Chapter 201 - Some Red-Cloaked Wizards In A Teleportation Circle Chapter 201 Some Red-Cloaked Wizards in a Teleportation Circle “He came pretty quickly,” Wizard Morton squeezed his eyes and frowned. “Oh,” Abel replied and asked, “Are the red-cloaked wizards here yet, Sir?” “Yeah. They are pretty fast, aren’t they? Wait here first. Leave once I’ve dealt with them.” As soon Wizard Morton said that his presence vanished from the ninth floor of the magic tower. Abel stood up and looked around him. It was going to be a while before he got the chance to study here again. That was okay, though. At least Finkle would still be around. He would around to take care of the matters here. Finkle was pretty popular in the Morton Magic Tower. With Carlos almost being his best friend here, Abel wouldn’t have to worry if he was going to be treated badly here. With that out of the way, Abel just had to visit his family one more time before he left the Duchy of Carmel. But unfortunately, Zach’s wedding was two or three months away. There’s no way he could attend by that point. Abel was really starting to feel the hate towards Wizard Cliff. He didn’t want to miss out on the most important event of his brother’s life, but someone just had to get in the way to ruin things for him. There were about three red-cloaked wizards on the first floor of the Morton Magic Tower. From what Wizard Morton saw, two were novice wizards, and one was an intermediate wizard. Forget about rank three wizard; this team was enough to take on an official wizard. These guys were dead serious about capturing Abel. The red-cloaked intermediate wizard said to Wizard Morton as they were separated by a defense circle, “Wizard Morton, by my title as the law enforcer wizard of the Wizard Union, I demand you to hand Abel over to me!” Wizard Morton’s eyes were fuming with rage, “So you come to MY magic tower and order me to give you MY student. Hey, f******, how about this? By my name as up-yours-Morton, I demand you to tell me who the f*** send you over here!” “Are you trying to go against the Wizard Union?” the red-cloaked intermediate wizard spoke in a louder, more threatening voice.” “DON’T YOU PLAY WITH ME!” Wizard Morton screamed resentfully, “Everyone knows what’s going on here! I don’t care if you’re trying to find a scapegoat for your dirty work, but how dare you use my disciple for that! And to have the balls to come here and tell me that. Tell me, do you law enforcer wizards think that you’re above the law?” The red-cloaked intermediate wizard persisted, “Think carefully, Wizard Morton. This is a direct order from Master Cliff.” “NO, YOU THINK CAREFULLY! GET THE f*** OUT OF MY TOWER!” With a defense circle between them and Wizard Morton, there was no way that the red-cloaked wizards could be attacked. That being said, while they were standing on a teleportation circle inside the magic tower, Morton could always just send them away with his command. As soon as Wizard Morton finished screaming at the intruders, the entire first floor was starting to flash out in white. Because of how scary it looked, the younger red-cloaked wizard quickly covered himself up with a defensive spell. “Stop! Don’t use your spell!” the red-cloaked intermediate wizard screamed. Yet, he wasn’t fast enough to stop the younger wizard from activating his “frozen armor.” Soon, his entire body was covered in thick ice. With Morton forcibly activating the teleportation circle, the three red-cloaked wizards were instantly kicked out of the magic tower. Soon, they all disappeared from where they were standing. One voice remained, though. It’s from the intermediate wizard. “I’ll be back!” it said as it vanished from the scene. Wizard Morton sneered at that last warning. If his mentor wasn’t busy training right now, these red-cloaked enforcers would have no business coming here. By the same logic, however, if he wanted to confront these scoundrels, he would have to wait for his mentor to finish his training first. At a magic tower somewhere inside the Duchy of Thunder, three-red cloaked wizards appeared inside a teleportation circle. A mechanical voice announced from the inside of the teleportation circle, “A spell wave has been detected. One passenger inside this teleportation circle has released a spell. The emergency evacuation mode has been switched on. Permission to activate the defense circle has been granted. By rules that were set by the Wizard Union, this magic tower will be granted permission to retaliate against an invasion. The Attack mode has been switched on. Permission to activate the defense circle has been switched on. To avoid an immediate attack from this magic tower, please transfer thirty thousand gold coins for an emergency evacuation.” Rule no. 1 of using a teleportation circle that’s set inside a magic tower: do not, under any circumstances, release any spells. If a trace of spell wave was detected, the entire security system would be switched to defense mode. Obviously, a warning would be announced first, and the passengers would have the option to leave immediately. However, such an option was not free of charge. If the demanded amount was not paid upfront, the magic tower would have the freedom to launch a full-on attack in retaliation. Taking a full-on attack inside closed space, even for intermediate wizards, wouldn’t be pretty at all. Because of how little space inside was, the red-cloaked wizards couldn’t even dodge with their “instantaneous movement” spell. “We’ll pay for it!” the red-cloaked intermediate wizard screamed in a pitiful kind of way. He took out his magic gold card, and after swiping in the air for a bit, thirty thousand gold coins were transferred for an emergency evacuation. After a white light flashed by inside the teleportal circle, the three red-cloaked wizards disappeared from where they were standing. This time, it was at a magic tower somewhere inside the Duchy of Laka, which was north of the Duchy of Thunder. The same thing happened. Since the “frozen armor” would last for about several minutes (by this point, 30 seconds have passed since the spell was activated), these red-cloaked wizards would have to pay before they got attacked by the security system there. After paying another thirty thousand gold coins, the three were teleported to the Duchy of Koror, which was west of the Duchy of Laka. The same thing happened. They were threatened, then they paid for the evacuation fee, then they were teleported somewhere else. Next, it was the Duchy of Laka’s magic tower, and so on. For the three minutes that the “frozen armor” lasted, the three red-cloaked wizards were forced to teleport themselves for a total of six times. When they finally stopped at a teleportation portal inside the Duchy of Koror, the red-cloaked intermediate wizard yelled at his subordinate in rage. Drops of saliva came out of the intermediate red-cloaked wizard’s mouth as he cursed, “Are you a pig, or you just plain stupid? Wha-what, tell me, what was going inside your head when you activated a spell inside a teleportation circle? Hey-hey! Look at me when I’m talking! You didn’t know that the defense circle was going to protect us?” With his eyes looking down, the younger red-cloaked wizard stayed quiet as he let his superior finish ranting. In his defense, he didn’t have much experience in actual fighting after joining the law enforcement team. While it had to do with the fact that most of his jobs were done indoors, most of it had to do with how everyone just backed away from angering a law enforcer wizard. Because of what he did just then, this young red-cloaked wizard was probably not going to get a mission like this in the future. “If we can’t get a refund this time, you’ll pay for all of that, got it?” the intermediate red-cloaked wizard pointed his finger at the younger wizard. That was thirty thousand gold coins multiplied by six. While eighteen hundred thousand gold coins was not a lot by itself, it wasn’t a small sum either. It was certainly true for any individual wizard, at least. Right after the intermediate red-cloaked wizard paid for another thirty thousand gold, he was told that the teleportation circle had lost its connection to the Morton Magic Tower. “Give me back my money then, damn it!” the red-cloaked intermediate wizard kicked the sidewall of the teleportation circle, “I said cancel! Get us out of this magic tower!” “Yes. The teleportation circle will be opened now. Enjoy the rest of your day and please, come back here when you have the time! Thank you.” While the owner of the magic tower recorded this message in the most friendly voice that he could do, it just sounded extra infuriating in the ears of the intermediate red-cloaked wizard. When they got out of the magic tower, the red-cloaked intermediate wizard turned back and said to the younger wizard, “If I can’t get a refund for that, that’s another thirty grand on you.” The younger red-cloaked wizard lowered his head again. While he was just as silent this time, he didn’t think that it was fair to be charged an extra thirty thousand gold coins like this. But what choices were there? He did something wrong just then. Besides, the intermediate red-cloaked wizard was his boss. If it wasn’t for that, there was no way that he would be so successful as he was now. Back to Wizard Morton. After kicking those three intruders out, he had no idea what happened to them afterward. He just switched off the teleportation circle inside his magic tower. Besides, it would have to take at least several days before these three got back to Bakong City. “You’re free to leave now, Abel,” Wizard Morton called with his tower card, “I’ll open the teleportation circle now.” “Yes, sir!” When Abel went from ninth to the first floor, he could see that Wizard Morton was waiting for him.
Chapter 202 - Advanced Wizard Chapter 202 Advanced Wizard “I’m bringing my mount wolf with me, sir,” Abel said as he bowed towards Morton Wizard. “Well, be quick about it,” Wizard Morton said with an agitated tone, “The Wizard Union has already sent me a call. They want me to open the teleportation circle as quickly as possible.” From what it looked like, Wizard Morton probably underestimated how much the Wizard Union wanted to capture Abel. As soon as those three red-cloaked wizards went back, a call was almost instantly sent to the Morton Magic Tower. Since Magic Towers were the property of their owners, something like this would rather happen at all. “Yes, Sir. It won’t take long, I promise!” Abel replied as he ran towards the door. When he opened it, Black Wind was already charging towards the inside of the magic tower. After getting on Black Wind’s back, Abel used his status card to open up a door that was in front of the defense circle. While it was just big enough to fit him and Black Wind, it was relatively easy for them to get past the security check. “I’m ready!” Abel said to Wizard Morton. As long as he’s got Black Wind with him, White Cloud wasn’t really a problem for him. If he wanted a flight, he could always summon White Cloud with his soul chain. Wizard Morton decided to send Abel to the Duchy of Thunder. Once Abel got there, he would have to go to a few more teleportation circles before he could smuggle himself into the Kingdom of St. Pierrt. And after that, the higher-ups of the St. Ellis’s Wizard Union would have no right to extradite him. For the sake of clarification, while the Wizard Union existed as one large organization, it was divided into three branches across different parts of the Holy Continent. There was a branch in the Kingdom of St. Ellis, one in the Kingdom of St. Pierrt and one in the Kingdom of St. Anwall. They all shared the same goals and enemies, but they operated independently from one another. Thus, if Abel could find his way inside the Kingdom of St. Pierrt, those red-cloaked wizards from the Kingdom of St. Ellis would have no way to arrest him. That’s what he thought, at least. “Request for teleportation has been denied. The identity of the passenger has been detected by the Wizard Union, and he is a wanted criminal!” That couldn’t be good. The Wizard Union was, like, acting way too fast for this. They were kind of going too far, to stop someone from using a teleportation circle like this, a lot of energy would have to be used to lock up all the teleportation circles across the entire kingdom. “Warning to the owner of this magic tower: as permitted by high-level authorities, the Wizard Union will now make a forced entry here.” “High-level authorities.” Abel had no way to know what that meant, but Wizard Morton understood every single word. Basically, only a handful of wizards would be granted this level of authority. Since Morton’s security measures were meant to keep advanced wizards out, it was about the only thing that could get someone else in. “Let’s go!” Abel grabbed Abel by his waist as he cast the ‘instantaneous movement” spell. Soon, the two disappeared from the first floor of the Morton Magic Tower. When Wizard Morton and Abel were gone, a powerful force appeared from inside the teleportation circle. It was Wizard Cliff, who was laughing in his blood-red cloak. “You think you can escape?” Wizard Cliff chuckled as he vanished from the teleportation circle. As soon as Wizard Cliff came out of the magic tower, Wizard Morton and Abel teleported themselves back inside. While you could teleport to any spot you want from inside the magic tower, the only way to get back in was if it’s permitted by the tower’s owner. Wizard Cliff was being played for a fool. Now that he was outside the Morton Magic Tower, he didn’t have a way to get back in. He was annoyed by this, obviously. He quickly lifted his finger, and after drawing a very complicated rune pattern in the air, he started casting a spell towards the direction of the Morton Magic Tower. Even from inside the tower, Wizard Morton could sense how powerful this spell would be. “Oh no,” Wizard Morton reached out his hand to grab Abel again, “Come with me. He’s going to cast a high-level spell.” Instead of teleporting this time, the two went to a room that was full of magic circles. There were six arched tables in the center, and as they were linked with silver linings, they formed the shape of a hexagon. There was a small magic circle on top of each table. They were all decorated with an intermediate magic gemstone. At the center of the big hexagon, there was a slot that was filled with an intermediate gemstone as well. Wizard Morton reached for a pouch of gemstones from his portal bag, “This is the main operation room of this magic tower. If an advanced wizard is trying to break his way in, we’ll have to replace the gemstones as quickly as we can. Otherwise, there won’t be enough mana to power up the defense circle!” “Here,” Wizard Morton gave a few stones to Abel, “As soon the stones run out of mana, use your “telekinesis” to replace the new ones in!” With a wave of his arm, Wizard Morton switched on a screen that was showing what was going outside of the magic tower. By this point, Wizard Cliff was pretty much done drawing the spell rune to cast “blizzard.” As nice as the weather was at the Morton Magic Tower, a pile of black clouds quickly gathered up, and soon, giant flakes of snow started dropping from the sky. Hails started falling heavily. It was a natural disaster that was created to destroy any nearby infrastructures. When the falling snow was about to drop on the magic tower, a white barrier emerged around the building. While the barrier shook a lot as it absorbed the impact of the hit, it was also able to divert the attack towards other directions. That didn’t keep up for too long. Soon, more snow and hail fell from the sky. It was almost as if they were at the northernmost part of the Holy Continent. Since the “blizzard” spell also had a freezing effect, the parts that were hit would sometimes glow in blue light. Luckily, the magic tower wasn’t a living being. The freezing effect wasn’t going to do a lot to damage it. That being said, the mana that was used to power up its barrier was being drained at a very fast pace. Ten seconds later, and one intermediate gemstone was already starting to shatter apart. Both Wizard Morton and Abel were very anxious to see this. With the “telekinesis” spell that was engraved inside his magic staff, Abel quickly switched the broken gemstone with a new one. Wizard Morton could do the same thing if he wanted to, but instead of taking the time to draw his spell rune, it’s definitely a lot faster if it was Abel’s magic staff that was doing this. It was a life and death situation now. The faster they were, the less damage the magic tower would take. It was really starting to get tense inside the operation room. There were a total of seven slots to place the intermediate gemstones. One stone would break at the rate of every ten-something seconds. Abel didn’t have a large mana capacity. Every time he was using his magic staff to cast a “telekinesis spell,” he would have to use up double the mana to do it, which was about 14 mana points for just one spell. Abel was starting to get desperate. Whether he was using his own mana or the magic staff, if this kept on going, he was not going to keep the magic tower’s defense circle running properly. He had to think fast. Pretty soon, the incoming blizzard would start breaking through the magic tower’s defense. When that happened, Wizard Morton and all the other disciples and apprentices here would be hurt because of him. With that in mind, there was only one thing to do here. Abel took out his perfect magic gemstone. He decided to give it a try. If it worked, bravo. If not, he would walk out of the magic tower and take Wizard Cliff down with himself. “Sir,” Abel asked as he took out two perfect red stones from his portal bag, “Have a look at these. Do you think I can use these?”
Chapter 203 - Out Of Trouble Chapter 203 Out of Trouble “Top-quality gemstones? How did you get them in the first place?” Abel showed Wizard Morton two stones just now. There weren’t a lot of top-quality magic gemstones on the Holy Continent. Because of this, Wizard Morton was even more certain that Abel would eventually become a prodigy amongst the wizards. The intermediate gemstone in the middle suddenly shattered into pieces. With a tap of his finger, Wizard Morton produced a rune in the middle of the air. One of the stones in Abel’s hands was teleported to the middle of the hexagon-shaped magic circle. When the intermediate gemstone was replaced by a top-quality gemstone, the outer layer of the magic defense circle changed its color. It was white before, but now it has changed into a shade of bright red. Wizard Cliff hasn’t stopped casting “blizzard” this entire time. When the falling snow and hail dropped on top of the red barrier, they suddenly evaporated into mist. Soon, they disappeared and lost all the impact that they carried. Top-quality gemstones were often used to power up large-sized magic circles. For magic circles about the size of a, say, headquarter of a big organization, they would usually be powered with intermediate gemstones. When the situation became extreme (e.g., in the middle of an invasion), that’s when the intermediate gemstones were replaced with top-quality gemstones. To put things in perspective, If one big defense circle was enough to cover up an area as big as a city, how thick would it be if it was only covering around the Morton Magic Tower? Wizard Cliff could try to break through it as much as he wanted to, but he would probably die of exhaustion first. Wizard Cliff decided to stop casting the “blizzard” spell. He knew exactly how the defense circle worked. While the people made some improvements to it, the system was still the same one that Wizard Union provided. But the Morton Magic Tower was still there. How could it be? Did Morton get some extra help from his disciple? Wizard Cliff wasn’t sure, so he took out at magic scroll from the portal bag on his waist. “Magic Scroll! Has Cliff gone mad?” Wizard Morton gasped. Abel was watching as well, “Sir, what’s a magic scroll?” “Magic scrolls are made from high-ranked spiritual beasts using their skin like paper and their blood as ink. If you’re an advanced wizard or above, you can duplicate one of your spells in a magic scroll. Every time you duplicate the same spell, the level of that spell would be reduced by one, and the spell level that’s on the scroll would be the same as that wizard.” Abel was very surprised that something like this existed. So, for every time that a spell was duplicated, the wizard that made it would have his level reduced by one. For the amount of time and effort that was needed to increase your level by one, that just seemed like a terrible trade-off. However, low-level spells tend to have little to no effect at all. Because of this, no one would bother using a magic scroll to replicate low-tier spells. Because of how rare high-ranked spiritual beasts were, magic scrolls like these were often reserved for the very, very old wizards. Yes, the only wizards that would use a magic scroll were the ones that were so old that they were on the verge of dying from natural causes. Apart from sacrificing themselves to protect their underlings, old wizards might also use this method to extend their lifespan for just a bit longer (from their enemies, of course). Just when Wizard Cliff was about to use his magic scroll, he was petrified by a powerful, imposing pressure not far from him. Someone was approaching him, and there wasn’t much of a distance between them. Abel called out as he recognized the man, “Head commander Hoover!” Wizard Morton sighed in relief, “Great. Now that Hoover’s here, Cliff isn’t going to attack the magic tower anymore.” “Sir, is head commander Hoover just as powerful as an advanced wizard?” Abel asked dubiously. “If you’re talking about a one-on-one scenario, then no. Hoover won’t have a lot of chances against Hoover, but he is a representative of the Duchy of Carmel. He’s also the representative of the Blacksmith Union, which means that if Cliff is brave enough to take him down, he will be targeted by the dwarves until the end of time.” “Wait,” Abel raised his brow, “One on one?” You mean knights still have a chance against wizards?” Now that’s an interesting question. While Abel was already an advanced knight, his defensive ability was nowhere enough to withstand the attack of an intermediate wizard. To be blunt, the word choice that Morton was using was, well, it felt kind of unreal to him. “Well, you tell me. How many knights are there in the Duchy of Carmel? And after you’ve told me, tell me: how many of these knights could become a head commander?” Wizard Morton continued after pausing for a bit, “Here’s the answer to the first question: If we’re including both novice knights and official knights, there are over ten thousand knights in the Duchy of Carmel. Out of all these men, only Hoover managed to become a knight’s head commander. He became one many years ago, mind you, and for the last few decades, there hasn’t been another head commander throughout the entire duchy.” Abel continued to ask, “Yes, I understand. But a knight’s attack is very weak against a wizard’s defense.” “It’s very simple, actually,” Wizard Morton explained, “For knight’s head commanders, it is very common for them to possess a few special offensive abilities. For Hoover, it’s a powerful move that allows him to charge towards his enemies.” “If a wizard doesn’t use an “instantaneous movement” spell within Hoover’s twenty-meter range, he would have no way but to be forced into melee combat. Not just that, but once you get in Hoover’s range, he could attack you with his “resolved attack,” which is his normal attack that’s guided with his power of will. To put it simply, because of how strongly he feels for the occupation that he is in, he is granted the ability to convert his power of the will into a more efficient form of attacking.” Abel finally understood now. Not just that, he understood Hoover’s ability much better than Wizard Morton. The charging ability that Morton described was called “charge,” which was a technique that belonged to the paladins. Abel wasn’t sure how Hoover managed to learn “charge,” but there were two different possibilities that he could think of. One, he either learned it through practice or two, he got lucky one day and managed to pick it up on the spot. Nevertheless, it was one of the few paladin abilities that did not require one to worship the Holy Light. Come to think of it, “charge” was kind of similar to the attacks that Abel’s skeletons could do. Since all of Rib Bones’ attacks would be buffed with death qi, there might be a chance to switch that into some kind of resolved attack. After all, while the two did not share the same attribute, their properties were almost congruent. If Abel could learn Hoover’s “charge,” the skeletons he summoned could also learn it as well. When the time came, the Rib Bones would be the same as a weaker version of Hoover. While Abel was having a chat with Wizard Morton, Wizard Cliff had a serious staredown with Hoover. He was about to use the magic scroll just then, but now he’s decided to put it back into his portal bag. “Greetings, Wizard Cliff,” Hoover smiled, “My name is Hoover. I’ve come to send you my regards on behalf of the Blacksmith Union.” Judging from the way Hoover spoke just then, he didn’t come here as a knight’s head commander. Instead, he was talking as a representative of the Blacksmith Union. That was very sneaky of him. If you were to judge him only by his expressions and the way he was talking, you would never think that it was the same man that displayed so much murderous intent earlier. “Master Hoover,” Wizard Cliff said with a stiff smile, “You probably know this already, but Abel is our main suspect for the Keyen Magic Tower incident. I assure you, the Wizard Union will not give up on capturing him.” Despite the smile that was on Hoover’s face, the tone of his voice conveyed nothing but disapproval, “Abel is a Master Blacksmith from our association, Wizard Cliff. If he was the culprit that you’ve claimed him to be, I’m sure that we would know about it before anyone else does. With all due respect, sir, I must say that this conclusion you’ve reached is very questionable.” Hoover spoke in a light-hearted tone, “I mean, a level three wizard breaking through six magic towers? Or, if I were to word it differently, you’re talking about an incident where an amateur of magic, for whatever intent and purposes he might have, decided that one day, he’s going to destroy six magic towers all by himself. And not only did he want to do it, but he’s also managed to pull it off. Forgive me for asking, but is that really what the Wizard Union thinks?” Wizard Cliff said sternly, “The intelligence sector of the Wizard Union has conducted a full investigation on Abel. We have already come to a conclusion, Master Hoover. Please, do not challenge our decision.” The air was starting to get tense. As a withering leaf flew between the two men, it was crushed by the imposing pressure that was released. While watching, a strong emotion started surging up inside Abel. It wasn’t just Wizard Morton now. Even Hoover was protecting him with his own life. A decision had to be soo. Otherwise, all these people would be affected because of him. Abel turned to ask Wizard Morton, “Can you bring me out of the magic tower, sir?” Wizard Morton sighed as he saw the determination in Abel’s eyes, “Okay, fine. It’s your decision anyway. Remember this, though: don’t be afraid of Cliff when you see him. He’s a dying old man, like me. A few days. A few weeks. It doesn’t matter. It won’t be long before his days are due.” “Yes, sir. Sorry for the trouble,” Abel said. As Hoover was having a stand-off against Wizard Cliff, Wizard Morton and Abel teleported themselves behind him.
Chapter 204 - Half A Day Promise Chapter 204 Half a Day Promise Abel bowed to Hoover, “I’m so sorry, Master Hoover. You have done so much for me today.” Hoover replied with a bow of his own, “No worries, Abel. Anything for a brother in the Blacksmith Union. Besides, if I couldn’t stop Cliff back there, then no one would feel safe to be a member of our association.” “Wait, you are Abel?” Wizard Cliff widened his eyes as he saw the young man who was also a master blacksmith. Abel said after switching glances with Morton and Hoover, “Yes, Wizard Cliff. If you really think that I’m the one responsible for the Keyen Magic Tower Incident, then I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you. I don’t want to let other people get hurt because of me.” Wizard Cliff said with a sense of admiration, “Oh? Are you saying that you’re coming with me, then?” “Master Abel!” Hoover called out. “Abel!” Wizard Morton frowned. Abel said calmly, “About that, Wizard Cliff. As you have found out just then, if you take me with you now, the entire Blacksmith Union will be after your head.” “So how about this? Give me a day to run in whatever direction I want. After that, I promise you that no one will stop you from capturing me.” “Half a day,” said Wizard Cliff after thinking for a while, “I’m only giving you half a day, got that?” By this point, all the teleportation circles in this duchy had denied access to Abel. He probably wasn’t going anywhere, but Wizard Cliff wasn’t quite sure yet. After all, this weak-looking boy has never lost anyone before. Nothing good has ever happened to those who challenged him. That’s not something that could be explained as “luck.” And that’s why Wizard Cliff gave him half a day. No matter what Abel could do in half of a day, he could be hunted down with an “instantaneous movement” spell. Besides, the Wizard Unions had eyes and ears everywhere. As far as most people saw it, there’s only one outcome that’s waiting for this young man. “Su-sure, Wizard Cliff. Half a day it is,” Abel replied whilst pretending to be a little worried. On the inside, though, he was very happy with the amount of time he’s given. As long as he could fly away with White Cloud, no one was able to go after him. While the two were negotiating with each other, Hoover tried to observe the expression on Abel’s face. Because of how determined Abel appeared to be, he decided that he wasn’t going to stop this deal. “Are you sure about this, Abel?” Wizard Morton asked. Abel replied with a relaxed smile on his face, “I’m given a chance now, sir. Don’t worry about it. I’ll remember to send you letters when I’m away.” “Okay, sure. As long as you’ve made up your mind, but before you leave, I have something that I want to give you.” Wizard Morton continued as he took out two sheepskin books from his portal bag, “Here, I’ve got you some books that you’ll need to study. You are learning way too fast, so I’ve prepared you some extra “textbooks” in advance.” Instead of looking through the books, Abel said softly to Wizard Morton, “I’ve got you some wine, sir. When I leave, go check the cellar in my mansion.” Wizard Morton tapped Abel on his shoulder. Even in a time like this, this student of his still remembered his promise. Abel said to Morton, “Please release Black Wind now, sir. I have to go now!” Having heard Abel’s request, Wizard Morton disappeared from the scene. Not for long, though. After a while, he re-appeared to the same spot with Black Wind on his side. “Black Wind!” Abel called out as he jumped on top of Black Wind, “Let’s go!” Wizard Cliff looked kind of tense at the start, but his eyes were clearly starting to loosen up. No matter how fast a mount wolf could run, it was never going to run out of his reach if it couldn’t use the teleportation circle. Suddenly, Abel turned his head around and asked Wizard Cliff, “Master Cliff! Is your magic tower located inside the Kingdom of St. Ellis?” The three men who heard Abel say this all had their own reaction. On the one hand, Wizard Morton wanted to hold back his smile because of his disciple’s bold question. On the other hand, Hoover was drowning in his own thoughts as he switched his glance from Abel to Wizard Cliff. For Wizard Cliff, his face was starting to pale. While Abel was the scapegoat that’s been set up to be held responsible for the Keyen Magic Tower incident, what if, and this was never thought of before, what if this young man here, this young, innocent-looking master blacksmith here, what if he was actually the real culprit? Wizard Cliff felt like changing his mind now. Instead of doing what he promised, he felt like shooting down this potential terrorist right here. Sure, that sounded much better than to give him the chance to have his revenge. While Wizard Cliff was struggling to make a decision, Abel was already starting to sense the murderous intent that was coming after him. “Full speed, Black Wind!”. Since Black Wind could feel how agitated Abel was being, instead of running on the big, open road, it decided to jump off the mountain hill and move between different trees and slopes. Soon, they were completely gone from the sight of others. “What a fine mount that is!” Hoover complimented. Unlike the two wizards that were standing beside him, he understood how rare it was that a mount wolf could be so powerful and flexible at the same time. What the case was, he knew that Black Wind wasn’t just any ordinary mount wolf. That being said, most of Hoover’s attention was on what Abel has just said. If Abel was the one who invented a device that could blow up a mountain, even if it was just him who had access to this technology, the entire Blacksmith Union would still gain a whole new level of recognition. While Hoover was still thinking to himself, Abel was already at the road that was below the mountain. He was going straight for the castle gate. When the guards saw Black Wind from over the distance, they quickly opened up the gate and let him go through. There were some noblemen who saw this. Yet, just when they were about to make a comment about how preposterous this “wolf-riding person” was being, they were quickly silenced by the sight of the fearful looks on the guards’ faces. And now, he was here. After arriving at the Triumph Boulevard mansion, Black Wind didn’t even bother going through the front gate. Instead, it just jumped over the fence, which made the guards very panicked. When Ken was about to go to the yard to see what was going on, he could see that Abel was telling the guards to back away. Despite realizing the solemn look on his master’s face, Ken decided to ask, “What happened, master?” “I don’t have a lot of time, Ken. Have you finished the business in Bakong City?” “Yes, master! It’s all ready now!” “Good. I want you to drop everything that you’re doing in Bakong City. After that, bring ten black-armored warriors to the Harry Castle. Remember, do it as quickly as you can. When you’re at the Harry Castle, tell Uncle Marshall that I’ll be gone for at least two months.” “That’s if I’m lucky, though. It might take me an extra few years, but tell him not to worry about me. Also, if he needs some assistance, tell him to visit the Morton Magic Tower.” “What happened, Master?” Ken asked nervously. “Nothing big, really. I’ve pissed off a wizard, and now I have to go out to hide for a while. Let me make this clear, Ken: You don’t worry about my family and friends because of this. With my teacher on my side, no one is going to be involved or harmed in any way. Abel continued as he remembered something, “Also, ah damn- I won’t be there for Zach’s wedding. Here, take this magic armor and weapon. Apologize to my father for me, and remember to explain what happened to Zach when you see him.” With a wave of his hand, Abel revealed a magic armor and an ice magic sword from his portal bag. He has prepared them for a while already. If it wasn’t for Cliff, he was going to give them to Zach at the wedding himself. “Understood, sir!” Ken complied with a bow. For all the time he’s served under Abel, he knew that the situation was definitely direr than how it was described to be. One thing was certain to Ken. While he wasn’t exactly an expert on wizards, he knew how famous Abel’s teacher was. After all, he was a huge figure in the Duchy of Carmel. Abel commanded, “Bring the ten black-armored warriors to me. I need to send them my orders.” After leaving a while, Ken returned with the men that Abel requested.
Chapter 205 - Preparations Chapter 205 Preparations “Yes, Master Abel!” the ten black-armored knights lined up and greeted. “Thank you, soldiers. It’s been a while since you’ve served under me. Since you’ve proven your loyalty to me, I’m thinking about taking you all in as my knight servants. So, what do you think?” As Abel said that, a strong aura started appearing out of his body. While there wasn’t any imposing pressure in it, it was enough to make everyone in the room bow down to him. All ten of these black-armored warriors were experienced fighters. Just by sensing Abel’s presence, they could tell that their young master was already an advanced knight. As the sole purpose of these warriors was to die for their master, they had never thought that they would be recognized by Abel like this. Knight servants? That was definitely several times better than where they were currently at. “We’ll pledge our lives to you, master!” the ten black-armored warriors said as they knelt on one knee. “Very well,” Abel said solemnly, “On behalf of the Abel Castle, I shall accept your service!” Abel took out ten-round shields and swords from his kong kong spiritual portal bag. Just like the other ones he has prepared for his twenty knight servants, they were all strengthened with magic. One by one, Abel handed the shields and sword to each of the black-armored warriors. Since they were all there back at the Harry Castle, they knew that these gears had magic on them. “Thank you, Master!” the ten black-armored knights said as they stood up from the ground. Abel nodded in satisfaction, “I want you all to protect Ken, understood? Make sure he returns to the Abel Castle safely.” Abel turned to Ken, “You people are leaving Bakong City right now. Remember, don’t make any stops. You are going straight back to Harvest City!” Suddenly, with one of her hands behind her back, Loraine walked into the yard. “Do we have to leave now, Abel?” she asked. Abel said gently as he told the black-armored knights to back away, “I’ve offended an advanced wizard, Loraine. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to go back to Abel Castle with Ken. Don’t worry about me. I’ll come to pick you up after a few months.” With a stubbornness she rarely possessed, Loraine suddenly increased her volume, “Abel, I don’t want to be alone in the Abel Castle! Take me with you!” “Are you sure?” Abel asked again, “It’s going to be very dangerous for you if you decide to come with me.” Loraine replied with a softer voice, “Yes, Abel! Anywhere you go, I’ll come along with you!” “Ha!” Abel couldn’t help but chuckle for a bit, “You can go pack up then, Loraine. We’ll be leaving very soon.” “It’s all here, Abel!” Loraine said as she revealed a small bag from behind her. Abel shook his head and sighed, “Very clever of you.” Suddenly, Abel sensed a danger that was coming from over the distance. Did Wizard Cliff change his mind? “We’re leaving, Loraine!” Abel called out as he picked up Loraine with his arm. He then jumped on top of Black Wind’s back. “Sprint out of Bakong City, Black Wind!” Abel commanded, to which Black Wind complied as it ran straight towards the castle gate. Black Wind did not take any turns at all. No matter how tall the buildings in front of it were, it just kept jumping over them like a black streak of lightning. Soon, the castle gate was right in front of them. Abel could leave now if he wanted to, but for reasons he wasn’t sure of, he could tell that the real danger was behind the castle gate. Thus, he decided to give a telepathic command to Black Wind. “Not the castle gate! Get up the castle walls, Black Wind,” Abel told Black Wind from his mind. Immediately, Black Wind shifted its direction and ran towards a fifty-meter tall wall. Fifty meters. While it was too tall for any ordinary mounts, but it wasn’t too much of a trouble for Black Wind. It was a spiritual beast that’s been upgraded two times. Jumping at this height was pretty easy for it. With Abel and Loraine on its back, Black Wind made its jump when it was about ten meters (horizontally) away from the castle wall. As a beautiful arc-shaped line appeared in midair, it dug its claws in a spot somewhere about ten meters above the bottom of the wall. Black Wind’s body was literally parallel to the castle wall. Even with Loraine and Abel on its back, its claws were still strong enough to cling onto the bricks. After gaining a firmer grasp, it quickly made a vertical climb upward. “My spirits! What am I looking at?’ one of the guards widened his eyes, and he accidentally saw this. Another guard came and replied, “That’s Master Abel’s mount wolf! It must be Master Abel that’s riding it!” “Well, we didn’t see any of that, did we?” the guard who spoke quickly turned his head around. As soon as he heard the name “Master Abel,” he knew that he didn’t want anything to do with it. After climbing over the castle wall, Abel could see two red-cloaked wizards in front of him. A nervous smile appeared from the edge of his cheeks. After tapping Black Wind on its neck, Abel decided to stop moving. Black Wind stood still on top of the castle wall. As eye-catching as its large body was, all the nearby guards were looking in other directions. No one was looking at where Abel was. Abel shook his head. As it turned out, these guards haven’t recovered from the status card incident last time (see earlier chapters). Out of fear of getting executed, these men didn’t want to affiliate themselves with Abel. It was a good thing for Abel, actually. At least no one was going to take the risk to rat him out. “Where do we go, Abel?” Loraine asked. She, too, noticed the two red-cloaked wizards standing at the castle gate. “Don’t worry about it,” Abel smiled as he patted Loraine on the head. After contacting White Cloud with his soul chain, he was able to know which co-ordination that it was flying at. After that, he sent this location to Black Wind with his telepathic ability. Black Wind suddenly looked towards the sky. After lowering its body for a bit, it bounced off the castle wall and jumped for about twenty meters into the sky. That’s about seventy meters off the ground. Loraine almost screamed because of this. If she didn’t cover her mouth in time, those wizards would’ve figured out where they were going. Abel decided to hug her a little tighter, and because of this, she felt a lot better very quickly. As though stretching out its wings (if wolves actually had wings), Black Wind stretched out its body while it was in the air. After going through a barrier, it made a landing on top of White Cloud’s giant back. White Cloud was here. It was using its camouflage ability to pick up Abel and Loraine. Wizard Cliff was lying about capturing Abel himself. While he did order two extra wizards to come to assist him, that’s not going to do much to arrest someone who was literally flying away. “White Cloud!” Loraine said in awe as she saw the giant sparrow. Even though the eyes of the elves could look far further than the humans, she was certain that she didn’t see any birds in the sky just then. After carrying Loraine to the carriage seat on White Cloud’s back, Abel began to explain to her. Abel said as he could see the obvious confusion on Loraine’s face, “White Cloud’s a spiritual beast now! Camouflage is its new ability.” “That’s awesome!” Loraine exclaimed. After noticing the barrier that was around White Cloud’s body, she realized that it was the reason she couldn’t see the giant sky sparrow before. After hearing Loraine’s compliments, White Cloud made a cooing voice in response. It was always nice to have someone praise you for your improvements. While looking at the land below him, Abel couldn’t help but feel very emotional right now. After coming into this world, he has spent his entire life living here. Families. Friends. Teachers. Brothers. They all lived here, but now he had to leave to go somewhere far away. Just when White Cloud was about to fly away from Bakong City, a giant road appeared from the ground. It was the ground that Abel used when he first came to Bakong City. He didn’t expect to see the same road when he was about to leave. Abel didn’t have a goal now. If he did, it’d be to get as far away as he could from the Duchy of Carmel. That being said, though, Loraine was with him now. Since he couldn’t allow her to be in any danger, maybe it’s for the best if he sent her back home right now. Yes, now’s the time to send her back to her real home. She must be with her real family. She must be sent back to the other elves.
Chapter 206 - A Decision Chapter 206 A Decision Abel made up his mind, “We’re going to the Double Moon Forest, Loraine.” Loraine widened her eyes in surprise, “But you aren’t a wizard yet, Abel! It’d be dangerous for you if you went to the Double Moon Forest now. The elves don’t like having humans around where they live.” “Yeah, about that,” Abel smiled in confidence, “I know what I can do about it.” Loraine’s eyes were full of doubt when she heard Abel say that. She’s lived in the Double Moon Forest before. She knew how humans were treated there. Without the skills for self-protection, most ordinary men had no way of surviving there. Abel smiled as he lifted his necklace for a bit, “Trust me. I know what I’m doing.” White Cloud was flying fast. As big as the carriage seat that’s on its back was, it wasn’t exactly a good spot to get some rest. Abel was okay with it, but Loraine was trying to keep herself awake even when she looked so tired. Abel thought about using his Akara’s tent here. If he could open it up here, it’d be a good resting spot for Loraine to use. After waking Loraine up from her nap, Abel told her to stand aside so he could take out the Akara’s tent. He took out the tent, placed it in the middle of the carriage, and after pinning all corners, he made a gesture to invite Loraine to have a rest inside. Loraine was watching this whole time curiously. Since she was watching from outside the tent, she thought that there wasn’t much space inside. “If Abel is sharing the tent with me…” Loraine’s face flushed as she thought about this. When Loraine walked inside the Akara’s tent, she was amazed at what she was looking at. “Is… this a portal tent?” she asked as she turned her head around. Abel smiled, “That’s one more secret I’ve taught you.” Loraine looked towards the alchemy table. There was a whole set of crystal equipment on top of it. The Akara’s alchemy bottle wasn’t there, of course. Abel took it away and replaced it with an ordinary bottle. “An alchemy bottle!” Loraine said excitedly, “Can I use it to make my own potion?” Abel tilted his head for abit, “Of course, Loraine. You know how to use alchemy?” “Not really,” Loraine stuck her tongue out in an embarrassed manner, “The most I can do are perfumes.” “Perfumes? I didn’t know they can be brewed from alchemy bottles.” Loraine explained, “If you are an elven girl that’s born in a well-off family, you have to learn to make your own perfume. It’s kind of a tradition for us.” “How come I don’t see you put on any perfume, then?” Abel asked in confusion. “Well, I didn’t have any elven perfume before!” Loraine said with a troubled look on her face, but she quickly switched to a smile, “Now that I can use the alchemy bottle here, I can make more of my own supplies!” As she said that, she looked at the alchemy table with a nostalgic expression. It’s a shame that she didn’t have the materials right here. She must’ve really missed the smell of the elven perfume. When Loraine walked into the other part of the Akara’s tent, she was even more surprised than before. “How did you get so many meditation jades, Abel?” Inside Abel’s secret bedroom, the entire floor was covered with meditation jade tiles. Loraine knew that Abel’s rich, but this…. This was just on a whole other level. Abel smiled as he watched Loraine’s reaction to his collection. He knew how knowledgeable she was at these kinds of things. Unlike him, who had to read Wizard Morton’s account to figure out what these treasures could do, she was able to recognize them by sight. “This table is made from an ambergris tree! This chair, too! Even the bed as well!” Loraine thought that she would stop being surprised a lot sooner. As an elf herself, she knew how ambergris trees came to be. That being said, she knew how hard it was to collect the timber in the first place. For the royalties amongst the elves, each household would have their own small item that was made from ambergris timber. Because of how rare ambergris timbers were, anything that was made from them would be passed down as family treasures. Elves couldn’t grow their ambergris trees. They had to trade with the dragons for them, and dragons were an extremely stingy bunch. Every year, only a handful of the timbers would be bought over. If you weren’t the most powerful or wealthy family, you pretty much had no chance of obtaining it. And that’s why Loraine was so shocked when she saw the ambergris bed. After actually seeing the thing, she wasn’t sure if it’s a good idea to sleep on it. As though having made her decision, Loraine turned her head back to Abel, “It’s a very big bed. I think it will do for both of us.” Abel smiled and tapped Loraine on her head, “What are you talking about? You sleep on the bed. I sleep on the floor. There’s meditation jade on the ground as well.” Without waiting for Loraine’s response, Abel sat at the wooden chair. He took out the two sheepskin books Wizard Morton gave him. Without saying anything, he immediately went to study mode. The first book was titled “Things to Know About Magic Runes.” Apart from the seven words that Abel already knew (El, tir, ist, tal, ral, ort and shael), it also included some other ones that he hadn’t learned before, like ahm, sol, dol, hel, ko, fal, and lum. Since he wasn’t an official wizard yet, he wasn’t able to use some of the more advanced ones. As far as Abel saw it, these runes were not complete at all. If his only source was from Wizard Morton, he would be learning only fifteen words in total. That wasn’t even half of the entire list. Besides, they were all words that belonged to the middle-low tier. “Ahh!” Loraine suddenly let out a high-pitched scream. “What’s wrong, Loraine?” Abel asked in surprise as he saw Loraine pointing towards the pillow. Loraine was looking kind of strange, “You’re kidding… is this the heart of the meditation jade?” Abel tried to reply as calmly as he could, “Yeah. What’s wrong about it?” Loraine explained in a somewhat defeated tone, “You know how much it’s worth, right, Abel? Regular meditation jade pieces are already so expensive that people wouldn’t sell them in shops, but the heart! According to the myths, if you get close to one, you’ll actually double your chance of promoting your rank!” “And look at how big this pillow is! With a heart about this size, you can make more than thirty necklaces that can be used to promote your rank! Why did you decide to make it into a pillow?” Abel shook his head in silence. The one who did it wasn’t him. It was Fowler, and he probably spent a lot of effort carving that jade heart into a pillow. According to Wizard Morton’s account, the heart of a meditation jade could counteract against the hallucination syndrome during a promotion. Abel really did underestimate what this “pillow” could do. If it really could double his chance of promoting his ranks, everybody would be after his head because of it. “Well,” Abel said, “Let’s keep this as a pillow. I didn’t know how much it’s worth before, but after I do now, I think it’s best if I just keep here. If I take it to the outside world, who knows, maybe some kind of disaster will be coming after me.” In a not-so-sure manner, Loraine nodded her head. When she jumped on the bed to have a nap, instead of laying her head on the pillow, she hugged it with both of her arms. Abel watched as Loraine fell asleep. Soon, he went to take out the second sheepskin book Wizard Morton gave him. It was an advanced textbook for his future training. Inside this more difficult book, there were training guides for low and intermediate level wizards. Apart from that, there were some spell guides that he didn’t know about before. Abel had to train alone from now on. Because of that, these books he was given were extremely important for him. Just now, he felt really grateful for all that Wizard Morton’s done for him. It’s a shame that Loraine was beside him right now. And since they were flying on top of White Cloud’s back, he couldn’t just go inside the Rogue’s Encampment to start training. Oh well, the most he could do now was to memorize the content of the textbooks. The thought of Wizard Cliff came to Abel again. Not only did he break his promise to come alone, but he also lied about waiting for half of a day to initiate the arrest.
Chapter 207 - Moogen Town Chapter 207 Moogen Town Abel was starting to get a little concerned. If the materials for the super exploding balls weren’t so rare, he could just use the other half of the meteorite iron to make his own knight’s equipment. There were four super exploding balls in his collection right now. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t just throw them all at Wizard Cliff’s magic tower in the Kingdom of the St. Ellis. When White Cloud had been flying for about half of a day, it would ask for Abel’s permission to get some food. It’s not like Abel had to prepare the food. As long as it was allowed some time of its own, it would start its own hunt. Abel walked out of the Akara’s tent. After looking around, he took out a map from his portal bag. He wanted to figure out where he was. From what it looked like, he wasn’t far from Moogen Town. Moogen Town was a small place, far away from the reach of the Wizard Union. And because of how far it was from the nearest teleportation circle, even if the wizards knew that he was there, they couldn’t make an arrest immediately. Loraine was waking up from her sleep. After walking out of Akara’s tent, she realized that White Cloud was descending. “Are we going back to the ground, Abel?” Loraine asked. Abel explained, “I’m thinking of going to Moogen Town for some supplies. We’ll get something to eat as well. White Cloud’s going to hunt for its own food in the meantime. We’ll continue our journey once it gets back.” “That’s great!” Loraine said happily, then pleaded to Abel, “I’m going to shop for some materials to make my perfumes. Can you pleeease let me do that?” “Sure, but you must be with me the whole time. Do you understand that?” Abel ordered. Loraine replied with a wide grin on her face, “Yeah, I know. We are runaways, after all.” Loraine wasn’t smiling for no reason. When she decided to escape with Abel, she had expected the journey to be harsh and full of bloodshed. But no, she was sleeping on a giant bed up in the sky. It was peaceful, almost like she was on a trip or something. Moogen Town was a typical small town in the Duchy of Carmel. It was a place that was heavily reliant on its farming industry. When the sun got down, not many people walked on the streets. Abel was wearing a hoodie to cover up his face. For Loraine, it was a ladies’ hat with a veil on the front. It was meant to cover up her sharp ears and her pretty elven face. As for Black Wind, Abel had to leave it outside of town. There was just no way for him to sneak in if he was with a giant mount wolf. As Abel went inside, he noticed a sign that he was very familiar with. It was the local branch of Edmund’s boutique shop. Loraine should be able to get what she wanted here. As soon as the two went in, a young staff member came to greet them. Since Abel had a magic golden card in his hand, he was met with a very polite bow. “Edmund’s boutique shop welcomes you, dear customer. How can I be of service?” the young staff member said. “No need to be reserved, Loraine,” Abel said, “Just tell him everything that you want to buy.” Loraine mentioned more than ten types of herbs when she was making the order. As fast as the staff was writing on his list, Abel noticed that they were all very common plants. The young staff gave another bow, “Please wait for a moment, dear sir and madam. I’ll go check if we have enough stock in store.” Soon, the young staff member returned with an old man beside him. The old man was wearing a very fancy suit. The old man greeted Abel with a bow, “Good day to you, dear sir and madam. I’m the manager of this place. I believe the order that you just made was for some sort of recipe, and in this very establishment, we have enough supplies to make about five of whatever you were trying. If that’s not enough for you, please order now, and we’ll have it ready for you in two days.” “Is five enough?” Abel asked Loraine. “Five is good,” Loraine replied with a slight nod. “Okay,” Abel turned to the manager, “We’ll take all of it. How much does that cost?” “It’s twenty gold coins in total, thank you,” the manager replied with a bow. Whilst pretending to reach for his pocket, Abel took out twenty gold coins from his Horadric Cube. When he finished the purchase, several armored men with weapons came from outside the store. Abel could tell. There were about five official warriors in total. Among them, there was a strong man with a scar on his face. He was carrying a giant ax in one of his hands. The scarred man said in a loud voice, “I want ten bottles of the medicine that can stop the bleeding from injury! Also, can I get two buckets of refill for my iron arrows?” Abel watched as the scarred man talked with the manager of this store. It felt kind of strange. This was a very isolated town. Why were there so many warriors here all of a sudden? As much as Abel wanted to know, he was a runaway now. Since he was still in the Duchy of Carmel, he knew he should just focus on getting somewhere else. Unless he got his way into the Great Splitting Mountain Range, he should never let his guard down. That being said, he wasn’t going to ask any questions. As about more than a dozen of the warriors stood inside the store, they formed a path for Abel and Loraine to walk through. When Abel and Loraine walked past them, a man, who had a pinch of hair in his nose, stared intently at them. Abel said to Loraine as they got out of Edmund’s boutique shop, “There’s an inn over there. Let’s get some food before we go.” “Okay, if that’s what you want,” Loraine replied. Even with her face covered up, her voice was still just as crisp and gentle. Abel regretted his decision as soon as he stepped inside the inn. About more than half of the seats were already occupied. It was very noisy. Most importantly, none of the customers looked like they were ordinary people. Every one of them had at least brought one weapon with them. Now that they were in, Abel had no choice but to make an order here. After getting themselves to a vacant spot, he waved his hand to call the waiter. “One roast meat, one smoked fish, two pieces of bread, one salad and one cup of juice,” Abel said abruptly. Since elves didn’t eat a lot of meat, most of what Loraine was having was the salad and the juice. The roast meat was actually very nice. It was a large chunk of beef that had been smoked with charcoal. After seasoning it with some fresh herbs, even a former nobleman like Abel was feeling like eating with his own hands. While Abel was having a good time chewing on his meat, Loraine was making small bites of her salad. Since she wanted to cover her mouth, she had to move her veil with her hand every time she used her fork. “I told you, Blood Axe. Those two are right here.” As a loud voice echoed through the inn, a bunch of warriors came in from the door. Abel raised his head to have a look. It was the same people that he saw at Edmund’s boutique shop. “Are you sure that girl’s an elf, Fanged Wolf?” The scarred man named Blood Ax glared at Loraine. He sure wasn’t giving any respect to Abel. Abel frowned for a bit. As it turned out, the disguise wasn’t good enough to hide an elf’s true identity. He wasn’t sure how, but these men just saw through Loraine. “I thought you trust my nose, brother,” the hairy man called Fanged Wolf said, “Yes, that’s an elf right there. I’m sure about it. I can do more than that, though. If you show me a track that an elf has walked on, I’ll be able to tell you what time that elf has been around.” Because of how rare the elves were in the human world, an elven girl would be worth about several thousand gold coins if she was sold to slavery. That was a lot of sum for regular adventurers. After hearing the warriors talking amongst themselves in a very loud voice, all the people in the inn stood and looked towards Loraine. It was almost as if they were looking at a bucket of gold coins. Loraine felt very scared, but as Abel was calm enough to keep eating his roast meat, she knew that everything was under control. Instead of showing a reaction, she decided to keep eating her salad as well. The atmosphere was starting to become very odd. Everyone was looking at Loraine and Abel, but both of them were just eating their food. Blood Axe was an experienced adventurer. While leading his own team, he has fulfilled quite a few difficult missions throughout his career. That being said, he knew just the right way to break this silence. Instead of talking anymore, Blood Axe raised his head and looked straight at Abel. As long as someone decided to pick up a fight, he would know how good his two targets were. No one was foolish enough to make a stand, though. The adventurers weren’t going to challenge Blood Axe, and they definitely weren’t going to challenge Abel. There was something unique about Abel’s presence. It’s like he was a king or something. Whether it was his calm demeanor or the way he ate, everything about him showed how powerful he was. When Abel was finished with his roast meat, he cleaned his hands with the napkin on his table. While still ignoring the people that were looking at him, he showed a very satisfied expression on his face. Abel called the waiter that was already hiding under the reception, “For takeaway, I want twenty more of the same roast meat. By the way, do you have any rum here?”
Chapter 208 - Elven Perfume Chapter 208 Elven Perfume After hearing Abel’s call, the waiter walked through the bunch of adventurers. He was very afraid, of course. It was obvious that his voice was shaking when he spoke. “Yeee..yes sir…. We do. We do have a lo-ot of rum here…” “Give me ten barrels,” Abel threw a big bag of gold coins on the table, “Make sure they are sealed well. Hey, is this enough as a payment?” “That’s too much, sir!” the waiter said loudly, as he stared at the heavy bag. Abel shooed the waiter away, “Just hurry up! The rest is your tip.” All the adventurers in the inn were still looking. From their perspective, whoever this masked man was, he was either a fool or someone who was confident enough to take on all of them. They weren’t sure which one was he, so nobody dared to make a move yet. As for Abel, he didn’t want to reveal his identity and his power. He didn’t want the Wizard Union to know where he had been. If he could just scare these men away, he would have a lot less trouble going for him. Soon, twenty roast portions of meat were wrapped up in a bag, and two 100-pound rum barrels were carried over by several other waiters. Once they were at Abel’s table, they were wrapped up with a giant, long rope. “Let’s go,” Abel said as Loraine was already done eating. After nodding for a bit, Loraine stood up and walked beside Abel. With twenty servings of roast meat on his left and ten rum barrels wrapped up with a rope in his right, Abel began to walk towards the exit. As heavy as they definitely were, it looked like he was just carrying a single barrel of rum. These adventurers knew what they were looking at. The weight was just too light to let Abel pay any attention to it. Suddenly, the silence was filled with the sound of these men swallowing their own saliva. If they weren’t looking at Abel’s figure right now, they would think that he was a giant bear or something As Abel was walking past Blood Axe, despite the fact that his face was covered, his stare still emitted a deadly imposing pressure. He was very good at controlling his imposing pressure now. If his opponent was weaker than him, he wouldn’t even have to do anything to intimidate him. Just like now. There was already a huge gap between knights and warriors. And since Abel’s imposing pressure was much stronger than most advanced knights, Blood Axe (an intermediate warrior) had no way to react. He just stood there, almost as if lightning had struck him. When Abel and Loraine went out of the inn, every adventurer felt like they could finally breathe again. “Everyone’s going to laugh at us now. Hey, why didn’t you do anything back there?” one of them said. “Well, why didn’t you do anything? I thought you liked claiming all the glory to yourself,” another one replied sarcastically. “Hey, Blood Axe. What’s wrong, brother?” one of the men asked as he saw something wrong with Blood Axe. As this man patted Blood Axe on his back, Blood Axe fell to the ground like a piece of plank. “Wow, what the…” A few more men came to see what’s going on. Luckily for them, Blood Axe was just unconscious. Well, he also got a bump on his head because of the way he fell, but he was in much better condition than what most bystanders thought. The inn became silent once again. Everyone knew how strong Blood Axe was. Right now, there were about less than two people here who could take on him. Yet, despite all that, Blood Axe was knocked out by that stranger back then. They didn’t even know what the guy did to knock him out. Soon, fewer adventurers remained in the inn. Abel might not have known about it, but he just prevented a merchant’s cargo from being attacked by these men. Their original plan was to make an ambush around Moogen Town, but now they wanted to get away as far as they could from here. After checking that nobody was around, Abel threw his rum barrels and roast meat into his Kong Kong spiritual beast bag. It was getting late now, and White Cloud was already waiting for him and Loraine. “Black WInd!” Since Abel couldn’t see Black Wind, he decided to call it through his soul chain. Soon, Black Wind ran back with a deer in its mouth. As it laid the deer on the ground in front of Abel, Abel complimented it by patting it on the head. “Thank you, Black Wind!” Loraine rubbed Black Wind’s fur with her tiny hand, “Now that’s a good, goody boy. You just got a whole deer for Abel!” Loraine didn’t get that right. This wasn’t for Abel. Black Wind got the deer for itself. It just wanted Abel to roast it before it could eat it, and what’s Abel going to do? It’s not like he’s got a choice. After all the time they’ve spent in the Rogue’s Encampment, it just lost interest in eating any uncooked meat. Something didn’t feel right. When Loraine was looking at Black Wind, she actually looked kind of upset. Her eyes were wavering for some reason. “What happened, Loraine?” Abel asked as he took out some roast meat for Black Wind. “I- I just remembered about Clark,” Loraine said quietly. Clark, right. That’s the horse Abel gave to Loraine. Abel just remembered as well. Since they didn’t have the time to take things slowly, they just left it at Bakong City. He was starting to feel kind of guilty now. Abel tried to comfort Loraine, “Don’t worry, Ken will take care of him.” Loraine replied with a smile, “Yeah, I’m sure he will. He’s always liked Clark.” When Loraine felt less upset, she came to feed Black Wind with Abel. When they were done, Abel took her on top of White Cloud’s back. They went inside Akara’s tent, and while Black Wind was taking a nap, White Cloud began flying east again. It was already dark now. Since it was dark inside the Akara’s tent, Abel took out a night pearl from his portal bag. After putting it on top of the tent, it became a lot brighter inside. “You mind if I use the alchemy table?” Loraine asked urgently. “Yeah, sure. Use it anytime,” Abel smiled. Since Loraine wanted to make her elven perfume so badly, even he was starting to become interested. “You mind if I watch you making the perfume?” Abel asked. He wasn’t sure if the elven perfume was a family secret or something. As curious as he was, it was still the polite thing to ask for permission first. Loraine chuckled a bit, “It’s okay, Abel. It’s not like a secret recipe or something! Including me, every noble elven girl has to know how to make her own elven perfume.” As Loraine came to the alchemy table, she took one out of the five portions of the materials she bought at Edmund’s boutique shop. After that, she took out many branches of dried purple flowers. “This is hyacinth, Abel,” Loraine said as she placed the plant inside a crystal cup, “It’s a shame that we aren’t in the right season. I was going to see if there were any fresh flowers. They smell really nice, did you know that?” Loraine added some water to the cup. After that, she stirred it with a crystal stick. She then lit up the fire for the stove, and once the cup was placed on top of the stove, she chanted out something in the noble tongue of the elves. Abel did learn some noble tongue of the elves as well. He could tell that Loraine was saying some simple phrases. These words didn’t mean anything in particular, but while Loraine was still stirring the crystal cup, the dried hyacinth flower slowly dissolved in the water. Soon, all that remained was a tiny bit of residue. Abel could sense a spell wave here. As weak as it was, it was almost impossible for him not to detect it if it was so close to him. One thing for sure. Loraine didn’t cast any spells. If she did, it would be the effect of the enchantments she did. While it was nowhere strong enough to form an offensive or a defensive spell, it was more enough to dissolve a flower. Loraine stopped stirring when the hyacinth flower was dissolved, “What I did just then was a faster method to dissolve the flower. Normally, it would take a lot longer for a flower like that to dissolve, but we just saved a lot of time.”
Chapter 209 - Alchemy Chapter 209 Alchemy “Quick dissolving!” Abel has heard of this before. He searched his kong kong spiritual portal bag with his power of the Will. With a tap of his hand, two sheepskin books appeared. He got them from Wizard Black. It was his trophy for beating him. They were both alchemy recipes. Yes, ‘quick dissolving.’ It was one of the methods that were used to make the “ration potion.” It was mentioned in the pages. So, was the “elven perfume” an alchemy recipe, then? No wonder she was using alchemy tools to make it. Loraine took out another crystal cup. After placing a thin cloth on top, she poured the dissolved hyacinth into it. She started chanting something in the noble tongue of the elves again. A dim light flashed over the thin cloth. If Abel didn’t pay attention, he might just not notice it. As the dissolved hyacinth was poured on top of the thin cloth, all the residue was filtered on top. The liquid that passed through became very, very clear. “This is called “precise filtration,” It’s meant to separate all the residue from the mixture,” Loraine explained patiently. Next, Loraine held the filtered hyacinth solution in her left hand. With her right hand holding another empty crystal cup, she chanted out something else. Something strange started happening. While the hyacinth solution was still in the cup, a mysterious power lifted a part of it out. The part that was separated looked kind of oily, and it was flowing right into the empty cup. Loraine said as she gave a satisfied smile at the oily liquid, “This is “refinement,” I extracted the hyacinth essence from this solution.” Abel was starting to smell it now. He was a few meters away from the crystal cup, but the aroma was so strong that the entire space was filled with it. Loraine used the same few methods to process the other dried flowers. When she was done, she combined all the flowers in proportion to each other. The resulting concoction was a small test tube of liquid. Loraine held the test tube in her hand. With an anxious look on her face, she started shaking the test tube lightly with her hand. She chanted out something in the noble tongue of the elves again, which made the test tube flash out in seven different colors of light. The more she shook, the more these lights started coming out of the test tube. Loraine started chanting out the words faster. She was also shaking the test tube faster. Suddenly, the seven rays of light burst out from inside the test tube. A light aroma started emerging. It wasn’t thick, but it was, in a way, very “captivating.” To put it into words, this scent could easily reach one’s soul. “Yes!” Loraine took the test tube near her nose, “A sublimation! I didn’t expect to get it on the first try.” Loraine took the night pearl to have a better look at the test tube. When she was done examining, she took a small crystal tube and poured the entire mixture in. Abel said, “So that’s what meant when you said you’re making the perfume.” “Yeah!” Loraine replied, “This is one of the ways to make them. Sometimes, if you’re using a different recipe, you might have to learn some other ways to process the materials.” Loraine continued, “Since we aren’t in the right season now, we can’t use fresh flowers to make the perfume. I’m not saying that the one I’ve just made is bad, but the smell could’ve been a lot better if I was using freshly-picked flowers.” Loraine looked kind of disappointed when she was saying that. With the ingredients that she had access to, this was about the best quality she could come up with. There was no way that a place like Moogen Town would have exactly what she wanted. “Hold up there just a second,” Abel pointed out at the alchemy formula for “ration potion, “Quick dissolving, precise filtration, refinement, sublimation. These are all technical terms in the area of alchemy! You’d have to be an alchemist to know them!” “But, I’m not lying, Abel!” Loraine looked at Abel innocently, “The lady who taught me this didn’t mention anything about alchemy! She just told me that they were for making perfumes!” Loraine didn’t want Abel to think of her as a liar. There was no way he was going to, anyway. If anyone was hiding the truth, it would be that lady who taught Loraine how to make her own perfume. Maybe she didn’t know about alchemy, too. Maybe she just thought that there was no need to tell Loraine about alchemy. Abel has always wanted to learn some alchemy. However, it was hard to find a real alchemist. Throughout his not-so-long career as a wizard, he has never seen an alchemist as of yet. Now, he just realized that Loraine was an alchemist. Even she didn’t know about it before. Abel asked in a somewhat embarrassed tone, “Um, Loraine. Do you mind if you, uh, teach me how to do alchemy? Obviously, if you’re not up for it, you can always just say so.” “You want to study alchemy?” Loraine called out in surprise. A look of happiness emerged on her face. In her mind, if Abel was learning alchemy from her, she would have all the time she wanted to be with him. She didn’t care about alchemy or whatnot. As long as Abel wanted her to, she could teach him anything. For the next few days, since Abel and Loraine wanted to hide their tracks, they decided to make camp out in the wilderness. They would hunt and pick for whatever food that they could get. Since Abel had his own private storage box, Loraine could have as much fresh juice as she wanted to. They couldn’t just spend all their time moving. Abel wanted to learn alchemy, so a lot of their time was spent on alchemy lessons. Actually, throughout most of the day, Loraine would be teaching him somewhere with nobody around. In a few days, Abel was able to learn some of the fundamentals of alchemy runes. “Beginner’s alchemy runes,” in other words. Not only did he engrave some of the basic patterns into his own memory, but he’s also learned some basic techniques related to potion-brewing. ‘Quick dissolving;, ‘Precise filtration,’ ‘Refinement,’ ‘Sublimation,’ ‘Purification by distillation,’ ‘Accelerated corruption,’ ‘Uniform calcination,’ and ‘Fast fermentation’ were quickly crammed into his head. Of course, no real alchemy teacher would give that to a student in one go, but that was the way Loraine did it. Luckily, Abel had already done plenty of self-study. Since he’s already had a good understanding of how runes functioned, it took about a few days for him to learn how to draw the right patterns. And since he knew the noble tongue of the elves, it was very easy for him to know how to do the enchantments correctly. One day, when Loraine was sleeping on the big ambergris bed, Abel snuck his way to the alchemy table. He wanted to give Loraine a surprise. As a way to thank her for the lessons, he wanted to make his own elven perfume and give it to her. This was what he did. After taking four bottles of the elven perfume Loraine had used, he tried to copy her by adding the purple hyacinth into the crystal cup. But just when he was about to pour the water, he realized something. If he was just going to copy her, all he was going to make was a product of the same quality. With that in mind, Abel took everything out of his Horadric Cube. He then added the hyacinth flower into the water and placed the cup on top of the stove. He stirred the solution with his crystal stick and chanted out in the noble tongue of the elves. For some reason, the flower dissolved a lot faster than when Loraine was doing it. Maybe it had to do with the fact his mana capacity was much bigger than hers. Quick dissolving. Next up, it was time for precise filtration. Abel had thought that this technique was just a substitute for filter cloth. He wasn’t wrong, actually. Since the technology wasn’t advanced in this world, good filter cloths were very hard to come by. After making another two portions of the hyacinth flowers, three hyacinth solutions were on the alchemy table. Abel took all of them into his Horadric Cube, and once he was done synthesizing them, one bottle of the solution came out. While this particular bottle didn’t look any different from the other ones, Abel knew that it must’ve been a lot better in its quality. Whatever that’s been synthesized by the Horadric Cube, it would always be a lot better than the ingredients that were used to make it. Next up, it was time for refinement. When Abel was doing it, it was very different than when Loraine was doing it. Instead of coming out as transparent, the oily liquid that was extracted was a shade of light purple. Also, It was a lot thicker in its smell.
Chapter 210 - First Try Chapter 210 First Try Abel wasn’t an expert on perfumes. He didn’t know how rare the aroma he obtained was. While Loraine was still asleep, her nose was smelling it even when she was unaware. Next up, when Abel finished dissolving and filtering the materials, he synthesized them in his Horadric Cube once more When the bottles of the elven perfumes were done, he decided to put them inside the Horadric Cube. He wasn’t planning to synthesize them again. If the resulting product was too perfect, he would have a lot of problems if he was showing it to anyone else. Lastly, after mixing all the solutions in accordance with their proportion, Abel started chanting out the words to reach the sublimation stage. Seven rays of lights started filling out the room. It was a lot brighter than the time that Loraine did it. The lights were expanding out at first, but after a while, they started closing in together. Abel could sense it. This hyacinth-based elven perfume was a success. The resulting liquor was a thick shade of purple, which seemed all the more luxurious when it was under the shine of the night pearl. As for the scent, Abel couldn’t really comment much on it. He just knew that the smell was making him very relaxed. That was saying a lot, actually, since his power of the Will was much stronger than most people. If normal people smelt this perfume, they would probably fall unconscious right away. Well, with a scent this strong, it was hard to call it a perfume. Abel wanted to make something that he could give to Loraine, but he ended up making bio-weapon instead. “What’s smells so good, Abel?” Loraine walked in whilst rubbing her eyes. Even when she was so sleepy, she couldn’t help but keep sniffing the air. “Uh, hey, Loraine! I was trying to make my own elven perfume just then. Something doesn’t feel right, though.” Abel felt kind of sorry to have woken Loraine up from her sleep. Since Loraine asked for it, he passed over the perfume he’s just made. Loraine had a strong in her power of the Will, so there she wouldn’t fall unconscious. Instead of falling asleep again, Loraine actually felt very awake now. As her eyes examined the bottle Abel gave her. She started mumbling something to herself. “Wait, no no no, this isn’t real. There’s no way that it is,” Loraine commented. “What happened, Loraine?” Abel asked. He thought that there was something wrong with the perfume he’s made. “What happened is that you’re a genius, Abel,” Loraine took another look at the perfume in her hand, “For some reason, you’ve exceeded the maximum quality you can achieve with this recipe. Did you attain a “flash of light” by any chance?” Abel tried to be as vague as he could, “I’m not sure, but the portions I used to make this one bottle could be used to make three normal ones.” Loraine started raising her arms in excitement, “That has to be it! You must’ve had a flash of light! The lady who taught me this had done it once before. She told me that if you want to attain a flash of light, the potion you’ve made must be in a lower rank than yourself.” “You can have that bottle, Loraine,” Abel took a look at the elven perfume in Loraine’s hand, “I was going to give it to you in the first place. It was meant to be a gift.” Abel kind of wanted to study the elven perfume now, but he knew he wasn’t getting it back. Well, he wasn’t planning to. As he said, it was meant to be a gift for Loraine. “Thanks, Abel!” Loraine ran back to the room whilst having the bottle in her arms. She really wanted to try out the perfume now. With a smile on his face, Abel took out the formula for the “ration potion.” From what it looked like, the main ingredient of this recipe was wheat. With about a pound of wheat, it was possible to make an entire bottle of this potion. All the other ingredients were either for preserving the potion or for adding more flavor to the taste. This was probably the easiest formula there was. Technically, all Abel needed was wheat. Right now, he had some in his kong kong spirit portal bag. Not a lot of wheat was produced in this world. Most people could only eat rye bread that was made from wheat barn. White bread that was made with fine flour was only available to the privileged ones. Abel took a pound of white and placed it on the table. Since a pound was quite a lot, he couldn’t just use his alchemy tools to handle it. After taking out a tub from his kong kong spiritual portal bag, he had all the wheat in it and added water to it. Once he had done the enchantment to perform “quick fermentation,” the wheat softened in a way that was clearly visible. That’s when he realized that this recipe was harder than it looked. Abel had to use up a lot of his mana to sustain the fermentation because of the sheer amount of wheat. He wasn’t a real wizard. With the tiny amount of mana that’s been released by the spell enhancement, there was no way that he could cover up all of the wheat. For a low-tiered wizard, Abel actually had a lot of mana in him. While it was quite hard for him at his current level, he still managed to make a dough at the end. It was quite funny, actually. If all it took was a spell and some water to make a dough (he didn’t even separate the wheat from their shells), then all the bread-making machines on Earth would’ve become completely useless. When the fermentation was complete, Abel added more water to the dough so that it could sink. He had to use the “quick dissolving” spell, which just showed that only wizards could have the ability to use this recipe. For all the techniques he’s just used, the mana cost would’ve been the same as a low-tiered spell. Soon, the dough was completely dissolved into water. Since the “ration potion” was not meant to have a good texture, there was never a need to perform “precise filtration.” Thus, Abel went to the refinement stage immediately. Out of this muddy solution of wheat and water, he extracted the finest essence and placed it into a cup. Next up, he was going to make some supplementary ingredients. While he’s just done making most of the ration potion, now was the time to use “sublimation” to add the final touch.” Soon, seven rays of light burst out from inside the tube. To Abel’s surprise, the resulting product became black, almost as if it was burnt out. When he noticed how terrible it smelt, he knew that he failed. That’s when Abel remembered what Loraine said. She talked about “sublimation” like it depended on luck. The chance was one in five if he remembered correctly. It wasn’t like he was guaranteed to get one in five bottles right, either. For every bottle he’s made, he would have a one in five rates of getting it successfully sublimed. “Sublimation,” It was an ability that’s based on gambling. For every level that the alchemist was higher than the recipe that he’s making, the chance of attaining a successful sublimation would be multiplied by two. Keep in mind that “ration potion” was a low-tiered potion. If an intermediate alchemist could make one successful bottle out of three, an advanced alchemist would’ve had almost a 100% success rate. Abel was an amateur. It was very understandable that he would fail. Something bothered him, though. If the odds were against him, how did he get it right the first time when he was making the elven perfume for Loraine? Was he just lucky, or was there some factors that he didn’t take into consideration? It’s got to have something to do with the Horadric Cube. For the perfume he just gave to Loraine, most of the materials were already synthesized with his Horadric Cube. To test this assumption, Abel began his second experiment with three pounds of wheat. After making three solutions with the “quick dissolving” technique, he combined them with his Horadric Cube. The resulting product was a synthesized wheat solution, which had a very nice wheaty smell to it. Instead of having a transparent color, the synthesized solution had a milk-white color to it. When Abel used his “refinement’ technique, the extracted essence was even more similar to that of milk. Abel held the extracted wheat essence in his hand. After chanting out the words to perform “sublimation,” seven rays of light appeared from inside the bottle. Before he even knew if he had succeeded or not, he could already smell something very nice with his nose. It was the smell of bread made with fine milk. In fact, that’s what the bottle looked like. It looked like a bottle of milk.
Chapter 211 - Intercepted Chapter 211 Intercepted It was a real success this time, but was it luck, or was it the reason why Horadric cubes have fused the raw materials as expected? After fusing for another four times, no fusing failure occurred, and four more bottles of nutrition potion were obtained. One thing for sure. The Horadric cube could guarantee that the alchemist would be 100% successful when he finally used it together with the ‘sublimation’ skill. But the successful results didn’t come without any cost. The price was three times of the materials were used, which was equivalent to an intermediate alchemist fusing a basic potion, but the most important thing was that, in order to raise Abel alchemy level, those precious raw materials that used in the advanced formula could lead to a huge loss if Abel failed once in the process. According to the previous success rate, even fusing five times consistently couldn’t guarantee the success rate. But as long as he had the three copies, Abel could guarantee success. In fact, there was another key point, the effect of the potion. After the fusing of the materials, the effect has exceeded the original formula, and the final product that Abel had not been fusing, once he did the fusing, the effect would be greatly improved. But he did not intend to do that, at least except for the potion he used, and he did not intend to fuse the final product. By comparing to the red wine that he fused, which can affect an advanced Wizards, it was not hard to imagine how powerful the fusing effect of Horadric Cube. Rum was a kind of distilled liquor produced from sugar cane molasses. Abel bought rum at about 40 degrees. He bought these wines because he wanted to leave the human world, but he didn’t know how long it would take. Rum was the dwarf’s favorite wine. He bought these wines to pass through the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range. By chance, if he encountered a dwarf, he can give it to the dwarf as a gift. Now Abel wants to experiment with whether the rum has been synthesized once through the Horadric cubes. Now his perception was already very sensitive, far from being as inexperienced as a wizard. Now, he could perceive anything unusual about the synthesized rum. Once again, Abel removes the items from the Horadric cube, took a barrel of rum from the space portal bag, finds three bottles to fill it with rum, and placed it in the Horadric Cube. After a white light appeared, three bottles of rum turned into a bottle. Abel opened the cap and glanced at the wine color. The color of the wine had changed from transparent to amber. Best-aged rum was golden, but the amber color was darker than the golden color, and it should be older. He took a sip of the fused rum, a strong rum like a fire snake running through his body, and it seemed that the winter cold disappeared instantly. ense Abel used all the will power to sense any changes in the body. After a bottle of fused rum was completely drunk, he came to the conclusion that although this bottle of fused rum had specificities, it was not too special. The rum he fused was almost the same as the aged rum that has been carefully stored for decades, and the most specific feature was that it could dispel cold, and the cold in the body can be eliminated almost immediately. Abel felt relieved; he fused all the rums and got more than three barrels of fused rum. For 100 pounds per barrel, this much rum was enough for him to give away purpose. Abel, who had just drunk a bottle of fused rum, was relaxed after completing what he wanted to do, and he felt a little sleepy and fell asleep on the alchemy table. Without knowing how long he slept, Abel was awakened suddenly by a call, which was White Cloud warning to him. He couldn’t help but be shocked. The wine thing was really a mistake. Abel did not feel it before by only drinking red wine. Now after drinking the fused rum. Even His knight’s consciousness was reduced, and he was reminded by White Cloud. It seems that Abel should drink less alcohol in the future, and he was still running away. He didn’t know if one day he would be overtaken by the Wizards Guild. In case he was found without spiritual help, it was likely that there would be big trouble. When Abel stepped out of Akara’s tent, he saw that White Cloud was hovering in the air, and the Black Wind was staring at the sky ahead, making preparations to strike at any time In the sky, two golden eagles fly around the white clouds in the air. Each golden eagle had a dwarf on it. The dwarf has black leather armor. He holds a black crossbow machine in his hand, and the arrows were pointed at the cold light towards white clouds. If it was White Cloud before, it would have scared him everywhere, but since it followed Abel and was promoted to be a soul beast, White Cloud was no longer an ordinary sky sparrow. Holding a crossbow aircraft in front of two golden giant eagles and dwarves, they were able to cope with the cycle. “This was the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range. Orcs are forbidden to enter. If you move forward, you will be attacked!” The two dwarves said in alternation with the words of Beast and Common. If it weren’t for White Cloud stopping flying forward and hovering in situ, or if they went forward intermittently, the two dwarves were expected to attack directly. Abel standing on Baiyun’s back, shouted, “Hello, I’m not an orc. Please don’t attack. I’m a Master blacksmith here to greet you!” Abel said, taking the master blacksmith’s medal from the space bag and holding it in his hand. The two dwarves stared at each other, seemingly surprised to see that there was a human on the sky sparrow. A dwarf was driving near the giant golden eagle, and saw the Black Wind on the back of White Cloud, saying in common words: “Dear Master Blacksmith, if you want to pass through the rift mountains, please come back to Moon Guardian City with us for identity confirmation!” Abel looked at the two dwarves with some depression. Somehow, he would be examined after he had identified his identity, but in the air, the two dwarves who ran the giant golden eagle and had a long-range attack, compared with the large white clouds of the body. It was hard to get rid of it without using the stealth ability. Abel’s ability did not want to be exposed, and he would not attack the dwarf. Not to mention his relationship with the dwarves; that was, he has just been wanted by the wizarding society in the human world, and it was extremely unwise to offend the dwarves at this time. “I agree with you!” Abel nodded back. “Abel, what’s wrong?”. Lorrain came out of ‘Akara ‘s tent’ and saw the giant golden eagle in the sky, and could n’t help whispering, “Ah, this was the golden flying rider. I see the golden flying rider of the dwarf! “Abel, this was the most powerful airpower of the dwarf. They were the most powerful airpower in the legend, just like the human lion-eagle beast knight. The golden flying ride flying in excitement explained to Abel. Abel looked a little dignified. According to Lorraine, this kind of air rider called the golden flying ride was hard to see, just like the lion eagle and beast rider in the human world, at least he has never seen it in the human world. To the figure of a lion-eagle beast knight. According to legends, the lion, eagle, and beast knights were terrible. They blocked the Budapest mountain range. Although the Budapest mountain range was very long, it was because of them that Miracle City was not attacked from the sky. Now that Golden Flying Rider was here, did it mean that something big would happen here? Thinking of this in his heart, Abel was a little hesitant about whether he was still going to Moon Guardian City, but when he saw the golden flying rider from time to time, he could only follow them to Moon Guardian City. But before that, he had to put away the ‘Akara’s tent.’ This tent was so amazing. For unnecessary trouble, it was better to put it away earlier. Abel stretched out his hand and folded ‘Akara ‘s tent,’ Lorraine stunned and threw it into his personal locker. After flying for a while, a stone mountain appeared in front of me. On top of the stone mountain, there was a huge stone city. The majestic city below could be felt from a height that made Abel feel very strange. This huge city was too wasteful.
Chapter 212 - Moon Guardian City Chapter 212 Moon Guardian City The giant golden eagle was faster than White Cloud. When approaching the Stone City, a golden flying rider sped down and another golden flying rider monitored White Cloud. “Lorraine, do you know why the dwarves built the city so tall?” Abel asked, thinking of Lorrain’s knowledge of the dwarves. Abel, do you know the giant that disappeared in the legend?” Lorrain asked, covering her mouth and smiling. “Isn’t that a legendary creature?” Abel has seen descriptions of giants in some books. Legend has it that God’s most beloved life has a huge body and unimaginable means of spell attack. The most famous was the Titan Giant with lightning ability. “But the dwarves stubbornly believe that they are the descendants of giants. The city they build on the ground must be huge enough to accommodate the giant’s body and be able to live in the future when the giant returns,” Lorraine explained with her voice lightly. Abel has some unimaginable legends about the connection between giants over ten meters tall and dwarves only 1.4 meters tall, and for this legend, dwarves can stubbornly build all the surface cities so tall, This also reflects the stubborn character of the dwarves. At this moment, the golden flying rider in the sky waved to Abel, motioning him to fly down. White Cloud body fell slightly to the ground, Abel left Black Wind on White Cloud body and took and brought Lorraine down from the back of White Cloud. Above the ground, a dwarf in pure black iron armor was looking at Abel, and Abel felt strong coercion. Abel pulled Lorraine behind him, his body was flashing with golden combat qi, and his eyes were flowing. He also exerted the power of the elite knight, which was different from the power of the opposite black armor dwarf spreading around with his own dot. The pressure was issued only in the direction of the opposite Black Dwarf. Although the opponent was equal to the level of the Elite Knight, Abel ‘s own coercion was easier to control because his will power was much higher than a normal knight. Abel’s physique had become more powerful, and his strength has surpassed a normal knight, so the strength of his coercion was extremely strong. When the coercion of the two men approached, everyone nearby seemed to hear the sound of two steel collisions. “Stop it!” A loud voice came, and the Black Dwarf heard the voice and couldn’t even think of defending, and hurried back. Abel didn’t chase after him. Although he was a bit angry when he was attacked suddenly, this place was the dwarf’s territory. It was not a good idea for him to investigate the attack, but it was better to be more generous. The old dwarf was wearing a gold robe called the Abel and the Black Dwarf. Of course, this was what he saw from the color of the dwarf’s beard. All dwarves had beards, so it was difficult for Abel to distinguish their age. Only by the color of the beard can one make a rough guess. Abel could see that the dwarf named Ivan was not an ordinary dwarf. After hearing his command, a powerful knight-level powerhouse did not even care about his own safety. The dwarf in front of him had a distinguished identity. “Dear Master Abel, Ivan, the dwarven tribe of the Moon Guardian City, is here to greet you!” Ivan, the old dwarf, bowed to Abel. “Dear Ivan City Master, the human, Abel greets you!” Abel bowed back, as the two sides were not of the same race, neither of them reported each other’s title, and used equal etiquette. “Sorry. Because you were flying ride on an orc’s Sky Sparrow, and you use a wolf as a mount, the golden flying ride can’t confirm your identity. So, you were brought here.” The elder dwarf Ivan looked at the White Clouds and Black Wind behind Abel with an exciting light in his eyes, explaining what had just happened. “It should be me who should apologize, I rushed into the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range and brought trouble to the nobles!” Abel said, bowing and saluting. “No need to be polite, Master Abel, I heard about you. The Wizards Association of the Kingdom of St. Ellis drove a master blacksmith out of the human world. These short-sighted guys. They will regret it,” Ivan City complimented with a smile. Abel would not tell the owner of the st. Ellis was waiting for him to return to the human world when the opportunity matured. In his heart, he always thought that the escape was just a journey, even if there was no way for the teacher to find someone to help him clear his sins, he can also return to the human world with absolute strength. This was only a matter of time. Alberta, apologize to Master Abel!” The Lord of Ivan turned to the black dwarf who had retreated. The black-armored dwarf called Alberta bowed to Abel and said, “Sorry, Master Abel, I just felt the powerful power in your body. So I became offensive. Please forgive me!”. Abel hurried forward politely. He respected the masters like Alberta who were equivalent to the strength of an Elite Knight, He admired it from the bottom of his heart, and his knightly strength was all forcibly improved, which made him admire these masters, who grew through hard work, even more. It was just that the action of the Lord of Ivan made Abel secretly speculate that this Guardian Moon City was a strategically important city that separates the double moon forest from the human world, and the owner of this city was to him was too friendly. Although he may have a place in the dwarves as a master blacksmith, he did not think that this identity can have such a great effect on the owner of a big city. “Master Abel, please come inside!” Ivan, the city owner, shook his white beard and reached out to ask. It didn’t take long to reach the gate; this was a real huge gate. The door frame was made of white stone, and the two-door panels are cut out of two monoliths, which were carved with a scene of a giant holding lightning fighting a demon. This gate alone was more than ten meters high. This gate could not be opened without the power of an Elite knight, according to Abel’s estimation. Lorraine followed Abel quietly, and although Lord Ivan was a little curious about Abel carrying an elf woman, he did not ask anything Entering the gate, Abel felt a great difference in the layout inside. The tall roof and white stone walls were carved with various birds and beasts, while the tables and chairs in the room were surprisingly short. But let the room with extra solemnity. Abel only had such feeling once in the human temple. Looking at the carvings on the walls around him, he couldn’t help but admire the sculptural skills of the dwarves. He also learned to carve, and he knew how difficult it was to carve on this hard white stone. “Master Abel, this coffee is from the human world, please enjoy!” Said the lord of Ivan after the coffee was delivered by a dwarf waiter after seated. “You are so kind!” Abel and Lorraine looked at each other, and even Lorraine felt that the Ivan Lord had something to ask Abel for help. “Master Abel, I have some things to ask for!” The owner of Ivan saw that the atmosphere was wrong, so he didn’t delay anymore, and said earnestly. Abel knew trouble was coming, but he replied: “The Lord of Ivan, please say what troubles you. If I have can help, I will.” “Master Abel, I have a nephew who was suffering from the poison of cold. He will hunt the Ice Fire Ape in the Double Moon forest and take its crystal nuclei to heal! I would like to ask for your help.” Ice Fire Ape, a kind of spirit beast, was described by Abel in “Morton’s observation Records.” It was a grade beast, born with a combination of ice and fire; The adult Ice Fire Ape was a very powerful one among the top-level spirit beasts both in strength and spells. “Ivan City Lord, you asked me to deal with the Ape of Fire. You really overestimate me. I am only an elite knight, and I have not mastered many spells!”Abel was self-aware. This kind of powerful and powerful spirit creature was not something that a low-level wizard like him can handle, so when he heard the request of the Lord of Ivan, he quickly shook his head and refused. “Master Abel, you’re mistaken. I’m not asking you to fight the Ice Fire Ape, but I’m asking you to transport our people over with your sky sparrow. You know that the effective time to take the nuclei was two hours, so My nephew must also go together, of course, your reward was a piece of silver money,” The Lord of Ivan saw Abel refuse to explain and prescribe conditions.
Chapter 213 - Coming Again Chapter 213 Coming Again If he was just getting them to the destination and didn’t have to take part in the battle, then he could get some Wind silver and get to know the city owner. With that in mind, Abel nodded and said, ” Alright then, when can we set off? Wind silver was very attractive to Abel. According to his knowledge, wind silver was a special metal. Adding a certain amount of wind silver to the weapon forging process could increase the weapon’s windbreaker special effects, increase the attack speed, and increase by how much was depends on the ability of the blacksmith. “Thank you, Master Abel; my people will start preparing today, and we will leave tomorrow morning!” Ivan the Lord was overjoyed, knowing that he had prepared to arrange a dwarf team to forcibly open a passage in the Double Moon Forest. The cost of doing so was the lives of countless dwarf warriors. The key thing was they might not have enough time. Now Ivan needed to choose some elite combat power to fly directly to the destination and take down the ice fire ape. It would save time, manpower, material resources compared to the previous method. “Master Abel, please have some rest; I am sorry that I won’t be able to accompany you for dinner. A waiter will take you directly to your room!” Said the lord of Ivan apologetically. Abel understood. Ivan City ‘s owner was afraid that he has to arrange things overnight. How can he have free time to dine with Abel? A waiter brought Abel and Lorrain to the guest room, and the two rooms were close together. “I’m going to practice tonight. You just have to send the dinner to her room!” Abel said to the waiter who was leaving. After the waiter bowed and walked away, Abel turned to Lorraine and said, “Lorraine, I will practice all night tonight, and you should rest earlier.” Lorraine nodded smartly. Abel has been with her all these days. She knew Abel’s living habits and will be closed in the room every night to practice. She was already very happy and content that they had been spending time together. Abel entered the room, looked around, and found no devices such as the magic barrier method and mechanism. He immediately took out the isolation magic barrier from the portal bag and activated the barrier to completely isolate him from the surroundings. Abel hasn’t entered Rogue encampment for a few days. He has a new magic sword in his hand, but he has not been able to try it. The only time to use the new magic sword was to dig the soil. He felt sorry for the sword of Victory. Took out the Town Teleport Scroll from the Horadric Cube, and Abel activated it, to enter the Rogue encampment through the portal. As soon as he entered Rogue encampment, he felt the weather changed. It was still cold outside, but the Rogue encampment was very warm. Because the Black Wind was not brought in, Abel did not save his combat qi, activated ‘Knight Acceleration,’ raised his movement speed to the limit, and ran toward the Blood Moor. Before, he rode Black Wind, so he didn’t feel the long distance. Now, he only understood Blood Moor’s size by running himself. Running at full speed for a long time even made him sweaty even with his superb physique. The benefits of high physique appeared at this time, after a little rest, his body had returned to a state of complete victory. The shadow of the zombie can be seen dimly in front of him. Abel first casts himself a “Frozen armor” and summon Rib Bone from the phalanx space. With the ice magic sword, and without Abel’s orders, he rushed towards the zombie ahead. Abel held his Sword of Victory and did not fall behind Rib Bone. He swung his sword and killed the zombies in 3 swings. How could he kill the zombie just by 3 swings? By watching the ghost appear from the zombie and being absorbed into the Horadric Cube, Abel felt strange, then suddenly thought of the superior sword in his hand has an attribute of + 300% damage to undead monsters, it seemed that this attribute was very useful for the undead. There were only ten or something zombies in this area. Now, several hundred more were crawling here from the underground. Abel threw a worried look at Rib Bone. Now that there were so many of them, it could really start to make use of its mass freezing ability. With a swing of its ice magic sword, the already-really-slow zombies were moving at the pace of a snail. Because of how slow the zombies were, they were actually slowing down the ones that were behind them. It became really easy for Rib Bone to finish them off. Whenever they were recovered from the slowing effect, Rib Bone would just freeze them again with the ice magic sword. After that, it would end them with the swing of its blade. It was that easy. Abel was kind of shocked to see how orderly Rib Bone was executing its fighting strategy. Attack. Slow the enemies down. Attack. It was even better than when he was doing it. It’s shocking that a skeleton could be so quick with its hands. Abel’s still got his “charged bolts,” though. As his only area attack technique (also the most mana-consuming one), he could neutralize the zombies in a very efficient manner. Soon, the level five charged bolts became seven lightning arcs that were laid on the ground. Instead of waiting for the zombies to step on them, they actually just charged at seven of them automatically. The attack point of the charged bolt was somewhere between 4 and 6. Basically, it was cast normally, nine out of ten of them would deal about 4 damage. It’s very typical of any lightning attack. They were fast, and they could zap the victims that were hit by it. That being said, they dealt the least damage amongst all the spells. Abel wasn’t really affected by such a downside, though. Since he was casting the spell with the skill tree inside his Horadric Cube, he could always deal with the maximum damage every time he activated it. It was the reason why he would use it despite how mana-inefficient it was. Actually, forget about being mana-inefficient; throughout these few minutes, Abel didn’t stop casting his charged bolts. Soon, he was already out of mana, and most of the hundreds of zombies in front of him were down by the lot. Those who didn’t were just barely moving. When Abel knew that he was reaching his limit, and he decided to stop casting any spells. He was switching for a physical attack. As he raised his sword of Victory, he began clearing off the zombies that were spared. He could almost kill one with just one or two swings, and when he did, the blade would help him recover his mana. When he killed about forty of them, his mana was pretty much recharged to full. He then switched back to casting charged bolts. He wasn’t sparing his mana this time, either. The fight ended a lot sooner than he had thought. Actually, he was finally starting to feel like a wizard. Before, when he was fighting with spells, he had to be very careful about how much mana he was spending. He had to calculate the number of zombies he was fighting, the ratio between the mana spent, and the kills he was making. It just felt like a chore for him, and it was taking the thrills of fighting away from him. It was completely different now. Spells could be cast at his will, and It would only take a few extra zombies to restore mana and become full again. At the end of the battle, Abel looked around and found that there was a small pile of stone bales not far away, where he could just sit down and rest for a while. After approaching the hill pack, he discovered that there is a cave in the middle of the hill pack. Was this an evil cave? Whether or not, Abel also had to eat first. Abel took out a copy of the nutrition potion from the portal bag. Now it was time to test the effect of the nutrition portion and pour the milky white nutrition motion into the mouth. The taste of a mixture of milk and wheat aroma filled the mouth, and a warm current went straight into the stomach. After an instant, he felt like he had just eaten a table full of good dishes, and his belly was full. The feeling of satiety, and at the same time, the vitality of the body, is also replenished in an instant. Although Abel was not sure how long ‘anti-hunger agent’ could guarantee that he doesn’t need to eat, for the moment, it seems that the effect is very good–at least it tastes really good. The empty bottle in his hand was thrown into the space bag. Abel took the shield out of the space bag, and then added the frozen armor to his body. A lot of white bones were thrown at the entrance of the cave. A closer inspection will reveal that on this small hill-packed hill, the fillings between the rocks and stones are all bone fragments, and the whole hill-pack is like a huge grave. By seeing this, Abel felt uneasy, but he still needed to go inside the devil cave. This was the only boss in Blood Moor, which would be the first boss he would encounter in the dark world. He didn’t want to miss it. Once again, he checked his equipment: shield and Sword of Victory. Abel took a deep breath and carefully entered the black hole.
Chapter 214 - The Corpsefire Chapter 214 The Corpsefire When Abel entered the cave, his instincts told him to raise the shield in his hands. A howl came out after that. Clang. The shield was being hit. Abel realized that he had made a mistake. He couldn’t see anything in front of him, which meant that he couldn’t see what kind of hell creature was attacking him. When he was about to take out his night pearl, a fireball came from far back. For a moment there, it started to light up everything that was inside the cave. Abel laid his eyes on it for the first time. It was a giant beast that was standing on its two legs. It was big and had brown hair all over its body. It was like an ape, which was accompanied by a bunch of fallen standing behind it. The fireball just then was thrown by a fallen wizard that was amongst them. It was a giant beast. Abel recognized it. They were famous for their supernatural strength and speed. The fireball wasn’t far from Abel. When he was about to dodge it, Rib Bone was already running towards it. It was trying to slash the thing with its ice magic sword. The fireball burst out, of course, and the cave became dark soon after. Abel tried to sweep past the giant beast in front of him. When he did, he took out his night pearl to check on Rib Bone. The fireball was too powerful for him to even block, but for some reason, Rib Bone had the audacity to slash it with its blade. It was really worrisome for him. Abel could still see with the night pearl out. Rib Bone was still fine. Right now, it was blocking a fallen’s attack with its shield. Abel couldn’t believe what he was looking at. The fireball was a pure fire magic attack. Abel knew that he would get a bad burn if he tried to block it himself. Maybe it had something to do with Rib Bone’s death qi. If that was the case, then the orcean priests would’ve ruled the Holy Continent a long time ago. Perhaps Rib Bone survived because of how thick its bones were. Abel started casting charged bolts. Soon, a large piece of the ground was covered with lightning arcs that cleared off the fallen and the giant beast. When most of them were eliminated, Abel’s finally got some time to look around this place. So, the legendary Den of Evil. The cave was naturally formed. From the light that was emitted by the night pearl, Abel could see the stalactites that were hanging from the ceiling As beautiful as it was, the smell was simply unbearable. Everything smelt rotten here. There was also the distinct stench of the fallen. Abel was used to smelling these dirty fallen, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to leave this place as soon as he got what he wanted. After walking on a pool of blood, Abel walked towards the fallen wizard that just died. He picked up its magic staff and threw it in his Horadric Cube. “Fireball? Again?” He spat, then threw the magic staff into his kong kong spiritual beast bag. There were three types of hell creatures in the Den of Evil: giant beast, zombie, and fallen. None of them were really a threat to Abel. Since he’s got the Sword of Victory, he could always recover his mana by four points for every time he killed an enemy, and because of his keen sense of awareness (and a loyal companion like Rib Bone), he had a pretty smooth adventure here so far. After clearing some of the diverging paths here, Abel started to see some more hell creatures. His charged bolt just gained a whole lot more experience points. Now, if he was fighting against hell creatures, he could just fire off charged bolts for unlimited rounds. At the corner in front of him, Abel could feel the terrible shriek of a monster. Unlike the other ones he encountered, the sound was actually making the ground tremble. It was a corpse fire. It had to be. When Rib Bone heard it, it decided to run towards the source of the sound whilst carrying its shield and sword. Abel quickly controlled Rib Bone with his power of the Will. He knew how tough the corpse fire must be. If Rib Bone just went on like this, it would’ve died for absolutely nothing Slowly and carefully, Abel reached out his head at the corner. They were at the deepest part of the cavern. A streak of light was coming in from the hole on the top. There was a giant zombie that was standing in the midst of it. It’s got a mossy green on its body’s surface, which was covered by very thick armor. Around it was seven smaller zombies. They were the mob spawns of the corpse fire, and they were all elite-level zombies. Seven? If Abel’s memory was correct, a corpse fire would only have seven zombies around it if he was at the hardest difficulty. But if that was the case, the corpse fire in front of him would be a top-level boss. He should just give up if that was it. There was no way he could get past its defense with his current attack point. But still. After getting this far, Abel decided that he might as well give it a try. He’s still got some confidence in his speed. The zombies were slow, so he’s got plenty of ways to outmaneuver them. If he couldn’t do anything to break the corpsefire’s defense, he thought that he would just leave the place. Abel cast a frozen armor around his body. After that, he used his telekinesis to take out a magic staff from his portal bag. Once he was ready, he ran out from the corner he was hiding at. The corpse fire shouted at the sight of Abel. The seven zombies started rushing towards him. And by rushing, they were walking really fast towards him. Abel pointed forward with the sword in his hand. He just fired an ice bullet at the corpse fire. While it didn’t travel very fast in the air, the corpse fire was too slow to doge it anyways. When the shot hit right on, its body was sent backward. It didn’t slow down, though. Abel suddenly remembered something. The corpse fire had two special effects. One was the spectral hit, which could greatly enhance its offensive ability. The other was immunity to ice, which meant that all ice attacks were useless against it. While the ice bullet had little effect of harming the corpse fire, the fact that it moved meant that it wasn’t invisible, Abel could still harm it if he found the right way. Abel shot a fireball from the tip of his blade. It was the strongest offensive spell he’s possessed. When it hit the corpse fire on its chest, it started exploding. “Aggh!” The corpse fire screamed, but the fireball was quickly extinguished by the ice armor around it. The burn on its body was very tiny. Worse yet, it was disappearing within seconds. It must’ve been very resistant against just any spells. Abel decided to go for a physical attack. The closest zombie was about seven meters away from him. The corpse fire was about twenty meters away from him, which meant that it was without the protection of its subordinates. Abel activated his golden combat qi. When he was ready, he ran towards the direction in front of him. He was going for a frontal stab at the corpsefire’s front chest. Because of how tall it was, he couldn’t aim for its head. Twenty meters wasn’t long for an advanced knight like him. Soon, his blade was already in the corpsefire’s chest. It was blocked by the ice armor but managed to penetrate through soon enough. Just when Abel was about to continue, a blue appeared from the corpsefire’s body. Abel felt very heavy after that. He was being slowed down by its freezing effect. This was not good. Abel was too familiar with what he was feeling right now. He used to do the same thing with his ice magic sword. He would slow his enemies down first, then finish them off with whatever ways he pleased. It seemed that the roles were reversed today.
Chapter 215 - Brave, Brave Rib Bone Chapter 215 Brave, Brave Rib Bone Abel thought that he was careless when he was trying to decelerate. Both of the corpsefire’s fists were thrown towards Abel’s body. Abel raised his shield for defense. Next thing he knew, all he could hear was the loud “clunk” when he took the damage straight on. He felt like he was being hit by a car. All his bones and muscles felt like they were being run over by a car. The shock impact was so strong that his vital organs were affected. Dark red blood poured out of his mouth. Then, a chilling air entered deep into his body. Abel’s shield had frost all over it. That was a spectral hit, which was a special attack that combined both an ice element attack and a regular physical attack. To neutralize its damage, he had to put his golden combat qi into overdrive to force out the chilling air from his body. Two seconds was all Abel needed. If the corpse fire waited that long, he would have the time he needed to move his body. As though excited by the smell of Abel’s blood, the corpse fire let out a terrible shriek as it released its second attack. Abel couldn’t move yet, obviously. He did have his shield in front of him, but he was still trying to recover from that initial hit. Clang Since Abel couldn’t use his muscles, he was knocked away along with his shield. The corpsefire sent him flying away, which made him have a hard landing on the ground. His injury just got even worse. There was nothing to separate Abel from the corpsefire now. Worse yet, the damned thing was already preparing for a third attack. His power of the Will was already locked onto the super exploding ball in his private storage box. He didn’t like giving up even if it was his final moment. If he was going to die, he thought that he might as well take the corpsefire with him. And there it was. The corpsefire threw its third punch when Abel was still immobilized. Abel’s golden combat qi was recovering very fast, but the consecutive damage was continuously breaking his body. Suddenly, something rushed in front of Abel. It was holding a shield, and it was guarding him in a very standard knight’s shield stance. It was Rib Bone, the very first skeleton that Abel has ever summoned. Despite how small its body was, it was not afraid to use all of its strength to block the damage for its master. The odds were just too slim, though. Soon, after being knocked away by the corpsefire, its bones were shattered into scraps. Rib Bone didn’t get destroyed for anything, though. Because of its noble sacrifice, Abel’s finally got the chance to take out a master’s constitution potion from his portal bag. When the potion entered into his body, a part of his injuries were healed immediately. Some of his strength also came back. “No!” Abel screamed when he saw Rib Bone being knocked away. The corpse fire must’ve changed its target when it saw Rib Bone getting in its way to finish him. It could’ve gone for him now, but instead, it was running towards Rib Bone to finish it off. A white light appeared from Abel’s body. He just activated the telekinesis ability on his magic staff. Before Rib Bone was getting completely destroyed, he managed to put it back into its original dimension. Now that Rib Bone was recovered, Abel had no time to make himself look pretty. Since he couldn’t move a lot, he had to roll on the ground to avoid the second spawns that were surrounding him. When he could get on the ground, he ran as far as he could away from the corpsefire. Abel didn’t have any gear that could protect himself from the chilling ice. If his guess was right, the blue glow on his shield was an ice enhancement effect. While the corpse was not as durable as the hell creatures, it was just as strong in terms of its special effect. Abel left the battlefield as he scrambled away with his hands and feet. Luckily, the zombies were nowhere quick enough to catch onto him. That being said, they were also the reason that he had underestimated how strong the corpsefire was in the first place. Since Abel was gone, the corpsefire no longer could see any enemies in its field of vision. Soon, it lost the intention to make pursuit. Abel breathed hard as he sat on the ground. He almost died just then. This was not a game. If he lost his life due to some stupid mistakes, there was no reset button for him to press. Abel searched for Rib Bone with his power of the Will. From what he could see in the dimension that was containing it, about half of its frame was completely shattered. One of its legs was even gone. Fortunately, the head was still intact, so he should be able to fix it if he had an entire day. Abel felt really relieved when he realized that Rib Bone was not completely destroyed. It was one of his loyal companions, after all. Since he didn’t have a lot of friends whom he could share his secrets with, he really appreciated having partners like Black Wind and White Cloud around. Back to the current situation. Abel knew he couldn’t kill the corpsefire in close range. If he decided to go for a melee attack, all his movements would be slower than a zombie by the time he got into its range. Abel took out the Harry Bow from his portal bag. As weak as it was in its attack strength, it did have a very long range and high accuracy. Besides, after recovering the damage he took with the constitution potion and his golden combat qi, he could just continue the fight as long as he was keeping his distance. Abel took the Harry Bow and shot at one of the spawns. When it flew straight into the thing’s head, it took the arrow off and ran towards Abel’s direction. The other spawns and the corpsefire also noticed the arrow, but because of how far it was shot from (and because Abel put away his night pearl), none of them took the effort to look for the archer that shot it. The only one who bothered to do anything was the spawn that was being shot at. Irritated and hurt, the spawn left the group to look for the one that attacked it. Just when it was about to give up, Abel shot another arrow at its head. It ran closer towards him this time, but it was still way too far to do anything back. Now that the spawn was isolated, it didn’t matter if it was an elite level zombie or anything. Once it got closer to Abel on its own, there was no way for it to win against his spells and the sword of Victory, which had a 300% attack bonus against undead creatures. And just like that, one by one, the seven spawns were lured out and killed by Abel. Once that happened, the corpsefire started howling. It noticed that something was wrong, so it tried looking for the enemy that was hiding this entire time. Abel stretched his arms for a bit. It was a battle of endurance from here. To start the battle, he decided to shoot an arrow that was fired from his fully extended Harry Bow. Once the corpsefire was hit, it quickly ran towards where the arrow came from. Abel went full speed from there. He kept firing arrows with his Harry Bow, and when they hit the corpsefire, they kept making a clanging noise as they were deflected by its frozen shield. From what it looked like, Abel had to break through the frozen shield first. If the corpsefire had it on its body, it could just ignore any one of Abel’s arrows. Abel had to change his approach. With that in mind, he decided to go for a magic attack instead. Abel retreated as the corpsefire kept closing in. While doing so, he fired about ten or more fireballs towards its front body. It was a very tense struggle, but he did break through its ice defense eventually. Abel pulled his distance once more. This time, Harry Bow was starting to take effect. Instead of being bounced off, they actually went into its body. Just a few more. Since Abel still had a lot of arrows in his kong kong spiritual beast bag, he could end this fight if this kept going on. When the corpsefire was far away, he would keep shooting arrows at it. When it went into his middle range, he would attack with his spells. Once it got too close, he would focus on running as far back as possible. After that, it was the same process all over again. Eventually, the corpsefire became slower and slower. Abel didn’t let his guard down, though. He’s already learned his lessons after taking those two hits back then. When the corpsefire was not moving at all, a few more arrows were shot in its head. After a loud, excruciating scream, its body exploded from the inside and spurted everywhere. It was like a rain of arrows, except that they were made with the dead body parts of this frightening creature.
Chapter 216 - Flavie Chapter 216 Flavie The way the corpsefire died reminded Abel of something. When he saw corpsefire dying in the game, he would always see some newbies running towards it for the loot. Next time they knew, they got blown up by its suicide attack. With that in mind, Abel knew that he had to cover himself with something. After hiding behind a rock somewhere, the falling pieces of the corpsefire splattered across the cavern near him. When the remaining hit the wall, small holes were punched out, and a very bad stench was starting to spread. He could even see some blue frosts that were on the rocks. “That’s a little too much, isn’t it?” Abel sighed as he said to himself. That was one explosion, but it was also a combination of a variety of attacks. If he wasn’t fast enough, he would’ve had a lot of trouble defending against that. Suddenly, a dark shadow came and flew straight into the Horadric Cube. Abel wasn’t surprised. He knew it was the corpsefire’s soul. It was finally defeated. He didn’t expect what’s coming next, though. After the dark shadow was absorbed, a golden essence followed and entered the Horadric Cube as well. That’s really weird. If the dark stuff was the corpsefire’s soul, just what could this golden stuff be? Abel looked into his Horadric Cube with his power of the Will. From its inside, he could see two new potions. One of them was a dark gold “soul potion,” which, for some reason, had the corpsefire’s soul on the surface of the bottle. The other bottle was a golden potion, which had a text to it that read “ability potion.” It was described as an ability that could be obtained randomly from a corpsefire. “Just for summoned beings,” it also said in the text. For the “ability potion:” The corpsefire had three abilities: spectral hit, immunity to freezing effect, and freezing enhancement. To be honest, any of them was pretty neat to Abel. But “only for summoned beings?” Just what could that mean? Abel could only summon Rib Bone right now, and to be fair, he didn’t have a lot of confidence in trying to buff it. Since it was so weak against the hell creatures, it might be a waste to strengthen it with potions. That being said, Rib Bone was pretty brave when it tried to block that spectral hit for Abel. After contemplating for a bit, Abel decided to give it the ability potion at the end. One out of three. If Abel fed Rib Bone the ability potion right, it would obtain one out of three new abilities. Obviously, he wasn’t sure if he should do it now. He wasn’t very lucky today. Both Rib Bone and he almost got annihilated back there. Based on his experiences just then, maybe it’s a good idea if he waited for a few days. Despite all that struggle in his mind, Abel took out Rib Bone from its dimension. It was having a hard time standing on its two legs, so it just fell flat right in front of Abel. Abel felt sorry for it. It was in a state because of him, after all. Slowly and carefully, he took the ability to potion and tried to feed it. He wasn’t sure where he should pour it, though. Rib Bone was a skeleton, so it’s not like it had a mouth that could consume things. Rib Bone seemed to know what’s going on, however. When Abel was approaching it with the ability potion, its body started closing in on his hand. It must’ve known how important this potion was. Abel wasn’t sure what to do, so he just let it sort it out itself. When Abel passed the ability potion Rib Bone’s hand (its only hand), it just smashed the entire bottle on its own skull. The cap wasn’t even opened, and the liquid just poured down and into its entire body. Immediately, the bones that were broken were starting to repair themselves. Even the missing arm was starting to shape itself back together. The light that was deep inside the Den of Evil was starting to shine brighter. Eventually, everything that was in the cavern was covered in white light. Everything was starting to go bright, and all the frost and rotting smell were vanishing when they were being purified by this strange phenomenon. Slowly but steadily, the white light started gathering up. Eventually, it became this ball of light that was floating in midair. Abel was speechless to see this. The only thing he was thinking was to protect Rib Bone. If Rib Bone got in contact with this light, it would probably be destroyed on the spot. Just when Abel was about to take a few steps forward, the white ball started flying straight at him. It was so fast that he didn’t even have the time to think about dodging it. A message appeared when the ball went inside: “Congratulations, challenger. You are the only living creature inside the Den of Evil. As a reward for your efforts, you will be granted some mana points.” Both heaven and hell have given up on this world, but from this message, Abel could see that the existing rules were still intact. He was seen as a regular challenger, at least. After receiving the message, Abel tried to find the light ball that was inside his mind. When he touched it with his power of the Will, he realized that it was a tool to improve the rank of his spells. It’d be a waste if he used it now, so he decided to wait until he was in a higher rank. If there was a reward like this in the Den of Evil, there might be some other rewards that could be found in the mission map. Abel wasn’t sure what they were, but he knew he was going to try looking for them. Abel took another look at Rib Bone. It had been ten something minutes after it took the ability potion. Not only were its injuries completely recovered, but it also looked a lot stronger now. Since he wasn’t sure what ability it got, he decided to command it with his power of the Will. After the command was sent, a frozen armor appeared around Rib Bone. The ground around it was layered with frost. Abel was very close to it, but since summoned beings couldn’t attack their master, he didn’t take any damage from this frost. So this was what the freezing enhancement ability could do. Abel was really happy now. The freezing enhancement was one of the four strengthening techniques amongst hell creatures, which were what separated the regular hell creatures from the elite ones. The freezing enhancement could slow down a horde of enemies. The fire enhancement could kill anything in one shot. The poison enhancement could continuously reduce its target’s health point. Lastly, lightning enhancement could attack multiple enemies with a lightning arc. Now that Rib Bone possessed one of these abilities, it was now one of the top elite summoned beings. Abel decided to give it the shield and the ice magic sword. With the means to attack and defend, it could now do a lot of fighting for him. Now that the Den of Evil had been cleared, Abel took some time to walk out and head towards the Blood Moor. For the next three days, after sweeping through countless troops of hell creatures, he finally found himself another human infrastructure. It was a wall that was made with chiseled stones. In the middle, there was a pathway that was wide enough for two chariots. This must be the end of Blood Moor because of how simple and practical its design was, it was still standing after so many years. When Abel entered through the pathway, something caught his attention. It was a dead body that was half-buried in the ground. Despite being in a half-fossilized state, he could tell that it belonged to a female human. Strangely, the hand that was not buried was grabbing a bow. “Flavie!” Abel called out as soon as he realized. Flavie was a rogue bowwoman. She used to do patrols between Blood Moor and the Cold Plains. Even in her death, she refused to let go of her signature weapon. Abel said as he gave a deep bow, “O Flavie, the brave rogue archer, your loyalty has won my utmost respect. May your soul have the eternal rest that it deserves right here.” As though influenced by Abel’s words, Flavie’s body started eroding into a part of the earth. It’s almost like her body became one with the land that she once protected.
Chapter 217 - Rib Bone No. 2 Chapter 217 Rib Bone No. 2 After picking up Flavie’s bow, Abel dug a hole at the entrance with his sword. Once he finished digging, he dropped the bow into it and started filling up the hole. He then found a piece of wood and built a grave with it. On the piece of wood, he carved in some text with the tip of his blade. “Here lies a great and loyal warrior. Her name was Flavie; the rogue archer who was the guardian of this land.” After he did all that, he gave another bow in front of the grave. She might be in a different race than him, but she definitely deserved respect for being the loyal warrior that she was. Just when Abel was about to walk to the end of the pathway, he could feel a chilling air that was soaring at him. No wonder it was called the Cold plains. The temperature there must be at least twenty degrees colder than the Blood Moor. Abel started looking around. Whenever he found some hard rocks on the ground, he would try to dig for something with his big sword. Unfortunately for him, the only things he got were just a bunch of rocks. He wanted to find a waypoint here. Since it had been too long since it was last used, it was probably hidden underneath the earth. If only Black Wind was here, it could’ve just sniffed out the right location for him. After searching for two hours, Abel was about to give up. Then, the tip of his blade started touching something hard. When he tried to dig the soil away with his blade, a magic circle appeared in front of him. Abel took out two perfect diamonds from his kong kong spiritual beast bag. After placing them the slots at the circle’s two ends, the rune pattern on it started glowing in bright light. Soon, the lights started fading until the only things that were shining were the diamonds themselves. As Abel stood on top of the waypoint, a range of options popped up in his head. Right now, he could only choose between going to Rogue’s Encampment or the Cold Plains. After choosing the Rogue’s Encampment, a white light started surrounding itself around Abel. Next thing he knew, he was already at the waypoint inside the Rogue’s Encampment. It was very convenient for him since he no longer had the need to find his enemies by foot. Speaking of which, where was Rib Bone? From what it looked like, it probably didn’t follow him back to the Rogue’s Encampment. Because of how far it was from the Cold Plain, he could try to communicate with it with his power of the Will. He could try to read its status with the Horadric Cube, though. Just when Abel opened up his Horadric Cube and looked for Rib Bone’s details, he could see that its experience point was increased by two. He did not expect that at all. If killing one enemy meant that you would receive one experience point, did Rib Bone just kill two enemies on its own? Suddenly, Rib Bone’s experience points increased by two again. If a double kill occurred twice in a row, there must be something going on that Abel wasn’t aware of. As far as he knew, if he came to the Cold Plain again, the experience point Rib Bone would get would be just one. Abel focused his power of the Will into the Horadric Cube’s skill tree. As soon as he noticed the skeleton symbol inside, his field of vision changed into that of what Rib Bone was looking at. From what it looked like, Rib Bone was having a fight with a giant beast. While it was guarding the attacks with its shield, the impact was so great that it had to keep moving back on its two legs. Suddenly, as a ray of blue light flashed by, the giant beast’s body was covered in frost. It was starting to slow down, which gave Rib Bone the opportunity to finish it off with a knight’s consecutive attack. It tried to resist, of course, but it wasn’t so easy to get out of the freezing effect of the freezing enhancement. Soon, Rib Bone prepared itself for a second knight’s consecutive attack. While its offensive ability was reduced, there was still quite a lot of damage being released when a physical attack was combined with death qi. By the time it was about to unleash its fourth attack, the giant beast was already lying dead on the ground. When that happened, the soul of the giant beast flew out and went into Rib Bone’s body. Abel just noticed something. If Rib Bone could absorb souls to improve its strength, maybe it could just drink the soul potion instead. If that was the case, however, the six bottles that he had would not be enough at all. From the icon on the skill tree, Abel could control Rib Bone to walk to the waypoint. After that, he was able to transport it to the waypoint at the Rogue’s Encampment. Once Rib Bone came, Abel took out the soul potion that had the corpsefire’s soul in it. He could see that Rib Bone got very excited at the sight of it. Even without his command, it was walking straight at him for it. Abel wasn’t planning to use the soul potion on himself. Since it was cleared labeled “only for summoned beings,” something would probably go wrong if he tried to drink it himself. Once the soul potion was passed over to Rib Bone, it started “drinking” it in the same weird way that it did. It crashed the bottle on its head, which made the dark gold potion pouring all over its body. Blue flames started striking up in its hollow eyes. Its bones were starting to thicken. It was becoming a lot stronger. After ten or twenty minutes, Abel watched as Rib Bone finished its transformation. When he saw the attribute for the “resurrection of skeletons” spell, he realized that there was a change. Resurrection of Skeletons Description: Summon one skeleton from a dead monster’s corpse to fight for you. Mana cost: 7 Number of skeletons: 2 Damage: 1-2 Health Point: 21 Current level: 2 Progress till the next level: 23/5600 One bottle of the corpsefire’s soul potion. That’s all it took for Rib Bone to rank up by two. As it turned out, the soul potion was just a potion for extra experience points for it. Come to think of it. It wasn’t just Rib Bone and Abel. White Cloud and Black Wind needed the soul potion as well. There was only one way to get them, however, and that was for Abel to kill the hell creatures themselves. So far, the potions that he had were too little to be distributed Wait. Abel just remembered something. The number of skeletons he could summon was two. After bringing Rib Bone to the waypoint, Abel came to the Cold Plain and walked towards the giant beast that was just killed. After waving his hand, he drew out the death qi from its body and “bang,” a newborn skeleton was standing right in front of him. Abel took a look at this second skeleton. Contrary to what he had thought, it did not possess the freezing enhancement ability. As it turned out, special abilities weren’t meant to be shared amongst all summoned beings of the same master. Abel took out two magic armors from his kong kong spiritual beast bag. While they were usually meant for practice, he decided to have both Rib Bone and the new skeleton wear them. They were both magic armors, with sol, the twelfth rune word written them. What sol could do was that it could increase one’s defensive ability against physical attacks. If the first one was called Rib Bone, what should the second one be? After thinking to himself, Abel decided that he would be lazy for once. The first one was going to be called Rib Bone no. 1, whereas the second one would be called Rib Bone no. 2. While Rib Bone no.1 one was just as fast after wearing the magic armor, Rib Bone no. 2 became a lot slower. Its speed was reduced by about two-thirds, and since it was carrying Abel’s ice magic sword and magic shield, its speed was now twice as slow as it was originally.
Chapter 218 - Bernie Chapter 218 Bernie Abel didn’t feel like taking the armor off from his skeletons. From his experiences before, going inside the Rogue’s Encampment himself was just going to take too much time. If he just left Rib Bone no.1 and no. 2 in the Blood Moor, there would be no problem for them to kill the hell creatures that were spared. Speaking of which, Abel just realized something. With the equipment of a knight on them, no one was going to notice that the Rib Bones were actually skeletons. If they weren’t so weak right now, there would be no problem if he was bringing them out to fight in the real world. Once Rib Bone no.1 and no.2 were brought into Blood Moor, Abel teleported himself back to the Rogue’s Encampment. It had been about four days since he came to this reality. He wasn’t hungry yet, and he felt like he still had a lot of stamina left. The strengthened “ration potion” worked very well for him. That being said, unlike last time, he wasn’t planning to stay for ten days here. He was sent here from his own home. He came from the territories of the dwarves, so he had to spend less time if he wanted to train in the dark world. Abel opened up a portal and went back to the guest room inside Moon Guardian City. When he closed up the seclusion circle on the ground, he realized that it was midnight. There was still some time, so he fell on the big bed in front of him and went to sleep. The next morning, when Abel woke up, the first thing he did was to look inside the Horadric Cube with his power of the Will. He wanted to check how Rib Bone no.1 and no. 2 were doing From what he could see inside the Horadric Cube’s skill tree, Rib Bone was just about to slain a fallen with its word. On the other hand, Rib Bone no. 2 was targeting a fallen wizard. Instead of giving the fallen wizard a chance to attack, it just kept on swinging its sword at it. There were tens of fallen that were coming at them, but because of the frozen enhancement technique, all of them were moving so slowly that you could almost walk away from them. When Abel withdrew his power of the Will, he could see that the attribute point of the “resurrection of the skeleton” spell was increased by eight hundred. The two Rib Bones just killed about more than four hundred hell creatures. Once he saw them again inside the Rogue’s Encampment, they would certainly be on a completely different level than before. After brushing his teeth, Abel opened the door of his room. He then saw a dwarven servant that was waiting for him. “Good morning, Master Abel!” the dwarven servant bowed, “Please follow me to the dining room. Your breakfast is ready to be served.” “Good morning, Loraine!” Abel said as he saw Loraine at the dining table. There wasn’t anybody else around. It was just her sitting in a chair. Abel took some time to look around this dining room. While the chairs and tables definitely belonged to the size of a human, something about them just made it seem very dwarven. The breakfast today was lamb meat and rock fruits. Rock fruits were a fruit that was typical to the Great Dividing Mountain Range. Because they were grown on the cliffs, it was very hard to harvest them after the fruits became ripe. The lambs, too, were a special treat around this region. The goats also lived around the mountain cliffs. There were a particular tenderness and uniqueness in the taste of their meat. Loraine didn’t like eating meat, though, so she just stared at the lamb when it was passed in front of her. When Abel took it away and ate it himself, a grateful smile appeared on her face. “Thank you, Abel!” Loraine said in a somewhat shy voice. Abel wasn’t hungry, to be honest. The ration potion’s effect had not passed yet. He might have to wait for a few days if he wanted to feel hunger again. After breakfast, Abel and Loraine came to visit Ivan, the Moon Guardian City’s lord, after the guide of a servant. When they saw him, they noticed that there were six dwarven warriors behind him that were wearing armadillo armors. Armors. Shields. War hammers– They must be the legendary dwarven armadillo warriors. While they weren’t very fast, they had no boundaries in what kind of landscape they could walk on: Jungles, mountains, and swamps; they could travel freely in all of them. Due to their very useful ability to dig holes in the ground (kind of like armadillos), they could attack their enemies from the most unimaginable angles possibles. Just by sensing their presence, Abel could tell that all six of them were at the same level as a knight’s commander. If they had their mounts with them, they could be just as strong as Abel in terms of their fighting capability. Well, that was if Abel didn’t use his spells. Behind the six dwarven armadillo knight’s commanders, there was a young man that was being carried by two dwarves. The two dwarves were wearing magic capes, whereas the young man had a sickly look on his face as he was lying flat as he was being carried. “They are the Borton six brothers,” Lord Ivan said as he introduced the six dwarven armadillo knight’s commanders, “After fighting together for their entire lives, their teamwork is unlike anything else you have seen before. While it’s just the six of them, they could probably take on double that number if the enemies were in the same rank as them.” Without saying anything, the six dwarven armadillo knight’s commanders gave a greeting towards Abel. Abel wasn’t sure why, but he knew that there was something odd about them. Maybe they were the bodyguards the young dwarf that was being carried. In fact, the way they behaved was almost like they were going to be attacked at any moment. But first, Abel decided to return a bow to them. “And these two,” Lord Ivan introduced the two wizards to Abel, “This is the Wizard Kipling, and that is Wizard Aitken.” When Abel saw these two, he quickly crossed his arms and performed a wizard’s greeting. “It’s a pleasure to see you, Master Abel!” Since the two wizards were still carrying the young dwarf, the most they could do to greet Abel was to nod their heads. That being said, they were still very polite in their tone. Ivan said with a pitiful look in his eyes, “And this, finally, is my dear niece Bernie. He’s in great pain because of the chilling poison. Because of how hard it is for him to move, we had to have someone carry him with a stretcher.” Bernie spoke with a sickly purple on his face, “Thank you so much for letting us use your sky sparrow, Master Abel. If you didn’t, well, I might look kind of hurt right now, but if you didn’t- ACK ACK- I would be dead already.” Despite how energetic Bernie’s voice was, he was coughing very badly. He tried to laugh out loudly, but the coughs just didn’t stop. “Stay quiet for a bit, Bernie!” Lord Ivan said, then shook his head, “Save that energy for the journey back. We have a long way ahead of us!” Bernie wasn’t listening, though. He just laughed even louder. “And I thought we dwarves never got tired!” he said as he coughed even harder. Abel could see how terrible Bernie’s state was. Just now, even though there were about five meters of distance between them, he could feel the chilling cold qi that was being emitted from Bernie’s body. Bernie turned the Wizard Aitken and pleaded, “It’s getting cold, Wizard Aitken. You mind if you give me some of that good wine you have on you?” Bernie might seem a little obnoxious, but he sure was optimistic in even such a dire situation. Abel just had a lot more respect for him now. “Wine? Here, I’ve got some,” Abel said as he took out a synthesized rum from his portal bag. Wizard Aitken was going to give away his, but Abel was a lot quicker. When Bernie took the rum, he started chuckling, “A crystal bottle? Master Abel, that’s a little too fancy, don’t you think. Are you sure that this rum is that good?” “Only one way to find out,” Abel replied. Because of how many crystal bottles he’s had, he never saw them as valuable in any stretch of the mark. He would collect after he drank the synthesized potions he’s made, so now he just used the spares as wine bottles. When Bernie opened the cap, a strong smell caught every dwarf off guard. They did not expect it to be this good. When Bernie saw the amber-colored goodness that was inside, he didn’t even bother using a cup. When he wallowed the bottle down his throat, he could feel a streak of flame that was traveling throughout his body. Eventually, the heat became so strong that it extinguished the chilling qi that was inside of him. “Wow! This is some good stuff!” Bernie screamed as he got up from his stretcher. After waving his arms for a bit, he jumped down and jumped up for about two times. This was very different from the sickly image he had back there. All the dwarves were shocked to see this. After putting down the stretcher, Wizard Aitken quickly grabbed Bernie with his arms. He wanted to do a full-body scan with his power of the Will. “What is it, Wizard Aitken?” Lord Ivan asked impatiently. He didn’t know what miracle had occurred to his niece, so he was eager to find out as quickly as he could. “Unbelievable,” Wizard Aitken said in awe as he released Bernie from his grasp, “The chilling poison has been temporarily suppressed. If Bernie doesn’t use his combat qi, he can move like just any other regular person.”
Chapter 219 - Good Rum Chapter 219 Good Rum Lord Ivan asked nervously, “You still have any more of that wine, Master Abel? If you do, could you let me buy them? I think Bernie’s going to need them on his journey.” From Ivan’s perspective, the wine could really help Bernie to get a lot better. He wasn’t so sure when the next time they would find another ice fire ape was, so time was very precious here. “Of course!” Abel laughed, “I’ve got enough to last Bernie for the entire journey. Just take them. After you’ve treated me so well, Lord Ivan, there’s no way that I’m going to say my thanks to you while being empty-handed.” Lord Ivan bowed again, “Thank you so much, Master Abel! I hope you don’t mind if I point it out, but it’s a little late now, don’t you think? It’s probably for the best for you if you depart now.” “Ah, yes, White Cloud!” After a yell towards the sky, White Cloud came down to the ground beside Abel. After taking a few giant steps towards him, it started rubbing his body with its giant head. Abel said as he scratched White Cloud on its head, “Come on, White Cloud! We’re leaving now!” And just like that, White Cloud lowered its body to let Abel get on it. It was an unbelievable sight for the dwarves. Abel didn’t use a control card. He was just talking to it, and it obeyed him like it was born to do so. Not even the orcs could do that. With a control card, it was impossible for almost everyone to command a sky sparrow. After getting on six giant armadillos, the Borton brothers rode them on top of White Cloud’s back. These beasts were of reluctant at first, but after being scolded by their masters, they had no choice but to carefully get on. Except for Bernie, every other dwarf here understood what’s going on. The sky sparrow in front of them was not an ordinary bird. It must’ve been at least one rank higher than the armadillos for them to be afraid of it. The dwarves all thought the same thing as they looked at each other, A spiritual beasts! While the six giant armadillos got ready, Black Wind was having a nap inside the carriage. It didn’t even bother looking at them, but these armadillos were looking like they were ready to fight for their lives. It was already shocking enough to see a mount wolf that was tamed by a human. Judging from the ways these shelled animals behaved, the dwarves learned that even Black Wind was also a spiritual beast. Originally, White Cloud’s back could take five orc warriors and five mounts on it. Now, there were nine dwarves, six giant armadillos, one mount wolf, one elf, and one human on it. Since nine dwarves were nowhere as big as five orcs, and three giant armadillos (despite the name) were just about the size of one mount wolf, there was still enough space for them to move around for a bit. “Fly, White Cloud!” Abel commanded. “Gu Gu!” White Cloud replied as it started waving its giant wings. Soon, the entire crew was off the ground and going towards the clouds. At this point, two giant golden eagles started tailing from behind. There was one golden flying mount rider on top of each one of them. Abel asked Bernie, “Are the golden flying mounts coming with us?” Bernie replied as he sipped on his crystal bottle, “These eagles have some very sharp eyes, Master Abel. We’ll need their help if we want to find an ice fire ape.” Wizard Aitken added, “As fast as the golden flying mounts are, they can’t travel for very long. If you don’t mind, Master Abel, they might need to take turns to rest on the sky sparrow’s back.” After hearing that, Abel was starting to get a whole new perspective of how good the sky sparrows were. Not only could they fly higher and further than all the other flying mounts, but their stamina was also among one of the best. They were also great for carrying heavy weights, which was why the orcs used them to carry war supplies for them. Since the dwarves were riding with him, Abel chose not to turn on the barrier around White Cloud. That wasn’t very good for Loraine. In a very short while, her little cheeks were starting to pale because of how cold it was. When Abel heard Loraine chattering her teeth, he took out a bottle of synthesized rum bottle and poured it in a crystal bottle. Since he didn’t want her to get drunk, he only poured about half a cup of it. When Loraine received her cup, she took a small sip of the rum. Her face started reddening up. Soon, it became a lot less cold for her. “Come here, Black Wind!” Abel called out at the sleeping Black Wind, which quickly got up and came after it went past the dwarves. “Sleep here!” Abel pointed at the ground in front of him. When Black Wind lowered its body, Abel took Loraine and helped her to rest beside its stomach. “It’s a lot warmer here,” Abel said to Loraine. “You stay here too, Abel,” Loraine looked at him and said, “There’s a lot of space for you as well.” Abel didn’t decline. When he rested beside Loraine, he realized how warm Black Wind really was. Thanks to it, the chilling air was not so cold now. Unfortunately, the Borton brothers didn’t get to have this luxury. Their armadillos had shells, not furs. They could try to sleep beside them, but that didn’t really help them get warm. As for Wizard Kipling and Wizard Aitken, they just tried to hold onto their robes a little tighter. Since they weren’t the muscular types, their bodies were a lot weaker than the rest. It wasn’t like they could use their mana to warm themselves up. They were heading towards the Double Moon forest, the home of some very powerful spiritual beasts. Even if the journey was freezing cold for them, they had to preserve all the mana they could. Bernie was the only one who didn’t bother trying anything. Whenever he got cold, he just sipped on his rum. What Abel gave him was much better than the normal stuff, so he was just too focused on drinking it than to think about any other stuff. Abel smiled as he noticed how everyone was dealing with this situation. After taking out eight bottles of his rum, he threw one bottle at each one of them. “Here! Trust me. It’s going to be a lot warmer after you drink it!” Abel shouted. After thanking Abel with a bow, Wizard Kipling and Wizard Aitken opened the crystal bottle and took a sip. The coldness disappeared immediately as their breaths were filled with the smell of alcohol. Just like Bernie, a streak of fire went inside their bodies and cleared out all the freezing cold. “Wow, this is some really good stuff!” the two wizards said. All dwarves were born to be winetasters, so they knew how good Abel’s product was. When the Borton brothers received the rum, instead of drinking them straight, they decided to hand them all to their leader. After that, the leader took all of them to Bernie. Abel squeezed his eyes when he saw this. From what it looked, Bernie must’ve been more than just Lord Ivan’s niece. If the six brothers were just as strong as double of the knights that were in the same rank as them, they would be as strong as twelve ordinary knight’s commanders. That being said, Bernie must’ve been very important to be served by all of them. “Just drink them yourselves!” Bernie pleaded to the Borton brothers, “It’s going to be very cold this journey!” The eldest of the Borton brothers smiled, “Your health is a more concerning matter, sir Bernie. Don’t worry about us. Our skin is too rough against a little breeze.” “Enough, enough! I’ve enough for all you!” Abel smiled as he intervened with a few more bottles from his portal bag. When Abel passed six more bottles to the Borton brothers, that’s when everyone realized how much he had been packing in his portal bag. Normally, only the most precious items would be stored in a portal bag, but for Abel, he just stuffs in all the wines and food that he could in his. And Abel was definitely not lying when he said he’s still got more of the rum. The dwarves weren’t going to complain about it, but honestly, the boy was seriously packed in with some very oddly-useful items.
Chapter 220 - An Exchange Chapter 220 An Exchange A day later, the two dwarves of Golden Flying Ride had taken several turns to rest and drank some rum. After White Cloud flew through the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range, before entering the Double Moon Forest, several dwarves discussed landing to hunt some prey and rest. The place for the temporary rest was very beautiful. On one side, the mountain peaks overlapped, covered with a layer of white snow, just like a sea of waves rolled up by the sea. On the other side was an endless forest, lush and dense, next to a stream. The Burton brothers and Golden Flying Ride took the hunting mission. It was wasted to let commander and Golden Flying Ride hunt. In only a moment, three deers, two sheep, and a bison were hunted. The dwarves lit the bonfire, and Abel once again provided a bottle of wine for each person, which made several dwarves feel excited to show their skills to roast many types of meat. Abel still didn’t feel hungry at that time. He didn’t eat the roasted meat. Instead, he gave it to black wind. It seemed that the effect of the “nutrition potion” he drunk was still functioning. Loraine was sitting next to Abel. She rarely ate meat. Only if it was insipid meat, it was impossible for her to ate barbecue. “Loraine, drink this!” Abel took out a bottle of “nutrition potion” from his portal bag and handed it to Loraine. “Brother Abel, is this nutrition potion? the color doesn’t look right.” ‘nutrition potion’ was not a special potion, it was sure that Loraine had seen it before, but she had never seen the one that was milky white. However, Loraine knew that Abel would never harm her. Although she was in had doubts, she did not wait for Abel to answer and opened the lid to pour the ‘nutrition potion’ into her mouth. “This is the first work after I learned alchemy from you. I tried it myself, and it succeeded!” Abel said with a smile. Although Abel used the synthesis function from Horadric Cube, the premise was that he had successfully drawn the basic alchemy recipe in his mind and mastered the alchemist spell. It seemed that he had a talent for the profession of an alchemist; he easily learned the basic knowledge of alchemist without sudden enlightenment or other special help. Of course, it must be related to the fact that he was a third-level wizard, and had an extremely strong power of the will. Loraine also told him everything about basic alchemist knowledge. Abel and Loraine didn’t speak loudly, but White Cloud’s back was so small. Indeed other dwarves could hear it. The Burton brothers didn’t know about alchemy, but the wizard Kipling and wizard Aitken, the two dwarven wizards were very clear about what an alchemist was. “Master Abel, are you a third-level wizard?” Wizard Aitken asked Abel. “Yes, wizard Aitken,” Abel answered. “I just heard you said that you have just begun to learn alchemy. You are a third-level wizard, and you are also learning alchemy. It’s admirable that you are willing to take the risk of the success rate of the one-tenth chance that both the wizard recipe and the alchemist recipe coexist.” Wizard Aitken sighed slightly. “Wizard Aitken, you mean that the wizard recipe and the alchemist recipe have only one-tenth chance to coexist, what would happen if they did not coexist?” Abel asked. Abel and Loraine glanced at each other and found that both of them was the first time hearing this. “You really don’t know about it? If the wizard recipe and the alchemist recipe cannot coexist, the two recipes will collide with each other. Luckily the wizard recipe will be destroyed, and unluckily the soul will be damaged!” Aitken wizard looked at Abel surprisingly that he was unclear and explained. When Abel heard this, cold sweat flowed down. Without the right knowledge, he could have died. Wizard Morton did not inherit the alchemy, so he did not talk to him about this. It seemed that Abel had no difficulty in drawing basic alchemy recipe at that time. He just completed it step by step without any problems, and everything went smoothly. What was the reason? Abel thought of the “soul enhancing potion,” a potion made from the souls of hell creatures and synthesized by Horadric Cube. After drinking it for a while, the main soul seemed to feel nothing, but the weak soul could already had simple thought. It showed that the ‘soul enhancing potion’ was helpful to the soul. Perhaps it was the ‘soul enhancing potion’ that allowed him to go through the most difficult alchemist recipe drawing process. But that was not right. Abel thought of the wizards who sell potions at the Wizard Market in Caral City. How did they coexist with the two recipes? “Wizard Aitken, I have seen some wizards who master alchemy. How did they deal with the coexistence of wizard recipes and alchemist recipes?” Abel asked with confusion. “Human wizards should be treated in the same way as our dwarven wizards. Find an apprentice with wizard talent and start drawing alchemist recipes at the same time. In this way, even if they fail, they would just lose their chances of becoming an alchemist, and as long as he re-trained for a while, he could re-draw the wizard recipe to become a first-level apprentice wizard. “Wizard Aitken explained with a smile. “Thank you for explaining, Wizard Aitken!” Abel bowed, with thanks. The dwarves who just got Abel wine were very fond of this famous blacksmith master, and wizard Aitken endlessly carried out all the answers to what Abel had asked. It was dark already, and Bernie came to Abel’s side, sitting in front of him, holding rum in his hand and saying to Abel, “Master Abel, how can I drink other wine after drinking your rum!” Abel glanced at Bernie. Bernie was here to extort his rum. Although there was still a lot of rum, those rum were a gift for Master Bentham’s teacher, Master Robin. According to his ideas, the three barrels of rum were just right, and only one-third of the barrels of rum was really left for him to drink with his friends. Seeing that Abel didn’t reply, Bernie then said, “Master Abel, sell me ten bottles of it. I want to bring it to my father!” Bernie took a two-fist big black ore from the cup and threw it to Abel, then smiled and said, “I use this as an exchange!” Abel took the black ore and clenched. This is iron essence! Almost as soon as he got it, he called the name of the ore in his hand. Although he had never seen such an ore before, he had forged the iron ore over and over again and then forged to a hundred and thirty times rough. The forged process was to make it approach iron essence, which was the ultimate existence of iron ore. This kind of iron essence existed in nature, but most blacksmiths would never see a piece of iron essence in their lives because it was rare. Even a master blacksmith like Abel had merely just heard Master Bentham introduce this kind of iron essence. “Bernie, if you exchange the iron essence with me, I’m afraid it’s not worth it!” Abel said to Bernie with a smile while playing the iron essence in his hand. At this time, Abel was able to see that the identity of Bernie in the dwarven race was much nobler than his previous thought. Aside from how difficult it would be to get a piece of iron essence, how could he pull out such a large piece of ore from his arms– with some portal equipment! “Master Abel, you are wrong. You didn’t mention worth it or not when you provided me rum for free!” Bernie said with a laugh when he saw Abel collecting the iron essence. Abel carefully put the iron essence into the portal bag. This iron essence could fully be built a better weapon when he had the time. According to the size of this iron essence, it was enough to build a big sword. Taking out ten bottles of rum again from the portal bag, Bernie did not hide anything and put all these wines into the portal equipment in his arms. “By the way, I remembered what I came for!” Bernie, who had collected the rum, was about to leave, suddenly patted his head. Abel looked at Bernie, silent. Bernie came to talk to him for a long time and made a deal, which was not the business, and he didn’t remember it until he was about to leave.
Chapter 221 - Savage Bees Chapter 221 Savage Bees “Master Abel, Golden Eagle doesn’t have good night sight, and it could be dangerous flying at night, so could you take a rest here and set off tomorrow?” Bernie asked apologetically to Abel. “It’s up to you. I’m not in a hurry!” Abel said with a smile. Since he was going to stay there overnight, Abel was prepared to treat Loraine. He brought Loraine to activate the Barrier Circle of the temporary camp at the corner. After being isolated from the dwarves, he took out Akara’s tent from his personal storage box and unfolded it. Several dwarves saw Abel isolating himself, and they couldn’t help but look at each other and laugh. Abel didn’t know the dwarves’ thoughts outside. He just wanted to provide a better rest environment for Loraine. In addition, he also had to practice. It was not safe because he didn’t have a practice circle. He could only go to Rogue’s encampment for meditation practice while Loraine was sleeping. Abel always thought that he didn’t need to gather magic circles because he could enter Rogue’s encampment at any time to practice, but now it seemed that he must prepare a set of magic circles. Like today, it was really easy to reveal his deepest secret to use the teleport door with Lorraine. He was not distrusting Loraine, but now Abel couldn’t protect his secrets, and the more people who knew would be more dangerous. When Abel saw that Loraine was asleep and was about to open the teleport door to enter Rogue’s encampment, a sudden palpitation occurred in his heart. This feeling was what he would have before every danger. The Elite Knight’s feeling plus his strong power of the will, made him really believe in this feeling. “Loraine, wake up!” Abel awakened Loraine who had just fallen asleep. “Brother Abel, what’s wrong?” Loraine looked at Abel with sleepy eyes and asked softly. “Let’s go out and have a look. I felt danger!” Abel said sharply. Loraine had great confidence in Abel and knew that Abel’s knight rank had reached the level of an elite knight, and his feeling was accurate. She ran out of the tent with Abel right away. As soon as Abel came out of the tent, he felt that the Barrier Circle had been attacked. The intermediate magic stone in the circle beat red light from time to time to supplement the Barrier Circle’s consumption. He put Akara’s tent into his personal storage box in a rush and then took out the magic circle control card. He felt the outside scene through the magic circle control card. The outside was full of bees, which were as big as babies’ fists. These bees were flying frantically; so many bees hit the Barrier Circle from time to time. Although the Barrier Circle had the effect of isolating, it had no invisible effect. When these bees felt the energy of the circle, they attacked it instinctively. Recalling the contents of Morton’s, these seemed to be savage bees. They were usually docile but would fight until death when furious. They had strong bodies and their sharp tail needles with toxins that produced acute pain. Flocks of savage bees were a nightmare for everyone. If the defensive ability of the Barrier Circle was bad, or if Abel wasn’t using a new intermediate-level magic stone as the energy source with plus the effect of isolation of the Barrier Circle, they would have already been breached. What about Black Wind and White Cloud? Abel’s heart anxiously linked with White Cloud and Black Wind through the soul chain. Fortunately, they were all safe. Black Wind was protected by the huge body of White Cloud. White Cloud expanded its huge wings to wrap Black Wind and itself, with huge hard feathers, these savage bees couldn’t hurt them at all. Abel was relieved, and then he thought of the dwarves. The power of the will stretched out, twenty meters away from him, the dwarves had set up a battle circle and were defending these savage bees’ attack. The Burton brothers stood with the shield at the outermost layer, yelling and arousing white combat qi to form a semi-circular protective cover, protecting two dwarven wizards, two golden flying rides, two golden eagles and Bernie. The giant pangolins of the Burton Brothers’ ride constantly attacked the savage bees in the sky with their tails. The thick scales protected them from those bees, and the two dwarven wizards threw rune signs constantly to support attacking the savage bees. Although the situation seemed to be very stable, Abel was not optimistic. Though the Burton brothers were all commanders, it was not possible to maintain their combat qi for a long time. They needed to expand their combat qi armor to form into combat qi shield to protect the safety of others. The giant pangolin’s attack seemed to be effective, but those savage bees that were shot down on the ground were not injured. Instead, they flew up from the ground to attack the shield again. Only the attacks from two dwarven wizards were effective. After being attacked by magic flame and frost, they fall to the ground and never rose again. But it was the attacks of the two dwarven wizards that made the savage bees even crazier. A large number of savage bees flew up to the sky, and then slammed down like rain. The reason why the shield formed by the Burton brothers shining with white light was the combat qi being dispelled. Theoretically, at the level of the Burton brothers, it was possible to retain the combat qi for a long time outside the body. As long as it was not dispelled, it was like circulating in the body and consumed very little, but under the current situation, it was really hard to say how long the combat qi from the Burton brothers would last. If it was only the Burton brothers, they would be helpful to run out of these savage bees, but to protect other dwarves, they could only stay there. “Where is Master Abel?” Bernie asked. “I don’t know, I’m afraid that he may be in danger!” Wizard Aitken had no hope of Abel’s safety, because even if these dwarven masters gathered together, they could not guarantee the safety of everyone, let alone only one third-level wizard. “Burton brothers, six of you flee with Bernie and Kipling, I’ll make way for you!” Wizard Aitken yelled. At that time, all the dwarves saw that the situation was very bad. Anyone who still dragged on would be dead. Everyone else could die, but Bernie could not die. Even if everyone died, Bernie had to stay alive. At this time, Abel had contacted White Cloud through the soul chain. White Cloud, who was covering the body with wings, received the command of the owner, and suddenly began to flap the wings vigorously. The huge wings waved, and the mud on the ground and the gravel, mixed with weeds and everything on the ground, were fanned into the air. Although the savage bees were strong, how could they compete with the huge wings of White Cloud, and the savage bees were fanned aside. White Cloud fluttered his wings all the way in the direction of Abel, and Black Wind hid on White Cloud’s back. In this case, only a large creature like White Cloud could more easily deal with these swarms of savage bees. Of course, this method also consumed a lot of energy and could not last for a long time. Soon, it came near the Barrier Circle. Abel released the Barrier Circle after White Cloud fanned out the savage bees surrounding it, then quickly jumped onto White Cloud’s back with Loraine. At this point, the two dwarven wizards, Wizard Kipling and Wizard Aitken had begun their best efforts. The continuous flame of the Hellfire spell was blasting back and forth against the bees in the sky, and a large number of the bees were ignited by the flame, then fell to the ground like rain. However, there were still more savage bees. The Burton brothers rushed forward with their combat qi shield. It seemed that they were planning to breakthrough. The group of savage bees in the sky was like an iron fist, smashing continuously on the combat qi shield of the Burton brothers, preventing the six of them from moving forward. Especially among the savage bees, there were several particularly stout savage bees. They were very cunning, constantly attacking the combat qi shield, which is far from the two dwarven wizards. Their power was far more powerful than ordinary savage bees. Each attack would consume a lot of combat qi shield. The way forward was blocked, even though the hellfire from the two dwarven wizards had lasted for tens of seconds, and there was no way to burn out away. After a large number of fellow’s deaths, these savage bees madly besieged the dwarves and attacked them constantly.
Chapter 222 - The Death Of The Golden Flying Mount Chapter 222 The Death of the Golden Flying Mount Savage bees were not afraid of death. There were endless in number and had fearless bravery. They were invincible when they gathered together. Their only purpose was to bite the combat qi shield. Although a savage bee’s attack was very weak, there were tens of thousands of them, and the effect of their attack was completely different. “Let Master Bernie go with the Golden Eagle first!” one golden flying ride said. In this case, the golden flying ride gave up his golden eagle, which was equivalent to directly sacrificing his life. “I don’t want to leave. We have to go together!” Bernie cried stubbornly. “It’s gonna be too late if you don’t leave now!” In fact, wizard Aitken also knew that even if Bernie sat on the golden eagle, he would not be able to escape successfully. But if the rest of them attacked with all their strength, Bernie might succeed. “I’ll explore the way for Master Bernie first!” Another golden flying ride looked deeply at Bernie, bowed, and then jumped on the back of the golden eagle and rushed into the sky violently. The combat qi of the golden flying ride flashed the golden light like a god of war with reflecting off the golden feathers of a golden eagle, rushing to the sky rapidly, then it slowed down after being hit by endless savage bees when rushing to five meters. There was no speed when rushing to ten meters. The combat qi of the golden fly ride did not stop the attack for a long time. The dwarves below heard the scream of the golden flying ride. It was that the poisonous needle of the savage Bee had pierced into its body. The poisonous needle of the savage Bee was not disposable and could be reused. The dwarves felt horrible in this open space. Every golden flying ride was a selection of elites. Usually, even the golden flying ride wouldn’t make a sound when they got hurt with a knife or ax. At this time, they made such a terrible sound, indicating that the pain had surpassed this powerful flying knight’s maximum bearing capacity. The poison of one savage bee could only cause great pain to the enemy, and it was not fatal. The poison of a group of savage bees would quickly destroy the internal tissues of the body, erode every cell, and spread the pain, causing the enemy to die. “Save him!” Bernie yelled and looked at the two dwarven wizards, wizard Kipling and wizard Aitken. If anyone could save the golden flying ride here, it would be them. “Master Bernie, there is no need to save them. The toxin has penetrated into the body!” Wizard Aitken shook his head helplessly. The pain that had been magnified many times made the golden flying ride in the air mourn continuously, and the voice is getting lower and lower, weaker and weaker, and the dwarves seemed to already know the next result. Just a few seconds after the screaming stopped, a golden flying ride fell from the air and fell in front of the dwarves. The black leather armor on his body was worn out, and the exposed skin was covered in black holes. At this time, the golden flying ride wasn’t breathing, and the golden eagle on one side had withered feather and was on its last legs. The dwarves looked at the corpse of the golden flying ride, and there was no hope of escaping. They felt hopeless. Two dwarven wizards, wizard Kipling and wizard Aitken didn’t have enough mana. The full cast they just used cost them too much mana. Bernie did not agree to leave alone, which let the two dwarven wizards felt moving. However, they also felt angry because they didn’t know whether they could save Bernie. cause Finally, two dwarven wizards, wizard Kipling and wizard Aitken had run out of their mana, and their bodies were slumped in the Burtons’ combat qi shields. At this time, the Burtons’ combat qi shields were already thin and would be broken soon. “I’m glad to take the risk with you, and I’ve dragged everyone down!” Bernie was very calm in the face of the imminent death, and he bowed to all the dwarves. “Master Bernie, we didn’t protect you well!” Wizard Aitken said weakly, at this point, he had felt the death. “Master Bernie, please stand in the middle. At least you will die behind us. We have vowed not to let you die in front of us!” Golden flying ride, who had been silent, said in a deep voice. “The world is dominated by me, The snowstorm also surge at my command, The Earth-Dividing Mountain Range, Life blooms like a summer flower, Although short, But we are giant blood, Sword shield The sound of our war songs shook through the sea, This is the age of dwarves.” They didn’t know who started to sing the dwarf’s song, but all the dwarves took out the wine, sang the dwarf’s song aloud, laughed and tears, pride, and friendship. It seemed that everything would become eternal memory. The Burtons’ combat qi shield finally disappeared in white starlight, and the dwarves were exposed in front of the savage bees. The dwarves consciously formed a surrounding circle and tightly surrounded Bernie. Just as the despair was shrouded in the hearts of the dwarves, a huge wind pressure blew the savage bees that were preparing to attack the dwarves, and even the standing dwarves were somewhat unstable. “Come up quickly!” Abel yelled at the dwarves. Abel’s voice came at this moment like a sound of nature. All the dwarves understood that they were hopeful. The Burtons each supported the two wizards, and Bernie then rushed to the back of White Cloud. The last golden flying ride also quickly followed up, coupled with the coming mounts, there was almost no room in the cabin on White Cloud’s back. “Pease keep the following thing secret!” Abe said to Bernie, who knew that he had the highest status here. “Master Abel, I swear in the name of my family. We will not mention anything about your secrets.” Bernie had known that Abel would rescue them out at the expense of his own privacy. He said solemnly. Abel nodded to Bernie and shouted, “White Cloud, unfold the shield, let’s fly!” White Cloud flapped its wings with all his strength, fanned the savage bees away from it again, and a shield appeared on it, wrapping the huge body in it, and the body flew off the ground. The savage bees, who couldn’t see White Cloud taking off, were still frantically attacking the place where the White Cloud was. Many savage bees collided together, and there was nothing left. White Cloud forcibly rushed out of the way in the air, and all the savage bees which were on the way were blown aside as if opened by a big invisible hand. While Cloud accelerated, lifted up, and rose. When White Cloud stabilized at high altitude, there was no savage bee’s around. It was impossible for any savage bee to keep up, even if they did see White Cloud. At this time, the dwarves on White Cloud had understood the role of the outer shield of White Cloud’s body and the ability to hide. When this ability is on a flying animal, there was basically no place where this flying animal could not go. Needless to say, it was a strategic-level flying beast like a sky sparrow. It was no wonder that Abel asked them to keep secret. If a war occurred, a soul beast with invisible ability might change the situation of war. Also, this strategic-level beast was in the hands of the individual who was being targeted by humans. After this accident, which almost resulted in annihilation, no dwarf made a request for a camp, and the nutrition potion produced by Abel also became a ration of Black Wind and White Cloud. Black Wind was still normal. The nutrition potion had completely eliminated its hunger. It laid quietly on the side to rest. White Cloud was different. Abel poured the last two nutrition potions into its mouth. The message returned in Abel ‘s soul chain was that the two nutrition potions were just like a dessert to White Cloud. White Cloud’s powerful flying ability was once again manifested, no matter it was day or night, even if it was fully loaded, it could still fly continuously at high altitude. Two nutrition potions allowed it to fly a day and a night. During the rest journey, the dwarves ate their own dry food. The two wizards’ portal bags seemed to have prepared a lot of food for this operation. They stopped outside the Double Moon Forest just to eat a hot meal. They didn’t expect to lose a life for that little demand.
Chapter 223 - Making Camp Chapter 223 Making Camp Although the dwarves had experienced adventures in the Double Moon forest, they still underestimated its danger Double Moon forest. When they encountered the savage bees, they were almost annihilated, and before even entering the Double Moon forest, a companion had been lost. Except for the elves who used their natural abilities to live in Double Moon forest, no race could survive in Double Moon forest where soul beasts lived. After entering the Double Moon forest, White Cloud had encountered several large flying raptors. Fortunately, he had the ability to be invisible and flew without risk each time one passed. Abel also saw a variety of soul-beast-level raptors he had never seen before, and many of them could make him feel oppressed from the momentum. “Master Abel, this is where the ice fire apes appear from our information!” Said wizard Aitken, pointing to a forest below. Abel looked down. The trees here were extremely tall, but not too dense. There was a huge space between the trees, which was the best living environment for apes. It was extremely vast. When you looked at it from high altitude, you couldn’t see the margin at a glance. It was not so easy to find the ice fire ape here. Now that they had reached the place, Abel instructed White Cloud to start landing through the soul chain. Fortunately, there were flat open areas here, where White Cloud could fall comfortably on the ground. After a day and night flight, everyone on the ground kept the attack of the savage bee attack in mind before entering the Double Moon forest. They had no time for relaxation, and carefully sent a golden flying ride to the surrounding area for investigating, and under all security conditions, they started to build the temporary camps. Abel saw that the dwarves had built the camp, and his task had completed. He found Bernie. “Bernie, my mission had been completed. I am here to pick up my mission items and say goodbye to you!” Abel met Bernie without any polite formula and explained the intention directly. “Master Abel, thank you for saving our lives!” Bernie first bowed deeply and gave a fist-sized piece of wind silver to Abel. Abel took wind silver, feeling the magical power of it, then put it into the portal bag, and said with a smile, “Bernie, I brought you here safely. I just completed the task the city lord, Ivan gave me!” “Master Abel, I know that the requirements are a little too much, but please consider it!” Bernie gave Abel an embarrassed glance, then said, “I want to ask you to stay here and help us!” Bernie bowed 90 degrees in front of Abel and did not lift his body for a long time. Abel said with a wry smile: “My strength is only a third-level wizard, and it does not help you much. Will there be a point for me to stay?” Abel was not disgusted at Bernie’s request. Because he would drift alone in the future, he could learn something about hunting soul beasts with the dwarves, and he had Black Wind who was fast. Black Wind could save him if they were in danger. There was no problem in terms of security. But the real problem lay in his own strength. Although Abel didn’t look down on his own strength, he had never overestimated his strength. Perhaps because of the golden combat qi, he could use the ability of an elite knight against the commander, or plus spells, killing the commander was not a problem. But he was 100 percent clear that if he was gonna face the Burton brothers’ pangolin commander, there would be no hope of victory in terms of spells or knight skills. As long as he has known that the Burton brothers would persist for so long under the attack of the savage bees, it could be known how much their strength would be strengthened after the six of them cooperated. For the rest of the dwarf team, needless to say, the golden flying ride, only talking about combat, it was definitely stronger than White Cloud. If it did not encounter a group of savage bees, there would be no loss at all. The golden eagle’s speed, whether it was offense or retreat, it would make the opponent helpless. Not to mention two formal wizards. Although Kipling and Aitken were only junior wizards, with their spells had the lock of the will, Abel had no chance of winning. So Abel could really only defeat Bernie on the entire team. How could he help if he stayed? “Master Abel, you can guarantee our final safety with transportation. I asked you to stay and helped us!” Bernie continued with some excitement and said, “I don’t want to let my companions sacrifice themselves for me, and we could guarantee our escape route if you could stay!” Abel thought for a moment, nodded, and said, “I can stay, but I will follow you. I have no experience in wild hunting, so I will follow you to learn it!” Abel said very calmly. Maybe other dwarves would measure his age by his height, but two dwarven wizards would definitely not. Wizards had their own standards for age, which was vitality. Full of vitality was a sign of youth. A formal wizard could easily know the true age of others by observing the vitality. At the age of Abel, the third-level wizard was an extraordinary genius, plus the title of a master blacksmith; there would be no time for wild hunting achievement with this kind of achievement. After hearing Abel agreed to stay, Bernie’s face had immediately filled with a smile, he laughed and said, “Master Abel, except for the soul cores of ice fire apes in this operation, all other soul cores will be yours.” Although the camp was temporary, there were six pangolin knights who constantly cut down the trees and used giant pangolins to pull it to the camp. In a short time, a temporary wall surrounded by thick trunks appeared. In addition, deep trenches were dug out of the perimeter wall, which was easily completed by giant pangolins. Wizard Kipling and wizard Aitken placed beast repellents in the trenches. Although they could not deal with soul beasts and flying beasts, they could reduce the invasion of camps by ordinary beasts. Then the two wizards began to arrange a defense circle on the fence. This defense circle was not like Abel’s simple circle board, but many patterned cards were placed in orientations. Some larger circle board controllers inlaid with six medium-level magical gems arranged in a six-pointed star pattern. If it weren’t for the carelessness of resting outside the Double Moon forest, and if this defense circle was set up at that time, the dwarves would stay much longer under the attack of the savage bees. Abel glanced at this defense circle, and he had a deeper understanding of the dwarf’s wealth. As the largest arms seller on the Holy Continent, the dwarves were very rich. This intermediate defense circle could be carried around and used as a camp defense. It was important to know that the intermediate defense circle was customized by the alchemist, who mastered the production of the circle. It was rarely seen in the auction or the wizard market. The intermediate defense circle was mainly used for the defense of some important resident sites. It could withstand the attacks of junior wizards for a period of time. The defense circle was arranged so that when there was danger, it would be enough time to wait for the arrival of White Cloud. Now that Abel promised to stay was to say that as long as there was a buffer period, they could safely leave here. However, when the dwarves began to strengthen their defenses, Abel let Black Wind take care of Loraine. He opened the barrier circle and began to refine the nutrition potion. He now found that the biggest usefulness of nutrition potion could be used as temporary food for White Cloud and Black Wind to supplement their energy. As long as White Cloud did not need to go to the ground to find food. It could fly in the sky almost unlimitedly, and Black Wind’s high demand for diet could also use the nutrition potion
Chapter 224 - Hunting Chapter 224 Hunting The first rays of sunlight scattered on the Double Moon forest. Abel also woke up on time. He couldn’t take out Akara’s tent because of the surrounding environment. Inside the tent, his perception of danger would be greatly reduced. For example, when the savage bees attacked, if it was not in the Akara’s tent, he would have already perceived the danger before the savage bees attacked. In fact, Abel didn’t know the difference between his elite knights’ feeling and other knights’, because it was rare for a knight to have the power of the will like him, and no knight had his soul strength. These two abilities made his feeling too aware of the danger. Being in Akara’s tent was equivalent to being in another space. His feeling could perceive the danger outside. Now Abel and Loraine used ordinary tents. If something happened, he could find out immediately. “Loraine, you stay on White Cloud’s back today. Don’t get off!” Abel said solemnly. When the dwarves had breakfast, Abel and Loraine did not have breakfast, but sat down together and drank juice. “Yes, brother Abel, I promise you that I won’t get off from White Cloud’s back, you must be careful as well.” Loraine raised her hand, made a swearing gesture, and then her face was tense and concerned, saying quietly. “Although it’s dangerous here, I have Black Wind. You know how fast Black Wind is, and let me tell you a secret!” Abel said and looked around. After hearing that Abel was going to tell Loraine a secret, she looked pleased to be able to know Abel’s secret. “Black Wind is already a rank-order spirit beast. It has the ability to escape. As long as it wants to escape, no creature can stop it!” Abel said softly next to Loraine’s. “Black Wind …” Loraine screamed in surprise, and quickly covered her mouth, looked around, and found no one noticed her, then she put her hand down and closed her mouth to stop talking Lorraine was an elf. She knew the difficulty of upgrading the order of spirit beasts better than humans. Now White Cloud had been upgraded, and Black Wind had as well. If one mount was upgraded by chance, what about two? No wonder Abel wanted to keep this secret, this secret was a big temptation to all those who had mounts. Abel rode Black Wind, bid farewell to Loraine, and set off with the team. Six dwarves pangolin knights, two junior wizards, and a golden flying ride. Such a team could already be considered an army. Because Abel’s rum suppressed Bernie’s chills, Bernie set off with him. Although it was winter, all the plants in the Double Moon forest were still green. This was the largest forest in the Holy Continent. Its strange location made the climate mild throughout the year, and it was a paradise for plants and animals. Due to the barriers of the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range, humans rarely set foot here. The team came along all the way, and constantly found animals that were alarmed. “There should be a spirit beast nearby!” The boss of the Borton brothers walked headmost; he looked at the ground and said. “How did you know that?” Abel asked curiously, watching the marks on the ground as well. “After walking for a long time, we haven’t found any beasts. There are only some small herbivores, indicating that the predators here have been driven away from here. The way we walked by, there was only one kind of footprint with claws on the ground.” The boss of the Borton brothers explained and pointed to a place on the ground. Abel looked closely in the direction of Borton brothers’ boss’ finger, and there were directly a set of shallow footprints in the shape of plum blossoms and were clearly to see the traces of the sharp claws touching the ground. These footprints were so shallow that it would be difficult for Abel himself to find these traces without the guidance from Borton brothers’ boss. “This spirit beast is very dexterous; it seems to be a kind of lynx.” Although Borton used the uncertain word “seems,” his tone was quite certain. At this point, Abel’s feeling had sensed the danger was approaching. He looked at the big tree not far ahead. A gray and trunk-shaped figure appeared on a thick branch. “Over there!” Abel whispered, pointing at the grey figure. The Borton brothers’ boss looked at Abel in surprise, and Abel’s perception was a bit unexpected. Last night, Bernie specifically talked to them and informed his decision. The dwarves had no objection to giving all the crystal cores to Abel. Compared with the life-saving grace, little crystal cores were not much, but it was a little difficult for them to teach Abel jungle hunting. Jungle hunting was a technique; finding and tracking traces, determining locations, and finally killing. Each step of the entire process required the interdependence of experience and skills, each of which required a long time of practice, and also required talent. To teach a third-level wizard to hunt in the jungle, they had to teach him how to survive in the jungle first, but teaching that was already difficult. However, the Borton brothers’ boss now had some confidence for Abel. Abel was faster than him, a veteran, in finding prey. This showed that Abel was very talented in this field. Next, would be observing Abel’s combat ability. “Master Abel, this is a claw lynx, a very low-level spirit beast. The most powerful thing is its claw. It can easily break the armor. This is your first prey. We will help you only when your life is in danger.” The Borton brothers’ boss smiled and put away the sword in his hand, said as if he was ready to see Abel to be attacked Although Borton brothers’ boss said so, he had quietly taken out a dagger from his arms, ready to throw it out to rescue Abel at any time. Abel jumped down from Black Wind, let the Black Wind stand to the other side, and then patted the portal bag. A magic iron sword forged by a black iron meteorite had gone to his right hand, and a magic shield had added to his left hand. This was the first time that Abel had encountered a spirit beast in the wild. Although the level of it was not high, it could also be used for practicing. He would try to gauge the spirit beast’s strength. If he rode Black Wind, he couldn’t reach the purpose of testing. The dwarves’ eyes tightened. If it was normal for Abel to have a magic sword with iron meteorite as a master blacksmith, holding a large sword and shield during battle could only show that Abel was very confident in melee. Abel struck the shield with his big sword, and looked at the claw lynx, making a provocative action. Although the claw lynx was called a lynx, his body was larger than an ordinary leopard. This action pissed of the lynx. When it saw him standing at the forefront from the dwarves behind, the claw lynx jumped off the tree and rushed over. With a shield stroke, Abel’s shield in his left-hand stroke at an oblique 45-degree angle, and resolved the attack of the claw lynx with minimal force. Claw lynx’s paw flickered with lightning, although it stopped the attack, Abel’s big sword swept its body. When the sword-tip swept the body of claw lynx, Abel felt it just like a sword-tip hit a piece of cooked cowhide; he could not penetrate the skin of claw lynx but felt a kind of rebound. The Borton brothers’ boss saw Abel’s movements at the back and nodded, he could see that he has been trained by the knight’s system, and each movement was very standard in place, such as he had undergone thousands of hardships. It couldn’t be done overnight, and it was impossible to have such an ability without years of hard work. While the Borton brothers’ Boss was sighing, Abel had discovered that if he did not use combat qi, he could not break the defense from claw lynx. After realizing that, the golden light flashed in his body, flocking toward the big sword in his hand through his palm. Suddenly, the big sword of victory had become a big golden sword. The claw lynx was hit by Abel’s sword. Although it was blocked, it was still very painful. At this time, it turned it’s body and moved to Abel’s back. The elite knight’s feeling made Abel’s basic combat action become instinct. When the claw lynx’s two claws were ready to attack, a shield was already put in front of it. With a few harsh frictions, the claw lynx’s attack was once again useless.
Chapter 225 - Fresh Crystal Core Chapter 225 Fresh Crystal Core The lynx stopped for a sudden while it was attacking. This allowed Abel to seize the chance to stab into its’ body accurately with a long golden sword. This time, due to the golden combat qi, the long sword was able to stab into it smoothly. If Abel was holding the ice magic sword at this time, the battle would have already been settled, but in Abel’s hand was the sword of Victory, a magical sword that killed the enemy to increase his mana, and did not slow down the effect of frost. After the claw lynx was stabbed, it screamed louder and became faster, faster than Abel’s eyes could catch. At this time, Abel had considered preparing a few more weapons to put in the portal bag for various situations. Forging magic weapons was not difficult for him. The materials were readily available. Once he had the chance to get into Rogue’s encampment, he could use ground fire for forging. The claw lynx’s speed exceeded Abel’s imagination, but at this time, he completely gave his body to the feelings, and the harsh sound of friction between the claw and the shield constantly generated. No attack could enter he’s defense although it’s using full speed attack, and its instinct recovered the lack of speed. The wounded claw lynx bled more seriously as it was being attacked, and its speed was getting slower. After a while, when it was about to prepare for another attack, its body stopped for a while due to excessive blood loss. Abel instinctively stabbed the golden sword forward. The golden sword stabbed through its fur with a howling sound, then passed through the heart from its side. The few dwarves who were watching the battle aside were already speechless. That was golden combat qi. With this kind of combat qi, he still learned to be a wizard? The ultimate achievement of this god-like combat qi could be compared with most wizards. This kind of knight genius was really a waste, especially for the Burton brothers. As commanders, they knew the power of the god-like combat qi. The terrible bonus was almost a symbol of invincibility. After becoming a wizard, it could no longer increase Abel’s knight level again when the wizard’s mana eroded the body. It was very remarkable that Abel’s rank hadn’t dropped. No one knew that Abel ‘s golden combat qi was not a general-level god-like combat qi unique techniques formed this kind of combat qi. That characteristic of body repair also made possible the coexistence of the two professions of knights and wizards. At the end of the battle, Abel looked back at Burton’s boss and asked, “Will the claw lynx have a crystal core?” “If there is a crystal core, it will be in the middle of the eyes on its head, but the possibility of the claw lynx to have crystal core …” The Burton’s boss was still talking and saw that Abel had used the sword to pick up a soft, mercury-like thing between the eyes of the claw lynx, he was planning to say that the claw lynx was unlikely to have a crystal core, but what Abel just did made him stop speaking. Abel held this soft and slippery thing in his hand, and looked at Burton’s boss in curious and asked, “Is this crystal core?” “Yes, but aren’t you a wizard? Why do you use knight techniques all the time?” Burton’s boss asked inexplicably. “Commander Burton, you know, low-level wizards have very little mana and hard to recover. If you can use knights’ ability to win the battle, you can leave the mana to use when needed!” Abel explained It was Burton’s boss’ first time encountered this kind of situation of being a knight and a wizard at the same time. He didn’t know what to say for a while, but he whispered, “It’s a pity with that god-like combat qi!” Abel didn’t care about Burton’s boss’ whisper. At this time, he put his mind on the crystal core, which was soft like mercury in his hand. When he slowly moved his power of the will closer to the crystal core, he felt energy, which was like mana rushed towards the recipe of the three-level apprentice wizard in his mind. Involuntarily, he began his first meditation practice without a magic tower and a magic circle. Two wizards, Kipling and Aitken, looked at each other and seemed to have seen the scene when they have contact with the crystal cores for the first time. Just like Abel, they started meditation on the spot. Black Wind saw the master entered a meditation state, immediately ran to its master to protect its master with its body, monitoring all around, and released its own impose pressure. “Burtons, you protect Master Abel!” Bernie said to the pangolin commanders around him. Following Bernie’s orders, the two pangolin commanders walked quickly to the place nearby Abel, put the shield up and were ready to deal with possible attacks. They were experienced; the protection doesn’t work if they are far from Abel. If they were too close to Abel, it would make Black Wind felt threatened and vigilant, and likely to attack. Abel ‘s mana fluctuated stronger and stronger. The turbulence caused by meditation surprised two junior-level wizards. This meditation effect was almost the same as a fifth-level wizard, but Abel’s level was only three. Gradually, the soft, slippery crystal core in Abel’s hand became smaller and smaller and eventually disappeared, at the time his meditation stopped. Opening his eyes, Abel felt the effect of meditation, which was almost equivalent to Abel’s meditation effect for one month. It was not surprising that the essence of a spirit beast’s life could have this effect. Unfortunately, the crystal cores could not be preserved. Otherwise, wizards could hunt a large number of crystal cores and use one for meditation practice every day. Then it would be easy to become a fourth-level wizard. Abel suddenly thought of one thing. His personal storage box could keep the items like Horadric cube that was about to explode statically, so maybe it was not a problem to storage the crystal cores, then it wouldn’t have the problem of solidifying in two hours. With this, he could save a large number of fresh crystal cores that could provide meditation practice. Abel, whose heart was beating now, had a strong desire to own the crystal cores and had greater enthusiasm for the next hunt. After Abel completed his first hunt, the dwarves acknowledged his ability. At least his ability would not hinder them. Then, they began to go deeper into the jungle. A day passed, and Abel had initially adapted the life in the jungle. His perception prevented him from at least five deadly attacks. There were venomous snakes from the grass, poisonous insects from branches, and even an inconspicuous tree branch could be a killer. Under the protection of six pangolin commanders, the two dwarven wizards and Bernie basically swept the entire area. The reason for the swipe was also very simple. It had been investigated that they were in the domain of the Ice Fire Apes, and there was no other official soul beast except for Ice Fire Apes. The equipment of the Burton brothers’ pangolin commanders was also very luxurious. It turned out to be a full set of magic equipment, magic armor, magic shields, and magic weapons. This was also the team with the strongest equipment seen by Abel. The only thing that could really threaten this team was only the official soul beast with spell ability. This team had killed all the spirit beasts within a day, and only two crystal cores been generated from nearly 15 spirit beasts, according to Burton’s boss’ words, this was already really lucky. Usually, one crystal core would be generated every twenty spirit beasts. Even though they knew that Abel had used the opportunity of meditation practice today, the two dwarven wizards, Wizard Kipling and Wizard Aitken didn’t make a request of having the fresh crystal core in Abel’s hand. At this time, dwarves’ stubbornness and integrity had fully shown. Of course, Abel would not waste these two crystal cores. Both of them were carefully put into his personal storage box. After two hours, he was still worried, then checked again with the power of the will and found that the time-rest function of the personal storage was also effective for crystal cores. For the next three days, this team went out every day to find spirit beasts in various directions for a siege. The cooperation between one another had gotten better and better. Of course, this excluded Abel because Abel was only an eighteen-level elite knight and a third-level wizard. He couldn’t keep up with the speed of these commanders. The only thing he could do was gain experiences behind the team. The Burton brothers’ pangolin commanders cooperated very well at first. Now they mainly cooperated with the two dwarven wizards, Wizard Kipling and Wizard Aitken. In three days, they formed a set of attacks and defense. It took them three days, not only to hunt the crystal cores for Abel, but the dwarves also wanted to improve the success rate of the team to kill the Ice Fire Apes.
Chapter 226 - Loraine Made Dinner Chapter 226 Loraine Made Dinner Three days had passed, and there were still four fresh crystal cores in Abel’s personal storage box. The others were consumed one per day. Now that Abel was finally aware of the trouble of using fresh crystal cores. They were hunted in the wild but were only fresh for two hours. Wizard had to find a safe place in the wild and enter meditation. Since wizards had no defense during meditation, it was dangerous for them to continue meditating. “Bernie, we found the Ice fire apes!” As soon as the Golden Flying Ride who went out to find the Ice fire apes had returned, he hurriedly found Bernie and reported to him. “That’s great!” The dwarves beside laughed. Although these days were just for practice, in fact, everyone was looking forward to meeting the ice fire apes, but three days passed, it seemed that the ice fire apes had never appeared here. The Burton six brothers’ pangolin commanders, wizard Kipling, and wizard Aitken were all very anxious. If there wasn’t an ice fire ape here, then Bernie’s chill venom would be dragged on for a while. If Abel’ rum stopped working one day, and no ice fire ape was found, then Bernie would be in danger. “Where is it?” Bernie asked calmly. “Master Bernie, ice fire apes were hiding in the south valley two peaks away from here. I observed it for a while, but it did not go out and stayed there all the time,” said Golden Flying Ride. “That’s strange; this is not in line with the character of the ice fire ape!” Bernie murmured. “Master Bernie, we asked Master Abel to drop us there directly with sky sparrow, kill the ice fire apes quickly, and then Master Abel will take us back here!” Wizard Kipling said first. “No! Ice fire apes are not easy to deal with. The best way for us is to clean up there step by step and clean the surrounding beasts, to ensure our safety when killing the ice fire apes.” Wizard Aitken retorted. “With our strength and preparations, there is no problem in dealing with the ice fire ape. We can kill them quickly and cure master Bernie earlier!” Wizard Kipling persuaded again to wizard Aitken. Speaking of being able to cure Bernie sooner, wizard Aitken couldn’t say more, but just shook his head stubbornly and expressed his opinion. The Burton six brothers’ pangolin commanders did not express their opinions but looked at Bernie. In this operation, Bernie’s opinions were the most important thing. “I’m alright. I have the good wine provided by master Abel. The chill venom has been completely suppressed. For the sake of safety, we still advance slowly and fight steadily!” Bernie said with a glance at the two wizards. “Yes, master Bernie!” Several dwarves said and bowed. “You continue to monitor the ice fire apes. If they move, report to us as soon as possible!” Bernie turned to hand over to Golden Flying Ride. Then Golden flying ride bowed to replied. “Everyone rest well tonight. We will start early tomorrow!” Bernie waved his hand. Abel did not participate in the discussion of the dwarves. When he returned, he walked straight back to his tent. As soon as he entered the tent, he saw Loraine was busy. On a small table in the middle of the tent, there were already a few dishes, grilled pheasant, collected fruits, bread, and wine. The pheasant was brought back by Black Wind in the morning. The fruit must be collected by Loraine. Loraine asked Abel for bread and red wine in the morning. Abel thought that Loraine would eat them by herself. Who knew that all the things were on the table. Although there were not many dishes, Loraine had sweat and ash on her, which made a few pale gray marks on her face. “Brother Abel, Happy New Year!” Loraine said to Abel with a look of joy when she saw him coming in. It was the New Year, and Abel was a little dazed for a while. He didn’t expect that this New Year would be spent in the Double Moon forest, and it was even in the wild, no relatives were around, and only Loraine was with him. Fortunately, Loraine remembered this day. Seeing the mark on Loraine’s face, and then looking at the pheasant that had been roasted a little bit black, Abel’s heart felt extremely warm. Loraine was an elf and rarely ate meat, but she even cooked meat. He didn’t expect that she could do this in order to surprise him for a New Year. Abel turned to fetch some water, took out a towel, and after it got wet, he came to Loraine silently, gently wiped the stain on her little face, and said softly: “Loraine, thank you, and Happy New Year!” Abel’s gentle gesture made Loraine’s face flushed and hearing what Abel said, everything she did today was worth it. The dinner was not sumptuous, and although Abel had taken the nutrition potion, he was very happy. He had eaten all the roasted pheasant and drank some red wine. Now that Abel had just become a wizard, the New Year holiday was still very important to him. In the Morton Magic Tower, although it was near the New Year, he did not feel the New Year atmosphere at that time, which caused him to almost forgot this day. This was also because he was a new wizard, and had not been used to the lives of wizards. Wizards had a much longer life than ordinary people. This group paid very little attention to the New Year. And few wizards would celebrate for New year. He thought of coming to this world for a few years, but he had slowly integrated into this world. When he enjoyed the careful service of his servants without any guilt, he could face life and death lightly, piercing the sword into the heart of the enemy without changing his face. He could anger the crown for his loved ones and destroyed the power of a country. In his past life, he accidentally fed the ornamental fish with more food, and it died. He had been sad for a long time. Now, everything had changed. In his mind, the shadow of the original world ‘s parents and family appeared and then replaced with the shadow of Knight of Bennett and his mother, Nora. His elder brother, Zach, might blame him for not attending his wedding. He never got to see his bride to be, Emily. Was Lord Marshall still having fun with his friends sitting in super ox carts every day. Were Ken and his friends still safe? It might be because of red wine, Abel thought a lot in his head, and seeing that he had something in mind, Loraine was nicely by his side, watching his silhouette silently. Abel drank the bottle of red wine. Although he was superhuman, he had never been a person who could drink and not got drunk, especially a person with a mind; even a little wine could be used as a catalyst. Sometimes it was not that people were drunk, but that their hearts were drunk. In the middle of the night, moonlight spilled through the crevice of the tent and fell on the simple bed, reflected on Abel’s face, and his age was increased by one year. It seemed that his face had matured a bit. Suddenly, Abel opened his eyes, his eyes filled with astonishment. The elite knight’s feeling told him that someone was staring at the camp with a hostile look. That was a wild, place with no people, without other interference. His spirit sense was so accurate that he could perceive the direction and distance of that person very clearly. The spirit chain in his heart called White Cloud and Black Wind. White Cloud protected Loraine. Whenever there was danger, it took her away. Black Wind came to pick himself up. In an instant, the figure of the Black Wind appeared outside of Abel’s tent. Abel quickly stepped out of the tent and jumped onto the back of the Black Wind, driving Black Wind toward the encampment. The encampment ‘s defensive circle was not facing the outside. After Black Wind got ready, it jumped directly over the protective wall made of tree trunks and also jumped over the outer trenches. Abel’s action naturally could not escape from the dwarves’ notice. Whether it was the two dwarven wizards or several commanders, even Bernie heard the sound of Black Wind rushing out of the camp. “Such a young man!” Although wizard Aitken didn’t particularly sense Abel’s behavior at night, the encampment was that large. He was sure to know that the elven girl had prepared a rich dinner for Abel yesterday. He thought that Abel rushed out of the encampment was to find something special for the elven girl. There were also several other dwarves who thought so, and even the six pangolin commanders did not feel the staring from the outside of the encampment. Abel didn’t know how fast Black Wind was, but it was definitely comparable to the ordinary sports car of the previous life. Almost immediately, when Black Wind rushed out of the encampment, the peeper also discovered Abel and started to escape away.
Chapter 227 - Capture Chapter 227 Capture It was a dwarf. Abel knew it was. As far as he knew, there weren’t any other intelligible beings that were this small and muscular. Just why was a dwarf here? If he belonged to the camp, why was he peeking at it instead of just walking right in? Abel had a lot of questions. Maybe Bernie wanted to hide something from him. Anyways, he should worry about capturing the dwarf that was in front of him. It seemed really familiar with the geography around here. Abel knew that the dwarf was trying to lure him away from the camp. He didn’t care, though. He could tell that it wasn’t a wizard. It wasn’t like it was going to be a knight’s commander, either. If it wasn’t trying to beat him in a one-on-one fight, he would have no problem at all. When Abel and the dwarf were about one mile away from the camp, they stood still at about twenty meters away from each other. “You must be Master Abel!” a low voice came out as to tease Abel, “You’re an advanced knight and a third level wizard, but apparently, you can’t cast any spells.” Abel didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t use any spells over the last few days. That must be why this dwarf in front of him was saying that he couldn’t use any spells. He was certain that it was only his team that was around, however. Whether intentionally or not, someone in his team must’ve leaked the information out. “Who are you?” Abel asked. He was sitting on top of Black Wind’s back. There was a five-meter lance in his hand. As long as the person in front of him wasn’t a head knight’s commander, he could easily knock him away with one swing What was the chance of the dwarf being the head knight’s commander? Even if he was one, he would’ve started the fight long ago. Whatever. Abel didn’t believe that he was any threat. The dwarf replied, “We didn’t want to make you an enemy, Master Abel! But you! You keep ruining our plans! Prepare to die now!” The dwarf revealed a weapon from his back. It was an iron hammer that was very well made. It had a golden tip and pitch-black handle. The head of it was made with eight sharp nails, which formed a circle together. These nails were dyed with blood. It was a weapon that was saturated with blood. There was something that had especially caught Abel’s attention. There was a slot on the handle of the hammer. There was a blue magic stone that was inside. This meant that it was an ice magic weapon. Abel wasn’t so relaxed now. He’s always used his magic weapons to fight enemies who didn’t have their own. Now that his enemy had one, he had to settle this fight as quickly as he could. Things would become troubling if he was slowed down by the freezing effect of the hammer. Just now, the dwarf’s imposing pressure was slowly increasing. It was at the level of a knight’s commander. After hunting with the Borton brothers over these last few days, Abel knew what he was dealing with. Not the dwarf, though. He obviously wasn’t taking Abel seriously. Usually, you’d only reveal your imposing pressure if you were trying to scare an enemy that was a rank below you. Abel started charging forward with Black Wind. It caught the dwarf off guard. He didn’t think that Abel could just ignore his aura, but he was fast enough to block Abel’s sword with his hammer. He seemed to have some experience with fighting against humans. Usually, the best way to counter a knight’s charge was to dodge it, but since Black Wind was so fast, he had to settle with a quick block. Clang In a blink of an eye, Abel clashed iron with the dwarf. He didn’t switch on his combat qi completely, but about 60% of it has been activated. After that clash, he felt like there was something that was trying to knock him backward. Actually, he’s never felt something this strong in a competition of strength. Abel was tensing up his muscles with Black Wind. He wasn’t using his full strength, but the hit was quite close to that. That must be the advantage of being a dwarf. As little as they were, they were much stronger than that of humans. No wonder they believed that they were the descendants of the giants. Abel was forced to take a step backward. When he was preparing for a counterattack, an overwhelming power kept appearing and kept sending him backward. “Magic weapons!” the dwarf shouted. He was in complete defense mode now. His body was always backing away from Abel. He wasn’t ready to make a defense as of yet, but he was quick enough to activate a combat qi armor around himself. Ten steps. Abel knew that his lance could knock his enemy away. Immediately, Black Wind ran forward and reached the dwarf that was still stepping back. With a tap of his lance, he generated a rune pattern right in front of his face. He just shot an ice bullet at him. Because of how useless the combat qi armor was against spells, wizards were recognized as one of the strongest classes on the entire Holy Continent. Abel shot the dwarf at his front chest, which immobilized him on the spot. The poor thing didn’t have the chance to move again. “Wai… Wait!” the dwarf spoke an inaudible voice as frost appeared on his body. “What more do you want to say?” Abel asked. If this dwarf tried anything, he could just finish him off with another ice bullet. “I’m a member of the dwarves, do you understand that? You will make a lot of enemies if you try to touch me!” A light flashed out from Abel’s lane, “That just contradicts what you said at the start. Alright, you can die now.” “Wait! Let me take something out! You’ll understand when you see it!” When Abel canceled his spell, he saw the dwarf taking out a scroll from his own pocket. It was a magic scroll, which somehow didn’t make him feel alerted. For a moment there, the dwarf had a painful look on his face. Just when Abel was about to ask about it, the trapped warrior quickly tore the scroll apart. Next thing he knew, the dwarf was about one hundred meters away from him. The dwarf shouted as he prepared to make an escape. “You’ll regret what you’ve done today, Abel! Wait, and we’ll come back for revenge!” They were still inside the jungle. The dwarf thought that the trees would help him draw his distance from Abel. The plan was to keep burning up his combat qi until Abel lost track of him. Just when the dwarf was about to accelerate, Abel and Black Wind teleported right next to him. The giant lance was smashed onto his back and pressed him to the ground. The magic effect didn’t stop. When he was repeatedly pressed by the lance’s effect, it eventually became a part of the ground.
Chapter 228 - Promoting To Be A Knight’S Commander Chapter 228 Promoting to Be a Knight’s Commander Abel’s knight gun fired again, and an ‘ice bomb’ was aroused again, hitting the dwarf commander’s back. The dwarf commander could not move anymore. At this time, Abel just jumped out of Black Wind and came to the dwarf commander. He knew that with the commander’s powerful vitality, the attack could only make the dwarf commander lose his combat power and motivation, but it couldn’t kill him. Abel didn’t even think to kill him now. Abel’s knight level had always been improved by absorbing the combat qi from other knights. Now that he had a legitimate opportunity in front of him, how could he give up? This time Abel grasped the neck of the dwarf commander very experienced, his golden combat qi surging, and the combat qi of the dwarf commander flowed towards Abel’s palm without his control. He understood what was happening, but when he felt his combat qi entered into Abel’s body, he had completely lost contact, like been cut off. A horrible thought arose in the dwarf commander’s mind. Yes, Abel’s age was no secret. However, it was because Abel was a master blacksmith, and he became a master blacksmith when he was thirteen years old, which spread out the blacksmith union, so among the dwarves, anyone who noticed Abel knew his age. Becoming an elite knight at this age was simply impossible. Now the dwarf commander finally understood why Abel could become an elite knight. At this time, the dwarf knight wanted to resist, but his whole body was covered with frost. The most important thing was that the frost had severely injured his body, and a burst of weakness came to his heart. However, Abel did not care about it so much. A rare opportunity like this had to be seized. He guided the combat qi into this body, wrapped it with golden combat qi, and transformed it into a homogeneous combat qi that could be directly accepted by his body. Forming combat qi meridian, and there was also four qi pressure point that was not connected to the core. This dwarf commander’s ability was almost the same as wolf rider captain of Flauring, and the combat qi provided by him was also very sufficient. Abel was also experienced in dealing with foreign combat qi, and the combat qi meridian had been established little by little. This dwarf commander’s willpower was far less than wolf rider captain of Flauring. When Abel established two meridians to become a 19th-level knight, he collapsed, and his eyes wandered. At this moment, even Abel let him go, and he was already a useless person. After the last qi pressure point above the head was connected to the core, Abel officially became a 20-level knight. As long as the qi pressure point in the palm of his hand was connected to the other 9 qi pressure point in his body, he could become a 21-level knight. This could also form a basic combat qi armor. The life of a dwarf was much longer than humans. Abel did not know the age of the dwarf commander in front of him, but Abel knew that his combat qi was enough. After becoming a 20-level knight, the influx of combat qi hasn’t changed, which gave Abel the confidence to become a commander. When Abel began to establish the channel between the qi pressure points, he started to understand the difficulty of becoming a commander. When the qi pressure point led to the core, the established meridian was a natural establishment. It seemed that there was a kind of natural connection in the body, just need to be activated, and that’s what meridian was based on. The channel between the qi pressure points completely violated the laws of the body. It was forcibly opening a channel in the body, and it consumed more combat qi, which was very different from before. Seeing the meridian was building, Abel was anxious. His golden combat qi ability could never be exposed, so he couldn’t spend too much time outside. Abel saw the dwarf commander’s eyes wandered. He was fierce and moved his hand from the neck of the dwarf commander to the top of his head, and the qi pressure point in the palm of his hand was connected to the qi pressure point on the head of the dwarf commander. If the combat qi that just flowed into Abel’s body through the few meridians on the neck of the dwarf commander was a water pipe, then the combat qi that flew into Abel’s palm through the qi pressure point above the dwarf commander’s head was like a stream. This was a risky action to Abel. If the dwarf commander hadn’t collapsed, he would never do so. Knights could maximize their combat qi ability through the qi pressure point, which meant that the qi pressure point was a way for a knight to attack, so it was dangerous for Abel to directly connected to a qi pressure point. Of course, there were rewards for taking risks, and Abel felt worthwhile with a marked increase in the speed of building the meridian. The qi pressure point in the palm was connected to the other nine qi pressure points in the body. There were nine meridians in total. At the current speed of conversion of the combat qi, building the meridian was far slower than the transformed combat qi, which meant that there might be a lot of combat qi wasted. Of course, Abel couldn’t waste the combat qi that was hard to get. He thought for a while, and a weak soul took over the simple transformation of foreign combat qi. The main soul was fully engaged in the construction of meridian. The transformation and the construction of meridian just formed a balance. Two hours later, Abel successfully built the 9th meridian. His body trembled, then a golden combat qi armor appeared on his body, and strange energy appeared on his whole body, constantly strengthening the powerful body. It also strengthened the power of the will, making the power of the will more offensive. This was slightly different from the power of the will of the wizard. The power of the will of the wizard was an extremely precise and meticulous power. Compared to Abel’s, his was like that of a low-level wizard. To become a formal wizard was far from him. When Abel’s hand left the head of the dwarf commander who was no longer able to provide him combat qi, the dwarf commander also exhaled the last breath, and his body fell down on the ground. This commander’s energy promotion strengthened for a full ten minutes. When Abel opened his eyes again, he felt that there was a slight change in the world. He could feel the flow of air in front of him, the wind blowing through the leaves, the bugs preying on another on the grass, and a spider was weaving a web between the branches. Abel finally understood why Burton’s boss could find traces that were so shallow on the ground, and why in the woods, except Bernie, who was specially protected, others were never afraid of sudden insects and beasts. It turned out to be a difference in the level. Although Abel’s ability was very strong and might kill the commander, the ability of the commander was not low. On the contrary, if Abel did not have special golden combat qi, he would not be able to compete with the commander in terms of his knight techniques Thinking about the dangers he had encountered in the past few days, Abel was smug at the time. He used a powerful spirit sense to avoid all dangers, but he didn’t know that the real strength was that when these had not become dangerous, others had found and dodged away. Abel shook his head and re-recognize the profession of a knight. Now he had become a commander. The next level was the head commander. He was thinking of the head commander, Hoover, who could face the elite wizard. It seemed that the job of a knight was not as weak as he had thought. Abel was very interested in cleaning up the battlefield after the war. He paid attention to the items left by this dwarf because the dwarf owned the spell scroll, which wizard Morton didn’t even have. There must be portal items. Otherwise, the spell scroll could not be placed. A spell scroll was a very dangerous item. If it was placed on the body without portal items, it might be stimulated by collision, squeezing, and other reasons, so Abel had now determined that the dwarf commander in front of him had a portal item. Abel had the experience of looking for werewolf sacrificing portal items. His power of the will scanned the dwarf commander’s corpse several times and found his portal items. Abel took out a large sword and pointed his sword at the dwarven commander, picking at the waist of the corpse, a portal ball appeared above the sword tip. This was another strange portal item. To open the ordinary portal bag must have both mana and the power of the will. Now the portal ball that Abel held in his hand was specially made to give the one who only had the power of the will. There was a mosaic groove in the portal ball, and a magical gem was placed in the middle to support mana.
Chapter 229 - A Discovery Chapter 229 A Discovery As long as the person with the power of the will used it to drive the magic circle on the portal ball, the magic circle will draw out the mana from the magic gem and convert it into the energy similar to mana, so that the items inside could be taken out. It was a very clever idea. Using the commander’s power of the will could use portal items. Abel used the power of the will to open the portal ball. In a cubic space, there were two sets of dwarven magic armor and weapons, one spell scroll, a delicate circle board, daily necessities, and ores. There were even two pieces of wind silver, two small pieces of iron meteorite, a large piece of iron ore, and a dozen magic gems that might have been used to supplement the energy of the portal ball and activate the circle. Abel had a good harvest: a special portal item, dwarven magic armor was useless to Abel. Magic weapons were useful, but all were hammers and axes, Abel never used these weapons, and he still liked to use the weapons that were forged by himself. The ores were very useful, providing him with the best raw materials for making a full set of knight equipment in the future. The only spell scroll was held by Abel in his hand, and his power of the will swept for a while. It found that it was the “momentary movement” spell scroll, which was a good thing and the best item to save his life. Unless he had become an intermediate wizard, otherwise, this spell scroll was the best irreplaceable choice for escaping. The last one was the circle board. The circle board was a kind of convenient circle board for those who couldn’t arrange it themselves. The producer would put the instructions directly into the circle board; then they could use their power of the will to know the way to use it. Abel’s power of the will connected to the circle board, and after a moment, he gloomily put the circle board away. He put the dwarf commander’s corpse into the portal item, and he turned and walked toward Black Wind to run back to the encampment. When they came to the outside of the encampment, the defense circle disappeared. The dwarf who was on duty released the defense circle to let him in. After entering, Abel did not go to his tent but went to Bernie’s tent. “Master Abel, why do you have time to come to visit me?” Bernie looked at Abel with a smile and said that it was not a secret that Abel had dinner with the elven girl. “Bernie, wait!” Abel said to stop Bernie. He took out a circle board, threw it on the ground, and activated the circle board on the ground. Numerous trees appeared around the two of them to isolate the space around them from the outside world. This was the barrier circle he often used. After Abel laid out the barrier circle, Bernie looked at Abel in amazement and did not understand why Abel arranged this circle. However, he knew Abel would not harm him. “I found a peeper today, so I went after it!” Abel said in a deep voice. “Master Abel, what did you find?” Bernie seemed to have some assumptions. “I saw a commander-level dwarf. What was interesting was that when he saw me, he led me to a far place and wanted to kill me!” Abel said and sneered. “Dwarf commander? How could you be his opponent?” Bernie asked, looking at Abel who was unscathed. Bernie knew that Abel’s ability in the past few days was really amazing, almost beyond the abilities of all the younger generations he knew, but to be honest, there was still a gap to the commanders. If Abel could use the spells, he might win, but Abel’s performance over the past few days showed that he might not be familiar with spells because he never arose a spell. “The dwarf commander must have thought so!” Abel said eloquently. “Did the dwarf commander knew your ability?” Bernie instantly understood Abel’s meaning and also knew why Abel used the barrier circle to talk to him. me “How’s that dwarf commander?” Bernie asked, and since Abel was okay, everyone must have underestimated the real ability of this young wizard in front of him. “pa,” A body was thrown to the ground by Abel. Bernie squatted down, straightened the body, and he shouted, “It’s commander Alberta!” “Do you know him?” Abel asked with a frown. If the dwarf had a high status, it would be another troublesome thing. Now he was escaping and didn’t want to get in trouble again. “He’s a gray dwarf! And a very famous commander among the gray dwarves. He’s very powerful!” Bernie said with a cold look at the corpse. “A gray dwarf is a kind of dwarf?” Abel asked inexplicably. Hearing that Abel was completely ignorant of the gray dwarf, Bernie calmed his emotions and said, “The grey dwarf is a foreigner who had been driven out of the dwarf tribe. They are cursed because they are evil, so no hair will grow on their heads, and their skin is also gray.” Bernie removed the helmet from the corpse’s head. The corpse had no hair. “Bernie, shouldn’t you tell me something?” Abel had already found that he seemed to be in some sort of conspiracy, he asked impolitely. “Master Abel, under this situation, I have to tell you everything, and I will try my best to recover with the impact on you!” Bernie bowed apologetically. Abel looked at Bernie calmly. After speaking these words, Bernie’s temperament began to change, as if a natural majesty appeared on him. “My name is Bernie Goff, the eldest son of the Dwarf Goff family!” Bernie said proudly. Even the ignorant human like Abel knew the Goff family. They were one of the three most powerful families except the royal family of the dwarves. It was the family of the dwarves responsible for foreign trade. The dwarf-made weapons that humans need were all traded by the Goff family with humans. “I have an illegitimate brother named Dirk, who had a quarter of the gray dwarf blood. He was the shame of the family, but he won the favor of my grandmother. Dirk and I were the only two persons in my generation. Not long time ago, a spirit beast-level venomous ice crystal snake appeared at the hunting ground I used to visit and attacked me. Although they rescued in time, only the crystal core of the ice fire ape was the only antidote,” Bernie had a gentle tone, but Abel heart the sadness. Abel didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire between the Dwarves, but it seemed like he was too late. After he killed the gray dwarf commander Alberta, he had already chosen the team. “Here you are! Get your own idea!” Abel pulled out a circle board from the portal bag and threw it to Bernie. Bernie didn’t need to look carefully to find out that it was a close contact circle board. Since there wasn’t much mana fluctuation, the contact distance of this circle board was also very short. The discovery of commander Alberta clearly indicated that someone in their team was in contact with commander Alberta. A very familiar figure flashed in front of Bernie’s eyes. The Burton brothers, who could be trusted, had saved his life countless times. If the Burton brothers wanted him dead, they didn’t need to wait until today. There were countless opportunities before. There was also his golden flying ride, which was chosen by his father himself. Bernie believed his father as much as he believed himself. Wizard Aitken and Wizard Kipling, only these two wizards had recently arrived, but how could he judge who betrayed him? Looking at the close contact circle board in his hand, Bernie had a decision in his mind. He put the circle board on the ground and looked at Abel and said, “Master Abel, can you do me a favor?” Abel didn’t say anything, went directly to the close contact circle board, released his power of the will, and activated the circle board in front of him. They wait for a long time. After a few minutes, a familiar voice came from the circle board: “Alberta, you should contact me on time. Do you gray dwarves even have a concept of time!” Bernie didn’t speak, but Abel nodded first, and Abel’s power of the will extended again to close the circle board. “Wizard Kipling!” Bernie spit out a name after the circle board was closed, then seemed to be relieved and then said: “Master Abel, you don’t need to participate in the following battle. Please withdraw the barrier circle!”
Chapter 230 - Jungle Python Chapter 230 Jungle Python Once he was back inside the tent, Abel stayed with Lorraine the whole night till she slept. Once he was left alone, he activated the seclusion circle to separate himself from Loraine. Loraine was inside, while he and Black Wind were outside. Now, Abel was worried. He wasn’t sure how many people knew about White Cloud’s ability to camouflage itself. If there were a lot of people who did, he wouldn’t be able to hide so safely. At midnight, there was a violent explosion outside the camp. Some more noises followed after, but they didn’t last for very long. Soon, it became quiet again. In the morning, when Lorraine walked out of the tent, she realized that one of the tents was missing. There was a black charcoal track where it used to be. “What happened yesterday, Abel?” she asked Abel. Abel explained vaguely, “The dwarves have some matters. They have to sort out themselves. It’s not really in our place to meddle in.” As unclear as Abel’s response was, Loraine could understand the gist of it. She’s quickly understood why she slept so soundly yesterday. That being said, she obviously had her doubts that Abel did something behind her back. “Thank you for your help, Master Abel!” the eldest of the Borton brothers came and bowed to him. “So they did manage to settle things down,” Abel said to Loraine, then returned the bow to the Borton six brothers. “Yes, Sir!” Borton replied, “My two brothers did get some minor injuries, but overall, nobody was hurt badly.” In the meantime, Bernie and Wizard Aitken went out of the tent. After seeing Abel, they bowed and showed exceptional respect for him. Bernie said, ” Thank you so much for your message. Wizard Kipling was arrested last night!” Abel took a step back, “Wizard Kipling was arrested?” “Wizard Kipling was diligent and strong, but we assaulted him when he was doing meditation,” said Bernie. “We fought at the same time and broke his defense spell.” Meditation was the only way for wizards to improve their magic power, and it was a daily routine for most of them. Unfortunately, this improving period made Wizard Kipling be arrested. “Bernie, what about the inquiry?” Abel asked. “Abel, we’ve found a potion having the order of queen bee in Kipling’s bag that can attract Savage Bees but protect the owner, he almost killed us. He provided messages to Duergar. They just take advantage together. He just told them you were a human being and didn’t have the time to explain more before getting arrested.” That’s a relief! Abel thought. It was better that fewer people knew his secret. He meant to come over that wizard who made him leave home. Abel didn’t ask what would happen to Wizard Kipling. He had no business, and they would deal with it properly. Every race had the same treatment to the traitor, surprisingly but reasonably. Wizard Kipling had weakened Dwarves, but this was such relief for everyone as they caught the traitor, especially for Abel, it was sensible that he did not use any spell. He wasn’t in the Holy Continent, and he was just famous for being a blacksmith. Because of this, the enemy underestimated him. Two days later, Abel replaced the post of Wizard Kipling. He got six new crystal cores. “Watch out!” Abel called out, then picked up his shield to defend the head attack of a big python. “It’s the forest python, catch it!” said Wizard Aitken, who did not intend to help. They were very lucky to meet a non-official soul beast in this forest. Its skin was durable and had a high defense of magic: the best material for robes. Abel knew its value, but he wasn’t interested. Armors would have much higher defense abilities if he found enough materials for forging, but for most of the wizards, they couldn’t bear the weight of this. The forest python had 15 meters long and a scary strength. The Borton six brothers surrounded it as Abel got an attack. They kept on provoking it for distracting its attention, then Borton’s leader gave it a long wound by his ice magic sword. This wound was serious for a human, but as a python with 15 meters long, it did little impact and just a bit hurt. Feeling the pain, it started using its head and tail to attack them madly. The six brothers defenced it in turns: one stepped back, the other one made up. They had the magic shield, the python just gave them some trouble, but not hurt them. The Borton leader stabbed it again and enlarged the wound. Abel had no chance to help, and they worked perfectly. Borton six brothers did it again and again. The ground had turned red by its blood. Abel figured out that they wanted to get a large skin. That was why just the leader attacked. The battle lasted almost one hour and ended to victory. The Borton leader divided the skin from the python carefully and cut it into two to share with excited Wizard Aitken and Abel. “Abel, just take it, it’s the best material for robes. They have the rule of wizards first.” Wizard Aitken said as Abel intended to refuse. Hearing this, Abel lived with it. Although he just a level-3 wizard, he had taken the post of the wizard in this team.
Chapter 231 - Ice Fire Ape Chapter 231 Ice Fire Ape On the third day, this team finally arrived at the valley where ice fire apes were living. The Golden Flying Knight in the sky made a gesture to Bernie that they were safe, then flew into the valley to check further. Bernie turned to Aitken Wizard, “It’ll be tough to do this just by yourself. I’m sorry.” “It’s alright.” Aitken Wizard nodded and picked up the circle materials from his portal bag, placing them to the entrance. This magic circle seemed to be the secret weapon to defeat the ice fire apes. Abel was a little surprised by the wealth of Dwarves, who had money to support two circles. Aitken Wizard had spent one hour placing it and looked exhausted. This job was supposed to be done by two wizards. Bernie gave him some water and helped him sit down. He smiled to look at what he’d done and said, “I’m fine; just give me several minutes to relax.” Then he picked up a small potion from the portal bag, drank, and took meditation. Mana waves began to emanate from him. “Abel, you don’t need to help us this time. If everything’s alright, the ape will be killed without having the chance to fight back,” said Bernie, “This is a lightning chain circle. It cost a lot to borrow it from the master of the circle.” 15 minutes later, Aitken Wizard finished his meditation. Though he was still looked pale, his energy and mana had refilled, “Borton brothers, I’m ready,” He said. The Borton’s leader nodded and waved his sword, and a white combat qi rushed into the sky and exploded. Just a second, they heard the roar and explosive sounds afar. The Golden Flying Knight in the valley flew towards them, and an ice fire ape was coming behind. “It’s coming! Abel, please protect Mr.Bernie!” Borton’s leader didn’t seem very relieved. “I’ll try my best!” Abel guessed this ape might have ten meters height. It was angrily issuing fireballs to the Golden Flying Knight and walked so fast that it arrived at their circle just for several minutes. As Aitken Wizard activated the circle, many bolts of lightning surrounded and attacked the ape. With a scream, the ape shooked constantly. “Fire!” Borton used the combat qi whip so that he could stand outside of the circle to attack the ape. Other commanders did the same, but at Abel’s view, these whips didn’t have enough damage, which seemed to just hurt its skin. “Mr. Bernie, I don’t think they’ll kill the ape if they just use the whips,” Abel asked. “You know little about official soul beasts, Abel,” said Bernie, “This beast lives on energy, so it’ll die if it has used out of its, all we need to do is to accelerate the consumption.” Aitken Wizard was concentrated on the circle, which planned to be controlled by two wizards. Any mistake he made would be serious. Abel had no idea about the power of ice fire apes, but the forest python was just killed by Broton six brothers and killing this one needed the help of the lightning chain, these mobs must be more dangerous. Plus, the circle seemed dangerous as well. If Abel entered, he guessed the lightings would kill him suddenly. In the Holy Continent, he was not heard any about attack circle, just defensive. After a period of time, the ape was weakened and seemed to be going to fall, which encouraged the group. As everybody thought they would end to victory, there was another roar in the valley. “Oh, no.” Bernie changed his face. Borton’s six brothers were shocked; they couldn’t deal with two apes at the same time. Aitken Wizard was so concentrated that he didn’t hear anything. Bernie shouted to Borton six brothers,” take Aitken Wizard away. We can’t all die here!” “Mr.Bernie, dwarves are not afraid of death!” Borton’s leader accelerated his speed of attack, as he said. The rest of the Borton brothers did not say anything. They just accelerated their speed like their leader. Bernie was touching, then the Golden Flying Knight flew before him,” Mr.Bernie, please take my mount to back our camp, if we survive, we’ll meet you again!” and he joined in Borton six brothers to whip the ape. Bernie took out a bottle of wine, drank it out and smiled, “Brothers! Let’s fight together! Dwarves are not afraid of death!”
Chapter 232 - Delay Chapter 232 Delay “Borton, finish it in 5 minutes! You own Bernie and me!” Abel shouted as he drove Black Wind towards the valley. “Hurry up, Bros!” Borton leader said, then turn to Abel,” You must be back, Abel!” When Abel drove in the valley, the ape in there looked much bigger than that trapped in the circle. Looking at Abel, it waved his hand and issued a fireball. Movement was the ape’s advantage, but it was also Black Wind’s. It had moved into bushes since the fireball was issuing. “Well done, Black Wind!” Since Black Wind drank the soul enhancing potion, it became smarter. This was a relief for Abel, who used to focus on both movement and issuing spell. The ape hesitated: it could rescue its companion or chasing its prey. As it was thinking, an “ice bolt” came and froze its left leg. But this spell just made the ape shook its leg and evoked it, shouting and chasing after Abel. In another battlefield, the roar of the ape afar came to Bernie’s ear. He shouted,” Abel has dragged the ape! Hurry up!” Borton’s leader slapped his chest and spat out blood. He burned his life to exchange the more power by knight’s technique. The combat qi ship looked stronger. The rest of the Borton brothers followed. The Golden Knight didn’t have this technique. He whistled and his mount-golden eagle-came. He jumped on it and covered it by combat qi. This was his technique, letting his combat qi merge into a golden eagle and making it control golden lighting to attack the ape. This power was comparable to the official soul beast. As those dwarves tried their best to kill the ape, Abel was trying his best to escape from the ape. Although Black Wind was fast, the ape was a speed-type soul beast. Abel knew his attack couldn’t make any difference. He kept throwing ice rune signs so that to make the ape move slowly, even if it just spent 2 seconds for it to shake its leg. As Abel thought, he could do this until Borton six brothers finished and came to help him. The blue wave appeared and enlarged from the ape after him. With it at the center, everywhere the wave passed were began to be frozen. Black Wind and Abel both felt their body heavier, which significantly influence their speed. As Black Wind slowed down, the ice fire ape created a big fireball and took it over its head. The ape’s cold and red eyes glared at Black Wind and Abel. Then the ape threw the ball to them. Abel could feel its heat. As he felt he would die here, their figures began to fade. Then a hundred miles away, Black Wind had used the soul chain to connect with White Cloud and Lorraine. They were watching the war from above. “Boom!” The fireball created a big pit with smog. As it planned to find Abel’s body in that big pit, it seemed there was nothing except soil and stones, which made the ape feel strange. As it thought of where they were, its legs got hurt and was hit by several ice rune signs. The ape looked at Black Wind a hundred miles away, kicked the ice off of its legs, roared, and ran towards them. Whatever it went through, trees or boulders, became its weapons. The big trees were broken by it and threw to Black Wind, the boulders as well. But Black Wind moved and avoided each of them. Now Black Wind had been smarter, it tried to keep the distance to the ape and moved into the forest to slow its speed. The ape’s ice skill was crazy, which was like Rib Bone no. 1’s one and horrible for Abel to get close with. But this wouldn’t last long. The ape was very fast, plus it was angry now. The distance between them was gradually closing. Abel thought I could only help you so far, Bernie, good luck friend. “Black Wind, move in a flash!” Abel shouted, then the figures of Black Wind and Abel disappeared again. This time the ape had searched everywhere but didn’t find them. It angrily destroyed every tree it could see. After venting its anger, the ape thought of its companion and roared towards the entrance of the valley. It didn’t notice just above its head, Abel took out the soul potion and waved it in front of Black Wind. Lorraine smiled at Black Wind; she was surprised it could avoid the fireballs from the ape easily now. After rewarding Black Wind a soul potion, Abel didn’t go back to the entrance; he had tried his best to help them. Now he decided to go to the nest of fire ice apes to find out why here were two apes. Using the soul chain to tell White Cloud, Abel let it fly towards inside of the valley. The valley was huge, but for White Cloud, it just spent several minutes to go inside. “Lorraine, stay here!”Abel said. Knowing didn’t be able to help Abel, Lorraine nodded. “Let’s go, Black Wind!” Abel jumped at the back of it and said.
Chapter 233 - Crystal Body Chapter 233 Crystal Body As Abel drove to the den of the apes, he was stunned by the beautiful scenery that was in front of him. There was a big lake, and it was so clear that he could see the large stones that were at its bottom. Around the lake were multiple big trees, which were bent so much that their branches were touching the water that was below. It was almost like they were one with the lake itself. Even the air was starting to feel very different. It was so refreshing to take a breath here. Abel didn’t want to ruin the environment here, so he told Black Wind not to put too much power into its steps. There was a giant boulder next to the lake. Since there were some hairs on it, Abel was sure this was where the ice fire apes inhabited. As he moved it, he could feel a strong impose pressure that was appearing. Black Wind collapsed to the ground as soon as it sensed it. It could barely stand straight in the presence of a superior creature. That really pissed Black Wind off. Apart from its own master, no one was going to let a godlike beast like it bow down. Abel tried to calm himself down. As invincible as this imposing pressure was, he couldn’t feel any intent to harm from it. Whatever the source of this aura was, it probably just wanted to assert its authority. Abel jumped down from Black Wind’s back. As he moved forward slowly, the golden combat qi surrounded him and started flashing into a golden armor. He could feel a certain weight when he was walking on the ground. For some reason, it made him confident. As Abel drew himself closer to the overwhelming imposing pressure, he could feel that the air around him start to become tenser. Since he’s got the golden combat qi armor around himself, he was able to keep his balance on the ground. The den of the ice fire apes was just in front of him. That’s where the imposing pressure came from. Since he couldn’t sense anything dangerous, he could tell that there wasn’t anything life-threatening that was inside the den. That’s why he dared to walk forward. Since he could see that the den was empty, he knew that the source of the imposing pressure was some sort of valuable treasure. The entrance of the den was blocked with some bushes. Amongst them, Abel could see a shining crystal that was the size of a fist. When he tried to grab it, frost started to appear on his hands. Maybe it was the crystal core of some sort of animal. Without taking too much time to examine this thing, Abel threw the crystal into his personal storage box after wrapping it with his power of the Will. Then, after checking the den again, he jumped on top of Black Wind’s back again. At the entrance of the valley, the eldest Borton was cutting the ice fire ape’s skull. He was doing it very carefully. He wanted to extract the crystal core that was inside without damaging it. When he did, he grabbed the soft crystal and came to Bernie’s side. “Master, this is an intermediate crystal core! Your life can be saved with this!” The eldest Borton’s eyes were kind of red. So much effort was put into finding this core, after all. Wizard Aitken took a crystal bottle out from his portal bag. When he gave it to Bernie, Bernie slowly inserted the crystal core into it. There was already some medicine inside, and with the crystal core of an ice fire ape combined with it, Bernie could get the cure he was looking for this entire time. After shaking the crystal bottle for a bit, Bernie started swallowing the liquid down. Then, steam started popping out from his body. It was like this for a while. He started sneezing, which made him feel like all the burdens were removed from his body. “Did it worked?” Borton asked. “Yes, it worked! It worked!” Bernie laughed. Suddenly, a roar from inside the valley came to disturb these dwarves. More ice fire apes were coming, and they had to leave as quickly as they could. “Take Master Bernie, Wizard Aitken! Leave this place!” Borton shouted as he raised his shield and sword. “We’re going together, Borton! There’s no way you can win against it!” Bernie commanded. No one was confident to stop the ice fire ape. They were all exhausted. The Borton brothers and the golden flying mount already used their secret techniques. It would take an entire day if they wanted to refill their stamina. Wizard Aitken had barely any mana left. Even if they were all in their best condition, they would still have no chance against the ice fire аре. “Hurry up, Sir! Just go already! Please!” Borton shouted anxiously. “You know who I am! I won’t go without you all!” Bernie smiled. “Very well, then, Sir Bernie. I’ll try my best to trap it.” Wizard Aitken said. They all just stood there and waited for the ice fire ape to come. Wizard Aitken was sitting on the ground. He took out a potion and drank a whole bottle of it. Soon, his face started to redden in a very bizarre fashion. Half of Wizard Aitken’s mana was immediately recovered. He wasn’t happy about it, though. The potion he drank was meant to be a special drug. Once this battle was over, he would’ve had to wait for an entire month before he could move again. The dwarves were very fearful when they saw the ice fire ape. This one seemed stronger than the one before. It was much taller. Much more muscular. It would be very hard to stop a creature like this. The ice fire ape was furious as it looked at the body of its partner. When it shouted, it was like thunder struck the earth. When it stepped on the lightning chain circle, Wizard Aitken activated the circle and trapped it on the spot. The ape struggled to get out. Wizard Aitken’s face was pale. Every time the ape moved, it started to affect him as the user of the lightning chain circle. It felt like his head was being hit with a giant hammer. In just two short minutes, even when the dwarves had not yet broken the ice fire ape’s defense, Wizard Aitken had already lost consciousness. After spitting out some blood, he just collapsed on the ground. The lightning circle couldn’t trap the ice fire ape anymore. Now that it was free, It roared towards those dwarves with a big fireball in its hand. The dwarves felt like giving up, but when they waited for death to come, something stopped the ape from swinging its arm at them. As though having sensed something, the ice fire ape looked towards another direction. It started shouting and ran back towards the valley. “I don’t think we can pay back what we owe Master Abel,” Bernie said with a bitter smile. Borton laughed, “That’s no big deal, Sir! If he ever needs us, we’ll just fight for him with our lives!” “Mr. Bernie, let’s go! It isn’t safe here!” the golden flying knight warned. “You’re right,” Bernie waved his hands at him, “Rally up! We’re going to have some rest back at the camp.” Abel was already on top of White Cloud’s back. Since he could still hear the deafening sound of the ice fire ape from below, he could tell how important the crystal core must’ve been. That just made him even more curious about what it could do. Soon, White Cloud flew Abel back to the camp. Some of the dwarves were not back when he was. He was worried about them, but it wasn’t like he could do much to help them. Funnily enough, he’s already helped them without even knowing it. Since he was greedy enough to steal the crystal core away, that actually stopped the ice fire ape from killing the dwarves.
Chapter 234 - Return Chapter 234 Return After 10 minutes, those dwarves were back. Wizard Aitken didn’t wake up yet. The Borton brothers were exhausted. Golden Flying Knight didn’t fly. Yet, Bernie looked great. “Abel!” They bowed to him as they saw him. “Bernie, what are you doing?” Abel bowed to them and asked. “Abel, thank you for saving our lives many times!” Said Bernie, “Now you know our conditions, please take us back to Moon Guardian City, we will talk about your payment then.” Abel knew they weren’t in good condition. If he left them here, where many soul beasts came and went, they wouldn’t survive. “Ok, I accept your request!” Abel said. The ice fire ape was coming, but they had White Cloud. It began to flap its wings off the ground. As it rose to 40 meters, the ice fire ape had gone into the encampment. Although White Cloud was invisible, the wind its wings created had made the ape noticed, it headed up and roared, then threw several fireballs to the sky. These fireballs exploded about 10 meters away from them, if it happened to the common sky sparrows, it must be scared. After becoming an official soul beast, It made no difference to White Cloud, who just kept rising. Though White Cloud didn’t feel scared, those fireballs successfully scared those dwarves. Lorraine was scared as well; her face began to pale, which made Abel distress. Lorraine was just a common elf, the explosion of the fireball was beautiful to be looked at a distance but dangerous up close. Abel patted on her back and took out a magic staff. Then he opened his personal storage box; there were super exploding ball and several exploding big swords in it. He used Telekinesis to move one of the swords to the 27 meters away. By the power of the will, he threw it to the ice fire ape. The ape had lost the most precious crystal today; the depression and anger made it mad and then roared towards the invisible enemies. At this moment, there was a sword getting into its mouth; its intuitive reminded the sword was dangerous, and it instinctively bit it. “BOOM!” The exploding big sword exploded in its mouth. If that was a super exploding ball, the ape would die. The explosion of exploding big sword seemed not distinct, just broke several teeth, but it still hurt and made the ape have no time to think of issuing fireballs. “Don’t be afraid, Lorraine. I broke its teeth.” Abel pointed at the ape below. “Thank you, Abel!” Lorraine blushed. Bernie had a hint of dread. He saw Abel used the Telekinesis that only the official wizards had, and he may have got a way to make explosives. Although he didn’t see clearly what the explosive was, according to the information he got from the Holy Continent, Abel must be a crazy man who was into explosions. Now Abel didn’t care about it. He thought most people in the Holy Continent knew about what he did in Duchy of Keyen, and this news would be spread here sooner or later. After two days trip, They had left the Double Moon Forest. White Cloud became visible, so it was able to concentrate on flying more. The dwarves had recovered little. It was hard for them to recover at all. They didn’t have any potion for recovering until they had got the Moon Guardian City. After several hours, there was the Moon Guardian City afar, Bernie smiled. As long as they had got there, they would be safe. He shouted to the city, “We are back!” Then Borton brothers shouted as well, “We are back!” Aitken Wizard smiled at them, as a wizard, he wanted to be polite, at least not like them who were happy like children, but as he looked at the city in front of him, he still couldn’t conceal his excitement. The Golden Flying Knight touched his mount lightly and thought about another one who stayed in Double Moon Forest, murmured, “Brother, we are back.” The big figure of sky sparrow made the city sound an alarm, many soldiers gathered at the top of towers, and many arrows were aimed at them. Abel thought this city seemed very dangerous. But as a low horn sounded, these soldiers dispersed. Abel soon knew that this seemingly beautiful city was a war fortress. At the square of the city Ivan was waiting there, seeing Bernie jumped off the sky sparrow, he embraced Bernie happily.
Chapter 235 - Intermediate Defence Circle Chapter 235 Intermediate Defence Circle This was quite a huge ensuite here. It was much grander than the one Abel saw when he first came to Moon Guardian City. Everything here was arranged to suit the customs of human nobles. The light on the ceiling, for example, was made of countless giant magic gemstones, which together created a magic circle emits light all across the room. It was kind of wasteful, in a way, but that was just how grandiose this place was. After the dwarf servant had left, Ivan, the Lord of Moon Guardian City, brought Bernie to Abel’s room. Ivan said as he gave a deep bow towards Abel, “Master Abel, Bernie and I were just talking about you back then. He said that you have been especially helpful during the mission back there. Apparently, you’ve also saved him when he was in danger, and for that, I will give you my utmost gratitude on behalf of the Goff Family.” Abel returned with a bow, “Bernie and I are friends. Friends help each other out when they’re in danger. There’s nothing special about what I did.” “Humility is a human virtue,” Ivan smiled, “There’s no need to bring yourself down in front of a dwarf, mister. What you have done for us has far exceeded what we have agreed on. After Bernie and I have some more discussion, you shall be rewarded handsomely for your services.” Bernie took a wooden box from the servant standing nearby. Judging from the four gems that were laced on all four corners of its lid, it must’ve contained something extraordinarily valuable. “Here, Master Abel,” Bernie handed out a box to Abel, “A token of my gratitude. I know that you have problems back in the human world. I hope this will be of some help to you.” Abel became interested as soon as he heard the word “helpful.” Since he was so far from the human world and from Wizard Morton’s protection, he needed everything that he could get to protect himself. Abel decided to open the box right away. As he took the lid off, he saw something that he was very familiar with. It was an intermediate magic circle used for defense. He remembered the same circle being set up inside the temporary base. With just one intermediate gemstone, it could repel all the attacks of a novice wizard. Because of how frightening a wizard’s attack was, anything that could be used against it was highly valuable. Even a rune with some sort of defensive ability was much more expensive than a normal rune. In fact, the magic circle Abel was given wasn’t even something that could be bought it a shop. That was how precious it was. Bernie said apologetically, “I’m so sorry, Abel. I should’ve given you the lightning chain circle, but it’s something that I’ve borrowed from someone else. I have to give it back as long as I am alive.” Abel held the box in his hands, “No, no. Bernie, this gift is already too good for me! I don’t think I can find the same magic circle anywhere else?” “Pardon me, Master Abel,” Bernie took out another board with a magic circle on it, “But I didn’t see you using any magic circles when we were in our mission. If you don’t mind, please take this set I have for you!” Bernie didn’t have to go that far to make Abel accept the gift. If anything, magic circles were exactly what Abel needed right now. Because of how rushed his journey was, he never had the chance to visit any shops. Bernie continued as Abel accepted his gift, “Uncle Ivan will hold a banquet for me tonight. It’d be a great honor if you can make an appearance.” Abel shook his head, “Thank you very much, but I don’t think that’s a good idea for all of us. For someone like me, it would best if I acted like I didn’t even exist.” Abel didn’t want the Wizard Union to keep chasing after him. He was pretty sick of those men in red already, so the more discrete he was, the better it was for his own safety. That’s probably the smart thing to do here. Because of how successful his escape was last time, the Wizard Union was already quite ashamed of themselves. Showing up in public would be a slap in the face for them. In the afternoon, Abel told the servants to buy him some materials. He wanted the ingredients for alchemy recipes such as the ration potion, elven perfume, and the recovery potion. To his surprise, just after he made his order, a servant rode a carriage to his door. Inside it was all the materials that he needed, and the quality of them was all quite good. When the night came, every part of the Moon Guardian City was brimming with streetlight. Today was a day worthy of celebration. To celebrate Bernie’s return and recovery, Lord Ivan decided to hold a big banquet for many to attend. Despite having not eaten for the last ten or something days, Abel finally felt hungry. The “ration potion” could last him for ten days, and Abel had his dinner with Loraine. While he ate all that he could, Loraine just had some juice. She might just not eat for the next few days, it seemed. After dinner, Abel returned to his room to study the magic circle he received. It was an intermediate circle used for defense, which was actually the finest magic circle he’s ever laid his eyes upon. Abel opened the box that contained the magic circle. Inside were 24 cards and a board. There was also a book made of sheep leather. Abel picked up one of the cards. It was a card glowing in blue, which was the typical glow of an intermediate spiritual beast crystal core. The same was for all the other cards, which just showed how valuable this entire set was. If it’s an intermediate spiritual beast, then it would’ve been in the same rank as the ice magic ape he’s encountered before-one beast for one card. To make the whole set of 24 cards, 24 ice fire apes would’ve had to be hunted down. And considering all the artwork that was added in. No wonder it couldn’t be found in a shop. Abel opened the sheep leather book. The name of the magic circle was, well, fairly simple. It was a “standard, intermediate defense circle.” That’ just how not-special it was, or so Abel thought at first. The more he flicked through the pages, the more he thought differently. The best thing about the standard, intermediate defense circle was that it could be activated by any type of intermediate magic gemstone, unlike every element-specific circle there was. Thus, it was much easier to find the magic gemstones to keep it activated. While it was a lot easier to set up the barrier circle, the intermediate defense circle had a much bigger area and provided a better defense. In fact, if Abel wanted to, he could use it to defend a whole vineyard. After studying the circle, Abel placed it back to the box and put it inside his kong kong spiritual beast bag. He could only use the intermediate defense circle after he found a stable place to live. For now, it was more practical for him to use the barrier circle. Abel threw the barrier circle to the ground. After the barrier had separated him and his surroundings, Abel took out the Scroll of Town Portal from his Horadric Cube. He opened up a blue portal, then brought Black Wind back to the Rogue’s Encampment. Abel entered into “Akara’s tent” and headed straight towards the alchemy lab. Like a madman, he started making as many potions as he could. The “ration potion” he made a few days ago, wasn’t enough. Also, he needed a lot more “recovery potion” for back-ups. Abel tried adding all sorts of flavor to the “ration potion.” Out of consideration for Loraine, most of the flavors he came up with were based on fruits. Apples or grapes, for example. The most important thing was the Elven perfume. It was Loraine’s favorite gift from him, and since he was bringing Loraine home this time, he wanted to make enough of it to last. To improve the quality of the Elven perfume, he’s even brewed it with “Akara’s alchemy bottle.” After casting a “sublimation” spell at the water-dissolving potion inside the bottle, a rainbow light came out. After that, a dark golden light came out and was combined with the ray of rainbow light. The brew was working! Slowly and carefully, Abel pouted the Elven perfume into another crystal bottle. He hadn’t noticed before, but the perfume he created this time was not like the other ones. The liquid he poured out wasn’t colorless. It was blue. Abel didn’t know much about perfume, but the smell was clearly better than all the ones he’s made before. When he lifted the bottle close to his nose, his facial expression actually became somewhat perverted and out-of-control.
Chapter 236 - Cancel Summoning Chapter 236 Cancel Summoning So that’s why not a lot of humans knew about the Elven perfume. Because of how strong its smell was, most of them would faint as soon as they get in touch with it. In terms of mentality, elves were generally stronger than humans, and that’s why they were able to enjoy it with a clear mind. Abel spent the whole day making more potions. He didn’t do anything else until he had used up half of the ingredients. After he was done, he took the other half and left them inside Akara’s tent. It was getting late. As Abel came to his room, he sat on the floor, piled with meditation, and began his daily meditation practice. He took out his magic circle and activated it with an intermediate magic gemstone. Before he’s even started his meditation, Abel could feel endless waves of mana drawing towards him from all angles. In fact, it was so abundant that they existed in physical forms, like tidal waves that were moving about. He was like a small island in the midst of the ocean, and the waves just kept hitting his body. Abel took out a fresh crystal core from his private storage box and threw it into his own mouth. There were eight fresh crystal cores left. He had access to the entire squad’s supply, but he still couldn’t get enough of it over the past few days. Luckily for him, the progress he was making with his meditation was actually quite fast. As he did some math after his session, he figured that if he had 30 fresh crystal cores, and was doing his training in a mana-filled environment like this area, he could rank up in a very short amount of time. If he did one meditation session a day, he could become a rank four wizard by next month. Abel really wanted to stay in the Double Moon Forest now. There were plenty of fresh crystal cores over there. Also, when he did become an official wizard, he might just build a magic tower inside the Dark World. As dangerous as that sounded, the mana here was just so much thicker than the other places. The next morning, Abel rode Black Wind to teleport at a waypoint. He wanted to bring Black Wind with him to the Cold Plain, which was the one location he could travel via the waypoint. And here they were. Black Wind wasn’t quite used to the cold at the Cold Plain, so as soon as they arrived, it started scratching its nose with its paws. “Let’s go find Rib Bone, Black Wind!” Abel shouted as loudly as he could. He wanted to relieve the stress that he had piled up in the Dark World. Inside Bloor Moor, there were two armored knights standing next to each other. They had swords in their right and a shield in their left. Every time they fought, they performed their moves like properly trained knights. If no one had said so, it would be very hard to tell that they were skeletons summoned from another world. As blue light began to flash out of Rib Bone no. 1’s body, about ten or so fallen began to slow down their attacks. These fallen had just lost the chance to protect their master, the fallen shaman, who was too busy reviving the defeated fallen. So Rib Bone no. 1 was responsible for fighting off the fallen, and Rib Bone no. 2 was responsible for finishing the fight. After being strengthened by the “powered potion,” no. 1 became much stronger than no. 2. While no. 2 was trying to hold down the fallen shaman, no. 1 had already killed most of the summoned fallens. While the two skeletons were in the middle of a bloodbath, a “charged bolt” was fired from over the distance. As it landed on the ground, a zapping sound came and knocked down all the remaining fallen. After that, a bunch of dark shadows flew towards the Horadric Cube inside Abel’s hand. “Rib Bone!” Abel called out as all the fallen have been defeated. After hearing Abel, Rib Bone no. 1 ran towards him and stopped beside Black Wind. It was like a servant welcoming its master’s return. Rib Bone no. 2 was a different case. Since there weren’t any enemies left, it just stood there without doing anything. As it turned out, the “power potion” and the “soul enhancing potion” collected from the corpsefire could strengthen not just the thickness of a skeleton’s bones, but also how intelligent its mind was. Whether it was its fight capability or its intelligence, Rib Bone no. 1 was performing much better than Rib Bone no. 2. Theoretically speaking, there shouldn’t be a difference between the two. That, however, has changed. Abel had left Rib Bone no. 1 and no. 2 inside Bloor Moor this entire time. Eight days had passed in the outside world, which meant that 160 days have passed since they were last summoned. After fighting so long without taking any rest, his “resurrection of skeletons” spell was now upgraded to rank four. The improvements were shown like this: Resurrection of skeletons Description: Revive a skeleton from a dead creature’s corpse. Gain control over it as it fights for you. Mana cost: 9 Skeletons count: 3 Damage: 1-2 Defense point: 65 Health: 31 Current skill level: 4 Progress till next level: 1017/30150 Judging from the attribute that Rib Bone was given, it’s defensive ability had far surpassed Abel without his combat qi armor. And it’s wasn’t just defensive ability against physical attacks. Rib Bone was very resistant against magic, too. In terms of offensive capability, it was no different from a mini-sized knight’s head commander. While checking the attribute of his spells, Abel noticed a cross on the icon that represented the “resurrection of skeletons” spells. Apparently, one of his skeleton summons was canceled. Would the same skeleton be summoned next time? He wasn’t actually sure of that. He needed to experiment. Obviously, Abel wasn’t going to do anything to mess with Rib Bone no. 1. After choosing no. 2 to be his guinea pig, Abel canceled his summoning of it in his skill tree. Suddenly, a black hole appeared next Rib Bone no. 2. After being sucked into another dimension, Rib Bone no. 2 disappeared from Abel’s sight. “I forgot to take off the armor and weapons!” Abel cursed as he focused his power of Will on the skeleton icons. He didn’t actually need the corpses to call back the skeletons that were summoned. Abell summoned a skeleton once more. As the same black hole emerged, a skeleton with sword, shield, and armor was spat out from it. Rats! With sweat dripping down from his face, Abel looked at the Rib Bone no. 2 he just summoned. He didn’t actually have to go find the skeletons. He could just summon them to where he was at! After canceling the summoning of the two Rib Bones, Abel rode Black Wind back the Cold Plain. After entering the Cold Plain, Abel summoned Rib Bone no. 1 and no. 2 again. With the sword of Victory in his hands, he readied himself for the upcoming battle. Soon later, a few hundred grey-skinned, fully-armored spearwomen charged towards Abel with their spears. Before Abel has made any moves, Rib Bone no. 2 was already charging at the front line before him. Abel recognized them. These women used to be warriors from the Rogue’s Encampment but were turned into corrupt spearwomen after being in contact with devils. Despite having lost their sanity, these corrupt spearwomen were still quite skilled in their attacks. They were a bigger threat than the fallen, actually. Unlike the timid fallen, surrender was not an option for them. Their sole purpose of existence was to attack, attack, and attack until all of their enemies were dead. Rib Bone no. 2 was doing pretty well. As its sword slashed at the first spearwoman, the icing effect of its ice magic sword began to slow down her entire body’s movement. Four other spearwomen attacked while it was doing this. As it repelled the attacks with its shield, three out of the four spears were blocked, leaving one having struck it from the side. Rib Bone no. 2 froze on the spot. Abel could see it clearly. Like all creatures from the underworld, whatever target they hit would slow down their movements. Rib Bone no. 2 was no exception. As it became slower and slower, it just eventually stopped moving. Within an instance, more spears penetrated through Rib Bone no. 1’s body. It paused even more after each attack, and eventually, it just stopped making any defensive movement. It just became a sandbag. After a few mere seconds, it was crushed into a bunch of ashes, and all the magic armor, shield, and sword it equipped fell on the ground.
Chapter 237 - Raven’S Claw Chapter 237 Raven’s Claw Rib Bone no. 2 was way too keen to make that attack. Abel didn’t even have the chance to rescue it before it was surrounded by those corrupt spearwomen. Well, at least he still had Rib Bone no. 1 with him. In fact, Rib Bone no. 1 was still right next to him. It wasn’t going to do anything until Abel gave it clear instructions. So, just because Abel’s got two skeletons with him, the Dark World didn’t just become safe all of a sudden. If Abel was hit by a creature from the underworld, he would be neutralized from making any responses. Once that happens, he would have to take in an endless stream of attacks from these spawns of hell. He could add the attribute “instant recover” to one of his equipment, but that would have to wait till next time. He still had to be careful. That was the only way he could survive. As Abel contemplated this, he stopped waving the sword of Victory in his hand. A bolt of lightning then appeared in front of him. He decided to fire his second “charged bolt,” and a third and a fourth one, and so on… Soon, several tens of “charged bolt” were fired towards the ground in front of him. Abel just created a lightning floor for the corrupt spearwomen to step on. As every second passed by, there would always be a few spearwomen who were knocked to the ground. Not all of them, however. Some of the corrupt spearwomen still went past the wave of lightning Abel created. They were going straight for Abel’s head. Abel could step back and deal with them as slowly as he wanted, but Rib Bone no. 1 was right next to him. Rib Bone no. 1 was very important to Abel. There was no way that he would allow it to be killed like Rib Bone no. 2. A blue light emerged from Rib Bone no. 1’s body. Abel just summoned an ice armor around it. After that, a wave of blue ripples started spreading from Rib Bone no. 1’s body. The wave wrapped the incoming spearwomen in ice, which slowed them down from attacking any further. Abel used up all his mana on firing the “charged bolts” just then. After sending a telepathic command to Black Wind, he slashed at one of the spearwomen’s necks. Since Black Wind was carrying him at the same time, the combined force of the two made the spearwoman’s head fell off right away. Abel stabbed another corrupt spearwoman three times. He was aiming for the same spot as last time. Within an instance, dark, foul blood began pouring down the spearwoman’s head. She fell to the ground before the pour finished pouring out of her. Abel could feel the mana recharging quickly inside of him. He quickly waved the sword of Victory, then shot another “charged bolt” towards his enemy. After his enemies were stunned by the bolt, Black Wind would rush in for him to deliver the finishing blow. On the other hand, Rib Bone no. 1 was taking it slow and steady. As it followed Abel from behind, it went to finish all the corrupt spearwomen that were immobilized by Abel’s charged bolts. Every once in a while, it would release a wave of cold ice to help Abel clearing up his enemies. With Rib Bone no. 1 fighting beside him, the fight became very easy for Abel. Since the spearwomen could not use their spears, Abel could just kill with about two or three slashes of his sword. For every five spearwomen he’s killed, he could gain enough mana to release four more “charged bolt.’ Abel was just starting to enjoy fighting as a wizard. Unlike the fallen he encountered before, the corrupt spearwomen didn’t just flee after one of them went down. He didn’t like the fact that he had to keep killing more of them to recharge his mana, but at the end of the day, he was the one winning the fight from start to finish. When the fight was over, Abel summoned two skeletons from some random corpses he found. He named them Rib Bone no. 2 and Rib Bone no. 3. Because of how mana-inefficient it was to summon a skeleton (9 mana to summon one), he would rather fire a few more charged bolts than to do that in the middle of a battle. Abel thought about it. If he wanted the skeletons to be as intelligent as Rib Bone no. 1, he would have to use the soul enhancing potion on all of them. Obviously, he didn’t have enough now. He was using the amount that he had on himself, White Cloud, and Black Wind. Whether Abel used the soul enhancing potion on Rib Bone no.1 or any other one of his skeletons, he would always receive extra EX points for his “resurrection of skeleton” spell. That being said, instead of using the potion on a bunch of average skeletons, he might as well just buff the really strong and smart Rib Bone no. 1. After made his decision, Abel thought that it was time to sweep up the battlefield. There were a lot of dead bodies on the ground. As he carefully picked up a spear with his sword, he realized that it was already too rusty to be used. Its user died many years ago, and without the power of the devils, it was just another spear that eroded over time. With a mere shake of the sword in his hand, the spear shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground. There was no need to clean up, so it seemed. All the weapons Abel found was junk that belonged to history. There was nothing good for him to loot. Truth be told, it was a little disappointing for him. After picking up the equipment from Rib Bone no. 2 (the one that was destroyed before), he had the new no. 2 equip them instead. For no. 3, he took out another set from the kong kong spirit beast bag for it to use. Three days later, Abel found a pathway made of black stones. He kind of knew where it led to. Yes, it was probably the Sister’s Burial Ground. Abel felt cold when he walked along the pathway. It was even colder than the Ice Plains, actually-not in a temperature kind of way, but more in a similar-to-death kind of way. This was just a spooky place. Black Wind was walking rather fast. During the entire course, they hadn’t encountered one creature from the underworld. When they were on the path, they began to an iron gate in front of them. Because of how old the metal was, they could easily go past it if they wanted to. Without much effort at all, Black Wind jumped over the fence with one leap. After it had done so, Rib Bone no. 1 took the other two skeletons to go in as well. They did so by squeezing themselves through some cracks they found near the edges. This was the burial place of many rogues. There were damaged gravestones. Some of the coffins were even laid on the ground. Some of them were even opened, and the bodies inside were nowhere to be seen. Maybe the demons already did something to them. Abel carefully observed the holes he found on the ground. Creatures from the underworld could come out at any moment. Yet, despite how ominous this place seemed, he didn’t find any creatures that were waiting to fight him. As it turned out, this was truly a lifeless place. As Abel went passed the graveyard, he found a pathway made of dark grey stones. As he looked towards the end of it, he could see a giant tree that had died for who-knows-how-long. That must be where Blood Raven was. Abel tightened the grasp of the sword in his hand. Something felt wrong to him. Was he in some sort of trap? If not, why were there no enemies here? Abel slowly walked towards the giant tree. When he was close enough to touch its bark, he found two dead bodies that were hung by a golden arrow. They were piled next to each other. Despite the many years that passed, not a lot happened to these corpses. The one on the front was wearing a silver armor for women, as well as a torn cape on its back. The one at the back was wearing a set of blood-red armor. So that’s what Akara meant. “Kashya went to Sister’s Burial Ground to die with Blood Raven, her beloved sister.” As the combat leader of the rogues, Kashya had spent her entire life training women to become fighters. When she lost the hope to live on, she chose to find her sister, Blood Raven, who became a corrupted warrior after being tempted by Andariel. After coming to the Sister’s Burial Ground, Kashya sacrificed her body to conceal Blood Raven along with her. They were together for a very long time and died after a very long time. Because of how strong Kashya’s body was, both she and her sister’s body were relatively well preserved. Abel chose not to disturb the two sisters. After jumping down from Black Wind, he quickly gave the corpses a slight bow. While doing so, he accidentally discovered a bow that was hidden amongst the grass. Abel quickly dug up the bow to check on it. Due to its wholly red appearance, he didn’t even to examine it to know what its name was. This was the “Raven’s claw.” Or, if it was referred to by its nickname, it could also be called the “legendary weapon for noobies.” Almost every Diablo player knew about the kind of attributes that it had. Raven’s claw Required agility: 19 Required strength: 22 Damage with both hands: 5-17 70% damage increase Special effect: adds explosive fire damage to the bow itself or the arrows shot from it 50% increase in attack precision. +3 strength +3 agility
Chapter 238 - Dark Gold Quality Chapter 238 Dark Gold Quality This was a bow that belonged to the dark gold rank. Raven’s claw was Abel’s very first dark gold quality weapon. He didn’t know whether it belonged to Kashya or Blood Raven before, but it was his now. But before that, “agility required: 19”?. Abel blinked for a bit. Was he not good enough to use the Raven’s claw? Abel clenched Raven’s claw with his hands. Oddly enough, because of how cold his hands were and how comfortably the grip felt, this longbow felt very suitable for him. Actually, that’s probably how dark gold weapons were. Abel slowly examined the Raven’s claw. There were old runes written all over its red surface. These runes were written in dark golden lines, which together formed a unique pattern. As for the bowstring, it was made of a fiber that belonged to an unknown animal. It had a very rough texture, which made it a lot easier to get a firm pull of the bow. Abel took out an iron arrow from his kong kong spiritual beast bag. He had originally planned to use it on the Harry Bow. Even the tip of this arrow was made the best iron he could forge. As Abel placed the arrow on Raven’s claw, he stretched out the bowstring as hard as he could. After a soft crackling sound, Raven’s claw was finally used after many, many years. Abel suddenly felt his body becoming a lot heavier than it should be. It was like something was holding him still. He had lost the ability to move as soon as he stretched out the bowstring. Was this the consequence of him not having enough agility points? As the arrow was still on the bow, its tip was already starting to glow in red. The longer Abel held still, the more this glow began to extend towards his finger. Abel could feel his fingers being roasted like a barbeque, so he quickly released the bow before it was too late. Boom. After flying for about one hundred meters, the arrow exploded on top of an unnamed gravestone. Everything within a five-meter radius was covered by the subsequent fire. So that was the ability the Raven’s claw possessed. It’s got a rank three fire explosive effect, which was very different from an ordinary explosion effect. Unlike a physical or chemical explosion, a explosive fire effect was caused by magic, which, combined with the physical damage of the arrow itself, could deal a tremendous amount of damage to its target. Not only that, since the range of explosion was up to five meters in radius, the bow could also be used against a multitude of enemies Abel felt a lot lighter after he fired the arrow. Apparently, he would not be able to move if he was using Raven’s claw without the required agility point. Thus, for the time being, using Raven’s claw would be the same as firing a cannon station. While thinking of how inconvenient that would be, Abel turned to look towards Black WInd. Since he was a knight, he might just be able to use the Raven’s claw while riding on top of Black Wind. Abel quickly jumped on Black Wind’s back. After placing another arrow on Raven’s claw, he called out towards Black Wind. “Let’s get out of this place, Black WInd!” After hearing Abel’s command, Black WInd hurried out from the Sister Burial Ground. Just like its master, it didn’t like being here as well, which was why it was running so fast towards the Cold Plain. It was running so fast, actually, that the three skeletons fell behind. Luckily for Abel, he could just cancel his summoning and transport the skeletons in his Horadric Cube. It didn’t take much time to find another swarm of enemies. After returning the Cold Plain, Abel found a bunch of dark hunters that were very eager to cut his throat off. These corrupted warriors were all once rogues. After being defiled by the energy of the underworld, they had lost the ability to launch long-range attacks. Abel called for Rib Bone no.1, 2, and 3. After summoning them, he commanded to stand in front of Black Wind. He took out the Raven’s claw, and despite how red the arrow was turning, Black Wind did not slow down at all. In fact, Abel didn’t feel the same pressure as when he was using the bow on the ground. From what it looked like, Raven’s claw was treating Abel and Black Wind as one whole being. Rather than a knight in full armor, it was a knight riding on top of his mount. For this reason, Black Wind’s agility point was combined with Abel’s, and while Abel wasn’t sure what Black Wind’s agility was, it was definitely faster the 19 points required to use the Raven’s claw. Boom. As Abel fired an arrow towards the dark hunters, they started screaming. Flame burst out towards their body. They tried to wave the fire away with their hands, but all efforts were futile until the flame spell canceled on its own. Those who weren’t shot started charging towards Abel. In response to this, Abel fired a few more explosive shots. Rank three fire explosions weren’t all that strong on its own, but when these dark hunters were about twenty meters away from Abel, about more than half of them had already fallen. There wouldn’t be any point in continuing this fight. As Abel cleared up the remaining foes with his “charged bolt” and sword of Victory, not one dark hunter was able to do anything to him until the very end. And that’s how powerful dark gold weapons were. While Raven’s claw was a weapon designed for beginners, it could make fighting so much more effective. Just now, Abel’s found his optimal strategy to engage in combat. When the enemies were about one hundred meters away from him, he could launch a long-range attack at them with his Raven’s claw. When they were about twenty to thirty meters away from him, he could deal with them with midrange spell attacks. For those who could survive the two initial waves, he would use the sword of Victory to suck out all the mana that they had. As it was getting dark, Abel stopped moving any further. Before, he would only meditate and rest when he was inside the Rogue’s Encampment. However, after he’s received the standard, intermediate defense circle from Bernie, he could pretty much protect himself anywhere he wanted. After entering a house that was made of stone, Abel drew a hexagram around its edges. The house was in the middle of the hexagram, and for each one of the six corners, he would place four cards to set up the circle. Since Abel wasn’t quite familiar with setting up magic circles, he had to draw the hexagram first before activation. The requirements for setting up circle cards were extremely strict. If there was a tiny error in the orientation of one of the cards, the activation would not have worked at all. Obviously, once Abel became more familiar with the standard, intermediate defense circle, he could just set up the circle after skipping the part where he had to draw a whole hexagram. After placing the circle board in the center of the stone house, Abel placed an intermediate gemstone on top of it and began the activation process. While doing so, a semicircular barrier emerged around the house. So the circle was set up. It was now time to set up the circle for the meditation session. As Abel took The next morning, Abel promptly proceeded his journey after packing up. He didn’t even need to have breakfast since he could just feed himself with some ration potion he had (same for Black Wind). With meal not being a problem, the majority of his day would be spent fighting. Apart from fighting, he just did meditation and some occasional breaks in between. After less than two hours of his departure, Abel discovered a huge army of dark hunters and corrupt spearwomen. In the center of their formation, there was a corrupt spearwoman in full golden armor. As soon as Abel discovered her, she too began to notice him. Suddenly, the golden-armored spearwoman let out a sharp shriek, and all her subordinates began to rush towards Abel frantically. She must be the mini-boss here. Abel quickly fired a few fire explosive shots with his Raven’s claw. Despite how devastating his arrows were, the dark hunters and corrupt spearwomen were not slowing down on him. They had no fear of being blown up to pieces, nor with having their bodies burnt up while their consciousness remained intact. The golden-armored spearwoman was very smart. While constantly switching up her position, she tried to use the other soldiers as her meatshield before releasing an unguardable attack at Abel. From one hundred to thirty meters away from Abel, about one hundred corpses were lying on the ground. Because of how cramped the area was, Raven’s claw couldn’t be used to its full potential. Finally, when these fallen soldiers were within a thirty-meter range away from Abel, Abel withdrew his Raven’s claw, then switched to his standard knight’s gear. With one shield in his left and one sword in his right, he continued to release “charged bolts” from the tip of his blade.
Chapter 239 - Blue Ring Chapter 239 Blue Ring Just when Abel thought that he could clear off a lot of these fallen with his “charged bolt,” he realized how weak it was against the dark hunters and corrupt spearwomen. It’s almost as if they were resistant to lightning attacks. Before the fallen could get to Abel, Rib Bone no. 1 brought no. 2 and no. 3 to form a blockade. Abel realized how weak his attacks were, so he quickly adjusted himself by lighting the “fireball” spell on the tip of his sword. One by one, he started blasting at his enemies. While Abel was clearing the wave of fallen in front of him, Rib Bone no. 3 was having a bit of a problem. It tried to block one of the spears with its shield, but as the golden spear made contact, a spark of lighting was conducted towards its body. Rib Bone no.3 stopped defending immediately. As the electronic shock was too strong for it to handle, the enemies could almost completely destroy it with no resistance at all. As Rib Bone no.3 went down, no. 1 and no. 2 were left with more pressure against their defense. Abel was firing his fireball one at a time. It wasn’t like he was slow at taking down the dark hunters and corrupt spearwomen, but every time he shot at them, the golden corrupt spearwoman would find a chance to struck another spear at him. “Cooling enhancement, Rib Bones!” The golden corrupt spearwoman came out again. It was trying to interrupt Abel’s attack with another corrupt spearwoman in front. As it stabbed towards Rib Bone no.2, it let out a terrible shriek. Rib Bone no. 1 had a basic level of intelligence. After receiving orders from its master, it released a wave of blue ripples with its body as the center. Almost instantly, all the surrounding fallen slowed down their movements because frost started forming out of their body. Even the golden corrupt spearwoman couldn’t escape it. As blue lights glowed from its body, Abel quickly killed the regular spearwoman in front of it with two fireballs. Once its meatshield was out of the way, he’s finally had a clear shot at it. Abel released an “iceball” from the tip of his blade. Just when the golden corrupt spearwoman was about to regain its speed, the iceball quickly trapped it for a second time. In the next two seconds, Abel shot about seven fireballs at it. He was very short on mana at this point. Abel didn’t do his calculation right at the start of this combat. The “charged bolts” didn’t have the effects that he thought they would have. If it wasn’t for this, he wouldn’t have to use up all his mana to use his fireball. The golden armor of the spearwoman was starting to turn black. It was starting to move a lot slower. However, Abel couldn’t take much of this advantage. He was short on mana. When he went in to deliver the killing blow with his blade, Rib Bone no.2 came before him to slash at the corrupt spearwoman. Another strike on its body. After letting out an excruciating scream, white light started flashing out of its body. It’s almost like if it was being burnt alive. “Move back, Rib Bone!” Abel screamed. Since Black Wind’s mind was already connected to his, it was jumping back way before the Rib Bones did. After hearing Abel’s call, Rob Bone no.1 quickly covered its body with ice. No. 2 wasn’t doing anything in response, though. Actually, the one thing No. 2 did was to keep swinging the sword in its hand. Before the blade made contact with the golden corrupt spearwoman, the spearwoman started exploding from the inside out. And as this was happening, an electric ripple wave blasted out with its body as the center. Rib Bone No. 2 was the first to be affected by electric shock. With the lightning zapping through its icy cold armor, its body shattered on the spot, leaving all the gears, shield, and sword dropping on the ground. Rib Bone No. 1 did manage to neglect some of this lightning attack. However, it was also knocked down by the lighting ripple wave. If Black Wind didn’t jump back on time and let the lightning swept underneath its feet, it would’ve also suffered the same consequences. “Lightning Enhancement!” Abel said softly. Right now, he was very certain that the golden corrupt spearwoman was buffed with lightning. When such a creature came to be, not only would all its attacks be strengthened with the element of lightning, it would also be highly resistant against lightning attacks. If it was in a group, it could buff the surrounding units to become lightning-resistant. When fallen like these were on the brink of death, it would use the very dangerous, radioactive spell “newborn star” to bring down all its surrounding enemies. Just now, Rib Bone No. 1 stood up from the ground. While it was still shaking because of that lightning attack, it wasn’t quite dead yet. As long as it wasn’t dead, it could still generate to its best condition using its frighteningly-fast regenerative ability. There weren’t a lot of dark hunters and corrupt spearwomen left on the battlefield. Without the golden corrupt spearwoman to lead them, they would lose all advantage with their stats. Abel managed to finish the fight fairly smoothly after the mini-boss was defeated. When all the enemies were cleared off, he jumped down from Black Wind and came to the spot where the golden corrupt spearwoman died. By this point, the golden corrupt spearwoman’s armor plate was already blown into pieces. The only thing Abel was able to recover was the spear that it was using. Even so, there wasn’t anything special about the spear. It was old, rusty, and had no special effects on it whatsoever. Abel shook his head in disappointment. As it turned out, it wasn’t easy to find dark gold weapons in the dark world. Forget about regular fallen; if he couldn’t find any valuable loots from golden rank mini-bosses, there really wasn’t much hope for him to find a lot of the good stuff. While Abel was signing to himself, Black Wind started digging on the ground somewhere around ten meters from him. It then barked towards Abel’s. “You found something, Black Wind?” Black Wind had a very keen sense of smell. Even the most unnoticeable scent could be caught by its nose. After all, a mount wolf’s nose was the best tool to find something that didn’t belong to the environment that it was in. Abel quickly walked to where Black Wind was at. There was a snapped finger among the bushes on the ground. When Abel looked closer, he could see a grey ring on it. Abel lowered his body to pick up the ring. He picked up the finger and carefully removed the ring off it. The ring was kind of grey was because of how dusty it was. Also, because of how dirty its owner was, there was also a layer of filth on its surface. After cleaning the ring with some water cloth he had in the portal bag, Abel began to see the real form of this ring. The center of it was an unknown blue gem, and the ring itself was silver with thin engravings of flowers on it. Abel then scanned the ring with his Horadric Cube: Silver Bat’s ring +73 attack precision 3% mana could be stolen from an attack So this was a mana-sucking ring. Unfortunately for Abel, his attack point wasn’t quite high yet. He would have to attack several times before he could make some use of the 3% mana stealing effect. Overall, it was better nothing. At least he’s got himself his first blue equipment Attack precision was very important in arrow shooting. Using the ring and Raven’s claw together would make a deadly combination. After resuming the skeletons from two random corpses he’s found, Abel helped them to get into their armies and shields. Since the power of the skeletons was at rank four, the summoned Rib Bones no. 2 and no.3 were durable the withhold the mass of regular gears. As for the better gears Abel had since even he himself wasn’t good enough to wear them, there was just no way he could let the skeletons try them out. It had been about seven or eight days since Abel came to the dark world. It was now time to head home. That being said, Abel wasn’t going to let the skeletons stay here like last time. Unlike Bloor Moor, the Cold Plain wasn’t quite “cleansed” yet. Letting the skeletons fight the fallen here was the same as sending them to die without making them any stronger. Abel didn’t want to let Rib Bone no.1 to be destroyed without any purpose. Besides, its ability to freeze multiple enemies was just too convenient for him to let go of. After teleporting himself back to the Rogue’s Encampment, the first thing that Abel did was to check on his Horadric Cube. There were about eleven bottles of the soul enhancement potion inside. He took one out and threw it at Rib Bone no.1, which was his no. 1 target to buff. After catching the bottle of the soul enhancement potion, Rib Bone no.1 cracked the bottle on top of its head. As the dark gold liquid poured into its skull, the soul flame burning in its eyes began to spark brighter. Its bones were also growing thicker. Eventually, the whiteness of this skeleton became almost like white jade. It looked pure, like an art piece, and not the scary, spooky skeleton that it was.
Chapter 240 - Something Different About The Impose Pressure Chapter 240 Something Different About the Impose Pressure Abel took another look at Rib Bone no. 2 and no. 3. The buff did work on them, that’s for sure. However, it was nowhere as obvious as the improvement that Rib Bone no. 1 was making. From what it looked like, the “soul potion” was meant for increasing the EX point of a skeleton. That couldn’t all there was to it, though. Rib Bone no. 1 was a clear example. After having both its soul and bones strengthened, it was now on a completely different level to the other skeletons. “Resurrection of the skeleton” was now level five. So even if it was just Rib Bone no. 1 that was getting buffed, the other two skeletons would also be “passively” strengthened at the same time. Black Wind also wanted some of the soul potion. As it wiggled its tail and circled around Abel, Abel padded it on the head. “You’re a mount wolf, Black Wind! You’re not a dog, for crying out loud!” Abel scolded him but laughed out loud at the same time. After reminding Black Wind that it was a wolf, Abel opened another bottle of the soul potion and poured it inside Black Wind’s mouth. Black Wind fell asleep right after that. Abel took out “Akara’s tent.” He wanted the soul potion to take the maximum effect. To do so, he needed the support of the meditation jade, which was why he placed himself on top of the meditation jade floor tile. It was now his own turn. Abel calmed himself down, then took out another bottle of the soul potion. As the liquid transformed into a shapeless mist of essence, it entered his psyche and boosted up his thought process. Abel was thinking about his alchemy skills right now. In his mind, he could picture an imaginary figure brewing all the recipes that he knew about. Some of the more complicated recipes (especially the elven perfume) were imagined repeatedly, as Abel thought about the combinations he could alter for each and every step. Abel even imagined adding all the plants that he had encountered before. After doing many, many experiments himself, he was now extremely sensitive towards how different scents would perform in a pot mixture. The “beginner’s alchemy rune” inside Abel was continuously glowing. Unfortunately for Abel, he knew too little about alchemy. If it wasn’t for this, he would’ve made a lot more progress with his simulation training. When the effect of the soul potion was gone, he was just a little far away from becoming an intermediate alchemist. Abel didn’t stop there. He took out another bottle of the soul potion and drank all the liquid inside. This time, he wanted to create a super exploding ball. Abel imagined a man painting a rune of Ral, which was typically used for creating a super exploding ball. After he was done, the rune exploded immediately. This was happening all inside Abel’s imagination, of course. How could he delay the explosion? Abel was lucky that he had an imaginary man testing it for him. If he was doing the same experiment in the real world, he would’ve died after making one little mistake. Inside his head, he had the freedom of adding a few more strokes to the rune. He could erase some lines, too. He could change some of the patterns, even. No matter how much change Abel added, the rune of Ral would remain the same for the most part. After all, it was an absolutely crucial part of releasing all the energy inside a perfect Redstone. After modifying the whole pattern by adding one more circulatory rune, Abel was able to delay the explosion for about half of a second. After a few more tests that were based on this discovery, the explosion was successfully delayed for eight seconds in total. Eight seconds might not sound very long, but it was enough for him to escape for his life. Abel opened his eyes as he ended the simulation. He was very fired up after boosting up his brain for two times in a row. He felt kind of tired at the same time, though. For the last few days, he’s spent all his time fighting and resting in the wild. He needed a good sleep once he got back to Moon Guardian City. Abel went back to lie on top of the bed that was made of ambergris timber. He wanted to sleep, but he suddenly remembered about the crystal ore he retrieved from the Ice Fire Ape Cave, he decided to take the thing out and finally have a good look at it. As he learned his lessons from last time, Abel didn’t grab the blue crystal ore with his hand. Instead, he placed right on top of his bed. As soon as he did so, an overwhelming aura swept across the entire room, which pressed onto him so hard that he had to surround his entire body with his combat qi. Even a full combat qi armor wasn’t enough. Abel quickly sealed his body with another layer of ice armor. He felt a lot less overpowered after that. Suddenly, it felt like the bed was sucking all the pressure that it released. It was like there was a black hole in the middle of the room. Soon, Abel felt a lot better since all the impose pressure was gone. So that’s what it was. After Abel threw the crystal ore on his bed, it quickly dampened the mattress with the cold water that was dripping out of it. And in a very short amount of time, the ore itself was cold enough to freeze everything back together. When the crystal core and the bed froze together, the ambergris timber that was used to make the bed sucked all the impose pressure into itself. Abel wasn’t sure if the crystal ore broke because of that. After scanning it with his power of the Will, he could see that the amount of energy in it remained the same. As it turned out, the ambergris timber was just sucking out all the impose pressure that was released. It wasn’t like the timber was sucking energy from right inside the ore’s center. It was a truly bizarre thing to see. The ambergris bed was releasing very warm energy, and this energy was wrapping around Abel’s body. Abel could feel his soul being nourished by this strange phenomenon. He could feel his soul becoming more aggressive. He couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not, but he had a real transformation here. The only thing that Abel could do was to wait. He didn’t know what the ambergris bed was doing to him, so he had to wait for everything to be over. He was immobilized at the moment. His body couldn’t move because his soul was too busy to focus on the change that it was experiencing. Tick. Tock. As time passed by, the ambergris bed began to tremble for a bit. Just when Abel had lost track of time, a loud “boom” came from the bed. Abel fell from the bed. He was on the floor and was watching as the ambergris bed became a pile of power. Abel stood up after pressing the floor with one of his arms. He didn’t know when, but he was free to move from a while ago. More confusingly for him, he didn’t know how the ambergris bed turned into a bunch of power. Luckily enough, the crystal ore was still intact. It did lose some of its impose pressure, but the energy inside was still just as powerful. Abel scanned his own body with the power of the Will. He couldn’t find anything wrong with it. He tried to release some impose pressure from inside his body, and suddenly, a frightening amount of imposue pressure came out of him. For a bit there, Abel became kind of scared of himself. So this was the combined power of a soul transformation plus his own aura. Abel was even starting to doubt that the crystal ore was actually the legendary “dragon crystal.” Worgen Fowler’s ambergris bed was, by no means, an ordinary bed. After searching far and wide amongst his own kind, he managed to have the priest in his clan, making it for him. If it wasn’t for the energy that slowly transferred into his soul from the ambergris bed, he would’ve never become a head commander of the wolfriders at the age that he was at. What Abel did just did, well, let’s just say that it was completely unthought. No one would expect someone to throw an entire dragon crystal ore on top of an ambergris timber bed. Abel could’ve have known about this, but it actually forced out all the energy inside the bed and transferred it into his own body. Because of how much energy was used during this process, the bed had to destroy itself afterward. Abel’s impose pressure was now in the rank of a human knight’s commander. If he restrained himself, he could subdue a weaker opponent without even fighting him. If the opponent was far weaker than him, he could instantly kill him just by releasing the impose pressure. Abel hadn’t had a lot of opportunities to test out his impose pressure, but he could certainly subdue a fellow knight’s commander at his current level. As for a head knight’s commander, he wasn’t quite sure, actually. That was in a league far from his own understanding. All in all, this journey inside the dark world was very fruitful for Abel. Not only did he found his first dark gold item, the “Raven’s claw,” he’s also found a blue quality “silver bat’s ring.” He’s also buffed Rib Bone no. 1, too. Most importantly, his own soul was strengthened after drinking the soul potion.
Chapter 241 - Bernie’S Good Will Chapter 241 Bernie’s Good Will Abel had no idea how much danger he was in. If his soul wasn’t strengthened with the soul potion for several times, he would be mortally injured for trying to transform himself with the ambergris bed and the dragon crystal. If that did happen, it wouldn’t matter if he was an elf or a human. He would be a goner. After walking out of the “Akara’s tent,” Abel placed the tent back into his private storage box. Black Wind was already awake by this point. It was playing with Rib Bone no. 1, actually. Black Wind would push Rib Bone no. 1 somewhere, and Rib Bone no. 1 would go back to spot that it was at. This went on for a while. They, or better put, Black Wind would keep playing the game, and Rib Bone no. 1 would have to go back to the position that it was in. “We’re going back, Black Wind!” Abel called out as he canceled the summoning of the three skeletons. Once a black hole came out and swallowed the skeletons away, Black Wind ran back its master whilst shaking its head. Abel opened a Scroll of Town Portal. After returning to his room inside Moon Guardian City, he realized that the day was already bright. Loraine was standing outside very anxiously. “You’re finally out, Abel!” Loraine sighed in relief after seeing Abel. “What’s wrong? I’m just a little late, aren’t I?” Abel asked. Loraine had no idea about Abel’s journey down in the dark world and said, “You lost your count of time, Abel! You’ve been inside your room for about one day and one night! Bernie came to see you, but he left because he didn’t want to interrupt your training.” “One day and one night?” One day and one night was the equivalent of twenty days inside the dark world. He didn’t think that a soul transformation would take this long. Loraine might not have known about what Abel did “inside his room,” but she was right about one thing. Abel did lose track of time because of his training. And it wasn’t one day and one night that he lost track of. It’s actually twenty days and twenty nights that he had missed. Thank the spirits. If Abel didn’t feed three ration potions to Black Wind at once, it would’ve been starved to death by now. Even if it didn’t die because of hunger, it would’ve become as thin as one of his skeletons. Maybe it was time to drop some herbivore animals inside Bloor Moor. That way, Black Wind could hunt on its own while Abel was doing his training. Abel asked Loraine, “What did Bernie say when he came here?” “He didn’t say much, but it looked like he was in a rush for something,” Loraine replied. “You’re awake, Master Abel!” Bernie’s voice suddenly came as his short stature appeared at the door. “You’ve come, Bernie. Please, let’s talk inside,” Abel gestured as Bernie bowed to him. While Bernie was going inside room, he gave a somewhat troublesome look at Loraine. Loraine said to Abel softly as she understood why Bernie did this, “I’ll let you two talk amongst yourself. See you then, Abel!” “It’s fine,” Abel smiled as he stopped Loraine from leaving, then turned towards Bernie, “Loraine is very dear to me. I have nothing to hide from her.” Bernie said straightforwardly without looking at Loriane, “Master Abel, I’ve learned the whereabouts of the deurgars from a special source. I don’t know how many of my little brother’s spies are still there, though. Please, Master Abel. I need your assistance to send them to hell!” Abel shook his head, “We’ve fought many times together before, Bernie. I can deal with a few lower ranked duergars, but the ones you speak of are not the ones you want to anger. Besides, you are telling me to charge straight into their hideouts. There will be an official wizard there. I can’t fight a wizard, you know.” “Master Abel,” Bernie looked at Abel straight in the eyes, “Maybe I didn’t know much about you before. After I returned home several days ago, I used my family’s connections to learn all there is about your achievements. The others might see you as innocent, but no! After I saw you injuring the ice fire ape with your explosion, I knew that it was you who’s behind the Duchy of Keyen!” Abel smiled as he wasn’t too shocked by what Bernie was saying, “You know I won’t admit to that, Bernie.” “Of course, Master Abel! No one would admit to being the culprit behind the Duchy of Keyen! Here, I’m just “requesting” you to blow up something else for me. What I have here is a book on how to make a magic staff. It’s called (An Introduction to Making Magic Staff), and it will be my reward to you after the deed is done!” Abel’s look became grim as he heard the book’s title, “Bernie, from what I’ve heard, staff making is a secret that your kind has guarded for generations. There’s going to be a lot of dwarves who would oppose what you’re doing now. In fact, I’m sure there are plenty right now, aren’t there?” “It’s fine, Master Abel,” Bernie smiled as though he didn’t care, “If you are going to save my family, save my comrades and me, and use all the remaining explosives that you have to destroy the deurgars, who are the eternal rivals to my kind, I think it’s fair that we reward you with something meaningful in return.” Abel understood what Bernie was saying now. Basically, Bernie was just giving him an excuse to get his hands on the [An Introduction to Making Magic Staff). If the powerful, powerful Goff family wanted to eliminate the deurgars, they would’ve done it themselves a long time ago. When Abel was traveling with Bernie, Bernie did ask him about the kind of techniques he wanted to learn from the dwarves. That being said, Abel didn’t expect Bernie to remember his answer so well. He did say “staff making” at the time, but he didn’t think that his dear friend would actually teach it to him. Bernie persisted as Abel was becoming kind of uncertain, “Anything, Master Abel. As long as they are needed for your mission, I will get them for you. I’m a dwarf, yes, but I do know that the explosions you did were not from something normal!” “Thank you, Bernie. I know what you’re trying to say now,” Abel gave a slight bow towards Bernie. “You know I won’t admit to that, Master Abel,” Bernie smiled as he copied Abel’s line. “I will need one pound of meteorite iron, one pound of hematite ore and a large amount of beginner’s fire magic gemstone,” Abel requested. Abel wasn’t trying to be nice here. Obviously, the hematite ore was for the stuff he wanted to forge in the future. The dwarves were filthy rich, anyways. It wasn’t like they were short on all sorts of minerals. He had no reason to lose out on a chance to swindle from them. Come to think of it; there was a giant ballista at the Moon Guardian City fort. If White Cloud was carrying one of these on its back, Abel was sure that he could one-shot any golden flying mount creatures that he could find. He wasn’t going to tell Bernie about it, of course, which was why he said something else: “If it’s possible, Bernie, could you get a big ballista for me? I want it to strengthen White Cloud’s, uh, defense capability.” “Wait, that’s all you’re asking from me?” Bernie threw a look at Abel. While Abel thought that he was asking a lot already, Bernie thought that he was trying to be nice. After seeing that Abel wasn’t talking anymore, Bernie finally chose not to make any more offers. “Okay, then,” Bernie said, “Wait here. I’ll prepare them for you, Master Abel!” Loraine said worryingly after Bernie left, “Will it be dangerous, Abel?” If Abel couldn’t delay the exploding time of his super exploding ball, he might’ve turned down Bernie’s request this time. He wasn’t going to trade his life for a book, after all. But now, after he’s managed to delay the exploding effect of the ball for eight seconds, he could’ve flown away on White Cloud for far farther than he needed to. Abel smiled, “It’s fine, Loraine. I wouldn’t have said yes if I wasn’t confident.” “Mind if I come with you, Abel?” Loraine asked softly. “You wait here, Loraine. There are some things that I don’t want to drag you into.” Loraine wasn’t an ordinary girl. Abel knew that already, but he’s got a lot of troubles behind his back already. He did not want to bring any more trouble to her. “I’m going to take a nap then!” Loraine suddenly said loudly. With an angry expression that she rarely had, she went back to her room and slammed the door shut. “Loraine!” Abel called for Loraine. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw Loraine like that. After all, it was kind of hard to see someone like her to be in such a mood.
Chapter 242 - A Giant Ballista Chapter 242 A Giant Ballista “Has anyone mentioned how generous you are, Bernie?” Abel praised when Bernie handed the items over to him. Truth be told, Bernie was very generous to Abel. Since he was using a portal bag to carry the stuff he was giving to Abel, he basically just gave away an extra portal bag. Bernie said proudly, “It’s okay, Master Abel! We dwarves, well, let’s say… We are not short on magic items. Portal bags being one of them, of course.” Abel replied with a smile. He then scanned inside the portal bag with his power of Will. The inside of this bag was packed with the stuff he requested. There were ten pounds of meteorite iron, ten pounds of hematite ore, and all the other spaces were filled with beginners’ fire magic stones. It wasn’t like Abel hadn’t seen a beginner’s fire magic stone before. That being said, it was the first time that he had seen so many at once. In fact, gemstones were piling up so much that they were shaped into a giant cube inside the bag. “About the giant ballista, you asked,” Bernie continued, “I’ve told some of my men to move them outside. I will have some men to place it on White Cloud’s back if you don’t mind.” “Bernie, there’s way too much stuff in here!” Abel exclaimed as he looked deeper into the portal bag. Bernie laughed, “You can’t have a successful forge every single time, Master Abel. Didn’t you know that?” I didn’t want you to worry about wasting materials, so I had ten times the amount of everything that you were looking for.” To humans, or to a majority of the dwarf population, the stuff inside the portal was extremely valuable to them. To the Goff family, however, it was like picking a feather out of a goose. For the amount of stock they had in just Moon Guardian City alone, they could easily take out ten times the amount of material Abel was asking. “And what is this?” Abel asked, then took out a thick book from the portal bag. It had a huge and hard front cover, with the pages inside made of soft sheep wool. The title of it was (An Introduction to Making Magic Staff). Bernie replied, “You have agreed to my request, Master Abel, and I think that you are a trustworthy man. If you forgive me, I’ve made the bold decision to hand my reward to you before you finish your mission.” “Be honest with me, Bernie. You’ll be in a lot of trouble for doing this, won’t you?” Abel asked. Bernie was one of the few dwarven friends that he had. He didn’t want to do anything that would be troublesome to him. “Thank you for your concern, Master Abel, but I think I’ll manage just fine. You see, with the position that I am in, I think it’s fair that I’m allowed to make my own decisions. Since the deal we’ve just made was consensual, hence genuine, there won’t be a lot of people who are going to challenge it.” Bernie added with a laugh, “Of course, if you would treat your old friend here with some more rum, I’ll be a happy little dwarf.” “Rum.” When Bernie said the word, he sounded like an old drunkard despite being so young. Abel couldn’t help but laugh at such irony. “You are my friend, Bernie!” Abel laughed as well, “Don’t add the title “master” in front of my name. Just call me Abel! Also, friends don’t trade their liquors, do they? I’m perfectly happy to share the wines that I have!” After saying that, Abel took out a huge barrel of rum from his kong kong spiritual beast bag. There were about 100 pounds of rum inside, which made the wooden container bang really loudly when it dropped on the floor. Like a koala, Bernie jumped and hugged onto the barrel that was just as tall as him. While he didn’t open, his facial expression looked drunk already. It took a while for him to go back to normal. “As you wish, Abel,” Bernie grunted as he continued to hug onto the barrel, “I’ll refer to you by your name when we’re alone. However, I will still call you “Master Abel” when we are in public. As you know, the Blacksmith Union is very much respected by the dwarves. I don’t want to risk offending anyone.” Abel went off by himself at noon. Whilst riding on top of White Cloud’s back, he decided to test out the newly stationed ballista, which was in the frontmost spot of his seats. Because of how big the ballista was, the dwarves had to reconstruct the whole carriage that was used for riding on top of White Cloud. After taking out all the old seats, they replaced them with light steel frames, which were much more durable and lighter in weight. They then covered the frame with rhinoceros skins, which were excellent for defending against arrows. On the inside, they added a soft layer of newborn sheep hide, which made the whole structure not just practical, but also pleasing to the eye. Sometimes, a ballista would be a called a ballista “bed,” or a ballista “cannon.” It was one of the few ways an ordinary person could kill a knight or even a wizard. Because of how expensive it was, not a lot of people could get their hands on one of them. Without the necessary parts, a ballista could not fire over a range farther from 500 meters. If an enemy was within its 500-meter range, whether it be a knight fully armored in his own combat qi, or a wizard guarding himself with ice seal magic, instant death was pretty much guaranteed. If the arrows were replaced with magic-immune materials (extremely rare, of course), even intermediate or advanced wizards would have a lot of trouble to protect themselves. The ballista was also referred to as the “fort guarding bow,” which was for no other reasons than how heavy it was. Only a large creature like White Cloud could carry something like this. Again, White Cloud was a top tier sky sparrow. While most sky sparrows would stay away from carrying any weapons on their backs, White Cloud would do far more than just being a carrying tool at the backline of a battlefield. The direction Abel was heading for was northwest of the Moon Guardian City, where the Duchy of Koror and the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range met. The mountains were a lot tougher than the areas guarded by the Moon Guardian City. There were a lot of wild beasts and poisonous things over there. While humans would find it hard to survive there, that’s where the deurgars decided to build their homes. Abel tried to pick up everything that he knew about the deurgars. They were a branch of the dwarven race. According to the myths, they were banished by the other dwarves and had grey skin and no hair because of the curses that they had. If Abel had to guess, the deurgars behaved the way they did was because of the evil powers they got in contact with. In other words, they were transformed into what they currently were. Not only were they violent and cruel on a general basis, but they were also completely off from engaging in any sort of productive activity. Instead of growing their own crops, or sewing their own clothes, the deurgars would pillage for everything that they needed for their livelihood. Because of how good they were at hiding in dark, cold caverns (they live in caves for the most part, actually), they became the largest robbers of both humans and dwarves. The scariest part was actually how they could eat almost everything. They could hunt or pick up any plants that they could find. If they needed to or wanted to, they could even eat humans and dwarves. That summed up everything Abel knew about the deurgars. After hearing it from Loraine, he knew for the first time how scary they were. Their entire kind existed because of how savage they were. They were worse than the orcs, even. At least the orcs would farm their own things and work for food, not just steal off everything from everyone around them. This was one of the reasons that Abel agreed to help out Bernie. For getting the resources and skills that he wanted, he just needed to kill a few robbers who, really, should’ve had it coming a long time ago. That being said, he wasn’t not going to feel sorry for killing the deurgars. He’s perfectly willing to trade their lives for a sufficient amount of meteorite iron, which he could use to make even more super exploding balls. After accepting Bernie’s request in the morning, Abel went back into the dark world right afterward. Whilst inside the dark world, he used the ground inferno to make another 10 super exploding balls. After he was done, he would add metal covers to them so the explosions would be more lethal. Soon, the number of explosives he had was more than enough to blow up another magic tower at another duchy. As Abel had enough spare time during his flight on top of White Cloud, he took the time to read the guide on how to craft magic staff. After he was done reading, he learned that there were two ways to making a magic staff: One, with a certain special material as the main body of the staff, the souls of top tier spiritual beasts could be sealed inside to gain any ability that these creatures might possess. Two, Abel could use magic metals to craft the main body of the staff. He could place a crystal core that belonged to a powerful spiritual beast on the top of the staff and use rune circles to activate whatever spells that were inside the crystal core. Of course, both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. For the first method, the soul of the top tier spiritual beast had to be collected within a minute after it was killed. Such a method was not very likely to succeed, and the level of magic that could be generated was completely based on luck. On a good note, since the mana for activating spell was from the person who was wielding the staff, the staff’s effect could be combined to the wielder’s own techniques. For example, if it was a fire element spiritual beast that was used to make the staff, and Abel was casting a fire element spell, the resulting effect would be enhanced overall. If Abel was making his magic staff with a crystal core of a powerful spiritual beast, he would have no way to supply his own mana into the staff directly. This was because the staff would be powered by the crystal core placed in it, and not by the person wielding it. While Abel wouldn’t have to constantly power the staff with his own mana, the quality of the staff would completely depend on the level that the crystal core was at. If the crystal core was at a certain level, then only magic of the same level could be cast. If Abel wanted to cast a spell beyond the level of the crystal core, he would have to either wait for the crystal core to recharge itself after he was done, or he would have to charge up the crystal core with his own mana.
Chapter 243 - Blowing Up The Valley Of The Deurgars Chapter 243 Blowing Up the Valley of the Deurgars Abel was at on top of a valley somewhere near the border between the Duchy of Koror and the Great Dividing Mountain Range. As he stared down to the ground below, he could see a large number of wild beasts and venomous creatures moving by. This was where the deurgars lived, which meant that humans wouldn’t choose to come here at all. Even hunters wouldn’t watch to catch their games here. Because of this, there was an especially large population of dangerous beasts. For the sake of their survival, the deurgars picked their hideout at a campsite that was easy to guard. While White Cloud circled around in the sky, Abel took the time to understand the geography of this location. The valley range here was smaller than he thought, with a width of just about 800 meters in width. When he saw some of the wooden houses below, he realized how old and broken they were. It’s hard to imagine someone using them as shelters to cover against rain and wind. As unusual as it sounded, there weren’t any farms or any kind of crops to be seen. Apart from the deurgars, nothing alive could be seen at all. Black Wind was scratching its nose this entire time. Abel could smell it, too. The stench was very strong. A part of it must’ve come from the filth that was piled up on the ground. Mostly, however, it must be from the giant pot that was boiling in the middle of the town square. These deurgars were just like the fallen. They didn’t live in the dark world, but the way they exist was the same as repulsive as those spawns from hell. Actually, the deurgars should be a lot smarter than the fallen. They didn’t seem to care about using their intelligence for hygiene purposes, so it seemed. In the town square in the middle of the valley, there were a bunch of deurgars forming a circle together. They were watching a bloody duel between two deurgars. As one of the deurgar’s blade swept across another’s legs, a stream of dark grey blood spilled on the ground. All the spectating deurgars started cheering when they saw this. They were screaming on top of their lungs. It’s almost like the sight of blood was all that they lived for. As the injured duergar backed down with his injured leg, his head was quickly severed by the blade of his opponent. When the fight was over, the spectators ran in to pick up the dead body. While doing so, they chanted loudly and danced in a very strange fashion. Abel couldn’t believe what these deurgars did next. After they finished dancing, they picked up the dead duergar and, including his severed head, they threw his remainings into the big boiling pot. They then added more timbers. It’s one thing to eat another intelligent species, but just how sick did these deurgars had to be to eat their kind? Abel couldn’t fathom at all. Maybe the deurgars were really the minions of the devil. They clearly had no business existing in this world. Abel looked away for a bit. He saw a cavern in the innermost part of the valley. Judging from how there were two guards standing their post there, it must be the residence of an important figure. Two guards. They had a full set of dwarven armor on them. They were well equipped, too. Unlike the deurgars in the town square, they seemed a lot more civil, in a way. While Abel was still observing, a squad of about ten deurgars came out of the cavern. Just like the guards, they had weapons in their hands and were wearing dwarven armors. They were heading towards the town square. When they arrived, they picked two deurgars and carried them back in chains. Abel was in the sky when he heard the two deurgars screaming for their lives. It was not a pleasant thing to hear. Whatever fate awaited them, it’s probably going to be very dark. So that’s how it was. The world inside and outside the cavern was completely separate from each other. The inside must be where the armies and the ruling class were. The outside was more like a farmhouse for keeping livestock. Abel placed a giant arrow on his ballista. He added a net on the tip of the arrow, which he planned to place his super exploding ball. Just when he was in the middle of setting his ballista, he could feel a malicious presence rising out from inside the valley. The protective gear that White Cloud was wearing could guard against some of this malicious aura. It wasn’t completely immune against it, however, so it had to fly higher to stay away from the evil force’s influence. Abel was brutally disgusted. As it turned out, the two deurgars were sent to be living sacrifices. The other deurgars were sacrificing them to pray for power and protection from the great being of evil. So that’s why they looked so ugly. They were literally defiled by the power of evil. The ruling deurgars were using the less significant deurgars to gain more powers for themselves. This way, even when the deurgars were rivals to both to humans and the dwarves, they could still produce a lot of powerful fighters amongst their kind. When the deurgars felt the presence of malice, they knelt on the ground, and, like a bunch of madmen, they started crying out words that Abel didn’t understand. All of them had a fanatic look on their faces as they were doing this. The evil presence continued for about another ten minutes. When it disappeared, those deurgars went back to whatever they were doing before. It’s almost like they all forgot what happened just then. White Cloud came down again. As Abel pointed his ballista towards the cavern, he searched for a six-second delay super exploding ball inside his private storage box. He then placed it in the net on the top of his arrow. With no hesitation at all, Abel released the arrow from his hands. When it flew straight towards the cavern, the stat on his ring started to look a lot different from it originally was. The attack precision point was now 73, which was much higher than it was in the Holy Continent. Also, for a moment there, the ballista was shaking for a bit when he was shooting the arrow. Abel knew that he didn’t do anything to make the ballista shake. It must be his blue ring. By making a ballista shake a little, the direction of his shot was slightly adjusted. Abel had thought that his arrow would go straight inside the cavern, but because of how big the cavern was, he wasn’t sure where exactly it was going to enter. He wasn’t a profession ballista shooter, per se, but he knew enough about archery to shoot the arrow to where he wanted it to be. After the blue ring helped him adjust his shot, Abel could see the arrow flying straight towards the center of the cavern. “Invaders!” the guarding duergar screamed as he tried to locate the source of the attack. Abel whispered to himself, “6, 5, 4…” White Cloud was flying as high as it could. While it was doing this, Abel kept counting down to himself. “3, 2, 1.” When Abel counted to “one,” a massive explosion occurred in the middle of the valley, right inside the center of the cavern. When rocks split from above, they fell down like giant arrows that were flying towards the deurgars. All the deurgars inside the valley were completely petrified. Every rock that was flying at them was strong enough to kill them. The wooden houses they lived in came down like toys. When the rocks hit them, the only response they could make was to scream painfully to their deaths. As quick as the explosion was, it was a lot more effective than what Abel had in mind. While the super exploding ball killed most of these deurgars, a lot of surviving ones were knocked down on the ground, screaming in anguish as they didn’t even have the time to beg for mercy. The cavern was gone. Instead, everything inside became a giant, deep hole. As the entrance of the cavern was blocked by several large boulders, the only way to get in was through a passageway that was wide enough for just one person. Abel didn’t want to waste another one of his super exploding balls. As powerful as it was, meteorite irons were quite hard to get back. It’s not like he didn’t have a filthy rich dwarf on his side, but he’d rather save as many materials as he could. Abel equipped himself with Raven’s claw. As he took out a quiver of iron arrows from his portal bag, he started aiming at some of the surviving deurgars. Flaming red arrows kept shooting out of his hands, and the ground he was pointing at started exploding like wild. All the deurgars that lived outside the cavern were on basic levels. Since White Cloud was in hiding, none of them could find a target to fight back. While some of them were looking for the whereabouts of their enemy, a lot of them decided to run for their lives. Abel wasn’t sparing any one of these deurgars. Whenever they tried to escape, they would either die from the flying arrows or by the explosion that was ignited by Abel’s flame spell. Pretty soon, all the deurgars in the valley were dead.
Chapter 244 - A Statue Chapter 244 A Statue Whilst putting the Raven’s claws away, Abel jumped on top of Black Wind’s back. He didn’t want to leave Black Wind when he was fighting on the ground. Black Wind’s “instant movement” could be very important for his survival. When Black Wind was about ten meters away from the cavern that’s been blown up, it made its landing and prepared for entrance. Abel tried to detect any living creatures inside the valley. He then summoned Rib Bone no. 1, no. 2 and no. 3. Under no. 1’s instructions, no. 2 and no. 3 followed towards the giant pit inside the cavern. Since Abel wasn’t planning to spare anyone, he decided that it was fine to call the skeletons out in the open. Since skeletons didn’t use eyes to see, they just needed to use their soul flames to follow Abel. They were perfect for fighting in the dark, actually. Since skeletons were naturally sensitive towards any living beings, it’s very likely that they would find the surviving deurgars. After entering the dark pit for about several minutes, Abel did not sense his two skeletons being attacked. He couldn’t sense anything that was alive, either. While riding Black Wind towards the entrance to the cavern, he used his sword to pick away the giant boulder that was blocking his way. Abel hung his night pearl across his neck. He had his shield in his left and his sword in his right. As soon as he entered the cavern, he started seeing several dead deurgars that were killed by the falling rocks. They were all wearing iron armors, but the impact must’ve been strong enough to kill them in an instant. Abel took a few more steps forward. There was a giant hall room inside, which had about two hundred meters in diameter. The ground was filled with falling rubble, filled with the corpses of the deurgars. Most of the deurgars did not have any injuries on their bodies. They did, however, had a lot of dark grey blood around their noses, mouths, ears, and eyes. They were probably killed by the sound of the explosion. It’s much better than bleeding out to death, actually. Abel looked around the entire structure. Since the cavern was carved out of the mountain rocks, it was strong enough to endure the impact of the super exploding ball. The explosion didn’t punch out the walls. If anything, the walls were trapping the explosion and making it more concentrated in certain areas. Even now, Rib Bone no. 2 and no. 3 hadn’t found any living beings. This didn’t remain for too long, though. Just when Abel was about to declare an end to his mission, the two skeletons started sending signals to him. Abel rode Black Wind to where the two skeletons were. They were in front of a stone room, which was blocked by a giant stone door. It was the first time that Abel had seen a stone door here. The door must’ve been what was keeping the remaining deurgars alive. Abel started pushing it with his hands. As he tensed up his muscles, a small gap began to open. Without even receiving their master’s orders, Rib Bone no. 2 and no. 3 started charging inside. The two skeletons were already fighting when the stone door was completely opened. Abel could feel some very powerful spells when he was trying to make his entrance. Apparently, there was a duergar official wizard inside. While Abel was contemplating if he should make a direct assault, a terrible scream came from inside the room. A power wave of mana appeared soon after. Rib Bone no. 2 and no. 3 started losing contact. As far as Abel knew, the two minions died after fulfilling their roles. The duergar wizard probably underestimated how tough these skeletons were. “If that’s the case,” a cold smile appeared from Abel’s face. He ran towards some duergar corpses that were lying outside the stone door. After casting his “summoning of skeletons” spell, two new skeletons stood up from the dying corpses. They didn’t even take their weapons when they charged inside the stone room. “Damn orcean priest! How many of your skeletons do I have to kill?” the duergar wizard screamed. The two new skeletons quickly lost contact. Abel didn’t feel anxious, though. For some reason that he wasn’t sure of, the duergar wizard couldn’t leave the stone room. Quickly, he found another two corpses to summon some new skeletons. The attack was more effective this time. As the duergar wizard screamed once more, Abel could tell that one of the skeletons did deal some injury. However, the two skeletons summoned still disappeared after a few seconds. “You are not an orc, are you? Just who are you?” The duergar wizard figured out that something was wrong. As far as he knew, skeletons summoned by the orcs should be more aggressive than the ones he was fighting today. Strangely enough, the skeletons Abel was sending were better in their defensive abilities. This, of course, gave off some hints to the duergar wizard. Abel didn’t reply. Instead, he instructed two skeletons to charge inside the stone room. He didn’t do any damage this time. The most that the skeletons did was to let the duergar wizard spend some more of his mana. When Abel had sent out his tenth pair of skeletons, the duergar wizard couldn’t find a way to quickly end the fight. This time, Abel could hear the sound of runes being activated, as well as some lower-tiered spells being cast. The duergar wizard was short on mana. Abel decided not to wait any longer. With Rib Bone no. 1 running behind him, he rode Black Wind to the stone room. As soon as he went in, Rib Bone no. 1 released ice spell into the entire area. There it was. Abel could see the duergar wizard wearing a black robe. While his entire body was covered in frost, his mana armor was being violently knocked off by the two skeletons. While the skeletons were using their bare fists to do this, their death qi was actually very effective against mana. Abel didn’t spare any opportunity for the duergar wizard. With his sword of Victory in hand, he thrust into the wizard’s throat. Dark grey blood poured out as he pulled back his blade. As quick as the final blow was, the wizard was, technically, exhausted to his death. With just seconds to spare before his death, the duergar wizard took his final look at the statue behind him. Judging from his eyes, he clearly wanted to spend some more time being alive. Before Abel was able to stab the wizard for one more time, the two skeletons were already repeatedly punching his dead body. After a few seconds, the duergar wizard started appearing as though it was dead for several days. The death qi was quite “corrosive,” if that’s the right way to express it. Abel picked out a portal bag with the tip of his sword. As he scanned inside with his power of the Will, he did not find anything special inside. All he could find were some magic gemstones, raw materials, etc. There were a lot of them, actually, but not quite enough to make him feel surprised. Abel walked towards the statue in front of him. Judging from the dying wizard’s expressions, he could tell how much he cared for this unsightly idol. The idol had a snakehead and a human body, with wings growing out from its back. It might be a representation of a certain god, or an unknown mythical creature. Whatever the case was, it was not a comfortable piece to look at. While Abel was studying the idol, a malicious aura circled around him. As immune as he became after his soul transformation, he was still quite shocked by how quickly this evil presence has surrounded him. Abel instantly released his impose pressure. It’s the first time that he had used his strengthened impose pressure in actual combat. Oddly enough, the sound of a dragon roaring appeared from the aura that he released. It then charged straight towards the idol. A strange sound called out in response, “No! Another one of those damn dragons! When I recover, I shall have my revenge on you!” The idol started breaking after that. Layer by layer, the stone started shattering and falling on the ground. Soon, something fell out from where the statue’s heart was at.
Chapter 245 - City Of The Elves Chapter 245 City of the Elves This was a heart that was transparent like crystal. Every vein was clearly visible. It was almost as if it was actually alive This “heart” was beating when Abel was looking at it. This scared him. He never thought that this heart was alive. What kind of animal’s heart was transparent? And how was it still beating after leaving the body? Abel observed for a while. The heart was, indeed, alive. It was beating at a rate of once a minute. This heart was probably Abel’s biggest discovery. That’s what he thought so, anyway. After using his power of the will to scan it, he decided to throw it in the Horadric Cube. A text then popped up, stating that it was a dark gold item called the “immortal heart.” “Immortal heart.” That was the only information provided by the Horadric Cube. It didn’t explain what it could, because that’s something Abel had to find out himself. In the depth of Double Moon Forest, two hundred meters away from the neat rows of big trees, which were up to 100 meters in height, Black Wind stopped. Abel pointed with his slender fingers at the tall tree wall and asked Loraine, “Is this the Great Wall of the Elven Guardians?” A smile emerged from Loraine’s face. Abel turned into an elf, one with sharp ears and a slender body. He looked a bit rougher in his human form (because of all the training he’s received), but his current appearance was more gentle and elegant. Loraine held back a smile and said softly, “Yes, brother Abel, this is the Great Wall of the Elven Guardians. Beyond this wall is Angstrom city!” “How did these elves do this?” Aber asked as he searched for the top end of the hundred-meter-high wall made of trees. Loraine said as she looked in the same direction as Abel, “From what I’ve heard, there was a very, very bad war here. When the dark elves invaded Angstrom City, everyone was getting ready to fight for their lives.” “That’s when the ancient treants appeared. You see, they had to do what the ancient oath told them, and that is to protect the elves that lived here. To keep the dark elves away, the ancient treants gave rise to the biggest tree in the entire Double Moon Forest. When the tree was awakened, it did not return to the Double Moon Forest. Instead, it stayed here and became that huge green wall over there.” “Do the ancient treants still exist?” Abel asked curiously. Despite being a wizard for so long, he had never heard of a creature as powerful as the treants. “No one knows. It’s said that if Angstrom city is being attacked again, these giant trees will wake up to protect Angstrom city!” Loraine looked back and said. Aber tried to picture what a treant might look like. It’s a hundred-meter-high tree turned into a giant monster, which could attack their enemy by literally walking towards them. He wasn’t trying to be a skeptic of Loraine’s tales, but the way she portrayed the treants were kind of unbelievable. Black Wind walked forward to the giant tree slowly. Abel could see the scars on that giant tree. Despite how many there were, the tree stood tall and firmly here for many, many years that it had. Although it is said to be a tree wall, the distance between each tree was still very far. The widest place was enough for several large carriages to pass through. When passing through the tree wall, the leaves and branches above formed a natural green corridor. Abel imagined how Angstrom city would look like. Some of the descriptors he came up with were gentle, elegant, solemn, or natural. When he had actually arrived, however, he could find no words to portray the beauty that he was witnessing. This was a purple castle, with the wall over 100 meters wide that stretched far beyond one could see. Abel didn’t know what it was made of. He didn’t know how the huge purple boulders were cut into shape. On top of the wall, dozens of sharp-tipped watchtowers were built evenly next to each other. “It’s gorgeous!” Abel praised as he took a view at the dream-like city in front of him. “Yeah, it is. They’re made of purple jadeite. It looks better when the day gets darker!” Loraine looked proudly at Angstrom city, then said, “This purple jadeite absorbs sunlight during the day, which it will then release at night. When it does, the whole city will be bathed in purple light!” Abel found many tents under the walls of the Angstrom city. Hundreds of carriages were parked around the tents. Strangely enough, everyone coming in or out were all humans. It was a strange sight for Abel, so he had to ask. “There are humans here, too?” Abel asked Loraine. Loraine was just as puzzled as well, “They look like businessmen who belong to the, uh, I think it’s called the “Continental Union of Trade” or something. They can come here because the elves gave them special permission. I don’t know what they’re doing over there, though.” As Black Wind approached the gate of Angstrom city, the surrounding elves have gradually increased in their number. Black Wind did look terrifyingly big, but that wasn’t the only reason they gathered up. Apparently, it was quite normal for elves to look for lifelong partners when they reached adulthood. As a matter of fact, as long as they got on good terms, the range of options could be very diverse. Some have settled for spiritual beasts. Others have gone for wild beasts and birds. However, not a lot of elves have seen a mount wolf before. First of all, mount wolves weren’t a natural species to the Double Moon Forest. They mainly lived in the cold prairie up north and were more recognized by the orcs than humans or elves. That being said, Black Wind shouldn’t be seen here at all. Even the worgens have a hard time taming mount wolves, so why was Black Wind here with some normal looking elves? “Looks like we have to line up to go in. Follow me, Loraine,” Abel said as he started walking towards the entrance. The gate to the city was just like back in the human world. There were two passages in total, one for ordinary elves, and one for nobles (AKA high elves). As it was impossible to discern Abel’s status as a human nobleman, he would just have to get in like a regular elven citizen. (actually, he could be a HUMAN prince and still be blocked from going in) “No, not Loraine! She doesn’t have to wait in line!” A sweet female voice came from over the distance. Abel was shocked to hear it. He was now a commander knight, and possibly much better than that. However, he was caught completely off-guard when he heard the woman calling out “Loraine.” He turned around. It was a female elf. She was wearing a pure white lace dress with a silver-white headband on her long, black hair. Her eyes were clear crystal blue, just like Loraine. While she was calling out to both Abel and Loraine, her eyes were fixed onto Loraine the entire time. Abel still couldn’t detect any animosity from this elf woman. That being said, something was telling him that she, whoever she was, was very dangerous. The golden combat qi inside him began to gather up. His fingers were moving very slightly. Any moment soon, and he would reach for his weapon inside his portal bag. “Sister!” Loraine’s eyes filled with tears. She jumped off Black Wind and flew into the embrace of the female elf. This female elf seemed to have the ability to hide amongst the other elves. She was like a ghost. For reasons Abel wasn’t sure of, Loraine seemed to be the only one who was aware of her presence. After Loraine went to give her a hug, all the other elves suddenly noticed her existence. They all then began to give her a bow. Even the guards standing at the gate were saluting to her. The gate was dead silent for a few seconds. For a while, it was just the sound of Loraine crying inside her sister’s embrace. “Let’s go home, Loriane,” the female elf said. She then revealed out a card in her hand, which was wrapping everybody around in bright light. She was teleporting herself, Loraine, as well as Abel and Black Wind, to somewhere else. Normally, Abel would feel dizzy when he was getting teleported. While he was able to neglect such an effect with his golden combat qi, he could tell that the elf was transporting him using a large defensive circle. It was kind of weird, actually. There were a lot of restrictions in using such a device. Besides, it could only take him to certain areas that were covered by the circle’s range. He didn’t think he was going to enter the elven city in such a manner. Abel looked around his surroundings. He was being taken to a pavilion on top of a small island, which was located in the middle of an ocean. Because of how small the island was, all of its landmasses were used for the pavilion, which was built with beautiful white jade with various different engravings. So this was the kind of luxurious life the elves lived. At the island’s edge, there was an arched bridge leading a large luxurious mansion. These were built with white jade, by the way. On either side of the bridge, there were gates built with elven wreaths. When Abel looked down, he could see that the water was so clear that even the water grass and the shiny-scaled fish were all visible to him. The female elf said to Abel, “Please wait here for a bit. I will arrange for someone to prepare for your accommodations. Loraine is going with me.”
Chapter 246 - Loraine’S Home Chapter 246 Loraine’s Home Abel gave a nobleman’s bow to Loraine’s sister. Her eyes flashed for a bit as he was doing this. She was probably surprised by how courteous he was being. “This is my house, Abel! Wait here for a bit. I’ll come back to you soon!” Loraine said happily but was quickly pulled away by her sister. Abel help kind of helpless when saw Loraine leaving him like that. That being said, she was coming back to her home. Once she came out, he could just leave after saying his farewell to her. After that, he might just go find a quiet place and train for another few months. Something felt wrong, though. He didn’t want to part ways with her like this. After rescuing Loraine at the Kree’s Auction Stand, they’ve always been together the entire time. Because of how distinguished his status was in the Duchy of Carmel, he had no friends that were of the same age as him. Loraine was the only friend Abel could trust. His relationship with her was wonderful. Maybe it had to do with how young they were. They both knew what each other was thinking, yet never spoke out clearly. What was clear was how much they cared for each secrets they’ve shared together. Loraine called Abel “Bennett” just now. Bennett was Abel’s elf name. If he had not become Lord Marshall’s heir, he would be a wandering knight who came from the Bennet family. Abel’s talked about this with Loraine. Because of how famous he was in the human world, almost everyone of a little bit of status knew about his history with the Wizard Union. That being said, Abel didn’t know how he was just as famous as the dwarves. That barrel of rum Bernie brought might be good for a short while but in the long term? Without a doubt, it was going to bring up a lot of issues. The benefit was that over time, the rum made by Master Abel became a huge brand amongst the dwarf society. They even started calling it “Master’s Rum.” Abel’s title changed from being a Master Blacksmith to being a Master Winebrewer. Every day, dwarves from different houses would come to Bernie for more rum, and it was making him a more prominent figure in both his family and amongst the dwarves. Troublingly, there were only 100 pounds of master wine. So even if Bernie was to distribute it carefully, there wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the huge and growing demand. He couldn’t just shut down the business, though. There were important customers coming every day. There were returning customers, too. Because of how high-classed these dwarves were, he couldn’t tell them to go home. It was making him very distressed, actually. Bernie was left with no choice, so he started searching for Abel’s news all over the world. He knew that Abel was going to the elves world, but there were four big cities that belonged to the elves. Over these past few days, he’s sent his men to three of these cities. As for Angstrom city, he couldn’t find his way in because the teleportation gate was shut off. Loraine’s return had a huge impact on Angstrom city. Portal gates for dwarves were reopened. Trade with humans was reopened. All commercial activities returned to normal. Abel didn’t know about it, but because the portal gate was opened, Bernie had come to Angstrom City himself to look for him. On the one hand, he was trying to run away from the old drunkards that were coming after him. On the other hand, he came to look for any news he could find on Abel. He wasn’t going to reveal his true intentions. Obviously, so he just pretended that he was coming to discuss trade issues with the elves. At this point, Abel didn’t know the things that happened outside. He was now Bennet, the elf. He was a stray elf, a mercenary archer. He was just an elf in one of the most common classes there was. Actually, even if Bernie was right in front of him, he wouldn’t even know who he was. Abel looked at his reflection in the water. The transformation necklace was doing wonders in turning him into another species. It adjusted every muscle and bone of his body. While his skin was already very young, not a lot of change could be discerned from it. That being said, his current appearance was no different from that of a genuine elf. A light footstep interrupted Abel’s thoughts. He looked up and saw an elf maid walking towards him. She was about the same age as Loraine. “Sir, your residence has been arranged. Please, come with me!” The elf maid bowed towards Abel. The elf maid looked at Black Wind for a bit. She seemed to be a little afraid. That as it might be, she still mustered up the courage to walk towards Abel slowly. Abel nodded, jumped off from Black Wind, and followed behind the elf maid. Rather than trying to be a gentleman, it just felt weird for him to follow such a small elf on his giant mount wolf. The mansion was huge. As it sat on top of a mountain, its front entrance was facing right towards the ocean. After walking across a bridge, Abel had to go past two squares and a garden to arrive at a small yard consisting of a white jade tower and a small orchid. The elven maid said, “Welcome to your residence, sir. Pull-on these ropes here if you have anything you want to ask. There will be servants at your service throughout the day. If you don’t have anything to ask me now, I shall return to sorting out some other chores.” “Excuse me, what status is the owner of this place?” Abel still didn’t know who the master of this place was. His best guess was that, whoever they were, they must be very important in Angstrom City. “Sir, there must be a reason that our master didn’t tell you. You’ll start to know when the master finds the right time to tell you. If there isn’t anything else you’d like to ask, you’ll have to excuse me now.” The elf maid refused to answer Abel’s question. After bowing to him, she exited the yard after seeing Abel shaking his head. There really wasn’t much to ask, so Abel allowed her to go back to whatever she was doing. Abel was starting to get a better understanding of how good these elves were living. Damn, this courtyard for guests was almost one-fourth of the main building of Harry Castle. Imagine how big the whole mansion would have to be. As Abel took a few steps inside the white jade tower, he could see that the entire building was filled with lighting circles. This was about the most expensive light for purchase in the human world. However, here, it was just something that even the guests could use. The tower was divided into two floors, each with a height of more than five meters. The top had a double-arched roof. Huge and delicate were Abel’s first impression of the house. In almost any detail that was visible to the eyes, the elves have dedicated themselves to put in as many decorations as they could. This just showed how persistent they were in pursuing beauty and everything that was good. Whether it was the pattern of floor tiles made of different colors on the ground, or the carved patterns on the stair railings, or the huge crystal windows in the bedroom, everything was showing how wealthy the owners of this place was. came to the bedroom, it lay down beside the big bed and closed its eyes to rest. Recently, Black Wind’s rest time has increased significantly. Abel thought that something was wrong, but after looking into Black Wind’s mind and scanning it with his power of the will, there wasn’t any problem that he could find. Abel didn’t know much about mount wolves. He didn’t know why Black Wind was sleeping so much. Marcy, the trainer, was not with him, so it wasn’t like he could ask someone. Thankfully enough, it wasn’t like Black Wind was sick or anything. It would still fight when enemies come, so there weren’t a lot of problems with it taking a few more naps. As the sky gradually darkened, the purple lights began to flash from the city walls, purple. Due to the rise of water vapor, a cloud of mist formed in the air, which made the city looked like something that came out of a fairytale. The elf maid appeared again. This time, she was carrying a set of nightgowns. She bowed respectfully to Abel, “Sir, our master has just invited you to dinner. I’ve brought you a gown here that’s customized according to your body size.” Abel was a little surprised. He didn’t expect the owner of this place to be so thoughtful. Actually, he was wearing a set of elven leather armor leather right now. It would be disrespectful if he was to attend while wearing this. After receiving the gown, Abel declined the elf maid when she offered to help him wear it. He decided to change his clothes himself after taking a shower in the bathroom. When he came out of the room, the nightgown fitted perfectly around his body. Even the maid was looking kind of shy for a moment. Abel, as a noble, a noble commander, a third-level wizard, a blacksmith master, and an experienced traveler, looked unique already. Combined with the nightgown that was made just for him, he looked both unique and powerful in a very one-of-a-kind way.
Chapter 247 - Disguise Exposed Chapter 247 Disguise Exposed The dinner was held in a hall full of night pearls. There were not many people participating. Only five people attended: a young elven couple, Loraine’s sister, Loraine, and Abel “First, let me introduce myself. My name is Edwina Doyle, Loraine’s mother, Grand Duke of the elves, and the Lord of Angstrom City!” The female elf of the couple bowed slightly when she introduced herself. “Your excellency, Grand Duke Edwina. I, the roaming elf Bennett, show my regards to you!” Abel instinctively stood up and bowed after hearing such an important title being called out. “Mr. Bennett. Please, let me call you that from now on, no matter what your status is. You’ve saved my dear little daughter. She is the apple of Duke Albert’s and my eyes.” The male elf standing next to Grand Duke Edwina bowed and smiled. Grand Duke Edwina continued, “You have our thanks for your heroic deed!” After speaking, both Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert stood up and bowed to Abel, and Abel responded with his own bow. “My name is Carrie, Loraine’s sister. Thanks for saving my little sister!” Loraine’s sister also stood up and bowed. “It was only a coincidence! Please, you are all being too kind here!” Abel said hastily. “Let’s skip the formality, then, Mr. Bennett! Why don’t we talk about your identity, then?” Grand Duke Edwina said with a smile. Abel couldn’t help but feel startled. He turned back to look at Lorraine. He thought that Loraine told her family who he actually was. Yet, Loraine looked just as confused as him. Grand Duke Edwina asked, “Mr. Bennett, Loraine didn’t tell me anything about you. Your transformation was flawless. Except for a few elves in our elves’ royal family, I assure you, no one could see through it. I couldn’t see through all of your disguises, though. If I may ask, are you a human or an orc?” “Your excellency, Grand Duke Edwina, since you already knew, I will no longer conceal the fact that I’m a human. My name is Abel Harry. Due to some problems with my identity, combined with the fact that elves do not want to be in contact with humans, I decided to hide my true identity whilst coming to Angstrom City. Again, I apologize for lying to all of you,” Abel said and bowed. “Human?” Grand Duke Edwina frowned slightly, “I thought the last transformation necklace was in the hands of the orcs!” “Your excellency, Grand Duke Edwina. Do you know about the transformation necklace?” Abel asked surprisingly. The transformation necklace has always been Abel’s deepest secret. It was one of the few escape tools he had. If Grand Duke Edwina could see through, he couldn’t really leave Angstrom City without leaving any trace. “The transformation necklace was originally owned by the elves and by the moon goddess. There were five in total. As countless years have passed, three of these five transformation necklaces have been damaged. One went missing, and one was stored in the secret royal chamber. The body of the elf you’ve turned into was a real elf that existed. If there’s no moon goddess’ qi comes from yourself, I would’ve not been able to see through your disguise,” Grand Duke Edwina explained. “Abel, Harry. This name is really familiar,” Duke Albert commented, “Master Abel, the youngest blacksmith master of the humans, am I correct?” “Your excellency, Duke Albert, you are absolutely correct on that one!” Abel nodded and admitted. Abel didn’t dare to undo his transformation. If he did, the clothes he was wearing would be ripped off. He didn’t want to show off his naked muscles in public. “Edwina, I like this guy. He’s kind of like me when I was younger!” said Duke Albert to Grand Duke Edwina with a big smile. Duke Albert came here because he heard about Abel’s deeds. What Abel achieved in the human’s world was very significant. “You mean the part where you keep getting into trouble?!” said Grand Duke Edwina with a glance at Duke Albert. Grand Duke Edwina turned back and said to Abel, “Loraine’s identity is very special. She has been marked by the moon goddess from birth. We call her the Chosen One. Apart from basic mandatory education, her growth must be in accordance with nature’s course. Thus, we have no way to stop Loraine if she becomes fond of you.” “Mother!” Loraine whispered bashfully. “Abel,” Grand Duke said solemnly, “no matter what your identity is, I have a few questions to ask you. If your answer dissatisfies me, I will still stop your relationship with my daughter even if it means offending the gods.” “Yes, your excellency!” Abel said earnestly. “First of all, do you know how old Loraine is? Age works every differently for humans and elves. Humans become an adult at the age of eighteen, but elves become adults when they are eighty. Loraine is fifty years old now, are you fine with that?” Grand Duke Edwina looked at Abel’s eyes and asked. “Your excellency, Grand Duke Edwina, age is not a problem!” Abel answered this question with a smile on his face. Apart from Loraine here, the other three elves here were all strong enough enough to tell if he was lying or not. Abel was honest. He figured it out a while ago. Technically, his mental age was similar to Loraine’s, which actually made them a good match. Grand Duke Edwina nodded, then asked, “Loraine will have a minimum life span of six hundred years. Are you confident that you can stay with her forever?” “Your excellency, my training gives me a lot more years to live than most humans. At least for humans my age, there are not many people who can surpass my current levels. I’m sure that I’ll have enough time to continue progressing.” “Yes, yes! You are a third-level wizard, Abel. 14-year-old third-level wizards are very rare these days! Actually, there hasn’t been one around before!” said Duke Albert. “Duke Albert, I’m also a knight,” Abel said with a flash of golden light, and a golden combat qi armor appeared around his body. “Dear Spirit, what am I looking at!” Duke Elbert screamed. He couldn’t believe it when he saw at the combat qi armor around Abel. “Abel, you are a prodigy. No one has made the accomplishment that you have at age fourteen. You have passed this question!” Grand Duke Edwina nodded with a smile. “The last question is that Loraine will be locked up for her training for about twenty years. Can you wait that long for her?” asked Grand Duke Edwina with a smile. In fact, up until now, Grand Duke Edwina was very satisfied with Abel (she would’ve preferred an actual elf, but still) She really liked him. With the confidence and skills that he had, he might just become the supreme ruler of the Holy Continent. “Yes, I can wait!” Abel said in an affirmative tone. He was surprised that Loraine would have to undergo a 20-year closed up training. He certainly did not expect it when she just came back home. Actually, the 20-year grounding might just be her punishment for running away from home. After all, twenty years was not a lot of time for elves. Twenty years was longer than what Abel expected, but he could focus on his training during this time. On a positive note, he wouldn’t have to worry about Loraine being kidnapped while he was busy improving himself. “Loraine is going to have her closed-up practice after dinner. Something serious happened during the time she left. The elders in the royal family were very angry. They asked Loraine to have her closed-up practice immediately. They didn’t want her to come out until she was old enough to protect herself, apparently,” Duke Albert explained. “Could I talk to Loraine for a while?” Abel asked. “Of course. You can go now,” Duke Elbert waved to Abel before Grand Duke Edwina could say anything to him. Abel bowed, then came to Loraine. Loraine was also very reluctant to be separated from him, but right now, the elders were extremely angered because the Chosen One was almost sold off as a slave. While no one was allowed to interfere with the life of the Chosen One, they could have her locked in a room for the purpose of having her undergo training
Chapter 248 - Parting Gift Chapter 248 Parting Gift “Twenty years is not that long! Hey, how about we go out when we see each other again?” Abel said in the most relaxed way that he knew how. Just like Loraine, Abel was very sad that they had to part ways for twenty years. Yet, it was not in his place to make decisions for the elves. The only thing he could do was to persuade Loraine to finish her practice as early as she could. That way, she might just get out of her training room a lot earlier. “But Abel, you’re always in trouble, I’m worried about you, “Loraine said softly. Abel’s face blushed when he heard Loraine saying that him. He wanted to pretend that he didn’t know, but Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert were looking at them with the biggest grins ever. Abel said as he quickly reached for his portal bag, “You are worried? What, I thought you know how strong I am! Come on, if I do get in trouble, I know my way out!” Abel continued as he handed his gifts, “I didn’t think that you’d be locked for twenty years. Here, I don’t think that these will be enough, but, you know, take them.” There were about fifty bottles of elven perfume, most of them flashing in blue light arcs of light. As Loraine opened one out of curiosity, an intoxicating aroma spread out around him. For a second there, even Grand Duke Edwina and Carrie lost their consciousness. The formula for Abel’s elven perfume was about the most basic one there was. Yet, after the ingredients were synthesized by the Horadric Cube, the resulting product became far better than most bottles that were available. Actually, Abel’s elven perfume might not be the best one there was, but it definitely was the most unique one. Instead of enjoying its smell with your nose, you could literally savor it with your own soul. Carrie glanced at Loraine. She didn’t say any word, but her hand was reaching out towards her. Despite being a little bit reluctant, Loraine handed the elven perfume to her older sister. Carrie placed the elven perfume in front of her nose, sniffed gently, and closed her eyes for a while. “Mother,” she called out to Grand Duke Edwina with a calm look on her face, “This elven perfume can purify souls. It’s not very effective, but I know that it can.” To elves, especially high-level druids, having a pure soul meant being able to communicate better with animals and plants. The higher the level of a druid, the purer the soul must be. Thus, items such as Abel’s elven potion were extremely precious for them. “Oh?” Grand Duke Edwina lifted her chin for a bit. She reached out her hand, and the bottle of the elven perfume flew into her hand. Abel was almost terrified to see that. Grand Duke Edwina did not cast any spells to do that. She was grabbing the potion with her power of the Will, almost as if it had a physical form. When wizards used their power of the Will for an attack, it’s usually a, well, psychic attack. That being said, having the power of using your power of the Will for a physical attack was nothing short of insanity. “Most impressive! This elven perfume can purify souls! Not only that, but it also works on souls of any level!” Grand Duke Edwina applauded, then threw a smile towards Loraine, “Um, Loraine, since there are so many bottles here, how about you keep ten of them and give the rest of them to your mother?” Abel didn’t expect that his elven perfume would be this popular. Truth be told, he was just trying to make something nice for Loraine. Despite how unwilling Loraine was to give out her potions, she still nodded her head to her mother. Abel jumped in as he saw this, “Your excellency, I’m the one who made these potions. If you want some as well, please, I’ll be perfectly happy to brew some more for you.” Abel made his stance clear. As so, Grand Duke Edwina smiled back to Loraine, “If Abel said so, sure. You should keep these elven perfumes to yourself then, Loraine, but remember, don’t carry the bottles in a box. Hide the bottles on yourself. Otherwise, those seniors might just take them away.” Loraine wasn’t stopping there. As she stared at the bottle in Carrie’s hand, Carrie just put in her own portal bag. “It’s mine now, Loraine!” she said in a very succinct voice. Abel held back the smile as he looked at these sisters. Carrie’s personality was very different from Loraine’s. Loraine’s personality was passive and easy-going, but Carrie’s a more independent think and, well, hard to get along with. “Here, Loraine,” Abel took out some more bottles, “have some ration potions. I made them just a while ago. I’ve got apple flavor. These are grape-flavored. These are orange-flavored.” As Loraine saw the many, many gifts Abel had for her, she felt like her heart was melting from happiness. She said softly to Abel, “Thank you so much, Abel, but I can’t take them all away with me. Don’t you need some ration potion for yourself, too?” Abel replied, “I can make more for myself if I want. Just take these. You’ll need them when you’re being locked up in a cave. Besides, even if you can’t carry them….” Abel took out a crystal ball from his pocket, “This is a portal ball. It’s perfect for you. You don’t need any mana to use it. Just use your power of the Will, and it will be activated.” Abel had no idea how valuable his portal ball was. In truth, it was not something that was naturally produced on the Holy Continent. It was actually an object rewarded by the great evil being when the duergars did their worship whilst sacrificing their own kind. Like the kong kong spiritual beast bag, it was extremely valuable because it did not require any mana to be used. “Loraine,” Abel sighed as he watched Loraine putting her items inside the portal ball, “I wanted to give you a surprise. I didn’t think that it’s going to be our parting gift.” “Don’t worry, Abel. The lifespan of a normal elf is 600 years. I can sign a life contract with you, and that’s going to give you half of my lifespan.” “I’ll miss you, Abel. I’ll miss you every day. We’ll be together for 300 hundred years, so 20 years is actually short….” Loraine blushed as she glanced towards her parents, who were too busy looking at the elven perfumes in their hands. “Promise me, Loraine. Don’t you ever do something stupid like that,” Abel said in a firm, yet gentle voice, “Live as well as you can, and I’ll train as hard as I can. Since I am a rank three wizard now, my lifespan is already at about 180 years. In the future, I’m going to be stronger, and that’s going to make me live longer.” “Oh, sorry. I did the math wrong. Since you can live up to 180 years old now, and I can for 600 years if I divide by two…” Abel interrupted Loraine before she finished speaking, “When I get stronger in the future, I’ll also live a lot longer. Do you understand that, Loraine? After twenty years, we’ll spend every day together. The important thing for you to do now is to train yourself properly. I’ll always protect you, Loraine, but you must be able to protect yourself as well.” The dinner that night felt very sad. As Grand Duke Edwina told Abel to stay, Carrie took Loraine out of the house. It’s going to be a while before Abel could see Loraine again. Watching as the tears came out of Loraine’s eyes, Abel wondered if he should ever bring her back home at all. As the two had their final look at each other, Abel opened his mouth as though to say something. “I’ll come to visit you.” Abel didn’t actually say it out, but that looked like what he was trying to say, judging from the shapes that his mouth was making. “Abel, I know what you have done in the human world. While I will let you keep your identity as an elf in Angstrom City, you will be allowed to live here for some time being. Actually, live here for a while. I need to know more about my future son-in-law.” Grand Duke Edwina’s words made it difficult for Abel to refuse. According to Abel’s original plan, he wanted to leave Angstorm City and continued his life as a mercenary. Either that, he could also be an adventurer that trains himself during his journey. But since Grand Duke Edwina said it, he might just be an elf for the time being. Living in Angstorm City wasn’t too bad. In fact, Abel could learn a lot of new things here. Besides, since this entire place was governed by Grand Duke Edwina, safety wouldn’t be a problem at all. Even if the Wizard Union knew that he was here, no one dared to come here to kill him.
Chapter 249 - An Encyclopedia Of Women’S Beauty Chapter 249 An Encyclopedia of Women’s Beauty “Your excellency. I will obey your orders!” Abel bowed. Grand Duke Edwina nodded with satisfaction, “In order for you to live a more comfortable in Angstrom City, I will grant you the title of an aristocrat, a title of a Lord. As the payment for the elven perfumes you are giving me, I’ll give you your own villa. You are not going to decline, are you?” “Yes, your Excellency!” It’s normal that Abel didn’t argue with Grand Duke Edwina for these things. He was no longer an ordinary man. Being a lord was not that important to him anymore. As for money, it’s always nice to have some, but it’s not important to both him and Grand Duke Edwina. Duke Albert watched as the maid walked Abel out of the dining room. He turned to look at Grand Duke Edwina, “Edwina, do you really want to marry your daughter to a human? Grand Duke Edwina replied, “Are you saying that we should lock up our daughter after telling her that she can’t be with her lover? What if she fails her training because of that?” “Yes, that’s what I’m saying!” Duke Albert replied, then sighed, “She’s just the same as you, won’t she? You are both so stubborn!” Grand Duke Edwina said with a smile, “Twenty years. It will be a test for both of them. Time will dilute everything. Their bond might be strong now, but we’ll never know what happens in the future.” Duke Albert still had more questions, “Okay. So, if twenty years have passed, and their love for each other is just as strong, will you bless them from the bottom of your heart?” “If they can wait twenty years for each other, what else can stop them? You know, I actually like Abel. If he was a real elf, there wouldn’t be anything wrong with him.” Grand Duke Edwina continued, “Master of blacksmith, knight commander, third-level wizard, and a talented alchemist. Judging from the data we have on him, he might just be equal to us in twenty years.” There was something very important that Grand Duke Edwina didn’t say. She didn’t talk about her psychic ability, which allowed her to sense what other people are thinking. From her mind reading, Grand Duke Edwina could tell what kind of person Abel was. While he was human, he truly considered elves as his equals. This was true even when he was being served by an elven maid. If a man like him could rule the human world, it would be good for the entire elvenkind. That was why she was so good to Abel. She almost didn’t do anything that would trouble him. If she could help him, she even offered opportunities for him to improve himself. As he returned to his residence, Abel took out his seclusion circle and opened up the “Akara’s tent.” For tonight, his mission was to make as many refined elven potions as he could. While the other potion masters would need a “flash of light” to do it, he planned to make forty blue quality bottles in one run. Abel didn’t know how likely it was for an intermediate alchemist to have a “flash of light,” but judging from the way Loraine talked about, it must be very, very unlikely. He was different, though. By using the “Akara’s alchemy bottle,” he would have a 100% success rate when he tried to turn white potions into blue potions. If Abel wanted to impress Grand Duke Edwina, he would need to use both his Horadric cube and the “Akara’s alchemy bottle.” Fortunately, there were enough materials in Akara’s tent. Besides, he was already very familiar with the “elven perfume” after enhancing his soul with the soul potion. In other words, he was already a better alchemist now. Finally, fifty bottles of the blue-quality ‘elven perfume’ were refined before dawn-forty for Grand Duke Edwina, and ten more for Carrie as presents. Since Carrie was Loraine’s older sister, Abel knew she was going to be good to her. Yet, he thought if he could impress her with his presents, she might just be a lot nicer to Loraine once they were in the Closed Land. After opening the seclusion circle, Abel took out a bottle of “ration potion” and fed it to Black Wind. He was still really worried about how much it was sleeping. He even told the maid to feed it barbeque yesterday, but it just slept again after two bites. While Abel was thinking to himself, he was disturbed by the sound of someone stepping on the floor tiles. He was a little annoyed by that. Normally, no one should come in without his permission. Abel stopped getting angry when he saw that it was Carrie. She was the owner of this place, after all, and he wanted to ask her a favor. Abel greeted with a bow, “Good morning, Madam Carrie!” Instead of showing any attention to Abel’s gesture, Carrie just looked at Black Wind, which was still lying on the ground. “You need to provide your mount wolf with some magic gemstones,” she said with a blank look on her face. “What might’ve happened to Black Wind, Madam?” Abel asked in surprise. He didn’t know that an elf like Carrie would know how to treat a mount wolf. “So its name is Black Wind? Well, isn’t it ranking up too fast recently? Look how sleepy it is. This is what happens when you don’t give your spiritual beast enough time to adapt to its changes. It gets stronger when you rank it up, but it’s going to lose a large amount of energy from inside its body. When that happens, you have to provide it with some magic gemstones. Remember, the stones have to be in the same element group as Black Wind.” Carrie was surprisingly articulate when she’s explaining something. It was almost like she was a completely different person. She didn’t like to talk, but when she did, you could understand a lot from listening to her. Abel turned around. As he patted Black Wind’s neck twice, he said to Carrie, “Thank you so much for the advice, Madam Carrie!” “You’re welcome. Here, this is what Loraine asked me to bring to you,” Carrie said, then she gave Abel a book with a sheepskin cover. She just left after that. “Please wait!” Abel called Carrie quickly. “What’s wrong?” Carrie asked. As it turned out, she only talked a lot when she was trying to be informative. “Here are fifty bottles of elven perfume. Please, help me to give forty bottles of them to Grand Duke Edwina. The remaining ten bottles are for you!” “Sure,” Carrie replied. Without trying to be polite about it, she inserted all fifty bottles of the elven perfume into her portal bag. Again, she just left after that. After Abel got up and sent Carrie to leave, the first thing that he did was to open up the sheepskin book that he received. The first page of the book was an alchemy recipe. From the descriptions that he read, he noticed that this was an upgrade version of a basic recipe. Basically, it was a recipe for an intermediate alchemist. “She just knows what I need, doesn’t she?” Abel murmured as he turned to the second page. The second page of the sheepskin book was titled “skin lotion.” According to the text, a “skin lotion” was a skin cleansing medicine for women. Once used, it could make the skin smoother and more elastic. It’s also good for whitening the skin. Abel had a bad feeling at this. As he immediately turned to the third page, he could see the page is titled “hair conditioner.” The “hair conditioner,” apparently, was for keeping the hair healthy. The fourth page was titled “beauty potion.” According to the text, it could maintain one’s facial appearance regardless of age. This was basically a women’s beauty encyclopedia. Apart from the “beauty potion,” everything else was just beauty care products. Hair conditioner? Skin Lotion? They’re just like the elven potion! Did Loraine actually pick this for Abel? Abel was starting to have some serious doubts now. Wait, maybe Carrie added some contents when Loraine handed her this book. Was that it? ….????
Chapter 250 - Master Mara Chapter 250 Master Mara Among the tallest tower in Angstrom City, Grand Duke Edwina pushed open a wooden carved door gently and looked at the elder female elf who was using a strange device to observe the sky, her hair was pure white, and her face was old with lots of wrinkles. “Good morning, Master Mara!” Grand Duke Edwina greeted. “Duke Edwina, the star this morning shines particularly bright. It’s indicating that today will be a lucky day. I suppose I should be making my “soul enhancing potion” later, then. “It’s been two years since you tried to develop the soul enhancing potion. How is it progressing?” Grand Duke Edwina asked. After hearing that Master Mara was going to make the brew based on her own luck, things were probably not going too well for her. Master Mara shook her head, “Duke Edwina if I manage to make it before the day I pass away, I will finally live up to the title the elves have granted me.” Master Mara was an honorary master, which was because the alchemists didn’t have a real “master” rank. There were two ways to become an honorable Master. The first way was by fusing master class alchemy items. Such an approach would be centered around doing research on particular items. Thus, a large number of formulas and materials would be required. The cost could be tremendous, but one could be recognized as a master alchemist even if she was to have a very low success rate in her work. Another type of honorary masters were the ones who contributed to inventing or upgrading alchemy recipes. Master Mara belonged in this category. Throughout her career, she developed a variety of some very practical recipes for the elves. Her specialty was in the field of potion fusing. Whilst being sponsored by Grand Duke Edwina, she got the chance to investigate into making soul enhancing potions. If she were to succeed, the druids would make a lot more progress with their training routine. “Master Mara, please have a look at this.” Grand Duke Edwina took out a bottle of a blue elven perfume. It’s one of the forty bottles that Carrie delivered to her early in the morning Master Mara took the blue “elven perfume” and observed the liquid in the bottle, “This is a normal elven perfume. There’s nothing special about the way it’s made, or what it’s made of.” Master Mara gently opened the bottle cap of the blue “elven perfume” and sniffed it in front of her nose. After a while, her face was full of excitement, and it seemed like she had found what she was pursuing. When she put the lid back on, her eyes became sharpened. She turned and looked at Edwina, “This potion has a soul purifying effect! I need to know who made it! What kind of talent do you need to have to make ordinary potions have a soul purifying effect?” Duke Edwina asked instead of answering the question, “What did you find in this bottle of “elven perfume”? Tell me everything that you knew about it.” While Master Mara was eager to test the potion as well, she still let Grand Duke Edwina make her decision at first, “You’ll have to wait, Duke Edwina. I’m going to do the testing later. But are you sure that you want this to be tested? I’ll have to use up the whole bottle then.” “Master Mara, just test as much as you want, if there was not enough, I still have more!” Said Grand Duke Edwina with a careless wave. Since she could tell how happy her eldest daughter was in the morning, she must’ve known that Abel has made enough blue potions for everyone. Master Mara took the elven perfume to the alchemy table, poured one of the elven perfume into ten crystal test tubes, and dripped different liquids into the crystal tubes. She then applied “quick fermentation” to each crystal test tube, and soon the ten crystal test tubes showed different colors. “No, this is impossible!” Master Mara shook the crystal test tube in her hand vigorously, as if she was not satisfied with the result in front of her. She dipped the liquid in one of the test tubes with her finger, put it in her mouth, spit it out quickly, and picked up another crystal test tube. Duke Edwina found that Master Mara was in a bad mood, and said softly, “Master Mara, if you have trouble with the test, you should test it slowly, there is no need to rush.” “Duke Edwina, please hand me another bottle of elven perfume !” Master Mara demanded as she put down her test tube. Duke Edwina said she handed another potion to Master Mara, “There was enough for you to test. If you have any questions, I can call the alchemist who made it and have him come here in person.” “I wouldn’t dare to, Duke Edwina!” Master Mara said as she continued her testing, “Whoever’s done this, he’s already a much, much better alchemist than I’ll ever be! Please, instead of letting him come to me, I’ll show him my respect by visiting him myself.” Grand Duke Edwina seemed to underestimate the blue ‘elven perfume,’ which she thought was helpful for the research. Perhaps Master Mara saw something that she didn’t see. There was only one master alchemist in this room, after all. The second test did calm Master Mara down a little. She drained the liquid from the crystal test tubes and then started to clean the crystal test tube carefully. During the cleaning process, her expression became calmer and calmer. After cleaning all the alchemy utensils, she was back to her calm, wise self. “Grand Duke Edwina, this master is incredible. From what I just tested, the materials he used were the most common ones, but he was able to utilize the full potential of each of them. Actually, not “fully.” He might just have just exceeded their potentials. Could it be…. Did he increase the required quantities of each ingredient?” Master Mara wasn’t sure if she was accurate. If the person who made this recipe actually changed the number of its ingredients, he would not only have to change the proportion of the materials that were added, but he’d also have to restart the entire recipe from scratch. And if that was the case, then what she was looking at now was a completely new recipe. By increasing the level of the potion recipe itself, the materials used to make it are also upgraded. However, that didn’t explain why the potion had a soul purifying effect to it. Master Mara paused and asked, “If I may ask this directly, Madam: Who made this?” “His name is Bennett, a junior alchemist who just learned alchemy.” Grand Duke Edwina replied. She did not want to reveal Abel’s identity, so she only introduced his pseudonym. “How could that be? If he was a junior alchemist, how did he manage to do all this? How did he use the materials? How did he learn to readjust the formula?” Instead of actually demanding an answer from Grand Duke Edwina, Master Mara continued to ask, “Where is he? Can I meet him?” The Duke of Edwina nodded and said, “Yes, I have arranged a place for him to live in the city. You are free to visit him at any time.” Grand Duke Edwina did not tell Master Mara about the dozens of bottles of blue ‘elven perfume’ in the package. She didn’t want to tell her that Abel made forty bottles of them in one night, either. Judging the way Master Mara reacted just now, she would probably have a heart attack if she were to know what Abel was actually capable of.
Chapter 251 - Abel’S Other Mansion Chapter 251 Abel’s Other Mansion Abel stood in front of a white villa. He looked at the familiar street in front of him. This street was very similar to the Triumph Boulevard in Bakong City. Actually, the designer of Triumph Boulevard copied the design of the Lambe Road. No wonder Loraine liked the Triumph Boulevard. She always talked about how that place looked like her hometown. While standing here at the Lambe Road, Abel also felt like he was back in Bakong City. Abel’s villa was about the same place as the mansion near Triumph Boulevard. Maybe Grand Duke Edwina told him to go there on purpose. Whether or not that was the case, he was very satisfied with this arrangement. “Greetings, Master Bennet, I’m your Butler, Brewer!” A middle-aged elf in a black gown stood in front of the steps of the door and said with a bow, the four elf servants standing behind him also bow with him. “Brewer, this Black Wind, a dear companion mine,” Abel slightly moved away, and Black Wind protruded its head behind him. With a curious glance at Brewer, it nodded its head as though greeting Brewer. Black Wind’s mouth contained a yellow middle-level magic stone, which was an electric middle-level magic stone. After listening to Carrie’s advice, he decided to use the stone to replenish Black Wind’s energy. Brewer was startled by Black Wind’s huge body, but his good manners told him to remain calm. As Black Wind nodded its head at him, he also nodded back to it. “Can you take me to tour around this area, Brewer?” Abel requested. He knew that everything here was arranged by Duke Edwina. That being said, he didn’t have to do much to keep everything in place around here. Since Brewer was a real butler, he could do a good job organizing everything by himself. “Yes, master, please follow me!” Brewer straightened up. Since Abel recognized him as his own butler, Brewer immediately referred to Abel as his own master. After signaling the servants to step down, he took Abel to look around the elven-style villa. Brewer said as he showed Abel around, “All the flowers and plants in this yard were transplanted from the gardens in the Grand Duke’s House. As you can see here, even the fish in this pool were delivered from the Lake in the Inner City!”. Brewer led Abel into the door of the villa. They saw a white stone avenue with exotic green plants on both sides, and a small pond with gold and silverfish swimming inside. Brewer was a professional butler. His family has been a butler for generations. He had just lost his job because of an accident with his former master’s family. After that, Brewer was hired by Grand Duke to manage the villa. Brewer was not sure about what his new master would be like. All he knew was that even the Grand Duke helped Abel to move in. Also, the great druids were helping overnight to move in a large number of precious flowers and trees to this villa. Brewer thought that the Grand Duke was trying to build herself a new villa, yet, all of this was given to a young elf, whose name he has never even heard of before. Brewer came from a line of butlers, so something like this just shouldn’t happen. So far, after spending some time with Abel, he could tell that Abel was a noble elf. Apart from that, he didn’t know much else about him. Abel followed the Butler Brewer in the new villa. He knew all the spots here. The decoration here was almost a replica of the courtyard where he lived with Grand Duke Edwina, with the ultimate decoration and luxurious ornaments. Everything was decorated in elf style. After walking around the main building, Abel said, “Okay, Brewer. Here’s how I’m going to put up securities in this building. During the day, I’ll make it so that anyone can come in, but at night, I will arrange a defensive circle to separate the main building from the outside.” Brewer replied as he pointed at the tiles around the main building, “But Sir, this main building already has a defensive circle. The main control array is in your bedroom. The defensive circle is hidden around the main building.” “Oh,” Abel sighed, “Well, that’s very thoughtful; whoever designed this building.” For Brewer, it was the first time that he had seen a magic circle like the one in this building. (he wasn’t going to tell that to Abel, obviously) The magic circle around the m building was not an ordinary one. Something like it could only be arranged by several powerful great druids or wizards. For regular elves, it’s pretty much near impossible to breakthrough After Brewer stepped down, Abel came to the hall. The long wooden table in the middle of the hall was made of a hard iron cloud timber, which was normally used to make alchemy tables. That being said, it was strange to see it being used as a regular table. Abel placed the book with sheepskin cover that he received from Lorraine on the long wooden table and took out a set of ordinary alchemy tools. He needed to use the “soul enhancing potion” to quickly master these recipes. Only by mastering a few more recipes, could he be promoted to become an intermediate alchemist. The materials for ‘skin lotion’ and ‘conditioner’ were already available to Abel. In fact, he has already bought enough to make thirty of each potion, which was just enough to let him master making them. Not the “beauty potion,” though. Since the material he needed to make it was quite rare, he had to wait for the right opportunity to actually brew it. So far, the only recipes Abel knew were mostly for women’s beauty care. He learned them from Loraine. He didn’t really care, though, as long as he could keep making them improve his alchemy skills. Since Abel was also training to become a wizard, he spent most of his time practicing spells. If he didn’t keep his balance right, he would be spending too much time on alchemy instead of on his wizard training Fortunately, Abel had a “soul enhancing potion,” which could him learn a lot faster than he normally could. Unfortunately, there weren’t a lot of soul enhancing potions left. After bringing them back from the dark world, Abel had already used one bottle on White Cloud, which meant that were six bottles left. It made a lot of sense that Abel would want to keep his soul enhancing potion. After all, the soul enhancing potion could not only strengthen one’s power of the Will; it could also help to boost his thinking process in a short period of time. If there was something difficult that Abel wanted to learn, like crafting a certain potion, for example, he could make a lot of progress by drinking the soul enhancing potion. After consuming it, his brain would be fired up so much that it could actually create a super-realistic mental simulation, which he could use to practice acquiring the skills through his own imagination. As precious as this ability was, he had to save as much soul enhancing potions as he could to use them at the right time. Now was the right time. After drinking one bottle of the soul, enhancing potion, Abel’s brain started to remember things at full speed. Just by flipping the pages of a book, Abel already remembered all the contents in it. Just by imagining it, Abel could see an alchemy table inside his own mind. On the alchemy table, there was a full set of alchemy equipment. There was also an imaginary person standing in front of the table. He could also see the ingredients of the three potions he wanted to learn. As the imaginary man started practicing some of the common techniques used in alchemy, such as “rapid ablation,” “precise filtration,” “refinement,” “purification by distillation,” “accelerated corruption,” ‘uniform calcination,’ and ‘fast fermentation,’ Abel could start “seeing” the materials to change their shape. While the final stage, the “sublimation” process, would sometimes fail, the rate of success would always increase. Abel started to understand more and more about the alchemy as he was continuously forging using the three recipes. However, it consumed a lot of energy he gained from the soul enhancing potion, and halfway through the forging progress, the effect of one bottle of “Soul Elixir” had been used up. When that happened, he went from being able to pick up everything in an instance, to being confused about everything. As Abel moved his hand, another soul enhancing potion appeared in his hand, he drank it without hesitation, The virtual figure his brain started to fuse again, and the basic alchemy recipe in Abel’s brain began to shine, and the light became more and more abundant. When the light covered up the whole basic alchemy recipe, the basic alchemy recipe turned into dark gold color. If Abel didn’t have any intermediate alchemy recipe with him, he could only become a semi-intermediate alchemist. That being said, he had to upgrade his basic recipes first, if he wanted to achieve his full potential. Since Loraine knew how fast Abel could learn, the sheepskin book she gave him was already in the intermediate rank.
Chapter 252 - Intermediate Alchemist Chapter 252 Intermediate Alchemist The basic alchemy recipe had transformed into a golden liquid under the effect of soul enhancing potion and Abel’s power of the Will. Then, the golden liquid turned into a spot of ink. One by one, the intermediate alchemy recipe was drawn, and every corner and depth had been drawn out carefully. Drawing alchemy recipes did not require spending one’s mana, but it did require a lot of power of the Will. Abel was a wizard that had 30 points on his power of the Will. He had more than enough to use. Without any errors, a perfect golden dark alchemy recipe appeared in his mind. Meanwhile, Grand Duke Edwina and Master Mara were standing at the door side. Usually, Abel would have sensed their sudden appearance, but right now, he was completely occupied by his imaginary training When Duke Edwina and Master Mara came in, they saw a dark golden aura surrounding Abel’s body. Yet, there was no mana or combat qi that was fuming out. Abel’s was having a breakthrough with his alchemy skills. That was the only explanation. Master Mara was not surprised. If anything, since Abel could make a flash of light (like making critical hits, except in alchemy) and the “elven perfume” with the soul-purifying special effect, he should’ve become an intermediate alchemist much quicker. However, Duke Edwina was very surprised. From her understanding, Abel had just started learning alchemy and had just received his own intermediate alchemy recipe. He could only be a genius if he became an intermediate alchemist this quickly. Master Mara tried to speak but was quickly stopped by Duke Edwina. It was at this moment that she realized how strange Abel was being. Abel suddenly moved his hand and gently grabbed the tools on the table. He held a crystal bottle in his hand, and his other hand was searching amongst the materials He was searching for stuff he could use to make the skin lotion. It was a spectacular brew. Not only was Abel fast at making the potion, but the words he chanted out were also so fast that they were almost inaudible. He didn’t make any mistakes, either. As Abel completed his fusing with one material. He immediately picked up another material. Although Master Mara had fused countless potions before, this was the first time that she had seen someone doing something like this. Abel’s movements were very sophisticated, but they were several times faster than a normal alchemist. Actually, Master Mara wasn’t even sure if she could make the simplest potion as fast as Abel. As the final progress ended, the mixture of materials in the bottles flashed out a stream of colorful lights. A bottle of skin lotion in blue arc appeared in Abel’s hands, and a final flashed light promoted the skin lotion from white to blue. Grand Duke Edwina and Master Mara looked at each other. Abel had just become an intermediate alchemist, so how did the flash of light appear? He was just an intermediate alchemist. Suddenly, Abel tossed away the blue lotion. He was doing it like he was throwing away a piece of rubbish. His hands started to search for other materials, and a conditioner appeared on the table. Another round of fusing began. With the same speed and accuracy, while Abe did fail a few times, he didn’t hesitate to restart the whole process. Grand Duke Edwina might not be familiar with the way Abel was brewing the potions, but he sure was making it look very easy. Once again, a bottle of conditioner was produced. The colorful light appeared again. A bottle of conditioner in blue arc light appeared in Abel’s hand. At this point, there was no more soul enhancing potion left. As Abel came back to his senses, he suddenly noticed the two more people in the room. While he was annoyed to be watched, his anger shriveled as he noticed who the two elves were. “Sorry. We didn’t watch with your permission,” Master said sincerely before Duke Edwina had said anything. “I brought Master Mara here to meet you.” Grand Duke Edwina said. She knew that what she had done was wrong, but as Abel’s teacher’s teacher (she’s the one who taught Loraine), she just nodded her head without explicitly apologizing to him. Abel replied, “No, Grand Duke Edwina, it was alright. The fault was mine. I was the one who used the iron cloud wood table without permission.” “Let me introduce you to Master Alchemist Mara,” Grand Duke Edwina said as she gestured to Master Mara. “Master Mara,” Abel said in admiration as he saw the Master Alchemist in from him, “I, the Bennett intermediate alchemist, am pleased to be in your presence.”. Master Mara said respectfully, “No need to be so polite, Alchemist of Bennett. I am only an honorary master, not a real alchemist. Actually, What you did just then has already far surpassed what I am capable of.” It was hard to blame Master Mara. Every Master alchemist would have been shocked by what Abel just did. Not only was Abel capable of producing blue quality potions consistently, but he also produced two flashes of light in a row. Even for the best of the alchemists, something like that was simply just extraordinary. In fact, this was also because Grand Duke Edwina and Master Mara came at the right time. When Abel was fusing, he was in a state of epiphany. The brain overclocked and accelerated, and although every action at the time seemed fast to outsiders, it was very slow for an overclocked brain. And it wasn’t like he didn’t have any practices before, too. Since he’s already perfected the moves in his mental simulation, it wasn’t hard for him to perform them out without flaws. Actually, there were still some differences between an imaginary brew and an actual one. While there were a lot of factors to consider in a real-life brew, the changes were often subtle and thus hard to notice. Yet, it was often these differences that were crucial in affecting the chances of producing a flash of light. The closer Abel was to his ideal brew, the easier it was to have a flash of light. When Abel shortened the time and processing process for the materials, he managed to perfectly execute the moves, which was why he produced two flashes of light in a row. “You’re too humble, Master Mara. I am just a novice who has barely touched alchemy before. I’m sure that there’s going to be a lot for me to learn,” Abel bowed and said slightly. “What!? You just started learning alchemy?” Master Mara shouted in disbelief as she turned to look at Grand Duke Edwina, to which Grand Duke Edwina nodded slightly to confirm. Master Mara said earnestly, “Alchemist of Bennett, I came to ask you about the “elven perfume ” you fused, but after I witnessed how your make your brew, I notice how huge the gap is between a genius and a regular elf. Please, if you have the free time to spare, come to my alchemy room, and I’ll share my recipes with you.” Master Mara was a person who loved talented people. It was definitely a good thing to have such an alchemist genius among the elves. Besides, judging from a lot of things she was observing, she knew that the relationship between Grand Duke Edwina and Bennett Alchemist was not unusual.
Chapter 253 - A Visit Chapter 253 A Visit On the other hand, it was treated as compensation for the Bennett Alchemist. Master Mara was shocked by how fast the Bennett Alchemist was making his potions. She felt like she could improve just by watching Abel doing his work, which was wonderful because of how hard it was to progress when you’re already in the master rank. After hearing what Master Mara said, Abel realized that he accidentally answered the question of Master alchemist had. It was about the blue elven perfume made from synthetic materials. For Duke Edwina, who was not yet proficient in alchemy, believed that Abel did have the ability to create a flash of light every time he brews a potion. If he couldn’t, there was just no way that he could fuse more than 40 bottles of blue elven perfume in just one night. Both Duke Edwina and Master Mara felt satisfied when their questions were answered. Both of them stood up and left, and Abel quickly sent them out of the villa’s door. Right now, Butler Brewer was convinced that the master he served had a high noble status. That being said, it was always something to be proud of when somebody like Duke Edwina and Master Mara visited your own master. Abel returned to the main building and immediately opened the intermediate defense circle. Although he wasn’t doing anything special this time, he just had too many secrets that he had to keep from the other. He needed to be more careful, or there would be huge consequences if he were to be exposed. Abel had been busy escaping from his previous battles. He let his guard down after having a safe place to stay. If Master Mara saw him with the soul enhancing potion… actually, Abel didn’t want to think about it. It was just too scary to imagine such a thing. For the soul enhancing potion to work, Abel couldn’t just drink it. To increase his understanding of alchemy, as well as ranking himself up from being an intermediate alchemist, he must spend a huge amount of time practicing alchemy. However, for someone like him, real progress could come if he had dark gold alchemy tools. It’s not like he didn’t have dark gold alchemy tools, but he didn’t feel quite comfortable using them even inside the intermediate defense circle. So, just to be safe, he decided to set up a seclusion circle while being inside the intermediate defense circle. Abel took out the Akara’s alchemy bottle. Without using the soul enhancing potion to boost up his brainpower, he wasn’t sure if he could create a flash of light every time he brewed something. However, with Akara’s alchemy bottle, the results of his brew would certainly be a lot better. Thus, it was safer to upgrade the level of alchemy using the ‘Akara’s alchemy bottle.’ Abel used the Horadric cube to fuse a semi-finished product and fused three more materials into one finished product. Finally, through ‘promotion’ with ‘Akara’s alchemy bottle,’ he was able to refine a more powerful blue-quality skin lotion and hair conditioner. Now then, Abel needed an identity to send these potions out in Angstrom City. Although Grand Duke Edwina promised to give him the title of a Lord, being a lord was not going to allow him to learn the training techniques of the elves. Since Abel used eight bottles of soul enhancing potion to restore his “resurrection of skeletons” spell, it was now one of his favorite spells to use in combat. He could still do better, though, so he though. If he could learn the druid spells from the elves, he could, potentially, find new skills to integrate into his magic system. And how was he going to make the elves teach him how to cast druid spells. Why he could start by giving them some soul enhancing potions, instead of being a noble elf, he could try to contact them under the title of an alchemist, which was about as unsuspicious as it could get. It wasn’t like Abel could hide his alchemy skills, either. In just today, Master Mara has seen about every potion that he could make. Abel didn’t think his alchemy level was quite high yet, but he could make about six different types of potions. Six, if he was to include the “beauty potion” that he had only brewed in his own imagination. Master Mara promised Abel that he could visit her at any time. She said she was willing to share her recipes with him. If Abel was to learn from her, he wasn’t going to do it without giving anything in return, obviously. Yet, the only things he could make to impress an elven lady were his skin lotions and hair conditioners. Abel has always been very careful about some of the special functions that appeared in his Horadric cube. For example, he did notice when the elven perfume had a slight soul purifying effect to it. Although his own soul was already too powerful to have any use of it, he never expected it to attract so much interest from Duke Edwina. And what would happen if Abel was to promote the elven perfume into dark gold quality? He was very eager to test it out with his Horadric Cube, but such a feat could only be done in the dark world. He had to make sure that no one knew what he was doing. In one day, thirty bottles of blue-quality ‘lotion’ and thirty bottles of blue-quality ‘conditioner’ were put into the portal bag, After undoing his two circles, Abel saw Butler Brewer waiting at the front door. “Master, the Grand Duke has sent two formal dresses to you. It’s for your honorary ceremony tomorrow morning,” Brewer quickly reported. “Is there a carriage in this house, Brewer?” Abel asked. If he was going to visit Master Mara, traveling by carriage would be the proper way to do it. “Yes, Master. The carriage in this house is always ready to move you about!” Brewer said and bowed. “Arrange the carriage, I will be leaving immediately, and today am going to pay a visit to Master Mara!” Abel ordered. When Abel saw the carriage, he found that the super ox cart he originally used was completely different from the carriage in front of him. In terms of appearance, the carriage had a silver tone to it. From it inside and outside, the carriage was composed of countless silver wires. He could feel it. This carriage was equipped with a magic circle. “Master, this carriage has its own defense circle. It’s the Grand Duke’s way to send her regard to you,” Brewer said and bowed. Even the carriage has a defense circle! Abel had thought that his super ox cart was the most expensive carriage in the world. There is always a taller mountain, so it seemed. The coachman of the carriage was a middle-aged elf. It was a little different from the elf whom Abel had seen before. His ears were obviously shorter, and his skin was much rougher. The coachman saw Abel looking at him and said, “Master, my name is Archie, I am a half-elf, my mother is a human, and my father is an elf. “Will there be a lot of half-elves in the city?”. Abel asked as he stepped onto the carriage. “Yes, there are thousands of half-elves like me in the elven city, where we can live on our own hands. In the human world, however, we cannot survive, because humans treat us as monsters. Most of our real home, including mine, is here in Angstrom City.” The coachman quickly apologized as he looked down, “Sorry, sir, if I’m a little too emotional here. The truth is, half-elves don’t have it easy.” While Abel felt sympathy for the coachman, he also admired Duke Edwina to make these half-elves feel like they belonged somewhere. These half-elves were recognized in Angstrom City, and they could do something that regular elves couldn’t. “Archie, go to Master Mara’s Alchemy Room!” Abel didn’t know where Master Mara’s Alchemy Room was, but he believed that the half-elf Archie would know the direction, just like in the human world, the coachman was very familiar with every street in the city because this was a coachman job. “Yes, sir!” Archie, the half-elven driver who drove two white horses, and the silver carriage began to speed up. Along the way, Abel discovered a strange phenomenon. Almost all the elven carriages and riders on the road, as long as they saw the carriage, gave way automatically. This allowed the carriage to reach the tallest tower in the city almost unhindered. When the silver carriage stopped, an elf maid came forward to help open the carriage door. When she saw Abel coming out of the carriage, she was very polite and bowed, although she was somewhat surprised. “Excuse me, my lord, what makes you come to visit this place?”. Although the elf maid did not know Abel’s identity, she did recognize the carriage in front of her. It was the private carriage at Grand Ducal Palace. Other than a few nobles in Grand Ducal Palace, no elves would dare to use the same carriage in Angstrom city.
Chapter 254 - A Wonderful Change Chapter 254 A Wonderful Change “Please inform that the Bennett Alchemist has come to visit Master Mara,” Abel said and bowed slightly. “Yes, sir. Please wait for a moment, please!” The elf maid bowed back and walked quickly into the tower. A few minutes later, Master Mara came to the gate. “I am extremely honored that you came to visit, Bennett Alchemist!” Master Mara bowed with a smile. As a fellow Master Alchemist, Master Mara spoke as soon as she met Abe. She was very enthusiastic, which made Abel feel her sincerity. “Master Mara, I am sorry to interrupt your research. Please, forgive me for my imprudence!” Abel bowed to Master Mara. “No, no, it okay! Come in. Let’s talk inside,” Master Mara said and showed the direction. The meeting room had a very simple interior design, which was very different from the other elven buildings Abel visited. Of course, almost all the ones Abel went to belonged to important figures, aristocrats, and so on. A long table and several tall-back chairs. That’s all there was in the meeting room. Master Mara wasn’t planning to have a conversation here, though. “Um, let’s head to my alchemy room! We can talk a lot more freely there,” Master Mara said as she walked up the stairs through the meeting room. Unlike the simple living room, there were a lot more things in the alchemy room. Abel hadn’t even seen some of the tools before. There was the frozen circle that could preserve goods for a substantial amount of time, the flame circle that could be heated up at any time, the circle that could create mana water at any given time. There were countless circles that could do all sorts of different things, some of which Abel didn’t even recognize. “Have a look at my collection of alchemy-related magic circles. These ones here, this was made by human wizards. These ones by the elves, and these ones by the dwarves!” Judging from how interested Abel was, Master Mara took the patience to explain each circle one by one. She also introduced a lot of the alchemy equipment to him. Meanwhile, the elf maid came with two cups of fruit juice. They were placed on the table in the middle of the alchemy room. Master Mara gave a hand sign politely and invited Abel to sit down. “Master Mara, here’s a little gift for you,” Abel said, then took out two bottles of skin lotion and two bottles of conditioner from the portal bag. “Oh, such wonderful presents you have for me!” Master Mara said ecstatically. To be honest, she wanted to examine the lotion and conditioner the first time she saw them. She was kind of rude at the time, however, so she never found the right opportunity to ask Abel. In fact, she didn’t think that it’d be this easy to see the two items again. The two had a friendly meeting. On the way back, Abel was holding two recipes in his hands, which made him very satisfied with today’s visit. The two recipes were from Master Mara, one was a recipe for the “healing potion,” and the other one was for the “poison antidote.” So why these two? After learning about how unacquainted Abel was with alchemy recipes, Master Mara decided to give him the most basic and useful ones she had, which were recipes for medicinal purposes. ‘Healing medicine’ was a healing potion that could treat minor injuries and suppress severe injuries. This kind of potion was very scarce in the human world. The reason for that was because most of the ingredients could only be found in the Double Moon Forest. As for the “poison antidote potion,” it’s obviously meant for curing poisons. That wasn’t it, though. It was also a potion, which could not only neutralize most types of poison, but it could also suppress the effects of certain types of poison that were more severe. Just like the healing potion, the poison antidote potion could only be produced in the Double Moon forest. After Abel left, Master Mara took no time to open the bottle of skin lotion. After pouring some at the back of her hands, her wrinkled skin suddenly tightened and glowed with youth. Master Mara was shocked to see what the skin lotion could do. It was not the first time she used a blue quality lotion, but what Abel gave her was something in a completely different league. Master Mara looked at the bottle of the lotion on her hand. She then looked at the lotion on the table. There were only two bottles. She had two options here: she could either use the lotion for her research, or she could use them all on herself. Even a woman of the age of Master Mara couldn’t resist the temptation of rejuvenating her young face. Since there might not be any useful results in using the potion for research, she told herself that it was better to use the rest of the skin lotion on herself. Meanwhile, there was a situation in Grand Duke Mansion. It all began when Grand Duke Edwina distributed the blue quality elven perfume to each of the ten female official druids in the mansion. As it always has been, the distribution of the elven perfume was just a normal giveaway event, but because since one of the male official druid ‘s wife was also one of the ten female official druids who receive the perfume, the other official druids soon learned about the potion’s special effect. As the Lord of Angstrom City, Grand Duke Edwina couldn’t think of only herself. She also had to train those who followed her, which was why she would hand out the perfumes in the first place. When the twelve male official druids knew that the blue quality elven perfume could purify the soul, they began to protest for the same treatment as the official female druids. Apparently, since “it wasn’t just the female druids who used elven perfume. A lot of male druids also were,” many male elves started asking for the same thing. This whole farce ended after Grand Duke Edwina issued an additional twelve bottles of blue-quality ‘elven perfume’ to the official male druids. She wasn’t happy about it, obviously. Things didn’t quite resolve because a few more bottles were handed out. Soon, word got out, and all the elven druids were asking about the mastermind behind this soul-purifying “elven perfume.”. Many high elves in Angstrom City identified Master Mara as the creator of the ‘elven perfume.” After all, her research into the “soul enhancing secret potion” was no secret in the upper-class community.” Thus, many began to visit her alchemy lab. “Master Mara! How did you become so young?” Senator Menuhin looked at Mara, a middle-aged woman, in complete shock. The old alchemist’s face was now red and firm, and her pale, crooked hair has become smooth and with silvery-white luster. “And what brought you here, Senator Manuhin?” Master Mara looked calmly at the three senators in front of her. As plain as her facial expression was, she was clearly in a good mood right now. “About the “soul enhancing secret potion,” madam, did you achieve any, say, crucial breakthrough lately?” Senator Menuhin asked. Seeing that Master Mara did not want to talk about her age-reversing, he decided to change the subject immediately. Master Mara felt kind of annoyed to be asked about her research progress. She’s already looked into the “soul enhancing secret potion” for many years, with no major progress whatsoever. The cost of the research was funded by the Angstrom City Council. Since Senator Menuhin brought two other senators with him, she could not help but think that they were trying to put pressure on her. Whatever these three senators’ intentions were, they must’ve come here prepared. They started by pointing out how she was starting to look younger, and then asked about the research progress of the “soul enhancing secret potion,” which together could only mean one thing: they were suspecting that Master Mara was using the research funding to make herself look younger. Master Mara said in a soft, yet sharp voice, “Senator Menuhin, if the city thinks that I am consuming too much of its resources, then starting this year, I shall continue my research independently.” The three senators looked at each other in a somewhat confused manner. They had a good deal before, but for reasons they weren’t sure of, the old woman in front of them was asking to cut ties.
Chapter 255 - Hard-To-Swallow Beef Chapter 255 Hard-to-Swallow Beef Another parliament member, Mr.Crocker, said, “Master Mara, all of our parliament members in the Angstrom City support your research. You can continue without worrying about your fundings.” “Then, why are you here?” Master Mara realized that she had mistaken these senators’ intentions. The attitude of the three members of the parliament was very good, not as if they had opinions on her research. “Excuse me, Master Mara, was the “elven perfume” in the Grand Duke Mansion your work?” Mr.Crocker asked. “Mr. Crocker, did you mean the blue elven perfume?” Master Mara immediately thought of the “elven perfume,” which had special effects and asked for confirmation. “Yes, the blue elven perfume!” Mr. Crocker and the other two members called out. It seemed that Master Mara did know about it. “That was made by my friend!” Master Mara replied. “Can you introduce us to your friend?” Mr. Menuhin asked eagerly. “That alchemist is the Alchemist of the Duke of Edwina. Without consent from the Duke of Edwina, I can’t just introduce him to you!” Master Mara shook her head. “Master Mara, can you buy some ‘elven perfumes’ for us, then? Feel free to call you the price.” Mr. Menuhin proposed. A voice came from the door, “No need to bother Master Mara, I will arrange an auction, and you can get what you want over there.” It was the Duke of Edwina. When she heard that a member of Parliament came to look for Master Mara, she immediately came over. “Leave, the three of you!” the Duke of Edwina said, “Master Mara is the only master alchemist we have in Angstrom city. You wouldn’t want to offend her, would you? If you did, it would be a major loss for Angstrom City.” The three elven senators bowed and left. Meanwhile, when Grand Duke Edwina saw Master Mara’s face, she could not help but look closely, “Was it Bennet’s skin lotion?” “Yeah, it’s wonderful!” Master Mara replied with a smile. “Oh. Well, “he” could’ve given me some of the same stuff. After all, I did agree to …” Grand Duke Edwina stopped the whisper midway. While touching her waist, she could feel an additional Magic circle control card in her hand. Then she disappeared in front of Master Mara. Abel had just returned home and was having dinner. The dinner was delicious. The food made by elf tastes a bit lighter. There were more fruits and vegetables and some meat. The beef in small pieces was very tender. Abel didn’t know what fruit was used to make his juice, but it sure was delicious. In a place like the Doon Moon Forest, one could have access to all kinds of fresh produce. When Abel put a small piece of beef in his mouth, a light flashed in front of him, his mouthful of beef was caught in his throat, and he could not help but cough a few times before he breathed out. “Grand Duke Edwina, your excellency, what a surprising entrance you have made!” Abel bowed down. “Abel, I’m good to you. I even said yes about you and Lorraine,” Duke Edwina’s eyes were burning with murderous intent, “Why aren’t you as good to me as you are to Master Mara? I just went to pay her a visit, you know.” “Grand Duke Edwina, you see, these potions were all ready for you. Because of how late it was getting, I was planning to send them to you tomorrow.” Abel carefully took out twenty bottles of potions and put it on the table said. “Next time, I must receive all the good things first!” Grand Duke Edwina waved her hand, and the twenty bottles of potion on the table disappeared. She then disappeared in white light. Abel sighed in relief. Although he was not married, he had a girlfriend once in his previous life. The unchallengeable authorities of mothers-in-law were, truly, unchallengeable. Today, he remembered a kind of fear that he had long forgotten. When Abel picked up the beef again, another white light appeared in front of him again. This time, it was Lorraine’s sister, Carrie, who appeared in front of him with an emotionless look on her face. Carrie didn’t say anything. She reached out her hand to him, her eyes staring right at him. “Countess Carrie, yes. All the remaining lotions and conditioners were here. Please bring half to Lorraine, and the other half will be your reward!” Abel from the portal bag took out 36 bottles of blue lotion and conditioner and put on the table and looked at Carrie. Carrie stepped forward and put 36 bottles of blue quality lotion and conditioner on the table into the portal bag, nodded to Abel, and then stood in white light and disappeared. “Geez, they just teleport here and leave whenever they want! Come on, I just want to eat in peace!” Abel murmured. He picked up the knife and fork in his hand and tasted the slice of beef that he had been trying several times to put in his mouth. At night, Abel opened both sets of the magic circles, took out a teleportation scroll from the town of Horadric cube, activated the portal with mana, and then came to Rogue’s encampment with the dark wind. Rogue’s encampment was noon at this time. Abel jumped onto Black Winds back and threw a yellow medium-level magic stone into Black Wind’s mouth. Recently, he could no longer feed Black Wind soul enhanced potion. Abel was waiting for Black Wind body to return to normal. Then he would use the soul enhanced potion on it again. Through the teleportation station, Abel came to the Cold Plain again, Abel led the way by Black Wind, using his keen sense of smell to find hell creatures. The small group of hell creatures in the ice plains without small bosses had no threat to Abel anymore. With the dark gold quality of ‘Raven bow’, the swarms of fallen could be quickly eliminated. After traveling for two days, Abel’s heart was full of disappointment with the blue ring on his finger. This was the first real blue equipment he got, but it was not very useful. In actual combat, he would need to kill a few fallen to provide him with a little mana recovery, which is not as fast as the mana recovery by himself. With a stone house ahead, Abel decided to stop and rest there. He had another plan for the blue ring on his hand. Ribs Bone no. 2 and no. 3 entered the room. After finding that everything was fine, Abel took Rib Bone no.1 to enter the stone house, while Rib Bone no. 2 and 3 were standing outside the stone house and guarding the gate with Black Wind. This was Abel’s positioning of the summoning power of all summoned objects. His positioning of Rib bone no. 2 and 3 was to search and explore the way to reduce the loss of important members of the team. Also, The Rib Bone no. 2 and 3 are very convenient to supplement. Abel had no plans to strengthen them for the time being. But Rib Bone no. 1 was different, there was no substitute for either its single combat power or auxiliary function. Not to mention Black Wind, Abel would not ask it to do dangerous tasks. Taking out the Silver Bat Ring, Abel looked at the ring in his hand, since the attributes of this ring were of limited help to him at present, and he has enough perfect gems on him now, then shall he tried to use the attribute formula of the Horadric cube to replace the blue equipment ring with another blue equipment. Abel ‘s blue equipment had always been a lot, such as magic shields, magic swords, and magic armors, but although these equipment were blue equipment, they only use the combination of the rune and gem energy to reach blue level equipment, but the attribute replacement formula of Horadric cubes cannot replace the runes. So, although Abel remembered this formula, he never practiced it once.
Chapter 256 - Ring Of The Bahamut Vampire Chapter 256 Ring of the Bahamut Vampire The attribute change formula of the Horadric Cube was as followed: three perfect gems + one blue item. Abel had 90 more perfect gems in his kong kong spiritual beast bag. As for the blue quality items that he could use for this formula, the thing he had was the silver bat ring. Abel emptied all the items in the Horadric cube, put it on the ground, put the three perfect gems in the Horadric Cube, and put the silver bat ring in it. He took a deep breath and pressed the transmute button with his power of the Will. A white light appeared. Three perfect gemstones and the silver bat ring disappeared at the same time, and a new ring appeared in the lower right corner of the Horadric Cube. Ring of Cobalt Power +1 Strength +30% cold resistance “This is what it gives me? I’d rather have the original attribute instead!” Abel groaned. In fact, it wasn’t very likely for him to get a superb blue ring like this. To increase his odds of getting something with a good attribute, he needed a large number of magic gemstones to keep re-rolling with the Horadric Cube. Abel placed another three perfect gems into the Horadric Cube. As he put the ring of cobalt power into it, he prayed to all the deity beings that he knew of. He wasn’t sure which one he should pray to, so he just prayed to all of them. Once he was done, he pressed onto the transmute button again. The three perfect gemstones and ring of cobalt power in the Horadric cube disappeared in white light, and then a ring appeared in the lower right corner. Emerald ring +25% Poison resistance It was worse than last time. Poison resistance? It’s just a garbage attribute that wouldn’t help in a fight. Instead of praying to the gods, Abel tried to press the transmute button whilst performing different postures. He tried standing upside down, lying on the floor, standing with one leg, standing with one hand, standing with both hands, and so on. And the resulting attributes were all crap compare to the silver bat ring. Abel was very frustrated now. He always considered himself to be extremely lucky, but luck, as it turned out, was not always on his side. Abel stopped and looked at the blue ring in his hand. Ring of Power +1 Strength Abel felt like punching the ground right now. One more time. If he was rolling a bad attribute for another time, he was just going to give up here. Three more perfect gems were placed in the Horadric Cube. After that, it was the ring of power. Abel was a lot calmer now. Instead of doing anything weird this time, he just went ahead and pressed the transmute button. Three perfect gems and ring of power disappeared in white light, and a blue ring appeared in the lower right corner of the Horadric Cube. Bahamut’s Ring of Vampires Steal 6% of your enemies’ mana when you hit them +120 total mana point Abel’s eyes widened his eyes when he first saw the attribute description of this ring. This was a full-value ring, otherwise known as a superb ring. It wasn’t the best thing there was, per se, but it was just as difficult to get. With a smirk on his face, Abel gave a good look at the Bahamut ring of Vampire in his hand. Maybe the buddhas did reply to his prayers. As more weird thoughts filled up his brain, he began placing the ring around his finger. As a chilling cold aura was released from the ring, it entered itself into Abel’s rank three apprentice wizard’s rune. Abel’s total mana point had risen from 310 to 430. At this point, he has already far surpassed most ordinary junior wizards. He wasn’t an official wizard, though, otherwise he would’ve been able to launch some very powerful spells. Looking at the dozen or so perfect gems inside his kong kong spiritual beast bag, Abel couldn’t help but think about something. If these perfect gems were bought from the shops and not fused but eh Horadric Cube, his Bahamut ring of Vampire would probably be the most expensive magic item throughout the entire Holy Continent. That being said, he couldn’t wait to try out his new ring. After jumping on Black Wind’s back, he rushed into the Cold Plains again with Ribs Bone No. 1, 2, and 3. Half a day later, there was very little grass left on the ground. Actually, he could see the soil being stained black. It’s almost as if blood was poured on it several times over. Black Wind seemed to be particularly excited. Its probably found something with its great sense of smell. And there, after walking for ten minutes on this black land, Abel heard some noise. He patted Black Wind on the back of its neck, and it slowed down its pace. They were trying to be stealthy, trying not to make any noise as they advanced themselves. There was a small hill ahead. The sound came from the back of the hillside. Black Wind gently walked up the hillside. When Abel’s gaze could see from the hillside, his breath became somewhat nervous. There was an army of fallen in front of them. It consisted mainly of fallen and corrupt wizards, and there were about tens of thousands of them. For all the time he’s spent inside the dark world, Abel had never seen so many of them at once. There were countless large pots under the hill. Without even bothering to count them, Abel could tell that there were about hundreds of them. The hot air evaporating from the rolling black-red liquid in the pot covered the whole area, and there were one or two corrupt wizards next to each one of them. The fallen danced around the cauldron. While doing so, they constantly called for their leader’s name, “Bishibosh.” It was starting to make sense now. With so many fallen and corrupt wizards around, how was there not a leader to guide this army? Abel took out a telescope and began to look for the mini-boss. Amongst the red sea he could see a huge bonfire from the back unit. They were probably trying to show who’s boss here. At the edge of the huge fire, one golden figure was particularly noticeable. On his head, there was a pair of horns (which the hell creatures were most proud of), and although the figure looked kind of small, it was holding a staff that was clearly bigger than its body. It was Bishibosh! Abel recognized this dark gold-level corrupt wizard. He was capable of resurrecting corrupt demons and the corrupt wizards. Under normal circumstances, without killing Bishibosh, the army of fallen could never be destroyed. Abel was different, though. Every time he killed a hell creature, the Horadric Cube will suck the soul of the hell creature away. Without the souls of the dead units, Bishibosh could not revive them back. Abel had his “Raven’s claw” fully pulled back. While doing so, the iron arrows he placed were glowing in hot red. When they exploded as they fell towards his enemies, the war officially began. Abel shot several arrows towards the same area. He wasn’t happy with the damage that he was doing. These fallen were very resistant to fire spells. It would take four exploding arrows to kill about one of them. Sadly enough, the only one that died was killed because the arrow actually pierced through its body. Abel withdrew the ‘Raven’s Claw’ in his hand. This was not the first time that he had encountered creatures with spell immunity. Last time, he fought some corrupt spearwomen with some very strong resistance against lightning. If it wasn’t for the mini-boss that was protecting, Abel could’ve ended that fight a lot easier. Bishibosh was famous for its resistance against it. While fire magics were the strongest amongst basic spells, they were useless against it. Not only that, but Bishibosh could also strengthen the fire spell resistance of the surrounding hell creatures. The army of fallen seemed angry when Abel shot his arrows at them. As many of them held up their knives and swords, they started charging towards Abel. While they were weak on their own, when there were so many of them going after him like this, it was still kind of scary for him. Abel was still quite confident, though. Black Wind was fast, and since it could perform two “instantaneous movements” in one day, he could pretty much leave as soon as he wanted too. While Abel prepared himself for the fight ahead, he told his three skeletons to back off. With so many enemies to fight, these minions weren’t going to do a lot to help.
Chapter 257 - An Army Of Fallens Chapter 257 An Army of Fallens As it turned out, Abel’s strongest long-range attacks had no effects on these fallen. Abel decided to change his strategy for a bit. After having a telepathic discussion with Black Wind, Black Wind suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the army of fallen. When it was ten meters away from the doomed creatures, three fireballs were thrown at them. With a perfect zigzag movement, Black Wind managed to dodge all of them. During this time, Abel charged up more “charged bolt” in his hands. When he was done, fan-shaped lightning stretched out with him being its center. The fallen who rushed forward were electrocuted to the ground. It was extremely painful for them, which made them scream as they fell to the ground. When the screams reached out to the ones behind, many of these fallen tried to flee the battleground. It’s a weird thought, but these fallen might be possessed with the souls of fish. It’s almost like their memories couldn’t last for more than a few seconds. When some of them tried to escape, they would turn themselves around and rush towards Abel again. As stupid as that was, the falls here were actually stronger than the other places. For one, their damage recovery was a lot faster. It only took 2 to 3 seconds for these fallen to get back on the ground, whereas the other fallen would take about 6 seconds. If Abel had to guess, it was Bishibosh that was leading these fallen, and that’s why they were braver than the other ones he encountered before. Abel kept releasing large lightning arcs to the fallen. When they were hit, they would be paralyzed by the stunning effect of the lightning. As they would have no ways to move, let alone make a defense by then, their only choice was to die as they got hit by the subsequently charged bolts. Although hundreds of the fallen had died during this raid, many, many more still remained. And because Abel was using spell attacks to kill these fallen, he couldn’t activate his sword of Victory to restore his mana. The same was for his Bahamut Vampire’s Ring. He couldn’t use it to steal the 6% mana from his enemies. All this happened within a few seconds. As Abel approached the army of fallen, he was exposed to more corrupt wizards. After ten more ”charged bolts” were fired, a red light flew towards him from the sky. That was when more than twenty fireballs flew towards Abel at the same time. His spiritual alarm rang. The power of these fireballs could have been comparable to the ‘fireball’ spell of a fifth-level wizard. Since it was also buffed by Bishibosh, he had expected it to be a hard hit. “Withdraw!” Abel yelled to Black Wind, and its four claws quickly made a break, which left a deep mark on the ground. With Abel still on its back, it leaped backward and did a 180 degrees flip in mid-air. As it landed on the ground, Black Wind suddenly accelerated as the fireballs dropped to the spot that it was at a split second ago. Immediately, more areas were covered by the falling fireballs. Watching as the army of fallen fled from this area, Abel couldn’t help but feel despair with the situation that he was in. Of the one hundred-ish fallen he had just killed, only more than fifty souls were absorbed into the Horadric Cube. All the other ones have been resurrected the corrupt wizards, and there were just far too many of them. Abel made a simple calculation. By using the way he attacked just now, if he could kill about fifty fallen with the way he just did, then a total of ten thousand would take about… Abel wasn’t going to count when he saw the ones that were just in front of them. Abel felt the urge to throw a super exploding ball. Yet, without White Cloud or the giant ballista on its back, he didn’t think that eight seconds were enough for him to make an escape He could do two “instantaneous movements” with Black Wind, yes, but that’s not going to get him out of the range of the explosion. Actually, this was the first time that Abel encountered a problem as big as this in the dark world. He wasn’t sure if there was an efficient way to exterminate these fallen. If he remembered correctly, his physical attacks were at the level of a knight’s commander, but all these hell creatures had a strong resistance to physical attacks. Spell attack. For rank three wizards, Abel had already mastered a lot of spells. But whether it’s all of the basic wizard spells, or the “resurrection of skeletons” spell, they were all medium and short-ranged attacks. Under current circumstances, it was impossible to launch an attack whilst simultaneously defending against a large number of fireballs. Besides, it would take way too long to activate these spells. Abel knew that the alchemists also had their own offensive techniques. Yet, none of the alchemy recipes that he knew of were for attacking. As he shook his head to reject the idea, a thought suddenly came to him. The blue quality “elven perfume”, which could directly affect one’s soul, had the ability to drug the souls of less powerful beings. In fact, when he upgraded it to blue quality for the first time, he just thought that the elven potion was some kind of narcotic. Abel found a bottle of a previously refined blue-quality “elven perfume” from his portal bag. After patting Black Wind on its neck, he rushed to the army of fallen again. After Black Wind dodged several more fireballs, Abel was now very close to the army of fallen. Already, thousands of these fallen were howling as they charged at him. Abel threw the blue-quality “elven perfume” in his hand to a corrupt wizard. As the bottle dropped after hitting the ground in front of him, all the surrounding fallen stood as they were drugged by the elven potion. To test how well the blue-quality “elven perfume” would perform, Abel had Black Wind moving in different directions. He kept pulling away from his distance from the fallen and avoided the fireballs flying from time to time. As Black Wind waited, more and more fireball attacks were received. Black Wind was starting to send signals to tell Abel to evacuate. By this point, Abel’s already got the data that he wanted. The blue-quality “elven perfume” worked well against ordinary fallen. Whereas for corrupt wizards, they could only be stunned for about two seconds. “Black Wind, we withdraw!” With Abel’s shout, Black Wind disappeared as it moved instantly to the ground a hundred meters away. When they were two miles further way, Abel jumped off Black Wind’s back. Abel set up the standard intermediated defense circle, then took out ‘Akara ‘s tent’ from the personal storage box. He wanted to make more “elven perfume” right here. Since Abel had enough ingredients from the Moon Guardian City, he decided to use up all of them to make the elven potions. Soon, he made 60 bottles of them. He didn’t stop there, though. Instead, he used the Horadric Cube to re-synthesize blue-quality “elven perfume’ into gold-quality “elven perfume”. Abel had never done this when he was on the Holy Continent. After knowing that synthesized red wine could actually promote wizards, even advanced wizards, he decided that he would make synthesized items out of synthesized only for himself. Everything else he made for others, he would do them with raw materials. Even when he was brewing next to an army of fallen, Abel ‘s blue-quality “elven perfume” was still the best medicine there was to existence. In fact, he would never make these potions unless he was in front of a bunch of enemies. (which he was going to terminate, of course) Abel picked up a bottle of golden-quality ‘elven perfume,’ opened the bottle cap, and sniffed gently. It’s almost like his entire soul was being frozen. All the perceptions in his brain seemed to lose direction at the same time, and he couldn’t feel anything for a while. If he wasn’t at the level of a knight’s commander, he would’ve been in this state until he was dead. This potion was insane! For someone who’s been drinking soul potions for a while already, Abel was actually much stronger than most people in terms of his sp strength. Yet, just by smelling this golden quality potion, he actually lost a few seconds of consciousness. Wait. It was much more than that. There seemed to be a slight change inside Abel’s soul. It’s almost like he was cleansed from the inside out. This must be what Grand Duke Edwina was talking about! His soul was being purified!
Chapter 258 - An Alternative Way To Use The Elven Perfume Chapter 258 An Alternative Way to Use the Elven Perfume If the elven perfume Abel gave grand Duke Edwin had an effect like this, Abel believed that he would definitely be held up and questioned on his alchemy method. With a potion that possess such strong effects on the entire elf race, someone with the profile of the grand Duke would easily disregard his morals. Abel was only his daughter’s boyfriend. That was nothing compared to the entire elf race. The sky was already dark when Abel put away the 20 bottles of dark gold elven perfumes in his portal bag. It also meant it was time for his meditation. The ambergris wood bed had vanished inside his Akara tent, leaving behind only a meditation Jade the on the floor. Abel placed a mana gathering circle at where the bed was, but unfortunately, the crystal core had already been depleted. This meant that he was forced to meditate with only the dense mana in the air. However, due to the lack of a fresh crystal core, his meditation speed was much slower, even meditating for one hour had not produced many results. Abel had left early the next day. He was determined to undo the embarrassment those fallen had caused him. In his mind, being preyed upon by the weakest infernal creature was among the greatest embarrassments. As they reached the hill, Abel conjured a set of armor made of ice on himself by casting “frozen armor.” Afterward, he infused it with his golden combat qi. With the sword of victory on Black wind, a shield on his left hand, and a golden elven perfume on his right, the preparation has been completed. “Black wind lets go!” Abel shouted. Black wind dashed ahead, following his master’s command, moving so fast it all became a blur. “Bishibosh!” There were more fallen shamans than yesterday, so he had to be more alert. A moment after they went down the hill, Black Wind was spotted. Thousands of the fallen rushed towards Black Wind with weapons in hand. However, Black Wind did not engage them. Instead, it weaved and dodged, avoiding several fire bolts to get close to the horde of the fallen. Through his intuition, Abel was able to sense around 10 spells were aiming directly at him; countless fire bolts might be coming his way anytime soon. But Able was not a slow-moving guy. He sensed with his intuition where most of the fallen shaman was and threw the golden elven perfume in his hand directly towards. As the perfume hit the ground, golden droplets flew in every direction, leaving behind a intoxicating soul mist. Before he even had time to look at the result, Black Wind swiftly dodged another barrage of fire bolts. Abel immediately followed up with another elven perfume towards the direction of the fallen shaman, which he felt through his intuition. The golden liquid and the intoxicating mist were scattered towards all directions again. As the firebolt barrage had died down, the floor was covered by the bodies of the fallen. The effects of the golden elven perfume were stronger than poison. Whilst poison causes harm over time; the elven perfume actually did the opposite. It raised the spirit of those affected. Living things aren’t affected by this, as they naturally take in this benefit. After Abel let’s loose of several elven perfumes, there were no fallen or fallen shamans that remained. Any fallen who stepped into the area was immobilized immediately. The fallen shaman should not be confused with wizards. They didn’t have the ‘power of will’ of a wizard. They could only channel the fire attribute through magic staffs, clan cloaks, and bone necklaces. Through that, they were able to cast firebolt and utilize dark energies to resurrect the fallen. Fallen shamans had higher power of the will than the fallen, so the elven potion was less potent towards them, though it was still able to bring them down. Abel and Black Wind had since gained an accessory on their face. It was a mask, a special mask that Abel had painfully handcrafted himself yesterday, especially the one for Black Wind. The masks were wetted before wearing, in order to better perform its purpose. Although tedious, it seemed to perform well. At least they weren’t knocked out alongside the fallen. With a flick of the wrist, 3 skeletons were summoned to finish off all the unconscious fallen and fallen shamans. The sword-wielding skeletons chopped away at the fallen. Since they couldn’t breathe, they weren’t affected by the perfume in the air, and as long as the elven perfume did not touch their skull, they could continue their bidding. Abel did not know how long the fallen would be affected by the perfume, so every second was very important. Abel wields the sword of victory in one hand and swapping out his shield for an ice magic swords, in an attempt to quicken the process. The pattern of ‘charged bolt’ appears on the ice sword on his left hand. Afterward, a sea of electric arcs was unleashed. It was controlled by Abel’s weak little soul, who had ignited the ‘charging bolt’ spell through the skill tree, and the soul owner was in control of the sword of victory. Sweeping its sharp edge across the necks of the unconscious fallen, the sword of victory makes quick work of them. As long as they are decapitated, it was impossible for them to resurrect. The years of knighthood had paid dividends, the sword of victory was like an extension of his hand; every movement was thoughtful and elegant, dancing along the necks of the fallen. The charged bolt wasn’t any slower than the sword of victory at killing the fallen. The sword of victory could only kill one fallen or fallen shaman at a time. This would give him 4 points of mana. With the Bahamut vampires ring equipped, he could gain 6% of mana every time he took a strike. Therefore, every fallen or shaman wizard he killed would give him at least 5 points of mana, and the ‘charging bolt’ he unleashed in his left hand required exactly 5 points of mana. Abel’s dream after becoming a wizard was to possess unlimited mana, and this might be as close as he gets. The charged bolt in his left has seemingly never stopped, with the fallen everywhere, every cast of charged bolt yields a soul of an infernal creature. Within the horde of the fallen, anything that comes into proximity with Abel perishes. It seems that the role of the demon was now played by him. Every fallen that get closed to around 10 meters from Abel would drop dead automatically. Those clever fallen shamans had now called the retreat, not allowing any fallen to enter this area. Bishibosh had also left its giant fire hole. Under his command, a sea of the fallen had to surround Abel tightly. With the numerous amounts of enemies staring him down viciously, it was hard to suppress the feeling of impending doom. Although Abel was fully committed to killing the fallen, his attention was fixed on Bishibosh. He calculated the distance between them. He knew fully well that as long as he could kill their leader, the fallen will retreat with their tails between their legs again. Using his power of will, the skeletons he had summoned before were being absorbed into a black portal. Bishibosh commanded several fallen to get close to Abel, perhaps to test if getting close to him really results in the fallen fainting instantly. 130 meters – Abel was constantly recalculating the distance between him and Bishibosh, despite both his hands are constantly dealing with the fallen. The opportunity arrived. Bishibosh had wandered within 100 meters of Abel. It thought it was safe; why wouldn’t it be? Only the fallen less than half the distance away was in danger.
Chapter 259 - Bishibosh Chapter 259 Bishibosh A white light surrounded Black Wind and Abel. Afterward, they disappeared in front of the fixed gaze of Fallen shamans and the tens of thousands of Fallen. A giant mount wolf appeared right next to Bishibosh. It crushed the fallen underneath it, and it sunk its claws deep into its chest. The Fallen screamed, and Bishibosh noticed a Knight’s sword radiating in blue light appeared in front of his eyes. It was too late, and it pierced on his chest. Although the stab wound was negligible, its body was immediately covered in frost, slowing down his movements. Abel had appeared next to Bishibosh through Black Wind’s ‘move in a flash.’ He was in a critical situation. Even if he had been struck once by those Fallen surrounding him, it would trigger a broken affected. Afterward, he would be bound here forever. During the teleportation, he had secured the sword of victory on his right hand back on the saddle and held up a few bottles of elven perfume. The moment when he flashed out of nowhere and slowed down Bishibosh with the ice magic sword on his left hand, he threw out the elven perfume. However, he did not just throw them out in one direction; he used a throwing technique and scattered the golden Elven Perfume everywhere. After the Elven perfume left his hand, a stack of rune signs replaced it. Although they were not very powerful, it was the fastest way to cast spells. Although Abel could do a quickened spell, it would still take some time for the spell pattern to activate the spell. On the contrary, as soon as the rune signs were activated by his power of the will, the spells could be cast. The second before the golden ‘Elven perfume’ touched the ground, tens of fire bolts were already flying in his direction. He could not dodge, since he was casting a summon spell using ice magic sword before the teleportation. Afterward, Rib Bone no.2 and Rib Bone no.3 appeared beside Bishibosh. Fortunately, the firebombs cast by the Fallen shamans were not fast. It was nothing compared to Abel’s strong power of the will and fast intuition. He quickly threw out the rune signs in his hand, triggering explosions as they come in contact with the firebombs. In the seconds during Black Wind’s ‘move in a flash,’ the golden Elven perfume started working its powers. All the nearby fallen were knocked down immediately, and those Fallen shamans who were not in the vicinity would be too far away to target him. A zone of safety had appeared around Abel. However, Bishibosh had been regaining speed and was also not affected by the Elven perfume. Afterward, he lifted his massive magic staff and smacked Rib Bone no.2 with it. Abel had no idea why the Bishibosh in front of him was unaffected by the elven perfume at all. Could these golden elven perfume had no effect on high leveling inferno creatures? Or was it that high leveling inferno creatures are naturally capable of withstanding this level of soul attacks. “Bang!” Bishibosh’s massive magic staff struck on Rib Bone no.2’s shield. This ability was what Rib Bone no.2 had inherited from Abel. It had blocked the hit with a perfect Knight defense position. It had its shield in front and supported by its shoulder. As Abel saw this, he thought that Rib Bone no.2 had successfully blocked the attack. However, as a red beam appeared from the top of the magic staff, the shield in Rib Bone no.2’s hand cracked. This hit was followed by the staff, smashing Rib Bone no.2 into dust. Abel’s heart dropped, knowing how strong the defense of his skeletons was. It had already surpassed his own. Now despite being in an infused set of armor made out of his combat qi armor and his magic armor. He did not feel safe. Bishibosh’s attack had far surpassed his expectations. Was this the power of fire enchantments? He had considered the possibility as his attacks using the ‘Raver Claw’ from yesterday did barely any damage. Now he was certain on this idea after seeing Rib Bone no.2’s shield being shattered and then turn into dust. This was the first time a magic shield had been shattered in one hit. The fire enchantment attack had the effect of doubling the fire attack power of the attacker. Therefore, if a fire enchanted hit had struck against a foe of similar strength, it would be certain death. Abel picked up his sword of victory again, sweeping its blade against the ground, spraying disgusting blood everywhere. A skull of a fallen was flung into mid-air. Afterward, a spell pattern emerged in front of the sword of victory. The corpse on the ground exploded, and a skeleton was summoned. The ice magic sword also had the ice bolt spell rune on it. Although those ice bolts were not fast, at the time, Bishibosh was struck by Rib Bone no.3’s ice magic sword. Therefore, Abel still decided to fire a blue ice bolt towards him. Another red beam appeared from Bishibosh’s magic staff, and Rib bone 3 had suffered the same fate as Rib Bone no.2. As Bishibosh and Rib Bone no.3 were exchanging hits. It was already too late for the frost-covered Bishibosh to dodge the ice bolt. Just like that, his fate had been decided. As soon as the first ice bolt left Abel, a new ice bolt spell pattern appeared on the tip of the ice magic sword again. Afterward, it had turned into another ice bolt. Barraged by ice bolts, the golden body of Bishibosh was now covered by the blue frost. Since Abel did not stop, the frost on Bishibosh kept getting replenished. A normal wizard would be unable to do anything else while casting spells. However, Abel was different. He had strange weak little soul that helped him control certain spells. Therefore, he didn’t need to spend any effort to target the virtually immobilized Bishibosh with his ice bolt attacks. The soul owner began to control the left hand to hold up the sword of victory. Afterward, it relentlessly killed the immobilized Fallen and Fallen shamans on the ground in order to replenish the mana used up by the ice bolt attacks. After around ten ice bolts, Bishibosh began to scream. his body started glowing red. Seeing this change, Abel thought to himself, “This must be the most disgusting fire enchantment, self destruct.” Self-distrust could cause the strongest explosion among the fire spells. “Black Wind, ‘move in a flash’!”Abel yelled. As Black Wind disappeared on the spot with Abel on it’s back. Afterward, Bishibosh’s body began to turn red like a burning flame. “Bang!” At that moment, the newly regenerated Rib Bone no.2 had put on another magic armor, and the ice magic sword had been taken out once again. However, it was no use. Among the wave of red light coming from Bishibosh’s explosion, Rib Bone no.2’s magic armor could only flicker in white light. Afterward, it entirely turned into dust. The explosion had almost taken out all living creatures in a 20-meter radius. The grey shadow soul flew towards Abel like the massive wind. Afterward, it entered his Horadric Cube. Bishibosh had died, and Abel had lost a few sets of magic armor. However, 2 souls had entered Abel’s Horadric Cube, one gold, and one grey, both from the site of Bishibosh’s explosion. Having killed a dark gold level boss before, Abel knew what it did. At least he got something in return for this battle. Abel’s shadow could now be seen 40 meters away from Bishibosh’s body. Abel looked around; it had appeared that the death of Bishibosh had driven the fallen crazy. Some of them disregarded everything in front of their eyes. They kept walking towards the spot where Bishibosh had exploded; it was like they had entered into some cursed area that makes you faint. One by one, they began to fall.
Chapter 260 - Dark Gold Magic Staff Chapter 260 Dark Gold Magic Staff There were still some Fallen scattered around. “Rakanishu!” they yelled. Rakanishu was another leader of the Fallen. It seemed like those Fallen who ran towards the place where Bishibosh had exploded were his loyal followers. On the other hand, those who ran the opposite direction after Bishibosh died were trying to find another leader, Rakanishu. Just as expected, without a Bishibosh as a leader, the army of fallen could no longer be held together like a handful of sand. Abel summoned Rib Bone no.1 and summoned 2 more skeletons from 2 dead bodies. He commanded them to pick up the ice magic swords on the ground. They no longer needed defense since all they had to do was harvest the harmless dead bodies on the ground. With the double effect from the sword of victory and the Bahamut Vampire’s Ring on his right hand, Abel almost had unlimited mana as he relentlessly unleashed the ‘charging bolt’. As he had whipped out around half of the fainted Fallen and Fallen Shaman, Abel realized he had unleashed the ‘charging bolt’ 1000 times today, which was the limit. Now, he switched to unleashing ‘Fire Bolt’ spells. He had gained a lot today, 20 bottles of golden elven perfume put the Fallen and Fallen shamans to sleep for 1 hour. However, there were only around 1000 of them left before they could have the chance to wake up. All the ones who were lucky enough to escape had gone far away, and all the ones that remained were now dead on the ground. It was a massacre. The grey blood spilled out from the Fallen, and Fallen shamans had dyed the ground into the hellish black color. Even that restless flame had been washed away. The stench of blood was infused in the air with the buckets of rotten food on the ground. This vomit evoking smell surpassed the aroma of the golden elven perfume. Luckily the Abel and Black Wind were wearing the now blood-soaked face masks. If the elves form Angstrom City knew what Abel had done with their Blue or Golden elven perfume, they would definitely go crazy. Abel’s wrist was tired of the killing. It was the first time Abel had felt like this. He stopped and noticed Black Wind’s fur and himself were drenched in blood. However, he couldn’t care less. The shining magic staffs left over by the Fallen Shamans attracted his gaze. Ever since Abel got the dwarfs’ ‘Introductions to Crafting Magic staffs’, he realized how important they were. A magic staff’s value depended on its magical ability and level. According to the ‘introductions to Crafting Magic staffs’, a blank magic staff was the main ingredient to lock down the soul of an official soul beast. It was extremely hard to get this material back in the Holy Continent, but most Fallen shaman would have one in the Dark World. Seeing how dirty the floor was, Abel commanded Rib Bone no.1 to pick up the magic staffs with his power of the will. Since Rib Bone no.1 was cultivated with Abel’s love, only it would be able to understand his special commands and execute them perfectly out of the 3 skeletons. Abel shoved all his weapons back into his Kong Kong spirit portal bag and took out the ‘spirit transfer’ magic staff with his left hand. His mana was fully recovered, so he could use spells to pick up the magic staff on the floor. Around 20 meters from Bishibosh’s explosion, not only was the Fallen shamans blown into pieces, but their magic staffs had also been destroyed. As Abel was starting to get irritated by his decrease in gains, a golden magic staff flashing in white light among the swamp of blood had attracted his attention. It was Bishibosh’s massive magic staff. This golden magic staff was filled with cracks. Abel sighed for his misfortune; it seemed like this magic staff was damaged. Suddenly, a gold piece fell off the magic staff’s surface, exposing a dark gold core. “This is?” Abel quickly picked up the magic staff and began to peel off its gold surface piece by piece. At last, a long dark gold two-hand staff filled with weird patterns appeared in front of his eyes. A Dark gold margin staff? Abel quickly shoved it into his Horadric cube, but no stats appeared. Instead, it said it was unable to detect dark gold equipment. It seemed like this thing really was a dark gold magic staff. Abel held the dark gold magic staff in his hand, trying to think of a name for it. “Fire elf!” Abel yelled, but the magic staff did not react. He shook his head In embarrassment. This magic staff was too big to be a fire elf magic staff. “Razors witch!” Abel called out another name, but the magic staff still didn’t react. What magic staff was this? Looking at tightly drawn green patterns on the dar gold magic staff, he had an idea. There was only one shorter two-hand green magic staff, “Bane Ash!” Afterward, the weird green pattern on the magic staff began to glow in dark gold. Abel focused on his power of the will to find out this thing’s attribute. Bane Ash Durability: 20-20 +60% enhanced damage +50% damage to undead 20% Increased Attack Speed +30 To Mana Fire Resist +50% Adds 4-6 Fire Damage +5 To Fire Bolt +2 To Warmth Abel was disgusted at Bishibosh’s sense of style as he stared at the dark gold ‘Bane Ash’. Who would surround a dark gold magic cane with a gold layer, didn’t he know dark gold weapons had a much more powerful significance? However, this ‘Bane Ash’ was actually preserved very well. If Bishibosh had not wrapped it in gold, it might not have had full durability. As Abel held it in his hand, his mana shot up 30 points. Now, he had 460 points of mana. His skin flashed a red light, it was an anti-fire attribute effect. Abel’s most powerful spell was the ‘firebolt’. After long years of training, this spell had reached level 8. A level 1 to level 5 novice wizard could only raise these beginner spells to level 10. Abel had not been a wizard for long, and he was already close to the limit. Only official wizards could further level up these beginner spells to level 20. You could only became an official wizard once you hit level 6. By then, the Wizard pattern in your mind would be able to support a high-level spell without breaking down. Abel’s ‘firebolt’ was already level 8, but now he also had the dark gold ‘Bane Ash’. This increased his ‘firebolt’ for 5 levels, making it a level 13 spell, hugely exceeding level 10. Before their departure, Wizard Morton had given Abel some records about the ways in which beginning and intermediate wizards had trained. Accordingly, it and some lambskin parchment with spells, a novice wizard could not use a spell beyond level 10, else their wizard pattern in their mind would break down. Abel had a hard time deciding between a level 13 spell and the warning of Wizard Morton. Level 13 ‘firebolt’ was tempting. With its power on top of the adds 4-d fire damage of the ‘Bane Ash’. Abel to hurt an official wizard. Although Abel had killed an official Wizard before, he had used the close body fighting ability of a Knight for a surprise attack. It would be very hard for him to break the defense of an official wizard if he was facing one direction. However, if he had a level 13 ‘firebolt’, he might be able to do it. Abel began to focus on the level 3 novice wizard pattern in his mind. He did not use t
Chapter 261 - Fire Enhancement Chapter 261 Fire Enhancement But as the ‘Fire Bolt ‘spell pattern formed, he realized there was no more need to worry. He could feel that only a level 8 ‘Fire Bolt’ was coming from his own strength. The other five levels were directly added on by the dark gold magic cane ‘Bane Ash.’ The enchantment on it had completely bypassed his body. The ‘Fire Bolt ‘ blew a hole in the pool of blood, leaving behind a small crater. All that remains was an orange flame and the smell of burning flesh. This was much stronger than the level 8 ‘Fire Bolt’ from before Sadly, Abel’s ‘Warmth’ was only level 3. Even with the staff upgrading the spell by 2 levels, it barely makes a dent in his mana recovery. Abel spent the next hour picking up all the magic canes. He did not pay too much attention to them as he was picking them up. He would go through them in more detail after he got back to the Rogue encampment. The Scrolls of Town Portal was ignited, Abel returned to the Rouge’s encampment along with Black Wind and his 3 skeletons. Next in line was splitting the resources. Bishibosh’s power potion obviously belonged to Rib Bone no. 1. Abel handed Rib Bone no.1 the potion. This time it didn’t hit its own forehead. Instead, it used it’s bony fingers and opened the bottle. As it carefully poured the potion into its mouth, the golden liquid encompassing its whole body from its mouth. Abel quietly watched Rib Bone 1, as he thought about the ability it could possibly gain. Bishibosh has many quirks. Firstly it could resurrect the Fallen and Fallen shamans. There’s a possibility that it did not work on humans. If so, then but could only be used on skeletons, which wouldn’t be too useful. Abel could do the same for just a little bit of mana. On top of that, the other skeletons other than Rib Bone no.1 were not great in combat anyways. Bishibosh also had the firebomb, which was just a slower, stronger Fire Bolt. However, Rib Bone 1 had no casting abilities of his own. Therefore, it could just be another bluff since it wouldn’t do anything when it came to increasing Rib Bone no.1 attacking power. Lastly was the fire enchantment. This was Bishibosh’s greatest ability. It basically completely negates fire damage, and it could increase the fire’s physical damage by 100%. Therefore, one strike could equal to 2 strikes. Abel couldn’t be sure about its other abilities. So now, he could only hope Rib Bone 1 got lucky. The golden liquid encompassed Rib Bone 1, slowly absorbed into its bones. Suddenly, small little sparkles of flame began to arise from its body and spread. Bit by bit, Rib Bone no.1 started to catch on fire. Eventually, Rib Bone 1 was fully engulfed in flames. If Abel didn’t have his the power of the will to sense that Rib Bone no.1 was not in danger, he definitely wouldn’t be able to suppress his urge to put out this fire. The fire had burned quickly and ended quickly. After ten or so seconds, the fire was completely absorbed by Rib Bone no.1. However, the weird thing was that there were numerous tiny red patterns appearing on its bones. Afterward, they had slowed faded away. It seemed like it was their lucky day, Rib Bone 1 had gotten the fire enchantment! Abel’s face was filled with shock as he stared at the now returned normal Rib Bone no.1. He knew it was very unlikely for Rob Bone no.1 to get fire enchantment from this ‘power potion.’ It already had ice enchantment, so the chance of the opposing fire enchantment was extremely slim. Rib Bone no.1 couldn’t answer what ability it had gotten, but Abel was able to command it to test it out. As soon as Abel had commanded, Rib Bone no.1 started to demonstrate its newly acquired ability. A faint red glow appeared around its body. Afterward, another red glow appeared on his ice magic sword as he lifted it up. The blue magic stone on the hilt of the sword came in direct contact with the red light and let out a cracking sound. Abel hurriedly got off Black Wind and grabbed the sword out of its hand. Afterward, he threw the sword far away—the moment Abel had put on his frozen armor and golden combat qi enchanted armor. “Bang!” the ice magic sword exploded into countless little pieces from mid-air. Abel felt like he was struck by those little pieces, but this explosion was caused by the normal magic stone. They were unable to pierce through his double layers of defense, not one bit of his armor was lost. He then did a little search in his Kong Kong spirit portal bag and took out an ice magic sword and a fire magic sword. He tied the handle of the two magic swords on the body of Rib Bone no.1. Afterward, he instructed it to pick up the ice magic sword with the ice enchantment, and fire magic sword with the fire enchantment. He was lucky that he had realized the explosion in time, else it could hurt Rib Bone no.1 quite badly. It would not be too bad if the explosion struck Rib Bone no.1’s bones in a battle. But the consequence would be the server if it struck the soul fire of its skull. This time with the magic fire sword in hand, the red glow had turned into a flash. The fire above the sword flickered, and the sword had hit a rock on the ground. As the sword made contact with it, the fire enchantment runes on it activated, doubling its power. The rock was split in half, leaving behind a scorched mark. A satisfaction showed on Abel’s face. He confirmed that Rib Bone no. 1 had gotten the power of fire enchantment. No matter ice or fire enchantment, it would improve with levels, constantly increasing its power. As Abel was thinking about Rib Bone no.i’s level, the soul potions came into mind. It was time to distribute them. This battle had unexpectedly yielded a lot more soul potions than he expected. There were also many of them that he had to transfer them into the Kong Kong spirit portal because of how much space it was taking in the Horadric Cube. He took out 2 of the 24 bottles of soul potions from the Kong Kong spirit portal, giving it to Rib Bone no.1. Rib Bone opened the bottle poured the dark gold liquid into its eye sockets. In a flash of an eye, his bones had become polished as a jade. ‘Resurrection of skeletons’ also got a level up, increasing the number of skeletons summons from 3 to 4, and armor increased to 95, though no changes were made to damage. Though this value was only representative of the skeletons as a whole, Rib Bone 1’s attack and armor were way beyond that. Rib Bone 1 could probably be called a wizard killer. With the increase in armor and the ice and fire enchantments, it provided it with near immunity. Therefore, wizards probably were not able to do any damage to it. Though he had the ability to summon another skeleton, it would have to wait until the next time he entered the Cold Plain for a corpse of an infernal creature. The first skeleton he had summoned disappointed him as it was incredibly weak, especially when compared to the ones from the Orc’s Deity. No matter attack or speed, they were able to proper wizards. But there was hope. As ‘Resurrection of skeletons’ increased in levels, the skeletons summoned were also stronger. The skeletons were strong, but do not improve anymore. Because the Orc’s Deity required a special torture ritual to impart the abilities of the skeleton’s owner onto the skeleton, Abel felt that it was barbaric and unacceptable. Abel thought that the ‘resurrection of skeletons’ was the correct way of summoning. The evil method of getting a skeleton from someone alive was not the moral way to do it. It appeared that ‘resurrection of skeletons’ had started weak, but as time went on and level increased, soon enough, it would be able to exceed the skeletons from the Orc’s Deities.
Chapter 262 - Drilled Equipment Chapter 262 Drilled Equipment Black Wind stared at Abel passing the soul potions to Rib Bone No.1 with its eyes wide open. How come it didn’t get anything? He began to ruthlessly rub his head against Abel. “Now now, Black Wind, don’t be naughty. I’ll make sure to put aside your share!” Abel felt like a parent lying to a kid about tooth fairies. He had to constantly comfort Black Wind. Abel left Black Wind and White Cloud 3 bottles of ‘soul potion’ each, so he could do anything he wanted with the 6 bottles he had left. In the past, he felt inclined to drink these soul potions because of how beneficial they were to the mind. However, now he realized that not drinking these soul potions was even more of a waste since their power could not be fully utilized. Regardless, he should still be studying something with his time. He had the 2 recipes from Master Mara, and most of the “Introductions to Crafting Magic Staff” had not been looked into too deeply. In the next couple of days, Abel drank down 10 bottles of soul potions, virtually refining the ‘healing potion’ and ‘poison antidote potion’ recipes from Master Mara. Although he had not physically made any of them into real potions, he was confident that he had the recipe under his belt. He had also grasped a special spell called the “soul gather” from the “Introductions to Crafting Magic Staff”. This spell had not appeared on the skill tree after he learned it, so it seemed like he had just wasted those potions. The single spell was incredibly difficult to learn, and it had taken him 5 bottles of ‘soul potion’. Abel had finally understood why the making of magic staff required a Blacksmith Master and a Wizard after leaning ‘soul gather’. In order to get the soul of an official soul beast, it had to be killed. Only wizards could kill official soul beasts, so only wizards could use soul harvest to get souls from the official soul beast. The soul also needed to be put in the magic staff during the construction of it. And that also needed to be done by the wizard, so you could say without a wizard, a magic staff couldn’t be made. At the same time, only the expertise of a Blacksmith Master could make expensive metals and ingredients into a magic staff. Not every Blacksmith was as lucky as Abel, who was able to get enough blank magic staffs to use as a carrier for an official soul beast. Therefore, making a magic staff that the Holy Continent had considered as very powerful. Similarly, without proper requirements, Abel was only able to virtually practice how to make the magic staff. Soon, it came time to leave the Dark world. Although 2 out of 10 soul potions’ effect had been wasted, Abel didn’t feel bad about it. The improvement in power was quite noticeable. Abel took out the attribute sign from his Kong Kong spirit portal bag. His attributes were displayed on the sign after a stream of white light appeared. Power: 22.84 Speed: 6.50 Constitution: 17.02 Will: 41/54 Mana: 530/530 (the Bahamut Vampire’s Ring+120Mana) After becoming a commander, his power, speed, and constitution had been raised considerably. Constitution had also been raised because he had risen in ranks as a knight, breaking the 15 point bottleneck. Because the dark gold rank magic staff ‘Bane Ash’ was a two-handed magic staff, it was usually kept in his portal bag. If it was equipped, mana would be improved to 560. Finally, it was the magic staff dropped by the fallen shaman, though only 25 had been recovered, others were destroyed in the battle. Some of them were also broken, to begin with, and some more had been whipped out by Bishibosh’s self destruct. The Fallen shamans were concentrated around Bishibosh. Therefore, there weren’t many magic staffs that could be recovered. Abel threw one of the staff in the Horadric Cube: Short staff (common) Durability: 19-20 + 2 point Firebolt +50% damage to undead There wasn’t much interest in white rarity magic staff, though +2 firebolt was alright, it was paled in comparison to the Bane Ash’s +5. Abel identified the magic staff one by one, throwing them into the Horadric Cube afterward. In the end, 10 of them were blank, one had +3 firebolt, 3 had +2 firebolt, and the others had +1 firebolt. He had hoped to get one with an official wizard spell attached, ideally an attacking spell. But out of the 25 magic staff, none of them had an official wizard spell. Abel was getting disappointed, but he noticed Rib Bone no.2 awkwardly standing aside. It had a magic staff stuck in his ribs. How did it get there? Abel commanded Rib Bone no.2 to come to his side with his power of the will and carefully removed the staff. This staff was unique, having a small indentation on its tip. He’d guessed that it was just another Fallen shaman magic staff with a socket. Most of the equipment from the Dark World had sockets, and they usually have all sorts of gems and patterns on them. This gave them different attributes and runes. The best equipment was the one with a ‘rune word’. ‘Rune word’ was a special system of ordering specific runes in a specific order. When those runes had been installed with a correct onto equipment with socket, it could give it a lot of special bonus attributes. Afterward, the item could also be identified as dark gold. Therefore, a ‘rune word’ would give your weapon a special name and great power. Abel opened the Horadric Cube and threw the staff inside: Staff (Common) (1) Durability: 18-20 +50% damage to undead sockets(1) This was an attribute-less Fallen shaman magic staff. Other than the +50% undead damage bonus, it had no attributes. But despite that, Abel still formed an interest in it, since it was his first equipment with a socket. Previously when Abel was making magic equipment, he would open up a socket on them. However, those sockets were not recognized by the Horadric Cube. This also meant that it was not recognized by the Dark World as sockets for gems and runes. Though the sockets he made could also harvest the powers of some magic gems, it was not suitable for a rune word. He would make equipment with Runeword. If a socket was not recognized as sockets for runes by the Horadric Cube, the power of Runewords would definitely not be able to be activated. Abel inspected the socket thoroughly, as a Blacksmith Master, he was confident in replicating the socket of this Fallen Shaman magic cane. All he needed to do is to compare the sockets he made in the past to the ones recognized by the Horadric Cube. In his eyes, the socket on the staff seemed insignificant, just like a socket that had been made really smooth. But when it is inspected in more detail, the socket is made from intricately placed lines, barely noticeable by the naked eye. Using his power of the will, the lines inside the socket was actually a complicated rune net. Such intricacies on a common white item had completely exceeded his expectations, perhaps equipment in the Dark World was far superior to the ones in the Holy Continent. His newfound confidence in his forging had just been utterly crushed by the equipment from the Dark World.
Chapter 263 - Ready To Drill Some Holes Chapter 263 Ready to Drill Some Holes Abel took out a bottle of ‘soul potion’ and poured it into his mouth. His brain quickly began to operate like a supercomputer. His power of the will sensed that complicated network of pattern, and it had turned into 3D in his mind. Afterward, he ruthlessly examined every corner of the network of patterns. His power of the will had found where the network of pattern starts. Then, he began to trace the lines and etched out the structure of this pattern. As the lines began to change, Abel seemed to feel a strange power. After the entire network of patterns had been replicated, and the original one faded away. At that moment, the shadow of a man emerged from Abel’s mind. There was a full line up of Blacksmith equipment including, furnace, hammer, and metal spoke in front of the shadow. There was also a big sword in the shadow’s hand. The shadow had the same experience as Abel. As it began to open up a socket on the sword, it kept turning the sword round and round between the furnace and the metal spoke. Soon, a socket was opened up. Afterward, the blacksmith equipment disappeared, and Abel’s familiar workbench, a rune pen, and a bottle of rune ink emerged in front of the shadow. It began to etch a network of patterns into the socket. It began to draw out that complicated network of patterns perfectly and effortlessly. However, the moment the socket was filled, it began to explode. It had failed. The shadow of a man in Abel’s mind kept trying and trying. It kept adjusting the size of the socket. Although the socket he had made was basically the exact same shape and size as the ones from the Fallen Shaman, he still kept failing Normally, the guy would have gotten frustrated by its failures. However, this shadow was not real. It only existed in Abel’s mind. After the socket had been perfected, he began to change up his rune ink. He tried out all the different attributes of rune ink, even the ones he had not collected yet. Luckily, this was only happening on Abel’s mind, so he only needed to know what the ink’s ingredients and attributes to test it out. It still kept trying and trying, changing to another rune ink after every failure. At last, he found it. After emphasizing some ingredients in an attribute-less rune ink, the socket didn’t explode. Instead, it began to glow in white light, it was just like the ones from the Fallen shamans. Abel slowly woke up, seeing the 4 empty bottles of ‘soul potion’ on the floor. He let out a bitter laugh. At first, he thought 20 bottles of ‘soul potion’ was a lot, but the skills he had to learn now was too complicated. In a blink of an eye, he only had 2 bottles of ‘soul potion’ left. Despite that, Abel was still very excited. Opening up sockets was a very impressive ability for a Blacksmith in the dark world. Abel returned to his Blacksmith guild and began to forge Knight’s sword. He first forged a 130 skills iron base, then mowed it into the shape of a sword. Afterward, he opened up a socket between the body of the sword. Abel was definitely deserving of the Blacksmith title; he did not make a single mistake during this process. The socket was exactly the same as the shadow he saw in his mind. Afterward, he needed to make a special attribute-less rune ink. Since Abel had now learned alchemy, making rune ink was like a walk in a park. He combined through the Horadric Cube, and a special attribute-less rune ink was completed. Abel used the ‘Akara rune pen’ for etching so he wouldn’t make a single mistake, as the ‘Akara rune pen’ would remind him. After the last stroke of the rune was complete, a white light flashed, and a socket was opened up perfectly. Success! Abel took out a timeless blue gem from his Kong Kong spirit portal bag and put it in the socket. The socket seemed like it was alive. It swallowed the gem into the sword without a single dent on its surface. Abel shoved the Knight sword into the Horadric cube to examine it, Big sword (common) (1) Single hand damage: 3-7 Durability: 24/24 +3-5 ice damage Have socket (1) Abel’s heart was filled with pride as he saw the Horadric cube recognized a hole he personally opened up. If he opened up a socket on every one of his equipment, he too could have 3 chances in the dark world. After the excitement had died down, Abel was unsatisfied again. He then threw the big in the furnace for the second time. After it was burned red, he placed it on the metal bench again. He wanted to open up another socket. The process went very smoothly, without any challenges since he had experience. The ‘Akara rune pen’ had helped Abel to draw the rune out perfectly yet again, but just when he thought success was coming his way, the sword began to crack. His commander’s intuition began to alert. After making countless exploding big swords, Abel no longer needed to think as he quickly shoved the sword in the Horadric Cube. He failed. A perfectly fine big sword with a socket had turned into an exploding big sword. Abel exited the Rogue encampment and opened the portal door after a while. The second before the portal door disappeared, he ran towards it and threw out the exploding big sword in his Horadric cube. He was back in the Rogue encampment. A huge bang set off from afar as his heart filled with irritation. What could possibly go wrong, he was sure that he had done everything correctly. Looking at the last 2 bottles of ‘soul potion’, Abel had an itch in his heart. Afterward, he picked another bottle and poured it in his mouth. That virtual shadow of a man appeared again, but this time it’s magic sword already had a socket. The shadow began to open up another hole, but the sword had exploded and disappeared just before it finished. There were countless experiments by applying countless attributes. Just when about was ready to reach for another bottle of the ‘soul potion,’ he realized they were all gone. It didn’t help a single bit even after 2 bottles of ‘soul potion’. He didn’t want to take Black Wind and White Cloud’s resources, even if they were unaware of it. He didn’t want to hurt his partners no matter what. His mind had kept experimenting when the 2 bottles of ‘soul potion’ was in effect but still got no result. It seemed like there could only be possibility left. He had never seen double socket equipment before, so the second socket might be completely different from the first one. He was certain of this idea in his heart, but it was already too late. He had dwelled in the Rogue encampment for 10 days, so it should almost be morning back in the Holy Continent. It was time to go back. He thought to himself. He might have a chance to come across double socket equipment in the future as he ignited the tome of town portal. He retreated the skeleton summon spell, and arrived back at the mansion in Lambe Road, Linate City with Black Wind. After he gave Black Wind and his blood-stained body a good clean, he put away the 2 barrier circle. “Master, it’s time for breakfast!” Said steward Brewer with a bow. He had already been waiting for Abel outside of his door early in the morning. “Thanks, Brewer!” Abel smiled and tipped his head. Steward Brewer couldn’t help but feel like his owner was a little odd today as he led the way. It seemed like there was a scary impose coming from his owner’s body. He had almost screamed the moment his owner opened the door, but he didn’t since he was a well-trained steward. Still, it was like a scary monster was about to come out.
Chapter 264 - Elven Senator Chapter 264 Elven Senator Abel’s senses were very sensitive. He quickly realized there was something wrong with steward Brewer’s emotion. That was odd, so he gave his body a little scan with his power of the will. He immediately knew the reason afterward. He had almost killed ten thousand inferno creatures in the Dark world. That was the most he had ever killed. A weird impose would be created every time a person takes a life. Some people called it murderous sent, and others called it Radon. It could easily scare off a normal person when an army of troops who had killed many people appeared. Luckily, Abel had stayed a few extra days in the Rogue encampment after killing tens of thousands of inferno creatures. If not, Steward Brewer might break down when Abel’s murderous sent appeared in front of his normal soul. There were many ways to subside the murderous sent. For example, peacefully resting for a while, going out for a walk, or finding a partner. However, Abel was different; he directly took out the meditation jade pillow from the ‘Akara tent’ in his personal storage box. He then put it in his chest pocket. A cool breeze emerged as though he was washed with the cleanest water. Afterward, all the Radon had disappeared. Abel arrived at the dining room. When steward a Brewer was preparing the table for Abel, he realized his owner’s friendly sent had returned. It was just like the time they first met; all the impose was gone. Although he felt puzzled, he did not show it as he kept surviving his owner. After breakfast, Abel shoved the meditation jade pillow back to the ‘Akara tent’ in his personal storage box. This thing was really a treasure. Those soldiers had spent countless years trying to get rid of their murderous sent so they could socialize with normal people, but Abel had got rid of it in almost no time. Abel sat on the horse carriage in a silvery-white suit. It was the elves’ favorite color, but not all elves could wear it, only noble elves could. This silvery-white suit was gifted by the duke palace for this Lord granting ceremony. It also came with a pure white suit, which was also only used by the nobles. At that time, that pure white suit was inside a luggage box by Abel’s side. The carriage slowly slowed down. Brewer turned his head back from the front of the carriage and said gently: Master, we arrived at the Grand Ducal palace!” “Mr. Bennett, I am the Grand Ducal palace’s steward, Derek. Welcome to the Grand Ducal palace!” Upon seeing this carriage, steward Derek quickly stepped up and carefully opened the carriage door. He then greeted with a bow. As the steward of the duke palace, of course, he knew who this young elf in front of him was. From the mansion in Lambe road, this carriage, to the suit personally designed by Grand Duke Edwina, were all arranged by him. There was a big chance this young elf could be the future husband of Countess Loraine. This young elf could be the star of today. But no matter what, steward Derek still had great respect for him due to Grand Duke Edwina’s respect for him. “Derek, thanks,” Abel returned the bow. Although Derek was a steward, this occupation was very high ranked in the Grand Ducal Palace. And most importantly, this was the steward that Loraine had mentioned who raised her up. “Mr. Bennett, you are too polite. Please follow me!” Derek made a welcome hand gesture and led Abel into the Grand Ducal Palace. Abel’s steward Brewer held the luggage box with the suit and followed from behind. His job today was to give Abel some advice on clothing and makeup since today was not just a Lord granting ceremony. After the ceremony, there would be a banquet to welcome the new noble members into the noble circle of Angstrom City. The elves had all kinds of ways to entertain themselves in their long life. A banquet was one of the most important ones. In the familiar hall, the main seats were still empty. Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert had not arrived. Only 12 suited elf councilors were standing there saying something. When they saw Abel come in led by steward Derek, 4 female elf councilors smiled and nodded. The other ones seemed to be ignoring Abel; there were even 2 of them who showed a slight distaste for him. “Mr. Bennett, I leave you here!” Said Steward Derek after he led Abel into the hall. Afterward, he bowed and left, The elf counselor was the one who truly controls Angstrom City. They were separated in charge of things like the city’s economy, safety, tax, army, and land. In order to be in a powerful position, you must first have a high status. That’s why all the elf councilors were to pick out by all those noble elves with the land. This had to do with the elves’ special system of authority. Since the grand nobles with land could not be personally in charge of how things run, they had to pick out someone else with high status to help them. This would increase the status of the person they picked out, even more, making the elf councilors a level higher than normal nobles. They simultaneously had power but needed to obey the grand duke and the grand noble family they represent. Since they did not hold the highest authority, this weird dynamic limited the elf councilors to abuse their power, while allowing the grand nobles to enjoy their lives without worry. Abel felt like an outsider in the hall, none of the elf councilors stepped up and talked to him. Up to this point, Derek’s voice emerged from the entrance of the hall, “The honorable Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert had arrived!” Suddenly, all the chatting in the hall stopped. The 12 elf councilors spread into 2 groups and stood against both sides of the hall. Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert emerged from the entrance, but all the elf councilors in the hall realized there was something different about Grand Duke Edwina today. She seemed like she had returned to her younger appearance. Her skin was smooth like jade with a faint blush emerging from within. Her long hair was shimmering in the light, spreading smoothly and naturally down both sides of her shoulders. She was even wearing a silvery flower pattern crown. This brought the old elf councilors back to a few hundred years ago. This was what Grand Duke Edwina looked like when she became the ruler of Angstrom City and promoted them to become the councilors. “Bennet, good morning!” Duke Albert ignored the elf councilors and greeted Abel with a smile. He did not care about these so-called high authority elves. “Good morning, the honorable Duke Albert,” Abel replied with a bow. However, he felt a little weird as he stared at his future father in law. The age on his face had disappeared. Instead, he looked young and unrestrained. If they were humans, both Duke Albert and Grand Duke Edwina would look around 30 years old. In the past, he seemed 50 years old, and she seemed around 40. No need to explain, both of them had definitely used the lotion, and conditioner Abel made. “I was right; you are good!” Duke Albert padded Abel on the shoulder with a big laugh and took a seat in the middle of the hall. Grand Duke Edwina also gazed at Abel. She gave out a little smile and a little nod. Seeing how both rulers of the city had greeted Abel, all the elf councilors’ expressions immediately changed. The 4 female elf councilors who smiled at Abel were now putting on their most welcoming look, and all the other elf councilors had gotten a lot friendlier towards Abel as well.
Chapter 265 - Award Ceremony Chapter 265 Award Ceremony The lord granting ceremony took place in a peaceful atmosphere. Steward Derek placed a luxury purple cushion with flower embroidery in front of the stage and asked Abel to sit on it. Abel was no stranger to lord granting ceremonies. He stepped up and kneeled down with a serious look, staring forward. To the surprise of all the elf councilors, Grand Duke Edwina did not request an oath from Abel. She only took out the silver sword from the hands of steward Derek, and lightly tapped it on both sides Abel’s shoulder. Afterward, she placed a Lord’s medal of honor in front of Abel’s chest, and the ceremony was finished. Grand Duke Edwina couldn’t do anything else anyway. Abel’s status as a human was too awkward. If he didn’t have the moon goddess’s transformation necklace, Grand Duke Edwina would never even consider giving Abel a noble status, such as a Lord of elves. It signified Abel’s identity as an elf, so she needed to be certain Abel’s true identity would never be exposed. Now, since Abel had the transformation necklace, he was able to completely change into an elf inside and out. Of course, there were also those few royal elves who had seen the transformation necklace, but Grand Duke Edwina was sure they would not make it public after they saw how she had treated Abel. The oath an elf needed to say in a Lord granting ceremony could only work its power against elves. Abel was a human, so it didn’t matter much if he said it or not anyway. The medal of honor in front of Abel was the ones of a Lord. Since he was not granted any land, he could not design his own coat of arm. He could only show his noble status through this Lord’s medal of honor. After the Lord granting ceremony had finished, Abel had put on his skin-tight white suit with the help of Brewer. Afterward, he sat in the resting room with a bottle of fruit juice, waiting for the banquet the Grand Ducal palace had organized for him. Suddenly, Carrie appeared by his side. She glanced at Brewer, who was also standing by Abel’s side and said to Abel, “I’m looking for you!” “Master, the honorable Countess Carrie. I’ll go first!” Steward Brewer quickly said with a bow and left the resting room. “Countess, Carrie, why are you looking for me?” Abel put down his juice and said with a slight bow. This sister of Loraine had a special ability: she always broke people’s good mood when she appeared. “Let the Grand Ducal palace take care of the selling of those elven perfume!” Said Carrie with a monotone voice. “But, I’m not even planning to sell those elven perfumes!” Abel carelessly threw out this sentence. He wasn’t in need of any resources anyway, and the things he wanted could not be bought by gold coins. Maybe the only thing he was short of was some fresh crystal cores. Those things were a very crucial resource, but they could not be bought with wealth. They could only be attained through a soul beast hunt. “That was mother’s decision!” Carrie replied to Abel’s disinterest with the same monotone. Carrie’s attitude was basically commanding Abel to give the ‘elven perfume’ to the Grand Ducal palace for sale no matter if he liked it or not, since that was what Grand Duke Edwina had said. That was crazy. “Countess Carrie, you really are good at persuading men. I’ll give some elven perfume to the Grand Ducal palace for sale in a few days.” Said Abel with a hint of sarcasm. Seemed like Carrie didn’t catch Abel’s intention. She continued to say “you also need to prepare some “conditioner” and “lotion”. Master Mara is helping you to apply for honor from the Alchemy Union. It doesn’t matter if you pass or not, all your alchemy will still belong to the elves. After Carrie finished her sentence, she turned and left. Abel wanted to follow up and ask, do all the elves like to make decisions for people without asking? Suddenly, Carrie stopped. She turned back to Abel once again and took out a portal bag from her chest pocket. “This is some resource”. When Abel took the portal bag, Carrie had already disappeared from the resting room. DII This portal bag had a cute bear embroidery on it. It was the complete opposite to any other vicious bears he saw. He could tell this was a female bear at first sight. Abel gave out a little laugh. He would never guess the serious all the time elves would like embroidery of this style. He reached in with his power of the will. Inside was filled with ‘elven perfume’, ‘conditioner’, ‘lotion’, and countless ingredients that were commonly used in alchemy, some of which were even very valuable. Too bad he didn’t find a single beauty grass, it was the main ingredient for ‘beauty potion’. It seemed like beauty grass was too rare, and he didn’t know where to get them. Of course, he wasn’t preparing those beauty potions for himself; he was still young. He was thinking of making some for his mother Nora, and future Loraine. Abel then thought about Master Mara helping him to apply for honor from the Alchemy Union. Suddenly, joy struck his heart. Back in the days when he was learning to forge, Master Bentham had also sacrificed his only chance to help Abel apply a Blacksmith Master examination. Although he wasn’t sure how many times Master Mara could apply, he was sure this opportunity was not easy to come by. “Master, the banquet is about to start!” Said Steward Brewer as he appeared beside Abel. Upon hearing Brewer’s reminder, Abel wrapped the portal bag on his waist. He was very cautious as he wasn’t sure what would happen if he threw the portal bag Carrie had given him in his personal storage box in the Horadric Cube. This white suit for elves was also almost skin tight. So he could only wrap the portal bag on his waist. “The Lord of Bennett had arrived!” With the call of the Grand Ducal palace’s steward Derek, Abel entered the hall. At first, Derek did not follow as he stayed at the entrance. It was only after another steward had arrived, he began following Abel. He only had one mission today, and that was to introduce Abel to every noble in here. wer The nobles in the hall turned and gazed at Abel. Some smiled and some ignored, but all 12 of the elf councilors were very friendly towards him. They all separately stepped up and greeted Abel respectfully, while Derek introduced them to Abel. All the nobles in the hall were surprised by this. Those big ego elf councilors were not easy to interact with. Although this lord granting ceremony was organized to welcome Abel into the noble circle, it was just another excuse for the other nobles to gather around. No one actually cared about a Lord without land. The thing that surprised the nobles the most was Steward Derek’s attitude towards Abel. It was like he was serving a Master. Since steward Derek was the steward of the Grand Ducal Palace, he was only a status below the elf councilors, so no one would want to mess with him. Because of this, the elves began to guess Abel’s identity. Some of them had even stepped up and started to chat with him with a friendly look. By this point, Abel realized the elves were just as fake as the humans. They weren’t graceful like their appearance at all. Suddenly, a voice came from the entrance. The honorable Master Mara had arrived!” A young elf entered. All the elves were extremely curious. From what they had heard, Master Mara was already entering her old age. How come she was so young? “This is Master Mara? My god, are my eyes ok?” An elf councilor said in shock. “I told you!” Elf councilor Kroc turned and replied.
Chapter 266 - Welcome Banquet Chapter 266 Welcome Banquet “That’s hard to believe, what potion could it be?” Said a female elf councilor. She stared at Master Mara with her eyes wide open. All the female noble elves quickly began to gather around Master Mara. It seemed like they all wanted to know the answer to this question. When Master Mara saw Abel, she increased her stride and avoided the elves rushing at her. When she was in front of Abel, she greeted with a bow and took out 3 bottles of gold color potion from her bag. “Congratulations, The Lord of Bennett! These are 3 bottles of ‘space breaking potion,’ I’ll give them to you as a gift!” “The honorable Master Mara, thank you so much. Your gift is too valuable!” Abel did not take the potion immediately. He bowed first. Then, the Grand Duke palace steward Derek whispered against Abel’s ears, “the Lord of Bennett, you must take this gift, it’s the elves’ tradition. Upon hearing these words, Abel quickly took the 3 bottles of potion from the hands of Master Mara and said: “the honorable Master Mara, I will make some potions that you can use and organize my steward to deliver to you!” Master Mara was feeling a bit weird that Abel had refused her gift at first, but her mood had lightened up when she heard those words. She only had 2 bottles of ‘lotion’ and ‘conditioner,’ so if she wanted to continue preserving her looks, she would have to keep applying them. Master Mara was very happy with those 2 potions, so she had made the decision for Abel to apply for an honorable Master Alchemist title for him. She had requested a bottle of blue rank ‘lotion,’ ‘conditioner,’ and ‘elven perfume’ from Grand Duke Edwina to send it to the elves’ Alchemy Union. Master Mara’s train of thought was simple. She told the Alchemy Union that if a Master Alchemist could make a unique potion that was better than the ones herself made, that Master Alchemist definitely deserved an honorable title! The ‘space breaking potion’ Master Mara had gifted Abel could increase one’s agility and speed. The ingredients required to make these potions originated from the Double Moon Forest. Humans rarely had the chance to use these potions, especially the gold rank ones. Only an honorable alchemist Master like Master Mara could slowly gather the ingredients for these potions through connections. However, their rate of success was still not high. So, these 3 bottles of ‘space breaking potion’ were definitely a very generous gift. As all the elves were shocked by Master Mara’s generous gift, Abel shoved the 3 bottles of ‘space breaking potion’ in his portal bag. This action struck Master Mara by surprise. Only people with mana could have a portal bag, and among the elves, only the Druids had mana. Abel did not only have one portal bag but 2. Master Mara smiled oddly face, especially when she saw that portal bag with the cute animated bear embroidery. By that point, a group of elves arrived at the hall. Suddenly, the chapters in the hall had subsided. Abel could sense all those elves were Druids. When Abel got close to them, he could smell that they had all applied his ‘elven perfume.’ “The Lord of Bennett, these are our palace’s Druids!” Steward, Derek softly introduced. By this point, Abel realized where those Druids had got their ‘elven perfume’ from. But he was confused why even the male elves had applied them. They were designed for women. “Derek, why did the Druids have ‘elven perfume’ on them? Ain’t they designed for female elves?” Said Abel as he hesitantly pointed towards the male Druids. As the steward of the Grand Ducal Palace, of course, Derek would know about this. However, he could not explain to Abel why. It was too embarrassing for the Grand Ducal Palace. As Derek was feeling a bit awkward, a voice came from behind. “Mother gave the ‘elven potion’ to the female Druids to assist their training. However, the male Druids also use those potions to help them cleanse their soul, so they blackmailed mother.” Carrie said with the same monotone voice. “Young master!” Derek bowed and said. It was hard for Abel to imagine the ultra dominant Grand Duke Edwina getting blackmail. He didn’t know how to react all of a sudden, so he just put up a weird face. “Bennett, I will tell mother about your mocking facial expression!” Carrie’s voice was just as monotone, but Abel could tell she was threatening him. “Ms. Carrie, what do you want!” Abel said helplessly; he didn’t want to argue. “Give me a copy of the beauty potion’s formula once you have the ingredients,” Carrie said, leaving no room for bargain. Suddenly a young male Druid appeared beside Abel and Carrie, interrupting them. “Countess, you’re here. I’ve been looking for you!” Abel felt a big rock lift off his chest. It was very hard to communicate with Carrie. He would get blackmail every 2 sentences. At least he could escape this time. “Don’t go, Bennett. You have not replied!” Carrie ignored the young Druid and said with a hint of desperation. It seemed like all girls take their appearance seriously. “Why do you have Ms. Carrie’s portal bag?” The young Druid stared at the 2 portal bags on Abel’s waist, and one of them had a cute bear embroidery on it. How would a male elf have something like this? By this point, tension began to build up in Abel’s body. Every elf in the Grand Ducal Palace knew this young Druid’s relationship with Ms. Carrie, and Ms. Carrie was fine with it. They often chat about training together, and he always believed Carrie would be his future wife. As long as he could become an intermediate Druid, he would be able to propose to Carrie in front of Grand Duke Edwina. But at that moment, Carrie had ignored him, and she was treating another young elf with a rare attitude. Finally, when he saw Abel’s portal bag, he began to get angry. “Merlin, I gave him that portal bag!” Carrie replied without much thought. Merlin’s last bit of rationality broke. The fire in his heart began to burn. He could sense this elf was only rank 3, so he didn’t even need to use physical strength. Only directly striking his power of the will should turn his opponent into an idiot. Merlin might be punished for doing this with his status as a Druid, so he did some quick calculations as he was losing his mind. In the end, he decided it was worth it. Considering his relationship with Ms. Carrie, the punishment shouldn’t be too harsh, and this would be a good way to show Carrie how much he cared about her. At the same time, Abel’s commander’s alertness began to lit up. He sensed this Merlin Druid in front of him had bad intentions. Although it wasn’t enough to threaten his life, this Druid wanted to attack him. As Abel was still thinking an elven force struck his brain by surprise. Due to their distance, Abel’s commander alertness almost had no time to react. At the same time, this also showed his opponent’s power of the will was not that strong. If not, Abel’s strong intuition would not let him attack that easily. When Merlin’s power of the will entered Abel’s mind, his initially cocky expression was immediately flipped around. It was like he had entered the mind of a giant dragon. It was not like the mind of an elf at all.
Chapter 267 - Merlin The Druid Chapter 267 Merlin the Druid Merlin didn’t know what would happen when the power of the will enters the brain of the Giant Dragon. There hadn’t been a fool brave enough to do so. Now, he felt like the fool. Druids were a type of wizard. Even though they could use close-ranged attacks, they could only be done through self-enhancement spells. Wizards also had strong limitations to their usage of their power of the will. They usually only used it to activate spells, rune signs, hexes, etc. Only a few wizards would use their power of the will offensively. This was because once their power of will was broken, there would be severe consequences. Merlin was in that exact situation. When his power of the will had entered into Abel’s brain, Abel’s brain was so complicated that even Abel, himself couldn’t identify what was so special about it. Firstly, the countless soul potions had allowed the soul in his brain to grow significantly. Secondly, after becoming a commander, his soul had significantly increased attack. Lastly, absorbing the impose pressure from the dragon crystal through the ambergris wood big had also had an effect on his soul and power of the will. By this point, Carrie felt that something was up. How could Merlin attack Abel in front of her? Abel was her younger sister’s love interest, the only blacksmith in the Elven city, and possibly only one who could make the special ‘Elven perfumes’, ‘lotions,’ and ‘conditioners’ in the entire Holy Continent. It happened when Carrie was about to ask her mother to stop Merlin. Attacks like this on the power of the will was among the most dangerous. Due to the lack of training, her powers were the lowest among the intermediate druids. Furthermore, she was not familiar with these attacks on the power of the will. As her voice was escaping her, she noticed that Merlin’s expression had slightly changed, whereas Abel had shown no change. The suspicion grew, could it be that Merlin, as an official druid, had weaker will than a third grade wizard? The battle had already been decided when she finished her thought. Merlin looked dumbfounded. All his power of the will had become a part of Abel’s brain. As Merlin’s power of the will entered Abel’s brain, it was like there was a terrifying monster being awakened inside. His power of will had been stunned as it entered. Soon, all of Merlin’s power of will began to leave his mind and enter into Abel’s brain. Consequently, Merlin lost complete control of himself. A dragon’s roar set off from Abel’s mind. Merlin was a Druid specialized in summoning, and he could communicate with soul beast through his power of the will. However, this roar had whipped out all of Merlin’s attributes ion Merlin’s power of the will. Afterward. The weak little soul vicious dash out and swallowed Merlin’s power of the will, like a hungry snake eating an elephant. In the physical world, Abel posed no harm to an official druid as he is unable to utilize his giant dragon impose pressure. This impose pressure only exists in his soul, so entering his mind would be like entering the mind of the giant dragon. Abel had felt some change after the weak little soul had consumed Merlin’s power of will. Though it has no sense of self, it had grown under the influence of the power of will of an official druid. “What’s wrong, Merlin?” The shouting of one druid had attracted the attention of many others. Carrie looked at Merlin coldly. Although she was introverted, she wasn’t dumb. Merlin would often discuss training, but she would leave whenever the conversation became off-topic. Who knew Merlin would interpret her tolerance as a sign of love. She didn’t know Abel was able to survive Merlin’s attack, but she had already put the blame on herself. Merlin’s eye had lacked expression and was wide open. He was smiling awkwardly, and his saliva had flowed down towards his chest. “Merlin’s power of will is gone!” an intermediate had shouted after investigating. “Who did it?” his fellow druid yelled, though he had his eyes on the similarly still Abel. “Who is he?” “He did it!” “Attacking the Grand Ducal Druid in the Grand Ducal Palace, off with his head!” Several druids gathered to Abel, but Carrie stood beside Abel, silent. The druids had understood her intentions. “Why are you protecting him, countess Carrie? He killed Merlin!” said one of the druids who had shouted questioned her. Carrie hadn’t even moved her eyes, worryingly staring at Abel. This action had aggravated the Druids even more. “Calm yourselves!” said Grand Duke Edwina as she and Duke Albert had appeared beside Abel. “Grand Duke Edwina, this elf attacked Merlin. Look at what he did to him!” said one of the druids. He was a very close friend of Merlin. “Are you all blind? Between an official druid and a level 3 elf, does it need to be said explicitly who the aggressor was?” Grand Duke Edwina said with piercing eyes, staring at the druid who talked back. “He attacked the Grand Ducal Palace’s alchemist. He deserved being counter-attacked. Do you still want to take revenge for him?” n Upon learning Abel’s identity as the Grand Duke’s alchemist, nobody dared make as much as a squeak, including Merlin’s buddy Everyone had also understood that the mysterious alchemist who made the Elven perfume was Abel. Before he arrived, there hadn’t been Elven perfume that improved the purity of souls. There was no need for words. Grand Duke Edwina’s attitude had explained everything “Mother, is Mr. Bennett alright?” Carrie said in a slightly concerned tone. “I just checked, he’s alright,” Grand Duke Edwina said with a slight smile. As she finished speaking, her beast portal bag suddenly opened. 5 ravens flew out and eyed Merlin, and without hesitation, flew towards Abel. After flying around him for a bit, they land on his shoulder, looking at his affectionately. “Pledge transfer!” shouted most of the elves present. This was almost an urban legend. Only a few elves have even seen it themselves. These kinds of pledge could transfer the beasts they have pledged to other elves, and at the same time losing the spell themselves. As though removing one’s body part, almost anyone who attempts it regrets it. “It seems a lot had happened behind the scenes!” Grand Duke Edwina had shown some surprise. She knew that Abel was human, and human wizards are not able to coexist with druid wizards. This was not a rune conflict between a wizard and an alchemist, but one on the spiritual level. Because elven druids need to change their souls to a natural green to be able to communicate with animals, this same soul change also allowed druids to be accepted by animals easier. And the easier a druid is accepted by animals, the easier their soul is to change.
Chapter 268 - A Weak Soul That Came To Be Chapter 268 A Weak Soul That Came to Be The base of a human Wizard was the power of the will. An elf Druid’s base was their soul’s ability to be absorbed by nature. These were completely different occupations, and they could not coexist within the same being. By this point, Grand Duke Edwina began to doubt if Abel was actually an elf. Maybe everything he said was a lie. Although Abel might lie to Grand Duke Edwina, she knew well that her little daughter Lorraine wouldn’t. There could only be one explanation for this: Abel was a monster. Yes, a monster. That was what Grand Duke Edwina had labeled this destructive guy in front of her. A Druid’s monster portal bag was strange dimension merchandise. It couldn’t store any personal belongings, but one could shove their contracted creatures within. Not every single Druid had a monster portal bag since they were very hard to get. Merlin’s monster portal bag was given to him for his service within the Grand Ducal Palace. On top of that, he needed to supply an intermediate mana gem every 5 days in order to keep this bag. Not all normal Druids could withstand this sacrifice. By this point, Abel could no longer see what was happening in the real world. His thoughts had entered the weak little soul. Everything had turned green, as though he had been altered after swallowing a power of the will. However, Abel didn’t know the purpose of this alteration. Every single bit of Merlin’s power of the will was swallowed, even the soul beast contract he spent countless years on. Now, Abel realized a set of strange symbols appear within his weak little soul. Slowly, he reached his power of the will towards them. 5 souls responded to him. The contract was signed to 5 ravens. At this point, Merlin’s monster portal bag opened, and the 5 ravens flew out beside him, causing shock among the elves. Abel had successfully summoned the 5 ravens from Merlin’s monster portal bag without being aware of it, and a strange raven symbol appeared on the skill tree within his Horadric cube. Abel began to examine the second set of symbols, and the soul of a vine responded. This soul of a vine was battle thirsty. They immediately became excited after they heard the summon. Merlin’s monster portal bag opened once again, and a poison creeper swam out. After seeing the poison creeper, the elves immediately backed off. This vicious vine could send out immense poison from their attacks, and the cure was often very hard to find. Normally a Druid would find a way to alter and intensify the poison within their own poison creeper. Therefore, the poison every poison creeper gave out was different. There were only 2 cures. One was using poison antidote potion, and the other was the poison creeper retrieving their poison. Depending on the quality of the poison antidote potion, their effect would be different. So most of the time, it just assisted the body to slowly excrete the poison through rest. That’s why the elves began to freak out when they saw the poison creeper and tried to find a place to hide. The poison creeper swam beside Abel’s feet. It seemed like it liked Abel’s smell a lot as it brushed its scary flowers against him. The skill tree in Abel’s Horadric cube had gained a new spell again, as a vine’s symbol appeared. Merlin’s Druid friend wanted to step up and close his monster portal bag, but the moment he reached his hand in, a scary sense engulfed his body. In a sudden, all of his strength and power vanished. He immediately understood this was Grand Duke Edwina’s warning. He should not mess with this elf frightening contract transfer. Abel reached his power if the will towards the 3rd set of symbols, and he was connected to a strange soul. This strange soul was very powerful, and it seemed like it was very difficult to communicate with it. Luckily Abel’s power of will was extremely powerful, and the green souls around the weak little soul continued to hold down this weird soul. By this point, the weak little soul automatically injected some green power of the will into Abel’s power of the will. The 2 power combined, making the communication smooth again. All the Druids in the scene were at least level 6, and all of them could tell Abel was only level 3. Although they could not accept the fact that 2 types of low ranking creature had just been summoned, they could guess what had happened. Merlin had used his power of the will to attack this level 3 Alchemist Bennett, but alchemist Bennett somehow swallowed the soul within Merlin’s power of the will and brutally extracted his contract. None of the Druids could believe Alchemist Bennet could summon and take away the low ranking creature within Marlin’s contract. All the Druids were speechless; dead air filled the hall. Even Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert could not take their eyes off what was happening below. However, Grand Duke Edwina gave out a little flick with her hand. A green wall of light appeared in the middle of the hall, separating all the normal nobles from the Druids. As the nobles were blocked by the wall of light and the buzz began to build, the voice of Grand Duke Edwina began to fill the hall “What comes after was the Grand Ducal palace’s secret. Please excuse us!” A strange creature emerged from the monster portal bag. Every Druid in the scene knew it was a spirit. It was called the Oak Sage. The peculiar creature could increase the life force of its owner. “Impossible.” The Druids began to doubt their eyes. This had exceeded everything they had ever known. A level 3 alchemist, which they thought was a level 3 Druid could control a level 6 spirit. By this point, Grand Duke Edwina no longer knew how to describe her daughter’s little boyfriend. She was so puzzled that her head began to hurt. It was a good thing she had separated the ordinary nobles and the Druids. Every Druid in here was the member of the Grand Duke palace, so they would not leak this information by her command. The Oak Sage floated mid-air towards Abel. It spun around him 2 times before landing in front of him. All of a sudden, Abel, the ravens on his shoulder, and the poison creeper on the ground began to glow in red. It was the Oak Sage’s life force increase ability in action. A circle symbol of a spirit appeared on the skill tree in the Horadric Cube. When Abel reached his power of the will towards the last set of symbols, 5 familiar souls began to merge. Abel’s soul had gained his soul connecting experience last time, so this time Abel directly joined the 5 familiar souls with the weak little soul’s power of the will. It was the soul of a wolf. Although he didn’t know which type, he was sure it was a wolf by the souls’ big ego and cold-bloodedness. 5 spirit wolves jumped out from Merlin’s monster portal bag. Although these things were called wolves, they existed in a half immaterial state. Afterward, they all lifted their heads and howled. Flashes of light flicked beside Abel, guarding him in the middle. A wolf symbol appeared on the skill tree. By this point, every Druid knew Merlin was finished. He would be useless if he could wake up. The sacrifice of contract exchange was forever losing the ability to use magic. Therefore, it seemed like Merlin could never regain his ability even if he starts all over again. Abel swallowed and gave him 4 spells from the Druids this time. Actually, he was very lucky to have all the conditions met. As long as a single requirement was not fulfilled, this kind of contract transfer could not be complete. First, he needed to fully penetrate the opponent’s power of the will. Normally people would not do this risky behavior if they didn’t have total confidence.
Chapter 269 - The Knowledge Of A Tiny Soul Chapter 269 The Knowledge of a Tiny Soul Then, there was the soul and impose pressure transformed by The Giant Dragon impose pressure. The power of the will poured into Abel’s brain. This would instantly wipe out the opponent’s intelligence on the power of the will. The Giant Dragon was known as the most advanced life form. Their imposed pressure can suppress almost any other life-especially when purely in terms of the power of will. When there was no defense, the Impose Pressure of The Giant dragon was invincible. Lastly and most importantly, a pure soul was required to consume another power of the will without being affected themselves. Abel’s weak little soul matches these criteria well. Though it inherently has no intelligence, through the countless soul potions, it had grown similar to a proper soul, though still incomparable to a real soul. Therefore it was able to grow and flourish after swallowing the power of the will with no side effects. Abel’s weak little soul had become a druid’s soul, one that had absorbed an official druid, and had inherited their summons. Abel slowly opened his eyes, feeling the summons next to him. Carrie was next to him, blocking him. Grand Duke Edwina and Duke Albert stared back at him with playful eyes. Further away were the druids who attended the banquet. “Your royal highness! Grand Duke Edwina, Grand Duke Albert!” said Abel, bowing, before checking his own wellbeing. “Greetings. All the druids here have benefited from you, and will continue in the future,” said Grand Duke Edwina, waving her hand. After looking around, she said: “I hope everything that has happened today will stay in this room. After all, Alchemist Bennet was the only one who could make the elven perfumes!” “Do not worry, your royal highness!” The druids were no idiots. An alchemist that had significant benefits to their training must be given respect. There was no reason to backstab Abel, and as the ones who are benefitting from him, they should be trying to protect him. “Bennet, you have shown me more than I had hoped, congratulations!” After waving her hand, Merlin’s monster portal bag flew into her hand, which she threw to Abel. “Keep the summons in here. They are draining the appetite of our guests!” As soon as Abel tried to communicate with the summons, asking them to enter the bag, all of them jumped into the monster portal bag. With a flick of her wrist, the green wall that separated the noble and druid had disappeared. Two guards had picked up Merlin by his shoulders, dragging him out of the banquet hall. It was likely Merlin would be living the rest of his life like that, though the Grand Ducal Palace would keep him alive. “Everyone, there was a small complication which had been settled. May the banquet commence!” Grand Duke Edwina said to all the elves in the hall with a smile. The elves in the banquet hall knew not to discuss what had happened. This was a buffet. The table had been filled with dishes full of food. In an environment like this, socializing had been put before eating. Some nobles that hadn’t seen each other in a long time had formed circles of discussion. The druids had also started sharing their stories. All of a sudden, it was as though nothing had happened. “Follow me!” Grand Duke Edwina told Abel. “Yes, Your Royal Highness!” Abel said with a bow, entering a room by the banquet hall, trailing behind Grand Duke Edwina. “There aren’t other elves here. I’ll just refer to you by your name, Abel. I don’t care how you got the power of the official druid, but I hope you can try and control the power of the druids,” Grand Duke Edwina said to Abel “Your Royal Majesty!” As Abel said that, he was interrupted by Grand Duke Edwina. “Forget the formalities here. You, humans, have the formalities down pat, though privately you can call me Grand Duke Edwina.” “Yes, Grand Duke Edwina. I can learn everything a druid can?” Abel said with a questioning tone, knowing that Druid training was unique to elves, and could be passed on onto outsiders. “Abel, you’re different. Because of Loraine, you could call us family. It should be fine as long as you avoid casting druid spells as a human. You already have low level and basic druid summons. You’re already past the first barrier. Now all you need to do was to learn a few summoning spells, and you would be able to create summons anytime.” Grand Duke Edwina said with a smile. “Grand Duke Edwina, I’m not familiar with Druid. What happens when my summons die?” Abel asked with a hint of concern. “Summons don’t actually die. When they receive lethal damage, they are sent back into the summoning dimension. They can be summoned again after resting!” replied Grand Duke Edwina. “If the summons can go back to the summoning dimension, what’s the point of the monster portal bag?” Abel questioned. “Summoning requires time and mana. And when you let it return to the summoning dimension, it loses all combat experience. Despite it being the same summon, you’ll need to retrain it. ” Grand Duke Edwina replied patiently. “Abel had now understood that druid summons and the summons from sacrifices are different. Druid summoned soul beasts from the summoning dimension, whereas a sacrifice should be better understood as obtaining a skeleton from a corpse. When a druid summoned, it was as though wiping their summons’ memory, getting a fresh new summon the next time they do so. On the other hand, a deity could just put away their summon skeleton for the next combat without affecting its abilities. “As for druid training, I’ll get Carrie to help you!” Grand Duke Edwina said as she left the room, leaving Abel to himself. Abel grew depressed as he heard Carrie would be his mentor. The way Carrie spoke would make his learning experience torturous. However, he understood Grand Duke Edwina’s decision. To teach a level 3 elf the basics of druid, any druid teacher would immediately know that he wasn’t even a druid. Assigning her trustworthy daughter was the most logical decision. Abel hadn’t left immediately. Although the banquet was meant for him, it was only a gathering. His existence barely mattered. After sitting down, he started a self-assessment. Using the power of will, he checked the main soul, which had no change. Afterward, he checked the weak little soul. After consuming the power of the will, the weak little soul had become a whole druid soul. Abel could access druid spells through the weak little soul, now known as the druid soul. Inside the soul was 4 runes representing 4 different summons. Through the activation of the power of the will, he can summon them out from the monster portal bag. But resummoning them after they receive lethal damage was still a mystery to him. Through the force of habit, Abel checked the skill tree within Horadric Cube as he wandered off with his thoughts. To his surprise, four other signs had shown up, corresponding to the 4 different summoning spells of the druids that were now part of the spells under his control.
Chapter 270 - Spells Of A Druid Chapter 270 Spells of a Druid He focused his power of the will on the first raven symbol: Raven Summon a flock of ravens to poke the eyes of your enemies Mana: 6 Current level: 6 Damage: 7-9 Ravens: 5 Next level: 1/106410 This spell summons 5 ravens to attack the enemy. Even though the ravens have low damage, the best part of it is the chance to blind. Ravens are not the main attacking summon. They are used to harass the enemy. If the enemy has low defense, their eyes may get poked out. There would be a higher chance of disrupting spells if faced with 5 harassing ravens. Abel then focus his power of the will on the vine’s symbol Poison creeper Summon a vine which inflicting poison on anything that touches it Mana: 8 Level: 11 Poison damage: 37-39 Duration: 45 Next Level: 1/352020 This is a cunning summon. These intelligent vines will extend their feelers, poisoning anything they touch. Poison creepers are a key method of attacking a summoning druid. Since ravens are only used for harassment, the poison of the poison creeping is used to finish battles. Next was the third sign representing the Oak Sage Oak Sage Summon a spirit, allowing you and your allies to gain health. Mana: 24 Level:10 Health: +75% Next level: 1/289980 Lastly, the sign representing a spirit wolf Summon Spirit Wolf: Summon a telekinetic spirit wolf to aid you in battle: Mana: 15 Current level: 15 Damage: 23-27 Wolves: 5 Accuracy: +400% Defence: +190% Next Level: 1/672530 Abel had never considered the first spells he would learn as an official wizard would be a druid’s spells. This time he had obtained offensive spells from an official wizard. In particular, its a telekinetic spirit wolf. Abilities like this were much stronger than Black Wind’s. Currently, it could only use ‘move in a flash’ twice a day, only reserving it for escaping death. In the empty guest room, Abel had allowed his curiosity to get the better of him, letting loose of the spirit wolf from his monster portal bag. A massive wolf, slightly smaller than black wind, though would be considered huge for a wolf, came out. It had black skin, though unlike the fur of black wind, it was like a shadow. Abel placed his hand gently on the back of the spirit wolf, wanting to pet it. But his hand went through the wolf. His hand was cold, as though putting it in some liquid. The Spirit wolf, as the legend said, was half immaterial. Abel had just discovered what had made it unique. This also meant that the initial thought of mounting it was no longer possible. It couldn’t carry anything alive. “Lord Bennett,” A gentle knocking came from the door. The housekeeper of the Grand Ducal Palace, Derek was at the door. “Come in!” Abel said as he put away the spirit wolf into his monster portal bag. Bowing as he entered, Derek said to Abel: “Lord Bennet, her highness has invited you to join the next activity!” “What activity, Derek?” Abel asked as he heads towards the door. “My lord, it is the awfully delicious, the most unforgettable food in the entire double moon forest!” Derek says looking ahead Excited by the words of Derek, Abel picked up his pace, leaving the guest room. Grand Duke Edwina was already expecting him, waving, causing Abel to pick up his pace even more. “Bennett, we’ll start without you if you don’t come soon!” Despite saying that, Grand Duke Edwina had left a gap beside her for Abel. The other elves could feel the care she was giving Abel. Along with the confrontation between Abel and Merlin for Ms. Carrie, as well as the bear Embroidery on his portal bag, it seemed that many of the elves had understood what had happened between him and Carrie. “Derek, bring on the dishes!” Grand Duke Edwina signals Derek to serve up the next course. “Yes, your royal highness!” Derek replied with a bow, signaling outside the door. 20 elven servants, each holding a square box, entered the hall. Whatever was inside the box was growling, which brought a smile to the faces of the elves. “Bennett, may I present to you, the Blue howling rabbits!” Grand Edwina signals a nearby servant to open the box. The elf opened the box, revealing a medium-sized blue-haired rabbit. It also had fangs, staring down Abel with its red eyes, growling intimidatingly. Although his so-called blue howling rabbit looked menacing, constantly trying to look intimidating, Abel felt no threat, as though it was completely harmless. “The blue howling rabbit is a type of soul beast, though the weakest kind. It has next to no attacking moves. It’s only ability is to howl in an attempt to intimidate its predator!” Grand Edwina explains, noticing Abel’s suspicion. “Your Royal Highness Grand Duke Edwina. These blue howling rabbits should be quite rare, right?” After hearing the explanation, Abel thought that it must be difficult for something like this to survive in the wild. “Certainly, they only live in places with concentrated mana, usually mana mines. They also only eat grass grown in mana rich environments. If it weren’t for its requirements, it would’ve been domesticated by the elves ages ago!” replied Grand Duke Edwina. Abel knew that the Holy Continent lacked mana rich spots. Even the mana in mana mines mana wasn’t common. And yet these soul beasts still manage to only eat grass grown in mana rich environments. If they were farmed, they would have to grow the grass in magic towers. However, they were used for teleportation and training. Even if there were leftovers, there wouldn’t be enough to grow grass. “Let’s start!” Grand Duke Edwina orders the elven servants. The elf’s servants start preparing the rabbits on the side of the hall. Grand Duke Edwina says smiling: “Everyone here today is lucky. There are 20 blue howling rabbits, so everyone should get at least one piece each!” As Grand Duke Edwina finished, everyone in the hall started chattering excitedly. Abel had managed to pick up that the blue howling rabbits are extremely rare, and were extremely delicious. Even the higher-ranked elves were excited. Two steps away were housekeeper Derek, Abel quietly asks: “Derek, why does it have to be brought back alive?” “My lord, the meat of the blue howling rabbit is incredibly peculiar. If it is killed before eating it, it would be one of the best foods in the double moon forest. But if you wait, a weird smell is released, completely ruining the meat. Every time a hunter encounters a blue howling rabbit, they will try their best to bring it back, and serve it directly into the hands of the consumers. The mana rich grass in the area is also harvested, and can only sustain it for 1-2 days. Normally upon catching blue howling rabbits, they would spend a lot to teleport it away. Of course, that cost is then passed on to the consumers!” Derek explained patiently. At the other side of the hall, the servants start grilling the rabbits, each on their own charcoal grill. Soon thereafter, the banquet hall was filled by the aroma of the grilling meat.
Chapter 271 - Blue Howling Rabbit Chapter 271 Blue Howling Rabbit “Bennett, Mother sent the elves to the known magic pit to find Blue howling rabbit for this banquet. She didn’t arrange it for my birthday!” Carrie said with a hint of jealousy in her voice. “Your Excellency, thank you very much for your arrangement!” Abel felt the love of Grand Duke Edwina and could not help but bowed to thank her. “As long as you treat my daughter well,” Duke Albert said before Grand Duke Edwina answered, “I have got to thank you again, though. If it wasn’t for you, we would’ve never had the chance to eat the blue howling rabbit again!” Duke Albert deliberately said it as loudly as he could. As noisy as it was, the nearby druids and practiced nobles could all hear what he was saying. Some of them were looking at each other, but nobody was saying anything. The word was starting to spread out, so it seemed. Grand Duke Edwina shook her head when she saw this. Duke Albert wasn’t the type to read the situation. Yet, this was the reason she was attracted to him in the first place. “We are just about to finish roasting the howling blue rabbits, Master. Please, have a seat in the dining room,” Grand Duke butler Derek said as he bowed to Grand Duke Edwina. In the middle of the banquet hall, twenty roasted blue howling rabbits were placed separately in twenty plates. Their surfaces were roasted to a golden brown, oil sliding with a mouth-watering smell. “Bennett, pick one first and try your luck!” Said Grand Duke Edwina, smiling at Abel. “Try my luck?” Abel didn’t understand what she meant, because Grand Duke Edwina just said that these blue howling rabbits were to be eaten by all the elves on the scene. There weren’t enough blue howling rabbits to share with the elves in the scene, so it was impossible to give him a whole one. “Lord Bennett, master meant that you choose a blue howling rabbit first. Because these blue howling rabbits are spirit beasts, and they may have a crystal core. These are spirit beast that has just been killed. Crystal is helpful for the practice because today is your welcome banquet, traditionally you have the first choice! “Derek explained softly. After hearing Derek’s explanation, Abel stepped forward and pointed at a blue howling rabbit and said to Grand Duke Edwina, “I want this one.” Grand Duke Edwina nodded to the elf waiter. An elf waiter stepped forward and took out a dagger with a cold light, cut it obliquely on the skull of the blue howling rabbit that Abel just chose. This elf waiter was experienced, the knife was cut just above the seam of the skull, then the dagger turned, and the upper half of the skull was opened along the seam. “Congratulations, Lord Bennett, you’ve chosen a blue howling rabbit with a crystal core!” The elf waiter picked the soft crystal core from the blue howling rabbit’s skull with a dagger, placed it on a plate, and passed it to Abel. “Bennett, you will be very lucky today!” Grand Duke Edwina said to Abel with a smile, and the elves beside him congratulated. It was less than half an hour after the crystal core had just taken out. Abel was not in a hurry to use it, but he was waiting for the actual meal “blue howling rabbit” in the banquet. Grand Duke Edwina, Duke Albert, and Lady Carrie had chosen blue howling rabbits, but a crystal core never appeared again. The next step was selecting distinguished elves from the guests presented. It doesn’t matter whether the crystal cores were obtained or not. The important thing was the laughter and cheers sounded from time to time during the banquet. The atmosphere reached a peak in a short period. Abel was divided a rabbit’s leg of a blue howling rabbit, cut a small piece with a knife, and put this rabbit meat in his mouth with a fork. An indescribable taste conquered his taste buds immediately. He understood why it was called the best dish in the Double Moon forest. The color and smell were strong, soft and tender, and the aftertaste was endless. No adjective could fully express the kind of rabbit meat. After Abel took a bite of blue howling rabbit meat, he felt a lingering scent in his mouth, a piece of blue howling rabbit just disappeared from the plate quickly. Abel glanced at the empty dinner plate with some interest, thinking about how wonderful it would be if he could raise this blue howling rabbit and eat this kind of food frequently. Suddenly he thought about the breeding conditions of the blue howling rabbit. Maybe he could make an environment to fully met these conditions. There was a kind of grass generated in the magic environment. It could be seen everywhere in Blood Moor. That was not a problem to grew in the magic place. In Rogue’s encampment, or in the entire dark world, the magic was richer than ordinary magic towers. If he could raise such a blue howler rabbit, then he could have collected crystal cores stably. Abel’s heart was fiery for a while, and this idea seemed very feasible. Perhaps asking Grand Duke butler Derek would be helpful because he should be very familiar with these. It could be seen that the meal of blue howling rabbit meat made all the elves have an endless aftertaste. Many elves shared these twenty blue howling rabbits, which made all the elves difficult to feel satisfied. “Derek, do you know where to know how elves bred the blue howling rabbit?” Abel asked Grand Duke butler Derek when he got a chance. “Lord Bennett, you must be addicted to the blue howling rabbit meat!” Derek said. He understood Abel. “Yes, this blue howling rabbit meat was really delicious. Do any elves know how to breed them?” Abel asked again. “There is not much research of breeding blue howling rabbits among ordinary elves. There may be attempts to raise them among druids. If you need, I can check for you through the Grand Duke’s Palace!” Derek was very enthusiastic and said that he knew Abel’s identity, which is Grand Duke’s family. Although Abel’s idea was a bit ridiculous, as long as he proposed it, he would find a way to provide him with correspondences. “Derek, thanks for your help!” Abel took out two bottles of blue-quality “elven perfume” from the portal bag and handed it over. “Thank you for your reward, Lord Bennett!” Derek knew what Abel had handed over, and the blue-quality ‘elven perfume’ in the Grand Duke Palace was issued from him, but he could not obtain this kind of high-end druid’s cultivation potion. Derek also had kids, so the two bottles of blue-quality “elven perfume” were great gifts. If they sent others as gifts, it might not be a problem for them to find a good teacher for his children. “Lord Bennett, Grand Duke Edwina had just ordered you to use the crystal core you got immediately, so I arranged a place for you to live. I will take you there!” Derek put away the “elven perfume”, and then bowed. Abel came back to the courtyard where he lived. Abel’s butler, Brewer, was waiting here. With Brewer’s care, Abel enjoyed the same service as in his villa. At this time, the crystal core had put for an hour. If he still didn’t use it, it might solidify. Abel opened the defense circle and set the mana gathering circle. He sat in the center of the mana gathering circle and threw the fresh crystal core of the blue howling rabbit into his mouth, and then he started meditation practice. That familiar sense of acceleration was back. Although there was not as much magic in Rogue’s encampment, fresh crystal core had made him very satisfied. The only problem was that the crystal core from the blue howling rabbit was much smaller than those from the spirit beasts that Abel took before, and the energy contained in it was much less. However, it would not be a problem, as if he solved the problem of breeding the blue howling rabbit. As long as there were enough fresh crystal cores, he could use Horadric Cube to synthesize a higher level of fresh crystal cores and even synthesize the top crystal cores was not a problem. After the meditation, Abel had been thinking about the problem of breeding the blue howling rabbit. He believed that he would not be the only one who had this idea. There must be other elves who also had the same idea as him. As long as he had others’ experiences, then it would not be a problem to raise a blue howling rabbit in the dark world with enough magic and countless grasses growing in the magic environment.
Chapter 272 - Honorary Master Alchemist Chapter 272 Honorary Master Alchemist The Elven Alchemist Union in Angstrom City was a gray building. From the exterior of this building, it could be seen that this building had an abundant history. At this moment, in the Elven Alchemist Union, Abel’s three blue-quality potions: elven perfume, skin lotion, and conditioner were placed on the alchemy table, and seven greatest alchemists were judging them. These senior alchemists were the alchemists sent from Double Moon Forest after receiving the application from Master Mara. They were responsible for this review. The review of honored alchemists was not necessarily required to attend because alchemy was a very private thing, there were many secrets that were not known to outsiders, and there were many special methods that didn’t want to be known by others, so the review could be progressed as long as there were productions. Of course, in order to prevent cheating, the identity of the elf was very important to apply for the honored alchemist. The greatest alchemist had only one chance in his lifetime. The confident alchemist would leave this opportunity to himself, and the honored alchemist master had two chances in his life. Master Mara used her first chance on herself and her second on Abel. Because the level of these potions placed on the alchemy table was too low, those were only blue potions. The controversy of the Elven Alchemist Union was still very large. After trying “skin lotion” on the hand and “conditioner” on the hair, although there was nothing special about the blue-quality ‘elven perfume,’ it also made all four female greatest alchemists strongly recommended that this alchemist honored as an honored alchemist master. However, the other three male alchemists focused on the level of Abel’s potions, thinking that the level of the potion he made was too low, and the effect was monotone. Because several of Abel’s alchemy potions were feminine supplies, and they were very ordinary alchemy potions, if relying on these, the title of honored alchemist would inevitably be a little tricky. Female greatest alchemists didn’t agree with this view. What kind of potion was better medicine than the one which could make the skin younger and more supple? This effect was worth it for any woman to get it at any cost. If the two bottles of ‘skin lotion’ and ‘conditioner’ in front of them were not samples for trial, the female greatest alchemists on the scene wanted to use them directly on their faces. Eternal youth was a dream pursued by all women, and it came true already. In any case, they must obtain the title of an honored alchemist for this alchemist and then buy these two potions from this master. Although three male greatest alchemists explicitly rejected the review requirement of the honored alchemist title, it was important to know that there were four female greatest alchemists who were qualified to audit on the scene. According to the principle of auditing the minority and obeying the majority, as long as these four female greatest alchemists passed, and the review took effect automatically. “No, we will never let a glamour guy become an honored alchemist!” A male greatest alchemist shouted and stood up, yelling and waving his left arm angrily. m The male greatest alchemist was outraged at the behavior of this alchemist who only refined female products to please the majority of the senior female alchemists in the review team. If there was even a non-female product with special effects, they would have to handle it more seriously. If Abel was here, he would be very helpless. Who would think of an intermediate alchemist only refine a bunch of alchemy potions for women, and since he started to learned potion refining from Loraine, he only learned to refine the “elven perfume” used by female elven. Although he could refine the “nutrition potion” and “recovery potion,” it was not known by others. It was not until Abel got the formulas of “skin lotion” and “conditioner” from Carrie that were almost equivalent to women’s beauty encyclopedia. Then he had discovered by Master Mara and sent the three alchemy potions she knew about Abel to the Elven Alchemist Union and review the title of Honored Alchemist. “If you pass this application, then we will quit the review team!” The greatest male alchemist shouted threateningly, and the atmosphere of the Elven Alchemist Union was nervous for a moment. While the seven greatest alchemists in the Elven Alchemist Union were arguing, an elder old male elf came in, he walked to the alchemy table without saying a word, and did not look at the “skin lotion” and the “conditioner.” Instead, he picked up a bottle of blue-quality ‘elven perfume,’ opened the bottle cap, sniffed it, and closed his eyes for a while before exhaling. “Master Alfred, why are you here?” The greatest alchemist bowed. Other elven alchemists came forward to salute. Master Alfred was extraordinary. Not only was he an honored elven alchemist, but he was also an intermediate druid. He didn’t have to come here for the review; there was no idea where he got the news so that he would appear here at that time. “Haven’t you heard from Grand Duke that the elven perfume can improve the purity of the soul?” Master Alfred asked the alchemists in a polite manner. “Master Alfred, do you mean this bottle of elven perfume is the legendary one that can enhance the purity of the soul?” The male greatest alchemist looked at the elven perfume in front of him in disbelief. The alchemists here were not elven druids. It was not easy to get results in two different fields at the same time. Many alchemists weren’t able to become intermediate alchemists throughout their lives, not to mention spending time practicing to become druids, coupled with the terrible consequences of practicing two professional patterns at the same time. These made very few alchemists with two professions. “This elven perfume can improve the level of strength of our elven druids. If the alchemist who can make potion has such an effect cannot get your approval, then the existing honored alchemist of the Alchemist Union are all unworthy of the name, at least I am that one!” Master Alfred stared at the elf alchemists with a slow voice. “Master Alfred, this was our fault!” A male greatest alchemist bowed, and then said, “It’s our fault to bother you to point out our mistakes. We are embarrassed!” “You are not druids, and you cannot appreciate the importance of this blue-quality elven perfume. Your fairness to the Union is commendable!” Master Alfred looked at those three greatest male alchemists and said with a smile. “Let’s vote then!” A female greatest alchemist stood up and placed a wooden sign with her identity in front of three bottles of potion on the alchemy table. Then the other three female greatest alchemists also stepped forward and placed the wooden identity sign in front of the potion. “I agree with Master Alfred’s opinion. If the potions that can improve the level of druids of our elves cannot be approved, what other potions can be approved!” The male alchemist said and stood up to place the wooden sign that symbolized his identity on the alchemy table carefully. “Actually, I was just angry for a moment. This alchemist’s attitude towards alchemy made me very angry. Now I know that I was a bit superficial and didn’t really know the value of the potion in front of me. My choice was to agree to this application!” The other male alchemist also stood up and placed his identity wooden sign on the alchemy table carefully. “I retain my opinion that no matter what the effect is. The level of these potions is really too low. I cannot accept that an alchemist can obtain the title of honored alchemist only by making blue-quality potions, but I respect your choices, The minority obeys the majority, so I will put my identity card.” Having said that, the last male greatest alchemist put the wooden identity sign in his hand on the alchemy table. At this point, after an unsuspecting review for Abel, his elven incarnation of Bennett Intermediate Alchemist became the honored alchemist of the elven clan.
Chapter 273 - Two Hands, Double The Speed Chapter 273 Two Hands, Double the Speed In the evening, Abel opened the barrier circle. Akara’s tent was placed in it, and he entered in front of the alchemy table to start refining potions. After the first bottle of blue quality elven perfume had refined, Abel was no longer satisfied with the speed it took for this method because it took twenty minutes for each bottle of refining. With this speed, not many bottles of potion could be made at night apart from the rest time. The main reason for the idea of accelerating the refining process was because Abel found that after Druid’s sub soul consumed the power of will from Merlin, he was able to command a large amount power of will. It was stronger than the power of will that the main soul could command. If Druid’s sub soul had an intelligent, active mind, he wouldn’t have to worry about which is the main and which is the side. After so many days of multitasking, Abel was able to use it inadvertently in daily life, but he had never tried delicate work like refining potions with two hands separately. He took two Akara’s Alchemy Bottles in both hands and took the materials separately in each hand, but when he was about to start the incantation, he got trouble. He couldn’t say two incantations at the same time. However, he quickly dealt with this problem. He staggered two alchemy movements. He let the left and right hand performed completely different movements. The precise calculation separated the incantation time so that both hands could continuously perform the alchemy movement without delay. The alchemy that originally required 20 minutes was only half then, reaching a bottle of 10 minutes. In the next five hours, he refined 20 bottles of blue quality elven perfume, twenty bottles of blue quality “skin lotion” and twenty bottles of blue quality conditioner, no matter what level of alchemist would definitely be amazed, if seeing his refine process. Although it was a 100% success rate at the cost of three times the material, each time, the sublimation was because of the use of the flash of lights from Alcala’s Alchemy Bottle, upgrading to a higher level. Then Abel went to sleep, did not dare to enter the dark world in the Grand Ducal Palace. The next morning, when he stretched his body in the yard energetically, he saw the butler Brewer walking toward him quickly. “Master, Master Mara wants to see you!” Brewer bowed, deep worshiping Abel. It was a glory to have a master alchemist visit so early in the morning. “Brewer, quickly take me to meet her!” Abel said after finished tidying up. Master Mara seemed to be in a good mood. When she saw Abel, he went up and performed a peculiar ceremony solemnly. This was a ceremony that Abel had never seen before. “Dear Master Mara, you knew that I have just learned alchemy recently and didn’t know about alchemy etiquette well!” Abel said without making a ceremony but made a sorry gesture directly. “Haha, that’s fine; you only need to learn two alchemy etiquettes in the future: one is between peers, and the other one is for the lower alchemists. The alchemy ceremony I have just performed was the ceremony between the peers!” Master Mara said with a smile. “Dear Master Mara, you must be wrong; how could I treat you as a peer!” Abel said in surprise. “Dear Master Bennet!” Master Mara, said with a serious look, once again made a strange movement in the air with his right hand, and finished it in front of her chest, then bowed. Abel was shocked when he heard the word “Master.” He thought he had been found as the identity of a master blacksmith, but thinking of what Mara just said, it seemed that Dame Carrie mentioned that Mater Mara had submitted an application to Elven Alchemist Union for him to got the title of an honored alchemist. It seemed that this application had been approved. Abel looked and smiled at Master Mara, whose right hand was still resting on his chest. He hurriedly imitated the movements of Master Mara with his right hand, and drew the same pattern in the air and put it back on his chest. “Master Bennet, I officially inform you as an applicant that you have been officially awarded the title of Honored Alchemist by the Elven Alchemy Union. Please come with me to the Elven Alchemist Union to receive the medal of Honored Alchemist!” she announced to Abel with a smile. “Master Mara, I am very grateful for your selfless recommendation. It is a great honor for me to go to the Alchemy Union with you!” Abel said formally with a bow. The gratitude in Abel’s heart not only came from Master Mara’s application, but also from thoughts of Master Bentham in Harvest City. It was the same selfless recommendation that allowed him to grew up to this day. If it wasn’t Dame Carrie’s notice in advance, he might know the news of success after Master Mara told him. If it failed, then Master Mara might really just contribute silently. “Master Bennett, the last time I inadvertently disturbed you, that gave me some inspiration, disturbing your alchemy but let me gain a lot, which made me feel very guilty, and your alchemy level has indeed reached the application of the honored alchemist, so I took your work to apply to the Elven Alchemist Union. I am very sorry that I had not discussed with you in advance!” Master Mara did not hide her thoughts. Have the status like her doesn’t need to hide anything, and only by doing things exactly as intended could achieve higher achievements. “Master Mara, please wait for a second. I have to change my clothes.” When Abel was about to turn around and change his clothes, Derek, the Grand Ducal Butler, came in from the door and saluted to Master Mara, saying, “Master Mara, you have to wait for a while!” Then saluted: “Lord Bennet, Grand Duke Edwina is asking you to come right away!” “Since Grand Duke Edwina called you to go there, there must be something urgent. I’ll take a rest here!” Master Mara said with a smile. When Abel followed Derek to the Grand Duke Palace, Grand Duke Edwina and Dame Carrie were already standing there waiting for him, and there was a smile on Grand Duke Edwina’s face when she saw him come in and said, “Abel, how dare you. If I didn’t stop you, then you would go to the Elven Alchemy Union directly?” “Grand Duke Edwina, is there a problem?” Abel looked at himself with confusion. “Bring forward your transformation necklace!” Said Grand Duke Edwina, reaching her hand out to Abel. Abel didn’t hesitate. If Grand Duke Edwina forced him to hand in his transformation necklace, it would have been taken away and didn’t need to wait until then. He took off the transformation necklace from his neck and gave it to Grand Duke Edwina. When the transformation necklace left Abel’s body, Abel felt the rapid changes in the bones and muscles. The body converts back into a human form within a few seconds. Fortunately, at that time, he was wearing a large uniform so that he would not feel awkward because of physical changes. Dame Carrie looked curiously at Abel in human form, and spit out two words: “So ugly!” Abel’s human appearance was certainly not as ugly as Carrie thought. On the contrary, due to the perennial knight training, his body was tall and strong. It was completely different from ordinary wizards and looked very vigorous and handsome. Compared with the elves with exquisite faces, of course, there was a big difference in Abel’s appearance. No race in this world could match the appearance of the elves. “Abel, after the transformation necklace been obtained by the orcs, they did not activate the incantation, they just forcibly added some cracking patterns on it, so that the transformation necklace can only be used limitary, but the cracking patterns can’t really completely function of this transformation necklace. If you use this transformation necklace to changed identity to enter the Elven Alchemist Union, you might be discovered. You must know that the Elven Alchemist Union has a special smell detection circle, and it’s very sensitive to all kinds of smells. This transformation necklace has an obvious orcish smell, and because the function is not fully used, your transformation is also stained with the smell of the moon goddess,” Grand Duke Edwina explained, holding the transformation necklace glittering with a green light on her hand.
Chapter 274 - Carrie’S Invitation Chapter 274 Carrie’s Invitation After a while, Grand Duke Edwina returned the transformation necklace to Abel. “It’s ok now. I got rid of the Orc’s pattern and etched the spell on top of it. You can connect your power of will with it. From now on, you can transform without any scent leaking out!” Abel reached his power of the will into the necklace. First, a spell appeared. After he memorized it, it disappeared. Afterward, he reached his power of will into the core of the necklace. A ray of green light began to flash, and it slowly began to get absorbed into his skin. Abel felt a bit weird as he reached his hand towards the emplacement, where he put the necklace. Although his hand didn’t feel anything, his power of the will could still sense the necklace was on his neck. Not only that, but their connections were even stronger. A spell was the elite elves’ language, and Abel had said it without putting in any effort. Afterward, some choices appeared within his power of the will. It included humans, Orcs, and elves. He could even select the appearance according to his own desire, randomly or even the ones he vaguely remembered. After Grand Duke Edwina broke the pattern of the Orcs, the spell in which the transformation necklace could be used had gotten even more powerful. At that moment, Abel didn’t spend too much time looking into the different features of the transformation necklace. Instead, he just directly transformed back to his elf appearance. “Thank you, Grand Duke Edwina!” Abel bowed with gratitude. “Abel, if you must go to the elf’s alchemist union. If it was not you who became a Master Alchemist, I would not give the ability of the transformation necklace to you. According to the legend, the transformation necklace was made to assist the goddess of moon travel between different races. Its usage has always been controlled by the Royal elves. The scariest thing about the transformation necklace is that it can hide its scent during a transformation!” Said Grand Duke Edwina looking at Abel’s helpless face. If her little daughter did not fall in love with Abel, she would have taken back the necklace. She would have never told Abel about its proper usage. Hiding a scent was actually a very scary ability. Abel was also very suspicious if Ms. Carrie had something with a scent hiding ability. When someone had this ability, they could easily get close to an extremely sensitive professional without being spotted. For example, sometimes, Ms. Carrie could just appear next to Abel out of nowhere without his commander senses being triggered. If an assassin had this ability, they would be like a lion with wings. No one would be able to expect their presence. After Abel resigned from Grand Duke Edwina, he was getting ready to go back to the Grand Ducal palace to meet up with Master Mara. Suddenly, Ms. Carrie emerged from behind. “Abel, I heard you are seeking some techniques to raise a blue howling rabbit?” She said with a calm, monotone voice. “Yes, Ms. Carrie. I wanna see if I can actually raise one!” Abel said with a little nod. She had most likely got this news from the Grand Ducal palace’s steward, Derek. “Actually the Grand Ducal palace has a servant who grasped the technique to raise blue howling rabbits. I’ll take you to him!” She said to Abel with a hint of friendliness, which was hard to see. In the garden of the Grand Ducal palace, Abel saw the old elf Ms. Carrie had mentioned. At that moment, that old elf was looking after the flowers. From the linen clothing on his body, it seemed like he was the Grand Ducal palace’s gardener. “That is Old Mund; he knows how to raise a blue howling rabbit. You can go talk to him!” Said Carrie pointing towards the old elf. Abel could not sense a single bit of mana or an impose from practicing combat qi. It seemed like he was just an ordinary old elf. Also, Abel could sense this old elf’s life force was not strong, like he was reaching the near end of his life. “Hello Old Mund. Can you talk to me about the technique of raising a blue howling rabbit?” Abel said with a slight bow towards Old Mund. “Mr, I’m only the Grand Ducal palace’s gardener. You are too polite; you only need to ask directly if you want to know anything.” Old Mund was a little shocked, so he quickly waved his hand around. When he heard about the technique of raising a blue howling rabbit, he couldn’t help but turned his head towards Ms. Carrie, waiting for her confirmation. “It’s ok, Old Mund. Go ahead, just answer that ever Lord Bennett asks!” Said Ms. Carrie nodding her head. “Yes!” Old Mund said with a bow. Afterward, he turned his head back to Abel and said: “Mr, when I was young, many big noble palaces had raised some Blue Howling Rabbit, and I’ve been a breeder ever since.” When Abel heard that many nobles had raised a blue “Mr, blue howling rabbit raising was banned many years ago!” Old Mund explained. “Why? Blue howling rabbit is the number 1 cuisine of the Double Moon Forest.”Abel asked. “A magic circle needs to be set up in a blue howling rabbit’s inhabitant to make sure they can grow up properly in a mana filled environment. The grass they eat also needs to grow within a magic circle. This would need countless mana gems in the course of 2 months, which is how long it will take for a blue howling rabbit to mature. Because of this, it is extremely costly to grow a blue howling rabbit. On top of that, mana gems are a Druid’s resource, so the elf parliament had banned them. Even the Grand Ducal palace had to stop raising them.” Old Mund explained with a hint of sorrow, thinking about the old days. “What if I want to raise a blue howling rabbit?” Abel got straight to the point. “Err….” Old Mund looked at Ms. Carrie again, and she nodded. Old Mund then followed, “You must first need a medium size mana gathering circle and some already formed baby blue howling rabbit. You also need some specialized breeder.” Suddenly Carrie interrupted Old Mund, “We could help you find a medium-size and some baby blue howling rabbits. In regards to a specialized breeder, Old Mund is very experienced. The only thing we needed from you was a flash of light blue beauty potion!” Carrie stared at Abel with a yearning for some beauty potion. With Abel’s skill as an alchemist. Those normal conditioners and lotion he made held immense power. He was just unsure how powerful his beauty potion would be. “Ms. Carrie. It’s not that I don’t want to make a beauty potion, I just don’t have the ingredients!” Abel said while shaking his head. By this point, he realized Ms. Carrie wanted to use some blue howling rabbits to exchange some beauty potions. “Our squad will be heading out for a mission soon. Some beauty grass is grown there. You can come with us!” Ms. Carrie really wanted a beauty potion, so she invited Abel with excitement. “Ms. Carrie, do you really need me? Can’t you just bring some back directly?”Abel stared at Ms. Carrie with a puzzled look. She was an intermediate druid, what was the purpose of Abel coming along? An intermediate druid’s mission was probably too dangerous for him anyway, so he quickly rejected. “Don’t you know that those beauty grass can only have an effect if they are used right after picked?” Ms. Carrie didn’t understand Abel’s look. Abel was a Master Alchemist. There was no way he didn’t know about the beauty grass’s characteristics. Abel really wanted to argue back. He had not learned alchemy for long. He only know about those ingredients from the formula. He didn’t know their characteristics. Who could have guessed even an elf with a big attitude like Ms. Carrie would activity help Abel connect with a blue howling rabbit breeder for some beauty potions. Actually, Abel didn’t know that Ms. Carrie had reached the point in her life where her looks would soon start degrading. That’s why she was so desperate for some beauty potions. Especially when she heard that Abel had become a Master Alchemist, her trust for Abel had grown a lot. “Give it a thought Abel. Our squad will head out in a week!” Said Carrie seeing Abel’s contemplation. She then looked towards Old Mund and said, “Write down all the things required to raise a blue howling rabbit and give it to Derek. From now on you no longer need to work in the garden, just focus all your time on this!” Afterward, Ms. Carrie gave a slight bow and left. Seeing the deeply shocked look on the old gardener’s face, Abel waved his hand and left. Since the elves could raise blue howling rabbits in the past, he could definitely do it as well. As long as he could mass breed them, he could have a stable supply of crystal cores.
Chapter 275 - The Elven Alchemist Union Chapter 275 The Elven Alchemist Union Abel felt uneasy whilst traveling towards the elven alchemist union with Master Mara. The nerves were getting to him as he constantly thought about the mission Ms. Carrie had mentioned to him “Don’t worry, Master Bennett. You’ve already passed the review. You’re just following the rules and getting proof that you are a proper alchemist master!” thinking that Abel was worried about being questioned at the guild, Master Mara tried to comfort Abel. After hearing Master Mara’s consolation, he forced a smile out. He wasn’t worried about the guild. Compared to Ms. Carrie’s mission, the guild was a piece of cake. Upon entering the grey-white building of the elven alchemist union, Abel felt the stares of the surrounding elves. Every so often, an elf came forward to greet Ms. Mara, and all of them stared at Abel with questioning eyes. Being stared at like a zoo animal made Abel feel uncomfortable. Master Mara noticed and laughed: “The Elven alchemist union hadn’t given out an honorary master to an alchemist for years. Plus, you’re really young. It’s no wonder they are curious. Naturally, after you receive the medallion proving you’re a master alchemist, they will give you more respect.” Before they knew it, they had arrived in the middle of the hall in the guild. A pretty elven receptionist bowed as they arrived: “Welcome, Master Mara!” “Please let it know that Master Bennett was here to collect his master’s certificate!” Master Mara replies with a nod and smile. “My Spirits, you’re Master Bennet!” the elven receptionist exclaimed. Thankfully she covered her mouth, suppressing her excitement. Otherwise, the whole guild would’ve been alerted to his presence. “Yep, that’s me!” Abel was confused at her excitement, replying with a polite nod. “Master Bennett, when will you start selling your skin lotion and conditioner?” The receptionist asked after a pause. “Hurry up! We don’t have all day!” Master Mara said with a heavy tone. “Sorry, sorry! Right away, Master Mara!” the receptionist bowed apologetically and ran into the passage behind her. “Master Bennett, now you know how popular your skin lotion and conditioner is with the female elves!” Master Mara said with a laugh after the receptionist had gone a distance. Abel forced out another smile after hearing that. If the blacksmith’s at the blacksmith union heard that the master blacksmith had become a master at producing beauty products, surely the response won’t be good. “Master Mara! and this must be Master Bennett. Please, come in!” a female elf said with a bow. A female advanced alchemist paced over and did a one-handed bow. Then, she brought out a gift after drawing a rune in the air. “Master Bennett, this is advanced alchemist Ernest, the elf’s best alchemist!” Master Mara whispered to Abel. “Master Bennett, can you sell me some of your skin lotion and conditioner?” the elf leading the way, Ernest, slowed down and asked in a pleading tone. “Thanks for your compliments, advanced alchemist Ernest. I brought some today to share as a gift,” Abel replied, smiling. “That’s great! Please go in! We’ll talk more later.” advanced alchemist Ernest said with a large smile on her face as she invited Master Mara and Abel into a guest room. “Master Alfred, why are you here?” Master Mara said to a smiling old elf in the room. “Long time no see, Master Mara!” Master Alfred greeted Master Mara the alchemist way with a smile on his face. “Master Alfred, this is Master Bennett!” Master Mara greeted back and introduced him to Abel. “Master Bennett, your Elven perfume possesses mysterious powers. Crafting unordinary potions with ordinary ingredients, what a sight!” Master Alfred looked at young Abel, thoroughly impressed “You’re overstating my accomplishments, Master Alfred. It’s nothing, really. I’m only a novice in alchemy, learning as I go. I need a mentor like you to show me the ropes!” Abel could feel the immense power radiating from the old elf, and replied with a bow respectfully. “Please, don’t sell yourself short Master Bennet. Let me introduce you to everyone here. They were going to leave after the review, but they insisted on meeting you before they left!” Master Alfred said with a smile. Master Alfred introduced the advanced alchemists in the room to Abel. There were 3 males and 3 females. The last advanced alchemist, Ernest hadn’t replied to the greeting of Abel, but instead gave him an intense look. “I have to let you know, Master Bennet. I was against the passing of your review. I do not recognize your alchemy skills.” advanced alchemist Ernest said with piercing eyes. “Advanced alchemist Ernest. I was completely alone on the path of alchemy Without a mentor, I was going in blind. I am not aware of how good my alchemy skills are. This honorary master had also been registered by Master Mara!” Abel replied honestly, not denying the claims of Advanced Alchemist Ernest. “You’re selling yourself short again, Master Bennett. After being strongly affected by the way you performed alchemy, so I registered you without your permission!” Master Mara said with a smile. “Master Bennet, you mentioned that you had no mentor?” Master Alfred asked surprisingly. “Yes, Master Alfred. I was enlightened by Countess Loraine.” Abel said with nothing to hide. “What a waste!” Master Alfred mumbled. Had he met Abel before, he could’ve taken him under his wing. Alas, it was too late. Even if he was better he couldn’t accept someone of the same rank as a disciple. “How about this, Master Bennett. Demonstrate your crafting. Just the main process, you can skip the last “sublimation”(spell for brewing potion) step,” suggested Master Mara. She thought of the day that Abel had touched her emotionally in the mansion. “Not a bad idea!” Master Alfred said, clapping. He was also curious about the bar set by Master Mara that triggered her to voluntarily register Abel to be a master. Of course, the Advanced alchemists present had not objected. This was a rare opportunity to see the famous master alchemist do his craft. Abel saw the excitement of the faces of the elves, and said, shaking his head with a smile: “Since Master Mara said so, I’ll try to not embarrass myself!”The humility that Abel possesses was not usual in the Holy Continent, no matter human or elf. However, the elves present had felt his humble and respectful attitude. “What to do…”Abel thought. How about the method that I tried this morning! “Advanced Alchemist Ernest, can I have 2 sets of potion crafting apparatus and 2 sets of ingredients for elven perfumes!” as it was the request of advanced alchemist Ernest, Abel had directed his request to them. Advanced Alchemist Ernest took about 2 apparatus from the cupboards underneath the alchemy stands and had also set up the ingredients for the elven perfume. They then bowed and said: “It’s ready, Master Bennett.” “Thanks,” Abel replied with a slight bow. In front of the alchemy stand, Abel took a deep breath. He placed a flask in front of him using his left hand, then inserted it into it was the same ingredient from the 2 sets of materials for the perfume. He then repeats the same motion with his right hand, though slightly slower than his left. The elves present were stunned by Abel’s performance, utilizing both his left and right hands, constantly chanting spells. 10 or so ingredients, 2 crafts were completed in mere minutes.
Chapter 276 - Another Master’S Medal Chapter 276 Another Master’s Medal As Abel stopped, 2 half complete potions were left on the table. Despite that, the elven alchemists were completely quiet. Just like Master Mara and Master Alfred, everyone present was stunned. “Master Bennett, your alchemy speed is unmatched in the Holy Continent!” Master Alfred looked at the golden bottle filled with half-complete potions. It’s hard to imagine the amount of talent one needed to operate like that– Performing different complicated actions in both hands. For normal alchemists, using 2 hands may not even match one of Abel’s hands in terms of flexibility, not to mention speed. No matter a pure alchemist or a druid alchemist in combination, there wasn’t anyone in the world of alchemy that could match Abel’s constitution. Alchemists are required to spend large amounts of time practicing, just like knights or other melee combatants. Unless they learned by absorbing the combat qi of others, there is no way they could match Abel. Only someone who is as physically fit and well trained could perform alchemy at such speed and maintain it. Of course, alchemy wasn’t just about speed; it also requires a large amount of thinking and calculations. Being a wizard, his power of the will is incredibly strong. In addition to his druid soul being stronger than his main soul, his physical and mental foundations for high-speed alchemy had already been laid. “Master Bennett, your alchemy skill level increased again!”Master Mara said after a long pause, recovering from the shock from the incredible performance. “All of your movements were incredibly precise. The most impressive part of that was the speed and zero wastage of power or ingredients. If we talk about alchemy standard procedures, your movements would be the standard. All alchemists would benefit from watching you perform alchemy!” Master Alfred said with a glow in the eyes, as though a child witnessing something impressive. “I think I know why Master Bennett frequently has flashes of realization!” Master Mara said in awe. “Oh? Do tell, Master Mara!” Master Alfred said, showing his interest. The other advanced alchemists present were also interested. The chance of flashing spells being successful was incredibly low. It was virtually decided by luck. When Master Mara was going to explain the reasoning behind it, all alchemists’ interests peaked. “Although Master Bennet hadn’t entered the sublimation phase of the brewing, just from the performance just now, I noticed one thing: speed. In the short moment after the ingredients have been prepared, a small change occurs because of time. Due to the speed, Master Bennett reduced the wasted time as low as possible. I think that’s the key to the flashes of light!” using the years of experience and the second time viewing, Master Mara had proposed this hypothesis. Especially from the first time she watched him perform, the 100% success rate of the flash of lights had thoroughly impressed her. Master Alfred nodded. Though he didn’t know the chance of success of the flash of lights, from all the blue rarity elven perfumes, skin potions, and conditioners from flashes of lights, he knew that the chance of Abel’s flash of lights succeeding was incredibly high. “Master Bennett, I take it all back. You’re a real Master Alchemist. I’ve never seen anyone of the masters demonstrate ability such as yours!” Advanced Alchemist Ernest congratulated. “Haha, great. Master Bennett had just demonstrated his incredible alchemy skills. I, representing the guild, welcomes you into the guild!” Master Alfred waved his hand at Advanced Alchemist Ernest, taking out a box containing a medallion. He then presented it to Abel, attaching it next to the Lord medallion on his chest. “I, honored Master Alchemist Alfred!” “I, honored Master Alchemist Mara!” “I, Master Advance Alchemist Ernest!” “Together, we are the witnesses of Alchemist Bennett’s honorary alchemist master!” the alchemists present said in a serious tone. “Master Bennett, from now onwards, you could get all your alchemy needs from the alchemy guilds in Double Moon Forest. Of course, if you were to sell your products, the guild will help you with o fees!” Master Alfred said with a smile. “I’ve already promised Grand Duke Edwina from the Grand Ducal Palace for the distribution rights…” Abel said apologetically. “It’s understandable. These potions could improve the souls of a druid, aiding them in combat. Of course, the Grand Ducal Palace would want strict control over it!” Master Alfred nodded and said. Master Mara and the 7 other advanced alchemists nodded in agreement. As alchemists, they knew the importance of a potion that could cleanse the soul. “Today, I brought some blue skin lotions and conditioners as a gift!” Abel took out 20 bottles of skin lotions and conditioners from his portal bag, placing it on the alchemy stand. The four female advanced alchemists present excitedly approached the potions, thinking on how to split it. Although the male advanced alchemists were more restrained, potions that made themselves younger were superb. Unlike the other alchemists, Master Alfred had noticed the portal bag on his waist. This meant that Abel also had 2 occupations. It was hard to imagine how someone so young was able to balance them. After bidding farewell to the other elven alchemists, Abel chose to stay at the guild, preparing to explore the guild alone. Preparation was needed to carry out the mission Carrie proposed. Abel wanted to buy ingredients for healing potions and poison antidote potions. He stood behind 5 alchemists who were also looking to purchase. “Master Bennett, why are you in the queue?” Advanced Alchemist Ernest happened to be in the ingredients area, asking Abel. Ever since he witnessed Abels’s performance, his attitude towards him had completely changed. From the initial disagreement to the current admiration. “I’m looking to buy some ingredients Master Alchemist Ernest” Abel replied, smiling. Upon heading Advanced Alchemist Ernest, the alchemists in front turned around. Seeing the Master title on Abel’s chest, they bowed and apologized. It turns out they were the lowest of alchemists. In fact, they weren’t even allowed to use the alchemist greeting. They must’ve been disciples of alchemists. “Master Bennet, you have priority within the guild. You don’t need to queue up anywhere!” explained Advanced alchemist Ernest. “Is that so!” Abel understood the rule. Judging from the fact that virtually everyone in the queue was disciples, he knew how short on time alchemists were. The more advanced they were, the less time they had. How could they let a master alchemist waste their time waiting in a queue? Though, it was unlikely to see high-level alchemists buying their own ingredients. Alchemists that had the title of a master likely had many disciples. All they had to do was ask, and their disciples would be ready to help.
Chapter 277 - Assassination Attempt Chapter 277 Assassination Attempt Under the guidance of Advanced Alchemist Ernest, they arrived in front of the ingredient counter. Abel did not reject his kind offer. No elf would dare to stand in front of that elven alchemist in a line anyway. After he picked out around 10 ingredients, Advance Alchemist Ernest could already guess which potion Abel was going to make. Abel requested 60 portions for each ingredient, but when the elven shop assistant gave out the price, something very embarrassing happened to Abel. His magic gold card was signed up using his human form, so it would definitely expose his location and, most importantly, his identity. He didn’t have much physical gold coins on him normally, and his Horadric cube was stored in his chest pocket, not his portal bag. Therefore, it would be too suspicious if he took out tens of thousands of gold coins from it all of a sudden. “Can I pay with mana gems?” Said Abel awkwardly “Master Bennett, if you are short of budget, just let me pay. Your performance today has given me inspiration!” Said Advance Alchemist Ernest, fighting for a spot in front of the Elven shop assistant. “Thank you, Advance Alchemist Ernest!” Abel was not overly polite this time. He just gave a little nod. “Master Bennett, paying for you is my honor. Actually, your Master badge can give you some budget for ingredients every month!” Said Advance Alchemist Ernest as he was paying the bill. After they left the Alchemist Union, Abel saw his silvery-white carriage waiting. The half-elven driver Archie began to slowly drive the carriage towards him. Something was wrong. Suddenly, his commander senses were triggered, and he sensed something life-threatening would take place. Therefore, before he even had time to think, he reached his hand towards his portal bag, and a magic shield appeared in his hand. Although Abel had many methods of defense, he could only use the universal combat qi defense in the Holy Continent as an elf. His golden combat qi was too unique, and it would most likely expose his identity if he used it. There were also another 2 carriages waiting by the side, and their door suddenly swung open door swung open, exposing 2 small crossbows. Every single one of the crossbows were equipped with 3 blackbird head arrows. With a pull on the bowstring, 6 arrows flew towards Abel with a sharp pitch cutting through the air. By this point, Abel knew who had attacked him. A small crossbow was a popular medium-range shooter among the dwarfs. Although they were called small crossbow, they were quite powerful since it required a winch to install those arrows. It was impossible to install them with pure human strength. Other than directly shooting enemies with this weapon on a battlefield, they were also powerful enough to secure arrows onto a city wall, allowing a ladder to form. Normally, this weapon was only used in the military. It was very hard for anyone to get their hands on one, especially those normal soldiers. A lot had been done through Abel’s brain after he saw the small crossbow, and he had made the most direct reaction. He did not secure his shield in front of him. Instead he threw it directly at the arrows and jumped back. At the same time, he also summoned the ravens, and the spirit wolves from the monster portal bag using his druid’s lesser soul. “Bang!” The arrows struck upon the shield. Although the magic shield had the ability to absorb physical impact, their arrows were still far too strong. In a split of a second, the magic shield shattered into pieces. The arrows did not stop. They continued to fly towards Abel. By that point, Abel’s back had reached the wall. He had no more place to back off, so he did a weird twist with his body. The 6 arrows brushed against his body and directly stuck to the wall behind him. Luckily his important organs were untouched. Abel had not been injured in a long time. Now, he had gained a few fresh wounds in his body, even though they were not life-threatening. His blood leaked out towards the wall alongside the arrows. At the same time, he was hit by the scattered pieces of his shield, since it had exploded by the immense force of the arrows. Although he was hurt by the small crossbow, those scattered pieces still couldn’t do a single thing to Abel’s strong body. “Assassin!” The half-elven driver screamed as he looked around. Abel was now falling into his own blood on the ground. As Abel was leaning against the wall, he felt 3 arrows brush against leg and waist, while the other 3 were completely avoided. At first, he didn’t feel a single bit of pain, but then numbness began to spread through his body. He could no longer stand up straight as he felt towards the ground. The 6 spears were poisonous! But he no longer had time to treat the wounds. The 4 black cloaked face masked assassins were now working the winch in full force, preparing for a second attack. They would never have the chance to complete their attack. Suddenly, 5 ravens appeared in mid-air, and flew towards the 4 masked assassins in full speed. They poked out the eyeball of one of the most hard-working assassins. Afterward, a gut-wrenching scream filled the air. The other 3 assassins had also stopped their task immediately to fight off the incoming ravens. “He’s a druid!” an assassin called with a low voice. But it was too late. When the 5 spirit wolves showed up, helplessness emerged from their faces. Their opponents were not only an alchemist, but he was also a druid. If they knew this earlier, they would definitely not prepare for this battle this lightly. “The glory belongs to the god of the dark moon!” 4 masked yelled in unison, as they took out a statue and put it in their mouths. Their eyes lit up with passion, as though they no longer cared about their lives. Their backs began to lit up in a dark glow of fire. The ravens in mid-air seemed to be frightened by this dark glow of fire as they immediately flew towards the sky. The 4 masked assassins ignored the ravens as they dashed out the carriage and ran towards Abel. By that point the 5 spirit wolves had appeared beside the 4 assassins, but they suddenly became a little hesitant upon seeing the dark glow of fire from their back. Abel could sense, with his intuition, that the dark fire coming form the assassins’ back was extremely scary. It would be very dangerous to make a bit of contact with it. The ravens and spirit wolves he had summoned were all scared, allowing the 4 masked assassins to rushed towards him without any barrier. Abel wanted to stand up straight, but he couldn’t control his body. Although his golden combat qi was already trying it’s hardest to excrete the poison, the poison seemed to be stuck to his bone. Abel thought to himself, just a little bit more time, and he could move again. By that point, his druid soul was really to expose his wizard identity. Soon he would be able to ignite his skill tree and send some charging bolts towards the assassins. When 4 assassins were around 10 meters from Abel, his druid soul had reached the skill tree. The charging bolts were ready to be unleashed at any moment. Suddenly, a giant wolf appeared in front of him, and an old elf was sitting on top of it. It was Master Alfred, he pointed towards the 4 assassins and yelled, “Volcano explosion!”. All of sudden, countless lava exploded from the ground and flew straight towards the assassins. “Bang bang bang bang!” The 4 assassins had immediately turned into an explosion of blood.
Chapter 278 - Dark Elves Chapter 278Dark Elves “Are you alright, Master Bennett?” Master Alfred jumped off his wolf. He was worried because he saw Abel lying amongst a puddle of blood. “Thanks for your timely aid, Master Alfred. Don’t worry, though. I can handle this myself.” Abel was thankful that Alfred Master showed up at the right time. If he had shown up a bit later, he would’ve had to expose his true strength by using a wizard spell against the assassins. “Poisoned arrows!” Master Alfred called out as he noticed the black shine on the arrow. Luckily, Abel’s golden combat qi was preventing the poison from entering his vital organs. Even with Alfred, he could still stand up on his own two legs. “Stop moving, Master Bennett! You’ll make the poison reach your heart faster!” said Master Alfred, holding onto Abel. Abel said, waving his hand dismissing his concerns, “It’s nothing. Just a little bit of poison.” Master Alfred took out a wooden brush from his portal bag. He brushed the arrow with it, and a horrified look appeared on his face. “Dark scorpion poison! How can you still move then, sir?” “Is that what’s called?” Abel asked as he was already starting to tend his own wounds, “Tell me more about it. I’m not an expert in the field of brewing poisons.” Abel could feel the poison surging through his veins. Normally, something like this could be handled with just his golden combat qi. It was a little different this time, so it seemed. Instead of breaking down the substances that were in this poison, the most his body could do was to block it out as much as possible. Without answering his questions, Master Alfred took out a golden potion from his portal bag and handed it to Abel, “Here, drink this! It’s a poison antidote potion. It won’t clear it, but it’ll slow it down!” Noticing Master Alfred’s concerns, Abel drank the potion as soon as he got it. Master Alfred explained, “The poison is from the stringer of a dark scorpion. The dark scorpion is not native to the Double Moon Forest. Its home is in the northern parts of the Holy Continent, and just by a simple touch, the venom that it releases is enough to bring down a giant bear.” Master Alfred scanned around Abel again. To him, it’s an absolute miracle that the boy in front of him was alive, “It seems that the assassins really want your life. Money or otherwise, I’m sure that the poison cost them quite a lot. The poison antidote potion I gave you can only suppress the symptoms of the poison. It’s best if you go back to the guild, we’ll figure something out together!” “No need, Master Alfred,” Abel said confidently, “This poison isn’t affecting me too much. Give me a day. My body will overcome it soon enough.” Master Alfred was hesitant at first, but this was a fellow master alchemist speaking here. If Abel didn’t know what he was saying, there was no way that he would make a request like this. “Master Alfred, do you know who the assassins were?” Abel’s heart sunk as he thought about the terrifying black flame. “Yes,” Alfred replied in an angry tone, ” They are the dark elves. These animals disbanded a while ago, but there’s no doubt about it.” At that moment, someone riding a giant wolf showed up in front of the blacksmithing guild. It was a druid, an intermediate druid. Despite being around 10 meters away, Abel could sense the incredible power that was fuming out of him. “You’re here too, Master Alfred. Was this your doing?” An elven druid greeted Master Alfred with a bow. “Yes, Captain Lionel,” Master Alfred greeted in return, “Our Master Alchemist has just been attacked by some dark elves. Can you believe how low these scum are?” The druid named Lionel was surprised. Attacking a master alchemist was no small matter. As he took a look at Abel, he noticed the master and lord badges on his clothes, as well as the bloodstains and gausses on his waist and thigh. “I give you my sincerest apologies on behalf of the city guards,” Lionel said to Abel, “Rest assured, We will provide an explanation to you and the alchemist guild. I’ll need to learn more about the situation. Are you free right now?” “Captain Lionel, I’ll be leaving to tend my wounds. If you have any questions, come to my house.” Abel didn’t want to speak too much. For him, the most important thing right now was to get rid of the poison. Instead of talking more with Lionel, he jumped onto a white carriage nearby. “Let’s go back!” Abel said to the half-elven horse carriage driver, Archies. After hearing that, he recovered from the shock of the attack, quickly steering the carriage forwards. “Wait…” Captain Lionel hadn’t finished, but not much else could be said. As the Captain of the Angstrom city guard, he recognized the white horse carriage that Abel was riding. Only a few people with high profile status have the privilege to use the grand ducal carriage. Thus, it was evident to him Abel was not an ordinary person. Something didn’t feel right for Lionel, though. He hurriedly asked Master Alfred, “Master Alfred, what was the name of the Master that just left?” “It was Abel,” Master Alfred replied. “So it WAS him! Now that complicates things.” Captain Lionel knew of Master Bennett. In fact, he had a potion brewed from him before. After looking around, Captain Lionel noticed the miniature crossbows on the 2 horse carriages. His face was filled with anger. This wasn’t just a dark elves attack. The elven nobles were involved. The weapons belonged to the military. A group of city guards had arrived on deer. By the command given by their captains, the area was under lockdown. Specialized city guards had also arrived to gather information. Seeing that other city guards had come to take care of business, Lionel wanted to confirm something from Master Alfred. “Master Alfred,” he asked, “This is a serious matter. I’ll be heading to the Grand Ducal Palace to report on this matter.” As he finished saying that, a rune in his hand let out white light. He then vanished from the scene. Due to blood loss, Abel’s skin has turned pale. Archie knew that the injury was serious. He was driving at full speed. Luckily, the carriage he was using had special privileges in Angstrom City. No matter if it was a nobleman’s horse carriage or a bunch of elven pedestrians, everyone moved as they saw him coming by. “Master, what happened?”Steward Brewer asked with great concern Abel was returned to the mansion. “I’m alright. I’ll draw a defense magic circle. Don’t let anyone interrupt my recovery!” After saying that, Abel rushed back into the master’s room. He opened a defense magic circle and barrier circle in the master’s room. After that, he took out an Akara’s tent from the personal storage box. If he wanted to completely cure himself of the dark scorpion poison, he had to synthesize the highest quality poison antidote potion there was. Thankfully, he had all the ingredients from the guild. Within an hour, Abel has already made 9 blue rarity poison antidote potions. He’s not stopping there, though. Even drinking a golden poison antidote poison wasn’t enough. Abel combined the 9 blue rarity poison antidote potions in the Horadric Cube. After repeating the process four times, he obtained a dark gold rank lightning poison antidote potion. He opened the bottle and drank the liquid inside. Within a moment, the poison was miraculously soothed down by the potion.
Chapter 279 - Pieces To Set Up A Magic Circle Chapter 279 Pieces to Set Up a Magic Circle Abel let out a breath with a deep rotten smell. Almost immediately afterward, all the plant decors in the house had wilted, as though it hadn’t been watered in days. A truly terrifying poison. Since Abel did not have much knowledge of poisons, he now finally had the chance to get a taste of their strengths. Luckily he had the golden combat qi to keep it under control. Otherwise, he would have died before he could even brew the poison antidote potion. Now that the problem of the poison was gone, he could finally be at ease. But then, his brain began to register the feeling of pain from his wounds. The numbing effects of the poison had gone, leaving behind the untreated wound. Taking out 3 sets of ingredients for a healing potion, Abel made 3 bottles of blue healing potion. After combining them using the Horadric cube, he’d obtained a golden healing potion, one that he would only use on himself. Abel had a certain requirement for all the potions he brews. Under normal circumstances, he would combine the ingredients. Then, he would use the dark gold Akara’s alchemy bottle to produce an improved blue rarity potion. These blue rarity potions wouldn’t have unexpected effects. As for the other combined potions he made, he would also only use it on himself. It would be a huge problem if their possible unexplained side effects were made known to the public. After pouring the healing potion into his mouth, the 3 slashes had recovered quickly. Just after a few minutes, all the wounds were sealed, leaving behind a scab. Just a few moments later, the scab fell off, leaving behind a light red-colored scar. There was no way you would be able to tell that there was a deep wound just minutes before. As Abel thought about making more potions, the bell on the wall had rung. This was the way of Steward Brewer signaling that a guest he couldn’t stop had arrived. Completely recovered, Abel had closed the magic circles. Leaving the Master’s room, he was greeted by Grand Duke Edwina. “Your Royal Highness, why have you come here in person?” Abel greeted her with a bow. “Did you get a dark scorpion’s poison in you?” Grand Duke Edwina looked at Abel suspicious at the news she’d heard. Abel looked unscathed and full of life, showing no signs of being poisoned. “I had just brewed a poison antidote potion and cured the poison!” Abel replied smiling. Though Grand Duke Edwina was not well versed in alchemy, she also knew the strength of dark scorpion poison. It was not as easy as Abel had put it, but she hadn’t felt the need to dig deeper. “Abel, your attackers were dark elves. There must’ve been elves in the city who were accomplices. I should’ve known that the dark elves would target you when a Master alchemist such as you showed up. That was an oversight on my part. This is a rune for the city’s defense system. Next time you encounter something like this, just activate the rune and blow them up!” Grand Duke Edwina said, throwing him a wooden tile. Holding the rune sign in his hand, Abel knew how important the rune sign was. Being a rune sign, naturally, the power transfer would be limited. However, it was still enough to prevent damage and disintegrate his opponents. Checking out the rune with his power of the will had revealed that it was one especially made for him. He could also feel that he could teleport to most of the city. “Your highness, this is too much!” Abel replied with a bow, feeling the weight of the gift. “Abel, since my daughter chose you, no matter who you are, we are family. So, please accept it!” Grand Duke Edwina replied with a smile. Abel had thoroughly impressed her. So what if he was human. A commander, level 3 wizard, master blacksmith, master alchemist, all at such a young age. Many elves would be working their whole lives just to reach one of his achievements. Even if he was just a level 3 wizard, he could still summon a spirit wolf. No level 3 wizard could do that. Grand Duke Edwina couldn’t help but worry for Abel after hearing the recount of his battle today. Two miniature crossbows, even an official druid such as Abel might not have survived. The crossbows were what angered Grand Duke Edwina the most. These were weapons for single targets. If they weren’t targeting someone else other than Abel, they would not have failed. Grand Duke Edwina knew Abel was a commander, and assassinating one in the Holy Continent was almost impossible as the intuition of a commander was rarely wrong. After sending off Grand Duke Edwina, Abel once again cast the defense magic circle, followed by Barrier Circle, ready to enter the dark world to prepare for the mission in a week. Using the blue portal, Abel had reached the Rogue’s encampment. He then brought out the Akara tent and stood in front of the alchemy stand. He then took out the golden ‘air breaking potion’ that Master Mara had given to him, which was able to increase the speed attribute. There are some special ingredients required in this potion that are endemic to certain parts of the double moon forest. Abel hadn’t consumed them immediately. As for potions crafted by others, he believed that combining them within the Horadric cube would produce better results. He put the potions into the Horadric Cube and pressed the transmute button using his power of the will. The bottles had disappeared in white light, leaving behind a dark gold rank air breaking potion. Abel’s speed was now 6.5, and it was still the lowest of all his attributes. Being a knight, an occupation not based on speed, naturally his speed isn’t high. Most of the movements for a knight are done by their mount. It could be said that a knight was only complete with their mount. The assassination attempt today showed Abel the consequences of having low speed. With enough speed, he would have been able to utilize the moment after throwing the shield and dodged the six arrows flying towards him, avoiding the poison Completely. Therefore as soon as he had spare time, the first thing he did was to upgrade the air breaking potion gifted by Master Mara. He picked up the bottle, drinking all of it in one go. As though he was in a hot spring, a warmth filled his body, only leaving his body after half an hour. Checking his attributes, the 6.5 of speed had become a 10.5. Abel then put his hand in the air and flayed it around, noticing even simple movements like this feel faster. He felt as though his speed had doubled as he ran around in the Akara Tent. Unfortunately, he hadn’t received the recipe for air breaking potion. Furthermore, the ingredients were incredibly hard to gather. The golden air breaking potion must’ve required ingredients that Master Mara had gathered throughout the years. Because of how rare the ingredients were, you have to hope that you are lucky, and the loss of ingredients is minimized. Improving the attributes was the first item on his checklist before executing the mission. The second point was to prepare enough potions, especially healing potions and poison antidote potions, having 2 dark gold ranks, 2 gold ranks, and 8 blue ranks of each. The blues were for the elves that were in his exploration team. He was still a master alchemist. Obviously, he would be saving the good stuff for himself. Abel had also prepared some other potions. For example, he had nutrition potions that lasted for 10 days, and recovery potions to recover stamina.
Chapter 280 - Skeleton Knights Chapter 280 Skeleton Knights After 2 days, all the potions he used had been replenished. Abel put the ‘Akara tent’ back to his personal storage back and used the druid’s soul to unleash 5 spirit wolves from the skill tree. Abel saw that both intermediate Druids were riding on giant mount wolves. Through speculation, the wolves were dire wolves. Their defense and attack were both better than spirit wolves, and they were common summon beasts for intermediate wizards. However, in practicality, a spirit wolf should be even better than a dire wolf. Those things were mounts, so how good their defense or attack was shouldn’t matter. They only needed one thing, speed. Spirit wolves were the fastest beings. They naturally knew how to move in a flash, and due to their half immaterial bodies, they could almost move in a flash for an unlimited amount of time. If you really think about it, these things were actually perfect as a mount, so why didn’t Druids ride them? Actually, Abel already had an answer in his heart. He had done an experiment when he first got those spirit wolves: those things could not carry another life force. If Abel sat on the back of a spirit wolf, he would directly go through their body and drop to the ground. That’s the main reason why spirit wolves could not be a mount. Too bad. When Abel was sighing, he suddenly had an idea. His skeletons were not alive, so could they ride them? On top of that, they also had a death qi, just like the spirit wolves. Up to this point, Abel summoned Rib Bone no.3 and commanded it to sit on a spirit wolf. The clumsy skeleton slowly climbed on to the back of a spirit wolf and clamped with its legs. It did not fall. Just when Abel was about to get excited about his successful experiment, he received a message from his Horadric cube. “Do you want to combine the spirit wolf and the skeleton into a skeleton Knight?” Abel was a little hesitant when he first received this message. The fighting ability of the skeleton was not high, and it would take a long time for it to grow. Would it be a waste if he sacrificed a spirit wolf to accompany a skeleton? However, at the same time, a spirit wolf could do move in a flash, the skeleton would get a lot more powerful once he started riding one. The skeleton’s true ability was shown within its mastery of Knight skills since they could execute all the techniques that Abel had learned. Most of Abel’s Knight attacking techniques could only be unleashed on a mount. Therefore, just form these points alone, Abel’s skeletons were basically knights if they had a mount. On top of that, his skeleton’s physical attacks could incorporate death qi, so their physical attacks should be even more powerful than Abel himself. Abel decided to try one out. If it failed, he still had 4 more. He used his power of will to connect with the Horadric Cube, “Combine!” The half-transparent black color substance on the back of the spirit wolf began to rush towards Rib Bone no.3, slowly engulfing it. At the same time, Abel felt the mana within him began to drain. Good thing his mana had already reached 590, which was rare even among official beginner wizards, let alone rank 3 wizards. Although his mana was draining, it was still not anything intolerable. As Abel’s mana kept draining, more and more half-transparent black color substance rushed towards Rib Bone no.3 until its bones could no longer be seen. That half-transparent black color substance became like a layer of skin and muscle for Rib Bone no.3, as it slowly thickened. By the time the combination had stopped, Rib Bone no.3 had completely transformed. Even the Orc’s deity could not tell this was a summoned skeleton. From the outside, it basically looked exactly like a strong Knight riding a spirit wolf. What was different about this Knight was that it was naked with skin as black as ink, and gave out a half immaterial vibe like the spirit wolves. Ever since the first time Abel had summoned a skeleton, he always wanted to use them for battle in the Holy Continent. But, he couldn’t since summoning a skeleton signified that he had learned a deity’s spell. No matter if it was a human, a dwarf, or an elf, they all had a strong distaste for the Orc’s deity. This was because of the disgusting ways the Orc’s deity obtained those skeletons. Many elite fighters from different races had been tortured to death by an Orc’s deity. This allowed them to create a skeleton with the power of the skeleton’s original owner. Therefore, every summoned skeleton had a cruel story behind it. That’s why Abel would not dare to summon a skeleton to fight, even if there was a slight chance of being spotted. However, now it was different. This thing no longer looked like a skeleton. Instead, it had turned into a weird knight riding spirit wolf. If it could put on a set of armor, then it’s black skin would be covered. After that, no one would be able to tell other than Abel himself. Most importantly, the death qi of the skeleton was covered up by the spirit of Wolf’s dark qi. Therefore, you tried to sense it with just your sensation; you could only sense the dark qi. On top of that, the spirit Wolf’s attack also had dark energy within it, which was very similar to death qi. “Huh?” As Abel was searching for the summon spirit wolf ability on the skill tree, he realized he only had 4 spirit wolves now. This spirit wolf, which had combined with the skeleton knight had disappeared from the original summon spot, and it was identified as dead. It seemed like the combination had forcefully erased the spirit wolf from its original summon spot, so he could summon a new spirit wolf with the spell. He then took a look at the attributes of the ‘skeleton resurrection.’ Skeleton resurrection (Knight) Allow you to resurrect a dead monster, and turn it into a skeleton to fight for you. Mana cost: 11 Number of skeletons: 4 Damage: 1 Defense: 95 Health: 5 Current level: 6 Next level: 76/ 75480 The ‘skeleton resurrection’ did not change much. Abel summoned the skeleton again. He was not ready to summon the 4 spirit wolves he had left. They all had their combat experiences; it would be too much of a waste if he had turned all of them into skeleton knights. He controlled his little druid soul to inject some power of the will on to the skill tree in the Horadric Cube and unleashed the ‘wolf soul summon’ spell. A summon spell patterned appeared in front of Abel. Afterward, he felt the mana within his body quickly dropped by 150 points, as it rushed towards the pattern. The pattern began to glow in green. The glow got more and more vivid, and his little druid soul could sense this glow was filled with souls of spirit wolves. Abel tried to connect with one of the spirit Wolf’s soul through the little druid soul, but he was rejected. He kept trying and trying with different souls, and finally, he was accepted in his 8th attempt. After a while, the shadow of a spirit wolf appeared on his summon pattern. Abel would never have guessed that his little druid soul could forcefully use a druid’s beginner wizard spell. It took up almost 10 times as much mana, but all the spells he had learned were summon spells anyway. They only needed to be summoned once, and it wouldn’t take up more mana after that. If it was an attacking spell, he would definitely not be able to handle this 10 times mana consumption increase. Only a few spells would clear up his mana storage. Looking at the clumsy spirit wolf in front of him, Abel finally knew why druids would always summon them earlier and cultivate them. It would not be very practical if one decided to summon a spirit wolf during a battle. It had already taken Abel a very long time to summon this thing, and it could be a lot longer if his soul chain was rejected a few more times. That was enough to be attacked by his enemy again and again. On top of that, the freshly summoned spirit wolf was not as mobile as a trained spirit wolf. If they were all like this, Abel would need to constantly send commands through his power of the will, and that would definitely take up a lot of effort.
Chapter 281 - Crafting A Costume Chapter 281 Crafting a Costume But this spirit wolf Abel had summoned was not all that bad. It should be enough as a mount, since every move of a mount was controlled by the in command skeleton. Abel commanded Rib Bone no. 2 to climb on the newly summoned spirit wolf without any guidance. Soon, they began to combine, and Abel’s mana began to decrease again. After a while, another skeleton knight appeared in front of him. Abel looked at his mana storage; there was still enough to transform Rib Bone no.1. He summoned another spirit wolf and told the most powerful Rib Bone no.1 to combine with it. However, this time, their combination was different from the previous two. Both Rib Bone no.1 and the spirit wolf were mutually affecting each other. The spirit wolf engulfed Rib Bone no.1 with its black color half-transparent substance, turning it into something like a human figure with skin and muscles. At the same time, Rib Bone no.1 had also transferred some powerful energy towards the spirit wolf down below, making it noticeably bigger than the other 2 spirit wolves. Looking at the 3 skeleton knights in front of him, Abel couldn’t help but shake his head. He could no longer call them Rib Bone no.1, Rib Bone no., and Rib Bone no.3. Those things no longer had anything to do with skeletons, so he would call them spirit guardian knights. The original Rib Bone no.1 could be the captain, and the other 2 could be its troops. Magic swords were not suitable battles on mounts, so Abel needed to make some knight spears for the Spirit guardian knights. In order to hide the skeleton’s identity, he also needed to make some armors for them. Abel always wanted to design a full set of equipment for his skeletons, but it would definitely drag down their speed since their bodies were too weak to support anything too heavy. However, now the game had changed since each of them had a spirit wolf as a mount. Abel already had an idea of what equipment he was going to make. For defense, he would need to prepare some helmets, body armor, gloves, belt, and war boots. For offense, he would need some bows, big swords, shields, and long spears. If all things went well, the skeleton’s body would be completely covered, and the attacking weapons would also allow them to make some long and medium-range attacks. Abel had already mastered how to use a bow, big swords, and spear. So his skeletons should be able to grasp them with ease too. Considering the speed of the spirit wolves, Abel wanted to use light alloys to make the defense equipment. If he picked anything too heavy, it might weight drag their speed down. Besides that, he also needed to go out for an adventure with Ms. Carrie soon. So he needed that equipment to be uniformed to form a proper troop of knights. Although those skeleton knights could not unleash combat qi to protect themselves, they could still form a charging formation. During the most crucial moment, their uniformed equipment could also distract the attention of the enemy. Abel’s most powerful attacks were wizard spells, so if all the enemies could see were 4 knights with the same equipment and black mount wolfs, it would be safer to use spells. He needed to make 5 sets of lightweight defense equipment. Since the Rogue encampment already had some ready-made materials and its ground fire was like a super furnace, the forging process would be smooth. Since Abel’s body was still developing, he did not use any super material like meteorites or refine the metal to make the armor. He only had 4 skeletons, and he could get a lot more of them in the future. If he went all-in with his super materials now, he would not have enough in the future. Still, Abel had picked the best quality normal iron ore he could find. After working them for 130 rounds, they had turned those iron ore to an iron base of 130 skills. Now, he has made his dull set of equipment out of it. After the first set of equipment was formed, he started to turn them into magic equipment one by one. First was the light metal helmet. He used the Akara rune pen and etched the #1 El rune on to it. Its effect was +1 light and +15 defense. Since the light metal helmet had already provided 11 points of defense by itself, it had brought the body’s defense to 6 points just by itself. Things didn’t end here. Abel just learned how to open a socket, so he opened one on the helmet and installed a perfect red gem on it. This added an extra +38 health effect to the helmet. Only a socket recognized by the Dark World could allow a perfect red gem to be installed. It would explode if the socket was opened with some other method, that’s why the artistry of the Dark world was so much better than the Holy continent. Abel could now use this new socket opening technique to add another socket to those non-Dark World magic weapons he made before. Since the Horadric cube did not recognize the sockets of those weapons, he was confident he could add another one. For the lightweight armor, he also etched the 1#El rune on top of it. Its effect was the same, which added more defense to the already strong armor. Abel opened a socket and installed a perfect red gem on it as well. Now, the lightweight armor had a +38 health effect. In regards to the lightweight gloves, Abel had watched the 14#Dol rune, which had the effect +7 health recovery rate, and 9 points defense by itself. Abel had also etched the 14#Dol rune on the belt, which added another +7 health recovery rate, and 3 points of defense by itself. He etched the 14#Dol rune on the iron boots as well points, adding an even faster health recovery, and 9 points of defense by itself. The last defense weapon was the big shield, which already had a 13 defense. If there wasn’t a mouth, no way Abel would choose such a big shield, they were not convenient to carry around at all. He etched the 1#El rune on to it, adding +1 light and +15 defense. He then opened up a socket on the high shelf and installed a perfect red gem, giving it an extra 38 points of health. The full set of defense equipment added 11 points of defense, 114 points of health, and +1 automatic health recovery rate. There weren’t any gems on the gloves, belts, and metal boots since they could not open any socket. He picked an ice magic sword for the big sword. It was the best weapon to slow down an enemy. Abel opened a socket and installed a perfect blue gem on it, adding an extra 10-14 ice damage. He picked the #4 Nef rune for the long spear. It had a knockback effect on the enemy during an attack, so it was perfect for a medium-range attack weapon such as a long spear. He also opened a socket and installed a perfect blue gem on it. This would give the enemy some ice damage when they were knocked back, which would further slow down their movements. The bow was the last. Originally they were too narrow for any gems, so you would definitely damage it if you tried forcefully open a gap on top of it using the Holy Continent’s method. However, with the Dark World’s socket opening method, somehow, a gem could be installed without any side effects. Abel had not used the Harry bow in a long time, and this new discovery had given it a new life. Each of the 4 Harry bows was installed with either a perfect red, blue, green, and yellow gem. The one with the perfect red gem had gained an extra 15-o fire damage. The one with the perfect blue gem had an extra 10-14 damage. The one with the perfect green gem had an extra 7 second and 100 points of poison damage. The one with the perfect yellow gem gave it an extra 1-40 lighting damage.
Chapter 282 - Rocky Wilderness Chapter 282 Rocky Wilderness Since the enemies have high resistances to specific elemental damage, it was better to include 4 different types of damage. Therefore, at least some damage would be guaranteed. Of course, the Spirit guardian knight captain, previously Rib Bone 1, was special. It wielded 2 different swords: an ice magic sword and a fire magic sword. The type of enhancement decided the sword choice. When enhanced by ice, it would use an ice magic sword, and the fire sword when enchanted by fire. Abel had spent seven days creating the 5 sets of armor. If it weren’t for the incredibly strong hellfire, Abel’s incredible power, and abnormal constitution, it would have taken much longer. The 3 spirit guardian knights were mounted on spirit wolves, covered head to toe in full black armor. Their weapons had also been blackened, emitting an aura of mysteriousness. The resurrection of skeletons was now level 6; the skeleton limit had been raised to 4. But due to the lack of corpses, there were only 3 summoned. Abel had wanted to go to the cold plains to test out his new equipment and summons. Using a waypoint, Abel had arrived at the Cold Plains on Black Wind. He had already abolished the largest tribe. All that was left were a few scattered corrupt spear-women and corrupt huntresses. Using the corpse of a corrupt spear-woman he had just killed, he had summoned the fourth skeleton. After combining it with a newly summoned spirit wolf, he set off with all summons. His summons could be viewed as an army. The ravens would do the scouting. The spirit guardian knights and spirit wolves were constantly flashing around him. The poison creeper was tunnelings beneath him. Lastly, the oak sage was levitating right beside him, raising the health of Abel and all his summons. Whenever a hell creature appeared, it was swiftly dealt with by his army of summons. Abel did not even have to lift a finger. Finally, Abel felt control over the Dark world. Previously, in order to deal with normal hell creatures, he would have to spend all his mana. However, circumstances have now changed; 2 hits from the 5 spirits wolves of level 6 would be more than enough to deal with these normal hell creatures. On the other hand, the poison creeper acted as an assassin, appearing out of the ground seemingly randomly, disappearing after poisoning them, then appearing on its next target. The spirit guardian knights had impressed Abel the most due to their full suit of armor. Low-level hell creatures had no chance of going through their defense and hurting them. Furthermore, they had a wide array of attacks. They used long-ranged elemental Harry bow to attack, and flashed into close range and used the long spear. Even their spirit wolf mounts would attack from time to time. The abilities of the level 6 spirit guardian knights could already match the level 15 spirit wolves. Since the resurrection of skeletons would continue to rise in levels, the spirit guardian knights would no doubt surpass the spirit wolves. Currently, Black Wind was already traveling at half speed. Abel had discovered even at this speed, both spirit guardians knights and spirit wolves were able to keep up with Black Wind. Even after killing the hell creatures that appeared, they were able to catch up to Black Wind once again. Obviously, the oak sage and the ravens weren’t slow since they could fly. Even the burrowing poison creeping was able to keep up with Black wind at half speed. After 2 days, Abel, along with his army of 16 summons, had reached the end of the Cold Plain. Their only guide was the faint remains of a road. This was a checkpoint. There were slashes left behind from the battles ages ago, revealing the experiences it had been through. After going through a long passageway, Abel had reached a vast and unobstructed view. This was probably the rocky wilderness. While in the middle of his thoughts, Abel had sensed danger in front. All of a sudden, a flurry of arrows came his way. All his summons were avoiding it in their own manner. The arrows posed no threat to the ravens. All they had to do was retreat further into the sky. After escaping the reach of the arrows, they flew towards the source. The poison creeper burrows into the ground, easily avoiding the arrows. The spirit wolves and spirit guardian knights disappeared, reappearing at the edge of the arrow’s range. The spirit wolves continually flash towards the source of the arrows, whereas the spirit guardian knights equipped the elemental harry bows, firing back at the source. As Abel saw the flurry of arrows, all his summons had left him. He was all that was left of his army of summons. The only one left was the oak sage, who cowered behind Abel. The obvious move was to utilize black wind’s move in a flash to escape the barrage of arrows. However, it would leave the defenseless oak sage to fend for itself, so he gave up the thought of running away. Though his armor rendered the arrow useless, he still had to protect Black Wind. Taking out a great magic shield from his portal bag, he covers Black wind’s weak spots. As an official soul beast, Black wind had a high defense. As long as the arrows missed his weak spots, Black wind wouldn’t sustain much damage. “Pitter-patter” the arrows hit the shield like raindrops, not dealing any damage to Abel. Though a few stray arrows had hit his body through gaps in his armor, it did not manage to pierce his defense. The ravens flew into the territory of the corrupt wanderers, formed by fallen rogues. These rogues were the few that weren’t corrupted by the aura of hell and were able to retain their bow knowledge, attacking their enemies from afar. The hundreds of corrupt wanderers didn’t react to the infiltrations of the ravens. Only the ones that were harassed by the ravens stopped what they were doing and switched targets. Up next were the bow-wielding spirit guardian knights, returning fire with harry bows in hand. The difference in equipment was clear, no matter the range or accuracy, the harry bow surpassed the bows the corrupted wanderers were using. Hitting every single shot, the area of the corrupted wanderers were experiencing the magic damage of 4 different elements. The ones that were genuinely messing with the corrupted wanderers were the 5 spirit wolves that also had infiltrated. The spirit wolves, flashing around, had completely broken their formation. Some of them retreated to create some space, others wanted to charge forwards to attack the spirit wolves. But as soon as the arrow left their hands, their targets were already gone. The flash ability of spirit wolves had shown their greatest strength. Though they weren’t able to quickly wipe out the corrupt wanderers, in a few moments, they were able to cause chaos in the whole battlefield. The poison creeper appeared above ground constantly, rubbing against their bodies, leaving behind bodies of the corrupted wanderers who’d turned green due to the poison. Slowly but surely, more and more of them had been poisoned. The bowmen were helpless against enemies in close range. However, as they try to create space, they realized the enemies were much faster. The gap they created before had gone, once again, engaged in melee combat.
Chapter 283 - Spirit Guardian Knights Chapter 283 Spirit Guardian Knights The falling formation of the corrupt wanderer bowmen gave Abel enough room to put away his shield, swapping it for the Raven Claw. The corrupt wanderers had no resistance against fire damage, so this was an easy battle for Abel. This was another benefit of having summons. Without his summons, Abel would have to back off and slowly pick off enemies. That strategy required a large amount of time. With his summons, they can attack from different fronts, removing the bowmen’s advantage. Once they were in close range, they were easier to deal with than normal dark hunters. With Black wind under him, Abel charged into the corrupt wanderers. The 4 spirit guardian knight had also followed along, forming a knights. Though they were sprinting, the barrage of arrows from Abel and his summons hadn’t stopped. This was an opportunity to test the strategies he could use with the spirit guardian knights: using bows in long-range and charging in when close. The explosive arrows from the raven claw exploded in the middle of the corrupt wanderers. The elemental arrows from the spirit guardian knights had yet to stop. Due to the dark world’s socket opening technique, the full power of the perfect gems was utilized. Attacks had been improved so much that as little as 2 arrows could kill a hell creature. The most important part of the socket opening technique was hiding a depleted gem. In the holy continent, where perfect gems are rare, this could hide damaged perfect gems. After 2 flurries of arrows, the knights were only 20 meters from the corrupt wanderers. Abel put away the raven claw, equipping the long spear. The spirit guardian knights also swapped in the long spear. The knights, with Abel in the middle, used ‘knight’s charging on horse technique. The knights charged into the already chaotic bunch of corrupt wanderers. The spears combined the knockback effect, forced the wanderers back whilst being slowed by the ice effect. Nave rune No. 4 ‘s effect of pushing enemies back 10 steps were incredibly useful in this situation. No matter if they had something behind them, they are pushed back by the immense power. If there are enemies behind them, they are also pushed along, causing more chaos on the battlefield. Although it’s only 10 steps, no matter black wind or the spirit wolves could easily close the distance, quickly accelerating. The spears once again land on the corrupt wanderers. It could be that the corrupt wanderers were just weak, or Abel, who had just upgraded, was too strong. But the corrupt wanderers hadn’t given him enough of a challenge to test his skills. Although the initial arrows had given him some pressure, his summons had easily dealt with the army. After a few more charges, there wasn’t anything left for Abel to attack. The spirit wolves were extremely aggressive, finishing off the corrupt wanderers who had been poisoned by the poison creeper. The ravens were also doing their usual harassing. Upon seeing this, Abel had unsummoned the spirit guardian knights, disappearing from his side. He then blinked to the tens of thousands of corrupt wanderers, filling the battlefield with moans of agony. He had never cast a spell until now, though the battle had already been decided. The upgrade of the weak little soul to a druid soul had increased this strength by a ton. A large group of almost 400 corrupt wanderer bowmen had been silenced in tens of minutes. The only thing left was a pile of corpses, and not one of them had belonged to Abel. Though he won the battle, he didn’t gain much. The corrupt wanderers had bows that were very common and were only stronger when improved by the hell’s power. After resting, Abel had started searching for the waypoint. As far as he could remember, the waypoint was close to the entrance of the tunnel. Previously all the searching for key items was done by Black wind. But with the addition of the spirit guardian knights and the spirit wolves, they also helped, using the natural smelling ability of the wolves. He ordered the wolves to search for the waypoint using his power of the will. Unexpectedly the first one to find the waypoint wasn’t a wolf, but the burrowing poison creeper, letting know that he had found the artifact Abel was looking for. Abel went to where the poison creeper was, amidst some bushes. Using a sword he cleared the grass on the ground, prying away at the dirt. It was indeed the waypoint, praising the poison creeper for its good job through the power of the will. Upon receiving praise from its master, the poison creeper wriggled in joy, spreading poison above and below ground. The green poison had colored the waypoint. The grass above had all wilted, then dissolved by the dark green poison. Disregarding the excitement of the poison creeper, Abel inserted the perfect gems into the slots on the waypoint. Though it had been buried for a long time, the magic circle made in the dark world was in perfect condition, activating as soon as the gems were inserted. According to his calculations, it must’ve been the dawn of the next day in the holy continent. Instead of continuing on, Abel puts away his summons into the spirit portal bag, including the spirit guardian knights, avoiding the suspicious it would arise when he’d summon them. Heading back to the mansion in Lambe Road in Angstrom city with Black Wind, it was already daybreak. After cleaning himself, he closed the magic circles, leaving the master’s room. “Good morning, master. This box from Countess Carrie had just been delivered!” steward Brewer bowed, handing him a green box decorated with a few gemstones with some golden striations. It was obvious that it was an important gift. No matter humans or elves, upon seeing the golden striations, would think of high-quality brass. Though, as a blacksmith, Abel was more familiar with metals than the average joe. This has raised some suspicion. What sort of gift would require intricate packaging like this? Usually, the gift itself was more valuable than the box it’s contained in, suggesting that the gift was more important than gold and gemstones. “Did she say anything?” Abel asked Brewer. “Countess Carrie had said that she was just following orders from the Grand Duke!” steward Brewing answered carefully. When the box was delivered in the morning, saying that it was from the Grand Duke, Brewer had just held onto the box outside the master’s room, waiting for him. “I won’t be leaving my room for the next couple of days. I’ll be training in isolation,” ordered Abel. He wanted to use the time to improve himself and strengthen his bond with his summons. “Yes, master!” steward Brewer replied with a bow. Holding the fancy box, Abel returned to his room. Though it had no locks, the box required the power of the will to open. Lightly touching the power of the will, the box opened. This confirmed the urban legend that elves had deep knowledge in magic circles, having a hidden power of the will lock on a simple box like this. Though it was easily opened by someone with the power of the will, it’s able to prevent normal elves from snooping. Inside the box was a thick hard-cover book. The cover used the language of the elite elves. It turned out to be a druid training handbook!
Chapter 284 - Druid Practice Handbook Chapter 284 Druid Practice Handbook That was what Grand Duke Edwina had promised Abel. She requested countess Carrie to teach him the way of the druid, but countess Carrie just did what she normally does, tossing a Druid practice handbook at him. The box also had a brown oak sapling about the thickness of a finger. Abel held it in his hand and checked it. The oak sapling seemed insignificant, but after investigating it with the power of will, the sapling seemed to be full of life, much more than a normal tree. After returning the sapling back into the box, Abel put the box away. With the book-“Natural and neutral-Druid” in hand, he realizes the book was written fully in the elite elf language. Normal elves were probably unable to recognize the contents within the book. The reason elves could survive in this world full of humans and orcs was that they had the druid protecting them. As long as the elves remained in the forest, the druids would be able to keep watch over them. Druids were also known as oak guards, and the acorns were also known as their holy fruit. They were the protectors of nature and neutrality, possessing the power given by nature. The long amount of time spent with nature allowed druid to be one with their surroundings. This ability allowed them to summon the power of nature. They could use this power to attack enemies at range, wreak havoc in a large area, and even protect them from taking elemental damage. These types of power were known by the druids as elementalists, using the power of nature to bend fire, earth, and wind. However, the first pledge from nature allowed druids to summon plants and animals from a different world. Ravens, wolves, poison creepers, and even spirits of the natural world would obey their commands. That was the power of a summoner. Similarly, they could also change forms, like a large bear or a terrifying wolf. They could increase their power using polymorphism, that was the power of a shapeshifter. You could say that the druid occupation can cover all aspects. They could wield any weapons, and they weren’t as weak as human wizards. They sacrificed their magic arsenal to strengthen themselves by shapeshifting. They could also control earth, wind, and fire to kill enemies at long range. The first step to becoming a druid was to be recognized by nature. In order to become druids, elves would spend a long time in isolation, only interacting with plants, taking care of animals, just to find the presence of nature. When that was set, all they needed to do was to pass a review, and they were able to enter the next step of training. Although the first step seemed simple, many elves were stuck on this step. The time required to ‘feel nature’ differed, depending on how close they were born with nature. Some elves couldn’t achieve anything after 10-20 years of trying. Therefore the druid to elven ratio was very low and was a very rare profession. Even after passing the review, it wasn’t certain that they would become a druid. The next step is known as bearing spirit. The druid would need to plant an oak tree by themselves and communicate with the sapling throughout its life. When the oak tree matured, it became a spirit. The spirit that grew up with the druid’s power of the will entered the soul of the druid, becoming the foundation of their spellcasting. The druid would then grow along with the spirit. The location of a druid’s oak sapling was kept secret as it was being ‘brought up.’ In order for it to succeed, the power of will needed to be pure. Once affected by the power of the will of another druid, the spirit bearing would fail, and through that, one would lose their right to become a druid. After the spirit bearing ritual had been completed, the oak would continue to grow. Although it had lost its importance to the druid, there was a legend that said: with enough time and mana, the tree that is able to communicate with the druid freely will become a special entity, having a natural pact. Although the book, “Nature and neutral,” disagreed since there was no witness a druid’s oak tree Abel helplessly stared at the book. Under the current circumstances, without a mentor, he didn’t know if he had the ability to communicate with nature. What were the requirements to ‘feel nature?’ None of this was mentioned in the book. Abel checked out the druid soul in search for the feeling of nature, but all he got was a tone melancholic. In search of the source of this sadness, he found out that in the process of purging the hidden scorpion poison, he had killed the flora within the house. Because he hadn’t ordered them to be swapped out, the surrounding flora was dead and happened to be the source of sadness. That was the feeling of nature! Abel didn’t need to think much in order to understand what it was, what else would the ability to communicate with nature be. Thinking back, inside of the druid soul had become green. If he couldn’t even feel nature, it would be impossible for the pledges to be transferred to him. He consumed the power of the will of an official wizard after all. Now on the business of planting the oak tree. There was nowhere safer than the Dark World. That area is virtually lifeless, other than the Rougue’s encampment, and Blood Moor that had been cleared out. Abel once again put up the defense and barrier circles, mounting Black Wind and entering the Rogue’s encampment through the portal. Not knowing how long it was going to take, Abel had placed a few nutrition potions on a stone slate, ordering black wind to not interrupt him. Black wind was an official soul beast, which meant that he also had the power of the will, and interference from other sources of power of the will must be avoided. Leaving the Rogue encampment, with grass under his feet, Abel had walked about 5 kilometers. He then set up a strong defense using an intermediate defense circle, readying another magic circle. Because of the advice from the book, the closer the mana is close to full, the faster the tree would grow. Since the caster could not move during the process of bearing the spirit, Abel leaned on an oak tree, allowing the power of the will to mingle. The spirit bearing was an important matter for the elves. Each spirit bearer would prepare a large number of mana crystals to boost the speed of the growing oak tree. The whole process seemed contradictory. If the oak tree grew too quickly, it was an indication that the spirit isn’t of good quality, and might hinder future growth. On the other hand, if it took too long to mature, it could fail due to the lack of mana. Spirit bearing also depended on luck, and at the same time, depended on resources. It was only when the druids had proper resources that they could be properly developed. Otherwise, even druid prodigies couldn’t fully develop. As for Abel, who has the Kong Kong spirit bag and was able to replenish the crystals, resources weren’t a problem. All there was left to do is to see how big the tree got, and the quality of the spirit that was produced. Mana filled the intermediate defense circle like mist. Abel dug a hole 20cm deep and buried the sapling in it. As he sat on the ground, the druid soul sent out a slither of the power of the will, encompassing the sapling. It was as though the spirit had some natural powers within it, waking the sapling from its hibernation. The sapling started to absorb the surrounding mana wildly. Above Abel and the sapling was a small mana cyclone, and at the sapling was at the base of it. Countess Carrie hadn’t mistreated Abel in terms of the sapling. She picked the best acorn from the grand-ducal palace and was hand-cultivated by Grand Duke Edwina herself. Sprouting was something that hadn’t been mentioned in the handbook. It was a measure to prevent other races from obtaining the power of the druid. Although druid training had various obstacles, the world didn’t lack prodigies, and those who matched the requirements of druids were plentiful. Therefore, the most important step of cultivating the seed was kept secret. Only oak saplings that had been cultivated could enter the spirit bearing process. Every sapling that was cultivated was logged, including information such as where they came from and which druid got a hold of them.
Chapter 285 - Spirit Bearing Chapter 285 Spirit Bearing The seed of the oak tree quickly began to sprout above the ground. Abel watched as the green little sprout sucked up the mana in the air with its power of the will. To his surprise, the thick fog of mana within the air began to decrease. This little oak tree’s ability to consume mana was too strong. Even he could not consume that much. Abel threw a perfect red gem next to the baby oak tree sprout. Soon afterward, a little root came out from the ground and surrounded it. He could see the growth of this little sprout. It had reached around 10 meters in just a few minutes, and that perfect red gem surrounded by the roots continued to decrease in size. It seemed like the perfect red gem could speed up the growth of this oak tree, so Abel took out another 5 perfect red gems and placed it next to its roots. Soon, those roots had tightly surrounded the 5 perfect red gems as well. Abel would only waste high-quality material like this because he could combine perfect red gems through the Horadric Cube. Normally, these perfect gems were not made for personal use. They were the purest and the most powerful source of energy, so they were almost exclusively used to power large scale magic circles. On top of that, the fundamental attribute of the Horadric cube when it came to combining was already perfect. Therefore, these perfect red gems could not get any more pure and natural, and it was perfect for the oak tree’s consumption. The oak tree with spirit had a special nature. Within 4 hours, this oak would continue to grow as long as it was given enough energy. As for the spirit, it would not stop growing for another 1-10 days. Oak trees were tree gods within the eyes of elves. They could often grow very big, but it would stop once it hits 40 meters of height. Afterward, it would start growing horizontally. Abel was ruthless. He took out another 10 perfect red gems and neatly lined them up under the oak tree. He could sense the oak tree was very happy through this power of the will. The mana concentration was already very dense in Blood Moor. On top of the mana gathering circle, it’s mana concentration had almost become water vapor like. Now Abel had put an extra 10 perfect red gem; this might be the most lavish spirit bearing in the history of druids. The oak tree grew from 1 meter to 2 meters, 5 meters to 10 meters. It was almost growing non stop every minute. After half a day, the oak tree had already become a 30-meter giant. Abel was a little confused. The oak tree was already so tall, so how come the spirit still didn’t come out? He took it out and flipped it around for a bit. He found nothing, seemed like the only thing he could do now was add some more energy and keep waiting. Waiting was not something Abel would like to do with his personality, so he took out another 10 perfect red gems and placed it under the oak tree. 10 giant roots wrapped around the gems, and soon, the tree branches began to make huge rattling sounds of the tree growing. The 10 gems disappeared in almost no time. Through Abel’s power of the will, he could sense every branch of his oak tree had an extremely strong life force. Both the perfect red gems and the mana given by the mana gathering circle had given the oak tree a lot of energy, which had all turned into an ocean like life force for the tree. The growth of the oak tree began to slow down after it reached 30 meters, and it had reached 40 meters after 20 hours. By this point, Abel sensed that the oak tree needed more energy. The branch of the tree began to shake as though it was calling Abel. Abel placed another 10 perfect red gems next to the roots without hesitation. Almost immediately, 10 giant roots appeared and wrapped the gems tightly. The trunk of the tree continued to get wider. The tree could surround 8 people. It seemed a tree this big was rare even in the Double Moon forest, and it still had not stopped growing wider. After 23 hours, the oak tree had already stopped growing for 30 minutes. The tree had reached its limit. It was meters tall, and the area it’s leaves and branches had also spread to around 40 meters. Just when Abel thought the oak tree had stopped growing, he heard a cracking sound. The surface of the tree began to open up, exposing the inside. The hole got bigger and bigger, as the trunk grew away from it. In the end, there was a huge empty hole in the middle of the tree. It seemed like this self cracking method had penetrated the limit of the oak tree, as it started to grow crazily upward again. Since Abel had his power of the will connected to it, he could feel the oak tree was completely different. It was a new being now. Although its growth had gotten slower, the oak tree didn’t reach its limit even after 24 hours. By this point, Abel noticed a weird spot in the core of the oak tree. Since his power of the will had remained inside the oak tree, it had also grown along with the tree, spreading throughout its branches. When this weird spot emerged, all of his power of the will was quickly dragged towards it in the oak tree’s core. Abel finally realized the most crucial step when it came to cultivating a soul. During the process, his power of the will inside the tree had grown alongside the tree. If he withdrew this power of the will, maybe his power of the will would increase a little. But no elf would risk their only chance to become a Druid for that. After all of Abel’s power of the will was gathered by this weird spot in the core of the oak tree, some kind of green energy began to nourish this power of the will. Slowly, they began to thicken. At last, a round call emerged from the core of the oak tree. A ball with a golden flew out from the tree trunk, under the gaze of Abel. With the guidance of a string of power of the will, it flew directly inside the Druid soul. The Druid soul was almost entirely green inside, and that golden ball that had just entered was like a sun, adding a ray of bliss among the patch of green. By this point, Abel’s intuition felt completely different when he entered his druid soul. He could feel the pureness of every little grass next to him, how they desired the nourishment of groundwater, and their respect for the big tree next to them. Under the shine of the golden ball, Abel could feel the group of contract signs turning gold within his Druid soul. He could feel their connections deepen once again. What just happened was an elemental change. All the contract signs that had been forcefully transferred to Abel had now fully become Abel’s. From then on, Abel had truly become a Druid. Although this occupation was grasped by his druid soul, he could still learn new spells and increase his ability through them. Of course, It would take Abel a long time to learn a Druid’s spell from the beginning, so the best way to increase ability now was to further level up his druid’s summons. Abel’s Wizard spells were not at an extremely high level in the first place anyway, so how would he have any time to learn other spells such as the Druid’s elemental spells. He also didn’t really need to learn any appearance changing spells since he could not use any attacking spells after he changed his appearance. Attacking spells were his best method of defense at the time. After the spirit bearing had completed, the oak tree still remained in contact with Abel. It seemed like it had become some kind of contracted plant to Abel.
Chapter 286 - Stinky Ravens Chapter 286 Stinky Ravens Abel’s contract with the oak tree was a little like the one he had with Black Wind and White Cloud. Although you could not physically see it, it could be felt through the soul chain. The only difference was that White Cloud and Black Wind connected with Abel through the soul chain of his main soul, while the Oaktree connected with him through the ones of his druid soul. Although his druid soul had now become an actual Druid, it didn’t really increase his current fighting ability by much. It only opened up more potential for him to grow in the future. After he returned to the Rogue encampment, he could still faintly see the giant oak tree from afar. He was not sure if it was a good idea to plant the oak tree there after all. Abel shook his head as he called Black Wind to the Stoney field through a small scale teleportation circle. As he stepped out of the small scale teleportation circle, Abel summoned all his summons from his monster portal bag. He took a look at that ancient road. Although not many markings had remained, he could still roughly remember the direction as he stepped forward with his summons. After only a bit of walking, Abel had already smelled something rotten. Afterward, he saw the 5 ravens flying forwards. It seemed like those ravens had discovered some enemies, and were ready to attack. The spirit wolves and the spirit guardian knights were even faster than Black Wind. They moved forward with flashes of light as Black Wind could only run very fast. Soon, the enemy appeared. It was around 500 horribly stinky ravens. Those 500 stinky ravens flew higher and higher, to the point where only the 5 ravens Abel summoned could attack them. Although the ravens were not the best fighters, they still attacked the attention of the stinky ravens. On top of that, Abel’s raven had a nonattackable attribute, so they wouldn’t get hurt easily even though they were quite weak. The 5 spirit guardian knights on the ground had held up their attributed Harry bow, and short 4 arrows with different attributes towards the stinky ravens. Those stinky ravens did not have much blood. Almost every single arrow could shoot one down. However, the most powerful attack was still coming from Abel. As a few flaming red arrows flew towards the sky, Abel unleashed the Raven claw. Afterward, a sea of red exploded in the sky. A large patch of the stinky ravens was struck down by the scattered arrow pieces. Almost half of the stinky ravens in the sky had disappeared all of a sudden. Just when Abel thought he could soon whip out these vomit provoking bastards, another 200 stinky ravens appeared. Therefore, he increased his speed of attack, relentlessly sending more and more flaming red arrows towards the sky. After a few minutes, half of the stinky ravens in the sky had been beaten out again. However, when Abel looked towards his left, he noticed another 200 stinky ravens were flying straight towards their direction. “Not good!” Abel already sensed something wrong before he started attacking, now he knew why. No soul had flown out from these stinky ravens, so they must have been created from an evil raven nest. Abel was sure if that. An evil raven nest was built by tree branches and rotten meat gathered by those stinky ravens, which was then mixed with the fur of some dead animals. This filthy and horrific habitat could only cultivate some equality as a filthy creature. On top of that, it could give a place for them to give birth to their offspring when their fighting power was low. The evil raven nest would create more stinky ravens every time the number of the stinky raven numbers decreased. Therefore, Abel couldn’t exterminate the stinky ravens if he didn’t whip out the evil raven nest first. Abel’s Druid soul directed the poison creeper, and the 5 spirit wolves on the ground to rush towards the direction where the stinky ravens had come from. He was right. After a while, he received a message saying that they had discovered the evil raven nest and started to attack Abel’s Raven claw was a nightmare to these low blood levels but large quality stinky ravens. Almost every arrow explosion had killed out half of them. On top of that, the bow technique of the spirit guardian knights was almost on par with Abel. Since skeletons could not feel tired, those 4 spirit guardian knights were like 4 arrow-shooting machines. There were fewer and fewer ravens in the sky, and he could no longer see more ravens coming. They were too busy protecting their nest. “Black Wind, go that side!” Abel did not stop unleashing the Raven Claw as he commanded Black Wind. Black Wind speeded towards the direction of the evil raven nest. The 4 spirit guardian knights copied, and soon, they had caught up to Abel while continuing to shoot arrows from the attributed Harry bow. Abel was shocked to the core when he saw the evil raven nest in front. This thing was not just one evil raven nest. It was more like an evil raven forest made up of hundreds of evil raven nests. There was a golden evil raven nest in the center, while all the other ones were green. At first sight, Abel could already tell this was an effect of being attacked by the poison creeper. A few hundred stinky ravens were going crazy to protect their home, no wonder there weren’t anymore flying out to fight Abel. Abel and his team were too cunning by digging underground with the poison creeper and flashing out of nowhere with the spirit wolves. After a bit of examination, Abel realized that the golden evil raven nest did not seem to have any special ability. Even if it did, the thing could not move around. Therefore, it could under brutally take up all of Abel’s Charging bolt. The only counter attack the nest could do was to spill out another stinky raven or two. However, before they even have the chance to get close to Abel, they were killed by the spirit guardian knights by his side. The battle ended quickly, but Abel did not clean up the battlefield this time. He couldn’t even tolerate staying there for another second. The stench of the evil raven nest was ten times worse than the stinky ravens. Especially after being attacked, all the horrific smell within the evil raven nest was fully unleashed. Both Abel and Black Wind had been driven away to find some fresh air. The only summon which seemed to be enjoying itself was the poison creeper, as it began to swim around the scattered pieces of the evil raven nest. After Abel asked it with his power of the will, he realized it was actually sucking up the poisonous elements from the evil raven nest. After they left the forest of the evil raven nest, Abel realized the number of fallen had increased lately. A name could be heard from those fallen’s unison called “Rakanishu!” As Abel went deeper and deeper, more and more fallen began to appear. However, Abel was no longer the kid he was when he first entered the Dark World. Normally a fallen camp would only have a few fallen shaman, and the other fallen were not his opponent at all. He only needed to send the anti-fire attack spirit guardian Knight captain with the fire enchantment to the side of those Fallen shamans through a flash, do a few combo attacks, and the fallen camp should quickly lose its spell attack ability. There was no way those normal fallen could penetrate the spirit guardian Knight captain’s full body of magic defense armor. After walking half a day, they arrived in a green grass field scattered with rocks. There were five 10 meters tall stone pillars there, and under it stood 8 little blue bodies and a dark gold shadow that seemed to be guarding the pillars. “It’s Rakanishu!” Abel mumbled to himself. This was the so-called god of those fallen along the way, a dark gold hell creature named Rakanishu. The thing guarding beside it was 8 elite carver. Carver was a rank above fallen. They had the same habits as the fallen, they scattered in paranoia once they saw their teammates being killed. It was a good thing was that these 5 pillars seemed to hold some mysterious power, so the other hell creature did not want to get too close to it. Only Rakanishu and it’s elite guards were guarding around here. As Abel was still thinking, the 5 ravens were already flying directly at Rakanishu. One of them gave Rakanishu’s head a little peck. However, a beam of white light immediately shot out from Rakanishu’s body, followed by a circle of electricity surrounding its body. “Lighting, encampment!” Abel’s gasped. This explosion of lighting enchantment was the nightmare for every close body fighter; especially, it was unleashed by the dark gold rank Rakanishu. Luckily, the raven had tested it out for Abel. If he just ran straight towards Rakanishu with his summons, They would definitely be struck back with a sea of powerful lighting. Maybe a few summons would even be killed in seconds.
Chapter 287 - Rakanishu Chapter 287 Rakanishu Abel’s attack strategy would need to change now that he knew the attribute of Rakanishu. If close-ranged attacks failed, he would try long-range. As Abel was still thinking, the poison creeper had already appeared under the roaring Rakanishu like an assassin. Its body poked out from the ground and tightly surrounded Rakanishu with it. The hard poison immediately turned Rakanishu completely green, but it had miscalculated. Rakanishu’s blood level was extremely high. Although the hard poison could normally threaten the life of normal creatures, it was almost nothing to Rakanishu. The green in its body disappeared in a flash, and the poison’s effect had vanished. Only something with an extremely strong anti-poison ability could do that. Afterward, patches of lighting dawn upon the poison creeper wrapping around Rakanishu. The scene was insane; it was the power of a dark level lighting enchantment. The poison creeper began to twitch and tried to escape, but lighting attacks could also have a numbing effect other than direct damage. Abel wanted to withdraw the poison creeper, but before he could even process what happened, the poison creeper was already struck into critical condition by the lighting. It disappeared from the body of Rakanishu and returned to the monster portal bag in a near-death state. Abel quickly took out a few intermediate magic gem and threw them into the monster portal bag. This would create enough energy in the monster portal bag to heal the poison creeper, but still, it could not fight again in the next 2 days. The level 11 poison creeper had almost been instantly killed. Abel felt his heart twitch. He commanded the 4 spirit guardian knights to change up to a Harry bow with his power of the will. Abel shot a red arrow shot out along with the 4 attributed from the 4 spirit guardian knights. The poison, ice, fire, and electric arrow from the attributed Harry bow were faster than the Raven Claw. It directly struck upon Rakanishu. The red arrow then followed, and an explosion set off in the center of its chest. The surrounding elite guards were also hurt by the exploding. Abel thought the ice arrow would at least slow down Rakanishu’s movement, but Abel didn’t get what he wanted. It seemed like those dark gold hell creatures could withstand ice attacks very well. Rakanishu roared as he rushed towards Abel with the 8 elite Carvers. Its speed was much faster than Abel’s expectations. Rakanishu was like a blue beam of lighting; it was already right in front of him before he could even prepare his second exploding arrow. The long blade in its hand was swinging right at Abel. None of the armor on Abel’s body had the ability to counteract spell, so he would have had to take up all of the lightning if he had been struck. Although his health had already been increased by the Oak Sage, he would still be risking his body. A magic shield appeared on Abel’s hand to counteract Rakanishu, and a blue shockwave whipped across. A layer of frost appeared on Rakanishu. At the same time, a patch of lighting exploded from its body. Abel could faintly feel the numbing out of the lighting strike, so he quickly stepped back with Black a Wind. Black Wind was much better at counteracting spells. Although some of it’s black fur had stood up straight, it did not affect its movement. Soon, their distance between Rakanishu was increased again. The spirit guardian knights copied and flashed away too, one of them stayed behind and struck Rakanishu with its ice magic sword. Afterward, it flashed away to the far just before the lighting was unleashed. With this short 2 seconds of frozen effect, Abel and the spirit guardian knights quickly attacked with the Harry bow. When Rakanishu’s movement returned, another spirit guardian Knight appeared by its side and struck another time with the ice magic sword. Rakanishu was slowed down once again. The frost slow down from the ice magic sword was different from the one used in spell attacks. The one in spell attacks could work, but higher the hell creature’s rank was, the less effect it would have on it. On the other hand, an ice magic sword was equipped with an ice rune. It utilized a fixed physical impact and physical frost to slow down the enemy. Therefore, even a little bit of this fixed frost was more effective in slowing down the enemy than the one from spell attacks. The 8 elite guards were a little slower than Rakanishu, so they were completely blocked and dominated by the 5 spirit wolves. On top of Raven’s disturbance, victory was just a matter of time. Abel and the 4 spirit guardian knights were just getting into their flow of attack, and an elite Carver nearby was killed. Just when it’s dead body hit the ground, all the 7 elite Carver scattered, running towards all directions, as though as they had received some scary signal. Rakanishu screamed as well. All of the frost on its body had vanished almost immediately. However, just when Abel thought it would explode, it actually turned and ran away. Abel face palmed himself. Why didn’t he think of Rakanishu’s natural characteristic? Even if it had become a dark gold hell creature, it still evolved from a Fallen. When would all run in paranoia as soon as one of their teammates was killed? This was the nature of Fallen. It was burned to their bones, and they could never get rid of it. It seemed like Rakanishu was even a few times faster when running away. If the flashes of the spirit guardian knights were not the fasting thing in this world, there was no way they could appear by its side just like that, and keeping it in control. If Rakanishu went beyond the attackable area, these dark gold could quickly regain their health. Afterward, all of Abel’s efforts in this battle would mean nothing. With Abel’s current level, maybe even the best equipment would not do much damage to those dark gold hell creatures. There was only one strategy he could use, grind. He had to slowly grind the health of those dark gold hell creatures away. Good thing those physic defying spirit wolves could continuously move in a flash. It gave those almost uselessly slow skeletons the ability to appear right next to their enemy just like that. They could then give a little attack, and disappear immediately again. In this situation, Abel’s ice magic sword could fully unleash its power. The main damage was still given by Abel and the 4 spirit guardian Knight’s Harry bow. Although Rakanishu would often escape when an elite Carver guard was killed, or when a spirit guardian spirit flashed next to it to give it some ice magic slow down, Abel still dominated the battle most of the time. When Rakanishu let out a screen, and its body began to fill up with lighting glow, Abel and the 4 spirit guardian knights had already backed off to a distance. After countless battles, the habit of these hell creatures had become way too predictable to Abel. A beam of lightning shot out from the chest of Rakanishu, immediately burning patches of grass around to pitch black. The blood and flesh of Rakanishu also shot out along this explosion. Luckily Abel had backed off quickly, otherwise, he and his little team might get hurt from this. One gold and one black shadow flew towards the Horadric cube on Abel’s arm. He knew the dead Rakanishu could give him 2 combined potions including 1 purple Soul potion, and 1 gold Power potion. However, Abel did not go and had a look immediately; instead, he commanded Black Wind to look for the weapons and shield Rakanishu had just dropped. Abel had sensed something wrong when attacking; it seemed like Rskanishu might have some crazy defense ability. As Abel watched Black Wind run out to search for those rewards, he took out the 2 potions from his Horadric cube. The soul of Rakanishu was shimmering within the purple Soul potion. Although Abel had used Soul potions many times before, he could still not tolerate the ones with the shadow of a creature’s soul within it. They were directly made from the soul of a dark gold hell creature, so Abel decided to just let Rib Bone no.1 have it, who was now the Captain spirit guardian knights.
Chapter 288 - Black Wind’S Speed Chapter 288 Black Wind’s Speed Since the gold Power potion could be used multiple times, it was what separated the spirit guardian knight captain from the rest of the spirit guardian knights. The current spirit guardian knight captain was basically totally immune to ice and fire attacks. But of course, it was under his defense limit. As far as Abel knew, Rakanishu had 2 main abilities. The first one was speed, which Abel had just experienced its power through Rakanishu’s attack. The moment when Abel’s first arrow struck Rakanishu, it had already rushed in front of him. This special ability to charge allowed the 2 little legs of Rakanishu to accelerate even faster than Black Wind in a short distance. The second ability was lighting enchantment. This scary enchantment ability could not only give the subject an almost lighting immune ability, but it could also unleash lighting strikes towards the surroundings when attacked. Therefore, if you attacked lighting enchanted being, you would be struck back with lighting. As Abel held the gold Power potion in his hand, he started thinking to himself. If the spirit guardian knight captain could get the lighting enchantment through the Power potion, it could unleash a corresponding enchantment no matter if it was faced with a Fire, Ice, or lighting Wizard. On top of that, its teammates also had the ability to increase attributes. Therefore, these 4 spirit guardian knights were basically wizard killers. But first thing first, he needed to see if the spirit guardian knight captain could even get the lighting enchantment attribute. Since he had gotten an enchantment ability through 4 to 5 abilities before, the chance of getting it from Rakanishu should be even higher as it only had 2 abilities. As Abel was still thinking, Black Wind came back, holding 2 pieces of equipment in its mouth. Afterward, it threw them in front of Abel. “That’s a kris!” Abel mumbled as he bent and picked up the dagger from the ground. It was Rakanishu’s weapon, but Abel didn’t notice it at first since it was too fast. Now it was clear to him; this was a dark gold kris. The shield was a small dark gold buckler. It had some pretty patterns on its surface, made up of eye-catching red lines. This shell didn’t look dull as the other ones. Instead, it looked very lively. There was also a socket on top of it as well. There were many Kris out there, and the only one Rakanishu could use the Jade Tan Do. Abel put the 2 potions in his hand to a side, and held the dark gold kris with 2 hands as he mumbled: “Jade Tan Do!” A dark gold color flashed on the kris as Abel focused on his power of the will. Then, a set of stats appeared. The Jade Tan Do Kris One-Hand Damage: 2-11 Required Level: 19 Required Dexterity: 45 Durability: 24 Dagger Class – Very Fast Attack Speed +100-150 to Attack Rating +180 Poison Damage Over 4 Seconds +0% To Maximum Poison Resist Poison Resist +95% Cannot Be Frozen This was no ordinary attack weapon. It could also increase defense attributes. Abel put this little kris in his assistant equipment area. Once he encountered an enemy with a poison attribute, the +0% To Maximum Poison Resist, and Poison Resist +95% could show it’s power. Therefore, Abel no longer needed to care about poison spell attacks. No wonder why the poison creeper couldn’t do anything to Rakanishu. With these 2 attributes, no poison could hurt it no matter how powerful they were. The ‘cannot be frozen’ attribute was also very powerful, that’s why Abel’s ice spell attack failed. The most powerful effect of ice spells was frozen. Therefore with this attribute, the solo adventurer Abel had gained an extra layer of defense in the dark world. He then picked up the dark gold shield and mumbled: “could this be a Pelta Lunata?” But as soon as he said this, a dark golden glow began to shine in the shield, and some stats appeared within his power of the will. Pelta Lunata Buckler Defense: 39 Required Level: 2 Required Strength: 12 chance to block: 40% Durability: 1-4 Required strength: 1 +40% fast block rate 0% increase chance to block Defence: +30 Strength: + Constitution: +10 Will: +10 Has a socket. Abel gained a deep respect for the person who made this light little Pelta Lunata Buckler as he held it in his hand. It was such delicacy. This thing was a lot smaller than any magic shield Abel had ever made, yet it’s defense was 3 times stronger on top of so many attributes. Especially the +10 will. This would not only increase his mana to 100 points, but it could also allow his power of the will to reach even further. As Abel was examining these 2 new dark gold equipment, Black Wind already had its eyes fixed on the bottle of gold Power potion. Its instinct told him this was an extremely powerful potion and could increase its ability a lot. Seeing these 2 potions on the ground while his owner was playing with the equipment, his simple mind told him that his owner didn’t care about these potions. Since his owner had placed those potions on the ground, it should be able to pick it up and give it a little sniff to see if they were any good for it. Up to this point, Black Wind lightly used its claw to pick up the dark gold Power potion towards its nose. These Horadric cube combined potions were placed within a tightly sealed crystal glass, so no smell should leak out as long as its lid was not open. Black Wind gently used its claw to pick open the lid, and a soul striking smell directly came through its nose. It then reached it’s mouth closer to the bottle, almost completely shoving its nose inside it. “Black Wind, what are you doing?” Abel turned his head feeling like something weird was happening These words scared Black Wind a little, which made the bottle tip. Just like that, all the gold liquid inside it was poured directly into Black Wind’s mouth. It then looked at its owner with an innocent look. Abel helplessly stared at the empty bottle, not a single drop of the potion was left. Pity filled his heart. These potions could only have an effect on the summons. Now it was completely wasted since Black Wind had drunk all of them. However, as Abel was thinking, Black Wind’s body began to glow in gold. Abel was shocked as he watched the glow slowly engulf Black Wind’s body. It could now pick its ability. Abel never thought that summons actually included the soul chained contracted Black Wind as well. Good thing Black Wind had drunk it by mistake or Abel might have never discover this. Now, Abel no longer felt like the potion had gone to waste. As long as it had an effect, it didn’t matter who had drunk it. They were all his teammates, after all. Black Wind let out a long howl reflecting all kinds of emotions such as sorrow and excitement. Afterward, the gold glow disappeared, and the shadow of Black Wind reappeared. Abel quickly stepped up. Nothing seemed to be different about Black Wind. Rib Bone no. i’s body had completely transformed the first time it tried the Power potion. Of course, maybe Black Wind’s ability was way higher than Rib Bone no.1 back then. “Black Wind, What ability did you get?” Abel asked. Black Wind looked at its body, gave out a little kick with its leg, and began to run. Just like all normal creatures, Black Wind also used to have a normal speed of acceleration. But now it has reached an indescribable speed the moment it started running. All Abel could see was some black light continuously surrounding him in a circle a few hundred meters out. It had penetrated the speed limit of normal beings. Abel was sure that Black Wind had gotten the special speed ability of Rakanishu, and it was manifested right in front of his eyes. Seemed like Black Wind was even a little bit faster than Rakanishu, which was understandable- Rakanishu’s short little legs compared to the 4 muscly tree trunk legs of Black Wind. In the next following days, Abel and his summons continued to find an underground tunnel towards the Dark Forest. On the third day, the poison creeper was healed, and it rejoined the battle.
Chapter 289 - Blue Howling Bunnies Chapter 289 Blue Howling Bunnies The fatigue came through after days of continuous battle. Although there were quite a few flavors you could choose from hunger potion, both Abel and Black Wind grew disgusted by it after eating it every day. However, since that was the only thing they were consuming, it was not like they had a desire for other food anyway, especially after eating the Blue Howling rabbit. “Let’s go!” Said Abel stared at the cave in front. He no longer wanted to go deeper. He just wanted to go back to his mansion in Lambe road and have a good rest. He had recorded this spot anyway. Abel packed up all the stuff, and just when he opened the Scroll of Town Portal, he was blocked by Black Wind. Soon, he realized why. “You want to run back to the Rogue encampment?” Abel asked with surprise. It was a few days worth of distance from here, but looking at Black Wind’s face, Abel couldn’t help but laugh and gave it a little pad. He then put the scroll away and shouted: “Black Wind, now run like the wind!” Black Wind viciously dashed out, and Abel was immediately bombarded with immense wind. If he hadn’t lowered his body fast enough, he would be directly knocked to the ground. Then he would be the first commander to fall from his own mount, something that would make all knights speechless. A set of gold combat qi armor appeared on Abel, and it slowly shifted to fit the shape of a leaning body on the back on Black Wind. Therefore, they could be more aerodynamic. The armor cut through the air, allowing Abel to see his surroundings. This was just like sitting on the back of White Cloud. The grass on the ground was now speeding behind like the clouds in the sky. In this almost suffocating atmosphere, Abel went through a few day’s worths of the distance back to the Rogue encampment by noon. It seemed like Black Wind enjoyed this speed a lot. Although it was drenched in sweat after such a distance, it didn’t feel tired at all. A mount wolf was already the best mount in the Holy Continent. They were kings when it came to speed and flexibility. Although some mounts were faster than mount wolves, they were not as flexible. Some were more flexible but not as fast. However, by this point, Abel was sure not beings in the Holy Continent were faster Black Wind. Black Wind’s speed had exceeded the limit of all normal and natural beings. It was a spell endowment, a technique used in hell to help their servants enchant their speed. With Black Wind’s increase in speed, his commander’s striking power, and his powerful magic weapons, Abel was confident that he could penetrate the defense of an official wizard during close body attacks. Back in Angstorm, Abel and Black Wind stepped out of the portal door into his mansion in Lambe road. After he had a good clean, he opened the defense and barrier circle. Ling ling… after a while, steward Brewer had arrived at his master’s floor. “Master, you are back!” he said with a glimpse of the excitement. “What’s up?” Abel asked “Countess Carrie had delivered 6 young blue howling rabbits and an old elf breeder. She said she’d give you her part of the exchange first!” Brewer replied. Ever since Countess Carrie delivered 6 young blue howling rabbits here yesterday, he’d been stressing about it. Luckily the old elf was experienced in breeding and brought some grass here, but it didn’t last for long. Right in the morning, the 6 young blue howling rabbits were not feeling well. There was a chance they might not even make it until tonight. “It must be Old Mund, invite him here!” It was odd that Countess Carrie had delivered those blue howling rabbits. Abel had not even agreed to her conditions, so why would she do that? Unbelievable. The thing Abel did not know was that when Grand Duke Edwina sent some elves to find blue howling rabbits, some actually brought 6 young ones back. It was at that same time, Abel raised the idea of raising blue howling rabbits. Therefore countess Carrie brought them back and let Old Mund take care of it. However, soon countess Carrie got the news that these young blue howling rabbits were a lot more demanding than the mature ones. Since the Grand Ducal palace had not bred them for a long time, they did not have enough potions and the environment they required to grow. All of a sudden, Countess Carrie didn’t know what to do, so she just sent everything, including Old Mund to Abel’s place first as a down payment. Even if one had died, she would just need to send another one over. It was better to let Abel get used to breeding blue howling rabbits in his place earlier anyway. “Master!” Old Mund quickly arrived and bowed. “Old Mund, what did countess Carrie want?” Said Abel staring at the slightly nervous Old Mund. “Master, Countess Carrie allowed me to stay in your mansion. From now on, I would breed the blue howling rabbits, garden, and anything you want me to do!” Said Old Mund nervously. Old Mund’s voice was filled with confusion about the future. He had been ordered to a lord’s palace from the Grand Ducal palace all of a sudden, and he did not know a single thing about how this lord treated his servants. “Can these blue howling rabbits that you brought survive?” Abel asked. “Master, most likely not!” After a bit of hesitation, Old Mund still decided to tell the truth. “Why?” Abel asked. He was a little confused since he knew Old Mund was an experienced breeder. “Blue howling rabbits need to eat mana grown grass ever since birth. The ones that had been brought back from the place where those blue howling rabbits were captured are too old. They can no longer be eaten. These young blue howling rabbits are too weak. If they continue to starve, they might not be able to survive much longer!” Said old Mund with a low soft voice. “Tell me how to breed blue howling rabbits back in the day.” Abel was not worried about the mana grown grass. He could get as much as he wanted. He was only worried about the process of breeding. “Blue howling rabbits are very timid and sensitive creatures. They are very picky when it comes to the environment, so you have to use a mana gathering circle to create a mana concentration environment. Every blue howling rabbit needs to be separated from each other far away, or use a sound blocking cage. The temperature needs to keep around the temperature of spring to summer. The longer grass is preferred, so it was better to use an intermediate mana gathering circle to grow it. If not, there might be a chance the grass will run out and affect the growth of the blue howling rabbit.” Said Old Mund. He told Abel everything, without holding a single thing back. “Old Mund, give those 6 howling rabbits you brought back to me. I’ll take care of them!” Abel gave a little nod. After hearing Old Mund’s basic introduction, he could roughly understand why those blue howling rabbits were so hard to breed. A mana gathering circle would take up a lot of energy, especially intermediate ones. This expenditure was not a person with normal gold coins could sustain; you would need a mana gem mine to do that. No wonder why the elves banned this wonderful food. If they spent all their mana gems on satisfying their taste buds, they would no longer have any more resources for the Druids. The elves understood the significance of losing military power After a short while, Old Mund and 2 servants entered their owner’s hall holding 6 wooden boxes. “Master, the 6 blue howling rabbits are here!” Said Old Mund gently as he placed the 6 wooden boxes on the ground gently. “Old Mund, you are now my man. If you need anything, just ask steward Brewer. Brewer, organize accommodations for Old Mund. If he had any demands, try your best to satisfy it.” Afterward, Abel waved his hand and sent the 2 men off. After the few elves bowed and left the hall, Abel picked up one of the wooden boxes on the ground. There were some simple magic patterns on top of the box, and it was equipped with an intermediate mana gem. This was a noise-canceling pattern; he had seen it in some luxurious shops before. He never thought he would see one of them on the box of a single blue howling rabbit.
Chapter 290 - Underground Tunnel Chapter 290 Underground Tunnel Abel carefully opened the cover of the box, inside was a little blue howling rabbit vigilantly looking at him. Although there were screeching continuously emerging from its mouth, Abel could clearly tell it was very weak. He understood Old Mund’s hesitance when raising them, Abel closed the cover and opened the defense and barrier circle. He hung the 6 wooden boxes on the Black Wind’s back and speeded to put the portal towards Rogue encampment. He searched out a bottle of blue Recovery potion from the Kong Kong spirit portal bag and fed some to a blue howling rabbit within one of the wooden boxes. Recovery potion could recover the strength of one’s body. However, for a young blue howling rabbit, an entire bottle would be too much. Therefore, Abel needed to feed them less according to their body ratio. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the blue Recovery potion or the mana dense atmosphere in the Rogue encampment, but the 6 young blue howling rabbits had regained their strength after a while. Abel did not have enough time to breed these blue howling rabbits. Originally, he planned to just supply large amounts of grass, cut out a piece of land in his palace and use a mana gathering circle to create an environment suitable for those blue howling rabbits to grow. However, since Countess Carrie had sent some extremely young ones, Old Mund’s explanation gave Abel an idea to directly breed these blue howling rabbits here. Blood Moor had been whipped clean a few times, so basically, no more hell creatures could be seen. The only thing left here was grass, and the temperature was also very suitable for blue howling rabbits too. Those 6 blue howling rabbits were dead to the Grand Ducal palace since they were too weak anyway, so he would give it a try. What could Abel lose? Abel brought the 6 blue howling rabbits to Blood Moor and placed them next to the oak tree. As soon as he placed them on the ground, they were frightened by the new environment. However, under the swaying of the leaves, Abel could tell those rabbits were slowly getting back to normal. Afterward, they started to get more energetic as they began to eat the densely grown grass on the ground. Seeing the power of the oak tree, Abel was shocked. He was still not too familiar with his contracted oak tree, but now he realized something. This tree could appease animals. This was the Druid’s ability. He Abel had not grasped this ability since he had just become a Druid, yet this oak tree was doing it very well. Let’s leave it to destiny if these blue howling rabbits could survive or not. Abel no longer had the energy to care. He just wanted to keep opening up the path to the Dark Forest. Abel arrived at the entrance of the underground tunnel again. The mine had been separated by a giant rocky mountain. It’s enormous peak pushed this mine towards the edge of the world, and a shiver provoking sound would emerge from the pitch-black cave from time to time. Abel took out the night pearl necklace and placed it on his shoulder. The 4 spirit guardian knights were skeleton in the first place anyway, so they didn’t need to care about darkness. The spirit wolves were also assassins in the dark. The poison creepers did not have eyes, so it just operated purely on its senses. Even the ravens were expert flyers in the dark. Abel was the only one in the team who needed some kind of lighting device. However, after they entered the tunnel, he soon realized his night pearl was unnecessary. The oak sage’s glow was much brighter. As Abel was thinking, a ball of lighting flew directly towards them. Since their eyes still hadn’t adjusted to the dark environment, this surprise attack shocked them a little. The spirit guardian knight captain was different. After taking many ‘soul potions,’ they have enough fighting ability to command another spirit guardian knight to stand in front of its owner to protect him. The other 3 spirit guardian knights disappeared from the spot and flew forward like a flash of lighting. The oak sage protected itself by standing behind its owner, while the 5 spirit wolves flashed forward with the spirit guardian knights. At least 10 lighting balls struck upon the spirit guardian knight in front of Abel, but its health was strong. As long as its head was still attached and none of its parts were missing, it could continue to fight. Moreover, Abel had made a full set of armor for it, so even though this was a spell attack, it was not easy to knock it down in one strike. The most important thing was to give it some time to recover since its full set of equipment had a +1 health recovery rate. Black Wind had also got adapted to the light. In a twitch, it had already arrived on the battlefield. There were around 100 green-skinned, tall built, bullhead monsters with 2 horns on their heads, howling while swinging their sharp claws towards Abel’s summons. A flash of lighting appeared with every one of their strikes. Those were Tainted. They could use natural lighting to recover their abilities. As long as they had enough distance, they would unleash a lighting ball just like earlier. To the defenseless Abel, a lighting ball would hurt Abel quite a lot. If the spirit guardian knight did not stand in front of him, he was basically helpless. Through the glow of the night pear and the Oak Sage, Abel could see around 10 Tainted from afar, slowly stepping back. They were trying to create enough distance to unleash the lighting ball. Abel used his druid soul’s power of the will to send the 5 ravens speeding towards those Tainted, distracting them until they could no longer unleash their lighting ball normally. Abel unleashed a continuous charging bolt through his hand, and a wave of electric arcs arose from the ground. However, just when he thought his light bolt would take a large chunk of health from his enemy like before, he was caught by surprise. The lightning bolts did not do any damage to the Tainted, and 2 of the injured ones had even stood up and joined the battle again after being struck. By this point, Abel realized those Tainted had a natural defense towards lighting. They were natural rulers of lighting. Abel changed the weapon in his hand into a Bane Ash, a dark gold magic staff. Afterward, a powered-up rank 14 Firebolt shot out directly from the top of the magic staff towards those Tainted. The true power of the Tainted could only be seen during long-distance battles. They were a disaster in close battles, so they were basically hopeless against the spirit guardian knights who had inherited the official knight fighting ability of Abel. Even a spirit wolf was more powerful in close distance battles than a Tainted. Actually, in this battle, the most powerful attacker was not the spirit guardian knights, nor the spirit wolves; it was the poison creeper. It had injected poison upon every single Tainted on the ground, and it had managed to replenish their poison every time they recovered. Although none of the Tainted had been directly poisoned to death, a large chunk of their health was taken up by the poison. Fire attacks were known as the most powerful spell. Although a rank 13 Firebolt was still the lowest ranking spell among all the fire spells, it could still cause 3-31 fire damage. Basically, every single Firebolt could kill a Tainted. With as much as 600 points of mana, Abel had enough to keep unleashing Firebolt without a single worry. Just when Abel thought those Tainted would soon be whipped out, a string of lighting ball struck 2 spirit wolves directly into death protection. Under the glow of the lighting bolt, Abel saw gold Tainted hiding in a dark corner from afar. Abel’s heart dropped when he saw the 2 spirit wolves instantly struck into death protection. The defense of those spirit wolves was even stronger than his since they were the main force of an official druid at the end of the day. Both their attack or defense could hurt an official wizard.
Chapter 291 - Underground Battle Chapter 291 Underground Battle On a battlefield like this, even with Abel’s commander intuition and power were greatly affected. There was a chance an error might occur If the attack was aimed at him. The surprise attack of the Tainted was very hard to avoid. Abel tensed up all of a sudden. He got a little overconfident. He forgot there were also large amounts of elite gold, and dark gold hell creatures. They were cunning, vicious, and powerful, unlike those normal ones that he could just play around with. Abel quickly put on his golden combat qi and frozen armor. Due to his recent increase in strength and man, both of these armors could now also surround Black Wind. Abel had gained so much strength recently; he was so overconfident that he had entered this unknown danger territory without any protection. Now, he needed some time to self reflect. “Black Wind!” Abel yelled. He had already arrived right next to the golden Tainted in a flash with his soul connected Black Wind. The Bane Ash was striking right down towards it. Abel knew very little about staff techniques, so he could only use the Band Ash in his hand like a sword. Every since Abel had entered the Dark Word, he realized most hell creatures could counteract physical impact very well. However, this Bane Ash had some very weird attributes. +20% attack speed, which could only apply to physical attacks. +60% damage, which was another physical attack effect when the enemy was directly struck. +4-6 fire damage was just the same as well. The master who made this magic staff must have had a weird personality to put so many physical attack attributes in a dark gold magic staff. Maybe he was also a knight with interest in magic like Abel, so he had made a weird dark gold magic staff like this. Now this magic staff was very suitable for Abel’s current situation. Originally, his physical attacks couldn’t do much, but now every one of his strikes would come along with 5-13% fire damage. Even if the physical impact couldn’t do much, just the fire damage was enough to hurt the golden Tainted. With Black Wind’s charge as well as the +60% damage, Abel’s strike was quite scary. The attacked golden Tainted directly flew out with this strike. It’s heavy body smashed against the wall behind, with a burnt up wound. Before it even had time to get up, a pattern flashed on the tip of Abel’s Bane Ash. A firebolt flew out and directly exploded on to the golden Tainted. As the golden Tainted screamed, 10 other surrounding Tainted madly ran towards Abel. They wanted to help upon hearing the call of their leader. Abel changed his weapon again. A knight spear appeared in his hand as charged, and swiped horizontally towards those Tainted. Abel’s knight spear was a magic weapon. It had a knockback effect, so Abel didn’t need to use much force at all. He only used a special technique by keep changing the direction. On top of the scary speed of Black Wind, every single Tainted in front of him was knocked back immediately. Although the golden Tainted was also slowly retreating, Black Wind had appeared right next to him again in a flash. His Bane Ash struck again and brought about the same amount of fire damage. Abel’s only mission now was to not let the golden Tainted get away. As long as it could keep it at close distance, this golden Tainted could never unleash their ultimate power. At the same time, a Firebolt spell pattern ignited by his druid soul on the skill tree appeared in front of his chest. Afterward, a Firebolt shot out. Only Abel, with all his attributes, could shoot a Firebolt as fast as that. These Firebolts were made for those other Tainted, and they were waiting just when those Tainted were about to charge again. Meanwhile, Abel did not stop attacking with his Bane Ash. Now, he could finally see the maximum benefit of his long time practiced multitasking. Without the support of that golden Tainted, those other Tainted were rubbish in a close battle. Soon, they had been whipped clean, and the golden Tainted had also turned into Abel’s soul potion ingredient in a horrific scream. He threw a few intermediate mana gem into his Monster portal bag. He had lost 2 spirit wolves the moment they entered this underground tunnel. Now, these 2 spirit wolves could no longer help him in the next 2 days. Abel really wanted to throw a perfect gem into his monster portal bag to speed up the spirit wolves’ recovery. However, he was also afraid that it would cause an explosion, so he decided to just save this experiment for the future when he has more monster portal bags. Since Abel had lost 2 main fighting power, he had to move more carefully. Now, he had to let the ravens examine the condition ahead before moving forward. The ravens alerted his druid soul that there were a few hundred hell creatures ahead. Abel couldn’t help but slow down his steps. First, he commanded the ravens to attack and disrupt the formation of those hell creatures through the druid soul. In the corner ahead, chaotic sounds began to emerge. There were also some sounds of arrows flying through the air. It seemed like there were some archers. Now, all Abel could do was close body battle again. They were inside a cave, so the long-range Harry bow could not fully unleash its power. Abel speculated as soon as he made a turn, he would enter the range of the archers, so he needed to get close as soon as possible and attack. After Abel put on his 2 layers of defense, including the golden combat qi armor and frozen armor, he began to command the attack. The 4 spirit guardian knights and 3 spirit wolves disappeared on the spot, and the poison creeper swam below. Upon hearing some shocking screams, Black Wind dashed out with a speed that was almost as fast as the flash of a spirit wolf. It appeared right in front of his enemies. They were all skeleton archers. These scary archers could relentlessly send out a rain of arrows, but of course only from a distance. There was no way Abel would give them this distance. But still, those skeleton archers could use their arrows to fight back. Since they were made out of skeletons, they were also not afraid of death. Abel’s main soul did not attack. Instead, he was focused on finding the golden leader. Meanwhile, his druid soul was busy unleashing a Charging bolt from the magic staff in his hand. A large sea of lighting rushed towards the skeletons. The place was filled with flashing lights, not sure if it was the lightning lighting up the skeletons, or the white bones skeletons reflecting the lighting. “Found it!” Abel saw a golden skeleton archer hiding behind a sea of normal ones. Its bow was pulled, and it was aiming directly towards the spirit guardian knight captain. Abel then signed the spirit guardian knight captain to disappear through his power of the will. Almost immediately, it appeared right next to the golden skeleton archer. A flash of blue light followed from the chest of the spirit guardian knight captain, covering all the skeleton archers around in a layer of frost. Their speed had been reduced dramatically, but that golden one seemed to have recovered quickly after a while.
Chapter 292 - Second Floor Of The Underground Chapter 292 Second Floor of the Underground Because of this, the spirit guardian knight captain had enough time to do its close body attack. The most powerful attacks of the spirit guardian knight captain were still close body attacks. Although it was equipped with the long-distance attributes like Harry’s bow, most of its attack power was supplied by the perfect red gem. The spirit guardian knight itself didn’t add much to it. Close body was a completely different game against the spirit guardian knight captain. Every single strike from his ice magic sword could slow down and do ice damage to the enemy on top of the physical damage. Since it was originally a skeleton as well, every single one of his strikes would also come along with a large amount of death qi damage as well. Furthermore, If it had changed his weapon to a knight spear, he would further gain another a knockback effect. The spirit wolf that it was sitting on was no ordinary mount too. It already had an immensely powerful close body attack by itself. On top of the ice enchantment, which could unleash frost towards the surrounding enemies to slow them down, this spirit guardian knight could easily withstand a group of enemies. Meanwhile, Abel didn’t stop unleashing charging bolts with his Druid soul. Unlike normal wizards who could only unleash one spell at a time, Abel’s attack power was basically equal to 2 wizards in safety circumstances. Abel began to welcome each of the skeleton archers with his Bane Ash like he was doing roll calls. Each of them was met with a level 13 Fire Bolt. If there was a slight chance that they could survive this strike, the continuous lightning bolt from Abel’s chest would surely finish them off. During the attacking process, Abel realized something funny. Every time a skeleton archer died, a spirit guardian knight would flash to their side, lift up their skull, and give it a little sniff. Abel thought this was strange. The skeleton archer’s soul had already been sucked up by the Horadric cube. What more could the spirit guardian knights get? Click click click. The battle had ended along with the sound of the golden skeleton falling to the ground. Throughout the entire fight, this golden skeleton archer didn’t even have the chance to shoot out one arrow. Just like that, it was depressingly grinding to death by the spirit guardian knight captain. From its surrounding ice enchantment to its ice magic sword, the strategy of this golden skeleton archer had been upside down. Although it could recover from the slow down quickly, it still happened way too many times. Therefore, it could only accept its fate. The spirit guardian knight captain did a victory pose as he lifted up the skull of the golden skeleton archer. After it gave it a long sniff, a very human-like satisfied drunken look emerged from its face. Through the soul chain, Abel asked the spirit guardian knight captain what did it get from this. After the spirit guardian knight captain hung his ice magic sword and magic shield on the side of the spirit wolf, it took out an ice attributed Harry bow. It pulled on the string, and an arrow made out of bone appeared. This arrow began to glow in blue and swiftly flew out. When it made contact with a wall not too far away, the arrow scattered and a patch of blue frost appeared on the wall. “Not bad. Even though the arrow was not strong, it can fully unleash the ability and attribute of the perfect red gem on Harry’s bow!” Abel couldn’t help but mumble to himself while nodding upon seeing it’s an effect. The spirit guardian knights could not use portal equipment like Abel, so the arrows it could carry was very limited. Normally, it could only hang one basket of arrows on the side of the spirit wolf. There was too many equipments on the spirit guardian knight already. It included the knight spear, ice magic sword, Harry’s bow, and a magic shield if these weapons were not supported by the death qi from the skeleton. Upon seeing the spirit guardian knight captain’s new ability, Abel turned at the other 3 spirit guardian knight. Under Abel’s command through the power of the will, they also began to test out this new ability. However, before the tip of their arrow could even form, it had vanished. It seemed like they still needed more skeleton archers, but this also suggested that this ability could be leveled up. If there were enough skeleton archers for these spirit guardian knights to suck up, maybe their arrows might be even stronger than metal ones. In the following battles, Abel ran into some hell creatures with a higher level than the ones he faced before such as blue Carver, and Evil Hunter. However, as long as they did not have a golden leader, they couldn’t really do much to Abel and his team. The killing continued. The countless skeleton archers had gifted the spirit guardian knights enough skulls to form their bone arrows, and finally, they had come to a cave opening. However, no matter which angle Abel looked, this opening didn’t seem like an exit. It was pitch black. Could it be a cave within a cave? Since they had already gone so far, Abel would not let this chance slide. He commanded the ravens to go look ahead first like usual. The Druid ability in his Druid soul was still not too strong, so he could not share sight with the ravens. He could only keep talking with it to gain a rough description if there were enemies or not. The raven sent back a message saying there was countless red enemies upfront. Abel knew exactly what red enemies were. Fallen, there were large amounts of Fallen, but Abel and his team were not afraid of those things at all. Especially after the spirit guardian knight captain had gotten the fire enchantment, every member in Abel’s team had also gotten extremely powerful at counteracting fire spell attacks. But before he entered, he still carefully put on both his combat qi and frozen armor. He let the spirit guardian knights enter first since their defense was the strongest. Afterward, the spirit wolves, then the poison creeper followed without his command, and the Oak Sage was the last. After Abel entered the cave, he saw a sea of flaming red under the illumination of the night pear and the Oak Sage. The cave was actually not pitch black. There was some kind of burning equipment from afar. Their flame was also red; in fact, everything was red; this must be what hell looks like. From time to time, a Fireball would fly towards Abel. Although Abel could counteract fire attacks very well, he did not want to face that fireball head-on. A rune sign flashed in his hand, and the fireball exploded in mid-air. By this point, his Druid soul began to unleash the Lightning bolt, sending a sea of lighting forward. All the Fallen were horrified as they screamed and fell on the ground. At this time, the spirit guardian knights appeared next to the Fallen as they started to kill. The Fallen kept falling. Some were killed by lightning. Some had turned green and died from the poison creeper’s poison. Some had been slashed to death by the spirit wolves’ claw. The spirit guardian knights depended on their powerful defense as they kept flashing next to the Fallen and killing their leaders. The battle ended In no time. These basically harmless to Abel Fallen could only be his Soul potion ingredients, and the magic staff of the Fallen Shamans had become his collectibles as well. The few thousand dead Fallen around here had also only taken up Abel around 3 hours to clean up. He recalled the battle he had with Bishibosh and the Fallen. He had almost used all his secret weapons in that battle, even the golden Elven perfume. The only major difference about this battle was lacking a Bishibosh. The Fallen this time was a lot more concentrated, so it should be even harder to fight. However, since his increase in strength, it was actually quite easy. After cleaning up all the dead Fallen, Abel realized he was actually standing on a giant platform. There were some passages towards the lower level near the side of the platform. It seemed like he had proceeded in the wrong direction on the previous floor. This was the second flow; it leads directly to the ground. From his memory, there should be a golden treasure box here. Not sure if it was still around. It was for this uncertain golden treasure box, Abel decided to keep cleaning forward until he found it.
Chapter 293 - What The Belt Could Do Chapter 293 What the Belt Could Do Abel went down from the platform and lit up a fire cane. Under the glow of the flame, Abel could hear Rakanishu. Afterward, around 10 blue skin Carvers appeared. Within the bunch, there was an ultra buff one that caught Abel’s attention. It was a type of elite Carver. They were normally equipped with thick ice armor and were a lot stronger than normal ones. Those Carvers were very fast. The moment they saw Abel, a few had already gotten close to him. A sea of Lighting bolts and strikes of Fire Bolts rushed straight towards the charging Carver. After they were killed, the rest of the Carver’s formation was destroyed. They scattered towards all directions, but Abel did not chase after them. Instead, he changed to a Raven claw and aimed it right at that elite Carver. It was clear that this ultra-strong elite Carver was ice enchanted. Abel didn’t want to be slowed down, nor struck by the frozen death wave. Since 2 of his spirit wolves were already in critical condition, Abel no longer wanted to risk his spirit guardian knights and spirit to have a close distance slaughter with these ice enchanted elite Carver. The best way to deal with these elite Carver was from a long distance. Although Ravens couldn’t do much damage, they could still distract the elite Carver from Abel while the spirit guardian knights took out their Harry’s bow. All of a sudden, the sound of arrows filled the place. Under the exploding sound of Abel’s exploding arrow, the spirit guardian knights shot out 4 bone arrows with different attributes. In a moment, the elite Carver was covered in green, then twitched in lighting, and knocked back by explosions. The only thing the ice Harry bow could do was physical damage since all the ice damage was counteracted by the elite Carver. The ravens in the sky continue to distract. Abel’s exploding arrow could blow this Elite Carver a few steps back, while the lighting arrow could numb it. Therefore, every since Abel started his attack; this elite Carver never had a single chance to even charge forward. The other Carver was also busy getting killed, the spirit wolves and poison creeper. They tried to run, then strike back, but in the end, they still got killed, and the process repeated itself. Bang! After around 20 minutes of continuous arrow strikes, a shock wave of ice exploded outward within the elite Carver. The only outcome of this was turning the surrounding ground into a large patch of frozen crystal. Abel and his summons were prepared, they were so far out the shockwave could not reach them. The second floor underground was a Fallen camp. It was jammed packed with flaming red. But no matter how many Fallen there were, they still couldn’t do much to Abel and his team. Just like a wave, Abel began whipping out those Fallen. Sometimes a Fallen Shaman would give Abel a little trouble, but most of the time, they were basically helpless. The underground environment was very suitable for a group attack spell such as Charging Bolt. As soon as a Charging bolt was unleashed, lighting would fill up every little hole. Therefore as long as Abel kept moving forward, rarely anything could escape. Even if they could escape, they would just turn in to Abel’s mana replenishment with the sword of victory in his hand. 2 spirit guardian knights were taking up Fire Bolts for Abel in front of him. Under the fire enchantment from the spirit guardian knight captain, they had a strong tolerance to fire attacks. On top of their scary health recovery rate, those attacks could not form a single threat against them. The other summons were attacking however they like. The spirit wolves and spirit guardian knights kept flashing next to Fallen shaman, while the poison creeper had filled a patch of Fallen with green poison. “The light ahead!” After years of battle, Abel developed a habit of talking to himself. The light ahead didn’t seem like it’s coming from a fire; it was a gold color. “That’s a bit too dramatic!” Abel exclaimed upon seeing that the light was actually coming from an ultra-luxury box. The box was covered in tiny magic patterns, and installed with a large number of gems. This box made of gold was still shiny as new after all these years. It seemed those hell creatures guarding this box would often give it a clean; there was not a speck of single dust on it. “Let’s just leave it to destiny!” Abel mumbled as he opened the box, exposing the stuff within. The first color Abel saw was blue. Excitement struck his heart—no matter what equipment, blue meant that it was a real magic weapon. Afterward, Abel took out a grey belt with a blue aura around it. “It’s a belt!” Although Abel had made a rune belt, it was not the product of the Dark World. It wouldn’t have any special ability from the Dark World. Abel threw it in the Horadric Cube, and some attributes appeared. Cheetah belt Defense:+ Durability:1-1 3 health Its attributes were very simple and didn’t have much practical use, but Abel still threw it around his waist in excitement. The moment he put it on, he felt 8 slots of space. These slots were very small; maybe only some small potions could be placed in it. Abel took out a blue Healing potion from the Kong Kong Spirit portal bag, and placed it in a slot. It fitted perfectly. However, to a person a lot of storage space, this wouldn’t make much of a difference anyway. Was there a difference between taking potions out of a portal bag and taking it out from your waist? Let’s give it a try. Abel focused on his power of the will on to the blue Healing potion on his waist. But the moment we wanted to take it out, a warm rush passed through his body. Although he was not hurt, he knew this was the effect of Healing potion. When he looked at the Cheetah belt again, only an empty bottle was left. The skills of the Dark World really were extraordinary. This speedy potion consuming method could save a lot of time during a battle. No matter how badly he was hurt, from now on, he could still take that potion without worrying about if he could lift his hand. “Good stuff!” Abel applauded. Sadly, the attributes of this thing were intolerable. His original belt was equipped with a 14# Dol rune. It could +7 health recovery rate, but this one only had a defense 3. Now it was a good chance for Abel to try out the exchange feature of the Horadric cube, something that would make all wizards in the Holy continent go crazy. Every 3 perfect gems could gain a chance to exchange a blue magic weapon’s attribute. Abel had around 100 perfect gems of different kinds in his Kong Kong spirit portal bag, which he had just combined through the Horadric Cube. He moved everything in his Horadric cube on the ground and threw the Cheetah belt and 3 perfect gems inside. His power of the will pressed on the combine button. In a flash of white light, the 3 perfect red gems and the belt disappeared, and a new belt emerged on the bottom left corner. Mandarin Ribbon Defence:+ Durability:1-1 Counteract lightning +6% Abel was not too satisfied, so he threw in another 3 perfect gems and pressed combine with his power of the will again. After countless exchanges, he was slowly using up the perfect gems in his Kong Kong spirit portal bag. Between optimism and disappointment, Abel pressed combine again and again. Abel’s luck was too good last time. After using up around 100 perfect gems, he finally ended up with a belt he was somewhat satisfied with. Snake ego belt Defense: + Durability: 1-1 +10 mana Recover equipment durability within 1.33 seconds. Although he could not exchange something as good as the Behemoth vampire ring, he got last time, at least this belt was very practical. +10 mana could give him an extra 5 points of power of the will. You could never get too much mana, and Abel was continuously trying to increase it. Recover equipment durability within 1.33 seconds, meant that you would never have to worry about this belt getting damaged. But of course, only when this belt was not used as a shield.
Chapter 294 - Real Runes Chapter 294 Real Runes As Abel wrapped the snake ego belt on his waist, he looked at the golden treasure box again. It seemed like there was still something inside. He quickly stepped up and have a look again. There was an ordinary-looking rock dropped at the corner. A rock? Abel picked up the rock, and there was a familiar looking rune on it. It was Tir! Abel was a little shaky; this could be a real rune. Not a rune sign, but a real rune. It was the reflection of the Dark World’s high intelligence, the highest mystery Abel placed the rune inside his Horadric cube feeling slightly in disbelief. Its attributes were clearly reflected. Gain mana every time an enemy is killed. Of course, Abel already knew this, but in his heart, he also clearly knew there was something different. It was like the Horadric cube didn’t even recognize the thing when he put it inside. He always had a dream to create a superweapon from rune words. Although he already had knowledge on runes earldom, he never truly held a Dark World’s rune in his hand before. Since now he finally saw one, at least he could know what they were basically made out of and how they were made. If he wasn’t underground, he would really like to start his rune research now. After Abel returned to the first floor from the underground, he chose another split road. His heart was filled with thoughts about the runes, so the speed of killing kept increasing too. After being in the underground for 3 days, he finally saw his first ray of daylight. Abel let out a heavy breath of relief as he stepped out of the underground tunnel. It was like he had been away from the real world for years. He felt the freshness of the air as he stared at the patch of green grass, trees, and algae on the rocks. His mood was calmed. Especially under the glow of 2 fire cane, Abel could clearly see a little teleportation station from afar. He felt even happier now. There weren’t any hell creatures in their way, and Black Wind already speeded towards the mouth of the cave without even needing his command. It didn’t seem like many creatures had made contact with this little teleportation station. There wasn’t any rubbish on it, Abel could just directly ignite it without cleaning. He was lucky that he still had 2 perfect gems left. If not, this trip would be a complete waste of time. He took out the last 2 perfect gems from his Kong Kong Spirit portal bag and installed it in the teleportation station’s gap. The little teleportation station began to glow in white shimmer. After the pattern began to glow as well, and the relentless energy was connected. Abel could see that he could select the Rogue encampment, Cold Plain, Stone field, and dark within the little teleportation station. Abel wanted to keep exploring, but at the same time, he didn’t want any hell creature to destroy this energy the little teleportation station he had created. The little teleportation station moved forward along a river. The view was amazing, but just as Abel was just enjoying this rare calming scenery, his intuition twitched. He held up the Pelta Lunata in his left hand, and “Ding,” a sharp spear struck upon the shield. After days of battle, Abel’s team was already in the mode of battle before his command. The spirit wolves had recovered and rejoined the team. The 5 spirit wolves flashed towards the mist of the bush of grass. The ravens in the sky flew forward, and the poison creeper disappeared from Abel’s side. The spirit guardian knights did not leave. They tightly stayed with Abel, guarding him by forming a Knight charging formation. As soon as the spirit wolves speeded into the bush of grass, things became chaotic. “Ssss….SSSS.” The sound began to emerge from the bush of grass. Countless Quill Rat like hell creatures came out. The only difference was that they were purple and a lot bigger. Those were Spike Fiend. They were a level above Quill Rat. They had much sharper spikes and much higher attacks than Quill Rats, but they were still just some low level hell creatures. Their attacks could do nothing to Abel’s armor and the spirit guardian knights. Still, Abel could not take this easy, no matter what. His experience had told him, anything could happen in the dark world. In a flick of a hand, a golden combat qi armor appeared on him. Afterward, a spell pattern emerged in front of his hand, and a Frozen armor appeared on him. The frozen armor reflected the golden combat qi, making him look like the golden god of war. Now both of his amours could protect Black Wind as well. Black Wind’s fur and skin defense was not bad in the first place. Abel had got a taste of it before. Although Black Wind was not an attack style official soul beast, it’s defense was definitely on par. By this point, an air breaking sound came from somewhere. Abel’s hand shook. The new Pelta Lunata was knocked back along with him by an immense force. The continuous long spike attack kept knocking him and the spirit guardian knights back. “Close body attack!” under Abel’s command, the 4 spirit guardian knights disappeared and reappeared in the midst of those Spike Fiend. Black Wind sped forward like a strike of lightning. Abel could see clearly now: a golden Spike Fiend was leading this group of Spike Fiend from behind. This little team was made up of around 10 elite Spike Fiend. There was an obvious aura around that team of Spike Fiends. It was a special ability of their golden leader. Seeing the attack just then, Abel could tell this was a powerful aura. It could multiply the power of their spike attacks, so Abel needed to be very careful. The spirit guardian nights were hurt a little, but nothing major. The spirit wolves were already going back and forth with the normal Spike Fiend, so they weren’t the target of the elite team. Abel hated these kinds of hell creatures since they do not give any rewards. Their dark hell energy absorbed skin were basically useless, so the only thing that he could gain from fighting them was their soul. The battle ended quickly. The Spike Fiend, which had been charged, was like a helpless life stock. They did not use the long spike on short distances, so it only took Abel a little bit of time to wipe them out. In the following roads, some Vile Lancer, they were a level above dark spear. Both their attacks and defense were a little stronger, but still, they could not harm Abel. After entering the Dark Forest, Abel directly put in his 2 armor. Abel kept whipping out hell creatures along the way. After half a day, he finally saw a large patch of forest. He could not even see the edge of it, no wonder why they called it the Dark Forest. The first thing he saw as he tried to enter the forest was a large amount of blue Carver. They were in every corner, under every tree, there were even from Carver shaman lurking among them. It seemed like this Forest had become the home of the Carvers. Although they weren’t a big threat to Abel, there were still too many of them. The thing that stressed Abel out the most was the condition of the Frost. It hugely reduced the power of his most skilled Charging bolt. A large portion of his Charging bolt was blocked out by trees, so not much of it actually hit those fallen. If he tried to use a Fire attack in the forest, it would be suicide. A Carver shaman could use such a powerful fireball attack around here. After long years of living in the forest. They seemed to have mastered some kind of special technique to use fire attacks without damaging the forest. Abel was in bad luck; his Firebolt attack would burn up even the grass, let alone the trees. However, there were always pros and cons. There were a lot of trees around here, so there was basically no way those Carver could unleash a group attack on Abel and his team. Therefore, even though it would be slower to kill off those Carvers, at least they were safe.
Chapter 295 - Going Back Chapter 295 Going Back A day of cleaning did not reap too many rewards. Abel realized that it might be too huge of a project to clean up this entire forest. Although he didn’t see any leader hell creatures or anything too powerful, the nature of the Cravers still stressed him out quite a bit. He only needed to kill the Cravers, and all the other ones would run around like crazy. Abel kept getting distracted. He now hoped that the Cravers could just run towards any other life they saw like a normal hell creature would. Abel thought about the rune, as well as the fact that he didn’t have many resources left. The number of perfect gems he used to exchange this blue belt was enough to burn a whole city to ash; now he didn’t have a single perfect gem left. Abel recalled all his summons back to his monster portal bag and ignited the portal door back to the Rogue encampment. He didn’t want to go back to the holy continent yet. Instead, he opened the Akara tent and began doing some alchemy. It didn’t matter if it was Elven perfume, Lotion, or Conditioner, they were all high in demand. It was best to take advantage of the time difference in the Dark World and make some here, so he wouldn’t have to waste so much time back in the Holy Continent. 2 days passed in a flash, and a large amounts of ingredients were turned into products. The worn-out Abel put away the potions and went straight to sleep on the meditation Jade core pillow on the meditation Jade floor, in the Ankara tent. After Abel fell asleep, the meditation Jade core began to unleash waves of cool breeze, relaxing Abel’s tensed up nerves and murderous sense after days of killing. He woke up after a 10 hour sleep feeling refreshed again. As Abel was about to leave, he suddenly thought of those blue howling rabbits, I wonder how are they’re doing? He thought as he called Black Wind and speeded out the Rogue encampment like a breeze. During the run, Abel connected with his long time no connect oak tree through the soul chain. It seemed to gain more emotions again. A friendly sensation came from his soul chain. It seemed like he wanted to express some thoughts, but it didn’t know how Maybe this oak tree was too young. Although it was already huge, it didn’t actually take that much time to grow. It might still need some more time to adjust. Black Wind’s was so fast that Abel needed to put in his golden combat qi armor to breathe normally. This also helped with the search. After Abel’s command, Black a Wind had found the shadow of those blue howling rabbits under the oak tree. They had clearly grown throughout these days. Originally, blue howling rabbits were not supposed to live together, but maybe because of the oak tree’s protection, those 6 blue howling rabbits were now all gathered together enjoying the lush grass on the ground. Abel couldn’t help but agree. This was the perfect place for blue howling rabbits to grow. There was more mana here than the magic tower, so Abel didn’t even need a mana gathering circle. The seasons here were also continuously around 20 degrees, which was the perfect temperature for those rabbits. Most importantly, there was an endless amount of mana grass here. All of those grass had been growing in this mana dense area for years, so of course their quality would be higher than anything in the Holy Continent. Seeing those blue howling rabbits were safe, Abel let out a breath of relief. Blue howling rabbit was a type of soul beast. Although they couldn’t do much as a soul beast, Abel was already happy by the fact that they could produce a crystal core. Plus, they tasted like heaven. Back in the Lambe road mansion in Angstrom City, Abel closed the magic circles. He then felt White Cloud’s message through the soul chain. It missed him since they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. Now since Abel had around 20 Soul potions in his Kong Kong spirit portal bag. He would meet up with White Cloud and give it a few bottles. He only gave White Cloud 3 bottles of Soul potions last time, so he would give it another 2 and see if it could level up this time. After all these battles and recovery, Black Wind’s ability had become stable. If it took the Soul potion again, maybe it would need another 5 bottles. The spirit guardian knight captain also needed 5 bottles to make sure its ability could level up stably. This could also level up the Skeleton resurrection spell, which passively strengthened the spirit guardian knights. At first, he thought 20 bottles of Soul potions were a lot, but now he only had 5 bottles left for himself. His worry was lifted once again when he thought about the countless Carver in the Forest. He only needed to sleep a little bit, and he could relentlessly combine the Soul potion. Steward Brewer saw Abel walking out of his floor, so he quickly stepped up and said, “Master, this is Prince Adolf’s invitation. He wants to invite you to his banquet!” “Who’s Prince Adolf?” Abel asked weirdly. He never heard this name before. Since he was a prince, could he be Loraine’s brother? Abel never knew Loraine had a brother. “Prince Adolf is the only son of Grand Duke Francisco in Begro City. He is the confirmed inheritance,” Brewer explained. By this point, Abel basically understood. This Grand Duke Francisco and Grand Duke Edwina were both Royal elves, but he just didn’t know what relationship they were in. Since Prince Adolf was the confirmed inheritance, it was no surprise he got the title of a prince. If they were humans, both Carrie and Loraine should have the title of a Princess. But since they were elves, they needed to be an inheritance to enjoy this prestigious title. “What’s the connection between Begro City and Angstrom City?” Abel knew that his Steward would not have the guts to reply even if he knew anything about the relationship of those 2 Grand Dukes. However, it would generate much less tension if he just asked the relationship between the 2 Cities. “Begro City and Angstrom City often have a subtle tension, but the main thing both cities are debating on is the ruling of a mine between our borders. “Then, decline the information for me. Just say I’ve been locked up doing alchemy and don’t have any time!” By this point, Abel knew the relationship between these 2 cities must be bad. There was clearly something wrong since even his steward had heard the news. Maybe even some dirty was going on. Abel had an awkward identity, so it was best not to get involved. “Yes, Master!” Steward Brewer said with a bow. Afterward, Abel suddenly remembered that he needed to refill his gems. “Wait, help me buy some broken little gems. Actually, get a large amount for each kind. Are there still any gold coins left in the storage?” “Master, don’t worry. We still have a million gold coins. That’s more than enough for our spending,” Brewer replied. “Nice, off you go. Let’s get it done quick,” Abel said with a smile. After Brewer had left, Abel wanted to get a magic gold card as soon as possible. It was such a hassle without one, but he didn’t know what the requirements were. His original magic gold card was registered by Edmound’s boutique shop. He would ask the Alchemy Union first. Since Abel needed to go outside of the city to meet White Cloud later, he didn’t take his silvery-white carriage. Instead, he sat on the back of Black Wind and speeded out the mansion. He arrived at this grey-white building again. The attention of all the elves was focused on Black Wind, but afterward, they all bowed when they saw Abel’s Master’s medal. He arrived at the counter. It was that female elf on duty again. When she saw Abel, she immediately ran out of the counter and bowed, “Welcome Master Bennet. Is there anything I can help you with today?” “I want to make a magic gold card. Can I do it through the Union?” Abel said directly. “Sorry, Master Bennet. Due to our carelessness, we forgot to create a magic gold card for you!” Said the female elf immediately as she bowed again. Abel bowed back slightly and asked again, “What requirements do I need?”
Chapter 296 - Stalking Chapter 296 Stalking “No need, Master Bennet. With your status, we will deliver a magic gold card to your palace by tomorrow morning,” said the female elf with a bow. “I have some Lotions and Conditioners that I want the Union to help me sell. Who should I see?” Abel might buy a large number of ingredients from the Alchemy Union, so he needed to have a good relationship with them. The Alchemy Union was slightly dominated by female elves. Since both of Abel’s alchemy products were targeted towards females, it would not look good if he didn’t give some to the Union. “Master Bennet, you want to sell your Lotion and Conditioner?” The female elf was so happy that her voice almost cracked. As an internal worker of the Union, she knew that the first batch of Master Bennet’s Lotion and Conditioner delivered would be distributed by the Union’s meant that she would have the chance to get some. That was why she was so happy. “Yes. Lotions and Conditioner, 30 bottles each!” Abel confirmed with a slight nod. “Master Bennett, I’ll take you to see manager alchemist Dorothy. Please follow me!” The female elf bowed and made a welcome gesture. Abel followed the female elf to a big door with flower etchings. The female elf bowed again and signaled Abel to wait while she went inside. From the outside, Abel could hear some laughter of excitement. Afterward, a female alchemist wearing an alchemist robe walked out with the female elf following behind. She bowed and said with a somewhat embarrassed tone one “Master Bennet, my name Dorothy. Sorry for the wait, please come in.” The place looked like a typical office, other than a few girlish decorations and paintings. Alchemist Dorothy definitely seemed like a very playful elf. “Master Bennett, every elf who used product can’t stop praising it, and those who couldn’t get the chance to try it like us yearn for it. Thank you so much for your trust in the Union. We will sell the products you provide at the highest price!” Although alchemist Dorothy was trying her best to sound calm, some excitement still managed to leak out of her voice. Actually, she had already got a taste of Abel’s Lotion and Conditioner’s power during Abel’s examination. When the elite alchemist had revived Abel’s gift, a part of it was distributed towards the most powerful female alchemist in the Union. A huge shock was generated when that intermediate female alchemist arrived at the Union the next day. From then on, every female elf in the Union had gone crazy to get their hand on one of Abel’s alchemy products. Now the chance was right in front of them. Of course, they needed to pay a high price, but they were not short in gold coins. Their long lives allowed them to accumulate large sums of wealth. Afterward, Abel 60 bottles of potion shining in blue aura from his portal bag and placed it on the table. He then took out a lambskin parchment and said, “Alchemist Dorothy, this is 30 bottles of Lotions, and 30 bottles of Conditioner. Since I haven’t got my magic gold card, can you please give me some ingredients instead. These are the things I need!” “Of course, Master Bennett. You can choose any means of exchange you like. Maybe this is too many ingredients, so I’ll get it delivered to your palace by tomorrow!” Alchemist Dorothy said with a bow. When Alchemist Dorothy saw Abel’s portal bag, she realized how big it was. A square meter could not fit many ingredients. If he wanted to exchange all 60 bottles of potion into ingredients, the amount would be scary. After he confirmed that the magic gold card and the ingredients would be delivered to him tomorrow, Abel rode Black Wind out of the Alchemy Union. During his way out of Angstrom City, Black Wind caught the attention of a lot of elves. When he came across a road, his intuition felt a special sight focusing on him. Although he didn’t see anyone as he lifted up his head, afterward, he felt someone following him. He couldn’t speed up in Angstrom City, but he didn’t want to escape from the following anyway. He never found the person who attacked him last time, so this might be a good chance for revenge since the enemy showed up by itself. When he arrived at the entrance of Angstrom City, the Lord medal in front of Abel’s chest began to show its power. He exited this huge city through the noble pathway. Afterward, he let Black Wind jog, but not charge. Black Wind would be way too fast if he was serious. No creature in the Holy Continent could even come close. They jogged past a big wall of trees, and after another 5 miles, Black Wind stopped, quietly standing on a patch of grass. Abel’s intuition told him he had been surrounded, but the atmosphere told him that the people surrounding him were not too far out of reach. “Come out!” Abel gently yelled. A familiar voice emerged, “Why didn’t you run?” This voice was huge, as though it was almost shaking the air around it. Afterward, 6 dwarfs riding giant pangolins emerged around Abel. Abel was familiar with these guys. They were the Borton six brothers, and the one who just spoke was the oldest brother. “Surround him, don’t let him escape. You have the guts to take the mount of Bernie Goff’s brother? Hold him down until he tells us where he got my brother’s mount!” Bernie shouted, appearing next to big brother Borton riding his mountain goat. Abel didn’t say anything. He only weirdly stared at Bernie. What a waste of effort, at first, he thought he would lure out the dark elves who attacked him, but all he got was a bunch of old friends. “Oh, you are a Lord. But even if you are a duke, you still need to tell us clearly what you did to my brother?” Bernie’s heart dropped when he saw the Lord medal in front of Abel. It would be a very sensitive thing if he messed with a lord elf in the elf’s territory, so he had to be careful. Otherwise, it would create unnecessary tension. But, he had become confident once again when he made eye contact with Black Wind. He had interacted with Black a Wind for many days. He was not mistaken. Black Wind was not only larger than a normal mount wolf, but it was also more spiritual. “Black Wind… Black Wind!” Bernie called with some doubts in his voice. It was best to make sure this was actually Black Wind. Black Wind weirdly stared at Bernie, not sure what he was trying to do. It only faced Bernie with a humanized gaze of confusion, but it was from this gaze, Bernie was 100% sure this was Black Wind. Only it could have a humanized expression like this. “Who cares if it was a Lord, capture him!” Bernie shouted. “Young master Bernie, he seems to have a Master Alchemist medal as well!” Whispered big brother Borton after realizing there was another medal on Abel. “Who cares? Capture him first. Just be less harsh!” Although Bernie lowered his voice, he was still confident. He didn’t want to go too harsh. If he really did something wrong to a Master Alchemist, the sky might fall on him. This clearly reflected the stubbornness of Dwarves. Even knowing their opponent’s identity, they still wanted to proceed. “Bernie, what brought you to Angstrom City?” Said Abel with a helpless tone, while staring at Bernie’s forever changing expression with a speechless gaze. By this point, he could no longer hide his identity from Bernie, but he trusted him a lot anyway. The Borton six brothers were Bernie’s personal bodyguards. They were very loyal, so as long as Bernie kept the secret, they would definitely, too. “You are Abel!” Bernie called in disbelief. He began to look at this stranger elf with a completely new gaze and greeted him in a familiar way. “Bernie, did you think anyone else could control Black Wind other than me?” Abel knew his identity was exposed, so he could only laugh while patting Black Wind’s neck. Bernie felt the urge to rush towards Abel and pull him down. He yelled, “My spirit, you look like an actual elf. Are my eyes ok? Even if they are not, Borton was a commander. His eyes should definitely work.”
Chapter 297 - Old Friends Meet Again Chapter 297 Old Friends Meet Again “Believe it or not, I will not take off my disguise.” Abel glanced at Bernie and threw a bottle of Lamo Wine towards him. Bernie frantically caught the bottle of wine. Only Abel would use such a luxurious crystal glass to hold Lamo Wine, but it wasn’t too surprising considering that all dwarfs went crazy for this wine. Bernie opened the bottle and viciously poured a large mouthful of it Down his throat. His bearded face was filled with splashes of the wine, “Still the good old taste!” Borton six brothers stared at Bernie’s face with their heartbroken. If Bernie was not their young master, they would definitely beat up anyone who had the guts to waste a master’s wine like this. “No need to surround him anymore. This bastard is Abel!” Said Bernie waving his hand. Big brother Borton jumped off his giant pangolin and bowed, “Master Abel, I’m so sorry for what had just happened!” “No worries!” Abel jumped off Black Wind and greeted big brother Borton with a big laugh. After Abel greeted all of the Borton brothers, he turned back to Bernie and said, “That’s right, you still haven’t replied to me, Bernie. What brought you to Angstrom City?” After hearing Abel’s questions, Bernie ruthlessly poured down another mouthful of wine and said: “All because of you, we have been trying very hard to find you!” Bernie had come out for days now, dwelling around the elf’s territory like a stupid person. Although on paper, he said he was trying to resolve the exchange between the elves, what he really wanted by dwelling around here was for Abel to give him some more Lamo Wine. These so-called Master Wine among the dwarfs had been drunk up. He didn’t even have any left for himself, and that other powerful figure who demanded the wine could not be messed with Because of this, he had sent out all the men he could to find Abel. During this time, he never had any news in regards to Abel, not even that little elf Loraine who sat behind Abel. Of course, he would never have guessed that little elf was actually the second daughter of Grand Duke Edwina. There was no way the Grand Ducal Palace would let anyone know about something so embarrassing, such as losing Loraine. Now, Abel was standing right in front of him. At this moment, he felt like he was blessed by Titan, so he couldn’t help but let out a big cry hugging Abel. “Bernie, what do you want from me?” Abel asked weirdly as he stared at Bernie. It was like Bernie had just found his long lost brother. “Master Abel, please help me!” Bernie could no longer hold it in. He grabbed on to Abel’s belt and yelled. “Bernie, I’m now an elf, you are a dwarf. We can not be so close like this!” Said Abel with an awkward smile. “Master Bennett. Can I exchange some wine from you? I can give you anything I can!” Bernie begged. “First, you have to change the way you call me. I’m now Elf Bennett, so stop calling me Abel. Other than you guys, not many people around here knew about my human identity!” Abel grabbed Bernie’s shoulder and gave it a little pat. “Bennett! That’s a familiar name!” Bernie gently repeated this name. Afterward, he saw Abel’s Master Alchemist medal and asked in disbelief while pointing at it, “you are Master Bennett?” Bernie hit himself in the back of the head and said, “How stupid am I? Master Abel disappeared, and Master Bennett appeared. If a person could make such wine could be made, their alchemy level should be very high. Of course, it’s no surprise you became an Alchemy Master.” It seems like as long as you could make a good bottle of wine, any other potions would mean nothing to the dwarfs. The dwarfs didn’t need many potions, but they had a relentless thirst for good wine. “Call me Bennett from now on. I don’t have the wine you need right now. If you really want it, bring some more Lamo to my palace tomorrow, and I’ll make you some!” Although Abel could not understand how the dwarf’s brain worked, Bernie had always been good to him. So it was better to help if he could. “Really, I knew you are that….” just when Bernie was about to say the name, he remembered what Abel had just said. He was stuck all of a sudden. Seeing Bernie’s getting stuck, Abel couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Bernie laughed loudly, as well. It seemed like they were back in the days where they fought and lived together, so the Borton six brothers also couldn’t help but laugh as well. Bernie felt a heart full of warmth. Abel didn’t mention anything he wanted from him and agreed to give him some Lamo wine. Those Wine could secure his status within the dwarfs, so of course, he would repay Abel. He quickly asked, “Master Bennett, do you want mana gems or iron ore?”. “Bernie, is it possible to find some meteorite?” Abel didn’t care about other ore. As his status was raised, he no longer needed to stress about a lot of materials. Both the Blacksmith and Alchemy Union could help him buy the things he wanted, but a meteorite was different. The dwarfs would collect these things that fell from the sky. They would rarely be seen in other places. “Maybe not much, but since that’s what you want. I will definitely find a way!” Said Bernie pounding his chest. With his current status, it wouldn’t be a problem to find some meteorite, but the amount was not promised. “Just deliver the things to my palace, normally I will be training there.” Said Abel tipping his head. Maybe to other people, meteorites were only some top quality material, but they were Abel’s biggest secret weapon. As long as he had enough meteorites, he could create enough super exploding balls. “Master Bennett, that’s a deal. I’ll go to your palace tomorrow!” Yelled Bernie in excitement. By this point, he blamed himself he couldn’t buy more Lamo Wine since there weren’t many of them within the elf territory. If he wanted, he still needed to go back to the dwarfs and deliver them here. Just preparing some more portal bags should be fine. Just when Bernie was thinking, Abel was already waving at the Borton six brothers and saying, “I’ll get going now, see you guys later!” Afterward, Abel jumped back on Black Wind and disappeared into a strike of black lighting in front of their eyes. “Black Wind is so fast!” Bernie said in admiration. Mount wolves were the best mounts in the Holy Continent, and Black Wind was the best one out of the bunch. Now, it seemed like it was even a lot faster than before. Big Brother Borton let out a big breath of relief. His head commander intuition told him that the Abel that just stood in front of him was neither an elf; it was a vicious beast. His tension was only released after Abel had left. “Master Abel was scary. If he had really made a move just then, maybe we would all stay here forever!” Big Brother Borton gasped. “No way. How come I didn’t felt anything?” Asked Bernie, looking at big brother Borton in suspicion. Bernie’s first impression of Abel was a brother he could help when in danger. Secondly, he thought of Abel as a Black Smith master who could make some scary explosions. He wouldn’t doubt that Abel was a scary genius based on his ability, but not to the point where a head commander like Big Brother Borton could say such things. Big brother Borton could not explain to Bernie what it was like to have an intuition as a head commander, but he trusted his intuition deeply. It seems like he could only admire in his heart while watching master Abel keep progressing. After Black Wind ran for another 10 meters, it jumped up from the ground and disappeared. White Cloud had picked them up. Abel felt like all his troubles and stress were lifted from him once he sat on White Cloud. It was like nothing matter at this point; he couldn’t wait to travel around the Holy Continent with White Cloud once it leveled up. Afterward, White Cloud landed on a peak of a mountain. As soon as its feet touched the ground, it began to make ‘goooh.. gooh’ sound to blame his owner for not seeing it. All Abel could do was comfort it through their soul chain. The Soul Potion had brought White Cloud’s progress down an entirely different path from his peers. His invisibility allowed him to become an official soul beast. Maybe it was the first Sky Sparrow who became an official soul beast. Now, its potential was unlimited.
Chapter 298 - Hanging Out With White Cloud Chapter 298 Hanging Out With White Cloud When Abel took out the 5 bottles of purple Soul Potions, White Cloud already knew it was for him. Since White Cloud had gotten more clever, he knew ability increasing potions were rare and important. Black Wind, who constantly followed around its owner, had a jealous look on its face. White Cloud opened its mouth out wide, and Abel poured the soul potions down its throat one by one. He wouldn’t do this for Black Wind, but since White Cloud was an official soul beast, after drinking 3 bottles last time, it should be able to handle 5 bottles this time. If he gave it too little, maybe the effect would be a waste. After the purple potion entered its throat, a weird wave engulfed its body. Its giant body began to vibrate, and every single strand of feather from head to tail began to glow in white. Luckily it was day time. Otherwise, it would attract too much attention. The glow was brighter and brighter until White Cloud had become an actual glowing cloud of white. Abel quietly sat by its side. Their soul chain was connected, and Abel was closely watching what was about to happen next. White Cloud’s soul was afraid yet excited about the unknown ability it was about to gain. However, with Abel there, it felt like it was not alone. As long as it was by its owner’s side, nothing in the world could scare it. Slowly, the white glow on White Cloud began to fade. Abel let out a long sigh. White Cloud did not level up. It made sense since it was so huge. Maybe he needed more Soul potions, but the moment when all the white glow faded, he realized something different. Every single strand of White Cloud’s feather was whiter and thicker. Abel used his finger to lightly brush upon the feather of White Cloud. It seemed like it was protected by a layer of strange energy. It was almost like an armor, it should be able to withstand attacks pretty well. Although White Cloud did not level up, an increase in defense was still pretty good. White Cloud’s current defense only relied on a thin layer of the invisible shell. Once this shell was penetrated, it would have nothing. This also had to do with the evolution of Sky Sparrows. Since they had spent most of their time in the sky and only came down for food, most of their defense had faded away. Now, they could only use their gigantic body to counteract enemies. White Cloud looked at his new body of feathers in curiosity. He kept on making ‘gooh gooh’ sound, expressing to Abel through the soul chain that it didn’t want to be separated. “Don’t worry White Cloud; I already found a way to get powerful. Soon I will have my own magic tower. I will build a huge magic tower, and you and I can live on the top floor!” Abel began to describe the perfect life they would be having together through the soul chain. Abel was not lying. As long as those blue howling rabbits could survive in Blood Moor, they could breed there. With the rabbit’s ability to reproduce, in under a year, Blood Moor would be filled with blue howling rabbits. Of course, it was only one year in the Dark World, in the real world it would equal to around 20 days. Although blue howling rabbits were low level, they were still soul beasts, meaning they could produce crystals cores. Even if one in every hundred blue howling rabbits could produce one, it was still enough for Abel to use for training. If those blue howling rabbits could not survive in Blood Moor, it still wouldn’t be a problem. He had mana gems. Therefore, all he needed to do was to exchange a large patch of land with some of his potions, and take those mana grown grass he found in the Dark world for feeding. Although this would take a little bit more effort, it was still worth it. The biggest difference about Abel and the rest of those noble elves were that his Horadric allowed him to have unlimited amounts of intermediate and perfect gems with an extremely low budget. That’s why Abel was taking this so seriously. He thought his own strength was still not powerful enough. If it wasn’t because of his teacher, Wizard Morton’s support in the Duchy of Carmel, or meeting the first inheritance of the Goff family Bernie amongst the dwarfs, or the respect of the elves’ Grand Duke Edwina, all his resources would be in great danger. His resources, including the Red Wine, Lamo Wine, Conditioner, Lotion, and Elven perfume. Each had the ability to drive a particular race insane. Therefore, he was always paranoid. If he didn’t have enough power himself, everything would just be a fantasy. Compared to other people his age, his current achievements were already extraordinary. However, the people he faced were not other youngsters like him, and they were all elites of the Holy Continent. Commander, Wizards, Deities, Druids; these were all extremely rare occupations. Normal people would rarely even get the chance to encounter each other, but Abel had interacted with all of them. Some were his enemies, and some were friends. White Cloud could not see exactly what Abel was thinking through the soul chain, but it could have a rough idea of it, and it was certain of one thing. Its owner would soon take it back, and this alone had made White Cloud very happy. As a slave sky sparrow of the orcs, White Cloud never had any freedom and people to interact with. Everything had changed since it was rescued by Abel. It was no longer a normal sky sparrow; it’s ability was extraordinary. Now it could now fly bravely above the battlefield, unlike its peers, and this was all thanks to its owner. They stayed together until the sky got dark. Abel had to say goodbye to White Cloud. If not, the city gate would be closed. As Black Wind was speeding, Abel could feel White Cloud’s presence in the unseeable sky. Back in his Mansion, the Grand Ducal Palace’s steward, Derek, was already waiting for him in the courtyard. He quickly secured Black Wind and helped Abel get down. “Lord Bennett, that’s an amazing mount.” After being in the Grand Ducal Palace for many years, of course, Derek would know how unique this mount was. “Derek, what brought you here?” Abel said with a smile. He was surprised to see Derek in his palace since Derek was no ordinary elf. He was the steward of the Grand Ducal Palace. “Lord Bennett, Grand Duke Edwina sent me to invite you to Prince Adolf’s banquet tomorrow!” “I’ve heard the relationship between Angstrom City and Begro City was not good. Why did Grand Duke Edwina want me to join a banquet like this?” He just asked his steward to push this invitation, but now Grand Duke Edwina had sent Derek to invite him, could there be an underlying agenda? “Lord Bennett, actually this time, Prince Adolf wants to fix the relationship between the two cities for the next generation, so he set up this banquet for the next generation to interact!” Although Derek had held back his voice, Abel could still feel like he was hiding something. Even all the young elves in Angstrom City got married to the young elves in Begro City, and their relationship was harmonized. How would that affect Grand Duke Edwina? Could it be… Abel then stared at Derek and asked with a soft voice, “Is Grand Duke Edwina thinking of sending countess Carrie to get married at Begro City?” “Lord Bennett, my great lord, please don’t say that!” Said Derek, frantically shaking his hand. His face had almost gone entirely white. In Angstrom City, Grand Duke Edwina only had 2 daughters, Countess Carrie, and Countess Loraine. Although there wasn’t any official inheritance, many believed the most powerful Countess Carrie would be the best pick. As the Grand Ducal Palace’s Steward, Derek would try to avoid this topic anyway he could, so what Abel had just said really caught him off guard.
Chapter 299 - Commission Chapter 299 Commission Abel no longer wanted to give Derek a hard time, so he changed the topic, “Derek, what’s my identity in the banquet?” “Lord Bennet, you are attending the banquet as the Grand Ducal Palace’s alchemist. Grand Duke Edwina wants you to interact more with the young people at the banquet.” Derek replied. Grand Duke Edwina wanted to use Abel’s Master Alchemist status to show off in front of the youngsters of Begro City, but what was Prince Adolf’s intention for inviting him in the first place? Since Grand Duke Edwina had sent a steward to invite Abel, it seemed like he had no choice. It should be fun to see what this Prince was up to anyway. Afterward, Abel sent the slightly stunned Derek out of his courtyard with a smile. When Abel went back to his master building, he could already see 2 giant wooden boxes. Inside were filled gems of all colors. It seemed like his own steward was still the best, gathering so many gems in such a short period of time. In a flick of a hand, Abel moved these 2 boxes in his Kong Kong spirit portal bag. He shouldn’t be worrying about gem shortage in a long time. After meeting White Cloud today, Abel began to miss his family as well. He wondered if his father, the Knight of Bennett, and his mother, Nora, was doing fine? Did Zach blame him for not attending his wedding? How was his life with Emily after the marriage? Also, how was Harry castle doing? Did the wizards still bother the Lord of Marshall? Was Master Bentham still teaching students in the blacksmith guild? Did steward Ken get back to Abel castle safely? Lastly, Wizard Morton. He had made enemies with high-level wizards to help Abel. Was he still doing ok? Up to this point, Abel took out a communication circle from his Kong Kong spirit portal bag. Before he left the Duchy of Carmel Wizard Morton had given this to him to make communication easier. It had been quite a while since he had time. He wanted to see how his teacher was doing lately. He placed the communication circle on the desk, took out an intermediate gem from his Kong Kong spirit portal bag, and secured it on to the socket. The patterns on the circle began to glow and slowly gathered towards the center. This was the communication circle waiting for the other party to reply. Meanwhile, Wizard Morton was sitting on a cushion on the 11th floor of Morton magic tower surrounded by empty potion bottles. His face was pale. The battle with high-level wizards had sent his already decaying body down an even more catastrophic path. He felt his fire of life flickering away. However, there was not a single bit of sorrow on his face. The most meaningful thing he had done in his life was having an official Wizard as his disciples, and an otherworldly genius, who was also Blacksmith master and an expertise knight as his disciple. Now all he needed to do was to hold up this worn-out body until his teacher could come out again, so Abel could return to the human world. Up to this point, the magic tower’s control sign began to flash. His eyes began to sparkle as he held the sign in his hand. It was the communication circle he had given Abel. Abel was Ok! The calm Wizard Morton was caught off guard all of a sudden, so he connected to the communication circle in his room a little frantically. Afterward, Abel’s voice emerged, “Teacher, Its Abel!” Wizard Morton’s eyes began to swell when he heard this familiar voice. The battles these days had made him lose the grasp on his emotions. He used a faint shake voice to reply, “Abel, are you doing alright?” When Abel heard his teacher’s emotionally drenched voice, his heart was filled up with warmth. It seemed like that was still someone who cared about him deeply even when he was outside of the human world. “Teacher, everything is great!” Abel also replied in excitement. “Abel, just hang on for a little bit longer. It shouldn’t be too long until you can come back!” Cough cough* Wizard Morton’s sudden excitement had worsened his injuries. A sudden continuous cough had disrupted their conversation. Upon hearing the cough, Abel’s heart dropped. “Teacher, are you ok?” In his mind, his teacher was a powerful wizard who could smash his fire bolt from outside the window, carry him and move in a flash continuously, kill intermediate wizards, kill intermediate deity, even elite wizards were not a threat to him. However, now he was stopped by some cough and couldn’t even speak. After Wizard Morton regained his breath, he said with a hoarse gentle voice, “I’m ok, just some old injuries. It should be fine if I rest for a few days!” Abel’s face was turning red. He yelled, “Did Cliff hurt you? Teacher, give me a few days. I’ll bomb his magic tower!” Wizard Morton didn’t want Abel to cross the line again and shut off his last bit of hope of retiring to the human world, so he quickly explained, “Abel you had crossed the line with what you did to the Duchy of Keyen last time. The orcs had been gearing up lately, so don’t try to mess with the top power of the human!” Wizard Morton did not doubt Abel’s ability to bomb Cliff’s magic tower. As far as he knew Abel’s personality, Abel would only say something if he was very confident about it. “Yes teacher, I understand. I’ll get someone to deliver some potions to you!” Abel didn’t want to give his teacher a hard time. With his current ability, it shouldn’t be too long until he could face the Elite Wizard Cliff head-on, even without a super exploding ball anyway. As soon as their conversation ended, Abel jumped on Black Wind and directly speeded towards the elf Alchemy Union. It was that female elf assistant behind the counter in the Alchemy Union again. She looked at Abel in a somewhat confused manner. It was almost time for the Alchemy Union to close. Abel had just come here this morning, so there must be something urgent. “Master Bennett, is there a problem?” Abel did not hesitate and just said what he wanted “I have a commission to make, help me to deliver some potions to the human world’s Morton Magic tower in Bakong City. Wizard Morton is the receiver, deliver it as soon as possible, and keep it secret!” “Master Bennett, this won’t be a problem. But how many gold coins are you willing to pay for this commission?” Said the female elf lifting her head after writing down what Abel had just said. “2 bottles of Lotions, and 2 Bottles of conditioner. If it’s not enough, I’ll add some more gold coins!” Said Abel as he took out 4 bottles of potion from his portal bag and placed it on the counter. He wanted to keep it low key. If paid too much, people might become suspicious. The female elf stared at these potions with a pair of sparkling eyes “No need to add gold coins, Master Bennett. Don’t you know how popular your products are? These 2 sets of potions were enough for elf businessmen who are able to use a teleportation circle to go for you!” She said with a smile. After a bit of hesitation, Abel placed another bottle of conditioner and another bottle of Lotion on the table. “How about this, if anyone could deliver by tomorrow, I’ll throw in these 2 bottles as rewards as well!” “You’ll make them crazy if you do this!” The female elf assistant couldn’t help but laugh at Abel’s generosity. This mission was uploaded according to the rules. Although the commissioner was anonymous, everyone within the Union knew who it was. With such a heavy reward, the mission didn’t even get the chance to appear in the mission list before some alchemist with some human heritage connected had taken it. That night, when Abel was busy killing those seemingly endless Carvers in the Dark Forest, a tightly sealed box was delivered to the dwarf Moon Guardian City through an elf teleportation circle. From there, a powerful human adventure squad teleported the box to Morton Magic tower in Bakong City through another teleportation circle. On the 11th floor of Morton Magic Tower, Wizard Morton was shocked to discover a message from his tower soul that an elite human adventure squad had a commissioned delivery for him.
Chapter 300 - Morton Levelled Up Chapter 300 Morton Levelled Up On the first floor of Morton Magic Tower, a head commander in full black armor was trying to confirm Wizard Morton’s identity seriously. “Are you Wizard Morton?” Wizard Morton did not resist and handed his wizard badge over. This was the procedure of a commission. Back in the days, he was also part of an adventure squad, so he was very familiar with how things would go. This little squad seemed way too overkill. It was made up of 2 official Wizards, 3 commanders, and 7 intermediate knights. What treasure could they be delivering? At first, Wizard Morton thought the delivery was from Abel, but this adventure squad had made him doubt himself. He didn’t Abel would have the power to send out such a powerful team. “Who was the sender?” Wizard Morton asked the commander in black armor. “Wizard Morton, the sender is anonymous. We don’t know who it was, but it isn’t from the human world. That’s all I know,” said the commander in black armor as he handed the Wizard badge back to Wizard Morton. Wizard Morton bunched up his eyebrows. It wasn’t from the human world. Who could it be? “Wizard Morton, this is the delivery. Give it a check. If it is good, please sign here!” Said the Commander as he handed a tightly sealed box to Wizard Morton. The moment when Wizard Morton held the box, he could feel some slight wave of mana. This box was encrypted with a tiny magic circle. It would leave a mark as soon as it was opened, so he confirmed and said with a nod, “No problem!” After the squad left the magic tower through the teleportation circle. Wizard Morton brought the tightly sealed box back to his 11th floor. This box was already a decent magic object by itself; you would rarely see something like this in the human world. After having a close look at this box in his hand, Wizard Morton had come to a conclusion. From its style, it seemed like it was from the elves. There were only 2 ways to open this box. One was to use brutal force to break it; another was to use the power of the will to carefully unlock it. Although this box could only record the opening one time, it could still be recycled. As an intermediate wizard, Wizard Morton would not use his brutal force. In fact, probably no Wizard in the world would do this. He then examined the box with his power of the will. After he found the spot where most of the mana was concentrated, he began to pick with his power of the will. Then, the magic circle on the box disappeared. Feeling a little proud of himself, Wizard Morton opened the box. Inside was a potion, with some soft fillers on the side. He then carefully took it out. The potion was a gold ‘Healing potion.’ He knew this was a Healing potion because someone had etched the name in human language on the bottle. He could recognize Abel’s writing at first sight. Although Abel had asked the Alchemy Union to deliver the potions for him, he still didn’t want to risk his safety by sending a dark gold one. If someone had seen this gold Healing potion, at most, he would just hear some rumors saying Master Bennett could make a gold Healing potion. There might be a chance that these golden Healing potions could have special effects, so it was easy to make an excuse if he was caught. But those dark gold ones were different. They were far beyond anything Abel could comprehend. Wizard Morton stared at the golden Healing potion in his hand, feeling deeply touched. His disciple still cared about him even on the run, and specially told someone to deliver these high-level healing potions to him. Potions were very rare in the human world. Most of the ingredients required were grown in the Double Moon Forest. If humans wanted to enter, they would have to cross the dwarf’s territory. Only those who don’t care about their own lives would risk going into the Double Moon Forest, so no surprise there weren’t many high-level potions in the human world. Since it was from Abel, Wizard Morton didn’t think too much and waste his kind intention.s Wizard Morton opened the lid and poured the Healing potion in his mouth. As soon as the potion entered his body, it was like his body was plunged into a hot spring. Every single cell was screaming in excitement and began healing his body at a noticeable rate. Not only the injuries he gained from this recent battle with elite wizards but the hopeless injuries he had long ago also begun to take a positive turn. As time passed, his body was slowly recovering. Wizard Morton always thought he had a good perception of time, but now he could no longer clearly feel the speed of time. After 1 hour or maybe more, he felt like his body was fully recovered. Maybe recovery was not the right word. It was more like his body had returned to the way it was 50 years ago. All the old injuries and all the hidden injuries were completely faded. By this point, Wizard Morton understood why Abel would send such an adventure squad to deliver a box with one potion. If he was to deliver a potion like this, maybe he would even add more defense. Actually, Wizard Morton had mistaken Abel’s intention. Abel wanted to keep it low key, but how could his request be low key with his status. As soon as the elf alchemist accepted this mission, he had to give it his all and deliver the potion to Wizard Morton in the fastest way possible. With this elf alchemist wealth, it was no surprise the best adventure squad in the Moon Guardian City would become his delivery team. Suddenly, an unbelievable expression emerged from Wizard Morton’s face. A message was sent to him from his body. ‘Fulfilled,’ he had fulfilled his level 11 wizard body. Almost immediately, the voice of Wizard Morton filled his magic tower with a hint of excitement. “I will ignite the defense circle until I successfully level up!” Upon hearing Wizard Morton’s voice, Camille from the third floor and Carlos from the fourth floor quickly rushed out and exited the magic tower with their identity card. Other than the 2 locked up disciples, only Wizard Morton was left in the magic tower. Mana rushed towards the 11th floor. Afterward, not a single bit of mana leaked out of the magic tower. By this point, those low ranking wizards outside felt something wrong as they realized all the mana had disappeared? Camille and Carlos exchanged looks of joy and excitement outside of the magic tower. They also cared about their teacher a lot, but since they couldn’t do much about it, they could only continue to train hard. Although they were shocked by this sudden news of their teacher leveling up, it was not impossible since their teacher had been stuck at level 11 for quite a while. However, deep inside, they also know this chance was extremely rare. When the blazing sunlight of noon shunned upon Morton Magic tower, a strange sensation filled the magic tower and sifted outside, making both Carlos and Camille jump up in excitement. Not only them, but the nearby Wizard Yveline had also felt this sense of level up from Yveline magic tower. When he arrived in front of Morton Magic tower, he could already see the huge body of Wizard Murthy standing. Wizard Yveline asked gently, “Murthy, is it Morton?” but he already knew the answer fully well in his heart. There could only be one person that could send out such a powerful sense of level up, the level 11 Wizard Morton. He was just surprised to see a miracle like this. Wizard Morton was basically hopeless on his path of progress and could only wait for death to come just like Wizard Yveline himself, but somehow Wizard Morton had leveled up before he died. Now Wizard Morton had gained another 10 years of lifespan. With this extra time, his training could bring him to new highs. Maybe even making a miracle.