--- dataset_info: - config_name: documents features: - name: document dtype: string splits: - name: full num_bytes: 1263393 num_examples: 3200 download_size: 782809 dataset_size: 1263393 - config_name: questions features: - name: question dtype: string - name: ground_truth dtype: string splits: - name: full num_bytes: 73702 num_examples: 918 - name: mini_100 num_bytes: 8028.5403050108935 num_examples: 100 download_size: 56533 dataset_size: 81730.54030501089 configs: - config_name: documents data_files: - split: full path: documents/full-* - config_name: questions data_files: - split: full path: questions/full-* - split: mini_100 path: questions/mini_100-* --- # EasyRag eval dataset for Wikipedia [easyrag-mini-wikipedia](huggingface.co/datasets/philschmid/easyrag-mini-wikipedia) is a dataset to evaluate RAG pipelines. It consists out of ~900 question and ground truth answers from Wikipedia articles. In addition to the questions it has a second config with `documents` for retrieval. The dataset can be used by "indexing" the documents and then using the question and ground truth to evaluate your pipeline. The dataset is derived from [Question-Answer Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rtatman/questionanswer-dataset?resource=download) and slightly modified to [rag-datasets/mini_wikipedia](https://huggingface.co/datasets/rag-datasets/mini_wikipedia). This modified dataset is distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, consistent with the licensing of the source datasets. ## Acknowledgements These data were collected by Noah Smith, Michael Heilman, Rebecca Hwa, Shay Cohen, Kevin Gimpel, and many students at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh between 2008 and 2010. It is released here under CC BY_SA 3.0. Please cite this paper if you write any papers involving the use of the data above: Smith, N. A., Heilman, M., & Hwa, R. (2008, September). Question generation as a competitive undergraduate course project. In Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on the Question Generation Shared Task and Evaluation Challenge. TODO: Add blog on how to use it