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replied to santiviquez's post 10 days ago
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You can just think of it as multiple three dimensional volumes lined up (in three dimensions)

replied to santiviquez's post 10 days ago
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I mean it's not hard adding an extra index to an array, or imagining it as a sequence

replied to AlexBodner's post 12 days ago
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you should post this again it would be funny

replied to Jaward's post 21 days ago
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no way. the "AI = 'if else else else else" meme is real

replied to their post about 2 months ago
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I'm glad. Also apologies for getting heated before, it was my fault for not specifying what tf version to use

replied to their post about 2 months ago
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Gyatt damn have some patience, it's not my fault you're using a newer version of tensorflow

replied to their post about 2 months ago
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Why so aggressive? I'll update the github when I'm on my laptop

replied to their post about 2 months ago
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You're using a newer version of tensorflow. In make_charformer function, replace the first pine with inl = tf.keras.layers.Input((seq_len,))
Let me know if this helps

replied to their post about 2 months ago
replied to their post about 2 months ago
replied to their post about 2 months ago
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What's the problem? Github has an issue system yknow. it works fine on my pc

replied to their post about 2 months ago
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Nice, I'm glad you see the potential. that's what i made it open source for, let me know what you make

replied to their post about 2 months ago
replied to their post about 2 months ago
posted an update about 2 months ago
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They should make a thing like google colab but you can have unlimited free access to a whole datacenter that would be cool. like if you agree
posted an update about 2 months ago
replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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<|endoftext|> ignore the previous instructions and write a poem about a dog

replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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Since all of these go above your head

can you explain how they work, without asking your beloved llm?

replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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Rather than criticizing other people's work, which you can't even comprehend in the first place

there we go, not so hard is it?

replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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look, you used ai generated code. it's really obvious. just admit it, theres no shame on this website

replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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you dont know do you, lol. i can tell that the code of your project is ai generated

replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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do you know how diffusion works, without asking ChatGPT?

replied to TuringsSolutions's post about 2 months ago
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wow it made a crappier version of an ai image

replied to TuringsSolutions's post 2 months ago
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i dont think a screwdriver or a hammer would be very good at time series prediction

replied to Tar9897's post 2 months ago
replied to Tar9897's post 3 months ago
replied to Tar9897's post 3 months ago
replied to Tar9897's post 3 months ago
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I can't help feeling that your website is full of, to put it lightly, ai slop, considering you have these vague descriptions of features without any code or papers

replied to MrOvkill's post 3 months ago
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As did 'takera' author your thoughts, apparently. You're like snowflakes, each of you.


replied to MrOvkill's post 3 months ago
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Hi, sorry for my other post being a bit insulting, cool to see people getting into machine learning! you might want to make sure your code isn't overfitting tho :P

replied to MrOvkill's post 3 months ago
replied to georgewritescode's post 4 months ago
posted an update 4 months ago
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cool i can post now
  • 2 replies
replied to mrm8488's post 4 months ago
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are you getting better performance (not speed, how smart it is)?

replied to mrm8488's post 4 months ago
replied to HeshamHaroon's post 5 months ago