I get a ton of emails at my job--a couple hundred on a normal day. I have tons of filters in place to make it easy to deal with my inbox, so I usually only need to spend a few minutes a day cleaning things up. I don't usually mind the piles of email. I'd rather have excess communication than insufficient. But most of them are unnecessary. Things that I'm in a mailing group for, but only one for every few hundred has an impact on my day-to-day activities. The filters sort them, I make sure none are relevant then group mark-as-read, group delete, move on with my life. Except there's always that one person who has to request a Read Receipt on everything they send, even when they send it to three different mailing groups, encompassing more than a hundred individuals. My Revenge: I always be sure to send the response confirmation that I read their inbox garbage.
You flood my inbox with inconsequential updates, then request I click an extra button to confirm I personally viewed your nonsense? Okay. I'll give you an extra unnecessary email just for your trouble.
When I first came to college I wanted to do microbiology/biochemistry double major. I literally had wanted to do that for years. Then freshman chemistry taught me there wasn't enough mental lubricant in the world to protect my anus from each test. I dropped the biochemistry and just focused on microbiology, just hoping to salvage something and get a degree where I could at least work alongside people in my dream career. The worst part is as I progressed, I loved and was successful in every other chemistry class I had, and even have since chosen advanced courses as electives because they are so interesting. But now I can't get the biochemistry degree. In redemption I got my GPA up, got a lab position, and am planning on Graduate School either in public health, genetics, or immunology. So I had to give up on my dreams, but with some adjustment and hard work I can still focus on my new ones.
The lesson here is life throws curveballs and sometimes they hit you in the nuts. But gritted teeth and rearrangement can be all that's needed to get you back on your feet.
So I have a little bit of an unusual problem. Here's the backstory: Used to write for this national music magazine a couple months ago. Get to write a story over this one musician who I've dreamed about writing about. Get interview, but this musician talks in such a complicated way that I spend hours upon hours trying to decipher what he says. I also spend hours trying to write out the story. Try my hardest to get the story done, but in the end the editor doesn't like it and gets somebody else to finish up the story. Finally when the story hits the magazine the editor/ head of the magazine just makes the piece into a Q and A because she felt like the interview was perfect like that, and couldn't see it as being anything else. Ok, woo! Now that we got that out of the way I'll tell you my problem. Ever since that whole thing I feel like I've only been writing at like a 60% level than what I used to be able to write at. And to be truthful I hate it. I miss feeling creative with my writing. I also feel like I'm having a harder time with the spelling of words, and what things are called in the english language. Like for a second earlier I had no idea how to spell !. Of course after I asked my english teacher mom, she told me it was an exclamation point. So if anybody knows how to fix that than that would be amazing, Also, I'm a 24 year old male if that helps out at all. Thanks!
Feeling like I can't write after trying to write huge story for a magazine. Now I'm trying to figure out what's wrong, and how to fix it.
It was the last week of classes my sophomore year of high school. I brought two packs of cards to play games and do small magic tricks. I had recently learned a trick online that allowed me to pick the card that my audience supposedly chose. When I first got in the class my teacher was sitting at a desk with her back turned to me. I dropped a card in her hood and continued to hide cards all around the room, in dvd cases, under desks, etc. When the rest of the students arrived I starting performing the trick where they would choose a card and I would make it magically disappear from the deck in my hand and have it reappear in a DVD case or whatever. After a couple times the class caught on that I had hidden the cards beforehand. They made me sit down so I quietly talked with some friends. 5 minutes before the bell I stood up again and announced that I had one more trick. They protested at first but finally agreed to let me show it. This time after the card was chosen I let a fellow student pick where the card should show up in the room. To my astonishment he said, "Put the card on the teacher's head." I smiled and asked our teacher to put her hood on. When she took it off the card was sitting on top of her head and the class went apeshit.
Brought two decks of cards to class, hid some of the cards so I could make them magically appear, hid a card in my teacher's hood, disbelieving student told me to put a card on the teacher's head, my class thought I was a wizard.
Reddit, my boyfriend and I have been dating a little over a year and are in our early 20s. We have absolutely gone through rough patches, but for the entire relationship we have both been happy and incredibly in love (there is no doubt about that!) What I'm wondering is if my situation is one where love can be considered not enough. He has been wishy washy with the relationship the past couple months, basically he is dealing with insecurity mixed with lifelong depression. He comes at me for things in my past, or ways I do things in the present, but quickly switches to blaming these problems on himself, and tells me all the reasons why he can't seem to get his mind right. This past weekend it came to a head and he left town for the night. He said he needed to work his stuff out. He has since told me that he needs space and time (which is fine by me), but that if i don't want to wait I don't have to. How do you guys feel about "waiting"? At points we were almost positive we were going to get married, so I don't want to just let this go. Before him I was a firm believer in NOT waiting, for obvious reasons (moving on with one's own life/waiting forever), but now I just don't know. I don't know if what he is suggesting is fair. He has not given me a time frame. I wouldn't ask for that anyways. He means so much to me but we have been struggling for months because of these issues of his. What are good signs to know that it's time to give it up? I want to make the right decision but I don't know how to make it. I could really use some bullet points here to know when enough is enough (generically) Edit 1: I forgot to mention that as of yesterday I basically said maybe to this proposition, and we haven't seen eachother in a few days but have still been talking occasionally.
Boyfriend and I are struggling because of issues on his end, but I don't want to give up because of our great love and compatability, but I also don't know when enough should be considered..enough.
I was about to go to rehab for a fucking horrific heroin addiction. My best friends (4 Irish brothers), a few of my other really close friends, showed up when I'm laying in bed, sweating, RLS (restless leg syndrome), vomiting, bad stomach, the works...Cook me dinner and a cake, bring me letters from each of them to look at when times are tough in rehab extolling how much they care etc and my buddy Mark (one of the Irish bros), literally helped carry me around our neighborhood so I could regain some sense of normalcy and say good bye to some people I cared about. If that isn't friendship, I don't know what is. The Connolly boys and my Deutche man Dennis saved my life with their kind words and support. This is not to mention the countless times they got up in the middle of the night (time difference San Diego - Beijing), just so I could have someone to talk to across the pond.
My friends helped me make it through rehab for Heroin. EDIT: For yeomanscholar's research, I am agnostic and my buddies are pretty much non-religous, though raised Catholic.
When I read this topic I actually said out loud "Teeth!! Oh my goodness teeth!" I once went through a period where taking care of my teeth was not a priority. In my experience: 1 - Going to the dentist is expensive and when I didn't have disposable income it's wasn’t something I budgeted for. 2 - You also need to be a fairly organized person to regularly brush your teeth. It's easy to fall asleep on the couch late or wake up too late and cut regular brushing out of your routine. Also from my experience, having a job with an irregular schedule made me miss dentist appointments. Scheduling an appointment took coordination either to remember to schedule the appointment 6 months later or to coordination with an employer to request time off months in advance. (In my case I would say “I’ll just schedule something in six months when I know my days off for December…and then forgot once December came around) 3 - Finally during this period, I was in an abusive relationship and depressed. I often wouldn't brush my teeth as a subconscious self-punishment. It's a "I'm not good enough to be taken care of even by myself" mindset. And this was a horrible downward spiral. When I began taking ownership of my life I realized that it was easier to “fix” my outward appearance to assist in rebuilding my self-esteem – and teeth was one of the easier things to change (as opposed to giving my all carb diet a 180 and exercising regularly which just seemed really hard at the time). So because of my experience...
I see someone with yellow, scummy teeth and swollen gums, my immediate impression of them is that they are poor and/or lazy and likely depressed.
I made another post but this sheds light on a different point. This weekend in the car my boyfriend almost called me by his ex's name, but cut himself off and pretended like he just didn't say anything. I didn't respond at all. This past December he secretly went to dinner with her during a layover and admitted (to me) he still had feelings for her, and was "confused". Yet claimed that after the dinner he knew he wanted me. She lives on the other side of the country. We've talked about this very civilly and plenty of times, and even took a week long break from each other for him to figure out what he wants. He came back claiming love for me, etc. But then he almost calls me by his ex's name, and also stops telling me he loves me...what to think? Do I tell him I heard him almost say this and that I notice his behavior, or will that just spark him to say disingenuous "i love you"'s that I won't know are real? Damned if I do, damned if I don't
boyfriend almost called me by his ex's name and has stopped saying he loves me, not sure what to do now Edit: Ages 25 (him) and 26 (me), dating for 6 months
My girlfriend and I have been together for a little over a year now. Our sex life has always seemed healthy. We don't live together but we usually have sex when we hang out which is 2-4 times a week or when we go away on vacations with each other. I love her very much, and I don't want to make it seem like sex is the most important thing to me. I just don't see the point of taking sex away when I've given her no reason to believe I wasn't into sex in the first place. I always give her compliments, sweet texts and random gifts and random signs of affection. We both initiate sex and its not like I always am, nor is it her always initiating. I just don't understand why she'd take something away I see as special to us. Now, she's said we won't have sex and then we are together and we start kissing and then boom, we're laying in our own sweat, huffing and cuddling. But this time seems different, and the fact that she's openly saying its because of her looks and the way she feels about herself. If I say anything about being upset over it, then I'm accused of only wanting sex from her, I just can't win here and don't know what to do. As far as her looks, she isn't a twig, she has curves and looks amazing to me and everyone who meets her. She has beautiful eyes and smile and her body is amazing clothed, and naked. I never fail to tell her this and its gotten to the point where it doesn't seem to mean anything to her anymore. How can I change this and help her? The weather has gotten nicer so we've agreed to go on walks and try and make better eating choices together and support each other.
My girlfriend says she needs to lose weight and doesn't feel comfortable having sex and being naked because of her weight when she isn't even remotely close to being fat, more so curvy. How can I help her be more comfortable?
Hello reddit, I've been dating my boyfriend for a few months, although we've been close for about a year. We're long distance. I've always had a lot of mental health problems, and it makes it hard to date me, I get that. After a while I agreed to go to therapy and although it's an extremely slow process and I don't think my therapist is the best, I go because my boyfriend really said that I should. Today we've been fighting a lot because he admitted that he was afraid to tell me his feelings since I make him feel invalidated with my empathy style (he's the type who is more comforting and heals the emotion, I'm more clinical with it and often ignore the current emotion in favor of eliminating the long-term cause). Eventually we came to a point where we both agreed that I was starting to get better mental health-wise because of therapy, so I asked "If I'm getting better and it's not about me, then why did you say that you felt the need to withdraw/that you were afraid of me?". He said that it was all on him and his own insecurities and that "not everything is about you, [MyName]". That's when I said "Maybe you could think about looking into therapy as well, since that helped you before" (He went through a breakup a while ago and therapy helped him a lot). At this point he got EXTREMELY offended that I even implied he'd need therapy, because there is "nothing wrong with him" and that he doesn't need therapy because he can do just fine on his own. I told him that there doesn't have to be anything wrong to get therapy, I just thought it might help if he wants to get rid of the insecurity. I'm in therapy too and there's no shame in it. He said that just because he doesn't solve problems in the same way I want him to, doesn't mean he needs therapy. He said that he only withdrew from ME, and not from his friends, because I was putting out "signals that I was sick of him" (I still have no idea what these signals are, when I asked he said that I was invalidating his feelings and not empathizing). Then he flipped it back on me and said, "Maybe YOU should go to your therapist and explain how you made your boyfriend withdraw emotionally from you without even noticing." I feel really hurt by his last statement and I don't know how to respond. I didn't realized I crossed such a line, or that therapy was such a horrible thing to suggest. Where did I go wrong?
I suggested my boyfriend get therapy after he mentioned withdrawing from me because of insecurities. He got insulted and flipped it back on me. Where did I go wrong in this situation?
Hi r/relationship_advice. Would appreciate some input. Background: we have been together nearly two years in a loving relationship with no major issues. Admittedly after a bad experience with an ex and due to some insecurity issues, I had told him early in our relationship that I was a little uncomfortable with the idea of him hanging out with female friends one-on-one. I realise this might be unreasonable but some time back I decided that I would be ok with it if he was honest with me. Recently, my boyfriend told me he was going to watch a movie with a bro of his. I initially thought nothing of it, but I felt in my gut that something was off since he didn't normally watch movies alone with another male friend. I had also caught glimpses of him texting a female colleague more than usual recently... The day he was due to go out for dinner and the movie, I was at his place, so I checked his phone while he bathed. Felt bad about it but I discovered that he was actually planning on watching the movie with the female colleague he had been texting. I felt shocked, and incredibly hurt, because to me, catching a movie alone together is a very date-like thing to do. When he returned, I confronted him. Initially he tried to lied his way through but after I revealed I saw the texts, he came clean. He was defensive at first, said he did what he did because she wanted to catch a movie with him and he knew I wouldn't approve him going out alone with her. He also said he had turned down female friends who had wanted to meet up because he thought I wouldn't like it (which I feel is unfair when he didn't even mention anything to me). I referred to her as an acquaintance, and he corrected me saying she was a friend, and had a boyfriend. I told him it was suspicious that he had never mentioned her before. I got upset, and demanded he cancel, which he did via text. I asked him why he lied and he said that he panicked. He thought it wouldn't hurt anyone, and that it was poor judgement on his part, and he did not intend to do it again after this one time. He did apologise, and has agreed to be more upfront and transparent with me about things. If anything, he seemed quite upset by this incident, and has said he wouldn't blame me if I had trust issues with him. This happened almost two weeks ago. I've decided to give him a chance but it still nags at me from the back of my head. How do I get past it?
Checked my boyfriend's phone, caught him lying about going out with female colleague. Boyfriend seems remorseful and is willing to be open with me to regain my trust. Not sure how to proceed / get past this.
Well there is not a truly easy way of doing this. The internet is often required, making your online presence one that is necessary in order to progress in life. It would be quite hard to not have information about you in the cloud when banks, credit cards, and sometimes even government websites may have you in their files. As for accounts and that sort of presence, this can be done quite easily. Go into your email and look up "sign up / login / account / password" and find all of the accounts you have made in the past and deactivate them. Companies like facebook may require you to take an extra step to make sure you are out of their records. A better idea would be to follow the safety tips you learned as a kid when browsing the internet because they ARE actually important. I always thought that it was over-dramatized, but no, there are some people who will make your life a living hell if they find out who you are and where you live. I know this because I used to talk to a bunch of guys who were essentially in a "hacking group" A few of them got DOX'd and one of them got swatted. The best way to prevent anyone from tracking you is to make sure you never give out your name, address or proximate location, or use a concurrent alias. The reason why it is bad to use a concurrent alias among all accounts is because they can easily be linked to eachother and sorted through to find various bits of information about you.
Delete your accounts, delete your email, start fresh, use fake names and different alias, and don't do anything that would make somebody want to know who you are like my dumb friends.
until everything is accomplished. This verse is arguably one of the most maligned of Jesus' words. This has nothing to do with your point. The verse does not state every law written in the book applies directly to Christians (otherwise we'd still be sacrificing animals), but rather that everything God has promised will be accomplished, and that all of Scripture stands testimony to that. For the record, Christians are not commanded to kill anyone as a matter of practice. In fact: "You have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER' and 'Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.' "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell." "Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." (Matthew 5:21-23)
version: murder is wrong, and hate destroys. This verse probably opens a larger can of worms. I'm certainly willing to discuss or explain it further, but please maintain a respectful context, and I shall do the same for you.
I just started a new job last fall, and moved away from my home state and stuff. I haven't had any sort of serious relationship in almost 6 years now, being that I have been nailing out my Bachelors Degree and now I have it in my possession. Anyways, so there is this girl at work that I can't get off my mind. I am basically a technical support for the projects that she works on. However, she is not in my department what so ever. My workplace isn't exactly a small establishment, and I rarely ever see her around unless something goes wrong or needs fixing(mostly email contact or messaging). It was more or less "love at first sight", but I have been keeping it to myself and no one in the entire campus knows anything. She seems like a really upbeat and geeky person. Let me clarify, there are times when you would think someone is extremely hot or something(a.k.a. I would sleep with them instantly); but this really can't be categorized as something like that in my opinion. I can honestly say that I really don't feel like that about this at all. I have been keeping everything very professional and whatnot. Only talking about work related things, and not really mentioning anything outside of that. I would definitely like to find out more about her, but I have no idea what to do about it. I don't want to come on too strong or anything. Hell I don't even know if she is in a relationship or not. I know that most people are kind of "meh" about relationships at work. After all of the stuff I have read against it online, I have been a bit restrained about doing anything. Butterfly city. On a positive note, I have been excelling at work and kicking ass getting projects done. So this hasn't interfered with work at all. I try to keep my mind off of this whenever I can.
I am extremely attracted to someone at work. Not sure if I should do anything about it. It is not pure sexual attraction in the slightest.
I'm 24 years old and have been friends with this guy and his family for over a decade. One night in February, him and I go back to his place (which he shares with his older brother) after a night of drinking. He stayed sober so that he could drive us back. We are smoking weed in his bedroom when we suddenly hear a crash. We go outside to find that his brother is extremely drunk and has rammed his truck into the back of my car. His brother is too drunk to even exit his vehicle, so I put him to bed before assessing the damage to my car. Apart from the ruined bumper, my car didn't seem to suffer any damage. Here is the part where I become an idiot. I am drunk/high and do not want to deal with police. My friend's brother has previous DUI's as well as two kids from different mothers (that, for the most part, my friend primarily raises), and I don't want to play a role in my friend's nephews having to deal with their father being in jail. I talk to my friend and with my friend's parents, and they all verbally agree to replace the bumper if I do not call the police on the brother. I agreed to this and do not report anything. Flash forward a few months. The brother has been difficult to deal with and apprehensive about replacing the bumper. I am preparing to move from Mississippi to North Carolina and want my bumper fixed beforehand. My friend's family owns a mechanic shop where the brother works. He finally tells me to drop my car off and he will replace the bumper before I move. Well, it is now five days before I move, and I recently found out that my friend's brother has just let my car sit in the garage for nearly two weeks without even attempting to fix it. I'm assuming he is just waiting for me to move and hoping I drop it. The brother doesn't respond to my messages, and my friend says it is not his responsibility to make sure it gets fixed anymore. Is there any legal action that I can take to get my bumper replaced or to receive the costs of repair from the brother?
Decade long friend's brother drunkenly smashes my bumper. Friend and family promise to fix it, so I don't report it. Their word ends up being worthless. Can I take legal action?
If your employer has their 401k at Vanguard, then chances are it's pretty good. You will probably only have access to a limited subset of Vanguard funds, but hopefully your employer has selected the good index funds that you'll want for a three fund portfolio. You might even have access to Institutional class shares which have expense ratios that are lower than anything you could get on your own in a Vanguard IRA. I doubt that you're charged any fees other than the low expense ratios on the funds that you invest in.
Your new 401k at Vanguard probably has lower fees than T. Rowe Price, roll your old 401k into your new 401k if there are desirable funds available.
I will freely admit I am messy. Not filthy like this (I take out my garbage, never leave old food plates out, and clothes go in the hamper, thank you), but right now, I have a stack of wool on my dining room table that belongs in the closet, there are (rinsed but still dirty) dishes in the sink, and my makeup is sitting on the counter, not in my drawer, right where I left it today. And I will probably go put it up after typing this because I'm Catholic and the guilt will kill me. My husband, on the other hand, is annoyingly organized. Things must go in their proper place, and nothing can be left out. I know I drive him crazy, being messy. But his OCD is irritating for me too. Bottom line, however, is that I try to keep myself organized for his sake, and he tries not to get on my case about it. It is strange to me that she doesn't clean up now. Just because it's been awhile doesn't mean she should become a slob suddenly. And if there is a hygiene problem, like it sounds, that is a huge red flag to me. Again, I am messy, but my garbage goes in the can, at least. This needs to be addressed, not just for the sake of your relationship, but because she is an adult. Her boyfriend should not be expected to be her mommy, too. Additionally, the old food/soda cans/food wrappers are an open invitation to crawling little diseased buggies. NOT an acceptable living situation. When you approach the topic, you need to explain to her that it is not a matter of being too busy to clean or whatever. It is a matter of her health, and your relationship. But don't be a dick about it, please. My brother is a complete slob, too, and I was a bitch when I basically confronted him about it when I was living with him. That was a bad idea, and seriously harmed my relationship with my beloved big brother, for whom I would happily take a bullet. You need to reinforce to her that you are having this talk because you want to see positive changes for both of you.
I'm pretty messy, but I try to stay organized for my neat freak husband. Your GF should be doing the same. Talk to her, but be a gentleman when you do so. And if no compromise is reached, this relationship will not work.
Basically, in a normal infinite number every digit and sequence of digits is represented equally with an equal chance of occuring at any point in the sequence. A number that isn't normal doesn't have this probability. What this means is that in a normal number, every number or sequence of numbers will be represented but it won't necessarily happen in a number that isn't normal.
the distribution of digits in pi may or may not have uniform probability, therefore sequences of digits may or may not have equal probability, therefore every possible sequence of digits may or may not be present in pi but we have no proof either way
I've been dating my boyfriend for three years now. We've really only dated each other. I love him, but I'm not sure if I want to stay with him any more. He treats me like a goddess- he's very kind and respectful towards me and is a great lover, but he's rather awkward around my family and friends. He's really fun with me but is uncomfortable and stiff around my parents, which I do not understand at all because we've been together for three years and he's been to various family functions with me. He knows my parents and siblings but acts extremely awkward around them, almost to the point of being rude. My family has noticed his oddness around them and they don't understand it either. It's starting to really bother me, but whenever I bring it up with him, he doesn't see that he acts differently around them. I love everything about him except for the way he acts around my family and his political views, which are completely opposite of mine. Having the same political views is important to me in a relationship and it really bothers me that we don't see eye to eye. Our relationship doesn't have the spark that it used to. We don't talk as often as we use to, and when we do talk, we have the same conversation over and over. We have a fantastic sex life, which is one of the reasons why I'm still with him. I love how kind he is to me and he's my best friend and I love him, but the love feels different than it did six months ago. He's lately started saying "AsquaredA, I want to be with you for a long time" and "I want to be with you for the rest of my life", which scares me because even though I love him it scares me to think about marrying the only guy I've ever dated. Part of me wants to be with him forever but another part of me wants to move on and see what else is out there before I settle down. I know that if I did end things with him it would crush him. I love him a lot but he loves me more. What should I do? Is it worth staying with the man I love but am losing interest in or should I end a great relationship and potentially end a friendship to date other men?
Been with a guy I love for three years but I'm not sure if it's worth staying with him because of how he acts around my family.
We have known and been friends for a really long time and every time we hang out we laugh so much and make so many jokes, we have identical senses of humor. Just recently though we decided to be a couple. However, she does not want to show any public displays of affection and keep it pretty quiet. She does have commitment issues but she want a monogamous relationship. She does want to have sex and be really intimate privately. And she does want to go on dates, but she wants it to look like we're just hanging out.
Why does she want this to be on the down low and why does she want a monogamous relationship if it's just going to be a friends with benefits sort of thing?
During finals week my sophomore year of high school, me and a few other friends were smoking in the woods and one of my friends decided to sit down for a little bit. When he got up I immediately said, "you awake now?" My friends caught on right away so when he asked what I meant we informed him that he'd been sleeping for about twenty minutes. Of course, he thought this was bullshit and denied it until we showed him the tall grass that he had flattened (which, in reality, had been stepped on many times from us coming to that spot and also flattened from when he was just sitting down). After we point this out to him, he starts talking about how he can't believe he actually fell asleep for twenty minutes because he had no recollection of it. We spent the next hour or so getting higher and fucking with him about falling asleep and not remembering. About a week later, we were all together plus some other kids, and we bring up the falling-asleep incident. Our friend denies it ever happened and seems to have caught on to the fact that we were just fucking with him. Still, we stick to our guns and say that he fell asleep that day. This is the best part...we kind of forget all about it after a little bit. We bring it up for shits and giggles every now and then because we decided to never tell him or at least tell him later on in the year. Well, the joke had finally come full circle--one of my friends who was in on the joke runs up to me one day with the BIGGEST shit-eating grin on his face and tells me that our "sleepy" friend had been telling people that not only did he never fall asleep but--get this--he PRETENDED to fall asleep for twenty minutes to trick us as the "ultimate troll" (his words). We had to find him...let me tell you, finally telling him that he never even lied down in the first place, in front of people he was trying to convince, is still one of the most satisfying moments I've had in high school. Seeing his smile slowly turn into a frown and watching the anger and embarrassment fill his face was oh-so-good.
Convinced my friend he fell asleep in the woods--he denies it, then believes it, then tries to convince people he was only pretending to be asleep when really he never lied down in the first place
So I am in school. I used to have an Instagram and Facebook. Yesterday, I stupidly decided it was a good idea to talk about swastikas and to joke about 9/11. (this is really cool: ) Although I did not make any threat against anyone, when I went in to school today, I was called to the principal. I was promptly suspended for a week. Right now, I live with my parents and they are really unhappy understandably.
Don't post swastikas or joke about 9/11 on Facebook. BTW, Do you have any advice so I can escape society and create a new identity? Ps. I am not a neo-nazi...
Unlike what TV make it look like the noticeable drawbacks of higher IQ doesn't seem to really kick in until the genius of the genius IQs. Will try to describe my time growing up properly. Now, I'm not completely sure about the exact number but I qualified when I turned 18, didn't join though, still don't like the idea. I experience no problem with socializing with most people I meet except a few who I can't stand, more likely it's because personality's. I see "Darlin133" pretty much nailed it. Don't think I know anyone who discusses nuclear physics when getting drunk at the local pub or try to construct a mini rocket in their bedroom. Maybe some made of coke and mentos. School was often very boring and I got into some rather bad behavior by having way to much freedom. Studying for math, physics, chemistry etc wasn't something I did, it usually just stuck after reading about it once or twice. On the other hand I didn't get a 100% on basically any subjects, neither in grade 0-9 or our gymnasium, US high school? Math etc was easy for me but art and music classes, compulsory in grade 0-9, were somewhat trickier as I simply lack any talent for it, numbers and formulas is my game. Same goes for some languages, bilingual by 10 and trilingual at 15. Swedish, English, French in that order. Moved to "fast track" the last three years to get of school to get challenged and go with similar people. A more "odd" group of people is hard to find, from every "class" in society from poor to rich. When it comes to alcohol, drugs etc it were pretty common as we still had the same curriculum as everyone else and it gave more then enough time fuck up over the weekends. Seen friends after we graduated, luckily just a few, get problem with drinking and drugs since it, in their word, "Let me slow down". These are the same people who were among the brightest I knew then. Took a year off from school when I graduated my last year and continue this fall and most likely getting my engineer major in a few years. There's people who make me look like a moron and the other way around. To answer if I have made the most of it? No, not even close. If I had been motivated earlier in my life I would maybe had the possibility to call myself "exceptional" at something, right now I'm sadly, despite my "advantages", not to far above average compared to my peers. This became more text then I thought but hopefully answered most of the questions.
An high IQ doesn't mean instant success, and becoming a savant at everything. It just gives you a good headstart. Edit: Cut some due personal information.
So, last week I got the email I was waiting for, that I had passed my background check and drug screen and I was cleared to start my new job. "Your start date is...", all that business. So I wrote up and sent in my resignation effective January 30. Cool. So today I get in and check my email, and I noticed I got one at around 8:00am today from someone in HR at my new job. The email read something like "Since we did not receive a response from you to our last email, we are rescheduling your start date one week forward." I responded and apologized for misreading the previous email (which apparently had said, and I quote, "Please reply to this message if you can or cannot start on this date.") and asked if I could still get into the February 2 training class, they said that the sign up for that one closed January 22. FUCK. So I call the scheduling supervisor at my current job and ask him if I can move my end date for all my clearances and everything a week forward. His answer was a pretty fucking clear "Nope." So, I've got an involuntary week "vacation" between the expiry of my security clearances at my current job and when I start my new job.
New job thinks I can't start until the 9th because I fucked up and didn't take the time to read an email the second time through. Current job is dickholes.
My gf thinks our relationship isn't right because she sees me as too passive, a push over almost. She says I let people walk all over me, and that she is devoid of consequences. However I dont see her do anything wrong except get fresh everyone once in a while to which I tell her shes out of line and we change the subject. Some arguments are more heated and usually over small things. The only instance I know she witnessed is my friends blew me off once or twice and I spoke with them privately about the issue and the problem was solved. I dont want to be viewed as a pushover, I choose battles I know I can win. I told her if she really actually wanted to see me stand tall she will when the opportunity comes.
This presents the fear that I'm perceived as whipped. While her opinion is it's not just isolated to her, what are some ways I can be more assertive toward her, without coming across as a dick.
I bought two tickets a few months ago for a concert that is taking place in september. We were both incredibly excited for this show and counted down the days until we go together. Unfortunately, shit hit the fan and it ended up in a pretty bad breakup. It's been about a week since I have spoken to her and I just don't know what to do. By reading through this subreddit, I have taken note that I should cut off all contact with her. But I mean I got these two tickets which breaks my heart. She knows I have them and she's been wanting to go for about 9 months now. I really don't want to be the dick that screws her over to not going. 1) I miss her a lot but we both hurt each other by saying some hurtful things and yelling at each other. What do I do? Call back? Write a letter? 2) Do I send her ticket so she can go to the concert? It's all so weird because I don't know what our relationship status is and I really want to give this ticket to her and wish we were back to the good old days. But at the same time, this past argument really made things shaky on the stability of the relationship. Any advice would be appreciated.
broke up with girlfriend. Have her concert ticket that we both wanted to go to for months. Do I try to mend the relationship or just give her a ticket as a friendly gesture?
This is a great way to understand it, with one (mind-blowing) extra detail: Our 4-dimensional space time is a weird "Lorentzian" you actually need to go further forward in time (according to stationary clocks) to make up for it! This causes other people, who are stationary, to see your clock move slower. [Here's a neat space-time diagram]( I stole from Google images showing this: On this diagram the vertical direction is "time", and horizontal is "space". The red line shows all the places you can reach within one second (on a clock you are holding). Intuitively this should be a circle of course. But actually it's that wacky shape (hyperbola).
To go forward in time (relative to everyone else), just run fast for a while. You can't go backward though. Edit: I am bad at markdown.
This post wasn't good enough for r/relationships. I hope you guys can provide some advice for me! My ex (32m) was never a great boyfriend or friend to me(30f). We dated for about a year and half, and it was long distance. I tried hard to make it work, he didn't really try at all. I felt like he didn't really care that much, and just kind of used me as a fuck-buddy. He never told me he loved me, and I don't think I ever really loved him. I knew the relationship wasn't going to last and he wasn't right for me towards the end. And he attempted to break up with me via no contact, he admitted he tried the "fade-away" technique. Not to mention we had been friends for about 10 years prior to us dating. I'm also fairly certain he cheated on me with his current fiancee. Despite that, I am currently in a wonderful place in my life. I'm with a man I love very much, and whom I'll likely get engaged to myself in the not so distant future. I have a great life, and I realize that if I had stayed with my ex I would be much worse off than I am right now, not just emotionally, but life-wise. If we had stayed together I probably wouldn't have gotten fit, competed in marathons, pursued the promotion I recently got. Not to mention I also came into a large chunk of money which I wouldn't have gotten if I ended up moving out of state to be with him. Yet, when I found out he's engaged I felt something inside. Not really sure what the emotions are I'm feeling. He is not a good person, he's not a kind person, he's not that smart, and he isn't even that good looking. I know this makes me a petty person, but the person he is engaged to is fairly unattractive, she has horse face. Which felt like a slap in the face in a weird way? There were a lot of things I didn't like about him, and I realized how happy I could be without him. I know I would never take him back and I know I love the person I'm with now, more than I ever could have loved my ex. Because of that, why am I having weird feelings?
My douchey ex (32m) got engaged and I'm having weird feels. Looking for others to share their advice about why I may be having these strange feelings.
I'm a girl who has only had short term relationships. I just dated people because that was the thing to do in high school... I'm now in University and have met a guy that I would love to try and go the distance. He says he really likes me and we act like we're dating, but he broke up with his long time girl at the beginning of the semester and has episodes of missing her, I'm totally for waiting and not pushing him into anything but it puts a lot of emotional stress on everything because I don't know if I should be there for him as a friend instead. I know what I want, but he doesn't know and I'm confused if I should move on until he figures it out?
Guy breaks up with long time girlfriend. Meets me, we have this dating-type thing, has waves of missing ole girl, doesn't know what he wants and I do. Should I stay or move on?
My roommate (24M) is miserable in his relationship of nearly two years, it's completely obvious to everyone around, and has been for months (if not almost a year). He and his girlfriend (23) just aren't compatible, and every time they fight (every little argument turns into a huge fight), he just tries to make her less sad, basically always giving her what she wants. Almost all of the fights revolve around the fact that he doesn’t like her core personality. That means that they get into a huge fight and she tries to change for him, but then just slips back into being herself and they fight again and again and again. He was finally going to break up with her after a month of constantly being asked what was wrong with their relationship by everyone we know. They had a big talk last night, and another one tonight, and it went 'well.' He invited her over because "make-up sex is the best" and I'm just pissed off because I know that he's going to keep being miserable because she won't (and shouldn't have to) change the base of her personality that annoys the shit out of him. I'm going to have to watch him hate this relationship and refuse to do anything about it with her. He's still going to be upset all the time, ignoring her and leaving her for us to deal with. It’s the same thing that happened 6 months ago, and much of the fight is the same fight, just packaged a little differently. I shouldn't care so much, but because they can't be alone, and I'm usually home, I've become an aggravated, disappointed central point to their relationship. All of our friends have, in a way. And even though their relationship shouldn't be any of my business, but their relationship has actually destroyed her friendship with me. I just can't stand being around her when all she is trying to do is make him happy and failing. He just ignores her whenever it’s over, so she just talks to the rest of us and we all hate how obnoxious she is because she's just trying to get his attention. She used to have friends in his group, but she is no longer ever herself, she’s just ‘his girlfriend,’ either trying desperately to make him happy or pissing him off. I just want advice about how to handle this, helping him through this (because he is going to be upset and pissed again in a month), how to deal with making it very clear that I no longer want to be a crutch of their relationship without damaging my friendship, and whether or not I should tell him I don’t think them making up is a good idea. I know this is kind of a weird subreddit for this, but it's the best place I could think of.
My roommate and his girlfriend aren’t compatible and he’s been miserable for almost a year of their two year relationship. I don’t know what to do because they’ve sort of pulled me into their relationship, and I’m no longer sure of what overstepping my bounds is.
Fucking gambling (i.e. Blackjack) Never been a fan of card games. Actually I hate them. But one day, I was hanging out at the casino watching my brother play and being generally clueless as to what was going on. But I was bored so i said "fuck it", sat next to my brother, threw in some cash and did what he told me to do until I caught on. Turns out, it's a completely different ball game when money is involved. Before I knew it, I was bankin' left and right and just makin' that paper, Boo-Boo. Oh and I was on the verge of a heart attack the entire time. And I fucking loved every minute of it. My Pops was so proud of his little girl. It's probably a good thing that there are no casinos in my surrounding area.
My broke ass went on family vacation with $40 to my name, discovered the world of casinos, went 3 times, and returned home a winner with $500 (or more than I make working 60 hours after taxes at my shitty ass job).
We'd talked about contact with our ex's. She says she never speaks to any of her ex's out of respect for her current BF. I was using her phone to navigate during a road trip when she got a message from an unknown number asking if she could pay any money this month. I narrated the message to her and asked who it was. She said it was her cousin. About a month later, we were talking about something I forget what and she admitted to me that it was her ex, not her cousin that had sent the text. She felt bad for lying but says she didn't want to burden me. She then told me she owes money to another ex as well. I don't think you can owe money to someone, be making payments, and not be in contact with them. It's been about a month since we had that argument, but I still feel weird about it because I'm not sure if this means anything or not. She rarely asks me for money, and if she does it's just to pay her back for buying something for me like groceries. Should I be concerned at all? Is this a red flag?
My GF borrowed money from her ex's when she was in college. She's in debt a couple thousand to one, and about 600 to another.
I have a white lie that's been going on for about 18 years now, and has cost my slow uncle some money, but not enough to make me feel really shitty. When I was eight or nine years old, I think, Mariah Carey's music video for "Always Be My Baby" gave me my first documented boner. Now, I use the word "documented" because I'm sure I had some before then, but the first humdinger of a yogurt-slinger sweatpants clinger I remember having had was the first time I watched that video. [For the curious, I think it was dat midriff]( which really did me in. Plus the other "kids" who kiss underwater at camp, something which a nerdy, young, jpomnapalm aspired to do. So anyway, my slow uncle Denny walks into my room to discover me laying on my belly in my bedroom, as young bebonered boys are sometimes wont to do, while watching said music video for the millionth time. Rather than try to explain my misguided lil' kid sexual fantasies to my uncle, who might not truly understand the root of them anyway, I just told him that Mariah Carey was by far my favorite artist. No big deal; situation diverted, uncle left the room, I finished having my boner, and that was that. Fast forward a few months to Christmas or my Birthday, I forget which, my uncle bought me the Mariah Carey CD containing that song, along with a "signed" poster of her (had the image of her signature on it). Okay, whatever, I remembered what I had told him, I just thanked him profusely for the gifts ("What a treasure!") and went about my life. Fast forward to today. While I haven't seen him in a couple of years, since then - for every birthday and Christmas, whether we connected or not, he would send me the latest Mariah Carey CD, or when they started existing, DVD's. Posters up the wazoo came in the mail for every occasion. I had a box filled to the brim with Mariah Carey swag, and by 16 it was humiliating rather than hot, so I stowed them away. Whenever he would come to visit, I was too heartbroken to tell him that I didn't like Mariah Carey anymore, or that she was never someone I even liked, so I just let him continue, and when I knew his arrival was imminent, I used the one part of my wall not covered in punk posters to decorate with Mariah Carey posters from over the years. I haven't seen my slow uncle Denny in some time now, but there is still a box in my parents' basement filled with all kinds of shit that a real fan would probably appreciate. Including Glitter. Yeah.
Didn't want my slow Uncle Denny to know I was hiding a boner while watching a Mariah Carey video, told him I loved her music, 18 years later I have a collector's box filled with her CD's, posters, and junk (Glitter)
Verizon. They tricked my 62yo mother into making some innocuous change to the plan to fuck our family out of our 5gb/mo data + 5gb/mo hotspot plans on the entire family's phones (4 phones). Three days later when my iPhone4 gave me a push notice to call VZW to "purchase a data plan" I called to ask what happened to our previous setup (we were on month-to-month waiting for the iPhone5 to upgrade, and grandfather in the old 5gb data plans they no longer offered). They said they offered my mom 1400 "family plan minutes" which she opted in for, and that created a new 2-year contract, which lowered all 4 of our phones to 2gb/mo data + no hotspot. They wouldn't reverse the change. They wouldn't offer discounts to compensate for the insanely large difference between their plan and Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T. Their retention department literally laughed at me when I said "unless you can put our plan back to the way it was 3 days ago you're going to lose a customer that has spent $20,000USD with you over the last 10 years." Ya we made lots of international calls at the time.
Verizon bamboozled a senior citizen into making a seemingly harmless change to the account which not only locked them into a new 2yr contract, but also significantly downgraded the level of service while significantly upgrading the cost.
INTJ - Makes things very mentally exhausting. I'm usually interpreted as being detached and uninterested. I'm not very motivated to approach women because I generally don't care much for small talk. All of my relationships have been one-night stands (if you consider those relationships at all). I'm probably that guy who leaves in the morning before she wakes up. I don't feel I need to say goodbye or whatever. I probably won't speak to her afterwards either, unless she initiates conversation. I probably won't be very interested in holding a conversation with a girl at this point either. I'm very picky when talking to girls which is often interpreted as being cold and judgmental. To help detail a better picture of who I am: I see myself as confident, soft-spoken, spontaneous, self-aware, fun, and pretty intelligent person. Quite frankly, I think that I am quite a catch. I do feel conversation is exhausting, but that doesn't mean that occasionally, I like to delve in the odd talk. I feel that I am a rather good conversationalist when I want to be and I usually prefer thought-provoking conversations. I also really like when a girl is very coy with me. Those conversations always peak my interest because I think that there is some mystery to her that I want to solve. This probably pertains to 'thinking' part of my personality. I'm very calm, calculated, and analytical so I'm always looking for someone to challenge me. In terms of friendships: I tend to stick to my close-knit circle. I rarely veer from them and it's rare that I will go out/hang out with other acquaintances/friends unless some of my close friends are with me (introversion). This, I know, I need to change and I am actively working on along with the initial approach to meeting new people (y'know, those awkward first hello's). I am very close and very loyal to my friends. They need anything, I am there.
I'm a rare personality type. I hope you catch me on a good day when I'm in the right mood. Feel free to ask me any questions or need me to clarify anything. I'm open to sharing.
He came from a Muslim family but wasn't really a proper Muslim, whereas I don't really think about religion at all. We didn't break up because of his religion, but it did provide some strain in the relationship. My family, being avid readers of The Daily Mail, thought he was going to use me because I was a "Western woman" despite the fact that he was born and raised in the UK. My father worried that he would indoctrinate me, leaving me as a hijab-wearing member of a harem. His family didn't know about me. He was too afraid to tell them that we were together. This added further strain because my family (and I, to some extent) didn't think a proper relationship could form if he wasn't dedicated enough to tell his family.
religion wasn't an issue within the relationship. Rather, it was family outside of the relationship who made it more of an issue than it was.
A brief summary of a much longer more detailed story: I (18/f) have been dating 20/m for two years, at the beginning of which I was a very serious science geek, party goer and very pessimistic. I had just turned 16 and was fresh out of the a teenage phase where I sort of tried to fit in too hard with all my new "cool friends" and rejected my interests and general self. it was in that period that I first met him, but I developed depression just after starting the relationship, he was very romantic at first and a great lover, now he doesn't stir any intense emotions in me but fear and discontent, I still love him terribly though. From that depression I decided to embrace it instead of hiding, and learnt ways to calm my anger, so I picked up old hobbies and delved into philosophical ideas. However I became very different afterwards, I am finding myself becoming the opposite of him in every way and all common ground is slipping away. Now I love Hindu philosophy, art, history, and much of the things I loved so passionately before. Our relationship has taken a turn for the worst recently and I have spoken to him but nothing seems to change permanently. We seem to argue constantly about our different views and he has a habit of not allowing other viewpoints to be heard. I am constantly shot down and its spilling into everyday life. I have made the effort to learn a lot about things that interest him and our social ideas but it never seems to be enough and he makes no effort to understand what in saying. There is a breakdown of communication and I can seem to fix it. Is it something to work at, because I don't know if I still love him, there of course brief moments of joy, or are we drifting in two different directions?
boyfriend wont communicate, our interests and views have changed, there is also no sexual spark, constantly arguing due to this, working it out failed. Should I try again or is it dead?
I've known let's call her A for a long time now and through most of our friendship she had a boyfriend and the whole time she complained about how they fought all the time and she hated it. I was there for her every time they got in a fight at night and she'd call me just asking me to talk while she fell asleep. Fast forward about 9 months this has been happening and they broke up. Our friendship becomes normal for a while when I ask the question, which may have been dumb but I said, have you ever thought about us dating? This is where things got really misleading and she said yeah, I think you'd make an amazing boyfriend too but I need you as a friend. That blow hit me pretty hard but I basically had just told her I had thought about us dating. Now that she knows that it was on the top of my mind she takes things that we use to do all the time I.E phone calls at night when she is upset as me hitting on her or trying to get her to date me when nothing has changed. It was only till a few months after the breakup that I realized that I liked her because I had never thought about it before. So all the stuff I did was just because I cared about her. At least she knows I guess¿
asked my best friend if she has ever thought about dating me she said yes but now sees all the nice things I do for her and have done for her as trying to get with her. Which isn't the case.
I have been dating my girlfriend, same age as myself, for seven months now. This is the longest and most committed relationship I have been in, thus far in my life, and I care about this girl enough to hazard to say that I love her. But a bit of backstory, she's clinically depressed, and has inattention ADHD, this leads to a lot of moodswings and sudden nervous breakdowns and panic or anxiety attacks. I can't be with her all the time to help her through these events as I have a pretty rigorous work/school schedule, and she constantly accuses me of 'not knowing her' and 'not being there' and not being able to help, and it's tearing me apart. But I care about her enough that I still want to be with her in order to help her, and I don't know what to do anymore.
Girlfriend(16f) lots of moodswings and nervous attacks, I can't be there to help all the time and she blames me(16m). I still love her, but it really hurts for me to not be able to help.
Last night was my 22nd birthday and I invited my friends over for a pregame before heading to a karaoke bar. One of my friends is an extremely attractive girl who is amazingly sweet, who also happens to have a clit piercing. The back-story here is that she showed it to my girlfriend about a month ago, and that I have been begging her to see it, albeit jokingly, ever since. The night started with all of us drinking and me again drunkenly asking her to see it for my birthday which my awesome girlfriend said she was totally fine with. Karaoke was a blast, we all had a great time, I got to sing "Friends in Low Places", and I don't remember anything after getting in the Uber home. Today, after waking up with my girlfriend and realizing that neither of us remember anything after the Uber home, I texted my buddy to see if he could piece together the end of the night His response was "It was really fun, you were pretty drunk but aren't you glad you finally got to see the ring?" I thought he was fucking with me all day so I finally texted the owner of said clit ring, and she hits me with this: "Yeah last night was fun. I let you feel it in the Uber and then when we got home you and your girlfriend and I went into your room and I got naked and let you play with it." Obviously I have no memory of seeing, feeling, or playing with my sexy friend's clit and clit ring, but she tells me "I really liked the diamond bead" that was on it. FUCK.
I blacked out on my 22nd birthday, have no recollection of playing with my sexy friends clit ring, and probably missed out on a threesome.
Okay. I was a junior in high school. My girlfriend at the time was a senior. I felt cool, but I was nervous because I was still a virgin, and she told me straight up that she wanted to have sex. To seem cool I told her that I wasn't a virgin and that I was really good at sex (seems so stupid looking back but she bought it). Anyway, we end up hanging out at her best friend's house. And then her best friend says she has to leave for a bit. Then my gf gives me "the look". OH GOD, THIS IS IT. THIS IS HAPPENING. MAN UP. LOOK SHARP. So against my better judgement we decide to have sex on her friend's bed. The lights were out and it was completely dark. I couldn't see a thing. So I'm on top and this is totally happening, not really having a clue what I'm doing but faking my way through it. So everything seems to be going well but then she kinda laughs. My self esteem drops dramatically and I ask what's so funny. "Nothing. You're sweating a lot, but it's okay" She tells me. Which was weird because I didn't really feel like I was sweating. Who cares, I'm having sex. So a few minutes go by and then a familiar feeling runs down my face. I immediately know what's happening and I stop cold. My nose had started bleeding. And it's common for me. But the thing is that I get them really bad to the point where they don't stop. And I wasn't sure when it started bleeding and because it was dark I couldn't access the damage. So I choose my next word's carefully... "OH MY GOD THAT'S NOT SWEAT!!" I said trying not to sound to sound alarmed, but not working. To which she replied "...What!?" So we turn the lights on... and goddammit there is BLOOD. FUCKING. EVERYWHERE. All over my face and torso, all over this poor girl (her face, boobs, stomach legs, etc.), all over the bed, some on the walls, some on the curtains, all over the pillows. Just everywhere. EVERYWHERE. So I look at this girl right in the eyes as we are covered in my blood and tell her "So yeah... I lied, I'm a virgin."
Accidentally covering a nice girl in my blood the first time I had sex made me admit that I lied and was, in fact, not the stallion I made myself out to be.
I'm between insurance, and I can't afford a therapist right now. I have to wait another few months until my new insurance kicks in. I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was 21 due to emotional, verbal, and physical abuse from my mom between 8-14. She and I have a great relationship now, I had a stellar therapist and my triggers, anger, and flashbacks associated with my PTSD are all but gone. Abandonment is still a big hot button for me, though. It's ruined friendships, relationships, you name it. I haven't really had a truly healthy romantic relationship until now (I've only dated one guy who was actually abusive, and I left a week after it started happening). So, my question/problem: I've been seeing a guy for just under two months. Things are going great; we decided to be exclusive, I've met both of his parents. I hit it off with them really really well (they even told me, all separately, that none of his exes got along that well with both of them -- his mom even referred to me as his girlfriend, which we haven't made official yet), I've met some of his friends. He hasn't met my parents or any of my friends, but only due to scheduling conflicts. My dog adores him. Our relationship is moving ahead wonderfully, and I'm in no rush to hurry things along. It's honestly my very first dive into a seriously healthy relationship and I don't want to fuck it up. I've already had one "episode", and he sated my anxiety very well. He can already tell something is us with my confidence, and has called me out on it -- we communicate very openly and he's always available to talk. I'm worried because I don't necessarily want to out myself as being emotionally fucked up because it's easy for me to just write my low self confidence off on "being a girl", which he's accepted so far. I don't want him to think I'm still really sick, and I also don't really want him to know about WHY I have these issues: my mom is a great mom now, and I don't want him to have a sullied view of her. I don't expect him to fix these issues, I don't want him to treat me differently, I don't want to manipulate him into feeling like he has to now deal with my problems, or make him feel emotionally responsible towards me, and most of all, I don't want to fuck things up. Right now I'm doing really well. Every time I realize my potential for error (getting REALLY upset and feeling heartbroken if he tells me he has plans -- even if he wants to make more on two different days!), I remember that it's not his fault that I'm upset, he hasn't done anything wrong, and I fix my head. It's been working pretty well so far; I almost didn't post this. Thanks in advance for any advice, it's really appreciated!
Should I tell new guy thing about my abandonment issues, or just chalk it up to low self confidence and not let him know about my fucked up past (while working on things in my own head, in a healthy way)?
I met this amazing girl (Shes 18, I'm 16), when I was volunteering back in August. We grew fond of each other really quickly and we found out we had a lot in common, so we were always chatting, and joking around . (despite the fact that we only saw each other maybe three times a week and I never saw her outside of this). One of the last times I saw her (she said she lives a bit away from me, but never told me where exactly), we decided to stay in contact over Facebook. (Just pointing out now, we only knew each other for about a month and a half, and we were just friends) After a few months, we started chatting on Facebook, mainly about coping with school, exams, etc. This went on for a while, and I think we really got to know each other well. We chatted for a few months, just up until the start of January, when then, all of a sudden, she stopped. She stopped sending me messages, and didn't even look at the ones I sent (According to that Facebook "seen" thing) and I really have no idea why. I never said anything bad or offensive, and It just seemed so sudden. I even left it for a while, and still no reply. I'm really confused at the moment. One of the problems is that I really like her, but I'm not sure if she likes me back. We never got to actually hang out, and I can't ask her, because she's not responding to my messages, and I really don't to lose her. Can anyone help me with this mess?
Met this amazing girl, agreed to stay in contact through Facebook, going well until she stopped responding to my messages, but I have no idea why.
Haven't read the other comments, but my experience is unique so I'm not worried about repeating what others say. When I was 10 the movie Jurrasic Park came out in theaters. I was ecstatic. Dinosaurs! I'm 10 and there's dinosaurs! Of course my mom had to get in my way. She was concerned about the violence and my young mind (she hadn't seen it, either). How was she to help me with this? She wanted me to know what to expect from the violence involved before I went in. I had to read the book. I read it mostly on a summer vacation road trip to Wyoming. I didn't understand most of it, especially the chaos theory stuff, but I read it. If all else fails and I do no other thing in my life I was going to see that movie!!! And I did. It was magical, but it was also the first time I was disappointed by a movie because I'd read the book. But I took it on its own, independently of the book to some extent and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Let him read it. It won't hurt. If he can't read at that level he's stretching. If he can then holy crap a 10-year-old who understand chaos theory!
So, I'm currently involved in a long distance relationship. It started when she mistakenly texted me instead of some other guy. We've been talking back and forth for a few weeks now, and have been able to talk briefly on Skype. However, our situation is kind of odd. She is currently a high school student in Ottawa, and I'm a University student in Waterloo. (There isn't really an age difference, She's 16, I'm 17). That's about an 7 hour drive, more or less. The problem is, I don't have much money, or a car. I want to be able to organize going up there for a week, but I'm not sure if I could afford it or how I'd even do it. Can anyone help me out with this?
Need a cheap way to travel from Waterloo to Ottawa for a week Edit: If you guys could offer what you thing the prices would be like, that would help too.
Absolutely not this. I'm currently working on my masters in human genetics and with all do respect to Mr.Fetish and Ms.Girl, they both seem to be speaking out of their areas of expertise (which I would guess are folding chairs and physics respectively). The chances of a child of first degree relative (Siblings or Parent-Child) to be born with some sort of birth defect is currently quoted to be upwards of 30% (for comparison the general population risk is around 3%. Yes even when you're over 30). Often in the case of 1st degree relatives this is some form of developmental delay. The simple reason for this is that you and your brother likely share around 50% of your genes, so whatever one of you carries (and we all carry something) the other will often carry as well. I'd recommend seeing a Genetic Counselor if there is one in your area. While large scale panel testing for carrier status is rarely productive (usually because detection rates for some of the diseases are so low that even if you find it in one parent, testing the other doesn't significantly decrease the child's odds of having the condition.) However, in your case the main worry would be passing on the exact same mutation twice from both you and your bother so a large (100+) disease panel would work for you. As far as having no reason to ask for a DNA sample from your brother, like I said any mutation identified in you has a 50% chance of being found in him as well, and if its found in both of you your child then has a 25% chance of being affected. If you have any questions please PM me and I'd be happy to ask some of my professors and look through some of the resources I have access to so I can get you the best answer possible.
flipper foot" babies may be closer to pandas than yetis, but this pregnancy is still at extremely high risk. Mr.fetish needs to brush up on his genetics
Me and my friend took two tabs of LSD and 5 grams of mushrooms and I spent the next several hours in a world without my self. I didn't know who I was or what time was. All I could see was the crystalline geometric fabric of the universe unfolding in front of my eyes. It didn't matter if I closed my eyes or opened them I would see the same thing, BRIGHT geometric patterns filled with millions upon billions of eyes all rotating to form the world around me. I couldn't distinguish between any of my senses so seeing became hearing and feeling and it felt like absolute spiritual bliss as I realized my complete inseparability with everything around me. There was no me to lock down so I became everything, I would see my self in everything and when I thought of the planets they felt like they were there with me in my room. I would glance at a photo of a galaxy I had as my computer wallpaper and wonder what a photo of me was doing there. This went on for hours as me and my friend danced and sang and got into some paints and painted our faces to match the deeper more tribal energy we had now come into manifesting. I forgot to mention that before we took the lsd and mushrooms we set up a canvas and paints. We started finger painting just as it was coming on and that painting just kept evolving and evolving as the hours past and we added more paint and more and we became the paintings and then we painted our selves I don't remember when we stopped but by the next morning we brought something back from that world we were in. That painting now serves as a reminder of what I saw and experiences so I never forget the lessons of that evening how they have forever changed my perspective of the world.?
lots of LSD and lots of mushrooms lead to me and my friend deconstructing as individuals becoming everything and nothing and painting what that felt like while tripping.
When I started college I met this guy in my dorm and we instantly became great friends and he was really the first guy I could say I have been close with (never had bf before). He is a really good looking guy and nice guy. I myself don't get much attention from guys, and I am a lot less attractive than he is. (Not low self esteem just realistic) However, he really likes me and always hangs out with me. He has the attention of a ton of girls yet he spends almost all of his time with me. He invites me to parties, hanging out with his friends, we visit each other during breaks as well. He also is very protective if me if anyone says anything bad about me or something he flips shit (has almost gotten into fights over me). I know he hooks up with other girls and I really don’t care because he doesn’t give them one ounce of respect or love. I know this is going to make me sound like a bad person but I really like how he puts down other girls mainly because I used to get picked on by these types of girls in high school. It also makes me feel good too that even though all these hotter girls try for his attention he chooses me. We have been 'together' or you could say friends for about two years. We have made out, he has fingered me, and I have given him a handjob yet whenever things get too far he stops. I ask him what’s wrong and he tells me, “That I am too good for him and he doesn’t deserve me.” Things have been odd with him because recently we have started talking about our ‘future together’. I don’t know what’s going on at all because we were talking about ‘hypothetically’ how many kids we’d like to have and all. He even went as far out to talk about what private school he’d want our kids to go to. I really want to be with him but I don’t know why he is acting so weird. I am not attracted to any other guys at all and I don’t want to do anything stupid to try to make him jealous. I wholeheartedly enjoy all the time I have with him and I am okay with him not being sexual. I would like to know what you guys think is going on though. I know he wants me yet he goes out of his way to deny himself of me. I am not leaving him I just want to know what you guys think is going on in his head. He isn't religious he used to sleep around with other girls the first year we were together but he has stopped. I know for a fact he isn't cheating on me since I am with him 23/7.
Practically dating a guy for two years he loves me hangs out with me 24/7. Yet he won't have sex with me because he thinks I am too good for him.
When I was ten years old, i went over to my rich friend's house for a sleepover. Next morning, My body's dying to go to the toilet to take a leak, but every single toilet's occupied (3 of them) by his family members. Trying not to make myself sound desperate, I hide my urge to pee and calmly ask my friend to come out, he says "lol no." After 15 minutes of silent death threats to my friend, i finally go in, but it's too late, the yellow liquid of doom had broken my dam and my dick is like a showerhead left on the floor with water turned on high, it's doing its 2013 harlem shake as piss comes out, spraying all four walls of the toilet. Needless to say I ran out of my friends house in my sleeping bag that morning. I later told him I had to go home to feed my dog.
Went over to friends house, needed to piss, toilets occupied, 20 minutes patience and i let my doodle get on the d-floor and make everything wet with excitement
My brother drinks/partys a lot, and sometimes when he gets really messed up he has really bad fits of anger. Almost every time he gets drunk he becomes somewhat narcissistic, obnoxious, and pretty rude. Now I like to party as well, but not nearly as much as he does, nor do I ever get angry/mean. In all honesty I don't really care for my brother's personality at all when he's drunk, and unfortunately I think it's creeping into his sober personality more and more. He's had an apartment with one of our good friends, and it didn't go so well. He trashed it a few times, had people over to drink like every other day, etc. If I remember correctly they got evicted because of all the problems. I want nothing to do with that stuff. I'm pretty introverted, so I wouldn't want people over everyday. Close friends are cool but I definitely need some "me" time to recharge. And due to health issues/personal lifestyle, I would not be partying that much. Would it even be worth it for me to voice my concerns with him before I move into an apartment with him? I'd most likely let him know that if he pulls the stuff that he has before that I wouldn't stay. He's a good dude at heart. We're into a bunch of the same things, have tons of friends together, have great times, etc. I know he's capable of being a good roommate because we share a lot of the good traits, and I'd love to get an apartment with my own brother but I don't want to take a big plunge into something I'm not certain of. With all that being said, I have another good friend who wants to get an apartment with me. He's an overall great dude, and he's one of the very few people I actually look up to. However, I would feel bad about leaving my brother behind.
Have a brother who likes to party, gets really angry when drunk, has a lot of friends over. I'm introverted and don't party constantly. Can't decide if it's hopeless getting an apartment with him. Thoughts, Reddit?
This happened about an hour ago. So, I was walking out of my dorm, and all of a sudden this guy stops me. I assume he's asking for directions, but he then introduces himself as a monk. I think to myself, "Gee, monks don't typically wear weathered down brown leather jackets and baseball caps, but I have nothing better to do. I'll listen to this guy." So he gives me two books, one on yoga and one on some kind of Indian philosophy that I believe was some form of Hindu. He tells me that the latter book was Einstein's favorite book, and shows me quotes about the book from Henry Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and another poet I can't remember. He proceeds to say that it is very enlightening, and I should look into it. Meanwhile, I just say, "Oh yeah?" and "Really?" to just about everything he said. He then asks for a donation. At this point I figure it's a scam, but I also thought that maybe he needs money to help himself or something along those lines. Yes, he may have gotten money for drugs or something, but better to have some kind of faith in him or something along those lines right? So as I get my wallet out to give him a single dollar, he says, "Well, some people give us around $10, but we will take what you can give." I tell him, that I really only have a dollar to give. He then asks, "Do you have a gift card you could possibly donate?" He probably saw my Zaxby's and Wal-Mart gift cards, but I say "No, I don't. I can really only give a dollar." He then takes the bigger book that was "Einstein's favorite" away from me and says, "Well you probably only want the smaller one anyways." Then I knew it was definitely a scam. So, I still have the yoga book, although I kind of wanted the other one. It looked like it'd be an interesting read! Not that I'm converting to Hinduism, I just like to educate myself about a lot of things. So I now own a $1 yoga book. This is where the fuck up comes in. I realized a few minutes ago that those gift cards had no money on them. I could have been an asshole and scammed the scammer by giving him an empty gift card so I could get a book on Hinduism, and I'm kind of upset about that.
Didn't donate enough money to a fake monk, and realized I could have given him an empty gift card so I could get the books he offered
Jeez, looks like everybody had a lousy experience at The Hunger Games! Mine came 5 minutes from the end. My wife and I were seated at the end of a row, near the wall. The theater was packed, and there were two guys sitting next to us. Anyways, about 5 minutes from the end, the...ahem, "person" sitting next to my wife whips out his cell phone to check the time. Of course, this bright light blinds her, me, probably the people behind us, and pulls us right out of the movie. I let out a quick "Dude!" the phone goes away, I figure that it's over and done with. Not so. Once the credits start rolling, the fella accosts me. Wants to know why I complained about the phone. Says that he is expecting an important call, he's an important person, his call is more important than me watching the movie. Worst part is, is we can't get out or ignore him, since he is blocking our way. After giving us shit, while me returning it, his friend gets him out and away up the aisle.
Scold a guy for using his phone to check the time in a movie theatre, he gives me shit for scolding him, asks me if I want everybody dead so I can watch the movie in peace.
So I was in a relationship with this girl for about a year and it got serious. We fell in love, we moved in together, and everything was great for a while. She was my first girlfriend, so it was much easier to get attached to her. She started dumping her depression and anxiety issues on me but refused to get professional help. Me having dealt with those issues in the past, it took too much of a toll on me, so I had to end it. We moved out, but decided to remain friends as I still feel a little attached. I tried cutting her off from my life but fell back into hanging out with her. We still have sex, fight a lot, and I still give her plenty of flirty attention and comfort, probably mostly for my own validation. She ended up getting me a job at her work, and it's the best job either of us have ever had. Our social circle revolves around work. However I feel the need to move on from her in order to pursue other girls. I've gone on dates with/had sex with a couple girls since we broke up, but I just ended up falling back to her out of comfort, even though I don't love her. I have a serious crush on one of our coworkers and really want to pursue it more than anything, but obviously that's gonna be hard with having an ex as a fellow coworker, even though most of our workplace doesn't know she's my ex. I also want to date other girls but its hard for me to muster up the courage to pursue that when I know I can just go back to my ex for comfort. In order to move on, I feel the need to cut myself off from her, but we're tied up in a way where that's not easy. The social life revolving my job is too important for me to leave it. What's my best option here?
I want to move on from my ex, but always finding myself falling back to her for comfort. We work together and hang with the same people so its not easy to cut her off. But I want to pursue a coworker, along with other girls.
Ill start to give you an example. Yesterday, I caught a homeless kid who had broke into my old house I was in the process of moving out of. Instead of calling the cops, I checked to make sure he didn't take anything sat him down and talked to him. He seemed like a nice kid and me being the naive overly trusting person that I am I decided to send him on his way and not call the cops because I figured he was just trying to feed himself and I really felt bad for him. Needless to say, today I returned to the house to find it broken into again and I know it was the same kid as he went through my clothes again and took the same shirt I caught him with yesterday. I feel like an absolute retard now and it's safe to say I'll never make that mistake again. Anyways any other overly trusting redditors out there who've got burned by assholes?
I caught a homeless kid breaking into my house, didnt call the cops and let him go and he came back the next day and robbed me still.
I don't think I've ever seen a burning wrecked car, let alone seen one blow up. Volunteer fire-fighter here. One thing that we're taught as apart of training is that cars can explode, for a number of reasons: Airbags are explosive devices and either fire or an electrical short will cause them to deploy (if they haven't already), often with lethal results to emergency service crews if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cars are extremely dangerous to emergency service crews for this reason now days as it is not uncommon for a typical 'safe' car to have at least five of the damn things. Tyres and some types of suspensions will explode if engulfed by flames. We're taught to attack a vehicle fire at a 45° angle so that if they do explode, we're not in the firing line; Batteries can explode, especially in those newer hybrid cars; Obviously if the fire reaches the petrol/gasoline/diesel fuel tank, it can explode if the fuel/oxygen mixture is right, but will mostly just burn. If the LPG tank is heated sufficiently, it will explode too. In Australia, it is a legal requirement to have a retro-reflective red diamond sticker with white "LPG" writing affixed to the number plate alerting us to the danger (wish it was the same with hybrid/dedicated electric vehicles too, considering electrical/exploding batteries danger); Items that are stored in a vehicle (like transporting an LPG cylinder after filling it for a barbeque) can explode. Yes, vehicles do explode given the right conditions but it's a question of variables and what-ifs, rather than 'how big' an explosion will be. Certainly not a massive, lifting-the-chassis-10m-off-the-ground-in-a-massive-fireball type explosion. Apparently most of the time, accidents will render most vehicles incapable of exploding as the crumple zone will take out the battery, so that electrical arcing is minimised/removed. The worry then is containing spilled fuel and fluids. The biggest danger is then moving the vehicle, where metal on ground contact can trigger sparks. I have not seen, nor heard a car explode; nor do I want to. There are too many things in vehicles now days that can, and will happily kill you.
It depends on a multitude of factors, highly unlikely for a massive explosion to result. Hollywood is full of shit most (if not all) of the time. ;)
So, yesterday I went on a magical, rom-com cliche first date with this guy who's awesome. We grabbed some lunch, then went ice skating and had some playful competition. He's terrible and he ended up ripping his pants (it was pretty funny), so I told him I'd hipster-fy him at Urban Outfitters and we ended up choosing ridiculous outfits for each other to try on. We could've easily been in a musical montage. Afterwards, we drove out to the beach (all the while jamming out to 80's rock) and we walked towards the dark beach. We were all alone and we laid out on the sand next to the waves and looked up at the stars. We just talked and it was amazing. It all culminated to a playful tackle-fight and I ended up on my back and he leaned towards me. All very movie-like. Then he said, "Man, I really want to kiss you now!" I kinda wished he would've just leaned in and gone for it. Then when I gave him the OK, he was...very slobbery. Like, his mouth was over mine and kinda felt like he was sucking my face off. Then he used A LOT of tongue and I kinda had to back off and sort of show him how to kiss. I didn't really want to teach him how to kiss when it was our first kiss! Well, we got past that (I didn't make it a big deal) and then he drove me back and our date ended. For some reason, his lack of kissing ability has just bothered me. I can't help but wish it would've been an awesome kiss. Now, even though the whole day was amazing and he's such a great guy, I can't help but reconsider pursuing the relationship. I feel so shallow for dwelling so much on this, because you can easily teach someone how to be a better kisser! It shouldn't be a big deal! I'm just wondering if I'm being silly for over-looking everything else just because of his kissing skills? Has a bad first kiss (or continued bad kissing) been a deal-breaker for anyone else?
Had a magical, almost perfect first date with this great guy, but his bad kissing has cast a shadow over my feelings for him. Am I crazy for having this be a big deal or has bad kissing effected other people in their relationships as well?
I always look at the bridge of the nose. I've never been totally confident with looking straight into someone's eyes-- I have no idea why at all, and there's no rational explanation for it. But looking into someone's eyes-- especially when you're talking to them-- is a very huge thing that can show respect. That's not to say that looking away while you talk is disrespectful; it just might imply to the person you're talking to that something else is more important than the conversation.
if you don't like looking into peoples's eyes like me, just look at the bridge, because it will make a much better impression than staring at anything else.
Hey I am not sure how to do this but here goes. I hope this isnt to childish but i need some guidance. I can explain. I sorry about the wall of text! So i have been dating my girlfriend for the past five months ever since prom last year. She is your typical "golden child" straight A's and is a varsity captain of three different sports and i am just an average kid with average grade and a little more athletic than the average kid. We had an awesome time and really clicked. Its safe to say that it this point that I really really like her and she means everything to me but i am fairly certain that these feelings only go one way. By this i mean that i feel like i am the only one putting effort in. I am always the first one to text her and try and make plans on the weekend. I understand that she is busy with school, sports, new job ect but i am not sure if i am a priority to her or not. All i want is to KNOW that she likes me back at least a little bit. Also this will make me sound like your typical winey teenager but it has to do with snapchat. On her top friends list it goes me (the number one) one of her best friends at number two and than another guy that i am 100% sure isnt just a friend and i am afraid that he is a threat to my relationship with her. This may seem small to anyone else but is driving me nuts and i am scared that it is a bad sign. When i said that this was making feel depressed i was telling the truth. When ever my friends will make fun of me for having a girlfriend it hits me hard even though they are not being serious what so ever. I begin to realize all of the small things and all of the problems in our relationship. Whenever i think about the things like how i feel like i am the only one putting in effort or that i am so insecure that the smallest things bother me i sink into a sulking shell. It will usually it me the day after i think about everything and i will be emotionless on the inside but put a face on the outside because there is no one who will listen to me vent and help me out. I will usually stay depressed for a couple days until something takes over my mind which is usually college stuff. I know this may seem childish but its true. I am unsure of what to do because i don't have much experience and i don't want to break up with her because it will break my heart. Please if there is anything you have to say please let me know or if you have any questions please ask.
I am unsure if i am one of my girlfriend's priorities because i feel like i am the only one to initiate anything (even little things like texting). There are other reasons smaller reasons and its really bugging me.
After a night of heavy drinking, my (ex) boyfriend's mom knocked on his bedroom door and asked him if he would follow her a few streets over to drop her car off at the mechanic. Being half-asleep, and feeling like crap, he said no, and I told her I would bring her. So after she dropped her car off, she got into mine (first time we had ever really been alone together) and said "so is he like, super hung?!" I nearly swerved off the road, but tried to maintain my composure, so I said "sorry, what was that?" and to my horror, she repeated the question. "Is (exbf) super hung?!". In my head I only had two options. I could say no, and therefore imply that her genes sucked and her son had a small penis, or I could say yes, (which was the truth) but would completely giveaway the fact that I had seen her sons penis (which, i'm sure she already knew i had, seeing as how i stayed over regularly, but it felt like a strange reply to me nonetheless). I went with the "haha, uhh i dunno i guess so" approach, and she stared blankly at me and said "well isn't that why he felt crappy, because he was hungover?" I felt embarassed and relieved at the same time, but still wanted to jump off a cliff.
BF's mom attempts to turn the word "hungover" into a cool slang word, leads me to think she's asking if her son has a big dick.
I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend D [24] for five months now. No real problems, but we don't love each-other, it's very casual. Before we even started dating, I kept thinking about this guy - N - we went on a date once six years ago. He is a friend of my older brother and still very much in my social circles (although I haven't seen him in about two years.) Well, lately I REALLY can't stop thinking about him. I don't know why. When we used to spend time together in the past, we got along great. There was definitely lots of chemistry, but we never dated due to my young stupidity. I kind of hurt his feelings a bit, I feel like, by not pursuing anything romantic when he clearly wanted to. Well now I am clearly entertaining the thoughts of breaking up with my current boyfriend before it gets too serious and seeing if I can contact the guy from my past and see if something can happen there after all. I am not usually this kind of person, but this one isolated instance just keeps nagging at me. I guess what I'm asking is - is it completely selfish and horrible to do what I am considering doing? I would be ruining a potentially good thing for something that I already passed on long ago. And when I say it out loud like that it seems ridiculous. And yet I can't let go of the idea for some reason. I really can't stop thinking about N and I don't feel like these involuntary thoughts are fair to D, who knows nothing about this. I feel like I'm lying to him, almost. I wouldn't cheat. So I would have to end the relationship before even seeing if anything is possible with N. I just want to hear outside opinions on my reasoning and situation. I can't really talk to anyone in my life about this because we are all a pretty tight friend group.
Stuck on a guy from my past, have a boyfriend, don't know if the guy would even be interested still but can't stop thinking about him and want to break up with boyfriend to pursue it.
I work with all black people one day and one 1 person was white. I say nigger a lot and no one cares. One day the white guy heard me talking to the rest of my niggas during break. The guy told on me to HR (he had nothing to do with what were talking about. Subject who is more hood nigger. Tiger woods or Obama) and I got fired a little bit after lunch.
Don't say nigger around white people or the speak anything racist. White people will be offended by all the suffering the they have to endure.
First things first; I am a 21 year old female who is 4'10'' grossly overweight. I have always have problems with my sinuses due to pressure from an inverted crossbite, so sinus infections always hit me very hard. I contracted one a couple of months ago; typically, I have the most problems with my nose because of my jaw, but this time I experienced a lot of chest pain. Long after the ear/nose/throat problems and antibiotics ended, I am still coughing up blood occasionally. It is common for overweight people to have issues breathing, but I'm not sure the blood is normal regardless. I do not have diabetes or any apparent medical weight-related problems yet. A couple of years back (Oct 2013), I was in the ER for flank pain (my right side) for which I received no formal cause. While trying to diagnose the problem, I received a CT scan that spanned from my lower abdomen to the lower half of my lungs. My lungs revealed that I had some nodules- roughly .5cm apiece. I believe there were four total. The ER doctor who went over the scan with me stated that these could be cancer or fungus. Since moving to Philadelphia from Memphis in 2012, I have had trouble breathing in the dead of northeastern winters, so I am making a half-hearted assumption that is also related. I know that Memphis has cleaner air than Philly, but fungal infections are more common there (not common , since they are rare to begin with, but moreso than in Philly). I do not smoke cigarettes, though I did for roughly 3 months several years back. I currently smoke marijuana very rarely and vape occasionally. With all of this information in mind, I have decided I'm miserable and worried enough to follow up. What steps should I take to do so (preferably insurance approved), and what kind of doctor(s) should I see? At the moment, I'm working on the weight portion, since that will help breathing issues among other things. Anyone who has experiences with nodules, fungal or cancerous, I would love to hear your input as well. Do you have things that you do for day to day comfort?
still coughing up blood post sinus infection, possibly related to lung nodules. Please advise on next steps. I will not be Breaking Bad if this ends up being cancer.
I'm always baffled when certain artists are just universally hated, especially because most of the vitriol comes from people who have never actually listened to it. And it will suddenly be everywhere , all these people just go on and on and on whining and making snide jokes about how awful it is. I happen to think Justin Bieber is a great example of this. I heard a few of his songs, didn't care for them, and so I just don't listen to his music. Sure, I don't understand the insane devotion of a lot of his fans, but I equally don't understand why so many people go out of their way to talk about him and how much he sucks and how he's such a loser and how bad his music is. I just have to wonder why in the fuck they would care, especially when we're talking about people really far outside the intended audience. I mean, I can see how if you're a 12 year old girl who doesn't like him, it could be irritating (I was a 12 year old girl when Hanson got popular; it was really difficult to be the one who didn't like Hanson). But when I see tons of college-aged and even middle-aged men (for example) ripping on Justin Bieber for months , it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to me.
I do not understand how people can hate an artist and/or their music, yet choose to talk about that artist and/or their music all the time , or why certain artists get picked for this to happen on a massive national (or even international) scale.
Mine was a patry in which my friend and I got shit faced and decided to climb to the roof, take off our clothes, and jump into the pool. Once we got out, we proceeded to walk around and party, still naked. Following morning, I wake up in his sisters bed (she wasnt in it) went outside, said good morning to his mother who was making pancakes for breakfast. I gulped down a few, then went outside to help with the clean up. When I got outside, I felt a breeze on my man parts, looked down and sure enough. I had just eaten pancakes at my friends GLASS table with his mother, completely naked. Needless to say, I got my clothes off the roof and hightailed it out of there.
Got drunk, climbed roof, got naked, jumped in pool, fell asleep, ate breakfast with friends mother having full view of my junk, went outside to assess damage, realized what had happened.
I recently graduated from a public university and got my first salary job. I work as a marketing project manager in a middle sized corporation out in Toledo, OH. I got this full time gig through an internship, and to be honest I didn't even know what marketing was before I started it (I was a history major). For pretty much the entirety of my life, I was looking forward to the 40 hours of work that I would do every week, the moderately sized paycheck, and the amount of time that I would have off to spend it and enjoy my life. When I started working, I realized that the 40 hour workweek doesn't really exist, and the technology that I used to love using is just something the company uses to keep me chained to work. I have a smart phone with secure corporate email, a corporate laptop that I'm required to have on me at all times, and we're getting iPads next week (that we're required to have on us for work). I work closer to 60-70 hours / week and I make a very entry level salary, and I'm seriously starting to wish I had an hourly job doing something more meaningful. There's no work life balance, I barely get to see my family anymore, and my girlfriend (that I live with) I feel like I rarely get to see. Are we really progressing with these technological advances or are they simply giving our employers more means to stay in contact with us at all times and consistently improve our productivity and therefore their bottom lines? It feels like with each of these new technological advances, we're just working harder and longer hours, and it's becoming a 24hr/7 day workweek rather than a 40 hour workweek.
Technology used to give us serious boosts in life satisfaction (having fire, boats, refrigeration, penicillain). In the recent 5-7 years it seems like advances in technology simply just keep us busier/more distracted/lazier/give us lower quality of life. What do you think?
Your attitude on this point is absurd. It's literally "if it's not taught in medical school, we're not going to learn it". That's fine, but when coupled with your question and subsequent statements (
I'm deliberately going to die impoverished and underprovide for my family with some odd term life product), you're not really a good subject for empathy.
They probably do these other tests in addition to this. But the genius of this one is that they're being tested without realising that they're being tested. We act differently if we know we're being watched, these astronauts are under the assumption that they're adhering to tradition not being tested. It tests the aptitude of the astronauts, because they have to be naturally careful and and incredibly observant. In space there would be a lot that can go wrong if you're not paying attention, but also a lot of sitting(/floating) around which would dull the senses. A naturally sloppy person who works well under stress would be useless in space because of all the time spent sitting around would lull the person into a sense of false security. An excessively long and pedantic test like this would be perfect to weed out the natural sloths. Plus it tests their ability to perform to time constraints, and their ability to perform tasks that may seem insignificant to the participant(which itself is a unique and valuable ability).
if the test was faster and more effective, then it wouldn't work. It is intentionally a mundane pain in the arse to test their attention to detail and dedication under prolonged stress.
Interesting question. It seems that most of the responses thus far have pertained to relationships, and mine is as well. Further, I am acting from the assumption that there is an exclusive and (otherwise) monogamous relationship in play. First, I would say "is there consent from everyone involved?" Now, I wouldn't condone open relationships personally, but I wouldn't necessarily call it cheating IF and ONLY IF everyone directly involved has freely given their consent and follows any mutually agreed-upon rules that are set. Second, I would then proceed to consider what the other person did, and is it behaviour that is usually reserved to exclusive relationships. For example, a simple hug or a kiss on the cheeks might not necessarily be indicative of cheating (remember that in many other cultures, these actions often do not carry any overt romantic or sexual connotations). However, making out or proceeding to engage in clearly-sexual activity with them would constitute infidelity. That being said, I would consider dating or sexual activity outside of the relationship to be cheating if there was no prior discussion and agreement in place. The only proper things to do are either: a.) make sure that you and your SO are in agreement before starting something else, OR b.) end the existing relationship and pursue the new person-of-interest.
it really depends on the relationship and one's mores; things CAN (but may not necessarily) be indicative of cheating. And, if you're looking at pursuing someone else, then you can either get your SO on board or end the current relationship and move on.
I graduated a few months ago and am currently sort of stalled out in life, mired in complete indecision about what I want to do with my life. I did super well in college, best in my major, good grades, student leader, promoted at my part time job, etc. But I'm all confused about whether I want grad school, or job for experience in field then grad school etc. In the meantime, my student job currently has no work and I've been slow about getting another part time job, 2 months or so. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here because other people in my life are making comments and it's making my blood boil. I don't mind talking to my mom and dad about it, cuz I value their input and I'm still living at home. But I was picking at my aunt the other day and she comes back with "Yeah, you got a job?". Pissed. So much I could say. Friend who graduated with me, again we're joking and it's "I filled out cover letters today, what'd you do again?". I don't have a problem with legit advice, but these are digs at me. There is a litany of strong, valid personal attacks and critiques I could respond with, but I bite my tongue. I can't keep biting my tongue, this shit has to stop before I verbally unload all my stress on them.
They feel like they can critique whatever little imperfections they find in my life, but me being a person who minds in own business doesn't point out the glaring failures in their lives. How can I deal with this in a firm, productive way?
I dated a guy about 10 years ago who got deployed to Afghanistan. He was only gone roughly 2 months. We were very serious, we had been together for about a year. I sent him care packages all the time. I talked to some of his undeployed buddies every day to see if they had any updates. One day, they told me he was home. I was so excited! I called his phone, it rang and then went to voice mail. His friends said to give it a day or so. I called back, and still nothing. I called once or twice every day for about a week. Once I called with my roomate's cell phone. He answered and I was so happy I started asking him how he was feeling, telling him how much I missed him, etc. He then replied with "Who is this?" which hurt me pretty bad. When I told him who I was he actually pretended to be SOMEONE ELSE and say that this was a new number for him. After a day or two, I called him at his office and he screamed at me and told me he wanted nothing to do with me and that he thought I would have gotten that hint by then. After a year of dating, he just ignores me and hope I go away. I loved him so much. Years later, he apologized. He still never gave me a reason why he all of a sudden hated me. I forgave him, but it still hurt me to the core. It was extremely heartbreaking.
Boyfriend of a year. Madly in love. He gets deployed and when he returns, acts like I don't exist and ignores me, hoping I will go away forever.
So, like the title explains, my boyfriend recently re-added an ex girlfriend of his on Facebook. The reason she was removed before was because she threatened me with physical violence and called me a bitch. I do not personally know her, nor does she know me so I was caught off guard by this and told him he should remove her, which took some begging, and she was removed. She was added again and I brought this up to him and now he refuses to remove her again saying she is his friend and that I should not hold grudges. I then compromise with him and asked if he would remove her if she ever threatened me again and he refused once again. Reddit, I don't know what to do. I really love and care for him, and I don't want this to come between us, how do I get him to understand how I feel about this situation? I have tried reasoning with him, but he refuses to even hear me out. Am I wrong?
Boyfriend re adds ex, I tell him to remove her again but he refuses. How do I reason with him, or get him to understand how I feel?
Backstory: I was THAT kid of the class back in highschool. nice-guy, check, fedora, check, anime, check, memespeak, check, no friends, check, literally the epitome of /r/neckbeards . AND I was shy as fuck and never really talked to any girl in my grade, she surely knows that I'm into her though. Had a fresh start since college and now I can confidently say I am a way more interesting person and finally socially adjusted. Been backpacking quite a bit too and that certainly helped as well. Cultural backstory: we are from a kinda hipster area. she's semi-hipster and kinda alternative Now about my immediate problem: About 1 month ago, I was doing a section hike and she saw some of the pictures and commented how awesome the fact that I'm doing this. Taking that chance, I messaged her and talked a bit, just to catch up and talk about random stuff, but she stopped responding after two or three days. I was kinda disappointed because she obviously didn't wanna talk much, but like a normal person I have became, I moved on and kept doing other things. Thing that is mind boggling is, she now "likes" almost all my facebook picture uploads, and started following me on instagram as well (I don't even use it) and respond fairly enthusiastically whenever I comment and every time we'd talk for a bit in the comments then stop. Here's my question, do you think she is into me? and if yes, how would I go from here to asking her out and why is she doing this?
highschool crush would -not talk to me via facebook -like all my pictures and comment on some -talk to me on comment section of instagram What is going on? Please don't sugarcoat your opinion, any input is appreciated!!
So my me and my girlfriend of 3 years broke up about a month ago. A few months before that she had cheated on me with a high school friend of hers but we tried to work it out. Long story short it didn't work and we broke up. We tried getting back together, having an open relationship, a bunch of other stuff I shouldn't have done. This all led to severe depression and I actually had to quit drinking due to some issues it was causing. Well a few weeks ago she cut it off saying she didn't love me anymore, which I guess that fear was what caused most the problems I was having. Since she told me she no longer loved me I came to peace with it and it ended my depression. Weeks have passed and I'm ready to move on, but I have no idea where to start. I tried dating sites (her and I met) but haven't had any luck. I work a minimum 6 days a week so I'm pretty busy. Any advice?
Girlfriend of 3 years cheated and we broke up a little longer than a month ago and I want to move on. I work a lot and have no idea where to start.
Hi everyone, This is my first time posting, ever. So I graduated from my university as of this morning and I'm a Management major(Bachelor's). I plan on working for a year or two then going back for a Master's in Finance. I've applied for several firms and jobs on my school's career site in addition to others, but I think I've hit a bit of a wall now in terms of my qualifications and the jobs I can apply to(I can PM a resume for those curious). I can realistically relocate anywhere in the US or even abroad, but I would prefer to stay in the States. So I've applied to companies such as Google, Delta, Coca-Cola, MWV, Apple, Amazon, so on and so forth. The biggest thing I'm looking for is growth potential and culture of the company. I don't necessarily care so much about the pay, but I definitely care if the job isn't going to help me in the future or if I'm going to hate going to work there every day.
I would appreciate some insight on what companies to apply for that have good growth potential and culture that I would be a good fit for as a Business Management major.
Okay guys. I need your opinions on this. My girlfriend and I have been dating for about six months now. We're both seniors in high school. She lives with her Mother, as her Mom and Dad are divorced. Here's the situation. Her Dad went overseas with the army, and her Mother divorced him while he was away. He supposedly has been stalking her ever since. Now I'm very skeptical about the situation, and I haven't said much to her about my opinion, but here's what she says happens. He came around once in the middle of July while they were in New Hampshire and broke into their house. He apparently (I haven't confirmed this) installed spyware on their computer, including Key Loggers and a Trojan Horse, which they have subsequently used MacAffee on (I don't know which OS they're running, I assume Windows XP or Vista) but it hasn't alleviated the problem? Now apparently he comes to their house every night with a flashlight and walks around their apartment, but the thing that made me suspicious is that in all the times he has supposedly come around, she's never gotten a positive ID that it was in fact him. According to her, her mother has friends who live in the Bahamas, she having only met one of them, she apparently visits them regularly. She was scheduled to fly out yesterday, but her boarding pass was changed to a different flight, they think due to the key logging software her Mom's ex installed on their computer (why she would buy a boarding pass from a computer that supposedly has spyware on it I don't know). Something does NOT add up in this equation. There was a situation regarding her custody, she's 17 right now, and still lives with her mother. Over the summer she was going to sue her mother because she wasn't "being responsible to take care of her". One final thing that made me skeptical was that he supposedly turned on and off the lights in their house. They don't have built in lights, but lamps, because they live in an apartment. She cited "Army and Hacking experience" to justify it, but I wanted to call bullshit so bad. She has no proof for any of this. Only the word of her mom. I want to say that her mom has some ulterior motive, but I can't prove that either. What do you guys think?
My girlfriend is convinced her Mom's ex is stalking them, has hacked into their computer despite using anti-virus software, and now has changed her boarding pass to go see friends she's never personally met. She can't substantiate any one of those claims. I want to call bullshit.
Kind of a long story, but I am with my girlfriend visiting her family in Ohio. We both currently live in New Jersey. We were out for the day and had parked our car in a public lot. Someone smashed the side window and stole my girlfriends purse. The only thing in there that really had much personal information was her license. But also my old provisional license was in there, the one from where I was 17. My provisional is "retired" as it has a hole punched in it somewhere, but I am not sure where. Would they usually punch over the license number to protect against something like this? Or do they give you a new number when you get your new non-provisional license? Is there really much that can be done identity theft wise with a stolen license? By the way, this all happened last night, we did call the cops, and I am pretty sure we saw the guy who did it leaving the lot. Got his plate number and gave it to the cops, who said it was not registered to the same vehicle it was on, so that might lead to catching him. He did use my girlfriends debit card but we canceled it already and those payments will be reversed.
Someone stole my girlfriends current license and my old not current provisional one(NJ licenses), should either or both of us be worried about identity theft? Edit: Also she had a photocopy of her passport, but it had her old address on it(as did her license)
One of my coworkers is an adorable sweet Asian girl who joined my team about 3 months ago. We all assumed she was straight. We found out last week (though she wasn't the one who brought it up) that she prefers women and she's in a relationship with a woman right now. Some male coworkers on my team who are in their mid-20s are being immature teenage boys about it. They're not mean-spirited at all -- they have the best intentions when tease her about it (and I know they only tease her because it's not a big deal), but I can tell it makes her uncomfortable. From what I've judged, she seems to be still uncomfortable with her sexuality. She has a hard time sticking up for herself, and she doesn't tell the guys to knock it off. She tries laughing it off, but I know she would like them to stop. I'm a 32 year old woman and we're the only women on the team (yay tech). I'm not a manager, and I don't have any direct authority over our male coworkers. I want to ask the guys to stop, but at the same time, I don't want to be the overbearing maternal coworker who takes everything too seriously, ESPECIALLY when she herself laughs along with them and hasn't asked them to stop. What can I do to support her?
my coworker is a lesbian who is uncomfortable with her sexuality and our male coworkers are giving her a hard time about it. How do I support her as a 32 year old only-other-woman on the team?
Inhabiting a region in which the widespread of someone else's personal beliefs and how they were raised is, without consequence, forcibly reinforced against you, and is expected to be lived up to, despite their perspectives and opinions not only opposite of your own mannerisms and natural way of being, but may also be purely fictitious through your own eyes. Everything that we are introduced to, perceive, and interpret, is entirely subjective.
I'm just tired of unnecessary hypocritical and falsely authoritative behavior, as well as the self righteous religious, sexist, and racist nut-jobs who think it's either their way, or no way at all.
We've been together for a year (I count it from the day we met though I know most people wouldn't). When we first started dating, I told him I was polyamorous (I was involved in a FMF triad while living in Paris a few years back). After about 3 months of dating, he went away on a trip for the weekend, and I ended up spending the weekend with a girl I met while I was out clubbing. We didn't have sex, but we held hands and were kissing all weekend. When he got back, I told him I had kissed a girl and he was upset but told me he still wanted to be with me if I wanted to be with him. Three months later, we broke up so that I could be with women. One month after that, we were back together after I'd slept around a bit but wasn't involved with any girls I really liked. I love being with him. We have amazing sex, he's so sweet to me, and I know he really loves me...but as much as I would love to be with longer term in a stable committed relationship, I know I can't until I fully understand my feelings for women. My BF and I have an amazing time together, and I don't want the good times to end prematurely, but we both know that when it comes to making big decisions in our relationship (moving in together, marriage, etc) I won't be able to do it. Should I stay and enjoy the summer with him, or is sooner better than later to call it quits?
I [25F] don't think I can fully commit to anyone until I experience a fully romantic relationship with a woman. Should I leave my BF now or stay until the summer ends?
I had this friend my Freshman year of college and we had an early math class together with by far the worst professor I have ever had. We studied a lot and got to know each other and eventually we started hanging out. At some point I started inquiring more into her personal life and she was telling me about her relationship problems and how she had trouble finding gentlemen to her SO. She ran into some jerks and into some guys who were already taken (understandably). I forget everything else I said in that conversation (and the others that we had) but I do remember saying exactly this, "It can happen at anytime". 5 minutes later when I had introduced to my roommate and left the room they were already going at it, as in making out. That relationship didn't last but she got hopeful and after it was over I never heard from her again. For more context I was already in a happy relationship and my theory anyway is that she had feelings for me after the fact but knew I was already in a committed relationship so she bailed.
I met this girl and tried to help her out personally, I theorize she developed feelings for me and cut off communication because I had a SO.
The for-profit law schools like Florida Coastal. A private equity firm bought out a couple of accredited law schools and began admitting anyone and everyone smart enough form the word with their mouths to ask, ignoring the often terrible LSATs these prospective students have. That doesn't seem that bad, however this is where being an accredited school comes into play. When the government gives accreditation to a professional school, it allows any admitted student to get government provided school loans. Not only that, but it can exceed the tuition of the school allowing for the students to get anything with the money they get. The accreditation translates to as many students as they can admit with a guaranteed full tuition from all of them. To make things worse, these schools are terrible. You may have been wondering how are they maintaining accreditation. Well, the government looks at employment rates of exiting students to measure success. This school cheats the system by employing some their students temporarily until the monitoring period ends and the stats are recorded which usually means they get fired 9 months after graduation. This is a particularly bad kick in the teeth for students hoping to become lawyers and find out that they are unemployable with an average of $200,000 of student debt, which, mind you, cannot be removed by declaring bankruptcy. [Here is an article written less then a week ago](
Equity firm 1-ups for-profit colleges by turning law schools into money factories by accepting anyone and granting them limitless government funded student loans, knowing that many of them couldn't even pass their LSATs and have no chance at becoming lawyers. Edit:word
So I've been dating my boyfriend for about 4 months, and it has been near perfect. We have great chemistry, have so much in common, and are always having fun together. I have no doubts about the amazing quality of the relationship. When we first started dating, the fooling around was going quite slow, and he finally admitted that he was a virgin. I was a bit apprehensive, but stuck with him obviously, because he is great. Somehow he was a natural :) I worry, though, that someday he will wonder what it's like to sleep with other girls. I have a lot of experience, so I'm less concerned because I know I thoroughly please him. I would ask him about this, as we have a really open and honest relationship, but I think it might be a little bit neurotic of me. I'm a very self-confident and optimistic person, but this crossed my mind and I can't get it out of my head. Any men out there that have been in this place, and can lessen my worries?
I recently started dating a guy who had little relationship experience, I took his virginity, and despite the sex being great, I worry that eventually he will want to know what it's like to sleep with other women.
So, today I sat down to make myself a handy-dandy spreadsheet to figure out my monthly payments, understand where/how I am really spending, and figure out how to maximize what I am putting away, based on my semi-monthly paycheck. My GF was shy to the idea, and as we dug into what she had to pay each month, the Credit Card bills just kept piling up. It's roughly $20k in debt, spread across 6 different cards. I've always done my best to never spend money I do not have, but upon finding this out - aside from her being super depressed about her value as a human (something I have vehemently protested) - I am wondering what the best way to solve for this debt is. She doesn't make a lot, and about 80% of her monthly income is going towards necessities, leaving her little room to pay off her 6 different cards. At best she pays minimums, but even then can't afford them all. How can we solve this? What's the best plan of attack? Her cards are close to maxed out so there's no wiggle room to consolidate. Is bankruptcy the right option here?
My GF is $20k in debt on credit cards alone, and can only pay minimums on some of the (6) cards each month. What is the best way to get this debt wiped clean? Thanks for serious answers!
Ok, this is going to be a long read, so put on your reading pants and grab some popcorn. I hang out with a group of around 2 people at college. A girl and 2 guys. This started in the first term of the school year (2015/2016). This girl in the group used to like me but never really told me. I noticed some signs but ultimately I asked my best friend (let's call him Tomato), who is her close friend too for 2 years now, and he confirmed that she used to like me but now she's unsure. He also asked me if I liked her and I said yes, I was beginning to. Ever since I told him that, he stated acting weirdly. The girl always turns her attention to me in college, like if I'm in the group she'd start "annoying" me and such. Recently it's been happening a lot more, and I noticed that Tomato started getting annoyed. Now here's the interesting part: I'm not entirely sure what annoys him. So we talked a lot about this topic recently and after deep discussion I realized he doesn't like it when she "teases" me. His reasoning being that he does't like his friends to be targets of meanness. I wasn't convinced about this so I kept digging, only to realize he also told me that he didn't like that she asks and interrogates him about me all the time. He also told me that he feels like a "third wheel" when we all hang out (all 3 of us). He feels like I want to spend time with her alone instead of with them both, and so wants to start leaving this group. Being my best friend, I don't want him to leave the group. We study together, we hang out together. I'm not sure about why he feels like leaving. I would much prefer it if we all stayed together and IF in case something sparks between us then we'd be able to discuss it. I'm confused as to why he'd act like isolating himself from us at this point in time. So Reddit, what the hell should I do? I'm torn between spending the time with her, trying to convince him to stay, or leave her and just start hanging out with new friends. I like the girl and I might have a future with her, but at the same time I feel like I'm losing him. It might also be the case that he doesn't want us together for whatever reason (maybe wants to preserve his friendship with her?).
Friend wants to leave our group because I like a girl and she's the only girl in the group. He wouldn't tell me clearly why. Not sure what to do.
I've known my girlfriend for about six years and we've been close friends for about a year and a half, and we've been together for close to half a year. We get along quite well, and if we disagree we usually talk it out. Our relationship on a whole has been very good and I'm happy. I come from a rather conservative country and from a Christian family, so parents are quite conservative. They found out about it a while ago and it's been tense since. They disapprove because of religious reasons and they want me to try and distance myself from her, which means that we break up. They think at this age my orientation is still fluid and that it's too early to decide that I am attracted to girls, so that if I nip this in the bud, I wouldn't end up being gay for real. (I'm not sure how else to put it, but this is the general sentiment.) I don't want to talk about religion as it will complicate things, and I don't wish to discuss whether it's right or wrong according to that, but essentially my take on it is that I don't see what I'm doing as wrong, as long as we are happy together and our relationship is healthy. I don't see myself breaking up with her, but I know that if I insist my point it will only upset my parents and sour our relationship, which has been really good up till this point. As I see it, I have to choose between following what they want for me, even though I don't believe in it, or continue to quietly spend time with her. For the latter, I know that one day I'm still going to have to bring it up to my parents, but I hope by then they'll be more accepting and hopefully it will be on my terms when I am older and financially independent. So, what's your take on this and what should I do? For now my plan is to focus on studies and school and spend time with her when I can, probably not as much as before, but I don't see myself cutting her out completely. Is this the right course of action?
I need to choose between my girlfriend and my parents. edit: they say they'll love me not matter what and i dont think i'll get kicked out, but i think that they'll be upset and it'll ruin our relationship.
Freshman year I was in a higher level Spanish class than most (I had started Spanish 7th grade year at one school,and moved to one where everyone else started 8th grade year.) This means I end up with a higher level teacher with a group of older kids. Well, one of the Juniors had a bit of an issue with authority and she would occasionally backtalk the teacher and get sent to discipline. Towards the end of the year, this girl says something to the teacher and she gets sent to discipline again. I don't remember what she said only that it didn't warrant the teacher starting to cry. Our teacher starts to just lose it. She is bawling and dumps the contents of a tupperware that she kept dry-erase markers in onto the floor. She tells us to write down all of the reasons we hate her onto pieces of paper that she sat and tore into squares for us. She told us to pretend to write even if we didn't want to so that she couldn't tell who had said something and who hadn't. Then she tells us to go up and put the paper into the tupperware after she went outside the classroom. We were all freaked out and some of the kids actually wrote out huge lists of reasons why they hated her (I was one of the kids who pretended to write and put an empty piece of paper in the container). She actually read them all and the rest of the year was awkward. We reported what happened but she still taught there and probably still does today.
Spanish teacher had a mental breakdown after a kid backtalked. Made us write down why we hate her and put it in a box while she was out of the room.
We met online on a dating site and after a bit of chatting, I asked her out for coffee. Things went well from there and we had several dates and after a couple months she came over and spent the night. Everything seemed to be great, lots of texts throughout the day and meeting up at least once a week. I met all her friends and it seemed to go well and we both obviously really liked each other. About three weeks ago she started to go a bit quiet, and was not really texting or when she did it was all rather cryptic. Eventually I managed to get a response from her, she said that she has just gotten out of a serious relationship in June and she did not think she was ready for another one, however she still really likes me and has no idea what to do. I basically lay out my feelings and ask her to meet up that weekend so we can talk about it. We talk and I suggest that we both are probably not ready for any serious, she agrees with this and we decide to carry on as things are, as we both still want to continue to see each other, and we will see what happens. That weekend is great, we spend all of it together and a large amount of the bank holiday Monday. We agree to meet up later in the week, however that never happens due to both of us being busy, and we are both busy at the weekend. We text over the weekend and she keeps mentioning that she wants to see me and “it feels weird to not see you all week”. However this is where I am starting to get confused. This week she starts to not reply to my texts as much, we make plans to meet up this week on Wednesday, however that does not happen. When she finishes work we talk and she seems very reluctant. I suggest that I just come over to hers and we cuddle and talk, or just hang out for 1 or 2 hours, she replies with “I want to spend a large chunk of time with you” and she ends up saying that she does not want to meet up that night as she is feeling “dead”, however from twitter I know she was hanging out with friends. I have no idea what to think at this point, I am wondering if she is second guessing our decision to carry on, or maybe I am just overreacting and she just preferred to hangout with friends. I guess I’m thinking if I am stupid for pursuing this relationship and if I should just stop?
Met awesome girl online, get on really well. She freaks out 2/3 months in and we decide to keep things as they are. Now I think she is freaking out again or I am overreacting about her hanging out with friends instead of me.
I moved to New Zealand because my bf at the time was a kiwi and wanted to move back home. So it's my second day there and we go out with his parents to a nice restaurant and stay for a couple of hours ( which was also weird for me, even in a nice place my family is all about leaving after we eat), and I (american) keep asking for refills of my diet coke, no one says anything. The next day we are at a fast food place or something and I remark that it's wierd that they don't offer free refills, and my boyfriend says "oh yeah we don't do that here" and I realize I just cost my future in-laws about $20 in diet coke the night before. I felt so bad, damn polite kiwi's! I have to say, I drank a lot less soda when I lived there.
cost my NZ in laws >$20 in soda at dinner because I was culturally ignorant and they were too polite to tell me that refills aren't free.
Well i am worried about my ex bf. We were friends at first but he was soo depressed and i wanted to help him. He then was out of a long relationship and wasn't doing good. He has been diganosed with depression and bi polar syndrom since 17. We used to talk a lot but i was in a relationship at that time. My relationship broke and i started to hang out with him more and more being for him in his "dark suicidal phases". Besides the depression he was a really good person. Our relationship was great he made me feel wonderful making me see it every day, but after some time my old ex called me and asked to speak to me(we were together for 3 years before we broke up) i said ok, we talked and realised that we still love each other. One day i called him to go out he seemed down for some reason. I told him everything, i saw it his eyes that he just "died" inside. He followed me home we talked and i told him once maybe out of rage that it was never a question of choice between him and my ex. After that we continued to talk a bit but i told him that i cant talk to him alot cause of my bf. After that day i didnt hear from him for 2 months. Nobody knows nothing about him. Some people saw, they say he let himself go that he is drinking and doing drugs. I am worried cause the last thing he told me is that i was the only person he could call a friend. Dont know what to do, don't want to mess my relationship but don't want him to suffer, i am afraid that he might do something stupids. Sorry for long txt...
My 3 year old reatinship broke, than i got with this guy, was great but got back with ex. Worried about him cause nobody seen him for 2 months he is depressed worried what he might do or what he is doing.
Hi guys -- I'll start by saying that I have no affiliation whatsoever with Wikipedia, and I've posted this in Ask Reddit so it's not for the karma. I just read the below plea, from Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder: > Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 13,000 staff. We have 679 servers and 95 staff. Wikipedia is the #5 site on the web and serves 450 million different people every month – with billions of page views. Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia. Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others. When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different. We’ve worked hard over the years to keep it lean and tight. We fulfill our mission, and leave waste to others. If everyone reading this donated $5, we would only have to fundraise for one day a year. But not everyone can or will donate. And that's fine. Each year just enough people decide to give. This year, please consider making a donation of $5, $10, $20 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wikipedia. You can see more [here]( I think it's a really wonderful thing they're doing, and more people need to be supportive of a website which I think has become quite an important resource in a growing online world.
if you've ever Wikipedia-ed what you're eating for lunch, maybe consider throwing a couple of bucks their way so they don't resort to being yet another website ruined by ads.
I'll start. I was probably about 13 years old, home alone one night. I lived in a small town so we use a wood stove instead of a heater. I was gettin cold so I decided to build a fire. My mother loved to decorate everything and on this particular fire place, she had a glass plate with a candle on it. I didn't notice or think anything of it. As the fire was getting nice and hot, I hear a loud CRACK! and then SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. obviously, the candle had melted, and the plate shattered. The candle wax covered the entire top of the fire place and it filled the entire house with thick smoke in a matter of what seemed like seconds. I was running around opening all the windows freaking out when all of a sudden, the wax catches on fire. I was like aww HELL NO. So I quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher that we keep by the fire place and put that shit out and then dampened the fire inside.. Then I called my dad, who was on the volunteer fire dept, told him that the house was filled with smoke, and that I almost burnt the place down. He showed up at the house with smoke billowing out of all the windows like, wtf? His friend came with the fire truck that had a big ass fan, put it in the doorway and it blew all the smoke out. The end.
built a fire in the fireplace which had a plate and a candle on it, the plate broke, filled the house with smoke, caught on fire, and then I extinguished it... Like a boss.
This girl [16F] and I [19M] have been talking for about a month now. Things have developed and we treat each other like we're in a relationship. Everything someone does in a relationship, we do. The phone calls at night, the caring of well being, etc. The catch is, I've unveiled that she got out of a year long relationship maybe 3 months ago. She says she isn't ready to be in a relationship, yet treats me like we are in one. My question is: is it ever worth to progress through the unknown of "when she'll be ready?" And why does she treat me like we're dating when she said she doesn't want to date? Should I continue to be there for her? What are my options?
This girl treats me like we're in a relationship and says she wants to be in a relationship with me but she's not ready. I'm left confused on what to do.
Bonus trivia time! If you wash that stuff away with cold water, it doesn't get all chunky and sticky. The reason why it gets chunky is because hot water actually cooks the proteins in it...sort of like eggs. Cold water will just wash it away without any issues.
I am getting a haircut today at a place where you get a glass of any liquor you want when you walk in the door, and hot girls massage your scalp.
I know I will probably be downvoted to oblivion for this, but I have to say it. I have a depressed family member who has been on meds and in therapy for four years and his behaviors never change. He can't support himself. He has only had a job for six months of these four years because my parents support him, and the job he had was grossly insufficient to pay pay his bills. He also has an Ivy league college degree, and I have offered multiple time to let him move in with me, and to give him a job (I buy foreclosed properties, fix them up and sell them in addition to my regular 9-5 job). I am sick and tired of it. Most of the time when I call to check on him he does not answer and it goes to voice mail. Most weeks, he accomplishes literally nothing. I resent the way he treats me and I resent the fact that he gets away without having to work. I understand he feels bad, but all of us experience negative outcomes. What separates the good from the bad is the way we react to these situations. I understand that the economy is bad and it's hard to get a date if you're ugly. So what. All of us face these same fears and uncertainties, but that's no reason to treat someone else like crap... And it's no excuse to sit on your ass all day and not do what you can to try to make this world better.
in the short term I can understand depression, but if it's treated and the depressed person doesn't try to change, I think he's just an asshole.
RRRRRRUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But seriously, I think it depends on where the money is coming from. If you're able to pitch in money yourself, then I say disregard everything she says and throw the most bitchin' party you can. If not, and the money comes from her or them, then you pretty much have to obey her restrictions. She sounds pretty insecure and somewhat vengeful.
Lie and do what you want if you're able. Also, print out her email and put it in a memory box. It may come in handy in a few years.
Focus on getting good grades and study for the SAT/ACT. Reduce undergraduate debt, when/if you go, by as much as possible, either through obtaining scholarships or going to community college. DO NOT pay full price for ANY non-elite private institution, and the elite schools have such large endowments and generous need aid that if you can't afford them you won't pay full price anyways. Paying 40k a year, plus living expenses, isn't worth it. That much debt can ruin your life. Once you're in college, research the job statistics for the majors you're interested in. Most liberal arts majors will not help you get a job, and large numbers of college graduates every year are left unemployed with massive debt. Start thinking about what careers you may be interested in for the future. It may seem early, but the truth is that once you hit college you have 2 years to decide a major, and choosing your major is an important first step on your career path. Once you have a few ideas, look up people doing that kind of work and reach out to them via email. Explain to them that you're a high school student interested in maybe doing the same kind of work one day. Ask them what they do exactly, what a typical day is like, and how they got to be as successful as they are today. People love to talk about themselves and be a mentor to others. Exploit this.
Don't worry about the idiots on Congress, and focus on getting your shit together before it's too late. Edit: Thanks so much to the person that gave me gold!
Alright like most tifus this didn't happen today but about 3 years ago. I was chatting away with friends in group chat and then suddenly transitioned into the topic of us talking about the hottest girls in the school. Now there's this super hot chick in a grade above who is going out with some muscle head that broke someone's sternum in half in a rugby game. So my friend was like "I bet you won't invite girl to this convo [me]" and I was like fuck off man I've got a solid pair down there and I proceeded to invite her. Once you invite someone to the convo they can see all previous messages and we were talking mildly dirty about this chick so yeah she saw all of that. Everyone starts panicking and starts talking shit about me, while my balls have dropped down to the earth's core and now the chick we all looked up too (heh) now thinks we are all some idiot fuck boys. I go to sleep that night thinking of the worst and then wake up to a spine chilling message the next morning from Mr. Muscle. "You fucking cunt you realise who you're messing with here man. I'll fuck you up so bad you won't be able to think for a week. All the rugby boys man" oh fuck. Apologised to chick but she's like yeah whatever. Fuck my life.
added hot chick to group convo, saw dirty messages about her, told boyfriend, ded. Oh yeah he was in NZ at the time so I survived and apologised profusely and he forgave and forgot I guess.
My coworker (I'll call him Alex) is a touchy feely guy. At first I didn't mind. Now I mind a whole lot. Alex will come up to me, and a few other female coworkers, and tickle us. 95% of the time it's unexpected and I don't even know he's coming up to me. It's always on my back, back of legs/knees, arm, elbow areas- basically commonly ticklish areas. The first few times it was funny. Then it got annoying. Then it got downright creepy. I started gently saying "please don't do that." I'm not sure if Alex thought I was kidding or what? Now, even as I back away from Alex when I know he's about to do it, Alex corners me/follows so he can tickle me. No lie. Earlier this week, I said "do not touch me, Alex." The next day he was tickling me again. I said don't, and Alex just continued to try and touch me and mocked the way I said don't. I'm at my wits end. I am so uncomfortable, this makes me anxious, and I am starting to get nervous just being near him. Yes, I'm starting I get scared of my coworker. I honestly don't know though - maybe he thinks I'm kidding, maybe I'm not saying don't firmly enough. What should I do?
my coworker thinks it's fun/funny to tickle me (and other women). I've asked him to stop, and he just won't. He will mock me even. What can I do.
I met him about 5 months ago but he and I don't call each other boyfriend/girlfriend. He and I have sex whenever we see each other (we see each other 1-3 times every 2 weeks). We have recently started holding hands and during sex, when he talks dirty he will say "you're mine now." I'm not sure if he's only saying that just during sex but I personally have implied it to our relationship as well :P (not sure if I shouldn't?) But even in texts, he will tell me he misses me and compliments me. He admitted that he used to sleep around. I have heard rumors about him as well, but I don't judge people on their sexual history so I tried not to judge him. When I asked him about 2 months ago if he was sleeping around his response was "No... but I could see why you would think that." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't paranoid. I'm starting to feel like he is sleeping around with other girls. Recently, I borrowed his phone for a bit to make a call. Within that time, I saw that he got 2 snapchats and a text from a girl. I thought of it as nothing much, because he has a lot of girl friends. I grew increasingly paranoid about it the last few days, and went on his facebook profile to find out that the same girl posted a picture of them together at a museum and the movie theatre in the same day. I don't know about you, but a museum and movie sounds like a date-kinda thing. I realized that he didn't text me at all that day either, when we usually text the whole day. I don't know if it's worth bringing up- I don't want to sound like I am accusing him or sound like I am clingy or like I am some sort of stalker.. The thing that stops me from asking him is that we're not exclusive.. We've never agreed to be. Is being exclusive to each other implied? I'm so confused. Help! Thoughts? What should I do?
the guy I'm sleeping with might be seeing other girls. We might not be on the same page but I dont want to ask because I don't want to come off as accusing/clingy/stalkerish
So, I'm not sure how this is going to play to Reddit, guns are very popular here. And while I do actually support the second ammendment, I do have reservations concerning the issues of guns. The common argument that I hear is that criminals will get guns no matter what, because criminals by their very definition ignore laws. And at the same time, you are just preventing honest people from purchasing guns, for which they can defend themselves from these lawbreakers. Which really makes a lot of sense on the surface. Yes, criminals break laws. But that doesn't mean that its okay to let that dictate actual law. You don't ignore the problem. If someone is performing an illegal activity, you try to stop them and prevent them from doing it again. If people are obtaining weapons and abusing them, and therefore harming society you make it more difficult to do that. I feel like there should be a noted difference between banishing guns and controlling guns. For example, for the most part, people aren't suggesting we just get rid of guns. That we walk into the house of a law abiding citizen, demand his guns, and then stroll out. Things like mandatory background checks for EVERY gun purchase is a very fair suggestions. I also feel that the second ammendment shouldn't grant infinite freedom in terms of what you can arm yourself with. For example, I like the concept of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. My personal opinion, is that you should be allowed to purchase a weapon with a certain level of practicality. And yes, that practicality is certainly open to interpretation, and may be too harsh or too strict depending on who you are. I certainly am open to allowing weapons such as handguns, hunting rifles and shotguns. There are everyday scenarios that you can use those for (hunting for example. Or even personal defense). But I personally feel that there are guns I don't want available for the average person to purchase. I'd want someone to have an AUG as much as I'd want them to have a grenade launcher, which is to say, not at all. Anyways, I could probably write a bunch more on the topic, but its late. I hope that what I am trying to say is coming through as rational.
Guns aren't bad. They are dangerous. We should probably try to prevent the ones with the highest capacity to kill people out of the hands of bad people (even if good people can't have them).

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