# GPT-3 (124M) repro on FineWeb # 124M parameter model on 300B tokens # note context length: 1024 -> 2048 for GPT-3 # => 6 * 124e6 * 300e9 = 7.44e18 ~= 2.2e20 capability model # 565,950 steps of 524,288 tokens/step # on 8X A100 80GB SXM ($14/hr) steps in ~300ms/iter # => training time 565,950 * 300ms ~= 47 hours ~= $658 make train_gpt2cu USE_CUDNN=1 out_dir="log_gpt2_350M_edu_hermes" done_file="$out_dir/DONE_00019622" while true; do # exit condition is that optimization has finished if [ -f "$done_file" ]; then echo "File $done_file exists. Exiting the loop." break fi # run python dev/data/fineweb_edu_hermes.py --version 10B to prepro data # run python dev/data/hellaswag.py to prepro hellaswag eval mpirun -np 2 ./train_gpt2cu \ -i "dev/data/edu_fineweb10B_hermes/edu_fineweb_hermes_train_*.bin" \ -j "dev/data/edu_fineweb10B_hermes/edu_fineweb_hermes_val_*.bin" \ -o $out_dir \ -v 250 -s 5000 -g 144 \ -h 1 \ -b 16 -t 1024 \ -d 524288 \ -r 0 \ -z 1 \ -c 0.1 \ -l 0.0003 \ -q 0.0 \ -u 700 \ -n 5000 \ -sl 7.0 -sg 7.0 \ -y 1 \ -x 19622 \ -e "d24" sleep 1 done