from pxr import Usd, Gf, UsdSkel from typing import List import numpy as np from .shared import sanitize from .mhcaller import skeleton as mhskel from .mhcaller import MHCaller class Bone: """Bone which constitutes skeletons to be imported using the HumanGenerator extension. Has a parent and children, transforms in space, and named joints at the head and tail. Attributes ---------- name : str Human-readable bone name. """ def __init__(self, skel: 'Skeleton', name: str, parent: str, head: str, tail: str) -> None: """Create a Bone instance Parameters ---------- skel : Skeleton Skeleton to which the bone belongs name : str Name of the bone parent : str Name of the parent bone. This is the bone "above" and is one level closer to the root of the skeleton head : str Name of the head joint tail : str Name of the tail joint """ self._mh_bone = mhskel.Bone(skel, name, parent, head, tail) = name self.skeleton = skel self.headJoint = head self.tailJoint = tail def getRelativeMatrix(self, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]) -> np.ndarray: """_summary_ Parameters ---------- offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] Returns ------- np.ndarray _description_ """ return self._mh_bone.getRelativeMatrix(offset) def getRestMatrix(self, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]) -> np.ndarray: """_summary_ Parameters ---------- offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] Returns ------- np.ndarray _description_ """ return self._mh_bone.getRestMatrix(offset) def getBindMatrix(self, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]) -> np.ndarray: """_summary_ Parameters ---------- offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] Returns ------- np.ndarray _description_ """ return self._mh_bone.getBindMatrix(offset)[1] class Skeleton: """Skeleton which can be imported using the HumanGenerator extension. Provides root bone(s), which have a tree of children that can be traversed to get the data for the entire rig. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the skeleton rig, by default "Skeleton" roots : list of Bone Root bones. Bones which have children that can be traversed to constitute the entire skeleton. joint_paths : list of: str Paths to joints in the stage hierarchy that are used as joint indices joint_names : list of: str List of joint names in USD (breadth-first traversal) order. It is important that joints be ordered this way so that their indices can be used for skinning / weighting. """ def __init__(self, name="Skeleton") -> None: """Create a skeleton instance Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the skeleton, by default "Skeleton" """ # Set the skeleton to the makehuman default _mh_skeleton = MHCaller.human.getSkeleton() self._rel_transforms = [] self._bind_transforms = [] self.roots = _mh_skeleton.roots self.joint_paths = [] self.joint_names = [] = name def addBone(self, name: str, parent: str, head: str, tail: str) -> Bone: """Add a new bone to the Skeleton Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the new bone parent : str Name of the parent bone under which to put the new bone head : str Name of the joint at the head of the new bone tail : str Name of the joint at the tail of the new bone Returns ------- Bone The bone which has been added to the skeleton """ _bone = Bone(self, name, parent, head, tail) # HACK Bone() creates a new Bone for _mh_bone by default. How can we # avoid doing this twice without revealing it to the user? _bone._mh_bone = self._mh_skeleton.addBone(name, parent, head, tail) return _bone def add_to_stage(self, stage: Usd.Stage, skel_root_path: str, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0], new_root_bone: bool = False): """Adds the skeleton to the USD stage Parameters ---------- stage : Usd.Stage Stage in which to create skeleton prims skelroot_path : str Path to the human root prim in the stage offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] new_root_bone : bool, optional Whether or not to prepend a new root at the origin, by default False """ root_bone = self.roots[0] if new_root_bone: root_bone = self.prepend_root(root_bone) self.setup_skeleton(root_bone, offset=offset) skeleton_path = skel_root_path + "/Skeleton" usdSkel = UsdSkel.Skeleton.Define(stage, skeleton_path) # add joints to skeleton by path attribute = usdSkel.GetJointsAttr() # exclude root attribute.Set(self.joint_paths) # Add bind transforms to skeleton usdSkel.CreateBindTransformsAttr(self._bind_transforms) # setup rest transforms in joint-local space usdSkel.CreateRestTransformsAttr(self._rel_transforms) return usdSkel def prepend_root(self, oldRoot: Bone, newroot_name: str = "RootJoint", offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]) -> Bone: """Adds a new root bone to the head of a skeleton, ahead of the existing root bone. Parameters ---------- oldRoot : Bone The original MakeHuman root bone newroot_name : str, optional The name for the new root bone, by default "RootJoint" offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] Returns ------- newRoot : Bone The new root bone of the Skeleton """ # make a "super-root" bone, parent to the root, with identity transforms so # we can abide by Lina Halper's animation retargeting guidelines: # newRoot = self.addBone( newroot_name, None, "newRoot_head", oldRoot.tailJoint) oldRoot.parent = newRoot newRoot.headPos -= offset newRoot.children.append(oldRoot) return newRoot def _process_bone(self, bone: Bone, path: str, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]) -> None: """Get the name, path, relative transform, and bind transform of a joint and add its values to the lists of stored values Parameters ---------- bone : Bone The bone to process for Usd path : str Path to the parent of this bone offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] """ # sanitize the name for USD paths name = sanitize( path += name self.joint_paths.append(path) # store original name for later joint weighting self.joint_names.append( # Get matrix for joint transform relative to its parent. Move to offset # to match mesh transform in scene relxform = bone.getRelativeMatrix(offsetVect=offset) # Transpose the matrix as USD stores transforms in row-major format relxform = relxform.transpose() # Convert type for USD and store relative_transform = Gf.Matrix4d(relxform.tolist()) self._rel_transforms.append(relative_transform) # Get matrix which represents a joints transform in its binding position # for binding to a mesh. Move to offset to match mesh transform. # getBindMatrix() returns a tuple of the bind matrix and the bindinv # matrix. Since omniverse uses row-major format, we can just use the # already transposed bind matrix. bxform = bone.getBindMatrix(offsetVect=offset) # Convert type for USD and store bind_transform = Gf.Matrix4d(bxform[1].tolist()) # bind_transform = Gf.Matrix4d().SetIdentity() TODO remove self._bind_transforms.append(bind_transform) def setup_skeleton(self, bone: Bone, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]) -> None: """Traverse the imported skeleton and get the data for each bone for adding to the stage Parameters ---------- bone : Bone The root bone at which to start traversing the imported skeleton. offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] """ # Setup a breadth-first search of our skeleton as a tree # Use the new root of the imported skeleton as the root bone of our tree visited = [] # List to keep track of visited bones. queue = [] # Initialize a queue path_queue = [] # Keep track of paths in a parallel queue visited.append(bone) queue.append(bone) name = sanitize( path_queue.append(name + "/") # joints are relative to the root, so we don't prepend a path for the root self._process_bone(bone, "", offset=offset) # Traverse skeleton (breadth-first) and store joint data while queue: v = queue.pop(0) path = path_queue.pop(0) for neighbor in v.children: if neighbor not in visited: visited.append(neighbor) queue.append(neighbor) name = sanitize( path_queue.append(path + name + "/") self._process_bone(neighbor, path, offset) def update_in_scene(self, stage: Usd.Stage, skel_root_path: str, offset: List[float] = [0, 0, 0]): """Resets the skeleton values in the stage, updates the skeleton from makehuman. Parameters ---------- stage : Usd.Stage The stage in which to update the skeleton skel_root_path : str The path to the skeleton root in the stage offset : List[float], optional Geometric translation to apply, by default [0, 0, 0] Returns ------- UsdSkel.Skeleton The updated skeleton in USD """ # Get the skeleton from makehuman _mh_skeleton = MHCaller.human.getSkeleton() # Clear out any existing data self._rel_transforms = [] self._bind_transforms = [] self.joint_paths = [] self.joint_names = [] # Get the root bone(s) of the skeleton self.roots = _mh_skeleton.roots # Overwrite the skeleton in the stage with the new skeleton return self.add_to_stage(stage, skel_root_path, offset)
from .extension import * from .human import Human
from typing import List from module3d import Object3D from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade, Sdf def get_mesh_texture(mh_mesh: Object3D): """Gets mesh diffuse texture from a Makehuman mesh object Parameters ---------- mh_mesh : Object3D A Makehuman mesh object. Contains path to bound material/textures Returns ------- Tuple (str,str) Returns the path to a texture on disk, and a name for the texture Returns (None, None) if no texture exists """ # TODO return additional maps (AO, roughness, normals, etc) material = mh_mesh.material texture = material.diffuseTexture name = if texture: return texture, name else: return (None, None) def create_material(diffuse_image_path: str, name: str, root_path: str, stage: Usd.Stage): """Create OmniPBR Material with specified diffuse texture Parameters ---------- diffuse_image_path : str Path to diffuse texture on disk name : str Material name root_path : str Root path under which to place material scope stage : Usd.Stage USD stage into which to add the material Returns ------- UsdShade.Material Material with diffuse texture applied """ materialScopePath = root_path + "/Materials" # Check for a scope in which to keep materials. If it doesn't exist, make # one scopePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(materialScopePath) if scopePrim.IsValid() is False: UsdGeom.Scope.Define(stage, materialScopePath) # Create material (omniPBR). materialPath = materialScopePath + "/" + name material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, materialPath) # Store shaders inside their respective material path shaderPath = materialPath + "/Shader" # Create shader shader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, shaderPath) # Use OmniPBR as a source to define our shader shader.SetSourceAsset("OmniPBR.mdl", "mdl") shader.GetPrim().CreateAttribute( "info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token, False, Sdf.VariabilityUniform, ).Set("OmniPBR") # Set Diffuse texture. diffTexIn = shader.CreateInput("diffuse_texture", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset) diffTexIn.Set(diffuse_image_path) diffTexIn.GetAttr().SetColorSpace("sRGB") # Set Diffuse value. TODO make default color NVIDIA Green # diffTintIn = shader.CreateInput("diffuse_tint", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f) # diffTintIn.Set((0.9, 0.9, 0.9)) # Connect Material to Shader. mdlOutput = material.CreateSurfaceOutput("mdl") mdlOutput.ConnectToSource(shader, "out") return material def bind_material(mesh_path: Sdf.Path, material: UsdShade.Material, stage: Usd.Stage): """Bind a material to a mesh Parameters ---------- mesh_path : Sdf.Path The USD formatted path to a mesh prim material : UsdShade.Material USD material object stage : Usd.Stage Stage in which to find mesh prim """ # Get the mesh prim meshPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(mesh_path) # Bind the mesh UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(meshPrim).Bind(material)
import omni.ui as ui from typing import List, TypeVar, Union, Callable from dataclasses import dataclass, field from . import styles from .mhcaller import MHCaller from pxr import Usd import os import inspect import makehuman import targets from siborg.create.human.shared import data_path class SliderEntry: """Custom UI element that encapsulates a labeled slider and field Attributes ---------- label : str Label to display for slider/field model : ui.SimpleFloatModel Model to publish changes to fn : object Function to run when updating the human after changes are made image: str Path on disk to an image to display step : float Division between values for the slider min : float Minimum value max : float Maximum value default : float Default parameter value """ def __init__( self, label: str, model: ui.SimpleFloatModel, fn: object, image: str = None, step: float = 0.01, min: float = None, max: float = None, default: float = 0, ): """Constructs an instance of SliderEntry Parameters ---------- label : str Label to display for slider/field model : ui.SimpleFloatModel Model to publish changes to fn : object Function to run when changes are made image: str, optional Path on disk to an image to display. By default None step : float, optional Division between values for the slider, by default 0.01 min : float, optional Minimum value, by default None max : float, optional Maximum value, by default None default : float, optional Default parameter value, by default 0 """ self.label = label self.model = model self.fn = fn self.step = step self.min = min self.max = max self.default = default self.image = image self._build_widget() def _build_widget(self): """Construct the UI elements""" with ui.HStack(height=0, style=styles.sliderentry_style): # If an image is available, display it if self.image: ui.Image(self.image, height=75, style={"border_radius": 5}) # Stack the label and slider on top of each other with ui.VStack(spacing = 5): ui.Label( self.label, height=15, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER, name="label_param", ) # create a floatdrag (can be used as a slider or an entry field) to # input parameter values self.drag = ui.FloatDrag(model=self.model, step=self.step) # Limit drag values to within min and max if provided if self.min is not None: self.drag.min = self.min if self.max is not None: self.drag.max = self.max @dataclass class Param: """Dataclass to store SliderEntry parameter data Attributes ---------- name: str The name of the parameter. Used for labeling. full_name: str The full name of the parameter. Used for referencing fn: object The method to execute when making changes to the parameter image: str, optional The path to the image to use for labeling. By default None min: float, optional The minimum allowed value of the parameter. By default 0 max: float The maximum allowed value of the parameter. By default 1 default: float The default value of the parameter. By default 0.5 value : ui.SimpleFloatModel The model to track the current value of the parameter. By default None """ name: str full_name: str fn: object image: str = None min: float = 0 max: float = 1 default: float = 0.5 value: ui.SimpleFloatModel = None class SliderEntryPanelModel: """Provides a model for referencing SliderEntryPanel data. References models for each individual SliderEntry widget in the SliderEntryPanel widget. Attributes ---------- params : list of `Param` List of parameter objects. Each contains a float model to track the current value toggle : ui.SimpleBoolModel Tracks whether or not the human should update immediately when changes are made instant_update : Callable A function to call when instant update is toggled subscriptions : list of `Subscription` List of event subscriptions triggered by editing a SliderEntry """ def __init__(self, params: List[Param], toggle: ui.SimpleBoolModel = None, instant_update: Callable = None): """Constructs an instance of SliderEntryPanelModel and instantiates models to hold parameter data for individual SliderEntries Parameters ---------- params : list of `Param` A list of parameter objects, each of which contains the data to create a SliderEntry widget and a model to track the current value toggle : ui.SimpleBoolModel, optional Tracks whether or not the human should update immediately when changes are made, by default None instant_update : Callable A function to call when instant update is toggled """ self.params = [] """Param objects corresponding to each SliderEntry widget""" self.changed_params = [] """Params o SliderEntry widgets that have been changed""" self.toggle = toggle self.instant_update = instant_update self.subscriptions = [] """List of event subscriptions triggered by editing a SliderEntry""" for p in params: self.add_param(p) def add_param(self, param: Param): """Adds a parameter to the SliderEntryPanelModel. Subscribes to the parameter's model to check for editing changes Parameters ---------- param : Param The Parameter object from which to create the subscription """ # Create a model to track the current value of the parameter. Set the value to the default param.value = ui.SimpleFloatModel(param.default) # Add the parameter to the list of parameters self.params.append(param) # Subscribe to changes in parameter editing self.subscriptions.append( param.value.subscribe_end_edit_fn( lambda m: self._sanitize_and_run(param)) ) def reset(self): """Resets the values of each floatmodel to parameter default for UI reset """ for param in self.params: param.value.set_value(param.default) def _sanitize_and_run(self, param: Param): """Make sure that values are within an acceptable range and then add the parameter to the list of changed parameters Parameters ---------- param : Param Parameter object which contains acceptable value bounds and references the function to run """ m = param.value # Get the value from the slider model getval = m.get_value_as_float # Set the value to the min or max if it goes under or over respectively if getval() < param.min: m.set_value(param.min) if getval() > param.max: m.set_value(param.max) # Check if the parameter is already in the list of changed parameters. If so, remove it. # Then, add the parameter to the list of changed parameters if param in self.changed_params: self.changed_params.remove(param) self.changed_params.append(param) # If instant update is toggled on, add the changes to the stage instantly if self.toggle.get_value_as_bool(): # Apply the changes self.apply_changes() # Run the instant update function self.instant_update() def apply_changes(self): """Apply the changes made to the parameters. Runs the function associated with each parameter using the value from the widget """ for param in self.changed_params: param.fn(param.value.get_value_as_float()) # Clear the list of changed parameters self.changed_params = [] def destroy(self): """Destroys the instance of SliderEntryPanelModel. Deletes event subscriptions. Important for preventing zombie-UI and unintended behavior when the extension is reloaded. """ self.subscriptions = None class SliderEntryPanel: """A UI widget providing a labeled group of slider entries Attributes ---------- model : SliderEntryPanelModel Model to hold parameters for each slider label : str Display title for the group. Can be none if no title is desired. """ def __init__(self, model: SliderEntryPanelModel, label: str = None): """ Parameters ---------- model : SliderEntryPanelModel Model to hold parameters label : str, Optional Display title for the group, by default None """ self.label = label self.model = model self._build_widget() def _build_widget(self): """Construct the UI elements""" # Layer widgets on top of a rectangle to create a group frame with ui.ZStack(style=styles.panel_style, height=0): ui.Rectangle(name="group_rect") with ui.VStack(name="contents", spacing = 8): # If the panel has a label, show it if self.label: ui.Label(self.label, height=0) # Create a slider entry for each parameter for param in self.model.params: SliderEntry(, param.value, param.fn, image=param.image, min=param.min, max=param.max, default=param.default, ) def destroy(self): """Destroys the instance of SliderEntryPanel. Executes the destructor of the SliderEntryPanel's SliderEntryPanelModel instance. """ self.model.destroy() class ParamPanelModel(ui.AbstractItemModel): def __init__(self, toggle: ui.SimpleBoolModel, **kwargs): """Constructs an instance of ParamPanelModel, which stores data for a ParamPanel. Parameters ---------- toggle : ui.SimpleBoolModel Model to track whether changes should be instant """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # model to track whether changes should be instant self.toggle = toggle # Reference to models for each modifier/parameter. The models store modifier # data for reference in the UI, and track the values of the sliders self.models = [] class ParamPanel(ui.Frame): """UI Widget for displaying and modifying human parameters Attributes ---------- model : ParamPanelModel Stores data for the panel toggle : ui.SimpleBoolModel Model to track whether changes should be instant models : list of SliderEntryPanelModel Models for each group of parameter sliders """ def __init__(self, model: ParamPanelModel, instant_update : Callable = None, **kwargs): """Constructs an instance of ParamPanel. Panel contains a scrollable list of collapseable groups. These include a group of macros (which affect multiple modifiers simultaneously), as well as groups of modifiers for different body parts. Each modifier can be adjusted using a slider or doubleclicking to enter values directly. Values are restricted based on the limits of a particular modifier. Parameters ---------- model: ParamPanelModel Stores data for the panel. Contains a toggle model to track whether changes should be instant instant_update : Callable Function to call when a parameter is changed (if instant update is toggle on) """ # Subclassing ui.Frame allows us to use styling on the whole widget super().__init__(**kwargs) self.model = model self.toggle = model.toggle # If no instant update function is passed, use a dummy function and do nothing self.instant_update = instant_update if instant_update else lambda *args: None self.models = model.models self.set_build_fn(self._build_widget) def _build_widget(self): """Build widget UI """ Modifier = TypeVar('Modifier') def modifier_param(m: Modifier): """Generate a parameter data object from a human modifier, Parameters ---------- m : Modifier Makehuman Human modifier object. Represents a set of targets to apply to the human when modifying Returns ------- Param Parameter data object holding all the modifier data needed to build UI elements """ # print( # Guess a suitable title from the modifier name tlabel ="-") if "|" in tlabel[len(tlabel) - 1]: tlabel = tlabel[:-1] if len(tlabel) > 1 and tlabel[0] == m.groupName: label = tlabel[1:] else: label = tlabel label = " ".join([word.capitalize() for word in label]) # Guess a suitable image path from modifier name tlabel ="|", "-").split("-") image = modifier_image(("%s.png" % "-".join(tlabel)).lower()) # Store modifier info in dataclass for building UI elements return Param( label, m.fullName, m.updateValue, image=image, min=m.getMin(), max=m.getMax(), default=m.getDefaultValue(), ) def group_params(group: str): """Creates a list of parameters for all the modifiers in the given group Parameters ---------- group : str The name name of a modifier group Returns ------- List of Param A list of all the parameters built from modifiers in the group """ params = [modifier_param(m) for m in MHCaller.human.getModifiersByGroup(group)] return params def build_macro_frame(): """Builds UI widget for the group of macro modifiers (which affect multiple individual modifiers simultaneously). This includes: + Gender + Age + Muscle + Weight + Height + Proportions Parameters that affect how much the human resembles a particular racial group: + African + Asian + Caucasian """ # Shorten human reference for convenience human = MHCaller.human # Explicitly create parameters for panel of macros (general modifiers that # affect a group of targets). Otherwise these look bad. Creates a nice # panel to have open by default macro_params = ( Param("Gender", "macrodetails/Gender", human.setGender), Param("Age", "macrodetails/Age", human.setAge), Param("Muscle", "macrodetails-universal/Muscle", human.setMuscle), Param("Weight", "macrodetails-universal/Weight", human.setWeight), Param("Height", "macrodetails-height/Height", human.setHeight), Param("Proportions", "macrodetails-proportions/BodyProportions", human.setBodyProportions), ) # Create a model for storing macro parameter data macro_model = SliderEntryPanelModel(macro_params, self.toggle, self.instant_update) # Separate set of race parameters to also be included in the Macros group # TODO make race parameters automatically normalize in UI race_params = ( Param("African", "macrodetails/African", human.setAfrican), Param("Asian", "macrodetails/Asian", human.setAsian), Param("Caucasian", "macrodetails/Caucasian", human.setCaucasian), ) # Create a model for storing race parameter data race_model = SliderEntryPanelModel(race_params, self.toggle, self.instant_update) self.models.append(macro_model) self.models.append(race_model) # Create category widget for macros with ui.CollapsableFrame("Macros", style=styles.frame_style, height=0, collapsed=True): with ui.VStack(): # Create panels for macros and race self.panels = ( SliderEntryPanel(macro_model, label="General"), SliderEntryPanel(race_model, label="Race"), ) # The scrollable list of modifiers with ui.ScrollingFrame(): with ui.VStack(): # Add the macros frame first build_macro_frame() # Create a set of all modifier groups that include macros macrogroups = [ g for g in MHCaller.human.modifierGroups if "macrodetails" in g] macrogroups = set(macrogroups) # Remove macro groups from list of modifier groups as we have already # included them explicitly allgroups = set( MHCaller.human.modifierGroups).difference(macrogroups) for group in allgroups: # Create a collapseable frame for each modifier group with ui.CollapsableFrame(group.capitalize(), style=styles.frame_style, collapsed=True): # Model to hold panel parameters model = SliderEntryPanelModel( group_params(group), self.toggle,self.instant_update) self.models.append(model) # Create panel of slider entries for modifier group SliderEntryPanel(model) def reset(self): """Reset every SliderEntryPanel to set UI values to defaults """ for model in self.models: model.reset() def load_values(self, human_prim: Usd.Prim): """Load values from the human prim into the UI. Specifically, this function loads the values of the modifiers from the prim and updates any which have changed. Parameters ---------- HumanPrim : Usd.Prim The USD prim representing the human """ # Make the prim exists if not human_prim.IsValid(): return # Reset the UI to defaults self.reset() # Get the data from the prim humandata = human_prim.GetCustomData() modifiers = humandata.get("Modifiers") # Set any changed values in the models for SliderEntryPanelModel in self.models: for param in SliderEntryPanelModel.params: if param.full_name in modifiers: param.value.set_value(modifiers[param.full_name]) def update_models(self): """Update all models""" for model in self.models: model.apply_changes() def destroy(self): """Destroys the ParamPanel instance as well as the models attached to each group of parameters """ super().destroy() for model in self.models: model.destroy() class NoSelectionNotification: """ When no human selected, show notification. """ def __init__(self): self._container = ui.ZStack() with self._container: ui.Rectangle() with ui.VStack(spacing=10): ui.Spacer(height=10) with ui.HStack(height=0): ui.Spacer() ui.ImageWithProvider( data_path('human_icon.png'), width=192, height=192, fill_policy=ui.IwpFillPolicy.IWP_PRESERVE_ASPECT_FIT ) ui.Spacer() self._message_label = ui.Label( "No human is current selected.", height=0, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER ) self._suggestion_label = ui.Label( "Select a human prim to see its properties here.", height=0, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER ) @property def visible(self) -> bool: return self._container.visible @visible.setter def visible(self, value) -> None: self._container.visible = value def set_message(self, message: str) -> None: messages = message.split("\n") self._message_label.text = messages[0] self._suggestion_label.text = messages[1] def modifier_image(name : str): """Guess the path to a modifier's corresponding image on disk based on the name of the modifier. Useful for building UI for list of modifiers. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the modifier Returns ------- str The path to the image on disk """ if name is None: # If no modifier name is provided, we can't guess the file name return None name = name.lower() # Return the modifier path based on the modifier name # TODO determine if images can be loaded from the Makehuman module stored in # site-packages so we don't have to include the data twice return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(makehuman)),targets.getTargets().images.get(name, name))
from pathlib import Path import os # Shared methods that are useful to several modules def data_path(path): """Returns the absolute path of a path given relative to "exts/<omni.ext>/data" Parameters ---------- path : str Relative path Returns ------- str Absolute path """ # Uses an absolute path, and then works its way up the folder directory to find the data folder data = os.path.join(str(Path(__file__).parents[3]), "data", path) return data def sanitize(s: str): """Sanitize strings for use a prim names. Strips and replaces illegal characters. Parameters ---------- s : str Input string Returns ------- s : str Primpath-safe output string """ # List of illegal characters # TODO create more comprehensive list # TODO switch from blacklisting illegal characters to whitelisting valid ones illegal = (".", "-") for c in illegal: # Replace illegal characters with underscores s = s.replace(c, "_") return s
from .ext_ui import ParamPanelModel, ParamPanel, NoSelectionNotification from .browser import MHAssetBrowserModel, AssetBrowserFrame from .human import Human from .mhcaller import MHCaller from .styles import window_style, button_style import omni.ui as ui import omni.kit.ui import omni import carb WINDOW_TITLE = "Human Generator" MENU_PATH = f"Window/{WINDOW_TITLE}" class MHWindow(ui.Window): """ Main UI window. Contains all UI widgets. Extends omni.ui.Window. Attributes ----------- panel : HumanPanel A widget that includes panels for modifiers, listing/removing applied proxies, and executing human creation and updates browser: AssetBrowserFrame A browser for MakeHuman assets, including clothing, hair, and skeleton rigs. """ def __init__(self, title): """Constructs an instance of MHWindow Parameters ---------- menu_path : str The path to the menu item that opens the window """ super().__init__(title) # Holds the state of the realtime toggle self.toggle_model = ui.SimpleBoolModel() # Holds the state of the parameter list self.param_model = ParamPanelModel(self.toggle_model) # Keep track of the human self._human = Human() # A model to hold browser data self.browser_model = MHAssetBrowserModel( self._human, filter_file_suffixes=["mhpxy", "mhskel", "mhclo"], timeout=carb.settings.get_settings().get( "/exts/siborg.create.human.browser.asset/data/timeout" ), ) # Subscribe to selection events on the message bus bus = selection_event ="siborg.create.human.human_selected") self._selection_sub = bus.create_subscription_to_push_by_type(selection_event, self._on_selection_changed) self.frame.set_build_fn(self._build_ui) def _build_ui(self): spacer_width = 3 with self.frame: # Widgets are built starting on the left with ui.HStack(style=window_style): # Widget to show if no human is selected self.no_selection_notification = NoSelectionNotification() self.property_panel = ui.HStack(visible=False) with self.property_panel: with ui.ZStack(width=0): # Draggable splitter with ui.Placer(offset_x=self.frame.computed_content_width/1.8, draggable=True, drag_axis=ui.Axis.X): ui.Rectangle(width=spacer_width, name="splitter") with ui.HStack(): # Left-most panel is a browser for MakeHuman assets. It includes # a reference to the list of applied proxies so that an update # can be triggered when new assets are added self.browser = AssetBrowserFrame(self.browser_model) ui.Spacer(width=spacer_width) with ui.HStack(): with ui.VStack(): self.param_panel = ParamPanel(self.param_model,self.update_human) with ui.HStack(height=0): # Toggle whether changes should propagate instantly ui.ToolButton(text = "Update Instantly", model = self.toggle_model) with ui.VStack(width = 100, style=button_style): # Creates a new human in scene and resets modifiers and assets ui.Button( "New Human", clicked_fn=self.new_human, ) # Updates current human in omniverse scene self.update_button = ui.Button( "Update Human", clicked_fn=self.update_human, enabled=False, ) # Resets modifiers and assets on selected human self.reset_button = ui.Button( "Reset Human", clicked_fn=self.reset_human, enabled=False, ) def _on_selection_changed(self, event): """Callback for human selection events Parameters ---------- event : The event that was pushed to the event stream. Contains payload data with the selected prim path, or "None" if no human is selected """ # Get the stage stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() prim_path = event.payload["prim_path"] # If a valid human prim is selected, if not prim_path or not stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path): # Hide the property panel self.property_panel.visible = False # Show the no selection notification self.no_selection_notification.visible = True # Deactivate the update and reset buttons self.update_button.enabled = False self.reset_button.enabled = False else: # Show the property panel self.property_panel.visible = True # Hide the no selection notification self.no_selection_notification.visible = False # Activate the update and reset buttons self.update_button.enabled = True self.reset_button.enabled = True # Get the prim from the path in the event payload prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path) # Update the human in MHCaller self._human.set_prim(prim) # Update the list of applied modifiers self.param_panel.load_values(prim) def new_human(self): """Creates a new human in the scene and selects it""" # Reset the human class self._human.reset() # Create a new human self._human.prim = self._human.add_to_scene() # Get selection. selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection() # Select the new human. selection.set_selected_prim_paths([self._human.prim_path], True) def update_human(self): """Updates the current human in the scene""" # Collect changed values from the parameter panel self.param_panel.update_models() # Update the human in the scene self._human.update_in_scene(self._human.prim_path) def reset_human(self): """Resets the current human in the scene""" # Reset the human self._human.reset() # Delete the proxy prims self._human.delete_proxies() # Update the human in the scene and reset parameter widgets self.update_human() def destroy(self): """Called when the window is destroyed. Unsuscribes from human selection events""" self._selection_sub.unsubscribe() self._selection_sub = None super().destroy()
import carb from omni.kit.browser.folder.core.models.folder_browser_item import FileDetailItem import omni.ui as ui import from omni.kit.browser.core import get_legacy_viewport_interface from omni.kit.browser.folder.core import FolderDetailDelegate from .model import MHAssetBrowserModel, AssetDetailItem from ..mhcaller import MHCaller import asyncio from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional # TODO remove unused imports # TODO remove CURRENT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent ICON_PATH = CURRENT_PATH.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("icons") class AssetDetailDelegate(FolderDetailDelegate): """Delegate to show Makehuman asset item in detail view and execute drag-and- drop and doubleclick behavior. Attributes ---------- model : MHAssetBrowserModel Model that stores AssetBrowser data """ def __init__(self, model: MHAssetBrowserModel): """Constructs an instance of AssetDetailDelegate, which handles execution of functions Parameters ---------- model : MHAssetBrowserModel Makehuman asset browser model """ super().__init__(model=model) # Reference to the browser asset model self.model = model # Reference to the human self._human = model.human self._settings = carb.settings.get_settings() # The context menu that opens on right_click self._context_menu: Optional[ui.Menu] = None self._action_item: Optional[AssetDetailItem] = None self._viewport = None self._drop_helper = None def destroy(self): """Destructor for AssetDetailDelegate. Removes references and destroys superclass.""" self._viewport = None self._drop_helper = None super().destroy() def get_thumbnail(self, item : AssetDetailItem) -> str: """Get the thumbnail for an asset Parameters ---------- item : AssetDetailItem The item in the browser for which we are getting a thumbnail Returns ------- str Path to the thumbnail image """ return item.thumbnail def on_drag(self, item: AssetDetailItem) -> str: """Displays a translucent UI widget when an asset is dragged Parameters ---------- item : AssetDetailItem The item being dragged Returns ------- str The path on disk of the item being dragged (passed to whatever widget accepts the drop) """ thumbnail = self.get_thumbnail(item) icon_size = 128 with ui.VStack(width=icon_size): if thumbnail: ui.Spacer(height=2) with ui.HStack(): ui.Spacer() ui.ImageWithProvider( thumbnail, width=icon_size, height=icon_size ) ui.Spacer() ui.Label(, word_wrap=False, elided_text=True, skip_draw_when_clipped=True, alignment=ui.Alignment.TOP, style_type_name_override="GridView.Item", ) # Return the path of the item being dragged so it can be accessed by # the widget on which it is dropped return item.url def on_double_click(self, item: FileDetailItem): """Method to execute when an asset is doubleclicked. Adds the asset to the human. Parameters ---------- item : FileDetailItem The item that has been doubleclicked """ self._human.add_item(item.url)
from typing import Callable import carb import aiohttp import omni.client import os, zipfile class Downloader: """Downloads and unzips remote files and tracks download status/progress""" def __init__(self, log_fn : Callable[[float], None]) -> None: """Construct an instance of Downloader. Assigns the logging function and sets initial is_downloading status Parameters ---------- log_fn : Callable[[float], None] Function to which to pass progress. Recieves a proportion that represents the amount downloaded """ self._is_downloading = False self._log_fn = log_fn async def download(self, url : str, dest_url : str) -> None: """Download a given url to disk and unzip it Parameters ---------- url : str Remote URL to fetch dest_url : str Local path at which to write and then unzip the downloaded files Returns ------- dict of str, Union[omni.client.Result, str] Error message and location on disk """ ret_value = {"url": None} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: self._is_downloading = True content = bytearray() # Download content from the given url downloaded = 0 async with session.get(url) as response: size = int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)) if size > 0: async for chunk in response.content.iter_chunked(1024 * 512): content.extend(chunk) downloaded += len(chunk) if self._log_fn: self._log_fn(float(downloaded) / size) else: if self._log_fn: self._log_fn(0) content = await if self._log_fn: self._log_fn(1) if response.ok: # Write to destination filename = os.path.basename(url.split("?")[0]) dest_url = f"{dest_url}/{filename}" (result, list_entry) = await omni.client.stat_async(dest_url) ret_value["status"] = await omni.client.write_file_async(dest_url, content) ret_value["url"] = dest_url if ret_value["status"] == omni.client.Result.OK: # TODO handle file already exists pass z = zipfile.ZipFile(dest_url, 'r') z.extractall(os.path.dirname(dest_url)) else: carb.log_error(f"[access denied: {url}") ret_value["status"] = omni.client.Result.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED self._is_downloading = False return ret_value def not_downloading(self): return not self._is_downloading
from omni.kit.browser.folder.core import FolderBrowserWidget from .delegate import AssetDetailDelegate from .model import MHAssetBrowserModel from .options_menu import FolderOptionsMenu import omni.ui as ui class AssetBrowserFrame: """A widget to browse and select Makehuman assets Attributes ---------- mhcaller : MHCaller Wrapper object for Makehuman functions """ def __init__(self, model: MHAssetBrowserModel, **kwargs): """Constructs an instance of AssetBrowserFrame. This is a browser that displays available Makehuman assets (skeletons/rigs, proxies) and allows a user to apply them to the human. Parameters ---------- model : MHAssetBrowserModel A model to hold browser data """ self.model = model self.build_widget() def build_widget(self): """Build UI widget""" # The delegate to execute browser actions self._delegate = AssetDetailDelegate(self.model) # Drop down menu to hold options self._options_menu = FolderOptionsMenu() with ui.VStack(): self._widget = FolderBrowserWidget( self.model, detail_delegate=self._delegate, options_menu=self._options_menu) ui.Separator(height=2) # Progress bar to show download progress (initially hidden) self._progress_bar = ui.ProgressBar(height=20, visible=False) self._options_menu.bind_progress_bar(self._progress_bar)
import os from typing import List, Union import carb.settings import omni.kit.commands from siborg.create.human.mhcaller import MHCaller import omni.usd from omni.kit.browser.core import DetailItem from omni.kit.browser.folder.core import ( FolderBrowserModel, FileDetailItem, BrowserFile, ) from siborg.create.human.shared import data_path from ..human import Human class AssetDetailItem(FileDetailItem): """Represents Makehuman asset detail item """ def __init__(self, file: BrowserFile): """Constructs an instance of AssetDetailItem Parameters ---------- file : BrowserFile BrowserFile object from which to create detail item """ dirs = file.url.split("/") name = dirs[-1] super().__init__(name, file.url, file, file.thumbnail) class MHAssetBrowserModel(FolderBrowserModel): """Represents Makehuman asset browser model """ def __init__(self, human: Human, *args, **kwargs): """Constructs an instance of MHAssetBrowserModel Parameters ---------- human : Human The human to which to add assets """ self.human = human super().__init__( *args, show_category_subfolders=True, hide_file_without_thumbnails=False, **kwargs, ) # Add the data path as the root folder from which to build a collection super().append_root_folder(data_path(""), name="MakeHuman") def create_detail_item( self, file: BrowserFile ) -> Union[FileDetailItem, List[FileDetailItem]]: """Create detail item(s) from a file. A file may include multiple detail items. Overwrite parent function to add thumbnails. Parameters ---------- file : BrowserFile File object to create detail item(s) Returns ------- Union[FileDetailItem, List[FileDetailItem]] FileDetailItem or list of items created from file """ dirs = file.url.split("/") name = dirs[-1] # Get the file name without the extension filename_noext = os.path.splitext(file.url)[0] thumb = filename_noext + ".thumb" thumb_png = filename_noext + ".png" # If there is already a PNG, get it. If not, rename the thumb file to a PNG # (They are the same format just with different extensions). This lets us # use Makehuman's asset thumbnails if os.path.exists(thumb_png): thumb = thumb_png elif os.path.exists(thumb): os.rename(thumb, thumb_png) thumb = thumb_png else: thumb = None return FileDetailItem(name, file.url, file, thumb)
from omni.kit.browser.core import OptionMenuDescription, OptionsMenu from omni.kit.browser.folder.core.models.folder_browser_item import FolderCollectionItem import carb import asyncio from ..shared import data_path from .downloader import Downloader import omni.ui as ui class FolderOptionsMenu(OptionsMenu): """ Represent options menu used in material browser. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Progress bar widget to show download progress self._progress_bar : ui.ProgressBar = None self.downloader = Downloader(self.progress_fn,) self._download_menu_desc = OptionMenuDescription( "Download Assets", clicked_fn=self._on_download_assets, get_text_fn=self._get_menu_item_text, enabled_fn=self.downloader.not_downloading ) self.append_menu_item(self._download_menu_desc) def destroy(self) -> None: super().destroy() def progress_fn(self, proportion: float): carb.log_info(f"Download is {int(proportion * 100)}% done") if self._progress_bar: self._progress_bar.model.set_value(proportion) def _get_menu_item_text(self) -> str: # Show download state if download starts if self.downloader._is_downloading: return "Download In Progress" return "Download Assets" def bind_progress_bar(self, progress_bar): self._progress_bar = progress_bar def _on_download_assets(self): # Show progress bar if self._progress_bar: self._progress_bar.visible = True loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._download(), loop) def _is_remove_collection_enabled(self) -> None: '''Don't allow removing the default collection''' if self._browser_widget is not None: return self._browser_widget.collection_index >= 1 else: return False def _on_remove_collection(self) -> None: if self._browser_widget is None or self._browser_widget.collection_index < 0: return else: browser_model = self._browser_widget.model collection_items = browser_model.get_collection_items() if browser_model.remove_collection(collection_items[self._browser_widget.collection_index]): # Update collection combobox and default none selected browser_model._item_changed(None) self._browser_widget.collection_index -= 1 def _hide_progress_bar(self): if self._progress_bar: self._progress_bar.visible = False async def _download(self): # Makehuman system assets url = "" # Smaller zip for testing # url = "" dest_url = data_path("") await, dest_url) self._hide_progress_bar() self.refresh_collection() def refresh_collection(self): collection_item: FolderCollectionItem = self._browser_widget.collection_selection if collection_item: folder = collection_item.folder folder._timeout = 10 asyncio.ensure_future(folder.start_traverse())
[package] # Semantic Versionning is used: version = "0.0.2" preview_image = "data/preview.png" # Icon is shown in Extensions window, it is recommended to be square, of size 256x256. icon = "data/icon.png" # The title and description fields are primarily for displaying extension info in UI title = "HumanGenerator" description="Human Generator for Omniverse. Create and customize humans in your Omniverse scenes." # Path (relative to the root) or content of readme markdown file for UI. readme = "docs/" # URL of the extension source repository. repository = "" # One of categories for UI. category = "Services" feature = true # Keywords for the extension keywords = ["kit", "makehuman","human","character","generator","person"] # Use omni.ui to build simple UI [dependencies] "omni.kit.uiapp" = {} "omni.usd" = {} "omni.anim.skelJoint" = {} "omni.kit.browser.core" = {} "omni.kit.browser.folder.core" = {} # Main python module this extension provides, it will be publicly available as "import". [[python.module]] name = "siborg.create.human" [settings] exts."siborg.create.human.browser.asset".instanceable = [] exts."siborg.create.human.browser.asset".timeout = 10 [python.pipapi] use_online_index = true # Use this to specify a list of additional repositories if your pip package is hosted somewhere other # than the default repo(s) configured in pip. Will pass these to pip with "--extra-index-url" argument repositories = [""] requirements = ["makehuman==1.2.2"]
# Overview HumanGenerator generates parametric, rigged, outfitted humans in NVIDIA Omniverse. This project relies on the Makehuman project from # Getting Started The easiest way to get started is using Omniverse Create. Navigate to the Extensions window and click on "Community". Search for `HumanGenerator` and you should see our extension show up. The extension may take a few minutes to install as it will download makehuman and install it in the Omniverse's local Python instance. For use, check out the walkthrough video on Github. ## License *Our license restrictions are due to the AGPL of MakeHuman. In line with the statements from MakeHuman, the targets and resulting characters are CC0, meaning you can use whatever you create for free, without restrictions. It is only the codebase that is AGPL.
#!/bin/bash set -e SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE}) cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" exec "tools/packman/" tools/scripts/ $@
@echo off call "%~dp0tools\packman\python.bat" %~dp0tools\scripts\ %* if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto Error ) :Success exit /b 0 :Error exit /b %errorlevel%
![preview]( This repository is for the omniverse extension for crowd simulation. If you are looking for a project that can be run without omniverse, checkout [Python-only crowd simulation]( A crowd simulator API with a default demo scene. The main python API can be used in a few ways. There is an examples folder showing a few use-cases. Users can also switch between social forces and PAM as the crowds algorithm. The extension will load an populate some demo configuration. It will create an Xform called CrowdGoals. To add a goal for the crowd. Create an xform under the "CrowdGoals". We automatically check for those prims as the method of determing crowd goals. For every additional xform under CrowdGoals, we evenly split the crowd to assign those goals. There are two options for the crowd objects. The default uses geompoints, which is faster and runs its own integration of the forces for position and velocity. It does not interact with any physics in the scene. Alternatively the "Rigid Body" can be used, which creates physical spheres that interact with the scene. Press Play to see the crowd. The default number of demo agents is a 3x3 grid (9 agents). The current simulator in python may struggle above 25 agents, depending on CPU configuration. We plan to support more methods in the future, as well as more crowd simulators. Contributions are welcome.
import os import argparse import sys import json import packmanapi import urllib3 def find_omniverse_apps(): http = urllib3.PoolManager() try: r = http.request("GET", "") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed retrieving apps from an Omniverse Launcher, maybe it is not installed?\nError: {e}") sys.exit(1) apps = {} for x in json.loads("utf-8")): latest = x.get("installedVersions", {}).get("latest", "") if latest: for s in x.get("settings", []): if s.get("version", "") == latest: root = s.get("launch", {}).get("root", "") apps[x["slug"]] = (x["name"], root) break return apps def create_link(src, dst): print(f"Creating a link '{src}' -> '{dst}'"), dst) APP_PRIORITIES = ["code", "create", "view"] if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create folder link to Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher") parser.add_argument( "--path", help="Path to Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher, e.g.: 'C:/Users/bob/AppData/Local/ov/pkg/create-2021.3.4'", required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--app", help="Name of Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher, e.g.: 'code', 'create'", required=False ) args = parser.parse_args() path = args.path if not path: print("Path is not specified, looking for Omniverse Apps...") apps = find_omniverse_apps() if len(apps) == 0: print( "Can't find any Omniverse Apps. Use Omniverse Launcher to install one. 'Code' is the recommended app for developers." ) sys.exit(0) print("\nFound following Omniverse Apps:") for i, slug in enumerate(apps): name, root = apps[slug] print(f"{i}: {name} ({slug}) at: '{root}'") if selected_app = if selected_app not in apps: choices = ", ".join(apps.keys()) print(f"Passed app: '{selected_app}' is not found. Specify one of the following found Apps: {choices}") sys.exit(0) else: selected_app = next((x for x in APP_PRIORITIES if x in apps), None) if not selected_app: selected_app = next(iter(apps)) print(f"\nSelected app: {selected_app}") _, path = apps[selected_app] if not os.path.exists(path): print(f"Provided path doesn't exist: {path}") else: SCRIPT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) create_link(f"{SCRIPT_ROOT}/../../app", path) print("Success!")
#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019-2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e PACKMAN_CMD="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/packman" if [ ! -f "$PACKMAN_CMD" ]; then PACKMAN_CMD="${PACKMAN_CMD}.sh" fi source "$PACKMAN_CMD" init export PYTHONPATH="${PM_MODULE_DIR}:${PYTHONPATH}" export PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 # workaround for our python not shipping with certs if [[ -z ${SSL_CERT_DIR:-} ]]; then export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs/ fi "${PM_PYTHON}" -u "$@"
:: Copyright 2019-2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. @echo off setlocal call "%~dp0\packman" init set "PYTHONPATH=%PM_MODULE_DIR%;%PYTHONPATH%" set PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 "%PM_PYTHON%" -u %*
:: Reset errorlevel status (don't inherit from caller) [xxxxxxxxxxx] @call :ECHO_AND_RESET_ERROR :: You can remove the call below if you do your own manual configuration of the dev machines call "%~dp0\bootstrap\configure.bat" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( exit /b %errorlevel% ) :: Everything below is mandatory if not defined PM_PYTHON goto :PYTHON_ENV_ERROR if not defined PM_MODULE goto :MODULE_ENV_ERROR :: Generate temporary path for variable file for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile ^ -File "%~dp0bootstrap\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set PM_VAR_PATH=%%a if %1.==. ( set PM_VAR_PATH_ARG= ) else ( set PM_VAR_PATH_ARG=--var-path="%PM_VAR_PATH%" ) "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%PM_MODULE%" %* %PM_VAR_PATH_ARG% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( exit /b %errorlevel% ) :: Marshall environment variables into the current environment if they have been generated and remove temporary file if exist "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ( for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%PM_VAR_PATH%") do set "%%A" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :VAR_ERROR ) if exist "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ( del /F "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :VAR_ERROR ) set PM_VAR_PATH= goto :eof :: Subroutines below :PYTHON_ENV_ERROR @echo User environment variable PM_PYTHON is not set! Please configure machine for packman or call configure.bat. exit /b 1 :MODULE_ENV_ERROR @echo User environment variable PM_MODULE is not set! Please configure machine for packman or call configure.bat. exit /b 1 :VAR_ERROR @echo Error while processing and setting environment variables! exit /b 1 :ECHO_AND_RESET_ERROR @echo off if /I "%PM_VERBOSITY%"=="debug" ( @echo on ) exit /b 0
<config remotes="cloudfront"> <remote2 name="cloudfront"> <transport actions="download" protocol="https" packageLocation="${name}@${version}" /> </remote2> </config>
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> $out = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Host $out # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIaVwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaSDCCGkQCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCAK+Ewup1N0/mdf # 1l4R58rxyumHgZvTmEhrYTb2Zf0zd6CCCiIwggTTMIIDu6ADAgECAhBi50XpIWUh # PJcfXEkK6hKlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEdMBsGA1UE # ChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlN5bWFudGVjIFRydXN0 # IE5ldHdvcmsxNTAzBgNVBAMTLFN5bWFudGVjIENsYXNzIDMgU0hBMjU2IENvZGUg # U2lnbmluZyBDQSAtIEcyMB4XDTE4MDcwOTAwMDAwMFoXDTIxMDcwOTIzNTk1OVow # gYMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRQwEgYDVQQHDAtT # YW50YSBDbGFyYTEbMBkGA1UECgwSTlZJRElBIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMQ8wDQYDVQQL # DAZJVC1NSVMxGzAZBgNVBAMMEk5WSURJQSBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALEZN63dA47T4i90jZ84CJ/aWUwVtLff8AyP # YspFfIZGdZYiMgdb8A5tBh7653y0G/LZL6CVUkgejcpvBU/Dl/52a+gSWy2qJ2bH # jMFMKCyQDhdpCAKMOUKSC9rfzm4cFeA9ct91LQCAait4LhLlZt/HF7aG+r0FgCZa # HJjJvE7KNY9G4AZXxjSt8CXS8/8NQMANqjLX1r+F+Hl8PzQ1fVx0mMsbdtaIV4Pj # 5flAeTUnz6+dCTx3vTUo8MYtkS2UBaQv7t7H2B7iwJDakEQKk1XHswJdeqG0osDU # z6+NVks7uWE1N8UIhvzbw0FEX/U2kpfyWaB/J3gMl8rVR8idPj8CAwEAAaOCAT4w # ggE6MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUF # BwMDMGEGA1UdIARaMFgwVgYGZ4EMAQQBMEwwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # ZC5zeW1jYi5jb20vY3BzMCUGCCsGAQUFBwICMBkMF2h0dHBzOi8vZC5zeW1jYi5j # b20vcnBhMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFNTABiJJ6zlL3ZPiXKG4R3YJcgNYMCsGA1UdHwQk # MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly9yYi5zeW1jYi5jb20vcmIuY3JsMFcGCCsGAQUFBwEB # BEswSTAfBggrBgEFBQcwAYYTaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNkLmNvbTAmBggrBgEFBQcw # AoYaaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9yYi5jcnQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB # AIJKh5vKJdhHJtMzATmc1BmXIQ3RaJONOZ5jMHn7HOkYU1JP0OIzb4pXXkH8Xwfr # K6bnd72IhcteyksvKsGpSvK0PBBwzodERTAu1Os2N+EaakxQwV/xtqDm1E3IhjHk # fRshyKKzmFk2Ci323J4lHtpWUj5Hz61b8gd72jH7xnihGi+LORJ2uRNZ3YuqMNC3 # SBC8tAyoJqEoTJirULUCXW6wX4XUm5P2sx+htPw7szGblVKbQ+PFinNGnsSEZeKz # D8jUb++1cvgTKH59Y6lm43nsJjkZU77tNqyq4ABwgQRk6lt8cS2PPwjZvTmvdnla # ZhR0K4of+pQaUQHXVIBdji8wggVHMIIEL6ADAgECAhB8GzU1SufbdOdBXxFpymuo # MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIG9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNp # Z24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxOjA4BgNV # BAsTMShjKSAyMDA4IFZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuIC0gRm9yIGF1dGhvcml6ZWQgdXNl # IG9ubHkxODA2BgNVBAMTL1ZlcmlTaWduIFVuaXZlcnNhbCBSb290IENlcnRpZmlj # YXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MB4XDTE0MDcyMjAwMDAwMFoXDTI0MDcyMTIzNTk1OVow # gYQxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1hbnRlYyBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEf # MB0GA1UECxMWU3ltYW50ZWMgVHJ1c3QgTmV0d29yazE1MDMGA1UEAxMsU3ltYW50 # ZWMgQ2xhc3MgMyBTSEEyNTYgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBIC0gRzIwggEiMA0GCSqG # SIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDXlUPU3N9nrjn7UqS2JjEEcOm3jlsqujdp # NZWPu8Aw54bYc7vf69F2P4pWjustS/BXGE6xjaUz0wt1I9VqeSfdo9P3Dodltd6t # HPH1NbQiUa8iocFdS5B/wFlOq515qQLXHkmxO02H/sJ4q7/vUq6crwjZOeWaUT5p # XzAQTnFjbFjh8CAzGw90vlvLEuHbjMSAlHK79kWansElC/ujHJ7YpglwcezAR0yP # fcPeGc4+7gRyjhfT//CyBTIZTNOwHJ/+pXggQnBBsCaMbwDIOgARQXpBsKeKkQSg # 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SIb3DQEJEAIMMRwwGjAYMBYEFOHXgqjhkb7va8oWkbWqtJSmJJvzMC8GCSqGSIb3 # DQEJBDEiBCCHEAmNNj2zWjWYRfEi4FgzZvrI16kv/U2b9b3oHw6UVDANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQEFAASCAQCdefEKh6Qmwx7xGCkrYi/A+/Cla6LdnYJp38eMs3fqTTvjhyDw # HffXrwdqWy5/fgW3o3qJXqa5o7hLxYIoWSULOCpJRGdt+w7XKPAbZqHrN9elAhWJ # vpBTCEaj7dVxr1Ka4NsoPSYe0eidDBmmvGvp02J4Z1j8+ImQPKN6Hv/L8Ixaxe7V # mH4VtXIiBK8xXdi4wzO+A+qLtHEJXz3Gw8Bp3BNtlDGIUkIhVTM3Q1xcSEqhOLqo # PGdwCw9acxdXNWWPjOJkNH656Bvmkml+0p6MTGIeG4JCeRh1Wpqm1ZGSoEcXNaof # wOgj48YzI+dNqBD9i7RSWCqJr2ygYKRTxnuU # SIG # End signature block
:: Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. set PM_PACKMAN_VERSION=6.33.2 :: Specify where packman command is rooted set PM_INSTALL_PATH=%~dp0.. :: The external root may already be configured and we should do minimal work in that case if defined PM_PACKAGES_ROOT goto ENSURE_DIR :: If the folder isn't set we assume that the best place for it is on the drive that we are currently :: running from set PM_DRIVE=%CD:~0,2% set PM_PACKAGES_ROOT=%PM_DRIVE%\packman-repo :: We use *setx* here so that the variable is persisted in the user environment echo Setting user environment variable PM_PACKAGES_ROOT to %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% setx PM_PACKAGES_ROOT %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto ERROR ) :: The above doesn't work properly from a build step in VisualStudio because a separate process is :: spawned for it so it will be lost for subsequent compilation steps - VisualStudio must :: be launched from a new process. We catch this odd-ball case here: if defined PM_DISABLE_VS_WARNING goto ENSURE_DIR if not defined VSLANG goto ENSURE_DIR echo The above is a once-per-computer operation. Unfortunately VisualStudio cannot pick up environment change echo unless *VisualStudio is RELAUNCHED*. echo If you are launching VisualStudio from command line or command line utility make sure echo you have a fresh launch environment (relaunch the command line or utility). echo If you are using 'linkPath' and referring to packages via local folder links you can safely ignore this warning. echo You can disable this warning by setting the environment variable PM_DISABLE_VS_WARNING. echo. :: Check for the directory that we need. Note that mkdir will create any directories :: that may be needed in the path :ENSURE_DIR if not exist "%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%" ( echo Creating directory %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% mkdir "%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto ERROR_MKDIR_PACKAGES_ROOT ) :: The Python interpreter may already be externally configured if defined PM_PYTHON_EXT ( set PM_PYTHON=%PM_PYTHON_EXT% goto PACKMAN ) set PM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.7.9-windows-x86_64 set PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\python set PM_PYTHON_DIR=%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%\%PM_PYTHON_VERSION% set PM_PYTHON=%PM_PYTHON_DIR%\python.exe if exist "%PM_PYTHON%" goto PACKMAN if not exist "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%" call :CREATE_PYTHON_BASE_DIR set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set TEMP_FILE_NAME=%%a set call "%~dp0fetch_file_from_packman_bootstrap.cmd" %PM_PYTHON_PACKAGE% "%TARGET%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching python from CDN !!! goto ERROR ) for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_folder.ps1" -parentPath "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%"') do set TEMP_FOLDER_NAME=%%a echo Unpacking Python interpreter ... "%SystemRoot%\system32\expand.exe" -F:* "%TARGET%" "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" 1> nul del "%TARGET%" :: Failure during extraction to temp folder name, need to clean up and abort if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error unpacking python !!! call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto ERROR ) :: If python has now been installed by a concurrent process we need to clean up and then continue if exist "%PM_PYTHON%" ( call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto PACKMAN ) else ( if exist "%PM_PYTHON_DIR%" ( rd /s /q "%PM_PYTHON_DIR%" > nul ) ) :: Perform atomic rename rename "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" "%PM_PYTHON_VERSION%" 1> nul :: Failure during move, need to clean up and abort if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error renaming python !!! call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto ERROR ) :PACKMAN :: The packman module may already be externally configured if defined PM_MODULE_DIR_EXT ( set PM_MODULE_DIR=%PM_MODULE_DIR_EXT% ) else ( set PM_MODULE_DIR=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\packman-common\%PM_PACKMAN_VERSION% ) set PM_MODULE=%PM_MODULE_DIR%\ if exist "%PM_MODULE%" goto ENSURE_7ZA set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set TEMP_FILE_NAME=%%a set TARGET=%TEMP_FILE_NAME% call "%~dp0fetch_file_from_packman_bootstrap.cmd" %PM_MODULE_PACKAGE% "%TARGET%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching packman from CDN !!! goto ERROR ) echo Unpacking ... "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%~dp0\" "%TARGET%" "%PM_MODULE_DIR%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error unpacking packman !!! goto ERROR ) del "%TARGET%" :ENSURE_7ZA set PM_7Za_VERSION=16.02.4 set PM_7Za_PATH=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\7za\%PM_7ZA_VERSION% if exist "%PM_7Za_PATH%" goto END set PM_7Za_PATH=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\chk\7za\%PM_7ZA_VERSION% if exist "%PM_7Za_PATH%" goto END "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%PM_MODULE%" pull "%PM_MODULE_DIR%\deps.packman.xml" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching packman dependencies !!! goto ERROR ) goto END :ERROR_MKDIR_PACKAGES_ROOT echo Failed to automatically create packman packages repo at %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%. echo Please set a location explicitly that packman has permission to write to, by issuing: echo. echo setx PM_PACKAGES_ROOT {path-you-choose-for-storing-packman-packages-locally} echo. echo Then launch a new command console for the changes to take effect and run packman command again. exit /B %errorlevel% :ERROR echo !!! Failure while configuring local machine :( !!! exit /B %errorlevel% :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER rd /S /Q "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" exit /B :CREATE_PYTHON_BASE_DIR :: We ignore errors and clean error state - if two processes create the directory one will fail which is fine md "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%" > nul 2>&1 exit /B 0 :END
:: Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. :: You need to specify <package-name> <target-path> as input to this command @setlocal @set PACKAGE_NAME=%1 @set TARGET_PATH=%2 @echo Fetching %PACKAGE_NAME% ... @powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0download_file_from_url.ps1" ^ -source "" -output %TARGET_PATH% :: A bug in powershell prevents the errorlevel code from being set when using the -File execution option :: We must therefore do our own failure analysis, basically make sure the file exists and is larger than 0 bytes: @if not exist %TARGET_PATH% goto ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @if %~z2==0 goto ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @endlocal @exit /b 0 :ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @echo Failed to download file from S3 @echo Most likely because endpoint cannot be reached or file %PACKAGE_NAME% doesn't exist @endlocal @exit /b 1
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$source=$null, [string]$output="out.exe" ) $filename = $output $triesLeft = 3 do { $triesLeft -= 1 try { Write-Host "Downloading from ..." $wc = New-Object net.webclient $wc.Downloadfile($source, $fileName) $triesLeft = 0 } catch { Write-Host "Error downloading $source!" Write-Host $_.Exception|format-list -force } } while ($triesLeft -gt 0)
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$parentPath=$null ) [string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $out = Join-Path $parentPath $name New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ($out) | Out-Null Write-Host $out # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIaVwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaSDCCGkQCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCB29nsqMEu+VmSF # 7ckeVTPrEZ6hsXjOgPFlJm9ilgHUB6CCCiIwggTTMIIDu6ADAgECAhBi50XpIWUh # PJcfXEkK6hKlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEdMBsGA1UE # ChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlN5bWFudGVjIFRydXN0 # IE5ldHdvcmsxNTAzBgNVBAMTLFN5bWFudGVjIENsYXNzIDMgU0hBMjU2IENvZGUg # U2lnbmluZyBDQSAtIEcyMB4XDTE4MDcwOTAwMDAwMFoXDTIxMDcwOTIzNTk1OVow # gYMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRQwEgYDVQQHDAtT # YW50YSBDbGFyYTEbMBkGA1UECgwSTlZJRElBIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMQ8wDQYDVQQL # DAZJVC1NSVMxGzAZBgNVBAMMEk5WSURJQSBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALEZN63dA47T4i90jZ84CJ/aWUwVtLff8AyP # YspFfIZGdZYiMgdb8A5tBh7653y0G/LZL6CVUkgejcpvBU/Dl/52a+gSWy2qJ2bH # jMFMKCyQDhdpCAKMOUKSC9rfzm4cFeA9ct91LQCAait4LhLlZt/HF7aG+r0FgCZa # HJjJvE7KNY9G4AZXxjSt8CXS8/8NQMANqjLX1r+F+Hl8PzQ1fVx0mMsbdtaIV4Pj # 5flAeTUnz6+dCTx3vTUo8MYtkS2UBaQv7t7H2B7iwJDakEQKk1XHswJdeqG0osDU # z6+NVks7uWE1N8UIhvzbw0FEX/U2kpfyWaB/J3gMl8rVR8idPj8CAwEAAaOCAT4w # ggE6MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUF # BwMDMGEGA1UdIARaMFgwVgYGZ4EMAQQBMEwwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # ZC5zeW1jYi5jb20vY3BzMCUGCCsGAQUFBwICMBkMF2h0dHBzOi8vZC5zeW1jYi5j # b20vcnBhMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFNTABiJJ6zlL3ZPiXKG4R3YJcgNYMCsGA1UdHwQk # MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly9yYi5zeW1jYi5jb20vcmIuY3JsMFcGCCsGAQUFBwEB # BEswSTAfBggrBgEFBQcwAYYTaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNkLmNvbTAmBggrBgEFBQcw # AoYaaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9yYi5jcnQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB # AIJKh5vKJdhHJtMzATmc1BmXIQ3RaJONOZ5jMHn7HOkYU1JP0OIzb4pXXkH8Xwfr # 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HPH1NbQiUa8iocFdS5B/wFlOq515qQLXHkmxO02H/sJ4q7/vUq6crwjZOeWaUT5p # XzAQTnFjbFjh8CAzGw90vlvLEuHbjMSAlHK79kWansElC/ujHJ7YpglwcezAR0yP # fcPeGc4+7gRyjhfT//CyBTIZTNOwHJ/+pXggQnBBsCaMbwDIOgARQXpBsKeKkQSg # mXj0d7TzYCrmbFAEtxRg/w1R9KiLhP4h2lxeffUpeU+wRHRvbXL/AgMBAAGjggF4 # MIIBdDAuBggrBgEFBQcBAQQiMCAwHgYIKwYBBQUHMAGGEmh0dHA6Ly9zLnN5bWNk # LmNvbTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMGYGA1UdIARfMF0wWwYLYIZIAYb4RQEH # FwMwTDAjBggrBgEFBQcCARYXaHR0cHM6Ly9kLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9jcHMwJQYIKwYB # BQUHAgIwGRoXaHR0cHM6Ly9kLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9ycGEwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmg # J4YlaHR0cDovL3Muc3ltY2IuY29tL3VuaXZlcnNhbC1yb290LmNybDATBgNVHSUE # DDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwKQYDVR0RBCIwIKQeMBwxGjAY # BgNVBAMTEVN5bWFudGVjUEtJLTEtNzI0MB0GA1UdDgQWBBTUwAYiSes5S92T4lyh # uEd2CXIDWDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBS2d/ppSEefUxLVwuoHMnYH0ZcHGTANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAf+vKp+qLdkLrPo4gVDDjt7nc+kg+FscPRZUQzSeGo2bzAu1x # +KrCVZeRcIP5Un5SaTzJ8eCURoAYu6HUpFam8x0AkdWG80iH4MvENGggXrTL+QXt # nK9wUye56D5+UaBpcYvcUe2AOiUyn0SvbkMo0yF1u5fYi4uM/qkERgSF9xWcSxGN # 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chzun3oBc/gZ1v4NSYS9AQIDAQABo4IBuDCCAbQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMAwG # A1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwFgYDVR0lAQH/BAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwgwQQYDVR0gBDowODA2 # BglghkgBhv1sBwEwKTAnBggrBgEFBQcCARYbaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5j # b20vQ1BTMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFPS24SAd/imu0uRhpbKiJbLIFzVuMB0GA1UdDgQW # BBQ2RIaOpLqwZr68KC0dRDbd42p6vDBxBgNVHR8EajBoMDKgMKAuhixodHRwOi8v # Y3JsMy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vc2hhMi1hc3N1cmVkLXRzLmNybDAyoDCgLoYsaHR0 # cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL3NoYTItYXNzdXJlZC10cy5jcmwwgYUGCCsG # AQUFBwEBBHkwdzAkBggrBgEFBQcwAYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29t # ME8GCCsGAQUFBzAChkNodHRwOi8vY2FjZXJ0cy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNl # cnRTSEEyQXNzdXJlZElEVGltZXN0YW1waW5nQ0EuY3J0MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA # A4IBAQBIHNy16ZojvOca5yAOjmdG/UJyUXQKI0ejq5LSJcRwWb4UoOUngaVNFBUZ # B3nw0QTDhtk7vf5EAmZN7WmkD/a4cM9i6PVRSnh5Nnont/PnUp+Tp+1DnnvntN1B # Ion7h6JGA0789P63ZHdjXyNSaYOC+hpT7ZDMjaEXcw3082U5cEvznNZ6e9oMvD0y # 0BvL9WH8dQgAdryBDvjA4VzPxBFy5xtkSdgimnUVQvUtMjiB2vRgorq0Uvtc4GEk # JU+y38kpqHNDUdq9Y9YfW5v3LhtPEx33Sg1xfpe39D+E68Hjo0mh+s6nv1bPull2 # YYlffqe0jmd4+TaY4cso2luHpoovMIIFMTCCBBmgAwIBAgIQCqEl1tYyG35B5AXa # NpfCFTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBlMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGln # aUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMSQwIgYDVQQDExtE # aWdpQ2VydCBBc3N1cmVkIElEIFJvb3QgQ0EwHhcNMTYwMTA3MTIwMDAwWhcNMzEw # MTA3MTIwMDAwWjByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5j # MRkwFwYDVQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhEaWdpQ2VydCBT # SEEyIEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgVGltZXN0YW1waW5nIENBMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF # AAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvdAy7kvNj3/dqbqCmcU5VChXtiNKxA4HRTNREH3Q+X1N # aH7ntqD0jbOI5Je/YyGQmL8TvFfTw+F+CNZqFAA49y4eO+7MpvYyWf5fZT/gm+vj # RkcGGlV+Cyd+wKL1oODeIj8O/36V+/OjuiI+GKwR5PCZA207hXwJ0+5dyJoLVOOo # CXFr4M8iEA91z3FyTgqt30A6XLdR4aF5FMZNJCMwXbzsPGBqrC8HzP3w6kfZiFBe # /WZuVmEnKYmEUeaC50ZQ/ZQqLKfkdT66mA+Ef58xFNat1fJky3seBdCEGXIX8RcG # 7z3N1k3vBkL9olMqT4UdxB08r8/arBD13ays6Vb/kwIDAQABo4IBzjCCAcowHQYD # VR0OBBYEFPS24SAd/imu0uRhpbKiJbLIFzVuMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFEXroq/0ksuC # MS1Ri6enIZ3zbcgPMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGG # MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMIMHkGCCsGAQUFBwEBBG0wazAkBggrBgEFBQcw # AYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMEMGCCsGAQUFBzAChjdodHRwOi8v # Y2FjZXJ0cy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNlcnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3J0 # MIGBBgNVHR8EejB4MDqgOKA2hjRodHRwOi8vY3JsNC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGln # aUNlcnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3JsMDqgOKA2hjRodHRwOi8vY3JsMy5kaWdp # Y2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNlcnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3JsMFAGA1UdIARJMEcw # OAYKYIZIAYb9bAACBDAqMCgGCCsGAQUFBwIBFhxodHRwczovL3d3dy5kaWdpY2Vy # dC5jb20vQ1BTMAsGCWCGSAGG/WwHATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAcZUS6VGH # VmnN793afKpjerN4zwY3QITvS4S/ys8DAv3Fp8MOIEIsr3fzKx8MIVoqtwU0HWqu # mfgnoma/Capg33akOpMP+LLR2HwZYuhegiUexLoceywh4tZbLBQ1QwRostt1AuBy # x5jWPGTlH0gQGF+JOGFNYkYkh2OMkVIsrymJ5Xgf1gsUpYDXEkdws3XVk4WTfraS # Z/tTYYmo9WuWwPRYaQ18yAGxuSh1t5ljhSKMYcp5lH5Z/IwP42+1ASa2bKXuh1Eh # 5Fhgm7oMLSttosR+u8QlK0cCCHxJrhO24XxCQijGGFbPQTS2Zl22dHv1VjMiLyI2 # skuiSpXY9aaOUjGCAk0wggJJAgEBMIGGMHIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQK # EwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xMTAvBgNV # BAMTKERpZ2lDZXJ0IFNIQTIgQXNzdXJlZCBJRCBUaW1lc3RhbXBpbmcgQ0ECEA1C # SuC+Ooj/YEAhzhQA8N0wDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIBBQCggZgwGgYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQ0G # CyqGSIb3DQEJEAEEMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw0yMTA0MDgwOTExMDlaMCsGCyqG # SIb3DQEJEAIMMRwwGjAYMBYEFOHXgqjhkb7va8oWkbWqtJSmJJvzMC8GCSqGSIb3 # DQEJBDEiBCDvFxQ6lYLr8vB+9czUl19rjCw1pWhhUXw/SqOmvIa/VDANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQEFAASCAQB9ox2UrcUXQsBI4Uycnhl4AMpvhVXJME62tygFMppW1l7QftDy # LvfPKRYm2YUioak/APxAS6geRKpeMkLvXuQS/Jlv0kY3BjxkeG0eVjvyjF4SvXbZ # 3JCk9m7wLNE+xqOo0ICjYlIJJgRLudjWkC5Skpb1NpPS8DOaIYwRV+AWaSOUPd9P # O5yVcnbl7OpK3EAEtwDrybCVBMPn2MGhAXybIHnth3+MFp1b6Blhz3WlReQyarjq # 1f+zaFB79rg6JswXoOTJhwICBP3hO2Ua3dMAswbfl+QNXF+igKLJPYnaeSVhBbm6 # VCu2io27t4ixqvoD0RuPObNX/P3oVA38afiM # SIG # End signature block
# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import zipfile import tempfile import sys import shutil __author__ = "hfannar" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger("install_package") class TemporaryDirectory: def __init__(self): self.path = None def __enter__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self.path def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # Remove temporary data created shutil.rmtree(self.path) def install_package(package_src_path, package_dst_path): with zipfile.ZipFile( package_src_path, allowZip64=True ) as zip_file, TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: zip_file.extractall(temp_dir) # Recursively copy (temp_dir will be automatically cleaned up on exit) try: # Recursive copy is needed because both package name and version folder could be missing in # target directory: shutil.copytree(temp_dir, package_dst_path) except OSError as exc: logger.warning( "Directory %s already present, packaged installation aborted" % package_dst_path ) else:"Package successfully installed to %s" % package_dst_path) install_package(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
import numpy as np from numpy import random from omni.physx import get_physx_interface import omni import carb from pxr import UsdGeom, Gf, Sdf, UsdShade import warp as wp import copy import usdrt from siborg.simulate.crowd.crowds import CrowdConfig from siborg.simulate.crowd.models import socialforces from siborg.simulate.crowd.models import pam wp.init() from siborg.simulate.crowd.models import socialforces_warp as crowd_force class Simulator(CrowdConfig): def __init__(self, world=None): super().__init__() = world # a default dt that is surely overwritten later self._dt = 1/60.0 # set radius self.radius = 0.7 self.radius_min = 0.5 self.radius_max = 1.0 # A subscription to the physics simulation, used when this class # is asked to manage the updates self._simulation_event = None # Will use a physics scene self.rigidbody = False self.use_pam = False self.on_gpu = False self.use_instancer = False self.add_jane = False self.use_heading = False # Tracks if user wants to update agent position on each sim step self.update_agents_sim = False self.update_viz = False self.instancer_paths = ["/World/PointInstancer_Bob", "/World/PointInstancer_Jane"] self.point_instancer_sets = [] self.agent_instance_path_bob = '/World/Scope/CrowdBob' self.agent_instance_path_jane = '/World/Scope/CrowdJane' self.instance_forward_vec = (1.0,0.0,0.0) # TODO get from instance object self.instance_up_vec = (0.0,1.0,0.0) # TODO Fix to be flexible later self.vel_epsilon = 0.05 self._get_world_up() def _get_world_up(self): stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() up = UsdGeom.GetStageUpAxis(stage) if up =='X': self.world_up = 0 if up =='Y': self.world_up = 1 if up =='Z': self.world_up = 2 return def register_simulation(self): self._callbacks() # we need to update the agents, otherwise won't see these results self.update_agents_sim = True self.update_viz = True def _callbacks(self): self._simulation_event = get_physx_interface( ).subscribe_physics_step_events( self._on_simulation_update) def _unregister(self): try: self._simulation_event.unsubscribe() except: self._simulation_event = None def _on_simulation_update(self, dt): if self.agent_bodies is None: return self._dt = dt def set_xform_goal(self, p): '''set the goal based on a subscribed xform Example of usage watcher = omni.usd.get_watcher() self._goal_subscriber = watcher.subscribe_to_change_info_path( Sdf.Path('/World/Goal.xformOp:translate'), self.Sim.set_xform_goal) Parameters ---------- p : str(prim path) a subscribed path ''' stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(str(p).split('.')[0]) goal_point = omni.usd.utils.get_world_transform_matrix(prim).ExtractTranslation() # Set agent destination self.goals = np.asarray([goal_point for x in range(self.nagents)]) def integrate(self, x, v, f, dt): ''' take position, velocity, force, and dt to compute updated position and velocity ''' v1 = v + ( (f * 1.0) * dt ) # new velocity x1 = x + (v1 * dt) # new position return x1, v1 def update_goals(self, new_goal): '''update the goals of agents Parameters ---------- new_goal : ndarray([x,y,z]) can either be one goal that is applied to all agents, or a list of the same size as number of agents ''' if len(new_goal) == 1: self.goals = np.asarray([new_goal for x in range(self.nagents)]) else: self.goals = new_goal def compute_step(self, agent): # Set the model to PAM if asked if self.use_pam: model = pam else: model = socialforces # Get the neighbors of this agent to use in computing forces pn = model.get_neighbors(self.agents_pos[agent], self.agents_pos, self.agents_percept[agent])[1] _force = model.compute_force(self.agents_pos[agent], self.agents_radi[agent], self.agents_vel[agent], self.agents_mass[agent], self.goals[agent], self.agents_pos[pn], self.agents_vel[pn], self.agents_radi[pn], self._dt) return _force def run(self): '''Runs the simulation for one step Updates agent positions and velocities if instance flag is true Returns ------- ndarray[x,y,z] forces ''' self.force_list = [] for agent in range(self.nagents): _force = self.compute_step(agent) # remove world (up) forces _force[self.world_up] = 0 # Store all forces to be applied to agents self.force_list.append(_force) self.step_processing() def step_processing(self): '''Process the computed step for simulation Returns ------- _type_ _description_ ''' # only update agent positions if user requests, otherwise they might want to # update using forces themselves if self.update_agents_sim: # If using rigid body, apply forces to agents if self.rigidbody: self.apply_force(self.force_list) else: self.internal_integration() if self.use_instancer: self.set_instance_agents() else: self.set_geompoints() def internal_integration(self): # Integrate for new position for i in range(self.nagents): self.agents_pos[i], self.agents_vel[i] = self.integrate(self.agents_pos[i], self.agents_vel[i], self.force_list[i], self._dt) def apply_force(self, force_list): '''Used for when rigidbody agents are used Parameters ---------- force_list : List[x,y,z] list of forces in order of the agents ''' # Apply forces to simulation # with Sdf.ChangeBlock(): # for idx, force in enumerate(force_list): # self._add_force(force, self.agent_bodies[idx], self.agent_bodies[idx].position) self._add_force3(force_list, self.agent_bodies) # Update positions and velocities for i in range(self.nagents): self.agents_pos[i] = self.agent_bodies[i].position self.agents_vel[i] = self.agent_bodies[i].velocity def _add_force(self, force, rigid_body, position): force = carb.Float3(force) position = carb.Float3(position) get_physx_interface().apply_force_at_pos(rigid_body.skinMeshPath, force, position) def _add_force2(self, force, rigid_body, position): # force = Gf.Vec3d(force) _ = force[0] force = Gf.Vec3d(float(force[0]), float(force[1]),float(force[2])) rigid_body.forceAttr.Set(force) #position def _add_force3(self, force_list, rigid_body): # force = Gf.Vec3d(force) # stage = usdrt.Usd.Stage.Attach(omni.usd.get_context().get_stage_id()) # # prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/World/boxActor") # attr = prim.CreateAttribute("_worldForce", usdrt.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, True) # if attr: # attr.Set(usdrt.Gf.Vec3f(50000.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # prefixes = set(prefix for path in paths for prefix in path.GetPrefixes()) # with Sdf.ChangeBlock(): # for path in prefixes: # prim_spec = Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(layer, path) # prim_spec.specifier = Sdf.SpecifierDef # prim_spec.typeName = UsdGeom.Xform.__name__ for idx, body in enumerate(rigid_body): force = force_list[idx] force = usdrt.Gf.Vec3d(float(force[0]), float(force[1]),float(force[2])) # body.forceAttr.Set(force) #position if body.world_force_attr: body.world_force_attr.Set(force) def create_geompoints(self, stage_path=None, color=None): '''create and manage geompoints representing agents Parameters ---------- stage_path : str, optional if not set, will use /World/Points, by default None color : (r,g,b), optional if not set, will make color red, by default None ''' if stage_path: stage_loc = stage_path else: stage_loc = "/World/Points" self.stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() self.agent_point_prim = UsdGeom.Points.Define(self.stage, stage_loc) self.agent_point_prim.CreatePointsAttr() width_attr = self.agent_point_prim.CreateWidthsAttr() width_attr.Set(self.agents_radi) # width_attr.Set([1 for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.agent_point_prim.CreateDisplayColorAttr() # For RTX renderers, this only works for UsdGeom.Tokens.constant color_primvar = self.agent_point_prim.CreateDisplayColorPrimvar(UsdGeom.Tokens.constant) if color: point_color = color else: point_color = (1,0,0) color_primvar.Set([point_color]) def set_geompoints(self): # Set the position with an offset based on the radius # Since it is a sphere, we render_pos = np.copy(self.agents_pos) render_pos[:,1] += (self.agents_radi/2) self.agent_point_prim.GetPointsAttr().Set(render_pos) def create_instance_agents(self): if self.add_jane: bob_size = int(self.nagents/2) bob_pos = self.agents_pos[:bob_size] point_instancer = self._single_agent_instance(bob_pos, bob_size, self.agent_instance_path_bob, self.instancer_paths[0]) self.point_instancer_sets.append(point_instancer) # TODO find way to split colors of instances jane_size = int(self.nagents/2) jane_pos = self.agents_pos[bob_size:] point_instancer = self._single_agent_instance(jane_pos, jane_size , self.agent_instance_path_jane, self.instancer_paths[1]) self.point_instancer_sets.append(point_instancer) else: point_instancer = self._single_agent_instance(self.agents_pos, self.nagents, self.agent_instance_path_bob, self.instancer_paths[0]) self.point_instancer_sets.append(point_instancer) def _single_agent_instance(self, agent_pos, nagents, agent_instance_path, instance_path): stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() point_instancer = UsdGeom.PointInstancer.Get(stage, instance_path) if not point_instancer: point_instancer = UsdGeom.PointInstancer(stage.DefinePrim(instance_path, "PointInstancer")) point_instancer.CreatePrototypesRel().SetTargets([agent_instance_path]) self.proto_indices_attr = point_instancer.CreateProtoIndicesAttr() self.proto_indices_attr.Set([0] * nagents) ## max radius is scale of 1 agent_scales = self.agents_radi/self.radius_max self.agent_instancer_scales = [(x,x,x) for x in agent_scales] # change to numpy # Set scale point_instancer.GetScalesAttr().Set(self.agent_instancer_scales) point_instancer.GetPositionsAttr().Set(agent_pos) # Set orientation rot = Gf.Rotation() rot.SetRotateInto(self.instance_forward_vec, self.instance_forward_vec) self.agent_headings = [Gf.Quath(rot.GetQuat()) for x in range(nagents)] point_instancer.GetOrientationsAttr().Set(self.agent_headings) return point_instancer def set_instance_agents(self): # update the points # self.point_instancer.CreatePrototypesRel().SetTargets([self.agent_instance_path]) # self.proto_indices_attr = self.point_instancer.CreateProtoIndicesAttr() # self.proto_indices_attr.Set([0] * self.nagents) for idx, point_instancer in enumerate(self.point_instancer_sets): if len(self.point_instancer_sets) == 1: agents_pos = self.agents_pos else: _slice = int(self.nagents/2) if idx == 0: # Positions for this instance agents_pos = self.agents_pos[:_slice] else: # Positions for this instance agents_pos = self.agents_pos[_slice:] # Set position point_instancer.GetPositionsAttr().Set(agents_pos) if not self.use_heading: continue self.set_heading() def set_heading(self): for idx, point_instancer in enumerate(self.point_instancer_sets): if len(self.point_instancer_sets) == 1: agents_vel = self.agents_vel nagents = self.nagents else: _slice = int(self.nagents/2) nagents = _slice if idx == 0: # Velocities for this instance agents_vel = self.agents_vel[:_slice] else: # Velocities for this instance agents_vel = self.agents_vel[_slice:] # Create array of agent headings based on velocity normalize_vel = agents_vel rot = Gf.Rotation() self.agent_headings = [] cur_orient = point_instancer.GetOrientationsAttr().Get() for i in range(0, nagents): if np.sqrt(normalize_vel[i].dot(normalize_vel[i])) < self.vel_epsilon: tovec = cur_orient[i] self.agent_headings.append(cur_orient[i]) else: tovec = Gf.Vec3d(tuple(normalize_vel[i])) rot.SetRotateInto(self.instance_forward_vec, tovec) self.agent_headings.append(Gf.Quath(rot.GetQuat())) # Set orientation point_instancer.GetOrientationsAttr().Set(self.agent_headings) return #### Change colors stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() # get path of material mat_path = '/CrowdBob/Looks/Linen_Blue' linen_mat = Sdf.Path(f'/World/Scope{mat_path}') mat_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(linen_mat) # print(mat_prim) # shader_path = '/Shader.inputs:diffuse_tint' # tint_shader = f'/World{mat_path}{shader_path}' shader = omni.usd.get_shader_from_material(mat_prim) # print(shader) #inp = shader.GetInput('diffuse_tint').Get() inp = shader.GetInput('diffuse_tint').Set((0.5,0.5,1.0)) class WarpCrowd(Simulator): '''A class to manage the warp-based version of crowd simulation ''' def __init__(self, world=None): super().__init__(world) self.device = 'cuda:0' # generate n number of agents self.nagents = 9 # set radius self.radius = 0.7 self.radius_min = 0.5 self.radius_max = 1.0 self.hash_radius = 0.7 # Radius to use for hashgrid # set mass self.mass = 20 # set pereption radius self.perception_radius = 6 # self.dt = 1.0/30.0 self.goal = [0.0,0.0,0.0] self.generation_origin = [10,10.0,0.0] self.inv_up = wp.vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0) # z-up self.inv_up[self.world_up] = 0.0 self.on_gpu = True def demo_agents(self, s=1.6, m=50, n=50): o = self.generation_origin # Initialize agents in a grid for testing self.agents_pos = np.asarray([ np.array([(s/2) + (x * s) +(o[0]/2) , (s/2) + (y * s) +(o[1]/2), 0 ], dtype=np.double) for x in range(m) for y in range(n) ]) self.nagents = len(self.agents_pos) self.configure_params() def configure_params(self): '''Convert all parameters to warp ''' self.agents_pos = np.asarray(self.agents_pos) # self.agents_pos = np.asarray([np.array([0,0,0], dtype=float) for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.agents_vel = np.asarray([np.array([0,0,0], dtype=float) for x in range(self.nagents)]) # # Set a quath for heading # rot = Gf.Rotation() # rot.SetRotateInto(self.instance_forward_vec, self.instance_forward_vec) # from, to # _hquat = Gf.Quath(rot.GetQuat()) # # Get rotation between agent forward direction self.agents_hdir = np.asarray([np.array([0,0,0,1], dtype=float) for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.force_list = np.asarray([np.array([0,0,0], dtype=float) for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.agents_radi = np.random.uniform(self.radius_min, self.radius_max, self.nagents) self.agents_mass = [self.mass for x in range(self.nagents)] self.agents_percept = np.asarray([self.perception_radius for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.agents_goal = np.asarray([np.array(self.goal, dtype=float) for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.agent_force_wp = wp.zeros(shape=self.nagents,device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) self.agents_pos_wp = wp.array(self.agents_pos, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) self.agents_vel_wp = wp.array(self.agents_vel, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) self.agents_hdir_wp = wp.array(self.agents_hdir, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec4) self.agents_goal_wp = wp.array(self.agents_goal, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) self.agents_radi_wp = wp.array(self.agents_radi, device=self.device, dtype=float) self.agents_mass_wp = wp.array(self.agents_mass, device=self.device, dtype=float) self.agents_percept_wp = wp.array(self.agents_percept, device=self.device, dtype=float) self.xnew_wp = wp.zeros_like(wp.array(self.agents_pos, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3)) self.vnew_wp = wp.zeros_like(wp.array(self.agents_pos, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3)) self.hdir_wp = wp.zeros_like(wp.array(self.agents_hdir, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec4)) def config_hasgrid(self, nagents=None): '''Create a hash grid based on the number of agents Currently assumes z up Parameters ---------- nagents : int, optional _description_, by default None ''' if nagents is None: nagents = self.nagents self.grid = wp.HashGrid(dim_x=200, dim_y=200, dim_z=1, device=self.device) # self.grid = wp.HashGrid(dim_x=nagents, dim_y=nagents, dim_z=1, device=self.device) def config_mesh(self, points, faces): '''Create a warp mesh object from points and faces Parameters ---------- points : List[[x,y,z]] A list of floating point xyz vertices of a mesh faces : List[int] A list of integers corresponding to vertices. Must be triangle-based ''' # fake some points and faces if empty list was passed if len(points) == 0: points = [(0,0,0), (0,0,0), (0,0,0)] faces = [[1, 2, 3]] # print(points) # print(faces) # Init mesh for environment collision self.mesh = wp.Mesh( points=wp.array(points, dtype=wp.vec3, device=self.device), indices=wp.array(faces, dtype=int ,device=self.device) ) def update_goals(self, new_goal): if len(new_goal) == 1: self.goals = np.asarray([new_goal for x in range(self.nagents)]) else: self.goals = new_goal self.agents_goal_wp = wp.array(self.goals, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) def run(self): # Rebuild hashgrid given new positions, radius=self.hash_radius) # launch kernel wp.launch(kernel=crowd_force.get_forces, dim=self.nagents, inputs=[self.agents_pos_wp, self.agents_vel_wp, self.agents_goal_wp, self.agents_radi_wp, self.agents_mass_wp, self._dt, self.agents_percept_wp,,, self.inv_up], outputs=[self.agent_force_wp], device=self.device ) self.force_list = self.agent_force_wp.numpy() self.step_processing() self.agents_pos_wp = wp.array(self.agents_pos, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) self.agents_vel_wp = wp.array(self.agents_vel, device=self.device, dtype=wp.vec3) return self.agent_force_wp def internal_integration(self): # Given the forces, integrate for pos and vel wp.launch(kernel=crowd_force.integrate, dim=self.nagents, inputs=[self.agents_pos_wp, self.agents_vel_wp, self.agent_force_wp, self._dt], outputs=[self.xnew_wp, self.vnew_wp], device=self.device ) self.agents_pos_wp = self.xnew_wp self.agents_vel_wp = self.vnew_wp self.agents_pos = self.agents_pos_wp.numpy() self.agents_vel = self.agents_vel_wp.numpy() def set_heading(self): up = wp.vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0) forward = wp.vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0) wp.launch(kernel=crowd_force.heading, dim=self.nagents, inputs=[self.agents_vel_wp, up, forward], outputs=[self.hdir_wp], device=self.device ) self.agents_hdir_wp = self.hdir_wp self.agents_hdir = self.agents_hdir_wp.numpy() for idx, point_instancer in enumerate(self.point_instancer_sets): if len(self.point_instancer_sets) == 1: agent_headings = self.agents_hdir else: _slice = int(self.nagents/2) if idx == 0: agent_headings = self.agents_hdir[:_slice] else: agent_headings = self.agents_hdir[_slice:] # Set orientation point_instancer.GetOrientationsAttr().Set(agent_headings)
import numpy as np from pxr import UsdGeom, Gf, Usd import omni def get_mesh(usd_stage, objs): points, faces = [],[] for obj in objs: f_offset = len(points) # f, p = convert_to_mesh(obj)#usd_stage.GetPrimAtPath(obj)) f, p = meshconvert(obj)#usd_stage.GetPrimAtPath(obj)) points.extend(p) faces.extend(f+f_offset) return points, faces def get_all_stage_mesh(stage, start_prim): found_meshes = [] # Traverse the scene graph and print the paths of prims, including instance proxies for x in Usd.PrimRange(start_prim, Usd.TraverseInstanceProxies()): if x.IsA(UsdGeom.Mesh): found_meshes.append(x) points, faces = get_mesh(stage, found_meshes) return points, faces def convert_to_mesh(prim): ''' convert a prim to BVH ''' # Get mesh name (prim name) m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim) # Get verts and triangles tris = m.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr().Get() tris_cnt = m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get() verts = m.GetPointsAttr().Get() tri_list = np.array(tris) vert_list = np.array(verts) xform = UsdGeom.Xformable(prim) time = Usd.TimeCode.Default() # The time at which we compute the bounding box world_transform: Gf.Matrix4d = xform.ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(time) translation: Gf.Vec3d = world_transform.ExtractTranslation() rotation: Gf.Rotation = world_transform.ExtractRotationMatrix() # rotation: Gf.Rotation = world_transform.ExtractRotation() scale: Gf.Vec3d = Gf.Vec3d(*(v.GetLength() for v in world_transform.ExtractRotationMatrix())) rotation = rotation.GetOrthonormalized() # New vertices vert_list = * scale ), rotation) + translation # vert_scaled = vert_list # vert_list[:,0] *= scale[0] # vert_list[:,1] *= scale[1] # vert_list[:,2] *= scale[2] # vert_rotated =, rotation) # Rotate points # vert_translated = vert_rotated + translation # vert_list = vert_translated # Check if the face counts are 4, if so, reshape and turn to triangles if tris_cnt[0] == 4: quad_list = tri_list.reshape(-1,4) tri_list = quad_to_tri(quad_list) tri_list = tri_list.flatten() return tri_list, vert_list def quad_to_tri(a): idx = np.flatnonzero(a[:,-1] == 0) out0 = np.empty((a.shape[0],2,3),dtype=a.dtype) out0[:,0,1:] = a[:,1:-1] out0[:,1,1:] = a[:,2:] out0[...,0] = a[:,0,None] out0.shape = (-1,3) mask = np.ones(out0.shape[0],dtype=bool) mask[idx*2+1] = 0 return out0[mask] def selected_as_mesh(): # Get the current active selection of the stage stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() # Get the selections from the stage _usd_context = omni.usd.get_context() _selection = _usd_context.get_selection() selected_paths = _selection.get_selected_prim_paths() # Expects a list, so take first selection prims = [stage.GetPrimAtPath(x) for x in selected_paths] points, faces = get_mesh(stage, selected_paths) return points, faces def children_as_mesh(stage, parent_prim): children = parent_prim.GetAllChildren() children = [child.GetPrimPath() for child in children] points, faces = get_mesh(stage, children) return points, faces def meshconvert(prim): # Create an XformCache object to efficiently compute world transforms xform_cache = UsdGeom.XformCache() # Get the mesh schema mesh = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim) # Get verts and triangles tris = mesh.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr().Get() if not tris: return [], [] tris_cnt = mesh.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get() # Get the vertices in local space points_attr = mesh.GetPointsAttr() local_points = points_attr.Get() # Convert the VtVec3fArray to a NumPy array points_np = np.array(local_points, dtype=np.float64) # Add a fourth component (with value 1.0) to make the points homogeneous num_points = len(local_points) ones = np.ones((num_points, 1), dtype=np.float64) points_np = np.hstack((points_np, ones)) # Compute the world transform for this prim world_transform = xform_cache.GetLocalToWorldTransform(prim) # Convert the GfMatrix to a NumPy array matrix_np = np.array(world_transform, dtype=np.float64).reshape((4, 4)) # Transform all vertices to world space using matrix multiplication world_points =, matrix_np) tri_list = convert_to_triangle_mesh(tris, tris_cnt) tri_list = tri_list.flatten() world_points = world_points[:,:3] return tri_list, world_points def convert_to_triangle_mesh(FaceVertexIndices, FaceVertexCounts): """ Convert a list of vertices and a list of faces into a triangle mesh. A list of triangle faces, where each face is a list of indices of the vertices that form the face. """ # Parse the face vertex indices into individual face lists based on the face vertex counts. faces = [] start = 0 for count in FaceVertexCounts: end = start + count face = FaceVertexIndices[start:end] faces.append(face) start = end # Convert all faces to triangles triangle_faces = [] for face in faces: if len(face) < 3: newface = [] # Invalid face elif len(face) == 3: newface = [face] # Already a triangle else: # Fan triangulation: pick the first vertex and connect it to all other vertices v0 = face[0] newface = [[v0, face[i], face[i + 1]] for i in range(1, len(face) - 1)] triangle_faces.extend(newface) return np.array(triangle_faces) # from pxr import UsdGeom, Sdf, Usd # import os # def add_ext_reference(prim: Usd.Prim, ref_asset_path: str, ref_target_path: Sdf.Path) -> None: # references: Usd.References = prim.GetReferences() # references.AddReference( # assetPath=ref_asset_path, # primPath=ref_target_path # OPTIONAL: Reference a specific target prim. Otherwise, uses the referenced layer's defaultPrim. # ) # class makescope: # def __init__(self): # self.stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() # scope = UsdGeom.Scope.Define(self.stage, Sdf.Path('/World/Scope')) # ref_prim = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(self.stage, Sdf.Path('/World/Scope/CrowdJane')).GetPrim() # dir_path = os.path.join('G:/ProjectRepos/crowds/exts/siborg.simulate.crowd/siborg/simulate/crowd/data/', 'CrowdBob.usda') # add_ext_reference(ref_prim, dir_path, Sdf.Path("<Default Prim>")) # ms = makescope()
import numpy as np import omni.ext import omni.ui as ui import omni.usd from omni.physx import get_physx_interface try: from omni.usd import get_world_transform_matrix except: from omni.usd.utils import get_world_transform_matrix from . import window from . import simulator from .env import Environment from . import usd_utils class SFsim(omni.ext.IExt): # ext_id is current extension id. It can be used with extension manager to query # additional information, like where this extension is located on filesystem. def on_startup(self, ext_id): print("[siborg.simulate.crowd] Social Forces Sim startup") self.goal_prim_path = '/World/CrowdGoals' self.obstacle_prim_path = '/World/Obstacles' self.grid_size = 3 self.rigid_flag = False self.pam_flag = False self.gpu_flag = False self.instancer_flag = False self.jane_flag = False self.heading_flag = False self.init_scene() self.goal_prim_dict = {} # {Prim path, subscriber} self._on_update_sub = None def show(self): self._window = ui.Window("Social Forces Demo Settings", width=500, height=250) gui_window = window.make_window_elements(self, self._window, self.Sim) def init_goal_prim(self, prim_path): omni.kit.commands.execute('CreatePrimWithDefaultXform', prim_type='Xform', prim_path=prim_path, attributes={}, select_new_prim=True) def modify_goals(self, _new_goals): if len(_new_goals) == 0: return if self.Sim.nagents == 0: return # Assign goals based on number of goals available if len(_new_goals)>self.Sim.nagents: _new_goals = _new_goals[self.Sim.nagents:] # Get strides self.Sim.goals = np.asarray(self.Sim.goals, dtype=object) goal_cast = np.array_split(self.Sim.goals, len(_new_goals)) # Reassign the split arrays their new goals for idx in range(len(goal_cast)): goal_cast[idx][:] = _new_goals[idx] # Reshape into xyz vector goal_cast = np.vstack(goal_cast) goal_cast = np.asarray(goal_cast, dtype=np.float) # Update the simulations goals self.Sim.update_goals(goal_cast) def init_scene(self): self.World = Environment() if self.gpu_flag: self.Sim = simulator.WarpCrowd() else: self.Sim = simulator.Simulator() # Create the goal hierarchy self.init_goal_prim(self.goal_prim_path) self.init_goal_prim(self.obstacle_prim_path) def _on_update_event(self, dt): # Check the Goals xform path and see if there are any changes needed to the goal watchers self.stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() parent_prim = self.stage.GetPrimAtPath(self.goal_prim_path) children = parent_prim.GetAllChildren() # Check if any children are gone from our dict, if so, unsubscribe their watcher dead_kids = [kid for kid in self.goal_prim_dict.keys() if kid not in children] for kid in dead_kids: try: self.goal_prim_dict[kid].unsubscribe() except: self.goal_prim_dict[kid] = None self.goal_prim_dict.pop(kid) # Check if there are any new children not in our dict, if so, add them as a goal and update watcher babies = [child for child in children if child not in self.goal_prim_dict.keys()] for baby in babies: self.goal_prim_dict[baby] = None # Update the goals new_goals = [] for x in self.goal_prim_dict.keys(): _prim = x try: t = omni.usd.get_world_transform_matrix(_prim).ExtractTranslation() except: t = omni.usd.utils.get_world_transform_matrix(_prim).ExtractTranslation() new_goals.append(t) if len(new_goals) == 0: return self.modify_goals(new_goals) def assign_meshes(self): self.stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() # Use the meshes that are parent_prim = self.stage.GetPrimAtPath(self.obstacle_prim_path) # points, faces = usd_utils.children_as_mesh(self.stage, parent_prim) points, faces = usd_utils.get_all_stage_mesh(self.stage,parent_prim) self.Sim.config_mesh(points, faces) def api_example(self): self.Sim._unregister() if self.gpu_flag: self.Sim = simulator.WarpCrowd(self.World) self.Sim.config_hasgrid() self.assign_meshes() else: self.Sim = simulator.Simulator(self.World) self.demo_api_call(self.Sim) def demo_api_call(self, Sim): # Use the builtin function for demo agents Sim.rigidbody = self.rigid_flag # Set origin for spawning agents self.stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() parent_prim = self.stage.GetPrimAtPath('/World/GenerationOrigin') Sim.generation_origin = [0,0,0] if parent_prim: Sim.generation_origin = get_world_transform_matrix(parent_prim).ExtractTranslation() Sim.generation_origin[2] = Sim.generation_origin[1] Sim.init_demo_agents(m=self.grid_size,n=self.grid_size,s=1.6) if self.pam_flag: Sim.use_pam = True if self.gpu_flag: Sim.configure_params() if not Sim.rigidbody: if self.jane_flag: # TODO make this work for all sim types Sim.add_jane = True else: Sim.add_jane = False if self.instancer_flag: Sim.point_instancer_sets = [] Sim.use_instancer = True if self.heading_flag: Sim.use_heading = True Sim.create_instance_agents() # Create a usdgeom point instance for easy visualization Sim.set_instance_agents() # update the usdgeom points for visualization else: Sim.use_instancer = False Sim.create_geompoints() # Create a usdgeom point instance for easy visualization Sim.set_geompoints() # update the usdgeom points for visualization # tell simulator to update positions after each run Sim.update_agents_sim = True # tell simulator to handle the update visualization Sim.update_viz = True # Register the simulation to updates, and the Sim will handle it from here Sim.register_simulation() if not self._on_update_sub: self._on_update_sub = get_physx_interface().subscribe_physics_step_events(self._on_update_event) def on_shutdown(self): print("[siborg.simulate.crowd] Crowd Sim shutdown") try: self.Sim._unregister() except: pass try: self._goal_subscriber.unsubscribe() except: self._goal_subscriber = None try: self._on_update_sub.unsubscribe() except: self._on_update_sub = None self.Sim._simulation_event = None self._window = None self.Sim = None
import numpy as np from siborg.simulate.crowd.agent import Agent class CrowdConfig: def __init__(self): self._goal = [0,0,0] self.goals = None self.agent_bodies = None self.nagents = 1 # set pereption radius self.perception_radius = 1.5 # set radius self.radius = .5 # set mass self.mass = 2 # Will use a physics scene self.rigidbody = False # Assume z-up world self.world_up = 2 def create_agents(self, num=None, goals=None, pos=None): '''Creates a set of agents and goals Uses the class instance defaults for radius, mass, perception, etc. Parameters ---------- num : int, optional number of agents to create (if not defined in init), by default None goals : ndarray([x,y,z]), optional either 1 or size equal to number of agents, by default None pos : ndarray([x,y,z]), optional must be same size as number of agents (otherwise will set all to origin, which is bad), because they will explode, by default None ''' # generate n number of agents if num: self.nagents = num # Check we can assign goals to agents if not goals: goals = [self._goal] if len(goals) != 1: if len(goals) != self.nagents: raise ValueError('If goals is not 1, must be same size as number of agents') elif len(goals) == 1: self.goals = np.asarray([goals[0] for x in range(self.nagents)], dtype=np.double) else: self.goals = goals # Set the agent positions if pos is not None: self.agents_pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double) else: self.agents_pos = np.asarray([np.array(0,0,0, dtype=np.double) for x in range(self.nagents)]) # only create an agent instance if user wants physics-based spheres if self.rigidbody: self.agent_bodies = [Agent() for x in range(self.nagents)] # move agents to their positions for i in range(len(self.agent_bodies)): x,y,z = self.agents_pos[i] self.agent_bodies[i].translate(x,y,z) else: self.agent_bodies = [None for x in range(self.nagents)] # set initial velocities to 0 self.agents_vel = np.asarray([np.array([0,0,0], dtype=np.double) for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.set_radius() self.set_mass() self.set_perception_radius() def set_radius(self,v=None): '''sets agents radius Parameters ---------- v : List[float], float, optional set the radius of the agents, if None, all agents get same radius, by default None ''' if v: if type(v) is float: self.agents_radi = np.asarray([v for x in range(self.nagents)]) elif len(v) != self.nagents: raise ValueError('Radius array must be same size as number of agents') else: self.agents_radi = v else: self.agents_radi = np.asarray([self.radius for x in range(self.nagents)]) def set_mass(self,v=None): '''sets agents mass Parameters ---------- v : List[float], optional set the mass of the agents, if None, all agents get same mass, by default None Raises ------ ValueError if size of mass array does not match number of agents ''' if v: if type(v) is float: self.agents_mass = np.asarray([v for x in range(self.nagents)]) elif len(v) != self.nagents: raise ValueError('mass array must be same size as number of agents') else: self.agents_mass = v else: self.agents_mass = np.asarray([self.mass for x in range(self.nagents)]) def set_perception_radius(self, v=None): '''sets agents perception radius Parameters ---------- v : List[float], optional set the percept radius of the agents, if None, all agents get same raidus, by default None Raises ------ ValueError if size of perception array does not match number of agents ''' if v: if type(v) is float: self.agents_percept = np.asarray([v for x in range(self.nagents)]) elif len(v) != self.nagents: raise ValueError('perception radius array must be same size as number of agents') else: self.agents_percept = v else: self.agents_percept = np.asarray([self.perception_radius for x in range(self.nagents)]) def init_demo_agents(self, m=5, n=5, s=1, o=[0,0,0]): '''Create a set of demo agents Parameters ---------- m : int, optional number of agents in row, by default 5 n : int, optional number of agents in col, by default 5 s : int, optional spacing between agents, by default 1 ''' o = self.generation_origin # Initialize agents in a grid for testing self.agents_pos = np.asarray([ np.array([(s/2) + (x * s) +(o[0]/2) , (s/2) + (y * s) +(o[1]/2), 0], dtype=np.double) for x in range(m) for y in range(n) ]) # # Initialize agents in a grid for testing # self.agents_pos = np.asarray([ # np.array([(s/2) + (x * s), (s/2) + (y * s), 0], dtype=np.double) # for x in range(m) # for y in range(n) # ]) self.agents_pos[:, [2, self.world_up]] = self.agents_pos[:, [self.world_up, 2]] self.nagents = len(self.agents_pos) #### if self.rigidbody: self.agent_bodies = [Agent() for x in range(self.nagents)] for i in range(len(self.agent_bodies)): x,y,z = self.agents_pos[i] self.agent_bodies[i].translate(x,y,z) else: self.agent_bodies = [None for x in range(self.nagents)] self.goals = np.asarray([self._goal for x in range(self.nagents)], dtype=np.double) self.agents_vel = np.asarray([np.array([0,0,0],dtype=np.double) for x in range(self.nagents)]) self.set_radius() self.set_mass() self.set_perception_radius()
from .extension import *
import omni import omni.kit.commands from pxr import Usd, Gf from pxr import UsdGeom from pxr import UsdPhysics, PhysxSchema class Environment: def __init__(self): print('Initializing Environment') self._stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() self.set_scene(self._stage) def set_scene(self, stage): print(f'Setting up {stage}') self._stage = stage self.defaultPrimPath = str(self._stage.GetDefaultPrim().GetPath()) # Physics scene # UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.z) UsdGeom.SetStageMetersPerUnit(stage, 1.0) self.scene = UsdPhysics.Scene.Define(stage, self.defaultPrimPath + "/physicsScene") stage_axis = UsdGeom.GetStageUpAxis(stage) gravity_dir = Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0) if stage_axis is 'X': gravity_dir[0] = -1.0 if stage_axis is 'Y': gravity_dir[1] = -1.0 if stage_axis is 'Z': gravity_dir[2] = -1.0 self.scene.CreateGravityDirectionAttr().Set(gravity_dir) self.scene.CreateGravityMagnitudeAttr().Set(9.81) physxSceneAPI = PhysxSchema.PhysxSceneAPI.Apply(self.scene.GetPrim()) physxSceneAPI.CreateEnableCCDAttr().Set(True) # Check if there is a physics groundplane in the scene plane_path = self.defaultPrimPath+"/GroundPlane" if self._stage.GetPrimAtPath(plane_path).IsValid(): pass else: # If not, make one omni.kit.commands.execute('AddGroundPlaneCommand', stage=self._stage, planePath='/GroundPlane', axis=UsdGeom.GetStageUpAxis(stage), size=1.0, position=Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color=Gf.Vec3f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
import omni from omni.physx.scripts import physicsUtils from pxr import Gf, UsdPhysics, PhysxSchema, UsdGeom, UsdShade import usdrt class Agent: def __init__(self): stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() # Create a sphere representing the agent self.skin_mesh , self.skinMeshPath = self.sphere(stage) # Set a rigid body material and collider self.set_material(stage, self.skinMeshPath) # Add a translation operator and set it to zero position # Since we changed to create this object with an xform, don't need to add, just get it. # self.translateOp = self.skin_mesh.AddTranslateOp() self.translateOp = UsdGeom.XformOp(self.skin_mesh.GetPrim().GetAttribute("xformOp:translate")) self.translateOp.Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) def sphere(self, stage): # Create sphere representing agent _, skinMeshPath = omni.kit.commands.execute("CreateMeshPrimWithDefaultXform", prim_type="Sphere", prim_path='/World/Agents/Sphere', prepend_default_prim=True) skin_mesh = UsdGeom.Mesh.Get(stage, skinMeshPath) prim = skin_mesh.GetPrim() # setup physics - rigid body self.rigidBodyAPI = UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI.Apply(prim) linVelocity = Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) angularVelocity = Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # apply initial velocities self.rigidBodyAPI.CreateVelocityAttr().Set(linVelocity) self.rigidBodyAPI.CreateAngularVelocityAttr().Set(angularVelocity) self.massAPI = UsdPhysics.MassAPI.Apply(prim) self.massAPI.CreateMassAttr(2) self.massAPI.CreateCenterOfMassAttr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Add a force attribute # shuttleForcePath = skinMeshPath + "/shuttleForce" # xform = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, shuttleForcePath) # self.forceApi = PhysxSchema.PhysxForceAPI.Apply(xform.GetPrim()) # # self.forceApi = PhysxSchema.PhysxForceAPI.Apply(prim) # self.forceAttr = self.forceApi.GetForceAttr() self.usdrt_stage = usdrt.Usd.Stage.Attach(omni.usd.get_context().get_stage_id()) prim = self.usdrt_stage.GetPrimAtPath(skinMeshPath) self.world_force_attr = prim.CreateAttribute("_worldForce", usdrt.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, True) return skin_mesh, skinMeshPath def translate(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): self.translateOp.Set(self.translateOp.Get() + Gf.Vec3d( x, y, z)) @property def position(self): return self.translateOp.Get() @property def velocity(self): return self.rigidBodyAPI.GetVelocityAttr().Get() def set_material(self, stage, skinMeshPath): defaultPrimPath = str(stage.GetDefaultPrim().GetPath()) # Floor Material path = defaultPrimPath + "/rigidMaterial" prim_path = stage.GetPrimAtPath(skinMeshPath) # Set it as a rigid body rigidBodyAPI = UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI.Apply(prim_path) # Add a collider (defaults to mesh triangulation) UsdPhysics.CollisionAPI.Apply(prim_path) # Apply a specific mass parameter UsdPhysics.MassAPI.Apply(prim_path) #Get the rigidbody parameter to set values on physxRbAPI = PhysxSchema.PhysxRigidBodyAPI.Apply(prim_path) #Enable CCD for this object physxRbAPI.CreateEnableCCDAttr().Set(True) # Create a (separate) physics material that gets added to the object path = defaultPrimPath + "/highdensitymaterial" UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, path) material = UsdPhysics.MaterialAPI.Apply(stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)) material.CreateStaticFrictionAttr().Set(0) material.CreateDynamicFrictionAttr().Set(0) material.CreateRestitutionAttr().Set(.2) material.CreateDensityAttr().Set(0.01) # Add material physicsUtils.add_physics_material_to_prim(stage, prim_path, path)
from .models.socialforces import Parameters import omni.ui as ui combo_sub = None def make_window_elements(self, _window, Sim): with _window.frame: with ui.VStack(): with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('Max Speed') max_speed = ui.FloatField(height=20) max_speed.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Parameters, 'max_speed', m.get_value_as_float())) max_speed.model.set_value(Parameters.max_speed) with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('Desired Speed') v_desired = ui.FloatField(height=20) v_desired.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Parameters, 'v_desired', m.get_value_as_float())) v_desired.model.set_value(Parameters.v_desired) with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('A') A = ui.FloatField(height=20) A.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Parameters, 'A', m.get_value_as_float())) A.model.set_value(Parameters.A) with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('B') B = ui.FloatField(height=20) B.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Parameters, 'B', m.get_value_as_float())) B.model.set_value(Parameters.B) with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('kn') kn = ui.FloatField(height=20) kn.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Parameters, 'kn', m.get_value_as_float())) kn.model.set_value( with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('kt') kt = ui.FloatField(height=20) kt.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Parameters, 'kt', m.get_value_as_float())) kt.model.set_value(Parameters.kt) with ui.HStack(): ui.Label('Agent grid (nxn)') agent_grid = ui.IntField(height=20) agent_grid.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'grid_size', m.get_value_as_int())) agent_grid.model.set_value(3) # with ui.HStack(): # ui.Label('Agent Mass') # kt = ui.FloatField(height=20) # kt.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Sim, 'mass', m.get_value_as_float())) # kt.model.set_value(Sim.mass) # with ui.HStack(): # ui.Label('Agent Radius') # kt = ui.FloatField(height=20) # kt.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : Sim.set_radius(m.get_value_as_float())) # kt.model.set_value(Sim.radius) # with ui.HStack(): # ui.Label('Agent Perception Radius') # kt = ui.FloatField(height=20) # kt.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Sim, 'perception_radius', m.get_value_as_float())) # kt.model.set_value(Sim.perception_radius) # with ui.HStack(height=20): # ui.Button("Gen Agents", clicked_fn=Sim.create_agents) # nagents = ui.IntField(height=5) # nagents.model.set_value(Sim.nagents) # nagents.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(Sim, 'nagents', m.get_value_as_int())) with ui.HStack(height=20): ui.Label('GPU', width=20) WarpModel = ui.CheckBox(width=30) WarpModel.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'gpu_flag', m.get_value_as_bool())) WarpModel.model.set_value(True) ui.Label('Use Instances', width=20) SFModel = ui.CheckBox(width=30) SFModel.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'instancer_flag', m.get_value_as_bool())) SFModel.model.set_value(True) ui.Label('Add Jane', width=5) RigidBody = ui.CheckBox(width=30) RigidBody.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'jane_flag', m.get_value_as_bool())) RigidBody.model.set_value(False) ui.Label('Use Direction', width=5) RigidBody = ui.CheckBox(width=30) RigidBody.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'heading_flag', m.get_value_as_bool())) RigidBody.model.set_value(True) ui.Label('Rigid Body', width=5) RigidBody = ui.CheckBox(width=30) RigidBody.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'rigid_flag', m.get_value_as_bool())) RigidBody.model.set_value(False) ui.Label('PAM', width=20) SFModel = ui.CheckBox(width=30) SFModel.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda m : setattr(self, 'pam_flag', m.get_value_as_bool())) SFModel.model.set_value(False) # options = ["GeomPoints", "RigidBody"] # combo_model: ui.AbstractItemModel = ui.ComboBox(0, *options).model # def combo_changed(item_model: ui.AbstractItemModel, item: ui.AbstractItem): # value_model = item_model.get_item_value_model(item) # current_index = value_model.as_int # option = options[current_index] # print(f"Selected '{option}' at index {current_index}.") # combo_sub = combo_model.subscribe_item_changed_fn(combo_changed) # def clicked(): # value_model = combo_model.get_item_value_model() # current_index = value_model.as_int # option = options[current_index] # print(f"Button Clicked! Selected '{option}' at index {current_index}.") # self.api_example(current_index) # ui.Button("Set Selected Meshes", width=5, clicked_fn=self.assign_meshes) ui.Button("Start Demo", width=5, clicked_fn=self.api_example) with ui.HStack(height=10): pass
'''_summary_ ''' from siborg.simulate.crowd.simulator import Simulator def example_4(): # Example of using API Sim = Simulator() Sim.rigidbody = True # use rigid bodies Sim.init_demo_agents(m=3, n=5, s=1.1) # Register the simulation to updates, and the Sim will handle it from here Sim.register_simulation() # tell simulator to update positions after each run, if not need to call Sim.integrate() Sim.update_agents_sim = True # tell simulator to handle the update visualization Sim.update_viz = True example_4()
'''_summary_ ''' import time from omni.physx import get_physx_interface from siborg.simulate.crowd.simulator import Simulator Sim = Simulator() start_time = time.time() _simulation_event = None def example_3(): # Example of using API # Use a builtin helper function to generate a grid of agents Sim.init_demo_agents(m=3, n=5, s=1.1) Sim.create_geompoints() # Create a usdgeom point instance for easy visualization Sim.set_geompoints() # update the usdgeom points for visualization # tell simulator to update positions after each run, if not need to call Sim.integrate() Sim.update_agents_sim = True # don't have the simulator update the geompoints, we do it ourselves Sim.update_viz = False # Register to our own physx update sim_subscriber() def sim_subscriber(): # This would need to get cleaned up _simulation_event = get_physx_interface().subscribe_physics_step_events(_on_update) def _on_update(dt): # Run one step of simulation # don't need to use forces since we told simulator to update forces = Sim.set_geompoints() # update the usdgeom points for visualization # For this demo we will unsubscribe after a few seconds if time.time() - start_time > 100 : print('ending') _simulation_event.unsubscribe() example_3()
'''Example for Simulator handling update and using GeomPoints. Uses a helper function for initializing agents ''' from siborg.simulate.crowd.simulator import Simulator def example_2(): Sim = Simulator() # Use a builtin helper function to generate a grid of agents Sim.init_demo_agents(m=3,n=5,s=1.1) Sim.create_geompoints() # Create a usdgeom point instance for easy visualization # tell simulator to update positions after each run, if not need to call Sim.integrate() Sim.update_agents_sim = True # don't have the simulator update the geompoints, we do it ourselves Sim.update_viz = True Sim.register_simulation() example_2()
'''Example for Simulator handling update and using GeomPoints ''' from siborg.simulate.crowd.simulator import Simulator import numpy as np from math import sqrt def example_1(): # Example of using API Sim = Simulator() nagents = 10 # Some trickery to make a grid of agents and get the cloest number of agents to an even grid pos = np.asarray([ np.array([(1/2) + (x), (1/2) + (y), 0], dtype=np.double) for x in range(int(sqrt(nagents))) for y in range(int(sqrt(nagents))) ]) pos[:, [2, Sim.world_up]] = pos[:, [Sim.world_up, 2]] nagents = len(pos) Sim.create_agents(num=nagents, goals=[[10,10,0]], pos=pos) # initialize a set of agents Sim.create_geompoints() # Create a usdgeom point instance for easy visualization # tell simulator to update positions after each run, if not need to call Sim.integrate() Sim.update_agents_sim = True # don't have the simulator update the geompoints, we do it ourselves Sim.update_viz = True Sim.register_simulation() example_1()
''' Python implementation of the Predictive Avoidance Model (PAM) from A Predictive Collision Avoidance Model for Pedestrian Simulation, I. Karamouzas, P. Heil, P. van Beek, M. H. Overmars Motion in Games (MIG 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5884, 2009 ''' from dataclasses import dataclass import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import distance @dataclass class Parameters: # The agents field of view field_of_view = 200.0 # The agents radius ? Used here in this implementation or in sim? agent_radius = 0.5 # Minimum agent distance min_agent_dist = 0.1 # the mid distance parameters in peicewise personal space function predictive force dist dmid = 4.0 # KSI ksi = 0.5 # Nearest Neighbour distance ? Used here in this implementation or in sim? neighbor_dist = 10.0 # Maximum neighbours to consider ? Used here in this implementation or in sim? max_neighbors = 3 # Maximum acceleration ? Used here in this implementation or in sim/physics? max_accel = 20.0 # Maximum speed max_speed = 7 # Preferred Speed preferred_vel = 2.5 # Goal acquired radius goal_radius = 1.0 # Time Horizon time_horizon = 4.0 # Agent Distance agent_dist = 0.1 # Wall Distance wall_dist = 0.1 # Wall Steepnes wall_steepness = 2.0 # Agent Strength agent_strength = 1.0 # wFactor, factor to progressively scale down forces in when in a non-collision state w_factor = 0.8 # Noise flag (should noise be added to the movement action) noise = False force_clamp = 40.0 # *private* Ideal wall distance _ideal_wall_dist = agent_radius + wall_dist # *private* Squared ideal wall distance _SAFE = _ideal_wall_dist * _ideal_wall_dist # *private* Agent Personal space _agent_personal_space = agent_radius + min_agent_dist # *private* the min distance parameters in peicewise personal space function _dmin = agent_radius + _agent_personal_space # *private* the max distance parameters in peicewise personal space function _dmax = time_horizon * max_speed # *private* FOV cosine _cosFOV = np.cos((0.5 * np.pi * field_of_view) / 180.0) def ray_intersects_disc(pi, pj, v, r): # calc ray disc est. time to collision t = 0.0 w = pj - pi a =, v) b =, v) c =, w) - (r * r) discr = (b * b) - (a * c) if discr > 0.0: t = (b - np.sqrt(discr)) / a if t < 0.0: t = 999999.0 else: t = 999999.0 return t def mag(v): # calc magnitude of vector v_mag = np.sqrt( return v_mag def norm(v): # normalize a vector v_norm = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float64') magnitude = mag(v) if magnitude > 0.0: v_norm = v / magnitude return v_norm def get_neighbors(cur, agents, pn_r): dist = distance.cdist([cur], agents) pn = dist < pn_r # Index to remove is when its zero pn_self = dist == 0 pn_self = np.nonzero(pn_self) pn[pn_self] = False pn = np.nonzero(pn) return pn def wall_force(obstacles, rr_i, closest_point, SAFE, add_force): for i in range(len(obstacles)): # Step 1: get closest point on obstacle to agent # [[ Need python code for this in simulation ]] n_w = rr_i - closest_point d_w = mag(n_w) * mag(n_w) if (d_w < SAFE): d_w = np.sqrt(d_w) if (d_w > 0): n_w /= d_w if ((d_w - Parameters.agent_radius) < 0.001): dist_min_radius = 0.001 else: d_w - Parameters.agent_radius obstacle_force = (Parameters._ideal_wall_dist - d_w) / np.pow(dist_min_radius, Parameters.wall_steepness) * n_w add_force(obstacle_force) def calc_goal_force(goal, rr_i, vv_i): # Preferred velocity is preferred speed in direction of goal preferred_vel = Parameters.preferred_vel * norm(goal - rr_i) # Goal force, is always added goal_force = (preferred_vel - vv_i) / Parameters.ksi return goal_force def collision_param(rr_i, vv_i, desired_vel, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r): # Keep track of if we ever enter a collision state agent_collision = False t_pairs = [] # Handle agents tc values for predictive forces among neighbours for j, rr_j in enumerate(pn_rr): # Get position and velocity of neighbor agent vv_j = pn_vv[j] # Get radii of neighbor agent rj = pn_r[j] combined_radius = Parameters._agent_personal_space + rj w = rr_j - rr_i if (mag(w) < combined_radius): agent_collision = True t_pairs.append((0.0, j)) else: rel_dir = norm(w) if, norm(vv_i)) < Parameters._cosFOV: continue tc = ray_intersects_disc(rr_i, rr_j, desired_vel - vv_j, combined_radius) if tc < Parameters.time_horizon: if len(t_pairs) < Parameters.max_neighbors: t_pairs.append((tc, j)) elif tc < t_pairs[0][0]: t_pairs.pop() t_pairs.append((tc, j)) return t_pairs, agent_collision def predictive_force(rr_i, desired_vel, desired_speed, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r, vv_i): # Handle predictive forces// Predictive forces # Setup collision parameters t_pairs, agent_collision = collision_param(rr_i, vv_i, desired_vel, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r) # This will be all the other forces, added in a particular way steering_force = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float64') # will store a list of tuples, each tuple is (tc, agent) force_count = 0 for t_pair in t_pairs: # Nice variables from the t_pair tuples t = t_pair[0] agent_idx = t_pair[1] force_dir = rr_i + (desired_vel * t) - pn_rr[agent_idx] - (pn_vv[agent_idx] * t) force_dist = mag(force_dir) if force_dist > 0: force_dir /= force_dist collision_dist = np.maximum(force_dist - Parameters.agent_radius - pn_r[agent_idx], 0.0) #D = input to evasive force magnitude piecewise function D = np.maximum( (desired_speed * t) + collision_dist, 0.001) force_mag = 0.0 if D < Parameters._dmin: force_mag = Parameters.agent_strength * Parameters._dmin / D elif D < Parameters.dmid: force_mag = Parameters.agent_strength elif D < Parameters._dmax: force_mag = Parameters.agent_strength * (Parameters._dmax - D) / (Parameters._dmax - Parameters.dmid) else: continue force_mag *= np.power( (1.0 if agent_collision else Parameters.w_factor), force_count) force_count += 1 steering_force = force_mag * force_dir return steering_force def add_noise(steering_force): angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 2.0 * np.pi dist = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 0.001 steering_force += dist * np.array([np.cos(angle),np.sin(angle),0], dtype='float64') return steering_force def compute_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, mass, goal, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r, dt): # Get the goal force goal_force = calc_goal_force(goal, rr_i, vv_i) # Desired values if all was going well in an empty world desired_vel = vv_i + goal_force * dt desired_speed = mag(desired_vel) # Get obstacle (wall) forces obstacle_force = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float64') #@TODO # obstacle_force = wall_force() # Get predictive steering forces steering_force = predictive_force(rr_i, desired_vel, desired_speed, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r, vv_i) # Add noise for reducing deadlocks adding naturalness if Parameters.noise: steering_force = add_noise(steering_force) # Clamp driving force if mag(steering_force) > Parameters.force_clamp: steering_force = norm(steering_force) * Parameters.force_clamp return goal_force + obstacle_force + steering_force
from dataclasses import dataclass import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import distance # zero_vec = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float64') @dataclass class Parameters: # names from Tau = 0.5 #(s) A = 2000.0 B = 0.08 kn = 1.2 * 100_000 # Kgs^-2 kt = 2.4 * 100_000 # Kg m^-1 s^-1 max_speed = 10 v_desired = 3.5 def calc_wall_force(): # TODO add wall and geometry recognition force = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float64') return force def calc_agent_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r): # Sum the forces of neighboring agents force = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float64') # Set the total force of the other agents to zero ff_ij = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float64') rr_j =np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float64') # Iterate through the neighbors and sum (f_ij) for j, rr_j in enumerate(pn_rr): # Get position and velocity of neighbor agent vv_j = pn_vv[j] # Get radii of neighbor agent rj = pn_r[j] # Pass agent position to AgentForce calculation ff_ij = neighbor_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, rr_j, rj, vv_j) # Sum Forces force += ff_ij return force def neighbor_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, rr_j, rj, vv_j): # Calculate the force exerted by another agent # Take in this agent (i) and a neighbors (j) position and radius # Sum of radii rij = ri + rj # distance between center of mass d_ij = mag(rr_i - rr_j) # "n_ij is the normalized vector points from pedestrian j to i" n_ij = norm(rr_i - rr_j) # Normalized vector pointing from j to i # t_ij "Vector of tangential relative velocity pointing from i to j." # A sliding force is applied on agent i in this direction to reduce the relative velocity. t_ij = np.cross(vv_j - vv_i, [0,0,1] ) dv_ji = - vv_i, t_ij) # Calculate f_ij force = repulsion(rij, d_ij, n_ij) + proximity(rij, d_ij, n_ij) + sliding(rij, d_ij, dv_ji, t_ij) return force def calc_goal_force(goal, pos, vel, mass, v_desired, dt): ee_i = norm(goal - pos) force = mass * ( ( (v_desired * ee_i) - vel ) / Parameters.Tau ) return force def G(r_ij, d_ij): # g(x) is a function that returns zero if pedestrians touch # otherwise is equal to the argument x if (d_ij > r_ij): return 0.0 return r_ij - d_ij; def repulsion(r_ij, d_ij, n_ij): force = Parameters.A * np.exp( (r_ij - d_ij) / Parameters.B) * n_ij return force def proximity(r_ij, d_ij, n_ij): force = * G(r_ij, d_ij) * n_ij return force def sliding(r_ij, d_ij, dv_ji, t_ij): force = Parameters.kt * G(r_ij, d_ij) * (dv_ji * t_ij) return force def mag(v): # calc magnitude of vector v_mag = np.sqrt( return v_mag def norm(v): # normalize a vector v_norm = v / mag(v) return v_norm def get_neighbors(cur, agents, pn_r): dist = distance.cdist([cur], agents) pn = dist < pn_r # Index to remove is when its zero pn_self = dist == 0 pn_self = np.nonzero(pn_self) pn[pn_self] = False pn = np.nonzero(pn) return pn def compute_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, mass, goal, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r, dt): # Get the force for this agent to the goal goal = calc_goal_force(goal, rr_i, vv_i, mass, Parameters.v_desired, dt) agent = calc_agent_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r) wall = calc_wall_force() force = goal + agent + wall force = norm(force) * min(mag(force), Parameters.max_speed) return force
import warp as wp Tau = wp.constant(0.5) # s (acceleration) A = wp.constant(2000.0) # N B = wp.constant(0.08) # m kn = wp.constant(1.2 * 100000) # kg/s^-2 kt = wp.constant(2.4 * 100000) # kg/m^-1 s^-2 max_speed = wp.constant(10.0) # m/s v_desired = wp.constant(2.5) # m/s @wp.kernel def get_forces(positions: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), velocities: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), goals: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), radius: wp.array(dtype=float), mass: wp.array(dtype=float), dt: float, percept : wp.array(dtype=float), grid : wp.uint64, mesh: wp.uint64, inv_up: wp.vec3, forces: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), ): # thread index tid = wp.tid() cur_pos = positions[tid] cur_rad = radius[tid] cur_vel = velocities[tid] cur_mass = mass[tid] goal = goals[tid] pn = percept[tid] _force = compute_force(cur_pos, cur_rad, cur_vel, cur_mass, goal, positions, velocities, radius, dt, pn, grid, mesh) # Clear any vertical forces with Element-wise mul _force = wp.cw_mul(_force, inv_up) # compute distance of each point from origin forces[tid] = _force @wp.kernel def integrate(x : wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), v : wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), f : wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), dt: float, xnew: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), vnew: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), ): tid = wp.tid() x0 = x[tid] v0 = v[tid] f0 = f[tid] v1 = v0 + (f0*1.0) * dt x1 = x0 + v1 * dt xnew[tid] = x1 vnew[tid] = v1 @wp.kernel def heading(v : wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), up : wp.vec3, forward : wp.vec3, hdir: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec4), ): tid = wp.tid() v0 = v[tid] vnorm = wp.normalize(v0) hdir[tid] = velocity_to_quaternion(up, forward, vnorm) @wp.func def velocity_to_quaternion(up : wp.vec3, forward : wp.vec3, velocity: wp.vec3): # Construct a quaternion that rotates the agent's forward direction to align with the velocity vector if wp.length(forward) > 0: forward = wp.normalize(forward) if wp.length(velocity) > 0: velocity = wp.normalize(velocity) else: velocity = forward dot =, velocity) # Clip the dot product to avoid numerical instability if dot == 1.0: # If the forward and velocity vectors are already aligned, return the identity quaternion return wp.vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) else: axis = wp.cross(forward, velocity) axis = up * wp.sign(, up)) # Project the axis onto the up plane if wp.length(axis) > 0.0: axis = wp.normalize(axis) # Normalize the axis of rotation else:axis = up # Use a default axis of rotation if the iwput is a zero vector angle = wp.acos(dot) # Calculate the angle of rotation with clipping qw = wp.cos(angle/2.0) # Calculate the scalar component of the quaternion qx = wp.sin(angle/2.0) * axis[0] # Calculate the vector component of the quaternion qy = wp.sin(angle/2.0) * axis[1] # Calculate the vector component of the quaternion qz = wp.sin(angle/2.0) * axis[2] # Calculate the vector component of the quaternion return wp.vec4(qx, qy, qz, qw) @wp.func def calc_goal_force(goal: wp.vec3, pos: wp.vec3, vel: wp.vec3, mass: float, v_desired: float, dt: float): ee_i = wp.normalize(goal - pos) force = mass * ( ( (v_desired * ee_i) - vel ) / (Tau) ) return force @wp.func def calc_wall_force(rr_i: wp.vec3, ri: float, vv_i: wp.vec3, mesh: wp.uint64): ''' rr_i : position ri : radius vv_i : velocity Computes: (A * exp[(ri-diw)/B] + kn*g(ri-diw))*niw - kt * g(ri-diw)(vi * tiw)tiw ''' face_index = int(0) face_u = float(0.0) face_v = float(0.0) sign = float(0.0) force = wp.vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0) # Define the up direction up_dir = wp.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) max_dist = float(ri * 5.0) has_point = wp.mesh_query_point(mesh, rr_i, max_dist, sign, face_index, face_u, face_v) if (not has_point): return wp.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) p = wp.mesh_eval_position(mesh, face_index, face_u, face_v) # d_iw = distance to wall W d_iw = wp.length(p - rr_i) # vector of the wall to the agent nn_iw = wp.normalize(rr_i - p) # perpendicular vector of the agent-wall (tangent force) tt_iw = wp.cross(up_dir, nn_iw) if, tt_iw) < 0.0: tt_iw = -1.0 * tt_iw # Compute force # f_iW = { A * exp[(ri-diw)/B] + kn*g(ri-diw) } * niw # - kt * g(ri-diw)(vi * tiw)tiw f_rep = ( A * wp.exp((ri-d_iw)/B) + kn * G(ri, d_iw) ) * nn_iw f_tan = kt * G(ri,d_iw) *, tt_iw) * tt_iw force = f_rep - f_tan return force @wp.func def calc_agent_force(rr_i: wp.vec3, ri: float, vv_i: wp.vec3, pn_rr: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), pn_vv: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), pn_r: wp.array(dtype=float), pn: float, grid : wp.uint64, ): '''Sum the forces of neighboring agents''' # Set the total force of the other agents to zero force = wp.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ff_ij = wp.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) rr_j = wp.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # create grid query around point query = wp.hash_grid_query(grid, rr_i, pn) index = int(0) # Iterate through the neighbors and sum (f_ij) while(wp.hash_grid_query_next(query, index)): j = index neighbor = pn_rr[j] # compute distance to neighbor point dist = wp.length(rr_i-neighbor) if (dist <= pn): # Get position and velocity of neighbor agent rr_j = pn_rr[j] vv_j = pn_vv[j] # Get radii of neighbor agent rj = pn_r[j] # Pass agent position to AgentForce calculation ff_ij = neighbor_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, rr_j, rj, vv_j) # Sum Forces force += ff_ij return force @wp.func def neighbor_force(rr_i: wp.vec3, ri: float, vv_i: wp.vec3, rr_j: wp.vec3, rj: float, vv_j: wp.vec3): '''Calculate the force exerted by another agent. Take in this agent (i) and a neighbors (j) position and radius''' # Sum of radii rij = ri + rj # distance between center of mass d_ij = wp.length(rr_i - rr_j) # "n_ij is the normalized vector points from pedestrian j to i" n_ij = wp.normalize(rr_i - rr_j) # Normalized vector pointing from j to i # t_ij "Vector of tangential relative velocity pointing from i to j." # A sliding force is applied on agent i in this direction to reduce the relative velocity. t_ij = vv_j - vv_i dv_ji = - vv_i, t_ij) # Calculate f_ij force = repulsion(rij, d_ij, n_ij) + proximity(rij, d_ij, n_ij) + sliding(rij, d_ij, dv_ji, t_ij) return force @wp.func def G(r_ij: float, d_ij: float ): # g(x) is a function that returns zero if pedestrians touch # otherwise is equal to the argument x if (d_ij > r_ij): return 0.0 return r_ij - d_ij @wp.func def repulsion(r_ij: float, d_ij: float, n_ij: wp.vec3): force = A * wp.exp( (r_ij - d_ij) / B) * n_ij return force @wp.func def proximity(r_ij: float, d_ij: float, n_ij: wp.vec3): force = (kn * G(r_ij, d_ij)) * n_ij # body force return force @wp.func def sliding(r_ij: float, d_ij: float, dv_ji: float, t_ij: wp.vec3): force = kt * G(r_ij, d_ij) * (dv_ji * t_ij) return force @wp.func def compute_force(rr_i: wp.vec3, ri: float, vv_i: wp.vec3, mass:float, goal:wp.vec3, pn_rr: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), pn_vv: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), pn_r: wp.array(dtype=float), dt: float, pn: float, grid : wp.uint64, mesh: wp.uint64 ): ''' rr_i : position ri : radius vv_i : velocity pn_rr : List[perceived neighbor positions] pn_vv : List[perceived neighbor velocities] pn_r : List[perceived neighbor radius] ''' # Get the force for this agent to the goal goal = calc_goal_force(goal, rr_i, vv_i, mass, v_desired, dt) agent = calc_agent_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, pn_rr, pn_vv, pn_r, pn, grid) wall = calc_wall_force(rr_i, ri, vv_i, mesh) # Sum of forces force = goal + agent + wall force = wp.normalize(force) * wp.min(wp.length(force), max_speed) return force
from .test_hello_world import *
# NOTE: # omni.kit.test - std python's unittest module with additional wrapping to add suport for async/await tests # For most things refer to unittest docs: import omni.kit.test # Extnsion for writing UI tests (simulate UI interaction) import omni.kit.ui_test as ui_test # Import extension python module we are testing with absolute import path, as if we are external user (other extension) import siborg.simulate.crowd # Having a test class dervived from omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase declared on the root of module will make it auto-discoverable by omni.kit.test class Test(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase): # Before running each test async def setUp(self): pass # After running each test async def tearDown(self): pass # Actual test, notice it is "async" function, so "await" can be used if needed async def test_hello_public_function(self): result = siborg.simulate.crowd.some_public_function(4) self.assertEqual(result, 256) async def test_window_button(self): # Find a label in our window label = ui_test.find("My Window//Frame/**/Label[*]") # Find buttons in our window add_button = ui_test.find("My Window//Frame/**/Button[*].text=='Add'") reset_button = ui_test.find("My Window//Frame/**/Button[*].text=='Reset'") # Click reset button await self.assertEqual(label.widget.text, "empty") await self.assertEqual(label.widget.text, "count: 1") await self.assertEqual(label.widget.text, "count: 2")
#usda 1.0 ( customLayerData = { dictionary cameraSettings = { dictionary Front = { double3 position = (0, 0, 50000) double radius = 500 } dictionary Perspective = { double3 position = (4.173804835244172, 1.329980137195398, -1.2125486414721711) double3 target = (0.03048353374977708, 0.9851181072552398, 0.035394847445301636) } dictionary Right = { double3 position = (-50000, 0, 0) double radius = 500 } dictionary Top = { double3 position = (0, 50000, 0) double radius = 500 } string boundCamera = "/OmniverseKit_Persp" } dictionary omni_layer = { string authoring_layer = "./CrowdBob.usda" dictionary muteness = { } } int refinementOverrideImplVersion = 0 dictionary renderSettings = { float3 "rtx:debugView:pixelDebug:textColor" = (0, 1e18, 0) bool "rtx:flow:enabled" = 1 bool "rtx:flow:pathTracingEnabled" = 1 bool "rtx:flow:rayTracedReflectionsEnabled" = 1 bool "rtx:flow:rayTracedTranslucencyEnabled" = 1 float3 "rtx:fog:fogColor" = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75) bool "rtx:indirectDiffuse:enabled" = 1 float3 "rtx:post:backgroundZeroAlpha:backgroundDefaultColor" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:contrast" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:gain" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:gamma" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:offset" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:saturation" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:blackpoint" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:contrast" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:gain" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:gamma" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:lift" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:multiply" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:offset" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:whitepoint" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:lensDistortion:lensFocalLengthArray" = (10, 30, 50) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:anisoFlareFalloffX" = (450, 475, 500) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:anisoFlareFalloffY" = (10, 10, 10) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:cutoffPoint" = (2, 2, 2) double "rtx:post:lensFlares:flareScale" = 0.075 float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:haloFlareFalloff" = (10, 10, 10) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:haloFlareRadius" = (75, 75, 75) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:isotropicFlareFalloff" = (50, 50, 50) float3 "rtx:post:tonemap:whitepoint" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:raytracing:inscattering:singleScatteringAlbedo" = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) float3 "rtx:raytracing:inscattering:transmittanceColor" = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) float3 "rtx:sceneDb:ambientLightColor" = (0, 0, 0) } } defaultPrim = "World" endTimeCode = 100 metersPerUnit = 1 startTimeCode = 0 timeCodesPerSecond = 24 upAxis = "Y" ) def Xform "World" { def Xform "CrowdBob" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.01, 0.01, 0.01) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Xform "TorsoCapsule" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Mesh "Body" { int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 32, 33, 1, 1, 33, 34, 2, 2, 34, 35, 3, 3, 35, 36, 4, 4, 36, 37, 5, 5, 37, 38, 6, 6, 38, 39, 7, 7, 39, 40, 8, 8, 40, 41, 9, 9, 41, 42, 10, 10, 42, 43, 11, 11, 43, 44, 12, 12, 44, 45, 13, 13, 45, 46, 14, 14, 46, 47, 15, 15, 47, 48, 16, 16, 48, 49, 17, 17, 49, 50, 18, 18, 50, 51, 19, 19, 51, 52, 20, 20, 52, 53, 21, 21, 53, 54, 22, 22, 54, 55, 23, 23, 55, 56, 24, 24, 56, 57, 25, 25, 57, 58, 26, 26, 58, 59, 27, 27, 59, 60, 28, 28, 60, 61, 29, 29, 61, 62, 30, 30, 62, 63, 31, 31, 63, 32, 0, 64, 65, 66, 64, 66, 67, 64, 67, 68, 64, 68, 69, 64, 69, 70, 64, 70, 71, 64, 71, 72, 64, 72, 73, 64, 73, 74, 64, 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478, 477, 481, 479, 478, 481, 480, 479, 481, 449, 480] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) normal3f[] normals = [(0, -50, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (0, -50, 0), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (0, -50, 0), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (0, -50, 0), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (25, -35.35534, 25), (25, -35.35534, 25), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (25, 35.35534, -25), (25, 35.35534, -25), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (0, 50, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (0, 50, 0), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (0, 50, 0), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (0, 50, 0), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (0, 50, 0), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(0, -50, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, 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6.8974843), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (0, -50, 0), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (0, -50, 0), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (0, -50, 0), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (25, -35.35534, 25), (25, -35.35534, 25), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (25, 35.35534, -25), (25, 35.35534, -25), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (0, 50, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (0, 50, 0), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (0, 50, 0), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (0, 50, 0), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (0, 50, 0), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(0, -50, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, 50, 0)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 float2[] primvars:st = [(0.5, 0), (1, 0.0625), (0.96875, 0.0625), (0.5, 0), (0.96875, 0.0625), (0.9375, 0.0625), (0.5, 0), (0.9375, 0.0625), (0.90625, 0.0625), (0.5, 0), (0.90625, 0.0625), (0.875, 0.0625), (0.5, 0), (0.875, 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0.1913399), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(75, 0, 0), (73.55892, 0, 14.63163), (69.29108, 0, 28.700985), (62.360466, 0, 41.6674), (53.033424, 0, 53.032593), (41.66838, 0, 62.359814), (28.702074, 0, 69.29063), (14.632785, 0, 73.55869), (0.0011780972, 0, 75), (-14.630474, 0, 73.55916), (-28.699898, 0, 69.29153), (-41.66642, 0, 62.361122), (-53.031757, 0, 53.03426), (-62.359158, 0, 41.66936), (-69.29018, 0, 28.703161), (-73.558464, 0, 14.633941), (-75, 0, 0.0023561944), (-73.55939, 0, -14.629319), (-69.29198, 0, -28.698809), (-62.361774, 0, -41.66544), (-53.03509, 0, -53.030926), (-41.670338, 0, -62.3585), (-28.70425, 0, -69.28973), (-14.635097, 0, -73.558235), (-0.0035342916, 0, -75), (14.628163, 0, -73.559616), (28.69772, 0, -69.29243), (41.664463, 0, -62.36243), (53.030094, 0, -53.035923), (62.35785, 0, -41.671318), (69.289276, 0, -28.70534), (73.55801, 0, -14.636251), (75, 0, -1.8369702e-14), (74.51964, 4.87721, 0), (73.0878, 4.87721, 14.537917), (68.84728, 4.87721, 28.517162), (61.96106, 4.87721, 41.400528), (52.693756, 4.87721, 52.69293), (41.401505, 4.87721, 61.96041), (28.518244, 4.87721, 68.84683), (14.539065, 4.87721, 73.08757), (0.0011705518, 4.87721, 74.51964), (-14.536769, 4.87721, 73.08803), (-28.51608, 4.87721, 68.84773), (-41.399555, 4.87721, 61.96171), (-52.6921, 4.87721, 52.694584), (-61.959763, 4.87721, 41.402477), (-68.84639, 4.87721, 28.519325), (-73.08734, 4.87721, 14.540214), (-74.51964, 4.87721, 0.0023411035), (-73.08825, 4.87721, -14.535622), (-68.84818, 4.87721, -28.515), (-61.96236, 4.87721, -41.398582), (-52.69541, 4.87721, -52.691273), (-41.40345, 4.87721, -61.95911), (-28.520407, 4.87721, -68.84594), (-14.541362, 4.87721, -73.08711), (-0.0035116554, 4.87721, -74.51964), (14.534473, 4.87721, -73.08848), (28.513918, 4.87721, -68.848625), (41.39761, 4.87721, -61.963013), (52.690445, 4.87721, -52.69624), (61.95846, 4.87721, -41.404423), (68.84549, 4.87721, -28.521488), (73.08688, 4.87721, -14.54251), (74.51964, 4.87721, -1.8252049e-14), (73.09702, 9.566995, 0), (71.69251, 9.566995, 14.260382), (67.53296, 9.566995, 27.972755), (60.778194, 9.566995, 40.610172), (51.68781, 9.566995, 51.686996), (40.61113, 9.566995, 60.777557), (27.973816, 9.566995, 67.53252), (14.261508, 9.566995, 71.69229), (0.0011482054, 9.566995, 73.09702), (-14.259255, 9.566995, 71.69274), (-27.971695, 9.566995, 67.533394), (-40.60922, 9.566995, 60.77883), (-51.686184, 9.566995, 51.68862), (-60.77692, 9.566995, 40.612083), (-67.532074, 9.566995, 27.974876), (-71.69207, 9.566995, 14.262634), (-73.09702, 9.566995, 0.0022964107), (-71.69296, 9.566995, -14.258129), (-67.53384, 9.566995, -27.970634), (-60.779472, 9.566995, -40.608265), (-51.689434, 9.566995, -51.68537), (-40.613037, 9.566995, -60.77628), (-27.975939, 9.566995, -67.53164), (-14.26376, 9.566995, -71.69184), (-0.0034446162, 9.566995, -73.09702), (14.257003, 9.566995, -71.693184), (27.969574, 9.566995, -67.53427), (40.60731, 9.566995, -60.78011), (51.684563, 9.566995, -51.690243), (60.775642, 9.566995, -40.61399), (67.5312, 9.566995, -27.977), (71.69162, 9.566995, -14.264886), (73.09702, 9.566995, -1.7903608e-14), (70.78682, 13.889133, 0), (69.4267, 13.889133, 13.809688), (65.398605, 13.889133, 27.088688), (58.857323, 13.889133, 39.326706), (50.054234, 13.889133, 50.053448), (39.32763, 13.889133, 58.856705), (27.089714, 13.889133, 65.39818), (13.810779, 13.889133, 69.42648), (0.0011119168, 13.889133, 70.78682), (-13.808597, 13.889133, 69.42692), (-27.08766, 13.889133, 65.399025), (-39.32578, 13.889133, 58.85794), (-50.05266, 13.889133, 50.055023), (-58.856087, 13.889133, 39.328552), (-65.39775, 13.889133, 27.090742), (-69.42627, 13.889133, 13.811869), (-70.78682, 13.889133, 0.0022238337), (-69.42713, 13.889133, -13.807507), (-65.39945, 13.889133, -27.086632), (-58.85856, 13.889133, -39.324856), (-50.05581, 13.889133, -50.051876), (-39.32948, 13.889133, -58.85547), (-27.091768, 13.889133, -65.39732), (-13.81296, 13.889133, -69.42605), (-0.0033357504, 13.889133, -70.78682), (13.806416, 13.889133, -69.42735), (27.085606, 13.889133, -65.39988), (39.323933, 13.889133, -58.859177), (50.05109, 13.889133, -50.056595), (58.85485, 13.889133, -39.330402), (65.396904, 13.889133, -27.092796), (69.425835, 13.889133, -13.81405), (70.78682, 13.889133, -1.7337772e-14), (67.67781, 17.67753, 0), (66.377426, 17.67753, 13.2031555), (62.526245, 17.67753, 25.89893), (56.272263, 17.67753, 37.599445), (47.855812, 17.67753, 47.85506), (37.600327, 17.67753, 56.27167), (25.899912, 17.67753, 62.525837), (13.204198, 17.67753, 66.37722), (0.0010630805, 17.67753, 67.67781), (-13.202112, 17.67753, 66.37763), (-25.89795, 17.67753, 62.52665), (-37.59856, 17.67753, 56.272854), (-47.85431, 17.67753, 47.856564), (-56.27108, 17.67753, 37.60121), (-62.52543, 17.67753, 25.900894), (-66.37701, 17.67753, 13.20524), (-67.67781, 17.67753, 0.002126161), (-66.37784, 17.67753, -13.20107), (-62.527058, 17.67753, -25.896967), (-56.273445, 17.67753, -37.597675), (-47.857315, 17.67753, -47.853558), (-37.602097, 17.67753, -56.270493), (-25.901876, 17.67753, -62.525024), (-13.206283, 17.67753, -66.3768), (-0.0031892415, 17.67753, -67.67781), (13.200027, 17.67753, -66.378044), (25.895985, 17.67753, -62.527466), (37.596794, 17.67753, -56.274033), (47.852806, 17.67753, -47.858067), (56.2699, 17.67753, -37.60298), (62.524616, 17.67753, -25.902859), (66.376595, 17.67753, -13.207326), (67.67781, 17.67753, -1.6576282e-14), (63.88946, 20.786604, 0), (62.661865, 20.786604, 12.464092), (59.02626, 20.786604, 24.449205), (53.122353, 20.786604, 35.49477), (45.177025, 20.786604, 45.176315), (35.495605, 20.786604, 53.121796), (24.450132, 20.786604, 59.025875), (12.465076, 20.786604, 62.66167), (0.0010035733, 20.786604, 63.88946), (-12.463108, 20.786604, 62.662064), (-24.448278, 20.786604, 59.026646), (-35.493935, 20.786604, 53.12291), (-45.175606, 20.786604, 45.177734), (-53.12124, 20.786604, 35.496437), (-59.025494, 20.786604, 24.451061), (-62.661476, 20.786604, 12.466061), (-63.88946, 20.786604, 0.0020071466), (-62.66226, 20.786604, -12.462124), (-59.027027, 20.786604, -24.447351), (-53.12347, 20.786604, -35.4931), (-45.178444, 20.786604, -45.174896), (-35.497272, 20.786604, -53.12068), (-24.451988, 20.786604, -59.02511), (-12.467045, 20.786604, -62.661278), (-0.0030107198, 20.786604, -63.88946), (12.46114, 20.786604, -62.662453), (24.446424, 20.786604, -59.027412), (35.492268, 20.786604, -53.124027), (45.174187, 20.786604, -45.179153), (53.120125, 20.786604, -35.498108), (59.024723, 20.786604, -24.452915), (62.661083, 20.786604, -12.468029), (63.88946, 20.786604, -1.5648405e-14), (59.567356, 23.096876, 0), (58.42281, 23.096876, 11.6209), (55.033154, 23.096876, 22.795225), (49.528645, 23.096876, 33.09356), (42.120815, 23.096876, 42.12015), (33.094337, 23.096876, 49.528122), (22.79609, 23.096876, 55.032795), (11.621818, 23.096876, 58.422626), (0.00093568186, 23.096876, 59.567356), (-11.619983, 23.096876, 58.422993), (-22.794361, 23.096876, 55.033512), (-33.09278, 23.096876, 49.529163), (-42.11949, 23.096876, 42.121475), (-49.527603, 23.096876, 33.095116), (-55.032436, 23.096876, 22.796953), (-58.422447, 23.096876, 11.622736), (-59.567356, 23.096876, 0.0018713637), (-58.423176, 23.096876, -11.619065), (-55.033867, 23.096876, -22.793495), (-49.529682, 23.096876, -33.092003), (-42.122135, 23.096876, -42.118828), (-33.095894, 23.096876, -49.527084), (-22.79782, 23.096876, -55.032078), (-11.623653, 23.096876, -58.422264), (-0.0028070456, 23.096876, -59.567356), (11.618147, 23.096876, -58.42336), (22.792631, 23.096876, -55.034225), (33.091225, 23.096876, -49.5302), (42.118168, 23.096876, -42.1228), (49.52656, 23.096876, -33.096672), (55.03172, 23.096876, -22.798683), (58.42208, 23.096876, -11.624571), (59.567356, 23.096876, -1.4589795e-14), (54.877594, 24.519566, 0), (53.82316, 24.519566, 10.705982), (50.70037, 24.519566, 21.000547), (45.62923, 24.519566, 30.488089), (38.804623, 24.519566, 38.804016), (30.488806, 24.519566, 45.628754), (21.001345, 24.519566, 50.70004), (10.706827, 24.519566, 53.82299), (0.00086201524, 24.519566, 54.877594), (-10.705136, 24.519566, 53.823326), (-20.99975, 24.519566, 50.7007), (-30.487373, 24.519566, 45.62971), (-38.803406, 24.519566, 38.805233), (-45.628273, 24.519566, 30.489523), (-50.69971, 24.519566, 21.00214), (-53.822823, 24.519566, 10.707673), (-54.877594, 24.519566, 0.0017240305), (-53.823494, 24.519566, -10.704291), (-50.70103, 24.519566, -20.998955), (-45.63019, 24.519566, -30.486656), (-38.805843, 24.519566, -38.802795), (-30.49024, 24.519566, -45.627796), (-21.002937, 24.519566, -50.69938), (-10.708518, 24.519566, -53.822655), (-0.0025860458, 24.519566, -54.877594), (10.703445, 24.519566, -53.82366), (20.998158, 24.519566, -50.70136), (30.485939, 24.519566, -45.63067), (38.802185, 24.519566, -38.806454), (45.627316, 24.519566, -30.490957), (50.69905, 24.519566, -21.003733), (53.822487, 24.519566, -10.709364), (54.877594, 24.519566, -1.3441134e-14), (50.000393, 25, 0), (49.03967, 25, 9.754497), (46.194416, 25, 19.13414), (41.57397, 25, 27.778484), (35.355896, 25, 35.35534), (27.779139, 25, 41.573536), (19.134867, 25, 46.194115), (9.755267, 25, 49.039516), (0.00078540435, 25, 50.000393), (-9.753726, 25, 49.03982), (-19.133415, 25, 46.194714), (-27.777832, 25, 41.574406), (-35.354782, 25, 35.35645), (-41.573097, 25, 27.77979), (-46.193813, 25, 19.135592), (-49.03936, 25, 9.756037), (-50.000393, 25, 0.0015708087), (-49.039974, 25, -9.752955), (-46.195015, 25, -19.132689), (-41.574844, 25, -27.77718), (-35.357006, 25, -35.35423), (-27.780443, 25, -41.572662), (-19.136318, 25, -46.193512), (-9.756807, 25, -49.039207), (-0.002356213, 25, -50.000393), (9.752186, 25, -49.040127), (19.131964, 25, -46.195316), (27.776525, 25, -41.57528), (35.353672, 25, -35.35756), (41.572224, 25, -27.781097), (46.19321, 25, -19.137043), (49.039055, 25, -9.757578), (50.000393, 25, -1.2246564e-14), (45.123177, 24.519718, 0), (44.256165, 24.519718, 8.803008), (41.688446, 24.519718, 17.267729), (37.518696, 24.519718, 25.068872), (31.907154, 24.519718, 31.906652), (25.069462, 24.519718, 37.518303), (17.268383, 24.519718, 41.688175), (8.803703, 24.519718, 44.256023), (0.0007087932, 24.519718, 45.123177), (-8.802313, 24.519718, 44.2563), (-17.267073, 24.519718, 41.688717), (-25.068283, 24.519718, 37.51909), (-31.90615, 24.519718, 31.907656), (-37.51791, 24.519718, 25.070051), (-41.687904, 24.519718, 17.269037), (-44.255886, 24.519718, 8.804399), (-45.123177, 24.519718, 0.0014175863), (-44.25644, 24.519718, -8.801618), (-41.688988, 24.519718, -17.266418), (-37.519485, 24.519718, -25.067694), (-31.908155, 24.519718, -31.905651), (-25.07064, 24.519718, -37.517517), (-17.269691, 24.519718, -41.687634), (-8.805094, 24.519718, -44.25575), (-0.0021263796, 24.519718, -45.123177), (8.800922, 24.519718, -44.256577), (17.265764, 24.519718, -41.68926), (25.067104, 24.519718, -37.51988), (31.90515, 24.519718, -31.908657), (37.51712, 24.519718, -25.07123), (41.687363, 24.519718, -17.270348), (44.25561, 24.519718, -8.805789), (45.123177, 24.519718, -1.105199e-14), (40.43337, 23.097176, 0), (39.656467, 23.097176, 7.888081), (37.35562, 23.097176, 15.473033), (33.619247, 23.097176, 22.463377), (28.590933, 23.097176, 28.590485), (22.463905, 23.097176, 33.618896), (15.47362, 23.097176, 37.355377), (7.888704, 23.097176, 39.65634), (0.00063512585, 23.097176, 40.43337), (-7.887458, 23.097176, 39.65659), (-15.472446, 23.097176, 37.355865), (-22.462849, 23.097176, 33.619602), (-28.590034, 23.097176, 28.591383), (-33.61854, 23.097176, 22.464434), (-37.355137, 23.097176, 15.474207), (-39.65622, 23.097176, 7.8893266), (-40.43337, 23.097176, 0.0012702517), (-39.656715, 23.097176, -7.886835), (-37.356106, 23.097176, -15.47186), (-33.619953, 23.097176, -22.462322), (-28.591831, 23.097176, -28.589586), (-22.464962, 23.097176, -33.61819), (-15.474793, 23.097176, -37.354893), (-7.88995, 23.097176, -39.656097), (-0.0019053776, 23.097176, -40.43337), (7.886212, 23.097176, -39.656837), (15.471272, 23.097176, -37.35635), (22.461794, 23.097176, -33.620308), (28.589136, 23.097176, -28.59228), (33.617836, 23.097176, -22.46549), (37.35465, 23.097176, -15.47538), (39.65597, 23.097176, -7.8905725), (40.43337, 23.097176, -9.903319e-15), (36.111195, 20.78704, 0), (35.41734, 20.78704, 7.0448747), (33.362446, 20.78704, 13.819024), (30.025478, 20.78704, 20.062128), (25.53467, 20.78704, 25.53427), (20.0626, 20.78704, 30.025164), (13.819549, 20.78704, 33.36223), (7.045431, 20.78704, 35.41723), (0.0005672333, 20.78704, 36.111195), (-7.044318, 20.78704, 35.41745), (-13.8185005, 20.78704, 33.362663), (-20.061655, 20.78704, 30.025793), (-25.533869, 20.78704, 25.53507), (-30.024847, 20.78704, 20.06307), (-33.36201, 20.78704, 13.820072), (-35.417118, 20.78704, 7.0459876), (-36.111195, 20.78704, 0.0011344666), (-35.41756, 20.78704, -7.043762), (-33.36288, 20.78704, -13.817976), (-30.026108, 20.78704, -20.061184), (-25.535473, 20.78704, -25.533466), (-20.063541, 20.78704, -30.024532), (-13.820597, 20.78704, -33.361794), (-7.0465436, 20.78704, -35.417007), (-0.0017016999, 20.78704, -36.111195), (7.0432057, 20.78704, -35.41767), (13.817452, 20.78704, -33.3631), (20.060713, 20.78704, -30.026423), (25.533066, 20.78704, -25.535873), (30.024218, 20.78704, -20.064014), (33.36158, 20.78704, -13.82112), (35.416897, 20.78704, -7.0471), (36.111195, 20.78704, -8.844692e-15), (32.322746, 17.678085, 0), (31.701687, 17.678085, 6.305793), (29.862373, 17.678085, 12.369263), (26.875488, 17.678085, 17.957397), (22.855814, 17.678085, 22.855453), (17.957819, 17.678085, 26.875206), (12.369732, 17.678085, 29.862179), (6.3062906, 17.678085, 31.701588), (0.00050772453, 17.678085, 32.322746), (-6.305295, 17.678085, 31.701786), (-12.3687935, 17.678085, 29.862568), (-17.956976, 17.678085, 26.87577), (-22.855095, 17.678085, 22.856173), (-26.874924, 17.678085, 17.958242), (-29.861984, 17.678085, 12.370201), (-31.701488, 17.678085, 6.306789), (-32.322746, 17.678085, 0.0010154491), (-31.701885, 17.678085, -6.3047967), (-29.862762, 17.678085, -12.368324), (-26.87605, 17.678085, -17.956553), (-22.856531, 17.678085, -22.854736), (-17.958664, 17.678085, -26.874641), (-12.370669, 17.678085, -29.86179), (-6.3072867, 17.678085, -31.70139), (-0.0015231735, 17.678085, -32.322746), (6.304299, 17.678085, -31.701984), (12.367855, 17.678085, -29.862955), (17.956131, 17.678085, -26.876333), (22.854378, 17.678085, -22.85689), (26.87436, 17.678085, -17.959085), (29.861595, 17.678085, -12.371139), (31.70129, 17.678085, -6.3077846), (32.322746, 17.678085, -7.91679e-15), (29.213614, 13.889787, 0), (28.652294, 13.889787, 5.6992373), (26.989904, 13.889787, 11.179461), (24.290329, 13.889787, 16.230072), (20.657307, 13.889787, 20.656982), (16.230453, 13.889787, 24.290073), (11.179884, 13.889787, 26.989729), (5.699687, 13.889787, 28.652205), (0.00045888638, 13.889787, 29.213614), (-5.698787, 13.889787, 28.652384), (-11.179036, 13.889787, 26.99008), (-16.22969, 13.889787, 24.290583), (-20.656658, 13.889787, 20.65763), (-24.289818, 13.889787, 16.230835), (-26.989553, 13.889787, 11.180308), (-28.652115, 13.889787, 5.700137), (-29.213614, 13.889787, 0.00091777276), (-28.652473, 13.889787, -5.698337), (-26.990255, 13.889787, -11.178613), (-24.290838, 13.889787, -16.22931), (-20.657955, 13.889787, -20.656334), (-16.231216, 13.889787, -24.289564), (-11.180732, 13.889787, -26.989378), (-5.7005873, 13.889787, -28.652025), (-0.0013766591, 13.889787, -29.213614), (5.697887, 13.889787, -28.652563), (11.178188, 13.889787, -26.99043), (16.228928, 13.889787, -24.291094), (20.65601, 13.889787, -20.658281), (24.289309, 13.889787, -16.231598), (26.989202, 13.889787, -11.181156), (28.651936, 13.889787, -5.7010374), (29.213614, 13.889787, -7.155272e-15), (26.903275, 9.56772, 0), (26.386347, 9.56772, 5.2485166), (24.855425, 9.56772, 10.29534), (22.369343, 9.56772, 14.946527), (19.023638, 9.56772, 19.023338), (14.946878, 9.56772, 22.369108), (10.295731, 9.56772, 24.855263), (5.2489314, 9.56772, 26.386263), (0.00042259565, 9.56772, 26.903275), (-5.248102, 9.56772, 26.386429), (-10.29495, 9.56772, 24.855587), (-14.946176, 9.56772, 22.369577), (-19.023039, 9.56772, 19.023935), (-22.368874, 9.56772, 14.947229), (-24.855103, 9.56772, 10.296121), (-26.38618, 9.56772, 5.249346), (-26.903275, 9.56772, 0.0008451913), (-26.38651, 9.56772, -5.247688), (-24.85575, 9.56772, -10.2945595), (-22.369812, 9.56772, -14.945824), (-19.024235, 9.56772, -19.022741), (-14.947581, 9.56772, -22.368639), (-10.296511, 9.56772, -24.85494), (-5.24976, 9.56772, -26.386099), (-0.001267787, 9.56772, -26.903275), (5.2472734, 9.56772, -26.386593), (10.294168, 9.56772, -24.855911), (14.945473, 9.56772, -22.370049), (19.022442, 9.56772, -19.024534), (22.368404, 9.56772, -14.947932), (24.854778, 9.56772, -10.296902), (26.386017, 9.56772, -5.2501745), (26.903275, 9.56772, -6.5894018e-15), (25.48051, 4.87798, 0), (24.990921, 4.87798, 4.970952), (23.540962, 4.87798, 9.750877), (21.186354, 4.87798, 14.156089), (18.017584, 4.87798, 18.017302), (14.156422, 4.87798, 21.186132), (9.751247, 4.87798, 23.540808), (4.9713445, 4.87798, 24.990843), (0.00040024694, 4.87798, 25.48051), (-4.9705596, 4.87798, 24.991), (-9.750507, 4.87798, 23.541115), (-14.155756, 4.87798, 21.186577), (-18.017017, 4.87798, 18.017868), (-21.18591, 4.87798, 14.1567545), (-23.540655, 4.87798, 9.7516165), (-24.990765, 4.87798, 4.9717374), (-25.48051, 4.87798, 0.0008004939), (-24.991077, 4.87798, -4.970167), (-23.541267, 4.87798, -9.750137), (-21.1868, 4.87798, -14.155423), (-18.01815, 4.87798, -18.016735), (-14.157087, 4.87798, -21.185688), (-9.7519865, 4.87798, -23.540503), (-4.97213, 4.87798, -24.990686), (-0.0012007408, 4.87798, -25.48051), (4.9697742, 4.87798, -24.991156), (9.749768, 4.87798, -23.541422), (14.15509, 4.87798, -21.187021), (18.016453, 4.87798, -18.018433), (21.185465, 4.87798, -14.15742), (23.540348, 4.87798, -9.752357), (24.990608, 4.87798, -4.9725223), (25.48051, 4.87798, -6.240925e-15), (25, 0.0007853982, 0), (24.519642, 0.0007853982, 4.87721), (23.097027, 0.0007853982, 9.566995), (20.786821, 0.0007853982, 13.889133), (17.677809, 0.0007853982, 17.67753), (13.88946, 0.0007853982, 20.786604), (9.567358, 0.0007853982, 23.096876), (4.877595, 0.0007853982, 24.519566), (0.0003926991, 0.0007853982, 25), (-4.876825, 0.0007853982, 24.519718), (-9.566632, 0.0007853982, 23.097176), (-13.888807, 0.0007853982, 20.78704), (-17.677254, 0.0007853982, 17.678085), (-20.786386, 0.0007853982, 13.889787), (-23.096725, 0.0007853982, 9.56772), (-24.51949, 0.0007853982, 4.87798), (-25, 0.0007853982, 0.0007853982), (-24.519794, 0.0007853982, -4.8764396), (-23.097326, 0.0007853982, -9.56627), (-20.787258, 0.0007853982, -13.88848), (-17.678364, 0.0007853982, -17.676975), (-13.890113, 0.0007853982, -20.786167), (-9.568084, 0.0007853982, -23.096575), (-4.8783655, 0.0007853982, -24.519411), (-0.0011780972, 0.0007853982, -25), (4.8760543, 0.0007853982, -24.51987), (9.565907, 0.0007853982, -23.097477), (13.888154, 0.0007853982, -20.787477), (17.676697, 0.0007853982, -17.678642), (20.78595, 0.0007853982, -13.890439), (23.096424, 0.0007853982, -9.568446), (24.519335, 0.0007853982, -4.8787503), (25, 0.0007853982, -6.123234e-15), (25.480206, -4.8764396, 0), (24.99062, -4.8764396, 4.9708924), (23.540678, -4.8764396, 9.75076), (21.1861, -4.8764396, 14.155919), (18.017368, -4.8764396, 18.017084), (14.156252, -4.8764396, 21.185877), (9.75113, -4.8764396, 23.540525), (4.971285, -4.8764396, 24.990541), (0.00040024213, -4.8764396, 25.480206), (-4.9705, -4.8764396, 24.990698), (-9.75039, -4.8764396, 23.54083), (-14.155586, -4.8764396, 21.186321), (-18.016802, -4.8764396, 18.01765), (-21.185656, -4.8764396, 14.156585), (-23.540373, -4.8764396, 9.751499), (-24.990463, -4.8764396, 4.9716773), (-25.480206, -4.8764396, 0.00080048427), (-24.990776, -4.8764396, -4.970107), (-23.540985, -4.8764396, -9.75002), (-21.186544, -4.8764396, -14.155253), (-18.017933, -4.8764396, -18.016518), (-14.156918, -4.8764396, -21.185432), (-9.751869, -4.8764396, -23.540218), (-4.97207, -4.8764396, -24.990385), (-0.0012007264, -4.8764396, -25.480206), (4.9697146, -4.8764396, -24.990854), (9.749651, -4.8764396, -23.541138), (14.154921, -4.8764396, -21.186768), (18.016235, -4.8764396, -18.018217), (21.185211, -4.8764396, -14.157249), (23.540066, -4.8764396, -9.752239), (24.990307, -4.8764396, -4.9724627), (25.480206, -4.8764396, -6.2408502e-15), (26.902674, -9.56627, 0), (26.385757, -9.56627, 5.2483993), (24.85487, -9.56627, 10.29511), (22.368843, -9.56627, 14.946193), (19.023212, -9.56627, 19.022913), (14.946545, -9.56627, 22.368608), (10.2955, -9.56627, 24.854708), (5.248814, -9.56627, 26.385674), (0.00042258622, -9.56627, 26.902674), (-5.247985, -9.56627, 26.38584), (-10.29472, -9.56627, 24.855032), (-14.945842, -9.56627, 22.369078), (-19.022615, -9.56627, 19.023512), (-22.368374, -9.56627, 14.946896), (-24.854546, -9.56627, 10.295891), (-26.385592, -9.56627, 5.2492285), (-26.902674, -9.56627, 0.00084517244), (-26.385921, -9.56627, -5.2475705), (-24.855194, -9.56627, -10.294329), (-22.369312, -9.56627, -14.94549), (-19.02381, -9.56627, -19.022316), (-14.947247, -9.56627, -22.36814), (-10.296281, -9.56627, -24.854385), (-5.249643, -9.56627, -26.38551), (-0.0012677587, -9.56627, -26.902674), (5.247156, -9.56627, -26.386003), (10.293939, -9.56627, -24.855354), (14.945139, -9.56627, -22.369549), (19.022017, -9.56627, -19.024109), (22.367905, -9.56627, -14.947598), (24.854223, -9.56627, -10.296672), (26.385427, -9.56627, -5.250057), (26.902674, -9.56627, -6.589255e-15), (29.212742, -13.88848, 0), (28.651438, -13.88848, 5.699067), (26.989098, -13.88848, 11.179126), (24.289602, -13.88848, 16.229586), (20.65669, -13.88848, 20.656366), (16.229969, -13.88848, 24.289347), (11.17955, -13.88848, 26.988922), (5.699517, -13.88848, 28.651348), (0.00045887267, -13.88848, 29.212742), (-5.698617, -13.88848, 28.651527), (-11.178702, -13.88848, 26.989273), (-16.229204, -13.88848, 24.289858), (-20.65604, -13.88848, 20.657015), (-24.289093, -13.88848, 16.23035), (-26.988747, -13.88848, 11.179975), (-28.651258, -13.88848, 5.699967), (-29.212742, -13.88848, 0.00091774535), (-28.651617, -13.88848, -5.698167), (-26.989449, -13.88848, -11.178278), (-24.290112, -13.88848, -16.228823), (-20.65734, -13.88848, -20.655716), (-16.230732, -13.88848, -24.288837), (-11.180398, -13.88848, -26.988571), (-5.700417, -13.88848, -28.651169), (-0.001376618, -13.88848, -29.212742), (5.6977167, -13.88848, -28.651707), (11.177855, -13.88848, -26.989624), (16.228441, -13.88848, -24.290367), (20.655392, -13.88848, -20.657663), (24.288582, -13.88848, -16.231113), (26.988396, -13.88848, -11.180822), (28.65108, -13.88848, -5.700867), (29.212742, -13.88848, -7.155058e-15), (32.321636, -17.676975, 0), (31.700598, -17.676975, 6.3055763), (29.861347, -17.676975, 12.368837), (26.874563, -17.676975, 17.956781), (22.855028, -17.676975, 22.85467), (17.957203, -17.676975, 26.874283), (12.369307, -17.676975, 29.861153), (6.306074, -17.676975, 31.700499), (0.00050770707, -17.676975, 32.321636), (-6.305078, -17.676975, 31.700697), (-12.368368, -17.676975, 29.861542), (-17.956358, -17.676975, 26.874846), (-22.85431, -17.676975, 22.855387), (-26.874, -17.676975, 17.957624), (-29.860958, -17.676975, 12.369776), (-31.7004, -17.676975, 6.306572), (-32.321636, -17.676975, 0.0010154141), (-31.700796, -17.676975, -6.30458), (-29.861736, -17.676975, -12.367899), (-26.875128, -17.676975, -17.955936), (-22.855745, -17.676975, -22.85395), (-17.958048, -17.676975, -26.873718), (-12.370245, -17.676975, -29.860764), (-6.3070703, -17.676975, -31.7003), (-0.0015231213, -17.676975, -32.321636), (6.3040824, -17.676975, -31.700895), (12.367431, -17.676975, -29.861929), (17.955515, -17.676975, -26.87541), (22.853592, -17.676975, -22.856104), (26.873436, -17.676975, -17.95847), (29.860569, -17.676975, -12.370713), (31.700201, -17.676975, -6.307568), (32.321636, -17.676975, -7.916517e-15), (36.109886, -20.786167, 0), (35.41606, -20.786167, 7.04462), (33.36124, -20.786167, 13.818524), (30.024391, -20.786167, 20.061401), (25.533747, -20.786167, 25.533346), (20.061872, -20.786167, 30.024076), (13.819049, -20.786167, 33.361023), (7.0451765, -20.786167, 35.41595), (0.00056721276, -20.786167, 36.109886), (-7.0440636, -20.786167, 35.416172), (-13.818001, -20.786167, 33.361458), (-20.06093, -20.786167, 30.024708), (-25.532944, -20.786167, 25.534147), (-30.023762, -20.786167, 20.062346), (-33.360806, -20.786167, 13.819572), (-35.415836, -20.786167, 7.0457325), (-36.109886, -20.786167, 0.0011344255), (-35.416283, -20.786167, -7.043507), (-33.361675, -20.786167, -13.817476), (-30.025023, -20.786167, -20.06046), (-25.534548, -20.786167, -25.532543), (-20.062817, -20.786167, -30.023447), (-13.820097, -20.786167, -33.360588), (-7.046289, -20.786167, -35.415726), (-0.0017016383, -20.786167, -36.109886), (7.042951, -20.786167, -35.416393), (13.816953, -20.786167, -33.361893), (20.059986, -20.786167, -30.025337), (25.532143, -20.786167, -25.53495), (30.023132, -20.786167, -20.063288), (33.36037, -20.786167, -13.820621), (35.415615, -20.786167, -7.0468454), (36.109886, -20.786167, -8.844372e-15), (40.431915, -23.096575, 0), (39.655045, -23.096575, 7.887798), (37.354282, -23.096575, 15.472478), (33.618042, -23.096575, 22.462572), (28.589907, -23.096575, 28.589458), (22.463099, -23.096575, 33.61769), (15.473064, -23.096575, 37.35404), (7.8884206, -23.096575, 39.65492), (0.00063510303, -23.096575, 40.431915), (-7.8871746, -23.096575, 39.655167), (-15.471891, -23.096575, 37.354523), (-22.462044, -23.096575, 33.618397), (-28.589008, -23.096575, 28.590357), (-33.617336, -23.096575, 22.463627), (-37.353794, -23.096575, 15.473651), (-39.654797, -23.096575, 7.8890433), (-40.431915, -23.096575, 0.0012702061), (-39.655293, -23.096575, -7.886552), (-37.354767, -23.096575, -15.471304), (-33.618748, -23.096575, -22.461515), (-28.590805, -23.096575, -28.58856), (-22.464155, -23.096575, -33.616985), (-15.474238, -23.096575, -37.35355), (-7.8896666, -23.096575, -39.65467), (-0.0019053092, -23.096575, -40.431915), (7.885929, -23.096575, -39.655415), (15.470717, -23.096575, -37.35501), (22.460987, -23.096575, -33.619102), (28.58811, -23.096575, -28.591253), (33.61663, -23.096575, -22.464684), (37.35331, -23.096575, -15.474825), (39.65455, -23.096575, -7.8902893), (40.431915, -23.096575, -9.902964e-15), (45.121635, -24.519411, 0), (44.254654, -24.519411, 8.802708), (41.687023, -24.519411, 17.267138), (37.517414, -24.519411, 25.068016), (31.906065, -24.519411, 31.905563), (25.068605, -24.519411, 37.51702), (17.267794, -24.519411, 41.686752), (8.803403, -24.519411, 44.254513), (0.00070876896, -24.519411, 45.121635), (-8.802012, -24.519411, 44.25479), (-17.266483, -24.519411, 41.687294), (-25.067427, -24.519411, 37.51781), (-31.905062, -24.519411, 31.906565), (-37.51663, -24.519411, 25.069195), (-41.68648, -24.519411, 17.268448), (-44.254375, -24.519411, 8.804097), (-45.121635, -24.519411, 0.0014175379), (-44.25493, -24.519411, -8.801317), (-41.687565, -24.519411, -17.26583), (-37.518204, -24.519411, -25.066837), (-31.907066, -24.519411, -31.90456), (-25.069784, -24.519411, -37.516235), (-17.269102, -24.519411, -41.68621), (-8.804792, -24.519411, -44.25424), (-0.002126307, -24.519411, -45.121635), (8.800622, -24.519411, -44.255066), (17.265173, -24.519411, -41.687836), (25.066248, -24.519411, -37.518597), (31.90406, -24.519411, -31.907568), (37.515842, -24.519411, -25.070374), (41.685936, -24.519411, -17.269758), (44.2541, -24.519411, -8.805488), (45.121635, -24.519411, -1.1051613e-14), (49.99882, -25, 0), (49.038128, -25, 9.75419), (46.192963, -25, 19.13354), (41.572666, -25, 27.777613), (35.354782, -25, 35.35423), (27.778265, -25, 41.572227), (19.134266, -25, 46.19266), (9.75496, -25, 49.037975), (0.00078537967, -25, 49.99882), (-9.75342, -25, 49.03828), (-19.132814, -25, 46.193264), (-27.776958, -25, 41.5731), (-35.353672, -25, 35.35534), (-41.571793, -25, 27.77892), (-46.192364, -25, 19.13499), (-49.037823, -25, 9.755731), (-49.99882, -25, 0.0015707593), (-49.038433, -25, -9.752649), (-46.193565, -25, -19.132088), (-41.573536, -25, -27.776306), (-35.355896, -25, -35.35312), (-27.779572, -25, -41.571354), (-19.135715, -25, -46.192062), (-9.756501, -25, -49.037666), (-0.002356139, -25, -49.99882), (9.751879, -25, -49.038586), (19.131363, -25, -46.193867), (27.775654, -25, -41.573975), (35.352562, -25, -35.35645), (41.57092, -25, -27.780224), (46.19176, -25, -19.136442), (49.037514, -25, -9.757271), (49.99882, -25, -1.224618e-14), (54.876053, -24.51987, 0), (53.821648, -24.51987, 10.705682), (50.698944, -24.51987, 20.999958), (45.627953, -24.51987, 30.487234), (38.803535, -24.51987, 38.802925), (30.48795, -24.51987, 45.627472), (21.000753, -24.51987, 50.698616), (10.706527, -24.51987, 53.82148), (0.000861991, -24.51987, 54.876053), (-10.704836, -24.51987, 53.821815), (-20.99916, -24.51987, 50.699276), (-30.486517, -24.51987, 45.62843), (-38.802315, -24.51987, 38.804146), (-45.626995, -24.51987, 30.488667), (-50.698288, -24.51987, 21.00155), (-53.821312, -24.51987, 10.707373), (-54.876053, -24.51987, 0.001723982), (-53.821983, -24.51987, -10.703991), (-50.699604, -24.51987, -20.998365), (-45.62891, -24.51987, -30.4858), (-38.804752, -24.51987, -38.80171), (-30.489384, -24.51987, -45.626514), (-21.002346, -24.51987, -50.697956), (-10.708218, -24.51987, -53.821144), (-0.0025859731, -24.51987, -54.876053), (10.703145, -24.51987, -53.82215), (20.997568, -24.51987, -50.699936), (30.485083, -24.51987, -45.629387), (38.801098, -24.51987, -38.805363), (45.626034, -24.51987, -30.4901), (50.697628, -24.51987, -21.003143), (53.820976, -24.51987, -10.709064), (54.876053, -24.51987, -1.3440757e-14), (59.565907, -23.097477, 0), (58.421387, -23.097477, 11.620617), (55.03181, -23.097477, 22.79467), (49.527435, -23.097477, 33.092754), (42.11979, -23.097477, 42.119125), (33.093533, -23.097477, 49.526917), (22.795534, -23.097477, 55.031452), (11.621535, -23.097477, 58.421204), (0.00093565905, -23.097477, 59.565907), (-11.6196995, -23.097477, 58.42157), (-22.793804, -23.097477, 55.03217), (-33.091976, -23.097477, 49.527958), (-42.118465, -23.097477, 42.12045), (-49.526398, -23.097477, 33.094307), (-55.031094, -23.097477, 22.796398), (-58.42102, -23.097477, 11.622453), (-59.565907, -23.097477, 0.0018713181), (-58.421753, -23.097477, -11.618782), (-55.032528, -23.097477, -22.79294), (-49.528477, -23.097477, -33.091198), (-42.12111, -23.097477, -42.1178), (-33.095085, -23.097477, -49.525875), (-22.797262, -23.097477, -55.03074), (-11.62337, -23.097477, -58.42084), (-0.0028069771, -23.097477, -59.565907), (11.617865, -23.097477, -58.421936), (22.792076, -23.097477, -55.032887), (33.09042, -23.097477, -49.528996), (42.11714, -23.097477, -42.121773), (49.525356, -23.097477, -33.095863), (55.03038, -23.097477, -22.798128), (58.42066, -23.097477, -11.624288), (59.565907, -23.097477, -1.458944e-14), (63.888153, -20.787477, 0), (62.660583, -20.787477, 12.463838), (59.025055, -20.787477, 24.448706), (53.12127, -20.787477, 35.494045), (45.1761, -20.787477, 45.175392), (35.494877, -20.787477, 53.12071), (24.449633, -20.787477, 59.02467), (12.464822, -20.787477, 62.66039), (0.0010035528, -20.787477, 63.888153), (-12.462853, -20.787477, 62.66078), (-24.447779, -20.787477, 59.025436), (-35.49321, -20.787477, 53.121826), (-45.174683, -20.787477, 45.17681), (-53.12015, -20.787477, 35.495712), (-59.024284, -20.787477, 24.45056), (-62.660194, -20.787477, 12.465806), (-63.888153, -20.787477, 0.0020071056), (-62.660976, -20.787477, -12.461869), (-59.02582, -20.787477, -24.446852), (-53.122383, -20.787477, -35.492374), (-45.17752, -20.787477, -45.173973), (-35.496548, -20.787477, -53.119595), (-24.451488, -20.787477, -59.023903), (-12.46679, -20.787477, -62.659996), (-0.0030106583, -20.787477, -63.888153), (12.460885, -20.787477, -62.66117), (24.445925, -20.787477, -59.026207), (35.49154, -20.787477, -53.12294), (45.173264, -20.787477, -45.17823), (53.119038, -20.787477, -35.497383), (59.023518, -20.787477, -24.452415), (62.6598, -20.787477, -12.467774), (63.888153, -20.787477, -1.5648085e-14), (67.6767, -17.678642, 0), (66.376335, -17.678642, 13.202938), (62.52522, -17.678642, 25.898506), (56.27134, -17.678642, 37.598827), (47.855026, -17.678642, 47.854275), (37.599712, -17.678642, 56.27075), (25.899488, -17.678642, 62.52481), (13.203981, -17.678642, 66.37613), (0.001063063, -17.678642, 67.6767), (-13.201896, -17.678642, 66.37654), (-25.897524, -17.678642, 62.525623), (-37.597942, -17.678642, 56.27193), (-47.853523, -17.678642, 47.855778), (-56.270157, -17.678642, 37.600594), (-62.524403, -17.678642, 25.900469), (-66.37592, -17.678642, 13.205024), (-67.6767, -17.678642, 0.002126126), (-66.37675, -17.678642, -13.200853), (-62.52603, -17.678642, -25.896542), (-56.272522, -17.678642, -37.59706), (-47.85653, -17.678642, -47.85277), (-37.60148, -17.678642, -56.269566), (-25.901451, -17.678642, -62.524), (-13.206066, -17.678642, -66.37571), (-0.0031891891, -17.678642, -67.6767), (13.19981, -17.678642, -66.37695), (25.89556, -17.678642, -62.52644), (37.596176, -17.678642, -56.27311), (47.85202, -17.678642, -47.857285), (56.26898, -17.678642, -37.602364), (62.52359, -17.678642, -25.902433), (66.3755, -17.678642, -13.2071085), (67.6767, -17.678642, -1.657601e-14), (70.78595, -13.890439, 0), (69.42584, -13.890439, 13.809517), (65.3978, -13.890439, 27.088354), (58.856598, -13.890439, 39.32622), (50.05362, -13.890439, 50.052834), (39.327145, -13.890439, 58.85598), (27.08938, -13.890439, 65.39737), (13.810608, -13.890439, 69.42563), (0.0011119031, -13.890439, 70.78595), (-13.808427, -13.890439, 69.42606), (-27.087326, -13.890439, 65.398224), (-39.325294, -13.890439, 58.857216), (-50.052044, -13.890439, 50.054405), (-58.855362, -13.890439, 39.328068), (-65.39694, -13.890439, 27.090408), (-69.42541, -13.890439, 13.811698), (-70.78595, -13.890439, 0.0022238062), (-69.42628, -13.890439, -13.807336), (-65.39864, -13.890439, -27.086298), (-58.857834, -13.890439, -39.32437), (-50.05519, -13.890439, -50.051258), (-39.328995, -13.890439, -58.854744), (-27.091434, -13.890439, -65.39652), (-13.812789, -13.890439, -69.42519), (-0.0033357092, -13.890439, -70.78595), (13.806246, -13.890439, -69.4265), (27.085272, -13.890439, -65.39907), (39.323444, -13.890439, -58.85845), (50.050472, -13.890439, -50.055977), (58.854126, -13.890439, -39.329918), (65.396095, -13.890439, -27.092463), (69.42498, -13.890439, -13.813879), (70.78595, -13.890439, -1.7337557e-14), (73.09643, -9.568446, 0), (71.691925, -9.568446, 14.260264), (67.5324, -9.568446, 27.972525), (60.777695, -9.568446, 40.60984), (51.68738, -9.568446, 51.686573), (40.610794, -9.568446, 60.777058), (27.973587, -9.568446, 67.53196), (14.261391, -9.568446, 71.6917), (0.0011481959, -9.568446, 73.09643), (-14.259138, -9.568446, 71.69215), (-27.971464, -9.568446, 67.53284), (-40.608887, -9.568446, 60.77833), (-51.68576, -9.568446, 51.688194), (-60.77642, -9.568446, 40.611748), (-67.531525, -9.568446, 27.974648), (-71.691475, -9.568446, 14.262517), (-73.09643, -9.568446, 0.0022963919), (-71.692375, -9.568446, -14.258012), (-67.53328, -9.568446, -27.970404), (-60.778973, -9.568446, -40.60793), (-51.689007, -9.568446, -51.684948), (-40.612705, -9.568446, -60.77578), (-27.975708, -9.568446, -67.53108), (-14.263642, -9.568446, -71.69125), (-0.0034445878, -9.568446, -73.09643), (14.256886, -9.568446, -71.6926), (27.969343, -9.568446, -67.53372), (40.606976, -9.568446, -60.77961), (51.684135, -9.568446, -51.68982), (60.775143, -9.568446, -40.61366), (67.53064, -9.568446, -27.976768), (71.69103, -9.568446, -14.264769), (73.09643, -9.568446, -1.7903461e-14), (74.51933, -4.8787503, 0), (73.087494, -4.8787503, 14.537858), (68.847, -4.8787503, 28.517044), (61.960808, -4.8787503, 41.40036), (52.693542, -4.8787503, 52.692715), (41.401333, -4.8787503, 61.960155), (28.518126, -4.8787503, 68.84655), (14.539005, -4.8787503, 73.087265), (0.001170547, -4.8787503, 74.51933), (-14.53671, -4.8787503, 73.08772), (-28.515963, -4.8787503, 68.84745), (-41.399387, -4.8787503, 61.961456), (-52.691887, -4.8787503, 52.69437), (-61.959507, -4.8787503, 41.402306), (-68.84611, -4.8787503, 28.519207), (-73.087036, -4.8787503, 14.5401535), (-74.51933, -4.8787503, 0.002341094), (-73.08795, -4.8787503, -14.535562), (-68.84789, -4.8787503, -28.514881), (-61.96211, -4.8787503, -41.398415), (-52.695198, -4.8787503, -52.69106), (-41.40328, -4.8787503, -61.958855), (-28.520288, -4.8787503, -68.84566), (-14.541302, -4.8787503, -73.08681), (-0.003511641, -4.8787503, -74.51933), (14.534413, -4.8787503, -73.08818), (28.5138, -4.8787503, -68.84834), (41.397438, -4.8787503, -61.962757), (52.69023, -4.8787503, -52.696026), (61.958206, -4.8787503, -41.40425), (68.84521, -4.8787503, -28.52137), (73.08658, -4.8787503, -14.54245), (74.51933, -4.8787503, -1.8251973e-14), (75, -6.1232338e-15, 0), (73.55892, -6.1232338e-15, 14.63163), (69.29108, -6.1232338e-15, 28.700985), (62.360466, -6.1232338e-15, 41.6674), (53.033424, -6.1232338e-15, 53.032593), (41.66838, -6.1232338e-15, 62.359814), (28.702074, -6.1232338e-15, 69.29063), (14.632785, -6.1232338e-15, 73.55869), (0.0011780972, -6.1232338e-15, 75), (-14.630474, -6.1232338e-15, 73.55916), (-28.699898, -6.1232338e-15, 69.29153), (-41.66642, -6.1232338e-15, 62.361122), (-53.031757, -6.1232338e-15, 53.03426), (-62.359158, -6.1232338e-15, 41.66936), (-69.29018, -6.1232338e-15, 28.703161), (-73.558464, -6.1232338e-15, 14.633941), (-75, -6.1232338e-15, 0.0023561944), (-73.55939, -6.1232338e-15, -14.629319), (-69.29198, -6.1232338e-15, -28.698809), (-62.361774, -6.1232338e-15, -41.66544), (-53.03509, -6.1232338e-15, -53.030926), (-41.670338, -6.1232338e-15, -62.3585), (-28.70425, -6.1232338e-15, -69.28973), (-14.635097, -6.1232338e-15, -73.558235), (-0.0035342916, -6.1232338e-15, -75), (14.628163, -6.1232338e-15, -73.559616), (28.69772, -6.1232338e-15, -69.29243), (41.664463, -6.1232338e-15, -62.36243), (53.030094, -6.1232338e-15, -53.035923), (62.35785, -6.1232338e-15, -41.671318), (69.289276, -6.1232338e-15, -28.70534), (73.55801, -6.1232338e-15, -14.636251), (75, -6.1232338e-15, -1.8369702e-14)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 float2[] primvars:st = [(1, 0), (1, 0.031249687), (0.9687503, 0.031249687), (0.9687503, 0), (0.9687503, 0), (0.9687503, 0.031249687), (0.9375006, 0.031249687), (0.9375006, 0), 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60, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-8.5, 12.960733569540622, 26.320793380096) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } } def Xform "EyeLeft" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Sphere "VitreousLeft" { float3[] extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Plastic> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 uniform token purpose = "default" double radius = 50 custom bool refinementEnableOverride = 1 custom int refinementLevel = 2 double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-10, 30, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.1, 0.25, 0.18) double3 xformOp:translate = (4.263256414560601e-14, 2.842170943040401e-14, -22) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def Sphere "PupilLeft" { float3[] extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 uniform token purpose = "default" double radius = 50 custom bool refinementEnableOverride = 1 custom int refinementLevel = 2 double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-10, 30, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (-0.10000000149011612, 0.13, 0.10000000149011612) double3 xformOp:translate = (2.0000000000000497, 5.684341886080802e-14, -22) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def Mesh "EyeBrowLeft" { int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 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(0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(75, 0, 0), (73.55892, 0, 14.63163), (69.29108, 0, 28.700985), (62.360466, 0, 41.6674), (53.033424, 0, 53.032593), (41.66838, 0, 62.359814), (28.702074, 0, 69.29063), (14.632785, 0, 73.55869), (0.0011780972, 0, 75), (-14.630474, 0, 73.55916), (-28.699898, 0, 69.29153), (-41.66642, 0, 62.361122), (-53.031757, 0, 53.03426), (-62.359158, 0, 41.66936), (-69.29018, 0, 28.703161), (-73.558464, 0, 14.633941), (-75, 0, 0.0023561944), (-73.55939, 0, -14.629319), (-69.29198, 0, -28.698809), (-62.361774, 0, -41.66544), (-53.03509, 0, -53.030926), (-41.670338, 0, -62.3585), (-28.70425, 0, -69.28973), (-14.635097, 0, -73.558235), (-0.0035342916, 0, -75), (14.628163, 0, -73.559616), (28.69772, 0, -69.29243), (41.664463, 0, -62.36243), (53.030094, 0, -53.035923), (62.35785, 0, -41.671318), (69.289276, 0, -28.70534), (73.55801, 0, -14.636251), (75, 0, -1.8369702e-14), (74.51964, 4.87721, 0), (73.0878, 4.87721, 14.537917), (68.84728, 4.87721, 28.517162), (61.96106, 4.87721, 41.400528), (52.693756, 4.87721, 52.69293), (41.401505, 4.87721, 61.96041), (28.518244, 4.87721, 68.84683), (14.539065, 4.87721, 73.08757), (0.0011705518, 4.87721, 74.51964), (-14.536769, 4.87721, 73.08803), (-28.51608, 4.87721, 68.84773), (-41.399555, 4.87721, 61.96171), (-52.6921, 4.87721, 52.694584), (-61.959763, 4.87721, 41.402477), (-68.84639, 4.87721, 28.519325), (-73.08734, 4.87721, 14.540214), (-74.51964, 4.87721, 0.0023411035), (-73.08825, 4.87721, -14.535622), (-68.84818, 4.87721, -28.515), (-61.96236, 4.87721, -41.398582), (-52.69541, 4.87721, -52.691273), (-41.40345, 4.87721, -61.95911), (-28.520407, 4.87721, -68.84594), (-14.541362, 4.87721, -73.08711), (-0.0035116554, 4.87721, -74.51964), (14.534473, 4.87721, -73.08848), (28.513918, 4.87721, -68.848625), (41.39761, 4.87721, -61.963013), (52.690445, 4.87721, -52.69624), (61.95846, 4.87721, -41.404423), (68.84549, 4.87721, -28.521488), (73.08688, 4.87721, -14.54251), (74.51964, 4.87721, -1.8252049e-14), (73.09702, 9.566995, 0), (71.69251, 9.566995, 14.260382), (67.53296, 9.566995, 27.972755), (60.778194, 9.566995, 40.610172), (51.68781, 9.566995, 51.686996), (40.61113, 9.566995, 60.777557), (27.973816, 9.566995, 67.53252), (14.261508, 9.566995, 71.69229), (0.0011482054, 9.566995, 73.09702), (-14.259255, 9.566995, 71.69274), (-27.971695, 9.566995, 67.533394), (-40.60922, 9.566995, 60.77883), (-51.686184, 9.566995, 51.68862), (-60.77692, 9.566995, 40.612083), (-67.532074, 9.566995, 27.974876), (-71.69207, 9.566995, 14.262634), (-73.09702, 9.566995, 0.0022964107), (-71.69296, 9.566995, -14.258129), (-67.53384, 9.566995, -27.970634), (-60.779472, 9.566995, -40.608265), (-51.689434, 9.566995, -51.68537), (-40.613037, 9.566995, -60.77628), (-27.975939, 9.566995, -67.53164), (-14.26376, 9.566995, -71.69184), (-0.0034446162, 9.566995, -73.09702), (14.257003, 9.566995, -71.693184), (27.969574, 9.566995, -67.53427), (40.60731, 9.566995, -60.78011), (51.684563, 9.566995, -51.690243), (60.775642, 9.566995, -40.61399), (67.5312, 9.566995, -27.977), (71.69162, 9.566995, -14.264886), (73.09702, 9.566995, -1.7903608e-14), (70.78682, 13.889133, 0), (69.4267, 13.889133, 13.809688), (65.398605, 13.889133, 27.088688), (58.857323, 13.889133, 39.326706), (50.054234, 13.889133, 50.053448), (39.32763, 13.889133, 58.856705), (27.089714, 13.889133, 65.39818), (13.810779, 13.889133, 69.42648), (0.0011119168, 13.889133, 70.78682), (-13.808597, 13.889133, 69.42692), (-27.08766, 13.889133, 65.399025), (-39.32578, 13.889133, 58.85794), (-50.05266, 13.889133, 50.055023), (-58.856087, 13.889133, 39.328552), (-65.39775, 13.889133, 27.090742), (-69.42627, 13.889133, 13.811869), (-70.78682, 13.889133, 0.0022238337), (-69.42713, 13.889133, -13.807507), (-65.39945, 13.889133, -27.086632), (-58.85856, 13.889133, -39.324856), (-50.05581, 13.889133, -50.051876), (-39.32948, 13.889133, -58.85547), (-27.091768, 13.889133, -65.39732), (-13.81296, 13.889133, -69.42605), (-0.0033357504, 13.889133, -70.78682), (13.806416, 13.889133, -69.42735), (27.085606, 13.889133, -65.39988), (39.323933, 13.889133, -58.859177), (50.05109, 13.889133, -50.056595), (58.85485, 13.889133, -39.330402), (65.396904, 13.889133, -27.092796), (69.425835, 13.889133, -13.81405), (70.78682, 13.889133, -1.7337772e-14), (67.67781, 17.67753, 0), (66.377426, 17.67753, 13.2031555), (62.526245, 17.67753, 25.89893), (56.272263, 17.67753, 37.599445), (47.855812, 17.67753, 47.85506), (37.600327, 17.67753, 56.27167), (25.899912, 17.67753, 62.525837), (13.204198, 17.67753, 66.37722), (0.0010630805, 17.67753, 67.67781), (-13.202112, 17.67753, 66.37763), (-25.89795, 17.67753, 62.52665), (-37.59856, 17.67753, 56.272854), (-47.85431, 17.67753, 47.856564), (-56.27108, 17.67753, 37.60121), (-62.52543, 17.67753, 25.900894), (-66.37701, 17.67753, 13.20524), (-67.67781, 17.67753, 0.002126161), (-66.37784, 17.67753, -13.20107), (-62.527058, 17.67753, -25.896967), (-56.273445, 17.67753, -37.597675), (-47.857315, 17.67753, -47.853558), (-37.602097, 17.67753, -56.270493), (-25.901876, 17.67753, -62.525024), (-13.206283, 17.67753, -66.3768), (-0.0031892415, 17.67753, -67.67781), (13.200027, 17.67753, -66.378044), (25.895985, 17.67753, -62.527466), (37.596794, 17.67753, -56.274033), (47.852806, 17.67753, -47.858067), (56.2699, 17.67753, -37.60298), (62.524616, 17.67753, -25.902859), (66.376595, 17.67753, -13.207326), (67.67781, 17.67753, -1.6576282e-14), (63.88946, 20.786604, 0), (62.661865, 20.786604, 12.464092), (59.02626, 20.786604, 24.449205), (53.122353, 20.786604, 35.49477), (45.177025, 20.786604, 45.176315), (35.495605, 20.786604, 53.121796), (24.450132, 20.786604, 59.025875), (12.465076, 20.786604, 62.66167), (0.0010035733, 20.786604, 63.88946), (-12.463108, 20.786604, 62.662064), (-24.448278, 20.786604, 59.026646), (-35.493935, 20.786604, 53.12291), (-45.175606, 20.786604, 45.177734), (-53.12124, 20.786604, 35.496437), (-59.025494, 20.786604, 24.451061), (-62.661476, 20.786604, 12.466061), (-63.88946, 20.786604, 0.0020071466), (-62.66226, 20.786604, -12.462124), (-59.027027, 20.786604, -24.447351), (-53.12347, 20.786604, -35.4931), (-45.178444, 20.786604, -45.174896), (-35.497272, 20.786604, -53.12068), (-24.451988, 20.786604, -59.02511), (-12.467045, 20.786604, -62.661278), (-0.0030107198, 20.786604, -63.88946), (12.46114, 20.786604, -62.662453), (24.446424, 20.786604, -59.027412), (35.492268, 20.786604, -53.124027), (45.174187, 20.786604, -45.179153), (53.120125, 20.786604, -35.498108), (59.024723, 20.786604, -24.452915), (62.661083, 20.786604, -12.468029), (63.88946, 20.786604, -1.5648405e-14), (59.567356, 23.096876, 0), (58.42281, 23.096876, 11.6209), (55.033154, 23.096876, 22.795225), (49.528645, 23.096876, 33.09356), (42.120815, 23.096876, 42.12015), (33.094337, 23.096876, 49.528122), (22.79609, 23.096876, 55.032795), (11.621818, 23.096876, 58.422626), (0.00093568186, 23.096876, 59.567356), (-11.619983, 23.096876, 58.422993), (-22.794361, 23.096876, 55.033512), (-33.09278, 23.096876, 49.529163), (-42.11949, 23.096876, 42.121475), (-49.527603, 23.096876, 33.095116), (-55.032436, 23.096876, 22.796953), (-58.422447, 23.096876, 11.622736), (-59.567356, 23.096876, 0.0018713637), (-58.423176, 23.096876, -11.619065), (-55.033867, 23.096876, -22.793495), (-49.529682, 23.096876, -33.092003), (-42.122135, 23.096876, -42.118828), (-33.095894, 23.096876, -49.527084), (-22.79782, 23.096876, -55.032078), (-11.623653, 23.096876, -58.422264), (-0.0028070456, 23.096876, -59.567356), (11.618147, 23.096876, -58.42336), (22.792631, 23.096876, -55.034225), (33.091225, 23.096876, -49.5302), (42.118168, 23.096876, -42.1228), (49.52656, 23.096876, -33.096672), (55.03172, 23.096876, -22.798683), (58.42208, 23.096876, -11.624571), (59.567356, 23.096876, -1.4589795e-14), (54.877594, 24.519566, 0), (53.82316, 24.519566, 10.705982), (50.70037, 24.519566, 21.000547), (45.62923, 24.519566, 30.488089), (38.804623, 24.519566, 38.804016), (30.488806, 24.519566, 45.628754), (21.001345, 24.519566, 50.70004), (10.706827, 24.519566, 53.82299), (0.00086201524, 24.519566, 54.877594), (-10.705136, 24.519566, 53.823326), (-20.99975, 24.519566, 50.7007), (-30.487373, 24.519566, 45.62971), (-38.803406, 24.519566, 38.805233), (-45.628273, 24.519566, 30.489523), (-50.69971, 24.519566, 21.00214), (-53.822823, 24.519566, 10.707673), (-54.877594, 24.519566, 0.0017240305), (-53.823494, 24.519566, -10.704291), (-50.70103, 24.519566, -20.998955), (-45.63019, 24.519566, -30.486656), (-38.805843, 24.519566, -38.802795), (-30.49024, 24.519566, -45.627796), (-21.002937, 24.519566, -50.69938), (-10.708518, 24.519566, -53.822655), (-0.0025860458, 24.519566, -54.877594), (10.703445, 24.519566, -53.82366), (20.998158, 24.519566, -50.70136), (30.485939, 24.519566, -45.63067), (38.802185, 24.519566, -38.806454), (45.627316, 24.519566, -30.490957), (50.69905, 24.519566, -21.003733), (53.822487, 24.519566, -10.709364), (54.877594, 24.519566, -1.3441134e-14), (50.000393, 25, 0), (49.03967, 25, 9.754497), (46.194416, 25, 19.13414), (41.57397, 25, 27.778484), (35.355896, 25, 35.35534), (27.779139, 25, 41.573536), (19.134867, 25, 46.194115), (9.755267, 25, 49.039516), (0.00078540435, 25, 50.000393), (-9.753726, 25, 49.03982), (-19.133415, 25, 46.194714), (-27.777832, 25, 41.574406), (-35.354782, 25, 35.35645), (-41.573097, 25, 27.77979), (-46.193813, 25, 19.135592), (-49.03936, 25, 9.756037), (-50.000393, 25, 0.0015708087), (-49.039974, 25, -9.752955), (-46.195015, 25, -19.132689), (-41.574844, 25, -27.77718), (-35.357006, 25, -35.35423), (-27.780443, 25, -41.572662), (-19.136318, 25, -46.193512), (-9.756807, 25, -49.039207), (-0.002356213, 25, -50.000393), (9.752186, 25, -49.040127), (19.131964, 25, -46.195316), (27.776525, 25, -41.57528), (35.353672, 25, -35.35756), (41.572224, 25, -27.781097), (46.19321, 25, -19.137043), (49.039055, 25, -9.757578), (50.000393, 25, -1.2246564e-14), (45.123177, 24.519718, 0), (44.256165, 24.519718, 8.803008), (41.688446, 24.519718, 17.267729), (37.518696, 24.519718, 25.068872), (31.907154, 24.519718, 31.906652), (25.069462, 24.519718, 37.518303), (17.268383, 24.519718, 41.688175), (8.803703, 24.519718, 44.256023), (0.0007087932, 24.519718, 45.123177), (-8.802313, 24.519718, 44.2563), (-17.267073, 24.519718, 41.688717), (-25.068283, 24.519718, 37.51909), (-31.90615, 24.519718, 31.907656), (-37.51791, 24.519718, 25.070051), (-41.687904, 24.519718, 17.269037), (-44.255886, 24.519718, 8.804399), (-45.123177, 24.519718, 0.0014175863), (-44.25644, 24.519718, -8.801618), (-41.688988, 24.519718, -17.266418), (-37.519485, 24.519718, -25.067694), (-31.908155, 24.519718, -31.905651), (-25.07064, 24.519718, -37.517517), (-17.269691, 24.519718, -41.687634), (-8.805094, 24.519718, -44.25575), (-0.0021263796, 24.519718, -45.123177), (8.800922, 24.519718, -44.256577), (17.265764, 24.519718, -41.68926), (25.067104, 24.519718, -37.51988), (31.90515, 24.519718, -31.908657), (37.51712, 24.519718, -25.07123), (41.687363, 24.519718, -17.270348), (44.25561, 24.519718, -8.805789), (45.123177, 24.519718, -1.105199e-14), (40.43337, 23.097176, 0), (39.656467, 23.097176, 7.888081), (37.35562, 23.097176, 15.473033), (33.619247, 23.097176, 22.463377), (28.590933, 23.097176, 28.590485), (22.463905, 23.097176, 33.618896), (15.47362, 23.097176, 37.355377), (7.888704, 23.097176, 39.65634), (0.00063512585, 23.097176, 40.43337), (-7.887458, 23.097176, 39.65659), (-15.472446, 23.097176, 37.355865), (-22.462849, 23.097176, 33.619602), (-28.590034, 23.097176, 28.591383), (-33.61854, 23.097176, 22.464434), (-37.355137, 23.097176, 15.474207), (-39.65622, 23.097176, 7.8893266), (-40.43337, 23.097176, 0.0012702517), (-39.656715, 23.097176, -7.886835), (-37.356106, 23.097176, -15.47186), (-33.619953, 23.097176, -22.462322), (-28.591831, 23.097176, -28.589586), (-22.464962, 23.097176, -33.61819), (-15.474793, 23.097176, -37.354893), (-7.88995, 23.097176, -39.656097), (-0.0019053776, 23.097176, -40.43337), (7.886212, 23.097176, -39.656837), (15.471272, 23.097176, -37.35635), (22.461794, 23.097176, -33.620308), (28.589136, 23.097176, -28.59228), (33.617836, 23.097176, -22.46549), (37.35465, 23.097176, -15.47538), (39.65597, 23.097176, -7.8905725), (40.43337, 23.097176, -9.903319e-15), (36.111195, 20.78704, 0), (35.41734, 20.78704, 7.0448747), (33.362446, 20.78704, 13.819024), (30.025478, 20.78704, 20.062128), (25.53467, 20.78704, 25.53427), (20.0626, 20.78704, 30.025164), (13.819549, 20.78704, 33.36223), (7.045431, 20.78704, 35.41723), (0.0005672333, 20.78704, 36.111195), (-7.044318, 20.78704, 35.41745), (-13.8185005, 20.78704, 33.362663), (-20.061655, 20.78704, 30.025793), (-25.533869, 20.78704, 25.53507), (-30.024847, 20.78704, 20.06307), (-33.36201, 20.78704, 13.820072), (-35.417118, 20.78704, 7.0459876), (-36.111195, 20.78704, 0.0011344666), (-35.41756, 20.78704, -7.043762), (-33.36288, 20.78704, -13.817976), (-30.026108, 20.78704, -20.061184), (-25.535473, 20.78704, -25.533466), (-20.063541, 20.78704, -30.024532), (-13.820597, 20.78704, -33.361794), (-7.0465436, 20.78704, -35.417007), (-0.0017016999, 20.78704, -36.111195), (7.0432057, 20.78704, -35.41767), (13.817452, 20.78704, -33.3631), (20.060713, 20.78704, -30.026423), (25.533066, 20.78704, -25.535873), (30.024218, 20.78704, -20.064014), (33.36158, 20.78704, -13.82112), (35.416897, 20.78704, -7.0471), (36.111195, 20.78704, -8.844692e-15), (32.322746, 17.678085, 0), (31.701687, 17.678085, 6.305793), (29.862373, 17.678085, 12.369263), (26.875488, 17.678085, 17.957397), (22.855814, 17.678085, 22.855453), (17.957819, 17.678085, 26.875206), (12.369732, 17.678085, 29.862179), (6.3062906, 17.678085, 31.701588), (0.00050772453, 17.678085, 32.322746), (-6.305295, 17.678085, 31.701786), (-12.3687935, 17.678085, 29.862568), (-17.956976, 17.678085, 26.87577), (-22.855095, 17.678085, 22.856173), (-26.874924, 17.678085, 17.958242), (-29.861984, 17.678085, 12.370201), (-31.701488, 17.678085, 6.306789), (-32.322746, 17.678085, 0.0010154491), (-31.701885, 17.678085, -6.3047967), (-29.862762, 17.678085, -12.368324), (-26.87605, 17.678085, -17.956553), (-22.856531, 17.678085, -22.854736), (-17.958664, 17.678085, -26.874641), (-12.370669, 17.678085, -29.86179), (-6.3072867, 17.678085, -31.70139), (-0.0015231735, 17.678085, -32.322746), (6.304299, 17.678085, -31.701984), (12.367855, 17.678085, -29.862955), (17.956131, 17.678085, -26.876333), (22.854378, 17.678085, -22.85689), (26.87436, 17.678085, -17.959085), (29.861595, 17.678085, -12.371139), (31.70129, 17.678085, -6.3077846), (32.322746, 17.678085, -7.91679e-15), (29.213614, 13.889787, 0), (28.652294, 13.889787, 5.6992373), (26.989904, 13.889787, 11.179461), (24.290329, 13.889787, 16.230072), (20.657307, 13.889787, 20.656982), (16.230453, 13.889787, 24.290073), (11.179884, 13.889787, 26.989729), (5.699687, 13.889787, 28.652205), (0.00045888638, 13.889787, 29.213614), (-5.698787, 13.889787, 28.652384), (-11.179036, 13.889787, 26.99008), (-16.22969, 13.889787, 24.290583), (-20.656658, 13.889787, 20.65763), (-24.289818, 13.889787, 16.230835), (-26.989553, 13.889787, 11.180308), (-28.652115, 13.889787, 5.700137), (-29.213614, 13.889787, 0.00091777276), (-28.652473, 13.889787, -5.698337), (-26.990255, 13.889787, -11.178613), (-24.290838, 13.889787, -16.22931), (-20.657955, 13.889787, -20.656334), (-16.231216, 13.889787, -24.289564), (-11.180732, 13.889787, -26.989378), (-5.7005873, 13.889787, -28.652025), (-0.0013766591, 13.889787, -29.213614), (5.697887, 13.889787, -28.652563), (11.178188, 13.889787, -26.99043), (16.228928, 13.889787, -24.291094), (20.65601, 13.889787, -20.658281), (24.289309, 13.889787, -16.231598), (26.989202, 13.889787, -11.181156), (28.651936, 13.889787, -5.7010374), (29.213614, 13.889787, -7.155272e-15), (26.903275, 9.56772, 0), (26.386347, 9.56772, 5.2485166), (24.855425, 9.56772, 10.29534), (22.369343, 9.56772, 14.946527), (19.023638, 9.56772, 19.023338), (14.946878, 9.56772, 22.369108), (10.295731, 9.56772, 24.855263), (5.2489314, 9.56772, 26.386263), (0.00042259565, 9.56772, 26.903275), (-5.248102, 9.56772, 26.386429), (-10.29495, 9.56772, 24.855587), (-14.946176, 9.56772, 22.369577), (-19.023039, 9.56772, 19.023935), (-22.368874, 9.56772, 14.947229), (-24.855103, 9.56772, 10.296121), (-26.38618, 9.56772, 5.249346), (-26.903275, 9.56772, 0.0008451913), (-26.38651, 9.56772, -5.247688), (-24.85575, 9.56772, -10.2945595), (-22.369812, 9.56772, -14.945824), (-19.024235, 9.56772, -19.022741), (-14.947581, 9.56772, -22.368639), (-10.296511, 9.56772, -24.85494), (-5.24976, 9.56772, -26.386099), (-0.001267787, 9.56772, -26.903275), (5.2472734, 9.56772, -26.386593), (10.294168, 9.56772, -24.855911), (14.945473, 9.56772, -22.370049), (19.022442, 9.56772, -19.024534), (22.368404, 9.56772, -14.947932), (24.854778, 9.56772, -10.296902), (26.386017, 9.56772, -5.2501745), (26.903275, 9.56772, -6.5894018e-15), (25.48051, 4.87798, 0), (24.990921, 4.87798, 4.970952), (23.540962, 4.87798, 9.750877), (21.186354, 4.87798, 14.156089), (18.017584, 4.87798, 18.017302), (14.156422, 4.87798, 21.186132), (9.751247, 4.87798, 23.540808), (4.9713445, 4.87798, 24.990843), (0.00040024694, 4.87798, 25.48051), (-4.9705596, 4.87798, 24.991), (-9.750507, 4.87798, 23.541115), (-14.155756, 4.87798, 21.186577), (-18.017017, 4.87798, 18.017868), (-21.18591, 4.87798, 14.1567545), (-23.540655, 4.87798, 9.7516165), (-24.990765, 4.87798, 4.9717374), (-25.48051, 4.87798, 0.0008004939), (-24.991077, 4.87798, -4.970167), (-23.541267, 4.87798, -9.750137), (-21.1868, 4.87798, -14.155423), (-18.01815, 4.87798, -18.016735), (-14.157087, 4.87798, -21.185688), (-9.7519865, 4.87798, -23.540503), (-4.97213, 4.87798, -24.990686), (-0.0012007408, 4.87798, -25.48051), (4.9697742, 4.87798, -24.991156), (9.749768, 4.87798, -23.541422), (14.15509, 4.87798, -21.187021), (18.016453, 4.87798, -18.018433), (21.185465, 4.87798, -14.15742), (23.540348, 4.87798, -9.752357), (24.990608, 4.87798, -4.9725223), (25.48051, 4.87798, -6.240925e-15), (25, 0.0007853982, 0), (24.519642, 0.0007853982, 4.87721), (23.097027, 0.0007853982, 9.566995), (20.786821, 0.0007853982, 13.889133), (17.677809, 0.0007853982, 17.67753), (13.88946, 0.0007853982, 20.786604), (9.567358, 0.0007853982, 23.096876), (4.877595, 0.0007853982, 24.519566), (0.0003926991, 0.0007853982, 25), (-4.876825, 0.0007853982, 24.519718), (-9.566632, 0.0007853982, 23.097176), (-13.888807, 0.0007853982, 20.78704), (-17.677254, 0.0007853982, 17.678085), (-20.786386, 0.0007853982, 13.889787), (-23.096725, 0.0007853982, 9.56772), (-24.51949, 0.0007853982, 4.87798), (-25, 0.0007853982, 0.0007853982), (-24.519794, 0.0007853982, -4.8764396), (-23.097326, 0.0007853982, -9.56627), (-20.787258, 0.0007853982, -13.88848), (-17.678364, 0.0007853982, -17.676975), (-13.890113, 0.0007853982, -20.786167), (-9.568084, 0.0007853982, -23.096575), (-4.8783655, 0.0007853982, -24.519411), (-0.0011780972, 0.0007853982, -25), (4.8760543, 0.0007853982, -24.51987), (9.565907, 0.0007853982, -23.097477), (13.888154, 0.0007853982, -20.787477), (17.676697, 0.0007853982, -17.678642), (20.78595, 0.0007853982, -13.890439), (23.096424, 0.0007853982, -9.568446), (24.519335, 0.0007853982, -4.8787503), (25, 0.0007853982, -6.123234e-15), (25.480206, -4.8764396, 0), (24.99062, -4.8764396, 4.9708924), (23.540678, -4.8764396, 9.75076), (21.1861, -4.8764396, 14.155919), (18.017368, -4.8764396, 18.017084), (14.156252, -4.8764396, 21.185877), (9.75113, -4.8764396, 23.540525), (4.971285, -4.8764396, 24.990541), (0.00040024213, -4.8764396, 25.480206), (-4.9705, -4.8764396, 24.990698), (-9.75039, -4.8764396, 23.54083), (-14.155586, -4.8764396, 21.186321), (-18.016802, -4.8764396, 18.01765), (-21.185656, -4.8764396, 14.156585), (-23.540373, -4.8764396, 9.751499), (-24.990463, -4.8764396, 4.9716773), (-25.480206, -4.8764396, 0.00080048427), (-24.990776, -4.8764396, -4.970107), (-23.540985, -4.8764396, -9.75002), (-21.186544, -4.8764396, -14.155253), (-18.017933, -4.8764396, -18.016518), (-14.156918, -4.8764396, -21.185432), (-9.751869, -4.8764396, -23.540218), (-4.97207, -4.8764396, -24.990385), (-0.0012007264, -4.8764396, -25.480206), (4.9697146, -4.8764396, -24.990854), (9.749651, -4.8764396, -23.541138), (14.154921, -4.8764396, -21.186768), (18.016235, -4.8764396, -18.018217), (21.185211, -4.8764396, -14.157249), (23.540066, -4.8764396, -9.752239), (24.990307, -4.8764396, -4.9724627), (25.480206, -4.8764396, -6.2408502e-15), (26.902674, -9.56627, 0), (26.385757, -9.56627, 5.2483993), (24.85487, -9.56627, 10.29511), (22.368843, -9.56627, 14.946193), (19.023212, -9.56627, 19.022913), (14.946545, -9.56627, 22.368608), (10.2955, -9.56627, 24.854708), (5.248814, -9.56627, 26.385674), (0.00042258622, -9.56627, 26.902674), (-5.247985, -9.56627, 26.38584), (-10.29472, -9.56627, 24.855032), (-14.945842, -9.56627, 22.369078), (-19.022615, -9.56627, 19.023512), (-22.368374, -9.56627, 14.946896), (-24.854546, -9.56627, 10.295891), (-26.385592, -9.56627, 5.2492285), (-26.902674, -9.56627, 0.00084517244), (-26.385921, -9.56627, -5.2475705), (-24.855194, -9.56627, -10.294329), (-22.369312, -9.56627, -14.94549), (-19.02381, -9.56627, -19.022316), (-14.947247, -9.56627, -22.36814), (-10.296281, -9.56627, -24.854385), (-5.249643, -9.56627, -26.38551), (-0.0012677587, -9.56627, -26.902674), (5.247156, -9.56627, -26.386003), (10.293939, -9.56627, -24.855354), (14.945139, -9.56627, -22.369549), (19.022017, -9.56627, -19.024109), (22.367905, -9.56627, -14.947598), (24.854223, -9.56627, -10.296672), (26.385427, -9.56627, -5.250057), (26.902674, -9.56627, -6.589255e-15), (29.212742, -13.88848, 0), (28.651438, -13.88848, 5.699067), (26.989098, -13.88848, 11.179126), (24.289602, -13.88848, 16.229586), (20.65669, -13.88848, 20.656366), (16.229969, -13.88848, 24.289347), (11.17955, -13.88848, 26.988922), (5.699517, -13.88848, 28.651348), (0.00045887267, -13.88848, 29.212742), (-5.698617, -13.88848, 28.651527), (-11.178702, -13.88848, 26.989273), (-16.229204, -13.88848, 24.289858), (-20.65604, -13.88848, 20.657015), (-24.289093, -13.88848, 16.23035), (-26.988747, -13.88848, 11.179975), (-28.651258, -13.88848, 5.699967), (-29.212742, -13.88848, 0.00091774535), (-28.651617, -13.88848, -5.698167), (-26.989449, -13.88848, -11.178278), (-24.290112, -13.88848, -16.228823), (-20.65734, -13.88848, -20.655716), (-16.230732, -13.88848, -24.288837), (-11.180398, -13.88848, -26.988571), (-5.700417, -13.88848, -28.651169), (-0.001376618, -13.88848, -29.212742), (5.6977167, -13.88848, -28.651707), (11.177855, -13.88848, -26.989624), (16.228441, -13.88848, -24.290367), (20.655392, -13.88848, -20.657663), (24.288582, -13.88848, -16.231113), (26.988396, -13.88848, -11.180822), (28.65108, -13.88848, -5.700867), (29.212742, -13.88848, -7.155058e-15), (32.321636, -17.676975, 0), (31.700598, -17.676975, 6.3055763), (29.861347, -17.676975, 12.368837), (26.874563, -17.676975, 17.956781), (22.855028, -17.676975, 22.85467), (17.957203, -17.676975, 26.874283), (12.369307, -17.676975, 29.861153), (6.306074, -17.676975, 31.700499), (0.00050770707, -17.676975, 32.321636), (-6.305078, -17.676975, 31.700697), (-12.368368, -17.676975, 29.861542), (-17.956358, -17.676975, 26.874846), (-22.85431, -17.676975, 22.855387), (-26.874, -17.676975, 17.957624), (-29.860958, -17.676975, 12.369776), (-31.7004, -17.676975, 6.306572), (-32.321636, -17.676975, 0.0010154141), (-31.700796, -17.676975, -6.30458), (-29.861736, -17.676975, -12.367899), (-26.875128, -17.676975, -17.955936), (-22.855745, -17.676975, -22.85395), (-17.958048, -17.676975, -26.873718), (-12.370245, -17.676975, -29.860764), (-6.3070703, -17.676975, -31.7003), (-0.0015231213, -17.676975, -32.321636), (6.3040824, -17.676975, -31.700895), (12.367431, -17.676975, -29.861929), (17.955515, -17.676975, -26.87541), (22.853592, -17.676975, -22.856104), (26.873436, -17.676975, -17.95847), (29.860569, -17.676975, -12.370713), (31.700201, -17.676975, -6.307568), (32.321636, -17.676975, -7.916517e-15), (36.109886, -20.786167, 0), (35.41606, -20.786167, 7.04462), (33.36124, -20.786167, 13.818524), (30.024391, -20.786167, 20.061401), (25.533747, -20.786167, 25.533346), (20.061872, -20.786167, 30.024076), (13.819049, -20.786167, 33.361023), (7.0451765, -20.786167, 35.41595), (0.00056721276, -20.786167, 36.109886), (-7.0440636, -20.786167, 35.416172), (-13.818001, -20.786167, 33.361458), (-20.06093, -20.786167, 30.024708), (-25.532944, -20.786167, 25.534147), (-30.023762, -20.786167, 20.062346), (-33.360806, -20.786167, 13.819572), (-35.415836, -20.786167, 7.0457325), (-36.109886, -20.786167, 0.0011344255), (-35.416283, -20.786167, -7.043507), (-33.361675, -20.786167, -13.817476), (-30.025023, -20.786167, -20.06046), (-25.534548, -20.786167, -25.532543), (-20.062817, -20.786167, -30.023447), (-13.820097, -20.786167, -33.360588), (-7.046289, -20.786167, -35.415726), (-0.0017016383, -20.786167, -36.109886), (7.042951, -20.786167, -35.416393), (13.816953, -20.786167, -33.361893), (20.059986, -20.786167, -30.025337), (25.532143, -20.786167, -25.53495), (30.023132, -20.786167, -20.063288), (33.36037, -20.786167, -13.820621), (35.415615, -20.786167, -7.0468454), (36.109886, -20.786167, -8.844372e-15), (40.431915, -23.096575, 0), (39.655045, -23.096575, 7.887798), (37.354282, -23.096575, 15.472478), (33.618042, -23.096575, 22.462572), (28.589907, -23.096575, 28.589458), (22.463099, -23.096575, 33.61769), (15.473064, -23.096575, 37.35404), (7.8884206, -23.096575, 39.65492), (0.00063510303, -23.096575, 40.431915), (-7.8871746, -23.096575, 39.655167), (-15.471891, -23.096575, 37.354523), (-22.462044, -23.096575, 33.618397), (-28.589008, -23.096575, 28.590357), (-33.617336, -23.096575, 22.463627), (-37.353794, -23.096575, 15.473651), (-39.654797, -23.096575, 7.8890433), (-40.431915, -23.096575, 0.0012702061), (-39.655293, -23.096575, -7.886552), (-37.354767, -23.096575, -15.471304), (-33.618748, -23.096575, -22.461515), (-28.590805, -23.096575, -28.58856), (-22.464155, -23.096575, -33.616985), (-15.474238, -23.096575, -37.35355), (-7.8896666, -23.096575, -39.65467), (-0.0019053092, -23.096575, -40.431915), (7.885929, -23.096575, -39.655415), (15.470717, -23.096575, -37.35501), (22.460987, -23.096575, -33.619102), (28.58811, -23.096575, -28.591253), (33.61663, -23.096575, -22.464684), (37.35331, -23.096575, -15.474825), (39.65455, -23.096575, -7.8902893), (40.431915, -23.096575, -9.902964e-15), (45.121635, -24.519411, 0), (44.254654, -24.519411, 8.802708), (41.687023, -24.519411, 17.267138), (37.517414, -24.519411, 25.068016), (31.906065, -24.519411, 31.905563), (25.068605, -24.519411, 37.51702), (17.267794, -24.519411, 41.686752), (8.803403, -24.519411, 44.254513), (0.00070876896, -24.519411, 45.121635), (-8.802012, -24.519411, 44.25479), (-17.266483, -24.519411, 41.687294), (-25.067427, -24.519411, 37.51781), (-31.905062, -24.519411, 31.906565), (-37.51663, -24.519411, 25.069195), (-41.68648, -24.519411, 17.268448), (-44.254375, -24.519411, 8.804097), (-45.121635, -24.519411, 0.0014175379), (-44.25493, -24.519411, -8.801317), (-41.687565, -24.519411, -17.26583), (-37.518204, -24.519411, -25.066837), (-31.907066, -24.519411, -31.90456), (-25.069784, -24.519411, -37.516235), (-17.269102, -24.519411, -41.68621), (-8.804792, -24.519411, -44.25424), (-0.002126307, -24.519411, -45.121635), (8.800622, -24.519411, -44.255066), (17.265173, -24.519411, -41.687836), (25.066248, -24.519411, -37.518597), (31.90406, -24.519411, -31.907568), (37.515842, -24.519411, -25.070374), (41.685936, -24.519411, -17.269758), (44.2541, -24.519411, -8.805488), (45.121635, -24.519411, -1.1051613e-14), (49.99882, -25, 0), (49.038128, -25, 9.75419), (46.192963, -25, 19.13354), (41.572666, -25, 27.777613), (35.354782, -25, 35.35423), (27.778265, -25, 41.572227), (19.134266, -25, 46.19266), (9.75496, -25, 49.037975), (0.00078537967, -25, 49.99882), (-9.75342, -25, 49.03828), (-19.132814, -25, 46.193264), (-27.776958, -25, 41.5731), (-35.353672, -25, 35.35534), (-41.571793, -25, 27.77892), (-46.192364, -25, 19.13499), (-49.037823, -25, 9.755731), (-49.99882, -25, 0.0015707593), (-49.038433, -25, -9.752649), (-46.193565, -25, -19.132088), (-41.573536, -25, -27.776306), (-35.355896, -25, -35.35312), (-27.779572, -25, -41.571354), (-19.135715, -25, -46.192062), (-9.756501, -25, -49.037666), (-0.002356139, -25, -49.99882), (9.751879, -25, -49.038586), (19.131363, -25, -46.193867), (27.775654, -25, -41.573975), (35.352562, -25, -35.35645), (41.57092, -25, -27.780224), (46.19176, -25, -19.136442), (49.037514, -25, -9.757271), (49.99882, -25, -1.224618e-14), (54.876053, -24.51987, 0), (53.821648, -24.51987, 10.705682), (50.698944, -24.51987, 20.999958), (45.627953, -24.51987, 30.487234), (38.803535, -24.51987, 38.802925), (30.48795, -24.51987, 45.627472), (21.000753, -24.51987, 50.698616), (10.706527, -24.51987, 53.82148), (0.000861991, -24.51987, 54.876053), (-10.704836, -24.51987, 53.821815), (-20.99916, -24.51987, 50.699276), (-30.486517, -24.51987, 45.62843), (-38.802315, -24.51987, 38.804146), (-45.626995, -24.51987, 30.488667), (-50.698288, -24.51987, 21.00155), (-53.821312, -24.51987, 10.707373), (-54.876053, -24.51987, 0.001723982), (-53.821983, -24.51987, -10.703991), (-50.699604, -24.51987, -20.998365), (-45.62891, -24.51987, -30.4858), (-38.804752, -24.51987, -38.80171), (-30.489384, -24.51987, -45.626514), (-21.002346, -24.51987, -50.697956), (-10.708218, -24.51987, -53.821144), (-0.0025859731, -24.51987, -54.876053), (10.703145, -24.51987, -53.82215), (20.997568, -24.51987, -50.699936), (30.485083, -24.51987, -45.629387), (38.801098, -24.51987, -38.805363), (45.626034, -24.51987, -30.4901), (50.697628, -24.51987, -21.003143), (53.820976, -24.51987, -10.709064), (54.876053, -24.51987, -1.3440757e-14), (59.565907, -23.097477, 0), (58.421387, -23.097477, 11.620617), (55.03181, -23.097477, 22.79467), (49.527435, -23.097477, 33.092754), (42.11979, -23.097477, 42.119125), (33.093533, -23.097477, 49.526917), (22.795534, -23.097477, 55.031452), (11.621535, -23.097477, 58.421204), (0.00093565905, -23.097477, 59.565907), (-11.6196995, -23.097477, 58.42157), (-22.793804, -23.097477, 55.03217), (-33.091976, -23.097477, 49.527958), (-42.118465, -23.097477, 42.12045), (-49.526398, -23.097477, 33.094307), (-55.031094, -23.097477, 22.796398), (-58.42102, -23.097477, 11.622453), (-59.565907, -23.097477, 0.0018713181), (-58.421753, -23.097477, -11.618782), (-55.032528, -23.097477, -22.79294), (-49.528477, -23.097477, -33.091198), (-42.12111, -23.097477, -42.1178), (-33.095085, -23.097477, -49.525875), (-22.797262, -23.097477, -55.03074), (-11.62337, -23.097477, -58.42084), (-0.0028069771, -23.097477, -59.565907), (11.617865, -23.097477, -58.421936), (22.792076, -23.097477, -55.032887), (33.09042, -23.097477, -49.528996), (42.11714, -23.097477, -42.121773), (49.525356, -23.097477, -33.095863), (55.03038, -23.097477, -22.798128), (58.42066, -23.097477, -11.624288), (59.565907, -23.097477, -1.458944e-14), (63.888153, -20.787477, 0), (62.660583, -20.787477, 12.463838), (59.025055, -20.787477, 24.448706), (53.12127, -20.787477, 35.494045), (45.1761, -20.787477, 45.175392), (35.494877, -20.787477, 53.12071), (24.449633, -20.787477, 59.02467), (12.464822, -20.787477, 62.66039), (0.0010035528, -20.787477, 63.888153), (-12.462853, -20.787477, 62.66078), (-24.447779, -20.787477, 59.025436), (-35.49321, -20.787477, 53.121826), (-45.174683, -20.787477, 45.17681), (-53.12015, -20.787477, 35.495712), (-59.024284, -20.787477, 24.45056), (-62.660194, -20.787477, 12.465806), (-63.888153, -20.787477, 0.0020071056), (-62.660976, -20.787477, -12.461869), (-59.02582, -20.787477, -24.446852), (-53.122383, -20.787477, -35.492374), (-45.17752, -20.787477, -45.173973), (-35.496548, -20.787477, -53.119595), (-24.451488, -20.787477, -59.023903), (-12.46679, -20.787477, -62.659996), (-0.0030106583, -20.787477, -63.888153), (12.460885, -20.787477, -62.66117), (24.445925, -20.787477, -59.026207), (35.49154, -20.787477, -53.12294), (45.173264, -20.787477, -45.17823), (53.119038, -20.787477, -35.497383), (59.023518, -20.787477, -24.452415), (62.6598, -20.787477, -12.467774), (63.888153, -20.787477, -1.5648085e-14), (67.6767, -17.678642, 0), (66.376335, -17.678642, 13.202938), (62.52522, -17.678642, 25.898506), (56.27134, -17.678642, 37.598827), (47.855026, -17.678642, 47.854275), (37.599712, -17.678642, 56.27075), (25.899488, -17.678642, 62.52481), (13.203981, -17.678642, 66.37613), (0.001063063, -17.678642, 67.6767), (-13.201896, -17.678642, 66.37654), (-25.897524, -17.678642, 62.525623), (-37.597942, -17.678642, 56.27193), (-47.853523, -17.678642, 47.855778), (-56.270157, -17.678642, 37.600594), (-62.524403, -17.678642, 25.900469), (-66.37592, -17.678642, 13.205024), (-67.6767, -17.678642, 0.002126126), (-66.37675, -17.678642, -13.200853), (-62.52603, -17.678642, -25.896542), (-56.272522, -17.678642, -37.59706), (-47.85653, -17.678642, -47.85277), (-37.60148, -17.678642, -56.269566), (-25.901451, -17.678642, -62.524), (-13.206066, -17.678642, -66.37571), (-0.0031891891, -17.678642, -67.6767), (13.19981, -17.678642, -66.37695), (25.89556, -17.678642, -62.52644), (37.596176, -17.678642, -56.27311), (47.85202, -17.678642, -47.857285), (56.26898, -17.678642, -37.602364), (62.52359, -17.678642, -25.902433), (66.3755, -17.678642, -13.2071085), (67.6767, -17.678642, -1.657601e-14), (70.78595, -13.890439, 0), (69.42584, -13.890439, 13.809517), (65.3978, -13.890439, 27.088354), (58.856598, -13.890439, 39.32622), (50.05362, -13.890439, 50.052834), (39.327145, -13.890439, 58.85598), (27.08938, -13.890439, 65.39737), (13.810608, -13.890439, 69.42563), (0.0011119031, -13.890439, 70.78595), (-13.808427, -13.890439, 69.42606), (-27.087326, -13.890439, 65.398224), (-39.325294, -13.890439, 58.857216), (-50.052044, -13.890439, 50.054405), (-58.855362, -13.890439, 39.328068), (-65.39694, -13.890439, 27.090408), (-69.42541, -13.890439, 13.811698), (-70.78595, -13.890439, 0.0022238062), (-69.42628, -13.890439, -13.807336), (-65.39864, -13.890439, -27.086298), (-58.857834, -13.890439, -39.32437), (-50.05519, -13.890439, -50.051258), (-39.328995, -13.890439, -58.854744), (-27.091434, -13.890439, -65.39652), (-13.812789, -13.890439, -69.42519), (-0.0033357092, -13.890439, -70.78595), (13.806246, -13.890439, -69.4265), (27.085272, -13.890439, -65.39907), (39.323444, -13.890439, -58.85845), (50.050472, -13.890439, -50.055977), (58.854126, -13.890439, -39.329918), (65.396095, -13.890439, -27.092463), (69.42498, -13.890439, -13.813879), (70.78595, -13.890439, -1.7337557e-14), (73.09643, -9.568446, 0), (71.691925, -9.568446, 14.260264), (67.5324, -9.568446, 27.972525), (60.777695, -9.568446, 40.60984), (51.68738, -9.568446, 51.686573), (40.610794, -9.568446, 60.777058), (27.973587, -9.568446, 67.53196), (14.261391, -9.568446, 71.6917), (0.0011481959, -9.568446, 73.09643), (-14.259138, -9.568446, 71.69215), (-27.971464, -9.568446, 67.53284), (-40.608887, -9.568446, 60.77833), (-51.68576, -9.568446, 51.688194), (-60.77642, -9.568446, 40.611748), (-67.531525, -9.568446, 27.974648), (-71.691475, -9.568446, 14.262517), (-73.09643, -9.568446, 0.0022963919), (-71.692375, -9.568446, -14.258012), (-67.53328, -9.568446, -27.970404), (-60.778973, -9.568446, -40.60793), (-51.689007, -9.568446, -51.684948), (-40.612705, -9.568446, -60.77578), (-27.975708, -9.568446, -67.53108), (-14.263642, -9.568446, -71.69125), (-0.0034445878, -9.568446, -73.09643), (14.256886, -9.568446, -71.6926), (27.969343, -9.568446, -67.53372), (40.606976, -9.568446, -60.77961), (51.684135, -9.568446, -51.68982), (60.775143, -9.568446, -40.61366), (67.53064, -9.568446, -27.976768), (71.69103, -9.568446, -14.264769), (73.09643, -9.568446, -1.7903461e-14), (74.51933, -4.8787503, 0), (73.087494, -4.8787503, 14.537858), (68.847, -4.8787503, 28.517044), (61.960808, -4.8787503, 41.40036), (52.693542, -4.8787503, 52.692715), (41.401333, -4.8787503, 61.960155), (28.518126, -4.8787503, 68.84655), (14.539005, -4.8787503, 73.087265), (0.001170547, -4.8787503, 74.51933), (-14.53671, -4.8787503, 73.08772), (-28.515963, -4.8787503, 68.84745), (-41.399387, -4.8787503, 61.961456), (-52.691887, -4.8787503, 52.69437), (-61.959507, -4.8787503, 41.402306), (-68.84611, -4.8787503, 28.519207), (-73.087036, -4.8787503, 14.5401535), (-74.51933, -4.8787503, 0.002341094), (-73.08795, -4.8787503, -14.535562), (-68.84789, -4.8787503, -28.514881), (-61.96211, -4.8787503, -41.398415), (-52.695198, -4.8787503, -52.69106), (-41.40328, -4.8787503, -61.958855), (-28.520288, -4.8787503, -68.84566), (-14.541302, -4.8787503, -73.08681), (-0.003511641, -4.8787503, -74.51933), (14.534413, -4.8787503, -73.08818), (28.5138, -4.8787503, -68.84834), (41.397438, -4.8787503, -61.962757), (52.69023, -4.8787503, -52.696026), (61.958206, -4.8787503, -41.40425), (68.84521, -4.8787503, -28.52137), (73.08658, -4.8787503, -14.54245), (74.51933, -4.8787503, -1.8251973e-14), (75, -6.1232338e-15, 0), (73.55892, -6.1232338e-15, 14.63163), (69.29108, -6.1232338e-15, 28.700985), (62.360466, -6.1232338e-15, 41.6674), (53.033424, -6.1232338e-15, 53.032593), (41.66838, -6.1232338e-15, 62.359814), (28.702074, -6.1232338e-15, 69.29063), (14.632785, -6.1232338e-15, 73.55869), (0.0011780972, -6.1232338e-15, 75), (-14.630474, -6.1232338e-15, 73.55916), (-28.699898, -6.1232338e-15, 69.29153), (-41.66642, -6.1232338e-15, 62.361122), (-53.031757, -6.1232338e-15, 53.03426), (-62.359158, -6.1232338e-15, 41.66936), (-69.29018, -6.1232338e-15, 28.703161), (-73.558464, -6.1232338e-15, 14.633941), (-75, -6.1232338e-15, 0.0023561944), (-73.55939, -6.1232338e-15, -14.629319), (-69.29198, -6.1232338e-15, -28.698809), (-62.361774, -6.1232338e-15, -41.66544), (-53.03509, -6.1232338e-15, -53.030926), (-41.670338, -6.1232338e-15, -62.3585), (-28.70425, -6.1232338e-15, -69.28973), (-14.635097, -6.1232338e-15, -73.558235), (-0.0035342916, -6.1232338e-15, -75), (14.628163, -6.1232338e-15, -73.559616), (28.69772, -6.1232338e-15, -69.29243), (41.664463, -6.1232338e-15, -62.36243), (53.030094, -6.1232338e-15, -53.035923), (62.35785, -6.1232338e-15, -41.671318), (69.289276, -6.1232338e-15, -28.70534), (73.55801, -6.1232338e-15, -14.636251), (75, -6.1232338e-15, -1.8369702e-14)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 float2[] primvars:st = [(1, 0), (1, 0.031249687), (0.9687503, 0.031249687), (0.9687503, 0), (0.9687503, 0), (0.9687503, 0.031249687), (0.9375006, 0.031249687), (0.9375006, 0), 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1064, 8, 9, 1065, 1065, 9, 10, 1066, 1066, 10, 11, 1067, 1067, 11, 12, 1068, 1068, 12, 13, 1069, 1069, 13, 14, 1070, 1070, 14, 15, 1071, 1071, 15, 16, 1072, 1072, 16, 17, 1073, 1073, 17, 18, 1074, 1074, 18, 19, 1075, 1075, 19, 20, 1076, 1076, 20, 21, 1077, 1077, 21, 22, 1078, 1078, 22, 23, 1079, 1079, 23, 24, 1080, 1080, 24, 25, 1081, 1081, 25, 26, 1082, 1082, 26, 27, 1083, 1083, 27, 28, 1084, 1084, 28, 29, 1085, 1085, 29, 30, 1086, 1086, 30, 31, 1087, 1087, 31, 32, 1088, 1088, 32, 0, 1056] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_02> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) normal3f[] normals = [(1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9619405, 0.1950884, 0.1913399), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.9061293, 0.1950884, 0.37532687), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.8154967, 0.1950884, 0.5448905), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.6935256, 0.1950884, 0.69351476), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.54490334, 0.1950884, 0.8154881), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.3753411, 0.1950884, 0.9061234), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.191355, 0.1950884, 0.9619375), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000015406145, 0.1950884, 0.98078567), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.19132479, 0.1950884, 0.9619435), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.37531263, 0.1950884, 0.90613514), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.5448777, 0.1950884, 0.81550527), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.69350386, 0.1950884, 0.6935365), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.8154796, 0.1950884, 0.54491615), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.9061175, 0.1950884, 0.37535533), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.9619345, 0.1950884, 0.19137013), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0.00003081229), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.96194655, 0.1950884, -0.19130968), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.90614104, 0.1950884, -0.3752984), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.8155138, 0.1950884, -0.5448649), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.6935474, 0.1950884, -0.69349295), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.54492897, 0.1950884, -0.815471), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.37536958, 0.1950884, -0.9061116), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.19138524, 0.1950884, -0.9619315), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.000046218436, 0.1950884, -0.98078567), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.19129457, 0.1950884, -0.9619495), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.37528417, 0.1950884, -0.90614694), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.5448521, 0.1950884, -0.8155224), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.69348204, 0.1950884, -0.69355834), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.81546247, 0.1950884, -0.5449418), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.9061057, 0.1950884, -0.3753838), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.9619285, 0.1950884, -0.19140035), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, -2.402232e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.98078567, 0.1950884, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.9061293, 0.3826798, 0.18023847), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.85355616, 0.3826798, 0.3535506), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.76818204, 0.3826798, 0.5132763), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.65328765, 0.3826798, 0.6532774), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.5132883, 0.3826798, 0.768174), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.35356402, 0.3826798, 0.8535506), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.1802527, 0.3826798, 0.90612644), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000014512289, 0.3826798, 0.92388105), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.18022424, 0.3826798, 0.9061321), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.3535372, 0.3826798, 0.8535617), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.51326424, 0.3826798, 0.7681901), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.65326715, 0.3826798, 0.65329796), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.7681659, 0.3826798, 0.5133004), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.85354507, 0.3826798, 0.35357744), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.90612364, 0.3826798, 0.18026693), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0.000029024579), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.90613496, 0.3826798, -0.18021001), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.8535673, 0.3826798, -0.3535238), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.76819813, 0.3826798, -0.51325214), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.6533082, 0.3826798, -0.6532569), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.51331246, 0.3826798, -0.76815784), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.35359085, 0.3826798, -0.8535395), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.18028116, 0.3826798, -0.9061208), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000043536867, 0.3826798, -0.92388105), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.18019576, 0.3826798, -0.90613776), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.35351038, 0.3826798, -0.85357285), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.5132401, 0.3826798, -0.76820624), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.65324664, 0.3826798, -0.65331846), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.7681498, 0.3826798, -0.51332456), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.8535339, 0.3826798, -0.35360426), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.906118, 0.3826798, -0.18029541), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, -2.262856e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.92388105, 0.3826798, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.8154967, 0.55556536, 0.16221072), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.76818204, 0.55556536, 0.3181879), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.6913472, 0.55556536, 0.46193752), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.58794475, 0.55556536, 0.5879355), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.46194836, 0.55556536, 0.6913399), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.31819993, 0.55556536, 0.76817703), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.16222352, 0.55556536, 0.8154941), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000013060746, 0.55556536, 0.8314729), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.1621979, 0.55556536, 0.81549925), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.31817582, 0.55556536, 0.76818705), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.46192664, 0.55556536, 0.6913544), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.58792627, 0.55556536, 0.587954), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.69133264, 0.55556536, 0.46195924), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.768172, 0.55556536, 0.318212), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.8154916, 0.55556536, 0.16223633), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0.000026121492), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.8155018, 0.55556536, -0.16218509), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.76819205, 0.55556536, -0.31816375), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.69136167, 0.55556536, -0.4619158), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.5879632, 0.55556536, -0.58791703), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.4619701, 0.55556536, -0.69132537), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.31822407, 0.55556536, -0.768167), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.16224915, 0.55556536, -0.81548905), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000039182236, 0.55556536, -0.8314729), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.16217229, 0.55556536, -0.8155043), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.31815168, 0.55556536, -0.768197), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.46190494, 0.55556536, -0.69136894), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.5879078, 0.55556536, -0.58797246), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.69131815, 0.55556536, -0.46198094), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.768162, 0.55556536, -0.31823614), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.8154865, 0.55556536, -0.16226195), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, -2.0365212e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.8314729, 0.55556536, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.6935256, 0.7071012, 0.1379494), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.65328765, 0.7071012, 0.2705976), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.58794475, 0.7071012, 0.3928471), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.50000787, 0.7071012, 0.5), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.39285633, 0.7071012, 0.58793855), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.27060786, 0.7071012, 0.6532834), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.1379603, 0.7071012, 0.69352347), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.000011107295, 0.7071012, 0.7071123), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.13793851, 0.7071012, 0.6935278), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.27058735, 0.7071012, 0.65329194), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.39283785, 0.7071012, 0.5879509), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.49999213, 0.7071012, 0.50001574), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.5879324, 0.7071012, 0.39286557), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.6532792, 0.7071012, 0.27061814), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.6935213, 0.7071012, 0.1379712), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0.00002221459), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.69352996, 0.7071012, -0.13792762), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.6532962, 0.7071012, -0.27057707), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.5879571, 0.7071012, -0.39282864), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.50002354, 0.7071012, -0.4999843), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.3928748, 0.7071012, -0.5879262), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.2706284, 0.7071012, -0.65327495), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.1379821, 0.7071012, -0.6935191), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000033321885, 0.7071012, -0.7071123), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.13791673, 0.7071012, -0.69353217), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.27056682, 0.7071012, -0.6533004), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.3928194, 0.7071012, -0.5879632), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.49997643, 0.7071012, -0.5000314), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.58792007, 0.7071012, -0.39288405), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.65327066, 0.7071012, -0.27063864), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.69351697, 0.7071012, -0.137993), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, -1.7319258e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.7071123, 0.7071012, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.54490334, 0.8314642, 0.1083869), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.5132883, 0.8314642, 0.21260864), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.46194836, 0.8314642, 0.3086601), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.39285633, 0.8314642, 0.39285016), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.30866736, 0.8314642, 0.46194354), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.2126167, 0.8314642, 0.513285), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.10839546, 0.8314642, 0.5449016), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.0000087270055, 0.8314642, 0.5555784), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.108378336, 0.8314642, 0.544905), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.21260057, 0.8314642, 0.51329166), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.30865285, 0.8314642, 0.46195322), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.392844, 0.8314642, 0.3928625), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.46193868, 0.8314642, 0.3086746), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.51328164, 0.8314642, 0.21262476), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.54489994, 0.8314642, 0.10840402), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0.000017454011), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.54490674, 0.8314642, -0.10836978), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.513295, 0.8314642, -0.21259251), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.46195808, 0.8314642, -0.30864558), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.39286867, 0.8314642, -0.39283782), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.30868188, 0.8314642, -0.46193382), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.21263282, 0.8314642, -0.5132783), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.10841258, 0.8314642, -0.5448982), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000026181015, 0.8314642, -0.5555784), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.10836122, 0.8314642, -0.5449084), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.21258445, 0.8314642, -0.51329833), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.30863833, 0.8314642, -0.4619629), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.39283165, 0.8314642, -0.39287484), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.46192896, 0.8314642, -0.30868912), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.51327497, 0.8314642, -0.21264088), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.54489654, 0.8314642, -0.10842113), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, -1.3607746e-16), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.5555784, 0.8314642, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.3753411, 0.92387503, 0.07465922), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.35356402, 0.92387503, 0.14644939), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.31819993, 0.92387503, 0.21261169), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.27060786, 0.92387503, 0.27060363), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.2126167, 0.92387503, 0.3181966), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.14645495, 0.92387503, 0.35356173), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.074665114, 0.92387503, 0.37533993), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000060113484, 0.92387503, 0.3826943), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.07465333, 0.92387503, 0.37534228), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.14644383, 0.92387503, 0.35356632), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.2126067, 0.92387503, 0.3182033), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.27059937, 0.92387503, 0.27061212), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.31819326, 0.92387503, 0.21262169), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.35355943, 0.92387503, 0.14646049), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.37533876, 0.92387503, 0.074671015), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0.000012022697), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.37534344, 0.92387503, -0.07464743), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.3535686, 0.92387503, -0.14643829), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.31820664, 0.92387503, -0.2126017), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.27061638, 0.92387503, -0.27059513), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.2126267, 0.92387503, -0.31818992), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.14646605, 0.92387503, -0.3535571), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.07467691, 0.92387503, -0.37533757), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.000018034045, 0.92387503, -0.3826943), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.07464153, 0.92387503, -0.3753446), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.14643273, 0.92387503, -0.3535709), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.2125967, 0.92387503, -0.31820998), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.27059087, 0.92387503, -0.2706206), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.31818658, 0.92387503, -0.21263169), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.35355482, 0.92387503, -0.1464716), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.3753364, 0.92387503, -0.0746828), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, -9.3733076e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.3826943, 0.92387503, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.191355, 0.9807826, 0.038062487), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.1802527, 0.9807826, 0.07466228), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.16222352, 0.9807826, 0.10839291), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.1379603, 0.9807826, 0.13795814), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.10839546, 0.9807826, 0.16222182), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.074665114, 0.9807826, 0.18025152), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.038065493, 0.9807826, 0.19135441), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (0.0000030646834, 0.9807826, 0.19510381), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.03805948, 0.9807826, 0.19135562), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.07465945, 0.9807826, 0.18025388), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.10839036, 0.9807826, 0.16222522), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.13795598, 0.9807826, 0.13796248), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.16222012, 0.9807826, 0.108398005), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.18025036, 0.9807826, 0.074667946), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.19135381, 0.9807826, 0.0380685), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0.0000061293667), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.19135621, 0.9807826, -0.038056478), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.18025506, 0.9807826, -0.07465662), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.16222693, 0.9807826, -0.10838781), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.13796464, 0.9807826, -0.1379538), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.10840055, 0.9807826, -0.1622184), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.07467078, 0.9807826, -0.18024918), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.038071506, 0.9807826, -0.19135322), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-0.00000919405, 0.9807826, -0.19510381), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.03805347, 0.9807826, -0.19135681), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.07465379, 0.9807826, -0.18025622), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.108385265, 0.9807826, -0.16222863), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.13795164, 0.9807826, -0.13796681), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.16221671, 0.9807826, -0.1084031), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.180248, 0.9807826, -0.07467361), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.19135262, 0.9807826, -0.038074512), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, -4.778665e-17), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (0.19510381, 0.9807826, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (0.000015406145, 1, 0.0000030644414), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (0.000014512289, 1, 0.00000601112), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (0.000013060746, 1, 0.0000087268), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (0.000011107295, 1, 0.00001110712), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (0.0000087270055, 1, 0.000013060609), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (0.0000060113484, 1, 0.000014512195), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (0.0000030646834, 1, 0.000015406096), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (2.467401e-10, 1, 0.000015707963), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (-0.0000030641993, 1, 0.000015406193), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (-0.0000060108923, 1, 0.000014512384), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (-0.000008726594, 1, 0.000013060882), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (-0.000011106946, 1, 0.000011107469), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (-0.000013060471, 1, 0.00000872721), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (-0.0000145121, 1, 0.0000060115763), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (-0.000015406049, 1, 0.0000030649253), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (-0.000015707963, 1, 4.934802e-10), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (-0.000015406242, 1, -0.0000030639574), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (-0.000014512479, 1, -0.0000060106645), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (-0.00001306102, 1, -0.00000872639), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (-0.000011107643, 1, -0.000011106771), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (-0.000008727416, 1, -0.000013060334), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (-0.000006011804, 1, -0.000014512006), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (-0.0000030651674, 1, -0.000015406), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (-7.4022033e-10, 1, -0.000015707963), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (0.0000030637154, 1, -0.00001540629), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (0.000006010436, 1, -0.000014512572), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (0.000008726184, 1, -0.000013061157), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (0.0000111065965, 1, -0.000011107818), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (0.0000130601975, 1, -0.00000872762), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (0.000014511912, 1, -0.000006012032), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (0.000015405953, 1, -0.0000030654094), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (0.000015707963, 1, -3.8473414e-21), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (0.000015707963, 1, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.19132479, 0.9807887, -0.038056478), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.18022424, 0.9807887, -0.074650496), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.1621979, 0.9807887, -0.10837579), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.13793851, 0.9807887, -0.13793635), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.108378336, 0.9807887, -0.1621962), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.07465333, 0.9807887, -0.18022306), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.03805948, 0.9807887, -0.19132419), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (-0.0000030641993, 0.9807887, -0.195073), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.03805347, 0.9807887, -0.1913254), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.074647665, 0.9807887, -0.1802254), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.10837324, 0.9807887, -0.1621996), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.13793418, 0.9807887, -0.13794069), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.16219449, 0.9807887, -0.108380884), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.18022189, 0.9807887, -0.07465616), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.1913236, 0.9807887, -0.038062487), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.195073, 0.9807887, -0.0000061283986), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.19132599, 0.9807887, 0.038050465), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.18022658, 0.9807887, 0.074644834), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.1622013, 0.9807887, 0.1083707), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.13794285, 0.9807887, 0.13793202), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.10838343, 0.9807887, 0.16219279), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.07465899, 0.9807887, 0.18022072), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.038065493, 0.9807887, 0.191323), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (0.000009192598, 0.9807887, 0.195073), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.03804746, 0.9807887, 0.19132659), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.074642, 0.9807887, 0.18022776), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.10836815, 0.9807887, 0.16220301), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.13792986, 0.9807887, 0.13794501), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.1621911, 0.9807887, 0.10838598), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.18021955, 0.9807887, 0.07466181), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.1913224, 0.9807887, 0.0380685), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 4.7779104e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.195073, 0.9807887, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.37531263, 0.9238871, -0.07465356), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.3535372, 0.9238871, -0.14643829), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.31817582, 0.9238871, -0.21259557), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.27058735, 0.9238871, -0.2705831), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.21260057, 0.9238871, -0.31817248), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.14644383, 0.9238871, -0.3535349), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.07465945, 0.9238871, -0.37531146), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.0000060108923, 0.9238871, -0.3826653), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.074647665, 0.9238871, -0.37531382), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.14643273, 0.9238871, -0.3535395), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.21259058, 0.9238871, -0.31817916), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.27057886, 0.9238871, -0.2705916), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.31816915, 0.9238871, -0.21260557), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.3535326, 0.9238871, -0.14644939), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.37531027, 0.9238871, -0.074665345), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.3826653, 0.9238871, -0.000012021785), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.37531498, 0.9238871, 0.074641764), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.35354182, 0.9238871, 0.14642717), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.3181825, 0.9238871, 0.21258557), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.27059585, 0.9238871, 0.2705746), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.21261056, 0.9238871, 0.3181658), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.14645495, 0.9238871, 0.35353032), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.074671246, 0.9238871, 0.3753091), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000018032677, 0.9238871, 0.3826653), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.07463587, 0.9238871, 0.37531614), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.14642163, 0.9238871, 0.35354412), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.21258058, 0.9238871, 0.31818584), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.27057034, 0.9238871, 0.2706001), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.31816244, 0.9238871, 0.21261556), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.353528, 0.9238871, 0.14646049), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.37530795, 0.9238871, 0.07467714), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 9.372596e-17), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.3826653, 0.9238871, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.5448777, 0.83148164, -0.1083818), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.51326424, 0.83148164, -0.21259864), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.46192664, 0.83148164, -0.30864558), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.39283785, 0.83148164, -0.39283168), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.30865285, 0.83148164, -0.4619218), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.2126067, 0.83148164, -0.51326084), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.10839036, 0.83148164, -0.544876), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.000008726594, 0.83148164, -0.5555523), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.10837324, 0.83148164, -0.54487944), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.21259058, 0.83148164, -0.5132676), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.30863833, 0.83148164, -0.4619315), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.3928255, 0.83148164, -0.39284405), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.46191695, 0.83148164, -0.3086601), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.5132575, 0.83148164, -0.21261476), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.5448743, 0.83148164, -0.10839892), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.5555523, 0.83148164, -0.000017453189), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.5448811, 0.83148164, 0.10836469), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.5132709, 0.83148164, 0.21258251), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.46193635, 0.83148164, 0.30863106), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.39285022, 0.83148164, 0.39281934), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.30866736, 0.83148164, 0.4619121), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.21262282, 0.83148164, 0.51325417), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.10840748, 0.83148164, 0.5448726), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000026179785, 0.83148164, 0.55555224), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.108356126, 0.83148164, 0.54488283), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.21257445, 0.83148164, 0.51327425), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.30862382, 0.83148164, 0.46194118), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.39281318, 0.83148164, 0.3928564), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.46190727, 0.83148164, 0.3086746), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.5132508, 0.83148164, 0.21263088), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.5448709, 0.83148164, 0.108416036), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 1.3607107e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.5555523, 0.83148164, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.69350386, 0.70712346, -0.13794507), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.65326715, 0.70712346, -0.2705891), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.58792627, 0.70712346, -0.39283475), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.49999213, 0.70712346, -0.4999843), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.392844, 0.70712346, -0.58792007), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.27059937, 0.70712346, -0.6532629), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.13795598, 0.70712346, -0.6935017), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000011106946, 0.70712346, -0.70709014), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.13793418, 0.70712346, -0.693506), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.27057886, 0.70712346, -0.6532714), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.3928255, 0.70712346, -0.5879324), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.49997643, 0.70712346, -0.5), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.58791393, 0.70712346, -0.39285323), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.6532586, 0.70712346, -0.27060962), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.6934995, 0.70712346, -0.13796687), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.70709014, 0.70712346, -0.000022213891), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.6935082, 0.70712346, 0.13792329), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.65327567, 0.70712346, 0.27056858), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.5879386, 0.70712346, 0.39281628), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.50000787, 0.70712346, 0.4999686), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.39286247, 0.70712346, 0.58790773), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.2706199, 0.70712346, 0.6532544), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.13797776, 0.70712346, 0.69349736), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000033320837, 0.70712346, 0.70709014), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.1379124, 0.70712346, 0.69351035), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.27055833, 0.70712346, 0.6532799), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.39280707, 0.70712346, 0.58794475), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.49996072, 0.70712346, 0.50001574), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.5879016, 0.70712346, 0.3928717), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.65325016, 0.70712346, 0.27063015), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.69349515, 0.70712346, 0.13798866), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 1.7318714e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.70709014, 0.70712346, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.8154796, 0.55559146, -0.1622073), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.7681659, 0.55559146, -0.3181812), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.69133264, 0.55559146, -0.4619278), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.5879324, 0.55559146, -0.58792317), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.46193868, 0.55559146, -0.69132537), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.31819326, 0.55559146, -0.7681609), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.16222012, 0.55559146, -0.815477), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.000013060471, 0.55559146, -0.8314554), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.16219449, 0.55559146, -0.81548214), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.31816915, 0.55559146, -0.7681709), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.46191695, 0.55559146, -0.6913399), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.58791393, 0.55559146, -0.58794165), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.69131815, 0.55559146, -0.46194953), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.76815593, 0.55559146, -0.31820533), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.81547445, 0.55559146, -0.16223292), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.8314554, 0.55559146, -0.000026120942), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.81548464, 0.55559146, 0.16218169), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.7681759, 0.55559146, 0.31815708), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.6913472, 0.55559146, 0.4619061), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.5879509, 0.55559146, 0.5879047), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.4619604, 0.55559146, 0.6913109), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.3182174, 0.55559146, 0.7681509), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.16224574, 0.55559146, 0.81547195), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.000039181414, 0.55559146, 0.8314554), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.16216888, 0.55559146, 0.8154872), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.318145, 0.55559146, 0.7681809), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.46189523, 0.55559146, 0.6913544), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.58789545, 0.55559146, 0.5879601), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.6913036, 0.55559146, 0.46197125), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.7681459, 0.55559146, 0.31822947), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.8154694, 0.55559146, 0.16225855), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 2.0364784e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.8314554, 0.55559146, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.9061175, 0.38270882, -0.18023613), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.85354507, 0.38270882, -0.35354602), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.768172, 0.38270882, -0.5132696), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.6532792, 0.38270882, -0.65326893), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.51328164, 0.38270882, -0.768164), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.35355943, 0.38270882, -0.8535395), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.18025036, 0.38270882, -0.90611464), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.0000145121, 0.38270882, -0.923869), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.18022189, 0.38270882, -0.9061203), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.3535326, 0.38270882, -0.8535506), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.5132575, 0.38270882, -0.7681801), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.6532586, 0.38270882, -0.65328944), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.76815593, 0.38270882, -0.51329374), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.8535339, 0.38270882, -0.35357282), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.90611184, 0.38270882, -0.18026459), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.923869, 0.38270882, -0.0000290242), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.90612316, 0.38270882, 0.18020765), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.85355616, 0.38270882, 0.3535192), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.7681882, 0.38270882, 0.51324546), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.6532997, 0.38270882, 0.65324837), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.5133058, 0.38270882, 0.7681478), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.35358623, 0.38270882, 0.8535284), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.18027882, 0.38270882, 0.906109), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.0000435363, 0.38270882, 0.923869), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.18019342, 0.38270882, 0.90612596), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.3535058, 0.38270882, 0.8535617), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.5132334, 0.38270882, 0.7681962), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.6532381, 0.38270882, 0.65330994), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.7681398, 0.38270882, 0.5133179), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.85352284, 0.38270882, 0.35359964), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.9061062, 0.38270882, 0.18029305), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 2.2628265e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-0.923869, 0.38270882, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.9619345, 0.1951192, -0.1913387), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.90612364, 0.1951192, -0.37532452), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.8154916, 0.1951192, -0.5448871), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.6935213, 0.1951192, -0.6935104), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.54489994, 0.1951192, -0.81548303), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.37533876, 0.1951192, -0.90611774), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.19135381, 0.1951192, -0.9619315), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.000015406049, 0.1951192, -0.9807795), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.1913236, 0.1951192, -0.9619375), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.37531027, 0.1951192, -0.9061295), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5448743, 0.1951192, -0.81550014), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.6934995, 0.1951192, -0.6935322), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.81547445, 0.1951192, -0.54491276), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.90611184, 0.1951192, -0.37535298), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9619285, 0.1951192, -0.19136892), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (0.9807795, 0.1951192, -0.000030812098), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9619405, 0.1951192, 0.19130848), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.9061354, 0.1951192, 0.37529606), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.8155087, 0.1951192, 0.5448615), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.6935431, 0.1951192, 0.6934886), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5449255, 0.1951192, 0.8154659), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.37536722, 0.1951192, 0.90610594), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.19138403, 0.1951192, 0.9619255), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.000046218145, 0.1951192, 0.9807795), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.19129337, 0.1951192, 0.9619435), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.3752818, 0.1951192, 0.9061413), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.5448487, 0.1951192, 0.81551725), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.69347775, 0.1951192, 0.693554), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.81545734, 0.1951192, 0.5449383), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.90610003, 0.1951192, 0.37538144), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.96192247, 0.1951192, 0.19139914), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 2.402217e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807795, 0.1951192, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.98078567, 0.000031415926, -0.1950884), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.92388105, 0.000031415926, -0.3826798), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8314729, 0.000031415926, -0.55556536), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.7071123, 0.000031415926, -0.7071012), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.5555784, 0.000031415926, -0.8314642), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.3826943, 0.000031415926, -0.92387503), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19510381, 0.000031415926, -0.9807826), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015707963, 0.000031415926, -1), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.195073, 0.000031415926, -0.9807887), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.3826653, 0.000031415926, -0.9238871), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5555523, 0.000031415926, -0.83148164), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.70709014, 0.000031415926, -0.70712346), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.8314554, 0.000031415926, -0.55559146), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.923869, 0.000031415926, -0.38270882), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9807795, 0.000031415926, -0.1951192), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (1, 0.000031415926, -0.000031415926), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.9807918, 0.000031415926, 0.19505759), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.92389303, 0.000031415926, 0.3826508), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.83149034, 0.000031415926, 0.5555392), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.70713454, 0.000031415926, 0.707079), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.5556045, 0.000031415926, 0.8314467), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.38272333, 0.000031415926, 0.923863), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19513461, 0.000031415926, 0.9807765), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.00004712389, 0.000031415926, 1), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19504218, 0.000031415926, 0.98079485), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.38263628, 0.000031415926, 0.92389905), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.55552614, 0.000031415926, 0.83149904), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.7070679, 0.000031415926, 0.70714563), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.831438, 0.000031415926, 0.5556176), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.923857, 0.000031415926, 0.38273785), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.9807734, 0.000031415926, 0.19515002), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-1, 0.000031415926, 2.4492937e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-1, 0.000031415926, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.96194655, -0.19505759, -0.1913411), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.90613496, -0.19505759, -0.3753292), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.8155018, -0.19505759, -0.5448939), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.69352996, -0.19505759, -0.69351906), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.54490674, -0.19505759, -0.8154932), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.37534344, -0.19505759, -0.90612906), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.19135621, -0.19505759, -0.9619435), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000015406242, -0.19505759, -0.9807918), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.19132599, -0.19505759, -0.9619495), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.37531498, -0.19505759, -0.9061408), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5448811, -0.19505759, -0.81551033), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.6935082, -0.19505759, -0.6935409), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.81548464, -0.19505759, -0.54491955), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.90612316, -0.19505759, -0.3753577), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9619405, -0.19505759, -0.19137132), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.9807918, -0.19505759, -0.000030812484), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.96195257, -0.19505759, 0.19131088), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.9061467, -0.19505759, 0.37530074), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.8155189, -0.19505759, 0.5448683), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.6935518, -0.19505759, 0.6934973), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.54493237, -0.19505759, 0.8154761), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.3753719, -0.19505759, 0.90611726), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.19138643, -0.19505759, 0.9619375), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.000046218724, -0.19505759, 0.9807918), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.19129577, -0.19505759, 0.96195555), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.37528652, -0.19505759, 0.9061526), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.5448555, -0.19505759, 0.81552744), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.6934864, -0.19505759, 0.6935626), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.81546754, -0.19505759, 0.5449452), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.90611136, -0.19505759, 0.37538615), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9619345, -0.19505759, 0.19140154), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 2.402247e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.9807918, -0.19505759, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.90614104, -0.3826508, -0.18024081), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.8535673, -0.3826508, -0.3535552), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.76819205, -0.3826508, -0.51328295), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.6532962, -0.3826508, -0.6532859), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.513295, -0.3826508, -0.76818395), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.3535686, -0.3826508, -0.8535617), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.18025506, -0.3826508, -0.90613824), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.000014512479, -0.3826508, -0.92389303), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.18022658, -0.3826508, -0.9061439), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.35354182, -0.3826508, -0.85357285), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.5132709, -0.3826508, -0.7682001), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.65327567, -0.3826508, -0.6533064), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.7681759, -0.3826508, -0.5133071), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.85355616, -0.3826508, -0.35358202), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.9061354, -0.3826508, -0.18026929), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.92389303, -0.3826508, -0.000029024957), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.9061467, -0.3826508, 0.18021235), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.8535784, -0.3826508, 0.3535284), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.76820815, -0.3826508, 0.5132588), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.6533167, -0.3826508, 0.6532654), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.51331913, -0.3826508, 0.76816785), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.35359544, -0.3826508, 0.8535506), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.18028352, -0.3826508, 0.9061326), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000043537435, -0.3826508, 0.92389303), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.18019812, -0.3826508, 0.90614957), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.353515, -0.3826508, 0.85358393), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.5132468, -0.3826508, 0.7682162), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.6532551, -0.3826508, 0.653327), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.76815975, -0.3826508, 0.51333123), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.85354507, -0.3826508, 0.35360885), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.9061297, -0.3826508, 0.18029775), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 2.2628853e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.92389303, -0.3826508, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.8155138, -0.5555392, -0.16221412), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.76819813, -0.5555392, -0.31819457), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.69136167, -0.5555392, -0.4619472), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.5879571, -0.5555392, -0.58794785), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.46195808, -0.5555392, -0.6913544), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.31820664, -0.5555392, -0.7681932), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.16222693, -0.5555392, -0.8155112), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.00001306102, -0.5555392, -0.83149034), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.1622013, -0.5555392, -0.81551635), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.3181825, -0.5555392, -0.76820314), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.46193635, -0.5555392, -0.69136894), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.5879386, -0.5555392, -0.5879663), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.6913472, -0.5555392, -0.46196893), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.7681882, -0.5555392, -0.3182187), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.8155087, -0.5555392, -0.16223973), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.83149034, -0.5555392, -0.00002612204), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.8155189, -0.5555392, 0.1621885), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.76820815, -0.5555392, 0.31817043), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.6913762, -0.5555392, 0.46192548), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.58797556, -0.5555392, 0.58792937), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.46197978, -0.5555392, 0.6913399), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.31823075, -0.5555392, 0.7681832), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.16225255, -0.5555392, 0.81550616), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.000039183058, -0.5555392, 0.83149034), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.16217569, -0.5555392, 0.8155214), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.31815836, -0.5555392, 0.76821315), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.46191463, -0.5555392, 0.6913834), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.5879201, -0.5555392, 0.5879848), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.69133264, -0.5555392, 0.46199065), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.76817816, -0.5555392, 0.31824282), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.8155036, -0.5555392, 0.16226536), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 2.0365639e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.83149034, -0.5555392, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.6935474, -0.707079, -0.13795374), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.6533082, -0.707079, -0.2706061), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.5879632, -0.707079, -0.39285943), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.50002354, -0.707079, -0.50001574), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.39286867, -0.707079, -0.587957), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.27061638, -0.707079, -0.6533039), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.13796464, -0.707079, -0.6935453), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.000011107643, -0.707079, -0.70713454), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.13794285, -0.707079, -0.6935496), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.27059585, -0.707079, -0.65331244), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.39285022, -0.707079, -0.58796936), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.50000787, -0.707079, -0.5000314), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.5879509, -0.707079, -0.3928779), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.6532997, -0.707079, -0.27062663), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.6935431, -0.707079, -0.13797553), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.70713454, -0.707079, -0.000022215287), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.6935518, -0.707079, 0.13793196), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.6533167, -0.707079, 0.2705856), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.58797556, -0.707079, 0.39284098), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.5000393, -0.707079, 0.5), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.39288715, -0.707079, 0.5879447), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.2706369, -0.707079, 0.65329546), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.13798642, -0.707079, 0.69354093), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.00003332293, -0.707079, 0.70713454), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.13792107, -0.707079, 0.6935539), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.2705753, -0.707079, 0.65332097), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.39283174, -0.707079, 0.5879817), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.49999213, -0.707079, 0.50004715), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.58793855, -0.707079, 0.39289638), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.65329117, -0.707079, 0.27064717), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.6935388, -0.707079, 0.13799731), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 1.7319801e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.70713454, -0.707079, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.54492897, -0.8314467, -0.10839199), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.51331246, -0.8314467, -0.21261863), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.4619701, -0.8314467, -0.3086746), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.3928748, -0.8314467, -0.39286864), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.30868188, -0.8314467, -0.46196523), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.2126267, -0.8314467, -0.5133091), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.10840055, -0.8314467, -0.54492724), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000008727416, -0.8314467, -0.5556045), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.10838343, -0.8314467, -0.54493064), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.21261056, -0.8314467, -0.5133158), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.30866736, -0.8314467, -0.46197495), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.39286247, -0.8314467, -0.39288098), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.4619604, -0.8314467, -0.30868912), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.5133058, -0.8314467, -0.21263476), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.5449255, -0.8314467, -0.108409114), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.5556045, -0.8314467, -0.000017454831), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.54493237, -0.8314467, 0.10837487), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.51331913, -0.8314467, 0.2126025), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.46197978, -0.8314467, 0.3086601), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.39288715, -0.8314467, 0.3928563), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.3086964, -0.8314467, 0.46195555), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.21264282, -0.8314467, 0.51330245), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.108417675, -0.8314467, 0.54492384), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.000026182246, -0.8314467, 0.5556045), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.10836632, -0.8314467, 0.54493403), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.21259443, -0.8314467, 0.5133225), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.30865285, -0.8314467, 0.46198463), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.39285013, -0.8314467, 0.3928933), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.4619507, -0.8314467, 0.30870363), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.5132991, -0.8314467, 0.21265088), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.5449221, -0.8314467, 0.108426236), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 1.3608386e-16), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.5556045, -0.8314467, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.37536958, -0.923863, -0.07466488), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.35359085, -0.923863, -0.14646049), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.31822407, -0.923863, -0.21262783), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.2706284, -0.923863, -0.27062413), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.21263282, -0.923863, -0.31822073), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.14646605, -0.923863, -0.35358852), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.07467078, -0.923863, -0.3753684), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.000006011804, -0.923863, -0.38272333), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.07465899, -0.923863, -0.37537074), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.14645495, -0.923863, -0.35359314), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.21262282, -0.923863, -0.3182274), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.2706199, -0.923863, -0.27063265), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.3182174, -0.923863, -0.21263781), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.35358623, -0.923863, -0.1464716), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.37536722, -0.923863, -0.07467668), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.38272333, -0.923863, -0.000012023608), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.3753719, -0.923863, 0.07465309), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.35359544, -0.923863, 0.14644939), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.31823075, -0.923863, 0.21261783), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.2706369, -0.923863, 0.27061564), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.21264282, -0.923863, 0.31821406), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.14647716, -0.923863, 0.35358393), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.07468257, -0.923863, 0.37536603), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000018035413, -0.923863, 0.38272333), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.074647196, -0.923863, 0.3753731), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.14644383, -0.923863, 0.35359773), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.21261282, -0.923863, 0.3182341), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.2706114, -0.923863, 0.27064115), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.31821072, -0.923863, 0.21264781), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.35358164, -0.923863, 0.1464827), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.37536487, -0.923863, 0.074688464), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 9.3740183e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.38272333, -0.923863, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.19138524, -0.9807765, -0.0380685), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.18028116, -0.9807765, -0.07467408), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.16224915, -0.9807765, -0.10841003), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.1379821, -0.9807765, -0.13797992), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.10841258, -0.9807765, -0.16224743), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.07467691, -0.9807765, -0.18028), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.038071506, -0.9807765, -0.19138463), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-0.0000030651674, -0.9807765, -0.19513461), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.038065493, -0.9807765, -0.19138584), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.074671246, -0.9807765, -0.18028234), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.10840748, -0.9807765, -0.16225085), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.13797776, -0.9807765, -0.13798426), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.16224574, -0.9807765, -0.10841513), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.18027882, -0.9807765, -0.07467974), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.19138403, -0.9807765, -0.038074512), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.19513461, -0.9807765, -0.000006130335), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.19138643, -0.9807765, 0.038062487), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.18028352, -0.9807765, 0.074668415), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.16225255, -0.9807765, 0.10840493), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.13798642, -0.9807765, 0.13797559), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.108417675, -0.9807765, 0.16224404), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.07468257, -0.9807765, 0.18027765), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.03807752, -0.9807765, 0.19138344), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (0.000009195502, -0.9807765, 0.19513461), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.03805948, -0.9807765, 0.19138703), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.07466558, -0.9807765, 0.1802847), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.10840238, -0.9807765, 0.16225424), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.13797343, -0.9807765, 0.1379886), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.16224232, -0.9807765, 0.10842022), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.18027648, -0.9807765, 0.0746854), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.19138284, -0.9807765, 0.038080525), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 4.7794195e-17), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (-0.19513461, -0.9807765, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (-0.000046218436, -1, -0.000009193324), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (-0.000043536867, -1, -0.00001803336), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (-0.000039182236, -1, -0.0000261804), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (-0.000033321885, -1, -0.00003332136), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (-0.000026181015, -1, -0.000039181825), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (-0.000018034045, -1, -0.000043536584), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (-0.00000919405, -1, -0.00004621829), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (-7.4022033e-10, -1, -0.00004712389), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (0.000009192598, -1, -0.00004621858), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (0.000018032677, -1, -0.00004353715), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (0.000026179785, -1, -0.000039182647), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (0.000033320837, -1, -0.00003332241), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (0.000039181414, -1, -0.000026181631), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (0.0000435363, -1, -0.000018034729), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (0.000046218145, -1, -0.000009194776), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (0.00004712389, -1, -1.4804407e-9), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (0.000046218724, -1, 0.000009191872), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (0.000043537435, -1, 0.000018031993), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (0.000039183058, -1, 0.000026179168), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (0.00003332293, -1, 0.000033320313), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (0.000026182246, -1, 0.000039181003), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (0.000018035413, -1, 0.00004353602), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (0.000009195502, -1, 0.000046218003), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (2.220661e-9, -1, 0.00004712389), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (-0.000009191146, -1, 0.00004621887), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (-0.000018031309, -1, 0.00004353772), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (-0.000026178554, -1, 0.00003918347), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (-0.00003331979, -1, 0.000033323453), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (-0.00003918059, -1, 0.00002618286), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (-0.000043535736, -1, 0.000018036097), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (-0.000046217858, -1, 0.000009196228), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (-0.00004712389, -1, 1.1542024e-20), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (-0.00004712389, -1, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.19129457, -0.98079485, 0.038050465), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.18019576, -0.98079485, 0.0746387), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.16217229, -0.98079485, 0.108358674), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.13791673, -0.98079485, 0.13791457), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.10836122, -0.98079485, 0.16217057), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.07464153, -0.98079485, 0.1801946), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.03805347, -0.98079485, 0.19129397), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (0.0000030637154, -0.98079485, 0.19504218), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.03804746, -0.98079485, 0.19129516), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.07463587, -0.98079485, 0.18019694), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.108356126, -0.98079485, 0.16217399), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.1379124, -0.98079485, 0.13791889), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.16216888, -0.98079485, 0.10836377), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.18019342, -0.98079485, 0.074644364), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.19129337, -0.98079485, 0.038056474), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0.000006127431), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.19129577, -0.98079485, -0.038044456), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.18019812, -0.98079485, -0.07463304), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.16217569, -0.98079485, -0.10835358), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.13792107, -0.98079485, -0.13791023), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.10836632, -0.98079485, -0.16216718), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.074647196, -0.98079485, -0.18019225), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.03805948, -0.98079485, -0.19129278), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (-0.000009191146, -0.98079485, -0.19504218), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.03804145, -0.98079485, -0.19129637), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.07463021, -0.98079485, -0.18019928), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.10835103, -0.98079485, -0.16217738), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.13790807, -0.98079485, -0.13792323), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.16216548, -0.98079485, -0.10836886), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.18019108, -0.98079485, -0.07465003), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.19129218, -0.98079485, -0.038062487), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, -4.7771556e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.19504218, -0.98079485, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.37528417, -0.92389905, 0.074647896), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.35351038, -0.92389905, 0.14642717), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.31815168, -0.92389905, 0.21257944), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.27056682, -0.92389905, 0.27056256), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.21258445, -0.92389905, 0.31814834), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.14643273, -0.92389905, 0.35350809), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.07465379, -0.92389905, 0.375283), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.000006010436, -0.92389905, 0.38263628), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.074642, -0.92389905, 0.37528533), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.14642163, -0.92389905, 0.3535127), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.21257445, -0.92389905, 0.31815502), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.27055833, -0.92389905, 0.27057108), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.318145, -0.92389905, 0.21258944), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.3535058, -0.92389905, 0.14643827), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.3752818, -0.92389905, 0.07465968), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0.000012020872), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.37528652, -0.92389905, -0.07463611), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.353515, -0.92389905, -0.14641607), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.31815836, -0.92389905, -0.21256945), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.2705753, -0.92389905, -0.27055407), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.21259443, -0.92389905, -0.31814167), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.14644383, -0.92389905, -0.3535035), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.07466558, -0.92389905, -0.37528065), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000018031309, -0.92389905, -0.38263628), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.07463021, -0.92389905, -0.37528768), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.14641051, -0.92389905, -0.3535173), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.21256445, -0.92389905, -0.3181617), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.27054983, -0.92389905, -0.27057958), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.31813833, -0.92389905, -0.21259944), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.3535012, -0.92389905, -0.14644939), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.3752795, -0.92389905, -0.07467148), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, -9.3718855e-17), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.38263628, -0.92389905, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.5448521, -0.83149904, 0.108376704), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.5132401, -0.83149904, 0.21258864), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.46190494, -0.83149904, 0.30863106), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.3928194, -0.83149904, 0.39281324), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.30863833, -0.83149904, 0.4619001), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.2125967, -0.83149904, 0.51323676), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.108385265, -0.83149904, 0.5448504), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.000008726184, -0.83149904, 0.55552614), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.10836815, -0.83149904, 0.5448538), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.21258058, -0.83149904, 0.51324344), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.30862382, -0.83149904, 0.46190977), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.39280707, -0.83149904, 0.39282557), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.46189523, -0.83149904, 0.30864558), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.5132334, -0.83149904, 0.21260476), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.5448487, -0.83149904, 0.108393826), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0.000017452368), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.5448555, -0.83149904, -0.10835959), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.5132468, -0.83149904, -0.21257252), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.46191463, -0.83149904, -0.30861655), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.39283174, -0.83149904, -0.3928009), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.30865285, -0.83149904, -0.4618904), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.21261282, -0.83149904, -0.5132301), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.10840238, -0.83149904, -0.54484695), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.000026178554, -0.83149904, -0.55552614), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.10835103, -0.83149904, -0.5448572), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.21256445, -0.83149904, -0.5132501), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3086093, -0.83149904, -0.4619195), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.3927947, -0.83149904, -0.3928379), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.46188554, -0.83149904, -0.3086601), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.51322675, -0.83149904, -0.21262088), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.5448453, -0.83149904, -0.10841094), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, -1.3606466e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.55552614, -0.83149904, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.69348204, -0.70714563, 0.13794075), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.65324664, -0.70714563, 0.27058062), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.5879078, -0.70714563, 0.3928224), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.49997643, -0.70714563, 0.4999686), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.39283165, -0.70714563, 0.5879016), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.27059087, -0.70714563, 0.65324235), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.13795164, -0.70714563, 0.6934799), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.0000111065965, -0.70714563, 0.7070679), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.13792986, -0.70714563, 0.69348425), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.27057034, -0.70714563, 0.6532509), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.39281318, -0.70714563, 0.587914), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.49996072, -0.70714563, 0.4999843), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.58789545, -0.70714563, 0.3928409), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.6532381, -0.70714563, 0.27060112), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.69347775, -0.70714563, 0.13796254), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0.000022213193), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.6934864, -0.70714563, -0.13791896), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.6532551, -0.70714563, -0.2705601), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.5879201, -0.70714563, -0.39280394), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.49999213, -0.70714563, -0.49995288), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.39285013, -0.70714563, -0.58788925), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.2706114, -0.70714563, -0.6532339), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.13797343, -0.70714563, -0.69347554), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.00003331979, -0.70714563, -0.7070679), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.13790807, -0.70714563, -0.69348854), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.27054983, -0.70714563, -0.6532594), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.3927947, -0.70714563, -0.5879263), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.499945, -0.70714563, -0.5), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.5878831, -0.70714563, -0.39285937), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.65322965, -0.70714563, -0.27062166), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.6934734, -0.70714563, -0.13798432), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, -1.7318168e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.7070679, -0.70714563, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.81546247, -0.5556176, 0.16220391), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.7681498, -0.5556176, 0.3181745), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.69131815, -0.5556176, 0.46191812), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.58792007, -0.5556176, 0.58791083), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.46192896, -0.5556176, 0.6913109), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.31818658, -0.5556176, 0.7681448), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.16221671, -0.5556176, 0.8154599), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.0000130601975, -0.5556176, 0.831438), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.1621911, -0.5556176, 0.815465), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.31816244, -0.5556176, 0.7681548), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.46190727, -0.5556176, 0.69132537), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.5879016, -0.5556176, 0.5879293), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.6913036, -0.5556176, 0.46193984), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.7681398, -0.5556176, 0.31819865), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.81545734, -0.5556176, 0.16222952), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.831438, -0.5556176, 0.000026120395), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.81546754, -0.5556176, -0.16217828), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.76815975, -0.5556176, -0.3181504), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.69133264, -0.5556176, -0.4618964), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.58793855, -0.5556176, -0.58789235), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.4619507, -0.5556176, -0.69129634), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.31821072, -0.5556176, -0.7681348), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.16224232, -0.5556176, -0.8154548), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.00003918059, -0.5556176, -0.83143795), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.16216548, -0.5556176, -0.8154701), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.31813833, -0.5556176, -0.76816475), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.46188554, -0.5556176, -0.6913399), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.5878831, -0.5556176, -0.5879477), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.6912891, -0.5556176, -0.46196157), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.76812977, -0.5556176, -0.3182228), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.8154523, -0.5556176, -0.16225514), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.831438, -0.5556176, -2.0364357e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.831438, -0.5556176, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.9061057, -0.38273785, 0.18023378), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.8535339, -0.38273785, 0.3535414), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.768162, -0.38273785, 0.5132629), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.65327066, -0.38273785, 0.6532604), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.51327497, -0.38273785, 0.76815397), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.35355482, -0.38273785, 0.8535284), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.180248, -0.38273785, 0.90610284), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.000014511912, -0.38273785, 0.923857), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.18021955, -0.38273785, 0.9061085), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.353528, -0.38273785, 0.8535395), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.5132508, -0.38273785, 0.7681701), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.65325016, -0.38273785, 0.6532809), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.7681459, -0.38273785, 0.51328707), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.85352284, -0.38273785, 0.35356823), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.90610003, -0.38273785, 0.18026224), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.923857, -0.38273785, 0.000029023824), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.90611136, -0.38273785, -0.18020532), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.85354507, -0.38273785, -0.3535146), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.76817816, -0.38273785, -0.5132388), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.65329117, -0.38273785, -0.6532399), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.5132991, -0.38273785, -0.7681379), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.35358164, -0.38273785, -0.8535173), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.18027648, -0.38273785, -0.9060972), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.000043535736, -0.38273785, -0.923857), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.18019108, -0.38273785, -0.90611416), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.3535012, -0.38273785, -0.8535506), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.51322675, -0.38273785, -0.7681862), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.65322965, -0.38273785, -0.6533015), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.76812977, -0.38273785, -0.5133112), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.85351175, -0.38273785, -0.35359505), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.9060944, -0.38273785, -0.18029071), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.923857, -0.38273785, -2.262797e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (0.923857, -0.38273785, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.9619285, -0.19515002, 0.19133751), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.906118, -0.19515002, 0.37532216), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.8154865, -0.19515002, 0.5448837), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.69351697, -0.19515002, 0.69350606), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.54489654, -0.19515002, 0.8154779), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.3753364, -0.19515002, 0.9061121), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.19135262, -0.19515002, 0.9619255), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000015405953, -0.19515002, 0.9807734), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.1913224, -0.19515002, 0.9619315), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.37530795, -0.19515002, 0.9061238), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5448709, -0.19515002, 0.8154951), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.69349515, -0.19515002, 0.6935279), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.8154694, -0.19515002, 0.5449093), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.9061062, -0.19515002, 0.37535065), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.96192247, -0.19515002, 0.19136773), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0.000030811905), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9619345, -0.19515002, -0.19130729), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.9061297, -0.19515002, -0.3752937), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.8155036, -0.19515002, -0.5448581), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.6935388, -0.19515002, -0.6934843), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5449221, -0.19515002, -0.8154608), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.37536487, -0.19515002, -0.9061003), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.19138284, -0.19515002, -0.9619195), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.000046217858, -0.19515002, -0.9807734), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.19129218, -0.19515002, -0.9619375), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.3752795, -0.19515002, -0.9061356), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.5448453, -0.19515002, -0.8155122), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.6934734, -0.19515002, -0.69354963), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.8154523, -0.19515002, -0.5449349), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.9060944, -0.19515002, -0.37537912), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.96191645, -0.19515002, -0.19139795), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, -2.402202e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (0.9807734, -0.19515002, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1950884), (0.98078567, 0, 0.1950884), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, -2.4492937e-16, 0.3826798), (0.92388105, 0, 0.3826798), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55556536), (0.8314729, 0, 0.55556536), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, -2.4492937e-16, 0.7071012), (0.7071123, 0, 0.7071012), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, -2.4492937e-16, 0.8314642), (0.5555784, 0, 0.8314642), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, -2.4492937e-16, 0.92387503), (0.3826943, 0, 0.92387503), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807826), (0.19510381, 0, 0.9807826), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015707963, -2.4492937e-16, 1), (0.000015707963, 0, 1), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9807887), (-0.195073, 0, 0.9807887), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, -2.4492937e-16, 0.9238871), (-0.3826653, 0, 0.9238871), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, -2.4492937e-16, 0.83148164), (-0.5555523, 0, 0.83148164), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, -2.4492937e-16, 0.70712346), (-0.70709014, 0, 0.70712346), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, -2.4492937e-16, 0.55559146), (-0.8314554, 0, 0.55559146), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, -2.4492937e-16, 0.38270882), (-0.923869, 0, 0.38270882), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, -2.4492937e-16, 0.1951192), (-0.9807795, 0, 0.1951192), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-1, -2.4492937e-16, 0.000031415926), (-1, 0, 0.000031415926), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19505759), (-0.9807918, 0, -0.19505759), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, -2.4492937e-16, -0.3826508), (-0.92389303, 0, -0.3826508), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5555392), (-0.83149034, 0, -0.5555392), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, -2.4492937e-16, -0.707079), (-0.70713454, 0, -0.707079), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, -2.4492937e-16, -0.8314467), (-0.5556045, 0, -0.8314467), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, -2.4492937e-16, -0.923863), (-0.38272333, 0, -0.923863), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, -2.4492937e-16, -0.9807765), (-0.19513461, 0, -0.9807765), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.00004712389, -2.4492937e-16, -1), (-0.00004712389, 0, -1), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, -2.4492937e-16, -0.98079485), (0.19504218, 0, -0.98079485), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, -2.4492937e-16, -0.92389905), (0.38263628, 0, -0.92389905), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, -2.4492937e-16, -0.83149904), (0.55552614, 0, -0.83149904), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, -2.4492937e-16, -0.70714563), (0.7070679, 0, -0.70714563), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.831438, -2.4492937e-16, -0.5556176), (0.831438, 0, -0.5556176), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.923857, -2.4492937e-16, -0.38273785), (0.923857, 0, -0.38273785), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, -2.4492937e-16, -0.19515002), (0.9807734, 0, -0.19515002), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, -2.4492937e-16, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, -2.4492937e-16), (1, 0, 0), (1, -2.4492937e-16, 0)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(75, 0, 0), (73.55892, 0, 14.63163), (69.29108, 0, 28.700985), (62.360466, 0, 41.6674), (53.033424, 0, 53.032593), (41.66838, 0, 62.359814), (28.702074, 0, 69.29063), (14.632785, 0, 73.55869), (0.0011780972, 0, 75), (-14.630474, 0, 73.55916), (-28.699898, 0, 69.29153), (-41.66642, 0, 62.361122), (-53.031757, 0, 53.03426), (-62.359158, 0, 41.66936), (-69.29018, 0, 28.703161), (-73.558464, 0, 14.633941), (-75, 0, 0.0023561944), (-73.55939, 0, -14.629319), (-69.29198, 0, -28.698809), (-62.361774, 0, -41.66544), (-53.03509, 0, -53.030926), (-41.670338, 0, -62.3585), (-28.70425, 0, -69.28973), (-14.635097, 0, -73.558235), (-0.0035342916, 0, -75), (14.628163, 0, -73.559616), (28.69772, 0, -69.29243), (41.664463, 0, -62.36243), (53.030094, 0, -53.035923), (62.35785, 0, -41.671318), (69.289276, 0, -28.70534), (73.55801, 0, -14.636251), (75, 0, -1.8369702e-14), (74.51964, 4.87721, 0), (73.0878, 4.87721, 14.537917), (68.84728, 4.87721, 28.517162), (61.96106, 4.87721, 41.400528), (52.693756, 4.87721, 52.69293), (41.401505, 4.87721, 61.96041), (28.518244, 4.87721, 68.84683), (14.539065, 4.87721, 73.08757), (0.0011705518, 4.87721, 74.51964), (-14.536769, 4.87721, 73.08803), (-28.51608, 4.87721, 68.84773), (-41.399555, 4.87721, 61.96171), (-52.6921, 4.87721, 52.694584), (-61.959763, 4.87721, 41.402477), (-68.84639, 4.87721, 28.519325), (-73.08734, 4.87721, 14.540214), (-74.51964, 4.87721, 0.0023411035), (-73.08825, 4.87721, -14.535622), (-68.84818, 4.87721, -28.515), (-61.96236, 4.87721, -41.398582), (-52.69541, 4.87721, -52.691273), (-41.40345, 4.87721, -61.95911), (-28.520407, 4.87721, -68.84594), (-14.541362, 4.87721, -73.08711), (-0.0035116554, 4.87721, -74.51964), (14.534473, 4.87721, -73.08848), (28.513918, 4.87721, -68.848625), (41.39761, 4.87721, -61.963013), (52.690445, 4.87721, -52.69624), (61.95846, 4.87721, -41.404423), (68.84549, 4.87721, -28.521488), (73.08688, 4.87721, -14.54251), (74.51964, 4.87721, -1.8252049e-14), (73.09702, 9.566995, 0), (71.69251, 9.566995, 14.260382), (67.53296, 9.566995, 27.972755), (60.778194, 9.566995, 40.610172), (51.68781, 9.566995, 51.686996), (40.61113, 9.566995, 60.777557), (27.973816, 9.566995, 67.53252), (14.261508, 9.566995, 71.69229), (0.0011482054, 9.566995, 73.09702), (-14.259255, 9.566995, 71.69274), (-27.971695, 9.566995, 67.533394), (-40.60922, 9.566995, 60.77883), (-51.686184, 9.566995, 51.68862), (-60.77692, 9.566995, 40.612083), (-67.532074, 9.566995, 27.974876), (-71.69207, 9.566995, 14.262634), (-73.09702, 9.566995, 0.0022964107), (-71.69296, 9.566995, -14.258129), (-67.53384, 9.566995, -27.970634), (-60.779472, 9.566995, -40.608265), (-51.689434, 9.566995, -51.68537), (-40.613037, 9.566995, -60.77628), (-27.975939, 9.566995, -67.53164), (-14.26376, 9.566995, -71.69184), (-0.0034446162, 9.566995, -73.09702), (14.257003, 9.566995, -71.693184), (27.969574, 9.566995, -67.53427), (40.60731, 9.566995, -60.78011), (51.684563, 9.566995, -51.690243), (60.775642, 9.566995, -40.61399), (67.5312, 9.566995, -27.977), (71.69162, 9.566995, -14.264886), (73.09702, 9.566995, -1.7903608e-14), (70.78682, 13.889133, 0), (69.4267, 13.889133, 13.809688), (65.398605, 13.889133, 27.088688), (58.857323, 13.889133, 39.326706), (50.054234, 13.889133, 50.053448), (39.32763, 13.889133, 58.856705), (27.089714, 13.889133, 65.39818), (13.810779, 13.889133, 69.42648), (0.0011119168, 13.889133, 70.78682), (-13.808597, 13.889133, 69.42692), (-27.08766, 13.889133, 65.399025), (-39.32578, 13.889133, 58.85794), (-50.05266, 13.889133, 50.055023), (-58.856087, 13.889133, 39.328552), (-65.39775, 13.889133, 27.090742), (-69.42627, 13.889133, 13.811869), (-70.78682, 13.889133, 0.0022238337), (-69.42713, 13.889133, -13.807507), (-65.39945, 13.889133, -27.086632), (-58.85856, 13.889133, -39.324856), (-50.05581, 13.889133, -50.051876), (-39.32948, 13.889133, -58.85547), (-27.091768, 13.889133, -65.39732), (-13.81296, 13.889133, -69.42605), (-0.0033357504, 13.889133, -70.78682), (13.806416, 13.889133, -69.42735), (27.085606, 13.889133, -65.39988), (39.323933, 13.889133, -58.859177), (50.05109, 13.889133, -50.056595), (58.85485, 13.889133, -39.330402), (65.396904, 13.889133, -27.092796), (69.425835, 13.889133, -13.81405), (70.78682, 13.889133, -1.7337772e-14), (67.67781, 17.67753, 0), (66.377426, 17.67753, 13.2031555), (62.526245, 17.67753, 25.89893), (56.272263, 17.67753, 37.599445), (47.855812, 17.67753, 47.85506), (37.600327, 17.67753, 56.27167), (25.899912, 17.67753, 62.525837), (13.204198, 17.67753, 66.37722), (0.0010630805, 17.67753, 67.67781), (-13.202112, 17.67753, 66.37763), (-25.89795, 17.67753, 62.52665), (-37.59856, 17.67753, 56.272854), (-47.85431, 17.67753, 47.856564), (-56.27108, 17.67753, 37.60121), (-62.52543, 17.67753, 25.900894), (-66.37701, 17.67753, 13.20524), (-67.67781, 17.67753, 0.002126161), (-66.37784, 17.67753, -13.20107), (-62.527058, 17.67753, -25.896967), (-56.273445, 17.67753, -37.597675), (-47.857315, 17.67753, -47.853558), (-37.602097, 17.67753, -56.270493), (-25.901876, 17.67753, -62.525024), (-13.206283, 17.67753, -66.3768), (-0.0031892415, 17.67753, -67.67781), (13.200027, 17.67753, -66.378044), (25.895985, 17.67753, -62.527466), (37.596794, 17.67753, -56.274033), (47.852806, 17.67753, -47.858067), (56.2699, 17.67753, -37.60298), (62.524616, 17.67753, -25.902859), (66.376595, 17.67753, -13.207326), (67.67781, 17.67753, -1.6576282e-14), (63.88946, 20.786604, 0), (62.661865, 20.786604, 12.464092), (59.02626, 20.786604, 24.449205), (53.122353, 20.786604, 35.49477), (45.177025, 20.786604, 45.176315), (35.495605, 20.786604, 53.121796), (24.450132, 20.786604, 59.025875), (12.465076, 20.786604, 62.66167), (0.0010035733, 20.786604, 63.88946), (-12.463108, 20.786604, 62.662064), (-24.448278, 20.786604, 59.026646), (-35.493935, 20.786604, 53.12291), (-45.175606, 20.786604, 45.177734), (-53.12124, 20.786604, 35.496437), (-59.025494, 20.786604, 24.451061), (-62.661476, 20.786604, 12.466061), (-63.88946, 20.786604, 0.0020071466), (-62.66226, 20.786604, -12.462124), (-59.027027, 20.786604, -24.447351), (-53.12347, 20.786604, -35.4931), (-45.178444, 20.786604, -45.174896), (-35.497272, 20.786604, -53.12068), (-24.451988, 20.786604, -59.02511), (-12.467045, 20.786604, -62.661278), (-0.0030107198, 20.786604, -63.88946), (12.46114, 20.786604, -62.662453), (24.446424, 20.786604, -59.027412), (35.492268, 20.786604, -53.124027), (45.174187, 20.786604, -45.179153), (53.120125, 20.786604, -35.498108), (59.024723, 20.786604, -24.452915), (62.661083, 20.786604, -12.468029), (63.88946, 20.786604, -1.5648405e-14), (59.567356, 23.096876, 0), (58.42281, 23.096876, 11.6209), (55.033154, 23.096876, 22.795225), (49.528645, 23.096876, 33.09356), (42.120815, 23.096876, 42.12015), (33.094337, 23.096876, 49.528122), (22.79609, 23.096876, 55.032795), (11.621818, 23.096876, 58.422626), (0.00093568186, 23.096876, 59.567356), (-11.619983, 23.096876, 58.422993), (-22.794361, 23.096876, 55.033512), (-33.09278, 23.096876, 49.529163), (-42.11949, 23.096876, 42.121475), (-49.527603, 23.096876, 33.095116), (-55.032436, 23.096876, 22.796953), (-58.422447, 23.096876, 11.622736), (-59.567356, 23.096876, 0.0018713637), (-58.423176, 23.096876, -11.619065), (-55.033867, 23.096876, -22.793495), (-49.529682, 23.096876, -33.092003), (-42.122135, 23.096876, -42.118828), (-33.095894, 23.096876, -49.527084), (-22.79782, 23.096876, -55.032078), (-11.623653, 23.096876, -58.422264), (-0.0028070456, 23.096876, -59.567356), (11.618147, 23.096876, -58.42336), (22.792631, 23.096876, -55.034225), (33.091225, 23.096876, -49.5302), (42.118168, 23.096876, -42.1228), (49.52656, 23.096876, -33.096672), (55.03172, 23.096876, -22.798683), (58.42208, 23.096876, -11.624571), (59.567356, 23.096876, -1.4589795e-14), (54.877594, 24.519566, 0), (53.82316, 24.519566, 10.705982), (50.70037, 24.519566, 21.000547), (45.62923, 24.519566, 30.488089), (38.804623, 24.519566, 38.804016), (30.488806, 24.519566, 45.628754), (21.001345, 24.519566, 50.70004), (10.706827, 24.519566, 53.82299), (0.00086201524, 24.519566, 54.877594), (-10.705136, 24.519566, 53.823326), (-20.99975, 24.519566, 50.7007), (-30.487373, 24.519566, 45.62971), (-38.803406, 24.519566, 38.805233), (-45.628273, 24.519566, 30.489523), (-50.69971, 24.519566, 21.00214), (-53.822823, 24.519566, 10.707673), (-54.877594, 24.519566, 0.0017240305), (-53.823494, 24.519566, -10.704291), (-50.70103, 24.519566, -20.998955), (-45.63019, 24.519566, -30.486656), (-38.805843, 24.519566, -38.802795), (-30.49024, 24.519566, -45.627796), (-21.002937, 24.519566, -50.69938), (-10.708518, 24.519566, -53.822655), (-0.0025860458, 24.519566, -54.877594), (10.703445, 24.519566, -53.82366), (20.998158, 24.519566, -50.70136), (30.485939, 24.519566, -45.63067), (38.802185, 24.519566, -38.806454), (45.627316, 24.519566, -30.490957), (50.69905, 24.519566, -21.003733), (53.822487, 24.519566, -10.709364), (54.877594, 24.519566, -1.3441134e-14), (50.000393, 25, 0), (49.03967, 25, 9.754497), (46.194416, 25, 19.13414), (41.57397, 25, 27.778484), (35.355896, 25, 35.35534), (27.779139, 25, 41.573536), (19.134867, 25, 46.194115), (9.755267, 25, 49.039516), (0.00078540435, 25, 50.000393), (-9.753726, 25, 49.03982), (-19.133415, 25, 46.194714), (-27.777832, 25, 41.574406), (-35.354782, 25, 35.35645), (-41.573097, 25, 27.77979), (-46.193813, 25, 19.135592), (-49.03936, 25, 9.756037), (-50.000393, 25, 0.0015708087), (-49.039974, 25, -9.752955), (-46.195015, 25, -19.132689), (-41.574844, 25, -27.77718), (-35.357006, 25, -35.35423), (-27.780443, 25, -41.572662), (-19.136318, 25, -46.193512), (-9.756807, 25, -49.039207), (-0.002356213, 25, -50.000393), (9.752186, 25, -49.040127), (19.131964, 25, -46.195316), (27.776525, 25, -41.57528), (35.353672, 25, -35.35756), (41.572224, 25, -27.781097), (46.19321, 25, -19.137043), (49.039055, 25, -9.757578), (50.000393, 25, -1.2246564e-14), (45.123177, 24.519718, 0), (44.256165, 24.519718, 8.803008), (41.688446, 24.519718, 17.267729), (37.518696, 24.519718, 25.068872), (31.907154, 24.519718, 31.906652), (25.069462, 24.519718, 37.518303), (17.268383, 24.519718, 41.688175), (8.803703, 24.519718, 44.256023), (0.0007087932, 24.519718, 45.123177), (-8.802313, 24.519718, 44.2563), (-17.267073, 24.519718, 41.688717), (-25.068283, 24.519718, 37.51909), (-31.90615, 24.519718, 31.907656), (-37.51791, 24.519718, 25.070051), (-41.687904, 24.519718, 17.269037), (-44.255886, 24.519718, 8.804399), (-45.123177, 24.519718, 0.0014175863), (-44.25644, 24.519718, -8.801618), (-41.688988, 24.519718, -17.266418), (-37.519485, 24.519718, -25.067694), (-31.908155, 24.519718, -31.905651), (-25.07064, 24.519718, -37.517517), (-17.269691, 24.519718, -41.687634), (-8.805094, 24.519718, -44.25575), (-0.0021263796, 24.519718, -45.123177), (8.800922, 24.519718, -44.256577), (17.265764, 24.519718, -41.68926), (25.067104, 24.519718, -37.51988), (31.90515, 24.519718, -31.908657), (37.51712, 24.519718, -25.07123), (41.687363, 24.519718, -17.270348), (44.25561, 24.519718, -8.805789), (45.123177, 24.519718, -1.105199e-14), (40.43337, 23.097176, 0), (39.656467, 23.097176, 7.888081), (37.35562, 23.097176, 15.473033), (33.619247, 23.097176, 22.463377), (28.590933, 23.097176, 28.590485), (22.463905, 23.097176, 33.618896), (15.47362, 23.097176, 37.355377), (7.888704, 23.097176, 39.65634), (0.00063512585, 23.097176, 40.43337), (-7.887458, 23.097176, 39.65659), (-15.472446, 23.097176, 37.355865), (-22.462849, 23.097176, 33.619602), (-28.590034, 23.097176, 28.591383), (-33.61854, 23.097176, 22.464434), (-37.355137, 23.097176, 15.474207), (-39.65622, 23.097176, 7.8893266), (-40.43337, 23.097176, 0.0012702517), (-39.656715, 23.097176, -7.886835), (-37.356106, 23.097176, -15.47186), (-33.619953, 23.097176, -22.462322), (-28.591831, 23.097176, -28.589586), (-22.464962, 23.097176, -33.61819), (-15.474793, 23.097176, -37.354893), (-7.88995, 23.097176, -39.656097), (-0.0019053776, 23.097176, -40.43337), (7.886212, 23.097176, -39.656837), (15.471272, 23.097176, -37.35635), (22.461794, 23.097176, -33.620308), (28.589136, 23.097176, -28.59228), (33.617836, 23.097176, -22.46549), (37.35465, 23.097176, -15.47538), (39.65597, 23.097176, -7.8905725), (40.43337, 23.097176, -9.903319e-15), (36.111195, 20.78704, 0), (35.41734, 20.78704, 7.0448747), (33.362446, 20.78704, 13.819024), (30.025478, 20.78704, 20.062128), (25.53467, 20.78704, 25.53427), (20.0626, 20.78704, 30.025164), (13.819549, 20.78704, 33.36223), (7.045431, 20.78704, 35.41723), (0.0005672333, 20.78704, 36.111195), (-7.044318, 20.78704, 35.41745), (-13.8185005, 20.78704, 33.362663), (-20.061655, 20.78704, 30.025793), (-25.533869, 20.78704, 25.53507), (-30.024847, 20.78704, 20.06307), (-33.36201, 20.78704, 13.820072), (-35.417118, 20.78704, 7.0459876), (-36.111195, 20.78704, 0.0011344666), (-35.41756, 20.78704, -7.043762), (-33.36288, 20.78704, -13.817976), (-30.026108, 20.78704, -20.061184), (-25.535473, 20.78704, -25.533466), (-20.063541, 20.78704, -30.024532), (-13.820597, 20.78704, -33.361794), (-7.0465436, 20.78704, -35.417007), (-0.0017016999, 20.78704, -36.111195), (7.0432057, 20.78704, -35.41767), (13.817452, 20.78704, -33.3631), (20.060713, 20.78704, -30.026423), (25.533066, 20.78704, -25.535873), (30.024218, 20.78704, -20.064014), (33.36158, 20.78704, -13.82112), (35.416897, 20.78704, -7.0471), (36.111195, 20.78704, -8.844692e-15), (32.322746, 17.678085, 0), (31.701687, 17.678085, 6.305793), (29.862373, 17.678085, 12.369263), (26.875488, 17.678085, 17.957397), (22.855814, 17.678085, 22.855453), (17.957819, 17.678085, 26.875206), (12.369732, 17.678085, 29.862179), (6.3062906, 17.678085, 31.701588), (0.00050772453, 17.678085, 32.322746), (-6.305295, 17.678085, 31.701786), (-12.3687935, 17.678085, 29.862568), (-17.956976, 17.678085, 26.87577), (-22.855095, 17.678085, 22.856173), (-26.874924, 17.678085, 17.958242), (-29.861984, 17.678085, 12.370201), (-31.701488, 17.678085, 6.306789), (-32.322746, 17.678085, 0.0010154491), (-31.701885, 17.678085, -6.3047967), (-29.862762, 17.678085, -12.368324), (-26.87605, 17.678085, -17.956553), (-22.856531, 17.678085, -22.854736), (-17.958664, 17.678085, -26.874641), (-12.370669, 17.678085, -29.86179), (-6.3072867, 17.678085, -31.70139), (-0.0015231735, 17.678085, -32.322746), (6.304299, 17.678085, -31.701984), (12.367855, 17.678085, -29.862955), (17.956131, 17.678085, -26.876333), (22.854378, 17.678085, -22.85689), (26.87436, 17.678085, -17.959085), (29.861595, 17.678085, -12.371139), (31.70129, 17.678085, -6.3077846), (32.322746, 17.678085, -7.91679e-15), (29.213614, 13.889787, 0), (28.652294, 13.889787, 5.6992373), (26.989904, 13.889787, 11.179461), (24.290329, 13.889787, 16.230072), (20.657307, 13.889787, 20.656982), (16.230453, 13.889787, 24.290073), (11.179884, 13.889787, 26.989729), (5.699687, 13.889787, 28.652205), (0.00045888638, 13.889787, 29.213614), (-5.698787, 13.889787, 28.652384), (-11.179036, 13.889787, 26.99008), (-16.22969, 13.889787, 24.290583), (-20.656658, 13.889787, 20.65763), (-24.289818, 13.889787, 16.230835), (-26.989553, 13.889787, 11.180308), (-28.652115, 13.889787, 5.700137), (-29.213614, 13.889787, 0.00091777276), (-28.652473, 13.889787, -5.698337), (-26.990255, 13.889787, -11.178613), (-24.290838, 13.889787, -16.22931), (-20.657955, 13.889787, -20.656334), (-16.231216, 13.889787, -24.289564), (-11.180732, 13.889787, -26.989378), (-5.7005873, 13.889787, -28.652025), (-0.0013766591, 13.889787, -29.213614), (5.697887, 13.889787, -28.652563), (11.178188, 13.889787, -26.99043), (16.228928, 13.889787, -24.291094), (20.65601, 13.889787, -20.658281), (24.289309, 13.889787, -16.231598), (26.989202, 13.889787, -11.181156), (28.651936, 13.889787, -5.7010374), (29.213614, 13.889787, -7.155272e-15), (26.903275, 9.56772, 0), (26.386347, 9.56772, 5.2485166), (24.855425, 9.56772, 10.29534), (22.369343, 9.56772, 14.946527), (19.023638, 9.56772, 19.023338), (14.946878, 9.56772, 22.369108), (10.295731, 9.56772, 24.855263), (5.2489314, 9.56772, 26.386263), (0.00042259565, 9.56772, 26.903275), (-5.248102, 9.56772, 26.386429), (-10.29495, 9.56772, 24.855587), (-14.946176, 9.56772, 22.369577), (-19.023039, 9.56772, 19.023935), (-22.368874, 9.56772, 14.947229), (-24.855103, 9.56772, 10.296121), (-26.38618, 9.56772, 5.249346), (-26.903275, 9.56772, 0.0008451913), (-26.38651, 9.56772, -5.247688), (-24.85575, 9.56772, -10.2945595), (-22.369812, 9.56772, -14.945824), (-19.024235, 9.56772, -19.022741), (-14.947581, 9.56772, -22.368639), (-10.296511, 9.56772, -24.85494), (-5.24976, 9.56772, -26.386099), (-0.001267787, 9.56772, -26.903275), (5.2472734, 9.56772, -26.386593), (10.294168, 9.56772, -24.855911), (14.945473, 9.56772, -22.370049), (19.022442, 9.56772, -19.024534), (22.368404, 9.56772, -14.947932), (24.854778, 9.56772, -10.296902), (26.386017, 9.56772, -5.2501745), (26.903275, 9.56772, -6.5894018e-15), (25.48051, 4.87798, 0), (24.990921, 4.87798, 4.970952), (23.540962, 4.87798, 9.750877), (21.186354, 4.87798, 14.156089), (18.017584, 4.87798, 18.017302), (14.156422, 4.87798, 21.186132), (9.751247, 4.87798, 23.540808), (4.9713445, 4.87798, 24.990843), (0.00040024694, 4.87798, 25.48051), (-4.9705596, 4.87798, 24.991), (-9.750507, 4.87798, 23.541115), (-14.155756, 4.87798, 21.186577), (-18.017017, 4.87798, 18.017868), (-21.18591, 4.87798, 14.1567545), (-23.540655, 4.87798, 9.7516165), (-24.990765, 4.87798, 4.9717374), (-25.48051, 4.87798, 0.0008004939), (-24.991077, 4.87798, -4.970167), (-23.541267, 4.87798, -9.750137), (-21.1868, 4.87798, -14.155423), (-18.01815, 4.87798, -18.016735), (-14.157087, 4.87798, -21.185688), (-9.7519865, 4.87798, -23.540503), (-4.97213, 4.87798, -24.990686), (-0.0012007408, 4.87798, -25.48051), (4.9697742, 4.87798, -24.991156), (9.749768, 4.87798, -23.541422), (14.15509, 4.87798, -21.187021), (18.016453, 4.87798, -18.018433), (21.185465, 4.87798, -14.15742), (23.540348, 4.87798, -9.752357), (24.990608, 4.87798, -4.9725223), (25.48051, 4.87798, -6.240925e-15), (25, 0.0007853982, 0), (24.519642, 0.0007853982, 4.87721), (23.097027, 0.0007853982, 9.566995), (20.786821, 0.0007853982, 13.889133), (17.677809, 0.0007853982, 17.67753), (13.88946, 0.0007853982, 20.786604), (9.567358, 0.0007853982, 23.096876), (4.877595, 0.0007853982, 24.519566), (0.0003926991, 0.0007853982, 25), (-4.876825, 0.0007853982, 24.519718), (-9.566632, 0.0007853982, 23.097176), (-13.888807, 0.0007853982, 20.78704), (-17.677254, 0.0007853982, 17.678085), (-20.786386, 0.0007853982, 13.889787), (-23.096725, 0.0007853982, 9.56772), (-24.51949, 0.0007853982, 4.87798), (-25, 0.0007853982, 0.0007853982), (-24.519794, 0.0007853982, -4.8764396), (-23.097326, 0.0007853982, -9.56627), (-20.787258, 0.0007853982, -13.88848), (-17.678364, 0.0007853982, -17.676975), (-13.890113, 0.0007853982, -20.786167), (-9.568084, 0.0007853982, -23.096575), (-4.8783655, 0.0007853982, -24.519411), (-0.0011780972, 0.0007853982, -25), (4.8760543, 0.0007853982, -24.51987), (9.565907, 0.0007853982, -23.097477), (13.888154, 0.0007853982, -20.787477), (17.676697, 0.0007853982, -17.678642), (20.78595, 0.0007853982, -13.890439), (23.096424, 0.0007853982, -9.568446), (24.519335, 0.0007853982, -4.8787503), (25, 0.0007853982, -6.123234e-15), (25.480206, -4.8764396, 0), (24.99062, -4.8764396, 4.9708924), (23.540678, -4.8764396, 9.75076), (21.1861, -4.8764396, 14.155919), (18.017368, -4.8764396, 18.017084), (14.156252, -4.8764396, 21.185877), (9.75113, -4.8764396, 23.540525), (4.971285, -4.8764396, 24.990541), (0.00040024213, -4.8764396, 25.480206), (-4.9705, -4.8764396, 24.990698), (-9.75039, -4.8764396, 23.54083), (-14.155586, -4.8764396, 21.186321), (-18.016802, -4.8764396, 18.01765), (-21.185656, -4.8764396, 14.156585), (-23.540373, -4.8764396, 9.751499), (-24.990463, -4.8764396, 4.9716773), (-25.480206, -4.8764396, 0.00080048427), (-24.990776, -4.8764396, -4.970107), (-23.540985, -4.8764396, -9.75002), (-21.186544, -4.8764396, -14.155253), (-18.017933, -4.8764396, -18.016518), (-14.156918, -4.8764396, -21.185432), (-9.751869, -4.8764396, -23.540218), (-4.97207, -4.8764396, -24.990385), (-0.0012007264, -4.8764396, -25.480206), (4.9697146, -4.8764396, -24.990854), (9.749651, -4.8764396, -23.541138), (14.154921, -4.8764396, -21.186768), (18.016235, -4.8764396, -18.018217), (21.185211, -4.8764396, -14.157249), (23.540066, -4.8764396, -9.752239), (24.990307, -4.8764396, -4.9724627), (25.480206, -4.8764396, -6.2408502e-15), (26.902674, -9.56627, 0), (26.385757, -9.56627, 5.2483993), (24.85487, -9.56627, 10.29511), (22.368843, -9.56627, 14.946193), (19.023212, -9.56627, 19.022913), (14.946545, -9.56627, 22.368608), (10.2955, -9.56627, 24.854708), (5.248814, -9.56627, 26.385674), (0.00042258622, -9.56627, 26.902674), (-5.247985, -9.56627, 26.38584), (-10.29472, -9.56627, 24.855032), (-14.945842, -9.56627, 22.369078), (-19.022615, -9.56627, 19.023512), (-22.368374, -9.56627, 14.946896), (-24.854546, -9.56627, 10.295891), (-26.385592, -9.56627, 5.2492285), (-26.902674, -9.56627, 0.00084517244), (-26.385921, -9.56627, -5.2475705), (-24.855194, -9.56627, -10.294329), (-22.369312, -9.56627, -14.94549), (-19.02381, -9.56627, -19.022316), (-14.947247, -9.56627, -22.36814), (-10.296281, -9.56627, -24.854385), (-5.249643, -9.56627, -26.38551), (-0.0012677587, -9.56627, -26.902674), (5.247156, -9.56627, -26.386003), (10.293939, -9.56627, -24.855354), (14.945139, -9.56627, -22.369549), (19.022017, -9.56627, -19.024109), (22.367905, -9.56627, -14.947598), (24.854223, -9.56627, -10.296672), (26.385427, -9.56627, -5.250057), (26.902674, -9.56627, -6.589255e-15), (29.212742, -13.88848, 0), (28.651438, -13.88848, 5.699067), (26.989098, -13.88848, 11.179126), (24.289602, -13.88848, 16.229586), (20.65669, -13.88848, 20.656366), (16.229969, -13.88848, 24.289347), (11.17955, -13.88848, 26.988922), (5.699517, -13.88848, 28.651348), (0.00045887267, -13.88848, 29.212742), (-5.698617, -13.88848, 28.651527), (-11.178702, -13.88848, 26.989273), (-16.229204, -13.88848, 24.289858), (-20.65604, -13.88848, 20.657015), (-24.289093, -13.88848, 16.23035), (-26.988747, -13.88848, 11.179975), (-28.651258, -13.88848, 5.699967), (-29.212742, -13.88848, 0.00091774535), (-28.651617, -13.88848, -5.698167), (-26.989449, -13.88848, -11.178278), (-24.290112, -13.88848, -16.228823), (-20.65734, -13.88848, -20.655716), (-16.230732, -13.88848, -24.288837), (-11.180398, -13.88848, -26.988571), (-5.700417, -13.88848, -28.651169), (-0.001376618, -13.88848, -29.212742), (5.6977167, -13.88848, -28.651707), (11.177855, -13.88848, -26.989624), (16.228441, -13.88848, -24.290367), (20.655392, -13.88848, -20.657663), (24.288582, -13.88848, -16.231113), (26.988396, -13.88848, -11.180822), (28.65108, -13.88848, -5.700867), (29.212742, -13.88848, -7.155058e-15), (32.321636, -17.676975, 0), (31.700598, -17.676975, 6.3055763), (29.861347, -17.676975, 12.368837), (26.874563, -17.676975, 17.956781), (22.855028, -17.676975, 22.85467), (17.957203, -17.676975, 26.874283), (12.369307, -17.676975, 29.861153), (6.306074, -17.676975, 31.700499), (0.00050770707, -17.676975, 32.321636), (-6.305078, -17.676975, 31.700697), (-12.368368, -17.676975, 29.861542), (-17.956358, -17.676975, 26.874846), (-22.85431, -17.676975, 22.855387), (-26.874, -17.676975, 17.957624), (-29.860958, -17.676975, 12.369776), (-31.7004, -17.676975, 6.306572), (-32.321636, -17.676975, 0.0010154141), (-31.700796, -17.676975, -6.30458), (-29.861736, -17.676975, -12.367899), (-26.875128, -17.676975, -17.955936), (-22.855745, -17.676975, -22.85395), (-17.958048, -17.676975, -26.873718), (-12.370245, -17.676975, -29.860764), (-6.3070703, -17.676975, -31.7003), (-0.0015231213, -17.676975, -32.321636), (6.3040824, -17.676975, -31.700895), (12.367431, -17.676975, -29.861929), (17.955515, -17.676975, -26.87541), (22.853592, -17.676975, -22.856104), (26.873436, -17.676975, -17.95847), (29.860569, -17.676975, -12.370713), (31.700201, -17.676975, -6.307568), (32.321636, -17.676975, -7.916517e-15), (36.109886, -20.786167, 0), (35.41606, -20.786167, 7.04462), (33.36124, -20.786167, 13.818524), (30.024391, -20.786167, 20.061401), (25.533747, -20.786167, 25.533346), (20.061872, -20.786167, 30.024076), (13.819049, -20.786167, 33.361023), (7.0451765, -20.786167, 35.41595), (0.00056721276, -20.786167, 36.109886), (-7.0440636, -20.786167, 35.416172), (-13.818001, -20.786167, 33.361458), (-20.06093, -20.786167, 30.024708), (-25.532944, -20.786167, 25.534147), (-30.023762, -20.786167, 20.062346), (-33.360806, -20.786167, 13.819572), (-35.415836, -20.786167, 7.0457325), (-36.109886, -20.786167, 0.0011344255), (-35.416283, -20.786167, -7.043507), (-33.361675, -20.786167, -13.817476), (-30.025023, -20.786167, -20.06046), (-25.534548, -20.786167, -25.532543), (-20.062817, -20.786167, -30.023447), (-13.820097, -20.786167, -33.360588), (-7.046289, -20.786167, -35.415726), (-0.0017016383, -20.786167, -36.109886), (7.042951, -20.786167, -35.416393), (13.816953, -20.786167, -33.361893), (20.059986, -20.786167, -30.025337), (25.532143, -20.786167, -25.53495), (30.023132, -20.786167, -20.063288), (33.36037, -20.786167, -13.820621), (35.415615, -20.786167, -7.0468454), (36.109886, -20.786167, -8.844372e-15), (40.431915, -23.096575, 0), (39.655045, -23.096575, 7.887798), (37.354282, -23.096575, 15.472478), (33.618042, -23.096575, 22.462572), (28.589907, -23.096575, 28.589458), (22.463099, -23.096575, 33.61769), (15.473064, -23.096575, 37.35404), (7.8884206, -23.096575, 39.65492), (0.00063510303, -23.096575, 40.431915), (-7.8871746, -23.096575, 39.655167), (-15.471891, -23.096575, 37.354523), (-22.462044, -23.096575, 33.618397), (-28.589008, -23.096575, 28.590357), (-33.617336, -23.096575, 22.463627), (-37.353794, -23.096575, 15.473651), (-39.654797, -23.096575, 7.8890433), (-40.431915, -23.096575, 0.0012702061), (-39.655293, -23.096575, -7.886552), (-37.354767, -23.096575, -15.471304), (-33.618748, -23.096575, -22.461515), (-28.590805, -23.096575, -28.58856), (-22.464155, -23.096575, -33.616985), (-15.474238, -23.096575, -37.35355), (-7.8896666, -23.096575, -39.65467), (-0.0019053092, -23.096575, -40.431915), (7.885929, -23.096575, -39.655415), (15.470717, -23.096575, -37.35501), (22.460987, -23.096575, -33.619102), (28.58811, -23.096575, -28.591253), (33.61663, -23.096575, -22.464684), (37.35331, -23.096575, -15.474825), (39.65455, -23.096575, -7.8902893), (40.431915, -23.096575, -9.902964e-15), (45.121635, -24.519411, 0), (44.254654, -24.519411, 8.802708), (41.687023, -24.519411, 17.267138), (37.517414, -24.519411, 25.068016), (31.906065, -24.519411, 31.905563), (25.068605, -24.519411, 37.51702), (17.267794, -24.519411, 41.686752), (8.803403, -24.519411, 44.254513), (0.00070876896, -24.519411, 45.121635), (-8.802012, -24.519411, 44.25479), (-17.266483, -24.519411, 41.687294), (-25.067427, -24.519411, 37.51781), (-31.905062, -24.519411, 31.906565), (-37.51663, -24.519411, 25.069195), (-41.68648, -24.519411, 17.268448), (-44.254375, -24.519411, 8.804097), (-45.121635, -24.519411, 0.0014175379), (-44.25493, -24.519411, -8.801317), (-41.687565, -24.519411, -17.26583), (-37.518204, -24.519411, -25.066837), (-31.907066, -24.519411, -31.90456), (-25.069784, -24.519411, -37.516235), (-17.269102, -24.519411, -41.68621), (-8.804792, -24.519411, -44.25424), (-0.002126307, -24.519411, -45.121635), (8.800622, -24.519411, -44.255066), (17.265173, -24.519411, -41.687836), (25.066248, -24.519411, -37.518597), (31.90406, -24.519411, -31.907568), (37.515842, -24.519411, -25.070374), (41.685936, -24.519411, -17.269758), (44.2541, -24.519411, -8.805488), (45.121635, -24.519411, -1.1051613e-14), (49.99882, -25, 0), (49.038128, -25, 9.75419), (46.192963, -25, 19.13354), (41.572666, -25, 27.777613), (35.354782, -25, 35.35423), (27.778265, -25, 41.572227), (19.134266, -25, 46.19266), (9.75496, -25, 49.037975), (0.00078537967, -25, 49.99882), (-9.75342, -25, 49.03828), (-19.132814, -25, 46.193264), (-27.776958, -25, 41.5731), (-35.353672, -25, 35.35534), (-41.571793, -25, 27.77892), (-46.192364, -25, 19.13499), (-49.037823, -25, 9.755731), (-49.99882, -25, 0.0015707593), (-49.038433, -25, -9.752649), (-46.193565, -25, -19.132088), (-41.573536, -25, -27.776306), (-35.355896, -25, -35.35312), (-27.779572, -25, -41.571354), (-19.135715, -25, -46.192062), (-9.756501, -25, -49.037666), (-0.002356139, -25, -49.99882), (9.751879, -25, -49.038586), (19.131363, -25, -46.193867), (27.775654, -25, -41.573975), (35.352562, -25, -35.35645), (41.57092, -25, -27.780224), (46.19176, -25, -19.136442), (49.037514, -25, -9.757271), (49.99882, -25, -1.224618e-14), (54.876053, -24.51987, 0), (53.821648, -24.51987, 10.705682), (50.698944, -24.51987, 20.999958), (45.627953, -24.51987, 30.487234), (38.803535, -24.51987, 38.802925), (30.48795, -24.51987, 45.627472), (21.000753, -24.51987, 50.698616), (10.706527, -24.51987, 53.82148), (0.000861991, -24.51987, 54.876053), (-10.704836, -24.51987, 53.821815), (-20.99916, -24.51987, 50.699276), (-30.486517, -24.51987, 45.62843), (-38.802315, -24.51987, 38.804146), (-45.626995, -24.51987, 30.488667), (-50.698288, -24.51987, 21.00155), (-53.821312, -24.51987, 10.707373), (-54.876053, -24.51987, 0.001723982), (-53.821983, -24.51987, -10.703991), (-50.699604, -24.51987, -20.998365), (-45.62891, -24.51987, -30.4858), (-38.804752, -24.51987, -38.80171), (-30.489384, -24.51987, -45.626514), (-21.002346, -24.51987, -50.697956), (-10.708218, -24.51987, -53.821144), (-0.0025859731, -24.51987, -54.876053), (10.703145, -24.51987, -53.82215), (20.997568, -24.51987, -50.699936), (30.485083, -24.51987, -45.629387), (38.801098, -24.51987, -38.805363), (45.626034, -24.51987, -30.4901), (50.697628, -24.51987, -21.003143), (53.820976, -24.51987, -10.709064), (54.876053, -24.51987, -1.3440757e-14), (59.565907, -23.097477, 0), (58.421387, -23.097477, 11.620617), (55.03181, -23.097477, 22.79467), (49.527435, -23.097477, 33.092754), (42.11979, -23.097477, 42.119125), (33.093533, -23.097477, 49.526917), (22.795534, -23.097477, 55.031452), (11.621535, -23.097477, 58.421204), (0.00093565905, -23.097477, 59.565907), (-11.6196995, -23.097477, 58.42157), (-22.793804, -23.097477, 55.03217), (-33.091976, -23.097477, 49.527958), (-42.118465, -23.097477, 42.12045), (-49.526398, -23.097477, 33.094307), (-55.031094, -23.097477, 22.796398), (-58.42102, -23.097477, 11.622453), (-59.565907, -23.097477, 0.0018713181), (-58.421753, -23.097477, -11.618782), (-55.032528, -23.097477, -22.79294), (-49.528477, -23.097477, -33.091198), (-42.12111, -23.097477, -42.1178), (-33.095085, -23.097477, -49.525875), (-22.797262, -23.097477, -55.03074), (-11.62337, -23.097477, -58.42084), (-0.0028069771, -23.097477, -59.565907), (11.617865, -23.097477, -58.421936), (22.792076, -23.097477, -55.032887), (33.09042, -23.097477, -49.528996), (42.11714, -23.097477, -42.121773), (49.525356, -23.097477, -33.095863), (55.03038, -23.097477, -22.798128), (58.42066, -23.097477, -11.624288), (59.565907, -23.097477, -1.458944e-14), (63.888153, -20.787477, 0), (62.660583, -20.787477, 12.463838), (59.025055, -20.787477, 24.448706), (53.12127, -20.787477, 35.494045), (45.1761, -20.787477, 45.175392), (35.494877, -20.787477, 53.12071), (24.449633, -20.787477, 59.02467), (12.464822, -20.787477, 62.66039), (0.0010035528, -20.787477, 63.888153), (-12.462853, -20.787477, 62.66078), (-24.447779, -20.787477, 59.025436), (-35.49321, -20.787477, 53.121826), (-45.174683, -20.787477, 45.17681), (-53.12015, -20.787477, 35.495712), (-59.024284, -20.787477, 24.45056), (-62.660194, -20.787477, 12.465806), (-63.888153, -20.787477, 0.0020071056), (-62.660976, -20.787477, -12.461869), (-59.02582, -20.787477, -24.446852), (-53.122383, -20.787477, -35.492374), (-45.17752, -20.787477, -45.173973), (-35.496548, -20.787477, -53.119595), (-24.451488, -20.787477, -59.023903), (-12.46679, -20.787477, -62.659996), (-0.0030106583, -20.787477, -63.888153), (12.460885, -20.787477, -62.66117), (24.445925, -20.787477, -59.026207), (35.49154, -20.787477, -53.12294), (45.173264, -20.787477, -45.17823), (53.119038, -20.787477, -35.497383), (59.023518, -20.787477, -24.452415), (62.6598, -20.787477, -12.467774), (63.888153, -20.787477, -1.5648085e-14), (67.6767, -17.678642, 0), (66.376335, -17.678642, 13.202938), (62.52522, -17.678642, 25.898506), (56.27134, -17.678642, 37.598827), (47.855026, -17.678642, 47.854275), (37.599712, -17.678642, 56.27075), (25.899488, -17.678642, 62.52481), (13.203981, -17.678642, 66.37613), (0.001063063, -17.678642, 67.6767), (-13.201896, -17.678642, 66.37654), (-25.897524, -17.678642, 62.525623), (-37.597942, -17.678642, 56.27193), (-47.853523, -17.678642, 47.855778), (-56.270157, -17.678642, 37.600594), (-62.524403, -17.678642, 25.900469), (-66.37592, -17.678642, 13.205024), (-67.6767, -17.678642, 0.002126126), (-66.37675, -17.678642, -13.200853), (-62.52603, -17.678642, -25.896542), (-56.272522, -17.678642, -37.59706), (-47.85653, -17.678642, -47.85277), (-37.60148, -17.678642, -56.269566), (-25.901451, -17.678642, -62.524), (-13.206066, -17.678642, -66.37571), (-0.0031891891, -17.678642, -67.6767), (13.19981, -17.678642, -66.37695), (25.89556, -17.678642, -62.52644), (37.596176, -17.678642, -56.27311), (47.85202, -17.678642, -47.857285), (56.26898, -17.678642, -37.602364), (62.52359, -17.678642, -25.902433), (66.3755, -17.678642, -13.2071085), (67.6767, -17.678642, -1.657601e-14), (70.78595, -13.890439, 0), (69.42584, -13.890439, 13.809517), (65.3978, -13.890439, 27.088354), (58.856598, -13.890439, 39.32622), (50.05362, -13.890439, 50.052834), (39.327145, -13.890439, 58.85598), (27.08938, -13.890439, 65.39737), (13.810608, -13.890439, 69.42563), (0.0011119031, -13.890439, 70.78595), (-13.808427, -13.890439, 69.42606), (-27.087326, -13.890439, 65.398224), (-39.325294, -13.890439, 58.857216), (-50.052044, -13.890439, 50.054405), (-58.855362, -13.890439, 39.328068), (-65.39694, -13.890439, 27.090408), (-69.42541, -13.890439, 13.811698), (-70.78595, -13.890439, 0.0022238062), (-69.42628, -13.890439, -13.807336), (-65.39864, -13.890439, -27.086298), (-58.857834, -13.890439, -39.32437), (-50.05519, -13.890439, -50.051258), (-39.328995, -13.890439, -58.854744), (-27.091434, -13.890439, -65.39652), (-13.812789, -13.890439, -69.42519), (-0.0033357092, -13.890439, -70.78595), (13.806246, -13.890439, -69.4265), (27.085272, -13.890439, -65.39907), (39.323444, -13.890439, -58.85845), (50.050472, -13.890439, -50.055977), (58.854126, -13.890439, -39.329918), (65.396095, -13.890439, -27.092463), (69.42498, -13.890439, -13.813879), (70.78595, -13.890439, -1.7337557e-14), (73.09643, -9.568446, 0), (71.691925, -9.568446, 14.260264), (67.5324, -9.568446, 27.972525), (60.777695, -9.568446, 40.60984), (51.68738, -9.568446, 51.686573), (40.610794, -9.568446, 60.777058), (27.973587, -9.568446, 67.53196), (14.261391, -9.568446, 71.6917), (0.0011481959, -9.568446, 73.09643), (-14.259138, -9.568446, 71.69215), (-27.971464, -9.568446, 67.53284), (-40.608887, -9.568446, 60.77833), (-51.68576, -9.568446, 51.688194), (-60.77642, -9.568446, 40.611748), (-67.531525, -9.568446, 27.974648), (-71.691475, -9.568446, 14.262517), (-73.09643, -9.568446, 0.0022963919), (-71.692375, -9.568446, -14.258012), (-67.53328, -9.568446, -27.970404), (-60.778973, -9.568446, -40.60793), (-51.689007, -9.568446, -51.684948), (-40.612705, -9.568446, -60.77578), (-27.975708, -9.568446, -67.53108), (-14.263642, -9.568446, -71.69125), (-0.0034445878, -9.568446, -73.09643), (14.256886, -9.568446, -71.6926), (27.969343, -9.568446, -67.53372), (40.606976, -9.568446, -60.77961), (51.684135, -9.568446, -51.68982), (60.775143, -9.568446, -40.61366), (67.53064, -9.568446, -27.976768), (71.69103, -9.568446, -14.264769), (73.09643, -9.568446, -1.7903461e-14), (74.51933, -4.8787503, 0), (73.087494, -4.8787503, 14.537858), (68.847, -4.8787503, 28.517044), (61.960808, -4.8787503, 41.40036), (52.693542, -4.8787503, 52.692715), (41.401333, -4.8787503, 61.960155), (28.518126, -4.8787503, 68.84655), (14.539005, -4.8787503, 73.087265), (0.001170547, -4.8787503, 74.51933), (-14.53671, -4.8787503, 73.08772), (-28.515963, -4.8787503, 68.84745), (-41.399387, -4.8787503, 61.961456), (-52.691887, -4.8787503, 52.69437), (-61.959507, -4.8787503, 41.402306), (-68.84611, -4.8787503, 28.519207), (-73.087036, -4.8787503, 14.5401535), (-74.51933, -4.8787503, 0.002341094), (-73.08795, -4.8787503, -14.535562), (-68.84789, -4.8787503, -28.514881), (-61.96211, -4.8787503, -41.398415), (-52.695198, -4.8787503, -52.69106), (-41.40328, -4.8787503, -61.958855), (-28.520288, -4.8787503, -68.84566), (-14.541302, -4.8787503, -73.08681), (-0.003511641, -4.8787503, -74.51933), (14.534413, -4.8787503, -73.08818), (28.5138, -4.8787503, -68.84834), (41.397438, -4.8787503, -61.962757), (52.69023, -4.8787503, -52.696026), (61.958206, -4.8787503, -41.40425), (68.84521, -4.8787503, -28.52137), (73.08658, -4.8787503, -14.54245), (74.51933, -4.8787503, -1.8251973e-14), (75, -6.1232338e-15, 0), (73.55892, -6.1232338e-15, 14.63163), (69.29108, -6.1232338e-15, 28.700985), (62.360466, -6.1232338e-15, 41.6674), (53.033424, -6.1232338e-15, 53.032593), (41.66838, -6.1232338e-15, 62.359814), (28.702074, -6.1232338e-15, 69.29063), (14.632785, -6.1232338e-15, 73.55869), (0.0011780972, -6.1232338e-15, 75), (-14.630474, -6.1232338e-15, 73.55916), (-28.699898, -6.1232338e-15, 69.29153), (-41.66642, -6.1232338e-15, 62.361122), (-53.031757, -6.1232338e-15, 53.03426), (-62.359158, -6.1232338e-15, 41.66936), (-69.29018, -6.1232338e-15, 28.703161), (-73.558464, -6.1232338e-15, 14.633941), (-75, -6.1232338e-15, 0.0023561944), (-73.55939, -6.1232338e-15, -14.629319), (-69.29198, -6.1232338e-15, -28.698809), (-62.361774, -6.1232338e-15, -41.66544), (-53.03509, -6.1232338e-15, -53.030926), (-41.670338, -6.1232338e-15, -62.3585), (-28.70425, -6.1232338e-15, -69.28973), (-14.635097, -6.1232338e-15, -73.558235), (-0.0035342916, -6.1232338e-15, -75), (14.628163, -6.1232338e-15, -73.559616), (28.69772, -6.1232338e-15, -69.29243), (41.664463, -6.1232338e-15, -62.36243), (53.030094, -6.1232338e-15, -53.035923), (62.35785, -6.1232338e-15, -41.671318), (69.289276, -6.1232338e-15, -28.70534), (73.55801, -6.1232338e-15, -14.636251), (75, -6.1232338e-15, -1.8369702e-14)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 float2[] primvars:st = [(1, 0), (1, 0.031249687), (0.9687503, 0.031249687), (0.9687503, 0), (0.9687503, 0), (0.9687503, 0.031249687), (0.9375006, 0.031249687), (0.9375006, 0), (0.9375006, 0), (0.9375006, 0.031249687), (0.90625095, 0.031249687), (0.90625095, 0), (0.90625095, 0), (0.90625095, 0.031249687), (0.87500125, 0.031249687), (0.87500125, 0), (0.87500125, 0), 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-49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (0, -50, 0), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (0, -50, 0), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (0, -50, 0), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (0, -50, 0), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (0, -50, 0), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (0, -50, 0), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, -50, 0), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, -50, 0), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, -50, 0), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, -50, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (25, -35.35534, 25), (25, -35.35534, 25), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (25, 35.35534, -25), (25, 35.35534, -25), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (0, 50, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (0, 50, 0), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (0, 50, 0), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (0, 50, 0), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (0, 50, 0), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, 49.039265, -9.754516), (0, 50, 0), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, -9.567086), (0, 50, 0), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, -9.011998), (0, 50, 0), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, -8.110583), (0, 50, 0), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, -6.8974843), (0, 50, 0), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), (0, 50, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (0, 50, 0), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(0, -50, 0), (9.754516, -49.039265, 0), (9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, -49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, -49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, -49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, -49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, -49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (-6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (-5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (-3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (-1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (-1.7918755e-15, -49.039265, -9.754516), (1.9030117, -49.039265, -9.567086), (3.7328918, -49.039265, -9.011998), (5.4193187, -49.039265, -8.110583), (6.8974843, -49.039265, -6.8974843), (8.110583, -49.039265, -5.4193187), (9.011998, -49.039265, -3.7328918), (9.567086, -49.039265, -1.9030117), (19.134172, -46.193977, 0), (18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, -46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, -46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, -46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, -46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, -46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, -46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, -46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, -46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, -46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, -46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, -46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, -46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, -46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, -46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, -46.193977, -3.7328918), (27.778511, -41.573483, 0), (27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, -41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, -41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, -41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, -41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, -41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, -41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, -41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, -41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, -41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, -41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, -41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, -41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, -41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, -41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, -41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, -41.573483, -5.4193187), (35.35534, -35.35534, 0), (34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (25, -35.35534, 25), (19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, -35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, -35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, -35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, -35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, -35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, -35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, -35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, -35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, -35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, -35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, -35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, -35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, -35.35534, -29.39689), (25, -35.35534, -25), (29.39689, -35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, -35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, -35.35534, -6.8974843), (41.573483, -27.778511, 0), (40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, -27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, -27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, -27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, -27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, -27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, -27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, -27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, -27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, -27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, -27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, -27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, -27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, -27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, -27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, -27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, -27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, -27.778511, -8.110583), (46.193977, -19.134172, 0), (45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, -19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, -19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, -19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, -19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, -19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, -19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, -19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, -19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, -19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, -19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, -19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, -19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, -19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, -19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, -19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, -19.134172, -9.011998), (49.039265, -9.754516, 0), (48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, -9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, -9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, -9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, -9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, -9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, -9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, -9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, -9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, -9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, -9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, -9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, -9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, -9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, -9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, -9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, -9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, -9.754516, -9.567086), (50, 0, 0), (49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (3.0616169e-15, 0, 50), (-9.754516, 0, 49.039265), (-19.134172, 0, 46.193977), (-27.778511, 0, 41.573483), (-35.35534, 0, 35.35534), (-41.573483, 0, 27.778511), (-46.193977, 0, 19.134172), (-49.039265, 0, 9.754516), (-50, 0, 6.1232338e-15), (-49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (-46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (-41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (-19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (-9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (-9.184851e-15, 0, -50), (9.754516, 0, -49.039265), (19.134172, 0, -46.193977), (27.778511, 0, -41.573483), (35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (41.573483, 0, -27.778511), (46.193977, 0, -19.134172), (49.039265, 0, -9.754516), (49.039265, 9.754516, 0), (48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (3.002789e-15, 9.754516, 49.039265), (-9.567086, 9.754516, 48.09699), (-18.766514, 9.754516, 45.306374), (-27.244755, 9.754516, 40.77466), (-34.675995, 9.754516, 34.675995), (-40.77466, 9.754516, 27.244755), (-45.306374, 9.754516, 18.766514), (-48.09699, 9.754516, 9.567086), (-49.039265, 9.754516, 6.005578e-15), (-48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (-45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (-40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (-34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (-27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (-18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (-9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (-9.0083665e-15, 9.754516, -49.039265), (9.567086, 9.754516, -48.09699), (18.766514, 9.754516, -45.306374), (27.244755, 9.754516, -40.77466), (34.675995, 9.754516, -34.675995), (40.77466, 9.754516, -27.244755), (45.306374, 9.754516, -18.766514), (48.09699, 9.754516, -9.567086), (46.193977, 19.134172, 0), (45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (2.8285653e-15, 19.134172, 46.193977), (-9.011998, 19.134172, 45.306374), (-17.67767, 19.134172, 42.67767), (-25.663998, 19.134172, 38.408886), (-32.664074, 19.134172, 32.664074), (-38.408886, 19.134172, 25.663998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, 17.67767), (-45.306374, 19.134172, 9.011998), (-46.193977, 19.134172, 5.6571306e-15), (-45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (-42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (-38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (-32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (-25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (-17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (-9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (-8.4856955e-15, 19.134172, -46.193977), (9.011998, 19.134172, -45.306374), (17.67767, 19.134172, -42.67767), (25.663998, 19.134172, -38.408886), (32.664074, 19.134172, -32.664074), (38.408886, 19.134172, -25.663998), (42.67767, 19.134172, -17.67767), (45.306374, 19.134172, -9.011998), (41.573483, 27.778511, 0), (40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (2.5456415e-15, 27.778511, 41.573483), (-8.110583, 27.778511, 40.77466), (-15.909482, 27.778511, 38.408886), (-23.096989, 27.778511, 34.567085), (-29.39689, 27.778511, 29.39689), (-34.567085, 27.778511, 23.096989), (-38.408886, 27.778511, 15.909482), (-40.77466, 27.778511, 8.110583), (-41.573483, 27.778511, 5.091283e-15), (-40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (-38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (-34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (-29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (-23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (-15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (-8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (-7.6369244e-15, 27.778511, -41.573483), (8.110583, 27.778511, -40.77466), (15.909482, 27.778511, -38.408886), (23.096989, 27.778511, -34.567085), (29.39689, 27.778511, -29.39689), (34.567085, 27.778511, -23.096989), (38.408886, 27.778511, -15.909482), (40.77466, 27.778511, -8.110583), (35.35534, 35.35534, 0), (34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (25, 35.35534, 25), (19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (2.1648902e-15, 35.35534, 35.35534), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, 34.675995), (-13.529902, 35.35534, 32.664074), (-19.642374, 35.35534, 29.39689), (-25, 35.35534, 25), (-29.39689, 35.35534, 19.642374), (-32.664074, 35.35534, 13.529902), (-34.675995, 35.35534, 6.8974843), (-35.35534, 35.35534, 4.3297804e-15), (-34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (-32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (-29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (-25, 35.35534, -25), (-19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (-13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (-6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (-6.4946704e-15, 35.35534, -35.35534), (6.8974843, 35.35534, -34.675995), (13.529902, 35.35534, -32.664074), (19.642374, 35.35534, -29.39689), (25, 35.35534, -25), (29.39689, 35.35534, -19.642374), (32.664074, 35.35534, -13.529902), (34.675995, 35.35534, -6.8974843), (27.778511, 41.573483, 0), (27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (1.7009433e-15, 41.573483, 27.778511), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, 27.244755), (-10.630376, 41.573483, 25.663998), (-15.432914, 41.573483, 23.096989), (-19.642374, 41.573483, 19.642374), (-23.096989, 41.573483, 15.432914), (-25.663998, 41.573483, 10.630376), (-27.244755, 41.573483, 5.4193187), (-27.778511, 41.573483, 3.4018865e-15), (-27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (-25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (-23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (-19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (-15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (-10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (-5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (-5.1028297e-15, 41.573483, -27.778511), (5.4193187, 41.573483, -27.244755), (10.630376, 41.573483, -25.663998), (15.432914, 41.573483, -23.096989), (19.642374, 41.573483, -19.642374), (23.096989, 41.573483, -15.432914), (25.663998, 41.573483, -10.630376), (27.244755, 41.573483, -5.4193187), (19.134172, 46.193977, 0), (18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (1.1716301e-15, 46.193977, 19.134172), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, 18.766514), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, 17.67767), (-10.630376, 46.193977, 15.909482), (-13.529902, 46.193977, 13.529902), (-15.909482, 46.193977, 10.630376), (-17.67767, 46.193977, 7.3223305), (-18.766514, 46.193977, 3.7328918), (-19.134172, 46.193977, 2.3432601e-15), (-18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (-17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (-15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (-13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (-10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (-7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (-3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (-3.5148903e-15, 46.193977, -19.134172), (3.7328918, 46.193977, -18.766514), (7.3223305, 46.193977, -17.67767), (10.630376, 46.193977, -15.909482), (13.529902, 46.193977, -13.529902), (15.909482, 46.193977, -10.630376), (17.67767, 46.193977, -7.3223305), (18.766514, 46.193977, -3.7328918), (9.754516, 49.039265, 0), (9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (5.9729185e-16, 49.039265, 9.754516), (-1.9030117, 49.039265, 9.567086), (-3.7328918, 49.039265, 9.011998), (-5.4193187, 49.039265, 8.110583), (-6.8974843, 49.039265, 6.8974843), (-8.110583, 49.039265, 5.4193187), (-9.011998, 49.039265, 3.7328918), (-9.567086, 49.039265, 1.9030117), (-9.754516, 49.039265, 1.1945837e-15), (-9.567086, 49.039265, -1.9030117), (-9.011998, 49.039265, -3.7328918), (-8.110583, 49.039265, -5.4193187), 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0.9375), (0.28125, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.21875, 0.9375), (0.25, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.1875, 0.9375), (0.21875, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.15625, 0.9375), (0.1875, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.125, 0.9375), (0.15625, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.09375, 0.9375), (0.125, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.0625, 0.9375), (0.09375, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0.03125, 0.9375), (0.0625, 0.9375), (0.5, 1), (0, 0.9375), (0.03125, 0.9375)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none" token visibility = "invisible" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (1, -35, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.01, 0.15, 0.15) double3 xformOp:translate = (-1.9053801949571252, -5.012293867322313, 27.24710305962363) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } } } } } def Scope "Looks" { def Material "Plastic" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Plastic/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Plastic/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Plastic/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Plastics/Plastic.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Plastic" token outputs:out } } def Material "Plastic_01" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Plastic_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Plastic_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Plastic_01/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Plastics/Plastic.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Plastic" token outputs:out } } def Material "Tinted_Glass_R02" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Glass/Tinted_Glass_R02.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Tinted_Glass_R02" token outputs:out } } def Material "Tinted_Glass_R02_01" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Tinted_Glass_R02_01/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Glass/Tinted_Glass_R02.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Tinted_Glass_R02" token outputs:out } } def Material "Cloth_Black" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Textiles/Cloth_Black.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Cloth_Black" token outputs:out } } def Material "Cloth_Black_01" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_01/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Textiles/Cloth_Black.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Cloth_Black" token outputs:out } } def Material "Cloth_Black_02" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_02/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_02/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Cloth_Black_02/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Textiles/Cloth_Black.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Cloth_Black" token outputs:out } } def Material "Linen_Blue" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Textiles/Linen_Blue.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Linen_Blue" token outputs:out } } def Material "Linen_Blue_01" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue_01/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue_01/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Textiles/Linen_Blue.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Linen_Blue" token outputs:out } } def Material "Linen_Blue_02" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue_02/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue_02/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Blue_02/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @AgentMaterials/Textiles/Linen_Blue.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Linen_Blue" token outputs:out } } } } def Xform "Environment" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def DomeLight "Sky" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"] ) { float colorTemperature = 6250 bool enableColorTemperature = 1 float exposure = 9 float intensity = 1 float shaping:cone:angle = 180 float shaping:cone:softness float shaping:focus color3f shaping:focusTint asset shaping:ies:file asset texture:file = @./Collected_CrowdBob/ token texture:format = "latlong" token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-90, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 305, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def DistantLight "DistantLight" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"] ) { float angle = 2.5 float colorTemperature = 7250 bool enableColorTemperature = 1 float exposure = 10 float intensity = 1 float shaping:cone:angle = 180 float shaping:cone:softness float shaping:focus color3f shaping:focusTint asset shaping:ies:file token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-90, 0, -15) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 305, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } }
#usda 1.0 ( customLayerData = { dictionary cameraSettings = { dictionary Front = { double3 position = (0, 0, 50000) double radius = 500 } dictionary Perspective = { double3 position = (103.71375047007173, 51.95615147329011, 14.547742507718404) double3 target = (-14.06700387613148, -13.80022744459982, -25.91448621078721) } dictionary Right = { double3 position = (-50000, 0, 0) double radius = 500 } dictionary Top = { double3 position = (0, 50000, 0) double radius = 500 } string boundCamera = "/OmniverseKit_Persp" } dictionary navmeshSettings = { double agentHeight = 180 double agentRadius = 20 bool excludeRigidBodies = 1 int ver = 1 double voxelCeiling = 460 } dictionary omni_layer = { string authoring_layer = "./CrowdScene.usda" dictionary muteness = { } } dictionary renderSettings = { bool "rtx:pathtracing:mgpu:autoLoadBalancing:enabled" = 0 double "rtx:post:lensFlares:flareScale" = 0.075 float3 "rtx:sceneDb:ambientLightColor" = (0, 0, 0) } } defaultPrim = "World" endTimeCode = 100 metersPerUnit = 1 startTimeCode = 0 timeCodesPerSecond = 24 upAxis = "Y" ) def Xform "World" { def Scope "Scope" { token visibility = "invisible" def Xform "CrowdBob" ( prepend references = @./CrowdBob.usda@ ) { token visibility = "inherited" } def Xform "CrowdJane" ( prepend references = @./CrowdBob.usda@ ) { over "Looks" { over "Linen_Blue" { over "Shader" { color3f inputs:diffuse_tint = (0.081990406, 0.84942085, 0.20051248) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 1, 1) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Color Tint" doc = "When enabled, this color value is multiplied over the final albedo color" hidden = false ) } } over "Linen_Blue_01" { over "Shader" { color3f inputs:diffuse_tint = (0.08235294, 0.8509804, 0.2) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 1, 1) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Color Tint" doc = "When enabled, this color value is multiplied over the final albedo color" hidden = false ) } } over "Linen_Blue_02" { over "Shader" { color3f inputs:diffuse_tint = (0.08235294, 0.8509804, 0.2) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 1, 1) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Color Tint" doc = "When enabled, this color value is multiplied over the final albedo color" hidden = false ) } } } } } def Xform "Obstacles" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Mesh "Cube" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 7, 5, 4, 5, 1, 0, 6, 2, 3, 7, 4, 0, 2, 6, 5, 7, 3, 1] normal3f[] normals = [(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, -1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5), (0.5, -0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, 0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, -0.5)] float2[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (57.635220175258425, 1, 4.3842230989139495) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 8.333791827879843) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } } def PhysicsScene "physicsScene" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["PhysxSceneAPI"] ) { vector3f physics:gravityDirection = (0, -1, 0) float physics:gravityMagnitude = 9.81 bool physxScene:enableCCD = 1 } def Xform "GroundPlane" { quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def Mesh "CollisionMesh" { uniform bool doubleSided = 0 int[] faceVertexCounts = [4] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3] normal3f[] normals = [(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)] point3f[] points = [(-1, 0, -1), (1, 0, -1), (1, 0, 1), (-1, 0, 1)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] } def Plane "CollisionPlane" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "Y" uniform token purpose = "guide" } } def Xform "CrowdGoals" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Xform "Xform" { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (6.3176958930090095, 6.30961949354969e-12, -9.385301605983656) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } } } def Xform "Environment" { int ground:size = 1400 string ground:type = "On" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def DomeLight "Sky" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"] ) { float colorTemperature = 6250 bool enableColorTemperature = 1 float exposure = 9 float intensity = 1 float shaping:cone:angle = 180 float shaping:cone:softness float shaping:focus color3f shaping:focusTint asset shaping:ies:file asset texture:file = @ token texture:format = "latlong" token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-90, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 305, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def DistantLight "DistantLight" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"] ) { float angle = 2.5 float colorTemperature = 7250 bool enableColorTemperature = 1 float exposure = 10 float intensity = 1 float shaping:cone:angle = 180 float shaping:cone:softness float shaping:focus color3f shaping:focusTint asset shaping:ies:file token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-90, 0, -15) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 305, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def Scope "Looks" { def Material "Grid" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </Environment/Looks/Grid/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </Environment/Looks/Grid/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </Environment/Looks/Grid/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @OmniPBR.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "OmniPBR" float inputs:albedo_add = 0 float inputs:albedo_brightness = 0.52 float inputs:albedo_desaturation = 1 asset inputs:diffuse_texture = @ ( colorSpace = "sRGB" customData = { asset default = @@ } ) bool inputs:project_uvw = 0 float inputs:reflection_roughness_constant = 0.333 float inputs:texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } ) float2 inputs:texture_scale = (0.5, 0.5) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } ) float2 inputs:texture_translate = (0, 0) ( customData = { float2 default = (0, 0) } ) bool inputs:world_or_object = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } ) token outputs:out ( renderType = "material" ) } } } def Mesh "ground" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "PhysxConvexHullCollisionAPI", "PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI", "PhysxCookedDataAPI:convexHull"] ) { float3[] extent = [(-1400, -1400, 0), (1400, 1400, 0)] int[] faceVertexCounts = [4] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 3, 2] rel material:binding = </Environment/Looks/Grid> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) normal3f[] normals = [(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token physics:approximation = "convexHull" bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 int physxConvexHullCollision:hullVertexLimit = 8 uchar[] physxCookedData:convexHull:buffer = [9, 89, 8, 210, 138, 145, 110, 170, 163, 72, 159, 161, 34, 185, 110, 180, 86, 78, 88, 83, 1, 67, 86, 88, 77, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73, 67, 69, 1, 67, 76, 72, 76, 9, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 8, 128, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 196, 0, 0, 47, 196, 18, 2, 123, 63, 0, 0, 47, 196, 0, 0, 47, 196, 111, 18, 3, 186, 0, 0, 47, 68, 0, 0, 47, 196, 111, 18, 3, 186, 0, 0, 47, 196, 0, 0, 47, 68, 111, 18, 3, 186, 0, 0, 47, 68, 0, 0, 47, 68, 111, 18, 3, 58, 88, 189, 191, 52, 88, 189, 63, 53, 0, 0, 128, 191, 111, 18, 131, 185, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 191, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 196, 4, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 128, 191, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 196, 7, 0, 3, 2, 47, 190, 63, 181, 37, 176, 55, 58, 252, 255, 127, 63, 211, 34, 251, 190, 10, 0, 3, 2, 37, 176, 55, 58, 85, 189, 63, 181, 252, 255, 127, 63, 211, 34, 251, 190, 13, 0, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 4, 3, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 4, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 4, 4, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 196, 0, 0, 47, 196, 0, 20, 3, 186, 0, 0, 47, 68, 0, 0, 47, 68, 18, 2, 123, 63, 131, 121, 28, 73, 95, 125, 175, 81, 115, 252, 233, 208, 181, 173, 39, 76, 115, 252, 233, 208, 95, 125, 175, 81, 181, 173, 39, 76, 181, 173, 39, 76, 181, 173, 39, 76, 87, 125, 47, 82, 255, 255, 46, 195, 255, 255, 46, 195, 77, 225, 122, 62, 0, 0, 128, 191, 0, 0, 128, 191, 253, 83, 123, 62, 192, 121, 161, 67, 181, 26, 17, 62, 181, 26, 17, 62] point3f[] points = [(-700, -700, 0), (700, -700, 0), (-700, 700, 0), (700, 700, 0)] bool primvars:isMatteObject = 0 float2[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (14, 0), (14, 14), (0, 14)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none" token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, -90, -90) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } }
mdl 1.5; using ..::Templates::GlassWithVolume import GlassWithVolume; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Tinted_Glass_R02(*) = GlassWithVolume( thin_walled: true, transmission_color: color(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f), roughness_texture: texture_2d(), ior: 1.52f, transmission_color_texture: texture_2d(), roughness_texture_influence: 0.f, roughness: 0.f, reflection_color_texture: texture_2d(), reflection_color: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), depth: 0.0001f, normal_map_texture: texture_2d());
mdl 1.5; import ::tex::*; import GlassUtils::apply_roughness_influence; import GlassUtils::get_color; import GlassUtils::get_volume_absorption; import ::anno::author; import ::anno::copyright_notice; import ::anno::description; import ::anno::display_name; import ::anno::hard_range; import ::anno::in_group; import ::anno::key_words; import ::anno::soft_range; import ::anno::unused; import ::anno::usage; import ::base::tangent_space_normal_texture; import ::base::texture_coordinate_info; import ::df::fresnel_layer; import ::df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf; import ::df::scatter_mode; import ::state::normal; import ::state::texture_coordinate; import ::state::texture_tangent_u; import ::state::texture_tangent_v; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::tex::wrap_mode; export material GlassWithVolume( uniform bool thin_walled = false [[ ::anno::in_group("Material", "", "") ]], uniform color transmission_color = color(1.f, 0.00609700009f, 0.00609700009f) [[ ::anno::in_group("Transmission", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], uniform texture_2d roughness_texture = texture_2d() [[ ::anno::description("The input texture"), ::anno::in_group("Roughness", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], uniform float ior = 1.34100008f [[ ::anno::in_group("Material", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], uniform texture_2d transmission_color_texture = texture_2d() [[ ::anno::description("The input texture"), ::anno::in_group("Transmission", "", "") ]], float roughness_texture_influence = 1.f [[ ::anno::in_group("Roughness", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], float roughness = 0.f [[ ::anno::in_group("Roughness", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], uniform texture_2d reflection_color_texture = texture_2d() [[ ::anno::description("The input texture"), ::anno::in_group("Reflection", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], uniform color reflection_color = color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f) [[ ::anno::in_group("Reflection", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]], float depth = 0.00100000005f [[ ::anno::description("Controls how much light is absorbed through the surface"), ::anno::display_name("Volume Absorption"), ::anno::in_group("Volume", "", ""), ::anno::usage(""), ::anno::soft_range(0.f, 1.f), ::anno::hard_range(0.f, 1000.f) ]], uniform texture_2d normal_map_texture = texture_2d() [[ ::anno::description("The input texture"), ::anno::in_group("Normal Map", "", ""), ::anno::usage("") ]]) = let { bool tmp0 = thin_walled; material_surface tmp1( ::df::fresnel_layer(ior, 1.f, ::df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf(GlassUtils::apply_roughness_influence(roughness_texture, roughness, roughness_texture_influence), GlassUtils::apply_roughness_influence(roughness_texture, roughness, roughness_texture_influence), GlassUtils::get_color(reflection_color_texture, reflection_color), ::state::texture_tangent_u(0), ::df::scatter_reflect, ""), ::df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf(GlassUtils::apply_roughness_influence(roughness_texture, roughness, roughness_texture_influence), GlassUtils::apply_roughness_influence(roughness_texture, roughness, roughness_texture_influence), thin_walled ? GlassUtils::get_color(transmission_color_texture, transmission_color) : color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), ::state::texture_tangent_u(0), ::df::scatter_transmit, ""), ::state::normal()), material_emission(emission: edf(), intensity: color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), mode: intensity_radiant_exitance)); material_surface tmp2 = material_surface(scattering: bsdf(), emission: material_emission(emission: edf(), intensity: color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), mode: intensity_radiant_exitance)); color tmp3 = ior; material_volume tmp4( vdf(), thin_walled ? GlassUtils::get_color(transmission_color_texture, transmission_color) : GlassUtils::get_volume_absorption(depth, GlassUtils::get_color(transmission_color_texture, transmission_color)), color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); material_geometry tmp5( float3(0.f), 1.f, ::base::tangent_space_normal_texture(normal_map_texture, 1.f, false, false, ::base::texture_coordinate_info(::state::texture_coordinate(0), ::state::texture_tangent_u(0), ::state::texture_tangent_v(0)), float2(0.f, 1.f), float2(0.f, 1.f), ::tex::wrap_repeat, ::tex::wrap_repeat, false, 1.f, 0.f)); hair_bsdf tmp6 = hair_bsdf(); } in material( thin_walled: tmp0, surface: tmp1, backface: tmp2, ior: tmp3, volume: tmp4, geometry: tmp5, hair: tmp6);
mdl 1.5; import ::tex::*; import ::math::*; import ::anno::*; import ::base::*; import ::state::*; export float get_float( uniform texture_2d t, float f ){ return ::tex::texture_isvalid(t) ? ::base::file_texture(t, color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), ::base::mono_maximum, ::base::texture_coordinate_info(::state::texture_coordinate(0), ::state::texture_tangent_u(0), ::state::texture_tangent_v(0)), float2(0.f, 1.f), float2(0.f, 1.f), ::tex::wrap_repeat, ::tex::wrap_repeat, false).mono : f; } export color get_color( uniform texture_2d t, color c ){ return ::tex::texture_isvalid(t) ? ::base::file_texture(t, color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), ::base::mono_alpha, ::base::texture_coordinate_info(::state::texture_coordinate(0), ::state::texture_tangent_u(0), ::state::texture_tangent_v(0)), float2(0.f, 1.f), float2(0.f, 1.f), ::tex::wrap_repeat, ::tex::wrap_repeat, false).tint : c; } export float apply_roughness_influence( uniform texture_2d t, float f, float i ){ return ::math::lerp(f, get_float(t, f), i); } export color get_volume_absorption( float absorption = float(0) [[ anno::display_name("Volume Absorption"), anno::description("Controls how much light is absorbed through the surface"), anno::hard_range(0.0,1000.0), anno::soft_range(0.0,1.0) ]], color absorptionColor = color(1) [[ anno::display_name("Absorption Color"), anno::description("Simulates shifts in color when light passes through the surface") ]] ) [[ anno::display_name("Absorption"), anno::description("Provides an absorption coefficient for the volume") ]] { return (absorption>0)? -math::log(math::clamp(absorptionColor, color(0.01), color(0.99)))*absorption*100.0 : color(0); } export color volume_scattering( float scattering = float(0) [[ anno::display_name("Volume Scattering"), anno::description("Controls how much light is scattered through the surface"), anno::hard_range(0.0,1000.0), anno::soft_range(0.0,1.0) ]] ) [[ anno::display_name("Scattering"), anno::description("Provides a scattering coefficient for the volume") ]] { return (scattering>0)? -math::log(color(0.5))*scattering*100.0 : color(0); }
mdl 1.4; import ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR; import ::anno::author; import ::anno::description; import ::anno::display_name; import ::anno::key_words; import ::anno::version; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Cloth_Black(*) = ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.200000003f, 0.200000003f, 0.200000003f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Cloth_Black/Cloth_Black_BaseColor.png" /* tag 2956, version 3373013613 */, ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.5f, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.f, metallic_texture_influence: 1.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Cloth_Black/Cloth_Black_ORM.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.f, 0.100000001f, 0.100000001f), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 40.f, bump_factor: 0.2f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Cloth_Black/Cloth_Black_N.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 1.0f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Cloth_Black/Cloth_Black_DN.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(20.f,20.f));
mdl 1.4; import ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR; import ::anno::author; import ::anno::description; import ::anno::display_name; import ::anno::key_words; import ::anno::version; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Linen_Blue(*) = ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.200000003f, 0.200000003f, 0.200000003f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Blue/Linen_Blue_BaseColor.png" /* tag 2956, version 3373013613 */, ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.5f, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.f, metallic_texture_influence: 1.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Blue/Linen_Blue_ORM.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.f, 0.100000001f, 0.100000001f), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 40.f, bump_factor: 1.f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Blue/Linen_Blue_N.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 1.0f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Blue/Linen_Blue_DN.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(10.f,10.f));
mdl 1.4; using ::OmniPBR import OmniPBR; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Plastic(*) = OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), diffuse_texture: texture_2d(), //"./Plastic/Plastic_BaseColor.png", ::tex::gamma_srgb albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), //0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f reflection_roughness_constant: 0.45, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 0.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.0, metallic_texture_influence: 0.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d(), //"./Plastic/Plastic_ORM.png", ::tex::gamma_linear ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 0.0, bump_factor: 0.5f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d(), //"./Plastic/Plastic_Normal.png", ::tex::gamma_linear detail_bump_factor: 1.f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d(), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(1.f));
[package] # Semantic Versioning is used: version = "0.0.3-alpha" # The title and description fields are primarily for displaying extension info in UI title = "Crowd Simulation" description="An implementation of the Social Forces crowd simulation (it may or may not be correct). There is currently no environment detection. The current implementation is in PhysX. We plan to support more methods in the future, as well as more crowd simulators. Contributions are welcome." # Path (relative to the root) or content of readme markdown file for UI. readme = "docs/" # URL of the extension source repository. repository = "" # One of categories for UI. category = "Create" # Keywords for the extension keywords = ["kit", "example", "crowds", "simulation"] # Icon to show in the extension manager icon = "data/icon.png" # Preview to show in the extension manager preview_image = "data/preview.png" # Use omni.ui to build simple UI [dependencies] "omni.kit.uiapp" = {} # Main python module this extension provides, it will be publicly available as "import siborg.simulate.crowd". [[python.module]] name = "siborg.simulate.crowd" [[test]] # Extra dependencies only to be used during test run dependencies = [ "omni.kit.ui_test" # UI testing extension ] [python.pipapi] use_online_index = true requirements = ["scipy"]
# Changelog The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( ## [1.0.0] - 2021-04-26 - Initial version of extension UI template with a window
# Crowd Simulator A crowd simulator API with a default demo scene. The main python API can be used in a few ways. There is an examples folder showing a few use-cases. Users can also switch between social forces and PAM as the crowds algorithm. The extension will load an populate some demo configuration. It will create an Xform called CrowdGoals. To add a goal for the crowd. Create an xform under the "CrowdGoals". We automatically check for those prims as the method of determing crowd goals. For every additional xform under CrowdGoals, we evenly split the crowd to assign those goals. There are two options for the crowd objects. The default uses geompoints, which is faster and runs its own integration of the forces for position and velocity. It does not interact with any physics in the scene. Alternatively the "Rigid Body" can be used, which creates physical spheres that interact with the scene. Press Play to see the crowd. The default number of demo agents is a 3x3 grid (9 agents). The current simulator in python may struggle above 25 agents, depending on CPU configuration. We plan to support more methods in the future, as well as more crowd simulators. Contributions are welcome.
from omni.kit.scripting import BehaviorScript import socket import numpy as np import math from pxr import Gf import numpy as np import math class Puppet2(BehaviorScript): def on_init(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_init()->{self.prim_path}") # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8881 # Create a UDP socket self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) self.sock.setblocking(0) print("Waiting for data...") def on_destroy(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_destroy()->{self.prim_path}") self.sock = None rot = [0, 0, 0] self.prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').Set(Gf.Vec3d(rot)) def on_play(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_play()->{self.prim_path}") # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8881 # Create a UDP socket self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) self.sock.setblocking(0) # Time interval between sensor readings in seconds self.dt = 0.02 def on_pause(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_pause()->{self.prim_path}") def on_stop(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_stop()->{self.prim_path}") self.on_destroy() def on_update(self, current_time: float, delta_time: float): self.get_data() def get_data(self): # # Receive data from the Arduino data = self.clear_socket_buffer() if data is None: return # Decode the data and split it into Pitch and Roll data = data.decode() device, pitch, roll, yaw = data.split(",") x,y,z = float(roll), float(yaw), 180-float(pitch) rot = [x, y, z] self.prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').Set(Gf.Vec3d(rot)) def clear_socket_buffer(self): # Function to clear the socket's buffer latest_data = None while True: try: # Try to read data from the socket in a non-blocking way latest_data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) except BlockingIOError: # No more data to read (buffer is empty) return latest_data
from omni.kit.scripting import BehaviorScript import socket import numpy as np import math from pxr import Gf import numpy as np import math class Puppet2(BehaviorScript): def on_init(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_init()->{self.prim_path}") # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8882 # Create a UDP socket self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) self.sock.setblocking(0) print("Waiting for data...") def on_destroy(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_destroy()->{self.prim_path}") self.sock = None rot = [0, 0, 0] self.prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').Set(Gf.Vec3d(rot)) def on_play(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_play()->{self.prim_path}") # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8882 # Create a UDP socket self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) self.sock.setblocking(0) # Time interval between sensor readings in seconds self.dt = 0.02 def on_pause(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_pause()->{self.prim_path}") def on_stop(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_stop()->{self.prim_path}") self.on_destroy() def on_update(self, current_time: float, delta_time: float): self.get_data() def get_data(self): # # Receive data from the Arduino data = self.clear_socket_buffer() if data is None: return # Decode the data and split it into Pitch and Roll data = data.decode() device, pitch, roll, yaw = data.split(",") x,y,z = float(roll), float(yaw), 180-float(pitch) rot = [x, y, z] self.prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').Set(Gf.Vec3d(rot)) def clear_socket_buffer(self): # Function to clear the socket's buffer latest_data = None while True: try: # Try to read data from the socket in a non-blocking way latest_data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) except BlockingIOError: # No more data to read (buffer is empty) return latest_data
#include "MadgwickAHRS.h" #include <Arduino_LSM6DSOX.h> #include <WiFiNINA.h> // Code modified from: // // initialize a Madgwick filter: Madgwick filter; // UDP Connection info char ssid[] = "WIFIName"; char pass[] = "secretpassword"; int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; WiFiUDP Udp; // Change which port to use for each device unsigned int localPort = 8882; String deviceID = "2"; float beta = 0.1; // Madgwick filter parameter float q1 = 1, q2 = 0, q3 = 0, q4 = 0; // Quaternion elements // sensor's sample rate is fixed at 104 Hz: const float sensorRate = 104.00; float sax, say, saz, sgx, sgy, sgz; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // attempt to start the IMU: if (!IMU.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize IMU"); // stop here if you can't access the IMU: while (true); } while (status != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: "); Serial.println(ssid); status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); delay(5000); } Serial.println("Connected to WiFi"); Serial.print("Arduino IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Udp.begin(localPort); // start the filter to run at the sample rate: filter.begin(sensorRate); } long nz = 0; float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; void loop() { // values for acceleration and rotation: float xAcc, yAcc, zAcc; float xGyro, yGyro, zGyro; // values for orientation: float roll, pitch, heading; // check if the IMU is ready to read: if (IMU.accelerationAvailable() && IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) { // read accelerometer &and gyrometer: IMU.readAcceleration(xAcc, yAcc, zAcc); IMU.readGyroscope(xGyro, yGyro, zGyro); //initial calibration time nz++; if (nz < 500) { sgz += zGyro; sgx += xGyro; sgy += yGyro; x = sgx / nz; y = sgy / nz; z = sgz / nz; } // update the filter, which computes orientation: filter.updateIMU(xGyro - x, yGyro - y, zGyro - z, xAcc, yAcc, zAcc); roll = filter.getRoll(); pitch = filter.getPitch(); heading = filter.getYaw(); String data = deviceID + "," + String(roll) + "," + String(pitch) + "," + String(heading); Serial.println(data); // Send to the computer Udp.beginPacket("", localPort); Udp.write(data.c_str()); Udp.endPacket(); } }
# arduverse Project files and source code for making a real-time streaming from arduino to omniverse Clone/download the repo. You should be able to just open the usda file in *PuppetScene* folder. To use: - Upload the *UDP_FilteredAngle.ino* file to an arduino (RP2040 is what I used). - Make sure to change the wifi network credentials to your own - Try to run the ** file to make sure the arduino is connecting and sending data - If the udp to python connection is working, you should be able to get the scene running. - To use the base file, in omniverse create a python behavior script on any xform, and attach the script (e.g. **) Open an issue if you have problems. Also if you want to contribute go for it. ![Featured Puppet Image](
import socket # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT1 = 8881 UDP_PORT2 = 8882 # Create a UDP socket sock1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock1.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT1)) sock2.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT2)) sock1.setblocking(0) sock2.setblocking(0) print("Waiting for data...") while True: # Receive data from the Arduino try: data, addr = sock1.recvfrom(1024) print("Received message 1:", data.decode()) except: pass try: data, addr = sock2.recvfrom(1024) print("Received message 2:", data.decode()) except: pass
#usda 1.0 ( customLayerData = { dictionary cameraSettings = { dictionary Front = { double3 position = (-22.575211921138788, 562.0260248857611, 50000) double radius = 921.1857421875 } dictionary Perspective = { double3 position = (694.5164308113116, 524.0538351006744, 1737.7165655951458) double3 target = (-327.8475193569076, 464.2816702162573, -664.7688941709462) } dictionary Right = { double3 position = (-50000, 105.39719580934776, 108.83413664165293) double radius = 574.436962890625 } dictionary Top = { double3 position = (16.28864210697641, 50000, 69.82489920275945) double radius = 322.69619140625 } string boundCamera = "/OmniverseKit_Persp" } dictionary navmeshSettings = { double agentHeight = 180 double agentRadius = 20 bool excludeRigidBodies = 1 int ver = 1 double voxelCeiling = 460 } dictionary omni_layer = { string authoring_layer = "./humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_single.usd" dictionary locked = { } dictionary muteness = { } } dictionary physicsSettings = { int "/persistent/simulation/minFrameRate" = 60 bool "/physics/updateForceSensorsToUsd" = 0 bool "/physics/updateParticlesToUsd" = 0 bool "/physics/updateVelocitiesToUsd" = 0 } int refinementOverrideImplVersion = 0 dictionary renderSettings = { float3 "rtx:debugView:pixelDebug:textColor" = (0, 1e18, 0) float3 "rtx:fog:fogColor" = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75) bool "rtx:pathtracing:mgpu:autoLoadBalancing:enabled" = 0 float3 "rtx:post:backgroundZeroAlpha:backgroundDefaultColor" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:contrast" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:gain" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:gamma" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:offset" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorcorr:saturation" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:blackpoint" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:contrast" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:gain" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:gamma" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:lift" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:multiply" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:offset" = (0, 0, 0) float3 "rtx:post:colorgrad:whitepoint" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:post:lensDistortion:lensFocalLengthArray" = (10, 30, 50) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:anisoFlareFalloffX" = (450, 475, 500) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:anisoFlareFalloffY" = (10, 10, 10) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:cutoffPoint" = (2, 2, 2) double "rtx:post:lensFlares:flareScale" = 0.075 float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:haloFlareFalloff" = (10, 10, 10) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:haloFlareRadius" = (75, 75, 75) float3 "rtx:post:lensFlares:isotropicFlareFalloff" = (50, 50, 50) float3 "rtx:post:tonemap:whitepoint" = (1, 1, 1) float3 "rtx:raytracing:inscattering:singleScatteringAlbedo" = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) float3 "rtx:raytracing:inscattering:transmittanceColor" = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) float3 "rtx:sceneDb:ambientLightColor" = (0, 0, 0) } } defaultPrim = "World" doc = """Generated from Composed Stage of root layer omniverse:// Generated from Composed Stage of root layer omniverse:// Generated from Composed Stage of root layer G:\\ProjectRepos\\iotomni\\humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual.usd """ endTimeCode = 100 metersPerUnit = 0.01 startTimeCode = 0 timeCodesPerSecond = 24 upAxis = "Y" ) def Xform "World" { def PhysicsScene "PhysicsScene" ( prepend apiSchemas = ["PhysxSceneAPI"] ) { vector3f physics:gravityDirection = (0, -1, 0) float physics:gravityMagnitude = 981 float physxScene:bounceThreshold = 1500 uniform token physxScene:broadphaseType = "SAP" uniform token physxScene:collisionSystem = "PCM" bool physxScene:enableGPUDynamics = 0 bool physxScene:enableSceneQuerySupport = 0 bool physxScene:enableStabilization = 1 uint physxScene:gpuMaxNumPartitions = 32 uint physxScene:maxIterationCount = 255 uniform token physxScene:solverType = "TGS" uint physxScene:timeStepsPerSecond = 50 uniform token physxScene:updateType = "Synchronous" } def Xform "Head" ( instanceable = false ) { float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, -90) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0.3091979980468548, 183.13879569801645, 46.00000000000129) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Capsule "Link0" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 0 float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 int physxRigidBody:solverPositionIterationCount = 255 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-396.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsFixedJoint "FixedJoint" { rel physics:body0 = </World/Controller/CentralBox> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link0> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.36098123, -58.915775, 7.947994) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-7.4199705, 0.0000010073214, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.70710677, 0, 0, -0.70710677) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, -6.717943e-8) } } def Capsule "Link1" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] customData = { dictionary physics = { bool localSpaceVelocities = 0 } } ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 0 float physics:density = 0.00005 quatf physics:principalAxes = (0, 0, 0, 0) float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 bool physxRigidBody:disableGravity = 1 bool physxRigidBody:enableGyroscopicForces = 0 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 10 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 10 bool physxRigidBody:solveContact = 0 int physxRigidBody:solverPositionIterationCount = 16 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-383.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysxLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysxJointAPI"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 0 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 0 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 0 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 0 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link0> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link1> uniform bool physics:excludeFromArticulation = 0 point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) float physxJoint:maxJointVelocity = 100 float physxLimit:transX:bounceThreshold = 0 float physxLimit:transX:contactDistance = 0 float physxLimit:transX:damping = 0 float physxLimit:transX:restitution = 0 float physxLimit:transX:stiffness = 0 } } def Capsule "Link2" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 float physxRigidBody:linearDamping = 0 float physxRigidBody:maxContactImpulse = inf float physxRigidBody:maxDepenetrationVelocity = 300 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = inf int physxRigidBody:solverPositionIterationCount = 16 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-370.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link1> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link2> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link3" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 float physxRigidBody:linearDamping = 0 float physxRigidBody:maxContactImpulse = inf float physxRigidBody:maxDepenetrationVelocity = 300 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = inf int physxRigidBody:solverPositionIterationCount = 16 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-357.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link2> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link3> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link4" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-344.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link3> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link4> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link5" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-331.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link4> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link5> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link6" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-318.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link5> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link6> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link7" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 int physxRigidBody:solverPositionIterationCount = 16 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-305.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link6> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link7> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link8" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-292.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link7> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link8> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link9" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-279.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link8> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link9> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link10" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-266.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link9> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link10> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link11" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-253.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link10> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link11> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link12" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-240.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link11> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link12> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link13" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-227.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link12> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link13> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link14" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-214.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link13> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link14> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link15" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-201.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link14> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link15> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link16" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-188.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link15> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link16> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link17" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link16> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link17> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link18" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-162.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link17> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link18> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link19" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-149.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link18> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link19> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link20" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-136.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link19> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link20> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link21" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-123.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link20> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link21> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link22" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link21> rel physics:body1 = </World/Head/Link22> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } } def Xform "L_Hand" ( instanceable = false ) { float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, -90) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (101, 184.44799369606528, 117.00000000000227) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Capsule "Link0" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-396.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsFixedJoint "FixedJoint" { rel physics:body0 = </World/Controller/HandBar> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link0> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (-47.255592, -42.98586, -0.50505507) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-2.856026, -3.3537617e-12, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-1.7114271e-8, 0, 0, 1) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, -6.717943e-8) } } def Capsule "Link1" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-383.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link0> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link1> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link2" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-370.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link1> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link2> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link3" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-357.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link2> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link3> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link4" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-344.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link3> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link4> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link5" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-331.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link4> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link5> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link6" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-318.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link5> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link6> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link7" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-305.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link6> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link7> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link8" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-292.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link7> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link8> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link9" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-279.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link8> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link9> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link10" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-266.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link9> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link10> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link11" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-253.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link10> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link11> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link12" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-240.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link11> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link12> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link13" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-227.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link12> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link13> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link14" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-214.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link13> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link14> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link15" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-201.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link14> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link15> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link16" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-188.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link15> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link16> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link17" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link16> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link17> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link18" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-162.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link17> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link18> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link19" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-149.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link18> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link19> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link20" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-136.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link19> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link20> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link21" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-123.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link20> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link21> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link22" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link21> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link22> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link23" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-97.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link22> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link23> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link24" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-84.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link23> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link24> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link25" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-71.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link24> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Hand/Link25> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } } def Xform "R_Hand" ( instanceable = false ) { float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, -90) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-100.00000000000068, 184.44799369606216, 116.00000000000259) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Capsule "Link0" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-396.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsFixedJoint "FixedJoint" { rel physics:body0 = </World/Controller/HandBar> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link0> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (-49.246002, 44.02541, -5.4611115) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-2.4544597, 2.7569058e-12, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-1.7114271e-8, 0, 0, 1) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, -6.717943e-8) } } def Capsule "Link1" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-383.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link0> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link1> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link2" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-370.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link1> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link2> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link3" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 int physxRigidBody:solverPositionIterationCount = 16 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-357.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link2> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link3> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link4" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-344.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link3> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link4> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link5" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-331.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link4> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link5> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link6" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-318.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link5> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link6> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link7" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-305.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link6> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link7> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link8" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-292.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link7> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link8> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link9" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-279.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link8> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link9> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link10" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-266.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link9> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link10> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link11" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-253.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link10> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link11> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link12" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-240.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link11> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link12> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link13" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-227.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link12> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link13> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link14" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-214.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link13> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link14> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link15" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-201.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link14> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link15> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link16" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-188.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link15> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link16> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link17" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link16> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link17> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link18" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-162.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link17> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link18> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link19" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-149.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link18> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link19> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link20" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-136.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link19> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link20> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link21" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-123.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link20> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link21> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link22" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link21> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link22> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link23" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-97.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link22> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link23> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link24" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-84.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link23> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link24> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link25" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-71.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link24> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Hand/Link25> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } } def Xform "L_Leg" ( instanceable = false ) { float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, -96) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (30.0000000000001, 184.44799369606238, 78.00000000000121) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Capsule "Link0" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-396.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsFixedJoint "FixedJoint" { rel physics:body0 = </World/Controller/LegBar> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link0> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (-46.935463, -45.58174, -7.7015142) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-5.5199633, 0.000007877596, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.052335933, 0, 0, 0.9986295) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 2.2833202e-8) } } def Capsule "Link1" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-383.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link0> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link1> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link2" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-370.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link1> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link2> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link3" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-357.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link2> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link3> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link4" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-344.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link3> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link4> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link5" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-331.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link4> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link5> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link6" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-318.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link5> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link6> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link7" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-305.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link6> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link7> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link8" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-292.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link7> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link8> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link9" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-279.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link8> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link9> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link10" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-266.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link9> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link10> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link11" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-253.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link10> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link11> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link12" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-240.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link11> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link12> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link13" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-227.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link12> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link13> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link14" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-214.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link13> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link14> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link15" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-201.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link14> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link15> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link16" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-188.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link15> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link16> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link17" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link16> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link17> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link18" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-162.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link17> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link18> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link19" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-149.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link18> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link19> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link20" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-136.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link19> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link20> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link21" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-123.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link20> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link21> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link22" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link21> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link22> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link23" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-97.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link22> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link23> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link24" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-84.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link23> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link24> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link25" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-71.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link24> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link25> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link26" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-58.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link25> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link26> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link27" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-45.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link26> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link27> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link28" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-32.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link27> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link28> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link29" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-19.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link28> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link29> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link30" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-6.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link29> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link30> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link31" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (6.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link30> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link31> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link32" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (19.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link31> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link32> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link33" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (32.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link32> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link33> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link34" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (45.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link33> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link34> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link35" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (58.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link34> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link35> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link36" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (71.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link35> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link36> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link37" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (84.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link36> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link37> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link38" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (97.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link37> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link38> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link39" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link38> rel physics:body1 = </World/L_Leg/Link39> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } } def Xform "Controller" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "OmniScriptingAPI"] ) { uniform asset[] omni:scripting:scripts = [@./] ( customData = { dictionary fileExts = { string "*.py" = "Python File" } } ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.856551468372345, 0.1382780522108078, 5.787623882293701) double3 xformOp:translate = (-0.284820853007266, 797.923347685437, 5.284661597215745e-13) double3 xformOp:translate:pivot = (1.9855264447499366, -235.24739807772232, -7.000000000000001) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:translate:pivot", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale", "!invert!xformOp:translate:pivot"] def Mesh "HandBar" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "PhysxConvexHullCollisionAPI", "PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI", "PhysxCookedDataAPI:convexHull"] ) { float3[] extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)] int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 32, 33, 1, 1, 33, 34, 2, 2, 34, 35, 3, 3, 35, 36, 4, 4, 36, 37, 5, 5, 37, 38, 6, 6, 38, 39, 7, 7, 39, 40, 8, 8, 40, 41, 9, 9, 41, 42, 10, 10, 42, 43, 11, 11, 43, 44, 12, 12, 44, 45, 13, 13, 45, 46, 14, 14, 46, 47, 15, 15, 47, 48, 16, 16, 48, 49, 17, 17, 49, 50, 18, 18, 50, 51, 19, 19, 51, 52, 20, 20, 52, 53, 21, 21, 53, 54, 22, 22, 54, 55, 23, 23, 55, 56, 24, 24, 56, 57, 25, 25, 57, 58, 26, 26, 58, 59, 27, 27, 59, 60, 28, 28, 60, 61, 29, 29, 61, 62, 30, 30, 62, 63, 31, 31, 63, 32, 0, 0, 1, 64, 1, 2, 64, 2, 3, 64, 3, 4, 64, 4, 5, 64, 5, 6, 64, 6, 7, 64, 7, 8, 64, 8, 9, 64, 9, 10, 64, 10, 11, 64, 11, 12, 64, 12, 13, 64, 13, 14, 64, 14, 15, 64, 15, 16, 64, 16, 17, 64, 17, 18, 64, 18, 19, 64, 19, 20, 64, 20, 21, 64, 21, 22, 64, 22, 23, 64, 23, 24, 64, 24, 25, 64, 25, 26, 64, 26, 27, 64, 27, 28, 64, 28, 29, 64, 29, 30, 64, 30, 31, 64, 31, 0, 64, 32, 65, 33, 33, 65, 34, 34, 65, 35, 35, 65, 36, 36, 65, 37, 37, 65, 38, 38, 65, 39, 39, 65, 40, 40, 65, 41, 41, 65, 42, 42, 65, 43, 43, 65, 44, 44, 65, 45, 45, 65, 46, 46, 65, 47, 47, 65, 48, 48, 65, 49, 49, 65, 50, 50, 65, 51, 51, 65, 52, 52, 65, 53, 53, 65, 54, 54, 65, 55, 55, 65, 56, 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32, 30, 33, 31, 49, 13, 30, 32, 35, 37, 19, 50, 36, 34, 37, 35, 53, 20, 34, 36, 39, 41, 23, 55, 40, 38, 41, 39, 57, 24, 38, 40, 43, 45, 27, 1, 44, 42, 45, 43, 0, 28, 42, 44, 47, 49, 31, 60, 48, 46, 49, 47, 61, 32, 46, 48, 51, 53, 35, 10, 52, 50, 53, 51, 12, 36, 50, 52, 14, 56, 55, 54, 57, 39, 57, 54, 17, 40, 55, 56, 6, 59, 60, 7, 61, 58, 58, 61, 47, 48, 60, 59, 0, 0, 128, 191, 90, 236, 70, 66, 47, 87, 13, 66, 2, 0, 72, 66, 47, 87, 13, 66] point3f[] points = [(50, -50, 0), (49.03926, -50, 9.754517), (46.193974, -50, 19.13417), (41.57348, -50, 27.778513), (35.35534, -50, 35.35534), (27.778513, -50, 41.57348), (19.13417, -50, 46.193974), (9.754517, -50, 49.03926), (3.061617e-15, -50, 50), (-9.754517, -50, 49.03926), (-19.13417, -50, 46.193974), (-27.778513, -50, 41.57348), (-35.35534, -50, 35.35534), (-41.57348, -50, 27.778513), (-46.193974, -50, 19.13417), (-49.03926, -50, 9.754517), (-50, -50, 6.123234e-15), (-49.03926, -50, -9.754517), (-46.193974, -50, -19.13417), (-41.57348, -50, -27.778513), (-35.35534, -50, -35.35534), (-27.778513, -50, -41.57348), (-19.13417, -50, -46.193974), (-9.754517, -50, -49.03926), (-9.184851e-15, -50, -50), (9.754517, -50, -49.03926), (19.13417, -50, -46.193974), (27.778513, -50, -41.57348), (35.35534, -50, -35.35534), (41.57348, -50, -27.778513), (46.193974, -50, -19.13417), (49.03926, -50, -9.754517), (50, 50, 0), (49.03926, 50, 9.754517), (46.193974, 50, 19.13417), (41.57348, 50, 27.778513), (35.35534, 50, 35.35534), (27.778513, 50, 41.57348), (19.13417, 50, 46.193974), (9.754517, 50, 49.03926), (3.061617e-15, 50, 50), (-9.754517, 50, 49.03926), (-19.13417, 50, 46.193974), (-27.778513, 50, 41.57348), (-35.35534, 50, 35.35534), (-41.57348, 50, 27.778513), (-46.193974, 50, 19.13417), (-49.03926, 50, 9.754517), (-50, 50, 6.123234e-15), (-49.03926, 50, -9.754517), (-46.193974, 50, -19.13417), (-41.57348, 50, -27.778513), (-35.35534, 50, -35.35534), (-27.778513, 50, -41.57348), (-19.13417, 50, -46.193974), (-9.754517, 50, -49.03926), (-9.184851e-15, 50, -50), (9.754517, 50, -49.03926), (19.13417, 50, -46.193974), (27.778513, 50, -41.57348), (35.35534, 50, -35.35534), (41.57348, 50, -27.778513), (46.193974, 50, -19.13417), (49.03926, 50, -9.754517), (0, -50, 0), (0, 50, 0)] float2[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0.03125, 1), (0.03125, 0), (0.03125, 0), (0.03125, 1), (0.0625, 1), (0.0625, 0), (0.0625, 0), (0.0625, 1), (0.09375, 1), (0.09375, 0), (0.09375, 0), (0.09375, 1), (0.125, 1), (0.125, 0), (0.125, 0), (0.125, 1), (0.15625, 1), (0.15625, 0), (0.15625, 0), (0.15625, 1), (0.1875, 1), (0.1875, 0), (0.1875, 0), (0.1875, 1), (0.21875, 1), (0.21875, 0), (0.21875, 0), (0.21875, 1), (0.25, 1), (0.25, 0), (0.25, 0), (0.25, 1), (0.28125, 1), (0.28125, 0), (0.28125, 0), (0.28125, 1), (0.3125, 1), (0.3125, 0), (0.3125, 0), (0.3125, 1), (0.34375, 1), (0.34375, 0), (0.34375, 0), (0.34375, 1), (0.375, 1), (0.375, 0), (0.375, 0), (0.375, 1), (0.40625, 1), (0.40625, 0), (0.40625, 0), (0.40625, 1), (0.4375, 1), (0.4375, 0), 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0, 27.778513), (-41.57348, 0, 27.778513), (-41.57348, 0, 27.778513), (-41.57348, 0, 27.778513), (-46.193974, 0, 19.13417), (-46.193974, 0, 19.13417), (-46.193974, 0, 19.13417), (-46.193974, 0, 19.13417), (-49.03926, 0, 9.754517), (-49.03926, 0, 9.754517), (-49.03926, 0, 9.754517), (-49.03926, 0, 9.754517), (-50, 0, 6.123234e-15), (-50, 0, 6.123234e-15), (-50, 0, 6.123234e-15), (-50, 0, 6.123234e-15), (-49.03926, 0, -9.754517), (-49.03926, 0, -9.754517), (-49.03926, 0, -9.754517), (-49.03926, 0, -9.754517), (-46.193974, 0, -19.13417), (-46.193974, 0, -19.13417), (-46.193974, 0, -19.13417), (-46.193974, 0, -19.13417), (-41.57348, 0, -27.778513), (-41.57348, 0, -27.778513), (-41.57348, 0, -27.778513), (-41.57348, 0, -27.778513), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-35.35534, 0, -35.35534), (-27.778513, 0, -41.57348), (-27.778513, 0, -41.57348), (-27.778513, 0, -41.57348), (-27.778513, 0, -41.57348), (-19.13417, 0, -46.193974), (-19.13417, 0, 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-41.57348), (-19.13417, -50, -46.193974), (-9.754517, -50, -49.03926), (-9.184851e-15, -50, -50), (9.754517, -50, -49.03926), (19.13417, -50, -46.193974), (27.778513, -50, -41.57348), (35.35534, -50, -35.35534), (41.57348, -50, -27.778513), (46.193974, -50, -19.13417), (49.03926, -50, -9.754517), (50, 50, 0), (49.03926, 50, 9.754517), (46.193974, 50, 19.13417), (41.57348, 50, 27.778513), (35.35534, 50, 35.35534), (27.778513, 50, 41.57348), (19.13417, 50, 46.193974), (9.754517, 50, 49.03926), (3.061617e-15, 50, 50), (-9.754517, 50, 49.03926), (-19.13417, 50, 46.193974), (-27.778513, 50, 41.57348), (-35.35534, 50, 35.35534), (-41.57348, 50, 27.778513), (-46.193974, 50, 19.13417), (-49.03926, 50, 9.754517), (-50, 50, 6.123234e-15), (-49.03926, 50, -9.754517), (-46.193974, 50, -19.13417), (-41.57348, 50, -27.778513), (-35.35534, 50, -35.35534), (-27.778513, 50, -41.57348), (-19.13417, 50, -46.193974), (-9.754517, 50, -49.03926), (-9.184851e-15, 50, -50), (9.754517, 50, -49.03926), (19.13417, 50, -46.193974), (27.778513, 50, -41.57348), (35.35534, 50, -35.35534), (41.57348, 50, -27.778513), (46.193974, 50, -19.13417), (49.03926, 50, -9.754517), (0, -50, 0), (0, 50, 0)] float2[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0.03125, 1), (0.03125, 0), (0.03125, 0), (0.03125, 1), (0.0625, 1), (0.0625, 0), (0.0625, 0), (0.0625, 1), (0.09375, 1), (0.09375, 0), (0.09375, 0), (0.09375, 1), (0.125, 1), (0.125, 0), (0.125, 0), (0.125, 1), (0.15625, 1), (0.15625, 0), (0.15625, 0), (0.15625, 1), (0.1875, 1), (0.1875, 0), (0.1875, 0), (0.1875, 1), (0.21875, 1), (0.21875, 0), (0.21875, 0), (0.21875, 1), (0.25, 1), (0.25, 0), (0.25, 0), (0.25, 1), (0.28125, 1), (0.28125, 0), (0.28125, 0), (0.28125, 1), (0.3125, 1), (0.3125, 0), (0.3125, 0), (0.3125, 1), (0.34375, 1), (0.34375, 0), (0.34375, 0), (0.34375, 1), (0.375, 1), (0.375, 0), (0.375, 0), (0.375, 1), (0.40625, 1), (0.40625, 0), (0.40625, 0), (0.40625, 1), (0.4375, 1), (0.4375, 0), (0.4375, 0), (0.4375, 1), (0.46875, 1), (0.46875, 0), 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0), (0.875, 0), (0.90625, 1), (0.875, 0), (0.84375, 0), (0.875, 1), (0.84375, 0), (0.8125, 0), (0.84375, 1), (0.8125, 0), (0.78125, 0), (0.8125, 1), (0.78125, 0), (0.75, 0), (0.78125, 1), (0.75, 0), (0.71875, 0), (0.75, 1), (0.71875, 0), (0.6875, 0), (0.71875, 1), (0.6875, 0), (0.65625, 0), (0.6875, 1), (0.65625, 0), (0.625, 0), (0.65625, 1), (0.625, 0), (0.59375, 0), (0.625, 1), (0.59375, 0), (0.5625, 0), (0.59375, 1), (0.5625, 0), (0.53125, 0), (0.5625, 1), (0.53125, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.53125, 1), (0.5, 0), (0.46875, 0), (0.5, 1), (0.46875, 0), (0.4375, 0), (0.46875, 1), (0.4375, 0), (0.40625, 0), (0.4375, 1), (0.40625, 0), (0.375, 0), (0.40625, 1), (0.375, 0), (0.34375, 0), (0.375, 1), (0.34375, 0), (0.3125, 0), (0.34375, 1), (0.3125, 0), (0.28125, 0), (0.3125, 1), (0.28125, 0), (0.25, 0), (0.28125, 1), (0.25, 0), (0.21875, 0), (0.25, 1), (0.21875, 0), (0.1875, 0), (0.21875, 1), (0.1875, 0), (0.15625, 0), (0.1875, 1), (0.15625, 0), (0.125, 0), (0.15625, 1), (0.125, 0), (0.09375, 0), 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(0.28125, 0), (0.3125, 1), (0.28125, 0), (0.25, 0), (0.28125, 1), (0.25, 0), (0.21875, 0), (0.25, 1), (0.21875, 0), (0.1875, 0), (0.21875, 1), (0.1875, 0), (0.15625, 0), (0.1875, 1), (0.15625, 0), (0.125, 0), (0.15625, 1), (0.125, 0), (0.09375, 0), (0.125, 1), (0.09375, 0), (0.0625, 0), (0.09375, 1), (0.0625, 0), (0.03125, 0), (0.0625, 1), (0.03125, 0), (0, 0), (0.03125, 1)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 90) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.4591853618621826, 1.8253000974655151, 0.03486289456486702) double3 xformOp:translate = (0.8839509410432689, -10.627317348003999, 13.745530410917219) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def Mesh "CentralBox" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "PhysxConvexHullCollisionAPI", "PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI", "PhysxCookedDataAPI:convexHull"] ) { float3[] extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)] int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 7, 5, 4, 5, 1, 0, 6, 2, 3, 7, 4, 0, 2, 6, 5, 7, 3, 1] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Ash> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) normal3f[] normals = [(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, -1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token physics:approximation = "convexHull" bool physics:collisionEnabled = 0 uchar[] physxCookedData:convexHull:buffer = [9, 246, 194, 86, 209, 118, 151, 6, 183, 50, 113, 60, 165, 149, 47, 162, 132, 78, 88, 83, 1, 67, 86, 88, 77, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73, 67, 69, 1, 67, 76, 72, 76, 9, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 12, 128, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 194, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 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0, 0, 7, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 194, 0, 0, 72, 194, 0, 0, 72, 194, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 36, 116, 73, 161, 174, 198, 78, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 128, 161, 174, 198, 78, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 128, 161, 174, 198, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 191, 0, 0, 128, 191, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66, 0, 0, 72, 66] point3f[] points = [(-50, -50, 50), (50, -50, 50), (-50, 50, 50), (50, 50, 50), (-50, -50, -50), (50, -50, -50), (-50, 50, -50), (50, 50, -50)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 float2[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none" token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 0.9999999403953552, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 9.094947017729282e-13, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } } def Xform "R_Leg" ( instanceable = false ) { float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, -84) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-30.000000000000348, 184.44799369606423, 78.00000000000227) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Capsule "Link0" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-396.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsFixedJoint "FixedJoint" { rel physics:body0 = </World/Controller/LegBar> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link0> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (-47.92976, 46.536797, -7.7015142) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-5.318216, 0.000008656007, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-0.052335933, 0, 0, 0.9986295) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, -2.285209e-8) } } def Capsule "Link1" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-383.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link0> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link1> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link2" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-370.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link1> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link2> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link3" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-357.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link2> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link3> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link4" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-344.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link3> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link4> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link5" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-331.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link4> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link5> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link6" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-318.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link5> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link6> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link7" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-305.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link6> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link7> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link8" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-292.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link7> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link8> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link9" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-279.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link8> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link9> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link10" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-266.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link9> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link10> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link11" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-253.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link10> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link11> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link12" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-240.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link11> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link12> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link13" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-227.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link12> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link13> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link14" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-214.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link13> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link14> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link15" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-201.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link14> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link15> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link16" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-188.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link15> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link16> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link17" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link16> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link17> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link18" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-162.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link17> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link18> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link19" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-149.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link18> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link19> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link20" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-136.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link19> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link20> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link21" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-123.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link20> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link21> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link22" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link21> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link22> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link23" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-97.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link22> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link23> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link24" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-84.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link23> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link24> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link25" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-71.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link24> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link25> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link26" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-58.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link25> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link26> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link27" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-45.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link26> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link27> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link28" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-32.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link27> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link28> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link29" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-19.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link28> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link29> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link30" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-6.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link29> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link30> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link31" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (6.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link30> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link31> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link32" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (19.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link31> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link32> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link33" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (32.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link32> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link33> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link34" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (45.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link33> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link34> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link35" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (58.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link34> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link35> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link36" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (71.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link35> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link36> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link37" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (84.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link36> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link37> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link38" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (97.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link37> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link38> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } def Capsule "Link39" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" double height = 10 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) rel material:binding:physics ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) float physics:density = 0.00005 float physxCollision:contactOffset = 2 float physxCollision:restOffset = 0 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)] double radius = 2 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (110.5, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsJoint "SphericalJoint" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsLimitAPI:transX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:transZ", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotX", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotY", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotY", "PhysicsLimitAPI:rotZ", "PhysicsDriveAPI:rotZ"] ) { float drive:rotY:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotY:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotY:physics:type = "force" float drive:rotZ:physics:damping = 10 float drive:rotZ:physics:stiffness = 1 uniform token drive:rotZ:physics:type = "force" float limit:rotX:physics:high = -1 float limit:rotX:physics:low = 1 float limit:rotY:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotY:physics:low = -110 float limit:rotZ:physics:high = 110 float limit:rotZ:physics:low = -110 float limit:transX:physics:high = -1 float limit:transX:physics:low = 1 float limit:transY:physics:high = -1 float limit:transY:physics:low = 1 float limit:transZ:physics:high = -1 float limit:transZ:physics:low = 1 rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link38> rel physics:body1 = </World/R_Leg/Link39> point3f physics:localPos0 = (6, 0, 0) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-6, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0, 0, 0) } } } def Scope "Looks" { def Material "Oak_Planks" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Oak_Planks" float inputs:ao_to_diffuse = 0.06 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "AO" displayName = "AO to diffuse" doc = "Controls the amount of ambient occlusion multiplied against the diffuse color channel" hidden = false ) color3f inputs:diffuse_color_constant = (0.26999998, 0.2, 0.2) ( customData = { float3 default = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Color" doc = "This is the albedo base color" hidden = false ) bool inputs:project_uvw = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable Project UVW Coordinates" doc = "When enabled, UV coordinates will be generated by projecting them from a coordinate system" hidden = false ) float2 inputs:texture_scale = (10, 10) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the texture." hidden = false ) bool inputs:world_or_object = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable World Space" doc = "When enabled, uses world space for projection, otherwise object space is used" hidden = false ) token outputs:out ( renderType = "material" ) } } def Material "Ash" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Ash/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Ash/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Ash/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Ash" float inputs:detail_texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Rotate" doc = "Rotates angle of the detail texture in degrees." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:detail_texture_scale = (0.005, 0.005) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the detail texture." hidden = false ) bool inputs:project_uvw = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable Project UVW Coordinates" doc = "When enabled, UV coordinates will be generated by projecting them from a coordinate system" hidden = false ) float inputs:texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Rotate" doc = "Rotates angle of texture in degrees." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:texture_scale = (0.005, 0.0052) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the texture." hidden = false ) bool inputs:world_or_object = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable World Space" doc = "When enabled, uses world space for projection, otherwise object space is used" hidden = false ) token outputs:out ( renderType = "material" ) } } def Material "Bamboo" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Bamboo/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Bamboo/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Bamboo/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Bamboo" float inputs:albedo_add = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = -1 } } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Add" doc = "Adds a constant value to the diffuse color " hidden = false ) float inputs:albedo_brightness = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Brightness" doc = "Multiplier for the diffuse color " hidden = false ) float inputs:albedo_desaturation = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Desaturation" doc = "Desaturates the diffuse color" hidden = false ) asset inputs:ao_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "AO" displayName = "Ambient Occlusion Map" doc = "The ambient occlusion texture for the material" hidden = false ) float inputs:ao_to_diffuse = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "AO" displayName = "AO to diffuse" doc = "Controls the amount of ambient occlusion multiplied against the diffuse color channel" hidden = false ) float inputs:bump_factor = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Strength" doc = "Strength of normal map" hidden = false ) float inputs:detail_bump_factor = 0.3 ( customData = { float default = 0.3 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Detail Normal Strength" doc = "Strength of the detail normal" hidden = false ) asset inputs:detail_normalmap_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Detail Normal Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:detail_texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Rotate" doc = "Rotates angle of the detail texture in degrees." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:detail_texture_scale = (1, 1) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the detail texture." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:detail_texture_translate = (0, 0) ( customData = { float2 default = (0, 0) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Translate" doc = "Controls the position of the detail texture." hidden = false ) color3f inputs:diffuse_color_constant = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) ( customData = { float3 default = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Color" doc = "This is the albedo base color" hidden = false ) asset inputs:diffuse_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "sRGB" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Map" hidden = false ) color3f inputs:diffuse_tint = (1, 1, 1) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 1, 1) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Color Tint" doc = "When enabled, this color value is multiplied over the final albedo color" hidden = false ) color3f inputs:emissive_color = (1, 0.1, 0.1) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 0.1, 0.1) } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Color" doc = "The emission color" hidden = false ) asset inputs:emissive_color_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "auto" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Color map" doc = "The emissive color texture" hidden = false ) float inputs:emissive_intensity = 40 ( customData = { float default = 40 } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Intensity" doc = "Intensity of the emission" hidden = false ) asset inputs:emissive_mask_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Mask map" doc = "The texture masking the emissive color" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_emission = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Enable Emission" doc = "Enables the emission of light from the material" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_opacity = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Enable Opacity" doc = "Enables the use of cutout opacity" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_opacity_texture = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Enable Opacity Texture" doc = "Enables or disables the usage of the opacity texture map" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_ORM_texture = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 1 } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Enable ORM Texture" doc = "The ORM texture will be used to extract the Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic textures from R,G,B channels" hidden = false ) bool inputs:flip_tangent_u = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Map Flip U Tangent" hidden = false ) bool inputs:flip_tangent_v = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 1 } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Map Flip V Tangent" hidden = false ) float inputs:metallic_constant = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Metallic Amount" doc = "Metallic Material" hidden = false ) asset inputs:metallic_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Metallic Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:metallic_texture_influence = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Metallic Map Influence" doc = "Blends between the constant value and the lookup of the metallic texture" hidden = false ) asset inputs:normalmap_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:opacity_constant = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Amount" doc = "Opacity value between 0 and 1, when Opacity Map is not valid" hidden = false ) int inputs:opacity_mode = 1 ( customData = { int default = 1 } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Mono Source" doc = "Determines how to lookup opacity from the supplied texture. mono_alpha, mono_average, mono_luminance, mono_maximum" hidden = false renderType = "::base::mono_mode" sdrMetadata = { string __SDR__enum_value = "mono_average" string options = "mono_alpha:0|mono_average:1|mono_luminance:2|mono_maximum:3" } ) asset inputs:opacity_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:opacity_threshold = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Threshold" doc = "If 0, use fractional opacity values 'as is'; if > 0, remap opacity values to 1 when >= threshold and to 0 otherwise" hidden = false ) asset inputs:ORM_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "ORM Map" doc = "Texture that has Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic maps stored in their respective R, G and B channels" hidden = false ) bool inputs:project_uvw = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable Project UVW Coordinates" doc = "When enabled, UV coordinates will be generated by projecting them from a coordinate system" hidden = false ) float inputs:reflection_roughness_constant = 0.5 ( customData = { float default = 0.5 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Roughness Amount" doc = "Higher roughness values lead to more blurry reflections" hidden = false ) float inputs:reflection_roughness_texture_influence = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Roughness Map Influence" doc = "Blends between the constant value and the lookup of the roughness texture" hidden = false ) asset inputs:reflectionroughness_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Roughness Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:specular_level = 0.5 ( customData = { float default = 0.5 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Specular" doc = "The specular level (intensity) of the material" hidden = false ) float inputs:texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Rotate" doc = "Rotates angle of texture in degrees." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:texture_scale = (1, 1) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the texture." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:texture_translate = (0, 0) ( customData = { float2 default = (0, 0) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Translate" doc = "Controls position of texture." hidden = false ) int inputs:uv_space_index = 0 ( customData = { int default = 0 dictionary range = { int max = 3 int min = 0 } } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "UV Space Index" doc = "UV Space Index." hidden = false ) bool inputs:world_or_object = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable World Space" doc = "When enabled, uses world space for projection, otherwise object space is used" hidden = false ) token outputs:out ( renderType = "material" ) } } def Material "Linen_Beige" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/Looks/Linen_Beige/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "Linen_Beige" float inputs:albedo_add = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = -1 } } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Add" doc = "Adds a constant value to the diffuse color " hidden = false ) float inputs:albedo_brightness = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Brightness" doc = "Multiplier for the diffuse color " hidden = false ) float inputs:albedo_desaturation = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Desaturation" doc = "Desaturates the diffuse color" hidden = false ) asset inputs:ao_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "AO" displayName = "Ambient Occlusion Map" doc = "The ambient occlusion texture for the material" hidden = false ) float inputs:ao_to_diffuse = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "AO" displayName = "AO to diffuse" doc = "Controls the amount of ambient occlusion multiplied against the diffuse color channel" hidden = false ) float inputs:bump_factor = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Strength" doc = "Strength of normal map" hidden = false ) float inputs:detail_bump_factor = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Detail Normal Strength" doc = "Strength of the detail normal" hidden = false ) asset inputs:detail_normalmap_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Detail Normal Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:detail_texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Rotate" doc = "Rotates angle of the detail texture in degrees." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:detail_texture_scale = (1, 1) ( customData = { float2 default = (10, 10) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the detail texture." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:detail_texture_translate = (0, 0) ( customData = { float2 default = (0, 0) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Detail Texture Translate" doc = "Controls the position of the detail texture." hidden = false ) color3f inputs:diffuse_color_constant = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) ( customData = { float3 default = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Color" doc = "This is the albedo base color" hidden = false ) asset inputs:diffuse_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "sRGB" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Albedo Map" hidden = false ) color3f inputs:diffuse_tint = (0.76061773, 0.76061773, 0.7048195) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 1, 1) } displayGroup = "Albedo" displayName = "Color Tint" doc = "When enabled, this color value is multiplied over the final albedo color" hidden = false ) color3f inputs:emissive_color = (1, 0.1, 0.1) ( customData = { float3 default = (1, 0.1, 0.1) } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Color" doc = "The emission color" hidden = false ) asset inputs:emissive_color_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "auto" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Color map" doc = "The emissive color texture" hidden = false ) float inputs:emissive_intensity = 40 ( customData = { float default = 40 } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Intensity" doc = "Intensity of the emission" hidden = false ) asset inputs:emissive_mask_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Emissive Mask map" doc = "The texture masking the emissive color" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_emission = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Emissive" displayName = "Enable Emission" doc = "Enables the emission of light from the material" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_opacity = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Enable Opacity" doc = "Enables the use of cutout opacity" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_opacity_texture = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Enable Opacity Texture" doc = "Enables or disables the usage of the opacity texture map" hidden = false ) bool inputs:enable_ORM_texture = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 1 } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Enable ORM Texture" doc = "The ORM texture will be used to extract the Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic textures from R,G,B channels" hidden = false ) bool inputs:flip_tangent_u = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Map Flip U Tangent" hidden = false ) bool inputs:flip_tangent_v = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 1 } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Map Flip V Tangent" hidden = false ) float inputs:metallic_constant = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Metallic Amount" doc = "Metallic Material" hidden = false ) asset inputs:metallic_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Metallic Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:metallic_texture_influence = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Metallic Map Influence" doc = "Blends between the constant value and the lookup of the metallic texture" hidden = false ) asset inputs:normalmap_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Normal" displayName = "Normal Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:opacity_constant = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Amount" doc = "Opacity value between 0 and 1, when Opacity Map is not valid" hidden = false ) int inputs:opacity_mode = 1 ( customData = { int default = 1 } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Mono Source" doc = "Determines how to lookup opacity from the supplied texture. mono_alpha, mono_average, mono_luminance, mono_maximum" hidden = false renderType = "::base::mono_mode" sdrMetadata = { string __SDR__enum_value = "mono_average" string options = "mono_alpha:0|mono_average:1|mono_luminance:2|mono_maximum:3" } ) asset inputs:opacity_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:opacity_threshold = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Opacity" displayName = "Opacity Threshold" doc = "If 0, use fractional opacity values 'as is'; if > 0, remap opacity values to 1 when >= threshold and to 0 otherwise" hidden = false ) asset inputs:ORM_texture = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @./Collected_humanoid_mesh_joint_linked_modeled_ropes_attached_script_scene_dual/ } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "ORM Map" doc = "Texture that has Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic maps stored in their respective R, G and B channels" hidden = false ) bool inputs:project_uvw = 1 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable Project UVW Coordinates" doc = "When enabled, UV coordinates will be generated by projecting them from a coordinate system" hidden = false ) float inputs:reflection_roughness_constant = 0.5 ( customData = { float default = 0.5 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Roughness Amount" doc = "Higher roughness values lead to more blurry reflections" hidden = false ) float inputs:reflection_roughness_texture_influence = 1 ( customData = { float default = 1 dictionary range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Roughness Map Influence" doc = "Blends between the constant value and the lookup of the roughness texture" hidden = false ) asset inputs:reflectionroughness_texture = @@ ( colorSpace = "raw" customData = { asset default = @@ } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Roughness Map" hidden = false ) float inputs:specular_level = 0.5 ( customData = { float default = 0.5 dictionary soft_range = { float max = 1 float min = 0 } } displayGroup = "Reflectivity" displayName = "Specular" doc = "The specular level (intensity) of the material" hidden = false ) float inputs:texture_rotate = 0 ( customData = { float default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Rotate" doc = "Rotates angle of texture in degrees." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:texture_scale = (1, 1) ( customData = { float2 default = (1, 1) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Tiling" doc = "Controls the repetition of the texture." hidden = false ) float2 inputs:texture_translate = (0, 0) ( customData = { float2 default = (0, 0) } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Texture Translate" doc = "Controls position of texture." hidden = false ) int inputs:uv_space_index = 0 ( customData = { int default = 0 dictionary range = { int max = 3 int min = 0 } } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "UV Space Index" doc = "UV Space Index." hidden = false ) bool inputs:world_or_object = 0 ( customData = { bool default = 0 } displayGroup = "UV" displayName = "Enable World Space" doc = "When enabled, uses world space for projection, otherwise object space is used" hidden = false ) token outputs:out ( renderType = "material" ) } } } def Xform "PhysicsDemoSceneBase" ( instanceable = false ) { float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-90, -178.1567, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (10, 10, 10) double3 xformOp:translate = (-2.1875551663665316e-31, 17.067103219115538, -4.833400605306876e-30) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Scope "Looks" { def Material "OmniGlass" { token outputs:mdl:displacement.connect = </World/PhysicsDemoSceneBase/Looks/OmniGlass/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:surface.connect = </World/PhysicsDemoSceneBase/Looks/OmniGlass/Shader.outputs:out> token outputs:mdl:volume.connect = </World/PhysicsDemoSceneBase/Looks/OmniGlass/Shader.outputs:out> def Shader "Shader" { uniform token info:implementationSource = "sourceAsset" uniform asset info:mdl:sourceAsset = @OmniGlass.mdl@ uniform token info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier = "OmniGlass" token outputs:out ( renderType = "material" ) } } } def SphereLight "SphereLightRoom" { float exposure = 0.7 float inputs:intensity = 500009.6 float inputs:radius = 20 float inputs:specular = 1 token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:translate = (30, 500, 523) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate"] } def DomeLight "DomeLightRoom" { color3f inputs:color = (0.5, 0.75, 1) float inputs:intensity = 150 token visibility = "inherited" double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, -9999) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate"] } def Scope "roomScene" { def Scope "colliders" { def Scope "floor" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI"] ) { def Cube "infinitePlane" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.5882353, 0.78431374, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5000000, 5000000, 10) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, -92) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "mainFloorActor" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.5, 0.75, 1.25)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (720, 720, 10) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, -82) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } } def Scope "walls" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI"] ) { def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (95, 20, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (-262.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (95, 20, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (-87.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (95, 20, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (87.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_0_3" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (95, 20, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (262.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorBottom1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (80, 40, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175, -330, -12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorTop1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (80, 30, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175, -330, 108) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorR1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5, 30, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-212.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorL1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5, 30, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-137.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv0_1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (2, 7, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_0_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (70, 7, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175, -330, 28.449996948242188) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_0_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (70, 7, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-175, -330, 66.39999389648438) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorBottom1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (80, 40, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, -12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorTop1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (80, 30, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, 108) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorR1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5, 30, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-37.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorL1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5, 30, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (37.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv0_1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (2, 7, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_0_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (70, 7, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, 28.449996948242188) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_0_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (70, 7, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, 66.39999389648438) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorBottom1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (80, 40, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (175, -330, -12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorTop1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (80, 30, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (175, -330, 108) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorR1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5, 30, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (137.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorL1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (5, 30, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (212.5, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv0_1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (2, 7, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (175, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_0_2_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (70, 7, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (175, -330, 28.449996948242188) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_0_2_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (70, 7, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (175, -330, 66.39999389648438) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "wallActorTop1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (620, 20, 42.5) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, 131.75) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "wallActorBottom1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (620, 20, 42.5) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, -35.75) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "moldingActorBottom1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (600, 40, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, -67) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "moldingActorTop1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (600, 40, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, -330, 163) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (20, 95, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -262.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (20, 95, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -87.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (20, 95, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 87.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowSpacerActor1_1_3" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (20, 95, 125) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 262.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorBottom1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 80, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -175, -12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorTop1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 80, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -175, 108) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorR1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 5, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -212.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorL1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 5, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -137.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv0_1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 2, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -175, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 70, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -175, 28.449996948242188) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 70, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -175, 66.39999389648438) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorBottom1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 80, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, -12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorTop1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 80, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, 108) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorR1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 5, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -37.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorL1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 5, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 37.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv0_1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 2, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 70, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, 28.449996948242188) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 70, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, 66.39999389648438) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorBottom1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 80, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 175, -12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorTop1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 80, 5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 175, 108) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorR1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 5, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 137.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowActorL1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (30, 5, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 212.5, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv0_1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 2, 115) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 175, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_1_2_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 70, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 175, 28.449996948242188) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowDiv1_1_1_2_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (7, 70, 2) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 175, 66.39999389648438) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "wallActorTop1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (20, 620, 42.5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, 131.75) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "wallActorBottom1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.53333336, 0.7490196, 0.59607846)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (20, 620, 42.5) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, -35.75) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "moldingActorBottom1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 600, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, -67) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "moldingActorTop1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 600, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0, 163) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActor0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 40, 210) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActorMoldingBottom0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (60, 60, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -330, -67) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActorMoldingTop0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (60, 60, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -330, 163) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActor1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 40, 210) double3 xformOp:translate = (330, -330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActorMoldingBottom1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (60, 60, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (330, -330, -67) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActorMoldingTop1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (60, 60, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (330, -330, 163) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActor2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (40, 40, 210) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 330, 48) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActorMoldingBottom2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (60, 60, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 330, -67) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "pillarActorMoldingTop2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 1, 1)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (60, 60, 20) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 330, 163) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } } def Scope "windows" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "MaterialBindingAPI"] ) { rel material:binding = </World/PhysicsDemoSceneBase/Looks/OmniGlass> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 def Cube "windowGlassActor1_0_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.078431375, 0.078431375, 0.11764706)] custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (69.86, 4.99, 114.77) double3 xformOp:translate = (-174.92999267578125, -330, 48.11499786376953) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowGlassActor1_0_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.078431375, 0.078431375, 0.11764706)] custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (69.86, 4.99, 114.77) double3 xformOp:translate = (0.07000000029802322, -330, 48.11499786376953) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowGlassActor1_0_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.078431375, 0.078431375, 0.11764706)] custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (69.86, 4.99, 114.77) double3 xformOp:translate = (175.07000732421875, -330, 48.11499786376953) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowGlassActor1_1_0" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.078431375, 0.078431375, 0.11764706)] custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (4.99, 69.86, 114.77) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, -174.92999267578125, 48.11499786376953) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowGlassActor1_1_1" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.078431375, 0.078431375, 0.11764706)] custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (4.99, 69.86, 114.77) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 0.07000000029802322, 48.11499786376953) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "windowGlassActor1_1_2" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.078431375, 0.078431375, 0.11764706)] custom bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 1 double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (4.99, 69.86, 114.77) double3 xformOp:translate = (-330, 175.07000732421875, 48.11499786376953) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } } def Scope "table" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI"] ) { color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.11764706, 0.23529412, 1)] token visibility = "invisible" def Cube "tableTopActor" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.65882355, 0.5568628, 0.46666667)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (200, 100, 10) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, -7) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "tableLeg0Actor" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.65882355, 0.5568628, 0.46666667)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (8, 8, 65) double3 xformOp:translate = (-91, -41, -44.5) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "tableLeg1Actor" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.65882355, 0.5568628, 0.46666667)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (8, 8, 65) double3 xformOp:translate = (-91, 41, -44.5) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "tableLeg2Actor" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.65882355, 0.5568628, 0.46666667)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (8, 8, 65) double3 xformOp:translate = (91, -41, -44.5) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } def Cube "tableLeg3Actor" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.65882355, 0.5568628, 0.46666667)] double size = 1 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (8, 8, 65) double3 xformOp:translate = (91, 41, -44.5) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:scale", "xformOp:orient"] } } } def Scope "renderables" { token visibility = "invisible" def Mesh "groundPlane0" { uniform bool doubleSided = 0 int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 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xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0) float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (-2.1875551663665316e-31, -1.3429638126307069, -4.833400605306876e-30) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } def DomeLight "DomeLight" ( apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"] ) { float exposure = 0 float intensity = 1000012.8 bool normalize = 0 float shaping:cone:angle = 180 float shaping:cone:softness float shaping:focus color3f shaping:focusTint asset shaping:ies:file token texture:format = "latlong" token visibility = "invisible" double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (270, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1) double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] } } def Xform "humanoid" ( apiSchemas = None ) { double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (-90, -90, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (200, 200, 200) double3 xformOp:translate = (1.6486811915683575e-14, 230.68998659866978, 44.23666670779352) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"] def Capsule "upper_waist" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.12, -0.06, -0.06), (0.12, 0.06, 0.06)] double height = 0.11999999731779099 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.05999999865889549 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.70710677, 0, 0, 0.70710677) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.9999999657714589, 0.9999999657714589, 1) float3 xformOp:translate = (-0.01, 0, -0.12) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsRevoluteJoint "RevoluteJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" prepend rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/torso> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/upper_waist> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (3.4228512e-10, 0.009999996, -0.06251228) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-3.0722073e-16, -4.4027977e-9, 0.057487722) quatf physics:localRot0 = (1, 1.7114271e-8, -4.0392058e-16, -4.592167e-16) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -6.717943e-8, 1.0387046e-15, 7.968573e-16) float physics:lowerLimit = 168.40001 float physics:upperLimit = 18.5 } } def Capsule "butt" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.16, -0.09, -0.09), (0.16, 0.09, 0.09)] double height = 0.14000000059604645 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.09000000357627869 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.70710117, -0.002828416, -0.002828416, 0.7071011) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.999999965771459, 0.9999999657684729, 0.999999999997014) float3 xformOp:translate = (-0.029339362, 0, -0.42515865) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] } def Capsule "left_left_foot" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.13247512, -0.027, -0.027), (0.13247512, 0.027, 0.027)] double height = 0.21095024049282074 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.027000000700354576 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.99886525, -0.00018982466, -0.0039954777, 0.047457818) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000000769627, 1.7093335749676934, 0.9999999999970143) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.14569573, 0.10324298, -1.2417644) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "Z" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/left_shin> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_left_foot> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 10 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 3 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.20823716, 0.0076192473, -0.023996381) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.059315998, -1.7402957e-8, 0.025209412) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.70631003, -0.033558015, -0.70631003, 0.033557996) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -1.7206126e-8, -6.874151e-9, -9.600128e-9) } } def Capsule "torso" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.14, -0.07, -0.07), (0.14, 0.07, 0.07)] double height = 0.14000000059604645 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 double radius = 0.07000000029802322 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.70710677, 0, 0, 0.70710677) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.9999999657714589, 0.9999999657714589, 1) float3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/head> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/torso> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (4.626324e-9, 2.2763187e-16, -0.10452765) point3f physics:localPos1 = (3.8598386e-16, -4.6263144e-9, 0.08547241) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.70710677, 1.21016175e-8, 1.21016175e-8, 0.70710677) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -6.717943e-8, -1.2607494e-15, -1.2450902e-15) } } def Capsule "lower_waist" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.12, -0.06, -0.06), (0.12, 0.06, 0.06)] double height = 0.11999999731779099 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.05999999865889549 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.7071054, -0.0014142108, -0.0014142108, 0.70710534) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.999999965771459, 0.999999965771034, 0.999999999999575) float3 xformOp:translate = (-0.01, -4.9303807e-32, -0.26) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint0" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/butt> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/lower_waist> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 5 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 5 point3f physics:localPos0 = (6.9778666e-10, -0.020386104, 0.096486606) point3f physics:localPos1 = (5.3670676e-15, -1.555662e-7, -0.068512514) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.999998, 0.001999996, 6.8456664e-11, 3.2337926e-16) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -2.893216e-10, -2.845536e-16, 3.239292e-16) } def PhysicsRevoluteJoint "RevoluteJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" prepend rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/upper_waist> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/lower_waist> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (2.1607258e-11, 0.0002776865, -0.070008315) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-4.9761834e-14, -0.0000022813322, 0.06999223) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.99999803, -0.0019834419, 3.3945048e-11, -6.041868e-8) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 0.000016554273, -9.103337e-13, 8.2033874e-10) float physics:lowerLimit = 50 float physics:upperLimit = 143.90001 } } def Capsule "right_thigh" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.23007353, -0.06, -0.06), (0.23007353, 0.06, 0.06)] double height = 0.3401470482349396 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.05999999865889549 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.8061833, -0.0031549167, 0.59130055, 0.020547472) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000375112343, 0.9999999999999974, 1.0000000375112317) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.04623651, -0.09499998, -0.6536436) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/butt> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_thigh> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 60 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 60 point3f physics:localPos0 = (-0.100258164, -0.020000054, -0.031222979) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.17885435, -3.4007552e-8, 3.0009744e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.5146995, 0.4997839, 0.4997839, -0.48530042) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -1.7518662e-10, -7.699556e-10, 3.5974953e-8) } def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint0" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Leg/Link39> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_thigh> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (4.8412805, 0.11134226, -1.8839417) point3f physics:localPos1 = (0.17814116, -0.0012425511, 0.062619776) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.9874597, -0.024689341, -0.15085965, -0.039435312) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -2.7305984e-9, 5.1948745e-10, -1.2315547e-8) } } def Capsule "right_shin" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.199, -0.049, -0.049), (0.199, 0.049, 0.049)] double height = 0.30000001192092896 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.04899999871850014 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.70375663, 1.821159e-14, 0.7104411, -1.9766371e-14) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.9999999657684734, 1, 0.9999999657684734) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.10543556, -0.08999998, -1.0083488) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/right_thigh> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_shin> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 70 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 30 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.20351815, -0.0009832453, -0.000028818187) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.17954089, 2.9802183e-10, 8.455963e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.9997839, 0.014699526, 0.00021605063, -0.014699501) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 9.991391e-11, -3.210139e-11, 2.4978293e-8) } } def Capsule "left_thigh" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.23007353, -0.06, -0.06), (0.23007353, 0.06, 0.06)] double height = 0.3401470482349396 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.05999999865889549 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.8061833, 0.0031549165, 0.59130055, -0.020547474) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000375112346, 0.9999999999999974, 1.0000000375112317) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.04559411, 0.09499998, -0.65373963) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/butt> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_thigh> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 60 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 60 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.1004289, -0.020000076, -0.025418501) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.18466125, 5.126955e-8, 5.8343733e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-0.48530045, -0.4997839, -0.49978393, 0.5146995) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 2.757766e-10, -4.363468e-10, -1.3285012e-8) } def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint0" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Leg/Link39> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_thigh> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (4.4416714, -0.47280765, -2.0053635) point3f physics:localPos1 = (0.176032, -0.0003870004, 0.0633833) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.9874597, 0.024689341, -0.15085965, 0.03943526) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -3.15648e-8, -2.511672e-8, -2.1244537e-7) } } def Capsule "left_shin" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.199, -0.049, -0.049), (0.199, 0.049, 0.049)] double height = 0.30000001192092896 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.04899999871850014 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.7099295, 1.0097533e-10, 0.7042727, 9.9980225e-11) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.9999999657684734, 1, 0.9999999657684734) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.108776875, 0.08999998, -1.0086057) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/left_thigh> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_shin> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 70 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 30 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.213185, 0.0012674384, -0.00003727637) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.16986984, -2.9802302e-10, -1.6348377e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.9997839, -0.014699526, 0.00021605135, 0.014699551) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 9.991391e-11, -3.210139e-11, 2.4978293e-8) } } def Capsule "right_upper_arm" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.17856407, -0.04, -0.04), (0.17856407, 0.04, 0.04)] double height = 0.277128130197525 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.03999999910593033 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.8880738, -2.344026e-17, 0.3250576, -0.3250576) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000274927816, 1, 1.0000000274927814) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.08, -0.25, -0.02) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/torso> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_upper_arm> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 60 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 60 point3f physics:localPos0 = (-0.16406032, 0.0059395498, 0.06593957) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.14885175, 8.642119e-8, -2.1533529e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-0.3981126, -0.22985043, -0.22985046, 0.8578135) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -3.527897e-8, -6.442418e-8, -1.3873361e-7) } } def Capsule "right_lower_arm" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.16956407, -0.031, -0.031), (0.16956407, 0.031, 0.031)] double height = 0.277128130197525 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.03099999949336052 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.87745565, 0.18707867, -0.37568983, -0.23222893) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000274927816, 1, 1.0000000274927816) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.2674666, -0.4122792, -0.019615112) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/right_upper_arm> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_lower_arm> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 60 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 60 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.16940957, 0.007592348, 0.0075914008) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.14449693, 2.1429993e-7, -7.515146e-7) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-0.5773502, 1.3498732e-8, 0.5773503, -0.5773503) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -1.4948911e-8, -5.133376e-9, 1.35649545e-8) } } def Sphere "right_hand" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { float3[] extent = [(-0.04, -0.04, -0.04), (0.04, 0.04, 0.04)] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] bool primvars:doNotCastShadows = 0 double radius = 0.03999999910593033 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.82587844, 0.36374828, 0.012394676, -0.43064874) double3 xformOp:scale = (1, 0.9999999999999998, 1) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.36253342, -0.49772084, 0.06961511) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/right_lower_arm> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_hand> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.15588453, 1.3974613e-9, -6.796325e-8) point3f physics:localPos1 = (9.394696e-9, -2.3841857e-9, -7.174489e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.8880738, 1.5626841e-16, 0.3250576, -0.3250576) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 1.110223e-16, -1.2325952e-32, 1.110223e-16) } def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint0" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </World/R_Hand/Link25> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_hand> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (3.4528792, 0.15267181, 0.74334717) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.01208946, 0.022705637, 0.029896328) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.5927486, 0.56172353, -0.5752199, -0.047305778) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 1.3810015e-9, -3.621815e-8, -1.9306013e-8) } } def Capsule "left_upper_arm" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.17856407, -0.04, -0.04), (0.17856407, 0.04, 0.04)] double height = 0.277128130197525 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.03999999910593033 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.8880738, -3.9067102e-17, 0.3250576, 0.3250576) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000274927816, 1.0000000274927816, 1.0000000000000002) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.08, 0.25, -0.02) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/torso> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_upper_arm> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 60 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 60 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.16236147, 0.0076385126, 0.06763817) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.15179417, -8.363798e-8, -2.7227208e-7) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.8578135, 0.22985044, 0.22985044, -0.39811257) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 1.151775e-8, 3.6831962e-9, 1.2114775e-8) } } def Capsule "left_lower_arm" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.16956407, -0.031, -0.031), (0.16956407, 0.031, 0.031)] double height = 0.277128130197525 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.03099999949336052 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.8038198, 0.39174122, -0.15059908, 0.42158332) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000274927818, 0.9999999999999998, 1.0000000274927816) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.26829895, 0.42137083, -0.019615112) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/left_upper_arm> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_lower_arm> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 60 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 30 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.1705359, -0.0053387485, 0.005338526) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.14787668, -3.9249144e-8, -2.0177293e-7) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-0.5773502, -1.296793e-8, 0.5773503, 0.5773503) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 1.296793e-8, -4.602573e-9, -1.40957575e-8) } } def Sphere "left_hand" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { float3[] extent = [(-0.04, -0.04, -0.04), (0.04, 0.04, 0.04)] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.03999999910593033 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.8998435, 0.25980964, 0.25488308, 0.24044785) double3 xformOp:scale = (0.9999999999999994, 0.9999999999999998, 0.9999999999999997) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.36170107, 0.50862914, 0.06961511) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/left_lower_arm> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_hand> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.15588453, -1.3974607e-9, -6.796325e-8) point3f physics:localPos1 = (9.394696e-9, 2.3841857e-9, -7.174489e-8) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.8880738, 1.5626841e-16, 0.3250576, 0.3250576) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 1.110223e-16, -1.2325952e-32, 1.110223e-16) } def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint0" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </World/L_Hand/Link25> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/left_hand> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (3.7159407, 0.090911865, -0.4231186) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.014509173, 0.020102888, 0.029097784) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.816515, 0.013690856, -0.4560559, 0.35373545) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -5.450289e-9, -1.2494229e-8, -1.1804506e-9) } } def Sphere "head" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI"] ) { float3[] extent = [(-0.09, -0.09, -0.09), (0.09, 0.09, 0.09)] rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.09000000357627869 quatf xformOp:orient = (1, 0, 0, 0) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000000000002, 1, 1.0000000000000002) float3 xformOp:translate = (-2.7755576e-17, 4.9303807e-32, 0.19) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "X" rel physics:body0 = </World/Head/Link22> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/head> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf point3f physics:localPos0 = (5.747227, -0.309198, -1.7633324) point3f physics:localPos1 = (4.626322e-9, -2.131804e-17, 0.09600792) quatf physics:localRot0 = (-0.70710677, -7.850462e-17, 0.70710677, -7.850462e-17) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, 1.110223e-16, -1.2325952e-32, 1.110223e-16) } } def Capsule "right_right_foot" ( apiSchemas = ["PhysicsRigidBodyAPI", "PhysxRigidBodyAPI", "PhysicsMassAPI", "PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI"] ) { uniform token axis = "X" float3[] extent = [(-0.13247512, -0.027, -0.027), (0.13247512, 0.027, 0.027)] double height = 0.21095024049282074 rel material:binding = </World/Looks/Oak_Planks> ( bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants" ) bool physics:collisionEnabled = 1 bool physics:kinematicEnabled = 0 float physics:mass = 1 bool physics:rigidBodyEnabled = 1 float physxRigidBody:maxAngularVelocity = 100 float physxRigidBody:maxLinearVelocity = 500 color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.97, 0.38, 0.06)] double radius = 0.027000000700354576 quatf xformOp:orient = (0.9988621, -0.00022431753, 0.004721308, -0.04745767) double3 xformOp:scale = (1.0000000000769629, 1.6643591248642404, 0.9999999999970143) float3 xformOp:translate = (0.13839465, -0.10496982, -1.2355257) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:scale"] def PhysicsSphericalJoint "SphericalJoint" { uniform token physics:axis = "Z" rel physics:body0 = </humanoid/right_shin> rel physics:body1 = </humanoid/right_right_foot> float physics:breakForce = inf float physics:breakTorque = inf float physics:coneAngle0Limit = 10 float physics:coneAngle1Limit = 3 point3f physics:localPos0 = (0.2038142, -0.009142313, -0.026083602) point3f physics:localPos1 = (-0.06146563, 2.237986e-9, 0.023040975) quatf physics:localRot0 = (0.70631003, 0.033558015, -0.70631003, -0.033558026) quatf physics:localRot1 = (1, -4.5383257e-9, -1.549979e-8, -9.944213e-9) } } }
from omni.kit.scripting import BehaviorScript import socket import numpy as np import math from pxr import Gf import numpy as np import math class Puppet2(BehaviorScript): def on_init(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_init()->{self.prim_path}") # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8882 # Create a UDP socket self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) self.sock.setblocking(0) print("Waiting for data...") def on_destroy(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_destroy()->{self.prim_path}") self.sock.close() self.sock = None rot = [0, 0, 0] self.prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').Set(Gf.Vec3d(rot)) def on_play(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_play()->{self.prim_path}") # Set up the server address and port UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8882 # Create a UDP socket self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) self.sock.setblocking(0) # Time interval between sensor readings in seconds self.dt = 0.02 def on_pause(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_pause()->{self.prim_path}") def on_stop(self): print(f"{__class__.__name__}.on_stop()->{self.prim_path}") self.on_destroy() def on_update(self, current_time: float, delta_time: float): self.get_data() def get_data(self): # # Receive data from the Arduino data = self.clear_socket_buffer() if data is None: return # Decode the data and split it into Pitch and Roll data = data.decode() device, pitch, roll, yaw = data.split(",") x,y,z = float(roll), float(yaw), 180-float(pitch) rot = [x, y, z] self.prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').Set(Gf.Vec3d(rot)) def clear_socket_buffer(self): # Function to clear the socket's buffer latest_data = None while True: try: # Try to read data from the socket in a non-blocking way latest_data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) except BlockingIOError: # No more data to read (buffer is empty) return latest_data
mdl 1.4; import ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR; import ::anno::author; import ::anno::description; import ::anno::display_name; import ::anno::key_words; import ::anno::version; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Bamboo(*) [[ ::anno::display_name("Omni PBR "), ::anno::description("Omni PBR, supports ORM textures"), ::anno::version(1, 0, 0, ""), ::anno::author("NVIDIA CORPORATION"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("omni", "PBR", "omniverse", "generic")) ]] = ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.200000003f, 0.200000003f, 0.200000003f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Bamboo/Bamboo_BaseColor.png" /* tag 2739, version 3703676365 */, ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.5f, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.f, metallic_texture_influence: 0.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Bamboo/Bamboo_ORM.png" /* tag 2741, version 397003005 */, ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.f, 0.100000001f, 0.100000001f), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 40.f, bump_factor: 1.f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Bamboo/Bamboo_N.png" /* tag 2743, version 273550734 */, ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 0.300000012f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d(), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(1.f));
mdl 1.4; using ::OmniPBR import OmniPBR; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Ash(*) = OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Ash/Ash_BaseColor.png", ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.000000, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.000000, metallic_texture_influence: 1.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Ash/Ash_ORM.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 0.000000, bump_factor: 1.f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Ash/Ash_Normal.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 0.300000012f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d(), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(1.f));
mdl 1.4; import ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR; import ::anno::author; import ::anno::description; import ::anno::display_name; import ::anno::key_words; import ::anno::version; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Oak_Planks(*) [[ ::anno::display_name("Omni PBR "), ::anno::description("Omni PBR, supports ORM textures"), ::anno::version(1, 0, 0, ""), ::anno::author("NVIDIA CORPORATION"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("omni", "PBR", "omniverse", "generic")) ]] = ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.200000003f, 0.200000003f, 0.200000003f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Oak_Planks/Oak_Planks_BaseColor.png" /* tag 2827, version 331885705 */, ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.5f, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.f, metallic_texture_influence: 0.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Oak_Planks/Oak_Planks_ORM.png" /* tag 2831, version 3383167362 */, ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.f, 0.100000001f, 0.100000001f), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 40.f, bump_factor: 1.f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Oak_Planks/Oak_Planks_N.png" /* tag 2829, version 1811450819 */, ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 0.300000012f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d(), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(1.f));
mdl 1.4; import ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR; import ::anno::author; import ::anno::description; import ::anno::display_name; import ::anno::key_words; import ::anno::version; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Linen_Beige(*) = ::OmniPBR::OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.200000003f, 0.200000003f, 0.200000003f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Beige/Linen_Beige_BaseColor.png" /* tag 2956, version 3373013613 */, ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.5f, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.f, metallic_texture_influence: 1.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Beige/Linen_Beige_ORM.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.f, 0.100000001f, 0.100000001f), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 40.f, bump_factor: 1.f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Beige/Linen_Beige_N.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 1.0f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Linen_Beige/Linen_Beige_DN.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(10.f,10.f));
#!/bin/bash set -e SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE}) cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" exec "tools/packman/" tools/scripts/ $@
@echo off call "%~dp0tools\packman\python.bat" %~dp0tools\scripts\ %* if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto Error ) :Success exit /b 0 :Error exit /b %errorlevel%
# kit-cv-video-example Example Omniverse Kit extension that demonstrates how to stream video (webcam, RTSP, mp4, mov, ) to a dynamic texture using [OpenCV VideoCapture]( and [omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider]( ![demo](./images/demo.gif) For a basic example of how to use `omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider`, please see <>. **WARNING**: This is a prototype and is not necessarily ready for production use. The performance of this example may not meet your performance requirements and is not optimized. This example is a temporary solution until a more mature and optimized streaming solution becomes available in the platform. This example currently only scales to a very limited number of low resolution streams. ## Getting Started - Requires Kit 104.1 >= - Tested in Create 2022.3.1, 2022.3.3 ``` ./link_app.bat --app create ./app/omni.create.bat --/rtx/ecoMode/enabled=false --ext-folder exts --enable ``` Make sure that eco mode is disabled under Render Settings > Raytracing. From the extension UI window, update the URI and click the Create button. A plane prim will be created at (0, 0, 0) with an OmniPBR material containing a dynamic video stream for the albedo texture. The extension should support whatever the OpenCV VideoCapture API supports. Here are a few URIs you can use to test: - Your own web camera: `0` - HLS: `` - RTSP: `rtsp://`
import os import argparse import sys import json import packmanapi import urllib3 def find_omniverse_apps(): http = urllib3.PoolManager() try: r = http.request("GET", "") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed retrieving apps from an Omniverse Launcher, maybe it is not installed?\nError: {e}") sys.exit(1) apps = {} for x in json.loads("utf-8")): latest = x.get("installedVersions", {}).get("latest", "") if latest: for s in x.get("settings", []): if s.get("version", "") == latest: root = s.get("launch", {}).get("root", "") apps[x["slug"]] = (x["name"], root) break return apps def create_link(src, dst): print(f"Creating a link '{src}' -> '{dst}'"), dst) APP_PRIORITIES = ["code", "create", "view"] if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create folder link to Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher") parser.add_argument( "--path", help="Path to Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher, e.g.: 'C:/Users/bob/AppData/Local/ov/pkg/create-2021.3.4'", required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--app", help="Name of Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher, e.g.: 'code', 'create'", required=False ) args = parser.parse_args() path = args.path if not path: print("Path is not specified, looking for Omniverse Apps...") apps = find_omniverse_apps() if len(apps) == 0: print( "Can't find any Omniverse Apps. Use Omniverse Launcher to install one. 'Code' is the recommended app for developers." ) sys.exit(0) print("\nFound following Omniverse Apps:") for i, slug in enumerate(apps): name, root = apps[slug] print(f"{i}: {name} ({slug}) at: '{root}'") if selected_app = if selected_app not in apps: choices = ", ".join(apps.keys()) print(f"Passed app: '{selected_app}' is not found. Specify one of the following found Apps: {choices}") sys.exit(0) else: selected_app = next((x for x in APP_PRIORITIES if x in apps), None) if not selected_app: selected_app = next(iter(apps)) print(f"\nSelected app: {selected_app}") _, path = apps[selected_app] if not os.path.exists(path): print(f"Provided path doesn't exist: {path}") else: SCRIPT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) create_link(f"{SCRIPT_ROOT}/../../app", path) print("Success!")
#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019-2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e PACKMAN_CMD="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/packman" if [ ! -f "$PACKMAN_CMD" ]; then PACKMAN_CMD="${PACKMAN_CMD}.sh" fi source "$PACKMAN_CMD" init export PYTHONPATH="${PM_MODULE_DIR}:${PYTHONPATH}" export PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 # workaround for our python not shipping with certs if [[ -z ${SSL_CERT_DIR:-} ]]; then export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs/ fi "${PM_PYTHON}" -u "$@"
:: Copyright 2019-2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. @echo off setlocal call "%~dp0\packman" init set "PYTHONPATH=%PM_MODULE_DIR%;%PYTHONPATH%" set PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 "%PM_PYTHON%" -u %*
:: Reset errorlevel status (don't inherit from caller) [xxxxxxxxxxx] @call :ECHO_AND_RESET_ERROR :: You can remove the call below if you do your own manual configuration of the dev machines call "%~dp0\bootstrap\configure.bat" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( exit /b %errorlevel% ) :: Everything below is mandatory if not defined PM_PYTHON goto :PYTHON_ENV_ERROR if not defined PM_MODULE goto :MODULE_ENV_ERROR :: Generate temporary path for variable file for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile ^ -File "%~dp0bootstrap\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set PM_VAR_PATH=%%a if %1.==. ( set PM_VAR_PATH_ARG= ) else ( set PM_VAR_PATH_ARG=--var-path="%PM_VAR_PATH%" ) "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%PM_MODULE%" %* %PM_VAR_PATH_ARG% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( exit /b %errorlevel% ) :: Marshall environment variables into the current environment if they have been generated and remove temporary file if exist "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ( for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%PM_VAR_PATH%") do set "%%A" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :VAR_ERROR ) if exist "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ( del /F "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :VAR_ERROR ) set PM_VAR_PATH= goto :eof :: Subroutines below :PYTHON_ENV_ERROR @echo User environment variable PM_PYTHON is not set! Please configure machine for packman or call configure.bat. exit /b 1 :MODULE_ENV_ERROR @echo User environment variable PM_MODULE is not set! Please configure machine for packman or call configure.bat. exit /b 1 :VAR_ERROR @echo Error while processing and setting environment variables! exit /b 1 :ECHO_AND_RESET_ERROR @echo off if /I "%PM_VERBOSITY%"=="debug" ( @echo on ) exit /b 0
<config remotes="cloudfront"> <remote2 name="cloudfront"> <transport actions="download" protocol="https" packageLocation="${name}@${version}" /> </remote2> </config>
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> $out = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Host $out # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIaVwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaSDCCGkQCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCAK+Ewup1N0/mdf # 1l4R58rxyumHgZvTmEhrYTb2Zf0zd6CCCiIwggTTMIIDu6ADAgECAhBi50XpIWUh # PJcfXEkK6hKlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEdMBsGA1UE # ChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlN5bWFudGVjIFRydXN0 # IE5ldHdvcmsxNTAzBgNVBAMTLFN5bWFudGVjIENsYXNzIDMgU0hBMjU2IENvZGUg # U2lnbmluZyBDQSAtIEcyMB4XDTE4MDcwOTAwMDAwMFoXDTIxMDcwOTIzNTk1OVow # gYMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRQwEgYDVQQHDAtT # YW50YSBDbGFyYTEbMBkGA1UECgwSTlZJRElBIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMQ8wDQYDVQQL # DAZJVC1NSVMxGzAZBgNVBAMMEk5WSURJQSBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALEZN63dA47T4i90jZ84CJ/aWUwVtLff8AyP # YspFfIZGdZYiMgdb8A5tBh7653y0G/LZL6CVUkgejcpvBU/Dl/52a+gSWy2qJ2bH # jMFMKCyQDhdpCAKMOUKSC9rfzm4cFeA9ct91LQCAait4LhLlZt/HF7aG+r0FgCZa # HJjJvE7KNY9G4AZXxjSt8CXS8/8NQMANqjLX1r+F+Hl8PzQ1fVx0mMsbdtaIV4Pj # 5flAeTUnz6+dCTx3vTUo8MYtkS2UBaQv7t7H2B7iwJDakEQKk1XHswJdeqG0osDU # z6+NVks7uWE1N8UIhvzbw0FEX/U2kpfyWaB/J3gMl8rVR8idPj8CAwEAAaOCAT4w # ggE6MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUF # BwMDMGEGA1UdIARaMFgwVgYGZ4EMAQQBMEwwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # ZC5zeW1jYi5jb20vY3BzMCUGCCsGAQUFBwICMBkMF2h0dHBzOi8vZC5zeW1jYi5j # b20vcnBhMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFNTABiJJ6zlL3ZPiXKG4R3YJcgNYMCsGA1UdHwQk # MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly9yYi5zeW1jYi5jb20vcmIuY3JsMFcGCCsGAQUFBwEB # BEswSTAfBggrBgEFBQcwAYYTaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNkLmNvbTAmBggrBgEFBQcw # AoYaaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9yYi5jcnQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB # AIJKh5vKJdhHJtMzATmc1BmXIQ3RaJONOZ5jMHn7HOkYU1JP0OIzb4pXXkH8Xwfr # K6bnd72IhcteyksvKsGpSvK0PBBwzodERTAu1Os2N+EaakxQwV/xtqDm1E3IhjHk # fRshyKKzmFk2Ci323J4lHtpWUj5Hz61b8gd72jH7xnihGi+LORJ2uRNZ3YuqMNC3 # SBC8tAyoJqEoTJirULUCXW6wX4XUm5P2sx+htPw7szGblVKbQ+PFinNGnsSEZeKz # D8jUb++1cvgTKH59Y6lm43nsJjkZU77tNqyq4ABwgQRk6lt8cS2PPwjZvTmvdnla # ZhR0K4of+pQaUQHXVIBdji8wggVHMIIEL6ADAgECAhB8GzU1SufbdOdBXxFpymuo # MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIG9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNp # Z24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxOjA4BgNV # BAsTMShjKSAyMDA4IFZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuIC0gRm9yIGF1dGhvcml6ZWQgdXNl # IG9ubHkxODA2BgNVBAMTL1ZlcmlTaWduIFVuaXZlcnNhbCBSb290IENlcnRpZmlj # YXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MB4XDTE0MDcyMjAwMDAwMFoXDTI0MDcyMTIzNTk1OVow # gYQxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1hbnRlYyBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEf # MB0GA1UECxMWU3ltYW50ZWMgVHJ1c3QgTmV0d29yazE1MDMGA1UEAxMsU3ltYW50 # ZWMgQ2xhc3MgMyBTSEEyNTYgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBIC0gRzIwggEiMA0GCSqG # SIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDXlUPU3N9nrjn7UqS2JjEEcOm3jlsqujdp # NZWPu8Aw54bYc7vf69F2P4pWjustS/BXGE6xjaUz0wt1I9VqeSfdo9P3Dodltd6t # HPH1NbQiUa8iocFdS5B/wFlOq515qQLXHkmxO02H/sJ4q7/vUq6crwjZOeWaUT5p # XzAQTnFjbFjh8CAzGw90vlvLEuHbjMSAlHK79kWansElC/ujHJ7YpglwcezAR0yP # fcPeGc4+7gRyjhfT//CyBTIZTNOwHJ/+pXggQnBBsCaMbwDIOgARQXpBsKeKkQSg # 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SIb3DQEJEAIMMRwwGjAYMBYEFOHXgqjhkb7va8oWkbWqtJSmJJvzMC8GCSqGSIb3 # DQEJBDEiBCCHEAmNNj2zWjWYRfEi4FgzZvrI16kv/U2b9b3oHw6UVDANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQEFAASCAQCdefEKh6Qmwx7xGCkrYi/A+/Cla6LdnYJp38eMs3fqTTvjhyDw # HffXrwdqWy5/fgW3o3qJXqa5o7hLxYIoWSULOCpJRGdt+w7XKPAbZqHrN9elAhWJ # vpBTCEaj7dVxr1Ka4NsoPSYe0eidDBmmvGvp02J4Z1j8+ImQPKN6Hv/L8Ixaxe7V # mH4VtXIiBK8xXdi4wzO+A+qLtHEJXz3Gw8Bp3BNtlDGIUkIhVTM3Q1xcSEqhOLqo # PGdwCw9acxdXNWWPjOJkNH656Bvmkml+0p6MTGIeG4JCeRh1Wpqm1ZGSoEcXNaof # wOgj48YzI+dNqBD9i7RSWCqJr2ygYKRTxnuU # SIG # End signature block
:: Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. set PM_PACKMAN_VERSION=6.33.2 :: Specify where packman command is rooted set PM_INSTALL_PATH=%~dp0.. :: The external root may already be configured and we should do minimal work in that case if defined PM_PACKAGES_ROOT goto ENSURE_DIR :: If the folder isn't set we assume that the best place for it is on the drive that we are currently :: running from set PM_DRIVE=%CD:~0,2% set PM_PACKAGES_ROOT=%PM_DRIVE%\packman-repo :: We use *setx* here so that the variable is persisted in the user environment echo Setting user environment variable PM_PACKAGES_ROOT to %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% setx PM_PACKAGES_ROOT %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto ERROR ) :: The above doesn't work properly from a build step in VisualStudio because a separate process is :: spawned for it so it will be lost for subsequent compilation steps - VisualStudio must :: be launched from a new process. We catch this odd-ball case here: if defined PM_DISABLE_VS_WARNING goto ENSURE_DIR if not defined VSLANG goto ENSURE_DIR echo The above is a once-per-computer operation. Unfortunately VisualStudio cannot pick up environment change echo unless *VisualStudio is RELAUNCHED*. echo If you are launching VisualStudio from command line or command line utility make sure echo you have a fresh launch environment (relaunch the command line or utility). echo If you are using 'linkPath' and referring to packages via local folder links you can safely ignore this warning. echo You can disable this warning by setting the environment variable PM_DISABLE_VS_WARNING. echo. :: Check for the directory that we need. Note that mkdir will create any directories :: that may be needed in the path :ENSURE_DIR if not exist "%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%" ( echo Creating directory %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% mkdir "%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto ERROR_MKDIR_PACKAGES_ROOT ) :: The Python interpreter may already be externally configured if defined PM_PYTHON_EXT ( set PM_PYTHON=%PM_PYTHON_EXT% goto PACKMAN ) set PM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.7.9-windows-x86_64 set PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\python set PM_PYTHON_DIR=%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%\%PM_PYTHON_VERSION% set PM_PYTHON=%PM_PYTHON_DIR%\python.exe if exist "%PM_PYTHON%" goto PACKMAN if not exist "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%" call :CREATE_PYTHON_BASE_DIR set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set TEMP_FILE_NAME=%%a set call "%~dp0fetch_file_from_packman_bootstrap.cmd" %PM_PYTHON_PACKAGE% "%TARGET%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching python from CDN !!! goto ERROR ) for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_folder.ps1" -parentPath "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%"') do set TEMP_FOLDER_NAME=%%a echo Unpacking Python interpreter ... "%SystemRoot%\system32\expand.exe" -F:* "%TARGET%" "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" 1> nul del "%TARGET%" :: Failure during extraction to temp folder name, need to clean up and abort if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error unpacking python !!! call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto ERROR ) :: If python has now been installed by a concurrent process we need to clean up and then continue if exist "%PM_PYTHON%" ( call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto PACKMAN ) else ( if exist "%PM_PYTHON_DIR%" ( rd /s /q "%PM_PYTHON_DIR%" > nul ) ) :: Perform atomic rename rename "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" "%PM_PYTHON_VERSION%" 1> nul :: Failure during move, need to clean up and abort if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error renaming python !!! call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto ERROR ) :PACKMAN :: The packman module may already be externally configured if defined PM_MODULE_DIR_EXT ( set PM_MODULE_DIR=%PM_MODULE_DIR_EXT% ) else ( set PM_MODULE_DIR=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\packman-common\%PM_PACKMAN_VERSION% ) set PM_MODULE=%PM_MODULE_DIR%\ if exist "%PM_MODULE%" goto ENSURE_7ZA set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set TEMP_FILE_NAME=%%a set TARGET=%TEMP_FILE_NAME% call "%~dp0fetch_file_from_packman_bootstrap.cmd" %PM_MODULE_PACKAGE% "%TARGET%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching packman from CDN !!! goto ERROR ) echo Unpacking ... "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%~dp0\" "%TARGET%" "%PM_MODULE_DIR%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error unpacking packman !!! goto ERROR ) del "%TARGET%" :ENSURE_7ZA set PM_7Za_VERSION=16.02.4 set PM_7Za_PATH=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\7za\%PM_7ZA_VERSION% if exist "%PM_7Za_PATH%" goto END set PM_7Za_PATH=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\chk\7za\%PM_7ZA_VERSION% if exist "%PM_7Za_PATH%" goto END "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%PM_MODULE%" pull "%PM_MODULE_DIR%\deps.packman.xml" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching packman dependencies !!! goto ERROR ) goto END :ERROR_MKDIR_PACKAGES_ROOT echo Failed to automatically create packman packages repo at %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%. echo Please set a location explicitly that packman has permission to write to, by issuing: echo. echo setx PM_PACKAGES_ROOT {path-you-choose-for-storing-packman-packages-locally} echo. echo Then launch a new command console for the changes to take effect and run packman command again. exit /B %errorlevel% :ERROR echo !!! Failure while configuring local machine :( !!! exit /B %errorlevel% :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER rd /S /Q "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" exit /B :CREATE_PYTHON_BASE_DIR :: We ignore errors and clean error state - if two processes create the directory one will fail which is fine md "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%" > nul 2>&1 exit /B 0 :END
:: Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. :: You need to specify <package-name> <target-path> as input to this command @setlocal @set PACKAGE_NAME=%1 @set TARGET_PATH=%2 @echo Fetching %PACKAGE_NAME% ... @powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0download_file_from_url.ps1" ^ -source "" -output %TARGET_PATH% :: A bug in powershell prevents the errorlevel code from being set when using the -File execution option :: We must therefore do our own failure analysis, basically make sure the file exists and is larger than 0 bytes: @if not exist %TARGET_PATH% goto ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @if %~z2==0 goto ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @endlocal @exit /b 0 :ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @echo Failed to download file from S3 @echo Most likely because endpoint cannot be reached or file %PACKAGE_NAME% doesn't exist @endlocal @exit /b 1
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$source=$null, [string]$output="out.exe" ) $filename = $output $triesLeft = 3 do { $triesLeft -= 1 try { Write-Host "Downloading from ..." $wc = New-Object net.webclient $wc.Downloadfile($source, $fileName) $triesLeft = 0 } catch { Write-Host "Error downloading $source!" Write-Host $_.Exception|format-list -force } } while ($triesLeft -gt 0)
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$parentPath=$null ) [string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $out = Join-Path $parentPath $name New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ($out) | Out-Null Write-Host $out # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIaVwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaSDCCGkQCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCB29nsqMEu+VmSF # 7ckeVTPrEZ6hsXjOgPFlJm9ilgHUB6CCCiIwggTTMIIDu6ADAgECAhBi50XpIWUh # PJcfXEkK6hKlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEdMBsGA1UE # ChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlN5bWFudGVjIFRydXN0 # IE5ldHdvcmsxNTAzBgNVBAMTLFN5bWFudGVjIENsYXNzIDMgU0hBMjU2IENvZGUg # U2lnbmluZyBDQSAtIEcyMB4XDTE4MDcwOTAwMDAwMFoXDTIxMDcwOTIzNTk1OVow # gYMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRQwEgYDVQQHDAtT # YW50YSBDbGFyYTEbMBkGA1UECgwSTlZJRElBIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMQ8wDQYDVQQL # DAZJVC1NSVMxGzAZBgNVBAMMEk5WSURJQSBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALEZN63dA47T4i90jZ84CJ/aWUwVtLff8AyP # YspFfIZGdZYiMgdb8A5tBh7653y0G/LZL6CVUkgejcpvBU/Dl/52a+gSWy2qJ2bH # jMFMKCyQDhdpCAKMOUKSC9rfzm4cFeA9ct91LQCAait4LhLlZt/HF7aG+r0FgCZa # HJjJvE7KNY9G4AZXxjSt8CXS8/8NQMANqjLX1r+F+Hl8PzQ1fVx0mMsbdtaIV4Pj # 5flAeTUnz6+dCTx3vTUo8MYtkS2UBaQv7t7H2B7iwJDakEQKk1XHswJdeqG0osDU # z6+NVks7uWE1N8UIhvzbw0FEX/U2kpfyWaB/J3gMl8rVR8idPj8CAwEAAaOCAT4w # ggE6MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUF # BwMDMGEGA1UdIARaMFgwVgYGZ4EMAQQBMEwwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # ZC5zeW1jYi5jb20vY3BzMCUGCCsGAQUFBwICMBkMF2h0dHBzOi8vZC5zeW1jYi5j # b20vcnBhMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFNTABiJJ6zlL3ZPiXKG4R3YJcgNYMCsGA1UdHwQk # MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly9yYi5zeW1jYi5jb20vcmIuY3JsMFcGCCsGAQUFBwEB # BEswSTAfBggrBgEFBQcwAYYTaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNkLmNvbTAmBggrBgEFBQcw # AoYaaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9yYi5jcnQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB # AIJKh5vKJdhHJtMzATmc1BmXIQ3RaJONOZ5jMHn7HOkYU1JP0OIzb4pXXkH8Xwfr # 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HPH1NbQiUa8iocFdS5B/wFlOq515qQLXHkmxO02H/sJ4q7/vUq6crwjZOeWaUT5p # XzAQTnFjbFjh8CAzGw90vlvLEuHbjMSAlHK79kWansElC/ujHJ7YpglwcezAR0yP # fcPeGc4+7gRyjhfT//CyBTIZTNOwHJ/+pXggQnBBsCaMbwDIOgARQXpBsKeKkQSg # mXj0d7TzYCrmbFAEtxRg/w1R9KiLhP4h2lxeffUpeU+wRHRvbXL/AgMBAAGjggF4 # MIIBdDAuBggrBgEFBQcBAQQiMCAwHgYIKwYBBQUHMAGGEmh0dHA6Ly9zLnN5bWNk # LmNvbTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMGYGA1UdIARfMF0wWwYLYIZIAYb4RQEH # FwMwTDAjBggrBgEFBQcCARYXaHR0cHM6Ly9kLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9jcHMwJQYIKwYB # BQUHAgIwGRoXaHR0cHM6Ly9kLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9ycGEwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmg # J4YlaHR0cDovL3Muc3ltY2IuY29tL3VuaXZlcnNhbC1yb290LmNybDATBgNVHSUE # DDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwKQYDVR0RBCIwIKQeMBwxGjAY # BgNVBAMTEVN5bWFudGVjUEtJLTEtNzI0MB0GA1UdDgQWBBTUwAYiSes5S92T4lyh # uEd2CXIDWDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBS2d/ppSEefUxLVwuoHMnYH0ZcHGTANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAf+vKp+qLdkLrPo4gVDDjt7nc+kg+FscPRZUQzSeGo2bzAu1x # +KrCVZeRcIP5Un5SaTzJ8eCURoAYu6HUpFam8x0AkdWG80iH4MvENGggXrTL+QXt # nK9wUye56D5+UaBpcYvcUe2AOiUyn0SvbkMo0yF1u5fYi4uM/qkERgSF9xWcSxGN # 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chzun3oBc/gZ1v4NSYS9AQIDAQABo4IBuDCCAbQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMAwG # A1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwFgYDVR0lAQH/BAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwgwQQYDVR0gBDowODA2 # BglghkgBhv1sBwEwKTAnBggrBgEFBQcCARYbaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5j # b20vQ1BTMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFPS24SAd/imu0uRhpbKiJbLIFzVuMB0GA1UdDgQW # BBQ2RIaOpLqwZr68KC0dRDbd42p6vDBxBgNVHR8EajBoMDKgMKAuhixodHRwOi8v # Y3JsMy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vc2hhMi1hc3N1cmVkLXRzLmNybDAyoDCgLoYsaHR0 # cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL3NoYTItYXNzdXJlZC10cy5jcmwwgYUGCCsG # AQUFBwEBBHkwdzAkBggrBgEFBQcwAYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29t # ME8GCCsGAQUFBzAChkNodHRwOi8vY2FjZXJ0cy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNl # cnRTSEEyQXNzdXJlZElEVGltZXN0YW1waW5nQ0EuY3J0MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA # A4IBAQBIHNy16ZojvOca5yAOjmdG/UJyUXQKI0ejq5LSJcRwWb4UoOUngaVNFBUZ # B3nw0QTDhtk7vf5EAmZN7WmkD/a4cM9i6PVRSnh5Nnont/PnUp+Tp+1DnnvntN1B # Ion7h6JGA0789P63ZHdjXyNSaYOC+hpT7ZDMjaEXcw3082U5cEvznNZ6e9oMvD0y # 0BvL9WH8dQgAdryBDvjA4VzPxBFy5xtkSdgimnUVQvUtMjiB2vRgorq0Uvtc4GEk # JU+y38kpqHNDUdq9Y9YfW5v3LhtPEx33Sg1xfpe39D+E68Hjo0mh+s6nv1bPull2 # YYlffqe0jmd4+TaY4cso2luHpoovMIIFMTCCBBmgAwIBAgIQCqEl1tYyG35B5AXa # NpfCFTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBlMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGln # aUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMSQwIgYDVQQDExtE # aWdpQ2VydCBBc3N1cmVkIElEIFJvb3QgQ0EwHhcNMTYwMTA3MTIwMDAwWhcNMzEw # MTA3MTIwMDAwWjByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5j # MRkwFwYDVQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhEaWdpQ2VydCBT # SEEyIEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgVGltZXN0YW1waW5nIENBMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF # AAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvdAy7kvNj3/dqbqCmcU5VChXtiNKxA4HRTNREH3Q+X1N # aH7ntqD0jbOI5Je/YyGQmL8TvFfTw+F+CNZqFAA49y4eO+7MpvYyWf5fZT/gm+vj # RkcGGlV+Cyd+wKL1oODeIj8O/36V+/OjuiI+GKwR5PCZA207hXwJ0+5dyJoLVOOo # CXFr4M8iEA91z3FyTgqt30A6XLdR4aF5FMZNJCMwXbzsPGBqrC8HzP3w6kfZiFBe # /WZuVmEnKYmEUeaC50ZQ/ZQqLKfkdT66mA+Ef58xFNat1fJky3seBdCEGXIX8RcG # 7z3N1k3vBkL9olMqT4UdxB08r8/arBD13ays6Vb/kwIDAQABo4IBzjCCAcowHQYD # VR0OBBYEFPS24SAd/imu0uRhpbKiJbLIFzVuMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFEXroq/0ksuC # MS1Ri6enIZ3zbcgPMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGG # MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMIMHkGCCsGAQUFBwEBBG0wazAkBggrBgEFBQcw # AYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMEMGCCsGAQUFBzAChjdodHRwOi8v # Y2FjZXJ0cy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNlcnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3J0 # MIGBBgNVHR8EejB4MDqgOKA2hjRodHRwOi8vY3JsNC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGln # aUNlcnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3JsMDqgOKA2hjRodHRwOi8vY3JsMy5kaWdp # Y2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNlcnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3JsMFAGA1UdIARJMEcw # OAYKYIZIAYb9bAACBDAqMCgGCCsGAQUFBwIBFhxodHRwczovL3d3dy5kaWdpY2Vy # dC5jb20vQ1BTMAsGCWCGSAGG/WwHATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAcZUS6VGH # VmnN793afKpjerN4zwY3QITvS4S/ys8DAv3Fp8MOIEIsr3fzKx8MIVoqtwU0HWqu # mfgnoma/Capg33akOpMP+LLR2HwZYuhegiUexLoceywh4tZbLBQ1QwRostt1AuBy # x5jWPGTlH0gQGF+JOGFNYkYkh2OMkVIsrymJ5Xgf1gsUpYDXEkdws3XVk4WTfraS # Z/tTYYmo9WuWwPRYaQ18yAGxuSh1t5ljhSKMYcp5lH5Z/IwP42+1ASa2bKXuh1Eh # 5Fhgm7oMLSttosR+u8QlK0cCCHxJrhO24XxCQijGGFbPQTS2Zl22dHv1VjMiLyI2 # skuiSpXY9aaOUjGCAk0wggJJAgEBMIGGMHIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQK # EwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xMTAvBgNV # BAMTKERpZ2lDZXJ0IFNIQTIgQXNzdXJlZCBJRCBUaW1lc3RhbXBpbmcgQ0ECEA1C # SuC+Ooj/YEAhzhQA8N0wDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIBBQCggZgwGgYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQ0G # CyqGSIb3DQEJEAEEMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw0yMTA0MDgwOTExMDlaMCsGCyqG # SIb3DQEJEAIMMRwwGjAYMBYEFOHXgqjhkb7va8oWkbWqtJSmJJvzMC8GCSqGSIb3 # DQEJBDEiBCDvFxQ6lYLr8vB+9czUl19rjCw1pWhhUXw/SqOmvIa/VDANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQEFAASCAQB9ox2UrcUXQsBI4Uycnhl4AMpvhVXJME62tygFMppW1l7QftDy # LvfPKRYm2YUioak/APxAS6geRKpeMkLvXuQS/Jlv0kY3BjxkeG0eVjvyjF4SvXbZ # 3JCk9m7wLNE+xqOo0ICjYlIJJgRLudjWkC5Skpb1NpPS8DOaIYwRV+AWaSOUPd9P # O5yVcnbl7OpK3EAEtwDrybCVBMPn2MGhAXybIHnth3+MFp1b6Blhz3WlReQyarjq # 1f+zaFB79rg6JswXoOTJhwICBP3hO2Ua3dMAswbfl+QNXF+igKLJPYnaeSVhBbm6 # VCu2io27t4ixqvoD0RuPObNX/P3oVA38afiM # SIG # End signature block
# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import zipfile import tempfile import sys import shutil __author__ = "hfannar" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger("install_package") class TemporaryDirectory: def __init__(self): self.path = None def __enter__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self.path def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # Remove temporary data created shutil.rmtree(self.path) def install_package(package_src_path, package_dst_path): with zipfile.ZipFile( package_src_path, allowZip64=True ) as zip_file, TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: zip_file.extractall(temp_dir) # Recursively copy (temp_dir will be automatically cleaned up on exit) try: # Recursive copy is needed because both package name and version folder could be missing in # target directory: shutil.copytree(temp_dir, package_dst_path) except OSError as exc: logger.warning( "Directory %s already present, packaged installation aborted" % package_dst_path ) else:"Package successfully installed to %s" % package_dst_path) install_package(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
[package] # Semantic Versionning is used: version = "1.0.0" # The title and description fields are primarily for displaying extension info in UI title = "Omni RTSP Dyanmic Texture Example" description = "An example that demonstrates how to stream RTSP feeds using OpenCV and omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider" # Path (relative to the root) or content of readme markdown file for UI. readme = "docs/" # Path (relative to the root) of changelog changelog = "docs/" # URL of the extension source repository. repository = "" # One of categories for UI. category = "Example" # Keywords for the extension keywords = ["kit", "example"] # Icon to show in the extension manager icon = "data/icon.png" # Preview to show in the extension manager preview_image = "data/preview.png" # Use omni.ui to build simple UI [dependencies] "omni.kit.uiapp" = {} "omni.kit.pipapi" = {} "omni.warp" = {} [python.pipapi] requirements = [ "opencv-python" ] use_online_index = true [[python.module]] name = "" [[test]] # Extra dependencies only to be used during test run dependencies = [ "omni.kit.ui_test" # UI testing extension ]
""" Omniverse Kit example extension that demonstrates how to stream video (such as RTSP) to a dynamic texture using [OpenCV VideoCapture]( and [omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider]( TODO: - [x] Investigate how to perform the color space conversion and texture updates in a separate thread - [ ] Investigate how to avoid the color space conversion and instead use the native format of the frame provided by OpenCV """ import asyncio import threading import time from typing import List import carb import carb.profiler import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import omni.ext import import omni.ui from pxr import Kind, Sdf, Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade DEFAULT_STREAM_URI = "rtsp://" #DEFAULT_STREAM_URI = "C:/Users/jshrake/Downloads/1080p.mp4" def create_textured_plane_prim( stage: Usd.Stage, prim_path: str, texture_name: str, width: float, height: float ) -> Usd.Prim: """ Creates a plane prim and an OmniPBR material with a dynamic texture for the albedo map """ hw = width / 2 hh = height / 2 # This code is mostly copy pasted from billboard: UsdGeom.Mesh = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, f"{prim_path}/Mesh") billboard.CreatePointsAttr([(-hw, -hh, 0), (hw, -hh, 0), (hw, hh, 0), (-hw, hh, 0)]) billboard.CreateFaceVertexCountsAttr([4]) billboard.CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr([0, 1, 2, 3]) billboard.CreateExtentAttr([(-430, -145, 0), (430, 145, 0)]) texCoords = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(billboard).CreatePrimvar( "st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeom.Tokens.varying ) texCoords.Set([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) material_path = f"{prim_path}/Material" material: UsdShade.Material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, material_path) shader: UsdShade.Shader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, f"{material_path}/Shader") shader.SetSourceAsset("OmniPBR.mdl", "mdl") shader.SetSourceAssetSubIdentifier("OmniPBR", "mdl") shader.CreateIdAttr("OmniPBR") shader.CreateInput("diffuse_texture", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset).Set(f"dynamic://{texture_name}") material.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(shader.ConnectableAPI(), "surface") billboard.GetPrim().ApplyAPI(UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI) UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(billboard).Bind(material) return billboard class OpenCvVideoStream: """ A small abstraction around OpenCV VideoCapture and omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider, making a one-to-one mapping between the two Resources: - - - """ def __init__(self, name: str, stream_uri: str): = name self.uri = stream_uri self.texture_array = None try: # Attempt to treat the uri as an int # stream_uri_as_int = int(stream_uri) self._video_capture = cv.VideoCapture(stream_uri_as_int) except: # Otherwise treat the uri as a str self._video_capture = cv.VideoCapture(stream_uri) self.fps: float = self._video_capture.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS) self.width: int = self._video_capture.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) self.height: int = self._video_capture.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) self._dynamic_texture = omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider(name) self._last_read = time.time() self.is_ok = self._video_capture.isOpened() # If this FPS is 0, set it to something sensible if self.fps == 0: self.fps = 24 @carb.profiler.profile def update_texture(self): # Rate limit frame reads to the underlying FPS of the capture stream now = time.time() time_delta = now - self._last_read if time_delta < 1.0 / self.fps: return self._last_read = now # Read the frame carb.profiler.begin(0, "read") ret, frame = carb.profiler.end(0) # The video may be at the end, loop by setting the frame position back to 0 if not ret: self._video_capture.set(cv.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0) self._last_read = time.time() return # By default, OpenCV converts the frame to BGR # We need to convert the frame to a texture format suitable for RTX # In this case, we convert to BGRA, but the full list of texture formats can be found at # # kit\source\extensions\omni.gpu_foundation\bindings\python\omni.gpu_foundation_factory\GpuFoundationFactoryBindingsPython.cpp frame: np.ndarray carb.profiler.begin(0, "color space conversion") frame = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGBA) carb.profiler.end(0) height, width, channels = frame.shape carb.profiler.begin(0, "set_bytes_data") self._dynamic_texture.set_data_array(frame, [width, height, channels]) carb.profiler.end(0) class OmniRtspExample(omni.ext.IExt): def on_startup(self, ext_id): # stream = # self._sub = stream.create_subscription_to_pop(self._update_streams, name="update") self._streams: List[OpenCvVideoStream] = [] self._stream_threads: List[threading.Thread] = [] self._stream_uri_model = omni.ui.SimpleStringModel(DEFAULT_STREAM_URI) self._window = omni.ui.Window("OpenCV Video Streaming Example", width=800, height=200) with self._window.frame: with omni.ui.VStack(): omni.ui.StringField(model=self._stream_uri_model) omni.ui.Button("Create", clicked_fn=self._on_click_create) @carb.profiler.profile def _update_stream(self, i): async def loop(): while self._running: await asyncio.sleep(0.001) self._streams[i].update_texture() def _on_click_create(self): name = f"Video{len(self._streams)}" image_name = name usd_context = omni.usd.get_context() stage: Usd.Stage = usd_context.get_stage() prim_path = f"/World/{name}" # If the prim already exists, remove it so we can create it again try: stage.RemovePrim(prim_path) self._streams = [stream for stream in self._streams if != image_name] except: pass # Create the stream stream_uri = self._stream_uri_model.get_value_as_string() video_stream = OpenCvVideoStream(image_name, stream_uri) if not video_stream.is_ok: carb.log_error(f"Error opening stream: {stream_uri}") return self._streams.append(video_stream) carb.log_info(f"Creating video steam {stream_uri} {video_stream.width}x{video_stream.height}") # Create the mesh + material + shader model_root = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, prim_path) Usd.ModelAPI(model_root).SetKind(Kind.Tokens.component) create_textured_plane_prim(stage, prim_path, image_name, video_stream.width, video_stream.height) # Clear the string model # self._stream_uri_model.set_value("") # Create the thread to pump the video stream self._running = True i = len(self._streams) - 1 thread = threading.Thread(target=self._update_stream, args=(i, )) thread.daemon = True thread.start() self._stream_threads.append(thread) def on_shutdown(self): # self._sub.unsubscribe() self._running = False for thread in self._stream_threads: thread.join() self._stream_threads = [] self._streams = []
# TODO: Work around OM-108110 # by explicitly adding the python3.dll directory to the DLL search path list. # cv2.dll fails to load because it can't load the python3.dll dependency try: import os import pathlib import sys # The python3.dll lives in the python directory adjacent to the kit executable # Get the path to the current kit process exe_path = sys.executable exe_dir = pathlib.Path(exe_path).parent python_dir = exe_dir / "python" print(f"Adding {python_dir} to DLL search path list") os.add_dll_directory(python_dir) except Exception as e: print(f"Error adding python directory to DLL search path list {e}") from .extension import *
from .test_hello_world import *
# NOTE: # omni.kit.test - std python's unittest module with additional wrapping to add suport for async/await tests # For most things refer to unittest docs: import omni.kit.test # Extnsion for writing UI tests (simulate UI interaction) import omni.kit.ui_test as ui_test # Import extension python module we are testing with absolute import path, as if we are external user (other extension) import # Having a test class dervived from omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase declared on the root of module will make it auto-discoverable by omni.kit.test class Test(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase): # Before running each test async def setUp(self): pass # After running each test async def tearDown(self): pass # Actual test, notice it is "async" function, so "await" can be used if needed async def test_hello_public_function(self): result = self.assertEqual(result, 256) async def test_window_button(self): # Find a label in our window label = ui_test.find("My Window//Frame/**/Label[*]") # Find buttons in our window add_button = ui_test.find("My Window//Frame/**/Button[*].text=='Add'") reset_button = ui_test.find("My Window//Frame/**/Button[*].text=='Reset'") # Click reset button await self.assertEqual(label.widget.text, "empty") await self.assertEqual(label.widget.text, "count: 1") await self.assertEqual(label.widget.text, "count: 2")
# Changelog The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( ## [1.0.0] - 2021-04-26 - Initial version of extension UI template with a window
# Simple UI Extension Template The simplest python extension example. Use it as a starting point for your extensions.
#!/bin/bash set -e SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE}) cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" exec "tools/packman/" tools/scripts/ $@
@echo off call "%~dp0tools\packman\python.bat" %~dp0tools\scripts\ %* if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto Error ) :Success exit /b 0 :Error exit /b %errorlevel%
# Dynamic Texture Provider Example Demonstrates how to programmatically generate a textured quad using the [omni.ui.DynamicTextureProvider]( API. Tested against Create 2022.3.1. ```console .\link_app.bat --path C:\Users\jshrake\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\prod-create-2022.3.1 .\app\omni.create.bat --ext-folder exts --enable omni.dynamic_texture_example ``` ![demo](./demo.gif) ## *Omniverse Kit* Extensions Project Template This project is a template for developing extensions for *Omniverse Kit*. # Getting Started ## Install Omniverse and some Apps 1. Install *Omniverse Launcher*: [download]( 2. Install and launch one of *Omniverse* apps in the Launcher. For instance: *Code*. ## Add a new extension to your *Omniverse App* 1. Fork and clone this repo, for example in `C:\projects\kit-extension-template` 2. In the *Omniverse App* open extension manager: *Window* &rarr; *Extensions*. 3. In the *Extension Manager Window* open a settings page, with a small gear button in the top left bar. 4. In the settings page there is a list of *Extension Search Paths*. Add cloned repo `exts` subfolder there as another search path: `C:\projects\kit-extension-template\exts` ![Extension Manager Window](/images/add-ext-search-path.png) 5. Now you can find `` extension in the top left search bar. Select and enable it. 6. "My Window" window will pop up. *Extension Manager* watches for any file changes. You can try changing some code in this extension and see them applied immediately with a hotreload. ### Few tips * Now that `exts` folder was added to the search you can add new extensions to this folder and they will be automatically found by the *App*. * Look at the *Console* window for warnings and errors. It also has a small button to open current log file. * All the same commands work on linux. Replace `.bat` with `.sh` and `\` with `/`. * Extension name is a folder name in `exts` folder, in this example: ``. * Most important thing extension has is a config file: `extension.toml`, take a peek. ## Next Steps: Alternative way to add a new extension To get a better understanding and learn a few other things, we recommend following next steps: 1. Remove search path added in the previous section. 1. Open this cloned repo using Visual Studio Code: `code C:\projects\kit-extension-template`. It will suggest installing a few extensions to improve python experience. 2. In the terminal (CTRL + \`) run `link_app.bat` (more in [Linking with an *Omniverse* app](#linking-with-an-omniverse-app) section). 3. Run this app with `exts` folder added as an extensions search path and new extension enabled: ```bash > app\omni.code.bat --ext-folder exts --enable ``` - `--ext-folder [path]` - adds new folder to the search path - `--enable [extension]` - enables an extension on startup. Use `-h` for help: ```bash > app\omni.code.bat -h ``` 4. After the *App* started you should see: * new "My Window" window popup. * extension search paths in *Extensions* window as in the previous section. * extension enabled in the list of extensions. 5. If you look inside `omni.code.bat` or any other *Omniverse App*, they all run *Omniverse Kit* (`kit.exe`). *Omniverse Kit* is the Omniverse Application runtime that powers *Apps* build out of extensions. Think of it as `python.exe`. It is a small runtime, that enables all the basics, like settings, python, logging and searches for extensions. **Everything else is an extension.** You can run only this new extension without running any big *App* like *Code*: ```bash > app\kit\kit.exe --ext-folder exts --enable ``` It starts much faster and will only have extensions enabled that are required for this new extension (look at `[dependencies]` section of `extension.toml`). You can enable more extensions: try adding `--enable omni.kit.window.extensions` to have extensions window enabled (yes, extension window is an extension too!): ```bash > app\kit\kit.exe --ext-folder exts --enable --enable omni.kit.window.extensions ``` You should see a menu in the top left. From here you can enable more extensions from the UI. ### Few tips * In the *Extensions* window, press *Bread* button near the search bar and select *Show Extension Graph*. It will show how the current *App* comes to be: all extensions and dependencies. * Extensions system documentation: # Running Tests To run tests we run a new process where only the tested extension (and it's dependencies) is enabled. Like in example above + testing system (`omni.kit.test` extension). There are 2 ways to run extension tests: 1. Run: `app\kit\test_ext.bat --ext-folder exts` That will run a test process with all tests and exit. For development mode pass `--dev`: that will open test selection window. As everywhere, hotreload also works in this mode, give it a try by changing some code! 2. Alternatively, in *Extension Manager* (*Window &rarr; Extensions*) find your extension, click on *TESTS* tab, click *Run Test* For more information about testing refer to: [testing doc]( # Linking with an *Omniverse* app For a better developer experience, it is recommended to create a folder link named `app` to the *Omniverse Kit* app installed from *Omniverse Launcher*. A convenience script to use is included. Run: ```bash > link_app.bat ``` If successful you should see `app` folder link in the root of this repo. If multiple Omniverse apps is installed script will select recommended one. Or you can explicitly pass an app: ```bash > link_app.bat --app create ``` You can also just pass a path to create link to: ```bash > link_app.bat --path "C:/Users/bob/AppData/Local/ov/pkg/create-2021.3.4" ``` # Adding a new extension Adding a new extension is as simple as copying and renaming existing one: 1. copy `exts/` to `exts/[new extension name]` 2. rename python module (namespace) in `exts/[new extension name]/omni/hello/world` to `exts/[new extension name]/[new python module]` 3. update `exts/[new extension name]/config/extension.toml`, most importantly specify new python module to load: ```toml [[python.module]] name = "[new python module]" ``` No restart is needed, you should be able to find and enable `[new extension name]` in extension manager. # Sharing extensions To make extension available to other users use [Github Releases]( 1. Make sure the repo has [omniverse-kit-extension]( topic set for auto discovery. 2. For each new release increment extension version (in `extension.toml`) and update the changelog (in `docs/`). [Semantic versionning]( must be used to express severity of API changes. # Contributing The source code for this repository is provided as-is and we are not accepting outside contributions.
import os import argparse import sys import json import packmanapi import urllib3 def find_omniverse_apps(): http = urllib3.PoolManager() try: r = http.request("GET", "") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed retrieving apps from an Omniverse Launcher, maybe it is not installed?\nError: {e}") sys.exit(1) apps = {} for x in json.loads("utf-8")): latest = x.get("installedVersions", {}).get("latest", "") if latest: for s in x.get("settings", []): if s.get("version", "") == latest: root = s.get("launch", {}).get("root", "") apps[x["slug"]] = (x["name"], root) break return apps def create_link(src, dst): print(f"Creating a link '{src}' -> '{dst}'"), dst) APP_PRIORITIES = ["code", "create", "view"] if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create folder link to Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher") parser.add_argument( "--path", help="Path to Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher, e.g.: 'C:/Users/bob/AppData/Local/ov/pkg/create-2021.3.4'", required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--app", help="Name of Kit App installed from Omniverse Launcher, e.g.: 'code', 'create'", required=False ) args = parser.parse_args() path = args.path if not path: print("Path is not specified, looking for Omniverse Apps...") apps = find_omniverse_apps() if len(apps) == 0: print( "Can't find any Omniverse Apps. Use Omniverse Launcher to install one. 'Code' is the recommended app for developers." ) sys.exit(0) print("\nFound following Omniverse Apps:") for i, slug in enumerate(apps): name, root = apps[slug] print(f"{i}: {name} ({slug}) at: '{root}'") if selected_app = if selected_app not in apps: choices = ", ".join(apps.keys()) print(f"Passed app: '{selected_app}' is not found. Specify one of the following found Apps: {choices}") sys.exit(0) else: selected_app = next((x for x in APP_PRIORITIES if x in apps), None) if not selected_app: selected_app = next(iter(apps)) print(f"\nSelected app: {selected_app}") _, path = apps[selected_app] if not os.path.exists(path): print(f"Provided path doesn't exist: {path}") else: SCRIPT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) create_link(f"{SCRIPT_ROOT}/../../app", path) print("Success!")
#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019-2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e PACKMAN_CMD="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/packman" if [ ! -f "$PACKMAN_CMD" ]; then PACKMAN_CMD="${PACKMAN_CMD}.sh" fi source "$PACKMAN_CMD" init export PYTHONPATH="${PM_MODULE_DIR}:${PYTHONPATH}" export PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 # workaround for our python not shipping with certs if [[ -z ${SSL_CERT_DIR:-} ]]; then export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs/ fi "${PM_PYTHON}" -u "$@"
:: Copyright 2019-2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. @echo off setlocal call "%~dp0\packman" init set "PYTHONPATH=%PM_MODULE_DIR%;%PYTHONPATH%" set PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 "%PM_PYTHON%" -u %*
:: Reset errorlevel status (don't inherit from caller) [xxxxxxxxxxx] @call :ECHO_AND_RESET_ERROR :: You can remove the call below if you do your own manual configuration of the dev machines call "%~dp0\bootstrap\configure.bat" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( exit /b %errorlevel% ) :: Everything below is mandatory if not defined PM_PYTHON goto :PYTHON_ENV_ERROR if not defined PM_MODULE goto :MODULE_ENV_ERROR :: Generate temporary path for variable file for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile ^ -File "%~dp0bootstrap\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set PM_VAR_PATH=%%a if %1.==. ( set PM_VAR_PATH_ARG= ) else ( set PM_VAR_PATH_ARG=--var-path="%PM_VAR_PATH%" ) "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%PM_MODULE%" %* %PM_VAR_PATH_ARG% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( exit /b %errorlevel% ) :: Marshall environment variables into the current environment if they have been generated and remove temporary file if exist "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ( for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%PM_VAR_PATH%") do set "%%A" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :VAR_ERROR ) if exist "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ( del /F "%PM_VAR_PATH%" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :VAR_ERROR ) set PM_VAR_PATH= goto :eof :: Subroutines below :PYTHON_ENV_ERROR @echo User environment variable PM_PYTHON is not set! Please configure machine for packman or call configure.bat. exit /b 1 :MODULE_ENV_ERROR @echo User environment variable PM_MODULE is not set! Please configure machine for packman or call configure.bat. exit /b 1 :VAR_ERROR @echo Error while processing and setting environment variables! exit /b 1 :ECHO_AND_RESET_ERROR @echo off if /I "%PM_VERBOSITY%"=="debug" ( @echo on ) exit /b 0
<config remotes="cloudfront"> <remote2 name="cloudfront"> <transport actions="download" protocol="https" packageLocation="${name}@${version}" /> </remote2> </config>
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> $out = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Host $out # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIaVwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaSDCCGkQCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCAK+Ewup1N0/mdf # 1l4R58rxyumHgZvTmEhrYTb2Zf0zd6CCCiIwggTTMIIDu6ADAgECAhBi50XpIWUh # PJcfXEkK6hKlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEdMBsGA1UE # ChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlN5bWFudGVjIFRydXN0 # IE5ldHdvcmsxNTAzBgNVBAMTLFN5bWFudGVjIENsYXNzIDMgU0hBMjU2IENvZGUg # U2lnbmluZyBDQSAtIEcyMB4XDTE4MDcwOTAwMDAwMFoXDTIxMDcwOTIzNTk1OVow # gYMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRQwEgYDVQQHDAtT # YW50YSBDbGFyYTEbMBkGA1UECgwSTlZJRElBIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMQ8wDQYDVQQL # DAZJVC1NSVMxGzAZBgNVBAMMEk5WSURJQSBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALEZN63dA47T4i90jZ84CJ/aWUwVtLff8AyP # YspFfIZGdZYiMgdb8A5tBh7653y0G/LZL6CVUkgejcpvBU/Dl/52a+gSWy2qJ2bH # jMFMKCyQDhdpCAKMOUKSC9rfzm4cFeA9ct91LQCAait4LhLlZt/HF7aG+r0FgCZa # HJjJvE7KNY9G4AZXxjSt8CXS8/8NQMANqjLX1r+F+Hl8PzQ1fVx0mMsbdtaIV4Pj # 5flAeTUnz6+dCTx3vTUo8MYtkS2UBaQv7t7H2B7iwJDakEQKk1XHswJdeqG0osDU # z6+NVks7uWE1N8UIhvzbw0FEX/U2kpfyWaB/J3gMl8rVR8idPj8CAwEAAaOCAT4w # ggE6MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUF # BwMDMGEGA1UdIARaMFgwVgYGZ4EMAQQBMEwwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # ZC5zeW1jYi5jb20vY3BzMCUGCCsGAQUFBwICMBkMF2h0dHBzOi8vZC5zeW1jYi5j # b20vcnBhMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFNTABiJJ6zlL3ZPiXKG4R3YJcgNYMCsGA1UdHwQk # MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly9yYi5zeW1jYi5jb20vcmIuY3JsMFcGCCsGAQUFBwEB # BEswSTAfBggrBgEFBQcwAYYTaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNkLmNvbTAmBggrBgEFBQcw # AoYaaHR0cDovL3JiLnN5bWNiLmNvbS9yYi5jcnQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB # AIJKh5vKJdhHJtMzATmc1BmXIQ3RaJONOZ5jMHn7HOkYU1JP0OIzb4pXXkH8Xwfr # K6bnd72IhcteyksvKsGpSvK0PBBwzodERTAu1Os2N+EaakxQwV/xtqDm1E3IhjHk # fRshyKKzmFk2Ci323J4lHtpWUj5Hz61b8gd72jH7xnihGi+LORJ2uRNZ3YuqMNC3 # SBC8tAyoJqEoTJirULUCXW6wX4XUm5P2sx+htPw7szGblVKbQ+PFinNGnsSEZeKz # 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SIb3DQEJEAIMMRwwGjAYMBYEFOHXgqjhkb7va8oWkbWqtJSmJJvzMC8GCSqGSIb3 # DQEJBDEiBCCHEAmNNj2zWjWYRfEi4FgzZvrI16kv/U2b9b3oHw6UVDANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQEFAASCAQCdefEKh6Qmwx7xGCkrYi/A+/Cla6LdnYJp38eMs3fqTTvjhyDw # HffXrwdqWy5/fgW3o3qJXqa5o7hLxYIoWSULOCpJRGdt+w7XKPAbZqHrN9elAhWJ # vpBTCEaj7dVxr1Ka4NsoPSYe0eidDBmmvGvp02J4Z1j8+ImQPKN6Hv/L8Ixaxe7V # mH4VtXIiBK8xXdi4wzO+A+qLtHEJXz3Gw8Bp3BNtlDGIUkIhVTM3Q1xcSEqhOLqo # PGdwCw9acxdXNWWPjOJkNH656Bvmkml+0p6MTGIeG4JCeRh1Wpqm1ZGSoEcXNaof # wOgj48YzI+dNqBD9i7RSWCqJr2ygYKRTxnuU # SIG # End signature block
:: Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. set PM_PACKMAN_VERSION=6.33.2 :: Specify where packman command is rooted set PM_INSTALL_PATH=%~dp0.. :: The external root may already be configured and we should do minimal work in that case if defined PM_PACKAGES_ROOT goto ENSURE_DIR :: If the folder isn't set we assume that the best place for it is on the drive that we are currently :: running from set PM_DRIVE=%CD:~0,2% set PM_PACKAGES_ROOT=%PM_DRIVE%\packman-repo :: We use *setx* here so that the variable is persisted in the user environment echo Setting user environment variable PM_PACKAGES_ROOT to %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% setx PM_PACKAGES_ROOT %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto ERROR ) :: The above doesn't work properly from a build step in VisualStudio because a separate process is :: spawned for it so it will be lost for subsequent compilation steps - VisualStudio must :: be launched from a new process. We catch this odd-ball case here: if defined PM_DISABLE_VS_WARNING goto ENSURE_DIR if not defined VSLANG goto ENSURE_DIR echo The above is a once-per-computer operation. Unfortunately VisualStudio cannot pick up environment change echo unless *VisualStudio is RELAUNCHED*. echo If you are launching VisualStudio from command line or command line utility make sure echo you have a fresh launch environment (relaunch the command line or utility). echo If you are using 'linkPath' and referring to packages via local folder links you can safely ignore this warning. echo You can disable this warning by setting the environment variable PM_DISABLE_VS_WARNING. echo. :: Check for the directory that we need. Note that mkdir will create any directories :: that may be needed in the path :ENSURE_DIR if not exist "%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%" ( echo Creating directory %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT% mkdir "%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto ERROR_MKDIR_PACKAGES_ROOT ) :: The Python interpreter may already be externally configured if defined PM_PYTHON_EXT ( set PM_PYTHON=%PM_PYTHON_EXT% goto PACKMAN ) set PM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.7.9-windows-x86_64 set PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\python set PM_PYTHON_DIR=%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%\%PM_PYTHON_VERSION% set PM_PYTHON=%PM_PYTHON_DIR%\python.exe if exist "%PM_PYTHON%" goto PACKMAN if not exist "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%" call :CREATE_PYTHON_BASE_DIR set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set TEMP_FILE_NAME=%%a set call "%~dp0fetch_file_from_packman_bootstrap.cmd" %PM_PYTHON_PACKAGE% "%TARGET%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching python from CDN !!! goto ERROR ) for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_folder.ps1" -parentPath "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%"') do set TEMP_FOLDER_NAME=%%a echo Unpacking Python interpreter ... "%SystemRoot%\system32\expand.exe" -F:* "%TARGET%" "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" 1> nul del "%TARGET%" :: Failure during extraction to temp folder name, need to clean up and abort if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error unpacking python !!! call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto ERROR ) :: If python has now been installed by a concurrent process we need to clean up and then continue if exist "%PM_PYTHON%" ( call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto PACKMAN ) else ( if exist "%PM_PYTHON_DIR%" ( rd /s /q "%PM_PYTHON_DIR%" > nul ) ) :: Perform atomic rename rename "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" "%PM_PYTHON_VERSION%" 1> nul :: Failure during move, need to clean up and abort if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error renaming python !!! call :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER goto ERROR ) :PACKMAN :: The packman module may already be externally configured if defined PM_MODULE_DIR_EXT ( set PM_MODULE_DIR=%PM_MODULE_DIR_EXT% ) else ( set PM_MODULE_DIR=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\packman-common\%PM_PACKMAN_VERSION% ) set PM_MODULE=%PM_MODULE_DIR%\ if exist "%PM_MODULE%" goto ENSURE_7ZA set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0\generate_temp_file_name.ps1"') do set TEMP_FILE_NAME=%%a set TARGET=%TEMP_FILE_NAME% call "%~dp0fetch_file_from_packman_bootstrap.cmd" %PM_MODULE_PACKAGE% "%TARGET%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching packman from CDN !!! goto ERROR ) echo Unpacking ... "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%~dp0\" "%TARGET%" "%PM_MODULE_DIR%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error unpacking packman !!! goto ERROR ) del "%TARGET%" :ENSURE_7ZA set PM_7Za_VERSION=16.02.4 set PM_7Za_PATH=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\7za\%PM_7ZA_VERSION% if exist "%PM_7Za_PATH%" goto END set PM_7Za_PATH=%PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%\chk\7za\%PM_7ZA_VERSION% if exist "%PM_7Za_PATH%" goto END "%PM_PYTHON%" -S -s -u -E "%PM_MODULE%" pull "%PM_MODULE_DIR%\deps.packman.xml" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo !!! Error fetching packman dependencies !!! goto ERROR ) goto END :ERROR_MKDIR_PACKAGES_ROOT echo Failed to automatically create packman packages repo at %PM_PACKAGES_ROOT%. echo Please set a location explicitly that packman has permission to write to, by issuing: echo. echo setx PM_PACKAGES_ROOT {path-you-choose-for-storing-packman-packages-locally} echo. echo Then launch a new command console for the changes to take effect and run packman command again. exit /B %errorlevel% :ERROR echo !!! Failure while configuring local machine :( !!! exit /B %errorlevel% :CLEAN_UP_TEMP_FOLDER rd /S /Q "%TEMP_FOLDER_NAME%" exit /B :CREATE_PYTHON_BASE_DIR :: We ignore errors and clean error state - if two processes create the directory one will fail which is fine md "%PM_PYTHON_BASE_DIR%" > nul 2>&1 exit /B 0 :END
:: Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. :: You need to specify <package-name> <target-path> as input to this command @setlocal @set PACKAGE_NAME=%1 @set TARGET_PATH=%2 @echo Fetching %PACKAGE_NAME% ... @powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%~dp0download_file_from_url.ps1" ^ -source "" -output %TARGET_PATH% :: A bug in powershell prevents the errorlevel code from being set when using the -File execution option :: We must therefore do our own failure analysis, basically make sure the file exists and is larger than 0 bytes: @if not exist %TARGET_PATH% goto ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @if %~z2==0 goto ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @endlocal @exit /b 0 :ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED @echo Failed to download file from S3 @echo Most likely because endpoint cannot be reached or file %PACKAGE_NAME% doesn't exist @endlocal @exit /b 1
<# Copyright 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$source=$null, [string]$output="out.exe" ) $filename = $output $triesLeft = 3 do { $triesLeft -= 1 try { Write-Host "Downloading from ..." $wc = New-Object net.webclient $wc.Downloadfile($source, $fileName) $triesLeft = 0 } catch { Write-Host "Error downloading $source!" Write-Host $_.Exception|format-list -force } } while ($triesLeft -gt 0)