{ "cards": [ { "title" : "WSWAP Airdrop", "body" : "Free airdrop of 10000 WS for our community users", "dates" : "25 May 2021 00:00 UTC to 10 June 202100:00 UTC", "button": "Claim Token", "button_enabled" : false, "rate_per_bnb" : 100000, "type" : "airdrop" }, { "title" : "Seed Sale", "body" : "Seed sale is over.", "dates" : "25 May 2021 00:00 UTC to 10 June 202100:00 UTC", "button": "Ended", "button_enabled" : false, "rate_per_bnb" : 150000, "type" : "presale" }, { "title" : "WSWAP Presale 1", "body" : "Free airdrop of 10000 WS for our community users", "dates" : "25 May 2021 00:00 UTC to 10 June 202100:00 UTC", "button": "Buy WSWAP", "button_enabled" : true, "rate_per_bnb" : 100000, "type" : "presale" }, { "title" : "WSWAP Presale 2", "body" : "Starts on 28 May 2021 00:00 UTC", "dates" : "", "button": "Coming Soon", "button_enabled" : true, "rate_per_bnb" : 50000, "type" : "presale" } ] } Futures Contract User Agreement

Futures Contract User Agreement

Dear Bitget Users:

Please read the following User Agreement carefully.

These Terms of Service ("ToS") constitute a legal agreement between the user of our products and services ("user" or "you") and the Company ("We"). It applies when a user downloads, installs and uses or visits Bitget available for download in the Google Play Store and AppStore, and/or the services provided through the App.

We prepared these ToS to help explain the terms that apply to your use of the Service.

Important reminder:

We hereby remind you that:

Digital assets trading is highly risky and therefore not suitable for the vast majority of people. You acknowledge and understand that investment in digital assets may result in partial or total loss of your investment and therefore you are advised to decide the amount of your investment on the basis of your loss-bearing capacity. You acknowledge and understand that digital assets may generate derivative risks. Therefore, if you have any doubt, you are advised to seek assistance from a financial adviser first. Furthermore, aside from the above-mentioned risks, there may also be unpredictable risks. Therefore, you are advised to carefully consider and use clear judgment to assess your financial position and the abovementioned risks before making any decisions on buying and selling digital assets; any and all losses arising there from will be borne by you and we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever. You are hereby informed that:

General Provisions

1) accepted to be bound by all terms and conditions of this Agreement;

2) You confirm that you have attained the age of 18, or another statutory age for entering into contracts as is required by a different applicable law, and your registration with this Website, purchase or sale via this Website, release information on this Website and other behaviours indicating your acceptance of the Services offered by this Website shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the sovereign state or region that has jurisdiction over you, and you confirm having sufficient capacity to accept these terms and conditions, enter into transactions and to use this Website for digital asset transactions.

3) You undertake that all your digital assets involved in transactions hereunder are legally acquired and owned by you.

4) You agree to undertake any and all liabilities for your own transaction and non-transaction activities as well as any and all profits and losses therefrom.

5) You confirm that the information provided at the time of registration is true and accurate.

6) You agree to comply with any and all relevant laws, including the reporting of any transaction profits for tax purposes.

7) This Agreement is only binding on the rights and obligations between you and us, and does not involve legal relations and legal disputes arising from and relating to the transaction of digital assets between the users of this Website, and between other websites and you.

Amendment of this Agreement

We reserve the right to amend this Agreement from time to time, and disclose such amendment by way of announcement on the Website without sending a separate notice to you on your rights. The date when the amendment is made will be indicated on the first page of the amended agreement. The amended agreement will take effect immediately upon announcement on the Website. You shall browse this Website from time to time and follow information on the time and content of amendments, if any, made to this Agreement. If you do not agree with the amendments, you shall stop using the services offered by this Website immediately; if you continue to use the services offered by this Website, it shall be deemed that you accept and agree to be bound by the amended agreement.


Eligibility for Registration

You confirm and promise that: you shall be a natural person, legal person or other organization with the ability to sign this Agreement and the ability to use the services of this Website, as is provided by applicable laws, when you complete the registration process or when you use the services offered by this Website in any other manner as is otherwise permitted by this Website. Upon clicking on the button indicating that you agree to register, it shall be deemed that you yourself or your authorized agent agrees to the content of this Agreement and your authorized agent will register with this Website and use the services offered by this Website on your behalf. If you are not a natural person, legal person or organization with the abovementioned ability, you and your authorized agent shall bear all the consequences of that, and the company reserves the right to cancel or permanently freeze your account and to hold you and your authorized agent accountable.

Meanwhile, by accessing and using the services, you represent and warrant that you are not on FATF (Financial Action Task Force) list, or OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department) designated “Specially Designated National” list or any other trade or economic sanctions lists, such as the UN Security Council Sanctions list. We maintain the right to select its markets and jurisdictions to operate and may restrict or deny the Services in certain countries at its discretion.

Purpose of Registration

You confirm and promise that you do not register with this Website for the purpose of violating any of the applicable laws or regulations or undermining the order of digital asset transactions on this Website.

Registration Process


This Website only provides online transaction platform services for you to engage in digital asset trading activities through this Website (including but not limited to the digital asset transactions etc.). This Website does not participate in the transaction of digital assets as a buyer or seller; This Website does not provide any services relating to the replenishment and withdrawal of the legal currency of any country.

1. Service Rules

You undertake to comply with the following service rules of this Website:

Product Rules

1)Rules for trading products

You undertake that in the process in which you log into this Website and engage in transactions with other users through this Website, you will properly comply with the following transaction rules.

Rights and Obligations of this Website

The Right to Injunctive Relief

Both you and we acknowledge that common law remedies for breach of agreement or possible breach of contract may be insufficient to cover all the losses that we sustain; therefore, in the event of a breach of contract or a possible breach of contract, the non-breaching party shall have the right to seek injunctive relief as well as all other remedies that are permitted under common law or equity.

1)loss of income;

2)loss of transaction profits or contractual losses;

3)disruption of the business

4)loss of expected currency losses

5)loss of informations

6)loss of opportunity, damage to goodwill or reputation

7)damage or loss of data;

8)cost of purchasing alternative products or services;

9)any indirect, special or incidental loss or damage arising from any infringement (including negligence), breach of contract or any other cause, regardless of whether or not such loss or damage may reasonably be foreseen by us, and regardless of whether or not we are notified in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage.

10)Items 8.1.1 to 8.1.9 are independent of each other.

1)Where we are properly justified in believing that your specific transactions may involve any serious violation or breach of law or agreement;

2)Where we are reasonably justified in believing that your conduct on this Website is suspected of being illegal or immoral;

3)The expenses and losses arising from the purchase or acquisition of any data, information or transaction, etc. through the services offered by this Website;

4)Your misunderstanding of the Services offered by this Website;

5)Any other losses related to the services provided by this Website, which cannot be attributed to us.

Termination of Agreement
Intellectual Property


All the transaction calculations are verified by us, and all the calculation methods have been posted on the Website, but we cannot ensure that your use of this Website will not be disturbed or free from errors.

Export Control

You understand and acknowledge that in accordance with relevant laws, you shall not export, re-export, import or transfer any material (including software) on this Website; therefore, you hereby undertake that you will not voluntarily commit or assist or participate in any of the above export or related transfer or other violations of applicable laws and regulations; if you uncover any of the aforementioned events, you will report to us and assist us in handling them.


The rights and obligations agreed in this Agreement shall be equally binding on the assignees, the heirs, executors and administrators of the parties hereto who benefit from the rights and obligations. Without our consent, you may not transfer to any third party any of your rights or obligations hereunder, provided, however, we may, at any time, assign our rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party with thirty (30) days' notice to you.


If any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable, invalid or illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction, validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

No Agency

Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to have created, implied or otherwise treated us as your agent, trustee or other representative, unless it is provided otherwise in this Agreement.


Our or your waiver of the right to hold the other party liable for breaches of agreement or any other liability as is agreed upon in this Agreement shall not be construed or deemed as a waiver of the right to hold the other party for other breaches of contract; a failure to exercise any right or remedy shall not be construed in any way as a waiver of such right or remedy.


All headings herein are exclusively for the convenience of wording and are not intended to expand or limit the content or scope of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Entry into Force and Interpretation of the Agreement

Legal Statement

Please read the Legal Statement carefully.

Article 1

This website is intended to provide to its best efforts financial products and trading platform of professional and international standards for the majority of global digital assets enthusiasts and investors, on the precondition that it does not violate any of the relevant laws and regulations. It is prohibited to use this Website for the purpose of engaging in such illegal trading activities as money laundering, smuggling and commercial bribery; where any account is found to involve any of the aforementioned illegal activities, this Website will freeze the account and immediately report such account to the competent authority.

Article 2

Where a competent authority, on the strength of applicable investigation certificate, requests this Website to cooperate with the investigation relating to any designated user, or if the account of the user is subject to such measures as closure, freezing, or transfer, this Website will, as is required by the competent authority, assist such authority by providing corresponding data relating to the account user, or carrying out the corresponding operation as is required by the competent authority; for any disclosure of the user’s privacy, failure in the operation of the account and any such losses arising therefrom, this Website will not be held liable in any manner whatsoever.

Article 3

Where a user of this Website violates any provision in this statement and consequently violates any clause of relevant laws, this Website, as a service provider, is obliged to improve the rules and services of this platform. However, this Website does not have either the motivation for violating any law or regulations , nor has this Websites commits any actual breach of any of the relevant laws or rules, and will not assume any joint or several liability for the acts of the user.

Article 4

Any person that logs into this Website or uses this Website directly or indirectly shall be deemed as having accepted the restriction of this Website voluntarily.

Bitget Team