Нафтогаз : Попри постійні обстріли, Україна розпочала опалювальний сезон – запущено 99,7% котелень. Окрім цього, відновлено 316 об’єктів теплопостачання. Це 53,3% від загальної кількості уражених об’єктів.
How To Roll Your Rs In Spanish: Top Tips For Spanish Learners By Maria Ansede The double ‘r’ sound in Spanish is one of the most difficult things for many learners not used to it in their native language. This sound is usually the last one a Spanish-speaking child learns to produce. Not everyone is able to do it perfectly but if this is challenging for you, practise is the only way to master it, so you just need to be persistent and patient. Being able to mark the distinction between words such as ‘perro’ (dog) and ‘pero’ (but) or ‘caro’ (expensive) and ‘carro’ (carriage and also car in Latin America) and many others will make a significant difference in your ability to communicate effectively in Spanish. In order to help you to achieve this, we’ve put together a few important tips about how to roll your Rs that you can easily follow. Train Your Tongue The placement of your tongue is essential: it should touch your palate and flap rapidly to vibrate. The ‘tr’ or ‘dr’ sounds in English are a good starting place to positioning your tongue for the Spanish ‘rr’. Try to practice first with words such as ‘drop’, ‘tree’, ‘track’ or ‘Dracula’. Let Your Inner Animal Out Think about a purring kitten or an angry lion. They sure know how to slowly roll their Rs. It may seem a bit silly for you but don’t hesitate to purr or growl to imitate their sound because it’s a good way to fix the position of your tongue for the following Spanish words. Spanish Tongue Twisters Once you warmed up your mouth muscles, you can practice trying to pronounce these well-known trabalenguas (tongue twisters): – El perro de San Roque no tiene rabo porque Ramon Ramirez se lo ha robado. The dog from San Roque does not have a tail because RamA?n Ramirez has stolen it. – Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en tres tristes trastos sentados tras un trigal. Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in three sad utensils seated behind a wheatfield. – Rapido ruedan las ruedas sobre los rieles del ferrocarril. Quickly run the cars, over the rails of the railroad. And remember, don’t feel awkward about not grasping the rolling sound at the beginning; native speakers love charming accents anyway and practicing as much as you can is the key to success! Cactus language offers the following types of language courses: Evening language courses: 19 different languages in 15 UK locations Language holidays: worldwide immersion courses in the country of the language Private tuition: tailor-made and corporate language training solutions throughout the world TEFL: teacher training courses for both English and other languages all over the world Online courses: for teacher training, English and French
У Європарламенті закликали Зеленського ветувати закон про захист викривачів корупції Група депутатів Європарламенту звернулася до президента України Володимира Зеленського із закликом ветувати і повернути на доопрацювання закон, що стосується захисту викривачів корупції. Про це повідомляє "Європейська правда" з посиланням на лист євродепутатів. Євродепутати привітали наміри України щодо посилення захисту викривачів через пропозиції законопроєктів 1010 та 3450. "Громадяни, які виступають із повідомленнями про неправомірні дії, часто зазнають шкоди за свої дії. Це заважає іншим робити те саме в майбутньому, можливо, загрожуючи здоров’ю, безпеці та фінансам, і створює негативний прецедент для тих, хто діє в інтересах суспільства. Захист викривачів є важливим демократичним інструментом для забезпечення та підтримки прозорості, підзвітності та рівності" - наголошується в листі. Водночас євродепутати висловили занепокоєння щодо загальної ефективності запропонованих заходів, особливо тих, що зазначені у змінах 16 та 56 до законопроєкту 3450. "У своїй нинішній формі закон обмежує права викривачів та послаблює їх захист, суперечить самому визначенню "викривача" та не забезпечує чітких гарантій анонімності каналу повідомлень. Він фактично перекладає тягар доведення на викривача, що суперечить процесуальним стандартам доведення та самій концепції інституту викривачів" - йдеться у листі. В Європарламенті зазначили, що викривачі є одними з найефективніших елементів антикорупційної системи, вони дають змогу підвищити прозорість державного сектору та зупинити зловживання. "Європейський Союз визнав це, запровадивши власну директиву, яка встановлює широкий набір правил захисту викривачів по всьому ЄС. Ми закликаємо українських законодавців розглянути можливість адаптації стандартів ЄС наскільки це можливо" - йдеться у листі. "Незважаючи на всі позитивні сторони прийнятого законопроєкту, він не повинен бути підписаний законом у такій формі" - наголосили євродепутати.
Екс-міністру агрополітики Присяжнюку оголосили підозру Генпрокуратура повідомила про підозру у незаконній приватизації держмайна екс- міністру агрополітики та продовольства Миколі Присяжнюку. Про це повідомила прес-секретар генпрокурора Лариса Сарган на своїй сторінці у Facebook. "12 червня 2017 року колишньому Міністру аграрної політики та продовольства України М. Присяжнюку та ще двом особам повідомлено про підозру у скоєнні незаконної приватизації та подальшої легалізації державного майна – приміщення, що належало Міністерству аграрної політики та продовольства України, площею 516,6 кв. м по вул. Хрещатик, 24 в м. Києві", - йдеться у повідомленні. За словами Сарган, у підозрюваних в організації та виконанні цього злочину, а також у посадовців Фонду державного майна, проведено низку обшуків. На незаконно приватизоване майно накладено арешт. За інформацією прес-секретаря, Генеральна прокуратура продовжує досудове розслідування у кримінальному провадженні стосовно незаконної приватизації держмайна посадовими особами Мінагрополітики, київського відділення ФДМУ та службовими особами приватного підприємства. Як відомо, Присяжнюк був оголошений у розшук за підозрою в заволодінні коштами Аграрного фонду на суму близько 540 млн гривень. Присяжнюк обіймав посаду міністра аграрної політики та продовольства України з 11 березня 2010 до 27 лютого 2014 року. Економічна правда
Збиття літака МАУ: в Україні сподіваються, що Іран невідкладно розшифрує "чорні скриньки" У Міністерстві закордонних справ України запевняють, що захищатимуть права родин жертв катастрофи українського літака рейсу PS752. В Україні сподіваються, що Іран невідкладно забезпечить розшифровку "чорних скриньок" зі збитого іранськими військовими літака "Міжнародних авіаліній України". Як йдеться у повідомленні на сайті МЗС України, відбулася відео-зустріч заступника міністра закордонних справ Євгенія Єніна, заступника міністра юстиції з питань європейської інтеграції Валерії Коломієць та заступника генерального прокурора Гюндуза Мамедова з родичами громадян України, загиблих внаслідок збиття Іраном літака авіакомпанії «Міжнародні авіалінії України» рейсу PS752. «Ми сумуємо разом з вами, для нас ця трагедія є дуже особистою. Хочу вас запевнити, що ми всі разом вживатимемо заходів для встановлення правди, справедливості та притягнення винних до відповідальності, отримання належної репарації і компенсації», – наголосив Єнін. Відео дня Під час зустрічі родичам загиблих надали інформацію про перебіг технічного та кримінального розслідувань, співпрацю з іншими постраждалими державами, включаючи питання аналізу чорних скриньок за участі міжнародних експертів. «Сподіваємося, що іранська сторона перейде від декларацій до практичних кроків та невідкладно забезпечить виконання вимог міжнародного права, включаючи розшифровку чорних скриньок», - підкреслив Єнін. Як повідомляв УНІАН, 8 січня в Ірані розбився літак «Міжнародних авіаліній України», що виконував рейс за маршрутом Тегеран-Київ. Загинули 176 осіб. На борту Boeing 737 перебували 11 громадян України, в тому числі 9 членів екіпажу, а також громадяни Ірану, Канади, Швеції, Афганістану, Німеччини і Великої Британії. Через три дні президент Ірану Хасан Рухані визнав, що український лайнер був збитий «в результаті ненавмисної людської помилки» і пообіцяв притягнути винних до відповідальності. 3 лютого директор з розслідування нещасних випадків в іранській Організації цивільної авіації Хасан Резайфар заявив, що Іран більше не ділитиметься з Україною доказами у справі щодо збиття літака МАУ через те, що дані розслідування «злили» українським ЗМІ. Країни-учасниці Міжнародної групи з координації допомоги жертвам катастрофи літака МАУ неодноразово вимагали від Ірану передати групі «чорні скриньки» зі збитого лайнера. 14 лютого міністр закордонних справ Ірану Заріф заявив, що Іран не має наміру віддавати «чорні скриньки» зі збитого літака МАУ, але й не розшифровуватиме їхніх даних без участі зацікавлених сторін. 6 квітня з'явилася інформація, що речник комітету парламенту Ірану з правових і судових питань, депутат Хассан Норузі заявив, що іранські військові "правильно" вчинили, збивши український літак. За його словами, жодних арештів у зв'язку з інцидентом не було. 27 квітня глава українського зовнішньополітичного відомства Дмитро Кулеба і глава МЗС Ірану Заріф провели телефонну розмову. Як повідомили у прес-службі МЗС, Заріф заявив, що слова Норузі не відповідають дійсності та суперечать офіційній позиції Ірану. Міністр також нагадав, що ряд осіб вже були затримані у ході розслідування збиття українського лайнера.
Кличко каже, що зарплату не отримує Переобраний мер Києва Віталій Кличко стверджує, що працює "на громадських засадах" і не отримує на своїй посаді заробітну плату. Про це він розповів в інтерв'ю Deutsche Welle. "Будучи мером Києва, я не гонюсь за статусом і не ставлю собі задачу заробити грошей. Я заробив у спорті", - каже Кличко. "Я зарплату не отримую. За ці півтора роки я не отримав жодної копійки. Я працюю на громадських засадах. Зарплата у мене може бути у перерахунку 300 доларів. Я прийшов в українську політику не заробляти. Всю свою зарплату, будучи депутатом Верховної Ради, я переказував у дитячий будинок. Я працюю як волонтер. І роблю це щиро, від серця", - заявив він. Як відомо, мер Києва Віталій Кличко з результатом 66,5% голосів переміг у другому турі виборів мера столиці 15 листопада і зберіг за собою цю посаду.
Як після Зміїного: у Міноборони розповіли, що спонукатиме окупантів тікати з поля бою Міністр оборони Резніков наголосив на важливості двох складових для відновлення безпеки у регіоні. Резніков наголосив на важливості двох складових для відновлення безпеки у регіоні / фото: скріншот Міністр оборони України Олексій Резніков розповів, що спонукатиме московський окупаційний режим відводити свої війська з поля бою в Україні. Про це він написав у коментарі в Facebook. "Для відновлення безпеки у регіоні потрібні дві складові. Перша – це єдність вільного світу. Одним з індикаторів цієї єдності є готовність дотримуватись режиму санкцій, посилювати їх. Допомога Росії красти українське зерно чи вивозити російську нафту очевидно суперечить ідеї єдності проти тиранії", - зазначив Резніков. Відео дня Друга складова, за його словами – це готовність давати відсіч, застосовувати силу. "Тоді Москва буде вмотивована чинити "жести доброї волі", тікаючи після поразок. Як це нещодавно було на острові Зміїний, а в квітні – на півночі України", - підкреслив міністр. За словами Резнікова, саме ці два компоненти можуть відкрити шлях до політико-дипломатичних рішень. "В тому числі – щодо розблокування українських портів. У відносинах з Москвою послідовність має бути саме така. Без цього Росія просто не стане вести серйозний діалог", - наголосив міністр. Нагадаємо, Резніков запропонував розмістити об'єкти оборонного виробництва під землею.
Arteries are sometimes called ____ vessels of the cardiovascular system because they have stron-resillient tissue structures ______ have the thickest tunica media The outermost wall of an artery or vein is called the _______ and in large arteries and veins contains the _______. Tunica externa; vasa vasorum Most blood is in the These are all possible circulatory routes from the heart except heart-arteries-capillary bed - vein- capillary bed- arteries - heart Vasomotion is associated with the presence of smooth muscle in the tunica media In people who stand for long periods, blood tends to pool in the lower limbs and this may result in varicose veins. Varicose veins are caused by failure of the venous valves What is the mean arterial pressure for a person with 110 and 65 mm Hg as systolic and dialstolic pressure respectively? 80 mm Hg The velocity of blood flow decreases whenq The medullary ischemic reflex results in increased circulation to the brain _____ has the most important effect on blood velocity Reactive hypermia is a result of _______ to increase perfusion into a tissue All of these increase blood pressure except atrial natriuretic peptide The vasomotor center of the ______ controls blood vessels throughout the body Hypertension is commonly considered to be a chronic resting blood pressure higher than ____ are powerful vasoconstrictors, and _______ also increase heart rate. Epinephrine and angiotensin II; epinephrine These are all mechanisms of movement through the capillary wall except The most important force driving filtration at the arterial end of a capillary is blood hydrostatic pressure _______ by the capillaries at their venous end waste products are taken up The most important force driving reabsorption at the venous end of a capillary is blood colloid osmotic pressure All of these can lead to edema except _______ would not increase capillary filtration A mean arterial pressure (MAP) below 60 mmHg can cause ____, whereas a MAP above 160 mmHG can cause ______ does not contribute to venous return _____ shock can be produced by hemorrhage, severe burns, or dehydration ______ shock occurs when bacterial toxins trigger vasodilation and increase capillary permabilty. A bee sting can trigger a massive release of histamine, which can cause ____ and a _______ in arterial blood pressure. Myocardial infarction can lead to ______ shock The most important force in venous flow is the pressure generated by the heart Blood flow to the _______ remains quite stable even when the MAP fluctuates from 60 to 140 mm HG Pulmonary arteries have ________ blood pressure compared to systemic arteries How many pulmonary arteries empty into the right atrium of the heart The lungs receive a systemic blood supply by way of the There are no _____ in humans right and left brachiocephalic arteries The ___ supplies 80% of the cerebrum internal cartoid artery The cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) is an anastomosis surrounding the pituitary gland From superior to inferior , the major branches of the abdominal aorta are celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, renal arteries, gonadal arteries, inferior mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries The principal venous drainage of the thoracic organs is accomplished by ways of the azygos system These are all tributaries of the inferior vena cava except the vertebral veins These are all veins of the upper limb except the great saphenous vein These are all vessels of the lower limb except the anterior interosseous artery This is the longest vein and portions of this vein are commonly used as grafts in coronary bypass surgery the great saphenous vein Please allow access to your computer’s microphone to use Voice Recording. We can’t access your microphone! Click the icon above to update your browser permissions above and try again Reload the page to try again! Press Cmd-0 to reset your zoom Press Ctrl-0 to reset your zoom It looks like your browser might be zoomed in or out. Your browser needs to be zoomed to a normal size to record audio. Your microphone is muted For help fixing this issue, see this FAQ.
Ткаченко дасть пресконференцію до 100 днів роботи на посаді міністра Про це повідомляє МКІП у Фейсбуці. "Пресконференція Олександра Ткаченка з нагоди 100 днів на посаді міністра культури та інформаційної політики - 14 вересня 2020 року в Києві", - йдеться у повідомленні. Пресконференція відбудеться у внутрішньому дворику Музею мистецтв імені Богдана та Варвари Ханенків. Під час заходу міністр розповість про досягнення за цей період, а також окреслить візію та стратегічні цілі Міністерства культури та інформаційної політики. Як повідомляв Укрінформ, 4 червня Верховна Рада ухвалила постанову про призначення Олександра Ткаченка міністром культури та інформаційної політики.
Вілсон (Арканзас) Вілсон — місто в США, в окрузі Міссіссіппі штату Арканзас. Населення — 766 осіб (2020). Географія Вілсон розташований за координатами (35.566257, -90.041932). За даними Бюро перепису населення США в 2010 році місто мало площу 2,79 км², з яких 2,77 км² — суходіл та 0,02 км² — водойми. Демографія Згідно з переписом 2010 року, у місті мешкали 903 особи в 351 домогосподарстві у складі 242 родин. Густота населення становила 324 особи/км². Було 383 помешкання (137/км²). Расовий склад населення: До двох чи більше рас належало 1,6 %. Іспаномовні складали 1,0 % від усіх жителів. За віковим діапазоном населення розподілялося таким чином: 27,4 % — особи молодші 18 років, 61,4 % — особи у віці 18—64 років, 11,2 % — особи у віці 65 років та старші. Медіана віку мешканця становила 35,3 року. На 100 осіб жіночої статі у місті припадало 87,0 чоловіків; на 100 жінок у віці від 18 років та старших — 89,6 чоловіків також старших 18 років. Середній дохід на одне домашнє господарство становив доларів США , а середній дохід на одну сім'ю — доларів . Медіана доходів становила доларів для чоловіків та доларів для жінок. За межею бідності перебувало 22,1 % осіб, у тому числі 29,6 % дітей у віці до 18 років та 10,0 % осіб у віці 65 років та старших. Цивільне працевлаштоване населення становило 339 осіб. Основні галузі зайнятості: виробництво — 21,8 %, освіта, охорона здоров'я та соціальна допомога — 20,9 %, роздрібна торгівля — 9,7 %, сільське господарство, лісництво, риболовля — 9,1 %. Примітки Джерела Міста Арканзасу Населені пункти округу Міссіссіппі (Арканзас)
Akanés Akanes is a Greek sweet similar to loukoumi, only that it is flavoured with fresh goatsmilk butter rather than fruit essences. It is made exclusively in the town of Serres in Northern Greece. The name akanes dates back to the time of Ottoman rule in Greece, when it was called hakanes halva or royal halva (hakan deriving from the Turkish han and kağan). The sweet is available especially in the regional unit of Serres and in delicacy shops throughout Greece. References External links Website describing "Akanes Lailia" of Serres Greek cuisine Confectionery
Before I left on vacation, I witnessed a dove at my bird feeder “ruffle up his feathers” toward a very aggressive blue jay. This brought to mind an idea I’ve had on the back-burner – to talk about some of the descriptive phrases we use in our language that relate to animal behavior; otherwise known as idioms. An idiom is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is comprehended in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. Yes, I admit the above is a rather complicated definition and it would make my head hurt trying to figure it out if I didn’t already know what I was about to write. You, too, will get the gist of what idioms are after reading the following list. Below are just a few of the many animal related ones that exist – ones I am intimately knowledgeable about; ones I grew up with. Ruffle a few feathers Figurative Meaning – To get a person or persons upset, agitated or stirred. Literal Meaning – Displaying ruffled feathers is a defense mechanism that enables a chick to look larger and more aggressive. Happy as a clam (at high water) Figurative – To be very happy. Literal – Although the latter part of the phrase, at high water, is not used any longer – it is at high tide that clams are free from predators and thus, are considered happy. She has ants in her pants Figurative – She can’t sit still. Literal – The desperate act of killing or dusting off stinging ants once they’ve unnoticeably entered your clothing. Chomp at the bit Figurative – To be impatient. Literal – Horses chomp at the bit of their bridle when restless. A fish out of water F – To be confused; in an alien or new environment; out of your element. L – A fish can’t swim on land. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch F – Don’t count on the future before you reach it; don’t assume. L – Not all eggs laid are guaranteed to develop into chickens. Just because you have 6 eggs doesn’t mean you’ll eventually have 6 chickens to sell. You look like a drowned rat F – Soaking wet, especially after coming in from a heavy rain. L – A limp, wet, dead rat. His bark is worse than his bite Figurative – His words are worse than his actions. Literal – All dogs with loud, aggressive barks aren’t necessarily ones that will give dangerous bites. Think of Shih Tzu’s, for example! F- Faking something, as in pretending you are asleep. L – Sometimes when opossums are in danger, they will curl up and appear to be dead. They do this so their predator will leave them alone. As I said, there are plenty more of these idioms in which we use animal behavior to describe that of our own. I’d love for you to shoot me a quick note and tell me about some of your favorites! Until next time- Although this post was originally published June 2011, I updated it with my current dog’s photo above. I wasn’t sure I was going to convert this early post to my new site since it doesn’t really relate too much to gardening, but after my Shih Tzu, Barney, had an encounter with a opossum last night, I decided I’d import it after all as it became very appropriate. Barney barked and barked and barked last night, but did no harm. Consequently, though, the opossum played dead in my sunroom for hours. By morning he was gone. All was well in the end!
Боснія і Герцеговина на пісенному конкурсі Євробачення Боснія і Герцеговина брала участь у пісенному конкурсі «Євробачення» 19 разів, починаючи з 1993 року. Країна відмовлялась від участі у 1998 та 2000 через низькі результати, а також у 2013 та 2017 роках через фінансові труднощі. У 2006 році гурт Hari Mata Hari з піснею «Lejla» зайняв 3-є місце у фіналі, що стало найкращим результатом Боснії і Герцеговини на Євробаченні. Вперше країна не потрапила у фінал конкурсу в 2016 році, зайнявши 11-е місце зі 104 балами у першому півфіналі. Учасники Євробачення від Боснії і Герцеговини Умовні позначення Переможець Друге місце Третє місце Четверте місце П'яте місце Останнє місце Автоматичний фіналіст Не пройшла до фіналу Не брала участі Галерея Нагороди Премія Марселя Безансона Статистика голосувань (1993–2016) Див. також Боснія і Герцеговина на Євробаченні Юних Музикантів Примітки Посилання Офіційний сайт Євробачення в Боснії і Герцеговині Офіційна сторінка конкурсу Боснія і Герцеговина на пісенному конкурсі Євробачення Країни на Євробаченні
Відео Поліція повідомляє, що інформація викладена у мережі інтернет «про побиття правоохоронцями з міста Дніпро мати, батька та їх сина» не відповідає дійсності. Відділ комунікації поліції Дніпропетровської області
Відео У Кривому Розі Дніпропетровської області в квартирі 16-поверхового житлового будинку здетонувала вибухівка, загинула людина, повідомляє прес-служба ДСНС України. «В місті Кривий Ріг в 4:30 22 лютого в квартирі на четвертому поверсі шістнадцятиповерхового житлового будинку стався вибух невстановленого вибухового пристрою, в результаті якого загинула 1 людина (1989 р. р.), пошкоджено кухонні меблі та віконну раму. Несучі конструкції будинку не порушені», - йдеться в повідомленні. Повідомляється, що за фактом події правоохоронними органами проводиться розслідування.
Villevallier is a commune in the Yonne department in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in north-central France. See also Communes of the Yonne department References Communes of Yonne
Завтра у Києві безкоштовно показуватимуть документальні фільми під відкритим небом Завтра, 13 червня, о 21:00 у Києві на території Гостинного двору просто неба відбудуться спеціальні кінопокази міжнародного фестивалю документального кіно про права людини Docudays UA. Вхід вільний. Таким чином організатори проекту закликають до збереження ключової будівлі архітектурного ансамблю Контрактової площі і перетворення Гостинного двору у відкритий культурно-освітній центр. Про це вони повідомили Кореспондент.net. Програма кінопоказів складатиметься з восьми короткометражних фільмів, присвячених стосункам людини і території: способам адаптації до нового, спогадам про залишене, протистоянню наявним умовам існування. Будуть показані наступні фільми: три документальні фільм-портрети звичайних українців Нові герої Романа Бондарчука (Україна, 2011), кіноальманах про життя молоді у пострадянських країнах Молоді про молодих (Киргизстан, Латвія, Таджикистан, Литва, Грузія, Росія, Естонія, Україна, 2011), іронічний короткометражний документальний фільм про старий бідний район біля центру Вільнюса Банзай, Шанхай Юрате Самуліоніте (Литва, 2010), Льоша Олени Демидової (Росія, 2011), Хроніка Олдріха С. Рудольфа Шміда (Чехія, 2011). Після перегляду відбудеться обговорення фільмів з правозахисником, одним з координаторів проекту Без кордонів Максимом Буткевичем. Нагадаємо, що у зв’язку з активними діями забудовника Гостинний двір знаходиться під постійним наглядом активістів, які виступають проти реконструкції будівлі і постійно чергують на її території. Раніше, у мерії Києва запевнили, що зовнішній вигляд і висотність будівлі Гостинного двору на Контрактовій площі, 4 після реконструкції залишиться без змін. Олександр Попов заявляв, що не йдеться ні про зміну власника, ні про зміну архітектурного виду цього проекту. "Призначення цього об’єкту відповідно до проекту не змінюється", - повідомляв він.
Якщо Путін буде застосовувати авіацію на Донбасі, то реакція США буде швидкою - Гербст Якщо Росія почне застосовувати авіацію, то відповідь Сполучених Штатів буде швидкою. Про це в прямому ефірі програми ТСН. Тиждень сказав колишній посол США в Україні і один з тих, хто закликав президента Обаму все-таки допомогти Україні зброєю, Джон Гербст. Відео дня "Звичайно, всі побоюються цієї ситуації, що війна в Україні стає все більш відкритою. Тобто ця агресія вже стає неприкритою. І зараз вже стає чіткіше зрозуміло, що робить Москва. Є ризик, що Москва може застосувати повітряні сили. Але в принципі тут чітко простежується рука Кремля. Ми бачимо, що Росія веде таку війну. Наш звіт (президенту Обамі про ситуацію в Україні) не рекомендує застосування протиповітряних засобів, оскільки це призведе до ще більшої ескалації. Але ми про це говоримо в будь-якому випадку. І я думаю, що якщо Путін буде застосовувати повітряні війська, то тоді реакція Америки буде швидкою", - запевнив колишній посол США в Україні.
У Кабміні розповіли, коли дадуть тепло Міністр ЖКГ розповів про готовність до опалювального сезону. В Україні опалювальний сезон може стартувати 15 жовтня. Про це заявив міністр регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України Геннадій Зубко під час селекторної наради, передає Укрінформ. "Хочу звернутися до міських голів, щоб стежили за температурою повітря на вулиці. За прогнозом ми бачимо, що середньодобова температура буде нижчою за 8 градусів приблизно 15 жовтня. Але хотів би зазначити, що соціальні об'єкти при рівні менш ніж 16 градусів всередині приміщення повинні бути включені за заявкою", - розповів Зубко. Міністр також відзвітував і про готовність до опалювального сезону. За його словами, бюджетна сфера готова до підключення тепла на 99,9%, а житловий сектор - на 99,4%. Зазначимо, що торік опалювальний сезон розпочався 5 жовтня. Нагадаємо, розмір субсидій на майбутній опалювальний період буде розраховуватися за новими правилами.
Fluorescence Digital Image Gallery There are three species of louse that parasitize humans: the head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis); the body louse, better known as the cootie (P. humanus humanus); and the crab, or pubic, louse (Phthirus pubis). These species belong to the insect order Anoplura and have long been associated with people. Archaeologists have even found louse combs buried with Egyptian mummies, who were apparently anticipating head lice in the afterlife. The head louse feeds on human blood several times daily and resides close to the scalp to maintain its body temperature. Lice can be transmitted by contaminated items, such as hats, combs, sports equipment, and pillowcases. They may also remain on bedding or upholstered furniture for a brief period, although they will live for only 48 hours once they fall off the host's head. Head lice occur in three stages: the nit, the nymph, and the adult. Nits are small, oval-shaped, yellowish eggs. Often they are difficult to see and can be confused with dandruff or droplets of hair spray. After one week the nits hatch into nymphs, baby lice. Nymphs look like small adult lice, but are only about the size of a pinhead. They mature after seven to 14 days of feeding on blood. About the size of a sesame seed, the adult louse can be seen with the naked eye. They live about 30 days, securing themselves to individual hairs with claws found at the end of each of their six legs. They can also be found behind the ears and near the neckline at the back of the neck. An adult female louse may deposit more than 100 eggs in her lifetime at a rate of about six eggs each day. Head lice infections are very common; six to 12 million people worldwide are infected annually. A tickling sensation, itching, excessive scratching, and sores can be signs of an infestation, but a medical diagnosis is often necessary to rule out other causes. Luckily, head lice are treatable, although many strains are becoming resistant to the current drugs of choice. Head lice have also embellished the English language (and other languages, undoubtedly) as a result of their long and close association with humans. Calling someone a "nitwit" is the same as saying he has the intelligence of a louse egg. A person may be considered "lousy," but the word no longer means that she's infested with lice. Phrases, such as "getting down to the nitty gritty" or "nit-picking," are age-old references to the detailed business of removing louse eggs or nits. The specimen presented here was imaged with a Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope operating with fluorite and/or apochromatic objectives and vertical illuminator equipped with a mercury arc lamp. Specimens were illuminated through Nikon dichromatic filter blocks containing interference filters and a dichroic mirror and imaged with standard epi-fluorescence techniques. Specific filters for the head louse specimen were a UV-2E/C, B-2E/C, and a Y-2E/C. Photomicrographs were captured with an Optronics MagnaFire digital camera system coupled to the microscope with a lens-free C-mount adapter. Questions or comments? Send us an email. © 1998-2015 by Michael W. Davidson and The Florida State University. All Rights Reserved. No images, graphics, scripts, or applets may be reproduced or used in any manner without permission from the copyright holders. Use of this website means you agree to all of the Legal Terms and Conditions set forth by the owners. This website is maintained by our
Have you ever walked through the supermarket, or the out-of-doors market (if you are lucky enough to have one nearby) and stopped to appreciate just how much food we have access to on a daily basis? Intellectually we know that there are many places around the globe where food is not so plentiful nor available. Venezuela at the moment is struggling through famine triggered by political unrest and a decade of instability. In other places it is simply the norm to be without. However, to quantify scarcity is sometimes difficult as we stroll the aisles of the supermarket and decide if we want the artisan, “hand-made” (by machines shaped like hands) cumin basil crackers or the tomato pesto anise flavor? Gasp. Was there a time when the western world had to face food scarcity? You bet! It was called the Second World War. Almost all of the European nations, and beyond, suffered from going without. For much of continental Europe that was a result of having been overrun by hostile armies and subjected to starvation so that food could be shunted back to the German Army. Russians, German citizenry, Italians, the French, the Dutch, Spaniards (who had been going without all through the 1930’s because of a civil war) all faced famine, and the list goes on and on. The British Isles certainly suffered, but theirs was, from the start, superimposed rationing to feed the populace and its soldiery. The Americans, too, ended up with varying degrees of rationing, but certainly not as strict as the British model. And it is to British rationing that we’re going to turn to help get a sense of personal scale of scarcity. The Ministry of Food was the organization that implemented rationing for the populace at the behest of the British Government. When you look over the requirements you realize how little each individual was allowed, but you also see the care and thought given to maintaining vitamin intake for children (fruits and fruit preserves were to be given to children first to sustain healthy growth). Bread and Vegetables, especially the homegrown variety, were not rationed and people were encouraged to grow their own. For adults, vegetables were the mainstay of nutrition. What was rationed, and here is where we can begin to appreciate what and how much we have on a daily basis, was meat. Meat was rationed by price, only so much per person per week and then only of what was available and sometimes that was offal, or organ meats…heart, lungs, intestines, etc. So, no hamburgers or juicy steaks every night for a week! Recipe books of the era recommend stews and pot pies with minimal meat supplemented by plentiful vegetables. My favorite cookbook from this era, incidentally, is a reprint by the Imperial War Museum called, Victory Cookbook: Nostalgic Food and Facts From 1940-1954 by Marguerite Patten OBE, 2002. I found it at a wonderful booksale held in the Guildhall in the city of York…a story for another time. This volume presents reprints from government material produced during the war, much of which was the work of a young woman named Marguerite Patten, whose creativity helped inspire home cooks throughout the war. Milk was also rationed, 4-6 cups per person, per week. Think of what that meant, if you are a regular consumer of hot chocolate you could have a cup every other day, but you couldn’t get the chocolate. But what if you wanted pudding…that requires milk and, whoops, you just used up your allowance. Or baking, which often requires milk… there it went again. Milk in your tea (which was also rationed, think of that the next time you order a 28 oz glass of sweetened iced tea!)? What do you choose? And yes, you could combine a family’s portion, but how did you refrigerate it until you could use it? Refrigeration wasn’t universal in the 1940’s. Powdered milk was a big bonus, but it wasn’t the same as fresh. Something to contemplate the next time you see all those gallons of milk lined up in the dairy section as you absentmindedly grab one. Then were was cheese and butter, 2 oz (yes, two thumbs-size slices worth) of each per person each week! That would give you roughly one small sandwich or two after-dinner cheese chasers or a quick gobble for an afternoon snack…no cheesy, gooey grilled sandwiches to eat four bites of and throw the rest away. And butter, you have to bake with butter, remember? So, cookies, scones, cake…all required major planning and the pooling of amounts between family members (which, in the days of mothers being the main organizer of home was all planned and implemented by mom, kids didn’t get to take their cheese stash to their room and watch it mold). A lot to think about. Belts were tighter then, and interestingly, mass produced bread was made with 1/2 regular “white” flour and 1/2 whole wheat or whole meal flour. As statistics were compiled during this time period, it was found that the health of the nation actually improved as a result of this austere, but very healthy diet. And then we get to eggs, or, I should say, egg. Just one a week, and sometimes just one every two weeks. No high-protein, cheesy, three-egg breakfast omelets, no scrambled eggs, probably few egg dishes at all as these precious few eggs would have gone to work in the weekly baking. Things improved somewhat when powdered eggs were made available from the US, but if you have ever had the misfortune to consume powdered eggs regularly you will realize what a glorious blessing it is to have fresh eggs at all! Let alone the ability to buy 4 dozen at will! Then there was sugar, and this is killer because I think it is safe to say that we nowadays could be referred to by archaeologists looking back at us from well into the future as the “sugar-eaters”, so much do we consume it in sweets and even in things that should be savory. Sweets were rationed to 12 oz every four weeks. If this was granulated sugar imagine, 12 ounces is just a cup and a half, and the average cookie recipe these days typically calls for 2 cups of sugar, per batch! So for a month you could enjoy the stale remnants of your monthly less-sweet cookie baking binge. But again, even pooled together for a family of four, you would need this sugar mostly for preserving fruits, if you could get them, or making faux-fruit preserves from vegetables…Carrot Marmalade anyone? (quite serious, there was a recipe!). So, as we step off the nostalgia tour bus, I hope you can use this personal-scale food scarcity overview to get a sense of how blessed you may be. While it is vital to do what we can to help others in need, to not waste what we have, and to share, we also need to take a moment, a deep breath, a bowed head, and thank God for what we have. America has a history of overflowing abundance and it is a very popular mindset right now to try to apologize for that abundance (while gorging on it, it seems), but ungratefulness is not improved by embarrassment or apology. To be grateful is to be grateful. Out of gratefulness flows generosity, while out of embarrassment flows self-consciousness and self-centeredness. So let’s be grateful for our blessings, look outward and share what we have! Keep thinking history! – Amanda Stiver
Оновлення інформації‼️ Ракети окупантів влучили в об’єкти інфраструктури Шевченківського району і неподалік Комунарського району. За попередніми даними жертв немає. ЗОВА
Поліморфія (музичний твір) Поліморфія — музична композиція польського композитора Кшиштофа Пендерецького для 48 струнних інструментів. Композитор обрав цікаве співвідношення інструментів в рамках струнного оркестру: 24 скрипки та по 8 альтів, віолончелей і контрабасів. П'єса була написана на замовлення Північного німецького радіо (Гамбург) в 1961. Прем'єра відбулася 16 квітня 1962 року. Виконавці: Оркестр радіо під проводом Анджея Марковські. Твір присвячений Герману Moeck, першому пропагандисту музики Пендерецького на Заході. Твір належить до експериментального раннього періоду творчості (1950 — 1960-ті роки), коли молодий композитор він шукав нові фонічні та технічні виразові можливості інструментів, зокрема струнно-смичкових. Завдяки нетрадиційному трактуванню артикуляції і оригінальним методам звуковидобування композитору вдалося витворити неповторну музичну мову, яка вимагала відмови від традиційної системи позначень. Пендерецький розробляє власну нотацію — графічну, що нагадує електроенцефалограму. Вперше графічний нотозапис був використаний в «Плачі за жертвами Хіросіми» (1960), Polymorphia продовжила цей напрямок. З грецької, полі означає «багато» і морфія — «форма». Отже, polymorphia — «безліч форм», або « той же зміст у багатьох формах». «Йдеться не про поняття музичної форми, а про форми звуковидобування». Біограф Пендерецького Вольфрам Швінгер пов'язує назву polymorphia з «широко розгорнутої шкалою звуку … в якій відбувається обмін і одночасне проникнення звуку і шуму, присутній контраст і злиття м'яких і твердих звуків». Як і «Трен жертвам Хіросіми», дана композиція побудована за принципом звукової драматургії. Композитору важливі звукові враження від кластерів, гліссандо та мікротонових комплексів самі по собі, а не рух мелодичних ліній. У цій дисонантній поліфонії голосів найбільш несподіваним є завершення: тризвук До Мажору. Форма твору Твір написаній у тричастинній формі ABA ', кожнен з розділів звучить приблизно три хвилини. Пендерецький розмежовує частини за допомогою системи контрастних тембрів. Розділ А (до такту 32) характеризується перевагою традиційного способу звуковидобування на струнних (ARCO) та використанням мікротонових кластерів. Розділ B починається на репетиції (такт 32) і завершується. Пендерецький розкриває можливості струнної групи як ударних інструментів. Він застосовує такіприйоми, як: battuto col legno (удар по струнах деревком смичка), удари відкритою долонею по струнах, удари по деках кінчикам пальців чи головкою смичка, постукування смучком по пульпіту чи по стільцях. В репризі повертається всі засоби, використані раніше. Кода будується на До Мажорному тризвуку. Як стверджує сам композитор, він почав писати цей твір з кінця: «Дослідники пишуть, що останній акорд — „причеплений“. Ніхто цього не зрозумів. А я з нього почав компонувати.» Примітки Посилання KRZYSZTOF PENDERECKI Polymorphia Твори Кшиштофа Пендерецького
Емблема Франції Сучасна державна емблема Франції стала символом Франції після 1953 року, хоча і не отримала правового статусу офіційного герба держави. З 2003 року всі державні адміністрації використовують логотип з Маріанною на тлі французького прапора. На багатьох інших офіційних документах (наприклад, на обкладинці паспорта) зображена неофіційна емблема Франції. Емблема складається з: пельти з головою лева і монограмою «RF», що означає République Française (Французька республіка) гілки оливи, що символізує мир дубової гілки, що символізує мудрість фасції, яка є символом правосуддя Історія Див. також Прапор Франції Гімн Франції Герби адміністративних одиниць Франції Примітки Література Все про світ. Країни. Прапори. Герби: енциклопедичний довідник / [відповідальний за випуск М. Ілляш]. — : Школа, 2001. — 622 с. ISBN 966-7657-79-5. Посилання Франція Франція Національні символи Франції
Через «замінування» евакуювали Волинську ОДА Як передають «Волинські новини», до міліції надійшло повідомлення про замінування будівлі. Евакуація людей із приміщення Волинської облдержадміністрації розпочалася о 16.00. На місце події прибуло чимало правоохоронців. Зокрема, присутній начальник обласної міліції Богдан Щур та керівник Луцького міськвідділу УМВС Роман Крохмаль. Також у будівлі працюють фахівці науково-дослідного експертно-криміналістичного центру міліції та слідчо-оперативної групи. Начальник УМВС у Волинській області у коментарі журналістам зазначив, що о 15.35 до рятувальників надійшло повідомлення про замінування ОДА. Управління МНС в свою чергу одразу поінформувало міліцію. Відео дня На цей час із будівлі евакуювали усіх людей, а експерти проводять огляд приміщення. За словами Б.Щура, правоохоронці вже встановили телефон-апарат, з якого надійшов дзвінок про замінування. Зараз з'ясовують особу, хто телефонував. Наразі дві під’їдні дороги до ОДА перекрито, приміщення оточила міліція, яка нікого не пропускає на територію ОДА.
In the densely packed megacities of the future, warming climates and rising incomes will make cooling a decisive factor— for energy conservation and quality of life. By mid-century people will use more energy for cooling than heating. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), energy demand for residential air conditioning in summer is projected to increase more than 30-fold by the end of the century: from nearly 300 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2000 to about 4,000 TWh in 2050 and more than 10,000 TWh in 2100. Thinking beyond solar and wind Since the Paris Agreement in December, cities are thinking beyond solar and wind with a view to transitioning to 100% renewable energy sources. One of the cities recognized at the conference for groundbreaking energy procurement programs, Washington DC, is looking to tap into another highly resilient source of renewable energy– municipal sewage waste heat. “The District of Columbia is proud to be recognized among global cities that are truly at the vanguard of fighting climate change,” said Mayor Bowser. “To meet its GHG reduction and renewable energy goals, DGS [DC’s Government Services Group] will need to aggressively expand efficiency solutions and the use of clean energy.” Targeting Cooling and Heating On May 12, the District of Columbia Commission on Climate Change and Resiliency will consider adding a new renewable resource for cooling and heating– municipal sewers. The District of Columbia’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires District energy suppliers to obtain renewable energy credits (RECs) proportional to the energy they sell. If the new proposal is accepted, “Tier 1” renewable resources would include wastewater thermal energy along with solar, wind, biomass, landfill gas, wastewater treatment gas, and geothermal. Wastewater thermal energy (WWTE) systems transfer or absorb heat through the conductive piping, from the wastewater to a working fluid in a closed loop. Regardless of above ground temperatures, sewage temperatures remain relatively constant year-round. These systems are completely sealed and odor-free, making them a safe and effective means of tapping into a sustainable energy source. WWTE replaces conventional HVAC systems, saving significant energy and fresh water. As cities struggle to scale up renewable energy sources and contend with unpredictable supply from solar and wind, WWTE systems provide a critical new resource for renewable energy sources at peak periods. Regardless of whether the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, sewage flows match peak human activities. WWTE integrates component technologies that have been proven for decades. Both Huber’s ThermWin and International Wastewater’s SHARC system have been widely applied in Europe and Canada. ThermoWatt out of Budapest (Hungary) is one of many emerging companies offering robust WWTE solutions. These modular technologies are cost-efficient for buildings requiring at least 100 tons of cooling, and efficiencies build beyond that. WWTE requires nearby access to at least 100-150 gallons per minute of sewage flow. Given sufficient heating and cooling needs and access to sufficient sewage flow, WWTE can replace conventional HVAC for office buildings, hospitals, hotels and campuses. For example, at Marie Reed Elementary in Washington DC, engineering analysis estimates that Huber’s ThermWin WWTE-driven HVAC would save 364,692 kWhs of electricity, 24,508 Therms of natural gas and 4,480,000 gallons of water. At present, several US states, including DC, Massachusetts, and New York, are assessing the possibility of using wastewater energy recovery (WWER) as part of their efforts to replace fossil fuels with renewables. DC Water estimates that its sewage flow can generate 160-200 KW of energy. A study conducted in 2012 in New York City concluded that if 5°F of heat were removed from wastewater flowing through the sewer pipes beneath the streets over the course of 1 year, $90,000,000 worth of energy could be recovered.
Рогозін: У Росії є план повного імпортозаміщення військової продукції України Мінпромторг вніс до ВПК план повного імпортозаміщення військової продукції України. Міністерство промисловості і торгівлі РФ (Мінпромторг) вніс у ВПК план повного імпортозаміщення військової продукції України 10 червня. Про це у своєму Twitter повідомив віце-прем'єр уряду Росії Дмитро Рогозін. "Порошенко заборонив кооперацію з РФ у сфері ОПК. Пізно. 10.06 Мінпромторг вніс до ВПК план повного імпортозаміщення військової продукції України", - написав він. Нагадаємо, перший віце-прем'єр-міністр України Віталій Ярема повідомив, що президент України Петро Порошенко на засіданні Ради національної безпеки і оборони 16 червня заборонив співпрацю з Російською Федерацією у сфері ВПК. Раніше в.о. президента України Олександр Турчинов підписав указ про припинення співпраці з РФ у військовій сфері щодо виробництва та поставок в Російську Федерації зброї і озброєнь, і було дозволено співпрацювати тільки у виробництві продукції подвійного призначення, наприклад, двигунів для вертольотів, що можуть використовуватися і у військових, і в цивільних цілях.
Сонник (значення) Сонник: Сонник — книга, що містить тлумачення сновидінь. Сонник — одна з назв прострілу звичайного — отруйної трав'янистої рослини, що застосовується в народній медицині та гомеопатії. Сонник — одна з назв рясту порожнистого — рослини роду Хохлатки, що використовується в лікарських цілях. Багатозначні терміни
Кабмін хоче обмежити вартість теплоенергії За словами Гройсмана, гранична ціна 1 Гкал теплоенергії повинна бути 1,4 тис. грн. Кабінет міністрів має намір ввести граничний рівень ціни 1 Гкал теплоенергії в системі централізованого опалення на рівні 1,4 тис. грн. Про це повідомив прем'єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман на засіданні сьогодні. "Чому в одних містах ціна 1 Гкал - 2 тис. грн, а в інших - 1,3 тис. грн? Чому така величезна різниця? Я точно можу сказати, що ця різниця необ'єктивна і неадекватна. Притому, що ціни на газ по всій Україні однакові, на е/е однакові, зарплати приблизно в галузі однакові, але різні тарифи", - сказав прем'єр. Повідомлялось, що Гройсман доручив профільним відомствам підготувати документ про встановлення на наступний опалювальний сезон граничних цін на тепло і гарячу воду, які будуть на 15-20% нижче поточних. НКЕКП з 1 січня 2019 року підвищила тарифи на теплоенергію для населення в ряді регіонів України. Таке рішення було прийнято на засіданнях 10-11 грудня 2018 року відповідно підвищеної урядом з 1 листопада на 23,5% ціни на газ для теплокомуненерго.
Українські суди та податкова відлякують голландських інвесторів Україна має великий потенціал для залучення інвестицій з-за кордону, проте бізнес-клімат у країні залишає бажати кращого, вважає посол Нідерландів. У західних інвесторів сьогодні немає впевненості в захищеності своїх інвестицій в українську економіку. Про це в інтерв'ю ZN.UA повідомив Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол Королівства Нідерланди в Україні Пітер Ян Волтерс. "Питання, яке хвилює західних інвесторів, - чи можуть вони бути впевнені в захищеності? Такої впевненості в них на сьогоднішній день немає. І це стримує потік інвестицій в Україну", - заявив посол. За його словами, Україні необхідно звернути увагу на реформування судової системи. "Незалежність судочинства надзвичайно важлива для бізнесу, інвестори мають бути впевнені, що не існує ніякої упередженості при винесенні вироків і прийнятті рішень, що перед законом усі рівні", - підкреслив Волтерс. "Крім того, в Україні не завжди зрозумілі правила гри. Зауважу, що в багатьох голландських компаніях, що працюють тут, працює значна кількість співробітників, завдання яких - стежити за вимогами податкової і митної адміністрацій, щоб правильно їх розуміти і правильно діяти. Мені б дуже хотілося, щоб органи митної та податкової служб були для бізнесу швидше партнерами, ніж опонентами", - зазначив він. При цьому дипломат повідомив, що в Нідерландах Україну розглядають як цікавого економічного партнера. "На сьогоднішній день обсяг наших інвестицій становить близько 5 млрд дол. В основному вони вкладені в інфраструктуру, будівництво, банківські послуги. Нідерланди як експортер займає серед країн ЄС восьму позицію, наш експорт в Україну - товари сільського господарства, машинобудування, хімічної промисловості, народного споживання - склав 600 млн дол. за перше півріччя 2012 р.", - сказав він. "Особлива уваа - сільському господарству і харчовій промисловості. У Нідерландів у цих галузях є багато сучасних технологій, і ми могли б бути повноцінними партнерами з українцями, враховуючи величезний потенціал України в розвитку цих секторів", - додав Волтерс. "Виникає питання: чому ж сюди досі не вкладаються інвестиції? Відповім: через існуючий сьогодні в Україні бізнес-клімату. Мене дуже розчаровують ваші низькі показники в різних рейтингах, що оцінюють легкість ведення бізнесу в країні", - зазначив він. Подробиці читайте в свіжому номері "Дзеркала тижня. Україна" в інтерв'ю Тетяни Сіліної з Пітером Яном Волтерсом. !zn Читайте також: Азаров розповів європейським банкірам про інвестиційний клімат і боротьбу з корупцією Італійці, французи і австрійці мають намір збільшити інвестиції у фінансовий сектор України Арбузов і Колобов вирушили в США шукати нові джерела інвестицій
* Повний варіант випуску "УНІАН-Анонс" розповсюджується за передплатою. Відділ маркетингу - т. (044) 590-45-63
Children Born Prematurely Face up to a 19 Times Greater Risk of Retinal Detachment Later in Life First large population-based study investigating long-term risks supports need for ophthalmologic follow-up of children and adults born before eight months of gestation People born prematurely are at a higher increased risk for a variety of eye-related complications throughout their life, but until now, the risk had not been measured. New research from Sweden shows that individuals born very and extremely premature may face up to a 19 times greater risk of retinal detachment than their peers. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an eye disease that occurs in a small percentage of premature babies where abnormal blood vessels grow on the retina — the light-sensitive layer of cells lining the back of the eye that help us see. In some cases, the abnormal blood vessels may shrink and go away without treatment. In other cases, the vessels may continue to develop and serious eye and vision problems may occur, such as myopia, amblyopia, strabismus, glaucoma and detached retina. The middle of the eye is filled with a clear gel called vitreous that is attached to the retina. A detached retina can occur when the vitreous fluid in the eye pulls hard enough to tear the retina in one or more places. Fluid may pass through a retinal tear, lifting the retina off the back of the eye—much as wallpaper can peel off a wall. When the retina is pulled away from the back of the eye like this, it is called a retinal detachment. The retina does not work when it is detached and vision becomes blurry. A retinal detachment is a very serious problem that almost always causes blindness unless it is treated with detached retina surgery. The risk of retinal detachment in people born prematurely was studied by researchers examining nationwide population registries to find subjects born prematurely (less than 8.6 months) between 1973 and 2008. The subjects were then divided into two groups: those born between 1973 and 1986 at which point a national ROP screening program was established. The other group included those born between 1987 and 2008 and had received the ROP screening. The researchers found that for people born extremely premature (approximately 6.5 months), the risk of retinal detachment was 19 times greater for those born before 1987, and nine times greater for those born after 1987. Subjects born very prematurely (6.5 to 7.2 months) had a four times greater risk of retinal detachment before the ROP screening program, and a three-fold risk once the screening program was put in place. Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and other organizations recommend screening for ROP in infants born at less than 30 weeks of gestation or those with a birth weight of less than 1500 grams (or those with a birth weight of less than 2000 grams with an unstable clinical course). Based on the results of this research, individuals who have been treated for ROP as newborns should also continue follow up screenings with an ophthalmologist on a yearly basis.
Українська опозиція не підтримала резолюцію ПАРЄ щодо політв'язнів у Азербайджані Проект резолюції Парламентської асамблеї Ради Європи німецького депутата Крістофа Штрассера щодо політичних в'язнів в Азербайджані підтримали лише двоє з п'яти представників української опозиції. Як повідомляє сайт асамблеї, проголосували "за" народні депутати Олександр Шевченко ("Свобода") та Павло Рябікін ("УДАР"). Депутат від "Батьківщини" Володимир Ар'єв утримався, а бютівці Сергій Соболєв та Леся Оробець взагалі не взяли участі в голосуванні. Представники Партії регіонів та Компартії голосували проти. "Під час дебатів напередодні ввечері члени ПАРЄ не підтримали проект резолюції щодо політичних в'язнів в Азербайджані, підготовлений німецьким депутатом Крістофом Штрассером. За проект документа проголосували 79 членів ПАРЄ, проти - 125, утрималися - 20", - йдеться у повідомленні. У доповіді німецького парламентарія констатується, що "в Азербайджані питання політичних в'язнів і досі залишається невирішеним, незважаючи на зусилля Парламентської Асамблеї". Проект резолюції, яка не отримала підтримки у членів ПАРЄ, вимагає "якнайскорішого вирішення справ, у відповідності до яких особи, які вважаються політичними в'язнями, включені до єдиного списку та досі перебувають у в'язниці". Крім того, проект документа закликає владу Азербайджану в подальшому унеможливити переслідування за політичними ознаками, забезпечити належні умови для проведення справедливих судових процесів, виключити тортури та інші форми неналежного поводження із затриманими.
Meizu Note 8 — смартфон середнього класу, розроблений Meizu, що є наступником Meizu M6 Note. Був представлений 25 жовтня 2018 року. Дизайн Екран виконаний зі скла. Корпус смартфона виконаний з алюмінію. Знизу знаходяться роз'єм microUSB, динамік, мікрофон та 3.5 мм аудіороз'єм. З лівого боку смартфона розташований слот під 2 SIM-картки. З правого боку розміщені кнопки регулювання гучності та кнопка блокування смартфона. Сканер відбитків пальців розташований на задній панелі. В Україні Meizu Note 8 продавався в 4 кольорах: чорному, синьому, червоному та рожевому. Технічні характеристики Платформа Смартфон отримав процесор Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 та графічний процесор Adreno 502. Батарея Батарея отримала об'єм 3600 мА·год та підтримку швидкої зарядки mCharge 4 на 24 Вт. Камера Смартфон отримав основну подвійну камеру 13 Мп, f/1.9 (ширококутний) + 5 Мп, f/2.4 (сенсор глибини) з фазовим автофокусом Dual Pixel та здатністю запису відео в роздільній здатності 1080p@30fps. Фронтальна камера отримала роздільність 8 Мп (ширококутний), світлосилу f/2.0 та здатність запису відео у роздільній здатності 1080p@30fps. Екран Екран IPS LCD, 6.0'', 2160 × 1080 (FullHD+) зі співвідношенням сторін 18:9 та щільністю пікселів 402 ppi. Пам'ять Смартфон продавався в комплектації 4/64 ГБ. Програмне забезпечення Смартфон був випущений на Flyme 7.1, що базувалася на Android 8.0 Oreo. Був оновлений до Flyme 8.1 на базі Android 9 Pie. Планувалося, що смартфон отримає Android 10, але за великої кількості помилок оновлення було скасоване. Примітки Note 8 Пристрої на базі Android Мобільні телефони, представлені в 2018 році Мобільні телефони з кількома тиловими камерами Смартфони, зняті з виробництва
Путін: ЧФ РФ забезпечує безпеку і Росії, і України Чорноморський флот РФ виконує завдання із забезпечення безпеки і Росії, і України. Як передає власний кореспондент УНІАН у РФ, про це заявив прем'єр-міністр Росії Володимир ПУТІН на засіданні російського уряду. «Хочу ще раз підкреслити, що російський флот в Криму, безумовно, виконує завдання забезпечення безпеки і Росії, і України, і не лише: він бере найактивнішу участь у міжнародних зусиллях з підтримки миру і безпеки», - сказав В.ПУТІН. Він відзначив, що зараз кораблі Чорноморського флоту РФ патрулюють в Аденській затоці, борються з піратством. Минулого і позаминулого року вони брали участь разом з кораблями інших країн у міжнародних заходах щодо боротьби з тероризмом, таких як «Black Sea Force» у Середземному морі, додав російський прем'єр. В.ПУТІН підкреслив, що підписана вчора Президентами РФ і України угода щодо продовження перебування російського флоту в Криму відповідає «корінним інтересам російського і українського народів».
The American Library Association (ALA) and ProLiteracy have partnered to develop a free online course to help libraries across the country integrate adult literacy services and policies to address the serious problem that in the United States there are 36 million adults who lack adequate literacy and basic skills. With the award of an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant, ProLiteracy and the ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services joined forces to further the work outlined in 2013 in Adult Literacy through Libraries: An Action Agenda. Experts in the field developed an online, interactive course with 10 modules to guide and challenge libraries that are not currently offering services for adult learners. The module includes steps libraries can take to become part of the solution. “There is an adult literacy need that drove this project,” said Kevin Morgan, president and CEO of ProLiteracy. “One in six American adults cannot read above a third-grade level. This amounts to a staggering 36 million people between the ages of 16 and 65 who struggle on a daily basis to perform basic tasks such as completing a job application, understanding a medication label, or reading a simple story to their children. Libraries, whose main mission is built on the bedrock of literacy, have an especially important role to play as a link to adult literacy instruction.” “ALA and ProLiteracy are teaming together to help literacy providers, librarians and library workers develop innovative adult literacy services.” said Dr. Julie Todaro, ALA President. “This exciting new tool will underscore the role public libraries play in promoting adult literacy in their communities.” The course is designed so that, after finishing the Introduction and Community Needs Assessment modules, library staff can choose which additional modules they wish to take based on their library’s needs. The modules include information about building and promoting a collection of print and digital materials that meets the readability needs, goals, and interests of adults with limited literacy. The course increases access to technology to better serve adults with limited literacy or English language skills, and includes recommendations on how libraries can form collaborations and strategic partnerships to support adult literacy in their communities. The public library’s greatest human resource is the skilled librarians and library staff on the frontlines of public service. This course provides librarians with the training and knowledge to help adults with low literacy pursue their educational, work, and life goals. Adults are coming to the library in growing numbers not only to use the public computers, access print and digital resources, and search and apply for jobs, but to also improve their education. Librarians are being asked to stretch their resources, and they are responding with diligence, determination, and remarkable creativity. To register and learn more about the Adult Literacy through Libraries course, visit ProLiteracy Education Network at https://proliteracy.csod.com/LMS/catalog/Welcome.aspx.
Happens During Euthanasia? Paige Garnett, DVM When a pet owner has made the very difficult decision to help his or her pet die, many questions arise regarding the actual process of euthanasia. What exactly occurs when a pet is euthanatized? Is the animal aware of what is happening? Is he in pain during the euthanasia process? What does the veterinarian use to help the pet die? The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms "eu" meaning good and "thanatos" meaning death. A "good death" would be one that occurs without pain or distress. Euthanasia is the act of producing a humane death in an animal. In order to produce a humane death, the techniques employed should result in rapid unconsciousness followed by cardiac or respiratory arrest. Also, the technique should minimize any stress and anxiety experienced by the animal prior to unconsciousness. If the animal appears anxious or distressed when presented for euthanasia, most veterinarians will administer a tranquilizer or sedative prior to the actual euthanasia injection. This ensures that the animal is restful and peaceful prior to the euthanasia. The tranquilizer may be given with a needle under the skin or in the muscle, or with pills which are taken orally. Generally it takes approximately 15 minutes for a tranquilizer to help the pet relax. Most veterinarians use an injectable drug, most commonly pentobarbital, which is given in a vein. This barbiturate depresses the central nervous system beginning with the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that determines awareness. The pet will lapse into unconsciousness, and then progress to anesthesia (the absence of pain). With an overdose of pentobarbital, deep anesthesia is followed by the stopping of breathing and then by cardiac arrest. The advantages of using a barbiturate are the speed of action and the very minimal discomfort to the animal (the only pain being associated with the needle puncture). To inject the euthanasia solution, a vein is first prepared by painlessly clipping away the hair. A needle may be inserted directly into the vein and the euthanasia solution slowly injected, or a catheter (a small plastic tube) may be inserted in the vein and the injection given Most animals die quickly, within ten seconds. Their eyes remain open and some animals urinate and defecate following death. Some animals gasp after they have died and may even twitch. These normal, mechanical responses can be very disconcerting to pet owners who stay with their pets during euthanasia if the owners are not prepared in advance. The decision for euthanasia is a difficult one, but the actual process is painless and very quick, granting our beloved pets a peaceful ending to their lives. Pet owners should feel free to discuss all questions concerning the euthanasia process with their veterinarians, so that they may be as comfortable as possible with their decisions. This article is courtesy of the Pet Loss Support Group of the Denver Area Veterinary Medical Society.
❗️Комендантська година в Україні в ніч з 23 на 24 квітня за інформацією обласних військових адміністрацій
Україна та Туреччина: поромне сполучення оптимізовують... Україна та Туреччина підтвердили готовність оптимізовувати роботу у напрямку розширення транснаціональних транспортних коридорів, які об'єднують країни Східної та Західної Європи з Близькосхідним та Азійським регіонами... Незадовго до того, як український уряд узявся до роботи над організацією прямого вантажного поромного сполучення з Туреччиною, компанія "Укрферрі", яка поки що є головним вітчизняним гравцем у цьому сегменті ринку, почала здійснювати проект будівництва залізнично-поромного терміналу у турецькому порту Самсун. І хоча зараз на горизонті "Укрферрі" з'явилися щонайменше два потенційні конкуренти, в осяжному майбутньому левова частка вантажопотоку, який циркулює між країнами Європи, Сходу і Азії, усе ще залишатиметься в її руках... Протекція для монополіста Перші особи української і турецької держав нещодавно підтвердили готовність і далі вести роботу у напрямку розширення наявних і створення нових транснаціональних транспортних коридорів, що об'єднують країни Східної і Північної Європи з Близькосхідним і Азіатським регіонами. Зокрема, Кабінет Міністрів України схвалив проект угоди між урядами України і Туреччини про організацію міжнародного прямого вантажного залізнично-поромного сполучення. І хоча відомості про параметри майбутнього проекту поки не розголошують, виходячи з контексту цієї події, його загальні контури видимі самі собою. Нагадаємо, на сьогодні Україна має в розпорядженні три поромні переправи в Чорноморському регіоні, відправним пунктом яких є Іллічівський порт звідки вантажі рухаються у напрямі Болгарії (Варна), Грузії (Поті) і Туреччини (Дериндже). Їх потужностями оперує створене в 1995 році ЗАТ "Судноплавна компанія "Укрферри", що спеціалізується також на перевезеннях залізничних вагонів, автомобільної техніки, контейнерів паллетизированных вантажів і, нарешті, пасажирів. Флот компанії складається з трьох залізничних і двох пасажирських поромів, а також ряду контейнерних і ро-ро судів. Слід зазначити, що поромні переправи Іллічівськ-Поті та Іллічівськ-Деріндже, котрі почали функціонувати у 1999 і 2001 роках, відповідно, були створені самою "Укрферрі". Перша призначалася для доставки вантажів з Грузії і сусідніх з нею країн, які не мають виходів до моря на міжнародні ринки. Згодом, шляхом її об'єднання з переправою Іллічівськ-Варна, був створений кільцевий маршрут, який став частиною транспортного коридору Європа-Кавказ-Азія. На сьогодні тут обробляють вантажі майже усіх типів, у тому числі – небезпечні, які надходять у залізничному рухомому складі, великовантажних автомобілях, контейнерах. Крім того, на цьому маршруті здійснюється перевезення палубних вантажів, легкових авто і пасажирів. Що стосується переправи Іллічівськ-Деріндже, то її обслуговують залізничні пороми, пов'язані з регулярною залізнично-автомобільною поромною лінією. За типом вантажів і способами їх доставки вона також майже універсальна. Як зазначають експерти, основна перевага поромної переправи полягає у тому, що вона дає можливість транспортувати вантажі без проміжних перевалок, що забезпечує високу швидкість доставки вантажів та їх збереження. Утім, разом з цим "Укрферрі" також здійснює контейнерні перевезення, як підкреслюють у самій компанії - у найширшому географічному діапазоні. Усередині Чорноморського басейну вантажі доставляють на власних суднах "Укрферрі", а з Азії, Близького Сходу, Африки, США, Латинської Америки і країн ЄС - через інших лінійних перевізників. Одним словом, займаючи вже зараз міцне положення на ринку стівідорних послуг і майже монопольне - у сегменті поромних перевезень, компанія прагне у перспективі досягти максимального охоплення експортно-імпортного ринку України і країн Чорноморського регіону. Що, зрозуміло, могло б бути основою для серйозного занепокоєння серед споживачів її послуг, коли б у неї зовсім не було потенційних конкурентів. Невипадковий резонанс Приблизно за півтора місяці до того, як проект організації прямого поромного сполучення між Україною і Туреччиною почав реалізовуватися на міждержавному рівні, компанія "Укрферрі" узялася до здійснення аналогічного задуму або, принаймні, одного з ключових елементів, так би мовити, приватним шляхом. Так, у середині грудня представники "Укрферрі" і керівництво турецького порту Самсун підписали протокол про створення в ньому залізнично-поромного терміналу. І хоча, відповідно до цієї угоди, майбутній термінал буде включений у нині чинну поромну лінію Варна-Поті-Батумі-Іллічівськ, навряд чи можуть бути якісь істотні перешкоди для того, щоб використовувати його і на іншому маршруті, наприклад, який звязує Україну і Туреччину безпосередньо. Зокрема, оскільки порт Самсун, який розташований в центральній частині чорноморського берега Туреччини, повязаний розгалуженою мережею залізничних колій з міжнародними транспортними коридорами, що проходять через Туреччину, будівництво терміналу вже зараз дозволить продовжити маршрут потягу "Вікінг" з Іллічівська до території Туреччини і завантажити його транзитними контейнерами. За даними прес-служби "Укрферрі", робота над проектом ведеться спільно з болгарською компанією "Пароплавство БМФ" АД, що є провідним перевізником на Чорному морі. При цьому інформації ні про терміни реалізації, ні про умови і об'єми фінансування, ні про інші параметри проекту в компанії не надають. Відомо лише, що на сьогодні сторони домовилися про проведення днопоглиблювальних робіт і заходів, що забезпечують безпечний підхід і швартовку українських поромів до залізнично-поромного моста, а також про його переобладнання під залізничну колію стандарту 1520 мм. Крім того, вони мають намір побудувати береговий залізничний термінал з колією або російського, або змішаного - російсько-європейського - стандарту для одноразового зберігання і обробки 150-160 вагонів. Згідно з проектом, майбутнє оснащення терміналу передбачає використання усіх можливих схем перевантажувальних робіт: вагон-вагон, вагон-автомобіль і вагон-причал. Як підкреслює прес-служба "Укрферрі", після закінчення усіх робіт і організації залізнично-поромного руху не лише у Туреччини й України, але також у країн Євросоюзу і Балтики з'явиться новий транспортний коридор, що дозволяє з мінімальними тимчасовими втратами доставляти вантажі на Близький Схід і в Південно-Східну Азію. І це говорить про те, що у разі реалізації цих планів, які явно не випадково увійшли до резонансу з намірами урядів України і Туреччини організувати пряме поромне сполучення між обома країнами, "Укрферрі" надовго залишиться домінуючим гравцем у цьому сегменті ринку. Конкурентна перспектива Проте, у середині січня ТОВ "Трансінвестсервіс" (ТІС) також відкрило нову поромну лінію Black Sea Express, яка з'єднала порт "Южний" з портами Туреччини. Нагадаємо, що створене на рік раніше від компанії "Укрферрі" - у 1994 році - ТОВ "ТІС" має у розпорядженні власну термінальну інфраструктуру у порту "Южний" загальною потужністю понад 25 млн. тонн і входить до числа 5 найбільших українських і 9 найбільших чорноморських стівідорних компаній. Згідно з даними прес-служби ТІС, поява цього маршруту - результат тривалої співпраці з турецькою компанією Каалбай Лоджистікс,у в ході якої, зокрема в акваторії "Южного", українська компанія побудувала спеціалізований поромний комплекс для прийому відповідних суден. Нова лінія переорієнтовує транзитний потік вантажів, які доставляють автомобільним транспортом, з Туреччини в Західну і Східну Європу - зокрема Польщу і Німеччину, який раніше йшов в обхід України. Поки на ній курсує одне ро-ро судно місткістю 66 магістральних тягачів TIR з частотою один раз на тиждень. Але вже незабаром, після відпрацювання усіх технологічних моментів і появи перших результатів з просування цієї послуги на ринку, компанія планує збільшити щотижневу кількість суднозаходів до двох. Ймовірно, разом з цим буде розширена і географія цього сервісу. Разом з цим, уже на початку лютого про свої плани зі створення нових транспортних коридорів у Чорноморському басейні заявило і керівництво російського холдингу "Металоінвест". Нагадаємо, поки компанія використовує для транспортування власної залізорудної сировини (ЗРС) потужності ДП "Морський торговий порт "Южний", з яким у липні минулого року у неї був укладений відповідний контракт. Проте, враховуючи плани "Металоінвеста" щодо істотного розширення виробничих потужностей і збільшенню обсягів випуску ЗРС, у найближчому майбутньому цих потужностей компанії явно не вистачить. Так, ще в нинішньому році "Металоінвест" має намір наростити обсяги виробництва Лебединському і Михайлівському гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатах (ГЗК), які входять до його складу, "лише" на 3,4 млн. тонн - до 38,5 млн. тонн. Проте, у найближчі 5-10 років загальний приріст досягне вже 10 млн. тонн цього виду сировини. "І ми вже зараз повністю усвідомлюємо те, що 10 млн. тонн, коли вони з'являться на горизонті, через існуючі російські порти і навіть через порти України і Прибалтики вивезти буде неможливо" - підкреслив генеральний дендиректор холдингу "Металоінвест" Едуард Потапов. А тому, запланувавши у нинішньому році інвестиції в розвиток бізнесу на рівні 12-13 млрд. рублів, компанія планує витратити їх як, власне, на розширення потужностей з виробництва ЗРС, так і, паралельно, на будівництво портового комплексу з терміналом для перевалки цього виду сировини в об'ємах не менше 10 млн. тонн. "Оскільки нині порти Чорного моря вже повністю завантажені, а, крім того, за великим рахунком, не дозволяють приймати великотоннажні судна, ми маємо намір здійснити саме greenfield - проект", - уточнив Е.Потапов. Слід врахувати, що на сьогодні через нерозвиненість як української, так і російської портової інфраструктури, витрати експортерів металургійної сировини на її доставку у Близькосхідний і Азіатський регіони істотно вищі, ніж витрати їх австралійських і бразильських конкурентів. А значить - поява будь-якого роду можливостей її безперешкодного транспортування через Україну виявиться більш ніж доречною. Особливо, якщо подібні послуги пропонуватимуть різні оператори, потенційний список яких зовсім не обмежується згаданими компаніями. Олена Фельбуш (для УНІАН)
How It Feels Family members may have concerns and strong emotions about an autopsy being done on a loved one. It is important that the family understand that the autopsy is a medical procedure performed respectfully and carefully, to objectively evaluate disease or injury that may be present and to determine the cause and manner of the loved one's There are no risks from the actual autopsy. But an autopsy may uncover the effects of habits or diseases that people close to the deceased person did not know about. For example, the pathologist may find cancer during the autopsy, or results of a liver test may show cirrhosis, which can occur from the overuse of An autopsy is a medical procedure that consists of a thorough examination performed on a body after death, to evaluate disease or injury that may be present and to determine the cause and manner of a person's death. Following the autopsy, it may take several weeks for the results of specialized tests to be completed. For this reason, a final written autopsy report may take weeks or even months. The pathologist or deceased person's doctor may speak directly to the family after the dissection portion of the autopsy and again after the final autopsy report is complete. After performing the autopsy, the pathologist will often make a statement about the cause and manner of death. Manner of death is defined as natural or unnatural. death means the death occurred as a result of a disease or from the natural effects of old age. Some examples of natural causes include: - Damage to the heart caused by heart disease, a heart attack, or - Damage to the brain caused by conditions such as tumors, stroke, poorly controlled - Damage to the lungs caused by a blood clot, bleeding, or - Damage to organs in the abdomen, such as the stomach, spleen, liver, or kidneys. An unnatural death means the death resulted from an unexpected, unusual, or suspicious cause. If an injury caused or contributed to the death, the manner of death is called unnatural. Unnatural manners of death are homicide, suicide, accident, and undetermined. Unnatural deaths generally are investigated under authority of the medical examiner or coroner, and the determination of the manner of death requires a detailed investigation of the circumstances surrounding the death. Some unnatural causes of death include: - Bullet wounds. - An automobile accident or plane crash. - Fire, drowning, or - Death resulting from extreme heat or - Poisoning or drug overdose.
Список серій мультсеріалу «Леді Баґ і Супер-Кіт» Мультсеріал «Леді Баґ і Супер-Кіт» вперше вийшов 1 вересня 2015 року у Південній Кореї на телеканалі «EBS1» та 19 жовтня 2015 у Франції на телеканалі TF1. Станом на грудень 2023 року в етер вийшло 5 повних сезонів. 1 сезон До свого дебюту у Франції 19 жовтня 2015 року на TF1, серіал був вперше показаний у Південній Кореї 1 вересня 2015 року на «EBS1». В Україні прем'єра відбулася 16 листопада 2017 року на телеканалі «Піксель TV» та 1 березня 2019 на телеканалі «ПлюсПлюс». На «Піксель TV» серіал транслювали щодня по 1 серії. Спочатку була показана 2 серія сезону «Злолюстратор», а потім 1-а «Негода». На «ПлюсПлюс» сезон транслювали також щодня по 1 серії, але 25 березня 2019 вийшло одразу 2 останні серії «Кунг суп» та «Вольпіна». 2 сезон Прем'єра другого сезону відбулася в Іспанії, 21 жовтня 2017 року на місцевому Disney Channel було показано одразу два епізоди: «Колекціонер» та «Злючий ведмедик». Другою прем'єру показала Франція 26 жовтня на TF1. В Україні прем'єра другого сезону відбулася 26 березня 2019. З 26 березня по 7 квітня транслювалася перша половина сезону (1—13 серія). З 17 травня по 29 травня транслювалася друга половина сезону (14—26 серія). 3 сезон Іспанський Disney Channel 1 грудня 2018 о 11:40 показав перший епізод серіалу «Хамелеон». Через 80 хвилин після Іспанії, прем'єру показала Португалія. В Україні прем'єра сезону відбулася 22 вересня 2019. З 22 вересня по 11 жовтня серії виходили за виробничим кодом, окрім серії «Мисливиця на квомі», яка вийшла 14 жовтня. 12 жовтня було показано передостанню серію під назвою «Леді Баґ». 13 жовтня транслювалася перша частина фіналу, а друга 15 жовтня. В Україні сезон закінчився 31 грудня 2019 року показавши серії «Білий Кіт» та «Фелікс». 4 сезон Прем'єра четвертого сезону відбулася в Бразилії, 23 березня 2021 року на місцевому телеканалі Gloob. Другою прем'єру показала Швейцарія 3 квітня 2021 року на телеканалі RTS UN. Прем'єра в Україні відбулася 6 вересня 2021. З 6 по 11 вересня вийшли 1-3, 8, 11 і 13 серія сезону. З 11 по 14 листопада відбулася прем'єра ще 5 серій. З 13 по 21 грудня вийшло ще 9 серій. У 2022 «ПлюсПлюс» встигли показати лише 5, за хронологією, серію 20 лютого. В Україні сезон закінчився 1 січня 2023 року показом серій «Ризик» та «Контрудар». 5 сезон Прем'єра п'ятого сезону відбулася В Бразилії, 14 червня 2022 року, таким чином в етер вийшов перший за хронологією епізод п'ятого сезону «Еволюція». 1 липня 2023 року на швейцарському телеканалі RTS були показані дві фінальні серії сезону, «Підпорядкування» і «Відтворення». Прем'єра цього сезону в Україні відбулась 28 серпня 2023 року, а закінчилась 21 жовтня того ж року показом «Дія», що є 27 за виробничим кодом. Огляд серіалу Список сезонів Перший сезон (2015―2016) Другий сезон (2016—2018) Третій сезон (2018—2019) Четвертий сезон (2021—2022) П'ятий сезон (2022—2023) Шостий сезон (2024) Леді Баґ: Навколо світу Короткометражні серії Леді Баґ і Супер-Кіт. Секрети Леді Баґ і Супер-Кіт. Казки з Парижу Леді Баґ і Супер-Кіт. Чібі-шоу Леді Баґ і Супер-Кіт. Дія. Короткометражки Спецкороткометр (Промовідео) Фільми Примітки Списки епізодів мультсеріалів
by Staff Writers Paris (ESA) Aug 06, 2014 The observations of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko were made by Rosetta's visible, infrared and thermal imaging spectrometer, VIRTIS, between 13 and 21 July, when Rosetta closed in from 14 000 km to the comet to just over 5000 km. At these distances, the comet covered only a few pixels in the field of view and so it was not possible to determine the temperatures of individual features. But, using the sensor to collect infrared light emitted by the whole comet, scientists determined that its average surface temperature is about -70C. The comet was roughly 555 million kilometres from the Sun at the time - more than three times further away than Earth, meaning that sunlight is only about a tenth as bright. Although -70C may seem rather cold, importantly, it is some 20-30C wRarmer than predicted for a comet at that distance covered exclusively in ice. "This result is very interesting, since it gives us the first clues on the composition and physical properties of the comet's surface," says VIRTIS principal investigator Fabrizio Capaccioni from INAF-IAPS, Rome, Italy. Indeed, other comets such as 1P/Halley are known to have very dark surfaces owing to a covering of dust, and Rosetta's comet was already known to have a low reflectance from ground-based observations, excluding an entirely 'clean' icy surface. The temperature measurements provide direct confirmation that much of the surface must be dusty, because darker material heats up and emits heat more readily than ice when it is exposed to sunlight. "This doesn't exclude the presence of patches of relatively clean ice, however, and very soon, VIRTIS will be able to start generating maps showing the temperature of individual features," adds Dr Capaccioni. In addition to global measurements, the sensor will study the variation of the daily surface temperature of specific areas of the comet, in order to understand how quickly the surface reacts to solar illumination. In turn, this will provide insight into the thermal conductivity, density and porosity of the top tens of centimetres of the surface. This information will be important in selecting a target site for Rosetta's lander, Philae. It will also measure the changes in temperature as the comet flies closer to the Sun along its orbit, providing substantially more heating of the surface. "Combined with observations from the other 10 science experiments on Rosetta and those on the lander, VIRTIS will provide a thorough description of the surface physical properties and the gases in the comet's coma, watching as conditions change on a daily basis and as the comet loops around the Sun over the course of the next year," says Matt Taylor, ESA's Rosetta project scientist. "With only a few days until we arrive at just 100 km distance from the comet, we are excited to start analysing this fascinating little world in more and more detail." Asteroid and Comet Mission News, Science and Technology |The content herein, unless otherwise known to be public domain, are Copyright 1995-2014 - Space Media Network. All websites are published in Australia and are solely subject to Australian law and governed by Fair Use principals for news reporting and research purposes. AFP, UPI and IANS news wire stories are copyright Agence France-Presse, United Press International and Indo-Asia News Service. ESA news reports are copyright European Space Agency. All NASA sourced material is public domain. Additional copyrights may apply in whole or part to other bona fide parties. Advertising does not imply endorsement, agreement or approval of any opinions, statements or information provided by Space Media Network on any Web page published or hosted by Space Media Network. Privacy Statement All images and articles appearing on Space Media Network have been edited or digitally altered in some way. Any requests to remove copyright material will be acted upon in a timely and appropriate manner. Any attempt to extort money from Space Media Network will be ignored and reported to Australian Law Enforcement Agencies as a potential case of financial fraud involving the use of a telephonic carriage device or postal service.|
Відео Зимова риболовля – захоплююче, проте небезпечне хобі. Саме тому співробітники служби порятунку не втомлюються нагадувати рибалкам правила безпеки, яких так важливо дотримуватись усім, хто виходить на лід. З метою перевірки та дотримання заходів безпеки 22 січня рятувальники 9 державної пожежно-рятувальної частини Головного управління ДСНС України у Дніпропетровській області провели черговий профілактичний рейд на території човнової станції міста Дніпродзержинськ. До профілактичного заходу також залучились й помічники співробітників ДСНС – волонтери. Рятувальники та волонтери служби «101» поспілкувалися з рибалками та роздали їм листівки, у яких викладено не лише правила безпечного перебування на кризі, а й поради, як діяти у разі надзвичайної ситуації. «Через постійну мінливу температуру на річках та озерах утворюється нестійкий крижаний покров, котрий представляє особливу небезпеку для людей, зокрема, рибалок і дітей. Тож безпечним вважається прозорий лід синюватого або зеленуватого відтінку при температурі повітря нижче 0 С. Не варто перевіряти міцність льоду ударами ніг. Щоб уникнути лиха, перш, ніж ступити на лід, потрібно обережно простукувати його палицею. Якщо після першого удару він пробивається і на ньому з’являється вода, далі йти не можна. Для непередбачуваних випадків обов’язково майте при собі міцну мотузку завдовжки 12-15 метрів з петлею на одному кінці й вантажем вагою 400-500 г на іншому, дошку або велику гілку», - нагадували правила поведінки на зимовий водоймах фахівці ДСНС:
"Будівельник" у напруженому матчі обіграв "Банвіт" в Єврокубку Про це повідомляють вітчизняні ЗМІ. "Підопічні Айнарса Багатскіса упевнено почали гру, в другій чверті перевага "будівельників" досягла 11 очок. Але потім кияни зменшили оберти і змусили неабияк понервувати своїх уболівальників наприкінці матчу. На останніх секундах "будівельники" могли і зовсім програти, якби гравець "Банвіта" Мехая не промахнувся в своєму кидку. Найбільш ефективним у складі киян став Стрелнієкс, що набрав 13 очок", - йдеться в повідомленні. Після цієї перемоги "Будівельник" залишився на другому місці в групі. Наступний матч "будівельники" проведуть 19 лютого на виїзді проти "Юніон Олімпії". Ще один український представник в Єврокубку, южненський "Хімік" програв на виїзді сербському клубу "Раднічки" - 68:86.
<<< back to Access Tips - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - A collection of information concerning a topic or business - Databases help you organise this related information in a logical way for easy and fast retrieval. - In Access, a database is the overall container for the actual data and other objects (tables, forms, queries, reports etc). - Data Type - A characteristic of a field that defines what type of information can be stored in that field - Text, Number, Date etc. - A category of information within a table - often thought of as columns of data items within a table. - Each field has a name that identifies it; [FirstName], [City], - Fields are also identified as being of a certain - Foreign Key - A field (usually not the primary key) in a table that is linked (through a relationship) to a field (typically the primary key) in another table. - The foreign key will hold the same data type as the primary field in the link table - Often they will have the same name but this is not a requirement - Indexes maintain a presorted order of fields that speed up queries, - In Access, you can assign any field as indexed - typically you pick a field that will be used a lot for searches, links etc. - Indexes may also be unique - preventing duplicate values in that field - Like the primary key, an index may be more than one field - using the combined values of several fields - In Access, objects are the tools you need to manage your database: - Allows you to present or enter your data using your layout design - Built-in commands to help you automate tasks without programming - Programs you can create using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - Helps you search, sort, retreive, update and delete sets of data - Display, print, organise, group and sum your data using your - Primary Key - One or more columns (fields) in a table that will uniquely identify a - Each table should have a primary key because: - A primary key is an index - When inputting data, Access prevents duplicate entries in the primary key field - Unless you tell it otherwise, Access will display your data in the order of the primary key - A set of data that can be accessed or sequenced as desired. - A record typically consists of fields (or just one field) of data pertaining to a single entity within a table. - Referential Integrity - Refers to the requirement that primary and foreign keys remain synchronised between tables - When tables are linked, one table is usally called the parent table, and the other (the table it is linked to) is usually called the child. Referential Integrity ensures that there will never be an orphan - a child record without a parent record. - You can prevent the deletion of a record in one table (i.e.Customers) if there are records in a linked table (i.e. InvoicesDue) - A logical link between two tables that describes how the tables are associated with each other - A relationship in which one record in a table can related to any number of records in another table. (A teacher may have many students, an order may have many items, a department may have many - A relationship in which one record in a table relates to only one record in another table. (A patient table, detailing address and billing information may relate to one record in the Patients' Personal table, detailing health information, treatments etc.) - Many -To-Many: - A relationship where any number of records in a table can relate to any number of records in another table. An example might be the relationships between people and addresses, in which many people can have the same address AND any one person may have a number of addresses (home, work, townhouse etc.). This type of relationship is implemented by creating a new 'join table' and creating two one-to-many relationships from the original tables to the third table. The 'join table' would include two foreign keys - one to each of the other two tables' primary keys. - A container for raw data - typically, a logical grouping of similar - In Access, the tables' design organises the data into rows (records) and columns (fields) - A location in which to store a single value
Бразилія виділила понад 850 мільйонів доларів на безпеку Олімпіади-2016 Державні кошти виділені на тлі фінансової кризи в приймаючому штаті Ріо-де- Жанейро. В. о. президента Бразилії Мішел Темер своїм указом виділив 2,9 млрд реалів (це близько 853 млн доларів) на заходи з безпеки під час Олімпійських і Паралімпійських ігор. Відповідний указ був опублікований у вівторок в офіційному виданні національного уряду Diario Oficial, повідомляє ТАСС. Незадовго до цього, 18 червня, влада штату Ріо-де-Жанейро оголосила про надзвичайний стан у фінансовій сфері, який не дозволяє виконати зобов'язання штату по проведенню цього літа Олімпійських і Паралімпійських ігор. ХХХІ літня Олімпіада пройде з 5 по 21 серпня 2016 року. Це будуть перші Олімпійські ігри, організовані в Південній Америці. Участь у змаганнях візьмуть понад 10 тисяч спортсменів. Бюджет Ігор становить 5,3 мільярда бразильських реалів (близько 1,36 мільярда доларів). Паралімпіада відбудеться з 7 по 18 вересня.
Пре-су-Лафош — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Гранд-Ест, департамент Верхня Марна. Населення — . Муніципалітет розташований на відстані близько 240 км на схід від Парижа, 115 км на південний схід від Шалон-ан-Шампань, 33 км на північний схід від Шомона. Історія До 2015 року муніципалітет перебував у складі регіону Шампань-Арденни. Від 1 січня 2016 року належить до нового об'єднаного регіону Гранд-Ест. Демографія Розподіл населення за віком та статтю (2006): Економіка У 2010 році в муніципалітеті числилось 136 оподаткованих домогосподарств, у яких проживали 342,0 особи, медіана доходів виносила євро на одного особоспоживача Сусідні муніципалітети Посилання Пре-су-Лафош на сайті французького Національного інституту географії Див. також Список муніципалітетів департаменту Верхня Марна Примітки Муніципалітети департаменту Верхня Марна
МВС: Корчинський виїхав за кордон МВС встановило, що лідер партії "Братство" Дмитро Корчинський, який підозрюється в організації масових заворушень 1 грудня на Банковій, перебуває за кордоном. Про це сказав начальник Головного слідчого управління МВС Микола Чінчін на брифінгу в суботу. "Корчинський зараз перебуває за кордоном. Є оперативна інформація, працюють оперативні підрозділи", - заявив він. При цьому Чінчін не уточнив, де саме перебуває Корчинський, зазначивши, що проводяться оперативні заходи, спрямовані на його затримання. Нагадаємо, 1 грудня на Банковій відбулись зіткнення між міліціонерами та молодиками спортивної статури, які разом з грейдером прорвали кордон міліції біля Адміністрації президента. Опозиція назвала це провокацією. В сутичках на Банковій постраждали журналісти, а також правоохоронці. Згодом голова МВС Віталій Захарченко заявив, що в кримінальному провадженні про масові заворушення на Банковій з'являться нові підозрювані, серед них може бути і лідер "Братства" Корчинський . У ЗМІ з'явилася інформація, що Корчинський нібито виїхав до Росії. Однак він спростував цю інформацію на своїй сторінці у Facebook. 5 грудня Корчинському висунуто підозру щодо організації масових заворушень біля Адміністрації президента 1 грудня.
У Європі порахували, скільки людей мають надмірну вагу В країнах Східної Європи частка людей з надмірною вагою вища, ніж в країнах Західної Європи. 53% дорослого населення ЄС мають надлишкову вагу, а 17% страждають від ожиріння. Для аналізу використовувався індекс маси тіла, який враховує співвідношення ваги і зросту. Дані Європейського статистичного агентства (Eurostat) показують, що 45% дорослого населення мають нормальну вагу, а 3% – недостатню. Статистика показує, що в країнах Східної Європи частка людей з надмірною вагою вище, ніж в країнах Західної Європи. Найбільша частка в Хорватії і Мальті – 65%, найменша – в Італії (46%) і Франції (47%). У віковій групі від 18 до 24 років була зафіксована найнижча частка населення з надмірною вагою в ЄС в 2019 році (25% мають надлишкову вагу, 6% – ожиріння), а у віковій групі від 65 до 74 років – найвища (66% і 22% відповідно). В ЄС також існують істотні відмінності щодо частки дорослих з надмірною вагою або ожирінням з точки зору статі і соціально-економічного становища. В цілому, у всіх країнах ЄС чоловіки частіше страждають надмірною вагою. У 2019 найвища частка чоловіків і жінок з ожирінням була зафіксована на Мальті. У 2019 серед населення у віці 18 років і старше найнижча частка жінок з ожирінням спостерігалася в Італії (10,7%), Румунії (10,8%), Болгарії (11,9%) та на Кіпрі (14, 1%). Серед чоловіків цей показник був найнижчим в Румунії (11,1%), Італії (12,9%), Нідерландах (13,2%) і Франції (14,3%). Найвищий відсоток жінок, які страждають ожирінням, був зареєстрований в Естонії (23,6%), Латвії (25,7%), Ірландії (26,0%) і Мальті (26,7%), а серед чоловіків з ожирінням найвищий відсоток був виявлений в Хорватії (23,7%), Ірландії (25,7%), Угорщині (25,8%) і на Мальті (30,6%). Зазначимо, ожиріння – серйозна проблема суспільної охорони здоров'я, оскільки воно значно збільшує ризик хронічних захворювань, таких як серцево-судинні захворювання, діабет 2 типу, гіпертонія, ішемічна хвороба серця і деякі види раку. Для певних людей ожиріння може бути пов'язано з широким спектром психологічних проблем. Для суспільства в цілому це пов'язано зі значними прямими і непрямими витратами, які створюють значне навантаження на охорону здоров'я та соціальні ресурси.
Голова ОПУ Андрій Єрмакзателефонуєрадникам лідерів європейських країн нормандської четвірки – Франції та Німеччини. Дзвінок відбудеться перед їхнім візитом до Москви.
2018–19 Bosnia and Herzegovina Football Cup The 2018–19 Bosnia and Herzegovina Football Cup was the 23rd edition of Bosnia and Herzegovina's annual football cup, and the eighteenth season of the unified competition. The winner qualified to the 2019–20 UEFA Europa League qualifying round. FK Željezničar Sarajevo were the defending champions, but they got eliminated by NK Široki Brijeg in the first round. FK Sarajevo won the cup after beating Široki Brijeg in the final. Participating teams The following teams took part in the 2018–19 Bosnia and Herzegovina Football Cup. Roman number in brackets denote the level of respective league in Bosnian football league system Calendar 1 Draw is held to determine what team will host leg 1 and what team will host leg 2. Bracket First round Played on 19 September 2018 Second round Played on 3 October 2018 Quarter final First legs were played on 27 February, return legs were played on 13 March 1Sloga asked the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina for their match against Klis to be prolonged because of their preparations in Antalya, and according to the official announcement from the association, the proposal was approved. The match between these two teams was played on 5 March 2019. Semi final First legs were played on 3 April, return legs were played on 10 April Final First leg was played on May 8, return leg was played on May 15 First leg Second leg References External links Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina SportSport.ba 2018-19 2018–19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina football 2018–19 European domestic association football cups
Інтерпол оголосив у розшук двох росіян та португальця у справі потужного вибуху в Бейруті Інтерпол оголосив у розшук двох росіян і португальця у справі щодо потужного вибуху в Бейруті у серпні 2020 року, у якому загинули близько 200 людей, а тисячі були поранені. Про це пише Associated Press. Розшукуваних підозрюють у доправлені вибухової речовини у місто. Агентство видало «червоні повідомлення» на вимогу генпрокурора Лівану Гассана Хурі. Розшукують власника та капітана судна Rhosus, на якому у 2013 році привезли у порт Бейруту 2275 тонн нітрату амонію. У 2014 році вантаж вивантажили з судна на склад в порту. Інтерпол імена розшукуваних не називає, але в ліванських ЗМІ стверджують, що йдеться про колишнього капітана судна Бориса Прокошева, а також про власника вантажного судна Ігоря Гречушкіна, російського бізнесмена, який живе на Кіпрі. Гречушкін купив судно у 2012 році, відзначає агентство. Також Інтерпол розшукує португальця Жорже Мануела Нема Морейру, який займається торгівлею нітратами, і у 2014 році оглядав вантаж нітрату амонію. Як просувається справа На початку грудня 2020 року прокуратура Лівану, яка веде розслідування вибуху в порту Бейрута, висунула звинувачення проти колишнього прем'єр-міністра Хасана Діабі та трьох колишніх міністрів. Їх звинувачують в халатності, що призвела до загибелі людей. Нагадаємо, за чотири дні після вибуху, 8 серпня, у ліванській столиці тисячі людей вийшли на вулиці. Вони вимагали покарати винних у катастрофі. Під час протестів щонайменше 728 людей дістали поранення через сутички з поліцією. 10 серпня після акцій протесту уряд Лівану оголосив, що йде у відставку у повному складі. Наприкінці серпня прем'єром призначили Мустафу Адіба, який мав сформувати новий уряд, але йому це не вдалося. Що відомо про вибух? 4 серпня у порту Бейрута стався надзвичайно потужний вибух, основною версією називають вибух 2750 тонн нітрату амонію (аміачної селітри), конфіскованих у 2014 році з судна російського бізнесмена. Імовірно, протягом усього цього часу вибухонебезпечну речовину неправильно зберігали на складах. Відомо про загибель близько 200 людей, травм зазнали понад 6 тисяч. Відомо також про загибель одного українця. Розмір збитків від вибуху, за попередніми підрахунками, становить від трьох до п'яти мільярдів доларів. Внаслідок вибуху від 250 до 300 тисяч людей залишилися без житла.
Гендиректором ЦГЗК призначений Павло Тимошенко Акціонери ВАТ «Центральний гірничо-збагачувальний комбінат» (м. Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровської обл.) на позачергових загальних зборах 24 вересня призначили генеральним директором підприємства строком на 2 роки Павла ТИМОШЕНКО. Про це йдеться в повідомленні підприємства, розміщеному на офіційному інтернет-сайті Держкомісії з цінних паперів і фондового ринку. Раніше П.Тимошенко займав посаду гендиректора ВАТ «Криворізький центральний рудоремонтний завод» і ЗАТ «Криворізький завод гірничого устаткування». Як повідомляв УНІАН, рішенням Наглядової ради ВАТ «ЦГЗК» від 29 квітня 2010 р. з посади генерального директора був звільнений Михайло КОРОЛЕНКО. Тимчасово виконуючим обов'язки гендиректора підприємства був призначений Віктор ДЕРБАС.
В Івано-Франківській області знайдені всі 23 туриста, що знаходилися у вантажівці, яка впала з 40-метрового обриву в річку поблизу села Красник. "Станом на 14.20 знайдено всіх осіб. Три особи загинуло. До лікувальних закладів госпіталізовано 10 осіб, з них 1 жінка у важкому стані. Медичне обстеження решти осіб триває", - повідомляється на сайті Держслужби з надзвичайних ситуацій України. Нагадаємо, в обід понеділка, 6 травня, поблизу села Красник Івано-Франківської області вантажівка ГАЗ-66 злетіла з 40-метрового обриву в річку Чорний Черемош. На момент аварії в машині знаходилися 23 людини, попередньо, громадяни Білорусі. В результаті ДТП троє загинули. Причини події не уточнюються. Теги: ДТП Івано-Франківська область Туристи
Аксьонов переконує, що перетворення Ялти на казино схвалили експерти Лас-Вегаса Самопроголошений «глава Республіки Крим» Сергій Аксьонов похвалився, що створення гральної зони в Ялті нібито отримало схвалення експертів з американського Лас-Вегаса. Про це він заявив у прямому ефірі телеканалу «Крим». «У нас достатні багато експертів з Лас-Вегаса, з Монако, які оцінюють можливості створення гральної зони в Криму. Всі в один голос говорять про те, що створення гральної зони має бути в районі Великої Ялти і не інакше», - повідомив Аксьонов. За його словами, в питанні створення гральної зони влада орієнтуються «під конкретних менеджерів» і «великих гравців бізнесу», які готові залишити великі гроші, але вимагають натомість| певних умов. «Потрібна розвинута транспортна інфраструктура, поблизу має розташовуватися аеропорт, дороги, є ряд вимог безпосередньо до самого комплексу», - сказав Аксьонов. Глава окупаційної влади пояснив журналістам, що цю «владу» цікавить виключно економічна складова даного проекту, тому створення гральної зони в районі степового Криму навіть не розглядається. Нагадаємо, президент РФ Владімір Путін підписав закон, що включає Крим в перелік регіонів, де дозволено створення гральних зон. Автори закону розраховують, що це дозволить Криму залучити інвестиції, доходи до бюджету і відкрити додаткові робочі місця. Зазначимо, що існуючі в Росії проекти гральних зон складно назвати успішними. Поки з чотирьох створених у 2009 році зон («Примор'я» в курортній зоні Уссурійського затоки, «Сибірська монета» в Алтайському краї, «Бурштинова» в Калінінградській області та «Азов-Сіті» на кордоні Краснодарського краю і Ростовської області) почала працювати одна - «Азов-Сіті». Однак і там інвестиції, сума яких оцінюється приблизно в 1,4 мільярда рублів, поки не окупилися.
Fish farms can help stop overfishing, but only when they’re managed sustainably. The temperate waters of British Columbia are a perfect environment for salmon, as its diverse ecosystem depends on this keystone species for survival. There are five species that currently dominate the salmon fisheries in British Columbia: coho, sockeye, pink, chum, and chinook. Salmon are anadromous, which means they spend their life in the ocean and travel up freshwater rivers to spawn (release their eggs and sperm) and die. In fact, salmon have an incredible sense of smell that allows them to return to the very river they were born! The return of new generations of salmon to the rivers every year has been a vital component of British Columbia’s fisheries, economy, and wildlife existence. Salmon farms in British Columbia gained popularity in the 1980s and soon resulted in overproduction Overproduction led to a decline in sale prices and an increased risk in environmental stability. Despite overproduction in salmon farms, fishermen were reporting a drastic reduction in wild salmon catch by almost 100% in some cases. From 1994 to 2002, a moratorium (ban) was placed on creating more salmon farms, but wild salmon stock continued to decline. Salmon farms in British Columbia are notoriously filled with parasites and viruses Photo by Paul Nicklen Densely-stocked salmon are at higher risk for diseases and parasites because they can be transmitted faster in close quarters. While sea lice parasites are virtually nonexistent in wild populations, they are very common in farmed salmon. They latch onto the fish and feed on their blood, with the potential of being fatal, especially for small juveniles. Piscine Reovirus (PRV) is a blood virus that infects the salmons’ red blood cells, weakening them. It is argued that PRV isn’t fatal by itself, but it has been shown to make salmon more susceptible to diseases. In British Columbia, salmon are kept in sea pens along coastlines and are filled to the maximum. One pen can have up to 1.7 million fish! The salmon farm industry has admitted that up to 80% of their stock is infected with this virus, and consumers are therefore eating salmon that test positive for PRV. The placement of salmon farms in British Columbia are in direct path of wild salmon migrations Wild salmon swim past these infected pens and can easily catch sea lice, PRV, and/or other viruses and diseases. Infected wild salmon become weaker and have difficulty swimming upstream. Many die before reaching spawning grounds or shortly after, before they have the chance to pass on their genes. This prevention of spawning intercepts the creation of new generations, creating a horrifying chain reaction that results in empty nets (and wallets) for local fishermen. A gag-order protected failing salmon farms in British Columbia When a study was published in 2011 to confirm these findings, the author was issued a gag order in order to preserve the falling integrity of British Columbia salmon farms. Since salmon farm disease records are confidential, they are not required to publicly announce what diseases their stocks contain. If wild salmon manage to escape infection, they are further threatened by the massive amounts of pollution released by salmon farms. Feces, antibiotics, pesticides, and excess food enter the water and create an ecological disaster that risks the entire BC ecosystem. It has also become a fight for human rights, as these farms operate along indigenous territory and compromise Natives’ way of life. The tipping point for sustainable fish farms After 162,000 Atlantic salmon escaped a commercial sea pen in August 2017, it became the tipping point for change. In March 2018, the state of Washington banned Pacific salmon sea pens with a 5-year phase-out plan. Since Oregon and California don’t have any salmon farms, this ban could potentially mean the end of Atlantic salmon fisheries on the West Coast. Although salmon farms have gotten a lot of negative spotlight, it’s important to remember there are many other fish farms that are sustainable. Aquaculture does offer many benefits if properly managed. For this reason, it is clear why being cognizant of where our seafood comes from and supporting sustainable fisheries is essential to protecting the quality of the oceans and coastlines for future generations. Want to help support sustainable fisheries? Get the red Limited Edition Overfishing Bracelet today! Comments will be approved before showing up.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon Brent Lee Metcalfe, editor The Historicity of the Matthean Sermon on the Mount in 3 Nephi1 The Book of Mormon proclaims that in 34 C.E. the resurrected Jesus Christ descended from heaven to a place in the New World called Bountiful and delivered a sermon patterned after the Matthean Sermon on the Mount (3 Ne. 12:1-14:27; cf. Matt. 5:3-7:27). Jesus ended his sermon by telling those present that they had just “heard the things which I have taught before I ascended to my Father” (3 Ne. 15:1). Following a few other instructions, Jesus told the people to “write these sayings” down after he left (16:4). Evidently they carried out this instruction to make a written record of what Jesus taught them, because the next day the twelve Nephite disciples were able to preach to the people “those same words which Jesus had spoken—nothing varying from the words which Jesus had spoken” (19:8). Later this second day the Book of Mormon people were again told to write down what Jesus told them (23:4). Consequently, if the Nephites did as told, this sermon of Jesus was recorded on the Large Plates of Nephi (26:7) very soon after it was delivered. Mormon, the fourth century C.E. prophet-historian, utilized these same plates to transcribe a copy of the sermon onto the Plates of Mormon (see 26:11). Joseph Smith affirmed that he translated the “reformed Egyptian” text on these plates (Morm. 9:32) into the English language. Smith’s original dictation of this sermon to his scribe, Oliver [p.116] Cowdery, occurred during May 1829, and the first edition of the Book of Mormon was published in March 1830. Assuming that Matthew 5:3-7:27 and 3 Nephi 12:1-14:27 both record a single sermon delivered by Jesus on two separate occasions—once in the Old World, once in the New—and allowing for differences due to different audiences, it should be instructive to compare the two accounts in detail. Hugh Nibley, professor emeritus of history and religion at Brigham Young University, has suggested that one must test the Book of Mormon “against its purported background” in antiquity (1967, 166; 1988, 148). Such a comparison of the two sermons provides an ideal test of the Book of Mormon as a real translation of an ancient text. The comparison is complicated by the Book of Mormon’s connection to the King James Version of the Bible (KJV). Since about the turn of the twentieth century, Mormon writers have suggested that Smith quoted directly from the KJV of Matthew when dictating the Book of Mormon account of Jesus’ sermon. B. H. Roberts of the First Council of Seventy said that Smith “adopted our English translation” (B. Roberts 1904, 184; cf. Ostler 1987, 78). Sidney B. Sperry, Brigham Young University professor of religion, suggested that Smith used the KJV word for word “as long as the Sermon in the familiar rendering of Matthew 5-7 agreed substantially with the Nephite version” (1947, 190; 1967, 112). Hugh Nibley concurred that as long as the KJV “is correct there is every reason why it should be followed” (1961, 10; 1989, 215). Such views imply that where the KJV has an incorrect text, it should not have been followed in the Book of Mormon. Thus Sperry maintained that in such cases Smith would have corrected the wording of the KJV “to conform with the text before him on the metal plates” (Sperry 1947, 190; 1967, 112). Roberts similarly affirmed that Smith first compared the KJV to the Book of Mormon records, and “when he found the sense of the passage on the Nephite plates superior to that in the English version he made such changes as would give the superior sense and clearness” (B. Roberts 1904, 191). Sperry went on to argue that if the Book of Mormon should fail to make such corrections and instead copy corruptions or errors which accumulated over the centuries, then it “should be thrown out of court” because this “would be plain evidence that Joseph Smith did not translate from a really ancient text.” In this context Sperry asserted that textual criticism could cast considerable light on “the asserted antiquity” of the Book of Mormon, since “critical tests can be most subtle and powerful in probing for slips on the part of unlearned impostors who offer amended biblical texts for the examination of the public” (1947, 171; 1967, 91). Nibley concurred that “one of the best established disciplines in the world is the critical examination of written texts to detect what in them is spurious and what is genuine” (1953, 830; 1989, 55). This is [p.117] because the most significant indication used by textual critics in tracing relationships between documents is errors, since coincidental agreement is ruled out when two documents have the same telltale mistakes. It is possible to identify places where errors, revisions, and additions have crept into the KJV. Published in 1611, the KJV relies on the Greek text of the New Testament available in the late sixteenth century. In the 381 years since then, hundreds of better and more ancient Greek, Latin, Syriac, and Coptic manuscripts have been discovered and brought us closer to the original Matthean text. This means that it is possible—given the opportunity of comparing the versions of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and 3 Nephi—to make tentative judgments about whether the Book of Mormon stands up to the tests of historicity Roberts, Sperry, and Nibley proposed. If the Book of Mormon varies from both the KJV and the earliest texts, one cannot pronounce judgment on the Book of Mormon version, since the Book of Mormon variation could be specific to its audience and setting in the New World. However, if the Book of Mormon text departs from the errors of the KJV and agrees with the most original Matthean texts, it supports the claim that the Book of Mormon is a genuine translation of an ancient document. On the other hand, if the Book of Mormon text sides with the later Greek text as seen in the KJV, this dependence would be strong evidence against its historicity. The reason for this is that the Book of Mormon on the American continent should know nothing of changes and additions to the Sermon on the Mount made in the Old World centuries after the original sermon, but should be a direct link to the real words of Jesus. In this essay I will consider eight passages from Matthew about which a wide range of authorities agree that the KJV differs from the original text of the sermon and will then compare the Book of Mormon’s version of these same passages. These comparisons provide an important basis for conclusions about the historicity of the Book of Mormon, specifically whether it provides a more reliable version of Jesus’s sermon than the KJV. Establishing the “original” text of Matthew’s version of the sermon is a problematic process. All the New Testament documents were originally written in Greek, and since there is no evidence that anything was written down in Jesus’s Aramaic language, the best scholars can do is establish the most accurate Greek text of the Matthean Sermon on the Mount. The KJV relies on the Greek text which was available in the late sixteenth century. The first Greek text to be printed was completed in January 1514 as part of the Complutensian Polyglot under the direction of Cardinal Ximénez, but due to the delay in receiving approval from Pope Leo X it was not actually published until about 1522 (Ximénez 1514). The first published Greek New Testament, the Novum [p.118] Instrumentum omne, was printed in 1516. This was the product of Dutch humanist scholar Desiderius Erasmus. For the Sermon on the Mount, the printer set type directly from the twelfth-century minuscule 2 to which Erasmus added some corrections from a fifteenth-century minuscule and a few more corrections from the extremely valuable (but little used) text of the twelfth-century minuscule 1 (Erasmus 1516, 7-15). Erasmus issued subsequent editions in 1519, 1522, 1527, and 1535 with the traditional title Novurn Testamentum. This popular printed text crystallized for posterity that particular form of the Greek text found in the manuscripts Erasmus actually used. The sumptuously printed third edition of Robert Stephanus’s version in 1550 had the text of Erasmus along with the first critical apparatus of selected variant readings in the inner margin (Stephanus 1550, 6-12). Numerous folio and octavo editions were published by Theodore Beza from 1565 to 1604. The KJV, which was published in 1611, was primarily based on the 1572 second folio edition of the Bishops’ Bible, using Beza’s 1598 edition of the Greek text to make revisions. The printers Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir published Greek New Testament editions in 1624 and 1633. It is this last edition which first employed the term Textus Receptus or “Received Text,” pointing to its reliance on the generally accepted New Testament text in the previous editions (Finegan 1974, 8). Since the text for the Sermon on the Mount is precisely the same for Stephanus 1550 and Elzevir 1633, one can use the term Textus Receptus to refer to either. This name may lead to a belief in the text’s unquestionable authority, but the Textus Receptus is only entitled to our respect insofar as it can be shown to conform with the best manuscripts. Only a few manuscripts, all of late origin, provide the basis of the printed Textus Receptus, but today many more manuscripts are available—hundreds of cursive manuscripts or minuscules going back to as early as the ninth century, more than thirty uncial or capital letter manuscripts from the fourth to the tenth centuries, and a papyrus of C.E. 200. One must not assume that a minuscule (which is generally of later date than an uncial) is necessarily of less value or always later than an uncial, for some ninth- to twelfth-century minuscules have a better text than many eighth- to tenth-century uncials. To avoid confusion because of the variety of manuscripts available, I have tried to carefully consider my criteria for establishing the text of the Matthean passages I will be using. If one were to follow just one printed edition or a single manuscript as the best, there would be the danger of relying on the possible prejudices of that particular editor or the scribal idiosyncrasies of that one manuscript. If there is a passage in which two variant readings occur, there may always be some individual who would argue in favor of one reading over the other, no matter what the internal and external evidence indicates. To avoid discussing points [p.119] about which there may be a wide difference of scholarly opinion and to avoid the pitfall of dependence on any one source or of playing one set of scholars against another, I have examined all the major late-nineteenth- and twentieth-century critical editions of the Greek New Testament for their text of the Sermon on the Mount.2 The editors of these Greek editions reached their decisions by following different lines of evidence based on their own assessment of what were the most significant factors in each case. They represent a diverse range of critical positions. There is Constantinus Tischendorf’s preference for his important discovery (Codex Sinaiticus of the fourth century) and B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort’s preference for the oldest uncial (Codex Vaticanus also of the fourth century) to counterbalance Hermann von Soden’s preference for the Byzantine type whenever it is supported by one of his two other main recensions. There is the range from the committee decisions behind the Nestle-Aland twenty-sixth edition, the British and Foreign Bible Society edition, and R. V. G. Tasker’s Greek edition of the New English Bible on the one hand, to the individual Roman Catholic scholarship of Augustinus Merk, José Bover, and José O’Callaghan and the stylistic eclecticism of G. D. Kilpatrick on the other. Given this wide spectrum of scholarly judgment, it is a marvel that there are any significant passages in the Sermon on the Mount for which all of these authorities agree against the Textus Receptus. To be included among the passages I am using in this essay, all ten editions must print the reading (without brackets) in the main body of the text. In others words I rely not on majority agreement—which [p.120] among such diverse scholarly opinion would be significant—but on unanimous agreement. To further reduce the number of available examples and to provide even stronger restrictions on possible choices, the reading agreed on by these editions must also have support from the earliest and best Greek manuscripts, from each of the three earliest translations, and from a pre-Nicean patristic writer. What this means is that each variant selected not only must be printed in the above ten works but also must receive support from the C.E. 200 papyrus 64 (where extant), from at least the two oldest uncial codices of the fourth century, and from at least the most reliable group of minuscules—family 1 of the tenth to fourteenth centuries (Lake 1902); from the Latin with at least some Old Latin support, from the Syriac, and from the Coptic; and from a patristic writer of the second or third centuries (whenever there is a patristic quotation prior to the fourth century for that specific verse). Applying these restrictions leaves only eight passages. The evidence on which I based my conclusions about these passages is provided in the Technical Appendix to this essay. In each of the following eight passages, evidence argues strongly against the Textus Receptus and favors the modern critical Greek text. The internal and external evidence discussed in the appendix demonstrates that all eight textual variants are later additions or revisions to the text. For the convenience of readers, an English rendition of the critical Greek text as well as the Textus Receptus is presented for each passage under consideration. For the critical text, the 1989 edition of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) has been used, although almost any modern English version of the New Testament could have been used since it would be based on one of the twentieth-century Greek editions. For the Textus Receptus, the wording of the 1828 Phinney edition of the KJV (rather than the text of the original 1611 edition) has been followed, since it provides an early nineteenth-century American printing of that version. The 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon will be juxtaposed at these crucial junctures.3 The dictated [p.121] Original Manuscript (O) for the Book of Mormon is not extant for these chapters. However, the Printer’s Manuscript (P) exists, and an examination of each of the examples shows no significant textual variation between the manuscript and the 1830 publication. |Matthew 5:27 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:27 (KJV)||3 Nephi 12:27| |You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery.”||You have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:||Behold, it is written by them of old time, that thou shalt not commit adultery;| The Book of Mormon agrees with the Textus Receptus not the original text and includes the later phrase “by them of old time.” John W. Welch, a BYU professor of law, admits that “the best early manuscripts” lack tois archaiois in Matthew 5:27, but he errs in saying that “the KJV and the Sermon at the Temple [in the Book of Mormon] capture a correct meaning when they include the phrase ‘by them of old time’ in verse 27” (1990, 148). First, the phrase tois archaiois is not in the original text of Matthew 5:27, and second, the KJV mistranslates the phrase and the Book of Mormon simply follows this mistranslation. The KJV mistranslates as if it were a dative of agent. (For a genuine dative of agent, see the Greek auto in Luke 23:15, which should be translated “by him” instead of the KJV mistranslation “unto him.”) The dative tois archaiois should be translated “to them of old,” and it is so clearly a mistranslation that the New King James Bible has changed it to “it was said to those of old.”4 The Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 12:21, 27 demonstrates its dependence on the KJV by using the KJV mistranslation in Matthew 5:21, 27. If one were to suggest that the Book of Mormon speaks of what was written by people of old and not what was said to them, it merely underscores the impression that the Book of Mormon represents a reaction to the English KJV text. [p.122] |Matthew 5:30 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:30 (KJV)||3 Nephi 12:29-30| |And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.||And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.||Behold, I give unto you a commandment, that ye suffer none of these things to enter into your heart: for it is, better that ye should deny yourselves of these things, wherein ye will take up your cross, than that ye should be cast into hell.| Clearly the Book of Mormon revises this passage, but it retains that part of the KJV which has been questioned by modern scholarship. That the Book of Mormon replaces the corresponding Matthean passage is shown by the fact that the verses immediately before and after this section in the Book of Mormon correspond to the verses in the KJV before and after Matthew 5:29-30. In this Book of Mormon replacement, the Lord commands the Nephites not to allow into their hearts any thoughts of lust, because he says (in wording reminiscent of Matthew 16:24) that it is better to deny themselves of these things and take up their cross than that they “should be cast into hell” (3 Ne. 12:30). Because of these last five words, the Book of Mormon version is not a complete replacement of the corresponding Matthean verses. The Book of Mormon retains the suspect KJV words,5 but the earliest New Testament texts have the variant reading “go into hell.” The evidence, then, [p.123] suggests that the Book of Mormon follows the KJV in having the later, secondary text. |Matthew 7:2 (NRSV)||Matthew 7:2 (KJV)||3 Nephi 14:2| |For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.||For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.||For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.| The Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 14:2 follows the later form of the text which is found in the KJV. The “again” at the end of the verse is due to an assimilation to the parallel in Luke 6:38. Welch downplays the difference among the variants in Matthew 7:2 by saying that the difference is “negligible,” but it is often such fine distinctions that are clues in textual criticism and such variants can be detected in translation (Welch 1990, 155). For example, it can usually (but not always) be shown what Greek text the Latin, Syriac, and Coptic versions were based upon. Similarly the English KJV can be shown (though there has never been any controversy about it) to have been based on the later Greek Textus Receptus antimetrethesetai (“it will be measured … in return”). |Matthew 5:44 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:44 (KJV)||3 Nephi 12:44| |But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,||but behold I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you,||but behold I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you,| Again the Book of Mormon includes the later material found in the KJV. Welch concedes that the earliest manuscripts support the shorter text of Matthew 5:44 and that later Matthean texts incorporated [p.124] additional words from the synoptic parallel in Luke 6:27-28, but he justifies the Book of Mormon inclusion of this later material because it is found in Luke 6:27-28, and accordingly “it is possible to believe that he [Jesus] said the longer saying in Bountiful” (Welch 1985, 12). In another study Welch asserted that it is possible either the shorter text was on the golden plates and Joseph Smith expanded it during the translation process to the full text of Luke 6:27-28 (ignoring the fact that the Book of Mormon text is the same as the KJV in Matt. 5:44) or the full text of Luke 6:27-28 was on the plates as part of the Matthean sermon and translated correctly by Joseph Smith (Welch 1990, 156). Certainly it is possible to believe almost anything, but the probability is that the material in the extra clauses represents Lucan redaction and that the simpler text in the earliest form of Matthew is original. This verse is such a complex combination of Lucan phrases added to the Matthean original, it is unlikely that anyone could have guessed the shorter, original text of Matthew 5:44 before the more ancient manuscripts were found. Mapping out the variants displays the development and derivation of this text in the New Testament manuscript tradition (see the Technical Appendix for these variants). In 3 Nephi 12:44 the Book of Mormon again aligns itself with the later text (Matthew 5:44 in the KJV) and has neither the original nor any of the ancient variants. Welch acknowledges that there are “those who might see this point here to be more of a problem for the Book of Mormon” than the other examples (1990, 156). |Matthew 6:4, 6, 18 (NRSV)||Matthew 6:4, 6, 18 (KJV)||3 Nephi 13:4, 6, 18| |so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.||That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, himself shall reward thee openly.||that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret, himself shall reward thee openly.| |But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you||But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.||But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. [p.125]| |so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.||That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.||that thou appear not unto men, to fast, but unto thy Father, which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.| At the end of these three verses, the Book of Mormon follows the later text of the KJV, with its addition of “openly.” In an effort to justify the existence of “openly” in the Book of Mormon, Welch asserts that this “conveys the only possible meaning of these verses,” which is that “God will openly reward the righteous with treasures in heaven on the judgment day” (1990, 156). Others interpret these verses quite differently, for their simple message seems to be that God’s reward “may be no more ostentatious than the secret deed” (Clark 1980, 151), the inner feeling of peace from having done the right thing. God’s promise is that proper recompense will come—without specifying how or when. |Matthew 6:13 (NRSV)||Matthew 6:13 (KJV)||3 Nephi 13:13| |And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.||And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and glory, for ever. Amen.||And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.| Both the Book of Mormon and the KJV share the later addition. The significance of this example is enhanced by the popularity of the Lord’s Prayer. In the New Testament manuscript tradition, there are thirteen known variant forms of the doxology (i.e, “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”). The earliest sources contain no doxology, and twelve variants range from the simple, one-word amen to Chrysostom’s intricate trinitarian formula, though the majority of manuscripts have the traditional three-part doxology.6 The [p.126] Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 13:13 follows the late, traditional doxology, and has no revised wording to coincide with one of the early variant forms (see the Technical Appendix in Example 8). The evidence derived from datable documents clearly shows in Matthew 6:13 the growth and development of theological ideas. Hugh Nibley has claimed that the oldest Greek manuscripts contained the doxology, but when pressed concerning this assertion, he retreated, saying that the doxology “should have been” in the earliest Matthean manuscripts (1990, 47-48). Welch acknowledges that the earliest New Testament manuscripts lack the doxology but argues in a circular manner that the fuller text of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew is the original and is to be preferred over the Lucan form, since the former is the one found in the Book of Mormon (1976, 16-17; cf. McConkie 1965, 237). The problem with the doxology is not only that the earliest manuscript evidence lacks any such form but also that the fixed form of the doxology probably did not develop, as Welch says, “until 50 or so years after the Gospel of Matthew was written” (Welch 1985, 14). The Book of Mormon sermon in 3 Nephi 12-14 is said to have been delivered in 34 C.E. Nibley, in an attempt to justify the Book of Mormon’s inclusion of the doxology, makes several assertions concerning the Lord’s Prayer: “The older Aramaic form of the prayer required forgive ‘our debts’ which the Greek of Luke changes to forgive ‘our sins.’ This vindicates … the reading there [3 Ne. 13:11] of ‘debts’ instead of ‘sins'” (1978, 51, emphasis in original; 1987, 56). What Nibley does not mention is that the Matthean form is “our debts” and the Book of Mormon simply follows the words of the English KJV for Matthew 6:12. In fact, the evidence Nibley quotes, from Joachim Jeremias, goes against the Book of Mormon, affirming a gradual development of the doxology. The chronology of the Book of Mormon requires a fullblown doxology in 34 C.E. Although Welch tries at each point to demonstrate the possibility, plausibility, or even probability of the Book of Mormon version, his argument remains unconvincing. Welch does not acknowledge that in [p.127] each of the instances where there is abundant textual variation, not only in Greek manuscripts but also in Latin, Syriac, Coptic, and patristic texts, the Book of Mormon never follows either what is almost unanimously considered to be the original text or any of the early developments from the original text in the Old World. Instead the Book of Mormon always follows the secondary text seen in the late Textus Receptus, codified in the English language in the KJV of 1611. Because the Book of Mormon version of the Sermon on the Mount agrees with the KJV rather than the earliest Greek text on these eight points, its dependence on the KJV is apparent. Wherever the Book of Mormon has revised or added to the KJV text, the variant in the Book of Mormon does not relate to the ancient variants known in the manuscripts. Not only do the distinctive Book of Mormon additions and revisions to the KJV never receive ancient support, but also the important Book of Mormon omissions—except one—do not receive such support (Legg 1940). Only the following Book of Mormon omission seems to receive ancient support. |Matthew 5:22 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:22 (KJV)||3 Nephi 12:22| |But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment;||But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:||But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of his judgement.| Welch argues that this passage fulfills my criteria and should be included with the eight examples: “While lacking unanimous consensus in the early manuscripts (which is not unusual), the absence of the phrase ‘without a cause’ from the Sermon on the Mount is evidenced by manuscripts p64, p67, Sinaiticus (original hand), Vaticanus, some minuscules, the Latin Vulgate (Jerome mentions that it was not found in the oldest manuscripts known to him), Justin, Tertullian, Origen, and others.… A check of the list of manuscripts supporting the Sermon at the Temple [Book of Mormon] and the original absence of the phrase ‘without a cause’ in Matthew 5:22 shows that this shorter reading meets Larson’s criteria” (1990, 162). On the contrary, this passage does not meet the criteria which were used to select my eight examples: Augustinus Merk prints eike ‘without a cause’ with brackets in his text, and there is absolutely no support from family 1, the Syriac, and the Coptic. Welch is mistaken in citing [p.128] both p64 and p67 as different documents, since the “two” papyri are simply two numbers for different parts of the same papyrus (Roca-Puig 1962, 63-64). Thus Matthew 5:22 was eliminated from consideration with the eight secure examples. However, since it is the one Book of Mormon example which has been used as strong evidence for the Book of Mormon’s antiquity, it will perhaps be useful to examine it in detail (Welch 1977, 47; cf. Matthews 1975, 251). The absence or presence of eike in Matthew 5:22 is a genuinely ambiguous case, with significant evidence on both sides of the question. Welch has already given the evidence for its omission. Its presence is supported by the remainder of the uncials and minuscules, most of the Old Latin manuscripts (including the important Codex Bobiensis), three manuscripts of the Vulgate, all the Syriac versions (including the important Sinaitic Syriac), both the Sahidic and the Bohairic versions, Irenaeus, part of Origen, and Cyprian (Black 1988, 5-6). Also, the presence of homoeoarchton, which is an accidental error caused by the eye skipping from the beginning of one word to the same beginning in another word, favors the original presence of eike. The skip would have been from the epsilon at the beginning of eike to the epsilon at the beginning of the next word, that is, from eike to enochos. Due to this uncertainty, a decision concerning the reading remains tentative. Accordingly, Merk shows due caution in bracketing eike because there is not a clear-cut case concerning “without a cause” at Matthew 5:22. In view of the equivocal nature of the textual evidence, the editors of the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament in their four-level system of grading the relative degree of certainty concerning the originality of a reading ranked the absence of eike as a C-rating. Consequently, though the case is not clear-cut and there is evidence that it may be an accidental omission in the Greek, on balance I would lean to the opinion that eike “without a cause” was not originally in Matthew 5:22. The absence of eike was known before 1830 when the Book of Mormon appeared, since it was discussed by Desiderius Erasmus, John Mill, Johann Wettstein, Johann Gilesbach, and Andreas Birch in reference to the Greek text, not translated in William Tyndale’s New Testament from 1526 to 1535, and popularized by various English writers. For example, the Methodist writer, Adam Clarke, whose multi-volume biblical commentary was first published in London in 1810 with at least ten American printings and editions in New York from 1811 to 1829, suggested that it was a marginal gloss which later entered into the text (Clarke 1825). It is interesting that Clarke favors the omission of eike at Matthew 5:22 and the retention of the doxology in Matthew 6:13 and that the Book of Mormon follows Clarke’s decision in these two passages. However, not too much significance [p.129] should be attached to this agreement since Clarke appears to favor the omission of tois archaiois in Matthew 5:27 and the omission of en to phanero in Matthew 6:18, and the Book of Mormon does not have these omissions. However, the Book of Mormon omission of “without a cause” need not depend on any of these sources, since the phrase could have been deleted simply because it detracted from the strength of Jesus’s command against anger. It has been suggested that the ancient support which this Book of Mormon deletion received could be due to “a coincidence caused by a problem with the wording of the KJV” (Barney 1986, 89). Since there could be coincidental agreement, the same omission in two separate texts is not significant in establishing a connection between them. What is important in textual criticism is the same distinctive addition, peculiar error, or the same alternate reading. It is significant to note that among the thirty-eight known variants and sub-variants of these eight secure examples, the Book of Mormon always aligns itself with the derivative text found in the Textus Receptus which was printed by Stephanus in 1550 and never agrees with either the original text or any of the other known variant readings. If the Book of Mormon were a genuinely ancient text, it would not always be expected to side with what modern scholarship concludes is the original text, but certainly there ought to be some agreement. Just as a careful comparison of Gabriel Sionita’s 1633 Harclean Syriac Apocalypse discloses his conjectural emendations, which were based on late Erasmian Greek and Clementine Vulgate texts, so an exhaustive examination reveals that this Book of Mormon sermon depends on the 1550 Textus Receptus, as relied on by the English text of the KJV. Though many Latter-day Saint scholars now admit that the KJV was used in the production of the Book of Mormon, there are still a few who prefer the position that Joseph Smith did not use the KJV or that God chose to quote from the KJV (Petersen 1979, 52-56; Welch 1990, 131-36; Skousen 1990, 55). The issue then becomes to what extent does a direct connection exist between the Book of Mormon and the KJV. Precise parallelism challenges the claim that the Book of Mormon is an independent translation of the biblical passages. Unfortunately, the text of the sermon in 3 Nephi 12-14 has not survived in the original dictated manuscript of the Book of Mormon, but there are four pages in the extant portions of that manuscript which contain a long biblical quotation. Scrutiny of these pages discloses a revealing textual correction in the original manuscript. In 1 Nephi 20:11 the words of Isaiah 48:11 “how should my name be polluted” (notice the two words that are italicized in the KJV) were revised initially to “how should I suffer my [na]me to be polluted,” then the KJV words “how should” and the Book of Mormon “I” were crossed out and a [p.130] supra-linear revision gave the final Book of Mormon declaration “I will not suffer my name to be polluted.” This revision shows that for a biblical quotation in the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith used the English KJV as a base text for the revision later embodied in the Book of Mormon.7 The Book of Mormon text often revises biblical quotations at the very point where the original 1611 edition of the KJV prints the word or words in a different typeface in order to indicate that the words are not found in the Greek. This printing device was both inconsistently and sparsely applied in the 1611 KJV and improved in the 1769 printing. When Smith came to the KJV italics in the Sermon on the Mount, which he knew indicated that whatever was printed in italics was not in the original Greek, he would often either drop the word or revise it. The Book of Mormon sometimes revises the KJV italics that are only found in the 1769 and later printings. For example, the Book of Mormon drops the italics of the 1769 printing in Matthew 6:5, 7; 7:18 (3 Ne. 13:5, 7; 14:18), and the Book of Mormon changes the tense of the italics in [p.131] Matthew 5:12 (3 Ne. 12:12). On the other hand, the Book of Mormon fails to revise places where the KJV text ought to have been printed in italics but is not. In two places the Book of Mormon copies the noun “men” from the KJV, where it is not in the original Greek and has been improperly added in the KJV.8 These considerations prompt one to date the origin of the Book of Mormon account of Jesus’s sermon after 1769 and before 1830 when the Book of Mormon was published. This analysis based on textual criticism confirms that of Krister Stendahl, former dean of the Harvard divinity school, that the Book of Mormon text of the sermon is not a genuine translation from an ancient language but Smith’s nineteenth-century targumic expansion of the English KJV. Among other things Stendahl discussed the implications of the Book of Mormon extension of a miracle from a single person to a multitude in 2 Nephi 11:14-15, the “targumizing” expansion in 3 Nephi 12:23-24, and the “rationalizing” expansion in 3 Nephi 12:26 (Stendahl 1978, 141, 144-45; 1984, 101, 103-104). Stendahl indicated that apocryphal documents have such clarifying expansions and rational explanations and concluded that “it seems very clear that the Book of Mormon belongs to and shows many of the typical signs of the Targums and the pseudepigraphic recasting of biblical material” (Stendahl 1978, 152; 1984, 111). The presence of relatively late Johannine elements in the Book of Mormon account in 3 Nephi also is telling evidence of its own dependence on the KJV. An argument could be made that Joseph Smith decided simply to copy from the KJV, to which he had immediate access, those verses which paralleled material on the plates. But so much of the Book of Mormon is composed of biblical and biblical-sounding passages, including some which post-date the exodus of Book of Mormon people from the Near East, that one wonders how much the Book of Mormon’s value as corroboration for the Bible is diluted by its dependence on the KJV. In terms of attempting to pinpoint the origin of the Book of Mormon, even more significant than Book of Mormon revisions are places where it follows the KJV into error, echoing mistranslations or including translations of late and derivative Greek texts. Certainly the Book of Mormon should not have the same errors which displaced the original and crept into the text over the centuries. Since to plagiarize means to [p.132] appropriate and use, without acknowledgment, the words of another, one must here use the term—as harsh as it may sound—to characterize Smith’s dependence on the KJV. The Book of Mormon account of Jesus’s sermon in 3 Nephi 12-14 originated in the nineteenth century, derived from unacknowledged plagiarism of the KJV. Smith copied the KJV blindly, not showing awareness of translation problems and errors in the KJV. Yet the Book of Mormon is not a slavish copy of the KJV—there are numerous words deleted, revised, or added to the text. Rather than translate from an ancient document, Smith seems to have quoted from Matthew 5-7 of the KJV and to have made certain revisions as a response to the English text of the KJV. The Book of Mormon cannot be exempted from such textual criticism by emphasizing that translation inevitably introduces elements from the translator’s environment. The Book of Mormon describes a process of transmission which is not that far removed from certain other texts. The Book of Mormon claims to be an English translation from a text on gold plates inscribed by Mormon using “reformed Egyptian” (Morm. 9:32) in the fourth century but derived directly from contemporary records written in the Nephite language in 34 C.E. The transmission of the New Testament manuscript known as the Sinaitic Syriac parallels that of the Book of Mormon—at least for the first two stages. The Sinaitic Syriac, which was discovered in the late nineteenth century, is a palimpsest or manuscript in which the original writing has been scraped off and other writing placed on top. This fourth-century Syriac manuscript contains a late second-century translation from the original Greek of the New Testament, which in turn is assumed to be a translation of the Aramaic words of Jesus. The manuscript was translated into English in the late nineteenth century. Naturally the underwriting of the Sinaitic Syriac has certain identifiable scribal errors and unique readings, which may or may not represent the original text. Still the English translation can be shown to represent a very early stratum of the developing text of the Sermon on the Mount, almost always supporting the earliest known Greek texts and not the Textus Receptus (Lewis 1910). If it translates an ancient text, the Book of Mormon similarly should fit into its historical context, even if one views it through an English translation. There is general agreement that the climax of the Book of Mormon narrative is the dramatic account of the visit of the resurrected Jesus to the Nephite people and his teachings to them. Unfortunately, at the juncture where the Book of Mormon could offer a fresh translation directly from the valuable fourth-century inscription of a first-century document, one finds a reaction to the late and corrupted text of the KJV. A variety of examples has shown that the Book of Mormon text follows errors of the KJV, but no clear evidence shows the [p.133] Book of Mormon restoring the long-lost original. The various discoveries of biblical manuscripts in the last four hundred years have provided an increasingly better understanding of specific passages in the Sermon on the Mount. In each of the passages we have examined, the earlier and better manuscripts of the gospel of Matthew take us back to the earliest ascertainable form of the sermon, but the Book of Mormon never takes us to a verifiable text in antiquity. According to Hugh Nibley, “We can never prove absolutely that the Book of Mormon is what it claims to be; but any serious proven fault in the work would at once condemn it. If I assume the Book of Mormon to be fraudulent, then whatever is correct in it is merely a lucky coincidence, devoid of any real significance. But if I assume that it is true, then any suspicious passage is highly significant and casts suspicion on the whole thing, no matter how much of it is right” (1953, 831; all but the first clause has been deleted in Nibley 1989, 56). We need not agree that Book of Mormon dependence on errors in the KJV Sermon on the Mount “casts suspicion on the whole” text of the Book of Mormon. My conclusions are confined to 3 Nephi 12-14. On purely text-critical grounds, the historicity of 3 Nephi 12-14 is suspect. Nowhere in the Book of Mormon version of Jesus’s sermon is there any indisputable evidence of its being a translation from an ancient document (Ashment 1980). One can never prove that something did not happen. All that can be said is that there is no evidence to substantiate the view that the Book of Mormon records a real visit by the resurrected Jesus to the place called Bountiful in the Book of Mormon. Establishing the Matthean Text I will examine each of the eight passages from the Sermon on the Mount in some detail, presenting English translations of the two major forms and summarizing the external evidence supporting both the modern critical Greek text and the Textus Receptus. Also whenever the margin of the edition of Stephanus has a variant reading, this information is cited in order to indicate what variants were already known by the middle of the sixteenth century (Stephanus 1550). It is important to see the strength and array of the documentary evidence on both sides of each textual question in order to evaluate rival readings and decide which among them is the original from which the others sprang. The external evidence will be cited in the following order: the Greek manuscripts (the papyrus, the uncials, and then the minuscules), the text and margin of the 1550 Textus Receptus, the Latin, Syriac, and Coptic witnesses, and last the early patristic writers. The examples have been grouped into three categories: passages that show either influence from [p.134] the immediate context (Examples 1-2) or influence from the Lucan parallel (Examples 3-4) or a textual addition (Examples 5-8). The modern critical text found in examples 1, 3, and 5 (third instance) is preferred because it is based on more reliable and better quality manuscripts, not because it happens to be supported by the majority of Greek manuscripts (Hodges and Farstad 1982). Counting the number of manuscripts in support of a particular reading is not nearly as significant as weighing their intrinsic value (Metzger 1968, 158). Because some texts received ecclesiastical authorization, they were copied into manuscripts more frequently than earlier, more reliable texts. The readings of the modern critical text in the other examples are supported by considerably fewer manuscripts, but these manuscripts are demonstrably older and of better quality. Careful evaluation of the evidence means considering the date of the manuscripts, their geographical distribution, and their genealogical relationships (Metzger 1968, 209). In each instance the possibility of either intentional alteration or unintentional corruption must be considered. Most often losses were due to unintentional errors of the eye, ear, and/or hand, while additions to the text were due to scribal alteration. One of the most important principles of textual criticism, especially applicable to intentional changes, is difficilior lectio potior: the harder reading is to be preferred (Taylor 1961, 4). The difficulty of the original reading leads to revised readings, which were made by scribes to solve or clarify the problem. An independent investigation of unintentional alterations made during an oral recitation of the Book of Mormon found that errors occurred due to misreadings caused by similar appearance of words, by immediate context, and by adding or deleting letters or words (Larson 1977, 27-28). A variety of diversified and early external support and differing transcriptional and intrinsic internal considerations have led to strong preference for the modern critical Greek text over the sixteenth-century Textus Receptus. Examples 1 and 2 illustrate how change occurs due to influence from the immediate context. |Matthew 5:27 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:27 (KJV)| |You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery.”||Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:| The only New Testament papyrus covering one of the eight [p.135] selected passages in the Sermon on the Mount is the very early papyrus 64, which is dated circa 200 C.E. (see Illustration 1). This papyrus, composed of fragments located in Oxford and Barcelona, contains verses for the 3rd, 5th, and 26th chapters of Matthew. The three Oxford fragments are numbered papyrus 64, while the two Barcelona fragments were given the number papyrus 67 (C. Roberts 1953, 233-37; Roca-Puig 1956). In 1962 Colin H. Roberts identified these separated fragments as part of the same papyrus (Roca-Puig 1962, 63-64; Elliott 1989, 21-22). This valuable papyrus takes one back in a single step 950 years earlier than Erasmus’s oldest manuscripts and enables us to examine a passage from the Sermon on the Mount in a document copied only a little over one century after the autograph. In Matthew 5:27 the words “you have heard that it was said, you shall not commit adultery” (NRSV), which are legible on one of the fragments of papyrus 64, confirm the shorter text of the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, the fifth-century Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, ten other uncials, family 1 and enough other minuscules to form a majority of the Greek manuscripts, the margin of the 1550 Textus Receptus, five Old Latin manuscripts, the fourth-century Sinaitic Syriac, the Peshitta, the Harclean Syriac asterisks (which indicate an awareness of the text without the addition), the Sahidic, the Bohairic, and Origen. The addition tois archaiois, “to them of old time,” which the KJV mistranslates as “by them of old time,” is supported by five uncials, family 13 and a minority of the minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, six Old Latin manuscripts, the Vulgate, the Curetonian Syriac, the basic text of the Harclean Syriac, the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, and Irenaeus. Internal considerations also must be examined. There are several places in the Sermon on the Mount where there is a contrast between the mosaic law (“you have heard that it was said”) and Jesus’s own teachings (“but I say to you”). These contrasts occur in Matthew 5:21, 27, 33, 38, and 43. There is not a reason why the phrase would be intentionally deleted from Matthew 5:27. The addition of tois archaiois is an assimilation of the same phrase occurring in Matthew 5:21 and possibly also in Matthew 5:33. One must be cautious about claiming which verse is the source of the added words in Matthew 5:27. Their presence in Matthew 5:21 is absolutely firm with no manuscripts omitting it, but the absence of the phrase in Matthew 5:33 in the fourth- or fifth-century Codex Bobiensis of the Old Latin, the fourth-century Sinaitic Syriac, and the second-century Irenaeus may indicate that originally this verse also lacked the phrase. If this is the case, then the words “to them of old time” were added first to v. 33 and later to v. 27. However, both external and internal considerations favor the original absence of this phrase in Matthew 5:27. [p.137] |Matthew 5:30 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:30 (KJV)| |And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.||And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.| In Matthew 5:30 the reading eis geennan apelthe, “go into hell,” is supported by the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, family 1, 22, 33, 157, the original hand of 660, 892, and the margin of the 1550 Textus Receptus. A subvariant of this reading with a different order of words, apelthe eis geennan, is supported by the fifth-century Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, 372, 517, and 1675. Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland cite Codex Bezae as both having the reading “go into hell” near the end of Matthew 5:29 and omitting the whole of Matthew 5:30, but this is not an accurate representation of its text (Aland and Aland 1979, 11; cf. Scrivener 1864, 12). There is indeed a skipping of material in both the Greek and the Latin columns of Codex Bezae, but the omission is much more likely to have been due to homoeoteleuton from any of the nineteen consecutive words in v. 29 which are exactly duplicated in v. 30; that is, the omission (working equally well in the Greek or the Latin) could be from a point in v. 29 to the corresponding point in v. 30, rather than being an omission of all of v. 30. This would explain the reading “go into hell,” which is not found in the original hand of any Greek manuscript for v. 29 but is found elsewhere in Greek at v. 30 and corresponds with the Latin order eat in gehennam. Most of the Old Latin, the Vulgate, the fourth-century Sinaitic Syriac, the fifth-century Curetonian Syriac, the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, the Bohairic, and the Middle Egyptian match the text with the variant order, but due to the looseness of word order in translation or the grammatical preference for the position of a prepositional phrase, these versions may just as likely be derived from a Greek text with the word order of Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. The variant reading in Matthew 5:30 blethe eis geennan, “be cast into hell,” is a scribal assimilation to the reading at the end of Matthew 5:29, which talks about the right eye causing a person to sin and ends with the statement that it would be better for a person to lose his eye than that his entire body “should be cast into hell.” It is supported by sixteen uncials, family 13 and the majority of minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, four Old Latin manuscripts, one manuscript of the Vulgate, the Peshitta, the Harclean Syriac, and the Sahidic. There are three [p.138] sub-variants derived from this variant reading: “to be cast into hell,” which is an assimilation to the infinitive in either Matthew 18:9 or Mark 9:47, is the reading of a thirteenth-century minuscule; “you shall be cast into hell” is the reading of the eighth-century Codex Regius; and “into hell be cast,” which may be an assimilation to the wording of Luke 12:5, is the reading of a twelfth-century minuscule. The textual interrelationships among the synoptic gospels (Mark, Matthew, and Luke) also help determine the original Matthean reading. One must also consider the problem of the production of the Sermon on the Mount by the author of Matthew and its relation to the Sermon on the Plain by Luke and scattered verses elsewhere in Luke and Mark. Scholars of the synoptic problem generally conclude that it is unlikely that the basic form of the Sermon on the Mount was ever delivered by the historical Jesus. While this is not the place to review the synoptic problem, one of the secure results of scholarly study is the priority of Mark over Matthew and Luke, to which almost no New Testament scholar would take exception (Tuckett 1983; Kee 1989; cf. Farmer 1976). |The Synoptic Interrelationship| |Matthew 5:30, 29 (NRSV)||Mark 9:42-43, 45, 47-48 (NRSV)||Matthew 18:6, 8-9 (NRSV)| |If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea.||If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea.| |And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.||And if your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than to have two hands and go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.||If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into the eternal fire. [p.139]| |And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame than to have two feet and to be thrown into hell.| |If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.||And if your eye causes you to stumble, tear it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into hell,||And if your eye causes you to stumble, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into the hell of fire.| |where their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched.| The example above is an instance of a doublet in which the same Markan statement is used in two places by Matthew. Since the focus of attention is Matthew 5:30, the synoptic parallel in Luke 17:2 is not pertinent. The Markan pericope, or narrative section, concerning offenses (Mark 9:42-48, with vv. 44 and 46 being later additions to Mark derived from v. 48) is utilized by Matthew 18:6-9 (with the addition of a Matthean “woe” in v. 7), following the Markan order. Matthew here combines separate Markan statements about the hand and foot (Mark 9:43, 45) into a single statement (Matt. 18:8), but Matthew still retains the Markan order of hand, foot, and then eye. In the doublet of this material in Matthew 5:29-30 the statement of Mark 9:47 about the eye (with the addition of the Matthean adjective “right” to modify “eye”) is brought ahead in order to immediately follow Jesus’s teaching concerning the person who looks at a woman to lust after her. Then follows the statement from Mark 9:43 about the hand (again with the addition of the Matthean adjective “right”). Matthew omits reference to the foot (Mark 9:45), since it is unnecessary in this context. It is significant that the earliest text in the synoptic parallel of Mark 9:43 contains the infinitive apelthein, “to go away,” which is the same verb as the apelthe found in the earliest Greek text of Matthew (Gundry 1982, 89). Welch suggests that it is a “well-known point that many have [p.140] argued that Matthew was changed to harmonize with Mark 9:42-48” (1985, 5). But New Testament scholars argue just the opposite—that the verb translated as “go into hell” in Matthew 5:30 follows the same verb in Mark 9:43, and then later it was changed in Matthew to conform to the verb “should be cast into hell” at the end of the previous verse, Matthew 5:29. Welch says that “the Markan text here is also a troubled text; the manuscripts have a wide variety of texts” (Ibid.). However, it is hardly accurate to describe the verb “go into hell” (Mark 9:43) in this way, since only a few Western manuscripts changed the verb to “cast into hell.” Consequently, both internal considerations of what Matthew is most likely to have originally written and external attestation of manuscript witnesses support the reading “go into hell” at Matthew 5:30. Examples 3 and 4 illustrate how a text in one gospel is influenced by a parallel text in another gospel. Such textual harmonization may be either conscious or unconscious, since the early scribes knew the gospel texts by heart, and it is easy to understand how memorized scriptures could affect the text being written by hand. This occurs most often within the synoptic gospels. |Matthew 7:2 (NRSV)||Matthew 7:2 (KJV)| |For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.||For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.| In Matthew 7:2 the reading metrethesetai, “it will be measured,” is supported by the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, thirteen other uncials, family 1 and a majority of minuscules, four Old Latin manuscripts, the original text of Jerome’s Vulgate, the Curetonian Syriac, the Peshitta, the Harclean Syriac, the Sahidic, the Bohairic, Clement of Rome, and Origen. The first three editions of Erasmus had this reading, but in accordance with the Complutensian Polyglot, Erasmus changed the text in 1527 to the variant reading antimetrethesetai, “it will be measured … in return,” or as in the KJV, “it shall be measured … again” (Erasmus 1516, 13; Ximénez 1514). Five uncials, family 13 and a minority of minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, seven Old Latin manuscripts, most manuscripts of the Vulgate, the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, and Hippolytus of Rome support the variant reading. It will be noted that in the listing of witnesses reference is made to the Vulgate for both readings. The reason for this is that [p.141] Vulgate manuscripts show the same variation between the two readings as the Greek manuscripts. The true reading of Jerome’s Vulgate is metietur, “it will be measured,” which is found in early Vulgate manuscripts and modern printed editions (Wordsworth and White 1889; White 1911; Weber 1984). The majority of Vulgate manuscripts, the 1455 Gutenberg edition, and the 1592 Clementine edition have the variant form remetietur “it will be measured … in return.” It is significant that the earlier synoptic parallel in Mark 4:24 reads “the measure you give will be the measure you get.” The variant reading antimetrethesetai, “it will be measured … in return,” is also found at the parallel in Luke 6:38, which reads “for the measure you give will be the measure you get back” (NRSV). Since this Lucan text is very firm among the Greek witnesses to Luke 6:38 with only the original hand of the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, the sixth-century Codex Guelfer-bytanus A, and a few minuscules harmonizing to metrethesetai, it seems more likely that scribes harmonized some Matthean texts to the Lucan form. In summary, the earliest and best manuscripts support the reading metrethesetai. The external and internal evidence is clear that the shorter reading in Matthew 7:2 is the more original. Welch (1990, 155) asserts that the variant readings were not “significant enough” to be included in the Greek New Testament published by the United Bible Societies (Aland 1983), but they were not chosen for inclusion in the limited number of variants cited in that edition because there is little question about the correct text. |Matthew 5:44 (NRSV)||Matthew 5:44 (KJV)| |But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,||But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you;| In Matthew 5:44 the shorter reading agapate tous echthrous humon kai proseuchesthe huper ton diokonton humas, “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” is supported by the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, family 1, 22, 660, 1449, 1582, the fourth- or fifth-century Codex Bobiensis of the Old Latin, the fourth-century Sinaitic Syriac, the fifth-century Curetonian Syriac, the Sahidic, part of the Bohairic, Irenaeus, Origen (two out of three of his citations), and Cyprian (see Illustration 2). This is a diversified array of important witnesses, with the earliest extant texts in the Greek, the [p.142] Latin, the Syriac, and the Coptic as well as the second-century Irenaeus providing strong support for the shorter form of Matthew 5:44. Before listing the many textual variants among the manuscript witnesses of this passage, it is helpful to compare this earliest form of Matthew 5:44 with the synoptic parallel at Luke 6:27-28. The two Matthean clauses are numbered 1, 4a, and 4b, so that they can be compared and contrasted with the first and fourth Lucan clauses. The absence of any Matthean words to correspond with the second and third Lucan clauses does not imply a gap in Matthew. |The Synoptic Interrelationship| |Matthew 5:44 (NRSV)||Luke 6:27-28 (NRSV)| |1 Love your enemies||1 Love your enemies, 2 do good to those who hate you, 3 bless those who curse you, |4a and pray for those 4b who persecute you, |4a pray for those 4c who abuse you. The Lucan form has a four-fold command composed of two synonymous parallelisms instead of the simpler, two-fold command in the earliest form of Matthew (Guelich 1982, 227-28). No witness of Luke 6:27-28 has the shorter form in Matthew 5:44. The four Lucan clauses are firm in the textual tradition. The earliest form of Matthew 5:44 (order 1-4a-4b) and the witnesses which support it have already been cited. Later witnesses of Matthew 5:44 harmonize and/or conflate this Matthean text with words and/or clauses from the Lucan parallel (Tasker 1964, 411; Sanders 1969, 263). Theophilus and Origen (one out of three citations) have in the second Matthean clause a substitution from the fourth Lucan clause (order 1-4a-4c). Part of the Bohairic and Athenagoras add the third clause from Luke and leave the second Matthean clause untouched (order 1-3-4a-4b). Three minuscules, a lectionary, and Clement of Alexandria add the third Lucan clause and have a conflation between the fourth Lucan clause and the last half of the second Matthean clause (order 1-3-4a-4c-4b). This combination and order coincide with Tatian’s Diatessaron, which at this point is not per se a quotation of Matthew 5:44, but is the result of his deliberate combination of this verse with parts of Luke 6:27-28, as cited by the fourth-century Syriac writer Aphraates. The American and British committees of the International Greek New Testament Project twice misrepresent the Diatessaric testimony of Aphraates at this point (American and British Committees 1984, 126-27; see Aphraates, [p.143] Demonstration 2.12, in Patrologia Syriaca 1 :73). In a combination found only in the Latin tradition, four Old Latin manuscripts and the Vulgate add the second Lucan clause and have a reverse order of conflation consisting of the second Matthean clause and then the last half of the fourth Lucan clause (order 1-2-4a-4b-4c). Two manuscripts of the Old Latin also add the second Lucan clause but have a conflation between the fourth Lucan clause and the last half of the second Matthean clause (order 1-2-4a-4c-4b). The vast majority of manuscripts add the third and then the second Lucan clauses and have a conflation between the fourth Lucan clause and the last half of the second Matthean clause (order 1-3-2-4a-4c-4b). This order is supported by the fifth-century Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, the fifth-century Codex Freerianus, eleven later uncials of the eighth to tenth centuries, family 13 and the majority of minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, four Old Latin manuscripts, the Peshitta, the Harclean Syriac, the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, but no patristic writer before the fourth century. Two minuscules and a lectionary follow the majority text in having both the third and second clauses but drop the last part of the fourth clause due to homoeoteleuton (order 1-3-2-4a-4c). One minuscule adds the second clause and has a substitution in the fourth clause; probably a better way to describe the text of this minuscule is that it follows the majority text but drops the third Lucan clause and also drops the last part of the fourth clause due to homoeoteleuton (order 1-2-4a-4c). Welch argues that “the textual evidence is not as strong” in favor of the earliest text of Matthew 5:44 as it is in the other examples and gives as his first reason that “Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D) and many other early Greek texts have longer and different versions” of Matthew 5:44 (Welch 1990, 156). This misrepresents the age of the Greek witnesses, since the early manuscripts support the shorter reading of Matthew 5:44 and Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis and Codex Freerianus, which date from the fifth century, with the rest of the uncials and minuscules being of the eighth century and later. In fairness to Welch, his earlier study does not use the inaccurate adjective “early,” which only appears in his 1990 version (Welch 1985, 11-12). Also Welch does not appear to be aware that having “longer and different versions” is a sure indication that the original text has been modified (Metzger 1971, 14; Aland and Aland 1989, 301). The many variant readings of Matthew 5:44 are not simply gratuitous additions but scribal efforts to harmonize the text by using known or remembered wording from Luke (Beare 1981, 160). The other argument Welch uses is that Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis “agrees with the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices on most of these other points” but does not do so in Matthew 5:44 (Welch 1990, 156). However, one does not have a weaker case because Codex Bezae does [p.145] not join with the earliest witnesses. Metzger observes concerning Codex Bezae that “no known manuscript has so many and such remarkable variation from what is usually taken to be the normal New Testament text” (Metzger 1968, 50), and one of the most distinctive characteristics of Codex Bezae is a high degree of harmonization within the texts of the synoptic gospels (Vogels 1910). Since the point at issue in Matthew 5:44 is synoptic harmonization, one would expect Codex Bezae to have the harmonized reading based on the Lucan parallel. The Alands point out that when Codex Bezae “supports the early tradition the manuscript has a genuine significance, but it … should be examined most carefully when it opposes the early tradition” (Aland and Aland 1989, 110). In summary, the manuscript sources exhibit an array of textual variation in Matthew 5:44. However, the fact that not a single manuscript of Matthew has the text in the exact order of Luke (1-2-3-4) indicates that the earliest text of Matthew with the two-fold statement was not simply expanded in one operation. The evidence indicates that a series of partial scribal harmonizations occurred in which several textual forms arose. Both external manuscript evidence and internal considerations support the earliest text in Matthew 5:44. Examples 5-8 show how texts have been added to and amplified over time. |Matthew 6:4, 6, 18 (NRSV)||Matthew 6:4, 6, 18 (KJV)| |so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.||That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, himself shall reward thee openly.| |But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.||But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.| |so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.||That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.| These three textual readings are related, but the particular [p.146] manuscript support for each varies. This presents the additional problem of deciding the possible influence of one variant on another. In Matthew 6:4, 6 the shorter reading “your Father … will reward you” is strongly supported by the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, the fifth-century Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, the sixth-century Codex Dublinensis, family 1, family 13 (in v. 4), 22, 33 (in v. 4), 544, 660, 1582 (in v. 4), six Old Latin manuscripts, the Vulgate, the fourth-century Sinaitic Syriac (in v. 6), the fifth-century Curetonian Syriac, one manuscript of the Palestinian Syriac lectionary (in v. 6), the Sahidic, the Bohairic, the Fayyumic, Origen, and Cyprian (in v. 4). At the end of vv. 4 and 6 the interpretive addition en to phanero, “in the open,” or as in the KJV “openly” is supported by fifteen uncials, family 13 (in v. 6) and the majority of minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, eight Old Latin manuscripts, the fourth-century Sinaitic Syriac (in v. 4), the Peshitta, the Harclean Syriac, the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, but no patristic writer before the fourth century. In Matthew 6:18 the shorter reading “your Father … will reward you” is supported by the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, the fifth-century Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, fifteen other uncials, minuscule 1, family 13 and a majority of minuscules, the margin of the 1550 Textus Receptus, five Old Latin manuscripts, the Vulgate, the fifth-century Curetonian Syriac, the Peshitta, the Harclean Syriac, manuscripts of the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, the Sahidic, the Bohairic, and Theophilus. The presence of en to phanero, “in the open,” at the end of v. 18 is supported by only three uncials, a minority of minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, six Old Latin manuscripts, and one manuscript of the Palestinian Syriac lectionary. Since the earliest Greek witness to support this addition dates from the eighth century, its presence in the verse should be attributed to assimilation to either v. 4 or v. 6, where the phrase was added to the text much earlier. It would be difficult to demonstrate whether v. 4 or v. 6 was the first to have the added phrase, since whichever one was first the phrase was soon added to the other. With respect to internal considerations, there is no plausible reason for en to phanero, “in the open,” to have been accidentally omitted or intentionally deleted. It is possible that it was originally a marginal note which in later manuscript copies intruded into the text. On the other hand, a copyist could have added the phrase either to support the religious conviction that the blessings for the righteous should be visible to the public or to provide an antithetical parallelism to the Father seeing what is done in secret (Metzger 1968, 198). It would be comparatively easy for a scribe to insert the phrase “to make a more complete contrast with the word ‘secretly’ in the preceding clause” (Greenlee 1985, 83). [p.147] |Matthew 6:13 (NRSV)||Matthew 6:13 (KJV)| |And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.||And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.| The absence of any doxology in Matthew 6:13 is supported by the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus, the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, the fifth-century Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, the sixth-century Codex Dublinensis, the fifth- or sixth-century 0170, family 1, 130, 372, 1582, lectionary 547, seven Old Latin manuscripts, the original text of Jerome’s Vulgate, the Syriac Acts of Thomas, part of the Bohairic, the Middle Egyptian, Tertullian, Origen, and Cyprian (see Illustration 3). The citation of the Vulgate is problematic due to variation among manuscripts and printed editions, but that the true reading of Jerome’s Vulgate lacks the added amen at the end of the Lord’s Prayer is supported by early Vulgate manuscripts and modern printed editions (Wordsworth and White 1889; White 1911; Weber 1984). The Sinaitic Syriac is not extant for Matthew 6:13, but F. Crawford Burkitt argues that the Syriac Acts of Thomas quotes the Lord’s Prayer in the Old Syriac version without any doxology (Burkitt 1904, 2:104-106; cf. Wright 1871, 1:313; 2:279; cf. Klijn 1962, 144, 293). Though it has been contested, Andrew Bandstra gives reasons why Tertullian’s De Oratione should be confidently cited for the absence of the doxology in Matthew (Bandstra 1982, 90-91; cf. Van Bruggert 1982, 83). This array of witnesses not supporting doxology in Matthew 6:13 produces a strong combination, since it includes representatives of the Proto-Alexandrian, the Later Alexandrian, the so-called Pre-Caesarean, the Western, the Eastern, and the early patristic commentaries on the Lord’s Prayer. Also the important ninth- or tenth-century minuscule 1424 and other scholia manuscripts have the following note to Matthew 6:13: “The [words] ‘for thine is the kingdom’ up to the ‘amen’ do not lie in some manuscripts.” Many minuscules indicate uncertainty about the right of the doxology to stand at the end of the Lord’s Prayer by transcribing it in red letters. The evidence is strong and broadly based that the doxology was not originally part of the text of Matthew (Filson 1960, 97; Bruce 1983, 81; Hendrickx 1984, 124). Even the conservative John F. MacArthur admits that the doxology was not in the original text (MacArthur 1985, 397). Examination of the manuscript evidence shows a development of doxological forms. While the oldest and best manuscripts lack a doxology, those older manuscripts with a doxology have a great “breadth [p.148] of variation” (Luz 1990, 385). This diversity of the readings in this added material is “an irrefutable argument for its secondary character” (Aland and Aland 1989, 301). The smallest addition to the end of the Matthean Lord’s Prayer is a simple amen, “amen,” found in the fifteenth-century minuscule 17, the margin of the 1550 Textus Receptus, and late Vulgate manuscripts (and consequently in the Complutensian Polyglot and the Clementine edition of the Vulgate). That the Lord’s Prayer was easily susceptible to various later embellishments is shown by the fact that a fourth-century potsherd measuring 6.5 centimeters by 9 centimeters discovered in Megara in Greece is inscribed with the Lord’s Prayer without a doxology and followed by a final acclamation (using the crux monogrammatica) “O Lord Christ” (Knopf 1900, 315; von Dobschütz 1914, 294). A sixth-century amulet found in 1899 in Heracleopolis Magna recites the prayer with a short doxology: “For thine is the glory for ever.” Due to the fragmentary state of the papyrus, this reading requires some conjectural emendation, but based on the amount of space available per line, it is a short form of the doxology different from other extant forms (Milligan 1912, 134). The fourth- or fifth-century Codex Bobiensis of the Old Latin has the shortest doxology in a New Testament manuscript: quoniam est tibi uirtus in saecula saeculorum, “For thine is the power for ever and ever.” The Didache (an eleventh-century manuscript which may go back to the text of the early second century) reads “for thine is the power and glory for ever,” and precisely the same two-member doxology without an amen is found in another prayer in this church manual (Didache 8:2, 10:5). Four times the simple formula “to thee be the glory for ever” occurs in the Didache at the end of prayers (9:2, 3; 10:2, 4). Once in the Didache an expanded doxology with a variant order “for thine is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ for ever” is found (9:4). However, the Didache never confirms the traditional doxology. The form in the Didache is supported with the addition of an “amen” by the Sahidic and the Fayyumic. This similarity with the Coptic versions and the likelihood that the Didache originated in Egypt has suggested to some that the doxology found in the Didache may have been redacted (sometime after the second century and before the eleventh century) from the Sahidic and Fayyumic versions (Bandstra 1981, 23). The Curetonian Syriac text reads “for thine is the kingdom and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.” The familiar triple strophic doxology is found in the vast majority of manuscripts: hoti sou estin he basileia kai he dunamis kai he doxa eis tous aionas amen “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” This form is supported by sixteen uncials, family 13 and the majority of minuscules, the 1550 Textus Receptus, two Old Latin manuscripts, the Harclean Syriac, the Palestinian Syriac lectionary, part [p.150] of the Bohairic, but no patristic writer before the fourth century. The mere number of manuscripts supporting this variant reading is sometimes used as an argument in favor of the doxology, but manuscripts should be weighed not counted (Welch 1976, 17). Sidney B. Sperry and S. Brent Farley assume that the doxology is a part of the Lord’s Prayer and give no indication of being aware of its absence in the earliest and best New Testament manuscripts and the editions of the Greek New Testament (Sperry 1947, 136; Farley 1988, 158). J. Reuben Clark, Jr., counselor in the First Presidency of the LDS church, referred in a Latter-day Saint general conference address to the Matthean doxology as “those great sanctifying words” which modern scholarship had eliminated from the text; Clark declared that those who followed the earlier texts and removed the doxology were somehow “tampering with the Lord’s Prayer” (1954, 41; 1956, 353). The doxology was not absolutely fixed, for the correction to one minuscule, Codex Sangermanensis of the Old Latin, and the Peshitta follow this traditional form but lack the “amen.” A few minuscules expand “for ever” to “for ever and ever.” Also the liturgy ascribed to Chrysostom, two twelfth-century minuscules, and a fifteenth-century minuscule expand the traditional doxology into a trinitarian formula by adding “of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” after the words “and the glory.” Due to homoeoteleuton this trinitarian formula is shortened in a fifteenth-century minuscule by the accidental omission of the words “and the power and the glory.” The doxology is clearly a secondary addition in Matthew (Brown 1965, 253; Gerhardsson 1984, 218). Joachim Jeremias indicates the prayer customs in first-century Judaism: “There were two ways of ending a prayer, a fixed conclusion and a conclusion formulated freely by the suppliant, called the hatima (‘seal’). Originally the Lord’s Prayer was a prayer with the ‘seal’, i.e., with a freely formulated conclusion” (Jeremias 1971, 203; cf. Jeremias 1967, 106). Quoting from Jeremias’s 1963 study, Hugh Nibley makes several other assertions concerning the doxology and the Lord’s Prayer: “The most significant example of this freedom of composition is certainly the Lord’s Prayer. ‘Originally,’ wrote Jeremias, ‘the doxology, For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever, was absent,’ yet it is found in the oldest Church order, the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles” [the Didache]. Has someone taken liberties with the sacred canon, then? No, ‘the absence of the doxology from the original text, …’ Jeremias explains, ‘does not mean that Jesus intended his prayer to be recited without a word of praise at the end. But in the very earliest times, the doxology had no fixed form and its precise wording was left to those who prayed.’ Only ‘later on … it was felt necessary to establish the doxology in a fixed form,’ which explains why the prayer has different [p.151] forms in Matthew 6:13 and Luke 11:4″ (Nibley 1978, 51, emphasis in original). Nibley here misrepresents the unique doxological form in the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles” (Didache), by equating it with the later, traditional doxology. Though Jeremias’s position is clear that the original text of Matthew 6:13 lacked the doxology, Jeremias asserts that early Christians recited the Lord’s Prayer with spontaneous words of praise as the ending, and in the early period there were prevalent various doxological formulae which varied according to the person offering the prayer. Thus the evidence indicates that Nibley’s rhetorical question about whether or not someone has taken “liberties with the sacred canon” of Matthew 6:13 should be answered with a firm “Yes.” Nibley does not disclose to readers that the second ellipsis in his quotation from Jeremias eliminates a crucial clause that ties the establishment of a fixed form of the doxology to a later time “when the Lord’s Prayer began to be used in the services of the Church as a common prayer” (Jeremias 1963, 10; cf. Jeremias 1967, 106-107). Nibley then asserts that the establishment of a fixed form for the doxology “explains why the prayer has different forms in Matthew 6:13 and Luke 11:4.” However, it explains no such thing, for the evidence indicates that both gospels lacked the doxology in their earliest state and that in Matthew it was added in various forms. Nibley denies that New Testament manuscripts show a growth of doxological forms and asserts that such a development of the doxology is clear “only if you arrange the manuscripts yourself to do that. That’s what they [the scholars] do. You can’t date them except by typology. Then you put their types exactly in the order you want to put them—then you get the clear development. That’s the way it happens. …” (Nibley 1990, 51). Paleographers and papyrologists would contest Nibley’s position, since they are confident that manuscripts can be dated not by internal typology but by analysis of handwriting style to the century or adjacent centuries in which they were created. Welch says that the absence or presence of the doxology in Matthew 6:13 is “unsettled among biblical scholars,” but actually there is a strong consensus against the Matthean doxology (Welch 1990, 157). The doxology seems to have originated as the Lord’s Prayer was adapted to early Christian liturgical use, perhaps under the influence of 1 Chronicles 29:11-13 and 2 Timothy 4:18 (Allen 1912, 60; Tasker 1964, 412). In known Eastern liturgies the congregation recites the Lord’s Prayer with the priest giving the doxology, so it has been suggested that in the early Christian liturgies “the doxology was left for the leader to formulate” (Davies and Allison 1988, 615). Scribes, knowing that a doxology “was the customary way to end a prayer,” would naturally add some form of it to their manuscripts (Albright and Mann 1971, 77). Since [p.154] the Lord’s Prayer ends with a plea for deliverance from evil or the evil one, the doxology may have been added for rhetorical as well as liturgical reasons (Vaught 1986, 133). On the other hand, it is unlikely that a copyist would have intentionally omitted the doxology (Newman and Stine 1988, 178). To understand the growth of the doxology in Matthew 6:13, one must understand how the text of the Lord’s Prayer developed in the respective gospels of Matthew and Luke. There are several significant differences between the Matthean and Lucan versions of the Lord’s Prayer. The earliest form of Luke 11:2-4, which is supported by the third-century papyrus 75, is compared to the Lord’s Prayer as found in KJV Matthew 6:9-13. |The Synoptic Interrelationship| |Luke 11:2-4 (NRSV)||Matthew 6:9-13 (KJV)| hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. |Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. |Give us each dayour daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. |Give us this dayour daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive |And do not bring us to the time oftrial.||And lead us not into temptation, butdeliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Notice that Luke has only “Father” instead of the Matthean “our Father which art in heaven,” which has been described as “a very considerable modification” of the Aramaic abba, “father” (Perrin 1976, 41). Also Luke lacks “thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”; has the present imperative verb form “give [and keep giving]” instead of the Matthean aorist imperative, implying a single act of giving; has “each day” instead of “this day”; has “our sins” instead of “our debts”; has “everyone indebted to us” instead of “our debtors”; lacks the Matthean antithesis “but deliver us from evil” after “do not bring us to the time of trial”; and lastly and most importantly, Luke lacks any doxology. It is certainly significant that at the points where Luke lacks Matthean material, the form [p.155] in Luke is completely contained in the longer form of Matthew (Strecker 1988, 107). This leads to the conclusion that Matthew’s text is an early expansion of the shorter form found in Luke, for “in the early period, before wordings were fixed, liturgical texts were elaborated, expanded, and enriched.” Further confirmation of Matthew’s expanding the original form is the fact that the instances of expansion are “found toward the end of a section of the prayer—he first at the end of the address, the second at the end of the ‘thou-petitions’, the third at the end of the ‘We-petitions'” (Jeremias 1967, 90). These are typical of liturgical expansions. However, the variations in the textual tradition of the Matthean and Lucan forms of the Lord’s Prayer make it difficult to be certain of the original words spoken by Jesus (Betz 1985, 66). Faced with early Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, and patristic texts without a doxology and later manuscripts with various kinds of doxologies, Welch argues that the doxology was originally present in Matthew 6:13 but that the early Greek manuscripts “may have been changed to conform with” Lucan manuscripts (Welch 1990, 158). But there is no manuscript of Matthew which ever omits words in order to agree with the Lucan parallel. Welch’s theoretical possibility is totally without foundation. The process is clearly in the direction of fuller, more complete doxological forms. Various manuscripts of Luke have been assimilated to the fuller, more familiar form found in Matthew (Metzger 1968, 197). This process of harmonization is so thorough that at each and every point—except one—where the earliest Greek text of Luke 11:2-4 differs from the Textus Receptus of Matthew 6:9-13, there are at least some manuscripts of Luke which have been harmonized to the more familiar Matthean form (Kenyon 1975, 210). That single exception is the Matthean doxology, for the most exhaustive Greek New Testament critical apparatus ever published does not show any Greek manuscript, ancient version, or patristic writer which has assimilated Luke 11:4 to the doxology of Matthew 6:13 (American and British Committees 1984, 1:245; Greenlee 1985, 86). This is compelling evidence that in the early Christian period, when such harmonizations between the synoptic gospels were made, the doxology of Matthew 6:13 had not yet been added to texts of Matthew. The doxology was added to New Testament manuscripts at a later period, and the reason it was not added to Luke but was added to Matthew is “because being the fuller it [Matthew] was preferred for liturgical purposes” (McNeile 1915, 82). It is instructive to see how narrowly the doxology of Matthew 6:13 entered into the Textus Receptus. To do this properly one must go back earlier than the first published text to the first Greek New Testament prepared for publication—the Complutensian Polyglot (Ximénez 1514; see Illustration 4). In this earliest printed text the doxology was not [p.156] included and Demetrius Ducas’s marginal note explains that the doxology crept into Greek manuscripts by way of the Greek mass where only the priest uttered it (Bentley 1980, 148; 1983, 96). Independent of the Complutensian Polyglot, Erasmus also concluded that the doxology was a late addition to the text. However, Erasmus prints it in his text because it occurred in minuscule 2, which was the printer’s manuscript for the 1516 edition. In his extensive Annotationes appended to the 1516 edition, Erasmus argues against the authenticity of the doxology, pointing out that it is absent in the Vulgate and was added to the Lord’s Prayer for the same reason that the phrase gloria patri was added at the end of various Psalms (Erasmus 1516, 11, 250; cf. Erasmus 1986, 35-36). It is ironic that although Erasmus had minuscule 1 at hand, he did not study this valuable manuscript more carefully, for there is probably not a single minuscule with a better text of the gospels than minuscule 1. Erasmus considered it to be a beautiful and elegant manuscript but not an accurate text (Rummel 1986, 36-37). It lacks the doxology and would have provided the needed Greek confirmation for his own conclusion about the secondary nature of the doxology in Matthew 6:13. The modern scholastic practice would place a secondary text in a footnote. In his 1519 and succeeding editions, Erasmus hit on the novel idea of using smaller type in his Latin translation in the adjacent column in order to indicate that the doxology was not original (see Illustration 5). This distinction by Erasmus was lost as later editors just reprinted his Greek text without incorporating any difference in typeface. In this precarious way the doxology found its way into the Textus Receptus, and eventually into the KJV. 1. The present study is based on my “The Sermon on the Mount: What Its Textual Transformation Discloses Concerning the Historicity of the Book of Mormon,” Trinity Journal 7 (Spring 1986): 23-45. This earlier article was reviewed prior to publication by John W. Welch, “Notes on the Greek Text of the Sermon on the Mount in Reference to 3 Nephi 12-14,” 1985, unpublished; and after publication by Welch, The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount, 1990, 145-63. 2. These various editions are: Constantinus Tischendorf, Novurn Testamentum Graece, 8th ed., 2 vols. (Leipzig: Giesecke & Devrient, 1869-72); B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort, The New Testament in the Original Greek, 2 vols. (Cambridge and London: Macmillan and Co., 1881); Hermann von Soden, Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1913); [The British and Foreign Bible Society,] H KAINH IAHKH, 2d ed., [edited by G. D. Kilpatrick] (London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958); G. D. Kilpatrick, Matthew: A Greek-English Diglot (London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1959); Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, and Kurt Aland, Novurn Testamenturn Graece, 25th ed. (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1963); R. V. G. Tasker, The Greek New Testament: Being the Text Translated in the New English Bible, 1961 (Oxford: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, 1964); Augustinus Merk, Novurn Testamenturn Graece et Latine, 9th ed. (Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1964); José M. Bover and José O’Callaghan, Nuevo Testamento Trilingüe (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1977); Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, Nestle-Aland Novurn Testamenturn Graece, 26th ed. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1979). This twenty-sixth edition differs from the twenty-fifth edition (Nestle, Nestle, and Aland 1963) in at least 925 places. The twenty-sixth edition is the same text as found in two other publications: Kurt Aland, Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum, 13th ed. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1985), and Kurt Aland et al., The Greek New Testament, 3d ed. cor. (New York: United Bible Societies, 1983). 3. While the point of comparison is the Book of Mormon, the question arises as to how these passages are handled in the version known as the Joseph Smith Revision (JSR) of the KJV. The JSR, sometimes referred to as the Inspired Version or the Joseph Smith Translation, has not been substantiated by modern manuscript discovery as an “inspired textual restoration” of the original wording of the New Testament (Barney 1986, 100). Robert Millet, BYU professor of religion, admits that it is difficult to know when a revision by Smith “represents a restoration of lost textual material or events or when it represents inspired prophetic commentary” (Millet 1985, 84). The Sermon on the Mount portion of the JSR was dictated between 8 March and 4 April 1831. In each of the eight selected examples from the Sermon on the Mount, the JSR does not agree with the original text. In six instances it simply copies the KJV and the Book of Mormon. At the two other instances the text of the JSR either conflates the differing KJV and Book of Mormon texts (see n5) or revises the KJV (see n6). 4. Remember, the KJV was not a fresh translation from Greek into English but a revision “with the former translations diligently compared and revised,” using as the main text the 1572 second folio edition of the Bishops’ Bible (Hammond 1982, 144). In this case the Bishops’ Bible had the preposition “vnto” which the KJV incorrectly changed to “by” and relegated the preposition “to” to the margin. The rendition of the Bishops’ Bible goes back to William Tyndale’s “vnto them off thee olde tyme” in 1526. 5. It is useful to examine how this passage is handled in the JSR. First, in New Testament manuscript 1 of the JSR, in the handwriting of Sidney Rigdon, the text of 3 Nephi 12:29-30 is quoted and then Matthew 5:29 is quoted from the 1828 Phinney edition of the KJV. In the original transcript of the manuscript, there is an omission of Matthew 5:30 at a point where Matthew 5:29-30 share exactly the same twenty-nine words. Probably what happened was that Matthew 5:30 was accidentally skipped due to homoeoteleuton, just like the error in Codex Bezae and the Sinaitic Syriac (see Example 2 in the Technical Appendix). However, this omission was later noticed and a slip of paper was pinned to the manuscript with the missing text of Matthew 5:30 as well as the following reflection on the figurative nature of the passage: “And now this I speak, a parable concerning your sins; wherefore, cast them from you, that ye may not be hewn down and cast into the fire.” This conflation of three different sources was copied by John Whitmer into New Testament manuscript 2 of the JSR and into the published Inspired Version of 1867. Neither the Book of Mormon revision nor the wording unique to the JSR is supported by ancient sources. 6. The JSR alters the text of the KJV and the Book of Mormon in a direction further away from the original text, for in the doxology of Matthew 6:13 this text expands the KJV “for ever” to “forever and forever” (New Testament manuscript 1, JSR). This was copied by John Whitmer as “forever & ever” (New Testament manuscript 2, JSR) and published in the Inspired Version of 1867. Also while revising the gospel of Luke, Joseph Smith took the words “for thine is the kingdom and the power. Amen” from part of this traditional Matthean doxology in the KJV and added them to the end of Luke 11:4. This shortened form is not found as a variant reading in either Matthew 6:13 or Luke 11:4. The JSR may here be typical of how doxologies tend to grow onto various texts, but it is certainly not the original text of Luke 11:4. After mentioning the scholarly support for omitting “without a cause” in Matthew 5:22 and the lack of that support in including the doxology in Matthew 6:13, Robert A. Cloward can only say: “Those who are inclined to disparage or vindicate the JST by comparing individual changes with modern biblical criticism concentrate on trees and miss the forest” (1985, 200). 7. The close connection of the text of the Book of Mormon to the KJV is further illustrated by the fact that P in 3 Nephi 12:36 has “thy head,” which is the text of the KJV in Matthew 5:36, even though this reading was not printed in the Book of Mormon until the 1981 edition. On the other hand it cannot be argued that the phrase “on earth” in the Lord’s Prayer in 3 Nephi 13:10 better translates the Greek, since the original Book of Mormon text, found in P and all the early editions, is “in earth” just as in the KJV in Matthew 6:10. There are biblical quotations in the Book of Mormon, such as 2 Nephi 8:15, 23:8, where the foreshortened Book of Mormon text can best be explained as due to Smith’s accidentally skipping over some words while reading aloud from his copy of the KJV during the dictation process. For a discussion of the conjectural emendation necessary at 2 Nephi 8:15, 23:8, see Larson 1978, 567-68. Unfortunately, this article was edited by Charles D. Tate, at the time editor of Brigham Young University Studies, who expunged the following statements that should have appeared as the second paragraph on page 564 of the above article: Another factor to consider [in assessing the need to apply conjectural emendation to the Book of Mormon text] is the biblical quotations within the Book of Mormon, since Sidney B. Sperry admits that Joseph Smith “may have used the King James Version” and then made revisions when the text on the plates warranted it (Book of Mormon Compendium, 507). The fact that about half of the Isaiah verses that are quoted in the Book of Mormon are exactly the same as the KJV, and that many of the others are the same except at the very point where the KJV has italics, and finally that the Original Manuscript of 1 Nephi 20:11 shows the KJV text before being changed into the Book of Mormon revision, all tend to make this admission of possible use into a certainty. Since the English Bible may at any point be unintentionally misread, this is another possible source of error and is quite possibly the explanation for the omissions of biblical text involved in the passages in 2 Nephi 8:15 and 2 Nephi 23:8. These words evidently stated too clearly that Joseph Smith plagiarized from the KJV when dictating the biblical quotations in the Book of Mormon. 8. The third person plural verbs “they light” in Matthew 5:15 (3 Ne. 12:15) and “they gather” in Matthew 7:16 (3 Nephi 14:16) are used without an explicit subject and are better expressed in English as the impersonal “one lights” and “one gathers” (Turner 1963, 292-93). Aland, Kurt. Kurzgefasste Liste der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1963. ______. Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum. 13th ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1985. Aland, Kurt, and Barbara Aland. Nestle-Aland Novurn Testamentum Graece. 26th ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1979. ______. The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Translated by Erroll F. Rhodes. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1989. Aland, Kurt, et al. The Greek New Testament. 3d ed. cor. New York: United Bible Societies, 1983. Albright, W. F., and C. S. Mann. 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The Gospel According to Matthew: Translation, Introduction, and Commentary. San Francisco: Harper and Row Publishers, 1981. Bentley, Jerry H. “New Light on the Editing of the Complutensian New Testament.” Bibliothéque d’humanisme et renaissance 42 (1980): 145-56. ______. Humanists and Holy Writ: New Testament Scholarship in the Renaissance. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983. Betz, Hans Dieter. Essays on the Sermon on the Mount. Translated by L. L. Welborn. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985. Black, David Alan. “Jesus on Anger: The Text of Matthew 5:22a Revisited.” Novum Testamentum 30 (1988): 1-8. Bover, José M., and José O’Callaghan. Nuevo Testamento Trilingüe. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1977. [The British and Foreign Bible Society.] H KAINH IAHKH, 2d ed. [Edited by G. D. Kilpatrick]. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958. Brown, Raymond E. New Testament Essays. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1965. Bruce, F. F. 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London: United Bible Societies, 1988. Nibley, Hugh. “New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study: Part I, Some Standard Tests.” The Improvement Era 56 (Nov. 1953): 830-31, 859-62. Reprinted in The Prophetic Book of Mormon, 54-60. Edited by John W. Welch. (The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley: Volume 8, the Book of Mormon.) Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1989. [p.161] ______. “Literary Style Used in Book of Mormon Insured Accurate Translation.” Church News, Deseret News, 29 July 1961. Reprinted in The Prophetic Book of Mormon, 212-18. Edited by John W. Welch. (The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley: Volume 8, the Book of Mormon) Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1989. ______. Since Cumorah: The Book of Mormon in the Modern World. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1967. Reprinted in The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley: Volume 7, the Book of Mormon.) Edited by John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1988. ______. “The Early Christian Prayer Circle.” Brigham Young University Studies 19 (Fall 1978): 41-78. Reprinted in Mormonism and Early Christianity, 45-99. (The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley: Volume 4.) Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1987. ______. Interview by Stan Larson, 19 Apr. 1990. Interview transcript, Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project, Special Collections, Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Ostler, Blake T. “The Book of Mormon as a Modern Expansion of an Ancient Source.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 20 (Spring 1987): 66-123. Perrin, Norman. Rediscovering the Teachings of Jesus. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1976. Petersen, Mark E. Those Gold Plates! Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1979. Roberts, B. H. “Bible Quotations in the Book of Mormon; and Reasonableness of Nephi’s Prophecies.” Improvement Era 7 (Jan. 1904): 179-96. Roberts, Colin H. “An Early Papyrus of the First Gospel.” Harvard Theological Review 46 (1953): 233-37. Robertson, A. T. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research. Nashville: Broadman, 1934. Roca-Puig, Ramon. Un papir grec de l’evangeli de Sant Mateu. Barcelona: [Grafos, S.A.,] 1956. ______. Un papiro griego del evangelio de San Mateo, 2d ed. Barcelona: [Grafos, S.A.,] 1962. Rummel, Erika. Erasmus’s Annotations on the New Testament: From Philologist to Theologian. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986. Russell, William D. “A Further Inquiry into the Historicity of the Book of Mormon.” Sunstone 7 (Sept.-Oct. 1982): 20-27. Sanders, E. P. The Tendencies of the Synoptic Tradition. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Scrivener, Frederick H. Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1864. Skousen, Royal. “Towards a Critical Edition of the Book of Mormon.” Brigham [p.162] Young University Studies 30 (Winter 1990): 41-69. Smith, Joseph, Jr. The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon, upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi. Palmyra, NY: E. B. Grandin, 1830. Sperry, Sidney B. Our Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Stevens and Wallis, Inc., 1947. ______. Answers to Book of Mormon Questions: (Formerly Problems of the Book of Mormon). Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1967. ______. Book of Mormon Compendium. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968. Stendahl, Krister. “The Sermon on the Mount and Third Nephi.” In Reflections on Mormonism: Judaeo-Christian Parallels, 139-54. Edited by Truman G. Madsen. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1978. ______. Meanings: The Bible as Document and as Guide. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984. Stephanus [Estienne], Robertus. THE KAINHE IAOHKH AIIANTA … Novurn Iesv Christi D. N. Testamenturn. Paris, 1550. Strecker, Georg. The Sermon on the Mount: An Exegetical Commentary. Translated by O. C. Dean, Jr. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1988. ______. Tasker, R. V. G. The Greek New Testament: Being the Text Translated in the New English Bible, 1961. Oxford: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, 1964. Taylor, Vincent. The Text of the New Testament: A Short Introduction. London: MacMillan Publishing Company Ltd., 1961. Tischendorf, Constantinus. Novum Testamentum Graece. 8th ed., 2 vols. Leipzig: Giesecke and Devrient, 1869-72. Tuckett, C. M. The Revival of the Griesbach Hypothesis: An Analysis and Appraisal. (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 44.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Turner, Nigel. A Grammar of New Testament Greek: Syntax. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark Limited, 1963. Van Bruggen, Jacob. “The Lord’s Prayer and Textual Criticism.” Calvin Theological Journal 17 (Apr. 1982): 78-87. Vaught, Carl G. The Sermon on the Mount: A Theological Interpretation. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. Vogels, Heinrich J. Die Harmonistik im Evangelientext des Codex Cantabrigiensis. (Texte und Untersuchungen 36.) Leipzig, 1910. von Dobschütz, Ernst. “The Lord’s Prayer.” Harvard Theological Review 7 (July 1914): 293-321. von Soden, Hermann. Die Schrifien des Neuen Testaments. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1913. [p.163] Weber, Robert. Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem, 3d ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1984. Welch, John W. “The Lord’s Prayers.” Ensign 6 (Jan. 1976): 14-17. ______. “A Book You Can Respect.” Ensign 7 (Sept. 1977): 44-48. ______. “Notes on the Greek Text of the Sermon on the Mount in Reference to 3 Nephi 12-14.” Privately circulated, 30 Sept. 1985, David J. Buerger Collection, Special Collections, Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. ______. The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount: A Latter-day Saint Approach. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990. Westcott, B. F., and F. J. A. Hort. The New Testament in the Original Greek. 2 vols. Cambridge, Eng.: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1881. White, Henry J. Novum Testamentum Latine Secundum Editionem Sancti Hieronymi. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911. Wordsworth, John, and Henry J. White. Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi latine secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889-1954. Wright, William. Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. 2 vols. London: Williams and Norgate, 1871. Ximénez de Cisneros, Cardinal Francisco. Novum testamentum grece & latine in academia complutensi. [Alcalá de Henares: Arnao Guillén de Brocar, 1514.] Zerwick, Maximilian. Biblical Greek Illustrated by Examples: English Edition Adapted from the Fourth Latin Edition by Joseph Smith S. J. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1963. [p.165]
Власники автомобілів із іноземною реєстрацією продовжують блокувати дороги на кордоні зі Словаччиною та Румунією На місце прибули поліцейські. Як передає Цензор.НЕТ, про це повідомляє прес-служба Держприкордонслужби. "Власники автомобілів із іноземною реєстрацією продовжили акцію перешкоджання руху на дорогах, які ведуть до пунктів пропуску "Ужгород" на кордоні зі Словаччиною та "Солотвино" на кордоні з Румунією", - йдеться у повідомленні. Для відстеження ситуації на місці перебувають представники Національної поліції. Дивіться також:Власники автомобілів з іноземними номерами на кордоні вимагають збільшити термін транзиту. ФОТО Власники автомобілів організували цю акцію, щоб домогтися збільшення терміну транзиту на ввезення транспортних засобів на територію України. Нагадаємо, що вчора така ж акція проходила біля пунктів пропуску "Ужгород", "Солотвино", "Рава-Руська". За фактом блокування доріг на кордоні зі Словаччиною та Румунією відкрито кримінальне провадження.
У групі С лідирує Іспанія, яка в домашньому матчі завдала першої поразки словакам. Після результату 2:0 піренейці стали явним фаворитом за перше місце в групі. А ось її супернику, Словаччини, ще доведеться вирішальний поєдинок зі збірною України у вівторок, 8 вересня. Також у групі С пройшов поєдинок між збірною Люксембургу та Македонії. Останні поступилися своїм суперникам з мінімальним відривом - 0:1. Крім того, відбулися відбіркові матчі в групі Е. Збірна Англії розгромила Сан- Марино з рахунком 6:0 і стала першою командою, яка забезпечила собі путівку на Євро-2016 через кваліфікацію. Естонія обіграла Литву з рахунком 1:0, а Швейцарія здолала Словенію з рахунком 3:2. У групі G лідирує Австрія, яка сьогодні обіграла Молдову з мінімальним рахунком 1:0. Швеція поступилася Росії - 0:1, проте змогла втриматися на другому місці в турнірній таблиці. Команда Чорногорії відправила у ворота суперників з Ліхтенштейну 2 м'ячі. Група С Іспанія - Словаччина - 2:0 Голи: Альба, 5, Іньєста, 30 (з пенальті); Люксембург - Македонія - 1:0 Гол: Тілль, 90+2. Група Е Англія - Сан-Марино - 6:0 Голи: Руні, 13, Бролли, (у свої ворота, 30), Барклі, 46, Уолкотт, 68, Кейн, 77, Уолкотт, 78; Естонія - Литва - 1:0 Гол: Васильєв, 71; Швейцарія - Словенія - 3:2 Голи: Дрмич, 80, Штокер, 84, Дрмич, 90 – Новакович, 45, Цесар, 48.1. Група G Австрія – Молдова - 1:0 Гол: Юнузовіч, 52; Росія - Швеція - 1:0 Гол: Дзюба, 38; Чорногорія - Ліхтенштейн - 2:0 Голи: Бечирай,38, Йоветіч, 56. Нагадаємо, вчора пройшли відбіркові турніри Євро-2016 в групах D, I та F. НВ Теги: Футбол Чемпіонат Європи Група Матч
One of the first things to learn about cannabis is that nobody knows much for sure about it; not about its botany, chemistry or uses. This article brings you a quick overview of a few biochemical aspects of cannabis for human consumption and use. Knowledge about the plant and understanding of its potential uses are rudimentary at best. Only with the enactment of the two U.S. Farm Acts in the last decade has there been meaningful funding of any kind of research into cannabis by the federal government. And that research focuses on industrial hemp – cannabis for non-psychoactive uses. There has long been some minor funding of research into cannabis, since the attractiveness of cannabis for providing intoxication was unavoidable. Researchers wanted to know how and why marijuana affected people. Cannabiniol (CBN) was discovered in 1940. THC, another compound found in all cannabis plants, was identified in 1942 as the component of the plant that provides users a temporary euphoric high accompanied by few side effects. “Marijuana” refers to those parts of a cannabis plant that contain high amounts of THC that can be accessed and consumed relatively easily, for example the flower of the plant. High THC derivatives of cannabis plants that no longer resemble their plant source are also referred to as marijuana: “marijuana edibles,” for example. In total, there are approximately 560 different chemical compounds in cannabis plants. THC is one of about 115 cannabinoids that have been identified in cannabis plants. Cannabinoid refers to any chemical substance that joins to cannabinoid receptors in the human body. CBN, CBD and THC, the first cannabinoids to have been identified – in that order, at first were thought by medical researchers to pass into the brain tissue directly. It was not until the mid 1980s that specialized cannabinoid “receptors” were identified in human cells in the nervous system. “CB1” and “CB2” are the only receptors conclusively identified so far, but there is a growing consensus that there are more of them. THC interacts with CB1 receptors to interfere with normal signals, producing the “high” sensation. The processes by which it affects the human nervous system are pretty well understood. How CBD, the cannabis plant’s most prevalent cannabinoid, interacts with cannabinoid receptors and with other cannabinoids has not been identified. So far, though, it is thought that CBD interacts far less than THC with either the CB1 or CB2 receptors. Sold even at Walmart, CBD has met with considerable commercial interest. When derived from low-THC cannabis plants (hemp, in other words), it is almost fully legal for sale and consumption in the U.S. as a result of the 2018 Farm Act. That law also directed the Food and Drug Administration to study CBD and determine whether and how it should be regulated. So far, the agency has limited its actions to warning letters to producers regarding efficacy claims and mislabeling of contents. A long list of benefits has been attributed to using CBD both as an ingested quasi-medicine and as a topical treatment. CBD is thought by some to interact with THC so as to block certain of its effects and also to heighten others when they are consumed together. But there is little or no research that backs – or refutes – those claims. Probably largely as a result of a 2013 CNN report on the efficacy of high-CBD, low THC in treating epilepsy, CBD enjoys a reputation for being calming and effective as a sleep aid. So far, these effects have not been demonstrated conclusively by researchers. Leafly, a major online cannabis products retailer, even says on its website about CBD as a sleep aid: Depending on who you ask, CBD has been reported as having either a stimulating or a calming effect, thus adding confusion to the overall equation. While there is very little published evidence regarding dosing, research to date indicates that at higher doses, CBD has a calming effect; yet at lower doses, CBD has a stimulating effect. (Well that settles that.) There is a small handful of recognized CBD medications. The FDA has approved CBD-based Epidiolex for use in rare drug-resistant types of childhood epilepsy. The recommended dosage of 10-20 mg/kilogram of body weight is far above what over the counter consumer-friendly CBD products recommend. In Canada and New Zealand, CBD medications have been approved for use in treating symptoms of multiple sclerosis. And then there is the cannabinoid that was discovered first in 1940, CBN. CBN is closely associated with THC. Both CBN and THC are created in the cannabis plant from the same forerunner chemical, THC-a. CBN also is created by aging or degrading THC. It may have slight similar psycho-active attributes, which could be causing the current buzz about it. The 2018 Farm Act permits interstate commerce in all cannabinoids except THC. CBN might be the basis for attractive tradable products in states that limit recreational or medical marijuana. At the same time, the effects of CBN on the human nervous system are even less well researched and understood than CBD and there are few if any experience with the potential side effects of the high-dose CBN-based recreational products that might be substituted for marijuana. Finally, remember that there are still another 112 or so cannabinoids left to research after these three, which themselves are not very well understood.
What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi and is spread by ticks. Ticks become infected with the bacteria by feeding on infected mice and other small animals. When an infected tick bites other animals, it can transmit the bacteria to these animals. Lyme disease is transmitted by the deer tick and a small group of other closely related ticks. The deer tick is small and may bite animals and people without being detected. Lyme disease affects a variety of species, including dogs, cats, and people. There is no evidence that Lyme disease is spread by direct contact with infected animals. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors, especially in the woods, bush, or areas of tall grass are most commonly infected with Lyme disease. However, ticks can be carried into yards on other animals, and dogs can become infected anywhere ticks are found. Infections occur during tick season (usually spring through early fall), but the infection can appear 2-5 months later. Lyme disease is seen across the US and in many other parts of the world. In the US, Lyme disease is most common in the northeastern US, along the Pacific coast, and in the midwest. Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease · decreased appetite · swollen, painful joints (dogs may be reluctant to move) · lameness -- limping which may be mild at first, then worsen, and may also shift from one leg to another · swollen lymph nodes Lyme disease can lead to other health issues so if your dog exhibits any signs please contact your veterinarian. Diagnosing Lyme Disease The diagnosis of Lyme disease is be based on a combination of factors, including history, clinical signs and finding antibodies to B. burgdorferi bacteria. Treating Lyme Disease Treatment with antibiotics usually produces a rapid improvement in symptoms. Antibiotics will be given for several weeks. Treatment may not completely clear the bacteria, but instead just clear up the complications from the disease.. Preventing Lyme Disease Tick control is extremely important for the prevention of Lyme disease (and many other diseases that can be transmitted by ticks). Check your dog daily for ticks, remove any ticks if present, since ticks must feed for at least 12 hours (possibly 24-48 hours) before transmitting the bacteria causing Lyme disease. This is especially important in peak tick season and after your dog spends time in the woods or tall grass. If you think your pet may have contracted Lyme disease, please contact your local veterinarian.
Пригожин Йосип Ігорович Йосип Ігорович Пригожин (. 2 квітня 1969, Махачкала, Дагестанська АРСР, Російська РФСР, СРСР) — російський музичний продюсер співачки Валерії, Вахтанга Кікабідзе, Миколи Носкова, Олександра Маршала, Авраама Руссо, Крістіни Орбакайте, Дідюлі та багатьох інших. Засновник рекорд-лейбла NOX Music, організатор російських музичних фестивалів, концертів, телевізійних програм. Внесений до «чистилища» бази «Миротворець». З 7 січня 2023 року перебуває під санкціями РНБО за антиукраїнську діяльність. Життєпис Народився 2 квітня 1969 року в Махачкалі. Змішаного ашкеназького і горського єврейського походження. Батько — Ігор Матвійович Пригожин (1938—1990), мати — Дінара Якубівна Пригожина (нар. 1940). Свою трудову діяльність розпочав у 12 років — працював перукарем, у 16 років приїхав до Москви. У комсомол не вступав. У 1986 році закінчив московську вечірню школу № 87 на Ізмайловському бульварі. Займався в театрі-студії «Гамма». Потім була перша спроба вступити до ГІТІС. У 1994 році вступив до ГІТІС імені Анатолія Луначарського. Отримав вищу освіту, закінчивши у 2000 році інститут за спеціальністю «театрознавець-менеджер». У 1987—1990 роках працював тур-менеджером концертних програм. Одночасно сам співав на естраді, випустив аудіокасету із записом своїх пісень. З 1988 року почав гастрольне життя — організував понад 1,5 тисячі концертів всією територією колишнього СРСР. За його словами, залишив кар'єру виконавця, бо не знайшов образ, який міг би зацікавити публіку. У 1989 році — адміністратор і організатор першого показу моделей Валентина Юдашкіна в московському Театрі естради. Продюсерський дебют Пригожина відбувся в 1991 році, коли на каналі «Останкіно» вийшли в ефір організоване ним «Супершоу-1991» і телевізійна програма «Клуб Т». У 1992 році за порадою свого друга звернув увагу на співачку Sona і став її продюсером. Того ж року продюсував музичне шоу, присвячене чемпіонату Європи з мотоболу в місті Видне. У 1993 році виступив ініціатором створення Фонду «Отчий дім», який очолював до 1995 року. До складу Опікунської ради фонду увійшли Архієпископ Солнєчногорський Сергій, Головний муфтій Росії Равіль Гайнутдін, Головний рабин Росії Адольф Шаєвич, народні артисти СРСР Тихон Хрєнников, Олександра Пахмутова, Йосип Кобзон, Людмила Зикіна, Махмуд Есамбаєв, вчені, юристи. Благодійний Фонд допомагав соціально незахищеним верствам російського населення, привертав увагу громадськості до становища біженців з ближнього зарубіжжя і вимушених переселенців. У 1996 році був продюсером концерту, присвяченого Дню незалежності Грузії, а також ювілейних концертів, присвячених 50-річчю творчої діяльності Людмили Зикіної та 10-річчю гурту «А'Студіо», перших сольних концертів Тетяни Буланової в Театрі естради, премії «Золотий грамофон» (1996—1998). Був виконавчим продюсером святкового концерту, присвяченого триріччю ОРТ (1998), урочистого концерту на честь святкування Дня 8 березня (1999). У травні 1999 року — продюсер церемонії закладення зірки народного артиста Грузії Вахтанга Кікабідзе на «Площі зірок» на честь 60-річчя артиста. Створив одну з найбільших аудіокомпаній Росії «ОРТ-Рекордз». З червня 1997 року по липень 1999 року Йосип Пригожин — генеральний продюсер компанії, а з березня 1998 року по червень 1999 року — генеральний директор. За підсумками 1998 року, «ОРТ-Рекордз» була удостоєна Національної музичної премії «Овація» в номінації «Найкраща звукозаписна компанія». За кілька місяців роботи «ОРТ-Рекордз» були видані альбоми Йосипа Кобзона, Льва Лещенка, Вахтанга Кікабідзе, Олександра Маршала, Миколи Носкова, Кріса Кельмі, груп «А'Студіо», «На-На», «Сплин», «Божья коровка», «Отпетые мошенники», «Шао? Бао!», «2x2», Маші Распутіної, Олексія Глизіна, Євгена Осіна, Валерія Дідюлі, Валерія Сюткіна, Олександра Сєрова, Олени Свиридової. У 1998 році удостоєний премії «Овація» як найкращий продюсер року. У тому ж році журнал «Компанія» визнав його найкращим бізнесменом року у сфері шоубізнесу. 1 червня 2000 року створив рекорд-лейбл NOX Music (Національне об'єднане культурне співтовариство). Як керівник Nox Music займався продюсуванням і випуском альбомів російських артистів, проведенням презентацій альбомів, організацією концертів на великих концертних майданчиках. Певні етапи своєї творчої діяльності пов'язали з Йосипом Пригожиним таких виконавців як: Альона Свиридова, Наталія Власова, гітарист Дідюля, Олександр Маршал, Вахтанг Кікабідзе, Микола Носков, Крістіна Орбакайте, Філіп Кіркоров, група «Парк Горького», група «Король і Шут», група «Восьме березня», група «Дюна», група «Квартал», група «Сплін», група «Нічні снайпери», Маша Распутіна, Євген Осін, Авраам Руссо, Андрій Макаревич, Вікторія Морозова, Олександр Сєров, Олексій Глизін, Валерій Сюткін. Головною артисткою, яка представляє Nox Music, стала співачка Валерія. Зустріч з нею відбулася з 12 березня 2003 року, і вже 7 квітня того ж року вони підписали контракт про подальше співробітництво. У жовтні 2003 року Nox Music випустив новий альбом Валерії «Країна любові». Уночі 24 листопада 2002 року на Пригожина було скоєно замах: на Тверській вулиці був підірваний його «Мерседес-220». Під час вибуху ніхто не постраждав. У 2004 році став генеральним директором російського лейбла звукозапису REAL Records. У 2007 році — продюсер і ідейний натхненник програми «Ты суперстар!» на каналі «НТВ». 23 березня 2011 року подружжя в місті Перм відвідало тяжкохвору двома видами раку крові Ксенію Кисельову, а Валерія дала цього ж дня концерт на честь дівчинки. Після цього перм'яки в рамках благодійної витівки «Дедморозим!» зібрали на лікування дівчинки близько 12 млн рублів. У вересні 2017 року Очолив телеканал «Авто Плюс». У червні 2019 року став Найкращим продюсером десятиліття, на думку премії «МУЗ-ТВ». Громадська позиція 11 березня 2014 року підписав звернення діячів культури Російської Федерації на підтримку політики президента Російської Федерації В. В. Путіна в Україні та в Криму. Утім, у серпні 2016 року він заявив, що ні він, ні його дружина, співачка Валерія (справжнє ім’я — Алла Юріївна Перфілова), — не підписували жодних документів, які схвалюють окупацію Росією Криму. У серпні 2015 року Служба безпеки України внесла Пригожина до списку діячів культури, дії яких створюють загрозу національній безпеці України. У 2017 році нелегально перетнув державний кордон України. Під час президентських виборів 2018 року був довіреною особою Володимира Путіна на четвертий термін. На виборах мера Москви у вересні 2018 року був довіреною особою переобраного мера Сергія Собяніна на третій термін. 25 березня 2023 року у ЗМІ широко поширився 35-хвилинний аудіозапис розмови між, імовірно, Йосипом Пригожиним і мільярдером Фархадом Ахмедовим. У записі обидва співрозмовники в нецензурній формі критикують керівництво Росії. 26 березня Пригожин виступив із заявою, що запис є «фейком» із використанням нейромереж. Критика Йосип Пригожин назвав солістів групи «Біс» «солоденькими педиками». Відверті образи з його боку на адресу інших людей стали предметом критики. Пригожин відверто ображав Філіпа Кіркорова, Ксенію Собчак. Пригожин гостро сприймає будь-яку критику на адресу своєї дружини, ображаючи тих, хто її озвучує. Відомий випадок, коли Пригожин побив журналіста, який звинуватив продюсера в піарі своєї дружини шляхом обману. Подальший судовий розгляд стало резонансною подією. Журналіст Отар Кушанашвілі вкрай негативно відгукнувся про Пригожина. Дуже емоційно Пригожина розкритикувала Лоліта Мілявська. Авраам Руссо звинуватив Пригожина у кримінальних методах роботи. Усі ці звинувачення Пригожин заперечує. У серпні 2015 року СБУ внесла Пригожина в список діячів культури, дії яких створюють загрозу національної безпеки України. Нагороди та премії З 1994 року Йосип — член Асоціації музичних продюсерів, доктор Академії мистецтв альтернативних наук. У 1998 році удостоєний премії «Овація» як найкращий продюсер року. У тому ж році журнал «Компанія» визнав його «Найкращим бізнесменом року у сфері шоубізнесу. Санкції 7 січня 2023 року доданий до санкційного списку України. Особисте життя Перша дружина Олена Євгенівна Пригожина (нар. 14 липня 1965) — домогосподарка, із забезпеченої сім'ї. Син Дмитро Пригожин (нар. 22 квітня 1989 року). Дочка Даная Пригожина (нар. 4 березня 1997 року). Друга громадянська дружина Лейла Фаттахова (прожили разом 7 років) — працювала менеджером по підбору артистів у компанії «Союз», потім стала власницею одного з PR-агентств Москви дочка Єлизавета Пригожина (нар. 15 січня 1999) Третя дружина Валерія. Йосип вважає дітей Валерії рідними. Книги У 2001 році у видавництві «АСТ» вийшла книга Йосипа Пригожина «Політика — вершина шоу-бізнесу». Примітки Посилання Випускники Російського інституту театрального мистецтва Вікіпедія:Статті з іншим значенням на Вікіданих Російські підприємці Персоналії за алфавітом Російські театрознавці Уродженці Махачкали Народились 1969 Народились 2 квітня Фігуранти бази «Миротворець» Гірські євреї Росії Російські євреї Відмічені в українофобії Особи, до яких застосовано санкції через російсько-українську війну
*Parenting advice from today’s guest blogger: “As a parent, no matter what age you are, how you feel about yourself affects how you act! Think about a time you were feeling amazing with yourself, you probably acted really well! Children are the same way! When they feel good about themselves, they are going to be better behaved, but when they feel down about themselves, they are more likely to misbehave! Since there is such a strong parallel between how a child feels about themselves, and how they act, helping to build self-esteem in children is extremely vital to their behavior. 1. Set Your Child Up To Succeed Helping your child develop the skills they need is very important! Help them learn to write their name, before they get to school, so when they get to school, they know how to do it and don’t feel bad about themselves because they are one of the only ones who can’t do it. Children measure their value by how they think others value them. Praise them, tell them know how proud you are of them, and they are more likely to succeed! 2. Don’t Over Praise Your Child Self-esteem comes from feeling good about yourself, feeling loved and being good at something! While you do want your child to know you are happy with them, if you overpraise them too much, they can become extremely conceited and that’s not always a good thing! If you keep telling your child that they are doing so good at something, they will most likely stop pushing themselves to be better! 3. Let Your Child Take Healthy Risks When your child makes their own age appropriate choices, they feel more powerful. 4. Let Them Help Around The House Even when they are toddlers, let them “help” cook and wash the dishes! They need the opportunity to learn that they can’t just sit around all day and do nothing, they need to know they need and can contribute! When they help, make them feel good! Give them praise! “Oh, son, I am so proud of you for helping Mommy with the laundry by folding socks!” 5. Make Your Child Feel Special Help your child learn what they are good at! You can’t push them to do something they don’t want to do. If you want them to play a certain sport, but they don’t have much interest in it, they aren’t going to want to try! Don’t make them take piano lessons, when they don’t really enjoy it! You can always let them try something out, but if they aren’t interested in it, like you are, they just aren’t going to try to succeed at it!”
Польща пригрозила Києву наслідками через заборону в'їзду меру Перемишля Рішення про заборону в'їзду в Україну, видане меру Перемишля Роберту Хомі, шкодить польсько-українським відносинам. Про це заявив віце-міністр закордонних справ Польщі Ян Дзедзичак, передає "Польське Радіо". Під час засідання Комісії Сейму по зв'язках з поляками за кордоном Дзедзичак висловив надію, що заборона буде негайно скасована. "Без пояснення цієї ситуації, без скасування цього рішення ми собі не уявляємо подальшої співпраці", - заявив він. Він додав, що в разі, якщо українська сторона не скасує це рішення, то представники МЗС Польщі не будуть присутні на Польсько-українському форумі в Ряшеві, що починається в п'ятницю. Віце-міністр повідомив, що таким буде тільки початок польської реакції, яка буде мати дійсно серйозні наслідки. Нагадаємо, мер польського міста Перемишль Роберт Хома отримав заборону на вʼїзд в Україну від СБУ через його участь в антиукраїнських заходах у Перемишлі. Як відомо, місто Перемишль, яке знаходиться біля українського кордону, минулого року було постійним джерелом конфліктів на національному ґрунті. Найгучніший стався 10 грудня, коли під час урочистого "Маршу орлят перемиських і львівських", що відбувся під патронатом мера міста, один з його учасників закричав під Українським народним домом "Смерть українцям", а інші учасники ходи підтримали його. Раніше у листопаді минулого року у Варшаві на марші націоналістів з нагоди 98-ї річниці незалежності країни невідомі спалили український прапор. Про те, чому меру Перемишля Роберту Хомі протягом 5 років заборонено в’їзд в Україну - читайте у статті на ЄвроПравді: "Загадкова заборона. Чому мер Перемишля став персоною нон грата в Україні".
Віктор Медведчук – натхненник цього об’єднання, що повертається в політику після 15 років опали
🔺 На Запорізькому та Херсонському напрямках ворог обороняється. Зафіксовано артилерійські обстріли районів понад тридцяти населених пунктів, що поряд з лінією зіткнення. Зокрема міст Времівка і Новопіль Донецької області; Гуляйпільске, Білогір’я, Малі Щербаки, Качкарівка, Милове, Тягинка, Токарівка Херсонської області та міста Херсон, – Генеральний штаб ЗСУ
Can a person with a diagnosis of autism drive? A medical diagnosis of autism does not mean that a person cannot drive. However, in Australia, an individual with a medical condition that may impact on their ability to drive is required to declare the condition to the relevant authority. In NSW, this is usually declared when the person attempts to obtain their learner licence. The person’s treating doctor, other health professional or family members concerned about the person’s ability to drive may also refer them for an OT driving assessment. This article will outline the process involved for a person with autism to gain their licence. How can autism affect driving ability? Autism is a disorder that generally alters how a person processes information from their surroundings. Drivers with autism can regularly have difficulties with perception, spatial awareness, decision-making, following direction, reaction time and sensory modulation problems. While the effects of the condition can vary greatly between individuals, the condition is also commonly correlated with intellectual disabilities or learning difficulties. What is involved in an OT driving assessment? Once the person has obtained their learner licence, they can undergo the OT driving assessment. The assessment is split into two parts – the off-road assessment and on-road assessment. Clients with autism frequently require several lessons to become proficient in driving and obtain their provisional licence. The off-road assessment focuses on analysing the three essential components every driver needs: vision, cognition and physical ability. Any significant deficits in these areas may hinder the person’s driving capacity. The on-road assessment involves the person driving with the OT and driving instructor. The driving instructor is specially qualified to work with people with medical diagnoses. The client drives for 1 hour, where their capability to drive is assessed in relation to their medical condition. For a person with autism that is only learning to drive, the assessment usually takes the form of a lesson where the fundamentals of driving are taught. Novice drivers with autism usually require ongoing lessons with the rehabilitation driving instructor to build their driving skills, and the OT will develop a lesson plan with specific goals and recommend a specific number of lessons. As long as the person shows continual signs of improvement in their driving ability, lessons will continue until the person is considered ready to take their provisional driving test. However, if the person is observed to stagnate with their driving and does not show ongoing improvement, it may be deemed that ongoing sessions will not be beneficial, and this will be discussed with the client and their family. What is the OT driving assessment looking at? Why is it necessary? The OT driving assessment is the only systematic process by which a person with a significant and permanent medical condition like autism can be observed during the act of driving. Although a doctor may be concerned about a person’s driving competence, they cannot observe the person driving and thus cannot make the determination if the diagnosis affects their driving. Thus, the role of the OT driving assessment is to comprehensively evaluate how the disorder is affecting their driving ability, if it affects it at all. The assessment and ongoing driving lessons aim to develop the person’s driving skills and help them to reach their driving potential. Minor, non-critical errors that are considered due to the person’s limited driving experience, poor habits or unfamiliarity with the vehicle, are often overlooked. However, critical errors (where the driving instructor is required to physically intervene to prevent a collision) are analysed and worked on. If the person shows the aptitude to take on feedback and improve their driving, lessons will continue.
Євроспостерігачі збираються моніторити всю виборчу кампанію в Україні Європейські спостерігачі на парламентських виборах в Україні збираються почати свою роботу за три місяці до дня виборів - з початком офіційної виборчої кампанії. Як повідомив українській службі німецької радіостанції Deutsche Welle глава делегації Європейського парламенту по зв'язках з Україною Ян Марінус Вірсма, розглядається також можливість роботи на виборах в Україні спільно спостерігачів Європарламенту, ОБСЄ і Ради Європи. Така змішана команда вже працювала, зі слів Вірсми, на виборах у Білорусії, тепер цей досвід можна застосувати і на українській території. Він також висловив думку, що спостерігачам, на присутність яких погодився президент України Леонід Кучма, краще почати роботу за три місяці до початку виборів, тобто, коли офіційно стартує виборча кампанія. З його слів, спостереження тільки у день виборів не має ніякого значення, оскільки європейські представники повинні, серед іншого, встановити, чи всім кандидатам надані рівні можливості для проведення передвиборної агітації. "Ми втручаємося також і для того, щоб уникнути ситуації, свідками якої ми були в Білорусії", - підкреслив європарламентар. Він висловив переконання, що Євросоюзу "потрібно тримати для України двері відкритими", цитує Інтерфакс- Україна. Вірсма підкреслив, що спостерігачі будуть збирати також інформацію про порушення правил голосування, коли людям наказують віддати голоси за того або іншого кандидата.
Мітинг з нагоди дня УПА в Києві завершено Як передає кореспондент УНІАН, під час виступів з імпровізованої сцени, яка знаходилась в кузові позашляховика, учасники заходу згадали героїв Небесної сотні, воїнів УПА та бійців сил АТО, які загинули на сході України, у тому числі і з батальйону «Азов», вояки якого у кількості майже 200 осіб також брали участь в заході. За даними міліції порушень громадського порядку наразі не зафіксовано.
Звуки вибухів, які зараз чутно в столиці – це працюють піротехніки по розмінуванню територій, повідомляють Сухопутні війська ЗСУ.
Замок Барнард — розорений середньовічний замок, розташований в місті в графстві Дарем, Велика Британія. Історія замку Замок був побудований з каменю в 1095—1125 роках бароном Гі з роду . Між 1125 і 1185 роками його племінник Бернар де Балліол і його син Бернар II розширили будівлю. У 1216 році замок був обложений Олександром II. Замок, як і раніше утримувався Балліолями, хоча їх права оскаржувалися єпископом Даремським. Коли Іоанна I скинули з шотландського королівського трону в 1296 році, замок був переданий єпископу Дарема. Приблизно в 1300 році англійський король Едуард I передав замок графу Воріку. В 1477 році під час війни Червоної та Білої троянд, Річард, герцог Глостерський (згодом Річард III) оволодів замком, який став однією з його улюблених резиденцій. В XV столітті в результаті одруження Річарда III на Анні Невілл замок був переданий її сім'ї. Протягом наступних двох століть сімейство Невілл розширило замок. Однак, коли Чарльз Невілл, 6-й , був позбавлений прав через його керівну роль у повстанні замок був конфіскований. У 1626 році замок Барнард (разом із замком Ребі) були передані Генрі Вейну. Вейн вирішив зробити замок Ребі своїм основним місцем проживання, після цього замок Барнард став покинутим. Частина його кладки була знята і використана для добудови Ребі. Сучасний стан Сьогодні замок знаходиться в розпорядженні Фонду англійської спадщини і відкритий для відвідування. Особливий інтерес викликають руїни XII століття циліндрична вежа, а також великий зал і велика палата XIV століття. Галерея Див. також Список замків Англії Примітки Посилання Barnard Castle Barnard-Castle Графство Дарем Замки Англії Сторінки з неперевіреними перекладами засновані в Європі 1095 Споруди, збудовані 1125
Водозабезпечення у Попасній відновлено в повному обсязі - МінТОТ Напередодні ввечері в Попасній понад 3 тис. абонентів залишилися без води. Водопостачання в Попасній Луганської області, яке було перерване напередодні увечері через пошкодження опори лінії електропередач, відновлено в повному обсязі. Про це повідомляє прес-служба Міністерства з питань тимчасово окупованих територій і внутрішньо переміщених осіб України у Twitter. Відео дня «Водозабезпечення м.Попасна відновлено в повному обсязі», - йдеться у повідомленні. Раніше в відомстві заявили, що близько 22:00 26 березня 3312 абонентів цього міста залишалися без води через пошкодження опори лінії електропередач. Як повідомляв УНІАН, у лютому в ОБСЄ повідомили про мінометний обстріл біля їхньої передової бази в Попасній.
Прем'єра серіалу призначена на 24 грудня 2013 року, повідомляє The Hollywood Reporter. Перші п'ять епізодів серіалу демонструватимуться під час зимових свят, а додаткові - протягом наступного 2014 року. У центрі сюжету повнометражного мультфільму виробництва DreamWorks Animation равлик Турбо, який мріє взяти участь у гонці Indy 500. У серіалі "Turbo FAST" равлик та його команда вирушає у нові пригоди, випробує немало трас і кине виклик труднощам, які встануть у них на шляху. Рейд Скотт ("Велика літера "Р") озвучить Турбо, а Кен Жонг - Кім Лі. Виробництво серіалу "Turbo: F.A.S.T." було оголошено до виходу в прокат повнометражного мультфільму, в якому равлик говорив голосом Раяна Рейнольдса. Світові касові збори кінопроекту становлять 280 мільйонів доларів, тоді як у домашньому прокаті мультфільм заробив 83 мільйони.
Андрієвич — білоруське прізвище, утворене від імені Андрій. Відомі носії Каленик Андрієвич — козацький отаман Павло Андрієвич — козак Сосницької сотні Чернігівського полку (Реєстр Війська Запорозького 1649) Сильвестр (Морар-Андрієвич) — буковинський церковний діяч Яків Андрієвич — російський військовий, декабрист Українські прізвища
Фемтометр (від дат. femten, «п'ятнадцять» та давньогр. μέτρον) — одиниця вимірювання відстані у системі SI, що дорівнює 10−15 метра. Позначення: українське «фм», міжнародне «fm». Також використовується назва фермі на честь італійського фізика Енріко Фермі. Найчастіше застосовується у ядерній фізиці, оскільки за порядком величини фемтометр порівняний із розміром атомного ядра. Історія Фемтометр було запроваджено на 11-й Генеральній конференції мір і ваг, і додано до системи SI у 1964 році. Іншу назву фемтометра фермі було дано на честь видатного італійського фізика Енріко Фермі (1901—1954), одного із засновників сучасної ядерної фізики. Цей термін був запропонований Робертом Гофстедтером у статті 1956 року в журналі Reviews of Modern Physics під назвою «Розсіювання електронів та структура ядра». Термін широко використовується в ядерній фізиці та фізиці елементарних частинок. Коли Гофстедтеру у 1961 році було присуджено Нобелівську Премію з фізики, цей термін з'явився в тексті його нобелівської лекції, «Метод розсіювання електронів та його застосування для вивчення структури ядер та нуклонів». Див. також Міжнародна система одиниць SI Префікси SI Порядки величин (довжина) Примітки Одиниці довжини Одиниці SI
Захист клімату замість освоєння Місяця: стали відомі плани Байдена з розвитку науки Пріоритетами адміністрації Байдена стануть COVID-19, відновлення економіки, боротьба з расовою нерівністю і зміною клімату. Адміністрація майбутнього президента США Джозефа Байдена планує замість освоєння Місяця віддати пріоритет захисту клімату. Про це повідомляє SpaceNews. За їхніми даними, пріоритетами адміністрації Байдена стануть COVID-19, відновлення економіки, боротьба з расовою нерівністю і зміною клімату. Відео дня "Будь-який упор на науку про Землю може відбуватися за рахунок (місячної – ред.) програми Artemis», - йдеться в повідомленні. Відзначається, що у Байдена схвалили «роботу НАСА щодо повернення американців на місяць і вихід за межі Марса, зробивши наступний крок у дослідженні нашої Сонячної системи», проте не підтримали явним чином прихильників Трампа щодо повернення людей на природний супутник Землі у 2024 році.
Продовжуємо спрощувати роботу водіям, які здійснюють перевезення гуманітарної допомоги або вантажів для потреб ЗСУ із-за кордону. Для отримання дозволу на перетин державного кордону потрібно звернутись ▪️ або до Міністерство інфраструктури України ▪️ або до обласної військові адміністрації (Київська міська військова адміністрації). Перевізник може на власний розсуд обрати будь-який з цих органів. Вони усі мають ОДНАКОВІ повноваження щодо надання дозволу на перетин кордону. Звернення до Мінінфраструктури формується у п’ять простих кроків: 1) завантажити та заповнити усі без винятку поля форми, зразокза посиланням: bit.ly/3JAArAe 2) роздрукувати, поставити підпис та печатку; 3) сфотографувати або зробити скан-копію у форматі pdf; 4) відправити на електрону адресу [email protected] у форматі word та pdf; 5) заповнитиопитувальникза посиланням: bit.ly/357zXTe Важливо! Дозвіл на перетин кордону може бути наданий лише військовозобов’язаним: ▪️ водіям, які здійснюють перевезення для потреб Збройних Сил України, інших утворених відповідно до законів України військових формувань, а також медичних вантажів та вантажів гуманітарної допомоги; ▪️ працівникам підприємств залізничного транспорту, які забезпечують функціонування та безперебійну роботу залізниці; Для уникнення простою в пункті пропуску, бажано перед початком рейсу отримати інформацію про підтвердження бронювання за телефоном лінії підтримки: + 38 (044) 334 43 04 Лінія підтримки працює щодня з 08:00 до 17:00. Дякуємо усім перевізникам за розуміння і роботу. *Рішення про бронювання військовозобов’язаних водіїв приймається згідно з Постановою КМУ від 03 березня 2022 року №194.
Міст Кирпи знову "завис" Будівельники Дарницького моста відмовилися працювати, поки не отримають зарплату за 3 місяці. Три сотні робітників - всі, хто працює на об'єкті, зібралися біля штабу будівництва на вулиці Прирічній, 1, пише "Газета по-київськи". Після переговорів з керівництвом вони відмовилися вийти на свої робочі місця. Парадоксальність ситуації, що склалася, в тому, що залізниця запевняє, що гроші перераховує, а компанія-підрядчик БКМ "Планета-міст" - що кошти в цьому році не надходили. "Гроші в бюджеті закладено, але до нас вони не дійшли. У компанії всі - і директор, і прибиральниця, не отримали заробітну плату за цей рік", - говорить директор "Планети-міст" Петро Музиченко. "За минулий рік нам винні 30 млн. гривень та 4 млн. гривень за цей. Приблизно 15 квітня ми очікуємо, що гроші надійдуть", - зазначив він. У свою чергу, на Південно-Західній залізниці запевняють, що кошти "Планета-міст " перераховують. "Цього року на будівництво автомобільно-залізничного мостового переходу ми перерахували "Планета-міст" 50 млн. гривень. У нас є платіжки, де одержувачем вказана ця компанія. Куди вони витрачають гроші, це не до нас питання", - відзначив заступник начальника Південно-західної залізниці по будівництва Олександр Погрібний. Як повідомлялося, у березні уряд виділив із стабілізаційного фонду Державного бюджету 100 млн. гривень на будівництво в 2009 році Дарницького мосту у Києві. Будівництво Дарницького залізнично-автомобільного мосту почалося 15 липня 2004 року. Його планували закінчити у 2006 році.
Яхта українських ВМС бере участь у міжнародній вітрильній регаті Міжнародна вітрильна регата «Порт Бургас» стартувала сьогодні у територіальних водах Болгарії. Від Військово-Морських сил Збройних сил України в змаганнях бере участь крейсерсько-перегонова яхта «Фіолент» Академії ВМС ім.Нахімова, повідомили агентству УНІАН у прес-центрі командування українських ВМС. Як заплановано, під час змагань українські яхтсмени також ознайомляться з організацією міжнародних вітрильних перегонів для подальшого втілення в системі морського виховання курсантів Академії ВМС ім.Нахімова. Відео дня Яхтова регата «Порт Бургас» фінішує 8 серпня, а вже 12 серпня інша яхта ВМС ЗС України - «Юнона» - візьме участь у перегонах «Кор Королі», які також відбудуться у територіальних водах Болгарії.
Опитування: 🔹Кличка готові підтримати майже 42% киян на виборах мера https://bit.ly/3k6A6ck 🔹На виборах до Київради найбільше голосів отримали б "Євросолідарність" і "Слуга народу" https://bit.ly/2XnF1f5
GOCR (or JOCR) is a free optical character recognition program, initially written by Jörg Schulenburg. It can be used to convert or scan image files (portable pixmap or PCX) into text files. Features GOCR claims it can handle single-column sans-serif fonts of 20–60 pixels in height. It reports trouble with serif fonts, overlapping characters, handwritten text, heterogeneous fonts, noisy images, large angles of skew, and text in anything other than a Latin alphabet. GOCR can also translate barcodes. User interface GOCR can be used as a stand-alone command-line application, or as a back-end to other programs. It comes with a gocr.tcl graphic interface. GOCR can be also used as an OCR engine in OCRFeeder. Development Version 0.3.0 was released in December 2000, 0.3.5 in February 2002, and 0.37 in August 2002. Between version 0.40 (March 2005) and 0.43 (December 2006), the recognition engine was gradually replaced with a vector version. Version 0.48 was released in August 2009. Version 0.49 was released in September 2010. Version 0.50 was released in March 2013. Version 0.51 was released in August 2017. Nomenclature The application was originally named GOCR which stands for GNU Optical Character Recognition. When it came time to register the project on SourceForge the name GOCR was already taken so the project was registered as JOCR (Jörg's Optical Character Recognition). As a result of this situation the project and application are known as both GOCR and JOCR. Schulenburg admits that this is problematic. Formats Acceptable image formats are: PNM PBM PGM PPM PCX (some) TGA Other formats are automatically converted using netpbm-progs, gzip and bzip2 via the use of a unix pipe. These images types include: pnm.gz pnm.bz2 PNG JPG TIFF GIF BMP References External links GOCR Main Page (may be out of date) Free graphics software Optical character recognition software Free software programmed in C
Indonesia is one of the lands which have been most influenced by Sanatana Dharma. The earliest references to Indonesia are found in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and ancient Tamil Classics dated somewhere between 2000 -3000 BC. It is referred as Javakam, named after Java in Indonesia. The earliest inscriptions found in the archipelago are known as the Kutai-inscriptions and originate from East Kalimantan, dated around 375 AD when the Kutai Martadipura kingdom ruled. These inscriptions were written in Sanskrit (the liturgical language of Hinduism) using the Pallava script, a script developed in Southern India around the third century AD. In these inscriptions three rulers of Kutai Martadipura are mentioned and they describe a ritual that is characteristic of archaic Hinduism. Approximately one century later, the first (known) stone is inscripted on Java. This inscription, also in Sanskrit, states king Purnavarman of the Tarumanagara kingdom (fourth to seventh century) in West Java and associates him with a Hindu deity (Vishnu). Together, these inscriptions show evidence of major influences from Indian Hinduism within the ruling elites of the first known indigenous ancient kingdoms in the archipelago. However, trade contacts between present-day India and the archipelago are known to have been established centuries prior to the Kutai inscriptions. The Strait of Malacca, a sea-lane linking the Indian Ocean with the Pacific Ocean, has been the main shipping channel for seaborne trade between China, India and the Middle East since human memory. A large part of Sumatra’s coastline is conveniently located next to this sea-lane causing merchants between India and China to stop over here or on the other side of the Strait (present-day Malaysia) to wait for the right monsoon winds that would carry them further. But it is assumed that Hinduism and Buddhism were not spread to the archipelago by these Indian traders. More likely, kings and emperors in the archipelago were drawn to the prestige of the Brahmans (the Hindu priestly class which forms the highest ranking of the four social classes). These Brahmans, supposedly, introduced a religion to the archipelago which enabled the indigenous kings to identify themselves with a Hindu deity or a Buddhist Bodhisattva (an enlightened mystical being), thereby replacing the ancestor worship that was adhered to previously. This new religious doctrine, therefore, implied more prestige for the kings. Empires in the archipelago that copied such Indian concepts were found on the islands of Kalimantan, Java, Sumatra and Bali…. Tamil Kings have been conquering Indonesia quite frequently and have established their rule. The Mahabajit(Mahpahit) Dynasty of Indonesia ruled Indonesia from 1293 for two hundred Years. The name Majabahit means the Bilva Tree,Aegle marmelos. ‘The name Majapahit derived from local Javanese which means “bitter maja“. German orientalist Berthold Laufer suggested that maja came from the Javanese name of Aegle marmelos, an Indonesian tree.The name originally refer to the area in and around Trowulan, the cradle of Majapahit, which linked to the establishment of a village in Tarik timberland by Raden Wijaya. It was said that the workers that clearing the Tarik timberland, encountered some bael trees, as they consumed the bitter-tasted fruits that subsequently become the village’s name. In ancient Java it is common to refer the kingdom with its capital’s name. Majapahit (sometimes also spelled Mojopait) also known in other name; Wilwatikta, although sometimes the native refer their kingdom as Bhumi Jawa or Mandala Jawa instead.” The Bilva Leaves are used for the worship of Lord Shiva. Bilva leaves , like Tulsi can be used repeated for Pooja after washing them. Indonesia abounds in Bilva and Rudraksha Trees.which, again, is used for Shiva worship. The names of the Indonesian Rulers have Sanskrit base. Some of them are, Firts King Jayavardana, one who is adorned by Victory. Names of His wives, Look at these names in the Image below. The Mahabharata of India has a different version of the Indian Epic. Indonesia has a different version of the Mahabharata from the Indian version of Mahabharata in many parts of the story. The Mahabharata was translated into (old) Javanese under the reign of king Dharmawangsaof Medang (r. 990-1006). It is also known as ‘Bharat Yudha’ etc. and is often portrayed through the form of Javanese Wayang. A Characteristic feature of the Indonesian Mahabharata is that it gives more autonomy to other characters apart from the main characters – Krishna, Arjuna, Bhisma, Duryodhana. In the Indonesian version of Mahabharata more is said about the character of Shalya.” And these Kings followed th Indian Calendar ‘Saka’ Here is yet another proof that the South was a part of Sanatana Dharma, Aryan Dravidian Theory is a myth and the people of North India and South India were a part of the Glorious Bharatavarsha. Rama’s marriage was graced by the Kings of South India. Damayanti’s Swayamwara had Tamil Kings presence. Lord Krishna married a Pandya Princess. Arjuna went on a pilgrimage to South and married a Pandya princess. Chola and Pandya Kings fought on the side of Pandavas in The Mahabharata War. Chera King fed both the Kaurava and Pandava armies and performed Sraddha , Obsequies for those killed in the war. The Vedas mention Lord Muruga as Skanda. Lord Balarama on a Pilgrimage to South met and worshiped Murugan in Mahendragiri, now in Tirunelveli Disrict.(This Mahendragiri is a different one from the one from in Odisha. He also met Parashurama there. It may be note that Parashurama was born in Treta Youga and was elder to Lord Rama and a Chiranjeevi, Immortal. Balarama also met Sage Agastya, visited Kanyakumari and worshiped Durga. The place he visited Muruga is Valliyur, 30 km from Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu. Sri Balarama’s pilgrimage (Mahabharata 9 – Shalya Parva) “Then, given leave by the sages, the Lord went with a contingent of brahmanas to the Kausiki River, where He bathed. From there He went to the lake from which flows the river Sarayu. “The Lord followed the course of the Sarayu until He came to Prayaga, where He bathed and then performed rituals to propitiate the demigods and other living beings. Next He went to the asrama of Pulaha Rsi. [also known as Hari-ksetra] “Lord Balarama bathed in the Gomati, Gandaki and Vipasa rivers, and also immersed Himself in the Sona. He went to Gaya, where He worshiped His forefathers, and to the mouth of the Ganges, where He performed purifying ablutions. At Mount Mahendra He saw Lord Parasurama and offered Him prayers, and then He bathed in the seven branches of the Godavari River, and also in the rivers Vena, Pampa and Bhimarathi. Then Lord Balarama met Lord Skanda and visited Sri Saila, the abode of Lord Girisa. In the southern provinces known as Dravida-desa the Supreme Lord saw the sacred Venkata Hill, as well as the cities of Kamakosni and Kanci, the exalted Kaveri River and the most holy Sri-ranga, where Lord Krsna has manifested Himself. From there He went to Rsabha Mountain, where Lord Krsna also lives, and to the southern Mathura. Then He came to Setubandha, where the most grievous sins are destroyed. “There at Setubandha (Ramesvaram) Lord Halayudha gave brahmanas ten thousand cows in charity. He then visited the Krtamala and Tamraparni rivers and the great Malaya Mountains. In the Malaya range Lord Balarama found Agastya Rsi sitting in meditation. After bowing down to the sage, the Lord offered him prayers and then received blessings from him. Taking leave from Agastya, He proceeded to the shore of the southern ocean, where He saw Goddess Durga in her form of Kanya-kumari. “Next He went to Phalguna-tirtha and bathed in the sacred Pancapsara Lake, where Lord Visnu had directly manifested Himself. At this place He gave away another ten thousand cows. “The Supreme Lord then traveled through the kingdoms of Kerala and Trigarta, visiting Lord Siva’s sacred city of Gokarna, where Lord Dhurjati (Siva) directly manifests himself. After also visiting Goddess Parvati, who dwells on an island, Lord Balarama went to the holy district of Surparaka and bathed in the Tapi, Payosni and Nirvindhya rivers. He next entered the Dandaka forest and went to the river Reva, along which the city of Mahismati is found. Then He bathed at Manu-tirtha and finally returned to Prabhasa.” (SB 10.79.9-21) The Kings of Chola and Pandya, brought numberless jars of gold filled with fragrant sandal juice from the hills of Malaya, and loads of sandal and aloe wood from the Dardduras hills, and many gems of great brilliancy and fine cloths inlaid with gold. Singhalas gave those best of sea-born gems called the lapis lazuli, and heaps of pearls also, and hundreds of coverlets for elephants (2:51). Bhishmaka, the mighty king of the Bhojas (of Vidarbha Kingdom) who governs a fourth part of the world, by his learning conquered the Pandyas and the Kratha-Kausikas (2:14). Having met with Rukmi (of Vidarbha Kingdom), Karna, repaired to Pandya and the mountain, Sri. And by fighting, he made Karala Kerala?), king Nila, Venudari’s son, and other best of kings living in the southern direction pay tribute (3:252) Having brought king Nila of Avanti Kingdom under his sway thus, the victorious son of Madri (Sahadeva) then went further towards the south. He brought the king of Tripura under his sway. And next turning his forces against the Paurava kingdom, he vanquished and reduced to subjection the monarch thereof. And the prince, after this, with great efforts brought Akriti, the king of Saurashtra and preceptor of the Kausikas under his sway. The virtuous prince, while staying in the kingdom of Saurashtra sent an ambassador unto king Rukmin, the son of Bhishmaka within the territories ofBhojakata. And the monarch along with his son, remembering their relationship with Vasudeva Krishna, cheerfully accepted, the sway of the son ofPandu. He marched further to the south and reduced to subjection, Surparaka and Talakata, and the Dandakas also. The Kuru warrior then vanquished and brought under his subjection numberless kings of the Mlechchha tribe living on the sea coast, and the Nishadas and the cannibals and even the Karnapravarnas, and those tribes also called the Kalamukhas (dark faced) who were a cross between human beings and Rakshasas, and the whole of the Cole (Chola or Kolwa) mountains, and also Surabhi-patna, and the island called the Copper island, and the mountain called Ramaka. He having brought under subjection king Timingila, conquered a wild tribe known by the name of the Kerakas. The son of Pandu also conquered the town of Sanjayanti and the country of the Pashandas and the Karanatakas by means of his messengers alone, and made all of them pay tributes to him. The hero brought under his subjection and exacted tributes from the Paundrayas (Pandyas?) and the Dravidas along with theUdrakeralas and the Andhras and the Talavanas, the Kalingas and the Ushtrakarnikas, and also the delightful city of Atavi and that of the Yavanas. And, He having arrived at the sea-shore, then dispatched with great assurance messengers unto the illustrious Vibhishana, the grandson of Pulastya and the ruler of Lanka (2:30). Vasudeva Krishna slew king Pandya by striking his breast against his, and moved down the Kalingas in battle (5:48). The Cholas and the Pandyas were mentioned as vanquished by Krishna at (7:11). The mighty Sarangadhwaja, the king of the Pandyas, has white steeds, decked with armour set with stones of lapis lazuli. His country was invaded and his father was slain by Krishna in battle. Obtaining weapons then from Bhishma and Drona, Bala Rama and Kripa, prince Sarangadhwaja became, in weapons, the equal of Rukmi and Karna and Arjuna and Achyuta. He then desired to destroy the city of Dwaraka and subjugate the whole world. Wise friends, however, from desire of doing him good, counselled him against that course. Giving up all thoughts of revenge, he is now ruling his own dominions. Steeds that were all of the hue of the Atrusa flower bore a hundred and forty thousand principle car-warriors that followed that Sarangadhwaja, the king of the Pandyas, opposing Drona in Kurukshetra War.(7:23).
There are certain issues which get more attention than others. For example, the majority of people care about their weight and want to research ways to maintain a healthy size. But, there are also issues that get nowhere near as much attention, such as oral hygiene. Having bad teeth and gums isn’t only unappealing aesthetically – it’s a potential health hazard. As such, it’s about time you started to treat oral hygiene with the respect it deserves. To start, take a look at the tips below. This is how to improve your oral hygiene. When people hear or read the term “properly,” they respond with a snort of derision. The idea that they don’t brush their teeth correctly is laughable because it seems so easy. After all, it only involves putting toothpaste on a brush and adding water. How could anyone get that wrong? Well, it turns out it is possible because there are rules to proper brushing. For example, did you know that you are supposed to clean your teeth for two minutes? What about the parts that you don’t realize are necessary to clean? Before you think about anything else, you need to know whether you are a legitimate brusher or not. And Do More Than Brushing Too Cleaning your teeth twice a day might seem like a thorough job, yet you would be surprised. People that only use a toothbrush actually put their oral hygiene at risk because they don’t cover the bases. The key to great oral health is to add elements which get into the nooks and crannies, such mouthwash and floss. That way, the build up of bacteria won’t be able to hide and break down your enamel and gum tissue. Cut Out Bad Habits Of course, drinking soda that is full of sugar is a bad habit of which everyone is aware. Still, there are ones that people don’t realize do considerable damage or just don’t care. The biggest impediment to your oral hygiene is smoking, which is why you need to quit. Not only does it discolor the outside of teeth, but it also causes diseases such as mouth, throat and lip cancer. Thankfully, SMOKO e-cigarette products can stop this from becoming your reality. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is also another unhealthy habit that needs to stop. Consume Helpful Substances For every action, there is an opposite reaction. That means for every bad substance you put in your mouth, there is a good one that can reverse the negative effects. What are these super products? Well, the first one is calcium, the teeth strengthening matter found in milk. Yep, by drinking more milk the whole of your mouth will benefit. Others to watch out for are vitamins B and D, both of which are found in fruits and vegetables. If transforming your diet is too much, it is possible to get them in pill form. One final tip that goes a long way: schedule an appointment to see your dentist. While you might be intentionally avoiding the dentist, doing that can lead to problems. Dental professionals not only stop potential health hazards, but they also provide information on how to take care of your teeth and gums.
Good Courses to Study for Students with CBG Combination: Exploring the Intersection of Science and the Environment Students who have chosen the combination of Chemistry, Biology, and Geography (CBG) have a unique opportunity to delve into the intricate connections between the natural world, living organisms, and the environment. This combination offers a wide range of fascinating courses that can lead to rewarding careers with a focus on sustainability, conservation, and understanding our planet. Let’s explore some of the good courses to consider for students with a CBG combination, highlighting the reasons, benefits, and potential employment prospects. Studying environmental science allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the Earth’s ecosystems, environmental challenges, and sustainable practices. With a focus on topics such as climate change, conservation, and resource management, environmental science graduates can contribute to creating a more sustainable future. Careers in this field can involve working in environmental research, policy-making, conservation organizations, and environmental consulting. Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environments. With a degree in ecology, students can explore the relationships between living organisms and their habitats, biodiversity, and the conservation of natural resources. Graduates can pursue careers in ecological research, environmental planning, wildlife management, and environmental education. Geology focuses on understanding the Earth’s structure, rocks, minerals, and geological processes. By studying geology, students gain insight into Earth’s history, natural resources, and geological hazards. Geologists can work in areas such as environmental consulting, mining, petroleum exploration, geological surveys, and geological research. Environmental engineering combines engineering principles with a focus on environmental protection and sustainability. Graduates in this field can contribute to designing and implementing solutions to environmental challenges, such as water and air pollution control, waste management, and sustainable infrastructure development. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) GIS is a technology-based field that uses spatial data to analyze and visualize geographic information. Students with a CBG combination can explore the applications of GIS in fields such as urban planning, environmental monitoring, natural resource management, and disaster management. Benefits and Employment Opportunities Studying courses related to CBG offers several benefits. Firstly, these courses provide a holistic understanding of the natural world, combining knowledge from chemistry, biology, and geography. Secondly, students gain valuable analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a deep appreciation for the environment and its sustainability. Lastly, these fields have increasing demand in sectors such as environmental conservation, resource management, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development. To maximize employment opportunities, students should consider the following steps: - Research Career Pathways: Explore the different career options within the chosen field of study. Research organizations, government agencies, consulting firms, and non-profit organizations that focus on environmental conservation, sustainable development, and natural resource management. - Gain Practical Experience: Seek internships, fieldwork opportunities, or research projects to gain hands-on experience and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. - Pursue Higher Education: Consider pursuing postgraduate studies to specialize in a specific area of interest within the CBG field. Advanced degrees can open up additional career opportunities. - Develop Technical Skills: Depending on the chosen field, develop technical skills such as laboratory techniques, data analysis, mapping software, or environmental modeling tools. - Network and Collaborate: Engage with professionals in your chosen field, attend conferences and workshops, and collaborate with peers and faculty members. Building a strong professional network can lead to potential job opportunities and collaborations. In conclusion, the CBG combination offers a wealth of exciting courses and career opportunities for students interested in understanding the natural world, environmental conservation, and sustainable development. Environmental science, ecology, geology, environmental engineering, and GIS are just a few examples of fields to consider. By choosing the right course, gaining practical experience, pursuing higher education, developing technical skills, and building professional networks, students can unlock their potential and make a positive impact on the environment and society. Embrace the intersection of science and the environment, and embark on a fulfilling career that contributes to a more sustainable future.
Graduation Year: 2018 Major: Applied Physics When Dale Ervin arrived at Bridgewater College, he noticed that something was missing—a three-dimensional printing laboratory. Thanks to Dale’s initiative, guidance and leadership, Bridgewater College now has a 3-D lab. Dale’s interest in robotics was sparked by a high school teacher who developed the school’s robotics program through which they discovered 3-D printing. Dale liked the idea of being able to design and build things people could use. “That pulled me into 3-D printing,” he said. What is 3-D printing? It is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file by designing and applying many thin layers of quick-drying material on top of each other. When Dale began the high school robotics class, there was only one 3-D printer available for the whole class to use. Thinking that more could be done with additional printers, Dale approached the school’s administration and a small lab with four printers was set up. Each printer included a test item—in the shape of a square—to make sure the printer functioned correctly. Eager to start printing, Dale decided to forgo the traditional test and print a small figure. Chugging away for three days, the school’s small, slow machine printed out a giant block that filled the entire printer. “The first thing I did was take up the machine for basically a whole week,” Dale recalled. As he packed to come to BC as a first-year student, Dale included his personal 3-D printer. At the end of his high school career and going into college, he created some online websites and operated a small side business. “I would make prototype parts—custom small things for people—and print them out,” he said. “It was a way to keep me involved in it.” With a desire to work with robotics, Dale knew he wanted to follow the engineering path and chose applied physics as his major and added a minor in mathematics. One of his physics professors, Dr. Greg Tait, was instrumental in helping him realize that the electrical aspect of engineering was the part of robotics that really fascinated him. With 3-D designing and manufacturing as key aspects of engineering, Dale felt it was important to have a lab on campus. Having played an integral role in creating the lab in his high school, he was ready to take the initiative in creating a lab at BC. Dale pitched the idea of a 3-D lab to several professors, including Dr. Eric McGregor, adviser to the BC Computing Club, who offered to include the lab as part of the Computing Club. “We are operating within this club that is allowing us to have student-focused, student-run development of the 3-D lab,” said Dale. “All the printers are built by students from kits.” Projects are not limited to the sciences at Bridgewater. The 3-D club provides printing services to all faculty members who request their services. One such project—an old psychiatric hospital—was created for Dr. Alan Eby, Professor of Psychology, who uses the model as a demo piece for one of his classes. In appreciation, Eby made a donation to the club, which allowed the group to purchase two more printer kits. “The brilliance of this 3-D printing is that we can make anything that we can fit into the machine,” Dale explained. “Anything that we can load on the computer and either make ourselves or find online, we can print.” For a club project, the group made a working model of a Toyota 4-cylinder engine. “There are so many parts and little inherent pieces to this, allowing the whole thing to rotate and work within itself,” Dale said. The process was very time intensive. A parts list was posted and club members printed the parts—the large block took two days to print and the tiny parts about an hour each. The club spent half a semester printing all the parts and another month assembling the engine. During the 2017-18 academic year, Dale worked on his senior project on robotics in manufacturing. His focus is on how the robotic arms in many industrial fields affect the manufacturing process. As part of the project, he is building a small set of robotic arms. Before the 3-D lab, $100 to $200 would be spent on cheap metal parts that would take a week to assemble. Utilizing the lab, Dale is able to produce the parts in one day at 10th of the cost. During the 2018 three-week May Term, Dale plans on completing an internship with Dr. Deva O’Neal, Associate Professor of Physics, as they lead a 3-D printing class test run. In addition to small projects in which students will focus on learning what 3-D printing is, they will complete a term-long project. Each student will work with a faculty member from the Division of Natural Sciences to create an item that may be used by professors in the classroom. On May 5, Dale will graduate from Bridgewater College and, once again, pack his 3-D printer as he heads to Virginia Tech to pursue a graduate degree in electrical engineering.
У Сєвєродонецьку відбувається артилерійська дуель Про поточну ситуацію у Сєвєродонецьку на Луганщині розповів міський голова Сєвєродонецька Олександр Стрюк Він наголосив, що ніхто не збирається залишати місто, його мусять відбивати, проте ворог переважає у живій силі. «У Сєвєродонецьку йдуть запеклі бої, вуличні бої, це дуже складно. При цьому ведеться артилерійська дуель. Звісно, маємо сподівання, маємо віру в наші Збройні сили». Російських військових при цьому стає дедалі більше. «Так було на початку штурму, коли вони намагалися атакувати місто, так відбувається і зараз. Вони кидають і кидають новий людський ресурс. І це досі ускладнює ситуацію».
Edward VII (1841–1910), king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the British dominions beyond the seas, and emperor of India, was born at Buckingham Palace, London, on 9 November 1841, the first son and second child of the nine children of Queen Victoria (1819–1901) and Prince Albert (1819–1861). He was named Albert Edward (against the advice of the prime minister, Lord Melbourne, who preferred Edward Albert), and he was commonly known by both names, except in the family, where he was called Bertie. Insistence on the primacy of the name Albert reflected the burden of the queen's expectations which the prince was to carry until 1901, when, on ascending the throne, he declared himself Edward. He was the first heir born to a reigning sovereign since 1762, and the last to be born with privy councillors present to attest his identity (subsequently only the home secretary attended). He was made prince of Wales aged one month and, against the advice of Palmerston, was also styled duke of Saxony in addition to the other usual royal titles (he habitually later travelled abroad semi-incognito as earl of Renfrew or earl of Chester, or, when king, duke of Lancaster). A strong German presence at his christening on 25 January 1842 confirmed the view of the whigs, who saw the court coming under German sway, and attested to the remarkable range of European royal relatives which was to be so important an aspect of the prince's life. Albert Edward was brought up to be trilingual—in English, German, and French, with a governess for each language—but his best languages in the nursery were German and English; he found German initially the easier of the two. The Baron von Bunsen noted that the royal children ‘all spoke German like their native tongue, even to one another’ (Lee, 2.17). The prince's early days were supervised by Mrs Southey, his nurse, who was soon dismissed, and then by Sarah, Lady Lyttelton, who acted as governess and substitute mother (the queen being frequently pregnant and both Victoria and Albert preferring the Princess Victoria, the prince's elder sister). The prince was slow to learn, fell behind his younger siblings, and soon developed a stammer and a temper. Lady Lyttelton was a relative of William and Catherine Gladstone, whose similarly aged son, William Henry Gladstone, became the prince's playmate. The prince was taught elocution by the actor George Barley, but always had a slight German accent. In January 1847 the prince's parents set out a detailed plan of education for their children, by which Lady Lyttelton retained a prominent role in Albert Edward's development. Victoria and Albert's intention was to ensure that the future king was as unlike his profligate Hanoverian uncles as possible, and that he was educated to the highest levels of contemporary knowledge: he was to be like Albert, able to talk to politicians and people of letters and science on their own terms. However, his educational development remained halting. On Prince Albert's instruction he was whipped (as were from time to time his sisters). When Albert Edward was six, Henry Birch, formerly a master at Eton, became his tutor and found his pupil difficult to teach. Albert arranged for an examination by George Combe, the phrenologist, who reported that the prince's cranium suggested that ‘strong self-will, at times obstinacy’ would be characteristic (Hibbert, 10). In 1852 Birch, whom the prince liked but who decided on a career in the church, was replaced by Frederick Waymouth Gibbs, a barrister who had been brought up with Leslie Stephen. Gibbs got no better results than Birch. It became apparent that the demanding programme of learning expected by the prince consort was counter-productive: the prince was not unintelligent, but he was not bookish or of intellectual interests. He was, in fact, quite like his mother in several respects, loath though she was to admit it. Indeed Baron Stockmar thought him ‘an exaggerated copy of his mother’ (ibid., 26). His fear of his overbearing father became marked. One consequence of his bad spelling and barely coherent sentence structure was that, even allowing for the destruction of papers by him and after his death, he left less by way of personal writing—letters, memoranda, diaries—than the volumes which characterized both his parents and several of his siblings. (His sketchy youthful diary was kept by parental demand, and though he maintained it until his death the entries are rarely revealing.) Within the family, the prince's position was a further source of insecurity. Victoria was undoubtedly the parents' favourite child, and, among the boys, Alfred, and later Arthur, were preferred; but when erstwhile favourites erred, Albert Edward could be brought forward. Despite Victoria's and Albert's practice of setting their children's faults and virtues off against each other (a trait which became more marked as the queen aged), Albert Edward formed close relationships with his sisters Victoria and Alice; he was profoundly saddened by the latter's early death in 1878. In 1855 the Princess Victoria was engaged in marriage to the heir to the throne of Prussia, and in 1858 Prince Alfred was sent to sea. The prince of Wales was keen to escape from his educational routine, but his parents were unwilling to admit that their educational plan had failed. The young prince found refuge in alternatives to studying: travel, sport, and the theatre. In August 1855 he visited Paris, part of a state visit to Napoleon III, and fell under the city's spell. A continental tour in 1857 was less fun, for Albert insisted it be for ‘purposes of study’ (Hibbert, 23). At Köningswinter the prince kissed a pretty girl; Willy Gladstone, who was of the party, rather unfairly reported this to his father, then chancellor of the exchequer, who complained (to his wife) of ‘this squalid little debauch’, adding that the: Prince of Wales has not been educated up to his position. This sort of unworthy little indulgence is the compensation. Kept in childhood beyond his time, he is allowed to make that childhood what it should never be in a Prince, or anyone else, namely wanton. (Magnus, 21) A further attempt by Gibbs and the Revd Charles Feral Tarver, his Latin tutor and chaplain, to encourage him in the educational routine devised by his parents took the form in 1858 of seclusion with three hand-picked companions at the White Lodge, Richmond Park. Further failure led to Gibbs's dismissal, with Robert Bruce, brother of Lord Elgin, replacing him, but as governor rather than as tutor. With the prince aged seventeen, Victoria and Albert in effect abandoned the attempt to force him into his father's cast of mind. Oxford, Canada, Cambridge, and the army The prince was keen to join the army and was disappointed when he was gazetted a lieutenant-colonel (he had hoped to enter by passing the examination). He was created KG in November 1858, in which year he visited Berlin, staying with his sister Victoria, now married to the Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia, the noted liberal, with whom the prince formed a good relationship. The prince's education was to be completed by study at Oxford and Cambridge; attendance at these English universities was preceded by cramming at Edinburgh in August 1859 with Lyon Playfair. At Oxford he was prevented—to his irritation—by Prince Albert from living in a college, though he was entered on the books of Christ Church as a nobleman on 17 October 1859, matriculating the same day. Prince Henry (later Henry V) was the only previous prince of Wales to matriculate at Oxford (supposedly in 1398). Albert Edward lived in Frewin Court, listened to lectures, and was tutored by Herbert Fisher of Christ Church. For the first time he enjoyed his studies, doing adequately in his examinations and forming long-term friendships with the Liddell family of Christ Church and others. With Henry Chaplin (already a prominent huntsman and later a tory cabinet minister) and Frederick Johnstone (already a well-known philanderer) he began to break loose from the intellectual and moral parameters which his parents had tried to impose on him. He became a lifelong and famous smoker and developed his enthusiasm for blood sports. The prince's assiduity at Oxford gained him some respect from his parents, though the queen at this time found her son physically repellent: ‘Bertie … is not at all in good looks; his nose and mouth are too enormous and he pastes his hair down to his head, and wears his clothes frightfully—he really is anything but good looking’ (Fulford, 1.245). Despite this lack of encouragement, growing confidence and maturity were seen during the prince's visit to Canada and the USA in July–November 1860, the first heir to the throne to visit either country. The idea for the visit was Prince Albert's. In Washington and New York, Albert Edward was especially successful in a context where royalty was not necessarily welcome. The tour defined the public role and character of the prince of Wales. He was genial and undidactic. He enjoyed himself and transmitted his good humour. His very absence of intellectual enquiry meant that awkward corners could be easily turned. The prince, moreover, had shown he could play a role different from that of his parents, that of the roving royal ambassador. On his return, however, Albert Edward somewhat incongruously returned to his studies in Oxford, and then, on 19 January 1861, matriculated from Trinity College, Cambridge, where J. B. Lightfoot, the biblical scholar, was his chief tutor and he enjoyed lectures from Charles Kingsley. At his father's request—and he was the chancellor of the university—the prince lived at Madingley Hall, outside the town, though rooms in Trinity were surreptitiously put at his disposal. Where Oxford had liberated, Cambridge now rather shackled, despite fun at the amateur dramatic club and hunting. Determined to enter the army, the prince spent the summer of 1861 at army camp at the Curragh, near Dublin. Always keen on uniforms and parades, the prince found the discipline required from a participant excessive, his relative the duke of Cambridge, the commander-in-chief, reporting that he would never make a good professional soldier. At the Curragh he met Nellie Clifden, an actress, smuggled into his tent by his friends. She was indiscreet and the story was soon round London. Marriage, Sandringham, and official exclusion The Clifden episode occurred just as the prince was being prepared for marriage to Princess Alexandra of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg (1844–1925), daughter of the heir to the Danish throne; the union was largely engineered by his sister Victoria, the crown princess of Prussia, and was one about which Victoria and Albert were extremely cautious, given their pro-Prussian and consequently anti-Danish opinions about German unification. The queen was won over by the absence of suitable alternative spouses and by her view that her son must be settled as soon as possible (the prince consort's health already being in clear decline). The couple met in September 1861 at Speyer and Alexandra's beauty quickly captivated Albert Edward, who had insisted on meeting the princess before agreeing to marry her. However, an engagement had not been decided upon when, with the Clifden affair still simmering, the prince consort died on 14 December 1861, shortly after a visit to Cambridge to discuss both Nellie and Alexandra. The prince of Wales was chief mourner at his father's funeral, which, by custom, his mother did not attend. The queen blamed her son for Albert's final illness, telling her daughter: ‘much as I pity I never can or shall look at him without a shudder’ (letter of 27 Dec 1861; Fulford, 2.30). She wanted him out of the country, and in January 1862 sent him to Palestine and the Near East, from which, having visited Jerusalem, Cairo, and Constantinople, he returned in June 1862. On the death of General Bruce in that month, Sir William Knollys (1797–1883) became the prince's comptroller and treasurer, a post he held until 1877. He was assisted by his son, Sir Francis Knollys (1837–1924), who in due course succeeded his father as the prince's secretary. In September 1862 the prince again met Alexandra, and their engagement was announced on 16 September. They were married in St George's Chapel, Windsor, on 10 March 1863, the scene being recorded in W. P. Frith's painting The Marriage of the Prince of Wales, 1863 (Royal Collection). The short honeymoon was at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. The prince consort's death, the queen's consequent seclusion, and the prince of Wales's marriage marked an important stage in the latter's emergence as the public face of British royalty. On 5 February 1863 he took his seat in the House of Lords, where he occasionally attended and from time to time spoke. He received a civil-list annuity of £10,000, which with the revenues of the duchy of Cornwall gave him an annual income of about £100,000. He set up at Marlborough House in Pall Mall, his London home until he ascended the throne, and he bought Sandringham House in Norfolk from Charles Cowper, Palmerston's stepson. The Waleses first stayed there in March 1864. It soon became a country house as lively as the queen's residences were gloomy. An ample supply of wildfowl, especially pheasants, permitted good sporting house parties, and the prince in the 1860s established himself as a focal point of society. The queen, however, was strongly hostile to the prince's taking on public duties in Britain. She tried to maintain the code of behaviour which Albert had prescribed, which was one in which Albert was the chief male prince. The queen, as Sidney Lee put it, kept her son ‘in permanent in statu pupillari. She claimed to regulate his actions in almost all relations of life’ (DNB). Maintaining a sort of fiction that Albert was alive and active, she forbade the prince's presence on royal commissions and public bodies, and, despite her own almost total seclusion, he was not allowed to represent her at public occasions. The prince's Danish connections and his clear hostility to Prussia's conduct in 1864—‘the conduct of the Prussians and the Austrians is really quite scandalous’, he told Lord Spencer (Hibbert, 76)—placed him in political disagreement with his mother, whom he had further alarmed by travelling specially to London to meet the republican Garibaldi in April 1864. In marked contrast to the privileges accorded to Prince Leopold, who acted as his mother's confidential secretary and was given the keys to the dispatch boxes, the queen did not permit the prince of Wales to see cabinet papers or the foreign and colonial correspondence which came to the monarch and which she scrutinized with a very critical eye. He was given a précis of some of the documents. The queen told him such papers could be seen only by ‘those immediately connected’ with her (Magnus, 81). This exclusion was a private mark of his mother's lasting distrust of her son, one against which he unsuccessfully complained, with occasional help from politicians, particularly Gladstone, for a quarter of a century. Disraeli, especially, regarded Wales as indiscreet, a view that weighed strongly with the queen in the 1870s. Gladstone secretly sent him various documents. In 1886 the prince's friend Lord Rosebery, then foreign secretary, began sending him Foreign Office papers, and from 1892 he was allowed to see reports of cabinet meetings (but not the prime minister's letter to the queen which reported cabinet meetings). The prince of Wales was thus given no positive royal role by his mother in the 1860s. He developed, not surprisingly, a routine which related little to her interests and was little connected to her physical movements. The queen lived at Windsor and Osborne, with a spell at Balmoral in the autumn. The prince lived in London or at Sandringham, coinciding with his mother during Cowes week in August and Deeside in October. In the spring he visited the Riviera. His routine was thus as close to the seasons of society as his mother's was distant. His absence of royal duties left him as a social icon, a role which, especially in the bohemian world of art, opera, and the theatre, he carried off with some panache, playing an important role in the planning of the Royal Albert Hall and of the Royal College of Music, and supporting the Royal Literary Fund. He moreover took on a number of public duties, including presidency of the Society of Arts (1863) and of the 1851 commissioners (1870), and chairman of the governors of Wellington College (1864). In the course of seven years Princess Alexandra, despite bouts of rheumatic fever, bore six children. The Waleses' first child, Albert Victor Christian Edward, duke of Clarence and Avondale (1864–1892), was born on 8 January 1864. He was followed on 3 June 1865 by George Frederick Ernest Albert (later George V), in 1867 by Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar (later princess royal and duchess of Fife), in 1868 by Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, who did not marry, and in 1869 by Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria (later queen of Norway as wife of Haakon VII); the last, a boy, Alexander John, was born prematurely on 6 April 1871 and died after two days. The queen insisted on Albert Victor's being thus called, and declared that all the prince's descendants should bear the name of either Albert or Victoria. Princess Alexandra's chief delight was the rearing of her children. She was not anti-social, and always cut a splendid figure in public, but deafness and disinclination discouraged frequent attendance at public events. Alexandra enjoyed domesticity and doted on her children. The prince combined an amiable home life—despite their very different lifestyles he and Alexandra accommodated each other—with an increasingly vigorous social round. Impatient and easily bored, he moved restlessly from gambling to music-halls and elsewhere by night, from race meetings to yachting and blood sports by day. Money was soon short. Gladstone, as chancellor of the exchequer, declined to help (partly because a proposal for extra expenditure of public money would entitle the Commons to debate the prince's behaviour, partly because he thought the queen should pay the private debts of her family). The prince grew stout and was known in his circle (though not to his face) as Tum Tum. Royal unpopularity and its resolution Concern grew among politicians at the conduct of the prince and absence of a role for him. Disraeli encouraged a successful Irish visit in 1868. When Gladstone succeeded Disraeli as prime minister in December 1868, a plan for the prince, in Ireland and elsewhere, was one of his first concerns. However, in April 1869 Gladstone learned that Sir Charles Mordaunt, bt (1836–1897), threatened to cite the prince as a co-respondent in the case for the divorce of his wife, Harriet Sarah. When the petition was filed in January 1870 Mordaunt did not cite the prince as co-respondent, but he was subpoenaed to appear as a witness, which he did on 13 February 1870. In a seven-minute hearing, he denied he had committed adultery and was not cross-examined. The hearing coincided with general criticism of the very different deportments of both the queen and the prince. The latter was several times booed in public, once on 13 June as he drove from the racecourse at the Ascot summer meeting. For the first time since the Chartists, republicanism was seriously and quite generally discussed. In December 1870 Gladstone brought forward a striking plan: the prince should become viceroy of Ireland, with a royal residence, and act almost as a constitutional monarch there in a reconstituted government structure. A long argument, over two years, ensued between prime minister and queen, with no positive result. The immediate problem of the prince's unpopularity was cured by an accident: in October 1871 he caught typhoid (the disease from which it was popularly thought his father had died) from the drains at Londesborough Lodge. A fellow guest, Lord Chesterfield, died on 1 December and the prince's condition was critical. The family assembled at Sandringham. Alfred Austin, the future poet laureate, wrote: Flash'd from his bed, the electric tidings came, He is not better; he is much the same.The queen was informed that his death was imminent. However, the prince rallied on 11 December, and recovered. Gladstone capitalized on the situation, arranging a thanksgiving service in St Paul's Cathedral on 27 February 1872, which he persuaded the queen to attend. The royal party was cheered through the streets of London, and the bubble of republican feeling burst. The prince's life continued in what Philip Magnus called ‘its former rut’ (Magnus, 125). Increasingly, however, he played the occasional role of representative of the head of state, as when he received the shah of Persia at Buckingham Palace in 1873 and accompanied him on his British tour. In 1874 he received the tsarevich at a great state banquet on 15 May in Marlborough House, the occasion being designed by Sir Frederick Leighton, with the prince dressed as Charles I, an unfortunate analogy but one which emphasized the passing of republicanism. He carried off such occasions with great aplomb, as he did the four speeches he made when visiting Birmingham on 3 November 1874. He charmed the mayor, Joseph Chamberlain, who had in 1870 moved on the fringe of the republican movement, and who from 1877 frequently visited Marlborough House. After an early catastrophe when he found it difficult to read his speech, the prince always spoke fluently from brief notes, and became known for this ability. Keen to develop this quasi-regnal role, the prince in 1874 planned an Indian visit, personally co-ordinating the complex process by which royal and cabinet permission was obtained. The visit was financed by the government of India and a supplementary vote from the Commons of £112,500. The prince and his all-male party of eighteen left on 11 October 1875 (the princess of Wales disappointed at being excluded). They landed at Bombay on 8 November, the day before the prince's thirty-fourth birthday, travelled south to Goa and Ceylon, and then to Calcutta, arriving on 23 December, where a large durbar was held on 1 January 1876. They then went to Benares, Lucknow, Cawnpore, and Delhi. Over a month was spent hunting in the shadow of the Himalayas. The prince set a blistering pace and his appetite for hunting exhausted many of his party. On his first day tiger hunting he shot six tigers. The tour, reported for The Times by W. H. Russell, was in general very successful. The prince's easy manner with persons of all levels of society made a strong impression and went some way to assuage the racial tension prevalent in India. The prince, always hostile to any racial or religious prejudice, was strongly critical of the ‘rude and rough’ manner (Lee, 1.399) by which British political officers dealt with Indians. New instructions were issued by Lord Salisbury, the secretary of state, and at least one resident was recalled. While the prince was in India, the queen persuaded Disraeli to introduce the Royal Titles Act making the British monarch emperor or empress of India. Her failure to inform her son—he read of the announcement in the newspapers—infuriated him, perhaps more than any of the many slights he felt he had endured from the queen. Also while in India news came of a further divorce case, which involved a bundle of the prince's letters and his friends lords Aylesford and Blandford. The royal party set out for Britain from Bombay on 13 March 1876. From Malta, the prince challenged Lord Randolph Churchill to a duel in France, the latter having strenuously defended his brother, Blandford, against a condemnation by the prince. Diplomacy by various members of the cabinet prevented the duel, but the quarrel with Churchill continued until 1883, when the prince formed a close friendship with Lady Randolph. The visit to India was Albert Edward's chief political initiative until he ascended the throne. On his return he was welcomed by the award of honorary degrees and freedoms of various cities. The final year of the annual London satire The Coming k—, so critical in its first year (1870), ended its series with the prince ascending the throne to acclaim on his mother's abdication. Politically, the prince was of moderate Liberal inclination. Unlike his mother, he much preferred Gladstone to Disraeli, and sympathized with the former's difficulties with the queen (in 1898 he and his son, later George V, were to act as Gladstone's pallbearers in the face of strong condemnation from Queen Victoria). But the prince strongly supported Disraeli's Near Eastern policy in the late 1870s, and he urged the invasion of Egypt in 1882; he very much hoped to serve in the Egyptian expedition, but his offer was declined by the cabinet. On the other hand, in 1884 the prince had to be dissuaded from voting in the Lords in favour of the Liberal government's Representation of the People Bill (which the Lords rejected). But in 1886 he was strongly Liberal Unionist on the question of Irish home rule. On Gladstone's invitation the prince became, in April 1881, a trustee of the British Museum; as such he supported Sunday opening and showed a special interest in the natural history collections and their move to South Kensington. In 1884 the prince was a member of Sir Charles Dilke's royal commission on the housing of working classes, the first occasion on which an heir to the throne served on a royal commission (he had already sat on two committees of the House of Lords, on the cattle plague in 1866 and on scarcity of horses in 1873). Initially he attended meetings of the commission assiduously, visiting East End slums incognito, but the death of his brother Prince Leopold and other family matters distracted him; he attended nineteen out of fifty-one meetings. He subsequently invited Henry Broadhurst, the Lib–Lab MP and a fellow commissioner, to Sandringham. In 1891 the prince's offer to serve on the royal commission on labour relations was rejected by Lord Salisbury, but in 1892 he was appointed by Gladstone to the royal commission on the aged poor, of which Broadhurst and Joseph Arch, the trade unionist and MP, were also members. The prince attended quite regularly and asked well-informed questions of the witnesses. He was also publicly prominent as the chief active host of the guests at the 1887 jubilee of his mother's accession, as he was in 1897. His chief contribution to the jubilee of 1897 was his establishment, with the approval of the queen and the assistance of Sir Henry Charles Burdett, of the Prince of Wales's Hospital Fund for London, in which the prince took a close personal interest. With skilful fund-raising it soon became a vital fund in the prosperity of the London hospitals. In 1902 it was renamed King Edward's Hospital Fund for London (also known as the King's Fund), and in 1906 it was incorporated. Unlike his father, the prince was an enthusiastic freemason, especially from 1870 onwards. He presided at public occasions. In 1871 he became patron of Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland during his visit there in August 1871. On 28 April 1875 he was installed as grand master of English freemasons, being elected to the office on the resignation of Lord Ripon (who had converted to Roman Catholicism). The prince quite often presided at fund-raising dinners for the masons, on one occasion raising £51,000 in an evening. On ascending the throne he retired as grand master and became protector of English freemasons, following the precedent of George IV. The prince's active sponsorship of freemasonry set a trend for the royal family of the future. Public scandals The prince never masked his enthusiasm for beautiful women, though none outshone the beauty of his wife. He carefully confined his serious attention to married women with compliant husbands. He had no embarrassment about his liaison with Lillie Langtry (1853–1929), whom he met in May 1877 and whose stage career he superintended. She was, in the view of one of his biographers, ‘almost maîtresse en titre’, accompanying the prince to Paris and to the Ascot races. From 1883 Frances Evelyn (Daisy) Maynard Greville, Lady Brooke (1861–1938), a striking society beauty, was the chief focus of the prince's extra-marital attention. It became known in 1890—it was said that the news came out through the indiscretion of Daisy Brooke, the ‘babbling Brooke’ as she was dubbed—that the prince was present at Tranby Croft, near Hull, at a game of baccarat (illegal in Britain), at which Sir William Gordon-Cumming appeared to be cheating. The baccarat and the cheating outraged different sections of society. Together, they ensured a scandal. Gordon-Cumming brought an action against the five persons who claimed to have witnessed the cheating, and subpoenaed the prince as a witness. The case was heard by Lord Coleridge as lord chief justice from 1 to 9 June 1891. Sir Edward Clarke, the solicitor-general, represented Gordon-Cumming, whom he believed innocent, and was unhelpful to the prince in court. Gordon-Cumming lost the case, was dismissed from the army, and expelled from his clubs. The scandal was worse than the Mordaunt affair, for public tolerance in the 1890s was much narrower than in the 1870s, and the prince was shown up at the trial as, at the least, negligent. Furthermore, Lady River, a pamphlet by Mrs Gerald Paget, which was circulated privately but widely, gave details of the prince's liaison with Lady Brooke and of a quarrel with Lord and Lady Charles Beresford in which Lady Brooke and the prince were involved; it was discussed in Truth and other such journals. About 1894, soon after Lady Brooke became countess of Warwick and after she had begun to make her developing socialism a frequent topic of conversation with the prince, their affair cooled. In 1898 Princess Alexandra—always hitherto distant from Daisy Warwick, perhaps sensing a liaison that was more than the usual dalliance—was reconciled to her. The prince rode out the scandals of the 1890s. The newspapers never seriously harried him, except when people of his own circle brought him to court, and the British in the 1890s had no general wish to see their future monarch fail. Nearing the throne: the succession and international affairs By the 1890s the prince's accession to the throne could not be far off: the jubilee of 1897 was seen as the old queen's apotheosis. The prince had not played a very prominent part in the education of his own children. In 1898 the Commons voted a capital sum of £60,000 and an increase in his annual income of £36,000 per annum to enable him to provide better for them. The eldest son, Prince Eddy, created duke of Clarence and Avondale in May 1890, was much the most problematic. He had his father's vices without his canniness. The prince sent his sons to be naval cadets on HMS Britannia in 1877. George blossomed in the navy; Eddy floundered. If some had from time to time questioned the appropriateness of the prince of Wales's character for that of a monarch, Eddy promised a far more daunting future. In what had become a life of considerable dissipation, Eddy suddenly, in 1890, fell in love with Princess Hélène of Orléans, a Roman Catholic and the daughter of the comte de Paris, pretender to the throne of France. The prince of Wales favoured the match; the princess was willing to join the Church of England; but Lord Salisbury, as prime minister, and the comte de Paris, for religious reasons, vetoed it. In 1891, while the prince was preoccupied with the Tranby Croft affair, Princess Alexandra brought forward Princess Mary of Teck, whose engagement to the duke of Clarence was ended by his death on 14 January 1892, his brother George thus becoming the prince of Wales's heir. The prince of Wales was more grief-stricken by this event than perhaps any other, but he must have soon been relieved at Prince George's much more obvious suitability for the throne. George was quickly engaged and married to Mary of Teck, and in June 1894 and December 1895 the succession was assured by the births of the future Edward VIII and George VI. A decade which started unhappily and uncertainly for the monarchy in fact saw its succession satisfactorily settled for the next fifty years.In personal terms also, the decade finished well for the prince. In February 1898 he formed two liaisons which lasted the rest of his life. Sister Agnes Keyser, matron of a nursing home for army officers at 17 Grosvenor Crescent, London, was attractive and discreet. She often entertained Albert Edward, both as prince and king, to a plain dinner. Alice Frederica Keppel (1868–1947) first entertained the prince in February 1898; she was soon his mistress, ‘which was intelligible in view of the lady's good looks, vivacity and cleverness’, as Lord Hardinge noted in 1910 (Magnus, 260). As international relations deteriorated in the 1890s, the prince—one of the most cosmopolitan figures in Britain and related to most European monarchs, but now older than most of them—played an increasingly avuncular role in the European royal social scene, which remained of direct political importance, especially in Russia and Germany. The prince was on poor terms with his nephew Kaiser Wilhelm II. His stock comment on him was ‘William the Great needs to learn that he is living at the end of the nineteenth century and not in the Middle Ages’ (Magnus, 209). During the Kaiser's visit to Vienna in 1888 the prince of Wales believed he had been snubbed. Wilhelm complained that the prince treated him as a nephew rather than as an emperor. During the Kaiser's rather successful state visit to Britain in 1889 the prince played an active and diplomatic role, despite the absence of a sufficient apology from the Kaiser for the Vienna episode, and from that point relations were superficially improved. In 1894, on the accession as tsar of Nicholas II, the prince and princess led a successful British mission to St Petersburg, being congratulated by Lord Rosebery, the prime minister, for their patriotic work. Privately the prince thought the new tsar ‘weak as water’ (ibid., 249). The prince formed the view—rather earlier than many of his compatriots—that Britain was dangerously isolated. He encouraged contacts with Portugal, and during the Venezuela incident between Britain and the USA in December 1895 sent a conciliatory telegram to America regardless of instructions from the prime minister, Lord Salisbury, to remain silent. The prince took especial care with the arrangements for the tsar's visit to Balmoral in 1896, but he was excluded from the talks held between the tsar, the queen, and the British prime minister. He also worked hard to make a success of the Kaiser's visit in November 1899, just after the start of the South African War. During the war the prince increased the number of his official visits. Cautious about foreign opinion, he cancelled his annual trip to the Riviera in 1900, leaving instead to stay with his wife's relatives in Denmark. On his journey thither, on 4 April 1900 in Brussels a Belgian anarchist student named Sipido fired at him through the carriage window. The stationmaster disarmed Sipido and the prince was unhurt. On the latter's return to London huge crowds greeted him, reflecting a popularity which had steadily grown during his mother's last years and was confirmed by popular reaction to the prince's remarkable racing results in 1900. Racing and other sports From 1863, aged twenty-one, the prince attended the Derby and most of the classics. From his middle years, racing in Britain and France became his chief sporting passion. From 1880 the Jockey Club at Newmarket, to which he was elected in 1864, provided him with an apartment, and from 1885 he entertained all its members on Derby evening at Marlborough House and, after 1900, at Buckingham Palace. His colours—purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap with gold fringe—were first seen at Newmarket in 1877. His first success was Leonidas at Aldershot on 14 April 1880. He soon raced both on the flat and over fences, though always more successfully on the flat. Lord Marcus Beresford was his chief adviser. In 1883 John Porter of Kingclere became his trainer, and in 1885 the prince opened a stud at Sandringham, his mare Perdita II being an important and fecund purchase. From 1893 Richard Marsh at Egerton House, Newmarket, was the prince's and later the king's trainer. From that year the prince was successful, and sometimes very successful, and by a long way the most successful of royal owners in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In 1896 Persimmon won the Derby and the St Leger, and in 1897 he won the Eclipse Stakes and the Ascot Gold cup. In 1900, the prince's best year, he won the Grand National with Ambush II and, with Diamond Jubilee, the five chief races of those days (the Two Thousand Guineas, the Newmarket Stakes, the Eclipse, the Derby, and the St Leger), a remarkable achievement by any standard, making the prince the leading owner with £29,586 in winning stakes. He bred Persimmon and Diamond Jubilee at the Sandringham stud, both by St Simon out of Perdita II. Diamond Jubilee he sold to an Argentinian breeder; the skeleton of Persimmon (d. 1908 from an accident) was presented to the Natural History Museum. In an era when the Derby was the nation's chief sporting event, and easily the best attended, the prince's successes—so enthusiastically received both by himself and the huge number who backed his horses—easily outweighed the memory of the scandals in which he had been involved. The prince was an equally enthusiastic sailor, often being on board during his yachts' races. He succeeded his father as commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron at Cowes in 1863 and from 1874 was commodore of the Royal Thames Yacht Club. His first yacht was Dagmar; he subsequently raced Hildegarde, Formosa, and Aline. In 1892 he built a 300 ton racing cutter, Britannia, which won many races and served as a base when touring in the Mediterranean. The Kaiser treated the Cowes regatta in an increasingly competitive manner, almost as a test of national virility. His new yacht, Meteor II, outclassed Britannia, and the prince of Wales ceased to race in 1897.The ‘Marlborough House set’ Associated with the prince's racing was the ‘Marlborough House set’, the circle around him who accompanied him on racing and other trips. From the 1870s the set constituted an important focus for London society. It was partly composed of raffish aristocrats, some of whom became publicly well known through the various scandals in which the prince was involved, partly of financiers and merchants, including Nathaniel Rothschild (whose peerage in 1885 was attributed to the prince of Wales), Reuben and Arthur Sassoon, Baron Maurice de Hirsch, Sir Ernest Cassel, Sir Thomas Lipton, Sir Blundell Maple, and Horace Farquhar. That some of these were Jewish attracted unfavourable comment, some of it strongly antisemitic. From an early stage, the prince ‘discovered a special affinity with Jews’ (Magnus, 106). Sir Anthony de Rothschild was the prince's financial adviser until his death in 1876. Other Rothschilds then advised until 1890, when Hirsch, who had met the prince in 1886, became both financial adviser and confidant until he died in 1890. His place was then filled by Cassel, Hirsch's executor, who, especially from 1897, formed a close friendship with the prince which lasted throughout the latter's reign as king. The prince enjoyed the company of rich men—some speculators like Hirsch and Cassel, others cautious financiers like the Rothschilds; some, but by no means all, of these rich men were Jews. He rather enjoyed rows with more traditional members of the British and continental nobility, who affronted the prince by cold-shouldering his friends. Queen Victoria died on 22 January 1901. Her son had not wished for the throne. He had expressed no frustration at his mother's long old age, only at her exclusion of him from the duties and confidences which as a prince of Wales in his fifties he thought it reasonable to expect. He at once announced that he would reign as Edward VII, explaining in an elegant impromptu speech to the privy council that the name Albert could be associated with no one but his father. His long-serving secretary, Sir Francis Knollys, continued in post throughout his reign. The new king was almost sixty, stout and ageing, but very active. His enthusiasm for action, if not channelled, quickly became irritable boredom, and his bonhomie sometimes had a sharp edge. He was the first emperor of India. To the title king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, parliament added ‘and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas’ (1 Edw. VII c. 15). The abandoned suggestion of ‘and of all the Britains [sic] beyond the Seas’ was, however, echoed on the new sovereign's coinage, which included ‘Britt : Omn : Rex’. The prince's accession to the throne was a striking moment in the history of the British monarchy. Like Pip at the end of the film of Great Expectations (1946), Edward VII tore down the drapes of the Victorian court and let the light flood in. He at once reorganized the royal finances and palaces (including the removal of various busts and plaques to John Brown). His reorganization and refurbishment was aided by an act of 1901 which increased the monarch's annual income to £470,000, which, together with Sir Ernest Cassel's astute investments, made him much wealthier than his mother (taking currency fluctuations into account, Edward VII was the highest paid British monarch). Sir Francis Knollys was able to inform the commission on royal finances in 1901 that, contrary to public rumour, the new king had no debts, and was indeed, Knollys claimed, the first English monarch to ascend the throne in credit (Lee, 2.26). The king transformed the court, which for forty years had been almost dormant as a force in metropolitan society, for unlike his mother he lived much of the year in London, and entertained or dined out almost every evening. His enthusiasm for his post was not limited to the presentation of the monarchy, skilful though he was at this aspect. Edward VII had an active sense of the royal prerogative. As we shall see, his autonomous actions in foreign policy were remarkable. In domestic politics he sought personally to supervise many aspects of royal affairs, and to this end he recovered into his own hands many offices which under his mother had been delegated, such as the supervision of the royal parks. Especially in the early years of his reign ministers, to their surprise, looked back to Queen Victoria as relatively supine in official affairs. On 14 February 1901 Edward VII revived the practice of the monarch's personally opening the new session of parliament (a practice dormant since 1886, and performed by Victoria only six times before that). The anti-Roman Catholic declaration, required from a new sovereign on first addressing parliament, offended some contemporaries. The king's attempts to have it changed were initially unsuccessful, and his son George V was required similarly to declaim; but a new form of declaration was adopted by parliament in August 1910. The king's coronation was arranged for 26 June 1902. Overwork, overweight, and restlessness had already lowered his reserves when in mid-June appendicitis and peritonitis were diagnosed by Sir Francis Lake; the press was informed only that the king was suffering from lumbago. He was with difficulty persuaded to disappoint the assembling crowds and dignitaries by postponing the ceremony and undergoing an operation. The operation was successfully performed on 23 June and the king was well enough to be crowned on 9 August in a shortened ceremony. To try to counter the flow of political honours and to broaden the character of national reward, the king in the spring of 1902 proposed an order of merit, with twenty-four members (and unlimited honorary foreign members), which would mark distinction in the arts, sciences, literature, and the armed forces; the order was instituted by letters patent on 23 June 1902, John Morley and G. F. Watts being among the first members. The king kept appointment to the order in his own hands and appointed some members, for example the controversial figure of Admiral Sir John Fisher, without any consultation. Political relations, 1901–1905 Shortly after his operation the king accepted, on 11 July 1902, the resignation of Lord Salisbury as prime minister. A. J. Balfour, his successor, was not a natural companion of the king, who found Balfour's intellectual manner off-putting. They shared, however, an interest in the development of the committee of imperial defence and in motor cars (both being in the forefront of motoring), and a hostility to Irish home rule. Balfour's government was soon embroiled in a major dispute over tariff reform, in which the king took a keen interest, deploring the social injustice and danger of taxes on food and proposing on 18 August 1903 (from Marienbad) to the prime minister that the matter be referred to a royal commission. Though the delaying consequences of this would, at least in retrospect, have been welcome to Balfour, it was not, in the political circumstances, a practical suggestion. On 15 September 1903 the king learned that the prime minister's policy was to be that of retaliation, not full-scale tariff reform, but that his cabinet did not, as yet, know this. The king was at Balmoral in September 1903 when Balfour's cabinet disintegrated, and he played no direct part in the crisis. Balfour's announcement of resignations from the cabinet without prior notice to the sovereign considerably irritated the king. Balfour's premiership was a period of continual political instability which Edward VII found wearing. He played an important part in one of the controversies: army and naval reform. The king took his role as head of the forces seriously. This was manifested in part in his obsession with uniforms and his fury when they were worn incorrectly. But the reform of the forces was a serious matter with important political implications. In 1903, prompted by Lord Esher, the king took up the cause of the introduction of an army board on the model of the Admiralty. Though he won over Lord Roberts, the commander-in-chief, and others, he found St John Brodrick, the war secretary, an opponent; when the cabinet was reshuffled in September 1903, Brodrick was unwillingly moved to the India Office. The king was annoyed when Esher declined to replace Brodrick at the War Office. The king was much impressed by the ability of John Fisher and was converted to his view of naval reform, and defence reform more generally. He supported the Fisher faction of naval reformers and strongly backed the report produced in January 1903 by Esher, Fisher, and Sir George Clarke which led to extensive reforms in the War Office and considerable extensions of the powers and role of the committee of imperial defence. In later years, the king used to monitor the dates of its meetings and complain to the Liberal cabinet when he thought them too infrequent. The king was incensed by an incident in July 1905 when H. O. Arnold-Forster, Brodrick's successor, having made an incautious remark to the Commons' public accounts committee, appeared to make a requirement rather than a request for the king speedily to sign an army order. Balfour offered to ask Arnold-Forster to resign if Esher would take over; the latter again declined. Political relations, 1905–1908 On 4 December 1905 Arthur Balfour and his cabinet resigned. The king thought this ‘unnecessary and a mistake. The formation of a new Govt. will give trouble in many ways, and I presume I shall have to send for Sir H. C.-B.’ (Magnus, 346). The king sent for Campbell-Bannerman, who kissed hands on 5 December, successfully formed a cabinet (against Balfour's hopes), and won a striking victory in the general election held in January 1906. Campbell-Bannerman was in fact the first official prime minister, for by a royal warrant of 20 March 1905 the office was formally recognized when Balfour's successor was appointed, its holder taking fourth place in precedence after the royal family. Some have seen this as a diminution of royal prerogative, but recognition of the fact that the United Kingdom had a prime minister did no more than record a position which had been apparent for half a century or more. The king worked through Knollys to ensure that the Liberal Imperialists joined the cabinet. Campbell-Bannerman, who declined the king's suggestion that he take a peerage on account of his health, was five years older than the king and in some respects almost a comrade. They both spent much time at German spas and each had a boisterous sense of humour. But the prime minister was a sturdy radical and declined to require Liberals who expressed political views disliked by the court to apologize. On the personal side, however, the king got on well with John Burns, sometimes seen as a socialist. Despite a disagreement on the number of peers to be created following the change of government, the king formed a close bond on meeting Campbell-Bannerman in August 1906 at Marienbad, to the extent of personally arranging the funeral of Lady Campbell-Bannerman when she died there during their holiday. The prime minister never recovered from his wife's death, and the absence of information from him on the cabinet's decisions became a matter of complaint on the part of the king (the prime minister was still expected to write personally to the king about cabinet and parliamentary decisions and progress). In 1906 the Education Bill foreshadowed much that was to be characteristic about the 1906 parliament: the Lords were intent on frustrating the Liberal majority in the Commons; the king made a sustained effort in November and December 1906 to play the role of mediator, but was unable to prevent the Lords' destruction of the bill. The king agreed with much of the Unionist case, but thought the Lords' action foolhardy; he resented both sides for having, as he saw it, in their different ways brought the crown into politics. In 1907 several bills were similarly treated, including the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill, the latter leading to a difference between the king and the cabinet as to whether the king's speech proroguing parliament should express regret that the measure had failed to pass into law; an impasse developed, solved by complete omission of the contentious paragraph.The king was suspicious of Liberal policy towards South Africa. He complained both at the absence of consultation with him on the ending of employment of Chinese indentured labour in South Africa and at the rapidity of the decision. He felt that he received inadequate advice from the cabinet when the Cullinan diamond was offered to him by the Transvaal—a gift that caused significant dissent there. (The diamond was eventually graciously accepted: the uncut stone weighed almost 3026 carats; when cut, it substantially added to the value of the crown jewels.) Edward VII strongly supported the principle of federation in South Africa, but he disliked the appointment of Herbert Gladstone as first governor-general (he had also disliked his home secretaryship) and unsuccessfully tried to get Asquith to find an alternative. Edward VII saw that style was critical to public perception of a modern monarchy. He followed a punctual pattern of life, partly designed to prevent his becoming bored. After spending the first part of the year in London for the opening of parliament and the season, he would visit France—usually Biarritz and its Hôtel du Palais—in March, and then cruise in the Mediterranean. During his reign he often travelled abroad as duke of Lancaster. In the summer the king spent each weekend at Sandringham, at a friend's house, or at his private apartments in the Jockey Club at Newmarket. In June he moved to Windsor Castle for the races at Ascot, then to the duke of Richmond's for Goodwood races in July. He was at Cowes for the regatta in August, and then at Hotel Weimar in Marienbad (while the queen was in Denmark with her relatives); the rest of the summer was passed in a combination of visits to friends with houses near relevant racecourses and staying in Scottish houses, but with only a shortish spell at Balmoral. Autumn saw the king much at Sandringham. He travelled chiefly by train, but increasingly also in one of his fleet of claret-coloured cars. He had a passion for the new form of transport and did much to popularize it; he took especial pride in fast driving and would instruct his chauffeur to pursue and overtake. On the Brighton road he liked to exceed 60 m.p.h. (three times the speed limit). The king remained, despite his vast size, an active sportsman: he was an occasional golfer; he kept goal in ice-hockey matches at Sandringham; and he was always an enthusiastic shot. He always attended church on Sunday morning, but for the rest of the day he relaxed the previously strict Sabbatarianism of the court, deliberately trying to introduce a continental view of Sundays. In the evening, the king enjoyed the new game of bridge (Mrs Keppel, an excellent player, being his usual partner) as well as his customary pursuits. He did not patronize the arts, except the theatre, and he liked paintings to be strictly representational. His taste in art was uncharacteristically old-fashioned. His vast appetite was legendary, and he ate a full meal at breakfast, luncheon, tea, dinner (normally twelve courses), and supper. He drank moderately, but usually smoked twelve enormous cigars and twenty cigarettes a day. The court was thus the epitome of conspicuous consumption, and in this it set the tone of the British propertied classes in the Edwardian period, as it quickly came to be known. The apotheosis of the king's sporting life occurred on 26 May 1909 when his Minoru, ridden by Herbert Jones, won the Derby at 4–1 by half a head. He remains the only monarch to have won the race, and his victory occasioned a vast demonstration of public enthusiasm. The king's close attention to dress and punctuality was legendary; he reprimanded incorrect dress or wrongly worn decorations without deference to rank or diplomacy, and complained bitterly and vocally when a servant, friend, politician—or the habitually unpunctual queen—was late. He was himself fairly conservative in his dress, attempting to delay the decline of the frock coat and to revive the fashion of knee breeches with evening dress. As prince of Wales he had popularized the modern dinner jacket with black tie, and as king his wearing of a tweed suit at Goodwood and a Norfolk jacket made them fashionable. From necessity he customarily wore the bottom button of his waistcoat undone and was followed in this in Britain and the empire but not on the continent or in the USA. His wearing of the Homburg felt hat on leisure occasions led to a marked change in the headgear of his male subjects, as, to a lesser degree, did his wearing of Tyrolean hats. However, his practice of creasing his trousers at the side rather than the front did not produce frequent emulation.
Olešná, Čadca District Olešná is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. History In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1619. Geography The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 19.774 km2. It has a population of about 2074 people. External links http://www.obecolesna.sk/ http://www.statistics.sk/mosmis/eng/run.html Villages and municipalities in Čadca District
Чорні скриньки літака МАУ пошкоджені, частину записів втрачено, – іранські слідчі Також відомо, що Boeing 737 був охоплений полум'ям ще у повітрі У четвер, 9 січня, комісія, що вивчає обставини катастрофи Boing 737 авіакомпанії МАУ в Ірані, оприлюднила перші результати розслідування. Про це повідомляє видання Deutsche Welle з посиланням на звіт комісії під керівництвом Організації цивільної авіації Ірану. За словами слідчих, Boeing 737 Міжнародних авіаліній України, що впав після зльоту, був охоплений полум'ям ще у повітрі. Також в комісії зазначили, що екіпаж українського літака намагався повернути літак в аеропорт Тегерана, однак не звертався з проханням по допомогу каналом радіозв'язку. Слідчі повідомляють, що цю інформацію вдалося отримати від очевидців падіння літака, що перебували на землі, а також від свідків, які перебували на борту авіалайнера, що пролітав неподалік місця катастрофи. Зазначається, що після падіння Boeing 737 відбувся потужний вибух. Слідчі припускають, що вибух стався через те, що літак був повністю заправлений паливом для перельоту до Києва. «Обидві так звані чорні скриньки були знайдені, однак вони зазнали ушкоджень, тому частина записів на них втрачена», – повідомили в комісії. Нагадаємо, що літак Boeing-737 авіакомпанії «Міжнародні авіалінії України» розбився уночі 8 січня невдовзі після вильоту з міжнародного аеропорту Імам Хомейні, що на околицях Тегерана. На борту перебували 167 пасажирів та 9 членів екіпажу, усі вони загинули. Серед жертв авіакатастрофи — 11 українців. Також серед загиблих було 82 громадяни Ірану, 63 — Канади, 10 — Швеції, 4 — Афганістану, а також по 3 громадяни Німеччини та Великої Британії. Західні спецслужби вважають попередньою причиною катастрофи Boeing-737-800 української компанії МАУ в Ірані технічну несправність. У МАУ заявили, що літак Boeing 737-800, який зазнав аварії, отримали у 2016 році (загальний вік авіасудна — 3,5 року). Останнє планове технічне обслуговування, за даними МАУ, відбувся 6 січня 2020 року. В авіакомпанії запевняють, що судно було справне. Іран самостійно вивчатиме чорні скриньки літака МАУ, але українські експерти зможуть слідкувати за цим процесом. Пізніше президент Ірану Хасан Рухані пообіцяв президенту України Володимиру Зеленському, що Іран надаватиме групі українських експертів оперативний доступ до всіх необхідних даних щодо розслідування авіакатастрофи.
Transformation is the change in the structure, appearance, or character of something or someone. Fifth graders explore, analyze, and model transformations in a variety of ways. They describe the processes of change; compare pre- and post- change attributes and begin to understand the underlying causes for change. Although students have encountered examples of change throughout elementary school, in fifth grade students are developing more abstract ideas about how substances and situations transform into new and different states. Change and Transformation can connect 7 of 10 content areas as detailed below. Comprehensive Health and Physical Education In comprehensive health and physical education, change and transformation are a key concept in healthy development. In addition to learning about change that occur in puberty, students master goal setting for change by applying skills to improve their physical fitness, eating behaviors, personal and interpersonal behavior and stress management. Mastering change and transformation in comprehensive health and physical education engages students in preparing for the increased expectation of personal responsibility in secondary school and beyond. In dance, change and transformation occur when key dance elements are altered to change the understanding and interpretation of a dance. Adjusting a well-known dance segment in the classical style to new music in the R&B style is one example of transforming a known dance into a new dance work. Transferring dance works into new or altered representations demonstrates a high level of understanding of a piece. Drama and Theatre Arts In drama and theatre arts, change and transformation are found when a production changes a theatrical environment into a believable portrayal of historical or present day events. Finding the balance between all elements of a production and making artistic choices within a production rely on transformative decision making based in compromise and collaborative problem solving. In music, change and transformation are vital for improvisation. Using a given musical selection, improvisation allows fifth graders to change rhythm, tempo, meter, beat, and dynamics to transform the musical selection into something unique and new. Early improvisation skills demonstrate a learner’s ability to employ flexible thinking. In science, changes and transformations are constantly occurring to objects and organisms in nature and can be studied and understood. By knowing how objects and organisms change or transform we can better understand the natural world and make predictions about future events such as weather forecasts. In social studies, change and transformation are examined over time in institutions, individuals, and the environment. Understanding change and transformation provides the basis for making critical decisions, reasoned arguments, and analyzing various perspectives on a topic. In visual arts, change and transformation are concepts used to portray two and three dimensional visual representations of an artist’s vision using a variety of mediums. For example, rendering a three-dimensional model of a sculpture or a two-dimensional model of a room can be accomplished through technological media. Transferring real-life models into technological representations demonstrates an ability to focus on intricate details of an object. Summary Document: All standards pages for change and transformation
Фракція "Батьківщина" у вівторок, 19 лютого, приєднається до колег з "УДАРу", які блокують парламентську трибуну та президію. Про це повідомив представник «Батьківщини» Олександр Бригинець у коментарі кореспондентові УКРІНФОРМу. «Завтра ми всі, безумовно, будемо блокувати парламент. Коли є реальна загроза, тоді ми блокуємо. А коли немає реальної загрози, ми вважаємо, що немає сенсу блокувати», - сказав нардеп. Він пояснив свою точку зору тим, що немає сенсу сидіти у сесійній залі, де нічого не відбувається. У цьому контексті парламентарій підкреслив, що якби й відбулося сьогодні захоплення сесійної зали, воно було б незаконним, бо згідно з календарним планом парламент працює у певні дні. "І тому «Батьківщина» не бачить сенсу сидіти в парламенті у дні, коли він не працює", - наголосив Бригинець.
Врполє (Книн) Врполє — населений пункт у Хорватії, у Шибеницько-Книнській жупанії у складі міста Книн. Населення Населення за даними перепису 2011 року становило 213 осіб. Динаміка чисельності населення поселення: Клімат Середня річна температура становить 14,81 °C, середня максимальна – 28,83 °C, а середня мінімальна – 1,24 °C. Середня річна кількість опадів – 739 мм. Примітки Населені пункти Хорватії
Conspiracy theories related to the Trump–Ukraine scandal Since 2016, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and his allies have promoted several conspiracy theories related to the Trump–Ukraine scandal. One such theory seeks to blame Ukraine, instead of Russia, for interference in the 2016 United States presidential election. Also among the conspiracy theories are accusations against Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, and several elements of the right-wing Russia investigation origins counter-narrative. American intelligence believes that Russia engaged in a years long campaign to frame Ukraine for the 2016 election interference, that the Kremlin is the prime mover behind promotion of the fictitious alternative narratives, and that these are harmful to the United States. FBI director Christopher A. Wray stated to ABC News that "We have no information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election" and that "as far as the [2020] election itself goes, we think Russia represents the most significant threat." On August 18, 2020, the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee released its final report on Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, finding that while he was Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort worked with a close associate who was a Russian intelligence officer "on narratives that sought to undermine evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election" and to direct such suspicions toward Ukraine. Background According to FBI witness interview notes released in October 2019, upon hearing news of a hack of a Democratic National Committee server in June 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort speculated that Ukraine rather than Russia was culpable, a narrative that was also promoted by Konstantin Kilimnik, thought to be a Russian intelligence asset with whom Manafort was working along with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee report concluded in August 2020 that during the campaign Manafort actively worked with Kilimnik, whom the report called a "Russian intelligence officer," to deflect interference suspicions from Russia onto Ukraine, characterizing Manafort's activities as a "grave counterintelligence threat". The New Yorker found that reporting of the conspiracy in the right-wing media was initiated by Peter Schweizer, a former Breitbart News contributor and president of the Government Accountability Institute, "a self-styled corruption watchdog group chaired and funded by conservative mega-donor Rebekah Mercer" and founded by Steve Bannon. Adoption by Trump President Trump had long felt that the conclusion of the United States Intelligence Community and the Mueller Report – that the Russian government had interfered in the 2016 election to benefit him – might undermine the legitimacy of his election as president. He and his alliesmost notably his personal attorney Rudy Giulianipromoted the alternative narrative that the Ukrainian government had interfered to benefit Hillary Clinton, in coordination with Democrats, the digital forensics company CrowdStrike and the FBI, alleging that the Russian government had been framed. The New York Times reported in November 2019 that American intelligence determined Russia conducted a yearslong campaign to frame Ukraine for the 2016 election interference. Contrary to Trump's allegations, it is the consensus judgment of the American intelligence community and the Senate Intelligence Committee that it was Russia, not Ukraine, that interfered in the 2016 elections. Trump also falsely asserted that CrowdStrike, a publicly owned American company, was owned by an unnamed wealthy Ukrainian oligarch. The conspiracy theory claimed that the company — which had investigated a hack of a Democratic National Committee (DNC) server — had planted evidence on the server to implicate Russia, and that the FBI had failed to take possession of the server to verify that claim. Although the FBI did not take possession of the server, CrowdStrike had provided the FBI with an exact disk image and traffic logs of the server to conduct its own analysis, which led the Mueller Report to concur with the intelligence community that the server had been hacked by Russian intelligence. Two weeks prior to taking office, Trump was briefed by top American intelligence officials that American, British and Dutch intelligence had attributed the DNC hack to Russia by hacking into Russian intelligence networks and observing stolen DNC emails there. Trump was also told at that meeting that a Russian mole the CIA had cultivated for decades and who had reached the highest levels of the Kremlin told the CIA that Putin personally ordered and orchestrated the Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump also asserted without evidence that Ukraine was in possession of the DNC server, as well as Hillary Clinton's deleted emails. Trump and Giuliani falsely asserted that Ukraine's involvement also included the Steele dossier, which was echoed by congressman Devin Nunes, a staunch Trump defender, during an impeachment inquiry hearing in September 2019. One former senior White House official said Trump explicitly stated Ukraine was culpable because "Putin told me." The conspiracy theory later evolved to include baseless allegations of corruption by Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in their activities in Ukraine. In November 2019, Trump ally senator Rand Paul extended the conspiracy theory by asserting without evidence that the anonymous whistleblower who had triggered the Trump-Ukraine scandal "is a material witness to the possible corruption of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden," adding, "[the whistleblower] might have traveled with Joe Biden to Ukraine for all we know." Bloomberg News reported in January 2020 that American intelligence and law enforcement were examining whether Russia was involved in promoting disinformation to undermine Biden as part of a campaign to disrupt the 2020 election. In August 2020, CNN reported that intelligence officials had briefed senators, representatives and both the Biden and Trump campaigns with information "indicating Russia is behind an ongoing disinformation push targeting" Biden. This led Trump to pressure Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to open an investigation into the matters, which triggered the Trump–Ukraine scandal, which in turn led to the opening of an impeachment inquiry into Trump. During an October 16, 2019, press meeting in the Oval Office, Trump asked about the DNC server eight times in rapid succession, which "they say, is held by a company whose primary ownership, individual, is from Ukraine." His staff had repeatedly attempted to persuade Trump that the conspiracy theory had no merit, including his former homeland security advisor Tom Bossert, who later remarked, "the DNC server and that conspiracy theory has got to go...If he continues to focus on that white whale, it's going to bring him down." During November 2019 hearings for the impeachment inquiry, Fiona Hill — until August 2019 the top Russia expert on the National Security Council — criticized Republicans for promulgating a "fictional narrative": As Trump and other Republicans used the hearings to promote the Ukraine interference conspiracy theory, Russian president Vladimir Putin remarked, "We see what is going on there in the U.S. now. Thank God nobody is accusing us anymore of interfering in the U.S. elections. Now they're accusing Ukraine." During the weeks leading to Hill's testimony, American intelligence officials had briefed senators and their staffs about a yearslong campaign by Russia to frame Ukraine for the 2016 election interference. Propagators among Republican members of Congress Republican representatives and senators who have promoted the idea that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election despite conclusions that there is no evidence of this from the Senate Intelligence Committee and U.S. intelligence agencies include the following: Representatives Devin Nunes (R-CA) Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) John Kennedy (R-LA) Richard Burr (R-NC) Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Ted Cruz (R-TX) Ron Johnson (R-WI) John Barrasso (R-WY) In response to these statements by Republican senators, as well as making other unsubstantiated claims including about the Mueller investigation, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on December 10, 2019, that the Senate GOP is becoming the "conspiracy caucus". Schumer said that Trump, Attorney General William Barr and GOP lawmakers should stop "pushing baseless conspiracy theories and instead work in a bipartisan fashion to ensure the FBI and the Intelligence Community have the full support and resources necessary to stop Putin and any other foreign adversary from interfering in the 2020 elections." On December 20, 2019, former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), an ardent critic of President Trump, published an opinion piece in The Washington Post admonishing House and Senate Republicans for "attempting to shift blame with the promotion of bizarre and debunked conspiracy theories", and asked them to administer impartial justice in the upcoming Impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Statements by Cabinet-level officials Appearing to support conspiracy theories Secretary of State Mike Pompeo On November 26, 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared to grant legitimacy to the notion that Ukraine, rather than or in addition to Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 United States elections. He had been asked by a reporter "Do you believe that the U.S. and Ukraine should investigate the theory that it was Ukraine and not Russia that hacked the DNC emails in 2016?" Pompeo responded "Any time there is information that indicates any country has messed with American elections, we not only have a right but a duty to make sure we chase that down," adding, "to protect our elections, America should leave no stone unturned." This is despite Pompeo's former role personally briefing President Trump as CIA director that Russia was behind the interference, as well as his May 2017 testimony to the Senate. Attorney General William Barr On December 10, 2019, the day following the publication of a Justice Department inspector general report on the origins of the Mueller investigation, Barr claimed in an interview with NBC news that the Russia investigation was "completely baseless" and said he believed the FBI's investigation was conducted in "bad faith". Unlike FBI Director Christopher Wray's remarks the day prior, Barr refused to refute the conspiracy theory of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election. Barr again asserted the FBI investigation was opened "without any basis" in April 2020. Denying conspiracy theories FBI Director Christopher A. Wray On December 9, 2019, following the release of the DoJ inspector general's report into the origins of the FBI-Mueller Russia investigation, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray was interviewed by ABC News. In the interview, Wray pushed back on the conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential election, stating "We have no information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election" and "as far as the [2020] election itself goes, we think Russia represents the most significant threat." Wray added, "there's all kinds of people saying all kinds of things out there. I think it's important for the American people to be thoughtful consumers of information and to think about the sources of it and to think about the support and predication for what they hear." Distraction using Russian interference investigation President Trump directed attorney general Bill Barr to "investigate the investigators" who opened the FBI investigation into Russian interference, supposedly for partisan political motives to harm Trump; allied intelligence services are alleged to have been part of the scheme. That FBI investigation led to the Mueller investigation, resulting in convictions of some 2016 Trump campaign associates. In September 2019 it was reported that Barr has been contacting foreign governments to ask for help in this inquiry. He personally traveled to the United Kingdom and Italy to seek information, and at Barr's request Trump phoned the prime minister of Australia to request his cooperation. One British official with knowledge of Barr's requests observed, "it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services." Barr sought information related to a conspiracy theory that had circulated among Trump allies in conservative media claiming that Joseph Mifsud was a Western intelligence operative who was supposedly directed to entrap Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos in order to establish a false predicate for the FBI to open its investigation. That investigation was initiated after the Australian government notified American authorities in July 2016 that its diplomat Alexander Downer had had a chance encounter with Papadopoulos in May 2016 – two months before the DNC website hacking became known – and that Papadopoulos told him that the Russian government had "dirt" on Clinton in the form of emails. On October 2, 2019, Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch Trump supporter and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to the leaders of Britain, Australia and Italy, asserting as fact that both Mifsud and Downer had been directed to contact Papadopoulos. Joe Hockey, the Australian ambassador to the United States, sharply rejected Graham's characterization of Downer. A former Italian government official told The Washington Post in October 2019 that during a meeting the previous month, Italian intelligence services told Barr they had "no connections, no activities, no interference" in the matter; Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte later affirmed this. The Washington Post reported on November 22, 2019, that the Justice Department inspector general had aggressively investigated the allegation that Mifsud had been directed to entrap Papadopoulos, but found it was without merit. American law enforcement believes Mifsud is connected to Russian intelligence. The New York Times reported in December 2019 that Barr's designated investigator John Durham was examining the role of former CIA director John Brennan in assessing Russian interference in 2016, requesting emails, call logs and other documents. Brennan had been a vocal critic of Trump and a target of the president's accusations of improper activities toward him. The Times reported Durham was specifically examining Brennan's views of the Steele dossier and what he said about it to the FBI and other intelligence agencies. Brennan and former director of national intelligence James Clapper had testified to Congress that the CIA and other intelligence agencies did not rely on the dossier in preparing the January 2017 intelligence community assessment of Russian interference, and allies of Brennan said he disagreed with the FBI view that the dossier should be given significant weight, as the CIA characterized it as "internet rumor." Politico reported in July 2019 that after becoming CIA director in 2017, Trump loyalist Mike Pompeo intensely challenged CIA analysts on their findings that Russian interference was designed to help Trump, but he found no evidence to dispute it. The Times reported in February 2020 that Durham was examining whether intelligence community officials, and specifically Brennan, had concealed or manipulated evidence of Russian interference to achieve a desired result. FBI and NSA officials told Durham that his pursuit of this line of inquiry was due to his misunderstanding of how the intelligence community functions. CrowdStrike Numerous conspiracy theories falsely assert that CrowdStrike is actually owned by a wealthy Ukrainian oligarch. In fact, CrowdStrike is not owned by a wealthy Ukrainian oligarch, but is a publicly traded company headquartered in California, and the DNC server is actually 140 individual servers, decommissioned and located in the United States, rather than being in Ukraine, as Trump has claimed. The conspiracy theory additionally falsely asserts that FBI agents were not allowed to examine the server because such action would expose the DNC plot, when in fact (and as documented in the Mueller Report), system images and traffic logs of the DNC servers were provided to the FBI, making it unnecessary for them to actually possess the 140 physical servers. This conspiracy theory, that originated from a "GRU (Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye; 'Main Intelligence Directorate') persona, 'Guccifer 2.0'", was created "to cast doubt on Russia's culpability in the DNC [intrusion]". Political quid pro quo During a White House press briefing on October 17, 2019, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney linked the DNC server conspiracy theory to the Barr inquiry, as well as to a quid pro quo for the withholding of military aid to Ukraine, stating, "Did [Trump] also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that's it, and that's why we held up the money." While the Justice Department had previously indicated that the Barr inquiry was examining whether Ukraine played any role in the opening of the 2016 FBI investigation into Russian interference, a department official declined to comment on whether that included the DNC server theory. The New York Times reported Justice Department officials were confused and angered by Mulvaney's linkage of the DNC server, a possible quid pro quo, with Ukraine and the Barr inquiry. Hours later, Mulvaney released a statement denying he had made any suggestion of a quid pro quo. See also List of conspiracy theories Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory Russia investigation origins counter-narrative Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections Ukraine biolabs conspiracy theory References 2019 controversies in the United States 2019 in American politics 2019 in international relations 2019 in Ukraine Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign Rudy Giuliani Ukraine–United States relations Volodymyr Zelenskyy Conspiracy theories promoted by Donald Trump Conspiracy theories in the United States
Northern Bobwhites are year-round residents in open habitats of southeastern North America. They live in agricultural fields, grasslands, open pine or pine-hardwood forests, and grass-brush rangelands as far north as Massachusetts and southern Ontario, and as far west as southeastern Wyoming and eastern New Mexico. They seem to avoid mature woodlands, inhabiting instead the early stages of regrowth after a fire, farming, logging, or other disturbance. They are most numerous in patchwork areas of fields, forests, and croplands; in coastal Texas rangelands; and in southern pine forests that are intensively managed for bobwhite hunting. During snowfalls in the northern part of their range, bobwhites depend on woody cover to prevent snow from reaching the ground and blocking their foraging habitat.Back to top Bobwhites eat mostly seeds and leaves, supplemented with varying amounts of insects during the breeding season. Chicks are fed mostly insects until they are 6–8 weeks old. Arthropods can make up 5 percent of the male’s diet and 20 percent of the female’s diet during the breeding season. Bobwhites forage as a group, scratching and pecking through leaf litter or foraging on low plants. When snow falls they seek out patches of bare ground under brushy areas. Their staple food of seeds comes from agricultural crops, weeds, forest plants, and rangeland vegetation. During fall and winter they eat many legume seeds, ragweed seeds, pine seeds, and acorns. In the spring they eat more leafy green parts of plants, and in the summer their diet includes grass seeds, some fruits, and arthropods—such as bugs, flies, bees, wasps, beetles, and spiders.Back to top The male and the female jointly choose a nest site on the ground or in low vegetation, usually within 65 feet of an opening such as a field or road. Both sexes work together to dig a scrape in the ground, about 6 inches across and 2 inches deep, and line it with grass and other dead vegetation. They often weave weeds and grasses into an arch to completely hide the nest from view. Nest building takes about 5 days. |Clutch Size:||7-28 eggs| |Number of Broods:||1-3 broods| |Egg Length:||1.2 in (3 cm)| |Egg Width:||1.0 in (2.5 cm)| |Incubation Period:||22-24 days| |Nestling Period:||1 day| |Egg Description:||Dull or creamy white.| |Condition at Hatching:||Active and covered with down, but dependent on parents to stay warm and find food.| Northern Bobwhites are highly social, usually found in groups, or coveys, of 3–20 individuals. They feed in early morning and late afternoon. At night, coveys usually roost on the ground (or occasionally in vegetation) in a close-packed, outward-facing circle with their tails pointing toward the center, probably to conserve heat and stay on the alert. They coexist peacefully for most of the year, but in the breeding season male bobwhites fight to attract mates. Both males and females perform courtship displays. Originally thought to be monogamous, they actually have several breeding strategies: males can raise broods with multiple females; and females can raise broods with multiple males (although males often abandon such broods). Bobwhites sometimes intermingle their eggs with those of Ring-necked Pheasants and free-range domestic chickens. Hawks, owls, raccoons, opossums, skunks, foxes, and snakes prey on adult bobwhites and their young. Adults flutter and drag their wings to distract predators from their chicks.Back to top Northern Bobwhites were once a common species in eastern North America, but experienced widespread, sharp declines of approximately 3.1% per year, for a cumulative decline of about 81% between 1966 to 2019, according to the North American Breeding Bird Survey. If this loss continues, their numbers will be halved in less than ten years. Partners in Flight estimates a global breeding population of 5.8 million and rates them 12 out of 20 on the Continental Concern Score, indicating a species of relatively low conservation concern. However, Northern Bobwhite is included on the list of Common Bird in Steep Decline, for species that are still too numerous or widely distributed to warrant Watch-List status but have been experiencing troubling long-term declines. The bobwhite’s decline probably results from habitat degradation and loss owing to urbanization, fire suppression, and changes to agriculture and forestry. Agricultural fields have become less suitable for bobwhites with higher levels of pesticides and herbicides yielding less insect and plant food, and fewer hedgerows to provide cover. Although forest-clearing can increase bobwhite numbers in the short term, it can also lower them in the long term if forests don’t regenerate. Some landscapes, when managed with prescribed fire, grazing, or other controlled disturbances, can produce high bobwhite densities, and hunting plantations in the Southeast have long done this. Upland pine forests could be managed for the Northern Bobwhite and the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker at the same time. In economic terms, the Northern Bobwhite was once one of the most important game birds in North America. Population declines from habitat loss now mean that in many places there are no longer enough to hunt. Bobwhite hunting can be sustainable if controlled properly, but currently management varies widely across the continent. The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative is a consortium of state agencies, conservation organizations, and hunters working to improve the prospects of this species.Back to top Brennan, Leonard A., Fidel Hernandez and Damon Williford. (2014). Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), version 2.0. In The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York, USA. Partners in Flight. (2020). Avian Conservation Assessment Database, version 2020. Rosenberg, K.V., J. A. Kennedy, R. Dettmers, R. P. Ford, D. Reynolds, J. D. Alexander, C. J. Beardmore, P. J. Blancher, R. E. Bogart, G. S. Butcher, A. F. Camfield, A. Couturier, D. W. Demarest, W. E. Easton, J. J. Giocomo, R. H. Keller, A. E. Mini, A. O. Panjabi, D. N. Pashley, T. D. Rich, J. M. Ruth, H. Stabins, J. Stanton, and T. Will. 2016. Partners in Flight Landbird Conservation Plan: 2016 Revision for Canada and Continental United States. Partners in Flight Science Committee. Sauer, J. R., D. K. Niven, J. E. Hines, D. J. Ziolkowski Jr., K. L. Pardieck, J. E. Fallon, and W. A. Link (2019). The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966–2019. Version 2.07.2019. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA. Sibley, D. A. (2014). The Sibley Guide to Birds, second edition. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, USA.
Rossi and Hall's as well as Ives and Stilwell's experiments, which purportedly prove that time dilation exists, are discussed. An alternative explanation of the results is proposed. It is an accepted principle in physics that a simple logical explanation for a physical phenomenon is to be preferred over a complex convoluted one. The only exception to this rule appears to be that if the complex explanation is well established a new simpler explanation does not only have to make better sense, but the newcomer must first show where the old proofs fell short before he or she is taken seriously. As a case in point, my proposed helical particle wave theorem explains various relativistic phenomena in a straight forward manner, including some for which no explanation exists as of now such as the duality of light, yet my theorem has been repeatedly dismissed on the basis that time dilation is a proven experimental fact. That is to say, rather than consider the fact that my proposed theorem does not have to resort to time dilation to explain certain physical phenomena a point in its favour, it is considered a drawback. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to examine the two foremost classical experiments which are most often quoted as proof that time dilation occurs, namely: - B. Rossi and D.B Hall's Time Dilation - An Experiment with Mu-Mesons(1) - Ives and Stilwell An Experimental Study of the Rate of a Moving Atomic Clock(2) TIME DILATION AS SHOWN BY ROSSI AND HALL A classic experiment on the time dilation phenomenon was performed by B. Rossi and D.B. Hall in 1941(l), using the mu-mesons (muons) produced by cosmic rays which enter the earth's atmosphere from outer space at relativistic speeds. More recently a filmed version of the same experiment was made (3) (4) (5). The mu-meson or muon for short, is a charged particle that decays into an electron, a neutrino and an antineutrino. At the 2000 meter level 563 muons per hour were recorded. If they travelled at approximately the speed of light, considering their half life etc., only about 25 muons per hours should survive when they reach sea level. However, measurements showed that in excess of 400 muons per hour reached sea level. According to the measured decay rate of muons at rest a survival rate of 400 indicates that the muons did not age 6.5 it took them to reach sea level but only 0.7 . From this it was concluded that the time dilation factor was about 6.5/.7 = 9 which corresponds to a speed of .994 C. So where does the argument fall down? In Rossi and Hall's experiment the half life of the muons within the selected energy range, was calculated by first slowing them down, after which a statistical record of the time intervals between arrival and decay for a large number of muons was compiled. That is to say, Rossi and Hall assumed that the rate at which slowed down muons decay is the same as for muons that have not been slowed down. However, if we accept the proposition that a muon is a helical wave electron (or positron) the rate at which it is slowed down makes all the difference to its survival since it will decay into a linear spinning electron once its speed is reduced to a fraction of the speed of light. Consequently the reason why 400 muons, rather than 25 muons, reached sea level is that the atmosphere did not slow them down as quickly as a layer of iron or plastic would. In other words it is not the age of a muon or helical wave electron which affects its decay but its speed. For example, in the vacuum of outer space, muons may survive indefinitely since there is very little there to slow them down. For that matter muons may well enter the atmosphere directly from outer space, as part of a solar wind for example, rather than indirectly as a result of cosmic rays that interact with the earth's atmosphere. Similarly, muons in a particle accelerator also last longer than expected. In summary, muons that travel through the atmosphere last longer than muons that have been stopped in a detector, so that their decay times at rest can be recorded, because muons are helical wave electrons which rapidly decay into ordinary electrons when they are slowed down to the point where they no longer travel at a relativistic speed. Consequently, fast moving particles do not age at a slower rate than particles that are at rest as Rossi and Hall would have us believe. TIME DILATION AS SHOWN BY IVES AND STILWELL Basically what Ives and Stilwell set out to do was to show experimentally that moving clocks run slow(2). To this end they used "the newly discovered Doppler effect in canal rays involving velocities of the moving particles high enough to show the expected effect". Accordingly they constructed an experimental apparatus which allowed them to observe fast moving positive hydrogen ions "in two directions, with and against the motion of the particles; the observations being made simultaneously by the use of a mirror in the tube". "Under these conditions the displaced Doppler lines are observed corresponding to motion toward and away from the observer, and the effect to be observed is a shift of the centre of gravity of the displaced lines with respect to the undisplaced line. As shown in an earlier paper of this series this shift of the centre of gravity is expressed by the equation where V is the observed or measured velocity of the positive particles". After some careful experimentation they conclude that: "These experiments showed at once that there is a shift of the center of the gravity of the displaced lines, that is, a change of frequency of the light emitted from the canal-ray particles" which "showed that this shift was of the order of magnitude to be expected from the theory, and that it was independent of the direction of the apparatus" and again: "The present experiment establishes this (change in the clock) rate as according to the relation (is) the frequency of the clock when stationary in the ether, (and) its frequency when in motion". After which they reach the final conclusion that: "The discussion of the consequences of this change in clock rate, the reality of which may be taken as established by this experiment, consists practically of the entire theory of the optics of moving bodies as developed by Larmor and Lorentz". In summary what Ives and Stilwell showed is that in the case of a moving radiation source and a stationary observer, the observed apparent wavelength of the signal is not equal to i.e. the clock of the moving particles must run slow by a factor: So where did Ives and Stilwell go wrong? As expected, the reason Ives and Stilwell arrived at the wrong conclusion is similar to the reason Rossi and Hall concluded that time dilation exists. If one is not familiar with the helical particle wave concept the only other possible "explanation" is the concept of time dilation. So how does the helical particle wave concept provide an alternative explanation for the fact that the light frequency emitted by the moving excited hydrogen ions was less than that of the "stationary" hydrogen ions? Firstly it is impossible to call hydrogen ions at rest when they are excited by a low voltage arc to the point where they emit light. Boyle's law together with Charles and Gay-Lussac's law can be summarized as follows(6): PV/T = a constant for a fixed mass of gas. P = the pressure of the gas, V = volume of the gas, and T = absolute temperature of the gas. Since the pressure exerted by a volume of gas on the wall of the vessel depends on the average speed of the gas molecules it follows that the average speed of the molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. In addition in order for the hydrogen ions to emit light they must spin. In other words, the low voltage hydrogen arc produces hydrogen ions with a given average linear (Brownian) speed and spin frequency. Consequently, if we apply an accelerating potential to such a gas, the kinetic energy of the ions is equal to: as shown in my first paper: "Helical Particle Waves"(7). Now, as discussed previously, at low velocities the peripheral velocity of the particle is zero as it still remains a linear wave spinning particle, i.e., the second term in formula remains zero. However once the hydrogen ions are accelerated to a relativistic speed they suddenly will begin to follow a helical path, as this is a quantum phenomenon, similar to the way in which helical wave particles suddenly decay when they are slowed down to a fraction of the speed of light. The only way in which the emerging helical wave particle can acquire this sudden peripheral or orbital momentum is to convert some of its spin momentum into orbital momentum. As a result the light frequency the newly created helical wave ion emits is reduced. Interestingly, in Rossi and Hall's experiment we deal with helical wave particles that decay into linear wave particles as they are slowed down from a relativistic speed. Whereas in Ives and Stilwell's experiment we deal with the opposite phenomenon i.e., linear wave particles are converted into helical wave particles as they are accelerated to a relativistic speed. In summary, the light frequency of the moving hydrogen ions is lower than that of the stationary ions, not because their fast moving clocks run slower but because in their conversion from linear wave particles into helical wave particles they converted some of their spin momentum into orbital momentum. The two key experiments which are quoted most often as proof that time dilation exists were examined and found wanting. The problem is that the helical particle wave theorem was required to show where past interpretations fell short since this is the reason why the old conclusions were wrong in the first place. However, since my critics are reluctant to accept my theories, they may consider my proof that time dilation is a figment of man's imagination rather than a proven fact, inconclusive. This being the case they may contend that since I was unable to prove them wrong, my theories are not worth considering, at which point were have come full circle. All I have to say to this is that I am sure that in the long run the truth will prevail. Meanwhile it is suggested that the scientific way to break the stalemate is to do further experiments. The advantage of this kind of experimentation is that potentially much progress can be made for a comparatively small outlay of money. Moreover it will open up a new area of research with many practical implications. Both conditions will provide a welcome change in contemporary particle research. l. B. Rossi and D.B Hall, Phys. Rev., 59, 223 (l94l). 2. N.E. Ives and G.R. Stilwell, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 28, 215-226 (1938). 3. Film, Time Dilation - An Experiment with mu-Mesons by D.H. Frisch and J.H. Smith, Education Development Center, Newton Mass., (1963). 4. D.H. Frisch and J.H. Smith, Am. J. Phys., 31, 342-355 (1963). 5. A.P. French, Special Relativity, Time Dilation, Pages 97-104. 6. Halliday and Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics, Second Edition, Pages 375, 376. 7. J.L. Gaasenbeek, Helical Particle Waves. End of Paper 5 of 5 Return to Selected Papers Table of Contents
Українська служба Бі-бі-сі: Скільки коштуватиме покращення життя для українців Мільярди на втілення останніх соціальних ініціатив Президента є, і їх вливання в економіку не призведе до інфляції, кажуть в президентській адміністрації. Експерти ж зауважують, що до кожної з ініціатив мають серйозні зауваження та застереження. Підвищення пенсій, повернення втрачених в Ощадбанку СРСР заощаджень та кредити на житло під 2-3%, які минулого тижня пообіцяв Президент Віктор Янукович - жодним чином не "кампанійщина", запевняє заступник голови його адміністрації Ірина Акімова, яка займається питаннями економіки. За її словами, це продовження курсу на покращення соціальних стандартів, яким рухається Президент Янукович відтоді, як отримав цю посаду. Водночас Акімова визнає, що це "покращення соціальних стандартів" коштуватиме багато мільярдів гривень. 10 мільярдів на підвищення пенсії на 100 гривень Тільки підвищення пенсій на 103 гривні для 8,8 мільйонів пенсіонерів, пенсійні платежі яким все ще нараховуються за базою 2007 року, і половина із яких живе на пенсію у менше 870 гривень, а також підвищення пенсій військовим коштуватиме близько 10 мільярдів гривень. Ще 6 мільярдів гривень "потягне" виплата по тисячі гривень втрачених в Ощадбанку СРСР заощаджень. Частково кошти на це вже є, і вони походять не з друкарського верстату Нацбанку, а із реальної економіки, що зростає, запевняє заступниця голови президентського секретаріату. "Ці кошти не будуть отримані від емісії. Ці кошти надійдуть від доходів бюджету. Прискорення економічного зростання за результатами першого кварталу дозволить переглянути дохідну, а відтак, і витратну частину бюджету. На сьогодні, за попередніми розрахунками Міністерства фінансів, уже є додаткові 10-11 мільярдів гривень, які у першу чергу надходять від перевищення планових показників надходження від ПДВ та податку на прибуток", - каже Ірина Акімова, і називає також додаткові джерела: запровадження податку на багатство, який має принести до бюджету додаткові 1,5 мільярдів гривень, лібералізація ринку видобутку корисних копалин, що "коштуватиме" до 5,5 мільярдів гривень. Крім того, уряд розробляє пропозиції щодо виведення із тіні заробітних плат. Раніше віце-прем’єр та міністр соціальної політики Сергій Тігіпко оцінював обсяги виплати " зарплат у конвертах" у 145 мільярдів гривень. У президентські адміністрації також запевняють, що подібне різке збільшення соціальних витрат бюджету не призведе до ускладнень у переговорах із МВФ, хоча фонд завжди наполягає на дотриманні жорсткої бюджетної економії в країнах, яким він надає кредити. Там також твердять, що ніякого зв'язку між останніми соціальними ініціативами президента та парламентськими виборами у жовтні цього року немає, адже, за словами Ірини Акімової, соціальні виплати та соціальні програми, розпочаті цього року, триватимуть і в наступні роки. Водночас вже зараз навіть у роз’ясненнях президентської адміністрації щодо соціальних ініціатив президента міститься низка "але". Трохи дьогтю у діжці меду Наприклад, втрачені в Ощадбанку кошти повертатимуться поступово, і НБУ, за словами Ірини Акімової, нині розробляє механізм, який дозволив би переконати ошуканих вкладників ще раз залишити свої гроші у банку. Ще більше питань викликає ініціатива Президента щодо "доступного житла". Тоді, як Віктор Янукович заявив, що "ми зараз створюємо умови, за яких кожна людина буде мати дуже вигідний кредит за ставкою у 2-3%, а решту буде погашати бюджет", заступниця голови президентської адміністрації каже, що "мова не йде про те, щоб допомогти всім і кожному". "Цілком очевидно, що тема масових кредитів в рамках цієї ініціативи не може порушуватися. Ініціатива має бути адресною, і стосуватися, перш за все, соціально незахищених людей. Визначити цю категорію - за доходами, за віком, іншими критеріями - це завдання для Міністерства фінансів та Національного банку. Думаю, що цьго року не варто говорити про суму більшу, ніж один мільярд гривень. Але вже зараз зрозуміло, що буде багато критеріїв, які визначатимуть право на участь у цій програмі. Мова не йде про те, аби допомогти усім і кожному купити квартиру незалежно від його доходів і від того, скільки вже квартир він має. Зрозуміло, що дотувати придбання квартири у 200 квадратних метрів також не варто. Отже, цільова група не може бути дуже широкою", - каже Ірина Акімова. "Доступне" житло не по кишені пересічним українцям На ще більшу кількість "але" звертають увагу фахівці, яким доведеться втілювати президентські ініціативи у життя. Виконавчий директор Української національної іпотечної асоціації Павло Матіаш каже, що нині його відомство перебуває в "інформаційному вакуумі", не знаючи, ані які банки візьмуть участь у "доступному житловому кредитуванні", ані на яких умовах, ані хто зможе претендувати на ці "доступні кредити". Водночас, за словами Матіаша, експерти асоціації спробувати підрахувати мінімальну вартість "доступного масового кредиту на квартиру". Для цього доходи пересічної української родини мають збільшитися принаймні на дві тисячі гривень. "Ми взяли кредит на 30 років, платіж за яким не має перевищувати 50% доходів родини, взяли середню відсоткову ставку, яка існує на сьогодні - це 17-25%, взяли середню вартість квадратного метру - це 5100 гривень, середню квартиру - це 42 квадратні метри, і врахували перший внесок на рівні 35%. Щоб розраховуватися за такий "середній кредит", дохід родини має бути не менше 7600 гривень. А у нас нині у родині із трьох осіб, де дві людини працюють, середній дохід по Україні є 5200 гривень. Тобто, наше населення не є платоспроможним. Для такої платоспроможності, як є у нашого населення, іпотека має коштувати не більше 10%. Якщо на президентську ініціативу буде, як кажуть, витрачено 2 мільярди гривень, і ставка кредиту дійсно компенсуватиметься до 3%, тобто, решту 15% візьме на себе держава, то ми отримаємо 50 тисяч квартир", - наводить підрахунки національної іпотечної асоціації Павло Матіаш. Свою критичні розрахунки наводять і банкіри. За словами голови Асоціації українських банків Олександра Сугоняко, у країні, де середня зарплатня не перевищує 3 тисяч гривень, вартість середньої квартири становить близько 200 тисяч гривень, а мінімальна ринкова ставка іпотеки дорівнює 18%, говорити про масові доступні кредити на житло не має сенсу. "Схоже на те, що замість того, щоб робити прозорим будівельний ринок, ті заходи, що запропоновані, законсервують наявну корумповану та монополізовану систему у будівельній галузі, і, за рахунок державних витрат, тобто, за рахунок платників податків, простимулюють реалізацію недобудованих об’єктів. Або, можливо, це буде за рахунок інфляції, якщо йтиметься про рефінансування державних банків, які візьмуть участь у цій програмі", - каже Олександр Сугоняко. Представник банківського бізнесу також каже, що йому "шкода" ті державні банки, що будуть змушені взяти участь у іпотечній ініціативі Президента, і запевняє, що жоден комерційний банк у цій ініціативі участі не візьме. Напередодні президентських виборів у Білорусі наприкінці 2010 року президент Олександр Лукашенко виступив із низкою соціальних ініціатив, зокрема, і щодо масового підвищення зарплат та пенсій. За підсумками 2011 року інфляція в країні склала 104%, зате на 1 січня мінімальна зарплатня у Білорусі становила 1 мільйон білоруських рублів. За матеріаламиУкраїнської служби Бі-бі-сі
Ері Радзаунарімампіаніна Ері Мартіаль Радзаунарімампіаніна Ракутуаріманана (також Раджаонарімампіаніна, ; , Антананаріву, Малагасійська Республіка) — мадагаскарський політичний і державний діяч, президент Мадагаскару (2014-2018). Біографія Народився у Малагасійська Республіці, в простій сім'ї. Жив у скромному передмісті Антананаріву. У 1982 році отримав ступінь магістра ділового адміністрування в Університеті Антананаріву, а потім продовжив навчання в Університеті Квебека у Труа-Рив'єрі, де в 1986 році отримав диплом про вищу освіту. У 1991 році повернувся на Мадагаскар і працював бухгалтером. Він також став директором Національного інституту ділового адміністрування та бухгалтерського обліку наук (INSCAE) в Антананаріву і асистентом в університеті Антананаріву і в Університеті Меца (Франція). У 1995 році він створив свою бухгалтерську фірму. У 2003 році був обраний президентом Ордена дипломованих бухгалтерів і аудиторів Мадагаскару. У 2009 році був призначений міністром фінансів та бюджету Мадагаскару. На цій посаді йому вдалося приборкати інфляцію, своєчасно платити зарплати державним чиновникам, незважаючи на повну відсутність фінансової підтримки з боку міжнародного співтовариства і наявність світової економічної кризи. Будучи офіційним генеральним директором національної авіакомпанії Air Madagascar з 2011 року, він почав реорганізацію людських і матеріальних ресурсів і оновлення економічної політики. Його дії викликали новий зліт національної авіакомпанії. У 2013 році, вирішивши висуватися на майбутніх президентських виборах в Мадагаскарі, Радзаунарімампіаніна створив партію «Hery Vaovao hoan'i Madagasikara» («New Forces for Madagascar»). Для участі в президентських виборах були зареєстровані 33 кандидати. Перший тур виборів відбувся 25 жовтня 2013 року. Попередні результати показали, що Жан Луї Робінсон і Ері Радзаунарімампіаніна набрали відповідно 27 % і 15-16 % і виявилися лідерами першого туру. Перед другим туром Радзаунарімампіаніна запрошує до співпраці Ролана Рацірака, племінника колишнього президента Дідьє Раціракі, і отримує підтримку від Андрі Радзуеліни, чинного президента. У другому турі Ері Радзаунарімампіаніна набрав 53,5 %, а Жан Луї Робінсон — 46,5 % голосів. Опозиція заявила, що вважає підсумки виборів сфальсифікованими і має намір добиватися їх скасування. До судів подано вже 300 скарг на порушення в ході голосування. Спостерігачі від Євросоюзу суттєвих порушень на виборах не виявили. 3 січня 2014 Ері Радзаунарімампіаніна був оголошений новим президентом Мадагаскару. 25 січня відбулася церемонія інавгурації. При вступі на посаду Ері Радзаунарімампіаніна закликав країну до об'єднання, проте, через кілька годин у місця, де проходила церемонія інавгурації, прогримів вибух, в результаті чого, загинула дворічна дитина, більше 30 людей отримали поранення. 7 вересня 2018 р. подав у відставку з посади президента Мадагаскару, оскільки згідно закону, президент має піти у відставку за 2 місяці до проведення президентських виборів. Президентські вибори призначені на 7 листопада 2018 р. Факти Прізвище президента Мадагаскару є найдовшим серед всіх керівників держав у світі. Примітки Посилання Офіційний сайт Міжнародне радіо Китаю. Випуск новин від 8 вересня 2018 р. Президенти Мадагаскару
Брце — поселення в общині Ілірська Бистриця, Регіон Нотрансько-крашка, Словенія. Висота над рівнем моря: 493,7 м. Посилання Статистичне бюро Республіки Словенія, населення, 2002 Населені пункти Словенії
👏 Міністерство юстиції Естоніїготуєзаконопроєкт про заборону символів, які виправдовують агресію та закликають до війни. Мова про літеру Z, георгіївську стрічку,радянську зірку та свастику
Cyphorhinus is a genus of birds in the family Troglodytidae. Established by Jean Cabanis in 1844, it contains the following species: Song wren (Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus) Chestnut-breasted wren (Cyphorhinus thoracicus) Musician wren (Cyphorhinus arada) The name Cyphorhinus is a combination of the Greek words kuphos, meaning "hump" or "hunch" and rhis or rhinos, meaning "nose" (or, in this case, bill). It has been emended from the earlier incarnation Cyphorhina. References Troglodytidae Higher-level bird taxa restricted to the Neotropics Taxonomy articles created by Polbot