panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,palpitations
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,insomnia ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,palpitations
panic disorder
depression ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,dizziness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,chest tightness
panic disorder
abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,dizziness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depression ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,chest tightness
panic disorder
dizziness ,insomnia ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements
panic disorder
depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,chest tightness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,chest tightness
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,chest tightness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,insomnia ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,dizziness
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations
panic disorder
depression ,dizziness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,palpitations
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,palpitations ,breathing fast
panic disorder
shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,chest tightness ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements
panic disorder
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,dizziness ,insomnia ,abnormal involuntary movements ,irregular heartbeat ,breathing fast
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,depression ,shortness of breath ,depressive or psychotic symptoms ,insomnia ,irregular heartbeat
panic disorder
anxiety and nervousness ,dizziness ,breathing fast
panic disorder
depressive or psychotic symptoms ,palpitations ,irregular heartbeat



Context Sample

    "query": "Having these specific symptoms: anxiety and nervousness, depression, shortness of breath, depressive or psychotic symptoms, dizziness, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, breathing fast may indicate",
    "response": "You may have panic disorder"

Raw Sample

    "query": "dizziness, abnormal involuntary movements, headache, diminished vision",
    "response": "pseudotumor cerebri"
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