import pandas as pd from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb from prody import parsePDBHeader def read_pdb_to_dataframe( pdb_path, model_index: int = 1, parse_header: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read a PDB file, and return a Pandas DataFrame containing the atomic coordinates and metadata. Args: pdb_path (str, optional): Path to a local PDB file to read. Defaults to None. model_index (int, optional): Index of the model to extract from the PDB file, in case it contains multiple models. Defaults to 1. parse_header (bool, optional): Whether to parse the PDB header and extract metadata. Defaults to True. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the atomic coordinates and metadata, with one row per atom """ atomic_df = PandasPdb().read_pdb(pdb_path) if parse_header: header = parsePDBHeader(pdb_path) else: header = None atomic_df = atomic_df.get_model(model_index) if len(atomic_df.df["ATOM"]) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No model found for index: {model_index}") return pd.concat([atomic_df.df["ATOM"], atomic_df.df["HETATM"]]), header from graphein.protein.graphs import label_node_id def process_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame, granularity='CA') -> pd.DataFrame: """ Process a DataFrame of protein structure data to reduce ambiguity and simplify analysis. This function performs the following steps: 1. Handles alternate locations for an atom, defaulting to keep the first one if multiple exist. 2. Assigns a unique node_id to each residue in the DataFrame, using a helper function label_node_id. 3. Filters the DataFrame based on specified granularity (defaults to 'CA' for alpha carbon). Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The DataFrame containing protein structure data to process. It is expected to contain columns 'alt_loc' and 'atom_name'. granularity : str, optional The level of detail or perspective at which the DataFrame should be analyzed. Defaults to 'CA' (alpha carbon). """ # handle the case of alternative locations, # if so default to the 1st one = A if 'alt_loc' in df.columns: df['alt_loc'] = df['alt_loc'].replace('', 'A') df = df.loc[(df['alt_loc']=='A')] df = label_node_id(df, granularity) df = df.loc[(df['atom_name']==granularity)] return df from graphein.protein.graphs import initialise_graph_with_metadata from graphein.protein.graphs import add_nodes_to_graph from graphein.protein.visualisation import plotly_protein_structure_graph from PIL import Image import networkx as nx def take_care(pdb_path): df, header = read_pdb_to_dataframe(pdb_path) process_df = process_dataframe(df) g = initialise_graph_with_metadata(protein_df=process_df, # from above cell raw_pdb_df=df, # Store this for traceability pdb_code = '3nir', #and again granularity = 'CA' # Store this so we know what kind of graph we have ) g = add_nodes_to_graph(g) def add_backbone_edges(G: nx.Graph) -> nx.Graph: # Iterate over every chain for chain_id in G.graph["chain_ids"]: # Find chain residues chain_residues = [ (n, v) for n, v in G.nodes(data=True) if v["chain_id"] == chain_id ] # Iterate over every residue in chain for i, residue in enumerate(chain_residues): try: # Checks not at chain terminus if i == len(chain_residues) - 1: continue # Asserts residues are on the same chain cond_1 = ( residue[1]["chain_id"] == chain_residues[i + 1][1]["chain_id"]) # Asserts residue numbers are adjacent cond_2 = (abs(residue[1]["residue_number"] - chain_residues[i + 1][1]["residue_number"])== 1) # If this checks out, we add a peptide bond if (cond_1) and (cond_2): # Adds "peptide bond" between current residue and the next if G.has_edge(i, i + 1): G.edges[i, i + 1]["kind"].add('backbone_bond') else: G.add_edge(residue[0],chain_residues[i + 1][0],kind={'backbone_bond'},) except IndexError as e: print(e) return G g = add_backbone_edges(g) p = plotly_protein_structure_graph( g, colour_edges_by="kind", colour_nodes_by="seq_position", label_node_ids=False, plot_title="Backbone Protein Graph", node_size_multiplier=1, ) image_file = "protein_graph.png" p.write_image(image_file, format='png') # Load the PNG image into a PIL image image = return image