SELECT income_poverty_f FROM table_13618358_1 WHERE services_ & _cons_truction_b = "72.5"
CREATE TABLE table_13618358_1 (income_poverty_f VARCHAR, services_ VARCHAR, _cons_truction_b VARCHAR)
How low was the income where services is 72.5?
SELECT income_poverty_f FROM table_13618358_1 WHERE district = "San Juan"
CREATE TABLE table_13618358_1 (income_poverty_f VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
How low was the San Juan income?
SELECT high_assists FROM table_13619027_7 WHERE date = "January 22"
CREATE TABLE table_13619027_7 (high_assists VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
who is the player with high assists on january 22?
SELECT COUNT(score) FROM table_13619027_7 WHERE date = "January 3"
CREATE TABLE table_13619027_7 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
what is the total score for the date of january 3?
SELECT team FROM table_13619053_9 WHERE record = "15-63"
CREATE TABLE table_13619053_9 (team VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Which team was in a game with a record of 15-63?
SELECT team FROM table_13619053_9 WHERE date = "April 1"
CREATE TABLE table_13619053_9 (team VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Which team played on April 1?
SELECT COUNT(high_points) FROM table_13619053_8 WHERE game = 66
CREATE TABLE table_13619053_8 (high_points VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
How many players led Game #66 in scoring?
SELECT high_points FROM table_13619053_8 WHERE record = "13-49"
CREATE TABLE table_13619053_8 (high_points VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Who scored the most points in the game where the Raptors became 13-49?
SELECT team FROM table_13619053_8 WHERE record = "13-48"
CREATE TABLE table_13619053_8 (team VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Who did the Raptors play against when their record was 13-48?
SELECT high_points FROM table_13619105_3 WHERE record = "1-4"
CREATE TABLE table_13619105_3 (high_points VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Who was the high scorer in the game when the team was 1-4?
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_13619105_3 WHERE team = "Minnesota"
CREATE TABLE table_13619105_3 (location_attendance VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
Where did they play and how many attended in the game against minnesota?
SELECT high_points FROM table_13619105_4 WHERE high_assists = "Dee Brown (5)"
CREATE TABLE table_13619105_4 (high_points VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR)
Who had the high point total when dee brown (5) had the high assist total?
SELECT COUNT(record) FROM table_13619135_5 WHERE date = "January 14"
CREATE TABLE table_13619135_5 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
How many records are there for the games that took place on January 14.
SELECT high_points FROM table_13619135_5 WHERE team = "Seattle"
CREATE TABLE table_13619135_5 (high_points VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
Which players scored the most points when the opposing team was Seattle and how many points did they score?
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_13619135_5 WHERE team = "Portland"
CREATE TABLE table_13619135_5 (location_attendance VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
What was the location and attendance of the game against Portland?
SELECT record FROM table_13619135_5 WHERE score = "W 108–93 (OT)"
CREATE TABLE table_13619135_5 (record VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
What was the record when the score was w 108–93 (ot)?
SELECT COUNT(total_population) FROM table_1364343_2 WHERE catholic < 31370649.1405057 AND region = "North Africa"
CREATE TABLE table_1364343_2 (total_population VARCHAR, catholic VARCHAR, region VARCHAR)
how many total population with catholic being smaller than 31370649.1405057 and region being north africa
SELECT wii_points FROM table_13663434_1 WHERE title_and_source = "Tsūshin Taikyoku: Igo Dōjō 2700-Mon"
CREATE TABLE table_13663434_1 (wii_points VARCHAR, title_and_source VARCHAR)
what's the wii points with title and source being tsūshin taikyoku: igo dōjō 2700-mon
SELECT na__350_ FROM table_13663434_1 WHERE title_and_source = "Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder"
CREATE TABLE table_13663434_1 (na__350_ VARCHAR, title_and_source VARCHAR)
what's the na -350- with title and source being paper wars: cannon fodder
SELECT COUNT(title_and_source) FROM table_13663434_1 WHERE pal__295_ = "Yes" AND jp__210_ = "Yes"
CREATE TABLE table_13663434_1 (title_and_source VARCHAR, pal__295_ VARCHAR, jp__210_ VARCHAR)
how many title and source with pal -295- being yes and jp -210- being yes
SELECT jp__210_ FROM table_13663434_1 WHERE title_and_source = "Fun! Fun! Minigolf"
CREATE TABLE table_13663434_1 (jp__210_ VARCHAR, title_and_source VARCHAR)
what's the jp -210- with title and source being fun! fun! minigolf
SELECT COUNT(na__350_) FROM table_13663434_1 WHERE title_and_source = "Bokumo Sekai wo Sukuitai: Battle Tournament"
CREATE TABLE table_13663434_1 (na__350_ VARCHAR, title_and_source VARCHAR)
how many na -350- with title and source being bokumo sekai wo sukuitai: battle tournament
SELECT gtu_winning_team FROM table_13657883_2 WHERE gto_winning_team = "#48 Greenwood Racing"
CREATE TABLE table_13657883_2 (gtu_winning_team VARCHAR, gto_winning_team VARCHAR)
What was the gtu winning team when the gto winning team was #48 greenwood racing?
SELECT to_winning_team FROM table_13657883_2 WHERE tu_winning_team = "#16 2002"
CREATE TABLE table_13657883_2 (to_winning_team VARCHAR, tu_winning_team VARCHAR)
What was the to winnning team when the tu winning team was #16 2002?
SELECT rnd FROM table_13657883_2 WHERE gto_winning_team = "#48 Greenwood Racing"
CREATE TABLE table_13657883_2 (rnd VARCHAR, gto_winning_team VARCHAR)
What round was the gto winning team #48 greenwood racing?
SELECT to_winning_team FROM table_13657883_2 WHERE tu_winning_team = "Joe Amato Carson Baird"
CREATE TABLE table_13657883_2 (to_winning_team VARCHAR, tu_winning_team VARCHAR)
What was the to winning team when the tu winning team was joe amato carson baird?
SELECT to_winning_team FROM table_13657749_2 WHERE gtu_winning_team = "#27 Don Lindley"
CREATE TABLE table_13657749_2 (to_winning_team VARCHAR, gtu_winning_team VARCHAR)
Who is GTU Winning Team's #27 Don Lindley's TO Winning Team?
SELECT rnd FROM table_13657749_2 WHERE gto_winning_team = "Mike Keyser"
CREATE TABLE table_13657749_2 (rnd VARCHAR, gto_winning_team VARCHAR)
What is GTO Winning Team Mike Keyser's RND number?
SELECT to_winning_team FROM table_13657749_2 WHERE gto_winning_team = "Gene Felton"
CREATE TABLE table_13657749_2 (to_winning_team VARCHAR, gto_winning_team VARCHAR)
Who is Gene Felton's TO Winning Team?
SELECT results FROM table_13657749_2 WHERE gto_winning_team = "Peter Gregg Hurley Haywood"
CREATE TABLE table_13657749_2 (results VARCHAR, gto_winning_team VARCHAR)
What is Peter Gregg Hurley Haywood's results?
SELECT MIN(goals_olimpia) FROM table_13688489_1
CREATE TABLE table_13688489_1 (goals_olimpia INTEGER)
What was the least amount for Goals Olimpia?
SELECT COUNT(goals_olimpia) FROM table_13688489_1 WHERE matches = 32
CREATE TABLE table_13688489_1 (goals_olimpia VARCHAR, matches VARCHAR)
How many goals Olimpia recorded for 32 matches?
SELECT matches FROM table_13688489_1 WHERE goals_olimpia = 149
CREATE TABLE table_13688489_1 (matches VARCHAR, goals_olimpia VARCHAR)
What was the number of matches when the Goals Olimpia was 149?
SELECT time_required_for_prices_to_double FROM table_13681_2 WHERE highest_monthly_inflation_rate = "29,500%"
CREATE TABLE table_13681_2 (time_required_for_prices_to_double VARCHAR, highest_monthly_inflation_rate VARCHAR)
what's the time required for prices to double with highest monthly inflation rate being 29,500%
SELECT currency_name FROM table_13681_2 WHERE highest_monthly_inflation_rate = "29,500%"
CREATE TABLE table_13681_2 (currency_name VARCHAR, highest_monthly_inflation_rate VARCHAR)
what's the currency name with highest monthly inflation rate being 29,500%
SELECT COUNT(equivalent_daily_inflation_rate) FROM table_13681_2 WHERE time_required_for_prices_to_double = "3.7 days"
CREATE TABLE table_13681_2 (equivalent_daily_inflation_rate VARCHAR, time_required_for_prices_to_double VARCHAR)
how many equivalent daily inflation rate with time required for prices to double being 3.7 days
SELECT COUNT(country) FROM table_13681_2 WHERE currency_name = "Republika Srpska dinar"
CREATE TABLE table_13681_2 (country VARCHAR, currency_name VARCHAR)
how many country with currency name being republika srpska dinar
SELECT COUNT(equivalent_daily_inflation_rate) FROM table_13681_2 WHERE currency_name = "Republika Srpska dinar"
CREATE TABLE table_13681_2 (equivalent_daily_inflation_rate VARCHAR, currency_name VARCHAR)
how many equivalent daily inflation rate with currency name being republika srpska dinar
SELECT country FROM table_13681_2 WHERE highest_monthly_inflation_rate = "3.13 × 10 8 %"
CREATE TABLE table_13681_2 (country VARCHAR, highest_monthly_inflation_rate VARCHAR)
what's the country with highest monthly inflation rate being 3.13 × 10 8 %
SELECT COUNT(grand_final_dual_television_commentator) FROM table_1368649_9 WHERE year_s_ = 1961
CREATE TABLE table_1368649_9 (grand_final_dual_television_commentator VARCHAR, year_s_ VARCHAR)
How many grand final dual television commentators were there in 1961?
SELECT spokesperson FROM table_1368649_9 WHERE year_s_ = 1970
CREATE TABLE table_1368649_9 (spokesperson VARCHAR, year_s_ VARCHAR)
Who was the spokesperson for France in 1970?
SELECT MIN(year_s_) FROM table_1368649_9 WHERE spokesperson = "Thierry Beccaro"
CREATE TABLE table_1368649_9 (year_s_ INTEGER, spokesperson VARCHAR)
What year was Thierry Beccaro the spokesperson?
SELECT COUNT(score) FROM table_13710464_1 WHERE date = "June 25"
CREATE TABLE table_13710464_1 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
How many games played on june 25?
SELECT winning_team FROM table_13710464_1 WHERE date = "May 21"
CREATE TABLE table_13710464_1 (winning_team VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Who won the game on may 21?
SELECT losing_pitcher FROM table_13710464_1 WHERE attendance = 40583
CREATE TABLE table_13710464_1 (losing_pitcher VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)
Who was the losing pitcher when 40583 attended?
SELECT winning_pitcher FROM table_13710464_1 WHERE losing_pitcher = "Ezequiel Astacio"
CREATE TABLE table_13710464_1 (winning_pitcher VARCHAR, losing_pitcher VARCHAR)
Who was the wenning witcher when ezequiel astacio was the losing pitcher?
SELECT location FROM table_13710464_1 WHERE date = "May 20"
CREATE TABLE table_13710464_1 (location VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Where was the game played on may 20?
SELECT COUNT(club__city_town_) FROM table_13713206_1 WHERE w_l_d = "5-7-4"
CREATE TABLE table_13713206_1 (club__city_town_ VARCHAR, w_l_d VARCHAR)
On what position number is the club with a w-l-d of 5-7-4?
SELECT MAX(position) FROM table_13713206_1 WHERE w_l_d = "6-2-8"
CREATE TABLE table_13713206_1 (position INTEGER, w_l_d VARCHAR)
What's the position of the club with w-l-d of 6-2-8?
SELECT games_played FROM table_13713206_1 WHERE goals_for_against = "29-24"
CREATE TABLE table_13713206_1 (games_played VARCHAR, goals_for_against VARCHAR)
How many games has the club with 29-24 goals for/against score played?
SELECT COUNT(original_title) FROM table_13719788_1 WHERE film_title_used_in_nomination = "Gie"
CREATE TABLE table_13719788_1 (original_title VARCHAR, film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR)
How many films titled Gie have been nominated?
SELECT director FROM table_13719788_1 WHERE original_title = "Biola tak berdawai"
CREATE TABLE table_13719788_1 (director VARCHAR, original_title VARCHAR)
Who is the director of the fimm Biola Tak Berdawai?
SELECT film_title_used_in_nomination FROM table_13719788_1 WHERE original_title = "Biola tak berdawai"
CREATE TABLE table_13719788_1 (film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR, original_title VARCHAR)
What title was used in the nomination for the title Biola Tak Berdawai?
SELECT COUNT(year__ceremony_) FROM table_13719788_1 WHERE film_title_used_in_nomination = "Nagabonar"
CREATE TABLE table_13719788_1 (year__ceremony_ VARCHAR, film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR)
How many years have a film that uses the title "Nagabonar" in the nomination?
SELECT director FROM table_13719788_1 WHERE film_title_used_in_nomination = "Gie"
CREATE TABLE table_13719788_1 (director VARCHAR, film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR)
Who is the director of the film Gie?
SELECT try_bonus FROM table_13741576_4 WHERE tries_against = "70"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_4 (try_bonus VARCHAR, tries_against VARCHAR)
Name the try bonus for tries against is 70
SELECT try_bonus FROM table_13741576_4 WHERE tries_against = "43"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_4 (try_bonus VARCHAR, tries_against VARCHAR)
What is the try bonus for when tries against is 43?
SELECT drawn FROM table_13741576_4 WHERE club = "Llandaff RFC"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_4 (drawn VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
Name the drawn for llandaff rfc
SELECT won FROM table_13741576_4 WHERE try_bonus = "10"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_4 (won VARCHAR, try_bonus VARCHAR)
Name the won for try bonus of 10
SELECT asset_acquired FROM table_1373542_1 WHERE date_announced = "July 2, 2006"
CREATE TABLE table_1373542_1 (asset_acquired VARCHAR, date_announced VARCHAR)
It was announced on July 2, 2006 that what asset was acquired?
SELECT date_announced FROM table_1373542_1 WHERE reported_cost = "US$9 million"
CREATE TABLE table_1373542_1 (date_announced VARCHAR, reported_cost VARCHAR)
On what date was it announced that an asset was acquired for US$9 Million?
SELECT date_completed FROM table_1373542_1 WHERE date_announced = "February 22, 2007"
CREATE TABLE table_1373542_1 (date_completed VARCHAR, date_announced VARCHAR)
On what date was the asset acquisition that was announced on February 22, 2007 completed?
SELECT reported_cost FROM table_1373542_1 WHERE acquired_from = "Standard & Poor's"
CREATE TABLE table_1373542_1 (reported_cost VARCHAR, acquired_from VARCHAR)
What was the reported cost of the asset acquired from Standard & Poor's?
SELECT trim FROM table_1373768_1 WHERE fuel_mileage__latest_epa_mpg___us__ = "22 city, 30 hwy, 25 comb"
CREATE TABLE table_1373768_1 (trim VARCHAR, fuel_mileage__latest_epa_mpg___us__ VARCHAR)
what's the trim with fuel mileage (latest epa mpg - us ) being 22 city, 30 hwy, 25 comb
SELECT trim FROM table_1373768_1 WHERE engine = "3.5L LZ4 V6"
CREATE TABLE table_1373768_1 (trim VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR)
what's the trim with engine being 3.5l lz4 v6
SELECT torque FROM table_1373768_1 WHERE fuel_mileage__latest_epa_mpg___us__ = "22 city, 30 hwy, 25 comb"
CREATE TABLE table_1373768_1 (torque VARCHAR, fuel_mileage__latest_epa_mpg___us__ VARCHAR)
what's the torque with fuel mileage (latest epa mpg - us ) being 22 city, 30 hwy, 25 comb
SELECT torque FROM table_1373768_1 WHERE trim = "XE (2009)"
CREATE TABLE table_1373768_1 (torque VARCHAR, trim VARCHAR)
what's the torque with trim being xe (2009)
SELECT transmission FROM table_1373768_1 WHERE trim = "XE (2009)"
CREATE TABLE table_1373768_1 (transmission VARCHAR, trim VARCHAR)
what's the transmbeingsion with trim being xe (2009)
SELECT points FROM table_13741576_6 WHERE points_for = "546"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_6 (points VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
Nantyglo RFC had 546 points for and how many points?
SELECT club FROM table_13741576_6 WHERE points_against = "523"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_6 (club VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR)
What club had 523 points against?
SELECT club FROM table_13741576_6 WHERE points_for = "536"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_6 (club VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
What club has 536 points for?
SELECT COUNT(club) FROM table_13741576_6 WHERE won = "7"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_6 (club VARCHAR, won VARCHAR)
How many clubs had 7 wins?
SELECT club FROM table_13741576_6 WHERE points_against = "404"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_6 (club VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR)
What club had 404 points against?
SELECT drawn FROM table_13741576_6 WHERE tries_for = "54"
CREATE TABLE table_13741576_6 (drawn VARCHAR, tries_for VARCHAR)
Risca RFC has 54 tries for and how many draws?
SELECT club FROM table_13758945_1 WHERE points = "36"
CREATE TABLE table_13758945_1 (club VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
What club has 36 points?
SELECT lost FROM table_13758945_1 WHERE points_for = "353"
CREATE TABLE table_13758945_1 (lost VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
What are the lost where points lost is 353?
SELECT won FROM table_13758945_1 WHERE losing_bonus = "0"
CREATE TABLE table_13758945_1 (won VARCHAR, losing_bonus VARCHAR)
What are the won games with losing bonus of 0?
SELECT club FROM table_13758945_1 WHERE points_for = "565"
CREATE TABLE table_13758945_1 (club VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
Which club has 565 points?
SELECT tries_for FROM table_13758945_1 WHERE points = "77"
CREATE TABLE table_13758945_1 (tries_for VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
How many tries where points is 77?
SELECT percentage_of_votes FROM table_13746866_2 WHERE number_of_deputies = 112
CREATE TABLE table_13746866_2 (percentage_of_votes VARCHAR, number_of_deputies VARCHAR)
what's the percentage of votes with number of deputies being 112
SELECT percentage_of_votes FROM table_13746866_2 WHERE election_date = 1981
CREATE TABLE table_13746866_2 (percentage_of_votes VARCHAR, election_date VARCHAR)
what's the percentage of votes with election date being 1981
SELECT number_of_deputies FROM table_13746866_2 WHERE number_of_votes_received < 1549176.2765483726 AND election_date = 1969
CREATE TABLE table_13746866_2 (number_of_deputies VARCHAR, number_of_votes_received VARCHAR, election_date VARCHAR)
what's the number of deputies with number of votes received being smaller than 1549176.2765483726 and election date being 1969
SELECT story_by FROM table_13755296_1 WHERE directed_by = "Dan Attias"
CREATE TABLE table_13755296_1 (story_by VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR)
Who wrote the sorry of the episode directed by Dan Attias?
SELECT MIN(season__number) FROM table_13755296_1 WHERE directed_by = "Dan Attias"
CREATE TABLE table_13755296_1 (season__number INTEGER, directed_by VARCHAR)
What's the season number of the episode directed by Dan Attias?
SELECT title FROM table_13755296_1 WHERE teleplay_by = "David Simon"
CREATE TABLE table_13755296_1 (title VARCHAR, teleplay_by VARCHAR)
What's the title of the episode written by David Simon?
SELECT COUNT(founded) FROM table_13759592_1 WHERE high_school = "Skyline"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_1 (founded VARCHAR, high_school VARCHAR)
What year was Skyline High School founded?
SELECT COUNT(enrollment) FROM table_13759592_1 WHERE high_school = "Roosevelt"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_1 (enrollment VARCHAR, high_school VARCHAR)
How many enrollment figures are provided for Roosevelt High School?
SELECT location FROM table_13759592_1 WHERE nickname = "Vikings"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_1 (location VARCHAR, nickname VARCHAR)
Which location has a team that is nicknamed the Vikings?
SELECT founded FROM table_13759592_2 WHERE location = "Kirkland"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_2 (founded VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
What year was Kirkland founded?
SELECT institution FROM table_13759592_2 WHERE founded = 1923
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_2 (institution VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR)
Which institution was founded in 1923?
SELECT location FROM table_13759592_2 WHERE institution = "Interlake"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_2 (location VARCHAR, institution VARCHAR)
Where is Interlake located?
SELECT series FROM table_13762472_13 WHERE date = "May 23"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_13 (series VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What was the series count at on May 23?
SELECT MIN(game) FROM table_13762472_5
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_5 (game INTEGER)
What is the lowest numbered game on the list?
SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_13762472_5 WHERE location_attendance = "Delta Center"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_5 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR)
Who had the high rebounds at the delta center?
SELECT COUNT(high_rebounds) FROM table_13762472_5 WHERE record = "19-13"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_5 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
How many people had the high rebound total when the team was 19-13?
SELECT high_points FROM table_13762472_5 WHERE record = "24-17"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_5 (high_points VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Who had the high point total when the team was 24-17?
SELECT score FROM table_13762472_7 WHERE location_attendance = "Charlotte Arena"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_7 (score VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR)
What was the score when the heat played at charlotte arena?
SELECT game FROM table_13762472_7 WHERE record = "40-20"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_7 (game VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
How many games had the team played after they were 40-20?
SELECT score FROM table_13762472_3 WHERE date = "November 25"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_3 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What was the score on November 25?
SELECT COUNT(high_points) FROM table_13762472_3 WHERE team = "New Orleans/Oklahoma City"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_3 (high_points VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
How many players scored the most points when the opposing team was New Orleans/Oklahoma City?