01/31/2022 11:15:19 - WARNING - __main__ - Process rank: -1, device: cuda:0, n_gpu: 1distributed training: False, 16-bits training: True 01/31/2022 11:15:19 - INFO - __main__ - Training/evaluation parameters TrainingArguments( _n_gpu=1, adafactor=False, adam_beta1=0.9, adam_beta2=0.999, adam_epsilon=1e-08, bf16=False, bf16_full_eval=False, dataloader_drop_last=False, dataloader_num_workers=0, dataloader_pin_memory=True, ddp_bucket_cap_mb=None, ddp_find_unused_parameters=None, debug=[], deepspeed=None, disable_tqdm=False, do_eval=True, do_predict=False, do_train=True, eval_accumulation_steps=None, eval_steps=500, evaluation_strategy=IntervalStrategy.STEPS, fp16=True, fp16_backend=auto, fp16_full_eval=False, fp16_opt_level=O1, gradient_accumulation_steps=4, gradient_checkpointing=True, greater_is_better=None, group_by_length=True, half_precision_backend=auto, hub_model_id=None, hub_strategy=HubStrategy.EVERY_SAVE, hub_token=, ignore_data_skip=False, label_names=None, label_smoothing_factor=0.0, learning_rate=7.5e-05, length_column_name=input_length, load_best_model_at_end=False, local_rank=-1, log_level=-1, log_level_replica=-1, log_on_each_node=True, logging_dir=./runs/Jan31_11-15-19_job-aa543290-d6de-4d4d-8a32-2149b1b8e7e3, logging_first_step=False, logging_nan_inf_filter=True, logging_steps=100, logging_strategy=IntervalStrategy.STEPS, lr_scheduler_type=SchedulerType.LINEAR, max_grad_norm=1.0, max_steps=-1, metric_for_best_model=None, mp_parameters=, no_cuda=False, num_train_epochs=50.0, optim=OptimizerNames.ADAMW_HF, output_dir=./, overwrite_output_dir=True, past_index=-1, per_device_eval_batch_size=8, per_device_train_batch_size=8, prediction_loss_only=False, push_to_hub=True, push_to_hub_model_id=None, push_to_hub_organization=None, push_to_hub_token=, remove_unused_columns=True, report_to=[], resume_from_checkpoint=None, run_name=./, save_on_each_node=False, save_steps=500, save_strategy=IntervalStrategy.STEPS, save_total_limit=3, seed=42, sharded_ddp=[], skip_memory_metrics=True, tf32=None, tpu_metrics_debug=False, tpu_num_cores=None, use_legacy_prediction_loop=False, warmup_ratio=0.0, warmup_steps=2000, weight_decay=0.0, xpu_backend=None, ) Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/4.67k [00:00 to the vocabulary Adding to the vocabulary Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained. loading configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b/resolve/main/config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/19f816c26d6fef49a4dfc0fc6b841c37792a250d2697d8432769f8af5698f1dc.90dd5f300087b6277c408283c36aefa2efb15afd0d3e210b3a7c3f3efc478d03 Model config Wav2Vec2Config { "_name_or_path": "facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b", "activation_dropout": 0.0, "adapter_kernel_size": 3, "adapter_stride": 2, "add_adapter": false, "apply_spec_augment": true, "architectures": [ "Wav2Vec2ForPreTraining" ], "attention_dropout": 0.1, "bos_token_id": 1, "classifier_proj_size": 256, "codevector_dim": 1024, "contrastive_logits_temperature": 0.1, "conv_bias": true, "conv_dim": [ 512, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512 ], "conv_kernel": [ 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 ], "conv_stride": [ 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ], "ctc_loss_reduction": "sum", "ctc_zero_infinity": false, "diversity_loss_weight": 0.1, "do_stable_layer_norm": true, "eos_token_id": 2, "feat_extract_activation": "gelu", "feat_extract_dropout": 0.0, "feat_extract_norm": "layer", "feat_proj_dropout": 0.1, "feat_quantizer_dropout": 0.0, "final_dropout": 0.0, "gradient_checkpointing": false, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout": 0.1, "hidden_size": 1280, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 5120, "layer_norm_eps": 1e-05, "layerdrop": 0.1, "mask_feature_length": 10, "mask_feature_min_masks": 0, "mask_feature_prob": 0.0, "mask_time_length": 10, "mask_time_min_masks": 2, "mask_time_prob": 0.075, "model_type": "wav2vec2", "num_adapter_layers": 3, "num_attention_heads": 16, "num_codevector_groups": 2, "num_codevectors_per_group": 320, "num_conv_pos_embedding_groups": 16, "num_conv_pos_embeddings": 128, "num_feat_extract_layers": 7, "num_hidden_layers": 48, "num_negatives": 100, "output_hidden_size": 1280, "pad_token_id": 0, "proj_codevector_dim": 1024, "tdnn_dilation": [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 1 ], "tdnn_dim": [ 512, 512, 512, 512, 1500 ], "tdnn_kernel": [ 5, 3, 3, 1, 1 ], "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.17.0.dev0", "use_weighted_layer_sum": false, "vocab_size": 32, "xvector_output_dim": 512 } https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b/resolve/main/preprocessor_config.json not found in cache or force_download set to True, downloading to /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/tmpjxesrf60 Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/212 [00:00 to the vocabulary Adding to the vocabulary /workspace/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean/./ is already a clone of https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean. Make sure you pull the latest changes with `repo.git_pull()`. 01/31/2022 11:22:37 - WARNING - huggingface_hub.repository - /workspace/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean/./ is already a clone of https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean. Make sure you pull the latest changes with `repo.git_pull()`. Using amp half precision backend The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length. /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/optimization.py:306: FutureWarning: This implementation of AdamW is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use thePyTorch implementation torch.optim.AdamW instead, or set `no_deprecation_warning=True` to disable this warning warnings.warn( ***** Running training ***** Num examples = 22262 Num Epochs = 50 Instantaneous batch size per device = 8 Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 32 Gradient Accumulation steps = 4 Total optimization steps = 34750 0%| | 0/34750 [00:00 main 02/02/2022 17:38:39 - WARNING - huggingface_hub.repository - To https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean ac4fd85..3233080 main -> main Upload file pytorch_model.bin: 100%|██████████| 3.59G/3.59G [02:08<00:00, 23.1MB/s] Upload file pytorch_model.bin: 100%|██████████| 3.59G/3.59G [02:08<00:00, 23.1MB/s] Upload file pytorch_model.bin: 100%|██████████| 3.59G/3.59G [02:08<00:00, 30.0MB/s] Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields: {'dataset': {'name': 'zeroth_korean_asr', 'type': 'zeroth_korean_asr', 'args': 'clean'}} To https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean 3233080..de79e0d main -> main 02/02/2022 17:38:45 - WARNING - huggingface_hub.repository - To https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean 3233080..de79e0d main -> main ***** train metrics ***** epoch = 50.0 train_loss = 1.0736 train_runtime = 2 days, 6:09:48.74 train_samples = 22262 train_samples_per_second = 5.709 train_steps_per_second = 0.178 02/02/2022 17:38:48 - INFO - __main__ - *** Evaluate *** The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length. ***** Running Evaluation ***** Num examples = 456 Batch size = 8 0%| | 0/57 [00:00 main ***** eval metrics ***** epoch = 50.0 eval_loss = 0.0639 eval_runtime = 0:00:56.56 eval_samples = 456 eval_samples_per_second = 8.061 eval_steps_per_second = 1.008 eval_wer = 0.0449 02/02/2022 17:40:58 - WARNING - huggingface_hub.repository - To https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean de79e0d..8654803 main -> main Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields: {'dataset': {'name': 'KRESNIK/ZEROTH_KOREAN - CLEAN', 'type': 'zeroth_korean_asr', 'args': 'Config: clean, Training split: train, Eval split: test'}} To https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean 8654803..077ffa0 main -> main 02/02/2022 17:41:04 - WARNING - huggingface_hub.repository - To https://huggingface.co/anantoj/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-korean 8654803..077ffa0 main -> main Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:41:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:41:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:42:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:42:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:43:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:43:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:44:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:44:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:45:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:46:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:46:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:47:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:47:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:48:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:48:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:49:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:49:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:50:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:50:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:51:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:51:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:52:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:52:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:53:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:54:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:54:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:55:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:55:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:56:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:56:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:57:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:57:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:58:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:58:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:59:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 17:59:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:00:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:00:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:01:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:02:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:02:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:03:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:03:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:04:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:04:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:05:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:05:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:06:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:06:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:07:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:07:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:08:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:09:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:09:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:10:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:10:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:11:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:11:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:12:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:12:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:13:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:13:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:14:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:14:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:15:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:15:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:16:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:17:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:17:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:18:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:18:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:19:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:19:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:20:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:20:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:21:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:21:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:22:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:22:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:23:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:23:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:24:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:25:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:25:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:26:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:26:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:27:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:27:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:28:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:28:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:29:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:29:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:30:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:30:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:31:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:32:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:32:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:33:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:33:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:34:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:34:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:35:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:35:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:36:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:36:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:37:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:37:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:38:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:38:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:39:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:40:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:40:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:41:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:41:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:42:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:42:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:43:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:43:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:44:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:44:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:45:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:45:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:46:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:47:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:47:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:48:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:48:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:49:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:49:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:50:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:50:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:51:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:51:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:52:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:52:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:53:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:53:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:54:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:55:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:55:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:56:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:56:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:57:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:57:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:58:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:58:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:59:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 18:59:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:00:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:00:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:01:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:01:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:02:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:03:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:03:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:04:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:04:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:05:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:05:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:06:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:06:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:07:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:07:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:08:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:08:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:09:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:10:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:10:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:11:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:11:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:12:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:12:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:13:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:13:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:14:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:14:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:15:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:15:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:16:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:16:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:17:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:18:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:18:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:19:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:19:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:20:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:20:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:21:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:21:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:22:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:22:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:23:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:23:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:24:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:24:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:25:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:26:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:26:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:27:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:27:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:28:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:28:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:29:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:29:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:30:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:30:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:31:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:31:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:32:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:33:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:33:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:34:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:34:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:35:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:35:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:36:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:36:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:37:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:37:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:38:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:38:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:39:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:39:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:40:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:41:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:41:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:42:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:42:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:43:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:43:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:44:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:44:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:45:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:45:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:46:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:46:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:47:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:48:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:48:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:49:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:49:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:50:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:50:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:51:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:51:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:52:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:52:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:53:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:53:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:54:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:54:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:55:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:56:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:56:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:57:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:57:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:58:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:58:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:59:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 19:59:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:00:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:00:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:01:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:01:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:02:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:02:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:03:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:04:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:04:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:05:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:05:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:06:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:06:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:07:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:07:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:08:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:08:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:09:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:09:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:10:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:11:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:11:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:12:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:12:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:13:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:13:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:14:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:14:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:15:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:15:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:16:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:16:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:17:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:17:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:18:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:19:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:19:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:20:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:20:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:21:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:21:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:22:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:22:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:23:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:23:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:24:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:24:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:25:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:25:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:26:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:27:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:27:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:28:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:28:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:29:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:29:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:30:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:30:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:31:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:31:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:32:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:32:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:33:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:34:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:34:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:35:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:35:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:36:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:36:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:37:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:37:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:38:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:38:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:39:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:39:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:40:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:40:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:41:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:42:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:42:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:43:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:43:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:44:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:44:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:45:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:45:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:46:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:46:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:47:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:47:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:48:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:49:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:49:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:50:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:50:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:51:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:51:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:52:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:52:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:53:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:53:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:54:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:54:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:55:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:55:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:56:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:57:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:57:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:58:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:58:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:59:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 20:59:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:00:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:00:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:01:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:01:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:02:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:02:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:03:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:03:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:04:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:05:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:05:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:06:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:06:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:07:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:07:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:08:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:08:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:09:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:09:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:10:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:10:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:11:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:12:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:12:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:13:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:13:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:14:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:14:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:15:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:15:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:16:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:16:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:17:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:17:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:18:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:18:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:19:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:20:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:20:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:21:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:21:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:22:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:22:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:23:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:23:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:24:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:24:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:25:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:25:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:26:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:27:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:27:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:28:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:28:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:29:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:29:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:30:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:30:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:31:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:31:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:32:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:32:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:33:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:33:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:34:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:35:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:35:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:36:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:36:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:37:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:37:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:38:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:38:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:39:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:39:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:40:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:40:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:41:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:41:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:42:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:43:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:43:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:44:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:44:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:45:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:45:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:46:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:46:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:47:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:47:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:48:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:48:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:49:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:50:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:50:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:51:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:51:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:52:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:52:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:53:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:53:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:54:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:55:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:55:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:56:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:56:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:57:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:58:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:58:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:59:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 21:59:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:00:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:00:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:01:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:01:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:02:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:03:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:03:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:04:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:05:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:05:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:06:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:07:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:08:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:08:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:09:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:09:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:10:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:11:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:11:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:12:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:13:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:13:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:14:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:14:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:15:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:15:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:16:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:16:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:17:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:17:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:19:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:20:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:20:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:21:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:21:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:22:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:22:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:23:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:23:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:24:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:24:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:25:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:25:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:26:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:26:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:27:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:28:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:28:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:29:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:29:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:30:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:31:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:31:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:32:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:32:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:33:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:33:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:34:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:35:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:35:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:36:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:36:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:37:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:37:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:38:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:38:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:39:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:39:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:40:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:40:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:41:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:42:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:43:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:43:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:44:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:44:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:45:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:46:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:47:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:47:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:48:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:57:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:58:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:58:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 22:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:01:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:02:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:10:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:11:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:11:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:12:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:22:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:23:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:35:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:41:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:48:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:51:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:52:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:52:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:55:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:55:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:56:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:58:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:59:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/02/2022 23:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:02:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:18:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:22:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:22:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:23:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:26:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:26:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:27:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:29:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:30:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:31:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:33:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:33:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:34:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:34:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:37:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:38:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:38:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:41:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:44:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:45:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:46:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:47:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:47:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:48:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:51:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:58:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:59:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 00:59:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:02:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:03:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:03:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:06:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:07:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:07:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:08:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:08:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:10:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:11:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:11:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:12:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:15:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:31:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:32:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:35:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:36:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:41:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:42:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:45:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:58:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 01:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:06:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:15:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:23:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:27:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:31:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:41:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:42:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:51:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:52:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:52:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:55:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:55:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:56:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:56:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:58:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:59:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 02:59:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:00:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:00:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:02:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:03:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:03:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:04:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:04:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:05:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:06:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:07:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:07:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:08:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:08:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:10:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:11:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:11:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:12:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:15:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:18:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:19:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:23:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:28:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:31:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:35:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:36:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:36:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:41:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:42:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:43:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:45:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:46:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:48:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:49:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:49:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:51:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:52:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:52:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:53:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:55:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:55:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:58:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:59:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 03:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:06:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:09:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:09:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:10:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:13:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:13:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:14:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:14:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:15:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:17:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:17:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:20:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:21:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:21:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:22:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:22:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:23:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:24:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:24:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:25:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:25:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:26:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:26:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:27:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:28:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:29:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:29:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:30:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:31:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:33:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:33:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:34:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:34:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:36:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:36:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:37:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:37:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:38:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:38:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:39:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:39:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:40:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:40:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:41:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:43:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:43:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:44:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:44:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:45:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:46:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:46:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:47:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:47:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:48:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:49:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:50:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:50:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:51:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:54:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:58:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 04:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:02:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:03:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:06:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:07:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:13:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:14:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:14:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:15:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:17:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:21:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:22:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:22:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:23:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:25:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:26:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:26:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:27:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:29:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:30:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:31:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:33:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:33:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:34:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:34:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:38:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:38:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:40:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:41:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:51:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:52:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:52:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:55:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:55:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:58:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:59:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 05:59:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:00:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:02:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:03:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:03:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:04:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:04:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:06:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:07:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:07:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:08:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:10:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:11:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:18:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:35:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:45:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:51:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:54:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:58:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:58:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 06:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:06:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:08:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:09:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:09:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:10:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:10:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:13:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:14:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:18:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:19:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:28:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:28:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:31:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:32:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:35:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:36:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:39:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:39:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:40:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:41:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:42:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:43:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:43:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:44:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:45:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:46:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:46:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:47:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:47:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:48:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:49:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:49:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:50:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:51:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:51:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:52:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:52:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:53:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:53:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:54:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:54:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:55:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:55:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:56:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:56:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:57:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:58:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:58:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:59:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 07:59:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:00:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:00:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:01:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:01:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:02:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:02:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:03:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:03:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:04:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:04:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:05:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:06:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:06:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:07:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:07:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:08:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:08:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:09:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:09:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:10:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:10:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:11:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:11:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:12:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:13:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:13:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:14:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:14:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:15:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:15:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:16:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:16:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:17:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:17:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:18:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:18:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:19:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:19:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:20:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:21:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:21:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:22:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:22:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:23:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:23:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:24:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:24:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:25:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:25:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:26:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:26:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:27:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:27:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:28:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:29:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:29:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:30:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:30:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:31:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:31:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:32:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:32:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:33:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:33:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:34:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:34:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:35:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:36:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:36:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:37:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:37:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:38:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:38:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:39:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:39:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:40:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:40:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:41:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:41:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:42:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:42:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:43:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:44:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:44:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:45:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:45:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:46:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:46:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:47:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:47:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:48:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:48:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:49:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:49:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:50:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:51:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:51:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:52:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:52:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:53:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:53:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:54:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:54:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:55:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:55:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:56:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:56:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:57:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:57:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:58:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:59:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 08:59:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:00:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:00:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:01:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:01:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:02:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:02:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:03:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:03:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:04:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:04:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:05:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:06:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:06:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:07:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:07:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:08:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:08:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:09:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:09:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:10:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:10:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:11:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:11:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:12:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:12:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:13:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:14:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:14:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:15:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:15:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:16:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:16:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:17:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:17:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:18:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:18:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:19:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:19:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:20:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:21:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:21:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:22:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:22:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:23:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:23:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:24:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:24:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:25:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:25:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:26:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:26:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:27:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:27:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:28:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:29:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:29:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:30:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:30:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:31:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:31:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:32:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:32:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:33:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:33:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:34:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:34:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:35:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:35:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:36:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:37:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:37:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:38:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:38:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:39:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:39:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:40:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:40:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:41:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:41:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:42:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:42:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:43:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:44:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:44:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:45:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:45:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:46:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:46:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:47:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:47:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:48:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:48:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:49:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:49:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:50:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:50:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:51:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:52:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:52:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:53:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:53:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:54:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:54:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:55:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:55:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:56:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:56:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:57:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:57:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:58:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:59:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 09:59:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:00:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:00:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:01:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:01:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:02:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:02:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:03:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:03:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:04:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:04:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:05:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:05:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:06:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:07:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:07:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:08:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:08:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:09:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:09:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:10:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:10:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:11:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:11:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:12:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:12:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:13:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:14:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:14:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:15:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:15:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:16:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:16:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:17:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:17:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:18:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:18:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:19:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:19:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:20:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:20:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:21:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:22:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:22:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:23:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:23:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:24:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:24:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:25:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:25:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:26:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:26:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:27:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:27:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:28:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:29:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:29:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:30:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:30:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:31:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:31:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:32:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:32:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:33:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:33:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:34:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:34:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:35:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:35:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:36:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:37:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:37:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:38:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:38:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:39:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:39:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:40:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:40:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:41:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:41:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:42:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:42:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:43:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:44:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:44:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:45:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:45:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:46:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:46:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:47:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:47:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:48:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:48:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:49:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:49:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:50:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:50:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:51:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:52:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:52:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:53:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:53:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:54:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:54:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:55:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:55:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:56:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:56:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:57:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:57:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:58:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:59:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 10:59:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:00:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:00:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:01:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:01:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:02:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:02:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:03:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:03:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:04:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:04:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:05:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:06:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:06:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:07:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:07:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:08:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:08:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:09:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:09:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:10:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:10:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:11:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:11:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:12:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:12:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:13:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:14:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:14:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:15:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:15:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:16:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:16:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:17:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:17:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:18:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:18:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:19:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:19:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:20:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:21:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:21:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:22:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:22:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:23:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:23:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:24:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:24:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:25:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:25:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:26:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:26:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:27:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:27:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:28:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:29:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:29:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:30:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:30:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:31:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:31:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:32:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:32:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:33:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:33:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:34:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:34:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:35:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:36:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:36:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:37:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:37:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:38:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:38:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:39:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:39:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:40:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:40:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:41:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:41:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:42:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:42:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:43:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:44:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:44:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:45:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:45:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:46:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:46:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:47:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:47:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:48:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:48:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:49:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:49:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:50:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:51:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:51:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:52:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:52:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:53:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:53:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:54:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:54:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:55:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:55:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:56:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:56:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:57:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:57:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:58:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:59:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 11:59:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:00:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:00:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:01:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:01:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:02:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:02:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:03:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:03:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:04:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:04:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:05:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:06:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:06:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:07:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:07:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:08:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:08:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:09:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:09:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:10:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:10:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:11:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:11:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:12:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:13:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:13:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:14:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:14:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:15:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:15:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:16:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:16:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:17:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:18:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:18:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:19:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:19:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:25:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:26:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:26:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:27:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:29:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:29:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:30:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:31:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:32:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:32:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:33:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:33:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:34:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:34:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:36:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:36:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:37:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:37:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:38:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:38:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:39:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:39:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:40:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:40:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:41:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:43:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:43:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:44:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:44:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:45:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:46:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:46:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:47:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:47:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:48:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:50:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:50:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:51:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:53:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:54:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:57:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:58:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:58:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 12:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:01:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:01:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:02:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:05:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:05:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:06:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:07:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:08:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:08:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:09:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:09:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:10:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:10:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:11:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:11:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:12:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:13:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:13:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:14:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:14:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:15:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:15:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:16:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:16:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:17:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:17:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:18:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:18:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:19:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:20:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:20:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:21:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:21:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:22:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:22:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:23:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:23:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:24:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:24:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:25:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:25:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:26:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:26:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:27:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:28:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:28:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:29:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:29:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:30:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:30:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:31:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:31:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:32:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:32:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:33:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:33:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:34:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:35:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:35:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:36:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:36:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:37:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:37:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:38:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:38:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:39:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:39:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:40:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:40:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:41:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:41:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:42:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:43:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:43:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:44:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:44:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:45:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:45:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:46:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:46:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:47:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:47:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:48:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:48:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:49:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:50:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:50:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:51:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:51:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:52:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:53:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:53:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:54:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:58:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:58:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 13:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:01:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:02:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:05:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:05:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:06:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:08:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:09:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:09:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:10:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:11:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:12:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:13:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:13:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:14:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:14:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:15:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:16:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:16:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:17:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:17:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:20:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:21:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:21:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:23:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:24:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:24:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:28:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:28:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:29:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:31:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:32:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:32:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:33:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:34:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:35:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:36:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:36:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:37:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:37:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:38:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:38:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:39:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:39:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:40:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:40:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:41:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:41:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:42:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:43:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:43:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:44:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:44:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:45:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:45:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:46:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:46:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:47:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:47:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:48:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:48:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:49:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:49:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:50:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:51:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:51:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:52:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:52:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:53:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:53:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:54:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:54:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:55:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:55:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:56:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:56:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:57:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:57:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:58:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:59:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 14:59:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:00:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:00:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:01:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:01:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:02:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:02:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:03:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:03:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:04:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:04:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:05:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:06:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:06:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:07:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:07:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:08:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:08:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:09:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:09:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:10:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:10:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:11:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:11:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:12:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:12:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:13:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:14:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:14:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:15:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:15:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:16:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:16:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:17:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:17:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:18:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:18:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:19:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:19:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:20:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:21:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:21:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:22:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:22:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:23:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:23:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:24:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:24:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:25:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:25:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:26:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:26:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:27:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:27:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:28:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:29:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:29:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:30:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:30:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:31:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:31:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:32:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:32:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:33:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:33:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:34:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:34:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:35:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:36:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:36:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:37:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:37:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:38:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:38:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:39:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:39:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:40:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:40:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:41:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:41:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:42:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:42:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:43:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:44:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:44:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:45:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:45:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:46:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:46:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:47:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:47:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:48:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:48:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:49:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:49:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:50:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:51:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:51:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:52:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:52:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:53:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:53:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:54:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:54:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:55:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:55:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:56:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:56:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:57:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:57:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:58:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:59:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 15:59:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:00:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:00:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:01:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:01:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:02:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:02:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:03:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:03:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:04:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:04:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:05:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:06:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:06:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:07:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:07:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:08:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:08:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:09:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:09:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:10:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:10:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:11:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:11:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:12:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:12:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:13:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:14:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:14:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:15:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:15:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:16:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:16:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:17:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:17:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:18:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:18:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:19:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:19:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:20:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:20:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:21:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:22:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:22:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:23:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:23:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:24:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:24:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:25:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:25:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:26:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:26:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:27:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:27:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:28:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:29:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:29:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:30:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:30:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:31:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:31:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:32:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:32:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:33:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:33:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:34:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:34:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:35:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:35:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:36:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:37:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:37:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:38:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:38:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:39:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:39:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:40:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:40:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:41:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:41:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:42:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:42:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:43:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:44:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:44:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:45:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:45:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:46:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:46:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:47:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:47:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:48:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:48:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:49:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:49:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:50:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:50:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:51:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:52:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:52:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:53:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:53:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:54:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:54:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:55:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:55:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:56:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:56:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:57:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:57:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:58:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:59:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 16:59:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:00:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:00:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:01:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:01:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:02:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:02:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:03:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:03:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:04:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:04:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:05:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:05:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:06:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:07:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:07:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:08:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:08:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:09:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:09:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:10:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:10:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:11:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:11:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:12:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:12:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:13:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:14:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:14:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:15:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:15:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:16:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:16:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:17:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:17:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:18:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:18:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:19:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:19:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:20:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:20:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:21:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:22:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:22:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:23:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:23:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:24:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:24:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:25:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:25:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:26:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:26:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:27:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:27:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:28:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:28:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:29:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:30:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:30:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:31:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:31:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:32:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:32:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:33:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:33:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:34:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:34:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:35:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:35:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:36:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:37:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:37:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:38:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:38:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:39:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:39:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:40:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:40:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:41:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:41:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:42:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:42:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:43:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:43:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:44:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:45:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:45:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:46:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:46:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:47:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:47:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:48:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:48:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:49:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:49:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:50:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:50:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:51:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:52:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:52:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:53:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:53:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:54:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:54:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:55:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:55:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:56:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:56:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:57:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:57:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:58:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:58:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 17:59:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:00:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:00:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:01:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:01:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:02:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:02:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:03:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:03:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:04:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:04:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:05:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:05:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:06:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:07:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:07:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:08:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:08:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:09:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:09:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:10:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:10:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:11:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:11:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:12:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:12:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:13:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:13:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:14:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:15:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:15:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:16:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:16:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:17:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:17:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:18:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:18:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:19:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:19:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:20:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:20:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:21:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:21:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:22:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:23:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:23:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:24:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:24:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:25:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:25:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:26:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:26:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:27:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:27:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:28:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:28:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:29:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:30:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:30:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:31:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:31:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:32:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:32:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:33:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:33:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:34:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:34:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:35:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:35:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:36:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:36:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:37:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:38:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:38:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:39:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:39:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:40:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:40:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:41:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:41:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:42:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:42:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:43:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:43:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:44:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:45:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:45:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:46:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:46:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:47:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:47:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:48:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:48:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:49:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:49:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:50:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:50:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:51:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:51:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:52:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:53:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:53:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:54:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:54:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:55:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:55:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:56:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:56:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:57:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:57:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:58:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:58:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 18:59:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:00:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:00:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:01:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:01:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:02:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:02:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:03:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:03:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:04:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:04:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:05:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:05:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:06:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:06:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:07:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:08:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:08:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:09:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:09:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:10:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:10:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:11:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:11:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:12:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:12:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:13:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:13:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:14:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:14:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:15:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:16:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:16:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:17:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:17:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:18:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:18:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:19:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:19:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:20:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:20:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:21:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:21:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:22:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:23:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:23:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:24:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:24:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:25:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:25:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:26:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:26:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:27:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:27:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:28:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:28:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:29:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:29:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:30:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:31:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:31:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:32:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:32:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:33:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:33:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:34:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:34:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:35:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:35:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:36:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:36:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:37:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:38:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:38:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:39:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:39:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:40:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:40:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:41:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:41:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:42:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:42:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:43:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:43:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:44:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:44:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:45:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:46:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:46:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:47:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:47:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:48:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:48:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:49:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:49:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:50:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:50:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:51:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:51:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:52:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:53:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:53:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:54:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:54:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:55:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:55:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:56:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:56:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:57:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:57:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:58:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:58:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:59:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 19:59:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:00:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:01:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:01:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:02:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:02:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:03:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:03:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:04:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:04:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:05:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:05:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:06:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:06:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:07:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:07:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:08:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:09:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:09:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:10:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:10:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:11:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:11:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:12:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:12:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:13:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:13:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:14:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:14:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:15:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:16:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:16:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:17:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:17:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:18:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:18:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:19:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:19:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:20:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:20:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:21:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:21:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:22:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:22:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:23:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:24:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:24:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:25:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:25:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:26:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:26:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:27:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:27:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:28:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:28:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:29:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:29:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:30:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:31:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:31:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:32:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:32:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:33:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:33:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:34:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:34:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:35:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:35:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:36:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:36:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:37:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:37:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:38:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:39:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:39:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:40:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:40:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:41:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:41:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:42:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:42:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:43:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:43:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:44:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:44:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:45:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:46:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:46:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:47:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:47:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:48:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:48:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:49:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:49:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:50:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:50:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:51:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:51:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:52:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:52:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:53:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:54:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:54:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:55:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:55:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:56:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:56:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:57:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:57:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:58:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:58:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:59:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 20:59:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:00:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:01:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:01:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:02:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:02:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:03:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:03:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:04:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:04:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:05:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:05:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:06:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:06:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:07:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:07:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:08:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:09:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:09:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:10:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:10:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:11:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:11:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:12:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:12:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:13:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:13:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:14:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:14:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:15:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:16:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:16:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:17:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:17:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:18:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:18:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:19:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:19:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:20:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:20:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:21:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:21:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:22:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:22:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:23:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:24:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:24:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:25:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:25:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:26:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:26:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:27:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:27:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:28:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:28:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:29:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:29:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:30:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:30:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:31:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:32:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:32:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:33:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:33:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:34:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:34:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:35:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:35:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:36:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:36:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:37:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:37:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:38:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:39:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:39:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:40:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:40:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:41:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:41:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:42:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:42:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:43:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:43:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:44:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:44:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:45:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:45:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:46:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:47:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:47:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:48:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:48:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:49:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:49:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:50:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:50:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:51:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:51:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:52:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:52:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:53:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:54:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:54:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:55:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:55:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:56:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:56:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:57:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:57:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:58:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:58:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:59:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 21:59:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:00:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:00:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:01:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:02:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:02:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:03:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:03:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:04:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:04:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:05:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:05:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:06:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:06:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:07:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:07:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:08:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:09:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:09:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:10:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:10:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:11:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:11:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:12:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:12:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:13:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:13:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:14:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:14:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:15:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:15:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:16:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:17:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:17:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:18:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:18:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:19:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:19:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:20:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:20:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:21:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:21:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:22:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:22:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:23:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:24:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:24:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:25:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:25:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:26:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:26:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:27:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:27:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:28:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:28:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:29:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:29:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:30:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:30:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:31:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:32:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:32:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:33:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:33:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:34:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:34:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:35:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:35:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:36:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:36:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:37:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:37:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:38:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:38:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:39:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:40:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:40:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:41:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:41:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:42:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:42:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:43:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:43:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:44:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:44:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:45:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:45:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:46:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:47:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:47:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:48:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:48:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:49:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:49:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:50:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:50:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:51:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:51:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:52:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:52:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:53:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:53:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:54:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:55:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:55:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:56:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:56:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:57:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:57:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:58:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:58:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:59:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 22:59:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:00:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:00:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:01:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:02:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:02:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:03:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:03:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:04:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:04:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:05:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:05:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:06:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:06:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:07:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:07:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:08:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:08:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:09:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:10:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:10:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:11:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:11:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:12:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:12:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:13:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:13:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:14:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:14:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:15:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:15:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:16:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:16:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:17:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:18:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:18:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:19:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:19:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:20:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:20:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:21:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:21:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:22:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:22:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:23:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:23:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:24:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:25:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:25:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:26:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:26:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:27:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:27:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:28:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:28:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:29:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:29:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:30:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:30:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:31:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:31:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:32:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:33:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:33:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:34:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:34:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:35:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:35:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:36:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:36:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:37:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:37:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:38:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:38:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:39:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:40:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:40:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:41:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:41:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:42:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:42:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:43:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:43:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:44:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:44:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:45:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:45:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:46:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:46:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:47:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:48:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:48:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:49:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:49:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:50:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:50:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:51:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:51:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:52:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:52:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:53:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:53:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:54:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:55:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:55:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:56:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:56:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:57:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:57:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:58:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:58:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:59:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/03/2022 23:59:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:00:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:00:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:01:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:01:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:02:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:03:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:03:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:04:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:04:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:05:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:05:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:06:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:06:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:07:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:07:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:08:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:08:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:09:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:10:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:10:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:11:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:11:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:12:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:12:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:13:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:13:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:14:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:14:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:15:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:15:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:16:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:16:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:17:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:18:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:18:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:19:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:19:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:20:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:20:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:21:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:21:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:22:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:22:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:23:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:23:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:24:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:25:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:25:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:26:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:26:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:27:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:27:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:28:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:28:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:29:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:29:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:30:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:30:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:31:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:31:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:32:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:33:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:33:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:34:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:34:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:35:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:35:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:36:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:36:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:37:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:37:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:38:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:38:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:39:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:39:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:40:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:41:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:41:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:42:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:42:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:43:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:43:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:44:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:44:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:45:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:45:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:46:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:46:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:47:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:48:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:48:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:49:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:49:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:50:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:50:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:51:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:51:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:52:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:52:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:53:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:53:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:54:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:54:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:55:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:56:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:56:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:57:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:57:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:58:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:58:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:59:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 00:59:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:00:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:00:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:01:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:01:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:02:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:03:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:03:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:04:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:04:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:05:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:05:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:06:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:06:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:07:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:07:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:08:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:08:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:09:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:09:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:10:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:11:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:11:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:12:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:12:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:13:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:13:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:14:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:14:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:15:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:15:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:16:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:16:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:17:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:18:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:18:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:19:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:19:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:20:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:20:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:21:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:21:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:22:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:22:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:23:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:23:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:24:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:24:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:25:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:26:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:26:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:27:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:27:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:28:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:28:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:29:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:29:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:30:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:30:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:31:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:31:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:32:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:32:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:33:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:34:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:34:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:35:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:35:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:36:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:36:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:37:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:37:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:38:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:38:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:39:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:39:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:40:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:41:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:41:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:42:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:42:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:43:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:43:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:44:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:44:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:45:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:45:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:46:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:46:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:47:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:47:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:48:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:49:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:49:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:50:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:50:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:51:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:51:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:52:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:52:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:53:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:53:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:54:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:54:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:55:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:56:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:56:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:57:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:57:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:58:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:58:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:59:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 01:59:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:00:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:00:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:01:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:01:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:02:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:02:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:03:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:04:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:04:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:05:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:05:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:06:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:06:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:07:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:07:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:08:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:08:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:09:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:09:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:10:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:11:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:11:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:12:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:12:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:13:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:13:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:14:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:14:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:15:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:15:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:16:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:16:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:17:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:17:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:18:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:19:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:19:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:20:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:20:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:21:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:21:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:22:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:22:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:23:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:23:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:24:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:24:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:25:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:26:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:26:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:27:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:27:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:28:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:28:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:29:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:29:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:30:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:30:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:31:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:31:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:32:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:32:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:33:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:34:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:34:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:35:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:35:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:36:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:36:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:37:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:37:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:38:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:38:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:39:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:39:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:40:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:40:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:41:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:42:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:42:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:43:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:43:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:44:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:44:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:45:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:45:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:46:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:46:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:47:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:47:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:48:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:49:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:49:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:50:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:50:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:51:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:51:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:52:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:52:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:53:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:53:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:54:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:54:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:55:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:55:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:56:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:57:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:57:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:58:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:58:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:59:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 02:59:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:00:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:00:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:01:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:01:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:02:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:02:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:03:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:04:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:04:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:05:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:05:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:06:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:06:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:07:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:07:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:08:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:08:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:09:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:09:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:10:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:10:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:11:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:12:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:12:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:13:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:13:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:14:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:14:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:15:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:15:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:16:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:16:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:17:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:17:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:18:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:19:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:19:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:20:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:20:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:21:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:21:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:22:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:22:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:23:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:23:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:24:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:24:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:25:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:25:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:26:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:27:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:27:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:28:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:28:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:29:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:29:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:30:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:30:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:31:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:31:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:32:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:32:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:33:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:34:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:34:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:35:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:35:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:36:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:36:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:37:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:37:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:38:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:38:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:39:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:39:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:40:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:40:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:41:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:42:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:42:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:43:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:43:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:44:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:44:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:45:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:45:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:46:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:46:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:47:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:47:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:48:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:49:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:49:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:50:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:50:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:51:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:51:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:52:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:52:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:53:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:53:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:54:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:54:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:55:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:55:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:56:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:57:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:57:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:58:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:58:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:59:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 03:59:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:00:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:00:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:01:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:01:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:02:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:02:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:03:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:03:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:04:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:05:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:05:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:06:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:06:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:07:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:07:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:08:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:08:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:09:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:09:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:10:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:10:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:11:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:12:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:12:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:13:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:13:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:14:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:14:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:15:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:15:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:16:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:16:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:17:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:17:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:18:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:18:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:19:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:20:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:20:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:21:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:21:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:22:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:22:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:23:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:23:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:24:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:24:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:25:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:25:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:26:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:27:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:27:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:28:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:28:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:29:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:29:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:30:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:30:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:31:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:31:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:32:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:32:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:33:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:33:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:34:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:35:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:35:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:36:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:36:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:37:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:37:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:38:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:38:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:39:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:39:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:40:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:40:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:41:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:41:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:42:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:43:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:43:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:44:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:44:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:45:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:45:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:46:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:46:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:47:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:47:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:48:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:48:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:49:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:50:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:50:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:51:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:51:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:52:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:52:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:53:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:53:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:54:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:54:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:55:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:55:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:56:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:56:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:57:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:58:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:58:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:59:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 04:59:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:00:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:00:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:01:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:01:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:02:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:03:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:03:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:04:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:05:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:05:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:06:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:08:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:08:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:09:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:09:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:10:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:11:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:12:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:13:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:13:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:14:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:14:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:15:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:16:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:16:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:17:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:17:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:19:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:19:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:20:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:21:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:21:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:22:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:22:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:23:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:23:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:24:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:24:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:25:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:25:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:26:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:26:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:27:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:28:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:29:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:30:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:30:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:31:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:31:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:33:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:33:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:34:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:34:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:37:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:38:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:38:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:41:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:41:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:42:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:44:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:45:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:45:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:46:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:46:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:47:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:47:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:48:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:48:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:49:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:49:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:50:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:51:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:52:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:52:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:53:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:53:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:54:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:54:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:55:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:55:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:56:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:56:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:57:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:58:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:58:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:59:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 05:59:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:00:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:00:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:01:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:01:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:02:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:02:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:03:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:03:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:04:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:04:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:05:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:06:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:06:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:07:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:07:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:08:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:08:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:09:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:09:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:10:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:10:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:11:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:11:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:12:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:13:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:13:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:14:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:14:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:15:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:15:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:16:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:16:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:17:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:17:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:18:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:18:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:19:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:19:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:20:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:21:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:21:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:22:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:22:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:23:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:23:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:24:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:24:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:25:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:25:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:26:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:26:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:27:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:27:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:28:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:29:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:29:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:30:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:30:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:31:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:31:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:32:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:32:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:33:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:33:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:34:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:34:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:35:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:36:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:36:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:37:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:37:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:38:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:38:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:39:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:39:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:40:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:40:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:41:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:41:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:42:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:42:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:43:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:44:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:44:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:45:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:45:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:46:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:46:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:47:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:47:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:48:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:48:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:49:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:49:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:50:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:51:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:51:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:52:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:52:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:53:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:53:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:54:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:54:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:55:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:55:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:56:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:56:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:57:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:57:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:58:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:59:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 06:59:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:00:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:00:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:01:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:01:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:02:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:02:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:03:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:03:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:04:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:04:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:05:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:06:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:06:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:07:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:07:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:08:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:08:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:09:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:09:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:10:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:10:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:11:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:11:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:12:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:12:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:13:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:14:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:14:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:15:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:15:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:16:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:16:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:17:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:17:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:18:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:18:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:19:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:19:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:20:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:20:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:21:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:22:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:22:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:23:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:23:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:24:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:24:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:25:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:25:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:26:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:26:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:27:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:27:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:28:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:29:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:29:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:30:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:30:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:31:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:31:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:32:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:32:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:33:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:33:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:34:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:34:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:35:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:35:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:36:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:37:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:37:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:38:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:38:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:39:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:39:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:40:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:40:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:41:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:41:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:42:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:42:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:43:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:44:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:44:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:45:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:45:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:46:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:46:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:47:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:47:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:48:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:48:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:49:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:49:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:50:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:50:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:51:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:52:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:52:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:53:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:53:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:54:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:54:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:55:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:55:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:56:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:56:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:57:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:57:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:58:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:59:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 07:59:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:00:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:00:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:01:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:01:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:02:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:02:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:03:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:03:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:04:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:04:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:05:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:05:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:06:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:07:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:07:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:08:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:08:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:09:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:09:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:10:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:10:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:11:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:11:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:12:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:12:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:13:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:14:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:14:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:15:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:15:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:16:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:16:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:17:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:17:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:18:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:18:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:19:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:19:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:20:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:20:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:21:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:22:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:22:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:23:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:23:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:24:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:24:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:25:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:25:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:26:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:26:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:27:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:27:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:28:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:28:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:29:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:30:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:30:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:31:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:31:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:32:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:32:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:33:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:33:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:34:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:34:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:35:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:35:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:36:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:37:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:37:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:38:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:38:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:39:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:39:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:40:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:40:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:41:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:41:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:42:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:42:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:43:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:43:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:44:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:45:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:45:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:46:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:46:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:47:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:47:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:48:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:48:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:49:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:49:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:50:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:50:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:51:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:52:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:52:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:53:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:53:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:54:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:54:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:55:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:55:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:56:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:56:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:57:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:57:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:58:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:58:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 08:59:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:00:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:00:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:01:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:01:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:02:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:02:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:03:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:03:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:04:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:04:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:05:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:05:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:06:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:07:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:07:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:08:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:08:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:09:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:09:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:10:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:10:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:11:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:11:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:12:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:12:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:13:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:13:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:14:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:15:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:15:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:16:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:16:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:17:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:17:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:18:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:18:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:19:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:19:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:20:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:20:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:21:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:21:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:22:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:23:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:23:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:24:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:24:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:25:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:25:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:26:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:26:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:27:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:27:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:28:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:28:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:29:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:30:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:30:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:31:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:31:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:32:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:32:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:33:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:33:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:34:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:34:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:35:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:35:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:36:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:36:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:37:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:38:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:38:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:39:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:39:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:40:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:40:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:41:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:41:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:42:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:42:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:43:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:43:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:44:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:45:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:45:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:46:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:46:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:47:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:47:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:48:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:48:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:49:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:49:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:50:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:50:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:51:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:51:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:52:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:53:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:53:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:54:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:54:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:55:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:55:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:56:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:56:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:57:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:57:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:58:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:58:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 09:59:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:00:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:00:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:01:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:01:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:02:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:02:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:03:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:03:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:04:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:04:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:05:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:05:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:06:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:06:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:07:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:08:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:08:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:09:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:09:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:10:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:10:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:11:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:11:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:12:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:12:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:13:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:13:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:14:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:15:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:15:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:16:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:16:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:17:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:17:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:18:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:18:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:19:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:19:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:20:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:20:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:21:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:21:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:22:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:23:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:23:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:24:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:24:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:25:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:25:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:26:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:26:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:27:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:27:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:28:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:28:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:29:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:30:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:30:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:31:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:31:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:32:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:32:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:33:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:33:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:34:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:34:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:35:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:35:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:36:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:36:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:37:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:38:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:38:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:39:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:39:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:40:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:40:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:41:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:41:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:42:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:42:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:43:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:43:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:44:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:45:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:45:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:46:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:46:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:47:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:47:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:48:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:48:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:49:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:49:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:50:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:50:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:51:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:51:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:52:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:53:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:53:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:54:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:54:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:55:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:55:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:56:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:56:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:57:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:57:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:58:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:58:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:59:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 10:59:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:00:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:01:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:01:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:02:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:02:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:03:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:03:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:04:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:04:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:05:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:05:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:06:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:06:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:07:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:08:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:08:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:09:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:09:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:10:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:10:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:11:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:11:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:12:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:12:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:13:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:13:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:14:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:14:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:15:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:16:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:16:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:17:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:17:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:18:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:18:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:19:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:19:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:20:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:20:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:21:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:21:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:22:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:23:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:23:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:24:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:24:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:25:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:25:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:26:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:26:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:27:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:27:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:28:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:28:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:29:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:29:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:30:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:31:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:31:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:32:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:32:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:33:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:33:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:34:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:34:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:35:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:35:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:36:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:36:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:37:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:37:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:38:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:39:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:39:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:40:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:40:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:41:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:41:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:42:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:42:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:43:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:43:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:44:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:44:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:45:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:46:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:46:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:47:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:47:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:48:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:48:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:49:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:49:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:50:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:50:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:51:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:51:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:52:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:52:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:53:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:54:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:54:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:55:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:55:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:56:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:56:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:57:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:57:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:58:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:58:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:59:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 11:59:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:00:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:01:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:01:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:02:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:02:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:03:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:03:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:04:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:04:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:05:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:05:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:06:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:06:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:07:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:07:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:08:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:09:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:09:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:10:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:10:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:11:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:11:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:12:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:12:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:13:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:13:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:14:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:14:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:15:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:16:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:16:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:17:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:17:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:18:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:18:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:19:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:19:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:20:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:20:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:21:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:21:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:22:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:22:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:23:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:24:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:24:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:25:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:25:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:26:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:26:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:27:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:27:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:28:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:28:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:29:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:29:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:30:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:31:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:31:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:32:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:32:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:33:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:33:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:34:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:34:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:35:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:35:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:36:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:36:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:37:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:37:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:38:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:39:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:39:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:40:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:40:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:41:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:41:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:42:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:42:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:43:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:43:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:44:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:44:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:45:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:46:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:46:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:47:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:47:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:48:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:48:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:49:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:49:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:50:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:50:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:51:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:51:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:52:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:52:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:53:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:54:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:54:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:55:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:55:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:56:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:56:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:57:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:57:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:58:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:58:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:59:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 12:59:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:00:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:01:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:01:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:02:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:02:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:03:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:03:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:04:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:04:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:05:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:05:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:06:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:06:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:07:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:07:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:08:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:09:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:09:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:10:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:10:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:11:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:11:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:12:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:12:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:13:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:13:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:14:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:14:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:15:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:16:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:16:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:17:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:17:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:18:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:18:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:19:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:19:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:20:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:20:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:21:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:21:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:22:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:22:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:23:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:24:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:24:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:25:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:25:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:26:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:26:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:27:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:27:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:28:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:28:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:29:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:29:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:30:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:31:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:31:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:32:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:32:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:33:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:33:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:34:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:34:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:35:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:35:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:36:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:36:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:37:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:37:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:38:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:39:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:39:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:40:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:40:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:41:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:41:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:42:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:42:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:43:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:43:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:44:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:44:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:45:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:46:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:46:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:47:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:47:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:48:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:48:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:49:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:49:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:50:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:50:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:51:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:51:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:52:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:53:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:53:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:54:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:54:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:55:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:55:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:56:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:56:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:57:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:57:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:58:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:58:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:59:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 13:59:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:00:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:01:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:01:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:02:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:02:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:03:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:03:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:04:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:04:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:05:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:05:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:06:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:06:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:07:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:08:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:08:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:09:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:09:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:10:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:10:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:11:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:11:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:12:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:12:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:13:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:13:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:14:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:14:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:15:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:16:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:16:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:17:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:17:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:18:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:18:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:19:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:19:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:20:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:20:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:21:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:21:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:22:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:23:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:23:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:24:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:24:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:25:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:25:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:26:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:26:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:27:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:27:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:28:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:28:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:29:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:29:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:30:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:31:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:31:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:32:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:32:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:33:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:33:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:34:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:34:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:35:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:35:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:36:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:36:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:37:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:38:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:38:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:39:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:39:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:40:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:40:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:41:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:41:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:42:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:42:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:43:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:43:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:44:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:44:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:45:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:46:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:46:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:47:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:47:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:48:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:48:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:49:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:49:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:50:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:50:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:51:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:51:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:52:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:53:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:53:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:54:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:54:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:55:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:55:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:56:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:56:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:57:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:57:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:58:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:58:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:59:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 14:59:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:00:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:01:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:01:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:02:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:02:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:03:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:03:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:04:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:04:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:05:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:05:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:06:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:06:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:07:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:08:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:08:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:09:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:09:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:10:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:10:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:11:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:11:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:12:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:12:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:13:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:13:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:14:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:14:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:15:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:16:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:16:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:17:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:17:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:18:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:18:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:19:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:19:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:20:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:20:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:21:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:21:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:22:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:23:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:23:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:24:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:24:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:25:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:25:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:26:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:26:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:27:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:27:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:28:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:28:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:29:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:29:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:30:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:31:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:31:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:32:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:32:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:33:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:33:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:34:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:34:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:35:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:35:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:36:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:36:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:37:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:38:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:38:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:39:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:39:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:40:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:40:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:41:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:41:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:42:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:42:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:43:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:43:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:44:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:44:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:45:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:46:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:46:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:47:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:47:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:48:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:48:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:49:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:49:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:50:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:50:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:51:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:51:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:52:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:53:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:53:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:54:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:54:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:55:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:55:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:56:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:56:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:57:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:57:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:58:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:58:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:59:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 15:59:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:00:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:01:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:01:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:02:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:02:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:03:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:03:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:04:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:04:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:05:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:05:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:06:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:06:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:07:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:08:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:08:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:09:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:09:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:10:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:10:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:11:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:11:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:12:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:12:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:13:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:13:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:14:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:15:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:15:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:16:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:16:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:17:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:17:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:18:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:18:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:19:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:19:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:20:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:20:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:21:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:21:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:22:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:23:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:23:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:24:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:24:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:25:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:25:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:26:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:26:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:27:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:27:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:28:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:28:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:29:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:30:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:30:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:31:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:31:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:32:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:32:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:33:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:33:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:34:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:34:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:35:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:35:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:36:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:36:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:37:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:38:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:38:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:39:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:39:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:40:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:40:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:41:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:41:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:42:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:42:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:43:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:43:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:44:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:45:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:45:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:46:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:46:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:47:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:47:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:48:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:48:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:49:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:49:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:50:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:50:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:51:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:51:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:52:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:53:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:53:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:54:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:54:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:55:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:55:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:56:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:56:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:57:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:57:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:58:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:58:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 16:59:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:00:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:00:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:01:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:01:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:02:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:02:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:03:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:03:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:04:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:04:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:05:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:05:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:06:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:06:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:07:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:08:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:08:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:09:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:09:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:10:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:10:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:11:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:11:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:12:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:12:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:13:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:13:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:14:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:15:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:15:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:16:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:16:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:17:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:17:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:18:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:18:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:19:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:19:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:20:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:20:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:21:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:22:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:22:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:23:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:23:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:24:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:24:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:25:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:25:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:26:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:26:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:27:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:27:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:28:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:28:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:29:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:30:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:30:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:31:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:31:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:32:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:32:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:33:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:33:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:34:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:34:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:35:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:35:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:36:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:37:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:37:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:38:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:38:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:39:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:39:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:40:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:40:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:41:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:41:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:42:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:42:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:43:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:43:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:44:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:45:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:45:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:46:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:46:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:47:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:47:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:48:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:48:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:49:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:49:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:50:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:50:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:51:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:52:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:52:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:53:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:53:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:54:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:54:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:55:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:55:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:56:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:56:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:57:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:57:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:58:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:58:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 17:59:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:00:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:00:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:01:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:01:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:02:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:02:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:03:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:03:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:04:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:04:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:05:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:05:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:06:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:07:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:07:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:08:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:08:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:09:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:09:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:10:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:10:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:11:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:11:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:12:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:12:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:13:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:13:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:14:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:15:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:15:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:16:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:16:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:17:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:17:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:18:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:18:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:19:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:19:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:20:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:20:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:21:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:22:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:22:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:23:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:23:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:24:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:24:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:25:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:25:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:26:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:26:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:27:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:27:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:28:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:29:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:29:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:30:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:30:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:31:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:31:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:32:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:32:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:33:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:33:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:34:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:34:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:35:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:35:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:36:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:37:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:37:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:38:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:38:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:39:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:39:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:40:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:40:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:41:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:41:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:42:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:42:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:43:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:44:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:44:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:45:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:45:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:46:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:46:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:47:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:47:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:48:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:48:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:49:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:49:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:50:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:50:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:51:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:52:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:52:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:53:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:53:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:54:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:54:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:55:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:55:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:56:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:56:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:57:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:57:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:58:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:59:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 18:59:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:00:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:00:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:01:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:01:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:02:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:02:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:03:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:03:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:04:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:04:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:05:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:05:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:06:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:07:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:07:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:08:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:08:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:09:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:09:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:10:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:10:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:11:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:11:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:12:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:12:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:13:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:14:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:14:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:15:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:15:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:16:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:16:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:17:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:17:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:18:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:18:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:19:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:19:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:20:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:21:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:21:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:22:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:22:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:23:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:23:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:24:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:24:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:25:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:25:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:26:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:26:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:27:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:27:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:28:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:29:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:29:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:30:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:30:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:31:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:31:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:32:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:32:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:33:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:33:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:34:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:34:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:35:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:36:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:36:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:37:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:37:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:38:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:38:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:39:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:39:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:40:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:40:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:41:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:41:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:42:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:42:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:43:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:44:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:44:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:45:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:45:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:46:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:46:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:47:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:47:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:48:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:48:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:49:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:49:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:50:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:51:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:51:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:52:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:52:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:53:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:53:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:54:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:54:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:55:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:55:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:56:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:56:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:57:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:57:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:58:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:59:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 19:59:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:00:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:00:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:01:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:01:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:02:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:02:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:03:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:03:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:04:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:04:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:05:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:06:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:06:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:07:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:07:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:08:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:08:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:09:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:09:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:10:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:10:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:11:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:11:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:12:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:13:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:13:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:14:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:14:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:15:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:15:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:16:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:16:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:17:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:17:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:18:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:18:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:19:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:19:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:20:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:21:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:21:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:22:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:22:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:23:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:23:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:24:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:24:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:25:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:25:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:26:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:26:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:27:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:28:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:28:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:29:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:29:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:30:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:30:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:31:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:31:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:32:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:32:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:33:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:33:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:34:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:34:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:35:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:36:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:36:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:37:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:37:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:38:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:38:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:39:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:39:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:40:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:40:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:41:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:41:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:42:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:43:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:43:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:44:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:44:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:45:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:45:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:46:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:46:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:47:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:47:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:48:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:48:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:49:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:49:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:50:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:51:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:51:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:52:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:52:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:53:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:53:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:54:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:54:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:55:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:55:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:56:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:56:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:57:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:58:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:58:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:59:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 20:59:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:00:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:00:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:01:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:01:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:02:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:02:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:03:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:03:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:04:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:04:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:05:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:06:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:06:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:07:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:07:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:08:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:08:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:09:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:09:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:10:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:10:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:11:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:11:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:12:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:13:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:13:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:14:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:14:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:15:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:15:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:16:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:16:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:17:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:17:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:18:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:18:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:19:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:20:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:20:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:21:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:21:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:22:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:22:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:23:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:23:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:24:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:24:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:25:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:25:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:26:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:26:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:27:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:28:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:28:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:29:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:29:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:30:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:30:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:31:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:31:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:32:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:32:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:33:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:33:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:34:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:35:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:35:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:36:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:36:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:37:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:37:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:38:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:38:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:39:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:39:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:40:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:40:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:41:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:41:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:42:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:43:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:43:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:44:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:44:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:45:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:45:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:46:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:46:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:47:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:47:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:48:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:48:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:49:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:50:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:50:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:51:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:51:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:52:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:52:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:53:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:53:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:54:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:54:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:55:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:55:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:56:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:57:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:57:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:58:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:58:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:59:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 21:59:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:00:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:00:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:01:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:01:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:02:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:02:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:03:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:03:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:04:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:05:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:05:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:06:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:06:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:07:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:07:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:08:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:08:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:09:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:09:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:10:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:10:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:11:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:12:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:12:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:13:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:13:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:14:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:14:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:15:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:15:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:16:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:16:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:17:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:17:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:18:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:18:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:19:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:20:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:20:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:21:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:21:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:22:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:22:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:23:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:23:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:24:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:24:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:25:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:25:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:26:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:27:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:27:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:28:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:28:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:29:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:29:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:30:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:30:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:31:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:31:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:32:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:32:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:33:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:33:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:34:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:35:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:35:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:36:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:36:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:37:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:37:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:38:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:38:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:39:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:39:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:40:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:40:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:41:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:42:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:42:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:43:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:43:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:44:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:44:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:45:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:45:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:46:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:46:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:47:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:47:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:48:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:48:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:49:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:50:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:50:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:51:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:51:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:52:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:52:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:53:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:53:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:54:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:54:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:55:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:55:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:56:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:57:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:57:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:58:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:58:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:59:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 22:59:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:00:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:00:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:01:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:01:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:02:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:02:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:03:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:04:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:04:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:05:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:05:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:06:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:06:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:07:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:07:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:08:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:08:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:09:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:09:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:10:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:10:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:11:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:12:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:12:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:13:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:13:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:14:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:14:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:15:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:15:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:16:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:16:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:17:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:17:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:18:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:19:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:19:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:20:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:20:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:21:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:21:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:22:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:22:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:23:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:23:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:24:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:24:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:25:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:25:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:26:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:27:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:27:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:28:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:28:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:29:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:29:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:30:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:30:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:31:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:31:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:32:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:32:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:33:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:34:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:34:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:35:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:35:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:36:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:36:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:37:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:37:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:38:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:38:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:39:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:39:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:40:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:41:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:41:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:42:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:42:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:43:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:43:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:44:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:44:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:45:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:45:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:46:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:46:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:47:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:47:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:48:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:49:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:49:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:50:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:50:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:51:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:51:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:52:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:52:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:53:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:53:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:54:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:54:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:55:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:56:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:56:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:57:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:57:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:58:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:58:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:59:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/04/2022 23:59:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:00:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:00:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:01:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:01:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:02:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:02:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:03:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:04:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:04:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:05:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:05:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:06:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:06:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:07:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:07:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:08:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:08:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:09:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:09:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:10:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:11:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:11:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:12:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:12:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:13:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:13:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:14:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:14:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:15:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:15:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:16:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:16:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:17:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:18:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:18:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:19:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:19:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:20:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:20:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:21:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:21:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:22:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:22:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:23:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:23:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:24:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:24:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:25:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:26:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:26:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:27:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:27:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:28:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:28:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:29:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:29:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:30:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:30:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:31:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:31:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:32:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:33:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:33:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:34:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:34:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:35:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:35:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:36:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:36:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:37:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:37:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:38:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:38:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:39:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:39:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:40:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:41:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:41:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:42:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:42:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:43:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:43:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:44:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:44:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:45:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:45:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:46:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:46:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:47:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:48:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:48:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:49:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:49:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:50:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:50:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:51:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:51:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:52:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:52:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:53:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:53:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:54:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:54:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:55:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:56:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:56:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:57:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:57:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:58:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:58:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:59:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 00:59:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:00:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:00:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:01:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:01:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:02:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:03:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:03:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:04:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:04:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:05:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:05:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:06:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:06:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:07:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:07:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:08:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:08:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:09:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:10:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:10:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:11:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:11:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:12:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:12:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:13:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:13:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:14:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:14:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:15:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:15:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:16:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:16:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:17:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:18:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:18:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:19:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:19:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:20:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:20:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:21:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:21:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:22:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:22:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:23:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:23:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:24:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:25:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:25:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:26:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:26:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:27:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:27:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:28:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:28:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:29:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:29:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:30:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:30:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:31:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:31:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:32:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:33:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:33:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:34:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:34:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:35:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:35:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:36:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:36:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:37:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:37:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:38:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:38:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:39:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:40:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:40:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:41:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:41:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:42:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:42:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:43:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:43:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:44:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:44:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:45:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:45:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:46:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:47:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:47:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:48:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:48:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:49:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:49:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:50:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:50:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:51:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:51:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:52:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:52:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:53:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:53:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:54:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:55:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:55:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:56:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:56:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:57:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:57:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:58:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:58:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:59:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 01:59:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:00:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:00:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:01:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:02:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:02:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:03:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:03:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:04:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:04:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:05:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:05:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:06:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:06:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:07:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:07:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:08:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:08:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:09:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:10:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:10:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:11:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:11:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:12:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:12:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:13:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:13:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:14:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:14:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:15:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:15:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:16:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:17:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:17:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:18:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:18:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:19:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:19:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:20:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:20:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:21:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:21:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:22:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:22:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:23:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:23:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:24:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:25:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:25:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:26:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:26:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:27:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:27:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:28:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:28:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:29:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:29:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:30:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:30:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:31:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:32:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:32:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:33:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:33:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:34:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:34:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:35:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:35:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:36:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:36:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:37:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:37:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:38:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:39:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:39:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:40:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:40:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:41:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:41:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:42:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:42:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:43:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:43:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:44:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:44:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:45:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:45:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:46:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:47:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:47:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:48:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:48:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:49:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:49:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:50:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:50:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:51:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:51:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:52:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:52:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:53:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:54:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:54:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:55:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:55:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:56:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:56:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:57:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:57:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:58:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:58:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:59:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 02:59:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:00:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:00:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:01:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:02:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:02:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:03:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:03:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:04:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:04:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:05:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:05:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:06:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:06:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:07:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:07:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:08:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:09:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:09:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:10:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:10:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:11:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:11:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:12:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:12:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:13:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:13:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:14:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:14:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:15:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:15:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:16:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:17:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:17:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:18:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:18:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:19:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:19:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:20:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:20:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:21:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:21:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:22:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:22:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:23:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:24:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:24:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:25:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:25:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:26:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:26:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:27:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:27:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:28:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:28:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:29:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:29:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:30:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:30:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:31:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:32:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:32:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:33:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:33:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:34:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:34:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:35:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:35:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:36:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:36:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:37:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:37:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:38:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:39:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:39:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:40:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:40:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:41:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:41:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:42:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:42:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:43:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:43:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:44:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:44:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:45:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:45:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:46:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:47:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:47:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:48:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:48:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:49:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:49:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:50:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:50:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:51:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:51:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:52:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:52:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:53:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:54:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:54:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:55:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:55:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:56:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:56:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:57:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:57:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:58:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:58:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:59:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 03:59:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:00:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:01:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:01:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:02:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:02:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:03:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:03:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:04:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:04:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:05:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:05:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:06:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:06:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:07:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:07:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:08:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:09:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:09:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:10:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:10:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:11:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:11:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:12:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:12:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:13:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:13:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:14:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:14:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:15:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:16:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:16:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:17:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:17:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:18:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:18:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:19:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:19:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:20:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:20:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:21:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:21:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:22:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:22:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:23:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:24:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:24:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:25:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:25:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:26:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:26:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:27:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:27:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:28:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:28:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:29:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:29:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:30:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:31:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:31:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:32:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:32:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:33:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:33:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:34:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:34:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:35:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:35:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:36:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:36:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:37:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:37:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:38:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:39:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:39:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:40:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:40:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:41:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:41:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:42:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:42:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:43:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:43:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:44:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:44:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:45:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:46:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:46:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:47:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:47:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:48:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:48:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:49:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:49:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:50:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:50:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:51:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:51:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:52:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:52:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:53:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:54:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:54:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:55:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:55:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:56:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:56:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:57:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:57:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:58:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:58:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:59:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 04:59:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:00:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:01:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:01:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:02:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:02:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:03:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:03:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:04:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:04:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:05:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:05:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:06:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:06:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:07:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:08:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:08:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:09:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:09:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:10:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:10:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:11:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:11:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:12:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:12:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:13:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:13:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:14:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:14:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:15:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:16:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:16:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:17:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:17:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:18:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:18:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:19:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:19:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:20:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:20:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:21:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:21:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:22:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:23:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:23:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:24:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:24:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:25:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:25:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:26:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:26:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:27:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:27:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:28:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:28:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:29:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:29:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:30:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:31:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:31:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:32:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:32:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:33:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:33:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:34:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:34:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:35:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:35:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:36:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:36:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:37:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:38:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:38:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:39:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:39:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:40:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:40:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:41:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:41:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:42:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:42:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:43:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:43:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:44:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:44:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:45:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:46:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:46:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:47:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:47:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:48:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:48:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:49:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:49:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:50:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:50:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:51:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:51:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:52:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:53:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:53:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:54:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:54:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:55:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:55:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:56:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:56:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:57:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:57:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:58:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:58:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:59:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 05:59:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:00:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:01:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:01:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:02:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:02:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:03:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:03:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:04:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:04:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:05:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:05:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:06:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:06:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:07:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:08:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:08:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:09:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:09:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:10:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:10:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:11:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:11:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:12:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:12:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:13:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:13:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:14:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:14:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:15:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:16:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:16:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:17:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:17:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:18:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:18:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:19:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:19:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:20:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:20:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:21:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:21:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:22:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:23:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:23:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:24:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:24:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:25:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:25:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:26:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:26:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:27:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:27:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:28:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:28:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:29:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:30:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:30:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:31:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:31:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:32:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:32:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:33:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:33:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:34:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:34:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:35:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:35:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:36:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:36:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:37:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:38:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:38:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:39:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:39:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:40:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:40:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:41:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:41:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:42:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:42:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:43:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:43:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:44:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:45:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:45:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:46:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:46:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:47:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:47:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:48:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:48:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:49:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:49:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:50:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:50:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:51:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:51:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:52:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:53:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:53:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:54:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:54:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:55:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:55:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:56:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:56:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:57:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:57:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:58:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:58:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 06:59:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:00:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:00:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:01:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:01:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:02:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:02:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:03:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:03:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:04:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:04:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:05:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:05:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:06:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:06:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:07:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:08:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:08:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:09:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:09:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:10:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:10:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:11:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:11:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:12:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:12:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:13:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:13:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:14:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:15:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:15:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:16:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:16:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:17:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:17:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:18:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:18:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:19:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:19:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:20:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:20:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:21:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:21:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:22:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:23:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:23:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:24:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:24:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:25:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:25:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:26:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:26:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:27:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:27:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:28:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:28:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:29:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:30:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:30:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:31:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:31:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:32:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:32:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:33:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:33:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:34:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:34:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:35:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:35:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:36:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:36:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:37:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:38:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:38:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:39:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:39:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:40:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:40:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:41:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:41:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:42:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:42:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:43:25 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:43:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:44:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:45:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:45:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:46:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:46:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:47:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:47:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:48:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:48:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:49:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:49:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:50:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:50:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:51:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:52:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:52:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:53:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:53:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:54:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:54:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:55:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:55:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:56:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:56:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:57:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:57:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:58:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:58:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 07:59:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:00:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:00:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:01:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:01:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:02:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:02:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:03:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:03:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:04:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:04:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:05:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:05:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:06:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:07:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:07:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:08:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:08:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:09:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:09:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:10:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:10:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:11:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:11:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:12:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:12:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:13:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:13:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:14:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:15:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:15:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:16:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:16:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:17:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:17:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:18:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:18:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:19:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:19:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:20:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:20:57 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:21:29 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:22:01 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:22:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:23:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:23:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:24:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:24:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:25:14 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:25:46 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:26:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:26:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:27:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:27:55 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:28:27 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:28:59 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:29:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:30:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:30:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:31:08 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:31:40 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:32:12 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:32:44 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:33:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:33:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:34:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:34:53 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:35:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:35:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:36:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:37:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:37:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:38:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:38:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:39:10 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:39:42 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:40:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:40:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:41:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:41:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:42:23 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:42:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:43:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:44:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:44:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:45:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:45:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:46:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:46:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:47:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:47:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:48:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:48:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:49:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:49:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:50:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:50:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:51:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:52:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:52:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:53:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:53:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:54:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:54:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:55:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:55:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:56:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:56:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:57:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:57:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:58:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:59:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 08:59:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:00:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:00:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:01:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:01:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:02:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:02:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:03:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:03:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:04:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:04:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:05:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:05:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:06:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:07:02 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:07:34 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:08:06 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:08:38 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:09:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:09:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:10:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:10:47 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:11:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:11:51 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:12:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:12:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:13:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:14:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:14:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:15:04 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:15:36 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:16:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:16:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:17:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:17:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:18:17 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:18:49 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:19:21 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:19:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:20:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:20:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:21:30 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:22:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:22:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:23:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:23:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:24:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:24:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:25:15 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:25:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:26:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:26:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:27:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:27:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:28:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:29:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:29:32 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:30:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:30:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:31:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:31:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:32:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:32:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:33:18 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:33:50 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:34:22 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:34:54 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:35:26 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:35:58 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:36:31 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:37:03 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:37:35 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:38:07 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:38:39 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:39:11 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:39:43 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:40:16 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:40:48 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:41:20 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:41:52 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:42:24 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:42:56 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:43:28 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:44:00 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:44:33 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:45:05 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:45:37 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:46:09 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:46:41 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:47:13 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. 02/05/2022 09:47:45 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [[push command, status code: running, in progress. PID: 3354]]. Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: []. 02/05/2022 09:48:19 - ERROR - huggingface_hub.repository - Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: [].