# this is .py for store constants DATA_DIR="./data/data.json" MODEL_INFO = ["Model Name", "Language Model"] AVG_INFO = ["Avg. All"] ME_INFO=["Method Name", "Language Model"] # KE 固定信息 KE_Data_INFO = ["FewNERD", "FewRel", "InstructIE-en", "MAVEN","WikiEvents"] KE_TASK_INFO = ["Avg. All", "FewNERD", "FewRel", "InstructIE-en", "MAVEN","WikiEvents"] KE_CSV_DIR = "./ke_files/result-kgc.csv" DATA_COLUMN_NAMES =["locality","labels","concept","text"] KE_TABLE_INTRODUCTION = """In the table below, we summarize each task performance of all the models. We use F1 score(%) as the primary evaluation metric for each tasks. """ RESULT_COLUMN_NAMES= ["DataSet","Metric","Metric","ICE","AdaLoRA","MEND","ROME","MEMIT","FT-L","FT"] STRUCT_COLUMN_NAMES=["Datasets","ZsRE","Wikirecent","Wikicounterfact","WikiBio"] DATA_STRUCT=""" |Datasets |ZsRE |Wikirecent| Wikicounterfact| WikiBio| |Train |10,000 |570 |1455 |592| |Test |1230| 1266 |885 |1392| """ TITLE = """# KnowEdit: a dataset for knowledge editing""" BACKGROUND=""" Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown extraordinary capabilities in understanding and generating text that closely mirrors human communication. However, a primary limitation lies in the significant computational demands during training, arising from their extensive parameterization.There is an increasing interest in efficient, lightweight methods for onthe-fly model modifications. To this end, recent years have seen a burgeoning in the techniques of knowledge editing for LLMs, which aim to efficiently modify LLMs’ behaviors within specific domains while preserving overall performance across various inputs. """ LEADERBORAD_INTRODUCTION = """ This is the dataset for knowledge editing. It contains six tasks: ZsRE, Wikirecent, Wikicounterfact, WikiBio, ConvSent and Sanitation. This repo shows the former 4 tasks and you can get the data for ConvSent and Sanitation from their original papers. """ DATA_SCHEMA =""" { "subject": xxx, "target_new": xxx, "prompt": xxx, "portability":{ "Logical_Generalization": [], ... } "locality":{ "Relation_Specificity": [], ... } }""" CITATION_BUTTON_LABEL = "Copy the following snippet to cite these results" CITATION_BUTTON_TEXT = r"""@article{tan2023evaluation, title={Evaluation of ChatGPT as a question answering system for answering complex questions}, author={Yiming Tan and Dehai Min and Yu Li and Wenbo Li and Nan Hu and Yongrui Chen and Guilin Qi}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.07992}, year={2023} } @article{gui2023InstructIE, author = {Honghao Gui and Jintian Zhang and Hongbin Ye and Ningyu Zhang}, title = {InstructIE: {A} Chinese Instruction-based Information Extraction Dataset}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.07992}, year = {2023} } @article{yao2023edit, author = {Yunzhi Yao and Peng Wang and Bozhong Tian and Siyuan Cheng and Zhoubo Li and Shumin Deng and Huajun Chen and Ningyu Zhang}, title = {Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.13172}, year = {2023} } """