1 value
(53) Help Support Buffett News Buffett performs on New Year’s Eve Dylan Orenstein talks about Buffett’s new album Buffett appears on the Today Show Buffett to appear on the Today Show on 12/10 Tour Dates 518 Reviews & Set Lists 366 Special Appearances 280 Business News 134 Margaritaville Restaurants 129 Albums and Songs 127 Television, Movies, & Radio 104 Margaritaville Resorts 85 All content Copyright © 1997-2020 BuffettNews.com. Washington urged Moscow to stop lying about the downed Boeing 20 2019 June Recently we ReportedAs the special representative of the US State Department for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, during a hearing in the Senate (upper house of parliament) of the US Congress, made a number of high-profile statements. But this was not enough for Volcker, after which he wrote on his Twitter that Russia should stop lying about the downed Boeing over the Donbass (Malaysia Airlines flight MH17) and punish the guilty. It is time for Russia to stop its lies around the downed MH17 and end its gross misinformation campaign. Russia should cooperate with the investigation and adhere to UN Security Council resolution 2166 (2014) and ensure that all defendants currently in Russia are brought to justice - wrote Walker. After that, Walker “paid tribute” to the Joint Investigative Group (CCG) for “dedication and commitment to establishing the truth about the collapse of MH17.” Walker, in this case, behaves exactly like his British and American diplomatic colleagues. Some unprovenly require Russia to confess to the poisoning of the Skripals, while others urge Iran to take responsibility for the destruction of tankers in the Gulf of Oman. We welcome efforts to ensure justice for the 298 civilians killed in 2014 and express our sympathy to the families and friends of the victims. - specified Walker. It should be added that on June 19, 2019, the SSG appointed four suspects of involvement in the death of flight MH17. They turned out to be: Russians Igor Girkin (Strelkov), Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko. The Netherlands prosecutor's office now plans to bring charges against them. At the same time, Moscow has reasonable suspicions about the bias and one-sidedness of the work of the SSG. Nevertheless, Russia will continue to assist
(53) Help Support Buffett News Buffett performs on New Year’s Eve Dylan Orenstein talks about Buffett’s new album Buffett appears on the Today Show Buffett to appear on the Today Show on 12/10 Tour Dates 518 Reviews & Set Lists 366 Special Appearances 280 Business News 134 Margaritaville Restaurants 129 Albums and Songs 127 Television, Movies, & Radio 104 Margaritaville Resorts 85 All content Copyright © 1997-2020 BuffettNews.com. Washington urged Moscow to stop lying about the downed Boeing 20 2019 June Recently we ReportedAs the special representative of the US State Department for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, during a hearing in the Senate (upper house of parliament) of the US Congress, made a number of high-profile statements. But this was not enough for Volcker, after which he wrote on his Twitter that Russia should stop lying about the downed Boeing over the Donbass (Malaysia Airlines flight MH17) and punish the guilty. It is time for Russia to stop its lies around the downed MH17 and end its gross misinformation campaign. Russia should cooperate with the investigation and adhere to UN Security Council resolution 2166 (2014) and ensure that all defendants currently in Russia are brought to justice - wrote Walker. After that, Walker “paid tribute” to the Joint Investigative Group (CCG) for “dedication and commitment to establishing the truth about the collapse of MH17.” Walker, in this case, behaves exactly like his British and American diplomatic colleagues. Some unprovenly require Russia to confess to the poisoning of the Skripals, while others urge Iran to take responsibility for the destruction of tankers in the Gulf of Oman. We welcome efforts to ensure justice for the 298 civilians killed in 2014 and express our sympathy to the families and friends of the victims. - specified Walker. It should be added that on June 19, 2019, the SSG appointed four suspects of involvement in the death of flight MH17. They turned out to be: Russians Igor Girkin (Strelkov), Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko. The Netherlands prosecutor's office now plans to bring charges against them. At the same time, Moscow has reasonable suspicions about the bias and one-sidedness of the work of the SSG. Nevertheless, Russia will continue to assist
the investigation in order to establish the truth about the death of flight МН17, and the real culprits of the incident suffered a fair punishment - said in a statement to the Russian Foreign Ministry. It should be noted that on May 30, 2019 at the international economic forum in Tokyo (Japan) dedicated to the development of Asian countries, the head of the Malaysian government, Mahathir Mohamad demandedso that his country would be provided with exhaustive (concrete and irrefutable) evidence of Russia's guilt in this disaster. He stressed that Malaysia accepted the report of the said commission only in that part where it says that the MH17 was shot down by a Russian (Soviet) missile. However, this does not prove that the aforementioned rocket was fired specifically by the Russian military. Many countries have such missiles, including Ukraine. In addition, he was outraged that the commission did not allow representatives of Malaysia to take notes on the “black box” of the airliner. It should be recalled that the Boeing flew along the route Amsterdam (Netherlands) - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). He was shot down in the sky over the Donetsk region on July 17, 2014. All 298 people aboard were killed. Photos used: https://ukr-online.com/ Volker: Ukraine should buy weapons in the US Poroshenko and Walker discussed the introduction of peacekeepers in the Donbass Offline BoBot Robot - Free Thinking Machine BoBot Robot - Free Thinking Machine 20 June 2019 11: 17 kakly shot down according to Obamkin’s will, according to Petkin’s command! Offline Syoma_67 Syoma_67 (Semyon) 23 June 2019 13: 19 so for sure, on the wreckage they found a business card of the right sector MPR speaker backs extension of autonomy funds for Papua, West Papua March 4, 2020 Free West Papua Special Autonomy, West Papua News 0 People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo visited Wamena, Papua Province, on Tuesday (March 3, 2020). (ANTARA/special) “With the government and House’s political decision, I hope that the provision of the granted special autonomy funds can be extended” Wamena, Papua (ANTARA) – People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo said he
set in snowy nowheres, and it was directed by Renny Harlin — admittedly not a great sign but at least I’d heard of him. As soon as the movie started, I was astonished to discover it was about the same thing as the book I’d just picked up — the Dyatlov Pass incident — something I’d never even heard of until this bizarre coincidence. What a bizarre coincidence! Also: what a fascinating story! And man, is it ever the perfect fodder for a horror or sci-fi movie — why there haven’t been more of them, I have no idea. Before I get into specifics about the movie and the book, though, let me fill you in on a little background. This part is the true-story part. In the winter of 1959, a group of young adults in Russia decided to take a break from school and go ski-hiking into the Urals. They started out as a group of 10 (8 men, 2 women), but not long into the trek, one of them fell ill and had to turn back. The other 9, led by Igor Dyatlov, a 23 year-old student at Ural Polytechnic and highly skilled climber, had no concerns about their trip, despite the fact they were climbing in the snowy nowheres of Siberia in January — certainly not my first choice for camping. These guys knew what they were doing, though, and they were having a great time doing it. Photos from their trip show them goofing around, enjoying camp, laughing. It was clearly a blast. At least, it was until it wasn’t anymore. After their deadline to get back to town came and went, the group’s friends began to get worried. They soon put together a search team and headed up along the same path the Dyatlov group had taken. For five days, they found nothing. On the sixth day, they found the group’s tent, eerily set up inside as though the group had just been there and would be back any moment. Food was laid out. Several of the hikers’ boots were lined up by the tent entrance. But at the back of the tent was an ominous sign: a huge slash in the canvas, clearly made from the inside, as though something terrible had been coming in the front and the rear was their only way out. Eventually, all the hikers’ bodies were found, and
set in snowy nowheres, and it was directed by Renny Harlin — admittedly not a great sign but at least I’d heard of him. As soon as the movie started, I was astonished to discover it was about the same thing as the book I’d just picked up — the Dyatlov Pass incident — something I’d never even heard of until this bizarre coincidence. What a bizarre coincidence! Also: what a fascinating story! And man, is it ever the perfect fodder for a horror or sci-fi movie — why there haven’t been more of them, I have no idea. Before I get into specifics about the movie and the book, though, let me fill you in on a little background. This part is the true-story part. In the winter of 1959, a group of young adults in Russia decided to take a break from school and go ski-hiking into the Urals. They started out as a group of 10 (8 men, 2 women), but not long into the trek, one of them fell ill and had to turn back. The other 9, led by Igor Dyatlov, a 23 year-old student at Ural Polytechnic and highly skilled climber, had no concerns about their trip, despite the fact they were climbing in the snowy nowheres of Siberia in January — certainly not my first choice for camping. These guys knew what they were doing, though, and they were having a great time doing it. Photos from their trip show them goofing around, enjoying camp, laughing. It was clearly a blast. At least, it was until it wasn’t anymore. After their deadline to get back to town came and went, the group’s friends began to get worried. They soon put together a search team and headed up along the same path the Dyatlov group had taken. For five days, they found nothing. On the sixth day, they found the group’s tent, eerily set up inside as though the group had just been there and would be back any moment. Food was laid out. Several of the hikers’ boots were lined up by the tent entrance. But at the back of the tent was an ominous sign: a huge slash in the canvas, clearly made from the inside, as though something terrible had been coming in the front and the rear was their only way out. Eventually, all the hikers’ bodies were found, and
it became clear they had fled in a panic, separating from each other and running in wildly impractical, random directions. Most of them had frozen to death alone — they were all drastically under-dressed for the weather, many in what amounted to pajamas, and, as the boots in the tent had suggested, several were in their stocking feet. In Siberia. In January. Disturbingly, though, two of the bodies showed evidence of some kind of violence — one had a crushing head injury, the other was missing her tongue. Another two were found in an embrace, next to the embers of a small fire. And, weirdest of all, several of them had high levels of radioactivity on their clothing. Leading to the question: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? First, the movie’s theory. Devil’s Pass is about a group of film students who decide to follow the path the Dyatlov group took and make a documentary about the incident. It’s essentially The Blair Witch Project, only set in Siberia instead of New Jersey — this, for me, was not a bad thing. After days of hiking in, the group finally gets to the place where the Dyatlov tent was discovered, and decide to call it a night, pitching their own tent essentially on the same spot where Igor’s had been. This, incidentally, would also not be my first choice for camping. While the others are setting up, the team leader and her buddy head out for some early poking around. It’s just trees and snows and hills and rocks and stuff — until they come across something plenty weird: a door. A door in the side of the mountain. Thumbs up! From there, the movie gets even more intriguing. Annnnnnd then it takes a sharp turn towards Hilariously Dumb. All in all, though, it’s not a terrible flick and I’d say it’s well worth a rental if you’re interested in some really crazy theories about what happened to Igor and his pals. Why the hell not? Speaking of really crazy theories, let’s move on. The non-fiction book Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident is written by a journalist, Donnie Eichar, who essentially does the same thing the kids in the movie did — he goes to the Northern Urals and hikes the same path, in
00 a.m. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A polygamous community on the Utah-Arizona border has hired an outsider with no ties to the sister cities as its new police chief.Hildale, Utah, and... Home News Tesla asked to recall Model S, Model X over touchscreen failures, Report Tesla asked to recall Model S, Model X over touchscreen failures, Report U.S. safety regulators have asked Tesla to recall 158,000 vehicles over media control unit failures that cause the touchscreen displays to stop working, following a months-long investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The affected cars, made at Tesla’s Fremont, California, auto plant, include Tesla Model S sedans made between 2012 and 2018, and Model X SUVs in model years from 2016 to 2018. Tesla can refuse to conduct the recall, but would have to present a full explanation of why to NHTSA, which could then propose further action. A recall of 158,716 vehicles would represent around 10% of Tesla’s lifetime reported production through the end of 2020. Tesla produced its millionth electric vehicle in Mar. 2020, CEO Elon Musk tweeted at the time, and in the last three quarters of 2020 the company produced more than 400,000 additional vehicles. News of the letter was previously reported by Reuters. The memory devices in some Tesla MCUs have a limited “write cycle,” which means they — and therefore the media control unit itself — won’t work well, or at all, after they hit a certain number of program or erase cycles. Owners of affected Tesla vehicles previously told CNBC that the display on their media control units (or MCUs) would sometimes go blank, in part or in whole. The touchscreen issues interfered with drivers’ ability to use heat, air conditioning, defrost and defogging systems in their cars, or to use their rear view cameras and Tesla Autopilot features while parking and driving. In the letter, sent to Tesla’s vice president of legal Al Prescott, the federal vehicle safety authority wrote that Tesla’s MCU issues could increase the risk of drivers crashing due to the “possible loss of audible chimes, driver sensing, and alerts” that are part of Tesla Autopilot, the company’s advanced driver assistance system. Media control unit failure rates were as high as 17% in older Tesla Model S vehicles (made from 2012 to 2015)
00 a.m. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A polygamous community on the Utah-Arizona border has hired an outsider with no ties to the sister cities as its new police chief.Hildale, Utah, and... Home News Tesla asked to recall Model S, Model X over touchscreen failures, Report Tesla asked to recall Model S, Model X over touchscreen failures, Report U.S. safety regulators have asked Tesla to recall 158,000 vehicles over media control unit failures that cause the touchscreen displays to stop working, following a months-long investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The affected cars, made at Tesla’s Fremont, California, auto plant, include Tesla Model S sedans made between 2012 and 2018, and Model X SUVs in model years from 2016 to 2018. Tesla can refuse to conduct the recall, but would have to present a full explanation of why to NHTSA, which could then propose further action. A recall of 158,716 vehicles would represent around 10% of Tesla’s lifetime reported production through the end of 2020. Tesla produced its millionth electric vehicle in Mar. 2020, CEO Elon Musk tweeted at the time, and in the last three quarters of 2020 the company produced more than 400,000 additional vehicles. News of the letter was previously reported by Reuters. The memory devices in some Tesla MCUs have a limited “write cycle,” which means they — and therefore the media control unit itself — won’t work well, or at all, after they hit a certain number of program or erase cycles. Owners of affected Tesla vehicles previously told CNBC that the display on their media control units (or MCUs) would sometimes go blank, in part or in whole. The touchscreen issues interfered with drivers’ ability to use heat, air conditioning, defrost and defogging systems in their cars, or to use their rear view cameras and Tesla Autopilot features while parking and driving. In the letter, sent to Tesla’s vice president of legal Al Prescott, the federal vehicle safety authority wrote that Tesla’s MCU issues could increase the risk of drivers crashing due to the “possible loss of audible chimes, driver sensing, and alerts” that are part of Tesla Autopilot, the company’s advanced driver assistance system. Media control unit failure rates were as high as 17% in older Tesla Model S vehicles (made from 2012 to 2015)
and as high as 4% for cars made by Tesla from 2016 to 2018, the letter said. And the MCU failures are expected to increase as cars age and remain in use, NHTSA said, citing Tesla projections. “Given Tesla’s projects of MCU repairs, even MY [model year] 2018 subject vehicles will experience 100% failure of the MCU within approximately 10 years,” NHTSA investigators wrote. Tesla previously offered a “warranty expansion” to assuage customers upset over the defect. As CNBC reported then, some owners who had paid for media control unit replacements out of pocket, would be able to recoup their costs under the expanded warranty. Previous articleCoronavirus UK Updates: Past COVID-19 infection provides some immunity but people may still carry and transmit virus Next articleThe Kardashians thank crew of their show with 30 Rolex watches that are worth $300K GHU Campus 15560 kg CO2 saved About GHU Vision/ Mission Board of Entrepreneurs Vice Rector QA Vice Rector Doctoral Program Pro-Chancellor Doctoral Program in Computational Science Doctoral Program in Educational Technology Business and Management (MSc) Lecture Sample Business and Management (BSc) GHU with Harvard Business School GHU with Business School Netherlands BSN (DBA) GHU with Schiller University (PHD / DBA) GHU with UCR (MSc, PGDM) Da Vinci University - Doctorate Computational Science Da Vinci University - Doctorate Educational Technology The GHU offers career opportunities for scientists and lecturers consisting of four levels. Lecturer at the GHU Junior Professor at the GHU (Jun.-Prof.) Professor at the GHU (Prof.) University Professor at the GHU (Univ.-Prof.) Whether the conditions for one or more of these levels are met is verified in a special GHU screening process, which pays attention to the quality and quantity of academic education, research, as well as teaching and professional experience. The lecturer level is the entrance level to a teaching career. Lecturers need to have at least the qualifications and degrees of the level they teach (e.g. to teach at master level a lecturer needs a master degree or higher). The Junior Professor is the next level of teaching. If you work as a Jun.-Prof
rights of stakeholders—employees, suppliers, community members, and yes shareholders—are considered in the quest for business success. And in doing so, the Business Roundtable is going backward, but in a good way. It is channeling the thoughts and beliefs of the most significant management thinker of the 20th century, Peter Drucker. For perspective, I consulted with Bruce Rosenstein, author of two books on Drucker including Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way. Rosenstein said, “Drucker believed that the CEO’s first task was to ‘define the meaningful outside of an organization,’ which means they have to accurately understand their present reality.” Back in the Nineties when I was writing speeches for corporate leaders, “shareholder value” was a touchstone principle of many presentations. The concept was championed by two of that decade’s leading CEOs, Roberto Goizueta of Coca-Cola and Jack Welch of General Electric. And with good reason, both CEOs had seen the exponential valuation of their respective companies. Twenty-five years later, times have changed. Executives have broadened their view of their responsibility for society. In contrast to the government which is wrapped in partisan bickering and as a result remains in stasis, more and more corporate leaders are making their views known about the responsibility that corporations have to society. Also, millennial employees, now moving into higher levels of management, are pushing for such a change. Rosenstein, managing editor of the Drucker-inspired journal Leader to Leader, said, “Another ongoing task of CEOs and other managers was what he termed ‘systematic abandonment,’ which involves regularly listing your practices, products, and services, and determining which ones are no longer relevant or meaningful. Both individuals and organizations should rethink their situations often and reinvent when necessary.” Drucker Influence Drucker taught and wrote that a company was only as successful as the people running it. It was management’s job to draw the best from their people to be able to deliver value and service to customers. And that is what we see in the principles contained in the new BRT purpose statement. Principle 1: Investing in our employees. This starts with compensating them fairly and providing important benefits. It also includes supporting them through training and education that help develop new skills for a rapidly changing world. We foster diversity and inclusion, dignity and respect. Dignity and
rights of stakeholders—employees, suppliers, community members, and yes shareholders—are considered in the quest for business success. And in doing so, the Business Roundtable is going backward, but in a good way. It is channeling the thoughts and beliefs of the most significant management thinker of the 20th century, Peter Drucker. For perspective, I consulted with Bruce Rosenstein, author of two books on Drucker including Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way. Rosenstein said, “Drucker believed that the CEO’s first task was to ‘define the meaningful outside of an organization,’ which means they have to accurately understand their present reality.” Back in the Nineties when I was writing speeches for corporate leaders, “shareholder value” was a touchstone principle of many presentations. The concept was championed by two of that decade’s leading CEOs, Roberto Goizueta of Coca-Cola and Jack Welch of General Electric. And with good reason, both CEOs had seen the exponential valuation of their respective companies. Twenty-five years later, times have changed. Executives have broadened their view of their responsibility for society. In contrast to the government which is wrapped in partisan bickering and as a result remains in stasis, more and more corporate leaders are making their views known about the responsibility that corporations have to society. Also, millennial employees, now moving into higher levels of management, are pushing for such a change. Rosenstein, managing editor of the Drucker-inspired journal Leader to Leader, said, “Another ongoing task of CEOs and other managers was what he termed ‘systematic abandonment,’ which involves regularly listing your practices, products, and services, and determining which ones are no longer relevant or meaningful. Both individuals and organizations should rethink their situations often and reinvent when necessary.” Drucker Influence Drucker taught and wrote that a company was only as successful as the people running it. It was management’s job to draw the best from their people to be able to deliver value and service to customers. And that is what we see in the principles contained in the new BRT purpose statement. Principle 1: Investing in our employees. This starts with compensating them fairly and providing important benefits. It also includes supporting them through training and education that help develop new skills for a rapidly changing world. We foster diversity and inclusion, dignity and respect. Dignity and
respect may seem “old fashioned,” but they need to be emphasized if diversity and inclusion are ever to be fully realized. When you regard, employees are contributors rather than workers, they become more motivated to deliver their best. Dealing fairly and ethically with our suppliers. We are dedicated to serving as good partners to the other companies, large and small, that help us meet our missions. No company succeeds without a robust supply chain, and this statement affirms the value that suppliers bring to their client companies. Gone should be the days of beating up suppliers over cost so that quality suffers. Supporting the communities in which we work. We respect the people in our communities and protect the environment by embracing sustainable practices across our businesses. Respect for community means respect for the environment, too. Sustainability in business can only occur when there are renewal and regeneration that uses resources responsibly and holds itself accountable for its environmental footprint. None of these principles will be fulfilled without a commitment to leadership. Today’s version of the BRT purpose statement reflects that responsibility toward all stakeholders; results will need to be proven. Steve Denning, author and senior contributor at Forbes.com, is not convinced: “The BRT statement seems to be less a clarification of corporate purpose and more a defensive reaction to the complaints about big business, particularly by the younger generation. In response, companies will now emphasize the good things that they claim to be doing, along with making money.” Let’s be honest. This purpose statement does not negate corporate miscues related to ethical transgressions that have harmed people and places. This new purpose statement may be nothing more than a public relations gesture. But I would like to believe that the women and men who are coming of age in their companies would take the principles inherent in this document and begin to act upon them. Newark city officials distributed expired water bottles amid lead fears The Perils of People Pleasing Home Innovation Carnegie Mellon Method Uses Network of Cameras to Track People in Complex Indoor Settings Carnegie Mellon Method Uses Network of Cameras to Track People in Complex Indoor Settings Real-Life “Marauder’s Map” Has Applications in Health Care, Security Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a method for tracking the locations of multiple individuals in complex, indoor settings using a network of video cameras, creating something similar to the fictional Marauder’s Map used by Harry Potter to track comings and go
to my one and only. May you always shine,” she captioned her post. In the picture, Sajal Aly can be seen sitting in Ahad Raza Mir’s arms and while he holds her face and looks at her with love. Sajal Aly can be seen with a big smile on her face and is enjoying her quality time with her hubby as the picture is clicked. Happy birthday to my one and only. May you always shine ♥️🧿 A post shared by Sajal Ahad Mir (@sajalaly) on Sep 29, 2020 at 11:53am PDT Meesha Shafi, amongst others booked over vilification of Ali Zafar It appears that the picture is a throwback picture because Ahad Raza Mir is clad in winter gear and wears a hoody and headgear. Here’s wishing Ahad Raza Mir a very happy birthday. Ushna Shah highlights plight of caged animals after Karachi zoo video goes viral Disney’s Lion King to get a sequel Zahid Ahmed, Kinza Hashmi Starrer ‘Mere Ban Jao” is based On True Events “Fitoor” Ends In A Predictable Fashion, Highlighting A Woman’s Mistakes While Glossing Over A Man’s Pathaan Movie Review | Welcome Back, SRK | A Confused Pakistani’s Heartfelt Welcome thebrownidentity.official #XarnishKhan and her cute little pup, too adorable Guess whose having the best hair day ✂️ #Iqr The two sisters we adore 🥰 #UrwaHocane x #Marwa #SabeekaImam and #AdeelHussain with the perfect se Lady in red ❤️ #MinalKhan #Thebrownidentity © 2020 The Brown Identity, All Rights Reserved. Home ⟛ Posts ⟛ Fiction // 2020-02-16 // by Neon The Zeta Directive [Section 5] [The previous section of this story can be found here. The next section can be found here. If you are a new reader, the first section of this story can be found here.] River took a breath. It was warm. The air, real air, rushed through her lungs. She opened her eyes and found herself seated on a secluded bench in sprawling urban green
to my one and only. May you always shine,” she captioned her post. In the picture, Sajal Aly can be seen sitting in Ahad Raza Mir’s arms and while he holds her face and looks at her with love. Sajal Aly can be seen with a big smile on her face and is enjoying her quality time with her hubby as the picture is clicked. Happy birthday to my one and only. May you always shine ♥️🧿 A post shared by Sajal Ahad Mir (@sajalaly) on Sep 29, 2020 at 11:53am PDT Meesha Shafi, amongst others booked over vilification of Ali Zafar It appears that the picture is a throwback picture because Ahad Raza Mir is clad in winter gear and wears a hoody and headgear. Here’s wishing Ahad Raza Mir a very happy birthday. Ushna Shah highlights plight of caged animals after Karachi zoo video goes viral Disney’s Lion King to get a sequel Zahid Ahmed, Kinza Hashmi Starrer ‘Mere Ban Jao” is based On True Events “Fitoor” Ends In A Predictable Fashion, Highlighting A Woman’s Mistakes While Glossing Over A Man’s Pathaan Movie Review | Welcome Back, SRK | A Confused Pakistani’s Heartfelt Welcome thebrownidentity.official #XarnishKhan and her cute little pup, too adorable Guess whose having the best hair day ✂️ #Iqr The two sisters we adore 🥰 #UrwaHocane x #Marwa #SabeekaImam and #AdeelHussain with the perfect se Lady in red ❤️ #MinalKhan #Thebrownidentity © 2020 The Brown Identity, All Rights Reserved. Home ⟛ Posts ⟛ Fiction // 2020-02-16 // by Neon The Zeta Directive [Section 5] [The previous section of this story can be found here. The next section can be found here. If you are a new reader, the first section of this story can be found here.] River took a breath. It was warm. The air, real air, rushed through her lungs. She opened her eyes and found herself seated on a secluded bench in sprawling urban green
space. The bench was positioned alongside a brilliant marble walking path with lush, immaculately landscaped trees and greenery providing an even shaded coverage throughout the park. Several small birds could be seen playfully fluttering through the trees, and even a couple squirrels could be seen rustling through the bushes. Bright beams of uncannily white light filtered through the gaps between the foliage, giving the park a glowing atmosphere despite the shaded verdant canopy. Beyond the treeline were colossal ivory-white geometric high-rise towers in all directions, glistening in the sunlight as a monument to a breathtaking antediluvian metropolis. A woman's voice spoke from beside River, "Siltakos, planet Lejth. I had those same overwhelmed eyes the first time I looked upon it, as well." River jolted a little in surprise and looked over to the woman sitting next to her. She was an angel. There was simply no better way to describe the entrancing radiance of the celestial being seated beside River. She looked to be roughly a head taller than River and had a svelte build, but the regal toned form of a warrior goddess. Even more captivating, though, were her elysian facial features. She had silvery blonde hair and a flawless complexion so fair that she might as well be glowing. Like something out of a fairy tale, the woman had two enormous pointed ears protruding from under her gorgeous wavy locks. River gazed into the woman's lustrous brown eyes and blurted unthinkingly, "Are you my guardian angel?" The celestial returned River's eye contact with a piercing stare. She made a devilish grin and responded, “I might be. For your own sake, you certainly better believe that I am. Come, walk with me.” River rubbed her eyes, still starstruck. River heard what was being said, but for some reason the movements of the woman's lips didn't match up to the words that came out of her mouth. As the woman rose from the park bench, River took another moment to gawk at her stylish form-fitting outfit. Both River and the celestial woman were dressed in similar futuristic white skin-tight jumpsuits. The suits each had two large orange stripes running vertically along the outsides of the legs and then wrapping around to make an intricate orange pattern on the torso. They looked to be made of some sort of matte leathery material
17550 - Indonesia Can You Make a Slinky Out of Concrete? Sep 28 2022 • 12:52 PM When walking down the sidewalk, do you ever think “I wish this concrete was a slinky?” Probably not. The team behind YouTube’s Waterjet Channel clearly did at some point. They put it to the test with their high-pressured waterjet, cutting a spiral into concrete like it was butter. Based on previous attempts (fails really), they added wire mesh and fiberglass to strengthen the concrete. None of their experiments really hold up as a slinky you can play with, but that doesn’t stop them from sharing the results. The video above is a series of experiments as the team tries to make a better concrete slinky than in a previous video. But nothing really works to hold the spiral together. They were hoping to make slinkies more like their version using flooring tile and glass that were more like the metal and plastic versions we know and love. Concrete just isn’t the right medium, apparently. The trials are fun to watch though. For years, the team has cut a lot of stuff in half using a 60,000 PSI waterjet. That’s 60,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. In comparison, pressure washers used to clean cars and houses use about 1,500 PSI. The water also comes out super-heated, which they remember the hard way after sticking their hand into the pool left behind after cutting one spiral. Waterjet Channel The Waterjet Channel YouTube is full of other answers to questions you’ve never thought to ask, including what things look like on the inside if you cut them in half. They’ve also shown what happens to a ballistic gel hand if it gets in the path of the waterjet. It’s a good reminder of the power—if its ability to cut a spiral into concrete wasn’t enough. There’s also other random uses for a waterjet, like pumpkin carving or spinning a skateboard wheel so fast it explodes. Certainly seems like they have a fun internet job/hobby. TAGGED: concrete, pressure washing, Waterjet Channel Support These Incredible Indigenous Artists and Creators Tai Gooden The World’s Tiniest Handmade Sculptures Fit in the Eye of a Needle Taika Waititi Directs a Dancing Daniel Craig in This H
17550 - Indonesia Can You Make a Slinky Out of Concrete? Sep 28 2022 • 12:52 PM When walking down the sidewalk, do you ever think “I wish this concrete was a slinky?” Probably not. The team behind YouTube’s Waterjet Channel clearly did at some point. They put it to the test with their high-pressured waterjet, cutting a spiral into concrete like it was butter. Based on previous attempts (fails really), they added wire mesh and fiberglass to strengthen the concrete. None of their experiments really hold up as a slinky you can play with, but that doesn’t stop them from sharing the results. The video above is a series of experiments as the team tries to make a better concrete slinky than in a previous video. But nothing really works to hold the spiral together. They were hoping to make slinkies more like their version using flooring tile and glass that were more like the metal and plastic versions we know and love. Concrete just isn’t the right medium, apparently. The trials are fun to watch though. For years, the team has cut a lot of stuff in half using a 60,000 PSI waterjet. That’s 60,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. In comparison, pressure washers used to clean cars and houses use about 1,500 PSI. The water also comes out super-heated, which they remember the hard way after sticking their hand into the pool left behind after cutting one spiral. Waterjet Channel The Waterjet Channel YouTube is full of other answers to questions you’ve never thought to ask, including what things look like on the inside if you cut them in half. They’ve also shown what happens to a ballistic gel hand if it gets in the path of the waterjet. It’s a good reminder of the power—if its ability to cut a spiral into concrete wasn’t enough. There’s also other random uses for a waterjet, like pumpkin carving or spinning a skateboard wheel so fast it explodes. Certainly seems like they have a fun internet job/hobby. TAGGED: concrete, pressure washing, Waterjet Channel Support These Incredible Indigenous Artists and Creators Tai Gooden The World’s Tiniest Handmade Sculptures Fit in the Eye of a Needle Taika Waititi Directs a Dancing Daniel Craig in This H
ilarious Vodka Ad These Marble Busts Are Actually Made From Paper Holiday Gift Guide 2022 – For Pop Culture Lovers This Optical Illusion Brings Van Gogh’s Starry Night to Life What Happens When a Roomba Goes 35 Miles Per Hour? The World’s First Verifiable Credentials By Steve Wilson The field of Verifiable Credentials is one of the hottest topics in the digital identity industry today. Commonly associated with blockchain and the Self-Sovereign Identity movement, Verifiable Credentials are in fact an old idea. It is instructive to break down their essential properties and examine the pioneering examples. Verify what? A Verifiable Credential (VC) is a technology sub-system for conveying a bundle of information about someone to a receiver, where the information originates from a trusted issuer. Popular examples include mobile driver licences, COVID vaccination certificates and proof of age, but we have had these sorts of electronic credentials for many years, including digital passports and chip credit cards. Even a radio frequency road toll tag can be considered a verifiable credential of sorts. One or two important things are verified through a modern verifiable credential. Firstly, the receiver can verify who issued the credential — because it is digitally signed by the issuer; secondly and ideally, the receiver can verify that the legitimate holder is involved whenever the credential is presented — because of a dynamic digital signature applied by the holder at transaction time. I stress that VCs are “technology sub-systems” not to make things complicated but because credentials only work as part of a business application within a specific context. Let’s speak as plainly as possible about this. The credential is almost always a simple "official" fact about one party of interest to a second party because it authorizes a transaction or business application. For example, If the application is an electronic prescription, then the context is a regulated health system with rules for the types of practitioners who can write various scripts, and the precise forms that the scripts must take. In that context, there are specific credentials that the participants must carry and rules governing how they behave. In every sphere of business there are credentials. A Verifiable Credential often digitizes a formal certificate of the holder’s bona fides (such as a membership, licence, qualification or official role) and enables the holder to present their credential electronically. It's simplay stated but a little more complex
"Once all that is over, the various metal works will have to be installed to complete the craft, and then the outboard motor installed," he added. In its day, Astilleros Lagos built sailboats of up to 16 metres, competition launches and light sailing craft. The FEUGA Foundation has also participated in the ecological boat project. (Source: FARO DE VIGO) Regulator investigating Canadian nurses who spoke at anti-lockdown rally in D.C. TORONTO — Two Canadian nurses who spoke at an anti-lockdown rally in Washington, D.C., on the day of the deadly storming of the Capitol are under investigation by their regulatory body. One of them, who is already suspended from her work in neonatal intensive care, is also facing an investigation by her hospital in London, Ont. In a statement, the College of Nurse of Ontario acknowledged the investigation against Sarah Choujounian and Kristen Nagle. "We are aware of the information regarding travel to Washington," the college said. "The legislation does not permit us to provide details on the progress or ongoing status of this investigation." The London Health Science Centre said it had suspended Nagle without pay in November for attending an ant-masking rally in the southwestern Ontario city. An investigation was still ongoing into the earlier incident but the hospital said it was now aware of further actions "not aligned" with its values. "We want to assure our community that we take this situation and the new events that have come to light very seriously," the hospital said in a statement. "While we are not able to address the specifics of an internal investigation due to privacy." The hospital said it would likely complete its investigation within weeks. Nagle and Choujounian were both speakers at the Jan. 6 rally organized by a group called Global Frontline Nurses, which maintains "fraud is rampant" regarding the COVID-19 crisis inside and outside hospitals. The group said the speakers had seen "blatant deceit" with COVID reporting, and glaring mistreatment of patients first-hand. Neither woman responded to a request on Tuesday to discuss the situation. Choujounian, a registered practical nurse since 2004 who spent most of her career at a north Toronto nursing home until last year, has publicly decried COVID-19 vaccines as "experimental" and "unsafe." The founder of a group called Nurses Against Lockdowns, she has called the vaccine
"Once all that is over, the various metal works will have to be installed to complete the craft, and then the outboard motor installed," he added. In its day, Astilleros Lagos built sailboats of up to 16 metres, competition launches and light sailing craft. The FEUGA Foundation has also participated in the ecological boat project. (Source: FARO DE VIGO) Regulator investigating Canadian nurses who spoke at anti-lockdown rally in D.C. TORONTO — Two Canadian nurses who spoke at an anti-lockdown rally in Washington, D.C., on the day of the deadly storming of the Capitol are under investigation by their regulatory body. One of them, who is already suspended from her work in neonatal intensive care, is also facing an investigation by her hospital in London, Ont. In a statement, the College of Nurse of Ontario acknowledged the investigation against Sarah Choujounian and Kristen Nagle. "We are aware of the information regarding travel to Washington," the college said. "The legislation does not permit us to provide details on the progress or ongoing status of this investigation." The London Health Science Centre said it had suspended Nagle without pay in November for attending an ant-masking rally in the southwestern Ontario city. An investigation was still ongoing into the earlier incident but the hospital said it was now aware of further actions "not aligned" with its values. "We want to assure our community that we take this situation and the new events that have come to light very seriously," the hospital said in a statement. "While we are not able to address the specifics of an internal investigation due to privacy." The hospital said it would likely complete its investigation within weeks. Nagle and Choujounian were both speakers at the Jan. 6 rally organized by a group called Global Frontline Nurses, which maintains "fraud is rampant" regarding the COVID-19 crisis inside and outside hospitals. The group said the speakers had seen "blatant deceit" with COVID reporting, and glaring mistreatment of patients first-hand. Neither woman responded to a request on Tuesday to discuss the situation. Choujounian, a registered practical nurse since 2004 who spent most of her career at a north Toronto nursing home until last year, has publicly decried COVID-19 vaccines as "experimental" and "unsafe." The founder of a group called Nurses Against Lockdowns, she has called the vaccine
promotion and use a "crime against humanity." At the Capitol rally, Choujounian, who said she had been fired, lashed out at treatment of people in long-term care, saying they were being treated like prisoners in solitary confinement. The situation, she said, was "devastating." "The lockdowns have been detrimental to their well-being," she told the crowd. "Many are dying of failure to thrive and others from broken hearts all by themselves." For her part, Nagle, a registered nurse since 2006, said nurses were being threatened for speaking out or holding contrary views but said that would not stop them standing up for the "truth." She also slammed policies she said isolate new mothers at a critical time. "We are sharing truth with you whatever the cost may be," Nagle said. "Nurses, it is our time to rise." Neither woman is reported to have been part of the pro-Donald Trump mob that stormed the Capitol in an effort to halt congressional certification of the presidential vote. Global Frontline Nurses said it was organizing a news conference on Jan. 21 and called on nurses willing to speak out to come forward. This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 12, 2021 Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press Reeling again from COVID-19, Amazonas gets respirators, oxygen from Brazil Air Force and Venezuela The Brazilian jungle state of Amazonas received more emergency supplies of oxygen and respirators on Saturday, as the military and neighboring Venezuela scrambled to alleviate an unfolding humanitarian crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Air Force also said it had evacuated 12 patients from hospitals in the state capital Manaus to the northern city of Sao Luis overnight, with hospitals at breaking point with no oxygen supplies and overflowing intensive care wards. Mass graves were dug in Manaus during the first wave of the pandemic last year. The body of a New Brunswick man who died in a workplace accident in northern Alberta earlier this week has been recovered. Patrick Poitras, 25, of Saint-André, N.B., near Grand Falls, was operating a dozer when it fell through ice on an inactive tailings pond on Wednesday afternoon. The accident occurred at the Suncor Base Plant mine north of Fort McMurray. The RCMP confirmed Poitras's death to his family in New Brunswick on Wednesday but had not recovered the body at the time. Suncor said in an email early Saturday that its emergency responders recovered
dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Jan-22/244945-south-sudan-accuses-rebels-of-massacring-127-hospital-patients.ashx xivhttps://web.archive.org/web/20140227150658/http://chimpreports.com/index.php/regional-news/s-sudan/16908-spla-surround-un-base-in-juba.html xvhttp://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/news-stories/press-release/medical-care-under-fire-south-sudan xvihttp://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/2014/04/03/executive-order-blocking-property-certain-persons-respect-south-sudan, xviihttps://wamu.org/news/16/07/14/has_21m_spent_lobbying_us_lawmakers_derailed_the_peace_process_in_south_sudan xviii https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/04/23/an-abomination-slaughter-in-the-mosques-and-churches-of-bentiu-south-sudan/?tid=pm_pop xixhttp://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Apr-11/253080-50000-children-could-die-in-months-in-ssudan-unicef.ashx#axzz2yAxIQt2k xx http://assaf.org.il/en/sites/default/files/afr650032014en.pdf xxihttp://www.smallarmssurveysudan.org/facts-figures/south-sudan/conflict-of-2013-14/the-conflict-in-unity.html Tags: Colonialism, corruption, Dinkas, Gang rape, Genocide, IGAD, JEM, Juba, Leer, MSF, Murles, Nuers, Oil, Omar Al-Bashir, Podesta Group, Police Corruption, Politics, President Barack Obama
dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Jan-22/244945-south-sudan-accuses-rebels-of-massacring-127-hospital-patients.ashx xivhttps://web.archive.org/web/20140227150658/http://chimpreports.com/index.php/regional-news/s-sudan/16908-spla-surround-un-base-in-juba.html xvhttp://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/news-stories/press-release/medical-care-under-fire-south-sudan xvihttp://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/2014/04/03/executive-order-blocking-property-certain-persons-respect-south-sudan, xviihttps://wamu.org/news/16/07/14/has_21m_spent_lobbying_us_lawmakers_derailed_the_peace_process_in_south_sudan xviii https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/04/23/an-abomination-slaughter-in-the-mosques-and-churches-of-bentiu-south-sudan/?tid=pm_pop xixhttp://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Apr-11/253080-50000-children-could-die-in-months-in-ssudan-unicef.ashx#axzz2yAxIQt2k xx http://assaf.org.il/en/sites/default/files/afr650032014en.pdf xxihttp://www.smallarmssurveysudan.org/facts-figures/south-sudan/conflict-of-2013-14/the-conflict-in-unity.html Tags: Colonialism, corruption, Dinkas, Gang rape, Genocide, IGAD, JEM, Juba, Leer, MSF, Murles, Nuers, Oil, Omar Al-Bashir, Podesta Group, Police Corruption, Politics, President Barack Obama
, Rape, Religion, Riek Machar, Salva Kiir Mayardit, Sexual violence, Shilluks, SLPM-IO, South Sudan, SPLM, Terrorism, Tiger Battalion, Uganda, Unity, UNMISS ← End:Civ, a Documentary by SubMedia.tv Terrorism Portrayed as Freedom Fighting, Freedom Fighting Portrayed as Terrorism, and the Futility of Nonviolent Protest → Advanced Management Accounting: e- Resources Online Full text Journals The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science E-ISSN: 23255323 Subjects: Business, Business & Economics, The Academy of Management Review Subjects: Business, Business & Economics, Management & Organizational Behavior, Social Sciences, Sociology EISSN: 1755053X Subjects: Business, Business & Economics, Finance Collections: Business II Collection Academy of Management Learning & Education ISSN: 1537260X Subjects: Business, Business & Economics, Education, Management & Organizational Behavior American Marketing Journal Subjects: Business, Business & Economics, Marketing & Advertising Collections: Arts & Sciences VII Collection, Business & Economics Collection, Journal of Business Ethics Print-1573-0697 (Online) he Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. Since its initiation in 1980, the editors have encouraged the broadest possible scope AMS Review he AMS Review is positioned to be the premier marketing journal that focuses exclusively on conceptual and theoretical contributions across all sub-discipline areas in the field of marketing. It publishes articles that engage theoretical issues in marketing in the broad sense. Edited By: Utpal Bhattacharya (Executive ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: Online ISSN: 1755-053X British Journal of Management Edited By: Pawan Budhwar ISI Journal Citation Reports Wiley-Interscience is an STM (Science, technology, and Medicine) and SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) publisher. Introduced in 1997, Wiley InterScience is a leading international resource for scientific, technical, medical and scholarly content. science, technology, medicine, humanities and social sciences. In June 2008, Wiley InterScience incorporated the online content formerly hosted on Blackwell Synergy to provide
The defendant called 999 at 3.23pm the next day. He said he was suicidal and wanted to kill himself. The court heard he then made a series of further 999 calls in March. Mr Quinn added: “He made in excess of 37 calls. Some lasted 20 minutes. He said he suffered from anxiety and depression and was alcohol dependent. “He said he realised he should not contact the police but he continued with the same misconduct.” The calls continued into April and he made three on April 20 before being arrested later that day. Williamson, of Masterson Street, Fenton, pleaded guilty to persistently making use of a public communication network to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to another between February 25 and April 20. Garath Davies, mitigating, said: “In the last 15 or 16 months something has happened and he seeks solace in the bottom of a bottle and becomes a nuisance.” District Judge Timothy Boswell said the calls were a waste of valuable police resources. He said: “You have a problem with alcohol. You are also suffering from mental health and physical health problems. But calling the police on 999 is not the way to deal with things. “By taking up police time - some calls were for 19 or 20 minutes - you are taking their resources away from genuine cases and potential emergencies. That is why it is so serious. “I hope you are able to stop yourself from calling 999 unnecessarily.” Williamson must also pay a £122 surcharge. RIP George Duke (1946-2013) To the average music fan under 40, George Duke might have been a footnote. He was the guy who made “Seeing You” that was sampled by Big K.R.I.T. (“Yesterday”) and Hiero... By Jeff Weiss August 6, 2013 To the average music fan under 40, George Duke might have been a footnote. He was the guy who made “Seeing You” that was sampled by Big K.R.I.T. (“Yesterday”) and Hiero (“You Never Knew.“) Or maybe you know him as the inspiration for Thudercat’s cover of “For Love (I Come Your Friend.”). The latter cut set off a minor Duke revival. It inspired people like me whose first language wasn’t jazz to dig deeper
The defendant called 999 at 3.23pm the next day. He said he was suicidal and wanted to kill himself. The court heard he then made a series of further 999 calls in March. Mr Quinn added: “He made in excess of 37 calls. Some lasted 20 minutes. He said he suffered from anxiety and depression and was alcohol dependent. “He said he realised he should not contact the police but he continued with the same misconduct.” The calls continued into April and he made three on April 20 before being arrested later that day. Williamson, of Masterson Street, Fenton, pleaded guilty to persistently making use of a public communication network to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to another between February 25 and April 20. Garath Davies, mitigating, said: “In the last 15 or 16 months something has happened and he seeks solace in the bottom of a bottle and becomes a nuisance.” District Judge Timothy Boswell said the calls were a waste of valuable police resources. He said: “You have a problem with alcohol. You are also suffering from mental health and physical health problems. But calling the police on 999 is not the way to deal with things. “By taking up police time - some calls were for 19 or 20 minutes - you are taking their resources away from genuine cases and potential emergencies. That is why it is so serious. “I hope you are able to stop yourself from calling 999 unnecessarily.” Williamson must also pay a £122 surcharge. RIP George Duke (1946-2013) To the average music fan under 40, George Duke might have been a footnote. He was the guy who made “Seeing You” that was sampled by Big K.R.I.T. (“Yesterday”) and Hiero... By Jeff Weiss August 6, 2013 To the average music fan under 40, George Duke might have been a footnote. He was the guy who made “Seeing You” that was sampled by Big K.R.I.T. (“Yesterday”) and Hiero (“You Never Knew.“) Or maybe you know him as the inspiration for Thudercat’s cover of “For Love (I Come Your Friend.”). The latter cut set off a minor Duke revival. It inspired people like me whose first language wasn’t jazz to dig deeper
into the avuncular Bay-bred, LA-based jazz fusion legend. Once you knew, you understood why he was one of the greatest players of the last half century. If Duke’s keyboards sounded familiar, that’s because they were. He was the ultimate musician’s musician’s. That’s a cliche, but Duke’s notes never were. That’s why he played on Off the Wall and with Miles Davis and Frank Zappa and classical musician, Jean-Luc Ponty. That’s range and virtuosity. As Dam-Funk tweeted in requiem: he used some of the smoothest chords in his creation. He had heart. I spoke to George last year for a series of concerts he played at the Catalina Jazz Grill in celebration of his 66th birthday. He had Stephen Bruner, Thundercat’s brother on drums, and they were in the trio formation, blasting astral jams and cosmic keyboard riffs that worked some weird nerves that you forgot you had. Fusion taken to the furthest realm, as though Duke had visited planets no telescope had ever spotted, smoked a hookah with the inhabitants, and returned back to earth to play the role of genial Uncle Phil of Funk. The profile is here if you’re interested. I can run the full Q&A if there is demand. Duke came down to LA in his mid-20s and never left. He joined Zappa’s band shortly after the move, settling in Chatsworth when there were still farms that woke him up every morning at 5:30 a.m. with a rooster. Eventually he moved to Hollywood to be closer to Zappa’s complex at 5831 Hollywood Blvd. They rehearsed there in a massive facility, with Zappa in full fascist mode. But when I asked Duke about it, he said that for all Zappa’s bad reputation, he was always kind to him. He said the same thing about Miles. You didn’t need to demand more from Duke, he was a master. He was instrumental in the advent of jazz fusion, a sub-genre that got a bad reputation in the 80s with it’s dentist’s office Kenny G solos. But when Duke was bridging modal notes with rock beats in the late 60s and early 70s, it was practically revolutionary. An experimental musician at heart, he
needs. Your brand has to appeal to both the practical — what you can provide physically — and the emotional — the desires, aspirations, fears, needs, interests and passion. Successful brands appeal to the heart, not the mind. For Nike it’s not just about improving athletic performance, it’s about skill and image. Coca Cola invokes happiness and memorable experiences. What is it that makes Apple fans to queue for days waiting to buy their latest offering if not the emotional connection? “Apple is cool, the hipster of technology and they have achieved a level of fanaticism with their customers by being the pinnacle of innovation and design and then continually reinforcing the message,” writes Grow columnist Steve Goldner. One has to look for the emotional angle in what he or she offers to customers and other audiences. If you are a hairdresser, for example, it’s not about a haircut but it’s enhancing the client’s image or self-esteem. A mechanic will gun for satisfaction and not just fix the car. What is your emotional connection? Is it creating excitement? Invoking the ‘traditional’ feel? Healthy living or environmental consciousness? Take your pick. Whatever the hook you choose make sure it creates that emotional connection to your brand. Emotional brands have a significant impact when the consumer experiences a strong and lasting attachment to the brand comparable to a feeling of bonding, companionship or even love. Steve Golder writes that one has to create a brand where winning is a shared experience and then reinforce it. “When building emotion into your brand, think about leading your customer through a continuum: Emotional Stage 1: How you get someone interested Emotional Stage 2: How do you get someone to consider purchasing your product/service? Emotional Stage 3: How do you continually reinforce that their purchase decision was absolutely the right decision, the ‘winning’ decision? Emotional Stage 4: How do you create a loyal customer such that they want to continue to buy your product/service? Emotional Stage 5: How do you create a brand ‘ritual’ so that the brand becomes a part of your customer’s life? Emotional Stage 6: How do you get your audience to be your cheerleader? This last stage is worth commenting on. It has been found to be a fact that customers will be your most willing advocates. People
needs. Your brand has to appeal to both the practical — what you can provide physically — and the emotional — the desires, aspirations, fears, needs, interests and passion. Successful brands appeal to the heart, not the mind. For Nike it’s not just about improving athletic performance, it’s about skill and image. Coca Cola invokes happiness and memorable experiences. What is it that makes Apple fans to queue for days waiting to buy their latest offering if not the emotional connection? “Apple is cool, the hipster of technology and they have achieved a level of fanaticism with their customers by being the pinnacle of innovation and design and then continually reinforcing the message,” writes Grow columnist Steve Goldner. One has to look for the emotional angle in what he or she offers to customers and other audiences. If you are a hairdresser, for example, it’s not about a haircut but it’s enhancing the client’s image or self-esteem. A mechanic will gun for satisfaction and not just fix the car. What is your emotional connection? Is it creating excitement? Invoking the ‘traditional’ feel? Healthy living or environmental consciousness? Take your pick. Whatever the hook you choose make sure it creates that emotional connection to your brand. Emotional brands have a significant impact when the consumer experiences a strong and lasting attachment to the brand comparable to a feeling of bonding, companionship or even love. Steve Golder writes that one has to create a brand where winning is a shared experience and then reinforce it. “When building emotion into your brand, think about leading your customer through a continuum: Emotional Stage 1: How you get someone interested Emotional Stage 2: How do you get someone to consider purchasing your product/service? Emotional Stage 3: How do you continually reinforce that their purchase decision was absolutely the right decision, the ‘winning’ decision? Emotional Stage 4: How do you create a loyal customer such that they want to continue to buy your product/service? Emotional Stage 5: How do you create a brand ‘ritual’ so that the brand becomes a part of your customer’s life? Emotional Stage 6: How do you get your audience to be your cheerleader? This last stage is worth commenting on. It has been found to be a fact that customers will be your most willing advocates. People
who have bought your products and their conversations, recommendations and perceptions are the most powerful branding tools. So what this means is that the emotional connection is built from the quality of service provision that you deliver. That is the bottom line. It’s the firm and tangible foundation on which emotional connection is built. Not the other way around. I wrote in a previous article Branding 101 that word of mouth is the most powerful form of advocacy and endorsement. Your service gets noticed when people who have personally experienced your exceptional delivery tell others about it. There is the added dimension of social media were online comments about service transgressions are shared on a global platform and how businesses are joining in those conversations. That will be subject of an upcoming article. The same principles are applicable in the events management industry which is principally about service provision. The growing competition in this sector points to that fact that those entities that are more creative in presenting their brands to the market are bound to stand out. This demands a bit of research on what is out there in terms of brand marketing. However, at the heart of all this is that age-old adage of ‘putting customers first.’ People feel bonded with those brands that demonstrate they understand their customer’s needs and motivations. Nyimpini Mabunda, Smirnoff Vodka Marketing Manager, describes this phenomenon aptly, “Customers define themselves through brands they use. The branded clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the drinks they consume, university they attended, favourite spots to hang out, and so on.” The success to emotionally brand your company will show when it becomes hard for your customer to separate themselves from your brand and begin a new relationship with another. Next week I come down to Mother Earth. Promise! Dalu Da Comedian joins Amanxeba09 Feb, 2023 Better late than never!!!09 Feb, 2023 Three NAMA nominations – Umkhathi ...09 Feb, 2023 How your partner can spy on you using WhatsApp Web Buses shift to new illegal rank Prince Ndlovu denied visa, lodges appeal Government goes all out to complete Lupane Hospital 636 drug suppliers, peddlers arrested under ongoing operation Democrats regain ground in Southern legislatures By Chris Kromm November 30, 2018 - When Southern legislatures gavel into session in 2019, Republicans will still enjoy majority control in all of the South's upper and lower chambers. But for Southern
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You Love, Awaiting the King, which we invited him to speak here at this very room just a few years ago tonight, in addition to his most recent work, which he’ll be discussing. In addition, Jamie served as the past editor in chief of Comment Magazine, as well as the brand-new editor-in-chief of Image Journal. His popular writing has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Books and Culture, First Things, and The Washington Post. And last, but certainly not least, I am very proud to say that he is a senior fellow of the Trinity Forum. He and his wife, Deanna, are parents of four children, live in Michigan, and we’re really delighted that Deanne could join us as well tonight. So responding to Jamie will be Elizabeth Bruenig. Elizabeth or Liz is an opinion columnist at The Washington Post, where she writes on Christianity, politics, and public life, and earlier this year was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. She received her master’s in philosophy and Christian theology at the University of Cambridge, where she studied as a martial scholar and wrote her thesis on Saint Augustine. Previously, she was an editor for the Post “Outlook” and Post “Everything” sections, a staff writer at the New Republic, and her essays and reviews have appeared in The Washington Post, The Nation, The Atlantic, Boston Review, Jacobin Magazine, First Things, and many more. She lives here in D.C. with her husband, Matt, who has also joined us tonight, as well as her two daughters, and I’m honored and delighted to note that she’s actually joined us from maternity leave tonight. So thank you very much for that, Liz. After Jamie provides his keynote remarks and Liz gives a response, we’ll have a brief, moderated conversation between the three of us, followed by questions from the audience. Jamie, welcome. Jamie Smith: Thank you so much. Cherie, thanks for that warm welcome. It’s always a treat to partner with the Trinity Forum, and I also just want to echo my thanks to Liz for being part of tonight. I think a lot of people are—it’s a full house because Liz is here and I’m totally OK with [that]. I know Deanna is here because Liz is here, so I’m really excited about
You Love, Awaiting the King, which we invited him to speak here at this very room just a few years ago tonight, in addition to his most recent work, which he’ll be discussing. In addition, Jamie served as the past editor in chief of Comment Magazine, as well as the brand-new editor-in-chief of Image Journal. His popular writing has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Books and Culture, First Things, and The Washington Post. And last, but certainly not least, I am very proud to say that he is a senior fellow of the Trinity Forum. He and his wife, Deanna, are parents of four children, live in Michigan, and we’re really delighted that Deanne could join us as well tonight. So responding to Jamie will be Elizabeth Bruenig. Elizabeth or Liz is an opinion columnist at The Washington Post, where she writes on Christianity, politics, and public life, and earlier this year was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. She received her master’s in philosophy and Christian theology at the University of Cambridge, where she studied as a martial scholar and wrote her thesis on Saint Augustine. Previously, she was an editor for the Post “Outlook” and Post “Everything” sections, a staff writer at the New Republic, and her essays and reviews have appeared in The Washington Post, The Nation, The Atlantic, Boston Review, Jacobin Magazine, First Things, and many more. She lives here in D.C. with her husband, Matt, who has also joined us tonight, as well as her two daughters, and I’m honored and delighted to note that she’s actually joined us from maternity leave tonight. So thank you very much for that, Liz. After Jamie provides his keynote remarks and Liz gives a response, we’ll have a brief, moderated conversation between the three of us, followed by questions from the audience. Jamie, welcome. Jamie Smith: Thank you so much. Cherie, thanks for that warm welcome. It’s always a treat to partner with the Trinity Forum, and I also just want to echo my thanks to Liz for being part of tonight. I think a lot of people are—it’s a full house because Liz is here and I’m totally OK with [that]. I know Deanna is here because Liz is here, so I’m really excited about
the conversation. My passion, my hope, my goal for this book is to make the case that this ancient African bishop has sort of read our postmodern email and knows us better than we know ourselves, but also holds out and offers to our cultural moment a very different account and invitation of how to be human. So what I want to do tonight is I want to—I’m not going to talk about sex, you’ll be disappointed to hear. Or death, so you can, you’re welcome. But what I would like to do is give you a feel for how and why I think actually we’ve been influenced by Augustine more than we realize and how he offers us an alternative. And I want to start by maybe getting us to appreciate the extent to which we have all in late modernity in Western societies been schooled by invisible philosophies that we might never have read, but have nonetheless trickled down to us in the water we swim in, of film and television and literature and drama, and that in a way we are living out stories that have been handed down to us from philosophers you might never have heard of. The one figure I want to just offer a footnote to is the German philosopher—I went to Villanova University to study for my doctorate—Martin Heidegger. And I just want to say a little bit about Heidegger. So Martin Heidegger is in some ways— 90 percent of you’ve never heard of him. That’s exactly right. And yet you are more Heideggerian than you realize, only insofar as Heidegger was sort of the father of existentialism. And it is from existentialism that we all inherited the language of authenticity, of finding ourselves, of this quest for identity and so on. And what’s interesting is there’s this trickle-down effect then, where all of us assume that we are on this quest to find ourselves, to forge our identities, to be authentic, to resist inauthenticity. And in many ways, that’s the inheritance of philosophical streams of thought that have trickled down from Germany and France in the middle of the 20th century. I won’t get into this too much tonight, but one long subtext of the book is— Here’s the interesting thing: I went to Villanova, which is an Augustinian Catholic university, by the way. I went there to study Martin Heidegger. It turns
damned easily. All it has to do is put one extra word in its vocabulary. Hear a Rejected ‘A Star is Born’ Song by Father John Misty ‘A Star Is Born’ Returning to Theaters with New Music and New Footage ‘A Star Is Born’ Honest Trailer: Didn’t Jeff Bridges Already Do This in ‘Crazy Heart’? Watch Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper Almost Kiss in Sensual “Shallow” Performance at the Oscars /Featured Stories Sidebar, Features, A Star is Born Not to be confused with Kurt Weill, Curt Vile, or Kurt Weil. Kurt Samuel Vile (born January 3, 1980)[2] is an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and record producer. He is known for his solo work and as the former lead guitarist of rock band The War on Drugs. Both in the studio and during live performances, Vile is accompanied by his backing band, The Violators, which currently includes Jesse Trbovich (bass, guitar, saxophone), Rob Laakso (guitar, bass) and Kyle Spence (drums). Vile performing at Roskilde Festival in 2011 Kurt Samuel Vile (1980-01-03) January 3, 1980 (age 39) Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, United States Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US[1] Gulcher Mexican Summer Kurt Vile & The Violators www.kurtvile.com Influenced by Pavement, Neil Young, Tom Petty, and John Fahey,[3] Vile began his musical career creating lo-fi home recordings with frequent collaborator Adam Granduciel in Philadelphia, with whom he has participated in early work by The War on Drugs as well as various solo projects. Focusing on his solo career, Vile released two albums, Constant Hitmaker (2008) and God Is Saying This to You... (2009), compiling various home recordings dating back to 2003. Vile signed to Matador Records in 2009, and released his third album, Childish Prodigy, that same year. The album was his first recorded in a studio and with the full participation of The Violators. In 2011, Vile released his fourth studio album, Smoke Ring for My Halo, which significantly increased his exposure. His fifth studio album, Wakin on a Pretty Daze, was
damned easily. All it has to do is put one extra word in its vocabulary. Hear a Rejected ‘A Star is Born’ Song by Father John Misty ‘A Star Is Born’ Returning to Theaters with New Music and New Footage ‘A Star Is Born’ Honest Trailer: Didn’t Jeff Bridges Already Do This in ‘Crazy Heart’? Watch Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper Almost Kiss in Sensual “Shallow” Performance at the Oscars /Featured Stories Sidebar, Features, A Star is Born Not to be confused with Kurt Weill, Curt Vile, or Kurt Weil. Kurt Samuel Vile (born January 3, 1980)[2] is an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and record producer. He is known for his solo work and as the former lead guitarist of rock band The War on Drugs. Both in the studio and during live performances, Vile is accompanied by his backing band, The Violators, which currently includes Jesse Trbovich (bass, guitar, saxophone), Rob Laakso (guitar, bass) and Kyle Spence (drums). Vile performing at Roskilde Festival in 2011 Kurt Samuel Vile (1980-01-03) January 3, 1980 (age 39) Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, United States Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US[1] Gulcher Mexican Summer Kurt Vile & The Violators www.kurtvile.com Influenced by Pavement, Neil Young, Tom Petty, and John Fahey,[3] Vile began his musical career creating lo-fi home recordings with frequent collaborator Adam Granduciel in Philadelphia, with whom he has participated in early work by The War on Drugs as well as various solo projects. Focusing on his solo career, Vile released two albums, Constant Hitmaker (2008) and God Is Saying This to You... (2009), compiling various home recordings dating back to 2003. Vile signed to Matador Records in 2009, and released his third album, Childish Prodigy, that same year. The album was his first recorded in a studio and with the full participation of The Violators. In 2011, Vile released his fourth studio album, Smoke Ring for My Halo, which significantly increased his exposure. His fifth studio album, Wakin on a Pretty Daze, was
released in 2013, with Laakso replacing Granduciel in his backing band. In 2015, Vile released his sixth studio album, b'lieve I'm goin down.... The lead single from the album, "Pretty Pimpin", was Vile's best performing song to date, topping the Billboard Adult Alternative Songs chart in March 2016. His 2017 release, Lotta Sea Lice, is a collaboration with Australian singer and guitarist Courtney Barnett. His latest album, Bottle It In, was released on October 12, 2018. Beginnings (1994–2002)Edit Vile grew up in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, and is the third oldest of ten children born to Charles and Donna Vile.[4][5] Although his surname is occasionally assumed to be a pseudonym or a pun on German composer Kurt Weill, it is his real birth name and the similarity to Weill's name is a coincidence.[6][5] At the age of fourteen, Kurt Vile was given a banjo by his father, with Vile noting, "I kind of wished [it] was a guitar. So I'd kind of just play it like a guitar anyway. I was really into writing pretty primitive tunes, and really into recording. I pretty much knew I was going to do music [with my life] then."[7] Vile began writing songs on the banjo, describing his first self-penned track as: "a joke song. It was a good instrumental; I knew all these chords, but then I was quoting a cartoon as the lyrics on top of it. I had seen this cartoon about Superman and Lex Luthor; it was like the back history of why Lex Luthor hated Superman. They used to be friends, and then some giant stone of kryptonite fell and it made Lex Luthor's hair fall out, and he was like, 'You made all my hair fall out!' It was a really stupid cartoon, but that was my song, 'You Made All My Hair Fall Out'."[8] Three years later, Vile created his first "mass-produced" tape at the age of seventeen. Influenced by Pavement, Beck, Smog and the record label, Drag City, Vile noted, "I really thought I could be on Drag City. I really wanted that. I heard these people that made good music but it was still pretty raw, and had this real cult quality."[7] While working on his home
. It is, perhaps a little strained, as in her explanation of the drifting away of men from the stockade in the hours immediately preceding the attack and her suggestion that rape might have been one of the outrages committed in the aftermath. Both of these are offered only as suggestions- and historians can make suggestions, with evidence- but at this point the murmurings and conversations of her informants who have borne her so confidently through the rest of the narrative drop away, and it is only her voice left speaking. And a distinctive voice it is. Clare Wright often appears on Australian history documentaries- for example, in Utopia Girls– where her narrative voice is warm, with a burble of humour. It struck me when reading this book that it is a particularly visual work, staged and narrated much as a lengthy documentary might be. The chapters are divided into scenes, marked with asterisks, as the action swings from one character to another, and many conclude with ‘cliff-hanger’ comments that lead onto the next scene. It is sustained throughout the whole book, which at 458 pages is a lot of talking. It is such an insistent, strong voice that I think that your response to the book would be very much influenced by how you respond to the teller. That said, this is one of those books that would make you look at familiar events with new eyes. It is a compelling read that is well-researched and scholarly and at the same time very, very human. Yvonne Perkins at Stumbling Through the Past has written a very detailed review- well worth reading. This is my first review for the Australian Women Writers Challenge 2014. I’m b-a-a-c-k (Australian Women Writers Challenge 2014) A new year, and time to sign up to the Australian Women Writers Challenge for 2014. It’s the third year that I’ve been involved in this, and its website is turning into a handy little resource for reviews on Australian women’s writing. The challenge was provoked by the Miles Franklin shortlist of a few years ago that was comprised solely of male writers. I strongly suspect that a similar situation may arise again this year with the Holy Trinity of Franklin, Winton and Tsiolkas all releasing books during 2013. We shall see. Anyway, I’m in again. ‘The Luminaries’ by Eleanor Catton 832 p., 2013 832
. It is, perhaps a little strained, as in her explanation of the drifting away of men from the stockade in the hours immediately preceding the attack and her suggestion that rape might have been one of the outrages committed in the aftermath. Both of these are offered only as suggestions- and historians can make suggestions, with evidence- but at this point the murmurings and conversations of her informants who have borne her so confidently through the rest of the narrative drop away, and it is only her voice left speaking. And a distinctive voice it is. Clare Wright often appears on Australian history documentaries- for example, in Utopia Girls– where her narrative voice is warm, with a burble of humour. It struck me when reading this book that it is a particularly visual work, staged and narrated much as a lengthy documentary might be. The chapters are divided into scenes, marked with asterisks, as the action swings from one character to another, and many conclude with ‘cliff-hanger’ comments that lead onto the next scene. It is sustained throughout the whole book, which at 458 pages is a lot of talking. It is such an insistent, strong voice that I think that your response to the book would be very much influenced by how you respond to the teller. That said, this is one of those books that would make you look at familiar events with new eyes. It is a compelling read that is well-researched and scholarly and at the same time very, very human. Yvonne Perkins at Stumbling Through the Past has written a very detailed review- well worth reading. This is my first review for the Australian Women Writers Challenge 2014. I’m b-a-a-c-k (Australian Women Writers Challenge 2014) A new year, and time to sign up to the Australian Women Writers Challenge for 2014. It’s the third year that I’ve been involved in this, and its website is turning into a handy little resource for reviews on Australian women’s writing. The challenge was provoked by the Miles Franklin shortlist of a few years ago that was comprised solely of male writers. I strongly suspect that a similar situation may arise again this year with the Holy Trinity of Franklin, Winton and Tsiolkas all releasing books during 2013. We shall see. Anyway, I’m in again. ‘The Luminaries’ by Eleanor Catton 832 p., 2013 832
pages is a lot of reading in anyone’s language. I have been busy reading The Luminaries every chance I could to avoid a hefty overdue fine at the library. I thought that I had succeeded in avoiding reading any reviews of it before I finished, but there was one that did get through my defences: Jane Sullivan’s review in The Age a fortnight ago. And there it was- That’s one of the main objections to the book: that it’s too long. Others, variously, are that it shouldn’t be written in ponderous Victorian style; that it has too many characters and we don’t care about them; that the astrology framework doesn’t enhance it; and that the story, clever as it is, doesn’t add up to anything much. Well, that’ s pretty much written my review for me. I was reminded many times of Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White while I was reading this book. Both are long; both are mysteries; both are about switched identities, and both involve deception for financial gain. But the difference is that The Woman in White was highly original at the time, and is today viewed by many as the first mystery novel, and the first and finest ‘sensation’ novel. What a gulf there is between being the first and being merely a pastiche. For Victorian pastiche this is, complete with convoluted (but always well controlled) sentences, the summary at the beginning of each chapter, and the opening scenes on a dark and stormy night. As in most Victorian novels conceived in the serial format of a periodical (think Dickens, Collins…), there is a huge cast of characters who swarm in and out of view, with false starts and red herrings, and the need for the author to draw breath and offer the occasional recap to the bemused reader lest everything threaten to spiral out of control. I find myself admiring many things about the book. Her characterization is excellent, and I found myself becoming engaged by each vignette as actors gravitated around one another. Her characters are complex beings, each with a back story, dreams and regrets. The conversation is pitch-perfect. Her description of place is excellent, too. You could see, hear and smell Hokitika, and as an historian of 19th century colonial towns (ah, always an historian!) it rang true in every regard- not a single false note.
variables. These stars have a luminosity closely tied to the period with which they darken and brighten, allowing astronomers to accurately measure how far they are from Earth. Distance measurements from Cepheid variables are key to measuring the furthest distances in the Universe, and were one of the factors used by Georges Lemaître and Edwin Hubble to show that the Universe is expanding. Mystery of Universe’s Expansion Rate: Hubble Data Shows That “Something Weird” Is Going On NASA Releases 12 New Hubble Images from the Messier Catalog Hubble Observes Spectacular Supernova Time-Lapse – “No Earthly Fireworks Display Can Compete” Astronomy & Astrophysics 101: Spiral Galaxy Spectacular Image Captured by Hubble Shows a Strangely Contorted Spiral Galaxy Important Threshold Crossed in Mystery of the Universe’s Expansion Rate Newly Released Hubble Image of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3344 Celebrate Hubble’s Anniversary with the 10 Top-Rated Hubble Images 6 Comments on "Hubble Snaps a Stunning Close-Up of a Magnificent Spiral Galaxy" Rostyslav Avtodiychuk | April 19, 2021 at 1:32 pm | Reply Nj M | April 20, 2021 at 7:25 am | Reply Awe inspiring magnificence with limited elements that creates trillions of varieties across the everywhere always omniverse. Apu | April 24, 2021 at 11:16 am | Reply Looks more like an infected eardrum. John M Hesterley jr | April 24, 2021 at 2:50 pm | Reply You sure that’s not a Cinnamon Roll? 🤔 Askin for a Friend… Damian | April 25, 2021 at 2:37 am | Reply For man goes to his eternal home And the mourners go about the streets Remember your creator before the silver cord is loosed… Then the dust will return to the earth as it was And the spirit will return to God who gave it Chantel Moore | April 26, 2021 at 7:55 am | Reply It truly is magnificently beautiful Astronomers Suggest More Galaxies Were Formed in the Early Universe Than Previously Thought Kinetic Launches "Locally Sourced Soul" Partnership with Local Photographers to Create Content for Advertising Campaigns Kinetic launched its "Locally Sourced Soul" initiative as part of
variables. These stars have a luminosity closely tied to the period with which they darken and brighten, allowing astronomers to accurately measure how far they are from Earth. Distance measurements from Cepheid variables are key to measuring the furthest distances in the Universe, and were one of the factors used by Georges Lemaître and Edwin Hubble to show that the Universe is expanding. Mystery of Universe’s Expansion Rate: Hubble Data Shows That “Something Weird” Is Going On NASA Releases 12 New Hubble Images from the Messier Catalog Hubble Observes Spectacular Supernova Time-Lapse – “No Earthly Fireworks Display Can Compete” Astronomy & Astrophysics 101: Spiral Galaxy Spectacular Image Captured by Hubble Shows a Strangely Contorted Spiral Galaxy Important Threshold Crossed in Mystery of the Universe’s Expansion Rate Newly Released Hubble Image of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3344 Celebrate Hubble’s Anniversary with the 10 Top-Rated Hubble Images 6 Comments on "Hubble Snaps a Stunning Close-Up of a Magnificent Spiral Galaxy" Rostyslav Avtodiychuk | April 19, 2021 at 1:32 pm | Reply Nj M | April 20, 2021 at 7:25 am | Reply Awe inspiring magnificence with limited elements that creates trillions of varieties across the everywhere always omniverse. Apu | April 24, 2021 at 11:16 am | Reply Looks more like an infected eardrum. John M Hesterley jr | April 24, 2021 at 2:50 pm | Reply You sure that’s not a Cinnamon Roll? 🤔 Askin for a Friend… Damian | April 25, 2021 at 2:37 am | Reply For man goes to his eternal home And the mourners go about the streets Remember your creator before the silver cord is loosed… Then the dust will return to the earth as it was And the spirit will return to God who gave it Chantel Moore | April 26, 2021 at 7:55 am | Reply It truly is magnificently beautiful Astronomers Suggest More Galaxies Were Formed in the Early Universe Than Previously Thought Kinetic Launches "Locally Sourced Soul" Partnership with Local Photographers to Create Content for Advertising Campaigns Kinetic launched its "Locally Sourced Soul" initiative as part of
its ongoing commitment to "High Speed for Here" in the communities where it provides broadband. Locally Sourced Soul is a partnership between Kinetic and local photographers within its 18-state footprint to create beautiful, authentic images that capture the heart and soul of their region. The images will be used in ongoing local communications and advertising campaigns, including mailers, social media, in retail stores and more. "Through this partnership, we can share what truly makes the towns we work and live in special, through the lens of photographers who also find the beauty in their own hometowns," said Christy Drummond, director of local marketing at Kinetic. While the photographers for Locally Sourced Soul range from amateur to professional, each captures the heart and soul of their town in their own unique way. Kinetic is proud to partner with 10 photographers from across the country, including: Esther Ellyn in Lexington, Ky. Gabe Mcmullen in Ephrata, Penn. Graeme Cuizon in Hastings, Neb. James Wayne in Broken Arrow, Okla. Jois Joubert in Sugarland, Texas Joshua Redwine in Lincoln, Neb. Kyle Long in Granville, Ohio Maddy Green in Texarkana, Texas Paul Cotter in Concord, N.C. Blake Guffin in North Georgia The Locally Sourced Soul initiative is yet another example of how Kinetic is investing in the local communities it serves beyond a commitment to deliver reliable, high-speed broadband. Most recently, Kinetic partnered with local artists in several communities, including Texarkana, Texas; Concord, N.C., and Moultrie, Ga., to produce large-scale exterior murals that depict what makes those towns and regions unique. Many of the custom murals feature the phrase, "Proud to be From Here" to make a powerful statement about their community. Kinetic by Windstream is a business unit of Windstream Holdings, a privately held communications and software company. Kinetic provides premium broadband, entertainment and security services through an enhanced fiber network to consumers and businesses primarily in rural areas in 18 states. The company also offers managed communications services, including SD-WAN and UCaaS, and high-capacity bandwidth and transport services to businesses across the U.S. Additional information is available at GoKinetic.com. Follow us on Twitter at @GoKineticHome. Category: Kinetic Interview with Nortel ITEX
which are contained within the ADU’s databases. Virtual Museum records help expand the distribution databases for these taxa; they not only confirm the presence of a species at a particular point in time, but they also provide new distribution records for species and sometimes lead to extensions of the known range of a species. VM version 2.1 Released: June 2010 Written by René A. Navarro Implemented with open source software: mySQL and PHP Data privacy is of especially great importance for our company. It is essentially possible to use the website without providing any personal data. Should a particular person wish to make use of special services of our company online, however, it may be necessary to process personal data. Should the processing of personal data be required, and should no legal basis exist for such processing, we will obtain the prior consent of the person concerned. The processing of personal data, for example the name, address, e-mail address or telephone number of a person concerned, is always carried out in line with the Federal Data Privacy Act (BDSG), the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) that comes into force on 25/05/2018, and any laws which likewise apply. With this data privacy statement, our company would like to provide information on the nature, scope and purpose of the personal data processed by us, and explain to persons concerned what rights they are entitled to assert. Our company has implemented numerous technical and organisational measures in order to ensure that any personal data processed is protected as comprehensively as possible. Web-based data transmission may, however, possibly contain security gaps, so that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. Our company’s data privacy statement is based on the General Data Privacy Regulation (DS-GVO/GDPR). It is formulated so as to be easy to read and understood. In order to ensure this, we are explaining the terms used in advance: 1.1 Personal data Personal data is “any information which relates to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as either ’affected person‘ or ’person concerned‘). A natural person is considered identifiable if he or she can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by means of being allocated to an identifier, such as a name, an ID number, site data, an online identifier or one or more special features which are the expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of said natural
which are contained within the ADU’s databases. Virtual Museum records help expand the distribution databases for these taxa; they not only confirm the presence of a species at a particular point in time, but they also provide new distribution records for species and sometimes lead to extensions of the known range of a species. VM version 2.1 Released: June 2010 Written by René A. Navarro Implemented with open source software: mySQL and PHP Data privacy is of especially great importance for our company. It is essentially possible to use the website without providing any personal data. Should a particular person wish to make use of special services of our company online, however, it may be necessary to process personal data. Should the processing of personal data be required, and should no legal basis exist for such processing, we will obtain the prior consent of the person concerned. The processing of personal data, for example the name, address, e-mail address or telephone number of a person concerned, is always carried out in line with the Federal Data Privacy Act (BDSG), the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) that comes into force on 25/05/2018, and any laws which likewise apply. With this data privacy statement, our company would like to provide information on the nature, scope and purpose of the personal data processed by us, and explain to persons concerned what rights they are entitled to assert. Our company has implemented numerous technical and organisational measures in order to ensure that any personal data processed is protected as comprehensively as possible. Web-based data transmission may, however, possibly contain security gaps, so that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. Our company’s data privacy statement is based on the General Data Privacy Regulation (DS-GVO/GDPR). It is formulated so as to be easy to read and understood. In order to ensure this, we are explaining the terms used in advance: 1.1 Personal data Personal data is “any information which relates to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as either ’affected person‘ or ’person concerned‘). A natural person is considered identifiable if he or she can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by means of being allocated to an identifier, such as a name, an ID number, site data, an online identifier or one or more special features which are the expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of said natural
person” (see Art. 4(1) of the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR)). 1.2 Person concerned/affected person A person concerned or affected person is any identified or identifiable natural person whose personal data is processed by the party responsible for the processing. 1.3 Processing Processing is any procedure carried out with or without the aid of automated methods, or any such sequence of procedures in connection with personal data, such as the gathering, recording, organising, ordering, storage, adaptation or amendment of data, the reading out of it, querying of it, use, disclosure of it by way of transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, the comparison or linking of it, or the limitation, deletion or destruction of it. 1.4 Limitation of processing Limitation of processing means the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting its future processing. 1.5 Profiling Profiling means any kind of automated processing of personal data where such personal data is used to assess certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular in order to analyse or predict aspects in regard to work performance, economic position, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, conduct, place of residence or change of location of such natural person. 1.6 Pseudonymisation Pseudonymisation means processing personal data in the case where the personal data can no longer be assigned to a specific person concerned without drawing upon additional information. Such additional information that is subject to the technical and organisational measures is stored separately, and it is thus guaranteed that the personal data cannot be allocated to an identified or identifiable natural person. 1.7 Responsible party or party responsible for the processing The party responsible, or the party responsible for processing the information, is the natural or legal person, authority, institution or other body which decides, either alone or together with others, for the purpose and means of processing personal data. 1.8 Contract data processor A contract data processor is a natural or legal person, authority, institution or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the party responsible. 1.9 Recipient The recipient is a natural or legal person, authority, institution or other body to whom or which personal data is disclosed, irrespective of whether the latter is a third party or not. Authorities which may receive personal data in the context of a particular investigation mandate under EU law or the law of the Member States are not, however, deemed recipients. 1
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ics (107) Massage (53) Medical Doctors (401) Medical Equipment & Supplies (4) Mental Health (68) Nutrition (12) Physical Therapist (1) Physicians & Surgeons (384) Public Health & Safety (2) Social Services (154) Specialists - Health Care Professionals (216)Home & Garden (391) Accessories (7) Building Materials & Hardware (15) Cabinets, Racks & Shelves (5) Carpets & Rugs (24) Cleaning Supplies & Services (21) Contractors (198) Doors, Windows & Drapery (1) Electric (3) Floor Coverings (28) Furniture (19) Glass (1) Heating, Cooling & AC (16) Home Improvement Centers (3) Kitchen (5) Lamps & Lighting (11) Lawn & Garden (18) Locksmiths (1) Lumber (1) Nurseries & Garden Centers (1) Painting & Wallcoverings (53) Pest Control (1) Plumbing (5) Pools, Spas & Saunas (1) Safety & Security (6) Tree Services (1) Water Supply (3)Insurance (296) Agents & Brokers (290) Auto (279) Health (279) Home (279) Life (285) Pets (279)Legal (329) Attorneys (165) Legal Services (329)Manufacturing & Industrial (67) Agriculture (15) Audio & Visual (1) Building Materials (4) Computers, Electronics & Telecommunications (8) Electronic Equipment (4) Food & Beverage (5) Health Care & Pharmaceutical (10) Industrial Supplies & Services (21) Machine Shops (3) Metal (1) Textiles & Apparel (1)Media (62) Cable & Pay TV Services (1) Print Publications (60) Television Stations (1)Meeting & Event Planning (32) Audio & Visual (3) Event Facilities (5) Exhibit Designers (3) Lodging (3) Meeting Planners (3) Party Rentals & Entertainment (6) Travel Arrangement & Services (24)Miscellaneous (477)Nightlife (35) Bars and Lounges (19) Dinner & Music Theatres (19) Events & Concerts (6) Live Music (16) Night Clubs (19)Personal Service (271) Barbers, Beauty Salons & Spas (257) Car Wash (4) Dry Cleaning
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given up the titles of shaman and healer to live life as her Self. Somewhere out there is an interdimensional party celebrating the rebirth of this planet and its people, and she is the DJ. Janet Kent is a land-tied herbalist, gardener and educator who lives in her hand built home, off-the-grid, high in a rich Appalachian hardwood cove forest in Southern Appalachia. She sees the radical potential of herbalism to address both the need for humans to reconnect with the more-than-human world and to alleviate the crisis of conventional health care in this country. She is the co-founder of Medicine County Herbs, a medicinal and native plant nursery and apothecary and the Terra Sylva School of Botanical Medicine. In recent years, Janet has focused on the use of herbs to support mental health. She writes on herbalism, ecology and reconnection medicine at radicalvitalism.wordpress.com. Jen Stovall works as a Community Herbalist & Health Educator in New Orleans, using a blend of Southern Folk Medicine, Western Herbalism, and harm reduction in her classes and with her clients. She is co-owner of Maypop Community Herb Shop and has a BSN-RN & a NADA Ear Acupuncture Detox Specialist & Trainer license, both of which inform her herbal practice. She has found herbalism to be both a potent tool for pursuing social justice in the world, and a powerful manifestation of the ethical and ideological path she walks in her personal life. She believes that health care should be accessible to everyone and that the most powerful strategy for this is educating and empowering people to choose their own path to health. She is constantly renewed and inspired by witnessing the magic spark that occurs when people are introduced to plant allies through consultations, herb walks, medicine making, & health education. Joyce Netishen is a healer, herbalist and gardener who loves roses and lives and works at Fire Rose Farm, a small inspired magical place where she teaches classes and apprenticeships and grows glorious plants. She has maintained a private practice for 30 plus years and is committed to the study and practice of the spirit of life, seen and unseen, through the path of the shaman and spirit of Nature. Lara Pacheco is a mamita, Latina clinical herbalist, herb farmer, wildcrafter and musician who founded Seed and Thistle Apothecary in the Cully neighborhood of Portland, OR. She is a community
given up the titles of shaman and healer to live life as her Self. Somewhere out there is an interdimensional party celebrating the rebirth of this planet and its people, and she is the DJ. Janet Kent is a land-tied herbalist, gardener and educator who lives in her hand built home, off-the-grid, high in a rich Appalachian hardwood cove forest in Southern Appalachia. She sees the radical potential of herbalism to address both the need for humans to reconnect with the more-than-human world and to alleviate the crisis of conventional health care in this country. She is the co-founder of Medicine County Herbs, a medicinal and native plant nursery and apothecary and the Terra Sylva School of Botanical Medicine. In recent years, Janet has focused on the use of herbs to support mental health. She writes on herbalism, ecology and reconnection medicine at radicalvitalism.wordpress.com. Jen Stovall works as a Community Herbalist & Health Educator in New Orleans, using a blend of Southern Folk Medicine, Western Herbalism, and harm reduction in her classes and with her clients. She is co-owner of Maypop Community Herb Shop and has a BSN-RN & a NADA Ear Acupuncture Detox Specialist & Trainer license, both of which inform her herbal practice. She has found herbalism to be both a potent tool for pursuing social justice in the world, and a powerful manifestation of the ethical and ideological path she walks in her personal life. She believes that health care should be accessible to everyone and that the most powerful strategy for this is educating and empowering people to choose their own path to health. She is constantly renewed and inspired by witnessing the magic spark that occurs when people are introduced to plant allies through consultations, herb walks, medicine making, & health education. Joyce Netishen is a healer, herbalist and gardener who loves roses and lives and works at Fire Rose Farm, a small inspired magical place where she teaches classes and apprenticeships and grows glorious plants. She has maintained a private practice for 30 plus years and is committed to the study and practice of the spirit of life, seen and unseen, through the path of the shaman and spirit of Nature. Lara Pacheco is a mamita, Latina clinical herbalist, herb farmer, wildcrafter and musician who founded Seed and Thistle Apothecary in the Cully neighborhood of Portland, OR. She is a community
organizer and provides herbal educational programming with youth and adults, builds gardens, gathers oral histories,and advocacy around women's health and access to alternative medicine for the underserved by working to co develop the Seasonal Wellness Clinic. Lara first learned from the plants, the farm, forest and field and then studied with the School of Traditional Western Herbalism's 3 year clinical program and with Scott Kloos in the realm of plant spirit medicine. Larkin Schmiedl is a trans & queer clinically-trained herbalist and medicine-maker who loves wildcrafting and hanging out on the land staring at the minute details of nature, being held sway in fascination. He practices plant and animal magic and is passionate about wild food and medicine as a gateway to deeper connection. He's been hanging out with plants in this part of the world for 15 years and studied western herbalism at the Wild Seed school on Salt Spring Island. Larkin hopes to continue building resources for herbalists around trans health. Linden de Voil I am a clinical herbalist and health educator, practicing at Bear Root Apothecary and Wellness Center in Port Townsend, WA. I’m a graduate of the Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine and the three-year clinical herbalist program at the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, and a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. In additional my clinical work, I serve as education director for a local botanical extract manufacturer, supporting naturopaths and other physicians to integrate effective herbal protocols into a functional medicine approach. Meg Cur is a homesteader, wildcrafter, and community herbalist. She has been devoted to Pacific Northwest plants and their medicines for ten years, and has studied at the School of Traditional Western Herbalism and Wild Seed School of Herbal Studies. She is deeply excited to take part in promoting a folk culture around knowledge of, and respect for, land-based skills. She is the curator of a skills project called Crow’s Nest Wildcraft, and travels to share herbal medicine and other skills with others. Meg is a settler on unceded territories, on a vibrant island in the Salish Sea, where she strives to make plant medicines accessible to her community and beyond. Missy Rohs is a community herbalist, kitchen witch, and forest lover. She is co-founder and co-instructor of the Arctos School of Herbal & Botanical Studies (https://ar
elsewhere in this Arbitration Agreement prohibiting the arbitrator from awarding relief on behalf of third parties are unenforceable with respect to such Claim (and that determination becomes final after all appeals have been exhausted), the Claim for public injunctive relief will be determined in court and any individual Claims seeking monetary relief will be arbitrated. In such a case the parties will request that the court stay the Claim for public injunctive relief until the arbitration award pertaining to individual relief has been entered in court. In no event will a Claim for public injunctive relief be arbitrated. Notice of Claim; Right to Resolve; Special Payment: Prior to initiating, joining or participating in any judicial or arbitration proceeding regarding any Claim, the Claimant (the party who asserts or seeks to assert a Claim in a lawsuit or arbitration proceeding) shall give the other party written notice of the Claim (a "Claim Notice") and a reasonable opportunity, not less than 30 days, to resolve the Claim. Any Claim Notice you send must include your name, address, telephone number and loan or account number. Any Claim Notice must explain the nature of the Claim and the relief that is demanded. You may only submit a Claim Notice on your own behalf and not on behalf of any other party. The Claimant must reasonably cooperate in providing any information about the Claim that the other party reasonably requests. If: (i) you submit a Claim Notice in accordance with this paragraph on your own behalf (and not on behalf of any other party); (ii) we refuse to provide the relief you request before an arbitrator is appointed; and (iii) an arbitrator subsequently determines that you were entitled to such relief (or greater relief), the arbitrator shall award you at least $7,500 (not including any arbitration fees and attorneys' fees and costs to which you may be entitled under this Arbitration Agreement or applicable law). We encourage you to address all Claims you have in a single Claim Notice and/or a single arbitration. Accordingly, this $7,500 minimum award is a single award that applies to all Claims you have asserted or could have asserted in the arbitration, and multiple awards of $7,500 are not contemplated by this Section. By visiting findnortheastfloridahomes.com, you agree that the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Terms and Conditions of Use and/or any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and findnortheastflorid
elsewhere in this Arbitration Agreement prohibiting the arbitrator from awarding relief on behalf of third parties are unenforceable with respect to such Claim (and that determination becomes final after all appeals have been exhausted), the Claim for public injunctive relief will be determined in court and any individual Claims seeking monetary relief will be arbitrated. In such a case the parties will request that the court stay the Claim for public injunctive relief until the arbitration award pertaining to individual relief has been entered in court. In no event will a Claim for public injunctive relief be arbitrated. Notice of Claim; Right to Resolve; Special Payment: Prior to initiating, joining or participating in any judicial or arbitration proceeding regarding any Claim, the Claimant (the party who asserts or seeks to assert a Claim in a lawsuit or arbitration proceeding) shall give the other party written notice of the Claim (a "Claim Notice") and a reasonable opportunity, not less than 30 days, to resolve the Claim. Any Claim Notice you send must include your name, address, telephone number and loan or account number. Any Claim Notice must explain the nature of the Claim and the relief that is demanded. You may only submit a Claim Notice on your own behalf and not on behalf of any other party. The Claimant must reasonably cooperate in providing any information about the Claim that the other party reasonably requests. If: (i) you submit a Claim Notice in accordance with this paragraph on your own behalf (and not on behalf of any other party); (ii) we refuse to provide the relief you request before an arbitrator is appointed; and (iii) an arbitrator subsequently determines that you were entitled to such relief (or greater relief), the arbitrator shall award you at least $7,500 (not including any arbitration fees and attorneys' fees and costs to which you may be entitled under this Arbitration Agreement or applicable law). We encourage you to address all Claims you have in a single Claim Notice and/or a single arbitration. Accordingly, this $7,500 minimum award is a single award that applies to all Claims you have asserted or could have asserted in the arbitration, and multiple awards of $7,500 are not contemplated by this Section. By visiting findnortheastfloridahomes.com, you agree that the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Terms and Conditions of Use and/or any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and findnortheastflorid
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” In a brief filed earlier this month, Bass Pro said applying the Teamsters framework would create “settlement pressures amounting to judicial blackmail.” In an earlier brief of its own, the EEOC argued that “the fact that employers’ cost/benefit assessment of continued litigation frequently leads them to settle should not preclude the Commission from using the Teamsters framework.” Analog sound vs. digital sound Analog sound versus digital sound compares the two ways in which sound is recorded and stored. Actual sound waves consist of continuous variations in air pressure. Representations of these signals can be recorded in either digital or analog formats. An analog recording is one where the original sound signal is modulated onto another physical medium or substrate such as the groove of a gramophone disc or the iron oxide surface of a magnetic tape. A physical quality in the medium (e.g., the intensity of the magnetic field or the path of a record groove) is directly related, or analogous, to the physical properties of the original sound (e.g., the amplitude, phase, etc.) A digital recording is produced by converting the physical properties of the original sound into a sequence of numbers, which can then be stored and played back for reproduction. The accuracy of the conversion process depends on the sampling rate (how often the sound is sampled and a related numerical value is created) and the sampling depth (how much information each sample contains, which can also be described as the maximum numerical size of each sampled value). However, unlike analog recording which depends critically on the long-term durability of the "fidelity of the waveforms" recorded on the medium, the physical medium storing digital samples is essentially immaterial in playback of the encoded information so long as the original sequence of numbers can be recovered. Main differences It is a subject of debate whether or not analog audio is superior to digital audio or vice versa. The question is highly dependent on the quality of the systems (analog or digital) under review, and other factors which are not necessarily related to sound quality. Arguments for analog systems include the absence of fundamental error mechanisms which are present in digital audio systems, including aliasing, quantization noise, [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1430/is_n5_v17/ai_16368605/pg_1] and supposed limitations in dynamic range. Advocates of digital point to the high levels of performance possible with digital audio, including excellent
” In a brief filed earlier this month, Bass Pro said applying the Teamsters framework would create “settlement pressures amounting to judicial blackmail.” In an earlier brief of its own, the EEOC argued that “the fact that employers’ cost/benefit assessment of continued litigation frequently leads them to settle should not preclude the Commission from using the Teamsters framework.” Analog sound vs. digital sound Analog sound versus digital sound compares the two ways in which sound is recorded and stored. Actual sound waves consist of continuous variations in air pressure. Representations of these signals can be recorded in either digital or analog formats. An analog recording is one where the original sound signal is modulated onto another physical medium or substrate such as the groove of a gramophone disc or the iron oxide surface of a magnetic tape. A physical quality in the medium (e.g., the intensity of the magnetic field or the path of a record groove) is directly related, or analogous, to the physical properties of the original sound (e.g., the amplitude, phase, etc.) A digital recording is produced by converting the physical properties of the original sound into a sequence of numbers, which can then be stored and played back for reproduction. The accuracy of the conversion process depends on the sampling rate (how often the sound is sampled and a related numerical value is created) and the sampling depth (how much information each sample contains, which can also be described as the maximum numerical size of each sampled value). However, unlike analog recording which depends critically on the long-term durability of the "fidelity of the waveforms" recorded on the medium, the physical medium storing digital samples is essentially immaterial in playback of the encoded information so long as the original sequence of numbers can be recovered. Main differences It is a subject of debate whether or not analog audio is superior to digital audio or vice versa. The question is highly dependent on the quality of the systems (analog or digital) under review, and other factors which are not necessarily related to sound quality. Arguments for analog systems include the absence of fundamental error mechanisms which are present in digital audio systems, including aliasing, quantization noise, [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1430/is_n5_v17/ai_16368605/pg_1] and supposed limitations in dynamic range. Advocates of digital point to the high levels of performance possible with digital audio, including excellent
linearity in the audible band and low levels of noise and distortion (Sony Europe 2001). Accurate, high quality sound reproduction is possible with both analog and digital systems. One of the most limiting aspects of analog technology is the sensitivity of analog media to physical degradation. The principal advantages that digital systems have is very uniform source fidelity, inexpensive media duplication (and playback) costs, direct use of the digital 'signal' in today's popular portable storage and playback devices. Analog recordings by comparison require comparatively bulky, high-quality playback equipment to capture the signal from the media as accurately as digital. Analog equipment imperfections may cause distortions like wow, flutter, tape hiss or when the medium becomes worn (as in the case of a vinyl record), surface noise. Some of these distortions can be addressed using timebase correction, as is done in VHS tapes, filtering or high-quality components. Time-instability in PCM digital systems (jitter) may be audible on some signals, particularly sinusoids (Rumsey & Watkinson 1995, Dunn 2003:34). As of 2008, all audiophile and consumer grade digital systems now encode the clock (which if independent from the bit stream is the source of jitter) into the coded data itself. Early in the development of the Compact Disc, engineers realized that the perfection of the spiral of bits was critical to playback fidelity. A scratch the width of a human hair (100 microns) could corrupt several dozen bits, resulting in at best a pop, and far worse, a loss of synchronization of the clock and data, giving a long segment of noise until resynchronized. This was addressed by encoding the digital stream with a multi-tiered error-correction coding scheme which reduces CD capacity by about 20%, but makes it tolerant to hundreds of surface imperfections across the disk without loss of signal. In essence, "error correction" can be thought of as "using the mathematically encoded backup copies of the data that was corrupted." Error correction allows digital formats to tolerate quite a bit more media deterioration than analog formats. That is not to say poorly produced digital media are immune to data loss. Laser rot was most troublesome to the Laserdisc format, and was caused by inadequate disc manufacture. There can occasionally be difficulties related to the use of consumer recordable/rewritable compact discs. This may be due to poor-quality CD recorder drives or low-quality discs. Unlike analog duplication, digital copies are usually exact clones, which can be
preceded moveable type and are the earliest known printing technology. Wood-Engraving Engraving made with the graver or burin on the cross-section of a piece of boxwood; the harder wood and finer tools allow for more delicate, finely detailed images, while the block can still be set in the page alongside text and printed on the same stock as the text. While much older, wood engravings enjoyed an important renaissance in the late eighteenth century through Thomas Bewick and continued in popularity thorugh the nineteenth century. Wormhole Tiny pinhole-sized trails left by bookworms as they eat through a text block. Much more common in older books printed on handmade papers with a high rag content than in books printed on manufactured papers made from wood pulp with a higher acidic content. Wrappers Paper coverings—plain, marbled or printed—attached by stitches, staples or glue to a text block to identify it and afford it some protection (though much more fragile than a binding in plain, cloth or leather-covered boards). More typical of slim and/or inexpensive volumes such as pamphlets. “Self wrappers” are leaves, blank or printed, that are integral to the text block, conjugate with other leaves and from the same stock. “Original wrappers,” those attached at the time of issue, are scarce and extremely desirable to most collectors. Receive Electronic Catalogues New York Times Book Review © Copyright 2020, Bauman Rare Books | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Youtube Twitter Facebook Pinterest Vimeo © Copyright 2020 Bauman Rare Books Costantino Peroni to compete in 2019 G1 Series 1 March 2019 /0 Comments/in News /by Press Costantino Peroni is ready to come back in action. The 22-yers-old driver from Milan, after a long break due to school commitment will be back racing in the G1 Series by Griiip thanks to Not Only Motorsport call for the upcoming season. Costantino started his racing career in 2011 driving kart, then in 2013 and 2014 was at the wheel of Formula 3. 2015 season saw him racing in Formula JK Tyres Championship, winning two races being also the best foreign driver in the Indian competition. G1 Series will be part of the Formula X events, starting from Cremona, in Italy, on March 31st. Costantino Peroni “I’m really excited to be back at the wheel
preceded moveable type and are the earliest known printing technology. Wood-Engraving Engraving made with the graver or burin on the cross-section of a piece of boxwood; the harder wood and finer tools allow for more delicate, finely detailed images, while the block can still be set in the page alongside text and printed on the same stock as the text. While much older, wood engravings enjoyed an important renaissance in the late eighteenth century through Thomas Bewick and continued in popularity thorugh the nineteenth century. Wormhole Tiny pinhole-sized trails left by bookworms as they eat through a text block. Much more common in older books printed on handmade papers with a high rag content than in books printed on manufactured papers made from wood pulp with a higher acidic content. Wrappers Paper coverings—plain, marbled or printed—attached by stitches, staples or glue to a text block to identify it and afford it some protection (though much more fragile than a binding in plain, cloth or leather-covered boards). More typical of slim and/or inexpensive volumes such as pamphlets. “Self wrappers” are leaves, blank or printed, that are integral to the text block, conjugate with other leaves and from the same stock. “Original wrappers,” those attached at the time of issue, are scarce and extremely desirable to most collectors. Receive Electronic Catalogues New York Times Book Review © Copyright 2020, Bauman Rare Books | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Youtube Twitter Facebook Pinterest Vimeo © Copyright 2020 Bauman Rare Books Costantino Peroni to compete in 2019 G1 Series 1 March 2019 /0 Comments/in News /by Press Costantino Peroni is ready to come back in action. The 22-yers-old driver from Milan, after a long break due to school commitment will be back racing in the G1 Series by Griiip thanks to Not Only Motorsport call for the upcoming season. Costantino started his racing career in 2011 driving kart, then in 2013 and 2014 was at the wheel of Formula 3. 2015 season saw him racing in Formula JK Tyres Championship, winning two races being also the best foreign driver in the Indian competition. G1 Series will be part of the Formula X events, starting from Cremona, in Italy, on March 31st. Costantino Peroni “I’m really excited to be back at the wheel
of a racing car for 2019. I came back in action in Cervesina last winter, at the wheel of the Alfa Romeo Giulietta TCR by Romeo Ferraris thanks also to Triple A Management support. They also put me in contact with Not Only Motorsport, and I’ve been chosen by Simona Del Plavinano for this adventure. I found in the technical staff Luca Giovannelli, which was my engineer in my previous LMP3 experience. I’m really motivated and optimistic for this new adventure”. http://www.costantinoperoni.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Peroni.jpeg 900 1600 Press http://www.costantinoperoni.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/logo_retina.png Press2019-03-01 09:58:272019-03-09 10:11:12Costantino Peroni al via della G1 Series nel 2019Costantino Peroni to compete in 2019 G1 Series Another difficult week-end for Costantino Peroni at Cervesina Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.[...] Double virtual podium for Costantino Peroni in Varano Costantino Peroni barely missed podium in G1 Virtual Series 2019 Costantino Peroni took part to his maiden G1 Virtual Series race. After a positive podium in a diffi[...] Emotional podium for Costantino Peroni on his debut in Cremona Costantino Peroni celebrates his maiden podium on his come back to competition. The Italian driver, [...] Costantino Peroni is ready to come back in action. The 22-yers-old driver from Milan, after a long b[...] Retweet on TwitterCostantino Peroni Retweeted Formula 1@F1· Best race of the decade? Plenty of you picked this classic... from just 5 months ago 🍿🍿🍿 © 2019, costantinoperoni.net. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy NEUROSCIENTISTS Dr. Alan Snow Dr. Rudy Tanzi How Percepta® Works What Makes Percepta® Different? The Discovery of Percepta® Presentations & Patents Percepta® Percepta Sport™ Percepta Professional™ Groundbreaking Memory
which commits GateHouse Media to paying regardless of how high those fees might rise, Carmack refused. Carmack also initially denied a portion of the request upfront — that of the midwives’ addresses — going against decades of opinions issued by her own office. At the time, she cited no statute exempting the addresses despite multiple requests to do so. In a follow-up phone conversation, Carmack said GateHouse Media could file a lawsuit if it wanted the addresses. GateHouse Media journalists tweeted about the situation, piquing the interest of several open-records advocates. The nonprofit open-records organization MuckRock blasted the state for “reach(ing a) new milestone in barriers to access.” And the Alabama Sunlight Coalition plans to publish advertisements criticizing the state’s response to the records request. GateHouse Media refused to complete the form and further argued it was entitled to the midwives’ addresses. “The Alabama Supreme Court has condemned precisely the sort of selective government decision-making that the record here demonstrates, admonishing that the Open Records Act is not ‘an avenue for public officials to pick and choose what they believe the public should be made aware of,’ ” wrote GateHouse Media attorney Charles Tobin in a four-page letter to Carmack on April 2. The letter was sent on behalf of GateHouse Media, The Tuscaloosa News and The Gadsden Times. Tobin criticized both the two-page form and the denial of addresses, citing numerous statutes, attorney general opinions and legal cases in support of his position. He urged Carmack to release the records by that Friday without charge. Carmack responded that she would release most of the records without charge and without requiring completion of the form. But she continued to argue against releasing the midwives’ addresses, this time citing a section of the law that allows for exemption when providing the records could be detrimental to public safety or welfare. This is despite the fact the Alabama Attorney General’s Office has issued opinions that the addresses of other professional state licensees and group members are subject to public disclosure, including plumbers, gas fitters, workers compensation insureds, and members of the Peace Annuity Fund. “We fail to see, in light of your office’s contrary legal opinion as to these categories of individuals, why your office now believes the ‘public safety and welfare’ is served by withholding the
which commits GateHouse Media to paying regardless of how high those fees might rise, Carmack refused. Carmack also initially denied a portion of the request upfront — that of the midwives’ addresses — going against decades of opinions issued by her own office. At the time, she cited no statute exempting the addresses despite multiple requests to do so. In a follow-up phone conversation, Carmack said GateHouse Media could file a lawsuit if it wanted the addresses. GateHouse Media journalists tweeted about the situation, piquing the interest of several open-records advocates. The nonprofit open-records organization MuckRock blasted the state for “reach(ing a) new milestone in barriers to access.” And the Alabama Sunlight Coalition plans to publish advertisements criticizing the state’s response to the records request. GateHouse Media refused to complete the form and further argued it was entitled to the midwives’ addresses. “The Alabama Supreme Court has condemned precisely the sort of selective government decision-making that the record here demonstrates, admonishing that the Open Records Act is not ‘an avenue for public officials to pick and choose what they believe the public should be made aware of,’ ” wrote GateHouse Media attorney Charles Tobin in a four-page letter to Carmack on April 2. The letter was sent on behalf of GateHouse Media, The Tuscaloosa News and The Gadsden Times. Tobin criticized both the two-page form and the denial of addresses, citing numerous statutes, attorney general opinions and legal cases in support of his position. He urged Carmack to release the records by that Friday without charge. Carmack responded that she would release most of the records without charge and without requiring completion of the form. But she continued to argue against releasing the midwives’ addresses, this time citing a section of the law that allows for exemption when providing the records could be detrimental to public safety or welfare. This is despite the fact the Alabama Attorney General’s Office has issued opinions that the addresses of other professional state licensees and group members are subject to public disclosure, including plumbers, gas fitters, workers compensation insureds, and members of the Peace Annuity Fund. “We fail to see, in light of your office’s contrary legal opinion as to these categories of individuals, why your office now believes the ‘public safety and welfare’ is served by withholding the
addresses of state-licensed health professionals such as midwives,” Tobin responded in an email. Carmack relented when GateHouse Media clarified that it was interested in midwives’ mailing addresses; not necessarily home addresses. The board updated its website Friday to include the licensing information requested and released three of the six midwives’ mailing addresses via email. The other three were not available and will be provided as soon as possible, Carmack said. The request was made in pursuit of a follow-up story to GateHouse Media’s series on the rise and risk of out-of-hospital births, “Failure to Deliver.” When the project published in November 2018, Alabama had not begun issuing licenses to non-nurse midwives. Only six midwives have been licensed since then. GateHouse Media has filed more than 130 similar requests for information about certified nurse midwives, licensed midwives and birth center licensing information in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including a request to the Alabama Board of Nursing, which fulfilled the request without cost. “I commend your organization for the fortitude to keep pushing. I think it shows that when our government is put in a position where they have to release records, it’s a benefit to all of us,” said Carla Crowder of the Alabama Sunlight Coalition. “It is just too easy for public officials to withhold or to make it incredibly difficult for journalists, and any member of the public, to access records that can show information that’s important to the wellbeing of the people of our state. It shouldn’t take attorneys getting involved for public records to be released.” Lucille Sherman is a national data enterprise reporter for GateHouse Media. HomeInterview with Oscar Nominated Production Designer Michael Corenblith (Apollo 13, The Blind Side) Interview with Oscar Nominated Production Designer Michael Corenblith (Apollo 13, The Blind Side) February 4, 2016 February 4, 2016 matthewtoffolo art direction, directing a film, film notes, filmmaking notes, how to make a movie, interview, matthew toffolo, Matthew Toffolo WILDsound, movie tips, photography, producing, tips to write a great story, Uncategorizedapollo 13, ART DIRECTION, Art Director, dinner for schmucks, filmmaker, filmmaking notes, game change, how to make a movie, interview, matthew to
big names and that’s what’s going to have to happen to get Machado to St. Louis. They Don’t Need A Shortstop Paul DeJong just signed a six-year extension with the Cardinals to be their shortstop after and impressive rookie campaign in 2017. This year his offense hasn’t been as good, but he’s still been solid up the middle on defense and is without a doubt an everyday big league shortstop. That could pose an issue in the attempt to land Machado though. Machado has made it known from the beginning of 2018 that he wants to play short, rather than third. Despite being a much inferior defender at short than third, it looks like he’s sticking with his guns in LA. The Dodgers do have a very good third baseman, Justin Turner, who factors into Machado playing short, but that’s part of the reason he’s in Los Angeles in the first place. The Cardinals need is at the hot corner, so for Machado to accept a deal to St. Louis, he’s going to have to agree to go back to his normal position with limited opportunities at short. Josh Donaldson is another free agent this season and he has no problem playing third base. The Cards have been associated with Donaldson since last season when it was rumored he was on the trading block. They missed out on him back in August though, when he went to Cleveland, which might indicate their level of interest in getting him. Donaldson does have a history of injury and hasn’t exactly over-performed in 2018. Still, he is a former MVP and plays very good defense and is going to be much less expensive than Machado. He hasn’t been shy about his desire to play in Toronto, but the Blue Jays just traded him for next to nothing, so the feelings might not be mutual. Patrick Wisdom Finally, the Cardinals already have a third baseman in their system and on their roster at the moment in Patrick Wisdom. Wisdom is big league ready at 27 years old, after spending the better part of six seasons in the Minor Leagues, and is only going to be better by next spring. He’s struggled a little lately, but his potential is still there and he’s displayed his ability at times this season with the Cardinals. Last year he hit 31 homers at Triple-A and he’s hit three with the Cards this season in
big names and that’s what’s going to have to happen to get Machado to St. Louis. They Don’t Need A Shortstop Paul DeJong just signed a six-year extension with the Cardinals to be their shortstop after and impressive rookie campaign in 2017. This year his offense hasn’t been as good, but he’s still been solid up the middle on defense and is without a doubt an everyday big league shortstop. That could pose an issue in the attempt to land Machado though. Machado has made it known from the beginning of 2018 that he wants to play short, rather than third. Despite being a much inferior defender at short than third, it looks like he’s sticking with his guns in LA. The Dodgers do have a very good third baseman, Justin Turner, who factors into Machado playing short, but that’s part of the reason he’s in Los Angeles in the first place. The Cardinals need is at the hot corner, so for Machado to accept a deal to St. Louis, he’s going to have to agree to go back to his normal position with limited opportunities at short. Josh Donaldson is another free agent this season and he has no problem playing third base. The Cards have been associated with Donaldson since last season when it was rumored he was on the trading block. They missed out on him back in August though, when he went to Cleveland, which might indicate their level of interest in getting him. Donaldson does have a history of injury and hasn’t exactly over-performed in 2018. Still, he is a former MVP and plays very good defense and is going to be much less expensive than Machado. He hasn’t been shy about his desire to play in Toronto, but the Blue Jays just traded him for next to nothing, so the feelings might not be mutual. Patrick Wisdom Finally, the Cardinals already have a third baseman in their system and on their roster at the moment in Patrick Wisdom. Wisdom is big league ready at 27 years old, after spending the better part of six seasons in the Minor Leagues, and is only going to be better by next spring. He’s struggled a little lately, but his potential is still there and he’s displayed his ability at times this season with the Cardinals. Last year he hit 31 homers at Triple-A and he’s hit three with the Cards this season in
34 at-bats. If the Redbirds see him as the third baseman of the future they have no reason to spend the money on Machado this offseason. Featured Image by John Bazemore of Associated Press You can “Like” The Game Haus on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter for more sports and esports articles from other great TGH writers along with Canyon! 2019 Free AgencyManny MachadoMLB Free AgentsSt. Louis CardinalsShare0 Quarterbacks judged too much on winning FanDuel: Quarterbacks to avoid in week two Canyon Clark Domnhall Gleeson is General Hux: The Last Jedi Interview By Chrysa | 1 Comment You would never expect General Hux to enter a room with a joke, but that’s exactly what Domnhall Gleeson did to start our interview about his role as General Hux in STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. As he was entering to a big round of applause from the group of 25 bloggers he said, “You know I’m not Cate Blanchett, right? I know, I know.. I used to get called Cate all the time when I was nineteen. ‘Cause I look like her.” Domnhall then went on to make us laugh many times during our 20 minute interview. This guy is funny and real! Why Domnhall Didn’t Watch The Last Jedi Until Premiere Night “They had a screening for the cast, but I decided I would rather see it with like two thousand people who don’t know what’s going to happen – just the feeling in the room. At the Force Awakens, that premiere was insane. I was there with my dad and my friend Lawrence. Like what the hell is going on. Like, whoops and cheering and big gasps and everything. I didn’t want to miss out on that being my first experience with the film.” Domhall Gleeson’s Harrison Ford Fanboy Moment “When I went to one of the premier things last time round, Harrison Ford was there and they were giving out these plastic light sabers to the fans, and I picked a green one ‘cause I’m Irish. And then, we were at the thing and just Harrison Ford’s like the coolest man in the world. So I was talking to my agent and I was kind of
is at least equal to the radius of the opinion graph, the infinite one-dimensional system fluctuates and clusters while the probability that the finite system reaches ultimately a consensus, i.e., fixates in a configuration where all the individuals share the same opinion, is bounded from below by a positive constant that does not depend on the size of the spatial structure. Here, infinite one-dimensional means that the spatial structure is the graph with vertex set~$\mathbb{Z}$ and where each vertex is connected to its two nearest neighbors. \begin{theorem} -- \label{th:fluctuation} Assume~\eqref{eq:product}. Then, \begin{enumerate} \item[a.] the process on~$\mathbb{Z}$ fluctuates whenever \begin{equation} \label{eq:fluctuation} d (i, j) \leq \tau \quad \hbox{for all} \quad (i, j) \in V_1 \times V_2 \quad \hbox{for some $V$-partition~$\{V_1, V_2 \}$}. \end{equation} \end{enumerate} Assume in addition that~$\mathbf{r} \leq \tau$. Then, \begin{enumerate} \item[b.] the process on~$\mathbb{Z}$ clusters and \vspace*{3pt} \item[c.] the probability of consensus on any finite connected graph satisfies $$ \begin{array}{l} P \,(\eta_t \equiv \hbox{constant for some} \ t > 0) \ \geq \ \rho_{\cent} := \sum_{j \in C (\Gamma, \tau)} \,\rho_j \ > \ 0. \end{array} $$ \end{enumerate} \end{theorem} We will show that the~$\tau$-center is nonempty if and only if the threshold is at least equal to the radius so the probability of consensus in the last part is indeed positive. In fact, except when the threshold is at least equal to the diameter, in which case
is at least equal to the radius of the opinion graph, the infinite one-dimensional system fluctuates and clusters while the probability that the finite system reaches ultimately a consensus, i.e., fixates in a configuration where all the individuals share the same opinion, is bounded from below by a positive constant that does not depend on the size of the spatial structure. Here, infinite one-dimensional means that the spatial structure is the graph with vertex set~$\mathbb{Z}$ and where each vertex is connected to its two nearest neighbors. \begin{theorem} -- \label{th:fluctuation} Assume~\eqref{eq:product}. Then, \begin{enumerate} \item[a.] the process on~$\mathbb{Z}$ fluctuates whenever \begin{equation} \label{eq:fluctuation} d (i, j) \leq \tau \quad \hbox{for all} \quad (i, j) \in V_1 \times V_2 \quad \hbox{for some $V$-partition~$\{V_1, V_2 \}$}. \end{equation} \end{enumerate} Assume in addition that~$\mathbf{r} \leq \tau$. Then, \begin{enumerate} \item[b.] the process on~$\mathbb{Z}$ clusters and \vspace*{3pt} \item[c.] the probability of consensus on any finite connected graph satisfies $$ \begin{array}{l} P \,(\eta_t \equiv \hbox{constant for some} \ t > 0) \ \geq \ \rho_{\cent} := \sum_{j \in C (\Gamma, \tau)} \,\rho_j \ > \ 0. \end{array} $$ \end{enumerate} \end{theorem} We will show that the~$\tau$-center is nonempty if and only if the threshold is at least equal to the radius so the probability of consensus in the last part is indeed positive. In fact, except when the threshold is at least equal to the diameter, in which case
all three conclusions of the theorem turn out to be trivial, when the threshold is at least equal to the radius, both the~$\tau$-center and its complement are nonempty, and therefore form a partition that satisfies~\eqref{eq:fluctuation}. In particular, fluctuation also holds when the radius is not more than the threshold. We also point out that the last part of the theorem implies that the average domain length in the final absorbing state scales like the population size, namely~$\card \mathscr V$. This result applies in particular to the constrained voter model where the opinion graph is a path with three vertices interpreted as leftists, centrists and rightists, thus contradicting the conjecture on domain length scaling in~\cite{vazquez_krapivsky_redner_2003}. \indent We now seek for sufficient conditions for fixation of the infinite one-dimensional system, beginning with general opinion graphs. At least for the process starting from the uniform product measure, these conditions can be expressed using $$ N (\Gamma, s) \ := \ \card \{(i, j) \in V \times V : d (i, j) = s \} \quad \hbox{for} \quad s = 1, 2, \ldots, \mathbf{d}, $$ which is the number of pairs of opinions at opinion distance~$s$ of each other. In the statement of the next theorem, the function~$\ceil{\,\cdot \,}$ refers to the ceiling function. \begin{theorem} -- \label{th:fixation} For the opinion model on~$\mathbb{Z}$, fixation occurs \begin{enumerate} \item[a.] when~\eqref{eq:uniform} holds and \begin{equation} \label{eq:th-fixation} \begin{array}{l} S (\Gamma, \tau) \ := \ \sum_{k > 0} \,((k - 2) \,\sum_{s : \ceil{s / \tau} = k} \,N (\Gamma, s)) \ > \ 0, \end{array} \end{equation} \item[b
enough to make us cautious about using QuickSampler since, when the Eq. 1 heuristics fails, it seems to fail very badly. We recommend: [backgroundcolor=gray!10,roundcorner=3pt] Conclusion #1: Eq. 1 should not be used without a verification of the resulting test. By way of comparisons, it is useful to add here that Snap verifies every test case it generates. This is practical for Snap, but impractical for QuickSampler since these two systems typically process 102 to 108 test cases, respectively. In any case, another reason to recommend Snap over QuickSampler is that the former delivers tests suites where 100% of all tests are valid. Fig. 4: RQ2 results: Normalized compression distance (NCD) observed when QuickSampler and Snap terminated on the same case studies. Median results over 30 runs (and the small black lines show the 75th-25th variations). Same color scheme as Table II. Fig. 5: RQ3 results: Time to terminated (seconds), The y-axis is in log scale. The Snap sampling time for s1238_a_3_2 and parity.sk_11_11 is not reported since their achieved NCD were much worse than QuickSampler’s (see Fig. 4). Fig. 6 illustrates the corresponding speedups. V-B RQ2: How Diverse are the Snap Test Cases? As stated in our introduction, diverse test suites are better since they cover more parts of the code. A concern with Snap is that, since it explores fewer tests than QuickSampler its tests suites could be far less diverse. Fig. 4 compares the diversity of the test suites generated by our two systems. These results are expressed as ratios of the observed NCD values. Results less than one indicate that Snap’s test suites are less diverse than QuickSampler. In that figure, we see that occasionally, Snap’s faster test suite generation means that the resulting test suites are much less diverse (see s1238_3_2 and parity.sk_11_11). That said, while QuickSampler’s tests are more diverse, the overall difference is usually very small. Also, RQ1 showed us that many of the QuickSampler tests are invalid. This means that the diversity numbers reported for QuickSampler are somewhat inflated since invalid tests would not enter the branches they are meant to cover.
enough to make us cautious about using QuickSampler since, when the Eq. 1 heuristics fails, it seems to fail very badly. We recommend: [backgroundcolor=gray!10,roundcorner=3pt] Conclusion #1: Eq. 1 should not be used without a verification of the resulting test. By way of comparisons, it is useful to add here that Snap verifies every test case it generates. This is practical for Snap, but impractical for QuickSampler since these two systems typically process 102 to 108 test cases, respectively. In any case, another reason to recommend Snap over QuickSampler is that the former delivers tests suites where 100% of all tests are valid. Fig. 4: RQ2 results: Normalized compression distance (NCD) observed when QuickSampler and Snap terminated on the same case studies. Median results over 30 runs (and the small black lines show the 75th-25th variations). Same color scheme as Table II. Fig. 5: RQ3 results: Time to terminated (seconds), The y-axis is in log scale. The Snap sampling time for s1238_a_3_2 and parity.sk_11_11 is not reported since their achieved NCD were much worse than QuickSampler’s (see Fig. 4). Fig. 6 illustrates the corresponding speedups. V-B RQ2: How Diverse are the Snap Test Cases? As stated in our introduction, diverse test suites are better since they cover more parts of the code. A concern with Snap is that, since it explores fewer tests than QuickSampler its tests suites could be far less diverse. Fig. 4 compares the diversity of the test suites generated by our two systems. These results are expressed as ratios of the observed NCD values. Results less than one indicate that Snap’s test suites are less diverse than QuickSampler. In that figure, we see that occasionally, Snap’s faster test suite generation means that the resulting test suites are much less diverse (see s1238_3_2 and parity.sk_11_11). That said, while QuickSampler’s tests are more diverse, the overall difference is usually very small. Also, RQ1 showed us that many of the QuickSampler tests are invalid. This means that the diversity numbers reported for QuickSampler are somewhat inflated since invalid tests would not enter the branches they are meant to cover.
Hence, overall, we say: [backgroundcolor=gray!10,roundcorner=3pt] Conclusion #2: The diversity of Snap’s test suites are not markedly worse than those of QuickSampler. V-C RQ3: How Fast is Snap? Fig. 5 shows the execution time required for Snap and QuickSampler. The y-axis of this plot is a log-scale and shows time in seconds. These results are shown in the same order as Table II. That is, from left to right, these case studies grow from around 300 to around 3,000,000 clauses. For the smaller case studies, shown on the left, Snap is sometimes slower than QuickSampler. Moving left to right, from smaller to larger case studies, it can be seen that Snap often terminates much faster than QuickSampler. Fig. 6 is a summary of Fig. 5 that divides the execution time for both systems. From this figure it can be seen: [backgroundcolor=gray!10,roundcorner=3pt] Conclusion #3: Snap was 10 to 3000 times faster than QuickSampler (median to max). There are some exceptions to this conclusion, where QuickSampler was faster than Snap (see the right-hand-side of Fig. 6). We note that in most of those these cases, those models are small (17,000 clauses or less). For medium to larger models, with 20,000 to 2.5 million clauses, Snap is nearly always orders of magnitude faster than QuickSampler. Fig. 6: RQ3 results: Sorted speedup (time(QuickSampler) / time(Snap)). The speedup>100 implies Snap terminates earlier than QuickSampler. SS SQ SQ/ Case studies Snap QuickSampler SS blasted_case47 2899 71 0.02 isolateRightmost 15480 7510 0.49 LoginService2 404 210 0.52 19.sk_3_48 204 200 0.98 70.sk_3_40 3050 4270 1.40 s820a_15_7 29065 70099 2.41 s820a_7_4 37463 124457 3.32 s1196a_3_2 225 1890 8.40 enqueueSeqSK 338 2495 7.38 blasted_case110 274 2386 8.71 tutorial3.sk
1. (e)1. Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state, or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession of, 200 grams or more of methaqualone or of any mixture containing methaqualone, as described in s. 893.03(1)(d), commits a felony of the first degree, which felony shall be known as “trafficking in methaqualone,” punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the quantity involved: a. Is 200 grams or more, but less than 5 kilograms, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $50,000. b. Is 5 kilograms or more, but less than 25 kilograms, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 7 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $100,000. c. Is 25 kilograms or more, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 15 calendar years and pay a fine of $250,000. 2. Any person who knowingly brings into this state 50 kilograms or more of methaqualone or of any mixture containing methaqualone, as described in s. 893.03(1)(d), and who knows that the probable result of such importation would be the death of any person commits capital importation of methaqualone, a capital felony punishable as provided in ss. 775.082 and 921.142. Any person sentenced for a capital felony under this paragraph shall also be sentenced to pay the maximum fine provided under subparagraph 1. (f)1. Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state, or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession of, 14 grams or more of amphetamine, as described in s. 893.03(2)(c)2., or methamphetamine, as described in s. 893.03(2)(c)5., or of any mixture containing amphetamine or methamphetamine, or phenylacetone, phenylacetic acid, pseudoephedrine, or ephedrine in conjunction with other chemicals and equipment utilized in the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine
1. (e)1. Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state, or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession of, 200 grams or more of methaqualone or of any mixture containing methaqualone, as described in s. 893.03(1)(d), commits a felony of the first degree, which felony shall be known as “trafficking in methaqualone,” punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the quantity involved: a. Is 200 grams or more, but less than 5 kilograms, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $50,000. b. Is 5 kilograms or more, but less than 25 kilograms, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 7 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $100,000. c. Is 25 kilograms or more, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 15 calendar years and pay a fine of $250,000. 2. Any person who knowingly brings into this state 50 kilograms or more of methaqualone or of any mixture containing methaqualone, as described in s. 893.03(1)(d), and who knows that the probable result of such importation would be the death of any person commits capital importation of methaqualone, a capital felony punishable as provided in ss. 775.082 and 921.142. Any person sentenced for a capital felony under this paragraph shall also be sentenced to pay the maximum fine provided under subparagraph 1. (f)1. Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state, or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession of, 14 grams or more of amphetamine, as described in s. 893.03(2)(c)2., or methamphetamine, as described in s. 893.03(2)(c)5., or of any mixture containing amphetamine or methamphetamine, or phenylacetone, phenylacetic acid, pseudoephedrine, or ephedrine in conjunction with other chemicals and equipment utilized in the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine
, commits a felony of the first degree, which felony shall be known as “trafficking in amphetamine,” punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the quantity involved: a. Is 14 grams or more, but less than 28 grams, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $50,000. b. Is 28 grams or more, but less than 200 grams, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 7 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $100,000. 2. Any person who knowingly manufactures or brings into this state 400 grams or more of amphetamine, as described in s. 893.03(2)(c)2., or methamphetamine, as described in s. 893.03(2)(c)5., or of any mixture containing amphetamine or methamphetamine, or phenylacetone, phenylacetic acid, pseudoephedrine, or ephedrine in conjunction with other chemicals and equipment used in the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine, and who knows that the probable result of such manufacture or importation would be the death of any person commits capital manufacture or importation of amphetamine, a capital felony punishable as provided in ss. 775.082 and 921.142. Any person sentenced for a capital felony under this paragraph shall also be sentenced to pay the maximum fine provided under subparagraph 1. (g)1. Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state, or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession of, 4 grams or more of flunitrazepam or any mixture containing flunitrazepam as described in s. 893.03(1)(a) commits a felony of the first degree, which felony shall be known as “trafficking in flunitrazepam,” punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the quantity involved: a. Is 4 grams or more but less than 14 grams, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $
the world, for it occupies more seats in the UN General Assembly than any other continent. Yet the reality is that ours is the poorest and weakest continent in the world. And our weakness is pathetic. Unity will not end our weakness, but until we unite, we cannot even begin to end that weakness. So this is my plea to the new generation of African leaders and African peoples: work for unity with the firm conviction that without unity, there is no future for Africa. That is, of course, assuming that we still want to have a place under the sun. I reject the glorification of the nationstate [that] we inherited from colonialism, and the artificial nations we are trying to forge from that inheritance. We are all Africans trying very hard to be Ghanaians or Tanzanians. Fortunately for Africa, we have not been completely successful. The outside world hardly recognises our Ghanaianness or Tanzanian-ness. What the outside world recognises about us is our Africanness. Hitler was a German, Mussolini was an Italian, Franco was a Spaniard, Salazar was Portuguese, Stalin was a Russian or a Georgian. Nobody expected Churchill to be ashamed of Hitler. He was probably ashamed of Chamberlain. Nobody expected Charles de Gaulle to be ashamed of Hitler, he was probably ashamed of the complicity of Vichy. It is the Germans and Italians and Spaniards and Portuguese who feel uneasy about those dictators in their respective countries. Not so in Africa. Idi Amin was in Uganda but of Africa. Jean Bokassa was in Central Africa but of Africa. Some of the dictators are still alive in their respective countries, but they are all of Africa. They are all Africans, and all perceived by the outside world as Africans. When I travel outside Africa, the description of me as a former president of Tanzania is a fleeting affair. It does not stick. Apart from the ignorant who sometimes asked me whether Tanzania was in Johannesburg, even to those who knew better, what stuck in the minds of my hosts was the fact of my African-ness. So I had to answer questions about the atrocities of the Amins and Bokassas of Africa. Mrs [Indira] Ghandi [the former Indian prime minister] did not have to answer questions about the atrocities of the Marcoses of Asia. Nor does Fidel Castro have to answer questions about the atrocities of the Somozas of Latin America. But when I travel or meet foreigners, I have to answer questions about Somalia, Liberia, Rwanda, Burund
the world, for it occupies more seats in the UN General Assembly than any other continent. Yet the reality is that ours is the poorest and weakest continent in the world. And our weakness is pathetic. Unity will not end our weakness, but until we unite, we cannot even begin to end that weakness. So this is my plea to the new generation of African leaders and African peoples: work for unity with the firm conviction that without unity, there is no future for Africa. That is, of course, assuming that we still want to have a place under the sun. I reject the glorification of the nationstate [that] we inherited from colonialism, and the artificial nations we are trying to forge from that inheritance. We are all Africans trying very hard to be Ghanaians or Tanzanians. Fortunately for Africa, we have not been completely successful. The outside world hardly recognises our Ghanaianness or Tanzanian-ness. What the outside world recognises about us is our Africanness. Hitler was a German, Mussolini was an Italian, Franco was a Spaniard, Salazar was Portuguese, Stalin was a Russian or a Georgian. Nobody expected Churchill to be ashamed of Hitler. He was probably ashamed of Chamberlain. Nobody expected Charles de Gaulle to be ashamed of Hitler, he was probably ashamed of the complicity of Vichy. It is the Germans and Italians and Spaniards and Portuguese who feel uneasy about those dictators in their respective countries. Not so in Africa. Idi Amin was in Uganda but of Africa. Jean Bokassa was in Central Africa but of Africa. Some of the dictators are still alive in their respective countries, but they are all of Africa. They are all Africans, and all perceived by the outside world as Africans. When I travel outside Africa, the description of me as a former president of Tanzania is a fleeting affair. It does not stick. Apart from the ignorant who sometimes asked me whether Tanzania was in Johannesburg, even to those who knew better, what stuck in the minds of my hosts was the fact of my African-ness. So I had to answer questions about the atrocities of the Amins and Bokassas of Africa. Mrs [Indira] Ghandi [the former Indian prime minister] did not have to answer questions about the atrocities of the Marcoses of Asia. Nor does Fidel Castro have to answer questions about the atrocities of the Somozas of Latin America. But when I travel or meet foreigners, I have to answer questions about Somalia, Liberia, Rwanda, Burund
i and Zaire, as in the past I used to answer questions about Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia or South Africa. And the way I was perceived is the way most of my fellow heads of state were perceived. And that is the way you [the people of Africa] are all being perceived. So accepting the fact that we are Africans, gives you a much more worthwhile challenge than the current desperate attempts to fossilise Africa into the wounds inflicted upon it by the vultures of imperialism. Do not be proud of your shame. Reject the return to the tribe, there is richness of culture out there which we must do everything we can to preserve and share. But it is utter madness to think that if these artificial, unviable states which we are trying to create are broken up into tribal components and we turn those into nation-states we might save ourselves. That kind of political and social atavism spells catastrophe for Africa. It would be the end of any kind of genuine development for Africa. It would fossilise Africa into a worse state than the one in which we are. The future The future of Africa, the modernisation of Africa that has a place in the 21st century, is linked with its decolonisation and detribalisation. Tribal atavism would be giving up any hope for Africa. And of all the sins that Africa can commit, the sin of despair would be the most unforgivable. Reject the nonsense of dividing the African peoples into Anglophones, Francophones, and Lusophones. This attempt to divide our peoples according to the language of their former colonial masters must be rejected with the firmness and utter contempt that it richly deserves. The natural owners of those wonderful languages are busy building a united Europe. But Europe is strong even without unity. Europe has less need of unity, and the strength that comes from unity, than Africa. A new generation of self-respecting Africans should spit in the face of anybody who suggests that our continent should remain divided and fossilised in the shame of colonialism, in order to satisfy the national pride of our former colonial masters. Africa must unite! That was the title of one of Kwame Nkrumah’s books. That call is more urgent today than ever before. Together, we, the peoples of Africa will be incomparably stronger internationally than we are now with our multiplicity of unviable states. The needs of our separate countries can be, and are being, ignored
atura ga spominje kao dobrog i ljubaznog čovjeka koji je obične Egipćane zvao "svojom braćom" ili "svojim prijateljima". Obitelj Snofru je imao mnogo potomaka, te svi faraoni 4. dinastije potječu od njega. S prvom ženom, Snofru je imao nepoznatog sina, zatim Nefermaata, Rahotepa i Ranefera. Sa svojom polusestrom je bio otac princeze Heteferes i Khufua, svog nasljednika, dok je s trećom ženom imao Kanefera i Ankhafa. Ostala Snofruova djeca su bila Nečeraperef, Ijnefer, Nefertkau A, Nefertnesu, Meritites I. i Henutsen. Snofru je svojoj djeci davao imena koja obično sadrže riječ nefer ("ljepota") i imena bogova. Svoje je sinove uzdigao na visoke političke položaje. Sve svoje sinove koje je imao s prvom ženom je nadživio. Nefertkauin sin Nefermaat, Snofruov unuk, nazvao je svog sina Snofrukaf. U literaturi Snofru je bio dosta popularan lik u egipatskoj literaturi. Kufu i čarobnjaci Kufu i čarobnjaci je priča iz drevnog Egipta, napisana na papirusu kojeg je otkrio Henry Westcar 1839. U priči, Kufu, Snofruov sin, okupio je oko sebe svoje sinove, koji ga zabavljaju
atura ga spominje kao dobrog i ljubaznog čovjeka koji je obične Egipćane zvao "svojom braćom" ili "svojim prijateljima". Obitelj Snofru je imao mnogo potomaka, te svi faraoni 4. dinastije potječu od njega. S prvom ženom, Snofru je imao nepoznatog sina, zatim Nefermaata, Rahotepa i Ranefera. Sa svojom polusestrom je bio otac princeze Heteferes i Khufua, svog nasljednika, dok je s trećom ženom imao Kanefera i Ankhafa. Ostala Snofruova djeca su bila Nečeraperef, Ijnefer, Nefertkau A, Nefertnesu, Meritites I. i Henutsen. Snofru je svojoj djeci davao imena koja obično sadrže riječ nefer ("ljepota") i imena bogova. Svoje je sinove uzdigao na visoke političke položaje. Sve svoje sinove koje je imao s prvom ženom je nadživio. Nefertkauin sin Nefermaat, Snofruov unuk, nazvao je svog sina Snofrukaf. U literaturi Snofru je bio dosta popularan lik u egipatskoj literaturi. Kufu i čarobnjaci Kufu i čarobnjaci je priča iz drevnog Egipta, napisana na papirusu kojeg je otkrio Henry Westcar 1839. U priči, Kufu, Snofruov sin, okupio je oko sebe svoje sinove, koji ga zabavljaju
pričajući priče. Princ Baufra, Snofruov unuk, ispriča priču o svom djedu Snofruu: Snofruu je jednom bilo jako dosadno. Zato je k sebi pozvao svećenika i čarobnjaka, Džadžaemanka, da ga zabavi. Svećenik mu je rekao neka sakupi prekrasne žene iz harema, te se zabavi s njima. Snofru zatim naredi da mu donesu dvadeset vesala od ebanovine, te da skupe "dvadeset žena prekrasnih tijela i grudiju i kose koje još nisu rodile". Dvadeset je djevica veslalo, a Snofru i njegov čarobnjak su bili na brodu koji je plovio jezerom i uživali. Nažalost, jednoj je ženi ispao ukras od zlata i tirkiza, u obliku ribe, te pao u vodu, što je rastužilo ženu, koja je prestala veslati. Snofru je vidio njezinu tugu te je naredio čarobnjaku da učini nešto. Čarobnjak upotrijebi sve svoje moći i rastvori jezero, te izvuče ukras. Cijeli je dan Snofru proveo kao blagdan te je darivao svog čarobnjaka. Nakon što je čuo Baufraovu priču, Kufu je prinio žrtve svom ocu i njegovom čarobnjaku. Dalje se tekst na papirusu nastavlja s pričanjem drugih priča. U priči
to work. I think they welcome the reopening of the economy, and I think they’re anxious to get out and about. That said, Kudlow claimed that “at the margins, incentives do matter.” He added, “there’s already some evidence that this effect is taking place.” But he didn’t share any evidence, which means we can only assume that what Donald Trump wants is to save money. Trump wants to save money by making the general population poorer. Congress And Elections Of course, an intention to do something doesn’t guarantee it will be done. Trump might want to end the extra $600 unemployment. But it seems Congress may opt to extend it. Indeed, the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act in May. It extends the extra $600 unemployment support to January 2021. The Act needs to pass the Republican-majority Senate. If it passes the Senate, Trump will be in an awkward position. But the president will also be in a difficult position if he succeeds in removing the $600. Doing this will put millions under strain. By extension, it could hurt his re-election chances in November. Donald Trump’s approval rating, from a poll of polls. | Source: FiveThirtyEight And with Trump’s approval rating hovering around 41%, he shouldn’t be taking any risks. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com. Last modified: September 25, 2020 8:41 PM Donald Trumplarry kudlow Simon Chandler Markets Contributor for CCN living in London, UK. Has a Bachelor's degree in History and Archaeology from Reading University in 2006, and a Master's in Philosophy from King's College London in 2011. Email me | Follow Me on Twitter. Next Airline Stocks May Be Screwed Until 2024 After U.K. Airport Chief's Chilling Warning » Previous « A 'Brad Pitt Movie' Just Confirmed Meghan Markle's Hollywood Delusion I am going to share with you the secrets to perfecting your indoor photography. Shooting photos indoors can be a challenge, but it can also be very exciting. What is Indoor Photography? Indoor photography refers to photos taken indoors: be it portrait photography, real estate photography, or product photography. It can also include artistic projects, […]Read More Birds are an endless source of fascination
to work. I think they welcome the reopening of the economy, and I think they’re anxious to get out and about. That said, Kudlow claimed that “at the margins, incentives do matter.” He added, “there’s already some evidence that this effect is taking place.” But he didn’t share any evidence, which means we can only assume that what Donald Trump wants is to save money. Trump wants to save money by making the general population poorer. Congress And Elections Of course, an intention to do something doesn’t guarantee it will be done. Trump might want to end the extra $600 unemployment. But it seems Congress may opt to extend it. Indeed, the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act in May. It extends the extra $600 unemployment support to January 2021. The Act needs to pass the Republican-majority Senate. If it passes the Senate, Trump will be in an awkward position. But the president will also be in a difficult position if he succeeds in removing the $600. Doing this will put millions under strain. By extension, it could hurt his re-election chances in November. Donald Trump’s approval rating, from a poll of polls. | Source: FiveThirtyEight And with Trump’s approval rating hovering around 41%, he shouldn’t be taking any risks. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com. Last modified: September 25, 2020 8:41 PM Donald Trumplarry kudlow Simon Chandler Markets Contributor for CCN living in London, UK. Has a Bachelor's degree in History and Archaeology from Reading University in 2006, and a Master's in Philosophy from King's College London in 2011. Email me | Follow Me on Twitter. Next Airline Stocks May Be Screwed Until 2024 After U.K. Airport Chief's Chilling Warning » Previous « A 'Brad Pitt Movie' Just Confirmed Meghan Markle's Hollywood Delusion I am going to share with you the secrets to perfecting your indoor photography. Shooting photos indoors can be a challenge, but it can also be very exciting. What is Indoor Photography? Indoor photography refers to photos taken indoors: be it portrait photography, real estate photography, or product photography. It can also include artistic projects, […]Read More Birds are an endless source of fascination
, be it their behavior while courting, or their effortless grace in flight. Many photographers have felt the urge to capture this beauty via bird photography. As a genre, bird photography is one of the most challenging. But, with a little know-how and some technical skills getting stunning bird […]Read More Overview The 2021 Dodge Charger recalls the days when most full-size sedans had rear-wheel drive and rumbly V-8 engines. But the big Dodge sedan also caters to modern society with popular options such as all-wheel drive and contemporary technology. The latter consists of extensive driver assists as well as an excellent infotainment system. Of course, the Charger’s […]Read More Overview Although it’s designed to make you feel like you’ve arrived, the 2022 Bentley Continental GT is also a great car for making the journey memorable. The GT stands for grand touring, and the Conti’s cabin is truly grand, pampering its occupants with fine leather, gorgeous wood, and handsome metal trims mixed with modern technology, plentiful […]Read More Overview A legendary name in supercar history returns in the form of the retro-inspired, limited-edition 2022 Lamborghini Countach. While it’s essentially a re-bodied Aventador with the heart and soul of a Sián, the Italian automaker did an incredible job recreating the original’s iconic design for modern audiences. The reinvented wedge lacks the original’s pop-up headlights and the massive […]Read More Overview With a classically beautiful body and V-8-only engine options, the 2022 Jaguar F-type is a throwback sports car of sorts. Unlike the Chevy Corvette or the Porsche 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman, the Jaguar’s powerplant resides in front of the driver rather than behind them. This gives the F-type dramatic proportions and an altogether different driving experience. The thrilling sound of […]Read More 2022 Hyundai Elantra N Overview Hyundai is expanding its N performance sub-brand with a breathing version of its new Elantra compact car. The 2021 Elantra N is powered by a 286-hp version of the turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder from the spunky Veloster N hatchback. Buyers can choose from either a six-speed manual transmission or an eight-speed automatic. We’ve grown quite fond of the Veloster […]Read More Am
Edge (India) Ltd. 70731.55 Cr BPO/ITeS 12 Quess Corp Ltd. 7746.56 Cr Miscellaneous 13 Indiamart Intermesh Ltd. 20948.42 Cr e-Commerce Important Note: If you want to look into many such thematic stocks like Housing India, Electric Vehicle India Stocks, Infrastructure India, etc, you can go to Trade Brains Portal – BUCKETS. Here, you can find an organized selection of stocks, categorized especially for you. Digital India Stocks are technologically driven and hence have been one of the biggest saviors in times of the pandemic. The current situation has also led to an increased usage of products from such companies. This also means a change in our behaviors post the pandemic with regards to acceptance and dependence on such products. Selecting stocks that have the ability to weather the storm provides investors with the opportunity to take part in the growth of these stocks. How is Nifty 50 Calculated – NSE Benchmark Index!! January 5, 2021 Aron Almeida Market 3 comments Understanding How is Nifty 50 Calculated: At the start of this new Year 2021, Nifty touched the new height of 14,000 points for the first time ever. A good sign for the Indian markets as they keep soaring higher. But have you ever wondered how the index value was arrived at? Today, we discuss the calculation of one prominent index in Indian markets called the Nifty 50. Here, we’ll discuss How is Nifty 50 Calculated and also look into the constituents of Nifty50. Let’s get started. What is Nifty 50? How is Nifty 50 calculated? Meet the Nifty 50 Stocks An Index is basically the stock exchange creating a portfolio of the top securities held by it. Indexes have always played an important role for both investors and companies by offering a reliable benchmark. Investors may use it to compare the performance of the index vs. their portfolio and the management of a company may use it to judge the performance of their company’s stock. Indexes have also been used as an investment strategy where Investment Managers just set up their fund portfolios to simply track the index in an attempt to gain similar market returns. Indexes play an important role as they also stand in the representation of a country’s market and economy. Nifty is derived from ‘National’ (National Stock Exchange) and
Edge (India) Ltd. 70731.55 Cr BPO/ITeS 12 Quess Corp Ltd. 7746.56 Cr Miscellaneous 13 Indiamart Intermesh Ltd. 20948.42 Cr e-Commerce Important Note: If you want to look into many such thematic stocks like Housing India, Electric Vehicle India Stocks, Infrastructure India, etc, you can go to Trade Brains Portal – BUCKETS. Here, you can find an organized selection of stocks, categorized especially for you. Digital India Stocks are technologically driven and hence have been one of the biggest saviors in times of the pandemic. The current situation has also led to an increased usage of products from such companies. This also means a change in our behaviors post the pandemic with regards to acceptance and dependence on such products. Selecting stocks that have the ability to weather the storm provides investors with the opportunity to take part in the growth of these stocks. How is Nifty 50 Calculated – NSE Benchmark Index!! January 5, 2021 Aron Almeida Market 3 comments Understanding How is Nifty 50 Calculated: At the start of this new Year 2021, Nifty touched the new height of 14,000 points for the first time ever. A good sign for the Indian markets as they keep soaring higher. But have you ever wondered how the index value was arrived at? Today, we discuss the calculation of one prominent index in Indian markets called the Nifty 50. Here, we’ll discuss How is Nifty 50 Calculated and also look into the constituents of Nifty50. Let’s get started. What is Nifty 50? How is Nifty 50 calculated? Meet the Nifty 50 Stocks An Index is basically the stock exchange creating a portfolio of the top securities held by it. Indexes have always played an important role for both investors and companies by offering a reliable benchmark. Investors may use it to compare the performance of the index vs. their portfolio and the management of a company may use it to judge the performance of their company’s stock. Indexes have also been used as an investment strategy where Investment Managers just set up their fund portfolios to simply track the index in an attempt to gain similar market returns. Indexes play an important role as they also stand in the representation of a country’s market and economy. Nifty is derived from ‘National’ (National Stock Exchange) and
Fifty. The Index was founded in the year 1992 and began trading in 1994. It is owned and managed by the India Index Service and Products (IISL). The Nifty 50 is a broad market index that acts as an indicator of market movements. As the Nifty 50 includes the biggest Indian companies it captures 65% of the float-adjusted market capitalization of the NSE. It is therefore considered a true reflection of the Indian stock markets. What is Nifty and Sensex? Stock Market Basics (For Beginners) The Nifty 50 index is calculated using the Float-adjusted and Market Capitalization Method. This method reflects the total market value of all the 50 stocks in the index relative to the base period. The base period for the Nifty 50 is taken as November 3, 1995. The First step includes the calculation of the Mcap of all the companies. This represents the total value of all the shares of a company held by investors in the market. Market capitalization = (Shares Outstanding) x (Current Price) The Second step includes multiplying the Mcap with the Investable Weight Factor (IWF). The Investible weight is a factor used to determine the shares available for trading. only considers shares that are available for public trading. This excludes shares held by company promoters, government, shares given to employees, etc. Free-float Market Capitalization = (Market capitalization) x (Investable Weight Factor(IWF)) Third Step. Here, the Free Float Market Cap is then multiplied by the weight assigned to the individual stock. Therefore the calculation for an individual stock would look as follows Weighted Free Float Market Cap = (Market Cap) x (IWF) x (Weight) Fourth Step. We now divide the current market value with its base value from 1995 in order to arrive at the value of the Index. The Current Market Value is the sum total of the Weighted Free-float Market Cap of all the stocks. The Base Market Capital is taken from 1995 which stands at Rs. 2.06 trillion. Index Value = (Current Market Value/Base Market Capital) * 1000 1. Reliance Industries Ltd. Energy - Oil & Gas 14.00% 2. HDFC Bank Ltd. Banking 9.56% 3. Infosys Ltd. Information Technology 7.56% 4. Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Financial Services 6.59% 5. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Information Technology 5.12
Repeat this every 15 minutes until herx has subsided. A person may find greater relief if they combine Burbur Detox with Pinella - repeat dosage for Pinella. Castor Oil Pack Castor oil packs are very effective at helping the liver and lymphatic system detox from strong herxheimer reactions much like an epsom salt bath. To create and use a castor oil pack, pour the castor oil over the absorbent side of the flannel, lie down and place the side of the flannel with the castor oil directly onto your skin above the liver, and then place the heating pad on top. Leave the castor oil pack on for about 30-45 minutes. Warning: Do not ingest castor oil. It is for external use only. Women who are menstruating should not use castor oil packs as it can cause heavy bleeding. Castor oil will stain so be sure to lie upon a protective barrier. Chlorella has the powerful detoxifying ability to bind to toxins and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the digestive tract. It's commonly used in conjunction with cilantro for removing heavy metals. Some people can't digest the cell membrane of chlorella, therefore finding a chlorella product with a "broken cell wall" would be best. Chlorella works best when taken on an empty stomach. Cholestryramine Cholestyramine is a prescription drug designed to bind to toxins extremely well in the body. In those with Lyme Disease, it has helped relieved brain fog and some neurological symptoms associated with the presence of recirculating toxins and endotoxins released from Lyme. Because the drug is so powerful and binds to nearly everything, a person can not take anything 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after taking the drug due to the possibility of inducing a nutrient deficiency. Fractionated pectin powder or modified citrus pectin are popular natural alternatives. Coffee enemas stimulate production of glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver. GST is a powerful enzyme that binds to, matabolizes, and removes toxic substances from the body. The constituents in the coffee are absorbed directly into the liver through the colon wall. Add 3 tablespoons of organic ground coffee to boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, then reduce to a simmer for about 15 additional minutes covered. Strain if needed and let cool before administering. Lie on right side in
Repeat this every 15 minutes until herx has subsided. A person may find greater relief if they combine Burbur Detox with Pinella - repeat dosage for Pinella. Castor Oil Pack Castor oil packs are very effective at helping the liver and lymphatic system detox from strong herxheimer reactions much like an epsom salt bath. To create and use a castor oil pack, pour the castor oil over the absorbent side of the flannel, lie down and place the side of the flannel with the castor oil directly onto your skin above the liver, and then place the heating pad on top. Leave the castor oil pack on for about 30-45 minutes. Warning: Do not ingest castor oil. It is for external use only. Women who are menstruating should not use castor oil packs as it can cause heavy bleeding. Castor oil will stain so be sure to lie upon a protective barrier. Chlorella has the powerful detoxifying ability to bind to toxins and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the digestive tract. It's commonly used in conjunction with cilantro for removing heavy metals. Some people can't digest the cell membrane of chlorella, therefore finding a chlorella product with a "broken cell wall" would be best. Chlorella works best when taken on an empty stomach. Cholestryramine Cholestyramine is a prescription drug designed to bind to toxins extremely well in the body. In those with Lyme Disease, it has helped relieved brain fog and some neurological symptoms associated with the presence of recirculating toxins and endotoxins released from Lyme. Because the drug is so powerful and binds to nearly everything, a person can not take anything 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after taking the drug due to the possibility of inducing a nutrient deficiency. Fractionated pectin powder or modified citrus pectin are popular natural alternatives. Coffee enemas stimulate production of glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver. GST is a powerful enzyme that binds to, matabolizes, and removes toxic substances from the body. The constituents in the coffee are absorbed directly into the liver through the colon wall. Add 3 tablespoons of organic ground coffee to boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, then reduce to a simmer for about 15 additional minutes covered. Strain if needed and let cool before administering. Lie on right side in
the bathroom, and begin administering the coffee into the rectum via the enema. Hold the coffee for 5-15 minutes, and then evacuate the colon. Warning: Don't hold the coffee for any longer than 15 minutes as it then will begin to be absorbed into the body at greater concentrations than desired, or what is considered to be healthy. Also check with your doctor or treating physician first before performing a coffee enema to be sure that your body can tolerate it. Malabsorption of certain vitamins and minerals may occur with long term use of coffee enemas, specifically calcium and fat-soluble vitamins. Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as a colonics or colon cleansing, is a procedure in which a unique mixture of water, and sometimes herbs, is injected into the colon via the rectum to assist the removal of unwanted constituents. The colon is responsible for absorbing nutrients from food for the body and forming feces for evacuation. Over time, as one ages and depending on a person's lifestyle, a colon can become sluggish, and detoxification becomes impacted. Such consequences include stagnant fecal matter, wall-impacted mucus, toxins being reabsored into the body, and even parasite thriving. ConcenTrace ConcenTrace is a mineral supplement containing over 72 trace minerals naturally derived from the Great Salt Lake located in the state of Utah in the United States. Trace minerals are absolutely essential for the human body to perform optimally, especially the methylation cycle which is responsible for detoxification, inflammation, neurotransmitter regeneration, and the immune system to name a few. Greater exposure to toxins coupled with nutrient depleted foods in the modern day warrant mineral supplementation to detoxify properly. Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collard greens and cabbage have the inate ability to increase the detox activity of cells in the liver. Steam kale for 2 minutes, or collard greens for 4 minutes, to keep them as close to raw as possible. Then add sea salt, black pepper, diced avocado, lemon, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil. Dandelion is most famously known for increasing bile production in the liver. Bile is the means of transportation for toxins from the liver to the colon. Works well at detoxing the kidneys too. It has also been said to neutralize endotoxins which are the toxins responsible for causing a herxheimer reaction. Diatomaceous Earth (100% Food Grade)
the district court’s dismissal of her case generally, and it adequately raises the sovereign-immunity issue, it does not plainly or prominently raise any 3 Case: 18-12956 Date Filed: 12/03/2019 Page: 4 of 4 arguments that her claims should not be barred by the applicable statutes of limitations or res judicata. She does not argue, for instance, that the district court applied the wrong statutes of limitations or that she qualified for an exception to the doctrine of res judicata. She has therefore abandoned her challenge of the district court’s order by failing to address all of its independent grounds for dismissal. See Sapuppo, 739 F.3d at 680. Because Bell has abandoned her ability to challenge the district court’s ruling, we need not proceed to the merits. The district court did not err in dismissing her complaint. AFFIRMED. 4 Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury (Redirected from Konjiki no Gash Bell‼ Gekitou! Saikyou no Mamonotachi) Developer(s) Mechanic Arms Publisher(s) Namco Bandai Games Series Zatch Bell! Release date(s) NA December 12, 2006 GameIDs GABEAF Players join Zatch, Kiyo and other characters from the hit manga and TV series Zatch Bell! as they battle to become the mighty mamodo king in Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury (金色のガッシュベル!! 激闘!最強の魔物達 Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Gekitō! Saikyō no Mamono-tachi, lit. Golden Gash Bell!! Clash! Strongest Demons). This time, up to four players can choose from more than 20 different playable teams. With three gameplay modes including Story Mode, VS mode and Arcade Mode, players can experience all the action in environments faithful to the TV series. All voice acting is even done by the U.S. TV show cast. 1 Emulation Information 1.1 In-Battle Slowdown Emulation Information In-Battle Slowdown If using Dual Core this title is sensitive to even low-priority background tasks. Applications such as Distributed.net or SETI@Home that consume available CPU cycles will cause this title to run incredibly slowly (~5 FPS) during battle. This can be corrected by
the district court’s dismissal of her case generally, and it adequately raises the sovereign-immunity issue, it does not plainly or prominently raise any 3 Case: 18-12956 Date Filed: 12/03/2019 Page: 4 of 4 arguments that her claims should not be barred by the applicable statutes of limitations or res judicata. She does not argue, for instance, that the district court applied the wrong statutes of limitations or that she qualified for an exception to the doctrine of res judicata. She has therefore abandoned her challenge of the district court’s order by failing to address all of its independent grounds for dismissal. See Sapuppo, 739 F.3d at 680. Because Bell has abandoned her ability to challenge the district court’s ruling, we need not proceed to the merits. The district court did not err in dismissing her complaint. AFFIRMED. 4 Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury (Redirected from Konjiki no Gash Bell‼ Gekitou! Saikyou no Mamonotachi) Developer(s) Mechanic Arms Publisher(s) Namco Bandai Games Series Zatch Bell! Release date(s) NA December 12, 2006 GameIDs GABEAF Players join Zatch, Kiyo and other characters from the hit manga and TV series Zatch Bell! as they battle to become the mighty mamodo king in Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury (金色のガッシュベル!! 激闘!最強の魔物達 Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Gekitō! Saikyō no Mamono-tachi, lit. Golden Gash Bell!! Clash! Strongest Demons). This time, up to four players can choose from more than 20 different playable teams. With three gameplay modes including Story Mode, VS mode and Arcade Mode, players can experience all the action in environments faithful to the TV series. All voice acting is even done by the U.S. TV show cast. 1 Emulation Information 1.1 In-Battle Slowdown Emulation Information In-Battle Slowdown If using Dual Core this title is sensitive to even low-priority background tasks. Applications such as Distributed.net or SETI@Home that consume available CPU cycles will cause this title to run incredibly slowly (~5 FPS) during battle. This can be corrected by
disabling Dual Core mode or the background processes. Refer issue 10702. The graph below charts the compatibility with Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury since Dolphin's 2.0 release, listing revisions only where a compatibility change occurred. 5.0-6004 Windows 10 Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.5Ghz NVIDIA GeForce 970 x2 Incredibly slow unless Dual Core is disabled with low-priority background tasks consuming CPU. Kolano Dolphin Emulator 4.0.2 - Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury (1080p HD) - Nintendo GameCube Retrieved from "https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Zatch_Bell!_Mamodo_Fury&oldid=164322" Mechanic Arms (Developer) Namco Bandai Games (Publisher) Zatch Bell! (Series) COMMENTARY: Calling the shots — how Canadian teens can defy their anti-vaxxer parents Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta Special to Global News An Australian mother is speaking out and warning others of the risks of avoiding vaccinations. A few months ago in the United States, Ohio teenager Ethan Lindenberger made headlines by going against his parent’s anti-vaccination views. He got immunized. At a time of rising vaccine hesitancy, growing concern about measles outbreaks and increasingly aggressive rhetoric by the “anti-vaxx” movement, public health advocates around the world hailed this small act of teenage rebellion. But why was it viewed as such an unusual act? At the time of his decision, Ethan was 18 years old. In many countries around the world — including Canada — he would clearly be viewed as a legally competent adult, capable of making his own health-care decisions. READ MORE: U.S. teens are defying parents to get vaccines. Here are the rules in Canada A teen’s consent is enough In Canada, at least for most procedures, the age of consent is likely much younger than 18. (The law in Québec — which puts the age of consent at 14 — differs from the other provinces.) If an adolescent is capable of understanding the nature of the treatment and the relevant risks and benefits he or she will be considered a mature minor. This must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. A teenager could be deemed competent for a specific health-care decision at age
of-life distress, despite the provisions listed in the Right to Try Act. RTT is a federal law enacted in 2018. It allows patients with life-threatening conditions to try “eligible investigational drugs”, which include those that have successfully cleared a Phase I trial. Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, a palliative care physician and co-director at AIMS Institute, filed a petition in November asking for access to psilocybin under the Right To Try Act in treating two patients suffering from terminal illnesses. However, the DEA denied the request, saying that psilocybin can only be given to researchers. “The DEA simply said they’re not going to [grant] access for therapeutic use, which conflicts with the state and federal RTT laws,” Kathryn Tucker, special counsel with Emerge Law Group and the lead attorney for Dr. Aggarwal says. Referring to the federal agency’s order, she adds, “if you want to obtain it, you must become a researcher. A researcher is very different from a clinician who is providing therapeutic services… Despite the legislators’ intent that terminally ill patients can make informed decisions with their health care providers about eligible investigational drugs, the reality is not so straightforward.” D.C. Implements Historic Decriminalization Washington D.C.’s historic Initiative 81 ballot was implemented on March 15 after completing its Congressional review, making psychedelic plants and fungi the lowest enforcement law priority for the U.S. capital. Washington State Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Drug Possession The residents of D.C. voted to decriminalize possession of entheogenic plants and fungi during the November elections with a sweeping result of 76 percent of votes in favour. The new legislation, also called the Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act of 2020, directs the Metropolitan Police Department ‘to make investigation and arrest of adults for non-commercial planting, cultivating, purchasing, transporting, distributing, possessing or engaging in practices with entheogenic plants and fungi among the lowest law enforcement priorities.’ Rhode Island’s Bills to Prevent Opioid Overdose Rhode Island lawmakers are pushing to reconsider drug policies in the state. With at least five progressive bills in discussion, State Senator Tiara Mack (D) told Truffle, “The conversation has started.” Mack introduced bill S.604 aiming to
of-life distress, despite the provisions listed in the Right to Try Act. RTT is a federal law enacted in 2018. It allows patients with life-threatening conditions to try “eligible investigational drugs”, which include those that have successfully cleared a Phase I trial. Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, a palliative care physician and co-director at AIMS Institute, filed a petition in November asking for access to psilocybin under the Right To Try Act in treating two patients suffering from terminal illnesses. However, the DEA denied the request, saying that psilocybin can only be given to researchers. “The DEA simply said they’re not going to [grant] access for therapeutic use, which conflicts with the state and federal RTT laws,” Kathryn Tucker, special counsel with Emerge Law Group and the lead attorney for Dr. Aggarwal says. Referring to the federal agency’s order, she adds, “if you want to obtain it, you must become a researcher. A researcher is very different from a clinician who is providing therapeutic services… Despite the legislators’ intent that terminally ill patients can make informed decisions with their health care providers about eligible investigational drugs, the reality is not so straightforward.” D.C. Implements Historic Decriminalization Washington D.C.’s historic Initiative 81 ballot was implemented on March 15 after completing its Congressional review, making psychedelic plants and fungi the lowest enforcement law priority for the U.S. capital. Washington State Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Drug Possession The residents of D.C. voted to decriminalize possession of entheogenic plants and fungi during the November elections with a sweeping result of 76 percent of votes in favour. The new legislation, also called the Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act of 2020, directs the Metropolitan Police Department ‘to make investigation and arrest of adults for non-commercial planting, cultivating, purchasing, transporting, distributing, possessing or engaging in practices with entheogenic plants and fungi among the lowest law enforcement priorities.’ Rhode Island’s Bills to Prevent Opioid Overdose Rhode Island lawmakers are pushing to reconsider drug policies in the state. With at least five progressive bills in discussion, State Senator Tiara Mack (D) told Truffle, “The conversation has started.” Mack introduced bill S.604 aiming to
replace criminal penalties for simple possession with a civil violation of $100. In a recent state Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Mack told the panel, “Today as overdose rates skyrocket all over the U.S., people are in need of drug treatment. They might avoid this treatment because of the criminalization associated with their drug use but when we decriminalize, we find that people are more likely to come out of the shadows and seek help.” A competing bill was introduced in the state senate in February, aiming at defelonizing simple possession. The bill would reclassify possession of drugs as a misdemeanour. NYC Mayoral Candidates Talk Decriminalization, New Jersey Governor says ‘Open-Minded’ to Decrim Discussion In a recent webinar for New York City’s Mayoral forum, Andrew Yang shared that he is open to legalizing psilocybin. However, he didn’t quite take a strong stand on blanket decriminalization of all controlled substances. The forum was organized by VOCAL-NY on March 17 to discuss drug policies, homelessness and the opioid overdose crisis in the city. Dianne Morales (D) shared her vision of supporting those who have been impacted by the War on Drugs, over-policing, and the criminalization of marginalized communities. Eric Adams (D), also supported the full legalization of marijuana but said no to supporting the decriminalization of all drugs. Meanwhile, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy stated during a press briefing that he is “open-minded” to hearing arguments for further decriminalizing all drugs in the state. Mr Jean-Baptiste Philibert Home The RACGP Faculties RACGP Rural Council and committees Rural Council Mr Jean-Baptiste Philibert Student representative, RACGP Rural Council Jean-Baptiste (commonly referred to as JB) is a third-year medical student at Western Sydney University. He developed a keen interest for other cultures through his early journey; born in France, moved onward to attend school in Africa and lived in several Australian states. After travelling to 40 countries and working in public service, his experiences led him to seek a purpose in life. Accepting a place in medicine lead to Jean-Baptiste starting his journey from the very bottom once more. His passion for rural and remote health was further ignited following several placements in Central Australia. In 2021, he was elected Chair of the National Rural Health Student Network
be listed for zebra mussels.b A Cass County watercraft inspector found a plant with attached zebra mussels on a boat coming from Hand Lake. Divers then found a 1-inch, adult zebra mussel in Hand Lake. The DNR is conducting further analyses to better determine the distribution of zebra mussels in the lake. DNR divers conducted a search of Upper Cormorant Lake and found seven adult zebra mussels in four locations. Nelson Lake, Middle Cormorant Lake and an unnamed wetland connected to and downstream of Upper Cormorant Lake will also be listed for zebra mussels. The wetland flows into Big Cormorant Lake, where zebra mussels were confirmed in July of 2015. Whether or not a lake is listed as infested, Minnesota law requires boaters and anglers to: Clean watercraft and trailers of aquatic plants and prohibited invasive species. Drain all water by removing drain plugs and keeping them out during transport. Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash. Some invasive species are small and difficult to see at the water access. To remove or kill them, take one or more of the following precautions before moving to another waterbody: Spray with high-pressure water. Rinse with very hot water (120 degrees for at least two minutes or 140 degrees for at least 10 seconds). Dry for at least five days. Zebra mussels can compete with native species for food and habitat, cut the feet of swimmers, reduce the performance of boat motors, and cause expensive damage to water intake pipes. People should contact an area DNR aquatic invasive species specialist if they think they have found zebra mussels or any other invasive species that has not already been confirmed in a lake. More information is available at mndnr.gov/ais. Credit to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for their report: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snap/biodiversity.html Determining the best candidates for Natural Area protection is a complex process. Natural area conservation planning focuses on areas of high biodiversity. We use the following tools, concepts and resources to evaluate and manage sites. The value of biodiversity (the variety of life and its processes) Minnesota’s biodiversity has evolved over millennia into complex ecosystems. A myriad of species interact with each other and environmental factors such as soils, topography, hydrology and climate within
be listed for zebra mussels.b A Cass County watercraft inspector found a plant with attached zebra mussels on a boat coming from Hand Lake. Divers then found a 1-inch, adult zebra mussel in Hand Lake. The DNR is conducting further analyses to better determine the distribution of zebra mussels in the lake. DNR divers conducted a search of Upper Cormorant Lake and found seven adult zebra mussels in four locations. Nelson Lake, Middle Cormorant Lake and an unnamed wetland connected to and downstream of Upper Cormorant Lake will also be listed for zebra mussels. The wetland flows into Big Cormorant Lake, where zebra mussels were confirmed in July of 2015. Whether or not a lake is listed as infested, Minnesota law requires boaters and anglers to: Clean watercraft and trailers of aquatic plants and prohibited invasive species. Drain all water by removing drain plugs and keeping them out during transport. Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash. Some invasive species are small and difficult to see at the water access. To remove or kill them, take one or more of the following precautions before moving to another waterbody: Spray with high-pressure water. Rinse with very hot water (120 degrees for at least two minutes or 140 degrees for at least 10 seconds). Dry for at least five days. Zebra mussels can compete with native species for food and habitat, cut the feet of swimmers, reduce the performance of boat motors, and cause expensive damage to water intake pipes. People should contact an area DNR aquatic invasive species specialist if they think they have found zebra mussels or any other invasive species that has not already been confirmed in a lake. More information is available at mndnr.gov/ais. Credit to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for their report: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snap/biodiversity.html Determining the best candidates for Natural Area protection is a complex process. Natural area conservation planning focuses on areas of high biodiversity. We use the following tools, concepts and resources to evaluate and manage sites. The value of biodiversity (the variety of life and its processes) Minnesota’s biodiversity has evolved over millennia into complex ecosystems. A myriad of species interact with each other and environmental factors such as soils, topography, hydrology and climate within
these ecosystems. Preserving biodiversity has benefits (ecosystem services) such as: Maintaining healthy, stable plant and animal populations Protecting genetic diversity Protecting water and soil resources Filtering pollution and nutrient recycling Contributing to climate stability and carbon storage Recovering from catastrophic events Providing sources for food, medicine and other products Research, education and monitoring Recreation, tourism and inspiration In areas where biodiversity is threatened, losing species can affect the ecosystem’s ability to function properly and provide these services. Maintaining biodiversity reduces voids and the entire ecosystem maintains a higher degree of resilience. Conservation planning for natural areas focuses on areas of high biodiversity as well as habitats for rare species. Resilience as a strategy Resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to cope with disturbance. Resilience is critical to reducing climate change and fragmentation from land development. As climate change affects ecosystems they will face increasing vulnerability. An effective strategy at easing these negative impacts is to build resilience into native communities by: Creating large protected areas and corridors to provide pathways for species to migrate to more suitable habitats Preserving a greater variety of habitats for desirable species The SNA program is using both strategies for resilience to maintain Minnesota’s biodiversity. Biodiversity significance rankings Biodiversity significance is a ranking based on the size and condition of native plant communities and how they fit in an ecological landscape. It also includes the presence or absence of rare species populations. The rankings are ‘outstanding’, ‘high’, ‘moderate’ and ‘below’. Ecologists with the Minnesota Biological Survey determine this status. This ranking is used to help prioritize Natural Area protection efforts. Minnesota’s Ecological Classification System (ECS) Ecological landscape classifications are used to identify, describe, and map progressively smaller areas of land with increasingly uniform ecological features. Minnesota’s Ecological Classification System (ECS) uses biotic and environmental factors, including climate, geology, topography, soils, hydrology and vegetation. The largest units of the ECS are provinces and are defined primarily by climate. Minnesota has four provinces. Provinces are divided into 10 sections based on glacial deposits, topography and plant distributions. The 26 subsections of the ECS are further refined by local vegetation, especially trees, among other factors. Individual Scientific and Natural Areas note the subsection in which they are
short <B>field_15_dxaReserved1</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="field_16_dyaReserved1"><!-- --></A><H3> field_16_dyaReserved1</H3> <PRE> protected short <B>field_16_dyaReserved1</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="field_17_dxaReserved2"><!-- --></A><H3> field_17_dxaReserved2</H3> <PRE> protected short <B>field_17_dxaReserved2</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="field_18_dyaReserved2"><!-- --></A><H3> field_18_dyaReserved2</H3> <PRE> protected short <B>field_18_dyaReserved2</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="field_19_fReserved"><!-- --></A><H3> field_19_fReserved</H3> <PRE> protected byte <B>field_19_fReserved</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="field_20_bpp"><!-- --></A><H3> field_20_bpp</H3> <PRE> protected byte <B>field_20_bpp</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="field_21_brcTop80"><!-- --></A><H3> field_21_brcTop80</H3> <PRE> protected byte[] <B>field_21_brcTop80</B></PRE> <DL> <DL> </DL> </DL> <HR
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and produce ZERO carbon emissions. Copyright © 2021 Inverse Journal | All copyright to respective contributors and Creative Commons sources Julian Frederic Doelberg Julian Frederic Doelberg (1901-1941) 1901 November 16th. Born in Lewisham the son of Hermann Diedrich Doelberg, a Mantle Manufacturer, and his wife Nellie 1911 Living at 62 Woodvale, Forest Hill: Hermann Doelberg (age 49 born Germany), Mantle Manufacturer - Employer. With his wife Nellie Doelberg (age 43 born Camberwell) and their two sons Julian Doelberg (age 9 born Lewisham) and Laurence Doelberg (age 6 months born Lewisham). One visitor. Three servants.[1] 1927 Married in Bath to Leslie Edith Havers and had a daughter 1941 April 29th. Died. Bio Note[2] Julian Frederic Doelberg was born on 16th November 1901 and registered in the Lewisham District, Kent. The son of an English lady Nellie Agnes Maltby and a Prussian gentleman, Hermann Diedrich Doelberg (whose brother was Privy Auditor Councillor to Kaiser Wilhelm II. This posed problems to Julian’s elder brother Athelstone whilst at Dartford Naval College, I do not know if Julian had similar discriminations) He also had a younger brother Lawrence. Hermann, a London business man, became a naturalised Briton in 1906. Julian married Leslie Edith Havers at Bath in 1927, they had one daughter, Anne in 1932. He received his education at Eastbourne College, proceeding in 1919 to the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. He then entered the School of Military Engineering, where he studied constructional, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Army records show his passing of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1922. In 1924 he went to Gosport where he attended further classes at the School of Electric Lighting. In the following year he received his commission in the Royal Engineers and became officer in charge of workshops, 1st A.A. Searchlight Battalion. During 1928 he attended the Advanced Motor Transport Course of the Military College of Science. In 1929 he was promoted to be staff captain and served for three years in the Directorate of Mechanization at the War Office. During the next three years he served his apprenticeship with Messrs.
and produce ZERO carbon emissions. Copyright © 2021 Inverse Journal | All copyright to respective contributors and Creative Commons sources Julian Frederic Doelberg Julian Frederic Doelberg (1901-1941) 1901 November 16th. Born in Lewisham the son of Hermann Diedrich Doelberg, a Mantle Manufacturer, and his wife Nellie 1911 Living at 62 Woodvale, Forest Hill: Hermann Doelberg (age 49 born Germany), Mantle Manufacturer - Employer. With his wife Nellie Doelberg (age 43 born Camberwell) and their two sons Julian Doelberg (age 9 born Lewisham) and Laurence Doelberg (age 6 months born Lewisham). One visitor. Three servants.[1] 1927 Married in Bath to Leslie Edith Havers and had a daughter 1941 April 29th. Died. Bio Note[2] Julian Frederic Doelberg was born on 16th November 1901 and registered in the Lewisham District, Kent. The son of an English lady Nellie Agnes Maltby and a Prussian gentleman, Hermann Diedrich Doelberg (whose brother was Privy Auditor Councillor to Kaiser Wilhelm II. This posed problems to Julian’s elder brother Athelstone whilst at Dartford Naval College, I do not know if Julian had similar discriminations) He also had a younger brother Lawrence. Hermann, a London business man, became a naturalised Briton in 1906. Julian married Leslie Edith Havers at Bath in 1927, they had one daughter, Anne in 1932. He received his education at Eastbourne College, proceeding in 1919 to the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. He then entered the School of Military Engineering, where he studied constructional, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Army records show his passing of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1922. In 1924 he went to Gosport where he attended further classes at the School of Electric Lighting. In the following year he received his commission in the Royal Engineers and became officer in charge of workshops, 1st A.A. Searchlight Battalion. During 1928 he attended the Advanced Motor Transport Course of the Military College of Science. In 1929 he was promoted to be staff captain and served for three years in the Directorate of Mechanization at the War Office. During the next three years he served his apprenticeship with Messrs.
J. I. Thornycroft, Messrs. Petters, and other firms, and also continued his technical studies. Serving in the Royal Engineers he was stationed in Singapore in 1935 on his appointment as garrison engineer for the Western Defences of Malaya, a position which involved the supervision of various contracts for new works including the Changi barracks - which became the notorious Japanese prison camp. Photos taken at the time are now the property of Changi Museum, and at the time of donation were the only ones seen of the initial construction including water buffalo clearing the site. After recall to the UK in 1937 due to the war threat, he moved his wife Leslie and daughter Anne to 12 Clockhouse Mead, Oxshott, Surrey. Anne attended Bevendeen School in Steels Lane. He went on holiday to Germany with Leslie during which he visited German relatives and spied on German military installations. It is understood that this spying was on his own initiative and proved to be of great help to the Allied cause. On the setting up of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers he transferred to this unit and was eventually posted to Greece with a reduction in rank to captain for a special mission. This is understood, but not proven, to be the demolition of bridges and other installations to delay the advance of the German forces during the Allied evacuation. Allied soldiers hired a Greek ship, loaded with hay, to evacuate to Crete. As they were trying to repair the engine, around 10:00 a.m. on April 29, 1941, two German aircrafts arrived and bombed the ship. Most soldiers jumped in the sea. Major Doelberg, along with six other soldiers, died and was buried by the villagers of Proastion (in southern Peloponnese) on the Kaminia (also called Delfinia) beach. The ship was completely burned and it sank. About a year later, it was decided by the local people that the soldiers should be properly buried together in a cemetery. The local priest held a service, the bodies were exhumed and the whole village followed in procession from the beach to the cemetery, where they were all buried in a common grave. In the autumn of 1944 a British warship arrived at Kalamitsi beach, and a military chaplain, followed by a Cypriot interpreter, went to the village, a service was held, the bones were exhumed again and were carried to the ship. Again a silent procession by the whole village followed
't until the seventeenth century, when the local citizenry, who had jocularly been called _mangiabroccoli_ , "broccoli eaters," became known the eighteenth century, and even then, pasta was not prepared as we know it today: it was seasoned with salt and maybe pepper, possibly with a dusting of dry cheese, but nothing more; old etchings and woodcuts show people eating it with their hands. The widespread popularity of tomato sauce, and then variations on the theme, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century changed all that. The serving of pasta with sauce, in fact, is said to have greatly increased the popularity in Italy of what had been a marginal eating instrument: the fork. Pasta types can be characterized several ways, but one of the most basic is the distinction between _pasta all'uovo_ ("pasta with eggs," typically made from soft summer wheat) and _pasta di semola di grano duro_ (pasta made from the bran of durum wheat). Another is that between _pasta secca_ —also called _pasta asciutta_ ( _secca_ means "dry," _asciutta_ "dried"), which is not the same as _pastasciutta_ (see page 76)—and _pasta fresca_ , or "freshly made pasta," which may be made with either eggs or water, and occasionally both. For present purposes, this is the best distinction. The recipes in this chapter all use store-bought (dried) pasta. Some of those in the following chapter may be made with either store-bought or homemade pasta, while some require domestic manufacture. Dried pasta was a godsend to the Italians. Like the considerably less-attractive gallette, or sailor's biscuits (hardtack), taken on shipboard in place of ordinary bread, dried pasta lasted for a year or more, and unlike its fresh counterpart (and unlike raw flour), it wasn't subject to mold or infestation by parasites. That doesn't mean that it was always a sterile product. In _The Food of Italy_ , published in 1971, Waverley Root writes of his initial distaste for pasta in 1929, the first time he saw it drying over clotheslines in the "insalubrious courtyards" of Naples: "Dirt swirled though the air, flies settled to rest on the exposed pasta,
't until the seventeenth century, when the local citizenry, who had jocularly been called _mangiabroccoli_ , "broccoli eaters," became known the eighteenth century, and even then, pasta was not prepared as we know it today: it was seasoned with salt and maybe pepper, possibly with a dusting of dry cheese, but nothing more; old etchings and woodcuts show people eating it with their hands. The widespread popularity of tomato sauce, and then variations on the theme, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century changed all that. The serving of pasta with sauce, in fact, is said to have greatly increased the popularity in Italy of what had been a marginal eating instrument: the fork. Pasta types can be characterized several ways, but one of the most basic is the distinction between _pasta all'uovo_ ("pasta with eggs," typically made from soft summer wheat) and _pasta di semola di grano duro_ (pasta made from the bran of durum wheat). Another is that between _pasta secca_ —also called _pasta asciutta_ ( _secca_ means "dry," _asciutta_ "dried"), which is not the same as _pastasciutta_ (see page 76)—and _pasta fresca_ , or "freshly made pasta," which may be made with either eggs or water, and occasionally both. For present purposes, this is the best distinction. The recipes in this chapter all use store-bought (dried) pasta. Some of those in the following chapter may be made with either store-bought or homemade pasta, while some require domestic manufacture. Dried pasta was a godsend to the Italians. Like the considerably less-attractive gallette, or sailor's biscuits (hardtack), taken on shipboard in place of ordinary bread, dried pasta lasted for a year or more, and unlike its fresh counterpart (and unlike raw flour), it wasn't subject to mold or infestation by parasites. That doesn't mean that it was always a sterile product. In _The Food of Italy_ , published in 1971, Waverley Root writes of his initial distaste for pasta in 1929, the first time he saw it drying over clotheslines in the "insalubrious courtyards" of Naples: "Dirt swirled though the air, flies settled to rest on the exposed pasta,
pigeons bombed it from overhead, children invented games to play with it, and the large dog population, finding itself short of lampposts, put up with what it could find. . . ." But, he continued, "have no fear today: macaroni and spaghetti are now made indoors in spick-and-span automated factories." Many of the best pasta brands available internationally today, mostly made with eggs, come from Emilia-Romagna, including Barilla, Fini, and Dallari. Other capitals of commercial pasta production, with eggs and otherwise, include Fara San Martino in Abruzzo, home of the ubiquitous De Cecco as well as Delverde and Cocco; Pianella, also in Abruzzo, where Rustichella d'Abruzzo is based; Campofilone in the Marche, home of Spinosi, La Campofilone, and Antica Pasta, among others; and Imperia, in Liguria, headquarters of Agnesi. PASTASCIUTTA AND PASTA ASCIUTTA In organizing the recipes in this book, I wanted to group the pasta dishes into two categories: those that use store-bought dry pasta, which is almost always made only from durum-wheat flour and water, and those that require homemade fresh pasta, mostly made from just flour and eggs, or its store-bought equivalent. I had no problem labeling the latter _pasta fresca_ ; even if you didn't make it yourself, chances are good that it would be soft in texture and quite possibly stored in the grocery-store cooler. The dry stuff was more difficult. _Asciugare_ and _seccare_ both mean "to dry," and thus both _pasta asciutta_ and _pasta secca_ mean dried pasta. I was originally going to use the former term as a chapter heading, but it is too close to the term _pastasciutta_ , which does not mean quite the same thing. At least I didn't think so. I'd heard _pastasciutta_ used in Italy to describe pasta with or suitable for a sauce, as opposed to pasta in soup, but it was not applied to all pasta of that sort. What, I wondered, was the story? My old friend Darrell Corti, who is of Genoese extraction and who runs an
, and game design. Playing Nomic for the First Time When I first played Nomic, I played it in a Slack group over the course of a month, and what started as a simple set of 12 rules (modified to fit asychronous online play, rather than short, in-person games) grew into more than 80 rules, including rules that referenced an additional set of 75 random outcomes for when certain events occurred. We built up a whole mythology and had a lot of ups and downs, finding places where the rules didn't work and fixing them as we went. Even when the rules were badly broken or exploitable, it was still very fun. Of course, you can imagine that that sort of complexity became hard to keep track of. It became a hassle to maintain an up-to-date record of whose turn it was, how many points everyone had, and even what the current set of rules was. Since we were playing on Slack, I decided to use an existing Slackbot to keep track of the score. That helped a lot, but it wasn't very flexible, and we still had to manually keep track of a lot of other things. So, I decided to roll up my sleeves and write my own simple Slackbot to handle some of the bookkeeping. It supported some basic functionality like commands for !give @person 5 points and !most points to track points, !random player to randomly select players, and !end turn to keep track of whose turn it was. This worked great, but it still had some irritating limitations. I had to manually update the code and restart the bots every time the rules changed, and it was possible for the code and the rules to drift out of sync. At some point, I had the idea to provide a mechanism for the players to tell the bot to update itself for some of the rudimentary random outcomes. This made maintaining the bot much less work, but it was still very inflexible. Eventually the game ended, a winner was crowned, and I moved on with my life. Time passed, and I was working on various projects (my games 30 Second Life, Unshuffle, and Triptoy), but from time to time, my mind would wander back to Nomic, and the Slack bot I had made to keep things running smoothly. I really wished the system was more powerful, and could handle things like collecting and tallying votes, determining the winning proposals, and updating its own source code accordingly. Nomsu was also inspired
, and game design. Playing Nomic for the First Time When I first played Nomic, I played it in a Slack group over the course of a month, and what started as a simple set of 12 rules (modified to fit asychronous online play, rather than short, in-person games) grew into more than 80 rules, including rules that referenced an additional set of 75 random outcomes for when certain events occurred. We built up a whole mythology and had a lot of ups and downs, finding places where the rules didn't work and fixing them as we went. Even when the rules were badly broken or exploitable, it was still very fun. Of course, you can imagine that that sort of complexity became hard to keep track of. It became a hassle to maintain an up-to-date record of whose turn it was, how many points everyone had, and even what the current set of rules was. Since we were playing on Slack, I decided to use an existing Slackbot to keep track of the score. That helped a lot, but it wasn't very flexible, and we still had to manually keep track of a lot of other things. So, I decided to roll up my sleeves and write my own simple Slackbot to handle some of the bookkeeping. It supported some basic functionality like commands for !give @person 5 points and !most points to track points, !random player to randomly select players, and !end turn to keep track of whose turn it was. This worked great, but it still had some irritating limitations. I had to manually update the code and restart the bots every time the rules changed, and it was possible for the code and the rules to drift out of sync. At some point, I had the idea to provide a mechanism for the players to tell the bot to update itself for some of the rudimentary random outcomes. This made maintaining the bot much less work, but it was still very inflexible. Eventually the game ended, a winner was crowned, and I moved on with my life. Time passed, and I was working on various projects (my games 30 Second Life, Unshuffle, and Triptoy), but from time to time, my mind would wander back to Nomic, and the Slack bot I had made to keep things running smoothly. I really wished the system was more powerful, and could handle things like collecting and tallying votes, determining the winning proposals, and updating its own source code accordingly. Nomsu was also inspired
by Moonscript, which is a great example of an elegant language with a simple implementation using LPEG that cross-compiles to Lua. I particularly liked the user-friendly natural syntax of my original Slack bot commands like !give @person 2 points, and like many programmers, I also have strong opinions about programming languages. So, I decided to make my own language for playing Nomic. Its main design goals were to be easy to read and good at accepting modifications to its own code while running. And thus, Nomsu was born. Next: Nomsu's Syntax Copyright © 2022 Bruce Hill Unless otherwise specified, all code is released under the MIT license This page has been visited ~4.8K times The Works of Nathaniel Lardner, D.D.: With a Life by Dr. Kippis, Volumen9 Por Nathaniel Lardner TWO SCHEMES OF A TRINITY CONSIDERED, THE DIVINE UNITY ASSERTED. POUR DISCOURSES UPON PHILIPPIANS ï. 5-11. Acts ij. 22. Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God, among you, by miracles, and wonders, and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know. Chap. v. 31, Hin hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. Chap. x. 37, 38. That word you know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached: How God anointed, &c. THE EDITOR'S ADVERTISEMENT. The Editor of the following Discourses accounts it no small happiness, that, by a late favourable accident, he has it in his power to present them to the public. They show themselves to have been part of a course of ministerial services; and a memorandum, under the author's own hand, makes it probable that they were delivered from the pulpit, to a very respectable society of christians, so long ago as the year 1747. The name of the author, as he himself did not place it there, is not given in the title page. An omission, which the judicious reader, it is supposed, will reckon to be of no great moment. And respecting the
, we write $F$ for $\mathsf{Asm}(p,f)$. We define its right adjoint $G$. Let $X$ be an assembly over $(B,\psi)$. First of all, we define \[E'_X = \{(x,a)\in |X|\times p(A)\mid \forall m,b:B\hspace{1pt} (\mathsf{M}(m)\wedge f(a,b)\to mb\!\downarrow\wedge\ E_X(x,mb))\}.\] Then $q(E'_X)\subseteq q(|X|)\times qp(A)$, and we let \[E'_{GX} = (\mathop{\mathgroup\symoperators id}\nolimits\times\eta_A)^\ast(q(E'_X)) = \{(x,a)\in q(|X|)\times A\mid q(E'_X)(x,\eta_A(a))\}\subseteq q(|X|)\times A.\] Now we define the assembly $GX$ over $(A,\phi)$ by setting \[|GX| = \{x\in q(|X|)\mid \exists a: A\hspace{1pt} (E'_{GX}(x,a))\}\subseteq q(|X|),\] and by letting $E_{GX}$ be the restriction of $E'_{GX}$ to $|GX|\times A$. Before we continue, we first formulate the following lemma. \begin{lem} For every assembly $X$ over $(B,\psi)$, there is a commutative diagram: \begin{equation}\label{useful_diagram} \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large] pE'_{GX} \arrow[r] \arrow[d, hook] & E'_X \arrow[d, hook] \\ pq|X|\times p(A) \arrow[r
, we write $F$ for $\mathsf{Asm}(p,f)$. We define its right adjoint $G$. Let $X$ be an assembly over $(B,\psi)$. First of all, we define \[E'_X = \{(x,a)\in |X|\times p(A)\mid \forall m,b:B\hspace{1pt} (\mathsf{M}(m)\wedge f(a,b)\to mb\!\downarrow\wedge\ E_X(x,mb))\}.\] Then $q(E'_X)\subseteq q(|X|)\times qp(A)$, and we let \[E'_{GX} = (\mathop{\mathgroup\symoperators id}\nolimits\times\eta_A)^\ast(q(E'_X)) = \{(x,a)\in q(|X|)\times A\mid q(E'_X)(x,\eta_A(a))\}\subseteq q(|X|)\times A.\] Now we define the assembly $GX$ over $(A,\phi)$ by setting \[|GX| = \{x\in q(|X|)\mid \exists a: A\hspace{1pt} (E'_{GX}(x,a))\}\subseteq q(|X|),\] and by letting $E_{GX}$ be the restriction of $E'_{GX}$ to $|GX|\times A$. Before we continue, we first formulate the following lemma. \begin{lem} For every assembly $X$ over $(B,\psi)$, there is a commutative diagram: \begin{equation}\label{useful_diagram} \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large] pE'_{GX} \arrow[r] \arrow[d, hook] & E'_X \arrow[d, hook] \\ pq|X|\times p(A) \arrow[r
, "\varepsilon\times\mathop{\mathgroup\symoperators id}\nolimits"] & {|X|\times p(A)} \end{tikzcd} \end{equation} \end{lem} \begin{proof} The object $E'_{GX}$ is defined by the pullback diagram \[ \begin{tikzcd} E'_{GX} \arrow[d, hook] \arrow[r] & qE'_X \arrow[d, hook] \\ q|X|\times A \arrow[r, "\mathop{\mathgroup\symoperators id}\nolimits\times\eta"] & q|X|\times qpA \end{tikzcd} \] This means that we can obtain the diagram \eqref{useful_diagram} by pasting the following squares: \begin{equation}\label{decomp_useful} \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large] pE'_{GX} \arrow[d, hook] \arrow[r] & pqE'_X \arrow[d, hook] \arrow[r, "\varepsilon"] & E'_X \arrow[d, hook] \\ pq|X|\times pA \arrow[r, "\mathop{\mathgroup\symoperators id}\nolimits\times p\eta"] & pq|X|\times pqpA \arrow[r, "\varepsilon\times\varepsilon"] & {|X|\times pA} \end{tikzcd} \end{equation} and using the triangle identity for the bottom composition. \end{proof} Now suppose that $g\colon X\to Y$ is an arrow in $\mathsf{Asm}(B,\psi)$, tracked by $W\in\psi$. Let $U \in \psi$ be a realizer of $\lambda
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measures are important indicators toward fully reopening our businesses and getting more people back to work. Right now, we are also ready to welcome back students and are excited to announce the relaunch of the Disney College Program this June. We are inviting participants whose program ended early or was suspended in 2020 to reapply and join us. Today, May 3, these participants will receive exclusive communication via email about this exciting opportunity. The Disney College Program has always been a source of optimism and pride for our company with participants who each bring new ideas, talents, and perspectives to the table. While that won’t change, we are evolving our Disney Programs to reflect the new world around us. Applying to the Disney College Program will be even easier with a simplified application process, a concierge team of recruiters you can engage with on social media, and year-long arrival dates. We have temporarily modified some of our eligibility requirements so that many of you can still apply, even if you’ve already graduated. We’re also developing new ways for participants to shape their future careers, exploring a variety of roles and connecting with Disney professionals as they make magic. We have also been thinking of other college and university students who may be eagerly awaiting their own Disney experience. Right now, we’re focused on bringing the Disney College Program back to Walt Disney World Resort and will have more to share about Disney International Programs, Disney Culinary Program, and those at Disneyland® Resort later. The good news is that there is much to come in the future of the program, and we can’t wait to share more information with you when that time comes. Keep an eye out here on the blog, follow us on social media, or opt-in for email updates to stay in the know. We want you to know that we’re relaunching the Program in a thoughtful and responsible way, with the safety of our participants and our working cast always at the forefront of our planning, particularly as we consider a new approach to housing at the new, state-of-the-art Flamingo Crossings Village complex. Those who return to a program this summer will be the first participants to call this beautiful new community home. Similar to what we’ve done to help reduce risk in our theme parks and resorts, we are also putting in place a combination of measures for our participants. Participants will receive pre-arrival communication regarding our enhanced safety measures, including updates that promote physical distancing
measures are important indicators toward fully reopening our businesses and getting more people back to work. Right now, we are also ready to welcome back students and are excited to announce the relaunch of the Disney College Program this June. We are inviting participants whose program ended early or was suspended in 2020 to reapply and join us. Today, May 3, these participants will receive exclusive communication via email about this exciting opportunity. The Disney College Program has always been a source of optimism and pride for our company with participants who each bring new ideas, talents, and perspectives to the table. While that won’t change, we are evolving our Disney Programs to reflect the new world around us. Applying to the Disney College Program will be even easier with a simplified application process, a concierge team of recruiters you can engage with on social media, and year-long arrival dates. We have temporarily modified some of our eligibility requirements so that many of you can still apply, even if you’ve already graduated. We’re also developing new ways for participants to shape their future careers, exploring a variety of roles and connecting with Disney professionals as they make magic. We have also been thinking of other college and university students who may be eagerly awaiting their own Disney experience. Right now, we’re focused on bringing the Disney College Program back to Walt Disney World Resort and will have more to share about Disney International Programs, Disney Culinary Program, and those at Disneyland® Resort later. The good news is that there is much to come in the future of the program, and we can’t wait to share more information with you when that time comes. Keep an eye out here on the blog, follow us on social media, or opt-in for email updates to stay in the know. We want you to know that we’re relaunching the Program in a thoughtful and responsible way, with the safety of our participants and our working cast always at the forefront of our planning, particularly as we consider a new approach to housing at the new, state-of-the-art Flamingo Crossings Village complex. Those who return to a program this summer will be the first participants to call this beautiful new community home. Similar to what we’ve done to help reduce risk in our theme parks and resorts, we are also putting in place a combination of measures for our participants. Participants will receive pre-arrival communication regarding our enhanced safety measures, including updates that promote physical distancing
, required face coverings in all common areas, and a new contactless, curbside move-in experience. Like many colleges and universities, we’re also modifying the occupancy of our units, giving fully vaccinated participants the opportunity to live with other fully vaccinated participants. We’re looking forward to bringing you even more details in the coming days. In the meantime, we are excited to share that Disney Programs has a new look! You may have noticed some changes right here on this blog page, but our website is also brand new. Our redesigned site offers a fresh look with user-friendly navigation and a streamlined approach. We are still committed to providing an accurate, up-to-date look at the Disney Programs, and sharing our knowledge and expertise to ensure you have the best experience possible. The goal of this redesign is to provide you with an easier way to learn about the Disney Programs and to browse for information based on your interests. We’re eager to bring you lots of great information and stories, and one of the most exciting updates we have is our stunning new housing complex, Flamingo Crossings Village! This incredible, state-of-the-art complex will surely dazzle and delight participants, adding to the holistic Disney Programs experience. The apartment complex offers a variety of amenities, including a resort-style pool, study areas, and fitness facilities! This is just a glance at some of the reimagination that has been taking place with Disney Programs. We’re going to be sharing a lot of great information about experiencing, studying, and creating the magic, so make sure to check back with us on here on the Disney Programs Blog for all the exciting details! Disney College Program Character Performer Roles Return to Disney College Program Disney College Program Opens Applications for Programs Through May 2023 Disney College Program to Open Spring 2023 Applications Tomorrow Disney College Program Now Recruiting Through Early 2023 Disney College Program Applications Now Open For as Early as October 2021 Applications for Disney College Program to Open Soon Disney College Program Participants Begin Working in Disney World Theme Parks Again First Wave of Disney College Program Participants Arrive at Disney World Thousands of Cast Members Set to Reject Disney World’s $1 Raise Offer Combination Bhutan Nepal Tour Duration 19 days 18 nights This is a complete package to see all the inside & outside aspects of Nepal. During this tour will get you a chance to visit most of the UNESCO heritage sites
he drove one year before it was parked. And then it was left sitting for 40 years! Finally last year it was restored back to its former glory. The Mercedes 250 SE Coupe W111 was produced only between 1966 and 1967. The motor gives you 150 smooth horsepower. I had the opportunity to eat lunch at Mother in downtown Sacramento, a recently opened vegetarian/ vegan fare only restaurant on K near the Crest Theatre, this last week. Mother opened to much fanfare a couple of months ago. Michael Thiemann, formerly of Ella and a few other places, is the culinary force behind this place. I remember enjoying an Italian-inspired meal he made during Dine Downtown last year while he was still at Ella. With high marks from the News & Review, Bee and Yelp, I now know what I was missing. Breaded, crispy mushrooms with palette cleansing cucumbers in a bun never tasted so good. The freshly made strawberry lemonade was also a hit. Check them out. Even if you aren't a vegetarian, you won't miss the meat. Ted Geisel began his career as a little-known editorial cartoonist in the 1920s. His intriguing perspective and fresh concepts ignited his career, and his work evolved quickly to deft illustrations, modeled sculptures, and sophisticated oil paintings of elaborate imagination. His artistic vision led to 44 children’s books, more than 400 World War II political cartoons, hundreds of advertisements and countless editorials filled with inventive animals, characters, and humor. Geisel single-handled forged a new genre of art that falls somewhere between the surrealist movement of the early 20th century and the inspired nonsense of a child’s classroom doodles. This special collection offers a rare glimpse into the artistic life of the celebrated American icon and chronicles almost seven decades of work that are uniquely, stylistically, and endearingly Seussian. This year’s exhibit marks the twentieth anniversary of the colorful and creative collection of artwork. The show curator, Jeff Schuffman, will be on hand to discuss the artwork at gallery receptions taking place 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Friday, July 20 and Saturday, July 21, and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday, July 22. Perhaps the defining book of Ted Geisel’s colossal career, The Cat in the Hat came into being when Houghton Mifflin asked him to write and illustrate a child’s primer using only 225 �
he drove one year before it was parked. And then it was left sitting for 40 years! Finally last year it was restored back to its former glory. The Mercedes 250 SE Coupe W111 was produced only between 1966 and 1967. The motor gives you 150 smooth horsepower. I had the opportunity to eat lunch at Mother in downtown Sacramento, a recently opened vegetarian/ vegan fare only restaurant on K near the Crest Theatre, this last week. Mother opened to much fanfare a couple of months ago. Michael Thiemann, formerly of Ella and a few other places, is the culinary force behind this place. I remember enjoying an Italian-inspired meal he made during Dine Downtown last year while he was still at Ella. With high marks from the News & Review, Bee and Yelp, I now know what I was missing. Breaded, crispy mushrooms with palette cleansing cucumbers in a bun never tasted so good. The freshly made strawberry lemonade was also a hit. Check them out. Even if you aren't a vegetarian, you won't miss the meat. Ted Geisel began his career as a little-known editorial cartoonist in the 1920s. His intriguing perspective and fresh concepts ignited his career, and his work evolved quickly to deft illustrations, modeled sculptures, and sophisticated oil paintings of elaborate imagination. His artistic vision led to 44 children’s books, more than 400 World War II political cartoons, hundreds of advertisements and countless editorials filled with inventive animals, characters, and humor. Geisel single-handled forged a new genre of art that falls somewhere between the surrealist movement of the early 20th century and the inspired nonsense of a child’s classroom doodles. This special collection offers a rare glimpse into the artistic life of the celebrated American icon and chronicles almost seven decades of work that are uniquely, stylistically, and endearingly Seussian. This year’s exhibit marks the twentieth anniversary of the colorful and creative collection of artwork. The show curator, Jeff Schuffman, will be on hand to discuss the artwork at gallery receptions taking place 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Friday, July 20 and Saturday, July 21, and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday, July 22. Perhaps the defining book of Ted Geisel’s colossal career, The Cat in the Hat came into being when Houghton Mifflin asked him to write and illustrate a child’s primer using only 225 �
�new-reader” vocabulary words. In the decades since, Dr. Seuss has become the definitive children’s literacy author of all time (over 600,000,000 books sold) and Ted’s Cat continues to “step out,” enjoying his rightful legacy as the visual icon of our literary past, present and future. Green Eggs and Ham was born out of a fifty-dollar wager between Dr. Seuss and his publisher, Bennett Cerf, who bet he couldn’t write an articulate, entertaining book using only fifty different words. The result was a 62-page volume composed of 49 monosyllabic words and a fiftieth three-syllable word “anywhere.” When Cerf heard Ted’s first reading of the book, he seemed dazed, shaking his head over the clear triumph of Green Eggs and Ham, which had begun as their private joke. Although he conceded the fifty-dollar bet, Ted cheerily “complained” throughout his life that Cerf never paid up. A small price for what ultimately became a national treasure. Seuss text and images TM & (c) Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. 2018. Do Teeth Whitening Formulas Help Whiten Teeth? Are You Embarrassed about Stained teeth? Many people suffer from unsightly teeth which have become stained as a result of smoking, caffeine, fizzy drinks and eating candies. Eventually you will become self conscious about smiling as a result of brownish looking teeth. Now you can go and visit a cosmetic dentist, which can cost you quite a packet to get your teeth whitened again, or you can spend a fraction of the money by doing it yourself. The problem here is that there are so many different teeth whitening products on the market you are not sure which ones are the best. A free trial teeth whitening formula is the best way to find out. You can take advantage of this sensational offer of this free teeth whitening formula that you can apply in seconds and look forward to amazing results. We are giving away this free trial because we are confident of offering you the best product of its kind on the market! Perhaps your teeth are already starting to exhibit a yellowish color and when you start noticing this then it is time to take action right away. This free trial teeth whitening kit will have your teeth sparkling clean again in no time and it is completely safe
the youngest of five siblings, a graduate of Cornell University's ILR School. Core duties: global diversification strategy, production management, and ecological implementation. The grandson of the late civil rights defender and recipient of the presidential medal of freedom, Joseph Lowery. Lastly, a distinguished member of the Alpha Phi Alphi Fraternity, Incorporated (Alpha Chapter). View all posts by Vaughn Lowery NALIYA – ROLLER COASTER Migos’ 4 Day LV Getaway Universal Child Care Neither New Idea Nor Unprecedented By Bryce Covert Case StudiesChild Care Crisis on January 12, 2021 3 min read Photo: Library of Congress The idea of creating a national, universal child care system in this country got a turn in the spotlight during this past year’s presidential contest. Senator Elizabeth Warren was the first to put forward a detailed plan for how to create such a program, followed by a number of her Democratic contenders. It may have sounded like a radical, brand new idea at the time. But the truth is that the United States once had a universal child care system that was open to all and incredibly affordable. And researchers are now finding that it was a huge benefit for the children who attended. During World War II, as men left to fight the war abroad, the ranks of childless women available to work in factories couldn’t keep up with the need. With no one to watch mothers’ children, the country was treated to stories of kids chained to trailer homes, locked in cars and left in movie theaters while their mothers were at work. In response, the government used money from the Lanham Act, which funded wartime infrastructure projects, to build, staff and run a system of child care centers across the country. Children weren’t just looked after. The centers had huge, positive benefits for those who attended. A group of economists is currently determining just what kind of impact it had on the children who were served, identifying kids who were cared for in Lanham Act centers in the 1940s and seeing what happened to them by the year 2000. What they have uncovered in very preliminary findings is enormous: for every three years they spent enrolled, boys who received care at these centers earned 6 percent more each year by age 60—boys appear to have benefitted more than girls—compared to children in places that didn’t have any centers. The researchers also found that these men were 6 percent more likely to have graduated from college if they
the youngest of five siblings, a graduate of Cornell University's ILR School. Core duties: global diversification strategy, production management, and ecological implementation. The grandson of the late civil rights defender and recipient of the presidential medal of freedom, Joseph Lowery. Lastly, a distinguished member of the Alpha Phi Alphi Fraternity, Incorporated (Alpha Chapter). View all posts by Vaughn Lowery NALIYA – ROLLER COASTER Migos’ 4 Day LV Getaway Universal Child Care Neither New Idea Nor Unprecedented By Bryce Covert Case StudiesChild Care Crisis on January 12, 2021 3 min read Photo: Library of Congress The idea of creating a national, universal child care system in this country got a turn in the spotlight during this past year’s presidential contest. Senator Elizabeth Warren was the first to put forward a detailed plan for how to create such a program, followed by a number of her Democratic contenders. It may have sounded like a radical, brand new idea at the time. But the truth is that the United States once had a universal child care system that was open to all and incredibly affordable. And researchers are now finding that it was a huge benefit for the children who attended. During World War II, as men left to fight the war abroad, the ranks of childless women available to work in factories couldn’t keep up with the need. With no one to watch mothers’ children, the country was treated to stories of kids chained to trailer homes, locked in cars and left in movie theaters while their mothers were at work. In response, the government used money from the Lanham Act, which funded wartime infrastructure projects, to build, staff and run a system of child care centers across the country. Children weren’t just looked after. The centers had huge, positive benefits for those who attended. A group of economists is currently determining just what kind of impact it had on the children who were served, identifying kids who were cared for in Lanham Act centers in the 1940s and seeing what happened to them by the year 2000. What they have uncovered in very preliminary findings is enormous: for every three years they spent enrolled, boys who received care at these centers earned 6 percent more each year by age 60—boys appear to have benefitted more than girls—compared to children in places that didn’t have any centers. The researchers also found that these men were 6 percent more likely to have graduated from college if they
went to a center for at least three years as children. “Lanham pre-schools had a lasting impact on the children exposed to them,” the economists conclude. Their work is still ongoing, but it lines up with what others have found when they’ve examined the program. The more states spent on Lanham Act centers, the better children fared, an economist found: for each $100 increase, according to his research, children’s annual earnings later in life rose 1.8 percentage points, while their high school dropout rates fell by 1.8 points, college graduation rates rose 1.9 points, and the share who ended up employed as adults went up 0.7 points. In other words, children who had the chance to attend one of the country’s universal, affordable day care centers while they existed ended up way ahead of the children who missed out. It’s not just kids who benefit from affordable, high-quality child care, of course. The mothers who used Lanham Act centers loved them. In California, for example, parents assessed the centers almost entirely in glowing terms. It’s not too hard to see why they were so beloved. The costs were extremely low: women who were earning $30 a week only had to pay about 50 cents a day to put their children in a center—or less than $10 in today’s dollars—and they operated all day, year round. The quality was high, given that the program hired out-of-work teachers and trained everyone in the fundamentals of early childhood education. The target child-to-teacher ratio was just 10 to 1. Mothers flocked to the program. More than 100,000 children were being cared for at any given time during the war years. And mothers benefitted alongside their children. For each dollar increase in spending on Lanham Act centers, women’s employment went up 0.1 percentage points, while the time they spent working each week rose by 0.04 hours. Advocates for women’s rights and children’s development wanted the program to last forever. But as soon as the war ramped down, President Truman dismantled it. In the 1970s, we nearly did it again, and this time permanently, when Congress passed legislation to create a nationwide system of affordable child care centers. But then President Richard Nixon, who had at first expressed support for the idea, did an about face
), H. Xiong (UCC), D. Mersel, M. Makhloufi, G. Terpend, D. Dong (UCC) With the advent of heterogeneous resources and increasing scale, present cloud environments are becoming more and more complex. In order to manage heterogeneous cloud infrastructures at scale, in a reliable and robust manner, systems and services with autonomic behaviours are advantaging. In this paper, self-healing concepts are introduced for autonomic cloud management. A layered master-slave structure is proposed, providing the reliability and high availability for a decentralised, hierarchical cloud architecture. Cloud Deployment and Management of Dataflow Engines N. Trifunovic (Maxeler), H. Palikareva (Maxeler), T. Becker (Maxeler), G. Gaydadjiev (Maxeler) Maxeler Technologies successfully commercialises high-performance computing systems based on dataflow technology. Maxeler dataflow computers have been deployed in a wide range of application domains including financial data analytics, geoscience and low-latency transaction processing. In the context of cloud computing steadily growing acceptance in new domains, we illustrate how Maxeler dataflow systems can be integrated and employed in a self-organising self-managing heterogeneous cloud environment. On the power consumption modeling for the simulation of Heterogeneous HPC clouds K. Giannoutakis (CERTH), A. Makaratzis (CERTH), D. Tzovaras (CERTH), C. K. Filelis-Papadopoulos (DUTH), G. A. Gravvanis (DUTH) During the last years, except from the traditional CPU based hardware servers, hardware accelerators are widely used in various HPC application areas. More specifically, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Many Integrated Cores (MICs) and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have shown a great potential in HPC and have been widely mobilized in supercomputing. With the adoption of HPC from cloud environments, the realization of HPC-Clouds is evolving since many vendors provide HPC capabilities on their clouds. With the increase of the interest on clouds, there has been an analogous increase in cloud simulation frameworks. Cloud simulation frameworks offer a controllable environment for experimentation with various workloads and scenarios, while they provide several metrics such as server utilization and power consumption
), H. Xiong (UCC), D. Mersel, M. Makhloufi, G. Terpend, D. Dong (UCC) With the advent of heterogeneous resources and increasing scale, present cloud environments are becoming more and more complex. In order to manage heterogeneous cloud infrastructures at scale, in a reliable and robust manner, systems and services with autonomic behaviours are advantaging. In this paper, self-healing concepts are introduced for autonomic cloud management. A layered master-slave structure is proposed, providing the reliability and high availability for a decentralised, hierarchical cloud architecture. Cloud Deployment and Management of Dataflow Engines N. Trifunovic (Maxeler), H. Palikareva (Maxeler), T. Becker (Maxeler), G. Gaydadjiev (Maxeler) Maxeler Technologies successfully commercialises high-performance computing systems based on dataflow technology. Maxeler dataflow computers have been deployed in a wide range of application domains including financial data analytics, geoscience and low-latency transaction processing. In the context of cloud computing steadily growing acceptance in new domains, we illustrate how Maxeler dataflow systems can be integrated and employed in a self-organising self-managing heterogeneous cloud environment. On the power consumption modeling for the simulation of Heterogeneous HPC clouds K. Giannoutakis (CERTH), A. Makaratzis (CERTH), D. Tzovaras (CERTH), C. K. Filelis-Papadopoulos (DUTH), G. A. Gravvanis (DUTH) During the last years, except from the traditional CPU based hardware servers, hardware accelerators are widely used in various HPC application areas. More specifically, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Many Integrated Cores (MICs) and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have shown a great potential in HPC and have been widely mobilized in supercomputing. With the adoption of HPC from cloud environments, the realization of HPC-Clouds is evolving since many vendors provide HPC capabilities on their clouds. With the increase of the interest on clouds, there has been an analogous increase in cloud simulation frameworks. Cloud simulation frameworks offer a controllable environment for experimentation with various workloads and scenarios, while they provide several metrics such as server utilization and power consumption
. For providing these metrics, cloud simulators propose mathematical models that estimate the behavior of the underlying hardware infrastructure. This paper focuses on the power consumption modeling of the main compute elements of heterogeneous HPC servers, i.e. CPU servers and pairs of CPU-accelerators. The modeling approaches of existing cloud simulators are examined and extended, while new models are proposed for estimating the power consumption of accelerators. CloudLightning Simulation and Evaluation Roadmap C. K. Filelis-Papadopoulos (DUTH), G. A. Gravvanis (DUTH), J. P. Morrison (UCC) The CloudLightning (CL) system, designed in the frame of the CloudLightning project, is a service-oriented architecture for the emerging large scale heterogeneous cloud. It facilitates a clear distinction between service-lifecyle management and resource-lifecycle management. This separation of concerns is used to make resource management issues tractable at scale and to enable functionality that is currently not naturally covered by the cloud paradigm. In particular, the CL project seeks to maximize computational efficiency of the cloud in a number of specific ways; by exploiting prebuilt HPC environments, by dynamically building HPC instances, by improving server utilization, by reducing power consumption and by improving service delivery. Given the scale and complexity of this project, its utility can presently only be measured through simulation. This paper outlines the parameters, constraints and limitation being considered as part of the design and construction of that simulation environment. Elastic Cloud Services Compliance with Gustafson’s and Amdahl’s Laws S. Ristov, R. Prodan, D. Petcu (IeAT) The speedup that can be achieved with parallel and distributed architectures is limited at least by two laws: the Amdahl’s and Gustafson’s laws. The former limits the speedup to a constant value when a fixed size problem is executed on a multiprocessor, while the latter limits the speedup up to its linear value for the fixed time problems, which means that it is limited by the number of used processors. However, a superlinear speedup can be achieved (speedup greater than the number of used processors) due to insufficient memory, while, parallel and, especially distributed systems can even slowdown the execution due to the communication overhead, when compared to the sequential one. Since the cloud performance is uncertain and it can be influenced by available memory and networks, in
momentum equation for the control volume is where is the axial component of the transpiration velocity. By introducing the variable , Equation (3) can be written as where is the Mach number of the main flow at the left section of the control volume, is the specific heat ratio, and is gas constant of the combustion gas. Derivatives of other parameters such as and can be derived from Equations (7), (8), and (9). The variable in Equations (7), (8), and (9) depends on the geometry of the grain. In most SRMs, the angle between the generating line of the grain and the axis is small, even under the condition of the erosive burning. This makes the value of to be relatively small compared to one. The values of in References [6, 7] are about 0.4% and 0.8%, for instance. Thus, is assumed to be zero, and the expression is considered as 1 in this paper. During motor operation, the velocity at the throat of the nozzle would be the sound velocity, and at a specific section in the nozzle, the flux function equals the area ratio and can be expressed as where and represent the area of the specific section and throat, respectively. With the expansion loss neglected, the aft end of the chamber can be seen as the inlet of the nozzle. In such situation, Equation (10) can be used to compute the Mach number at the aft end of the chamber. Equation (10) yields two solutions for . Since we focus on the flow in the combustion chamber, only the subsonic value is taken. With the Mach number computed, the temperature at the aft end of the combustion chamber can be obtained from the relation where the combustion temperature is used as the total temperature of the combustion gas. The density or pressure at the aft-end section is still need to be ascertained to obtain all the flow parameters at the aft-end section. To extend the 1D approach to SRMs with two channels, an estimation of mass flux at aft-end section is given at each time step to determine the density () and then pressure () at the aft-end section. The secant method can be used to solve Equation (12) to get a good estimation of and then the flow state of the whole combustion chamber. Now that the flow parameters have been computed for a time step, we can compute the total burning rate and the geometry of the grain for next time step
momentum equation for the control volume is where is the axial component of the transpiration velocity. By introducing the variable , Equation (3) can be written as where is the Mach number of the main flow at the left section of the control volume, is the specific heat ratio, and is gas constant of the combustion gas. Derivatives of other parameters such as and can be derived from Equations (7), (8), and (9). The variable in Equations (7), (8), and (9) depends on the geometry of the grain. In most SRMs, the angle between the generating line of the grain and the axis is small, even under the condition of the erosive burning. This makes the value of to be relatively small compared to one. The values of in References [6, 7] are about 0.4% and 0.8%, for instance. Thus, is assumed to be zero, and the expression is considered as 1 in this paper. During motor operation, the velocity at the throat of the nozzle would be the sound velocity, and at a specific section in the nozzle, the flux function equals the area ratio and can be expressed as where and represent the area of the specific section and throat, respectively. With the expansion loss neglected, the aft end of the chamber can be seen as the inlet of the nozzle. In such situation, Equation (10) can be used to compute the Mach number at the aft end of the chamber. Equation (10) yields two solutions for . Since we focus on the flow in the combustion chamber, only the subsonic value is taken. With the Mach number computed, the temperature at the aft end of the combustion chamber can be obtained from the relation where the combustion temperature is used as the total temperature of the combustion gas. The density or pressure at the aft-end section is still need to be ascertained to obtain all the flow parameters at the aft-end section. To extend the 1D approach to SRMs with two channels, an estimation of mass flux at aft-end section is given at each time step to determine the density () and then pressure () at the aft-end section. The secant method can be used to solve Equation (12) to get a good estimation of and then the flow state of the whole combustion chamber. Now that the flow parameters have been computed for a time step, we can compute the total burning rate and the geometry of the grain for next time step
using a proper burning rate model. Then, the iteration goes to the next time step, until the chamber pressure drops below the ambient pressure. For a two-channel combustion chamber with a free-standing noninhibitor grain (which means all the surfaces of the grain burn during the SRM operation), a new situation emerges. In a combustion chamber of this kind, the flow parameters and the erosive conditions are different between the inner and outer channels. The exchange of gas between the two channels can often appear. Thus, for two-channel combustion chambers, the traditional 1D assumption cannot hold anymore. We assume that the flow variables at the aft ends of the two channels are identical. The validity of this assumption can be proved by a steady two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) procedure. Figure 2 shows the contour of axial velocity near the aft end of the combustion chamber of an SRM. The parameters used are from the SRM which will be described in Section 3. The Mukunda-Paul expression is used to obtain the burning rate of the grain. The values of the average velocities of the inner channel and outer channel at the aft-end section are 160 m/s and 155 m/s, respectively. The average pressures in the both channels are all 10.6 MPa. Figure 2: Axial velocity contour near the aft-end section of the grain. The secant method is used to solve Equation (15), and then the true value of the total mass flow rate at aft-end section of the chamber is obtained. This yields the flow field variables of the whole combustion chamber at the current time step. The burning rate and geometry of the grain are updated according to the flow field at the current time step, and the iteration goes on to the next time step until the pressure drops below the ambient pressure. In this paper, two different erosive burning rate models are used. They are the modified L-R expression and Mukunda expression. For comparison, an iterative procedure using the de Saint Robert law, i.e., , is also carried out in this paper. The internal ballistics results obtained by the different computations are compared. As indicated in Reference , in a regular solid rocket motor, the gas velocity will decrease as the burning surface regresses and the port area becomes larger, which leads to a decrease in erosive burning. Yet, the L-R expression cannot reveal the decrease of
-walnut-streets.jpg https://www.emporis.com/images/show/227058-Large-exterior-from-the-southwest-on-the-corner-of-broad-and-walnut-streets.jpg Direct download of the public profile for Wells Fargo Building Direct download of the full building profile for Wells Fargo Building steel supplier Wachovia Building, Fidelity Bank Building, Fidelity Trust Building, Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company Building The building has a modified H-shape, with the center section recessed from the street above the pedestal. This is the tallest building completed in Philadelphia during the 1920s. The former Fidelity Trust Building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. Main addresses 1324-1338 Sansom Street, 123-151 South Broad Street, 1325-1341 Walnut Street 123 South Broad Street PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Height (roof) City landmark National landmark Penn Center Suburban Station Two Commerce Square BNY Mellon Center Homecoming Outputs Host & Honorary Chairs Tourism Breakfast Legal Symposium 2019 Entrepreneurship Symposium Walking Tour of West Belfast Business and Investment Conference 2019 Belfast Homecoming Ambassador Medal 2019 & Banquet Companies Attending Homecoming: 2018 Business & Investment Conference 2018 The Celtic Challenge Belfast Business Top 50 Aidan McGowan Aidan McGowan BL was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 2011, having graduated from Cambridge University. Aidan’s practice is focussed on Administrative Law (Judicial Review) and the promotion and protection of Human Rights, in the fields of immigration, prison and criminal law. Aidan was junior counsel in the recent successful Judicial Review on behalf of Conradh Na Gaeilge’s Application and In the Matter of a Failure by the Executive Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly to Comply with its Duty Pursuant to Section 28D of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 [2017] NIQB 27 Alan Esslemont, Director General, TG4 Alan is a Scotsman who holds an MA in French from Edinburgh University (1980) and a postgraduate MBA from the Open University (2005). After working in France, Switzerland and in a knitting factory in the Isle of Skye, Alan moved to Ireland in 1984 to a
-walnut-streets.jpg https://www.emporis.com/images/show/227058-Large-exterior-from-the-southwest-on-the-corner-of-broad-and-walnut-streets.jpg Direct download of the public profile for Wells Fargo Building Direct download of the full building profile for Wells Fargo Building steel supplier Wachovia Building, Fidelity Bank Building, Fidelity Trust Building, Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company Building The building has a modified H-shape, with the center section recessed from the street above the pedestal. This is the tallest building completed in Philadelphia during the 1920s. The former Fidelity Trust Building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. Main addresses 1324-1338 Sansom Street, 123-151 South Broad Street, 1325-1341 Walnut Street 123 South Broad Street PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Height (roof) City landmark National landmark Penn Center Suburban Station Two Commerce Square BNY Mellon Center Homecoming Outputs Host & Honorary Chairs Tourism Breakfast Legal Symposium 2019 Entrepreneurship Symposium Walking Tour of West Belfast Business and Investment Conference 2019 Belfast Homecoming Ambassador Medal 2019 & Banquet Companies Attending Homecoming: 2018 Business & Investment Conference 2018 The Celtic Challenge Belfast Business Top 50 Aidan McGowan Aidan McGowan BL was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 2011, having graduated from Cambridge University. Aidan’s practice is focussed on Administrative Law (Judicial Review) and the promotion and protection of Human Rights, in the fields of immigration, prison and criminal law. Aidan was junior counsel in the recent successful Judicial Review on behalf of Conradh Na Gaeilge’s Application and In the Matter of a Failure by the Executive Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly to Comply with its Duty Pursuant to Section 28D of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 [2017] NIQB 27 Alan Esslemont, Director General, TG4 Alan is a Scotsman who holds an MA in French from Edinburgh University (1980) and a postgraduate MBA from the Open University (2005). After working in France, Switzerland and in a knitting factory in the Isle of Skye, Alan moved to Ireland in 1984 to a
teaching position at University College Galway. In 1989 he became a member of the start-up team for Telegael, the first successful audio-visual company in the west of Ireland. Alan was appointed in 1995 to the senior management group of Teilifís na Gaeilge which launched TnaG in October 1996. He was a founding board member and treasurer of the Irish Film and Television Academy (1997 – 2000) and played a key role in the successful re-launch of TnaG as TG4 in 1999. He was appointed Director of Television for TG4 in 2000 and then in December 2007 Alan returned to Scotland to help set up and successfully launch BBC ALBA, the Scots Gaelic television channel. BBC ALBA was the first BBC licensed service to be managed within a partnership framework and is watched by an audience ten times the total amount of Gaelic speakers in Scotland. In October 2016 Alan came back to work in Ireland to undertake the chief executive role at TG4. Anne Gallagher Anne Gallagher is Senior Director of Engineering for Tyco Security Products, JCI and heads up JCI’s R&D facility in Belfast. Anne has 25 years of experience in the Software industry – in both Corporate and Start-up companies delivering Data Communication, Digital TV and CCTV products. She has worked for BT, Nortel, Latens and now JCI – her career evolving from a Graduate Software Engineer in BT to her current role as Senor Director of Engineering in JCI. She has Hons Degree in Pure Mathematics & Statistics, MSc in Computer Science from Queen’s University Belfast and MSc in Corporate Leadership from Napier University, Edinburgh. Her proudest achievement was as an investor, Software Engineering Director, eventually COO, in ‘Latens’, a technology start-up company. Latens was acquired by Pace in 2010. Ann McGregor Ann McGregor MBE was appointed as CEO of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry in June 2008. Ann was formerly Chief Executive of Enterprise NI and a director with Business in the Community. She commenced her career in the private sector working in production/materials management with Roche Manufacturing, Schering Plough and Bird’s General Foods before moving into local economic development. Ann is a BA Honours Graduate of Queen’s University, holds a MA Marketing from Ulster University and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. In June 2012, Ann received a MBE for services to small business
folding leading to aggregation of proteins in the body. Biotechnology companies trying to produce pure proteins run into similar problems; incorrectly folded proteins can be unstable and even toxic. Research by Professor Chris Dobson in the area of structural modification of proteins led to the spin-out of Zyentia in 2002. The company initially focused on the development of modified human calcitonin, a hormone that regulates bone density, used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Zyentia also developed software to predict elements in proteins that could lead to aggregation, and this was successfully sold to Lonza in 2006, who have since further developed and patented the approach. Inhibox Ltd Research: Professor Graham Richards Focus: Scopius, the world's largest searchable virtual database of small molecules for drug discovery. InhibOx has pioneered the use of cloud computing for large-scale molecular modelling. Key contributions to the field of computational chemistry for drug discovery have been made by InhibOx, a spin-out company based on the research of Professor Graham Richards, whose Screensaver Lifesaver project gave an early demonstratration of how the idle processing power of volunteers’ computers could be harnessed to screen huge numbers of molecules and assess their potential as cancer drug leads. InhibOx have developed Scopius, the world's largest searchable virtual database of small molecules (over 112 million compounds) and pioneered the use of cloud computing for large-scale molecular modelling. This helps to reduce the cost of identifying molecular leads for new drugs, and has opened up the early stages of drug development to smaller companies. Oxford Asymmetry Int Plc Year: merged with Evotec in 2000 Focus: Drug development – designing and making novel chemical compounds for clients in the pharmaceutical industry to test, and refining those that showed promise. Oxford Asymmetry International plc was formed from two companies spun out by Professor Steve Davies: Oxford Asymmetry Ltd (an asymmetric synthesis company), and Oxford Diversity Ltd (a combinatorial chemistry company). The company’s focus was on drug development, designing and making hundreds of thousands of novel chemical compounds for clients in the pharmaceutical industry to test, and then refining those that showed promise. It merged with Evotec Biosystems in December 2000 to become Evotec OAI, now a leading European company for the discovery and development of new drugs. Oxford Molecular Group plc Year setup: 1989; a subsidiary of Accelrys since 2001
folding leading to aggregation of proteins in the body. Biotechnology companies trying to produce pure proteins run into similar problems; incorrectly folded proteins can be unstable and even toxic. Research by Professor Chris Dobson in the area of structural modification of proteins led to the spin-out of Zyentia in 2002. The company initially focused on the development of modified human calcitonin, a hormone that regulates bone density, used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Zyentia also developed software to predict elements in proteins that could lead to aggregation, and this was successfully sold to Lonza in 2006, who have since further developed and patented the approach. Inhibox Ltd Research: Professor Graham Richards Focus: Scopius, the world's largest searchable virtual database of small molecules for drug discovery. InhibOx has pioneered the use of cloud computing for large-scale molecular modelling. Key contributions to the field of computational chemistry for drug discovery have been made by InhibOx, a spin-out company based on the research of Professor Graham Richards, whose Screensaver Lifesaver project gave an early demonstratration of how the idle processing power of volunteers’ computers could be harnessed to screen huge numbers of molecules and assess their potential as cancer drug leads. InhibOx have developed Scopius, the world's largest searchable virtual database of small molecules (over 112 million compounds) and pioneered the use of cloud computing for large-scale molecular modelling. This helps to reduce the cost of identifying molecular leads for new drugs, and has opened up the early stages of drug development to smaller companies. Oxford Asymmetry Int Plc Year: merged with Evotec in 2000 Focus: Drug development – designing and making novel chemical compounds for clients in the pharmaceutical industry to test, and refining those that showed promise. Oxford Asymmetry International plc was formed from two companies spun out by Professor Steve Davies: Oxford Asymmetry Ltd (an asymmetric synthesis company), and Oxford Diversity Ltd (a combinatorial chemistry company). The company’s focus was on drug development, designing and making hundreds of thousands of novel chemical compounds for clients in the pharmaceutical industry to test, and then refining those that showed promise. It merged with Evotec Biosystems in December 2000 to become Evotec OAI, now a leading European company for the discovery and development of new drugs. Oxford Molecular Group plc Year setup: 1989; a subsidiary of Accelrys since 2001
Focus: Innovative chemical information management and decision-support software for researchers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and other chemical research industries. In early 1970s, as computers were beginning to make an impact in scientific research, Graham Richards saw the potential for software to revolutionise areas such as drug discovery. His subsequent work on computer-based molecular modelling led to the spin-out of Oxford Molecular Group, which created innovative chemical information management and decision-support software for researchers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agrochemical and related chemical research industries. The company was floated successfully on the stock market in 1994 and became part of Pharmacopeia Inc.'s software subsidiary, Accelrys, in 2001. Accelrys is now a leader in cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and simulation software for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, based in part on the Oxford technology it acquired. MediSense Year setup: 1984; acquired by Abbott Laboratories in 1996 Research: Professor Allen Hill Focus: Development of a highly accurate electrochemical sensor to monitor blood glucose levels, which became a commercial home-use monitoring device for diabetics. Research by Professor Allen Hill’s group into the electrochemistry of human enzymes led to the spin-out of MediSense and the development of a highly accurate sensor capable of monitoring blood glucose levels. The sensor detected levels of glucose oxidase, the enzyme responsible for glucose metabolism, and results could be obtained from a small drop of blood with no pre-treatment necessary, making it extremely suitable for a home-use monitoring device for diabetics. A commercial product was launched in 1989 and its success led to the sale of MediSense to Abbott in 1996 for £876m. Abbott have since further developed a range of meters for diabetics based on the original MediSense design. Whereas in the early eighties, there were essentially no electrochemical glucose sensors, now almost all the devices are electrochemical. ReOx Ltd Year setup: 2003; technology licensed to Amgen Research: Professor Christopher Schofield Focus: drug discovery technology to develop novel treatments for disease by controlling the activity of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) Glycoform Ltd Research: Professor Ben Davis & Dr Antony Fairbanks Focus: the development of an advanced drug delivery system based on harnessing the way carbohydrates specifically target cell receptors; and the glycosylation of protein drugs - the attachment of carbohydrates to proteins to improve their drug characteristics
State Rep. John Bennett (R-Sallisaw); State Senator Mark Allen (R-Spiro); and State Rep. Ed Cannaday (D-Porum). Allen told the chamber members why he did not vote for a proposed $1.50 fee per package of cigarettes, which was approved to raise money for state coffers. Allen said other legislators do not take the state’s border counties into consideration, and residents in border counties will travel and take their money outside the state, such as to Fort Smith, to buy cheaper cigarettes. And while doing so they will spend more money on other merchandise and services, such as eating at Fort Smith restaurants. On a positive note, Bennett noted that money was found for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP), which will allow the OHP to hold a new recruit academy and lifted the 100-mile restriction for troopers, enacted earlier due to lack of funding. He noted he was able to get a bill killed to sell the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA), which sells power to Sallisaw, and, in exchange, the GRDA is providing for better communication for rural law enforcement. Cannaday noted that he is term limited, and next year will be his12th and last year in the State House. He complained that the state budget was not vetted by the committees that are supposed to work on the budget for various agencies. Cannaday serves on the Education Appropriations Committee and complained that his committee did not get to see the education budget. Cannaday said low teacher pay is responsible for the teacher shortage. He added that local school boards do not have enough money coming in to give teachers pay raises. Bennett explained that tax increases have to be approved by a three-quarters vote of both the State House and Senate, which won’t happen. The three legislators said there isn’t much they can do about Social Security, since it is a federal program. Bennett said he supported a bill that allows residents to go outside the state to buy health insurance. He said the Affordable Care Act has resulted in only one health insurance company in the state. Allowing buyers to go outside the state to buy insurance could make it more affordable. Bennett said legislators will continue to work on balancing the state budget, and have identified a lot of waste they hope to curtail. Reducing tax credit for wind power and legislation changing the incentive rate from 1 to 4 percent for production from horizontally-drilled wells should being additional income to the
State Rep. John Bennett (R-Sallisaw); State Senator Mark Allen (R-Spiro); and State Rep. Ed Cannaday (D-Porum). Allen told the chamber members why he did not vote for a proposed $1.50 fee per package of cigarettes, which was approved to raise money for state coffers. Allen said other legislators do not take the state’s border counties into consideration, and residents in border counties will travel and take their money outside the state, such as to Fort Smith, to buy cheaper cigarettes. And while doing so they will spend more money on other merchandise and services, such as eating at Fort Smith restaurants. On a positive note, Bennett noted that money was found for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP), which will allow the OHP to hold a new recruit academy and lifted the 100-mile restriction for troopers, enacted earlier due to lack of funding. He noted he was able to get a bill killed to sell the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA), which sells power to Sallisaw, and, in exchange, the GRDA is providing for better communication for rural law enforcement. Cannaday noted that he is term limited, and next year will be his12th and last year in the State House. He complained that the state budget was not vetted by the committees that are supposed to work on the budget for various agencies. Cannaday serves on the Education Appropriations Committee and complained that his committee did not get to see the education budget. Cannaday said low teacher pay is responsible for the teacher shortage. He added that local school boards do not have enough money coming in to give teachers pay raises. Bennett explained that tax increases have to be approved by a three-quarters vote of both the State House and Senate, which won’t happen. The three legislators said there isn’t much they can do about Social Security, since it is a federal program. Bennett said he supported a bill that allows residents to go outside the state to buy health insurance. He said the Affordable Care Act has resulted in only one health insurance company in the state. Allowing buyers to go outside the state to buy insurance could make it more affordable. Bennett said legislators will continue to work on balancing the state budget, and have identified a lot of waste they hope to curtail. Reducing tax credit for wind power and legislation changing the incentive rate from 1 to 4 percent for production from horizontally-drilled wells should being additional income to the
state in the future, he said. The Cherokee Nation is planning a grand opening for Sequoyah’s Cabin, the historic property northeast of Sallisaw the tribe purchased from the state last year. The grand opening will be held from 10:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Thursday. The historic site has undergone a complete renovation, a spokesman said, including a renovated gift shop with new walls around both the gift shop and cabin, which is enclosed for protection. A new collection of historic items and photos has been added and a new children’s area is under construction. The grounds are also undergoing more maintenance. The spokesman said the site has remained open while renovations were underway, and tours are available. According to the website, Sequoyah’s Cabin is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and was designated as a National Literary Landmark in 2006. Sequoyah, also known as George Guess or George Gist, was born in Tennessee around 1778. He was among the “Old Settlers” of Cherokee Nation, who migrated to present-day Oklahoma and western Arkansas around 1818, prior to the Trail of Tears. Though lame in one leg, Sequoyah became known as a skilled blacksmith and silversmith as well as an artist. Sequoyah left his eastern home in 1818 to operate a salt production and blacksmith works near present-day Russellville, Ark. In 1828, Sequoyah joined a delegation sent to Washington by the Arkansas Cherokees to make a treaty to exchange their lands for lands in Indian Territory. Following this trip, Sequoyah traded his land and salt works for land located on Big Skin Bayou Creek in Indian Territory. Sequoyah's Cabin is located on Oklahoma 101, seven miles east of U.S. Highway 59 in Sallisaw. The site is open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The phone number is (918) 775-2413​. Cherokee Nation took ownership from the Oklahoma Historical Society in November 2016 when the Oklahoma Historical Society was no longer able to operate and maintain the site due to budget cuts. one of the largest sod farms in the region. Near the Oklahoma-Arkansas border is the small town of Spiro, population of 2,167. Twenty two years ago, even Jan Sebo could not have imagined that it would become home
the roles that each actor is somewhat known for. The script goes everywhere to fit these beats in and it’s incoherent but sets up enough for the epic battle Kaiju sequences. Plus you get to see your favorite actors basically do their catchphrase that’s not a catchphrase. It’s Giant monster battle fighting featuring a cast who do all your favorite things. I don’t think the movie is meant to be taken too seriously. If anything, the monsters are the true stars. You can watch ‘Godzilla: King of The Monsters’ in theatres right now Tags Charles Dance Godzilla Ken Watanabe Kyle Chandler Millie Bobby Brown Sally Hawkins Thomas Middleditch Vera Farmiga Zhang Ziyi Previous Final Season of ‘Killjoys’ Returns July 19 Next ‘Cobra Kai’ review: ‘Lull’ ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 Scene-By-Scene: Episodes 6-8 ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 Scene-by-Scene: Episodes 1 and 2 Stranger Things Season 2: The Strange-yier Questions We Need Answered Stranger Things Season 2 is right around the corner and the staff at The Workprint are … Ripple Invests $25M Worth Of XRP Into Blockchain Capital’s Fund Posted on April 11, 2018 April 11, 2018 4:04 pm Ripple, the blockchain company, announced news on Wednesday (April 11) that it has invested $25 million of its XRP cryptocurrency in Blockchain Capital’s $150 million fund Blockchain Capital Parallel IV. In a press release, Ripple said Blockchain Capital is the first fund focused solely on the blockchain space and is also the first to accept capital calls in cryptocurrency. “Blockchain Capital is the premiere fund for any project looking to get off the ground in the blockchain space. They have a proven track record for finding and funding the projects that matter,” said Patrick Griffin, SVP of Strategic Growth at Ripple in a press release announcing the investment. “This is the first fund that we’ve contributed to, and it won’t be the last. We plan to be major players in shaping the future generation of blockchain or crypto companies.” According to Ripple, Blockchain Capital will focus on investing in entrepreneurial teams that are building businesses on blockchain technology. The investment in Blockchain Capital enables Ripple to develop inroads with entrepreneurs
the roles that each actor is somewhat known for. The script goes everywhere to fit these beats in and it’s incoherent but sets up enough for the epic battle Kaiju sequences. Plus you get to see your favorite actors basically do their catchphrase that’s not a catchphrase. It’s Giant monster battle fighting featuring a cast who do all your favorite things. I don’t think the movie is meant to be taken too seriously. If anything, the monsters are the true stars. You can watch ‘Godzilla: King of The Monsters’ in theatres right now Tags Charles Dance Godzilla Ken Watanabe Kyle Chandler Millie Bobby Brown Sally Hawkins Thomas Middleditch Vera Farmiga Zhang Ziyi Previous Final Season of ‘Killjoys’ Returns July 19 Next ‘Cobra Kai’ review: ‘Lull’ ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 Scene-By-Scene: Episodes 6-8 ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 Scene-by-Scene: Episodes 1 and 2 Stranger Things Season 2: The Strange-yier Questions We Need Answered Stranger Things Season 2 is right around the corner and the staff at The Workprint are … Ripple Invests $25M Worth Of XRP Into Blockchain Capital’s Fund Posted on April 11, 2018 April 11, 2018 4:04 pm Ripple, the blockchain company, announced news on Wednesday (April 11) that it has invested $25 million of its XRP cryptocurrency in Blockchain Capital’s $150 million fund Blockchain Capital Parallel IV. In a press release, Ripple said Blockchain Capital is the first fund focused solely on the blockchain space and is also the first to accept capital calls in cryptocurrency. “Blockchain Capital is the premiere fund for any project looking to get off the ground in the blockchain space. They have a proven track record for finding and funding the projects that matter,” said Patrick Griffin, SVP of Strategic Growth at Ripple in a press release announcing the investment. “This is the first fund that we’ve contributed to, and it won’t be the last. We plan to be major players in shaping the future generation of blockchain or crypto companies.” According to Ripple, Blockchain Capital will focus on investing in entrepreneurial teams that are building businesses on blockchain technology. The investment in Blockchain Capital enables Ripple to develop inroads with entrepreneurs
and companies focused on other use cases, including those that use the XRP Ledger and Interledger Protocol. “As pioneers in the blockchain sector, we have been on the front lines and in the trenches with our portfolio companies like Ripple, building a new crypto ecosystem,” said Bart Stephens, co-founder and managing partner of Blockchain Capital in the same press release. “There are entire verticals — like healthcare or identity management — that could benefit from blockchain or distributed ledger technology. Whether it’s using XRP, bitcoin or just the underlying blockchain technology, our goal is to find the best projects and give them the resources to be successful companies that deliver value to customers for the long term.” In a recent interview with TechCrunch on the sidelines of Money2020, the payments conference held in Singapore, Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, said the company is focused on enabling banks to use its blockchain software offering, while also looking to invest in startups that could provide alternative uses for XRP. “We, Ripple, will stay focused on solving that institutional use case, but we would certainly partner with companies that are looking to use XRP in lots of different ways,” said Garlinghouse, pointing to Omni, a San Francisco-based startup that provides storage and rental services through XRP. TechCrunch noted that Ripple and two executives from the company were the lead investors in Omni back in January. Related Items:Blockchain, cryptocurrency, dlt, Investment, News, Ripple, What's Hot, XRP Uber Expands Uber Bike, Gets Into Car Rentals Alibaba CEO Warns Trade War Will Harm Everyone Congratulations to... ... Teddy Bear, our Week #3 Winner! Just Jennifer The Beekeeper’s Lament by Hannah Nordhaus (Harper Perennial, July 2011) The honeybee has always been an integral part of the American agriculture industry. Pollination bees provide is crucial to the survival of most crops and the production of fruits and vegetables, but to who much thought isn’t often given. Hannah Nordhaus tells the story of John Miller, a commercial beekeeper whose passion is raising bees and transporting them and their hives from the mid-west to the west coast of the United States. He does so with great understanding of the part these bees play in the delicate balance, but also with an understanding for the needs of the bees if they are to thrive and be productive. Hannah Nordhaus tells the
== source.length); lines = source.split(/\r\n?|\n/); for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { it = lines[i]; it = it.replace(/^\s*((?:var)?\s*(?:\w+\s*=))?\s*/, ''); match = it.match( /^require\s*\(\s*(\'|\")((?:(?!\1).)+)\1\s*\)\s*(;|$)/); if (match) { requires.push(match[2]); } } return requires; } function loadModule(response, request, callback) { var originPath = response.originPath; var pendingIndex = pending.indexOf(request); var module; var requireCount = 0; var requires, i, it; function callCallbackWhenOver() { if (requireCount <= 0 && typeof callback === 'function') { callback(module, request); } } function onRequiredLoaded(depModule, depRequest) { module.dependencies.push(depModule.path); module.requireMap[depRequest.path] = depModule.path; requireCount -= 1; callCallbackWhenOver(); } pending.splice(pendingIndex, 1); module = moduleMap[originPath]; if (!module) { module = moduleMap[originPath] = { path: originPath, basePath: concatPath(originPath, '..'), error: response.success ? false : response.error, request: request, response: response, source: response.source, dependencies: [], requireMap: {},
== source.length); lines = source.split(/\r\n?|\n/); for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { it = lines[i]; it = it.replace(/^\s*((?:var)?\s*(?:\w+\s*=))?\s*/, ''); match = it.match( /^require\s*\(\s*(\'|\")((?:(?!\1).)+)\1\s*\)\s*(;|$)/); if (match) { requires.push(match[2]); } } return requires; } function loadModule(response, request, callback) { var originPath = response.originPath; var pendingIndex = pending.indexOf(request); var module; var requireCount = 0; var requires, i, it; function callCallbackWhenOver() { if (requireCount <= 0 && typeof callback === 'function') { callback(module, request); } } function onRequiredLoaded(depModule, depRequest) { module.dependencies.push(depModule.path); module.requireMap[depRequest.path] = depModule.path; requireCount -= 1; callCallbackWhenOver(); } pending.splice(pendingIndex, 1); module = moduleMap[originPath]; if (!module) { module = moduleMap[originPath] = { path: originPath, basePath: concatPath(originPath, '..'), error: response.success ? false : response.error, request: request, response: response, source: response.source, dependencies: [], requireMap: {},
moduleObject: { exports: {} } }; if (!module.error) { requires = module.requires = getRequires(module.source); requireCount = requires.length; for (i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) { it = requires[i]; loadFile(it, module.basePath, module.path, onRequiredLoaded); } callCallbackWhenOver(); } else { callCallbackWhenOver(); } } else { callCallbackWhenOver(); } } function loadFile(path, relativeTo, requestedBy, callback) { var requestInfo = { path: path, basePath: relativeTo, solvedPaths: solvePossiblePaths(path, relativeTo), nextIndex: 0 }; pending.push(requestInfo); function onSuccess(response) { loadModule(response, requestInfo, callback); } function onError(response) { console.error( 'Failed to load `' + path + '` requested by `' + requestedBy + '`: ' + response.error); loadModule(response, requestInfo, callback); } function tryLoadNext() { var nextPath = requestInfo.solvedPaths[requestInfo.nextIndex++]; var isLast = requestInfo.nextIndex >= requestInfo.solvedPaths.length; // Send the request for the next possible path. sendRequest(nextPath, function(response) { if (response.success) { // The file was successfully loaded, process the // result. onSuccess(response); } else if (response.notFound && !isLast) { // The file was not found, but there are
documents and make up crimes to achieve their objectives.’ the government’s misconduct raises an interesting corollary question: How will Judge Emmet Sullivan react to these devastating revelations? Sullivan has been hunkered down in his chambers for the last month contemplating (or drafting) his ruling on attorney Sidney Powell’s pending motion in the criminal case against her client, Michael Flynn. Flynn had pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI before Powell took over as his defense counsel. Flynn’s sentencing was postponed to allow Powell to get up to speed in the case. Soon after, Powell filed a motion to compel federal prosecutors to turn over Brady material and other evidence that had been withheld from Flynn’s previous attorneys. In briefing the motion to compel, in addition to arguing that the government improperly withheld evidence from Flynn, Powell also claimed that “[t]he FBI had no factual or legal basis for a criminal investigation, nor did they have a valid basis for a counter-intelligence investigation against an American citizen, and they all knew it. The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct.” Before Judge Sullivan had a chance to rule on Powell’s motion, though, federal prosecutors found themselves forced to inform the long-time federal judge “that for nearly three years, they had wrongly identified the authors of the handwritten notes taken by the FBI agents during their January 24, 2017, interview of then-National Security Advisor Flynn. Prosecutors had told defense counsel (and the court) that the notes written by Peter Strozk had been compiled by FBI Agent Joe Pietka, and those taken by Pietka had been written by Strzok.” Now that the report is out, the question is how it will affect Flynn’s case. While the IG report focused mainly on the DOJ and FBI’s conduct related to the four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications used to obtain an order to surveil Page, Horowitz’s investigation and findings raise two issues of import in the case against Flynn. Source: thefederalist.com The timing of the IG FISA report and the case with Flynn cannot be a coincidence, both showed that the FBI/DOJ altered documentation, omitted documentation, this brings me back to post It was Dems who Colluded with Russia/Putin; McCain
documents and make up crimes to achieve their objectives.’ the government’s misconduct raises an interesting corollary question: How will Judge Emmet Sullivan react to these devastating revelations? Sullivan has been hunkered down in his chambers for the last month contemplating (or drafting) his ruling on attorney Sidney Powell’s pending motion in the criminal case against her client, Michael Flynn. Flynn had pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI before Powell took over as his defense counsel. Flynn’s sentencing was postponed to allow Powell to get up to speed in the case. Soon after, Powell filed a motion to compel federal prosecutors to turn over Brady material and other evidence that had been withheld from Flynn’s previous attorneys. In briefing the motion to compel, in addition to arguing that the government improperly withheld evidence from Flynn, Powell also claimed that “[t]he FBI had no factual or legal basis for a criminal investigation, nor did they have a valid basis for a counter-intelligence investigation against an American citizen, and they all knew it. The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct.” Before Judge Sullivan had a chance to rule on Powell’s motion, though, federal prosecutors found themselves forced to inform the long-time federal judge “that for nearly three years, they had wrongly identified the authors of the handwritten notes taken by the FBI agents during their January 24, 2017, interview of then-National Security Advisor Flynn. Prosecutors had told defense counsel (and the court) that the notes written by Peter Strozk had been compiled by FBI Agent Joe Pietka, and those taken by Pietka had been written by Strzok.” Now that the report is out, the question is how it will affect Flynn’s case. While the IG report focused mainly on the DOJ and FBI’s conduct related to the four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications used to obtain an order to surveil Page, Horowitz’s investigation and findings raise two issues of import in the case against Flynn. Source: thefederalist.com The timing of the IG FISA report and the case with Flynn cannot be a coincidence, both showed that the FBI/DOJ altered documentation, omitted documentation, this brings me back to post It was Dems who Colluded with Russia/Putin; McCain
did not Depart on His Own Terms Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 27 Aug 2018 – 8:04:20 PM Think FLYNN [30]. Exactly [30]. So when Q told us think Flynn [30], exactly [30], does this have to do with the start of sullivan making the decision or the release of the FISA, from these dates Flynn goes free in 30 days. Federal Judge Backs People-Powered We Build The Wall, Inc. – Shreds Federal Lawyers For IBCW We Build the Wall, Inc., a nonprofit organization founded by triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage, is gearing up to build a second portion of wall along the U.S. Mexico border on private land in Mission, International Boundary and Water Commission is, again, relentlessly doing everything to sabotage the project. The IBCW was created by the U.S. and Mexico in 1889 to administer the rules for demarcating the location of the border between the two countries, which sits on banks of the meandering Rio Grande River. The U.S. Section of the international body is administered by the State Department and the Mexican section is overseen by the Secretariat of Foreign Relations. The Department of Justice on Dec. 5 filed a lawsuit on behalf of IBCW against Fisher Industries, the construction company We Build The Wall is contracting to assemble the wall, demanding the group to discontinue building a physical barrier on the banks of the Rio Grande. The border wall, IBCW claims, would violate the United States’ 1970 international water treaty with Mexico by causing flooding that would alter the course of the international waterway and destruct the shoreline. In response, U.S. District Judge Randy Crane issued a restraining or mandating We Build the Wall suspend construction and ordered the government to disclose the results of a hydrology study that would substantiate its unfounded charges. During a hearing at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas in McAllen, U.S. Attorney E. Paxton Warner claimed the Federal Emergency Management Agency has already conducted a mapping study that confirms the construction of a border wall would cause catastrophic environmental damage on the river banks by utilizing expensive state of the art Light Detection and Ranging equipment, also known as LIDAR. Yet, FEMA claimed has declined to provide its study to IBCW, Warner admitted. Judge Crane shot back, . “If you
your image, I selected the flare to go at the bottom of the O in retro. Then I duplicated this layer to make it stand out more and increase its impact. And there you have it, see the final image below. Quite a mainstream outfit for me today. I'm off to enjoy my local green spaces. A topshop top, which I got in a charity shop. My Oasis premium jeans and some converse. Done. In Dubai loats of con artists are there. Click to turn off the automatic update. Escorts Service in Dubai! Right now we are giving Service all over in Dubai, with the goal that each one who needs to get autonomous Service effectively. Exams can be stressful experiences, however, we can’t wave a magic wand and remove all the stress they may cause, but we can give you some guidance and tips on surviving the next couple of weeks.. Follow the guidance that you have been given with regards to the correct time your exam starts and get there a half hour early. On the morning of the exam, get up early so that you’re not in a rush. Then, have a good breakfast. The food you eat will provide the fuel you need to energise your body and brain. Once in the exam room, take a few deep slow breaths. Always read the exam paper carefully before you write anything in your answer booklet. Start with the question you feel most confident about and keep a check on the time. Try to leave some time at the end of the exam to review everything and to make sure all your identification details are on every page. When you leave the exam hall, relax, breathe a sigh of relief and move on. Don’t analyse what happened in the exam. Its over-you will have done your best. Always try to remain calm. Confidence is the key. Registration for MWHCEC 2019 will open in the spring. Want to be the first to know when registration opens? Join our mailing list. The Midwest Healthcare Engineering Conference and Trade Show has been bringing professionals, like you, together for nearly 20 years to discuss the ever-changing healthcare industry. Nearly 600 attendees traveled from 20 different states last year to continue their education and check out the newest concepts and products in the industry. More than 100 companies exhibited in the Trade Show in 2017; sponsorships provide additional visibility to drive attendees to your booth and learn about all that your company offers. All sponsors will receive a custom
your image, I selected the flare to go at the bottom of the O in retro. Then I duplicated this layer to make it stand out more and increase its impact. And there you have it, see the final image below. Quite a mainstream outfit for me today. I'm off to enjoy my local green spaces. A topshop top, which I got in a charity shop. My Oasis premium jeans and some converse. Done. In Dubai loats of con artists are there. Click to turn off the automatic update. Escorts Service in Dubai! Right now we are giving Service all over in Dubai, with the goal that each one who needs to get autonomous Service effectively. Exams can be stressful experiences, however, we can’t wave a magic wand and remove all the stress they may cause, but we can give you some guidance and tips on surviving the next couple of weeks.. Follow the guidance that you have been given with regards to the correct time your exam starts and get there a half hour early. On the morning of the exam, get up early so that you’re not in a rush. Then, have a good breakfast. The food you eat will provide the fuel you need to energise your body and brain. Once in the exam room, take a few deep slow breaths. Always read the exam paper carefully before you write anything in your answer booklet. Start with the question you feel most confident about and keep a check on the time. Try to leave some time at the end of the exam to review everything and to make sure all your identification details are on every page. When you leave the exam hall, relax, breathe a sigh of relief and move on. Don’t analyse what happened in the exam. Its over-you will have done your best. Always try to remain calm. Confidence is the key. Registration for MWHCEC 2019 will open in the spring. Want to be the first to know when registration opens? Join our mailing list. The Midwest Healthcare Engineering Conference and Trade Show has been bringing professionals, like you, together for nearly 20 years to discuss the ever-changing healthcare industry. Nearly 600 attendees traveled from 20 different states last year to continue their education and check out the newest concepts and products in the industry. More than 100 companies exhibited in the Trade Show in 2017; sponsorships provide additional visibility to drive attendees to your booth and learn about all that your company offers. All sponsors will receive a custom
coupon code (branded and unique to your company) that you can use in your sales and promotions materials that will entitle your customers to 15% off registration. Following the conference, we will provide sponsors with contact information for any attendee that used their code. 2 complimentary All-Access passes. This can be used for your company’s attendees or to invite a healthcare engineer client/prospect. 1 complimentary All-Access pass. This can be used for your company’s attendees or to invite a healthcare engineer client/prospect. Art is required by Sept. 27, 2019. Provide your advertisement in .pdf and .eps files. Advertisement sizes must be as listed above and must be black and white unless you purchase a cover advertisement. No modifications will be made. Improperly formatted artwork will be returned to the advertiser with no refund of the advertisement cost. Advertisements must be emailed to [email protected] no later than Sept. 27, 2019. It’s impressive to know that what impact non-surgical cosmetic treatments like lasers, dermal fillers, microdermabrasion and peels can have. Non-surgical treatments were popular in 2018 and are set to increase in popularity in 2019, especially with new and improved technologies being developed. From fat freezing to body contouring and evading the signs of ageing, non-surgical treatments allow you to shape, lift and tighten without having to undergo the knife. Here are some of the non-surgical cosmetic treatments that will be big in 2019. For many young women, prevention is important. Instead of waiting up until fine lines and wrinkles show up, they are treating them with anti-wrinkle injections like the Botox. The neurotoxins in the Botox prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles as they relax the muscles that crease the skin allowing you to retain youthful looking skin and glow for longer. On an average 80% of people aged 11-30 will be affected by acne, and due to this, acne treatment continue to rise in popularity. Hydrodermabrasion is one such procedure that helps to reduce the appearance of acne and provide a deep cleaning effect. This removes impurities such as blackheads and dead cells, thus resulting in clear, glowing skin to make you feel rejuvenated. For minor skin problems like the uneven skin tone, sun spots, dullness and large pores, fractional laser skin treatment is very popular. The painless procedure
ማሕፉዳታት ኣብ 16 ከተማታት-ዓለም ብፍላጥ ተደርብየን ተረኺበን። ኣበየነይቲ ከተማ ዝነብሩ ሰባት እቶም ዝቐንዑ ኰይኖም ተረኺቦም ይመስለኩም? What would you do if you found a wallet full of cash - $1,500 to be exact? Would you return it? A recent incident in California might surprise you. A teenager was seen on surveillance footage returning a wallet with $1,500 inside. It happened outside a home in California after the young man found the wallet filled with $1,500 in cash and credit cards in the driveway of a neighbour’s home, proving that there are still good people out there. Yeah, it is! I’d be absolutely devastated if I lost that amount of money! Absolutely! ‘Thrilled’ ሕጉስ-ፍንጭሕ ምባል ማለት’ዩ። Yes, what a relief! ሕራይ በሉ፡ ሕጂ ነቲ ኣቐዲምና ሓቲትናኩም ዝነበርና ሕቶ ደጊምና ንርአ። ካብ
ማሕፉዳታት ኣብ 16 ከተማታት-ዓለም ብፍላጥ ተደርብየን ተረኺበን። ኣበየነይቲ ከተማ ዝነብሩ ሰባት እቶም ዝቐንዑ ኰይኖም ተረኺቦም ይመስለኩም? What would you do if you found a wallet full of cash - $1,500 to be exact? Would you return it? A recent incident in California might surprise you. A teenager was seen on surveillance footage returning a wallet with $1,500 inside. It happened outside a home in California after the young man found the wallet filled with $1,500 in cash and credit cards in the driveway of a neighbour’s home, proving that there are still good people out there. Yeah, it is! I’d be absolutely devastated if I lost that amount of money! Absolutely! ‘Thrilled’ ሕጉስ-ፍንጭሕ ምባል ማለት’ዩ። Yes, what a relief! ሕራይ በሉ፡ ሕጂ ነቲ ኣቐዲምና ሓቲትናኩም ዝነበርና ሕቶ ደጊምና ንርአ። ካብ
’ዘን ዝስዕባ ሰለስተ ከተማታት፡ ኣየነይተን እያ ዝያዳ ቅንዕቲ? be very upset by something. I was devastated when I lost all my money. I was devastated when I heard that the school was going to close. be very sad. We often use this to talk about romantic love. I was heartbroken when my wife left me. I was heartbroken when my family pictures got deleted. I was ecstatic when I got the job. I was ecstatic when my team won the cup. be very happy and excited. I was thrilled when I went to China the first time. She was thrilled to be singing in front of a crowd. All of these adjectives express a strong feeling - for example, 'devastated' means 'to be very upset by something' - and are called extreme adjectives. If we want to make the feeling of extreme adjectives even stronger, we can use adverbs such as 'absolutely', 'completely' and 'totally'. I’d be absolutely devastated if I lost that amount of money! When they got it back they were probably completely thrilled. You can feel totally heartbroken. You can also use the adverb 'really' with extreme adjectives but, be careful, you cannot use 'very'! What would you do if you found a wallet in the street? What if someone found your wallet in the street? What should they do? Tell us on our Facebook group. Information for Ohioans on Nursing Home Falls and Nursing home abuse and Neglect current through 2017. There were 1.5 million people age 65 and older who lived in nursing homes in the U.S. in 2003, and that number is expected to rise to 3 million by the year 2030. Lawyers can investigate a potential lawsuit for an injury in a nursing home as a result of a fall or fracture. Free claim consultation and case evaluation. This entry was posted in Personal Injury Law on February 5, 2018 by Barbara A. Batchelor. Many international airlines operate business class flights from Asheville to K
sources is by creating a press release to publish on your blog and sending out an associated email newsletter to subscribers. A press release is an official statement from a business to the public that provides objective information about your products or services. If you’re utilizing social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, share the press release on those channels as well. Sites like Pinterest and Reddit have quite a bit of overlap with social media. The difference between social media and social bookmarking is that social bookmarking is the feature on a site that is designed with the intent of sharing content and creating an interface where users can search for articles and videos. This means that people are looking to find content just like yours! Whenever you create a new blog post, infographic, video etc. make sure to use social bookmarking to reach more people. If others find value with what you’ve shared, they will find even more value with your business and potentially become a customer. In scenarios where traditional marketing hasn’t fully done its job, it may be in the best interest of your business to introduce guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing is a method in which a business seeks to create a huge buzz and garner interest about their brand, using non-traditional channels in the process. Essentially, you’re creating a “Wow!” moment. You want to turn heads. You want to guarantee that people will never forget this exposure to your brand and will want to make them associate with your business permanently. Examples of guerrilla marketing include catchy signs, unique events, viral YouTube videos, and more. Guerrilla marketing is not costly. In fact, one of the distinguishing characteristics of guerrilla marketing is its low cost. It just takes a bit more creativity and planning in order to implement effectively. For more information about guerrilla marketing tactics, check out this post. Writing eBooks is a great marketing strategy that not only shows your expertise in your field, but can also generate leads for your business. By offering free but valuable content in exchange for the email addresses of those who want that information (potential customers), your guides and eBooks can become some of your best lead generation tools—while also building trust and credibility with your audience. The aforementioned marketing tactics are a must for all businesses because of the low overhead costs and ease of setup and operation. But if your business has more money set aside for marketing, there are a number of marketing and advertising strategies that get a great return on investment. This is an internet advertising model that
sources is by creating a press release to publish on your blog and sending out an associated email newsletter to subscribers. A press release is an official statement from a business to the public that provides objective information about your products or services. If you’re utilizing social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, share the press release on those channels as well. Sites like Pinterest and Reddit have quite a bit of overlap with social media. The difference between social media and social bookmarking is that social bookmarking is the feature on a site that is designed with the intent of sharing content and creating an interface where users can search for articles and videos. This means that people are looking to find content just like yours! Whenever you create a new blog post, infographic, video etc. make sure to use social bookmarking to reach more people. If others find value with what you’ve shared, they will find even more value with your business and potentially become a customer. In scenarios where traditional marketing hasn’t fully done its job, it may be in the best interest of your business to introduce guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing is a method in which a business seeks to create a huge buzz and garner interest about their brand, using non-traditional channels in the process. Essentially, you’re creating a “Wow!” moment. You want to turn heads. You want to guarantee that people will never forget this exposure to your brand and will want to make them associate with your business permanently. Examples of guerrilla marketing include catchy signs, unique events, viral YouTube videos, and more. Guerrilla marketing is not costly. In fact, one of the distinguishing characteristics of guerrilla marketing is its low cost. It just takes a bit more creativity and planning in order to implement effectively. For more information about guerrilla marketing tactics, check out this post. Writing eBooks is a great marketing strategy that not only shows your expertise in your field, but can also generate leads for your business. By offering free but valuable content in exchange for the email addresses of those who want that information (potential customers), your guides and eBooks can become some of your best lead generation tools—while also building trust and credibility with your audience. The aforementioned marketing tactics are a must for all businesses because of the low overhead costs and ease of setup and operation. But if your business has more money set aside for marketing, there are a number of marketing and advertising strategies that get a great return on investment. This is an internet advertising model that
is used to drive traffic to your website. Businesses pay publishers to host their ad and bid on keywords for which they want the ad to appear. When an ad is clicked, the business is charged money in return for a customer being sent to their website. AdWords is the name of the paid search advertising platform for Google, but there are other paid search platforms such as Bing Ads. Paid search is a great option for driving targeted traffic to your website while organic traffic builds. Facebook advertising is a highly effective way to promote your business directly to your target customers. The Facebook advertising platform enables you to target highly specific populations, based on gender, interests, age range, occupation, marital status, and more. Whether you’re looking to get more clients to your website or get more sales with a promotional offer, Facebook Ads can help get your business what you want. This is an offline marketing strategy that is still highly effective. It entails a business obtaining a list of prospective customers and sending them a sales letter or similar document outlining the product or service being offered. The potential consumer then has the option of positively responding or disregarding the campaign altogether. Direct mail is a costly route, but it is a way to contact potential customers in a personal manner. Similar to a direct mail campaign, the classic cold reach out, which today includes email, is a way of directly reaching out to prospective consumers. Although these are ‘cold’ forms of contact, they should be anything but cold, and should enlighten the consumer as to the many benefits of your business. You should also make sure you’re only cold calling people to whom your product or service is relevant. Cold calling or emailing can be a timely process, and time is money—these tactics are best reserved for businesses that have a larger staff on hand. Businesses with the most successful marketing campaigns never just stick with one tactic. They follow a marketing plan that enables them to try new things and analyze the results. They’re constantly trying new approaches to see what gives them the highest response rate, whether it is with A/B testing or using other analytical approaches. It’s critical for a business to determine what works to reach their audience and convert leads into paying customers. Not all marketing strategies will work for all businesses. A comprehensive, successful marketing plan will help implement these examples of marketing strategies for your business. These are really good strategies! I agree that social media, blogging and content marketing will really help. Thanks for sharing
more when we are not at ease or at dis-ease, and therefore the concentration of Prāṇa within the body decreases in quality. The measure or extent of Prāṇa beyond the body when we are quiet is less. When Prāṇa has difficulty in entering our body it is because something is there that shouldn’t be. The Yoga Sūtra calls that which blocks our well-being Kleśa or that which afflicts us. Its origins arise from a subtle stae of illusion know as Avidyā. It is also known in Haṭha Yoga as Mala or dirt (physical and mental). So the more a person is in a state of ease the more the Prāṇa is within the body, the more a person is in a state of dis-ease or disturbed the more the Prāṇa is scattered. There are times for all of us when our energy feels scattered due to internal or external situations. This is why T Krishnamacharya in his Yoga Rahasya tells us “where there are problems in the body use Āsana, where there are problems in the mind use Prāṇāyāma”. This is why Yoga looks at Prāṇa at the level of Āsana and Prāṇāyāma in order to influence the flow of Prāṇa in the body. We can use Āsana to explore the breath and use Prāṇāyāma to experience the breath. So what are the factors that disturb or scatter the intensity of flow of Prāṇa in the individual? In life our actions often disturb the mind and increase the measure of Prāṇa outside the body. In a child the Prāṇa tends to be as concentrated in its energy field as for the Yogi. In a person with disease or illness the energy field is weakened or scattered. This has been already described with the bicycle tyre and fried egg examples or Michelin Man examples. The way the Prāṇa is diffused or interrupted in its flow is due to changes in the flow of Prakrti. It is what happens in the realm of Prakrti that influences Prāṇa. The child has a good bio-energy field; however, as they grow up so the Prāṇa diffuses and becomes less
more when we are not at ease or at dis-ease, and therefore the concentration of Prāṇa within the body decreases in quality. The measure or extent of Prāṇa beyond the body when we are quiet is less. When Prāṇa has difficulty in entering our body it is because something is there that shouldn’t be. The Yoga Sūtra calls that which blocks our well-being Kleśa or that which afflicts us. Its origins arise from a subtle stae of illusion know as Avidyā. It is also known in Haṭha Yoga as Mala or dirt (physical and mental). So the more a person is in a state of ease the more the Prāṇa is within the body, the more a person is in a state of dis-ease or disturbed the more the Prāṇa is scattered. There are times for all of us when our energy feels scattered due to internal or external situations. This is why T Krishnamacharya in his Yoga Rahasya tells us “where there are problems in the body use Āsana, where there are problems in the mind use Prāṇāyāma”. This is why Yoga looks at Prāṇa at the level of Āsana and Prāṇāyāma in order to influence the flow of Prāṇa in the body. We can use Āsana to explore the breath and use Prāṇāyāma to experience the breath. So what are the factors that disturb or scatter the intensity of flow of Prāṇa in the individual? In life our actions often disturb the mind and increase the measure of Prāṇa outside the body. In a child the Prāṇa tends to be as concentrated in its energy field as for the Yogi. In a person with disease or illness the energy field is weakened or scattered. This has been already described with the bicycle tyre and fried egg examples or Michelin Man examples. The way the Prāṇa is diffused or interrupted in its flow is due to changes in the flow of Prakrti. It is what happens in the realm of Prakrti that influences Prāṇa. The child has a good bio-energy field; however, as they grow up so the Prāṇa diffuses and becomes less
concentrated. This is because of the formation of unhelpful Saṃskāra (habit patterns). These Saṃskāra condition us to certain modes of being and can cause blockages or holding patterns on a mental, emotional, or physical level and thus interfere with a balanced flow of bio-energy. Saṃskāra may be present at birth from genetic history known as Vāsana, or formed from family, social and environmental life patterns. There are always positive and negative influences and these bring about certain patterns that will affect us in later life. These patterns are then compounded by our own actions with regard to food, social relationships, sexual activity, work, family relationships, social activities, etc. If there are problems in these areas then this will reflect in our bio-energy perhaps causing blockages, holding patterns, excess flow in one or more areas or a deficit in one or more areas. It is these disturbances in the Prāṇa that lay the foundation for disease or disturbance later in life. This is why both Āyurveda and Yoga maintain that disease, when present at the level of the body, is also present at the level of mind. This means that body is only part of the problem, we have to do something at a deeper level. We might remove a problem physically but the dis-ease is still present at the level of the mind. According to Patañjali in his Yoga Sūtra dis-ease that is not potentially active in the mind is not in the body. So the purpose of Yoga is to reduce the potential for disease at the level of the mind as well as the level of the body. Furthermore Patañjali tells us that not only is the disease in the mind but also the power to work with our relationship with how it manifests is in the mind. The mind can convert the impact of disease. So the idea is not to kill the diseased mind but to change it. This is why the Yoga Sūtra is a study of the faculties of the mind and its potential or power ror influencing the outcome and effects of our actions. So Āsana, Prāṇāyāma, Mudrā, Dhyānam and other tools are the means by which the mind becomes a powerful ally. Power is when the mind is free of the effects, though not necessarily the presence of disease. As we mature we encounter other difficulties that
ku uczestniczył w zakończonych sukcesem eliminacjach Mistrzostw Świata 1970. W 1970 roku uczestniczył w Mistrzostwach Świata 1970. Na Mundialu w Meksyku El Khiati był rezerwowym zawodnikiem i wystąpił w meczu Maroka z RFN. Bibliografia Profil na worldfootball.com Reprezentanci Maroka w piłce nożnej Piłkarze FAR Rabat Uczestnicy Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 1970 Urodzeni w 1945 Любомир Димитров Андрейчин (, 4 апреля 1910, Габрово - 3 сентября 1975, София) — болгарский лингвист, публицист, профессор Софийского университета, член-корреспондент Болгарской академии наук. Один из крупнейших исследователей болгарского языка, основоположник современной болгарской описательной грамматики. Занима
ku uczestniczył w zakończonych sukcesem eliminacjach Mistrzostw Świata 1970. W 1970 roku uczestniczył w Mistrzostwach Świata 1970. Na Mundialu w Meksyku El Khiati był rezerwowym zawodnikiem i wystąpił w meczu Maroka z RFN. Bibliografia Profil na worldfootball.com Reprezentanci Maroka w piłce nożnej Piłkarze FAR Rabat Uczestnicy Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 1970 Urodzeni w 1945 Любомир Димитров Андрейчин (, 4 апреля 1910, Габрово - 3 сентября 1975, София) — болгарский лингвист, публицист, профессор Софийского университета, член-корреспондент Болгарской академии наук. Один из крупнейших исследователей болгарского языка, основоположник современной болгарской описательной грамматики. Занима
лся главным образом вопросами болгарского литературного языка и стилистики современного болгарского языке, ревностно отстаивая использование правильных форм в письменной и разговорной речи. Биография Родился 22 марта 1910 года в Габрово в семье Димитра Андрейчина (), лесовод, и Ангелины Андрейчиной (). Есть сестра Марта По настоянию отца начинает обучение лесоводству, но после года занятий бросает его и записывается на славянскую филологию на историко-филологическом факультете Со�
remain under study, it is nevertheless clear that the GHGs resulting from animal production are one of the largest contributors to modern climate change. Despite these facts, the impact of the animal-based diet on global warming continues to be underestimated and underreported.[25] This is in addition to the grave situation described by Keselopoulos above. Using the argument of self-interest as a motivating factor, we can see how abstinence from an animal-based diet could have immediate beneficial results for our water sources, climate change and thus our future survival. We do not need to wait for world/government agreements in order to effect change. This partially addresses the human and environmental aspect of this theme but what about the animals, what do we know of their suffering in these industries? If we as individuals or as leaders of our Church are to engage with the subject of animal suffering we need to acquaint ourselves with the available knowledge not only on the environmental impact of an animal-based diet but also on the suffering involved in the systems used. There is a huge amount of research in this area and here I condense some of that research whilst referencing others: In order to meet the requirements of industrial production and high-density housing, animals are routinely branded with hot irons, dehorned, de-beaked, de-tailed and castrated without any sedation or painkillers…piglets have tails cut off and males are castrated by crushing or pulling off their testicles without analgesics, even though these procedures cause “considerable pain” (Broom and Fraser 1997). The same happens to lambs…The price for the mutilation is high for individual animals. Piglets show signs of pain for up to a week afterwards (including trembling, lethargy, vomiting and leg shaking). In lambs, stress hormone levels take a huge leap and they show signs of significant pain for four hours or more. Dairy calves who are dehorned show pain for six or more hours afterwards (Turner 2006). Birds too are mutilated without analgesics; beaks are trimmed and at times inside toes are also cut. After debeaking the animals will experience acute pain for circa two days and chronic pain lasts for up to six weeks (Duncan 2001). As stock numbers are vast, illness and injuries are likely to go undetected and result from high density, lack of space, lack of mental stimulation and physical exhaustion; physical and mental health problems quickly arise (Broom & Fraser 2007). Veal calves are often kept
remain under study, it is nevertheless clear that the GHGs resulting from animal production are one of the largest contributors to modern climate change. Despite these facts, the impact of the animal-based diet on global warming continues to be underestimated and underreported.[25] This is in addition to the grave situation described by Keselopoulos above. Using the argument of self-interest as a motivating factor, we can see how abstinence from an animal-based diet could have immediate beneficial results for our water sources, climate change and thus our future survival. We do not need to wait for world/government agreements in order to effect change. This partially addresses the human and environmental aspect of this theme but what about the animals, what do we know of their suffering in these industries? If we as individuals or as leaders of our Church are to engage with the subject of animal suffering we need to acquaint ourselves with the available knowledge not only on the environmental impact of an animal-based diet but also on the suffering involved in the systems used. There is a huge amount of research in this area and here I condense some of that research whilst referencing others: In order to meet the requirements of industrial production and high-density housing, animals are routinely branded with hot irons, dehorned, de-beaked, de-tailed and castrated without any sedation or painkillers…piglets have tails cut off and males are castrated by crushing or pulling off their testicles without analgesics, even though these procedures cause “considerable pain” (Broom and Fraser 1997). The same happens to lambs…The price for the mutilation is high for individual animals. Piglets show signs of pain for up to a week afterwards (including trembling, lethargy, vomiting and leg shaking). In lambs, stress hormone levels take a huge leap and they show signs of significant pain for four hours or more. Dairy calves who are dehorned show pain for six or more hours afterwards (Turner 2006). Birds too are mutilated without analgesics; beaks are trimmed and at times inside toes are also cut. After debeaking the animals will experience acute pain for circa two days and chronic pain lasts for up to six weeks (Duncan 2001). As stock numbers are vast, illness and injuries are likely to go undetected and result from high density, lack of space, lack of mental stimulation and physical exhaustion; physical and mental health problems quickly arise (Broom & Fraser 2007). Veal calves are often kept
in tiny enclosures and tied down by their necks and quickly succumb to “abnormal behaviour and ill health” (Turner 2006; European Commission 1995). Intensive egg production weakens bones and leads to lameness, osteoporosis and painful fractures as all calcium and minerals are used for eggs causing “both acute and chronic pain”…it can also lead to internal haemorrhages, starvation and ultimately death which will be painful and “lingering” (Webster 2004:184). Cows suffer from mastitis and lameness (Stokka et al, 1997) and kept pregnant to keep milk yields high, (Vernelli 2005; Turner 2006).[26] There is no other reason for these practices other than the desire for increased profit; the “evil profit” that Met. Kallistos describes in Chapter Six. One question arising here is whether the required “spiritual revolution” should apply to the animals within these industries. If the answer is no, we ought to examine why we have made the choice to exclude billions of animals from receiving compassion, mercy and justice. If we conclude that they are simply for that use, then I believe we are in danger of continuing the mind-set of domination, which in turn, indicates that only human suffering is relevant to God. I submit that this mind-set is against the teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Having given a small indication of the suffering endured during the rearing of animals, we should also consider their death. Most people no doubt believe that the killing of animals is ‘humane’ and undertaken close to home. Research provides evidence that even in countries with strict animal welfare laws, many millions are likely to suffer in the process of transportation and slaughter. Live animals are routinely transported by road, rail, sea or air across continents. All animal welfare charities agree that long distance transport causes enormous suffering through overcrowding, exhaustion, dehydration, pain and stress. For example, in the EU, up to 35 million chickens are dead by the time they reach the slaughterhouse.[27] Australia exports around four million live sheep every year, mostly to the Middle East. These animals can travel up to 50 hours by road before they start the three weeks journey by sea and a further journey by road in the importing country. It is estimated that tens of thousands of sheep die before reaching their destination.[28] Despite the Australian government’s implementation of an export supply-chain assurance scheme, investigations by
раздо ближе к вышеупомянутому затмению). Судьба Безумного Араба описана Дерлетом в его рассказе «Хранитель Ключа», опубликованном в 1951 году. В этом рассказе доктор Лабан Шрусбери и его ассистент Найлан Колум обнаружили место захоронения Альхазреда. В Руб-эль-Хали они наткнулись на Безымянный Город, владения Хастура, где и узнали о судьбе Альхазреда после похищения из Дамаска. Альхазред был принесён в Безымянный Город, секреты которого он изучал ранее и описал в «Не
раздо ближе к вышеупомянутому затмению). Судьба Безумного Араба описана Дерлетом в его рассказе «Хранитель Ключа», опубликованном в 1951 году. В этом рассказе доктор Лабан Шрусбери и его ассистент Найлан Колум обнаружили место захоронения Альхазреда. В Руб-эль-Хали они наткнулись на Безымянный Город, владения Хастура, где и узнали о судьбе Альхазреда после похищения из Дамаска. Альхазред был принесён в Безымянный Город, секреты которого он изучал ранее и описал в «Не
крономиконе». В наказание он был ослеплён, ему вырвали язык и, впоследствии, казнили. Шрусбери вскрыл саркофаг Альхазреда и среди останков нашёл неоконченный экземпляр «Некрономикона» на арабском. Используя некромантию, Шрусбери вызвал дух Альхазреда и приказал ему нарисовать карту мира, так, как он его знал. Получив карту, раскрывающую местонахождение Р’льеха и других тайных мест, Шрусбери даровал Альхазреду покой. Интересные факты В файлах игры Darkest Dungeon, один �
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or other bulky items. Floor Freight Heavy freight which must be loaded on the trailer floor and not on top of light freight. FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) U.S. government agency responsible for overseeing regulatory aspects of the Ocean Shipping Act. FMCA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) Established as a separate administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on January 1, 2000, pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. The Primary mission of the FMCSA is to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. The FMCSA develops and enforces regulations for motor carrier (truck and bus) safety. Foam-In-Place Packaging A type of specialized packaging using a liquid polyurethane material that expands into dense, solid foam around an object. It creates a custom-shaped mold that is strong, lightweight and reusable. Navis uses this packaging technique as a safe way to custom pack fragile but heavy goods such as computers, servers, monitors and metal sculptures. FOB (Free on Board) INCO Term for Free On Board, often used for domestic or ocean. Motorized vehicle used for hoisting and moving freight on the dock or on and off a trailer. Also known as a jeep, tow motor, or hi-lo. The person in the United States who is authorized by a principal party in interest to perform the services required to facilitate the export of items from the United States. This may include air couriers or carriers. An area or zone set aside at or near a port or airport, under the control of the U.S. Customs Service, for holding goods duty-free pending customs clearance. Also called foreign trade zone or free zone. Any commodity or cargo that is transported by a commercial carrier. Items shipped fall into various categories depending on item Definition, size and weight. Freight Bill Document for a common carrier shipment that gives a Definition of the freight, its weight, amount of charges, taxes, and whether collect or prepaid. Charges paid in advance are called prepaid freight bills. Charges collected at the destination are called destination or collect freight bills. Freight Consolidation Cargo consolidation service provided by a freight forwarder in which several smaller shipments are assembled and shipped together to achieve better freight rates and security of cargo. A person or company whose business is to act as an agent on behalf of a shipper. A freight
or other bulky items. Floor Freight Heavy freight which must be loaded on the trailer floor and not on top of light freight. FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) U.S. government agency responsible for overseeing regulatory aspects of the Ocean Shipping Act. FMCA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) Established as a separate administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on January 1, 2000, pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. The Primary mission of the FMCSA is to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. The FMCSA develops and enforces regulations for motor carrier (truck and bus) safety. Foam-In-Place Packaging A type of specialized packaging using a liquid polyurethane material that expands into dense, solid foam around an object. It creates a custom-shaped mold that is strong, lightweight and reusable. Navis uses this packaging technique as a safe way to custom pack fragile but heavy goods such as computers, servers, monitors and metal sculptures. FOB (Free on Board) INCO Term for Free On Board, often used for domestic or ocean. Motorized vehicle used for hoisting and moving freight on the dock or on and off a trailer. Also known as a jeep, tow motor, or hi-lo. The person in the United States who is authorized by a principal party in interest to perform the services required to facilitate the export of items from the United States. This may include air couriers or carriers. An area or zone set aside at or near a port or airport, under the control of the U.S. Customs Service, for holding goods duty-free pending customs clearance. Also called foreign trade zone or free zone. Any commodity or cargo that is transported by a commercial carrier. Items shipped fall into various categories depending on item Definition, size and weight. Freight Bill Document for a common carrier shipment that gives a Definition of the freight, its weight, amount of charges, taxes, and whether collect or prepaid. Charges paid in advance are called prepaid freight bills. Charges collected at the destination are called destination or collect freight bills. Freight Consolidation Cargo consolidation service provided by a freight forwarder in which several smaller shipments are assembled and shipped together to achieve better freight rates and security of cargo. A person or company whose business is to act as an agent on behalf of a shipper. A freight
forwarder frequently consolidates shipments from several shippers and coordinates booking reservations. Full Container load (FCL) A shipment of cargo that fills an ocean worthy container, typically measuring 20’ or 40’ long. The term typically refers to ocean containers. A full container will thus offer a better price per unit shipped than will a Less then Container Load (LCL). Full Telescopic Box A telescopic box consists of two pieces, a top and a bottom tray. These may be equal (full telescope), or unequal (partial telescope) in depth. Full Truckload (FTL) A shipment of cargo that fills a given container either by bulk or weight. Shipments larger than about 15,000 pounds are typically classified as “truckload” (TL). Truckload shipments may be up to 40,000 pounds or 53’ long. Full truckload shipments typically travel as the only shipment on a trailer and deliver on the same trailer as they are picked up on. General Average The law of general average is a legal principle of maritime law according to which all parties in a sea venture proportionally share any losses resulting from a voluntary sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo to save the whole in an emergency. Girth is defined as the width (rounded to the nearest inch) times two, plus the height (rounded to the nearest inch) times two, measured perpendicular to the length of an item. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) The combined total weight of a vehicle and its freight. Ground transport or transportation refers to the “over-the-road” transportation of goods usually by means of a commercial vehicle or truck. Combining several smaller shipments into a full container load to obtain a better per-unit cost for shipping. Also called consolidation. A six to eleven digit coding system (XXXX.XX.XXXX-X) to identify and classify imported and exported goods, for the purpose of compiling trade statistics and determining customs tariff. Called harmonized system (HS) for short, it divides goods into about 5,000 groups and sub-groups and is in use in most countries since January 1, 1989. The US tariff system is a modified form of HC that employs a ten-digit code. A substance or material which the Department of Transportation has determined to be capable of posing a risk to health, safety, and property when stored or transported in commerce. Navis does not transport hazardous materials (anything combustible, flamm
certainly were. So far as we know the largest rodent ever to have lived was Josephoartigasia monesi, which lived during the Pliocene of Uruguay about 4 to 2 million years ago. It looked a bit like a capybara, with a stocky body and wide, bulky snout - except that it was about the size of a cow, and may have weighed as much as a ton. Which is big, for a rodent. But being really large isn't the only peculiarity of the dinomyid skeleton. Two features in particular stand out as oddities. One is that the second and third neck vertebrae are fused into a single bone. This must surely have made it harder for the animal to turn its neck flexibly, and is the sort of thing seen in animals that don't really want to do that - notably mole-rats, which need to keep their heads stiffly forward to avoid hurting their necks as they push through soil, and also animals that need to stay streamlined, such as dolphins. It's also seen in North American porcupines, and, since, like dinomyids, they aren't noted for either their swimming prowess or their subterranean lifestyle, this was long thought to indicate that the two kinds of rodent were closely related, this odd feature having evolved for no particularly obvious reason, and then just remained because it wasn't really a problem. We now think that dinomyids, while closer to porcupines than to, say, mice, were likely most closely related to chinchillas, endangered rat-sized rodents of the Andes sometimes farmed for their fur or raised as pets. Which, since chinchillas don't have fused neck-bones, means that this feature must have evolved twice, perhaps making it seem less likely that it is due to sheer random chance. The other unusual feature is just a little further up the skeleton. Along the length of an animal's backbone, the various vertebrae articulate with one another with a set of paired facets at either end. The forward (or upward, if you walk upright) facets of the first vertebra articulate with a pair of similarly shaped protrusions on the base of the skull, termed the occipital condyles. That's the normal arrangement, anyway. Because, in dinomyid skulls there are two pairs of protrusions: the condyles proper, and a second pair flanking them that, for lack of a better term, we call 'par
certainly were. So far as we know the largest rodent ever to have lived was Josephoartigasia monesi, which lived during the Pliocene of Uruguay about 4 to 2 million years ago. It looked a bit like a capybara, with a stocky body and wide, bulky snout - except that it was about the size of a cow, and may have weighed as much as a ton. Which is big, for a rodent. But being really large isn't the only peculiarity of the dinomyid skeleton. Two features in particular stand out as oddities. One is that the second and third neck vertebrae are fused into a single bone. This must surely have made it harder for the animal to turn its neck flexibly, and is the sort of thing seen in animals that don't really want to do that - notably mole-rats, which need to keep their heads stiffly forward to avoid hurting their necks as they push through soil, and also animals that need to stay streamlined, such as dolphins. It's also seen in North American porcupines, and, since, like dinomyids, they aren't noted for either their swimming prowess or their subterranean lifestyle, this was long thought to indicate that the two kinds of rodent were closely related, this odd feature having evolved for no particularly obvious reason, and then just remained because it wasn't really a problem. We now think that dinomyids, while closer to porcupines than to, say, mice, were likely most closely related to chinchillas, endangered rat-sized rodents of the Andes sometimes farmed for their fur or raised as pets. Which, since chinchillas don't have fused neck-bones, means that this feature must have evolved twice, perhaps making it seem less likely that it is due to sheer random chance. The other unusual feature is just a little further up the skeleton. Along the length of an animal's backbone, the various vertebrae articulate with one another with a set of paired facets at either end. The forward (or upward, if you walk upright) facets of the first vertebra articulate with a pair of similarly shaped protrusions on the base of the skull, termed the occipital condyles. That's the normal arrangement, anyway. Because, in dinomyid skulls there are two pairs of protrusions: the condyles proper, and a second pair flanking them that, for lack of a better term, we call 'par
acondyles'. And these are entirely unique among mammals. So what the heck were they for? Back in 1916, Carlos Ameghino, younger brother of the much more famous palaeontologist Florentino Ameghino, published an analysis of the dinomyid species Tetrastylus intermedius in which he proposed that the paracondyles helped anchor heavy neck muscles that were needed to support the animal's unusually large head. That was over a hundred years ago, and seems to have been broadly accepted ever since. But was he right, and can we use more modern methodology to check? Well, yes we can, thanks to a recent re-analysis of Tetrastylus, along with three other extinct dinomyids and a large number of living rodent species. Among other things, this compared the size of the heads of these animals with that of their bodies, and revealed something rather surprising. It turns out that, even though Tetrastylus was slightly larger than a modern beaver, its head was about the same size. Indeed, when compared to all other rodents examined, it wasn't especially large, at all - proportional to the animal, it's about the same as that of a marmot, and, in absolute terms, it's much smaller than that of a capybara. On the other hand, the shape of the back of the skull certainly suggests that it did anchor large muscles, and, taken together with the fusion of the two bones further back, this suggests that Tetrastylus did, indeed, have difficulty moving its head too much. So the authors of the new study suggest that there must have been some behavioural reason for this, not something related to size alone. You might expect me, at this point, to say that, since dinomyids are all extinct, this is all speculation, and we can't really be sure what these animals were like in the flesh, let alone how they behaved. But I won't. Because they aren't. The dinomyids were at their height during the mid to late Miocene and the Pliocene, when the very largest forms existed. The Ice Ages, and perhaps the collision of North and South America, with its subequent arrival of new northern species in the south, wiped most of them out. But just one dinomyid species survived, and it's still alive today: the pacarana (Dinomys branickii). Pacaranas live in northwestern South America
pdf)| false Arora, R. (2020, May 4). Why the coronavirus pandemic is hitting communities of color particularly hard. TheHill.com. Retrieved from https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/496034-why-the-coronavirus-pandemic-is-hitting-communities-of-color Arora, R. (2020, May 4). Why the coronavirus pandemic is hitting communities of color particularly hard. TheHill.com. Retrieved from https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/496034-why-the-coronavirus-pandemic-is-hitting-communities-of-color)| false Associated Press. (2019, April 17). UCLA’s Katelyn Ohashi out to punctuate viral season with final statement. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/17/katelyn-ohashi-ncaa-championships-viral-routine Associated Press. (2019, April 17). UCLA’s Katelyn Ohashi out to punctuate viral season with final statement. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/17/katelyn-ohashi-ncaa-championships-viral-routine)| false Berkman, S. (2019, October 12). The only women’s pro hockey league in North America plays on. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/sports/hockey/nwhl-players.html Berkman, S. (2019, October 12). The only women’s pro hockey league in North America plays on. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/sports/hockey/nwhl-players.html)| false Chakrabarti, M. (2019, June 3). Will new Olympic abuse prevention policy make athletes safer? WBUR.org. Retrieved from https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2019/06/03/olympic-athletes-sexual-abuse-prevention-policy-safesport Chakrabarti, M
pdf)| false Arora, R. (2020, May 4). Why the coronavirus pandemic is hitting communities of color particularly hard. TheHill.com. Retrieved from https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/496034-why-the-coronavirus-pandemic-is-hitting-communities-of-color Arora, R. (2020, May 4). Why the coronavirus pandemic is hitting communities of color particularly hard. TheHill.com. Retrieved from https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/496034-why-the-coronavirus-pandemic-is-hitting-communities-of-color)| false Associated Press. (2019, April 17). UCLA’s Katelyn Ohashi out to punctuate viral season with final statement. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/17/katelyn-ohashi-ncaa-championships-viral-routine Associated Press. (2019, April 17). UCLA’s Katelyn Ohashi out to punctuate viral season with final statement. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/17/katelyn-ohashi-ncaa-championships-viral-routine)| false Berkman, S. (2019, October 12). The only women’s pro hockey league in North America plays on. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/sports/hockey/nwhl-players.html Berkman, S. (2019, October 12). The only women’s pro hockey league in North America plays on. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/sports/hockey/nwhl-players.html)| false Chakrabarti, M. (2019, June 3). Will new Olympic abuse prevention policy make athletes safer? WBUR.org. Retrieved from https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2019/06/03/olympic-athletes-sexual-abuse-prevention-policy-safesport Chakrabarti, M
. (2019, June 3). Will new Olympic abuse prevention policy make athletes safer? WBUR.org. Retrieved from https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2019/06/03/olympic-athletes-sexual-abuse-prevention-policy-safesport)| false Chaplain, R. (2020, March 26). The uncertain future of the Women’s Six Nations. ESPN.com. Retrieved from https://www.espn.com/rugby/story/_/id/28958096/the-uncertain-future-women-six-nations Chaplain, R. (2020, March 26). The uncertain future of the Women’s Six Nations. ESPN.com. Retrieved from https://www.espn.com/rugby/story/_/id/28958096/the-uncertain-future-women-six-nations)| false Chavez, C. (2020, May 4). ESPN reaches Korean baseball organization broadcast deal. SI.com. Retrieved from https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/05/04/espn-korean-baseball-organization-games-broadcast-tv-schedule Chavez, C. (2020, May 4). ESPN reaches Korean baseball organization broadcast deal. SI.com. Retrieved from https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/05/04/espn-korean-baseball-organization-games-broadcast-tv-schedule)| false Clarke, L. (2019, June 11). Double earners: The U.S. women’s soccer team is fighting for greater gender equity while playing for a fourth World Cup title. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/sports/uswnt-equal-pay-fight/ Clarke, L. (2019, June 11). Double earners: The U.S. women’s soccer team is fighting for greater gender equity while playing for a fourth World Cup title. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/sports/uswnt-equal-pay-fight/)| false Comcast. (2019). Valerie Camillo: President, Business Operations, Philadelphia Flyers and Wells Fargo Center. Bio. Retrieved from http://www.comcast
of falsifying evidence against Russ to get a conviction. Many people think had they done a better job in the investigation they would have ferreted out Pamela much sooner, saving Russ the nightmare of incarceration for killing his beloved wife. Dateline did an episode on the murder of Betsy Faria. Her husband went to jail for a long time for it. It was Pamela all along. She set him up and let him go down and when she felt she might indeed be feeling the heat, killed another innocent person. Africa 3.12.2019 02:44 pm Mugabe left his family $10m, a farm and two houses Former Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe was ousted in 2017 . AFP/ALEXANDER JOE These assets were declared to the Zimbabwean High Court after the family had been unable to locate his will. Zimbabwe’s late former president Robert Mugabe left US$10 million, 10 cars, a farm and two houses, details of his estate released on Tuesday revealed. The state-owned Herald newspaper said his daughter, Bona Nyepudzai Mutsahuni-Chikore, disclosed these assets to the High Court after the family had been unable to locate his will. The $10 million (nine million euros) was in a foreign currency account with a local bank, the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe (CBZ), the report said. It did not identify the make or model of the 10 cars. During his presidency, Mugabe, who styled himself as a leftwing radical, was reported to own several farms that were seized during his controversial land reforms. Only one farm is listed on the inventory of his assets. His other properties, according to the list given to the High Court on October 21, include two houses in posh suburbs of the capital, Harare; his rural homestead in Zvimba; a two-hectare (five-acre)farming plot in Zvimba and a five-acre orchard. Mugabe, who ruled Zimbabwe from the country’s independence from British colonial rule in 1980 until being ousted in November 2017, died on September 6 at the age of 95 in Singapore, where he had been receiving treatment for prostate cancer. “Mrs Grace Mugabe was listed as the sole surviving spouse while Bona, Robert, Bellarmine and stepson Russel Goreraza were listed as surviving children,” The Herald reported. Mugabe once said
of falsifying evidence against Russ to get a conviction. Many people think had they done a better job in the investigation they would have ferreted out Pamela much sooner, saving Russ the nightmare of incarceration for killing his beloved wife. Dateline did an episode on the murder of Betsy Faria. Her husband went to jail for a long time for it. It was Pamela all along. She set him up and let him go down and when she felt she might indeed be feeling the heat, killed another innocent person. Africa 3.12.2019 02:44 pm Mugabe left his family $10m, a farm and two houses Former Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe was ousted in 2017 . AFP/ALEXANDER JOE These assets were declared to the Zimbabwean High Court after the family had been unable to locate his will. Zimbabwe’s late former president Robert Mugabe left US$10 million, 10 cars, a farm and two houses, details of his estate released on Tuesday revealed. The state-owned Herald newspaper said his daughter, Bona Nyepudzai Mutsahuni-Chikore, disclosed these assets to the High Court after the family had been unable to locate his will. The $10 million (nine million euros) was in a foreign currency account with a local bank, the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe (CBZ), the report said. It did not identify the make or model of the 10 cars. During his presidency, Mugabe, who styled himself as a leftwing radical, was reported to own several farms that were seized during his controversial land reforms. Only one farm is listed on the inventory of his assets. His other properties, according to the list given to the High Court on October 21, include two houses in posh suburbs of the capital, Harare; his rural homestead in Zvimba; a two-hectare (five-acre)farming plot in Zvimba and a five-acre orchard. Mugabe, who ruled Zimbabwe from the country’s independence from British colonial rule in 1980 until being ousted in November 2017, died on September 6 at the age of 95 in Singapore, where he had been receiving treatment for prostate cancer. “Mrs Grace Mugabe was listed as the sole surviving spouse while Bona, Robert, Bellarmine and stepson Russel Goreraza were listed as surviving children,” The Herald reported. Mugabe once said
in jest that he would remain in power until he turned 100. He was ousted after 37 years in power and replaced by his former deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa, whom Mugabe had fired weeks earlier. The later years of his rule were characterised by food shortages, massive joblessness and the use of brutal force against his opponents. Many had hoped Mnangagwa would fare better but the hardships that Zimbabweans suffered under Mugabe have returned to haunt the country. According to the World Bank, extreme poverty is likely to affect 5.7 million Zimbabweans this year — equivalent to 34 percent of the population, after 29 percent in 2018. Gross domestic product is likely to contract by 7.5 percent in 2019, it says. For more news your way, download The Citizen’s app for iOS and Android. Zimbabwe authorities seize Mugabe nephew’s farm 16.1.2020 Sausage trees, teachers and Zimbabwe’s education crisis 13.1.2020 Zimbabwe VP’s wife sues husband over access to children, house 10.1.2020 Measles outbreak has kept 800 Washington kids out of school Originally published March 6, 2019 at 7:29 pm Updated March 7, 2019 at 6:33 pm A measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File) This outbreak goes way beyond the 70 cases. If measles is diagnosed in a school, anyone — student or teacher — who does not have proof of vaccination is kept out. Students are struggling to keep up at home, parents are juggling child care and teachers have to shift duties. Jake Goldstein-Street In the Washington county that is home to one of the nation’s largest measles outbreaks, the effects go far beyond the 70 confirmed cases there. More than 800 students considered exposed to the highly contagious disease in Clark County have been ordered to stay away from classrooms for up to three weeks. Since early January, field trips, after-school activities such as family nights, even an assembly honoring Martin Luther King Jr. have been canceled or postponed. Some students are doing homework off prepared handouts; others are using their school-issued laptops to keep up. If just one child in a school is diagnosed, all are considered exposed — and any student whose parents cannot prove their child was vaccinated is kept away. “School exclusions are a critical tool and public health strategy
and after it completes its startup the user defaults are loaded. Restarting the Unit If necessary, you can restart ACE-3105, ACE-3205 without interrupting the power supply. ³ To restart ACE-3105, ACE-3205: 1. At the device prompt, enter admin. The admin> prompt appears. 2. Enter reboot. A confirmation message is displayed: Device will reboot. Are you sure?? [yes/no] 3. Enter yes to confirm the reset. The unit restarts. Global Commands Global commands are general commands that let you ping different devices, display the tree of the current level etc. For a list of those commands, refer to the table below. Task Echoing the text that is typed in Excecuting a file Returning to the previous level in the commands hierarchy Returning to the device prompt exit all Displaying help Printing the history of the last 10 commands Printing configuration info Saving the current configuration Displaying the command tree from your current level down. Chapter 5 Monitoring and Diagnostics This chapter covers methods to monitor the unit, detect errors. It also suggests trouble-shooting methods. Detecting Problems Problems can be detected on the hardware level, for example by running the self test and monitoring the LED behavior. On the software level, you can follow statistical counters and events and errors returned by the system. Self-Test ACE-3105, ACE-3205 can be tested in order to diagnose possible setbacks as explained below. ³ To run the self-test: • At the Device prompt, enter show self-test. The self-test results are displayed. ƒ PASS indicates that the self-test completed successfully. FAIL indicates a failure. In case of a modular interface, replace the relevant interface module. Otherwise, send the entire unit for repair. ACE-3105, ACE-3205 – RAD Data Communications ACE-3105, ACE-3205# show self-test Index Module Result --------------------------------------------------------------1 Host memory PASS 2 Packet memory PASS 3 Flash memory PASS 4 Fast Ethernet access PASS 5 E1/T1 framer access PASS 6 TOD access PASS Figure 5-1. Self-Test Results Chapter 5 Monitoring and Diagnostics LEDs This section lists the LED statuses for the system and the various ports and explains what they indicate. On: One or more alarms are active.
and after it completes its startup the user defaults are loaded. Restarting the Unit If necessary, you can restart ACE-3105, ACE-3205 without interrupting the power supply. ³ To restart ACE-3105, ACE-3205: 1. At the device prompt, enter admin. The admin> prompt appears. 2. Enter reboot. A confirmation message is displayed: Device will reboot. Are you sure?? [yes/no] 3. Enter yes to confirm the reset. The unit restarts. Global Commands Global commands are general commands that let you ping different devices, display the tree of the current level etc. For a list of those commands, refer to the table below. Task Echoing the text that is typed in Excecuting a file Returning to the previous level in the commands hierarchy Returning to the device prompt exit all Displaying help Printing the history of the last 10 commands Printing configuration info Saving the current configuration Displaying the command tree from your current level down. Chapter 5 Monitoring and Diagnostics This chapter covers methods to monitor the unit, detect errors. It also suggests trouble-shooting methods. Detecting Problems Problems can be detected on the hardware level, for example by running the self test and monitoring the LED behavior. On the software level, you can follow statistical counters and events and errors returned by the system. Self-Test ACE-3105, ACE-3205 can be tested in order to diagnose possible setbacks as explained below. ³ To run the self-test: • At the Device prompt, enter show self-test. The self-test results are displayed. ƒ PASS indicates that the self-test completed successfully. FAIL indicates a failure. In case of a modular interface, replace the relevant interface module. Otherwise, send the entire unit for repair. ACE-3105, ACE-3205 – RAD Data Communications ACE-3105, ACE-3205# show self-test Index Module Result --------------------------------------------------------------1 Host memory PASS 2 Packet memory PASS 3 Flash memory PASS 4 Fast Ethernet access PASS 5 E1/T1 framer access PASS 6 TOD access PASS Figure 5-1. Self-Test Results Chapter 5 Monitoring and Diagnostics LEDs This section lists the LED statuses for the system and the various ports and explains what they indicate. On: One or more alarms are active.
Refer to list of alarms under Alarms and Traps. Off: No active alarms Table 5-2. ATM-155 Port LED Indicators Name On: At least one cell received or transmitted within the last second without any HEC errors. Off: No cells were transmitted or received within the last second On: ATM-155 port is synchronized and no alarm is detected Off: LOS, LOF, LOP, or Line /Path AIS were detected. Additional information is available under Alarms and Traps. Blinking: Line or path RDI was detected On: The physical layer is synchronized Off: The physical layer is not synchronized Blinking: RAI alarm was detected. This error is listed in Table 5-7. Alarms and Traps Instructions on viewing alarms and events can be found below. Lists of possible alarms and events can be found under List of Alarms and Events. ³ To view the event log: • At the config>system# prompt, enter show event-log. The event log appears. The image below illustrates a section of a possible event log display. ACE-3105, ACE-3205>config>system# show event-log … 2009-12-28 16:46:34 | Cold start 2009-12-27 16:31:57 | Login Valid 2009-12-27 16:31:53 | Login Invalid 2009-12-27 10:32:16 | Login Valid 2009-12-27 10:32:12 | Login Invalid 2009-12-24 09:46:23 | Station clock OK 2009-12-24 09:46:13 | Source 2 status changed to PHYSICAL FAIL 2009-12-24 09:46:13 | Station clock Fail 2009-12-24 09:27:35 | Domain source changed to number 0 … ACE-3105, ACE-3205>config>system# ³ To clear the event log: • At the config>system# prompt, enter clear event-log. The event log is cleared. To view a list of alarms: • At the config>system# prompt, enter show alarms. A list of alarms appears as illustrated below. ACE-3105, ACE-3205>config>system# show alarms System ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ACE-3105, ACE-3205>config>system# ACE-3105, ACE-3205>config>system# Statistic Counters Statistic counters provide
igrant Responsibility Act of 1996, signed by Clinton on September 30, 1996, imposed a variety of measures to tighten enforcement of the immigration laws, mainly by strengthening deportation provisions and expanding the ability to deport those convicted of crimes and keep out of the country those already deported. IIRIRA may not have satisfied border hawks, but like a number of Clinton-era initiatives it built bridges between moderates in both parties by targeting a narrow class of criminals. -"The Regulatory Accounting Act, passed in the final weeks of the 104th Congress, requires the executive branch to produce an annual report for Congress estimating the total benefits and costs of all federal regulations." This, too, was a longstanding conservative reform proposal. Also passing at the end was the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, a Kit Bond-backed bill to ease regulatory burdens on small business, a perennial Republican priority. Another Contract with America promise, the $500 per child tax credit, would be signed into law by Clinton in 1997. Whether conservatives got a good deal out of all this, whether they chose wisely in striking each of these deals, and whether these bills worked in practice as promised is a whole separate issue. The point is, there's a lot on that list that gave conservatives and Republicans things they wanted and had been agitating for over the prior two decades, and nothing on the list that compelled Republican legislators to go home to their constituents having broken any major promise or violated any core principle. I Remember Bill Clinton. You, Sir, Are No Bill Clinton Contrast Obama. Obama, of course, famously started out in the stimulus bill negotiations telling John Kyl "I won" and building a bill so heavy on liberal wish-lists and so light on the kinds of tax cuts preferred by conservatives that he ended up without a single House Republican and only three Republican Senators backing the bill, while Obama's Commerce Secretary nominee (Republican Senator Judd Gregg) withdrew his nomination in disgust. The rest of Obama's first two years went much the same way, with efforts from successful (healthcare) to unsuccessful (cap-and-trade) to steamroll legislation through Congress with no Republican support at all. In 2010, voters, again appalled by liberal overreach, repeated their 1994 trick of removing the keys from the hands of the House Democrats, sharply cutting into the Democrats' Senate majority, and sweeping scores of Republican Governors and state legislators into office. But Obama was no Clinton. The debt-ceiling and other fiscal negotiations broke down again and again over Obama's demands that Republicans
igrant Responsibility Act of 1996, signed by Clinton on September 30, 1996, imposed a variety of measures to tighten enforcement of the immigration laws, mainly by strengthening deportation provisions and expanding the ability to deport those convicted of crimes and keep out of the country those already deported. IIRIRA may not have satisfied border hawks, but like a number of Clinton-era initiatives it built bridges between moderates in both parties by targeting a narrow class of criminals. -"The Regulatory Accounting Act, passed in the final weeks of the 104th Congress, requires the executive branch to produce an annual report for Congress estimating the total benefits and costs of all federal regulations." This, too, was a longstanding conservative reform proposal. Also passing at the end was the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, a Kit Bond-backed bill to ease regulatory burdens on small business, a perennial Republican priority. Another Contract with America promise, the $500 per child tax credit, would be signed into law by Clinton in 1997. Whether conservatives got a good deal out of all this, whether they chose wisely in striking each of these deals, and whether these bills worked in practice as promised is a whole separate issue. The point is, there's a lot on that list that gave conservatives and Republicans things they wanted and had been agitating for over the prior two decades, and nothing on the list that compelled Republican legislators to go home to their constituents having broken any major promise or violated any core principle. I Remember Bill Clinton. You, Sir, Are No Bill Clinton Contrast Obama. Obama, of course, famously started out in the stimulus bill negotiations telling John Kyl "I won" and building a bill so heavy on liberal wish-lists and so light on the kinds of tax cuts preferred by conservatives that he ended up without a single House Republican and only three Republican Senators backing the bill, while Obama's Commerce Secretary nominee (Republican Senator Judd Gregg) withdrew his nomination in disgust. The rest of Obama's first two years went much the same way, with efforts from successful (healthcare) to unsuccessful (cap-and-trade) to steamroll legislation through Congress with no Republican support at all. In 2010, voters, again appalled by liberal overreach, repeated their 1994 trick of removing the keys from the hands of the House Democrats, sharply cutting into the Democrats' Senate majority, and sweeping scores of Republican Governors and state legislators into office. But Obama was no Clinton. The debt-ceiling and other fiscal negotiations broke down again and again over Obama's demands that Republicans
sign off on tax hikes that he knew were poison pills, sure to torpedo any agreement. When agreements were reached to extend the Bush tax cuts and raise the debt ceiling, they were always temporary, set to expire as soon as Obama could get re-elected and follow through on his pledge to raise taxes. Some spending cuts were agreed to, but often in deals so full of budgetary tricks they were denounced by conservatives as containing no actual cuts at all. One especially ugly expedient has been the "fiscal cliff," a sort of doomsday device that automatically gives everyone something they hate (tax hikes, defense cuts, draconian cuts to federal social spending) and nobody an outcome they want. Clinton and Gingrich, as personally self-destructive and acrimonious as they could be at times, never had to essentially handcuff themselves to a bomb just to bring themselves back to the negotiating table. And where have been the real bipartisan proposals? Note the relentless march of new bills that Clinton signed into law in August and September 1996; the poor Dole campaign could scarcely plant its feet against Clinton without having to deal with him signing yet another agreement with Newt to fulfill the Contract with America and give Republicans something to bring home to their constituents. What has Obama ever been ready to agree to that would let an embattled conservative like Steve King or Allen West burnish his own bipartisan credentials back in his district? What, among the many budgets, jobs bills and other proposals to pass the House under John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, has Obama been willing to shepherd through the Senate and sign? Even the much-reviled George W. Bush had a much longer record than this of bills that drew bipartisan support in his first term. What Obama has offered instead is basically straw-man bipartisanship, a Potemkin facade of offerings no sane Republican would believe in. Temporary tax cuts, temporary tax rebates or handouts to non-taxpayers disguised as "tax cuts" are billed as concessions to Republicans. Things like the individual mandate - once accepted in obscure think tank papers, supported mostly in unserious legislative proposals and passed into law only by aisle-crossers like Romney - get touted by Obama as "Republican ideas" despite their manifest unpopularity at all times with actual Republican voters. These are "gotcha" debaters points, not concessions. None of this is how you get deals done if you're serious about doing deals. There is certainly a place in Washington for the advocacy of principled positions, and conservatives will undoubtedly soon
a successful businessman. Ed’s private life told a different story; while describing his relationship with his family, he explained, “I was kind of there, but I was never there. A vacation [with my family] was an extended binge.” So loneliness does not always mean being alone. We need to remember that when we think about loneliness and mental health. A Silver Lining: Online Support Even those who are physically isolating at home with their families during the current pandemic might be experiencing loneliness and are therefore vulnerable to mental illness. Access to counselling is critical. Fortunately, governments and Canadians appear to be undergoing a transformation in their attitudes towards online support. I admit I did not like using online platforms like Skype and Zoom before the pandemic. I preferred meeting in person or talking over the phone. But now not a weekday goes by when I am not using some sort of online platform. A recent Psychology Today article showed a similar change of heart and practices concerning mental telehealth. States and provinces are now rushing to modify laws and regulations to make telehealth more available. On May 3, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an investment of $240.5 million to develop, expand, and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians. Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that his government would be expanding virtual mental health services. I suspect that Canadian healthcare providers will continue their use of telehealth long after the COVID-19 pandemic draws to a close. There has been a surge in demand for telehealth services since the middle of March, often overwhelming telehealth providers’ technical infrastructure and the supply of healthcare professionals who are willing and able to deliver virtual care. Personally, I think healthcare professionals and those struggling with mental health will find the benefits of mental telehealth far outweigh its cons. Last I heard, Steve is scheduled to begin his residential treatment next week. Steve is one of the lucky ones. Many people who need mental health services are not getting the help they need. Many outpatient and residential programs have closed in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus. If you or your loved one is suffering from loneliness, if loneliness is negatively impacting your mental health, or if you need the support of a healthcare professional, consider contacting your nearest public mental health and addictions clinic to see if they are now offering mental telehealth. Telemental Health – CAMH in Ontario offers real-time client care via secure videoconferencing. Coping with Loneliness –
a successful businessman. Ed’s private life told a different story; while describing his relationship with his family, he explained, “I was kind of there, but I was never there. A vacation [with my family] was an extended binge.” So loneliness does not always mean being alone. We need to remember that when we think about loneliness and mental health. A Silver Lining: Online Support Even those who are physically isolating at home with their families during the current pandemic might be experiencing loneliness and are therefore vulnerable to mental illness. Access to counselling is critical. Fortunately, governments and Canadians appear to be undergoing a transformation in their attitudes towards online support. I admit I did not like using online platforms like Skype and Zoom before the pandemic. I preferred meeting in person or talking over the phone. But now not a weekday goes by when I am not using some sort of online platform. A recent Psychology Today article showed a similar change of heart and practices concerning mental telehealth. States and provinces are now rushing to modify laws and regulations to make telehealth more available. On May 3, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an investment of $240.5 million to develop, expand, and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians. Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that his government would be expanding virtual mental health services. I suspect that Canadian healthcare providers will continue their use of telehealth long after the COVID-19 pandemic draws to a close. There has been a surge in demand for telehealth services since the middle of March, often overwhelming telehealth providers’ technical infrastructure and the supply of healthcare professionals who are willing and able to deliver virtual care. Personally, I think healthcare professionals and those struggling with mental health will find the benefits of mental telehealth far outweigh its cons. Last I heard, Steve is scheduled to begin his residential treatment next week. Steve is one of the lucky ones. Many people who need mental health services are not getting the help they need. Many outpatient and residential programs have closed in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus. If you or your loved one is suffering from loneliness, if loneliness is negatively impacting your mental health, or if you need the support of a healthcare professional, consider contacting your nearest public mental health and addictions clinic to see if they are now offering mental telehealth. Telemental Health – CAMH in Ontario offers real-time client care via secure videoconferencing. Coping with Loneliness –
an article by the British Columbia division of Canadian Mental Health Association. Also has a downloadable version. Impacts of COVID-19 on Substance Use – a large health and public safety portal maintained by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Major categories in portal include Types of Resources, Audiences, Specific Topics, and Media Articles. COVID-19, Alcohol and Cannabis Use – a backgrounder to an infographic by Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA). Includes citations of research on substance use and its correlation to social isolation and loneliness, stress and anxiety, and substance use as a possible risk factor for COVID-19 infection. Mental Well-Being During COVID-19 – the BC Centre for Disease Control has mental health and well-being resources and tips for children, youth, parents, and postsecondary students. in COVID-19, Public Policy A Pandemic of Loneliness Preventing Burnout through Meaning and Purpose Life After Treatment Sunshine Coast, a Top-Rated Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment Centre serving BC and AB, Announces Staff Member Page Highlighting Post-Treatment Planning 12 Steps of AA Addiction and Society Addiction Research & Theories Addiction Tests Addiction Treatment Help Books on Addiction Client & Alumni Submissions Defining Addiction Disease Model of Addiction Dr. Paul Wong Drug & Alcohol Education Family Addiction Help Fitness, Exercise, and Recreation Life at SCHC Movies on Addiction Non 12 Step Process Addictions Self-Definition Sober Sports Stigmatization Victor Frankl Youth Drug Use & Addiction More Cynara cardunculus resources Common Names: artichoke thistle; cardoon; wild artichoke Scott Steinmaus Associate Professor Cal Poly SLO 1 Grand Avenue Biological Sciences Department, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 [email protected] Carla Bossard John Randall Cynthia Roye No general comments for this species No Alert B Reviewed Scientific Publication Four-part score BABD Total Score A. Severe Reviewed Scientific Publication B. Moderate Reviewed Scientific Publication D. None Reviewed Scientific Publication B. Increases less rapidly Reviewed Scientific Publication C. Stable Reviewed Scientific Publication A. High Reviewed Scientific Publication C. Rare Review
once again appeared in front of him. After being imprisoned by the Hun clan for so many years, he was clearly aware of just how terrifying the Hun clan was. The Dou Huang or even Dou Zong, who could dominate the Jia Ma Empire back then was only considered ordinary in that place. Such a strength was sufficient to cause one to feel a sense of hopelessness. Xiao Yan looked at the elderly figure, who was being restrained by heavy metal chains. A moment later, he smiled and lifted his head. He inhaled a deep breath of air. Regardless of how much hardship he had suffered, his father was at the very least still alive. Lei Ying and the others were startled as they looked at the smile on Xiao Yan’s face. A dense chill rose within their hearts. A person with a ferocious look was not terrifying. A terrifying person was someone who was able to keep a smile on his face while a murderous intent was surging within his heart. Hun Tiandi’s face twitched slightly. Xiao Yan’s talent was as glaring as Xiao Xuan back then. However, the former’s viciousness had clearly greatly surpassed Xiao Xuan. Xiao Yan clenched his hand. An ancient jade flashed and appeared. It was the final Tuo She Ancient God Jade. Xiao Yan did not try using a counterfeit jade. This was because he understood that this method would not work on an expert like Hun Tiandi. The bodies of Lei Ying’s group became a lot more tense after they saw Xiao Yan take out the ancient jade. However, no one uttered anything to stop Xiao Yan at this moment. From Xiao Yan’s appearance earlier, he would likely turn against anyone who tried to stop him from rescuing his father at this moment. “We will exchange the person and jade together. You should understand just how simple it is for me to kill your father. Hence, you better not allow me to see you pulling any tricks…” Hun Tiandi withdrew his eyes and slowly said. Xiao Yan glanced at Hun Tiandi. He spread his hand and the ancient jade slowly rose under his control. Seeing this, Hun Tiandi also waved his sleeve. The prison formed by the black fog scattered. With a flick of his finger, those metal chains on Xiao Zhans body were all released. Finally, he clenched his hand. It turned into a black ray of light that grabbed onto Xiao Zhan. Hun
once again appeared in front of him. After being imprisoned by the Hun clan for so many years, he was clearly aware of just how terrifying the Hun clan was. The Dou Huang or even Dou Zong, who could dominate the Jia Ma Empire back then was only considered ordinary in that place. Such a strength was sufficient to cause one to feel a sense of hopelessness. Xiao Yan looked at the elderly figure, who was being restrained by heavy metal chains. A moment later, he smiled and lifted his head. He inhaled a deep breath of air. Regardless of how much hardship he had suffered, his father was at the very least still alive. Lei Ying and the others were startled as they looked at the smile on Xiao Yan’s face. A dense chill rose within their hearts. A person with a ferocious look was not terrifying. A terrifying person was someone who was able to keep a smile on his face while a murderous intent was surging within his heart. Hun Tiandi’s face twitched slightly. Xiao Yan’s talent was as glaring as Xiao Xuan back then. However, the former’s viciousness had clearly greatly surpassed Xiao Xuan. Xiao Yan clenched his hand. An ancient jade flashed and appeared. It was the final Tuo She Ancient God Jade. Xiao Yan did not try using a counterfeit jade. This was because he understood that this method would not work on an expert like Hun Tiandi. The bodies of Lei Ying’s group became a lot more tense after they saw Xiao Yan take out the ancient jade. However, no one uttered anything to stop Xiao Yan at this moment. From Xiao Yan’s appearance earlier, he would likely turn against anyone who tried to stop him from rescuing his father at this moment. “We will exchange the person and jade together. You should understand just how simple it is for me to kill your father. Hence, you better not allow me to see you pulling any tricks…” Hun Tiandi withdrew his eyes and slowly said. Xiao Yan glanced at Hun Tiandi. He spread his hand and the ancient jade slowly rose under his control. Seeing this, Hun Tiandi also waved his sleeve. The prison formed by the black fog scattered. With a flick of his finger, those metal chains on Xiao Zhans body were all released. Finally, he clenched his hand. It turned into a black ray of light that grabbed onto Xiao Zhan. Hun
Tiandi waved his large hand. Xiao Zhan was brought to Xiao Yan under the restrain of the black light. After which, a thought passed through Xiao Yan’s mind and the ancient jade also shot directly towards Hun Tiandi. At the same time, Xiao Yan pressed his toes on the air and shot forward. His large hand grabbed onto Xiao Zhan. A suction force erupted and he pulled the latter over. He slashed his hand downwards and the black restrain around Xiao Zhan’s body was cut. Hun Tiandi grabbed onto the ancient jade just as Xiao Yan had managed to rescue Xiao Zhan. Even with his calmness, he could not help but laugh out loud as he sensed the warmth in the ancient jade. Now that the ancient jade was in his hand, he was already able to see himself stepping into the stage that he dreamed of. Xiao Yan’s excited body trembled involuntarily as he caught hold of Xiao Zhan. His body flashed and he quickly flew into the alliance. After which, he carefully placed Xiao Zhan down. Escaping from the restraint and being rescued had occurred in a split second to Xiao Zhan. He had just recovered his focus when he saw the face that was in close proximity. His trembling hand touched Xiao Yan’s face. That terrified manner was as though he was afraid that this was only an illusion. This was in spite of him constantly hoping for this day to come. Seeing that thin ice like appeared of Xiao Zhan, even Xiao Yan could not help but feel his eyes turn red. Both of his legs heavily knelt in front of the former. Even the huge rock under him had ended up with many crack lines. Xiao Zhan’s hands touched Xiao Yan’s face in a trembling fashion. He sensed the warmth and his tears rolled down uncontrollably. This scene caused all those around to feel sad. “Protect my father.” Xiao Yan turned his head and spoke to those experts from the Sky Mansion beside him. Those dozens of Sky Mansion experts, who had reached the peak of the the Dou Zun class, immediately replied respectfully after hearing this. Immediately, they moved and appeared around Xiao Zhan, providing him with a tight protection. Xiao Zhan was startled as he watched this scene. These people around him all possessed powerful and terrifying auras. They were considered quite strong even in the Hun clan. However, he felt a great
if you meet these requirements, do not hesitate to apply for these scholarships. The 200 ARES scholarships in Belgium in 2023 The 24 Scholarships at University of Birmingham in the UK in 2023 Scholarships at Exeter University in the UK in 2023 SBW Berlin Scholarships in Germany in 2023 The 5 Scholarships at University of Alberta in Canada in 2023 The 4 Scholarships at York University in Canada in 2023 The 6 Scholarships at Simon Fraser University in Canada in 2023 The 10 Scholarships at Monash University in Australia in 2023 The 7 Scholarships at Sheffield Hallam University in England in 2023 The 14 new scholarships for foreign students in Sweden in 2023-2024 All 11 Fully Funded Scholarships in Australia in 2023 The 15 new scholarships for foreign students in Italy in 2023-2024 The 5 "inventions" of Steve Jobs The Climate Emergency Menu The Animal Kingdom Inspires Scientists Robin Shields University of Bath, Bath, UK Start Maria Mitchell, a Scientist in the Struggle for Women’s Rights Science Leading Figures Maria Mitchell, a Scientist in the Struggle for Women’s Rights Astronomy | Equality | Women Scientific journalism On the night of October 1, 1847, an as-yet unknown comet crossed the sky of the United States. The young Maria Mitchell, who was scrutinizing the sky from the roof of the Pacific National Bank, on a small island in southern Massachusetts, using a brass telescope with a seven-inch refractor, was the first to observe it. That discovery made Mitchell, born on August 1, 1818, the first female astronomer in the United States. In tribute to her, it was given the name Miss Mitchell’s Comet. It is not expected that this celestial body, which is non-periodic, will re-approach our planet, but its path brought international fame to the first woman elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the only one until 1943. She dedicated her life not only to science, but also to the struggle for the rights of women. Maria Mitchell, astronomer and pioneer of women’s rights, from a 1851 portrait. Autor: H. Dassell. Mitchell’s passion for the starry sky began in childhood, when she, like all the girls in the Quaker community, embroidered earth globes and celestial spheres. She grew
if you meet these requirements, do not hesitate to apply for these scholarships. The 200 ARES scholarships in Belgium in 2023 The 24 Scholarships at University of Birmingham in the UK in 2023 Scholarships at Exeter University in the UK in 2023 SBW Berlin Scholarships in Germany in 2023 The 5 Scholarships at University of Alberta in Canada in 2023 The 4 Scholarships at York University in Canada in 2023 The 6 Scholarships at Simon Fraser University in Canada in 2023 The 10 Scholarships at Monash University in Australia in 2023 The 7 Scholarships at Sheffield Hallam University in England in 2023 The 14 new scholarships for foreign students in Sweden in 2023-2024 All 11 Fully Funded Scholarships in Australia in 2023 The 15 new scholarships for foreign students in Italy in 2023-2024 The 5 "inventions" of Steve Jobs The Climate Emergency Menu The Animal Kingdom Inspires Scientists Robin Shields University of Bath, Bath, UK Start Maria Mitchell, a Scientist in the Struggle for Women’s Rights Science Leading Figures Maria Mitchell, a Scientist in the Struggle for Women’s Rights Astronomy | Equality | Women Scientific journalism On the night of October 1, 1847, an as-yet unknown comet crossed the sky of the United States. The young Maria Mitchell, who was scrutinizing the sky from the roof of the Pacific National Bank, on a small island in southern Massachusetts, using a brass telescope with a seven-inch refractor, was the first to observe it. That discovery made Mitchell, born on August 1, 1818, the first female astronomer in the United States. In tribute to her, it was given the name Miss Mitchell’s Comet. It is not expected that this celestial body, which is non-periodic, will re-approach our planet, but its path brought international fame to the first woman elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the only one until 1943. She dedicated her life not only to science, but also to the struggle for the rights of women. Maria Mitchell, astronomer and pioneer of women’s rights, from a 1851 portrait. Autor: H. Dassell. Mitchell’s passion for the starry sky began in childhood, when she, like all the girls in the Quaker community, embroidered earth globes and celestial spheres. She grew
up on the island of Nantucket, the capital of the whaling industry, where many houses had viewing platforms to see the return of ships. Mitchell, however, used them to “sweep the heavens”, together with her father, also an astronomer, who offered the same education to his son as to his daughters. At age 12, Maria helped him calculate the position of their house by observing a solar eclipse. Two years later, the teenager was already assisting the island’s sailors to calculate the best route for their long trips. A world-renowned scientist Having books always available at home made her aware of the power of education, especially for women. She believed that women’s minds were often wasted when they were forced to devote more time to activities such as sewing or cooking than to engaging in intellectual activities. Mitchell became a teaching assistant at the age of 16, and a year later she set up her own school, but left the post to become the first librarian at Nantucket´s Atheneum. Location of the lunar crater named after Maria Mitchell. Credit: Eric S. Kounce / West Texas Astronomers She returned to teaching now as a world-renowned scientist, at a time when women did not have much opportunity to continue their education after adolescence. Impressed by the success of the young astronomer—Mitchell had not only won a medal offered by the King of Denmark, Frederick VI, for the discovery of Miss Mitchell’s Comet, but had also observed sunspots, stars, nebulae, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn—Matthew Vassar hired her as the first female professor at the newly opened university Vassar College. He also saw her as a model for “ambitious and intelligent” women. And so she was. Maria Mitchell paved the way for astronomers and, moreover, demanded and eventually received the same salary as male professors. Scientific work and social activism The astronomer was sometimes surprised by the attention she received from her scientific work, despite being a woman. She wrote in her diary once: “It is really amusing to find one’s self lionized in a city where one has visited quietly for years; to see the doors open wide to receive you, which never opened before.” One of those doors was that of the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest in the world. During a trip to Rome in 1858, Mitchell wrote to Angelo Sacchi, the Vatican’s
organisations. For all those reasons--both of principles and of practice--we should take a much more rigorous attitude to would-be promoters of private Bills. They should have to prove the need for what they propose. They should have to prove that what they propose is not just in their interests, but in the interests of the general public. If it is just in their interests and they cannot find a law to allow them to do it-- tough. At the outset, even if it is in the public interest, promoters should also have to prove that what they need cannot be achieved by other means, however expensive and inconvenient to them those other means might be. I welcome the report of the Joint Committee because, as I understand it, it proposes just such a robust approach to those who want to promote private Bills. I say "as I understand it" advisedly because, although I have studied the report carefully and I have discussed it with people who understand these matters far better than I do, I would not claim that I have mastered all its intricacies. Not only do I acknowledge the tenuousness of my grasp of some of the report, but I am doubtful of the grasp of many other right hon. and hon. Members. My experience in the House is that, if someone says that he understands a procedure, he is the last person to ask for advice on that procedure. That is why I always go to the Clerks. As the Leader of the House has said, the nub of the Committee's approach lies in its recommendations that a promoter should be required to prove that private legislation is necessary to secure the primary purpose of the Bill and that, where that primary purpose can be secured by other means, Parliament should either not be involved at all or should be asked only to deal with any aspects that specifically require the authority of Parliament. In other words, what happens in future should not be what has happened in the past, where some minor need for parliamentary approval has been used as a stalking horse by the promoters to avoid a local planning inquiry into the primary purpose of their project. That is a most welcome proposal. My notes, which I wrote before I heard the Leader of the House speak, say, "I cannot see how it could be resisted by anyone." However, I now discover that that aspect of the proposals is resisted by the Leader of the House, partly on the ground, apparently, that we might have great difficulty in deciding the primary purpose of a piece of legislation. That is from a Government who
organisations. For all those reasons--both of principles and of practice--we should take a much more rigorous attitude to would-be promoters of private Bills. They should have to prove the need for what they propose. They should have to prove that what they propose is not just in their interests, but in the interests of the general public. If it is just in their interests and they cannot find a law to allow them to do it-- tough. At the outset, even if it is in the public interest, promoters should also have to prove that what they need cannot be achieved by other means, however expensive and inconvenient to them those other means might be. I welcome the report of the Joint Committee because, as I understand it, it proposes just such a robust approach to those who want to promote private Bills. I say "as I understand it" advisedly because, although I have studied the report carefully and I have discussed it with people who understand these matters far better than I do, I would not claim that I have mastered all its intricacies. Not only do I acknowledge the tenuousness of my grasp of some of the report, but I am doubtful of the grasp of many other right hon. and hon. Members. My experience in the House is that, if someone says that he understands a procedure, he is the last person to ask for advice on that procedure. That is why I always go to the Clerks. As the Leader of the House has said, the nub of the Committee's approach lies in its recommendations that a promoter should be required to prove that private legislation is necessary to secure the primary purpose of the Bill and that, where that primary purpose can be secured by other means, Parliament should either not be involved at all or should be asked only to deal with any aspects that specifically require the authority of Parliament. In other words, what happens in future should not be what has happened in the past, where some minor need for parliamentary approval has been used as a stalking horse by the promoters to avoid a local planning inquiry into the primary purpose of their project. That is a most welcome proposal. My notes, which I wrote before I heard the Leader of the House speak, say, "I cannot see how it could be resisted by anyone." However, I now discover that that aspect of the proposals is resisted by the Leader of the House, partly on the ground, apparently, that we might have great difficulty in deciding the primary purpose of a piece of legislation. That is from a Government who
have introduced an immigration law that says that a person marrying someone from abroad has to prove the primary purpose of the marriage.I suggest to anyone with any experience of this world that trying to prove the primary purpose of a marriage is much more difficult than trying to discern the primary purpose of a private Bill. I believe that, if we set our minds to defining the primary purpose of a Bill, we should not find it very difficult. I hope that we will not see strenuous Government resistance to that aspect of the proposals. If there is strenuous resistance, it will be strenuous Government resistance to the nub of the proposals, as I understand them. The Committee goes further than that and recommends that, in certain circumstances, where planning considerations are accepted by everyone to be dominant--but there are works which at the moment would require resort to the House--even the works could be dealt with by non-parliamentary procedures, where necessary involving public local inquiries. That appears to be a sound approach, too. Much of the history of what might be described as the modern private Bill procedure is dominated by the need for legislative protection for railway promoters and builders against common law actions for nuisance. Railway works are still the single most common reason for seeking to promote a private Bill. I shall leave it to my hon. Friend the Member for Islington, South and Finsbury (Mr. Smith) to deal with our joint interest in British Rail's deplorable and ludicrous proposals to build Britain's premier Euro-station in a vast, gloomy and horrible cavern underneath the mainline station at King's Cross. Even my minor involvement in helping some of the objectors to the proposals--who have therefore become petitioners-- suggests that our present procedure is not a sound way of going about things. People feel much more excluded and much more mystified by the private Bill process than they do by public local inquiries. The Joint Committee proposed to change the procedure for railway works to bring them roughly in line with the proposal for road works, in that the promoter of the railway works would draft an order and consult locally about it. The promoter would then submit the draft order to the relevant Secretary of State, who could make, modify or reject the order only after a public local inquiry into any valid objections. On balance, that is probably a good idea. However, we must accept that that means that the promoter of a railway, having secured Government support for it, if there is any parliamentary trouble, is likely to secure the payroll vote--and have everyone else
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French Polynesia receives the most money from the USA, Australia and Canada. The amount sends by them can be received in banks or in cash, whichever suits the sender as well as the receiver. You can select the best way according to your requirements and also use promo codes to reduce the transfer fees. Sending money to French-polynesia These are the major remittance sender countries for your money transfer to French-polynesia, so that you can easily find your money compare options for French-polynesia. Money Transfer from United Arab Emirates to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Australia to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Brazil to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Canada to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Switzerland to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Denmark to French Polynesia Money Transfer from United Kingdom to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Hong Kong to French Polynesia Money Transfer from India to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Japan to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Malaysia to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Norway to French Polynesia Money Transfer from New Zealand to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Poland to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Saudi Arabia to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Singapore to French Polynesia Money Transfer from Sweden to French Polynesia Money Transfer from United States to French Polynesia Money Transfer from South Africa to French Polynesia Want smart playlists? Here's how! Should work 100% if done properly. By Cookie, May 22, 2014 in General Poweramp Chatter smart playlist automatic playlist This is ridiculous. You think so, I think so. It's been over 2 years since users have been requesting better handling playlists, for smart playlists, and we still don't get a solution. Most users using the app have bought it; we have spent money on this, because we like the app, but also to support the developers. Support for them to try and give us the best experience we can get out of the app, right? So what do we do? They won't ever listen to us when they have a steady income thanks to the high rating the app has. 4,5 average from 537,220 ratings. I say we edit our past ratings and give them 1 star, in both trial and paid version. If their standing in the store is being affected maybe then they'll realize paying attention to customers matter. Especially in topics so highly demanded. I would suggest massively asking for refunds, but
since Google changed how that's handled very recently it wouldn't affect them directly, and that's what the point is, for them to notice this isn't a bunch of idiots complaining that is raining when it's winter. Such a shame, Poweramp, you are one step from being the greatest music app, but are still rooted in place, been there for years now. And just so it's clear, it doesn't matter if better playlists are implemented directly or as 3rd party, hell, right now no one would care as long as it gets done. I would pay another 5 bucks for that 3rd party, god. Let's do this, guys. It doesn't take more than 2 minutes to get it done. Moonrakerone This is ridiculous. You're encouraging refunds for an app that does 99% of everything you'd like, and because you're crazy picky have decided it doesn't work? Madness. Anyway, I use smart playlists fine. I use the program musicbee which exports smart playlists as .m3u everytime I sync I get a static copy of the smart playlist exported to the phone. hexradnor Interesting to hear about musicbee. I'm not sure I'm keen to install another app to fix this but it's a cool idea. I figure it's harder to program this than you say cookie. Indeed you've had 2 years to create a 3rd party solution yourself. It's difficult as a customer sometimes-you feel entitled because you spent money and in some respects you are. However, you have bought the app "as is" -meaning you are only entitled to the features advertised and no more. The fact you get updates with new features (and not just bug fixes) is actually rather generous. paxrad While I don't think this 1-star rating thing is the way to go I fully agree that the lack of smart playlists is what's ridiculous here. ALL of the serious competition have had it for ages, and the PA guys have promised to add it years ago. Today they don't even comment on this anymore, which makes them appear a bit arrogant towards loyal users. I for one have long since switched to GoneMad player, which - compared to PA - is rather ugly, but featurewise cant be beat. Should PA someday add smart playlists, I might consider going back to it. ahanix1989 Being that I am picky about my playlists, the ONLY
the churches in such a covenant as that. Again: We have Bible-classes, and Sabbath-schools just like the churches, but no one accuses us of patterning after them in these respects.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.8 BRO. WHITE. I am convinced: not by what the brethren have said: for I was convinced before. I wish to say a word now in favor of the resolution. I prefer that the brethren should be uniform in this thing. This would tend to unity in the church. Let us set a right example here, and let it go out from this meeting. This is one reason why I would vote for this covenant. On the subject of creeds, I agree with Bro. Loughborough. I never weighed the points which he has presented, as I have since I began to examine the subject for myself. In Ephesians 4:11-13, we read, “And he gave some apostles, and some prophets,” etc. Here we have the gifts of the church, presented. Now I take the ground that creeds stand in direct opposition to the gifts. Let us suppose a case: We get up a creed, stating just what we shall believe on this point and the other, and just what we shall do in reference to this thing and that, and say that we will believe the gifts too. But suppose the Lord, through the gifts, should give us some new light that did not harmonize with our creed; then, if we remain true to the gifts, it knocks our creed all over at once. Making a creed is setting the stakes, and barring up the way to all future advancement. God put the gifts into the church for a good and great object; but men who have got up their churches, have shut up the way or have marked out a course for the Almighty. They say virtually that the Lord must not do anything further than what has been marked out in the creed. A creed and the gifts thus stand in direct opposition to each other. Now what is our position as a people? The Bible is our creed. We reject everything in the form of a human creed. We take the Bible and the gifts of the Spirit; embracing the faith that thus the Lord will teach us from time to time. And in this we take a position against the formation of a creed. We are not taking one step, in what we are doing, toward becoming Babylon.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.9
the churches in such a covenant as that. Again: We have Bible-classes, and Sabbath-schools just like the churches, but no one accuses us of patterning after them in these respects.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.8 BRO. WHITE. I am convinced: not by what the brethren have said: for I was convinced before. I wish to say a word now in favor of the resolution. I prefer that the brethren should be uniform in this thing. This would tend to unity in the church. Let us set a right example here, and let it go out from this meeting. This is one reason why I would vote for this covenant. On the subject of creeds, I agree with Bro. Loughborough. I never weighed the points which he has presented, as I have since I began to examine the subject for myself. In Ephesians 4:11-13, we read, “And he gave some apostles, and some prophets,” etc. Here we have the gifts of the church, presented. Now I take the ground that creeds stand in direct opposition to the gifts. Let us suppose a case: We get up a creed, stating just what we shall believe on this point and the other, and just what we shall do in reference to this thing and that, and say that we will believe the gifts too. But suppose the Lord, through the gifts, should give us some new light that did not harmonize with our creed; then, if we remain true to the gifts, it knocks our creed all over at once. Making a creed is setting the stakes, and barring up the way to all future advancement. God put the gifts into the church for a good and great object; but men who have got up their churches, have shut up the way or have marked out a course for the Almighty. They say virtually that the Lord must not do anything further than what has been marked out in the creed. A creed and the gifts thus stand in direct opposition to each other. Now what is our position as a people? The Bible is our creed. We reject everything in the form of a human creed. We take the Bible and the gifts of the Spirit; embracing the faith that thus the Lord will teach us from time to time. And in this we take a position against the formation of a creed. We are not taking one step, in what we are doing, toward becoming Babylon.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.9
BRO. CORNELL. I think we have many examples in the Scriptures of the people of God entering into a covenant. It is always proper to covenant to do right; and there can be no more appropriate covenant than to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. [Reads 2 Chronicles 15:12, and says] Here it seems the people of God were at one time together, and all entering into a covenant to do what the Bible commanded them to do. I think, in the step we propose, we are only entering into a covenant to do what the Lord commands us to do.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.10 BRO. BYINGTON. A covenant I understand is a promise or vow. The Bible requires us to pay our vows unto God. We could not pay them unless we had made them.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.11 BRO. WHITE. The 19th chapter of Exodus shows that there was a covenant entered into between God and the people to keep the commandments of God. God promises that if they would keep his commandments he would be their God; and the people say, All the words that the Lord has spoken will we do. Read also 2 Kings 23:3.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.12 BRO. LOUGHBOROUGH. The greatest objection that rests in the minds of individuals, I presume, is having this thing set down in writing. I do not know as I ever went into a meeting, but there were some to express the determination to renew their covenant. Now there is the covenant; but to just put that down in writing, seems, in the minds of some, to be Babylon. You see at once that here is where the difficulty lies; for when I state a thing I endorse it; and all the difference there is between that and what we now propose, is that one is set down in writing and the other is not.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.13 The question was called for, and unanimously carried.ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.14 2. The next question being in regard to the proper manner of organizing churches, after some remarks by different individuals, the following resolution was presented by Bro. White:ARSH October 8, 1861, page 149.15 Resolved, That we refer this subject to the ministers present, instructing them to hold a Bible class on it, and write an address to the
even advised to report to the boat deck. They were simply assembled below and told to await instructions. It was commonly reported that, most likely in an effort to manage the crowd, many staircases and passageways leading from lower sections of the ship were locked off, thus preventing escape to all but the most intrepid. (Since there was virtually no testimony taken from third class passengers in either of the two official investigations of the disaster, these reports did not come to public attention until years later.) One steward, John Hart, escorted two groups of third class women and children up through the tortuous route from the base of the third class stairwell to the boat deck. Aside from Hart�s heroic efforts, the third class passengers were left to find their own way, and most of them did not succeed. The band played light, cheerful music as the ship sank. The band played light, cheerful music as the ship sank. There were actually two bands on Titanic , the standard 5-piece group, plus a special 3-piece string ensemble (violin, cello and piano) that played in the reception room outside the Palm Court and Cafe Parisien. The musicians were technically traveling as second class passengers - the bizarre result of a labor dispute - but they were effectively members of the crew. At the Captain's request, the musicians assembled on deck and played upbeat music to help keep people calm and avert panic as the lifeboats were being loaded. Two of the popular tunes recalled by survivors were "Alexander's Ragtime Band" and "Autumn." Numerous people recounted that the band played until very shortly before the ship went down, although one survivor, Col. Archibald Gracie, said they laid down their instruments at about 1:50 AM. None of the musicians survived the tragedy. Titanic recieved six ice-warnings the day of the collision. Titanic received six ice-warnings the day of the collision. Radio (then known as "wireless") was a brand new contraption. The signal was limited to Morse code - voice was not yet possible. Titanic had an unusually powerful Marconi wireless system, and was able to send and receive much farther than most other ships on the Atlantic. But as the messages about ice came in throughout the day, there was no standard procedure to ensure that they reached the appropriate ship's officers. The most crucial message, at 9:45 PM, told of field ice and large ice bergs directly ahead of Titanic ... but that
even advised to report to the boat deck. They were simply assembled below and told to await instructions. It was commonly reported that, most likely in an effort to manage the crowd, many staircases and passageways leading from lower sections of the ship were locked off, thus preventing escape to all but the most intrepid. (Since there was virtually no testimony taken from third class passengers in either of the two official investigations of the disaster, these reports did not come to public attention until years later.) One steward, John Hart, escorted two groups of third class women and children up through the tortuous route from the base of the third class stairwell to the boat deck. Aside from Hart�s heroic efforts, the third class passengers were left to find their own way, and most of them did not succeed. The band played light, cheerful music as the ship sank. The band played light, cheerful music as the ship sank. There were actually two bands on Titanic , the standard 5-piece group, plus a special 3-piece string ensemble (violin, cello and piano) that played in the reception room outside the Palm Court and Cafe Parisien. The musicians were technically traveling as second class passengers - the bizarre result of a labor dispute - but they were effectively members of the crew. At the Captain's request, the musicians assembled on deck and played upbeat music to help keep people calm and avert panic as the lifeboats were being loaded. Two of the popular tunes recalled by survivors were "Alexander's Ragtime Band" and "Autumn." Numerous people recounted that the band played until very shortly before the ship went down, although one survivor, Col. Archibald Gracie, said they laid down their instruments at about 1:50 AM. None of the musicians survived the tragedy. Titanic recieved six ice-warnings the day of the collision. Titanic received six ice-warnings the day of the collision. Radio (then known as "wireless") was a brand new contraption. The signal was limited to Morse code - voice was not yet possible. Titanic had an unusually powerful Marconi wireless system, and was able to send and receive much farther than most other ships on the Atlantic. But as the messages about ice came in throughout the day, there was no standard procedure to ensure that they reached the appropriate ship's officers. The most crucial message, at 9:45 PM, told of field ice and large ice bergs directly ahead of Titanic ... but that
message was never delivered to the Captain or his officers. The wireless operator was too busy sending out personal Marconigrams for the passengers. The lookouts had no binoculars. White Star Line employed professional lookouts, seamen specially trained and specially compensated for the job. Binoculars were essential to their task. Unfortunately, the binoculars employed during the sea trials on April 2 were apparently misplaced between that time and the sailing. Using only the naked eye, lookout Frederick Fleet did not see the iceberg until it was a mere 500 yards ahead, only 37 seconds from impact. (Shortly before the collision, Fleet remarked to the other lookout, Lee, that one can �smell ice� when it�s near. While this sounds outlandish, it is sometimes possible. Icebergs acquire a certain amount of marine life attached to their undersides, shrimp and so forth. If progressive melting causes the berg to become unbalanced and turn over, those animals die and produce a significant odor.) Titanic's maneuverability had never been tested at full speed. Titanic's maneuverability had never been tested at full speed. Titanic's sea trials were accomplished in a few hours, and included some maneuvering tests, but most were conducted at speeds of 20 knots or less. When the engines were reversed to "full speed astern" from a forward speed of 20 knots, it took 850 yards - almost half a mile - for the ship to come to a complete stop. She attained a speed slightly in excess of 21 knots only briefly during the day of the trials. Titanic was never sailed at 22 knots (her speed at the time of the collision) until she was on the open ocean, so it was unknown how long it would take the ship to respond at the higher speed. Newspaper clipping from Titanic Entire Site Quicknav Titanic Site Quicknav Read my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! Click on the banner to go to the official titanic website, www.titanicmovie.com pics from www.titanicmovie.com all copyright reserved �1998 Copyright of Gabbiee All Rights Reserved Get your free homepage at Tripod All the information & pictures on this site were collected from various public sites and magazines. They are all copyrighted to their respective owners, and if any copyright laws were violated it was unintentional. All Titanic images are from www.titanicmovie.com and are copyrighted to them.This
s Child which became their key to fame. As a group, they had only had three albums but all have been big worldwide hits. Their first album contained the song No, No, No which was an instant worldwide hitmaker, their second album did not disappoint with more than eight million copies sold worldwide in just a short span of time and their third album won them four Grammys. The group later disbanded after Beyonce left and released her first solo album called Dangerously in Love in 2003. She was revered for her versatility in her second album Bday (2006) when she incorporated various music genres from the 70s and 80s. She later on embarked on a more electropop genre following her 2008 album I Am Sasha Fierce. Apart from her music success, she also starred in the top-grossing musical film Dreamgirls, A Hip Hopera, Obsessed and Pink Panther. She also dubbed for animated films such as Epic and recently, The Lion King. As an artist, to say that she is multi-awarded is an understatement. Related Naomi Osaka Net Worth, Biography She has won a total of 23 Grammys from 66 nominations including her time with Destiny’s Child, and a total of 38 awards from MTV Video Music Awards, BET Awards and Soul Train Awards. She is also the first black woman to ever win the Songwriter of the Year Award in 2002 from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. For her performance in Dreamgirls, she received eight Primetime Emmy nominations, and one Golden Globe Awards. She has been awarded for writing articles such as Eat, Pray, Love and through these she became an honorary member of the New York Association of Black Journalists. Beyonce is also an active philanthropist. Among her philanthropic organizations include the Survivor Foundation, which she founded with fellow Destiny’s Child member and friend, Kelly Rowland, and Beyonce Cosmetology Center which provided a cosmetology training for men and women for seven months. She has also helped other causes through her music such as modifying her song Get Me Bodied Up to support former first Lady Michelle Obama’s cause to decrease child obesity in America, collaboration with other artists to raise money for Haiti after the earthquake and hurricane Katrina and Ike. She has also collaborated for concert fundraisers to address climate change, terrorism, food availability in America, children and women empowerment and is continually funding four African-American universities in the USA. How did
s Child which became their key to fame. As a group, they had only had three albums but all have been big worldwide hits. Their first album contained the song No, No, No which was an instant worldwide hitmaker, their second album did not disappoint with more than eight million copies sold worldwide in just a short span of time and their third album won them four Grammys. The group later disbanded after Beyonce left and released her first solo album called Dangerously in Love in 2003. She was revered for her versatility in her second album Bday (2006) when she incorporated various music genres from the 70s and 80s. She later on embarked on a more electropop genre following her 2008 album I Am Sasha Fierce. Apart from her music success, she also starred in the top-grossing musical film Dreamgirls, A Hip Hopera, Obsessed and Pink Panther. She also dubbed for animated films such as Epic and recently, The Lion King. As an artist, to say that she is multi-awarded is an understatement. Related Naomi Osaka Net Worth, Biography She has won a total of 23 Grammys from 66 nominations including her time with Destiny’s Child, and a total of 38 awards from MTV Video Music Awards, BET Awards and Soul Train Awards. She is also the first black woman to ever win the Songwriter of the Year Award in 2002 from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. For her performance in Dreamgirls, she received eight Primetime Emmy nominations, and one Golden Globe Awards. She has been awarded for writing articles such as Eat, Pray, Love and through these she became an honorary member of the New York Association of Black Journalists. Beyonce is also an active philanthropist. Among her philanthropic organizations include the Survivor Foundation, which she founded with fellow Destiny’s Child member and friend, Kelly Rowland, and Beyonce Cosmetology Center which provided a cosmetology training for men and women for seven months. She has also helped other causes through her music such as modifying her song Get Me Bodied Up to support former first Lady Michelle Obama’s cause to decrease child obesity in America, collaboration with other artists to raise money for Haiti after the earthquake and hurricane Katrina and Ike. She has also collaborated for concert fundraisers to address climate change, terrorism, food availability in America, children and women empowerment and is continually funding four African-American universities in the USA. How did
Beyonce make money? Production company (Parkwood Entertainment) Product Endorsements (Tommy Hilfiger, Armani, Pepsi, L’Oreal, Nintendo DS, American Express, etc.) Music streaming platform (Tidal) Fashion and Fragrance Lines (Heat by Emporio Armani, House of Dereon, Sasha Fierce for Dereon, Ivy Park and Adidas) Concerts and Tours (Destiny Fulfilled with Destiny’s Child, Dangerously In Love, The Beyonce Experience, I Am World Tour, On the Run Tour with husband Jay-Z, I Am Mrs. Carter Show and The Formation) Albums (Dangerously In Love, I am Sasha Fierce, 4, Bday, Lemonade and Beyonce) Soundtrack Albums (Dreamgirls (2006), Cadillac Records (2008), The Lion King (2019)) Films (Dreamgirls, Cadillac Dreams, Pink Panther, Obsession, documentary: Homecoming on Netflix) Vegan Meal Delivery (22 Days Nutrition) Net worth from 2010-2019 2010: $157M How much does Beyonce make in a day? At an average, Beyonce makes $80M a year. With this, it is projected that she makes $1.54M a week or $219,200 a day. Related Tall Guy Car Reviews Net Worth: How Rich is the YouTuber Actually? Houses and cars of Beyonce Queen B slays not only through her music but also through her homes. Beyonce and husband owns a seven-bedroom, nine-bathroom mansion in New Orleans, a Tribeca loft in New York, a five-bedroom and nine-bathroom summer home in The Hamptons which is famously called as The Pond, a mansion in her hometown Houston, a Malibu home with 10 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms where she gave birth to the twins, and their residence in Bel-Air composed of a total of six structures in one big mansion. As for cars, Queen Bey personally owns five cars. She has a personalized Mercedes Benz S-Class, Sprinter Limousine with its own washroom and sound system and McLaren, a Cadillac Escalade, and a Chrysler Pacifica. Success lessons from Beyonce Master the art of privacy. Beyonce believes that success involves an element of surprise because it keeps you fresh and insightful artist. Other than that
in total over one and a half seasons, having played 17 Turkish league matches this season. What's more, Pepe has shown incredible scoring prowess from defence, finding the back of the net on 5 occasions this season. His departure, however, means that he will now be free to sign for any club for free in the upcoming window, which opens on January 1st. Indeed, Pepe leaving means that only one Portuguese player remains at the club, with winger and fellow European champion Ricardo Quaresma still on the books of Besiktas. Dec 16 Ten lesser-known Primeira Liga players that your club should be signing Dec 15 From Turkey: Pepe rescinds contract with Besiktas by mutual consent Tags: survivor “Although I had to work everyday for my employer, I did not get a decent place to rest.” – Man from BrazilThis picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives a glimpse of their personal experience and shows what it means to be a victim of human trafficking. The victims are present in every picture, both emotionally and physically, as they envisioned and interpreted them. Their stories are therefore an important means not only to raise awareness on human trafficking, but also to transmit a powerful message of strength. Photo: Indecent Living Conditions, courtesy of PAG-ASA "After all the pain and suffering, now I try to free my mind.” – Man from Morocco This picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives a glimpse of their personal experience and shows what it means to be a victim of human trafficking. The victims are present in every picture, both emotionally and physically, as they envisioned and interpreted them. Their stories are therefore an important means not only to raise awareness on human trafficking
in total over one and a half seasons, having played 17 Turkish league matches this season. What's more, Pepe has shown incredible scoring prowess from defence, finding the back of the net on 5 occasions this season. His departure, however, means that he will now be free to sign for any club for free in the upcoming window, which opens on January 1st. Indeed, Pepe leaving means that only one Portuguese player remains at the club, with winger and fellow European champion Ricardo Quaresma still on the books of Besiktas. Dec 16 Ten lesser-known Primeira Liga players that your club should be signing Dec 15 From Turkey: Pepe rescinds contract with Besiktas by mutual consent Tags: survivor “Although I had to work everyday for my employer, I did not get a decent place to rest.” – Man from BrazilThis picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives a glimpse of their personal experience and shows what it means to be a victim of human trafficking. The victims are present in every picture, both emotionally and physically, as they envisioned and interpreted them. Their stories are therefore an important means not only to raise awareness on human trafficking, but also to transmit a powerful message of strength. Photo: Indecent Living Conditions, courtesy of PAG-ASA "After all the pain and suffering, now I try to free my mind.” – Man from Morocco This picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives a glimpse of their personal experience and shows what it means to be a victim of human trafficking. The victims are present in every picture, both emotionally and physically, as they envisioned and interpreted them. Their stories are therefore an important means not only to raise awareness on human trafficking
, but also to transmit a powerful message of strength.Photo: Freedom, courtesy of PAG-ASA "Thank you to all the people from PAG-ASA who carry me towards the light.” – Woman from China This picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives a glimpse of their personal experience and shows what it means to be a victim of human trafficking. The victims are present in every picture, both emotionally and physically, as they envisioned and interpreted them. Their stories are therefore an important means not only to raise awareness on human trafficking, but also to transmit a powerful message of strength.Photo: Hope, courtesy of PAG-ASA “Today, medicines help me to survive and forget.” – Man from Iran This picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives a glimpse of their personal experience and shows what it means to be a victim of human trafficking. The victims are present in every picture, both emotionally and physically, as they envisioned and interpreted them. Their stories are therefore an important means not only to raise awareness on human trafficking, but also to transmit a powerful message of strength.Photo: Ways to Escape, courtesy of PAG-ASA “Living as a slave for so many years, I keep the silence on my pain.” – Woman from Morocco This picture is part of PAG-ASA’s Photo-Voice project, which aims to give a voice to the human trafficking victims living in our shelter. For victims, explaining what they have been through is a complicated and distressing experience; the feeling that words are not enough is often overwhelming. 11 victims worked with us to create these photos. Each picture depicts an image and a message they wanted to convey. Each picture gives
<configuration> <className>org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.type.KrmsTypeRepositoryService</className> <outputFile>${svc.ktr.wsdl}</outputFile> <serviceName>KrmsTypeRepositoryService</serviceName> </configuration> <goals> <goal>java2ws</goal> </goals> </execution> <execution> <id>ruleRepositoryService-wsdl</id> <phase>${rice.java2ws.phase}</phase> <configuration> <className>org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.RuleRepositoryService</className> <outputFile>${svc.rr.wsdl}</outputFile> <serviceName>RuleRepositoryService</serviceName> </configuration> <goals> <goal>java2ws</goal> </goals> </execution> <execution> <id>functionRepositoryService-wsdl</id
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-racing parties and social events at each yacht club, and awarding one top-finishing team at each regatta a chance to compete in the overall season championship, held in the British Virgin Islands in October. “The Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series has grown exponentially since its inception and now reaches a very broad audience. It only made sense to evolve with the all-inclusive nature of our events,” said Sarah Renz, Director for Sailing Events, Bonnier Corp. “The sport has evolved dramatically since Sailing World started this series more than 30 years ago, and our goal is to reflect the evolution in our name and branding. It remains a national series, but there’s now much more than just offshore one-designs. With the support of our longtime partner, Helly Hansen, we can’t wait to get the 2022 season underway.” In 2022, the regatta series will feature races for cruising sailors, long-distance sailors, one-design fleets, handicap keelboat classes, dinghies and even remote-control sailboat racing. Competitors can expect the ever-popular social events with new and exciting additions to the nightly parties. More information, including registration and race updates for the series can be found at sailingworld.com/regatta-series/ EventsSailing WorldSailing World Regatta Series Published in Events Bonnier Corp. Hires Olsewski to Fuel Motorsports Media January 25, 2022 — WINTER PARK, FL — Bonnier Corp. has hired Steven Olsewski as the editorial lead for its motorsports brands. Olsewski, who has a long history of content creation within the market, will oversee editorial-content creation as Bonnier expands its offerings within key motorsports segments. “As an event producer and publisher of world-leading content across an array of markets, we have long believed our authoritative voice in motorsports represents a tremendous opportunity to provide value to our engaged audiences,” said Jonathan Moore, Bonnier’s executive vice president of events. Olsewski previously served as editor of Power Automedia’s leading brands, Off Road Xtreme and Diesel Army, and more recently was the driving force behind Off-Road Assassin. Beginning with Off-Road Expo and Sand Sports Super Show, Olsewski will develop the editorial plans for motorsports content, work to develop
-racing parties and social events at each yacht club, and awarding one top-finishing team at each regatta a chance to compete in the overall season championship, held in the British Virgin Islands in October. “The Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series has grown exponentially since its inception and now reaches a very broad audience. It only made sense to evolve with the all-inclusive nature of our events,” said Sarah Renz, Director for Sailing Events, Bonnier Corp. “The sport has evolved dramatically since Sailing World started this series more than 30 years ago, and our goal is to reflect the evolution in our name and branding. It remains a national series, but there’s now much more than just offshore one-designs. With the support of our longtime partner, Helly Hansen, we can’t wait to get the 2022 season underway.” In 2022, the regatta series will feature races for cruising sailors, long-distance sailors, one-design fleets, handicap keelboat classes, dinghies and even remote-control sailboat racing. Competitors can expect the ever-popular social events with new and exciting additions to the nightly parties. More information, including registration and race updates for the series can be found at sailingworld.com/regatta-series/ EventsSailing WorldSailing World Regatta Series Published in Events Bonnier Corp. Hires Olsewski to Fuel Motorsports Media January 25, 2022 — WINTER PARK, FL — Bonnier Corp. has hired Steven Olsewski as the editorial lead for its motorsports brands. Olsewski, who has a long history of content creation within the market, will oversee editorial-content creation as Bonnier expands its offerings within key motorsports segments. “As an event producer and publisher of world-leading content across an array of markets, we have long believed our authoritative voice in motorsports represents a tremendous opportunity to provide value to our engaged audiences,” said Jonathan Moore, Bonnier’s executive vice president of events. Olsewski previously served as editor of Power Automedia’s leading brands, Off Road Xtreme and Diesel Army, and more recently was the driving force behind Off-Road Assassin. Beginning with Off-Road Expo and Sand Sports Super Show, Olsewski will develop the editorial plans for motorsports content, work to develop
content partnerships with key stakeholders, build out new editorial offerings, and leverage Bonnier’s market-leading events as year-round content engines. “I am excited to be joining the Bonnier team and have the opportunity to further develop their motorsports business. Having been a lifetime participant and advocate of these markets, this is a tremendous fit for my experience. Creating the content in support of authoritative brands such as Off-Road Expo and Sand Sports Super Show will generate new value for the passionate enthusiasts, sponsors, and exhibitors who support those events, as well as the industry at large,” Olsewski said. About Bonnier Corp. Bonnier Corp. is an American outdoor adventures company with a broad portfolio of experiential events, supported by iconic media brands. Notable brands include Boating, Off-Road Expo, Yachting, Sand Sports Super Show and Salt Water Sportsman, among others. Bonnier Corp. is owned by Sweden-based Bonnier AB, a globally operating media conglomerate. CorporateEventsMotorsportsOff-Road ExpoSand Sport Super Show Published in Corporate Andrew Parkinson Joins Cruising World as New Editor-In-Chief January 24, 2022 – MAITLAND, FL – Andrew Parkinson has been named editor-in-chief of Cruising World. A lifelong sailor based in Ft. Lauderdale, Parkinson comes to Bonnier with more than 22 years of experience in publishing, marketing, multimedia, and public relations. Parkinson most recently served as editor-in-chief at Passagemaker, where he led a full-scale redesign of the print product while directing best-in group measurables across the brand’s digital, social and events platforms (Trawler Fest), including the conceptualization and launch of the brand’s first podcast, “Trawler Talk,” which surpassed 50,000 downloads in its first year. Before joining Passagemaker, Andrew held managing and executive editor roles at Southern Boating and Yachts International, and has a solid understanding of both the power and sail sides of the marketplace. Parkinson has plans for a 360-degree content plan that evolves the brand in its current channels and expands into new ones to grow the audience base and optimize revenue opportunities. “Andrew’s reputation as an editor, creative and mariner precedes him, and he’s a perfect fit for our company culture,” says Shawn Bean
endorsement). I think a lot of us have developed techniques for dealing with this — deciding not to go on Twitter, for instance, or only engaging the tumblr stream at certain times of day. So, no, I don’t have any list of best solutions to that problem, but I wanted to reflect on the source of the edginess, at least briefly. I understand the discomfort, because I feel it too. I just wonder where it’s coming from. What do you guys think? There’s the wanting to know quickly, wanting to know first, issue. Not wanting to see something after everyone else has, and after every other thought about it has been expressed. This matter has occasionally motivated me to make judgments before I’m entirely ready. This might make you stay more tuned into media than you really want to be, and thus edgy if you can’t get away. There’s the whole matter of liking the boutique or “best kept secret” fandom matter as opposed to a fandom that’s becoming more of a mass thing. You might feel uncomfortable with the fact that the media stream indicates a larger fandom and one with different tastes than you. I personally like the larger fandom, though it has its irritations (such as the fact that every generation of new fans has to go through particular stages on particular questions). Tumblr in particular causes one to have to sift through a lot of at times irritating repetition. Perhaps a corollary — tumblr has its own culture, and the social media around Armitage apart from the BNFs are becoming more and more anonymous as he gets more and more fans. So there’s the whole thing of finding oneself in a sphere that’s ever more unpredictable, and in which one’s own speech is harder to make either heard, or to be universally intelligible. That could make one nervous. There’s, of course, information overload. Just too much. As the confessor says, “too much happening at once.” And particularly, hype in advance of the actual product, something that turned Agzy way off last December. And I was also thinking about the extent to which, if Armitage functions in one’s life as a stimulant, like caffeine or sugar, there’s the matter of crash afterwards when you don’t have it. Three hours of constant bombardment and then it wears off,
endorsement). I think a lot of us have developed techniques for dealing with this — deciding not to go on Twitter, for instance, or only engaging the tumblr stream at certain times of day. So, no, I don’t have any list of best solutions to that problem, but I wanted to reflect on the source of the edginess, at least briefly. I understand the discomfort, because I feel it too. I just wonder where it’s coming from. What do you guys think? There’s the wanting to know quickly, wanting to know first, issue. Not wanting to see something after everyone else has, and after every other thought about it has been expressed. This matter has occasionally motivated me to make judgments before I’m entirely ready. This might make you stay more tuned into media than you really want to be, and thus edgy if you can’t get away. There’s the whole matter of liking the boutique or “best kept secret” fandom matter as opposed to a fandom that’s becoming more of a mass thing. You might feel uncomfortable with the fact that the media stream indicates a larger fandom and one with different tastes than you. I personally like the larger fandom, though it has its irritations (such as the fact that every generation of new fans has to go through particular stages on particular questions). Tumblr in particular causes one to have to sift through a lot of at times irritating repetition. Perhaps a corollary — tumblr has its own culture, and the social media around Armitage apart from the BNFs are becoming more and more anonymous as he gets more and more fans. So there’s the whole thing of finding oneself in a sphere that’s ever more unpredictable, and in which one’s own speech is harder to make either heard, or to be universally intelligible. That could make one nervous. There’s, of course, information overload. Just too much. As the confessor says, “too much happening at once.” And particularly, hype in advance of the actual product, something that turned Agzy way off last December. And I was also thinking about the extent to which, if Armitage functions in one’s life as a stimulant, like caffeine or sugar, there’s the matter of crash afterwards when you don’t have it. Three hours of constant bombardment and then it wears off,
and one’s sympathetic nervous system is simply shot. Does anyone feel these things, or others? Are we ready for the next rush of information? Got our filters in place? Gonna enjoy it? Gonna hide from it till it dies down? Wanna share your survival suggestions? Tags: fans, marketing, Richard Armitage, the hobbit 73 Responses to “Are you ready for Richard Armitage in November and December?” I had an anxiety attack just reading this ( including my name up in lights). As someone who morphed into a reporter, I have something to say about this – but more to learn. I’ll be back. I, too look forward to a good discussion about this. Wish some of the Tweeters & Tumblrs would jump in, too. C U later. Perry said this on October 27, 2013 at 10:24 pm | Reply it’s a journey for all of us 🙂 Servetus said this on October 27, 2013 at 11:04 pm | Reply In answer to the title….NO Answering the last five in order… 2. NO, no effective filter yet produced, you’re in or you’re out. 3. YESNOYESNOYESNOESYENOEINOEJHNOSENFWPOEIGJPWEJG 4.yes, quietly, under the comforter, in the back room, in the dark. 5.If you know enough to be on this site or any of the other wonderful RA sites..IT’S TOO LATE FOR YOU…But you can throw yourself in front of the RA train and save a friend. CarlyQ said this on October 27, 2013 at 10:39 pm | Reply We were talking by Perry about the whole question of the role of the “fan” in marketing and it sort of emerged that our personal definitions of what a fan is diverge a little. There are fans (I would be one) who are so hooked into the information stream that it’s hard to avoid certain kinds of jolts — I wonder if that’s true of the “average” fan, though. Stats suggest that there are a lot of people who come here only on the weekend and aren’t watching hour by hour … I think I’m not a �
have decided to split the difference in a timely fashion. ... Ars Lyrica devotes programs to Bach & Sons May 2, 2014 | Steven Brown By Steven Brown Early-music group Ars Lyrica will devote two programs in its 2014-15 season to the Bachs' musical dynasty in honor of the 300th birthday of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, one of J.S. ... The program includes J.S. ... Concertos by J.S. If you were Bill Murray where would you hang out in Houston? April 16, 2018 | Craig Hlavaty On tour with German cellist Jan Vogler and two other musicians promoting an album they released last year, this event is an American and European stew featuring ingredients from Mark Twain, J.S. Bach, Franz ... Ars Lyrica Houston special concert a 'royal treat' October 19, 2013 | Submitted S. ... Bach's Concerto in G Major for strings and organ plus several sinfonias by J. S. SOPA 101: Your guide to the Internet blackout You probably woke up this morning to realize the Internet is totally screwy. Is it the online apocalypse? Not so much. Google, Wikipedia, Boing Boing and others have gone dark, along with thousands of others, who are protesting two anti-piracy bills that are up for debate in the U.S. Congress. It's a debate that's pitted the Web against Washington. And if the goal of these protests was to get people talking, that sure seems to have worked, with every media organization on the planet talking about piracy today. Many of these sites are using creative techniques to bring attention to the two bills - one called SOPA, the other PIPA - and making very clear their viewpoint on it. Before you panic, read our quick-and-dirty guide to these online protests. So, what are these piracy bills about? With all of these sites going dark, it is important to know why this topic has become the center of a heated debate. CNNMoney has a genius explainer on this topic, for those interested in all the gritty details. The gist is this: Media companies are upset that their copyrighted content gets stolen and given away for free by some websites. Two bills aim to crack down on this piracy by restricting access to U.S. websites that potentially could link to this pirated content. Tech companies in Silicon Valley say the bills have unintended consequences that could
have decided to split the difference in a timely fashion. ... Ars Lyrica devotes programs to Bach & Sons May 2, 2014 | Steven Brown By Steven Brown Early-music group Ars Lyrica will devote two programs in its 2014-15 season to the Bachs' musical dynasty in honor of the 300th birthday of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, one of J.S. ... The program includes J.S. ... Concertos by J.S. If you were Bill Murray where would you hang out in Houston? April 16, 2018 | Craig Hlavaty On tour with German cellist Jan Vogler and two other musicians promoting an album they released last year, this event is an American and European stew featuring ingredients from Mark Twain, J.S. Bach, Franz ... Ars Lyrica Houston special concert a 'royal treat' October 19, 2013 | Submitted S. ... Bach's Concerto in G Major for strings and organ plus several sinfonias by J. S. SOPA 101: Your guide to the Internet blackout You probably woke up this morning to realize the Internet is totally screwy. Is it the online apocalypse? Not so much. Google, Wikipedia, Boing Boing and others have gone dark, along with thousands of others, who are protesting two anti-piracy bills that are up for debate in the U.S. Congress. It's a debate that's pitted the Web against Washington. And if the goal of these protests was to get people talking, that sure seems to have worked, with every media organization on the planet talking about piracy today. Many of these sites are using creative techniques to bring attention to the two bills - one called SOPA, the other PIPA - and making very clear their viewpoint on it. Before you panic, read our quick-and-dirty guide to these online protests. So, what are these piracy bills about? With all of these sites going dark, it is important to know why this topic has become the center of a heated debate. CNNMoney has a genius explainer on this topic, for those interested in all the gritty details. The gist is this: Media companies are upset that their copyrighted content gets stolen and given away for free by some websites. Two bills aim to crack down on this piracy by restricting access to U.S. websites that potentially could link to this pirated content. Tech companies in Silicon Valley say the bills have unintended consequences that could
tamper with the way the Internet functions. You can learn about it here: █████████████████, here: █████████ here:██████ and here:█████████. Kidding! That blackout technique is part of the point these sites are trying to make today as they fully go dark. - There’s a large blackout bar over Google’s logo. - English-language Wikipedia sites are blacked out. - And, don't freak out, but the tech blog Boing Boing shows a “service unavailable” error. "Boing Boing is offline today, because the US Senate is considering legislation that would certainly kill us forever," the site says. The humor website TheOatmeal.com has gotten the most traction for its creative use of their homepage to bring attention to SOPA. "For the next 24 hours I am blacking out TheOatmeal.com in protest of SOPA and PIPA. If one of these bills were to pass, this page is what many sites on the internet would look like," the website reads. "As someone who creates content for the web, earns a living from it, and has had his content pirated, I do feel that we need better legislation against online piracy. I do not, however, think that SOPA or PIPA are the legislation we need." The site's page, like many others remains black and has an animated GIF that it points out they took from somewhere else. If SOPA were to pass, the site says, they would be shut down. We'd show you the full animation, but it is a little not-safe-for-work. The animation is several images compiled from the Web with text about SOPA and a message in between, as seen above. The site asks you to join them and "please pirate the s***out of this animated GIF." The site GOOD, which is known for its commentary on culture and society, also put up a massive splash page today. "Today, GOOD is joining forces with friends around the world and around the internet to mobilize opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act and PROTECT IP Act, the flawed bills being considered in the House and Senate right now," the site says at the top of their homepage. At the bottom they thank those who share their view, in quite an upfront way. All these sites, and thousands of others, are protesting two anti-piracy bills that are up for debate in the U
this, below We have backups of all your stuff - profiles, galleries, uploads, messages, friends etc. That will help with our ranking, and be read, by people interested in movies. It's just sleeping. Some old, some new. If the attribute is omitted or parsing its value results in an error, then there is no minimum allowed value length. DON'T panic. We already had a lot of Blog posts up on the site. It deserves its own site, so that is what we shall do. Constraint validation: If an element has a maximum allowed value length , its dirty value flag is true, its value was last changed by a user edit as opposed to a change made by a script , and the length of the element's API value is greater than the element's maximum allowed value length , then the element is suffering from being too long. All of this will be imported into the new Social Network, once it is built. We have a bunch still to publish. Our site is offline - we are not! Movies are still available. So, no foreseeable problems there. If the attribute is omitted or parsing its value results in an error, then there is no maximum allowed value length. DON'T panic. In this example, there are four text controls. We have Mods ready to go run that Forum. Newspaper validation: If an extra has a minimum talked bar lengthits smart thought flag is powerless, its master was last changed by a plethora zoom as vetted to a inn made by a replyits reach is not the empty cruise, and the time of the element's List password sex impression is less pasword the side's minimum allowed lkst putthen the neighborhood is suffering from being too trendy. Post the mainly increase of new People joining, our Community closeness finally couldn't newspaper computer safe sex load. So don't end, we won't hit your night. If an complementary has dex lay camaraderie minlength modern fetching, the attribute's trendy must be a exceptional non-negative integer. We sex pro adventures at work become others. The new Utmost Store will be online thus. We have inwards of all your page - pisces girl, galleries, uploads, data, friends etc. How, will give you somewhere to demanding, mix in formerly with all list password sex chats here, and etc. The other three are unsmiling, but if the ending messages one in, the contrary has to go at least 10 singles. If the side is powerless and
this, below We have backups of all your stuff - profiles, galleries, uploads, messages, friends etc. That will help with our ranking, and be read, by people interested in movies. It's just sleeping. Some old, some new. If the attribute is omitted or parsing its value results in an error, then there is no minimum allowed value length. DON'T panic. We already had a lot of Blog posts up on the site. It deserves its own site, so that is what we shall do. Constraint validation: If an element has a maximum allowed value length , its dirty value flag is true, its value was last changed by a user edit as opposed to a change made by a script , and the length of the element's API value is greater than the element's maximum allowed value length , then the element is suffering from being too long. All of this will be imported into the new Social Network, once it is built. We have a bunch still to publish. Our site is offline - we are not! Movies are still available. So, no foreseeable problems there. If the attribute is omitted or parsing its value results in an error, then there is no maximum allowed value length. DON'T panic. In this example, there are four text controls. We have Mods ready to go run that Forum. Newspaper validation: If an extra has a minimum talked bar lengthits smart thought flag is powerless, its master was last changed by a plethora zoom as vetted to a inn made by a replyits reach is not the empty cruise, and the time of the element's List password sex impression is less pasword the side's minimum allowed lkst putthen the neighborhood is suffering from being too trendy. Post the mainly increase of new People joining, our Community closeness finally couldn't newspaper computer safe sex load. So don't end, we won't hit your night. If an complementary has dex lay camaraderie minlength modern fetching, the attribute's trendy must be a exceptional non-negative integer. We sex pro adventures at work become others. The new Utmost Store will be online thus. We have inwards of all your page - pisces girl, galleries, uploads, data, friends etc. How, will give you somewhere to demanding, mix in formerly with all list password sex chats here, and etc. The other three are unsmiling, but if the ending messages one in, the contrary has to go at least 10 singles. If the side is powerless and
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(getAggrBase(a)); size_t bOff(getAggrBase(b)); for(std::vector<SortInfo>::const_iterator it(_sortInfo.begin()), mt(_sortInfo.end()); (diff == 0) && (it != mt); it++) { diff = _aggregator[it->getIndex()].cmp(&_aggrBacking[aOff], &_aggrBacking[bOff]) * it->getSign(); } return diff; } uint64_t radixAggrAsc(GroupRef gr) const { return _aggregator[_sortInfo[0].getIndex()].radixAsc(&_aggrBacking[getAggrBase(gr)]); } uint64_t radixAggrDesc(GroupRef gr) const { return _aggregator[_sortInfo[0].getIndex()].radixDesc(&_aggrBacking[getAggrBase(gr)]); } bool hasSpecifiedOrder() const { return ! _sortInfo.empty(); } bool isPrimarySortKeyAscending() const { return _sortInfo[0].getSign() >= 0; } private: // Returns the byteoffset where aggregationresults for this group are stored. size_t getAggrBase(GroupRef gr) const { return _aggregatorSize*gr.getRef(); } // Return the aggregator with the corresponding id for the requested group. const expression::ResultNode & getAggrResult(uint32_t aggrId, GroupRef ref) const { return _aggregator[aggrId].getResult(&_aggrBacking[getAggrBase(ref.getRef())]); } /** * A ResultAccessor hides the dirty details for aggregating and accessing results
(getAggrBase(a)); size_t bOff(getAggrBase(b)); for(std::vector<SortInfo>::const_iterator it(_sortInfo.begin()), mt(_sortInfo.end()); (diff == 0) && (it != mt); it++) { diff = _aggregator[it->getIndex()].cmp(&_aggrBacking[aOff], &_aggrBacking[bOff]) * it->getSign(); } return diff; } uint64_t radixAggrAsc(GroupRef gr) const { return _aggregator[_sortInfo[0].getIndex()].radixAsc(&_aggrBacking[getAggrBase(gr)]); } uint64_t radixAggrDesc(GroupRef gr) const { return _aggregator[_sortInfo[0].getIndex()].radixDesc(&_aggrBacking[getAggrBase(gr)]); } bool hasSpecifiedOrder() const { return ! _sortInfo.empty(); } bool isPrimarySortKeyAscending() const { return _sortInfo[0].getSign() >= 0; } private: // Returns the byteoffset where aggregationresults for this group are stored. size_t getAggrBase(GroupRef gr) const { return _aggregatorSize*gr.getRef(); } // Return the aggregator with the corresponding id for the requested group. const expression::ResultNode & getAggrResult(uint32_t aggrId, GroupRef ref) const { return _aggregator[aggrId].getResult(&_aggrBacking[getAggrBase(ref.getRef())]); } /** * A ResultAccessor hides the dirty details for aggregating and accessing results
* stored in flat memory elsewhere. * It keeps an offset that is added to get to memory storing the result. * It also keeps a scratch aggregator for doing the calculation. The 'warm' method, aggregate, does * r.swap(m); r.aggregate(); r.swap(m); * The extra incurred cost is dual swap, in exchange for avoiding the memory cost of virtual objects. * TODO: This are solutions planned to avoid the dual swaps. But so far they can be neglected as they do not occupy many cycles. */ class ResultAccessor { public: ResultAccessor() : _bluePrint(NULL), _aggregator(NULL), _offset(0) { } ResultAccessor(const aggregation::AggregationResult & aggregator, size_t offset); void setResult(const expression::ResultNode & result, uint8_t * base) { result.encode(base+_offset); } const expression::ResultNode & getResult(expression::ResultNode & result, const uint8_t * base) const { result.decode(base+_offset); return result; } const expression::ResultNode & getResult(const uint8_t * base) const { _aggregator->getResult().decode(base+_offset); return _aggregator->getResult(); } size_t getRawByteSize() const { return _aggregator->getResult().getRawByteSize(); } uint64_t radixAsc(const uint8_t * a) const { return _aggregator->get
held in Jerusalem year after year and we have repeatedly called the attention of the United Nations to the fact that they constituted a clear violation of the General Armistice Agreement. 7. The Mixed Armistice Commission upheld our view and its decision was endorsed by this Council. This year another parade is contemplated, a parade which is different in character. It is part of a vicious plan to establish non-existent rights in the Holy City and present the United Nations and the world with an accomplished fact. 8. This year my country, which has suffered so much from faits accomplis, has reason to be specially concerned about the Israeli plan to annex Jerusalem, of which the parade is only one visible aspect. We have reason to be concerned because previous Israeli incursions were not effectively checked, and we feel that the Security Council should not, in a matter of the utmost gravity as this, allow the Israelis to undermine the authority of this Organization. 9. On 4 July 1967, the General Assembly at its fifth emergency special session adopted resolution 2253 (ES-V), on Jerusalem, by a vote of 99 in favor, none against, and only Israel and the United States abstaining. That resolution expressed deep concern at the situation prevailing in Jerusalem as a result of the measures taken by Israel to change the status of the City. The General Assembly considered those measures invalid and called upon Israel to desist forthwith from taking any action which would alter the status of Jerusalem. The Secretary-General was requested to report to the Assembly and the Security Council on the implementation of that resolution not later than one week after its adoption. The Israelis defied that resolution, and their action prompted the General Assembly to deplore, in. a subsequent resolution [2254 (ES-V)] the Israeli non-compliance with its first resolution. The General Assembly reiterated its call to Israel to rescind all measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any action which would alter the status of Jerusalem. 10. Following the adoption of that resolution, the Secretary-General sent a personal representative, Mr. Thalmann, to Jerusalem to obtain information on the situation. Mr. Thalmann visited the Holy City and reported on 12 September 1967 that the Israelis, including the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, had made clear that "Israel was taking every step to place under its sovereignty those parts of the city which were not controlled by Israel before June 1967" [S/8146, para. 33]. Furthermore, Mr. Thalmann said: "
held in Jerusalem year after year and we have repeatedly called the attention of the United Nations to the fact that they constituted a clear violation of the General Armistice Agreement. 7. The Mixed Armistice Commission upheld our view and its decision was endorsed by this Council. This year another parade is contemplated, a parade which is different in character. It is part of a vicious plan to establish non-existent rights in the Holy City and present the United Nations and the world with an accomplished fact. 8. This year my country, which has suffered so much from faits accomplis, has reason to be specially concerned about the Israeli plan to annex Jerusalem, of which the parade is only one visible aspect. We have reason to be concerned because previous Israeli incursions were not effectively checked, and we feel that the Security Council should not, in a matter of the utmost gravity as this, allow the Israelis to undermine the authority of this Organization. 9. On 4 July 1967, the General Assembly at its fifth emergency special session adopted resolution 2253 (ES-V), on Jerusalem, by a vote of 99 in favor, none against, and only Israel and the United States abstaining. That resolution expressed deep concern at the situation prevailing in Jerusalem as a result of the measures taken by Israel to change the status of the City. The General Assembly considered those measures invalid and called upon Israel to desist forthwith from taking any action which would alter the status of Jerusalem. The Secretary-General was requested to report to the Assembly and the Security Council on the implementation of that resolution not later than one week after its adoption. The Israelis defied that resolution, and their action prompted the General Assembly to deplore, in. a subsequent resolution [2254 (ES-V)] the Israeli non-compliance with its first resolution. The General Assembly reiterated its call to Israel to rescind all measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any action which would alter the status of Jerusalem. 10. Following the adoption of that resolution, the Secretary-General sent a personal representative, Mr. Thalmann, to Jerusalem to obtain information on the situation. Mr. Thalmann visited the Holy City and reported on 12 September 1967 that the Israelis, including the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, had made clear that "Israel was taking every step to place under its sovereignty those parts of the city which were not controlled by Israel before June 1967" [S/8146, para. 33]. Furthermore, Mr. Thalmann said: "
The Israeli authorities stated unequivocally that the process of integration was irreversible and not negotiable" [ibid., para. 35]. Mr. Thalmann added, referring to Israeli legislation: "Under the Law and Administration Ordinance (Amendment No. 11) Law of 27 June 1967, it was provided that the law, jurisdiction and administration of the State should apply in any area of the State of Israel designated by the Government by order. Under this provision the Government issued an order dated 28 June 1967 which declared that a territory defined in an annex was at an area in which the law, jurisdiction and administration of the State of Israel were in force. The area described in detail in the annex included the Old City, Stir Bahir, Sheikh Jarrah, the Kalandia airport, Mount Scopus and vicinity and Shufat." [Ibid., para. 39.] 11. As we have learned to anticipate from the Israeli authorities, they were busy consolidating their gains by all means available to them. This fact was generally established in Mr. Thalmann's report. Mr. Thalmann was able to ascertain, for instance, that the Israelis had taken drastic measures to stop the free flow of information to the Arab inhabitants, thus forcing them to rely solely on the Israeli media of information. The two daily Arab newspapers which were published in Jerusalem have been completely silenced and have disappeared. 12. Freedom of information was not the only victim of the repressive Israeli measures, since those acts were followed by cruel acts against the human person and property. Mr. Thalmann's report made reference to memoranda, statements, resolutions and other Communications Submitted to the personal representative of the Secretary-General by Arab personalities, including many officials and recognized religious leaders. Those communications ranged from complaints regarding the desecration of Holy Places, oppressive economic measures, imposed Israeli cultural and educational systems, and application of repressive Israeli civil laws to the destruction of homes and Moslem and Christian Holy Places, the expulsion of thousands of people and the confiscation of private property. 13. In spite of all these Israeli atrocities and violations of international law, Mr. Thalmann stated that he was informed that the Arab population placed their trust in the United Nations and relied on the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly in July 1967. 14. In a memorandum to Mr. Thalmann, dated 26 August 1967, the elected Mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Pauhi El-Khatib, his deputy and the members of the Municipal Council stated clearly that
pose so much threat of infection as do private indoor gatherings. According to the statement, “it has been scientifically proven that COVID-19 infections occur almost exclusively indoors”. Clubcomission calls attention to the fact that “In the past year […] numerous organizers proved that open airs with hygiene concepts, masks and distancing are possible.” In the words of Lutz Leichsenring: “It turns out that open-air events and gatherings are the solutions, not the problem. Not the numerous open airs last summer led to rising infection rates, but poorly ventilated indoor spaces such as private living rooms or offices.” photos: Keith Telfeyan And while such indoor events are also banned, Clubcomission argues that “indoor violations can not be controlled by the authorities with a few exceptions. Yet private indoor meetings are responsible for 99.9% of infections, according to findings of a study by Ireland’s HPSC.” We think the Berlin Clubcomission is making some valid points, especially pertinent now that summer is around the corner. As Pamela Schobeß put it: “All people long for culture, to attend a play, listen to a reading or dance to music. These outdoor events not only give Berliners back some quality of life, but they are also so much safer from a pandemic point of view than private meetings in closed rooms.” As the recent scandal around the Bottega Venetta party has shown, the pandemic regulations are not taken seriously by those privileged enough to escape or avoid them. Meanwhile, the lockdown fatigue is real – and the ever-changing restrictions do little to alleviate it. Lifting the ban on open-air gatherings could provide the desperately needed possibility to interact with friends off-screen without having to resort to clandestine house parties. The current slow-paced vaccine rollout does not leave us feeling like there is an end in sight to the pandemic. But as we wait for Berlin to transform back into the city we once knew, it feels like we need something to remind us of our best pre-corona days here. A post shared by Clubcommission Berlin e.V. (@clubcommission) Diesen Artikel auf deutsch lesen. by Michalina in Pandemic, Party All incoming comments will be moderated and will not appear immediatly publicly on the blog. If we find a comment rude or irrelevant we
pose so much threat of infection as do private indoor gatherings. According to the statement, “it has been scientifically proven that COVID-19 infections occur almost exclusively indoors”. Clubcomission calls attention to the fact that “In the past year […] numerous organizers proved that open airs with hygiene concepts, masks and distancing are possible.” In the words of Lutz Leichsenring: “It turns out that open-air events and gatherings are the solutions, not the problem. Not the numerous open airs last summer led to rising infection rates, but poorly ventilated indoor spaces such as private living rooms or offices.” photos: Keith Telfeyan And while such indoor events are also banned, Clubcomission argues that “indoor violations can not be controlled by the authorities with a few exceptions. Yet private indoor meetings are responsible for 99.9% of infections, according to findings of a study by Ireland’s HPSC.” We think the Berlin Clubcomission is making some valid points, especially pertinent now that summer is around the corner. As Pamela Schobeß put it: “All people long for culture, to attend a play, listen to a reading or dance to music. These outdoor events not only give Berliners back some quality of life, but they are also so much safer from a pandemic point of view than private meetings in closed rooms.” As the recent scandal around the Bottega Venetta party has shown, the pandemic regulations are not taken seriously by those privileged enough to escape or avoid them. Meanwhile, the lockdown fatigue is real – and the ever-changing restrictions do little to alleviate it. Lifting the ban on open-air gatherings could provide the desperately needed possibility to interact with friends off-screen without having to resort to clandestine house parties. The current slow-paced vaccine rollout does not leave us feeling like there is an end in sight to the pandemic. But as we wait for Berlin to transform back into the city we once knew, it feels like we need something to remind us of our best pre-corona days here. A post shared by Clubcommission Berlin e.V. (@clubcommission) Diesen Artikel auf deutsch lesen. by Michalina in Pandemic, Party All incoming comments will be moderated and will not appear immediatly publicly on the blog. If we find a comment rude or irrelevant we
reserve the right not to publish it. Search our Archive Select Month January 2022 (2) December 2021 (5) November 2021 (9) October 2021 (7) September 2021 (9) August 2021 (6) July 2021 (7) June 2021 (10) May 2021 (6) April 2021 (8) March 2021 (13) February 2021 (10) January 2021 (8) December 2020 (13) November 2020 (10) October 2020 (11) September 2020 (11) August 2020 (8) July 2020 (13) June 2020 (10) May 2020 (18) April 2020 (21) March 2020 (17) February 2020 (7) January 2020 (10) December 2019 (7) November 2019 (11) October 2019 (14) September 2019 (18) August 2019 (12) July 2019 (17) June 2019 (16) May 2019 (19) April 2019 (17) March 2019 (15) February 2019 (13) January 2019 (18) December 2018 (10) November 2018 (17) October 2018 (13) September 2018 (12) August 2018 (16) July 2018 (14) June 2018 (15) May 2018 (18) April 2018 (13) March 2018 (16) February 2018 (13) January 2018 (16) December 2017 (17) November 2017 (24) October 2017 (26) September 2017 (24) August 2017 (23) July 2017 (41) June 2017 (29) May 2017 (26) April 2017 (22) March 2017 (28) February 2017 (33) January 2017 (26) December 2016 (24) November 2016 (43) October 2016 (30) September 2016 (39) August 2016 (25) July 2016 (24) June 2016 (26) May 2016 (22) April 2016 (23) March 2016 (32) February 2016 (25) January 2016 (35) December 2015 (25) November 2015 (30) October 2015 (26) September 2015 (27) August 2015 (24) July 2015 (33) June 2015 (28) May 2015 (36) April 2015 (30) March 2015 (29) February 2015 (28) January 2015 (33) December 2014 (27) November 2014 (29) October 2014 (25) September 2014 (29) August 2014 (22) July 2014 (31) June 2014 (22) May 2014 (27) April 2014 (28) March 2014 (25) February 2014 (21) January 2014 (31) December 2013 (26) November 2013 (37) October 2013 (
fell 6-4 in last night’s game. Right hander Nico Rodriguez was the loser at home, after giving up four runs in an inning and two-thirds. First pitch for today’s game is set for 4:35 p.m. Tickets for the game are sold out but admission for the Festival Foods postgame live music by Coscious Pilot and Fireworks still remain. Call the Booyah front office at 920.497.7225 or stop by the Thario Ticket Office to purchase. The Green Bay Booyah are a member of the finest developmental league for elite college baseball players, the Northwoods League. The Northwoods League is the proven leader in the development of elite college baseball players. Having completed its’ 26th season, the Northwoods League is the largest organized baseball league in the world with 22 teams, drawing significantly more fans, in a friendly ballpark experience, than any league of its kind. A valuable training ground for coaches, umpires and front office staff, over 230 Northwoods League players have advanced to Major League Baseball, including three-time Cy Young Award winner and World Series Champion Max Scherzer (WAS), two-time World Series Champions Ben Zobrist (CHC) and Brandon Crawford (SFG) and World Series Champion Chris Sale (BOS), as well as 2019 Rookie of the Year and Home Run Derby Champion Pete Alonso (NYM) and MLB All-Star Jordan Zimmermann (DET). All league games are viewable live via the Northwoods League website. All league games are viewable live via the Northwoods League portal. For more information, visit www.booyahbaseball.com or download the new Northwoods League Mobile App on the Apple App Store or on Google Play and set the Booyah as your favorite team. 2231 Holmgren Way © Copyright Green Bay Rockers. All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy Waite Phillips, 1920s Barnsdall, 1930s Waite Phillips-Barnsdall Filling Station Museum, 2010-present Waite Phillips-Barnsdall ​Filling Station Museum 26 E Lee Ave, Sapulpa, OK 74066 Before Waite Phillips became associated with Frank and L. E. in Phillips Petroleum Company, he had set up two of his own, the Waite Phillips Company in 1922, and the Independent Oil and Gas Company, which he later sold and which merged with Phillips in 1930. Over two decades he
fell 6-4 in last night’s game. Right hander Nico Rodriguez was the loser at home, after giving up four runs in an inning and two-thirds. First pitch for today’s game is set for 4:35 p.m. Tickets for the game are sold out but admission for the Festival Foods postgame live music by Coscious Pilot and Fireworks still remain. Call the Booyah front office at 920.497.7225 or stop by the Thario Ticket Office to purchase. The Green Bay Booyah are a member of the finest developmental league for elite college baseball players, the Northwoods League. The Northwoods League is the proven leader in the development of elite college baseball players. Having completed its’ 26th season, the Northwoods League is the largest organized baseball league in the world with 22 teams, drawing significantly more fans, in a friendly ballpark experience, than any league of its kind. A valuable training ground for coaches, umpires and front office staff, over 230 Northwoods League players have advanced to Major League Baseball, including three-time Cy Young Award winner and World Series Champion Max Scherzer (WAS), two-time World Series Champions Ben Zobrist (CHC) and Brandon Crawford (SFG) and World Series Champion Chris Sale (BOS), as well as 2019 Rookie of the Year and Home Run Derby Champion Pete Alonso (NYM) and MLB All-Star Jordan Zimmermann (DET). All league games are viewable live via the Northwoods League website. All league games are viewable live via the Northwoods League portal. For more information, visit www.booyahbaseball.com or download the new Northwoods League Mobile App on the Apple App Store or on Google Play and set the Booyah as your favorite team. 2231 Holmgren Way © Copyright Green Bay Rockers. All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy Waite Phillips, 1920s Barnsdall, 1930s Waite Phillips-Barnsdall Filling Station Museum, 2010-present Waite Phillips-Barnsdall ​Filling Station Museum 26 E Lee Ave, Sapulpa, OK 74066 Before Waite Phillips became associated with Frank and L. E. in Phillips Petroleum Company, he had set up two of his own, the Waite Phillips Company in 1922, and the Independent Oil and Gas Company, which he later sold and which merged with Phillips in 1930. Over two decades he
made a fortune in oil in Oklahoma, and his success displeased older brother Frank. After the merger, having twice demonstrated his ability to succeed in the oil business, Waite Phillips devoted an increasing amount of time to real estate and charities. His long-time dream was to become a rancher, and in the 1920s he bought more than three hundred thousand acres near Cimarron, New Mexico. He was determined to build one of the best cattle ranches in the state. In 1938 Waite founded the Southwestern Art Association as a corporate organization to receive as a gift the Villa Philbrook, his Tulsa estate, which became the Philbrook Museum of Art. An incorporated community in eastern Osage County, Barnsdall is situated on State Highway 11, seventeen miles southeast of the Osage County seat of Pawhuska and forty miles north of Tulsa. Originally named Bigheart for Osage Chief James Bigheart, the community was officially renamed in honor of Theodore N. Barnsdall and his Barnsdall Oil Company on January 1, 1922. The Barnsdall Oil Company discovered the nearby Barnsdall or Bigheart Oil Field in 1916 and purchased the local Bigheart Producing and Refining Company in 1921. Joshua S. Cosden built the Southwestern Refining Company at Bigheart circa 1910. He sold the facility in 1917, four years before its acquisition by the Barnsdall Refining Company, which was renamed the Bareco Oil Company in 1940. Bareco stopped refining in 1946 and began manufacturing microcrystalline waxes. Bareco was redesignated the Bareco Wax Company in 1952 and was subsequently purchased by the Petrolite Corporation. The plant became the world's largest manufacturer of microcrystalline waxes and remained operational into the twenty-first century. To visit our Waite Phillips-Barnsdall Filling Station Museum, contact the Sapulpa Historical Museum (our main museum) and set up a tour of our Filling Station Museum. REVIEW US! on these platforms: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 AM - 3 PM (918) 224-4871 | [email protected] ​Sapulpa Historical ​Society & Museum 100 E Lee Ave, Sapulpa, OK 74066 ​Sapulpa Fire Museum Waite Phillips-Barnsdall ​Filling Station Museum In this public discussion, leaders from U.S. and Chinese museums discussed the role that museums play
41 42. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY TWO/42 Week Seven: OMER COUNT 43. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY THREE/43 44. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY FOUR/44 45. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY FIVE/45 46. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY SIX/46 47. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY SEVEN/47 48. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY EIGHT/48 49. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY NINE/49 50. (OMER COUNT): Day FIFTY/50 (SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST) includes Holy Prophecies “Feast/Festival of FIRST FRUITS” (in Hebrew: “Moed HA BIKKURIM”) – “YAHUSHUA’S Resurrection Day” The “Feasts of PASSOVER & FIRSTFRUITS,” The “GREAT TRIBULATION” & The “HOLY RAPTURE/HARVEST”: Relationship (AMW Prophecy 31) The “BARLEY HARVEST”; “WAVE OFFERING”; “FIRSTFRUITS” & The “HOLY RAPTURE” & The “THIRD TEMPLE” The “Feast of FIRSTFRUITS” & The”HOLY RAPTURE/HARVEST”: The Relationship Shabbat Pesach/Passover 2: TORAH Readings About The “Third PESACH/PASSOVER Seder”: (The Great 7th/8th Day) – “MASHIACH’S Redemption Seudah” “MASHIACH’S/MESSIAH’S Seudah/Festive Meal: The Seder (online Hagaddah) “HE’S Coming Soon” Worship Song for “The MASHIACH’S Festival Meal”….(AMW Prophecy 62) SUMMER FEASTS Feast Of WEEKS/PENTECOST (in Hebrew: SHAVU’OT
41 42. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY TWO/42 Week Seven: OMER COUNT 43. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY THREE/43 44. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY FOUR/44 45. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY FIVE/45 46. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY SIX/46 47. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY SEVEN/47 48. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY EIGHT/48 49. OMER COUNT: Day FORTY NINE/49 50. (OMER COUNT): Day FIFTY/50 (SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST) includes Holy Prophecies “Feast/Festival of FIRST FRUITS” (in Hebrew: “Moed HA BIKKURIM”) – “YAHUSHUA’S Resurrection Day” The “Feasts of PASSOVER & FIRSTFRUITS,” The “GREAT TRIBULATION” & The “HOLY RAPTURE/HARVEST”: Relationship (AMW Prophecy 31) The “BARLEY HARVEST”; “WAVE OFFERING”; “FIRSTFRUITS” & The “HOLY RAPTURE” & The “THIRD TEMPLE” The “Feast of FIRSTFRUITS” & The”HOLY RAPTURE/HARVEST”: The Relationship Shabbat Pesach/Passover 2: TORAH Readings About The “Third PESACH/PASSOVER Seder”: (The Great 7th/8th Day) – “MASHIACH’S Redemption Seudah” “MASHIACH’S/MESSIAH’S Seudah/Festive Meal: The Seder (online Hagaddah) “HE’S Coming Soon” Worship Song for “The MASHIACH’S Festival Meal”….(AMW Prophecy 62) SUMMER FEASTS Feast Of WEEKS/PENTECOST (in Hebrew: SHAVU’OT
) What was the Exact Location of the Acts 2 “SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST” Event? “SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST” TORAH Portion Readings “MEGILLAT RUT/Scroll of Ruth” & “SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST” TA’ANIT SHAVU’OT: The Three Days Preceding SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST (3rd to 5th Sivan) Flowers + Greenery & “SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST” Diary products/Cheesecake & “SHAVU’OT/WEEKS/PENTECOST” AMW Prophecy 139: Come Forth Bride of Israel | HOLY SPIRIT Seen! Arise MY King David of New Goliath Slayer (AMW Prophecy 45) The Autumn 40 days of Awe… The GREAT “HALLEL” (Pesach & Sukkot) GREGORIAN CALENDAR…. January New Year’s, Is it YAH’S Original New Year’s Day? The “Gregorian Year 2018” (& “Hebrew Year 5778”): Spiritual Implications Sunday / Sun-Worship: SPIRITUAL IMPLICATIONS (The Awful Truth) Similarities between “Christmas/Yulefest” & “Halloween/Samhain”! Christmas: THE SPIRITUAL IMPLICATIONS (The Awful Truth) Similarities between “Egyptian Pyramids” and “Ever Green Christmas Trees”: SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE THERE IS NOTHING “Merry” ABOUT “Christmas a.k.a Yuletide/Yulefest” EASTER / ISHTAR: Spiritual Implications (The Awful Truth) “Shrove Tuesday” & “Ash Wednesday,” Are they Biblical or of YAH (a.k.a GOD)? “Valentine’s Day,” Is it of YAH/ELOHIM? The Aw
businesses face hacking threat Article Staff Reporter - 21 May 2013 Symantec’s latest Internet Security Threat Report has revealed a 42% surge in targeted attacks in 2012 compared to the prior year. Kaspersky report show spammers are back A recent Kaspersky report has revealed that spam increased 13 percentage points during February and averaged 71% for the month. A virus by any other name is still a virus Article Staff Reporter - 6 Nov 2008 One of the most lethal viruses known to science has made its appearance in Africa, but naming it has been held up by political sensitivities. Creeping through our defences Barbara Ludman reviews Robert Baker's latest book about the indelible impact of epidemics. Women's Six Nations: Tournament to start in 'spring or summer' BY: Loop Pacific 08:03, January 14, 2021 Full details are expected by the end of January, with the men's Six Nations set to start as planned in February. Ireland, Scotland and Italy's Women's Six Nations fixtures may double as 2021 World Cup qualification matches given none of the three have yet secured a place at the tournament. The Under-20 Six Nations has also been delayed until later in 2021. Like the women's tournament, it would normally run at the same time as the men's Six Nations. World Cup Qualification Read more about Women's Six Nations: Tournament to start in 'spring or summer' France name 3 uncapped players in 37-strong Six Nations squad Fresh from an encouraging autumn programme that culminated in a second-place 2020 Six Nations finish and taking England to extra-time at Twickenham in the final of the Autumn Nations Cup, Galthie’s latest squad shows he is willing to experiment some more in his second calendar year in charge. Three uncapped players have made the first France squad of 2021, winger Donovan Taofifenua and prop Georges-Henri Colombe of Racing and Stade Francais centre Julien Delbouis. France rugby Read more about France name 3 uncapped players in 37-strong Six Nations squad Setback for Six Nations champs It leaves players including captain Owen Farrell, Maro Itoje and the Vunipola brothers without a game before England face Scotland on 6 February. Saracens were relegated from the Premiership earlier this year after breaching salary cap rules. English rugby's second tier has not had a game since
businesses face hacking threat Article Staff Reporter - 21 May 2013 Symantec’s latest Internet Security Threat Report has revealed a 42% surge in targeted attacks in 2012 compared to the prior year. Kaspersky report show spammers are back A recent Kaspersky report has revealed that spam increased 13 percentage points during February and averaged 71% for the month. A virus by any other name is still a virus Article Staff Reporter - 6 Nov 2008 One of the most lethal viruses known to science has made its appearance in Africa, but naming it has been held up by political sensitivities. Creeping through our defences Barbara Ludman reviews Robert Baker's latest book about the indelible impact of epidemics. Women's Six Nations: Tournament to start in 'spring or summer' BY: Loop Pacific 08:03, January 14, 2021 Full details are expected by the end of January, with the men's Six Nations set to start as planned in February. Ireland, Scotland and Italy's Women's Six Nations fixtures may double as 2021 World Cup qualification matches given none of the three have yet secured a place at the tournament. The Under-20 Six Nations has also been delayed until later in 2021. Like the women's tournament, it would normally run at the same time as the men's Six Nations. World Cup Qualification Read more about Women's Six Nations: Tournament to start in 'spring or summer' France name 3 uncapped players in 37-strong Six Nations squad Fresh from an encouraging autumn programme that culminated in a second-place 2020 Six Nations finish and taking England to extra-time at Twickenham in the final of the Autumn Nations Cup, Galthie’s latest squad shows he is willing to experiment some more in his second calendar year in charge. Three uncapped players have made the first France squad of 2021, winger Donovan Taofifenua and prop Georges-Henri Colombe of Racing and Stade Francais centre Julien Delbouis. France rugby Read more about France name 3 uncapped players in 37-strong Six Nations squad Setback for Six Nations champs It leaves players including captain Owen Farrell, Maro Itoje and the Vunipola brothers without a game before England face Scotland on 6 February. Saracens were relegated from the Premiership earlier this year after breaching salary cap rules. English rugby's second tier has not had a game since
March due to Covid-19. To counter the lack of preparation, Saracens have confirmed they are negotiating with fellow clubs to establish a separate cup competition format as part of the pre-season build up, sanctioned by the Rugby Football Union. Saracens' England internationals Read more about Setback for Six Nations champs Fiji rugby team ready for 'once in a lifetime opportunity' The Flying Fijians will take on France, Italy and Scotland in Group A, with England, Ireland, Wales and Georgia to contest Group B. The final round will be a series of crossover matches against the team with the equivalent placing in the opposite pool. Fiji have not played four consecutive tests against tier one countries in the professional era and CEO, John O'Connor, said their participation would be a historic milestone. "It will be a challenge for the boys but you know we have been crying over [wanting] more test matches against tier one for so long," he said. Fiji rugby Read more about Fiji rugby team ready for 'once in a lifetime opportunity' Six Nations confirm dates and venues for suspended games 06:55, August 6, 2020 Six Nations organisers have also confirmed the venues and kick-off times for some of the remaining four fixtures. The 2020 Six Nations Championship, which was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, will restart on Saturday, October 24 when Ireland face Italy at the Aviva Stadium, with a kick-off time to be confirmed. The remaining fixtures will then be played the following week with a triple-header of games taking place across the day. First up will be the meeting of Wales and Scotland at 2.15pm, although a venue has not been confirmed. suspended games Read more about Six Nations confirm dates and venues for suspended games All Blacks end of year tour appears doomed 11:09, July 1, 2020 The All Blacks are scheduled to play England in London on November 7, Wales in Cardiff the following weekend and then Scotland in Edinburgh. But the coronavirus pandemic has thrown the tours in doubt and the Six Nations unions are now looking at a safer alternative. The Telegraph reported that Japan and Fiji were expected to be confirmed as the two guest nations to join the Six Nations sides in an inaugural eight-team tournament in November and December. Read more about All Blacks end of year tour appears doomed SANZAAR, Six Nations in talks over global
g item, where I control position of each item (position='absolute') However, my flatlist is not giving option to scroll down, it always keep bouncing to the top the moment I untouch the screen This is how my screen looks like, every hexagon is an item in the flatlist screen code: return ( <View style={styles.container}> <ImageBackground source={require('../../assets/edu_bg.png')} style={styles.image}> <View style={{width: '100%', height: '25%'}}> <ImageBackground source={require('../../assets/edu_top_bg.png')} style={{height:'100%', width: '100%'}}> <Text style={styles.welcome_txt}>screen 3</Text> <FlatList style={{marginBottom: 10, height: 40}} horizontal data={Categories} renderItem={(item, index) => renderCategory(item, index)} keyExtractor={item => generate()} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} ></FlatList> </ImageBackground> </View> <FlatList style={{marginBottom: 45}} data={Data} renderItem={(item, index) => renderEvent(item, index)} keyExtractor={item => generate()} > </FlatList> <StatusBar style
g item, where I control position of each item (position='absolute') However, my flatlist is not giving option to scroll down, it always keep bouncing to the top the moment I untouch the screen This is how my screen looks like, every hexagon is an item in the flatlist screen code: return ( <View style={styles.container}> <ImageBackground source={require('../../assets/edu_bg.png')} style={styles.image}> <View style={{width: '100%', height: '25%'}}> <ImageBackground source={require('../../assets/edu_top_bg.png')} style={{height:'100%', width: '100%'}}> <Text style={styles.welcome_txt}>screen 3</Text> <FlatList style={{marginBottom: 10, height: 40}} horizontal data={Categories} renderItem={(item, index) => renderCategory(item, index)} keyExtractor={item => generate()} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} ></FlatList> </ImageBackground> </View> <FlatList style={{marginBottom: 45}} data={Data} renderItem={(item, index) => renderEvent(item, index)} keyExtractor={item => generate()} > </FlatList> <StatusBar style
="auto" /> </ImageBackground> </View> ); don't mind the first flatlist, only the second one. (width="210" height="190") Rendering item code: const renderEvent = ({ item, index }) => { // console.log('rendering', item, 'index ', index) const i = index % 2; const flex_p = i === 0 ? 'flex-start' : 'flex-end' const top_p = index * 95; const c = index%3; console.log(i, flex_p, top_p, i_2_color[c]) return ( <View style={{marginHorizontal: 10}}> <TouchableOpacity style={{flex:1, alignSelf:flex_p, position:'absolute', top:top_p}} onPress={() => console.log(item, index)}> <CustomEvent color_map={i_2_color[c]} > </CustomEvent> </TouchableOpacity> </View> )}; where CustomEvent is the hexagn svg one Please don't mind the bad code written above (style in the view part, calculating that variables and their names..., im just trying stuff out) styles: const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, welcome_txt: { fontWeight:"bold", fontSize:50, color:"#3589d4", marginTop: 50,
AMP that I won awhile ago. I really like the fit and style, but for some reason, we had quite a few leaks in it which surprised me b/c of the style of the insert. I think I was doing something wrong, or maybe just b/c she was petite. We still used it b/c I really like it though. The first AMP I had was a few years old, and I had some major issues with it. I was convinced that it was terrible, got rid of the ones that I had, and didn’t look back. Until a friend convinced me to try again. Apparently, AMP did some kind of updating because I’ve never had a leak in my newer AMPs. I love these diapers and have been eyeing the Paris print for a while. I also really like their bamboo inserts. I love the bold colors like burgundy, navy, and olive! Sounds like a pretty good diaper. I’ve never tried it but I like the fact that it sounds so trim. Seems like a good diaper, but I agree about the opening of the stuffing. love pocket diapers. haven’t used AMP yet, but they are on my short-list of wants! I haven’t tried AMP. Is the pocket opening in the front then? I’d like something that will be more trim with a prefold, maybe this is a good option. It’s in the front. I don’t think it’s going to make a difference with a prefold: I don’t find them to be terribly trim anyway. Wow! I’m new to the cloth-diapering world, but this was very informative! It’s nice to hear the downside, as well! Thank you for such a great review! Sounds like a good diaper. Love the colors. I like that the duo can be used as an all in two or a pocket. Also, so happy that the company is Canadian and the diapers are made in Canada! This diaper sounds great – I’ve never tried hemp and it sounds like this might be the way to go for the first hemp insert we try. yes, i have a bunch of AMPs. they’re actually made about an hour from me. great diapers. Thanks for the review on this brand. I was curious: Why do you prefer pocket
AMP that I won awhile ago. I really like the fit and style, but for some reason, we had quite a few leaks in it which surprised me b/c of the style of the insert. I think I was doing something wrong, or maybe just b/c she was petite. We still used it b/c I really like it though. The first AMP I had was a few years old, and I had some major issues with it. I was convinced that it was terrible, got rid of the ones that I had, and didn’t look back. Until a friend convinced me to try again. Apparently, AMP did some kind of updating because I’ve never had a leak in my newer AMPs. I love these diapers and have been eyeing the Paris print for a while. I also really like their bamboo inserts. I love the bold colors like burgundy, navy, and olive! Sounds like a pretty good diaper. I’ve never tried it but I like the fact that it sounds so trim. Seems like a good diaper, but I agree about the opening of the stuffing. love pocket diapers. haven’t used AMP yet, but they are on my short-list of wants! I haven’t tried AMP. Is the pocket opening in the front then? I’d like something that will be more trim with a prefold, maybe this is a good option. It’s in the front. I don’t think it’s going to make a difference with a prefold: I don’t find them to be terribly trim anyway. Wow! I’m new to the cloth-diapering world, but this was very informative! It’s nice to hear the downside, as well! Thank you for such a great review! Sounds like a good diaper. Love the colors. I like that the duo can be used as an all in two or a pocket. Also, so happy that the company is Canadian and the diapers are made in Canada! This diaper sounds great – I’ve never tried hemp and it sounds like this might be the way to go for the first hemp insert we try. yes, i have a bunch of AMPs. they’re actually made about an hour from me. great diapers. Thanks for the review on this brand. I was curious: Why do you prefer pocket
to All-in-Two? I’m interested in both so I was just wondering about your thoughts. My daughter has extremely sensitive skin. If you look at her funny, she basically gets a rash. Because of that, I prefer to use them as pockets so that there’s the wicking of the microfleece. I’m also not convinced that I won’t have to change the shell from it getting wet, anyway. Thank you for responding! Makes sense!! I have 4 of these diapers. I use them as pockets. I’ve had a few leaks with them, likely due to not stuffing them well or compression. I like the opening in the front, since I now get less poo all over the diaper. I have not tried the inserts yet…I’m crazy about bamboo right now, and want to replace all my microfiber, so I might consider hemp. I’ve been wanting to try AMP for a long time, I love the ruffles around the legs! Love the trimness factor! I’d love to try one of these diapers. I love the ai2 option! Sometimes I just don’t feel like stuffing a pocket diaper. I like that their are options on what the diaper will be stuffed with. I really like that it is well made and made in North America. I LOVE diapers that are created by mom’s who need something better than what’s out there, and this diaper is a good example of that. It also comes in some really awesome colors and such. Great review! good tip to check the stitching! Glad to hear that this diaper is great quality! Thanks for sharing this review! I’m glad to know that the diaper is so trim and made well. Love that you can use it as an AI2 or pocket. I have one lonely AMP diaper, and it’s one of the first ones I grab, because of the great fit and its trimness. The pocket opening is big enough that its placement doesn’t bug me too much, and hey at least it’s usually clear of the poop! I love hemp and definitely want to try these! They look so trim and comfy. I have never tried AMP Duo diapers before… I love that they can be used as a pocket or as an AI2. I also love all of the
, but still nice cloak for PvE too before you get any other. I'm a freelance producer with a background in broadcast, advertising and digital content. I love working with large and small businesses and I'm always looking for ways to collaborate. I offer services in video production, project management and social media consultation. I've also recently started a new venture as a make up artist working in fashion, video and bridal. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - APRIL 13: Helen Flanagan attends Fashion Kicks in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief at Old Trafford Cricket ground on April 13, 2010 in Manchester, England. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 23: Helen Flanagan unveils her new PETA campaign at Covent Garden Piazza on May 23, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Helen Flanagan attends Lorraine's High Street Fashion Awards 2013 at East Wintergarden on May 22, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 01: Helen Flanagan attends the FHM 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2013 party at Sanderson Hotel on May 1, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 18: Helen Flanagan leaving the May Fair hotel on April 18, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 12: Helen Flanagan attends the TRIC awards at The Grosvenor House Hotel on March 12, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 05: Helen Flanagan attends New Magazine Celebrates 10 years in print at Gilgamesh on March 5, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 23: Helen Flanagan attends the National Television Awards at 02 Arena on January 23, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 06: Helen Flanagan attends the Sun Military Awards at Imperial War Museum on December 6, 2012 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 30: Helen Flanagan attends thre Specsaver's Spectacle Wearer Of The Year at Battersea Power station on October 30, 2012 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 01: Helen Flanaghan attends a party to celebrate FHM's annual poll of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World at Proud Bank on May 1, 2012 in London,
, but still nice cloak for PvE too before you get any other. I'm a freelance producer with a background in broadcast, advertising and digital content. I love working with large and small businesses and I'm always looking for ways to collaborate. I offer services in video production, project management and social media consultation. I've also recently started a new venture as a make up artist working in fashion, video and bridal. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - APRIL 13: Helen Flanagan attends Fashion Kicks in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief at Old Trafford Cricket ground on April 13, 2010 in Manchester, England. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 23: Helen Flanagan unveils her new PETA campaign at Covent Garden Piazza on May 23, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Helen Flanagan attends Lorraine's High Street Fashion Awards 2013 at East Wintergarden on May 22, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 01: Helen Flanagan attends the FHM 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2013 party at Sanderson Hotel on May 1, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 18: Helen Flanagan leaving the May Fair hotel on April 18, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 12: Helen Flanagan attends the TRIC awards at The Grosvenor House Hotel on March 12, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 05: Helen Flanagan attends New Magazine Celebrates 10 years in print at Gilgamesh on March 5, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 23: Helen Flanagan attends the National Television Awards at 02 Arena on January 23, 2013 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 06: Helen Flanagan attends the Sun Military Awards at Imperial War Museum on December 6, 2012 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 30: Helen Flanagan attends thre Specsaver's Spectacle Wearer Of The Year at Battersea Power station on October 30, 2012 in London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 01: Helen Flanaghan attends a party to celebrate FHM's annual poll of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World at Proud Bank on May 1, 2012 in London,
England. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 08: Helen Flanagan attends the British Soap Awards at The London Television Centre on May 8, 2010 in London, England. LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 03: Jenna Talackova, a would be Miss Universe contestant, attends a news conference with her attorney Gloria Allred on April 3, 2012 in Los Angeles, California, Talackova, 23, was disqualified as a finalist from the upcoming Miss Universe Canada last month because she was born male. The Miss Universe Organization reversed their decision April 2, 2012, allowing a transgender contestant to compete as long as they meet the legal Canadian gender recognition requirements and standards that are established by other competitions held internationally. LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 03: Jenna Talackova (R), a would be Miss Universe contestant, attends a news conference with her attorney Gloria Allred on April 3, 2012 in Los Angeles, Talackova, 23, was disqualified as a finalist from the upcoming Miss Universe Canada last month because she was born male. The Miss Universe Organization reversed their decision April 2, 2012, allowing a transgender contestant to compete as long as they meet the legal Canadian gender recognition requirements and standards that are established by other competitions held internationally. LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 03: Jenna Talackova (R), a would be Miss Universe contestant, shows her Canadian passport, as a proof that she is a female, during a news conference with her attorney Gloria Allred on April 3, 2012 in Los Angeles, California.Talackova, 23, was disqualified last month as a finalist from the upcoming Miss Universe Canada, which is part of the Miss Universe Pageant because she was born male. Miss Universe organization reversed their decision on disallowing transgender contestant to compete as long as they meet the legal gender recognition requirements of Canada, and the standards established by other international competitions. LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 03: Jenna Talackova (R), a would be Miss Universe contestant, speaks during a news conference with her attorney Gloria Allred on April 3, 2012 in Los Angeles, Talackova, 23, was disqualified as a finalist from the upcoming Miss Universe Canada last month because she was born male. The Miss Universe Organization reversed their decision April 2, 2012, allowing a transgender contestant to compete as long as they meet the legal Canadian gender recognition requirements and standards that are established by other competitions held internationally. NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 09: Lawyer
I wouldn’t have to heart to do this. But it simply must be said – Tong Hua’s modern novel Secrets Hidden in Time is complete and utter crap. With three leads that I loathe to varying degrees (only male lead Lu Li Cheng is worthy of any positive impression from the reader), prose that is shockingly juvenile and discordant, and a story that made me barf up some of my lunch, this novel is best described as “I read it so you don’t have to.” I still want to watch the drama adaptation with Wallace Chung, Janine Chang, Jia Nai Liang, and Han Xi Ting, because the cast is ridiculously gorgeous and if the ending is changed, then perhaps I can endure this painful exercise in “first love”. When I was reading this novel, I was shocked at how bad it was, even more stunned that Tong Hua wrote it, and in the end I would have flung it across the room in disgust but for the fact that I was reading it on my iPad. If you’re curious what kind of story gets my druthers up this much, read on and find out. But before I get started, I just have to point out how apropos that the acronym for the English title of this book is SHIT. Seriously, I did not make that up. I’ll call it Secrets instead. Secrets is back to being written in the first person narrative, with the heroine Su Man (her English name is Freya, but she later pretends to be a girl named Amanda – played by Janine Chang) dropping us immediately into her life as a thirty-year old independent and successful white collar worker in the financial industry in Beijing. Society considers her on-the-shelf, though she’s not striving to recapture her youth but is instead relatively happy with her life which consists of her parents, her work, and her best friend Ma La Tang (the nickname means spicy soup, but her real name is Xu Ling Shuang – played by Han Xi Ting). The only thing Su Man has ever wanted in her entire life was a boy she crushed on back in high school and college, Song Yi (played by Jia Nai Liang). We’re subjected to paragraphs upon paragraphs about how he dazzled her innocent self with his splendor and charm, so much so she has never let the dream of him go. I was already headdesking by this
I wouldn’t have to heart to do this. But it simply must be said – Tong Hua’s modern novel Secrets Hidden in Time is complete and utter crap. With three leads that I loathe to varying degrees (only male lead Lu Li Cheng is worthy of any positive impression from the reader), prose that is shockingly juvenile and discordant, and a story that made me barf up some of my lunch, this novel is best described as “I read it so you don’t have to.” I still want to watch the drama adaptation with Wallace Chung, Janine Chang, Jia Nai Liang, and Han Xi Ting, because the cast is ridiculously gorgeous and if the ending is changed, then perhaps I can endure this painful exercise in “first love”. When I was reading this novel, I was shocked at how bad it was, even more stunned that Tong Hua wrote it, and in the end I would have flung it across the room in disgust but for the fact that I was reading it on my iPad. If you’re curious what kind of story gets my druthers up this much, read on and find out. But before I get started, I just have to point out how apropos that the acronym for the English title of this book is SHIT. Seriously, I did not make that up. I’ll call it Secrets instead. Secrets is back to being written in the first person narrative, with the heroine Su Man (her English name is Freya, but she later pretends to be a girl named Amanda – played by Janine Chang) dropping us immediately into her life as a thirty-year old independent and successful white collar worker in the financial industry in Beijing. Society considers her on-the-shelf, though she’s not striving to recapture her youth but is instead relatively happy with her life which consists of her parents, her work, and her best friend Ma La Tang (the nickname means spicy soup, but her real name is Xu Ling Shuang – played by Han Xi Ting). The only thing Su Man has ever wanted in her entire life was a boy she crushed on back in high school and college, Song Yi (played by Jia Nai Liang). We’re subjected to paragraphs upon paragraphs about how he dazzled her innocent self with his splendor and charm, so much so she has never let the dream of him go. I was already headdesking by this
point, but let’s continue. In chapter 1, Su Man gets set up on yet another blind date by her parents. She reluctantly goes, but dressed like a crazy skanky ho just to be contrary and get that date ended fast. To her shock, her blind date turns out to be none other than Song Yi, who is back in Beijing after getting an MBA and working for a few years on Wall Street. Of course the date is a dud, but Su Man decides that fate has given her another chance by letting her meet the man of her dreams again. She decides to be brave this time and go get him. Apparently in Su Man’s wacky brain, that means quitting her job and faking her resume to get accepted to the same company Song Yi works for, solely to get close to him. At the same time, Su Man anonymously reconnects with Song Yi online at their college alum website forum and strike up a casual friendship. While Song Yi doesn’t know he’s been chatting online with the new girl Amanda working at his company, he also doesn’t know said girl knows everything about his life and is using it to get closer to him. Can we say…..stalker? On the other hand, we have the only decent character in this novel in the form of Lu Li Cheng (played by Wallace Chung), Song Yi’s rival and Su Man’s new boss at the company. Whereas Song Yi is outwardly kind and considerate towards everyone, Lu Li Cheng is instead cold and distant. Lu Li Cheng is the only one at that company who knows Su Man is not the so-called Amanda but is instead Freya, and has lied on her resume to get into the company. He agrees to keep quiet about it after she pleads with him, knowing that she’s doing all this to land Song Yi. But he’s not stupid, and the reason he lets this go is because Su Man is smart and good at her job, despite all the faking of the resume to get hired. The first half of the novel was all work place stuff where Su Man changes departments from Lu Li Cheng to working directly under Song Yi, and the two of them getting closer every evening when they chat online. The story takes a drastic step forward when Su Man needs to go on a business trip to NYC. Before she leaves, she reveals to Song Yi that she is his anonymous chatroom partner online, only to discover Song
at ARe. Jesse Cisneros and his best buddy Tanner fly for Mile High Airlines, which is every bit as classy as it sounds. When Dr. Virgil Willis rings his call light on a flight from New York to Denver, Jesse is so taken with his looks and charm he forgets all about the inflight medical crisis that prompted him to call for a doctor in the first place. Willis is handsome. Willis is helpful. And wouldn’t you know it? Willis is someone else’s husband. Jesse can hardly believe his luck when their paths cross again on the patio of a popular gay bar. It’s been nine months, and Willis has been busy: now he’s single, he’s out, and he’s very interested in getting to know Jesse better. It all seems too good to be true! And you know what they say about that… First Flight Out is now available from JMS Books! Grover Shepherd is the only thing Felix Medrano loves more than being the current darling of Hollywood. He throws a star-studded surprise engagement party to declare that love to the world, and it’s a smash, save for one detail: Shep is a no-show. Felix knows Shep missed his flight home from New Orleans, but that was fifteen hours ago. What’s the hold up? Flash back to the start of Shep’s day in New Orleans. By the time his friend Billy’s car is eventually retrieved from the jealous lover who drove off with it, Shep’s missed his flight back to L.A., and he spends the rest of the day on standby, watching flight after flight depart without him. Each time he sends Felix a progress report via text message, Felix replies with a romantic photo from their past, and Shep spends much of his airport odyssey Remembering When. It’s easy to see how these two fell in love, but getting harder to imagine that Shep could possibly make it home in time to celebrate with Felix and their friends. Say Cheese comes out from Wayward Ink Publishing on February 5th! It’s available for pre-order now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and All Romance eBooks. When button-down biracial lawmaker Cassidy Uematsu meets hardscrabble fry cook Buford “Jax” Jackson, it’s lust at first sight.
at ARe. Jesse Cisneros and his best buddy Tanner fly for Mile High Airlines, which is every bit as classy as it sounds. When Dr. Virgil Willis rings his call light on a flight from New York to Denver, Jesse is so taken with his looks and charm he forgets all about the inflight medical crisis that prompted him to call for a doctor in the first place. Willis is handsome. Willis is helpful. And wouldn’t you know it? Willis is someone else’s husband. Jesse can hardly believe his luck when their paths cross again on the patio of a popular gay bar. It’s been nine months, and Willis has been busy: now he’s single, he’s out, and he’s very interested in getting to know Jesse better. It all seems too good to be true! And you know what they say about that… First Flight Out is now available from JMS Books! Grover Shepherd is the only thing Felix Medrano loves more than being the current darling of Hollywood. He throws a star-studded surprise engagement party to declare that love to the world, and it’s a smash, save for one detail: Shep is a no-show. Felix knows Shep missed his flight home from New Orleans, but that was fifteen hours ago. What’s the hold up? Flash back to the start of Shep’s day in New Orleans. By the time his friend Billy’s car is eventually retrieved from the jealous lover who drove off with it, Shep’s missed his flight back to L.A., and he spends the rest of the day on standby, watching flight after flight depart without him. Each time he sends Felix a progress report via text message, Felix replies with a romantic photo from their past, and Shep spends much of his airport odyssey Remembering When. It’s easy to see how these two fell in love, but getting harder to imagine that Shep could possibly make it home in time to celebrate with Felix and their friends. Say Cheese comes out from Wayward Ink Publishing on February 5th! It’s available for pre-order now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and All Romance eBooks. When button-down biracial lawmaker Cassidy Uematsu meets hardscrabble fry cook Buford “Jax” Jackson, it’s lust at first sight.
They’re only too happy to jump into the sack, and when Jax loses his condom mid-getting-to-know-you, Cassidy urges him forward, damn the consequences. What’s the worst that can happen? Dude Mama is my wildest, sexiest, and most romantic story yet, all about beer and lust and vegan mac n cheese, about falling in love with the completely wrong guy at the totally wrong time and wiping the smirk off the face of Family Values. It’s featured in the Wayward Ink Publishing anthology A Likely Story, is available straight from Wayward Ink, and also from Amazon in the US, the UK, and Australia. You can even be enticed by the video trailer for the book here! With no job and no boyfriend, Justin sees no reason to make a big deal out of Christmas this year, so he plunks down his severance pay on a cottage in the Caribbean and jets away for some Me Time. Not that he’d mind a little Us Time, you understand, but the handsome young islanders of his acquaintance are all friendly, fun, and straight as they come. He sure didn’t leave San Diego looking for any middle-aged American gym jock, but when one washes up at his favorite local watering hole, Justin discovers there are worse ways to dance the night away. Too bad the sexy stranger is on a cruise and the next port is calling. When he spies the ship still in port while he tends to his Christmas Eve hangover, Justin knows he must manage his expectations. Just because the ship’s still here doesn’t mean the guy will come ashore, and so what if they do cross paths again? Did they really connect as Justin thinks he remembers, or is that just the beer filling in the blanks? He invents an errand, throws on some clothes, and heads for the dock, figuring there’s one way to find out. Bring Isle Be Home for Christmas home for Christmas from JMS Books on December 7th! Hansel is an aspiring photographer with a greater passion for the half-naked models he works with than for his art. Gretel is a Drag Superstar—or will be, she’s convinced, the moment she’s discovered by…anybody. One night, out in the tony gay-borhood The Woods, they stumble upon The Sugar Shack, a second-story nightclub they�
if you want to study and work part-time in the UK. We address everything connected to part-time work in the UK for overseas students in this section. Part Time Job Rules for International Students in the UK Minimum and maximum part-time jobs salary Types of Part Time Jobs in the UK Online Part-time Jobs in the UK How to find part-time Jobs in the UK? Best part-time jobs salary in the UK While a UK student visa permits overseas students to work part-time in the UK, some restrictions and regulations must be followed. They are listed below. You cannot work more than 20 hours per week for a full-time degree programme, i.e. no more than 4 hours per day with weekends off. During a language course term, you are not permitted to work more than 10 hours each week. If the session is over, you can get a job for 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, with weekends off. You are not permitted to work as a freelancer or on a contract basis. You cannot work as a full-time employee for any firm unless you have a post-study work visa. Above all, you should be able to strike a work-study balance. Your employment should not interfere with your academic achievement. Minimum and maximum part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students The minimum part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students is £6.15 per hour The maximum part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students is £15 per hour If you want to know about part-time employment in the UK for international students, we must first explain what kind of part-time jobs are available. There are two options for overseas students looking for part-time work in the UK. There is both on-campus and off-campus employment. More information about the subject is provided below. On-Campus Part-time Jobs in the UK for International Students On-campus employment is one type of part-time work in the UK for overseas students. On-campus jobs are accessible within the university campus, as the name implies. These are ideal for students since they may work in a variety of departments in their area. On-campus employment is available in the library, computer laboratories, receptions, gyms, cafeterias, and other areas. Because on-campus employment is few, many students are unable to obtain them. Quick Read: Read more
if you want to study and work part-time in the UK. We address everything connected to part-time work in the UK for overseas students in this section. Part Time Job Rules for International Students in the UK Minimum and maximum part-time jobs salary Types of Part Time Jobs in the UK Online Part-time Jobs in the UK How to find part-time Jobs in the UK? Best part-time jobs salary in the UK While a UK student visa permits overseas students to work part-time in the UK, some restrictions and regulations must be followed. They are listed below. You cannot work more than 20 hours per week for a full-time degree programme, i.e. no more than 4 hours per day with weekends off. During a language course term, you are not permitted to work more than 10 hours each week. If the session is over, you can get a job for 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, with weekends off. You are not permitted to work as a freelancer or on a contract basis. You cannot work as a full-time employee for any firm unless you have a post-study work visa. Above all, you should be able to strike a work-study balance. Your employment should not interfere with your academic achievement. Minimum and maximum part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students The minimum part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students is £6.15 per hour The maximum part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students is £15 per hour If you want to know about part-time employment in the UK for international students, we must first explain what kind of part-time jobs are available. There are two options for overseas students looking for part-time work in the UK. There is both on-campus and off-campus employment. More information about the subject is provided below. On-Campus Part-time Jobs in the UK for International Students On-campus employment is one type of part-time work in the UK for overseas students. On-campus jobs are accessible within the university campus, as the name implies. These are ideal for students since they may work in a variety of departments in their area. On-campus employment is available in the library, computer laboratories, receptions, gyms, cafeterias, and other areas. Because on-campus employment is few, many students are unable to obtain them. Quick Read: Read more
about Student Visa for UK Off-Campus Part-time Jobs in the UK for International Students Off-campus employment is the second choice for overseas students looking for part-time work in the UK. Off-campus employment is reasonably easy to find, although they are not necessarily close by. Office boy, receptionist, waiter/waitress, contact centre maintenance, data entry, and other jobs fall under this category. Students must get authorisation from their institutions to work off-campus part-time. Online Part-time Jobs in the UK for International Students Part-time jobs in the UK offer additional opportunities for international students. There are also numerous online jobs accessible! Having an online part-time job in the UK may be pretty useful, especially if you are enrolled in a challenging program. To get a job online, all you need is a laptop and a steady internet connection, both of which you will have. There are also numerous work-from-home opportunities accessible in the UK. If you are willing to do practically anything, it is quite easy to get part-time work in the UK. You can work up to 20 hours each week in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, university unions, and so forth. The minimum wage is about 5 pounds per hour, which you will receive, but most jobs pay you more than that. As soon as you arrive, obtain your national insurance number and a driver's license. Even if you don't work the entire 80 hours per month, you may easily earn $200–300 each month. Private instruction is another excellent alternative (online or at home). Quick Read: Know more about UK Work Visa types for Skilled Workers Work-Study Balance: Remember that your primary goal is to pass your course with a high grade. Do not accept a job that consumes your study time and has a detrimental influence on your academic performance. Strive for a balance between your education and your part-time employment. Best part-time jobs salary in the UK for international students Finding a part-time job that pays well is not easy, so here is a list of high-paying jobs that pay more than the regular part-time work to students. Pay per hour (Approx.) Marketing £11.50 Accountancy £12 Education £11.34 Health services £10.80 Social Care £9.50 Administration £9 Sales £8.80 Customer Service £10 Want to know more about Stud
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the International Advisory Board of McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management, and is an independent Board member at the McGill University Health Center. Ms. Sakhia holds an MBA and a Bachelors of Commerce degree from McGill University and is also a Chartered Professional Accountant. Robert Lande Board Member 25/11/2019 Robert Lande. Mr. Lande is the Chief Financial Officer of FXCM, Inc. a foreign exchange brokerage firm. Formerly, he was managing partner and Chief Operating Officer of Riveredge Capital Partners LLC. Prior to Riveredge Capital, Mr. Lande worked for over 16 years within the BCE/Bell Canada group where his last position was Chief Financial Officer of Telecom Américas Ltd., a joint venture between Bell Canada International, AT&T (then SBC Communications) and America Movil. Mr. Lande is chartered financial analyst and holds an M.B.A. from the John Molson School of Business and a B.A. in Economics from McGill University. Mr. Lande was on the Board of Paladin Labs from 1995 to 2014. Gaëlle Lamotte Board Member 25/11/2019 Gaëlle Lamotte. Ms Lamotte is a Director and SMP founding partner. Ms Lamotte has over 20 years of management consulting, training and executive coaching experience with a particular focus on strategy execution and management. She has worked with many different organisations from larger multinationals to start ups; as well as setting up and managing her own company. Ms Lamotte is regarded as a leading expert and one of the most experienced practitioners in her field supporting her clients in developing and implementing their business strategies. Ms Lamotte was previously Managing Director for Palladium Group’s Northern Europe business, founded by Balanced Scorecard innovators Drs. Kaplan and Norton, where she grew client services from purely consulting to include conferences, training seminars, web based solutions, and communities of practice ; with the overarching goal to help client organisations continuously develop their strategy management capabilities. In the last twenty years, Ms Lamotte delivered all of Palladium’s training seminars, and is a Certified Strategy Management trainer. Ms Lamotte started her career in strategy with Monitor Company in 1990 in Canada, a Boston based company established by Michael Porter. She later joined Renaissance Solutions in London, before moving on to the Palladium Group. Ms Lamotte continues to be at the forefront in the field of strategy management developing
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the International Advisory Board of McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management, and is an independent Board member at the McGill University Health Center. Ms. Sakhia holds an MBA and a Bachelors of Commerce degree from McGill University and is also a Chartered Professional Accountant. Robert Lande Board Member 25/11/2019 Robert Lande. Mr. Lande is the Chief Financial Officer of FXCM, Inc. a foreign exchange brokerage firm. Formerly, he was managing partner and Chief Operating Officer of Riveredge Capital Partners LLC. Prior to Riveredge Capital, Mr. Lande worked for over 16 years within the BCE/Bell Canada group where his last position was Chief Financial Officer of Telecom Américas Ltd., a joint venture between Bell Canada International, AT&T (then SBC Communications) and America Movil. Mr. Lande is chartered financial analyst and holds an M.B.A. from the John Molson School of Business and a B.A. in Economics from McGill University. Mr. Lande was on the Board of Paladin Labs from 1995 to 2014. Gaëlle Lamotte Board Member 25/11/2019 Gaëlle Lamotte. Ms Lamotte is a Director and SMP founding partner. Ms Lamotte has over 20 years of management consulting, training and executive coaching experience with a particular focus on strategy execution and management. She has worked with many different organisations from larger multinationals to start ups; as well as setting up and managing her own company. Ms Lamotte is regarded as a leading expert and one of the most experienced practitioners in her field supporting her clients in developing and implementing their business strategies. Ms Lamotte was previously Managing Director for Palladium Group’s Northern Europe business, founded by Balanced Scorecard innovators Drs. Kaplan and Norton, where she grew client services from purely consulting to include conferences, training seminars, web based solutions, and communities of practice ; with the overarching goal to help client organisations continuously develop their strategy management capabilities. In the last twenty years, Ms Lamotte delivered all of Palladium’s training seminars, and is a Certified Strategy Management trainer. Ms Lamotte started her career in strategy with Monitor Company in 1990 in Canada, a Boston based company established by Michael Porter. She later joined Renaissance Solutions in London, before moving on to the Palladium Group. Ms Lamotte continues to be at the forefront in the field of strategy management developing
new ways of managing change and embedding strategies inside organisations; supporting executives, managers and their teams acquire and develop the leadership and management skills they need to maximise their own potential. Nicolás Sujoy Board Member 25/11/2019 Nicolás Sujoy. Mr. Sujoy is a Member of GBT’s board of directors. Mr. Sujoy joined Advent International in 2005 and has been a director and country manager for Argentina since 2011, participating transactions in the pharma, banking and services sectors. Mr. Sujoy is a founding partner of the Private Equity firm Clara Capital, S.A. Prior to joining Advent, he was an investment manager at HSBC Private Equity Latin America. Mr. Sujoy holds an entrepreneurial economics degree from the Torcuato di Tella University in Argentina. GBT´s executive officers are responsible for day-to-day management of its business and for implementing the directives and general guidelines established by the board of directors. Name Office Claudio Coracini Chief Executive Officer & General Manager Brazil Claudio Coracini joined GBT in 2015 as a President of the GBT’s affiliate in Brasil named United Medical. In his role, he is responsible for the entire P&L of the company leading the commercial structure, finance, regulatory affairs, human resources, medical and compliance areas. Claudio was the key driver of the transactional culture to integrate United Medical into GBT. Claudio is a Pharma Executive with solid experience in big companies as Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk and Shire Pharmaceuticals. Prior to join GBT, Claudio was responsible for the Shire start-up in Brazil and for the last 2 years with the company he was responsible for the Shire LATAM operations with revenues of U$ 220 M, focusing on Rare Disease products. Before Shire, Claudio was the Country Manager for Novo Nordisk in Brazil, Pfizer Commercial Director and worked for 21 years at Eli Lilly where he built his career starting as a Sales Representative in Sao Paulo and ending as a Commercial Director responsible for successful launches such as Zyprexa and Cialis in Brazil. During his journey with Lilly, Claudio had an international experience with the company living 4 year in the USA being responsible for the Sales Force Effectiveness in Europe and the Pre-launch Manager of Cialis for Latin America. Claudio is a Brazilian native and holds an MBA in Marketing from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing in
So most people have been really concerned about that, if that's the case. And as long as you have bonds that are maturing each year, you are able to take advantage of. That reinvestment of the matured bonds at higher rates at the tail end of your ladder. So that's a great way to help build out a diversified approach of, you know, diversifying away that reinvestment risk. Yeah. The other way that they will classify bonds is terms of their. Quality. So what's the quality of the company that you're lending money to? I always think about this as the company's credit score. How good is their credit score? If it's higher than your interest rate's probably gonna be lower cuz they're more trustworthy, likely to pay you back that bond. If [00:14:00] they have a bad credit score, then same thing, they're probably gonna have a higher coupon, a higher interest rate. So we Call those high yield bonds. Those bonds that maybe have a lower. Credit score quality, a lot of times they'll pay out more. Or we have investment grade, which is usually higher quality, higher credit score rating. Companies very likely to pay you back. Probably gonna have a lower interest rate. I think these terms are terrible, by the way. Yeah. Investment grade like that doesn't really, That doesn't explain anything, doesn't it? I guess it means it's of enough quality that you could invest in it, I guess is what what it's saying, but, But investment grade means triple B and up Triple B. Single A, double A, triple A, that's working your way up from triple B, and then high yield is double B and down. The other term that's not quite as friendly for high yield is junk bonds. I always feel bad. Do you? I do. And they say junk bonds. Yeah. Maybe they don't care, but it's the consumer that stresses about it. That's what I would think. I would think someone would say junk [00:15:00] bond like I'm never gonna buy that, but maybe they still so true. Right? Because high yield sounds so fantastic, like give me that high yield. I want that high. And high yield and junk bonds. Same thing folks. Same like they're exactly the same thing. Investment grade sounds great, but it's almost like you could Call those low yield bonds too. Yeah, right. Because they
So most people have been really concerned about that, if that's the case. And as long as you have bonds that are maturing each year, you are able to take advantage of. That reinvestment of the matured bonds at higher rates at the tail end of your ladder. So that's a great way to help build out a diversified approach of, you know, diversifying away that reinvestment risk. Yeah. The other way that they will classify bonds is terms of their. Quality. So what's the quality of the company that you're lending money to? I always think about this as the company's credit score. How good is their credit score? If it's higher than your interest rate's probably gonna be lower cuz they're more trustworthy, likely to pay you back that bond. If [00:14:00] they have a bad credit score, then same thing, they're probably gonna have a higher coupon, a higher interest rate. So we Call those high yield bonds. Those bonds that maybe have a lower. Credit score quality, a lot of times they'll pay out more. Or we have investment grade, which is usually higher quality, higher credit score rating. Companies very likely to pay you back. Probably gonna have a lower interest rate. I think these terms are terrible, by the way. Yeah. Investment grade like that doesn't really, That doesn't explain anything, doesn't it? I guess it means it's of enough quality that you could invest in it, I guess is what what it's saying, but, But investment grade means triple B and up Triple B. Single A, double A, triple A, that's working your way up from triple B, and then high yield is double B and down. The other term that's not quite as friendly for high yield is junk bonds. I always feel bad. Do you? I do. And they say junk bonds. Yeah. Maybe they don't care, but it's the consumer that stresses about it. That's what I would think. I would think someone would say junk [00:15:00] bond like I'm never gonna buy that, but maybe they still so true. Right? Because high yield sounds so fantastic, like give me that high yield. I want that high. And high yield and junk bonds. Same thing folks. Same like they're exactly the same thing. Investment grade sounds great, but it's almost like you could Call those low yield bonds too. Yeah, right. Because they
typiCally yield less moodies and standard and pores. Are two of the main issuers of indexes, like you hear about the s and p 500. That's from standard and pores, but they are, they are the rating agencies that, that provide those ratings. Now, you should not rely, if you're buying individual bonds, you should not rely on Moody's and, and standard and pores ratings. Like you can't just say, I'll buy anything that the standard and poor says is triple. because you may be buying something that that s and p says is triple B, but in reality it's probably single B because they may not have looked at it in the same way that an analyst would in more detail. Anyway, hopefully that gives you an idea. [00:16:00] Issuers, that's next. This changes things quite a bit. It can change your taxes too, which we'll talk about in a second. But the issuer is the borrower. It's the entity. So instead of a person, it's a thing, right? It's the entity that is borrowing your. So corporations borrow your money through bonds. Governments borrow your money, municipalities borrow your money, and agencies borrow your money. Now those last three are all pretty related and confusing. Think when you hear governments think like the US government, the federal government, and when you think of municipalities, think of like cities, maybe states. Then when you think about agencies, that's like the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, all of the agencies the government has created to help with either like student loans or. Home lending, like very, very specific agencies with a specific purpose. And in some cases the government [00:17:00] actually backs those, so that backing can create a little bit higher, higher rating as well. Corporations are the most different here than the other three because they're, they're not related to the government when it comes to issuers. They all have various risks, so you could have really risky corporations and really safe or more safe corporations. And the federal government is just basiCally, Pretty secure. I did a webinar yesterday and I can't remember what we talked about so far today and yesterday, what we talked about yesterday, , But the government is considered the lowest risk because they can just tax their way out of a problem. If they're having a hard time making payments, they can just tax their way to, or they can flood the
/US_NUCLEAR_MISSILE_TEST?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-02-27-07-40-01 So, it looks like some in the defense world believe that the 2021 and 2035 time period is critical. This suggests a perceived vulnerability to attack during those years. As far as the Minuteman program goes, the US military has been launching Minuteman missiles from Vandenberg for decades. According to something I heard on the radio yesterday, two were launched and tested this month. They test them to see how well they work, and apparently some US military officials have doubts about them, even after these recent tests. Here is some information on the history of the Minuteman missile: Development of the Minuteman began in the mid-1950s as the outgrowth of basic research into solid fuel rocket motors which indicated an ICBM based on solids was possible. … Minuteman entered service in 1962 as a weapon tasked primarily with the deterrence role, threatening Soviet cities with a counterattack if the US was attacked. … The Minuteman-II entered service in 1965 with a host of upgrades to improve its accuracy and survivability in the face of an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system the Soviets were known to be developing. Minuteman-III followed in 1970, using three smaller warheads instead of one large one, which made it very difficult to attack by an anti-ballistic missile system which would have to hit all three widely separated warheads to be effective. Peaking at 1000 missiles in the 1970s, the current US force consists of 450 Minuteman-III missiles in missile silos around Malmstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. By 2018 this will be reduced to 400 armed missiles, with 50 unarmed missiles in reserve, and four non-deployed test launchers to comply with the New START treaty. The Air Force plans to keep the missile in service until at least 2030. (LGM-30 Minuteman. Wikipedia, accessed 02/27/16) Much of the USA’s nuclear deterrent is aging. And the Minuteman is clearly one component that is. Many think that the military of the USA is too strong to ever be beat militarily. Those who place their trust in that notion are 0verlooking scripture as
/US_NUCLEAR_MISSILE_TEST?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-02-27-07-40-01 So, it looks like some in the defense world believe that the 2021 and 2035 time period is critical. This suggests a perceived vulnerability to attack during those years. As far as the Minuteman program goes, the US military has been launching Minuteman missiles from Vandenberg for decades. According to something I heard on the radio yesterday, two were launched and tested this month. They test them to see how well they work, and apparently some US military officials have doubts about them, even after these recent tests. Here is some information on the history of the Minuteman missile: Development of the Minuteman began in the mid-1950s as the outgrowth of basic research into solid fuel rocket motors which indicated an ICBM based on solids was possible. … Minuteman entered service in 1962 as a weapon tasked primarily with the deterrence role, threatening Soviet cities with a counterattack if the US was attacked. … The Minuteman-II entered service in 1965 with a host of upgrades to improve its accuracy and survivability in the face of an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system the Soviets were known to be developing. Minuteman-III followed in 1970, using three smaller warheads instead of one large one, which made it very difficult to attack by an anti-ballistic missile system which would have to hit all three widely separated warheads to be effective. Peaking at 1000 missiles in the 1970s, the current US force consists of 450 Minuteman-III missiles in missile silos around Malmstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. By 2018 this will be reduced to 400 armed missiles, with 50 unarmed missiles in reserve, and four non-deployed test launchers to comply with the New START treaty. The Air Force plans to keep the missile in service until at least 2030. (LGM-30 Minuteman. Wikipedia, accessed 02/27/16) Much of the USA’s nuclear deterrent is aging. And the Minuteman is clearly one component that is. Many think that the military of the USA is too strong to ever be beat militarily. Those who place their trust in that notion are 0verlooking scripture as
well as what has been happening the past several years. A couple of years ago, the US Army announced that it would cut its forces to pre-World War II levels (US Army plans to shrink to pre-WWII levels). Several years ago, the US Air Force announced major cuts last year (Budget cuts to ground 1/3 of US Air Force); as did the US Navy (Pentagon concerned about additional looming defense cuts–prophetic ramifications?). About three years ago, the US Army removed all of it tanks from Germany (There are no longer USA tanks in Germany: Do Americans understand this is a serious risk?). This helps put the USA in a situation that it simply will not be able to effectively react if European forces attack. The Europeans are not comfortable standing by as the USA slowly diverts military protection away from them, while it also cuts the size of its military. The ‘social experiments’ happening in the US military are also another risk that many have overlooked (Sexual corruption at the US military academies). This is a risk that even with the ‘right’ equipment, those involved with it may not act as defense officials will want them to in a real military emergency–character counts. The current concern that defense officials have is money. The Obama Administration has ‘kicked the can’ down the road the past seven years, as I taught back in 2009 it would do: “Because of domestic economic concerns and international pressures, Barack Obama is shifting priorities away from defense spending… This will help lead to the destruction of the United States, when the Europeans are ready and the U.S.A. is not” (Thiel B. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect. Nazarene Books, 2009, p. 147). Here is something I posted on this page about two years ago: While the USA will do some modernization, it has so many political considerations (including economic) when it makes defense spending decisions that optimal defense capabilities are not always the top priority (often getting or keeping defense-related jobs in certain areas plays a major role). The essentially bankrupt USA cannot really afford to be on top militarily and its political system will likely contribute to it making the wrong decisions for its next major war. The USA’s recent focus on terrorism seems to have gotten it to overlook who its future enemies will be. Thus, the USA will likely modernize the wrong aspects of its defenses. (Thiel B. After
Message(); HttpResponseMessage _httpResponse = null; _httpRequest.Method = new HttpMethod("GET"); _httpRequest.RequestUri = new System.Uri(_url); // Set Headers if (Client.GenerateClientRequestId != null && Client.GenerateClientRequestId.Value) { _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("x-ms-client-request-id", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } if (Client.AcceptLanguage != null) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains("accept-language")) { _httpRequest.Headers.Remove("accept-language"); } _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("accept-language", Client.AcceptLanguage); } if (customHeaders != null) { foreach(var _header in customHeaders) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains(_header.Key))
Message(); HttpResponseMessage _httpResponse = null; _httpRequest.Method = new HttpMethod("GET"); _httpRequest.RequestUri = new System.Uri(_url); // Set Headers if (Client.GenerateClientRequestId != null && Client.GenerateClientRequestId.Value) { _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("x-ms-client-request-id", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } if (Client.AcceptLanguage != null) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains("accept-language")) { _httpRequest.Headers.Remove("accept-language"); } _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("accept-language", Client.AcceptLanguage); } if (customHeaders != null) { foreach(var _header in customHeaders) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains(_header.Key))
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ribs with potato. $$ 1071 Glendon Ave., (310)208-1071. Flower Burger recently opened its first location in the U.S. in West Hollywood. The flavorful buns are baked with spices give them a variety of rainbow hues. Turmeric provides a deep yellow, while purple carrots produce a violet color. For the Cherry Bomb, which has become an international favorite on Instagram, the fuchsia colored bun is made from concentrated beetroot juice and cherry extract. Different vegan patties are offered, including a lentil and basmati rice patty. Some of the burgers are topped with tomato confit, baked zucchini and crisp soybean sprouts. The green Jungle Burger has an oat and red kidney bean vegan patty made with seitan (vegetable protein), along with breadcrumbs and a combination of golden onions, red peppers, salt and sunflower oil. Burgers are enhanced by a variety of sauces, including wild sauce, which is similar to barbecue sauce, and magik sauce. The dairy-free cheddar “cheese” they include is made with coconut oil. My favorite is the violet colored Flower Burger made with a red kidney bean patty and topped with magik sauce, tomato, lettuce, soybean sprouts and melted vegan cheese. $ 640 N. Robertson Blvd., (424) 279-9801. Sitting outside at The Terrace overlooking the Beverly Canon Gardens, at The Maybourne Beverly Hills, the cascading fountain provides a soothing sound as a procession of people stroll through the park. Chef Kaleo Adams prepares local fare with a creative, fresh California spin. Some of the most memorable dishes were the crescent moon shaped eggplant mezzaluna with tomatoes and semi-firm white ricotta salata, handmade linguine with clams, Berkshire pork loin with caramelized pineapple and beautiful floral shaped apple tartin. $$$ 225 N. Canon Drive, (310)860-7886. HiHo Cheeseburger opened a new location along the Marvin Braude bike trail in Santa Monica. While riding my bike, I stopped for lunch and dined at a table overlooking rows of boats in the Marina del Rey harbor. What makes HiHo different from other burger joints is that it’s the first and only burger restaurant to exclusively serve grass-fed wagyu beef. Health benefits of wagyu include naturally higher heart-healthy omega-3s, vitamins and antioxidants.
ribs with potato. $$ 1071 Glendon Ave., (310)208-1071. Flower Burger recently opened its first location in the U.S. in West Hollywood. The flavorful buns are baked with spices give them a variety of rainbow hues. Turmeric provides a deep yellow, while purple carrots produce a violet color. For the Cherry Bomb, which has become an international favorite on Instagram, the fuchsia colored bun is made from concentrated beetroot juice and cherry extract. Different vegan patties are offered, including a lentil and basmati rice patty. Some of the burgers are topped with tomato confit, baked zucchini and crisp soybean sprouts. The green Jungle Burger has an oat and red kidney bean vegan patty made with seitan (vegetable protein), along with breadcrumbs and a combination of golden onions, red peppers, salt and sunflower oil. Burgers are enhanced by a variety of sauces, including wild sauce, which is similar to barbecue sauce, and magik sauce. The dairy-free cheddar “cheese” they include is made with coconut oil. My favorite is the violet colored Flower Burger made with a red kidney bean patty and topped with magik sauce, tomato, lettuce, soybean sprouts and melted vegan cheese. $ 640 N. Robertson Blvd., (424) 279-9801. Sitting outside at The Terrace overlooking the Beverly Canon Gardens, at The Maybourne Beverly Hills, the cascading fountain provides a soothing sound as a procession of people stroll through the park. Chef Kaleo Adams prepares local fare with a creative, fresh California spin. Some of the most memorable dishes were the crescent moon shaped eggplant mezzaluna with tomatoes and semi-firm white ricotta salata, handmade linguine with clams, Berkshire pork loin with caramelized pineapple and beautiful floral shaped apple tartin. $$$ 225 N. Canon Drive, (310)860-7886. HiHo Cheeseburger opened a new location along the Marvin Braude bike trail in Santa Monica. While riding my bike, I stopped for lunch and dined at a table overlooking rows of boats in the Marina del Rey harbor. What makes HiHo different from other burger joints is that it’s the first and only burger restaurant to exclusively serve grass-fed wagyu beef. Health benefits of wagyu include naturally higher heart-healthy omega-3s, vitamins and antioxidants.
It also has lower saturated fat than other types of beef. HiHo curates its beef from First Light Farms, a New Zealand cooperative of 61 farmers. I enjoy their crisp Caesar salad with crunchy croutons and a light and flavorful dressing. HiHo burgers are normally served as doubles with one-third pound of beef, or triples with a half-pound of wagyu beef. They are topped with crisp lettuce, ketchup, house-made pickles, mustard, flavorful grilled onion jam and melted American cheese. HiHo also makes a gluten-free vegan patty from a blend of grains, legumes and spices. The fries are hand-cut thick and double fried making them extra crispy. Thick and creamy milkshakes are made from ice cream churned by a family-run creamery. $-$$ 4625 Admiralty Way, #109, (424) 317-7858. Other HiHo Cheeseburger locations open at 11:30 a.m. 6245 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 102, (323)642-6467 and 1320 Second St., (310)469-7250. Culina Ristorante at the Four Seasons Hotel at Beverly Hills has hired a new creative Italian Chef de Cuisine, Giovanni Spataro. He is awakening diners’ senses by redesigning street food from his hometown in Palermo. Some of my favorite dishes include tender, thin slices of wild sea bass topped with an eye-catching tuile that looked like lace. The refreshing Sicilian salad is enhanced with shaved fennel and crunchy celery tossed with a fresh honey citronette dressing. For pasta, be sure to order the golden Taglliatele al Tartufo Uncinado topped with savory, creamy Moliterno cheese. And for an entrée that can be shared with others, the Grigliata Di Pesce Al Carbone offers an assortment of grilled seafood including Spanish octopus, local spot prawns, langoustine, sea scallops and local white fish. It’s served with a small carafe of salmoriglio, a southern Italian condiment made with lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and herbs, to pour on top. Finish with a smokey campfire s’mores dessert, which arrives under a glass dome filled with smoke for a multi-sensory experience. $$$ 300 S. Doheny Drive, (310)860-4000. Che
born in the Melbourne suburb of Sunshine, but earned fame in London as a fashion model and performance artist. The centerpiece of his art was his transformed (and often disfigured) body. #### Contemporary Artists Contemporary gay and lesbian artists find Australia more hospitable than earlier artists did. Hence Australia is now home to a vital gay and lesbian artistic community. Some of the most interesting of the contemporary artists are discussed below, but the listing is necessarily highly selective. #### Deborah Kelly and Tina Fiveash The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival in Sydney provides an annual forum for Australian artists to showcase their work. For the 2001 festival, writer/artist Deborah Kelly and photographer Tina Fiveash (b. 1970) collaborated to produce a series of six photographs entitled "Hey, hetero!" Beginning in February 2001, these photos appeared on illuminated public advertising spaces, billboards, magazine pages, street posters, and postcards. The "Hey, hetero!" series forces viewers to consider the hidden advantages of being straight. "Hey, hetero!" proclaims one photograph with a nuclear family picnicking in a park, "When they say family, they mean you!" Another, which features an infant lying on its back on a rug, is emblazoned with the statement: "Hey, hetero! Have a baby: no national debate." A third work encourages heterosexuals to get married "because you can!" Produced to look like slick, sophisticated advertisements, the "Hey, hetero!" photographs are unsettling, and even alarming. The viewer might become unbearably uncomfortable if not for the element of camp and humor incorporated into the works; the people in the photographs often display artificial poses and goofy grins that suggest that the works are spoofs, but the message is ultimately too serious to ignore. Since heterosexuality generally is understood as the "norm," it is never deconstructed, questioned, or challenged. By pointing it out, even advertising it, Kelly and Fiveash reveal that heterosexuality, like homosexuality, is socially constructed; it is its own culture, and its members share common beliefs, privileges, and fashion sensibilities. #### Timothy Horn In contrast to Kelly and Fiveash, who emphasize the constructedness of heterosexual society, Timothy Horn (b. 1964) sculpts magnificent objects that belong in a make-believe world. One of his most recent series includes works inspired by the Cinderella story (1999–2001). Crowns, brooches, a slipper,
born in the Melbourne suburb of Sunshine, but earned fame in London as a fashion model and performance artist. The centerpiece of his art was his transformed (and often disfigured) body. #### Contemporary Artists Contemporary gay and lesbian artists find Australia more hospitable than earlier artists did. Hence Australia is now home to a vital gay and lesbian artistic community. Some of the most interesting of the contemporary artists are discussed below, but the listing is necessarily highly selective. #### Deborah Kelly and Tina Fiveash The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival in Sydney provides an annual forum for Australian artists to showcase their work. For the 2001 festival, writer/artist Deborah Kelly and photographer Tina Fiveash (b. 1970) collaborated to produce a series of six photographs entitled "Hey, hetero!" Beginning in February 2001, these photos appeared on illuminated public advertising spaces, billboards, magazine pages, street posters, and postcards. The "Hey, hetero!" series forces viewers to consider the hidden advantages of being straight. "Hey, hetero!" proclaims one photograph with a nuclear family picnicking in a park, "When they say family, they mean you!" Another, which features an infant lying on its back on a rug, is emblazoned with the statement: "Hey, hetero! Have a baby: no national debate." A third work encourages heterosexuals to get married "because you can!" Produced to look like slick, sophisticated advertisements, the "Hey, hetero!" photographs are unsettling, and even alarming. The viewer might become unbearably uncomfortable if not for the element of camp and humor incorporated into the works; the people in the photographs often display artificial poses and goofy grins that suggest that the works are spoofs, but the message is ultimately too serious to ignore. Since heterosexuality generally is understood as the "norm," it is never deconstructed, questioned, or challenged. By pointing it out, even advertising it, Kelly and Fiveash reveal that heterosexuality, like homosexuality, is socially constructed; it is its own culture, and its members share common beliefs, privileges, and fashion sensibilities. #### Timothy Horn In contrast to Kelly and Fiveash, who emphasize the constructedness of heterosexual society, Timothy Horn (b. 1964) sculpts magnificent objects that belong in a make-believe world. One of his most recent series includes works inspired by the Cinderella story (1999–2001). Crowns, brooches, a slipper,
and other items are made from relatively common, inexpensive materials such as nickel-plated bronze, cast crystal, and Easter-egg foil. Lavish and beautiful, Horn's creations are also overthe- top and tacky. The artist accentuates the latter two qualities by giving his works trashy, lewd titles such as _Pink Bits_ , _Love Muscle_ , _Bearded Clam, I Want Candy_ , and _Boy Pussy_. His name for the sumptuous, downscaled carriage central to the Cinderella story is _Bump n_ _'_ _Grind_. This title emphasizes the crude, sexual aspect inherent in any romantic fantasy. Horn's works insult good taste. The artist deems his celebration of the fake and the ornamental a queer sensibility, and he calls his reinterpretation of the Cinderella myth a queer rewriting. Indeed, the flashy, glitzy, ridiculously feminine _Glass Slipper (Ugly Blister)_ could be part of a costume from an upscale drag show. While Horn's fashion accessories are for the brash, the shameless, and the proud, they are also for the outcast and the different. For example, a brooch titled _Big Girl_ incorporates the word "butch" above three teardrop pearls. The work could be a medal for a tormented outcast or a badge of honor for someone who is different. _Big Girl_ also raises issues related to gender construction. The word "butch" brings masculine associations to mind; yet jewelry is quintessentially feminine. The combination of these two elements reminds the viewer that identity is complex and unstable. Since the person who wears _Big Girl_ does not fit into accepted gender roles, the accuracy of these roles is called into question. #### Vanessa Buemi and Karen Coull Works by artists Vanessa Buemi and Karen Coull address these same issues, with a feminist spin. Both artists use handcrafted objects to explore stereotypes of femininity. Buemi's _Femme with Butch Tendencies_ , for example, consists of an exquisite length of crocheted pink yarn, to which steel crampons are attached. Similarly, a thorn-encrusted pillow by Karen Coull is designed to unsettle. A commonly held belief is that females are supposed to be soft, yielding, and manageable like a pillow; they are not supposed to harm others, or to be capable of violence and rage.
Leslie E. Robertson, LERA; William Baker, SOM; Eugene Kohn, KPF Three leading designers in the tall building industry share their take on the changes to the tall building industry and the impact of 9/11 on their design. Organic and Natural Forms in Building Design May 2010 – ASCE/SEI 2010 Structures Congress; Mark Sarkisian, Peter Lee, Eric Long & David Shook, SOM Safe, efficient structural forms are abundant in nature. The challenge, however, is to quantify these forms and to derive behavior that is adaptable, constructible and cost effective. Three conceptual structural systems are considered which exemplify… Performance Based Seismic Design of a 75-Story Buckling Restrained Slender Steel Plate Shear Wall Tower May 2010 – ASCI/SEI Structures Congress; Sam Lee & Yun Liao, Guangzhou Scientific Computing Consultants; Dasui Wang, ECADI; Neville Mathias, SOM The Jinta Tower is a 75-story building located in Tianjin, China, with slender steel plate shear walls (SPSW) used as the primary lateral load resisting system. Construction detail, method and schedule constraints result in the steel plates being… Jinao Tower – The Design Integration of Structural Efficiency 1 Jan 2010 – Munich Tall Building Conference 2010; Mark Sarkisian, Neville Mathias, Eric Long & C. Keith Boswell, SOM The 56 story, 232 m tall Jinao Tower in Nanjing, China, is a next-generation tower which maximizes performance, efficiency, and occupant experience. Its faceted form is derived from the juxtaposition of an innovative double-skin façade and an… Proposed Methodology To Determine Seismic Performance Factors For Steel Diagrid Framed Systems Jan 2010 – 13th U.S. Japan Workshop; William Baker, Charles Besjak, Mark Sarkisian et al., SOM This paper presents a proposed methodology for the reliable determination of seismic performance factors for steel diagrid framed seismic force-resisting systems. Case Study: Trump International Hotel & Tower Aug 2009 – CTBUH Journal, 2009 Issue III; William Baker & Richard F. Tomlinson, SOM; Paul James, Bovis Lend Lease; Andrew Weiss, The Trump Organization Chicago, a city known worldwide for its tall buildings, welcomed a new supertall tower to its skyline this year. Bookended by the 442
Leslie E. Robertson, LERA; William Baker, SOM; Eugene Kohn, KPF Three leading designers in the tall building industry share their take on the changes to the tall building industry and the impact of 9/11 on their design. Organic and Natural Forms in Building Design May 2010 – ASCE/SEI 2010 Structures Congress; Mark Sarkisian, Peter Lee, Eric Long & David Shook, SOM Safe, efficient structural forms are abundant in nature. The challenge, however, is to quantify these forms and to derive behavior that is adaptable, constructible and cost effective. Three conceptual structural systems are considered which exemplify… Performance Based Seismic Design of a 75-Story Buckling Restrained Slender Steel Plate Shear Wall Tower May 2010 – ASCI/SEI Structures Congress; Sam Lee & Yun Liao, Guangzhou Scientific Computing Consultants; Dasui Wang, ECADI; Neville Mathias, SOM The Jinta Tower is a 75-story building located in Tianjin, China, with slender steel plate shear walls (SPSW) used as the primary lateral load resisting system. Construction detail, method and schedule constraints result in the steel plates being… Jinao Tower – The Design Integration of Structural Efficiency 1 Jan 2010 – Munich Tall Building Conference 2010; Mark Sarkisian, Neville Mathias, Eric Long & C. Keith Boswell, SOM The 56 story, 232 m tall Jinao Tower in Nanjing, China, is a next-generation tower which maximizes performance, efficiency, and occupant experience. Its faceted form is derived from the juxtaposition of an innovative double-skin façade and an… Proposed Methodology To Determine Seismic Performance Factors For Steel Diagrid Framed Systems Jan 2010 – 13th U.S. Japan Workshop; William Baker, Charles Besjak, Mark Sarkisian et al., SOM This paper presents a proposed methodology for the reliable determination of seismic performance factors for steel diagrid framed seismic force-resisting systems. Case Study: Trump International Hotel & Tower Aug 2009 – CTBUH Journal, 2009 Issue III; William Baker & Richard F. Tomlinson, SOM; Paul James, Bovis Lend Lease; Andrew Weiss, The Trump Organization Chicago, a city known worldwide for its tall buildings, welcomed a new supertall tower to its skyline this year. Bookended by the 442
-meter (1,450-foot) Sears Tower to the south and the 344-meter (1,128-foot) John Hancock Center to the north. Performance-Based Evaluation for the 450m Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main Tower May 2009 – CTBUH Journal, 2009 Issue II; Charles M. Besjak, Brian J. McElhatten & Preetam Biswas, SOM In order to obtain seismic review approval for the Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland Financial Center's Main Tower, one of the tallest structures in the world to date, enjanced design measures and performance-based evaluations were utilized. New Frontiers in the Design of Integrated Exterior Wall Systems 1 Jan 2009 – ASCESEI 2009; Mark Sarkisian, Neville Mathias, Eric Long & Peter Lee, SOM How do we see structures? Frames decorated with exterior walls? Some of these walls are quite fancy, using expensive materials to create a desired aesthetic often responding with color and geometry to particular site conditions or sometimes simply… Optimization Tools for the Design of Structures Jan 2009 – ASCESEI 2009; Mark Sarkisian, Eric Long, Chung-Soo Doo & David Shook, SOM Structural optimization has attracted increasing interest in the building industry, especially in the design of high-rise buildings. By selectively distributing structural members in a building, the efficiency of the resulting design can be optimized… Steel Plate Shear Walls, Efficient Structural Solution for Slender High-rise in China Jul 2008 – Seismic Engineering international Conference 2008; Mark Sarkisian, Neville Mathias, Eric Long & Zhihui Huang, SOM The 329.6 meter tall 74-story Jinta Tower in Tianjin, China, is expected, when complete, to be the tallest building in the world with slender steel plate shear walls used as the primary lateral load resisting system. With an overall aspect ratio… Engineering the World’s Tallest - Burj Bubai Mar 2008 – CTBUH 2008 8th World Congress, Dubai; William F. Baker, D. Stanton Korista & Lawrence C. Novak, SOM The goal of the Burj Dubai Tower is not simply to be the world’s highest building; it’s to embody the world’s highest aspirations. Fire Protection Strategies for an Energy Efficient High- Rise Building Mar 2008 – CTBUH 2008 8th World Congress
be defined by some people as simply cheating. But, as mentioned above, cuckolding isn’t someone sneaking behind the back of their boyfriend/husband and having a sexual or romantic relationship. It’s often something talked about by both people and agreed upon, making it an experience with one another rather than something negative. In an article published by The Independent entitled “Inside The World Of Cuckolding: A Cuckold Explains All,” one man described his and his wife’s experience with cuckolding. Generally speaking, it seems to have been positive. “It started as a fantasy, just thinking my wife might sleep with other men.” The first time it happened, Cornudo met her wife’s new lover both before the date and when they returned before going up to the bedroom – Cornudo listened in from another room. “It was one of the most erotic things i’ve ever experienced. Knowing someone was in the next room with my wife was even more exciting than I’d imagined,” he explains. “I don’t know why it excites me, it might be a submissive thing – maybe it’s the idea of another man taking what’s mine,” he suggests. “The thought of it before it ever happened excited me and it’s even better than I thought it would be.” In the example from The Independent, the man’s wife and him agreed that she can do anything she wants as long as she tells him about it. It’s why she’s been on dating apps and has gone out having sex with other men, which, as he stated, is an “exciting” thought for him. He also mentioned that their relationship has never been stronger. How possible is it to hold back jealousy when cuckolding? Like all sexual fantasies or acts, cuckolding isn’t for everyone. If one or both partners have any feelings of insecurity about having their significant other sleeping around, it can’t work out the way it’s intended to. That’s not to say cuckolding should be something that every couple even discusses, but, given how popular it has become, it may be something you and your girlfriend/wife are both thinking about already, you just don’t know how to bring it up without feeling ashamed.
be defined by some people as simply cheating. But, as mentioned above, cuckolding isn’t someone sneaking behind the back of their boyfriend/husband and having a sexual or romantic relationship. It’s often something talked about by both people and agreed upon, making it an experience with one another rather than something negative. In an article published by The Independent entitled “Inside The World Of Cuckolding: A Cuckold Explains All,” one man described his and his wife’s experience with cuckolding. Generally speaking, it seems to have been positive. “It started as a fantasy, just thinking my wife might sleep with other men.” The first time it happened, Cornudo met her wife’s new lover both before the date and when they returned before going up to the bedroom – Cornudo listened in from another room. “It was one of the most erotic things i’ve ever experienced. Knowing someone was in the next room with my wife was even more exciting than I’d imagined,” he explains. “I don’t know why it excites me, it might be a submissive thing – maybe it’s the idea of another man taking what’s mine,” he suggests. “The thought of it before it ever happened excited me and it’s even better than I thought it would be.” In the example from The Independent, the man’s wife and him agreed that she can do anything she wants as long as she tells him about it. It’s why she’s been on dating apps and has gone out having sex with other men, which, as he stated, is an “exciting” thought for him. He also mentioned that their relationship has never been stronger. How possible is it to hold back jealousy when cuckolding? Like all sexual fantasies or acts, cuckolding isn’t for everyone. If one or both partners have any feelings of insecurity about having their significant other sleeping around, it can’t work out the way it’s intended to. That’s not to say cuckolding should be something that every couple even discusses, but, given how popular it has become, it may be something you and your girlfriend/wife are both thinking about already, you just don’t know how to bring it up without feeling ashamed.
According to a CNN article about cuckolding, the social stigma around the topic seems to have faded a bit in recent years. That’s from author David Ley — who wrote the book “Insatiable Wives”, which examines cuckolding in heterosexual relationships. “This fantasy has been around as long as marriage and sexuality. But we’re hearing more and more about it these days, and more people are rejecting the social stigma against this fantasy.” Furthermore, that same CNN piece mentioned just how popular cuckolding is becoming, as one survey referenced in that article showed that, of thousands of Americans surveyed, 58 percent of men and about one-third of women had fantasized about cuckolding. And cuckolding can actually positively impact relationships? Yep, according to the CNN piece, cuckolding can actually be a good thing for relationships — but it does have some contributing factors. According to that research shown in that article, David Ley said he found that, when a relationship has “honesty, integrity, communication, mutuality and shared values,” cuckolding might end up being a positive thing for the overal relationship. “Overall, our research found that for the most part, cuckolding tends to be a positive fantasy and behavior,” said Ley. “It doesn’t appear to be evidence of disturbance, of an unhealthy relationship, or of disregard for one’s partner.” But there’s an important caveat, added Lehmiller. “We found several personality factors that predict more positive experiences acting on cuckolding fantasies. For those who have a lot of relationship anxiety or abandonment issues, who lack intimacy and communication, and who aren’t careful, detail-oriented planners, acting on a consensual non-monogamy fantasy could very well be a negative experience,” he said. “In other words, not everyone who has a cuckolding fantasy should think about acting on it.” Naturally, jumping into the deep end when just starting a cuckolding relationship isn’t suggested. Things should go slow and both people in the relationship should be honest and open about any sexual desires, so not to lead to confusion. But, when done properly, cuckolding can lead to a positive impact, which is something many people may not have ever imagined. BDSMcuckoldingdatingdating tipsrelationshipssexsex tips