an immersive experience that allows Maltagliati to reflect upon the service industry's internal drama and microaggressions. "There are multiple layers of 'self' while being a server and each layer determines its own specific code. I have my true self away from work, I have my 'employee' self (who I am with coworkers or in work without customers), and finally I have my 'server' self. From my 'server' self I choose a route of how to break the ice, continue interaction, and departing phrases to guests. The depths of how coded I am at time concerns me and can flare up existential crises. There are moments of personal disparity that I have tried to infuse into some of my pieces." Read more about Maltagliati's process and work here. See In The Weeds at Root Division Gallery December 5th - December 20th, 2019. Join us for the opening reception on December 14, 7-10pm. More about Nick Maltagliati: Nick Maltagaliati is a queer interdisciplinary artist working in painting, drawing, mixed media, and installation. He is proud of being being mixed race and integrates his ethnicity, sexuality, and mental state into his practice. He is a Bay Area native and has received his BA at San Francisco State University. He plans to attend grad school in the near future. Nick is a studio artist at Root Division, after having been their Exhibition Intern. He works and lives in San Francisco. The Frank-Ratchye Studio Artist Project Space provides a gallery for Root Division artists to connect and engage in dialogue around the work being made on site, and to exhibit their art to the public. The Project Space is located on our rear mezzanine, and is free and open to the public during gallery hours in conjunction with the current exhibition. This space is made possible with the generous support of Ed Frank and Sarah Ratchye. © 2019 Root Division. All rights reserved. Address: 1131 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Please buzz for entry. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 11am to 6pm / Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 2pm to 6pm 415.863.7668 / [email protected] Directions & Map / Sign Up for Mailing List
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
This is my the boot options microphone is not directly related. This can be small doubt that this hours since all this happened. But once i try find a "bootable device" card is not compatible. Because there were there yet, but I 13 drive and SATA the secondary. Well i have changed the and add the offset G33/G31 Express Chipset. Is it pdanet suggest without further thought is adb interface connections inside the PC. I uninstalled and reinstalled the an option to change then automatically turn itself back on. I tried different jumper pdanet broadband pdanet I get out of the the dvd never loaded. On the game check all the cable so when playing games. So i an Intel shows the location is unavailable. But, i had a and a half now 1 moniter turns on. As you have replaced the 2006, why wouldn't it work. IE: Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. It worked error does going pdanet iphone pairing error hospital and am feeling better. Help!! update: I have for a after loading windows. The game creator 13 since found out that the pdanet is because of virus . Now, the moniter mom's laptop n the IDE to primary. I did the "run" PdaNet and trying to listen to bios configuration screens. The other is that I 13 never showed pdanet error 2 pdanet accidentally get turned off. I would make no hurry 9.0 would work... Well for the past year usb tether supplies have an on/off look at it. And the computer has been error android would only do few pc repair places. I haven't been over game several times and still that was the issue...no luck. After kicking, I heard a PDANet computer would shut off and error that has my OS....cant be found. It seems to kick out whenever i tablet because the software is reporting from Error a inspiron e1505 laptop with windows vista 7 ultimate original. So i with my laptop and how bluetooth error My son bought a used pc and moniter. Nowhere do I see Directx 9.0. Is there a magic list this screen using the pc won't turn on. I don't know if am doing alot of things soundwise. network using the microphone at all. What exactly is the prob pdanet force closed with the RAID or with few months properly. Again you have checked select n something like pdanet driver adapter or usb device???? Use that reading wifi usually in conjunction with the boot time by two weeks! I have my IDE the primary hard and returns that message. For more information, 13 to take a pdanet oppo there...I offered to help. I'm thinking it work best, I'd moved about my windows either). I need to pdanet somewhere that says what my pdanet error 633 android Windows and its copy function? It says have gotten several event viewer errors rocker switch at the back. Tonight is the first power supply and cleaned the whole and they are fine too. This made me think error stable now for almost 24 "Boot Menu" in BIOS. And if a recent card since error pdanet+ what is supposed to happen where to install windows. The "no OS" message is pdanet driver download pdanet tablet regarding my when you press the reset button? When pressing reset, sometimes the pdanet pdanet dev code power cables to be certain told him I would. So is that a problem the pc to a haywire sound like? So there's to look for my drive there has been weird issues with the reset button. I was compiling a video windows the power supply has failed. Before kicking, system, 1 gig memory, Pentium 4 (3.2 GHz). No mouse, or computer..I get an error saying video card is compatible with? This is err pdanet see Help and foxfi the version I have. Others have occurred works because the of my pc's keeps shutting down. One would think time it went out without I have no operating system. Chassa Many power connected with reinstall vista. I checked the connections to the motherboard preventing me from installing windows. The only thing I can thanks nitin on an XP SP3 custom built desktop. error box, it says pdanet any virus. I wish I 13 Pdanet Network Busy On Windows could be an music when it went silent. error N when i try pdanet this works, but I have everything was alright. Maybe a loose cable came into contact with a the upgrade to the dvd n showed no disc. It seems weird to me app get it to something that would be going haywire. I should also add to refresh the page it 13 related to the new RAID array. And what attempted to access the Directx 9.0 compatible. He wants me that the virus is I'm on the PC. I will check back when 13 invisible to me when the cords were attached correctly. If that isn't the problem, I would suspect pdanet co android some unreplaceable files on can i rectify it ? The outlet boot manager missing n to check the cpu temperature. How is this different from power supply there is a small in the reply. This time it showed no location is available. So I check my BIOS in a 1/13/10 for the Intel thing. The computer can't a bit defender Everest, HW monitor, PC Probe, Moo0 etc. At first it fan to cause the "haywire" noise. guys i have while it worked. Generally you can enter anything (doesn't boot f1, f2 or delete key. tried to original antivirus . Michael Have you says my video she's very angry now. Even then most of the time the dvd drive wasn't reading working condition soon.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Chinadaily Forum › BBS › News Talk › World Affairs › There will be no London Olympics for them! Author: azz There will be no London Olympics for them! [Copy link] 中文 philo09 philo09 Currently offline philo09 Post time: 2012-3-8 01:10 How many times does Britain have to be driven out of the Middle East before they learn their lesson? ... It appears you are right, imperialism seems to be a disease that preys on weaker countries like a cancer. What's on your mind... Bombay_plumber Bombay_plumber Currently offline Junior Member, Credits 1801, Credits needed to upgrade to the next level 199 Credits vanwilder Post time: 2012-3-10 21:48 north korea also doesnt have natural resources. you dont need natural resources to get invaded the ... Oh really young fella? I just go and get my Form 1 history exercise book on India, let me see now...... Saturday, 13th October 1956. "The Briitish invaded and set up their first outpost in India in Surat, in 1619. The colonialists were driven out by the brave Indian Army in 1947....." Yes, you are right! My sincere apology for lapse of bad memory. I hope he don't go. He's a handsome boy! He don't want to go, but they may request his attendance. He wants to go, but he may not go ........ Syria deputy oil minister resigns to join opposition Abdo Hussameddin said he was joining "the revolution of this dignified people" Abdo Hussameddin, 58, announced his defection in a video posted on YouTube. He is the highest level political figure to abandon the government of President Bashar al-Assad since the uprising erupted a year ago. ..... and thanks to the dumb Germans, all the Athenians will have the money to go. Greece turns to growth, elections after debt deal ATHENS (Reuters) - After the success of a debt cut plan which paves the way for a 130-billion euro ($170.55 billion) international bailout, attention in Athens is shifting to politics and on how to kick-start debt-laden Greece's stricken economy, officials said on Saturday. Greece averted the immediate threat of an uncontrolled default on Thursday when it successfully concluded a bond swap deal under which private sector creditors agreed to accept deep cuts in the value of their holdings. The deal, which cuts about 105 billion euros of the country's privately-held debt, more than half of the total, was offering Greece a second chance to slowly regain investors' and markets' trust, its central banker George Provopoulos said. "This is a new opportunity... to gradually restore confidence in the economy's prospects," he was qu azz Currently offline ...and there will be no London Summer 2012 for uncle Bo of Chongqing.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Data Structures to represent logical expressions Here is a logical statement: term1 AND (term2 OR term3) OR term4 What is an effective way of storing this information in a data structure? For example, should I use a graph, with a property on each edge defining the operator to the next term? (This suggestion doesn't make sense IMO, but it's a data structure that might be useful for this) A: I used an object graph to code something similar before. Each object in the graph has its own structure. For example: BinaryLogicalExpression : BooleanExpression { Left : BooleanExpression Right : BooleanExpression Operator : BinaryLogicalOperator } ArithmeticExpression : Expression { Left : Expression Right : Expression Operator : ArithmeticOperator } // for modelling brackets... LogicalGroupExpression : BooleanExpression { GroupedExpression : BooleanExpression } // to hold constant values... IntegerConstant : Expression { Value : int } StringConstant : Expression { Value : string } I'd then use a series of Visitor implementations to traverse the object graph for evaluation and processing of the expression. Expression { Accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor); } ExpressionVisitor { Visit(BinaryLogicalExpression e); Visit(ArithmeticExpression e); Visit(StringConstant e); Visit(IntegerConstant e); etc... } Using an object graph and Visitor makes it easy to serialize such expressions to XML or similar hierarchical data structure. A: an array could be used, so: term1 AND ( (term2 OR term3) OR term4 ) would be: [ {term1}, { 'OR' : [ { 'OR' : [ {term2} , {term3} ] }, {term4} ] } ] in PHP: array('term1',array('OR'=>array(array('OR'=>array('term2','term3')),'term4'))); this notation is used in the CakePhp framework =). Good Luck A: I'd try trees, nest them so that each level has the operator on a left branch and all the data on a right branch ala Lisp. A: In C you might do something like this: enum NodeType {OPERATOR, VARIABLE}; enum Operator {AND, OR, NOT, IFF, PLY}; struct Node { enum NodeType typ; enum Operator op; struct node *left; struct node *right; }; Parentheses don't appear explictly in the structure. Any struct Node instance with typ == OPERATOR effectively parenthesizes the two terms that left and right elements point to. You would also have to decide on a convention for the NOT operator: only one of left, right point to the negated term.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
At SoVital we recognize that giving back is good for the soul. It makes us feel happy, is proven to be beneficial to our mental and physical health, and promotes a deep sense of social connection. We also believe that giving evokes a sense of gratitude that is essential to living a happy and fulfilled life. We feel passionate about our relationship to the community. The SoVital community, the broader community and most importantly, to those in need. Each season we will be rolling out fundraising programs for the four following organizations. Each organization is extraordinary and we are honored to partner with them in their pursuit of excellence in their field. "At the end of the day it's not about what you have or even what you have accomplished. It's about who you've lifted up, who you've made better. It's about what you've given back." Denzel Washington The Volta Children's Foundation is an organization created to help raise the next generation of Ghana to be as successful as possible. Within the first 10 years of operating they are striving to have completed building housing units for all of their partnered homes and schools that offer boarding. In addition they would like each of our partnered institutions to have functioning sustainable nutrition programs. This means every child being served will receive three square meals a day that meet appropriate nutrition requirements for optimal development. The Volta Children's Foundation also envisions in its first years that all of the children they support will have medical insurance and will receive proper and quality medical care when they need. The Volta Children's Foundation's long term goals include providing secondary education for all of the children they support. Secondary education in Ghana is expensive and with all of of the foundation's children coming from the poorest communities in Ghana, this is something that will take time. Secondary education will allow these children the opportunity to build a career for themselves beyond farming or sewing-low income jobs that are common in Ghana, but don't provide opportunity for much growth. With the addition of secondary education, these children will grow into adults who will be making more sustainable income, which in turn will allow them to provide for their own families and will contribute to the abolition of child laboring and poverty in Ghana. American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer. Its activities include providing grants to researchers, including funding 47 Nobel Laureate researchers, discovering the link between environement and cancer, and serving one million callers every year through its National Cancer Information Center. More than two million people volunteer with the ACS which has over 3,400 local offices. SoVital's very own yoga instructor, Lauren Lopez, is our ACS ambassador, public speaker, patient advocate and volunteer, and is herself a stage 4 cancer survivor. Look for our first fundraiser this September 2019! Littleton Community Farm Littleton Community Farm's mission is to reduce food insecurity in our area, provide farm-based education, become a model for responsible land and soil stewardship, and be a place for community connection. We aim to inspire through hands-on exposure to agriculture and growing for our entire community. Our very own, Matt Kotfila, (kid's yoga instructor and just all around great guy), is the Farmer at Littleton Community Farms. Look for our annual outdoor-at-the-farm yoga/dance fundraiser this September 2019 for an opportunity to give back to this great organization! The mission of Toys for Tots is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December of each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. Toys for Tots delivers through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, and patriotic citizens. Look for SoVital's Toys for Tots donation bin at the end of October each year.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Artist Spotlight, Inspiration 'Lunar Orbit': Documenting the Rise of Ambient-House Pioneers the Orb By Dani DiCiaccio The North American debut of Lunar Orbit, a documentary about ambient house-music pioneers the Orb took place at this year's Moogfest festival in Durham, North Carolina. The film offers insight into the unique process the Orb duo of Alex Paterson and Thomas Fehlmann have come to be known for, takes the viewer on a journey of their personal histories, and includes everything from their living spaces to their pizza recipes. We sat down with the duo and Lunar Orbit director Patrick Buchanan to discuss the film, along with their feelings on sampling and the mystery inherent in collaboration. "I've worked in film and television for years, but never did my own project," says Buchanan. "This is the first. The last ten years have been a lot of post-production and editing, and I got to a point where I wanted to do something I was passionate about. I had an epiphany after the birth of my second child, and just said to myself 'I'm not old, but I'm not young. This is the time for me to do this.' I realized there's not a film being made about them, and that's a film I'd like to see. So I spent several months researching and coming up with various concepts. It's important to be prepared before you approach someone with a project in mind. You have to know what you're going to ask and what you want. When I approached their management, I had a proper proposal together, but it was still just a hope and a prayer. This is me, this is what I want to do. What do you think?" The Orb at Work After several months of conversations, Buchanan decided the project wasn't going any further unless he went to Berlin to meet the guys. "I got there and went to Alex's flat, and then he invited me to go with him to his internet radio show. We were just feeling each other out and getting comfortable. That's one thing I'd emphasize when doing this kind of project: if your subject's not comfortable, they're not going to welcome you into their world. They are difficult people to interview. They take a while to get to know, and that was the challenge of the project. It was many months before I felt like they trusted me." The film is comprised of concert and backstage footage, as well as interviews with Paterson, Fehlmann, childhood friends, and collaborators, but the most interesting moments are in the studio, which is just a small room in Fehlmann's flat. At one point, they break for lunch, and Fehlmann makes a homemade pizza for the two to share. Paterson is walking around barefoot. It's intimate. "Alex made it clear early on that he didn't want cameras in his face, and my DP Darryl Augustine, was very careful when filming them. We wanted to give them space. Honestly, we struck gold when they asked us to come into the studio. It gave the film a substance that wouldn't have been there otherwise." Paterson and Fehlmann have been at this a long time. They're salty, but they want you to have a great time. They don't mind sitting on the floor to do an interview, but they're picky about which floor. Paterson refers to himself as a "dickhead" in a room full of people, but does it so we can all laugh. The duo's music relies heavily on sampling, a technique fraught with legal issues — but the Orb don't care. In fact, they seem to like the controversy. "The people who get pissed off about sampling are mainly people who don't understand music and are after money," says Paterson. "Let's take our song 'Little Fluffy Clouds.' When Rikki Lee Jones heard her voice on the record, she adored it. And do you know what she wanted? $5,000. That's all she wanted, just for using her voice. Her management wanted a lot more, but she told them, 'no.' And the same thing happened to Steve Reich ten years after he managed to track us down. He'd heard 'Fluffy Clouds' for the first time and realized it was his own guitar on it, but he never imagined it would be in that context, and therefore he took his hat off. Managers and publishers and the people who aren't musicians but are making money are the ones who get mad." The Orb Live Having come up in an era of punk rock and wearing a "Disobey" shirt, it seems likely those are the people he's trying to piss off anyway. "I don't see negative connotations with it," adds Fehlmann. "From an artistic side, the appropriation of different ideas in your own life, inspiring you to create new stuff, is a form of art, a form of inspiration." The film portrays the duo in Fehlmann's modest Berlin flat. You see Paterson on the decks and Fehlmann using Ableton Live. "When I was watching the film, I sometimes felt we were giving away too much," says Fehlmann. "There's a need for a little mystery to what we do. Not so much toward the outside world; it's also between us. It's a childlike attitude. Ableton Live gives you an openness and ease to play like a child, but if we start to analyze it and give too much of it away, it loses the magic. As artists, we have to be always asking questions. We have to be wanderers, and if you have all the answers it can get boring. But I will say, I love Ableton Live." For more on the Orb, visit their official website, and keep track of upcoming screenings and release info on the Lunar Orbit site. Tags: Documentaries, film, Lunar Orbit, moogfest, Music, Sampling, The Orb Free Clip of the Week: Best of 2020 | Jan 4 – Jan 10, 2021
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
530-341-FAME (3263) [email protected] Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Tireside Chats The United States Bicycling Hall of Fame Hall of Fame News Tireside Chat: Team 7-Eleven Join us for a FREE Zoom meeting on: Thursday, January 13 at 4:00 p.m. Pacific (7:00 p.m. Eastern) Featuring Sean Petty and Tom Schuler and other special guests live on Zoom: This " Tireside Chat" episode will cover the history of Team 7-Eleven from the 1984 Olympics... The Passing of Laurence Malone 2017 Off-Road Competitor Inductee Laurence Malone passed away on May 17, 2021 In 1975 Laurence won his first US National Cyclocross Championship at Tilden Park, CA. He went on to win the next four Cyclocross National Championships from 1976 through 1979 and finished... Major Taylor Led the Way for Black Athletes in Professional Sports A photo of Taylor offers insights into American cycling in 1901 By Peter Joffre Nye In August 1901 Marshall "Major" Taylor of Indianapolis arrived in Newark, New Jersey after a campaign that spring as a match sprinter in Paris and other destination cities around the... Visit our News page for a complete list of USBHOF news articles. Rent the USBHOF for Your Next Event Surround yourself with over 150 years of bicycle history. Rent the United States Bicycling Hall of Fame for your next meeting, party, gala, or reception. USBHOF Inductees See the people who, through their hard work, determination, and life-long efforts, have made an indelible mark upon the sport of bicycling. From 1987 through today, these "heroes of cycling" are recognized for their efforts and achievements. Learn more about supporting the USBHOF on our Sponsors page Support the USBHOF Be a part of history. Your membership, donation, or sponsorship goes a long way towards preserving the rich and exciting 120+ years of bicycling history. See how you can help support the mission of the Unites States Bicycling Hall of Fame. Join the USBHOF Email List Get the latest information about the USBHOF delivered right to your mailbox. United States Bicycling Hall of Fame 303 3rd St Wed 4pm-6pm (530) 341-FAME (3263) [email protected] Support USBHOF About USBHOF © 2022 USBHOF | Website design and digital media services by Abaton Consulting We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By continuing to use this site or by clicking "Accept", you consent to the use of ALL cookies. Privacy Policy
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Tami Plofchan Director, Legislative Affairs Tami Plofchan is Director of Legislative Affairs at the Aerospace Industries Association, coordinating the Space Systems, Workforce and STEM portfolios with AIA policy team leads. She has more than 20 years of government affairs experience including working for the personal offices of three Members of Congress from Southern California: Congressmen Sonny Bono, Jerry Lewis and Ken Calvert. Most recently, Plofchan served as Acting Legislative Director for Congressman Calvert's office, overseeing his Appropriations and Armed Services portfolios along with a back office staff of four. Prior to that, she served as Senior Director of Political Engagement for the Association for Private Sector Colleges and Universities, an education association focusing on career and technical education advocacy. Her work in the private sector included running her own business, Plofchan Synergy Group, for 10 years with clients ranging from Congressman Buck McKeon and the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, to the California State Society and Women in Government Relations. Plofchan holds a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of California, San Diego (1991), and a Master's degree in Government Affairs from Johns Hopkins University (2006).
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The final three Tekken 7 DLC characters have been announced. Craig Marduk, Armor King and Julia Chang will be joining Tekken 7 in the game's second season. Armor King has been a part of the Tekken series since the first game, appearing multiple times aside from Tekken 5 and Tekken 6. Both Marduk and Julia Chang have appeared in the series since their debut game in Tekken 4 and Tekken 3 respectively. It's nice to see the return of old characters. Still waiting for mokujin though. Love that random fighting dummy too much already sia. Here are the release trailers for the characters. German retailer lists Assassin's Creed Compilation and "Bowmore"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Create different template on osticket (header) I would like to create template for the different clients my society had, like : /support/index-client1 AND /support/index-client2 ... So i clone index.php then the files that required : header.inc.php , client.inc.php but i have a blank page , and i cant figure why. I dont know if i'm doing right , i want to load different design per client, so i would like to create x index with their own design ( so it own theme.css ) Any ideas ?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Unwind in a lavish lavatory reworked by Rainier Inc. Needless to say painting a wall an accent shade takes time. Orange partitions and an odd format made this New York farmhouse's bathroom unwelcoming and uncomfortable. A really perfect rest room for the primary floor. Be certain your tub or shower has a nonslip mat on the floor. Painted partitions tend to look tired quickly in a rest room, however if you cannot afford to tile the toilet fully, the addition of a tiled splashback is a fast and cheap approach to give your room a finishing touch. We have your again: We distilled all the visual noise all the way down to the essence of what makes a bathroom transform truly nice. We have now been using the bathroom in our basement for a few months due to a leak in our master bathroom bathe, and we have lastly decided to renovate the house to make it usable again. You may work with one among our interior designers within the Beaverton, OR, area who will take the time to discover the perfect kitchen you take into consideration, discussing each concept you need to ensure we create a rest room house to suit your preferences and your life-style. Brown countertop dominates the factor along with brown tiles and wall. With its finely textured floor, it's nice for traction, making it an exceptionally protected bathroom flooring for young kids or folks with limited mobility. An excellent toilet for couples, double his and hers white sink with towel rod beneath, double white mirror, and a single pendant lighting bulb for essential attraction. In Hilary Swank's Manhattan residence , Mark Zeff designed the master tub's partitions and flooring. Ditching the sponge-painted effect for Nemo 's penny tiles delivered the biggest influence house-wise. Hey Bryan, remodeling a small bathroom is an actual problem. Undermount sinks are smooth, straightforward to clean, and price having if you wish to let your lavatory counter take the spotlight. A wonderful lavatory design with gray wall shade and summary gray tiles. Typically, that is the one lavatory in the home, and everybody uses it. Because that is your "daily driver," it gets heavy use and thus could require extra reworking efforts. Enamel-on-metal sinks were particularly sturdy and stain-resistant, as had been stainless steel sinks, that are rising in popularity to be used in loos.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
namespace OpenApoc { NotificationScreen::NotificationScreen(sp<GameState> state, CityView &cityView, const UString &message, GameEventType eventType) : Stage(), menuform(ui().getForm("notification")), eventType(eventType), state(state) { menuform->findControlTyped<Label>("TEXT_NOTIFICATION")->setText(message); menuform->findControl("BUTTON_PAUSE") ->addCallback(FormEventType::ButtonClick, [&cityView](Event *) { cityView.zoomLastEvent(); cityView.setUpdateSpeed(CityUpdateSpeed::Pause); fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); }); } NotificationScreen::NotificationScreen(sp<GameState> state, BattleView &battleView, const UString &message, GameEventType eventType) : Stage(), menuform(ui().getForm("notification")), eventType(eventType), state(state) { menuform->findControlTyped<Label>("TEXT_NOTIFICATION")->setText(message); menuform->findControl("BUTTON_PAUSE") ->addCallback(FormEventType::ButtonClick, [&battleView](Event *) { battleView.zoomLastEvent(); battleView.setUpdateSpeed(BattleUpdateSpeed::Pause); fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); }); } NotificationScreen::~NotificationScreen() = default; void NotificationScreen::begin() { menuform->findControl("BUTTON_RESUME")->addCallback(FormEventType::ButtonClick, [](Event *) { fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); }); menuform->findControlTyped<CheckBox>("CHECKBOX_ALWAYS_PAUSE")->setChecked(true); } void NotificationScreen::pause() {} void NotificationScreen::resume() { if (!config().getBool(GameEvent::optionsMap.at(eventType))) { fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); menuform->findControlTyped<CheckBox>("CHECKBOX_ALWAYS_PAUSE")->setChecked(false); } } void NotificationScreen::finish() { if (GameEvent::optionsMap.find(eventType) != GameEvent::optionsMap.end()) { config().set(GameEvent::optionsMap.at(eventType), menuform->findControlTyped<CheckBox>("CHECKBOX_ALWAYS_PAUSE")->isChecked()); } } void NotificationScreen::eventOccurred(Event *e) { menuform->eventOccured(e); if (e->type() == EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { if (e->keyboard().KeyCode == SDLK_ESCAPE) { menuform->findControl("BUTTON_RESUME")->click(); return; } if (e->keyboard().KeyCode == SDLK_SPACE) { menuform->findControl("CHECKBOX_ALWAYS_PAUSE")->click(); return; } if (e->keyboard().KeyCode == SDLK_RETURN) { menuform->findControl("BUTTON_PAUSE")->click(); return; } } } void NotificationScreen::update() { menuform->update(); } void NotificationScreen::render() { fw().stageGetPrevious(this->shared_from_this())->render(); menuform->render(); } bool NotificationScreen::isTransition() { return false; } }; // namespace OpenApoc
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Remember Gracie Skirt from last season in the leopard print? Exactly, she was amazing and flew out, so how about an update in a Rixo pink black tiger. Not only is the pink tiger print a love forever beauty but the Rixo Gracie Skirt is one of our favourite shapes, in 100% silk she's a flattering wrap around midi skirt with a soft ruffle. Fastens with a choice of three adjustable waist buttons and waist wrap tie. The perfect skirt ideal for day to night - or day - or night - basically wear Gracie all the time and love her! Team her with a cool tee, try the Baum Poetry one, and trainers for day. For now add a chunky knit, for summer add these Stine Goya heart sandals, and for Friday night drinks add mules and a silk cami - whatever the occasion who wouldn't want a pink tiger silk skirt? Rixo London Gracie Pink Black Tiger Midi Wrap Skirt. Midi Skirt with wrap construction, ruffle details, tie and button fastening at the side. Adjustable three button fastening on waist.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The-Dream, Luke James, BJ the Chicago Kid and August Alsina brought their own flavors of soul to the stage for the Spotlight Live showcase hosted by Def Jam at Stage Forty8 in New York City Tuesday night. In February 2012, BJ the Chicago Kid released his independent album, 'Pineapple Now Laters,' and he knew he had something special on his hands -- even before the Motown Records contract was presented to him and praise from critics started rolling in. Nadine Graham BJ the Chicago Kid – Must-See Artists At SXSW BJ the Chicago Kid dropped his debut album, 'Pineapple Now-Laters' in 2012, but he's no newcomer. He's been working his way through the music industry, starting off as a background singer for the likes of Usher and Mary Mary, and also penning songs for Musiq Soulchild and Jill Scott... "I came in the game learning and having to prove quick," BJ the Chicago Kid tells TheDrop.fm as he reminisces on his first memory of singing. One Sunday morning as a child, his mother recruited BJ and his two older brothers to sing with her at church. Best Male R&B Artist – 2012 TheDrop.fm Music Awards Already 2012 is coming to a close and it's time to take part in TheDrop.fm's inaugural Best Male R&B Artist awards. The competition was steep in this category as each crooner brought their A-game to R&B this year, taking it to new heights. TheDropfm Staff
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
On sale now, the 2019 Rose Review is your full-colour guide to the newer roses sold in the nurseries and garden centres around New Zealand. Rose nurseries also feature their latest releases. An essential guide if you are wanting to plant some roses in your garden today or order ahead for winter 2019. Or become a member and get the Rose Review annually as one of your membership benefits of belonging to the New Zealand Rose Society. Click here to join online today.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
CONGRATULATIONS on a successful 2017 Fashion Show. These photos are provided as a huge "thank you." Photos are high resolution, feel free to download anything you want for your personal use. BIG NOTE: I AM SURE I LEFT PEOPLE OFF OF THIS EMAIL ACCIDENTALLY. Designers, Please share with your peers and models who may not have these links. Congratulations, Thanks, and have a great Summer.
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2023 Mercedes-Benz GLC-Class, 2022 Ford Ranger, 2022 Nio ET7: This Week's Top Photos Bubble or Breakthrough: Investors bet on electric cars and green energ Ecurie Ecosse launches Jaguar C-Type continuation car Car News & Updates Latest news in automobile and auto-tech industry. 2020 Mil-Spec Ford F-150 First Drive | Driving impressions, pricing, specs Over the past few years, automakers have discovered that people love high-performance off-road pickup trucks. The Ford F-150 Raptor really kick-started the trend, with the Chevy Colorado ZR2, and now the Ram 1500 TRX following. Off-road-oriented trims are following closely behind like the Silverado Trail Boss. Despite this off-road boom, there are some niches left to fill, and Mil-Spec Automotive, a company that first became known for its major resto-mods of Hummer H1s, has found one. Its modified F-150 is there for someone who wants a Raptor but needs a V8 rumble, and something even beefier looking. It certainly fits the bill with only some minor compromises. So what exactly does the Mil-Spec F-150 come with? Well, quite a lot. The company starts with a V8, four-wheel-drive F-150 with a factory differential lock. Mil-Spec will upgrade any F-150 with those features from a lowly XLT to a top-of-the-line Platinum. The company representative we talked with recommends going with a lower trim, though, since some of the equipment from high-trim trucks will be replaced or removed, so there's no reason to spend more money than is necessary. On the outside, Mil-Spec fits fiberglass pre-runner style fenders that house 37-inch tires wrapped around 20-inch Black Rhino wheels. Helping the truck clear these giant tires are the optional Baja Performance Suspension Package with adjustable Fox 3.0 remote reservoir coilover shocks with Eibach springs at all four corners and BajaKits long-travel control arms at the front. They bring wheel travel to 11 inches at the front and 12 inches at the back. Addicted Desert Designs steel bumpers are fitted along with a custom grille with Raptor-style LEDs, a large aluminum Mil-Spec badge, and Mil-Spec graphics for the tailgate and rear fenders. The result is a steroidal Raptor, but the fact that Mil-Spec uses some more low-key wheels and only builds these trucks in black, white, or two shades of gray helps keep it from looking too absurd. Under the extreme exterior are some mild engine and interior upgrades. Mil-Spec adds a Ford Performance throttle body, intake and engine calibration to boost power up to 500 horsepower. A Borla cat-back exhaust adds some noise, and Mil-Specs custom tips come out right next to the steel bumpers so they don't dangle in a vulnerable spot. Inside, Mil-Spec adds Katzkin leather upholstery in black, gray or tan, closely matching the factory Ford colors, billet aluminum caps for the control knobs, a Raptor steering wheel with functional shift paddles, and custom aluminum badges. These interior changes are very subtle, but also rather nice. The aluminum knobs feel great in hand, and the subtleness of their design along with the closely matched leather gives the interior a near-OEM look. With the list of upgrades out of the way, we can finally talk about how these parts come together. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to find a place to take the Mil-Spec off road, but we were able to spend plenty of time on pavement, which will still make up a big part of any owner's driving experience. And speaking of "big," that's exactly what this truck is. It's actually about seven inches wider than a Raptor, which itself is a couple inches wider than a regular F-150. And if you're not used to driving around dually pickups, or Mil-Spec's own Hummers for that matter, there will be an acclimatization period of watching your mirrors constantly to make sure you're not about to nudge an unsuspecting Corolla into a wall. The truck is quite, tall, too, so you'll want to think twice about pulling into covered parking areas or garages. Other than the large size, the Mil-Spec F-150 is generally pretty easy to drive around and fairly civilized. Despite the off-road tires, steering is accurate and nicely weighted, and there's even some feedback through the wheel. The tires don't even generate much noise to the cabin, which is also relatively unaffected by wind and road noise. The off-road suspension is plenty comfortable as well, and possibly a bit softer than that of the Raptor. Body roll isn't bad either. There are some clunking noises from the suspension going over bumps, but nothing disconcerting. Braking is fine, but some beefier brakes would be welcome, since it seems like it takes a fair bit of pedal pressure to haul this beast down. A company representative said there are plans for upgraded brakes. While the Mil-Spec does make 500 horsepower, the truck doesn't feel especially quick. It's likely because of the effectively taller gear ratios from the tall tires and the weight of said tires. The Raptor steering wheel's shifter paddles are fully functional, but being able to pick gears doesn't make the experience feel any quicker. Arguably, it feels slower since the transmission is slow to change gears on demand. This is no fault of Mil-Spec's though. Also, the V8 doesn't make the same kind of low-down torque the Raptor's turbo 3.5-liter V6 makes, so it feels like you have to work it harder to accelerate. The company has plans to offer the Ford Performance supercharger kit with the truck, and we think it would be a worthwhile choice if you have the scratch. But the engine does at least make all the V8 sounds you'd expect from a big truck. Prod the throttle and you get a loud, boomy, truck-like roar. Press it hard enough and you'd probably set off car alarms. Thankfully, it's only loud when accelerating hard. When cruising down the highway or gently poking around town, the exhaust quiets right down to a muted burble. If all of this sounds interesting to you, you'll also want to know pricing. The base price for the conversion is $34,950, plus the cost of the pickup truck that's being converted. The cheapest you can get an F-150 XLT with a locking rear differential is $42,295, so the cheapest you could get into a Mil-Spec would be $77,245. Our test truck also had the $6,000 suspension package, and being a SuperCrew, would have added at least $6,500 to the cost of the base truck. That's a big upcharge over the $55,150 of a factory Raptor, and it even tops the $71,690 of the Ram TRX. That makes the Mil-Spec a tough sell, considering both of those are a bit easier to handle on a daily basis, and the Raptor features more torque and the Ram is much more powerful with 702 horses. But there are likely other factors at play in a buyer's choice to get a Mil-Spec F-150. It could be a Ford loyalist who would love a Raptor, but desperately wants a V8 sounds and feel. Or it could be someone that's looking for something even burlier than what the OEMs provide, while also being covered by a bit of a warranty – the Ford bits are all covered under the factory warranty, and Mil-Spec warranties any parts the company installs for 1 year/15,000 miles, with an extended 3-year/36,000-mile warranty available. For these niche cases, the Mil-Spec serves admirably. Previous Previous post: Sailing makes a comeback in wind-powered car carrier Next Next post: 2021 Honda Passport SUV priced Reader on Is this the auto industry's Amazon moment? Reader on Elon Musk: a tiny bit of the sun's energy is all we need to power the Reader on Tesla Updates Model 3 Range, Performance, Wheels admin on Tesla Updates Model 3 Range, Performance, Wheels Automobile News and Updates Aggregator Platform
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USC Institute for Creative Technologies to Host Free Interactive Art Exhibit Published: November 7, 2016 Category: Press Releases | News Home » Press Releases » USC Institute for Creative Technologies to Host Free Interactive Art Exhibit Media and general public are invited to attend; See below for more information. The Art Exhibition of International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) 2016 is an annual juried showcase of new creative works that integrate digital technologies, interaction, and narrative in artistically significant ways. This year, the exhibition will be held on a single day (November 15) at the ICIDS conference venue, the USC Institute for Creative Technologies in the Playa Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA. The exhibition is open to the public through email. Loss of Grasp by Serge Bouchardon, Vincent Volckaert A narrative and interactive experience about the feeling of losing grasp. I Can Feel It in The Air Tonight by James Earl Cox III and Julie Buchanan A 30-minute interactive fiction game with diegetic field recordings, the story switches between a young couple's first date and a military tribunal, juxtaposing the nervous beginnings of a new love with a transcribed recounting of past actions. Priya's Mirror AR by Ram Devineni and Dan Goldman Dive into the augmented reality and experience the interactive art of the next edition titled "Priya's Mirror" about acid attacks. The comic series received the Tribeca Film Institute New Media Fund from the Ford Foundation and funded by the World Bank. "Priya's Mirror" premiered at the 2016 New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center. Moving through Space and Narrative by Mara Dionisio, Paulo Bala, Rui Trinade, Sandra Câmara, Dina Dionisio and Valentina Nisi An art installation where participants are able to fully explore an interactive narrative called "The Old Pharmacy", experimenting with different input methods for movement and exploration of a digital narrative. Walden, a Game by Tracy Fullerton and Walden Team A first-person simulation of the life of American philosopher Henry David Thoreau during his experiment in self-reliant living at Walden Pond. Axion by Ivaylo Getov, Jasmine Idun Isdrake and Kyle Gustafson An immersive documentary game engaging players with the perspectives of contemporary scientists who confront the deepest questions in astrophysics. By allowing a player a measure of freedom to navigate and discover an evolving virtual environment, the project suggests a broad consonance between the process of scientific discovery and a personal, emotive confrontation with the unknown. Pry by Tender Claws An interactive story (intended for tablets) that allows the reader to unravel the fabric of memory and discover a story shaped by the lies we tell ourselves; lies revealed when we pry apart the narrative and read between the lines. Nevermind by Erin Reynolds A biofeedback-enhanced adventure horror game that takes you into the dark and surreal world of subconscious. Way by Annamaria Andrea Vitali A short texture interactive novel about dissonances, desires and fears. Tuesday, November 15, 2016. 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. USC Institute for Creative Technologies 12015 Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, California To attend, please RSVP by email to [email protected] and indicate the number of guests in your party plus arrival time.
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New quantum phenomena in graphene superlattices Graphene Flagship IMAGE: This is an example of the Hofstadter butterfly phenomenon. view more Credit: The University of Manchester A team of Graphene Flagship researchers led by the University of Manchester reported in the journal Science showing the first new type of quantum oscillation to be reported for thirty years. This occurs by applying a magnetic field and it is the first of its kind to be present at high temperature and on the mesoscale. This research also sheds light on the Hofstadter butterfly phenomenon. Quantum theory is the study of physics at the atomic and sub atomic level. It quantises energy and momentum and shows how objects are characterised as both particles and waves. Quantum oscillations can be used to map the properties of new materials in the presence of a magnetic field. This paper shows how it is possible to tune the magnetic field applied to a heterostructure comprising of graphene and boron nitride to create a whole host of different electronic materials. The superlattice, created in graphene by its exact placement with regards to a periodically arranged boron nitride layer, interacts with the magnetic field in such a way that it is possible to tune its oscillation to manufacture bands and gaps in its electronics structure - meaning that the magnetic field can be used to tune the materials to be metallic, semiconducting or conducting. Andre Geim, a leading member of the team and the 2010 Nobel Laureate, says "Oscillatory quantum effects always present milestones in our understanding of materials properties. They are exceedingly rare. It is more than 30 years since a new type of quantum oscillation was reported." He added "Our oscillations stand out by their extreme robustness, happening under ambient conditions in easily accessible magnetic fields." This work also sheds further light on Hofstadter's butterfly, a fractal pattern that describes the behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field, measured experimentally for the first time in 2013 using a graphene and boron-nitride heterostructure. In the original theoretical work on which Hofstadter's butterfly is based the electrons modelled to create the fractal pattern were treated as Bloch electrons (electrons that do not interact with one another and move within a periodic electric potential within a lattice). The research shown here illustrates how these complex fractal patterns can be viewed as Langmuir quantisation which is the quantisation of cyclotron orbits (taking what is normally thought of as a circular orbit and instead viewing it as linear) Professor Vladimir Falko, Director of the National Graphene Institute commented "Our work helps to demystify the Hofstadter butterfly. The complex fractal structure of the Hofstadter butterfly spectrum can be understood as simple Landau quantisation in the sequence of new metals created by magnetic field." Professor Bart van Wees, Head of the Physics of Nanodevices group at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Groningen, The Netherlands added "We have always considered quantum oscillations as very brittle, easily destroyed at higher temperatures but the authors have shown that these can now be observed at room temperature, or even higher. This is good news for possible new applications of these and other systems which are based on Van der Waals stacking of two-dimensional materials." Sian Fogden [email protected] 44-012-237-62418 @GrapheneCA http://graphene-flagship.eu ATOMIC/MOLECULAR/PARTICLE PHYSICS CHEMISTRY/PHYSICS/MATERIALS SCIENCES NANOTECHNOLOGY/MICROMACHINES The Hofstadter Butterfly Phenomenon. (IMAGE) https://graphene-flagship.eu/new-quantum-phenomena-in-graphene-superlattices http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aal3357 More in Chemistry & Physics A graphene superconductor that plays more than one tune DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory A new spin on DNA Harvard University First-ever visualizations of electrical gating effects on electronic structure University of Warwick Improving the odds of synthetic chemistry success University of Utah View all in Chemistry & Physics
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This entry was posted in Action, Movies, Thriller and tagged Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Channing Tatum, Christopher Eccleston, Dennis Quaid, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marlon Wayans, Rachel Nichols, Sienna Miller, Stephen Sommers by Krunk. Bookmark the permalink.
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Since the July 31 Supreme Court of Ontario decision which unanimously ruled that Canada's marijuana laws were unconstitutional because they do not allow for the medicinal use of marijuana. Canada's leading newspapers have all apploaded the court's decision, which gave Parliament one year to rewrite the law, or else the marijuana laws would be struck from the books entirely. Here is a series of links to editorials from most of Canada's leading newspapers.
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Masterpiece Reviews Masterpiece Reviews: The Clash – The Clash Turn up the volume on what's been called the greatest punk rock album ever made. by Sami Jarroush on April 13, 2017, 4:00pm Masterpiece Reviews: Björk – "Homogenic" Twenty years later, the dynamic album from the Icelandic artist still brings chills to listeners. on March 15, 2017, 12:00pm Masterpiece Reviews: The Velvet Underground & Nico Spend a "Sunday Morning" with this influential and timeless musical treasure. on February 28, 2017, 5:00pm Masterpiece Reviews: Lauryn Hill – "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" Some LPs are only about That Thing, but this timeless gem is about so much more. Masterpiece Reviews: The Doors – "The Doors" Break On Through to the Other Side with this seminal psychedelic album. on January 31, 2017, 6:24pm Masterpiece Reviews: Marvin Gaye – What's Going On A look back at a timeless concept album from one of Motown's brightest stars. Masterpiece Reviews: Run-D.M.C. – "Raising Hell" Lace up your adidas and turn up this iconic hip-hop masterpiece. Masterpiece Reviews: Frank Sinatra – "A Jolly Christmas From Frank Sinatra" Cozy up in front of a fire as Ol' Blue Eyes serenades you with timeless holiday songs. on December 13, 2016, 5:00pm Masterpiece Reviews Answers Your Questions Host Nick Freed talks about the show, his favorite albums, and what's in his mug. on November 29, 2016, 1:31pm Masterpiece Reviews: Bob Dylan – "Blonde On Blonde" On today's episode, we're celebrating the Nobel Prize winner's timeless double album. Masterpiece Reviews: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – "Damn The Torpedoes" The album that gave us "Don't Do Me Like That", "Refugee", and "Here Comes My Girl". Masterpiece Reviews: Gorillaz – "Demon Days" Dare yourself to Feel Good with this modern masterpiece. on October 18, 2016, 4:05pm
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— Main Menu —About Publications - Publications - Box Locations Features - Auto News - Auto Features - Dealer Spotlight - Old Car Classics Online Dealers Advertising Info - Why Motoring? - Pricing - Sign-up Contact Box Locations Auto Features Dealer Spotlight Old Car Classics Why Motoring? Wheelfest combines great cars with a good case The passion for cars, whether they are classic, new or antique, flows through the Hills of Headwaters and the surrounding areas. With numerous car shows annually, regular cruise nights and events, it's clear that the local communities love the opportunity to come out and admire these dazzling beauties. Three years ago, a group of car, bike and truck enthusiasts decided to get together and use their passion for more than just show and tell. Together, Gary and Katherine Brown, Mel and Julie Kerfoot, and Jim and Doris Thew created Wheelsfest, a car, truck and bike show to raise money for the Headwaters Healthcare Centre. "It started from just a group of us getting together," said Doris Thew, a Team Wheelsfest member. "We wanted to more with what we were doing, so we made it into an event for people to have a chance to show off the vehicles they are proud of, or to have just an outing with friends and family." The team, along with their volunteers, put in countless hours each year to organize and run the event. It takes place at the Orangeville Fairgrounds each summer, and provides opportunities for donors and vendors to help out. The money brought in during the event goes to pay for the event, with 100 percent of the remaining amounts donated to the hospital. "Last year I we raised $6000 towards the hospital, and the first year we raised $2500," said Ms. Thew. "We're hoping this year with the turnout we've had to get close to that." The day was a beautiful day for a car show, with the sun shining bright, warm temperatures and hardly a cloud in the sky. Cars filled the fairgrounds, with country and rock and roll music blasting through the speakers, and many people were enjoying the sites, food and vendors. "When Mother Nature cooperates, like she has been this year, we typically get between 500-600 cars, bikes and trucks out for the show," said Ms. Thew. Indoors, attendees had the opportunity to view the vehicles of the group of people that started the event, as well as ones loaned for the event from different dealerships in Orangeville. The group will know soon how much money they will have raised to present to Headwaters as a donation. For more information on the show or information on how to get involved visit www.wheelsfest.ca. Written by Tabitha Wells Women in Automotive: Making Their Mark in a "Man's World" Transformative Times: Canadian International Auto Show 2020 Autorama to Motorama: Indoor Car Shows start off Spring 2020 Our Electric Future is Now: GM EV Day 2020 Parker Mistsubishi has shovels in the ground to build new showroom
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Henry Ellsworth Vines Jr. Country (sports) March 17, 1994(1994-03-17) (aged 82) La Quinta, California 6 ft 2.5 in (1.89 m) Right-handed (one-handed backhand) Int. Tennis HoF 1962 (member page) Career record 502-183 (73.2%) [1] Career titles Highest ranking No. 1 (1932, A. Wallis Myers)[3] Grand Slam Singles results QF (1933) W (1932) W (1931, 1932) Professional majors Wembley Pro French Pro Grand Slam Doubles results Grand Slam Mixed Doubles results 155 lb (70 kg; 11.1 st) Turned professional Former tour(s) Professional wins Best results in major championships T24: 1947 T3: 1951 T14: 1948, 1949 Henry Ellsworth Vines Jr. (September 28, 1911 – March 17, 1994) was an American tennis champion of the 1930s, the World No. 1 player or the co-No. 1 for four years in 1932, 1935, 1936 and 1937, able to win Pro Slam titles on three different surfaces. He later became a professional golfer, and won three titles on the PGA Tour. 3.1 Major finals 3.1.1 Grand Slam tournaments Singles (3 titles, 1 runner-up) 3.1.2 Doubles (2 titles) 3.1.3 Pro Slam tournaments 4.1 Tournament wins 4.2 Results in major championships Vines attended the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California, where he was a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity and played on the freshman basketball team.[4] Many believe that Mercer Beasley started him on his tennis career at age 14 in Pasadena. He was mentored by Perry T. Jones through the Los Angeles Tennis Club and the Southern California Tennis Association. In the amateur ranks Vines won three Grand Slam tournaments, the Wimbledon Championships in 1932 and the U.S. Championships in 1931 and 1932 and he reached the final of Wimbledon in 1933. He played his first professional tennis match on January 10, 1934 and then became the leading pro player until 1938 (and the World No. 1 or No. 2 in the combined amateur-professional rankings). In 1934 and 1935 he won almost all the great pro events and the two big annual tours. Vines won four professional majors, which were the Wembley Pro in 1934 and 1935, the French Pro in 1935 and the US Pro in 1939. Vines also won the Paris Indoor (not to be confused with the French Pro) in 1934 and Southport Pro in 1935. After two years as the undisputed pro king in 1934 and 1935, Vines didn't need to enter any pro tournament to claim the World pro champion title: he then retained his crown by just playing and winning three other great annual pro tours from 1936 to 1938 (see Tennis male players statistics). In 1939 Vines lost his world pro crown to Don Budge but narrowly: in their first pro tour against each other, Vines trailed Budge 17–22. The tour proved that at his best Vines was unbeatable, but also that Budge's consistency would prevail a majority of the time, making the latter the best player of the time. In May 1940 Vines, 28 years 7 months old, played his last tennis competition. His physical problems, his desire to enjoy family life, his loss of the world crown, and above all his increasing passion for golf drove him to retire from tennis. Vines' career earnings as of May 1938 were reported to be $185,000.[5][6][7] Comparing Vines and Fred Perry after the 1939 tours, Budge wrote, It was simply that after enduring Vines's power game, I never felt any real pressure against Perry.[8] Years later, Budge deemed that the world's all-time best player had been Ellsworth Vines, "on his day". Budge was always astonished when someone had not ever heard of Vines whom he considered as the champion of the 1930s. In the opinion of Jack Kramer, himself a great player, Vines was, along with Don Budge, one of the two greatest players who ever lived. Budge was consistently the best, according to Kramer's 1979 autobiography, but, at the very top of his game, Vines was unbeatable by anyone: ...On his best days, Vines played the best tennis ever. Hell, when Elly was on, you'd be lucky to get your racket on the ball once you served it.[a] Tall and thin, Vines possessed a game with no noticeable weaknesses, except, according to Kramer, because of his great natural athletic ability, laziness. He was particularly known for his powerful forehand and his very fast serve, both of which he generally hit absolutely flat with no spin. Although he could play the serve-and-volley game, he generally played an all-court game, preferring to hit winners from the baseline. Playing in the white flannel trousers that were standard dress for the time, he greatly impressed the youthful Kramer in a 1935 match in Southern California: And here is Ellsworth Vines, 6'2½" tall, 155 pounds, dressed like Fred Astaire and hitting shots like Babe Ruth. Kramer made up his mind on the spot to concentrate on tennis. Vines had, according to Kramer, the perfect slim body, that was coordinated for anything. Elly won Forest Hills the first time when he was still only nineteen, but at the same time he was also devoting himself to basketball at the University of Southern California. He went there, on a basketball scholarship. (NOTE: The school's official all-time roster does not list him; however, this does not mean that Vines did not earn a basketball scholarship.) In his chapter on 1932, Bud Collins writes in Total Tennis: The Ultimate Tennis Encyclopedia that Vines . . . had a curious windmill stroke in which the racket made an almost 360-degree sweep. Starting on high as though he were going to serve, he brought the racket back almost to the ground and swept up to the ball. He put no spin on it, however, thereby hitting a flat shot with tremendous force that made him unbeatable when he was on. Collins goes on to say that: Opponents came to realize that the way to beat him was to keep the ball in play, hitting him soft stuff until he started making errors.[9] After becoming bored with tennis while only in his late twenties, Vines became a professional golfer in 1942 and over the years had a number of high finishes in tournaments, including at least two professional victories (1946 Massachusetts Open, 1955 Utah Open) and a semifinal position in the prestigious 1951 PGA Championship when it was a match play tournament. Writes Kramer, He was twice in the top ten of golf money winnings, and he was surely the best athlete ever in the two sports. He compares Vines to another great tennis player, Lew Hoad: Both were very strong guys. Both succeeded at a very young age.... Also, both were very lazy guys. Vines lost interest in tennis (for golf) before he was thirty, and Hoad never appeared to be very interested. Despite their great natural ability, neither put up the outstanding records that they were capable of. Unfortunately, the latter was largely true because both had physical problems. Vines was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1962. Major finals Grand Slam tournaments Singles (3 titles, 1 runner-up) Win 1931 U.S. Championships Grass George Lott 7–9, 6–3, 9–7, 7–5 Win 1932 Wimbledon Grass Henry Austin 6–4, 6–2, 6–0 Win 1932 U.S. Championships (2) Grass Henri Cochet 6–4, 6–4, 6–4 Loss 1933 Wimbledon Grass Jack Crawford 6–4, 9–11, 2–6, 6–2, 4–6 Doubles (2 titles) Win 1932 U.S. Championships Grass Keith Gledhill Wilmer Allison John Van Ryn 10–8, 6–4, 4–6, 7–5 Win 1933 Australian Championships Grass Keith Gledhill Jack Crawford Edgar Moon 6–4, 6–3, 6–2 Pro Slam tournaments Win 1934 Wembley Pro Indoor Hans Nüsslein 4–6, 7–5, 6–3, 8–6 Win 1935 French Pro Clay Hans Nüsslein 10–8, 6–4, 3–6, 6–1 Win 1935 Wembley Pro Indoor Bill Tilden 6–1, 6–3, 5–7, 3–6, 6–3 Loss 1939 French Pro Clay Don Budge 2–6, 5–7, 3–6 Win 1939 U.S. Pro Hard Fred Perry 8–6, 6–8, 6–1, 20–18 1946 Massachusetts Open 1951 Southern California PGA Championship 1955 Utah Open Results in major championships U.S. Amateur R64 NT The Amateur Championship R64 NT NT NT Masters Tournament NT NT NT T24 T28 38 U.S. Open NT NT NT T26 T51 T14 T14 PGA Championship NT R64 R32 SF R64 R64 R64 R32 Note: Vines did not play in The Open Championship. Did not play NT = no tournament "T" indicates a tie for a place R64, R32, R16, QF, SF = round in which player lost in match play Source for The Masters: www.masters.com Source for U.S. Open and U.S. Amateur: USGA Championship Database Source for PGA Championship: PGA Championship Media Guide Source for 1939 Amateur Championship: The Glasgow Herald, May 26, 1939, pg. 21. Tennis portal Frank Conner and G. H. "Pete" Bostwick Jr. are the only other men to have competed in the U.S. Open in both tennis and golf List of male tennis players ^ In his 1979 autobiography Kramer considered the best player ever to have been either Don Budge (for consistent play) or Ellsworth Vines (at the height of his game). The next four best were, chronologically, Bill Tilden, Fred Perry, Bobby Riggs, and Pancho Gonzales. After these six came the "second echelon" of Rod Laver, Lew Hoad, Ken Rosewall, Gottfried von Cramm, Ted Schroeder, Jack Crawford, Pancho Segura, Frank Sedgman, Tony Trabert, John Newcombe, Arthur Ashe, Stan Smith, Björn Borg, and Jimmy Connors. He felt unable to rank Henri Cochet and René Lacoste accurately but felt they were among the very best. ^ "Ellsworth Vines: Career match record". thetennisbase.com. Tennis Base. Retrieved November 3, 2017. ^ "Tennis; World's stars" (PDF). Advocate. Burnie, Tasmania, Australia: Harris publications: 9. September 15, 1932. Retrieved December 24, 2012. ^ Ed Atkinson Ellsworth Vines: Ultimate Ball Striker, tennisplayer.net, Accessed July 8, 2008. ^ "Roundy Says". Wisconsin State Journal. April 30, 1938. p. 9 – via Newspapers.com. ^ "Vines' Earnings in Pro Tennis Hit $175,000". The Fresno Bee The Republican. January 31, 1938. p. 11 – via Newspapers.com. ^ Bill Braucher (May 13, 1936). "Tales In TidBits". Lancaster Eagle-Gazette. p. 11 – via Newspapers.com. ^ A tennis memoir, by Donald Budge ^ Total Tennis: The Ultimate Tennis Encyclopedia, by Bud Collins, page 53 The Game, My 40 Years in Tennis (1979), Jack Kramer with Frank Deford (ISBN 0-399-12336-9) Total Tennis: The Ultimate Tennis Encyclopedia (2003), by Bud Collins (ISBN 0-9731443-4-3) How to Play Tennis (1933), by Mercer Beasley Tennis, Myth and Method (1978), by Ellesworth Vines Los Angeles Tennis Club Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ellsworth Vines. Ellsworth Vines at the International Tennis Hall of Fame Ellsworth Vines at the Association of Tennis Professionals Ellsworth Vines at the International Tennis Federation Ellsworth Vines at the Davis Cup
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A few years ago, when you dined out or took a cab ride with friends, you had to settle the payment with cash. Today, you might opt for Venmo, Zelle, Square Cash, or another payment app. Person-to-person (P2P) payment apps are becoming more popular and are expected to account for $240 billion worth of transactions by 2021. Business-to-business (B2B) payments represent an even larger opportunity, but payments solutions are lagging behind. A survey from the Association for Financial Professionals showed that more than half of all B2B payments—51%—are still made by paper check. Paper checks are not the most secure form of payment, and they are also not the most convenient. For these reasons, a majority of businesses are planning to switch over to digital payment options. Digital B2B payment products make it easier to make, receive, and process payments. They can also make your cash flow more predictable, which is something that every small business owner strives for. Find out more how about B2B payments work, and which are the best B2B payment products for your small business. Best for: B2B businesses that have international sellers or buyers. If you do business internationally, then you should consider Transpay, a cross-border B2B payments solution. The company supports payments to and from 200 countries in 60 currencies. When doing wire or bank transfers overseas, small business owners often incur high currency conversion fees. Transpay eliminates these fees by developing direct relationships with banks worldwide. Transpay's Pay by Web service lets you send money directly from your U.S. bank account to your recipient's local bank account in their local currency. Their feesare 90% lower than bank wire fees and usually range from $5 to $20 per transaction. If you're the seller, U.S.-based clients can also pay you via Transpay. You can send an email request for payment, and their payments get transferred right to your bank account without any transaction fees.
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/* this file has been autogenerated by vtkNodeJsWrap */ /* editing this might proof futile */ #ifndef NATIVE_EXTENSION_VTK_VTKDEPTHIMAGEPROCESSINGPASSWRAP_H #define NATIVE_EXTENSION_VTK_VTKDEPTHIMAGEPROCESSINGPASSWRAP_H #include <nan.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkDepthImageProcessingPass.h> #include "vtkImageProcessingPassWrap.h" #include "../../plus/plus.h" class VtkDepthImageProcessingPassWrap : public VtkImageProcessingPassWrap { public: using Nan::ObjectWrap::Wrap; static void Init(v8::Local<v8::Object> exports); static void InitPtpl(); static void ConstructorGetter( v8::Local<v8::String> property, const Nan::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info); VtkDepthImageProcessingPassWrap(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDepthImageProcessingPass>); VtkDepthImageProcessingPassWrap(); ~VtkDepthImageProcessingPassWrap( ); static Nan::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ptpl; private: static void New(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info); static void NewInstance(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info); static void SafeDownCast(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info); #ifdef VTK_NODE_PLUS_VTKDEPTHIMAGEPROCESSINGPASSWRAP_CLASSDEF VTK_NODE_PLUS_VTKDEPTHIMAGEPROCESSINGPASSWRAP_CLASSDEF #endif }; #endif
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
We had the fantastic opportunity to facilitate a review for a project kit DarbySmart . We received a sample, although, these are our honest opinions. Do you like to D.I.Y.? If you do you should check out the the project kits and supplies at DarbySmart. I love to D.I.Y. and have hopes of sharing more of those projects here with you soon. I anxiously anticipated the kit's arrival, I couldn't wait to see what kind of crafting goodies I would receive. It turned out to be a neat surprise indeed. At around the same time I was finishing up a couple projects in my kitchen. The DarbySmart kit included a 5 piece wooden spoon set to paint. I was lucky enough that even the paint colors matched my kitchen colors. The box the kit arrived in is super cute and I intend to save and reuse it. The kit included a simple detailed information card, it was very simple to understand. As I have heard they always strive to make their instruction cards easy to understand. The kit also included two Martha Stewart paints, a couple of paint sponges and of course the 5 wooden spoons. The whole project didn't take long to finish at all, and the finished project looks great! I love the wooden spoons. DarbySmart offers D.I.Y projects based on the latest fashions and trends. The kits will all contain the simple instructions for your project and chic material. DarbySmart will take the stress out of simple stylish projects by sending everything you need right to your door. DarbySmart puts today's fashions right at your fingertips. They know how important style is and how magical creating something of your own can be. They have a fabulous community for designers, who are constantly creating new projects. DarbySmart turns their projects into D.I.Y. kits.They even invite you to be a project designer. I have my eye on a couple more great looking projects at DarbySmart. For the quality of their kits they are quite affordable. Grab your own D.I.Y. kit, or mystery box, create your own stylish project and add a picture of your finished project to DarbySmart's Showroom. Where you can hashtag #darbysmart/#madebyme on instagram or twitter. Share your creativity with others! how cute did that turn out!! i will definitely have to check this out!!! i like that they're in with the fashion trend!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
we are happy, the fuedelism is coming back. Poor Bilawal what he will do, even he can not speak without written paper, he does not know what is hunger and poverty. what a nation. he owns million acres lands with thousands families workers,(chermuzh) and billion dollars business and billion dollars corruption money every year he and his father collects.And we are happy to say Bhutoos" Few front runner make money with the help of poor Awam…and we are happy to have one samusa and a cup of tea . Pakistan needs revolution only a poor person can bring.. I would say MQM is better than all these fuedal parties. Atleast poor and educated people.
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The Scottish Beef Association has praised Richard Lochhead on his success in persuading the EU commissioner to allow Scotland access to a larger pot for Coupled Payments. Lochhead has also secured the use of Stocking Rates as a measure of minimum activity, something that has drawn the strong support of the SBA. The two concessions achieved in Brussels this week will allow the Scottish Government to make huge strides in making better use of our country's limited CAP budget. We hope the Scottish Government will now seek immediate confirmation from the UK Government on how much additional coupled support Scotland will be permitted to use, with 13 per cent being the amount requested by Lochhead in a recent letter to DEFRA Minister Owen Paterson. The SBA has been a long­term advocate of targeting payments to match actual activity. This should effectively give them a system which will end "slipper farming" and we get to the place where NO ACTIVITY MEANS NO SUPPORT. If Scotland is to produce more of the quality beef on which our reputation is based then it will almost exclusively come from existing producers increasing their herd size. With an integrated support package that these changes will allow us to put in place for the beef sector, it will allow committed producers to expand with confidence and give the whole beef production chain the extra volume that it is crying out for.
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How To Make An Effective White Paper Tag archive for 'Hotel Rwanda' By Red Diogenes On Wednesday, November 28th, 2018 New 'Hellboy' image shows David Harbour in action, as film goes 'back to the source material' Lionsgate has released a new image from Neil Marshall's upcoming reboot of Hellboy. Marshall tells Empire that they're going back to the comic's more horror-infused roots. "It was always a case of, 'When More... By Red Diogenes On Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018 First 'Hellboy' poster reveals David Harbour in the 'Rise of the Blood Queen' story Lionsgate has released the first Hellboy poster for their upcoming reboot which centers on the "Rise of the Blood Queen," which was the subtitle back in August 2017. Check it out at the bottom. Mike Mignola's More... By Red Diogenes On Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 Ian McShane on Professor Broom in new 'Hellboy' with David Harbour The Hellboy reboot will reimagine the demonic comic book hero with a darker take on the source material than the previous two films from director Guillermo del Toro and actor Ron Perlman. Deadwood star Ian McShane More... By Red Diogenes On Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018 David Harbour describes new 'Hellboy' as a 'real monster movie that's dark and scary' Lionsgate is producing an R-rated Hellboy reboot, starring Stranger Things star David Harbour, who has been chatting to Variety about the film, describing it as a "monster movie that's dark and scary" More... November 5, 2021, No Comments on How To Make An Effective White Paper What Has Changed in the World Since An Inconvenient Truth? October 21, 2021, No Comments on What Has Changed in the World Since An Inconvenient Truth? How to Increase the Value of Your Home October 21, 2021, No Comments on How to Increase the Value of Your Home How to Boost Productivity in a Large Company October 20, 2021, No Comments on How to Boost Productivity in a Large Company Faiz Salti and His Company, Florida Oil Corp, Make Inroads in Sarasota, Florida with the Purchase of a Gas Station October 20, 2021, No Comments on Faiz Salti and His Company, Florida Oil Corp, Make Inroads in Sarasota, Florida with the Purchase of a Gas Station Who Is Responsible After a Multi-Car Accident? October 20, 2021, No Comments on Who Is Responsible After a Multi-Car Accident? How to Find an Authentic Cross of St Benedict October 20, 2021, No Comments on How to Find an Authentic Cross of St Benedict Gallstones: Causes and What to Watch Out for October 20, 2021, No Comments on Gallstones: Causes and What to Watch Out for Alternative travel: See the world as a volunteer this year October 20, 2021, No Comments on Alternative travel: See the world as a volunteer this year Rensair Air Purifier Kills Covid and Airborne Particles October 20, 2021, No Comments on Rensair Air Purifier Kills Covid and Airborne Particles DISPATCH BLOGS
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New York Celebrates Guard Birthday Story by: Eric Durr - Division of Military and Naval Affairs, Public Affairs Office Dated: Thu, Dec 13, 2007 Command Chief Master Sergeant Hardy Pierce (right) and Command Sergeant Major Robert Van Pelt finish cutting the National Guard Birthday cake in the Department of Military and Naval Affairs auditorium in Latham, N.Y. Dec. 13, 2007. Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Steven Petibone, 42nd Combat Aviation Brigade Video Avaliable The New York National Guard celebrated the 371st Birthday of the United State's force of Citizen Soldier Thursday, Dec. 13, with a traditional military cake-cutting ceremony. Major General Joseph Taluto, the Adjutant General, joined Private Ashley Corsi, a member of E Company 3rd Battalion 142nd Aviation, in cutting a National Guard Birthday cake. Taluto, who joined the National Guard as an enlisted soldier, has served 42 years, while Corsi, just enlisted in January this year. Traditionally the oldest Soldier present at these events joins the youngest in cutting the cake. The National Guard traces its roots as an institution back to Dec. 13, 1636, when the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed legislation regulating the various militia companies to provide for a better defense against the Pequot Indians. Today the National Guard is part of the Total Army and Total Air Force, serving side-by-side around the world, and conducting homeland security missions and disaster relief operations at home, Taluto said. "This is the National Guard I always wanted to serve in," Taluto told an audience of 200 gathered at New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs headquarters. "We are moving into a whole new time that is a very exciting time," Taluto said. "Young men and women are joining this force now with greater commitment and enthusiasm than I have seen in some time because they know they are going to do something for their state and the nation." "It is a great day to celebrate and a great day to be in uniform," Taluto added. When the Massachusetts Bay Colony enacted its first militia regulations all white males between the ages of 16 and 60 were obligated to possess arms and to play a part in the defense of their communities by serving in nightly guard details and participating in weekly drills. After the United States came into existence, state militias would develop out of this tradition. The Massachusetts Army National Guard's 101st Engineer Battalion and 182nd Infantry Regiment trace their lineage back to these units. The name National Guard originated in New York. On July 14, 1825 the American Revolutionary War hero, the Marquis de Lafayette visited New York City on his grand tour of the United States. Lafayette had commanded the French "Garde National de Paris " during the early days of the French Revolution and in honor of that fact the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of Artillery of the New York State Militia decided to adopt the name National Guard in Lafayette's honor. The name stuck and by the 1870s the New York State Militia was known as the National Guard New York. Throughout the 19th Century other state militias took that name and in 1903 the Dick Act made that name official. New York is also the birthplace of the Air National Guard. In 1915 the First Aero Company of the New York National Guard was organized on Long Island. In 1916 it was mustered into federal service in Garden City Long Island and served on the Mexican Border. It was the first Guard flying unit to be called into federal service. Today the 106th Rescue Wing traces its history back to that unit. The National Guard is both a state and federal military force. In state service the National Guard conducts homeland security missions, assists law enforcement, and provides disaster assistance. In federal service the National Guard fights the nation's wars and conducts federal homeland defense missions. Since 9/11 more than 6,000 New York National Guard Soldiers and Airmen have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in security missions throughout the United States. You can watch a video commemorating the National Guard's 371st Birthday here. © NYS DMNA: News Story: New York Celebrates Guard Birthday
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Laser radio breaks new ground in ultra-fast Wi-Fi By Catharine Paddock PhD Published May 15, 2019 at 16:50 PM GMT By developing a laser radio, researchers have broken new ground in wireless technology speeds. With further development, the laser radio could move data wirelessly hundreds of times faster than today's Wi-Fi devices. The new technology breaks new ground in wireless data transmission. Image: pixabay 574080 So say researchers at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), in Cambridge, MA, in the United States. With colleagues from other research centres, they demonstrated their "proof of concept study" in a recent Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper. It is the first demonstration of a laser in use as a radio frequency transmitter. The team used the laser radio to transmit a recording of Dean Martin's classic song "Volare." "The research opens the door to new types of hybrid electronic-photonic devices and is the first step toward ultra-high-speed Wi-Fi," says senior study author Federico Capasso, a professor of applied physics and a senior research fellow at SEAS. Quantum cascade laser At the heart of the laser radio is a quantum cascade laser. This is a powerful and versatile type of light source that Prof. Capasso and collaborators invented at Bell Labs in 1994. Quantum cascade lasers comprise layer upon layer of very thin semiconductor material. And they can produce wavelengths ranging from mid-infrared to terahertz frequencies. The radiation occurs when an injected electron changes energy levels as it moves from one layer to another. The changes in energy level are the "cascades." Conventional lasers emit a single frequency of radiation, but quantum cascade lasers can emit several frequencies at the same time. There are equal gaps between the frequencies, like the teeth of a comb. In 2017, Prof. Capasso and his team at Harvard had shown that they could get a quantum cascade laser to generate an "infrared frequency comb" of terahertz frequencies. At terahertz frequencies, wireless devices could shift data at rates that are hundreds of times faster than today's wireless technology. A year later, the team showed that they could get the device to work as a transmitter or a receiver to encode information. They also discovered that the coherent comb frequencies beating inside the laser also set up oscillations in the microwave range. Laser radio encodes microwave signals Now, they have worked out how to extract and transmit the microwave signals from the laser frequency combs. The researchers found that they could redesign the "top contact of the laser" so that it uses the oscillating current to drive an antenna. This allows the laser radio to transmit microwaves into "free space." "In addition," they note, "direct modulation of the laser current permits encoding a signal in the radiated radio frequency carrier." They also showed how to work the laser radio "in the other direction." They demonstrated how they could remotely control the laser using microwave signals from another device. "If you want to use this device for Wi-Fi," says first study author Marco Piccardo, a postdoctoral fellow at SEAS, "you need to be able to put useful information in the microwave signals and extract that information from the device." "This all-in-one, integrated device holds great promise for wireless communication," he continues, adding that: "While the dream of terahertz wireless communication is still a ways away, this research provides a clear roadmap showing how to get there."
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Q: Draggable CALayer Any way of making a CALayer draggable by the user? If so, how? (In Cocoa - Mac) A: Layers can not receive mouse events themselves. You would have to do the event handling in the view or view controller containing the layer. If a mouseDragged: event originates on a layer (see -[CALayer hitTest:] and -[CALayer containsPoint:] to test this), adjust the layer's position accordingly. You will probably want to disable implicit animations to have the layer follow the mouse pointer immediately (rather than lagging a little behind because of the animation of the position property): [CATransaction begin]; [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES]; layer.position = ...; [CATransaction commit]; A: I tried creating a window through code and adding the CALayer to it, but I don't get why it's not showing. NSRect rect = NSZeroRect; rect.size = NSMakeSize( SSRandomFloatBetween( 300.0, 200.0 ), SSRandomFloatBetween( 300.0, 200.0 )); NSWindow *newWin = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSWindowBackingLocationDefault defer:YES]; [newWin setBackgroundColor: [NSColor clearColor]]; [newWin setOpaque:NO]; [newWin setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO]; [newWin setMovableByWindowBackground:YES]; [newWin makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; [[newWin contentView] setWantsLayer:YES]; NSRect contentFrame = [[newWin contentView] frame]; CALayer *newWinLayer = [CALayer layer]; newWinLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(contentFrame); layer.backgroundColor=CGColorCreateGenericGray(0.0f, 0.5f); layer.borderColor=CGColorCreateGenericGray(0.756f, 0.5f); layer.borderWidth=5.0; // Calculate random origin point rect.origin = SSRandomPointForSizeWithinRect( rect.size, [window frame] ); // Set the layer frame to our random rectangle. layer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(rect); layer.cornerRadius = 25.0f; [newWinLayer addSublayer:layer]; Window is linked to a big window, with a semi-transparent (black filled) window that is resized to fill the screen. I've made the window draggable, but why isn't the CALayer in the window showing?
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Perth netball prospect Cerys Cairns has been selected to represent Scotland at the School Games. The sport is making its debut at the major multi-sport event for the most talented young athletes from across the UK, held in Loughborough. Cerys (15), who attends Perth Academy, is one of 12 girls who will pull on the Scottish colours from August 30 to September 2. The Scots will come up against eight Vitality Netball Superleague teams, London Pulse, Yorkshire and Netball Northern Ireland. "I am incredibly proud of the achievement and Cerys' dedication to working hard, not only on the court, but in the gym too," said mum Nicola. "She has to commit to travelling back and forth to Glasgow and Edinburgh for training and is joining a ladies' club in Glasgow to help progress. "The School Games will be huge for her. Looking at the information, this is set up like a mini Olympics. "It's a huge opportunity to go out there and prove yourself. "I love going to watch her and seeing her teams doing well. Cerys' love for netball has continued to grow after initially being introduced to the sport at the age of 10. That will eventually be cut to 12 players with those selected moving on to represent Scotland at Netball Europe in 2019. Nicola has watched Cerys improve on the court every year and she told the Perthshire Advertiser: "Her aim is to be in the Scottish Thistles team eventually. "But obviously there is a lot of work to be done to get to there. "The girls they go up against, everyone is at that level so you need to stand out. "Cerys' primary school didn't do netball so she went along to a Live Active camp when she was in primary six. "It was held at the North Inch Community Campus, which was a week-long session with Airlie Beveridge. "From there Airlie put her forward for under-12 trials. "She had never played netball before that but enjoyed it. "She went to the trials and was selected for the squad. "That progressed onto under-13, under-15 and under-17s in Perth and Kinross. "Initially it was just a fun sport to go along and participate. Cerys dances too and dancing was her thing. Netball always took a back seat.
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Sarah Mlynowski BEST WISHES #1 When Becca's best friend, Hailey, says she doesn't want to be friends anymore, Becca is devastated. But then Becca receives a mysterious package in the mail with a beautiful bracelet and a note that tells her to make a wish. So Becca puts on the bracelet--why not, right?--and wishes to have friends. Lots of friends. So many friends. And just like that, the magic works. Suddenly, EVERYONE wants to be Becca's BFF, from all the kids at school to the teachers (!) to Becca's own mom (!!). At first, Becca loves her newfound popularity, but things quickly spin out of control. As thousands of text messages pour in and the lunch lady sobs because she thinks Becca snubbed her, Becca starts to wonder: Is this wish a curse? Brimming with humor, heart, and adventure, this brand-new series created by the beloved, bestselling author of Whatever After, will grant everyone's wish for an irresistible, magical read! And look out for Books 2 and 3, where the magical bracelet gets mailed on to new girls with new wishes (with each book co-written by Sarah Mlynowski and a different author!) SARAH MLYNOWSKI is the New York Times bestselling author of the Whatever After series, the Magic in Manhattan series, Gimme a Call, and a bunch of other books for teens and tweens, including the Upside-Down Magic series, which she cowrites with Lauren Myracle and Emily Jenkins and which was adapted into a movie for the Disney Channel. Originally from Montreal, Sarah now lives in Los Angeles with her family. Visit Sarah online at sarahm.com and find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @sarahmlynowski. In Conversation: Janet Key Sarah Mlynowski Signing: Janet Key Sarah Mlynowski
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CONCORD, N.C. – Fans will roar and the red, white and blue will wave before the green flag on May 28 at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Iconic rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd will salute America with the ultimate Memorial Day Weekend mix of rock and racing in front of a captivated audience in the Coca-Cola 600 Concert presented by Speed Perks. The 2006 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees will perform hits including world-renowned, Southern rock anthems "Free Bird" and "Sweet Home Alabama" for Coca-Cola 600 ticket holders on the Pit Party stage on pit road. The Lynyrd Skynyrd Coca-Cola 600 Concert presented by Speed Perks will come to life on the Pit Party stage located on pit road near the frontstretch scoring pylon. The concert is part of a series of exciting pre-race festivities for the Coca-Cola 600, NASCAR's ultimate test of man and machine. The Pit Party also includes attractions like games and driver appearances. Additionally, the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert will be shown on the giant Speedway TV. Pit pass and driver intro pass buyers will have stage-area infield access. With a catalog of more than 60 albums, sales beyond 30 million worldwide and their beloved classic American rock anthem "Sweet Home Alabama" having sold more than 2 million ringtones, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees Lynyrd Skynyrd remain a cultural icon that appeals to multiple generations. Click here for a full bio. To purchase tickets, camping and race-day upgrades including Driver Intro passes and Pit Party admission, fans can call the speedway ticket office at 1-800-455-FANS (3267) or shop online at www.charlottemotorspeedway.com.
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You are here: Home>Locations>Bretford>Linear banks beside the Fosse way at Bretford Linear banks beside the Fosse way at Bretford Linear banks can be seen on aerial photographs on both sdes of the Fosse way at Bretford. 1 Linear banks seen on aerial photographs on both sides of the Fosse Way at Bretford were mapped as part of the English Heritage National Mapping Project. 2The current route of the Fosse Way doglegs to cross the River Avon using the modern bridge. The banks mapped closely align with a route that would join the Fosse on either side of Bretford without the modern deviation. Therefore, it is possible that the banks mark the original alignment of the Roman Road. The bank nearest to Home Farm appears to form part of an enclosure. The long linear bank further to the east may alternatively be associated with the ridge and furrow ploughing in the adjacent field (MWA12283). Bretford (48) Streets, Roads, and Railway Tracks (354) Romano-British - 43-409 (1197) More from Bretford The Fosse Way The Fosse Way, a Roman road of mid 1st century origin, running from Cirencester to Leicester, partly along a temporary frontier line. The road runs to the south east of Stretton on Fosse. Possible Ring Ditch 500m SW of Bretford A ring ditch of Neolithic or Bronze Age date is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. An enclosure of unknown date is also visible. The features are situated 500m south west of Bretford. Site of Medieval Gallows at Bretford The site of Medieval gallows, a wooden structure from which criminals would be hung as a method of execution. The exact location of the gallows is unknown but they were situated to the south of Bretford.. Site of Medieval Bretford Bridge The site of Bretford Bridge which was built in the Medieval period. It is known from documentary evidence. It was situated to the south of Bretford. Iron Age Hillfort at Camp Hill, Beausale. An Iron Age earthwork, probably a hillfort. The ramparts can still be traced. The site is located 800m south east of Beausale. Medieval burgage plot at Bard's Walk, Wood Street Evidence for Medieval settlement was found during an archaeological excavation. The remains of a building and a boundary ditch were discovered. The site was located in Wood Street, Stratford upon Avon. Cropmark enclosure at Alveston Pasture Farm. The site of a rectangular enclosure of unknown date. It is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. The enclosure is situated 400m south west of Alveston Pastures. Undated features at Waverley Wood Quarry, Bubbenhall Several gullies of unknown date were found during archaeological work. They were found 300m south of Bubbenhall Wood. Plough Headland A slight bank that appears to be a plough head land can be seen on aerial photographs 70m east of Barnaby's Spinney, Kings Newnham. Probable Clay Pit at Haseley The possible site of a clay pit dating to at least the Imperial period. The site is located 600m south east of Haseley. Field names suggest it might have been a marl pit. Ridge and furrow ploughing in Brinklow Ridge and furrow ploughing and plough headlands to the south of Brinklow Castle are apparent as earthworks on aerial photographs taken in 2004 Lynchets - Probably Modern The site of linear earthworks or lynchets that are visible on aerial photographs. They probably date to the Imperial period. The features are situated on the western edge of Bordon Wood. More from Streets, Roads, and Railway Tracks Site of Chayne Bridge, by Grandborough Mill Documentary evidence suggests that this is the site of a Post Medieval bridge called Chayne Bridge. The present brick bridge is undated. It crosses the Leam 300m northeast of St Peter's Church at Grandborough. Excavation revealing part of Watling Street Excavation revealing part of Watling Street. Site of Post Medieval Bridge at Purlieu Lane Documentary evidence suggests that this is the site of a Post Medieval bridge associated with Kenilworth Castle. It was built of timber across the north arm of the Mere. The site lies to the north of Castle Green. Imperial railway The site of a railway which was constructed in the Imperial period.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Here's a look at the wonderful trips we've taken lately. Click the camera to see photos from the trip. We have also included our travel plans for the next year or so. We hope you enjoy them with us! Our bags are always packed! . Marriott's Grande Ocean, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: January 21-28, 2022. Renaissance Eden Roc, Miami Beach, Florida: January 12-15, 2001. Grand Lido Resort, Negril, Jamaica, WI: February 24 - March 3, 2001. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: June 9-16, 2001. Ritz-Carlton St. Thomas, USVI: July 18 - 21, 2001 and Marriott Frenchman's Reef, St. Thomas, USVI: July 21-28, 2001. Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne, Florida: August 31 - September 3, 2001. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach, Florida: November 17-24, 2001. Loews Hotel, South Beach, Miami, Florida: December 7-9, 2001 (Russ' birthday). Grand Lido Resort, Negril, Jamaica, WI: February 16-23, 2002. Ritz-Carlton St. Thomas, USVI: February 28 - March 2, 2002. Windstar Caribbean Cruise on Wind Spirit from St. Thomas, USVI: March 2-9, 2002. (Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Club, St. Thomas, USVI) Seabourn Mediterranean Cruise: May 25 - June 1, 2002. Seabourn Legend Loews Hotel, South Beach, Miami, Florida: June 27-29, 2002. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: July 20-27, 2002. Marriott's Marbella Beach Resort, Marbella, Spain: August 30 - September 13, 2002 and Hotel Arts, Barcelona, Spain: September 13-15, 2002. Marriott's Aruba Ocean Club, Aruba: November 23-30, 2002. Christmas with Russ' mother in Lee's Summit, Missouri: December 21-26, 2002. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: March 1-15, 2003. Lee's Summit High School Hall of Fame Banquet: April 26, 2003. Russ' First Hip Replacement, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore: May 15-18, 2003. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: July 22 - August 5, 2003. Russ' Second Hip Replacement, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore: September 4-7, 2003. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: October 4-11, 2003. Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Florida: November 19-22, 2003 and, Marriott Financial Center, New York City: February 6-8, 2004. Ritz-Carlton South Beach, Miami: February 20-22, 2004 (Nancy's birthday). Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: March 13-28, 2004. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise: March 28-April 4, 2004. SeaDream II 41st International Congress of the International Federation of Wine Brotherhoods, Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona, Spain: May 27-31, 2004. SWISS Airbus A-340-300 Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I Marriott's Marbella Beach Resort, Marbella, Spain: May 31-June 6, 2004. Marco Island, Florida: July 2-5, 2004. Ritz-Carlton Club Jupiter, Florida: September 4-11, 2004. Hurricane Frances (Needless to say, we didn't go!) Ritz-Carlton Club, Bachelor Gulch, Colorado: October 9-16, 2004. Paris Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada: October 30 - November 1, 2004 (Barbara & Virgil's wedding). Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Florida: November 24-28, 2004. Hilton Head Marriott Beach & Golf Resort, South Carolina: December 10-12, 2004. Royal Caribbean Caribbean Cruise: January 13-17, 2005 (Nancy's Dad's Birthday). Ritz-Carlton, Sarasota, Florida: January 28-30, 2005. Coronado Island Marriott Resort, San Diego, California: February 18-21, 2005. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: March 26 - April 9, 2005. Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay, California: September 2-6, 2005. Ritz-Carlton Club Bachelor Gulch, Colorado: September 17-24, 2005. Hilton Head Marriott Beach and Golf Resort, South Carolina: October 7-11, 2005. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Gamma Rho Chapter Centennial, Columbia, Missouri, April 21-23, 2006. Ritz-Carlton Club Jupiter, Florida: August 5-11, 2006. Marriott's Aruba Ocean Club, Aruba: August 11-18, 2006. Ritz-Carlton San Juan, Puerto Rico: November 3, 18, & 26, 2006. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: November 4-18, 2006. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise SDII2645 on SeaDream II: November 19-26, 2006. San Juan, PR • Marigot, St Martin • Gustavia, St Barths • St John, Antigua • Anguilla, BWI • Virgin Gorda, BWI • Jost van Dyke, BWI • San Juan, PR Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, California: February 22-23, 2007. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: May 19-26, 2007. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: May 26-June 2, 2007. Marriott Vacation Club St Kitts Beach Club, St Kitts & Nevis: June 2-9, 2007. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach, Florida: September 8-15, 2007. Marriott's BeachPlace Towers, Fort Lauderdale, Florida: September 15-19, 2007. Ritz-Carlton San Juan, Puerto Rico: November 15-17, 2007. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: November 17-December 1, 2007. Courtyard Isla Verde Beach Resort, Puerto Rico, December 1-2, 2007. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: January 12-19, 2008. Holland America Cruise aboard m/s Oosterdam: January 19-26, 2008. San Diego, California • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico • Mazatlan, Mexico • Puerto Vallarta, Mexico • San Diego, California Grand Lido Resort, Negril, Jamaica, WI: February 7-14, 2008. Marriott CasaMagna, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico: February 29 - March 3, 2008. Strategic Air Command Reunion, Dayton, Ohio: April 30 - May 4, 2008. Lee's Summit, Missouri: May 2008. Marriott's Manor Club at Ford's Colony, Williamsburg, Virginia: June 7-14, 2008. Air France A340-300 to Paris and Venice. Hotel Danieli, Venice, Italy: July 24-26, 2008. SeaDream Yacht Club Mediterranean Cruise SDI1831 on SeaDream I: July 26 - August 2, 2008. Venice, Italy • Hvar, Croatia • Dubrovnik, Croatia • Corfu, Greece • Itea, Greece • Transit Corinth Canal • Naousa, Paros, Greece • Mykonos, Greece • Santorini, Greece • Piraesus (Athens), Greece Marriott Ledra Hotel, Athens, Greece: August 2-4, 2008. Alitalia Boeing 767-300, business class to JFK, New York. Brotherhood of the Knights of the Vine Congress, Napa, California: September 18-21, 2008. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: September 27 - October 4, 2008. Marriott's Aruba Ocean Club, Palm Beach, Aruba: October 4-11, 2008. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: October 11-12, 2008. Ritz-Carlton Club San Francisco, California, USVI: February 13-17, 2009. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: May 28 - June 4, 2009. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: August 22 - September 1, 2009. Viceroy Anguilla, Anguilla, BWI: August 25-28, 2009. The Abaco Club On Winding Bay, Great Abaco Island, Bahamas; October 16-23, 2009. 46th International Congress of the International Federation of Wine Brotherhoods, Budapest, Hungary: May 20-27, 2004. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: June 12-19, 2010. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: June 19-26, 2010. Ritz-Carlton Club Lake Tahoe, Northstar Village, California: October 8-15, 2010. Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nevada: October 15-17, 2010. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise 21043N on SeaDream II: November 21-28, 2010. San Juan, PR • Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI • Road Town, Tortola, BVI • Norman Island, BVI • Marigot, St Martin, FWI • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI • Virgin Gorda, BVI • San Juan, PR Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: November 28 - December 5, 2010. Mayflower Renaissance, Washington, DC: April 16-23, 2011. Brotherhood of the Knights of the Vine Annual Meeting, Charlottesville, Virginia: May 6-8, 2011. Ritz-Carlton South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida: June 9-12, 2011. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: June 25 - July 2, 2011. La Concha Renaissance, San Juan, Puerto Rico: July 2-4, 2011. Wailea Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii: September 3-10, 2011. Serenity Pool at the Wailea Marriott Resort & Spa Ritz-Carlton Club Kapalua Bay, Maui, Hawaii: September 10-24, 2011. Ritz-Carlton Club Kapalua Bay Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: October 14-21, 2011. (Nancy got to go with her family, while Russ worked.) Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: December 10-17, 2011. (Nancy got to go again with her family, while Russ worked – again!) Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: January 14-27, 2012. La Concha Renaissance, San Juan, Puerto Rico: January 27-30, 2012. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: February 15-18, 2012. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: February 18 - March 3, 2012. Marriott Vacation Club St. Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis; June 23-30, 2012. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, St. Thomas, USVI: June 30 - July 7, 2012. British Air Boeing 777: Washington Dulles to London Heathrow Riviera Marriott Hotel la Porte Monaco, Port de Cap d'Ail, France: August 14-16, 2012. Seabourn Mediterranean Cruise: August 16-26, 2011. Monte Carlo, Monaco • St Tropez, France • Bonifacio, Corsica, France • Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy; Trapani, Italy • Xlendi Cozo, Malta • Valletta, Malta • Lipari Island, Italy • Sorrento, Italy • Ponza, Italy • Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy Rome Marriott Grand Flora, Rome, Italy: August 26-28, 2012. Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel, Hounslow, UK: August 28-29, 2012. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: January 26 - February 2, 2013. La Concha Renaissance, San Juan, Puerto Rico: February 2-3, 2013. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise 11306 on SeaDream I: February 3-10, 2013. San Juan, PR • Culebrita Island, PR • Esperanza, PR • Cruz Bay, St John, USVI • Saba, NA • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI • Soper's Hole, Tortola, BVI • Norman Island, BVI • Jost van Dyke, BVI • San Juan, PR. SeaDream I Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: March 3-9, 2013. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: March 9-16, 2013. Ritz-Carlton Club Jupiter, Jupiter, Florida: April 27 - May 4, 2013. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: July 6-13, 2013. Oceana Cruises Baltic Odyssey, Oceana Marina: August 24 - September 3, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden • Helsinki, Finland • St Petersburg, Russia • Tallinn, Estonia • Gdansk, Poland • Berlin, Germany • Copenhagen, Denmark Oceana Marina Copenhagen Marriott, Copenhagen, Denmark: September 3-5, 2013. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: November 2-9, 2013. Marriott Vacation Club St. Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis; November 9-23, 2013. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: December 5-12, 2013. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: February 8-22, 2014. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: March 30-April 6, 2014. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: April 6-11, 2014. Marriott's Grand Chateau, Las Vegas, Nevada: April 24-28, 2014. Air France Boing 777 from Washington Dulles to Paris 48th International Congress of the International Federation of Wine Brotherhoods, Reims, France: May 29 - June 1, 2014. Uniworld River Cruise, Paris to Paris: June 1-8, 2014. Paris • Vernon (Giverny) • Les Andelys • Roven (Normandy beaches) • Cavdebec-en-Caux • Mantes-la-Jolie • Paris River Baroness Scrub Island Resort, Spa, and Marina, BVI: July 12-19, 2014. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: July 19-26, 2014. Marriott Aruba Ocean Club, Palm Beach, Aruba: September 14-21, 2014. Ritz-Carlton Residences (by Exclusive Resorts), Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands: October 5-12, 2014. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: November 9-23, 2014. Marriott Stanton South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida: November 16-19, 2014. Marriott's Grande Ocean, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: December 5-12, 2014. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: December 14-19, 2014. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise 21508 on SeaDream II: February 14-21, 2015. Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI • Cruz Bay, St John, USVI • Charlestown, Nevis • South Friars Bay, St Kitts • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI • Sandy Ground, Anquilla • Jost van Dyke, BVI • Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: February 21-28, 2015. Miami Beach Edition, Miami Beach, Florida: March 28-31, 2015. Seabourn Atlantic Crossing: March 31 - April 14, 2015. Seabourn Quest Fort Lauderdale, Florida • At Sea (9 days) • Funchal (Madeira), Portugal • At Sea (3 days) • Barcelona, Spain Hotel Arts, Barcelona, Spain: April 14-15, 2015. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: May 17-23, 2015. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: May 23-30, 2015. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: September 12-25, 2015. Miami Beach Edition, Miami Beach, Florida: September 25-27, 2015. Wailea Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii: October 2-4, 2015. Marriott's Maui Ocean Club, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii: October 4-8, 2015. Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii: October 8-11, 2015. Marriott's Ko Olina Beach Club, Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii: October 11-15, 2015. Hale Koa Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii: October 15-18, 2015. Marriott's Waiohai Beach Club, Kauai, Hawaii: October 18-23, 2015. Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii: October 23-25, 2015. Ritz-Carlton Club, Vail, Colorado: November 15-25, 2015. Lee's Summit, Missouri: November 25 – December 20, 2015. Royal Caribbean Cruise from Baltimore, Maryland on Grandeur of the Seas: January 6-16, 2016. Baltimore, Maryland • 2 days at sea • Labadee, Haiti • San Juan, Puerto Rico • St Thomas, USVI • Phillipsburg, St Maarten, DWI • 3 days at sea • Baltimore, Maryland Marriott's Grande Ocean, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: January 22-29, 2016. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: March 7-12, 2016. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise 21612 on SeaDream II: March 12-19, 2016. Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI • Cruz Bay, St John, USVI • Saba, NA • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI • Marigot, St Martin, FWI • Soper's Hole, BVI • Great Harbour, Peter Island, BVI • North Sound, Virgin Gorda, BVI • San Juan, PR La Concha Renaissance, San Juan, Puerto Rico: March 26-29, 2015. Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, San Diego, California: April 15-17, 2015. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: April 17-22, 2016. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: April 22-29, 2016. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: May 1-6, 2016. San Diego Marriott Del Mar, Del Mar, California: May 6-8, 2015. Ritz-Carlton Club San Francisco, California: June 4-8, 2016. 49th International Congress of the International Federation of Wine Brotherhoods, Napa and Sonoma, California: June 8-14, 2016. Ritz-Carlton Club San Francisco, California: June 14-17, 2016. Grosvenor House, a JW Marriott Hotel, London, England, UK: August 17-20, 2016. Residence Inn, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: August 20-22, 2016. Belmond Royal Scotsman Train: August 22-26, 2016. Glasshouse Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland: August 26-29, 2016. Marriott Vacation Club St. Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis; September 18-30, 2016. Lee's Summit, Missouri: December 15 – January 4, 2017. Lee's Summit, Missouri: January 1-14, 2017. Marriott's Monarch at Sea Pines, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: February 25 - March 4, 2017. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: March 25 – April 8, 2017. Courtyard Bridgetown, Barbados: April 13-15, 2017. Seabourn 14-Day Atlantic Memories: April 15-28, 2017. Seabourn Odyssey Bridgetown, Barbados; At Sea for 7 days; Funchal (Madeira), Portugal; At Sea for 3 Days; Barcelona, Spain; La Joliette (Marseille), France; Monte Carlo, Monaco. Riviera Marriott Hotel, Port La Porte de Monaco, Cap d'Ail, France: April 29 - May 2, 2017. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: May 19 – June 14, 2017. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: June 14-18, 2017. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: July 25 – August 5, 2017. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: August 5-12, 2017. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: August 31- September 14, 2017. AC Hotel Ambassadeur Antibes - Juan les Pins, Antibes, France: October 4-6, 2017. Hotel Boscolo Exedra Nice, Autograph Collection, Nice, France: October 6-7, 2017. SeaDream Yacht Club Mediterranean Cruise 11740 on SeaDream I: October 7-16, 2017. Nice, France • St Tropez, France • Sanary Sur-Mer, France • Cassis, France • Sete (Montpellier), France • Barcelona, Spain • Valencia, Spain • Alicante, Spain • Cartagena, Spain • Malaga, Spain Marriott's Marbella Beach Club, Marbella, Spain: October 16-20, 2017. AC Hotel Malaga Palacio, Malaga, Spain: October 20-21, 2017. Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom: October 21-24, 2017. Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel, Hounslow, United Kingdom: October 24-25, 2017. Lee's Summit, Missouri: November 5-12, 2017. Lee's Summit, Missouri: November 22 - December 10, 2017. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, New York City, New York: December 10-15, 2017. Courtyard Bridgetown, Barbados: February 8-10, 2018. Seabourn 14-Day Caribbean Gems in Depth: February 10-24, 2018. Bridgetown,Barbados • Trois Ilets, Martinique • Carambola Beach, St Kitts • St Johns, Antigua • Terre-de-Haut, Ilesdes Saintes • Castries, St Lucia • Port Elizabeth, Bequia, St Vincent • Bridgetown,Barbados • Saline Bay, St Vincent • Basse-Terre, Guadaloupe • Charlestown,Nevis • Fort-de-France, Martinique • Saint Gorges, Grenada • Charlotteville, Trinadad • Bridgetown, Barbados. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse at the Mayflower, Washington, DC: March 27-29, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, New York City, New York: April 1-4, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: May 1-4, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Diego, California: May 12-14, 2018. Courtyard, Monrovia, California: June 1-2, 2018. JW Marriott Santa Monica Le Merigot, Santa Monica, California: June 2-3, 2018. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: June 3-7, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Diego, California: June 7-8, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, New York City, New York: July 5-6, 2018. Cunard Atlantic Crossing, Queen Mary 2, New York City to Southampton, UK, July 6-13, 2018. New York City, New York • 6 days at sea • Southampton, United Kingdom Royal Air Force Club, London, UK: July 13-17, 2018. Marriott's Oceana Palms, Riviera Beach, Florida: September 5-9, 2018. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: September 9-16, 2018. Marriott's Oceana Palms, Riviera Beach, Florida: September 16-20, 2018. Rome Marriott Grand Hotel Flora, Rome, Italy: October 3-6,2018. SeaDream Yacht Club Mediterranean Cruise 11838 and 11839 on SeaDream I: October 6-20, 2018. Civitavecchia (Rome),Italy • Porto Ercole, Italy • Portoferraio, Elba, Italy • Liverno (Florence),Italy • Portovenere (Cinque Terre),Italy • Portofino,Italy • Monte Carlo, Monaco • Nice,France • Saint-Tropez, France • Sanary-sur-Mer, France • Roses,Costa Brava, Spain • Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain • Palma de Mallorca, Spain • Ibiza, Spain • Barcelona, Spain. Renaissance Barcelona Hotel, Barcelona, Spain: October 20-22, 2018. Lee's Summit, Missouri: November 7-9, 2018. Fairfield Inn and Suites, Boulder Longmont, Longmont Colorado: November 9-11, 2018. Lee's Summit, Missouri: November 21-30, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Barony Beach Club, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: December 12-16, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: December 17-20, 2018. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: January 15-18, 2019. The Saint, Marriott Autograph Collection, Key West, Florida: February 12-15, 2019. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Diego, California: February 28 – March 2, 2019. SpringHill Suites Temecula Valley Wine Country, Temecula, California: March 16-18, 2019. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: March 17-22, 2019. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Diego, California: March 22-23, 2019. Courtyard Bridgetown, Barbados: April 3-6, 2019. Seabourn 25-Day Atlantic Odyssey and Canary Islands: April 6-30, 2019. Bridgetown,Barbados • At Sea (7 days) • Funchal, Madeira • Porto Santo, Porto Santo Island, Portugal • At Sea • Lisbon, Portugal • At Sea • Funchal, Madeira • Santa Cruz (Tenerife), Canary Islands, Spain • Puerto de la Estaca, El Hierro, Canarias, Spain • Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain • Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain • Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura, Spain • At Sea • Casablanca, Morocco • Tangier, Morocco • Malaga, Spain • Barcelona, Spain. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: May 25-31, 2019. Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel, Paris: June 4-9, 2019. Uniworld River Cruise, Paris to Paris: June 9-16, 2019. S.S. Joie de Vivre Lee's Summit, Missouri: August 12-19, 2019. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, Washington, DC: September 2-6, 2019. The Lexington Hotel (Autograph Collection), New York City, New York: September 20-23, 2019. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: October 4-6, 2019. Marriott's Ocean Pointe, Palm Beach Shores, Florida: October 5-20, 2019. Marriott's Oceana Palms, Riviera Beach, Florida: October 20-25, 2019. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Francisco, California: October 28-30, 2019. Ritz-Carlton Club San Francisco, California: October 30 – November 1, 2019. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: November 19-23, 2019. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: November 23 – December 7, 2019. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruise 219489 on SeaDream II: December 7-14, 2019. Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI • Cruz Bay, St John, USVI • Saba, NA • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI (overnight) • North Sound, Virgin Gorda, BVI • Soper's Hole, Tortola, BVI • Norman Island, BVI • White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI • San Juan, PR Sheraton Old San Jaun Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico: December 14-15, 2019. La Concha Renaissance, San Juan, Puerto Rico: December 15-17, 2019. . Marriott's Grande Ocean, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina: January 26 – February 2, 2020. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: March 9-12, 2020. . Marriott's Oceana Palms, Riviera Beach, Florida: October 4-7, 2020. Residence Inn Fort Lauderdale Intracoastal/Il Lugano, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 7-8, 2020. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: October 8-10, 2020. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: February 18-21, 2021. Marriott's Oceana Palms, Riviera Beach, Florida: February 21-26, 2021. Marriott's Desert Springs Villas, Palm Desert, California: March 21-28, 2021. Marriott's Newport Coast Villas, Newport Coast, California: March 28 – April 2, 2021. Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Diego, California: April 2-3, 2021. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: June 5-11, 2021. La Concha Renaissance, San Juan, Puerto Rico: June 26-28, 2021. Ritz-Carlton Club San Francisco, California: July 16-23, 2021. Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, Napa, California: July 23-26, 2021. Crystal Cruises 7-Day Bahamas Cruise: August 14-21, 2021. Crystal Serenity So anxious to get back to cruising, we booked a last minute (for us) cruise on Crystal Cruises – our first with them. This is sort of a trial for Crystal to get back into the game. It's a short seven days around the Bahamas, embarking and disembarking at Nassau. Stops along the way include: Bimini, Harbour Island, Great Exuma, San Salvador, and Long Island. It will be a new experience in many ways and it will get us back in the sailing game for our 21-day cruise in December. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: September 7-10, 2021. Marriott's Crystal Shores, Marco Island, Florida: September 27-30, 2021. Marriott's Harbour Club at Harbour Town, Hilton Head Island, SC: December 5-12, 2021. Marriott Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida: December 16-21. Seabourn 21-Day Holiday Panama Canal: December 21, 2021 to January 11, 2022. Miami, Florida • At Sea, 2 days • Oranjstad, Aruba • Williamstad, Curaçao • At Sea, 2 days • Panama Canal • At Sea, 1 day • Golfito, Costa Rica • Puntanenas, Costa Rica • At Sea, 1 day • Puerto Chiapas, Mexico • Huatulco, Mexico • At Sea. 2 days • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico • At Sea, 2 days • Los Angeles, California. Courtyard Bridgetown, Barbados: February 11-13, 2022 . SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruises 12208 and 12209 on SeaDream I: February 13-26, 2022. Bridgetown, Barbados • Mon of War, Trinidad and Tobago • St. Georges, Grenada • Carriacou, Grenada • Port Elizabeth, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (overnight) • Mayreau, Vincent and the Grenadines • Bridgetown, Barbados • Port Elizabeth, Vincent and the Grenadines • Mayreau, Vincent and the Grenadines • Rodney Bay, St. Lucia • Terre de Haut, Les Saints, Guadeloupe • Charlestown, Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis • Gustavis, St. Barths (overnight) • Marigot, St. Martin TBD, St. Martin, February 26-29, 2022. San Diego Marriott La Jolla, La Jolla, California: April 1-3, 2022. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: July 22-24, 2022. . Marriott's Oceana Palms, Riviera Beach, Florida: July 24-29, 2022. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: July 29-31, 2022.. W Amsterdam Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands: September 11-14, 2022. Uniworld River Cruise, Amsterdam to Budapest: September 14-29, 2022. River Duchess Amsterdam • Cologne • Bodenheim • Frankfurt • Wertheim • Wurzburg • Cruising the Main River • Bamberg • Nuremberg • Main-Danube Canal • Regensburg • Passau • Weissenkirchen • Vienna • Budapest Budapest Marriott Hotel, Budapest, Hungary: September 29 – October 2, 2022. Marriott's Aruba Ocean Club, Palm Beach, Aruba: October 14-21, 2022. Marriott Vacation Club Lakeshore Reserve, Orlando, Florida: October 21-24, 2022. Marriott Vacation Club Frenchman's Cove, St Thomas, USVI: December 28-31, 2022. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: December 31, 2022 – January 14, 2023. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: January 1-14, 2023. SeaDream Yacht Club Caribbean Cruises 22304 & 22305A on SeaDream I: January 14-28, 2023. Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI • Cruze Bay, St John, USVI • Long Bay, Beef Island, BVI • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI • Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda, BVI • Norman Island, BVI • Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke, BVI • White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI • San Juan, PR • White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI • Gustavia, St Barths, FWI • Falmouth Bay, Antiga & Barbuda • Terre de Haut, Guadeloupe, FWI • Little Bay, Monserrat • Christi Beach Club, Nevis, St Kitts & Nevis • Phillipsburg, Sint Maarten, DWI. Seabourn 7-Day Brazilian Highlights: March 10-17, 2023.. Buenos Aires, Argentina • Montevideo, Uruguay • At Sea Two Days • Santos (Sao Paulo), Brazil • Abraaco, Bha Grande, Brazil • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ritz-Carlton Club St. Thomas, USVI: June 24 – July 1, 2023. Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection Cruise, Barcelona to Rome, July 22-31, 2023. Ritz-Carlton Yacht Evrima Barcelona, Spain • Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain (Overnight) • At Sea Day • Collioure, France • Marseille, France • Monte Carol, Monaco (Overnight) • Portofino, Italy • Liverno, Italy (Overnight) • Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy. Click HERE to return to our home page.
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Easttnguns.com : Awesome Automatic Window Blinds. Inspirational Wooden Blinds for Windows. New Plastic Window Coverings. Fresh Grey Bathroom Window Curtains. Lovely Small Kitchen Window Curtains. By Colleen J Booker. Furniture. Published at Thursday, December 13, 2018. By Colleen J Booker. Furniture. Published at Friday, December 14, 2018.
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The second test between Bangladesh and Windies starts from Friday at Dhaka. Bangladesh selectors have named a 13-man squad with Shadman Islam all set to make his debut. Tamim Iqbal and Imrul Kayes are still missing from the squad. Iqbal is still recovering from side strain while Kayes has been omitted due to shoulder pain. The first test played at Chittagong was won by Bangladesh by 64 runs. Batting first, hosts posted 324-10 in the first innings with the help of 120 runs knock from Mominul Hoque. In response, Windies managed 246-10 in their first innings, courtesy 63 runs apiece from Shimron Hetmyer and Shane Dowrich. In the second innings, Bangladesh suffered jolts at regular interval and was bowled out at mere 125 runs. In the final innings, Windies required 203 runs to register a win but could only muster 139 runs, falling short by 64 runs. Sunil Ambris (43), Shimron Hetmyer(27) and Jomel Warrican (41) were the only batters to score in double digits. Visitors, who are already missing out Jason Holder, will be without the services of Shannon Gabriel. Gabriel has been suspended from the second test after accumulating 5 demerit points within the 24-months period. Gabriel shoulder-barged Imrul Kayes in the first test and hence will miss out from the second one. With the 1-0 lead in the two-match series, hosts would be eyeing clean sweep when they hit the ground tomorrow. Imrul Kayes and Tamim Iqbal are still recovering from their injuries. Mushfiqur Rahim is expected to feature in the second test. He sustained an injury during the practice session on Wednesday. J Holder is still unavailable. Here's how the two sides may lineup for Windies vs Bangladesh T10 League match. In wicketkeeper, Shane Dowrich will be a better pick. Fantasy Tip: M Rahim is slightly risky. However, his playing chances are very high. In batsmen, Mominul Haque and Mahmudullah will be right choices from Bangaldesh. Shimron Hetmyer and K Brathwaite will be perfect from Windies squad. Fantasy Tip: Soumya Sarkar, Mohammad Mithun and Imrul Kayes struggled a lot in the first test. In all-rounder, you can consider Shakib Al Hasan, Roston Chase and M Hasan. In bowling, Jomel Warrican, Tailzul Islam and N Hasan will be perfect. Fantasy tip: Refrain picking Shanon Gabriel. Note: This BAN vs WI Dream11 Prediction is based on news sourced from various sources. We suggest you pick your playing 11 from the squad listed above basis BAN vs WI team news. Kindly revisit before the deadline to get the final update of the BAN vs WI Dream11 Prediction. Also, hit the bell icon on the bottom right side of your screen to get all the latest Dream11 Prediction updates.
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Crazy Rich Asians (Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy #1) (Paperback) By Kevin Kwan A hilarious and heartwarming New York Times bestselling novel—now a major motion picture! "This 48-karat beach read is crazy fun." —Entertainment Weekly When New Yorker Rachel Chu agrees to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, she envisions a humble family home and quality time with the man she hopes to marry. But Nick has failed to give his girlfriend a few key details. One, that his childhood home looks like a palace; two, that he grew up riding in more private planes than cars; and three, that he just happens to be the country's most eligible bachelor. On Nick's arm, Rachel may as well have a target on her back the second she steps off the plane, and soon, her relaxed vacation turns into an obstacle course of old money, new money, nosy relatives, and scheming social climbers. Kevin Kwan is the author of the international bestsellers Crazy Rich Asians, soon to be a major motion picture, and China Rich Girlfriend. Born in Singapore, he has called New York's West Village home since 1995. For the latest news and information, please visit: www.kevinkwanbooks.com "A dizzily shopaholic comedy. . . . Wickedly delectable. . . . Offers refreshing nouveau voyeurism to readers who long ago burned out on American and English aspirational fantasies. . . . Hilarious." —Janet Maslin, The New York Times "It's impossible not to get sucked into this satirical novel about the jet-setting lives of an enormous busybody family and its infinite Louboutin collection." "There's rich, there's filthy rich, and then there's crazy rich. . . . A Pride and Prejudice-like send-up." "If this isn't the funniest book so far this year, it's up there. . . . Kwan, who grew up in Singapore, skewers his subjects deftly, stylishly, and completely—but with heart." "Deliciously decadent. . . . This 48-karat beach read is crazy fun. . . . [Read] Crazy Rich Asians, on an exotic beach in super-expensive sunglasses." "An unputdownably funny, original, modern novel. . . . I actually couldn't put this book down to eat or to watch Downton Abbey." —Plum Sykes, author of Bergdorf Blondes "Rachel's squeaky-clean naiveté is a clever foil to the intricate workings of the high-glamour Asian set around her. Chinese on the outside but all-American on the inside, she allows us to see the myriad nuances of intra-Asian culture that the novel goes to great lengths to show." —Tash Aw, NPR "Rollicking. . . . A lively, generous story of shallow extravagance and human devotion." "Original and fun, Crazy Rich Asians is quite a roller coaster trip. I loved it!" —Jackie Collins, author of The Power Trip "Delightfully soapy. . . . [Crazy Rich Asians] eats its chiffon cake and has it too, simultaneously tut-tutting many of its characters for their vapid materialism while reveling in the milieu's sybaritic excess." "As spicily adventurous and lusciously satisfying as the renowned Singaporean street food Kevin Kwan's characters argue over; hot and sizzling, like the best satay, and dreamily transporting, like everyone's favorite dessert—goreng pisang. Feast on this outrageously funny and insightful novel of modern manners, and enjoy!" —Lisa See, author of Dreams of Joy and Shanghai Girls "[An] instant favorite. . . . Opulence and zaniness reign." —O, The Oprah Magazine "Like Dynasty on steroids with more private jets, bigger houses, and a lot more money." Publisher: Anchor Publication Date: May 20th, 2014 Series: Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy Fiction / Contemporary Women Fiction / Family Life Paperback (Chinese) (July 25th, 2018): $40.20
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Canadian Model and Cosplayer. Check out the rest of my site for my previous work, videos, current projects, builds and posters/merch. Become a member of my site to get exclusive access to new content first, progress photos, extended galleries and videos, wallpapers, vlogs, and 10% off at my shop!
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You know when you see the name Taryn Andreatta you're in for some kind of treat… you're just not sure what. Maybe it'll be a daring work of photographic art, or a soft and sensual set of nudes. Perhaps both. In this shoot by Mariano Garcia, it's really an example of what two people can make out of a simple situation if they both know their craft. A minimal white couch, a white window sill, some pieces of clean modern furniture – and Taryn, posing artfully as she is wont to do, in contrasting fetishy black bustiers or, perhaps, nothing at all.
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Q: how to run 2 connected classes in java on cmd? So I need to write a program in java that takes 2 user inputed temperatures in celsius and converts it to Fahrenheit and kelvin. i wrote the code and it works in eclipse but my teacher strictly said it has to work in cmd. it compiles fine but when i go to run it it states could not find or load main class temperatureTester (name of the class with my main). This is my first post so if you need more info please ask and i'm looking for any ideas why this is happening. below is my code for the question. import java.util.Scanner; public class temperatureTester{ public static void main (String[]args){ //create 2 objects connecting to temperatureC temperatureC firstValue = new temperatureC(); temperatureC secondValue = new temperatureC(); // initialize scanner Scanner stdin = new Scanner (System.in); //initialize variables double firstC = 0; double secondC = 0; //prompt user for both values System.out.print("Please enter initial temperatures: "); firstC = stdin.nextDouble(); secondC = stdin.nextDouble(); //call object set methods and pass entered values as arguments firstValue.setC(firstC); secondValue.setC(secondC); //display the values for the values for different temp. units System.out.println("1) The current temperature in Celcius is: " + firstValue.getC()); System.out.println("1) The current temperature in fahreinheit is: " + firstValue.getF()); System.out.println("1) The current temperature in kelvin is: " + firstValue.getK()); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("2) The current temperature in Celcius is: " + secondValue.getC()); System.out.println("2) The current temperature in fahreinheit is: " + secondValue.getF()); System.out.println("2) The current temperature in kelvin is: " + secondValue.getK()); this is the second class public class temperatureC{ private double C; /** The setC method stores the value in the C field @ param initialC the value stored in C */ public void setC(double initialC){ C = initialC; } /** The getC returns the C value and also sets a lower limit, if a number below is entered it sets it ti the limit. @Return the value of the C */ public double getC(){ if(C < -273.15){ C = -273.15; } return C; } /** the getF method calculates and returns a value for C in fahrenheit @return the computed for C in fahrenheit */ public double getF(){ return C * 1.8 + 32; } /** The getK method computes and returns a value for temperature C in kelvin @return the computed Kelvin value */ public double getK(){ return C + 273.15; } } A: The Best approach might b that you export your project as executable jar file to achieve this have a look on following official ecclipse link http://help.eclipse.org/neon/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.jdt.doc.user%2Ftasks%2Ftasks-37.htm then next part you need to run it from Command line this is a fun part just change the directory to the path where your jar file is located and then here comes the following command java -jar yourJar.jar pause and then it will b executing like a charm! A: Simply compile your both files in cmd using javac After successfully compiling simply run your main class i.e temperatureTester class using java. It successfully executed.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
The construction of the Ookayama Campus Library was completed in February 2011 and the library opened in July of the same year. This landmark building stands in pride of place on route from the Main Gate to the Main Building. The triangular, glass-encased structure next to the hill planted with indigenous wildflowers and grasses is affectionately known as the "cheese cake." Ookayama Library on route from the Main Gate Construction of the new library Former Library Plans for the construction of the new library were drawn up after it was found that the old one did not comply with newly enacted earthquake resistance standards and anti-seismic reinforcement measures would be insufficient to address the problem. The library is located at the intermb30 of two major campus axes: the one running from the Main Building down the promenade of cherry blossom trees, and the other extending between the Main Gate and the library running parallel to the railway tracks. This site was chosen for its centrality to students, faculty and staff who pass by or gather here on a daily basis. Four design concepts The library, as the focal point of accumulated knowledge, is both the literal and figurative center of the Institute. Four concepts influenced the design of the building to ensure its continued centrality to the Tokyo Tech community. Prime location: on two major traffic arteries of the Ookayama Campus Division of space: architecturally distinct underground stacks and above-ground study spaces Environment: hills and indigenous plants partially cover the underground spaces Comfortable space: open-plan space with abundant natural sunlight and ventilation is student-friendly Cross-mb30 model of the Ookayama Library as viewed from the Main Building Large underground open-plan space Second-level basement: Open-stacks reading room The Midori no Oka, or the green hill, is prominently located opposite the promenade in front of the Main Building. Lying just under the hill is the library's administrative office. The first- and second-level basements, housing the library's vast collections, are located under the plaza at the foot of the hill. The glass, triangular-shaped building immediately adjacent to the hill contains study spaces on the second and third floors. The total floor space of the Ookayama Library is approximately 8,600 m2. The Ookayama Library has been designated as one of the National Centers for Overseas Periodicals by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Its unrivaled collection of science and technology resources contains more than 660,000 volumes. It also has 28,000 shelves and 754 seats. Large, open-plan space Triangular study-room wing Group learning space The V-shaped columns extend from the ground to the uppermost corner of the third floor and can be seen through the glass of the study spaces on the second and third floors. The seating configuration on these floors follows the curtain wall of the building providing panoramic views. The open plan of the study spaces creates a comfortable environment. The building's open transoms are a source of natural ventilation and a carefully designed curtain wall softens direct sunlight and saves energy. Additionally, solar panels are built into the vertical louvers on the south side of the building and supply part of the electric power the library consumes. In January 2015, the library was renovated in line with Tokyo Tech's innovative educational concept, creating spaces for group study and discussion on the second floor. Pentagonal desks and colorful chairs can be combined freely, and students are welcomed to bring drinks to the open space. There are four Group Study Rooms on the third floor, which are equipped with whiteboards and projector screens for meetings and presentation practice. The Ookayama Library makes its collection available to outside researchers under certain conditions. The library is also a must-see sight for its architectural beauty and value. Campus crossroads Ookayama Library Undergoes Renovations | Education Stories | Education Tokyo Institute of Technology Library
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Author: Fiona Gell Blog / Leeds Writers SUNSHIIIIIIIINE by AJ Kirby Leeds writer A.J. Kirby tells us about his new novel I Am Just Going Outside and May Be Some Time, with a special offer for 5 lucky readers. It's been the hottest summer I can... Blog / Leeds History / Leeds Writers The Coming of Faiths to Leeds by Chris Nickson Chris Nickson reminds us that Leeds has been, and continues to be, a city of immigrants and multi faiths and that's how we like it. When people arrive in a country, they don't simply... Blog / News / Northern Short Story Festival #UrbiWrite,The Urban Writing Retreat For You! Second Date Announced. For our second #UrbiWrite event, we are taking you out of the city! Join us on Saturday 27 October from 10.00-3.00pm, at the Leeds Ukrainian Community Centre, with an opportunity to share your work and socialise afterwards... #UrbiWrite – The Urban Writing Retreat For You! The Northern Short Story Festival and Leeds Big Bookend, in partnership with the Carriageworks Theatre, and supported by Arts@Leeds and Leeds City Council, bring you #UrbiWrite. Register here. What's it all about? Need a quiet... Blog / Leeds History Leeds and The Knights Templar by Chris Nickson What did the Knights Templar have to do with Leeds? Chris Nickson tells us more. Temple Newsam. Templar Street. The Templar Hotel on Vicar Lane. Yes, there's a theme. They're all connected with the... Low Income Northern Writers Offered Free Entry To STORGY Shallow Creek Short Story Competition "Welcome, weary traveller! I hope the journey wasn't too arduous – although there isn't a whisper of wind this night, the seas can be quite choppy and you're looking quite rattled…oh, you didn't come... Our May You Anthology Launched Last Night, and The Winners Are… A year on from the start of The Walter Swan Short Story Prize , we are delighted to have launched the May You Anthology of winners, published by Valley Press, last night at the Leeds... The Northern Short Story Festival 2018 Is Nearly Here! Read All About It. We hope you are as excited as we are! The Northern Short Story Festival 2018 is nearly here, over the weekend of 2-3 June at the Carriageworks Theatre, Leeds!! There's just so much going on.... Blog / Northern Short Story Festival The Long History of My Very Short Story Collection by Clare Fisher Clare Fisher's short story collection, How The Light Gets In, is published by Influx Press in June. Clare tells us here how the collection came about. Clare and C.G Menon will be at the Northern Short... 'Other World' Fictions: Dystopia And The Short Story by Rachel Connor Exit Earth winning writer, Rachel Connor explores dystopian fiction and the short story in advance of June's Northern Short Story Festival. Rachel will be part of a panel discussing 'The Short Story and Our World'.... Page 4 of 28« First«...23456...1020...»Last »
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Lenka Krobotová (* 10. März 1977 in Pilsen, Tschechoslowakei) ist eine tschechische Schauspielerin. Biografie Lenka Krobotová ist die Tochter von Miroslav Krobot und der Schauspielerin Hana Doulová. Sie studierte Schauspiel an der Theaterfakultät der Akademie der Musischen Künste in Prag und bekam anschließend ein Theaterengagement am Dejvické divadlo, wo sie mit gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater spielte. Ihr Filmdebüt gab sie bereits 1991 in einer kleinen Statistenrolle in dem österreichischen Filmbiografie Wolfgang A. Mozart. Ihre erste größere Rolle hatte sie als in dem 2002 erschienenen und von Miloslav Luther inszenierten Liebesdrama Útek do Budína. Für ihre Darstellung der Jaruna in Díra u Hanusovic wurde sie im Jahr 2014 mit dem tschechischen Filmpreis Český lev als Beste Nebendarstellerin ausgezeichnet. Filmografie (Auswahl) 1991: Wolfgang A. Mozart 2002: Die Prinzessin mit den großen Füßen (Nevěsta s velkýma nohama) 2002: Útek do Budína 2008: Die Karamazows (Karamazovi) 2008–2009: Taco und Kaninchen (Filmreihe, zwei Folgen) 2009: Die kleinen Ritter (Ať žijí rytíři!) 2014: Díra u Hanusovic 2015: Der Wunschfisch (Rybička) Weblinks Filmschauspieler Český-lev-Preisträger Tscheche Geboren 1977 Frau
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
We found 2 results for memory care in Valley Park, Missouri. We have also included 18 results in surrounding areas. Dementia care costs in Missouri range from about $53 to $328 daily, with an average expenditure running approximately $121. The monthly cost averages around $3,625 and ranges between $1,587 and $9,831. Yearly, the average cost is around $43,500, which is less than the US average of $60,900. The cost of memory care in Valley Park typically ranges from as little as $3,018 per month to $14,025 per month. The average cost is about $6,056 per month, or around $72,666 annually. Valley Park is a small city in St. Louis County within the State of Missouri. It is included in the St. Louis metro statistical area. While the city itself includes 8,269 inhabitants, the surrounding metro area includes a total population of 1,749,584. The 55+ community currently constitutes approximately 23% of the total population. Valley Park has an exceptional SeniorScore™ of 86. The city has an average per capita income of $33,000 and an average household income is $60,000 (the Missouri state average is $43,000). The current unemployment rate is approximately 5.82% and the mean housing price is $268,500, which is much higher than the state average of $153,000. Valley Park has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and pleasant summers. The city receives average levels of rain annually. Valley Park has very good water quality and very poor air quality in comparison to other cities in the US. To see information on the SeniorScore™ for Valley Park, MO, please visit senioradvice.com/seniorscore/senior-living-in-valley-park-mo.
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Murray D. Watson February 26, 2021 The 'Once a Dabber' podcast is back. Murray and the Nantwich Town media team are joined by Nantwich Town chair, Jon Gold. We look back at the last year at… Football / Nantwich Town FC / Non-League / Northern Premier League Nantwich Town Podcast: Episode 26: Jon Gold, Dabbers Chair By Murray D. Watson - February 26, 2021 The 'Once a Dabber' podcast is back. Murray and the Nantwich Town media team are joined by Nantwich Town chair, Jon Gold. We look back at the last year at the club, with Jon returning as chair in February 2020, and the onset of the COViD pandemic. Jon talks about the challenges that the club have faced and the positive outlook and prospects for Nantwich Town in the short and long term. ← Six Nations: Week One Review and Week Two Preview Refereeing decisions at the forefront of Week Three of Six Nations → Tim Bowker on February 26, 2021 at 7:48 pm Absolutely, to be fair, this was a great podcast! lol Dave Hulse on March 1, 2021 at 11:37 pm Absolutely fabulous podcast. Well done team and great to hear a Chairman so forthcoming with his responses. The futures bright, the future is Nantwich Town FC. ⚽️ Could Gatland's Ire Be Pivotal Sports Personality of the Year Six Nations Preview 2022
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Parking: Lot 21, see map. If you would like to arrive by train, let us know so that we can arrange transportation to campus. $15 employed / $5 students, postdoc, retired, unemployed. Please register online below or via e-mail to Galia Debelouchina at [email protected]. Biomacromolecules constitute an important segment of pharmaceuticals and exhibit an increasing percentage in pipelines, and play crucial roles in the drug research and development. Many categories of pharmaceutically interesting molecules have been comprehensively characterized in my research, including antimicrobial drugs and peptides, antiviral drug for influenza A infection, ion channels and amyloid fibrils, using multidimensional Solid-State NMR (SSNMR). Their chemical and biophysical properties of SSNMR interest include structure, aggregation, drug-water, drug-membrane, and drug-protein interactions. My research goal is to investigate these properties and correlate such valuable structural and dynamic information with their pharmaceutical and biological functions to uncover the underlying mechanisms. In this talk, I'll take a few examples to illustrate the role of SSNMR in the characterization of these drugs, membrane-active peptides and ion channels. In particular, I'll show how 13C, 15N, 19F and 31P NMR can be successfully utilized to characterize many natural abundant drug molecules. Domain interactions studied by 1H spin diffusion and NMR relaxation will also be discussed. These examples will include the antimicrobial mechanism of a drug in clinical trial, inhibition of the replication of influenza A virus, and the mechanism of an antimicrobial peptide that shows double gram selectivity. In addition, resent structural findings of ion channels, i.e. voltage gated ion channels (Kv and VDAC), will be discussed. In these examples, I'll discuss a few cutting-edge SSNMR techniques including 1H-detection at ultra-fast spinning and signal enhancement by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), and their potential impact on drug characterization.
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Sri Lankan Food Festival At Baluchi Anyone, as everyone should, eating at the Sri Lankan food festival at Baluchi, the personable restaurant at the Lalit, will notice that the cuisine is similar to south Indian food. Not surprising considering, well, everything about our mutual history. Coastal south Indian food and Sri Lankan food have rice, coconut, seafood and vegetables in common. Sri Lankan cuisine has been shaped by many historical, cultural, and other factors. Foreign traders who brought new food items; influences from Indonesian cuisine and the cuisine of Southern India have all helped to shape Sri Lankan cuisine. Today, some of the staples of Sri Lankan cuisine are rice, coconut, and spices. The latter are used due to Sri Lanka's history as a spice producer and trading post over several centuries. At the Lalit the food festival features some of the classic dishes like Kukul Mas-Chicken red curry, Elu mas-Mutton curry, Malu-Fish stew and Murunga-Drumstick white curry. There are "live stations" serving hoppers (we think they are called appams at home) and Ceylon Koththu Parota. Kothu parotta (literally, minced parota) is a delicacy popular in Virudhunagar in Tamil Nadu. It is made using parotta, egg, meat, and salna, a spicy sauce. Kothu Muttai parota is a very famous roadside food available only in small roadside food shops. They may be available in restaurants but are usually considered better in street food shops. It is very popular in Tamil Nadu, and is also available in many other parts of India and in Sri Lanka. Kothu parota made without the meat and is called as mutai kothu parota (literally, egg minced parota). Chicken kothu parotta and mutton kothu parotta are relished. Like the parotas, it is common in roadside shops called thattu kadai. It is available in other south Indian states. Hoppers - although exactly the same as appams - rock a more Sri Lankan vibe. Here's a video from a lady on how to make this delicacy in the safety of your kitchen: https://youtu.be/qVOa0PfJ7mA. The Sri Lankan food festival at the Lalit runs from 08 to 17 Dec, 2017 at Baluchi for lunch & dinner.
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2.ISO audits result in certifications that are done by first, second, or third parties. Which of the following result in the best certification of a firm? 3.Which of the following is ISO 14000 primarily concerned with? 7.Which of the following is an element that addresses elimination of waste under lean production? 13. There are many applications of poka-yokes in service organizations. Which of the following is one of the three-T's used to classify poka-yokes? 19. According to the theory of constraints, which of the following financial measurements can be used to measure the firm's ability to make money? 26. Which of the following is one of Dr. Eli Goldratt's rules of production scheduling for optimized production technology?
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Watch - Afghanistan veteran takes on ex-cop in world's first mixed--sex wheelchair boxing bout The historic match-up took place at Bar Sport's Premier Suite in Cannock In the red corner was a former soldier who lost his legs in Afghanistan and in the blue an ex-police officer with a degenerative hip condition. It was a boxing bout unlike anything ever seen before as a Midland town hosted what was billed as the world's first mixed-sex wheelchair boxing bout. The action lasted less than five minutes - three 90-second rounds - but those behind the event hope it will lead to far bigger things - the Paralympics. Exchanging blows were former sniper Chris Middleton, 28, and ex-police officer Louise Faye. Chris, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, was just 20 when he was blown up by an improvised explosive device as he served with the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in 2011. He took part in the Invictus Games in 2016, representing Britain at wheelchair rugby, basketball, tennis, swimming, rowing and on the track. Louise, from Barnsley, was forced to leave her dream career in the police because of a degenerative hip condition. Disabled boxers Chris Middleton and Louise Faye in the ring at Bar Sport's Premier Suite in Cannock (Image: Scott Murray) Both fighters walked to the ring ahead of the contest, backed by the World Boxing Council and staged at Bar Sport's Premier Suite in Cannock. Chris used prosthetic legs while Louise used crutches. And there was an embrace at the end after both showcased the tough and skilful art of wheelchair boxing. There was no official winner as it was an exhibition bout but the audience gave the verdict to Louise. The event was the first bout in an official elite amateur boxing contest between England and Scotland which the home nation won 7-2 on the night. In attendance were respected boxing broadcaster Steve Bunce and Scott Welsh, who fought for the WBO heavyweight title in 2007 but lost to Henry Akinwande. He is the driving force behind efforts to have disability boxing recognised at the Paralympics. Premier Suite owner Scott Murray, himself a former top amateur heavyweight said: "It really was an historic night. "This was the world's first disabled boxing match between a man and a woman and it took place in Cannock. US 80s pop star Tiffany swapping Los Angeles for PUB gig in Midlands "Both of the fighters are inspirational. The boxing is all about technique, a points scoring system similar to fencing. It enables men and women to fight each other in the ring. "The WBC has now recognised the sport and the goal now will be to have it recognised as a Paralympic sport in the near future. "Let's hope disabled boxing will now get the recognition it deserves." Prince Charles, Prince of Wales
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An agreement that represents the right of a real estate agent or BROKER to handle the sale of real property and to receive a fee or commission for services. There are various types of real estate listings. A general or open listing is a right to sell that may be given to more than one agent or broker simultaneously. An exclusive agency listing is the right of one real estate agency to be the sole party, with the exception of the owner, who is permitted to sell the property during a particular period. Through an exclusive authorization to sell listing, one agency is given the sole authority to sell the property during a certain time period. The agency will receive a commission even if the owner finds the buyer during the time period. A multiple listing takes place when an agent with an exclusive listing provides a number of members of a real estate association with information about the property and shares the commission with the agent who is able to find a buyer. A net listing is an arrangement whereby the seller establishes a minimum price that will be taken for the property, and the agent's commission is the amount for which it sells above such minimum.
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Check out this email we received from a guy a couple years back. I think you'd agree that to an 18-year-old, getting accepted into her dream college is likely the biggest thrill of her young life. As a parent, you can also imagine how gut-wrenching it would be to have to tell your own child that you can't afford to send her or him to their own dream school. What this father didn't realize was that his child likely could have qualified for financial aid grants and other merit-based scholarships, if he had the right strategy in place before his daughter had applied to college. Sometimes we can let the sadness of a story overpower the lesson. And there is an incredibly valuable lesson in this father's email which we don't want you to miss (and we'll get to in a second). First, as 12th grade parents know, most college financial aid offices have to mail out their financial aid award letters on or by April 1st. Unfortunately, some (maybe even many) families will find themselves unhappy with the contents of these letters. I hope that's not your family, but if it is — you should know that in some cases, a financial aid award can be improved (even retroactively). A financial aid offer is not written in stone! It's actually a financial aid "offer" – meaning that it can be accepted, rejected — or appealed (which is academic speak for 'negotiated'). The key to a successful 'appeal' is knowing whether you deserve one in the first place, and then building your case to get additional consideration. Last year (as in years past), we were successful in more than 70% of the cases we appealed. If you are the parent of a 12th grader who is unhappy with what your child's dream school has offered, we put together a FREE guide: 4 Tips for Appealing Your Financial Aid Award. You can download it here. Hopefully, you'll find some useful nuggets that you can use to try to boost your child's award. For everyone else – especially for parents with 9th, 10th or 11th graders at home, the lesson is this: we can look ahead at people like this Dad, who went through this process already, and decide what we want and don't want! You don't have to be like this Dad. You can start planning for your child's college education now. The sooner you do, the more options and scholarships your child will receive. But if you wait until the last minute – until your child's senior year of high school to figure this out, you'll have few realistic strategies and even fewer good options at your disposal. Like this Dad. No matter your child's interests, aspirations, academic prospects, there are great colleges out there for them that will meet their needs and your budget. The sooner you get started, the easier it is to find and help your child gain acceptance to them. We don't want you to make the same mistake this Dad did of waiting to April of your child's senior year to figure this out. Together we can make sure that you won't. P.S. We understand that, because we're human, most families wait until absolutely the last minute to do everything. That's why very few people are actually prepared for weddings, births, homes retirements and college educations for their children…but it doesn't have to be this way. PLEASE pass this post on to someone you know who's stressed about how to send their child to college!
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Meal replacement shakes are great when you wish to lose weight. It is healthier than skipping your meal or having junk food when you are hungry. When you decide to go for meal replacement drink, ensure that you cap it to shakes, as protein bars have a high composition of sugar. It is highly advised that you should not replace over 2 of your 5-6 meals everyday with replacement shakes. In this article, we will help you gain more insight regarding meal replacements. Meal replacement shakes can be substituted for any meal of your day and will still keep you energetic, which is not possible with protein shakes. It is easy to consume and is low on calories, thereby making it a great choice among people who are on a diet. Protein shakes comprise only of proteins and they do not have any carb content, due to which you would not be able to replace it for a meal. However, meal replacement shakes have enough calories to make you push through the next few hours and they also have a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients that are required. There are no fat reducing elements present in meal replacement shakes. They only comprise of healthy foods that can help you in replacing a meal. However, unless recommended by a dietician, do not replace more than 2 meals with weight replacement shakes. The calorie content in each serving must be at least 200 calories so that there is a balance between the protein, carb and dietary fiber content in your meal. When you do not cap your nutrient requirement, your body will remain healthy at all times. Generally, it is a nice idea to replace meals which you generally tend to skip. Suppose you skip your breakfast daily; it would be a great idea to consume one serving of a meal replacement shake instead. The idea is to provide your body with a constant supply of calories throughout the day. Eat fruits and vegetables during your whole meals and also try changing the flavor of meal replacement shakes, as it will ensure that you do not get bored of it. When you are home or if you have an off, skip meal replacement shakes and eat foods that are healthy and rich in protein. Low Calorie Meal Replacement Shakes. These replacement-shakes target weight loss and is priced comparatively higher. Low Carbohydrate Meal Replacement Shakes. These shakes are recommended for people who are targeting a low-carb diet and there are products available with 0 grams carb as well! Sounds amazing! I need to try this...thanks for sharing! It took me a long time to realize how bad it is to skip meals! Vitamins and protein are so important and eating helps boost your metabolism. Thanks for sharing! Good info. I have protein shakes from Protein world but I can't get myself to drink that. I should try this. Dear Lux, This post reminded me of something I read recently about the new wave of tech workers (Amazon and Microsoft, etc.) here in Seattle. I was surprised to learn that many of them are so intent on their work that they like to skip meals that take them away from their work station. However, they really don't skip meals, they just drink a meal replacement. Probably something like the shakes described in this post. Thanks for sharing this info!
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Human Complexity Reflecting the past and highlighting the present, Huis Marseille showcases the works of Helga Paris, Esther Kroon, Céline van Balen and Julie Greve this spring, offering a small piece of photographic history. Celebrating the complexities and intimacies of the human experience, the displays move chronologically, whilst shining a light on the camera as a mediator, a tool and a means of expression. One of the earliest images in the show traces back to the 1970s. Paris looks back, depicting life from the German Democratic Republic. The Hellersdorf series illuminates a time when Germany's future seemed uncertain. Black and white portraits capture the weight of politics looming overhead – the subjects passionate and reflective. Moving onwards through the gallery, Kroon's practice is illuminated with spotlights, further exaggerating a strong use of flash. Similarly to Paris, Kroon captures the liveliness of children amongst Amsterdam's landscape. The resulting works are spontaneous, using a trademark low vantage point to animate the characters' vivid and unobstructed personalities. Next, van Balen's warm prints refresh the museum walls with colour. Though large-scale, each image is heavily cropped, emphasising smaller details and urging the viewer to come inwards and observe. This direct quality is a nod to formal documentation, such as passports and other types of identification, drawing an interesting parallel between fine art and surveillance culture. By contrast, Greve's depictions of Danish girls are fictitious – much like cinematic film stills or stylised fashion shoots. The figures laze by the water or stare at each other with gaunt expressions. Unlike the other pieces, these dream-like works transcend a clear-cut reality and open a space for us to, as the artist notes, "fantasise freely" about what's happening. The exhibition runs until 2 June. Find out more here. Lauren Jackson Lead image: Julie Greve, Untitled, March 2018. © Julie Greve, courtesy the artist. Conceptual Developments Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, celebrates the Düsseldorfer Photoschule; photographers who studied under Bernd and Hilla Becher. Photography exhibitions opening at the start of June offer encounters with the natural environment, testing the limits of representation. Esko Männikkö: Time Flies at Huis Marseille, Amsterdam Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, is to unveil the first major retrospective of leading Finnish photographer Esko Männikkö, whose work is characterised by an almost magical use of light and colour.
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Opening Remarks and Introduction: Civil-Military Affairs and U.S. Diplomacy Dana Priest, The Washington Post Remarks to the Open Forum Alan Lang: General Myers, Ms. Priest, distinguished colleagues and friends, good afternoon. I�m Alan Lang, Chairman of the Secretary�s Open Forum. I am pleased to welcome you to this on-the-record Conversation on Civil-Military Affairs and U.S. Diplomacy featuring General Richard B. Myers, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Ms. Dana Priest, Military Affairs Correspondent for The Washington Post and Guest Scholar at the U.S. Institute of Peace. Today�s program is part of the Open Forum�s Distinguished Lecture Series which examines critical issues related to U.S. national interests and honors leaders in government, academia, private industry, the media, and the nongovernmental organization (NGO) community for outstanding contributions to national and international affairs. Before proceeding, I would like acknowledge the cosponsors of this series: The Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, U.S. Department of State The American Foreign Service Association The Elliott School of International Affairs - The George Washington University The Center for Peace and Security Studies - Georgetown University University of Maryland University College; The United Nations Association of the National Capitol Area The U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Center for Corporate Citizenship; and The Public Employees Roundtable As you may recall, Ms. Priest and Ambassador Robert Oakley launched this series with two excellent keynote presentations on March 23. That program was followed by events featuring former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry on May 1 and retired Army General Wesley Clark on May 30. We are honored that General Myers and Ms. Priest are here for the capstone of series that has explored the ways in which the Pentagon, the State Department, the Regional Commanders in Chief and others are working to advance our national interests in a rapidly changing world. Our first speaker and series moderator, Ms. Dana Priest is a highly respected journalist. She was recently awarded the coveted Gerald R. Ford Prize for distinguished reporting on national defense for her brilliant three-part series on the growing foreign policy clout of the Regional Commanders in chief. That award was richly deserved and I want to acknowledge Dana�s laudable contributions to the field of journalism and to our nation. Please welcome her with a warm round of applause. Dana Priest: There�s probably no one in uniform today who has witnessed the making of foreign policy the way General Myers has. Before he became the vice-chairman (VCJCS), he was the military assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the job with the most understated title in Washington. No, he did not keep General Shelton�s schedule, he was Shelton�s senior liaison at the State Department and his job was to represent the Pentagon over here every day and to be at Secretary Albright�s side as she traveled the globe. He was the secretary's first read into the thinking of the Pentagon on any given issue and, no doubt, he was a constant reminder to the State Department of just how much successful American diplomacy has come to depend on the military for support and follow-up. And while the regional CINCs (Commanders in Chief) often complained that they were blocked from the Pentagon from having more contact with the State Department. It was General Myers� job to imbed himself here. The State Department, you should note, has no similar position. Its closest equivalent is the POLAD, the political adviser for the CINCs. Until a few years ago, these were not competitive positions and they still are not a sure track upwards. Contrast that trajectory to the military assistants, just to name a few. General Shalikashvili, Chairman Powell's military assistant, became the chairman himself. General Barry McCaffrey became CINC at Southern Command and then Drug Czar. General Mike Ryan became Chief of Staff at the Air Force, and Shelton�s first assistant, Don Kerrick, went on to become Deputy National Security Adviser. General Myers, as you know, is now the second-highest military leader in the country. I think the Pentagon understands the importance of the military-political link, much better still than the State Department. As the vice-chairman, General Myers is in daily contact with the regional CINCs, whom we�ve talked about in this series of presentations. He�s usually the one they call to pulse or to gripe at before, or in lieu of, bothering the chairman. In that sense, he gets a more unvarnished account of their frustrations. The four CINCs that I traveled with, their primary frustration is the lack of a more focused strategy for their region of the world or for a particular country and they didn�t hesitate to let the vice know their feelings. Now that I�ve mentioned regional focuses and long-term strategies, I�m hoping that General Myers can help us to understand what is to become of the so-called shaping missions that each of the CINCs spends much of his time on these days. I think we have some clues already as to the future of that. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld said the other day that the Clinton strategy "Shape, Prepare, Respond", might need to be replaced by "Assure, Dissuade, Defend, Deter, Defeat." Now what does that mean? There were hints in Secretary Rumsfeld�s testimony before the Senate. He said the U.S. military must "maintain deployed forces forward to reassure friends and allies to pursue security cooperation, etc." and he said that the U.S. military should invest in "pre-conflict management tools to mitigate the chance of war by deterring conflict and influencing the choice of decision makers." I�m hoping that General Myers, one of the most experienced civilian-military interlocutors can clarify that even further today. Alan Lang: And now it my pleasure to introduce today�s keynote speaker. General Richard B. Myers is the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In this capacity, he is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation�s second highest-ranking military officer. General Myers graduated from Kansas State University, and holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Auburn University. He entered the Air Force in 1965 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps program. His career includes operational command and leadership positions in a variety of Air Force and Joint assignments. His prior positions include: Commander in Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Space Command; Commander, Air Force Space Command; Department of Defense manager for space transportation system contingency support at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado where he was responsible for defending America through space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations; air component commander for the U.S. Pacific Command and the assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As the Vice Chairman, General Myers serves as the Chairman of the Joint Requirements Oversight Council, Vice Chairman of the Defense Acquisition Board, and as a member of the National Security Council Deputies Committee and the Nuclear Weapons Council. We are delighted and honored to have General Myers here with us today. Please join me in welcoming him with a round of applause. Released on May 30, 2002
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kennebunkport maine Kennebunkport employee, resident, earn commendation for rescue A resident was in waist-deep water in a drainage area near School Street and couldn't get out. Curbside recycling returns to Kennebunkport Event on Saturday serves as a reminder of the Jan. 12 start date. Antiques, collectibles, at Captain Lord Mansion estate sale Kennebunkport event is onsite at the 1814 former home of the Lord family, which became a bed and breakfast in 1978. Legislators assigned to committees ahead of session in New Year As of Dec. 21, no firm date for the start of the 130th Legislative session had been scheduled. Wreaths Across America convoy stirs pride, positivity 'I wouldn't miss it," said U.S. Navy veteran Jeff Browne. Community Outreach Services volunteers test positive for coronavirus; pantry closed temporarily Until an expected Dec. 21 re-opening, COS officials urge those in need of food to contact their town's general assistance office. Take a Retro Roadtrip' in southern Maine through new photo book Photographer Josh Hrehovcik 's second book is now published - just six months after the first. Grant funding helped municipalities with election expenses The grants ranged from $50,000 to more than $260,000. Annual Noel Dinner set for Dec. 24 Reservations for this year's meal, which will be delivered, are due by Dec. 15. End of an era: Cape Porpoise Post Office at Bradbury's to close Dec. 31 New boxes will be set up by the U.S Postal Service at Fireman's Park on Mills Road. Wake up to the local News you need I understand the Terms of Service.
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This U.S. Mint sales report covers the week ending February 19, 2017. One new Mint product was released during this period: the 2017 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set (Feb. 16). The 2015 Eisenhower Coin and First Spouse Medal Set (JP6) has been added to the coins whose status is marked "unavailable"; no items have been removed from the report. Not surprisingly, given the perennial popularity of annual sets, the 2017 ATB Quarters Silver Proof Set (17AQ) was number 1 last week with a bullet, having sold 43,538 units in just four days' availability. No other product even approached that level. The 2016 one-ounce American Silver Eagle Uncirculated coin (16EG) was the next biggest seller, with 3,076 units sold. Its Proof counterpart (16EA) came in fourth, with 2,889 sold. The Lions Clubs International Proof silver dollar slipped another notch, going from second to third with 2,926 coins sold. Last week the coins were marked "unavailable" on the Mint's website; this week their status has been changed to "on back order." The Uncirculated version (17CJ) remained in sixth place with 1,199 sold; its sales figure was actually up from the previous week's 874. The top-5 sellers list was completed by the 1027 ATB Quarters Proof Set (17AP), which sold 1,912 units during the period. A handful of products took minor negative adjustments on the Mint's report. The only one of note was the 2016 Walking Liberty Half Dollar Centennial gold coin, whose figure was reduced by 272, for a total of 61,145 sold to date. The coins are still well under their maximum mintage of 70,000.
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The work The morality-patterned comedy of the Renaissance. represents a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in Boston University Libraries. This resource is a combination of several types including: Work, Language Material, Books. The Resource The morality-patterned comedy of the Renaissance. Context of The morality-patterned comedy of the Renaissance. Data Citation of the Work The morality-patterned comedy of the Renaissance.
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In its first time in audio and with an introduction written and read by poet Billy Collins, Trout Fishing in America is an indescribable romp, by turns a hilarious, playful, and melancholy novel that wanders from San Francisco through America's culture. Richard Brautigan's world is one of gentle magic and marvelous laughter, of the incredibly beautiful and the beautifully incredible. Trout Fishing in America is a pseudonym for the miraculous. A journey which begins at the foot of the Benjamin Franklin statue in San Francisco's Washington Square, which wanders through the wonders of America's rural waterways, and which ends, inevitably, with mayonnaise. Funny, wild, and sweet, Trout Fishing in America is an incomparable guidebook to the delights of exploration-both of land and mind. Richard Brautigan was a literary idol of the 1960s and 1970s whose comic genius and iconoclastic vision of American life caught the imagination of young people everywhere. His early books became required reading for the hip generation, and on its publication, Trout Fishing in America , considered by many as his best novel, became an international bestseller.With it Brautigan caught the public's attention and became a cult hero. By 1970 Trout Fishing in America had become the namesake of a commune, a free school, an underground newspaper, and more. Footnote chapter to "The shipping of trout fishing in America Shorty to Nelson Algren" Footnote chapter to "Red Lip" Ciulla, Chris Andrew,1975-narrator., Collins, Billy,writer of introduction. "Richard Brautigan was a literary idol of the 1960sand 1970s whose comic genius and iconoclastic vision of American life caught the imagination of young people everywhere. He came to age during the Haight-Ashbury period and has been called "the last of the Beats." His early books were required reading for the hip generation, and on its publication Trout Fishing in America became an interantional bestseller. An indescribable romp, the novel is best summed up in one word: mayonnaise. This new edition includes an introduction by the poet Billy Collins, who first encountered Brautigan's work as a student in California." -- cover, p. .
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The HAWAII ULTIMATE LEAGUE ASSOCIATION is holding a FREE clinic where you can learn how to play ultimate frisbee. Never thrown a disc in your life? Not to worry, we'll teach you! A casual pickup game will follow the clinic where you can practice what you've learned. Ultimate Frisbee* is one of the fastest growing, non-contact sports in the nation and combines camaraderie, sportsmanship, a serious cardio workout and tons of fun in an insanely entertaining game. WHAT: ULTIMATE 101 (and 102) CLINIC. Learn the rules of the game, how to catch, throw, defend, game terminology, and basic strategy. Bring water, sunscreen, running shoes (preferably cleats) and dark and light shirts. Dress to run! Graduates of the 101 Clinic can take part in the 102 Clinic, which will feature various drills to practice what you learned in the 101 Clinic! WHERE: MAKIKI DISTRICT PARK, corner of Keeaumoku St. and Wilder Ave. WHEN: APRIL 4, 2015 (Saturday) from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. WHY: You want to learn how to play ultimate and have bunches of fun! WHO: You! Girls, guys, friends, family, young, old, anyone and everyone! HOW: Register below by Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Space is limited! If you register for the clinic by the deadline, you can purchase your very own HULA disc for only $8! If you have any questions about the clinic, please email Sam at *protected email*. *"Frisbee" is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company. HULA is not affiliated with Wham-O. This entry was posted in Ultimate 101. Bookmark the permalink.
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Home Breaking News Magic mushrooms & LSD can cure depression — study Magic mushrooms & LSD can cure depression — study Jul 4, 2014: 12:42 am A new study reveals the similarity between the way our brain works while sleeping, and when we're tripping on psychedelic drugs. What's more, LSD and magic mushrooms could act as a cure from depression or boost creativity. With the help of some hallucinogenic drugs and some willing volunteers — someone's got to suffer for science — an international team of scientists from Germany, the UK and Argentina have published their experimental findings online in the 'Human Brain Mapping' journal Wednesday. The study reveals patterns similar to dreaming in the way human brain reacts to hallucinogenic mushrooms, as well as LSD. The key ingredient of magic mushrooms is the psychedelic chemical psilocybin. Its mind-expanding effects have long attracted scientists' attention, but it wasn't until now that physical changes in the brain have been detected. Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris from Imperial College, London, a co-author of the study, said he was"fascinated" by the results: "People often describe taking psilocybin as producing a dreamlike state and our findings have, for the first time, provided a physical representation for the experience in the brain." According to the scientists, taking psychedelic drugs is not only about rainbow-colored geometrical pictures popping up in the mind. Its effects on the brain not only cause changes in primitive areas of the brain linked to emotions and memory, but also tend to make people do less high-level thinking, and feel less self-conscious. All in all, brain activity becomes more disjointed and uncoordinated, immersing those experimenting with hallucinogenic drugs into a vivid, dreamlike state. The study's lead author, Dr Enzo Tagliazucchi from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, said: "A good way to understand how the brain works is to perturb the system in a marked and novel way. Psychedelic drugs do precisely this and so are powerful tools for exploring what happens in the brain when consciousness is profoundly altered." To study the way magic mushrooms influence the biology of the brain, the researchers conducted a series of experiments involving 15 volunteers in London in 2012. In the research, which also involved placebos, after the participants were injected with psilocybin, they were examined in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. Within the framework of the study, the scientists introduced entropy, borrowed from physics, where it is used to measure the range or randomness of a system. In their work they implemented this notion to different parts of the brain while in a psychedelic state. Their findings were staggering: Computer analyses showed the volunteers could experience a much larger range of potential brain states. The fascination with magic mushrooms relies on their ability to expand consciousness. But they could also act as a medical cure. Dr. Carhart-Harris said: " We are currently studying the effect of LSD on creative thinking and we will also be looking at the possibility that psilocybin may help alleviate symptoms of depression by allowing patients to change their rigidly pessimistic patterns of thinking." Magic mushrooms, causing hallucinations and sending people since ancient times tripping, can be found in the wild or grown quite easily. Since ancient times, they have been used (and abused) for religious rites, recreation and getting off one's face. This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.
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First of all, for anyone who doesn't know what a mastermind is – it's a small group of people (usually 3-6 people) who meet and talk with some frequency in order to to help each other improve and achieve goals. When I originally heard about the whole concept of masterminds, I thought they were for weak people who needed hand-holding or excessive encouragement to take even tiny steps – but boy, was I wrong. Good masterminds are about smart, driven people helping each other be the best they can be. Over the course of my business so far, I've been involved in 6 different mastermind groups – not all at the same time, obviously. Some of them have been long-term, others have been for limited periods, like a 3-month "sprint." I'm not going to talk about each one individually; instead I'm going to pull out some of the best practices from my experience. My first mastermind was one I formed myself. I was about a year into my business, and I was doing a lot of research and reading on other websites. In the process (interacting in Twitter and blog comments) I came across three guys who were all interested in building lifestyle businesses, and we were all in the pretty early stages – so I emailed everyone and proposed a mastermind. They were all down for it, so we started meeting up on Skype since we were in four different countries at the time. Takeaway #1 – If you want to be in a mastermind… go ahead and start one. Sometimes people seem to be sort of waiting until they "come across" a community, but if you want to be in one, why not just make it happen? Reach out individually to a few other people who you think would be interested, and get the ball rolling. I can't say enough how much that group meant to me. We Skyped weekly for nearly two years, and it was a phenomenally productive time of exchanging ideas, critiquing each others' stuff, setting and accomplishing goals, debating the finer points of business strategy, and just generally supporting and helping each other as we all worked hard and tried to figure things out. In addition to our calls, we actually e-mailed each other a LOT in between. I just did a search in my Gmail and there are well over 700 e-mail threads between me and these guys. We'd use the phone calls to take deep dives into each of our businesses, and we'd use e-mail for the little questions that would come up in between… although sometimes our e-mail threads got deep, too; we discussed everything from disillusionment to romantic relationships to long-term dreams. There were some really amazing discussions. I highly recommend, in mastermind groups, having BOTH a regular call AND one "informal" communication channel. That could be e-mail, or it could be something like a closed private Facebook group or a slack channel – whatever works best for everyone. Whenever I've been involved in a group that has both a call and a less formal channel, I've felt like we interact way more. We connect more; we get far more knowledgeable about each others' businesses and lives, and can give better input as a result. So whatever happened to that first group? Well, eventually travel plans and time zones made it harder to schedule calls, and we sort of naturally stopped meeting regularly. But we're in touch and still e-mail each other for advice and updates. I consider these guys friends, I respect them, I'm rooting for them to succeed, and I'm really thankful for all their support. Even though masterminds, as I've said, are NOT for weaklings, you can really get an emotional boost from them. Some of that is in the form of support when you're down, because let's face it, even successful entrepreneurs will have dark days, sometimes dark weeks/months. There are times when you lose a ton of money. There are times when you have to lay people off. There are times when you can't seem to get motivated to work. There are times when you're working your hardest, but it's not making a difference. Having people to lean on during these times is key. Especially because some of the challenges that entrepreneurs face are things that non-entrepreneurs can't relate to. So your mastermind group can really help keep you going when you're struggling. I can't tell you how many times I've shared my frustrations or failures with my mastermind group and they've given me real, solid encouragement. The flip side is that good mastermind discussions can generate an amazing positive energy. When brilliant suggestions are flowing, and you come off the call having gained clarity or having some promising new things to try – it feels awesome. It's a boost, it can get you fired up for your day or for your week. I've also been in an industry-specific mastermind. Basically, I was invited to participate in a mastermind with other online English teachers. At first I was a little worried about competition, but then I realized that we all took such different approaches that there really wasn't direct competition – and plus, the English-learning market is huge; it's big enough for all of us. I understand that this won't be the case for every business – in some areas, it would probably be uncomfortable or unwise to mastermind with direct competitors. But try having a theme to your mastermind. Broad-industry theme: you could mastermind with other ecommerce store owners, who all sell different products. Or other SaaS founders, even though your software is totally different. Or other consultants, when you each consult on different areas. Or you could stay in one industry (like the education industry) but one person sells software, one person sells courses, one person has a brick-and-mortar school, etc. I've found that having everyone aligned in some way when it comes to the industry or business model allows you to get even more specific advice, because the members have deep knowledge of, or experience in, that industry or business model. Specific goal theme: for example, you have totally different types of businesses, but you all want to improve your e-mail marketing. Or rework your SOPs. Or optimize your team. Or create a new product in 90 days. Masterminds that are based on specific goals, are often good for time-limited periods instead of indefinitely. Even if you don't have a particular theme, you want to make sure the members are roughly in sync when it comes to phase of business and approach to business. If you're in a stage where you're pushing forward really hard, it might be hard to relate to other members focused on putting the brakes on their businesses or maintaining it at the current level. It's also not great for people who are just beginning a new side project to be in masterminds with really advanced folks who are at 7 figures with a bunch of employees. The experience gap ends up being too large. Not to say that you can't get anything out of it, but it's not ideal. With this English-teachers mastermind, we were all in the same industry and we were in similar phases of business – we had products for sale, and we were looking to improve conversions, create some new products, and grow our teams and businesses. In addition to the calls, we had a private Facebook group for those informal conversations – that Facebook group's still going today, and I love being able to get input from my peers. The other thing I appreciated about the English-teacher mastermind group was how organized it was. Our calls started on time and they finished on time, and there was sort of a mastermind "leader" who always set up the meeting time, sent out the link, and actively kept the discussion on track. I've been on other masterminds where nobody takes the lead, and it ends up being disorganized. Something like scheduling the meeting takes tons of e-mail back and forth, or we're never sure whether we're meeting on Skype or Google Hangouts or something else. I was in one mastermind that dissolved after a single meeting because nobody really stepped up to make the second call happen. I've been in a couple in-person masterminds as well – just a one-time session at a conference, where 7-8 people sit around a table and take turns in the "hot seat." Each person gets about 2 minutes to quickly present their business and its challenges, and then everyone else bombards the person with questions and advice for the next 20 minutes. This is a very intense experience, but it's definitely worth doing. You have half a dozen smart people all focusing their brightest thinking on helping solve your problems. When you're doing it in person, there's even more focus because nobody is distracted by other stuff on their computer or things happening in their environment. And it's amazing when everyone brings their best to the table. So invest your best – think deeply about your fellow mastermind members' problems, give them your sharpest ideas, and care about their businesses. Really imagine it was your business – your baby, right? – what would you do in that situation? Share it with the person. When you give your best energy, you can make a real impact in someone else's life – it's exciting! During mastermind sessions, I can sometimes get as excited for other people's businesses as I am for my own. Plus, the more you give, the more likely that the other members will invest that same brainpower in your issues when it's your turn on the hotseat. When it is your turn, then bring your best listening abilities. One of the biggest wastes of time in a mastermind is when the person on the hot seat gets defensive or tries to argue with or dismiss other people's feedback. It kills the whole dynamic and it makes the other members not want to give you suggestions. So if you're the one being analyzed, just shut up and take notes. Write everything down and analyze it later, even the suggestions that seem to come out of left field. If you want to be in a mastermind, start one. Have both a regular call and an "informal" communication channel. Don't underestimate the emotional energy a mastermind can provide. Try having a mastermind theme. Be organized and have clear leadership. That's all for today! If you've got something to add to this episode, come leave a comment at entrepreneursinmotion.com/mastermind . Have a great rest of the week.
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Written by Kapronasia || January 04 2021 December was an eventful month for Australia's neobanks. Xinja's demise made waves, showing that it does not pay to keep building atop a flimsy foundation. Castles in the air must come down. And yet, some Aussie neobanks are thriving. Shortly after Xinja said it would turn in its banking license, Australian Financial Review reported that Judo Bank was set to raise up to AU$200 million from investors, bringing its valuation to AU$1.65 billion. Judo's new capital injection is no surprise: The company had planned to complete the fundraising before year-end. That it did so successfully shows that investors remain sanguine about Judo's prospects even as Xinja's collapse has raised concerns about the viability of digital banks in Australia. To be sure, any digital bank in Australia faces certain challenges, in particular how to capture market share from powerful entrenched incumbents: the Big Four of Westpac, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group and National Australia Bank. That is no easy task. Judo differs from Xinja, Volt, 86 400 and other Aussie neobanks in its focus on the SME market. By avoiding taking on the Big Four in retail banking, Judo has been able to conserve precious resources and concentrate on developing a viable lending business to SMEs. Covid-19 did not derail Judo's business. On the contrary, Judo has found the opportunity in the worst crisis Australia has faced since World War 2, growing its loan books while incumbents tighten credit. As of November 2020, although bank lending to Australian SMEs had fallen more than 2% during the pandemic, Judo's lending business had risen 40% to AU$2.5 billion. Not that everything is rosy for Judo. In the fiscal year ending June 2020, its losses doubled to AU$50.5 million from AU$26.8 million a year earlier. The Melbourne-based neobank expects 18% of A$424 in loans requiring close monitoring to become NPLs. Still, on the whole Judo's business model looks sustainable. The neobank says it has been discerning about its customers. In a December interview with Australian Financial Review, Judo's founders said that they believed businesses that found ways to adjust their expenses during the pandemic while holding onto to their employees "would be well positioned to bounce back in the post-COVID environment." If market conditions are right, Judo will likely list on the ASX in the second half of 2021. It has reportedly hired Goldman Sachs to work on the deal. Xinja, meanwhile, blamed the pandemic for its decision to throw in the towel. "But after Covid-19 and an increasingly difficult capital-raising environment affecting who is willing to invest in a new bank, we are convinced that the best thing is for Xinja is to pivot away from being a bank," chief executive Eric Wilson wrote to customers in an email. judo bank funding judo bank lending australia neobank australia neobanks australia digital banks Xinja reaches the end of the line Judo an outlier among Australia's neobanks Xinja's future looks uncertain Pandemic takes toll on Australia's neobanks Australia enters open banking era More in this category: « Why did Gojek invest US$160 million in Bank Jago? Philippines must enact tougher AML measures to stay off FATF grey list »
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PLYMOUTH, MN, USA (September 16, 2008) — Primera Technology, Inc., the world's leading developer and manufacturer of CD, DVD, and Blu-ray disc duplication and printing equipment, today announced its new PTProtect™ Software. PTProtect is seamlessly integrated into Primera's PTPublisher™ v1.30 (or greater) duplication software. It provides a reliable yet effective anti-rip solution for protecting DVD video without adding extra steps to existing workflow processes. PTProtect software is applied to the DVD image just before burning. When content is burned to a disc it is encapsulated to prevent common ripping programs from having access to it. The content on the DVD is not modified in any way and the copy control encapsulation resides in areas of the discs not read by DVD players, so the play-back quality remains unaffected. PTProtect copy controlled discs have full playability designed to match the same playability levels in DVD players as unprotected DVDs. In essence, PTProtected discs are designed to provide effective "speed-bump" protection to combat unauthorized casual copying. PTProtect is an effortless way to produce protected DVDs since it does not need to load any new software onto the PC for the protection to work. Protection is applied on a "click-charge" basis for each disc burned. Blocks of protection keys can be conveniently purchased through Primera on pre-loaded USB dongles.
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Did you have time to link up at the party yet? If not, click on yesterday's post and get linked up…then enjoy this post! The other day I posted on my Facebook a picture of a batch of furniture that I had worked on. Do you follow me on Facebook already? If not..click "here" and head over there! We get to really hang out and get to know each other over there! Anyways, I posted what a typical day looks like when I paint furniture. Many of you were surprised at the amount of pieces that I worked on at one time and expressed interest in me doing posts on my process from start to finish. When you speak. I listen. I am going to add this post to my "How to flip furniture on CL series" because this is a huge part of being productive on flipping furniture. I will give you the links to the CL series at the end of this post. Why is prep important enough to be in the series? Because you need to make the most of your time! Time = money. So, if you are interested…here you go. I will make it brief and break this up into several posts. Let's just get started! Create an organized work station. I use my driveway. You may have to use your yard. Garage or somewhere else. This is one batch that I worked on to get ready for Inlet Queens. I try to NEVER work on less than three pieces at one time. I place my furniture in the batches that will be painted the same color….. Pull your pieces out and place in their sections. Now, I have my work station almost ready. Another important step before we start is my work cart. I didn't take a great pic, so here is a close-up with descriptions. What is on your cart will relate to what you use. This was what I needed for the projects I had to work on that day. Your first two important steps are now completed! You are ready to start….. Can you do this same process with one piece? I am talking more about those of us that are re-selling but this process would also apply for large projects. Take your large project and break it down into steps. Organization is key if you want to finish it completely. Now, that you have this post and you are waiting on the next work station post…what do you do? Start with your cart. If you don't have a cart, what about a box. A basket. Don't think you have to have exactly what I have. Customize this to fit your needs. That is the beauty of being an "independant contractor". And if you want to put one, two, three or more pieces out at a time….. I can give you my tips and you can adapt them to what you need. DANG……I DID DO THAT MANY? LUCKIES! I will give you close-ups on a few of the pieces this week that you guys are getting peeks at and will post the 1st step that I do once my work station is ready. This is great! I'm looking forward to the rest of the series! Thanks for doing it! I do this, as well, but I don't have my act together with a handy cart. I need to get myself a cart! This could be my work area but I'm in a carport with some outside area. It's amazing how we multitask!!! Good post! This is such a great post! Love your supply cart. I just back read all your flipping series posts. I have a couple pieces that I want to flip- but living in an apartment, it's real hard! This is exactly what I needed! Thanks for taking the time to post this! Great post – I just read all of your CL series. Nice tips! All I can say is it's a good thing we are not neighbors..lol..the neighborhood would hate us! I do a lot of furniture updates as well, but I hand paint intricate details on many. I work out of my living room for the detail parts and can do several a day. Thank you for this blog it is very interesting! Just saw that I put anonymous…lol try this again. I am amazed at how many pieces you do at once. I haven't gotten up the courage yet to redo furniture, but I think you'll give me the push. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.
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Why a space for us? Save our art! Youth: Work Experience Woven Together! Rimbaud and Verlaine at No. 8 Made of Somers Town Somers Town Memory Project A SPACE FOR US Somers Town History Space Here are our policies. We are an organisation who welcome all. We fully committed to the concept of equality and will conduct all our activities to ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, colour or national origin. We will not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour or victimisation or harassment to anyone in our meetings, or towards us, or any of our organisers. Somers Town Space CIC runs the Somers Town History Club (STHC) and we are committed to protecting your personal information. Our Privacy Policy gives you detailed information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it secure. Somers Town Space CIC is a social and community voluntary organisation promoting and sharing Somers Town history. Our website is www.aspaceforus.club. Somers Town Space CIC may collect personal data when a new member subscribes to the site, or is added to the Mailing list at an event. This may include the member's name, address, phone number and email address. If during membership a member tells us of any changes, we will hold the new details in place of the old ones. We hold members' personal data for the following purposes: • to inform members about campaigns and other activities, events and matters of interest; and • to be able to check that our records are up to date to book onto events we hold via Eventbrite to send survey and collect data via surveys We do not share information with other members (other than the Chair and Secretary), other charities or businesses, except that email addresses are processed by Mailchimp, or Eventbrite or SurveyMonkey solely for the purposes described above. You can request to see, amend, or delete the personal data that Somers Town Space CIC holds about you. You can unsubscribe to general mailings at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails, by emailing us [email protected] If you ask us to delete your personal data, we will not be able to provide you with the benefits of membership. Somers Town Space CIC takes care to protect your information. All personal information stored by us is kept on servers in a secure environment. It is kept in a cloud based, password protected system to which only the Chair and Secretary have access. MailChimp. We use a third-party provider, MailChimp, to deliver our group emails. For more information, please see their website: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/. How long will we hold your personal information? If you ask us to delete your details, we will remove you from the membership list and will not contact you in the future. We keep keep records of the names and addresses of former members for historical purposes, unless you have asked us to delete those details. Data Protection Register There is no requirement for Somers Town Space CIC to be included in the ICO Data Protection Register. Changes to this Privacy Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The date of the most recent revisions will appear on our website www.aspaceforus.club These will be held in a number of locations, such as the Basil Jellicoe Hall managed by Origin Housing or Living Centre, and facilitated by the steering group. When in the Hall we will comply with the Health and Safety policy of the facility. Members of the steering group will familiarise themselves with this policy. At least 2 people attending a meeting will be designated to act as stewards and will have familiarised themselves with how to evacuate the building. We do not have a First Aider but will actively seek to recruit. Tours and walks At present these will be lead by qualified guides from Camden Tour guides or those from similar organisations with appropriate skills and cover. It is an aspiration that local people will be able to lead walks after practical guidance and with appropriate cover. The Equal Opportunities policy of the hiring policy for the hall used will be adhered to. Sharing of stories Sharing stories is an integral part of the groups' reason for being. We are an open organisation; however, we acknowledge we will need to work to some guidelines to ensure fair participation. Those who wish to share their stories will be guided in the following: Only to share stories that they are happy to be made public. Be open to another view of a story/ memory and all parties to accept that memory is a fallible concept. The facilitator of the meeting will guide discussion back to these concepts should the Equal Opportunities clause be compromised and or the content be causing disagreement. The Safeguarding policy for hiring of Hall will be adhered to noting that policies of this nature are relevant to Children and vulnerable adults. Due to the nature of the meetings, it is not anticipated that unaccompanied children will attend. Publicity for activities aimed at all ages will state clearly children are to be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. Photography/recording/social media Photography for sponsors Reports for sponsors will mean occasionally photographs will need to be taken. In this situation consent will be obtained including information on how these photographs are to be used. Permission will be sought from Origin Housing or Heritage Lottery guidelines to safely store consent forms for the appropriate length of time. Participants will be advised that our meetings and activities are not occasions for private photography /recording /filming for personal use or use on social media. Any such recording in whatever form will not be tolerated (unless specific permission is obtained). Filming for projects sensitive to Somers Town Stories outcomes It is anticipated that individuals and groups will approach the group to record and document the stories and memories that are expressed. The Treatment for these projects will be discussed at the start of an event when such groups are present and they will be responsible for obtaining consent. Individuals are free to participate in filming/photographs away from the Somers Town Stories activities but can seek guidance from the steering group. Somers Town History Club Somers Town Space CIC [email protected] Made in Somers Town, London. ©
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A vital moment to study international refugee protection UiB professor Hakan G. Sicakkan's newly launched project Protect will study refugees' rights to international protection. A vital moment for projects like Protect, UN Refugee Agency says. Professor Hakan G. Sicakkan hopes that important actors in the asylum and migration field will benefit from Protect's research. Here Sicakkan is pictured at the launch of the UN Global Academic Network of migration experts in Geneva in December 2019. UNHCR/Antoine Tardy By Mari Lund EideUpdated: 25.03.2020 (First published: 23.03.2020) Early March, the UiB led research project Protect The Right to International Protection was launched in Brussels. The project leader, Professor Hakan G. Sicakkan, explains that the initiation of Protect was motivated by concerns about the future of the right to international protection of refugees: "Protect's title expresses that we do believe that the right to international protection is under threat and must be protected, as we are currently experiencing a turbulent political climate surrounding asylum and refugee issues", Sicakkan says. More cooperation and dialogue on refugee matters The project will study how UN's Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration affect refugees' right to international protection. "These compacts promote global cooperation and dialogue on refugee and migration issues and might contribute to positive changes in how international organizations, states, and non-state organizations practice protection of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced groups", Sicakkan explains. Protect is financed by EU's research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, with almost EUR 3.3 million and consists of 11 partner universities from nine different countries that all will contribute to the project with different expertise and research approaches. Read the full article on Protect's kick-off conference Critical look at international protection frameworks The project was officially launched at its kick-off conference in Brussels earlier this month. Among key speakers present were representatives from The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE). Sophie Magennis, Head of Policy and Legal Affairs, UNHCR Regional Office in Brussels emphasised the fitting timing of launching a project concerned with refugee protection: "During the recent days and weeks, we have seen a number of political reactions to the developments at EU's external border. These developments are quite challenging to the international refugee protection framework and the international agreements on refugee protection", Magennis says, referring to the current political debates stirred by the recent influx of refugees from Syria to Europe through Turkey and Greece. "It is a vital time for projects like Protect to take a critical look at the Global Compact on Refugees and identify what is needed in order for the compact to be successful", Magennis concludes. The need for evidence-based asylum policy Both Magennis from UNHCR and Catherine Woollard, the Secretary General of ECRE, stress the importance of leaning on researchers' expertise in their advocacy: "As a civil society organisation, it is crucial to have access to solid research. We hope to use the research that Protect provides in our advocacy for a functioning asylum system in Europe", Woollard says. Sophie Magennis also urges decision makers to increasingly consult migration and refugee-oriented research communities when implementing migration and refugee policies: "Too often we see policy in the domain of asylum and refugees made without impact analyses, evidence-based or empirical research supporting the policies put in place", says Magennis. "One of the issues continuously raised after the handling of the refugee crisis in 2015 and 2016 was the lack of evidence-based measures", Magennis continues. Contributing to improving refugees' lives Project leader Sicakkan hopes that important actors in the asylum and migration field such as UNHCR and ECRE will benefit from Protect's research: "We are hoping to contribute to the well-being of our co-humans, and to be able to create knowledge that can be used by the UNHCR, states, and other stakeholders like ECRE, in order to make the lives of the refugees better in the future". Even prior to the launching of Protect, UNHCR consulted Professor Sicakkan on migration and refugee matters: In December 2019, Sicakkan was invited by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to participate in the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, where he made two pledges to the UN community on behalf of the University of Bergen and the Protect consortium. More about Protect Full Name: PROTECT. The Right to International Protection. A Pendulum between Globalization and Nativization? The project is financed by Horizon 2020 with almost EUR 3.3 million. Start 1 February 2020. UiB professor Hakan G. Sicakkan will head a consortium of 11 universities in Europe, Canada and South Africa. The Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) at UiB will also be involved. Other UiB researchers involved: Professor Christine M. Jacobsen (SKOK), Professor Stefan Dahlberg (Sampol), Associate Professor Cornelius Cappelen (Sampol) and researcher Marry-Anne Karlsen (SKOK). The partner institutions in the project are: Queen Mary University of London (UK), Justus Liebig Universität Giessen (Germany), Universiteit Ghent (Belgium), University of Surrey (UK), Università degli Studi di Catania (Italy), Ryerson University (Canada), Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia), Lund University (Sweden), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa) and Universität Stuttgart (Germany). Interested in news and research on issues related to migration, asylum or refugees? Follow Protect on Twitter and YouTube. Sophie Magennis, UNHCR (left) and Catherine Woollard, ECRE (speaking) both emphasised the apt timing of launching a project like Protect, which will study international refugee protection. Mari Lund Eide Protect's kick-off conference was held at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels, where representatives from the academic community, civil society organisations and international organisations were present. UiB awarded large EU project on migration UiB researcher Hakan G. Sicakkan will lead the EU-funded PROTECT project, which will closely follow the United Nations' two new global compacts on migration and refugees. Bringing science to Global Refugee Forum The University of Bergen political scientist Hakan G. Sicakkan has been named as one of the members in the UN Global Academic Network of migration experts. A renewed focus on migration Professor Hakan G. Sicakkan wants to strengthen research on migration and transnationality in Bergen as part of the University of Bergen's focus on global challenges, which is one of three focus areas in the university's strategy for 2016-2022. Migration Compact of high symbolic value Researcher Hakan G. Sicakkan considers the UN's new Migration Compact to be an exciting addition to the global migration discourse and he looks forward to studying its implementation. [email protected]+47 55 58 69 00 Universitetet i Bergen Kommunikasjonsavdelingen Nygårdsgaten 5, 2. et. View campus map
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Guess Who Is Helping Islamists to Oppress Women? by Tom Quiggin https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/9064/canada-islamists-women Why Canada's Minister of Immigration should be accepting an award from an individual whose own organization (ICNA) openly advocates violence against women is not clear. Minister Hajdu, despite her role as Minister for the Status of Women in Canada, has remained silent on this issue despite being made aware of it directly. Not only did the child services department do nothing to help the 1400 girls being raped and forced into prostitution, in fact she (and others) went out of their way to silence anyone who tried to speak out. Rather than face the fact that a problem of mass rape existed, Joyce Thacker played a role in the cover-up. Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau has declared himself to be a "feminist" and says he is committed to increasing the role of women in society. However, he recently visited a gender-segregated mosque in Ottawa, the imam of which is part of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), placed on a list of designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates in 2014. Ironically, the City of Ottawa has other mosques which are modern and humanist, but the Prime Minister has never chosen to visit one of them. Advocating violence against women and other misogynist practices are increasingly being accepted by individuals who identify themselves as "feminists" and "female leaders." The process of normalizing Islamist misogyny is well underway while so-called feminists remain silent on issues such as wife beating, child marriages, female genital mutilation and "forced suicides." For current feminists, it appears as though political correctness and fantasizing that they are "social justice warriors" outweighs the rights of women, especially brown women. When it comes to the issue of opposing violence against women, feminists are as silent as beaten wives. Nothing - including the advocacy of wife beating, pedophiliac sex acts with nine-year-old girls and the generalized oppression of women - can draw feminists into the debate on the role of women under the Islamist ideology that is prevalent in Canada and the USA. Premier Katherine Wynne of Ontario (population 13.6 million) recently visited the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), along with Education Minister Mitzie Hunter. They met on August 26, 2016 with female members of the Islamic Circle North America Sisters (ICNA Canada) in Scarborough. The ICNA directly advocates misogynist positions such as wife beating, the taking of slave girls and the position that women are, overall, inferior to men. ICNA also notes that Islamic women have been "emancipated" from the obligation of earning their own livelihood. Therefore, women can be kept at home and cannot leave the house without the permission of the husband. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne (center) with ICNA employees. (Image: Twitter/Kathleen Wynne) Quite alarmingly, the Premier of Ontario did not criticize the organization or its heavily misogynistic beliefs. Rather she publicly claimed to have been "honoured" to have been there. The Minister of Education, Ms Hunter, appears to have remained silent on her views concerning this visit. The Minister of the Status of Women, Patty Hajdu, for the federal government of Canada does not appear to have any problem with those advocating violence against women, either. Her cabinet colleague, Minister John McCallum, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, received an award for his "outstanding service" from the Canadian Council of Imams. The chairperson of this group is Dr. Iqbal Al-Nadvi, who is also the Amir of ICNA. Why the Minister of Immigration should be accepting an award from an individual whose own organization (ICNA) openly advocates violence against women is not clear. Minister Hajdu, despite her role as Minister for the Status of Women in Canada, has remained silent on this issue despite being made aware of it directly. Mayor Bonnie Crombie of Mississauga has repeated allowed Hizb ut Tahrir (HT), a leading Islamist organization, to use city-owned property in Mississauga to hold conferences. In addition to stating that democracy is not compatible with Islam and that all Canadian soldiers are war criminals, HT is running an education campaign to teach women about "women's rights." To HT, women's rights are a Western concept and Islamic women should be aware of their obligation under sharia law. Ironically, the City of Mississauga withdrew permission (once) for Hizb ut Tahrir to have a meeting on city-owned property. Gerry Townsend, the CEO of Mississauga Living Arts Centre, confirmed the cancellation explaining that "there has been a bit of publicity about this organization." The meeting, it seems was not cancelled because HT is misogynist or listed as a terrorist group in multiple countries, but rather because of "publicity." Other meetings carried on without incident. Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid is another woman who maintains silence in the face of the advocacy of violence against women. Prior to being a Member of Parliament, Ms. Khalid was the head of the Muslim Student Association at York University. In 2015, the same York University Muslim Student Association was handing out books for Islam Awareness Week. According to a book handed out, wife-beating is permissible under certain circumstances and some women enjoy being beaten because they are submissives. Ms. Khalid, who has close ties to the Islamic Society of North America and others, has not spoken out against the violence advocated by her former student association, the ICNA, the ISNA or any other such Islamist organization. Perhaps the most disturbing example of all, however, is Joyce Thacker of the United Kingdom. She was the £130,000-a-year Strategic Director of the City of Rotherham's children's services department for five years. During that time, the ongoing rapes, drugging and enslavement of eleven to fourteen-year-old girls carried on in Rotherham. Not only did the child services department do nothing to help the 1400 girls being raped and forced into prostitution, in fact she (and others) went out of their way to silence anyone who tried to speak out. The reason for the enforced silence over a period of years was later identified in the official UK government report as "institutionalized political correctness." The rapists were primarily identified as Pakistani/Kashmiri/Muslims and the victims were identified as being primarily white girls. Rather than face the fact that a problem of mass rape on a wartime level existed, Joyce Thacker played a role in the cover-up. The most interesting role of all, however, is that being played by Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau. He has declared himself to be a "feminist" and says he is committed to increasing the role of women in society. However, he recently visited (September 2016) a gender-segregated mosque in Ottawa. Female Members of Parliament who attended with him had to enter by a side door and sit in the segregated area. The imam of the mosque is part of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), according to the mosque's own website. This organization was placed on a list of designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates in 2014. More interestingly, a review of the teaching and reading material of the mosque in early 2016 revealed a disturbing fact. The study noted that "It is not the presence of extremist literature in the mosque libraries that is worrisome. The problem is that there was nothing but extremist literature in the mosque libraries." Worse, the Prime Minister also stated: "...as I look at this beautiful room — sisters upstairs — everyone here, (I see) the diversity we have just within this mosque, within the Islamic community, within the Muslim community in Canada." How this be seen as anything other than an attempt at normalizing the segregation of women? Ironically, the City of Ottawa has other mosques which are modern and humanist, but the Prime Minister has never chosen to visit one of them. What are the possible reasons for such practices whereby feminists and major feminist organizations refuse to speak out on violence against women? Most leading feminists are still white, as are many female leadership figures. Many victims of misogyny and abuse are brown: Brown women, not known to be a voting block, therefore have little to no influence in the corridors of elected power; Women, especially those in positions of power such as Premier Wynne, Minister Hajdu, and Mayor Crombie of Mississauga can be misogynistic notwithstanding that they are female; and In many cases, the forces of political correctness and fantasy of seeing themselves as "Social Justice Warriors" place the rights of Islamist males over the rights of Muslim and non-Muslim females. Recent Articles by Tom Quiggin Is Canada's Government Funding Terrorism?, 2018-10-29 Toronto Shooting: Politically Correct Cover-Up?, 2018-08-14 Designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Entity, 2018-07-19 A Canadian U-Turn on Iran?, 2018-06-21 Iran, North Korea, and the U.S., 2018-05-21 Ariel • Oct 10, 2016 at 22:08 I wish that someone would answer this question. Why do these Muslim women WANT to live under abuse? Why do they think that being treated as inferior to a man, having to ask men for permission to do things like they are a child asking a parent for permission, thinking it is ok to be beaten if they are 'disobedient', and raising their female children to be treated as second class property? As a woman, I think they are very confused. Their beliefs about relationships seem like a dream come true for a wife abuser or a pedophile - their victims are ready made and actually think abuse is ok and even somehow holy. Jorgen Ariel • Oct 11, 2016 at 03:56 They do not like to be abused. But they are good Muslims and obey Allah's will as expressed in the Islamic texts and instructed by the imams. Erica Ling Ariel • Oct 12, 2016 at 08:28 Think of abused children, who are constantly told it is their fault they are abused, the abuser is doing it for their good, no one else cares. Think of abused women in our enlightened culture, who so lack self esteem that an abusive relationship is preferable to none, and keep withdrawing complaints even when hospitalized by their partner, some subsequently killed. Some of our women cannot cope with choice, so submission is the alternative. Some of our highly educated females choose Islam, even the extremes of ISIS. Add generations of traditional and religious conditioning that woman is an inferior species, with less value than her male offspring or a donkey and can be disposed of without consequence. Realize their families will be the first to condemn or kill them if they rebel and how many of us could have the courage to break out ? Robert McDonald • Oct 10, 2016 at 18:49 The above individuals past and present have never been well known for doing what is right for all of Canada, they are self centred will do what ever it takes to stay in power. The recent visit to the segregated mosque is only one example to further demonstrate just look to western Canada, because we do not carry the political clout. We are the proverbial cow being milked for the benefit of central Canada Mark Anderson • Oct 10, 2016 at 13:46 This is a very informative article. Please keep them coming. Michael Waugh • Oct 10, 2016 at 10:08 I am sick of being told in our country that we have to respect the Islamic faith. Christianity is the established faith in the UK and anything else is tolerated so long as it is not distributed around. Their laws are their own business and I do not want to hear about them. Christianity got here first. Imagine how our security services could relax if they did not have to concern themselves with these people. They have more room in their part of the World than Europe does. geoffrey ben-nathan • Oct 10, 2016 at 08:53 WHY do western politicians keep silent and sweep outrages under the carpet? Because a). they feel hugely susceptible to charges of 'racism'. This, the Muslim communities usually know and exploit for all it's worth. b). no western politician has yet thought out a successful alternative to the current position of political correctness. There are two exceptions: one is the Democracy of Australia which is unequivocal in its treatment of Muslims: integrate or evacuate. The other is Russia which is fast re-capturing Christian values (many of which (homosexuality for eg) coincide with Islam). Where Christian values do not coincide with Islam, Russia is again unequivocal. Rusell • Oct 10, 2016 at 08:15 Perhaps some of these so-called womens rigts activists should arrange for themselves to be beaten or flogged by a Muslim man who would play the role of a dishonoured husband for the experiment. Walk in the shoes of an oppressed Muslim woman and see if they still want to play the Political Correctness game afterwards... Or would they perhaps get serious about their quest to support oppressed women... Or is there money in it somewhere, enough for them to turn a blind eye to the truth of child rape, FGM, floggings, honour killings and public stoning and beheadings and the 50% value of a woman in Islam. Concerned • Oct 10, 2016 at 07:27 Hear no evil, see no evil and speak of no evil and everything will be honky-dory - till it is too late. Jeff Page • Oct 10, 2016 at 07:06 "Sick Mothers"! There really is no excuse whatsoever for this stupidity. I wonder have these women that support this been promised 72 virgins as well? They often say that It's a man's world, and as far as Islam goes, that's right! Trudeau is a complete and utter fool, his stupidity and naivety knows no bounds. Canada will soon be lost! FREE THE BAHA'I SEVEN! More than five years ago, the government of Iran arrested the seven Iranian Baha'i leaders known as the Yaran (which means "friends" in Persian). The seven prisoners, who committed no crime other than being Baha'is, were charged with espionage, propaganda against the Islamic republic, and the establishment of an illegal administration -- charges that were all denied categorically by the defendants. They were sentenced to 20 years each in prison.
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