OpenAI tools兼容bug

by antas - opened

我部署了 qwen2 服务,使用 qwen-agent 跑通了 tools。但是使用 OpenAI 的接口进行 tools 调用是失败的,具体查看Function calling - OpenAI API
这样,我在 fastgpt 里面就无法使用 qwen2 进行工具调用。



支持openai function吗

Qwen org

Qwen2 models support tool use/tool calling/function calling however you name it.

the frameworks, as in transformers, vllm, or ollama are not necessarily aware how to make use of the tool use support. that's where Qwen-Agent comes into place. it provides the templating suitable for Qwen2 models.

there is progress at the framework side to support tool use, but it should be noted that they are not the same:

@jklj077 Thanks for your response. Could you tell what kind of template Qwen2 supports for tool using?

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