the flight management infrastructure ( fmi ) product is intended to keep the aircraft from interfering with preplanned observations on the sky . it predicts the ground tracks necessary to execute its mission , and corrects the plan for actual conditions while airborne . to support this , it contains both a planning component that can run on the ground and in the air , and an execution component that runs in the air . the planning component manages a set of ordered observations and optional aircraft repositioning requests . the execution component compares the plan to actual conditions in flight and requests headings ( indirectly ) from the autopilot . sofia mission planning differs from satellite or ground based observatory planning in a few key areas . most importantly , the observatory position is a function of observation target history , which prevents observations from being considered as time - slots alone . assignment of flight dates is also nontrivial targets can not be localized on the sky or the observatory will always fly in about the same direction ( requiring nearly equivalent dead time to return ) ; this suggests entire flight series should be considered at once , for greater target variety . flight planning and execution differs from conventional as well . all conventional aircraft fly from point to point along specified paths on the ground , and `` drift '' the aircraft to compensate for winds . typical drift angles ( course - heading ) exceed 3@xmath0 , and the worst possible case approaches 30@xmath0 , so sofia can not necessarily observe in this manner . expected winds can be planned for using a weather forecast . correcting course for _ unexpected _ winds can be accomplished by adjusting observation durations , by relocating the aircraft between observations , or by `` observation triage '' as a last resort . this requires an astronomically - aware airborne monitoring function to compare current conditions to plan . aircraft capabilities are a strong function of fuel weight , which argues against simple parametrizing by time , in favor of fuel . in addition to the geometrical and practical constraints described above , the sofia flight planning problem also has a number of external constraints , all of which prevent a truly automated , or even rigorously sequential , flight planning process . for instance , special use airspace ( sua ) incursions may require external approval , and it can not be known ahead of time whether such approval will be forthcoming in all cases . national airspace boundaries require international agreements . over - ocean operations are prohibited for safety reasons for the first flights ; for later flights , fairly complex fuel reserve constraints are required . gross takeoff weight has a hard limit of 700,000 pounds , which limits the duration of sofia missions . some science - driven constraints require interaction with scientists or detailed knowledge of the observations ; especially , trading off water vapor overburden estimates with altitude and duration , and for trading off observations against each other . prior to any particular mission , several iterations of flight planning are performed . this is expected to include fully integrated automated flight planning ( frank , gross , & krkl 2004 ) , routinely . manual choice of observation ( including order ) will occur subsequently . upon execution , replanning might occur if conditions are sufficiently different from assumptions . figure [ fig : sampleflight ] shows a color - processed screenshot of a simulated flight intended for april , 2008 , from palmdale , ca . actual conditions for the simulation shown differ from planned only by small timing errors of the order of several seconds between segments and at takeoff . as mentioned earlier , it is advantageous to consider entire flight series at once , in order to trade observations between flights . the data structure supporting this is shown in fig . [ fig : flightseries ] . fmi requires substantial input data in order to accurately predict a flight track and its constraints . weather forecast time - series are taken from the national center for environmental prediction global forecasting system , quadrilinearly interpolated . an alternative is required for dates more than several days in the future , since accurate forecasts are not available then ; we use a set of stacked monthly means for 19972001 ( the last years available ) from the european center for medium ranger weather forcasting 40 year reanalysis ( uppala et . al . 2005 ) also quadrilinearly interpolated . aircraft performance is interpolated from tables generated by boeing inflt runs , for cruising , thrust - limited climbs , and descents . planned flight track intersections with special use airspace ( sua ) boundaries ( including non - us zones , from the us national imagery and mapping agency ) are evaluated using a quadtree - based search on the 8000 + sua boundaries for each flight segment . observation segments are treated as initial value problems in cartesian coordinates , others may be boundary or initial problems , as appropriate . desired headings are calculated during execution from planned ( not actual ) sky coordinates and actual position ; direct steering by the telescope can not be allowed for safety reasons . in order to test fmi components and integrate other systems , as well as for training purposes , we use a simulation environment . this includes a medium - fidelity aircraft simulator , an automated pilot simulator , a method to set the time arbitrarily , and a telescope simulator ( brggenwirth , gross , nelbach , & shuping 2008 ) . while airborne , the fmi software components interact with the airborne data acquisition software to acquire the aircraft s position and attitude . while on the ground , the planner portion of fmi interacts with observers planning software and must support multiple simultaneous planning sessions . the airborne configuration is shown in fig . [ fig : dataflow ] ; the ground configuration is similar , except there is no flight executor nor mccs data ( except in testing configurations ) , and there is a connection to the observation planning database . sofia presents a unique flight planning problem due to the nature of astronomical observation . fmi provides a connection between scientific needs of an observatory with the practical constraints of operating an aircraft , without introducing excessive safety considerations or pilot workload , or planner effort . brggenwirth , s. , gross , m. a. k. , nelbach , f. j. , & shuping , r. y. 2009 , , 485 frank , j. , gross , m. a. k. , & krkl , e. 2004 , in proc . 16th conf . on innovative applications of artificial intelligence , ed . d. l. mcguinness & g. ferguson ( boston : mit press ) , 828 uppala , s. m. et al . 2005 , quart . j. r. meterol . soc.,131 , 2961
sofia is a 2.5 meter airborne infrared telescope , mounted in a boeing 747sp aircraft . due to the large size of the telescope , only a few degrees of azimuth are available at the telescope bearing . this means the heading of the aircraft is fundamentally associated with the telescope s observation targets , and the ground track necessary to enable a given mission is highly complex and dependent on the coordinates , duration , and order of observations to be performed . we have designed and implemented a flight management infrastructure ( fmi ) product in order to plan and execute such missions in the presence of a large number of external constraints ( e.g. restricted airspace , international boundaries , elevation limits of the telescope , aircraft performance , winds at altitude , and ambient temperatures ) . we present an overview of the fmi , including the process , constraints and basic algorithms used to plan and execute sofia missions .
there has been considerable recent interest on the general dynamics of the glass transitions in bulk polymer systems@xcite . a central experimental law which controls the rate of transition was long ago formulated by vogel , fulcher and tammann@xcite ; the empirical vft law of transition rates reads @xmath0 \right\ } , \label{intro1}\ ] ] wherein @xmath1 is the free energy of thermal activation . the vft thermal activation law is quite similar to the well known arrhenius@xcite thermal activation law except for the temperature singularity in the denominator on the right hand side of eq.([intro1 ] ) . the singularity occurs at a dynamical temperature @xmath2 which is somewhat lower than the thermodynamic glass transition temperature @xmath3 . the singularity is thereby never quite attained . nevertheless , the critical slowing down of the vft eq.([intro1 ] ) is experimentally well obeyed in bulk polymer glasses . there exist somewhat different physical views@xcite as to why the vft law might theoretically be true . nevertheless there is presently no agreed upon theory of eq.([intro1 ] ) . our purpose is to derive the vft thermal law through the following quite simple quantum mechanical considerations . the transition rate per unit time for an activated process involves an absolute squared transition amplitude ( matrix element ) times a density of final states . the logarithm of the density of final states represents the final entropy . thus , the quantum mechanical rule for computing transition rates is that @xmath4 , \label{intro2}\ ] ] wherein @xmath5 is the entropy of activation to a state with energy @xmath6 . the theoretical problem is to deduce the nature of the excitations@xcite and compute the entropy of activation from the the logarithm of the final state phase space magnitude @xmath7 the polymer glass excitation configurations@xcite pictured in fig.[fig1 ] are of two types : ( i ) there are - in the bulk of the polymer - closed chains of atoms referred to as _ closed _ strings . ( ii ) also , there are open polymer chains which begin and end on the boundary surfaces of the bulk polymer and are referred to as _ open _ strings . it will be shown below that the closed strings have an entropy obeying the vft thermal activation eq.([intro1 ] ) . on the other hand , the open string configurations with end points in the neighbourhood of surface boundaries obey shifted thermal activation laws . the distinction between the thermal activation properties of open and closed strings is crucial for an understanding of surface effects which are of importance for thin films@xcite . the vft thermal activation law holds only for the bulk polymer . by contrast , the dynamical sinularity temperature @xmath2 decreases as the ratio of boundary surface are to the bulk volume , @xmath8 , increases . consequently , the singularity temperature is sharply lowered@xcite when @xmath9 is decreased to a few nanometers . closed polymer chains in the form of `` polygons '' are treated as a self avoiding random polygons . the number of _ closed self avoiding polygon _ polymer chains containing @xmath10 links is thought to obey@xcite @xmath11 wherein @xmath12 denotes the connectivity . the de gennes scaling law@xcitein @xmath13 dimensions for the exponent @xmath14 is given by @xmath15 wherein @xmath16 is the fractal dimension of the complete closed chain configuration . in mean field theory@xcite we have @xmath17 if @xmath18 denotes the activation energy per link for a mobile closed chain ( closed string ) , then the energy @xmath19 determines the entropy via eqs.([intro3 ] ) , ( [ closed1 ] ) and ( [ closed4 ] ) according to @xmath20 wherein @xmath21 the activation entropy as a function of energy exhibits a minimum as shown in fig . [ fig2 ] . for stable entropy functions , the maximum entropy principle dictates upward convexity while metastable entropy functions exhibit downward convexity . since the density of final states @xmath22 , rates become slower as the minimum activation entropy is approached . in terms of the temperature @xmath23 , @xmath24 we have at @xmath2 the activated energy singularity @xmath25 . \label{closed8}\ ] ] eqs.([closed3 ] ) , ( [ closed5 ] ) and ( [ closed8 ] ) imply @xmath26 \nonumber \\ & \ & \ -(3-\alpha)k_b\ln \left[\frac{(t}{(t - t_0)}\right ] . \label{closed9}\end{aligned}\ ] ] using eqs.([intro2 ] ) , ( [ closed3 ] ) and ( [ closed9 ] ) , we may now complete the proof that the closed chain activation law has the vft form given by eq.([intro1 ] ) . explicitly , we have @xmath27^{2.8 } \nu_\infty e^{s_\infty /k_b}\ . \label{closed10}\end{aligned}\ ] ] in practice , the vft activation process is often observed by measuring viscosity , @xmath28 wherein @xmath29 is the mass density and @xmath30 is the length scale of the polymer links . in this regard , the prediction for the activation free energy @xmath31 is subject to an experimental test of the scaling critical index in eq.([closed2 ] ) . consider the problem of how much activation energy would be required to remove a given section of chain from the condensed matter piece of polymer . if the given section of chain were deep within the polymer , the removal would be quite difficult . for example , if one exerted a force on the given chain section , then it would become knotted with other polymer chain sections and would be rendered immobile . on the other hand , if the given section of chain was entirely located in the neighborhood of the surface boundary of the polymer , then it would be relatively easier to peel the chain off the surface . let us consider , in more detail , the activation energy to slide a section of polymer chain along a given path . such an activation energy has been denoted above as @xmath32 per link of the chain section . furthermore , let @xmath33 denote the distance from a chain link to the boundary surface . by the above physical arguments we expect @xmath34 to sharply decrease as @xmath35 . from eq.([closed6 ] ) we expect , for uniform connectivity ( @xmath36 ) , the dynamical singularity temperature to be a decreasing function of @xmath33 varying as @xmath37 in a local density theory@xcite , @xmath38 may be parameterized by @xmath39 in which the coherence length is related to the density @xmath40 the @xmath41 relation invalidates the vft eq.([intro1 ] ) for the case of very thin polymer films . a derivation has been provided for vft activated transition rates in bulk polymer glasses . our derivation depends on the micro - canonical counting of the number of closed polymer chain configurations within the bulk glassy system . the configuration counting is mapped into the self avoiding polygon problem . the activation energy @xmath18 per link determining the chain mobility also determines the dynamical glass transition temperature in the empirical vft law . the critical indices employed are calculated as in flory s theory . the chain movements also lend strong support to `` co - operative '' motion inside the bulk . it is also to be stressed that the dynamical glass transition temperature , @xmath42 , varies with the distance from the surface boundary through that a coherence length scale of about a few nanometers . this surface effect is due to the fact polymer strings localized near the surface boundary are more mobile than the polymer chains embedded in the bulk . for sufficiently thin films , the vft activation law thereby becomes modified as in eqs . ( [ se1 ] - [ se3 ] ) .
a derivation is given for the vogel - fulcher - tammann thermal activation law for the glassy state of a bulk polymer . our microscopic considerations involve the entropy of closed polymer molecular chains ( i.e. polymer closed strings ) . for thin film polymer glasses , one obtains open polymer strings in that the boundary surfaces serve as possible string endpoint locations . the vogel - fulcher - tammann thermal activation law thereby holds true for a bulk polymer glass but is modified in the neighborhood of the boundaries of thin film polymers .
the mystery of the dark energy / cosmological constant persists despite great efforts of particle physicists and cosmologists to find a convincing solution . since the famous article by s. weinberg , it is well known that candidate models should not only explain the smallness of the cosmological constant , if it is somehow related to quantum gravity , but also what is called the coincidence problem i.e. why does dark energy become dominant quite late in the history of the universe ? models inspired by string theory like 4-form gauge models can describe the smallness of the dark energy but not the coincidence problem . anthropical models explain the latter problem but it is very difficult to find a natural and convincing particle physics model for them . the same problem somehow exists for the alternative to a cosmological constant i.e. for quintessence models . even if tracker solutions make the model not very sensitive to the initial conditions , some fine tuning of the slope of the potential is necessary . it is also an open question if both inflation and quintessence behavior can be explained by the same field and if not , what is their relation and which type of particle physics can provide both of them specially in a natural way . + here we suggest an alternative to a primordial quintessence field . there are at least two motivations for the existence of a decaying dark matter ( ddm ) . if r - parity in susy models is not strictly conserved , the lsp which is one of the best candidates of dm can decay to standard model particles . violation of this symmetry is one of the many ways for providing neutrinos with very small mass and large mixing angle . another motivation is the search for sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays ( uhecrs ) . in this case , ddm must be composed of ultra heavy particles with @xmath2 . in a recent work we have shown that the lifetime of uhdm ( ultra heavy dark matter ) can be relatively short , i.e. @xmath3 where @xmath4 is the age of the universe ( astro - ph/0001137 ) . + if a very small fraction of the mass of primary ddm particles changes to a scalar field with proper self interaction potential , the gradual condensation of this field at late time behaves like a quintessential matter . the advantage of this model to others is that late time yield of this type of energy and its correlation with the amount of dark matter comes up naturally and the dominance of one with respect to the other at each epoch is automatically explained . + in the present work we only study the plausibility of this model . we postpone a more detailed study to elsewhere . the natural choice of cosmological parameters for this model is an initial @xmath5 where @xmath6 is an early time in the history of the universe . for the result presented here we consider it to be the time of decoupling of cmb photons ; @xmath7 . the remnants of the decay else than quintessence field mainly consist of very energetic particles which will contribute to the yield of hot dark matter . there is strict constraint on the amount of the latter from cosmological observations and the model must be consistent with observations . however , one should not forget that massive particles like proton / ant - proton and even electrons become colder with the expansion of the universe and at some point they are not any more considered as hot . in fact it can be shown that the whole effect on the equation of state of the universe is the reduction of the effective @xmath8 of the cosmological constant or a quintessence matter ( astro - ph/0002400 ) . + we summarize our preliminary results in two following figures . the first figure shows @xmath9 of the fit of quintessence models on the publicly available super - novae ia data . models with @xmath0 fit the data better than @xmath10 . + the second figure shows the evolution of density of various types of matter from decoupling of cmb photons to today for a typical selection of parameters . in one hand it shows that it is possible to obtain the present `` equivalent '' value of cosmological parameters without fine tuning of the suggested model . another conclusion is that the appearance of cosmological parameters as measured in the local universe is very recent i.e. the measurement of cosmological parameters at high redshift permits to distinguish between this model and other quintessence models . it is evident that the model presented here can not be believed before investigating many issues . the first and one of the most important ones is the condensation of the scalar field . one should determine the mass and the form of the potential and find the region of the parameter space that in a natural way can lead to a late condensation . the other issue is that the value of @xmath8 for this type of matter can not be constant . this can affect the evolution of halos , star formation rate , ionization of igm etc . and can be used to verify the model .
it is a known fact that a quintessence model with @xmath0 fits the publicly available super nova ( sn ) type ia data better than a model with cosmological constant or @xmath1 . two types of models have this property : scalar fields with unconventional kinetic term and models with cosmological constant and a slowly decaying cold dark matter ( cdm ) . in this work we investigate the possibility of replacing the cosmological constant in the latter models with gradual condensation of a scalar field produced during the decay of the cdm and present some preliminary results . the advantage of this class of models to the ordinary quintessence is that the evolution of the dark energy and cdm are correlated and cosmological coincidence problem is solved or at least reduced to the fine tuning of the coupling between decaying cdm and quintessence field i.e the hierarchy problem . here we show that for part of the parameter space these models are consistent with present estimation of cosmological parameters . * quintessence from a decaying dark matter + * _ houri ziaeepour + mullard space science laboratory , + holmbury st . mary , dorking , surrey rh5 6nt , uk . + email : [email protected]_
since the mid 1970 s the existence of heavy hadronic molecules ( composed by a pair of heavy hadrons instead of a pair of heavy quarks ) has been theorized@xcite . this assumption was made based on the similarities between the heavy meson - heavy antimeson system and the deuteron . however , it was not until the discovery of the @xmath0@xcite by the belle collaboration , in 2003 , that the first experimental data that could fit into that molecular scheme was found . since then , many other xyz states have been found , being the @xmath1 also natural candidates to have a molecular structure .. besides , the @xmath2 limit of qcd simplifies the theory so a set of symmetries are induced . probably , the most important symmetries induced in this limit are hqss , hfs , and hads . we make use of them , along with the assumptions of the @xmath0 and the @xmath1 to be heavy hadronic molecules , to obtain a family of heavy meson - doubly heavy baryons that could also be interpreted as triply heavy pentaquarks . this proceeding is organized as follows . first we briefly introduced our eft based on hqss and hfs that we will use in the analysis of the @xmath0 and the @xmath1 . second , we will discuss hads and its implications . finally , our results will be shown in table [ tab : predictions ] . in this work we are following the scheme described in @xcite where all sort of details can be found . at lowest order , hqss and hfs impose that the dynamics of the model does not depend on either the mass or the spin of the heavy quark . taking this into account , the most general potential that describes the dynamics of the heavy meson - antimeson pair depends only in four low energy constants or counter - terms ( lecs ) , up to corrections of the order @xmath3 : @xmath4 tr\left[{h}^{(\bar{q } ) } \bar{h}^{(\bar{q } ) } \gamma^{\mu } \right ] + \\ \nonumber { } & & + \frac{c_{a}^{\lambda}}{4}~ tr\left[\bar{h}^{(q)}_{a } \lambda^{i}_{ab } { h}^{(q)}_{b } \gamma_{\mu } \right ] tr\left[{h}^{(\bar{q})}_{c } \lambda^{i}_{cd}\bar{h}^{(\bar{q})}_{d } \gamma^{\mu } \right ] + \\ \nonumber { } & & + \frac { c_{b}}{4}~ tr\left[\bar{h}^{(q)}{h}^{(q ) } \gamma_{\mu } \gamma_{5 } \right ] tr\left[{h}^{(\bar{q } ) } \bar{h}^{(\bar{q } ) } \gamma^{\mu } \gamma_{5}\right ] + \\ & & + \frac{c_{b}^{\lambda}}{4}~ tr\left[\bar{h}^{(q)}_{a } \lambda_{ab}^{j}{h}^{(q)}_{b } \gamma_{\mu } \gamma_{5 } \right ] tr\left[{h}^{(\bar{q})}_{c } \lambda^{j}_{cd } \bar{h}^{(\bar{q})}_{d } \gamma^{\mu } \gamma_{5}\right]\end{aligned}\ ] ] being @xmath5 the gell - mann matrices and @xmath6 the meson ( antimeson ) field in the charm sector ( and viceversa in the bottom sector ) . moreover , the four lecs will be rewritten through a linear combination into @xmath7 , @xmath8 , @xmath9 and @xmath10 for notation . these four lecs will be fitted to reproduce some experimental data in our scheme . in this framework , bound states will be found by solving the lippmann - schwinger equation as they will appear as poles in the t - matrix : @xmath11 , and the ultraviolet divergences of the loop function are treated introducing a gaussian regulator in the propagator and in the potential such as : @xmath12 these assumptions determine three linear combinations of the lecs , that is : @xmath13 and @xmath14 which in turn are determined by the @xmath0 ( for more details , see @xcite ) and @xmath15 by the @xmath16 resonances [ @xcite ] . up to now , we have only established an eft that analyzes heavy meson - heavy antimeson molecules . in order to use this approach to different systems we will take advantage of the heavy antiquark - diquark symmetry ( hads ) . this @xmath17 limit symmetry , first introduced by savage and wise , states that a heavy diquark behaves as a heavy antiquark up to corrections of the order @xmath18 , , being v the velocity of the heavy quarks . furthermore , since the dynamics of our eft only depends on the light degrees of freedom , that are the same than in the heavy meson - heavy antimeson system , we can make use of some racah algebra ( similar to @xcite ) to obtain the potentials in every possible channels , which are displayed in table [ tab : potentials ] . the @xmath19 states are those where heavy quarks in the baryon are coupled to @xmath20 ( which is forbidden if the two quarks are the same because of the pauli s principle of exclusion ) . then we just have to solve the lippmann - schwinger equation in each channel using the lecs we have previously fitted to obtain the results of table [ tab : predictions ] . the isoscalar states are related to the @xmath0 . the isovector states are determined by the @xmath21 and the isovector component of the @xmath0 . the sources of error in the analysis are : the masses of the @xmath0 and @xmath22 resonances , the ratio of the @xmath0 amplitude decays ( calculated in @xcite ) and the two eft expansions used in this work . the errors for hqss are taken to be @xmath23 in the charm ( bottom ) sector and @xmath24 $ ] in the charm ( charm - bottom ) [ bottom ] sector for hads . then , an unique error is obtained by adding in quadratures all different sources . as a summary , we can conclude that our analysis based on several qcd symmetries in the @xmath17 limit predicts the existence of several heavy meson - doubly heavy baryon molecular partners of the @xmath0 and the @xmath1 . this same effective field theory approach could also be extended to study doubly heavy baryon - double heavy antibaryon molecular systems in the future . f .- k.g . acknowledges the theory division of ihep in beijing , where part of the work was done , for the hospitality . c. h .- d . thanks the jae - csic program . this work is supported in part by the dfg and the nsfc through funds provided to the sino - german crc 110 `` symmetries and the emergence of structure in qcd '' , by the nsfc ( grant no . 11165005 ) , by the spanish ministerio de economa y competitividad and european feder funds under the contract fis2011 - 28853-c02 - 02 and the spanish consolider - ingenio 2010 programme cpan ( csd2007 - 00042 ) , by generalitat valenciana under contract prometeo/2009/0090 and by the eu hadronphysics2 project , grant agreement no .
in this work , we have used an effective field theory ( eft ) framework based on heavy quark spin ( hqss ) , heavy flavour ( hfs ) and heavy antiquark - diquark symmetries ( hads ) . using a standard lagrangian for the heavy meson - heavy antimeson system , we fit the counter - terms of the model to predict some promising experimental data that can be interpreted as heavy meson - heavy antimeson molecules , that is , the @xmath0 and the @xmath1 . next , and , taking advantage of hads , we use the same lagrangian to explore the consequences for heavy meson - doubly heavy baryon molecules , which can also be interpreted as triply heavy pentaquarks .
the lab for adaptive optics ( lao ) currently has a testbed dedicated to the development of two key ao technologies for large telescopes ( called multi - conjugate ao ( mcao)@xcite and multi - object ao ( moao ) ) . both of these technologies take advantage of tomographic reconstructions using multiple guidestars ( a.k.a . reference sources)@xcite . in particular , mcao attempts to achieve a high strehl over a large field of view ( fov ) by accounting for anisoplanatism , using multiple deformable mirrors at optical conjugates . moao attempts to achieve very high strehls over small fovs embedded in larger uncorrected fields . first results from the testbed were shown in ammons 2006@xcite . recent results have demonstrated the effectiveness of tomography at finding the layers ofturbulence , and high strehls have been achieved with both mcao and moao . the testbed uses three optically addressed spatial light modulators ( slms ) from hamamatsu photonics . the slms allow us to have nearly 600,000 control elements , far more than any current mems . slms have been used with some success in the biological sciences ( for example , a demonstration is described in awwal 2003)@xcite . because their stroke is limited to approximately 1 wavelength deviation ( about 650 @xmath0 on the testbed ) and we would like to avoid phase - wrapping , we are incorporating a high stroke mirror into the testbed both to eliminate the need for the slms to phase wrap , and to test possible ao configurations for future systems called `` woofer - tweeter '' setups . taking an analogy from audio technology , the woofer - tweeter configuration in ao refers to the pairing of a higher resolution dm that has small stroke together with a high stroke ( and consequently low resolution ) dm called a woofer . though our testbed currently uses slms , woofer - tweeter combinations will also be useful for mems dms . in addition to our lab , similar architectures are being studied at u. victoria @xcite and at nui galway . [ cols="^ " , ] the particular alpao dm52 mirror we have in the lab has about a 133 @xmath0 @xmath1 focus shape when initially powered on but with no commands sent . in order to generate a flat shape we measured and inverted this wavefront and ran it through wooferfit to generate flattening commands . our first attempt at flattening the dm52 in open - loop resulted in a residual of approximately 11 @xmath0 @xmath1 of surface flatness deviation over the full clear aperture of the mirror . we then tried to fit a typical kolmogorov wavefront . the testbed uses etched glass kolmogorov phase plates as turbulence generators . the phase plates are meant to simulate a normal atmosphere s worth of wavefront aberration . we measured the wavefront using a set of shack - hartmann wavefront sensors . after doing a tomographic reconstruction of the estimated volume , there is a residual on the ground layer with approximately 250 @xmath0 @xmath1 tip / tilt removed wavefront error . we then fit this kolmogorov wavefront with the alpao dm52 using wooferfit . we compared the surface of the mirror as measured by a zygo interferometer to the wavefront generated by the tomography software . our comparison shows a 25 @xmath0 @xmath1 disagreement between the alpao dm52 and the wooferfit predicted shape over the clear aperture ( see fig . [ fig : fig3 ] above ) . the fit was noticeably better within the central portion of the mirror and when apertured down to 90% of the clear aperture the agreement was roughly 20 @xmath0 @xmath1 . it is important to note that these results are significant because they represent open - loop `` go - to '' control of the surface without the benefit of feedback from residual wavefront measurements . hence these results are applicable to systems which need to run open - loop like moao configurations mentioned earlier . we have tested the suitability of the alpao dm52 as a woofer dm and have shown it has promising open - loop characteristics . initial results look good for woofer - tweeter implementation in our mcao testbed . beckers j. m. _ eso conference on very large telescopes and their instrumentation _ , 693 ( 1988 ) . tallon , m. foy , r. _ a&a _ , * 235 * , 549 ( 1990 ) . ammons , s. m. laag , e. a. gavel , d. t. & kupke , r. _ proc . spie _ , * 6272 * ( 2006 ) . awwal , b. j. bauman , b. j. gavel , d. t. _ proc . spie _ , * 5169 * , 104 ( 2003 ) . keskin , o. hamptom , p. conan , r. bradley , c. hilton , c. & blain , c. _ proc . of the first nasa / esa conference on adaptive hardware and systems _ ( 2006 ) . the authors are grateful for funding from the gordon & betty moore foundation , whose generous gift enabled the construction of the laboratory for adaptive optics at the university of ca , santa cruz . the authors also acknowledge the generous support of the bachmann family . this work has been supported by the national science foundation science and technology center for adaptive optics , managed by the university of california at santa cruz under cooperative agreement no . ast - 9876783 .
advances in micro deformable mirror ( dm ) technologies such as mems , have stimulated interest in the characteristics of systems that include a high stroke mirror in series with a high actuator count mirror . this arrangement is referred to as a woofer - tweeter system . in certain situations it may be desirable or necessary to operate the woofer dm in open - loop . we present a simple method for controlling a woofer dm in open loop provided the device behaves in an approximately linear fashion . we have tested a mirror that we believe meets our criterion , the alpao dm52 mirror . using our open - loop method we fit several test kolmogorov wavefronts with the mirror and have achieved an accuracy of approximately 25 @xmath0 @xmath1 surface deviation over the whole clear aperture , and 20 @xmath0 @xmath1 over 90% of the aperture . we have also flattened the mirror in open loop to approximately 11 @xmath0 @xmath1 residual .
in june 2015 , the large hadron collider ( lhc ) has resumed its physics program with proton - proton ( pp ) collisions at @xmath4 = 13 tev . currently , this is the highest centre - of - mass energy reached in the laboratory . a full description of particle production in pp collisions can not be obtained from perturbative quantum chromodynamics and hence modelling efforts typically employ various empirical components that have to be adjusted based on experimental data . the measurement of light flavour particles production in pp collisions provides important input for event generators to model the soft parton interactions and the hadronization processes . furthermore , pp collisions are used as reference to isolate medium effects present in larger colliding systems . previous alice measurements @xcite , @xcite , @xcite on identified particles in pp collisions at lower energies show that the models usually give a fair description of the shapes of the @xmath1 spectra but fail on the description of the pion , kaon and proton yields . @xmath5 , k@xmath6 , p and @xmath7 are identified in the rapidity window @xmath8 0.5 using several particle identification ( pid ) techniques in the different alice sub - detectors : the inner tracking system ( its ) , the time projection chamber ( tpc ) , the time of flight detector ( tof ) and high momentum particle identification detector ( hmpid ) . the combined information of these detectors in different @xmath1 regions allows us to measure the particle production in the region starting from 150 mev/_c _ up to 20 gev/_c_. the @xmath9 and @xmath10 mesons are measured with invariant - mass analyses via the reconstruction of their hadronic decays . the combinatorial background is subtracted using either a like - sign or event mixing technique . the resulting invariant - mass distributions are then fitted . previous measurements by alice and details on the analysis procedure can be found in @xcite . the multi - strange @xmath11 , @xmath12 , @xmath13 , @xmath14 baryons are reconstructed via their weak hadronic decay products . candidates are selected with restrictions on the topology of the decay and the signal is extracted from the resulting invariant mass distributions . the full analysis procedure is described in @xcite . the @xmath1-dependent @xmath15 and @xmath16 ratios measured in central rapidity ( @xmath17 0.5 ) at @xmath4 = 2.76 , 7.0 and 13 tev are shown in fig . [ ratios ] . the comparison to pythia 8 @xcite ( monash-2013 @xcite ) for the different energies is also shown . within the systematic uncertainties the @xmath16 ratio is consistent for the three different energies . the @xmath15 ratio for the low - intermediate @xmath1 region shows a slight shift towards higher @xmath1 when increasing @xmath4 . within our systematic uncertainties the ratio is compatible for the three different energies in the @xmath1 region above 10 gev/_c_. this shift is also observed on the monte carlo predictions from the pythia 8 model . the origin of the peak in pythia 8 is attributed to the colour reconnection mechanism @xcite , and is expected to become more important at higher centre - of - mass energy . the @xmath1-integrated @xmath16 and @xmath15 ratios in pp collisions as a function of @xmath4 are shown in fig.[ratios_energies ] . results at different energies for different experiments are also shown . results from e735 at @xmath4 = 0.3 , 0.54 , 1.0 and 1.8 tev @xcite , @xcite , from phenix at @xmath4 = 62.4 and 200 gev @xcite and cms at @xmath4 = 0.9 , 2.76 and 7 tev @xcite are compared for both particle ratios . the last added point at 13 tev confirms the similar trend and saturation for @xmath18 900 gev observed in alice previous measurements . the hyperon - to - pion ratio as a function of @xmath4 measured in alice is shown in fig . [ hyperon_ratio ] . in comparison with the kaon- and proton - to - pion ratio the strange- and multi - strange - to - pion ratios show a hint of increase at 13 tev with respect to the lower collision energies . this enhanced production may be related to the enhancement observed as a function of multiplicity in pp collisions at @xmath4 = 7 tev @xcite , as the charged particle multiplicity density increases with the collision energy . the @xmath9 and @xmath10 meson production has been also measured in pp collisions at @xmath4 = 13 tev . the @xmath1-integrated @xmath19 and @xmath20 ratios are shown in fig . [ ratios_resonances ] . however , no energy evolution is observed in the range from rhic to the highest lhc energy . the @xmath1 dependence of the @xmath21 and @xmath16 is the same at lhc energies within our systematic errors . pythia 8 describes the shape but exhibits large deviations from the data for transverse momenta larger than 2 gev/_c_. above @xmath22 900 gev the @xmath21 and @xmath16 ratios are energy independent within systematic uncertainties . the relative production of strange resonances ( @xmath19 and @xmath20 ) remains constant within a wide range of centre of mass energy . multiplicity dependent studies in pp collisions at 13 tev will help disentangle the role of collision energy and event multiplicity in the identified particle production of pp collisions . 9 alice collaboration 2011 , _ eur . phys . j. c _ * 71 * 1655 . alice collaboration 2014 , _ phys . lett . b _ * 736 * 196 - 207 . alice collaboration 2015 , _ eur phys . j.c _ * 75 * 226 . alice collaboration 2012 , _ eur . j. c _ * 72 * 2183 . alice collaboration 2012 , _ phys . b _ * 712 * 309 - 318 . t. sjstrand , s. mrenna , and p. z. skands 2008 , _ comput . commun . _ * 178 * 852 - 867 . z. skands , s. carrazza , and j. rojo 2014 , _ eur . j. c _ * 74*. e735 collaboration , 1993 _ phys.rev . d _ * 48 * 984 - 997 . e735 collaboration 1992 , _ phys.rev . d _ * 46 * 2773 - 2786 . phenix collaboration 2011 , _ phys.rev . c _ * 83 * 064903 . cms collaboration 2012 , _ eur.phys.j . c _ * 72 * 2164 . alice collaboration 2016 , arxiv:1606.07424 [ nucl - ex ] .
the alice detector has excellent particle identification ( pid ) capabilities in the central barrel ( @xmath0 0.9 ) . this allows identified hadron production to be measured over a wide transverse momentum ( @xmath1 ) range , using different sub - detectors and techniques : their specific energy loss ( d@xmath2/d@xmath3 ) , the velocity determination via time - of - flight measurement , the cherenkov angle or their characteristic weak decay topology . results on identified light flavour hadron production at mid - rapidity measured by alice in proton - proton collisions at @xmath4 = 13 tev are presented and compared with previous measurements performed at lower energies . the results cover a wide range of particle species including long - lived hadrons , resonances and multi - strange baryons over the @xmath1 range from 150 mev/_c _ up to 20 gev/_c _ , depending on the particle species .
observations of galaxies in optical wavebands are strongly influenced by selective extinction which is hard to take into account due to inhomogeneous distribution of dust . by this reason the maps of color and brightness may give distorted picture of photometrical structure of galaxies and distribution of star - formation tracers . in paper @xcite it was proposed to use the combined color index @xmath1 whose value does nt depend on selective attennuation of light to trace the structure of galaxies . in general case for photometric bands a , b , c one can define combined index @xmath2 as @xmath3 to make it as far insensitive to extinction as possible . here @xmath4 is the ratio of color excesses . we have assumed its values for vbri system to be equal to standart values for our galaxy according to @xcite : @xmath5 = 0.840 , @xmath6 = 0.413 , @xmath7 = 2.033 , @xmath8 = 0.681 . as it was shown in @xcite , these ratioes do not depend practically on whether we observe the source through the dust screen or dust and stars are well mixed . similar approach was later used in @xcite to investigate the structure of m 51 . two spiral galaxies - and were observed in bvri colors ( cousins system ) 21 - 22 jan 1988 at 1-m reflector of special astrophysical observatory of russian academy of science . ccd camera 512x512 with scale 0."37/pix was used . data processing was carried out with the help of midas package . asymmetric distribution of colors on the color maps of and gives evidence that they are dusty objects . combined colors indices do not describe neither `` real '' colors nor the value of the extinction . they may be considered as some conditional color indices free ( or nearly free ) of color excesses . the values of @xmath2 depend on stellar population , stellar abundances and , if r band is involved , on the presence of @xmath9 emission ( see @xcite ) . as an illustration , fig.1a shows how the values of @xmath10 , @xmath1 , @xmath0 and @xmath11 change when young stars formed in the single burst with the age t=0.1 gyr are overlapped onto the the old population ( t=13 gyr ) for different relative mass of young stars . the evolution program by + g.worthey ( see @xcite ) was used adopting salpeter imf and [ fe / h]=0 . fig.1b illustrates the dependence of q s on the burst ages for a fixed ( 1@xmath12 ) fraction of young stars . fig 1c shows a variation of q s with the adopted metallicity of the old population for the same parameters of burst as in fig 1b . as it follows from figures 1a - 1c , @xmath0 is the most sensitive to the fraction of young stars . the change of @xmath1 is less significant , but on the other hand this index should allow to localize giant emission regions where @xmath13 line locally increases r luminosity of the disk . in fig.2 and 3 the maps of @xmath0 and @xmath1 distribution for our galaxies are presented . maps are bounded by the ellipses whose major axes equal to @xmath14 . they appear to be much more symmetrically distributed than color indices . curiously a ring - like zone at about 15 " ( 4.7 kpc for @xmath15 ) from the center appears in which is not noticeable at the color maps . it enables to consider this system as the galaxy , where star formation is enhanced in the ring . note that is absent in catalog of a ring galaxies by @xcite ) . @xmath1 map of reveals a clear 3-armed spiral - like structure where the values of @xmath1 have local maxima which may be explained by enhanced emission in @xmath13 ( local equivalent width @xmath16 100 @xmath17 ) . however blue stars do not form a clear spiral structure in this region as one can see from @xmath0 map of the galaxy . we can compare the relative intensity of star formation in different regions of a galaxy using @xmath0 @xmath1 diagram . the toy - model of a galaxy with exponential decreasing @xmath18 was developed using worthey s program ( from @xcite ) . the model values of q s which do not take into account recently formed stars ( t @xmath19 @xmath20 yr ) are shown by continious curve in fig.4 . dashed curve shows the values of the combined indices when the burst of sf is added to the previous model ( young population contains 30@xmath12 of the mass of the background population , has solar metallicity and the age of 0.1 gyr ) . the arrow in fig.4 . shows how @xmath21 emission shifts the point in the diagramm . the model curves show that the increasing of the fraction of young stellar population change mostly @xmath0 . on the other hand the @xmath22 shifts points horizontally . it enables to use the diagram as the diagnostic one for comparizon of star formation in different parts of a galaxy . as an example we put average values of q s for more than hundred points of central region ( diamond ) , regions of sf - ring ( triangle ) and outer regions ( square ) of on the diagram in fig.4 . mean errors of position of the points is about @xmath23 . regions in the center and in the sf - ring have the same @xmath0 which enables to conclude that they have similar fraction of young stars . the difference in @xmath1 may be explained by the presence of @xmath24 emission ( local @xmath25 ) . the outer regions of the galaxy contain a less amount of blue stars . these examples illustrate the ability to investigate structure and distribution of star formation tracers in dusty galaxies using optical broad - band photometry . combined photometrical indices @xmath0 and @xmath1 which are weakly affected by the selective extinction may be used successfully to restore the photometrical structure of galaxies with non - homogeneous dust distribution , even if their dust - free colors remain unknown . index @xmath0 depends on the presence of blue stars which enables to use it to localize regions of recent star formation . on the other hand , @xmath1 weakly depends on the light of blue stars but is sensitive to young star population through the emission in @xmath9 line . whereas color distribution is asymmetric in and due to internal absorption , their @xmath0 and @xmath1 maps are relatively symmetric and allow to reveal structure details hidden by the dust . in a ring - like region evidently related to active star formation is clearly visible at q - maps . in three armed spiral structure and active star formation reveal themselves in @xmath1 map of the galaxy . this research was suported by russian grants rfbr 98 - 02 - 17102 and federal program astronomy . d.b . very appreciates financial support of european space agency to participate to the 33rd eslab symposium .
we present the results of bvri photometry of two galaxies with active star formation : and . combined color index @xmath0 was used to investigate the photometrical structure of the galaxies . index @xmath0 is not affected by internal extinction and is sensitive to the presence of blue stars . ring - like region with active star formation at 15 " from the center reveals itself in the @xmath0 map of . three - arm spiral structure is well - seen on the @xmath0 map of ngc 1134 . we propose to use the combined indexes @xmath0 and similarly defined indices as a tracers of star formation activity and structure of dusty galaxies .
unlike the optical spectra of hot cspn , which are characterized by lines of hydrogen , helium and some light metals , the ultraviolet spectra are dominated by fe and ni lines ( schnberner & drilling 1985 ) . their observed strengths show large variations between different objects suggesting a possible spread in abundances . iron group lines are ideal temperature indicators ( fig.1 ) , which is important to set up a reliable temperature scale for the hottest cspn . effective temperatures of the hottest central stars are known with low accuracy only . as a temperature indicater one usually takes the relative strength of neutral and ionized helium lines in optical spectra , however , at very high temperatures neutral helium lines disappear . the sample of stars in our study includes seven very hot hydrogen - rich cspn . these are the same objects that are investigated by traulsen et al . ( these proceedings ) to derive temperature and gravity by utilizing uv lines from light metals , namely c , n , and o. this sample covers the hottest phase of post - agb evolution ( @xmath0@xmath170000k ) and includes four objects , which have been observed with fuse _ and _ hst / stis . the fuse spectra cover the range 9101180 with a resolution of about 0.1 . fig.2 displays a section of the available spectra . they are ordered by increasing effective temperature ( starting from ngc1360 with 97000k , up to ngc6853 with 126000k ) which becomes obvious in the shift of the iron ionisation balance . only lines of fevi and fevii are labeled in this figure , and the numbers next to the identification bars are the respective log__gf _ _ values . we also detect lines of c , n , o and of other elements of the iron group . as yet unidentified spectral lines are possibly absorptions of covi ( 1139.4 ) , nivi ( 1096.6 , 1121.9 , 1125.4 , 1141.9 , 1145.0 , 1148.9 ) and mnvi ( 1088.7 , 1128.5 ) . in addition to the fuse observations , fig.2 displays a model spectrum which is plotted over the spectrum of ngc1360 . the model has solar abundances , and includes , besides h and he , lines from fevi and fevii . temperature and gravity of the model ( @xmath0 @xmath2 95000 k and log__g _ _ @xmath2 5.50 ) are close to those derived from the cno analysis mentioned above . note the h@xmath3 contamination of the fuse spectra other than ngc1360 . the very broad troughs in lss1362 are h@xmath3 lines , and one can see the matching ( relatively weak ) absorption in ngc7293 . a large fraction of the absorption features in ngc6853 are from warm h@xmath3 , which will have to be deblended to obtain the photospheric spectrum . the spectra are analyzed using nlte metal line blanketed model atmospheres in order to determine @xmath0 , surface gravity , and chemical composition . for model calculations we use the tbingen nlte model atmosphere package tmap ( werner & dreizler 1999 ) and the atomic data files of the iron group ions were prepared with the iron opacity interface `` ironic '' ( rauch & deetjen 2003 ) . the large number of iron lines calls for a statistical treatment of opacities . we include data from kurucz s ( 1991 ) line list . the final synthetic spectra contain only lines whose wavelength position is accurately known from laboratory measurements ( so - called pos tables of kurucz ) . so far , all models have solar abundances and include h and he , plus lines from fevi , and fevii . the possibility of using the fevi / fevii ionisation equilibrium as a temperature indicator can be seen by the disappearance of fevi lines and the increasing strength of fevii lines in the spectra of models with increasing effective temperature ( fig.1 ) . the decrease of the fevii line strengths in the hottest model is explained by a shift of the ionization balance from fevii to feviii . ( all models have log__g _ _ = 7 . ) our first calculations seem to confirm that the temperature of ngc1360 is indeed lower than previously thought . the study of cno lines arrived at a similar result . the iron abundance in ngc1360 is apparently close to solar . kurucz , r. l. 1991 , in stellar atmospheres : beyond classical models , ed . l.crivellari , i.hubeny , d.g.hummer , nato asi ser . c 341 , kluwer , dordrecht , p.441 rauch , t. , & deetjen , j. l. 2003 , in stellar atmosphere modeling , eds . i. hubeny , d. mihalas , & k. werner , asp conference proceedings , 288 , 103 schnberner , d. , & drilling , j. s. 1985 , apj , 290 , l49 werner , k. , & dreizler , s. 1999 , in computational astrophysics , eds . h.riffert & k.werner , journal of computational and applied mathematics , 109 , 65
we report on an on - going analysis of high - resolution uv spectra of hot hydrogen - rich central stars of planetary nebulae ( cspn ) , obtained with the hubble space telescope and fuse . since uv spectra of many cspn are dominated by fe and ni lines , we intend to use them as temperature indicators to check the cspn temperature scale we have derived earlier from cno ionization balances . furthermore , the observed line strengths of heavy metals show large variations between different objects suggesting a possible spread in abundances . we will determine abundances of iron group elements by quantitative spectral analyses with non - lte model atmospheres .
smc 3 is one of the symbiotic systems in the magellanic clouds . the system contains a wd and an m giant with an orbital period of 4.5 years ( eg . it is a supersoft x - ray source powered by a steady hydrogen burning on the surface of the white dwarf ( orio _ et al . _ 2007 ) . because the system contains a massive white dwarf ( [email protected] m@xmath1 ; orio _ et al . _ @xcite ) with a high accretion rate ( @xmath2 m@xmath1/yr ; kahabka @xcite ) it is considered as one of the most promising supernova ia progenitors among the known symbiotic population . to estimate the mass of the red giant we used the fact that it pulsates with a period of 110 days ( kahabka @xcite ) . smc 3 lies on the sequence b in the k - log(p ) plane ( wood 2000 ) which suggests the first overtone pulsation . assuming the pulsation constant of q=0.04 we derived the mass of 2.3@xmath3 m@xmath1 . to carry out our analysis we used the startrack population synthesis code ( belczyski _ et al . _ the code includes the wind accretion through bondi - hoyle mechanism , roche - lobe overflow , @xmath4 roche - lobe overflow and @xmath5 roche - lobe overflow . as initial conditions we adopted the current parameters of the system and then we modeled its future evolution . we assumed @xmath6=1.44 m@xmath1 and , since we studied the system in the sn ia context , a co wd . for all of our models the system went trough a common envelope ( ce ) after @xmath7 yrs and for none of the models system wd managed to accumulate enough matter to become a type ia supernova . the orbital separation after the ce was relatively big ( a@xmath8r@xmath1 ) , which makes a merger in the hubble time unlikely . the obtained parameters of the system are presented in fig . we predict that the system will not become a type ia supernova in contrary to what was suggested in the literature ( orio _ et al . _ the caveat is that our predicted mass transfer rate is somewhat lower then the one expected for the steady hydrogen burning on the surface of the white dwarf ( nomoto _ et al . _ a lower @xmath9 then expected could be due to the fact that our model underestimates the rg mass loss trough wind by treating it as in the single star scenario , whereas there is a strong observational evidence that this wind is significantly enhanced due to tidal interactions in syst ( mikoajewska _ et al . _ large roche lobe filling factor suggests ellipsoidal variability in the system . 99 belczyski k. 2008 , apjs , 174 , 223 kahabka p. , 2004 , a&a , 416 , 57 kato m. 2013 , apj , 763 , 5 nomoto k. 2007 , apj , 663 , 1269 mikoajewska j. 2002 , adspr , 30 , 2045 orio m. 2007 , apj , 661 , 1105 wood p.r . , 2000 , pasa , 17 , 18
smc 3 is one of the most interesting symbiotic stars . this binary contains a bright k - type giant transferring mass to a massive white dwarf comanion , which makes it is a very promising sn ia candidate . we discuss the evolutionary status of the system using results of population synthesis code .
the distant globular cluster palomar 13 has been found to have a very high m / l ratio of @xmath0 and its profile can be well fitted either by a king profile with a power - law tail or a nfw model [ 1 ] with scale radius @xmath1pc and central density @xmath2 . a possible explanation is that this distant cluster @xmath3 is one of the numerous dark clumps predicted by cdm scenarios , which was not destroyed by the galactic tidal field . it may be a disrupted cluster as well , out of dynamical equilibrium . here we assume that the nfw profile is the signature of a halo made of cold particles . physics beyond the standard model could be supersymmetry . the lowest massive supersymmetric particle , i.e. the neutralino , is a natural candidate for cdm . if r - parity is conserved the neutralino is stable , is its own antiparticle and has a very small cross - section for annihilation . we assume that the halo of palomar 13 is made of neutralinos and calculate the flux in high energy @xmath4-rays due to their annihilation . theoretical physics beyond the standard model is reviewed by j. ellis in this book . the susy benchmark models have been proposed to provide a common way of comparing the discovery potential of future accelerators [ 2 ] . these scenarios correspond to 13 configurations of the 5 msugra parameters with the trilinear coupling parameter @xmath5 set to 0 . the models fulfill the conditions imposed by lep measurements , @xmath6 result and relic density constraint @xmath7 . we calculate the @xmath4 fluxes for the benchmark models bcgil in the `` bulk '' region with our current mc simulation programs : darksusy [ 3 ] and suspect [ 4 ] . the simultaneous use of the suspect and darksusy package allows to perform the rge evolution from the gut scale to the ewsb scale . the fluxes ( in @xmath8 ) obtained by varying the threshold energy and integrated within @xmath9 are shown in the following figure . the main points are that we need to work at low energy threshold and very low flux @xmath10 . these fluxes are not out of reach but ground - based ongoing instruments will have to be improved by one order of magnitude for that purpose . an array of 5 hesses ( each including four 15-m class telescopes like in hess ) , operating in adjacent areas at 5000 m altitude , would reach a flux limit of @xmath11 at 25 gev in 400 h. * with that flux limit most of the neutralino parameter space in the galactic center could be explored . this is roughly the instrument needed to demonstrate or disprove supersymmetry in astrophysics . * p. cot , s.g . djorgovski , g. meylan , s. castro , j.k . mccarthy , 2002 astro - ph/0203410 j. ellis , j.l . feng , a. ferstl , , k.t . matchev , & k. olive , 2001 , astro - ph/0110225 http://www.physto.se/~ edsjo / darksusy/ http://www.lpm.univ - montp2.fr:7082/~ kneur / suspect.html
the distant globular cluster palomar 13 has been found to have a very high mass - to - light ratio and its profile can be well fitted either by a king model with a tail , or with a nfw model [ 1 ] . this cluster may be the first case of the many clumps predicted by cdm simulations that would not be disrupted by the galactic halo potential . we make the hypothesis that pal 13 is made of neutralinos and run the darksuspect code to estimate the high - energy photon flux due to the annihilation of neutralinos through various channels in some benchmark scenarios . these low fluxes may be used as targets to be reached in proposals for future ground - based high altitude cerenkov telescopes .
a data base has been created combining 1100 days of observations with batse , from jd 2448387 to 2449480 ( to ) . it includes observations of fast variability ( 0.010.488 hz ) as well as flux measurements ( ) and energy spectral fits . the goal of this work is to look for correlations between various parameters derived from power spectral , flux , and energy spectral measurements . this work is part of a larger on - going project to systematically study the power spectral behavior of all black - hole candidate sources observed with batse . in section 2 we describe the methods used for creating the power spectra and the results of the occultation analysis . in section 3 we show that correlations occur between several quantities derived from the energy spectral and power spectral fits , and briefly discuss these results . the batse occultation analysis technique has been described elsewhere ( harmon et al . @xcite ) . for this study , the corrected detector count rates for have been fit to a power law in the energy range 45140 kev , and a total flux ( photons @xmath0 ) has been calculated for the same energy band . typically 1530 measurements are made each day . from these data we produced daily averaged flux and photon spectral to quantify the rapid variability , we have created power spectra from the 1.024 second time resolution large area detector ( lad ) count rate data , using two energy channels covering the range 2050 and 50100 kev . these data were filtered to eliminate bursts , then searched for segments with 512 contiguous time bins ( 524.288 seconds without gaps ) when the source was above the earth s limb . each segment was fit to a quadratic polynomial and the fit residuals converted to a power density spectrum ( pds ) using standard fast fourier transform techniques . the pds was normalized to squared fractional amplitude per unit frequency , according to the method described by miyamoto et al . ( @xcite ) , using the raw daily averaged detector count rates in the 20100 kev energy band obtained from the occultation analysis . interference from other black hole candidate sources ( e.g. , , and ) was eliminated by selection of only those detectors in which these sources did not appear . using similar 524.288 second intervals obtained when the source was occulted by the earth , we have determined that the quadratic detrending of the raw data yields a background ( source occulted ) power level consistent with a pure poisson process for frequencies between 0.01 hz and the nyquist frequency ( 0.488 hz ) . the results obtained are consistent with those obtained using a full background model developed by rubin et al . ( @xcite ) . = 6.5 cm = 6.5 cm it is well known that the power spectrum of has a characteristic shape ( belloni & hasinger @xcite ) ; the spectrum is flat below a break frequency , @xmath1 , and has a power law form above @xmath2 . we have attempted to parameterize the shape of these spectra by fitting to a function , p , of the form @xmath3 here @xmath4 is the amplitude of the low frequency part of the spectrum , @xmath5 , and @xmath6 is related to the slope of the power spectrum just above the break frequency . figure 1 shows three randomly selected spectra and the fits obtained using this functional form . we also calculated the fractional amplitude from the power spectral density for the frequency range . the three power spectral fit parameters ( @xmath4 , @xmath7 , @xmath8 ) , the fractional amplitude , the the total flux , and photon power - law index were plotted against one another to study the relationships between these quantities . some of the results are shown in figs . 2 and 3 . the strongest correlation is observed between the break frequency @xmath2 ( @xmath7 ) and the amplitude ( fig . the fractional amplitude monotonically decreases as the @xmath2 increases . these observations are similar to the results of belloni & hasinger ( @xcite ) based on 13 observations from the exosat archive at lower energies ( @xmath9 220 kev ) . figure 3 shows a plot of fractional amplitude vs. spectral index of a power law fit in the 45140 kev band . a correlation is also seen in these data . the energy spectrum generally becomes softer as the amplitude decreases . the fractional amplitude is in the range 830% during these observations . the origin of this effect is not well understood . a more detailed study of the type presented here is in preparation . this project was performed within nasa grant nag5 - 2560 and supported in part by the netherlands organization for scientific research ( nwo ) under grant fvdh acknowledges support by the netherlands foundation for research in astronomy with financial aid from nwo under contract number . jvp acknowledges support from nasa grant nag5 - 2755 . belloni , t. & hasinger , g. , 1990 , a&a 227 , l33 harmon , b.a . 1993 , in : friedlander , m. , gehrels , n. , macomb , d. , aip conf . 280 , compton gamma - ray observatory . aip press , new york , p. 313 miyamoto , s. et al . , 1994 , apj 435 , 398 rubin , b.c . 1993 , in : friedlander , m. , gehrels , n. , macomb , d. , aip conf . 280 , compton gamma - ray observatory . aip press , new york , p. 1127
we have examined the power spectral behavior of using approximately 1100 days of batse data . these data have been searched for correlations between different power spectral features , and for correlations between power spectral features and energy spectral parameters derived from batse occultation analysis .
muons have been undispensible probes in fundamental ( and applied ) physics for a long time . their completely unexpected discovery is ascribed to anderson and neddermeyer.@xcite muons have already been seen earlier by kunze@xcite albeit without claiming detection of a new particle . actually muons were until the 1940s mostly considered to be the predicted and searched for pions . in 1960 muonium ( mu ) , the hydrogen - like bound state of a positive muon and an electron ( @xmath2e@xmath3 ) , was unambiguously detected by hughes and coworkers.@xcite muons and mu continue to play a role of utmost importance in precision tests of the standard model of particle physics as well as in the search for new physics beyond it . they can be produced in comparatively large quantities , they live long enough for many applications and they decay sufficiently fast in a parity violating , self polarization - analyzing weak process ( @xmath4 ) which makes them most versatile . actually , the discovery of parity violation ( pv ) in nuclear @xmath5 decay@xcite was instantaneously followed by the demonstration of pv in muon decay.@xcite later it has been shown that the v - a structure of the standard model weak interaction follows already solely from muon decay experiments , including inverse muon decay.@xcite the reader will find an excellent review on fundamental muon physics@xcite and many references concerning the important role of low momentum muons , pions and neutrons in precision physics in ref . . below , a brief status update on muon activities at psi is presented without explicitly connecting to the standard - model extension ( sme ) and its coefficients.@xcite however , given the fact that all precision experiments acquire time stamped data sets , a wealth of opportunities exists for corresponding analyses . psi s hipa complex with its unique beam power provides the largest intensities of low momentum pions , muons and ultracold neutrons to fundamental physics experiments . the arrangement of the pion production targets as part of the beam optics of the proton beam onto the continuous spallation neutron source sinq at psi guarantees a highly efficient pion and muon production . the full proton beam intensity can be used while about 70% of the beam continues with only a small energy loss to the spallation target of sinq . most of the recent particle physics experiments used low momentum beams of both polarities ( @xmath2 , @xmath6 ) for measurements with stopped muons in low mass targets . prime examples of such efforts yielded ( i ) the new limit of @xmath7 ( 90% c.l . ) for the charged lepton flavor violating decay @xmath8 by the meg collaboration,@xcite using @xmath9/s @xmath2 of about 28mev / c ( 4mev kinetic energy ) stopping after some degrader in an about 200@xmath10 m thick polyethylene target and ( ii ) the measurements of 2s-2p lamb shift transitions in muonic hydrogen and deuterium by the crema collaboration,@xcite stopping about 600/s @xmath6 of only 3kev kinetic energy in a 20 cm long target filled with about 1hpa of h@xmath11 or d@xmath11 , respectively , and determining the nuclear rms charge radii of both proton and deuteron to about @xmath12 precision . these two experiments were conducted at hipa s @xmath13e5 beamline ( see the beamline overview map@xcite ) which presently is the world s highest intensity low momentum muon beam for particle physics . even slightly higher intensities are obtained at the @xmath10e4 beam@xcite which is usually dedicated to condensed matter studies with muon spin rotation ( @xmath10sr ) but has recently also been applied to study mu production into vacuum.@xcite a very successful series of experiments was conducted by the mulan,@xcite mucap,@xcite and musun@xcite collaborations , initially in the @xmath13e3 and later in the @xmath13e1 beam areas.@xcite the 1ppm measurement of the positive muon lifetime by mulan resulted in a 0.5ppm determination of the fermi coupling constant @xmath14 . mucap measured the @xmath6 lifetime in a high - purity protium target and determined the singlet capture rate to 1% and by that the weak pseudoscalar coupling @xmath15 of the proton to 7% . musun is under way to determine the muon capture rate on deuterons by the same technique . various new muon experiments are under way and progress has recently been reported at psi s annual particle physics users meeting.@xcite the meg ii experiment aims at a sensitivity to @xmath8 of @xmath16 . the mu3e collaboration pursues a search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay @xmath17 in two phases , first aiming at @xmath18 and later @xmath19 at the new himb . studies for himb already benefit conventional meson target designs.@xcite himb will provide @xmath20/s below 30mev / c to the phase-2 mu3e experiment . the beamline will open up new possibilites for statistically limited muon experiments in general . the muse collaboration will compare muon and electron scattering on hydrogen at the @xmath13m1 beamline@xcite and decisively test the difference in rms charge radii obtained so far by electron scattering and ordinary hydrogen spectroscopy versus the muonic atom result.@xcite the crema collaboration has meanwhile finished data taking on the 2s-2p lamb shift transitions in @xmath21he and is now turning to the laser spectroscopy of the ground state hyperfine splitting in h and @xmath22he . also spectroscopy of heavy muonic atoms is regaining interest , e.g. , the mux collaboration is setting out to measure the charge radii of @xmath23ra and other heavy , radioactive isotopes . a lot of progress is also being made by the mucool collaboration with the development of a very high brightness beam of slow @xmath2.@xcite together with ref . this development will allow for an improved measurement of the mu 1s-2s transition@xcite and pave the way for a test of the free fall of mu,@xcite the mass of which is dominated by the antimatter , second generation lepton . illuminating discussions with colleagues , especially at cpt16 , and continued support of psi s accelerator and beam line groups and psi / eth technical services , the swiss national science foundation ( 200020_159754 ) and the eth zrich ( eth-35 14 - 1 ) are gratefully acknowledged .
the paul scherrer institut in switzerland operates the high intensity proton accelerator facility hipa . a 590mev kinetic energy proton beam of presently up to 2.4ma is sent to target stations producing pions , muons and neutrons for fundamental and applied physics . the beam power of 1.4mw provides the world s highest intensities of low momentum muons which can be stopped in low mass targets . rates of surface muons of up to about @xmath0/s are being provided to various unique precision particle physics experiments . two feasibility studies are ongoing to considerably improve the available muon beams . the high intensity muon beamline , himb , could deliver on the order of @xmath1/s surface muons and the stopped muon cooler , mucool , aims at a gain factor of @xmath1 in phase space quality while sacrificing only less than 3 orders of magnitude in intensity for low energy @xmath2 . these beams will allow a new generation of precision physics experiments with stopped muons and muonium atoms .
currently accepted theories and many experimental results suggest that hadronic matter changes to quark matter in high - density and/or high - temperature regimes by way of the deconfinement transition . the properties of quark matter have been actively studied theoretically in terms of the quark gluon plasma , color superconductivity @xcite , magnetism @xcite , and experimentally in terms of relativistic heavy - ion collisions @xcite , and early - universe studies and compact stars @xcite . such studies are continuing to provide exciting results @xcite . presently , we consider that compact stars consist of not only nuclear matter but also other matter such as hyperons and quarks . we call such stars _ hybrid stars_. because many theoretical calculations have suggested that the deconfinement transition is of the first order at low temperature and high density @xcite , we assume that it is a first - order phase transition here . the gibbs condition @xcite then gives rise to various structured mixed phases ( smps ) . the smps proposed by heiselberg et al . @xcite and glenndening and pei @xcite suggest a crystalline structure for the mixed phase in the cores of hybrid stars . such structures are called `` droplets '' , `` rods '' , `` slabs '' , `` tubes '' , and `` bubbles '' . we present the equation of state ( eos ) for the mixed phase taking into account the charge screening effect @xcite without relying on any approximations . we investigate the inner structures of these stars @xcite . in this paper , we review the inner structures of hybrid stars and apply our eos to a stationary rotating star . we use the eos given in our paper @xcite , which is presented in our framework . therefore , our approach is only briefly explained here . thermal equilibrium is implicitly achieved at @xmath0 . we consider that the hadronic and quark matter and the mixed phase are @xmath1 stable . we employ density functional theory ( dft ) under the local density approximation @xcite . to account for the confinement , we introduce a sharp boundary between the two phases employing the bag model @xcite with a surface tension parameter @xmath2 . the determination of the surface tension between hadronic and quark matter is a difficult problem . thus , many authors have treated the surface tension as a free parameter and have observed its effect @xcite ; we take the same approach in this study . to determine the charge screening effect , we also conduct the calculations without the screening effect . we then apply the eos derived in our paper @xcite to the tolman oppenheimer volkoff ( tov ) equation @xcite . after that , we apply our eos to a stationary rotating star . [ cols="^,^ " , ] we see an important relation between radius and rotation . ordinarily , the `` radius '' of the star is single - valued because we consider that the star is spherical . however , if the star is rapidly rotating , we have to pay attention to the different `` radii '' . because of the effect of the rotation , a star deforms from a sphere to an ellipse . therefore , we introduce two values , @xmath3 and @xmath4 , which are the equatorial radius " and the polar radius " , respectively . figure [ r - f_sc ] shows @xmath3 and @xmath4 with respect to rotation . if the rotation rate is 400 hz or faster , the two radii are different . therefore , we have to note the effects of rotation on rapidly rotating stars . in this study , we demonstrated how charge screening affects the hadron quark mixed phase in the cores of hybrid stars , taking into account rotation effects . we found that the inner structures are strongly affected . in particular , a core consisting of quark matter could appear due to the charge screening effect . another case , kaon condensation , has been studied @xcite and the results are similar to those of our papers @xcite . we used a simple model for quark matter and nuclear matter . to obtain a more realistic picture of the hadron quark phase transition , we need to take into account color superconductivity @xcite and the relativistic mean field theory @xcite . we will then be able to provide more realistic results . neutron stars have other important physics magnetic fields . however , the origin of these magnetic fields is still unknown . there are ways to explain magnetic fields based on the spin - polarization of the quark matter @xcite . however , whether the quark matter exists or not strongly depends on the eos . in this calculation , we did not take into account magnetic fields . if we include a magnetic field , the resluts are very interesting with respect to the rotation of the star . this work was supported in part by the principal grant of the kagawa national college of technology .
the appearance of quark matter in the core of hybrid stars is a fundamental issue in such compact stars . the central density of these stars is sufficiently high such that nuclear matter undergoes a further change into other exotic phases that consist of hyperons and quarks . however , the equation of state ( eos ) for the high - density matter is still not clear and several recent observations have indicated the limitations of the eoss ; theoretical studies should try to elucidate the eoss . it is believed that the inner regions of the stars should consist of a mixed hadron - quark phase . we study the mixed hadron - quark phase , taking into account finite - size effects , and find that that the mixed phase should be restricted to a narrower region . therefore , a quark matter phase should appear in the central region .
gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ) are the most powerful explosions in the universe , and are thus considered to be a possible source of ultra - high energy ( uhe ) cosmic rays . short - duration bursts are believed to be a result of the collision of two compact objects and long - duration bursts are thought to be beamed emission from the collapse of a high - mass star into a black hole . see @xcite for reviews of the basic theories of grbs . in the widely - accepted fireball shock model , relativistic plasma in a jet collides either with the surrounding material or with the outflow itself , producing the observed gamma - ray prompt emission through synchrotron and inverse compton scattering of electrons @xcite . protons are also thought to be accelerated in these shocks via the fermi mechanism @xcite . these uhe protons then interact with the photons , going through a @xmath10 resonance and producing charged pions which decay , yielding uhe neutrinos @xcite . the first calculations of this prompt uhe neutrino emission use an e@xmath11 proton injection spectrum with energies up to e=@xmath12 gev , and predict an e@xmath13 neutrino spectrum in the uhe regime , with the steepening of the spectrum due to synchrotron cooling of the uhe pions @xcite . the detection of uhe neutrinos from grbs would support their identification as the sources of the highest energy cosmic rays , a longstanding mystery in particle astrophysics . previous searches for neutrino production have been perfomed by the icecube @xcite and rice collaborations @xcite , but this is the first search for uhe neutrinos from grbs above 10@xmath9 gev . a full description of the anita - i instrument can be found in @xcite , and a description of instrument modifications for anita - ii is in @xcite and @xcite . briefly , the anita experiment is a nasa long duration balloon experiment that searches for coherent , impulsive , broadband radio emission ( 200 - 1200 mhz ) from electromagnetic showers induced by uhe neutrinos interacting in the antarctic ice sheet @xcite . the second flight of the anita experiment launched on 2008 december 21 , flew for 31 days , 28.5 of which were live days , and recorded over 26 million triggers . forty quad - ridged , dual - polarization horn antennas search for radio impulses which could be caused by neutrino interactions in the ice sheet . the trigger requires coherent power in neighboring antennas , and the threshold is limited by thermal - noise emission from the ice . over 98.5% of recorded events were fluctuations of thermal noise . the trigger is designed to optimize efficiency on neutrino - like signals : vertically - polarized , broadband impulses . signals from each polarization of each antenna are recorded in a 100 ns window for each triggered event , allowing for directional determination on an event - by - event basis using interferometric techniques , also described at length in @xcite . anita is most sensitive to neutrinos which come from between the horizon and a payload elevation angle ( angle above the horizontal ) of @xmath14 . we are able to construct a more sensitive search for uhe neutrinos from grbs compared to the previously reported diffuse uhe neutrino search with anita - ii @xcite because the short time window given by the burst duration dramatically reduces background in the signal region , allowing us to lower our analysis threshold and look for very weak signals which also have a time and direction correlation with the observed grb . there are two sources of background for an anita neutrino search . the first is thermal - noise fluctuations , which are easily removed with a set of cuts on the strength of waveform correlation among neighboring antennas and the signal strength . the second is man - made noise , which can be removed because it tends to cluster with locations of known human activity and with other events . the details of event reconstruction , thermal - noise rejection , and man - made noise rejection are discussed in @xcite and @xcite . compared to the diffuse neutrino search , we loosen numerical values of thermal - noise cuts . the cuts against man - made noise remain the same . 00 abbasi , r. , _ et al . _ 2010 , apj 710 , 346 - 359 abbasi , r. , _ et al . _ 2011 , arxiv:1101.1448 alvarez - muiz , j. & halzen , f. 1999 , apj 521 , 928 askaryan , g. 1962 , jetp 14 , 441 becker , j. 2008 , phys . 458 , 173 - 246 besson , d. , _ et al . _ 2007 , astropart . 26 , 367 - 377 dermer , c. d. & atoyan , a. 2006 , new j. phys . 8 , 122 gcn : the gamma - ray bursts coordinates network , http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/ gorham , p. , _ et al . _ 2009 , astropart . 32 , 10 gorham , p. , _ et al . _ 2010 , phys . rev . d 82 , 022004 ; 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we set the first limits on the ultra - high energy ( uhe ) neutrino fluence at energies greater than @xmath0 gev from gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ) based on data from the second flight of the antarctic impulsive transient antenna ( anita ) . during the 31 day flight of anita - ii , 26 grbs were recorded by swift or fermi . of these , we analyzed the 12 grbs which occurred during quiet periods when the payload was away from anthropogenic activity . in a blind analysis , we observe 0 events on a total background of 0.0044 events in the combined prompt window for all 12 low - background bursts . we also observe 0 events from the remaining 14 bursts . we place a 90% confidence level limit on the @xmath1 prompt neutrino fluence between 10@xmath2 gev@xmath3e@xmath310@xmath4 gev of @xmath5=2.5@xmath6 gev@xmath7/@xmath8 from grb090107a . this is the first reported limit on the uhe neutrino fluence from grbs above 10@xmath9 gev , and the strongest limit above 10@xmath2 gev .
in an informative display of supernovae light curves ( fig.1 in physics today , july 2007 , p 17 ) it was clear that sn2006gy was about `` 10 times brighter than the peak luminosity of type ia '' . implied was a total radiated energy `` two orders of magnitude '' greater than ordinary supernovae . the first question that naturally arises is : with what certainty is its distance from the observer known ? the smith et al . paper@xmath0 mentions that the galaxy in which sn2006 appears is a `` minor member of the perseus cluster '' . indeed it is , ngc 1260 , with a redshift of 5703 km / sec . but readers who are familiar with the sky recognize this as the perseus - pisces cluster which extends over large regions of the sky . in fact it extends in filaments over about 90 degrees in angle which would require a structure of startlingly large size at its redshift distance of 74 mega parsecs . detailed information on this large region is available from the long term cataloguing work done by fritz zwicky and his associates . the galaxies in this large region down to the classification limit of the palomar 18-inch schmidt are shown in arp@xmath1 figs . the strongest line of galaxies , however , consists mostly of e s and s0 s originating from the large sb ( ngc 891 ) and ending on ngc 1260 and the supernova sn2006gy . all the galaxies with redshifts @xmath2 as given in ned are shown here in figure 1 . in the eastern end of the perseus - pisces filament ( from the ned catalogue courtesy d. carosati ) . note that the subclusters are elongated along the filament and the filament appears to start at ngc 891 . [ fig1],width=566 ] although the galaxies in the line originating in ngc 891 are predominantly in the 5300 to 5700 km / sec range of redshift , the redshift of ngc891 itself is only cz = 528 km / sec . it is intriguing to note that it would imply a distance closer by a factor 10 and luminosity smaller by about a factor of 100 for the supernova if its progenitor had been ejected out of ngc 891 along with some of the higher redshift material . in fact there are 13 smaller galaxies within 5 deg of ngc 891 with redshifts @xmath3 . one could take the least radical position that sn2006gy ocurred in such a companion that was faint enough to escape spectroscopic measurement . the near proximity ( 1 ) to ngc 1260 would then be an accident . but i believe there is enough evidence that large galaxies like ngc 891 eject material which becomes higher redshift companions that i would argue for the ejection of the supernova progenitor in that process . that ngc 891 could have ejected the extremely active radio , x - ray , infra red galaxy perseus a ( ngc 1275 ) is suggested by the elongation of the perseus a cluster back along the line to ngc 891 . moreover the ngc 891 minor axis is only about 18 deg . off the line to per a. of course the low redshift material which gave rise to the supernova would have had to have been entrained along with the ejection of the higher redshift cluster galaxies . that companion galaxies have an ejection origin along the minor axes of edge on disk galaxies was first pointed out by holmberg@xmath4 whose observations demonstrated in 1969 preferential alignment along minor axes of disk galaxies . it was then demonstrated by arp@xmath5 and lpez corredoira and gutirrez@xmath6 that companions came out in a cone with half opening angle about 35 degrees and quasars within @xmath7 degrees . as mentioned , the minor axis of ngc 891 is aligned with the nearest galaxies in fig 1 and to within about 18 deg . of the perseus cluster to the east . as for entraining low redshift material from the parent there are now a number of cases where smaller dwarfs are considered to be physical companions which have arisen as fragments from disturbed regions of parent galaxies . a good example of this is ngc 5985 in fig.2 where this seyfert galaxy has ejected a quasar but only 2.4 arcsec from it is attached a dwarf with the same small redshift as the big , low redshift , parent galaxy . , width=529 ] but perhaps the strongest argument for the ejection origin of the perseus cluster extending eastward from ngc 891 is the study of the 20 brightest galaxies in apparent magnitude north of declination = 0 deg . of the 14 that are uncrowded by nearby bright galaxies , a total of 13 have well marked lines and concentrations of fainter , higher redshift galaxies@xmath1 . figure 3 shows the range in redshift of the lines of fainter galaxies which are strongly associated with almost every bright galaxy in the sky . this 1990 study was followed by a 2001 study of 14 examples of higher redshift abell clusters which were paired and aligned across bright apparent magnitude galaxies@xmath8 . , width=491 ] if such strong ejections take place it is reasonable to expect some of the material of the ejecting galaxy to be carried along with it . along with ejected gas and plasma which is observed we only need to include a few old stars or groups of stars among which to find the very occasional supernova . supernovae of type ia are much discussed today because of their interpretation in terms of a universe that is expanding faster now than in the past - in other words , dark energy. but if their luminosity is over estimated the sole reason for this radical postulate falls . if the distance to sn2006gy is strongly overestimated this may also effect to some extent the models of supernovae on which dark energy has been hypothesized . generally one could reason that objects at appreciably large distances tend to be younger because of the look - back time . younger objects tend have built up less metal abundance which in turn lowers the luminosity of objects like cepheid variables . if intrinsic redshifts of younger material is operative , galaxies like the perseus cluster would need low particle masses@xmath5 to explain their apparent association with ngc 891 . the smaller elementary particle masses would give smaller luminosities of objects in those galaxies . all of these effects would combine in the direction of making the hubble constant appear lower in the past and lead to the impression that it was speeding up at present . ironically , if we move sn2006gy to this closer distance it could reinstate supernovae i as , at least , approximate distance indicators . n. smith et al . j. and http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0612617 ( version 3 ) .
a recent supernova has been reported as exceeding `` the light output of an ordinary supernova by at least two orders of magnitude '' . it is noted that it falls in a minor galaxy in the perseus cluster . some evidence indicating a ten times closer distance for the perseus cluster than its redshift distance is discussed here .
since its discovery @xcite , the black - hole candidate ( bhc ) has been observed to spend long periods in outburst . although historically it was found to be mainly in the hard state ( maejima et al . 1984 ; ilovaisky et al . 1986 ; miyamoto et al . 1991 ) , since the launch of the source has been monitored and complete sets of transitions have been observed and studied ( belloni et al . 2005 ; zdziarski et al . 2004 ; del santo et al . 2008 ) . unlike the bhc prototype cyg x1 , for which spectral state transitions are directly correlated with luminosity , shows hysteresis in its relation between x - ray luminosity and spectral state @xcite , as also observed in other bhc in low - mass binary systems ( lmxb ; maccarone & coppi 2003 ; smith , heindl & swank 2002 ) . it was observed that hard - to - soft state transitions during the rise phase occurs at higher luminosities than the soft - to - hard transitions during the decline phase ( smith , heindl & swank 2002 ; zdziarski et al . 2004 ) . _ cgro _ , _ ginga _ and data from collected in the period 1987 - 2004 have been analysed by zdziarski et al . these authors reported on long term variability and spectral correlations for the @xmath115 outbursts of that occurred in this period . furthermore , in that work a lower limit for the source distance at 7 kpc was provided . the 2002/2003 outburst ( smith et al . 2002a ; nespoli et al . 2003 ; buxton & bailyn 2004 ) was followed with in detail through timing and hardness - ratio ( hr ) analysis @xcite . these authors described hysteresis in term of the source s evolution through a hardness - intensity diagram ( hid ) . belloni et al . ( 2005 ) also introduced new definitions for the different sub - states observed during state transitions : the hard - intermediate ( hims ) and the soft - intermediate states ( sims ; see also homan & belloni 2005 ; belloni 2005 ) . for a description of historical and alternative states classification see tanaka & lewin ( 1995 ) , van der klis ( 1995 ) and a more recent review by mcclintock & remillard ( 2006 ) . during the 2002/2003 outburst , close to the transition to the sims ( on 2002 may 17th @xcite ) , a rapid ( hours ) bright radio flare was observed @xcite which led to the formation of a large - scale relativistic jet @xcite . fender , belloni & gallo ( 2004 ) associated this flare and subsequent matter ejections with the crossing of the so - called jet - line , i.e. the hims - sims transition as reported by nespoli et al . ( 2003 ) . during this hims - sims transition showed fast changes in its timing properties , but almost none in the 3 - 20 kev energy spectrum @xcite . in february 2004 a new outburst started , which reached a significantly lower peak flux than the 2002/2003 outburst ( buxton et al . 2004 ; smith et al . 2004 ; belloni et al . 2004 ; kuulkers et al . 2004 ) . to get broad - band coverage during the expected hims - sims spectral transition , simultaneous and observations were made . belloni et al . ( 2006 ) combined data from pca , hexte and ibis , and obtained good quality broad - band ( 3 - 200 kev ) energy spectra before and soon - after the transition . these spectra indicated steepening of the hard , high - energy component . also , the high - energy cut - off that was present at @xmath170 kev before the transition was not detected later . therefore , although spectral parameters at lower energies do not change abruptly through the transition , the energy of the cut - off increases or disappears rather fast ( within 10 hours ) . the power spectra before and after the transition showed significant differences ( see belloni et al . 2005 ; belloni 2008 ) : from strong band - limited noise and type - c qpo to much weaker noise and type - b qpo ( for a description of the properties of different types of qpo , see casella , belloni & stella 2005 ) . in 2006 monitoring of revealed low - level x - ray activity ( bezayiff & smith 2006 ; swank et al . 2006 ) until december , when a new strong outburst started @xcite . miller et al . ( 2007 ) triggered a public too campaign on which started on january 30th ( caballero - garcia et al . 2007a - e ) . we activated our campaign with the aim to follow the source through a hims - sims transition . unfortunately , we did not observe the main transition , as we did in 2004 , but managed to capture a secondary transition . in this paper , we report the results of the timing and spectral analysis of our data from 2007 march 46 and of the quasi - simultaneous interval of the public data .
we report on x - ray and soft @xmath0-ray observations of the black - hole candidate during its 2007 outburst , performed with the and satellites . the hardness - intensity diagram of all /pca data combined shows a _ q_-shaped track similar to that observed in previous outbursts.the evolution in the diagram suggested that a transition from hard - intermediate state to soft - intermediate state occurred , simultaneously with observations performed in march . the transition is confirmed by the timing analysis presented in this work , which reveals that a weak type - a quasi - periodic oscillation ( qpo ) replaces a strong type - c qpo . at the same time , spectral analysis shows that the flux of the high - energy component shows a significant decrease in its flux . however , we observe a delay ( roughly one day ) between variations of the spectral parameters of the high - energy component and changes in the flux and timing properties . the changes in the high - energy component can be explained either in terms the high - energy cut - off or in terms of a variations in the reflection component . we compare our results with those from a similar transition during the 2004 outburst of . [ firstpage ] x - ray : binaries accretion : accretion discs black hole : physics stars : individual :
simultaneous planning localization and mapping ( splam ) or active slam has been a popular area of research over the years @xcite . the main theme is to compute a set of control actions for the mobile robot such that either the uncertainty of the robot or the combined uncertainty of robot and map states are bounded . traditionally , splam frameworks have been approached through either model predictive control @xcite or information gain @xcite paradigms . in recent times , belief space planning paradigms have tended to compute the control law in continuous domain @xcite taking a leaf out of slam frameworks that model it as a least squares problem @xcite . however , all of the above works assume the availability of immediate range data and uncertainty estimates for the map . some of them , such as @xcite , also assume the availability of dense range data transposed to an occupancy grid map . in contrast , in a monocular slam setting , the following complexities get accrued : * sparse depth estimates , which are highly inaccurate in textureless or low texture scenes * degeneracies in camera motion estimation such as in planar scenes or for in - place rotation of the camera * highly non linear nature of the camera projection operation since a monocular camera is not a depth sensor but a projective sensor [ cols= " < , < " , ] in this paper , we proposed a reinforcement learning based slam - safe navigational planner that learns to identify robot motions that can lead to failures in slam pose estimation and avoid such motions during trajectory planning . the method was expected to generate trajectories that have minimal failures and pose estimation errors over varying maps . through various experiments we have proven the effectiveness of a slam - safe planner that predicts failures and executes recovery actions to continue the navigation task . in terms of learning slam - safe behaviour , our method showed an increase in performance by about 50% as compared to supervised learning methods . in terms of slam recovery during trajectory planning , our methods showed about 70% improvement in comparison with a state - of - the - art trajectory planner and about 45% in comparison with supervised learning based planners . autonomous navigation with a monocular camera has always been challenging due to reasons mentioned earlier . this paper establishes that a rl framework is able to learn precisely those actions resorted by humans when they use a handheld camera or teleoperate a robot for slam . for example this involves slow transitions to newer scenes avoiding sharp turns by repeated back and forth motions , which was well captured by the learning framework . leung , cindy , shoudong huang , and gamini dissanayake . `` active slam using model predictive control and attractor based exploration . '' _ in intelligent robots and systems , 2006 ieee / rsj international conference on , pp . 5026 - 5031 . ieee , 2006 . _ leung , cindy , shoudong huang , ngai kwok , and gamini dissanayake . `` planning under uncertainty using model predictive control for information gathering . '' _ robotics and autonomous systems 54 , no . 11 ( 2006 ) : 898 - 910 . _ harvard indelman , vadim , luca carlone , and frank dellaert . `` planning in the continuous domain : a generalized belief space approach for autonomous navigation in unknown environments . '' _ the international journal of robotics research 34 , no . 7 ( 2015 ) : 849 - 882 . _ charrow , benjamin , gregory kahn , sachin patil , sikang liu , ken goldberg , pieter abbeel , nathan michael , and vijay kumar . `` information - theoretic planning with trajectory optimization for dense 3d mapping . '' _ proceedings of the robotics : science and system ( rss ) ( 2015 ) . _ klein , georg , and david murray . `` parallel tracking and mapping for small ar workspaces . '' _ in mixed and augmented reality , 2007 . ismar 2007 . 6th ieee and acm international symposium on , pp . 225 - 234 . ieee , 2007 . _ gopalakrishnan , balasubramanian , arun kumar singh , and k. madhava krishna . `` time scaled collision cone based trajectory optimization approach for reactive planning in dynamic environments . '' _ in intelligent robots and systems ( iros 2014 ) , 2014 ieee / rsj international conference on , pp . 4169 - 4176 . ieee , 2014 . _ koenig , nathan , and andrew howard . `` design and use paradigms for gazebo , an open - source multi - robot simulator . '' intelligent robots and systems , 2004.(iros 2004 ) . proceedings . 2004 ieee / rsj international conference on . 3 . ieee , 2004 .
effective slam using a single monocular camera is highly preferred due to its simplicity . however , when compared to trajectory planning methods using depth - based slam , monocular slam in loop does need additional considerations . one main reason being that for the optimization , in the form of bundle adjustment ( ba ) , to be robust , the slam system needs to scan the area for a reasonable duration . most monocular slam systems do not tolerate large camera rotations between successive views and tend to breakdown . other reasons for monocular slam failure include ambiguities in decomposition of the essential matrix , feature - sparse scenes and more layers of non linear optimization apart from ba . this paper presents a novel formulation based on reinforcement learning ( rl ) that generates fail safe trajectories wherein the slam generated outputs ( scene structure and camera motion ) do not deviate largely from their true values . quintessentially , the rl framework successfully learns the otherwise complex relation between motor actions and perceptual inputs that result in trajectories that do not cause failure of slam , which are almost intractable to capture in an obvious mathematical formulation . we show systematically in simulations how the quality of the slam map and trajectory dramatically improves when trajectories are computed by using rl .
magnetic fields are unexpected in hot , massive stars due to the lack of convection in their outer envelopes . however , a small number of massive b stars host strong , organized magnetic fields , such as the chemically peculiar he strong stars like the archetypical star @xmath0 ori e and the recently discovered b2v star hr 7355 ( oksala et al . 2010 ; rivinius et al . these stars are rapidly rotating and host strong magnetic fields that are coupled to a co - rotating magnetosphere ( townsend , owocki , groote 2005 ) . twenty - one high - resolution ( @xmath1 ) observations of the variable b2v star hr5907 were obtained with the espadons spectropolarimeter at the canada - france - hawaii telescope between february and august 2010 . these initial observations clearly show the presence of zeeman signatures in the circular polarization , stokes @xmath2 least - squares deconvolved ( lsd ) , mean line profiles , indicative of a magnetic field . we have also obtained six low - resolution eso - vlt fors polarimetric observations in addition to 27 uves observations in april 2010 to follow up the espadons observations and to further study the line - profile variability . equivalent width measurements ( right ) for hr5907 . different colours correspond to the different instruments ( red = espadons , blue = fors , green = uves).,width=600 ] using hipparcos photometry , we find a single - wave period of @xmath3d ( see fig . [ sidebyside ] ) , which differs from the double - wave photometric light curve of hr7355 or @xmath0 ori e , likely indicating a different geometry of the magnetic field . from our longitudinal magnetic field measurements , we confirm this period , which we take to be the rotational period of this star ( see fig . [ sidebyside ] ) , making it the fastest rotating , non - degenerate , magnetic massive star ! however , the period is sufficiently imprecise that the relative phasing between our current data and the hipparcos data can be offset by so much as 0.5 cycles . therefore , we have adopted a period of 0.50833d so that the relative phasing between the photometric minimum and the peak of the longitudinal field curve differs by 0.5 cycles - consistent with the predictions of semi - analytical models for a rotationally supported magnetosphere ( townsend 2008 ; townsend & owocki 2005 ) . from nlte model fits to the espadons spectra ( shown in fig . [ nlte_fit ] ) , we find that @xmath4kk , @xmath5 , and @xmath6kms@xmath7 . in addition to the photometric and magnetic periodicity , we also find that h@xmath8 varies with the same period , as illustrated by the equivalent width variations shown in fig . [ sidebyside ] . h@xmath8 shows line profile variations of emission extending to high velocities , as shown in fig . [ ha_dyn ] . the double - lobed pattern and equivalent width variations strongly suggests that hr5907 hosts a structured magnetosphere similar to @xmath0 ori e and hr7355 consisting of co - rotating , magnetically confined clouds of stellar wind plasma . ( black ) profiles for different nights compared to a nlte model profile ( red ) . * right : * phased residual h@xmath8 variations relative to the nlte model.,title="fig:",width=268 ] ( black ) profiles for different nights compared to a nlte model profile ( red ) . * right : * phased residual h@xmath8 variations relative to the nlte model.,title="fig:",width=268 ] + assuming rigid rotation , we infer that the inclination @xmath9 . from fits to the longitudinal field curve shown in fig . [ sidebyside ] we estimate that hr5907 hosts a mainly dipole magnetic field , with a strength at its pole of @xmath10 kg , and a magnetic axis nearly aligned with the rotation axis . preliminary fits of a dipole model to the lsd profiles at each individual phase seems to confirm this estimate , as shown in fig . [ lsd_fits ] . also included in fig . [ lsd_fits ] is an illustration of how the magnetic field and circumstellar environment of a star with a similar rotation rate and similar magnetic field configuration would appear edge - on . currently , the inclination is poorly constrained , which results in a large possible range for the dipole field strength . however , using the predictions of the rigidly rotating magnetosphere model ( townsend & owocki 2005 ) , we expect to better constrain the geometry of hr5907 based on the variations shown in fig . [ sidebyside ] . kg and @xmath11 ( red ) to the observed lsd stokes @xmath2 ( top ) , diagnostic null ( middle ) and unpolarized stokes @xmath12 profile ( bottom ) of hr5907 ( black ) . * right : * illustration of the magnetic field and circumstellar environment for a star with a rotation rate and magnetic field geometry similar to hr5907 ( image courtesy of r.h.d . townsend).,width=499 ] oksala et al . , 2010 , _ mnras _ , 405 , l510 rivinius et al . , 2010 , _ mnras _ , 405 , l46 townsend , r.h.d . , owocki , s.p . , 2005 , _ apj _ , 630 , l81 townsend , r.h.d . , owocki , s.p . , groote , d. , 2005 , _ apj _ , 630 , l81 townsend , r.h.d . , 2008 , _ mnras _ , 389 , 559
we discuss the recent detection of a strong , organized magnetic field in the bright , broad - line b2v star , hr5907 , using the espadons spectropolarimeter on the cfht as part of the magnetism in massive stars ( mimes ) survey . we find a rotational period of 0.50833 days , making it the fastest - rotating , non - degenerate magnetic star ever detected . like the previous rapid - rotation record holder hr 7355 ( also discovered by mimes : oksala et al . 2010 , rivinius et al . 2010 ) , this star shows emission line variability that is diagnostic of a structured magnetosphere .
intermediate scale disk galaxies with starbursts are relatively common in the nearby universe . about 5% of galaxies with @xmath017 @xmath1 m@xmath2 @xmath321 have evidence for starbursts . many of these occur in smaller galaxies , produce blue colors and strong emission lines , and are in gas rich systems , as indicated by their relatively large fractional hi content . the more luminous nearby blue starbursts structurally and spectroscopically resemble the faint blue compact narrow emission line galaxies ( cnelgs ) , which become common at redshifts of [email protected] ( e.g. , guzman et al . they are less well - matched to high redshift blue galaxies , which have a combination of high uv luminosities and huge star formation rates that are not common in nearby extreme starbursts . this difference probably reflects secular evolution in the lives of galaxies ; for example , systems at high redshift may be subject to frequent , strong mergers that trigger hyperactive star formation ( e.g. conselice et al . 2001 in prep ) . nearby starbursts frequently show evidence for being dynamically cool , that is they contain strong spiral arms or bars , features that are found in rotationally supported galactic disks . thus the processes that produced these starburst did not severely disrupt the disk , or the disk reformed during the starburst event . local analogs to the cnelgs include profound starbursts arising from minor perturbations ( see figure 1 ) . moderate interactions ( glancing collisions between equals , minor mergers ) are apparently the sources of many starbursts . evidence for this includes subtle optical structural features such as wisps , faint tails , or moderately disturbed kinematics in starbursts , as well as the more ubiquitous signatures of disturbed hi . furthermore , in some starbursts where an interaction is the likely trigger , the outer regions of the optical disk appear to be relatively symmetric and relaxed . three possible explanations for this behavior are : @xmath5 blue starbursts are commonly associated with disk galaxies : near face - on systems can transmit uv light through areas where the disk has been cleaned out by supershells , supernova , etc . ( e.g. conselice et al . 2000 ) . @xmath5 low inclination disks can mimic the kinematics of low mass galaxies due to their narrow line widths ( homeier & gallagher 1999 ) . some intermediate redshift cnelgs could be low inclination disks of moderate mass rather then extreme dwarf starbursts . @xmath5 undisturbed intermediate mass galaxies , such as extreme late - type and superthin spirals ( e.g. , matthews et al . 1998 ) can be inefficient star - formers and thereby store interstellar gas , the fuel for starbursts , over cosmic time scales . @xmath5 uv - bright regions of starbursts frequently occur in features associated with disks , such as rings or arms ( e.g. conselice et al . 2000 ) which may represent star forming environments not yet accessible to severely disturbed high luminosity starbursts in the distant universe . conselice , c.j . 2000 , aj , 119 , 79 + guzman , r. et al . 1998 , apj , 495 , l13 + homeier , n. & gallagher , j.s . 1999 , apj , 522 , 199 + matthews , l. , van driel , w. , & gallagher , j. 1998 . aj , 116 , 1169 + mihos , c. & hernquist , l. 1996 , apj , 464 , 641 +
moderately luminous starbursts in the nearby universe often occur in disk galaxies that are at most subject to mild external perturbations . an investigation of this type of galaxy leads to a better understanding of starburst triggering mechanisms and the resulting star formation processes , and provides useful comparisons to more extreme starbursts seen at high redshifts . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
predictions of standard model ( sm ) have so far been in agreement with results of numerous experiments . therefore , sm has been in use to explain many puzzles related to fundamental particles and their interactions . however , there have been a number of fundamental problems ( quark - lepton symmetry , family replication , hierarchy problems , charge quantization etc . ) sm could not deal with . furthermore , masses and mixings of leptons and quarks are fixed by hand . these problems forced physicists to go beyond sm . extra dimensions , supersymmetry ( susy ) , compositeness and so on have been created for solving these problems and to explain the physics underlying them . among these alternative models compositeness has explained the subjects of family replication and quark - lepton symmetry in the best manner according to the theory of compositeness quarks , leptons , gauge bosons need to be composite particles made up of more basic constituents . these basic constituents , in otherwords substructural particles , are named preons . it is assumed that preons are what compose quarks , leptons and gauge bosons . it s also supposed that preons interactions lead to development of many new types of particles such as leptoquarks , leptogluons , diquarks , dileptons and excited fermions . we will be interested in color octet leptons that in the framework of composite models with colored preons @xcite have the same status as the excited leptons . for instance , in the framework of fermion - scalar models , leptons would be a bound state of one fermionic preon and one scalar anti - preon @xmath6 ( both @xmath7 and @xmath8 are color triplets ) , then each sm lepton is thought to accompany with its own color octet partner @xcite . there are many papers about manifestations of excited leptons at high energy colliders whereas color octet leptons are discussed only in a few papers @xcite . resonant production of @xmath0 at future ep colliders have been analyzed in recent paper @xcite , where also current limits on leptogluon masses are briefly discussed . it was shown that the @xmath0 discovery at the lhec simultaneously will determine the compositeness scale . in this paper we will consider indirect manifestation of color octet electrons at the next generation linear colliders : international linear collider ( ilc ) and compact linear collider ( clic ) . in section 2 , we present the interaction lagrangian of the leptogluons as well as signal cross - section for the process @xmath9 via t - channel @xmath0 exchange . the signal and background analysis performed at ilc and clic is given in section 3 . in the last section we give an interpretation of obtained results and concluding remarks . the interaction lagrangian of leptogluons with the corresponding lepton and gluon is given by @xcite : @xmath10 where @xmath11 is field strength tensor for gluon , index @xmath12 denotes the color , @xmath13 is gauge coupling , @xmath14 and @xmath15 are the chirality factors , @xmath16 and @xmath17 denote left and right spinor components of lepton , @xmath18 is the anti - symmetric tensor and @xmath19 is the compositeness scale , which is taken to be equal to @xmath20 . the leptonic chiral invariance implies @xmath21@xmath22 . for numerical calculations we implement this lagrangian into the calchep program @xcite . the cross sections for the process @xmath9 via t - channel @xmath0 exchange at @xmath3 tev are presented in figure 1 . isr and beamstrahlung effects at ilc and clic are calculated with calchep program using parameters given in table i @xcite . .main parameters of ilc and clic . here n is the number of particles in bunch . @xmath23 and @xmath24 are rms beam sizes at interaction point ( ip ) , @xmath25 is the rms bunch length . [ cols="^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] up to now , we assumed the compositeness scale equal to the mass of color octet electron ( @xmath26 ) . in general case this scale can be decoupled from the mass of new particles . for this reason below we consider limits for the compositeness scale as a function of the color octet electron mass . in this analysis we use @xmath27 @xmath28 and @xmath29 @xmath30 for ilc , clic1 and clic2 , respectively . these values correspond to one year operation with nominal luminosities . in figure 9 , 10 and 11 we plot reachable values of the compositeness scale as a function of @xmath20 for ilc , clic1 and clic2 , respectively . tev and @xmath31 @xmath30 . ] tev and @xmath32 @xmath30 . ] tev and @xmath33 @xmath30 . ] we show that , if @xmath26 ilc will give opportunity for indirect observation of octet electron upto @xmath34 @xmath35 gev during one ( three ) operation with nominal luminosity . corresponding values for clic1 are about @xmath36 gev lower . therefore , both ilc and clic1 will give opportunity to pass essentially the tevatron capacity for color octet electron ( @xmath0 ) search . clic2 will be sensitive to @xmath37 times higher mass values , namely , @xmath0 masses upto @xmath38 ( @xmath39 ) gev could be observed during one ( three ) year operation with nominal luminosity . these values essentially exceed capacity of the lhc to observe color octet electron ( @xmath0 ) via pair production . if the compositeness scale and color octet electron mass are decoupled , observable values of @xmath19 at ilc and clic1 exceeds @xmath20 for @xmath40 gev ( at @xmath41 gev the ratio @xmath42 ) . at the clic2 @xmath19 exceeds mass for @xmath43 gev ( at @xmath44 gev observable @xmath19 is @xmath45 gev ) . this work is supported by tubitak in the framework of the bidep 2218 post - doctoral program .
in this study we investigated indirect manifestations of color octet electron at the next generation linear colliders : international linear collider ( ilc ) and compact linear collider ( clic ) . namely , production of two gluons via color octet electron exchange is considered . signal and background analysis have been performed taking into account initial state radiation and beamstrahlung . we show that color octet electron ( @xmath0 ) manifestation will be seen upto @xmath1 tev and @xmath2 tev at ilc and clic with @xmath3 tev , respectively . clic with @xmath4 tev will be sensitive upto @xmath5 tev .
recent exciting results from the searches for high - redshift type ia supernov ( sne ia ) have been interpreted as suggesting that there is indeed a cosmological constant and that the expansion of the universe is accelerating ( perlmutter 1999 and riess 1998 ) . the results on the cosmology are robust in that they are independent of the value of the hubble parameter , @xmath4 , ( as they use redshift , @xmath5 ) and also of the local calibration of the sne ia luminosities ( as the distance modulus is used ) . they do rest upon an underlying assumption that the local and global values of @xmath4 are the same ( so that the distance - redshift relationship does not change ) . here we examine how different the local value of @xmath4 must be from the global value in order to significantly change the cosmology derived from the fitting of high - redshift sne ia data to the hubble diagram . a similar approach was taken by kim ( 1997 ) to fit data from the first 7 high - redshift sne ia between @xmath6 ; in this paper we extend that work with a much larger number of supernov in the range @xmath7 . ( it should also be noted that the data used by kim favoured an @xmath8 cosmology at the time . ) the idea that the local universe is atypical has been suggested by numerous authors ( see dekel 1994 for a review ) . hudson ( 1999 ) report evidence for a large scale bulk flow on scales possibly greater than 14000 km s@xmath9 . plionis & kolokotronis ( 1998 ) show that there may be contributions to the x - ray cluster dipole from beyond 16000 km s@xmath9 . lauer & postman ( 1994 ) and scaramella ( 1992 ) suggest the possibility of even larger density inhomogeneities out to a distance of 15000 - 30000 km s@xmath9 . phillips & turner ( 1998 ) see that near - ir galaxy counts out to @xmath10 are deficient which may be due to a local underdensity on such scales , implying that the local value of the hubble parameter @xmath4 is up to 30 per cent higher than the global value . tammann ( 1998 ) also sees a decrease in the value of @xmath4 out to 18000 km s@xmath9 of 7 per cent . whilst these claims are not without their detractors it is clear that a body of work exists to suggest that the local value of @xmath4 may not be the same as the global value and could be higher . see turner , cen & ostriker ( 1992 ) for a detailed discussion of this topic . we assume that the value of @xmath4 on scales greater than @xmath11 is equal to the global value , and then fit open and flat cosmologies to the high - redshift sne ia data , shifting the zero - point of the data to find the best fit to the various cosmologies . the difference in zero - points between the local and high - redshift supernov is then used to calculate the difference between the local and global values of the hubble parameter . using the corrected data for 10 high - redshift sne ia presented in tables 5 and 6 of riess ( 1998 ) and for 40 supernova cosmology project ( scp ) high - redshift sne ia from table 1 of perlmutter ( 1999 ) we reconstruct the hubble diagrams . the shift in the local - to - global hubble parameter required to fit various flat and open cosmologies are then calculated using a @xmath12 fit , also finding the 95 per cent confidence limits . figure 1 shows the required local - to - global ratio of the hubble parameter to fit the scp sne ia data . the best fit when @xmath13 in fig . 1(a ) is the well - known @xmath14 cosmology found by perlmutter ( 1999 ) . more interestingly a variety of low @xmath2 open cosmologies are not rejected at the 95 per cent level even if @xmath13 . in order for an @xmath15 open cosmology to be the best fit to the data then @xmath16 is required . the recovery of critical mass density cosmologies is more difficult . they are rejected at greater than the 99 per cent level if @xmath17 and need a large ratio @xmath18 . the data of riess ( 1998 ) was also examined and the fits are very similar to those presented in fig . 1 although they are less significant due to the much lower number of data points . generally the riess data are slightly less consistent with a low @xmath2 open cosmology and @xmath8 critical cosmologies are ruled out at a higher confidence level , requiring a 1.2 to 1.3 @xmath19 ratio . to fit best a low @xmath2 open cosmology then the @xmath19 ratio must be 1.1 - 1.2 . if the local value of the hubble parameter is higher than the global value on scales of a few 100 @xmath20 mpc then the fitting of cosmological parameters to the high - redshift sne ia data of perlmutter ( 1999 ) and riess ( 1998 ) may be inappropriate . previously popular cosmologies such as open or critical matter density universes with no cosmological constant may be acceptable if we live in a local underdensity . whilst large underdensities of scales up to 300 - 600 @xmath20 mpc are not expected from standard power spectra , there is some observational evidence that we may live in such an underdensity ( see section 2 ) , a possibility which is not ruled out by these results . it seems that is too early yet to abandon the traditional models .
the effects of differences between the local and global values of the hubble parameter on the cosmologies consistent with studies of high - redshift type ia supernov are discussed . it is found that with a local hubble parameter around 10 per cent higher than the global value then open cosmological models ( such as @xmath0 ) are prefered and if the local value is around 20 per cent higher then standard cosmological models ( @xmath1 ) can be recovered . even in the case where the hubble parameter ratio is 1 , low @xmath2 open cosmologies with @xmath3 are not rejected at the 95 per cent confidence level .
hii galaxies are low - metallicity objects undergoing violent star formation @xcite.their optical spectra show strong emission lines ( recombination lines of hydrogen and helium , as well as forbidden lines of elements like oxygen , neon , nitrogen , sulfur , among others ) that are very similar to the spectra of extragalactic hii regions ( e.g. @xcite ) . among them we can find the least chemically - evolved galaxies in the local universe.due to their proximity they offer ideal laboratories for studying massive star formation with an accuracy and spatial resolution that can not be achieved in similar studies in the distant universe . the integral field unit ( ifu ) spectrographs allow simultaneous spectra to be taken of extended objects . from this , we can learn how the interstellar medium ( ism ) is structured , and derive physical conditions and chemical properties corresponding to individual star - forming knots and external ionized gas component ( located at more or less one kpc from the main body of the galaxy ) . the study of the distribution of these properties is an important issue for our understanding of the interplay between the massive stellar population and the ism , unveiling the mechanisms that govern star formation . studying the chemical abundance distribution of the ionized gas can be used as a tool to explore the possible chemical evolution paths . our sample is composed by three hii galaxies : izw18 , iizw70 and iizw71 . izw18 , since pioneering work of @xcite , has remained a unique object for the study of the chemical evolution galaxies , given its very low oxygen abundance , approximately 1/50 solar , and the absence of a significant underlying old population . however , whether this is a signature of youth remains a subject of debate ( e.g. @xcite ) . the optical structure of this galaxy is very rich , including the two ( southeast and northwest ) central bright knots within the main body @xcite . iizw70 and iizw71 are two prototypical hii galaxies that are interacting . iizw70 presents a conspicuous central star - forming region , and extending to the north - west and south - west there appear fan - like extensions , resembling jet structures @xcite . iizw71 shows a chain of individual star - forming knots that crosses the whole optical body of the galaxy and accounts for all the h@xmath2 emission . two - dimensional spectra have been analyzed in order to derive the properties of the different components of the galaxy iizw70 , that was observed with pmas at caha . the pmas spectrograph is equipped with 256 fibers coupled to a @xmath3 lens array . each fiber has a spatial sampling of 0 @xmath45@xmath50 @xmath45 on the sky resulting in a field of view of @xmath6 . mosaic patterns were used to cover the central regions and different regions of interest ( e.g. , tidal tails ) . the data were reduced using the software r3d @xcite . we fitted the line profiles to derive the integrated flux of each emission line , using the software fit3d @xcite , already used in previous similar studies @xcite,@xcite . in figure [ maps ] we show maps of iizw70 in the flux for the lines h@xmath2@xmath06563 and [ oiii]@xmath05007 . the original pixels have been resampled in order to smooth the emission features . emission line images are created by selecting appropriate narrow band filters from the data cube . these narrow band images are created in a wavelength range of @xmath710 around the emission wavelength and show emission line fluxes not corrected by reddening . the continuum emission is subtracted using narrow - band images in wavelengths adjacent to the emission lines . figure [ fig1 ] shows the diagnostic diagrams , [ oiii]@xmath05007/h@xmath8 vs. [ sii]@xmath96717,31/h@xmath2 and [ oiii]@xmath95007/h@xmath8 vs. [ nii]@xmath96584/h@xmath2 @xcite , only for the fibers that present diagnostic line - intensity ratios with relative errors @xmath10 30@xmath11 . line fluxes were corrected for interstellar extinction using the value of c(h@xmath12 ) for each fiber , applying the extinction law given by @xcite . the solid lines show the classical separation between ionization due to star formation ( left ) and active galactic nuclei ( agn ) ( right ) . the boundary curve between agns and star forming regions is taken from @xcite . @xmath05007/h@xmath12 and [ sii]@xmath0@xmath06717,31/h@xmath2 and right panel displays [ oiii]@xmath05007/h@xmath12 line ratio as a function of [ nii]@xmath06584/h@xmath2 ; only line ratios with relative errors @xmath10 30@xmath11 are shown ; the solid lines are the dividing lines between hii - regions galaxies ( left ) and agns ( right ) @xcite.,width=302 ] the diagnostic diagrams give us information about the nature of the ionizing source . we can see that most of line - intensity ratios measured for each fiber , at both diagrams , are located on the left side of the solid curves . this suggests that for the galaxy iizw70 the ionising radiation is mainly related to the most massive youngest stars . we would like to stress that spectrophotometric studies of hii galaxies are of paramount importance in order to derive their evolutionary status . besides , high - resolution spectroscopy of hii galaxies will help trace the kinematics of the galaxy and provide valuable information on the mechanisms triggering the star formation . a detailed analysis of these data is going to be presented in a forthcoming paper .
we present preliminary results from our ongoing work on integral field spectroscopy ( ifs ) of the three prototypical hii galaxies iizw70 , iizw71 and izw18 @xcite . the observations were taken with the instruments integral / wyffos at the wht ( orm , la palma ) and pmas ( calar alto , almeria ) , covering a spectral range from 3600 to 6800 thus including from [ oii]@xmath03727 @xmath1 up to the [ sii]@xmath0@xmath06717,31 @xmath1 lines . two - dimensional spectroscopy allows us to collect simultaneously the spectra of many different regions of an extended object , combining photometry and spectroscopy in the same data set . the great advantage of using ifs for the investigation of galaxies is that it allows us to obtain data on the galaxy positions , velocity fields and star - formation properties all in one data cube . our main aim is to perform a bidimensional study of the ionization structure , physical - chemical conditions and the velocity field of the ionized gas in these galaxies @xcite . maps of the relevant emission lines and a preliminary analysis of the ionization structure are presented for iizw70 .
virus particles ( virions ) come in a variety of sizes and shapes . however , approximately spherical shapes with diameters in the range between @xmath1 and @xmath2 are especially common . many nearly spherical viruses are revealed by x - ray crystallography to have icosahedral symmetry . a typical virus particle contains genetic material , rna or dna , surrounded by a protein coat ( capsid ) . such an object should have reasonably distinct vibrational frequencies , the study of which may be of interest . excitation of these vibrations could have applications in either the diagnosis or treatment of viral diseases . to this author s knowledge , the sole discussion of these vibrational modes in the literature is that of babincov _ et al _ @xcite . these authors discuss the conjecture that ultrasound in the ghz range could be resonantly absorbed by hiv virus particles , leading to their destruction . et al _ @xcite have recently reported the detection of viruses by acoustic oscillations . however , the process of `` rupture event scanning '' , which these authors report , involves the separation of a virus particle from antibodies by ultrasound . this is distinct from the excitation of the vibrational modes of the virus particle itself , and occurs at much lower frequencies . there have also been some experimental studies of ultrasonic absorption by empty viral capsids @xcite . these experiments reveal an enhanced absorption in the mhz range as proteins reassemble into a capsid , but do not find a resonant peak in this frequency range . witz and brown @xcite have emphasized that these and other results show that viral capsids are flexible and change size or shape in response to vibrations or to changes in temperature or ph . the purpose of the present paper is to provide some estimates of the lowest vibrational frequencies of a spherical virus particle . the simplest estimate is to take this frequency to be of the order of a characteristic speed of sound divided by the size of the virus particle . this is the estimate used in ref . @xcite . for the purpose of giving a more accurate estimate , we will examine two models , which treat the particle ( 1 ) as a liquid drop and ( 2 ) as a uniform elastic sphere . similar models have been used by bulatov _ @xcite to estimate the vibrational frequencies of nanoclusters . consider a sphere of radius @xmath3 filled with a nonviscous liquid with surface tension @xmath4 and mass density @xmath5 . the lowest vibrational mode of this sphere will be a quadrupole mode with frequency @xcite @xmath6 which can be written as @xmath7 where @xmath8 and @xmath9 are the mass density and surface tension for water , respectively . the surface tension and mass density , along with the lowest vibrational frequency derived from eq . ( [ eq : nu_drop ] ) for @xmath10 , are given in table 1 for several liquids . .the mass density , surface tension , and the lowest vibrational frequency predicted by eq . ( [ eq : nu_drop ] ) for drops of various liquids with a radius of @xmath10 . the data for benzene and diethylene glycol @xcite are for droplets in air at room temperature . the data for the three proteins @xcite are for aqueous solutions at approximately @xmath11 . [ cols="^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] we can see that for a wide range of materials , the lowest mode of vibration is a purely radial mode with a frequency of the order of a few times @xmath12 for a sphere of radius @xmath10 . in the previous sections , we have examined two models for a spherical virus particle , a liquid drop model and an elastic sphere model . it is of interest that the two models yield estimates for the lowest vibrational frequency which differ by only about one order of magnitude . of the two models , the elastic sphere model is probably the better description of a virus particle . an even better model might be one in which the particle has a liquid core ( dna or rna ) surrounded by an elastic outer shell ( the capsid ) . such a model would probably yield vibrational frequencies intermediate between those predicted by the two models discussed in this paper . in any case , we obtain an estimate for the lowest vibrational frequency of the same order of magnitude as that given in ref . @xcite , in the range of a few ghz for particles with a size of about @xmath13 . of course , the existence of a resonance requires that damping be below the critical value above which overdamped motion occurs . even if this condition is fulfilled , it is difficult to predict the width of the resonance . this remains a question for experimental investigation . the existence of well defined resonances could prove valuable both for basic science and for medicine . thus this is a potentially fruitful area for further research .
the possible normal modes of vibration of a nearly spherical virus particle are discussed . two simple models for the particle are treated , a liquid drop model and an elastic sphere model . some estimates for the lowest vibrational frequency are given for each model . it is concluded that this frequency is likely to be of the order of a few ghz for particles with a radius of the order of @xmath0 .
the shape of the gamma - ray burst s lightcurves of the batse gamma - ray burst catalog @xcite carry an immense amount of information . here we focus on the possible sgr - like contamination in the batse data . we used data from the batse discsc @xmath3 dataset keeping in mind that the distant sgr signals could be very similar to the short grbs : a bright short peak and a - probably weak , noisy - extended periodic emission in the low energy bands . during the processing we ve focused on the harmonic content of the grb lightcurve . therefore during the analysis * the three background - subtracted lowest energy bands ( below @xmath4 kev ) were joined to reduce the noise ( the high energy ( @xmath5 kev ) channel behaves differently @xcite ) . we used a quadratic background fit for each channel . * fft was used to calculate the power spectrum with a window size of 1024 samples ( @xmath6 ) . this sampling determines both the lowest frequency ( @xmath7 , @xmath8 ) and the highest ( @xmath9 , @xmath10 ) . * the first @xmath11 data was excluded from the signal after the trigger ( @xmath12 ) : this ensures that even the strongest short grb lightcurve will decay and it does not interfere with any possible signal in the tail . * we generated as many data windows as possible . the starting point of the 1024-sample - sized sliding window was increased with 256 samples ( @xmath13 ) until the window s endpoint reaches the end of the data . * to reduce the power spectrums sensitivity to edge effects a blackman window was used : this data windowing prevents leakage from the nearby frequency components @xcite , and makes the power spectrum more regular . the window also reduces any spurious effects originating from the non - perfect background subtraction . * each data block was whitened before the fft . no data winzorization was applied . most of the data probably contains a poissonian noise only , therefore to determine the significance of any probable signal a monte - carlo simulation was needed . for each 1024 sample block random signals were generated 500 times by randomly shuffling the data : the maximum value in the power spectrum of each mc signal was compared with the real signal s maximum value . we select only bursts where the real signal s maximum power is bigger than _ any _ maximum in the mc signals . the candidate trigger also required to produce such harmonic power signal at least for two different window starting point ( overlapping windows were not excluded ) . these requirements select 22 grbs with unusually high harmonic power above @xmath14 . 1 . shows the power spectra of these bursts with the corresponding window start times . 2 . we show some triggers folded phase - frequency diagram and ( selected ) folded pulse shape . one can observe that some of the signals appears to be periodic : however we should keep in mind that for these triggers have only one kind of observation with fixed time resolution ( @xmath3 ) , so it is very hard to assign real significance levels to these curves . triggers # 0373 and # 6591 show a broad signal , while # 0434 and # 3359 show more narrow peaks . it is remarkable that all suspicious frequencies are beyond any known batse periodic detector effect . the sky distribution of the selected 22 triggers is plotted with on fig . 3 . , with all the batse grbs positions . the figure seems to be asymmetric : to check the randomness we calculated the dipole components from the selected subset and from @xmath15 cases of a random 22-element sample drawn from the complete batse database : this method fully eliminates the non - uniform sky - exposure function of the batse . we ve got only 3 random cases where the dipole s magnitude was bigger than the 22 triggers dipole . it gives a @xmath2 significance ( approx . @xmath16 ) for the extraordinary dipole moment . the direction of the dipole is @xmath17 . there are increasing evidence that all the grbs do not represent a physically homogeneous group @xcite . in the last years the papers @xcite provided several different tests probing the sky distribution of grb groups in batse catalog . the celestial distribution of the short batse bursts shows anisotropic behavior @xcite . the direction of the dipole is not correlated with the supergalactic plane ( not like @xcite ) and interestingly the dipole s direction is only @xmath18 away from the the cmb dipole s temperature minimum . our results suggests that some anomalous subgroups could be responsible for the weak anisotropic signals : for a more detailed answer a deeper study of this effect is necessary . we plan to provide it in a forthcoming paper . thanks are due to g. tusndy for valuable discussions . this research is supported by hungarian otka grant k077795 , by the bolyai scholarship ( i. h. ) , by the gauk grant no . 46307 , and by the research program msm0021620860 of the ministry of education of the czech republic ( a.m. ) . 99 meegan c.a . et al . , 2000 , batse gamma - ray bursts catalog , http://gammaray.msfc.nasa.gov/batse/grb/catalog bagoly , z. , mszros , a. , horvth , i. , balzs , l.g . & mszros , p. 1998 , apj , 498 , 342 press w.h . , flannery b.p . , teukolsky s.a . , vetterling w.t . , 1992 , numerical recipes , cambridge university press , cambridge horvth i. , 1998 , apj , 508 , 757 mukherjee , s. , et al . 1998 , apj , 508 , 314 hakkila j. , haglin d.j . , pendleton g.n . , mallozzi r.s . , meegan c.a . , roiger r.j . , 2000 , apj , 538 , 165 horvth i. , 2002 , a&a , 392 , 791 balzs l.g . , bagoly z. , horvth i. , mszros a. , mszros p. , 2003 , a&a , 401 , 129 hakkila , j. , et al . , 2003 , apj , 582 , 320 horvth i. , balzs l.g . , bagoly z. , ryde f. , mszros a. , 2006 , a&a , 447 , 23 balzs l.g . , mszros a. , horvth i. , 1998 , a&a , 339 , 1 mszros a. , bagoly z. , vavrek r. , 2000a , a&a , 354 , 1 mszros a. , bagoly z. , horvth i. , balzs l.g . , vavrek r. , 2000b , apj , 539 , 98 litvin , v.f . , matveev , s.a . , mamedov , s.v . , & orlov , v.v . 2001 , pisma v astronomicheskiy zhurnal , 27 , 495 r. vavrek , et al . , 2008 , mnras , 391 , 1741 - 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the power spectra of 457 short batse bursts were analyzed , focusing on the @xmath0 lightcurves tails in the low energy bands . using mc simulations , 22 grbs were identified with unusually high harmonic power above @xmath1 . the sky distribution of these bursts shows an extraordinarily strong dipole moment with a @xmath2 significance .
the ultimate fate of the gas which cools in cooling flows is still unknown . a possibility is that a fraction of the gas forms cold molecular clouds @xcite . as a result of fragmentation we expect the formation of small clouds with higher density and possible production of molecules in particular @xmath0 and traces of @xmath1 and @xmath2 . + taking into account radiative transfer effects we computed analytically in @xcite the cooling function @xmath3 for the transition between the ground state and the first rotational level . this way we determined a lower limit of @xmath4 . + meanwhile we improved this calculation by including numerically all rotational transitions which are relevant at low temperatures ( i.e. up to @xmath5 ) . + the following column densities are adopted for a typical small cloud ( with @xmath6@xmath7 ) : @xmath8 , which corresponds to a @xmath2 abundance : @xmath9 . for @xmath1 instead we assume the primordial ratio @xmath10 . + in figure 1 we plotted the molecular cooling function @xmath3 taking into account @xmath2 , @xmath1 and @xmath0 in the range 3 - 300 k. @xmath2 is the main coolant in the range of temperatures 3 - 80 k , @xmath1 in the range 80 - 150 k and @xmath0 dominates above 150 k. the heating is given by the external x - ray flux as produced from the hot intracluster gas . the thermal balance between heating and cooling leads to an equilibrium temperature for the clouds . we have calculated the minimum equilibrium temperature @xmath11 of the clumps inside the cooling flow region . table 1 shows the equilibrium temperature for different clusters . for comparison we give the values we find using our analytical approximation ( @xmath12=1 ) and the ones by taking into account higher excited rotational levels ( @xmath12=5 ) . one clearly sees that the inclusion of the higher excited levels into the calculations lowers the equilibrium temperature , particularly for hot clusters such as for instance abell 478 . + we conclude that thermal equilibrium can be achieved at very low temperatures inside the cooling flow region mainly due to @xmath2-cooling . other molecules than @xmath2 , for example @xmath13 or @xmath14 , could also be important . thus the study of the chemistry in cooling flows might lead to important insight .
in many clusters of galaxies there is evidence for cooling flows which deposit large quantities of cool gas in the central regions . a fraction of this gas might accumulate as dense cool clouds . the aim of this communication is to discuss the minimum temperature achievable by clouds in cooling flows of different clusters of galaxies .
in quantum gravity research , we strive to answer the question `` what is spacetime like on very small scales ? '' . more precisely , this can be rephrased as `` what is the microscopic dynamics of gravity ? '' , `` what are the fundamental symmetries ? '' , `` is spacetime continuous or somehow discrete ? '' , `` what is the dimensionality of spacetime on small scales ? '' . to answer these , each approach to quantum gravity is founded upon assumptions . ultimately , these should be tested in experiments . here , matter - quantum gravity interactions provide us with two possibilities : \1 ) consistency tests ( indirect ) : here we can check , whether a particular uv completion for gravity is compatible with the observed properties of the standard model of particle physics , such as the number of fermions , scalars and gauge bosons , the global symmetries , the observed mass scales , etc . \2 ) direct tests : effects such as graviton - exchange in scattering processes , can be used to study the small - scale structure of spacetime . in particular , the dimensionality of spacetime on small scales can be tested at near - future experiments . for examples of the first option , where the consistency of asymptotically safe quantum gravity , as well as other models for quantum gravity , with the existence of light fermions in our universe is tested , see @xcite . within the truncation of the full renormalization group ( rg ) flow employed in this work , asymptotic safety is compatible with fermion masses much below the planck mass , whereas restrictions are placed on the parameter space for other quantum gravity models . high - intensity lasers are subject to quickly advancing experimental research , and have the potential to provide future particle accelerators that could replace conventional accelerators and reach higher energies over much shorter acceleration paths , albeit reaching high luminosities remains a challenge . once high - energy electrons are available , either from high - intensity lasers or conventional linear accelerators , the energy can be transferred to photons by compton - backscattering , thus enabling high - energy photon - photon scattering . this provides for a possible window into the quantum - gravity regime @xcite : since there is no microscopic photon - photon interaction in the standard model , the cross - section is dominated solely by loop effects . due to the tree - level graviton - exchange in the @xmath0 , @xmath1 and @xmath2 channels , the quantum gravity effect is easier to access here than in processes which have a large standard model background , such as , e.g. , processes at the lhc , see , e.g. @xcite . here , we will focus on asymptotic safety as a uv completion for gravity , i.e. a quantum field theory of the metric , which is extendible up to arbitrarily high energies due to the existence of an interacting fixed point of the rg . see , e.g. @xcite for reviews . in order to detect experimental signatures of asymptotic safety , we have to include the effect of a momentum - scale dependent newton coupling , which encodes the leading - order non - perturbative physics underlying the asymptotic - safety scenario . the dimensionful newton coupling @xmath3 on a large range of scales . this behavior characterizes the classical regime of the theory , required for the consistency with experiment , and has been shown to exist in truncated rg flow studies @xcite . the second property is special in the asymptotic - safety scenario : a uv completion with the help of an interacting fixed point requires that @xmath4 for @xmath5 , where @xmath6 is the dimensionless newton coupling and @xmath7 the rg scale . thus we model the scale - dependence in @xmath8 spacetime dimensions in the following way : @xmath9 where @xmath10 is the constant dimensionful value for the newton coupling measured in the infrared . here the transition scale @xmath11 , assumed to lie close to the planck scale , is presently unknown , and signals the onset of the fixed - point behavior . we study scenarios with @xmath12 flat extra dimensions @xcite with compactification radius @xmath13 , where the fundamental planck scale @xmath14 . a kaluza - klein tower of graviton states contributes to the cross section , and has to be summed at the amplitude level . as for settings with @xmath15 , the spacing between kaluza - klein modes is small , the sum can be well approximated by an integral . this is uv divergent for @xmath16 when @xmath17 , see @xcite . this differs in asymptotic safety , where we employ the scale - identification @xmath18 , i.e. , the fixed - point regime is probed by the heavy kaluza - klein modes , whereas the low - lying modes probe the classical gravity regime . then , using @xmath19 yields a finite integral : @xmath20 . [ gg_sm_as_n ] shows our main results @xcite : at photon energies of @xmath21 , the standard - model cross section is measurable at @xmath22 and the graviton - induced cross section in our approximation is of the same size , thus being easily detectable . this holds for a fundamental planck scale @xmath23 and for 2 , 3 and possibly even 4 extra dimensions . the result for asymptotic safety clearly differs from the result in the cutoff - theory , due to the extra contribution arising from the fixed - point regime . this allows to experimentally distinguish asymptotic safety from other uv completions . we plot the cross section ( @xmath24 ) for the standard model ( black continuous line ) , for the cutoff theory ( thin lines ) with @xmath25 and for asymptotic safety ( thick lines ) with @xmath26 . we show @xmath27 ( red dashed ) , @xmath28 ( blue dotted ) and @xmath29 ( green dot - dashed ) . ] employing sources of high - energy photons , such as an electron collider or laser plasma wake - field acceleration , where photons reach high energies by compton backscattering off high - energy electrons , allows to test the dimensionality of spacetime and detect possible quantum gravity effects in a very clean setting . photon energies of 1 tev suffice to access a fundamental planck scale @xmath23 . furthermore , the imprints of asymptotically safe quantum gravity can then be clearly distinguished from other quantum gravity models . thus , near - future experiments can start to shed light on the small - scale structure of spacetime . a. eichhorn and h. gies , new j. phys . * 13 * , 125012 ( 2011 ) ; a. eichhorn , j. phys . ser . * 360 * , 012057 ( 2012 ) . d. f. litim and t. plehn , phys . lett . * 100 * , 131301 ( 2008 ) ; e. gerwick , d. litim and t. plehn , phys . d * 83 * , 084048 ( 2011 ) . m. reuter and f. saueressig , new j. phys . * 14 * , 055022 ( 2012 ) ; r. percacci , arxiv:1110.6389 [ hep - th ] ; m. niedermaier , class . * 24 * , r171 ( 2007 ) . m. reuter and h. weyer , jcap * 0412 * , 001 ( 2004 ) .
matter - quantum gravity interactions can be used for direct and also indirect experimental tests of quantum gravity . we focus on photon - photon scattering in asymptotically safe gravity as a direct test of the small - scale structure of spacetime , and discuss how near - future experiments can probe asymptotic safety in a setting with large extra dimensions .
catalogs of galaxy clusters with a large range of redshifts and cluster x - ray luminosities are an ideal basis for the test of cosmological parameters ( e.g. henry 2000 ; borgani et al . 2001 ) and the study of cluster formation and evolution . the bright and southern serendipitous high redshift archival rosat cluster ( sharc ) surveys provide a sample of clusters detected in rosat observations over two decades of x - ray luminosities ( 10@xmath2 l@xmath3erg / s ) with redshifts between 0.2 and 0.8 ( romer et al . 2000 ; collins et al . 1997 ; burke et al . 1997 ) . we present here preliminary results based on the follow - up observations of three of these selected galaxy clusters with xmm newton : rx j0256.5 + 0006 , rx j2237.0 - 1516 and rx j1200.8 - 0328 . for the first time , the new generation of x - ray observatory , like xmm - newton and _ chandra _ give capabilities to do precise spectroscopic and imaging analysis at the same time ( see e.g arnaud et al . 2002a ) . our analysis is based on the three epic cameras , mos1&2 and pn . throughout the paper , we use a cosmology with h@xmath4km / s / mpc , @xmath5 and @xmath6 . the error bars are given with a confidence level of 90% . all the data presented here are treated with the version 5.2 of the sas ( science analysis software ) . we select event patterns and time intervals of low background as described in majerowicz et al . table 1 shows the effective exposure time of our observations after flare rejection . this suggests that this cluster does not host a strong cooling flow . this was already seen in rx j1120.1 + 4318 , a relaxed cluster at z=0.6 ( arnaud et al . 2002a ) also found in the sharc survey . the global temperature for this cluster is 5.1@xmath1kev . its surface brightness profile is fitted by a @xmath7-model and the parameters are : @xmath7=0.64 and @xmath80.51@xmath9228kpc . arnaud , m. , neumann , d.m . , aghanim , n. , et al , 2001 , , 365 , l80 arnaud , m. , majerowicz , s. , lumb , d. , et al , 2002a , in press , astro - ph/0204306 arnaud , m. , 2002b , this issue borgani , s. , rosati , p. , tozzi , p. , et al , 2001 , , 561 , 13 burke , d.j . , collins , c.a . , sharples , r.m . , et al , 1997 , , 488 , l83 collins , c.a . , burke , d.j . , romer , a.k . , et al , 1997 , , 479 , l117 henry , j.p . , 2000 , apj , 534 , 565 lumb , d. , 2002 , xmm - soc - cal - tn-0016 majerowicz , s. , neumann , d.m . & reiprich , t.h . , 2002 , submitted to , astro - ph/0202347 neumann , d.m . & bhringer , h. 1997 , , 289 , 123 roettiger , k. , loken , c. & burns , j.o . , 1997 , , 109 , 307 romer , a.k . , nichol , r.c . , holden , b.p . , et al , 2000 , , 126 , 209 schindler , s. & mller , e. , 1993 , , 272 , 137 snowden , s.l . , egger , r. , freyberg , m.j . , et al , 1997 , , 485 , 125 takizawa , m. , 1999 , , 520 , 514
we present the follow - up of three medium redshift galaxy clusters from the sharc survey observed with xmm newton . we studied rx j0256.5 + 0006 which shows two components which are very likely in interaction . the smallest component exhibits a comet - like structure indicating ram pressure stripping as it falls onto the main cluster . the second cluster , rx j2237.0 - 1516 is an elliptical cluster with a gas temperature of [email protected] . the third cluster , rx j1200.8 - 0328 seems to be in a relaxed state because its shape is regular and we do not see obvious temperature gradient . its mean temperature is 5.1@xmath1kev . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the disk - galaxies are constructed in dynamical equilibrium ( hernquist , 1993 ) and consist of an exponential stellar disk , a bulge with a hernquist profile , and a pseudoisothermal dark halo ( units as in hernquist , 1993 ) . the two merging galaxies approach each other on nearly parabolic orbits at a pericenter distance of 2 scale lengths of the larger disk . the large galaxy is realized with 20000 disk particles , 6666 bulge particles and 40000 halo particles , respectively . the smaller galaxy contains @xmath1 of the mass and of the particles in each component and has a disk scale length of@xmath2 compared to the more massive galaxy . we tested 14 different relative orientations for every mass ratio . the time integration was performed using the special purpose hardware grape . after the remnants settled into equilibrium an artificial image of the remnant was created ( see also heyl , hernquist & spergel , 1994 ) . following the definition of bender , dberreiner & mllenhoff ( 1988 ) we determined the characteristic isophotal shape @xmath3 , ellipticity @xmath4 , the ratio of major axis rotation and central velocity dispersion , @xmath5 , and the anisotropy parameter @xmath6 for 500 random projections of each of the 14 orbital geometries . these values were used to calculate a probability density for a given simulated remnant to be observed at a given location in the two dimensional parameter plane , adopting that mergers occur randomly without any preferred relative inclination . figure 1 shows the result for 1:1 , 2:1 , 3:1 and 4:1 merger remnants . from these results we conclude that most of the global properties of elliptical galaxies can be explained by a sequence of stellar mergers between disk galaxies of mass ratios between 1:1 and 4:1 . 1:1 mergers completely erase the structure of the initial disk . in the 3:1 and 4:1 case the remnants seem to remember their initial state ( see barnes , 1998 ) . in this sense the sequence of mass ratios is a sequence of disk disruption . however , even with 4:1 remnants we fail to reproduce the fastest observed rotators with @xmath7 at one effective radius ( figure 1 ) . recent observations of fast rotating low luminosity ellipticals ( rix , carollo & freeman , 1999 ) show that the disagreement is even stronger at larger radii ( see cretton , naab , rix & burkert , this conference ) barnes , j. , 1998 , in galaxies : interactions and induced star formation , ed . d. friedli , l. mertinet , & d.pfenniger ( saas - fee advanced course lecture notes , no . 26 : berlin : springer ) , 275 bender , r. , dberreiner , s. & mllenhoff , c. , 1988 , , 278 hernquist , l. , 1993 , , 86 , 389 heyl , j. s. , hernquist , l. & spergel , d. n. , 1994 , , 427 , 165 naab , t. , burkert , a. & hernquist , l. , 1999 , , 523 , l133 rix , h. w. , carollo , c. m. & freeman , k. , 1999 , , 513 , l25
collisionless n - body simulations of merging disk - galaxies with mass ratios ( @xmath0 ) of 1:1 , 2:1 , 3:1 , and 4:1 have been performed using direct summation with the special purpose hardware grape . the simulations are used to examine whether the formation of elliptical galaxies can be explained in the context of the merger scenario . the photometric , kinematical and isophotal properties of the merger remnants are investigated and turn out to be in very good agreement with observations of giant elliptical galaxies . we conclude that equal mass mergers lead to slowly rotating , anisotropic remnants having predominantly boxy isophotes . mergers with a mass ratio of 3:1 and 4:1 , on the other hand , are fast isotropic rotators with disky isophotes . projection effects can explain the observed scatter in the kinematical and isophotal properties of elliptical galaxies .
a growing body of complementary cosmological data are suggesting that the universe underwent a late time transition from a decelerating to an accelerating expansion @xcite . current data are accurately fitted by a flat frw type cosmology containing nonrelativistic matter plus some sort of dark energy @xcite . the simplest and by far the most popular dark energy candidate is represented by a cosmological constant . in the so - called @xmath1cdm model , the cosmic fluid contains radiation , baryons , cold dark matter plus a vacuum energy . nevertheless , this @xmath1cdm model is plagued with some difficulties like the cosmological constant and coincidence problems . on the other hand , the presence of a negative pressure is the key ingredient required to accelerate the expansion . this kind of stress occurs naturally in many different contexts when the physical systems depart from thermodynamic equilibrium states@xcite . in this connection , as pointed out by some authors@xcite , the process of cosmological particle creation at the expense of the gravitational field can phenomenologically be described by a negative pressure , and , more interestingly , can accelerate the universe@xcite . in this context , we constrain the free parameters of a flat accelerating cdm cosmology recently proposed in the literature@xcite . as we shall see , this extended cdm model is consistent with the sne ia ( constitution sample)@xcite and h(z ) data @xcite . in addition , there is a transition from a decelerating to an accelerating regime at redshift of the order of a few , and the hubble constant does not need to be small in order to solve the age problem . such a transition happens even if the matter creation is negligible during the radiation and considerable part of the matter dominated phase . in certain sense , the coincidence problem of @xmath1cdm model is replaced here by a gravitational particle creation process at low redshifts . for simplicity , let us consider that the spacetime is filled only by a cold dark matter component . in this case , the hubble and the decelerating parameters are given by : @xcite @xmath2,\label{hz}\ ] ] @xmath3.\ ] ] note that if @xmath4 there is no transition from a decelerating to an accelerating regime . the universe is always decelerating or accelerating depending on the value of the @xmath5 parameter . the existence of a transition redshift depends exclusively on the @xmath6 parameter . however , this fact does not remain true when baryons are included @xcite . in figure 1a , we display the effect of the free parameters ( @xmath7 ) in the reduced hubble - sandage diagram for the constitution sample @xcite . the lowest ( yellow ) curve is the prediction of the einstein - de sitter model . in figure 1b , we show the contours of constant likelihood ( 68.3% , 95.4% , and 99.7% c.l . ) in the ( @xmath7 ) plane from a @xmath8 statistics based on the constitution set . following standard lines , we have marginalized our likelihood function over the nuissance parameter @xmath9 ( @xmath10 ) . it is found that the free parameters fall on the intervals @xmath11 and @xmath12 at @xmath13 of confidence level . the best fit occurs for values of @xmath14 and @xmath15 with @xmath16 and @xmath17 degrees of freedom . the reduced @xmath18 where ( @xmath19 ) , thereby showing that the model provides a very good fit to these data . 0.1 in in figure 1c , we show the contours on the ( @xmath6 , h ) plane using the h(z ) data from stern _ et al._@xcite . the free parameters are constrained by @xmath20 and @xmath21 ( at @xmath22 c. l. ) . note that the constraints on the @xmath6 parameter are consistent with each other for these two different classes of data . by using sne ia and @xmath23 data , we have discussed some constraints on a flat accelerating cold dark matter cosmology without dark energy . the accelerating regime is powered by a negative pressure associated to the gravitationally - induced creation of cdm particles . the transition from a decelerating to an accelerating regime at late times happens even if the matter creation is negligible during the radiation and considerable part of the matter dominated phase ( this is equivalent to take @xmath24 in all the expressions ) . in this case , like in the flat @xmath1cdm , there is just one free parameter , and the resulting model provides an excellent fit to the observed dimming of distant sne ia data . more important , such constraints are compatible with the latest determinations of the hubble constant @xmath0 ( see figure 1c ) . naturally , complementary tests must still be investigated to see whether the present scenario may provide a realistic description of the observed universe . 99 a. g. riess _ et al . _ , j. * 116 * , 1009 ( 1998 ) ; 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the free parameters of a flat accelerating model without dark energy are constrained by using supernovae type ia and observational h(z ) data . instead of the vacuum dominance , the present accelerating stage in this modified einstein - de sitter cosmology is a consequence of the gravitationally - induced particle production of cold dark matter . the model present a transition from a decelerating to an accelerating regime at low redshifts , and is also able to harmonize a cold dark matter picture with the latest measurements of the hubble constant @xmath0 , the supernovae observations ( constitution sample ) , and the h(z ) data .
the muon drift tube chambers of the cms detector rely crucially on the accurate knowledge of the drift velocity to reconstruct muon tracks as precise as possible . a monitor system for the direct measurement of the drift velocity is presented together with chamber gas pressure monitoring . in the first section the cms muon drift tube chambers are explained , followed by two sections about their pressure and drift velocity monitoring , including latest measurements . the barrel of the cms detector @xcite consists of five wheels , each instrumented with 50 muon drift tube ( dt ) stations outside the 4 t solenoid magnet , arranged in four radial layers embedded in the iron return yoke of the solenoid . each station is 29 cm thick and has a length along the beam axis of 2.5 m , given by the wheel width . depending on the layer the station width varies between two and four meters . the three inner muon stations consist of three and the outermost of two superlayers which in turn consist of four layers of drift cells . the drift cells of the inner- and outermost superlayers are oriented parallel to the beam axis to measure the projection of muon tracks perpendicular to the beam axis . the middle superlayer ( present in the three inner muon stations ) is dedicated to the measurement of the track projection along the beam axis . the drift cells are arranged with a pitch of 42 mm @xmath0 13 mm . field shaping strips ( + 1800 v ) at the inner bottom and top of the drift cell are responsible for a very homogeneous electric field between the anode ( + 3600 v ) and the cathode ( -1200 v ) . the drift cells are operated with a gas admixture of @xmath1 ( 85% vol . ) and @xmath2 ( 15% vol . ) at slight overpressure ( @xmath3 2 - 10 mbar ) . if a muon crosses a cell , ionised molecules drift to the cathode while electrons reach the anode sense wire . the crossing position of the muon can be computed by means of the drift velocity assuming linear behaviour due to a homogeneous electric field . the drift tubes are operated at slight overpressure of about 2 - 10 mbar . there are two gas manifolds at each chamber , one at the inlet and one at the outlet side . each manifold is equipped with two pressure sensors , one with @xmath4 mbar and one with @xmath5 mbar relative pressure range , producing an analog signal of 0 - 4.5 v which is being digitised locally to ten bit precision , in modules called padc s . the pressure monitoring allows one to limit the overpressure to the range of @xmath6 mbar . this is important to avoid contamination by ambient air and at the same time to stay well within the safety margin . larger leakages can be detected by input - output differences . the drift velocity measurement in the velocity drift chamber ( vdc ) can be corrected for the measured overpressure . furthermore , each chamber is equipped with temperature sensors to allow for monitoring and corrections . a gas sample from the dt s is piped to the vdc monitoring system and to commercial oxygen and humidity analysers , to check for gas anomalies . the outlet of each of the 250 dt chambers , as well as the supply gas arriving at each barrel wheel can be individually sampled . [ scetch ] shows the working principle of a vdc . it consists of a small ( one litre ) single drift cell chamber equipped with anode ( up to + 1900 v ) , cathode ( up to -15000 v ) and field shaping electrodes . two electron beams cross a sensitive region between anode and cathode . the sensitive region is ( 8.0 , 5.5 ) ( 1.5,2.7 ) ( 3.3,-7.5 ) characterised by a highly uniform electric field . the electrons are detected by a scintillating fibre and two silicon photomultipliers ( sipm s ) in coincidence to provide a trigger . the drift times of the two beams are recorded with respect to the trigger . the average drift time between both parallel beams , separated by 4.8 cm is being measured and leads to a drift velocity distribution as e.g. shown in fig . [ vdrift ] , left to 54.8 @xmath7m / ns with a width of 0.1 @xmath7m / ns by means of a single vdc which is in operation at cms . the measured drift velocity corresponds to two days of data taking during the cosmic muon run period of cms in august 2008 . this can be compared to the indirectly determined drift velocity in the dt s of @xmath8 @xmath7m / ns with a width of 0.1 @xmath7m / ns obtained from the cosmic muon data taking period 2008 . the electric field of the vdc can be varied in a wide range without losing its homogeneity . the vdc measures the drift velocity directly for a given electric field while in the dt s the determined drift velocity is an effective parameter depending beside the gas admixture on the inhomogeneous electric field , muon track paths , software selection and fit algorithms . therefore the drift velocity measured with the vdc can be exploited to verify the gas admixture and the indirectly determined drift velocity of a given muon station . since january 2008 a single vdc unit is in operation at cms , and it will be substituted by a larger system . ( 8.0 , 2.0 ) ( 0.3 , 0.05 ) the drift velocity measured with a vdc at cms ( left ) in comparison to the drift velocity of the drift tube chambers ( right ) determined by means of measured cosmic muon tracks with solenoid magnetic field switched off . the plots show average values of the different muon stations and wheels . , title="fig:",width=257 ] ( 4.3,2.27 ) ( 6.7,1.0 ) ( 2.82,2.27 ) ( 1.5,2.8 ) the drift velocity measured with a vdc at cms ( left ) in comparison to the drift velocity of the drift tube chambers ( right ) determined by means of measured cosmic muon tracks with solenoid magnetic field switched off . the plots show average values of the different muon stations and wheels . , width=260 ] the complete vdc system consists of two racks . the first rack contains six vdc s ( one for each wheel plus a spare one ) , flow controllers , pressure controllers and sensors , high voltage ( hv ) for the vdc s , a trigger for each vdc and a crate with dedicated vme modules . the second rack contains vme logics , a readout pc ( linux server ) , nim modules , an ups protection power supply and a gas crate . determination of the systematic uncertainties of the drift velocities measured by the six vdc s simultaneously while branched on one single gas circuit are on the way . furthermore calibration runs for hv , pm voltage , gas admixtures , impurities ( @xmath9 ) , pressure and temperature dependencies are in the process of being accomplished . + in summary , gas admixture anomalies and the drift velocity of the dt s in the muon stations can be verified and validated by means of the vdc monitoring system which measures the drift velocity directly .
the drift velocity in drift tubes of the cms muon chambers is a key parameter for the muon track reconstruction and trigger . it needs to be monitored precisely in order to detect any deviation from its nominal value . a change in absolute pressure , a variation of the gas admixture or a contamination of the chamber gas by air affect the drift velocity . furthermore , the temperature and magnetic field influence its value . first data , taken with a dedicated velocity drift chamber ( vdc ) built by rwth aachen iiia are presented . another important parameter to be monitored is the pressure inside the muon drift tube chambers . the differential pressure must not exceed a certain value and the absolute pressure has to be kept slightly above ambient pressure to prevent air from entering into the muon drift tube chambers in case of a leak . latest drift velocity monitoring results are discussed .
since the discovery of their period - luminosity ( p - l ) relation , at the beginning of the century ( leavitt @xcite ) , classical cepheids have played a central role as primary distance indicators . the reliability of this relation , however , depends on the accuracy of its calibration . this is done by using a handful of nearby cepheids , whose distances can be independently determined . due to the low - density distribution of the cepheids in our galaxy , however , this is a difficult task to accomplish . large errors still affect direct parallax measurements done with the hipparcos satellite ( see e.g. madore & freedman @xcite ) , and even future space - based surveys appear to suffer from the same limitations . recent progresses in ground - based , long baseline interferometry , however , have finally opened the possibility of direct measurements of nearby cepheids distances by using the so - called _ geometric _ baade - wesselink ( bw ) method ( baade 1926 , wesselink 1946 ) . a detailed description of this method and its implications for the accuracy of the zero - point calibration of the cepheid p - l relation is given in sasselov & karovska @xcite ( sk94 hereafter ) . the bw method relies on the accurate measurement of the cepheid diameter as the star pulsates . as such , it can only be carried on with high angular resolution interferometric measurements . the vlti will be the ideal instrument for such measurements , given the available long baselines , and the large apertures allowing to reach fainter sources . however , to convert the measured vlti visibilities into accurate diameters , it is critical to use appropriate limb darkening models for different pulsational phases . as described in sk94 , the feasibility of the geometric bw method depends on the availability of accurate hydrodynamic models for the cepheid atmospheres , which are required to compute reliable time - dependent limb darkening profiles . in marengo @xcite ( mm02 hereafter ) we describe a new approach to compute detailed wavelength- and phase - dependent limb intensity profiles for pulsating cepheids . our profiles are based on time - dependent , non - lte hydrodynamic computations which , starting from a model of the cepheid pulsation , reproduce the dynamic structure of the stellar atmosphere as it pulsates ( see sasselov & lester @xcite ) . from these model atmospheres , we obtain the intensity emerging from the stellar photosphere ( and thus the limb darkening ) , computed for each pulsational phase relevant to the interferometric observations . this procedure can be applied to all cepheids for which a reliable pulsational model is available . figure [ fig-1 ] shows the effects of non - lte hydrodynamics in the limb darkening of the classical cepheid @xmath0 gem . limb darkening appears to change with the pulsational phase and wavelength . the change is not only in the amount of limb darkening , but also in the shape of the limb profile . this shows that a single parametrization of the limb profile is not adequate for all pulsational phases . detailed time - dependent modeling is thus required for realistic limb darkening . our simulations show that the corrections introduced by the hydrodynamic effects and the wavelength dependence of the limb darkening in the diameter measurement , are of the order of a few percent at optical wavelengths . in the near - ir , which is the vlti primary domain , the corrections are of the order of @xmath12% , and are still sensitive to the effects of the pulsations . the high accuracy of the vlti visibilities , and the large spectral dispersion of the amber camera , will finally provide the high quality data necessary to apply the bw method . at the same time , vlti will allow the first direct testing of the atmospheric model themselves , improving our knowledge of the stellar atmosphere dynamics . to reach the full potential of the vlti , it is however necessary to take into account the corrections induced by limb darkening and its dependence from the pulsational hydrodynamics . as the only long baseline interferometer below the equator , the vlti offers a unique opportunity to apply the geometric bw method to southern sources . vlti provides both the sensitivity and the angular resolution necessary to detect the radial variations of a sample of classical cepheids , to be used to calibrate the zero point of the p - l distance relation . the sensitivity required is of the order of mag 24 in the k band , for stars which are of mag 57 in the optical . such sensitivity can be easily achieved at the vlti by the near - ir camera amber , using a setup with three auxiliary telescopes , and large spectral resolution to isolate individual spectral lines . the typical expected diameters are of the order of @xmath2 mas , with a variation due to the stellar pulsation of about 10% of the diameter . this angular resolution can be reached with the vlti by using baselines of @xmath1100 m , or longer . to - date , the angular diameter variations of classical cepheids have been measured only for two sources ( @xmath0 gem and @xmath3 aql , see lane et al . @xcite ; lane et al . @xcite ) . the vlti will give a substantial contribution in extending this sample , providing the necessary statistical significance for the recalibration of the p - l relation zero point with the bw method .
the vlti is the ideal instrument for measuring the distances of nearby cepheids with the baade - wesselink method , allowing an accurate recalibration of the cepheid period - luminosity relation . the high accuracy required by such measurement , however , can only be reached taking into account the effects of limb darkening , and its dependence on the cepheid pulsations . we present here our new method to compute phase- and wavelength - dependent limb darkening profiles , based on hydrodynamic simulation of classical cepheid atmospheres .
mct 2347 - 3144 is a cataclysmic variable detected by the montreal - cambridge - tololo survey of subluminous blue stars ( lamontagne et al . no subsequent analysis and work had been done for this object so far . the ccd photometric unfiltered observations were taken with the 1 m telescope at saao during 4 consecutive nights in 2002 and 3 nights in 2003 . their duration varied from 3 to 4.2h and from 4.5 to 8h hours in 2002 and 2003 respectively . the ccd frames were processed in a standard way for bias removal and flat field corrections using the iraf analysis packages . aperture photometry was conducted using the daophot procedures . the same comparison stars were used for the data reduction in both runs . the light curves of all the observing runs can be seen in figures 1a and 1b for 2002 and 2003 , respectively . the periodogram analysis on the data taken in 2002 , revealed a period of 0.277d or 6.65h with a semi - amplitude of 0.144 mag . the corresponding phase diagram is given in figure 1c , while the folded residuals , computed after subtraction of the corresponding periodicity from the folded data can be seen in figure 1d . the high amplitude derived and the smooth phase diagram , led us to believe its reality . however , the maximum duration of one night s observing run being less than the periodicity we had detected , still allowed some doubt . therefore and in order to confirm the 6.65h period , we needed another observing run of greater duration , which we achieved in august 2003 . the 2003 light curve is given in figure 1b , where it is evident that the mean magnitude of the cataclysmic variable differs between the two years : the object appears to be one magnitude brighter in 2003 compared to 2002 . this could mean that in last august s observing run it was in a high state or in a small outburst . moreover mct 2347 - 3144 shows a greater scatter in 2003 compared to 2002 and no evidence of the previous periodicity . the signal s absence in 2003 is also evident from figure 1b where the sinusoidal fit of the folded 2002 data is superimposed on the 2003 light curves . -1.4 cm -1.3 cm v1193 ori is a cataclysmic variable discovered accidentally by m. hamuy while making a photometric sequence in 1986 ( maza , hamuy , & ruiz 1986 ) . the confirmation of this cv belonging to the sub - class of nova - like variables came one year later by bond et al . who obtained both high - speed photometry and spectroscopic observations . a short time scale variability with a peak - to - peak amplitude of 0.2 mag was present in their light curves but their power spectra showed no evidence of any periodicities . they reported the existence of an irregular flickering with a peak - to - peak amplitude of more than 0.15 mag . they considered their observations insufficient for establishing the orbital period . warner & nather ( 1988 ) obtained a 3.6h photometric run and reported rapid flickering activity of 0.25 mag but again no orbital modulation was evident in their light curve . later on , time - resolved spectroscopy conducted by ringwald , thorstensen , & hamwey ( 1944 ) revealed the existence of a 0.165d or 3.96h orbital period with an error of 43s . time - resolved photometry of this object was conducted for four consecutive nights during october 2002 at saao and for four more nights at hoher list observatory . their duration varied from 1.7 to 4.7 hours and from 4 to 5 hours respectively . after the same standard procedures and period analysis of the 2002 light curves we were able for the first time , to photometrically confirm the orbital period . we derive a period of [email protected] or [email protected] and a semi amplitude of 0.052 mag . the folding of the data on this period and the corresponding residuals can be seen in figures 2a and 2b respectively . however , we were not able to detect the periodicity in 2003 when the system s mean magnitude appeared to have increased by 0.4 mag . -1.4 cm moreover we confirm the rapid flickering also dominating the light curves of all photometric observations of v1193 ori . it has a large amplitude of 0.15 mag . from the folded residuals ( fig . 2b ) it is evident that the detection of any periodicity becomes very difficult . the origin of the periodicity in v1193 ori is not clear , but by looking at the phase diagram and taking into consideration the low amplitude , one thought is that it could be the extra light of the side of the secondary that is face on with the primary i.e. the irradiation of the companion star . this speculation is strengthened by the fact that h-@xmath1 spectroscopy ( ringwald et al . 1994 ) revealed irradiation of the secondary . concerning mct 2347 - 3144 , we have checked that the absence of the periodic signal in 2003 can not be attributed to poorer observing conditions . it must thus be related to the fact that the disc brightened . in order to develop a solid interpretation more work and observations are definitely called for . lamontagne , r. , demers , s. , wesemael , f. & fontaine , g. , 2000 , apj 119 , 241 maza , j. , hamuy , m. & ruiz , m.t . , 1986 , iau circ . no 4172 bond , h.e . , grauer , a.d . , burstein , d. & maezke , r.o . , 1987 , pasp 99 , 1097 warner , b. & nather , r.e . , 1988 , inf . bull . variable stars , no 3140 ringwald , f.a . , thorstensen , j.r . & hamwey , r.m . , 1994 , mnras 271 , 323
we present time - resolved photometry of two cataclysmic variables whose ccd photometric observations were obtained with the 1 m telescope at the south african astronomical observatory in october 2002 and august 2003 and with the 1 m telescope at hoher list in germany . + concerning mct 2347 - 3144 we detect for the first time a period of 6.65h . for v1193 ori the 3.96 h periodicity has for the first time been confirmed through time - resolved photometry .
population synthesis models are evolved within a simple recycling scenario ( as outlined e.g. by lipunov 1992 ) , where the neutron stars ( nss hereon ) may experience the phase of _ ejector , accretor or propeller_. the magnetorotational evolution includes the general relativistic effects as modelled in burderi et al . we considered two possibilities bracketing uncertainties in the accretion histories of the nss in lmbs : ( i ) steady accretion for a time @xmath0 ( ii ) persistent accretion followed by a transient phase during which the mass transfer becomes unsteady , mimicking the quenching of accretion ( ergma et al . 1998 ) . in particular we account for the angular momentum losses by propeller , both for persistent and for non - stationary accretion , during the roche lobe overflow phase . the nss in our population synthesis models have an initial gravitational mass of @xmath1 cook , shapiro & teukolsky ( 1994 ) showed that all viable equations of state ( eoss ) for nuclear matter allow for recycling to ultra - short periods , in the case of a nonmagnetic ns . the minimum period below which the mass - shedding instability limit is encountered , depends however on the equation of state . we consider either a soft ( fp ) and a stiff ( ps ) eos , whose critical periods for mass - shedding are @xmath2ms ( for fp - eos ) and of @xmath3msec ( for ps - eos ) , respectively . a basic assumption for the present investigation is the crustal origin of the ns magnetic field . its subsequent evolution is governed by the induction equation for ohmic diffusion and advection ( see urpin et al . while at the surface the standard boundary condition for a dipolar field applies , the inner boundary condition is subject of scientific debates . hence we explored two hypotheses , imposing at the crust core boundary either complete field expulsion by the superconducting core ( boundary condition i , bc i ) or advection and freezing ( konar & bhattacharya 1997 ) in a very highly conducting transition shell ( bc ii ) . in paper i , possenti et al . ( 1998 ) evolved nss in low mass binaries ( lmbs ) through the five phases of the recycling scenario , and explored the evolution of either a core field threaded in the proton fluxoids , and a surface field buried by the diamagnetic accreting plasma . here , we start with a population of nss at the onset of the roche lobe overflow ( rlo ) phase and include the physical evolution of a crustal field . the adopted parameters are : [ cols="^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] @xmath4 + @xmath5 @xmath6 = initial time of the rlo phase + @xmath7 baryonic accretion rate during the rlo phase + @xmath8 a maximum accreted mass of @xmath9 is permitted during the rlo phase + @xmath10 max duration of the rlo phase ; typical values : 5@xmath1110@xmath12 yr - 10@xmath13 yr - 5@xmath1110@xmath13 yr + ' '' '' + the values in this table are derived partly from the observation of lmxbs and partly from the tracks in the @xmath14 plane calculated by urpin , geppert & konenkov ( 1998 ) for a sample of pulsars , under different hypotheses for the binary evolution times , for the @xmath15 decay and for the angular momentum transfer at the magnetospheric radius . to execute the synthesis calculation we built a monte carlo code , using typically 3,000 particles . the statistical analysis is carried on only those nss reaching the so - called `` millisecond strip '' at the end of recycling , the ones having period @xmath16 ms and whichever value of the magnetic moment @xmath15 . in accordance with the values of @xmath17 and @xmath18 ( the weakest magnetic moment observed ; @xmath19 g @xmath20 ) , we divided our particles in four groups . those filling the first quadrant in the millisecond strip ( @xmath21 and @xmath22 ) behave as the known msps . also the objects belonging to the second quadrant ( @xmath23 and @xmath22 ) should shines as pulsars ( see burderi & damico 1997 ) . the observability of the objects in the third quadrant ( @xmath23 and @xmath24 ) as radio sources represents instead a challenge to the modern pulsar surveys . most of these nss will be above the chen and ruderman ( 1993 ) `` death - line '' , and might have a bolometric luminosity comparable to that of the known msps . thereafter we shortly refer as _ sub-_msps to all the objects having @xmath23 and @xmath15 above the `` death - line '' . objects in the fourth quadrant ( @xmath21 and @xmath24 ) are probably radio quiet neutron stars ( rqnss ) , because they tend to be closer to the theoretical `` death - line '' , and they are in a period range which was already searched with good sensitivity by the radio surveys . the left panel of figure 1 illustrates how the simulated nss fill the @xmath14 plane , while the right panel shows how the eos affects the shape of the period distribution . figure 2 reports on the typical relative abundances ( left ) and gives indication on the role played by the propeller ( right ) in modifying the results . the population synthesis calculation leads to a number of interesting predictions : the fraction of _ sub-_msps estimated over the entire msps population varies between 0 to @xmath26% . the eos and the parameters for the recycling play both an important role in determining these percentages . for a mild - soft eos and irrespective to the boundary condition at the crust - core interface for the magnetic field evolution , the recycling in lmbs gives rise to a ns distribution increasing toward short periods and a clear barrier is present at the minimum period for mass - shedding . for a stiff eos , the distribution is flatter and displays a broad maximum . the maximum is located where most of the spin periods of the nss in lmxbs are found , as indirectly inferred form the quasi periodic oscillations seen in the timing analysis of their x - ray light curves . if nss at the end of persistent accretion in a lmb experience a phase of smooth decline of the accretion rate , the magnetospheric propeller at the end of the rlo phase produces a depletion of fastly spinning nss but , at least for the soft eos , it preserves a distribution that peaks at periods @xmath27 . the models for the decay of a crustal magnetic field predict the existence of spun up nss with very low magnetic moment : their period distribution is a neat signature for the physics at the crust core interface .
we investigate the statistical evolution of magnetic neutron stars recycled in low mass binary ( lmb ) systems , simulating synthetic populations . irrespective to the details of the physical models , we find to be significant the fraction of neutron stars spinning close to their mass shedding limit relative to the millisecond pulsar population . the simulated neutron stars show a tail in their period distribution at periods shorter than 1.558 ms , the minimum detected so far . crustal magnetic field decay models predict also the existence of massive rapidly spinning neutron stars with very low magnetic moment . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in

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