An Old English Translation of a Letter from Wynfrith to Eadburga (A.D. 716-7) in Cotton MS. Otho C. 1 by Kenneth Sisam None <eot>
The Earliest Painted Panels of Catalonia (I) by Walter W. S. Cook the study of Spanish painting we have an excellent illustration retrogressive method art criticism. The evolution during sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is perfectly clear, fully documented, exceedingly well published. Gothic fourteenth fifteenth less well-known to students. Some schools primitives, especially those Aragon, Castellón de la Plana, Valencia, Navarre, Cordova, still await publication, innumerable retables great beauty nagnificence never been photographed, while documents in municipal cathedral archives offer untold possibilities for fruitful investigation. Our knowledge Romanesque period even more limited. remarkable panels atalonia subject adequate, scientific study. Yet these altarontals altar-canopies, dating from twelfth thirteenth centuries, constitute one most interesting early western Europe.2 <eot>
Periodical Literature by None None <eot>
Iranians and Greeks in South Russia. By M. Rostovtzeff. 11¾ × 8¾; pp. xvi + 260. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1922. £4. 4s. by O. M. Dalton An abstract is not available for this content so a preview has been provided. Please use the Get access link above information on how to content. <eot>
Short Notices by A. M. None <eot>
THE EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN CITY: Illustrated by Christopher A. Dawson None <eot>
An Undescribed Early Christian Ivory Diptych by Eric Maclagan The Early Christian ivory diptych which, by the permission of owner, Mr. Andrews, it is my privilege to bring before Society almost entirely unknown. I have called ‘undescribed’, and might ‘unpublished’. But some twenty years ago a rather inadequate photographic reproduction did appear in first volume Professor Venturi's invaluable Storia dell' Arte Italiana . Since that date number archaeologists tried get sight diptych, but vain. And few brief notices been published Goldschmidt, Dom Leclercq, others, based on small not very clear half-tone block given without comment Venturi. <eot>
Minor Notices by None None <eot>
Heterodoxy in Dante's Purgatory by Alfonso de Salvio In his “Dante as a Religious Teacher” Dr. Edward Moore makes the following significant remarks with regard to Dante's teaching on subject of Purgatory: “Dante's conception nature and purpose pains Purgatory stands in very marked contrast popular ideas Middle Ages, not only ideas, but also practice Roman Church both then later times… This difference attitude part Dante applies general itself, still more strikingly practical consequences flowing from it, respecting indulgences, transference merits, means remission of, or escape from, Purgatorial penalties.” However, eminent Dantist minimizes significance this it what he said preceding page concerning relation State, namely, that “it may be held contumacious, scarcely heretical, criticize oppose has been authoritatively declared essential condition for exercise Church's mission.” <eot>
Church History: Some Preliminaries and Some Problems by J. H. Baxter None <eot>
Short Notices by C. W. P. O. Journal Article Short Notices Get access C. W. P. O. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXVIII, Issue CXLIX, January 1923, Pages 142-a–142, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXVIII.CXLIX.142-a Published: 01 1923 <eot>
REVIEWS by ST JOHN D. SEYMOUR Journal Article REVIEWS Get access St Bernard of Clairvaux's Life Malachy Armagh, by H. J. LAWLORSt Patrick, his writings and life, NEWPORT D. WHITEThe Latin Irish Lives Ciaran, R. A. STEWART MACALISTER ST JOHN SEYMOUR Search for other works this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The Theological Studies, Volume os-XXIV, Issue 95, April 1923, Pages 356–357, https://doi.org/10.1093/jts/os-XXIV.95.356 Published: 01 1923 <eot>
The Earliest Painted Panels of Catalonia (II) by Walter W. S. Cook None <eot>
Erratum to: Traces of Lombard and Carolingian Influences and the Decadence of the Antique Tradition during the IX and X Centuries by Raimond van Marle None <eot>
REVIEWS by E. H. MINNS Journal Article REVIEWS Get access St Andrew's University Publications, xiv: ‘Palaeographia Latina’, Part I, edited by W. M. LINDSAY. ( Milford, 1922.) E. H. MINNS Search for other works this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The of Theological Studies, Volume os-XXIV, Issue 95, April 1923, Pages 357–358, https://doi.org/10.1093/jts/os-XXIV.95.357 Published: 01 1923 <eot>
REVIEWS. by None An Introduction to the History of History. By J. T. S hotwell . A Egypt, from Earliest Times XVIth Dynasty. W. M. F linders P etrie The Bronze Age and Celtic World. H arold eake Outlines Historical Jurisprudence. Vol. II. Jurisprudence Greek City. ir aul V inooradoff , F.B.A. Lectures on Roman Religion, Numa Augustus. R. alliday E ginhard : Vie de Charlemagne. Editée et traduite par L ouis alpeen Medieval English Nunneries c. 1275—1535. ileen ower India at Death Akbar: an Economic Study. H. M oreland England under Restoration 1660–1688. Edited by T hora G. tone M.A. (University London Intermediate Source‐books History, No. 4). University Cambridge in Eighteenth Century. D. A. W instanley C arl B rinkmann Die Preussische Handelspolitik vor dem Zollverein und der Wideraufbau Hundert Jahren. British Colonial Policy Twentieth E. gerton Short Commonwealth. I. Islands First Empire (to 1763). xvi+824 pp. Modern Commonwealth (1763 1919). xvi+814 R amsay uir Annul Register. New Series. Vols. 163, 164. For 1921–2 1922–3. pstein Report a Visit Various Archive Centres Europe, U.S. America, Canada. C. G raham otha 1921. 67 Union South Africa. 3 s. <eot>
General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 27-29, 1922 by None Previous articleNext article FreeGeneral Meeting of the Archaeological Institute America, December 27–29, 1922PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by American Journal Archaeology Volume 27, Number 1January–March 1923 The journal America Views: 1 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497532 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no articles citing this article. <eot>
Martial. Epigrams. Walter C. Ker by Gordon J. Laing Previous articleNext article FreeBook ReviewsMartial. Epigrams. Walter C. Ker Gordon LaingGordon Laing Search for more articles by this author PDF Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Classical Philology Volume 18, Number 1Jan., 1923 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/360486 Views: 17 Crossref reports no citing article. <eot>
A SACRAMENTARY OF THE AMBROSIAN RITE by A.P. Anderson|William J. Anderson None <eot>
Traces of Lombard and Carolingian Influences and the Decadence of the Antique Tradition during the IX and X Centuries by Raimond van Marle None <eot>
II.—Wharram-le-Street Church, Yorkshire, and St. Rule's Church, St. Andrews by John Bilson Last year I had the honour of submitting to Society a communication on remarkable church Yorkshire Wolds, which lies in middle wide district within northern border East Riding evidence Domesday proves have been still derelict 1086. Weaverthorpe was built second decade twelfth century by Herbert chamberlain (the father St. William York), and its examination showed that, spite essentially Norman character all details, it retains certain pre-Conquest characteristics relative thinness ashlar-faced walls, absence usual pilaster buttresses, tall proportion unbuttressed tower. Reference then made more example this overlap somewhat earlier Wharram-le-Street, venture think is sufficient interest justify extended notice, for two reasons. Its tower belongs type there reason believe common England Edward Confessor's time. There has always great difficulty dating many these towers, because, while some them show no details can be pronounced definitely Norman, others much doubtful. The importance Wharram fact so that undoubtedly English tradition, also shows are just as certainly origin, afford material assigning an approximate date building. claim our attention conclusion seems justify, influence school master-mason belonged far away into Scotland. <eot>
Short Notices by E. A. L. Journal Article Short Notices Get access E. A. L. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXVIII, Issue CXLIX, January 1923, Pages 141–142, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXVIII.CXLIX.141 Published: 01 1923 <eot>
Christus Crucifer by C. R. Morey THIS paper is an experiment in Early Christian Iconography. It also meant to acquaint the members of College Art Association with instrument research which it hoped will be freely used by students history art throughout country, viz., Index now course compilation at Princeton. <eot>
VIII.—On Two Medieval Bronze Bowls in the British Museum by O. M. Dalton Bronze bowls engraved in the interior with figure subjects during Romanesque period are relatively numerous. But those associated scenes or consecutive stories few, and it is to this class that two examples described paper belong, one having derived from a Christian legend, other classical mythology. The first, found London, was formerly collection of Mr. W. Ransom Hitchin; second, brought up bed Severn very nearly century ago, presented by Sir James Agg Gardner, M.P., 1920. We may begin example containing story St. Thomas Apostle. <eot>
St. Augustine's Method of Composing and Delivering Sermons by Roy J. Deferrari None <eot>
The Appearance of the Horseshoe Arch in Western Europe by Ernest T. DeWald Previous articleNext article FreeThe Appearance of the Horseshoe Arch in Western EuropeErnest T. DewaldErnest Dewald Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited American Journal Archaeology Volume 26, Number 3July–September 1922 The journal Archaeological Institute America Views: 41Total views on site Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497939 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no citing article. <eot>
Early Commercial Intercourse between England and Germany by Andrew Weiner AFTER the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain intercourse between invaders and their old continental home was for a time completely interrupted. Not until England had become Christian begun sending missionaries abroad to spread Gospel it resumed. And, as in more modern times, trader soon followed missionary. Yet such trade could not have been very extensive, since Germany still too backward, its civilization embryonic, political organization primitive commerce flourish. Thanks, however, efforts Early Carolingians, made rapid strides all directions which even break-up Frankish Empire entirely arrest. too, fostering care Saxon dynasty-more especially Henry Fowler Otto I-and archbishops bishops, numerous towns arose became homes vigorous industrial commercial life. This outgrew native markets sought an outlet overseas; great waterway Rhine indicated direction activity readily take. That brought within orbit ambition German trader. Our country, moreover, easily deny itself certain foreign commodities nor avoid export own surplus products by foreigners, lacked both necessary merchant ships trading capital, cities already possessed. These were conditions that determined modest beginnings two countries under consideration. It is true this sufficient attract attention Charles Great. But although no less authority than Dr. Cunningham' has described his letter Offa Mercia assuring justice protection English pilgrims merchants whom business impelled travel abroad, our earliest treaty, yet we evidence existence any appreciable volume ! In fact, centuries elapse before indisputable proof direct account character. found well-known statement Institutes London regulated tolls payable using various landing places at Billingsgate. Among those who discharged goods these wharves <eot>
A sixth-century fragment of the letters of Pliny the Younger; a study of six leaves of an uncial manuscript preserved in the Pierpont Morgan library, New York by E. A. Lowe|Edward Kennard Rand|J. P. Morgan None <eot>
The Life of Civilisations by Christopher Dawson None <eot>
The Geography of History: A Review by Douglas H. Johnson|Jean Brunhes|Camille Vallaux None <eot>
Histoire de la Nation Francaise by F. M. Warren|Gabriel Hanotaux|Joseph Bédier|Alfred Jean-Roy|F. Picavet None <eot>
Three Capitals from Saint-Pons by Joseph Breck None <eot>
Christus Crucifer by C. R. Morey None <eot>
Notes on the Panels from a Carolingian Ivory Diptych in the Ravenna and South Kensington Museums, and on two Fourteenth-century Ivory Groups by Eric Maclagan The three plaques of ivory here illustrated are already well known to students such work, but there has been some uncertainty as the form in which they were originally joined together. One them, representing Eagle Evangelist St. John, is Victoria and Albert Museum,1 for it was acquired 1867 from Webb Collection; other two, with Angel Matthew a half-length figure Christ, now Museo Nazionale at Ravenna. <eot>
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries by None None <eot>
A FEW THOUGHTS ON LITURGY by Alan G. McDougall None <eot>
The Category "Human Process"-- A Methodological Note by Albion W. Small For technical convenience it may be advisable to emphasize the distinction between operative aspect of experience and content aspect, by confining phrase social process former human latter. The sociologists could not, if they would, absolve themselves from their share function interpreting process. This note proposes a formula developed out generalization attitudes toward wants resulting adjustments values. An excursus on Darwinism illustrates analogy relation present state sociological science. conservation compatibles invites reconsideration entire record fact side, further use hypothesis for criticism conduct <eot>
A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West by James P. Sullivan|R. W. Carlyle|A. J. Carlyle None <eot>
<italic>A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West</italic>. By Sir <sc>R. W. Carlyle</sc>, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., and <sc>A. J. Carlyle</sc>, M.A., D.Litt., Lecturer in Politics and Economics, University College, Oxford. Volume IV. <italic>The Theories of the Relation of the Empire and the Papacy from the Tenth Century to the Twelfth</italic>. By A. J. Carlyle. (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. 1922. Pp. xxiii, 419. 30s.)) by None None <eot>
<italic>The Cambridge Medieval History</italic>. Planned by <sc>J. B. Bury</sc>, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History. Edited by <sc>H. M. Gwatkin</sc>, M.A.; <sc>J. P. Whitney</sc>, D.D.; <sc>J. R. Tanner</sc>, Litt.D.; <sc>C. W. Previté-Orton</sc>, M.A. Volume III. <italic>Germany and the Western Empire</italic>. (Cambridge: University Press; New York: Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xxxix, 700. 11 maps. 50s.) by None Journal Article The Cambridge Medieval History. Planned by J. B. Bury, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern Edited H. M. Gwatkin, M.A.; P. Whitney, D.D.; R. Tanner, Litt.D.; C. W. Previté-Orton, M.A. Volume III. Germany and the Western Empire. (Cambridge: University Press; New York: Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xxxix, 700. 11 maps. 50s.) Get access Bury B., Gwatkin M., Whitney P., Tanner R., Previté-Orton W., 50 s.) James Westfall Thompson Search for other works this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar American Historical Review, 28, Issue 1, October 1922, Pages 93–97, https://doi.org/10.1086/ahr/28.1.93 Published: 01 1922 <eot>
ANT volume 2 issue 4 Cover and Front matter by None An abstract is not available for this content so a preview has been provided. As you have access to content, full PDF via the ‘Save PDF’ action button. <eot>
Early Mediæval History, 300–1000 a.d. by Alice Gardner Annual Bulletin of Historical LiteratureVolume 10, Issue 1 p. 13-16 Early Mediæval History, 300–1000 a.d. Alice Gardner, GardnerSearch for more papers by this author First published: November 1922 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8314.1922.tb00002.xAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions Use check box below share version article.I have read accept the Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat Volume10, Issue1November 1922Pages RelatedInformation <eot>
The Priapea and the Vergilian Appendix by Robert Radford None <eot>
Reviews Of Books by WILLIAM MILLER Reviews Of Books Get access Privilegis i Ordinacions de les Valls Pirenenques. Editats per FERRAN VALLS TABERNER, Vol. iii. Vall d' Andorra. (Barcelona: Impremta la Casa Caritat, 1920. WILLIAM MILLER Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXVI, Issue CXLII, April 1921, Pages 247–248, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXVI.CXLII.247 Published: 01 1921 <eot>
A FRENCH HISTORIAN OF THE PHILOSOPHIES OF THE MIDDLE AGES: FRANÇOIS-JOSEPH PICAVET (1851–1021) by MabelL. Ramsay Journal Article A FRENCH HISTORIAN OF THE PHILOSOPHIES MIDDLE AGES: FRANÇOIS-JOSEPH PICAVET (1851–1021) Get access M. P. RAMSAY Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Mind, Volume XXX, Issue 120, October 1921, Pages 502–503, https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/XXX.120.502 Published: 01 1921 <eot>
Transformations of the Classic Pediment in Romanesque Architecture by Leicester B. Holland Previous articleNext article FreeTransformations of the Classic Pediment in Romanesque ArchitectureLeicester Bodine HollandLeicester Holland Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited American Journal Archaeology Volume 25, Number 1January–March 1921 The journal Archaeological Institute America Views: 22Total views on site Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497889 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no citing article. <eot>
Early Mediæval History, circa. a.d. 300–1000. by Alice Gardner None <eot>
History of the Danube as a Commercial Highway by Max Fluss|K. T. M. Schneider None <eot>
Collectanea Hispanica by E. K. Rand|Charles Upson Clark None <eot>
General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 28-30, 1920 by None Previous articleNext article FreeGeneral Meeting of the Archaeological Institute America, December 28–30, 1920PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by American Journal Archaeology Volume 25, Number 1January–March 1921 The journal America Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497890 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no articles citing this article. <eot>
Reviews of Books by C. W. PREVITÉ-ORTON Reviews of Books Get access Illustrations the History Medieval Thought and Learning. By R. L. Poole. Second edition. (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920.) C. W. PREVITÉ-ORTON Search other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXVI, Issue CXLIV, October 1921, Pages 587–590, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXVI.CXLIV.587 Published: 01 1921 <eot>
Chansons de Geste and the Homeric Problem by William P. Shepard None <eot>
Reviews of Books by T. F. TOUT Reviews of Books Get access Recueil des Actes Rois de Provence, 855–928. Publié sous la direction MAURICE PROU par RENÉ POUPARDIN. (Chartes et Diplômes publiés les soins l'Académie Inscirptions Belles-Lettres. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1920.) T. F. TOUT Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXVI, Issue CXLIII, July 1921, Pages 437–439, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXVI.CXLIII.437 Published: 01 1921 <eot>
A Roman Fortified House near Cardiff by R. E. M. Wheeler Modern students of Roman Britain have been taught to recognize the sharp line cleavage, both social and regional, which intervened between military civil zones province. Such recognition is essential as a corrective indiscriminate marchings counter-marchings earlier historians safeguard against confusion in dealing with comparatively restricted geographical area. The general validity this distinction, however, now so widely accepted that it permissible modify detail without risk misunderstanding. <eot>
Records of the Social and Economic History of England and Wales by N. Neilson|F.M. Stenton None <eot>
Etudes Critiques sur l'Historie de Charlemagne by C. W. David|Louis Halphen None <eot>
The Map of Africa in the Age of the Great Discoveries by E. L. Stevenson|Renato Biasutti None <eot>
Vergil and the English Poets. Elizabeth Nitchie by Paul Shorey None <eot>
<italic>Records of the Social and Economic History of England and Wales</italic>. Volume V. <italic>Documents illustrative of the Social and Economic History of the Danelaw</italic>. Edited by <sc>F. M. Stenton</sc>, M.A., Professor of Modern History, University College, Reading. (London: Humphrey Milford, University Press. 1920. Pp. cxliv, 554. 31s. 6d.) by None None <eot>
<italic>Etudes Critiques sur l'Histoire de Charlemagne</italic>. Par Louis <sc>Halphen</sc>. Professeur adjoint à la Faculté des Lettres de Bordeaux. (Paris: Félix Alcan. 1921. Pp. viii, 314. 14 fr.) by None None <eot>
Histoire de Lorraine (Duche de Lorraine, Duche de Bar, Trois-Eveches) by Robert Parisot None <eot>
The Portraits of the Popes by Herb Mann Of late years it would appear that the subject of Papal Iconography has been singularly neglected; nor as far we are aware at all exhaustively treated in any monograph. Yet if its claim to importance calls for justification, should suffice quote following passage which J. A. Symonds records impression made upon him by busts Popes (Fig. I) adorn walls Duomo Siena: ‘One most remarkable feature’ he wrote ‘of Siena is a line heads carried round church above lower arches. Larger than life, white solemn faces, they lean each from his separate niche, crowned with triple tiara, and labelled name bore. Their accumulated majesty brings whole past history Church into presence living members. A bishop walking up nave must feel Roman felt among waxen images ancestors renowned council or war. course these portraits imaginary part, but artists have contrived vary their features expression great skill.’ <eot>
THE <i>SHEPHERD</i> OF HERMAS AND THE PROBLEM OF ITS TEXT by C. H. Turner THE SHEPHERD OF HERMAS AND PROBLEM ITS TEXT C. H. TURNER Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The Journal of Theological Studies, Volume os-XXI, Issue 2, April 1920, Pages 193–209, https://doi.org/10.1093/jts/os-XXI.2.193 Published: 01 1920 <eot>
Pre-Gothic Ivories in the Pierpont Morgan Collection by John Ball None <eot>
Archaeological Discussions by William N. Bates None <eot>
The Mediaeval History of the Double-Axe Motif by R O'Connor|C. R. Morey Previous articleNext article FreeThe Mediaeval History of the Double-Axe MotifRobert B. O'Connor and a Note by C. R. MoreyRobert Search for more articles this author Morey PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited American Journal Archaeology Volume 24, Number 2April–June 1920 The journal Archaeological Institute America Views: 17 Citations: 1Citations are reported from Crossref Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497842 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download reports following citing article: Gordon Hall Gerould Arthurian Romance Date Relief at Modena, Speculum 10, no.44 (Oct 2015): 355–376.https://doi.org/10.2307/2846773 <eot>
New books by None EUROPE Seaward Sussex : The South Downs from End to End. By Eric Holmes. London Robert Scott. Price 7s. By‐ways in Berkshire and the Cotswolds. P. H. Ditchfield, M.A., F.S.A. 8s. 6d. net. L'Esthonie Les Esthoniens et la Question Esthonienne. Par M. Martna, Membre de Délégation Préface C. R. Pusta. Paris Armand Colin. 1920. Prix 5 fr. Belgium Making of a Nation. Vander Linden, Professor History University Liége. Oxford at Clarendon Press, Bolshevist Russia. Etienne Antonelli. Stanley Paul Co., 12s. Folkestone Dover. Described by Walter Jerrold; Painted E. W. Haslehurst. Hastings Neighbourhood, Higgins ; Blackie Son, 3s. each. Holiday Rambles North Wales. Arthur L. Bagley. With Nineteen Illustrations. 8vo. Pp. 203. Skeffington Ltd., 6s. Geography France. Raoul Blanchard, Geography, Millicent Todd, Lecturer Grenoble. Chicago New York Rand M'Nally 1919. Day Crescent Glimpses Old Turkey. G. Hubbard, lately Vice‐Consul for Vilayet Mosul, author From Gulf Ararat. Cambridge 15s. ASIA Harvest Japan: A Book Travel, with some Account Trees, Gardens, Agriculture, Peasantry, Rural Requirements Japan. Bogue Luffmann. Edinburgh T. Jack, India Death Akbar: An Economic Study. Moreland, C.S.I., C.I.E. Macmillan Persian Uplands. F. Hale. Constable 10s. our Army Palestine. Anthony Bluett. Andrew Melrose, My Campaign Mesopotamia. Major‐General Sir Charles Townshend. Thornton Butterworth, 28s. AFRICA Bantu Past Present. S. Molema. Green 25s. Marrakech dans les palmes. André Chevrillon. Paris: Calmann‐Lévy, 4 90 c. AMERICA Brazilians their Country. Clayton Sedgwick Cooper. London: William Heinemann, Men, Manners, Morals America. J. O. Bland. PACIFIC ISLANDS Stevenson's Germany: Case against Germany Pacific, Brunsdon Fletcher. Heinemann. White Shadows Seas. Frederick O'Brien. many Illustrations Photographs. Werner Laurie, EDUCATIONAL Outdoor Geography. Herbert Hatch, M.Sc. xx.+121. Historical Britain British Empire (in Two Books). I.—The England Establishment Empire—B.C. 55 A.D. 1815. Thomas Franklin. A. K. Johnston, Ltd. 2s. Teaching Children. Lily Winchester, Liverpool; Preface Percy Roxby, Liverpool. Methuen Plants. Hardy, D.Sc., Oxford, <eot>
Archaeological Discussions by William N. Bates Previous articleNext article FreeArchaeological DiscussionsWilliam N. BatesWilliam Bates Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited American Journal of Archaeology Volume 24, Number 2April–June 1920 The journal the Archaeological Institute America Views: 9Total views on site Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497843 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no citing article. <eot>
Individualism and Realism by Gaston Gavet None <eot>
General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 29-31, 1919 by None Previous articleNext article FreeGeneral Meeting of the Archaeological Institute America, December 29–31, 1919PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by American Journal Archaeology Volume 24, Number 1January–March 1920 The journal America Views: 3 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/497552 Copyright © America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no articles citing this article. <eot>
Minor Notices by None None <eot>
BOOKS IN MANUSCRIPT by Albert C. Clark None <eot>
Short Notices by C. W. P. O. Short Notices C. W. P. O. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXV, Issue CXL, October 1920, Pages 617-b–618, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXV.CXL.617-b Published: 01 1920 <eot>
Reviews of Books by WALFORD D. GREEN None <eot>
Short Notices by F. M. P. Journal Article Short Notices Get access F. M. P. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXV, Issue CXL, October 1920, Page 618, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXV.CXL.618 Published: 01 1920 <eot>
Textual Errors in the Itinerary of Antoninus by Garon Wheeler Textual Errors in the Itinerary of Antoninus Get access G. H. WHEELER Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume XXXV, Issue CXXXIX, July 1920, Pages 377–382, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXV.CXXXIX.377 Published: 01 1920 <eot>
Reviews of Books by E. W. BROOKS None <eot>
Reviews of Books by P. GEYL Journal Article Reviews of Books Get access De Opvattingen over onze Oudere Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis bij de Hollandsche Historici der XVIe en XVIIe Eeuw. H. KAMPINGA. ( The Hague: Nijhoff, 1917.) P. GEYL Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar English Historical Review, Volume XXXV, Issue CXXXVIII, April 1920, Pages 275–277, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXV.CXXXVIII.275 Published: 01 1920 <eot>
Chinese Portraits by S. C. Bosch Reitz None <eot>
<italic>Histoire de Lorraine (Duché de Lorraine, Duché de Bar, Trois-Évêchés)</italic>. Par <sc>Robert Parisot</sc>, Professeur d'Histoire de l'Est de la France à l'Université de Nancy. Volume I. <italic>Des Origines à 1552</italic>. (Paris: Auguste Picard. 1919. Pp. xiv, 520. 9 fr) by None Journal Article Histoire de Lorraine (Duché Lorraine, Duché Bar, Trois-Évêchés). Par Robert Parisot, Professeur d'Histoire l'Est la France à l'Université Nancy. Volume I. Des Origines 1552. (Paris: Auguste Picard. 1919. Pp. xiv, 520. 9 fr) Get access Parisot Robert, fr.) E. W. Dow Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The American Historical Review, 25, Issue 2, January 1920, Pages 259–260, https://doi.org/10.1086/ahr/25.2.259 Published: 01 1920 <eot>
The Sources of Romanesque Sculpture by C. R. Morey FRENCH Romanesque sculpture develops in three periods: a primitive period corresponding roughly to the first quarter of twelfth century; second phase marked by baroque exaggeration during which prevailing styles are those Languedoc and Burgundy, covering third lastly style Ile-de-France, assimilates refines eccentricities reduces figure logical harmony with Gothic architecture, finally supplants older throughout whole France. <eot>
Notes by John R. Shapley None <eot>
Program of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the College Art Association of America, Metropolitan Museum, New York by None None <eot>
Notes by None An abstract is not available for this content so a preview has been provided. Please use the Get access link above information on how to content. <eot>
VI.-THE ENGLISH ELEMENT IN ITALIAN FAMILY NAMES by Signor Cesare Poma Transactions of the Philological SocietyVolume 28, Issue 1 p. 49-56 VI.—THE ENGLISH ELEMENT IN ITALIAN FAMILY NAMES Signor Cesare Poma, Search for more papers by this author First published: May 1919 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-968X.1919.tb00941.xAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions Use check box below share version article.I have read accept Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat Volume28, Issue1May 1919Pages RelatedInformation <eot>
THE HISTORY OF THE SCHELDT by Ch. Terlinden HistoryVolume 4, Issue 16 p. 185-197 THE HISTORY OF SCHELDT Ch. Terlinden, TerlindenSearch for more papers by this author First published: January 1919 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-229X.1919.tb00349.xAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use check box below share version article.I have read accept the Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat Volume4, Issue16January 1919Pages RelatedInformation <eot>
Two Carolingian Ivories by Joseph Breck None <eot>
The Sources of Romanesque Sculpture by C. R. Morey None <eot>
The Seal and Monogram of Charles the Great by Reginald L. Poole The Seal and Monogram of Charles the Great Get access REGINALD L. POOLE Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar English Historical Review, Volume XXXIV, Issue CXXXIV, April 1919, Pages 198–200, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XXXIV.CXXXIV.198 Published: 01 1919 <eot>
Two Early Christian Ivories of the Ascension by Joseph Breck None <eot>
Church and State in Mediaeval Germany. I by James Westfall Thompson The abbey of Cluny, from whose ascetic precincts the movement was destined to come forth overturn world, had a humble beginning. In 91o William, count Auvergne and duke Aquitaine, for safety his soul deeded Berno,' abbot Beaume Gigny, small tract located on borders little river Grosne in county Macon, midst hills which marked watershed between Loire Sa6ne, whence clear weather one might descry blue ridge Jura. No spot more central Christian Europe, it accessible Alpine passes into Italy over ran pilgrimage roads Rome, edge Germany France proximity future broad commercial highway soon develop through mid-Europe via Sa6ne Meuse rivers. territory neither French nor imperial, but part middle kingdom Burgundy. At time its foundation Cluny secluded forested spot. original group Cluniacs made up six monks Gigny.2 After seventeen years rule Berno gave way Odo, young noble, native Maine, who some been service William Aquitaine then abruptly renounced world Cluny.3 With him energetic expansive history really begins. He first long list abbotsall noble blood-remarkable their moral force admini- <eot>
Finance and Trade Under Edward III. by Elliot Saul Lipson|George Unwin None <eot>
Minor Notices by None None <eot>
Die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der Karolingerzeit Vornehmlich in Deutschland. by Hilmar H. Weber|Alfons Dopsch None <eot>
The Social Basis of Co-operation. by Semen Rapoport|M. Tugan-Baranovsky None <eot>
THE ORIGINS OF FRANCE by F. M. Powicke HistoryVolume 3, Issue 11 p. 129-136 THE ORIGINS OF FRANCE F. M. Powicke, PowickeSearch for more papers by this author First published: October 1918 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-229X.1918.tb00265.xRead the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare text full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use check box below share version article.I have read accept Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat Volume3, Issue11October 1918Pages RelatedInformation <eot>
Dutch and Flemish Colonization in Mediaeval Germany by James Westfall Thompson The progress made in recent years economic and social history has changed both the axis orbit of historical interpretation. Political, dynastic, military history, governments, laws, institutions, ceased to interest many students these days. Aristotelian mind Western Europe America discovered new sources information subjects investigation. No one questions is more important mediaevalist than that demography. Among discoveries which modern study mediaeval profoundly organic heterogeneous nature society-the complexity its composition, variety texture. sharp cleavage once supposed have existed between three classes society, we now know, was not a hard narrow line separation, but series gradations, some them so slight their parallax, speak, yet been accurately determined.2 light cast upon condition peasantry course researches <eot>
Church and State in Mediaeval Germany. II by James Westfall Thompson Previous articleNext article FreeChurch and State in Mediaeval Germany. IIJames Westfall ThompsonJames Thompson Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Volume 22, Number 2Apr., 1918 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/479921 Views: 57 Journal History This was published The American of Theology (1897-1920), which is continued Religion (1921-present). PDF download Crossref reports no citing article. <eot>
Commentary to the Germanic Laws and Medieval Documents. by W. P. Reeves|Leo Wiener None <eot>
THE ORIGINS OF FRANCE by F. M. Powicke HistoryVolume 3, Issue 12 p. 193-204 THE ORIGINS OF FRANCE F. M. Powicke., Powicke.Search for more papers by this author First published: January 1918 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-229X.1918.tb00275.xRead the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare text full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use check box below share version article.I have read accept Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat Volume3, Issue12January 1918Pages RelatedInformation <eot>