You have way too much fun with this. Love your/her responses.
Omg this was great. your awesome
"I just spent an hour earlier today (Eastern AU time) wasting a scammer's time with a VM after receiving a robocall that is reportedly running rampant in Australia at the moment. (For fellow locals, I'm referring to those calls supposedly from "NBN".) During the call, the scammer even warned me to be careful about foreign scammers pretending to be NBN technicians!,(reply>), Thanks for the heads upπŸ‘"
disconnect india from the internet...we dont need them
"Are all the scammers from India?,(reply>), @Will Pugh-Calotte Yes, I must admit Indian scammers in all his videos were rude, even ladies.,(reply>), Agil, one gets the impression that all such scammers are from India, or at least from the Subcontinent. However, I&#39;ve encountered a couple of tech support scammers apparently from the Philippines. I often scambait cold-calling scammers with the help of a VM if I have the time to do it then and there. One time, after I revealed to a scammer that he&#39;d been fooled, I asked him to stay on the line so that we could have a man-to-man talk about what he was doing. He said a number of times how appreciative he was to have the conversation and how I&#39;d made his day. He didn&#39;t sound Subcontinental; he claimed to be from the Philippines; and when I mentioned a few things and phrases that any Indian scammer would recognise, it seemed to go over his head. He didn&#39;t seem to recognise what I was referring to. He was reluctant to end the conversation, and we had to end it by politely saying goodbye. In contrast, Indian scammers usually become argumentative, starting insulting you, and hang up without warning.<br><br><br>That then reminded me of a previous cold call from another scammer. That scammer&#39;s script was rather different from the usual Indian routines, and his spoken English was fluent and carried a mildly American-sounding accent – like many educated Filipinos have. I formed an opinion with hindsight that that scammer was probably a Filipino as well.,(reply>), @nakyer 😁😁😁 I wouldn&#39;t have asked if i would&#39;ve known. Still i cant figure out why these scammers are so rude.,(reply>), Nah. They&#39;re Americans living in the States. Can&#39;t you tell? 8)"
Greetings from Greece! Great video!
"My stomach hurts from laughing so hard! You are so funny while sending an important message! I really enjoy your characters, esp. the southern guy when he says &quot;my sonnnnn&quot;."
"Simply hysterical.... it’s 5,45 on Friday and I awoke to choo choo! Hahahaha, ❀️ it!"
"Why did I hear &quot;I think I can, I think I can, I think I can&quot; when the scammer was making his pathetic train sound?! LOL🀣 They truly have no shame to the extent they&#39;ll go.πŸ™„ But it definitely makes some pure YouTube gold, when they&#39;re as eager as this guy!!"
I dare you to send the train sounds to Seth and see what he makes of them with his drums :D
"I&#39;m in France. Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I got a call from one of these Indian scammers (Steve, from &quot;Orange&quot; - Orange is one of the major ISPs here in France).<br><br>What was strange is that he spoke to me directly in English - not in French. Most people would have just hung up - but since I speak English, I continued the call. <br><br>The call took me totally by surprise actually, so I was not prepared... and a &quot;bhenchod&quot; comment escaped me much too soon, and the conversation went sour pretty quickly from there.<br><br>What I find curious is that they are now calling France... is that because people in the US are [finally] getting wise to their bullshit?,(reply>), It&#39;s actually due to foreign spies disliking the scammers, and messing with their telephone connections. The call was diverted to you because the spies knew you could handle it instead of some innocent victim in the States."
And thus,a not-a-cult tradition was born .. ALL ABOARD choo choo
I can only assume the dislikes you get are from scammers.<br>Awesome videos everytime.<br>You are my favourite go to YouTube channel.
this was great :) how come you don&#39;t have more subs?
I love Edna so much. Such a wholesome friend. 😭
Choo Choo πŸš‚
I keep getting emails sayin they aren&#39;t able to deliver my UPS/Fedex/DHL package. They change the bait to see which one I&#39;ll nibble on I guess.
Hilarious! You are getting better and better!!!
This is my favorite video.
17 scammers who had the same code disliked the video
Choo Choo all aboard for the best scam baiting channel on yt
We need chat :)
he is really good at the train sound lol lol lol he had 3 lies ha ha ha
"WHAT ARE THE LYRICS TO THE OUTRO SONG? I understand &quot;what do you think&quot;, but then he says something like &#39;a hoon yeah girl&#39; what is it actually?,(reply>), Awesome Livy thank yoooouu!!,(reply>), Emily C β€œwhat do you think, I’m a fool here bro? A fool here bro?, just disconnect the call”"
This is one of the best yet..lol Thanks bro :)
lol make those train sounds the scammer for an intro
I was watching live when this magic occurred. Outstanding! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
"Frigging love Ponda&#39;s editing. Wish they&#39;d do it more often.,(reply>), &lt;3 ty"
Kit needs to headline Coachella next year and just do a performance of him dropping his scammer remixes and sound bites to a sick beat.
I live for this content
Damn this one is good. Two πŸ‘πŸ‘
This needs to be animated lol.
If you think this is something that actually happened......you&#39;re tarded.
Next time make sure to tell him you are a fernoequanologistit
These scammers can go straight to hell. It&#39;s not even funny. These are unrepentant thieves with no empathy.
"To all the cool Indians out there, we don&#39;t judge you for these shameless scammers."
I like too clubbing too. I got 3 seals last week.
This was even funnier because I literally do live next to a train station and a train was whistling as he yelled Choo choo
"I get calls from fake Indian scammer &quot;Tony Caesar&quot; everyday. (315) 675-7768 . He is from Kolkata, India"
"Im getting my wisdom teeth out soon and im super super nervous about the procedure, and the pep talk from edna actually made me feel better :&#39;),(reply>), @East Craven She is, and I suspect she knows a lot more about tech than she lets on. WHATTA WOMAN!!!,(reply>), @John Miller lighten up!,(reply>), @nakyer edna is wise beyond her years,(reply>), @John Miller Edna is a &quot;she&quot;, you crazed bumpkin. KITBOGA is a &quot;he&quot;. PAY BETTER ATTENTION!!!,(reply>), @nakyer not a &quot;she&quot;."
Scammers got upgraded? Looks like &quot;Tony&quot; wasting your time for the other scammers can freely scam others! LMAO Choooo Choooo!
I&#39;ve been watching these a while and that was super weird and awkward. Saying a lot
That agility cape :P
&quot;I love to share my everything with you&quot; awkward
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ his train sounds! Oh my! I Can&#39;t stop laughing! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
great job
Let&#39;s play the &quot;Give me all your money&quot; game!