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11 values
California - A patient of mine punched and spit in my face
California. I work in an Emergency Department. I had a drunk patient punch me in the jaw and spit in my eyes. The patient was restrained and I checked into the ED as a patient. I had my blood drawn to check for blood borne pathogens, and a CT scan of my mandible. I was also given prophylactic medications for blood borne diseases (this is important). Thankfully, my initial blood draw was negative and so was my CT scan. City police was called and I gave a statement and pressed charges. The police made it very clear that THEY are not the ones charging the suspect, I am the one charging him. They stated that they would take him into custody, bring him to the police station, scan his fingerprints, then release him because they are not jailing misdemeanor crimes due to COVID-19 and department policy. I have a few questions regarding this case and how to proceed legally. 1. What is the process on getting a court date? Do I need to actively seek out to the charge the person in court criminally, or will I be issued a subpoena. 2. According to a quick google search and reference from my coworkers who have dealt with similar incidents against them, wouldn't this crime be a felony because it is battery committed on a healthcare worker? 3. The patient was positive for Hepatitis-B. We know this because the patient spit on police when they were brought into the ER by EMS and police. We did a blood draw on him and he showed positive. I of course have my immunizations for this, BUT, is there case for purposely trying to infect others with a blood borne pathogen. 4. I believe I am bound by HIPAA to not disclose to the judge the fact that the patient was Hep-B positive. Would it possible to state that, "The attending ER MD also gave me prophylactic medications for blood borne pathogens because I was spit on the face." Slightly suggesting that the patient purposely tried to infect me. 5. Should I seek out a lawyer? Lastly, while I am not personally or emotionally affected by this incident, I do believe that people should be help accountable for the actions. However, I am open to discussion on whether I should be pursuing this.
I just got my first speeding ticket (South Carolina) for going over 15 and less than 25 mph over the speed limit. I know that my speedometer reads incorrectly sometimes, I was definitely speeding but I wasn’t speeding over 15mph faster than the speed limit according to my speedometer. I need to know what this will do to my insurance, is it beneficial to go to court, and is there any way to get the ticket dismissed without paying the fine.
Did I (M26) break the law by telling someone where my ex (F22) posted nudes on reddit? WV Here.
Location: West Virginia So I was “dating” a girl for about 6 months. During this time she shared with me where she had posted naked pictures on herself on Reddit. About a month ago, I learn from a friend of a friend she’s actually dating some other guy, who didn’t have a clue she was dating me. So I confront her on it, she denies it, but there are enough red flags that I decide to end the relationship. Three days after I end things with her, her real boyfriend texts me, confirms my suspicions, and asked for details. I tell him everything, including her Reddit username & what subreddits she has been posting naked pictures under. I know it’s petty, but he deserves to know. She sent me a nasty email yesterday, saying I doxxed her, that I violated revenge porn laws by telling him where she posted naked pictures. She threatened to sue me, and go to the police. I . . . don’t agree with her. I looked up the statute (Title: 61-8-28a, Code of West Virginia), and it says “No person may knowingly and intentionally disclose, cause to be disclosed or threaten to disclose, with the intent to harass, intimidate, threaten, humiliate, embarrass, or coerce, an image of another which shows the intimate parts of the depicted person or shows the depicted person engaged in sexually explicit conduct which was captured under circumstances where the person depicted had a reasonable expectation that the image would not be publicly disclosed.” There is also an addendum that says “Does not apply to: images disclosed with the prior written consent of the person depicted, images of voluntary exposure in public or commercial settings, or disclosures made through the reporting of illegal conduct or lawful common practices of law or medical treatment” Here’s where I’m confused. I read that as I didn’t disclose the photos to him. I didn’t send him the photos. I didn’t save them to my phone or post them anywhere else. She posted them on a public Internet forum. She publicly disclosed them to people herself. There’s no expectations of privacy on Reddit. I didn’t post it in public. All I did was send him her Reddit username and tell him what forums she’s been posting under (she’s since removed the photos, so if you ask, sorry). Am I in trouble here? TL:dr - Ex says I violated revenge porn laws because I told someone else where she posted nudes on Reddit. Did I?
Speeding ticket in NC live in PA. Praying for judgment affect my pa license/ insurance?
Not sure if I should go PJC vs improper equipment. What is your opinion?
Parents Car Towed
Colorado, My parents came to visit me at my new house, in the HOA agreement we were told we would be sent parking passes for the extra spaces in the neighborhood. We still haven't received our parking passes that were supposed to be issued to us. When we called the HOA office they said that the Title Company for the house should've given us the previous owners parking passes. My parents car was towed for lack of a parking pass without warning. Who is at fault for this situation, my parents for parking there without a pass, the HOA for not sending us or pass, or the Title company for not transferring the previous owners passes?
Secret DNA Test CA
Is it illegal to do a cheek swab dna test on an alleged niece without the parents’ consent in CA? The circumstances revolving the pregnancy and the parent’s relationship are murky. The mother of the child says that her boyfriend is the father despite the fact that the baby girl looks nothing like the father and that side of the family. Neither parent is open to doing a paternity test. For peace of mind, some other family members have brought up sneaking a cheek swab from the child when possible and comparing it to the dna of the alleged father’s brother. This will not be used for any legal purposes, but some fear that the parents could file a lawsuit against those involved. Are there legal ramifications to this?
[Texas] Taking name off of lease agreement with roommate and putting his girlfriend on.
Here is my predicament: I signed a lease with my roommate on February of 2016 for one year and just re-signed our lease agreement for another year this past February. Two weeks into our new lease, he started to date an old girlfriend from his past. Things are getting serious between them. She brings her kid over every other week. Now, she stays over 2 weeks out of the month. This has been happening for the past 3 months. I did not agree to this arrangement in our lease and I have already signed a new lease to move into another apartment in August. I'm going to give my roommate at least a 2 months notice so as to not leave him high an dry and explain that I would like for his girlfriend to be put on the lease in my place. My question is this: Is there a way to put her onto the lease without having any issues with rent increase and get my name taken off of current lease? Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I live in a house with 2 roommates. One was smoking crack with a random guy in her room. Our landlord issued her an eviction notice, but backed down when she threatened to take legal action. Now the landlord is doing nothing, and she is not leaving. [US]
So a brief background: The house has 3 bedrooms and we all have separate leases. I have been living in this house for 2 years, and the other roommates have been here for about 3 months. I am month-to-month as my contract at the lab is coming to a close and I will need to find another job or leave soon. My room is connected to a garage, and I have a lot of woodworking tools, leatherworking equipment, 2 bikes, backpacking and fishing gear, guitars, etc. basically everything I own, my whole life. I also do not have a door to my room... just a curtain... yeah it's a strange place. I work at a government lab, and have STRICT rules about drug use. The town that basically exists to support the lab has **VERY** limited and expensive housing options, and financially it would be a burden for me to move and purchase things like a desk or a bed. Currently my rent is affordable if a bit high, but cheaper than most of the nearby options which are 2-3 bedroom rentals that would double my rent. She also has a medical marijuana license, and is constantly smoking. Every day I have to pass through 2 security checkpoints and I am worried that one of the dogs is going to smell drugs on my clothing from second hand exposure. I am even MORE worried that I could have second hand intake and not pass a random drug test, which could literally ruin my career. I have informed management in my department of the predicament, but in typical government fashion they basically just said "Ok yeah whatever, good luck!". Everyone is afraid of being the one to get tossed under the bus, so I feel that I am on my own. So my situation is: I can't afford to move and pay rent somewhere else. I can't afford to stay in my current location as it could be both physically dangerous and dangerous for my career, and I don't have another job lined up. I also can't really move back in with my parents: they live ~2000 miles away, and both my chronically ill sister and my 90 year old grandma live in my parents ~1200 sq ft house. I have already stored all of my valuables at a friend's place, which is a single bedroom efficiency, and I have been applying to jobs consistently for the past 8 months. I just don't know what recourse I have.
Employer sent me a health insurance card but never activated it
I figured I would cross post here. In December 2018 my employer let me enroll in their health insurance and sent me a card on January 1st. I used it immediately until February my doctor told me it was expired. When I called I found out it actually was never active and they never took from my paycheck. Now I have a lot of bills. They let me enroll because in their system I was full time or something and working full time but hired as part time. Why did they take it at all for a month? Is there anything I can do about these bills?
Do I have any rights or just move out of state?(MN)
Me and my ex have a long story but to make it simple almost 2 years ago I and my mother were homeless. We stayed with my uncle and my mom finially got off drugs however she had ruined her credit by getting evicted from every house we stayed in due to drugs. My mother did apply to section 8 but she never used it because she was too busy doing drugs. He offered my mother an apartment that was in his name but she paid for it and they went through with it. Obviously now he's an ex and please i already know how dumb of a decision it was but we are already here. This man constantly harasses me online and sometimes shows up to the apartment with no permission and tries to get in. Sometimes if I post on social media he will say he will come to the apartment and break my windows or call the police to get us kicked out. Is there anything I can do (Can't put anything in my name because of reasons) or should just move out of state hoping for the best somewhere else?
[PA][Philadelphia] Landlord in a coma, coldcalled by new landlord?
So my landlord, who I'd just spoken to last week, is apparently in a coma and not expected to pull through. I'm taking all of this with a grain of salt because I was just cold called by Fox Roach who told me all of this. They sent me a follow up email that said this "[my name], Please see below for my contact info. As I said you can google (facebook, linkedin, twitter, insta) me and I'm easy to find and legitimate. [His assistant or something] will be your point of contact ultimately but I will help during the transition. Please provide neighbor and tenant contact info asap so we can get this set up so no payments are late for April. Thanks! [his name and title]" Now I looked this guy up and he is a real person actually operating a real realtor team in Philadelphia, but I am *exceedingly* cautious about this because its fucking weird. I normally pay my rent via Venmo to my current landlord, and had just done that today about an hour before they called me. I am very confused, and I don't know what to do next in order to verify what's going on. The property owner is a Doctor up in New York, who I already knew doesn't want to be troubled with managing his property at all, and so that part of their story isn't surprising, they even knew who the doctor was, but I'm still very worried. My lease is *not* with this party. It is with another party that I assume to be an LLC owned solely by my (former?) landlord. So, in short, what do I have to do to confirm that my lease is changing hands I guess? What if it doesn't? [Update] I managed to get ahold of the team leader for my current landlord who confirmed everything. Good god that was a terrible way of going about it though.
Do I have a disparate work environment case in NV?
I am working for a restaurant. It is a franchise that's part of a national chain. I work in NV. I have had issues from day 1, which I have documented by paper, video, and picture. As a long time food service manager, I am very familiar with national labor laws, but I am new to NV standards. I have experienced hostility from other employees, I have been promised a management position, but have been tasked almost solely with menial, onerous tasks. Lack of oversight from the owner/operator has created an environment of danger from faulty equipment. Sexual harassment issues exist in the form of sexually uncomfortable environment. Abusive language is used by staff and owner on a frequent basis. I have not received/signed any paperwork regarding expectations of my position, guarantee of pay, appearance expectations, sexual harassment in the workplace, or any expectations of necessary training and certification to be state compliant. The schedules come after the date promised, and employees are expected to be on shift with no notice. The list goes on, but I feel these touch the biggest subjects. If you happen to be a Reno area attorney reading this and wouldn't mind giving a a very quick consultation (I have all my details written in short non opinion statements of fact, many with time and date) please feel free to comment your info, and I would love to contact you. My search has been difficult this far.
Kid threatens me in my car trying to break in I try to get away and end up hitting another car
(I'm 16 so sorry if this is not a great post) Me and this kid I sit with at lunch got into a mostly verbal fight today (he tried to grab and punch me multiple times) after he threw food at me and i move away from him and throw one piece of food back at him, he starts getting super upset and starts making threats, other than threatening to hurt me after school he says he is going to vandalize my car by throwing stuff at it and hitting it after school, and then piss on and spray paint it at a later date, anyway after the last bell rings and I get to my car he is almost there so I quickly get in and lock the doors he then proceeds to stand in front of the car, slam his backpack down on my hood and starts to reach for something in his bag so I am honking and he then comes around to the drivers side window and starts to hit my window as hard as he can (trying to break the window) so I try to get away before he breaks the window and hurts me (he is about double my size and could easily injure me) and end up hitting another cars bumper trying to get away from him before he hurt me or my car. Is there anyway he is liable for the damage done to the cars? How to stop him from damaging my car in the future Any help is greatly appreciated
Employer questions related to COVID | California
I’ll try to word this as best as I can. My husband works for an asphalt company. Last week a guy at the company tested positive for COVID. He was taken out of work. He has a helper who works in direct contact with him and they allowed him to stay at work, KNOWING that the guy he works with everyday tested positive. Well, my husband and his crew worked all week around this guy and they just found out he tested positive yesterday, meaning my husband, his crew, and about 200 other people at the job site were technically exposed. Is there anything we can do? Who would I report this to? His company kept someone at work knowing he was exposed to COVID through his coworker. We have three kids at home, I have been seeing my parents daily (they live two houses down). I am beyond stressed out. Any advice would be helpful.
Someone possibly falsely reported me to the FBI, and I need help understanding what might happen.
On another thread, a guy and I had a debate over minors watching p*rn. I said I don’t care what they watch, cause it’s not my problem. He says I’m a terrible person for not caring about it. Today, he said that he tipped the fbi of my account for supporting CP. This is something I’ve never done, never will do, and completely despise. I don’t know if he was trolling or not, but what could happen as a result of this?
My ex husband is trying to do mediation after not contributing anything for six years
Hi everyone. I'm not sure if this is the right sub to write something like this or not. My ex husband and I (f27) divorced 6 years ago and we had one son during the marriage who is now 8. We were married 2 and a half years and married really young, he was 5 years older than me. Shortly after the marriage, maybe 2 months in, I started to realize that his behavior wasn't normal at all. Super controlling, constant screaming and silent treatments over nothing, even if I asked a simple question about an oil change. The month I decided I was going to leave, I found out I was pregnant. He wasn't any better of a dad, he wouldn't even get our son medicine when he was sick. I tried to work it out until I realized that my son was afraid of him, I saw my son shaking when my ex husband screamed at me and that was when I asked for a divorce. My ex didn't want to have an responsibility, so he told me he wanted me to have physical and legal custody, he didn't want visitation. The court said he had to be ordered to pay support and pay health insurance but he hasn't done that in the past 6 years. He's visited our son a couple times a week but never took him out of my house more than 3 or 4 times. 3 out of the 4 times he left our son with other people and didn't bring him back at the agreed time. After the divorce he would follow me places and then scream at me about where I was or who I was with. He would look through my things when he would visit our son. Pop up out of nowhere. And threaten me with our son if I reported it. Last year my current husband of three years, my son and I moved out of the US to stay with our extended family in turkey last year and it's such a healthy family dynamic here that we have decided we really want to stay. Well now, my ex husband is trying to do mediation and wants parenting time with our son. A year after we've left. I have to convince my son to even do a phone conversation a couple times a week. Even on the phone he's extremely critical of our son. I have an attorney I'm working with. I really just want to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation and what the best way for you to navigate it was. Any advice really helps...
(WA) Can i leave school early if i'm 18?
I need to leave about 50 minutes before school ends to catch a job interview
Need to evict a roommate/tenant. Need help in doing some legally. MI.
Hi r/legaladvice, I am a homeowner and I am seeking to evict one of my tenants as soon as possible. The caveat to this is that I also live at the property along with 2 other people. The tenant has no written lease and is paid through December. The other roommates and myself have determined that this is absolutely not a good fit moving forward in terms of lifestyle or priorities. In addition to this, the tenant I am seeking to evict uses and possesses marijuana and paraphernalia on the premises, which none of the rest of us engage in ourselves or condone. Based on just some quick googling I have found that I need to provide him with a "notice to quit". But my question is, what are the steps that I need to take in order to go about this legally?
Arrested for Domestic Battery
Edit: I live in Orlando, Florida Hello. So, last week I was arrested for Domestic Battery. I got into an argument with my ex. I called her out on cheating on me because I heard she was looking into doing so from reliable sources. The conversation ended with me breaking up with her. I live in a 2 bedroom apartment, I locked myself in the other bedroom after the argument. She broke into the room that was locked and told me she was throwing my "stuff" out. Next I hear my items being moved from the other bedroom. She locked the door, which I had to break into the room like she did to the other bedroom. (It's a simple lock where a butter knife can turn the lock on the handle which is what she used to break in the first time) I was fine with separate rooms, so I told her I'd get my stuff, but she wanted me to leave the room. I told her no and that's when she started pushing me out of the room. I pushed her off of me to which she responded with shoving me down onto the bed and saying she was really going to hit me. I told her if she did, I would hit her back. She threatened me saying she would destroy my possessions. That's when she grabbed my gun in the case and brought it into the room. I yelled at her to drop the gun and case and she said okay, but I'm calling the cops. She told the cops on the phone that I had a knife and she feared for her life. (The butter knife is what we both used to get into the room). Cops come to my apartment with guns out and put me in handcuffs. At first they detained me for about an hour in cuffs outside. We explain out stories and so forth. The cops read me my rights and said he was arresting me for domestic battery. It was going to be assault, but because we both used the butter knife, he said he couldn't get me for assault. He told me because I pushed her, it was battery. I said it was self defense, but he told me it was hearsay, that he believed her story, and she was the one who called the cops. In the police report, her statement makes no mention of her touching me, nor taking my gun or breaking into my other room. I got out on bond, but now I have a no contact order with her. she wants off the lease, but I can't afford to pay for bills solely on myself. The leasing manager says that she's going to have to call the states attorney to file an injunction to give her sole ownership of the property if I refuse to sign her off. **My issue is, can the property manager or my ex do this?** I'm the one with no contact. Thus, I am forced by the state to avoid her. She is at a friends house for awhile, but she can come back anytime, while I cannot live here if she is here and I would be homeless. I'm more than willing to let her off the lease, but I need some time to find a replacement to which she said she doesn't care. She just wants to leave. TL;DR: Dumped my ex. Got arrested by false statement. Property manager forcing my hand to leave the unit or sign her off. Is this legal?
I won’t move in for another 3 months and they won’t terminate my lease
So short backstory I got laid off from the Disney college program and sent back home from Florida to Arizona due to Covid. In that time I got back to the grind working two jobs and saved up enough to move out of my parents place again so I signed a lease at these apartments 6 months in advance because I was excited at the idea of freedom again and they emailed me saying I needed to lockdown my rent price by signing the lease. 3 months later Disney sent me that golden ticket to comeback so I accepted thinking it would be simple. I already thought that I wouldn’t get my security deposit back and might just have to pay first months rent however they now say I’m responsible with finding a new renter and failure to do so I would have to keep paying rent and any absent fees. Do I even have legal leg to stand on?
Final Update from dadwhowontsayyes
[FL] Hi all, this will my my last update. The case is still ongoing, but the original reason why I came here for advice has been resolved. [Original post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7xgdpa/my_5_year_old_daughter_was_molested_by_my_brother/?st=JFFXURC6&sh=e559fd90) My wife and oldest daughter went for their deposition, and as soon as they got to the courthouse, it was canceled. No explanation or anything. The prosecutor called us back a week later to reschedule, and has requested my presence during the deposition. The new date is mid-April. I can’t remember the exact day at the moment. I want to thank everyone for their support here. I was truly humbled by all of the kind words. But this is the last update, so goodbye everyone.
[VT] I’ve been paying to heat/light parts of the house other than my apartment
I’ve lived in an attached “in law apartment” for a few years. There are 2 meters and mine is only supposed to measure electricity used in my own living space. My electric bills have always been higher than expected for the apartment size, $100+ a month too high in the winter, considering the primary heat source is gas, and paid separately... I’ve asked my landlords whether I was paying for anything else multiple times, and they insisted I was not. The circuit breaker box that serves my apartment has breakers that serve the garage, shared hallways, one other room in the house, and a shared entranceway which is kept **very** warm with electric heat. But I assumed they were telling the truth and these were somehow metered separately. Well, I did more research and inspected the breaker box closer. I am 99.9% sure I’m paying for everything in the breaker box. I am 100% sure that a breaker *labeled* for my apartment powers the electric heat in the entranceway. I called my power company and they said my usage patterns are consistent with lots of electric heat being used. They also said I would need to figure it out myself between the landlords, me, and an electrician. So what now? I guess I can flip breakers and use my power company’s website (which gives hourly usage) to estimate how much power is being used by circuits other than my own. Then make an estimate for how much this has all cost based on billing history. Then I ask the landlords for my money back and... then what when they say no? Bill them for the money in writing? Then when they don’t pay it... Small claims court? Get an electrician to confirm how the house is wired? Does the electrician need to show up to court? If I need to pay an electrician for their services and to show up to court, can I attempt to collect that from the landlords too? Can I just withhold rent for a couple months? When they try to evict me can I use the above documents/electrician’s testimony to defend myself? I wouldn’t be so aggressive about this except that I’ve asked them if there was something funky with how my power was being billed and they’ve strongly denied it. They even told me not to turn the heat in the entranceway down, because **they** were paying for it and it would make it cheaper for me to heat my own apartment! In reality I’m paying for it and it makes it cheaper for them to heat their side of the house!
want to help a friend out (ex felon)
i have extra cash, i dont care if i lose it all or if it’s a bad idea, but i want to help my friend out who is an ex felon start a business in his field of expertise, painting and construction my only concern is that i cant guarantee he will do everything 100% legal. he has made a lot of progress so i’m only 99% sure he will do everything by the book if i invest in him and he doesn’t something illegal, am i also liable? i don’t care about the money but the last thing i want is to have to go to court or some bs like that it would be a llc or just an (almost) interest free loan until/if he can double his money and pay me back what would you suggest is the best way to proceed PS, i’ll get a lawyer before i do anything but just really curious what you guys have to say
You break a lease early with three roommates in Massachusetts. What happens?
You're trying to break a housing lease in Massachusetts with 3 roommates.  Normally, you all pay one person and then that peraon pays the bills in one lump sum.  If you just pack up, leave, and stop paying, what's the worst that will happen? Will the landlord send the rent to collections? Will the roommates take legal action? Will your credit score drop? Let's assume that you won't get your last month's rent and security deposit back.
My ex-roommate is taking me to veterans court for leaving without giving 30 days notice
I'm in Arizona and I moved into an apartment at the start of July. After living there a week my roommate started treating me with hostility and violated the terms of our rental agreement. I no longer felt safe in the apartment and moved out last night. After receiving texts calling me many names she has told me that she filed a report with the Tempe PD and will be taking me to veterans court. What are my options?
How to avoid getting towed for overnight parking in Florida? (FL)
I need to park my personal vehicle in a public parking lot like publix/lowes etc. How can I use the law to my advantage. I come home from work late at 10PM or so and wake up early at 6AM. From what I have read they need to have authorization to tow from a leasee or building owner in advance to tow. However they may also have contracts with the towing company. It says 25ft from the sign but is that per sign or just in a straight line where you park 30ft away and your ok? Links: https://library.municode.com/fl/broward_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_CH20LIBURE_ARTVIICOPRCO_DIV2TOIMRE http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0715/Sections/0715.07.html
Recently my fiancé was served with custody papers from his ex. They have 4 year old fraternal twins together and as of about 1 year and 9 months ago she moved to Tennessee. She has 2 other kids which she doesn’t see at all and had another baby last year from a different guy. When she was in our state she was drinking and driving with the kids, smoking weed, living in her van and occasional motel, never bathed them, they were constantly dirty with her, they didn’t have a bed and their clothes were never changed, she was always around questionable men and one day she took off with them not answering phone calls or texts until hours later. Finally my fiancé had enough. He took them and they’ve been with us for about 2 years. We live in an apartment. They each have their own bed, they go to doctors appointments, they are fed, bathed, have tons of toys, have tablets, plenty of blankets and food specifically for them such as yogurt and bananas and pizza rolls. We take annual trips to Texas to see my grandparents where they shower them with gifts and food and they even have their own room. He also has proof his ex did all this while having the kids. My fiancé is on unemployment due to having Covid and now he can’t get any volunteer lawyers because of his income. Any advice? Does he have a chance? Is there any other affordable resources available to help with legal stuff?
To Florida law. USA. From UK
I have bought some stuff from a trader in Florida. I am based in England, originally I was just going to buy 1 unit and have it sent. Long story short.. the guy says that he is sending me 8 units.he says he's sending me 8 units I can't afford a full 8 units I was only going to buy one originally however he and I have discussed and agreed that I will pay him once I receive the products about a week after or less than that and now he's saying that I need to pay upfront for the 8 units that are currently in customs the problem is that I've already put the money up and I can't get a refund or I'm not sure if I can get a refund and he's insisted I have to, even though that's not what we agreed upon. I am now expected to pay $12,000 for what was originally 400. I need to know the trading standards and laws or someone who could help me in the situation. He, the trader, is based in Florida. On successful completion. I am willing to pay (discussed) thanks
Moving city to city, divorce with kids, and domestic abuse.
Hi everyone. I’m in dire need of advice on how to proceed with changing and bettering my life for myself and my babies. I’m from Dallas and currently live in San Antonio. I need to move back home to be near my support system so I’m not alone in San Antonio. However, if I pursue a divorce in my current county there is a higher probability of not being able to move back. My marriage is abusive, but police involvement has been a failure. And without recent physical abuse and sufficient evidence, it is not enough to use. If I take my babies back home, wait 60 days and file for divorce, will I face repercussions for “kidnapping” my children or anything of the sort? I can’t afford a lawyer, but I need to take this step to prevent more damage to my children. Thank you in advance.
Video Ownership - Film Talent Release, Model Release, Minor Release, and Actor Release For YouTube Purposes
So I've been looking into the legal side of YouTube. I'm a Gaming Content Creator on YouTube and I want to have ownership of gaming footage that I record with others. Essentially I want my collaborations with others to be strictly professional, There are a lot of YouTubers who work together and for what ever reason one side of the party gets jealous and reports it to YouTube. YouTube then removes the content because there is no proof that these 2 parties actually considered working together... I looked this up on Google and I believe a Media Release form can help with this as it states that both parties give the person recording all rights to what ever footage...is this correct? ​ \- also sorry I didnt know what flair to use...
AZ - Can deadbeat dad force his daughter to move back in with him (+ new wife and baby) after essentially abandoning her 1.5 years ago?
I’m writing this post on behalf of my mother (55), with whom the child (my niece) (14) currently lives. To keep things clear, I will use pseudonyms. My brother/child’s dad is: Tom My mom/child’s grandma is: Kate My niece/Child is: Lara I apologize for the lengthy post this will be In advance, I just want to provide as much relevant detail to the post as possible, as I felt it’s likely important with deciding how to proceed legally. TL;DR at bottom. There is relevant history here, so I will start with that. The child this post is about is 14F (Lara) and the tumultuous and inconsistent relationship she has had with her at-times-drug-addicted, but always-alcoholic father. It starts in her early childhood (0-6), my brother (Tom) was essentially absent, not speaking to or seeing her for months on end. My mother, Lara’s grandma, Kate, was her primary caregiver over these years, providing all food, clothing, diapers, preschool, love, etc without any help from Tom. Lara’s bio mom has essentially ghosted her over her whole life, particularly after all her children were removed by CPS when Lara was 2. Lara has had no contact from her mother for years. Tom had a period from when Lara was 6.5 to just after she turned 12, where he went through 3 relationships with women whom (along with him) were very emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive to Lara. Tom was minimally invested in Lara throughout this time, for ex: forcing her to rely on herself to wake up on time for school, get breakfast, get ready and dressed, etc., and walk out on to a main highway each morning to catch a bus to school from ages 9-11. Lara often found used condoms, bags of cocaine, weed, and always alcohol around their shared home. During this years long period however, Lara still spent at minimum 1-3, but up to 5 nights per week with grandma Kate. About 2-3 months after she turned 12, Lara sustained a skull fracture with a small brain bleed (don’t worry, she’s okay now). At that time Lara came to live with grandma Kate full time as she required many follow up appts and scans, plus school meetings to make adjustments to her homework and testing expectations. My mom and dad are retired so they had more free time. My brother, Tom signed over legal power of attorney to Kate, with “end date” intentionally left blank to indicate that it was a long term agreement. As you might guess, Lara was beside herself to finally be back with grandma Kate and our family again. Her grades improved dramatically, she was happier, she was/is loved, and extremely well cared for. She flourished and thrived in this environment. Approx. 4 months after her skull fracture, his GF breaks up with him and moves to FL. Tom then sells all of possessions and tells all of us, including Lara that he will be leaving to join GF in FL. He asks Lara to come with him, she of course declines but feels like garbage, because her dad is once again abandoning her. Anyway, all works out essentially and GF moves back to AZ, but Lara remains with grandma Kate. SO, THE ISSUE AT HAND: Lara has now been living with her grandma Kate full time for 1.5 years, with no financial support of any kind from Tom, he contacts her very minimally, occasionally over text. He did see her over the holidays, with her birthday following closely after, but said he didn’t have the money to get her a birthday present. His newest (i.e. his 3rd) wife wrote Kate (her MIL) some nasty accusatory texts asking if Lara was going to come live with them again and when, suggested Kate was somehow keep Lara from them, Fir there record, my mom has always encouraged Lara to have a relationship with her father and never withheld her from reaching out or receiving anything from them. Lara is understandably terrified and scared at the prospect of being forced to live with them again. She looks at her grandma as her mother and currently call her mom (which she has done on and off since she could speak). My mom, Kate, is livid because he has never once tried to support Lara or maintain their relationship in any meaningful way from day 1, let alone in the last 1.5 years. She wants to protect Lara’s best interests and keep her in the safe, loving, supportive environment she is currently in. So, the legal questions are these: Can Lara actually be forced to live with her dad again? Does she have any say in the matter? Does what Tom did legally constitute abandonment? If so, can Kate take legal action to obtain custodial rights as her grandmother, since both mom and dad have essentially checked out of her life? How should be proceed with my brother’s threats to make Lara live with him? TL;DR: Deadbeat dad (33) has history of inconsistent or altogether absent parenting of his daughter (14). Grandma (55) has been the one consistent and stable thing in child’s life and child has been living with grandma for last 1.5 years with no support from father of any kind, other than having state health insurance for being listed as his dependent. Dad now trying to force child to live with him again. Can he do that?
Is it possible to rent/lease your personal car to another individual?
I realize this is not a common thing to do, though i see it like a college student subleasing their college town apartment for the summer...so is it legal? What are the risks? What if I still have a loan on the car? If it is possible what would I need to put in the contract with my lessee?
My Neighbor Wrecked my Car In a Snowstorm
Yesterday I [22F] was stuck at the bottom of a hill I live on in a snowstorm. There was a good two inches of ice on the road and my sedan was not gonna make it up the hill, so I safely parked at the bottom of the hill and got a ride up to my house in my parents Jeep. Later that day, my dad [50M] asked for my keys to try to go get my car up the hill with a neighbor [35M] . I hesitated, because the roads were still awful and my car was safely parked, but decided to give them my keys and let them try anyways. My dad took them down to my car in the Jeep, and my neighbor got in my car and followed my dad in the Jeep up the hill. He slid on the ice about halfway up and skid into a curb. After they got it to my house, they were joking that the alignment might be a little off since he hit a curb. I didn't drive it again until today. I got in the car this morning to a horrific sound from the front right tire, when I stopped the car to look at it the tire is at the very back of the tire well. It's totally busted and the bumper is slightly separated. I'm not sure how they didn't see this yesterday. I just talked to a mechanic and he said that it is some significant damage. But to be careful not to say to my insurance company that it was my neighbor driving if I want any chance of it being covered. What are the chances of this being weather related and covered? My dad will likely take fault just because I had nothing to do with it. Any advice on how to go about this? I'm pretty overwhelmed especially because I didn't even want them to try to drive it. I'm moving across the country in a few weeks and need a relatively quick solution to this.
Help! My friend is being sued by the state for Unemployment
Long story short, she was let go over a year ago and was collecting unemployment. She took a part time job and worked some side hustles like Postmates until she could find a job in her field again. She is working now, but she took a low paying job in a start up hoping to get her foot in the door and work her way up again. Sometime near the end of her unemployment, her part time employer reported to the state that she could have been working full time if she had wanted. This had technically been an option, but they had only discussed part time as the job did not pay very much, and my friend needed to have other side hustles. Full time was never a real discussion. But because her employer reported that, the state decided that they wanted all the unemployment back. They took her entire tax refund, and she was hoping to finish paying it off with the next one, but a large chunk of this went to a filing fee. And now she is being sued. Does she have any options here? How does she appeal?
School Refused To Refund Fully Paid Class Trip After Hospitalized
Hi I've never used reddit before, but I love watching youtubers like RSlash, Bumfris, and Fresh so I decided to reach out for help here after an incident I had at school. Sorry that it's long- You can skip to the end where I just summarize my predicament but if you want the story then here it is. ​ For context, I'm a 12th grader in the state of Florida and I go to a Title 1 charter school. ​ This is my last year of school and we have a thing in Florida called Gradbash, it's where your whole Senior class goes to Universal/Islands of Adventure during the night and I've been looking forward to it all year. I paid the full amount of $175 for the field trip and was under the impression I was ok to go. I had no behavioral issues, no unexcused absences, and I had straight A's in all my classes. The only "issues" I had were two things; ​ I had all my English requirements done but was placed in AP Literature. Every week we had exams. One was a multiple choice exam that took 45 minutes, another was an 80 minute two essay exam, and the 15 minute exam alternated between prose passages and poetry. Of course, we didn't take them all in one day, but it was distributed in a way that we would do those exams every single week in order to prepare for the AP Exam. I always got the highest grade on my exams and it wasn't necessary to take the class in order to take the exam for college credit, AND I read the most literacy books out of all my classmates because I love reading, but I was refused multiple times when I asked to be removed. I've been asking to be removed from the class since November for the next issue. ​ I have all my requirements to graduate; Three college acceptance letters or proof of military acceptance, 100 community service hours, at least one certification, one language taken, Junior & Senior dues paid... All except one requirement. I have all my credits except physical science. All because of Chemistry class. I failed the first time for a combination of reasons. The first being, I was late to the class for a month because my school bus schedule was so messed up that I would come to school at 9 to 9:15 every morning, when school started at 8 and the first period would end at 9:30. Usually the commute is only an hour if I were to just drive myself but I take the school bus so it's even longer, and with the route messed up, well there was nothing I could do because I had no other means. Second, once my schedule was actually fixed, my teacher went on maternity leave. Third, the new teacher was an entitled witch and thought the subject to be the easiest in the world and she was a scientist herself how could someone possibly not get it? And fourth, I ended up being Baker Acted for two weeks. For those unaware of the term, when you're Baker Acted you're put in the psyche ward in the hospital because you're either a danger to yourself or others. In this case, it was because of a failed suicide attempt. As a result, I fell incredibly behind in the class and failed. The second time I failed, I couldn't even grasp the basics and the course was too fast for me to keep up and I hadn't received any help because they didn't offer tutoring for that subject and again, the teacher was awful. I hadn't thought to reach out to other science teachers at the time because I was so frustrated. At this point, my entire Junior year was wasted trying to take this course. In rolls the beginning of Senior year and I take Chemistry once again, this time online, but still ultimately fail because my grade wasn't high enough to receive credit despite doing all the work and being in a credit recovery course. I've kept asking multiple times if there was any alternative since I just kept failing Chemistry but it was always "oh you're just not trying" or "If you just applied yourself, you'd pass" "You're a smart girl, just do it." ​ This resulted in my being thrown into Earth Space Science last minute in order to try and save my grade before graduating. One month and a half before graduation. ​ At this point I pressed further for me to be removed from AP Lit because I couldn't juggle the stress of weekly exams and my online science but no avail. And when it came time to get my permission slip signed for GradBash, my assistant principal unfortunately went on leave for the unforeseeable future to get cancer treatment. This meant I had to be signed off by the new principal, who gave me one condition. Finish the online class by Friday, or I wouldn't be allowed to go on the trip. My month and a half time slot was shortened to four days. In this time period, I crammed for three days straight, skipping meals and receiving little sleep in order to do as much work as possible. I knew I couldn't finish in the time period but I wanted to at least show a significant effort in that time. As a result, I ended up failing my exams in my English class and as it was the beginning of the grading period, I had a 32% in the class. Everything I feared would happen, that I tried desperately to prevent, was happening. On the plus side, by Thursday I had increased my completion in the course by 35% and had high hopes that the principal would be gracious and sign the permission form seeing as I already paid for the trip, it was the senior trip so it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he can see I was on track to graduate and had the motivation... Nope. ​ During this time period as well, I had reached out to two counselors at my school and expressed to both of them that I was severely stressed out and pleaded with them, hoping that if I explained my emotional state they would express to the administration that it would be best to withdraw me from AP Lit so I would have a free period to work on my online and my grades wouldn't suffer. This was before my grade in english dropped to a 32% ​ A parent teacher conference was eventually called and my single mom had to use her break (shes a school district bus driver) to come to the school. And in the meeting, comprised of the principal, the tenth grade assistant principal, both consolers I spoke with, a secretary, and the special needs teacher, they explained to my mom that I was not graduating. I would not be allowed to graduate or attend the field trip or attend any of the other class activities that come with me having paid my Senior dues. Despite paying $175 for the Gradbash trip and another $180 for Senior dues. This meeting was two days before the Gradbash trip at this point and at this point I broke down crying. Hard. In front of everyone. And it worsened because I never ever wanted to ever cry in front of my mom because I know how hard she works and I had gotten so many scholarships and earned so many achievements in just this school year alone that she was proud. And now I was being told I couldn't graduate or receive any of the money back, which broke me more because I didn't want to waste any of my mother's money and I had worked so hard. It felt like my soul was shattered and I had worked so hard for nothing. Nothing I did was appreciated. And I told them how I came to them for help but it always fell on deaf ears, how I've been asking to be removed from my AP class for months and how I've been failing my science for so long but no help. And my two consolers had the audacity to say I never came to them to help or expressed the amount of stress I was in. It got to the point where I was Baker Acted again and would stay in the hospital for six days... missing my class trip. The first day I got to the hospital, I got food poisoning and was unable to leave bed without vomiting everything, even water, to the point where my body would try to throw up to no avail and the entire process hurt like hell, and the psychologist put me on 800 mlgs of seroquel that I couldn't refuse. The whole experience was god awful and did nothing to help my emotional state and I still feel helpless. ​ ***TL;DR:*** My school refuses to refund $175 I paid for a class trip and had me sent to the hospital after I broke down crying from stress. I want to sue them for the $175 plus emotional damage and all the money my mom had to waste on medication and me being hospitalized.
Got pulled over. Cop is bullshitting
Location is Illinois; Cop (cook county sheriff) pulled me over. I couldn't find my wallet so couldn't find my license, later find it under my seat.. I had my radar on and he wasn't scanning, I made sure to go no more than 40 on this road "Pacing" 50 in 35 Said I had no seatbelt on, it was like 1230AM and I had a black/brown sweater on... He never was in front of me, the angle he looked at there's no way he couldve even seen that - and I was wearing my belt the entire time bc I don't drive without it, even had it on the whole time I was stopped. He didn't mention it to me either until he came back with 3 citations and an ibond. What can I do?
Landlord/Property Issues [Tippecanoe County, Indiana]
So, I'll start off by saying that I have lived at my current residence (a duplex) for almost a year and a half now, and have had nothing but issues with my place, that the landlord doesn't want to take care of, or makes half-assed repairs that usually don't fix the issue. I signed a lease a year and a half ago with the owner of the property, and had my own issues there with getting repairs done (owner would always say it was on the list to be completed by the contractor). Then about halfway through my lease I was told that I was now to pay rent to a property management company instead of to the owner directly, and was to report any maintenance issues to the property management company. When the new management company took over about 6 mos into the first year I was there, I continued on my lease that I signed with the owner. Once that was up (no repairs were made in that time period, btw), I resigned a lease with the property management company saying that I was only going to resign if things were fixed (didn't receive a signed copy of the lease,btw). The things that I requested were fixed, but I discovered some a new issue with a pretty sizable gap under my front door, the maintenance guy with the property management company said that the owner does not want to pay for a new door. They did put some weather stripping on the bottom to block some of the air, but it is still coming out the sides. Fast forward a few weeks later: The neighbor upstairs flushes the toilet upstairs and hops in the shower and the toilet ran to the point where it came through my ceiling to the bedroom below (which noone was living in at the time, thank god). It wasn't much water on the floor, but it was enough to fill up my light fixture full of water. I told the property manager about this, and they came and emptied/dried my light fixture, and said they'd be back to check for the possibility of mold and to make sure it was dry later (later never came). A few weeks before Christmas, when the upstairs neighbors were walking on the floor in one of their bedrooms, I could actually see the ceiling flex and the light fixture would flicker when they walked near it upstairs. I was told that this was common in older houses. Maintenance came and we found out that the flicking issue was due to a faulty lightbulb, but they didn't really look at the whole ceiling flexing issue. At this same time, I also alerted them to the cracks that were on our front porch and basements are getting bigger, and they didn't seem too worried about that, either. Last issue, Somewhere in between Christmas and New Years, it had rained quite a considerable amount and the roof/ceiling above my bedroom started to leak. I informed the property manger and he informed me that a lot of his buildings were having some problems, and they would get someone out to look at it. The maintenance guy came and looked at it and told me that the roofers would be by sometime that week to fix it. A few hours after he left, the ceiling gave way due to the water that was on top of it, then the water obviously had to go someplace. So now I have a hole in my ceiling and have to move all of my belongings to my extra bedroom (thank god I didn't have a roommate at this time). The roofers did eventually come and fix the roof, but that's all they did, because that all they are paid to do, is just fix the roof side. I still have a gigantic hole in my ceiling and cannot use one of the bedrooms that I am paying for. Combine that with the crime epidemic that is starting to plague the area (I know this isn't anyone's fault). I figure it's best to just cut my losses and move on, but I'm not sure how. I have ~6 months left on my lease, and am planning on moving into a rental house with my friends if I can get this figured out. Thanks to anyone with any advice, and I know that this probably formatted right, but its my first posting.
Defamation and False Accusation
Hi, I've recently asked this coworker to the conference room. I told him that it's possible that he was the one who've been stealing from me. (Based on the hair found inside a case where the money has been kept) I told him to be careful with his career. ( Do note: we are the only ones in the room and no witnesses) The next day a coworker whom he relayed the story told me that its possible that he will sue me for defamation and false accusation. Is it possible to win this case?
What is considered a conviction in Texas?
Hello everyone, So, I am a pre-med student and I didn't realize that in the state of Texas that a speeding ticket is considered a class C misdemeanor. This concerns me as on my application I have to state whether or not I was ever CONVICTED of a misdemeanor. ​ In Texas, I am able to take a defensive driving course to dismiss the ticket. I realize that if I dismiss a ticket it will not appear on my driving record. However, it does appear on my background check regardless. (Is that correct?) In addition, if my ticket was "dismissed" is this considered a "conviction"? Based on my research it doesn't seem like so, but just wanted to confirm.
I got told at work today my hours are being cut due to the hazard pay that was introduced yesterday and to limit number of people in the office.
Hi there. I work at a bank in their operations center, not a huge bank but large enough we have locations in four/five states. I’ve worked there since last July, and have generally been liking my job/coworkers/bosses. I’m by far the youngest there at 19 years old, I don’t even know how I was hired with the lack of experience I have in the banking industry, but I’ve definitely proven my worth and have been told several times by several different supervisors that I’m the quickest learner they’ve trained. I recently got a raise and a bonus earlier this year and a good discussion that mid-year would be time for a possible promotion. The Coronavirus has definitely put a strain on our employees and business, but so far everything has been okay. Yesterday the head of HR sent out a memo saying all worksite essential employees get a temporary $3.00 raise, and all people working from home get a $250.00 one time payment. Overall a good company to work for. Today, my supervisor came to me and said that I am going to have to start later in the day and leave earlier in the day. I then asked, why, and got told it was to save costs (related to the $3 raise) and to limit the number of people in the office. There is nine of us there, and over half of us are in separate offices and we are constantly wiping down everything we touch with disinfectant. Everyone else is working remotely. My hours will be cut below 35 (I work 8 hours a day 8:00-4:30) I will not be paid for the time I am not there and I will be considered part time because in my state of Washington, 35 hours is full time and I’m going to barely have 34 at best. Additionally, I believe I am being singled out. I have talked to several close coworkers already and no one is getting this same treatment. I am the youngest and newest there. In the past, my supervisor and I have had disputes and everyone else in the department does not think highly of her. I have several other circumstances where she has been unfair to other employees, unkind, and I believe she even violated HIPPA laws against me but that is a whole different story. I don’t believe this was discussed with higher management or even HR. My question is, are they allowed to do this? Should I get in writing the reasons why? I live an work in Washington state. Feel free to ask any other questions.
Independent Contractor/Instacart.... my rights to hold a customer accountable for false claims
Shopping for a customer, the same customer 4 consecutive weeks and every time she reports items not delivered or missing items and then rates me a one star, which then starts a cycle of less batches or access to batches (orders) that in turn means less income for me. The first time it happened, I reported fraud to IC support and nothing was ever done with the proof I had. Since then, I now take photos of shopping cart with her items, photo of house showing address, photos of delivered items that are viewable in photo on door step and photo of house showing address with items on front door step... nothing is being done besides noting acct! Actually was told today, just continue with your fraud reports and work harder from IC! So my question, what can I do from my end to protect my income when this customer is determined to continually make false claims...
Help! Book keeper learning about fraud! (OH)
Long story short, my mother is recently 1099'd onto a new company, and she is sure they are laundering money via transferring funds to a fake business under the bosses home address. Shes not changed or edited the books in any way. Can she be charged with a crime for not reporting this, even if she did not aid them in any way?
I was sent death threats by another student and my university actively avoided helping me, what can I do?
this one’s a long one, sorry About a year and a half ago I transferred to a university in Fort Myers. A huge part of that decision had to do with a crazy classmate. In short, I asked the classmate to stay away from me because I noticed he had an obsession with me (he was super controlling and even tried to get rid of any friends I had so he could have me to himself) and he told me I would never get away with it and that I should’ve never crossed him. For the rest of that year, he made my life hell. I transferred to a different school on the other side of town but he decided to transfer to the same school that same year to follow me, and so I came to Fort Myers in hopes of getting away. Once I moved, I noticed things completely stopped and I fully thought I’d be safe. Me and 2 friends all got scholarships to come to this school and it was nice having people I knew around. We’ll call the first friend Joe and the second one Amy. I roomed with Amy since she was my best friend and Joe lived only a few feet away. However, there were issues with Joe. He would constantly come over regardless of whether I said it was okay or not, and always wanted to know what I was up to. He helped me a lot with the move, so I felt bad telling him to back off. Me and Amy talked about it and decided to spend some more time by ourselves and and felt a lot better and ultimately dismissed the way we felt before. One day we were hanging out with him and I could tell he was really unpleased with us not being around as much. This pattern repeated itself more frequently and the more time I gave myself the angrier he got. It got to the point where we had to lock ourselves into his roomates dorm because started getting violent and throwing things everywhere. At some point during that week he took out a knife several times and kept saying “I could kill you with this right now”. The next day, he came over to apologize and when we wouldn’t budge, he tried to jump off the parking garage outside my building. I was terrified and called the police but when they showed up he just said nothing really happened and they just felt it at that. I felt trapped and didn’t know how to get out. Amy still followed him on snapchat and we were absolutely horrified when she saw he was hanging out with the stalker I previously mentioned and another former classmate over the weekend. We went to University Police Department that same day and told them everything. They told me they would place a no contact warning and if he were to contact me or Amy again he would be suspended from the university and they said they’d follow up with us. They also advised we speak to University housing since it happened on their grounds. Housing said that they would ensure he wouldn’t be allowed near our suite whatsoever and that they would take action and follow up with us. We never heard back from upd or housing but we figured they were taking necessary action. The following semester, I moved off campus and chose to take online classes. Amy stayed on campus as before. Things were okay (I guess) until the end of add/drop week when Joe placed himself into Amy’s classes. He’s not allowed to do that, at least based on what university police told us. We started thinking about how we never got an official report from upd OR housing. We went to university police and asked to see the police report and what we say dissapointed the hell out of us. It was essentially a paper with our names and ID numbers and all, but when we looked at the description of the case all it said was “friend issues”. I told them it was in no way just some friend issue, and that Joe threatened to kill me and Amy and they said since he hadn’t tried to kill us within the past week, there was nothing they could do about it. We were feeling awful but still needed something to take to the dean of students, so naturally, we went to housing next. We spoke directly to the woman who was “helping us” 6 months ago and we found out she actually never filed anything at all. However she said she’d try to fix it and would follow up but of course she never did. We had absolutely nothing but our word at this point and decided to try Title IX, and they said they typically handle cases with people who have been abused by a significant other. She asked if either of us had dated Joe and after responded no she just told us she couldn’t really do anything about a group of friends who got into a fight. She said she’d follow up with us about anything or anyone who could help, and she never did. Still, we tried going to the dean of students who ultimately couldn’t do anything about it because of lack of proof and because he hadn’t hurt Amy DURING class. Thankfully, Amy had also spoken to the professor who took matters into his own hands and got Joe removed from the class. However, I find it really unfair how essentially Joe can do this kind of stuff and get away with it and I’m also really pissed at how the school handled this. What can be done here? Can I pursue legal action against the school for what they’ve done?
[Pittsburgh PA, USA] What are the laws for a general manager harassing/ verbally abusing employees and having unfair treatment of employees?
long story short my general manager who basically runs the store i work at since the owners dont come in has been out of line. She has threatened to fire me if she sees me on my phone even though at my particular job everyone is always on their phones and doesnt care when another employee who is her best friend does the same things i do that she would yell at me for. She was also very unprofessional when my friend i work with had mentioned to a coworker he was thinking about quitting and that coworker told our boss and she called him in to talk to him and said to him "i heard you were thinking about walking out today, you could at least put in your two weeks and not walk out like a dickhead" when he never even said he was going to walk out. i dont know if theres anything we can report to corporate or something else about this unfair treatment and verbal abuse, but if there is i would love to know what action we can take against her.
[Midwest US] YouTube Channel That Compiles Product Video’s From Reddit
I am creating a script that goes on Reddit and grabs short product promoting videos and compiles them. (Think r/INEEEEDIT, etc.) The video’s have intro/outro, and a custom transition between each clip. At the top of each clip, the title of the Reddit post is placed with quotes around it. The videos have royalty free music in the background. The description of the video contains a list of the Reddit author of, title of, and link to each clip. My thought as to why this is okay (and why I have now poured hundreds of hours into this project) is: * there are many other compilation videos on YouTube * the people who create the videos shared on these subreddits WANT their content to be shared (its marketing material) * the Redditors who upload the content would, in theory, be the first person they go to to sort out the claim * if somebody did have a problem with their clip in my video, I’d simply take it down or they’d send a complaint through YouTube and it’d get monetized and they’d get the revenue The idea with creating this project is that the channel will of course grow. Then whenever I start a Kickstarter project or website, I’ll have a free source of advertising. My concerns of course are that I did not get permission to use these videos. Thus, I cannot use them. I guess my question is: Should I really abandon this project? Legally speaking what is the worst case scenario if I go ahead with this project and what is the most likely scenario if I go ahead with this project?
[FL] another student sent me death threats and my school actively lied to me to avoid helping me
this one’s a long one, sorry About a year and a half ago I transferred to a university in Fort Myers, Florida. A huge part of that decision had to do with a crazy classmate. In short, I asked the classmate to stay away from me because I noticed he had an obsession with me (he was super controlling and even tried to get rid of any friends I had so he could have me to himself) and he told me I would never get away with it and that I should’ve never crossed him. For the rest of that year, he made my life hell. I transferred to a different school on the other side of town but he decided to transfer to the same school that same year to follow me, and so I came to Fort Myers in hopes of getting away. Once I moved, I noticed things completely stopped and I fully thought I’d be safe. Me and 2 friends all got scholarships to come to this school and it was nice having people I knew around. We’ll call the first friend Joe and the second one Amy. I roomed with Amy since she was my best friend and Joe lived only a few feet away. However, there were issues with Joe. He would constantly come over regardless of whether I said it was okay or not, and always wanted to know what I was up to. He helped me a lot with the move, so I felt bad telling him to back off. Me and Amy talked about it and decided to spend some more time by ourselves and and felt a lot better and ultimately dismissed the way we felt before. One day we were hanging out with him and I could tell he was really unpleased with us not being around as much. This pattern repeated itself more frequently and the more time I gave myself the angrier he got. It got to the point where we had to lock ourselves into his roomates dorm because started getting violent and throwing things everywhere. At some point during that week he took out a knife several times and kept saying “I could kill you with this right now”. The next day, he came over to apologize and when we wouldn’t budge, he tried to jump off the parking garage outside my building. I was terrified and called the police but when they showed up he just said nothing really happened and they just felt it at that. I felt trapped and didn’t know how to get out. Amy still followed him on snapchat and we were absolutely horrified when she saw he was hanging out with the stalker I previously mentioned and another former classmate over the weekend. We went to University Police Department that same day and told them everything. They told me they would place a no contact warning and if he were to contact me or Amy again he would be suspended from the university and they said they’d follow up with us. They also advised we speak to University housing since it happened on their grounds. Housing said that they would ensure he wouldn’t be allowed near our suite whatsoever and that they would take action and follow up with us. We never heard back from upd or housing but we figured they were taking necessary action. The following semester, I moved off campus and chose to take online classes. Amy stayed on campus as before. Things were okay (I guess) until the end of add/drop week when Joe placed himself into Amy’s classes. He’s not allowed to do that, at least based on what university police told us. We started thinking about how we never got an official report from upd OR housing. We went to university police and asked to see the police report and what we say dissapointed the hell out of us. It was essentially a paper with our names and ID numbers and all, but when we looked at the description of the case all it said was “friend issues”. I told them it was in no way just some friend issue, and that Joe threatened to kill me and Amy and they said since he hadn’t tried to kill us within the past week, there was nothing they could do about it. We were feeling awful but still needed something to take to the dean of students, so naturally, we went to housing next. We spoke directly to the woman who was “helping us” 6 months ago and we found out she actually never filed anything at all. However she said she’d try to fix it and would follow up but of course she never did. We had absolutely nothing but our word at this point and decided to try Title IX, and they said they typically handle cases with people who have been abused by a significant other. She asked if either of us had dated Joe and after responded no she just told us she couldn’t really do anything about a group of friends who got into a fight. She said she’d follow up with us about anything or anyone who could help, and she never did. Still, we tried going to the dean of students who ultimately couldn’t do anything about it because of lack of proof and because he hadn’t hurt Amy DURING class. Thankfully, Amy had also spoken to the professor who took matters into his own hands and got Joe removed from the class. However, I find it really unfair how essentially Joe can do this kind of stuff and get away with it and I’m also really pissed at how the school handled this. What can be done here? Can I pursue legal action against the school for what they’ve done?
In NYC on J1 visa and want to do internships – is it worth the risk?
I know I'm not legally allowed to do contract jobs, hence technically cannot work as a freelance or intern. However, I've been told that people have been doing internships under the radar, even on a tourist visa. It is tremendously helpful for the kind of jobs I'm looking for to have done some internships / freelance work. It would also be a great way for me to network and gain important work experience. I understand that NYC jobs don't require contracts. > My question is how risky is it if I do internships? What are the chances that I'd get into trouble? What would the consequences be?
Teacher noticed I had Sabre Pepper Spray, told the office...
Background: I go to a charter school in North Carolina. In NC, the law for pepper spray is one must be 14 or older (with parental consent) to carry it, 18 or older to purchase. I am 16, my parents bought the pepper spray for me. I am a rather small female, and have been trained in women's self defense but still feel the need for pepper spray. I am within 30 minutes of the one of the biggest sex trafficking cities of North America. Every morning when I enter my first class, I put my lanyard (with keys) on my desk- which also holds my pepper spray. For the month and a half that we've been in school, my teacher hasn't said anything about it. Today, he noticed it and asked "Is that Sabre?" I answer, "Yes" "Oh that's considered a weapon, I think I have to send you to the office. I don't want happened at others schools to happen here too." I replied, "It's on my keys, for when I go to my car." He said "I understand that, but it's still a weapon. I bet other students have spray too, so I think I'll let it go." Then seconds later, "Actually, I'm going to have to call the office." So he goes to the phone and not even being quiet, "Hi, yes I have a student who has a *weapon*, it's pepper spray." Firstly, he didn't even seem to try and keep it confidential. Secondly, he proceeded to laugh and say "Yeah I'm not sure what to do!" Over the phone. He comes back over to me and says "The principal has asked that you take it to your car- I would prefer you to do this immediately because you have a weapon on you on school grounds, or give it to the office." I didn't even get to explain myself. Half a year ago, February of 2019, a previous male friend of mine (at my school) called me a slut, whore, but most of all he threatened me. I did not and still do not feel safe. However, I did not trust my school with this ordeal and kept it to myself. I do still have screenshots of his words. I have the Discord account to bring them up instantly. I complied and went to my car, but later did some research. Nowhere in the student handbook (list of rules for our school, as we are not under a district", does it state that pepper spray is not allowed. If anything, it states "Weapons that can inflict serious bodily damage", which pepper spray CANNOT. I spoke to my resource officer, and he said that it's not needed at our school as we "haven't had a fight in four years", and "if every student had Pepper Spray, then instead of having a talking argument, a student would spray another because that's much easier." He went on to say that he doesn't have it on him because he hates it that much- which to me, shows some bias. I asked, hypothetically, what if I felt the need to have it at school as I was threatened. He said, "If someone threatened you and feel like you could be assaulted at school, then you need to tell the school." I'm confused on what to do. Where to go, if I should fight or continue to let them get away with this. To think if I just kept it in my bag, none of this would have happened and I could still feel safe. I don't feel safe now. I don't. Do I have a case enough to complain back to the school? Or do they really have the upper hand here despite my reasoning? Thank you. All comments are appreciated.
My sisters ex got temporary emergency custody of their daughter, and is trying for permanent full custody
My (f21) sisters (35) ex husband (35?) was granted emergency temporary custody of their daughter (12). My sister was informed about a week ago and has not seen her daughter since. I will try to give as much information as possible, but it is all very confusing. And this is my first redit post. My sister left her ex 11 years ago because he was emotionally abusive and manipulative. Ever since then they have been fighting constantly over custody and have had mostly 50/50. Niece does not like going to her dads house, she has told me this herself. She says him and her step mom are mean to her. She is afraid of them. She often cry’s or throws fit when it’s time leave her moms house to go there. I feel so bad that she can’t even come to her moms house now to get away from them. My sister does not know what she is being accused of. The only thing that the court order said was that she was an immediate danger to her daughter. This was totally out of the blue, and completely false, as she is an excellent mother. From what we can tell, the temporary custody order was granted because of the recommendation of a psychologist that her ex found. The psychologist had not met my sister or niece. We are not sure how this was granted with such little evidence, and we do not know why she can’t even know what she is being accused of. Her lawyer filed something with the courts to try to figure out what she is being accused of, but it looks like that is most likely not going to be granted. We do not even have a court date yet. It just feels hopeless at this point. The fact that the judge would grant it on such little evidence just feels wrong. And by the way things are going it is not looking good for us getting niece back. We are in Ohio btw. Any advice on what we can do?
entitled grandmother is trying to take away my family's inheritance
hi! this is probably gonna be kind of long so sorry in advance. I've been following reddit thread accounts on instagram for a while now so I figured I could hop on here and maybe get some advice. basically, I grew up poor but my parents made the best of it; we have always been the poorest among our extended family, and this has been rubbed in our faces a lot over the years. my mother is really sick but still tirelessly works 50+ hours a week as my dad is quite a bit older than her and got laid off from his job, and she has been trying to support me with college as well as pay off our massive amounts of debt from various things. my mum grew up in Scandinavia and her parents were affluent and well known doctors, and they made her and her two siblings aware that they would get a sizable inheritance, as my mother's home country's legal system is very blood-based and pragmatic; if you're related, you'll be getting money, property, etc, at least as far as I understand it. however, this is where things get messy. my grandfather was cheating on my grandmother with his twenty-something secretary, he was caught, they got divorced, and he married the secretary- who is my Entitled Step-Grandmother (ESG)- this was 20 years ago. now ESG was shunned by most of the family (my aunt refused to talk to her at family parties, my uncle was civil but cold) even after she and my grandfather got married. my mum on the other hand was a lot warmer and willing to give ESG a chance, so she would let her come visit us and when ESG begged us to call her 'Granny', we did. we were pretty close with her, and it seemed like she cared a lot for us as well (in hindsight, it might've just been because we were the only ones who treated her warmly at all). in all honesty, I was closer with her than my biological grandmother, because she was just so nice. basically, we trusted her and loved her like she was part of the family, and had no reason to think she would ever do anything to harm us. about ten years ago, my grandfather had a massive stroke, and after that things went really downhill. he developed dementia, and within a couple years could no longer remember anything or take care of himself. ESG, being his much younger and able-bodied wife, had to take on the responsibility of caring for him, but this only lasted a little less than a year as she essentially had my grandfather put in a home as soon as she could. since then, she has spent all of the massive amounts of money that he had put aside as soon as he realized he was losing his mind, and she is slowly going into debt. recently, she's been acting very erratic and secretive, though she is getting older and my grandfather's health has worsened so we didn't see much wrong with her basically wilin out. however it's come to light that ESG, with the help of her son (she has two children), waited until my grandfather was so demented that he had forgotten who anyone was, to CHANGE THE WILL. my grandfather's will, which has been established for over twenty years since he and ESG got married, was changed only two years ago. to be clear: my grandfather's mental faculties have been completely gone for AT LEAST five years. this means that ESG and her son very much broke the law when they coerced him into signing and affirming the new will, right???? this is where I come to you good Redditors for advice. my mother says that we have no right to do anything. basically, my uncle is a very well known politician with an important image to hold up in the EU- apparently some shit went down many years ago where my grandfather gave him some money, it didn't look great as it was him dipping into the frozen inheritance money, which was transferred through off-shore accounts where it couldn't be traced, etc etc, however it was very important that my uncle get this money as he was battling an aggressive cancer and needed it for treatment (I don't know much more than that, sorry!). because of this, my mother believes that ESG has some sort of blackmail over us, and she and my uncle are refusing to get the authorities or any lawyers involved to protect my uncle's reputation, and also because they believe that since there's no 'proof' that my grandfather didn't just want to change the will of his own accord that we have no legal footing. my mother also says that since my grandfather is still alive, there's 'no point in even discussing it'. the reason I'm pushing so hard for this to get resolved is because my mother has recently gotten sicker and so needs to go on a newer, more expensive medicine- we're already barely making ends meet between my college expenses and my brother's, and we could really use the money to help us. I'm also just really hurt (and I can tell my mum is, too), because we trusted ESG and now she has selfishly changed the will to give herself and her children the entirety of our inheritance. when my mum tried to reason with her about it early on, she said that she deserves all of my grandfather's money because of all she has been through and what she's had to 'put up with' in terms of my demented grandfather. ESG really believes that she is entitled to do what she pleases with his money, because 'trauma'. it's also worth noting that her children are not related to us at all and are ESG's from a previous marriage; if the will hadn't been changed, they would have no legal claim to any of my grandfather's money. basically ESG told my mother to piss off and that she wouldn't be changing her mind, and since then we've heard nothing from her except on Facebook, where she has been going to many concerts and public gatherings despite covid, because she is an idiot who loves spending money. what should we do? I don't really know where we stand with this, and it's really frustrating. I care about my mother's health, and I want this inheritance stuff smoothed out so my mum can finally relax a little bit and focus on her well-being and getting better. during these times, there's so much to stress over, and I just don't want this hanging over our heads anymore. I also just want ESG and her awful, selfish attitude out of our lives for good. **TL;DR:** my entitled step-grandmother is trying to take away our inheritance money. mum and uncle are leaving it because they believe the legal battle will ruin my uncle's reputation and that there's no real case. advice please??
USA - MD: Landlord told my wife that we will have to pay for a new carpet when we move out because of support animal.
USA - Maryland We live in a rental house that had a no-pets policy. During our stay, my wife needed to get an emotional support animal due to sexual assault resulting in CPTSD. Her therapist prescribed her a cat (something about exposure therapy using safe space - and she grew up around multitudes of cats). Whenever she's having an attack, the cat calms her down in seconds. As a fair notice, we told the rental agency that we need to get my wife's "prescription animal". The lady manager went off on my wife about how cats destroy houses and how she should just get a dog and keep it outside etc. As much as this makes my blood boil, I don't want to get into an argument with the landlord. What I'm worried about is that she said that when we move out she will charge us for a new carpet. Now this cat is very well behaved. Never scratches the carpet and she's never left alone for more than 2 hours a day. She has a scratchpad. From what I am reading, the landlord may charge for an ESA in case of "undue financial hardships". What constitutes this hardship? Can we be forced to pay for a new carpet out of our deposit of $1400? Thank you and sorry if it's a stupid question! EDIT: some details - carpet is in excellent condition. We only moved in 6 months ago. We plan to move out in 6 more months (1 year)
Friend being harrassed by some dude
So, my friend is 16 years old and this guy is like 30+ years old and out of the blue just texted her through Facebook. They work together at Walmart but not in the same department and it's nothing bad it's just a "hey, how are you?" and it just makes me uncomfortable that he thinks it's ok. I'm 19 and she told me that this has happened before and another co-worker of hers told the Store Manager which in turn yelled at the guy for it but, idk how long this has been going on. This is the first I've heard of it but, can he get into any legal trouble if it's nothing bad or creepy? Edit: Just remembered her friend told me he texted her on Facebook as well not sure what her age is but she looks like she isn't more then 24 if even that old.
Question about drug test in regards to Family Court matter
My friend is currently in a custody battle over her two younger sisters with her mom who just got out of jail (mom committed identity theft, claimed the drugs made her do it, and got out of jail but has to do drug tests multiple times a week). The oldest sister (who is wanting custody) and the mom (who went to jail and got out) went to a type of mediation today between the two and a hearing officer. So the situation: the mom is insisting to pay for my friend to get a urine and hair test. They wrote it up in a legal document. The mom was supposed to pay for this drug test by today at 5 PM. Mom never paid so my friend is wondering if she still will need to show up for this drug test. The legal document says that if the aforesaid party fails to show up for drug screen they can be held in contempt of court. Any suggestions would be appreciated on how to handle this situation, thank you!!
My numbskull (dog) scratched a car
Western Michigan location here. I searched through the subreddit a little, and didn't see anything related to what I'm specifically looking for. My idiot of a dog, who I love dearly, snuck out without his electric fence collar on. There were two cars stopped talking to each other in the street next to the house and she immediately assumed they wanted to say Hi, bolted over and jumped up on the car. I didn't think much of it I got over pretty quickly, picked up 70 pounds of lab and carried her back inside. About an hour later I was outside with my daughter and the guy came back and said l,basically, look what your dog did to my car. There were a few surface scratches (my thumb did not catch on them) and I said it looked like they weren't serious. He said he'd try to buff them out, and I gave him my card with my cell number and apologized. In case he calls back, I just want to know how I should handle this. I'm at fault (well my idiot is, but she doesn't make enough money to cover it) Do I give him my homeowners policy? Does he need to provide an estimate? Thanks in advance!
A roommate won’t leave. No lease/sublease. Responses appreciated.
Hi everybody. I’m in NYC housing. I let a friend stay with me because he had nowhere to go. He was giving me some $ as compensation from March 2019 till August 2019. After that I had him send the $ to another friend that has nothing to do with the apt. He was supposed to leave now end of April as we both agreed but now he’s saying he doesn’t want to go and wants to see my lease. Last time he sent my friend $ was last month a few hundred. What are my options? We have nothing signed. Only texts relating to the apt, such as the internet not working, him sending $ to my other friend etc. Any replies appreciated.
[Minnesota] School messed up on providing me health insurance and now won't enroll me because it is past the due date for enrollment for this semester.
So, I signed up for my university's health insurance policy for this semester. The insurance was supposed to run from January 20th - August 20th. Yesterday I needed to refill my prescriptions so I called the school pharmacy and they informed me that I was not actually covered by the university's health insurance. I called the help line for the health benefits office. Essentially this is what happened: 1. The directions to enroll on the website tells you that you just have to hit a special check box when registering for your Spring courses and then make sure your address is up to date in the school's records. So I did that under the impression, by that page, that was all I had to do to sign up for insurance. [Here is the link to that page.](http://www.shb.umn.edu/twincities/students/shbp/enroll-or-waive.htm) 1. Because I waived enrollment in the fall semester (I was on my parent's insurance until I turned 26 in October and opted for temporary health insurance for the remainder of the Fall semester) they "automatically" waive you from possible enrollment for the Spring unless you send them a special form. However, these directions are NOT on the directions to enroll. These directions are under the "Frequently Asked Questions" portion. I didn't have any questions, I read through the policy, understood the coverage, understood the directions page, and enrolled (or so I thought). 2. Turns out because I didn't send these papers in and I only clicked on the checkbox wishing to enroll, that they didn't enroll me. Nor did they inform me that I wasn't enrolled. So I come to find out 2 months later that I haven't had insurance all this time. 3. I spoke with someone on the phone yesterday and they told me that this has been a very common problem due to the directions on their website and that, because of that, they are still allowing people to enroll late. She informed me that all I needed to do was fill out the forms and email them into the office. I did that immediately, and today I got the response that they can not enroll me because it is past the deadline. I then called the office and asked for clarification since I was told something completely different the day prior and the person on the phone said the same thing as the email response, "you're past the deadline, we can't do anything for you." 4. I am now stuck without proper insurance until I start my job in the middle of the summer. I can opt for temporary again, but that doesn't cover some of what I am needing from health insurance right now. I also have the potential to get the Obama insurance tax penalties for a break in insurance or for using temporary insurance. Is there anything I can do to try and get insurance? Any help or guidance would be great! If you have anymore questions for clarification let me know. I know it seems ridiculous that I didn't know until now, but I just hadn't needed to use it until now! So I hadn't thought about it.
Responsibilities for Tenant who vacated property but still under lease
We own a home that is managed by a property management company. Our tenants informed us they were moving out and asked them to let them out of the lease early. Original lease ended June 30, but we agreed to change it to April 30. Apparently, they are moving out next week and plan on turning off utilities. Are they allowed to do that since they are still under the lease until April 30? Property is in South Carolina.
Teachers viewing student screens remotely
I’ll try to make this a quick one. Today a teacher emailed stating that the teacher( no reason provided) logged into my child’s school owned device and saw they were logging into Facebook during class time. Being in IT I investigated and found, that although the teacher saw a Facebook blocked screen, the incident occurred the night before but on my child’s personal computer not the school provided device. My child is logged into their school account using chrome and I understand that there is a need for CIPA content filtering and management of thousands of devices the school owns, but to have access and at any given time to a minors personal computer, which my child was not even on at the time, just because he is logged into his personal home computer, that any teacher at any given time can view my child’s screen on their personal devices. First off, 1. Is a normal practice for a school district to provide access to teachers to provide access to a students screen without being promoted that screen sharing is occurring. 2. Is there a level of privacy violation that has occurred without a student ( minor) knowing that this is occurring? I understand about content filtering but I think this level of access without a disclaimer at the beginning of class or the students knowing the teacher is using this for educational purposes, but more investigative purposes with no probable cause on a personal device.
Real estate & Trust/Will questions
So my grandma is about to evict my mother and her new family(it's a fucked situation). When the house sells she is going to use that money to buy a smaller house for just me to live in. Since she is getting old and I'm only on the same page with 1 out of 2 power of attorneys (people who control decisions on the Will) we are wanting to figure out a way for the house to go to me without a fight if something happens. Someone recommended to me that it be put into a revokable Trust of some sort that she can take back at any point until something happens.(this will give her peace of mind because it'll be a lot) Under the circumstances something does happen and she doesn't revoke it then it goes 100% into my name without dealing with probate court or anything like that. Do I have the right terms and idea with this situation or can you recommend a better idea? Basically we just want it on paper and recorded that the house is mine if something happens because others in my family are definitely going to get greedy when she passes. They'd also love to see me burn if it came down to me or them. I'll spare anymore details unless asked because it's a sad situation. Any help or advice appreciated.
Landlord subletting for you.
Minnesota Excuse the formatting/typos, I'm on mobile, and first post. My girlfriend rented an apartment, and ended up with a nightmare roommate, the landlord let her pay a $500 fee to "sublet" the apartment. The landlord found the new tenet, did all the paperwork. My gf signed nothing. She was told she would get her deposit back when the lease ended. The lease would be over now, and the landlord is saying that the subleter, owes $2k+, and she will be paid when they get paid. From my understanding this is not how subletting works. And the landlord essentially just leased the apartment to someone else. Can my gf sue to get her deposit back?
Is it illegal for me to record a conversation with a lawyer?
To be completely transparent, my grandfather has made it clear that I'll be the main beneficiary in his will. The thing is though that he has been leaving the handling of the will to a friend of his who I do not entirely trust. This friend of his has set up an appointment with a lawyer, who will be coming to the house to discuss the will. I asked my grandfather for the name of the lawyer, who I looked up and cannot find any lawyer with the same name. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but would it be wrong to record this conversation for future reference, without their knowing? I will be at the table and was going to use the voice memo on my phone to record the conversation.
Landlord not allowing us to place bed on living room.
I live with my brother and parents on a 2 bedroom apartment in NJ. Me and my brother used the 2 bedroom and my parents use the living room as their room. However, my landlord won’t allow us to place a bed in the living room. Is there anything I can do about this? Any help appreciated.
[US/KY] Stumbled upon a questionable image on google images, could I be prosecuted?
As my name implies, I like futa (hermaphrodite females). I also have an incest kink for fictional characters. I looked up “mother daughter futanari” on google images a bit ago, and saw a rather questionable image of a nude futanari holding what looked like a nude baby. No sex act was depicted and I clicked off the tab and closed it as soon as I saw this image. Is it likely I will be arrested?
[SC, USA] Question about my ticket; possible bond forfeit?
Back in mid-November last month, I got pulled over by a trooper for speeding and I got a ticket; my first ticket actually of all the years I’ve been driving. I wasn’t mad or scared about it; to be honest, I think I was too relaxed about it because I almost completely forgot about it which would have been bad. Anyways, my court date is coming up soon in early January 2019 next year. Court appearance is NOT required (that’s what it said on the ticket). However, also on the ticket in the details on the back of it, it said this, quote: “However, if you are NOT required to appear in court on the assigned trial date and have previously posted bond and do not appear on the assigned trial date, your bond may be forfeited unless the judge has agreed to have your case heard at another time.” What does that even mean? Because I was planning on paying the fine online and not going to court, but it will be forfeited? I’m confused.
Memory Loss and Legally Binding Contracts ?
Memory Loss and contracts ? If you work a job where you are in a legally binding contract to work until the project is finished and you have a bad accident away from the job. You suffer memory loss and don’t know who you or the people in your life are Tho remember everything else like how to talk , can form new memories how to drive , basically how to be human right? Your still physically capable of doing the job and it likely wouldn’t endanger you or anyone else What is the legality now surrounding that contract ? Do you have to abide by the contract even tho you don’t remember it or even who you were when you signed it , or are you now out of the co tract by default
My manager made the staff sign a contract saying that we couldn’t call out unless we had a hospital note. She said that we would be fired if we didn’t sign it. Is this legal?
She said too many people were calling out was the reason. The contract looked shady as hell. It looked like she just opened a word document and typed it in. No signature line or anything. This probably doesn’t affect anything, but I’ll include it.
Is there anything I can do?
My wife and I live in a rather large (900+ units) apartment complex in MA, USA. We are moving in May to another apartment, same complex. We opted for a $149 cleaning service that is provided by the company which manages our complex. I was told to bring the money order (online payments were down) to the office ASAP. I went to my bank to get the money order, found out it was cheaper at the post office and then brought it to the management office. I handed the money order to the gent at the front desk. I told him who i was, what it was for and what apartment we lived in. Two weeks later the charge is still current and they are saying I never dropped it off. There’s no record of it and I still owe the money. The guy I gave it to told me he remembers me dropping off a check but can’t remember what for. It’s the only time I’ve ever dropped off a payment so that kind of narrows it down. Now, it’s not a huge sum of money but I would rather exhaust all options than simply give up and pay it again. And yes, I should have kept my receipt but put too much confidence in the company managing my home and thought it would be in good hands. Do I have any legs to stand on here? Is it possible to go back to the post office to see if they have a record of the money order? Thanks for your help.
Ownership of everyday property
Hello, This question has been lingering in my mind. How does one establish ownership of an everyday property, such as a pen? Any such item that doesn't have a written owner? For example, if I lose my pen and someone finds it and then says it's theirs (when it's really mine), how does the police decide who the pen is really owned by?
Documentation needed for unemployment due to termination
Hello everyone. First time posting. I’m from Columbus OH. I was laid off due to Covid-19. I was hired back about 3 weeks ago. Yesterday I was fired. Throughout my time there have been many conversations regarding the disrespect and communication from my bosses to my coworkers (including myself). I was made to feel guilty for feeling uncomfortable coming back after Covid-19 and not feeling comfortable volunteering to work extra days. I went into my bosses office to talk to him about specific situations that occurred that week. Explained that I didn’t appreciate how he talked to me or the entire office. By the end of the conversation he told me that this wasn’t the place for me. I asked if I was fired and he sent a letter of termination. The letter is very brief. Stating “This letter is a written statement of your employment termination.” With the workplace name, date of termination and signature. At this point it is my word against his. I am concerned he is going to provide false information. Nothing has been brought up regarding my performance prior to this situation. I had a good review. I do not want to be denied unemployment due to them lying. What documentation do I need to help my case? Thanks in advance!
Questions before I turn 16 next week
Next week I turn 16, Its a Thursday, the day Im supposed to go to my father’s house. I am legally allowed to stay with my mom at 16, The problem is that my dad’s going to start crap and most likely get physical with me, what should I do to prepare?
Canadian victim of Drunk Driving
Recently lost my brother in a ATV collision. Defendant is charged with -  Operation Causing Death  Operation Causing Bodily Harm  Obstruct Peace Officer  Operation While Impaired  Over 80  Accident Resulting in Death What sort of defense does the defendant have? What sort of sentence if found guilty? Time frame with covid? Please PM if more information needed.
Leak damage occurred in last week of lease. Landlord is attempting to charge us for be negligent despite history of reporting maintenance requests
Hello, Looking for some advice or direction for where to look further. I’ve done some research but navigating the legal codes can be difficult for someone not well versed in it. This will be kinda long because the context it important. I was renting a condo in Virginia from our landlord and after the lease was up, as was expected, they tried to take as much of our security deposit as possible. The landlord also is charging us for damage to the condo which I will outline below. Leak Near the end of the lease, it was discovered that a slow leak under the kitchen sink was building up and eventually began major leaking in the condo below. The landlord is attempting to charge us for the leaking faucet and the damage resulting from the leak. He is claiming negligence. Some background, about the year before the leak, we noticed a different(?) leak under the sink and reported it through our maintenance portal. The property management company sent someone out to fix it. For some context, the sink is on a breakfast bar. Because, for some reason, they couldn’t replace the sink from under he cabinet, they put a hole in the drywall under the breakfast bar and replaced plumbing and the faucet from that end. They patched the hole in the drywall with a mesh but never fully patched the drywall neither in the outside or on the inside. Additionally, approximately 4 months prior to the leak, the garbage disposal stopped working causing the sink to back up. We again put in a maintenance request from the portal. They found a crack in the disposal and had to replace it. We believe this is when the leak, they charging us for, occurred and would line up with the timing a slow leak, which was being absorbed by cleaning materials under the sink, would take to grow and eat away at the subflooring. Additionally, a week before the lease ended. The owners of the condo below noticed the leak in their condo and contacted all the units around them in order to find the leak. We helped to located the leak and found out it was coming from our unit. We shut off the the water to prevent any more damage. We also called the property management company and reported the leak. A couple days later, plumber came through and looked all around for the leak since we suspected it was sink but weren’t for sure. Which brings us to now, when we got the receipt for the damage. The landlord is charging us for the faucet which had a leak (mind you this is the same faucet that was replaced within the last year and the plumbing under the sink was worked on to replace the garbage disposal), to replace the flooring and subflooring in the kitchen, and the wood under the cabinet. A few questions: - Should we be on the hook for replacing the faucet when we didn’t cause the leak? If we would have noticed the leak and reported it, the landlord would have paid for it but because we didn’t notice it until later, they are making us pay for it? - In addition, based on the contractor receipt, we believe he upgraded the faucet to a more expensive model. Do we have any ground to stand on here? - In the 2 years we rented the condo (renewed our lease after the first year and they had a walk though of the unit) we submitted 7-8 maintenance requests regarding both original sink leak, the garbage disposal, and a leak above a window which was never fixed. They came out multiple times and tried to fix it but it always contiuned to leak when it rained. We reported it each time we noticed it after they worked on it. The landlord is claiming the the slow leak under the sink was leaking for months and that we should have noticed it. Can we really be negligent if we reported multiple instances of other leaks though the maintenance portal? Stains on the walls Within the last year, we started to notice a soot like substance on the walls and carpet. In conversation, we found out that that sounds like a HVAC blow back so we reported this through the maintenance portal. They sent someone out and said they didn’t find anything with the HVAC but it could be the gas fireplace. They sent someone out to look at the fireplace. The fireplace was cleaned they claimed but said to not use it. We didn’t use it but noticed that they never turned the pilot light off, so we did that ourselves. Now, the landlord is charging us for the soot stains on the walls, the work to repaint them, and to clean the carpet which were also stained (mind you, we had the carpet cleaned professionally as it stated in the lease before we moved out). A question: - Should we be responsible for the damage and stains on the walls/carpet when they were caused by the fireplace and we reported them though the maintenance portal?
Can I sue my rapist before trial?
A year ago, my rapist raped me in a ditch and tried luring me to his home for me to "Shower" to make sure I couldn't do a rape kit. I didn't even know him, I'm an at risk adult so it's easy to manipulate me. I air quote "Shower" because I literally have no idea what his plans were if I went inside his home. He was taken in by an detective after I got my rape kit. Judge lowered his bail from $250,000 to $10,000 and he got out jail that same day back in November, and now since June, he has moved 3 times, but closer and closer to me despite protection order. I told my advocate and Criminal prosecutor since Washington state is getting kind of scary with missing women and a recent one being dead. His court date was today, and trial was originally supposed to happen in April, it was supposed to be October but today it got moved to February. I'm scared of him moving closer to me within those 5 months and I can't do anything about it. Can I sue him before trial? Would that hurt trial? I feel like it's just going to be swept under the rug and I won't have any choice but to not exist.
Am I in the wrong here? Big company taking advantage of me?
So around a couple of months ago my mother passed away rather suddenly. She left both me and my brother her 401k which is still held at the company she worked for many years ago. When we had an estate specialist from that company walk me and my estate team through our options, they gave us a solid plan on how to move forward. We even asked about other strategies but the specialist on the phone rejected it as an option. I ended up moving forward with the plan as we decided, but the specialist on the phone (different one now) mentioned the other strategy that my lawyer asked about as an option. This was the first time I heard about it, but when I asked if there was a difference in tax liability she said no. Later I found out that the information I received on both of these phone calls was false. The other strategy was definitely an option and the smarter of the two options considering my mother's assets. I now owe more money in tax liabilities because of it, a lot more. When I tried to reverse this decision, the company listened to the phone call and said that I was given the information about the two options and I chose the inferior one. Now I don't have photographic memory and this was a while ago, but I definitely was not given that information. (I found out about the tax liability a week later and was livid) When I asked to listen to the recorded call they said no and that there was nothing they could do further. (They have the power to reverse this but are unwilling). Part of me feels they hid this from me on purpose. Do I have a case here/ am I in the wrong here?
Can I be evicted if I give notice to move?
This is in California. I have previously been told by the landlord that she would let me break the lease (via text). The lease states that the security deposit cannot be used for the last months rent. I don’t trust the landlord and feel that if I paid her the last months rent, I would end up having to sue her for my deposit. If I give her a 30 day notice and tell her to use the security deposit for last months rent anyway, can she try to file an eviction even though I intend on moving? There is no damage to the property, by the way.
Tried refunding a house off Air bnb and basically lost $2000, anything I can do?
Alright so basically my friends and I decided to try and rent a house off air bnb for prom. We had to find a last minute one and put down half of the total deposit to just secure a place to stay while we collected all of the money. Well long story short people weren’t happy with the house and my friend tried to refund it. Well he must’ve missed the 48 hour cancellation policy because when he checked to see if it was refunded a few days later he saw that $0.00 had been refunded. From what I understand we would’ve gotten half the money back from the total deposit but since we only payed half we get nothing. Yea so I’m not super sure what to do here. Feels like we have this guy $2000 for nothing I mean we cancelled probably a month before we were even supposed to check in. Any advice would be great appreciated. Please let me know if you need anymore Information.
Landlord intrusion in Los Angeles, California.
I’ve lived at this apartment for about 10-11 months. In that time, my landlady has come into my apartment an extreme amount of times for a range of reasons, most of which were not consensual. My landlady feels she has the ability to come in whenever she pleases because I am not renting the common space (living room, kitchen) but only my room. Let me make it clear, my rental agreement states that I am renting “Apartment #1”. Not “Apartment #1 Room A” or anything like that. It’s a 3 bed/2 bath. And, we each pay our own respective rents. So, if Room B doesn’t pay their rent, it doesn’t affect me. Aside from understandable reasons like making repairs that we’ve requested or showing the apartment to potential tenants, the landlady has come into our rooms and the general apartment numerous times for bogus reasons, many times, to unplug our electronics/fans in the summer and turn off the heat during the winter (our utilities are included). So, the obvious solutions would be to take her to court or move out. But, I want to stay and I don’t have the time, money, or energy to get into a court battle. Can I legally change the locks to the apartment, guaranteeing her from entering without us letting her in? There is nothing in my rental agreement that says she’s entitled to a copy of the key. I should also mention that I and a few other tenants have complained to the housing department who have done nothing. And, the cops have been called on the landlady a couple of times by other tenants, and they have done nothing because it’s a civil matter. Thanks!
Staffing agency messed up and want me to pay for their mistake?
So I got a job that uses an outside staffing agency in New York. The starting pay was supposed to be 12 an hour but somehow on their end they entered 15 an hour and I’ve been getting paid that for 2 months. They just found their mistake and now tell me I have to pay them back the overpaid amount which comes out to about 750-800. Is that something I have to do given that it was in no way my fault? They asked how come I didn’t notice it, but with my rough math at another job making 10.75 it was close to right and I didn’t think much of it, just made sure it got deposited in my bank and never really checked the online pay stub, since I knew I worked 40 hours after needing to enter hours on their website. Any idea if I should look for a lawyer or just be short on cash for the next 2 to 3 months while I’m forced to pay it back?
What would happen legally if a driving-student gets into a car accident during their driving test?
I would be curious to know the legal consequences in different scenarios: **Age scenario:** \- if the student-driver is a minor (like 16 or 17 yo) *- I imagine this might depend of the laws of X country, but let's talk hypothetically* \- if the student-driver is an adult (18+) **Accident scenario:** \- a real accident (it's no ones fault) \- not really an accident - the student-driver provoked it (by being reckless for example) **Let's pretend the only damage done is property damage (for example, they drove in a shop) - but everybody's safe and sound**
(CO)I recently got fired for my stutter. What do I do?
Hey! First time posting here so let me know if I mess up anywhere. I used to work at a fast food franchise (won't name names obviously) and I had seriously injured my calf while putting food in the walk in fridge. Tried to stay in contact with my managers but would rarely get any info back. Had surgery to fix my calf and will be having permanent issues. Fast forward a few months and I am talking to one of my managers about me coming back to work. Now I have a very bad stutter. I really can't talk in person because of it but this was known when I was hired and they never made it seem like it was a big issue. My only real job was to prepare the food and help out on the make line as needed. I was never asked or trained to deal with any customer service and they were ok with it. Talk to one of the managers and he said I would be put back on the schedule, that I would have my job 100% and how excited they were to have me all that. One week goes by and they don't put me on the schedule. Texted him again asking what was up and apparently they just forgot. Another week goes by and still nothing. Finally I go into the store to talk to the General Manager who tells me that he would see if they had any hours for me and to message him back at the end of the week. I text him and he tells me that they have no hours for me and would keep me posted if they need anything. I think alright not a problem. I text my manager updating him on the situation and he replies telling me "Yeah he doesn't want us to hire you because you can't answer phones." so I reply "so because of my disability?" and he says "yeah sorry man." I was absolutely blown away by that response. After looking at the schedule my manager had sent me the week and talking to the manager previously it seems the GM was doing my job and then lying about the hours. What do I do about this? I have every single text saved and I feel absolutely terrible about the whole situation. I feel embarrassed and useless and have no idea what to do. I have already contacted two lawyers who said they have no reason to get involved. Am I out of luck? Or is there anything else I can do... Sorry for the rambling...long night Edit: I don't know if this matters but I was on workman's comp for about 4 or 5 months until they had it revoked. tl;dr Worked at a fast food place and got injured. Tried to come back but was lied to about them not having hours for me and got texted by a manager saying they wouldn't hire me because of my stutter.
Is it illegal for someone to make a fake account of me?
There is an account on instagram that is posting pictures of cartoon characters. The account has my name as their name and in the bio they tagged my account and said that it's their "main account." Is it legal for someone to do this? I tried to get the account removed but instagram refused to remove it due to lack of proof.
Is it legal to record a minor child?
I was eating at a restaurant/sports grill with my 3 year old son and someone started recording him and taking videos of him from across the room. I know this person. They told me they’d be showing the court because I shouldn’t have my son at a sports grill at 8pm.
Coworker physically assaulted me and brandished a knife towards me last night. On clock, at workplace. [AZ]
ARIZONA, USA I work for a family owned furniture company that requires heavy lifting. I have a bad arm, during a lift I asked “coworker” if he mind switching sides to accommodate, he said no. We continue on and finish. We leave from in front of the customers and From that moment on, he begins to mouth off and say disrespectful things towards me. Things like I’m not a man whatsoever, I’m not smart, he’s more superior than me (even tho we both started a month ago) he’s more of a man than I’ll ever be. He said I have “little man syndrome” whatever the hell that is. And became more and more disrespectful and aggressive as time went on. I started letting him know I don’t know where the hell he gets off, but to even think he is smarter than me is a joke. (He legit smokes pills on his breaks wtf) either way, at this point he gets in my face and personal space and starts challenging me to fight, starts saying things like “let’s go outside then MF” and I told him I’m not going outside at all, if you are gonna do something it’s gonna be right here. He was pacing back and forth angrily towards the back area when I made a comment: “difference between me and you is your content in this shithole, for me it’s only up from here” (guy is late 30s, I’m early 20s) I guess that’s what did it for him because he immediately turned around and punched me square in the face. He hits me a few times, he pushes me outside, when I’m finally able to push him off and get up, he pulls out his work appointed box cutter and brandishes at me and says “if I lose my job over this MF” I immediately slammed and locked the door and told him to get the hell outta here. He immediately called the owner and gave his side, he was told to leave. The saleswoman who seen a small piece of what happened called the owner.. he requested that I leave the property as well, after I told him about coworker brandishing a blade, the owner actually told me “well we gotta do something about that but there’s no point in calling the police now, because he’s already gone. We can do it in the morning” so I waited about 10-15 minutes and took off myself kinda banged up. My mom suggested I go to the urgent care to document my injuries and file a police report so I do. Urgent Cares are obligated to call the cops to take reports after assaults. But when the officer took it, it seemed he didn’t entrust everything I said because “it happened an hour ago, you could’ve gotten those injuries from anywhere” All in all, I eventually had to go an Emergency Room and there is when I realized the extent of the injuries. 1. He fractured my nose 2. He actually caused a laceration, that ended up having the top of my ear disconnected from the side of my head, requiring stitches 3. Scraped and bruised the hell out of my knee 4. Chipped my front tooth slightly as of now the hospital gave me a 3-day leave from work, so I won’t be there the next 3 days. Nothing was on my insurance or card, it was completely through the companies. The owner called and ask if we could discuss the situation. So we did, with a witness present. And I also went and spoke with two HR representatives about the situation as well. Of course they stated they need to speak with everyone involved prior to making a decision. This warehouse has no indoor or outdoor cameras. Nothing was caught on video, a saleswoman who worked with us was the only one actually there when he started insulting and offending me and left prior to him punching me, but she did see us wrestling forsure. Nobody else witnessed the brandishing as well. Come to find out, that saleswoman was supposed to be in charge for the night, if that’s the case she didn’t do much to diffuse his negative comments, which she clearly heard because she was standing right next to me until she walked away This happened on the clock and on the premises. So my questions are: 1. Is my workplace able to fire me, even while I am on a workman’s comp/assault in the workplace, hospital administered leave? 2. If they do fire me, are they obligated to pay the medical costs incurred from this incident? Are they required to pay me for these 3 days I’m out medically? 3. I filed a police report, but without a true witness or video of him brandishing the knife, would I even be able to pursue that charge against him? (I told the saleswoman immediately after, the owner 5-10 mins after and also told the police) 4. Would this qualify as a workplace safety concern? Am I able to hold the company accountable for not having cameras, proper management present and hiring people to work around violent felons without administering background checks? 5. Lastly, what if I didn’t want to return to work? And after these 3 days I were to go back and resign, would they still be obligated to cover medical expenses? (IMO this job was not worth any of this) Thanks for the help. Apologies for the length, I just really need some clarification and know the next step might be the most important. Thanks LA. Tl;dr: coworker assaulted me in the workplace, on the clock, caused a laceration and detached top portion of my ear, needing stitches. Fractured nose. Chipped tooth. I’m over the job and don’t have the desire to return. Are they still liable for the medical costs if they fire me or I resign?
USA:NC Housing laws, squatters, etc
Greetings - I am on the hunt for a direction to head to for research. My friend, Z, has a house in their name in North Carolina. It was purchased and then quitclaim deeded to Z. Z does not currently live in NC. Since leaving, Z has solely paid the property taxes and just recently started the home owners insurance on it. Z's parent and Z's siblings live in the home. There is no paperwork between Z and their parent. The parent works under the assumption that it is their home to do with as they please. One adult sibling is on SSI and can not live on their own. There is another adult sibling in the house that could leave at any time if they chose. Here are my questions: 1.) Is the parent actually a squatter in Z's home? What rights does this give them? 2.) If the parent invites another adult to live with them, how long do they have to stay to have "legal" rights to stay in the home? 3.) If the parent passes while the guest is still there, how long does Z have to call the sheriff? 4.) What other things does Z need to be concerned about? (We're already aware of the damage angle possibilities.) This young person Z already has the weight of the world on their shoulders and I'd like to lift a little if I can. There is also massive enmeshment between Z and the parent. Any answers would be fantastic and links to websites would be great too. eta: Z would only want to evict the guest, not any one else currently residing there. There is no rent being paid, and barely the utilities.
My employer refuses to pay my commission. What should I do? (OH)
Throwaway for obvious reasons. I've been at my current job for about 18 months. It is a small company, and I am one of a few sales guys, but certainly the highest performing, and to my knowledge the only one with a commission structure (which I had to fight for, but that's a different story) - my income is base + commission. Since my commission structure has been in place, my employer has never ONCE met the commissions schedule on time. I constantly have to go to my supervisor to ask him to put through commissions. Currently, the outstanding commissions owed is around $11,000, and is jumping up to $18,000 in a month's time (I keep my own spreadsheet, which clearly was a good call), and their excuse is they don't have the money to pay me because "sales numbers aren't where they need to be." In my contract I signed when I was moved to a commission structure, it lays out what percentage of gross profit dollars I get paid, and when the commissions payment would be put through based on final payment from the customer. Nothing about commissions being contingent on sales goals being met (which would be silly in any company). I have now gone several months without commissions, and my outstanding commissions extend back to January due dates. My base salary is low and barely livable. My company is refusing to may commissions owed, even after I've gone to them and said "please work up a plan as to how this number (~$9k at the time) will be repaid." Still nothing. Because I'm living paycheck to paycheck, and would like to be comfortable, I have gone to them with a plan to increase my salary for the remainder of 2015 (additional $2k/mo) as repayment of an alternative of commissions. After 2015, we will look at my performance, and make adjustments for 2016 - if I'm still here. I know that this is hurting me in the long term, but it helps me a ton in the short term (medical bills, housing, credit card debt, etc.) until I can finally find something better. We are meeting this afternoon to hammer out the fine details of this agreement. I would ideally like to escalate the problem and get all the money that is owed to me, but I know there is no way of doing that in the short term, and unfortunately I don't have another job lined up to hold me over until a lengthy court process. My questions are as follows: 1. Would you advise I move forward with a higher salary to live comfortably until I can find something better? 2. If I do agree to a higher salary, what verbiage should I put in that contract that would guarantee I get paid what is currently owed, without it being too obvious (they already said they would not agree to guaranteed money if I were to quit)? I do intend on putting in quarterly/annual bonuses if nothing else. 3. Should I even do this in the first place? Or do I go to a lawyer immediately? The only problem I foresee with going to an attorney is that I will obviously be forced to resign or get terminated, and then I'm without ANY money until the court process is completed. Some is better than none, no? Thanks in advance. Let me know if anything needs more clarity.
My real estate are trying to tell me I am 3 weeks behind in rent, but I have never missed a payment.
I have lived in this house for 4 years, and the entire time I have had a direct deposit set up to immediately come out of my pay before it hits the bank, to go to the real estate. And up until July 2019, I paid extra rent each week so that when I went on my holiday once a year for a week, I had enough advance rent that I didn't have to pay the rent during my holiday without falling behind. In July, a new real estate company took over. When the new realeste took over, the previous real estate refunded my overpaid rent. The bond and 2 weeks in advance were signed over to the new real estate. My landlord is now trying to tell me I need to pay an additional $50 per week on top of the $350 I already pay per week. Her reasoning is that I am three weeks behind in rent, and this is a breach of my lease. But how can I be behind if I pay every week? She is also trying to tell me that I'm breaching my lease by paying on a Wednesday not a Monday. But I've paid on a Wednesday for three years now, and upon signing on with the new real estate was not informed that I would need to change that.
Ex gf moved to different town. Daughter is left in my custody. She heard I got a lawyer and is threatening to come to town and snatch the kid.
I dont see my lawyer till the 4th. I'm a little nervous along with my ex gf's family about her snatching the kid and leaving town. Is this consider kidnapping? She never got an "okay" from me saying it was okay for our daughter to move. We dont have a legal binding on custody. Im on the birth certificate. Im lost.
On probation, I normally have to do the monthly job search sheet, what if I've been in the hospital all month?
I'm on probation for a felony drug offense and normally have to fill out my monthly job search form. I've been admitted into the hospital for the majority of the month, do I still run the risk of violating because I wasn't able to do a job search? If not, what do I need to show my probation officer? (Florida)
[TN] How reasonable is it to request a psychological evaluation for the mother of my child with whom I share custody?
*Please understand that in my questions I do not want to seem like a bitter ex or begrudging divorcé. I am simply concerned for the wellbeing of my child.* I am a father of a five year-old boy, separated from his mother for a few years now. Our relationship turned verbally and physically abusive, which is why *I* left. I did not want our child to be seeing that, as I felt I already saw behaviors exhibiting that at the age of two. The past couple years have been *relatively* peaceful with his mother, maintaining the week-on-week-off parenting plan laid out by my attorney a few years ago minus a few fiascos here and there, typically around the holidays. Throughout this time I have noticed behavioral issues rise to a point where have become worried. While I expect his behavior to be different due to the situation and children in this situation tend to have stability issues. His His negative self-talk is concerning, saying things like "I want to kill myself," "Why don't you just kill me?" and "I'm an idiot," among other sometimes violent images. While I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist I was with his mother long enough to know has always exhibited a High Conflict Personality type (her psych mentioned many years ago that she could have BPD, although I don't know of any diagnosis because I know how difficult it is to diagnose. But believe me, all the boxes are checked in that category) behind closed doors and I'm afraid it has continued past our separation. She was a victim of emotional and mental abuse by her mother, and I believe that, as is said about these things, "the cycle continues." Less than a year after our separation she had moved in with a man and is now in what I believe to be a relationship that could be just as volatile, although my son has said no physical violence has occurred that he's witnessed. My son has said that they "fight and scream at each other all the time" and "every night." Now, I don't know if I should be believing a five year-old but those comments are concerning to me as a father. There are also two reports documented by his daycare (he only attends daycare on my weeks, on hers he stays with a relative while she works) saying he stated his mother was mean to him, and even one time slapped him in the face. Although he can tend to exaggerate so I don't know about the last bit, but again it's not something I want to take too lightly. Another important note: While I know I am not a perfect parent, *I do not want to take custody away from her.* I have explored this option and in my community I doubt that it will fly with the courts. When she wants to be, she is a good mother. She is a dedicated worker who obtained high marks in college and has a stable job. She can teach him *so much more* than I can about certain things, like organization and time management. I know she does care for him and does love him but her personality seems to cause a lot of chaos, and I don't think it is best for my son to be in that environment. I would like to see if there is any further help that she can get, if she isn't already. If she refuses to do this then yes, I will seek full or primary custody. But obviously I do not want to take a child away from his mother, I wish to seek her help so my son's mental well-being can remain intact.
Possible FERPA violation
Kansas. Recently my parents got a phone call from my university about tuition I owe them and financial aid. I am 32 years old and have not been a dependant to my parents for quite some time. In addition, I have been paying for my own schooling out-of-pocket and with loans fron the beginning. My parents used to be listed as emergency contacts a long time ago, and when I first went to college in 2003, I used their phone number, which my parents still have, although I updated it long ago as well. I double-checked and they are not listed as having access to my accounts. Due to the long amount of time I have been going to school on-and-off and a marital name change, my educational records are a bit of a mess. I want to avoid having my university contacting my parents again. Is this a FERPA violation? If so, how can I make sure it won't happen again without getting some poor overworked student employee in trouble?
The court date to finalize the divorce between my parents is apparently near but my father's lawyer seems to have no knowledge of it.
This takes place in Louisiana. So my parents filed for divorce in December of 2018 and, at least according to my mother's lawyer, the court date to finalize it (along with matters like who gets the house) will take place at the end of August through a Zoom meeting because of the ongoing pandemic. The issue here is that when I asked my father if he was ready for this to finally be over he asked what I was talking about. He told me his lawyer had never told him about this. My mother has declined to talk with my father about this because she says that that's the jobs of the lawyers which... sounds about right to me honestly. A week after that conversation, my father tells me that his lawyer still doesn't know anything about this and attempts to reach my mother's lawyer by phone have been unsuccessful. My dad also tells me that he's personally sat with his lawyer while he attempted to contact my mother's lawyer. I don't want my Dad to miss that court date if he can help it so what can he do now? Is there a way my dad can personally check if there is indeed a court date? Would my mother's lawyer gain anything by lying about a court date? Is a lack of communication like this between lawyers normal? My father has expressed concerns about the competency of his lawyer before this whole episode but a lawyer not knowing about when his client has a court date is extreme, no? I'm making this post on his behalf because he speaks limited English (his lawyer speaks Spanish) and doesn't quite understand how to navigate this site.
[Florida] Rental Scam / "Landlord" has my $3000
I started looking for a new place to live this past April and was running out time with no luck mid-May. I have drug felonies with adjudication withheld from when I was arrested ~5 years ago, making it very difficult to rent anywhere, period. I responded to a Craigslist posting that had plenty of images of a duplex near where I was still living at the time (my lease was up at the end of May) and began conversing with the poster via text and phone call. I met the individual and looked at the duplex (1br/1ba), he convinced me to take a 6-month lease deal paid in full up front for $3000.00, which I was extremely hesitant about at first, because it was the ENTIRETY of my savings, but the cheap $500/mo rate and his insistence that he had two other people ahead of me in-line for the same offer convinced me to go for it. The application fee was a $25 money order. He also has a photocopy of my driver's license and potentially my SSN... I can't remember, but I did fill out a rental application and I'm almost sure SSN was on there. I withdrew the money from my bank account on 5/28 or 5/29 and gave it to him as (3) $1000.00 money orders the next day. We met at "his house" and signed a lease that was set to begin on Monday 6/8, at which point he said I would receive my key and would be able to move in. On Sunday 6/7 he informed me of a vague roof problem brought on by recent rains. I had NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of this whatsoever and do not recall seeing any leaks in the ceiling when "touring" the duplex, but he sent me pictures of a damaged roof (may be from another building). Over the past two weeks he has insisted that the repairs were ongoing and delayed. As soon as I insisted he give me the money back he has stopped responding to my calls and texts entirely. He is continuing to run craigslist ads for the exact same unit. I went there to look for evidence of a roof problem and his father-in-law was there and offered me a rental application for the unit, unprovoked I might add. I would go confront him at his house, but I have past offenses, and am I white guy with dreadlocks so police aren't my biggest fans. I am also so angry I am afraid of doing or saying something stupid if I confront him in person. I desperately want my $3000 back. I worked way too hard to save that amount of money (over a year). If it weren't for my parents' help I'd be royally fucked right now. I am livid - I am trying to get an attorney to talk to me right now but the ones I have called have yet to get back to me. I am going to call again and send out some emails tomorrow. I just discovered this subreddit - if anyone has any advice on what to do, file a police report, anything, please share it. I am desperate to feel like I have a chance against this bastard. Thank you for reading! **EDIT**: Thanks for everyone who has taken the time to read and offer advice so far, I appreciate it. I am trying to contact a local attorney today and hopefully it won't be much longer before that happens or I go ahead with filing the police report. **UPDATE**: Okay so after talking to this recommended local attorney, he basically tried to discourage me from asking him to do anything/employing him. I got the feeling that I wasn't worth his time. He said it would be $300-$400 to send the guy a strongly worded letter and that he thought it was a civil matter and that a police report probably wouldn't even prompt an investigation but that I could try it anyways. He said my best bet is to sue the guy myself in small-claims court. I'm fairly depressed about this bullshit.
Who owns a webcam girls copyright?
Location: USA Is the ownership of the content produced on one of the these sites really just dependant on the the contact they agree too when signing up to perform? Or does the webcam girl always retain copyright of her performances? For example if someone screen records one of these performances and then shares it online, is the webcam site responsible to go after the person that uploaded it or does the model have to go after them?
What can I do about my ex friend who keeps harassing me? Please read, this is a serious situation and I’ve never been involved with the law so I’m unsure what to do.
First off, if you’re reading this then thank you for taking your time, it is a lengthy post. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I used to be this guys friend in school and spoke to him almost every day along with his friend. I didn’t talk to his friend as much, but he was in the picture. When I first started talking to him it was all good, but he and his friend kept picking on me for small things such as making fun of my hair or my height. It made me quite insecure, but I put up with it. Then it got to the point where they took pictures of me and made YouTube videos using my face and really just mocking me. I got really angry, and told them I didn’t like them and that they were dicks, and I blocked them on Facebook. Whilst they were blocked they still continued to pick on me and make videos. They then apologised, and we spoke again. This exact process happened over the course of about 4 years, every few months it was back to picking on me and I’d fall put, then they’d apologise and just do it again. A few months ago, the main guy changed and got into some pretty heavy drugs such as acid and cocaine. I didn’t like that, so I just ignored his messages and he had left school at this point so I didn’t see him in person. Eventually he started making videos again, and I got super pissed. I said to him that I wanted to stop talking to him for good and that I just didn’t want contact. His friend tried to get involved, and I said some pretty nasty things to him out of anger. The main guy wasn’t accepting, and was trying to force me to talk to him. I kept saying that I didn’t want to, and that if he kept going I would contact the police about the drugs since he had messaged me about them and I still had the chat. He told me if I did that he would get people on me. I know for a fact that he does have people, because he’s part of an extremist group. So he made me email him, and I actually managed to put things at bay and we both settled on the agreement to stop talking and he did remove the YouTube videos. That was all good until he approached me and my girlfriend in the street about three months later. He said there was one thing bothering him, and that was that I didn’t apologise to his friend for the horrible things I said to him. He asked me to apologise to him that night, which I was more than happy to do since I will admit that it was nasty, again though it was out of anger considering the amount of trash I took from him before. When I got home, I unblocked him on Facebook and attempted to search his name but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I left it till the next day, and emailed the main guy about it asking him to ask his friend to email me, but I didn’t get a response back. I tried again to look for his friend but his name just wasn’t there so I left it. Yesterday, which would’ve been about a month later, I finally did get the message from his friend. He just said hello, and I said hello back. I started explaining to him that I was sorry for the things I said, but he said it wasn’t good enough. In short, he kept insulting me and trying to get to me (basically not even having a decent conversation). I didn’t say anything horrible back, I kept calm. He said to me that the only way that we were going to solve the bad feelings between us is that I start talking to them again, to which I said no before he started insulting me again. He then sent me screenshots of the messages I sent to him, being sent to the main guy. The main guy was talking like he was angry at me, and that it was past sorry’s as if he was going to do something to me. I said bye to his friend, and I unblocked the main guy and asked what the problem was. He said that even though we finished our friendship, the time without me there made him even worse. He started saying things like it was too late for sorry and that he hates me and so on and so fourth. I stuck to being calm, and I apologised to him to try and get him to stop. In the end, all I wanted to do was forget him so I said everything I thought I could say to make him go away. He then said that he wasn’t going to hurt me, but he would’ve if I didn’t message him when I did. He then said that he wants me to keep him unblocked, which I assume he will use to keep messaging me. Please can anyone give me advice? I can’t trust him and I am worried that he hurts me or gets people to hurt me or my family. Information about him, his friend and myself that might be useful: I am 17 years old, and I believe he is also 17 but could be 18. Same with his friend. I live in Scotland, UK.
Questions regarding pet deposit and insurance for a condo.
Hi guys, I have always been living at apartment complexes owned by big management. I live in CA. I have a rescue cat and to which I paid $500 as pet deposit for the apartment management. I am now planning to move in to a condo with my boyfriend. The place is privately owned and it previously has a no pet policy. The owner(after hearing the sob story about how badly my cat was abused) is willing to let us move in. So obviously we will need to pay a pet deposit. The owner told us that he is very new at this field(regarding pets) and his lawyer suggested $1000 for the pet deposit. However, he gave us the option to research about it and I’m such a noob when it comes to researching legal articles. So here I am, bothering the kind reddit community. What is a reasonable pet deposit for a cat(especially he is declawed and an old cat, not destructive at all) There’s another issue with the house insurance(he has Geico). The insurance premium apparently will go up if we bring a pet, which I understand. And obviously us being the pet owner, the surcharge will fall on us. The owner wanted us to look it up and give him some legal articles about pet premium(my apologies, I don’t know how to phrase it properly), that way he can then negotiate with Geico to lower the our monthly surcharge. In case I didn’t explain it well(again, forgive my language skills). Lets say our rent would be $500 a month, because the insurance premium will go up, we will have to pay the increased premium. Let’s it’s $75 extra for the insurance every month. So I guess my questions are: what is California’s lowest/reasonable deposit for pets(cats). And what proof we can provide for the insurance, so they will lower it for us. We are just students, that’s why even $75 is a big amount for us. Thank you guys in advance!
Could I get this in layman’s terms?
Law/Legislation: S.189 Link: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/189?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22Online+Privacy%22%5D%7D&s=3&r=11 The operator must (1) offer a user a copy of the personal data of the user that the operator has processed, free of charge, and in an electronic format; and (2) notify a user within 72 hours of becoming aware that the user's data has been transmitted in violation of the security platform.
MA-Friend charged with operating motor vehicle without authority
One of my close friends has an arraignment on Monday. They’re getting charged with a criminal count of use of motor vehicle without authority. At the end of last year, my friend was using their sisters car and got into an accident on the highway. When it came time for my friend to give testimony to their sisters’ insurance company, they said that they knew where their sisters keys were and they took them. They said that to hopefully avoid having their sisters’ insurance rate go up. My friend is in a rough spot here as they can’t afford a lawyer. They have a clean record so I guess that’s a plus 🤷🏽‍♂️. I’m assuming because of the lack of a lawyer, they’re a lame duck come Monday. From what I’ve researched. This charge can range from a $500 fine up to two years in jail. I also read something about a mandatory minimum of 30 days in jail and license suspension. Given the circumstances, what can we realistically expect to have happen on Monday?
Pay decrease because of benefits? Temp to full time.
(California) Was a temporary full-time worker on a contract. No benefits of anything. I’ve been offered a full-time job at a $1.25 lower hourly rate... but it has benefits. Is this normal? Thanks
(NC) I have an appointment in child support court because my employer didn’t deduct my child support for two months...
My child support for both of my children is deducted from my paycheck automatically. My employer did not deduct child support for two months due a decrease in hours that I worked. Now I have to go to court for non-compliance. My tax return went to paying back child support, and I have started a new job and the error is corrected. Why do I still have to go to court and what could I potentially be looking at as an outcome?
Parking Ticket No Sings Lake Tahoe CA
Hi all, So on 12/30 I was parked legally on the side of a very wide road with about 3'' of snow on the group. When I returned about 2 hours later I have a $205 parking ticket for being parked on the street during snow removal. I thoroughly checked the entire block and there are no signs indicating that you cannot park there if there is snow. This seems like entrapment to me. Can I fight it? I usually would just pay up but $205 is a ridiculous amount of money for a parking ticket in an area with no signs. Thanks!