969 values
21 values
say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Hello") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Hi")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Open and login with google using the below details: \n\t\n\tId: [email protected] \n\tPassword: KEG24qweUHij%^") load(url="")</s><s>[INST]
N o i n s t r u c t o r u t t e r a n c e ;
(uid = 9f2c37b3-a223-4f07) [[tag]] body [[xpath]] /html/body [[text]] [[bbox]] x=0 y=0 width=1519.2 height=2919.5 [[attributes]] id='c-ehw' data-webtasks-id='9f2c37b3-a223-4f07' class='keel-mom kl kl-override wide a11y-focus-outlines wide-fd en_IN horizon' [[children]]
(html(head prefix="og: fb:" ) (body class="keel-mom kl kl-override FlightsSearchBrandsMomondo react react-st wide a11y-focus-outlines wide-fd en_IN horizon" data-webtasks-id="9f2c37b3-a223-4f07" ))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Hello") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Hi")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Open and login with google using the below details: \n\t\n\tId: [email protected] \n\tPassword: KEG24qweUHij%^") load(url="") click(uid=None)</s><s>[INST]
N o i n s t r u c t o r u t t e r a n c e ;
(uid = 86e56c65-30b2-4505) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[4]/div/.../button[1]/div/div[2] [[text]] Google [[bbox]] x=631.0 y=630.9 width=55.2 height=16.8 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='86e5...' class='social-button-short-text' (uid = 2bd06729-3330-4d8a) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1...1]/div/div[1]/span/svg [[bbox]] x=1363.7 y=25.1 width=25 height=25 [[attributes]] role='img' width='100%' height='...-height:inherit;color:inherit' [[children]] path (uid = 56c33547-5326-439f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[...button/div[1]/div/div[2] [[text]] Sign in [[bbox]] x=1388.7 y=29.6 width=44.5 height=20 [[attributes]] class='sign-in-nav-link' data...-5326-439f' (uid = b8b33ab6-fcd9-4c97) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[...1]/div/ul/li/div/div [[text]] Sign in [[bbox]] x=68 y=100 width=43.4 height=20 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b8b3...='dJtn-menu-item-title' (uid = f6f9a166-bfe8-429e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[4]/div/...div[3]/button/div[1]/div [[text]] Continue with email [[bbox]] x=562 y=532.0 width=395.2 height=18.4 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='f6f9...' class='Iqt3-button-content' (uid = 3cb698d9-09d8-4b40) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1...div[2]/a/div[1]/div [[text]] See all [[bbox]] x=1431.2 y=391.8 width=42 height=16 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='3cb69...' class='Iqt3-button-content' (uid = dbaa2452-daf1-4a48) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[.../div/div[1]/div[1] [[text]] Explore the world from Pune [[bbox]] x=270 y=371 width=1129.4 height=32 [[attributes]] class='KzeV-title' data-web...2-daf1-4a48' (uid = 2dd181b0-d2a5-4a45) [[tag]] input [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1...div/div[1]/div/div/input [[bbox]] x=432.2 y=233.8 width=100.6 height=50.4 [[attributes]] value='' placeholder='' tabindex='0'...ight-origin-smarty-input-list' (uid = 011aeea7-0f51-45a4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[4]/div/...]/div[1]/div/div[3] [[bbox]] x=544.6 y=522.6 width=430 height=37.2 [[attributes]] class='continueWithEmail' data-webtasks-...-0f51-45a4' [[children]] button (uid = 24f14362-de93-49bd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[...nav/ul/li[3]/a/div [[text]] Car Rental [[bbox]] x=68 y=240.8 width=66.9 height=20 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='24f1...='dJtn-menu-item-title'
(html(body class style (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(span class(button role class tabindex aria-disabled(div class(div class(span style(svg viewbox width height class role style data-webtasks-id(path d)))(div class data-webtasks-id)))))))))))(div class(div tabindex class style(div(div class(div class(ul class(div role tabindex aria-label class(svg viewbox width height class role aria-hidden)(div class data-webtasks-id)))))(div class(nav class aria-label(ul class(a href aria-label class aria-current(svg viewbox width height class role aria-hidden)(div class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (section class (div class (div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div role class)(input type value="" class tabindex aria-readonly placeholder="" aria-label aria-autocomplete aria-haspopup aria-controls data-webtasks-id))))))))))) )) ) (div class (div class (div class(section class aria-label role(div class(header class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id)(div class))(div class(a role href class tabindex aria-disabled aria-label(div class(div class data-webtasks-id)))))))))) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden class(div role aria-modal class aria-label(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class)(div class data-webtasks-id(button role class tabindex aria-disabled(div class(div class data-webtasks-id))(div class)))))(div class(div class(div class(button class aria-label aria-disabled(div class(div class)(span class aria-hidden role)(div class data-webtasks-id))))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
load(url="") click(uid=None) click(uid="f1d2b03c-8fc6-445b") tabcreate(target=102462405) tabswitch(origin=102462403, target=102462405)</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ ;
(uid = b5c15ad4-3558-4469) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div/div[2] [[text]] Use another account [[bbox]] x=80 y=312.0 width=135.2 height=20 [[attributes]] class='BHzsH...-4469' (uid = 1b010db4-3df2-4c0f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div.../li[3]/div [[bbox]] x=0 y=298.0 width=504 height=48 [[attributes]] tabindex='0' role...-4c0f' [[children]] div (uid = 14108017-58ba-495a) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...2]/div[1] [[text]] Webtasks Navigator [[bbox]] x=80 y=249.0 width=327.1 height=20 [[attributes]] class='w1I7...-495a' (uid = 7c3645b8-f275-47ca) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[2]/div[2] [[text]] [email protected] [[bbox]] x=80 y=208.0 width=327.1 height=16.0 [[attributes]] class='wLBAL...5-47ca' (uid = c2c91f33-224d-4314) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[2]/div[2] [[text]] [email protected] [[bbox]] x=80 y=269.0 width=327.1 height=16.0 [[attributes]] class='[email protected]' (uid = ee5801be-379c-48b4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=40 y=176.0 width=424 height=295.0 [[attributes]] class='WEQkZ...-48b4' [[children]] div span (uid = bf7e07af-0275-4425) [[tag]] button [[xpath]] /html/body/div.../div/span/button [[text]] [[bbox]] x=254.1 y=130.4 width=99.1 height=19.2 [[attributes]] jscontroller='' (uid = 04effd31-d4fa-4075) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=0 y=0 width=504 height=649.6 [[attributes]] aria-hidden='true'...-4075' (uid = 7ec3ce58-09e6-45eb) [[tag]] a [[xpath]] /html/body/div.../li[2]/a [[text]] Privacy [[bbox]] x=343.5 y=601.6 width=70.8 height=48.0 [[attributes]] class='WgJpm...&privacy=true' (uid = a37c0adf-d916-4d9c) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div.../div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=40 y=72 width=424 height=399.0 [[attributes]] jscontroller='cemGcc'...d:.CLIENT' [[children]] div
(html(body class="nyo...fe"(div class="H...TPc"(div class="RA...Xe" role="presentation"(div class="xkfVF" role="presentation"(div class="A...VU"(div class="Jh...Jgb"(div class="zW...d" data-webtasks-id="a3...9c"(div class="DRS...8d" null="" role="presentation"(div(div class="jX... "(div class="Y...Iwd"(spanto continue to (button type="button" data-webtasks-id="bf...25" class="pw...d" role="presentation"(div class="Wx...d" role="presentation"(div class="W...Zc" data-webtasks-id="ee...b4"(div class="bCAAsb"(form method="post" novalidate=""(span(section class="a...b "(div class="C...gyd"(div class="VBGMK"(div class="zeRELc"(div class="p...lne"(ul class="OV...d"(li class="JDA...R8"(div class="lC...8" role="link" tabindex="0" null=""(div class="d...Fc"(div class="tgnCOd"(div class="W...9sf"(div class="w...7fb"Esy Test)(div class="wLBAL" data-webtasks-id="7...7ca" class="JDA...R8"(div class="lC...8" role="link" tabindex="0" null=""(div class="d...Fc"(div class="tgnCOd"(div class="W...9sf"(div class="w...7fb" data-webtasks-id="1...5a"Webtasks Navigator)(div class="wLBAL" data-webtasks-id="c2...14" class="JDA...R8"(div class="lC...8" role="link" tabindex="0" data-webtasks-id="1...0f"(div class="U...Ce"(div class="V...Vc" aria-hidden="true")(div class="B...Hc" data-webtasks-id="b5...69"Use another account)))))))))))))(span(div class="vwtvsf")))(div class="z...Lc"))))))))(footer class="R...ngc"(ul class="Bgzgmd"(li class="A1...b"(a class="W...pmf" href="https://...=true" target="_blank" data-webtasks-id="7...5eb"Privacy)))))(div class="VmOpGe" aria-hidden="true" data-webtasks-id="0...75"))))
650h x 504w
tabcreate(target=102462409) tabswitch(origin=102462407, target=102462409) click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Are there any preferences related to the take-off timings?")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Earlier take-off would be much better.")
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. ;
(uid = 35441b36-9322-460b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...]/div[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=234.8 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='main...-label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div (uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...5e-4d63' (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=160.7 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5-...12-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=234.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=420.4 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=484.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='c4...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = eb61d641-66d8-4e07) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=606 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 1a824f71-7833-4cc4) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=323.4 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='1...833-4cc4' (uid = e5b0126f-023e-47ec) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=678.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='e5...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=298.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b3...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span
(html(body class="..." (div class="..." (div class (div (div class(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class role style(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style="..." (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id="...")) )) )) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id="..." (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class) (div class style )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Which class would you prefer from the below?")
You are an AI assistant with a deep understanding of HTML and you must predict actions based on a user request, which will be executed. Use one of the following, replacing [] with an appropriate value: change(value=[str], uid=[str]) ; click(uid=[str]) ; load(url=[str]) ; say(speaker="navigator", utterance=[str]) ; scroll(x=[int], y=[int]) ; submit(uid=[str]) ;text_input(text=[str], uid=[str]) ; The user's first and last 4 utterances are: [-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. ; Viewport size: Noneh x Nonew ; Only the last 5 turns are provided. Here are the top candidates for this turn: (uid = 35441b36-9322-460b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=234.8 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='main' aria-busy='false' id='c_i...6-9322-460b' aria-label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div (uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/...2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-webtasks-id='0cfe742a-535e-4d63' (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...1]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=160.7 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5-ariaLabel' data-webtasks-id='46f60088-3712-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=234.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='bf116...1a-438f' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=420.4 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='221ac...2ad4-4cba' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=484.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='c4243664-c5d3-4ea2' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = eb61d641-66d8-4e07) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=606 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='eb61d...d8-4e07' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 1a824f71-7833-4cc4) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=323.4 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='1a824f71-7833-4cc4' (uid = e5b0126f-023e-47ec) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=678.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='e5b0126f-023e-47ec' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...div[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=298.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span <</SYS>> [/INST] tabswitch(origin=102462407, target=102462409) click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Are there any preferences related to the take-off timings?")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Earlier take-off would be much better.")[/INST] click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f")</s><s>[INST] Please select the best action using the correct format, do not provide any other information or explanation.[/INST]
click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Are there any preferences related to the take-off timings?")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Earlier take-off would be much better.") click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Which class would you prefer from the below?")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. ;
(uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value...e-4d63' (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...At-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 52ec2880-7409-49a8) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[7]/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=981.1 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value...9-49a8' (uid = 35441b36-9322-460b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=450 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5...2-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = 50895920-d86d-4cf3) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div/div[1]/div [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=169.1 y=387 width=139.9 height=44 [[attributes]] aria-busy='false'...86d-4cf3' (uid = cf09237a-1a08-4380) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450.2 height=3945.3 [[attributes]] id='DLvv-rp...='SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="..." (div class="..." (div class (div (div class="..."(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style="..."(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class data-webtasks-id="..." (div class="...") (div class="..." (nav class ) (div class ) (div class ) (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class="..." style="..." (div class (div class="..." (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id="...")) (div class (div class (div class (div class (span class) (div class aria-busy data-webtasks-id="...")) )) )) )) ) (div class="..." (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id="..." (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class="...") (div class style )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Are there any preferences related to the take-off timings?")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Earlier take-off would be much better.") click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Which class would you prefer from the below?") click(uid="0cfe742a-535e-4d63")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. ;
(uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...5e-4d63' (uid = 4571a8f0-de36-485a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...]/div/div/div/span [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=1050.8 y=147.6 width=158.2 height=24 [[attributes]] class='S9tW-title...36-485a' (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='c...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5-...12-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = 50895920-d86d-4cf3) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...]/div/div[1]/div [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=169 y=387 width=139.9 height=44 [[attributes]] aria-busy='false' class...86d-4cf3' (uid = cf09237a-1a08-4380) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450 height=3945.3 [[attributes]] id='DLvv-rp'... class='SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div (uid = 35441b36-9322-460b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='main...-label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div
(html(body class style (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class(div role tabindex class(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class(div aria-hidden class(div role aria-modal class(div class(div class(div class(div class(section class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div role tabindex class(div class(div role tabindex class(svg viewbox width height class role)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))))))))))) (div class (div class data-webtasks-id (div class) (div class (nav class ) (div class ) (div class ) (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) (div class (div class (div class (div class (span class) (div class aria-busy data-webtasks-id)) )) )) )) ) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class) (div class style )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Earlier take-off would be much better.") click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Which class would you prefer from the below?") click(uid="0cfe742a-535e-4d63") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. ;
(uid = 4571a8f0-de36-485a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...]/div/div/div/span [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=1050.8 y=147.6 width=158.2 height=24 [[attributes]] class='S9tW-title...36-485a' (uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...5e-4d63' (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='c...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5-...12-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = cf09237a-1a08-4380) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450 height=3945.3 [[attributes]] id='DLvv-rp'... class='SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div (uid = 50895920-d86d-4cf3) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...]/div/div[1]/div [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=169 y=387 width=139.9 height=44 [[attributes]] aria-busy='false' class...86d-4cf3' (uid = 35441b36-9322-460b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='main...-label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div
(html(body class style (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class(div role tabindex class(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class(div aria-hidden class(div role aria-modal class(div class(div class(div class(div class(section class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div role tabindex class(div class(div role tabindex class(svg viewbox width height class role)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))))))))))) (div class (div class data-webtasks-id (div class) (div class (nav class ) (div class ) (div class ) (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) (div class (div class (div class (div class (span class) (div class aria-busy data-webtasks-id)) )) )) )) ) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class) (div class style )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="93150d4c-2748-487f") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Which class would you prefer from the below?") click(uid="0cfe742a-535e-4d63") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ;
(uid = 4571a8f0-de36-485a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...]/div/div/div/span [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=1050.8 y=147.6 width=158.2 height=24 [[attributes]] class='S9tW-title...6-485a' (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value...5e-4d63' (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='c...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5...12-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = cf09237a-1a08-4380) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450 height=3945.3 [[attributes]] id='DLvv-rp... class='SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div (uid = 50895920-d86d-4cf3) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...]/div/div[1]/div [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=169 y=387 width=139.9 height=44 [[attributes]] aria-busy='false'...86d-4cf3' (uid = 35441b36-9322-460b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...-label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div
(html(body class style (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class(div role tabindex class(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class(div aria-hidden class(div role aria-modal class(div class(div class(div class(div class(section class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div role tabindex class(div class(div role tabindex class(svg viewbox width height class role)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))))))))))) (div class (div class data-webtasks-id (div class) (div class (nav class ) (div class ) (div class ) (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) (div class (div class (div class (div class (span class) (div class aria-busy data-webtasks-id)) )) )) )) ) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class) (div class style )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Which class would you prefer from the below?") click(uid="0cfe742a-535e-4d63") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="368b7a33-f5b0-4689")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ;
(uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 4571a8f0-de36-485a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div/div/div/span [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=1050.8 y=147.6 width=158.2 height=24 [[attributes]] class='S9tW-...6-485a' (uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value...e-4d63' (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...At-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5...2-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = cf09237a-1a08-4380) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450 height=3945.3 [[attributes]] id='DLvv-rp...='SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div (uid = 972bb1de-b2c0-43d6) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[1]/div/span [[text]] Update [[bbox]] x=1281.8 y=150.6 width=54.2 height=18 [[attributes]] class='c8LPF-...0-43d6' (uid = 50895920-d86d-4cf3) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div/div[1]/div [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=169 y=387 width=139.9 height=44 [[attributes]] aria-busy='false'...86d-4cf3'
(html(body class style (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class(div role tabindex class(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class(div aria-hidden class(div role aria-modal class(div class(div class(div class(div class(section class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div role tabindex class(div class(div role tabindex class(svg viewbox width height class role)(span class data-webtasks-id)))))(div class(button role class tabindex aria-disabled title="" type aria-label(div class(div class(svg viewbox width height class role)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))))))))))) (div class (div class data-webtasks-id (div class) (div class (nav class ) (div class ) (div class ) (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) (div class (div class (div class (div class (span class) (div class aria-busy data-webtasks-id)) )) )) )) ) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Basic economy \n\tEconomy \n\tBusiness class \n\tMixed")
You are an AI assistant with a deep understanding of HTML and you must predict actions based on a user request, which will be executed. Use one of the following, replacing [] with an appropriate value: change(value=[str], uid=[str]) ; click(uid=[str]) ; load(url=[str]) ; say(speaker="navigator", utterance=[str]) ; scroll(x=[int], y=[int]) ; submit(uid=[str]) ;text_input(text=[str], uid=[str]) ; The user's first and last 4 utterances are: [-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ; Viewport size: Noneh x Nonew ; Only the last 5 turns are provided. Here are the top candidates for this turn: (uid = bf116b1e-921a-438f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2...]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='bf116b...21a-438f' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 4571a8f0-de36-485a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div/div[3]/.../div[1]/div[2]/div/div[5]/div/div/div/span [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=1050.8 y=147.6 width=158.2 height=24 [[attributes]] class='S9tW-title' data-webtasks-id='4571a8f0-de36-485a' (uid = 0cfe742a-535e-4d63) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div...[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-webtasks-id='0cfe742a-535e-4d63' (uid = 221ac881-2ad4-4cba) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/...]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='221ac8...-2ad4-4cba' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c4243664-c5d3-4ea2) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/...]/div[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='c4243664-c5d3-4ea2' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 46f60088-3712-4a24) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2...[1]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='c2-m5-ariaLabel' data-webtasks-id='46f60088-3712-4a24' [[children]] br br (uid = b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/...]/div[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.7 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b35cc32c-1ccb-4ae4' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = cf09237a-1a08-4380) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450 height=3945.3 [[attributes]] id='DLvv-rp' data-webtasks-id='cf09237a-1a08-4380' class='SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div (uid = 972bb1de-b2c0-43d6) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div/div[3]/...[1]/div[2]/div/div[6]/button/div[1]/div/span [[text]] Update [[bbox]] x=1281.8 y=150.6 width=54.2 height=18 [[attributes]] class='c8LPF-label' data-webtasks-id='972bb1de-b2c0-43d6' (uid = 50895920-d86d-4cf3) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/.../div[1]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/div [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=169 y=387 width=139.9 height=44 [[attributes]] aria-busy='false' class='value ' id='c2-m5-advice'...webtasks-id='50895920-d86d-4cf3' <</SYS>> [/INST] click(uid="0cfe742a-535e-4d63") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="368b7a33-f5b0-4689") click(uid="972bb1de-b2c0-43d6")</s><s>[INST] Please select the best action using the correct format, do not provide any other information or explanation.[/INST]
click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="4571a8f0-de36-485a") click(uid="368b7a33-f5b0-4689") click(uid="972bb1de-b2c0-43d6") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Basic economy \n\tEconomy \n\tBusiness class \n\tMixed")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ;
(uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-...-487a' (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=635.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=450 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=513.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 70d18ebd-80c8-46bb) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450.2 height=3695.3 [[attributes]] id='CUPl'... ResultsVisible PhoenixRising' [[children]] nav div (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=699.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = ae0352c8-08ce-4fcf) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div...span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=375.9 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='smmU-...ce-4fcf' [[children]] br br (uid = 3ca38ab6-5b78-4ba5) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=450 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...='Flight search results' [[children]] div div (uid = e4230ef5-d314-4674) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...]/div[5]/div [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=80 width=1450.2 height=3695.3 [[attributes]] id='JZ4i...SearchPage__ResultsPage' [[children]] div div (uid = 5e3042bf-62b6-4d21) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div.../div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=0 y=0 width=1519.2 height=713.6 [[attributes]] role='dialog' data-...wer-content-wrapper' [[children]] div
(html(body class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div (div class="..."(div class="..." style(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style="..."(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."...))))))))(div class="..."(div class="..." role data-webtasks-id="..."(div tabindex class="..." style="...")))))) (div class="..." (div class data-webtasks-id="..." (div class="...") (div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..." (nav class (a href="...") (a href="...") (a href="..."...)) (div class="..." ) (div class="..." ) (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." role tabindex aria-label (div class="..." style="..." (div class (div class="..." (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id="..."...)) )) )) (div class="..." (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class="..." ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id="..." (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class="..."(div role class="..."(div class="..."(div class(ol class="..."(li class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div role class="..."(div class="..."(div class(ol class="..."(li class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class="...") (div class="..." style )) )) )) )) (div class="...") (div class="...")) )) )))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="368b7a33-f5b0-4689") click(uid="972bb1de-b2c0-43d6") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Basic economy \n\tEconomy \n\tBusiness class \n\tMixed") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Basic economy")
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ;
(uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value...-487a' (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=261 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=641.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=568.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=382.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...At-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=446.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...At-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=285.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-481f' (uid = cfd0e231-184b-4673) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=666 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...b-4673' (uid = 3ca38ab6-5b78-4ba5) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[4]/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=197.2 width=728 height=2912 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...label='Flight search results' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="..." (div class="..." (div class (div (div class="..."(div class="..." style(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style="..."(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."...))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class="..." ) (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy data-webtasks-id="..." (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title="..."(span class="..." dir(span data-webtasks-id="..."...)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title="..."(span class="..." dir(span data-webtasks-id="..."...))))))))))))))))))) (div )) (div class="...") (div class="..." style )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="972bb1de-b2c0-43d6") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Basic economy \n\tEconomy \n\tBusiness class \n\tMixed") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Basic economy") click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ;
(uid = a72d7e07-d1f9-4ba2) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/svg [[bbox]] x=22 y=27.6 width=20 height=20 [[attributes]] role='img' width...0/svg' [[children]] path (uid = fe1332cc-ba72-4a9f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...a9f' [[children]] div (uid = a927acd4-89aa-4868) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...868' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=382.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 1b6b4078-552f-4b54) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...b54' [[children]] div (uid = e8d03066-2500-485d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...85d' [[children]] div div (uid = d92e743d-6d66-47ee) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...47ee' [[children]] div div (uid = ac17d734-8766-44a6) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='0...4a6' [[children]] svg (uid = cce0dcfa-71a2-431b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...provider-container' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="... horizon" style="...;" (div class="... " (div class="..." (div class="...rp" (div class="..." (div class="Base..." (div class="... " (div class="... " (div class="col..." (div class="..." (div class="..." aria-label="..." tabindex="..." tabbable="" (div class="..." (div class="..." role="main" tabindex="..." aria-label="..." aria-busy="false" (div class="... "(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="..."(div class="..."))))(div class="..."(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y..."(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d..."(div class="...Content"(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="...wrapper"(div role="button" tabindex="..." class="...container" data-webtasks-id="...6"(svg viewbox="..." width="..." height="..." class="...icon" role="img" data-webtasks-id="...2"(path d="M...")))))))(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="..."(div class="...column"(div class="..."(div class="c..." role="..." aria-expanded="true"(div class="..."(ul class="R..." role="..."(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="...os" role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...f")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..."(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="a...")(div class="ve..."))))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..."(div class="e..."(div class=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...4")(div class="ve...")))))))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Basic economy") click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684") click(uid="fe1332cc-ba72-4a9f") copy(text="BudgetAir", timestamp="06:20")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [00:33] Open and login with google using the below details: Id: [email protected] Password: KEG24qweUHij%^ [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. ;
(uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = a2ec58a9-5e85-4b2a) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-web...provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 677df1a1-d30d-435c) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=251.6 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-web...provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = cce0dcfa-71a2-431b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-web...provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=382.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = d92e743d-6d66-47ee) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...47ee' [[children]] div div (uid = bea35b27-beea-4a9b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...a9b' [[children]] div div (uid = e8d03066-2500-485d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...85d' [[children]] div div (uid = fe1332cc-ba72-4a9f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...a9f' [[children]] div (uid = a927acd4-89aa-4868) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...68' [[children]] div
(html(body class="... horizon" style="...;" (div class="... " (div class="Common..." (div class="...rp" (div class="...Page" (div class="Base..." (div class="... " (div class="... " (div class="col..." (div class="..." (div class="listInner" aria-label="Fl..." tabindex="0" tabbable="" (div class="resultsContainer" (div class="resultsList" role="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Fl..." aria-busy="false" (div class="... "(div class="F..."(div class="...6"(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="-1" data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="...wrapper"(div class="...inner"))))(div class="...6"(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="-1" data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...wrapper"(div class="...inner"))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y..."(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d..."(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="O..."(div class="...column"(div class="c..."(div class="c..." role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="R..."(ul class="R..." role="rowgroup"(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...f")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="a...")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="...a"(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e...")))))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684") click(uid="fe1332cc-ba72-4a9f") copy(text="BudgetAir", timestamp="06:20") click(uid="a927acd4-89aa-4868") copy(text="\nFlightNetwork", timestamp="06:31")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 677df1a1-d30d-435c) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...2]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=251.6 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = a2ec58a9-5e85-4b2a) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...3]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = bea35b27-beea-4a9b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...4a9b' [[children]] div div (uid = d92e743d-6d66-47ee) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...6-47ee' [[children]] div div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = cce0dcfa-71a2-431b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...1]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = e8d03066-2500-485d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-...485d' [[children]] div div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=382.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = f40e6d0a-6865-42d4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div/div[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliye... (AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NxR6...42d4' (uid = fe1332cc-ba72-4a9f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...4a9f' [[children]] div
(html(body class="... horizon" style="...;" (div class="... " (div class="..." (div class="...rp" (div class="..." (div class="Base..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." aria-label="..." tabindex="..." tabbable="" (div class="..." (div class="..." role="main" tabindex="..." aria-label="..." aria-busy="false" (div class="... "(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="...")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="..."(div class="..."))))(div class="..."(div class="...")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y..."(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="c..." role="..." aria-expanded="true"(div class="..."(ul class="..." role="..."(li class="..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="..." role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="e..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...f")(div class="...")))(div class="..."))))(li class="..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..." role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id=""(div class="...")(div class="...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...a"(div class="..." role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="...")(div class="...")))(div class="e...")))))))))(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."...5)(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="f..."...))(div class="...")(div class="..."))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="BudgetAir", timestamp="06:20") click(uid="a927acd4-89aa-4868") copy(text="\nFlightNetwork", timestamp="06:31") click(uid="a2ec58a9-5e85-4b2a") copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="06:38")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = bea35b27-beea-4a9b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...4a9b' [[children]] div div (uid = d92e743d-6d66-47ee) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...-47ee' [[children]] div div (uid = e8d03066-2500-485d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...485d' [[children]] div div (uid = f40e6d0a-6865-42d4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/.../div[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliye... (AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NxR...42d4' (uid = a2ec58a9-5e85-4b2a) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...3]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 677df1a1-d30d-435c) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...2]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=251.6 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = fe1332cc-ba72-4a9f) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...4a9f' [[children]] div (uid = cce0dcfa-71a2-431b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...1]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = a927acd4-89aa-4868) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...4868' [[children]] div
(html(body class="... horizon" style="...;" (div class="... " (div class="Common..." (div class="...rp" (div class="..." (div class="Base..." (div class="... " (div class="... " (div class="col..." (div class="..." (div class="..." aria-label="..." tabindex="..." tabbable="" (div class="..." (div class="..." role="main" tabindex="..." aria-label="..." aria-busy="false" (div class="... "(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="..."(div class="..."))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y..."(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d..."(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="..."(div class="...column"(div class="..."(div class="c..." role="..." aria-expanded="true"(div class="..."(ul class="R..." role="..."(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="...os" role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...f")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...os" role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="a...")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="...a"(div class="...os" role="..."(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e...")))))))))(div class="...column"(div class="...container"(div class="E..."(div class="..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."...5)(div class="...port" data-webtasks-id="f..."...))(div class="N...")(div class="...icons"))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="a927acd4-89aa-4868") copy(text="\nFlightNetwork", timestamp="06:31") click(uid="a2ec58a9-5e85-4b2a") copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="06:38") click(uid="a72d7e07-d1f9-4ba2")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=382.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group...At yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div/div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=568.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group'... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group...At yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=261 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc4a...Xl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-...9f5-487a' (uid = cfd0e231-184b-4673) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=666 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='cfd...184b-4673' (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=446.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='03... vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=285.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b97...-abdd-481f' (uid = ae0352c8-08ce-4fcf) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=123.1 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='smmU-ariaLabel' data...-08ce-4fcf' [[children]] br br (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=641.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d73...Xl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class role style(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style="..." (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) )) )) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="\nFlightNetwork", timestamp="06:31") click(uid="a2ec58a9-5e85-4b2a") copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="06:38") click(uid="a72d7e07-d1f9-4ba2") click(uid="ff4c45e1-fb18-409a")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[text]] Operated by ...ark OF TK [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=417.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...f5e' (uid = 866c173b-1ede-48bd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[1] [[text]] AnadoluJet [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=399.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...48bd' [[children]] span (uid = cf36e67e-2854-4e72) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/svg [[bbox]] x=22 y=27.6 width=20 height=20 [[attributes]] role='img' width...0/svg' [[children]] path (uid = 84a96ffe-002e-4d57) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...d57' [[children]] div div (uid = 596c2a7e-e4e3-4222) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...222' [[children]] div div (uid = 9892a1ae-2a27-4955) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4955' [[children]] div (uid = dbf035bd-d39a-430e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='0...430e' [[children]] svg (uid = a015c06d-7b2f-41ed) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...-41ed' [[children]] div (uid = 42ad48a2-afe3-4ef7) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4ef7' [[children]] div (uid = beee538a-a778-4c6d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...c6d' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="keel...IN horizon" style="overflow:...px;" (div aria-hidden="false" class="YSUE...-fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="dDY...-none"(div class="dD...fixedContent"(div class="jnTP-header"(div class="jnTP-content"(div class="jn...-wrapper"(div role="button" tabindex="0" class="jn...-container" data-webtasks-id="dbf...0e"(svg viewbox="0...00" width="1...5em" height="1...5em" class="jn...-icon" role="img" data-webtasks-id="cf...72"(path d="M13...8z")))))))(div class="dD...viewport"(div class="dD...-content"(div class="dD...-body"(div class="OQa-"(div class="OQ...-column"(div class="c5iOK"(div class="c5...-visible" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="RBZl"(ul class="RB...-section" role="rowgroup"(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="veI...-info" data-webtasks-id="5...22"(div class="veI...-name" data-webtasks-id="9...55")(div class="veI...extras"))))))(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="veI...-info" data-webtasks-id="beee...6d"(div class="veI...-name" data-webtasks-id="4...ef7")(div class="veI...extras"))))))(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="veI...-info" data-webtasks-id="8...57"(div class="veI...-name" data-webtasks-id="a0...1ed")(div class="veI...extras")))))))))))(div class="OQ...-column"(div class="OQ...-container"(div class="E6...-wrapper"(div class="NxR6"(div class="Nx...-segment"(div class="Nx...-details"(div data-webtasks-id="8...8bd"AnadoluJet)(div data-webtasks-id="aca...5e"Operated... TK)))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="06:38") click(uid="a72d7e07-d1f9-4ba2") click(uid="ff4c45e1-fb18-409a") click(uid="9892a1ae-2a27-4955") copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="07:05")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = cf36e67e-2854-4e72) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/svg [[bbox]] x=22 y=27.6 width=20 height=20 [[attributes]] role='img' width...0/svg' [[children]] path (uid = 596c2a7e-e4e3-4222) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...222' [[children]] div div (uid = aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[text]] Operated by ...ark OF TK [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=417.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...f5e' (uid = 84a96ffe-002e-4d57) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...d57' [[children]] div div (uid = 9892a1ae-2a27-4955) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4955' [[children]] div (uid = 866c173b-1ede-48bd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[1] [[text]] AnadoluJet [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=399.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...48bd' [[children]] span (uid = a015c06d-7b2f-41ed) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...-41ed' [[children]] div (uid = 42ad48a2-afe3-4ef7) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4ef7' [[children]] div (uid = dbf035bd-d39a-430e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='0...430e' [[children]] svg (uid = beee538a-a778-4c6d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...c6d' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="keel...IN horizon" style="overflow:...px;" (div aria-hidden="false" class="YSUE...-fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="dDY...-none"(div class="dD...fixedContent"(div class="jnTP-header"(div class="jnTP-content"(div class="jn...-wrapper"(div role="button" tabindex="0" class="jn...-container" data-webtasks-id="dbf...0e"(svg viewbox="0...00" width="1...5em" height="1...5em" class="jn...-icon" role="img" data-webtasks-id="cf...72"(path d="M13...8z")))))))(div class="dD...viewport"(div class="dD...-content"(div class="dD...-body"(div class="OQa-"(div class="OQ...-column"(div class="c5iOK"(div class="c5...-visible" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="RBZl"(ul class="RB...-section" role="rowgroup"(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="veI...-info" data-webtasks-id="5...22"(div class="veI...-name" data-webtasks-id="9...55")(div class="veI...extras"))))))(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="veI...-info" data-webtasks-id="beee...6d"(div class="veI...-name" data-webtasks-id="4...ef7")(div class="veI...extras"))))))(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="veI...-info" data-webtasks-id="8...57"(div class="veI...-name" data-webtasks-id="a0...1ed")(div class="veI...extras")))))))))))(div class="OQ...-column"(div class="OQ...-container"(div class="E6...-wrapper"(div class="NxR6"(div class="Nx...-segment"(div class="Nx...-details"(div data-webtasks-id="8...8bd"AnadoluJet)(div data-webtasks-id="aca...5e"Operated... TK)))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="ff4c45e1-fb18-409a") click(uid="9892a1ae-2a27-4955") copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="07:05") click(uid="a015c06d-7b2f-41ed") copy(text="", timestamp="07:26")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 84a96ffe-002e-4d57) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...d57' [[children]] div div (uid = beee538a-a778-4c6d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...c6d' [[children]] div div (uid = 596c2a7e-e4e3-4222) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...222' [[children]] div div (uid = 53844d13-244d-45da) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 9892a1ae-2a27-4955) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4955' [[children]] div (uid = a015c06d-7b2f-41ed) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...-41ed' [[children]] div (uid = a8329eb1-9800-4fd1) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[2] [[text]] Heydar Ali...AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NxR...4fd1' (uid = 42ad48a2-afe3-4ef7) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4ef7' [[children]] div (uid = 70575a69-7c48-44ee) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...pres-rounded' [[children]] div
(html(body class="ke... horizon" style="...;" (div class="Common... " (div class="Common..." (div class="...rp" (div class="...Page" (div class="Base...ising" (div class="... " (div class="... " (div class="col..." (div class="listBody" (div class="listInner" aria-label="Fl..." tabindex="0" tabbable="" (div class="resultsContainer" (div class="resultsList" role="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Fl..." aria-busy="false" (div class="... "(div class="F..."(div class="...6"(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="-1" data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="...wrapper"(div class="...inner"))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y...fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d...none"(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="O..."(div class="...column"(div class="c..."(div class="c..." role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="R..."(ul class="R..." role="rowgroup"(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...2"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..."(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="be..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="ve..."))))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...7"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...ed")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e...")))))))))(div class="...column"(div class="...container"(div class="E..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."...0)(div class="...port" data-webtasks-id="a..."He...))(div class="N...")(div class="...icons"))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="9892a1ae-2a27-4955") copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="07:05") click(uid="a015c06d-7b2f-41ed") copy(text="", timestamp="07:26") click(uid="aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 84a96ffe-002e-4d57) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...d57' [[children]] div div (uid = 596c2a7e-e4e3-4222) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...222' [[children]] div div (uid = beee538a-a778-4c6d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...c6d' [[children]] div div (uid = aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[text]] Operated by ...ark OF TK [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=417.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...f5e' (uid = a8329eb1-9800-4fd1) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div[2] [[text]] Heydar Ali...AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='Nx...4fd1' (uid = 9892a1ae-2a27-4955) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...955' [[children]] div (uid = a015c06d-7b2f-41ed) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...41ed' [[children]] div (uid = 42ad48a2-afe3-4ef7) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4ef7' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 70575a69-7c48-44ee) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...provider-container' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="ke... horizon" style="overflow...;" (div class="Common... " (div class="Common..." (div class="page...rp" (div class="...Page" (div class="Base...ising" (div class="... " (div class="... " (div class="col..." (div class="listBody" (div class="listInner" aria-label="Fl..." tabindex="0" tabbable="" (div class="resultsContainer" (div class="resultsList" role="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Fl..." aria-busy="false" (div class="U... "(div class="F..."(div class="...6"(div class="...wrapper")(div class="y...ounded" role="group" tabindex="-1" data-webtasks-id="ca...b"(div class="...wrapper"(div class="...inner"))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y...fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d...none"(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="O..."(div class="...column"(div class="c..."(div class="c...visible" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="R..."(ul class="R..." role="rowgroup"(li class="R..."(div class="e...default" role="row"(div class="e..."(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...2"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...5")(div class="ve..."))))))(li class="R..."(div class="e...default" role="row"(div class="e..."(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="be...d"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...7")(div class="ve..."))))))(li class="R..."(div class="e...default" role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id=""(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c...small"))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...7"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="a...ed")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e...")))))))))(div class="...column"(div class="...container"(div class="E..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."...0)(div class="...port" data-webtasks-id="a...1"He...))(div class="N..."(div data-webtasks-id="a...e"Oper...K))(div class="...icons"))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="\nGotogate", timestamp="07:05") click(uid="a015c06d-7b2f-41ed") copy(text="", timestamp="07:26") click(uid="aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e") click(uid="cf36e67e-2854-4e72")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div/div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=568.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group'... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=382.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group...At yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=197.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group...At yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=261 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc4a...Xl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-...9f5-487a' (uid = cfd0e231-184b-4673) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=666 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='cfd...184b-4673' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=285.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b97...-abdd-481f' (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=446.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='03... vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = ae0352c8-08ce-4fcf) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=123.1 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='smmU-ariaLabel' data...-08ce-4fcf' [[children]] br br (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div...div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=641.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d73...Xl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class role style(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style="..." (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) )) )) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="a015c06d-7b2f-41ed") copy(text="", timestamp="07:26") click(uid="aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e") click(uid="cf36e67e-2854-4e72") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=598.8 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=291.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc4...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...f5-487a' (uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='5...93-488a' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...abdd-481f' (uid = 65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=228.4 width=168 height=168 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-...e0-4197' [[children]] div div (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=477 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='0...Xl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=671.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d7...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class="..."(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style="..."(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title="..."(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class))(div class="..."(div class))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title="..."(span class="..." dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="", timestamp="07:26") click(uid="aca05ad8-38c4-4f5e") click(uid="cf36e67e-2854-4e72") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466") click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = fc04221c-124e-444e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...44e' [[children]] div div (uid = e7cc7cec-e94e-4ca9) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...4ca9' [[children]] div div (uid = 7d073f52-9016-4a21) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...a21' [[children]] div div (uid = 47858875-0dc9-4a91) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/body...]/div/svg [[bbox]] x=22 y=27.6 width=20 height=20 [[attributes]] role='img' width...0/svg' [[children]] path (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body.../span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NIT...87a' (uid = 009dc455-bb10-470b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...70b' [[children]] div (uid = ea6c9e94-bab4-48f8) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...8f8' [[children]] div (uid = d43b4e57-a2ef-4e4e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...[1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='0'...e4e' [[children]] svg (uid = bc1f5150-d84e-4b7e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...b7e' [[children]] div (uid = 882af4c0-ca3e-4c99) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body.../div[2] [[text]] Heydar Ali...AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='Nx...c99'
(html(body class="... horizon" style="...;" (div class="Common... " (div class="Common..." (div (div class="Common... "(div class="common...Search" style="...px"(div class="f..."(div class="k...J"(div class="l..."(div class="U...width" role="search" style="width...;"(div class="U...end" aria-hidden="false"(div class="l...values"(div role="button" tabindex="0" class="N...ed"(span class="...placeholder")(span class="...value" data-webtasks-id="c...a"...y))))))))))) )) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y...fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d...none"(div class="...Content"(div class="...header"(div class="...content"(div class="...wrapper"(div role="button" tabindex="0" class="...container" data-webtasks-id="d...e"(svg viewbox="...0" width="..." height="..." class="...icon" role="img" data-webtasks-id="...1"(path d="M...z")))))))(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="O..."(div class="...column"(div class="c..."(div class="c...visible" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="R..."(ul class="R...section" role="rowgroup"(li class="R...wrapper"(div class="e...default" role="row"(div class="e...container"(div class=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="f...e"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="e...8")(div class="ve...ras"))))))(li class="R...wrapper"(div class="e...default" role="row"(div class="e...container"(div class=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="e...9"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...b")(div class="ve...ras"))))))(li class="R...wrapper"(div class="e...default" role="row"(div class="e...container"(div class=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...1"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="b...e")(div class="ve...ras")))))))))))(div class="...column"(div class="...container"(div class="E...wrapper"(div class="N..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."...5)(div class="...port" data-webtasks-id="...9"He...))(div class="N...details")(div class="N...icons"))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="cf36e67e-2854-4e72") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466") click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684") click(uid="882af4c0-ca3e-4c99") copy(text="Heydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\nAzerbaijan Airlines 125\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:24")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...3-488a' (uid = 882af4c0-ca3e-4c99) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/div[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev (...alya (AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NxR6-...e-4c99' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...dd-481f' (uid = cfd0e231-184b-4673) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=696.4 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...b-4673' (uid = 7d073f52-9016-4a21) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...6-4a21' [[children]] div div (uid = e7cc7cec-e94e-4ca9) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...4e-4ca9' [[children]] div div (uid = fc04221c-124e-444e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...e-444e' [[children]] div div (uid = 009dc455-bb10-470b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...0-470b' [[children]] div (uid = d43b4e57-a2ef-4e4e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/div[1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='0' role='...ef-4e4e' [[children]] svg (uid = 47858875-0dc9-4a91) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div[1]/div/svg [[bbox]] x=22 y=27.6 width=20 height=20 [[attributes]] role='img' width='1...2000/svg' [[children]] path
(html(body class style (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden class(div role aria-modal class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div role tabindex class data-webtasks-id(svg viewbox width height class role data-webtasks-id(path d)))))))(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class role aria-expanded(div class(ul class role(li class(div class role(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(div class)(div class))))))(li class(div class role(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(div class data-webtasks-id)(div class))))))(li class(div class role(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(div class)(div class)))))))))))(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class data-webtasks-id)(div class)(div class))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466") click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684") click(uid="882af4c0-ca3e-4c99") copy(text="Heydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\nAzerbaijan Airlines 125\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:24") click(uid="47858875-0dc9-4a91")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='5...93-488a' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...abdd-481f' (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=598.8 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=291.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = cfd0e231-184b-4673) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=696.4 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='cf...4b-4673' (uid = 65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=228.4 width=168 height=168 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-...e0-4197' [[children]] div div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...f5-487a' (uid = ae0352c8-08ce-4fcf) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=153.5 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='smmU-ariaLabel...08ce-4fcf' [[children]] br br
(html(body class style="" (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class(div role tabindex class(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) )) )) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(div class(div class))(div class(div class))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="dc4a42e0-c198-4684") click(uid="882af4c0-ca3e-4c99") copy(text="Heydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\nAzerbaijan Airlines 125\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:24") click(uid="47858875-0dc9-4a91") click(uid="432f2cdd-9ae9-494e")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = c7274225-6a3a-41fd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...[2] [[text]] Heydar...YT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='N...1fd' (uid = 8699d45b-5899-4570) [[tag]] svg [[xpath]] /html/...div/svg [[bbox]] x=22 y=27.6 width=20 height=20 [[attributes]] role='img.../svg' [[children]] path (uid = d933e1a9-1137-49d9) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...d9' [[children]] div (uid = b21db1d5-4765-456b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...6b' [[children]] div div (uid = ef51c0c5-ddfd-4f28) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...[1] [[text]] AnadoluJet [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=399.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-web...28' [[children]] span (uid = 68cdf69d-a225-44f4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...f4' [[children]] div (uid = d2ef6118-b349-42cf) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...2cf' [[children]] div (uid = 9bbe7a23-b4e6-41fa) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...1fa' [[children]] div div (uid = 74ecf28a-8812-4a33) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...33' [[children]] div div (uid = 62a7062f-56e2-4a5a) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='...5a' [[children]] svg
(html(body class="ke...IN horizon" style="overflow...px;" (div aria-hidden="false" class="YS...-fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="dD...-none"(div class="d...fixedContent"(div class="j...-header"(div class="j...-content"(div class="j...-wrapper"(div role="button" tabindex="0" class="j...-container" data-webtasks-id="6...5a"(svg viewbox="0...00" width="1...em" height="1...em" class="j...-icon" role="img" data-webtasks-id="8...70"(path d="M1...8z")))))))(div class="d...viewport"(div class="dD...content"(div class="dD...body"(div class="OQa-"(div class="O...-column"(div class="c5iOK"(div class="c5...-visible" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="RBZl"(ul class="RB...section" role="rowgroup"(li class="RB...wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...container"(div class=""(div class="ve...-info" data-webtasks-id="b2...6b"(div class="ve...-name" data-webtasks-id="d9...d9")(div class="veI...ras"))))))(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="ve...-info" data-webtasks-id="7...33"(div class="ve...-name" data-webtasks-id="6...f4")(div class="veI...extras"))))))(li class="RB...-wrapper"(div class="eh...-default" role="row"(div class="eh...-container"(div class="eh...-info"(div class="ve...-info" data-webtasks-id="9...1fa"(div class="ve...-name" data-webtasks-id="d2...2cf")(div class="veI...extras")))))))))))(div class="O...-column"(div class="O...-container"(div class="E6...-wrapper"(div class="NxR6"(div class="Nx...segment"(div class="Nx...time"0...40)(div class="N...airport" data-webtasks-id="c7...1fd"Heyd...T))(div class="Nx...-details"(div data-webtasks-id="ef...28"An...Jet))(div class="Nx...-icons"))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="Heydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\nAzerbaijan Airlines 125\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:24") click(uid="47858875-0dc9-4a91") click(uid="432f2cdd-9ae9-494e") click(uid="ef51c0c5-ddfd-4f28") copy(text="AnadoluJet 7859\nOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet Trademark OF TK\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:42")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/...span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...488a' (uid = c7274225-6a3a-41fd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div/div[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliye... (AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NxR...a-41fd' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/...span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...481f' (uid = 89d39433-4d33-41aa) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...3]/div[2] [[text]] Operated by 6...demark OF TK [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=417.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...3-41aa' (uid = 9bbe7a23-b4e6-41fa) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...6-41fa' [[children]] div div (uid = b21db1d5-4765-456b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...-456b' [[children]] div div (uid = 74ecf28a-8812-4a33) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...-4a33' [[children]] div div (uid = d2ef6118-b349-42cf) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-...-42cf' [[children]] div (uid = d933e1a9-1137-49d9) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-...49d9' [[children]] div (uid = ef51c0c5-ddfd-4f28) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...3]/div[1] [[text]] AnadoluJet [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=399.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-4f28' [[children]] span
(html(body class="..." style="..." (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="..." role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))(div class(div class="..." role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden class="..."(div role aria-modal class="..."(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." role aria-expanded(div class(ul class role(li class(div class="..." role(div class(div class="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="..."))))))(li class="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class)(div class="..."))))))(li class="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="...")))))))))))(div class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class(div class...)(div class data-webtasks-id="..."...)(div class="..."(div data-webtasks-id="...")(div data-webtasks-id="..."...))(div class="..."))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="47858875-0dc9-4a91") click(uid="432f2cdd-9ae9-494e") click(uid="ef51c0c5-ddfd-4f28") copy(text="AnadoluJet 7859\nOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet Trademark OF TK\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:42") click(uid="62a7062f-56e2-4a5a")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='5...93-488a' (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...abdd-481f' (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=598.8 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=291.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=228.4 width=168 height=168 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-...e0-4197' [[children]] div div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...f5-487a' (uid = ae0352c8-08ce-4fcf) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=153.5 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='smmU-ariaLabel...08ce-4fcf' [[children]] br br (uid = cfd0e231-184b-4673) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=696.4 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='cf...4b-4673'
(html(body class style="" (div class (div class (div (div class(div class style(div class(div class(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class(div role tabindex class(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class style (div class (div class (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id)) )) )) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(div class(div class))(div class(div class))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="432f2cdd-9ae9-494e") click(uid="ef51c0c5-ddfd-4f28") copy(text="AnadoluJet 7859\nOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet Trademark OF TK\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:42") click(uid="62a7062f-56e2-4a5a") click(uid="e76969d9-7d04-478c")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = dd0d3122-79bd-48ad) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...8ad' [[children]] div div (uid = ecd82dfd-50d0-4c51) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...51' [[children]] div div (uid = cbb82dd2-bf78-457d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...7d' [[children]] div div (uid = 38f505df-44a4-4ce1) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...ce1' [[children]] div (uid = 0de278ee-fcda-470b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...0b' [[children]] div (uid = 101ee2b8-16e8-4d75) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[2] [[text]] Heydar...YT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='N...d75' (uid = af251e5e-a00a-4333) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...333' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 3e9bbd55-5b29-4f22) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-web...provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = b97ac225-3ea3-4be5) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-web...-container' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="ke... horizon" style="...;" (div class="Common... " (div class="Common..." (div class="...rp" (div class="...Page" (div class="Base...ising" (div class="... " (div class="... " (div class="col..." (div class="listBody" (div class="listInner" aria-label="Fl..." tabindex="0" tabbable="" (div class="resultsContainer" (div class="resultsList" role="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Fl..." aria-busy="false" (div class="... "(div class="F..."(div class="...6"(div class="...wrapper")(div class="...ounded" role="group" tabindex="-1" data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...wrapper"(div class="...inner"))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y...fixed"(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d...none"(div class="...port"(div class="d..."(div class="d..."(div class="O..."(div class="...column"(div class="c..."(div class="c..." role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true"(div class="R..."(ul class="R..." role="rowgroup"(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="...5"(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...1")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e..."))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..."(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id=""(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...b")(div class="ve..."))))))(li class="R..."(div class="e..." role="row"(div class="e..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="...os" role="gridcell"(div class="c..."))(div class="e..."(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...d"(div class="" data-webtasks-id="...3")(div class="ve...")))(div class="e...")))))))))(div class="...column"(div class="...container"(div class="E..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."(div class="N..."...5)(div class="...port" data-webtasks-id="..."He...))(div class="N...")(div class="...icons"))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="AnadoluJet 7859\nOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet Trademark OF TK\nNarrow-body jet\nAirbus A320-100/200", timestamp="08:42") click(uid="62a7062f-56e2-4a5a") click(uid="e76969d9-7d04-478c") click(uid="d4abd551-b687-443b") copy(text="14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)", timestamp="09:05")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 101ee2b8-16e8-4d75) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/div[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev (...alya (AYT) [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=375.8 width=286.4 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NxR6-...8-4d75' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...dd-481f' (uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.1 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...3-488a' (uid = dd0d3122-79bd-48ad) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...9bd-48ad' [[children]] div div (uid = cbb82dd2-bf78-457d) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...8-457d' [[children]] div div (uid = ecd82dfd-50d0-4c51) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...0-4c51' [[children]] div div (uid = 38f505df-44a4-4ce1) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=366.9 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...a4-4ce1' [[children]] div (uid = 0de278ee-fcda-470b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=363.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...da-470b' [[children]] div (uid = af251e5e-a00a-4333) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=364.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider...a-4333' [[children]] div (uid = 3e9bbd55-5b29-4f22) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[[3]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=326.4 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...QI-provider-container' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="..." style="..." (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="..." role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))(div class(div class="..." role tabindex(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden class="..."(div role aria-modal class="..."(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." role aria-expanded(div class(ul class role(li class(div class="..." role(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="...")(div class))))))(li class(div class="..." role(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="...")(div class))))))(li class(div class="..." role(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class role(div class="..."))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class data-webtasks-id="...")(div class)))(div class="...")))))))))(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class(div class...)(div class data-webtasks-id="..."...)(div class)(div class="..."))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="62a7062f-56e2-4a5a") click(uid="e76969d9-7d04-478c") click(uid="d4abd551-b687-443b") copy(text="14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)", timestamp="09:05") click(uid="890d6040-66ed-4de5")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=291.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=598.8 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='...uAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value'...f5-487a' (uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='5...3-488a' (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...1]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='b...dd-481f' (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=477 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='0...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=671.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1.../div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=228.4 width=168 height=168 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-...e0-4197' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class="..."(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style="..."(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title="..."(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class))(div class="..."(div class))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title="..."(span class="..." dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class="..."(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="e76969d9-7d04-478c") click(uid="d4abd551-b687-443b") copy(text="14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)", timestamp="09:05") click(uid="890d6040-66ed-4de5") click(uid="4561e713-1df0-44a5")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/.../span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa...87a' (uid = 2ae735f1-0eb4-413e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...13e' [[children]] div div (uid = fa84ab54-71dc-417c) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...417c' [[children]] div div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 23ca6e7c-c2d1-45a4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...45a4' [[children]] div div (uid = 2389facd-7a5b-42fd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...-42fd' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 01f32162-9a9e-41a4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...2]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=251.6 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 30b6da20-c9ae-4c52) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/.../div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp...4c52' [[children]] div (uid = 8fcf76f2-e5fe-477e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...1]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...-provider-container' [[children]] div div
(html(body class="... horizon" style="..." (div class="... " (div class="..." (div (div class="..."(div class="...Search" style="..."(div class="..."(div class="k..."(div class="..."(div class="..." role="search" style="..."(div class="...end" aria-hidden="false"(div class="l..."(div role="button" tabindex="..." class="N..."(span class="...")(span class="..." data-webtasks-id="c..."...))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="Base..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." aria-label="..." tabindex="..." tabbable="" (div class="..." (div class="..." role="main" tabindex="..." aria-label="..." aria-busy="false" (div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="...")(div class="..." role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="...b"(div class="..."(div class="..."))))(div class="..."(div class="...")(div class="..." role="group" tabindex="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden="false" class="Y..."(div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="d..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..." role="..." aria-expanded="true"(div class="..."(ul class="..." role="..."(li class="..."(div class="..." role="row"(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...e"(div class="..." role="..."(div class="..."))(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="...")))(div class="..."))))(li class="..."(div class="..." role="row"(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...4"(div class="..." role="..."(div class="..."))(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...2")(div class="...")))(div class="..."))))(li class="..."(div class="..." role="row"(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...e"(div class="...")(div class="...")))))))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="1.14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)\n\tHeydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\n\tAzerbaijan Airlines 125\n\tNarrow-body jet\n\tAirbus A320-100/200\n\t2.05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)\n\tAnadoluJet 7859\n\tOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet ...")
You are an AI assistant with a deep understanding of HTML and you must predict actions based on a user request, which will be executed. Use one of the following, replacing [] with an appropriate value: change(value=[str], uid=[str]) ; click(uid=[str]) ; load(url=[str]) ; say(speaker="navigator", utterance=[str]) ; scroll(x=[int], y=[int]) ; submit(uid=[str]) ;text_input(text=[str], uid=[str]) ; The user's first and last 4 utterances are: [-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ; Viewport size: Noneh x Nonew ; Only the last 5 turns are provided. Here are the top candidates for this turn: (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div...div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-webtasks-id='c42429f4-79f5-487a' (uid = 2ae735f1-0eb4-413e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...[2]/div[1]/div/ul/li[3]/div/div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider-info' data-webtasks-id='2ae735f1-0eb4-413e' [[children]] div div (uid = fa84ab54-71dc-417c) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...[2]/div[1]/div/ul/li[2]/div/div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider-info' data-webtasks-id='fa84ab54-71dc-417c' [[children]] div div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/div...2]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='965952...-1cc0-4f70' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 23ca6e7c-c2d1-45a4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...[2]/div[1]/div/ul/li[1]/div/div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider-info' data-webtasks-id='23ca6e7c-c2d1-45a4' [[children]] div div (uid = 2389facd-7a5b-42fd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...1]/div/ul/li[1]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider-name' data-webtasks-id='2389facd-7a5b-42fd' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/div...2]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='ca306560-e8d2-472b' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 01f32162-9a9e-41a4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/ul/li[2]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=251.6 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='01f32162-9a9e-41a4' class='ehQI-provider-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 30b6da20-c9ae-4c52) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...1]/div/ul/li[2]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veIp-provider-name' data-webtasks-id='30b6da20-c9ae-4c52' [[children]] div (uid = 8fcf76f2-e5fe-477e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[9]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div...[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/ul/li[1]/div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='8fcf76f2-e5fe-477e' class='ehQI-provider-container' [[children]] div div <</SYS>> [/INST] copy(text="14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)", timestamp="09:05") click(uid="890d6040-66ed-4de5") click(uid="4561e713-1df0-44a5") click(uid="d9d94995-0160-4b83") copy(text="05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)", timestamp="09:32")</s><s>[INST] Please select the best action using the correct format, do not provide any other information or explanation.[/INST]
click(uid="4561e713-1df0-44a5") click(uid="d9d94995-0160-4b83") copy(text="05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)", timestamp="09:32") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="1.14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)\n\tHeydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\n\tAzerbaijan Airlines 125\n\tNarrow...0-100/200\n\t2.05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)\n\tAnadoluJet 7859\n\tOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet ...")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="What is the fare per person for the 1st flight option?")
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='...-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 2632bbee-59da-4a97) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...1]/div [[bbox]] x=16 y=21.6 width=32 height=32 [[attributes]] tabindex='0...97' [[children]] svg (uid = ee9fbefa-3e53-4062) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[text]] AnadoluJet [[bbox]] x=1000.8 y=399.8 width=286.4 height=18 [[attributes]] data-web...062' [[children]] span (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div[2] [[bbox]] x=390 y=598.8 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-...rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8fcf76f2-e5fe-477e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=176.8 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 2389facd-7a5b-42fd) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=201.8 width=367.6 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...42fd' [[children]] div (uid = 01f32162-9a9e-41a4) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body...div/div [[bbox]] x=216.8 y=251.6 width=726.4 height=74 [[attributes]] data-webtasks...-container' [[children]] div div (uid = 30b6da20-c9ae-4c52) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=276.6 width=365.8 height=24 [[attributes]] class='veI...52' [[children]] div (uid = fe463206-290c-45c8) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/...div[1] [[bbox]] x=286.8 y=351.4 width=367.5 height=24 [[attributes]] class='ve...5c8' [[children]] div
(html(body class="..." style="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class="..." (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."))))(div class(div class="...")(div class="..." role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."))))))) )) )) )) )) )) ) (div aria-hidden class="..."(div role aria-modal class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(svg viewbox="..." width="..." height="..." class="..." role(path d="...")))))))(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..." role aria-expanded(div class="..."(ul class="..." role(li class="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..."))(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="...")))(div class="..."))))(li class="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..."))(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="...")))(div class="..."))))(li class="..."(div class="..." role(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="...")(div class="...")))))))))))(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div class="..."(div data-webtasks-id="..."...)))))))))))))))
714h x 1536w
click(uid="d9d94995-0160-4b83") copy(text="05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)", timestamp="09:32") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="1.14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)\n\tHeydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\n\tAzerbaijan Airlines 125\n\tNarrow-...20-100/200\n\t2.05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)\n\tAnadoluJet 7859\n\tOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet ...")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="What is the fare per person for the 1st flight option?") click(uid="2632bbee-59da-4a97")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=413.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=227.6 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=598.8 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=228.4 width=168 height=168 [[attributes]] class='Oihj...4197' [[children]] div div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/...div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa...487a' (uid = 61c04dc1-f04a-4db5) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=414 width=168 height=168 [[attributes]] class='Oihj...-4db5' [[children]] div div (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/...2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=291.4 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 532cab9a-df93-488a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/...span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=501.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...488a' (uid = ae0352c8-08ce-4fcf) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/...span/span[2] [[text]] Now's a great time to book [[bbox]] x=152.1 y=153.5 width=99.1 height=965 [[attributes]] id='smmU...-4fcf' [[children]] br br (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/...span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=316.2 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-...481f'
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class (div class="..." (div class (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label (div class="..." style="..." (div class (div class="..." (span aria-label aria-live aria-atomic class (span data-webtasks-id="...")) )) )) (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class))(div class(div class))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." dir(div class(div class="..." title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id="...")))))))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class))(div class(div class))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
copy(text="05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)", timestamp="09:32") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="1.14:20 - 16:25(3h 05m)\n\tHeydar Aliyev (BAK) - Antalya (AYT)\n\tAzerbaijan Airlines 125\n\tNarrow-...320-100/200\n\t2.05:40 - 07:40(3h 00m)\n\tAnadoluJet 7859\n\tOperated by 6Y For Anadolujet ...")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="What is the fare per person for the 1st flight option?") click(uid="2632bbee-59da-4a97") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=57.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...At-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=242.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1'...At-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=428.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 62bd1da7-067b-4d01) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div...[5]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=632 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role...-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div...]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value...-487a' (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=306.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=121 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=501.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = 0c103140-62b4-41f0) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=704.8 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = b977984d-abdd-481f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[...]/span/span[2] [[text]] Heydar Aliyev [[bbox]] x=503.2 y=145.8 width=75.6 height=15.2 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-481f'
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class role style(div class aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id))))))))))) (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir(div class(div class title(span class dir(span data-webtasks-id)))))))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id(span class))(div class dir)))))))))))))))) )) )) )) )) )) )))
714h x 1536w
text_input(text="Best\n14:20–16:25\nGYDHeydar Aliyev\n-\nAYTAntalya\ndirect\n3h 05m\nAzerbaijan Airlines\n₹ 26,107\n/ person\n₹ 104,425 total\nEconomy\nSelect", uid="ca306560-e8d2-472b")
say(speaker="instructor", utterance="What is the fare per person for the 1st flight option?") click(uid="2632bbee-59da-4a97") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466") click(uid="65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197") copy(text="₹ 26,107\n/ person", timestamp="10:39")</s><s>[INST]
[-00:08] Hello [01:43] I am searching for one-way flights from Azerbaijan to Turkey. [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy ;
(uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=57.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 62bd1da7-067b-4d01) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[5]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=632 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=428.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=242.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group... yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data...f5-487a' (uid = 70d18ebd-80c8-46bb) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1...[5]/div/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=-312.8 width=1450.2 height=3695.3 [[attributes]] id='CUPl' data-web...lightResultsPage ResultsVisible PhoenixRising' [[children]] nav div (uid = 526ac05b-b9c0-4c0e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/...div/div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=429.2 width=168 height=186 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-...9c0-4c0e' [[children]] div div (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=306.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='0...Xl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=121 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc4...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/.../div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=501.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d7...l-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span
(html(body class="..." style="" (div class="..." (div class (div (div class(div class="..." style(div class(div class="..."(div class(div class="..." role style(div class="..." aria-hidden(div class="..."(div role tabindex class="..."(span class)(span class data-webtasks-id="..."))))))))))) (div class="..." (div class (div class="...") (div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..." (nav class (a href) (a href) (a href)) (div class ) (div class (div class (div class (div class (div class aria-label tabindex tabbable="" (div class (div class role tabindex aria-label aria-busy (div class="..."(div class(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class(div role class(div class(div class(ol class(li class(div class(div class(div class(div class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."(span class))(div class="..." dir)))))))))(div class(div class data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class))(div class(div class))))))))(div class(div class)(div class role tabindex data-webtasks-id="..."(div class(div class))))))) )) )) )) ) (div class="...") (div class)) )) )))
714h x 1536w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="₹ 26,107/person")
You are an AI assistant with a deep understanding of HTML and you must predict actions based on a user request, which will be executed. Use one of the following, replacing [] with an appropriate value: change(value=[str], uid=[str]) ; click(uid=[str]) ; load(url=[str]) ; say(speaker="navigator", utterance=[str]) ; scroll(x=[int], y=[int]) ; submit(uid=[str]) ;text_input(text=[str], uid=[str]) ; The user's first and last 4 utterances are: [-00:08] Hello [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy [09:48] What is the fare per person for the 1st flight option? ; Viewport size: Noneh x Nonew ; Only the last 5 turns are provided. Here are the top candidates for this turn: (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=57.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='ca30...-472b' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 62bd1da7-067b-4d01) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[5]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=632 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='62bd...-4d01' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=428.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='8b3...-4093' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=242.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='965...-4f70' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2...div[1]/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-webtasks-id='c42429f4-79f5-487a' (uid = 70d18ebd-80c8-46bb) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=-312.8 width=1450.2 height=3695.3 [[attributes]] id='CUPl' data-webtasks-id='70d18ebd...-Results-ResultsPage Flights-Results-FlightResultsPage ResultsVisible PhoenixRising' [[children]] nav div (uid = 526ac05b-b9c0-4c0e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=429.2 width=168 height=186 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-webtasks-id='526ac05b-b9c0-4c0e' [[children]] div div (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=306.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='030db5ff-568e-4160' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=121 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc4a42e0-c198-4684' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=501.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d73081ea-6f1b-4c69' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span <</SYS>> [/INST] click(uid="2632bbee-59da-4a97") click(uid="30055ff1-690c-4466") click(uid="65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197") copy(text="₹ 26,107\n/ person", timestamp="10:39") text_input(text="Best\n14:20–16:25\nGYDHeydar Aliyev\n-\nAYTAntalya\ndirect\n3h 05m\nAzerbaijan Airlines\n₹ 26,107\n/ person\n₹ 104,425 total\nEconomy\nSelect", uid="ca306560-e8d2-472b")</s><s>[INST] Please select the best action using the correct format, do not provide any other information or explanation.[/INST]
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Welcome.")
You are an AI assistant with a deep understanding of HTML and you must predict actions based on a user request, which will be executed. Use one of the following, replacing [] with an appropriate value: change(value=[str], uid=[str]) ; click(uid=[str]) ; load(url=[str]) ; say(speaker="navigator", utterance=[str]) ; scroll(x=[int], y=[int]) ; submit(uid=[str]) ;text_input(text=[str], uid=[str]) ; The user's first and last 4 utterances are: [-00:08] Hello [02:51] Date of journey: 30th June. Number of travelers: 4 [03:20] If direct flights are available, I would prefer that otherwise I am fine with a 1 stop flight. [04:31] Earlier take-off would be much better. [06:14] Basic economy [09:48] What is the fare per person for the 1st flight option? ; Viewport size: Noneh x Nonew ; Only the last 5 turns are provided. Here are the top candidates for this turn: (uid = ca306560-e8d2-472b) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=57.2 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='ca30...-472b' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 62bd1da7-067b-4d01) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[5]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=632 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='62bd...-4d01' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 8b371a9e-e12f-4093) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=428.4 width=728 height=187.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='8b3...-4093' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = 9659527f-1cc0-4f70) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2] [[bbox]] x=390.1 y=242.8 width=728 height=169.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' role='group' data-webtasks-id='965...-4f70' class='yuAt yuAt-pres-rounded' [[children]] div (uid = c42429f4-79f5-487a) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2...]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/span[2] [[text]] 4 travellers, Economy [[bbox]] x=998.3 y=29.6 width=120 height=20 [[attributes]] class='NITa-value' data-webtasks-id='c42429f4-79f5-487a' (uid = 70d18ebd-80c8-46bb) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=69 y=-312.8 width=1450.2 height=3695.3 [[attributes]] id='CUPl' data-webtasks-id='70d18ebd...Base-Results-ResultsPage Flights-Results-FlightResultsPage ResultsVisible PhoenixRising' [[children]] nav div (uid = 526ac05b-b9c0-4c0e) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[...]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div [[bbox]] x=949.3 y=429.2 width=168 height=186 [[attributes]] class='Oihj' data-webtasks-id='526ac05b-b9c0-4c0e' [[children]] div div (uid = 030db5ff-568e-4160) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=306.6 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='030db5ff-568e-4160' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = dc4a42e0-c198-4684) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=121 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='dc4a42e0-c198-4684' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span (uid = d73081ea-6f1b-4c69) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div...[2]/div/ol/li/div/div/div[2]/div[1] [[bbox]] x=474.8 y=501.2 width=222 height=24 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='d73081ea-6f1b-4c69' class='vmXl vmXl-mod-variant-large' [[children]] span span <</SYS>> [/INST] click(uid="65a4ed4f-c7e0-4197") copy(text="₹ 26,107\n/ person", timestamp="10:39") text_input(text="Best\n14:20–16:25\nGYDHeydar Aliyev\n-\nAYTAntalya\ndirect\n3h 05m\nAzerbaijan Airlines\n₹ 26,107\n/ person\n₹ 104,425 total\nEconomy\nSelect", uid="ca306560-e8d2-472b") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="₹ 26,107/person")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Okay, thank you.") Please select the best action using the correct format, do not provide any other information or explanation.[/INST]
say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Hii") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Hello")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Open Discourse Org & sign in with google using the below credentials: \n\tID - [email protected] \n\tPassword - KEG24qweUHij%^") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Sure") load(url="")</s><s>[INST]
N o i n s t r u c t o r u t t e r a n c e ;
(uid = 6ff252d1-67b9-447f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/.../button[2]/span [[text]] Log In [[bbox]] x=1156.2 y=22.5 width=36.9 height=18 [[attributes]] class='d-button-...9-447f' (uid = 585a7ac1-681a-47b5) [[tag]] a [[xpath]] /html/body/section/[1]/span/a [[text]] How can I make a post Wiki? [[bbox]] x=295.5 y=568.3 width=226.9 height=54 [[attributes]] aria-level='2' data...-wiki/325' (uid = 63fc577e-e0f5-4d3e) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/[3]/span [[text]] Replies [[bbox]] x=1016.9 y=147.4 width=50.1 height=20.7 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...5-4d3e' (uid = b8c7ec2b-3255-49f5) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/[2]/button/span [[text]] More [[bbox]] x=53.6 y=152.5 width=37.2 height=15.0 [[attributes]] class='d-button-...5-49f5' (uid = 8bd6658a-3828-4182) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/...]/a/span[2] [[text]] gaming [[bbox]] x=44.3 y=257.2 width=51.8 height=21.0 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='...-link-content-text' (uid = 02f681e8-b765-4970) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section.../button/span[2] [[text]] Community [[bbox]] x=44.3 y=88.0 width=79.5 height=18 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...-section-header-text' (uid = 9ab86550-7e9b-4ba7) [[tag]] header [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/div[1]/header [[bbox]] x=0 y=0 width=1263.3 height=60.7 [[attributes]] class='d-header clearfix...b-4ba7' [[children]] div (uid = 0030759e-c1d3-4b52) [[tag]] a [[xpath]] /html/body/section/...ul/li[3]/a [[text]] Success Stories [[bbox]] x=656.8 y=21 width=111.0 height=21.0 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id='' (uid = 4887fa0c-9c87-43e6) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/...a/span[2]/span [[text]] gaming [[bbox]] x=309.5 y=379.3 width=45.1 height=18.3 [[attributes]] class='category-name'...7-43e6' (uid = aad54c6e-d159-4e71) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/[5]/span [[text]] Activity [[bbox]] x=1166.4 y=147.4 width=49.9 height=20.7 [[attributes]] data-webtasks-id...9-4e71'
(html(body class="has..." (section class="..." (div class="disc..." (div class="d..."(header class="..." data-webtasks-id="...7"(div class="wrap"(div class="contents" (div class="..." role="navigation"(span class="..."(div class="...wrapper" (nav class="navigation" aria-label="..." (div class="..." (ul class="..." (li class="..." (a href="...ories" class="..." data-webtasks-id="...2"...)) )) ))(button class="widget..."(svg class="...node" aria-hidden="true")(span class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."...)))))))) (div class="wrap" role="main" (div class="..." (div class="side..." (div class="side..." (div class="side..." (div class="side..." (div class="side..." (button class="...text" aria-controls="side..." aria-expanded="true" title="..." type="button" (span class="...aret" ) (span class="side..." data-webtasks-id="...0" Community )) ) (ul class="side..." (li class="side..." (button class="...text" type="button" (svg class="...string")(span class="..." data-webtasks-id="...5"More)) )) )) (div class="side..." (ul class="side..." (li class="side..." (a class="em..." title="...." href="...6" (span class="... span" style="...0" ) (span class="side..." data-webtasks-id="..."...)) )) )) )) (div (div class="..." (div class="row" (div class="..." (div (div class="..." (table class="...view"(thead class="..." (tr(th class="" scope="col" aria-label="..." tabindex="..." role="button" aria-pressed="false"(span data-webtasks-id="..."...)) (th class="" scope="col" aria-label="..." tabindex="..." role="button" aria-pressed="false"(span data-webtasks-id="...1"Activity))) ) (tbody class="..." (tr class="...view" (td class="main..." colspan="..." (div class="..." (a class="..." href="...6"(span class="bad..." title="...."(span class="..." data-webtasks-id="..."...)))) )) (tr class="topic..." (td class="main..." colspan="..." (span class="...line"(a href="/..." role="heading" aria-level="..." class="" data-webtasks-id="..."...?)(span class="topic...")) )) )) )) )) )) )))))
601h x 1280w
say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Hello")</s><s>[INST] say(speaker="instructor", utterance="Open Discourse Org & sign in with google using the below credentials: \n\tID - [email protected] \n\tPassword - KEG24qweUHij%^") say(speaker="navigator", utterance="Sure") load(url="") click(uid="6ff252d1-67b9-447f")</s><s>[INST]
[00:07] Hii ;
(uid = 59fb5773-1b06-4e0e) [[tag]] button [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/...div[2]/div/button[2] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=731.1 y=232.4 width=200 height=37 [[attributes]] tabindex='3' type='button' data...='btn btn-social google_oauth2' [[children]] svg (uid = 947433bd-49d8-4b57) [[tag]] button [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/...div[2]/div/button[5] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=731.1 y=381.7 width=200 height=37 [[attributes]] tabindex='3' type='button'...7' class='btn btn-social apple' [[children]] svg (uid = 6ff252d1-67b9-447f) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/div...2]/span/button[2]/span [[text]] Log In [[bbox]] x=1156.2 y=22.5 width=36.9 height=18 [[attributes]] class='d-button-label' data...67b9-447f' (uid = d7c1490c-f414-4b64) [[tag]] button [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/...div[2]/div/button[3] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=731.1 y=282.2 width=200 height=37 [[attributes]] tabindex='3' type='button' aria...' class='btn btn-social github' [[children]] svg (uid = 9329d5a3-a2e5-45de) [[tag]] input [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/div...div[1]/div[1]/input [[bbox]] x=332.3 y=244.7 width=250 height=44.5 [[attributes]] tabindex='1' autocapitalize...ember-text-field ember-view' (uid = 0f946d3c-49d0-4324) [[tag]] span [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/div...div[2]/button[1]/span [[text]] Log in [[bbox]] x=369.1 y=429.8 width=48.2 height=24 [[attributes]] class='d-button-label' data-...9d0-4324' (uid = 585a7ac1-681a-47b5) [[tag]] a [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/div...4]/td[1]/span/a [[text]] How can I make a post Wiki? [[bbox]] x=295.5 y=568.3 width=226.9 height=54 [[attributes]] aria-level='2' data-topic-...a-post-wiki/325' (uid = 518beef9-fce5-4c5a) [[tag]] div [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/...div/div[4]/div[1] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=287.3 y=95.6 width=688.8 height=410.2 [[attributes]] tabindex='-1' data-web...-modal-body has-alt-auth' [[children]] div (uid = 7fa55d3a-7aa3-4bd5) [[tag]] button [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/...1]/div[2]/button[1] [[text]] [[bbox]] x=332.3 y=420.5 width=96.9 height=42.6 [[attributes]] tabindex='2' type='button' form... btn-primary btn btn-icon-text' [[children]] svg span (uid = a356f16c-e2aa-4f1e) [[tag]] input [[xpath]] /html/body/section/div/div...div[1]/div[2]/input [[bbox]] x=332.3 y=323.3 width=250 height=44.5 [[attributes]] placeholder='' tabindex='1' maxlength...ember-text-field ember-view'
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601h x 1280w

WebLINX: Real-World Website Navigation with Multi-Turn Dialogue

Xing Han Lù*, Zdeněk Kasner*, Siva Reddy


To get started, simply install datasets with pip install datasets and load the chat data splits:

from datasets import load_dataset
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download

# Load the validation split
valid = load_dataset("McGill-NLP/weblinx", split="validation")

# Download the input templates and use the LLaMA one
    "McGill-NLP/WebLINX", repo_type="dataset", allow_patterns="templates/*", local_dir="."
with open('templates/llama.txt') as f:
    template =

# To get the input text, simply pass a turn from the valid split to the template
turn = valid[0]
turn_text = template.format(**turn)

You can now use turn_text as an input to LLaMA-style models. For example, you can use Sheared-LLaMA:

from transformers import pipeline

action_model = pipeline(
    model="McGill-NLP/Sheared-LLaMA-2.7B-weblinx", device=0, torch_dtype='auto'
out = action_model(turn_text, return_full_text=False, max_new_tokens=64, truncation=True)
pred = out[0]['generated_text']

print("Ref:", turn["action"])
print("Pred:", pred)

Raw Data

To use the raw data, you will need to use the huggingface_hub:

from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download

# If you want to download the complete dataset (may take a while!)
snapshot_download(repo_id="McGill-NLP/WebLINX-full", repo_type="dataset", local_dir="./wl_data")

# You can download specific demos, for example
demo_names = ['saabwsg', 'ygprzve', 'iqaazif']  # 3 random demo from valid
patterns = [f"demonstrations/{name}/*" for name in demo_names]
    repo_id="McGill-NLP/WebLINX-full", repo_type="dataset", local_dir="./wl_data", allow_patterns=patterns

For more information on how to use this data using our official library, please refer to the WebLINX documentation.

Reranking Data

You can also access the data processed for reranking tasks. To do that:

from datasets import load_dataset

path = 'McGill-NLP/WebLINX'

# validation split:
valid = load_dataset(path=path, name='reranking', split='validation')
# test-iid split
test_iid = load_dataset(path, 'reranking', split='test_iid')
# other options: test_cat, test_geo, test_vis, test_web



print("\nNegative #1:")

print("\nNegative #2:")

License and Terms of Use

License: The Dataset is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

By downloading this Dataset, you agree to comply with the following terms of use:

  • Restrictions: You agree not to use the Dataset in any way that is unlawful or would infringe upon the rights of others.
  • Acknowledgment: By using the Dataset, you acknowledge that the Dataset may contain data derived from third-party sources, and you agree to abide by any additional terms and conditions that may apply to such third-party data.
  • Fair Use Declaration: The Dataset may be used for research if it constitutes "fair use" under copyright laws within your jurisdiction. You are responsible for ensuring your use complies with applicable laws.

Derivatives must also include the terms of use above.


If you use our dataset, please cite our work as follows:

      title={WebLINX: Real-World Website Navigation with Multi-Turn Dialogue}, 
      author={Xing Han Lù and Zdeněk Kasner and Siva Reddy},
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Models trained or fine-tuned on McGill-NLP/WebLINX

Collection including McGill-NLP/WebLINX